Talking Shit with a Yank & a Brit - 60. Stop, Plop & Roll

Episode Date: September 12, 2024

This week we're talking about things we never see but must happen, a harrowing trial in France and a bathroom related AITA!Do you have any things that we never see but must happen?! Send them to or DM us @TSYBPOD

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Torontonians. Recycling is more than a routine. It's a vital responsibility. By recycling properly, you help conserve resources, reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, and protect the environment. Toronto's Blue Bin Recycling Program ensures the majority of the right items are recovered and transformed into new products. Recycling right is important and impactful. Let's work together and make a difference, because small actions lead to big change. For more tips on recycling, visit slash recycle right. Well, hello there, and welcome back to episode 60 of Talking Shit with a Yank and a Bread. You were so prepared because if you had said, hey Kate, what episode are we recording today? I wouldn't have known. It's only because when I start this little recording session.
Starting point is 00:01:02 You title it. Yeah. And so I know where we are. Okay. That would have been like 6,024. Yes, that's how many we've done. Well done. Thanks. We've been working real hard.
Starting point is 00:01:18 How you living, girl? Living good. As you can see, I've got my plop t-shirt on my head. Yep. Love it. I like these love it. Yeah, you got a good one. I like mine is always so sloppy when I do it. It's I'm surprised. It's probably why I get really fucked up curls sometimes. I just I'm like, Oh, that's good enough. I bought one of those special head things. Okay. I don't know what it's called head towel sure oh like a microfiber
Starting point is 00:01:49 towel yeah it's like a like a hood but with a point at the end so you're oh interesting and then wrap it around okay but i actually should get one of those i prefer the t-shirt maybe a little bit easier to manage or better for your curls yeah I just like do this now so it's not sopping like just a micro plop and then I just let it yeah I don't actually wrap it because I feel like I like I said I just get a lot of fucked up curls that way so stop plopping yep stop plop and roll I don't know why I thought that was really funny crack my shit up writing that one down um when I was so as you know because I've told you I have
Starting point is 00:02:38 that training that I do twice a year uh going on right now and Saturday was the third day of it. And I was like looking at myself in the virtual image and I was like, I didn't scrunch out my hair that well. And one of my partners who does listen to the podcast, Tagen, pretty regularly was like, I've been enjoying listening to you and Gemma talk about that. And I was like, yeah, I bet it's riveting stuff, isn't it? Can Gemma talk about that? And I was like, yeah, I bet it's riveting stuff, isn't it? Just riveting, riveting stuff. Riveting stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:11 But we're on a journey together. Yeah. And I think other people have started a journey too. We're inspiring. Millions. Yes. I think we are. It's a movement.
Starting point is 00:03:27 It's the curly girl hair movement. Yep. It's invented by us, not someone years ago. There isn't a Reddit that has hundreds and hundreds of people on it talking about all their tech. No, this is something made by me and Gem. It's actually copyrighted and trademarked. Yeah. You're doing it and you owe us some money yeah yep um well i would look forward to seeing your results today i'm pretty
Starting point is 00:03:52 happy with mine today even though you can't really tell because of my uh headphones now but yeah that's i just recently had a shower as you know hence the plop yeah and i was like oh what do i do my hair's wet but i don't want to dry it so just leave it in the plop left it hence the plop yeah and i was like oh what do i do my hair's wet but i don't want to dry it so just leave it in the plop left it in the plop so it might be mental i want to see i want to see i look like i'm wearing a burka yeah a little bit well maybe more like a habit like a nun's habit yeah or what is it it's not kaftan is it that's a yeah that's like the body thing it's a top yeah yeah or muumuu your little ears um well you and i have both been busy you've been busy hustling for someone who you know was laid off but you're making it work
Starting point is 00:04:43 sounds like you're pretty busy do you have any like future shows you want to plug uh no by the time this comes out um we're burn the boat one of my bands is playing at the kemp in brighton on the 5th of oct. Whoop, whoop. Whoop, whoop. I've got others in the diary, but it's going to take me a minute to go through it. Okay, well, there's one. Once they come up, I'll let you know. Yeah, check out the socials. What do I have coming up? My stand-up at the Underground Comedy Club.
Starting point is 00:05:23 I'll have a show in Los Angeles. You don't tell me anything. Yeah, this was a surprise. Happened so fast. Yeah. You like what I did there? Anyway, no, nothing going on with me. Well, you're a busy bee at work, aren't you?
Starting point is 00:05:52 I guess. I guess. me so well you're a busy bee at work aren't you so i guess i guess well on that note i guess we should uh crack on with some entertaining content and um give the people what they want i mean you said that so inspiringly i used to that really got me going I think it's Monday morning for me it's Monday afternoon for Jem no one have too high expectations please it's Monday fun day Monday fun day better than a Sunday you only do it one way and that's
Starting point is 00:06:18 the fun way woo oh yeah that's the title of your new musical yes it is the one woman show Oh, yeah. That's the title of your new musical. Yes, it is. The One Woman Show. Going to theatres in January 2025.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Oh, shit. I better get to work. Yeah, you better write that shit. What are we talking about today? Right. Well, I found... It's funny because I was thinking about some of these the other day and then i saw a post about it it's like i've manifested it no your phone's listening to you and your brain maybe yeah i wonder if it can listen to my brain waves again
Starting point is 00:06:57 so there's things that happen that must happen in the world every day but people never see it happening so i just wanted to run some by you and see if you've ever seen any of these things occur like santa claus not santa claus no clause no bit out there okay a little little more daily occurrence well first one for example have you ever seen a goth driving a car like a like someone all black yeah let me think about let me just go past through the last 37 years or at least when driving no i don't think so not not in my memory i can't recall this no but they must drive who is high and putting their thoughts on the internet is what i want to know
Starting point is 00:08:04 Who is high and putting their thoughts on the internet is what I want to know. This is like my brain at 11 o'clock at night when I'm trying to go to bed. It's like shower thoughts. Do goths drive? Well, there's plenty out there. I've never seen, you know, a black haired, black eyelinered, leather jacketed goth driving a car? No. No, I don't think so either.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I don't think I have. No. They're not. Maybe not. Maybe they like only drive when they're not in goth mode. Oh, maybe. Maybe they're not allowed to drive in goth mode because it's too scary. In some states, I think it is illegal to drive in goth mode like in kentucky you can't
Starting point is 00:08:48 or maybe they're all vampires oh so it's only at night when you go out at night yeah or turn into bats yeah that's how they get around yeah they fly i'm sorry to our goth listeners who we might be offending but if you have proof of yourself driving or a friend of yours driving could you send it to us please just so we can clear this one this urban legend okay next one have you ever seen a baby pigeon no I haven't I know do they just are they just born fully adult exactly I mean I've seen pigeons making nests but never have I seen a bubba pigeon that's because pigeons I don't think are actually like born from like how birds are. I think they're actually, they're formed out of like trash goo. Right?
Starting point is 00:09:49 Like everyone hates pigeons because, and they think they're like trash birds. And so like, it's because they're actually just made of garbage that, what, what is that? Just found a bit of gel on my arm. Oh yeah. It does get everywhere. Like a bogey. Like a horrible. Gross. Sorry. Back a bogey. It's fucking horrible. Gross.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Sorry. Back to the baby pigeons. Or maybe just like leftover residual hair gel. That's what they're formed out of. Yeah. So that's interesting. I think we need to Google this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Just so we can see what they look like. I bet they're cute. I bet they're cute. I bet they're really fluffy. Baby pigeons. I mean, most birds are. No, they're hideous. Oh, they are. First article, Mr. Solved, why you never see a baby pigeon.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Because no one knows they're a pigeon. Oh, my God. Look at them. Yeah, they're not cute. Not cute. it's not like a duckling or a you know so what it doesn't tell me why i've never seen one okay where is it where this article says nothing i wonder if it's just because we don't know we're looking at baby pigeons oh so baby pigeons. So baby pigeons spend a relatively long time in the nest, as much as 45 weeks.
Starting point is 00:11:11 When they finally fledge, they just look like adults. Oh, okay. And a baby pigeon is the squab. Oh, so that's like when people are like, oh, I'm having a squab for dinner, they're just eating a baby trash bird? Yeah, apparently so. grim the next article the linking in the article i was looking for linked to this article why here's why pigeons are the most misunderstood birds so now we're going to advocate for some pigeons okay all right okay that's really interesting because i read an article about this and um fuck i can't actually remember it now because my memory's shit but basically like before the war the world wars they were seen as like useful yeah really useful incredible birds fuck i really want to find it
Starting point is 00:12:03 because it was amazing they like stopped loads of shit happening and obviously we used them to carry messages and stuff um but they were used for other stuff let me find it um okay so they're really smart they're not on the level of crows ravens or parrots but they're easy to domesticate i guess and they learn to play ping pong they correctly distinguish between diseased and disease-free tissue there yeah and there was a study where they were told the differences between impressionist and cubist paintings so they could like oh yeah this is the impressionist era. And if you switch their babies with another birds, they can tell. Which, yeah, I think that probably makes sense. But they have strong family units and mate for life.
Starting point is 00:12:57 And don't feed them if you want to help them. Okay. Noted. I think it was a reel, which I sent to someone so i'm gonna find it the ones we see in the city are mutts they're a mix of breeds so they're pretty you get different colors which is really pleasant um i like this woman her name last name is rosemary i think i like them because they tell a story about human history and human movement and the way we relate to animals. That's how she sounds, I think.
Starting point is 00:13:31 That's definitely her voice. I just can't imagine her being any other way, to be honest. When a male pigeon's ready to mate, he struts around coos, puff puffs himself up and does his best to attract a willing female i'm sorry but bird mating like rituals are so funny to me they're so good and i wish humans did that as well i think we'd have a lot more success yeah this is on birds and blooms if anybody wants to learn more about pigeons and maybe other birds but just to describe this so a baby pigeon the one i'm looking at it's like it almost looks prickly and it's got like blue spiky things and then like really kind of wispy
Starting point is 00:14:22 wiry yellow hair i mean it actually is kind of so ugly. It's cute, to be honest. But I think if someone was like, oh, come look at these baby pigeons, I'd be like, no, no, no. Those are the long extinct dodo bird we found a new nest. Yeah, they do look like dodo birds, don't they? Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:14:41 And then this one, it's a Reddit one, the rarely seen baby pigeon and it's a picture i gotta i gotta send this to you because this one is insane this one looks like it's been it's been through some stuff there check out that baby pigeon it's yellow it's got this like weird beak it's got narrow little eyes i don't know something's wrong with this pigeon i think someone said it's got this like weird beak. It's got narrow little eyes. I don't know. Something's wrong with this pigeon, I think. Someone said it's like an orangutan was crossed with a pigeon. Or a baby dodo bird.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Yes. I don't know if I'm being right. When people say a face only a mother could love, this is what they're referring to. And then someone said it's called a squab you misspelled squig funny that's good yeah i can't oh fuck just hit the mic sorry no um i send too many memes. This is what I'm discovering right now. And you're not sending them to me, which I just find greatly offensive.
Starting point is 00:15:54 I'm so sorry. You don't even like me. I don't, actually. Fair enough. I don't like me either. Oh, I can't find it. When I do come across it, I'll send it and I'll repost it on Instagram. But yeah, they did loads of really cool things and they're really intelligent.
Starting point is 00:16:12 And then after the war, someone discredited them and made them seem disgusting. And then people were like, ew, pigeons, they're gross. And everyone started hating pigeons. Oh, that's too bad. They did all that work for us and then we're just mean to them. Mm-hmm. Hmm. Sounds like humanity.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Which is mean. Yeah. All right, what else? Okay. Have you ever seen an ice cream van filling up with fuel or gas at the gas station? I'm going to say no, but I feel like our ice cream vans can be very sketched. They're literally just like cargo vans that people pasted stickers of ice cream on. Yeah, they're very sketched, some of them. cargo vans that people like pasted stickers of ice cream on.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Yeah. There's very sketch some of them. And I feel like seeing one at a gas station filling up probably wouldn't be that weird, but I can't say that I have. No, no one's ever seen it. It's never been seen. They're just,
Starting point is 00:17:17 they run on, they run on the joy, the joy they get from children. Children's laughter. Which actually sounds horrific but it's meant to be nice i mean i wondered whether they're actually electric because like we have you know milk delivery trucks and they're all electric because they don't want to wake people up in the middle of the night so i wondered oh maybe ice cream vans are but they could be i mean the roof because milk or vans are refrigerated and it would make sense for it to be the same thing i think you guys also have like legitimate looking ones too so yeah there's also a documentary that i keep seeing about um ice cream vans yeah ice cream vans where it was basically a big front for
Starting point is 00:18:07 like organized crime and drug dealing oh well that would explain why ours look like cargo vans rapist vans i could see that being a real cheap way to like money launder you just need to go buy some ice cream mark it up get it in a car like people oh uh my corolla could be an ice cream car yeah i'm just gonna play some music out the windows really loud my windows and it's like ice cream kids i got some melted bomb pops and um i don't know some other ice cream that no one pops and, I don't know, some other ice cream sandwiches. I don't know. $12, please. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:51 We have, you've probably seen it in the UK, we call it a 99, which is like your standard cone, Mr. Whippy ice cream. A little bit of a flake. Sure have. And they're traditionally called a 99 because they used to be 99P. Now they're about five quid. Fuck those. Get a Twister.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Yeah. Fucking love a Twister. They're so good. We're really missing out on not having Twisters. My fellow Americans, I just want you to know this. They're so good. No, of course we don't. That's why I get so goddamn excited when I have one over there. Sean's mom stocks the freezer for me.
Starting point is 00:19:30 That's right. Bless her. Well done, Debs. Okay, have you ever seen a pothole being filled in? Yes. Okay. Fine. Debunk that one.
Starting point is 00:19:42 I think perhaps because of how our roads are and i know you guys have roads and cars obviously but uh that is a big deal here for them to get filled yes yeah i mean it is for us because they're fucking everywhere but sometimes you just drive over one where there's been millions of potholes and all of a sudden they're filled in. Well, they probably do them at night when people aren't really on the roads. But because we have, I think, so many two, four lane roads, like you can close a lane, fill it in and cars can still go. So you can kind of do it. I mean, traditionally here they like to do roadworks, you know, bank holiday weekend, school holidays when the roads are the most busy. That's when they decide to do roadworks you know bank holiday weekend school holidays when the roads are the most busy that's when they decide to do roadworks yeah duh that makes sense most obvious
Starting point is 00:20:31 choice yep okay have you ever seen a for sale sign being put up or taken down? Well, because I have bought two houses I have. Did you put them up? No, our realtor did. Oh. So I saw it being put up and then also removed. Okay, well, I haven't. They just pop up in the middle of nowhere. They do.
Starting point is 00:21:04 All of a sudden. Yep, they do. Okay, so, like, I haven't. They just pop up in the middle of nowhere. They do. All of a sudden. Yep, they do. Okay, so, like, I get it. I get that it's just, like, one day you're driving down the street, it's not there, next day it's there. And it has to be a really particular moment in time to catch it. But, like I said, I told Anne, bought a house. Yeah, fair.
Starting point is 00:21:23 All right. Okay, I mean, this one I have seen. But when you think about it, you don't see it a lot for how often it happens. Your neighbours taking their shopping in. Like their groceries. I feel like I see Bob doing it all the time.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Yeah, I see Nick doing it all the time. I want to be like, do you need any help, sir? So you've got about four cases of canned beverages there let me grab some is Bob an alcoholic no they're like soda very sweet man um have you ever seen a wild owl i hear them all the time yeah i feel like no i i don't know if i have but i have heard them hmm and like if i saw it would be in a zoo and that's not wild right so exactly i've seen them at like falconry yeah and stuff i've seen them online
Starting point is 00:22:25 i mean some people get attacked by them yeah they have it coming though well there was that staircase wasn't there did you see that yeah but that's not what fucking happened it might have been what happened no one knows just an owl flew in and ate my wife pushed around the stairs yeah it was angry owl there's blood everywhere to be fair alan did get like hit in the head with a bat the other day not not a bat like a flying bat did he did he go get his rabies shots i don't think he did no oh no you know it's because his head's so shiny that it would just was he outside Did he go get his rabies shots? I don't think he did, no. Oh, no. You know, it's because his head's so shiny.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Was he outside? Yeah. Yeah, okay, probably fine then. But they should have, like, sonar, you know, to avoid objects, but not this one. Sometimes it doesn't always work, you know. Okay. He probably doesn't need rabies shots if it was outside, but you always hear about bats getting
Starting point is 00:23:26 into people's houses and they say sometimes that's because they're confused and maybe like when nigel first moved over here and we're still kind of at my mom's house um i was at work everyone was at work except for nigel. And I get a call from him and he's like, there's a bat in your mom's house. And I was like, we all have to go get rabies shots. It's pooping everywhere. Oh, bless me. Well, they say because it's like it could bite you at night and you might not realize you actually have been bitten, you know? So anyway.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Especially if it's a vampire bat. Gross. I mean, they tend to eat small insects and moths. And fruit. Yeah. It'd be all right. Yeah, but I mean, if they're confused and ill, then they might just like fall on you and bite you, you know?
Starting point is 00:24:21 Yeah, it often happens. It does. I've been bitten by 27 bats because i'm confused for fruit or a little bug you do look like a little bug yeah i know just like a little cat bug little lady bug i i understand the intention by these lists, though, because you're right. It's these things that we know exist, or we just, like, assume exist or happen, even if very rarely do we actually see this very common occurrence or thing that happens or thing that exists in the world, like baby pigeons.
Starting point is 00:24:58 They have to exist. Exactly. Have you ever seen one? No. Well, again, now we realize we just might not we thought we might have thought it was like i don't know a monster they're so ugly who made it a bird in an orangutan who did this who made this monstrosity uh any any uh listeners at home have any other ones i'm sure we could probably think of a ton i do have two more actually oh yeah sure the crane being put up or taken down
Starting point is 00:25:31 those massive fucking things or scaffolding for that matter it's just like they're all of a sudden i see that quite a lot being put around these parts but yeah cranes i i assume they just are like fully assembled always and they just like have to drop them down with a helicopter yep yeah um and a seagull sitting in a tree well no of course not because there's no trees where seagulls are there's seagulls here there's trees trees here. Never seen one in a tree. It's because they're too busy trying to find food. They're always on top of the roofs around here. Yeah. I wonder if it's easier for them because of their feet to sit on a flatter surface. Because they're like flat footed rather than clawed talent. Seagulls in trees. Why have I never seen a seagull in a tree they probably don't land in trees very often
Starting point is 00:26:27 because they tend to be large birds with long wings so they need a lot of clearance and they're also typically associated with coastal environments where there can be less trees they're coming inland now yeah i mean, basically England's an entire island, so like... I suppose so, yeah. They're going to be around. Land goals. Oh, here's some pictures of seagulls and trees. They look ridiculous, I'm not going to lie.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Do they? Yeah. I want to see this shit. Here, I'll send you the one I was looking at. It just looks very out of place, to be honest. Hmm. Now I'm seeing that. I feel like I have seen that.
Starting point is 00:27:07 You're like, that looks familiar. I mean, one of them is on like a felled tree, so it's a little bit, it's like, oh yeah, they probably do like stand on trees that are in water, right? Yeah. These three look like, I don't know, is it Finding Nemo with the skulls? Like mine. Mine. Mine.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Yeah. Cute. Well, there you have it. Yeah. If anyone has any more weird occurrences or, like, Mandela effects. I love a Mandela effect. Yeah. Those are interesting.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Fruit of the Loom. Fruit of the Loom? loom the cornucopia so like someone debunked that and like like i know people are like oh that's fake but i think someone was like here is a literal shirt yeah with the tag it was quite recent as well that that came out but what confuses me is nope that's never been our logo yeah like what vested thing would they have to other than i guess generate some buzz right um to say like to be like no that's not ours well i went down a bit of a rabbit hole with it and started getting linked to like government conspiracy conspiracy theories because the government is trying to prove that they can fuck with people's minds. Just like, you know, Avril's doppelganger.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Yeah, exactly. There's a new one as well about Furbies. Oh, what is it? That apparently they potentially may have been listening to us. Spying on us. have been listening to us spying on us i mean honestly like that's not that weird to me considering we have like alexa and stuff now that does that shit like i mean and they were i think voice act reactive i never had one but they like you could talk to it and it would like wake up and so i almost had to have kind of some of the similar technology where it's just like kind of listening for that um but you know back then I guess that was not like a concern I think
Starting point is 00:29:12 people necessarily had no exactly speaking of that I never had a Furby I did and I loved my Furby what was its name I can't remember I did a lot then I think it was loved my Furby. What was its name? I can't remember. You loved it a lot then. I think it was just called Furby. Yeah. Yeah, speaking of Alexa, have you seen the videos where people are asking Alexa why they should vote for Trump? No. And Alexa's like, I'm sorry sorry i can't give you any information on political because it would be unfair and then they say why should i vote for kamala and it like reels off
Starting point is 00:29:51 a shitload of information interesting that's so interesting considering the company that like manufactures and maintains alexa i would imagine probably is in favor of um the candidate that is going to make sure that they don't have to pay taxes that's true yeah so interesting interesting i haven't seen that but i'll do some research on it we can discuss more next time yeah i'll send you them i keep seeing it on reels okay cool mm-hmm so for our you know in the know listeners or those who at least get online or watch the news once in a while there was a woman in france who was a victim of some really horrific shit from her husband and had basically requested that the trial be public so that all of the people involved could be basically exposed right yeah so 51 men were put on trial in France for raping a woman for over a decade, with her husband at the centre of it all.
Starting point is 00:31:15 So, on Monday, last Monday, a total of 51 men went on trial in France's Avignon. A woman who was allegedly drugged by her now ex-husband so that she could be raped by other men while she was unconscious is expected to testify on Thursday before a panel of French judges on her years-long ordeal. Her former spouse, Dominique Pellicotte, who's now 71, and 50 other men are standing on trial on charges of rape and face up to 20 years in prison. The trial started on Monday in the southern city of Avignon and is expected to run until December. So Giselle Pellicott, who and her husband of 50 years were living in their family home in a small town in Provence with their three children. But in late 2020, her world collapsed. A security agent caught her husband taking photos of women's crotches in a supermarket. Nice, as you do. Leading investigators to search Dominique Pellicott's phone and computer where they found thousands of photographs and videos of men appearing to rape his then wife Giselle in their home while she appeared unconscious. Police officers investigating the case also found communications
Starting point is 00:32:40 Dominique had allegedly sent on messaging websites commonly used by criminals in which he invited men to sexually abuse his wife. The website has since been shut down. Good. Crude details of the repeated abuses, which investigators said began in 2011, and of the elaborate system Pellicott had put into place over 10 years emerged on Wednesday during the trial. So the accused men represent a kaleidoscope of working class and middle class French society. Truck drivers, soldiers, carpenters, trade workers, a prison guard, a nurse, an IT expert working for a bank, a local journalist. And they all range from age 26 to 74.
Starting point is 00:33:31 And many have children and are in relationships. Most men are charged with raping a woman once. A handful are accused of returning as many as six times. One gave her HIV. Wow. So the men invited to the couple's home had to follow certain rules. They could not talk loudly, had to remove their clothes in the kitchen, and could not wear perfume or smell of tobacco, French media reported.
Starting point is 00:33:59 They sometimes had to wait for up to an hour and a half in a nearby parking lot for the drugs to take effect and render their victim unconscious. The victim, Giselle, who has since divorced her husband, Good, and changed her surname, Good, is now in her 70s. Other defendants have denied the rape charges with some arguing that they had the husband's permission and thought that was sufficient. Yep. Well, I guess in some, you know, back in the day and perhaps in some countries, maybe that would suffice as consent. Yeah, not in 2011 though.
Starting point is 00:34:40 No, not, I don't think in France either. No. Others claim they believe the victim had agreed to be drugged because we're all up for that yeah when the police showed giselle some of the photographs they saw they sorry they say her husband had carefully classified and stored she expressed deep shock and said that her and her husband have been together since they were 18 and described him to police as caring and considerate. She had no memory of being raped by him or the other men, only one of whom she recognized, sorry, she told the police, who was a neighbor in town. police who was a neighbor in town jesus so yeah she wanted the trial to be held in public in order to raise awareness and um granted permission for her photo and name to be used which i think is incredibly brave um you know here in the states we have laws that kind of protect victims of certain crimes like their names are
Starting point is 00:35:47 not referenced in court documents and stuff like that because of you know and i i think that's important i think that but i also think what it has done is it's protected the abusers too and the rapists and all of that because you know if it even goes report even if if it gets reported and goes to charges um it just like it's not as widely publicized because of the shame i mean victims get blamed we know that and i think it also kind of has a quieting effect on people talking about that to kind of make it less about victims and more about perpetrators and so you know Giselle fucking bravo on basically not only being willing to kind of put yourself out there like that but to expose literally all of these men too who who have done this to you and let like let the world and their friends and family see their fucking faces.
Starting point is 00:36:46 But just imagine as well, being married to a man for, what, 50 years, 52 years. And in your eyes, he seems like a great husband, great dad, you know. And then to find out he's been doing that, like what the actual fuck she felt when she found that out. Well, and I imagine that she probably had some, not suspicions of that, but like being drugged and then waking up. Like that in and of itself probably you feel a little bit funky, right? But maybe there was some sort of like she had a med that made her drowsy. I don't know. But then also, I'm sorry, like you can tell when you've had intercourse, right?
Starting point is 00:37:37 Like especially if it's like a lot or particularly rough. Like there's trauma. if it's like a lot or particularly rough. Like there's trauma. That's why when like rape kits are done, they look for trauma and bruising and stuff. And I imagine she probably couldn't even figure, like she was probably just like, what the fuck is wrong with me?
Starting point is 00:37:57 You know? Because like, why would you, my husband must be, yeah, my husband must be drugging me and inviting tens upon 20 20s of tens upon tens of men to rape me while i'm unconscious like no one would think that right that's not your go-to no it's so fucked up it is really fucked up and it's like i remember seeing that and being like
Starting point is 00:38:21 it you know people people cover, right? Like talking about how he seems like this really loving, caring man. And like they have kids who I'm sure are probably shocked too. And these men in the community who took part in it. Like people can cover, right? Like and or, you know, good people do horrific things to each other sort of thing. Yeah. It just goes to show you that like just because you know someone
Starting point is 00:38:46 in a particular light doesn't mean they don't do horrible things to someone else or haven't right oh and it also just shows you that you never really know someone do you yeah yep i was listening to a podcast earlier actually and it was a behavioral studies and evolution scientist and he was saying that the most dangerous thing for a woman is her husband yeah because most female homicides are by their partner yeah there's a reason why usually the husband or the partner is the first suspect, right? But I also, it's just like men are lethal to women in general. Like I can't remember what I was watching, but it was just kind of the same old conversation about how we can't walk to our cars alone at night. We got to put our keys between our fingers. We got to go in pairs, you know, that sort of thing. We got to, you know, share a location when we go on first dates with people. It's dangerous to be a woman.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Yeah. And it, you know, if you have people who care about you and like, if you're a white woman, then like at least the police will maybe put more effort into investigating things. Think about, effort into investigating things think about you know the all the times women of color and women in the lgbtqia plus communities that get discounted or not believed or blamed in some way and like you know i think when we talk to our friends about our tales of our own sexual assault experiences they're people we know that we also are like well that that was a friend of mine you know yeah shit out there ladies and um men what's up yeah men so uh violent yeah like we need more men to do more to like call out men and then like women need to it's hard right like I think believe women right believe victims but I also know that there are outlier cases where you know maybe there's someone
Starting point is 00:40:53 wrongfully accused and all of that but I think like that's such a small percentage so exactly it's not an easy thing or it wouldn't be something a woman would want to do willingly. Yeah, all the flack they face just by accusing someone, you know? Like, think about the Jean Carroll who, years later, sued Trump about what happened and, like, well, I'm sure she probably got a death threat or two I bet she fucking did yeah cool love this world yay yay
Starting point is 00:41:32 well should we end on a lighter note or should we end on a worse note I've got a quick I'm on the also for you let's hear it baby okay okay I've got a quick am I the arsehole for you. Ooh, let's hear it, baby. Okay, baby.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Okay. Am I the arsehole? Roommate wants me to use the terrible downstairs bathroom because of her OCD. I, male 22, moved back to school this week. Three new roommates moved into my house. So it's three guys and two girls. One of the new girls, Lara, who's 20, expects the three guys to all use the crappy downstairs bathroom all the time because she doesn't want our germs in the upstairs one. I learned this when I took a shower upstairs, like I've always done for the year I've been living here. And the other girl, Stevie, a couple of hours later told me that Lara asked her to tell me to only use the downstairs bathroom.
Starting point is 00:42:33 She couldn't even do it herself. Sorry. Which is the coldest room in the house, has no fan, so it gets extremely wet every time someone showers, and is connected to my roommate's room. So you can hear everything both ways. Last year, everyone showered upstairs because it's a really nice bathroom. Apparently, Lara was sitting crisscross applesauce in her room, bawling her eyes out because I used the upstairs bathroom. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:43:03 When I was looking for roommates, she never told me anything about this. I hate making girls cry, but of course there's, I said no because that's ridiculous. But now her and her boyfriend are like mad at me. Lol. What should I do? Am I the asshole? Oh boy. I do think that that demand is excessive. And I understand that she might have some mental health needs.
Starting point is 00:43:31 But that's why you either be transparent about them and what you need. And if it's not a good fit, if they can't accommodate that, then you have to find a place that would like maybe her name's Laura or Laura, maybe she needs to live on her own or maybe she needed the room connected to the bathroom and then that could be her bathroom I was going to say she should use that bathroom on her own that's what I was going to suggest too but then it's connected to someone's bedroom so like I get maybe they weren't going to move out because they had been living there already but like you find a place with an en suite that can
Starting point is 00:44:02 just be your bathroom then if that's yeah you but if you're a germaphobe or have ocd diagnosed or not a part of me thinks that maybe this this could just be um maybe someone's proclivity or preference rather than a legitimate issue but i don't know that's let's assume it is um i mean if you're in a shared house it'd be hard to live with people with that yeah but you should also expect to share the bathroom yeah unless everyone has an en suite you know yeah yeah i guess that i would be looking for that or living on my own if i were her and had those needs like i just because i wouldn't expect other people to basically have to change their lives for my needs right unless like you were transferred it's like oh we can make this work
Starting point is 00:44:50 like we'll figure it out but she didn't talk about it no she didn't tell him before he showered so how no before they even before she even moved in so and then i like that she had someone else tell him too like i just also that makes me think it's not so much about a diagnosed real need that she is trying to accommodate herself and then also have to like live with i think it's a girl who probably isn't used to living with people and thinks boys are gross and doesn't want to share space with them so don't live with them then yeah so no not the asshole it's that's really unfortunate particularly since they've been living there and she came in and is the new person in the home and it's like well we're doing the same thing we've always done yeah shower in that bathroom yeah top comments are sounds like lara needs to pack her shit and find
Starting point is 00:45:46 a new place yeah i mean next comment be a little more sensitive about it but yeah pretty much uh next comment is if the bath bath if the bathroom was in her bedroom and this was established at move-in and she paid rent accordingly, then I would understand. But it doesn't seem like any of this fits here. She needs to find a place that has her own bathroom if it's that bad. Next person said, facts. Lara's expectations are unreasonable and inconsiderate
Starting point is 00:46:20 and OP is not responsible for managing Lara's OCD. Mm-mm. No. Agreed. Yeah. Sorry, Lara. Yeah, I mean, don't get me wrong. You know, I've lived in shared houses and the men can be gross in the bathroom, leaving
Starting point is 00:46:39 wee-wee all over the floor and seat and poo splatters everywhere and stuff like that. But it's just kind of part of the deal. So if you don't like that shit, then get somewhere with an en suite or find your own place. Sorry, Laura. Yeah, I lived in my sophomore year of college. I lived with three guys and one other girl. The girl I knew, we went to high school together and we were friends. But three guys, like, I don't remember how we got introduced to them.
Starting point is 00:47:04 But we ended up living with them and it had two bathrooms. One that was pretty close to my friend and I's space, but there was also one of the guys on that end of the hall. And then one on the other end of the hall where the three other rooms were. And primarily the one closest to my friend and I, we use that one. But like if someone needed to use the restroom and the other one was occupied i wasn't going to be like you can't use that um unfortunately these guys were i mean we all contributed to mess but like it was not always the cleanest place i got pretty sure i got sick a lot from maybe it being gross there and like some somehow the lock got broken and so like and these guys thought it would be really funny to like open the door when we were showering so we had to like jimmy rig
Starting point is 00:47:50 this shoelace tied to the towel bar tied to the doorknob to function as a lock when we showered so that they like it was so fucked up so like we didn. Open the door when we're showering. Well, that's the thing is it wasn't even that. They just thought it was funny. They would like walk by and open it and keep walking. It's not like they actually looked at us. So I was also just like, is it? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:19 I mean, I tried to take it in stride, but in hindsight, I was like, it's pretty fucked up. And one of our roommates would often get drunk and then vomit in our bathtub oh no it's not even the toilet no yeah so that was a fun life that was a fun year right kim i know she listens sometimes and is probably reflecting back on that with shock yes i imagine she is that's gross yeah well not the asshole but generally men can be in this instance not um and you know where the fuck are baby pigeons where the fuck are all the baby pigeons and why don't goths drive why don't goths drive yeah and with that check us out on the socials at T-S-Y-B pod. Email us with your proof of baby pigeon existence or that goths can drive or any other weird things that we never see that we know happen. And it doesn't just happen magically because that's not how the world works, sadly. Or is it talk shit to us at and like rate subscribe heart review follow download whatever all the things you can do on our pods so that we you know know you're listening and
Starting point is 00:49:37 can hear feedback from you and spread the word hell yeah we're looking to get like some sort of nobel prize for this podcast yeah i think it's on the cards i think yeah i think we're we're really doing some good work here at least a nomination yeah yeah for sure i hope you have a good rest of the week and you see you next time see you next time maybe baby bye get ready for las vegas style action atMGM, the king of online casinos. Enjoy casino games at your fingertips with the same Vegas strip excitement MGM is famous for. When you play classics like MGM Grand Millions or popular games like Blackjack, Baccarat and Roulette. With our ever-growing library of digital slot games, a large selection of online table games, and signature BetMGM service, there is no better way to bring the excitement and ambience of Las Vegas home to
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