Talking Simpsons - Changes are Coming to the Talking Simpsons and What A Cartoon! Schedules in 2020

Episode Date: December 28, 2019

To sum up what we're announcing in this podcast update: The last episode of Talking Simpsons each month will be replaced by Talk to the Audience?!?, which will now be free. The last episode of What ...A Cartoon! each month will be replaced by a free 45-minute (or longer) preview of that month's episode of What A Cartoon Movie! We'll be revisiting a new episode from a previously-covered series once a month on What A Cartoon!, and twice if said month has five Mondays. Super-concise summary: There will still be new releases at the end of the month—the content will just be slightly different. For more, listen to the whole podcast and/or visit the Talking Simpsons Patreon!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I heartily endorse this event or product. Ahoy, hoy, everybody. Welcome to the Talking Simpsons Network end of 2019 update. I am one of your hosts for this one, Bob Mackie, who is here with me today. Hey, it's me, Henry Gilbert. Hello, and happy holidays as well. We want to thank everybody for our fantastic 2019. So many podcasts, so many memories. Man, it's so many memories. I forget a lot of them because there's too many memories in my brain. I've forgotten everything up until last week. So don't ask me what I did this year, but it's many great podcasts. So we have a few changes that will be rolling out in 2020 because Henry and I have decided we need to shift our priorities into more important work for the network.
Starting point is 00:00:52 We decided we need to work smarter, not harder. Like every boss has told me, it turns out they were right. They were all right. The change to the network is we're pro-boss now. But they really meant just work harder. Yes, they meant that. We mean it actually for ourselves as our own bosses but yeah the you know talking simpsons and what a cartoon have both done really awesome this year we've done so many cool things we like that were dream things of like oh man i hope we get to do this hope we get to do this
Starting point is 00:01:21 so many guests like awesome returning guests and folks we had never had on before like just an amazing year for both of us yeah and the patreon keeps going up and up and up and we're very happy with where things are right now but like i said earlier we're going to shift our priorities into doing more important things for the network so that being said if you go to the patreon this podcast is embedded in a post that contains all of this information in text form if you want to check it out there in that form. But we wanted to talk to you about it here in a more casual format. So essentially, what's going to happen is the last week of every month on our network will be a more quote-unquote relaxed week in that each feed will have a different take on the podcast that you know. So let's talk about what's happening with Talking Simpsons. The last Talking Simpsons of every month will now be an
Starting point is 00:02:11 episode of Talk to the Audience, our community podcast. That means our community podcast will no longer be behind the Patreon paywall, but we will still only exclusively take comments and questions from behind that paywall for Talk to the Audience. For the longest time, it was just for all our Patreons, regardless of level of the community. But we put so much cool work into that community podcast, the news updates, us talking about the things that are happening for the podcast as well separately, and tons of other cool things, plus reading all our favorite comments that we got throughout the month. We wanted to share that with everybody and engage with more of the community on the free feed. And so taking that into account, like say, what's the January schedule going to be? Well, it would be, this is all the Patreon dates. January 8th, Bart the Genius, we start season one there.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Then we have our live show. We're going to do that episode on January 15th. Homer's Odyssey on January 22nd. And then January 29th, that is the community podcast episode. And a week later for all of those on the free feeds. So yes, again, to reiterate, the last Talking Simpsons of every month will now be an episode of Talk to the Audience, our community podcast. So that's what's happening with Talking Simpsons of every month will now be an episode of Talk to the Audience, our community podcast. So that's what's happening with Talking Simpsons. That's the only change that will give us a lot more time to focus on research and interviews and trips and things like that. I mean, we have an awesome luxury job and I would never complain about it. But the past two months, Henry and I have been very short on time, which means we have not been able to do the
Starting point is 00:03:43 extra things we like to do for you. And we've had to even delay a few podcasts in November, which had never happened before. And I still feel bad about it. I mean, they were delayed by like one or two days. But yeah, I didn't like doing that either. But it was just, we were right up on the edge, which also is like, we're normally so far ahead. But yeah we we just had so many commitments of podcasts that it just all kind of piled up on us there and uh yeah i mean also the time it takes to get guests contact guests set up times for them record it to their schedules and also plan live shows you know we after the last uh we did fewer live shows in 2019 because we were just so pressed for time.
Starting point is 00:04:27 There was kind of a little chance to schedule them. And so I think if we do one less regular Talking Simpsons a month and just do the community podcast, which would still be awesome. It won't be three hours long like some of our Simpsons podcasts, but they'll be meaty podcasts. Yes, of course. And that would free up more time for projects like that, too. And you will enjoy it, and it'll just hit your feed like it does every week. So there will be nothing missing that week, just a different podcast, but it'll be a taste of our Talk to the Audience podcast, and you'll get to hear news going on in the Simpsons
Starting point is 00:04:58 world and in our world, and you'll get to hear questions and comments and our responses to them. So that is what's happening in the Talking Simpsons feed for the last week of every month. So what is happening in the What a Cartoon feed? It's a little more complex than that, but still very easy to break down. So the last week of every month of What a Cartoon, the episode will just be the preview of that month's What a Cartoon movie. And instead of posting a 20-minute free preview,
Starting point is 00:05:22 this will be more like a 45 plus minute free preview of that uh what a cartoon movie for that month and i will say up front that is the podcast we definitely work the hardest on that is our longest podcast and one what a cartoon movie takes up the bandwidth of like three or four normal podcasts yeah and we're kind of like defeated the day after like we can't talk anymore after that. Or like, well, exhausted in triumph. Triumph of doing a great movie podcast, but like tired after that one for sure. Yeah, it does take a lot out of us and we're super happy with the results. It's been one of the best things we've worked on last year and I'm so happy we're doing it.
Starting point is 00:05:58 But because it takes up so much bandwidth, we decided that the free preview should be the podcast for that last week, and that will help in play that will occupy the weekly slot of the what a cartoon podcast meaning it will publish late sunday early monday for you that's when you will get the what a cartoon movie and for the levels below ten dollars but you're a patron you'll get the 45 minute preview on that week ahead of time and again that's like 45 minutes still pretty long but like less than a quarter of the podcast uh and then on the free feeds uh the first week of the month that is when you will get the preview of the what a cartoon movie yeah it should be stated here that uh what we're saying here the last week of every month just applies the patrons it'll be the first week for everybody else yes yeah yeah that uh because we're still maintaining our week ahead of time and ad free thing which has been
Starting point is 00:07:09 core to the patreon from the beginning that me and bob are big fans of like we we think that is a really great way to present content on patreon so the other change to what a cartoon is that at least one episode every month will be us returning to a series we've done before, but doing a new episode of that series, meaning we won't need to do the history segment, which will take a little more work off our shoulders and also let us explore a series we love more in full. And I'm sure you want to hear different episodes
Starting point is 00:07:37 of different series we've covered, like Batman or Beavis and Butthead or, you know, things like Animaniacs. Cowboy Bebop. Yes. I say Animaniacs. i say now yeah there's when we when we did like cowboy bebop we were just saying like man there's every episode's awesome and we could do an entire series about cowboy bebop or venture brothers yeah like when we do an episode
Starting point is 00:08:00 of what a cartoon uh it is us saying like we in most cases we love this show and we could do uh in in some really big cases i could do a talking simpson style if there was all the time in the world i would do a simpson style podcast of these series i really love yeah i mean we have done almost 100 what a cartoons i think this is a great time to say like okay now we can start revisiting. We wanted to make sure we covered everything that we loved at least once
Starting point is 00:08:28 before we start redoing things. And we've sort of done that. There's still so many things to cover, like we'll never run out of series ever.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Never, never, never. But we definitely now are like, we've covered everything that we really, really, really, really like with a few exceptions.
Starting point is 00:08:40 So now it's time to jump back into those series and talk more about episodes that we're in love with. So it'll be like a Talking Simpsons episode or Talking Futurama. Like we know how to discuss shows we've talked about before, obviously, by this point. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:52 And I mean, you know, if there's specifics to the history of that one singular episode, we'll't say for January, the first of our revisiting What a Cartoons is going to be Batman, the animated series, Almost Got Him, which is many people's favorite episode of the show, though. There's so many great episodes. A lot of people have varied choices, but that's one of the best. We could do like 30 episodes. I think we've hit all the super good ones, not even just the regular good ones. So yes, at least one episode a month will be us revisiting an old cartoon that we've talked about before. But then two episodes every month will be me and Henry each doing a new series we've never talked about before. So you're still going to hear about new series we haven't covered.
Starting point is 00:09:43 We're just going to take it easier every month by doing at least one episode on a series we've covered and i'm sure everyone out there wants to hear more episodes of things we've covered before because obviously like i don't see a future in which animaniacs will be a mini series or a very long running series like darkwing ducks so yeah it's not gonna happen really so that'll be our only chance to revisit those episodes again or episodes of a longer series again yeah yeah i mean we've only done three episodes about spider-man and that is not enough to do how many more there's there's like a thousand spider-man series i mean i know nina matsumoto would love to come on one of our spider-man ones that is true so i just want to wrap things up by summing up this entire thing again go to our patreon
Starting point is 00:10:25 slash talking simpsons there will be a post visible to the public this is all broken down in simple text if it sounds complicated it's really not so let me sum it up really quick for you so to sum it up the last episodes of talking simpsons each month will be replaced by talk to the audience our community podcast so and also the last episode of what a cartoon each month will be replaced by a free 45 minute or longer preview of that month's episode of What a Cartoon each month will be replaced by a free 45-minute or longer preview of that month's episode of What a Cartoon Movie. And the third thing is, we'll be revisiting a new episode from a previously series once a month on What a Cartoon and twice a month if the month has five Mondays. Man, what a crappy month that is. Five Mondays. Ah, man. Garfield couldn't stand it.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Garfield is not a patron. But yes, super concise summary. There will still be new releases at the end of the month. The content will be just slightly different. And if you're not a patron, then all of these things will be happening the first week of the month. So when we say the last week of the month, we're talking to all of our patrons out there who we're serving first. Yes. Yeah, yeah. So keep that in mind, too.
Starting point is 00:11:22 And yes, the post will be public we'll definitely be you know looking at the comments to see uh what if you guys have any thoughts or concerns about this i'm sure we can uh address them and yeah we're we're really looking forward to 2020 me and bob you know we we love doing this this is the best job we've ever had and i never want to stop but yes this will be a public post so if you guys want to comment on it with and share your thoughts on this we'll definitely be in there to chat with you guys too and we want to interact with the community for your thoughts on this as well and i guess last thing i want to say is that like i'm looking forward to 2020 big year for us big stuff
Starting point is 00:12:01 going on for talking simpsons and what a cartoon so many cool podcasts coming live show a spring mini series and tons tons more cool stuff is going to be happening yes and we hope you stick with us in 2020 2019 was a great year in 2020 i dare say will be even better for us and for all of you out there so yes thank you so much for listening to this again please go to slash talking simpsons for the full text version of this. And if you want to sign up there, that's where you got to do it. So thanks so much for listening and we'll see you in 2020. Wow. Infotainment.

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