Talking Simpsons - Talk to the Audience?!? - April 2023

Episode Date: May 3, 2023

We've reached the end of the month, which means it's once again time for another installment of our community podcast! Join us as we discuss the mystery of 31-year-old jokes, new Simpsons shoes and to...ys, Hank Azaria's predictions, and Fox's plans to use jokes in their Dominion lawsuit. And, as always, we read and respond to your questions and comments from the most recent round of episodes. So listen in as we salute our half-inflated dark lord! Support this podcast and get over 150 bonus episodes by visiting and becoming a patron! And please follow the official Twitter, @TalkSimpsonsPod!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I heartily endorse this event or product. Choose that parody sensationalistic news articles from the 90s. Bob Mackey, who is here with you today, as always. It's Henry Gilbert, a lover of our wonderful audience that sometimes even makes headlines. Very true. And in case you aren't aware or don't remember, this is our community podcast. On this podcast, we talk about what's happening in the Simpsons world and in our world. And then we respond to your questions and comments from the last month of our episodes on Patreon. And it is another slow news month as season 34 is grinding to a halt yes or it will next month yeah you know they took kind of april
Starting point is 00:00:53 off the entire month so it's been slow on new seasons there hasn't been a and i mean we went through all of the renewal talk last month so that's done there's no news of a new uh disney plus special though i'm sure they sure it'll be coming uh shortly but fortunately you know we do have some wonderful fans who they make the news this month yes we're out there making news when the simpsons can't so yeah we're recording this the day that uh family feud comes out that's the season 34 episode so we'll talk about that next time along with a bunch of other new episodes because there's going to be three more i think in may yes yeah and i think up to the season finale so yeah but i'm looking
Starting point is 00:01:36 forward to tonight's episode because yeah it's co-show run by uh i'd say one of the friendliest friends of the show that is currently on the staff car Carolyn Amine, who has been so nice to us giving us, I've asked her a couple of times, just not even just doing the interview, but like, Hey, can you be on the record? Have a statement about this? Like, so, uh, and it's, it's written by Bertie Gupta, one of the younger people writing for the show who is a good Twitterer. So, uh, do those good tweets make for a good episode? We, we shall see we're gonna find
Starting point is 00:02:05 out yeah let's talk about some other news uh so right before settling their lawsuit with uh dominion fox was planning to use scenes from the simpsons in their defense i don't want to go into the entire thing dominion the voting machine manufacturer was suing fox for spreading misinformation about their company and their products. It never went to trial. Fox settled out of court for $787 million. 0.5. Yeah, I think that is exactly half of what they were being sued over, which was $1.6 billion in damages.
Starting point is 00:02:40 So yeah, the Fox, it was really unfortunate because I thought that would be the big headline news. Like, cause what happened was that it was the day of the trial. It was about to begin. And so the public gets to see the list of like evidence that will be presented. That's one of the aspects of American trials and listed in it were four scenes from the Simpsons.
Starting point is 00:03:03 And this was Fox using it in their defense for some reason, four scenes from The Simpsons. This was Fox using it in their defense for some reason. Four scenes from The Simpsons, starting with a 2008 treehouse gag of Homer trying to vote for Obama and the voting machine switches it to McCain. And then there were several others. I'm sure you guys remember. Oh, Homer voted for Putin. What? Like in a 2016 one, that was on there too they couldn't include
Starting point is 00:03:25 the 2020 short because it was so toothless it didn't say anything it didn't even you're right yeah it was just about uh homer had a mask on voting basically and and it was just lisa guilting him into voting but yeah so i wonder if that fox's stance was going to be like we made fun of voting machines then like into stuff from 2008 on fox programming dominion didn't sue us over that but yeah i think they planned on doing an alex jones style defense in which no we were playing characters but then it's hard to claim that when you have a news anchor with the word news under him talking about a specific company and spreading lies you know what i call it i call it phone news yeah and i put that in my npr style newsletter that's so clever yeah thank you thank you first to think of that yeah i
Starting point is 00:04:08 fair and balanced i don't think so everybody i it is it was disappointing though that it didn't like bankrupt fox news like i mean that's a lot of money yeah no one will even if you're as rich as rupert murdoch no one would say that's not a lot of money you know it's less diamond studded disposable diapers for him in his old age but instead I think there were some liberals on Twitter who one were upset that part of the deal was that they did not have to apologize like they did have to apologize in like a press release they put out but some were hoping to at least see tucker carlson and sean hannity and the like on camera have to say they lied and that was not part of the settlement like no no anchor had to say it and of course you know 1.6 billion maybe would uh seriously damage the the fox
Starting point is 00:05:01 broadcasting world what 7.875 not doesn't help doesn't help but no i mean yeah i like i don't know how much they're worth but i i assume it'll affect the people who aren't responsible with the network yeah yeah oh yeah but you know what they i don't feel too bad for a fox news employee they they know what they're doing but i do i am a little sad that it will never be a part of an actual official court documents clips from the simpsons yeah that's too bad it stinks but yes there was a stolen election it wasn't 2016 it wasn't 2020 it was the year 2000 we all lived through it never forget that it actually happened done by the the father of lover of democracy uh lynn cheney yeah he did it i the supreme court all put on
Starting point is 00:05:47 their hamburger masks and made george w bush president that's so it dry and again now i i just had to see another fucking tweet from said by somebody saying like oh you know here's bob costas he's speaking sense and it's just him on a uh interview saying the republican party used to be good now it's the clown car showing up and he's seated next to jonah goldberg who's like a piece of shit like a guy made fun of on our friend choppa trap house a million times and he's like jonah goldberg he quit fox news because he sees that it's like shut up bob costas like you're a nerd go away yeah was he the one who was traded for oswald? No, no. That was from downtown. Marv Albert, I think it was. I don't think it was Marv Albert at all.
Starting point is 00:06:27 He was canceled, basically. And let's see here. All right. I got to look this up. So, sorry. No, not Marv Albert. It was Al Michaels. All these guys are the same to me.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Al Michaels, yes. They're all the same. I don't know who these people are. Anyhow, big news this month that we helped spawn, although someone else did all the work, because when we covered the auto show, we got to that line in which Homer's tinnitus covered up Marge's dialogue, and that's the joke. But Marge is saying something underneath the tinnitus, and on the commentary for that episode, they're like, oh, this is really funny.
Starting point is 00:07:00 It took a long time to write, and it's totally buried in the mix, and no one could hear it. And we put it out there. One of our talented audio engineer listeners, please try to find a way to recover this. And somebody actually did and it made headlines all across the globe. Everybody was reporting on this, but it's all thanks to our listener.
Starting point is 00:07:17 I'm going to say their name is Uzi Rayburn. It's E-W-Z-Z-Y. That's how you spell the first name or the hacker alias, if you will. So Uzi Rayburn did all the work, made a video about it. And it is so great, all the amount of work that they did to recover the line. And, you know, if I play the clip without you seeing the subtitles, you won't understand it still. You still need subtitles to kind of make a little more sense of it.
Starting point is 00:07:40 So what Marge says is, well, all right, but make sure they don't pick up any of the band's attitude towards women liquor religion politics really anything it's such a great line it's such a funny line that the way marge was like really anything like and then it makes it even funnier that homer goes like yeah yeah i hear you but that uh i that uzi uh Rayburn did that within 12 hours, like tops, because that episode still isn't on the free feed of us asking about it. It was posted on Patreon. And the next morning, Rayburn had posted it. So that was so great. And then it instantly, like, you and me were the first to retweet it because the user was very nice to at me and you in a reply to let us know that they did it and so we were quick to retweet it and then it just exploded everybody's talking about it like some of my favorite tweets were
Starting point is 00:08:35 saying this is like when a lost passage of the bible is found basically and i was surprised that nobody had done it before i i assume somebody had but it turns out no one had because I think like someone would have dug up an old reddit post or an old news group post saying I actually discovered this 20 years ago but no uh Uzi Rayburn as far as I know was the first one to do it and hey thank you so much you get our uh our patreon pick of the week yeah you're one of our superstar listeners we appreciate that and so many people then end up sharing back with you or me news stories about this tweet from like a few days after like guys did you see this and it's like hey we did this uh sort of we suggested it and
Starting point is 00:09:18 someone did all the work yeah but still link to the patreon i mean come on trying to make a living here uh but yes thank you uc rayburn uh yeah like you said henry it's like discovering the dead sea scrolls of the simpsons or whatever just like new passages oh yeah there was one other cool thing uh rayburn did not just uh highlighting that audio but as well uh oh and also like al jean retweeted it too, but also that Rayburn found a couple other audio versions like French and Spanish of Simpsons and see how they treated it, and it was a little more audible. And then someone shared with him, I believe it was the Brazilian Portuguese dub of Simpsons, and Marge's lines are just straight there the words and there's no it seems like the
Starting point is 00:10:07 localization people in in Brazil didn't get the tinnitus joke and so there's no sound over it she just says the line out loud so I think in one of the dubs she says the line backwards oh okay but it is interesting hearing how all the other audio people had to find a way to do the tinnitus sound. They're all doing it in a different way because they don't have the same assets as the Simpsons audio people do. Yeah, we learned so much from it. Thank you, Rayburn, for spreading the news. And it gave the Simpsons News Clickbait Industrial Complex so many posts. Like, when I always look every month before we prepare these i look for
Starting point is 00:10:46 news simpsons news on google and the first page was mostly news stories on uh their tweet so yep good good job yes uh very very gratifying to finally know what she's saying there uh other news items there's more things to buy, everybody. Hooray! Because, well, not this item, because it's sold out already, but the retro clothing brand made and sold Assassin's Shoes, the ones from Bart's Dog Gets an F in Season 2, the ones Flanders is wearing, but they are already sold out after being priced at $180, but in the 91 ep, they were $125. With inflation, probably like $400. Who knows? Yeah, I guess that's a steal compared to
Starting point is 00:11:26 125 in 1991 but yeah they they recreated everything for it except for the price tag they went they went up on that but like i said in my intro up front it is funny that yes a you're wearing an item from the show but b it's also a parody of sensationalistic news articles about they're killing each other for shoes yeah yeah it's it's it's a real dark joke these maybe you'll get killed for your assassins they even i mean if they're that rare maybe that and they even have the homer nameplate on the back seat or you're wearing homer's uh pair that get destroyed instead of uh ned's pair so i know henry won't be buying these because i'm looking over henry's shoe rack i believe there's at least six pairs of simpson shoes on your on your rack yeah you know what that's not
Starting point is 00:12:08 that's not a that's not a joke folks that's not the full collection either uh yeah actually i guess it's more like eight but uh i mean i have my mr plow shoes just for special occasions and i do have my el barto adidas but you know it's white shoes honestly when i walk with them too much when i took them on my like you know my morning six ish mile walk they actually did like uh i had a little blood on the back of my achilles tendon like they rub up on my foot wrong so you need you need higher socks oh is that okay get some tube socks but no i will not be buying these assassins brand ones i wish that adidas would just put back into print the ones they did because i am an adidas guy or sorry not adidas i mean vans i wish they put vans ones back into print because i am a vans guy who enjoys his uh slip-on vans
Starting point is 00:12:59 though of course once i'm living in seattle uh i really am not going to be able to wear those as much because they're not really made for rainy weather no you'll kiss them goodbye yeah i think they're also made for much younger men who don't have joint problems like we're gonna have soon well i also of course i spent 40 on a pair of vans and then 20 on foot inserts for the vans to uh support my arches better so that's uh that is that is how i still can walk around with vans without constant foot pain you know i had to give them up uh like converse all-stars maybe five or six years ago i just they couldn't i couldn't do it anymore no i i hear you that is why i gave up con converse all-stars as well yeah that no and i mean i bought actual good walking
Starting point is 00:13:40 shoes that i uh do for my morning walks i i only only for my normal walking around do i put on bands these days yeah so this uh new story is just to taunt all of you because you'll never have them uh only the most famous rappers have them i bet i mean of course there's the very hyperinflated sneaker market online you're going to be paying i wonder wonder, will you pay double that? Will you pay $360 for an Assassin's on the secondary market? I'm glad I only view shoes as practical things that are there to make me comfortable. These sneaker people scare me. It is a scary world, yes. So we have more toys, folks.
Starting point is 00:14:17 These are Super 7 toys, correct? Yes, it's the next wave of the Super 7 super fancy Simpsons uh toys they've been making and with all the new toys by super seven and i guess neca is making them too are they making toys as well has their own one but yeah yeah honestly super seven is a class unto itself but between the two groups of toys they've never sold toys of female characters yet right definitely of this style yeah i can't think of there's definitely not been a woman in the ultimate collection in all previous four waves i don't think so but this is the first time because in this new line for super seven you're going to get lisa with malibu stacy and snowball too
Starting point is 00:14:55 there's marge with maggie in a grocery bag and of course uh grinskeeper excuse me groundskeeper willie yes though with just a shovel though so this leaked through, it's like the cover story to a toy news thing that hasn't fully come out. So they haven't shown every, at the time of this recording, they haven't shown every accessory that's going to come with it. And part of the fun of those ultimate collection ones is the accessories. You know, of course, we all love having a Poochie toy, but it makes it even better that he comes with, you know, his guitar and multiple heads and different hands that can, you know, save a peace out home slice or whatever. Yeah. So or Bart would come with like a comic book. So Lisa coming with I mean, there's also something funny to me that my favorite of them so far what i've seen lisa has a malibu stacy meaning she is a toy with a toy i always like that so it it looks if i were to buy one of them i guess great uh grinskeeper willie
Starting point is 00:15:58 i'd be i'd be buying him so our final bit of news is an astounding prediction by hank azaria himself a psychic man as we all know him and he claims he can see the simpsons going on for at least 40 seasons uh here is his quote uh this is a people magazine interview hank azaria says you know we're doing seasons 35 and 36 i guess that it would probably go to 40 it seems to be doing well uh and then he added uh people still enjoy making it they seem to want the show so i imagine we keep going the voices don't really age so we can keep doing it and the animation doesn't age the animation does get better and quicker uh disagree on a few counts there hank but uh i will say you might be done with the show by season 40 but the show's not
Starting point is 00:16:40 done with your characters i can guarantee you that pal They've got the Azaria bot ready and going. I mean, already we see that the manipulation of old voice clips, what they can do five, six years from now. Like, yeah, Azaria won't need to do anything, really, if he doesn't want to. They own every piece of him. But, yeah, Azaria has to do all of these. You know, he does more quotes than most
Starting point is 00:17:06 because he's often promoting a non-simpsons thing and so he gets asked about stuff like this i i also did see a fun clip of azaria in my feed uh and it's because the comedian hari kondabaloo he has a new uh comedy special out that's for free on youtube it's called vacation baby and hank azaria is promoting it and it's just him talking to cameras saying harry conda baloo is such a great uh performer comedian everybody should watch his special i want everybody to and then he looks off camera and goes is that good and then harry goes that's great thank you and then hank says i pretty much had to do that, didn't I? And then he's like, yep.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Hari responds to him like, you did have to do that. I'm glad that was his public penance. Yeah. Now, this stat makes me happy. It makes me happy we're doing this show because when we started this show, for the first, God, let's say five years? No, three or four years of talking Simpsons, there was no easily available Simpsons.
Starting point is 00:18:06 You had to have the DVDs until Disney Plus started. And what was that, 2019? Yeah, 2019. Yeah. So there were like four years of our show where you had to pirate the episodes, download them on iTunes, already on the DVDs. But it's been readily available for over three years now.
Starting point is 00:18:19 And it is the most streamed thing on Disney Plus by far. Like Mandalorian, it's nothing compared to this. Loki, go to hell. It pops up and then it's down. Simpsons, always big. I don't even know what Renervations is, but it's beating the pants off of that. Is that a Jeremy Renner style show? Oh, yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:18:37 It's a Jeremy Renner-like reality show where he builds. If you stay in the Marvel fold after your contract's up a lot of them make deals for like oh and you also have to do like a my dumb reality show idea so uh the two i can think of is renovations and chris hemsworth have like some travel exercise show where he's like look at me traveling the world and climbing mountains and also doing sit-ups right upside down great uh yeah apparently the stat is uh from this cracked article about the quote uh take the average a series demand and multiply it by 52.75 that's how much popular the simpsons is compared to everything else on the network apparently wow
Starting point is 00:19:15 that i mean that is wild because the simpsons you know when when we started it i remember talking simpsons there was a tweets from bill oakley i think it was where he was saying my kids don't know simpsons enough because you know they either have to have the dvds or uh you know there was if you had a cable account and then signed up for fx and then signed into your cable on your computer you could watch with unskippable ads the simpsons but you couldn't it wasn't direct to tv box thing it was so much work to watch simpsons world the dark ages really and yeah i like in the early years of the show we would we would say like oh we're only going to do up to seasons nine or ten or whatever and part of that was because we were stupid the other part
Starting point is 00:20:00 of it was i think we all assume nobody has those DVDs. So who will our audience be? But now everyone has access to everything and it makes our show so much easier to do and so much easier to be a listener to. I mean, in about 10 years, we will hit the wall of, I'm projecting it takes two years for every season we do now since we double them up. And so by the time we hit season 19, it'll be 10 years from now. And that's the last season with commentary and i really hope they figure out their commentary thing again by then i mean look
Starting point is 00:20:32 we can do research as you listeners know we start with the commentaries and then dig deeper from there they better record new commentaries before i'm 51 and they're 68 you know yeah yeah the clock's ticking guys we need those season 20 commentaries at least at least do the season 20 commentaries now they can look back on it and then be like hey remember how hard this was doing this at the same time as the movie i just want to hear those stories i think they're in the fx vaults i i know there's they've set on the record we've recorded more commentaries yeah this uh you know on that potential someday aljean interview that's when we gotta ask him or matt selman either of those two guys hey just leak them to us we'll release them exactly we'll make a lot of money
Starting point is 00:21:15 and a little kickback for you guys yeah yeah uh let's move on to news about us and talk about our schedules so our what a cartoon episode for may is a Patreon pick, our top tier Patreon, Andrew. He is on the show and he picked the American Dad episode, Gold Top Nuts, a very wild episode of American Dad from its 19th season. That's right. Season 19. It just aired like in October and it's great. It was such a great episode.
Starting point is 00:21:42 That was such a great pick by andrew like we've talked about how american dad when we first did the podcast about it five years ago or almost five years ago we talked about how it became such a weird and different show from the seth mcfarland machine and now it's even better and i couldn't believe how good they still are at season 19, like this long in over 300 goddamn episodes of American Dad. It's crazy. And that's on Hulu for you American folks. In the UK, I don't know, ask the queen or the king.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Yeah, oh, you can't ask the queen nothing now. Consult her grave. She'll give you an answer. So for $5 and dollar enough patrons we have of course talking futurama and talking to the hill in may uh talking futurama a long-awaited episode from all of you i assume jurassic park we're finally covering that uh we recorded it not too long ago and my opinion has changed a bit but i'm still a little down on it so maybe uh henry what are you what are your thoughts on that yeah no i mean it's especially because luck of the fry rish really got me like it the the emotional episodes there's ones that hit heavier
Starting point is 00:22:51 for me and of course when i dug back into the follow-ups they did to jurassic park in prep for this episode it actually made me like jurassic park less less because i was reminded like oh yeah they ruined the ending of this with future episodes like so bugs me more actually now but we certainly had a lot to say yes and our talking in the hills about nine pretty darn angry men in which hank and the boys enter a lawnmower focus group that's actually about hank and his mother it's a great great episode about telling off your dad i love that one we had a lot of fun we just recorded that one a couple days ago yeah and it's a great thanksgiving episode that has little to do with thanksgiving and our what a cartoon movie for may so if you're on the $10 level or higher you'll get to hear this
Starting point is 00:23:33 when it goes live if you're on the $5 level or lower you'll get to hear the extended free preview for like 45 minutes or an hour but the subject matter is toy story 4 we've been doing kind of one toy story movie a year since we began with a cartoon movie, and we are moving on to 4, and I assume we'll do 5 when it comes out in like 5 or 6 years. Oh, God, right. We'll never do Lightyear, I swear. There's no way we can run out of that many movies
Starting point is 00:23:56 that we'd have to do Lightyear, but I like 4 more than 3. I put off seeing it for the longest time because I thought it was pointless, but when I saw it a few years ago, I was like, oh, no, this is better than three. Are we going to do all episodes of Forky Says as well? No, I can't. Although I do like those.
Starting point is 00:24:12 I do like those. They actually are a little fun. I like them more than that. I only watched a couple of the Monsters University shorts they did. I like the Forky ones better. But, yes, we're going into Forkyky territory and that's also because uh we previous years we did our summer at disney renaissance we've pretty much covered all the big ones there yes there's still mulan and tarzan we'll get to it we'll get to it yeah but we wanted to get
Starting point is 00:24:36 into the pixar world so this is just the beginning because it will post at the figurative start of summer uh it'll memorial day weekend so then the rest of the summer for june july and august are also pixar movies though uh we'll let you guess what those could be and we've and we've covered a bunch already so there's not a there's only so many left well we only cover toy story movies for pixar oh that's right which is funny it's like now we've only covered toy story movies so we're going to start with toy story 4 and then we'll do the other ones there's there's a few good pixar movies after that or before that yeah we we have a lot we want to talk about for sure so yeah lots of great stuff happening in may it's going to be a busy month for all of us and also i forgot to mention uh there's going to be a blog about batman the animated series in may because there are five
Starting point is 00:25:21 mondays so look forward to us talking about the pilot episode on leather wings it's the only one i believe in which batman is allowed to bleed yeah they got away with it on that one and it's uh it it has a fun commentary where the bruce tim goes like blood it's blood yeah they he got to believe the first episode and then in the movie for mask of the phantasm they could finally bring the blood back I'm looking forward to that one too On Leather Wings, a great first episode So let's talk about what we've been playing and watching that's not related to the podcast necessarily Busy month for me
Starting point is 00:25:54 because I took a trip in April and I'll talk more about that later I wanted to play a shorter game before Zelda and instead of taking my heavy Steam Deck or my less heavy Switch with me on a long trip I took my featherweight new 2DS XL with me on the plane and it made me realize like god everything I own is so heavy except for this why is my bag so light did I forget something no
Starting point is 00:26:15 the 2DS is basically weightless and I wanted to start a fun game and the Mario movie left a bad taste in my mouth so I started up the 2017 remake of Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga and it's unnecessary. They didn't need to remake it but it's still a very, very good game where they change really nothing about the original and there's another mode that's kind of fun too. And there's like a side story
Starting point is 00:26:37 about Bowser's minions in it, right? Yeah, it exists wholly separate from the core game but you can switch to it whenever you want and it's sort of like its own kind of rpg uh that's like a kind of a neat gimmicky idea that wouldn't sustain like a 20-hour game but i assume there's like five hours worth of content in it and i've been picking away at that and it's fun as the e-shop was uh shutting down i bought it and i've been meaning to play too because i uh up until the uh about a decade ago i was like the marion luigi super fan i wrote about it all the time online i think probably if you go to the wiki
Starting point is 00:27:12 page for like fawful i'm still a cited source on it but i got behind on all the ones i after uh the luigi dream game i kind of didn't play any of the others there's paper jam there's there's uh well then there's only two more and they're both remakes after that yeah which Bowser's Inside Story is still my all-time favorite of the series though I did not play that remake I gotta give that a shot but you're one of 30,000 people that bought it along with me it was not very popular yeah there was their mistake for putting them on 3ds I love the 3ds but uh when the Superstar Saga remake came out, it was fall of 2017. Most people had slam dunked their 3DSs into a ditch.
Starting point is 00:27:49 And then when the Bowser's Inside Story remake came out in 2019, they're like, my 3DS is in a ditch. I can't get out of the ditch. I threw it in there two years ago. And then they shut down Alpha Dream, so it can't even get ported to the switch i it also felt like there was a real edict from somewhere high up in nintendo that like paper mario is the console game and mario and luigi is the handheld game and we are leaving mario and luigi in the past and while paper mario gets to have a new switch game which was uh origami uh was pretty good. I finished it. It's a solid B- that I was getting very tired of by the end.
Starting point is 00:28:28 I mean, after Sticker Star, B- is pretty... Yes, Sticker Star, it's off the scale. Color Splash? What the hell was the card one that came after Sticker Star? It's Color Splash. I never played it, but I own two copies somehow. Yeah, it was... Well, you still have an operational Wii U, unlike me.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Do you know do you know if yours is not operational it's in the closet i bet it could turn on but uh who have i'll set it up after i move mine is hooked up i will never give away my wii u um but yeah that's a really fun game and just like chipping away at monster hunter a bit more the the the expansion is very big and i didn't play that much of it but but it's me killing time until Zelda launches on May 12th. We'll all be crying for the kingdom together. Yes, and I'm muting every Zelda term on Twitter. I can't have anyone spoil it for me, and I know you're all gonna.
Starting point is 00:29:13 I know you're gonna. I've already been spoiled on a few things. Me too, me too. And look, your thirst posts are cute. I get it, guys, but maybe I didn't want to know what that character looked like. You can't fuck everything, all right, all right folks you got to pick your battles everybody wants to fuck him you have to identify every character you want to fuck in immediately like as soon as you as soon as you see the preview you're like oh i want to get in that link or whatever people say
Starting point is 00:29:39 i know that's what the kids do right yeah that Yeah, that's what they say. I mean, at least after the, it took until after the first game came out that people were horny for the shark man in it. Yeah. Or the shark lady. There were people horny for both of the sharks. I think it's like Zoomers aren't having sex and they're just, they've got all their waifus. Yeah. And husbandos. You know, they're prouder of their masturbation.
Starting point is 00:30:01 And you know what? I'm happy for them. We are the ones with the problem yes i agree we're keeping it secret uh so yeah that's what i've been up to game wise uh movie and tv wise i watched a bunch of movies uh henry and i saw the super mario brothers movie uh we made a retronauts about it i feel like the that audience has a different perspective than the audience on letterbox because the retronauts audience was not happy with our podcast and our negativity but then i go on letterbox and all my friends are giving it like two stars and less so it's like two different
Starting point is 00:30:34 worlds really yeah i know it's like and i felt like i was the nicest guy about it on and i still was like actually i got a message from a friend of the show who was just like hey good on you for trying to be extra nice about mario i was like i still wasn't that nice to it on the retronauts but it was like i i am trying to play by the kid glove rules of like well it is for kids and but it's like it could be a better kids movie we're not saying it's a bad it's there are worse movies but and and i will say like the people who animated it worked very hard and did good animation but the story is annoying and incredibly shallow and nobody tries harder than they have to when it comes to writing jokes in it i mean a lot of people i understand a lot of people were like uh
Starting point is 00:31:21 you know my kid liked it and i said you know that's fine but there are not separate ratings for parents and childless adults when it comes to movies. It's like it's four stars if you've got a kid. But if you don't, it's about two. Nobody's doing that in newspapers as far as I know. And until they start, I say we review movies not thinking about what someone smaller next to us thinks of them. That's all I'm saying. And if that movie had no licensed music in it, I'd give it a one star higher. I think so. Yeah. I'd give it a one star higher. I think so.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Yeah. I'd knock it up to maybe three stars. That was the poison at the center of it. And yes, thumbs up to your wife, Nina, who correctly predicted the post credits to every detail. Every detail. So, okay. I saw a ton of movies. You can listen to us talk about the Super Mario Brothers movie for an hour and 40 minutes.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Right now, it's on the free feed. And I'm sure to get a lot more complaints now that it's on another feed uh but instead of going over every movie i'll go over two that i really recommend so uh a friend of the show andrew jupin recommended this movie on we hit movies so i went to see the willem dafoe movie. It's a very cool movie. And to me, it's like, oh, this is a different kind of movie because it is just him for an hour and 45 minutes. And the premise is Willem Dafoe is an art thief. He breaks into this high-rise penthouse, this top-of-the-line penthouse to steal art. And he's locked in.
Starting point is 00:32:40 And he's locked in for a very long time. And it's just him. What does he do for entertainment how does he get food and water how does he escape does he escape these are all things that play out over the course of an hour and 45 minutes as he slowly loses his mind and it's so so good man that sounds really cool i mean also because you can make that movie with many actors and nobody would care but willem dafoe is one like such an interesting actor that you want to see what he do with it. And two,
Starting point is 00:33:08 like, you know, like this guy's so weird and intense. Like I would love to see what he could do with that. Yeah. I've been me, uh, you're you and you and Nina's thumbs up on it.
Starting point is 00:33:19 And also I heard you've been talking about it too. I was like, Ooh, I got to watch this. I've been saving it, uh, to, to watch my husband.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Who's also a big Willem Dafoe fan. Of course,. I was like, ooh, I got to watch this. I've been saving it to watch with my husband, who's also a big Willem Dafoe fan, of course, I think. Look, we both love him from Spider-Man, though I liked him in things before Spider-Man. But yeah, he's a great actor. I'm also going to recommend a 2022 movie. It's called Deepwater. It's an adaptation of one of my favorite Patricia Highsmith novels.
Starting point is 00:33:43 And it's directed by Adrian Lyne, who did all of the best erotic thrillers. And it's an adaptation of one of my favorite patricia highsmith novels and it's directed by adrian line who did all of the best erotic thrillers and it's an erotic thriller but because it is a patricia highsmith uh adaptation it's full of like very cynical dark humor and ben affleck i've never liked him but i liked him in this i think he's finally aged into me liking him as an actor that's good that i've liked him in things before there's others where it's just like you're sleepwalking through this movie and also he's i listened to a whole blank check recently where they talk about how ben affleck like aged up into being a jerk and stuff instead of like being he shouldn't be the leading man he should be a jerk like that's who he's best at playing so i i'm
Starting point is 00:34:21 interested that deep water sounds interesting too also like there's i've been hearing a lot of talk about the return of erotic cinema yes yes in fact like this movie has sex and nudity do you want to see the star of knives out with her top off you're gonna see it that's gonna happen sure hey look i wasn't asking for it but i was like sure put this on my plate yeah i think uh you people it's it's a fun response to how sexless uh most movies are now like nobody no character has sex in movies even like if you watch like the first iron man like he's having casual sex at the start of that movie and i'm like that would never happen in a marvel movie now even comparatively well it is fun to see those weird i think hopefully in the minority
Starting point is 00:35:03 takes where uh these characters aren't consenting to me watching them have sex is this okay are we really okay with this that that's too much internet yeah yeah i agree uh but yeah deep water it's kind of a slow burn i will say uh things take a while to get going but i think it's really good and the book is very good as well and i'm happy that before in the past like europeans were the only ones to do adaptations of highsmith stuff because all of her books were so twisted but uh like we did some of the ripley novels and those are pretty good but now we're finally getting into her other work which is great and i love her as a novelist and yes tv uh i'm way in the past so i'm not going to comment on this because it's like like you've all seen this so I don't need to talk about it but I'm wrapping up the
Starting point is 00:35:46 Dragon Ball TV series not Z but the original series and at this moment in time in my viewing Goku is fighting Piccolo Jr. or Ma Jr. as they call him in this arc yeah I love that fight it is such a great fight also
Starting point is 00:36:01 because the Budokai tournaments each of the original pre-z are all my favorite storylines in those and this as a reader like it was so frustrating i i haven't watched in full the the animated version i read the comics like twice over and it was so frustrating every time that like goku gets so close to winning the tournament but he denies you it every time he's like well if he wins a tournament then isn't what's he got left to do this makes him earn it so hard to finally finally win the tournament and that is why it kind of in in the comic anyway, it basically has like a farewell double page spread that it's like, well, Goku's story's over.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Or is it? And it was his way of basically, Toriyama's way of saying, it's sort of over now. And we've got a new thing. They're making me write more. I don't have a choice in this. It's too popular. But yeah, having a lot of fun with that. Happy to finally see this.
Starting point is 00:37:03 And then I'm moving on to Dragon Ball Z Kai, which I have on blu-ray although i only have the first two and then i'm now i'm learning like oh they're out of print now so it's either go to pirate town or buy them digitally dang i didn't know it was out of print that sucks well they the blu-rays came out like literally over a decade ago you know after you watch that uh this piccolo junior arc it's a good time to watch the dragon ball super superhero movie because my favorite stuff in that movie are callbacks to that arc. They have some really good. As a Piccolo Jr. fan, it really delivers that movie superhero does. I love that movie.
Starting point is 00:37:41 And since I read Bob Odenkirk's autobiography and we did the Mr. Show episode, I'm in a Bob Odenkirk renaissance right now. And I'm like, boy, I love Bob Odenkirk and everything he does. So, you know, I had a very long flight, a lot of travel. So I put some episodes of Better Call Saul on my iPhone and I watched them. And I ended up watching the entire first season this month, which I had seen before. But then I forgot the show existed. And then we started our Patreon. And then things got very busy.
Starting point is 00:38:08 So all of Better Call Saul is over. But as of April 18th, it's all on Netflix. So I'm going to keep going and watch the rest of it. And it's a great show. I got to watch that show. I've been, you know, my husband and I are looking for a new hourly drama to watch. I think that'd be a good one because I really, really enjoyed Breaking Bad. Of course, there's bad fans to everything.
Starting point is 00:38:32 And you know what? Skyler is right, guys. Give her a break. But anyway, it made me put off watching Better Call Saul. Now is the time to do it. In the beginning, it might throw you off because it isn't like the Troy McClure line. Now keep your eyes peeled because some of your favorite Breaking Bad characters might show up and say hi. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:49 But yeah, obviously Saul is the main character, but Mike the Cleaner is another big character in the show. I was turned off, though, by seeing that recent, this has little to do with Better Call Saul, but that Pop Chips commercial with the de-aged uh better uh bat breaking bad characters like that that's a bummer to see just let him be 10 years older who cares i don't think they de-aged them i think they used technology to just change the props in different scenes and like change the lines i don't care as far as i know i don't think they shot new scenes so it was instead manipulating old shots to and getting recorded audio from the actors yeah plugging it in the mouse or maybe even taking existing audio and
Starting point is 00:39:30 using ai to make them say new things it's just like the fred astaire dancing with the vacuum cleaner thing but now we've advanced to that level i see so it's creepy in a different way yeah okay it's uncanny though it's uncanny it looked like i thought it was a prank when i saw that this is a super bowl commercial in which it's a Pop Chips ad in which Pop Chips are the substitute for meth in familiar Breaking Bad scenes. It's the blue crystal they make. Yeah. And it's them selling it to the guy who really loves it. I mean, it was funny to see that guy take the bite of the chips and be like, we're going to sell this shit everywhere.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Or whatever the lines were look it's been a long time since I've seen Breaking Bad you mean Tuco yes Tuco yeah it's better than Sopranos I stopped watching the Sopranos I disagree maybe I'll watch it maybe I'll start the Sopranos again but yes yeah Better Call Saul
Starting point is 00:40:20 looking forward to watching the rest of that and also the new Beavis and Butt-Heads started on Paramount Plus season 2 is out it's going to roll out weekly we talked a lot about it when we talked about Beavis and Butt-Heads do the universe it is great and season 2 has started off in a very great way so please watch it because I hope they make more I'm behind
Starting point is 00:40:36 on that I need to give it a watch too other things I went to fucking Wisconsin as the Supreme Court there flipped for abortion so that was fun It's one of those things where I feel like I don't feel like we're in a bubble because unlike a lot of people, we're surrounded by all kinds of people and religions and it's very diverse here. But we also have a lot of freedoms other people in other states don't. So when I'm in Wisconsin
Starting point is 00:40:59 and the radio is on in the Uber, I'm like, oh God, this is one of those states where you can't have an abortion. And that's a lot of states to be fair but i'm just not used to that and then you feel like oh should i give the state my money and all the all these conflicted feelings but yes uh good things for wisconsin but good things for me because i went to the midwest gaming classic and i put on a retronauts panel it went great the audience really loved it i did it with cole ross and gary butterfield great guests on that panel i'm running out of things to buy at those conventions because i don't really collect anything,
Starting point is 00:41:25 but that's fine as well. And I saw a lot of Milwaukee. I ate many a cheese curd because everywhere you go, they serve fried cheese curds. I'm not a guinette, but I'm glad I don't live there because I would be
Starting point is 00:41:35 20 pounds heavier and I would need a second heart. Perhaps a baboon heart. They do look tasty in your photographs, yes, but my husband would be like, if I was there, my husband would be like Marge in there my husband would be like marge
Starting point is 00:41:45 in the auto show wishing it was never invented are you a cheese man i mean i don't say no to cheese i i honestly have had to lighten up on cheese a lot lately but yes no i love i mean uh yeah i love all the nachos i love if i if it's a burger or a cheeseburger i get cheese burger for sure but yeah i don't and as far as like a cheese tasting plate, I won't say I'm not a fancy cheese connoisseur. No. Okay. So we've discovered on a recent episode that you've never purchased nuts in your life. Have you ever purchased a block of cheese?
Starting point is 00:42:15 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Although I am the lazy type of person who more often buys shredded cheese, pre-shredded cheese. Oh, I do too. Or, you know, know of course as a kid growing up the polio string cheese or the similar like i like to some string mozzarella cheese and
Starting point is 00:42:31 of course i'm a pizza connoisseur as well so i'll have a good mousserel okay so mousserel as they say in the soprano you don't need to open your mind to the world of cheese yet no no i mean that's unhealthy enough that uh compared to uh compared to nuts i did buy a bag of mixed nuts recently i haven't opened them yet but uh look they seem all right what's wrong with the flavor no no i i'll give them a shot well i'm being is it like ashes in your mouth no no it's just okay i'll say another reason and listeners will hear all about this in our whole top nutsuts episode next week of American Dad. But I do think it's a little bit like a texture thing. I don't like biting on nuts.
Starting point is 00:43:11 They're just a little hard, and I have teeth worries sometimes. My teeth are good and strong. They've been fixed up. Well, unless you're cracking walnuts open with your teeth, I think you're okay. I know. fixed up unless you're cracking walnuts open with your teeth i think you're okay i know there's a you played the uh did you play this uh final fantasy 7 remake dlc the the yuffie dlc uh yeah yeah there's a whole thing about her having very tough nuts that break people's teeth when they bite on them and it's a running gag that she says like hey want a free i want a nut and somebody bites it like god it hurt my jaw that's what scares me about nuts
Starting point is 00:43:45 when i was watching every scene and i was like ah that that's a video game look i know i'm just doesn't happen in real life uh yeah i'll give these nuts a shot okay i'll give give it a good nut shot is what i said but yeah milwaukee looked beautiful in your photographs yes milwaukee's nice we went to the uh because i saw it name checked on Red Letter Media stuff, the Oriental Theater, a very nice old movie palace with like an Indian motif. Very beautiful. Out of all the old movie palaces I have visited, this one has been kept in the best shape. And if I lived in Milwaukee, I'd be there all the time.
Starting point is 00:44:15 It's an amazing movie palace and everything is just so well preserved. Like they really care. And as so many are closing around here in the bay area it makes me more appreciative of movie palaces like that that are still around and not shut down yeah i think it's because uh let's say not a lot of people are moving to milwaukee you know my airbnb was like 70 bucks a night holy shit uh so they're not looking to replace movie theaters with high rise condos you know i just got a fucking thing in the mail uh saying that another building on my block got bought and will not be a business anymore and is getting turned into apartments as well like yeah it's uh there's it's just gonna be apartments
Starting point is 00:44:56 for fucking students around here soon enough there'll be nothing to do yeah yeah what are these students supposed to do i also side tangent yesterday when i went on my walk it was like party day for the uh it was you know some big event going on in the college i live near the berkeley college folks and i saw any kid anybody who is under 30 to me now looks like a child like i was looking at these college-age students drinking and partying and playing ping pong like shirtless guys girls in bikini tops walking around drinking and i was like what are these children doing was my they're not even as old as american dad and i saw them drinking borgs which i only know about because of uh the sloppy boys podcast do you know what a borg is bob no i don't know what a borg is well i know the, I don't know what a Borg is. Well, I know the Star Trek Borg. I'm terrified of that.
Starting point is 00:45:45 This is almost as scary. So, okay. Partially, this is a safety concern to give yourself a drink yourself, so you're not going to be drinking out of a red cup, a red solo cup that people are going to maybe dose you something with. So, you get yourself a white carton of water, or sorry, a clear water cartonon like a gallon jug of milk get that empty it out so you could fit one liter of vodka into it you pour that into the mix it with the
Starting point is 00:46:15 water and then with like mio or some other flavoring aid and then you write a name a fun comedy name on it of like that uses the word borg in it and you will go around the party the whole time take the cap off take a sip and you're just sipping on your borg all night and you get wrecked because you are drinking a liter of vodka you know that's just training to be an alcoholic because you know i've just got my water bottle with me it's just clear water see and you're just chugging vodka all day in your office. So that was why, if I hadn't listened to that Sloppy Boys podcast, I would have been confounded by walking by all of these students holding water jugs that had Sharpie writing on it.
Starting point is 00:46:55 But because I knew about it, I was like, wow, these kids are getting tore up at noon on their Borgs. Wow, Borgs, eh? It's the new thing going around. Obviously, it's not made for people in their 40s. We would be hurt by Borgs wow borgs hey yep it's a new thing going around obviously it's not made for people in their 40s like you we would be hurt by borgs i had a hangover after having a beer and a whiskey soda one night uh because i'm getting older yeah yeah uh and then i went to the zoo in milwaukee which is also very nice because as a gift for like birthday or valentine's day i believe i think
Starting point is 00:47:20 it was valentine's day my wife like had me adopt one of the pandas which is just like you make a donation uh and we saw the little panda cinder the red panda not the inferior greater pandas i don't like them uh but yeah we saw the pandas just before they went into hiding you have to get there early to see the pandas you guys are red panda freaks we are these red pandas most of what we do all day when we're apart is send each other photos from our favorite japanese red panda accounts oh. That is adorable. And, okay, that's all my extracurricular activities, Henry. What about you? Well, for playing, I've been
Starting point is 00:47:51 chipping away at Pokemon and Marvel Snap. There's a man in Marvel Snap in June. They're bringing in four new spider character related cards because Spider-Verse is coming out and I am so excited for all you have to buy those of course yeah it's gonna cost like 20 bucks 20 bucks well for four cards
Starting point is 00:48:10 and it's like a season yeah actually yes uh but it's like a season pass unlock thing is it included with your season pass yes yeah so basically i don't know what the economy for these things is i'm gonna pay oh yeah well so i'm gonna pay 15 bucks for the season pass and they will unlock as i play the game and and get up to level 50 okay because i only play pikmin bloom and frankly they're leaving money on the table i don't feel like i'm being fleeced at all no i doing both at the same time snap and pikmin bloom pikmin bloom really is like i don't have to spend a dollar on it uh i i've spent maybe 20 total on it for marvel snap it's over 100 at this point i've spent in the year i've been playing and i think or it's not even a year yet but close to
Starting point is 00:48:52 it but i do really like playing it it's the most i and you know i don't like playing uh online games against people but marvel snap i really do like it you know most games are like that now when it comes to online like you never hear words or see faces or get texts. It's just like, that other character's another person, but it doesn't matter that they are or not. They can send one of five emojis to me. Yeah, yeah. It's all very child-proofed.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Because, like, I was playing, I was actually playing Call of Duty with my friends. And that's still, like, you can hear voices and stuff. And we let some guy on our team because we killed the rest of his team. And it's literally like a seven-year-old. And we let some guy on our team because we killed the rest of his team. And it's literally like a seven year old. And my friend is like, why does this guy leave his mic on? And I'm like, he's seven years old.
Starting point is 00:49:30 That's why he was born when Trump was in office. Oh, my God, man. Yeah, actually, I walked also more college talk. I was wearing my Steven Universe hoodie this morning and I walked by a girl who like said hey nice hoodie and I looked at her and again I'm thinking you cannot be more than 20 and doing the math in my head
Starting point is 00:49:54 Steven Universe debuted a decade ago this year so she was friggin 10 when that show debuted and I was an adult working at a video did you feel like a little pervert a little if I? A little. If I wasn't, I do have the cover of like, hey, I'm a homosexual, so I can wear...
Starting point is 00:50:09 Just be like, I worked on the show. Don't ask any other questions. Let me pull out my photo I have with the creator of it. She was on my podcast. More than once. Yeah, so, and then the other game I've been playing, Vladimir Putin couldn't Stop It. Advance Wars is out for the Switch.
Starting point is 00:50:29 We did an entire Retronauts podcast about it a year ago. Oh, God. And then we invaded the Ukraine. Yeah, that was inconvenient. But it's finally out now. If you liked classic Advance Wars, so far I'm only like three hours in. It is a quality remake. WayForward is a really good developer i think they are i would have rathered intelligent systems make a new one
Starting point is 00:50:52 but if it's just going to be a remake and it's not going to be done internally nintendo way forward is a great american developer that has the utmost respect for classic franchises like advanced wars and the music is still there i love the music i hear in my head every day but it's probably it probably sounds a lot better because it's not through the hissy game boy advanced speakers that's yes i assume that they remastered it with real instruments and stuff right it's it does sound like that yeah i and and also they have new animation for all the characters and a slightly improved localization. So yeah, it's Advance Wars. Gets a thumbs up from me if you're looking for something to do with your Switch before
Starting point is 00:51:34 Tears of the Kingdom come out. Give Advance Wars 1 and 2 Boot Camp a shot. I bought it too with that voucher program that nobody understands but is really useful once you learn it. bought it too with the uh that voucher program that nobody understands but is really useful once you learn it yes because i paid 100 bucks for two vouchers and i pre-ordered pikmin 4 and tears of the kingdom so i got 130 games for 100 bucks that's basically it yeah and i i did the same with advanced wars and tears of the kingdom too and then if i had wanted to buy i mean i'm going to get pikmin 6 uh pikmin four you'll get pikmin six eventually
Starting point is 00:52:05 i will well will it come out before we're both dead so i did this math on this bob that i thought pikmin three and four wasn't that far apart right it's a decade to the day almost like it was july 2013 and july 2023 i think between pikmin two and three it was nine years it's actually less time than between 3 and 4 i couldn't believe that obviously those nine years felt shorter or longer to me than the last 10 years but uh so anyway yeah that's that's what i've been playing as we're watching stuff i finished the new season of mando the mandalorian is good is good definitely better than book of boba fett uh but now that i know that they are making a movie that will be like the event movie that caps off all of these things now i'm just seeing all of the pieces being set on the board and it's a lot of it's not just
Starting point is 00:52:59 the little show it started out as yeah they we they just had the uh i think since our last talk to the audience they had the announcements of all the different star wars things and i thought boy you know i'm glad i'm just kind of on the periphery because it seems like a lot of work to just keep up with this stuff yeah you have at least two shows a year you gotta watch and uh they haven't put out a movie since episode nine uh four years ago but uh seemingly they are going to put out three movies one of them is a mandalorian universe movie set in that same frame another stars daisy ridley she's coming back as ray and seemingly no one else is it sounds like i mean if you look at her imdb she's not as busy as the other stars of the the new trilogy she couldn't be as mean in the press it sounds like
Starting point is 00:53:42 as uh some other folks she uh yeah i wish she had the john boyega of like fuck this attitude or the oscar isaac attitude of well if i want a whole bunch of money i guess i'll come back but right now i don't want a whole bunch of money uh and so also i hate to endorse the hbo max app because it uh hbo max is only doing or max thank you thank you Max is only doing dumb things and canceling shows I like but there are five new episodes of Craig of the Creek on there and the show's really good but it also makes me sad
Starting point is 00:54:13 because I know it's been canceled like so there's an end date coming and it really sucks that all the cool people I know that worked on Craig of the Creek don't work on Craig of the Creek anymore Craig of the Creek anymore Craig of the Creep is the Halloween theme series that the creek anymore craig of the creek anymore craig of the creep is the halloween theme series that was uh going to be a spinoff and then it got canceled by max uh and as for movies uh me and bob both saw chop and steel we if you listen to auto show we
Starting point is 00:54:36 were talking about it without having seen it now we've seen it and got to hang out with nick and joe in person and chop and steel gets a thumbs up from us it was it was really good yeah it's basically the story of Nick Pruer and Joe Pickett of the found footage festival who they are and how basically a series of pranks escalated into a lawsuit but ultimately the movie sells itself on being about a lawsuit that's a minor part but I was okay with that it's kind of like a through line that is used to structure a story about what it's like to build your life around having a weird internet job it was uh it was extra interesting to be me and bob watching it together and afterwards saying like hey that's us isn't it this is this is kind of similar to our lives which we got to tell nick and joe in person they were they were very nice nick nick got us uh he shared his free drinks with us at the alamo draft yes we got free tickets free drinks
Starting point is 00:55:29 and they were so nice to us and they're great guests too so great great guys and we got the frisbee fuckers frisbee you caught it i kind of like slapped it to you yeah it was it was a team effort yeah and uh also with movies uh i can talk a ton about it but i've i've been doing a rewatch of wes anderson movies i haven't watched him forever is that because we saw the wizard and Also with movies, I can talk a ton about it, but I've been doing a rewatch of Wes Anderson movies that I haven't watched in forever. Is that because we saw The Wizard and you loved how it was shot? You know, that exacerbated it. But it was the new trailer for Asteroid City
Starting point is 00:55:55 made me realize there's three now two Wes Anderson films I actually haven't watched. So I was like, you know what? I should watch him and I wanted to read I broke out my Rushmore Criterion Collection I don't think I can watch Rushmore with like a truly critical
Starting point is 00:56:14 eye anymore because I watched it when I was literally the age of the main character in it and it is the exact like gifted kid bullshit that little snot boy I'd like to punch him good he learns his lesson at the end he does get punched good if you watch the movie you're right yeah i only saw it once uh and also i finally watched that rrr movie oh run run we run no that's what i
Starting point is 00:56:37 watched last month uh no the the indian blockbuster and uh i gotta say america's propaganda needs to catch the fuck up we cannot match it's uh though yes you do get the weird feeling of as an ignorant american to indian history you get the weird feeling of i'm watching propaganda aren't i then i read multiple articles about like yeah this is them papering over this history or ignoring this muslim person who helped or even it yes there's is it is it problematic if you know anything about indian history seemingly so but is a fun action movie yes it's a whole lot of fun and america's got to catch up and yeah i also saw that dungeon dragon movie pretty good pretty good not great it's fine though i i liked it is good i i i wish that the place i saw it was selling that giant drink that Nina had when she watched D&D.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Sorry, only in Canada. Americans are not responsible to have three ounces of liquor in a mixed drink at the movies. I get it. We aren't. We aren't. We take out our guns and shoot everyone in the theater. So, yeah, that's most of the films I saw this month. And soon I'll be watching
Starting point is 00:57:45 isle of dogs uh and look i gotta be in completion report back on that please i i'm curious and it's it's the only wes anderson film that's on disney plus also that's great it's a fox movie that's why right though fantastic mr fox should be on there too because it's also i mean it's literally a fox movie but it is also a fox makes yeah let's move on to uh questions in the comments we're talking Simpsons the first episode of course is Black Widower and Thad Komorowski says uh to shock us all the Dean and Jerry reunion is a myth they had several public appearances together beforehand it just may have been the most widely seen one jerry lewis's archivist bob firmanic gave a presentation about it at the moma i was not there thad but i'll take your word
Starting point is 00:58:30 for it but yeah we were all lied to yeah which it's again like this was in real journalism things like i read it was uh in like hollywood reporter just treating it as like a fact of like yep they and i guess it's like they say in the man who shot liberty valence they want to print the legend they don't nobody wants to talk about the real history and i mean even you want to see the clips of jerry lewis on larry king saying like yep that was when we finally reunited and we had a good time and now i i should have counted on thad knowing that it wasn't true and that they'd they'd been together many times they were just doing it for the camera and now they're in hell for lying that's how it works and and
Starting point is 00:59:10 other things yeah lots of other things all the secret murders also on that episode michael bentley says regarding the discussion of the sex appeal of a young frank sinatra some of it came from the early days as a crooner these were singers who realized that electric microphones meant that you could sing in a quieter, more intimate manner than in the days before amplification. Sinatra's young female fans were likely first encountering his voice in a shockingly personal format, adding to his sex appeal. An earlier crooner, Rudy Valli, claimed, quote, claimed his sex appeal consisted of a phallic quality in his singing. This Web 1.0 book excerpt has an overview of the whole phenomenon. And then he links to Roots of Rock is the book there.
Starting point is 00:59:56 So are the reporting. So, yeah, I didn't. The way Bentley talks about it, it sounds like that Frank Sinatra was one of the early ASMR guys. He came after the megaphone crooners. Ad machine, ad machine, all day long. But I never thought of like, that's why they were literally called crooners. And that is how the parodies in Looney Tunes were animated of Sinatra. His mouth is like over the microphone.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Holding it like a woman. Yes. Yeah. And then the ladies all lay their eggs as it were. They certainly do. Moving on to the frying game. Boy, what an episode that was. And Bradford Baker says, circling back to the Scream-A-Pillar, the quote unquote, maybe
Starting point is 01:00:40 this species just wants to die out is, I think, a long running take about pandas and their problems with mating and captivity and digesting food. After a certain previous episode, maybe it's good for the writers to take a break from pandas directly. And yeah, I saw a lot of that panda commentary around this time. There's like a line in Fight Club, like, I want to put a bolt in the head of every panda who won't mate or whatever. People were just mad about pandas. Yeah, it was seen as a wasteful thing like what what isn't what isn't wasteful in our society yeah and i guess actually the what baker's talking about the disgusting panda love scene is also about how pandas in captivity
Starting point is 01:01:18 often don't have sex and create more pandas so uh yeah i suppose it was on the minds of the simpson writers at the time i mean if we're going to pretend that we own the world and we do uh pretend uh we should at least you know keep things alive because don't look at how fast things are not being alive it will scare you yeah it'll be well it'll be like that scene in uh smiling friends where a character says like we're running out of helium in the world and the looks it up is like that's that's for real that's not a joke that's really happening and it's just it's one of those facts that makes you sad and uh carlos ramirez has a great point that i'm uh neither of us can't thought of during the recording since season 13 is in the era of needing to compete with the crassness of south Park and Family Guy, it's important to note that this episode seems like a complete ripoff of the season 3, episode 17,
Starting point is 01:02:09 Family Guy, titled Brian Wallows and Peter's Swallows. In 2002, I actually got the two mixed up. In Family Guy, Peter grows a beard because he loves Grizzly Adams, and then it's thick enough an endangered bird makes his beard home and has three babies in it while an epa type tells him he can't get rid of them and in the same episode the other storyline features a dui arrested brian doing community service by doing meals on wheels and befriending a reclusive old lady with an interesting past it is the same like and we did
Starting point is 01:02:46 that for a what a cartoon many years ago it's a good family guy episode too a good uh early one it has a great song in it but i can't believe when we were doing this one i wasn't thinking maybe that's another reason why i didn't like that frying game episode because i had to seen that family guy and was thinking wait this is similar to that family guy episode because i had to see that family guy and was thinking wait this is similar to that family guy episode simpson should not be making me think they are copying for family guy needs to be the other way around obviously there was no theft because they aired like five months apart so yeah and oh and then peter's swallows also has a great song in it unlike this episode yeah this one should have had music in it, a sung song.
Starting point is 01:03:25 Let's move on to the auto show. And Drew Mackey says, Unless I am mistaken, the entity most associated with the lyrics to Spanish Flea that Homer sings is the Doodle Town Pipers, which sound made up but are real. And in season eight, they get name checked as a band that Homer likes. Weird circularity of pop culture references here. And here is the quote from The Mysterious voyage of homer homer is looking at records look at these records jim neighbors glenn campbell the doodle town pipers now look at her records
Starting point is 01:03:54 they stink i love and it's a great image he like shoves her records to the side like they stink and god that's such a good line but i didn't yeah you know i the the artist i mentioned in the episode that was the first one that came up when i was looking for the lyric version but now i gotta look up this doodletown pipers version which that's just a funny it's funny to hear homer say bad band names like doodletown pipers or starland vocal band we never saw that tattoo again uh also on that episode uh comments on we on me says kent brockman's reference to riots at the premiere of mozart's the magic flute is most likely referring to the riot at the premiere of igor stravinsky's ballet the right of spring in
Starting point is 01:04:37 1913 the popular narrative is that the avant-garde style of the composition was so shocking that people in the audience exploded in rage at it but this has likely been exaggerated by history it's a line that always confuses me because it's such a specific thing to get wrong and i have to assume that kent naming the wrong classical piece here is just a joke that doesn't really land i think i saw somebody else say that's like it's probably just that they didn't have google and they misremembered the wrong one that person was me oh yes that was me hey i think this bob guy's right about i feel like if it was a joke could be bigger i feel this is just like people misremembering a fact when there wasn't an easy way to look it up which is which will happen in the future on the simpsons you know just like oh wasn't this thing i think that happened but it turns out to be like
Starting point is 01:05:21 an urban legend or something you know comparatively uh a lot more shows, they had a good batting average for how many times they guessed at a memory of something without the internet to help them. Moving on to what a cartoon movie, Chicken Run. And I will say that I think that's why I was so unimpressed by the Mario movie. I just rewatched Chicken Run and it's so good. It has a real script and characters and all the stuff you want in a movie all the movie parts are here it's a perfectly plotted film compared to Mario which is like
Starting point is 01:05:52 a plot by committee kind of film well my baby sucked on his fist and he loved that whole movie I'm sorry parents we love you Adam E says I'm enjoying the discussion on the UK itself as it's always funny how often I hear Americans refer to the UK as simply England. Well, most of the time it's not untrue since they probably are from England.
Starting point is 01:06:10 There could be baggage from that. The full title of the UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain in Northern Ireland. Even though I'm from London slash England, I personally prefer to refer myself as British because in my experience, there is often a hint of nationalism when people are loud about referring to themselves as english as opposed to british especially in recent years though having not lived there for the past six years now i don't know if it makes much sense these days um yeah i it's still in my head even with this clarification i'll just think is it is it uk is it britain or is it england and then when i think of someone from there i'm like are you british or are you english i still will mix it up but i appreciate the clarification no i've had i've had welsh and scots people tell me like hey it's not
Starting point is 01:06:50 i'm not english i'm british like i i i also and i worked with british people for years and still i mean i also had antipathy towards them so it's like well how much is wales bullshit how many countries you got in this damn country i would i would joke to them and mean it because i didn't like them but um you know i they're doing better than us even with brexit you know i don't know they're like worse than us in some way when they lose their health insurance then we can say they're on our level all right fine yeah no well that's why it always surprises me when england like does something that's more closed minded than america like usually with trans stuff that i'm just like that we're catching up sadly it really sucks but it makes me go like i thought you guys are supposed to be better than us what
Starting point is 01:07:34 the fuck is this shit but also they're just sad they're just sad they're like number three now like they they want to act like america's equal we're not even china's equal anymore they want to act like they're america's equal and they're not even China's equal anymore. They want to act like they're America's equal and they're number one. It's like, no, you're like our little dog. Like, yeah. And I'm happy with whatever Canada, whatever their rank is. They're in a different competition entirely. You know, by being in North America, I feel like they're ahead of England.
Starting point is 01:07:57 But then again, they do have to you're going to have to swear to King Charles eventually. If you take a government job, I suppose you would. Yeah. I just watched a great clip of Robert Smith of The Cure talking about how much he hates the fucking royals and how he never would take any honor from them. He said, I've done more than they've ever done. Who are they to call me a fucking sir? Fuck them. Well, I won't use paper money and I want to look at those people on my canadian money i didn't use a single bit of nah i i paid with a
Starting point is 01:08:29 card everywhere when i was in vancouver i didn't see one loony or toony oh uh but uh yeah uh also on that episode speaking of english things uh yancey senior says there i just actually i just did i said english instead of british speaking about British things, Yancey Sr. says, I hate to be that guy, but Mr. Tweedy and Wallace do not have the same accent. Wallace is from Lancashire, and Mr. Tweedy is from Yorkshire, two counties with a longstanding rivalry. Hence why Gromit froze the bomb over the Yorkshire border in Loaf and Death. Thank you. throws the bomb over the yorkshire border in loaf and death thank you so that's why the evil mr
Starting point is 01:09:06 tweety is a yorkshire man instead of a sweet nice lancashire man uh like wallace the vile yorkshires uh now we're learning uh moving on to what a cartoon uh the episode in april was mr show with bob and david and maru chan sub says i have to assume this is the account that subs the maru chan doing doing great job i just saw they posted another classic they they uh subtitle that obviously don't get to be on youtube anymore but you can find them it's easy yeah uh so they say after a spotty history of making people watch mr show sketches and getting lukewarm reactions at best i tried showing off the Fairsley sketch a few years ago at a party thinking it was a slam
Starting point is 01:09:48 dunk. I was instead greeted with righteous fury from a woman in her mid-twenties about the horrible injustices on display and how there was nothing funny about the misery being inflicted on that poor man by a cruel and abusive competitor. But she did chuckle at the cock ring warehouse commercial, however.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Hey, any cock will do. That's what he says. That's what Bill Odenkirk says, the man with a PhD in a chicken outfit. The list of all of the different cock rings. I was the dumb kid teen with my friends saying, but what's a cock ring for? I did not understand what a cock ring was for. Did they? At least a couple did though i would say of our
Starting point is 01:10:26 group of six i think two had had sex at that point i see yes you know no one's making cock ring jokes anymore they must still be getting used right you're asking the wrong guy i mean in general yes look i they're not in my repertoire we're saying saying too much. Sorry. But anyway, I understand how somebody watching the Fairsley sketch will just think it's too mean or you're just laughing at someone's misery. But as we said on the episode, I love that dark, dark sketch. And James Babbo says on the same podcast back in the 90s if you hung out in the lower east side of new york city especially in the horseshoe bar on 7th and avenue b famous for the attempted murder scene of frank pentangeli godfather 2 you could meet alt comedy performers my friends and i drank and smoked weed with members of the state often that's how we found out about a new live alt show starting that week called stella At the first performance,
Starting point is 01:11:25 there were more people on stage than in the audience. Later, when the word got out, it became standing room only. I spilled my scotch down the back of a wasted Ben Stiller, and he didn't notice, but I digress. Quick aside, I am very jealous this person got to see Stella's earliest performances. Me too. Continuing, one night at the horseshoe bar 98 or 99 I spied David Cross sitting with Laura Keitlinger being on a being a pushy rude fan I pulled up a chair asked a bunch of Mr. Show questions and got autographs Dave wrote I love you Laura wrote David can't possibly love you more than me because the state guys were so friendly I didn't get the hint that they didn't want me around clearly david and laura were on a date in retrospect it was very rude to sit with
Starting point is 01:12:10 them but if they had asked me to leave i would have done so gladly instead david got increasingly angry and motioned laura not to speak he ignored me until i left which hey we've all not followed social cues when meeting famous people i guess the closest closest I came to that, and I don't think I broke any social boundaries, but I just had seen, it was Michael Showalter and Michael Ian Black not doing Stella, although I did see them do Stella later. It was just them doing different acts on stage. And it went over very well. The audience loved it.
Starting point is 01:12:40 But when the show ended, they were incredibly sullen. And I wanted them to sign my copy of stella the dvd and they barely like even looked at me or looked at the dvd i just have like messy scrolls on my dvd to this day just like not even looking just like scribbling on and giving it back to me man why were they so if it went so well why were they sad oh i've turned against michael liam black these days well that's true maybe he got a bad email from from his best friend, Megan McCain. Has he still been hacked? Is he still hacked and he can't come back?
Starting point is 01:13:10 I haven't looked. I mean, I unfollowed him a long time ago. It's sad because MIB was one of my first Twitter follows. And now, I mean, it really was Bernie Sanders. Like, that's why. The 2016 campaign of Bernie Sanders was when i unfollowed him because he just was too insufferable uh yes he got his account back thank god well he was one of the first person i thought people i followed he's like one of the first guys on twitter period
Starting point is 01:13:34 he had funny tweets back in the day and then you could and you still get those fun moments on twitter you know obviously twitter is a touchy subject we're in the blue check era right now but i just saw a fun thing that i followed that account uh mr imamura the retired nintendo artist he had such a fun tweet uh and i'm basing this on google translate on his tweet but i would trust it he was talking about how he did the original uh in-game art for so much of Donkey Kong 1994 for the Game Boy. And he was sharing even the Super Game Boy image, the fake arcade cabinet. And I was like, man, this is what Twitter is for. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 01:14:17 Yeah, I consulted that account a lot when I was doing my Star Fox episodes of Retronauts last year. It was a great follow. And I and all the other listeners of that episode appreciate you, Bob, alerting us of Mr. Imamura. Moving on to Talking Futurama, Bender should not be allowed on television, and Joe Hodgson says, As a former punk rocker, I was really tickled to hear TV Party and Futurama
Starting point is 01:14:39 and the parody at the end, even though Black Flag wasn't one of my go-to bands. I mostly knew them as a result of being really into the Misfits. And there's a lot of overlap between those two bands and fan bases. TV Party was also the only Black Flag music video I ever saw on MTV. I seem to recall some of my friends who are more into Black Flag somewhat turning up their nose at TV Party as a result. Because if anything from our little isolated world of punk rock threatens to even approach mainstream we were conditioned to not like it yeah no i mean getting a music video and also that the song has the potential at crossover appeal because it's kind of uh like catchy and could be a little novelty i could see why definitely that's the worst thing if you want to be seen as a real punk band which black flag
Starting point is 01:15:23 definitely wanted to be i think to date still it's the only black flag song i know this tv party you know it's uh if if i were to pull up a playlist maybe i'd recognize well that's cheating yeah if i were to read a list of songs then i could name some songs maybe if i listen to them i'd be like oh wait i do know this song but nope nothing else coming to mind right now we're i'm a poser when people say you haven't heard blank my response is you know how many songs there are get out of here yeah you haven't read these books have you exactly and i i bob has read many books i haven't read uh also on that episode andrew giacchetti says maybe it's my age just being a bit younger but i've never found the dwight and cubert episodes to be all that bad this is easily the
Starting point is 01:16:05 best one and honestly a favorite and oft quoted of mine but admittedly it's all 100 because of bender calculon and the tv executives the execu bots came back in comedy central's run and hopefully the hulu run has them make an appearance i will throw my tv into the street with disgust if there is no tinny tim i'd be sad to see no tinny tim in the new season as well which i think i read somewhere that like it'll be this summer uh debut as of this recording uh we're in we're on april 23rd right now in our timeline uh yeah there's hubbub online that the new season could start in july on hulu then they'd have to reveal it pretty soon well you know in may comic-con oh of course yeah well
Starting point is 01:16:45 that'd be early early june is comic-con or mid-ish june so they could definitely be like here's the debut of comic-con and it's on hulu now i could definitely see that they love comic-con they really do drama yeah uh moving on to uh talking in the hill peggy pageant fever and i yank this from the community tab on Patreon. Yes, there's a secret tab with all these messages on it you might not know about but this is from that tab and Yancy Senior says Cotton style surgery does exist.
Starting point is 01:17:14 I found out recently a type of surgery where the lower leg is amputated but the foot is attached to the knee. It's a little bit different to how cotton has it though as the foot is actually attached facing backwards. Why, you may be wondering? Well, it's for prosthetics. The foot goes into a false leg, and I guess it makes it more mobile or comfy.
Starting point is 01:17:31 It's called a rotationplasty. Pretty amazing. So I guess to sum up here, he's saying your lower leg is amputated. Your feet are attached backwards to where your knee is in order to for prosthetics to fit better i see wow and then they'd move better the up that's interesting man so you still wouldn't be walking in the cotton style no but that's uh that is interesting i you know that reminds me of one wrestling thing i'll say i saw this month too which was a uh a great match that a great ladder match that ended with a horrible injury that i it was one of those ones where there's no blood there's no like bone sticking
Starting point is 01:18:11 out but you see a move done and then i notice that guy's foot is turned the opposite way like it's a 180 on his foot and i i i hope dante martin uh all the best in his recovery he's a young guy so hopefully all these guys are getting hurt dan hausen's getting hurt it's a dangerous job it's a dangerous yeah dan hausen he's still recovering if you're listening dan hausen we wish you all the best get well soon buddy same to dante martin and the final comment we have this month is from echo simeron who says on that King of the Hill episode, The comment about kids whose parents share all their photos online reminded me that the kid from the Bad Luck Brian meme recently starred in a car insurance commercial for The General.
Starting point is 01:18:57 So at least he got something out of the internet saying he looks like a dork all those years. Yeah, the Bad Luck Brian meme i i totally forgot about that one i think too me too because it's just an image it's like it's like one of the advice animal style like meme images which now that's like from the early 2010s i want to say maybe late yeah it's whatever elon musk is posting right yes and when i think my first thought of like bad luck brian i was like wait is that the is that the the opposite of the dude who's smoking uh the feels good no that feels good man is pepe but the guy with the the blunt in his mouth who and it's like everything works
Starting point is 01:19:36 out for him kind of guy but but look i i'm now i'm sounding very old as old as elon musk uh but that i'm glad that kid uh that who's now an adult i got got at least a little paycheck from the general which the general is i love how cheap it is i hope the general never like looks better as a cgi if you don't know out there the general is a car insurance guy who is extremely cheap and bad cgi and that's kind of what i love about him you know i was looking at like another meme kid and what happened to him he doesn't have a uh a ad deal but i was like what happened to the i like turtles kid do you know the i like turtles kid i do know of him okay in case you don't know
Starting point is 01:20:15 listeners uh it's a kid on local tv he's at some like fair or something he's painted up like a zombie and the reporter puts the mic in his face and all he says is, I like turtles, and that's it. But he's doing well, and I'm sure he still likes turtles, but he's not a, you know, with Shaquille O'Neal in a general ad. That's a good, that's good to know. I only know it because there's a pro wrestler named Darby Allen who looks like that kid and has face paint on it. Like he's a thin, very thin guy with blonde hair
Starting point is 01:20:46 and paints his face and uh his enemies have sometimes called him the i like turtles kid apparently this guy still likes turtles a lot so you know he stayed true to his roots i guess turtles are great yeah they're they you know i i'm scared of being bitten by one but they seem pretty nice just don't pick them up because they're covered in disease like most wild animals. Oh, yes. Don't do that. Yeah. Thanks for listening to another episode.
Starting point is 01:21:09 Talk to the audience, folks. It's going to be a very, very busy month in May on the Patreon because we've got Talking to the Hill, Talking Futurama, Blah Blah Batman, and also Toy Story 4 for everybody that's a patron at slash Talking Simpsons. And I am currently mostly my wife because she's doing all the work uh looking for a place to live in vancouver uh and it's it's very busy times for me so uh thanks for keeping on the patreon we really appreciate it yeah oh and you know what i another thing we're going to be doing this month and we'll do it to
Starting point is 01:21:39 promote our pals we hate movies is coming to california this month and if you want to see them on may 18th maybe you'll be in the same audience as us in san francisco at cobb's comedy club i've been there before i think i saw i think i saw what is kids you know there perform yeah hey i was in that same audience did they do the they did the lincoln sketch there right uh yes it's the perfect place to do it. That's why it works a lot better. When I saw it live, I was like, oh, that works a lot better live. I understand it now.
Starting point is 01:22:13 But yes, thanks for listening, folks. We'll see you again next time for another episode of Talk to the Audience. Take care. Wow. Infotainment.

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