Talking Simpsons - Talk to the Audience?!? - January 2021

Episode Date: February 3, 2021

At long last, 2021 has arrived, along with our first community podcast of the new year! Listen in as we discuss the recent passing of a Simpsons writer, more political Simpsons predictions, the debut ...of a new voice actor, the return of Disenchantment, the case of the missing Simpsons calendars, and more! And, as always, we read and respond to your questions and comments about the most recent round of episodes. Listen in and get ready for another year packed with great podcasts! Support this podcast and get hundreds of bonus episodes by visiting and becoming a patron! Check out our new shirts on TeePublic! And please follow the new official Twitter, @TalkSimpsonsPod!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I heartily endorse this event or product. Joe Biden ought to do more thinking and less Biden than who is here with me today. Hey, it's Henry Gilbert wearing my Memorial Nacho hat for this wonderful episode. And in case you don't know, Talk to the Audience is our monthly community podcast. And in this podcast, we go over what's happening in the Simpsons world and in our world. And then we respond to questions and comments from the last month's worth of episodes. And if you're on the Patreon, this is the last episode of the month in the Talking Simpsons slot. And if you're on the free feed, this is the first episode of the month in the talking simpson slot and if you're on the free fee this is the first episode of the month in the talking simpson slot and yes the biden era has begun and it is time to heal so we are here and we're currently healing yeah i'm casting so many spells uh and we signed a bunch of podcast executive orders yesterday
Starting point is 00:00:59 we've uh we've just declared war on family guy it's now enemy of the state yeah you know we we put more sanctions on them it just asked those that's not the same as droning someone we will starve seth mcfarlane out but uh yeah no we are recording this the day after the inauguration so we're a little politics punchy but uh january you know it's uh it was something this january wasn't it so many things happened between the recording of the last talk to the audience in this one because we recorded that probably at the last possible moment we could have recorded it maybe like two days before it went live uh yeah yeah and uh so that was at the very end of december and many things happened i got married
Starting point is 00:01:38 and then i came back to america on the day of the uh quote-unquote coup yep it was more of a selfie opportunity i know people died but once they got into the building they're like i guess we just hang out here and climb things and they were waiting for the final order for trump to go like and now kill everybody it's like but they wouldn't he didn't do it when the moment came he was just like uh hey turn it down guys like don't be violent like oh oh god i mean there's gonna be a little bit of politics in this episode but he sold everyone out immediately the second he was gonna get in big boy trouble the second he caught a whiff of big boy trouble he was just like uh i wish joe biden best of luck yeah everybody shut up and go home and what surprised me was that there was not there has
Starting point is 00:02:18 not been a q drop since december 8th q should have launched some kind of message during that siege so yeah because now every i mean it's good it's a good thing but now all the q and on people are completely disillusioned i really want to see what happens to them now we're talking about the handling of a brand of q yeah i i'm glad they're disempowered and i i obviously i am glad trump didn't actually tell his followers to like literally kill everyone in congress but yeah i mean it also so that was two weeks ago yeah and then he got impeached again which had to happen like he he did incite a mob of people to storm congress like there's uh it's weird i'm glad they finally impeached him on something that
Starting point is 00:02:58 wasn't just like an incredibly complicated russiagate thing that ultimately makes no sense and it isn't very exciting this one's obvious it's like you told people to storm congress and they did yes i mean this is such old news and these are very old takes on it but i thought it was especially funny how he was like let's go over there and i'll go with you and then he didn't go with them and he immediately disavowed everybody oh god and then and then he went away from twitter no more trump on twitter which uh does feel good it's like yeah i i mean who's gonna be in the replies to people you can't you're gonna be in the replies to donald trump jr like no why waste your time one of the funniest things about his basically tacit call for a coup was that that entire speech ended with uh the playing of ymca yes it was totally on brand
Starting point is 00:03:46 not even macho man that was the time for macho man oh god and even seeing like here the shot you've probably seen it of him getting on air force one for the final time yesterday as macho man played oh i missed the playing of macho man yeah apparently i at first i thought it was a fake thing added over it but it was like no he had finished his speech and they played macho man as he walked to the plane and he was doing it he was it wasn't his most enthusiastic hand pump but it was there yeah but it took the wind out of old donnie sales but yeah those are our like uh just a shotgun blast of political uh news up front but we live we just live through all of that it's not simpsons related but we just experience it all in america yes yes simpsons predicted it uh well we'll get to that news uh but
Starting point is 00:04:30 yes simpsons news uh we have some unfortunate news up front in that a passing of a simpsons writer uh we recorded i believe it was insane clown poppy and that's where i said one of the writers was the only other writer outside of sam simon who passed away there's actually another one don payne yeah so don payne passed away in like 2013 uh also jay michael mendel he's another writer uh he was a regular writer i believe in season five along with this guy he also passed away he was on rick and morty the last thing he did so i was wrong about that so there's two other people but now there's three and unfortunately david richardson who was a supervising producer on season five uh passed away recently uh he only has one credited episode to his name but that episode
Starting point is 00:05:13 is homer loves flanders yes a true classic of an episode and i i remember he's pretty funny on the commentary because he sounds like he was kind of miserable writing on the simpsons and he tells the story of like writing the script for this one while um living while dating an unnamed actress who was like filming something and he was at the filming location but i mean he only wrote one episode but if you look at season five's credits he is supervising producer on all of it so he had an impact on that entire amazing season and i noticed that with merkin took over there was a ton of hires because as we talked about like 85 of the simpson staff left at the end of season four and i have noticed like richardson and a few others were only there for season five so i feel like not everyone uh jived with merkin's kind of style i think yeah or his
Starting point is 00:06:01 leadership his kind of leadership yeah i mean there's there's the story on the record uh about difficulties in the writer's room as uh during season five I mean I think a major sticking point was the critic crossover and Merkin sided with Brooks while a lot of the writers on the Simpsons at the time did not uh like it that much and it's it's weird because i do i do believe personally that season five is the best season of simpsons and i think merkin uh led it well but creatively but you just hear these stories it sounds like boy high turnover under merkin lots of people not happy and uh i mean i've heard and i've heard things said by writers on the commentaries that feel like, boy, I feel like you're talking around your anger towards Merkin or your disappointment in a Merkin script or something.
Starting point is 00:06:54 I feel like those battles were so long ago they can laugh about them, but a lot of people were probably miserable. But yeah, even Bill Oakley and Josh Weinstein on our interviews were like, we clearly didn't really get along, so he just sent us away to work on our own. And that honestly, I think, made it a better season five so great. You look at the ratio of episodes season five, like half the season is Merkin with new writers, or he wrote the script himself, and he's got so many great writers.
Starting point is 00:07:21 And then I think the 40% to 50% of the season are Swartzwelder or Oakley and Weinstein, and those ones seem almost like their own thing away from that then get merkinized. But anyway, back to David Richardson. But yeah, just a very long and storied career, only on Simpsons for a year, but just so many things to his credit. He passed away at 65. Yeah, I think he was like exec producer or co-exec producer on f is for family yeah that was the most recent one uh his most recent role as a writer yeah it's uh very very sad and actually uh the
Starting point is 00:07:57 writer the creator of that show retweeted me when i gave more credits about richardson just to give context yeah michael price yeah the co-creator with burr yeah yeah he follows me on twitter we might be able to get him for an interview price then yeah all right this uh but yeah then he can tell us more about richardson too i think but it's uh yeah the the inventor of the nacho hat is uh no longer with us and they uh have not seen one of those to date so what the hell when we get sports back you have to celebrate by you know building the nacho hat for fans i guess construction wise it is kind of i've watched uh youtube videos of like trying to make the nacho hat and it's like uh it can't really maintain its shape and also the nacho to cheese ratio is kind of off yeah it will scald your skull too yes that too yeah or you've got room temperature
Starting point is 00:08:45 cheese and that's not very dippable no you can't do that you gotta act fast with that nacho hat so uh up next in our news a little tweet went viral comparing the uh old opening the old non-hd opening of the simpsons to the newer one that's now been in use for over 10 years uh and i've seen this before actually this is the latest time i've seen it uh on my twitter feed and it's a comparison of marge uh turning her head to see maggie's in the grocery bag in each respective opening you can really see how very very stiff and robotic it is in the new opening yeah it's like i think i saw someone else breaking down of like it's like six frames of a head move or something it's just and it's the stock motion of marge moving her head from right to from left to right but the original one it's it was just an unneeded flourish that makes it so much more special of just marge the stage
Starting point is 00:09:40 direction i'm sure was just marge is shocked and she's like whoa where's maggie oh there she is but her head turn creates like this swirl it's like a spiral it's it's beautiful and uh her entire body moves like when she's turning around to like see maggie pop out so yeah i feel like i don't want to say it's his fault completely but maybe the old opening was a little too cartoony for old buddy matt graining i mean yeah i that that was my first guess too i feel like they they push away from off-modelness as much as they can and that that flourish is about as off-model as anything gets in that opening i also feel like it was probably one of the first things they made with their digital tools so maybe that could be why it looks so much rougher and especially now that they're getting a lot more uh use out of them and have learned to work with
Starting point is 00:10:28 them over the past decade so let's just kick start a new opening let's all fund it together yeah i mean honestly if disney plus wants to make once my i've suggested many times once the disney plus original seasons whenever that begins i think that's a good excuse for a new opening but i guess they also made that the new hd opening to be even more modular than the original one was so it's just like there's 800 places to put new jokes so i i feel like they're not gonna do it'd be a lot to throw out or maybe reconfigure just every 20 years new opening so we'll get a new one in about seven or eight years yeah i like that and uh simpsons predicted it question mark uh yes the simpsons predicted that kamala harris or sorry kamala harris i still have to train myself to say her
Starting point is 00:11:16 name correctly that's why i just wrote vp harris thank you it's like you just let's just call her vice president harris easy i still think of the wrestler. I'm sorry. But yes, they predicted that she would wear clothes that are purple. Well, yes. So there's, as everyone knows, the scene which got shared a whole lot yesterday of President Lisa on her first day in office. She is wearing a purple pantsuit with a gray blouse underneath and then pearls. And a number of people pointed out that Vice President Harris's Inauguration Day outfit, as she was sworn in as the first woman vice president in American history, when she was sworn in, she was wearing a purple pantsuit, though, with a purple blouse underneath and pearls as well. And many people pointed it out to the point that the Simpsons writers were engaging in it, too.
Starting point is 00:12:13 I saw Mike Scully going like, yeah, yeah, I guess we predicted it again. But he, in his tweet, did the very right thing, which I don't think enough people do which is he credited the artist he's like seriously director mike marcantel and writer artist ron haugi probably worked out this look episode written by dan graney and graney replied the real gem is grown-up communications guy millhouse's turtleneck this was before a turtleneck was identified with steve jobs and played more goofy sexy 70s intellectual so i i like getting extra comments on that i will say that uh this is this is kind of interesting whenever whenever they do these whenever i see these online it's always like a bit of a reach but this is just like a stunning coincidence and i will say what makes it lesser for me is that uh business wear
Starting point is 00:13:02 for women hasn't really changed that much in the past 20 years like the the pantsuit look yeah i mean the outfit they designed for her was hillary like yeah they it was really a comment on hillary will be president someday i mean the the one of the things that doesn't go viral from that episode is lisa saying she's the first straight female president which definitely as we talked about with Mike Drucker, the great Mike Drucker on that episode, definitely felt like a joke towards his and Hillary's secretly a lesbian kind of comedy of the late 90s. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:13:34 And I think also purple was a theme, like a color theme for the inauguration. Lots of people wearing purple. I saw a headline of an article, but I didn't actually read the article about the color purple. When and blue come together oh my god oh it really is that it actually is that i everyone please stop doing the obama impersonation i think everybody should just wear blue maybe yes maybe when the red guys just all tried to kill you we won yes you won we won act like you won that's uh i didn't do the color math on that one so thank you no it's uh it's
Starting point is 00:14:05 depressing to think about it that way and it well also it feels like um i don't know it obviously the simpsons predicted a president trump and all that but it also feels like a goalpost moving because like i i would prefer a president harris to a president biden as well if you made me have to pick one of them oh yeah me too and i don't like that it's like you you're acting like the that harris became the president that day just like lisa's the president in that scene it's like no she she has to work for an old white man yeah in what is historically one of the least important jobs in washington dc a lot of the rest of that scene is erased people really only focus on the one line because it is the most important part of the scene.
Starting point is 00:14:49 I pedantically took that to task on Twitter yesterday. I'm like that it, one, it also shows that a budget crunch from the previous administration is going to cause them to cut a whole bunch of social issues and belt tightening and it's all about the deficit and all that. But secondly, it imag all about the deficit and all that but secondly it imagines that the previous administration president trump's invested heavily in social programs for young people which is like that would never that definitely did not happen and it also shows
Starting point is 00:15:16 how a lot of liberal politicians especially of that era were had these like pet projects that were essentially useless like lisa's uh world's largest bookmobile yeah instead of like funding libraries yeah it's like this political theater uh yep yeah so i i wish people took more lessons from that one but uh but still it was it was cute to see the the simpsons people engage with it especially the the passing around of credit there and uh though annoyingly i didn't see any simpsons related memes to the king of the inauguration memes bernie sanders oh yeah i haven't seen any of those yet and that's been a very popular meme maybe it won't be by the time this goes live but uh so many etsy shops have popped up you can get your sitting bernie on any number of uh apparel or mug or whatever you want keychains yeah i i it is my favorite meme of that time i
Starting point is 00:16:06 mean look is this me turning sanders uh celebrity worship in the same way that everybody's like finally biden is great like sure yes it is but i like bernie sanders yes and it's fun to see an old man wearing the same jacket he always wears it's really funny because uh him just living his life uh makes him seem human because he is. He's very down to earth. We've seen the way he lives. We've seen his house. But the PR for Kamala and Biden, it's always like, they're just like you.
Starting point is 00:16:35 They enjoy ice cream. They wear shoes. They have to try very hard to make these career politicians seem human. But Bernie just has to sit down with mittens on. Yeah. And part of it being human is being a grouch. Yeah. I like that. We're all pissed off yeah and also that that was how i felt of like i just
Starting point is 00:16:49 kind of want to fold my arms and be like can this inauguration be fucking over and let's get to two thousand dollars already getting my health insurance and two thousand dollars and all the other spoils of uh of war it was uh there were a lot of funny bernie related to animation ones there like the the one of bugs in his like in his Hollywood outfit with his sun hat and sunglasses curled up on the chair. I really like that one. I saw another one that I didn't know. In Japan, the name for the electric legendary Pokemon Zap zapdos is uh thunders and that apparently it also is how you would spell sanders in katakana and so somebody drew that character as uh grumpy bernie i did
Starting point is 00:17:34 see that but i didn't get it and now i do so i'm happy it's uh there's there's lots of fun ones out there of at least bernie things but yeah i mean this that is the hope i'm holding on to is that bernie does apparently have a really good position in the senate now and can actually uh hopefully prevent the kind of austerity as best as possible that came in uh the start of obama's administration very happy he's still fighting for us yes yeah well i guess speaking of uh kitchen table politics there was there was a good article i read this month yes on the atlantic by writer danny rice camp the article is called the life and the simpsons is no longer attainable and uh yeah it's a pretty interesting article and it's interesting to see just how much america has declined since 1989 where 1989 we were living in the hangover of like post-industrial america
Starting point is 00:18:24 the money was still there but quickly being dried up like there was very little left but there was still enough for this family to afford a house it was still kind of unrealistic with only one earner in the family that did feel like a hallmark of uh you know uh the the uh the the post-war boom era yeah but i feel like it was still fairly realistic and their money problems were always an issue in the first two seasons but uh now it just seems ridiculous. We were all frank, freaking out about this family, even more than he did. Yeah, it's impossible that someone could have all those things.
Starting point is 00:18:55 And now, I mean, it gets more ridiculous by the day. Now thinking of a single-income family with three children owning that much of a house. But also, Homer's job being a union job, too. That seems impossible. come family owning with three children owning that much of a house and but also like homer's job being a union job too like that seems impossible like there's i it's i i think the newer episodes commented on it a little bit but it's also funny to think like in the mid 90s i think they were much more uh clear especially the murkin years were like schools have no money they're shoving children into every corner they can like all multiple episodes were about the destruction of the middle class i i liked that a lot and like yeah uh homer and marge were uh were boomers when the
Starting point is 00:19:37 show started and they still had that generational wealth even if they weren't very wealthy now they'd be millennials and living a much different life if the show just started like last year and and i know it wasn't in like the series bible but in season three in uh the maggie's first word episode when they are season four when they explain how they bought that house that it was grandpa sold his house and then they had the down payment to buy the house that does make sense like that the boomers parents my parents needed some money from their uh their parents to help buy a house like that's that is a lot of how it works back oh yeah my grandma helped my mom out a lot and the only reason i was able to make it out here is my grandma passed away and i got an inheritance
Starting point is 00:20:19 a very very small one but still enough uh more than the zero i was making every week without a job so eventually that post-war money is going to get sucked up by every awful part of our It's a very, very small one, but still enough, more than the zero I was making every week without a job. Eventually that post-war money is going to get sucked up by every awful part of our society. But we get to be the last generation to spend that nickel. We pulled up the rope ladder. You're on your own, Zoomers. But yeah, that article, sometimes The Atlantic publishes awful people like David Frum. But I do really, this article is pretty good.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I liked it a lot I liked by the way I liked writer David Roth's description of David Frum as a plush Yoda doll that's been soaking in cognac for a year oh that's good yeah he's a hideous man both inside and outside yes yeah not David Roth David Frum David Frum fuck him if you retweeted him please stop doing that he's a monster awful person uh so in news, and I watched this episode actually right before I left Canada. So voice actress Jenny Yoko Bori plays Tres McNeil as the voice of Kumiko, comic book guy's wife and a relatively young voice actress. And this is her biggest job to date.
Starting point is 00:21:16 And I like that they're doing this because when I was watching a lot of like early, in the 20s seasons, the 20s seasons with Nina when I was in Canada. We were watching a ton of episodes. And whenever there'd be a female minority on the screen, I'd be like, here comes Tress McNeil. Asian, Indian, whatever you want, Tress McNeil is doing the voice. A black woman. So one fewer job for Tress McNeil. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:39 I also saw Cookie Kwan in the background of a shot of a recent one. I was like, she's probably never speaking again, I don't think. She might be in the character model pack, but I don't think she's going to. Even if they replace her voice actress, how could you ask a Chinese-American voice actress to be like, so could you do this really big and extreme accent? I think we've seen the death of Cookie Kwan in our lifetimes. But yeah, this is one of those positives
Starting point is 00:22:05 of this new casting idea is that you know it does cause the simpsons to spend more money on actors but now here already is the best possible outcome of this kind of know, choice in casting is that here is a young actor, Jenny Yokobori, who barely has like five credits on her IMDb. And now she can say, I'm on The Simpsons. I'm a Simpsons voice actor. This lifted up another like talent in the voice acting world by and gave an opportunity just by choosing not to have a white woman
Starting point is 00:22:44 voice a Japanese american character it's okay tress mcneil she's very busy she has all the jobs she needs yeah yes yeah this is not oh tress mcneil lost out on like what probably like two thousand dollars like she's she acts in everything she'll always be agnes skinner you've got she'll she has a job for life we our next oh no our most recent episode what a tribute to tress that was and her screaming pipes her death rattles uh so many five different types and speaking of tress mcneil she's also on disenchantment and part three of disenchantment is now on netflix uh 10 new episodes i'm only three in so no spoilers henry and of course we
Starting point is 00:23:21 wouldn't spoil our audience but i do think it's definitely picking up. And I think I figured out what it wants to be. And I am really enjoying this part three so far. Yeah, I agree with those sentimenties, Bob. Don't click on the story about the Easter egg because it's from a much later episode. But there is a Steamed Hams reference someone found in there too but yeah generally about disenchantment uh part three which is really the start of the second season of 20 episodes i think that's it is really them figuring out what they wanted to do like from part one to part two it was still the same like production run so i don't think there was as many adjustments as could be done. But in the second run, they, I think, are making more adjustments that they learned from the reaction to the first couple parts.
Starting point is 00:24:13 I hate the way Netflix calls these things. I don't like them, yeah. I guess it's because you're not supposed to watch them, like, you know, piece by piece. You're supposed to sit down and watch it over the course of four hours or whatever. So this was my biggest problem with coming back to disenchantment though and it is just the way the media is presented it's not their fault as creators but it's that every time i've watched disenchantment it is over like a weekend or maybe four days total and so i've watched parts one and two that way and then when i got to part three and there are callbacks and references and,
Starting point is 00:24:46 and I was like, yeah, wait, that character was somebody, right. It's just cause I didn't, I guess I should have rewatched part two entirely before I watched this. Cause,
Starting point is 00:24:56 uh, I think it would really serve disenchantment better to have a weekly release schedule instead of this binge dump, you know, more and more to think about, but I guess that's just the way TV works. And I feel like, I kind of feel like it would be a better show if it didn't have the streaming model. But unfortunately, that's just how shows are these days.
Starting point is 00:25:12 I mean, it wouldn't, the Netflix wouldn't have paid for it if it wasn't going to be the streaming model. And it might not exist. But it's a very, still a very pretty show. Still a very good looking show. Great actors on it. And I guess we should say that me and bob were also paying off by the big disenchantment they sent us uh four bottles of mead yes yeah i haven't popped one open yet i haven't yet either but i'm gonna enjoy ones yeah
Starting point is 00:25:35 i uh so hey thanks um disenchantment pr team and that mead company we're officially on the take yes yeah about time anyone wants to send us anything we're game yes yeah tell tell your bosses that we are purchasable so uh actually one other thing i noticed is that disenchantment uh so when matt geraning shuttered bongo comics he started a new comic line called bapper books nothing has come of that except for there has been a 2021 disenchantment calendar even though we both experience this henry it's been impossible to find the 2021 simpsons calendar yeah yeah let's talk about that what's going on with that because uh i tried to get one when i came back like oh damn i didn't order one i want to find one amazon surely they
Starting point is 00:26:22 have no it's all like ripoff artists saying simpsons fun book or whatever i hate it yeah but yeah but then i will go online i'm like where is it this is there even one this year so like what's happening uh to my best knowledge uh there was one and it had an extremely low print run and it was so uh as long time know, a tradition in my family was every year since Christmas of 1990, my mom has gotten me the Simpsons calendar. It is a recurring gift. And this would have been the 30th year of being gifted the Simpsons fun calendar. And she tried to buy it. She ordered it from one place and then it just
Starting point is 00:27:07 never shipped it didn't ship and i looked into it it's not nowhere i had to go to ebay bob you do see i have one but it's uh british it's british isn't it yeah it and so that means it much like in the backwards world of rand mcnally mond Monday is the start of their calendar on the printed page, not Sunday. I mean, that's how every week feels and it should be that way, but I just don't like to see it on a calendar. It feels wrong. It's like putting the day before the month and writing it out. It's like, yes, that does make more sense, but it feels unnatural to mine american eyes but so i had to pay like for real 70 to get this and now i haven't seen any more being sold on ebay even like i think that
Starting point is 00:27:56 the simpsons calendar publishing is related to the bongo stuff and with bongo having shut down i think it gummed up the works in what the calendar production would have been like as far as i can tell the bongo the drawings on the calendar are original for it they're not reusing old ones that's what nina said actually one of the pictures is from the cover of where one of her first stories was oh well okay definitely just uh no new art is being made for these and it's uh but yeah it it it sucks as a simpsons fun calendar lover it really makes me sad and i think it is the sign that like graining isn't so involved in simpsons publishing deals now i don't know i uh when talking about it with my husband he he thinks that graining is this close to just Lucas-ing out and going like,
Starting point is 00:28:46 Here, buy my stake in all of it, Disney. I'm old and tired of dealing with it. Give me $5 billion and you own my part of The Simpsons. I thought about maybe getting a Disachampment calendar, but one disappointing thing about that is it looks like the calendar is just basically stills from the series because they're all like awkwardly cropped. It doesn't look like they were composed for a square image or just like very awkwardly cropped. And I'm sure if I went to the episodes and look for the frame, I could find it. So, I mean, technically you could do that and clean up the frame, but just make original art, please. Yes, there's so many brilliant artists out there who can draw in that style.
Starting point is 00:29:22 And you just tell them like, okay, draw a funny picture for October. that's that is part of what i loved about simpsons calendars like there were so many shitty calendars out there growing up though that i knew was like oh this is just a poster uh from the muppets that they put on a uh put on a calendar page or this is like the same old garfield drawing but the Simpsons made a new picture for every month in my youth, and it continued into my adult years. And it just really brings me down in an unexpected way that the days of the Simpsons calendar might be over. And I mean, the Simpsons fun calendar,
Starting point is 00:30:02 I do feel like there will always be a Simpsons calendar to sell. But I do think the Simpsons fun calendar and its style is because Matt Groening likes that kind of goofy stuff. There was the From Hell fun calendar that preceded it that had all the same kind of like fun birthdays or silly international holidays. Like that's the spirit of the Simpsons calendar I would hate to see lost. Like, if Disney would like to put me in charge of future Simpsons calendars, I can be the Dave Filoni of Simpsons calendars.
Starting point is 00:30:35 I'll be your VP. I want to bring back the calendar. But yeah, instead I bought it like a Legend of Zelda calendar, which is just a bunch of clip art, but I don't care. I want a calendar. It's nice to see calendars. It made me sad when I was taking care of your apartment
Starting point is 00:30:47 several times last year. It felt nice that I'd leave my apartment and see my calendar, and then I'd go to your place like, hey, the same calendar. I still have it on December, so I do look like a crazy person at this point. So I'm waiting for that Zelda calendar to show up in the mail. So our last news item is... When you really care about someone, you shout it from the mountaintops.
Starting point is 00:31:06 So on behalf of Desjardins Insurance, I'm standing 20,000 feet above sea level to tell our clients that we really care about you. Home and auto insurance personalized to your needs. Weird, I don't remember saying that part. Visit slash care and get insurance that's really big on care. Did I mention that we care? Lots of people were kind of frinky-acking this on Twitter, but it is the joke from this little wiggy
Starting point is 00:31:37 with Jimbo is saying, videotaping this crime spree is the best idea we ever had. At the time, it was referencing something recent that happened like within the past year or so of like teens or young adults like vandalizing things and videotaping it yeah and then being very stupid but now because everything is posting these people who storm the capital
Starting point is 00:31:54 as soon as they got in like let's post let's instagram let's uh stream on twitch let's let's say our names and reveal our faces and uh give lots of evidence for the government to use against us yeah it's it's funny that uh in the case of jimbo the joke was about like they're videotaping themselves seemingly for private consumption not to share with people but the the all the fuckers uh who were live streaming their invasion of congress be that i was watching several of them on a master stream of uh previous guests of the show jack allison when it was happening he's like okay pulled up like four different streams and the dudes on it were going like and hey be sure to follow me on here if this gets shut down i'll be on periscope my twitter's this blah blah i was like wow this yeah this is
Starting point is 00:32:40 fucked up in a different way they i mean, obviously, some people were there for violence and violence was committed. But I think most people there were fairly well-off people like business owners and real estate agents who flew to Washington, D.C. to get likes, to get follows. And don't forget, like, police chiefs or former police chiefs. Like, yeah, it's, oh, God. Yeah, I mean, that's definitely there were people there to do violence and like those that dude with the zip ties like yeah that guy that guy malicious intense although ben shapiro says who doesn't just carry around zip ties with them wherever they go yeah that was uh one of the greatest replies ever was from uh mike trucker on that i i told him i'm proud to know you
Starting point is 00:33:21 it was the great yes i look it up it's It's very vulgar, but definitely worth checking out. I don't want to conjure images in people's mind about Ben Shapiro. So in news for us, personal news for me, I am now a husband. And yes, I can put that in my Twitter bio. And you must respect me now. I'm not a father, and I won't be. But I deserve the respect a husband should get. Would Christian go before husband, though?
Starting point is 00:33:46 Christian, husband, business owner. You choose the order. But, yes, I married a friend of the show, now wife of me, Nina Matsumoto. You've heard her plenty of times. Yes, we're very happy. We're now separated. That sucks, but hopefully now that we're married, it'll be easier for me to enter Canada and see her again.
Starting point is 00:34:02 And I got back, like, on the 6th of January. I've been back for a few weeks now. It was pretty insane that you, as you were getting on the plane, the storming was happening. And no, I mean, and you guys had to go through so much quarantining and then reverse quarantining back. And, you know, Bob very responsibly got tested
Starting point is 00:34:21 during his quarantine back in California asifornia as well yeah i quarantined 14 days when i got to canada and then when i got back i quarantined for 10 days and got a test which is the california rule is 10 days guys yeah i didn't break any rules uh even though they're not being enforced and uh nina and i got married under a tent in the just pouring rain in vancouver so i mean we followed every protocol possible You could not be mad at me. Yes, yeah. You should be happy for me. We're all very happy.
Starting point is 00:34:48 And you had such cute cake. And the cake pops in African gray style. Those were adorable. Yes, they're based on my parrot. And we both have wedding rings or wedding bands, and they say good waffles inside of them. That is adorable. A Simpsons reference in our
Starting point is 00:35:05 rings and nina tried to figure it out but none of the writers on twitter could figure out who actually wrote the good waffles line and there's uh it could have been dave richardson for all we know oh possibly uh people said it might be jace richdale but we can't track him down yeah we'll find we'll find out one of these days if we can ever get dave merkin uh on a podcast we he's he'd also be a good one to ask. In related news to us, let's all congratulate Cat Bailey and Nadia Oxford on their successful launch of the Acts of the Blood God Patreon. So like us, they went independent as independent podcasters,
Starting point is 00:35:38 and they're doing very, very well. If you enjoy video game podcasts, check it out. And Cat and Nad we've we've crossed abroad on so many podcasts so yes yeah you might be hearing us on one of their podcasts soon or have heard us on acts of the blood god but yeah i i felt uh real bad for cat and nadia and everybody else at us gamer that they've lost their jobs like what bullshit like a total waste i will say cheers to nadia and cat and jeers to the management of us gamer where i used to work and uh it sucks that just every it's a story behind every website why
Starting point is 00:36:11 does every website close it's the exact same story and it's so depressing that it's always the same it's just uh so repetitive like yeah one uh bump happens in economics there's like we gotta slash everything slash everything why are we why are we paying writers what's going on but whatever yeah like it's it's sad how predictable it is that i'm just like kind of uh numb to it at this point it's like yeah this is the bloodletting i mean i'm sure in the next few months we're going to be hearing a lot more layoffs in the games press like fiscal year for whatever jobs are left to be cut there's going to be more cuts among i wasn't in the fiscal year layoff too and went up close so yeah i've lived
Starting point is 00:36:50 through that pain so yes congrats to nadia and kat hopefully nothing but uh smooth sailing from here on out with the patreon and uh as for us we're hoping everyone out there is enjoying our alternating schedule of season 2 and season 12 i've heard no complaints and uh i will say like i'm getting so much out of revisiting season 2 the episodes are almost like four times longer than they used to be sometimes five because they only used to be 30 minutes long yeah we
Starting point is 00:37:14 now can do our hyper focus thing on it we I mean folks could hear just in our one with Casey Green which what a cool dude like just being able to take the time to read the news stories that came out in 1990 to promote it to talk about the uh the bart versus bill like the ginned up controversy of it to and also to just have a cool guest on who can talk to us about the and and we have so many
Starting point is 00:37:40 great guests lined up already for for seasons 2 and 12 we've recorded i think like six already that are coming forward and and we have uh and more great ones coming your way too there are so many stars you'll say is that the night sky or is that talking simpsons i can't tell uh that's all through 2021 and into 2022 will be seasons 2 and 12 and in even more good news for us uh we hit our 15 000 goal which means talking futurama is now a monthly podcast and it will uh you know exist unless we fall under a certain threshold but yes we're going to be releasing a talking futurama at the end of the month and hopefully at the end of every month after that until the end of time or if we run out of episodes we have nine years before that happens yes yeah it's gonna be basically 12 if it's 12 episodes a year we got a long way to go but it's it's pretty great that we
Starting point is 00:38:31 we just finished season two and i'm used to like being like well time to stop thinking about futurama for a year and instead it's like no season three coming right now and and amazon women in the mood is such a funny horny episode with b arthur oh god she's great i just rewatched it we haven't recorded it yet but you'll hear it next friday if if you are a patreon subscriber yes and if not uh check out the patreon at slash talking simpsons sign up there you'll get all the ones we've done so far and you'll start getting the new ones at the end of this month or you already have gotten the new one if you're on the free feed oh yes yeah and uh and also a cool thing about us starting up talking futurama as a monthly show is that it frees up all of the other mini series
Starting point is 00:39:14 futurama now as long as this continues can never be a mini series uh poll result again so it's uh it opens up the field a lot more i like that and as for our next mini-series that was unlocked as talk king of the hill season two part one so the first 11 episodes of king of the hill season two will be covering those and it'll start with how to fire a rifle without really trying on march 26th and every friday after that until like the beginning of june yeah it's uh i'm also really looking forward to that one. It's the, uh,
Starting point is 00:39:46 the comedy of how to fire a rifle that I just rewatched. I was like, boy, this only hurts more now, or it's only realer. I can't wait. And because I was quarantining, I was doing so much busy work.
Starting point is 00:39:57 So to date, I have gotten all the art for this. I've made all the cover art. I've pre-posted all the podcasts and I've ripped all the audio for all of this and basically wrote the outline for all of this and basically wrote the outline for all of my notes. So I'm so ready to start talking about King of the Hill. I'm so excited for this new miniseries.
Starting point is 00:40:10 It's fun. It's fun to see on the Patreon backend podcast going all the way into May as we're still in the basically the middle of January. Working very far ahead. So up next is the What a Cartoon February schedule. And I'll go over that right now so first up is digimon adventure the 1999 short film a very visually expressive film that is almost like the peak of digimon yeah yeah it starts at a high and goes down from there but this uh yes if
Starting point is 00:40:39 you if you are a younger millennial or zoomer who remembers seeing the Digimon the movie in theaters, this is the first 20 minutes of that movie. But the much better, unlocalized version of it out there. And yeah, sorry. And the next week is the Venture Brothers two-part episode, What Color Is Your Clean Suit? A very long episode of What a Cartoon, almost a What a Cartoon movie. This is movie this is sort of a venture brothers movie yeah that was a ton of fun to do too it was great to return to the venture brothers uh even though uh we were all so sad that it was officially canceled and i thought in the time in between recordings there'd be news that of more something more coming but nothing's come out somebody needs to feed doc hammer he looks he's
Starting point is 00:41:25 looking very skinny he's a gaunt man and after that is the tailspin episode vowel play yes we're going to the disney afternoon again for one of the few series from that block we haven't covered tailspin was the first disney afternoon show we had a lot of fun talking about that i can't wait for you guys to hear that oh yeah tailspin Tailspin. And you'll learn all about when the Jungle Books meets Cheers. It's a fun series that all kids enjoyed, except for when Tiny Toons was on. And the last thing we'll be doing that month of February is Whisper of the Heart, the classic Ghibli movie.
Starting point is 00:41:57 So if you're on the $5 feed or the free feed, you'll hear the extended preview. If you're on the $10 feed on slash Talking Simpsons, you get the whole thing at the end of the month. feed on slash talking simpsons you get the whole thing at the end of the month and yes i actually i have no idea what this movie's about i haven't watched it yet i'm very excited to get into it i know you've been working way ahead on research for this one henry buying several books i did indeed buy books i actually
Starting point is 00:42:16 i i went above and beyond on this one but it is because whisper of the heart is uh one of my all-time favorite films i think it's top three studio ghibli films for me i just love it so much i sing if you've already seen it you know how important the song country roads is to it and one of my karaoke favorites is the japanese version of country roads because it's just such a great moment in the film. But yes, I actually paid friend of the show, Matty Kopp, to translate an interview for me. Because I couldn't find anywhere in English an interview with the late director, Yoshifumi Kondo. It was incredibly frustrating, to be honest. So our friend, Maddy Kopp, who is, you know, fluent in Japanese, she translated an interview for me. And you guys will get to hear an exclusive on that podcast. I can't wait for that.
Starting point is 00:43:15 There's a couple very funny stories in there that made me go like, man, I'm glad I paid for this. And up next is the What a Cartoon Movie March poll for the month of March. And in that month we'll be covering uh disney tv movies so movies that screen in theaters based on disney television shows so uh those are doug's first movie ducktales the movie treasure of the lost lamp recess schools out and the teacher's pet movie most of you probably didn't even know existed so there you have it uh yeah it's a lot i mean it got kind of buried in uh by a bunch of other movies that year but i yeah i mean they all sound great obviously ducktales the movie i think might have an advantage with our audience but hey prove me wrong kids i'd like to learn more about recess i enjoyed it when
Starting point is 00:44:02 i was like 15 chuck Chuck Sheets directed it. It's a Chuck Sheets directed film. That's impressive to me. Doug and Recess and Teacher's Pet oddly made it to movie theaters and it always seems strange to me. I can't believe Doug got a first movie that actually was in a movie theater.
Starting point is 00:44:18 I can't believe I've never seen it. I know that Nematode is an important story point to it, but also it's like, if we do that one, I'm going to have to watch some brand spanking new Doug to get ready for that. I'm sure it's fine. I'm sure it's fine. But it just doesn't sound right without Billy West in it.
Starting point is 00:44:35 They didn't want to pay for him. Instead, they paid way more to replace him. But then again, DuckTales, we are used to watching DuckTales as drawn by Japanese artists. That's not Treasure of the Lost Land. That's true. It's going to look a lot different than what we're used to watching DuckTales as drawn by Japanese artists. That's not Treasure of the Lost Land. That's true. It's going to look a lot different than what we're used to. But yes, please check out that poll when it goes live.
Starting point is 00:44:51 And that's what we'll be talking about for What a Cartoon Movie for the month of March. And up next is our little section we talk about what we've been playing and watching outside of podcasting. And honestly, for me, not been playing a lot uh because i've been just sort of busy doing lots of other things and catching up with work since coming back from canada i just picked up yaksa like a dragon again because basically everything i was playing at home i had to put down for like three weeks to a month to go to canada so i'm kind of picking up where i left off so jump back into yaksa and uh currently for an episode of retronauts and for my own you know enjoyment i'm playing through the remasters of Telltale's first Sam & Max season.
Starting point is 00:45:28 So that was recently released and they are very, very good remasters. They did a lot of work to make them look much better than they used to and to make them more user friendly. And I'll be talking with the creators of those on RetroNauts in the future. So, yeah, I really recommend checking out that collection if you've never played that. Even if you have, it's been 15 years. It's been 15 years since they brought back sam and max i can't believe it's been that long it was it was less than 10 years between hit the road and that and the telltale game yeah yeah actually no it was 13 so we're now we're now like officially uh these games older than that game was then. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Man, time sucks. It makes fools of us all. It does. So, yeah, I'm just looking forward to tackling my backlog. I have nothing but free time on my hands outside of work. So that's why I was able to finish 35 games last year. I look forward to more of your Like a Dragon thoughts. It was my runner-up game of the year last year,
Starting point is 00:46:23 and I was annoyed at how few game of the year lists I saw it on. I really think it is like editors only have so much time, and I think a lot of employees at game websites don't have 90 hours to put into like a dragon. And to let you know how far I am into the game, I've played 32 hours or 33. I only just made it to the tutorial of the business management mode. Whoa, man. So I've literally been doing everything I can except for the story just for fun. Like how many things can I do before they force me into the next thing? I literally put 15 hours into that business management mode alone, and I loved it.
Starting point is 00:46:59 I felt I failed Karl Marx how much I enjoyed that business mode. But it really teaches you how to lay people off. How to lay people off, how to be a heartless business owner, and that eventually it just becomes passive income and you become too big to fail. And it's just like, oh, do I need another three million yen? I'll just do some of this. Yeah, there we go. I got money. It's very instructive.
Starting point is 00:47:21 So as for watching stuff, I haven't been watching that much, actually. So Nina and I finished Dorohedoro on Netflix. I really recommend it. You might not know what it's about until the very end, but it all comes together in a very cool way. I did really enjoy that. It started on Disenchantment, and Nina and I are about to pick up where we left off watching the Slayers Next anime series. So we're watching some old school stuff, and we're going to pick back up with that. And I'm also in a very Slayers mood, so I'm rereading the novels wow those have been re-released with a new localization
Starting point is 00:47:47 so those are worth checking out so many it's the it's the novels that are very low on the english localization totem pole for uh japanese stuff i i mean also they probably sell like shit compared to a comic and they're way harder to do and that's why they're really cheap on kindle so if you're interested in slayers the series the uh the source material it's almost identical to the anime but it's still fun to read to see where it came from that's cool i might check that out and i'm very stupid and i sign up for every i sign up for every streaming service but i literally only watch youtube i should just cancel everything i probably would if i didn't have the podcast but on youtube so what happened was when I was in Canada about to leave Awesome Games Done Quick started and it lasted until a few days after I came back so I've been catching up with all of
Starting point is 00:48:34 those speedruns watching a ton of those and also watching the YouTube channel Summoning Salt and this guy produces these super in-depth and very watchable documentaries about the fight for world records and different video games and they are so well edited and so just instructive and how these things are made and done that they are even fun to watch even if you're not familiar with the game itself so summoning salt is the youtube channel and that's basically it have not been doing a lot of watching and playing but just a little bit uh man i uh my gaming has been interesting the last month uh in in addition to my normal just uh five days a week workout gaming of either doing just dance or ring fit uh which i i didn't fall off the wagon exercise wise during the holidays i still did
Starting point is 00:49:20 my daily hour long walk and uh did this but I did fall off the wagon diet wise. I was just like, ah, it's the holidays. I'll eat garbage. Well, I literally couldn't move. I was stuck in a tiny apartment. So I did too. Yeah. And you guys earned it.
Starting point is 00:49:34 You guys. I think I did. But now, now I'm back on the wagon. So doing that, but I also am still a souls guy now and I've made a lot of progress in dark souls original where are you in dark souls uh so i beat an orlando okay cool i finished that and uh now i'm doing the honestly the last time i played i did like six hours of grinding just to be a higher level to go to the next uh oh no wait no not just that i fought the wolf dude i beat the wolf oh yeah if i bit i beat sif so i'm now doing the next thing after the woods that's that's what i'm
Starting point is 00:50:11 doing and i've been grinding to so man i'm so into souls i think i'm gonna go straight to bloodborne and maybe do dark souls in the future because if dark souls goes on sale on like uh honestly xbox it's where i'm playing it because i want those achievements i'll probably play that but uh next up is bloodborne you should play bloodborne and then dark souls 2 and then dark souls 3 maybe after that then by the time i finish them all maybe elden ring will be out but we have not seen hide nor hair of that game i know it's crazy uh and also i've been playing a ton of Pac-Man Championship Edition Demastered. I showed you it, Bob.
Starting point is 00:50:48 It is buried in a, like, you have to know to find it. Yeah, it was not really advertised, at least not very openly advertised. It should be sold on its own, but instead it's part of the Namco Museum Archives Volume 1, which is a collection of NES ports of Namco games. And the reskinning of it is amazing. I've played so much of it. It gets me in the same way the bug of Pac-Man Championship Edition did. And I have to thank games journalist and video essayist Tim Rogers for that.
Starting point is 00:51:21 He suggests it in another thing I've been addicted to this year this last month his video essays on the action button channel uh it's what tim rogers he used to work at kataku and he's a longtime worker in the games industry he's now uh been doing this for the last year i watched this one on pac-man which was really great but my favorite one was his six hour long one on tokimeki memorial a series i know as a name of a popular thing but i never really understood and when i watched it i was like holy shit this influenced so many video games it's uh you learn so much from it if you i definitely you should check out the action button on tokimeki memorial you will learn a ton about japanese
Starting point is 00:52:02 video games i'm looking forward to watching that uh that series is very important all i know about it is the castlevania guy igarashi wrote the game that's all i know about it it's where he got his start god it's i mean every dating sim it basically took dating sims out of the porn ghetto and made it mainstream uh also another youtube channel i've gotten into is we actually talked about it on several other podcasts gynex founder toshio okada the main character an inspiration for the otak king of otaku no video he has his own youtube channel that he's had for years but only in japanese where he takes you through classic anime mostly ghibli productions or ghibli related ones but he started english dubbing them officially and putting them on his channel and i have learned
Starting point is 00:52:53 so much because okada he not only you know worked in the industry in the 80s up to now and knows people and can tell you those inside stories but also he constantly goes for example on grave of the fireflies in his talk about that when he gets to some bit of trivia he's like oh here let me pull this down and he pulls a book off the shelf a like just book written by takahata about filmmaking that's never been translated officially in the english he's like so in this book he says this i'm like i am learning so much just because he can read this stuff that i can't and that hasn't been translated it's it's so informative i've learned a ton uh
Starting point is 00:53:36 both good he really loves miyazaki's work but he also knows miyazaki is a dick and it goes like is that funny that miyazaki's such a jerk about stuff like it's uh they're really great i did sub to that channel oh one thing i forgot is that uh i played the demo for monster hunter rise on switch and really really good and i already pre-ordered the game so i'll see you on march 26th so monster hunter rise and talking to the hill both come out on march 26th oh man listen to it while playing Rise. That's a good idea. And if you join the Patreon, we now have a games channel in our Discord,
Starting point is 00:54:09 so you can get into fun Monster Hunter groups now with that games channel. I got to get active in there. I'm not. We're all talking about you, Henry. I'm going to have to lead all the messages. Oh, no. One last bit of stuff I watched was Comedy Bang Bang and Birthday Boys. I hadn't rewatched them in a long time
Starting point is 00:54:26 my husband had never seen them before so we re-watched them all and they they are still pretty great i bought the birthday boys dvds from the birthday boys at a live show that's great and i don't even know if they were made professionally or anything like that i've never seen them at like a store or online or anything but i bought them seasons one and two from the birthday boys themselves i think i paid mike hanford i think the first season was on an official dvd because i did have that but the second season i don't know i think that it might just be a birthday boys custom release but yeah it was so funny to watch and just uh and also i've watched a ton of stuff related to whisper of the heart because i wanted to learn about Yoshifumi Kondo's career that I hadn't seen.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Boy, I learned about a couple things. But one interesting thing is he did character designs for a little women anime that is just on Amazon Prime dubbed. And I'm like, where does this exist? It's an old anime? It's from 87 you know amazon prime has some weird little gems that are just hidden there that i i just you know like um you said you were watching that 80s anime series with the uh the sex tuplets oh yeah yeah that's on amazon that is yeah yeah yeah from uh i believe that one is by the discotheque guys yeah uh it's i think it is that there's they can get streaming
Starting point is 00:55:46 rights to some stuff they can't put on a disc that japan it seems like some licensors in japan are like oh whatever put it on a streaming thing we don't care but don't you dare sell a blu-ray that could undercut our japanese blu-ray uh but yeah it's it's all on there and it's as it's something really interesting in all those old world masterpiece to animes that they have to be 50 episodes so everyone if you're used to english language novels that could truncate it into a two-hour movie this is the exact opposite that that make a 400 page book last 40 episodes and it's so long when i i just watched the first and last episode of it and little women has a shippuden style time jump oh and it ends at the time jump and i was like you went 40 episodes for half of the book that's crazy are there like multiple beach episodes
Starting point is 00:56:39 there must there must be that's nuts uh yeah those those enemies were very slow-paced, but still probably very good. Yeah, but anyway, Yoshi, I've learned so much about the late Yoshi Fumikondo. I can't wait to talk about that on the Whisper of the Heart podcast. So up next, we have questions and comments for Talking Simpsons first, and because we recorded the last one so late
Starting point is 00:56:59 and this one so early, we are only going to cover Bark Gets an F, so we'll cover the rest of them uh in our next episode because the our most recent one just came out yesterday and we want to wait to get more comments on that before we read them on the air yeah definitely i think you guys enjoyed the the iron giant podcast but uh there weren't many like new comments about like oh i learned this or whatever but people got uh they signed up because of that so thank you yes oh so many new signups thank you so much all of you so our first commentups. Thank you so much, all of you.
Starting point is 00:57:25 So our first comment for Bart Gets an F is from Joe Hodgson, who says, you guys nailed it with your observation that this was the right episode for season two to premiere with. I remember being really excited for this episode when it premiered and being a kid, getting a Bart episode right off the bat was exactly what I wanted. It's a very kid-centric episode as a lot of what Bart was going through was really relatable, even for a kid like me who had an easy time with school. Thinking illness, daydreaming, procrastinating, and even snow days all made it into this one, making it feel a little slice of 90s juvenile existence.
Starting point is 00:57:54 And yes, I totally agree with you. I mean, even though I was good at school, I still had anxiety about school. And you can see Bart experiencing a lot of that in his life. Yeah, everything about it feels just so realistic to a kid. see um bart experience a lot bart experiencing a lot of that yeah his life yeah i the everything about it feels just so realistic to a kid and if you have spent the whole summer thinking of the show as the bart show this is it's sort of like how tiny tunes could package together like plucky duck episodes and pretend it is the plucky duck show this you start with a bard episode and not say uh it's funny that it follow following it is a father dealing with baldness and uh working in a business or mr burns running
Starting point is 00:58:34 for uh yeah yeah it's a governor whatever it was tree house is when it finally gets back to the the kids again but yeah most watch episode of all time pretty crazy and uh also on that episode some bloke says as a research mathematician i feel obligated to push back slightly on bob's comments that proofs are useless they're very useful as a form of argument when mathematical ideas aren't obvious and we need to convince ourselves and our colleagues that they are sound the version presented in high school geometry totally loses its context probably because it's streamlined version of material that is thousands of years old and serious objections these days are to the rules themselves
Starting point is 00:59:15 rather than the arguments admittedly i'm a little biased because i hated high school geometry which just goes to show how much any of that matters in the long run. That's true. And I replied to this comment. I was doing a bit. I understand this stuff is important, but it was just not important to a 15 year old and it was not taught very well. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:35 It sounds like he also had the same pain that I had of like, I did so good in algebra up to geometry. And when I got to geometry i was like this is just i'm hitting a brick wall just that uh but clearly he burrowed through that brick wall and made it into being a research mathematician so congratulations on that i'm glad i spent so much time in school learning state capitals for some reason i'm still not clear why i guess that'll kill an hour it wins bar trivia now yeah or you. Or you can be a pedant on the internet with it. Hitler, North Dakota. Hitler.
Starting point is 01:00:09 So Kiefer Folsom says, I relate to Bart so fucking hard in this episode. Growing up, I was never a child to start a fight, talk back, et cetera. When I kept getting in trouble at school, our counselor recommended sending me to a child psychologist and I was diagnosed with ADHD while also having my IQ determined. I was a quote-unquote gifted child and put into the gifted and talented students program which because our school was literally in small town nowhere Oklahoma usually meant field trips to places and while I enjoy going to school all throughout middle and high school I always struggled with my grades usually teetering on a B minus to D average including repeating one math class. Also those field trips would take place with the gifted program.
Starting point is 01:00:47 You could go if your grades were above failing. So naturally, I missed out on half of them. And the scene of Bart crying, just barely squeezing by happened to me so often. In fact, my senior year, my final grade in math class was a 59.98 and he rounded up. So yeah, that's why I love this episode and why it matters so much to me. Yeah, the emotions on Bart in that moment are so raw and i and silverman uh is right to be proud on the commentary for pulling something off there with bark because it is like this is a silly comedy show and and getting that much raw emotion you'd never do it on a normal episode these days
Starting point is 01:01:21 like when whenever they try to reach for it like with even in the movie of marge breaking up with homer like even that they had to basically torture julie kavanagh to get to it but they can get much more to this raw emotion in these early days like just the the way barco's like that's the best that i could do i'm a failure like that that's how it can feel if you're a child who has any trouble in school which is just like for for most children but i i do think it especially speaks to uh folks with adhd or other issues like that too just these this general like i can't understand this why is it so easy for everybody else feeling they weren't really exploring that in this episode it was more
Starting point is 01:02:03 about the character but i would have liked to see more about why how the school is failing this child and like why like i said in the episode why does bart need to know about treasure island like why does bart need to know about american history right now like why is this determining his path in life i think merkin was more into questioning the systems than uh than this episode was yeah so up next we have what a cartoon and our first one was DuckTales the town where everyone was nice and uh are you next on this one oh yeah here I'll go next we got Jacob Reed he says the last time I think I had really seen the characters of Jose and Panchito was on the House of Mouse in fact I believe the first appearance of Jose and Panchito
Starting point is 01:02:40 on House of Mouse was in an episode that also revolves around Donald having an identity crisis primarily because no one remembered that he was a caballero to begin with however the House of Mouse episode doesn't have near as much character growth and doesn't have the three caballeros song either instead replacing it with their own song about the birds set to the tune of La Bamba that being said I shouldn't expect too much from a show that was essentially a framing device for Mickey Mousework shorts. I just found it interesting that the last official Caballero's appearance I could think of also involved Donald lying about himself
Starting point is 01:03:16 to appear successful to his friends. Yeah, I saw lots of people actually bring up the three. There is the other Legend of the Three Caballero show that was being produced at the same time as DuckTales. I saw a friend of the show and duck expert, Thad Komorowski, say that he personally thinks that the Three Caballeros show got buried a little bit
Starting point is 01:03:39 so it wouldn't overshadow the DuckTales series in 2017. But that show is good. I've watched a couple episodes of it. I've heard really good things, especially when it wasn't being shown here. Like, oh, there's this great Disney show that they won't show you. When you really care about someone, you shout it from the mountaintops.
Starting point is 01:03:57 So on behalf of Desjardins Insurance, I'm standing 20,000 feet above sea level to tell our clients that we really care about you. We care about you. Home and auto insurance personalized to your needs. Weird, I don't remember saying that part. Visit slash care and get insurance that's really big on care.
Starting point is 01:04:19 Did I mention that we care? I feel like they should just present them together our kids can understand there's more than one donald out there but a little confused and alarm them so up next uh dan vincent says this is about the voice of the scrooge that we grew up with alan young is legitimately scottish his parents were scottish he lived in edinburgh and they moved to canada when he was six if anything i remember david tenet's casting making a lot of people go, wait a minute, he's not Scottish. Only for them to learn they were wrong because they only knew him from suppressing his accent on Doctor
Starting point is 01:04:50 Who. Young suppressed his accent a lot too. He talked about it in interviews over the years, though he was playing it up as Scrooge McDuck, his natural speaking voice in interviews is fairly Scottish. That's nice. I feel like that's funny in the 50s in America. He's like, well, they can't know I'm actually a Scotsman.
Starting point is 01:05:07 There's still Scottish racism happening, probably. I mean, in England, I didn't know. Obviously, people in the UK know this very well, but I didn't know there was such antipathy towards the Scotch people at times until I watched an episode of Garthth merengue's dark place which was about like in the 80s he did a very a super racist episode to scotch characters that's the joke of the episode but uh but anyway yeah that's uh it's funny to know i i always just considered alan young was just an american guy i i have to recommend pop arena's youtube video about mr ed
Starting point is 01:05:44 because i have not watched mr ed in 30 years and I forgot it's about a man who hates his wife. He hates her. Man, Pop Arena, who we've had on the podcast, his videos are so great. I love all the knickknacks ones. The one he did on Inspector Gadget, I learned stuff I never knew. Did you know about that space loop on the loop on the eighth i had never heard of that before i'm embarrassed i didn't know that poor soul he had to watch so much inspector gadget which is fine but what depressed me about the show as a
Starting point is 01:06:16 child was how formulaic it was and that poor soul had to sit down and watch all of it yeah he really when he pointed out on that video of just like this is why you probably hate an inspector gadget because if you watch it in a giant block on nickelodeon you see and it did really bug me just watching and i'm sure we'll do an inspector gadget in the future for sure yeah uh but watching it again i'm like inspector gadget is an asshole who's bad at his job and isn't even that nice to his family like and uh don't he but but he could also show like oh yeah tms actually drew this really well some great animation in that series so up next we have uh this is you henry sorry yes yeah we got flintstones the great
Starting point is 01:06:57 gazoo episode and uh that kamarowski who was uh very, told me that we did a really good job on it. He does have to say, he says, being my pedantic self, Huck Hound was not based on Andy Griffith. He was a ripoff of Tex Avery's casting of Dawes Butler as the Southern Wolf in the Droopy cartoons and then as Smedley in the Chilly Willy series. It's down to a fabrication in that speech of the day the violence died that we all love, but Griffith wasn't on Avery or any other guy's mind when they had Dawes Butler do that voice. So yes, I am repeating, whenever I've said that,
Starting point is 01:07:38 I am repeating a joke from the day the violence died of the speech that Roger Myers Jr. gives but yeah and the timeline checks out for that too because Huckleberry Hound debuted in 1958 and the Andy Griffith show debuted in 1960 of course Andy Griffith was doing things before then but that was when he was popular all across America I will say it probably helped Huckleberry Hound that he seemed a lot like Andy Griffith another popular character but what a character but i do appreciate that you you point out that it's as simple as hannah barbara heard dawes butler doing a southern voice in old droopy cartoons they're like could you just do that for huck too who cares
Starting point is 01:08:17 you know uh yeah not that that had many supportive things to say about that uh flintstones episode i think he was concerned we'd just be too like, ah, this is dumb old shit. We were half between dumb old shit and half between like, oh yeah, not bad. Yeah. I like these voices. Oh God, the voice. I love that voice. The Fred's voice, one of the greatest voices ever.
Starting point is 01:08:38 So Kaiser Beam says about the Flintstones, I had a thought while listening to this episode. In the late 50s to early 60s, there appeared to be a miniature boom of prehistoric and caveman media. One of the big musical hits of 1960 was the Hollywood Argyle's Alley Oop, a song about another lesser-known cartoon caveman of the same name.
Starting point is 01:08:57 In 1961, Disney had their famous public film Donald and the Wheel, where Donald was portrayed as a cave duck. And let's forget the realm of B-movies with films like Teenage Caveman anda you guys are disgusting but i love it stemlo uh so i guess the reason why the flintstones did well so right out of the gate was not just the novelty of being the first prime time cartoon but also because cavemen were a hot pop cultural commodity in those days and i have a clip of the alley-oop song.
Starting point is 01:09:26 We can turn it off when it gets too excruciating, but it is so, so low tempo. And I don't know why this was a hit. There's a man in the funny papers we all know. He lives way back a long time ago He don't eat nothing but a bearcat stew Well, this cat's name is a alley-oo Okay, we can turn it off. There's no fast part.
Starting point is 01:10:03 I was like, when's the fast part? When's the chorus? But it's just like, no these these reefer addicts are singing this song about a caveman and yes in the funny papers we all know i've never read alley oop in my life i do i do remember hearing that song occasionally on the the oldie stations i listened to as a kid though i never knew the name of it but like i as kid, I did like, oh, you, oop. Listening to it closely, it just is like a description of a comic strip. That's all it is. A very slow and labored one.
Starting point is 01:10:32 And I looked it up. Because this comic started in 1932, of course it's still running every day. I'm glad you put that because I actually had read a few comics of the modern ones. Oh, really? Just like the Nancy comics that got you know a hip new team to work on it and the it doesn't go as viral but uh that the current alley oop comics they are drawn by joey allison sayer and she is a great cartoonist she's uh such a funny person on you should check her out on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:11:06 She's done lots of funny comics. And also, she is kind of our neighbor. I think she lives within a mile of us. We can find original Alley Oop artwork in her garbage can. But it's funny that she, you know, when they were rebooting, I just remember laughing. Like, Alley Oop was actually in a you know our friends on Podcast the Ride they did a whole Dick Tracy one about Dick Tracy on the moon and all that and how like the creator hated rockets yes yeah I think in the Alley Oop before Sayre took over that they had
Starting point is 01:11:40 gotten into like it's Alley Oop in the future and it's like a very long and convoluted bullshit and then it was just back to basics when uh when they rebooted it but yes i unbelievably alley oop still continue you know i don't say alley oop enough but i guess i'm not throwing or shoving enough things in my life alley oop whenever you hop over something and just if you have to like take a step over a puddle or something to say alley ooop. When COVID is over, I'll be alley-ooping all over the place. So up next, we have the Amphibia episodes, Cane Crazy and Flood, Sweat and Tears. And Henry, you're up next for this comment. Duckmeat, by the way, is our patron who suggested this episode.
Starting point is 01:12:14 So thank you to Duckmeat. Yes, thank you, Duckmeat. They say, according to a Reddit AMA, Matt Braley, the creator of Amphibia, did four months ago. Disney studio leadership initially imposed a lyrical version of the Amphibia did four months ago disney studio leadership initially imposed a lyrical version of the amphibia theme song which i'll post a youtube link to at the end of this message however matt didn't want the lyrics over the opening because as he explains it quote i don't dislike the song in isolation but i don't think it fits the show or the lead character like who
Starting point is 01:12:44 is this sweet voice singing? Certainly not Anne, our rough and tumble lead. For a few months during the production, the lyrical version became their theme song, which Matt said gave him a lot of anxiety to the point where he couldn't even attend internal amphibious screenings. But unfortunately, in the end,
Starting point is 01:13:00 he was able to find his voice and confront studio leadership until they let him use the instrumental version for for his show so there you have it i didn't know that about the show i i'm glad it's just the instrumental one it's it's fun i like the uh it's it just feels like it feels like a silly but actiony show which the action seems to ramp up as the show goes on it reminds me of gravity falls so i mean it's directly inspired by a lot of people who worked on that show there i mean there's an episode that just is gravity falls that's right i haven't gotten there yet yeah i've only seen clips
Starting point is 01:13:34 of it out there but yeah i i'm glad you know gravity falls got to just became an action show in the end so i'm glad they they're doing if that is natural for amphibia that's the direction they're going i have one related thought that i didn't put into our dexter's lab ego trip uh podcast in that i hate the dexter's lab theme with lyrics that plays over the credits oh yeah it sounds like it was written for a commercial for the show and they were it was just forced upon them in dexter's laboratory it's awful it makes me it always made me want to go like i gotta sit through this to see the next episode of dexter if there's not a good cartoon on after this i'm changing the channel because i i just hate seeing i feel like it was right that they shoved it to the side and sped
Starting point is 01:14:15 it up sometimes i uh yeah unfortunately i had to put that in the podcast because there's not a lot of dexter songs to use and you heard that one a lot if you watch it on tv i it was the same pain i felt of oh there's like no music out there for um korgoth of barbaria yeah that was also a really hard one to find any music when i did the mighty max cartoon i just used songs from the video game ah that's always useful when there's a video game one yeah so uh justin brown talking about amphibious says i'm glad y'all addressed the controversy in a very direct manner. It feels like the art industry has gone through the hardest reckoning in the hashtag MeToo era because so much of a modern artist's presence is online and it's a relatively localized industry.
Starting point is 01:14:54 John Kay was already an outsider when the news of his grooming broke, but Dan Schneider was Nickelodeon's cash cow when he was finally ousted in 2018, and Chris Savino struck gold with Loud House and touched so many cartoons over 20 years before his allegations forced him out. I do believe there is a troll effort that fans the flames like Julia Vickerman of the malign Powerpuff Girls reboot and Netflix's 12 Forever had a 10 year old post leg up that insinuated she was stalking a teenager at a carnival. And whether or not it was a joke, can anyone say it's a good look for representative of their brand? I don't know where the silver lining is or if the next generation of online people are just savvier about what they post publicly but i do think the community has
Starting point is 01:15:27 gotten better at communication the controversy surrounding amphibian shira were stamped out within a day with the loudest voices setting the record straight and as community driven as the online art community is that kind of organization is what's needed to address actual trolls and misinformation yeah that sums it up pretty well i i had missed the 12 forever thing that happened with julie vickerman it's but yeah i do i i think you see these you do see abusers like chris avino dan schneider john k mentioned that finally like we're long overdue and i hope that that leads to you know a new era of vigilance and making sure you know bad people don't get especially big positions of power but yeah sometimes they're you you also need to be careful and be sure you're not
Starting point is 01:16:10 like you know attacking someone just for a bit of art that could be taken the wrong way when it was not the intention and that's that's it or like i mean i i don't know what posts are talking about but i feel like the internet has changed so much where 10 years ago the internet was like i'm going to type the dirtiest joke I can think of into Twitter and I'm going to be super darkly confessional about myself on my blog. That is just what the Internet was because we thought no one was reading it then. Yeah, I well, I mean, we all saw it happen to Bean Dad. I know we forgot about Bean Dad after one day. Oh, my God. I really I honestly did.
Starting point is 01:16:41 I mean, it was January 5th and then January 6th was the invasion of Congress and that made everyone forget about Bean Dad but yeah I mean part of the Bean Dad thing was finding old tweets of him just saying like ugly ass shit I'm like what the fuck is your deal but anyway that's beside the point yeah but uh yeah I'm glad people thought we handled it well it was a tricky subject to talk about and people in our discord uh were talking about it as well and they came to some similar conclusions and i think it was a good discussion all around and finally uh we have the end of evangelion and henry what does derrick williams say about this derrick williams says my read on the final scene is that oscar and shinji are being honest with each other for the first time essentially she's always treated him with
Starting point is 01:17:23 cruelty and he's always responded passively but having just exited instrumentality shinji releases his suppressed aggression and in response asuka shows that she actually cares about him but still finds him disgusting which causes him to stop i think the point is for two people who exit instrumentality to demonstrate how humanity can move forward understanding one another better by being honest about their feelings as difficult and ugly as it is and yeah i i like that reading on it yeah it it explains why like shinji's tears hitting her face and her her responding for the first time ever and with with kindness or touching his face like i get that but uh and i
Starting point is 01:18:07 mean the pantom aggression is him strangling her at the start of come soo ser todd too but yeah i mean it is it is difficult and ugly that yeah that is how uh dealing with emotions can be sometimes what a way to end a movie and i guess in related news they just delayed that fourth movie right oh days before it was gonna be in theaters like yeah i mean japan is in a bad way right now covet wise by by their standards they are not as bad off as america from my understanding but it's getting worse yeah those olympics aren't happening or they're not gonna happen or they are happening there's no audience and the only people who get flown in are the are the athletes but yeah i mean the the i know about it just from the angle of being a fan of the japanese wrestling organization new japan and they tried to have business as usual
Starting point is 01:18:58 with their new year shows and uh they had to cap their tickets at 5,000 people and their shows are getting all these new rules on them as they are trying to do performances in front of audiences and there's just, it's almost impossible. It's like they're fighting against the wind. Yeah, why bother? Well, you know, business don't stop, unfortunately. I guess no one's sending us stimulus checks regularly.
Starting point is 01:19:24 I don't know what the stimulus is or isn't in japan compared to i know in canada they were sending folks money weren't they they were yeah yeah i forget what japan was doing but it has to be better than what's happening here but uh finally jesse betteridge says regarding the alternate version of the end of evangelion that henry mentioned not only was the first version of the film released on home video in japan slightly different from what was shown in theaters it was actually split across two separate vhs tapes one volume included the theatrical edition of episode 25 and the original television version of episode 25 and another volume included the theatrical edition of episode 26 and the original television version of episode 26 which means that in japan fans
Starting point is 01:20:02 originally had to double dip if they wanted to own the whole thing on vhs or shell out for a fancy box set this is bob man what a rip-off inset yeah they they got when they got you by the short hairs uh with buy an anime they're like no you have to buy this these two separate things instead of his one film it was bad enough that it was released twice with like you know a chunk of the movie and then the rest of the movie in the second release and i i bet you those tapes weren't 20 dollars oh no or the equivalent you know so jesse goes on to say in addition to muting oscar's line this version slightly modifies the film to feel more like separate episodes theatrical episode 25 even ends with the original next episode preview fourth of the second half of the movie and i think yeah i think he goes on to say uh i think jesse goes on to say that uh hopefully the blue the blu-ray will retain these editions but they're not sure if it will or not
Starting point is 01:20:49 yeah the uh you know the next episode thing for 25 at the end of air uh it is on netflix but it's at the end of the tv episode so if you watch the tv episode the episode preview, which Netflix never wants you to see, is the end preview that's for air. But yeah, if you listen all the way to the end of the five hours of that podcast, you will hear the Japanese language air preview there. And I think that one got us also a lot of signups. Yes. Our longest episode to date. And I think me and Bob said it on another podcast we recorded but i i kind of want that to be the top like yeah if we get to like a five hour 12 minute podcast it's like ah why
Starting point is 01:21:32 and i mean if it gets longer than that i feel like we would just put out two parts to it like say i mean we've we've joked for a long time the simpsons movie will be an eight hour podcast when we do it but we'll just do it as four episodes yeah that'll be like a month of content but yes uh only if space jam 2 comes out will we top five hours oh god man there's one second of that movie got put out this week because uh because it was like in an hbo sign up sizzle reel and so it's like lebron with the bugs behind him they're watching a sky beam do something like that. That's out there. Somebody on Twitter, one of the people working on the film,
Starting point is 01:22:07 said it's a mix of 2D and 3D, which I guess the first movie was in a way, but I wonder what they mean by that. Yeah, I do too. I wonder. The bugs in it looked sort of 2D-ish to me, but not the Pixar creature I was scared I'd see, or really I should say DreamWorks creature
Starting point is 01:22:25 I was scared to see bugs turn into. Yeah, but thank you, Jesse, for that one too, to clarify the muting of the Oscar line thing and how that worked in the releases. I definitely then, fan sub tape must have been the fan subbing of that separate release version because I do remember 25 and 26 of the movie being very separated on my fan sub tape there are many versions of this movie aren't there uh ridiculous about that and probably
Starting point is 01:22:52 will be redone again i would think once ano eventually puts out 3.0 plus 1.0 uh i he could just go back to end of avon be like let's re-edit this you know let's tinker around there I hope he can move on at some point I'm looking forward to seeing that last one and all the other ones you know he's in it which you lent me I need to watch those yeah he's in his 60s I wonder what else will he do if not Evangelion Miyazaki just turned 80
Starting point is 01:23:18 so he's not stopping yeah he's only death shall stay his hand but yeah that is it for this episode of Talk to the Audience remember Talking Futurama now now a monthly series, Talking in the Hill, coming March 26th. And we're continuing our Talking Simpsons alternation between Season 2 and Season 12. So lots of great stuff coming in the future. We hope you stay on board. We hope you join the Patreon if you're not on board yet because there's so much stuff going on there that you should be listening to if you enjoy our voices.
Starting point is 01:23:44 So please, thanks again for subscribing. Look forward to next week's Season 2 episode with a really cool guest, and I guess we'll see you next month. Yeah, see you next month for another episode of Talk to the Audience. Wow. Infotainment.

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