Talking Simpsons - Talk to the Audience?!? - June 2020

Episode Date: July 8, 2020

June has come and gone, so it's time once again for another Talking Simpsons community podcast! This month, we celebrate the fifth anniversary of Talking Simpsons and cover a ton of news from the Simp...sonsverse, including the recent initiative to no longer have white actors voice non-white characters, the Simpsons' 700th episode table read, some very impressive fan projects, and more. And, as always, we respond to your questions and comments from our most recent episodes. So sit back and relax and get ready for yet another groin-grabbingly-good podcast! Support this podcast and get dozens of bonus episodes by visiting and becoming a patron! And please follow the new official Twitter, @TalkSimpsonsPod!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I heartily endorse this event or product. Ahoy, ahoy everybody and welcome to Talk to the Audience where this is always death. I am one of your hosts for this one, Bob Mackie, still looking for placebos, who is here with me today. Hey, it's Henry Gilbert, and I still refuse to believe a wizard did it. Yes, you're not in the wizard gate camp yet. But yes, thank you for listening, and if you've never heard this variant
Starting point is 00:00:36 of Talking Simpsons before, it's when we talk about, you know, what's happening in the Simpsons world and in our world, and then we respond to your questions and comments from the past month of episodes. And I'll tell you what every month uh the world changes drastically and we can't keep up it's uh pretty nuts yeah but so we record so far ahead of time these days thanks to just our time that there's really uh you know we we were posting episodes that we recorded in march this uh this
Starting point is 00:01:04 last month yeah we just recorded one that will go live more than two months from now, or two months from now, rather. Yeah, yeah. So we don't stay as current when we're having the conversations on the podcast. And this is, meanwhile, we record these about three days before they go live on the Patreon. And if you're hearing this on the free feed this was a week ago so this is really when we can react to current events and uh yeah i keep thinking each month will be less eventful than the one before it and yet it's more eventful yeah and i want to say like up front i think we recorded that episode uh last episode of talk to the audience uh like right before george floyd was murdered yes so a lot has happened since then uh there's been the protests there has been a lot
Starting point is 00:01:53 of talk about defunding the police which we're all for completely uh there's been a huge upswing in covid uh and there's been a whole new wave of me too in various industries. So like so many things have happened. Yeah. It's been an intense month. But I mean, in the, in the case of the, you know, the renewed black lives matter protests, more talk about an exposure of police brutality and much stronger criticism of how the just police are run in america that has been a positive thing but it it are in a positive direction even if it's like tough and and i like to think too that the you know more revelations and reveals of like harassment in industries has been good too but it i can understand for some people that especially just
Starting point is 00:02:45 being on social media and reading the news is very intense and you want to break from it sometimes too yeah we're lucky that we are super privileged uh with our identities and where we live and everything but it is still a lot to deal with just like you can't escape anything it's always on twitter i know i know i was personally wrapped up in just like following it uh watching every horrible video that would come out of more police brutality it was it was a rough month for everybody involved yeah and we had it pretty easy yes no and yeah and we say we say it was rough for us as you know white guys who were able to do a job from home yeah we're not in economic precarity right now either. Like, we are very lucky.
Starting point is 00:03:31 And, yeah, I mean, I just salute all the people who have, you know, risked their public safety just to, you know, and still wearing masks and abiding by those rules. But all the people who went to protests over this last month and to speak out against this police violence that has happened as long as police have existed. But we're finally like, it really feels like it's actually being addressed. Like even six years ago, those Black Lives Matter ones that were happening, it felt like easier to hand wave away and like now it feels much more like just fed up like no this has to change especially at this point in time i think we're seeing more action this is my like armchair like i don't know sociologist or something speaking but like because of the quarantine and because of the economy people have nothing to lose and
Starting point is 00:04:23 they're willing to actually go out and do stuff because it's like what am i gonna get fired from my job that laid me off two months ago and that's why we're seeing a lot more action so people uh there's less at stake now in terms of like being employed or losing money so they're more willing to act which is yeah i mean it's great that that is you know causing more action it's not great that a lot of people have still have no job yeah yeah it's uh and then on top of that you know multiple states opened up again way sooner they should have there's was an instant predictable spike in cases and so it's just uh it feels even worse now too not to bring everybody down i mean we are uh doing very good in terms of our health and everything
Starting point is 00:05:05 and in fact like in terms of california the bay area is one of the safest places to be uh my fiance nina showed me a graph it's just like la is just like a giant like rising line just going into the stratosphere in the bay area just like this little wavy line at the very bottom of the graph so i felt kind of bad because we just had a guest on that's in la and we were just talking about the state of things i'm like oh lucky we're pretty safe here and i was like oh my god they're in la and la is like the worst place to be right now and new york to new york city it's almost like it's starting to supersede uh new york city in that so it's uh we we hope all of you are staying safe out there we hope our uh podcasts have given you some enjoyment in in this time yeah and uh i didn't think i'd be one
Starting point is 00:05:45 of these people ever but i'm going to become a mask scold now because i wasn't enough of one in the past just get just wear it please please we just need to normalize it yeah wear your mask if you got to go outside wear your mask like i've i've been doing a daily walk since this has begun and it's just become normal for me to wear a mask now look I do have glasses that get steamed up if I don't take proper precautions with a mask to hold it closer to my nose but you just have to do that like it's not fun but but also I just do the regular walks because I would otherwise stay in my house all the time and I kind of, or apartment, I don't own a house, but I'd be in my apartment the whole time
Starting point is 00:06:27 and eventually you get kind of like cooped up. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah, like the first couple of weeks of quarantine, which is now like over three months ago, I was just like, man, these masks are annoying. But then I got so used to it. It just like, I feel naked without my mask now.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Yeah, yeah. And I mean, you can, it's another thing about just the tension you feel in america right now like these these videos of people who decide not to and just it's turning into like this uh really divisive issue it should not be like and you and i absolutely understand the rage at a person who thinks that they are like being a john wayne style cowboy like i'm too tough for it i'm not a sheep like you i don't wear my mask but but they're all doing it just to go to like costco or target like that's that's where they're being
Starting point is 00:07:15 bold individualists is to buy things and it's always a uh like a suburban person because it's like suddenly they're freaking out because like laws apply to me now now i have to do stuff uh which yeah i mean we it's hardly an original thought to talk about the inverse of a slight amount of rules applied to a bunch of white people and their anger versus how they react to the police violence that is just a fact of life for most non-white people in the united states like that somehow that imbalance and how laws are applied uh doesn't cause any empathy or anything in people but yeah anyway i guess uh black lives matter at last i'll say yes black lives matter please donate to uh legit funds make sure you check out where you're donating especially because so many things are popping up nowadays you want to make sure you vet those
Starting point is 00:08:09 yeah i hope i haven't uh retweeted a fund or a a paypal account that isn't uh legit because yeah those those pop up a lot you should keep an eye out for trusted source you know the one of my favorites i wanted to shout out to was just local here the uh the people's breakfast oakland which is a uh african-american socialist run group that also colin capernick gave to oh that's right yeah them a bunch of money and mainly they're about you know providing free lunches and food to underprivileged people or the unhoused in oakland but also you know in response to these uh current protests they also have been doing a bail fund and they've helped a lot of people locally in my area so uh yeah that's i just want to give a shout out specifically to that one but yeah but yes uh that was all of the bad news up front but june was uh i i mean it
Starting point is 00:09:05 just was so many things were happening at once yes and uh i i really hope july that won't be the case but i just feel like the history changes drastically every five days now yeah yeah probably by the time this is out on the free feed a lot of things will have happened again yes uh yeah we're recording this on let's say june 27th right. So just know that if a big event happened like tomorrow, we can't react to it yet. Yeah. Though I guess, I mean, if there's an emergency thing, we do it fast enough. But fortunately, the first bit of news here broke right the day before we record this. Yeah, we were going to record this earlier in the week, but Henry had the good idea.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Let's just wait because we never know what will happen before this post. And right now we're like four or five days before a post on Patreon early. So, yes, moving forward, The Simpsons will no longer have white actors voice non-white characters. And this started with Jenny Slate on Big Mouth. And then it rolled over to Kristen Bell on Central Park, a show no one watches. And then Mike Henry from Family Guy. bell on central parker show no one watches and then uh mike henry from family guy yeah the cleveland brown who has been voicing him since the character's creation in 1999 who was the lead in his own spinoff and an executive producer on that show he said you know i they're paraphrasing
Starting point is 00:10:21 but he was like i was honored to play this role but it should be played by a african-american now like it should not be me anymore and then news came out the simpsons were doing the same thing uh but it wasn't just like one character just like across the board this is not going to happen anymore yeah i don't believe that they have given an interview to expound on this at the time of this recording but what bob said is literally what their press release was moving forward the simpsons will no longer have white actors voice non-white characters like the this is i mean this definitely includes apu but it does they'd already kind of said that before like so uh they didn't specifically say this but one would assume this would apply to cookie kwan and this would yeah apply to dr hibbert to carl to lou and the several other but not too numerous uh non-white characters in the
Starting point is 00:11:14 simpsons and you know it's it's definitely a sign of times changing well i saw i saw this great tweet somebody had about like we just want to defund the police. Why are all these other things happening? Yeah, yeah. I mean, I would never have expected this at all, ever. But I think it's getting a lot of people to examine a lot of biases or mistakes that had just kind of stuck around because it was tradition or what have you like you know in in 1990 when we heard uh like carl when we hear carl and we uh you could know that was harry shearer doing it hank is area doing it you didn't question it you know it's like yeah so that's just carl you know like and uh it just became tradition or at least
Starting point is 00:12:01 for for us as as white kids viewing it but you know now these days you question like well there's so many talented voice actors out there like why why is this this guy yeah like even if you're not offended by the portrayal you could also you could then say well why couldn't a person of color have this role instead yeah yeah and i would think you know definitely in the simpsons case and in most shows where there is a classic animated series where there is a white actor portraying a nonwhite character, it's just economy. It's like you write in a black character in the script and you only have five regular voice actors. So you say, you know, can you just do this voice, too, for this character? Like it.
Starting point is 00:12:42 I mean, too. I saw multiple jokes on twitter saying like phil lamar is about to get a bunch more work and i and i do what phil lamar gets yeah he's a great voice actor but phil lamar like he's there are more voice actors than phil lamar out there there's a it's a joke that phil lamar voices every black character and stuff for kevin michael richardson does because there's uh they don't seem to have a big rolodex of voice actors in a lot of animation yeah my hope when i heard this news was not like so kevin michael richardson is black and he plays uh you know black characters on the
Starting point is 00:13:15 simpsons i hope he doesn't just take all those roles and they don't hire a new person to kind of you know broaden their talent pool with another person of color yeah yeah you know on that like the show craig of the creek we did i think they do a lot of they put a lot of effort into getting you know the characters actors uh with the right ethnic background for the characters they play and if that means they have to have a bigger voice cast just to have the right person for it they do that and they don't just say well phil can do that like phil lamar does two characters on that show and i like that there's you know the next generation of voice actors is a much wider breadth of people uh that it was really cool
Starting point is 00:13:58 actually to hear the co-creator of that show and we had him on talking about you know phil lamar doing scenes with the younger actor who plays craig on the show just like oh i'm seeing this like handing down of knowledge just you know passing from one generation to the next of a voice actor so yeah i hope i hope the simpsons uh when it comes time to recast a lot of those roles that they give some opportunities to folks who like to be a voice actor on the simpsons like that's huge that is giving a spotlight to a person even now in season 32 that's giving a spotlight to people who you know it really helps their career and it's in in the capitalist system that kind of uh help to a group of people to a diverse group of people
Starting point is 00:14:48 is very important it's some of the biggest you know assistance you can give in in combating like the lack of diversity in the world of animation i'll be interested in hearing the new voices and if they're going to be an imitation of the old voices or a just a new voice for the characters yeah yeah there's uh there's a lot of questions here about where where things go from the future And if they're going to be an imitation of the old voices or just a new voice for the characters. Yeah, yeah. There's a lot of questions here about where things go from the future. It's also Disney getting us used to, maybe Dan won't play Homer anymore. There's also that. You ever think of that?
Starting point is 00:15:15 Yeah, I mean, I just rewatched. We just recorded the podcast that'll be out in August. That's the first carolina amina episode yeah and i watched her written season finale from may and watching it i didn't realize i watched the last time i'll hear dr hibbert sound that way oh yeah yeah that's true yeah so i wonder they've produced so much so far i wonder if they are already recording. I would think a new episode's not going to air without the new voices. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I wonder if it's, no, I think you're right.
Starting point is 00:15:50 I mean, things have probably been recorded that are going to be re-recorded if it's like across the board. They're not going to expect like a news reading audience to know like, well, in nine months you'll see the change or whatever. Yeah, yeah. Well, and voices, temp track voices, from from the very beginning simpsons have replaced voices on characters so it's not unheard of and with the technology for retakes better now like it's it'll be even less noticeable when a voice changes and recasting like that and it's not like hank is area
Starting point is 00:16:20 harry sheer dan castellaneta they have a million voiced white characters that they're still going to be doing so it's it's not a big loss there so yes uh let's move on to our next bit of news uh it's not really news it's just like the state of things now we now have four by three simpsons on disney plus we've had it for a month it's great so hooray for that yeah how's everybody been enjoying it i like i mean i've i've seen some folks say that the quality's not as good as the DVD. It's not. It's digitally treated in a way that makes everything look worse. And I hate it.
Starting point is 00:16:49 I noticed some heavier shadows on stuff. It just makes everything just like kind of like a clean filter on things. So like the lines lose. I mean, it just kind of loses like the hand-drawn nature of it because they want you to forget that a person made it. So I like the dvds more but i'm glad you can at least see it unmangled in terms of ratio on the network so yes happy about that and then we have some uh so a lot of people are doing these commencement speeches because uh you could just do it on zoom now like i think obama did one i mean everyone's doing one but
Starting point is 00:17:21 the simpsons did their own 2020 commencement speech and a lot of fun drawings in here. I love the margin. This is the very harried Marge that she's just been driven crazy because the whole I mean, I don't think. Well, who knows if the Simpsons are in the real world and they are also quarantining marge would go insane and having to be around them 24 7 so that that was and yeah there's some i silverman i david silver i think is very involved in these digital originals and definitely like homer has a reaction that is very silver mini as well so i i like that there's some wild drawings in here that you sometimes don't expect to see in you know more recent simpson stuff and and also bart gets to show his butt in this that's true it's digital it's web only yeah uh i have to say that like
Starting point is 00:18:17 this is all very nice and cute and i like it but i like to this year is the first year that i thought like are we overvaluing commencement speeches Cause they are the most platitude filled things at an event that you don't want to be at. Even, even if you're graduating, like I hated my graduation. It was so boring. The commencement speech was boring.
Starting point is 00:18:34 I just want it to be done with high school forever. You have to sit through one more boring ceremony before it happens. So it's cool that they did it, but it's just like, why do we suddenly care about commencement speeches? I don't remember the only thing i remember for my graduation at high school speeches was that our old principal came back to uh say goodbye to us that was it and then later i found out that principal he was exposed in a local uh scandal that he wouldn't let a lesbian at a different school a lesbian student uh wear a
Starting point is 00:19:08 tuxedo in her prom picture like he was fighting those big battles the important battles uh yeah but i mean these commencement speeches are cute you know in our youth they just hit play on the sunscreen song that was like everything is going to be fine in the year 2000 and 2001 just just hang in there kids uh so yeah on june 4th there was the 700th episode table read and i'm glad that we went to a table read when we did because i just feel like they're all going to be digital now and online i think it will never happen again i think it's very possible there will never again be a classic simpsons table read and i don't't think we realized in early November of last year that we were enjoying a final treat there, like one of the last ones.
Starting point is 00:19:51 I mean, especially not to be insulting or anything, as their cast is becoming elderly, like they're elderly people, they're senior citizens. It's going to be a major health risk to get them all in one place, touching and hugging and shaking hands and spitting everywhere. In a closed off room where you're surrounded by people.
Starting point is 00:20:09 I mean, imagine what our experience was in that table read room. We were surrounded by people. It was wall to wall people because of the huge audience around the big table, all laughing and getting their mouth juices in the air together. Like, yeah. I inhaled so many famous particles that day. We were right behind Mac Rainings' famous beer particles. I hope I got some of his goatee particles that day.
Starting point is 00:20:34 But, yeah, we, you know, boy, how sad would we be right now if we didn't have that table read in November? We'd be moping about how, like, guess we'll never have a table read. That's a, yeah. So I'm, I'm really happy that it actually happened because,
Starting point is 00:20:49 you know, um, I, I honestly, like even when the thing, when things get back to quote normal, which is, uh,
Starting point is 00:20:55 that definition is questionable. I think they're just going to realize this is much easier, isn't it? Did we really need to be in person? I mean, we had the good 30 years of that, but let's just move on. I think,
Starting point is 00:21:04 uh, the, our friends on the podcast, Michael and us had a great one about how like is working from home just gonna be it now and this will never change and you'll be living at work the rest of your life offices are over like maybe maybe but yeah the 700th episode they are not slowing down even doing the show remotely they've got the 700th episode, they are not slowing down even doing the show remotely. They've got the 700th episode already written. And I would guess they're the voice actors probably all just haven't set up at home for a recording now, you know?
Starting point is 00:21:35 So 700 episodes. So if they were to stop there, we would still have like 10 years of podcast left. Yes. Pretty much. If we do three episodes a month, 48 episodes a year of just, you know, an episode by episode kind of thing. That would get us to 500. Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:52 I'll be doing this until I'm 50, at least. At least. Good times, man. Oh, and I guess also happening this month, I had missed that the Simpsons and other primetime writers scored a big win for the WGA against Disney. Professional writers always want more. Apparently what it was is that Disney missed some things that they were owed. Writers were owed from Fox and the Fox turnover.
Starting point is 00:22:19 And a pretty cool thing in their deal is if you miss a payment you also get like super interest on it oh well yeah they got five and a quarter million dollars were paid to simpsons futurama and family guy writers as part of overdue uh wga benefits i remember not being paid as a freelancer and having to send threatening emails and not getting extra when i eventually would be paid so many you have to put double the work in to get money just to be a freelancer. It's a fool's errand to be a freelancer in the online media space, I gotta say.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Can you find your editor after this? If so, you might get paid. That's why when our, not to just brag about us, but seriously, it's why when we owe somebody money for making a podcast editor making us art we pay the second on delivery i feel bad if i have to wait a day just for the amount of times i was screwed over and given the runaround and had to wait like six months for like a 150 check i would i would hate to make a person wait like you're right henry we are great we're
Starting point is 00:23:21 pretty great let's let's let's be kind to us. Another, like, this story is crazy. This Simpsons sale of Barney and Linda Ronstadt in the hot tub sold for $24,000. Somebody really wanted this. I believe when this was being talked about on Twitter, it was either Bart of Darkness or that guy, the Simpsons mega fan. He was like, the biggest I've ever seen uh a cell go for the most rather was 8 000 even then it was like too much wow yeah that's crazy yeah that was two 24 000 24 000 for also like a scene that doesn't involve the family it's not like i mean mr plow a famous episode but you would think if that goes for that then a scene of like mr plow in his uh plow a famous episode but you would think if that goes for that then a scene of like mr plow in his
Starting point is 00:24:07 uh plow that would get like a hundred thousand dollars right like nope it's barney and a speedo on a cell phone or a cordless phone and linda ron sets with him and that's sold for uh twenty four thousand dollars it's yeah there were there were lots of stuff in that Heritage Animation Collection sale. You know, I look then at my sale on the shelf there, right over there. I paid $3.80 for it, so who knows how much. When the grandpa demand really booms, I'm going to make a lot there. When grandpa fever hits, you can strike. So yeah, our next news bit is in July because there will be no Comic-Con.
Starting point is 00:24:47 You'll have your own Comic-Con from home panel with Al Jean, Matt Salmon, David Silverman, Carolyn Omine, Mike B. Anderson, and Yardley Smith as moderator being broadcasted out to the internet. So there you go. The Simpsons have a long tradition of doing a panel at Comic-Con. In all my times attending comic-con san diego comic-con to be specific i never made time for the simpsons panel because it was every comic-con trip i made was before doing talking simpsons except for my last one
Starting point is 00:25:18 and i was literally too busy doing five jobs at that time and being the only person who took comic con seriously on my team but uh but anyway nah there were a couple other people who did but i but i couldn't go to their panel unfortunately i uh i missed out but now we can all watch it via a zoom meeting where uh if it follows the pattern of previous comic-con simpsons panels we'll learn some stuff about the next treehouse of horror we'll get teases of other major guest stars and i would bet they'll probably animate at least something new for it uh one of their digital originals too i completely forgot about comic-con to be honest uh with everything
Starting point is 00:25:55 because uh as a few weeks ago maybe a week ago pax uh just said no more packs this year and we might have been there this year like we definitely would have been there this year if they were having a thing we had such a good time at packs west last year i'd love to go back yeah same with uh comic con got canceled a while ago but also i totally forgot that july is almost here like it doesn't feel like that that's comic con season so oh and also you know last c i believe it was last year comic-con was when they announced the season 19 dvds so maybe we'll learn about a proper blu-ray for season 20 not the bullshit one we got but one with actual commentary i hope so yeah that'd be great so uh more news some cool like fan stuff is that this youtuber named chihuahua made a very cool uh lego version of the steam ham scene
Starting point is 00:26:46 it's been a while since i've seen any steam ham stuff pop up on like twitter or whatever so it was a fun like oh 2018 nostalgia it was we were all talking about those hams uh it's a very high quality lego i think it used a you know free school uh tool set of how to make lego you know machina videos uh with like in a basically inside of a video game and yeah the it really looks very like bill oakley retweeted it uh that's how you knew it uh passed muster with uh with the master of steamed hams and yeah especially like the the level of care given to uh how he presents the bun to skinner in it i'm like man this is actually a really good animator on this to assume that guy started that project when the steamed ham memes was at its like all-time high oh yeah and
Starting point is 00:27:37 it just finished it now so it's really cool check that out also more fan stuff this other youtuber named tom scott did this really cool video about how uh the robin laid an egg line in the simpsons for the batman smells parody impacted children in the uk in the 90s who had many different variants way more than we did of that famous song parody yeah it's a really great heavily researched video about how he got you know 64 152 replies to his question of jingle bells batman smells what do you have after that and uh you know though it's interesting he used the robert goulet version as his starting point instead of one from the classic uh christmas special i was gonna i was gonna say that during the video but i wanted to save it for this that uh that feels like more people saw that first episode than the than
Starting point is 00:28:28 springfield with the dollar sign right yeah but but also though the you know the presenter tom scott based on his accent is a uk resident and i think you know the season one is less remembered by uk folks than the uh the then a season five four episode like spring season five episode like springfield dollar sign sorry almost almost goofed up i think it influenced them because just the way ghoulet says egg yeah yeah he hits egg in a fun way uh so i had never i don't recall in my childhood ever hearing that Jingle Bells song until The Simpsons did it. I heard it the summer before that episode aired. And then when it aired, I'm like, my friend Michael taught me that.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Wow. Yeah. I never it. So I learned it from the show. I didn't know any other one from it. And that's what I would have said in his. Tom Scott also made the interesting choice of like, where did you live when you were eight? Like, it's about when you were eight.
Starting point is 00:29:28 But I also really like what it revealed of the uniformity of American culture versus UK culture, that it was more switched up like how. And also, I always love anything that's about how the simpsons impacted uk culture yes it's always interesting every time we have on someone from across the pond as a guest i'm always like oh you experience simpsons in this way like hearing from irishman super eyepatch wolf about how he's like oh i didn't know what that caseyem reference was there. I do like knowing that pop culture from America will corrupt every country. You cannot escape our influence. We will find you and change your language. I love his point at the end.
Starting point is 00:30:14 He's just like, we're finally taking it back. We're finally, though, I mean, as critically, I think Robin laid an egg is way better than Robin flew away. Yeah. You can't do two aways in the same song parody. Yeah. I mean, what happens after Robin flew away? Then does the Joker get away as well?
Starting point is 00:30:32 Yeah. Come on. Uh, I remember hearing, uh, like, so it's like the Batmobile lots, it's wheel.
Starting point is 00:30:36 I've also heard the Batmobile broke its wheel. So I've heard, I've heard two of those. If you know, the Simpsons also, uh, had such an effect on programming my child brain that if i heard a batman song that was any other variation of it my mind would just go like well that person's
Starting point is 00:30:54 wrong they didn't see the simpsons and i would immediately forget any other variation plus that 92 episode of batman uh has the exact same version oh yeah, yeah. So that probably doubled down for me in my memory. Like, well, okay, if the Batman cartoon says it's Robin laid an egg and the Joker got away, then that's what it is. The Joker would know the proper term, right? Oh, yeah. The proper terminology there. And our last bit of news is that somebody created Lee Carvalho's putting challenge on the computer. So you can play it there.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Yeah, free to play one. I think it's on, that service. The developer's name is Aaron Demeter. And so, yeah, Lee Carvalho's putting challenge is open to all. And you can choose to not play on your own time in real life. You have selected no. So, yeah, here's some news for us. So happy fifth anniversary to Talking Simpsons which we
Starting point is 00:31:47 started in June of 2015. So many things have started have happened since then obviously so many things have happened in the past few weeks to be honest but our lives have changed in huge ways. We're doing this for a living now. I think we have just gotten better and better at podcasting and
Starting point is 00:32:03 thanks for sticking with us for this long i know a lot of people have been out there uh there have been listening since the beginning so thank you so much yeah thank you so so much for for sticking with us this long and it's only only gonna get better we're gonna stick with this uh for forever and ever and uh yeah i think it when we redid season one again that showed me like wow we've grown so much as simpsons ologists in that time and and also yeah three years on patreon and and the patreon subscriber you know we have a bigger community than ever and it's it's just been great to you know as as time goes on to see it grow and grow and we if you're a new person welcome to like thanks so much for signing up
Starting point is 00:32:45 i also like seeing that as we get to uh more polarizing seasons no we're not losing people in fact we're getting more listeners and more patrons so people like to hear us talk about this even if it's not their favorite episode so that's always nice to hear so more stuff happening is uh talking mission hill is wrapping up this month and that was a podcast recorded completely under quarantine so our quarantine miniseries uh we're gonna have an extra episode about the lost episodes which is going to be our longest episode because we are going to be talking about the two uh partially uh no one is one is a complete animatic of an episode and then one is a partial animatic and then there's like
Starting point is 00:33:19 four other scripts so we're gonna be talking about all of those uncomplete or incomplete rather me fail english we're gonna talk about all those incomplete episodes uh on that final episode of talking mission hill but we hope you enjoyed it i think it's our uh is that our longest mini series yes because we did a 14th episode so yeah it's longer well actually i guess talking critic was like 30 oh 23 and then and then the law and then the icebox episodes too so 24 but what a cartoon did not exist when talking critic happened so it was just our other podcast we did but uh i've feeling that our next podcast miniseries will probably be like 10 i think it'll be a 10 episode half of either future well hey we'll see i don't want to you know i almost told people how to vote
Starting point is 00:34:01 but that uh that poll might be coming up later in the summer. Yeah, just get a head start on that because I'm not going anywhere. Because Canada's like, you stay out of here, Bob Mackie. But also before Talking Mission Hill is over, not just that extra episode, we might have some other fun stuff coming. Oh, yeah. Look forward to some more chat about Mission Hill and other contexts. So, July is what a cartoon schedule. This is very weird
Starting point is 00:34:25 for me because we are working so far ahead like we recorded these weeks ago they're a long time ago they all for it well uh one of these we haven't recorded yet oh that's true but uh let's go over the schedule so first we have adventure time long requested uh series and we're going to be doing the two episodes what was missing and i'll remember you or sorry i remember you so those two episodes yeah two classics from uh one from season three one from season four but you know if you've got at least in america hulu or hbo max adventure time every episode is on there so it should be really easy to give that a watch and then we have lupin the Part Two. The episode is Wings of Death Albatross, and that is one of the few Miyazaki directed episodes of Lupin the third series this is the first of the two the other one is more of like a finale so it this was the better one to pick for it and i know it's on crunchyroll and on hulu i will warn you
Starting point is 00:35:35 the subtitles aren't the greatest and so hey maybe you should just buy the really cool discotheque blu-rays of the lupin the third part series yeah so after that we have avengers earth mightiest heroes uh and the episode is new avengers so an avengers cartoon we're digging into the dc the latter dc stuff which is fun yeah uh marvel stuff oh marvel i'm sorry i was thinking about superman for some reason i don't know why well this is a real uh dc looking show though like they hired a bunch of d DC people to draw them to look like visually Earth Might Heroes has a lot of look like Batman and Superman
Starting point is 00:36:10 yeah I was thinking of how they look in my head I'm like oh yeah DC so yeah I apologize I know they're Marvel and yeah Avengers Earth Mightiest Heroes that's on Disney Plus every episode so that's an easy way to watch it this is a late in the series one but an easy first one to watch
Starting point is 00:36:25 and i'm glad our patron picked it because it is a spider-man focus one so i stuck in another spider-man cartoon in this series oh no we've done too many and then our last what a cartoon is going to be obviously the preview for the what a cartoon movie that month it's going to be the black cauldron a movie that nobody remembers but we're gonna be remembering it plenty for you because you voted for it in our disney flops poll so there you go it narrowly well it was a little close but it pretty uh it beat by like four percent dinosaur right dinosaur was the one nipping at its heels i'm kind of glad this one because dinosaurs seem frankly too boring to talk about yeah and also and we'd have to talk about well actually jeffrey katzenberg's coming up in either of these there's no escaping him he touches most disney for like 20 years um so yeah and uh our theme our poll for next month for august rather will be 90s anime
Starting point is 00:37:16 films and those will include things like dragon ball z broly gundam wing endless waltz the end of evangelion and ghost in the shell so uh that poll will be up early in July, correct? Yes, yeah. Early in July. By the time you're hearing this, it is probably up. If you're a patron, check it out on the Patreon. And yeah, we've done several anime ones, but there's some big ones, especially in the 90s, that we are nostalgic for, especially especially that are worth going back to and
Starting point is 00:37:45 and you know we've done dragon ball we've done gundam wing we've done evangelion so this also lets us do the films that continue on from there and of course ghost in the shell like that is one of the most famous anime films ever so there's a lot to talk about in all of those and hopefully the 90s kids who love anime they will make their voices heard in that poll so i guess this is now just a general quarantine chat what we've been doing with our endless free time again uh i can't get married still i should have been married two months ago uh but yeah i can't go to canada see my fiance so i've been doing a lot of uh playing the sims in my house a very sad single-player game of The Sims, like, I do need a new toaster.
Starting point is 00:38:26 So improving my life in tiny ways like that with gadgets. And also Nina and I watch a lot of stuff remotely, so I've been watching actually Lupin the Third Part 5. No, Part 4. The Italian one? Yeah, the Italian one. It's been really good. And also we started watching Avatar,
Starting point is 00:38:41 so look forward to an Avatar episode once we finish the series or get really far into it. I got to do now yeah it's all because it's all on netflix i need to give that a watch i've uh yeah you know the stuff i've been watching because we did space jam and i got hbo max i was watching old looney tunes on there but then i was kind of frustrated like not every there's a lot of old looney tunes on there but not everyone and i really wanted to watch the one where the three bears try out for the circus i love that one yeah but that one's not on uh hbo max but it is on verve because verve has boomerang and it's like it's it's weird like hbo max uh it's like stream time chat i guess
Starting point is 00:39:24 we're just like we can't escape stream chat on the show. I think we talked about it last month. I can't remember when HBO Max went live, but I was like, this is more stuff that I can watch in any lifetime. But why isn't there more? Because it's like, go to the Adult Swim channel. Here's eight shows. Adult Swim has like six.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Why isn't every Adult Swim show just here? What reason do you have to just not put them all online that you own them? Just do it. Or their network collection too it's like they have of the classics they have dexter and powerpuff girls but they don't have johnny bravo they don't have cow and chicken of the current stuff they have they have steven universe and adventure time they don't have craig of the creek but they do have infinity train it's like such a weird i mean i what i guess is uh confusing me is that after disney plus was everything disney marvel and star wars just all of it then i get hbo max and hbo max is more like well no you get all that hbo stuff and then samplings of every other thing we yeah like why are you curating this like
Starting point is 00:40:25 i can't really buy this in a way that prop like that you profit from right so like it's so weird i like for example i thought they'd have every batman movie on there just live action at least i'm like okay i want to watch okay i'm watching batman forever now i don't i watch the dark knight not on there none of the nolan films are on there at the start and no tales from the crypt on hbo max no batman the animated series either like there's and and some of their originals are also confusing to me i think it's really great they're doing adventure time originals on there uh but i am also like why is is Elmo hosting a Tonight Show parody? This is a-ha. We requested that.
Starting point is 00:41:07 It feels almost like a response to like, oh, they're going to do original Muppet stuff on Disney+. Well, we've got the Sesame Street characters, so we're going to put the Sesame Street stuff on there. That's right. HBO bought Sesame Street, right? Yes. A while ago. So if you want to use HBO Max for that, you can watch that. And though what I did, actually, I rewatched all of Community with my husband.
Starting point is 00:41:30 He'd never seen the whole show. So we decided to join in on the Community spree. Oh, right. I've been seeing a lot of talk on Twitter about Community and a lot of fun remembrances of that show, which is now 10 years old. Or now it's like almost 11 years old. Yeah, yeah. The finale is over five years old which is crazy to me like that and it was it was great going back i even watched season four just for completeness sake and i was like this is both better and worse than i remember the uh that's the harman free season yeah but we had such a good
Starting point is 00:42:00 time with it we even busted out my old old DVDs to listen to the commentaries. Yeah, I had the first two seasons on DVD once, and they have really good commentaries. And I did like Community, but it was one of those shows where I watched two seasons, and I was like, that's enough for me. Like, Parks and Rec was the same thing. I didn't feel a need to watch anymore. It's like, I think I'm good, and I enjoyed what I saw.
Starting point is 00:42:19 But I'm glad it's available, and people are liking it. I got to say, though, that theme song is one of the worst theme songs like what are they saying yeah I uh well you know the first at the start of the series they that theme song even was like this weird whistly thing like yeah oh yeah before it was like the song with lyrics yeah that both of the theme songs aren't great like no and it clashes so tonally with the show and it's just like i just it just makes me it makes my skin crawl i hate it i don't know why though uh a thing for me that opening theme i'll always love it because the way it goes i can't count the reasons i should stay one by one they all just fade away that was when i was working at a video game website where all my friends were leaving and i was thinking why am i staying at this job like that that song
Starting point is 00:43:06 echoes in my mind of just like i can't count the reasons i should stay yeah when i was at in the gaming press everyone was watching community in fact like an article i wrote on one up was uh after that video game episode of community aired when they were like in a video game we wrote an article like here are references that but there really weren't any references so uh but it was just fun to write about i also forgot that right after donald glover left community he and danny poody were hired to be like for this fall brand ambassadors for the newest far cry they're like oh yeah we play far cry together we like far cry like subia soft played that paid them a lot
Starting point is 00:43:44 to talk about far cry i totally forgot about that i hope played that paid them a lot to talk about Far Cry I totally forgot about that I hope they uh they got a lot of money I think so though it was like the last thing Donald Glover did before he just became like no I'm an artist now I don't do that stuff so let's move on to questions and comments from our episodes the first one of course is from Talking Simpsons and the episode was beyond blender dome uh we survived mel gibson yeah i don't know if america will right after we had that podcast it re ignited the whole winona rider thing like i said it on that recording yeah i remembered but it kind of fell away and then since that episode came out like i think winona rider gave a new interview she's like no seriously that happened and mel gibson's representation was like no it didn't it didn't happen it's like
Starting point is 00:44:31 yeah i'm sure mel gibson didn't get drunk at a party and say something anti-semitic so never happened no chicken run too for him unfortunately uh so yeah sponge says the only movie screening i ever went to is when i was a little kid and entered a drawing at McDonald's. Ended up winning tickets to an early showing of Who Framed Roger Rabbit. They gave everyone enamel pins of Baby Herman long since lost. So they lost the pin. I went into the movie knowing nothing about it and was baffled by this pin of an angry baby holding a cigar.
Starting point is 00:45:00 So that's cool. And I imagine you could put several children through college if you sold that pin online today oh yeah man a baby like they'll never merchandise a baby with a cigar at disney ever again they'll never merchandise roger rabbit again yeah that too yeah also the sponge got to be way ahead of the curve on uh who framed roger rabbit like you got to be the cool kid in town saying like no this is the greatest movie ever all the cartoons talk to each other i would kill to get to go to an early screening of that movie back then i was brought to that movie because my mom knew it was important and it would work me and make me actually i'm looking at this enamel pin online yeah guessing it's the same one it's
Starting point is 00:45:39 only 17 so okay you could find that pin relive your childhood through ebay that's the most important uh so you got the next one henry yes uh scott johnson says i wouldn't say mel gibson has completely recovered from his public remarks daddy's home 2 was the last widely released film production he had though i definitely think they are now trying to play up his more unhinged conservative aspects i mean the newest movie he's in is called The Professor and the Madman, made with Sean Penn, went straight to Redbox. Unless he stays behind the director's chair, even with Hacksaw Ridge's moderate success,
Starting point is 00:46:16 I don't think he'll ever fully come back. That's funny. You gotta hope so. Just the other day, I read a headline that was like, Mel Gibson's new pro-police brutality movie is crazy racist. And the headline is racist anti-Semite Mel Gibson and woman strangler Emile Hirsch star in Force of Nature as Gibson's brutal ex-cop with a dark past saves whites from a hurricane in Puerto Rico. Oh, my God. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Oh, my God. Rico oh my god yeah oh my god I entered so he did two brutal cop movies because I was in the episode I was only referencing dragged across concrete the one he did with Vince Vaughn but he did a different movie about him being a cop yes it's a it's a fantasy about a misogynistic Caucasian cop with a predilection for using supposedly justifiable extreme force is the uh i guess the log line there oh fuck that man yeah i mean god damn i thought with the beaver we thought he was sensitive he talked to that puppet all the time and he's got to call up whoopi goldberg again to be like apologize for me one more time we'll do it harder uh but yes uh go to hell mel i hope it's all being mel it's better be so yeah brother's little helper is next and we don't have time to read all of the comments for this one but a lot
Starting point is 00:47:31 of great comments about people's uh experiences with adhd uh andrew chetti and especially did a great reply that's very long you guys should all read it tons of sources about this we were i don't think we were insulting but we were ignorant in the textbook term of ignorance like we just didn't have that experience so we both learned a whole lot about adhd and the medications for it and many of the stigmas uh faced not only by you know the issue it's the mental health issue itself but also stigmas towards the treatment of it so starting us off sabrina says i'm an elementary school special ed teacher and I've taught many students with ADHD, both medicated and unmedicated. And my understanding is that ADHD is caused by an imbalance of dopamine in the brain and stimulants increase dopamine, allowing students to focus better. I have seen ADHD meds really improve some children's school performance, but there are a lot of side effects.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Some students sometimes feel and act like they're in a fog when they're coming down from the meds, which is scary for a 10-year-old. It can mess up their sleep patterns. The medication can also suppress appetite, and it can be really difficult to get some kids to eat anything at all during the school day. Then they binge at night after the medication is worn off. Caffeine seems to help ADHD, too. I have one unmedicated student who drinks coffee in the morning, and it really does improve her focus for the first few hours of the day running around at recess provides another boost but almost all my students are worn out by 1 30 in the afternoon i mean it's true like school should just end then like after lunch i'm done it's over it starts too early and ends too late
Starting point is 00:48:59 kids i mean let kids be kids but or at least free up their time. But yeah, that was very interesting to hear from a teacher and also how that activity thing, it fits with the joke in the episode of just like physical exercise. You can either take these medication or do physical exercise. But I'm glad to hear that it seems to be helping a lot of kids in her case, at least. And Scott Scalvian also said about the topic. Thank you to everyone who is sharing their experiences with ADHD and medication. Really appreciate the opportunity to learn. While this is completely anecdotal, I have had a few experiences with friends who are pursuing diagnosis and treatment for their children. And in the process
Starting point is 00:49:45 realize that a lot of the characteristics of adhd actually apply to them as well i just find it interesting since the mainstream understanding is that it was over diagnosed in the 80s and 90s but still there are people who are having aha moments in their adulthood where never it came up before then so yeah that uh that's interesting too that adults have this realization like oh wait that's me too same yeah i heard similar things about parents who when their kids were uh diagnosed with asperger's they're like oh wait that's kind of me also i saw someone tweeting about that with anxiety and then like remembering like oh uh oh yeah like i had anxiety problems in school but nobody knew what it was
Starting point is 00:50:25 and just like maybe i shouldn't have had diarrhea every day before school that could have been a sign that something was wrong yeah you know what you just thought it was like oh they just don't like school no my sick tum tum it's like well why was my tum tum sick uh yeah you know i think uh memories from childhood of wanting to go to school i guess those were anxiety attacks some days perhaps so up next we have uh guess who's coming to criticize dinner and steven and nadal says uh by the way ed asner as java and yardley smith as the torture robot ev99 appeared in npr's radio adaptation of return of the jedi and both of their voices were so heavily distorted you would have never been able to tell that it was them that's cool i didn't know that there was an npr adaptation of that movie i i
Starting point is 00:51:10 remember when star wars was being heavily merchandised in my youth that one of the many things they would sell you is the like radio dramatizations but i believe the only ones i saw were the ones recorded i think in the bb BBC that had the majority of the principal cast in it playing themselves. But yeah, I hadn't heard of this previous crossover of Ed Asner and Yardley Smith in the same thing. Apparently it was a 1996 production. Oh, okay. So yeah, the only radio plays I knew of were the ones produced basically around the time the film came out. I didn't know about these new ones damn uh also on criticized dinner scott johnson says just gotta
Starting point is 00:51:51 say mike carlson was a really perfect guest to have this episode all of his tidbits about chicago the eateries at theme parks and his own simpsons knowledge really felt at home with bob and henry just a stellar job this episode was always funny but I always saw it as part of the downslide what what would the swearing joke and genuinely how the premise is handled primarily because Homer does become the mean critic just like the other critics want him to be and then the restaurant tries to kill him but everyone from the previous acts then want to beat him up it encompasses a lot of problems with the random endings that start in this season i actually started to think who was probably the
Starting point is 00:52:31 most popular food critic around this time but only one of note i can think of is jonathan gold he recently passed away but was very loved in the california scene especially for highlighting ethnic restaurants probably more people know about anton ego for matatoui as a film critic as a food critic but the ending of that movie is more about how passion drives us than a reaction against criticism a worse over-the-top powerful critic probably would have to be in the movie bird man which yeah yeah yeah no that movie any movie that's about that has a scene where the main character yells at a critic about how they don't like anything it's like and just don't like you're
Starting point is 00:53:11 letting us know the critics get to you like just stop dude yeah get over it i yeah it's weird like there is no like i can't think of a famous food critic right now because it's just like that was never on the map like siskel and ebert were the famous movie critics there will no there'll be no movie critic as famous as them but like when it comes to food there's like famous chefs but never like the world famous food critic yeah i know folks who live in la knew of jonathan gold and i i but i only really heard of him after he passed away and i can't remember his name but i do remember james adomian would do a parody of a real life food critic who only liked french fries and eating garbage things and i think i forgot his name
Starting point is 00:53:51 because james adomian very funny but also truly disgusting in the hell yeah yeah i know you're talking about uh so up next trios of horror 10 and uh tune j723 says my mom was concerned about poison trick or treats if i got any fruit loose candy or homemade stuff in ziploc bags she would tell me to throw it in the trash any candy that was wrapped or boxed was considered safe and he goes on to say uh the pjs is technically another fox cartoon that did a y2k episode i say technically because even though it was planned to air in 1999 fox decided to air most of the second season in the following summer. And the episode didn't air until the WB got the rights to the show the fall after.
Starting point is 00:54:30 I forgot. This is me speaking, by the way. I totally forgot that, yeah. The W, I mean, that seems like a better place for it. But I feel like I didn't even remember that part of the PJ's history. Yeah, I think it also is around the same time Eddie Murphy stopped doing a voice on the show because he was so pissed off at how it was being mishandled by Fox. It was, for some reason, not a priority for Fox, unlike its other animated shows. It got worse treatment than Futurama Family Guy.
Starting point is 00:54:56 I think part of that was it was a non-white show. It was considered, like, that's a lesser show. We could just kick around. Yeah. Not cool. And if I'm Larry Wilmore back in 1999, I am pretty pissed off. white show it was considered like that's a lesser show we could just kick around yeah it's not cool and if i'm larry wilmore back in 1999 i am pretty pissed off like we made a y2k episode to be aired before it became the year 2000 premiering a y2k episode in the fall of 2000 is like why even bother that apparently pj's is on h Hulu. So you can watch it there.
Starting point is 00:55:26 We need to do a PJ's episode for What a Cartoon. I remember watching it when Fox would air it. And I was like, it's cool to see stop motion animation anywhere, period. So it was really cool to watch that. Yeah, I liked it then too. Okay, so also on that episode, somebody named Nina Matsumoto. I never heard of her but she said about treehouse of hearts and some bullet point comments being john malkovich is still my favorite
Starting point is 00:55:50 movie ever homers guess i forgot to put the fog lights in song is the line of the episode for me all of the stretch boy and clobber girl comics from bongo were written by friend of the show ian boothby so you're right to boot him Long here. Henry unnecessarily spelling out the R word right after Bob cautiously called the R word was hilarious. And finally, a wizard did it, Henry, to which I reply, a wizard created an undead werewolf?
Starting point is 00:56:19 Highly dubious. I've seen it. I've seen it on The Simpsons. But I mainly wanted to get that one because Nina you know clarified that those Stretch Boy and Clobber Girl comics weren't just you know done by anybody at Bongo but
Starting point is 00:56:34 by our friend and pro Simpsons writer Ian Boothby and yeah I just again it just feels too mean on Tim Long's part I'm gonna say crappy to those comments Hey Tim Long sit on it that's what I gotta say be crappy to those comments Hey Tim Long, sit on it That's what I gotta say to him but we'll interview you in the future
Starting point is 00:56:49 Let's talk about comments for the What a Cartoon podcast so up first we have Gundam Wing and Jose Rivera says, ah Gundam Wing My first exposure not only to the Gundam franchise but also to Gundam Model Kits aka Gunpla While I've really dug my heels to
Starting point is 00:57:05 the universal century I will always have a soft spot in my heart for wing uh duo was my favorite and in 2002 I not only got to meet Scott McNeil at a convention but I also got him to sign something duo and rat trap from beast wars for me and he did the voices which is basically the same voice but still cool so yeah that's cool what a nice guy that's coming neil all the videos of him at con seems like he's a very very giving to his fans who are who are nice enough to remember all of his shows that's another one beast warriors we got to do uh though if we are planning anything now these are september or onward yes so we're looking at 2022 for any future plans uh but also on the gun and wing episode pinjardoo9 says with regards
Starting point is 00:57:47 to all of you speculating about how Sunrise takes wing as the most popular Gundam in America there's actually a fun little nod to it in the anime series Gundam Build Fighters where the American Gundam Build Fighter champion uses a tall geese and is specifically the right age to where he would have been a kid watching it on toonami so that's really cool i the gun and build fighter show is basically their pokemon or yugioh show it's a it's a toy about it's a show about buying toys pretty much it's the most toyotic show you can get period uh but i really like that they i didn't know that the american fighter on the show was a wing fan with a tall geese that's that's really cool that they i didn't know that the american fighter on the show was a wing fan with a tall geese that's that's really cool that is the how to buy action figure man episode it really
Starting point is 00:58:31 in japan there's far fewer laws about that so you know so uh brian horton so duck man is up next the episode cocktails for four i see a lot of people out there were tweeting at me and like oh i bought duck man on dvd thank you so duckman renaissance is coming in 2021 and brian horton says uh so on the episode this is bob talking i mentioned a cable ace clip in which i was made aware of duckman because space ghost was interviewing duckman well it turns out he was interviewing a lot of cartoon characters and brian horton sent in a clip of the award ceremony in which this little segment played i guess henry has that queued up here. But not all cable animation is kid stuff.
Starting point is 00:59:09 There are cartoons that challenge audience expectations. Demand to be challenged, to be offended, to be treated like thinking, reasoning adults. And raise your children to be the same. Don't let a comedian, a network, a congressional congressional committee or an evil genius take away your freedom to laugh at whatever you want huh did you understand any of that so yeah they were playing a clip from an episode it wasn't like new animation or anything yeah but i did like uh space ghost has nothing to say about it do you understand that no no and the the light laughter of the cable ace award community they're polite laughter of these uh these hollywood hot
Starting point is 00:59:51 shots not laughing at duck man uh jacob reed said about duck man funnily enough you both were mostly right in saying jason alexander never really had a chance to record with the rest of the duck man cast from what i've seen in interviews with jason however it seems like this episode cocktails for four that you covered was the exception to that rule i even got a chance to ask jason a question that got read on gilbert godfrey's podcast regarding this specific episode and alexander confirmed that they all performed it together in the studio as it was a radio as if it was a radio play wow no wonder they were all like on fire in that episode right ah that they even got oh sorry let me finish this yeah he stated that it took a long time for them to get through the recording
Starting point is 01:00:37 but he ultimately loved the experience of actually playing the characters with others for a change with the type of dialogue that was always being written for the characters i can only imagine how long the sessions actually took i mean we need second takes for saying the same plugs over and over like those insane duck man speeches that every character talks in that kind of cadence so you have to go in like double speed to get every line until i get the results back for that blood test i ordered on you you're still his father you have to do stuff with him, duck man. Oh, why does he think that he's so much better than me? Because they have a house, a car.
Starting point is 01:01:11 See, it's hard to even do a parody of it or do a mockery of it because it's like, no, the performance is so high. And to perform that like a radio play with other actors. But Jacob Reed, thank you for, you know, I'm sure Jason Alexander was so happy to get a duck man question on this Gilbert Gottfried question i know i heard that episode but i must have forgotten about it because it was like two months before i recorded that uh podcast so uh yeah i gotta pull that one up i i'm i'm way behind on the uh the godfrey podcast i'm falling behind too uh up next we have harley quinn uh the episode till death to us part i believe
Starting point is 01:01:40 that was the first episode and evan coats uh says i don't really own on these comments except for the roasting henry hour yeah uh henry has ranted about dc universe not being available for consoles at least twice this episode and also during the brave and the bold episode in the opening of one of season two's episodes it shows someone using the dcu app on an xbox i am convinced that dc and warner brothers is just actively trolling Henry. So boom. Yeah. So I will admit that when I say it's not on consoles, I was inadvertently being a Sony fanboy because I really only watch streaming stuff in the bedroom on the PS4. The Xbox One's in the living room.
Starting point is 01:02:30 So I wasn't aware that it was an app on the Xbox One. You know, it seems like the Xbox One is a much more open platform for streaming services. Sony holds it back a bit more. So, yes, DC Universe is on a million things, but not PS4, which is why I treated it as it's not on consoles. It's the only console. Right. Come on. It should be on Switch, though, too. The only other console. Something should be on Switch that's not on consoles it's the only console but right come on yes uh it should be on switch though too the only other console something should be on switch that's not a video game i think you can watch youtube on there okay i think uh but but evan and everyone else who
Starting point is 01:02:55 corrected me on that i promise i will not again say the dc universe isn't on consoles when it is on the xbox one thank you uh but scott johnson i think this is his third one in here but he had some good comments he said about the harley quinn episode i will not take this slander against the croods it's a surprisingly good and heartfelt dreamworks movie with incredible settings and design most of the straight to netflix adaptations have been bad except for captain underpants however chris sanders had reese has recently made the error of jumping to live action movies doing the bizarre call of the wild movie featuring harrison ford and a giant dog oh my god i did not know that's what chris sanders was directing these days yeah yeah i totally forgot about that because um so
Starting point is 01:03:41 call the wild is like the classic jack london story or whatever and i like the last time i flew to canada was like right after or before we did the great mouse detective and i was reading that on the plane and like while i was waiting in the airport i saw clips of the movie and there was like a behind the scenes clip of the movie where it's just like he is not acting with a dog he is acting with a human with like mocap balls all over him being a dog that's they couldn't just get a dog in there reminds me of that like spaghet movie sketch from tim and eric right yeah it seems needlessly complicated i mean yeah the dog does things that a dog can't do where you can't make a dog do but like a human being can't just become a dog there's like a disconnect there and especially
Starting point is 01:04:25 famous a grouch like harrison ford having to look at him and react to a man doing dog rolling eyes moves it's so ridiculous pretty sure like harrison ford has crashed at least three planes since then since i saw that clip and i'll give you know maybe someday we'll give the croods a chance i've just the marketing of it turned me off and i gave it no chances and also i didn't give dreamworks movies any chances yeah i mean nina scolded us too and that's chris sanders who did a lilo and stitch and uh should not be doing live action but uh during our honeymoon we'll watch the crudes you can uh that's my promise to you out there and oh maybe the crudes too after dark uh let's move on to muppet babies
Starting point is 01:05:07 that was a fun episode what a fun time that was yeah i really had a good time with that one um so mr neal says uh speaking of jeffrey scott so by the way jeffrey scott was the writer of that episode he's also notable for being the grandson of mo howard of the three stooges i remember his name being everywhere in cartoons I watched growing up. This name value hooked me enough to buy his book about cartoon screenwriting when I was studying animation in the early 2000s. I was most of the way through it when I came to a fully excerpted Ninja Turtles script. He used an example story that he was most proud of writing as an example to demonstrate humor in a story-breaking method.
Starting point is 01:05:40 I could handle the puns and the musty old joke book humor, but that's not what made me put the book down forever. one of the plot points was a father selling out his own infant son to save himself from the villainous alligator leatherhead quote don't kill me the secret device is hidden in my kid's rc car go kill him barely paraphrase that's like a homer line it really is i have a wife a family kill them uh going on with the comment the thing about childhood nostalgia is you kind of remember all the pleasant memories of bright colors and infectious catchphrases and forget all the churned up filler in between and yes i think jeffrey scott had some contempt for his child audience oh yeah well when you gotta write like 40 scripts in a year probably 40 scripts in like
Starting point is 01:06:20 three months to get the production going on something. How much can you care? You know, you have to be a script factory. Like you get to that level because you can churn out the content to make a script fast. You know, that's kind of his deal there. I kind of want to read that book, though, just to get a sense of what television animation writing was then compared to, or really in the 80s uh compared to what it is now and uh there's one more comment i did also want to shout out there was there was an interesting divide in a lot of the comments of there were some people who were like yeah i watched it all
Starting point is 01:06:57 the time on cbs and there were other people a little younger than us who were like oh i this was on cbs i watched this all on nickelodeon like it it was interesting to see the divide in people there but the final comment is from rory dropkick who says another nerdy thing that i remember the cg that scooter created was roger abel and associates high fidelity a short cg movie done in the early 1980s. I remember this because it was on the Discovery Channel special called Computer Magic that I have recorded on tape and still have. It's quite charming for its time.
Starting point is 01:07:35 And then Rory Dropkick linked to that. So thank you. It would have been nice if they would have included a credit about that or like any sort of credit for anything that they show on the on the show yeah at least uh i mean i guess kids then couldn't like look it up anyway but yeah it it looks just like a random moment that if you're a dumb kid like we were we're like oh this this show created everything i'm seeing on screen this isn't like a needle drop of a song or whatever even gertie the dinosaur was created by jimenson. That's what they wanted you to think.
Starting point is 01:08:05 Yeah. I mean, that's, I also was struck by how many times I would find an ad on there that like old ads for the Muppet Babies, they always had to say like legally, Jim Henson's Muppet Babies. I feel bad because I didn't include that
Starting point is 01:08:19 in the title of the podcast. I was like, oh no, they're going to come get me now. The estate of Jim Henson is coming for you, Bob. But yeah, that's all of our comments for this month but yeah what a uh a very interesting month june was wasn't it we're at the end of it now but uh i just some normalcy in july i beg of you world please be nice uh who knows what we'll be talking i think we said this at the end of the may one like geez what are we going to talk about the end of june one i'm really curious what we're going to talk about the end of july one now i hope good news it's like it turns out the cure for covid is uh lollipops everyone gets a lollipop
Starting point is 01:08:52 hooray and they go to canada but uh yeah and it you know this has been a a rough month in the news but it's i've had a great time recording podcasts and and releasing them for you guys like i hope you hope you all enjoyed like even the space jam one we did and we've we've recorded so much we're basically done with august at the time of this yeah you don't need to worry about all of this interfering with uh the content because it's going to keep coming and like henry said we've been working so far ahead and we're like almost done with the entire summer or will be in a few weeks so uh we're going to be ready, hitting the fall schedule pretty soon. So just remember that when we're podcasting.
Starting point is 01:09:30 I was like, why are Bob and Henry referencing the moon exploding? That was a big deal. Yeah, I guess. And don't forget to vote in the August What a Cartoon Movie poll as well for one of those 90s anime classics. So thanks again for listening to another episode
Starting point is 01:09:44 of Talk to the Audience. We'll see you in another month for one of these. But next classics so thanks again for listening to another episode talk to the audience we'll see you in another month for one of these but next week will be the talking simpsons episode all about eiei dome we'll see you then Wow. Infotainment.

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