Talking Simpsons - Talk to the Audience?!? - March 2020

Episode Date: April 8, 2020

Time once more for our monthly news and community podcast, and WOW, what a normal and uneventful month! But seriously, we cover the real-world news and Simpsons updates, thoughts on some of the most r...ecent Simpsons episodes, a preview of what podcasts are coming in April, and chat about some of our favorite Patreon comments for March 2020! So listen now! Support this podcast and get dozens of bonus episodes by visiting and becoming a patron! And please follow the new official Twitter, @TalkSimpsonsPod!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I heartily endorse this event or product. Hello everybody and welcome to Talk to the Audience where this is always death. I am one of your hosts, Bob Mackie, who is here with me today. Onward opening night viewer Henry Gilbert one of a select few and in case you don't know this is our community podcast where we talk about news that's happening in the Simpsons world and in our world and we also respond to your questions and comments up on the patreon and of course this is the final talking Simpsons of every month if you're on the patreon it's the first one of every month if you're on the free feed yes so uh welcome everybody uh one way or another we got a ton of new signups this month so thank
Starting point is 00:00:50 you if you're a new patron and i'm really happy with all the new people coming on board i believe after the the chapo episode launch a lot of new people jumped on and uh we wrote a little post up saying you know welcome to the podcast welcome to the patreon here is you know how to access everything and here's all the stuff you get so So if you're still on board, hello and welcome. And we hope you enjoy this community podcast. But other than that, what a normal month. What a normal month. Not much to talk about. Nothing eventful and just continuing about our normal everyday lives. Wrong. No, no. The February community podcast feels like 30 years ago.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Yes. Yes. And to be up front like we're talking about the covid19 pandemic we're talking about quarantine and we have been like our we had like a little talk uh before an episode henry and i agreed that we don't want to bring it up on podcasts because we want these to be timeless in a way but we also don't want to bum you out and we heal we hear a lot from people saying you know your podcasts help us in times of need and i turned the podcast for that too oh yeah so uh we don't want to talk about it that much but here we're going to talk about it because this is our current events yeah podcast so may as well it'd be impossible to talk about what our lives have been like in the last month without mentioning the the quarantines and
Starting point is 00:02:04 self-isolations and whatnot yeah i mean we're in california and that's when the uh one of the first big lockdowns happened right oh bay area especially i think the bay the bay area locked down even before la did now i i know you know it's different like state by state in some cases but ours was one of the first of like self-isolate lockdown like uh but you know we are lucky in that bob lives very close to me and it's really easy to just come in and record and boy have we been recording it up yes uh we're extremely fortunate and privileged to say that our lives have not changed that much and i feel incredibly lucky we are so lucky yes uh i am miserable for other reasons but i never want to complain because i know a lot of people are losing their jobs and
Starting point is 00:02:48 their health care and uh our lives have not changed that much and we've also been more productive because trips got canceled for us i can't go to canada for the moment because the border shut down so we're just kind of diving into work headfirst because it's a nice distraction. And so far we've worked ahead until like May on Talking Simpsons. We just recorded Krusty Gets Busted, which will be up in May. We just recorded it right before this podcast. Yeah. And we still record in person just to let you guys know we're being incredibly safe. We don't want to put anyone at risk. I still, when I'm not recording, I still try to walk four or five miles every day to keep myself sane. And thankfully I live in a quiet residential neighborhood where it's easy to see people coming and people are very considerate. And I'm able to get exercise and also come to Henry's without encountering very many
Starting point is 00:03:33 people. I'm never in a crowded place. I'm constantly washing my hands. I've got hand washing protocol. Like the second I step in the house, wash my hands, then I put on kitchen gloves, then I handle everything I brought home with me. And then I wash the gloves. Wait, no, no my hands, then I put on kitchen gloves, then I handle everything I brought home with me, and then I wash the gloves. Wait, no, no. First, I wipe off the doorknob that I used to get into the place, and then I take off the gloves. And no, wait, wait. Before I take off my gloves, I also wipe off my phone. Oh, wow. Man, you're putting me to shame with the amount of cleanliness. It's turning me into somebody with a compulsion now. just like that's unclean that's unclean yeah that description sounded like the other guy who worked in the ucb of it's like then i use my using my hands using my gloves holding a lysol wipe and i've also had
Starting point is 00:04:14 to train myself this is i'm sorry this is boring i've also had to train myself to not take my phone out when i walk so now i gotta be locked into a podcast because after i touch doorknobs and you know traffic signals and stuff i don't want to then be touching my phone. So I have somehow trained myself like I always want to look at Twitter when I'm at a light or something like that or when I'm walking. I stopped doing that. You know, they say in the official California government warnings, they say like, you know, obviously self-isolate. Don't go into crowded areas. You know, don't go to no restaurants open
Starting point is 00:04:45 in our area now anyway and but you know key do social distancing but it also does say like you know get outside and walk or like walk your dogs as long as you're maintaining the you know the self-isolation standards and the distances from people yeah they they don't want people cooped up inside all day if they can help it. Yeah. Yeah. I see some people out there misunderstanding what this means and like being very scoldy about it. Like, I better not see you outside. I think mental health is also super important and you're going to go insane if you're not getting like vitamin D and exercise. Like,
Starting point is 00:05:18 I think it's a big part of, you know, staying healthy during this time of misery for a lot of folks. Well, and also if you have like a pet you need to walk your dog that's right yeah you need to get them outside you know uh you know obviously there are the people you know those those videos of people like well i gotta do st patrick's day it's whatever man or like the the people at the spring break beaches that is like a
Starting point is 00:05:40 selfish action being done by people who don't care if they spread stuff. But yeah, as long as you're observing the social distancing stuff and key and, and taking care, like you can go outside and exercise, you know, though this also has gotten me to, uh, I've picked up ring fit again. I've been doing a bit more of that to,
Starting point is 00:05:58 to stay active in the house. You know, it's also, it's been different, uh, that my husband's been home the whole time. He has an office job, but he works from home now and for the foreseeable future. So, you know, I think I just feel bad for him.
Starting point is 00:06:13 The bedroom for him is the I live in a one bedroom place. And so the living room is this work area. And he works in the bedroom pretty much most days. But he likes it. He likes it. Yeah. Like I said, we're super fortunate to have already been working from home and he works in the bedroom pretty much most days but he likes it he likes it yeah like i said we're super fortunate to have already been working from home and to be in a business that never depended on uh the certain things that businesses are depending on now you know yeah so uh we are super lucky and we're glad you folks are still sticking with us and we hope to keep you
Starting point is 00:06:39 entertained but yeah we're just trying not to mention it too much because i mean uh i i'm a fan of gallows humor but when it comes to this i'm kind of sick of it and uh it's happening on every podcast i gotta just i i don't want to hear about like it's the end of the world or oh we're all gonna die like i don't want to hear that kind of thing and i don't want to make those kind of jokes because it sucks it's like we're in a really good position but we would be a lot happier if you know we could like leave more or like see other people or go to, like, a restaurant. What a fun idea. For me, watch wrestling shows on television.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Yeah, yeah. I mean, technically wrestling hasn't stopped, but they're just kind of a bring down to watch without an audience. Like, it just feels weird. Yeah. And now I know the pain of the jocks who are just like, the NBA, the UFC, it's all gone. Like, my fake sports are gone, too. And every night I sing somewhere out there thinking about Canada. Yes. Open the border just for me. You can test me as much as you want.
Starting point is 00:07:37 I was about to watch a, they were doing a screening of a goofy movie here that Bill Farmer was going to host. No way. Yeah, but that didn't happen. Not no more. My husband had a funny joke of saying, like, they have to cancel this. Like, don't kill Goofy. Don't make Bill Farmer go out in public. He's in his 60s now.
Starting point is 00:07:57 He's compromised. But yeah, like, I'm not going to Midwest Gaming Classic. I was supposed to leave this Thursday as of the posting of this. I was going to be gone. I'm not going to Portland Retro Gaming Expo. I'm probably not going to go to Vancouver at the end of April. So, so many things have been canceled. I'm sure things of greater consequence are probably canceled for you. So, I apologize if that happened. But yeah, our lives have just been very different, but just very solitary and just, you know, tunnel vision working on podcasts for us. Yeah. At the very least, I think by the end of April, we'll have recorded everything for
Starting point is 00:08:26 to September. So nothing else better happen. Yeah. When in fact things happen every single hour and it feels, it can be overwhelming at times. So I, yeah, I guess to wrap up the current news situation talk, I hope that we can help you guys get through that as podcasts have done for us in this last month. Yeah. And as of now, there will be no interruptions in the content we're putting on. In fact, we had to delay one of our things, but it's still happening. We'll talk more about that later. And yeah, I mean, we're going to make tons of stuff for you guys unless something more serious happens in Californiaifornia the bay area that makes us impossible i mean who knows but we are more than prepared and we're working very far ahead so we don't miss anything yeah yeah uh but i guess in in simpsons news in the last
Starting point is 00:09:15 month some good news uh yeah well so funnily enough a day after our last community podcast where i said no simpsons on disney plus in the uk it was announced that deals were made and disney's corporation uh got away with it and they got the simpsons on the uk and european disney plus which went live uh about two weeks ago and the only other news i read about that is uh seeing now now the British takes on hating the aspect ratio. It's the new, the wave of it has hit them. They're like, what the fuck's this aspect ratio, mate? It's bullocks.
Starting point is 00:09:53 It's bullocks, mate. I had to go up a lift in a lorry up to the loo just to get away from this. Spotted dick? Yeah. That's a thing. I would spit out my spotted dick while watching this with miriam gray i was having a bit of a pie day now i want some hp sauce on something uh but yes i i feel for our friends over the atlantic who are also cursed with the aspect ratio i was really hoping when
Starting point is 00:10:21 like we're five months ago they launched disney plus by now they would have the good aspect ratio available on there but still no i want to hear a british person do an american accent and make fun of us like you just did with british people like hello i want to watch a football game and eat a hamburger i was so mad at watching the baseball match uh yes and we have more apu news, right? The Apu news won't stop coming. I mean, is it wrong of me to say, like, can we just stop?
Starting point is 00:10:50 Like, have no more comments about this? I mean, how much do we need to clarify? I think I agree with these guys when they're like, yes, we would have recast him. Hank's not going to play him anymore. That's all good. It's like, do we need to keep talking about this? Yeah, maybe there will come a point where I'll stop updating this but every month there's there's a new quote i'm
Starting point is 00:11:09 not mad at you henry it's just it's just weird that this is still news well i think there's still you get a lot of clicks when you have a new statement about apu so anytime like in this case uh aljean gave a new interview to radio times which is a british publication to promote disney plus coming out there and of course they're gonna ask him about apu among other things and yeah aljean had a new apu comment which i'll just read in quotes okay if we were casting the character now we'd cast someone who is ethnically correct to play apu the way we always wrote him though was as a hard-working thoughtful family man who is smarter than everyone else in springfield the majority of the jokes were about springfield not appreciating
Starting point is 00:11:50 what a gem he is so we're proud of him i end quote i you know yes i wouldn't completely rewrite the history of apu like that though because i feel like it's a real 70 30 where like 70 of the jokes are uh you know apu is very a very hard-working immigrant a real 70 30 where like 70 of the jokes are uh you know apu is very a very hard-working immigrant and underappreciated but 30 of the jokes are he's like balky he's like a weirdo with a weird culture yeah yeah they and it's not yeah i but at least he you know ethnically correct that feels like the new way of saying politically correct i don't know if that's his complaint but at least he's recognizing that recasting apu is probably a good idea but i wonder if we'll ever see apu again yeah i don't know i mean yeah just i would also walk back that proud of him thing i mean apu was not
Starting point is 00:12:37 our nation's moment of shame or whatever and he was salvaged by a lot of writers but uh pride is a less pride yeah well well you know a year ago al Al Jean was one of the most defensive on Twitter. Like in, you know, unappealing ways, I'd say. And I think he has learned to step back from that. But I think when he says things like we're proud of him, it's his way of saying, like, I refuse to apologize. Like, yeah, we did nothing wrong but we all learned from our friend jack allison what happens when you question a showrunner oh yeah showrunner fear
Starting point is 00:13:10 the showrunners showrunners don't like hearing that they were wrong about anything no especially been running a show for 20 years uh in the full radio times interview it's a it's a nice one uh aljean also because it's a british publication was asked like would you want to have megan markle on your show and of course he's like oh would you want to have Meghan Markle on your show? And, of course, he's like, oh, we'd love to have her on. Give us a call, Meghan. She defected from Canada recently. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:13:32 To go to L.A. Oh, she's in L.A. now? I didn't know that. Yeah, Meghan Markle's like the bride of the prince, right? Yes. Yeah, they left Canada because of fear of the virus, but they came here, which is way worse. Yeah, Los Angeles is is virus town way more than like toronto i think they just didn't like toronto oh but they were at least staying in a place that
Starting point is 00:13:51 like the queen kind of is the boss of unlike here with us rowdy uh colonials you know also it's funny this is right after boris johnson has announced that he has uh the virus and uh uh and i won't say more i'll just stop there on that uh and and also aljean uh did was asked like hey how's the production going right now he said you know in this current work from home scenario that they are still working on the show and production has not halted from it so there's that also in the news bill oakley speaking to former showrunners of the show uh he did an article for the hollywood reporter uh where he was refuting people on the internet using the osaka flu story from the episode he co-wrote margin chains he said for nefarious purposes meaning like fully racist anti-asian uh sentiment so it's a it's a really interesting interview with the hollywood reporter if you'd like to see bill oakley's views on a bad uh
Starting point is 00:14:52 memeing of the simpsons with the the osaka flu storyline i mean yeah i read a bit of that he was like we made it super silly and over the top like a virus could survive for eight weeks in a box and then drove around the town like a cloud yes yeah yeah it was and it was definitely not i i don't believe it was meant with anti-asian sentiment either uh when they wrote it which is sadly going around all too much right now uh yeah with with the covid 19 uh but yeah it's an interesting read to hear hear bill locally talk about it's kind of a sequel to him talking about the sideshow bob defense in regard to the uh oh yeah the impeachment which can i think that impeachment was less than two months ago like that's how long this 2020 hey the important thing is it worked it definitely worked yeah always be an impeached president not as still not a huge
Starting point is 00:15:40 waste of everyone's time no no no no i'm just I bet Dan Graney is glad he's no longer asked about things anymore. He's ensconced from questions. He gave us our one interview with him where we had to ask him about the Tom Cruise. Yeah, of course. Well, that episode just hit its 20th anniversary, I believe. Wow, you're right.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Bart to the future. We're going to get to it soon. Oh, yeah. Look forward to it once we're past season one and season 11 coming soon with bart to the future uh speaking of new episodes of the simpsons uh i didn't watch any from this month other than the march 22nd episode highway to well i don't know if you checked that one out yourself bob uh i watched it on hulu it's uh was written by carolyn omine who is one of my favorite writers
Starting point is 00:16:26 and a staunch bernie sanders supporter so i really like her she uh wrote the episode that is entirely about pot it is a new marijuana episode of the simpsons and it really charts how different things are now because it's about the big business of pot they uh they identify early in the episode that weed is legal in the state in which springfield is occupies and marge works for a fancy apple store style pot distributor that is run by dredrick tatum who they oh wow and they draw dredrick tatum with a mike tyson face tattoo and i'm honestly there i want to give it the biggest compliment because I would have fully expected Simpsons
Starting point is 00:17:09 to just have it be Mike Tyson, but to have it be specifically Drederick Tatum and have it be about his history, I like that. Though, if you think about it in a timeline perspective, Maggie is still a baby and Drederick Tatum has gone from a young boxer to a retired boxer in the universe of the Simpsons. That is crazy.
Starting point is 00:17:26 It's funny. This comes almost 18 years after their other pod episode they did. Weekend at Bernsie's where Homer gets medicinal marijuana. I want to see the differences in just what the culture thinks of it. Oh, it's changed a whole lot. Yeah. It really has. I mean, like between then and now, then any civilian with like a driver's license can just
Starting point is 00:17:45 get an app and have weed brought to them yeah in many forms yeah the uh that's at least in california in california yeah and other states that's some of the best jokes in the episode is that otto goes to the apple store style fancy weed place and he's offended by it he's just like i just i want weed they're like oh so do you want to feel more like a face high? And they just give him all the purchasing options, and he rejects it. Otto's like, I want it to feel scuzzy and gross. It makes me sad. So he then works with Mo to create a dispensary that feels like an old school purchase.
Starting point is 00:18:23 I like that idea. I mean, when I go, I don't want to have a conversation. You know? Yes. I just like, what gets you high? Okay, I'll take it. Give me the thing that makes me high. And there's also the funniest joke in the episode is they parody the Jack in the Box munchie meals or whatever uh it's that crusty burger is selling like if you're feeling the munchies late at night
Starting point is 00:18:46 for some reason then you should come here it's high time you tried it get it get it get it it's funny it's good and the uh i like it i'd give it a c plus episode and it's focused on marge marge works at the dispensary and uh sorry not jay or silent bob kevin smith is in it kevin smith himself is in there it's uh another i won't spoil that joke but there's a pretty good joke with him and in a one-line appearance but the major guest stars are uh billy porter and chelsea peretti playing uh billy porter basically plays himself if he worked at a pot store while chelsea peretti plays a hot alternative girl who checks ids uh but yeah it's uh as far as modern day simpsons episode goes i think it was a pretty
Starting point is 00:19:33 good one interesting yeah i guess i i was saying on an earlier episode i was surprised kevin smith wasn't on the show when he was at his biggest yeah in terms of fame and uh they mentioned there's like a reference to him in a 2003 episode homer calls maggie silent bob like it was in three days of the condo i looked it up on frankie x so like when i was a kid and probably still liking kevin smith in 2003 when i was a kid when i was 21 and could buy liquor and go to war um i was like oh kevin smith i wonder if he'll be on the show and 17 years later here we are yeah yeah it's uh now when he's more famous as a pot master than uh as a comedy writer or director and i guess last thing
Starting point is 00:20:12 i'll mention is that this month too i watched onward in theaters when i uh it was the last movie i saw in theaters for the time being but i wanted to see it on opening day so i could see play date with destiny the simpsons short that preceded it and report back to you wonderful folks my uh feeling is uh very well done but high quality direction by david silverman and his team but too cutesy poo that's uh that's my feeling on it uh that the the best part about it is not even playdate with destiny there's a gag that precedes it that is like disney welcomes the simpsons and it's kind of a parody of how a 40s mickey mouse short would begin like with a you know cross-hatched background of a walt disney
Starting point is 00:20:59 presents mickey mouse shorts kind of thing it's it was clever i'm so sick of those jokes i'm not trying to be a bring down but i can't believe that that's the last one i'm okay with disney and the simpsons could you believe it uh but they well okay i like this as a parody or as a tip of the hat to theatrical short disney history i like that though i didn't like in the gracie logo how mickey mouse was there and they put that there's a joke well meanwhile playdate with destiny it basically is just a sequel to the longest daycare it's a uh dialogue free maggie adventure that's full of funny drawings there's some really great like crazy maggie poses that look fully like a david silverman drawing but i just think it's just too cute i just i don't if i'm
Starting point is 00:21:45 gonna see a simpson short it'd be nice to see one with the other funny characters i guess at the very least maggie gets such short shrift on the show i i kind of like the concept that the theatrical shorts are purely maggie's domain and everybody else is a silent supporting character in her shows uh but it's okay and oh and sorry last thing about it they credit like nine writers on a dialogue free short somebody wants to get that oscar they all want to win that oscar yes yeah i gotta say it's so weird so uh this will go up on wednesday or tuesday night rather and then friday that's when onward will be on disney plus oh right so fast it came i mean because of obvious circumstances but it's so weird because i was in uh disneyland and
Starting point is 00:22:30 california adventure in uh mid to late february before onward even came out right i was like oh this is the new movie weird all this merch is everywhere and now barely a month later it's on disney plus crazy crazy times these are crazy times yeah and i wouldn't onwards a fine movie it's fine it's good it isn't there's a reason it's called disney pixars onward and not just pixars because disney has more input and i think it's like less good than a great pixar film but there's still some good stuff in it. I couldn't stop seeing myself as the older brother character in it, thanks to being owned so hard by Nina Matsumoto about how you and I look like. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's good. I do like that. From the director of Monsters
Starting point is 00:23:18 University. So when you folks watch Onward, imagine the brothers in it as me and Bob as well. And I think you'll find more similarities than you expect so the short should be on disney plus too right i'd hope so if they put onward on there i haven't heard one way or the other when if it's on there but it definitely should be if onward gets to be on there it should too so we're getting some podcast news news about us so talking mission hill we pushed it a little bit because we wanted to build up a lot of episodes just in case we can't leave or, you know, things get, you know, the conditions change outside or whatever happens, happens. We're living in a completely unpredictable time.
Starting point is 00:23:52 So we want to build up as much content as possible before we start releasing it. So Talking Mission Hill will start April 22nd with our free posting of episode one in the Talking Simpsons Patreon feed. Yes, that will be the Talking Simpsons episode of that week. First on the free feed on April 22nd. And then two days later, episode two will hit the Patreon on Friday. And then every Friday after that, there will be a new episode of Talking Mission Hill
Starting point is 00:24:15 on the Patreon for $5 and up people. So the first one is free to anyone who's not on the Patreon. But after that, episodes two to what? 12 or 13 will be only available on Patreon. Sort of like what we've done with every one of these so far. So you should know like with King of the Hill, we did that first.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Yeah, and so did Futurama. And actually the first two episodes of Critic were regular Talking Simpsons episodes. But it fits too just in our timeline thing pretty much because had we not done season one and gone straight into season 11, we still like we did with the pilot for Family Guy. We would have done the first episode of Mission Hill, which premiered right before Beyond Blunderdome. Like I think that like three days before it was like Friday and Sunday for Beyond Blunderdome. No, you're right about that.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Yeah. Yeah. So it fits with we would have done it anyway had mission hill not won but because it won we're giving you the first one for free as a regular episode with our uh returning guest i'll just say now mr matt jay on that first episode because he uh he is a big time fan of mission hill he did an interview with bill oakley where he bill oakley revealed things he'd never said about Mission Hill before so yes look forward to that starting April 22nd on the Patreon for five dollar and up folks and we're doing a new thing with our movie poll for uh so if you're a five dollar and up patron you can vote on it but only ten dollar and up people can actually listen to the whole thing so instead
Starting point is 00:25:39 of doing it when we normally do it we're now holding the vote a week early just we can give ourselves more time to actually produce that podcast yeah yeah so you know the old practice was the first of the month the poll for the movie would go live and it would end on the night of the 7th but you know looking back on it now uh it it does make more sense to finish and have it start in the last week of the preceding month so then we go into the next month knowing what the movie will be and letting you folks know all about it too. We can put it on the schedule too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:10 So the movie is super, so the What a Cartoon Movie podcast, super production heavy. For me personally, I need like four days. So like two days of prep, one day to record, and then we can't do anything after that because it's like a four to five hour recording and we're just kind of wiped out so it takes up a lot of time and it kind of it wasn't a good situation to have the choice fall in the middle of the month and not have a lot of time left to figure out where to put that four days of space yeah yeah so now this uh this buys us more time and uh uh we've had you know the normal amount of people voting on the poll already uh at the time you hear this on the patreon it should still be live because we didn't start it exactly at the end of the month going forward
Starting point is 00:26:50 though like in april it will be the poll will go live one week before the first so that way on the first we'll know what the movie is though in this case uh unless things really change in the voting we know what the movie is going to be. Castle of Cagliostro of the four Miyazaki films is way in the front. I'm so excited about that. I can't wait to, yes, this one is going to be one of the ones I produce. And I am really looking forward to it too. I already did a lot of Miyazaki research for Omidikiki's delivery service.
Starting point is 00:27:22 But now it's time to talk about the the great grandson of arsene lupin uh non that's a non-legal clarification right yes yeah i think i think he's in public domain finally yeah i think he finally is uh let's talk about the what a cartoon schedule man this is a great month what a month yeah amazing month we got big news for you listeners if you haven't checked out the schedule yet on the website. Yes. You might've seen it already, but, uh, so the, for the first week of April last year, we did a live action cartoon because Monday happened to be April 1st. So we're doing that again, even though the timing doesn't match up because it's just a fun thing to do. So I believe the first week of every April from here on out, we'll just be us doing a live
Starting point is 00:28:01 action cartoon. And finally my dream has come true. My life's mission. I finally was able to make an Adventures of Pete and Pete podcast. And it's great. It's so good. It's on the Patreon right now, like behind the scenes. I uploaded it. And it's two hours and 45 minutes long. And yes, that'll be launching on the 6th, I believe. Yeah, so look forward to it very soon on the Patreon.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Or, you know, in the past, if you're listening to this on the free feed. Yeah, boy, it was fun to talk about Adventures of Pete and Pete. Yes, we had a lot of fun. And again, I've always wanted to do that. And I finally did. And like, I don't know what we'll do next year. But yeah, the first week of every April, we'll do a live action thing. It's just a lot of fun. And then the next one timed for, well, the 13th on the Patreon feed, but 420 on the free feed, chosen by one of our premium patrons.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue. We're finally doing it. A very shameful cartoon that nobody likes. And it's so embarrassing, but so much fun to talk about. It's the greatest crossover in animation history other than Roger Rabbit, all for the most narky of purposes. It's delightful propaganda about one of the most harmful movements in the world. Yep, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:13 The war on drugs. Good times, good times. But Kermit was all behind it. Hey, I'll catch you later, okay? I got a baseball game. And then after that, another patron choice, Revolutionary Girl Utena. The first two episodes. Boy, that was a fun one to do.
Starting point is 00:29:32 This one has been recorded already. And we touched on it a little bit in our Sailor Moon podcast. But now we get fully into sword lesbian sound with this. And it's a much deeper series than i had remembered it i really loved exploring that uh series for that episode and uh very likely after that will be our free preview of the castle of cagliostro what a cartoon movie which uh you know get boning up on your lupin right now i think at least in the u.s i believe Cagliostro is on Netflix. So you can check it out there. But yeah, I wanted to clarify for Mission Hill again, because it's a little more complex
Starting point is 00:30:10 than our normal schedule. So it'll be up April 22nd on the Patreon, April 29th on the free feed. And if you're on the free feed listening to it, you can immediately unlock episode two, because it will have posted the previous Friday. So yes, yes, it'll all make sense once it's all posted. Don't worry. But the important thing is we're doing it. It's going to be just for patrons and we'll give you a free taste of the first episode as a little bonus.
Starting point is 00:30:33 And before we get to the comments, one more thing. I really liked doing it last month is sharing a clip from our Jake Hogan interview. If you guys haven't listened to a lot of our classic interviews with Simpsons folks, you're missing out on some really good stuff uh so i'm gonna put in another like best of clip in here uh you guys can enjoy we talked to david silverman a little over a year ago about you know the early days of season one among many other topics and i think it's really cool to listen to right now so if you haven't heard it before if you're not a five dollar patron here's a little tease of uh of our interview with david
Starting point is 00:31:10 silverman so you moved on from directing shorts to directing uh full-length tv episodes and you directed five of the 13 in season one uh that sounds like a ton of work and i'm just curious as to how you handled the increase in workload, because it sounds like you're already working pretty hard on the shorts. I guess I did it through youthful exuberance. Yeah, both Wes and I were made into directors. Basically, we were
Starting point is 00:31:36 like, you guys ready to direct? And we looked at you and said, sure. Why not? We can do that. It was interesting, because neither one of us had directed anything other than our own shorts. He, you know, CalArts, Jack Mack and Rad Boy Go, and me at UCLA, The Strange Case of Mr. Donnie Brooks' Boredom and Mariner Man.
Starting point is 00:31:56 We hadn't really directed much, to be honest. But we kind of realized we were basically co-directing the shorts. And, you know, no slight or offense to Gob or Chupa, but we were basically putting them together, boarding them, and then animating them and timing them. So that pretty much is directing. I kind of looked at it this way. I was thinking, well, I know, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:17 I had a handle on doing a Simpsons short, and I thought about, well, I'll think about each episode as a series of sequences and sort of break it down that way and just sort of focus on okay the sequence will go this way and this way and this way and that modular way of thinking helped me get a better sense of directing the overall episode yeah the first season I we were basically Wes and I were going to be directing um there are 13 episodes so I think it was going to and we hired another guy and it were going to be directing for 13 episodes. So I think it was going to... And we hired another guy
Starting point is 00:32:47 who had experience in directing a half-hour TV. He didn't work out, as you probably heard. But Wes and I were going to be directing like four episodes or something like that. And each one is directing four. And then we'd figure out what to do with the... The three of us would direct four episodes
Starting point is 00:33:03 and we weren't sure what to do with the wild card one at the time we'd cross everything we come to it um well that would end up being brad bird on the on the crusty gets busted in a sense it was yes brad was actually brought in later i'm glad he was he was brought in when actually when they're having trouble with this first director who was quote-unquote more established and it wasn't working out. Basically Jim Brooks and Gracie film set. Well, we need, we need, we need somebody in our corner who understands animation because they weren't happy with the, uh, the situation,
Starting point is 00:33:36 the communication with the class he Chupa wasn't exactly what they were hoping. So they, uh, got brought in Brad bird. Luckily, that was a great, great situation for all of us. I mean, I was already enamored of Family Dog, the classic show on Amazing Stories. So I was delighted to meet him and become friends with him. But the one thing that this director did do is he brought in Rich Moore, and Rich Moore basically took over for him.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Rich actually boarded a good chunk of the christmas special of that that became the christmas special it's actually the christmas episode number eight but it became the christmas special when they reworked the schedule yeah so basically what happened was i was supposed to direct uh four episodes and i ended up having to redo the first episode some enchanted, with the babysitter bandit. I had to redo that. I was able to, I wanted to redo the whole thing, but I could only reanimate about 70% of it, 75% of it.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Yeah, it's amazing to watch it knowing that background on it. I watched it as a kid, and just like, that's an episode. But rewatching it, knowing that background, and also on the first DVDs are some shots from the original original animation and then when you watch it together like oh this scene looks like it could be from season two and then this scene looks like a different show a different show yes yeah oh i know exactly exactly well there was one scene that i really wanted to redo and i restaged it and i re-came up with all those ideas, for when Homer's preparing to go, going,
Starting point is 00:35:07 you know, done. The man who knows how to mambo, and then he's shaving. And that sequence, I really wanted to redo. And I was very fortunate, because I had Eric Stefani, he was animating that. Such
Starting point is 00:35:24 a good animator. Pretty good songwriter, I understand. He and his sister had a band at the time. They did pretty well, as I recall. That's another interesting story. But Eric was so great. Eric had a, I think he had worked, I think he had worked on Ren and Stinky.
Starting point is 00:35:41 No, not Ren and Stinky, I'm sorry. Mighty Mouse. I can't remember. Probably his IMDB. But in any event, he was really great. I'm sorry. Mighty Mouse. I can't remember. Probably his IMDB. But in any event, he was really great. I really loved working with him. He was always reliable. He drew really well.
Starting point is 00:35:56 I recall you had brought him back to help with drawing Mojo the Monkey in Season 9, right? I think possibly. But, you know, Season 9, believe it or not, I wasn't involved because I think I was a dreamer by that time. Oh, okay. I have no input on seasons 9 10, 11, and 12 and Mike Scully did forgive me but he really wants me to come back
Starting point is 00:36:13 very nice of him but he was in good hands with Jim Reardon as a supervising director mighty good hands I must say Did you feel in those early years that like the the the writers you know uh who would all come from live action pretty much do you think they were learning as as much about working on cartoons as you guys were learning about uh doing primetime animation
Starting point is 00:36:37 i think so i think we all were i mean the the good news was that you know sam simon worked in a saturday morning so he had some knowledge and experience of it. His biggest knowledge and his takeaway from working in Saturday Morning Animation was this is all terrible. He's right. This is terrible, and the people in charge of having us write this way are terrible, and there must be a better way to do animation. So he was definitely the right man for
Starting point is 00:37:06 the job but yeah we were all we were all learning uh but what was great too is it was a you know it's this whole group of people who had a different way of thinking about comedy and a network that was willing to take a chance with a different approach to comedy that was more subversive married with children as a profile you know that was also on the network and it had the same had a similar vibe to it right uh a bit a bit you know i guess basically sort of subversing the the traditional you know comedy uh tropes you know it all kind of it was actually everything sort of kind of aligned at the same time but even sam said that he said you know this is you know this is when we when it was clear that our show was a hit which was almost immediate as soon as it premiered
Starting point is 00:37:50 and uh well first of christmas spent what became the special happened in december december uh 17th 1989 and then the show premiered in january 14th 1990 and it became like an instant hit and but anyhow sam was saying guys this is lightning a bottle i mean you get the same team together you're not going to replicate the same magic uh it just it just happens so don't don't look it in the mouth let's get into the questions and comments so first for talking simpsons we had at the beginning of the month which feels like 20 years ago uh a special with our buddies at chapo trap house virgil texas and matt chrisman always a good time with those guys i was actually recording in vancouver because i had a
Starting point is 00:38:30 trip scheduled because i planned it before they had planned their live tour yeah you missed out on the uh live show they did uh unfortunately thanks to poor timing but yeah the uh it was really good i did want to mention that just because you know i saw a number of cool talking simpsons fans who said hi to me uh at that show or just like hey i love choppo and you guys who a meet and greet at someone else's podcast it was it was uh saved a lot of time that way but yeah that i mean that live show was a lot of fun too and i i was great that man and virgil made time for us in between driving around in a bernie car uh and yelling at people to vote for bernie like i i felt so honored don't listen to the uh the media they're nice boys they're such nice they're the nicest people nicest uh let's
Starting point is 00:39:18 talk about what batman boy 11 says though as i expected super fun episode it's very unfortunate how pedestrian and frustrating the Simpsons politics have gotten. There were questionable elements of their views, even in the golden years, certainly, but I feel like they were at least present or in much more subtle and everyday ways. So even when it was takes that weren't funny or I disagree with, it wasn't the point of many episodes, which feels very different in the Trump era. Good points remain about them not wanting to tackle Bush because of not knowing if he was popular is a bad excuse and that it might help those episodes age better because of it. It's expected with anything slash anyone if enough time goes on, but it just sucks to see the Simpsons
Starting point is 00:39:52 being so out of touch with everything. From episodes where Burns complains about SJWs ruining Yale and the show seeming to agree with him, to not getting why the squad is popular and dislikes Trump. You know, everybody gets older and richer and uh and yeah like the politics of classic simpsons aren't perfect either as we uh discussed in that one but it's disappointing to know that when you know the simpsons had like this lisa give this great speech about how the police only protect property not people like uh the they never had that line on the show now oh yeah definitely not happen i. I feel like that would definitely not happen. I feel like as writers age and get more money and, you know, have families and have more to protect, they're less willing to make those sort of statements.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Yeah, yeah. That's why, you know, Dave Merkin, though, he was older and richer, but he didn't have kids. And I think that's why he was anti-cop. And he still doesn't. Yeah. Bring that childless crank back more often. I mean, I think he's like a one-a- a week kind of guy yeah like uh mike reese and uh well he's working on a youtube show now i know or at least that was the news last year who knows
Starting point is 00:40:53 what he's up to now but also brian horton said about that episode on the subject of characters running for political office and sitcoms brian horton said jimmy james running for president on news radio is my favorite millionaire billionaire running for political office story in a sitcom his motives weren't evil he was just lonely also bless the hearts and duncanville are fine and i hope people give them a chance i wouldn't put either up against the best episodes of american dead yet but they are better than any episode of something like border town and while i haven't given bless the hearts a chance i watched some more duncanville and i do like it it's not i mean it's it's a nice show it's a nice show it's uh yeah it's easy it's easy
Starting point is 00:41:35 background putting on for sure was there some recent uh you sent me a story but it was the middle of me working on something i forgot to look at it was greg daniels talking about a king of the hill like reboot or something oh yeah there was a new interview with uh greg daniels and somebody asked him like would you bring back the series as there's been talk about it and he did say that like two years ago him and judge presented an idea to fox for rebooting king of the hill but he said it didn't really go anywhere and then in the interview he's like well now disney owns it so i'd have to repitch it all over again to disney and who knows what that'll happen but uh when he said two years ago i was like well it was basically two
Starting point is 00:42:16 years ago that that table read uh we went to that's true i i think we both agreed when we were at it like they talked about doing a reboot over dinner. They definitely, this was all of them talking about it. Whenever I see a show like Bless the Hearts, I'm like, why can't they just bring back King of the Hill? Yeah. It could still be funny. Oh, and it's an
Starting point is 00:42:37 unknown brand. Yeah. I guess it really has to be Mike Judge wants to do it and Greg Daniels wants to do it. Because like Siliconiels wants to do it because like silicon valley's over right yeah and greg daniels i think he had some netflix show but like uh i guess really they would need to find somebody to be the day-to-day showrunner on that because both of them are probably too busy to maybe if they just did like six to ten episodes they could do that in a year but uh i could see you know greg daniels
Starting point is 00:43:05 and mike judge are very big time hollywood uh producers but and also yes brian horton the jimmy james storyline of him running for president in news radio ruled i loved that remember the joke about his badly translated biography or whatever yes yeah donkey man comes to yeah something like that uh let's talk about Call of the Simpsons. So our buddy Thad Komorowski says, I think you guys are a little too used to the quote unquote modern way of doing boards, which have to function as layouts
Starting point is 00:43:32 since that department never exists these days. In the best productions where layout existed, it was totally possible for one guy to board a whole 20 minute episode on their own. Every time one of those Nickelodeon, remember this one videos pops up with a first season Spongeongebob animatic every browbeaten pro is like hey look this is two minutes with only 50 drawings remember these days board artists have been a rut for a long time now that's a good clarification i think that for because yeah when we when i look at a
Starting point is 00:44:01 list of two borders for a 22 minuteminute episode, I do just think about it from the stance of what I know borders do on current Cartoon Network productions. But so now I know why all those character layout credits are so much longer than borders on Classic Simpsons. Oh, boy. I mean, yeah, that's why modern boards are so much cleaner, like so clean, because they have to use those drawings as layout a lot of the time. And I was looking at Wes Archer's Instagram. Check it out. It's ArcherMation. And he's been
Starting point is 00:44:32 slowly posting every storyboard from Moaning Lisa. And they're, I mean, he's a great artist and they convey what they need to convey, but they are so simple. And like each picture covers so much time in a shot. So that way then when the layout artists get it, that's where each specific pose and movement or camera move actually gets expounded upon. It's just like a guide for the layout people to be like, well, do a better version of this. Like here is the foundation of the scene I want you to create with more defined characters and background and stuff like that. Yeah, no, that makes a lot more sense uh also about that episode 16 ounce mouse says when hurricane harvey hit houston holy alliteration batman in 2017 entire neighborhoods were flooded while i was drinking and going stir crazy trapped in my house my co-worker brent was up to his waist in flood water evacuating his family once safe he
Starting point is 00:45:23 went back to his neighborhood in a borrowed boat and helped evacuate others and whatever possessions they could carry weeks later his neighbor came by to thank him and asked if he was a fan of the simpsons or king of the hill brent responded that he likes both but is a huge simpsons fan his neighbor handed him a framed cell from call of the simpsons ends up that they have them all over their flooded house because their neighbor's son is none other than wes archer sometimes good deeds do get rewarded uh and brent his friend brent added i think it was king of the hill but it may have been futurama i stopped listening after i heard the word simpsons that's right i grew up in texas yeah you know what i think that i think he
Starting point is 00:46:10 did mean king of the hill if this was wes archer stuff wes archer to my knowledge did not work on futurama so he would have said king of the hill if this is stuff from west you may have done like a few little things but he was supervising director of king of the hill yeah he was too busy on that i would figure but man that's you know help if you see an old person and you want to help them you might get lucky and they're related to a simpsons director first ask them if they're related to any animation celebrities and then help them before i take care of this burning building what's in it for me but man a framed cell from not any Simpsons, but a season one episode. Man, that is a gift.
Starting point is 00:46:47 That is an amazing gift. So yes, good deeds are rewarded. A good thing to remember in this time of crisis as well. Let's move on to the Telltale Head. And Sam Hageny says, I'm from the UK and had this episode on VHS as a kid as a double feature with the following episode. Not only was Life on the Fast Lane featured under its original name of Bjorn to be Wild, but Telltale Head featured its original ending. I watched both of these episodes religiously as a kid. It was the only on-demand
Starting point is 00:47:12 Simpsons media we had in the house and was shocked to discover the existence of an alternate ending on my DVD many years later. Thanks for revisiting this season with such a critical eye towards the production side. It makes this well-worn episode feel as fresh as the very first time I watch it. And you are welcome, Sam. Yeah, yeah. And I always appreciate apologies, Sam, for all my British impersonation earlier. But I really like hearing from, you know, UK Simpsons viewers. They were not getting season one broadcast in the way we did, and it got released to
Starting point is 00:47:42 them in different ways slowly slowly like that including this vhs release i'll get me simpsons episodes from the national health calum khan says newish patron first-time commenter and longtime fan regarding matt greening having a writer's credit on telltale head this might just be a coincidence but a lot of kids sunday school questions are lifted directly from a life in hell comic i'm pretty sure some of them including bart's question about the gang greenest leg are repeated verbatim i'll dig out my book when i get a chance and update this comic with which ones they are from which to this point he is not updated yet i need answers uh but yeah i guess in that way matt graining wrote it in that he's like oh these
Starting point is 00:48:25 were the funny questions to ask you there i did it in a i did it in a life in hell now put my name on that script do it now i gotta cash checks uh we were just i was just listening to cresty gets busted commentary and uh jay kogan has a fun passive-aggressive commented graining about like hey i'm so glad we made you so rich with all this with all that merchandise and matt's like yeah thanks thank you i do like that i like how snarky they are sometimes uh let's move on to life on the fast lane and darren says in case you guys haven't seen there's an entire episode of scott gardner's moonbeam city about those goofy ass 3d strike cartoons it's perfect and hey bob yes camelot lanes is still open it's most likely untouched from when you were last there. I've never been, but my wife had gone a couple times growing up.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Now, this is Bob speaking. Camelot Lanes was the castle-shaped bowling alley near my hometown. And Darren goes on to say, by the way, they're building a Sheetz across from the Southern Park Mall, which is also getting a complete overhaul to hopefully make it less depressing. Although it seems like they're doing one of those quote-unquote lifestyle centers deals with it so darren probably wrote this before people could no longer uh leave their houses yeah i have a feeling so but it's nice to hear an update from ohio though yes uh people are still uh still surviving and uh man i've only watched a couple episodes of moonbeam city i need to look that one up because these cartoons that happen when you get a strike at the bowling alley were easily my favorite part of bowling one was like the jfk assassination yeah
Starting point is 00:49:49 all right yeah that's i forgot that one uh we gotta dm him to get some copies he knows the guy joe hodgson says about life on the fast lane henry buddy you need to brush up on your late 80s early 90s sitcoms peg bundy is a poor example of a wife who dislikes sex with her husband and she is often the opposite and it's al who wants nothing to do with her and danny tanner had a girlfriend for much of full house vicky though they would write her off a bunch having by having her job relocate i'm pretty sure she moves back to san francisco for the finale so he can have his happy ending. And a person replied to that after saying, actually, no, she wasn't back for the finale, but they did write her into Fuller House.
Starting point is 00:50:29 That's surprised. Like as a Full House viewer of the time, I was like, I thought he would get married by the end. I want to say Vicky was them adding a female character to the show to be like, okay, Danny Tanner is not gay. Yes. Yeah. It's a case of the not gays. Oh, but my owning from joe
Starting point is 00:50:45 hodgson continues here pb and j is a relatable lunch for me a dad because you end up always keeping stock of the things your kids eat my daughter is a routine eater and has a pb and j lunch six if not seven days a week so we always have it when we run out of cold cuts or don't have any transportable leftovers i'll'll resort to PB&J. It was a staple lunch for me as an adult before kids when I was just doing whatever I could to save money in order to get out of the rental situation. And yes, other people disagreed with me on the PB&J thing. Bob just watched me eat a PB&J right before this. He didn't finish it. You're selling me out here, Bob. You will, you will. I love PB&J sandwiches.
Starting point is 00:51:26 I was a lot like this guy's daughter, who was very set in my ways as a kid, and I had it five days a week at school. It wouldn't be a school day if I didn't get a PB&J. And also, yes, Brian, you are correct. I misspoke there, saying Peg Bundy was probably the last example I should have used about sitcom wives hating having sex it was a fun inversion of that idea yes i i think i last ate a pb and j maybe five to seven years ago i just never have like bread in the house i'll make you one to go if you want
Starting point is 00:51:55 to go uh and also several several people including thad uh kind of disagreed with us on our thoughts on infidelity in this just like uh i mean look, I will clarify that I definitely think that just because Homer gave her a bad birthday gift doesn't earn Marge the right to cheat on him. Like, if she's unhappy there, then she should leave him, not like, lie to him and cheat on him with somebody else. Like, that's also wrong too and too wrong so make a right and when i look back on what marge's life is i do feel bad for her and i'd like her to like at least have some fun sex with somebody other than her husband that's that's all
Starting point is 00:52:35 but uh no she infidelity is bad i agree we're an anti-infidelity podcast stay all you cheaters unsubscribe we we learned it from the classic fortune cookie of stick with your man uh let's talk about what a cartoon and our first one was street sharks what a fun episode that was yeah i actually listened i like it's hard for me to go back and listen to our own podcast i used to but i just have too many podcasts to listen to but i went back and listened to this one and i was laughing at us very self self-indulgent. No, Matt McMuscles was so awesome, too. Everybody, he's done a lot of cool new videos. You guys should check him out on his YouTube channel. So Cody C. says, for reasons I cannot truly fathom, I had the Hammerhead puppet as a kid. I was eight, but not particularly charmed by them,
Starting point is 00:53:18 as I can't remember a single goddamn thing about this cartoon. It existed. So did the Macarena. Jawsome? Jawbulent?bulent jaw it happened more footnote cartoons please i want to revisit sweaty toy pitches to capitulate my soul in this late stage of capitalism i am sure that will not be the last bad toy cartoon we talk about on here especially not with uh i think matt mcmuscles will be back for another one of those they want to do another street sharks i bet yeah uh or well double dragon first i bet but uh also on street sharks jason italic says just gonna put down that off the mention at the start of the episode i actually have a real soft spot for sherlock holmes in the 22nd century obviously it's not a perfect show but there's a real interesting energy
Starting point is 00:54:00 in that hazy point right before serialization became an expected thing that I find very compelling. Just goes to show how only a few years difference in age can completely change one's own media language. Very true. Yeah, no, I just, I turned my nose down at Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd century. I was again, too busy watching X-Men, Batman and Spider-Man. Once I had my comic book cartoon characters on tv i didn't need non-comic book characters and anime oh and of course anime up next we have superman the animated series speaking of superheroes yes and joe quigley says hey guys i wanted to confirm that the bruce tim post you found was almost definitely the real deal i'm assuming the post
Starting point is 00:54:42 was from tune zone yes tim used to post there during the Justice League days. He would come into the new episode thread and give his insights and actually interact with the community as BT. It felt incredibly special to be a 16-year-old animation nerd on a pretty close-knit community and having one of your heroes, Tim, come in and discuss. I think it was, for a time, the only place where that cancelled Batman Beyond sequel had been discussed.
Starting point is 00:55:02 The main way I know it was probably him is some sort of roundabout there was someone else on the justice league production team who had posted anonymously but would provide really clear hints of future episodes that always came to fruition so if bt was an imposter i feel like the other dude would have called him out on it so yes yeah okay then i feel pretty safe in assuming that was bruce tim himself saying that heavy metal is one of his least favorite episodes. I miss those wild west days of the internet where you'd find these creators posting on like news groups and obscure forums and stuff. Yeah, yeah. Though, you know, it can always go too far as a comic fan. John Byrne, he was once a very respected comic creator and then he was one of the first to
Starting point is 00:55:41 create his own webpage and his forums revealed what a monstrous, awful person he is with every new post he did. And now everybody just knows him as a guy who is a little too into young girls. Yeah. I remember talking about this probably on our Clerks of the Animated Series podcast. But I remember going to the VSQ forums, clicking on Kevin Smith's name and just reading all of his replies to people. Because he would just reply to everybody on his forums he was so far ahead of the curve of being an online movie guy now we can't get away from the opinions of every director of a movie jesus christ uh also on superman comments kevin peterson says two things it was never intended as a mullet only
Starting point is 00:56:21 bad artists drawing it that way dan jurgens has a lot of rants on twitter about this and while you briefly touched on it lois and clark was on tv before this started and concurrently with the series and it was a pretty popular show for the early seasons around 20 million viewers to tanking in at about four in the last season so it wasn't like superman wasn't around in popular media true the show has a black mark now, mostly because Dean Cain sucks, but it was there. Now Dean Cain is like, uh, Dean Cain. Dean Cain is like Kevin Sorbo. It's like they're in the direct-to-video or direct-to-streaming Christian movies market.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Yeah, he's in the Christian right-wing movie market. And he's, he's also a right-wing Twitter man. That's, uh, it's what happens when you don't get cast in anything i mean also it's that you know if you get cast in stuff less and you already were a conservative crank now you don't have to hide it because you're not getting hired anyway and you can now be the most famous person in a shitty movie did you watch that lois and clark show uh a lot for season two one and two and then it became truly ridiculous and awful like once once the frog clones came in i was like i'm out i'm out frog clones oh yes yeah there were there well so
Starting point is 00:57:34 look if it's a moonlighting type show where they have to keep teasing that lois and clark will get together one easy out of lois and clark finally kissing is finding out that Lois was actually a clone the whole time and it didn't really count. And they did that more than once. Jesus Christ. It was real bad. It took me until, I don't know, my 20s to realize that, what's it called? Lois and Clark? The Adventures of Lois and Clark.
Starting point is 00:57:58 That's a pun on Lois and Clark. Yes, yes. Why? Like, what's clever about that? It sounds like something else, but it has nothing to do with the thing we're making. I guess it's just that a TV producer realized, oh, Lois and Clark, that's like those names.
Starting point is 00:58:15 Yeah. I mean, yes. Kids love the Louisiana Purchase. But it was a very popular show in its infancy. I mean, the promise of seeing Superman on TV and all those special effects was quite interesting. In execution, they were very cheap special effects, and Superman could basically do a super thing for about 20 seconds a week, as far as the budget would go.
Starting point is 00:58:37 And Dean Cain looked like an all-right Superman. He wasn't a bad Superman. Yeah, that's true. But as for the mullet talk, will say uh nina matsumoto also said she actually is a pro long hair person on superman because uh the dan jurgens they mentioned that was the mastermind of the death of superman story and it was he was i believe the first person to draw long hair to superman and uh dan jurgens uh he's a good creator i i respect him and on twitter whenever he does get defensive about people saying like oh that stupid
Starting point is 00:59:11 mullet he's like it was drawn to be him with just long hair but other artists drew him with having short classic superman short hair up front but long hair in the back that turned into the mullet dan jurgens uh did not draw him with a mullet but others did he had a hair hair in the back and it turned into the mullet dan jurgens did not draw him with the mullet but others did he had a hair cape in the back uh but though i i'm sorry folks who like superman with long hair i want a short-haired conservative superman that's the superman i want like dean kane yeah yeah what great work he's put out since then uh let's move on to tiny tunes what a fun episode that was oh boy talk about 1991 and where we were but joshua marchand says i offer a slight correction about alasky's plucky performance being quote-unquote just daffy he mentioned in
Starting point is 00:59:56 interviews once vocal choice that differentiates them as daffy as a frontal lisp which is the tongue trilling through the lips while plucky has a lateral lisp which is a wet hiss from the back of the teeth. Great episode, as always. I just wanted to alert you to something I never noticed until Alasky pointed it out in an interview. I'm sure you can find it on YouTube. And I know that when I hear the voices in my head, he's totally right. They're a different lisp. Yeah, they are correct. Yeah, I don't want to impugn the late Joe Alasky's incredible talent at voice acting and making Daffy and Plucky sound different. Also, Thad Komorowski commented again, this time on Tiny Toons, saying,
Starting point is 01:00:33 Almost all of the Tasmania episodes are on Boomerang streaming service. Better go there before HBO Max closes it down. A lot of it is not very good. Strictly mediocre, middle of the road. Star Toons did a few good looking episodes and of course the phenomenal opening animated entirely by john mcclenahan himself that promised a dynamic exciting show that this intentionally lower budget show never delivered the whole point was that these cartoons had to cost a lot cheaper than tiny tunes but
Starting point is 01:01:01 still look good the show did have a few genuine classics like willie wombat's last stand with a jovial titular character getting into caffeinated rage over 12 minutes in a waiting room one episode with stan freeberg as a classic unimaginative executive some of it is better than it has a right to be being that the blatant attempt to produce more content with the early 90s most merchandise character character. Daz was only in five of the classic era shorts. But it's an example of how artist-run shows, in this case, the very talented Art Vitello, can favor heavy-handed, talky, overwritten content. It's literally Jim Cummings never shutting up as every other character.
Starting point is 01:01:41 I did enjoy some of the side characters, like the one played by John Aston. I think it was Bull. Yeah. I liked him a lot. Yeah. And he was fun. Yeah. No, I, you know, thanks for that insight into Tasmania. I look forward to doing it in the future someday, but the, I never even considered it as like produce as many as Tiny Toons, except for way less. And it definitely is a cheaper looking show than Tiny Toons. That's for darn sure. And one of the characters is named Francis X. Bush Lad. And it wasn't until I was watching classic movies that I realized, oh, this character's name is a parody of the actual name Francis X. Bushman, who was an actor. So he's Francis X. Bush Lad.
Starting point is 01:02:19 I didn't know that. Who is this joke for? But this is the WB style of that era. I remember that character. He was a parody of Aborigines, written as a very fancy boy who dressed as a dainty. He had like a Thurston Howell style voice. Yes, yeah, yeah. Bet that aged really well, that stuff. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 01:02:38 I was looking at pictures of Francis X. Bush lab. He's kind of like a boy Elmira, the way he looks. I hate him even more now. Now we're on to reboot and batman boy 11 says i'd seen this show on ytv or as bob mack kills at the youth programming station a fair bit as a kid but was never really a fan of it per se it was just on enough before between other shows i wanted to watch that i sat through a lot of it as a young kid revisiting it as an adult is very bizarre i recognize that the opening to this episode was a 007 parody pretty quickly but was still left wondering what the hell was
Starting point is 01:03:10 happening the voice acting is really good but the show itself is not the easiest to watch and i don't think i really check out more of it in the future maybe starting from the beginning would make me feel differently but who knows i think it was better that we start with one of the better looking better written and more adult episodes of season three me too I definitely I saw some people say like oh I'm surprised you guys started with season three is like well one it was a pick of art patron but also like season three is way better than season one and two like it was I we're only gonna do reboot once I'd rather do one of the ones written for a middle uh an all ages audience, as opposed to the more childish, like season one episodes.
Starting point is 01:03:48 Yeah. Like by the time I started hearing about Reboot again, it had been off the air for me for five years, like off of ABC. And I was hearing people on the internet saying like, oh man, Reboot's awesome. Have you seen Reboot? I'm like, you're into that? It was cool for the time. I had no idea there were new episodes that were a little more adult.
Starting point is 01:04:04 So yeah. And our final comment for this episode from Shy Ranger says, I know you guys said you weren't talking at all about Guardian Code, the sequel series, but I need to bring up how much of a train wreck it ended up as. Here are four things that basically sum up the series and what it represents. One, the main showrunner named the main character after his son, admitting the only reason was so that his son would like it. Two, despite Reboot being a series well-known in Canada,
Starting point is 01:04:32 Guardian Code was not available on Canadian Netflix, still may not be. Three, this sequel basically has brand new characters all around, but finally had an episode to celebrate the series, which basically ended up highlighting how one obsessed fan with all the negative stereotypes and that was basically it and four when this show was finally released a number of employees immediately tweeted all their grievances
Starting point is 01:04:55 about how much a wreck this show was and how controlling the showrunner was they expressed that anyone with interest in reboot should not watch and support this show and if they had to watch just for curiosity wait a few months so netflix would not analyze the numbers so wow that was uh makes me want to do guardian code more honestly but see what a disgusting wreck it is i mean that thing that he named the main character after his son just so his kid would watch it like that's a megalomaniacal move yeah well i'm hearing about so in my research i did see that guardian code had an episode where classic reboot characters appeared in it but i didn't realize the episode centered on a bad fan who's like a fat obsessed
Starting point is 01:05:38 dork who it's it's just a way of like oh if you like reboot you're this fucking loser fuck you it's a less subtle and more cruel version of comic book guy right yeah yeah which is just like why why do you got to do that especially if like you want your brand to be worth something maybe don't tell the people who give a shit about it that they're garbage like i don't know especially if they're like i bet they probably did get some negative fans who told them like eat shit or uh had some very toxic comments to them and fine you know be nice to uh creator on twitter but that doesn't mean they have to like your show they you know it's also it doesn't mean fealty but anyway i appreciate shy ranger giving us an update on
Starting point is 01:06:16 guardian code i didn't want to talk too much about it with woolly because it seemed to genuinely pain him yeah you have to hear about he's really into it and we thank him so much for being on the show yes and i have one more thing to add so in the background i was trying to find this and uh it was not hard to find so like we're talking about kevin smith and the message board right oh yeah the view askew website is still online and it's still you have to click through to get to the old site but it still looks like it did in like 1999 oh man i gotta look at this and the message board unfortunately is, is not up, but you're brought to the splash page before
Starting point is 01:06:47 that gives like all of the information. It's like, yes, Kevin Smith actually posts on this board. Yes, that's actually him. All of his posts will show up in red. Kevin usually answers questions based on the intelligence level and the innovativeness of the post. So let that be an early warning to you.
Starting point is 01:07:01 Oh, wow. So there's like all these rules and like, yes, it's actually him. Please do not ask for a job. Please do not ask to be in a movie. Do you really think that we would offer you a job or a part in a feature film based on a post on a WWW board? Wow. But yeah, I want to say it's, I say bring it back.
Starting point is 01:07:19 Bring it back online. Yeah. Why not? Let's stop doing that Twitter stuff and get back on forums. Let's do that. I agree. And not Reddit. I've seen people bring up that why Twitter is driving some people crazy is because they never had forums. They didn't go on forums. And so they didn't know that Twitter is just forums for all reality really we're gonna wrap up here i just want to say uh thank you to everybody out there we've been doing uh well no one's dropping off if you need to we totally understand that times are tough for lots of people but uh we're still going to be here no matter what making podcasts we really appreciate your support uh this is our full-time job and we're happy to see so
Starting point is 01:07:57 many people stick around yes yeah you know me and bob are able to work so hard on this thanks to the support of you folks this is if if you're new and don't know like seriously this is me and bob's full-time job we were not doing this in addition to another job and we we want to give you guys everything and the best content possible and we are able to thanks to your support on patreon so you know we really appreciate your continued support on here we're going to try our best to give you the best content we can you know even in the toughest of times yes so thanks so much so much for listening. We got a ton of great content coming up. Most of it we already recorded. So please look forward to that.
Starting point is 01:08:31 And we'll see you next month on another episode of Talk to the Audio. See you then. Wow. Infotainment.

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