Talking Simpsons - Talk to the Audience?!? - March 2023

Episode Date: April 5, 2023

Somehow a third of the year is over, and we've got a ton to reflect on in our monthly community podcast. First, we look back on the four most recent Simpsons episodes from season 34, along with some o...ther Simpsons-related news, then we give a preview of our April fools' month of live-action podcasts, plus we talk about all we played & watched in March. And listen in to see if we replied to your Patreon comments in this newest installment! Support this podcast and get over 150 bonus episodes by visiting and becoming a patron! And please follow the official Twitter, @TalkSimpsonsPod!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I heartily endorse you a marble penis. Who is here with me today, as always? Hey, it's Henry Gilbert, cheering on the big return of Jacques after 32 years. We've all been waiting for it. And yes, this is our community podcast. On this podcast, we go over what's happening in the Simpsons world and in our world, and then we go over your questions and comments from the last month's worth of episodes. And this is a slow news month, but plenty of new episodes have been happening. Three of them, in fact. Not four since the last four well yeah well carl carlson rides again aired after we recorded the last one but like the next day so got it yeah but there it was a busy month which is funny because
Starting point is 00:00:58 next month in april there's only two new episodes okay we're heading towards season finale and i've been a bad boy i'm between trips and also it was my month to do the movie and i'm working on what a cartoon for april so i was very busy henry please report how were these uh it was a land of contrast bob uh no it was it was interesting mix of episodes the first one carl carlson rides again uh it's an interesting one because it really did seem like it was the first episode where they actually were striving to make carl feel like an actual black american not just that he's been recasted but also that it's about what it is like to live the black experience in springfield and
Starting point is 00:01:37 they also though stick to previous character history which includes him being raised by an icelandic couple who adopted him which is their previous way of explaining why he doesn't act black or have a lot of black friends this is about him finding his roots like his actual you know birth family and all that who i believe have since passed but uh they tie it into uh henry lewis gates who i'd say a public intellectual who's a big thing for him his talk is discovering a lot of unexplored black american history which often got overlooked by uh you know american scholars for years this one explores uh something that a lot of americans don't pay
Starting point is 00:02:18 much attention to like even was news to me years and years ago of like john wayne movies would have you believe every cowboy was white but actually a large number of them were black like it was it was a job that black people had uh that was not seen as very respectable uh but yeah so well the Simpsons taught us there were Jewish big uh cowboys all big spenders right yes yeah and so it was fun to see Carl Carl actually like falls in love with a uh a black woman who's played by Don Lewis, who does a great job. And she runs a soul food restaurant. And it definitely feels like they were trying to actually write Carl like a black man, which I liked. And there's also a clever bit in it that Bart goes to the black barber shop in town because they can do the perfect fade and everything that
Starting point is 00:03:06 to explain that it seemed a little tied into the classic bootleg merch uh that existed in the 90s oh the black bart merch yes yeah but and again i'm a white guy saying all this maybe hey maybe it's not a good portrayal of but i it did feel like they were trying i'd like to hear what john vd inventor of lenny and carl thinks about all of this who just invented two guys for homer to talk to not thinking of backstories at all or or writing down even a race for either yeah yeah that was i think the best episode of the month uh there's an episode called bartless uh which is a entire dream episode where homer and marge are mad at bart and then they imagine a world where they don't have bart they have lisa and maggie and they're much happier but then they
Starting point is 00:03:50 meet bart who is like a stranger to their lives and the question is if he wasn't their kid would they like him and turns out they do it's it's an all right episode then there's hostile kirk place uh which is all about parents who hate critical race theory uh kirk is the main character of it so it is a kirk van houten story and which is fun to see him at least in the lead in it and it's about him wanting to deny the past and he's mad specifically that there was a news story there's they're teaching a history story that's about how his great-grandfather made a giant mistake, and he doesn't like that. So he's taking over the school.
Starting point is 00:04:30 It's totally about that stuff. They even just say CRT in it, but it means something else in the show. Then it has a couch gag with Weird Al, which is okay, but I would say people should look it up just because Weird Al's caricature looks really different now. It's off. You maybe did see that yeah i did see this part of it it does uh
Starting point is 00:04:50 i it doesn't look like a simpsons character sometimes uh like in in these uh i don't know maybe for the past 10 years at least uh it just feels like well this character could be on any late night a prime time cartoon and i would buy it like there there's like a caricature of shack and it looks like he could have wandered out a family guy or bob's burgers it just doesn't feel simpsonsy enough to me yeah that's in the same episode yeah the shack thing yeah no it's it's kind of weird i uh no pun intended about weird al hey it was maybe it was on purpose huh there's a couple times where weird like they want to show weird al moving his head like you know because he's it's him doing an accordion solo and they draw like a chin on him too which is off
Starting point is 00:05:29 yeah it doesn't look like how weird al i mean how he looks i guess we when we get to three gays of the condo we can directly compare these things but i don't think it looked like how weird al should look in simpsons form uh then finally, the big episode, the event episode, and the only Al Jean showrun episode of the season, of the month, is Pin Gal, which is the return of Jacques, played by Albert Brooks. He sounds very old. Look, Albert Brooks is old. He's 75 years young, Henry. It's to save Barney's Bola Rama, and it's about to be bought by the hipster played by fred armisen so they also bring back that character who is now like a 15 year old character now it's crazy
Starting point is 00:06:12 and yeah it's kind of marge settling her past with homer or with jock and homer never knew about it and all that again i saw some people online say like wait a minute in another simpsons clip show all about it yeah he says break it off easy marge yes yeah so it's okay it's fun to see the return to barney's bolognese i like that and uh you know albert brooks even when he sounds old if you ask him to improv and character i think he's kind of funny yeah well what's he what's he up to lately old albert einstein man i don't that's his real name i don't know what he's been up to i don't think he's done like a new he did his book a few years ago and he had like a new twitter account but to promote it but that's all i recall okay well hey maybe he's just taking it easy uh his poor brother bob
Starting point is 00:06:59 yeah that's so sad yeah again his name is al Albert Einstein. I always have to remind myself of that. So we have some non-show related news here in that as our T-shirt designed by my wife, Nina Matsumoto, says, satire is dead. Simpsons predicted nothing. Here's another case of that in which there's a conservative flare up over a conservative school in Florida firing a teacher over a photo of michelangelo's dave uh and yes we have reached the point where we're now outpacing satire from 30 years ago i feel like we were outpacing satire from like 10 years ago honestly but this is a simpsons example i think it's insane it took this long for it to happen i feel like it this must have happened in some other school before this, but yes. This was from a Florida school where you and me both read the Slate interview with the principal of the school explaining what, or sorry, no, they fired the principal, the person above her. Superintendent, maybe? Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:08:01 And he's explaining that like, hey, we're not one of these schools with safe spaces or teaching gender pronouns. Like, you might not like what we have at our school. And then the interviewer points out like, but isn't it a safe space to not let them show a picture of David in the school? And he's like, no, that's totally ridiculous. I have the quote from this bishop, apparently, who says, quote, we're not going to show the full statue of David to kindergartners. We're not going to show him to second graders. Showing the entire statue of David is appropriate at some age. We're going to figure out when that is.
Starting point is 00:08:35 And you don't have to show the whole statue. Maybe to kindergartners we only show the head. You can appreciate that. You can show the hands, the arms, the muscles, the beautiful work Michelangelo did in marble without showing the whole thing. Just say dick. That's what I'm saying. Just say, we don't want to show. I mean, do you realize a lot of these kindergartners
Starting point is 00:08:51 have penises and they're looking at them? And it's just, it's a flaccid penis and not a big one. It's all. And these are the same sickos that want to check your kid's genitals to make sure they're going to the right bathrooms. I know. So, I mean, hypocrisy, it's like the weakest weapon you can use but it's still it's fun to point out isn't it folks
Starting point is 00:09:09 it is fun to point out it is meaningless too it's like yeah but i mean that yes these are if you ask this guy like oh you're like these are the people who would hire state doctors to examine your child before they can join the baseball team to make sure that they are actually they're assigned gender at birth bullshit like ads but the show in an in a season two episode came up with the ridiculous idea of like well the people who want to cancel dirty cartoons they'd probably try to not show off michelangelo's david and that they make it the too far moment for marge because she's like well no that's great art, not a cartoon violence. But this isn't even that. It's just like, well, no, that's a penis.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Like, we're not going to show that to people. It's I mean, I mean, that show was, I guess, written in 1990 or whatever. This is 2023. These kids have access to so much other filth than a penis carved hundreds of years ago. Yeah. Yeah. much other filth than a penis carved hundreds of years ago yeah yeah this i mean this was part of coming up with like i think there's new legislation too to limit children being able to like go on social media or stuff that it hasn't gone through in america but there's a general spirit of like
Starting point is 00:10:15 limiting it it's like i'm sorry your kid like unless you're going to destroy the internet which businesses would never let you do your kid will be online and is going to see things you don't want them to see yeah i just remember you know being a kid without the internet uh and it was like fun to be exposed to nudity in like artistic ways you're like oh i can that statue has boobs and this painting has boobs and you can go into nationally good geographic that that was the era we grew up in you know yeah or like on monty python part of the fun in the terry gilliam cartoons was he could show nude people in it because it was just photo it was playing around with photographs of naked statues like that was part of the fun in it though i think sometimes he was forced to put a fig leaf on some penises in it simpsons didn't predicted it predicted
Starting point is 00:11:02 it's a satire's dead they as as bill oakley also said the thing like they think of what the stupidest thing could be and eventually you reach that low in a society absolutely uh in other news this is according to an article at the simpsons may be moving out of universal studios signs are pointing to yes in terms of the future of this little chunk of Universal. Yeah, that in Hollywood right now, I think, or it might just be over. They had temporarily closed the Simpsons ride for some refurbishment, I believe. They also closed down one of the games and kind of moved it over. There's some formatting stuff going on there that feels like you know the rumor always
Starting point is 00:11:45 was that it was a 20-year deal and now we're within five years of those 20 years coming up so and and on top of that some are wondering in the parkosphere they showed off blueprints of a proposed either by the universal showed off blueprints of a proposed roller coaster for the fast and furious franchise and people pointed out that this looks like it takes up the space of springfield in hollywood yeah the speculation is that they won't be getting rid of the ride because they don't do that unless there's something that will replace it presumably that will be the last time that motion ride will be there i think i don't think they're going to turn into something else the technology is already really creaky but i'm
Starting point is 00:12:28 looking at this article and apparently a universal updated their website talking about their 10 themed lands and city walk is included which is not even inside the park but springfield is not oh i didn't see that so the speculation is that the ride will still exist for a bit, but they're phasing out Springfield. Which, as folks listen to us say this on our podcast, the ride episode about it, the land is at least 50% of what I love about it. Like all of the Springfield amenities, like all the careful recreation of the storefronts and eating a Krusty Burger there. That's what I love about the Simpsons ride. Sometimes I go i go there i was like do i even need to ride it again it's the land around it is amazing like so man if we do get a a going away date i'm gonna have to visit there at least one more time before that i mean i want to go there anyway to see nintendo land but bob you
Starting point is 00:13:22 haven't taken your wife yet to to that area yeah she's never been she needs to go before the clock's ticking maybe yeah but hopefully they'll at least give you like a three to six month warning of when it'll go away like they do with a lot of rides instead of just saying oh it closed yesterday like it's gone now you can't go back so yeah who knows what will happen there but it seems like things are getting kind of old in that part of the park and uh 15 years is a long time in terms of a non-disneyland attraction in a park uh so i feel like go there while you can and you gotta figure we've said it before i feel like disney will want to take a back soon like they they have their own ride plans and
Starting point is 00:14:02 when the simpsons is consistently one of the most watched things on their Disney Plus thing and Disney is always out for more money, you know they want to set up Simpsons stuff for themselves in one of the Disney parks. And we have some other news. It's a bit more speculation by actually one of our listeners and patrons. Rubber Cat has a Simpsons news site. I recommend you go there. We'll link to it, I think. We can link to it, right? Yeah, I'll put it in the show notes okay yeah uh but yes there's speculation from rubber cat's news site
Starting point is 00:14:29 about if the simpsons could become a casualty in the fox dominion war because you know there was an election for a president a couple years ago it happened in this country and some places were having a lot of fun with the idea that it was a stolen election including fox and you know when you make those claims uh the people that you know own the voting machines they're going to get mad at you so currently there is a 1.6 billion dollar legal battle of fox news versus dominion voting systems and uh that is up in the air right now but there is speculation in that fox is going to want to offload a lot of things to pay this lawsuit they might either lose or have to pay a huge settlement over. Yeah they're they're about to I mean it's pretty cut
Starting point is 00:15:12 and dry of like that's when there's been news stories coming out lately of like Sean Hannity provably knew it wasn't true or Tucker which is like yeah that wasn't news to me we knew they we knew they knew they were lying, but you can read their text messages now and it's great. That is pretty fun. Yeah. So, and I think, you know, they were so used to in the Fox news style of just asking questions, but they weren't, they really should have realized you can't just do that about a giant
Starting point is 00:15:38 company that actually can afford the lawyers to sue you over this thing. I mean, I'd love it if this destroyed fox news but yeah the thanks to the many tentacles of everything in our giant corporate hellscape if the fox company which doesn't own the simpsons anymore but it owns the network it broadcasts on if they got to sell that off or at the very least fox goes like we just lost you know, we'd lost a billion plus on this deal. We can't pay for a new season of The Simpsons anymore. At the very least, it could upset it in that regard. Yeah, it's an interesting scenario that Rubber Cat pitches out there in their article.
Starting point is 00:16:19 And I know Tucker Carlson is still a big media figure, but Fox News is no longer the juggernaut they once were and it's weird to see people still treat them like that i know they have a lot of influence but it's because the big boy himself donald trump makes fun of fox news that they really fell out of favor and then other places that were even more insane like newsmax and like one america news network people found the the echo chamber was even more powerful over there and of course they would even talk about like q anon stuff over there as well so like fox news wasn't crazy enough uh for crazy town i guess yeah isn't it also funny to think about like oh wait remember bill o'reilly like he's just like gone you don't have to think about him anymore you only the last time i heard about him was when
Starting point is 00:17:01 he was filmed being like a karen basically at an airport man about a flight like he's it's also once rush limbaugh was dead it's like we never think about him ever again like it's it is a little heartening to know like oh these awful hate mongers obviously they got very rich off of it and they caused a lot of damage but once they're gone they're just like gone the new the new asshole appears they are not remembered at all i mean the things they built still exist unfortunately but the people themselves aren't really remembered at all yeah uh so yes in happier news here uh clone high season 2 is coming to hbo max may 18th it's one of the few things they didn't burn in a pile they couldn't cancel it too soon yeah i guess you know
Starting point is 00:17:41 they don't want to piss off lord and miller either i suppose yeah i guess they are too powerful to annoy by throwing a show in a ditch yeah they're you know they did get ditched by uh on the solo movie but when it comes to the clone high show they're still going to put it out there which yeah so it uh we'll see i'm curious to see you know not just obviously the gandhi question and how they deal with that and everything, but also like, you know, how do they deal with the new character designs? Oh, they've released them all. Have you seen them? Oh, I haven't seen them. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Of course, Gandhi isn't there. And it's actually in his voice actor isn't in the new show. He isn't? Yeah. Oh, wow. I didn't know that. So, yes, the show looks the same. I don't know how it's going to move, but I hope it moves the same, too.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Yeah. Well, I also hope that everybody speaks in the same crazy way they all speak i i'm looking forward to it may 18th i can't wait yes i can't believe it's happening so that is all the simpsons news as for us let's go over our schedule for the month of april so of course if you've been with us for a while you will know that april is when we make the fool out of the listener because it's april fool's month and we traditionally look at live action things so our live action subject for april's what a cartoon show will be mr show with bob and david the classic sketch show and the episode will be season four is the story of everest this is on hbo max but hey folks out there you type mr show into your search engine you might find some daily motions you might find some vimeos over there you might just you'll find some things
Starting point is 00:19:09 or most of the sketches all just chopped up on their own on youtube yeah it's very accessible but henry and i love mr show henry just did a full rewatch of it we've been big fans of the show for a very very long time and we've been trying to find a way to talk about it we've never formally done an episode about mr show but here we are we've talked about so many of the people involved in it and all the things it touched and yeah it is uh we we pick it because of live action cartoon like that's the the look you don't need a justification from us at this point it's just fun to talk about a live action thing so yeah and we have a lot of mr show expertise oh my god do we yeah and bob i i we already know a ton from the commentaries and bob i know we actually haven't
Starting point is 00:19:50 recorded yet bob i know is taking it to the whole next level on top of that yes i actually watch run running run oh i feel so bad i watched it a few months ago but you'll hear our thoughts on that mr show and i i hope it's not three hours but who knows We have a lot to think about and talk about with that episode. So that's what's happening for the first month of April. Now, if you're a $5 and up patron at slash Talking Simpsons, you will also get access to our Talking Futurama episode about Bender Should Not Be Allowed on Television, in which Bender becomes a TV star that is a bad influence on children. It is the second to last episode ever aired on Fox.
Starting point is 00:20:27 And it's also a Qbert and Dwight episode. Now, those facts could be related. It just dumped out right before the official last episode. It does have one of my favorite visuals ever in the show of Bender on fire saying, kids do this. So there's some good parts in it, too. And we also have talking in the hill about peggy's pageant fever one of the great early peggy episodes where it really explores her ego and how she can deal with that being deflated it's a great one i saw a comment saying about that one like oh i think of that as like a later series one like i do too for some reason
Starting point is 00:21:01 season three in my memory for king of the hills season three and season six I conflate them a lot I thought this was a much later one too season three very very strong so that's for patrons also our what a cartoon movie for April another live action thing last year we did uh who framed Roger Rabbit that was about seven hours long this year we're covering Little Shop of Horrors another favorite of Henry and myself and uh we just saw this live recently i saw it alive twice at our local community theater it is great and we love the movie of course and yes and this has a lot of disney connections as well because it's where howard ashman and alan mankin came from to do a ton of great disney stuff yeah little shop of horrors came up so much in in all of our uh howard ashman related uh disney movies and so it's
Starting point is 00:21:47 like well we love it so much we both saw it live a performance of it and which also really helps of like if you have only watched the 1986 movie which is a great great movie the last 10 minutes are completely different and and also it helps too that on a a blu-ray director's cut from a few years like a decade ago they finally released the original ending which is incredibly expensive like it's it's amazing to look at we will be going into a ton of history about that yes and i'll try my best not to sing the entire thing because these these songs have been wedged into my brain since i was like five or six me too i saw it first time for like over 30 years at this point so yeah look forward to that uh again it's our live action month so we're going to start the month with
Starting point is 00:22:35 mr show and then end the month a little shop of horrors and then of course talking simpsons is happening all in between that so let's talk about what we've been playing and watching that's not related to podcasting and i don't have a lot of video games, but I'm proud to report that after nearly 100 hours, I am finally done with my second playthrough of Fallout New Vegas. I got all of the endings. I finished all the DLC. I'm not touching another Fallout game for the next 10 years. Don't hold me to that. They could announce a new one.
Starting point is 00:23:01 I mean, yeah, maybe only if the uh the same developers as as new vegas did it perhaps not not in god i guess uh microsoft could hand it to anybody now since they friggin bought bethesda you're right well we'll see what happens to that franchise so after i got done playing that i uh i picked up monster hunter again just because i haven't played a lot of the expansion and it was just a fun thing to just jump back into without starting a new game. Though I do want to start a new short game before the new Zelda comes out in May and it might be Paranorma Site, which is a Square Enix released horror themed visual novel adventure game that's, I'm hearing a lot like the Virtue's Last Reward series or Zero Escape series.
Starting point is 00:23:42 So that is a new release in march that a lot of people overlooked square enix is releasing a lot of very weird japanese games and i'm into it that's uh it's a real 180 from a decade ago with square enix yes i that's that's really cool i had not heard of this paranormal side i'll check that out no uh well it's funny you go back to uh mon hun right before zelda comes out because uh well i mean it's not exactly the same but uh the same fantasy realm yeah we're warming you back up for it i'm going into that new zelda blind i know there as of this recording there was a big like uh demo of it on uh the nintendo live thing whatever i saw that this morning too is like supposed to be 10 minutes of gameplay i don't
Starting point is 00:24:20 want to see one second of it either yeah i'm with you so yeah looking forward to that i've already bought it with my voucher by the way i took advantage of those vouchers oh good yes i saved 30 whole dollars yeah i used the voucher for that and advanced wars those were the two i got with it yeah so i watched a lot of movies this month i watched 17 i'm not going to talk about all of them you are mr movies now bob it's crazy well i spent a week a little over a week in vancouver with my wife we typically watch like a movie every day uh so i watched a lot of movies this month and i'll i'll break them down i'll i'll like uh talk about six movies so the first up or maybe seven the first up the uh the good ones uh i saw the menu it's basically like what if glass onion was much better and meaner and And I think it's, if you like Glass Onion, but you felt like something was missing like I did, check out the menu.
Starting point is 00:25:10 It's a fun thriller that's also vicious to pompous rich people. Okay. I want to check that out. It goes in directions you won't suspect. Also, this movie, it's on Hulu. It's got a terrible name and a terrible poster. When you look at it, you're like, what is this, some Sons of Anarchy bullshit? It's called Riders of Justice.
Starting point is 00:25:30 This is a Danish movie starring Mads Mikkelsen. It is a black comedy with some, a little bit of emotionality to it. Essentially, the story is Mads Mikkelsen is a soldier. He's freshly back from the Killbot factory. Something tragic happens in his life. And then three nerds try to help him solve this mystery. It's sort of like a more dark and violent version of Homer Goes to College is what I told my wife, Nina. But it's really good.
Starting point is 00:25:56 I'm getting into these Danish movies with Maddis Mikkelsen. The last one I saw was called Another Round. It's about how drinking makes you more fun. And I'm all for that. I didn't even hear this. And the second you said the title i was like well i'll never touch that it sounds it sounds like a directive video a directive on demand vincent vaughn movie is what it sounds like vince vaughn we might call him vincent movie are you are you on like personal terms with him i give him the respect he deserves but yeah yeah, Riders of Justice. It was very good and very surprising.
Starting point is 00:26:25 And I loved it. I also saw for the first time Solaris, a huge box office bomb, but I like it. It's a very tight Twilight Zone-y existential space thriller. I need to give that another shot because I only saw it in theaters when I worked in a movie theater. So me and my friends were like, oh, let's go watch it. And I was very tired from my new job and i actually the as i recall the film it's easy to fall asleep watching it if you're very tired and i kept nodding off during it uh but i i remember why
Starting point is 00:26:59 it stars the clune dog it is yes in a role that will surprise you but yeah just a great little uh sci-fi thriller that is uh it's it's like uh like i said like like a twilight zone episode basically i really liked it and i finally saw bong joon-ho's memories of murder it's his first real movie from about 20 years ago he made like an indie movie before that this is his first like studio movie it's really really good it's about a murder investigation where it's taking place at the time of the korean revolution and so the cops don't have a lot of resources the world is changing in some big ways but they still have to solve murders and it's great it's full of the great dark humor and uh fun realism of bong joon-ho i definitely recommend it really really good that's uh i've
Starting point is 00:27:40 watched a lot of his ones but not that i didn I didn't give that a watch. Yes. I'm a sucker for anything that's like a police procedural or a crime story. Copaganda, you mean? Not this movie. No, no. It has a very negative opinion of the cops, this movie. Let's get to some crap that I watched. Now, I could talk about this for like two hours. I saw Clerks 3, and I feel like every review of Clerks 3 that I read on Letterboxd and
Starting point is 00:28:04 professional reviews are like, no, no, no, no. Listen, I'm happy Kevin Smith is alive. But my but is don't ever make movies again. You don't even you don't know these characters. You don't know what to do with them. The half of this movie is a view askew merchandise catalog. The other half is some schmaltzy bullshit where he does things to characters that I feel are unfair and unwelcome and not true to who they are and yeah it's it looks like absolute crap it's filmed horribly uh i keep going on about this but they give so much space to the character of elias from clerks
Starting point is 00:28:37 to an actor who hasn't acted since clerks to and he's on the screen constantly and you're like get back this is an amateur amateur i just want to see the amateurs he makes aloran seem like a gifted shakespearean actor yes and i'll talk about this next but i saw run ronnie run and it is like a shitty low budget comedy from the year 2001 and it's funny how that looks like it's like a spielberg movie compared to clerks 3 because it was shot on film yeah that it that makes a big difference no i i definitely said months ago on this podcast that the movie got to me just because of some very cheap emotionality that the movie does extremely cheap but it was cheap it uh everything about it that everybody says why it sucks is totally true. And the thing over the credits is insane.
Starting point is 00:29:29 That actually, that is movie jail worthy. It's not even a spoiler. You can say what happens. Over the credits, he just literally, Kevin Smith starts talking and says what the theme of the movie was, as if it wasn't obvious because every character just states their feelings all the time in any Kevin Smith thing. thing but over the credits he's like hey so this is what i'd say the movie was about and then i was like oh my god you're giving us your book report on the movie you made
Starting point is 00:29:54 disgusting i feel like i mean this movie is for view askew fans to be fair and i used to be one of them and i feel like for view askew fans the making of Clerks is like the book of Genesis. We all know it. We know every detail. Yes, you held on to the cat until it had to shit. This is why you had to close the shutters. Every story we know. It's so like we've memorized all of this by now.
Starting point is 00:30:18 And to see it trotted out again just feels so pathetic to me. And I feel like if you really wanted to glamorize this time in your life and show us what it was like, make the movie about the making of Clerks. Don't make it filter through the world of 50-year-olds making their first movie. That makes no sense to me. I think you maybe said this, and I definitely think previous guest Will Sloan
Starting point is 00:30:40 mentioned this too, of like, if you're going to make a movie about guys who were sales clerks in the year 2022 and in their late 40s and early 50s it's not the movie clerks like you wouldn't they wouldn't make the movie clerks but the point of the movie is they do make the movie clerks just scene for scene even though you wouldn't this was something Kevin Smith said at the Q&A afterwards that the reason he loved doing and he also basically said the thing we've already heard him say, like, I don't make these for the critics, but he's like, I don't care if people don't like this,
Starting point is 00:31:13 I don't make it for them. It's like, yeah, that's for sure. But also that he said, you guys gave me the gift of reliving my youth. Like what he wanted to do was remake the film in all these ways to feel young again that's the that's the reason he did it yes i mean there are a few good scenes in it but i feel like there's just so much trash surrounding it and there are just all these odd choices again i don't want to go on forever but there are just all these odd choices where it makes me think like no you have been making movies for 30 years i can see all the things you're doing wrong i've never made a movie i of course i'm being like an armchair critic but that's my job
Starting point is 00:31:46 Everybody well that's what he used to do too Yeah yeah and I'm just thinking like of all the weird things in the movie Like it feels like someone just Left their Spotify pop rock Playlist or punk pop playlist on In the background of most scenes or just like a song Just playing for no reason in a lot
Starting point is 00:32:02 Of scenes you're just like what is what is happening Here well the choices are so baffling also the 180 degree rule is not just violated it is assassinated in this movie also that well and also he can't even have his characters be negative about currently popular things anymore because he's friends with all the people who makes those things he wants to be invited to marvel premieres so his characters can't hate marvel movies he wants to be invited like jj abrams did to him on the set of star wars episode 7 so he can't say like they have to have a whole bit where where randall is saying how much he loves the show mandalorian i'm like man you just your characters only like stuff now though also
Starting point is 00:32:41 the joke is he's saying it to amy sedaris who's in the mandalorian so ha yeah again i can go on forever but it just it's i i just feel like so it just upsets me to see somebody grow this little as a an artist and uh i i just don't want him to make movies anymore i just feel like this part of your life can be over i feel like you've closed the book he he's kept he keeps trying to close the book for the past 20 years on this universe, and it pops back open. Yeah, I guess it was 22 years ago now when he literally had the scene of the book being closed in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Yeah. Yeah, it's sad.
Starting point is 00:33:18 It is. It's so distracting. This is the last thing I'll say. It's so distracting to see characters just wandering in off the streets wearing view askew stuff like at one point in the movie jay has like a clerks the animated series pin on his hat i don't it's so distracting all these distracting choices yeah now i'll talk about run runny run finally saw it for the podcast we're doing yes it is bad yes it's fatally flawed it's not just the director's fault this movie starts with a flawed concept but i will say it made me laugh about six times and compared to clerks three it does
Starting point is 00:33:51 look like it is a game yes yeah but and then the performances are fine like bob but it's always fun to see bob on the screen and david but the fact that they made a happy madison style like gross out early aughts comedy this is not their game this is not what they do yeah it is entirely beneath them and then it could have been edited better there's the i'll say it all this on the mr show yeah you'll hear it but on the dvd they had deleted scenes that i think was their passive aggressive way of showing like if we had the edit we could have put these scenes in the movie and you'd at least have laughed a few more times. And the scenes actually were funny scenes,
Starting point is 00:34:28 though then they're not even on YouTube. Somebody, and I guess maybe it needs to be me, needs to buy a copy of that old DVD and put all of the deleted scenes on YouTube because only a couple are on there, which is really too bad. We'll talk more about that on our Mr. Show podcast. Finally, a thing I didn't like was Creed III. Now, we don't know what's going on with Jonathan Majors yet.
Starting point is 00:34:49 We don't know what his fate will be. This is divorced from my feelings about him. I feel that the movie was very frustrating for me because it violated what I consider to be the cardinal rule of boxing in sports movies because it feels like the people making this said, you know what people don't like doing in movies? They don't like rooting for the underdog. Let's make the overdog be the guy you root for. And that's essentially like why I could not get into this movie because this is not a spoiler. It's the premise. Like
Starting point is 00:35:17 a man from Creed's past comes back and there's going to be like a battle between them. But the entire movie is focused on Creed and wants you to sympathize with him. But he's just a boring rich guy. He wasn't a boring rich guy when we first met him. I mean, this is the plot of all of these. I mean, Rocky 3 is about how success spoils Rocky and he has to find his eye of the tiger again. That's why it's the song name.
Starting point is 00:35:43 But in this case, like his eye of the tiger, I mean why it's the song name but in this case like his eye of the tiger i mean i did i thought the fights were really great i i really like that uh though i feel like it started getting i was annoyed because it was one of those things were like we uh internally knew that like oh yeah michael b jordan loves anime that was something like hardcore is new but because he said it in interviews fucking everybody talks about how it was anime i think it was really oversold listen one blurry shot of a teenager's bedroom with uh anachronistic posters hanging up that does not an anime reference make my friend it was more like when a character got punched and they slowed down and like beads of sweat fly off of that's what i was like okay
Starting point is 00:36:19 that's like uh from anime like it it didn't go far enough for me and it's funny because i read these letterbox reviews and they're like oh it was too anime gross it's just like if it was anime he'd be punching creed and there'd be like an image of a tiger appearing out of his glove or something that would have been cool they they didn't have the guy it was funny in the world though that some character could say hey remember rocky which they actually mean remember this real thing that happened in our universe well we should do that for me yes actually you made me realize the thing about it that is a problem that they that the big speech he gets to get his mojo back or to get inspiration again is basically being told people are jealous of your
Starting point is 00:36:57 success and you need to show them like and it's just that does feel like a moral of the story written by a successful rich guy and the last thing thing I'll say, this is not a spoiler. There's some things in here where I feel like you can't make a movie with a primarily black cast in 2023 without addressing some things. Like if a character is arrested, there's no commentary on like, was this the right thing to do? Did the police overstep their bounds? The movie does not examine that at all yeah yeah it definitely could have dealt more with that yeah it just feels like by not addressing it it's all i was thinking about through the entire movie i i agree yes uh anyways yeah jonathan majors we'll
Starting point is 00:37:36 see what happens to him yeah yeah oh god not good not funny not good but uh yes that's my thoughts uh yeah so please see the menu in conclusion please see the menu also i'm keeping up with dragon ball and i just saw goku kill piccolo senior yeah the uh the ralph wickham bursting through the it's pretty great yeah it's pretty great i i it's an amazing moment in the comic and they do it really well in the anime too i i remember enjoying it and other stuff i'll be going to the midwest gaming classic convention uh very soon after this recording uh i'll be i'm doing a panel there on april 1st if you're on the patreon you might be able to hear this in time but if you're
Starting point is 00:38:15 on the free feed uh i'm sorry you missed it as for me this month for games i played a bit more of pokemon scarlet and also i opened up my 3ds for the first time in a while just to play a little more it was really just to experience Rusty's Real Deal Baseball one more time though of course I beat it all the way the second it came out but I was happy that I at least helped turn on some new people to it as right as it was dying also a surprise for me I didn't intend on it but my husband let me know that like, oh, this last weekend was the Diablo 4 beta. Let's play it together.
Starting point is 00:38:49 You know, me and him don't do co-op as much as we used to, but he was like, oh, this will be great long distance co-op. He played it on his PS5. I'm playing it on the Xbox and it was a lot of fun. You know, I played a lot of Diablo 1 and a bit of 2 back in the past, but never touched 3. And so this 4 seems pretty cool. It's all the classic, except he kept telling me, like, yeah, I know you're thinking you're playing Diablo 1. Don't worry.
Starting point is 00:39:16 This isn't going to be that cruel to you. It's not going to be that mean. I guess it's not 1996 anymore. Yeah, it's scaled much better and uh and if you i was playing the um man i get barbarian class i think it's called but it's a classic and transform into animals it's big big hairy guys who transform into animals that's why i was playing some i played like i think i played diablo 3 with nina a bit and it's one of those games where it just is too easy at first you have to wait through like the second cycle for it to get good and we didn't i don't think we had the patience for that you
Starting point is 00:39:47 know i did really like also the torchlight one and two i played a bit of that which were intentionally meant to be throwback diablos and yeah and pretty soon it's gonna be finally war is not bad enough now that i'll be able to play advance wars on the switch i can't wait you know with all that money we're giving the Ukraine, we should at least fund one copy of Advance Wars for every American. That should be our gift, yeah. As for movies, in addition to Creed III, which I also saw,
Starting point is 00:40:14 the big ones I want to talk about were Scream 6, which we talked a lot about with some upcoming guests who might be featured in that movie. Yes, images of them could be featured in it. Scream 6 was really good i think scream is back at it i'm loving i'm all in again on scream and it's postmodern commentary and also like jenna ortega rules like she is she's having a moment now guys she's really great i kind of like her because she's been very upfront about how much she hated the wednesday show
Starting point is 00:40:43 and how she was just rewriting scenes on the spot that's so great more i saw some people try to say she's unprofessional it's like movie stars need to act like movie stars more sometimes and say this is shitty i'm not saying this dumb line have you read the rumors of her next casting plans no beetlejuice too oh well she's everybody's hot goth girlfriend now and she would be playing winona ryder's daughter in it ah they are making that right they're still making that it's this was the new thing about it because of course she's the wednesday show is by burton so he knows her so i can see that he wants to keep bring her on for that i mean she'd be great she's she's great i love her and she she
Starting point is 00:41:26 is the perfect goth girl with the big eyes and a mean face she's i i love her but uh so yes scream six i'd say watch definitely watch it but obviously you gotta at least watch scream five before you see it because really it's the start of a new trilogy they call it a requel trilogy in the movie itself too you know like scream 3 was so lackluster. I just stopped even thinking about Scream after that one. Me too. I had to. Maybe it was Courtney Cox's terrible haircut in that movie.
Starting point is 00:41:53 It was the lockdown where my husband, he had seen Scream 4 and he's like, no, Scream 4 is awesome. And fortunately, I hadn't had it spoiled for me. Scream 4 is great. And then 5 was really good. And 6 was great again too and it was fun seeing it in the movie i forgot that jay and silent bob are in scream 3 that that was uh hey silent bob it's blah blah blah what does he say oh that's oh yeah he he says courtney cox is somebody else uh he thinks it's a porn star i think or something god that sucked that was shit
Starting point is 00:42:23 but i get that scene mixed up with the shannon doherty scene that's in jay and silent bob strike back that's parodying their appearance in scream 3 because it's they're on the set of scream 4 and the killer is is suzanne the chimpanzee oh yeah is wes craven in that scene yeah he's directing her yeah it sucked uh but uh I'll tell you what didn't suck John Wick 4 uh that was a lot of fun is it too long absolutely it is without credits two hours and 40 minutes long well you know I just run Ronnie runs a tight 75 before credits it's uh I could fit in like two and a half run ronnie runs it's to count legally as a movie to be 75 minutes yeah the john wick for though it's full of great action that's what you go to
Starting point is 00:43:11 it for it is a ridiculous world it's also i read an interview with the director that was a lot of fun but it's also him saying like this is the type of guy who directs it a guy who says you know i'm really inspired by the code of the samurai as like That's the type of guy who does it. And it's also fun because when there's all these big movie stars in it, I know behind the scenes, especially with, say, Donnie Yen, that there are stories of Donnie Yen saying, I will not lose to this character in this movie. And so I'm always wondering what their way out of it is. And there's a few times with that with multiple actors in john wick for okay i'd also hey if you're a fan of hotline miami i think the directors of the movie were too because there's an entire amazing action sequence
Starting point is 00:43:56 that just is hot oh i love hotline miami yeah now uh this next movie sorry please continue no no super cop is that police story three it is okay yes yeah so after the oscars uh which i watched uh simultaneously was watching the on cinema oscars afterwards i was talking with my husband about how awesome it was that the michelle yo won we were so glad for her and we were talking about super cop and he said he'd never seen super cop i've only seen police story one oh man look police story one is better than super cop but if you're especially looking to appreciate michelle yo and all she's great at super cop is a great one to watch but i had never seen in full police story
Starting point is 00:44:38 three super cop i had seen the miramax america supercop which cuts out like literally six minutes of the movie and fills it with unnatural music to sell an album and also now it's gross to watch that Supercop because you just see the fingerprints of Harvey Weinstein all over it but fortunately Criterion on disc and also on the Criterion channel which i had signed up for a trial of to watch this they have the real version with very accurate subtitles or well it reads well localized and i forgot the villain of super cop he plays tetris on a genesis in the in the movie what a sicko don't do that but yeah i mean the movie rules if you've never seen super cop give it a watch especially you know you'll still see what's good about it if you watch the old version of it. But especially since it's more available than ever in America now, watch the Criterion version of Police Story 3 Supercop. You know, I don't think I mentioned it last month, but I watched Yes, Madam. It has Michelle Yeoh and Cynthia Rothrock.
Starting point is 00:45:46 It's from 1985. It's great. You know, I've only seen the cut scenes from the fight. I've seen fight sequences from it. I've never watched it. It was also on the Criterion channel. I was first going to propose that to be the one we watched, but then my husband was like, no, I haven't seen Superhot before.
Starting point is 00:46:01 And I was like, all right, let's do that instead. Now I got to watch Yes Madam now. It's really good and uh as for tv shows i'm watching mandalorian season three as i'm instructed to it's good it's not great it's good it's uh it's also the mandalorian show really is about world building for other characters who are not din jarin it's uh it's really the show for other characters are they building new spinoff series? Absolutely. The spinoff series factory? They really, really are. And then there's also an episode where it feels like they are trying to make their own
Starting point is 00:46:31 Andor episode, but they're just not as good as Andor. And then White Lotus finished the second season of that. I love that show. Great, great show. Full of great actors. Can't wait for season three. Apparently they're going to be filming that in Thailand. That's the new first state of hawaii then italy now thailand uh lastly the trashy
Starting point is 00:46:49 reality show i watched trixie motel about renovating a motel in palm springs by trixie motel the drag queen it was a lot of fun it also had every bullshit reality show thing that i hate but i was like you know what this is made for homosexuals and obviously me and my husband watch it together and the main couple in it of trixie and her uh bearded bear boyfriend i was like yeah i can project my relationship onto them and it's i i like what is the reality show bullshit oh it's just where they they clearly say something like oh and then we have this problem it's like no i know you're recording this like three months later you're this is just context for it or they just say like oh and i'm gonna hang out with this person it's like no this is all like a lie like but the
Starting point is 00:47:35 artifice is part of the joke they i wish they'd do it a little bit more uh see the strings and also i watched too much pro wrestling in the last month. Yes, I was afraid live in person. I was afraid you were going to overdose on wrestling, Henry. Honestly, I did. By the end of the third night, I was like, I shouldn't have seen the first two nights. I saw too much wrestling. The big pay-per-view revolution in San Francisco was great. It had the best hour-long match I've ever seen in my life.
Starting point is 00:48:04 I've never seen intentionally. Okay, there's one better that I didn't see live, but this was the best one I ever seen live. MJF and Bryan Danielson. It was a lot of fun. And then I was going to see a show with my mom and stepdad four days later, and I was like, this is too much, but I'd already committed. I did really want to see a show with them,
Starting point is 00:48:26 but then there was a big snowstorm and they literally couldn't drive down to Sacramento and see it. Now, these were three shows, right? Yes, there was Dynamite Wednesday, Rampage Friday, Revolution on Sunday. Now, I'll tell you this, Henry, you have a lot of stamina that I don't have because if a band I really liked was playing in town, I would go one night. Yeah, I get that I well I don't
Starting point is 00:48:46 have the stamina you do you know part of it is look I don't even go to concerts that much and it is something about getting music versus watching the live performance of wrestling is and also it helps that because it's a long-running soap opera every time I went was a new episode of the tv show so was it like okay repeat performances but yeah for some even for me within a seven day period watching boy it was 10 hours of wrestling across three different days that was too much i guess i just don't have a lot of live event stamina um because like i think after my mid-30s at concerts i'm so relieved when a concert's over i'm like thank god only only one encore no i feel that too and that's when we can go to concerts now where it's like oh you can expect a chair like yeah actually uh nearby the the group built to spill is coming
Starting point is 00:49:38 and i did i actually snoozed on the tickets mr t style and they're all sold out anyway but i was contemplating seeing it but then i was like oh wait i'm gonna have to stand for this whole show they don't have seats is that is that on uh university uh actually it's even closer it's oh it's at cornerstone yeah i mean people can google this and find out yeah that's uh that's like that's like two oh well i don't want to say hey let's not dox me here. I almost said two miles away. Yeah, yeah. But yes, lots of stuff is happening. Let's move on to Talking Simpsons comments.
Starting point is 00:50:10 The first is The Sweetest of Pooh. By the way, we never figured out what that title was, did we? Oh, it's a reference to the Sade song, The Sweetest Taboo. Ooh, the sweetest taboo. Thank you. I had no idea. Nothing went into that question. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Okay. It just hit me, as you said. I was like, oh, as you said okay oh yeah it's the sweetest i like that song and uh thanks again to tune rific tarik for being on the show first time guys everyone loved him uh let's talk about what rebecca gonzalez says and she says the last scene without pula manjula was so sweet like they could actually work it out and be happy again and it would have been nice if they had actually had their relationship get better but it feels like they use them as a couple who is miserable and stays together like there's an episode where you can see them leaving a couple's counselor and i think manjula hits a poo and he's like oh she used to elbow me in the face and then there's the one where mo convinced her to stay with the poo like what all of these years later and you're still unhappily married like i get it's
Starting point is 00:50:59 a cartoon and i'm sure they stay that way for jokes when they need an unhappy couple but damn just let them get divorced yeah that's it's uh i wish they'd have just done it because they don't like her character or the kids they want to get rid of her and the kids just have a divorce and go back to india like yeah i i forgot that spousal abuse joke like uh that she oh well she used to elbow me it's like damn and i i don't know this one where apu convinces her to stay with uh or where mo convinces her to stay with apu like we said in that episode she is just redefined as like the harpy wife and apu as the miserable husband under her boots and and one of these days we'll figure out why jan hooks didn't do the voice in that episode even
Starting point is 00:51:41 though she clearly did do the voice we'll hold a seance uh and adam l the a key the acz says i've been thinking about what you guys and tariq were saying about how you find it odd that it seems like fox censors wouldn't let the simpsons do certain things that they let something like family guy get away with such as mentioning weed or the many many sexual scenes a possible theory that came to me might have to do with the fact that despite still very much being an adult show, the Simpsons audience has always seemed to skewer more towards families and kids. Perhaps the reason Family Guy
Starting point is 00:52:12 was able to get away with it is as simple as Fox noticing that more adults watch Family Guy and more kids and families watch The Simpsons, so they really didn't want to potentially alienate that audience. Great episode as always, and I can't wait to see moreate that audience great episode as always and i can't wait to see more appearances from tariq in the future so yeah i think it's definitely a i think
Starting point is 00:52:31 it is conceptually about the demographic for sure yeah i mean like kids always like the simpsons but when they started having after-school syndicated episodes of the simpsons i feel like their kid audience only grew from their kids who weren't allowed to see it when it was on at eight earlier in their childhoods were not watching it every day. With commercials that like I've seen those commercials from time to time, at least for the first year of it. They were like, Bart's on twice a week, Bart or twice a day, Bart, Bart, Bart, like just smashing kids with the Bartness. They wanted Bart by the barrel full. And I need to watch Tariq has a new video that just came out yesterday. I haven't watched yet.
Starting point is 00:53:04 It's about the live action chipmunk stuff i really like his chipmunks content so i'll check that one out but yeah thanks to everybody who uh welcomed him on the show as our i think our first gin truly gin z guest too he let two old men bark at him for two hours up next is colonel homer thanks again to griffin newman for coming down in person to record with us he had to like literally folks i saw some people say i go this was on the blank check reddit somebody said oh i thought they'd even go longer griffin was so nice with his time like he instantly had the second it was done he's like hey guys i have to do a new thing to prepare for our net our live show in six hours so i gotta go like what did i he didn't need to give us his time he was so nice we love to have it yes he was very generous with his time i hope he'll be
Starting point is 00:53:49 back uh so moving on sabrina says about colonel homer all i really came here to say is that the sound of marge's grinding teeth kills me i still listen to ghost simsonic and songs in the key of springfield on a regular basis but i have to skip over bag me homer simply because i know that cursed sound is coming it always is on there it's uh yeah you know i i am a uh unwitting teeth grinder i do it without realizing it and i just recently got a very fancy uh professionally made night guard and my mouth doesn't hurt anymore wow man a night guard yes Yes. You're on that thing. But it only cost $600. Wow. So you can get one for yourself, but it really works. You know, I definitely, I don't know if I grind my teeth.
Starting point is 00:54:36 There were definitely stressful times in my life where I'd wake up and my mouth felt like I had been clenching my jaw. Yeah, I guess for me it's more like clenching, definitely clenching. But yes, I don't like that noise either. But I don't know how they made it. It sounds like rocks rubbing against each other. Maybe if Sabrina is listening to this, this is already upsetting her more. Sorry, sorry. We won't insert the sound here. Kevin Nash, not that one, I don't think.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Maybe, maybe. Hey, sign up for the $1,000 tier, Kevin Nash. You can afford it. Hey, Kevin, I love you. You're great. Kevin Nash says, I love the hee-haw parody i'm old enough to remember life without cable and hee-haw was background noise to my early childhood it wasn't just my house but anyone we visited and i have weird nostalgia for it now i often show it
Starting point is 00:55:16 to the kids and say this is the crap we had to watch speaking of hee-haw this will come up in the mr show episode i just listened to the bob odenkirk autobiography and he talks a lot about bernie brilstein his manager who has a long history in show business he went from like hee-haw and the muppets to managing bob odenkirk and producing mr show that's yeah late in his life he was there they what he's the guy they tell the funny stories about that he pees with his pants pulled down i think that's the urinal yeah but so in a way we might not have mr show without hee haw in and not just in like television sketch way but of like if they if you hadn't been successful on hee haw then he wouldn't have
Starting point is 00:55:57 worked with them and bob mentioned it's the one show he knew his dad actually liked was hee haw that's that man he's there's a lot of dad feelings in that Bob Owen Kirk book uh he got over them pretty quickly I think he's like all right here's the dad shit yes yes alcoholic distant blah blah blah anyway let's move on well he every time he brings up when he ever gets angry he's like yeah I just channel my dad in those moments like god damn that's where all the goddammit's come from the very uh midwestern goddammit's their perfection yes let's move on to little girl in the big 10 and Maritha demon says gravity's rainbow is good because it's about how capitalism is an unholy abomination that's set to destroy all the world and the world is run by old perverts
Starting point is 00:56:34 all while using the hyper referential humor of the simpsons in 1973 there's a reason pinch on was a get for the simpsons it's kind of a shame that it has a weird reputation because it's actually an important work that i think the talking Simpsons fold would enjoy and I will say to you Merith Adement I'm interested in Groudon's Rainbow but it's very huge it's also very dense and I think Kurt Vonnegut does a better job with fewer pages and more matter-of-fact prose you know maybe we can start a book club someday and read it I I feel like it'd be nice to say I read it and also that I read like a real book and not just a book on like entertainment or wrestling history I say follow me on goodreads i set my goal for this year as 50 books i've read 12 man i i'm already doing my best to keep up with you on letterboxd
Starting point is 00:57:14 i can't i can't do that oh yeah follow me on letterboxd now folks i'm active on it that's right following bob follow me and look up every movie henry has watched because i think you've logged them all uh i think i did i did spend about a four hour afternoon one time of just clicking through like, yeah, I saw that. I saw that. I saw that. So yeah, I think there's still some I missed. Oh, and also the name.
Starting point is 00:57:35 Now I realize it's Mara the demon, meaning I would assume a reference to the Shin Megami Tensei demon, Mara, who is a penis in a wheelbarrow. Okay. That makes sense sense i was like maratha demon okay it just hit me uh mara is one of my favorites a penis on a chariot or something it's a green penis on a chair yes and it's also a very powerful demon so it's a fun one to use in in battle unfortunately you can't even buy good toys of it because they know it's uh an impossible to sell toy so the only versions they made were like a limited edition uh statue of it because they know it's uh an impossible to sell toy so the only versions they made were like
Starting point is 00:58:06 a limited edition uh statue of it that sold at retail i think for over 500 and of course instantly sold out so i gotta spend a thousand bucks if i want to borrow the demon statue they should just sell the chariot you have to buy the dildo yourself and then carve it just carve your own dildo uh okay also chiroco cho says regarding the throwaway comment about elmer the bull should hook up with lc the cow bizarrely you stumbled upon advertising mascot lore elmer was created as lc's spouse back in 1940 over the years they gained children who would show up in the ads borden used to make the glue using the casein from dairy milk and it became elmer's glue sometime in the early 50s so wow that no reason we were coupling them together they're designed to fit and match now when i throw
Starting point is 00:58:57 out elsie i had a moment of fear immediately after i said that i was like oh shit was this regional then i like quickly googled i was like oh it's from the cleveland area i don't know if anyone else had been exposed to lc the cow but i guess you had heard of lc the cow i had heard of her uh they're the ads of like uh content cows only give whatever or something like i think but i heard about it through references and like there was a far side cartoon okay about lc the cow okay and my mom had to explain it to me but yeah lc lc is definitely regional i did not have elsie in my area that's for sure i i had donald duck orange juice where i grew up but not not elsie though i don't know if you had the donald tuck orange it was still there yeah the from concentrate tube of or the least healthy juice to put in your body
Starting point is 00:59:40 moving on to what a cartoon comments up first is uh our what a cartoon movie for that month which was batman superman world's finest and blake r says enjoyed hearing you guys talk about superman the animated series i know it's commonly accepted that it never quite reached the heights of batman the animated series but it still soared pretty high as far as characterizations of clark and superman go it's easily one of my favorites he had such a charming sense of humor and modesty And yeah, like, I have not looked into more of Superman yet. This is Bob speaking. But this really got me on the superman the animated series train it's like it's the best version of it because
Starting point is 01:00:29 batman's there of course but i got to understand superman better through this movie the and all that stuff they were saying about clark and the importance to him that's a huge part of the great episode you did watch of the late mr kent like it's entirely about how much he's like no i can't let go of being clark kent that's actually incredibly important to me i'd go crazy if i was superman all the time uh joshua marchand also said about that uh film when you mentioned bibbo's last name is babowski i wondered if this is a reference to willard bowski de facto director of all the best black and white popeyes and worked as animator for the Superman shorts. Bibbo being the intersection of these two Fleischer characters makes me think the name is an intentional nod.
Starting point is 01:01:15 And I think Joshua is right. Yeah, especially with his Popeye style character design. Yes. Yeah. So Willard Bowski, I totally think Bowski is a reference to that. It is so insane that, and it started in the comic, but it works even better in animation that like, you know what? A Fleischer character is just like one of Superman's friends. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:33 I like it. Let's move on to Invader Zim and Chupacabra says, I was 15 when Zim started airing. And as a quiet loner who loves sci-fi and horror, it was exactly my kind of show. The humor was dark, mean, spontaneous. There simply wasn't anything like it. Despite it being one of those prototypes of what I would call the ZOMG exclamation point internet humor, it never affected how I felt about the show, since the writers clearly knew how to do it correctly. Also, while we're still on the topic, I thought Enter the Florpus was better than the Rocko movie. While I also loved Rocko as a kid, I simply didn't think Staticling was very funny, and it felt like a pilot for a new season that didn't get made.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Florpus, on the other hand, was the satisfying finale that I didn't get for Invader Zim. Now, this is Bob speaking. I have not seen Florpus, but I did think the Rocko's movie was funny, but I do feel like it did seem like a way to re-establish the characters for a potential new series. And and also there was no conflict in rocko that needed to be resolved there is conflict in invader zim that needed to be resolved so i can see how they can make more out of a movie about that uh storyline static cling was more about like i didn't think of that until they they said this in the reply but like yeah that the the as a pilot for a new season it pitches like well what would rocko find weird
Starting point is 01:02:44 about today and modern since it's always about modern life he has a new modern life and there's so many more stories you can tell well meanwhile yeah invader zim was like it never got a real finale and it always built up to it and even though i'm not going to tell you what happens at the end of enter the floor piss but it definitely leaves space to tell more stories it at least feels like this is a season finale of the show that the series never even got you know let alone a series finale i do want to point out and i agree with this person one person on the patreon said that i was a little too hard on the anime club folks were screaming catchphrases because you know we're all very annoying when we're teenagers
Starting point is 01:03:18 and my response was i was annoying but in different ways i was just as annoying but in a way different way than that so don't worry I was also annoying if I met my 21 year old self I would think he's extremely annoying also I mean it's why I didn't watch any new movies for like 12 or 13 years now I yeah I also like somebody who they pointed out of um that you definitely you can blame it for their being a nostalgia critic and that sucks but yeah you know he just showed up with with bad jokes stolen from south park anyway and also on invader zim when gava t dim says i didn't grow up with the show per se as i was a literal baby when it premiered but when i did eventually discover it as a middle schooler i couldn't get enough of it
Starting point is 01:04:00 i personally think that the true genius of this show is the amazing voice cast pulling off some of these ultra random lines even without the visuals i feel like horvitz and the crew nail the insane way of speaking that the writers demand they perform in also it's satire while ted simplistic is quite biting like all good cartoons the poop jokes and the screaming roped me in as a child but it's the ultra cruel pseudo satire that intrigues me most as a young adult like you mentioned in the episode a bunch shows about how much america and its culture sucks could not be made even a few months after this show debuted i find that little time capsule bubble of things super fascinating long live the monkey cheese yeah i totally agree like we said on the episode,
Starting point is 01:04:47 what would become that popular brand of humor does not age very well, but I do like the end of history, like scowling satire of America when they were still allowed to do that. That's like the most fun part of the show for me. Like it's going to be, when you get your first part-time job, it's going to be disgusting.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Every person around you when you try to buy a video game is a disgusting person. Everything's gross and awful all of the time like and and yeah i also think horvitz especially but all the actors if you're gonna have somebody do monkey cheese stuff when it's done by people who suck at random humor like that's a big reason why it sucked well meanwhile if you get a great voice actor who can scream with all this stuff, it makes the lines work so much better than when done by somebody who's not good at it. Let's move on to Talking Futurama, A Taste of Freedom. And Harry Thornton says,
Starting point is 01:05:35 You guys should watch the Netflix documentary Bob Ross, Happy Accidents, Betrayal, and Greed to get the full story on the Bob Ross fiasco. His children are not at fault here. His son Steve Ross actually fought to keep his name and likeness in court, but sadly lost. It was the Kowalskis, the scumbag husband and wife who, allegedly, manipulated a dying Ross to sign off all the rights to them, along
Starting point is 01:05:56 with a whole bunch of other shady stuff. It's sad that such a pleasant man got wrapped up in all this exploitative dealing. And hey, that was news to me. Yeah, no, I didn't know this either. I think I will watch that Netflix docflix doc sometime what the fuck is that owen wilson movie where he's just got the bob ross afro but it's not about bob ross oh you know what i'm talking about yeah i vaguely remember that it's a new movie that's out now i think huh but they couldn't maybe they didn't get the likeness rights from that evil kowalski's family that i mean that's so evil
Starting point is 01:06:24 like these people who show up late in the life of somebody family that i mean that's so evil like these people who show up late in the life of somebody famous and i mean it's basically like the marrying some old person for their money a version of a likeness rights like that's that's so sad that his son actually sounds like his kids wanted to keep the legacy how his father wanted to and instead it gets used by somebody else that's that's really sad now it makes all of the new merch and twitch streaming of his stuff and all that seem a lot grosser in this new light it's it's pretty ugly yeah by the way the owen wilson movie is called paint and it's basically like a comedy movie about a bob ross style figure it's not like an autobiography or sorry a biography on him or whatever you know it's uh what's always one word movies now paint
Starting point is 01:07:05 and plain what is all this but uh and also that kamarowski as he often does helps clarify some classic cartoon history in his reply uh because we asked about you know when did porky pig start busting out of the drum in uh in cartoons regarding porky busting out of the drum i don't know if subversion was the intention but that's a good theory bosco buddy and beans would do their respective song folks for the black and white looney tunes as well and some generic court jester would do the sign off for a year or so worth of color merry melodies i hate that guy yeah he actually is great i don't like him he feels like he's uh like a knockoff from harvey comics or something anyway porky graced the end titles for all the looney tunes produced between 1937 and 1945 except for when bugs did the drum sign off in hair tonic and baseball bugs i think it was supposed to be a joke
Starting point is 01:07:55 in the former that porky caught rabiditis and tregg brown didn't get the memo and added it to the latter two axing porky from there on was probably the same the one single poor creative decision made of warner cartoons in 1945 you know i do remember bugs coming out from the drum that did he go and that's the end yeah yeah i i didn't know that it was i mean i definitely watched the uh the hair tonic one i remember the rabiditis and everything but i really only remembered the one from baseball bugs i think i associated with oh I mean, I definitely watched the hair tonic one. I remember the rabiditis and everything. But I really only remembered the one from Baseball Bugs. I think I associated with, oh, there must be like a bunch that Bugs did the That's All folks on.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Just two. And to know that it was a joke, it was meant to be a joke for rabiditis, that's even funnier. Thank you, Thad, as always, for you know what happened at Termite Terrace. Up next, we have the king of the hill episode next of shin in joe hodgson says it's secondhand so take it for what it's worth but per my best friend the spank rooms at fertility clinics haven't changed much over the decades he went through ivf with his wife about five years ago and had to do a couple of rounds in one of those rooms and he said it was pretty gross just a beat-up old recliner some dated magazines a tv and they did at least have a dvd player instead of vhs i did not inquire to find out
Starting point is 01:09:10 his selection but he said it was an awful experience just trying to do that in a setting where everyone outside the room knows what you're doing in there he did say the staff were great about the whole thing and the process did lead to twin girls so at least it wasn't for nothing oh that's a happy ending sometimes public masturbation leads to miracles. To know that you're doing it in this old recliner that everybody else has done it in. I would not step into it. It'd be standing room only for me. You'll sit in the corner and looking towards the corner, too.
Starting point is 01:09:38 I mean, to hear they have a DVD player instead of VHS, it's also like, and this is true five years ago, you have your phone. You don't need to ask them for any is true five years ago you have your phone you're you know you don't you don't need to ask them for any selection you as long as you have your phone got the world of porn at your fingertips or your thumb tips and dog fry also says on that episode on the subject of jesse ventura's fun conspiracy theories i interned at haarp the supposed government wind weather control device in the early 2010s during lunch on the day of our orientation they played the episode of jesse ventura's conspiracy theories for us to watch everyone who worked there thought it was hilarious and they all had a bunch of stories about the day the crude showed up at the gates the funniest part was when the person denying
Starting point is 01:10:21 entry to jesse starts speaking with an ominous voice changer in reality that guy was very sweet and had an extremely gentle voice every line he spoke got huge laughs so is he saying that they treated his voice to make it sound scarier for the tv show and he didn't sound that way to them in person uh yeah either that or he was like using a voice changer to talk to jesse ventura I'm not sure which one it was. But that's so funny that like Jesse Ventura, his conspiracy theory show was full of like bullshit. But though I still like Jesse.
Starting point is 01:10:54 It was fun bullshit. It wasn't like election tampering, child sex dungeon bullshit. Oh, man. And he comes out against that stuff, too. Actually, here's a funny wrestling story. It's wrestling related wrestling story it's wrestling related but it's about jesse ventura since we're on the topic he is he hates the january six guys he he has said how much he hates them he goes on just chris jericho's podcast chris jericho does
Starting point is 01:11:16 not publicly take a uh stance on it though he definitely is a brave brave but he is a trump guy people have seen he gave donations to to trump movements but his wife and his mother-in-law were at january 6th uh you don't want that and so he has on jesse ventura and jesse knows this and he says to him like when i saw those people with their raising the confederate flag in my capital it made my blood boil i tell you what jericho if i was there that day and saw that and i was in charge of security i'll tell you what those people wouldn't still be breathing if you get my drift and jericho just has to go like aha i would have killed your wife i just shot your wife and then yeah it's uh it was funny just to hear jesse like at least his
Starting point is 01:12:02 conspiracy theory thing with his kind of he could easily become even richer selling out to the the q anon thing so i'm uh it's nice that he hasn't yeah yeah we we got one of them still uh moving on to uh the man who killed batman and harry thornton says matt frewer also has another dc role in live action he played former super villain edgar jacobi aka mullock in the 2009 film adaptation of watchmen it's a small role but he did a great job of capturing jacobi's really sad state of a former theatrical criminal now reduced to a cancer-stricken man in a small apartment yeah matt for always looks skinny in movies but he it feels like he starved himself to get as sickly looking as possible in it uh that i have lots of feelings about the zach snyder watchman and i should say watchman the comic is one of my favorite like works of fiction of all time but he was great casting as malik
Starting point is 01:12:56 because his character is supposed to be so sad it one of the points of watchman is like well if the real world had superheroes what would it be and one of the things is that malik is like a lex luther type except he's like the only supervillain they ever faced they beat him after two times and he spent 30 years in jail afterwards it's like oh yeah in the real world you wouldn't have recurring supervillains they'd stay in jail the first time you caught a nice subversion uh and guy incognito with our final comment uh the episode for the man who killed batman says great episode on a great episode i wanted to add a note on gunzel bob is right that it's used in the maltese falcon but it's dashiell hammett getting one over on his editor if you've seen the movie you know that casper gutman the
Starting point is 01:13:35 villainous fat man played by sydney greenstreet is clearly gay coded when hammett was submitting the story for serialization in black mask magazine in 1929 his editor objected to the use of the word catamite a young boy kept for sexual purposes by an older man to refer to the younger gunman working for gutman so hammett suggested using gunsel which the editor accepted thinking was a slang term for a hired gun actually it's a term for a young gay man from the yiddish word genzel meaning little goose that hammett also picked up in his days as a private detective when it appeared in the multi-falcon movie other writers took it up as this seemingly cool gangster slang and it entered into the hard
Starting point is 01:14:16 boiled lexicon so it's extra funny that it ended up being spoken in a children cartoon when censors would have thrown a fit if they knew its true origin that's great yeah i i love dashiell hammett i i knew that uh gunsel had like homoerotic uh connotations like i knew that from watching the movie and reading trivia about it but i i thought it was he wanted to use another word so he used gunsel instead but it turns out gunsel is the word he wanted to use i also think of maltese falcon with gay coding because uh before i saw the movie uh when i saw the uh the documentary the celluloid closet based on the book too they mentioned how peter lorry's characters is an
Starting point is 01:14:57 example of a coded gay man in hayes code movie there's like three gay people in that movie. That's because they're so evil. Evil gay thieves. Dressing so smartly, annoying the extremely heterosexual detective. But yes, thank you, Guy Incognito, for that big dose of hard-boiled history. Yes, great, great trivia there.
Starting point is 01:15:20 So yeah, that's it for this episode of Talk to the Audience. Just to remind you, next month is our live action month. So we'll covering mr show for the first week of april as part of our what a cartoon series and then at the end of the month we'll be covering little shop of horrors the live action movie for our what a cartoon movie so a lot of fun stuff also you're going to get talking futurama talking to the hill and a bunch of talking simpsons so another jam-packed month full of great stuff and a little live action change of pace.
Starting point is 01:15:47 Yeah, we got a lot of fun stuff coming and some really cool guests lined up as well. And man, we got some cool things. We're even going to get to see a movie premiere in April, maybe, in San Francisco. Yes, that's true. We've got some really exciting stuff. So keep an eye out for all of that on the on the free and the patreon feeds thanks much for listening folks we'll see you again next time for another episode of talk to the audience and we'll see you then Wow. Infotainment.

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