Talking Simpsons - Talk to the Audience?!? - May 2020

Episode Date: June 4, 2020

Before the summer begins, it's time for another episode of our monthly community podcast! In the Simpsons news we've got details on Alf Clausen's lawsuit, dates on the arrival of 4:3 aspect ratio, and... more predictions coming true! Then we preview some cool stuff coming soon, share a couple of gifts we got during the month, and, as always, we respond to some of our favorite replies on Patreon. Listen now with or without glistening pork products! Support this podcast and get dozens of bonus episodes by visiting and becoming a patron! And please follow the new official Twitter, @TalkSimpsonsPod!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I heartily endorse this event or product. Ahoy, ahoy everybody and welcome to Talk to the Audience where this is always death. I am one of your hosts, the placebo taker, Bob Mackie, who is here with me as always. Henry Gilbert, finally presented here with me as always. Henry Gilbert, finally presented in my correct aspect ratio. Finally, you're all stretched out before. And now you're my four by three friend. But yes, if you've never heard this before, this is our monthly community podcast where we talk about what's going on in the Simpsons world and in our world. And we read and respond to your comments from the past month's worth of episodes. And we've got quite a few news items up top but the number one news item is we are still in lockdown yes yeah we uh we don't know
Starting point is 00:00:50 how it is in your neck of the woods but in the bay area you know california respects the shelter place stuff more than a lot of american states right now uh and you know me and bob are safe our families are safe uh so that's been nice but yes also can't do much but uh but i've been streaming it up quite a lot this month at least what's good for our listeners is that we are now uh going straight ahead into the future working on our podcast we're already recording july podcast and very very soon will be in august once i finish producing talking mission hill with henry so yeah we we have recorded our first august podcast but we're not we did yet yeah i forgot about that yeah we uh and we've had to make sure every time to like if it's with a guest tell them
Starting point is 00:01:37 hey this is in august so you know don't say anything that would date stuff don't don't mention a celebrity in their 90s you You're really dancing with fire there. I'm dancing with all the fires. But yeah, my theory is, and I've said this to my fiance, just like if I have fun now, that's a lesser amount of fun than if I'll have fun later. So I'm spending all my time working so I can accumulate free time to spend when free time is actually fun.
Starting point is 00:02:02 You'll take like two weeks off, and then we'll do one week'll take like two weeks off and then uh we'll do one week of recordings and two weeks off again it's gonna be a real vacation for bob mackie we've uh we both earned a lot of vacation here yeah but no i'm so grateful for having this to do because when i have nothing to do i can't relax because it's just so anxious and stressful to be living in this world so i'm glad i have this project to focus on and i've been having so much fun uh frankly diving too deep into some of these mysteries of the show's recovery no i've i've had a lot of fun too i've been watching extra even when we do stuff of like why don't i just watch like six episodes of this show we're doing like uh you will here's a surprise for you guys but
Starting point is 00:02:41 next month we're doing a duck man podcast finally. And I've watched about a dozen episodes of Duckman. Me too. I'm diving into Duckman. That's the name of our podcast series that you won't unlock. I think I also wanted to watch it to catch up with you. Like, oh, Bob's having all this fun watching old Duckmans. I got to bust out my DVD box that Bob suggested I pick up while they're still in print. So you mentioned it up front henry but
Starting point is 00:03:05 yes uh four by three simpsons coming or wait uh have they come already not yet okay so we can't yeah this actually is going up tonight the day we're recording oh you're right about that yeah it's tuesday yeah so uh it's not if you're listening to this on the day posted it still isn't out but we have been promised very clearly by disney and al gene himself that four by three aspect ratio simpsons will finally be on disney plus now here's what i want to see is that i'm curious as if uh to see are these like the original video transfers or are they in big scare quotes, cleaned up by Disney? Because the HD versions, whatever they're using, have been cleaned up, meaning made worse. Yes. So I really want to know what this image will look like and if it detracts from the original tape transfers that we saw on the DVDs.
Starting point is 00:03:56 You know, on Simpsons World, they were the DVD files. As far as I could tell, they were the DVD files, like not touched up or anything. I'd hope they're just using those same files that were being used on simpsons world but that you know i would fear that you know you put the fear in me bob that the the six month delay of it appearing on the thing was because disney wanted to do some last minute cleanups or whatever i mean you see how disrespectful they are to their own stuff very much with their with their scare quotes cleanups i feel like some exact there's just executives in a boardroom who think a child won't watch something if it doesn't look like pristine hd that they just don't have any which is like that's so lame because when we were kids we watched i love lucy yeah honeymooners because it was funny way I didn't I never had a thought to
Starting point is 00:04:45 myself of like this is a black and white TV show I'm not gonna watch like it's a black and white TV show it's old who cares yeah I think they're like their response to this was very patronizing and it was like well if there was a non HD show on Disney Plus you just be confused and furrowing your brow and trying to understand the situation with your limited brain power. So that's why for your own good, we made it HD. And it's too bad that like Simpsons is big enough and caused enough of a stink about the aspect ratio. But there are others on there. We've covered like Goof Troop and the Chippendale Rescue Rangers, for example.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Those are cropified as well. The thing that bothers me about that is like those like those are good HD transfers of those shows they look great but then they crop them yeah bad bad bad I mean getting off the film negatives and getting them HD like that's why as long as you kept the masters on hand a lot of animated shows upgrade to HD very well yeah and here's the issue with the Simpsons and we might mention it before but the Simpsons like a lot of animated shows upgrade to hd very well yeah and here's the issue with the simpsons and we might mention it before but the simpsons like a lot of shows at the time uh even animated shows is that they receive the you know materials from korea but then that was edited on video so the original version of the simpsons is a videotape you would have to go back and capture the assets
Starting point is 00:06:04 that they were working from when they made those video transfers for the final cuts of the episode so i would love in my lifetime to see the real like 4k simpsons restoration but it is going to be a lot of work they have to re-edit episodes yeah you're right i didn't even consider that but yeah you're right the source material they got is not the broadcast version yeah so and then they have to get the broadcast versions audio and remix that but no i mean the broadcast versions were uh so the original versions that the uh like film roman and class kichupa were working with those were edited with video and then the video was what we saw so there was
Starting point is 00:06:42 never like a direct uh cell to film broadcast it was sell to film to video to broadcast so you would have to go back and photograph the original assets or at least capture them and edit them back together again yeah and an editor would need to do their best to imitate the exact editing of the broadcast version what are you going to do with all those adr lines where they just rock and roll the video back and forth to make homer say a line like you got to figure that out with film you have to badly edit it in the way that it was done on television there yeah so i'm sorry if my my explanation was convoluted but that's just the state of the simpsons yeah i uh but al jean tweeted it out and and he actually did it in a cute way as a reply to his five-year-old tweet announcing
Starting point is 00:07:26 the aspect ratio on simpsons world he then replied of like now this is the most important tweet i've ever done the aspect ratio is coming to disney plus on may 28th and he also announced that uh we've already got playdate with destiny but now on may 29th on disney plus the first oscar-nominated simpsons short the longest daycare will be put on there thank god you know what i don't like the maggie shorts i'm sorry uh i look i love david silverman i love david silverman he's doing the best he can with those things give him money give him money money and also just let him how about just a written and directed by david silverman maggie short especially like they're going to be so visually influenced like he gets
Starting point is 00:08:10 to make all these calls then why even have a script that you hand to him just let he's been working with these characters for 30 years just let him do it a producers need to share that oscar silverman can't just get one on his own you you know. That is exactly the why, yeah. But Longest Daycare is better than Playdate with Destiny. It's not Horny Maggie, which I'm for. Yes, yeah. Let's not put that on Maggie, people. It's gross.
Starting point is 00:08:33 So, yes, there's more news about this Alf Clausen lawsuit. Apparently, news came out that they wanted him gone after The Great Fats P, which was the second Simpsons two-parter. And they alleged he was hiring his son to compose the show or help compose it and alf clausen was suffering what was the condition he was suffering parkinson's yeah again he's uh almost 80 is that correct yes yeah he's i mean alf wasn't young when he was hired on this no i believe 48 when he started doing it yeah so he's he's getting up there in age i didn't know he had parkinson's uh that he had been you know he'd been working with it it hasn't like you know fully disabled him but
Starting point is 00:09:09 it has impacted his ability to work but yeah this this all came up as part of discovery which is you know since alf is going through with his big ass lawsuit against fox you have to open up to this is why people don't do lawsuits because the discovery ends up fucking you way worse. That's why there's always a settlement. Like, let's never talk about this. No details can come out about this. Yeah, remember when we were in the games press that West and Zampella, the former Call of Duty guys who quit Activision, they sued Activision. And in the discovery, among other things, they were able to reveal the upcoming video game Destiny through like lawsuits.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Oh, that's right. I think that's why Activision finally settled with them and paid them a billion dollars or whatever. That's great. So that's what's coming out here. One shitty thing that came out about this was like he was an independent contractor, which is why he couldn't sue for discrimination because he was not an employee. That's how they get you when you're an independent contractor. You have no rights. They can almost murder you. They can sexually harass you. Technically, he was not an employee that's how they get you when you're an independent contractor you have no rights they can almost murder you they can sexually harass you technically you're not an employee that's that really saddened me to hear because they you know simpsons is a union writers show and i believe also a union animators show to not do that for
Starting point is 00:10:20 clausen as the this composer of the show he's always, when he was writing all your favorite songs and they were talking about how like, Oh, the Simpsons in the key songs in the key of Springfield is a tribute to how great Alf Clausen is that they weren't making him a full-time guy that he was just per episode writing music. And, and yeah,
Starting point is 00:10:40 from, from the discovery too, it sounds like that, uh, Gracie films was getting tired of paying for the full orchestra as well, which is very unfortunate that they like cheaped out on that. Yeah, such a bummer. And I'll be vague about this, but setting the precedent that someone is too old to work on The Simpsons, not a good idea for some folks. It's dangerous.
Starting point is 00:11:03 It's a weird and also to be like i don't know the the great fatsby thing really got me because they're like oh he he you know he didn't do a very good job on that rap episode he wasn't good right now we had to hire someone else to oh to do it it's like well yeah alf clausen isn't good at every type of music and you should hire an outside guy if you want to have rap a rap episode but also it's like to just say like oh he hasn't been doing his own work very well or he brought in his son to help on this it's like you know there are generational people who work on the simpsons too that's true that's true yeah so yeah yeah i feel i feel bad for clausen at the very least you know
Starting point is 00:11:41 they could have they could have let him go in a less painful for him way if they were going to do it. And the music is such an important part of the show. And he is such like he brought so much character to the show with his music. I mean, we spent the entire first season recap or revisit complaining about Richard, not Richard Gibb, sorry. No, Richard Gibb. Richard Gibb. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Yeah. I mean, he did good stuff stuff elsewhere but he was the wrong fit for a cartoon he was scoring it incorrectly and Alf Claussen came in and made the show sound amazing it made me appreciate Alf Claussen 10 times more than I did before he never did those like yeah he knew to play things at the right level like he was very honed in on what the simpsons feel was like he he got what they were going for and and also invented some of the feel like to make these scenes work in ways they wouldn't without his his music there i i just wish they could have had at least a better parting of ways if they really wanted to let him go and i feel like it's only going to get nastier like this is just the start of the nastiness with
Starting point is 00:12:45 all these like reveals of information once the actual lawsuit begins i guess alf is hoping i would hope for alf's sake that he would get a settlement and that this won't go to trial where it will get even nastier yeah and uh we love alfawson i mean i'm sorry up front there's a lot of negative stories up front but i will say, I would have thought this was cool in 1998. Unfortunately, it's 2020 and I'm not a fan of these people anymore. But Weezer debuted a new song on The Simpsons. And when I saw the image of them, I said, like, oh, man, if I was a teenager at the height of my Weezer fame, how cool would it be fulfilling for me if I saw them be on The Simpsons then?
Starting point is 00:13:24 But that phase of my life is over now. But I guess there are new Weezer fans. I went to that Weezer concert last year and felt quite old with a lot of the young Weezer fans there. I was in between ages there. The Pixies were the opening band. So there were Pixies fans there who were 10 to 20 years older than me. So I didn't feel too old. But then there were the mid-30s people who were 10 to 20 years older than me so i didn't feel too old but then there were the mid-30s people who were the weezer fans and then the teens and early 20s
Starting point is 00:13:52 who were like youtube weezer fans and i did they made me feel old probably in the ways that i made the pixies fans feel old probably like if you're like an ad an aerosmith concert in 92 like looking around all these people only just bought get a grip i was there in the 70s obviously they wouldn't have done it in you know for pinkerton or the blue album but even if in season 11 they came on to sing like island in the sun yeah yeah an episode but the simpsons and weezer finally got hip enough to recognize each other like uh weezer i think they were at the wrong time to have been in the Homer Palooza episode like they were probably going through
Starting point is 00:14:30 some dematch sharpifying the band at that point and Rivers was on a journey up his own ass for a while famously around the same time actually he turned out an offer to be part of Weird Al's alternative polka because he didn't get it he didn't understand like why it'd be funny to hear Buddy Holly played's alternative polka because he didn't get it. He didn't understand why it'd be funny
Starting point is 00:14:45 to hear Buddy Holly played as a polka medley. And I love that alternative polka, but Buddy Holly not being there is a big omission. It marks the time so well that you need to hear every part of it. Rivers Cuomo, yeah. Actually, I forgot. He went to Harvard during his weird time.
Starting point is 00:15:03 He should reunite with those guys. Like, oh, what did you think of Harvard Square? And he's just like, God, I'm having so much sex. It sucks. I hate it. forgot he went to harvard during his weird time he yeah he should reunite with those guys like oh what did you think of harvard square and he's just like god i'm having so much sex it sucks i hate it i need to i need to move to japan and have sex with those people uh no i mean yes i wish it was in the 90s i would have thought it was the coolest thing in the world we were on there and i i think they appeared in character as like a made-up band not as not as weezer though they also did the theme song for the episode too so we're we're in the weezer resurgence now had in another timeline in july i would have been seeing weezer at a uh with along
Starting point is 00:15:37 with green day and well along with green day at uh the baseball stadium in the in the city it was going to be a big stadium show. Too dangerous. We must protect Rivers. He's an old man now. He's true. Okay, so finally some happy news. We've all been waiting for it, but finally,
Starting point is 00:15:52 Al Jean is not represented by the Gersh Agency. Hooray! I just wanted to clue this because it was on deadline. I was like, oh, this is news that came up when I did my Simpsons research, but it was Al Jean, his PR company just just releases like, hey, he signed a new deal
Starting point is 00:16:08 with the Gersh agency. I believe if you guys listened to our When You Dish Upon the Star, we talked about how all the writers fired their agents because of the WGA rules. Gersh was one of the first to agree to the new WGA rules. So Al Jean can now sign with that talent agents. I remember, uh, we love Mike Scully.
Starting point is 00:16:28 He's a big fighter for workers rights, especially if in the writing world. Yeah. And I remember him reading him tweeting about how like, even so, like if you have an agent and they don't help you sell a show, if you sell your own show, you have to give them money because they represent you.
Starting point is 00:16:41 It, uh, it sounds like a real rip off. Yeah. Uh, and I just, I just hope that Al Jean gets a muffin basket because the the gersh agency is specifically who they choked about in that episode and i guess our final bit of news is that uh the murder hornets thing came true
Starting point is 00:16:57 and you know what uh i thought this would be a bigger meme but it really didn't take off in my twitter sphere should have been more of it but yeah it was i also think they're being racist to like bugs uh killer bees and hornets are the same just like we were afraid of the african moo the african bees and these are like oh the oriental bees are coming now that's true those africanized bees i forgot that that was part of the killer bee stuff but well i just wanted to include it because you know last month we talked about how bill oakley wrote a whole article about how like this is not we didn't predict that the osaka flu is not this and it's racist to make it into the osaka flu but then when the murder hornet stuff started becoming another part of the news and then a person shared the scene of people thinking they're going to take placebos it had that scene is perfect it has people angry
Starting point is 00:17:46 during a plague and then searching for placebos and then deadly bees appear the placebos harm them yeah it's it's perfect and but you know oakley finally had to he like tweeted like fine okay we did predict it i admit it that was one of a few killer bees jokes on the simpsons because there was that anxiety the unrealistic anxiety the killer bees could make it here and i'm sure like duck man has like six killer bees jokes i mean it was in the air like along with like ebola jokes in the 90s yeah the the idea of killer bees i was terrified of them as a kid i think i watched a fox made for tv movie that was all about a killer bee outbreak and showing like what would happen it would destroy this small town like it i but i had a lot of uh nervousness about those
Starting point is 00:18:31 things in general back then i if the news told me to be scared of something i would be scared it's in your room right now uh but yes so let's talk about us so we got a special gift in the mail oh boy yes from lauren mcmullen so after we talked to her for our interview please check it out on the patreon if you haven't she is one of the godfathers of mission hill has directed so many things and then she's like oh i'll send you guys some stuff she might have said that during the podcast but now we have it has not been open it's been sitting in henry's apartment for three weeks henry please do the honors all right yes on the i'm gonna share we're gonna have a post of pictures of it, too. But the envelope is sealed with a Kevin sticker.
Starting point is 00:19:08 It's sealed with a K, a Kevin. All right, I'm going to carefully open it here. So Henry is opening it. I'll describe this. Henry's using a butter knife, and it's a fine opening technique. I'll give it an 8 out of 10. Let's see how much more I can vamp here. And, ooh, we have Lorne McMullen's address, and I'll read it after the show.
Starting point is 00:19:24 So Henry's pulling things out. Oh, there's a letter thing around it or wax paper here and uh henry's opening the uh the tissue paper it's a fine stock and it looks like there might be stickers in there yes oh boy look at all these stickers we got a posy oh hey stickers for you both yeah stickers for you both from lauren m uh yeah lauren's got a good font going yeah well she's an artist she uh she's probably designed a few fonts in her time knowing what it's like to hold on to promote promotional stuff i bet she was like finally i can get rid of more of these mission hill stickers wow look at that these are vintage ones like okay so there's posy oh but we got posy we got jim look at that back
Starting point is 00:20:07 it says fridays this fall it really is from then that was true for two weeks so i got jim we got stogie we got andy we got kevin and i think they're just duplicates of all the four main characters so oh so nice we got it set for both of us. Oh, but one's a red Stogie and one's an orange Stogie. So we have a Stogie variant. Okay, we got to divvy these up at the end. Yeah, oh man. How nice.
Starting point is 00:20:31 I mean, anybody can print stickers now of these ones, but oh, sorry. These are mine, Bob. I'm not going to handle it. Oh no, I just want to see the Fridays this fall. Yeah, that is, I mean, the tragedy of this sticker is just screaming at me. It's like it's
Starting point is 00:20:46 like a poster for an unreleased film yeah technically two fridays that fall so yeah it wasn't completely inaccurate it was a plural of fridays but uh yeah thank you to lauren mcmullen and god i'm not i don't even think i'll use those stickers it's like it's the only jib sticker i know yeah especially that it says that it has the ad on the back i just can't for for a logo for the wb which no longer exists yeah so like it no longer exists but i think i'll laminate the sticker and then stick that on something so i can then reuse it that's a good idea all right but we are we are both lucky boys lucky lucky boys yes thank you laura mcmullen and she shared with us a bunch of cool pictures from art she has saved, too.
Starting point is 00:21:28 She sent us pictures of that. So I'm going to do a post of these stickers by themselves as well and share with you guys what she shared with us. Laura McMullen, what a nice person. A class act. Class act all the way. We've been knee-deep in Mission Hill. Today we recorded the second-to episode of the covering the core 13. We're going to do one more after that to cover the what remains of season two, what would
Starting point is 00:21:52 have been. And then we are going to be done with that miniseries for now. But so much fun doing that throughout these bad times. It's been fun to revisit the 90s, the end of history where nothing could possibly go wrong. It has been really nice to get back to just before 9-11 or if i'm watching ones i remember from seeing on adult swim right after 9-11 uh yeah and uh you know laura mcmullen i don't think will be our only interview about
Starting point is 00:22:18 mission hill yes stay tuned to that and uh and also season 10 deleted scenes we didn't forget but we kind of forgot we okay yes we were getting so ahead of ourselves that uh by the time we hit season one i was like wait a minute we never did deleted scenes so we are going to be doing that this week recording it this week it'll hit our feed soon and the news we're going to give you is that we are no longer doing season wrap-ups because we typically now include all of that in the shows themselves and those existed when the shows were like less than an hour long and now we feel like there is less of
Starting point is 00:22:49 a reason to do a season wrap-up so yes you will still get the deleted scene special at the end of every season but the season wrap-ups will no longer be happening yes yeah yeah i mean we we share all that information anyway now and yeah the the season 10 deleted scenes though it'll be as before a video version for the $10 subscribers and $5 subscribers will get the audio version and $10 people also get the audio only version so and yeah we uh i just recorded those off of our brand new iMac that we just got to pretty what a fancy iMac we we we had you guys hadn't noticed it yeah we had had a couple little computer problems for the last month that we finally decided like we got to upgrade yeah we should mention that we got a brand new computer so we've been using the same refurbished macbook
Starting point is 00:23:35 for the past three years since we started the patreon and it was starting to crap out a lot especially on remote stuff so recently we invested in a new desktop mac and we're using it for the first time today and it's great like so thanks to you guys we can do this for a living and also replace equipment when it breaks which is very important to business like this we don't want to be telling all of our guests like we might lose you so you know waste more of your valuable time as we get our shit together behind the scenes we were i mean yeah the tech issues made us very on edge for our uh how did this get played appearance this month, but it all worked out and I hope you guys all enjoyed hearing that as well.
Starting point is 00:24:09 We've been wanting to do that for a very long time. Oh yes. And I'm so check that out. Yeah. How did this get played? We did the Bart versus the space mutants episode for them, but also there were a few times during recording. So we're like, we were on edge because the laptop kept freezing and occasionally Henry
Starting point is 00:24:22 and I will like raise our fingers when we want to say something just to let the other person know. A few times, I was like, oh, my God, is something wrong? Bob has seen me go like, why does this sheet a couple of times? Oh, no. What did we lose? The good news is we never lost anything. Never.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Because we use GarageBand and it retains a temp file. So even if the computer crashes, it means we don't lose an episode. So Audacity doesn't do that as far as I know. Yeah, yeah. GarageBand. I mean, that's also why we stuck with. We had an aged MacBook. it means we don't lose an episode so audacity doesn't do that as far as i know yeah yeah garage bin i mean that's also why we stuck with we had an aged macbook we were using that was very affordable and was great for a couple years but now this time especially like we've uh we're at the highest our patreon's ever been so it felt like a good time to invest in a a brand new one and likely no uh travel to la uh for the foreseeable future and i god i miss
Starting point is 00:25:07 those trips so much going to la meeting with our friends you know sometimes the uh the heat or the busyness uh it'd be like too there wasn't uh always time to enjoy our time in la but i now we just remember back on the good times look back fondly at all of our podcasting friends yeah that's that was originally our plan that we would have done in person how did this get played but yeah yeah there was a vaguely spring of 2020 la trip in the works our last one was december of 2019 but yeah i really want to go back there and we will when it's safe and when people want to uh be breathing in our same vicinity it felt i mean we do though have our own earwolf page now which is pretty nice oh yeah yeah that's uh i'm now immortalized sadly we didn't get to sign the
Starting point is 00:25:51 table though that was my big hope of like man when i go there i'm gonna sign the table i'm gonna find like a paul f tompkins and see if i can get some real estate next to him so let's talk about our schedule for what a cartoon for june and I can just go over it real quick. So the first week, we're doing Gundam Wing, the first episode. Were you recording that with Cat Bailey like in April or March? I think late March. Oh, wow. I think it was late March, maybe first week of April.
Starting point is 00:26:16 She was not here in person, or was she? No, she wasn't. That was what was interesting. We recorded with her in person on the last day of Civilization, like the day everything was shut down yeah and i was like when will i go to canada well i got married the answer was no not gonna happen and then two weeks later we recorded with her uh remotely and we were very much like uh oh boy things have changed a lot in two weeks uh we we were pretty foolish when we recorded that talking simpsons with you
Starting point is 00:26:45 last yes uh but yeah kat amazing gundam fan uh she's going to be talking about gundam wing with us the first episode which is on hulu and after that finally bob mackie's dreams come true because we get to cover duckman again with the episode cocktails for four and if you're wondering there is a very cheap duckman dvd set that contains every episode all 70 for like 20 bucks so check that out if you have not seen duckman pretty good 70 episodes for 20 bucks i mean that's just pure value right now and because i don't believe it's legally streaming anywhere now so it's not where it's at and um uh typically we're revisiting one episode of a show we've done before i'm on Cartoon. Technically, we've covered Duckman before, but because I have more time to do history,
Starting point is 00:27:28 there will be a new history of the show for this segment. That's going to be a good time. Yes. So Duckman episode is Cocktails for Four. And after that, we'll be doing Harley Quinn, the new series that's on Marvel Universe right now. I'm sorry, DC. Yes. Wait, DC Unlimited?
Starting point is 00:27:42 DC Universe. You're right. God damn it. All right. So Harley Quinn up one. Now on HBO Max, question mark? DC Universe, you're right. God damn it. All right, so Harley Quinn up one. Now on HBO Max, question mark? Well, that's a question. I mean, HBO Max launches tomorrow at the time of this recording.
Starting point is 00:27:52 And what's really in question is how much of the exclusive DC Universe content is going to be there at launch. I don't think Warner really knows that. I was looking that up again of like, okay, what things are on there and what aren't? Because they haven't been very clear. I think eventually we'll be on HBO Max, but you know what? It's very easy to sign up for that free week of DC Universe. The only thing is it's not on video game consoles.
Starting point is 00:28:14 You can only watch it on like your computer or Roku TV. They have eight whole movies on there you can watch. There's a lot. I mean, DC Universe has a bit of stuff. Yeah, but it's not like the amazing HBO Max with so much content. I can't wait to sign up. I'm doing it now. So yeah, Harley Quinn episode one.
Starting point is 00:28:31 And then we are headed into Imaginationland. We're talking about the Muppet Babies. The episode is The Great Muppet Cartoon Show. And I've been skimming through a few Muppet Babies here and there and realizing like, oh, this is anime. Yes. Yeah. I've been skimming through a few Muppet Babies here and there and realizing like, oh, this is anime. So, yes. Yeah. I believe it was Toei that was the main animator on the classic seasons anyway. In the same building animating Dragon Ball and Muppet Babies.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Yeah. And Harley Quinn and Muppet Babies are premium patron requests. That's why we're doing them. But I mean, we've enjoyed doing them anyway. But yeah, Muppet Babies. I can't wait to go. It was fun enough on our uh cartoon drug special to hear those terrible voices so it's gonna be fun and thankfully uh the great uh series
Starting point is 00:29:12 defunct land has an awesome video that's going to be the start of my research on the history of that you just press play on that yeah it's like well listen i don't need to do this just go listen to it on your own and no no i'll do my own work don't worry yes no that's where that's what's the talking simpsons difference we begin with those videos and then do more research and then our what a cartoon movie as of this recording it's it's going to be space jam it's uh space jam has i think almost double the votes of it's uh the second place one it's important for us because this is going to be the first bad movie we're doing for what a cartoon but it will still be 70 minutes also yes uh they barely got it finished but it's still going to be a fun
Starting point is 00:29:48 conversation uh with a special guest in the history segment i think so yeah we're gonna we're gonna learn a lot from that but i guess you know if you don't want it to be space jam i could suggest to you if you're listening to this on the patreon version if you're in this on the free version it's already past time but and it's probably space jam uh but you guys need to talk to each other if you want it to be lego movie or cats don't dance you can change your vote after you've made it so lego people and cats don't dance people maybe agree better sure vote to the one or the other better idea henry get your family members to sign up for our patreon and make them vote and then we get those extra five dollars huh exactly get all your family members to do it.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Or hey, nothing's stopping you from making three Patreon accounts to vote. I like money. Don't do that. That's my expression about this. That's a good Mr. Creams. Thank you. But yes, the Michael Jordan film will likely be the movie.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Yes. And right off the heels of The Last Dance, right? Or hot on the heels of The Last Dance. Bob, you got to watch all 10 hours of that. I'm thinking about doing it while I play like an RPG or something. It's really good, easy background stuff. And you can just watch it, I think, just off of ESPN with a, look, we all have our parents cable sign in, don't we? So you can watch it off of there.
Starting point is 00:31:00 So because we are so productive now and we are just waiting for the quarantine to lift and to have fun again and uh we're just thinking why don't we start doing some of our polls earlier just to get the content finished first so uh we're going to talk to you guys up front like would you be cool with us doing uh polls earlier for this time period we might do a movie poll early we might do even a mini-series poll early it'd be great to get the next mini miniseries done this summer and not have to produce it in the fall because it'll just be done in the time we have the most time to work yeah yeah so you know if you guys are cool with that i mean let let us know in the comments yeah we were thinking for example in june we would instead of waiting for the last week of june perhaps early in June, we do our poll for the July movie,
Starting point is 00:31:46 giving us a chance to record the July movie much earlier than we would have before. So I guess keep an eye out for that. Or if you guys would rather wait until the usual time for the July movie poll or the miniseries poll, let us know in the comments. But I think it would be nice to know,
Starting point is 00:32:01 get even farther ahead on our movie recordings. Those are harder to do and take up more time. So the more in advance we know what movie we're doing, the easier it is to make it fit with our schedule. Yeah, one of the reasons we moved the poll back a few weeks is because the movie takes up an entire week of our time. And usually, like, we can't really do anything around that recording time because it's just like five hours of recording. And so we have a little section here because it's time to uh you know not move and watch stuff in this time period and we're going to talk about some cartoons we enjoyed this month and i can say that uh i've been like uh streaming stuff with nina every night and we've been watching stuff on discord or through discord rather so things i've been watching this month is we're almost at the end of gravity falls We started watching it when quarantine started.
Starting point is 00:32:47 And there's only 40 episodes. We have not been doing it every night, but we worked our way through most of them. So I feel so uninformed having done that episode for What a Cartoon, having only seen that one. I know. Well, I mean, it would have been so spoilery for me to mention any of the things in there. Like now that you're this far in it, there's some major stuff you could spoil for gravity falls but i'd have hate to done that for any of our listeners uh but yeah the the show gets better and better as you go yeah and so as far as anime goes we've watched two series in full they're shorter series but i mean so i watched all the promised neverland m a really good
Starting point is 00:33:18 adaptation of the manga and the second season is coming in october i think oh cool i didn't know that really excited about that also saw uh watchedased, which is a really good time travel murder mystery story. Oh, that's neat. Please check that out. There's even a live action version on Netflix. I don't know if it's good. And currently we're watching something called Land of the Lustrous on Amazon, another anime. It's a CGI anime that occasionally I forget it's CGI because they do it so convincingly.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Wow. It's very very very cool so that's nice i uh you know that reminds me one of the things i watched this month which was uh i watched the first episode of beastars oh yeah that's another cgi anime right but and it's gorgeous like you it's another one where you're like you don't it doesn't feel stiff it feels very expressive and you've got like a lot of hot teen animal people so you go like oh i know why people are furries i got that i understand now uh and so yeah but only the first episode of that i watched uh though what i've really been watching uh now i watched a lot of stuff we're going to be doing
Starting point is 00:34:16 episodes for or have recorded episodes for but another thing i watched all of was like we're doing harley quinn i am just up to date on harley quinn and every every week there's a new app i'm watching it and i i'm growing to like it more and more every every app the more you get into the world uh but the biggest thing animated i've been watching this month is legends of galactic here or the galactic oh yeah yeah you've been talking about that when i've been coming over it's the uh it's like the late 80s series yeah yeah i'd i'd always heard of it as a show of like if you like you know gundam classic gundam or star trek or game of thrones like this is a wonderful anime version of that kind of story of a very long-term story that also has deep characters that unfold over time and uh and honestly my favorite part about it is how boring it is i really like that i i tend to enjoy that sometimes
Starting point is 00:35:13 just like let like wow this nothing is happening in this episode but i'm compelled characters just talk and talk and talk and when big action scenes happen it's not like they're being cheap because they'll show spaceships shooting at each other but they'll also just be like yeah we don't need to make this too exciting let's cut back to the actual drama which is generals talking about strategy to each other and uh and also the politics of it i just really like to there's there's this great scene uh in about a dozen episodes in where one side is talking about how strategically it is very dangerous to push their advantage in this war and why they really can't afford to do it and why it's a giant mistake and then they are shouted down because other people in the uh chief of staff
Starting point is 00:36:01 room are going like we would be cowards if we didn't we must stand by our vision of freedom and we you sound like a coward by proposing these things like it shows how intractable endless wars happen and how people talk themselves into it and i was surprised that this is all like uh you know officially localized where have you been watching it on uh on verve actually or you can get high dive too that's a home of a lot of musty old anime but like legends of galactic heroes apparently i can't find the this is the 88 version i'd say there's actually a new version i think that just started uh similarly paced adaptation and i want that 80s ass anime man. I love it. The poofy hair. The director of it is, I think the series director is the same one from the first Macross series.
Starting point is 00:36:49 So it has that visual style to it as well. I just like how slow and boring it is. It really, if you're looking for a thoughtful anime that is about, you know, the politics of warfare, it's really, really good. And yeah, I, i again i think you can get a free month a high dive or whatever and do it but uh i it's been nice to be streaming that these days yeah i typically uh we typically watch an anime and then like another show every night and i think i i'm kind of uh i'm not bored with it but i'm kind of want to change the
Starting point is 00:37:22 pace because all the anime we've been watching is like serious intense and suspenseful or like ponderous I kind of want to go to the newer Lupin series after this and watch those just for like a fun little break so the newer Lupin oh and one other thing I've been watching was after I did the Spencer Grammar interview I was like
Starting point is 00:37:40 I'll just watch this new season of Rick and Morty and it's been good but it feels vindictively written in a way of like that is care it feels like the writers playing out their anger at each other there's so there's an episode called the vat of acid episode i've heard i didn't look up spoilers for that but i've heard it's like the best episode this season it's been a really fun concept episode my my favorite episode this season actually is there it's kind of their intergalactic cable for the season where it's just a bunch of one-off gags like cutaways
Starting point is 00:38:10 vat of acid episode is very funny but it starts with rick doing a plan that involves faking their death in a fake vat of acid and then morty says that's a bad idea and he shits on the pitch and then the episode is about saying like oh oh yeah, what's your great idea, Morty? And then it's really about pitching episode ideas in a writer's room and being mean about it. I got to say the end of the third season really turned me off. And that's why I didn't watch any of the fourth. But maybe now that I have time, I'll just check it out. It's nice.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Look, I wish Rick and Morty,y I think is a good show that sadly is involved in the culture wars and I'll also tell you don't watch the episode that Elon Musk is in because oh yeah I don't want that that was just and it's actually a funny episode but I was just brought down every second Elon Tusk was on screen I don't like it and I and I watched the first two episodes of Solar Opposites which really is just like they just made a Rick and Morty like it took me I couldn't watch more of it behind the scenes i told you my theory my theory about that was like cartoon network was not going to renew uh rick and morty or they were just they make everybody wait forever
Starting point is 00:39:15 like we know that from the venture brothers like they don't renew you immediately they make you wait forever which is why they're like two years between seasons sometimes i think they're like we're not gonna wait we're gonna make our own show for hulu fuck you we're the rick and morty people they'll just come wherever we go and cartoon i was like fuck give them a hundred yeah we need to keep them on board we need them now while meanwhile like uh i mean hulu is about to lose rick and morty to hbo max so i can see why they too were like we'll pay justin roiland whatever he wants like but it's roiland's own show it's this is a non-harmon show so uh and i feel there's a bit of the heart missing from from a the harman heart that comes too much bird violence for bob
Starting point is 00:39:54 mckay yeah i stopped before the bird violence episode but yeah the characters i don't know it's it's okay but if you're already somebody who's like oh i'm getting tired of the formula rick and morty solar opposites is not the show for you because i think it will only tire you out more of that formula so one final thing i'm springing this on you henry what this is a surprise for you because this has been burning a hole in my hard drive for three weeks i'm going to play a sound and i can't even give you any setup because i've been writing this down in my in my little schedule every week to remember to play this on What A Cartoon. So, once you hear this, you'll know what it is.
Starting point is 00:40:27 But I have to ask you respectfully to not react while this plays. And then after it plays, you are allowed to react. I am now the dictator of this podcast. So, let me play this. Happy birthday, Bob. This is Batman calling you from
Starting point is 00:40:43 Wayne Manor. Nina wanted me to send you this because she knows you're lonely. Because you don't have your Nina with you. So this is just for you. To celebrate you and your podcast. What a cartoon. I am vengeance. I am the night. I am Batman.
Starting point is 00:41:04 And remember, Bob, it's not who you are underneath. It's what you do that defines you. So there is... Wow! There's about like two more minutes of him talking about like quarantine and stuff. It's a really heartfelt personal message from Kevin Conroy that Nina got me for my birthday. That's so sweet. I woke up on May 7th to that video.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Wow, how nice. That is amazing. Kevin Conroy's on Cameo. I'm sure he does a lot of these, but it didn't feel like he was phoning in at all. It was a very sincere message about our situation and being apart and stuff and tying it all to Batman. That's so sweet. I could cut in Kevin Conroy going, what a cartoon. That's great.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Wherever you want. We gotta save that. I have been holding that back for three weeks, and I was so afraid I'd forget to bring it up on this podcast. Hearing it there, and now I'm so shocked you were able to keep that to yourself this whole time. And I only asked you to not say a noise
Starting point is 00:42:02 or not say a word, because I knew you would start screaming once you heard Kevin Conroy. I was ready. Hello, Bob. I was like, oh, I'm going to have one extreme reaction or the other, like positive or negative. So I was on edge. But wow, that's such a nice thing. So thank you to Nina.
Starting point is 00:42:18 She made my birthday special, even though we were very far apart. That is so sweet. And yeah, Kevin Conroy, he doesn't phone it in even on it on just a birthday wish the video was open on my uh my laptop while i'm talking to you and the entire time kevin conroy's just staring at me saying do it bob play the video come on bob hi i like his enunciation on bob yeah it's very he's a professional and i can see his foyer it's very nice oh that's so nice man whatever that's a great thank you nina for that gift yes and she gave me permission to play it so thank you what a great gift but now we're on to comments for talking simpsons and the first one is
Starting point is 00:42:54 crusty gets busted a very great podcast we did with casey green so boomer spacely says i don't mean to well actually you but justice kennedy who is indeed a swing justice integral for obel for ober what oberfeld i think that's the name of the person in the gay marriage lawsuit the one that that made it legal i apologize i never saw those letters in that order before so oberfeld gay marriage case so he was a swing justice for that case however he for lack of a better adverb fuckishly retired at 70 in 2018 compare this to other modern era retirement of a supreme court justice stevens didn't step down until he was 90 anywho kennedy leaving set the table for the appointment of that lovable rapscallion brett kavanaugh however bork's failed appointment was
Starting point is 00:43:41 in 1985 and his seat would go to sc, who was anything but a swing judge. Yeah, he sucks. Very much. Hey, anyway, Mumbly Joe voted for him. Hooray! Kennedy got his seat in 1988. Huh. A centrist being appointed in an election year.
Starting point is 00:43:54 What a concept. So in case you're wondering where that comes from, the judge in the case looks like Bork. Yes, yeah. And I had said Bork had, his space was filled by Kennedy, but instead it was Scalia, who it's like, I don't know. I feel like it's it's out of the frying pan into the fire in that case. But if Joe Biden approved of him, I trust his judgment in all ways. My son is also named Bork. Also on that episode, that Comorowski says our good buddy who would appear on the next episode.
Starting point is 00:44:24 The tearfulful crusty scene and like father like clown was indeed brad bird's animation another great silverman heavy scene is crusty's preamble and reaction to worker and parasite as i wrote in an earlier comment i'll be bolder than casey and say graining totally cribbed squeak the mouse of course he saw it he probably is reluctant to name it as a source because of the pornographic nature but come on it's got a mouse taking a chainsaw through cat scalp drawn in 30s style on the cover that's itchy and scratchy right there of course graining swiped from it so that's uh that's dad's belief yeah graining graining's ignorance is is feigned in uh knowing
Starting point is 00:45:04 squeak the mouse i've been watching a lot of duck man recently and the fluffy and uranus gags are very much squeak the mouse with how they're like dismembered and disfigured so i feel like everett peck being an indie comic artist he was more tapped into that than graining maybe even i forgot one of the best ones of them fluffy and uranus was when uh chris elliott is a guest on the series he has his own episode called all about elliott and he tells duckman to eat fluffy in your anus and fully digest them as a way of killing them so up next we have the best episode of the series some enchanted evening although we've learned the crepes of wrath is worse not as fun yes yeah it's uh and more sloppily
Starting point is 00:45:43 written even yeah well hastily written i mean john viti even admits to it yes yeah we have we have the writer on record saying uh one of sorry five writers on record of that episode uh but some bloke says with the benefit of hindsight about when this was supposed to air i can really only see various bits in this episode as deliberate attempts to show off how quote-unquote not for kids it was theft violence sex domestic dysfunction relentless disparaging of the low quality of children's cartoons maybe don't throw that particular stone while building a glass house guys it's like they just kind of ran down a checklist lots of what this podcast has trained me to recognize as a season one style overriding on subtle jokes as well just a rough watch
Starting point is 00:46:23 fascinating but rough and yeah i i can see like graining and simon saying okay what can't cartoons do let's do it all up front to show people what the simpsons will be and i can definitely see that being the intent of the how this episode plays out yeah i think one thing i didn't explore enough in that one was how simon sam simon had a 70s saturday morning background so yeah that's right in part it's him striking back at them too i i looked up the i hope you listeners did too the scene from mighty mouse that thad threw out there of handcuffs on a snake like oh yeah it's a really great drawing like sam simon wrote on that very series that's right so maybe that's where i knew butterworth from
Starting point is 00:47:05 alec whitney says about that episode as the only guy without kids at my job all of them dread the days when the new animated movies come to a streaming service as they all fear their kid will latch onto it and then it's on the tv for the next six months so yeah kids still do that also i too watched baseballs a million times as a kid, then moved on to Robin Hood Men in Tights. Oh man. I got to say, Alec, I can relate to you. I think like if you had access to HBO at a very specific time in like 1987 or 88, you
Starting point is 00:47:37 watch Spaceballs every day. And I watched Spaceballs so much that my grandma recorded it for me and wrote Spaceballs on the label as like a special gift. Like that was my, I have not seen a movie more than Spaceballs. I probably have seen it a hundred times. Wow. Yeah. I think now I have watched the Star Wars films more times than it.
Starting point is 00:47:58 But in Childhood, before I had them on VHS, I watched my taped Space balls way more time and space balls are such a formative movie now you know what i'll say that's a good movie people have been shitting on space balls for too long damn it uh and yeah i i feel for that guy being the only person with kids at the job without kids at the job you get to hear about how like oh god now this is on netflix that'll just be on all day long i mean oh we didn't even think of that with Disney Plus about what a curse that is for parents that they're like oh now now the kid knows I can just press play on Toy Story 2 anytime I want there's not even like rewinding the tape anymore starting the DVD over just like clicking back and reloading maybe that autoplay thing has at least helped some
Starting point is 00:48:43 parents with like well with this autoplay they won't want to just start it back over they'll just watch the next thing disney plus tells them to watch so up next we have our episode about simpsons sing the blues what a fun episode that was uh typically i'm too busy working to actually listen to the episodes after we record them but i did listen to this one and i was laughing on all my walks while i was playing i thought we all did a great job on this one oh yeah alex uh was such a fun guest too to talk about those things i now i've had even more things more knowledge about david geffen that makes me go like oh boy this guy uh so nina matsumoto says 90 of the time they played a simpsons music video on much music it'd be do the bart man i had nothing against that video but deep deep trouble was such a rare
Starting point is 00:49:23 treat i always wish they would play more often and, and I agree, it's a better song. Of course, now I can watch any music video anytime I want, however many times I want, yet am I going to check out the Deep Deep Trouble music video again? Eh. This also unlocked a memory deep within me. I used to get that rhyme, now you can't go to the boat show, stuck in my head all the time because of that weird rhythmic cadence. And now it's been stuck in my head all day.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Thanks. That's from Nina. you're welcome nina yeah and i will say in the states on mtv i never saw deep deep trouble and i think it's because that music video came out in like the spring of 91 and we were done with that album yeah it uh it was way too i mean i liked watching like winter of 91 yeah i i like in in march or whatever i liked still watching it on my VHS tape I taped off TV. But yeah, who would play it then? And also, Bartmania was feeling old at that time. We had moved on in 91, I think.
Starting point is 00:50:15 It sounds like Canada's Much Music preferred it more than MTV in the States did. Her mentioning Much Music, that takes me back to when we talked with luke savage and uh and will sloan the toronto-based podcasters and how we're like oh we know who ed the sock is they're like how could you know at the saw he didn't cross the border but we know uh richard mccarthy says about that same episode this podcast unlocked an embarrassing memory when this album was released i was 11 or so i demanded a family meeting where i rapped deep deep trouble and had my dad recite homer's lines bless my parents for indulging my deeply cringeworthy adolescent flights of fancy
Starting point is 00:50:58 they probably looked at you and said you know at least he's creative yeah i'm sure my parents did that with me plenty of times like he's weird's weird, but weird pays, doesn't it? This also unlocked the memory for me of, like, not for Simpsons, but demanding my parents, like, listen to me and my brother sing a song we made up, and now I just feel just shivers of rage. You want to show them a level of a video game or something? Yeah, yeah. Just like, oh, here's, i just read this comic book and it's
Starting point is 00:51:25 so cool mom let me take you page by page through how cool this comic book is uh they put up with a lot my parents let's talk about what a cartoon comment so our first episode from that month was uh beefs and butthead the reboot season very good please check it out where you can and joe hodgson says uh this show has become so endearing to me as an adult which is not something i would have expected while watching as a nine-year-old when it came on after Speed Racer or was it before on weekday evenings. A show so dumb that it's actually really clever, and the 2011 comeback was so satisfying in ways nostalgia can't even account for.
Starting point is 00:51:58 It was almost like a validation for the series to see it not miss a beat, as I've heard so many times over the years when discussing the topic of Beefs and Butthead that it was just stupid, but anyone who thinks it was just stupid never really gave it the time of day the only thing that sucks about the show and it's probably brought up every time anyone discusses the show today is that mtv did not have the foresight to secure the rights to the music video used in each episode so that we could have easily have fully intact segments available today listening to this podcast today really gave me an urge to crack open a pepsi big slam and devour a big bag of doritos with some beavis and butthead oh to be young again uh the
Starting point is 00:52:29 pepsi big slam is that like the one liter bottle the like one that's between a regular bottle and a two liter it's now a crime to sell that i think to to imply that one person should drink one liter of cola and and then a an entire bag of full-size doritos as well. Yeah, you know, I think it was good that in the 2011 version, MTV actually had the foresight to license the rights to those to be on streaming. So when we did those episodes, we actually did get to see the music videos. I mean, in 1993, we simply didn't know. We assumed, like, no, cable is the end of entertainment programming. There's nothing after that. Well, Beavis and Butthead especially was made to be very disposable
Starting point is 00:53:06 and not to be saved for the ages. Also on that episode, Batman Boy 11, Dylan Freetag says, This has to be up there with Twin Peaks on the list of best show revivals slash returns ever, or part of the few that actually worked at all even. I haven't seen the full return season or all of the original run, but this felt like such a natural continuation despite a decade passing sort of adapting to the times but not in any kind of stupid or distracting way i.e lisa having a gif of homer backing into the bushes that changes the core of the show too much yeah i think the twin peaks uh that was three years ago and i think it's the the only revival people have
Starting point is 00:53:46 truly loved like every like when x files came back everyone's like they messed that up or i you want to i have a feeling very soon we're going to get a community revival and i think i think they'll mess that up too i think so too and uh so i didn't watch the twin peaks revival but what i know about it is it's not made for our mainstream audience at all. It's not Lynch doing what he did 30 years ago saying like, what would a TV audience approve of? I could be a little weird. No, he made that for nobody, which is what David Lynch always does. And people were just confused by it.
Starting point is 00:54:16 In front of the show, Eric Siska, he was working at the Lifetime, not Lifetime, whatever network aired that show time. There you go. He was working for them at the time. And he talked about about this on podcast how the network hated it because they're like what the fuck is this what have they given us like we have to air this now and uh yeah it's uh it's it's not for anybody but it's for the right people yeah that's and mike judge made peeves and butthead again for the real fans are all honestly for himself yeah and not really to make anybody else happy so we're on to dragon ball and uh devin hoffarth says you mentioned there being bear men and a dog man and a fun fact for you according to the ps4 rpg kakarot animal people in dragon ball
Starting point is 00:54:57 are a direct result of a drug that was popular back in the day which apparently turned people into animal human hybrids much like a certain episode of batman beyond uh however the drug fell out of style and nowadays nobody uses it and that's the justification for why animal people exist in dragon ball but not so much in dragon ball z i love that is that canon can we make that canon well it's video game canon it's not a thing somebody said on a comic page but a lot of the side content especially as time goes on for dragon ball is the fans who make the video games or the new tv series explaining away plot holes yeah made by kira toriyama working on a hellish schedule i mean the real reason for anything in dragon ball is akira toriyama thought it was funny yeah and then you find your justification
Starting point is 00:55:43 later isn't it funny to see like a bear man in the background that makes you laugh like uh it is but it got sillier that silliness had to drop away as dragon ball became more of a just straight combat thing but i i loved finding out that one of the video games explains why animal people kind of disappeared i wanted to know uh also on that episode of mario says about dragon ball i grew up on the mexican latin american dub of dragon ball and dragon ball z and let me tell you dragon ball is as big as soccer in the simpsons in mexico that everyone in their abuela knows who goku is but i feel like i don't have to tell you that since the Dragon Ball Super Final episodes were played in front of various live crowds which is amazing to see also Henry talking about
Starting point is 00:56:31 preferring Chala over Rock the Dragon and I can relate I grew up listening to the Latin American version of those songs which are amazing and when I first heard Rock the Dragon I thought I just thought it felt right so it's a pretty good guitar solo. Yeah, yeah. Look, Rock the Dragon's fine. It's fine. But for me, when I heard Chella, also, I just love 80s anime music. Yeah, there's so much fun.
Starting point is 00:56:56 It's another reason I'm liking watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes. It's full of 80s anime stuff. So on to Justice League, and BatmanBoy11 says, the talk about how Superman is a little inconsistent made me want to pop League and Batman Boy 11 says, the talk about how Superman is a little inconsistent made me want to pop in and say a little bit about the Arrowverse.
Starting point is 00:57:10 I've been a big fan of it since early into The Flash and I'm still a regular viewer of most of it, especially Supergirl. And I think a lot of why I like the shows and their interconnected nature
Starting point is 00:57:17 is why I like the DCAU as well. There may be problems in narrative inconsistencies, but ultimately, both universes seem to fundamentally understand their characters with some dips here and there, and bring the vibrant fun of the comics onto the big screen. Of course, there's a lot more of the Overse at this point, given that the shows are an
Starting point is 00:57:34 hour long, and there's more than five-ish of the DCAU, so I get why people may not want to get into them, but with the DCAU gone, and WB slash DC seemingly interested in doing more with it, I'm glad to have another good connected universe of DC heroes on TV. Yeah, I've only watched bits and pieces of those things. I watched the entire first two seasons of The Flash, but then kind of fell out of it. But they just hit the reset button too much. But I did watch the entire Crisis on Infinite Earths five-parter,
Starting point is 00:58:04 and that was really great why is it called the arrow verse oh well because it started with the arrow there is the first show and then they spun off from there and so fans just call it the arrow verse and that that creekman guy that creekman creep he was all over these shows right yes but now it's uh better people he's been removed yes yeah long long, long removed. And Shy Ranger says about it, Green Lantern being white in the movie is not just a problem in the movie side of things. Even at DC Comics, I've seen plenty of interviews from around 10 years ago saying, Hal Jordan is the most iconic Green Lantern, without much reason why.
Starting point is 00:58:39 This statement still doesn't make sense to me. For one, even now, Green Lan lantern is more of a niche hero nowhere near the level of the big three second one of the lanterns big things is passing on the power to a worthy successor so their whole thing is having new versions that could be anyone and finally you can't even say he's the most iconic because of nostalgia because comic books are so old that there's plenty of nostalgia for plenty versions of these characters and uh then some bloke followed up with also talking about how hal jordan was so unceremoniously just shoved out of the series and like thrown in the trash
Starting point is 00:59:17 that then in the early 2000s when he made a comeback they over corrected and like no he's the green lantern again and he's actually the best green lantern and he's gonna be the star of the movie like hell is just not as good as john stewart like he's so him taking over his spot is just like stew is was a mistake i think was there so that that movie that green lantern movie was ryan reynolds yes and he's also deadpool yes okay strange deadpool makes a lot of jokes about that don't worry they have big plans for that franchise the green franchise they spent a shitload of money on green lantern and had multiple teases in it they were sure that came out before man of steel and they actually did think it was going to start
Starting point is 01:00:01 a whole universe of things it was going to be their answer to marvel the hubris of it all but soon on hbo max we're going to get a green lantern original series set in the arrowverse so so finally we have comments for what a cartoon movie on toy story 2 and i'm currently wanted by the police because so many heads exploded after i informed everybody out there that the movie that was deleted was the movie that was never made. So well, that it was deleted eventually. So yes, I am still, I'm still in shock. We're all still reeling. Lie to my whole life by Pixar. But yeah, I definitely want to do three and four for the series. And we probably will at some point soon because I love it all. But Kaiser Beam says this film will hold a special place in my heart because it was the last film I saw my old eight screen multiplex. But I saw most of the films in in my early childhood a 16
Starting point is 01:00:49 screen theater opened up across town and the old one clinged on as a second run theater for a year before going bust and uh yeah i do i do love the old theater memories whenever i visit back home which is not often but like i can think of like I can just name all the movies I saw there, all the big movies I saw there. You know, I'm divorced from that, unfortunately, because I went my first job was working at my childhood movie theater, which I went from loving to then knowing everything about it and truly hating it and despising it. I the few times when I went home and we saw a movie, I would try I would ask my parents like, please, let's go to a different theater. I don't want to go to the amc at orange park again i like
Starting point is 01:01:29 returning to places i worked as a teenager because i can travel back and say i've defeated you yes that's like the taco bell i used to work at still standing the the game stop still standing all these places i didn't bring them down i just don't want to meet my old managers oh they still would be there wouldn wouldn't they? The last time I went to the AMC about a decade ago, one of them was still there and I wanted to jump out of my skin. And finally, our last comment on Toy Story 2 actually has a bit of trivia here that only a British person would know. Joe Moore says, one piece of trivia that I thought you might find slightly interesting
Starting point is 01:02:03 concerns British television presenter Andrew Andy Peters. Andy was a famous kids show presenter who went on to do bigger things. He was a huge part of my childhood, and when he presented the behind-the-scenes look at the making of Toy Story 2, I vividly remember a scene where John Lasseter surprised Andy by inviting him to be a voice in the film. When I read John Lasseter surprised somebody, I'm like, oh God. Oh no. Oh no. It was a nice surprise.
Starting point is 01:02:29 It was a nice surprise. Everything seemed to be going well as Andy recorded his lines and finished his tour of the studio. However, it turned out his working visa prevented him from performing in the movie. So he had to re-record it once he got back to the UK at the very last minute. With everything else going on at Pixar at the time, this generous offer slash publicity stunt for a single line of dialogue must have been an extra headache. I wish I could find the footage to watch it again though then he did find it in a follow-up reply and then put it in the comments so
Starting point is 01:03:00 check that out. So the next time you hear that baggage handler say, hold it, we've got a couple more bags coming from the terminal, just remember this was yet another small part of Toy Stories 2 development hell. I don't remember that guy having a British accent. Did he use an American accent? I think it was lightly a British accent. I mean, but not like in-your-face British. But in that moment, I think you're just so tense with the characters you're not even really hearing dial that's a guy i've never heard of wait a minute who's this no
Starting point is 01:03:29 that's fascinating it was like uh kind of like cameo casting and uh just buried in the mix for for a british guy no american has ever heard of like just some british kids presenter but i think that's how i've had a funny thing of watching osw review the wrestling podcast which they've been on our show nice guys they have such a funny thing where a with like regis philbin shows up on an old wrestling show like who the fuck is this guy i'm like oh yeah you guys wouldn't know a person who's just famous for being on u.s television would you good old regis god okay so yes it's been another great month of podcast and again we are working so hard for all of you out there because there's nothing else to
Starting point is 01:04:10 do but uh rest assured that like we have got most of the summer recorded at this point so it's already in the pipeline to hit your ears very very soon and yeah anything else henry i know just again look forward to uh you know space jam and all the other cool stuff we're doing this month, but I guess if you don't want to be Space Jam, you're going to have to start politicking hardcore in there. Yes, go around your neighborhood. Actually, don't do that. Please don't do that. Get like a phone line started up and call
Starting point is 01:04:35 people, tell them about Talking Simpsons, and then say, I'll sign up for you. Just vote for Cats Don't Dance. And that's how it works. But yeah, thanks again to all your support this month everybody and uh we look forward to another fun month of at least a bunch of awesome podcasts so yeah thanks so much for listening to another episode of talk to the audience we'll see you next month for more news and your comments and questions and we'll see you then Wow. Infotainment.

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