Talking Simpsons - Talk to the Audience?!? - October 2021

Episode Date: November 3, 2021

Just in time for Halloween the newest community podcast is here for Talking Simpsons listeners! We review the newest Treehouse, talk about Simpsons high fashion crossover, announce some exciting podcasts we have planned, and lastly, we reply to some of our favorite comments on Patreon in the last month! A great time as always, so get ready for a scary good time! Support this podcast and get dozens of bonus episodes by visiting and becoming a patron! Check out our new shirts on TeePublic! And please follow the new official Twitter, @TalkSimpsonsPod!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I heartily endorse this event or product. a $900 t-shirt. Who is here with me today? Hey, it's Henry Gilbert. Just like Homer, I'm going to do this whole episode in French. Oui! You're getting there. One word. One word nailed down. Exactement. You know,
Starting point is 00:00:32 no in French is just no with an extra N in the end. No? Yes. Non. Non. Just cut it off sharply. But anyways,
Starting point is 00:00:39 French Lessons Over. This is our community podcast. Talk to the audience. At the end of every month for patrons, in the beginning of every month on the free feed, we go over what's happening in the simpsons world and in our world
Starting point is 00:00:47 and then we respond to your questions and comments from the recent round of episodes and welcome to the end of october a much nicer end of october than what we happened uh what happened in 2020 we're just walking over here remembering that just on pins and needles new election but now we got old joe up there doing cornhole impressions on stage. His locked arms on stage. They never explain that. Not to get too political up front, but I was reading Twitter, you know, the Twitter breaking news. It tells you like, oh, this is happening and that's happening. It's usually people I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:16 But one of the news stories was like Joe Biden explains what his hand motion was or like Joe Biden's hand signals explain. He made the OK symbol or something. People are like, he's cheated white power. I thought it was going to be an explanation of his clenched cornholio hands. I want to know why his arms were locked in that position. If it's a medical issue, like I feel like we have a right to know as he's the president. I think what happened was he needed TP for his bunghole. And that's how it breaks down.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Yeah, he's more fit than Trump, but like physically, but they both are very, very old. Yes, actually, this is for my Squid Game fans out there. He's older than the old guy in Squid Game, Joe Biden, so figure that one out. But we'll talk more about Squid Game later. I got some squid stories to tell you all. Oh, man. So let's head on over to Simpsons News. So we had Treehouse of Horror 32 way back at the very beginning of october so uh i saw that
Starting point is 00:02:06 about three weeks ago at this point and there were parodies of bambi uh parasites uh there was a story about evil trees uh there was an edgar gory sort of uh very brief like 32nd bit and a parody of the ring but i i didn't see it until this weekend because i put it off uh well i accidentally put it off because i just thought like my head thought treehouse of horror that must be like this weekend right and and no they actually for once they did it early instead of late as as it was for so many years even real early even though there were episodes that aired after it which is like what you couldn't have pushed a few weeks but whatever yeah but uh yeah no i i thought it was all right i thought i like last year's a little better but hey maybe that's because it was written by our friend julie prescott you know our twitter
Starting point is 00:02:53 our simpsons podcast pal but uh as far as rating them the animation on the bambi one was really good yeah yeah it was but i'm i'm really sick of can you believe it guys we disney owns us can can you think about it for a second it's pretty funny you know also the comedy of like um incredibly violent uh disney looking thing like dave that was one of the first things david silverman ever animated professionally in uh one crazy summer it's basically the same joke the bunnies the happy bunnies yeah though i did i did like that it had a song about how these films scar you for the rest of your life as a little kid it does feel like a total boomer material though because as we talked about with our lion king podcast mufasa
Starting point is 00:03:34 dying overrode bambi's mom dying culturally uh and i think we talked about this off mic but or maybe it was on my but yeah seeing the thumper Milhouse's head explode in that, I was like, boy, this is violent. They like I think I said this on another podcast, but we watched a bunch of recent Triassic Horrors, my wife and I. And I noticed that they are almost shockingly violent. That's what they're going for now. And I think in this one, there was at least like two of these stories ended with a pile of corpses. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Yeah. The parasite one i you know i felt like it it most it got parasite up until the last like 10 percent of it and then i thought it's like you kind of forgot what parasite was about it was not the parasite does not turn into a mass riot of every class fighting each other yeah uh though i did have a chuckle of the joke of lisa describing something that would help for a more equitable society. Amoga was like, is that socialism? She's like, I mean, it has features of it, but not technically. And then they just all fight about that.
Starting point is 00:04:32 I did like the ring parody. I mean, I guess it's not too late for a ring parody because now the ring is a classic. But it was good. But it was very mean-spirited in that the little girl came out of the TV. Lisa was too annoying for her. Yeah. It was very mean-spirited in that the little girl came out of the TV. Lisa was too annoying for her. Yeah, I did my biggest laugh in the episode, though, was when Lisa said, let's see your face. And it was just like a horrifying skull.
Starting point is 00:04:53 And she's like, we'll work on that. Hard cut to the next shot. And it's just a skull with lipstick and eyeshadow painted onto it. And the trees one was the weakest one. But then I liked that in the middle of it, it had a joke about how like ah the set the middle story is always the worst it had a lame joke about trans transplants yes it was like basically the little shop of our audrey too is saying like hey i want
Starting point is 00:05:17 to be with you guys and the trees say but you're a plant this is like ah but i identify as a tree i'm a transplant so i was like yeah you're you're old people writing about like ah but i identify as a tree i'm a trans plant so i was like yeah you're you're old people writing about trans stuff yeah i don't know i don't think it was transphobic it would just it made me grown out yes yeah they i think they had a worse thing about uh about all the things that kang and kodos identify as from a couple years ago yeah like you know that's a worst joke about uh about transgender identity stuff. But anyway. But that was, yeah, that was the Trios 4.
Starting point is 00:05:50 I had to download it, pirate it, because I couldn't watch it in Canada. No, I watched it in Hulu in the purple mountains majesty of America. So what happened next is pretty shocking to me because I was out with my wife. I spent about 11 days in Canada this month. I was out with my wife. We were having hot pot. I'm looking at my Twitter because there's some downtime and people are like sharing these videos of the Simpsons in this high fashion kind of thing. And I'm like, what's going on? And then I'm watching the video because it's kind of like the company who made this or sponsored it. It's kind of playing it on a loop and I'm watching it. I'm like, well, there's just a few minutes long. Right. And it kept going and it kept going and i was like i'm gonna wait
Starting point is 00:06:27 till i get home to see what this is so what it was was there was a 10 minute 10 minute long uh simpson short commissioned by the balenciaga fashion company never heard of french french italian i mean we're too we we are too de classe to know what these things are. I mean, it sounds Italian, but I think it's French. But anyhow, David Silverman directed it. Apparently, it ruined his summer vacation or it got rid of his summer vacation. I hope he got a big bonus for that at least. Me too. And there is a New York Times article about it.
Starting point is 00:06:57 And what it feels like to me is that the Balenciaga Company basically bought a Simpsons cameo for a few million dollars. Because I feel bad for the people who had to work on this because the animation is great. It's actually much better than any of those Disney shorts they made. Oh, yeah. And it's an actual story. It's not like here's a bunch of references. Although there are references to all these people who are suddenly working their way into a Simpsons short. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:07:20 I mean, it's no different than it goes all the way back to that, you know, Aerosmith episode. Where it's like, oh, there's Aerosmith's manager right there. But this has like eight Aerosmith managers in it. I felt bad for the people working on this because it seemed like these guys had complete creative control. Like they should be wearing this, cut that joke, leave that in, make this in French. I want my tear to be this color. It sounded like they were just cracking the whip and the simpsons had to do all this stuff because i there was no mention of who paid for this but i imagine there
Starting point is 00:07:49 was a exchange of money at some point i mean to get to make that much creative control that sounds like it is you know the money was that good they had to do it it's like i i can't imagine simpsons has you know all these internal rules that they would overwrite that and give up so much creative power to somebody that's not, you know, famous to Americans at least. Like, I mean, maybe it's one of those things like I never we know what the UK thinks of the Simpsons. I always don't really consider what like the French think of the Simpsons. You know, I've only met Brits and Aussies and other UK types who, they have opinions on Simpsons and enjoy it and also are like, oh, this is what America's like, right? But I wonder what the French think of it.
Starting point is 00:08:35 I mean, apparently they were big fans of it. And this is all to promote a new fashion line with the Simpsons in which you can buy basically what looks like Target merchandise for hundreds of dollars oh man and yeah you know i've seen i've seen a pro wrestler who has a similar thing where he buys these it was a mickey mouse shirt uh that was like literally 900 from a similar run uh and so it is it's i guess it's so people can dress casual while still knowing they spent tons of money yeah i mean it shows how day class say i am but i've i've never got this kind of thing where it's like it just it looks like a normal thing but it actually costs a lot more
Starting point is 00:09:15 i think the most i paid for a t-shirt was in japan like a 40 t-shirt uh this is not at like a concert where t-shirts are always like 40 or 50 it was like but it felt like a 40 t-shirt but i would not pay more than 40 for a a single t-shirt uh yeah i think that's about the most i've paid for like a uh a limited run wrestling t-shirt that's what i paid the most for yeah uh not more than that but i i but speaking of paid i hope david silverman again at least got a hefty bonus that he can uh take to the next burning man and have a good time at the very least like but god damn 10 minutes i couldn't believe it was 10 minutes i thought it'd be like two when i came in my feed i thought it's like okay two whole minutes just like the loki thing and it just kept going and going and homer starts singing beyond the sea
Starting point is 00:10:01 but in french unless uh i don't know if lemaire was the song first and then bobby darren made it famous in america with an english version i i don't i know i don't know i don't know the history behind that i'm just reading this article now just skimming it again and uh uh here's a fun uh fun little quote from the story says from there the story was revised and tweaked to the point that the writers joked about quote draft 52 of the balenciaga script unquote up to two days before the pair is showing wow yes we man that's like as many drafts as they did on the movie not really the movie had literally 900 drafts i think they said but close that's that's nuts it's it's like a french company but the head of it grew up in in russia
Starting point is 00:10:43 in the Soviet Union. And like there's all kinds of nationalities floating around in there. But it's fun to watch because it's like, well, that's not a voice actor. Am I supposed to know who this person is? And that'll happen like five times in the short. Yeah. I was like, oh, I think that's the Devil Wears Prada lady. I was like, oh, that's the lady from Devil Wears Prada. That's the only thing I knew about it.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Also, the short made me sad because the joke was that march has never had a french kiss before as in homer has never put his tongue in march's mouth ever that's right that's weird yeah what's what's that mean for you know the downstairs if he was not gonna french kiss her we we have seen uh homer and march french kiss plenty of times yes yeah i uh it i guess it was just a joke for that it should be non-canonical anyway since it's uh made by for a company yes but uh i don't know where you can watch this outside of just their youtube channel yeah it's posted on youtube it's not like uh does disney own this i don't know like i don't know what the like who who paid for this man where does it live who has the rights to
Starting point is 00:11:41 it you gotta think it's like co-owned i would think yeah and i i would guess just like that uh the oprah footage that has never been like officially released i feel like it's like half owned by harpo half owned by disney yeah i just hope this does not uh spell the end for the show because if this can happen and you know frankly it's it's a bit harmless who cares who else out there can just buy their own simpson short yeah you know what like fucking nft company is going to approach them with a billion dollars and say make homer say all this stuff about nfts i mean literally tesla will probably do that yes i think they will pay it i i hope i which would you rather see that or them saying like wow it's all our favorite eternals homer meets the kingo
Starting point is 00:12:20 well that's gonna be hangs out with bart that is gonna be a future short. Mark my words. I bet you that's the November 12th short. There's been no new news on that since last month, but November 12th, we'll hear about it. Tell David Silverman there will be no sleep this month. So this week's newest episode, which I didn't see, so I apologize for that. I neither. but it i neither but it includes a breast cancer survivor inspired by renee ridgely who is a breast cancer advocate and the wife of matt selman who had a uh a single mastectomy so she has one breast and she is uh about uh uniboob inclusivity in media well because uh you know apparently it's
Starting point is 00:12:58 a thing of like well some women get you know full mastectomy as part of breast cancer and then just have a, you know, a new breast built basically. Or sometimes even like double mastectomy and then new boobs. But Ridgely, she kept, she, you know, wants to wear it as a source of pride or just like proof that she survived. And that's, I think that's cool. And I mean, it's nice. It's nice of Selman to also, you know, have kind of a tribute to his wife and her her surviving breast cancer, a scary thing and get that in the show. So that's nice. Apparently it's called a unilateral mastectomy is what the official term of it is. But, yeah, that was a little nice, I guess, collaboration between Selman and his wife to spread awareness of this i did i did read a review of that episode that it sounds like another lisa suffers episode which uh is i i are that guy 3002 on twitter was just like why why must she always suffer can't she win at some point it's been 33 seasons of just lisa suffers so in our next bit of news here uh simpsons is making some
Starting point is 00:14:03 ratings uh records actually i think they were the number one show on sunday for the first time since like season one which just shows how you how few people are watching tv yes yeah i've i i've been intricately aware of the the changing world of ratings because of a lot of pro wrestling ratings wars that were going on this month which i won't bore listeners with but now uh nielsen is keeping track of streaming shows which i wasn't aware of because it always seemed like uh who watches this it's always a mystery but now we have some hard numbers at least as hard as nielsen can provide and the simpsons is now uh number nine above gilmore girls and below downton abbey uh in the list of streaming acquired series so streaming series that are not produced
Starting point is 00:14:46 by streaming companies they were acquired by them and it's pretty much just the reruns charts and it was just Netflix apparently has had for over a year that list has only been shows on Netflix and then all of a sudden Simpsons like got in there in their September chart which it's one of the another of those moments of like oh yeah is what what does Disney think of their Simpsons like got in there in their september chart which it's one of the another of those moments of like oh yeah is what what does disney think of their simpsons purchase and if it's driving all of this like traffic on disney plus if it that would have to mean it is easily its most viewed non-original programming on disney plus so i would think simpsons is doing pretty good for old disney definitely i'm surprised about what i'm not seeing though because i'm not seeing maybe peacock doesn't do nielsen stuff but i'm not seeing the office i believe netflix got seinfeld uh and did they get friends too uh no friends is hbo max okay
Starting point is 00:15:34 that was the big deal it lost it lost friends and office at the same time and then a year ago over a year ago and then they announced like well we just got Seinfeld in a year from now. It'll be on here. But we did get it. Oh, yeah. They were showing. Okay. That's another weird thing I saw on my trip.
Starting point is 00:15:50 It was like they announced they got Seinfeld. And then Jerry Seinfeld did an entire ad for the Lego Seinfeld set where he is in a giant Lego costume on the set. It's really insane. That's crazy. I have not seen that. But then again this is the guy who did eight million weird ads for the b movie so yeah it's weird to see what is making a lot of ratings like simpsons is below a lot of things but like things like supernatural
Starting point is 00:16:15 of course gray's anatomy criminal minds number one is something called coco melon which i've never even heard of i don't know what that i i do know this nielsen thing it's like they're not getting access to the the streaming companies are still keeping their information tight to the vest but this is just reporting yeah reporting from nielsen homes except hey what are you streaming so it was uh but definitely i think disney was not shy to share that information and then of course squid game and ted lasso topping the charts on original stuff squid game has more than double the amount of viewed minutes in the number two show squid game is number one so i'm happy that i'll say it when we talk about what we've been watching the normies
Starting point is 00:16:55 are finally getting into death game stuff and i'm celebrating it's great it finally happened so uh we have some news about censorship in the media that I actually approve of because this sucks. So a really bad joke from a season six episode of Family Guy involving Marge and Quagmire, attempted sexual assault, and then the annihilation of a family has been now cut from Hulu reruns. And I remember watching this back in 2007 when I would watch Family Guy to hate it because I was normal of course thinking this is this is like beyond this is they've gone too far yes folks mcfarland's gone too far this time he really has yeah no i mean i i remember when that happened that then you know just a few years later they did the official crossover episode and i couldn't believe it because like i believe the behind the scenes story on that i remember reading at the time was the simpsons had taken a few shots first at family guy calling it a rip-off show and so they decided like you know what we're mad about these the joke starts as a
Starting point is 00:17:56 joke about how there's an ad for simpsons that just like is overlaid on top of family guy like and it's a distracting like bug in the corner kind of thing which is also funny because that happened to Arrested Development with a family guy ad that they got pissed about okay uh but so they decided they'd do a joke that Marge is in the corner and then Quagmire attempts to kiss her and it goes from there uh and and then of course I think the Simpsons people were like hey what the fuck? We called you ripoff artists. We did not have sexual assaulted murder of your entire cast in our show. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:18:32 I think I might have cited that joke whenever the Simpsons guy was a new thing. Yeah, I couldn't believe they did that. And I mean, honestly, it would never happen now, that joke. I know certainly there's some people out there who would see this as like censoring a classic episode. How dare they kind of thing. But you can watch that clip all you want of all the Quagmire scenes. I would think probably one of the most cursed videos on YouTube would be like all the best Quagmire jokes. I mean, if you start there, Quagmire can't be a character for the first 20 years of the show pretty much if you're gonna if you're gonna start there so who knows
Starting point is 00:19:10 where this will go you pull it that one thread it all falls apart that's true yeah and so uh the character ruth powers last seen in season 14 strong arms of the ma will be returning again voiced by pamela reed apparently in a very small role. Ruth Powers has always existed after her debut. She's like always in crowd scenes. You always see her. So it was surprising to see her come back after Marge on the Lamb and that season 14 episode as a voice character. And now she's back again.
Starting point is 00:19:38 So Pamela Reed, still alive, still being Ruth Powers. I'm happy they at least got the original voice actor for a joke about, I saw a clip of it. I didn't watch the episode, but i saw a clip of it of just uh them saying like oh we don't forget our neighbors oh hi ruth and they just like wave at her i i think you know you think back to when ruth was invented i think really it was a james l brooks pitch of just like hey we should have a rhoda for marge like you know how let's uh she'll be a a gruff single mom raising her kid
Starting point is 00:20:07 it'll be so fun we can have so many stories and the last one that was really dedicated to her was that marge on the lamb which just felt like dave merkin comes in and he's like i'll do a nice thing for jim brooks and i'll do an episode for ruth or it's like we got a thumb on louise parody who does who's another woman that can hang out with marge that's helen lovejoy maude flanders uh yeah i guess it really that episode only really makes sense with ruth yeah and polygon recently did a very interesting piece on web comics inspired by the simpsons although i will fact check them up front and that they said that bongo simpsons comics ran until 2012 oh my wife drew those comics sir and uh they did in 2018 so that is uh that is just wrong yeah it's like straight up a mistake well now you know let's just flush the little article but uh yeah
Starting point is 00:20:51 it made me aware of some things i did know about like the couples therapy comic uh with like you know bart simpson and chris griffin and then there was like a sequel to that with you know connie hill and bobby hill and joseph but i was not aware of spring fights which was a uh like a is it the shonen fighting uh yeah that one was news to me as well i had not heard and and also i polygon reached out to the artist too and and uh and there was also i forget the name of it but it's the one of uh the the kids in high school like it ages them up to high school age and and i think it's even like set in the year 2000 if you if you have it set like oh they aged from from 1990 to now yes so check that out the name of the article is the simpsons fandom
Starting point is 00:21:31 is thriving just not where you'd expect to find it and in more news our last piece of news is that uh gravity falls and wwe entrance music was referenced in the second episode of season 33 and apparently the writer nick dahahan gave Henry the scoop. That's right. On what's going on with the WWE music. And by the way, yeah, Bill Cipher was in an episode. The Halloween episode, right? No, no.
Starting point is 00:21:54 It was Bart Goes to Jail. Okay. It was the one right before that. I watched the clip, but somehow my brain made it fit into the Halloween episode for some reason. I mean, honestly, you would have thought when i heard bill cypher ahead of uh you know months ago bill cypher is going to be in simpsons and i was sure would have been this episode but no but yeah he he just says one line which is really too bad but it was really cool to hear uh on twitter you know alex hirsch the bill cypher and the creator gravity falls saying you know he grew up on The Simpsons.
Starting point is 00:22:25 It was the most influential show to him. And here his creation gets to be on the show and he gets to work with Simpsons folks. I mean, as we all know, on Gravity Falls, he hired multiple Simpsons vets to work on it, most especially Josh Weinstein. In that same episode, at the start of it is a joke a series of jokes about seniors getting their you know social security checks on the first of the month and the money that plays is Shane McMahon's entrance theme like uh which I think is called like money money and every like Simpsons wrestling fandom there is a big big crossover of that, especially if you watch the Boccia Mania shows.
Starting point is 00:23:06 We had on Matthew, the creator of them. Everybody's like, whoa, they're playing this song like this. If you're a wrestling fan, the second you hear, like, here comes the money, you're like, what the hell? And so I, me, as journalist, I went online to find out. I replied to Matt Selman and said, hey hey why is there a wrestling song in here and he said you'll have to ask the writer of the episode at nick dahan so i reached out to him or i tweeted at him like okay nick what's going on and he said originally he wanted the song to be the um the
Starting point is 00:23:39 classic hip-hop song first of the month it's the first of the month that one but he uh they couldn't get clearance on it and so he was just going down a youtube rabbit hole of songs about money and he came across that one he doesn't even know apparently he's not a big wwe or wrestling fan so he didn't even know it but he's like oh this is just perfect and boom they licensed it for the episode so it was a coincidence that they happened to share the WWE music with that licensed song? Well, it was a song written for WWE, and he found it on the internet. I was like, oh, okay, this song is great
Starting point is 00:24:15 that was a WWE theme. Okay, that got lost in the translation because I thought wrestlers have their own music off, and it's like a song that already exists. Well, so a quick history on that. Yeah, in pro wrestling in the 80s thought uh wrestlers have their own music often it's like a song that already exists uh well so a quick history on that yeah in pro wrestling uh in the 80s when nobody cared about song rights and tv broadcasts of wrestling people would just come out to like hey we're coming out to freebird we're coming out to eye of the tiger and then by the end of the 80s when vince mcmahon and wwe
Starting point is 00:24:40 realized like oh shit we have to resell these on videotapes and people are going to sue us if we play their music without paying them. And I don't want to pay for their music. So then they started the practice of writing original music for people to come out to. Like Hulk Hogan. I was thinking of that. He used to come out to Rocky III's Eye of the Tiger because he's in Rocky III. And then they decided, no, we'll give him the classic song, Real American, which they wrote for him and they own the rights to and so by 1999 when that song debuted for shane mcmahon they were just fully on like oh we
Starting point is 00:25:11 definitely just need a song for wrestlers and we write the song and own it now though now aew my favorite wrestling uh group they're turning it back around they're actually spending the money on licensing songs people know and then giving them to wrestlers you don't know so you like the wrestler more like uh there's a guy who's really cool anyway orange cassidy but when they gave him pixies where is my mind as his entrance music i was like i like this guy more now i like that for some reason i associate him with something i already like that's very clever yeah but yeah that's all the news for the simpsons world uh as for us a lot is happening this month so uh we are launching our newest podcast miniseries blab about batman the animated series if you're currently
Starting point is 00:25:53 listening on the patreon it's out at the end of the week if you're listening on the free feed it's already out you can sign up for the patreon and then you know download the first episode new episodes to follow every friday through the end of 2021 and uh yeah the first episode. New episodes to follow every Friday through the end of 2021. And, yeah, the first episode is all about Joker's Favor. The schedule is on the Patreon. It's a free post. So even if you're not a patron, you can see what you're missing out on. And you'll even have some little previews in your feed as well of that Joker's Favor soon or when you're hearing this.
Starting point is 00:26:22 But, look, you'll know when you'll see it. Yes. Just look at your feed. It'll be there uh but me and you know all our mini series have been before about you know sitcoms in the simpsons style to get to do this all about you know an action series like our favorite superhero action show growing up as kids it's it's so much fun to re-explore and it holds up better than we remember yes yeah it's so good it timeless. And I love talking about it. And you'll love listening to us talk about it because we had a lot of fun. And no one has complained about the episodes we chose, which I was very happy to see.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Yes, I greatly appreciate that. Only one person I saw said, oh, I wish it was Feet of Clay. I was like, yeah, yeah, I get it. Just watch the clip of him transforming online. That's all you need to get out of it. And it's the whole year up to the end of this year. And it ends with a perfect episode for the end of the year, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:09 So let's talk about our What a Cartoon November schedule. So up first, we have another Garfield special. It's Garfield Thanksgiving because I don't think we've done a Thanksgiving thing yet. No, no. Except for Bob's Burgers, maybe. That was the one thing we did. And we did do that Thanksgiving one. But yeah, now it's time for another Thanksgiving special.
Starting point is 00:27:27 It's ahead of the big old Turkey Day by a few weeks. But so if you really want to sync it up, save it for your Thanksgiving trip. Perfectly spaced between Canadian Thanksgiving and American Thanksgiving. So we planned that. And that's just on YouTube on the official Garfield YouTube channel. If you want to give it a watch with a bunch of commercials or it's, it's on prime video as well. If you're,
Starting point is 00:27:48 if you subscribe to that. And because we're in 2021, the 20th anniversary of adult swim, we're covering the last show we have yet to cover in the original adult swim lineup. That is the Brack show. And the episode is president dad, because the dad is the best character on the show and Brack a second.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Yeah. I, uh, just hearing andy merrill's voice again and re-watching some bracks i was like oh man i love every time i hear his voice just did the brack only works because andy merrill's voice is a wacky cartoon man voice yeah it's it's fully him so yes we can't wait to talk about brack and also to close out the month we're going to be talking about the 1964 rankin-Bass special, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
Starting point is 00:28:26 So if you're on the $5 feed or on the free feed, you'll hear the extended free preview of that podcast. If you're on the $10 feed, you'll hear the three to four hour long podcast about that special. And it's going to be a lot of fun. It's something I've always wanted to do since we started this podcast network because it is stop motion anime. You're going to learn about Rankin-Bass and you're going to about how this thing came into being and uh all kinds of fun facts about it not to mention i think we'll have a lot of fun talking about uh it's uh it's many lessons and yes and uh themes as well dubious morality but yes that is the month of november and if you are a five dollar and up patron on the second week of november you'll get to hear the talking futurama episode all about insane in the mainframe one of the best episodes sandwiched between two really
Starting point is 00:29:09 bad ones uh because december we're going to be doing the root of all evil which is the dwight and cubert story yeah might might be the worst of the original fox run yeah i think i think the other dwight and cubert episode is better actually yeah because they're really just accessories to bender being funny yeah yeah but yeah a lot of fun stuff happening like i said oh go ahead insane in the mainframe might be the most anxious i've felt taking notes on maybe any podcast it's it's one of the funniest and most disturbing episodes uh but yeah and for our december what a cartoon movie poll we'll be doing another one of our patented yes-no votes, this time for Millennium Actress, celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2001. So you'll get to vote yes or no
Starting point is 00:29:49 if you want to hear us talk about it for our extended mega-long podcast. Yeah, we haven't done a Satoshi Kon film yet, and now they're all available in the United States again pretty regularly, which is good because for literally a decade you like they were out of print uh everybody's got their favorites but millennium actress is mine uh it's a tidy 90 minutes as well and on top of that like it's now 20 years since it came out to celebrate
Starting point is 00:30:18 you know uh 2001 the start of the millennium which i i appreciate in japan they weren't like us who are just like year 2000 new millennium they knew 2001 they were they were pedants like the uh american the proper millennium yeah but i i love that film so much the late satoshi kon one of the greatest ever like and i i actually found uh this will give me used to use an art book I didn't know they did an art book for it in that was only released in Japan but bilingual so it's full of English text of it that I picked up on old eBay and so I you're gonna learn quite a lot from that but please everybody hey if you vote no on it you'll hurt my feelings very deeply but we'll do something else but please you know yes or no that'll be the the vote very soon in the on the
Starting point is 00:31:05 patreon uh but for november a very busy month for most if you're on the five dollar and up patreon feed you'll get at least three episodes of podcast glory every month every week sorry and then uh you know the extent of free preview and everything so yes lots going on blabbing about batman and uh yeah very excited to finally get another miniiseries out there and now's the time we talk about what we've been playing and watching outside of the things we're mandated to watch and play so as for me I've not been playing too many video games I've been doing a lot of traveling and working on a lot of podcasts prepare for another trip but I did finish The Great Ace Attorney after 40 hours and jump right into the second one no one's talking about this collection
Starting point is 00:31:43 but it's really, really good. And if you enjoy 40 hours of reading while occasionally making a choice, that's the game experience for you. I keep, you know, all that reading, that's what's keeping me from playing it. No, I have so many other things to play. I didn't even buy it because I told myself, if I haven't touched Famicom Detective yet,
Starting point is 00:32:04 I really can't spend money on grade A those are great too I beat those this year they're about like 10 to 12 hours so much shorter adventure games so what I also did I finished the entire uh Back 4 Blood campaign with my friends on easy with all your Left 4 Dead buddies yes it's uh it doesn't make you feel old to play that Left 4 Dead is so retro now that you guys can do a throwback game like that uh once I did the episode of Retronauts about it I came to terms with that but uh yeah Left 4 sorry play that left for dead is so retro now that you guys can do a throwback game like that uh once i did the episode of retronauts about it i came to terms with that but uh yeah left for sorry back for blood is really really good again more people need to be talking about it it's a great online
Starting point is 00:32:33 experience and uh yeah a very good successor to left for dead and there's a lot of games that i have purchased but don't have time to play yet like metroid bread metroid bread metroid dread i said am i hungry dread i think i'm just hungry metroid dread uh death loop uh the good life that swears new game the uh the guy who made deadly premonition i got my code my steam code for that i haven't touched it yet either and i because i kick-started it me too uh delta room chapter two and for some reason because it came out while i was there or around the time i was there i bought the castlevania advanced collection and i just started playing castlevania circle of the moon the worst game in that collection but i just want to finish it once every time i try to play it i can't do it but then now it's so much more playable now so i'm
Starting point is 00:33:17 just gonna do it well it's not i you know i've played some games like that where it's like well i have to be able to say i beat every game in this series even if i'm not that into that particular entry it's not a long game it's like i don't know eight ten hours unlike my choice of like well no i have to be able to say i've beaten every number dragon quest and so i gotta beat seven like and i'm gonna keep i'm gonna spend every hour on this for a whole year i could never do seven again uh as for watching so i spent 11 days in canada this month i watched a ton of movies and together my wife nina matsumoto and i we watched three adams family movies so uh last october season i watched the first adams family movie from 1991 amazing great movie this time i watched um adams family values with her we saw the 2019 cgi movie and then we saw uh in a theater the
Starting point is 00:34:07 adam's family 2 uh the only people in the theater wow for that one but it was friday at 1 p.m so that makes sense you know sometimes with an animated movie though if you see it at that time you are risking like kids like yeah like mommy and and kids seeing a movie we we chose our time carefully for that one. But yeah, the CGI's Addams Family movies, I will say my review
Starting point is 00:34:28 is movie enjoyed by all because they're perfectly cromulent. I don't think they're bad, but I do think that they have all the things that kids movies need to have in them now,
Starting point is 00:34:38 which is like, well, here's a song everybody knows. And I got to say Finn Wolfhard, he stinks up that first movie playing Pugsley. Oh, that sucks. I feel like they hired him before his voice changed and it stinks up that first movie playing pugsley oh that sucks i
Starting point is 00:34:45 think i feel like they hired him before his voice change and it just it doesn't sound and also pugsley sucks and i don't want to i don't want to listen to pugsley talk that much nobody's favorite no not one person likes pugsley but like chloe grace moretz plays wednesday oh that's perfect she's doing a christina ricci impression but christina ricci kind of defined the character for the past three decades so that's fine and she does a great job yeah yeah i i remember when my mom took us to see the original adams family and she is like christina ricci was born to play that role was what my mom said over and over again and uh so what else did i see i saw venom let there be carnage in the theater you gooped it up all these things i am so now radicalized against long movies i saw so many 90
Starting point is 00:35:26 minute movies recently and now whenever i watch a two hour plus movie i say cut that cut that get rid of her get rid of him we don't need this scene but yeah uh that i enjoyed the hell out of it i ate a lot of popcorn i watched uh tom hardy argue with himself oh yeah all of his wacky arguing stuff and well it's and also like directed by andy circus so it's like has this weird feel to it i uh i think my favorite scene in the movie slight venom spoilers i like when he basically has a coming out moment of just like i'm not gonna be in the closet anymore although people have said online why did venom go to the loud noise place when he doesn't like loud noises that That's his one weakness. You know what?
Starting point is 00:36:05 That's a very good point. That should sonically disturb him. But it was a fun scene. Yeah, yeah. Also, I mean, hey, I always, not everybody has thought this, but I always like, hey, it'd be cool to see Shriek in a movie. And now I finally have seen Shriek in a movie. But though I really hate their pretend, I have to pretend that Woody Harrelson is like
Starting point is 00:36:22 20 years younger than he is in this movie. Yes. You have to forget that he's 60. So yeah 20 years younger than he is in this movie. Yes. You have to forget that he's 60. So, yeah, other things. Not to go on too long. I finally saw Pirates of the Caribbean movie, the first one. I won't watch any other ones, but I feel like that's probably the best one. It was fine, but like I said, I cut 45 minutes out of this movie.
Starting point is 00:36:39 It's a better movie. I have watched the first four, and I'd say one is definitely the best. Yeah. a better movie i have watched the first four and i'd say one is definitely the best yeah i the only positive i'd say on four over the others is that it has ian mcshane one of my favorite actors in it but uh other than that i yeah the first one's great i loved seeing you do a meme based on an ancient line for a movie maybe i'll retweet that i don't think it got enough love but it deserved it other things i saw something that nina showed me was the Danny Boyle space horror movie Sunshine, which they literally state the plot up front because it's so ridiculous you have to get over that to watch the movie
Starting point is 00:37:13 in that the sun is burning out so they need to drop a bomb on it to restart the sun. Okay, I've never seen this one. That's crazy. But when you go to restart the sun, don't name your ship Icarus. Bad idea. You know, they're being Icarus with that hubris of naming their ship that, I'd say. It was pretty fun. No one has ever really talked about this to me.
Starting point is 00:37:32 I've never seen any mention of it online. But Sunshine is a fun little sci-fi horror movie. And then literally this past weekend, I watched Housu for the second time, but this time sober enough to actually enjoy it. It's great. It's on HBO Max. It's like a very creative uh japanese horror movie from the 70s i would call it if you need a comparison it's sort of like the japanese evil dead 2 oh where it's like comedy horror maybe not as violent as evil
Starting point is 00:37:56 dead 2 or as grimy but like just cartoony violence it's fountains of blood shooting out of things and like very goofy special effects replace a college weekend with a girl's sleepover. And that's the set. Yeah. I, you know, when you mentioned the sober thing, I, I've only seen it once. I was sober, but it was two in the morning after watching three other films before it at the Castro theater in, in San Francisco. And so I feel like I fell asleep for 10 minutes of it on and off during
Starting point is 00:38:25 the whole thing and so but but also i i'm not sure because the film is so weird that if i misremember it from a dream i could be remembering it actually yeah really a lot of things are very trippy in that movie but it's on surprisingly just on hbo max so check it out it's called house but uh people call it house soup because that's what it's you know the japanese pronunciation of house the word house and then finally watching TV shows. I am one of the Squid Game participants. So normie and mainstream of you. No, I was there first.
Starting point is 00:38:53 I was out. I was watching Battle Royale in the early aughts. I was playing Danganronpa. I was reading and watching Kaiji. Now everyone is meeting me. Yes. On my own terms. But yeah, Squid Game is very good.
Starting point is 00:39:04 I have not finished watching it yet uh but if you like squid game there's another netflix series called alice in borderland that's another death game series japanese not korean but i think it's also very good and there's going to be more of that coming i i've heard you mention that alice one before now i need to i got a well now that squid game is apparently their biggest show this year i feel like ever wow damn i think i think i heard the word ever that's insane yeah yeah well then i guess we're gonna be in a lot of death games that because if there's one thing netflix makes decisions on it's that algorithm and the algorithm
Starting point is 00:39:34 is coming up all death games now but now i've i've been meaning to watch it i'm sure it's great i hear it's great from all the right people and and i like death game stuff too not not as basically i'd say i like death games half as much as you bob because i i beat like i've played half as much dongan rapha as you and half as much of the uh the nonari games so i'm but but i'm i'm gonna watch this i just haven't made the time i like that i like the uh the asian death game stuff because it's not focused on the violence like saw is where uh the games they play are not like saw off your own foot i dare you bitch it's it's more creative than that and it's not about like how disgusting the violence is that happens to shotgun your face exactly no no are the same with hostile
Starting point is 00:40:16 or all the other ripoffs yeah stuff yeah but yeah squid game uh you don't need me to tell you to watch it but here i am uh well for me this, I was light on the playing other than Bloodborne. I finished Bloodborne. What a great game. It really is my favorite of the, but I'm going to start up Dark Souls 3 now because Elden Ring got delayed. Not 2? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:41 You know what? 2 is better than 3. Really? I'm out here saying that. All right. Yeah. Okay. I've watched some YouTube videos say different. not two yeah you know what two is better than three really i'm out here saying that all right yeah okay i've watched some youtube videos say different oh those people have been radicalized by the elevator and dark souls 2 don't listen to them i've heard there's some elevator hate for i mean i own both i can just play it but well would you say i play souls 2 vanilla or just go straight
Starting point is 00:40:58 to the sins of the solar uh version if you can still play vanilla i would just do a vanilla all right well i'll have to buy a 360 disc then i think but i may have it oh all right we'll talk about this off mic but yeah but yeah no after after bloodborne i think i'm ready to play differently too i'm not going to be i was i was a shield up poker man that's how i played all those games and now that i played bloodborne shield free i understand the shield free lifestyle i i want to i want to have more fun in the souls games instead of just the stressedness of like oh no he hit my shield again oh no he hit my shield they're pulling one guy off at a time yeah yeah i can take this opportunity to promote our newest retronauts episode on the
Starting point is 00:41:40 patreon the retron retronauts you're on that podcast about dark souls with gary butterfield and cole ross of duck feed dot tv uh great dark souls discussion oh yeah i was so that uh i that also uh it kindled me to play some more of
Starting point is 00:41:55 uh it but it really was i was thinking after i beat bloodborne it's like well it's like what two months three months until i play elden ring i don't want to be all souls
Starting point is 00:42:04 doubt but now that it pushed a whole nother month i'm like it's like four months away now right yeah it's the end of february yeah and i dare say that uh i wouldn't i would expect it to get delayed one more time i i listened to that podcast and i'm happy i hedged my bets because i said it's coming out in january that's what we know right now it might get delayed so i put that in there so no one could say hi i told you so that's very smart of you unlike me now i'm on a retronauts podcast that i don't think is released yet saying that like oh yeah and on december 3rd we're all gonna play advance wars like ah nuts now now i sound like a jerk but uh but speaking of nintendo things there
Starting point is 00:42:40 was a nintendo direct this month that was a whole lot of fun they announced the final smash character ever and for smash ultimate it's the guy it should have been sora from kingdom hearts he's finally in the game he's fun to play as i played a bit as him oh so he's already active in the game yes okay he floats around he is another sword fighter like the it's a key blade it's different right uh they could they could just portion off the sword fighters into their own game called sword fight and it is a very healthy roster of sword fighters that's how many they have but also it's just like an event to watch it together like to see the the tears cried by people a little younger than me who have been
Starting point is 00:43:20 dreaming of sora and smash you you had the perfect joke perfect joke about Sora and how it feels new to us, but is a classic game to people in their 20s. And the gap is even smaller than that, because people who are approaching 40, Sora, well, I guess kids like that, people who are 35, oh my God, Sora. That's right. So we consider kids to be like, oh, what are you, 36?
Starting point is 00:43:41 You liked Kingdom Hearts growing up? You remember in middle school 9-11 yeah i was at least six years older than that concurrently with that i played a little bit of the nickelodeon all-star brawl my husband has went hardcore into that he platinum did on ps4 and ps5 you know i wish they talked it really sucks they don't talk in it maybe if this game did really well they'll make a sequel where they actually pay the voice actors to appear and do some or at least play clips but random stimpy and powder toast man are really fun to play as it's full of references like all their
Starting point is 00:44:15 moves are references and and sadly though carfield's not in the game i wish i wish he was a secret character in it but he's not carfield does does not fight. You know, well, it's like one of their smartest moves was they didn't pick, like, Angelica or a child. It's Reptar. Like, that's the Rugrats representation. I think they really had a lot of hard choices to make of, like, all right, what children can you punch and which one are kids we're not going to let be in here and punch? Stimpy punch a baby. I mean, he's done that many times in a cartoon, but no, he wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:44:49 A baby beat them up in Big Baby Scam. That's right. I got it the other way around. And lastly, it's coming out today. Sounds like it's a real 7.5 out of 10 kind of game, but I'm looking forward to it. Guardians of the Galaxy, the video game. You are Star forward to it guardians of the galaxy the video game you are star lord as all the ads literally the chris pratt version of him or is it the telltale uh
Starting point is 00:45:12 chris kratz yes it's chris kratz okay yeah the the the always the great trick they did in guardians of the galaxy was they made the comic book guys look 80% like the movie stars, but in no way having to pay likeness rights. And that's, so then they make video games that adapt the comic books that mostly look like the characters in the movie, but technically aren't them. And yeah, there's even jokes in it apparently about how like Drax is a MMA guy in which Batista had MMA matches. I'm actually looking at, I totally forgot about the telltale
Starting point is 00:45:45 series until you brought this new video game one of the last things they did the cover is of star lord with the mask over his face so it's like hey buy the game uh you'll find out what's under the mask you might not like what you see it's uh that disc is the only way you're playing it got delisted it's one of the many telltale delistified games. But this one, it seems fine. It's Eidos Montreal. Sounds like it's pretty good. A single player as well, which the Eidos Marvel game they did, the Avengers game, that felt like it was an all right single player game ruined by trying to be Destiny.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Yeah. Yeah, which I'm looking forward to Guardians just being like, oh, a good single player game. And also there's something about the treat of playing a AAA game when everybody else is. And I intend to do the same. Now that Advance Wars got delayed, my December gaming plans are all foobar and I'm going to have to play Halo Infinite because I got Game Pass, so I may as well.
Starting point is 00:46:39 There is never a shortage of games, Henry. Think about the things you've purchased and haven't played. I know. They're all crying. But the discourse isn't about them when they're not new anymore and finally in movies i also saw venom and really liked it that post credits oh boy that made me rubbing my hands in excitement that that post credits if you haven't seen whatever you say mr billboard yes that's that was my comment about that uh hey i'm looking for those english muffins in
Starting point is 00:47:07 december those are gonna be great english muffins uh and also related to that been doing a re-watch of the spider-man films with uh with me and my husband and also the matrix films uh and my husband believe it or not has never seen any of the lord of the rings wow wow so uh watched Fellowship, the extended edition, because I said like, no, really, the extended edition is the way to watch them, at least the first two. I'd say Return of the King. It's the most indulgent extended edition, but we'll still watch it. But it is four hours long, pretty much. And when we got to the middle of the film, I said, oh, yeah, when this was in theaters,
Starting point is 00:47:43 the extended edition, this was where the intermission was. He's like, then let's take a day-long intermission and finish it tomorrow. I also, speaking of watching very long things, I watched Dune. It was pretty all right. I've seen some Dune heads not enjoy it or think it's bland by comparison. Yeah, it seems very polarizing. You know, I thought it looked, I like how that guy's Villeneuve, or however it's pronounced, how his films look. I liked Blade Runner 2049 more than most, I think.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Oh, that was him, right, right. So this is very pretty cinematography, lots of great actors, cool action. And yeah, I mean, it takes a slower pace. When I watched it, I i thought why isn't this just a tv show or like a miniseries like why why make a two and a half hour long movie that then you have to like uh basically hold a knife to the throat of the viewers of like you better watch this and we'll never make part two you'll never see how this ends yeah that seems uh a bit unfair why they should be filming them back to back i've never heard it yeah i also re-watched a bunch of
Starting point is 00:48:45 classic treehouse of horrors including the halloween of horror from season 27 which i can't believe is now five years old that's uh whoo boy six years old what am i saying uh and uh then i'm up to season five of sopranos love that show great show many saints of newark all of the complaints people have about it being cheesy or having bad acting in it i agree i still loved it i still like it's all my friends in the soprano saying all their lines it sounds like they're gonna be making more of that if you watch the film they kill off actors who wouldn't be available for a tv if they were to turn it into a tv series uh but it's a good i think it would be a good mini series for hbo max
Starting point is 00:49:25 if they're gonna look they shouldn't make more sopranos period but if they're gonna make them i this seems fine you know also new seasons of on cinema at the cinema the greatest cinematic universe in the world i love it uh i love the movie expertise of greg turkington that's the side i'm on there's a new season of the movies that made us which is both you know fun and frustrating yeah yes uh the aliens giving a thumbs down you can't see it the aliens one was really great because they talked to everybody but james cameron including sigourney weaver and it tells all these stories like i hadn't heard before about how james remar was cast in the movie and they filmed stuff with him and then he uh got caught with heroin and they're like well shit we got to recast him and sigourney weaver tells some with heroin and they're like, well, shit, we got to recast him. And Sigourney Weaver tells some great stories.
Starting point is 00:50:06 And they have these great stories about like James Cameron, asshole, also a great director. Like he's a perfectionist. And speaking of other scary things, I watched Muppets Haunted Mansion. I think you saw that. I saw that too. I was slightly underwhelmed. But I like to see they're doing new stuff. I liked it better than the Muppets thing from last year, the Muppets Now or whatever it was called.
Starting point is 00:50:30 That was just depressing. Yeah, yeah. This was a little better. I like that. But everybody seems very tired. It's true. Yeah, I mean, so when this started up, I was like, what's wrong with the Gonzo puppet? They get a new puppet.
Starting point is 00:50:42 It's awfully stiff. And then I'm like, well, wait a minute. How old is Dave Goels? Google dave goals google google 75 years old if he can hold his arm up that long i i he can be as stiff as he wants yeah i there's a very dark joke in it to me of gonzo getting old and and not being near any of his friends and i was like boy it seems like dave goals is like you know projecting his own fears into this scene but i was not impressed by the level of celebrity that appeared on this show though because it's like will arnett is here well will arnett had like 15 failed sitcoms he's hanging out with muppets now it's like it's the least
Starting point is 00:51:13 interesting member of community she's here too yes yeah and she's really obnoxious online uh you see i don't see her tweets for a while because she blocked me right uh but i gave him some benefit of the doubt on the famous people because it's like oh yeah you did this in pandemic so it's hard to get all these famous people you know i thought it was all right john stamos uh appeared for like i thought he was like okay stamos is here he was only in there for like 45 seconds yeah he really was way too limited and of course jeff keely is in it too which he should not he should be an uncredited cameo he is not famous enough to be appearing as a named person at the end of it that was very bizarre uh so I don't want to be too much of a downer about this I like that they're doing new
Starting point is 00:51:53 stuff but what's weird to me is that Gonzo and Pepe are a team yeah I like Pepe but it's Gonzo and Rizzo but we can't have Rizzo anymore because steve whitmire was shit cans yep yeah and he was rizzo so it's just really weird for them to be gaslighting us by saying oh it's your old pals gonzo and pepe just like wait a minute they don't that's not what the christmas carol showed me they're okay as a team but i've i believe i heard our our pal who's been on show before griffin newman he theorized it was because gonzo and pepe are the only two still played by their original the creators so that's why they're jammed together i'd i'd suppose i prefer that to them putting him with a fake with the fake rizzo that's in the show yeah yeah uh two more things i'll mention okay the mickey mouse halloween
Starting point is 00:52:41 special uh that's like the paul rudish style thing that's a lot of fun check that out it's on on disney plus i watched the first episode of inside job the uh the new netflix cartoon show created by shion takahuchi who worked on disenchantment and gravity falls and alex urch is an executive producer of it uh it's it's promising that first episode it just debuted this weekend i just why does everything have to look like rick and morty i just i don't i expect it a little different there some people were talking about this online and uh i kind of agree with them that it's weird to have a show about hilarious conspiracies when people literally believe anything yeah currently because of you know social media and stuff and if they're like we talk about q anon
Starting point is 00:53:25 and all that other garbage like it's not that funny anymore no i i think uh it which is too bad because i think i i know on gravity falls like alex hirsch loves conspiracy theories and and the history of conspiracies but yeah by the time this show came out conspiracies weren't i wonder if this show would have come out earlier if jan six hadn't happened i i have a feeling they sat on this show for some months that that does seem likely yeah i mean there there's always been conspiracy theories dangerous ones that have gotten people injured and killed but this is now like peak dangerous conspiracy times for us yeah it's uh uh not maybe not everybody's favorite time to see an episode that starts with the replacing of a president with a robot you know yeah uh but it uh i i like it i i'll watch more of it it's not
Starting point is 00:54:12 appointment viewing for me but i had a good time with it and and yeah keep watching wrestling everybody aew hotter than ever sadly my favorite japanese promotion, New Japan, they have the worst luck. They had their big main event this month, and my favorite wrestler dislocated his shoulder in the match, and it had to end early. It's just like, what a bummer. Things are rough in Japan right now. That's what it sounds like. Even though at least their vaccine levels are going up, so maybe we'll actually be able to visit there next year without having to quarantine for two weeks i still need to take my honeymoon in japan you know by your third anniversary i think you'll finally get to be well we'll get to japan someday uh so yes that is all of uh that's
Starting point is 00:54:57 all the stuff about us as for uh let's talk about comments for talking simpsons up first is hungry hungry homer and shy ranger and a few others have said on our comments so this is shy ranger's words by the way and they say quote i was an avid syndication watcher at the time of this show i've seen this episode a lot and i can confirm that the mayor of albuquerque scene was cut the episode ends on homer's victory eating with the music so uh yeah very odd i mean i guess it's an essential joke but it is still the ending of the episode of the episode it's how they leave you with it it's like it's not like cutting a song from the middle or just some scene of duff man dancing like this is the resolution to it i it makes me wonder like to hear it on the commentary of scully saying i've heard they
Starting point is 00:55:41 cut out that bit so it's oh, the syndication cuts are done without any input from the producers? That's crazy to me. That's why Mike Scully tried to engineer it so he would always use the longest version of the opening so nothing would get cut, but things still got cut. They cut the opening, but then they, sorry, they didn't cut the opening,
Starting point is 00:55:59 but then they cut things from the show in syndication, which is so weird. Yeah, who are these people? But thank you to Shy Ranger and so many other syndication which is so weird yeah i've uh who are these people but but thank you to shy ranger and so many other syndication watchers for confirming that i i hate to say it as i usually do but i'd never watch syndication if i could because it i it would just make me mad seeing any cut scene i knew it was missing and it would ruin my whole day like instead of being a source of comfort watching these simpsons episodes, they would frustrate me.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Harry Thornton also said about that episode where he talked a lot about Lego, or should I say Blocko. Harry Thornton says, the funny thing about the brief Lego Simpsons renaissance of the mid 2010s is that it was surprisingly controversial among the some Lego fans who thought the brand was too violent and profane for lego to have as a theme as a lego and simpsons fan since i was a kid it was baffling to find people out there for whom the simpsons is still this controversial thing they won't let their kids watch it's like they're living in 1991 and also more on simpsons and the theme parks beside the 20-year contract i've also
Starting point is 00:57:02 heard that disney might try to use simpsons rights as a bargaining chip to get universal florida marvel theme park rights back from them if that turns out to be true it'd be a huge shame as the amazing adventures of spider-man is a favorite ride of mine mine too still haven't been there is the florida universal better than california universal oh well yeah it's like triple the size like yeah it's it's better in every single way other than you're not in hollywood and nobody's if you care about taking a tram tour with hollywood history and actually seeing like active film sets then that's the one thing i want to see before they film desperate housewives the most relevant show ever look it's 10 wisteria lane
Starting point is 00:57:40 every meanwhile if you're in uh universal florida it's like here's where they filmed sea quest a long time ago like or darwin's ghost to launch this water but yeah the the amazing adventures of spider-man it's still the best spider-man ride disney made a new one and it's not as good as the 22 year old amazing adventures of spider-man yeah it's well it's the greatest uh you gotta i gotta go back to universal Universal Florida one more time because I fear it'll get closed eventually. You know what? A couple years ago, I thought, I want to go to Florida sometime just for the parks. Now I'm like, will I ever be able to go to Florida? It seems unlikely.
Starting point is 00:58:14 You know, just take your boosters, Bob. I got boosted up, so I feel safer in Florida now. I mean, of course, there's still your physical safety in the stand-your-ground state, so just don't make eye contact with anyone. They frisk you before you go to the park, right? You treat it like you're in jail. Like, you know, just you got to go. When you get into Universal Florida, look at the scariest guy there and jump him and get in a fight with him. Well, I have the superior Pfizer shot, so I can't get a booster yet because I'm already too strong and powerful so up next we have
Starting point is 00:58:46 oh brother where art thou in Batman Boy 11 says Abe's line quote she did things your mother never would like have sex for money unquote is one of my all time favorite lines from the show so blunt and stupid it gets me every damn time I don't think I noticed that the before that the baby herb sorry the baby
Starting point is 00:59:02 herb had the Homer beard line when given back to abe at the carnival but i'm very glad it was pointed out because i love that image i definitely agree with the consensus that it's weird and almost too outlandish that herb could actually maybe destitute by his business failing from this one bold move given that to quote cat woman quote the rich don't go broke like the rest of us awesome episode guys so yeah uh i mean like we said jeff martin wrote it in a weekend yes and it was for uh a big guest star so yeah yeah so i i don't fault him for that but they can't yeah i love i also want to include that i just love that cat
Starting point is 00:59:34 woman quote from batman returns just uh yeah the rich don't even go broke like the rest of us but and yeah the has have sex for money one of the most blunt lines ever in the show. Also on that episode, Catherine Elliot Dottier, apologies if I mispronounce that, they say, Small joke I noticed at the beginning. Herb is telling his board that they don't want to name a car after Persephone. But what did they end up doing? Naming the car after the dead Greek author and poet Homer. I don't know if that was intentional, i feel like maybe it was maybe so clever yeah it's and jeff martin is a very clever writer yeah
Starting point is 01:00:13 but if he didn't do it lie and say that it was fully intentional we can we can call him or email him i think it's so funny that he goes like the persephone and yes the homer i never ever read it as naming after a greek poet but katherine that is a great point by you up next we have bye bye nerdy and mr l says i'm sure there's more violent itchy and scratchy shorts but to me the most disturbing one is the parody where scratchy is frozen in time or whatever and comes out as an old frail cat and the giant brain itchies first groom him and make him feel safe then torture him in a giant arena always wig me out also the animation of the baby proofing salesperson trying to open the baby formula always reminded me of mission hills animation style so that connection totally makes sense so uh yeah i i love that one with the big brain itchies yes
Starting point is 01:01:00 where they just like throw axes at him with their brains and the sound their brains makes it so cool it's like yeah it's you know i think uh it's not the bloodiest but mr o makes a great point that is psychological torture like the comforting they give he's the shaking old man and they then put a coat on him and and brush his hair they're like see where your friends but then as he's put into like the the coliseum pit he's like well what's going on what is this and then yeah just all that set up to torturing him i'd mr hill also great point i should have the slamming of the bottle it really did move like how in mission hill they'd slam something or just make an action that that definitely felt like mcmullen got in some permission hill style in that moment and by the way that itching scratchy is planet of the aches from uh season six is bart of darkness right right that's the one that's played
Starting point is 01:01:50 right before classic crusty starts uh also on that episode manic rainbow says this was one of the few episodes i had on tape and i watched it all the time so this brings back lots of memories i forgot just how much the scully years really brought me into The Simpsons as a child. This episode is so funny, though with a few problematic moments. The Homer baby-proofing plot line is classic to me. Also, I'm sick of you boys talking smack on NRBQ. I feel like the songs they use are very fitting.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Great episode as always. We don't hate NRBQ. We just find it funny how Mike Scully got them into the show nine times. In fact, we're going to be covering a secret NRBQ song that's not listed on the wiki that's in the show i know i think in like december or maybe november november yeah deep in november but yeah it's uh bob with a great find there bob surprises me on the podcast because i didn't notice it but bob got it so yeah look look forward to that one with a cool guest on that one as well so up
Starting point is 01:02:45 next we have what a cartoon comments the first round of comments are for our what a cartoon movie episode all about the road to el dorado and james beers is up first and he says this movie was one of two of my first dvds the other was snow day a probably bad movie i still watch a lot because dvds were a novel experience at the time like i I get why people ship Miguel and Tulio, up until the last like 10 years, LGBT characters were harder to come by. Also, as for cartoon men go, they're pretty good looking, and to a contingent of shippers, that's really all that matters. That said, I do appreciate the breakup song for showing that male friendships ending can be just as painful as a breakup with a partner. Having ended a friendship with another guy I'd been friends with for 10 long years, for complicated reasons, that got to me i don't forget the time we had and i still think
Starting point is 01:03:29 of him fondly i'm also a sucker for elton john ballads i remember when there was an el dorado pc game demo disc i got from somewhere probably a magazine it wasn't very good but most of the pc games you have are these demo discs you milk it so yeah yeah i think i totally agree with you james and i think i said on the podcast where where lots of times people see a strong male friendship, they're like, well, that's gay, right? Yes. Pretty gay. No, and I also think he has a good point that now that there's actual gay stuff in cartoons, in American cartoons, you don't have to just project it upon or find reasons for it in any old male male friendship bear witness says about El Dorado I'm proud to say that I actually managed to see this in theaters back in the day listening this episode
Starting point is 01:04:12 both gave me a new appreciation for how good the animation is all that stuff they have horses do and how great this voice cast was together that said the lyric we shall surely gaze on the sweet unfolding of an antique mystery has been rattling around in my head for years now as one of the most florid over in belg things i've ever heard in a tim rice song which is really saying something i'm not even sure it's a bad line it's just a lot yeah yeah it's a mouthful tim rice wrote some of the biggest like lyrics he ever has for that it's just so much that entire song is like tim rice uh florid uh line writing ever was that from the trail we blaze yes okay i thought so and we shall surely gaze on the sweet unfolding yeah i had that elton john song that wasn't even in the movie in my head because he's in that music video.
Starting point is 01:05:05 It's great. So up next, we have Danny Phantom. The episode is Mystery Meat, the first episode of Danny Phantom. And Kevin says, I thought it was funny. You guys mentioned how Butch Hartman seemed like the type to play a handsome soap opera doctor because he actually does voice a character in Fairly Oddparents. That's pretty close to that. And we were provided with the wiki link to Dr. Rip Studwell. So, yeah, butch hartman portraying himself as being very attractive i mean yeah he's he's a conventionally handsome
Starting point is 01:05:31 if you look at him even now in his old age like yeah you're a handsome enough guy that i can see why you thought you'd star in soap operas when you moved to uh to california back then and he i mean that really tells you like he settled for cartoons like he's like i'm i should have been i should have been a daily player on on all my children but instead i guess i have to write jokes for cartoons also on that danny phantom one tune at jay 723 says about the weird pacing in danny phantom i wonder if they were still operating under a 2-11 minutes mindset. This show has two acts instead of three acts, like most half-hour shows. Ray Angram has the storyboards for episode 18 on his website, and the cover page says,
Starting point is 01:06:14 Life Lessons 136, Act 2. Compare to, say, an Avatar storyboard, where Act 3 for episode 19 is labeled as 319 03 instead of 357 i couldn't find any scripts to prove this was how they were written though since this isn't produced by federator fred cyber wasn't able to just upload them to scribed to the scribed page like he did for all of fairly odd parents as for nicktoons being widescreen nick was really behind compared to the rest of the industry. To add to what Harry Thornton said earlier, Disney, Warner Brothers, and Cartoon Network all switched to widescreen in 2000, 2002, and 2005, respectively. But Nick wouldn't switch to widescreen until episode 21 of Tough Puppy in 2011.
Starting point is 01:07:02 2011, that's nuts. That is crazy i by by 2011 it's very clear hd is the standard and you're only going to make your stuff look old once everybody has hd tv my poor ass had an hd tv in 2009 yeah nickelodeon was behind me in 2009 that's when i finally bought my first hd tv because i had i was making big money as a video game journalist and i was like all right time to finally own a 40 inch hd time for you to buy all the equipment you need for the job yep yep yep yep they won't give you anything uh so up next we have big city greens the episode barry kuda and wongavu t dim says uh big city greens is such a
Starting point is 01:07:44 fun show. During the height of the pandemic, my brother and I would occasionally catch it on TV and it was quite the burst of comfort during a harsh year. I'm glad cozy comfort shows like this exist alongside the big serialized adventure shows. Variety is the spice of life. Also, if I ever get my own cartoon,
Starting point is 01:07:59 you guys are definitely making voice cameos, LOL. I promise you that. And so we have that on record. Yeah, gonna hold you to it. We know a lot of cartoon you that and so we have that on record yeah gonna hold you to it we know a lot of cartoon people some of them have been on our podcast and we are not being cast in things oh it's uh you know i i forgive them they're busy you know i rob paulson needs to eat there's a lot of great voice actors out there and they got a lot of friends probably all of their friends are telling them put me in your show i have a funny cartoon voice but this reminds me of how tom sharpling uh is the voice of greg universe and
Starting point is 01:08:30 steven universe and he was a radio show host who got a message from you know rebecca sugar as she was working on her pilot saying hey if if this show gets me if this gets made into a show will you be a voice and tom shar Sharpley tells a story. He goes like, yes, sure. That'll never happen. And then, boom, he's a voice for 200 episodes of a cartoon series. So who knows? This could be our story six years from now when we're the stars of the next Steven Universe-level show.
Starting point is 01:09:00 It'll be because of Dimps right here. Mark Henry's words. And, Henry, you can take this last one because I want to know what the meaning of it is. All right. So here we go. Michael Branson says, okay, okay, I'm a chef. take this last one because I want to know what the meaning of it is. All right. So here we go. Michael Branson says, okay, okay. I'm a chef. Been one a while. I got to know who's putting ketchup in their mild sauce.
Starting point is 01:09:12 Henry really threw me for a loop on that catfish announcement. So yes, if you haven't listened to the Big City Greens one yet, I talk about how I was eating catfish while watching some of it in chicago and i had ordered fried catfish that came with mild sauce and they're of course you know like at taco bell or lots of restaurants they have mild sauce meaning basically a red sauce that is not spicy that's what mild sauce is but specifically when i say this mild sauce i do mean the chicago soul food comfort food style mild sauce which is specifically served at restaurants like harold's or other ones in the chicago tradition and so chicago brand mild sauce specifically is i believe typically
Starting point is 01:10:00 three parts barbecue two parts ketchup one part hot sauce brother it ain't ketchup yeah i mean yeah it's that is what mild sauce is like you taste it i i part of it is how simple it is and how i i never heard of it before i when i say mild sauce i mean it with a capital m because that there's uh chicago mild sauce fans take a lot of pride in its specific mild sauce. But Chicagoans out there, please add in more context in this if you have specific mild sauce thoughts. But I didn't enjoy Chicago mild sauce until that recent trip this year, and it was just really tasty.
Starting point is 01:10:40 It is not like what I expected little M mild sauce to be. So I was surprised that a professional chef has not heard of this style of mild sauce. How did this come up? Were we talking about eating barracuda? I guess he finds it cooking, right? Yes, yeah. I talked about eating fish, but also I was watching Big City Greens while eating fish with mild sauce. So that's how it came up. I was wondering. But yeah, if other folks out there
Starting point is 01:11:05 are not familiar with it, try some Chicago-style mild sauce yourself with fried chicken or fish. It tastes really good. So that is it for another episode of Talk to the Audience. Again, a big month for us, and it's going to be a big end of 2021
Starting point is 01:11:17 because, of course, Blab and Bat Batman, the animated series, starts on October 29th for patrons of the $ dollar and up level on our patreon at talking simpson sign up there get one new episode every friday for the rest of 2021 and in the free feeds we're gonna have a preview of at least the first episode like a a 30 minute preview so you can know what the series is like but hey trust us we know how to talk about cartoons we've been doing it for almost seven years now i think or close to it yeah yep yeah i mean the patreon is about to be five years six years old so yeah no and uh and
Starting point is 01:11:50 yeah don't forget that coming very soon uh you vote on millennium actress yes or no please vote yes uh i really want to i think that's a good one to it also let me tell you here it takes place on december 31st which is basically when we're going to be releasing it. So, come on. That's perfect. It is perfect. But, yes, thanks again for listening, folks. We'll see you again next month for another episode of Talk to the Audience.
Starting point is 01:12:13 Take care. Wow. Infotainment.

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