Talking Simpsons - Talk to the Audience?!? - September 2020

Episode Date: October 7, 2020

We've reached the end of yet another month (trust us!) and we're sliding into fall with a brand-new episode of our community podcast. Listen in as we discuss The Simpsons' season 32 premiere, series r...enewal news, who could have been Frank Grimes, what it's like producing The Simpsons under Disney, and more! And, as always, we respond to your questions and comments from the last month's worth of episodes. Listen now to heal the cramp in your glayvin! (Not a guarantee.) Support this podcast and get dozens of bonus episodes by visiting and becoming a patron! Check out our new shirts on TeePublic! And please follow the new official Twitter, @TalkSimpsonsPod!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I heartily endorse this event or product. Ahoy, ahoy everybody and welcome to Talk to the Audience where this is always death. I am one of your hosts Bob Mackie and my vaccine is a mouthful of killer bees. Who is here with me today as always? Why, it's Henryry gilbert and i also was originally cast as nick k i thought so and in case you don't know uh this is talk to the audience our community podcast it launches at the end of the month for everybody on patreon and at the beginning of the month for everyone on the free feed and what we do here is go over
Starting point is 00:00:39 news in the simpsons world and in our world and then respond to your questions and comments from the last month's worth of episodes and of course we go over our new schedules for what a cartoon as well and uh this month we've entered uh month seven of quarantine yeah and i will say it's not funny anymore no i don't think it's very funny it's just boring i i said this in a tweet but i'll repeat it here i was going through my stuff trying to find something and henry's turning around and i came across my original mask from march which was like a nice cloth mask i ordered and i thought like oh i i thought this would be just the one mask i'd need and never need other masks i was uh thinking about uh i was actually wearing one of my original masks over here because uh i remember the early days of
Starting point is 00:01:23 the quarantine and you know watching tiger king while ordering my first mask off of etsy like i'll only need all you know what i'll order two just in case and now i've got quite the collection of masks oh yeah me too i a mask for all seasons i my favorite mask to wear outside now is the rainbow mask because i think it at least says like hey i'm gay like don't hate me yet I understand that my masks are all black because I don't want a mask to start a conversation like there are so many clever masks that I would
Starting point is 00:01:52 potentially wear but I'm like I don't want to talk to somebody and that's that's just the that's you know you know that's not the point of a mask you don't want to exchange particles while you're wearing one I try to never talk to anybody walking whenever I'm outdoors i did uh run into my like neighbor down the hallway after a walk and she was just very nice and like oh you want you
Starting point is 00:02:14 did a good job walking like and i was like thanks thanks but she was like 12 feet away so usually when i have to talk to somebody i'm not prepared for it because i haven't talked to anyone in like days if i'm not recording with you so language just fails me and i walk away very embarrassed uh walk good yeah me go now also yeah this month too uh walking wasn't so good with uh constant smoke and inability to breathe air and i we we were in a bad fire area i uh and i know it's but was even worse in other parts of the u.s yeah california now in this month california has been like heat waves then tagging in fires for the last two months and uh we are on the brink of recording the finale of talking futurama season two today actually so it'll be all wrapped up before october
Starting point is 00:03:00 and our first recording session that's when the skies were like dark orange and the sun was nowhere to be seen on that historic day so it's it's uh cemented in history for us at least and did but you won't hear it until Christmas of 2020 which what will what will that day be like Merry Christmas actually that episode will go live on Halloween oh so it's the first session yeah oh you're right yes that one yeah but the one we're recording today that's the yeah that's our christmas episode so yes we are very busy with podcasting we hope you're doing okay well let's talk about uh simpsons news so as of this recording yesterday was the season premiere undercover burns season 32 and uh that is where i believe his name uh there's a
Starting point is 00:03:41 little accent over the e so maybe his name is alex desert yeah i think so there's a little accent over the E, so maybe his name is Alex Dazert? Yeah, I think so. I'm a little embarrassed because he's been a working actor for decades. He was on Becker. If anybody said, like, oh, you know the black guy from Becker? That's who they mean, Alex Dazert. And he is playing Carl, and I believe we have a clip of the new Carl voice. Yes. You're saying Burns is worse than Hitler.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Well, not worse at his job than Hitler, but a worse person. Was that the work whistle? Eh, who cares? Yeah, so you know what? I thought it was fine, and I like this episode, actually, and I think everyone's voices have aged so noticeably that
Starting point is 00:04:22 it doesn't really bother me that Carl's voice is different. In fact, he's going for the same affect. And Hank Azaria wasn't doing a quote-unquote black voice. No. But this guy is doing what Hank Azaria did, like a G-Homa, like one of those. Well, I do wonder, you know, obviously they made this choice
Starting point is 00:04:38 or they announced it just a few months ago. So I would think this new actor is subbing in for already animated stuff that hank already did so i'd be curious you know in nine months from now when we see a carl carlson appearance uh if it's set to that he can alex desert uh could do some more acting or have a lot more range with what he could do with carl and really own the character i feel like hank was doing like a more laid-back barney rubble with his carl voice i can't really describe it but yeah we haven't heard uh other voices like hibbert or dredrick tatum uh we haven't heard those guys yet so yeah across the board they're changing all of
Starting point is 00:05:20 these voices so we have heard the new carl and i said i will say acceptable like lenny sounds different than he did in the 90s yeah burn sounds different marge sounds different oh man marge in this episode every time i yeah i and i love julie cavner she gave me the biggest laugh at that table read we went to but i wish the she sounds so old i just wish she didn't sound so old it makes me it makes me feel i wish time was cyclical as that guy in the futuramas episode yeah yeah and birds it's weird to make this complaint but burn sounds really old now he doesn't have the the joie de vivre anymore now he really is just like what no like he's uh the but the the episode i thought was i thought it was a good opener and uh well i've now watched enough stranger things to really appreciate a guest star like David Harbour. Oh, I didn't even know who that was.
Starting point is 00:06:09 I'm like, kids probably know this mustache man. Yeah, they pretty much drew Burns' fake body to be David Harbour as he appears in Stranger Things as a fat cop. I see. What I liked about the episode episode and it's on hulu uh is that uh it's just one story and i thought that was great it was it was just one story and uh i think a lot of the issue with the the genius when i was still watching was just like there were too many stories and too many ideas in fact we're encountering that now with mike scully i think they just don't have enough time anymore so they're not tempted to do b plots as often but yeah it was
Starting point is 00:06:43 a strong start to the season and you said you didn't see the episode uh that we went to the table read for on the schedule so when i looked at the wiki of episodes for season 32 uh listed that were scheduled none of the names of them or the descriptions fit what we saw uh almost a year ago now at uh at the early November table read. So, yeah. Yeah, I guess there are only four on the schedule for Wikipedia, and that only goes up to October. So my prediction was it was a November episode.
Starting point is 00:07:14 I thought you were right. So it will almost be exactly a year from when we went to the table read. That's coming up. The anniversary is coming up. I can't wait to read along with our original scripts and see what changed and what didn't yeah and uh but i guess my last thought on the undercover burns episode was i was impressed by the number of callbacks to old stuff in it it was actually much thicker than i thought there was a callback to uh cesar and ugaland from the uh
Starting point is 00:07:42 the crepes of wrath that's right yeahemies, which are actually French enemies. That's not a bad joke. What I didn't like about the episode is giving Phil Rosenthal more work. Yeah, I really hate that. It's just his buddy. I'm sure he's nice, but his entire show is just like, watch a spoiled rich person eat food
Starting point is 00:08:00 all around the world. I don't care for this. Spend your Raymond Millions on your own time buddy i don't need to watch it and and part of that is getting to be on the simpsons multiple times like he's yeah uh famously he's in the simpsons movie as the dad of the boy whose hair is rustled by tom hanks uh yeah i i love seeing a return to smiling joe fish in and seeing him in a long time yeah he was back and and I saw Cooter as well. He was doing the Take Your Kid to Work Day little carnival.
Starting point is 00:08:30 He was running one of the games. And I noticed that when Barney did the drive-through to purchase beer at Moe's, he was in the Plow King. Nice. It could be going a little too far, but I do like all of these callbacks. Hey, at least entertain me with thinking about old episodes as i somewhat chuckle through bits of this new one and so many iron man references like that that though end one on the credits i was like boy you spent a lot you probably spent too much money that feels like it was a cut scene or something that they didn't want to throw away
Starting point is 00:09:02 uh and uh and also there was i guess it had something to say about workers rights but its arguments seem to be like well you bankrupt the company if you treated workers how they should be treated like i don't think so they said some funny things about unions though that was good yeah and i did like they said uh we'd be an out of we'd be a defunct company like 20th century fox and some other one that is good uh yeah and apparently this got some good ratings because of uh the football yeah everybody loves the football uh reading it on twitter i got to see if i had been watching this live which why would i watch live television uh but this had the classic simpsons delayed by big football game but thanks to that
Starting point is 00:09:42 east coast delaying of the simpsons it actually gave them a huge rating though uh in that variety article that was published like literally two hours ago they they do mention that simpsons kept like 5.5 million viewers and then it was like less than half of those stuck around to bless the heart nobody wants bless the hearts yeah like that got renewed and hey folks out there prove me wrong because people thought uh king of the hill was a much worse show than it was just out of sheer ignorance or like i'm not watching that i have that same opinion about bless the hearts like i'm not watching this i don't like how it looks and it seems like a based on how it was promoted i know that's uh that could be misleading it seems like a less uh a less nuanced king of the hill a little bit that
Starting point is 00:10:22 is how it seems yeah and but But for me, it is. Maybe I'll give it a shot one of these days. But visually, it just feels nothing to me. It looks like a cheap car commercial. It looks like those Facebook personalized comic strips you can make. Yeah. Well, that's also, I've heard lots of people say good things about Big Mouth, but the image of it is so hideous. Like, it just, I hate how it looks deeply, deeply.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Far more than Family Guy or how everything looks like Rick and Morty. I really hate how Big Mouth looks. And you know what? I think in the interim between Talk to the Audience episodes, speaking of cartoon news, Animaniacs, didn't that get a release date on hulu that's right yeah november that's right in november uh gotta say that thing that showed no animation and only the people recording yes that doesn't strike me as the most confident move where it's like i think i i honestly think they showed you like uh 0.8 seconds of the new opening yeah which was just like their version their same like copying of the old animation but then it was like well here are some animatics and here's all your old
Starting point is 00:11:29 voice actor friends which it's like if this is out in a month and a half i feel like you have more footage yeah and the choice to not show it is disconcerting to me i mean yeah it's great to see the the band back together and uh and also yeah, that eight seconds you said is just like, well, this doesn't tell me how good the new animation is. It just shows me how good the current guys can imitate the best of TMS in 1993. Yeah, and I'm sure we'll do one of these in early 2021 on our schedule because we've got our December,
Starting point is 00:12:01 November schedules locked down, but we should see what this is like. I'm sure there will be some uh uh annoyingly dated stuff like uh you know yako wako and dot trying to be trump's like special friend when he's like i don't know at mcdonald's or something god i hope they don't do a trump joke at least just to do a joke about la la land not winning the oscar like do i hope for joe those kind of jokes not a trump i feel like based on when this uh series not a trump joke i feel like based on when this uh series enter production every joke will be like it can go no further than the 2018 uh definitely i'd say probably mid 2018 oh no i spilled me covfefe uh hey i'm not saying
Starting point is 00:12:37 that's an actual joke in the show or that's a good uh ringo star impression either but i'm just saying it's a possibility well hey i only want to hope for the best for that new Animaniacs. Yes, me too. And we'll definitely talk about it. But yeah, so season 31 of The Simpsons coming to Disney Plus on October 2nd, making that, I don't know, like 700 episodes on Disney Plus at this point. I believe it will surpass the 700th episode in that group. Yeah, it's, I mean, on Disney Plus, Simpsons is, well, these metrics are not too officially released,
Starting point is 00:13:08 but it constantly says it's one of the most watched things on Disney+. I would bet it's probably the most watched not new thing they have on Disney+. Like, it's really, but is it anybody? I would also love to see the metrics. Who goes beyond season 11 like yeah where is the cutoff like this where does the the viewership drop i i'm curious but disney uh those metrics are worth a whole lot of money and they don't share them with plebs like us well it's hard for them to make new content now so although they're i think there are new episodes of
Starting point is 00:13:41 mandalorian coming in october yeah yeah and uh wandavision as well the mcu thing which uh i don't know if you saw bob but at least one thing you wanted in 2020 happened which is that all marvel movies not happening i'm free of all of these conversations that make me uncomfortable uh they've they've officially delayed every marvel movie out of 2020 you if uh may 2021 we might get to see black widow if things are normal again christopher nolan was felled by his mighty hubris i know he's like no you're gonna see this movie and then nobody did i see those commercials are just like big movies are back like no they're not no no i'm sorry we're not back yet uh but yeah season 31 is going to be taken off hulu and moved over to disney plus and uh starting
Starting point is 00:14:26 october 2nd so now you can watch the 666th episode which was the 30th halloween horror special excellent treehouse of horror god what kind of expert am i yes uh you must resign after this podcast immediately i'm putting out uh interviews for new-hosts that are happening after this podcast. But we have more breaking news. Nancy Cartwright is part of a new production company with a hideous name. But it's all for, what is it for exactly? Oh, focused on Latin American content, bringing it stateside. So it's like a license plate, like a vanity license plate. That's what her...
Starting point is 00:15:01 Yeah, it's C-R-E-84-U. So create for you. Yeah, that's what her yeah it's uh c-r-e-84-u so create for you yeah yeah that's terrible yeah it's uh with producing partner monica gil rodriguez uh and jaime and carolina amarich or a amarich but yeah i mean apparently she's had a production company for a while called spotted cow entertainment with gil rodriguez uh but this has been her new this is the new version of it which yeah it seems like most of the original stuff announced in this deadline piece is they're they're working on bringing over more stuff that is already popular in latin american countries and bringing it stateside so that's uh you know hey that's where
Starting point is 00:15:44 the real money is on the production side. You can't just collect your Bart Simpson's paychecks forever. You have to be a non-writing producer. I wonder if she also, maybe she's left Scientology and that's why she's got all this more money now. Oh, that's true. I was about to say, like, why are you doing this? You have Bart Simpson money,
Starting point is 00:15:58 but maybe Scientology takes like 80% off the top. Yeah, I would assume most things in the Scientology Network are paid for by Simpsons royalties. I would bet. And we have more news when it comes to renewals. So Family Guy is getting season 20. Bob's Burger is getting renewed for two more, although the movie's dead in the water. Yes. But what will become of the Simpsons?
Starting point is 00:16:22 Don't they need a renewal soon? You know, the last one came in like January, February. So they can take it a little farther. But it is interesting to me that, yeah, that Family Guy, some stories were like Family Guy renewed for two more seasons. But I had multiple articles I had to go over there. But as far as I could tell, Family Guy had already been renewed for production season 19. This was just taking them to production season 20. Bob's Burgers legit got two more seasons, but no Simpsons information in there at all. This article says Family Guy has two, got renewed for two years.
Starting point is 00:16:56 I think that's wrong. Okay. My belief is that's wrong. That one says Family Guy season 20 and 21. That's just the best single article I could link to, but I think that article is wrong on that one says family guy season 20 and 21 that's just the best single article i could link to but i think that article is wrong on that one i have to wonder if there was no pandemic if these uh things would be getting renewed so much uh because like this uh we have to rely on animation now more than ever it's uh the whole i believe i've uh we've heard from pals that that often
Starting point is 00:17:23 means not that animators are getting more things approved but of course not that it's the people who make live action now just pitch a uh cartoon show and they get to produce that does zach braff want to work with us let's call him up but i still you know i was thinking about it today with the old simpsons like they uh this week aljean or in the last week, Al Jean shared a tweet of like, here's the next Treehouse. We're working on it now. I feel like they're going to end up with like nine episodes in a broadcast season 33 that will exist if they don't get renewed to a production 33. Maybe those nine just premiere on Disney Plus and then they renegotiate a new deal that's uh
Starting point is 00:18:06 that's what i'm starting to think it could be like over time they have so many holdovers from old seasons that means like so production season like two there's like two episodes of air in season three right because of how they work but i feel like for for at least a decade like half of a season is holdovers now just because of how far in advance they work so you're totally right like production season 32 could um they're in 32 right now right that could just have nine episodes that just go on disney plus and that's like okay you guys are making 10 a year now or something yeah yeah i mean the go again i i would bet that disney plus will tighten some belts but uh i i gotta hope if they if they went prestige style and just had the same group of writers but they did and the animation budget but spread over 10
Starting point is 00:18:53 episodes instead of 22 i feel like they'd make better stuff but uh i don't know it's uh well i guess actually i'll skip ahead one story because producer Michael Price had something to say, too. Speaking of Disney versus Fox. Yes, everything's A-OK, folks. We love working for Disney, and they certainly aren't. Of course, if you're working for a giant company, you're freely allowed to express whatever opinion you have, even if it's negative. So I really trust him in this. Yeah, and Michael Price only hurt his hand in a bokeh accident.
Starting point is 00:19:24 It's true. No, yeah, Michael Price who still produces on the show but this was mainly an interview about the new season of F is for Family. He was asked like, oh, is it different working for Disney and Fox? He said no.
Starting point is 00:19:39 He said no, but what would you say? I kind of believe they just let them do whatever they want because it's like, you guys just won't make us money so it's fine you you are the ribald like outrageous show still in your own way um but yeah and fox already made a deal for more episodes so why toy with it but i mean i still that's why the season renewal thing that's the part that gives me pause like disney is gonna let i it feels to me like Disney is going to let them produce to the end of their current contract. And that is when Disney will actually put a foot down and be like, okay, Fox deals are over. It's Disney time now.
Starting point is 00:20:16 We're your new daddy. We're replacing every voice actor. Yeah, I mean. These guys get paid way too much. They could take two years off replace every voice actor but then again i i always think back to their star wars treatment of like they knew their new star wars films would be treated as illegitimate without mark hamill harrison ford and carrie fisher that's true so i feel like they will keep around the people until they're dead and uh and then swiftly replace them as heartlessly
Starting point is 00:20:42 as possible get original homer to like record wraparound segments for uh new stories with new characters and new voices now i know the voices sound kind of different but uh we're getting pretty old here no one can tell the diddly difference uh so josh weinstein on twitter revealed that uh grimy could have been voiced by nick cage now i haven't heard nick cage on the commentaries they were talking about potentially William H. Macy. Which would have been perfect. Yeah, definitely. And his character was informed by William H. Macy, but apparently Hank did such a great job with the temp track
Starting point is 00:21:14 that they decided to not get an existing superstar. He would have been good with Grimey as well, Nick Cage, definitely. I mean, especially the freakouts. But those buttoned-down freakouts that they want for Grimes grimy as well nick cage definitely i mean especially the freak outs but those those buttoned down freak outs that they want for grimes are not the same freak outs that nick cage will give you i mean i'd love to hear nick cage freak out yeah grimy is too uh he's too like subjugated to know how to freak out yeah they they make a great point you know i think i'm just gonna steal from the commentary but when frank rhymes freaks out yeah he's like wow wow like he's
Starting point is 00:21:45 he doesn't know how to be angry he's been buttoned down for so long which like that is not nick cage nick cage knows how to be angry all the time he's thinking about all those castles he lost uh all those copies of action comics number one misplaced or stolen yeah but still got that tomb in new orleans oh does he i think so that's great uh but yeah i guess we have one more story in that it's like a fun little fan creation in that it is a uh simpsons reimagined as polly pockets and uh yeah i definitely want these uh as an adult man they're really cool yeah they just make them that's what made me mad you got to see me discover the viral thing and i was like oh boy simpsons polly pocket and you're like they're not real i was like these are all things they should have made in like 1991 yeah they didn't uh they
Starting point is 00:22:30 didn't merchandise them properly and then by the next time the wave of merchandise came it just turned into like there's too much ironic removal i want those types of toys yeah and all the simpsons toys they make are for like adults with too much money. Like four or five years ago when the house, the Lego house came out, it was like $300. It's crazy. And now I'm like, I should have bought that because now it's even more expensive that it's out of print. I mean, that was the thing I was faced with. I decided not to buy it because I asked myself like, well, I actually build this. But that, the Nintendo Entertainment System Lego thing does look so cool, but $300?
Starting point is 00:23:06 Yeah, I don't know. Those aren't real Legos to me. Those are just kind of locky little guys running around. I like the building aspect. It doesn't seem like you build that much with those. Well, you have to follow the directions very closely. Yeah, well, I like, too, that for all of them, the insides are all the regular Lego bricks, but then the lie is, well, then put on the outside the thing that looks like the thing uh but yeah that's probably pocket one
Starting point is 00:23:28 should exist i think that's why merch wise where i buy the most simpsons merch is always when i go to universal because that's aimed at the right level for me like the stuff they make there but even then it's it's still not very good i wasn't really i wasn't impressed by the universal stuff there could have been so much like in universe merch you could buy but the best i got was like the duff beer the pint glass yeah and let's say let's start on the flaming mose and accuracy but i was gonna throw it in that bartender's face uh but i i like my duff hat i like the buzz cola i like uh the dancing homer plushie I liked him. And the itchy and scratchy land hats look just like they did in the show. But they could have done 800 times as many as that.
Starting point is 00:24:11 And I have a feeling that Disney will not license new merchandise coming to Universal anytime soon. No, no, that's not going to happen. And of course, they do have the boards, all the boards in there. Those are pretty good. That had to happen. If that didn't happen, I'd burn the place down. It would have been a real failure by universal for sure so let's get into news about us so uh out of nowhere i've been talking about it for a while on the patreon but
Starting point is 00:24:34 i finally uh got the momentum uh to put together a discord channel for all five dollar and up subscribers you might be in it now if you're listening to this if so it's been fun no one has been misbehaving and i haven't had to ban anybody yet that's good this is one mod you can't take down but uh we have uh cultivated a very nice audience and i think if you are subscribed at the five dollar level you're invested in some way you're not just some uh some drive-by commenter looking to wreck up the place yeah we have such great comments on the Patreon. It's one of my favorite things about doing the community podcast each month that I hope to only see that kind of spirit grow in the Discord. I especially like one of my favorite things is seeing people talk about
Starting point is 00:25:16 their differences in memories of a Simpsons episode or a cartoon that we do on What a Cartoon. So, yeah, thank you you bob for for starting up the discord that was uh that's all on you man it was uh surprisingly easy and if you want to know how to join it you basically have to connect your discord and patreon accounts there is an faq on patreon and i cannot offer any tech support outside of that because i've done everything that's right on my end and if you have any problems accessing that discord you must get in touch with patreon themselves because they can be able to help you but it it's a very automated process
Starting point is 00:25:48 people were just finding themselves in the channel as soon as i created it because they had already connected their discord and patreon accounts and probably forgot about it i know i did yeah yeah i mean i i would guess if you're already in uh if you're a subscriber to other patreons that offer discord it just put you into that one you know instantly and yeah i think you know we're we always appreciate questions uh given to us but but yeah in the case of something that's entirely automated by patreon there's only so much we can do to get you in there too yeah but yeah there's an faq and i linked to it on the uh the public post about the discord so check that out again, please get in touch with Patreon themselves
Starting point is 00:26:26 if you have problems accessing the Discord. And I will say, I've been lurking. I've not been commenting a lot. Nina's in there doing a lot of talking, and Henry's not in there. So you can talk about him all you want. Oh, way to say. All right. So let's spread some Henry rumors. Let's get those going. I'm going to have to jump in there.
Starting point is 00:26:40 I think you said that there's been some talk of my air fryer in there. Yes, yes. Tell old man Gilbert to figure out Discord to figure out discord he's still on aim no he's not i'm kidding uh i miss aim i wish i had stuck with that when everybody at the game website i worked at was like we're all getting on uh slack now i'm like i should have insisted like you can only talk to me on aim i don't care yeah slack Slack was a mistake, but Discord is fantastic. Slack is so your boss can stalk you and honestly, like, fuck you over. Give you, like, a new, like, find new ways to yell at you. And, like, you missed that message.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Where were you? Mercifully, I think we only have, like, five rooms in the chat. And I don't think I'll be adding any more just because the discussion is at a level where nothing is spilling over nothing is getting too excessive so there's like a general channel a channel for memes um and then there's like a channel for miniseries uh what a cartoon and uh talking simpsons so uh there's enough there I think to make it pretty organized as it is but yeah discord's great I read all the messages check that out and uh great job keeping the discussion productive and positive and funny. Very funny, too.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Also, we've been very productive as we have been this entire pandemic. And by the time this podcast releases, let's talk to the audience. We will have recorded all nine episodes of Talking Futurama Season 2 Part 2. And those start rolling out on October 30th until the end of the year. So that's been so much fun. And it was just fun, once again again to jump back into Futurama it's just been a a great time over the past two weeks just to record all of those nine and uh get those out of the way so we can focus on finishing out the rest of the year's worth of content yeah it was fun for a whole month to just live in Futurama
Starting point is 00:28:19 world and it's something we we haven't been able to do this with previous miniseries because we weren't so far ahead on the other shows that we could just take a month off from them and complete the miniseries. So pretty much it was like with Mission Hill, we're doing a Simpsons today and we'll do a Mission Hill, or we're doing a cartoon and we'll do a Mission Hill. But instead to almost entirely focus on Futurama for a whole month, that I think made it even better, our thoughts and commentary on these episodes. And I think when we started Mission Hill, we were like four or five ahead when we started,
Starting point is 00:28:55 but now we're like nine ahead. It's done. So, yeah, please look forward to those. And once again, they're being released at a very interesting time in history in which we are coming at you from mid September and, uh, the election is happening. So, uh, we don't know what will happen and, uh, we try to tiptoe around that, but please know those are all recorded like months in advance. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:14 I'm, uh, I'm at least, well, thankful is a weird thing to say in the situation of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but, uh, we did record cryonic Woman after her passing which makes it less awkward when there's a joke about her by name in that episode yeah yeah I didn't want to be blamed for another death yes yes uh yeah but yeah so when you're listening to us talk about you know um Imperial War Machines and Al Gore and Al Gore and that election yeah we talk about the 2000 election quite a lot so yeah just know that we were saying it before whatever happens in the war machines and al gore and al gore and that election yeah we talk about the 2000 election quite a lot so yeah just know that we were saying it before whatever happens in the 2020 election because like two episodes are right around that uh the last uh most historically interesting
Starting point is 00:29:55 election that we had yeah i uh boy but so the the podcast is really fun though and all you five dollar and up folks can check that out and you know again if you're a new sign up at five bucks a month and you haven't listened to all our previous talking futuramas the the first like uh 22 you should give them all a listen then where they were a lot of fun and we uh as a warning again or not warning but uh an fyi disclaimer oh no i was gonna say it's an fyi okay we follow d. We follow DVD order, not broadcast order. So if you're going by the order of episodes on Hulu, that's not the season two we're talking about. We're talking about the DVD slash production order that's on air.
Starting point is 00:30:36 The best kind of order. Technically correct. Yes. So let's get into the What a Cartoon October schedule. Again, these them all recorded so a while ago yes but so the first week is going to be we're diving into the back
Starting point is 00:30:52 to the future animated series with the first episode brothers and I believe that came as a request from our buddy Dave Rudden he's going to be on the show and also spoilers for November we just recorded a back to the future to podcast with dave for retronauts an entire discussion of that movie we talked so much about it that we didn't have
Starting point is 00:31:10 time to even get to the games so that'll be part of our back to the future 3 episode of retronauts but this is what a cartoon and we'll be talking about this interesting animated series that was overseen by the writer of the trilogy and dave is on board for it yeah it's uh 10 times better than it should have been and and bob also really made an interesting discovery with the animation studio that worked on it too it's really really cool and uh yeah we also wanted to dave i think suggested it too because we were this year is the 35th anniversary of back to the future and as we point out like every five years that's when you have to buy the new blu-rays by law. Yes. Listen to Dave Rudden contemplating which version of the 35th anniversary he's going to buy. I think with this one, there's no mandatory Funko Pop.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Yes, fortunately. Unlike all those Batman sets I bought. After that, we're going back to Aqua Teen Hunger Force with The Shaving. There are so many horror episodes, but that is one of the best. And it's about Halloween. So we're going to be talking all about that in a shorter episode but still a fun one uh and then we are moving on to another classic spooky cartoon with scooby-doo where are you the original scooby doo cartoon with the classic caper jeepers it's the creeper and that was so much fun yes yeah we uh another guest we had on there first timer uh chris
Starting point is 00:32:26 dobbins they are a very good artist you can follow them on twitter and they also know a ton about scooby-doo and they're just a big time fan of scooby so we thank dobbins for showing up uh for recording with us when we finally covered the original Scooby-Doo series, which is like one of the biggest Saturday morning cartoons of all time. And that's not the end of Scooby, of course. That's right. So we're closing out the month with Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island,
Starting point is 00:32:59 the best Scooby-Doo movie ever made. And yeah, so if you're on the free feed or $5 feed, you'll get the free preview of that. But if you're on the uh free feed or five dollar feed you'll get the um the free preview of that but if you're on the ten dollar feed of course you'll get the access to the entire uh what a cartoon movie episode probably around three to four hours long me and bob excited for scooby anime the two things that go even better together uh and then let's talk about our poll for november's what a cartoon movie so i'll be producing this one and it's going to be all about aardman films so you'll have your choice of four different films from the aardman animation studio from the uk and of course those are uh
Starting point is 00:33:36 chicken run the the mel gibson classic and we can thankfully he's not on screen so we can just hear his voice and pretend to somebody else uh we have the Shaun the Sheep movie. We have The Pirates and then we have Wallace and Gromit Curse of the Were-Rabbits and those are the four movies we've selected for this Aardman poll and that will be rolling out I think in early October so we can get that one recorded way ahead of time
Starting point is 00:33:58 as we've been doing for the past four or five months. Yeah, at the right around when you're hearing this on the patreon the poll should be close to available and i think uh you know uh wallace and gromit they've come up short i think on four different polls it's been a close shave let's say uh i uh i think again i i'm it would be funny if chicken run beat it again too or pirates or sean the sheep i'm not i don't want to play favorites and tell you what to vote for but uh but either way it's going to be something stop
Starting point is 00:34:30 motion that's what we'll be doing and uh we've been doing this throughout quarantine and you can get a little window into our lives my my depressing life of being in my apartment and just soaking up media uh but yeah i've been doing a few things remotely with my fiance nina we've been uh watching more of Avatar of course for the past two months we're halfway through book three which is the third and final book of Avatar really cool I like the the darkness of book three and how different things are really shaken up in the in the story so really cool that's cool I've I'm halfway through book one now I've been I've've been following your lead but though I got
Starting point is 00:35:06 sidetracked on watching it but I think I'll pick back up the at least book one I want to finish book one of this series but someday we're going to do an avatar for sure I have to decide which episode but I definitely want to do it now and I've also been starting up a new anime with a very generic name
Starting point is 00:35:22 and every time I think I know the name I'm like I can't be called that. It's so generic. It's called Demon Slayer. It's, that's not what it's called in Japanese, but that's what it was localized as. It's a very cool anime with very good animation.
Starting point is 00:35:36 And it, even the premise sounds generic, but it isn't. It's just like a boy fights demons. Yeah. And it's like a, it's a very shonen style show, but the fights are very
Starting point is 00:35:45 interesting and the animation is like super cool and just when you think a fight is over it will go on for like two more episodes okay yeah i uh when i saw the name in your notes i was like what what because it is so bland sounding yeah but then when i looked up i was like oh i've seen pictures of this anime like it's yeah it's new Shonen Jump hit, isn't it? Like, it's the new big hit in Shonen Jump. It's pretty popular, yeah. In Japanese, it's called, like, Himetsu no Yaiba, which is, like, the demon-slaying sword or whatever.
Starting point is 00:36:12 But they could have found a better way to localize that. But it's just called Demon Slayer. It's on Crunchyroll. I think it's good. I've only been watching that stuff. I've been playing a lot of games, finishing up a lot of games. So last month, I talked about Moon for Switch. I'm towards the end of that. Comes very recommended. You have to have a lot of games finishing up a lot of games so last month i talked about moon for switch i'm towards the end of that comes very recommended you have to have a
Starting point is 00:36:27 lot of patience because it is an adventure game and you have to take a lot of notes and stuff but i've been having so much fun with it it was totally worth the way i totally recommend it and i'm also finishing up another switch game that's a japanese adventure game that i started a year ago it used to be my travel game but i don't travel anymore so i i kind of left it hanging after march when i'm finishing up it's called uh ai the somnium files it's by the writer and director of the zero escape games okay uh it's compellingly dull i don't know how else to explain it uh there's no huge gimmick at this point i've been playing it for like 15 hours but at this point i just want to see how it resolves before i move on to his next game, which is called World's End Club, which is out for Apple Arcade.
Starting point is 00:37:07 And that is a game. Oh, that's why I've heard people talk about Apple Arcade. Yeah. That's the only reason I subscribe to it, because it's the game that both the Danganronpa guy and the Zero Escape guy made together. And the thing is, it's not finished, but you can play what's finished of it on Apple Arcade.
Starting point is 00:37:22 And eventually when it is finished, you can play the rest of it on Apple Arcade. But I believe when it is a finished game, it will be on Switch arcade and eventually when it is finished you can play the rest of it on apple arcade but i believe when it is a finished game it will be on switch but only when it is finished yeah i mean that that's like the traveling wheelberries of visual novels right there those two working i i love their new little studio i also played um death come true which is the dongarampa guys full motion video game it only takes two hours to play but it's very satisfying and i found it very touching it was very smart of those guys to go independent they're like we're they are especially in the visual novel world the writer has so much power like the scenario
Starting point is 00:37:54 uh whatever the name the position is called in japanese game development that like spike chunsoft is kind of uh screwed losing that yeah I don't know what they're going to do outside of make lots of cheesecake games and make lots of Steins Gate spin-offs. Oh, my God, so much Steins Gate. Yeah, well, I guess also they can always go back to their Ninja games. They can make some more of that. They made a lot of Ninja games. Which Ninja games?
Starting point is 00:38:21 Tenchu. Oh, okay. They can head back to that. And they got Fire Pro pro wrestling let's not forget that uh more important now than ever just a few more game things like uh most of my games i've i've done this year were for retronauts because now i have time to play through it all i think i've finished like my 26th game now it's crazy how much how many video games you have beaten and uh the classic luke starts adventure game indiana jones and the fate of atlantis that's
Starting point is 00:38:43 going to be an episode coming up. Ooh, neato. And also things I want to play. I purchased Mario 3D All-Stars, which Henry will talk more about soon. I own it, but I've been very busy, too busy to play it, and still playing lots of Final Fantasy XIV with Nina and looking forward to Spelunky 2 for PC. It's already on PS4. People love it.
Starting point is 00:39:00 But I'm going to get it on PC to play it with my friends. That makes sense, yeah. But Henry, that's all my stuff. stuff oh wow well what a month for me uh this uh was my birthday month that was it was on the sixth thanks for all the the nice wishes and bob you and nina got me a nice thing uh and so uh and i wanted to brag too my husband got to me some very nice presents including uh the sold out rare mr plow shoes yeah from vans I showed him off to you, Bob. You've got quite the shoe collection. You should open a shoe-seum.
Starting point is 00:39:32 I own too many van shoes, none of which I plan on wearing anytime soon, either. But, yeah, that was a great gift, as was a Pen Pen plushie. You can see it behind me here. Yeah. That's very, very nice. I always love getting more Pen Pen from the penguin from Evangelion. And as for viewing this month, it's been an interesting mix because since we were going to do Scooby-Doo, I just decided because I have Verve and that has Boomerang, I just watched like all four of the scooby-doo movies that start
Starting point is 00:40:06 with zombie island plus like five other things that spun out of zombie island from scooby-doo and so i've i've watched honestly too much scooby-doo this month i but it helped inform a an upcoming podcast oh yeah i i really enjoyed i watched the scooby-Doo and Guess Who, which is their new version of Scooby-Doo meets a celebrity. Because the best part of it is when he can meet like Batman. They get Kevin Conroy as Batman and they go on a silly Batman adventure. It's really great. If I were to suggest watching one episode, it maybe would be the Batman one. Though the Jim Gaffigan one is pretty funny too
Starting point is 00:40:45 he seems like a good fit even though he is like uh it could be mistaken for a ghost for being so pale that's that's they make that joke i think they do actually yeah they also make a joke about how uh shaggy and scooby are scared of him because he's just as famous for eating food is uh so watched a ton of scooby i was watching avatar but then my uh me and my husband's nightly watching of something on a streaming service changed over to the venture brothers because the venture brothers this month i i sadly have to say they got canceled the show was supposed to be working on an eighth season this year. And Cartoon Network, or Adult Swim, I guess you should officially say, they decided they would not pay for an eighth season.
Starting point is 00:41:32 The cancellation was like a stealth announcement. Like somebody who worked with them, the writer of the book, Ken Plume, was just like, there was a meme saying, name a show that got canceled before its time. And he said Venture Brothers. People were like, what? And then two days later, Public and Hammer hammer were like you know it's for real we got we thought we'd be writing it we're not and i'm getting a feeling that i i am crossing my fingers
Starting point is 00:41:56 and think it'll be possible they could get like a finale special or whatever on hbo max i do think there's enough of a demand for that but also my immediate sense to have to blame something for it uh it makes me think it's rick and morty's fault oh yeah yeah i mean uh we talked about this before but it's just like venture brothers was always a hit uh with us but you could not go to like uh barnes noble and see you know pickle uh doc venture or uh you know brockopoly or whatever it was not the merchandising juggernaut that rick and morty is which is why that show is uh hasn't renewed for so much i mean it's a good show not as good as it used to be but it is like a merchandising bonanza for and i can't remember if there was any venture brothers merch outside of like the dvds there were i remember seeing a comic con like the occasional action figure or t-shirt but i also think it like venture brothers always got great
Starting point is 00:42:51 ratings on adult swim and i think it did well but it never was the a giant like even i think aqua team definitely merchandised better oh yeah yeah which i also think when you're adult swim and you don't like spending real animation money on something, which is what Venture Brothers cost. It's why they made it every two years if you were lucky because they didn't really like spending that much money. After they commit real money to Rick and Morty, I think that's when they're like, oh, we can't spend real money on Venture Brothers anymore because it can't get merchandised in the same way. But I hope at least HBO Max recognizes that Venture Brothers has a hardcore fan base that would pay for a month of HBO Max to watch the finale movie if they were to do it. Yeah, I mean, I feel like if so many other things have come back, then surely this can get one more season. Like if like the Dark Crystal can get a series on Netflix, why can't the venture brothers i i think the odds are good but i so i
Starting point is 00:43:49 first we re-watched the entire uh last two seasons and i hadn't memorized them like i did with the previous five so i had only lightly watched them re-watching six and seven again i was like i think they're the best seasons the show ever did it really it made me double sad to be like god damn it you guys had gotten even better at this you were not running on fumes one of these days i'm gonna do a rewatch because uh a few years ago uh whenever whenever that book came out i think it was 2018 i think it was at portland retro gaming expo a fan just gave me the book that's shrink wrapped that's right and i still have not broken the shrink wrap and i do appreciate that gift i don't want to crack it open until i'm ready to
Starting point is 00:44:28 dive back into the series and you know go through it page by page as i you know watch the series again so i'm gonna pull mine off the shelf now actually i'm looking i'm eyeing it right now over there i see the black spine i'm gonna watch it i read it now but yeah the it's all on hulu and listeners have known too when i gave them warnings of like hey i think simpsons dvds are going out of print venture brothers dvds and blu-rays are hella out of print and i like ordered the last season seven blu-ray that amazon had when it says one in stock i mean you got to do it so i hate when that happens uh if you don't have a complete set of the dvds and fucking doc hammer and jackson public their commentaries are like podcasts they're awesome like buy them
Starting point is 00:45:10 just for the commentary do you remember all of those crazy extras that were like on the first disc where they're like uh james urbaniak dressed up as doc venture for interviews yeah they worked so hard for free on extras for their dvds like they, I will say on 6 and 7, they don't try as hard. Well, they're like in their 50s at this point. And they're chain smokers. Yeah. But okay. So I've been watching a ton of Venture Brothers.
Starting point is 00:45:33 I just got my season 6 DVD in the mail. And I was listening to the commentary. Great commentaries. And lastly, video games. I played the new Avengers game. I beat the story mode with my my husband we did a co-op it's pretty okay it's all right i'll look people seem to like it yeah it's uh it's way too destiny ee for me it's not like a true avengers you sound like an old man i am i am an old man
Starting point is 00:46:01 you need an old cereal uh but. But it's pretty okay. And I'm looking forward to when I can be Spider-Man in it, only on the PlayStation. And I guess at first I was playing a lot as Ms. Marvel, but now my favorite is Thor. I really like Thor a lot in that. And the other game I've been playing a ton of is Super Mario 3D All-Stars, but specifically mario galaxy i started up i started on mario 64
Starting point is 00:46:29 just to get a sense of how it goes that's what i played first and uh i beat king babam and i was like i get the gist of this and it's just god having the c buttons be a stick it just it always feels wrong to me in 64 and then the thought of starting sunshine was just not something i wanted to do people are learning they didn't like our retro i mean a lot of people liked our retronauts episode about it but i think some were skeptical like it's still it was a good game it's like 9-11 was so bad even miyamoto made a bad game that's how far it reached uh but uh my opinion, Mario Galaxy, still really great. The only negatives I've had playing it is that having the accelerometer replace a Wii remote, it doesn't work all the time.
Starting point is 00:47:17 But it works enough. It was designed for the Wii. My prediction is, I predict Mario Galaxy 2 will be DLC, and it'll be out this holiday for $14.99 or $19.99. Wow. That is my prediction. What a prediction. Yes. I'd pay it because Nintendo's got me by the scrote, man.
Starting point is 00:47:35 It's true. I have no other choice. And I also did buy, but I haven't played it yet, but on your suggestion, the Monster Hunter Generations. Yeah. And a new one was just announced for Switch. I'm excited for that. So there's going to be a future. I'll be playing a lot of video games, that's for sure.
Starting point is 00:47:53 And, you know, I rolled credits on Ring Fit. Oh, nice. You got the bad ending, though. It's nice how they give you an ending ending but they're also like you should never stop exercising though like they give you an excuse to continue i've i've been comparing my notes on on playing it with nina she's uh we've been playing it a lot together or well i mean playing it in the same week i mean uh and the other final game i've been playing this month is buying things and yay the ultimate game it never ends you can never
Starting point is 00:48:27 truly win I pre-ordered that playstation 5 I was able to uh me and the husband have three pre-orders right now in case one falls through on a disc based playstation 5 and I've offered one up to Bob if he wants it yeah if they get shipped if time. If it gets shipped, I'll take it. Yeah, I have no interest in either of these right now. I kind of would like to play the Demon's Souls remake, but I have so many other things I should play first. And life has gotten so tedious and dull, which is kind of a luxury, I guess, that we're not struggling. But still, life has gotten so tedious and dull that I was just like,
Starting point is 00:49:00 I'm going to try to get a PS5 for the sheer sport of it. Just because it is some excitement to be like, ooh i get it this time did i load this did i buy something other people couldn't buy i think that i um like caused like three stores to crash before i ended up giving up well i i would tip anybody if you aren't yet you really if you want one of those systems and still haven't got it follow wario 64 on twitter because the second any one is available he tweets it out and and i also pre-ordered an xbox series x which if you're a pc gamer i have you have no reason to buy that because it's just i bought it as a replacement for a gaming pc because everything on that game pass is going to be on a pc but so
Starting point is 00:49:43 i yes i am saying to everybody i spent over a thousand dollars this month on new systems and i and i hate money i just hate having money where are the old ones gonna go uh i don't know definitely xbox one's going out to pasture i think or it's just it's going in the closet and to be discovered in five years like oh right this this generation happened and i i'll look up the i'll look at my connect and be like i never used you once and the one time the couple times i accidentally used you i hated that i did so that's been my month it's uh it's been a rough september but isn't that every month yes yeah we hope you're hanging in there but let's let's move
Starting point is 00:50:22 on to uh comments and questions for talking simpsons and our first one is for the pilot for malcolm in the middle we went over the pilot of that series and that was a lot of fun hell yeah we did it with nathan rabin and i i should say again you know you really if you're looking for a good holiday gift for somebody the weird accordion towel book that he did i think is a good gift for every nerd in your life it's great and uh let's move on talk about this comment by patrick risolo who says the episode where uh craig lamar taylor's character is shown walking comes from the episode reese versus stevie and the context of it is crazier than you think in this episode reese has finally had enough of stevie
Starting point is 00:51:00 insulting him and getting in his way but because of his physical disability reese can't do anything about it however reese decides he's going to fight him anyway in order to make it fair he soaks his lower body in ice water so his legs are limp and could be on even ground with stevie what reese doesn't know is that stevie was recently accepted into a medical institute as a research subject and for the fight borrows a robot exoskeleton allowing him to walk and beat up reese the thought of an able-bodied kid giving himself a handicap in order to fight a physically disabled kid only have a flip on him in the end always made this episode funny for me and yeah that does i gotta watch that one again that sounds hilarious i forgot i once i read that i can remember seeing the actor for reese like suffering in a fake ice
Starting point is 00:51:39 bath and just like basically destroying his legs for for that uh meanwhile mario diaz de la rosa i chose this so you can have your rebuttal i uh i think i even had a little reply to this you did i have an extra reply the world should hear it though mario says hate to be that guy henry but young blood or young blood as muniz called it number one was not a rare comic book by any means it was certainly not in 2000 long after the initial image hype had died down liefeld was a joke and a pariah and no longer an image and it could be found in 25 cent bargain bins everywhere without digging up old wizard issues i think at its height say 1993 you could probably see it listed at 15 to 20 max but
Starting point is 00:52:26 you could always get it for around five bucks at a con oh and i'll hear no bad mouthing of savage dragon that book was and remains the sole long-running singular vision project of the big six at image to successfully survive almost three decades of upheaval it's an accomplishment and a damn fun book too around the time of malcolm in the mills debut larson was at the height of his powers he had figured out exactly what he wanted to do and savage dragon was firing on all cylinders all right so yes i did see this correction uh i i stand by what i felt my at the time i said that which was i do think a little kid who doesn't know what the worth of comics is would view young blood number one as cool or important or like whoa the young blood number one like this came out when i was six like that's what
Starting point is 00:53:23 i think malkin was thinking in that moment i would see that when you would still see like spawn number one or the max number one like you could still buy it but it was still like whoa yeah even though yes definitely in 2000 when rob leifeld was doing extreme comics after quitting image uh it was young blood was a joke and people didn't get didn't give a crap about young blood number one i agree but i do still think that the fictionalized child of malcolm would conceivably care about seeing young blood number one owned by a friend especially for a kid who barely owns any comic books and whose brothers probably destroy every comic book he owns second uh on savage dragon look i was a hardcore spider-man comic reader when eric larson got to start there i do have an appreciation for eric larson and i really do think with savage dragon uh it is so much his vision it is exactly the comic he would have made in high school and
Starting point is 00:54:20 he is living his truest self when he draws savage dragon i also think it is a truly ridiculous comic full of like even a few things like oh that's problematic kind of stuff but it's really just about how like savage dragon is eric larson and he draws hot uh hot women for him to have sex with and i mean i'd say the weirdest thing in savage dragon is uh he made uh he did a story where the son of savage dragon has a three-way with his girlfriend and his adopted stepsister and it's very weird i didn't know it went there oh it goes it goes everywhere it's crazy so uh anyway but savage dragon if you want to read a crazy thing that's exactly what an artist gets to do whatever he wants savage dragon if you want to read a crazy thing that's exactly what an artist gets to do whatever he wants savage dragon is is very interesting in that way i only know of him from his appearance
Starting point is 00:55:09 in the max oh that's it when he fights hammerhead i could suggest to you some of the craziest savage dragon comics uh the the first one is just him like picking up chainsaws and butchering a rat man like that's issue one that sounds like image comics in the 90s to me it absolutely was uh we're gonna move on to faith off and alex forsyth says uh luvchenko was likely based on argentine kicker martin grammatica who was drafted in 1999 and had a very successful college before that his younger brother bill had a famous leg injury about a year after this episode aired he had a habit of jumping up and down to celebrate field goals he made and during his rookie season in 2001 after jumping up to celebrate a field goal he landed badly and tore his acl he was never the same after that simpsons predicted the future uh not serious with this so uh once again people are filling in the sports cracks for us i appreciate
Starting point is 00:56:00 that yeah i guess uh i i wonder how if there were other well-known kickers. I think the special teams, I wonder if the special teams guys like the kickers are extra cared about by the gamblers on the Simpsons roster because that's where they can get extra point spreads in in ways that most people don't care about. Also in the sports, also alerting us to sports facts we didn't know on that episode, we got Joe Hodgson, regular of the community section, commenting, This is a comment that few will care about because it concerns football. The old days of the offensive linemen being underserved in the NFL are basically gone. With the passing game exploding over the last decade,
Starting point is 00:56:42 it's no longer unheard of for a quarterback to make 50 throws in a game accordingly the guys whose job it is to keep the qb upright have benefited in the pay department quarterback is still the most lucrative position in the nfl but the average salary of a left tackle most important player on most teams offensive lines is now the second highest paid position in football now that partly owes to position scarcity and the teams only have one left tackle and one backup usually the highest paid individual players in a given year are usually a mix of quarterbacks and the top wide receivers in the league as well as the top pass rushers so thanks i think i said like who pays for these guys
Starting point is 00:57:24 or there's it's boring if you're not the quarterback i've now learned that there are other star people if i if i know the name of any football player it's usually the quarterback though these days but that that's probably because i don't really pay attention we learned a lesson by speculating about sports so thanks to both of you for letting us know and uh there was like a lot of talk about how we say the word of a certain writing implement made of wax. What would you call that, Henry? I think I'd say crayon. Crayon.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Crayon. Yeah. Crayon, not a crayon. Crayon. Oh, look at my box of crayons. Yeah. No one says that. No one says kitten or bottle.
Starting point is 00:57:58 I'd say my mom got me a box of crayons for kindergarten. I guess some people were weirded out by the word the crayon crayon yes i i i always say i just have always said well i say like well i think i jump between like bean or ban i don't i think it's more bean i mean it's all like regional stuff some people say interesting some people say interesting things like that i uh but i i were there other cranners out there or crayon people who are these crayon people French yeah it's a crayon uh but yes uh please let us know how we're wrong in the comments I guess you know we'll definitely return to this word a lot when we get to season 12 won't we or no it's
Starting point is 00:58:38 season 13 uh homar isn't it the uh the yeah it's uh you're gonna have to we'll have to like strap henry down for that one uh i've uh well i think we have recorded the most negative episode i'll have for the future until until the panda love episode i think so we're at the mansion family and echo simeron says i ended up taking an international law class in college to fill out some elective credit or another and like half a lecture centered around boats. Not only are there plenty of international treaties governing what happens in international waters, the laws of wherever the boat is registered generally apply, which due to companies trying to dodge tax or safety laws often ends up being Thailand or Norway.
Starting point is 00:59:18 I almost said Thailand. Countries also have some degree of jurisdiction when it comes to their citizens. So hypothetically, if someone was murdered while out at sea, their home country could most likely bring charges, whether or not there's an extradition agreement between the countries involved or one of those other countries wants to try the suspect first
Starting point is 00:59:35 could bog any legal proceedings down for years, but the laws still technically exist. So technically we are recording this in America, but sensibly we are we are somewhere in off the coast of the Atlantic as a company that's where that's where our company is is headquarters right now I think we're recording in the Cayman Islands it's true oh crap I shouldn't have said that no it's that's a good list of the realities of it that every comedy writer in 1999 was like oh you go into international waters you can do anything and no no you cannot it's a it's a nice uh v it's a nice imagination
Starting point is 01:00:15 there but it's about as realistic as when grandpa says you can live in a balloon yes if anything the god of the sea will punish you for that uh also on that episode scott johnson has another answer for me they say to answer henry's questions about tuborg it would be a basic euro lager on the same level as heineken harp stella peroni and it is one of the national beers of denmark the other being Carlsberg. They used to be fierce competitors until Carlsberg bought them out, but they still sell Tuborg for name recognition slash self-space, a rather common practice in the beer industry. Like most Euro lagers, they are probably good fresh,
Starting point is 01:00:59 but do not travel well overseas because the green bottles make them incredibly vulnerable to sunlight that makes them taste skunky i imagine mo would keep a stash to upsell rubes like homer for a pretty penny despite possibly having those beers for years so that's uh grolsch grolsch okay yes uh i'm not a beer drinker see i don't know these things i tend to like lagers with, if I'm eating heavy food, like Italian food, like a nice peteroni. It was good with a plate of spaghetti. I did have some other folks telling me, I can't remember if it was comments or tweets
Starting point is 01:01:33 of me, looking very much down on me for drinking Stella, that it's like piss water to people in the bottle. Especially a lot of British beer drinkers who are just like two borg sucks but stella's even worse uh i gotta say i god i want to go to a bar so bad uh but there's not open and uh i want to go to a bar and drink a two borg when this is over i'm gonna celebrate with the beer of danish kings i uh you know on the on the night of rbg's death i i drank for the first time i think in like five months and i i had this bottle of rose that had just been sitting there, and I drank the entire thing. You poured a juice glass full of rosé.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Yes, I did. Well, I don't have a wine glass. That's like three glasses. No, and I seriously drank the whole bottle. And, you know, hey, I'm feeling better now. Everything's good. Yeah, I was wondering how much wine, like, you're not a drinker, Henry. So I was wondering the fate of Henry Gilbert after thatbert after that night i did okay you know my husband
Starting point is 01:02:29 was very watchful make sure i i didn't fall asleep and uh yeah gotta be rolled onto my belly he held your hair uh i didn't throw up i i kept everything down so it wasn't so bad so up next we're on to what a cartoon so let's talk about the what a cartoon movie ghost in the shell and nina matsumoto says until i met bob dot dot dot i thought i was the only person who didn't like this film that's right i changed nina's life uh she goes on to say regarding the theme song which i love and is one of the only things i like about this film you got some info scrambled there there is no uh new dialect. The Niue is a type of bird the song references in the lyrics. It's also the name of a mythical creature, which a song might also be referring to. Also isn't an indigenous dialect.
Starting point is 01:03:13 It's just old archaic Japanese. And that is coming from Nina, who is the authority on speaking Japanese. Because she can speak it. Yes, I really appreciate that. I got a lot of wires crossed there. And I really goof that. I got a lot of wires crossed there, and I really goofed up. But I super appreciate Nina for clarifying, especially the archaic dialect stuff. I mixed up on that for sure.
Starting point is 01:03:39 I have to say, for these comments, I read all the comments to begin with, but I read all these, of course. And I was like, how will people think about us being a little negative about this beloved movie? But people who liked the movie said that we were fair. So I take I'm proud of ourselves for being negative, but still not being like, you know, negative for the sake of being negative. I think we explained ourselves well. And people were skeptical when I was negative before the podcast launch. But I think they they trusted us and they're on board with what we had to say, even if they didn't so thank you again everyone's uh we have such a great audience so for sure you're the best uh another of those great people is guy incognito who uh they wrote on ghost in the shell great episode as usual i love how thorough you guys are one correction
Starting point is 01:04:20 you're right that the city is visually based on hong kong but the movie and all iterations of the franchise are set in the fictional japanese city of nihomachi translated as newport city newport city uh they mentioned this in the first spoken line of dialogue to all patrolling air units a 208 is in progress it is in the c13 district of newport city i missed that but it's only mentioned again once so it's easy to miss especially since as henry said the signs are all in chinese i'd be interested to know why they chose to do that maybe they wanted to evoke a more globalized future similar to the very multicultural future la of blade runner anyway that's only in the movies in all the other versions like standalone complex it's a more typical japanese city so yeah thank you i mean
Starting point is 01:05:12 there were so many scenes of a gps in that movie it's easy to get them all uh mixed up together in your head it almost feels like you're supposed to be too inundated with information when they say the name of the city that you can't even follow it but uh well that standalone complex thing reminded me most i saw a number of comments of if you was telling us if we were disappointed by a lack of something or a unexplored territory in this movie standalone complex does that so it was really selling me on some day watching standalone complex so batman boy 11 says for ghost in the show the way the film plays with the gender with the relatively sterile ways it presents her
Starting point is 01:05:49 essentially naked body her lack of vagina and puppet master having no gender while appearing in a female body with a male voice female male in quotes by the way was enough to keep my attention on things throughout the film definitely though there is still an element of an uncomfortable male gaze even if the horniness is toned down. And outside of that, sequences like the extended travel through Hong Kong, streets did get my mind to wander a bit. Likewise, there were some bits in it that I did have to rewind and focus really hard on to get the point. So I'm glad to hear it wasn't just me. I think ultimately the visuals and the way it plays with some things were enough for me to have fun with the movie, but it's not something i would revisit or contemplate as much as other mid to late 90s sci-fi anime fair and uh this is bob speaking i will say
Starting point is 01:06:29 a lot of the people in the comments who even like the movie said that the tv series is a better treatment of this material and a better exploration of these themes and sci-fi ideas and philosophical ideas and so on it was nice to hear other people talk about like yeah you just kind of space out at points like it's just and that's's the feel they want for it. And yeah, I think the film is definitely less male gaze even all of its counterparts at the time. But I think of how like I think she was expressing that through the character of Bato when he could like sneak a peek at her, put it taking her clothes off. He turns away. I think that's the spirit of the film too of like, oh, you get a little glimpse of it,
Starting point is 01:07:10 but you should feel ashamed of it. You shouldn't just ogle her boobs. So up next we have Inuyashiki, Last Hero. And the comments we got were good, but it was mostly people saying, oh, I've never heard of this or, you know, I like this discussion. So I can say for my end, I could talk a tiny bit about the series since I watched it all with Nina after we went over it with our patron for the first three episodes. And I will say that like what you think the show is setting up in the first three episodes doesn't really happen. There is an eventual confrontation between those characters because it's all leading to that.
Starting point is 01:07:38 But in between, it does feel like an exploration of a bunch of modern anxieties filtered through the superhero story. But for the most part, these characters are separated. And what struck me as interesting about this series is that the fears that it explores and the anxieties that it explores seem to be mostly Western anxieties. So it was interesting to see a Japanese creator do this. Things like terrorism and especially spree shooting and mass shootings okay uh the the latter is a huge part of what's explored like because of the the bad guy in this is that's what his game is so yeah i wonder if that if that by taking on the tropes of an american superhero in style that that's why you bring in the things that trouble
Starting point is 01:08:26 american superheroes and their content like terrorism and mass shootings yeah like i feel like an american show this could not be this would not be accepted they no one would green like this like oh our bad guy is a spree killer he just does spree shootings in every episode and then there you have to witness the fallout of that that's never going to happen on an american show so i think it's heartbreakingly real yeah it's like oh that's the regular people who exist now it's too close to us yeah after yashiki we had the sonic saturday a the sonic saturday morning show comments and a lot of good ones on that everybody loved having uh ian back on what a great guest i love you and on that one joe moore says one thing you mentioned though was sonic one thing you mentioned though was sonic spinball which did feature character designs from sad am though but there were also versions of scratch
Starting point is 01:09:21 from uh adventures of sonic in the bonus stage so this is something of a hybrid adding to the confusion i believe when spinball was released on the master system game gear the cover art was altered to replace the traditional sonic one and two design of robotic with the adventures of sonic who isn't even in the game and i i owned that game gear version i think he's right that was i didn't play spin ball i played a tiny bit of spin ball on genesis i actually played it most on my game gear uh the the battery eating game gear so they were just mixing worlds yeah i mean why do they care like they got a deke deal what who cares yeah i'm looking at the cover art in in one it's uh you know saturday morning robotic another
Starting point is 01:10:05 one it's uh it's the big butt rebutt nick uh robotic uh oh but yes uh joe moore continues finally yes the uk sonic the comic borrowed characters and designs from everywhere and didn't seem to have any coordination or support from sega robotic was reborn as his adventures version and amy rose's hair was based on a promo image that had her spines curving upward like supersonic it seems like none of the artists had a copy of sonic cd otherwise they'd have known that her hair is more like regular sonic sloping downwards so yeah thank you for that i i still haven't checked out those uk sonic comics those yeah described and they sounded even crazier than the archie books i didn't know this but like a retronauts contributor stewart uh jip uh he is a writer for this sonic comic and uh he uh was just
Starting point is 01:11:00 tweeting about he wrote a story in the new sonic the hunt comic that just came out so and it's featuring alex kidd so they are still running well congrats buddy and you outlived the the archie verse it's no longer with us september 2020 comic can you read one of those by stewart who is a retronauts contributor so yeah it's cool i had no idea so uh that kamarowski says i haven't listened to all of it but of course ian is great as always i've been trying to determine why there is a sweet spot with sonic for me the first genesis games in roughly the years spanning number 20 through 50 of the archie's comics and i still would never replace those in my favorite comics cartoonists but i just can't shake the idea that they're fun characters and concepts i think it boils down to quote i'm nostalgic for when i was seven unquote
Starting point is 01:11:42 more than any real quality much like how older friends finally remember the sea of shit gold key 60s comics and i think that's fun i probably chose this because thad i think he is uh has very particular taste when it comes to cartoons and animation and comics um and i find it very fun that he likes sonic the hedgehog yeah i i've seen that joke on Twitter that he's such an old soul like people when they find out his age are like what you're in your 20s like they can't believe it and so uh that it is funny when he is such an expert on classic cartoons like and you know I just saw a great tweet he did about praising some some specific animator in an old Popeye black and white cartoon. I think it's funny that Sonic, the very 90s Sonic the Hedgehog, also touches him in that same way.
Starting point is 01:12:37 And yes, it is blind nostalgia. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's why most people like Sonic. And now they just can laugh at it that but i just re-watched scenes from that sonic movie that's uh that movie it's both the best video game movie it could possibly be and also not good uh but uh i guess next up on the one of cartoon we had dungeons and dragons much like you know yashiki another pick by our top level patron who guessed it on it thanks devin and alice b says about that episode this was so fun i've been playing dnd regularly since college which was longer ago than i like to think about but even then this series
Starting point is 01:13:19 was a bit before my time back in the day i only ever got to encounter it as sort of a weird fandom artifact, often spoken of in a hushed tone with reference to the phantom final episode where everyone dies. Even so, after I got to see a bit of it, I can't help thinking it's seriously ripe for a reboot too, particularly since the gayest episode ever podcast, but a spotlight on the one where noted rich
Starting point is 01:13:46 douchebag douchebag eric basically meets a snarky male love interest i realized there was really a lot you could do with these characters in what amounts to a dnd izakai setting nowadays if the right creative team gets their hands on this it's an idea whose time has come i for one need something to fill the shira shaped queer 80s throwback hole in my heart yeah and i forgot gayest episode ever did an episode of this i might not have heard that one yet actually might be one of your earlier ones that i haven't heard i need to pull that up i was just i was just listening to their rachel kisses a girl uh episode they did which was really fun i love hearing them engage with friends at all now it's just like it's it's hilarious because friends it was an
Starting point is 01:14:32 incredibly homophobic show in a lot of ways but also it hated everybody it did have a gay wedding on the series too yes that was kind of played as a joke yes oh yeah yeah but uh but the dnd uh that i think this show uh even if not all the same characters just the concept of a troop of kids stuck in another universe who then have to fulfill their dnd roles that that would work i think nina mentioned it to me and i agree and i forget if we mentioned on the show but I find the idea of a buff child to be frightening and unpleasant. Yes, yeah. Whenever you see that occasional video of like, look at this buff six-year-old, it's like, ew. It's like, well, that's child abuse but also I'm pretty sure he could just wail on me.
Starting point is 01:15:15 That child could make me cry. So Brian Horton's writing in with some Dukes of Hazzard lore. So he says, LOL, the promo that you guys played for the premiere of dungeons and dragons mentions that bow and luke are back for the premiere of the dukes this is promoting the premiere of the second season of the dukes i checked the dates in the imdb and they do match up that weird dukes of hazard cartoon had two seasons the first was made when the leads who played bow and luke had left the show due to contract disputes so just like in the live action show the cartoon had the replacement characters of coy and vance i have no idea even what that is but uh he goes on to say
Starting point is 01:15:50 the second season had bo and luke voiced by the actors who had returned to the show by then i have no history with dnd beyond that marlin wayans movie but i have plenty of history with awful cartoons and i will say bob mackie speaking my only awareness came of Dukes of Hazzard where I never saw it as a kid or like as a teen but Weezer covered the theme song and that was like on a lot of like Weezer like rare tracks and I had just some
Starting point is 01:16:16 good old boys yeah they had that and that's the only thing I've ever associated with Dukes of Hazzard like oh here are the eight Weezer songs you can access once you get the internet uh remember when there were not enough weezer songs i know and every you'd see other bands just called weezer and it's like they sang this song yeah you gotta get your fucking meet the deetles soundtrack to get uh the one rivers cuomo song that's right yeah or the uh favorite of mine was the uh acoustic appearance he made in some Harvard area thing,
Starting point is 01:16:49 playing his rejected Angus song. I had all the acoustic sets of Rivers Cuomo. Good time, yeah. And now to think that now there's like 20 years of Weezer songs since then that I've barely listened to, if at all. But yeah, Dixifazard. Yeah, no, that... I forgot that
Starting point is 01:17:05 uh the the stars left yeah they made up coy and vance and then they were able to get the stars back for the uh that next season i i had forgotten that too that uh it said it right in the commercial but they were selling it that the cartoon was able to also get back the real duke boys and not coy and vance who were in the first season of the cartoon so i i just loved it it was very nice that so many of the old cbs commercials for dnd were uploaded by somebody off of a vhs tape onto youtube so i could keep it all the like we'll be right back to cbs saturday morning so we have some breaking comments coming in at the last minute because we're recording this the day before it goes live. So we have some Saddlesore Galactica comments coming in here. And so just a few more comments before we go.
Starting point is 01:17:54 So the first one is from Alex Forsythe, who says, I haven't watched Sliders in a while, but my memory of Professor Arturo's death was there was a military guy who had a disease where the only way he could survive was if he stole a brainstem fluid from people and doing so put them in a persistent vegetative state and Arturo had his brainstem fluid stolen. And they then had to chase him across several slides before they eventually stopped him.
Starting point is 01:18:18 The first two seasons were so good. Sabrina Lloyd and Wade Wells were done dirty. Not only was she replaced but her character was captured and then sent to a Cro-Meg breeding colony and yeah you can probably guess what happens to her after that that's horrible to do that
Starting point is 01:18:34 man that boy I didn't realize thank you Alex for letting me know just how bad Sliders was the only thing I should have added to the Sliders talk there was i really loved on our friends show podcast the ride when they covered the universal star a stairway uh no yes yes yes they talked about how it was used in an episode of sliders for a world where everything's
Starting point is 01:18:59 a mall it's just a giant mall and you take the the it's the elevator to the escalator to heaven and i believe it's pronounced sliders oh yeah you're right it means it must be whispered when you order them at white castle you have to say it that way uh and uh also matt solis on that episode had quite a correction which uh i definitely goofed there too so i'll take i'll take the blame on that but man solo says uh the horse whisperer wasn't a Cormac McCarthy book, Cabin. You're thinking of All the Pretty Horses, which was made into a forgettable film starring Matt Damon. How dare you, sir?
Starting point is 01:19:34 So I included this because I had like a moment of panic, just like in the shower a few days after we recorded this, or maybe a week. And I was like, oh, wait a minute. He didn't write this book. Was Cabin starting a bit that we were just like stupidly going yeah he sure did like he wanted us to do like we he wanted us to riff on the idea of Cormac McCarthy writing this book but no we all got it wrong yeah I think so I
Starting point is 01:19:54 I was gonna tell you take that out I don't want to look stupid but then I was like you know what if we were that stupid we deserve to have everybody hear it I was falling for the setup to a bit but it was not that I really should have occasionally. There's been a couple other times where we do say something wrong or we say a thing that I'm like, wait, I should Google this now as I edit it just to be sure, and then I will cut it. But on that one, I didn't do the Googling, but I agree with you too. I think we deserve it.
Starting point is 01:20:23 Especially because i didn't watch the movie but in high school for assignment i did read all the pretty horses oh really i know that book i i guess i thought in the moment maybe i thought cabin was saying like he also wrote the horse whisperer like it didn't i was like i guess he does write books about horses yeah that sounds like so it's all the pretty horses just a description of various horses like and this one is super pretty look at its tail i boy if i can remember back 20 years i think the statement of all the pretty horses is said by like a drunk guy passing out but it's just about like being a cowboy and like helping horses and stuff the horses are a metaphor for i don't know the death of the west uh oh for sure the death of the west is in there i just
Starting point is 01:21:04 remember reading a description of like pudding uh that they're so poor they just have tortillas and they put sauce on it and eat it and that's their day like yeah that's called a quesadilla in my neck of the woods uh but uh yes thank you matt solis for bringing that up i i did see in those comments you know some people were like this episode is better than i remember but others including our pal thad were like you guys are too nice to like this episode is better than i remember but others including our pal thad we're like you guys are too nice to this this episode still sucks well uh we're rounding the bend when it comes to super polarizing things because coming up we have alone again natural diddly and we also have kill the alligator and run so once you make it through there we will
Starting point is 01:21:41 survive and we've recorded past that i believe right uh kill the alligator and run is the one we've most recently okay gotcha yeah so we're finally gonna have some fun with last tap dance in springfield very soon yeah our last tap dance out of springfield in springfield of springfield i don't know you you pick the preposition but by the time it goes live we'll have it correct yes for sure uh but yeah that's been another episode of talk to the audience thanks for hanging in there folks it's been uh it's been another episode of Talk to the Audience. Thanks for hanging in there, folks. It's been a long quarantine, but we want to bring you all the fun podcasts that you can stand. And at the end of next month, at the end of October, Talking Futurama Season 2 Part 2 launches. So please stay on the Patreon. It's only for people that are at the $5 level and above.
Starting point is 01:22:18 And again, that'll run from October 30th till Christmas of this year. So nine weeks, nine new Futuramas, and they're all about like an hour and a half long yeah we've had a ton of fun recording them it's so many strong episodes in that group and yeah we've got some some fun scary or horror themed stuff coming for you this
Starting point is 01:22:38 month in the What a Cartoon and don't forget at the start of October if you are a $5 and up subscriber to vote in that next poll for one of the Aardman films that we'll be doing in Zarnovember. What a cartoon movie. But yes, we know October is going to be a very historically interesting month, as every month has been for the past, I don't know, four years. But please hang in there. We're really happy to have everyone as a listener. And we can't wait to bring you more great stuff and hopefully provide some nice distractions from the chaos as it continues to erupt all over the place.
Starting point is 01:23:10 But, yes, thank you so much for listening, folks. And we will see you next month for another episode of Talk to the Audience. We'll see you then. Wow. Infotainment.

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