Talking Simpsons - Talking Simpsons - Bart The Fink With Super Eye Patch Wolf

Episode Date: May 2, 2018

Krusty gets his celery garnished and it's all Bart's fault. But when it looks like Krusty takes his own life and Bart can't take the guilt, he and Lisa dig for the truth of Rory B. Bellows. We dig int...o Bob Newhart, taxes, mysteries, and more with Super Eye Patch wolf aka John Walsh (visit his YouTube page). Listen along and learn all about dancing for nickels! Support this podcast at!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Attention Talking Simpsons listeners, would you love to hear us give the same treatment to Futurama? Who would do a thing like that? Who could do a thing like that? Then you'll be delighted to know we're doing just that for Futurama's entire first season! Hey, when you look this good, you don't have to know anything. And it'll only be available for people who donate at the $5 level to the Talking Simpsons Patreon. Oh god, no! And along with 13 episodes of Talking Futurama, you'll get all
Starting point is 00:00:25 23 episodes of Talking Critic, the entire first season of Talking Simpsons, monthly community podcasts, interviews with Simpsons writers, and so much more! Shut up and take my money! Remember, go to slash talking simpsons to get your hands on podcasts from the world of tomorrow!
Starting point is 00:00:42 I heartily endorse this event or product. Ahoy, hoy, everybody. Welcome to Talking Simpsons, where a quarter makes us dance for hours. I'm your host, Bob Schmoichelmackie, and this is a chronological exploration of The Simpsons in podcast form. Who is here with me today? Henry Gilbert, and I'm sure you'll find this podcast more exciting than a weekend with Batman.
Starting point is 00:01:12 And who do we have calling in? We have John Welsh. I go by SuperEyepatchWolf online, and you may remember me from other celebrity funerals, such as Andre the Giant, We Hardly Knew Ye. Today we mourn a stooge, and today's episode is Bart the Fink. Ook ook. Are you folks ready to go ape? Today's episode aired on February 11th, 1996, and Henry will tell us what happened on this mythical day in real world history. Oh my god! Oh boy, Bobby, the Cleveland Browns are officially killed by Art Modell and the NFL,
Starting point is 00:01:44 Christian Slater battles John Travolta in John Woo's Broken Arrow. And IBM's Deep Blue battles Gary Kasparov at chess across six different games. So this will mean nothing to John not living in America, but I lived in Northeast Ohio when the Browns fell, and there was open talk of murder on the streets, murdering Art Modell. Art Modell betrayed them by stealing the team from them, but he couldn't call it the Browns in Baltimore. They just became the Ravens.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Actually, I'm surprised. Youngstown was a hotbed. I'm from Youngstown, Ohio. It was a hotbed of mafia activity when there was money. When the money was gone, the mafia was like, we're leaving. Goodbye. But there had to be at least one old mafia guy hanging around that would have killed Art Modell. I'm honestly surprised he survived. I'm surprised he was able to flee Ohio safely.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Meanwhile, that Broken Arrow film, John Woo, I think it was the first John Woo movie I saw or maybe I saw Hard Target as well but it was right after this that I super got into John Woo films and Hong Kong action movies which are just so amazing and crazy, at least the ones from the 90s and 80s were. And then eventually, once the communists took over, then they became a lot more sterile, unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:02:54 I think his greatest movie is Face Off, because he didn't know he was making amazing comedy, and that's what it is. So let's talk to John. John, can you tell our listeners who you are and what you do in case they don't know but i think they should um so yeah my name is john i run a channel called super eyepatch wolf on youtube and generally i'll talk about anime sometimes i'll talk about other stuff and uh one of the videos i did a little while back was actually a pretty long video it was like 30 minutes about the simpsons and kind of like what was great about it and then kind of how it sort of would say tapered off as the seasons went on you haven't doing that
Starting point is 00:03:29 for about a year or about a year full-time two years kind of on and off and it's it's been really cool i'm a big fan of your channel i've watched uh every video for uh in like the last six months just uh you know binged on all of them and it it's really helped me with, in the past year or so, I am a reborn anime enthusiast. I had pretty much quit in like 2004 once it felt like everything was a harem show. And now that I've come back to it, I feel like your shows, your why you should watch
Starting point is 00:03:56 has really helped me rediscover stuff. Oh, thanks. Yeah, I think anime is like, there's a lot of reasons to stop watching anime at any given time, like especially if you watch enough of it. But like, I do think it's like, there is also a lot of reasons to stop watching anime at any given time, like especially if you watch enough of it. But like I do think it's like there is also a lot of good stuff out there. And that's kind of what I like try and focus on with my channel.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Like my main series is called Why You Should Watch, where I'll take a show and just explain like 20 minutes like, hey, this is really good. It's worth checking out, like whether you're into anime or not. Yeah, I really like those because you take very popular things that we take for granted, like One Piece and Dragon Ball Z z but then you step back and say well why do people like this why is this so good and that's great because i think like we just don't even think about that when something becomes successful enough yeah yeah and like i think kind of the temptation
Starting point is 00:04:35 i feel like a lot of the time with people is something will blow up and they'll be like well that's just popular because it's popular but i think like for a lot of shows and especially with the kind of like you know one piece and dragon ball stuff there's really interesting reasons why so many people get drawn to those shows um and and same for the simpsons like i think when you look at like the cultural climate the simpsons group like became big in it was so reflective of the 90s of like tv in the 90s of culture in the 90s like it's it's the perfect 90s shows in a lot of ways something i never really took into consideration until i watched your videos was the back-breaking like horrible labor that it is to be a manga artist on a weekly schedule like it it completely
Starting point is 00:05:17 changed my perception of like hey oh i guess i shouldn't feel too bad that this naruto ran out of steam per se he's just a man yeah totally like i've kind of that's something i've kind of like been exploring more and more as i go on and yeah like it's it's you know you're a dude you're like one guy and you might have some assistance but you have to do 22 pages a week like it's it's a it has to be a nightmare i know like but it kind of makes me respect the work they put into it you know yeah the the folks who can flourish in that uh often end up being amazing artists well so i was curious like your simpsons history when did you come to the show you're you're a native of ireland correct yep um so i've been watching the simpsons like as long as i have conscious
Starting point is 00:06:03 memory like i know my first episodes were from season one. I couldn't, I think the first one I remember watching was, you know, the one where Homer is the Bigfoot? Is that season one, right? That's season one. Yeah. Call of the Simpsons. And I just, I remember the bit where they lay the trap for the rabbit and it flings the rabbit off into the horizon. And I remember just, like, laughing and laughing and laughing at that
Starting point is 00:06:26 and not just like I couldn't believe, like I think that's the first like time a television joke kind of stuck with me, you know. And it's kind of interesting living in Ireland because for pretty much my entire generation, The Simpsons was how we learned about America. Like that's how we learned about American culture. And to this day,
Starting point is 00:06:45 I'll still, I'll be watching like an old American movie and realize that The Simpsons was like referencing something in it, you know? Yeah, that's, I've had that experience talking about The Simpsons with English speaking non-Americans. Like I met a guy in Australia in the games press who told me that's all he learned about American culture was from from simpsons the same with brits as well it's fairly accurate in its portrayal of america i will say that pretty close yeah no there's several references in this john that i wondered like did they even make sense to a non-american who didn't like exist in in american culture in the 90s oh loads like there there is a lot and it's funny because sometimes i think they're making like an absurdist joke like sometimes i think they're just like it's
Starting point is 00:07:30 something completely random and then i'll find out it's not and i'll actually be like oh because that's a joke i've been laughing at for years and then it gets recontextualized that happens a lot to us on doing research of this show like oh that was a reference to the untouchables i had no idea i thought it was just mr burns hitting someone with a baseball bat yeah yeah i had that exact one as well last question i wanted to ask in the preamble here is like you are so clearly a pro wrestling fan and when are you going to do a wrestling episode of uh on your youtube channel um what date is this going out oh um i guess about three weeks from now three or four weeks okay the next video i'm doing is a pro wrestling video yay awesome oh is that a is
Starting point is 00:08:14 that a new japan pro wrestling t-shirt i see oh yes yeah it is a new my new japan i wasn't wearing this to impress you with my new japan shirt yes yeah i'm i'm literally just catching up on wrestle kingdom now it is amazing that was i sorry derail this is wrestling talk simpsons podcast i i just i signed up for anime but not wrestling i was i was there live for wrestle kingdom i flew to tokyo and saw it live like it was it was awesome but okay awesome well i look forward to that. I do want to get into the episode, though, because there's one of the few odd teleplay credits on a Simpsons episode. Because Story by Bob Cushell, Teleplay by John Schwarzwalder, and if you've listened to past episodes, I think Bob Cushell was one of the only people fired from the writing staff.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Or sort of put in the corner and the contract ran out i just reread that part in the unauthorized history of the simpsons book the uh well bob cuchel telling the story about how they were having a big fight you've told it many times right bob they're having a big fight over the critic episode how they felt it was some writers felt including cuchel that it was lowering the bar for the simpsons it was was a mistake. And he was talking about that. And then Dave Merkin said, and that's why you're an asshole. And Bob Cushell was so incensed.
Starting point is 00:09:30 He was like, you don't call people an asshole. He gave this whole speech about it. And David Merkin was not going to apologize. And the story was that Merkin, the idea from other writers who commented on it in the book was that Merkin felt that Cushel was not respecting the hierarchy. And also people, not every writer liked Merkin. And it was a very, rereading it now, it felt like such a familiar story to me of being mad at a boss at work and then having, exploding in them.
Starting point is 00:10:00 And then having co-workers quietly tell you i'm so glad you did that like thank you yeah and also at the time i think during the murkin years the writing staff was just in his office like the writing room was his office so it must have been like kind of a weird situation it's a real power trip yeah but it turned out very well and i'll say directed by jim reardon one of the best simpsons directors and it's very Reardon-y there are a lot of great, great drawings that you won't see anywhere else including one of my favorites in the history of The Simpsons which we'll get to later
Starting point is 00:10:31 it's so good, but this episode starts with one of the horriest old, old-timey sitcom tropes, Spending the Night in the Haunted Mansion which The Simpsons has already done but this time we actually see them go to it. In Homer Loves Flandersanders it ended with this but it was a haunted house but uh yes apologies this is a longer clip than usual but
Starting point is 00:10:50 every part of this minute-long opening is beautiful may i offer my condolences on the untimely passing of your great aunt hortense as her only living heirs you stand to inherit her entire estate. Poor Aunt Hortense. The only stipulation is that you spend one night in a haunted house. Isn't that somewhat unusual? No, it's a standard clause.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Well, luckily, there's no such thing as ghosts. Just there's no such thing as ghosts. Best night's sleep I ever had. Their tap water tasted better than ours. Here you go.
Starting point is 00:11:48 $100 each. The rest goes to Ann Landers, as was stipulated in your aunt's will. Oh, I'm sorry. I must have continued talking after you left the office. I do that sometimes. I love the office. I do that sometimes. I love that guy. Yeah, Hank Azaria, in this episode, he's playing so many one-time characters with great voices.
Starting point is 00:12:14 They're all amazing. That whole thing is just a series of cliches rammed together all for the excuse to just give The Simpsons $100. Like, Bart needs to have a hundred dollars that's all the point is and it's all like in one minute it all happens i love i just love how like each little joke of that kind of follows on from the one before and builds up to it to just this super underwhelming nearly like nonsensical yeah it's a hundred dollars like it's it's so
Starting point is 00:12:40 great and homer was right there are no such thing as ghosts. So they were fine. He was totally fine. And their tap water. I think of that whenever I'm on vacation and I like the taste of the water. I think of that a lot. But it literally was the Bates Mansion from Psycho. Like just a replica of it. Hortense is such a beautiful name, too. And I guess if it was on Homer's side, then I guess she was like a great aunt of Abe's or related.
Starting point is 00:13:05 She has to be related to Abe. Why isn't Abe there? Yeah. He's just left out of that. There was no grandpa joke to write for the scene. That's why he wasn't there. But yeah, that long laughing of the estate manager too. And that Ann Landers got all of Hortense's money too, just because she was the only person
Starting point is 00:13:21 she read, I guess. Or wrote to, or corresponded with. I love the way he kind of takes this mysterious glee in that. to just because she was the only person she read i guess or wrote to or corresponded with i love i love the way he kind of takes this mysterious glee in that like he's having a really good time like informing the simpsons that they're not getting their money this is how he has his fun i think this character and i also like in his opinion it's like no it's very normal you stay in a haunted house it's a standard clause uh so the kids have insane ideas to invest their money in things like tacos and public broadcasting marge wants them to open a bank account what are you gonna spend your money on kids there's a
Starting point is 00:13:51 special on tacos down at the taco mat 100 tacos for a hundred dollars i'm gonna get that i'm gonna contribute my money to the corporation for public broadcasting tacos public broadcasting i won't have your kids throwing your money away like that. You're both coming downtown with me and you're gonna put that money in the bank. I sure could go for a hundred tacos right about now. No! Yes, this should provide adequate sustenance for the Doctor Who marathon. I don't know how Comic Book Guy and that wheelbarrow fit in that tiny photomat. And how they prepared, sorry, not photomat, taco mats.
Starting point is 00:14:30 And I love the implication that in America, at least in 1996, if you were an American Doctor Who fan, you were the lowest of the low of nerds. Like more so than even anime, I would say. So that's why it had to be a doctor who marathon that he was watching now it's kind of cool i mean i think to a degree it's cool here only thanks to like the recent shows like yeah the 80s shows we got i guess at 96 doctor who was dead i don't know john are you much of a doctor who fan no no i i kind of i've just never been at a point where it's like someone was like you really need to watch this you know, it's never really clicked for me either.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Even the new shows that people are like, no, this is great. It's longer than every anime put together. It is. And though I think you can get way more than 100 tacos for 100 bucks at Taco Bell, they're like 50 cents a taco. In 1996, it was like 69 cents for a taco. Maybe these are higher quality tacos. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Taco Bell tacos are super cheap. Well, because they're like grade F dog food meat. Now they're over a dollar. What am I, a millionaire? I still remember. I only had Taco Bell for the first time like two years ago. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:36 There was no tacos in Ireland for ages. So this scene was actually the first time I ever heard of like a taco. And I was like, mom, what's up? She was like, what's up she was like i don't know son there's something wrong with that sandwich i i've also found it hard to get tacos in japan when i've visited there too that's that's i've never i've never been overseas to uh over the atlantic so i i have not experienced the lack of tacos there though i'm not the biggest
Starting point is 00:16:04 taco bell fan anyway they're right uh oh so did you guys ever fall into the lack of tacos there. Though I'm not the biggest Taco Bell fan. They're all right. Oh, so did you guys ever fall into the scam of your parents convincing you to open a checking account with like birthday money? You have like a hundred bucks. They're like, no, you got to save this for a rainy day. Yeah, I mean, so there's a joke in this later where Lisa is bragging about the very pathetic interest rates. Like, you know, her account gets 2.3% instead of the normal 2.25%. I was looking online at, like, what are the interest rates of savings accounts today?
Starting point is 00:16:33 They're barely approaching 2%. If you get 2%, you hit the lottery with a savings account. Like, this is like the golden era of interest. I was pushed to start savings account myself by my parents because they thought it would teach me the value of money it did not and i learned nothing uh and i wish i had had all the toys i could have bought with that money but what ended up happening was so they made me open a checking account when i was like eight or nine eight or nine they put money into it uh and i put money into it and the end result of it was when i was 19 and had unfiltered access to it,
Starting point is 00:17:05 and I had just quit my movie theater job but got really into Heroclix, I spent all $800 in there on Heroclix until there was no money left. And those Heroclix went on to make you famous. I actually just threw all those Heroclix away in my big move. I looked at the box. I was like, you're $1,000 of Heroclix, but I touched you in ten in eight years it's it's a waste so then they go inside we get to see i really like the gags they get out of the bank like any of it they need an extra joke on visiting the bank and they found one you'll feel better knowing your money's in the hands of professionals
Starting point is 00:17:39 are you folks ready to go ape mom a professional in an ape mask is still a professional. And you'll find that saving for your future is far more thrilling than any roller coaster. Really? Wow, I should have started a long time ago. Now fill out these forms. I'm sure you'll find them more exciting than a weekend with Batman. That gag of just a lie to Bart's face. Bart just believes it. It's so boring. But I also love the hierarchy of the bank as well.
Starting point is 00:18:12 The manager wears a full ape suit while all the tellers just wear the ape mask. That's right. They call it Ford Silva. It's such a good visual gag that someone made the decision, no, the manager needs a full-grown ape suit and that and the look uh the sound of talking through the ape mask is just so beautiful too
Starting point is 00:18:31 like it feels like they wore a mask wearing it i like any uh joke about something that's very boring because they're extra hard to write like how do you make this boring and also funny so you have boring bank sellers who when you put put them in eight-pack costumes. And yeah, it's a Futurama-worthy line about the interest rates and how that equals an extra nickel having an extra 0.05% interest rate. God, yeah. Again, I was looking at savings account
Starting point is 00:18:56 and there were some that were like 0.05%. Like, you need to literally invest millions of dollars into the bank before it pays out. I've been living check to check for so long that a savings account just seems ludicrous to me. I'm like, savings? What? What if I need it?
Starting point is 00:19:10 Yeah, I'll need it. I'll need it for toys. Though I think a responsible parent like Marge should have just taken those checks from Bart. Like, no, you don't get to have checks. You're a tech. Especially Bart. Yes. But especially Bart.
Starting point is 00:19:22 But especially. especially Bart yes but especially but and uh and and I also like that they ringed every mundane joke about checking they could out of it before they finished with it of like he writes uh oh what's the joke well post-dated check okay waiting a bully waiting for the check to clear writing uh one penny check to somebody all those like those checks must have cost Martin like 10 bucks though. I know every time I've gotten a new set of checks. Yeah. And I like how Lisa takes getting one cent very seriously. She's like,
Starting point is 00:19:52 I'm responsible. I'll put this away. I like how Milhouse checks his watch when like waiting for the year 10,000. It's so beautiful. I, yeah, his, I almost wish the screen was out just a little farther and you got to see him
Starting point is 00:20:04 like kick his legs too when he's doing it. But just that look at his watch. It's the right amount of seconds that pass too that makes that joke work. So this whole thing about receiving canceled checks back in the mail is such a relic of this era. When I had a checking account, I think I started a checking account when I was 18 in the year 2000. By that time, they weren't doing this.
Starting point is 00:20:23 But in the past, when you wrote a check to someone and they cashed it, it was sent back to you. So you would know, oh, they cashed my check. Now I can deduct it from my ledger. But now everything is digital. And now when your check is cashed, you see a picture of it online. There's no sending the checks back to you.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Like what a convoluted system that used to be in place until like 15 years ago, 20 years ago. I mean, someone will occasionally give me a check for something and I have no idea what to do with it. I mean, someone will occasionally give me a check for something and I have no idea what to do with it. I think I just have a drawer of them and I'm just, where do they go? What are they for?
Starting point is 00:20:51 I know checks are very, they feel so dated, but we still work a lot. I mean, now it's almost a year since I quit being in the rat races like Ned Flanders. And in that case, I still had direct deposit. So I haven't really endorsed a check except for when I pay myself out of our joint bank account, I still like writing a check to myself. Yeah, I have to write one check a month, which is why I have to buy checks, just to write one check a month. It's a conspiracy, I tells you. The check industry.
Starting point is 00:21:21 They're in bed with the rent industry i mean they are they really are uh so yeah then all all of this rigmarole the haunted house the hundred dollars the checking account the check jokes all just to get to crusty the clown signing something and i love bart's hunt for his signature. That's it. No more autographs. I gotta go. They're naming a new sandwich after me at my restaurant.
Starting point is 00:21:51 It's okay, Bart. You can share mine. Quick, press against me while the ink's still wet. No need. I'm going to get Krusty's autograph the easy way.
Starting point is 00:22:00 If he wants these 25 cents, he'll have to endorse the check by signing it on the back. Then, when my monthly bank statement comes, I'll get the check back complete with autograph. No fuss, no muss. That's a good plan. But it won't impress girls like this. I love the sort of dorky hillbilly laugh that Milhouse lapses into sometimes.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Like in Bart Sells' Soul. It's a very nerdy, dorky laugh. So, deconstructing jokes. This one I love of the, they're naming a sandwich after me at my restaurant. Okay, one, he owns his own restaurant. He can name a sandwich whatever he wants at it. Wait, is that restaurant Krusty Burger? And then two, the restaurant is Krusty Burger.
Starting point is 00:22:46 So they're just making a new Krusty Burger. It's just so beautiful that he would take pride. I guess I just sort of glossed over that, but that is great. It's beautiful. Yeah, they put a lot of work into that little meaningless exposition. Every line matters in these. I just love that. We passed over it, but I do want to say Jimbo's real name being Corky.
Starting point is 00:23:05 That is not canon. Oh, yeah. They did not keep that. Oh, but sorry, John. You were going to say. Oh, no. Yeah. I was just agreeing about the line there.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Like just all the little work that went into that one little bit. Like it's so kind of it's great because it also kind of shows you Krusty is just he has built up this empire that he barely has any control over as well. Yeah. You know know that's good that's a good way of seeing it too that he they're naming a sandwich after him because he has no control it's owned by like five holding companies on top of him yeah and last season we saw how bad he is with money this is another crusty is terrible with money episode i know right well he also is so cheap that he'll cash a 25 cent check from a child he's so greedy well i mean at least he doesn't recognize bart's name because like he it's so cheap that he'll cash you a 25-cent check from a child. He's so greedy. Well, I mean, at least he doesn't recognize Bart's name because it's been proven already he doesn't remember Bart.
Starting point is 00:23:50 He's got a real Mr. Burns disorder that allows more plots to happen. I mean, that's one of my favorites in the right after the box factory. And Bart's like, come on, I saved you, Korea man. Remember the comeback special? What have you done for me lately? The Simpsons will be right back. At Electric Ireland, we can help guide you there. You see, our new Net Zero Hub has all you need to know about smart meter plans, EV tariffs, solar panels and much more. Making your usage clearer, your trips greener, your home cozier and your world brighter. Find our Net Zero Hub at electric Ireland. Dot. I.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Oop. Oop. You'll go ape over our podcast. And I don't just mean talking Simpsons, the one you're listening to right now, though. Thanks so much for listening, but we do so many amazing podcasts here in the talk and Simpsons family. And you find out about all of them at slash talking Simpsons.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Sign up there and just for $5 a month, you'll hear every episode of the show a week early and ad free. But that's just the start of it. You'll get access to the entire first season of Talking Simpsons where we go through the first year of the show. You'll get access to the deleted scenes commentary. You'll get access to our season wrap-ups where we go through the biggest news items that happened during that season of The Simpsons for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and I'm sure 7 when that day arrives.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Not to mention you'll get access to Talking Critic where we go through every episode of The Critic, The Simpsons kind of sort of spin-off, even the terrible webisodes. And right now, we are going through the entire first season of Futurama, only on Patreon, in Talking Futurama.
Starting point is 00:25:54 And you can hear all of those right there, me and Bob going through them. You get so much for just $5 a month. I don't understand why you haven't signed up today. We'll be dancing for hours, not just on this podcast, but on our other podcast. What a cartoon. Me and Bob do the Talking Simpsonspson style but for a different cartoon each week would you love to hear us talk about the batman the animated series episode heart of ice would you want to hear us reflect on what made the king of the hill so perfect or even anime
Starting point is 00:26:38 like when we went through the first episode of kill the kill those series and so many more have been discussed on what a cartoon each week as a weekly free podcast you can find on your devices or if you sign up at slash talking simpsons as part of your five dollar a month donation you'll get access to every episode of what a cartoon a week early and free just like you do with the simpsons so be sure to check it out oh yeah also with the check signing stuff i this was i think the first time i believe it is a joke that a poo's name is so long he has to write his signature on two lines on a check. Oh, I missed that. You get to see the full Nahasa Pima Petalon all the way out there. And all the checks are for like 25 cents or whatever. I was waiting for them to make a joke in the reason what the check is for.
Starting point is 00:27:41 He doesn't write that in those, though, unfortunately. That's true there's a weird like sort of somebody was paying attention to like the dates on this episode because i believe it starts on like january 4th and the last check that we see bart right is like january 22nd so somebody was keeping track of like the the timeline of this episode if he got this at the start of the month this would have been the start of february and this aired february 11th it was actually january on the checks uh yeah so january checks given to him at the end of the month and his bank statement at the start of February. You're right.
Starting point is 00:28:09 You're right. Okay, cool. Yeah. So the, okay. Wow. Somebody, somebody paid attention to that detail. Again, nerds, nerds writing this show. So then Bart seeing the Cayman Island stamp that reveals that Krusty has been using unpaid
Starting point is 00:28:22 taxes and fake tax shelters for years, keeping his money from the government. There's many celebrities who have been brought down by unpaid taxes. Though this time I think this was really a Willie Nelson reference. Yeah. Because they garnished his celery quite a lot afterwards. And I feel like Krusty's got a giant corporation. Things are much less innocent today in America, at least, where you no longer have to hide your money. You just say, I don't want to pay taxes anymore and america's like oh go ahead it's fine there's been so many stories
Starting point is 00:28:49 of like amazon paid no taxes ge paid no taxes and we all just kind of shrug like well i guess they don't have to yeah because activision the major call of duty guys they was revealed they paid like no taxes at all despite having like the most successful games, like franchise for the last 10 years. Wow. Well, you know, they're job creators and I'm sure they do a lot of that. Well, that story about this is going to get into socialism hour now, but no, there was that story too, about all the people trying to get Amazon, all the, all the cities in America trying to get Amazon to open up businesses there. One of the cities cities was like we'll give you some of the income tax we would have we're collecting from your employees which like that is wage theft that's literally wage theft what it hasn't gone through yet i don't think i don't know where amazon uh
Starting point is 00:29:36 which of the many suitors of cities ready to like kill homeless people for amazon we'll get to get them but which city will fall next uh but, yes, Bart has accidentally ratted out Krusty. Krusty was supposed to sign this. Take it back and make him sign it. No, no. Stamping the back of a check is perfectly legal, little boy. Many people do it to save time. You see, in this case, instead of writing out his name,
Starting point is 00:29:59 Krusty has stamped the name of his Cayman Islands holding corporation on the... Hmm. Excuse me a minute. Oh, I'm sorry. I can't divulge information about that customer's secret illegal account. Oh, crap. I shouldn't have said it was a customer. Oh, crap.
Starting point is 00:30:22 I shouldn't have said it was a secret. Oh, crap. I certainly shouldn't have said it was a secret oh crap i certainly shouldn't have said it was illegal ah it's too hot today i love that guy mysterious guy again so hank is area playing the bank teller and the giant guy in the cayman islands like he's doing such great work that cayman islands guy does he ever show up again i think he's a one-time character i don't think he's ever returned now if he's returned he's one of again? I think he's a one-time character. I don't think he's ever returned. No, if he's returned, he's one of my favorite one-time characters.
Starting point is 00:30:49 He's so great. Well, he's perfect in that he's just the type of terrible accountant that Krusty would hire because Krusty's so cheap. He should have hired a good accountant to have lied better. And now that I think about it, I think it's Hank Azaria doing an impression of Sidney Greenstreet from Maltese Falcon. I just thought of that now.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Very much so. Oh, crap. Oh, crap. Oh, crap. It's beautiful. For a second, I got his scene in my memories
Starting point is 00:31:15 jumbled up with the assassin that Burns hires who's like Del Monte. Oh, right. I was thinking about Big Daddy from the spinoff showcase.
Starting point is 00:31:26 That's who I was thinking of as well. They have such a similar aesthetic. They shop at the same place. And then they catch Krusty. This is like the third time in the show Krusty has been arrested in his home, by the way. This time he's just sadly making Jiffy Pop. Yeah, I love that joke in context with him later telling the irs that he lives a swanky lifestyle it's like you were making your own jiffy pop do you have that
Starting point is 00:31:51 type of guy i this is gonna be all ireland questions but do you is that jiffy pop stuff available in ireland no i've never heard of it i don't even think it's available here anymore no one wants to make popcorn on their stove. It's too dangerous. It's okay for camping, but give people a metal one-use skillet with popcorn inside of it. It is fun to watch the thing balloon up, but microwave popcorn is just so much easier. Maybe if you're Gil and living squatting somewhere with a hot plate and you can't afford a $20 microwave you can do that but uh it's not for regular people i think the first time i saw that was in like scream and i was like what the hell is that oh yeah that's right it's american science it's also a great joke of the parody of the justice system that crusty is arrested within an hour like all the time codes say maybe even within 40 minutes i arrested. Bart is waiting at the bank while it all happens.
Starting point is 00:32:50 And I think all these IRS jokes also come from the place of John Schwarzwalder being seemingly a big-time libertarian who hates the IRS. There's tons of great jokes about him in here, but know that it comes from a place of a man who hates the IRS. I mean, I am dealing with a accountant for the first time ever this year, and I'm not I mean, it is complicated I and as I am about to write a check to the IRS I am almost ready to read Ayn Rand novels there are there are a lot of figures on that check I was on I only like started going full-time YouTube a year ago so I hit like the end of my tax year there and my dad's an accountant so he
Starting point is 00:33:21 tells me with all that stuff and he brought me out for lunch and was oddly pleasant to me, purely to explain how much money I now owe to the government. And it was crushing. Yeah. So, yeah, I'm right there with you. Oh, dear. We're about to pay a lot of taxes this year, too. So we're not big fans of the IRS either. But, hey, we didn't go through.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Oh, wait, let's hear Krusty get caught first before I. I was about to talk about avoisionision but it's not time for that clip one other bit of this I think is the kind of it's the extension of the ape costume joke from earlier where they phone all the different banks and they all have their own weird team I love them I love the your interest rates will go through
Starting point is 00:33:58 the roof one and they're wearing why would you advertise your interest rates are so high I love the giant house costumes they're wearing yes it's so good i poured over it in like freeze frames on frankie act and there's no explanation for the the deer antlers there's no reason they're wearing antlers you don't it's just random i really yeah i have to wonder if there was like a they couldn't cut to a sign fast enough or they cut a scene out or something i don't know but yeah what were the antlers about?
Starting point is 00:34:25 Who knows? Well, they definitely say on the commentary that this was a long episode. They had to cut a lot of dialogue. They said that they're only allowed to send like 21 minutes of audio to the animation team. And this was originally 26. So they had to make some hard cuts. Yeah, the opening is just like right to the couch too in the intro. Yeah, it's...
Starting point is 00:34:43 Can you imagine like the jokes that we have missed that were probably killer? Like great. Yeah. That's crazy. Even the ones they couldn't even animate. Like there's been enough like good ones in the deleted scenes, but that really, that's more like a double, that's deleted after the first deletion really, I'd say. Yeah. And whenever we do those deleted scenes, we always ask ourselves, if we had seen this 50 times, would this be a line that we would tell each other over and over again?
Starting point is 00:35:06 And some of them, I'm like, this could be in my brain right now. Not the joke about Apu wearing a wig. No. I don't think that would be it. That was rightfully cut. Yeah, I'm glad that is not canon. But yes, Krusty gets caught. Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Starting point is 00:35:20 I bought this popcorn fair and square! Sorry, the bank is... Oh, kid! Gosh, I meant this popcorn fair and square. Sorry, the bank is... Oh, kid. Gosh, I meant to tell you. Turns out that Krusty is one of the biggest tax cheats in history, and they nailed him, all thanks to you. Some might say you're a hero, kid. Not me, however.
Starting point is 00:35:39 I love Krusty. I love that. Again, Hank Azaria, I'm going to keep saying it. That's just a nothing voice, like be a bank teller, but it's great there's like a little there's a little spin on it I don't know just it's special to me oh I will say that bank teller he's the one who calls the feds on Krusty he was just doing his job I guess so but a real fan of Krusty would have turned a blind eye to that if he knew better he took an oath uh Henry took an oath I just I just love the little the little tiny pause where he has a little inflection.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Then he's like, not me, though. He's saying this to a 10-year-old boy. Yeah, and I love the... So last night on Twitter... Go back three weeks to my Twitter account and check this out. But last night, I picked out all the best Bart drawings. There are so many very good Bart drawings. And the one with him slumped over and his eyes going wall-eyed in disappointment is so great.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Set against all of the closed bank teller windows. It's so beautiful. I love that. It's such a great exit in this. This is an oddly paced episode, I felt, in review. Because it feels like there's four act breaks, even though there's only three acts. Yeah, and the solving of the mystery takes place in one scene, in one location. There's no, like, let's figure this out one thing at a time.
Starting point is 00:36:46 It's just like, we're here at the place. Let's do it here. Yeah. But so we get back and I'm going to call, should we call this line of the episode? I think this is my, this is my favorite line of the episode. It's my favorite acting. That's the joke. Ladies and gentlemen, Krusty the Clown was arrested today for massive tax fraud. Krusty's years
Starting point is 00:37:06 of tax evasion would never have Evasion? It's a crime. Look it up. Would never have I don't say evasion. I say avoision. Would never have come to light if not for a crafty little boy named Bart Simpson.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Photo courtesy of Homer Simpson. That's beautiful. Listening to it with headphones on, you can really say, evasion, evasion. You can really hear that. In all my VHS rewatchings, I never really heard the guy in his ear so clearly as I do now, but it's just beautiful. No, me neither. And yeah, so that is just a very Harvard-y joke to me, though. No one says evasion.
Starting point is 00:37:43 That is a real word, which, according to Wiktionary, if I may read a definition on a podcast here, it's a non-payment of taxes that cannot clearly be seen as either tax avoidance, which is legal, or tax evasion, which is illegal. So that's why Krusty is kind of in the gray area there.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Though, I would think if he's being punished for evasion then i think uh the producer in ken brockman's ear is correct yes if the punishment if he's if the crime he's being charged with his evasion then it is not avoision but he still got busted nonetheless chrissy gets busted again that feels like a battle that was in the writer's room of like someone's yeah you said the word wrong like actually the battle of the pedants all these harvard guys are good like i have the better dictionary uh i love the wording on ken brockman's announcement when he's like a very crafty little boy like as if bart was setting out to do that yes that he was out to destroy crusty he's really putting a spin on this editorial spin on this story brockman is
Starting point is 00:38:45 famous for editorializing very heavily in his newscasts and uh and also then bart knowing that he's killed crusty's career and that all the kids at school are going to beat him up as well it's very cute and uh so yeah we get we go to the irs which is very boring and depressing this is this is the acting i was talking about it's just the voice acting, but the animation. Just Krusty losing his mind. Krusty's hand motions are so beautiful here. Oh, I can't go to jail! I got a swanky lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:39:15 I'm used to the best. Krusty, this is America. We don't send our celebrities to jail. We're just going to garnish your salary. Garnish my salary? Please, Krusty, no jokes. Who's joking? I don't know what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:39:30 It all sounds so crazy to me. It simply means you'll be taking part of your salary until your debt is repaid, say 75% for 40 years. But I don't plan to live that long. Better make it 95%. Oh, boy. A lot of just Krusty wailing in misery and freaking out.
Starting point is 00:39:49 And I also love the scene with him and Bart on the curb later where he's also screaming. But, God, Krusty really screwed up by telling him he doesn't plan to live like Bart. I'm like, shut up, Krusty. I mean, they could guess that. He is like, what, a 60-year-old man at this point? He is older than bob hope or around the age of bob newhart because of what bob newhart says later okay he started a few years before him so you should read crusty as being in his 60s like he's not gonna live another 40 years that's
Starting point is 00:40:15 true and i would like our audience to welcome back to the show albert dershman from uh stars burns the parody of uh i just forgot his name uh Dershowitz. Yeah, Alan Dershowitz, the OJ defense attorney. Oh, he's done so many more wonderful things since then. But he was just a weird one-off critic-style joke in The Simpsons. And then I was like, oh, he's in this now, but without the billiard balls in his mouth. Yeah, I love when they pull a character out of the warehouse just to be like, well, should we just draw a whole new design for an IRS guy? I mean, we must have a dude in a suit and tie
Starting point is 00:40:46 in the vault somewhere. We finally heard him talk. That's the important thing. I love the nonchalantness. He's like, better raise it to 95. Like crushing the last bit of hope Krusty has. Bankrupting him. This is, I think, within the show,
Starting point is 00:41:01 the fourth time Krusty has gone bankrupt. Like definitely Krusty gets canceled. Yeah. And has gone bankrupt like oh yeah crusty gets canceled yeah and you should definitely think crusty gets busted they burn all his merchandise so he had to run out of money then and uh i guess that might be it he got a dump truck full of money for camp crusty but that wasn't that didn't cost him anything that trip to tijuana he paid for that with a dump truck full of money i I got to complain, man. That Camp Krusty sequel episode didn't start with them returning from Tijuana. That's the first moment where you're like, well, they fucked up this sequel. Of all the people who should know, it should be the Simpsons writers.
Starting point is 00:41:35 But yes, yeah. Alan Dershowitz was there working for the IRS. This tax lingo, whenever I hear tax lingo, I also have the Krusty reaction. I just think of the crust reaction like it all sounds so crazy to me i mean that's what i think of when i see a homer filling out the form at the irs burger just like schedule b carry the one yes yeah uh well first we get to hear crusty's new tax show which in both of these jokes here this is not how things are at all but the way the irs takes a clear like purposeful stance and all these
Starting point is 00:42:07 like no no it's not that crusty sold off things to somebody new and then the irs got the money it's that the irs took over the show and it is now basically state television i feel like they're overstepping their boundaries here they definitely are hey hey kids now that the feds are calling the shots this show's gotta be a lot more cost-effective. So we had to cut down on the frills like sets, props, costumes, and Sideshow Mel. But that doesn't mean we can't have fun! For example,
Starting point is 00:42:35 I sure wish somebody would give me a banana cream pie! Yeah! I guess we can't afford pies right now. Well, throw something. Oh, that corner. Oh, man. Yeah, Dan Castaneda does great screams of pity. Like, oh, the corner.
Starting point is 00:42:56 And I love Alan Dershman coming in just very awkwardly, like pulling the briefcase out of the frame. He wants his briefcase back. That throw is not to give away a briefcase. The addition of the corner, like, oh, that makes it hurt so much more when you hear it. We're all squinting here. I love just, like, how quickly Krusty's life has just gone into complete mundanity. And, like, the idea that they would take everything from the show but not cancel it is just, it's such a weird cynical statement about how like the irs sees the
Starting point is 00:43:26 world is he just wearing a sweatsuit at this point too yeah they took his costumes like i guess they sold off his costumes as well and and his clown college too oh yes that's another time he went bankrupt in the clown college episode like crusty can't keep money ever it's insane and i'm thinking you know he just had an experience in Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming with improvising with no props. Why didn't he get Stingy and Battery out? That's true. The return of Stingy and Battery.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Well, he actually didn't say they lost Itchy and Scratchy, so apparently he got to keep them. I'm more of a worker and parasite guy myself. And also nonchalantly, he's like, oh, we fired Sideshow Bob. Like, he's gone. There's no Sideshow Bob. he's gone there's no sideshow he's not even fired he was a frill that isn't there anymore unaffordable frill uh yeah so then
Starting point is 00:44:11 we get to the irs burger again the irs is like they didn't sell this to mcdonald's it didn't become a new franchise the government owns these burgers they're branching out into like entertainment and restaurants and like what kills me is that they had a new sign made with a man in a suit and a tie holding just the irs burger purposely oppressive i i don't know why i mean they had to they had to make it look different i don't know why they chose the color blue but it is very fitting i don't know why it just it feels very appropriate yes yeah it totally it screams bureaucracy and this is some great acting here by dan as well and Homer. I'll have four tax burgers, one IRS switch with holder lettuce, three dependent-size sodas, and a Ficaccino.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Hello, Schedule B. You should receive your burgers in six to eight weeks. Let's see here. Schedule B, line 53. Take away. Hey, Marge, what were your gambling losses last year? $700. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:45:10 He humiliates Marge so much with that scream. She's very eager to scream it across the restaurant, though, for Hans Moleman to hear. Yeah. Eating alone in the background. How'd he get his burger? I don't know. Maybe he made the order two weeks ago. He could have.
Starting point is 00:45:23 I always think of those lines when I am doing taxes or even filling out a w9 form the simplest thing ever it's like what if i miss something i really like the little acting on homer like you know he takes out his little glasses and he puts them on he's just like it's it really sells like the mundanity of it all and like the idea that you have to wait six to eight weeks for your burgers that was another thing where i saw that and i was like, the government's weird. Famously fast-acting government, yes. They worked fast to rest Krusty, but for a burger, it's going to take a while. And also, when you think of Dan Castellaneta, all your favorite Homer lines are just so big and giant and everything.
Starting point is 00:46:01 But this is just such a quiet homer until the end when he screams i think this is the time they all they also started giving him those little half glasses to when he's reading or whatever because it's homer and it's like instantly funny when he's got like these delicate little glasses on yeah or when he's trying to figure out how to punish bard and marge be not proud while drawing a robot yeah cooking a hot dog so then they get off crusty gets home he gets off the bus and that's where there is a big joke that i never noticed until it was pointed out like on the commentary and then i paused it because i just didn't look that closely at the bus driving by
Starting point is 00:46:36 but it is an advertisement for mad about you which was against them on american broadcasting 8 p.m. on NBC. You watched that show instead of The Simpsons. And it drove them crazy that they were losing to Mad About You, I think. They were very bothered by it. I think that's why I never watched it. Also, I think like Third Rock from the Sun was also opposite another big animated show, maybe King of the Hill or maybe The Simpsons. I don't know, but I never watched it.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Third Rock from the Sun was, yeah. Well, I watched those shows when they were on Thursday nights. And then when they moved to Sunday nights, I didn't. I was a dutiful must-see TV. They told me I must watched it. Third Rock from the Sun was, yeah. Well, I watched those shows when they were on Thursday nights, and then when they moved to Sunday nights, I didn't. I was a dutiful must-see TV. They told me I must see it, and so I did. You got your badge in the mail. But Man About You is like, no one has thought of that show in a million years. It's a completely forgotten TV show.
Starting point is 00:47:18 I've read reports. Oh, sorry, go ahead. No, totally, yeah. I can remember Sky 1, the channel that used to play it, had something like that as well, but it wasn't competing with The Simpsons. Like nothing competed with The Simpsons in Ireland because we had like 10 other TV shows.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Yeah, Mad About You was like surprisingly popular for being sort of a just a kind of gentler Seinfeld, like a much more gentle Seinfeld. Right. Yeah, and I've heard reports that like it might come back in some way. I mean, everything from the 90s gets to come yeah because they can't make good new things that they people that networks want so they're like what if we just renewed this old show the joke i thought you were talking about henry that you didn't notice before was a schtick fair the name of
Starting point is 00:47:57 crusty's estate oh no i actually didn't notice it even this time it was the first time i was like oh well that that is a joke and i figure out is. It's actually, it's a parody of the Los Angeles estate of Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford, which they call Pick Fair. Those are two, like, ancient actors, both dead now, both young dead. Wow, I never noticed that gag before. Oh, but though,
Starting point is 00:48:17 one thing they got wrong on this, we talked about how well they plan ahead of time with these jokes. This one they messed up on first airing because Mad About You was preempted by the NBA All-Star Game that night. well they plan ahead of time with these jokes this one they messed up on first airing because mad about you was pre-empted by the nba all-star game that night it was people couldn't change the channel to go to mad about you instead what beat them that night well the nba all-stars did get higher ratings that night than the simpsons but would also beat them was on abc there was an
Starting point is 00:48:41 episode of lois and clark which is one of the worst ever and that made me swear off watching the show even i was a huge comic book dork i would watch a superman tv show but at 13 when i saw this episode i was like i am done with this show this is the stupidest show ever it is where they teased no less than three times that lois and clark were getting married because the show was moonlighting except with superman and in season three they're like okay this is the wedding episode and then it is revealed at the end of the episode that the real lois had been kidnapped and that clark unknowingly married a frog based clone of her so then she could he could marry the real lois in a later season whenever he was like frog clones like they all stopped by the end by the time they finally really marry they basically
Starting point is 00:49:25 created a character on lois and clark in that scene to be like we're really sorry we faked you out so many times please come back that's a lesson to all you men out there make sure your fiance is not a frog clone before you marry her it's more common than you think yes alex jones tried to warn us turn the frogs into lois yeah i love Krusty's speeches about his memories. He's really burying the lead on his mansion like, they can't take my memories. Locked up and involved in my wonderful mansion. I do like all of the Krusty-based,
Starting point is 00:49:55 I think there's like a topiary he walks by and also a statue, I mean a fountain of himself. He's very much into his brand. It's a real celebration of himself. Though we'd seen his house in other episodes, and it was not a mansion. It wasn't like it was like, say, when the people were out after there were the people outside of his house. The paparazzi he punched in the face like he said, where were you? And I played farm aid like that was not a mansion.
Starting point is 00:50:19 He was in front of there. And when he gave away the trampoline, he was just in a regular shmegular house. But I think like he rented a house just to get rid of the trampoline so they couldn't trace it back to him because that was like that was a killer trampoline that's true though he was waiting there with a shotgun when homer came back to it too i love i love that joke so as an auction fan boy well i i spent more than i share on ebay okay i was gonna say i i love auctions and this drove me this i get it's the joke i know it's a joke but it drives me so crazy that if the irs wants money they need to
Starting point is 00:50:51 start at five hundred dollars not start at zero but it's such a perfect well i mean all the things the irs are doing are things that will make them lose money like if they wanted crusty's show to make money they would not take everything from it it's becoming a less profitable show if they the burgers to make them money, they wouldn't change the branding and have fewer people come there. But, yeah, Hank Azaria is just saying nonsense, and it's great. This is beautiful. And now, lot number 66, a handmade leather suitcase carried by the Krustofsky family upon their arrival at Ellis Island in 1902. A priceless heirloom and historic piece of Krustyana. What am I bid?
Starting point is 00:51:25 40 cents. I got 40 cents. 40 cents Christiana. What am I bid? 40 cents. I got 40 cents. 40 cents over here, 40 cents over here, 40 cents over here, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, sold for 40 cents. 40 cents? Ugh, my grandpa Zev would turn over in his grave if it wasn't filled with some veteran. Lot 67, 30, two cartons of pornography. 10 cents.
Starting point is 00:51:46 12. 12 cents to our phone bidder in Japan. Any advance? They brought us a dime. I didn't know there'd be pornography. Sold for 12 cents. Oh, my beloved pornography. I can't watch this anymore.
Starting point is 00:51:59 I'm going to bed. How much for Krusty's bed? Half a buck. Sold. Good night, everybody. Good night, everybody. Good night, Moe. I like how everyone is immediately disrespectful of the things they're buying. And with the weird, like, sitcom-y turn where they're like, good night, Moe.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Yes, they all are like, good night, Moe. Like, what a character that Moe is. With the pornography, that was actually edited into some versions of the episode. And I think some of them aired in Ireland because I only saw that bit when re-watching The Simpsons later in life. Oh, wow, man. That seems like a syndication cut, perhaps. But it's such a... Of course he'd have pornography.
Starting point is 00:52:36 He's the guy who his lust for pornography kept the quickie mart open during their first shaky year. That is a lot of pornography. And for 12 cents. 12 cents for all that pornography and then when all the stuff's leaving it's they still have it all boxed up in a thing that says to japan yeah that was a nice detail and poor poor jasper he he only brought a dime he brought a dime to an auction oh it's so sad and he'll be dead in a day so it's really bad that is true we find that out later and yeah that once they spend 12 cents on it they're just like hey i'll put 40 cents on a on a briefcase she's just fills it with water somehow and soaks her feet immediately yeah
Starting point is 00:53:16 she really needed some relief but shockingly at those prices no one buys his plane like it doesn't it gets no bids the plane stays right there that wasn't even up for auction i mean it was okay that's why he tells the story of i also love that on a dean martin him and dean martin got so drunk hanging out that they wrote a song that neither him nor dean martin realized he'd already written before i i just love that beautiful that is great like i love where that anecdote goes like the song was already written written. Dean Martin was newly dead at this point, by the way, too. He passed away on Christmas Day of 1995. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:53:49 And yeah, just that Moe acting. I'm like, good night, everybody. Good night, Moe. Good night, Moe. He thinks he's on a talk show. It's beautiful. It's like the one moment when Moe is positively acknowledged by so many people and he's wheeling a crate of pornography.
Starting point is 00:54:03 That's so true. Yeah, everybody. It's the one time anyone is nice to him. So this scene with Bart talking to Krusty on the curb, it is like the animation is so great. I love Krusty both smoking and drinking and like gesticulating. He's doing a lot of like acting.
Starting point is 00:54:18 It's great. I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused you, Krusty. But you know, my mom says God never closes a door without opening a window. No offense, kid, but your mom's a dingbat. There's no silver lining here. I was a big cheese. A huge cheese.
Starting point is 00:54:34 But now look at me. I gotta ride the bus like a schnook. I gotta live in an apartment like an idiot. I gotta wait in line with nobodies to buy groceries from a failure. Well, it doesn't matter how you live or what you did wrong. As long as you're on TV, people will respect you. Respect? What good is respect without the moolah to back it up? Everywhere I go, I see teachers in Ferraris, Research scientists drinking champagne. I tried to drink a Coke on the bus and they took away my pass.
Starting point is 00:55:08 That's no life for a famous clown. Hope I don't make you feel any better, Krusty. You can punch me in the face. Nah, forget it. Go home, kid. Boy, you know, they really wanted you to feel bad for Krusty but he has such contempt for regular people and then he almost punches a child. He considers it that line where he's just like i
Starting point is 00:55:29 have to buy groceries from a failure like the fact that the fact that he's like consigned this poor like retail worker to being a failure purely on that like he has so much anger in him it's great the light yeah the light also the line living in an apartment like an idiot i live in an apartment i mean he's been or the idea that like t-shirt teachers and research people are running around in ferraris like he's so disconnected from reality i mean he's been famous for decades so of course he would be and it would be shocking like it's very all of the setup here is perfectly reasonable that he would be suicidal later like you would yeah definitely read it as such and uh though that speech too is definitely a takeoff especially with the use of the word schnook is a takeoff of the classic last lines in goodfellas which i'll play
Starting point is 00:56:18 yeah yes today everything is different there's no action i have to wait around like everyone else can't even get decent food right after i got here i ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and i got egg noodles and ketchup i'm an average nobody get to live the rest of my life like a schnook he's more resigned uh crusty's more outraged i mean he got that's what Henry Hill, he gave up. He's just like, yeah, yeah, I gave up. I became a rat. Everything I hated, I'm contemptible. But he lived a long-ass life after that. Like, Henry Hill just died a couple years ago.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Yeah. He would be on talk shows and stuff, at least semi-recently. Oh, yeah, yeah. How we use electricity can be smarter, cleaner, and greener. At Electric Ireland, we can help guide you there. You see, our new Net Zero Hub has all you need to know about smart meter plans, EV tariffs, solar panels and much more. Making your usage clearer, your trips greener, your home cozier, and your world brighter.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Find our net zero hub at There's a bit in the, there was a good 30 for 30 documentary about a, one of Henry Hill's many things was a point shaving scheme in college basketball, which is about, you know, you know what the bets are. So you tell, you force the players to play differently than they would to score lower on the spread though the how complicated it was it seemed in that 30 for 30 maybe going well this is why this can't ever happen because it's like it worked for two games and then otherwise they just lost games because they were playing poorly yeah
Starting point is 00:58:02 you're asking a lot uh to rely on a lot of luck on your side there. Yes, very much so. I really especially love the gag here where Bart's like, you can punch me in the face if you want. And it's like a tight shot of Bart. And it's like, well, of course, he's not going to punch him in the face. And then we pull out and he's so close to doing it. His fist is quivering.
Starting point is 00:58:20 That's so true. Yeah, you're supposed to think that Krusty's going to reject that immediately, but he's really thinking about it. Krusty's just thinking about the possible jail time, not that he doesn't want to punch Bart. That is true, yeah. And all the acting. I mean, this feels – it's Jim Reardon,
Starting point is 00:58:37 who's another master of the show as the director, but also it's in the David. David Silverman started the whole big movements and acting, like every syllable on Krusty you've got to move his arms for, and it's in the david david silverman started the whole like big movements and acting like every syllable on crusty you gotta move his arms forward it's so great it helped that dan castaneda gave such a great performance in this just like how powerful it is especially when he like throws his bottle at the end he's talking about getting kicked off the bus so beautiful i was at an animation festival in france before and i saw mac graining walking down the street and i ran up to him i was like oh my god mac graining whatever and like you know i and his friend he had a friend
Starting point is 00:59:09 with him and i asked a friend just to take a photo and friend was like sure and i was like okay cool and uh so then afterwards i was chatting to them i was like okay i'll leave you to it anyway and mac graining gave me his card which is really cool and then his friend gave me his card and i was just walking down the street and i took out his friend's card looked card. And I was just walking down the street, and I took out his friend's card, looked at it, and it was David Silverman. And I was like, oh, shit, okay. That's amazing. Wow. Wow, that's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Man, that's amazing, too, that David Silverman just was so nice. I would have been kicking myself afterwards, like, oh, God, that was David Silverman. So many questions. Yeah, I was. Well, I mean, it's helpful that, like, Matt Groening. I like Matt Groening. He even jokes about how he had a funny story on one of the commentaries, so many questions yeah i was uh well it's i mean it's helpful that like matt graining i like matt graining he even jokes about how he had uh he has a funny story on one of the commentaries how he made as a kid as a younger man he saw like one of the looney tunes veterans at a an event and he was
Starting point is 00:59:57 walking around wearing his warner brothers jacket like his crew jacket he was like oh this sad old man wearing his free jacket he got i'd never do that and then he's like but now look at me he's just walking around in his simpsons or futurama jackets all the time those jackets are nice i love those he was he was like really really cool like there was a really nice moment ahead of them as well where um i was like oh i want to take i i think uh i'd like yeah i i i get your email but i lost my phone he was like i lost my phone and we both just looked at the ground and kind of sighed this is what it feels like when doves cry yeah i nearly nearly said that line except i was like no too much well
Starting point is 01:00:36 you're also probably on the better end of simpsons fans who meet him in person because you don't like immediately whip out a tattoo you're like well oh i gotta show you this tattoo on me i bet you've never seen a simpsons tattoo before so uh we don't we don't actually see much more of this uh brief love affair between superintendent chalmers and agnes skinner i think later in the show they do a like harold and mod parody with her and comic book guy is that right yes yes they do nobody asked for that but they did it but uh this is this is uh the one time we see them as a possible item yeah so, so I think they even regretted on the commentary. I swear I've heard the writers say this before where they felt it sold out Chalmers' character to a degree.
Starting point is 01:01:13 That Chalmers has to be normal. And dating Agnes is not a normal action for him. He has to be the one boring guy in the world. So him dating Agnes. So this would come back when they go to the uh they go to the drive-in together as well with skinner as their chaperone oh you're right weird i forgot that that was like a tiny runner that they tried to do yeah yeah though also it feels like agnes is 20 years older than chalmers like chalmers has gray hair but i never read him as any is over 50 that's for sure
Starting point is 01:01:41 yeah it's it's an odd pairing uh but yes crusty goes flying as i call this clip where does that noise come from well i must say i've had a lovely evening agnes i don't suppose i could come in for a cup of say more mother superintendent traumers skin! But I wouldn't give her something to interrupt this awkward moment. Do nicely. You got a hand in the crusty? Yeah. Even with all his problems,
Starting point is 01:02:21 he's still willing to do something unbelievably dangerous just to entertain his fans. Oh, that's my Krusty. I got a feeling he'll be all right. Crashing into the mountain that's always been visible from the Simpsons' house. Yeah, you can always see that mountain from... Well, it's the mountain... I wonder if that's the mountain-related mountain that Homer will climb with applesauceicity in later episodes.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Oh, right. That is also visible from their home. But that shot of the one shot of Bart with the plane flying through it and it tracking across is just, it's so beautiful. Like lit by the moon. It's a really cool shot. It was a shocking moment when I saw this for the first time. I didn't think they would kill Krusty the Clown, but clown but i was just like well what is this next act going to be yes as soon as i saw there was i was savvy enough as a viewer by this point that as soon as i saw
Starting point is 01:03:13 there was nobody i was like well all right i know where this is going like he's definitely not dead i did not they i would not be tricked by a character death any longer on the simpsons unless they advertise the shit out of it that someone was dying in case you didn't know the i'm on a roll again which all of the uh writers grown at they're like we just needed to name a plane okay it was based on the enola gay which is the plane that bombed hiroshima yes great memory for everybody to have i really love the the timing of bark just being like i I think he's going to be all right without missing a beat. That he has to say all longer for the plane to make it across and smash right when he says right.
Starting point is 01:03:52 It's beautiful. And Wiggum's reaction to the flaming wreckage is amazing too. Yeah, he specifically asked people like, crowd around, don't be shy, crowd around. Oh my God. Yes, that too. It's such a loud, there's so many loud performances in this episode. It's great and then
Starting point is 01:04:05 he gets to be officially pronounced dead by wig i'm like wig i'm saying crusty the clown is dead like that's all you need there like that's the coroner coroner report done he does every law enforcement job everything involved with the justice system runs the jails he does the coroner he's he's everything there uh so this feels like an act break, but it wasn't. This is not where the commercial came in. And we go straight to the funeral, which I love any Troy McClure scene, but I have to say, a scene with hearing Phil Hartman at a funeral
Starting point is 01:04:36 is like extra, it has an unintended feeling of pain. Yeah. I can't believe Krusty's really gone. Don't worry, son. I'm sure he's up in heaven right now, Yeah. to mourn the passing of Herschel Schmoichel Krestovsky, beloved entertainer and dear friend. Hello, I'm Troy McClure. You might remember me from such show business funerals as Andre the Giant, We Hardly Knew Ye,
Starting point is 01:05:12 and Shem Powered, Today We Mourn a Stooge. Now, Krusty's closest friend and sidekick, Sideshow Mel. I'll miss you, Krusty. I and all the other sidesh except sideshow bob but in the midst of our sorrow we can take comfort in the fact that your elevated blood alcohol level probably helped you burn up quicker we see all of the uh crusty side characters including some very lesser known ones we have not seen in a long time so sideshow rahim is there sideshow luke perry is there
Starting point is 01:05:43 so much sideshow rahim is beautiful he's easy to spot on that stage we long time so sideshow rahim is there sideshow luke perry is there so much sideshow rahim is beautiful he's easy to spot on that stage we also have uh sideshow luke perry friend of the show yeah that's right uh tina ballerina and corporal punishment corporal punishment is not taking this well he's really breaking up no uh that's that's one of the beautiful jokes you only get from simpsons nerds writing the show. David Merkin in his era, he was a very funny writer and showrunner, but he didn't particularly care too much for that history compared to other guys. I think the animators cared more about the history
Starting point is 01:06:15 than he did in those eras, but who remembers Corporal Punishment? That was a one-off joke in season two of The Simpsons. I remember him from... It's funny because Corporal Punishment showed up a lot in the early Simpsons video games, but not in any of the later seasons at all. Yeah, I was just going to say that, actually. I remember him from the Krusty's Funhouse games where you have to squish all the rats.
Starting point is 01:06:38 He's like one of the people operating the death machines. Well, if you're a game developer, you are given a packet of, here's Simpsons characters you can use like here's the ones you're allowed in the license you're going to gravitate to any character with a gun as an enemy you're really especially in those early first year second year simpsons games they had almost nothing to work with they're like well as i mean barb versus space means is particularly egregious one they couldn't even draw Space Mutants to look like they do in the show. They look different in every game, in every version of that game.
Starting point is 01:07:10 Yeah, what was, you must have played a lot of the games as well as a kid then, John, I'm guessing? Totally, yeah. Virtual Bart and Bart's Nightmare were two of my favorites. Because one thing I love about the Simpsons games is like, you know the way the simpsons has that just kind of there's like a surreal quality to a lot of it especially like the town of springfield i like that the games play up on that a lot and the simpsons arcade game the scrolling beat-em-up one like that i used to love that when i was little it's a bit of a bummer to go back now because it's not a great game but like its look is so cool like seeing simpsons kind of pixelated and rough like that and like kind of off model it was great it is the best of those
Starting point is 01:07:51 early games because it's just doing what it's supposed to do it's like you are a beat-em-up game designed to steal money from children and that's it and that's all it does and that's it's good at doing that it's pretty good at it so this next clip first off i am very happy knock on wood we're recording this a little early. You just doomed Bob Newhart. We don't have to play the death jingle here because Bob Newhart is still with us at the time of the recording. Just two years ago, he was celebrating the win of the Chicago Cubs, finally win the World Series. He lived to see it. And he was born in 1929, which makes him almost 90.
Starting point is 01:08:21 He's 89. Oh, boy. And there were the stories like, bob newhart in case you somehow don't know kids today i tell you uh that bob newhart was a pioneering comedian in the 50s and 60s uh worked very clean but was just a hilarious like very very mundane and quiet type of guy who's perfect for the feel of this season of the simpsons and a definitely great guest star to pick he also was a star of a really great uh multiple really great sitcoms the bob newhart show and newhart especially and as a comic book nerd i actually loved his third one called the
Starting point is 01:08:56 bob newhart but i think it was just bob yeah on that one because the first season at least was set at a comic book company and he basically plays plays a Jack Kirby type who is screwed out of his royalties, which I just love that. I don't know how well his comedy has aged. I listened to a bunch of it in college as the coolest guy in the world cruising around listening to Bob Newhart. But it's like a lot of it are just very, very – it's not just like joke, joke, joke. A lot of it is just very, very long bits. And his style, at least in the early days of his his comedy was he would play one side of a phone conversation like you would not hear the other side he would be the one side and it would be
Starting point is 01:09:28 like a like a 10 minute bit listening to it recently i can tell you his his jokes about women being bad drivers in that phone thing maybe i'm not the biggest fan of that but like whatever yeah i think he was just like an insurance agent or something that was funny and he just left that to go into comedy at like in his in his 30s i remember he he does like yeah totally about like the women driver stuff he does have some good stuff about like the mundanity of corporate life like there's one he does i think it's about him pretending to get phone call from walt whitman i think who's the guy who discovered tobacco that's what i'm being like yeah that that that that one is very special i think that one's that one holds up yeah i was actually thinking of that one because it's just underlining like you why would you put this in your mouth why would you smoke this it's disgusting
Starting point is 01:10:12 before i play the clip which is a little long the know that they cut down this a ton that they are so pressed for time in this episode yet they you're like well bob newhart has to talk in his style for a whole minute i just wonder like what is like the five ten minute version of this they got from bob newhart and did they write for him or did he just they said like well just talk about crusty and like you don't know him i'm sure he didn't next in our cavalcade of celebrity mourners, Bob Newhart. See, to tell you the truth, I'm just killing time here. I was waiting for a different funeral to start. I'll handle it.
Starting point is 01:11:05 Bob Newhart, everybody. Oh. Well, you know, though I started my career several years before Krusty, so I could never really learn anything directly from him. Still, I think in a way, in a very meaningful way, that all of us have learned from him. That is by being a clown on television for so many years, even though many of us, we didn't watch a show. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:11:49 Well, that's the funeral, folks. We'll be sitting shiv at the Friars Club at 7 p.m. and again at 10. You must be over 18 for the 10 o'clock. It gets a little blue. I love that. It gets a little blue. Yeah, hearing it again, and I've heard it, like, I don't know, 50 times in my life now, I do feel like it is him just, like improvving like making it up because it's just the stammer's that
Starting point is 01:12:08 impression all right yeah the stammers feel so natural you know i mean he is a gifted comedian too i love that like what's important to him in this scene is that he put across the idea he's more experienced than crusty and then acknowledging the crusty's dead yes yeah it's true that is a bit full of himself. It's just like, well, he definitely didn't influence me because I started several years before him. Oh, also, I skipped over the, it's just a visual gag, but the memorial is Krusty saying, see you real soon, kids.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Oh, I love that. Yeah, that's so funny. Yeah, Sideshow Mel takes. his pupils are a little too far apart so he looks kind of demented and sideshow mel takes off like the the fabric covering and wipes his eye with it there's also a very odd visual gag in the crowd of the funeral in which it's uh john swartzwelder the writer of the episode sitting next to kermit the frog i don't understand i mean i understand putting John Schwarzwalder in, but it's weird to see them next to each other. They really stick out in that crowd scene.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Yeah, I don't really get it. Some people even take it as they're saying John Schwarzwalder is holding Kermit the Frog, or they're saying he's a performer of Kermit. It doesn't really make sense. I mean, the joke at least is that a Muppet would show up to this, and that's how famous he is. Someone just put a Mppet in a chair it's not quite a mop it's not we'll get to it uh well so i i didn't know what a shiva was as well i i was quite a genteel boy so i did not know the
Starting point is 01:13:40 the the uh jewish uh funeral funeral term of the sitting Shiva. So then we get a quick little joke about stamps, which is based on a very real thing. So they talk about the crusty stamp. They had a choice. The fun, exciting, crusty picture or him exploding and dying. Literally the moment of his death. It's beautiful. And it's based on a very real thing, isn't it, Bob?
Starting point is 01:14:04 Yes, I thought this was more recent in terms of when the episode was made. It was actually four years prior. It was the last time anyone gave a damn about stamps. So the post office was like, we want to make an Elvis stamp, you know, to commemorate Elvis. And that was like the first time stamps seemed sexy and cool, like it's going to be an Elvis stamp. And they basically had a vote. You can go in your post office and vote do you want young Elvis or older Elvis and of course young Elvis won and
Starting point is 01:14:29 they announced it in weirdly enough people magazine in April of 1992 but yeah that was the last like it seemed like it seemed like a huge deal my mom bought the stamps but now everything is on a stamp the Simpsons are on stamps now everybody's had a stamp well after the popularity of this stamp they then made everything a freaking stamp afterwards i bought some batman forever stamps recently not sorry they are forever stamps with batman on them not of batman for now now i don't care but the it was it was a huge deal then because it was thin elvis and fat elvis is what people called it because it was one of elvis uh as his 50s crooner style holding the old
Starting point is 01:15:06 style microphone and just singing away and then you had a picture of Elvis from his 78 comeback special which I now feel as a 35 year old soon to be 36 seeing old Elvis as a 38 year old is like oh boy ouch I don't like that I was like he actually wasn't ouch, I don't like that. I was like, he actually wasn't that old. Yes, and I read a, this was from an Elvis blog about this. Someone was very mad that they referred to that picture as Fat Elvis because Elvis worked very hard to get in shape for his Hawaiian comeback special. He was not fat when he filmed that. He got in much worse shape again afterwards and right before it he was, but it's unfortunate for him that that's what it got called.
Starting point is 01:15:47 Yeah, I think people associate old Elvis with the peanut butter and banana sandwich era and barbiturates too. Mix those in there as well. It also was funny watching. I tried to find a news story on this, on the vote, and I couldn't find one on YouTube. But I could find one of when it came out. And it was just all these like rabid elvis fans and just like oh it's beautiful gotta celebrate the king i'm buying a whole two sheets of them i'm giving him a southern accent unintentionally but they it just feels weird now to think of
Starting point is 01:16:14 anybody caring about elvis i maybe i'm an out of touch coastal elite now but i might be too but it seems like there are no more jokes about elvis. There are no more Elvis sighting jokes. Is the Elvis phenomenon dead? Have those people passed away? I don't know. Oh, so then we get straight to Homer confronts Bart in a very funny scene. Yes, so the last drawing that they freeze on is one of my favorite drawings. It might be my favorite drawing in The Simpsons.
Starting point is 01:16:41 Don't let Krusty's death get you down, boy. People die all the time just like that why you could wake up dead tomorrow well goodnight just Homer leaning in like just plastered against the bed with like
Starting point is 01:17:02 holding a Krusty doll it's such a great drawing it's off model. His eyes have never been bigger. Their eyes are gigantic. Homer waits a few seconds just to really let it sink in a bar. Like you get it. Yeah. I also like the very Homer expression.
Starting point is 01:17:16 You could wake up dead tomorrow. It's funny. Cause like there was a line earlier. I forgot to mention just where Homer is like listening, listening listening like the you know i wish i were dead and he says it with such sincerity and it's like the same homer here who has this kind of like nearly fixation on like the morbidity of dying and it's such a casual thing he wants to hang out with joseph stalin and john dillinger in heaven i mean sure yeah they're definitely in heaven i love i love yeah you know this paints a picture of a very depressed homer in this episode in the margins John Dillinger in heaven. I mean, sure. Yeah, they're definitely in heaven. I love, I love,
Starting point is 01:17:45 yeah. You know, this paints a picture of a very depressed Homer in this episode in the margins here. And yes, just Bart, Bart thinking about that, his morbidness that, that also I had those thoughts as a kid,
Starting point is 01:17:57 when you realize what death is, you, I, it, it's a familiar moment. I actually had that as a kid while listening to Beach Boys songs. As Brian Wilson would sing about his fixation in the end of the world and death and never being remembered, it made me go like, oh, I'm really depressed now.
Starting point is 01:18:16 I'll die someday. Oh, no. I prefer their songs about cars and beaches. I should have just stuck to the ones about happy beaches. Oh, yeah. One statistic on the elvis stamp so it's a funny joke that kent says that it was almost two to one like 30 40 percent of people voted for the crusty death one in in real life apparently the vote was three to one thin elvis beat fat elvis. There are some fat Elvis fans out there then. It's a bit, I actually like, maybe I'm being a contrarian here, but I actually
Starting point is 01:18:50 do like the fat Elvis picture more than the 50s crooner style Elvis. Is that when he was doing his karate moves and stuff? Yeah, yeah. Oh, karate, hey. I'm just doing Jack White's impersonation of him now. But so, only on repeat viewings did I notice that in all of Bart's sightings that you hear that you definitely see Rory be bellows in them.
Starting point is 01:19:12 You got to pause so fast. But that's also why like this. It almost feels like they had an idea for a Bob Sideshow Bob style mystery. And then like we have two minutes for it, though. So we really got to speed this shit up. Bob Newhart ate up a lot of possible mystery time. mystery and then like we have two minutes for it though so we really gotta speed this shit up bob newhart ate up a lot of possible mystery time uh so we had to we had to admit dr hibbert's office and again in listening in headphones this is the first time i really heard this line at the start
Starting point is 01:19:36 here and these bells will help with the queasiness dr hibbert who was that man now be agnes skinner i think yeah both it's it's weird casting on there yeah i have to assume they revived jasper right after those five seconds since we saw jasper after that but you're right the uh i do really like how the scene cuts just as like just on second number five like it's really precise part witness another death in that office that's true in a real death this time and but you're right bob we on the agnes thing i was the agnes voice but it was mrs glick saying it and we skipped ahead for a live show recently and went and did home reverse
Starting point is 01:20:31 the 18th amendment and there's another old woman character in there that they just pulled up to basically be agnes in it it's just so odd they're like they clearly want to do agnes they're having tress mcneil do the agnes voice for all these different old ladies until finally they would settle on Agnes should just be the mean woman in every scene. She will overwrite any other mean old woman in any scene. But yeah, the queasiness line, it does feel like they were attempting to build some sort of mystery, but there's not enough time. There's no time. It's racing towards the end. But yeah, that's a little, he's getting like a Dramamine or whatever for seasickness. Yeah. Which also that Marge, Marge was, went through like existential sadness when Lyndon B. Johnson
Starting point is 01:21:11 died of all people. What a nerd. Which we can't talk about LBJ without again mentioning his large penis, which he nicknamed Jumbo. Wow. As our president did. That should be on one of the dollar bills somewhere. It was, that's what the Freedom of Information Act reveals to us.
Starting point is 01:21:27 We get to hear him talking about his dick and the need for bigger pants to fit his large penis. Make sure there's nothing being recorded when you start those conversations, folks. Also, based on if Marge is graduating from high school in 1974 and having her prom, she would have been five years younger, a.k.a aka 13 or 12, when LBJ died in 1969. So she would have been concurrent with Bart's age. Oh, I had him dying in 1973. Oh, that's when his presidency ended in 69. He was dead to me after that.
Starting point is 01:21:59 So then he died when she was only 17 or 16. Yeah, still in high school. She should be that sad. So yeah, there's a very quick scene that feels like a Sideshow Bob type scene of Bart putting together clues, which is honestly too smart for Bart. That should be Lisa. But I do love Lisa saying like, well, I'm sorry, I can't. You're just going to have to live with your mental illness. That's really harsh on Lisa.
Starting point is 01:22:22 I think she's like, I have something over Bart and I want to punish him now. That's true. I feel like Bart gets it pretty rough this episode. There is a real lack of sympathy for the guy. First everybody's blaming him for ratting out on Krusty. And then after that they can blame him like, no, you drove him to suicide. Krusty is dead because
Starting point is 01:22:40 of you, Bart. He has to live with the guild of Yuri, destroying him financially and ending his life. And Homer comforts him by assuring him that he will die. He'll be dead soon, yeah. So, you know, deal with it. But yes, then we get to see the extent of their investigation, which actually, you know what? I played the line of the show jingle before,
Starting point is 01:22:59 but I think this bit is really the line of the episode. Now, I've got some customers. Call me back, Ishmael. Ahoy there, minnows. Ahoy! Have you seen this man? That's handsome Pete. He dances for nickels. Pete, you got some customers!
Starting point is 01:23:28 No, we're looking for this man, Krusty the Clown. Gnar, gnar, gnar. It's hopeless, Bart. We've searched up and down these docks, from Pier 1 to that Pier 1 by Pier 17. Lisa, look! A signature with stars around it, just like Krusty's! Rory B. Bellows, slip eight. Let's go!
Starting point is 01:23:55 Not a quarter! Duh! He'll be dancing for hours! Boy, the handsome Pete steals the show. He does. Yeah, totally. The ironically named handsome Pete. He was able to make something of his deformity, though. He looks just like he looks like a half inflated crusty balloon it's beautiful handsome pete is so great i i love he'll be dancing for hours it's such a great line matt graining says it's his favorite line he repeats it all the time and i actually if you're a real commentary
Starting point is 01:24:22 obsessive you actually do get to hear him do that quoted in real life in a Futurama commentary where John DiMaggio starts acting like the gay character on Futurama. And he's really overdoing it. Randy, yes. He's really overdoing Randy. And then Matt Groening says, oh, he'll be dancing for hours. It's great. Yeah, I love Handsome Pete. I don't know if he ever came back because it's like the perfect one-time character,
Starting point is 01:24:49 like the happiest man in Springfield. But yes, it's – He's a poster character at least. You see him in the big poster of all the characters. Oh, for sure. I just love his little dance. And I love how he's like – after he comes in, he's kind of shot from behind. You see his little feet dancing.
Starting point is 01:25:03 That's beautiful. That's such a cool shot. And just bart at bart and lisa's just own interest expression this is like this is like a like a sideshow attraction and they're just like we have to find crusty this is not important crusty's like deformed doppelganger is here but we have more important things to do i think handsome pete's underselling himself for a nickel per dance really he could do at least 10 cents in hands i feel like the captain owns him or something. There's some kind of sinister relationship happening. Yeah, he's in the back room.
Starting point is 01:25:29 He's not on the boardwalk. That's true. Hmm, there's something. How we use electricity can be smarter, cleaner, and greener. At Electric Ireland, we can help guide you there. You see, our new Net Zero Hub has all you need to know about smart meter plans, EV tariffs, solar panels, and much more. Making your usage clearer, your trips greener, your home cozier, and your world brighter. Find our Net Zero Hub at And also, I completely missed so many times that joke about Milhouse with the signature on his stomach
Starting point is 01:26:10 actually sets up the discovery there of the signature with the stars around it. That's how they do it. But it moves so fast, you don't even recognize in retrospect that they gave you a clue. And so much has happened since that Milhouse scene. A whole lot. Krusty has died and come back again and rory b bellows is quite an oakley and weinstein name as well i do i do love it and especially the the voice that crusty affects for it is really great are you rory b bellows yes about crusty the clown sorry i don't do impressions. Well, if you're not Krusty, how come you have the exact same signature as him?
Starting point is 01:26:47 I'm Rory Bellows, I tell ya. And I got a lot of corroborating evidence over here. By the throttle! You know, you two could have said something instead of letting me make an ass of myself. Hey, you got a pacemaker scar just like Krusty. And Krusty's superfluous third nipple. Can't you see I don't want to be Krusty anymore? That's why I faked my death.
Starting point is 01:27:17 But we saw your plane crash. Yeah, but I wasn't in it. Just before I hit the mountain, I jumped out of the plane into a carefully placed net. He surely should be dead. Yes. Well, he's going to pratfalls, though. I mean, you know, he's going to fall. What they don't mention,
Starting point is 01:27:37 so they mention all of the distinguishing marks and scars on Krusty. They don't mention his cattle skull birthmark, but it's there. They drew it on there. Again, this is all like if you were watching this in 1996 you're like they're paying off all of this like crusty lore because these are the simpsons nerds writing for the simpsons uh yeah the animators always meant to draw oh they always would draw that on a shirtless crusty but the it's part of the zippa club myself they were just all one-off jokes in seasons three and four of the simpsons that they're just like one it's it the reason he has those three things is because
Starting point is 01:28:05 the joke is you only need one of those to identify it's really crusty and then he has three is ridiculous that was one thing in that was one joke in Camp Krusty right yep he was the real Krusty now that has to be on him at all times there's another Krusty physical appearance joke that's really great that happens very soon well also the just the idea of
Starting point is 01:28:21 a comedian who fakes his death that he has died and they fake the death. It is an Elvis thing, but also it's really Andy Kaufman. I think it's meant to be. It's weird there were no real allusions to that in this episode. Not direct, no. And I still, I wish, there was a time I was like, man, I want Andy Kaufman to be alive there was the last time the tricks on it got me was when uh it would turn out to be just a woman an unfamous improv person from ucb theaters they this woman came up on stage at
Starting point is 01:28:54 an andy kaufman memorial thing a few years ago she's like i'm his daughter and i'm young i was born after he was after he died but i'm a i'm proof he's alive and then everyone's like oh my god is andy coffin really alive do we have proof and then it's revealed like no she's she's an improv person she was she fucked with you like andy coffin what i'm just sick of seeing bob's mood addressed up as tony clifton uh but so crusty is adapted to being basically the old man in the sea i i do love that that he's he literally turns his back on them when he's asked, like, are you really going to turn your back? Yes! Just the yes and the back turn.
Starting point is 01:29:28 Beautiful. The complication, so this is all, like, non-digital animation, so they have to do a lot of work to get all these, like, different planes moving at the same time. Oh, yeah. And, like, how everything is synced up is very beautiful. And so one thing I was saying that I really like about that scene is, like, there's two great pieces of visual comedy, which i always feel like is something a lot of modern comedy really lacks like first you have the joke where like you think he's like riding away on the boat and they pull out he's still there i love that because it really like it this thing builds this beautiful momentum it doesn't pay off and then just the image of him slamming into that rock and then hitting the net like it's so great uh it is yeah
Starting point is 01:30:04 it's so it's so the timing on the physical comedy with crusty is great and when they reveal that he's still tied to the doc just bart and lisa have just blank expressions they're like well you're not going anywhere like and then he tried he kind of like awkwardly tries to pull the rope off it takes a few tries it's like he's not as like he wants to make a clever escape it's like by the throttle but he can't get away and it's just very awkward after that but also he's not very experienced as a boat as a as a sailor just yet it's called a boatsman a boatsman yeah so uh then their trick of getting him back is pretty great i uh i just love all the ways they convince them including once again
Starting point is 01:30:40 using bozo as a term phrase nobody he's tired of having phonies around pretending to be his friends. I'm sure he'll find plenty of people who will like him for who he is. It could happen. Who needs friends? The incessant people of the global positioning system is all the companionship I need. Tell me where you are now, you bastard! Alright, I admit it. I miss the phonies.
Starting point is 01:31:12 That's all I miss. That and Charlie Jones and Marty Engel's New Year's Eve party. What about that great feeling you get from knowing you're better than regular people? What about being an illiterate TV clown who's still more respected than all the scientists doctors and educators in the country put together yeah i'm not gonna let those guys hog all the respect while i'm out here in some stinking tub that's just what those eggheads want now forget forget it, Poindexter, because Krusty's back in town. Yay!
Starting point is 01:31:49 So another well-observed part of Krusty lore is that his flesh-colored makeup washes off because this ain't makeup. This ain't makeup. Apparently his nose is... I only noticed that this time around. I was like, that's a weird effect to put on the water. And then he comes out and I was like, oh, right, right. Yeah, it's a callback to just one joke and as as a like 13 year old or whatever watches i'm like yes they got all the crusty lore accurate like they for the sake of that one joke they kept that as a as a part of
Starting point is 01:32:13 crusty's like physical being i know that they kept it as they say makeup on a lesser show they would have just had him reapply makeup or something somebody would have or in in the writer's room maybe someone would have said out loud, like, no, remember there's the line that this ain't makeup. And they would have said, shut up, nerd. Nobody cares. Nobody cares about that shit.
Starting point is 01:32:31 We'll write whatever we feel like. I don't care. And he takes off his fake, he takes off his real looking nose to reveal his fake nose or his fake looking nose. That's one new angle. Like what is going on with Krusty Zack?
Starting point is 01:32:43 His actual nose is a clown nose at this point. It become a clown nose at this point he never takes it off though yeah in though i will say in the crusty gets busted he it is makeup and it takes it off but season one that is season one and perhaps in between season one and when he reveals this ain't makeup and homer's triple bypass it did become permanent makeup and not it. But the, God damn it, I just love, I also love that it pushes Krusty over the edge and he realizes he did want respect. He loves respect. He likes having phonies around to respect him.
Starting point is 01:33:16 Yeah, and so in reference to Shirley Jones and Marty Ingalls, we talked with this in the interview with Bill Oakley about it, our second one. Let's do it on the Patreon, folks. But we joked with him about how he was definitely jealous about how the Rick and Morty guys got a giant pile of Szechuan sauce. And everybody gets free stuff when you mention it on their show. And he never did when they did it on The Simpsons, except they got a bunch of liqueurs sent to them by Marty Ingalls as a thank you for the shout out on the show. Yes, and Marty Ingalls, I guess you might know him maybe if you're as old as us because he played Pac-Man. He played Pac-Man on the Pac-Man cartoon.
Starting point is 01:33:54 And then Shirley Jones is the mom on the Partridge family. Yes, she's a little more famous. If you watch the Drew Carey show, she was his older girlfriend for a season as well on the Drew Carey show. The life of Rory B. Bell is insured for a surprisingly large amount. They walk away from massive fraud laughing and holding hands. Let's give that a listen real quick. So, Krusty, what are you going to do about your tax problem? Don't sweat it.
Starting point is 01:34:18 The life of Rory B. Bellows is insured for a surprisingly large amount. That's it. Yep, so that signifies he's now Krusty. It's a very sweet, despite the cynicism of the scene, it's very sweet how they're holding hands and walking down the beach with Krusty. That ending is very much them saying, we're running out of time.
Starting point is 01:34:45 How do we get back to the, how do we get back to the status quo? We have 10 seconds left. I'll just say he committed insurance fraud and collected millions and millions of dollars. Krusty, he's familiar with all the criminal arts, all the different kinds.
Starting point is 01:34:57 The last three minutes really feel like, like their kind of own, like nearly their own episode in a lot of ways. Like it has such a different tone from the rest of it. I think it kind of works, though, because they do set it up and pay it off in a cool way, and I really think that's a really sweet ending. Yeah, I think pretty much the entirety of the mystery
Starting point is 01:35:15 happens in that last three minutes, in that one location. I mean, I guess Bart seeing Krusty up here around town is one thing, but just them putting it all together in one scene is pretty much the entire mystery. Oh, another drawing I really like, when Bart is reflecting on the mystery. It's a great front-facing Simpsons. There was a whole thing about how weird
Starting point is 01:35:34 front-facing Simpsons are recently as a meme, but that Bart looking forward right at the camera or just staring off into the distance as he thinks, like, I am going crazy. It's not just that everyone hates him and that everyone blames him for crusty's death but now he thinks he is losing his grip on reality out of out of grief and it's he's broken bart is just broken in that yeah and there's a really interesting technical cut in that which they didn't have to do in which when they uh when they go in on bart's front facing face the scene around him fades to
Starting point is 01:36:05 the scene in the bedroom with lisa like his body stays the same but the next scene starts with him doing the same pose like it's a very weird like it's a very cool match cut i love it totally though uh my personal uh conspiracy theory here is that crusty's plan all along was that he was going to kill he was going to then fake the death of Rory B. Bellows and come back. But that Bart and Lisa discovering him just sped it up. And also, this ending doesn't deal with any of the problems of returning to life. Like, nobody reacting like, We all mourned you, Krusty.
Starting point is 01:36:41 This is fucked up. The whole world thought you were dead. That is true. Krusty, there's a lot of hubris in that could just return after that yes his little giggle that's what makes it even better is his giggle of like i'm returning i'm crusty is like you caused people incredible pain and no one would just take you back from that either yeah bouncing uh faking your own death is hard to bounce back from that's why it's great they just they got to end it right there like boom it's over you, don't think about it. Everything will be normal next week.
Starting point is 01:37:07 No, I love that episode. It's one of Krusty's best. Even if it feels a little too packed, too heavily packed, like honestly, they didn't need Bob Newhart. I love the Bob Newhart scene so much, but if they needed an extra minute for story, maybe they'd need Bob Newhart there.
Starting point is 01:37:21 He's so great. But yeah, this is a very story heavy episode. So that's sort of just a distraction. But it's fun. It's a fun distraction. So, John, any final thoughts on this episode? I don't know. Did we ask John why he picked this one?
Starting point is 01:37:31 No. Yeah. Why did you pick this one out of the several available to you, John? I think this is just one where like more so than the overall flow of the episode, there's so many bits in it I just really like. I love the image of Krusty's tombstone to see a real soon kids. Like that's something I kind of have said for years. I love,
Starting point is 01:37:48 I love handsome P I love like a lot of that stuff. And so I think even if the story of this one, it might not be as like well done as others. I think the individual jokes of it stand out to me to make it like a strong episode. Yeah. No, it's,
Starting point is 01:38:02 this is one of the classic, like Simpsons packed full of gags type thing that they do better than just about anybody yeah totally yeah uh well so uh john you know we we talked about your channel super eyepatch wolf and yes we've got an awesome patreon too i'm a patron we hardly endorse all of all of john's videos they're great uh especially if you like animation and you should if you're listening to this podcast like he does amazing stuff especially with anime no the dragon your two dragon ball z ones were great they they really captured the current zeitgeist of returning to dragon ball z and explaining what it meant as a uh you know you talked about seeing it as yourself as a young boy
Starting point is 01:38:40 in ireland it was my same experience too as you, a 16 year old seeing it on Toonami in America too, of just discovering like a whole new type of thing in Dragon Ball. Like it just changed everything for me too. Yeah, totally. I love shows like that. Like I think it's, it's interesting when something comes along and then the rest of the industry
Starting point is 01:39:01 is like imitating it for years. And like, that's kind of what The Simpsons is as well, you know, like completely. Like I love listening to the early interviews of the simpsons and them trying to put across the idea that the simpsons wasn't a thing like it wasn't a thing and it was a bunch of crazy idiots trying to make it something and like when you think about that now simpsons is such a part of pop culture it's like it's insane to think that it wasn't at one point you know yeah they just uh kind of just fate took its way there it's you know i had a similar thing of uh watching now
Starting point is 01:39:30 i've been watching jojo's bizarre adventure i never read the comics just been watching the anime in the last six months and there's so many things yeah and there's there's so many things in it where people point out to me like you know the thing in street fighter they just took it from that or you know the thing in persona they just took it from that i'm like oh this is all it's all clicking now all this other japanese media and the incredible influence of jojo and your jojo videos of why you should watch her are really great too i love those if i have to recommend one of your videos i would recommend the one about kaiji the gambling anime and um it's like i never thought i'd be into it but it turns uh gambling into like shounen fighting with amazing results.
Starting point is 01:40:07 And I've been getting into it. So thank you for that video. Oh, I'm so glad. Like, you know, Kaiji isn't a very well-known show. And so, like, I made that video, like, not knowing it was ever going to, like, knowing it was never going to, like, blow up or anything. But I love it when someone's like, yeah, I checked out Kaiji because it's, that is such a special show. Yeah, I never would have because it's one of, like, 300 things things on crunchyroll i don't know and wouldn't know it was good yeah but do you have anything else you'd like to plug though oh i also do a video game podcast called
Starting point is 01:40:33 the let's fight a boss video game podcast and we talk about we talk about lots of stuff we talk about tv movies mainly video games but we kind of go all over the place and uh it's a fun one so thanks for listening folks again that was John Walsh. You can find him on YouTube as Super Eyepatch Wolf, and we've said it enough. But yes, subscribe to his videos. They're amazing. His Patreon is great, too. We like to support each other in this content community that we live in.
Starting point is 01:40:54 As for me, I've been one of your hosts. You can find me on Twitter as Bob Servo. My other podcast is Retronauts. Every Monday and occasionally Friday, it is a classic gaming podcast. Look for Retronauts in your podcast machine or go to for more fun. And as for us, all this stuff that you're listening to is Patreon supported. We are at the Talking Simpsons Patreon at slash Talking Simpsons. And if you give it the $5 level, you will get every episode of both Talking Simpsons and What a Cartoon a week in advance and without ads.
Starting point is 01:41:23 And there are other incentives on top of that, like the Patreon exclusive series, Talking Futurama, which we're going through right now. You can only find that on Patreon. The first episode is available for free on the Talking Simpsons feed if you want to give it a try. But I'll have Henry tell you what else we have available at that $5 level. And yes, you can give more. It's totally legal and I would do it. Yes. The $5 level, you get access to every episode of Talking Simpsons a week early and ad free. So you would have heard this one a week early, or you can hear next week's episode right now. Come on. And the same goes for our other podcast, which we just launched, What a Cartoon,
Starting point is 01:41:53 where we go through a different episode of an animated series in this same Talking Simpsons style. We've done Batman the Animated Series. We've done King of the Hill. We've done Steven Universe. We've done Ren and Stimpy. We have even done the hated anime with Kill la Kill kill we it's actually really good we loved it yes and we're going to be doing so many more it's another weekly show bob and i have been podcasting maniacs this week and we've been or this month and we've been really loving it and we hope that
Starting point is 01:42:19 you guys are too and so you can hear that a week early and ad free as well as a ton of exclusive interviews we just did one at the time of this recording with dan grainy who is an amazing lifetime or he's been on the simpsons for over 20 years has a ton of insight as a writer on the show who you know all had gotten to a certain level not executive producer like as he said himself like you're asking a soldier about what the generals did so yeah it's an interesting perspective he gives to it plus at the ten dollar plus level you get access to a monthly video where we go through a certain simpsons thing bob and i give commentary to and also there's uh the deleted scenes for season six and five our season wrap-ups for every season the entire first season of talking simpsons if you want to go back three whole years to our talking simpsons beginnings
Starting point is 01:43:04 it's all there on the Patreon. You have access to so many things just for $5. Henry's passing out. But he forgot Talking Critic. All 23 episodes of Talking Critic. We've done a lot for the Patreon and we think if you give us $5,
Starting point is 01:43:15 you'll get a lot in return. But thanks for listening to this podcast, folks. We'll see you next week for Lisa the Iconoclast. See you then. Wow. Infotainment.

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