Talking Simpsons - Talking Simpsons - Homer Simpson In: Kidney Trouble With Matthew Jay

Episode Date: September 4, 2019

Back again is our pal Matthew Jay (The Deep End, Cartoons 101) for a fun chat about one of Homer's most shameful episodes of the series. Let's see, he nearly kills his father on at least three occasi...ons and is too disgusting even to the strangest people on earth. All that, plus the filthy history of the old west in this week's podcast! Support this podcast and get dozens of bonus episodes by visiting and becoming a patron! This podcast is brought to you by the streaming network VRV: home to cartoons, anime, and so much more! Visit to sign up for your FREE 30-day trial and kick a little money back to your friends at the Talking Simpsons Network!  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 attention talking simpsons listeners we have a special mini-series just for you we're going through the entire first season of king of the hill and you can only hear it if you're a five dollar and up patron at slash talking simpsons we're giving the talking simpsons treatment to all 13 episodes of king of the hills first season and if you want a free sample you'll find the first episode available for free in the talking simpsons feed slash talking simpsons it's the only place you'll find the first episode available for free in the Talking Simpsons feed. slash Talking Simpsons. It's the only place you'll find the first season of Talk King of the Hill. Made you go click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click.
Starting point is 00:00:32 It's real easy, man. I heartily endorse this event or product. Ahoy, ahoy, everybody, and welcome to Talking Simpsons, now with 30% more gunfights. I'm your host, one of the strangest people on Earth, Bob Mackie, and this is our chronological exploration of The Simpsons. Who else is here with me today? Henry Gilberton.
Starting point is 00:01:03 I like taffy, but I don't deserve taffy. And who do we have on the line? I'm Matthew J., and help me please, I'm sick. Funny. And today's episode is Homer Simpson in Kidney Trouble. Do we have to listen to you? Oh, well, no, you don't. But if you have any interest in history... I'm done.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Today's episode aired on December 20th, 1998, and as always, Henry will tell us what happened on this mythical day in real-world history. I'm done. Today's episode aired on December 20th, 1998 and as always, Henry will tell us what happened on this mythical day in real world history. Oh my God! Oh boy, Bobby!
Starting point is 00:01:34 Star Wars Rogue Squadron comes to the Nintendo 64, a Bugs Life beat Psycho at the box office, and supermodel Naomi Campbell is charged with assault for throwing a cell phone
Starting point is 00:01:45 at an assistant oh that real firecracker yeah we all remember that story of the throwing cell phone so many people have thrown phones at assistants that i think it just got lost in the shuffle didn't russell crowe he threw a phone at someone oh yeah i think so yeah the the the bad luck is if they miss with the phone because then you can't really charge them for it. Because if you're rich and famous, you're like, I'm holding a weapon and I'm angry and no one around me is actually a person. So here we go. And phones in 1998 were easier to throw. They were kind of football shaped almost if you snapped them shut, right?
Starting point is 00:02:19 Yeah, yeah. If it was a clamshell kind. I mean, I had one that was a brick in 1999. Well, when I say I had one, I mean my family did. And that was only because my dad worked at a cell phone company. And yeah, that one, if you threw it at somebody, you really hurt them for sure. And man, Bugs Life starring Dave Foley and Redacted. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Well, he did play the villain. I like how whenever he plays the villain, he's died in so many movies. Yeah. I think we've said that before on this show, but you can watch Kevin Spacey movies if he's murdered in them. Yeah, he gets eaten in that one, I believe, by a bird at the end of it. Yes. By a horrifying, realistically rendered bird.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Yeah. I do like that movie a lot. And now it's been wiped off the face of the, like, Bugs Lifeland finally got demolished and is getting turned into the Avengers world of California Adventure. California Adventure? Okay, I didn't even notice it was there. I was there, like, in December.
Starting point is 00:03:12 I actually walked around it to go there. Like, they might have had the, honestly, the walls up already when you were there in December. Yeah, I think so. They were executing the bugs behind that wall. My Mishichu train was fun it was a nice little little sit down have a breather ride and i'm gonna miss it uh that was the baby coaster on it or uh yeah i think not even a coaster just like a little train that just
Starting point is 00:03:33 went in a big circle and you looked at like giant candy and flowers and it was and you listened to uh the dear departed joe ramford voice uh talk to you at simon oh that's right he's the german caterpillar i forgot that yeah i remember the German caterpillar. I forgot that. I remember the Randy Newman song for that movie. Do you remember the song? It's like, here's a bug, here's a bug. And that's all I remember. You gotta do this.
Starting point is 00:03:55 I just listened to it because I wanted to it's actually playing as a bed underneath this right now. Is he going to overpower us with his grody warbling? I try to make it quiet, but when I looked it up, I was like, I don't remember this song at all. And it's already left my brain because all Randy Newman
Starting point is 00:04:12 songs kind of sound the same. Yeah, I mean, the only ones I like are the ones in the first Toy Story. Well, they were smart to redo. You got a friend in me over and over again each movie. Like, Toy Story 4 just has another version of it. And if you play Kingdom Hearts 3, you hear that on a loop for about 80 minutes in that level.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Did anybody watch the shot-for-shot remake of Psycho? No. No. It is famously brought up. Anytime somebody says, I'm going to make a shot-for-shot remake of something, they are making fun of Gus Van Zandt. He directed the Oscar-winning Good Will Hunting. He's like like what's your next movie a shot for shot remake of psycho i'm huge baby except in this one the sexual
Starting point is 00:04:52 subtext will be more above the level yeah it's like when i saw the classic movie i was like i need to see this guy jerking off it's not enough that it's implied uh and it's vaughn so it's it just that makes it worse yeah uh and yes star wars rogue squadron that was a pretty good n64 game my memories of playing it have been erased by playing the much better rogue leader that was the gamecube one very pretty yeah yeah the rogue squadron was one of the first uh major n64 games that it didn't need the ram expansion pack but it was much better with the ram expansion pack it's a real shame that company crashed and burned with the uh brown dragon game for ps3 oh yes lair built around a controller functionality that they soon wiped off the map
Starting point is 00:05:38 because no one wanted to do it oh yeah six axis you can tilt it yeah boy what a poor what a sad that gravely injured them and then what killed them was that they made a deal with brash entertainment to make a superman returns video game and then brash entertainment was like actually we're just a ponzi scheme we're done like we don't exist and you have no money goodbye i remember when sony for the ps3 the initial ps3 controllers did not have so playstation 3 by the way for our listeners who aren't gamers yeah it didn't have the the dual shock rumble in it because sony didn't want to pay there was some licensing thing yeah yeah uh oh yeah that was a last generation feature wasn't
Starting point is 00:06:15 it that's what they said yeah it's like you don't want that now if you ask me if my controller vibrate i couldn't tell you it's like maybe it does i just i'm just so used to it like do you even notice when your controller vibrates anymore? Yeah. A friend of the show, Matt McMuscles, did a really good breakdown of what happened with Lair and how that destroyed the Rogue Squadron developers. It's a worthwhile video to watch. But hey, Matt J., welcome back. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Thanks for having me. I'm excited to talk about this episode because it scarred me as a child. This episode scared me, and I think about it a lot, particularly every time I have to hold in my pee. Every movie I see, I think about this movie. I think it haunted me, too, even though I was a little bit older than you, Matthew, just seeing the exploded kidneys. They're pretty bad. Yeah. Well, and as Marvel movies get longer and longer, you're going to be thinking about this episode all the time.
Starting point is 00:07:06 We need Marvel Cinematic Universe tactical. Think about this and the lady who held her Wii for a Wii and went home and had headaches and then died. Yes. I always wonder what happened to those kids. Oh, boy. Oh, jeez, yeah. They got to be out of college by now.
Starting point is 00:07:20 I mean, ultimately, my main fear in life is to die in a really stupid way because that's all anyone will remember of your life those kids probably have a switch now they're probably doing fine man do you think yeah it's gotta hurt to play a nintendo system to know that like my mother died for this thing they became xbox i think yeah she died for the entertainment of people who still listen to the radio in 2006 yeah see podcasts haven't killed anybody yet have they um they've radicalized people i think i guess and then those people kill people so yes yes and matt you've uh you were just on our mega sex lr podcast but uh this is a uh return for you here and i i think people should know up front about your awesome adult swim podcast if they still
Starting point is 00:08:04 aren't listening to it yet oh thank you yeah you guys were just on it to talk about uh home movies season two we my buddy steve yurko and i he's uh oh the emmy nominated steve yurko oh yeah that's awesome yeah he works on uh he did the storyboards for our robot chicken episode that is nominated for an emmy and robot chicken almost always wins the em. So I think Steve's about to win an Emmy, but which which I consider an Emmy for the podcast, really, because he was working on the podcast while working at Robot Chicken. So, yeah, we're going through every show ever aired in Adult Swim. We're going in general airing order, but we're jumping around
Starting point is 00:08:39 a lot because, you know, we have guests that come on that we really want to have on. But they're like I didn't watch, you know, Penguinsuins behind bars or whatever random weird thing aired but i did watch eagle heart so we had like brad evans come on talk about eagle heart we had uh nathan barnett come on and talk about the pilot he made for adult swim it's a very fun show we've had a cool guest on like bill freiberger was on one of our patreon shows he's a guy who when you look into his history you're like oh he's worked on every major show i can think of for the last 20 years. People like that. James Urbaniak was on The Voice of Dr. Venture. It's a fun show. We're glad to be doing it. Yeah. Did you watch this episode live when it aired, Matt? I don't remember. I was nine when this one aired and I was very much a fan of
Starting point is 00:09:21 The Simpsons at the time. So I might've watched it live, but I definitely, this era, I was watching the syndication a lot at night. They would play in my area, I believe around this time, the Simpsons at six and six 30 and Seinfeld at seven and then the Simpsons at seven 30. So I would have like two hours of just watching syndicated Fox at night, but I definitely saw this one a lot in syndication. It's one of those seasons like eight through 12. They just played again and again and again. So even though those seasons aren't the best, they're really drilled into my mind. I definitely saw it live.
Starting point is 00:09:54 I think I was getting ready to roll into Christmas Vacation because this is their Christmas episode. This episode packed full of cruelty. It's weird to see these ones with the dates around this because around this time of year because i thought they were doing more christmas episodes and now i think they just do a yearly christmas episode yeah i think next year is the funzo episode yeah yeah that's when we get funzo uh but i remember that uh these were the years where i was really digging into all tv simpsons i think i got on there around 1996 1997 and uh people online really hated this episode a lot now i will say in in my
Starting point is 00:10:29 memory of this episode i remembered really hating it because of how homer acts in it i will say on this rewatch uh this clinical rewatch of it there is some really funny stuff in it i think there's some really good stuff in here even though the story of it sells out homer's character to such a degree that i find him impossible to like in this episode you have to remember that abe deserves to be tortured he is an awful yeah they yeah he's an awful person but in this episode they try to make him just a sweet old man this i forgot what happens at the very end and i won't give it away here we'll get to it but it made me laugh uh really really hard there's like really really blunt uh out of nowhere joke that uh i was cracking up over all over again uh i mean this is
Starting point is 00:11:14 a john swartzwelder script that comes from a george meyer concept so the john the john swartzwelder script which is why the first act is in old west town yes yeah uh and it's just insane like this is uh you know when we talk about these this the scully era part of it is george meyer getting away with the things that would have stayed in the writer's room before so zanier shit happens that and also even more often cut through the treacle as you say in brighter terms before we get to the first act i want to ask you guys if you've ever seen uh pistol pete john swartzwalder's pilot god i still haven't it's on youtube and because the 90s uh the simpsons writers had so many development deals and everyone was getting pilots i think bill oakley and josh
Starting point is 00:12:00 weinstein did multiple pilots i definitely want to ask them about those one day although it is a weird question like tell me about your failures things that didn't air that thing you worked really hard on that nobody ever gets to see legally what about that i really want to know but yeah john swartzwater wrote a uh a pilot called pistol pete an old west show and it's very bizarre because there are good jokes but it feels like they don't really work well in a live action setting it feels like he's writing simpsons jokes in a live-action setting for actors who don't really know what to do with them. So the jokes are there, but it's just very awkward.
Starting point is 00:12:31 But it's interesting to watch to see, like, what would a John Schwarzwalder-run live-action show look like? We got one of them for one episode, and that's it. And about the title of this episode, according to Wikipedia, they say it's a direct reference to Roger Rabbit in Tummy Trouble. Absolutely not. I don't think so. I mean, the titling is just like a cartoon.
Starting point is 00:12:52 So in that way, it's similar to Roger Rabbit. It just like plugs money in blank. It feels like a bad Harvey tune or Hanna-Rabera, like Yogi Bear in Pie Panic or whatever. It's like they're giving a silly cartoon name to a very tragic and cruel episode i think that is the joke i think so too but it is worth noting that roger if it is the reference that roger rabbit short bill copp was one of the writers on it and he's one of the original simpsons animators eek the cat uh creator bill copp uh but yeah i don't think so either but i i mainly just wanted to bring up bill copp this naming convention would be used again already in this season,
Starting point is 00:13:28 like for Marge Simpson and Screaming Yellow Honkers. Oh, yeah, that's right. A reference to the popcorn snack Screaming Yellow Zonkers. Oh, that's right. Yeah. Boy, I'm going to have to do a lot of Zonker research when we get to that episode. Can't buy those anymore. I remember in that episode of Tiny...
Starting point is 00:13:44 This is so weird. In that episode of Tiny Toons where Plucky is making a movie with Hampton, it's the mango drink episode. I love that joke. And it was all a bunch of 70s references and all the things he was bringing on his boat were 70s things
Starting point is 00:13:55 and one of them was a box of Screaming Yellow Zonkers. Oh, right. Yeah. Because it was Contiki, but it was Conducky. I don't know what Contiki is still. I'm sorry yeah and isn't he like dressed like one of the characters from dolomite i don't know if it's
Starting point is 00:14:09 specifically that but he's got like the same hat and vest as uh yeah i mean he's dressing michael key is playing in the new movie uh he's kind of uh he's that but he's also just like a wild and crazy guy yeah yeah it was animated by tms i remember from all the the cuts of things falling on him during the mango juice scene those are all very well done tms stuff one of my i you're gonna make me start laughing right now just remembering that bob oh god well the it's another full title sequence the episodes are really running short at this time in season 10 this is one of like four or five in a row that have the full like over a minute title sequence they didn't go to the uh the circus opening so that at least
Starting point is 00:14:51 that's an analogy to mike reese special it's like long opening and then circus opening we get 20 more seconds of not having to write a joke uh 20 sweet seconds about not having to do our jobs um i've never been to an old-timey cowboy town. Have you guys ever? The closest has been walking through Frontierland in Disneyland. It's basically for me. Yeah, I guess it's the same I've had, too. I really want to drive out.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Now, after Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, I want to see what's left of Spahn Ranch. I know they rebuilt a lot of that stuff, but I think it'd be cool to go there and see what's up out there it was cool to find out that at universal hollywood on the tour you go through a old west town too yeah that's where they filmed the old west uh tv show stuff in once upon a time in hollywood as well is that the old west town that they flood on the tour ride yeah it's part of it yeah yeah or you also see in the video uh in the video Jimmy Fallon having a showdown with himself, which is secretly about the embattlement with his battle with alcohol. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Alleged. I can see you're headed there. Alleged. I can see you're headed there. If I'm bringing up Jimmy Fallon, it's to mock his alcohol problems. That's the only reason I would do it. Now, hey, Jimmy Fallon, get well. Get some help, buddy
Starting point is 00:16:05 Stop enabling fascists, is what I say Also that, stop doing that Well, yeah, now he's just going to have on Pete Buttigieg And he's going to slow jam the news with him Good times I learned how to pronounce Buttigieg Because of his promotional appearance On Jimmy Fallon
Starting point is 00:16:22 That was so awful PR work? It did, it did it did uh but anyway the the family goes to an old west town but on the way there they have an attack of the elderly oh they remembered my birthday come on come on come on start can you, Daniel. Start. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. I love Jasper's reaction at the window.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Also being scared of Lisa. This also reminds me of Old Money in which Abe's birthday is always tragic. Oh, yeah. That was the discount line safari birthday where they were gone for so long that B. Simmons tragic. Oh, yeah. That was the Discount Line Safari birthday where they were gone for so long that Bea Simmons died. Oh, man. And also, yeah, actually, this is a very similar setup there. I was also thinking of a similar gag where the Sarah Gilbert episode where he has a crush.
Starting point is 00:17:16 He visits Abe for tips. Oh, right. And he goes like, you remembered my birthday. What? Yeah, he gives him the bus schedule. So the intonation of, you remembered my birthday what yeah he gives him the bus schedule yes so the intonation of you remembered my birthday is just a classic uh abe saying uh though when i think about it now this makes this even more tragic this horrible day for abe happens on his birthday yeah i totally forgot about that
Starting point is 00:17:39 first scene uh uh also that engine check engine light i thought of this joke usually when i had back when i had a car if i'd look at unlit the check engine light i was like i remember homer put tape over that i remember back uh when vcrs were still a thing what you'd see in movies or tv shows the visual indicator that somebody was bad at technology or just out of touch it was that their vcr was always flashing 12 right yeah of course my grandma my sweet grandma hers was and to solve that problem she put a piece of tape over it out of sight out of mind i like the uh the old-fashioned ingenuity of your grandma yeah yeah just like well i don't need a clock on there and it's bothering me so away you go yeah the clock on the vcr was one of my like as a kid that was the first like, why?
Starting point is 00:18:27 Like, you know, they'll put certain things into other devices like Wi-Fi in your fridge or whatever. I remember being like, why do I need, I've got a clock in my living room. I don't need one that's flashing at me all the time or that's bright while I'm watching a movie. Like the same thing with my PS4 has to be glowing blue while I have a Blu-ray playing. I'm just happy that,
Starting point is 00:18:43 so we no longer have DVD players really. We just play things in our PlayStations and whatnot. But I'm really happy that we while i have a blu-ray playing i'm just happy that uh so we no longer have dvd players really we just play things in our playstations and whatnot but i'm really happy that we no longer have a thing that tells us how much longer the movie will run because it's just so distracting it's like well this movie only has 14 minutes i know what's gonna happen now uh it's something i i'm so spoiled by like youtube videos like well how much longer is in this essay just mouse over it like i should i should resist it and just like be thinking this is as long as this essay is gonna be or whatever yeah i wonder if they had to pay for that happy birthday song too that did he sing enough that they had to pay for it oh and also before right before that starts they fit in a scene of marge getting shit on by everybody as usual where she's like, come on, everybody hip hip and nobody wants it.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Even Homer doesn't want to be cheered. That's me. They'll stand for two cheers. They're too mean to Marge as usual. They are heading on their way. Homer also is very mean to Lisa of just shutting her down. It's because it's stupid. That's why. That's why anybody does anything.
Starting point is 00:19:42 I really feel like a lot of writers' dads are being filtered through Homer right now. The little taste you get of scully's parents uh in the commentaries you're like oh boy you had a tough sounds like you had a tough uh growing up i feel like the homer is meaner during these seasons because of uh mike scully and dana ghoul just had terrible fathers and in fact uh to this day mike scully's still uh pin tweet is still i just cremated my dad and he said i never amount to anything so i love that tweet is about burning his dad's skeleton i love that tweet yeah i really do love it but yeah uh yeah you know maybe it is uh you know al jean had a really nice relationship with his dad. Maybe that's why things softened for Homer when he got on.
Starting point is 00:20:27 But yeah, Homer's just so mean. I think they are just funneling a lot of their memories from road trips as a kid where you'd ask your dad to do anything and your dad would reply like, I'm the driver, shut up. This is a fascist police state, this car. It's not a democracy. It's not a cheerocracy in this car. And so they head to Blood Gulch, which the sign gag's not the funniest. It's just like Blood Gulch, the friendliest town in the Old West. But I suppose it's friendly in that there's so many prostitutes there.
Starting point is 00:21:00 It's very friendly there. The amount of sex work was a reality in the old west like people more often uh were having sex with a sex worker than uh robbing banks i think there's a very little episode about i was thinking of that oh yeah there's a there's a whole episode where hank finds out that arlen was once known as harlot town and it's where you basically go to find a sex worker while you were traveling in the old west oh yeah what come down and see us sometime something like that yeah yeah i remember that that that was such a cool episode because it you think that it's going to be a shame for the town
Starting point is 00:21:34 and then they meet uh pr guys like no this is the greatest thing that could happen to us uh yeah this well also the the guy uh in the the tour guide is basically explaining the setting of Deadwood. Like, this is just everything in Deadwood was a whorehouse as well. They say prostitutes so much here. But yes, let's learn all about the Old West. This should be very educational. I want you kids to pay attention. Founded by prostitutes in 1849 and serviced by prostitute express riders who could bring in a fresh prostitute
Starting point is 00:22:08 from St. Joe in three days, Bloodbath Gulch quickly became known as a place where a trail hand could spend a month's pay in three minutes. Three minutes! I never realized history was so filthy. First on our tour is the whorehouse. Then we'll visit the cat house, the brothel, the bordello,
Starting point is 00:22:29 and finally the old mission. Oh, thank heaven. Lots of prostitutes in there. But there was more to the Old West than just sex, folks. A lot more. If you look off to your left, you'll see a real Old West than just sex, folks. A lot more. If you look off to your left, you'll see a real Old West hitching post, possibly used by bandits, possibly during some exciting adventure. And these planks below us were often used as a sidewalk
Starting point is 00:22:59 by people who may or may not have been bandits. I do like how Homer was impressed that a man could last three minutes. That's a great line. That tells you so much about Homer. Homer's probably like, well, sure, on your wedding anniversary, maybe you can last three minutes. But other than that. Mark's saying, I never realized history was so filthy,
Starting point is 00:23:21 reminds me of every right-wing politician who just tries to hide things it was just like oh i can't believe you're bringing up things that happened in the past as if that matters for politics this kind of thing just happened recently but not with with sex work but with slavery of uh like i think there was uh there was something going viral around people complaining on yelp of like when i went to this old-fashioned plantation, I think the tour guide got too political talking about all the slaves that were here. We all know about slavery, but we wanted to see an old plantation. I'm here for the scenery. I just wanted to ride horses.
Starting point is 00:23:56 I'm here for the scenery. The scenery built by slaves. Yeah, knowing the real context of history is important. Like, there's a lot of warts to history. I mean, but that when you look at American history and the warts, then it's harder to say it's the greatest experiment in human history or whatever bullshit you say to aggrandize this stupid country. I mean, look, it's fine. No, it's not. No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:24:24 No, I mean, it's built it's no it's not it's not it's uh no i mean it's built on the planks of racism and uh slavery that's all don't forget genocide genocide you always forget genocide what is it with you separation genocide henry all this next stuff reminds me of uh westworld yes very west yeah the old movie and i remember uh just like with a lot of prestige tv stuff like people cared about that new one for about eight episodes and i never heard about it again is it still running i think so yeah it was i remember seeing it in the um if you watched the final season of game of thrones those episodes were front loaded with a sizzle reel called please don't cancel hbo which was just showing every show that's coming next
Starting point is 00:25:05 they're like oh we've got so many cool shows please don't leave hbo and game of thrones is over please and westworld was part of it i see i see yeah uh though they're next in the old movie the 70s westworld movie yeah i haven't watched the new show i've watched the 70s movie a bunch of times i watched it right before we did a chi and scratchy land uh it really holds up it's like a really strong action movie. Yeah, Michael Crichton, he can write, basically he wrote the same movie three times or something, but Jurassic Park is Westworld.
Starting point is 00:25:33 It's just like the first Terminator in that the third act is hilarious in premise, but scary as hell, where in Westworld, the third act is a robot cowboy chases you, and Terminator, it's a robot skeleton chases you but it's just the third act and that's it uh joel brenner too yeah scary looking man already joel brenner playing a robot of himself it's just so wonderful and and uh yeah also yeah all these robots especially like killer robots and sexy robots also i love in westworld how excited the guys are to win a bar fight with the robots.
Starting point is 00:26:07 And I'm like, yeah, these robots look tough, but they're made to lose to you. Which makes it even better when you have the killer robot who can't slow down chasing after you the whole time. The robot who couldn't slow down. I also love his descriptions of boring things to cover for the fact that apparently nothing happened in blood gulch other than prospectors having sex with women and people walking on planks yes yeah there was never any famous like shootouts or robberies or anything it's just that which means they are really taking advantage of uh historical license by having a giant shootout later at the place uh and yeah i like homer the
Starting point is 00:26:46 opening clip there where homer uh just walks away i like marge's uncomfortable laughter to cover for homer's incredible rudeness this bar this is the part that really reminds me of westworld which westworld was just really about disneyland anyway so it's also like if pirates of the caribbean was a cowboy thing instead they even have the wench chasing circle that's right yeah which uh how did they change they changed it to the girl chasing him didn't they or is it just yeah i think i mean i just was on it in february and i think it is the woman is chasing the man now okay and they added scarlet the the new woman pirate uh voiced by greg what did she go by now i think i believe she goes by gray delisle griffin or is it gray griffin i've seen both recently i
Starting point is 00:27:30 think she's i think she tried to switch to gray griffin totally and then people didn't know who that was so now she's gray delisle griffin she's been daphne all this time but uh yeah no that works great i love that character i haven't seen't seen this new pirate character by her. I mean, I wrote it. I felt honored that I got to write it one of the last times that there was the selling the fat woman scene. That one, I believe, is gone now. Oh, yeah. All the human trafficking stuff is pretty much gone. It's more...
Starting point is 00:28:02 There's none of that. Yeah. And that's PC culture. Yeah. And, uh, and that's PC culture ruining Disneyland. Now I'm kidding. Uh, though I will miss hearing Dawes Butler's voice in that scene.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Yeah. There's still like 10 Johnny Depp's, which is still an issue. Oh boy. Too many Johnny Depp's on that ride. I mean, they clearly spent so much more money, uh,
Starting point is 00:28:20 money on those Johnny Depp's like, you know what? Just hire one of those Johnny Depp robots to be in your next movie movie don't hire johnny depp it'll cooperate with you more in that disney plus sizzle reel i i was telling bob about before we started recording when the pirate scene showed up in it i just like cringe like oh yeah that is one of your big like that was their biggest thing before marvel and now i never want to think about it because Johnny Depp is disgusting to me. The Sentence will be right back. When you really care about someone,
Starting point is 00:29:02 you shout it from the mountaintops. So on behalf of Desjardins Insurance, I'm standing 20,000 feet above sea level to tell our clients that we really care about you. Home and auto insurance personalized to your needs. Weird, I don't remember saying that part. Visit slash care and get insurance that's really big on care. Did I mention that we care? And get insurance that's really big on care. Did I mention that we care? Hope you're enjoying this week's podcast with the strangest people on earth, me and Bob.
Starting point is 00:29:43 And we really appreciate our special guest this week, Matthew J., for coming on. Please check out all this stuff, like the the deep end and cartoons 101 and if you enjoy this podcast please consider supporting the talking simpsons network at slash talking simpsons just five dollar a month signups help me and bob do this full time as our real ass jobs and that five bucks get you access to so many awesome things you get to hear our exclusive to patreon podcast where me and bob give the talking simpsons treatment to many similar shows we did every episode of the critic we did the whole first season of futurama we did the whole first season of king of the hill and we've got another awesome mini series coming in the fall you can only hear those if you're a five dollar and up patron at slash talking simpsons.
Starting point is 00:30:25 The same goes for our many exclusive interviews we did with folks who have been working on the Simpsons, in some cases from the very first shorts on Tracy Ullman in 1987. You can only hear those if you're a $5 and up patron at slash talking simpsons. So please, sign up today. You know what podcast goes good with a sarsaparilla? The what a cartoon movie podcast. Me and Bob for our $10 and up patrons to a premium once a month podcast where we do the same wonderful podcast stylings we do but for a different animated feature film once a month would you like to hear us talk about movies like spider-man into the spider-verse rocco's modern life static cling tiny tunes how i spent
Starting point is 00:31:16 my vacation akira kiki's delivery service a goofy movie you can only hear those on our what a cartoon movie podcast that's exclusive to our premium patrons who pledge ten dollars a month so please consider going to the ten dollar level up in your five dollar pledge all of those five dollar benefits will be included plus our monthly what a cartoon movie podcast you know you want to hear it so please check that out one more time at slash Talking Simpsons. Homer, uh, then ends up, uh, insulting our proud veterans. Hey, robot, get your fat metal ass down here.
Starting point is 00:32:11 First of all, I'm not a robot. And second, I got this metal ass in Nam, defending this country for lazy jerks like you. Now, what do you have, partner? Let's see. One, two, three, six whiskeys. All right. We only serve sarsaparilla, Mac. No alcohol.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Oh. You can get drunk when we get home. Duh. Hey, these cards are mine. Now look what you've done! I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. Let's forget this whole thing happened. What the heck is this, a tea party?
Starting point is 00:32:45 Somebody kill somebody! What is it with you and robots? Hearing about a metal ass is prepping the audience for Futurama in three months. Oh, wow. A metal ass, eh? What if a character were to have a metal ass that one would bite? It's neuro-linguistic programming they've been it's a psyop this whole time you know the animation here when the bartender walks over it almost feels like it's supposed to look robotic just a little bit and then he's like i i'm not a robot comes in i
Starting point is 00:33:18 forgot where the joke was going so it was pretty convincing uh robotic walking and also when homer homer orders six whiskeys for everybody i didn't realize until uh this viewing like oh the bart's reaction is him him thinking homer's buying all the whiskey for them like everybody needs a shot of whiskey it's the old west homer finding out there's no alcohol and then he's just like well of course i'm gonna get drunk at home that that's a given guys when marge asked him why uh what's your problem with robots it's like does she not remember itchy and scratchy land come on that's true they should all be terrified of robots and not wanting to go near any animatronics and all the cap gun
Starting point is 00:33:55 jokes this is the first of the cap gun jokes too then uh homer homer actually looks legitimately scared under that table maybe that's why he's so cruel that he's just like shaken up by all this robot stuff it's funny to me that out of all the things they program they program these guys to be nice to each other when they knock over the poker table a big misunderstanding that they all recover from but they can still react to homer if a bottle is smashed on their heads i also uh i really like the design of the piano player with the coin slot thing that is cool yeah i do like that touch though the piano player with the coin slot thing. That is cool. Yeah, I do like that touch.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Though the reason I think I know why all these robots are so beaten up, it's because people can just touch them. You need to have a clear marker to keep people away from your animatronics. There needs to be a person in the room, in the tiki room. There's a person in there. Make sure you don't touch the birds. We were talking before the recording about this era of the simpsons getting into the modern era about how you lose little little touches in the show that kind of elevate the show in the world that they live in
Starting point is 00:34:54 but one of them that is still in this episode is when bart puts the quarter in that guy's head just the that he does when he shoves it oh yeah nice and tactile and i like it it just gives like a texture to the scene that i really enjoy i love nancy just making sound effects for bart that uh most people wouldn't do just like the little cupcakes at the wall oh yeah i love that huck it needs to have a sound yeah i feel like now they wouldn't even think of that effort like yeah i like that that they saw that it maybe that was even like an adr thing where they saw that it looked like it takes part a little effort to shove that quarter in so you need to hear the exertion sound and that band uh then i can't believe they got speaking of metal asses they got away with plastic asses yeah that
Starting point is 00:35:38 are just flesh colored too real derrieres like an exploding ass flies at the screen which i really did not expect to see nobody must use that piano player like bart has to be the first one who's turned it on in forever uh and at least though abe gets uh gets a slap on the face for his sexual harassment of this robot after the bar room scene maggie you can see her riding the horse that was cute it's a cute little thing it's rare to detail i noticed was they actually drew Maggie's legs in that you could see like through her pee pee weed no sweet pee sweet pee outfit pee pee her pee pee outfit they're not that scatological actually no this is episodes all about pee pee yeah what am i saying peepee episode uh the jokes that don't work for me is this one that is so heavily projected of just like oh where'd you get that uh where'd you make that and
Starting point is 00:36:32 bart's like he's handing it out like we all knew it was real i i forgot about the jokes i did laugh at it okay yeah i i saw it coming i i recalled from my first viewing i was like we know it's real this homer is but that also just feels like a repeat of itchy and scratchy land of homer is awful at theme parks yeah it's true i do like the uh the novelty wanted poster being a real wanted poster yes yeah maybe that's what they uh they can only print up those kind of wanted posters there and marge saying what is it with you and when robots he gets uh maybe that's why he's getting all this lewd behavior i suppose too lewd behavior is an extreme for homer too it's like oh violent behavior is one thing but lewd lewdness what is he doing uh and then we get a big old-fashioned shootout which definitely feels
Starting point is 00:37:17 like a parody of like a universal studio stunt show i just like how they are just at point blank range and the guy shooting at the cigar store native american yes yeah yeah and even shooting at the tourists in the face which is uh very dangerous to do i know it you know it's always blanks but you shouldn't actually do that we all know what happened to brandon lee i mean they're cap guns they're not firing blanks yeah they're just there's a little thing smashing a cap i think they're fine have you never fired a cap gun uh they scared me i didn't uh well they're perfectly safe they just make the air smell a little funny uh-huh well i mean they're safe to shoot at each other but if a cop sees you and you're not the right skin tone you might not uh they might not be so safe uh not to
Starting point is 00:37:58 be extra depressing here uh i didn't like cap guns as a kid because, yeah, the popping scared me. Even there was a He-Man toy that it was like the toy was you put caps in his chest and turn a crank and they pop. Even those scared me. I was like, I don't want to make that noise with He-Man. No. It's the same technology as bank snaps. Those little fake firecrackers you throw on the ground. They just go, psh, and you throw them on the ground. I mean, those were just made to throw at your brother.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Exactly. That's what they're for or or sister they're you know any or sister or synagogue no don't throw them in synagogues that's how i'm saying no first you're denying genocide now oh god this is where's this going it's a bad episode for me uh they also scully in the shootout he talks about how how they cut a scene of somebody saying, like, oh, no, there's a prostitute's getting away, and they shooted her. He was like, we had said the word prostitute so many times. We can't have it again. But it's on the DVD, so you can watch the deleted scene there.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Or wait for me and Bob's deleted scene commentary in a few months. The best joke, which also involves maybe another of their on-screen corpses in the show. Watching a man die on screen. Uh-oh. Better run for cover, partners. Some farmins are having a shootout. Yeehaw! You stole my prostitute!
Starting point is 00:39:17 You missed me! Ah, yellow belly! Bang, bang. That's why it's a gunfight. There's old Curly. He played the town preacher until we laid him off. But he still hangs around. Help me, please. I'm sick. But it's funny, Marge.
Starting point is 00:39:48 The guy's sick. Shouldn't we help him? He knows what he's doing. I do love any he knows what he's doing joke. Let him go, Ralph. You're right. That's a good statement.
Starting point is 00:40:07 I should be using that statement more in real life when I don't want to get involved in something that could trouble me. I'm like, eh, he knows what he's doing. He's clearly dying. And no one's saying, like, he's dead. Or at the very least, he needs to be resuscitated after this. Let's not say they won't let him die. But, man, the tour guide's laughter too where he's like that that's old curly he used to be like you think he's about to say he's the town drunk
Starting point is 00:40:31 but he's he used to be the preacher and then we laid him off so he must have gotten drunk off sight and wandered on to the old ghost town or he has nowhere else to live and so he just lives in the ghost town drinking what he can though he has to bring the alcohol with him because they don't sell any in the saloon. I think that's because they must not have a liquor license. They don't have the money for that. They said on the commentary that the animators added the photograph gag at the very end there. Also on the commentary, they point out a thing I never noticed, which is that Schwarzwalder wrote in the script, during the shootout, a guy digs a hole for some reason and you do see the guy digging a hole but
Starting point is 00:41:09 it is so imperceptible you don't even know it's it's there i they said on the commentary that uh you could excuse any schwarzwelder joke if he adds for some reason for some reason this is happening they're always funny when they say something is happening on screen because he wrote for some reason i'm happy he did that because it is just rando it's i mean it's rando humor for sure but i prefer calling it for some reason humor so then we go head back to the saloon and i gotta say abe is drinking a dangerous amount of sarsaparilla like six in front of him right uh man it seems even more like a dozen like he shouldn't an old man shouldn't have that much. Like also the urine stuff that happens with him.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Old people need to pee all the time anyway. Put him in diapers, I say. I mean, hasn't there been jokes about him wearing diapers before? He needs a changing. Put me down for one of each. Oh, yes. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:01 I think that's a real Gene and Reese staple. They liked an Abe wears a diaper gag for sure. And we have a list of things that angry up the blood. So to date, newspapers and sarsaparilla. Oh, yeah. God, I've said it before, but I love the term angers up the blood. Like, because reading Twitter gets my blood angry quite a lot, which some people would call hypertension. But not my doctor, not yet anyway.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Can't get a good sarsap good test like this back in Springfield. It angries up the blood. You like it, huh? Up yours. Can I go to the bathroom before we leave? We got to get home. I don't want to miss Inside the Actor's Studio. Tonight at Def Murray Abraham. But I't want to miss inside the actor's studio. Tonight it's F. Murray Abraham.
Starting point is 00:42:46 But I really need to... F. Murray Abraham. There's a rest area. Pull over. Can't stop now. We're making great time. Can I go behind the trees? What are you, an animal? animal whoever keeps saying please stop back there better quit it oh wow get a load of that toilet all the people sitting on the giant toilet it's so weird it's hilarious it's a very weird visual boy poor abe poor poor abe this is just
Starting point is 00:43:23 i want to watch that episode of inside the actor's studio i'm sure he's had to be on it at some point at some point i mean by 1998 we had entered the age of making fun of inside the actor's studio like it was the thing to joke about i think that was the year the mr show did inside the actor was the last season mr show which was 98 so yeah yeah and and and i think at around the same time not just that but david cross was doing his uh james lipton thanking his wife a bit on stage of like he makes fun of james lipton so much that of course he'd be cast in a thing with him like four or five years later in arrested developmented Development. That was obviously going to happen. But, I mean, James Lipton,
Starting point is 00:44:06 like a guy who wants to be famous, he's laughed along and got cast in a ton of stuff to make fun of it. Arrested Development with David Cross. I'm not seeing that he was ever on it, though. Oh, what? Oh, James Lipton on this show? No, no, on... F. Murray Abraham on Inside the Actor's Studio.
Starting point is 00:44:22 So, is that program still on? Yes, though he is retired from it. Yeah, he was like shockingly old. That bad guy job covered up that he was like in his 80s. Yeah, I believe still, but you know what? To be extra safe, I have to play the anti-death jingle talking about this old man. James Buzzard, I ain't dead yet.
Starting point is 00:44:43 But yes, he just retired. I believe 1926 was when he was born he's uh quite quite an old well i mean for him to yeah quite it is quite a bad die job uh but uh i mean if he was somebody who could talk about working with you know many famous dead people who also worked at the actor's studio then you got to be that agent to remember like oh i remember working with marlon brando and he uh learned method acting here so he was like almost 60 when he wrote the thundercats theme that's oh shit yeah that's an urban legend i actually don't think it's actually true i've heard that same urban legend i want to believe it i want to believe but then you hear about like chuck lorry writing ninja turtles theme and then you don't know what's what that one's true that is
Starting point is 00:45:27 true yeah yeah uh also not long after this i was in i think 2001 they did the simpsons episode of inside the actor's studio yes remember that yeah oh yeah yes i watched that a bunch of times i hated it really why uh please uh what what would Homer say is his favorite food? I think it was a donut. Very good. Very good donuts. Yes. Hilarious.
Starting point is 00:45:52 The actors. That's exactly how it's like. Yeah. It's so shitty and boring. Just like, please do your shtick for us. And then like Julie Kavner leaves and everyone thought she was mad for the longest time. But then like a decade later, she's like, no, I had to get my car back because I had to go across the ferry to get back home. Yes.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Yeah. It was just because she had to go home. She had an important engagement she had to go to. Just these long walks to like just stick. It's just like, no, there's a certain character who works at a certain convenience store. Is that right, Mr. Hank? His area. And then he does the approval voice. Yes. And just repeating jokes from the show yeah part's favorite swear word which is a
Starting point is 00:46:30 question that he would ask people but you know says no i i don't want to be hateful but man i like i wanted more but it was fun to see them do the voices but i just wanted like questions well it's all fluff with a real actor it's real but when you have like seven people up there it's all just it was an advertisement for the simpsons at a time when ratings were probably slipping a little bit well the the creakiest part of it i recall is that you know yardley smith who is actually like a great actress and uh she was she actually could have things to say about being an actor from like being a stage actress before she got hired uh on the simpsons and or by stephen king even but uh they were just like i believe lisa has a poem and she just reads like the uh
Starting point is 00:47:13 i had a cat named snowball he died he died the uh that it was just like could you read a thing lisa said a while ago just like read lines from the show it's just like him making them do answering machine messages on television yeah when i felt bad for like yardley so hank dan and harry are trained improvisers but i don't think yardley and nancy really are like they're not of that and so when he's asking you know dan to improvise andy, he can do an all right job at it. But if you ask Nancy to improvise in Bart, she's not a writer in that way. I don't want to be mean. She's so skilled at so many things. Nancy Cartwright is one of our greatest Scientologists.
Starting point is 00:47:58 But I don't think if you're asking her to improv on the spot for Inside the Actor's Studio, it's probably not you're going to get the best stuff from her. You know? I think that was one, it wasn't the first time, but I think that's where I've heard her say that Bart's middle name is Jojo as well. Apparently that's canon. What bugged me in it, I thought it was all good fun when I first saw it. What bugged me when I first saw it was, think maybe this was when the dvds were not out
Starting point is 00:48:25 yet or maybe just new but like al gene gets to stand up for a minute and say we writers love the actors and actors are great and then sits back down i was like can we talk to the fucking writers these guys never get talked to now i've heard enough of the writers enough and in the james lyft and comedy, I feel like it was around this time or maybe just a little later is when Will Ferrell begins his James Lipton impression as well. I totally forgot about that
Starting point is 00:48:53 until you brought it up. Yeah, talking to Tobey Maguire as Screech. Oh, yeah. Oh, yes. That's a really good one. The other one I remember, that was the best one, but Heather Graham as Drew Barrymore
Starting point is 00:49:04 was kind of a funny one too. Yeah. But I think they didn't one, but Heather Graham as Drew Barrymore was kind of a funny one, too. Yeah. But I think they didn't want to be too mean to Drew Barrymore. But meanwhile, Screech, they wouldn't care to be nice to him, nor should you be nice to Dustin Diamond, but they weren't being mean to him for the reasons you should be mean to Dustin Diamond. Yeah, that was before he stabbed anyone. We just thought he was annoying. Now he's a stabber. But yes,
Starting point is 00:49:25 James Lifton, we wish you nothing but the best. Do not die before we post this, goddammit. I demand it. Wait one week. It'd be extra eerie if he were to die from a kidney infection or something. Oh, god. You just doomed him. Now I feel like I'm wishing it into existence. I don't
Starting point is 00:49:41 want to do that, but god, Abe's begging begging his pain is so awful it's like this is torture like to refuse someone the right to pee i mean i would think though at a certain point he'd have no more bladder control and he would just piss himself like i know i would at that certain point and you'd just be like you know just as revenge even of like oh you won't stop that I am peeing all over your seat. Yeah, Abe has some weird sense of dignity in this episode. Yeah, that he never has otherwise.
Starting point is 00:50:10 And also, as I put a real magnifying glass over the scene, what's also weird that they have to do is the rest of the family has to either be silent or asleep for this to even work. Because Marge or Lisa would say, no would say no seriously dad stop this car and let him pee but instead they have to just be asleep for it to even work i would also think that a certain point the pain and stress would give abe a heart attack and kill him anyway though as hibbert says he can't believe he's alive now which is true like abe is very lucky to not be dead just the idea of both of your kidneys full of urine exploding and like the blood and sinew and urine that gets just doused throughout your entire abdomen is terrifying and yeah the whole him being just a nice sad old man this whole episode like abe has done awful things and been awful in episodes and in this episode
Starting point is 00:51:05 he's only painted as a nice man who just wanted to celebrate his birthday with his family like this is the cruelest episode probably so far maybe ever i think yeah up to this date and uh they really wanted to make homer look bad in this episode mission accomplished but yes they could have thrown in a few scenes of like well in case in case you forgot, here's why Abe sucks. Yeah, yeah. But instead, they later do the opposite of showing like, no, Abe was a nice guy and he owes him so much. Like that, they should be more of the, when Homer was the football coach and says like, I need to be nicer to my son and meaner to my dad. Abe is awful in that one, but in this one and it also uh it this was something the movie i actually the simpsons movie addressed in a way i kind of liked but this deals with it in a worse
Starting point is 00:51:53 way of like the movie makes the movie tries to make the case that homer is not actively cruel he is just a selfish person who thinks through nothing and then does his immediate action this homer though is it's not that he's too stupid to know abe needs to pee and he's not like oh i just was not thinking of you he eventually is just like no you're a monster for refusing to stop like this is only punishment when he says like i never let anything happen to my dad like no you're awful like no they they can't the movie tries to make the argument that homer never just thinks of these things but he does yeah it's a weird uh i don't know it's a weird retconning of homer's character in the movie although i mean he's he's a different character depending on what the writers want to do with him yeah regardless
Starting point is 00:52:41 but yeah i mean i think that was the writers for the movie realizing homer's arc should be finally explaining why he is such an asshole all the time which i mean the real explanation is they think it's funny in the moment where they write a scene where homer is awful so they write a funny scene yeah they're a bunch of rich men in a room together just writing like well if i could do whatever i wanted i would do this what if an oaf did this wouldn't it be funny if homer did this to his child well what does this mean for his character we're not thinking about that we're thinking of the joke right now guys uh but then when you make a movie and you need to have a more fleshed out character to have
Starting point is 00:53:20 an arc to have a happy ending then they have to talk about how thoughtless Homer is. And then at the end of the movie, they want to say like, well, his thoughtlessness actually saved the day in a way. Not really. We will get to that movie. It'll be like a three-part episode. Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Maybe four-part. I have a feeling that's how long it'll be. But hey, that'll cover a whole month of podcasts. That'll be fun. And we'll just record it in one day. And by the end of the fourth podcast, me and Bob can just die. in one day and by the end of the fourth podcast me and bob can just die no man die podcasting what's the more noble death than that well we'll also have our kidneys
Starting point is 00:53:52 explode we're gonna we'll drink but not pee the entire time either uh it's the only noble death i used to work at uh bookstores and stuff like i worked at barnes and noble for a long time and and uh it's very difficult when you work at the front to get a bathroom break especially if you're the only one at the front and i used to like call for help and stuff and call the managers like hey i need to go to the bathroom i need someone and they'd be like wait until your break and i would always reference this episode and the hold your wee for a wee lady and they would always just i would i would filibuster i would just tell that story about that lady long enough until they're like, all right, he's going to sue us. Let him go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Whenever I had an office job, including our last one I had with Henry, it would be like, okay, I'm here for eight hours, and I need to do things to make time go by faster. So one of my tricks was like, I'll just drink a lot of liquids all day. The man can't stop me from peeing. He can't stop me from peeing. can't stop me from peeing not yet so
Starting point is 00:54:45 if you add it up all the time i was in the bathroom work it's probably like two hours a day the amount of bathroom travel and time peeing and just like i'm just gonna drink iced tea all day and water oh boy i mean if you were a smoker they'd have forgiven that for smoking yeah even even that is true bullshit that is actually that is so still real uh in today's work environment that like smokers get to leave and do whatever they want well they i feel like it's chalked up to like well you're a manly man taking your cigarette break like i can't question that he can't work if he hasn't had a cigarette in two hours he's gonna he's gonna get the shakes and it's his addiction and it's like i am addicted to peeing let me go pee i have to we're all i am truly i'm a pee monster i have to pee three times during every movie i can't i can't do it well as
Starting point is 00:55:28 listeners know i take pride in my urine uh holding abilities uh i just like comfort so i pee freely i pee freely uh the winner also don't look up the medical facts of a kidney rupture because they will haunt you all day. I did that for this just to be like, well, what would really happen? And what would really happen is that Abe would die of sepsis immediately. Yeah, you have toxins flooding into your body. Your kidneys can't process anything. Though also, Abe should be hooked up to a... I was going to say dialysis machine.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Yeah, dialysis machine. Yeah, yeah. I was wagging my fingers. I was agreeing with you. I was like, say dialysis machine. Yeah, dialysis machine. Yeah, yeah. I was wagging my fingers. I was agreeing with you. I was like, yes, yes. Which, you know, watching this too, I can't not think of the first episode of Venture Brothers as well, which is all about kidneys and dialysis machines
Starting point is 00:56:16 and taking them from your children. Yeah, yeah. That's totally right. This episode is more cruel than Dr. Venture in that episode. Yeah, yeah. Well, in that episode. Yeah, yeah. Well, in Venture's case, spoilers, he knew they were clones anyway, so they're kidney machines. What's he care?
Starting point is 00:56:33 He's not actually shortening their lives. But yes, here is the horrifying act break where Homer finds out he has effectively murdered his father. Only a couple more times over the horizon, and I might explode! You just sit back and relax. I'm not going to let anything happen to my old dad. Oh, dear God!
Starting point is 00:56:55 This man's kidneys have exploded. There's nothing left. Oh, no! Yeah, that's what happens when you get older. It's one of those natural things. Beautiful in its way. Actually, his kidneys were fine yesterday when he had his annual checkup. Excuse me, doctor.
Starting point is 00:57:11 I think I know a little something about medicine. Homer, with all due respect, this x-ray reveals a textbook kidney blowout, which would explain those loud pops you heard. So, you're saying I don't need a new muffler? I don't feel so good. Maybe I ought to eat something. Oh, I'm afraid your eating days are over. Ha!
Starting point is 00:57:33 Ha! Oh, jeez. I do love that line. I'm afraid your eating days are over. Abe fails to laugh at pain like Dr. Hibbert can. This is another sellout of the Hibbert character as well here, too. I also do like the cleverness of the joke of, well, he had a checkup just yesterday and his kidneys were fine, so this was definitely your fault, Homer. And the loud popping sounds like homer's worried about his
Starting point is 00:58:06 muffler like still let's see this kitty's exploded so loud they popped oh and they they must have taken him directly to the doctor right then but uh yeah it's so horrible and he's just so in pain and like maybe i should eat something i don't feel so good like he's this poor old man in all this pain which yes in other episodes he's an asshole but man not here i think it was the back to back of this episode and the one before it was before it correct which one married to the mob or yeah oh no that's the next one oh it's the next one sorry we record these out of order but yeah the the combo of those two like terrible homers in a row was really a lot for people to take in december of 98 all the online people were like what is going on like homer is too mean why is homer this awful yeah he's uh i mean he's just so cruel in season 10 but they they love those jokes it it it gets a laugh in the writer's room and i think that's why it keeps happening according to
Starting point is 00:59:02 medical facts it is impossible that that Abe is still alive. Like, he really should be dead. And then when we come back, Homer finds out what the fix could be. And I do also really like the writing in this scene that it undercuts
Starting point is 00:59:16 sitcom pacing here. How long do I have to live, Doc? I'm amazed you're alive now. Oh, I blame myself for this. We all blame you. Come on, Doc. There's got to be something I can do to help my dad. Well, you could give him a kidney.
Starting point is 00:59:35 A kidney? Okay, fine. You see, the waiting list for a kidney is very long, and... I said fine. What is it about the word sure you don't understand? Oh, thank you, son. Hmm. I'll take the left one. It's
Starting point is 00:59:51 good and springy, though the right one's not without its charms. That was a bit that really reminded me of Venture Brothers. The squeezing of a kidney through the body. Homer does the exact thing at the end of this episode, too, to Bart, that that's what dr venture is doing to the boys when he gets that idea and takes one from each of them he gets
Starting point is 01:00:09 two new kidneys i do like that cruelty of dr venture he's like well i don't want to live with just one kidney i have two sons i'm gonna take a kidney each from them the the sitcom me gag would have been homer saying no and then hibbert explaining those things but homer fucks up the scene by saying like sure and here it's like well because you see the list of very long like i already removed the conflict from the scene why are you saying this lie uh yeah so everybody's giving homer a treat i like that he counts pork chops twice when he's listing the amount of food being given to him although Though his excitement over pork chops feels very season one. I don't think he is.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Yeah. I think they just remembered that's one of his favorite foods. What did the t-shirt say? Oh, yeah. Pork chops. And applesauce. Yeah. I mean, hey, look, I like a pork chop.
Starting point is 01:00:57 The driest meat in the universe is a pork chop. Well, that's why you got to cut. It's not good for your kidneys. That is a very fatty cut of meat. Well, guys, it'll be less dry if you cover it in more fat, like vegetable oil. Dip it in sauce.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Well, I just bought an... On the instruction of Bill Oakley, I just bought an air fryer. And man, those things cook up. Pork chop's really tasty, guys. Henry is a tool of the air fryer makers. I swear. You're working for a big air fryer here.
Starting point is 01:01:26 This comes up in every conversation with people we have. Why just look over at my air fryer and think of how much I love it? Man, I mean, if you, listeners, if you eat frozen foods a lot, which is probably unhealthy for you and for me, but if you still do that, it fries up frozen food way faster and better than an oven would do with those things. So, man, fish sticks in that air fryer, good times. And same with pork chops. I didn't used to have pork chops all that often, but now that the air fryer doesn't so well, I order them a lot. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:01:59 Do we have a deal, like a code, an offer code or something? I should have an affiliate link. Let's talk to them. Well, I don't want to say what brand my air fryer is because I want to leave my air fryer advertising open to whatever brand wants to pay first. When you really care about someone, you shout it from the mountaintops. So on behalf of Desjardins Insurance, I'm standing 20,000 feet above sea level to tell our clients that we really care about you. Home and auto insurance personalized to your needs. Weird, I don't remember saying that part.
Starting point is 01:02:34 Visit slash care and get insurance that's really big on care. Did I mention that we care? But anyway. Send me one. I like the gag that Homer also feels he's owed this treatment. But it's like, no, you're having to do this because of your monstrous cruelty. But he's like, well, I think I'm always owed these things. And he even says that he's like the greatest person who's ever, the luckiest man who's ever lived.
Starting point is 01:03:01 Like, this is only happening because you were a monster another thing that feels like a big old callback is homer liking guerrilla movies as well yeah was that from bark it's an f yeah that's yeah yeah where it's guerrilla week on million dollar movie i do love apes a poppin that's a great title of a movie airline version which the airline version is always the worst version of a movie. It gets shortened for airline and cut up for content. I wanted to look up what that was
Starting point is 01:03:31 the first a-poppin' thing was. It's apparently a hell of a poppin'. I think it goes back to a 1956 movie called Corn's a-poppin'. Which is like, it's a review review movie so a bunch of songs and stuff there'll be a bunch of a performances in this uh vhs tape yeah it's uh it looks like a musical
Starting point is 01:03:53 review based on the cover to apes a poppin it also looks like a musical review well we also had a hail to the chimp last season so that's true monkey movies are a common thing with Homer. Hell's a Poppin's from 41. Oh, it is? Oh, what's that about? Hell's a Poppin. It's actually a very, it's kind of a rare film because nobody owns it. But it's on YouTube. It's a very influential film directed by H.C. Potter and Edward F. Kline.
Starting point is 01:04:18 I read those out loud. I don't remember the directors. But it's like, it was a Broadway show. And it's like what you just said. It's like a musical review show. But it's also like weird. And it was a broadway show and it's like what you just said it's like a musical review show but it's also like weird and it was very influential on people like joe dante like it's like yeah i've heard a reference but i've never seen it or know really what it was yeah because it's never like i'm sure it's been on some home video but it's currently uh at least
Starting point is 01:04:40 cordon i've heard joe dante talk about this he says that nobody currently owns it so there's no good release of it but it is fully on youtube probably probably from some TV rep or VHS rep or something. Check this out. Yeah. I do love Homer's line, I'm the luckiest guy in the world now that Lou Gehrig is dead. Homer is feeling pretty confident about it until he heads down to the old watering hole. Well, I gotta hand it to you, Homer. You're really brave to go through with this operation. It's not an operation, Moe. he heads down to the old watering hole. Yeah, and even if you survive the operation... Procedure. Deadly procedure. Whatever. The point is, with only one kidney,
Starting point is 01:05:27 you won't be able to drink yourself stupid no more. No, you're just trying to scare me. Plus, they'll put you on one of those organ donor sucker lists. Everybody who wants an eyeball or a spine or a vestigial tail will be after you. But I don't want that. Listen, I'm just going to get right to the point here. Can I have your buttocks? I mean, if you die, they look pretty comfortable. Listen, I'm just going to get right to the point here. Can I have your buttocks? I mean, if you die, they look pretty comfortable.
Starting point is 01:05:47 Yeah, I guess. And are those your original lips? Well, actually, I... Hey, quit harvesting me with your eyes. Oh, yeah, that would look so good on me. Boy, Homer has had some work done, apparently. Yeah. My canon guess on that is that Homer has had so many horrible injuries
Starting point is 01:06:06 that in reconstruction surgery, he's had his lips replaced at some point. After eating that chili pepper, probably. Ooh, yeah, that'd do it. And also, Moe's interest in his ass is really odd. Moe's got a skinny little ass. I guess, yeah, he does.
Starting point is 01:06:21 I have a skinny ass, and it's a real pain. I'm like, what, sitting for so long? I want a big, comfortable ass like Homer. Eat up, Bob. That'll get you a big butt very quickly. Though there are some people have the hand-killed body type of no butt and still a paunch as well. So I did look into this, and Marge also brings it up later, too having one kidney Dramatically shortens your life That's, according to kidney websites
Starting point is 01:06:49 I looked at, that's not really true Like that life expectancy Is about the same for people Who have, you know Medically had one kidney removed That it's not Now, there is risk involved Like you do
Starting point is 01:07:03 You know, you could get an, your body could react to it poorly. But if you can make it through that after losing a kidney, then your life isn't dramatically shortened. What if you're a very large alcoholic like Homer? Well, it does say they are correct that you can't binge drink with one kidney or you really shouldn't like it. You are process. Your kidneys have a heart and liver have a harder time processing alcohol. Anyway, with one fewer kidney, it will be worse,
Starting point is 01:07:33 which does change things. When you think about how much Homer binge drinks after this episode, when it is a proven fact, he has one kidney after this, unless there's, there could be a one offline later in the show. He's like, no,
Starting point is 01:07:44 I got a second kidney from some blah, blah, blah, or whatever. I'm sure in the 20 years to follow, there's been an x-ray of Homer with two kidneys. Yeah. I would bet so. If you have one kidney though, the kidney websites also say you shouldn't be binge drinking at all. That's bad for your kidneys. What are you, a doctor? Especially regularly binge drinking. But but yes if you have a second kidney uh then meanwhile what lenny's talking about is this fear i've heard from people too of like if you're on the organ donor list your doctor will let you die on the table to steal your
Starting point is 01:08:16 organs which that's why people don't sign up for those organ donor lists i'm on it but no one's still my organ hasn't happened yet but I don't know if the next time you go under, you're going to have to think about that. Like, will this doctor let me live? I'll just hide my driver's license from them. You're not seeing this until I wake up. So Homer leaves and now he's got a lot of fears
Starting point is 01:08:37 and another classic Homer line in the scene I really love that explains his horrible selfishness too. Why didn't somebody tell me what I was volunteering for? This is everybody's fault but mine. I know you're scared, homie, but remember why you're doing
Starting point is 01:08:53 this. It's for your father, the man who raised you and nurtured you. Jack and Jill went up the hill and... Jill came tumbling after the end. Good night. Is that the same Jack from Jack and the went up the hill and... Jill came tumbling after the end. Good night. Is that the same Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk?
Starting point is 01:09:10 You know, son, I believe it is. And Jack's breath, is that him, too? Sure, why not? Good night. Is he the same as Jack the Nimble and Jack Frost and Little Jack Horner? Say, how about a little night, Will? Oh, good. Oh, I love you, son. Hi, yo, Dad. So much. Those bedtime stories began my lifelong love affair with a printed word.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Well, giving him a kidney is a wonderful way to show him how you feel. You're right, Marge. I'll do it. But if I die during the operation, will you do one thing for me? Oh, anything, sweetheart. Blow up the hospital. Well, I said I'd do it, so I guess I'll have to.
Starting point is 01:09:57 That's my girl. I love that. That's a great joke. He's so sober and serious when he says like blow up the hospital so good oh god and that and then marge is like i said i'd do it uh so that flashback there one they definitely got notes about even saying the word nyquil and it wasn't about like oh it's dangerous to give kids nyquil or whatever. It's more about a branded thing. I assume the original joke they wanted
Starting point is 01:10:27 to use was like booze, like have some whiskey or whatever. Because that was the old fashioned nighttime thing for your kids. If you really want to knock out your kids, you give them a shot of whiskey or something. And parents did that. Yeah, I think that's a dangerous thing to do
Starting point is 01:10:43 to your children. Of course, of course. But it was done by the greatest generation. Yeah, we can't fault them. So that's why you don't see the label. He turns away from the camera when he pours the NyQuil. They have a real interesting discussion in the commentary there about how branded terms aren't necessarily because they're worried they'll be sued by nyquil it's more like they are worried about offending nyquil's competitor who could be paying for ads on the simpsons we could have been drugging homer in that scene uh i think too dan is playing homer a lot cuter in this than he usually does his baby homer it is very cute they've asked
Starting point is 01:11:23 all the questions and you you, James Brady, is that him too? Like, there's an extra, like, curl to it, or I don't know exactly how to say it, but.
Starting point is 01:11:31 Whenever, it's funny that whenever there is a baby, sorry, like, toddler, or very, very young child Homer, and adult Abe,
Starting point is 01:11:39 Homer always has a deeper voice than Abe, no matter what age he's at. Yeah, I think you're right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Actually, Homer in this clip sounds younger than he does in a clip of him at Woodstock. He's playing it very differently than the voice he gave him at Woodstock. And also the description of the artificial kidney, that's pretty good too. That's the beer can with the whistle on it.
Starting point is 01:12:03 What Marge isn't saying here is that she's like i don't care if you're scared you killed abe so you have to give him a kidney otherwise you have let your father die like the giving him one kidney is the least he can do to give to abe you know uh also the weird inset joke that like... Sumo Babies? TV show Sumo Babies? Yeah. And then it's hit 100, 200 episodes. It just feels like a joke about Simpsons hitting 200 episodes. Yeah, that's not a great achievement.
Starting point is 01:12:34 I don't know what the joke is with Sumo Babies. It's a very random title. I can't tell if it's a joke about... I mean, they will have a joke pretty soon about mid-season and like Admiral Baby or whatever. So maybe there was just this feeling of like it's the baby shows are happening too much now uh it was a spate of i don't remember too many baby shows and i really don't either yeah what was the show with the talking baby family guy i think it was called bob oh yeah and there's one before it called baby talk i think and it was i think it was part of the
Starting point is 01:13:05 Look Who's Talking craze like Look Who's Talking was a popular movie so let's make a TV show that's like it I remember the Look Who's Baby Bob I hate that it's called Baby Bob but I think that was in like the 2000s yeah it was and that baby was like
Starting point is 01:13:21 the spokesperson for like a car insurance company or something like that yeah he was like and that baby was like the spokesperson for like a car insurance company or something like that. Oh, yeah, yeah. He homes? Yeah. Yeah, he was like the insurance baby or whatever, or like a stock trading baby instead. That was definitely part of the age of commercials turning into ads. Like same with the caveman show as well.
Starting point is 01:13:42 Homer decides he's going to go there and then he, uh, we head to the hospital and I gotta say kind of a lame joke, uh, as they enter the hospital here. Liability waiver. Don't read it. Just sign it.
Starting point is 01:13:58 Yeah. But all these skulls and crossbones on here, I don't usually sign stuff like that. It simply says you won't hold us responsible if you die as a result of gross negligence. It's a standard form. Huh. Oh. I love you, son!
Starting point is 01:14:16 I love you, Dad. Now, don't you fellas worry. This'll all be over soon. And what the... We gotta get rid of that window. Where'd he go? Okay, I'm sorry to go back to Baby Bob, but... Yes.
Starting point is 01:14:37 So no one corrects us. That baby was the spokesbaby of Oh, okay. Thank you. Yes, I had to check because I'm like, it was something very weird. Man, that's...
Starting point is 01:14:51 Why didn't the How do you get to it if you don't have the internet yet? You have to ask the library. Yeah, the dog, he got to come back, though. Yeah, but he didn't get a talk show. He needs like a revival now. Remember that classic scene of him on Good Morning to come back, though. Yeah, but he didn't get a talk show. He needs a revival now. Remember that classic scene of him on Good Morning America? Oh, God. Right after
Starting point is 01:15:09 Disney bought That happened? Really happened, yeah. Oh, jeez. I thought you were kidding. I don't know if it was Mike Lee and Black playing the dog that day. I think 9-11 destroyed the memory of the dog. Yeah, I mean, hey, so there's some good things about 9-11.
Starting point is 01:15:28 We need a baby bob to heal. The joke I thought that sucked is that Doc Martens joke. It feels like a sub-Mad Magazine joke. Like, Doc Martens to podiopathy, just like, meh, no. Hey, that's a weird besmirch of Mad Magazine, Henry. I said sub-Mad of Mad Magazine, Henry. I said sub Mad Magazine. Below, Mad Magazine would be like, come on, you don't think they'd have that gag
Starting point is 01:15:50 of like in snappy comebacks to witty, to rude, whatever. Let's say sub Cracked. I would accept sub Cracked. Yeah. Fine. Snappy answers to stupid questions. You clawed.
Starting point is 01:16:02 And the next episode is Married to the Mob, correct? Yes. There will be another inconvenient window there. Yeah, this was an inconvenient window era of the show, wasn't it? I do like,
Starting point is 01:16:12 in an operating room, there is a sort of regular house window with drapes and a windowsill. That's open! Yeah. In a very controlled environment
Starting point is 01:16:21 where you don't want cross-contamination of germs, they're like, we should have it open. I guess you could think Comer opened the window to leave, and maybe they didn't leave it open. But still, that window shouldn't be there, which is what makes it even funnier when Hibbert says, why do we have this window? Yeah, that's like the fireplace in their bedroom. Like how everyone in the house sometimes has a fireplace to just throw stuff into it that feels like a joke that like people would make in the writer's room like dana gould would be like well like if so like if you made a joke that bombed he'd just like open a pretend window and climb
Starting point is 01:16:52 out i'll be like why do we have that window and the old-timey stuff doesn't end because homer escapes on a push cart love that i love that that's a very Schwarzwalder joke. Yeah, they mention how seeing the cart there reminds them of Oh Brother Where Art Thou, which was new-ish at the time of the recording of the commentary. And they say, like,
Starting point is 01:17:14 that is a film made for John Schwarzwalder. Oh, it truly is. That's so funny. Because it's also very funny and weird and set in that period. I bet he's never seen it
Starting point is 01:17:23 because I bet he doesn't watch any movie made after, like, 1965. Yeah, guess so maybe uh maybe one of his hipper friends is like no seriously john let's go see this movie you'll love it uh that i i've never man i haven't gone to an old west town but i have gone at least once to a gold mine like an old-timey gold mine uh because you'll find them all over the place in the california area but the one i went to i think i did stand on one of those mine carts but you couldn't push it or move it around i i would bet it takes a lot of effort to move it once homer should not be able to do that himself i just played the uh sega arcade game what was it
Starting point is 01:18:04 called magical cart or something like that do you remember that game that you actually like pumped the oh yeah oh yeah yeah i've seen that at the um the wonderful classic gaming expo california extreme i've played that a few times we had it at my local chucky cheese when i was playing there a lot they didn't have those good enough games when i was a chucky cheese Cheese. I was happy just to play the hockey player game where it was like foosball, but for hockey players. Oh, air hockey? Oh, they're like dome over top of it? I love those.
Starting point is 01:18:32 Well, no, because it had little hockey guys who hit the puck around. It's not air hockey. Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm sorry. There's a name for that. Table hockey. I don't know. Somebody tell us.
Starting point is 01:18:44 I know you're talking about it's like foosball with hockey players and yeah like it's no fun just like foosball well though the difference between it and foosball yeah matt mentioned too that it has a dome over it so you can't steal the puck or whatever mess with the guys because i think the guys are a little more delicate than the um you know hard bar of men that are in foosball boy that sounded different as i said it i was like wait what am i saying yeah my chucky cheese owned we had that we had a wild safari which that game was cool had a lot of extra levers and stuff to play with you know friend is this show uh scott gairdner they their podcast the ride about chucky cheese is a really
Starting point is 01:19:23 good one i learned a lot about the characters. Actually, this is true. I put off listening to that episode for a little bit because I was like, they're just going to make fun of Bowling for Soup. And then I turned it on. Of course they did. Oh, yeah. But what are you going to expect?
Starting point is 01:19:37 I'm expecting it. Yeah, yeah. I like Bowling for Soup. Oh, boy. I went to, I was in Vancouver recently. recently and for some reason that 1985 song came on and uh i hated as much as uh kokomo and then uh thanks to friend of the show nina matsumoto you i found out you can interchange the lyrics oh for both songs that's right they both are like a list of things yeah we gave you back-to-back 1985 and Kokomo at that karaoke.
Starting point is 01:20:10 That Kokomo video was the weirdest video. That was the one with all of the sexy 80s bikini girls. Oh, yeah. With their very long butt thongs, as we called them in that video. I think it was the Muppets one. Didn't they do that again with the Muppets? The Muppets did Kokomo as well, yeah. But we did a karaoke one that just had one of those classic original to karaoke videos. I love them. They were all filmed between 1987 and 1992.
Starting point is 01:20:36 Whether they were made in Japan or America, they have the same aesthetic of just like wacky non-union actors doing the exact thing that lyrics are saying and just stealing shots outside yes no one has permits to film anywhere they're all in a park everybody does these things in fun parks yeah we were doing that once with like 50 people in a room at a place that was korean and it was all korean uh shots from korea with like korean text on it no matter what language you're singing in and somebody did kiss from a rose and a friend of mine went there better be a korean batman in this one there wasn't oh there was there was once i love when the karaoke videos take the metaphors and songs very literally like i remember being karaoke and uh the song uh had the word king in
Starting point is 01:21:19 it i think it was like the king of wishful thinking or whatever and of course the video is about a king a man walking around in like a party world outfit with a king hat on and a cape uh sorry yeah we uh when we did that queen song uh as well as like it it starts with a poor boy who yeah he goes like i'm just a poor boy i have no sympathy. And when he's apologizing to his mother, the guy's calling his mom on the phone because he just killed a man. So when I've gone to the doctor and signed these liability waivers, I do think of moments like this. It does seem crazy that before they operated on you, they can say, well, you have to sign a waiver that says if if we kill you, you have no resource. Yeah. Which I, you know, I get it from the doctor's standpoint. They have to be worried about overly litigious people as well, who can just say, you messed up this operation. I'm in constant pain. Give me your money. So I get that they're,
Starting point is 01:22:23 uh, they're worried about it as well but it just i always think about like well what if you fuck up like like doctors doctors can just lie to you i my problem has been trusting doctors too much be and thinking like but their their oath wouldn't let them lie to me about my treatment the fear overtakes homer he runs away uh this was a very short second act. Homer... It was, yeah. And then they resume the third act with Homer on the mine cart. I feel like they could have ended the act with Homer going out to sea and had a normal length.
Starting point is 01:22:55 And then resume when he's at sea. But I guess the punch of Homer running away is a pretty good one for an act break. I guess it's more funny than the mystery of like where is homer going on this boat yeah especially when the boat um leads to where the cul-de-sac that it leads to but first we i i also because of the placement of the commercial i do like that homer has been pushing that mine cart the entire uh act off of the rails so he is destroying the asphalt on the street. Tremendous upper body strength on Homer. Yeah. And the
Starting point is 01:23:28 great animation on the parallel parking too. And then Homer is full of shame for what he has done and so there's only one place for him to go. I can live at sea! The sea forgives all! I like those mean old mountains. I hate them so much!
Starting point is 01:23:52 The sea won't stand for this! Excuse me, I'm fleeing in shame and I'd like to look my best. Um, can I be a mate on your ship? Preferably first mate. Well, if you look closely, you'll see this is a taffy shop shaped like a ship. Oh, I like taffy, but I don't deserve taffy. Those sailors have seen a lot, but they're disgusted at the sight of Homer's ass. Though I always wonder how he even affords all those clothes, because all he's wearing is his hospital gown.
Starting point is 01:24:30 He has no money. He probably shook down Handsome Pete. All those nickels. We do get to see Handsome Pete eating a sandwich there. Yeah, it's just a literal giant fish in a sandwich. I swear I never saw Handsome Pete in this until going over this episode so closely closely i was like oh they drew him back in that's great i mean handsome pete is one of their greatest one-off joke characters truly a quarter oh i think uh mike b anderson took credit for that it's like i made sure we drew him in there because this is where handsome pete lives he lives at the seafront
Starting point is 01:25:03 homer's pronouncement that the seaford gives all is it just as as all this sailor stuff came in in my first viewing as a kid i feel like i i remember it as me going really the ocean what would that what does this have to do with a kidney thing like it's when you really care about someone you shouted from the mountaintops so on behalf of desjardins Insurance, I'm standing 20,000 feet above sea level to tell our clients that we really care about you. Home and auto insurance personalized to your needs. Weird, I don't remember saying that part. Visit slash care and get insurance that's really big on care. Did I mention that we care yeah it's one thing for simpsons to have a first act that has nothing to do with acts two and three
Starting point is 01:25:53 but to have a third act that also doesn't have much to do with the second act that's a little crazy homer leaves just to go into a different sketch yeah it's like i'm gonna visit the sketch world for two minutes and see where this takes me. Also, man, there's so many great taffy shops all through San Francisco. If you want some great saltwater taffy, good stuff. A lot of them, if you go to them, they'll just give you a free sample. You'll fill up on taffy while you're there before you consider even buying taffy. And I think even fancy saltwater taffy, by my fourth piece, I feel like I never want to eat taffy and i think uh even fancy saltwater taffy by my fourth
Starting point is 01:26:26 piece i feel like i never want to eat taffy your jaw hurts i'm all taffied out as all this is going on grandpa is having some very sad scenes actually right before this scene is this uh brief one with abe um knowing he's about to die i can't imagine Dad running away like this, leaving his father to die. Even I wouldn't do that, and I'm America's bad boy. It's a heartbreaking situation. Am I dead yet? No.
Starting point is 01:26:57 How about now? Now. Now? I'll tell you when you're dead, Grandpa. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, Grandpa's Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, Grandpa's very cute and sad in this episode.
Starting point is 01:27:09 He's never been brought lower, I think, than in this episode, at least to date. I mean, begging to be told when you're dead like that, that's what a dark place he's in. And I also like that Bart, in a very newsweek way he calls himself america's bad boy i like that uh and then the next scene after that with abe is also it feels reminiscent of tomer's triple bypass of crusty coming in to cheer him up oh yeah but you'll get the uh vroom vroom yeah oh yeah all those classic lines Yeah Though this This little bit here With Krusty and Abe Is pretty funny
Starting point is 01:27:48 And Krusty and Abe Pretty much never Share scenes together So it's a fresh combo Hey hey Good day Krusty here To cheer you up
Starting point is 01:27:57 As part of the hospital's Last laugh program Last laugh So How about that hospital food Huh I wouldn know. I'm not allowed to eat. Okay, let's have a look at the old chart. Oh boy, looks like we're both short on time. So, I'll go to the big finish. You are so beautiful. You make me feel better. Come back, doctor.
Starting point is 01:28:31 Oh, I just, I love that come back doctor. Yeah, he thinks he's a doctor the whole time. I mean, they are kind of reusing the joke from Homer's Triple Bypass, but also I was thinking, like, when did Patch Adams come out, the Robin Williams movie? In five days it'll be out. Oh, okay. So this joke will get you, the Robin Williams movie? In five days, it'll be out. Oh, okay. So this joke will get you ready.
Starting point is 01:28:47 So maybe they knew it was happening, that story was being turned into a movie, but I think it's just unrelated. I mean, joking clowns in the hospital, they were a constant, long before Robin Williams' most saccharine-y bullshit of a movie. No offense, Robin Williams, R.I.P. I think that is his worst movie of all the ones he's done maybe uh the philip seymour hoffman
Starting point is 01:29:14 is pretty good in that movie though yeah he wasn't that he was the the mean guy who's like you shouldn't make children laugh i hate fun laughter is wrong uh but actually even the pacing of that from homer's triple bypass crusty jumps into the room both homer and abe react is like they're about to have a heart attack and then crusty's like hey no i'm here to cheer you up like both both except in homer's triple bypass crusty goes like oh my grotesque appearance yes but uh but yes poor pitiful abe thinks he's a real doctor uh and uh meanwhile homer finally finds a ship that he can apply for i like how high he shoots first at the taffy shop he wants to be first mate and then on the next ship he's like i could be the the captain i should be in charge of this ship i've never been on a boat before but i should be
Starting point is 01:30:10 the captain he's been near the taffy shop shaped like a boat he even knows it's a tramp steamer though which does feel like extra informed for homer to know a type of ship it's one of those homer knows something he shouldn't joke oh yeah, yeah, yeah. But Homer is getting more than he bargained for on this ship. I'd like to apply for a job. Any job. If you don't have a captain, I could be that. What other ships have you been on?
Starting point is 01:30:38 I've been on that one. The taffy shop. Good enough. Welcome aboard The name on the back says Honey Bunch. Well, actually, it did. Yar, yar. I now kind of like the turn in the story this takes because this episode is just a bunch of sketches about things and the way a lot of great episodes are.
Starting point is 01:31:17 I don't think this is a great one, but I do like, I think this is the best part of it. This little set piece with these weird, like, 40s movie characters gathered together to tell their stories. Yeah. I wish the entire third act,
Starting point is 01:31:30 actually, I wish the second act would have ended with Homer getting on the boat and I wanted to spend more time with these characters because we only get like one story.
Starting point is 01:31:36 Yeah. Yeah. I like them a lot. Well, I like first that McAllister introduces it as Lost Souls and the way he goes,
Starting point is 01:31:46 Yar, Yar. He has nothing else to say back to it. But yeah, when you say sketch, to know that this whole bit was added in by George Meyer, I think because they realized they relied on it or maybe they replaced another scene. But when you know it's from George Meyer, who was a prolific late 80s SNL writer, this is such an 80s SNL scene. I was thinking the exact same thing. Homer doesn't need to be Homer.
Starting point is 01:32:14 This could be a scene of three characters telling their stories out of a big group, and Phil Hartman is there, and Julia Sweeney is there. And one person has a very boring story, and they're disgusted by him. The sketch ends with them throwing him overboard or something like that. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:32:28 Yeah, yeah. It would be the guest. Yes, Tom Hanks. Wayne Gretzky. Wayne Gretzky. They would be Homer. And the rest of the cast would be, I mean, I would guess. John Lovitz.
Starting point is 01:32:40 Let's see. Victoria Jackson would be the woman, the woman in the wedding dress. Yeah. I would do a Peter Lorre. Yeah, I'd see him as Peter. All right, well, I think Dana Carvey might be Peter Lorre. Yeah, that fits.
Starting point is 01:32:53 But it could be a great premise for an SNL sketch. Totally, absolutely. That's why I want to hear more. It needs to be three stories and then Homer. Yeah, and then they all reject him after that but yeah well the scene could even start with the honey bunch sequence of just like tom hanks gets saved and he's told he's on the ship of lost souls i also i do like the the pacing of that gag that he's like it's the ship of lost souls actually it says honey bunch oh right but i tell you it's the
Starting point is 01:33:22 ship of lost souls yeah you just did oh you are like the homer pointing out that it was honey bunch ruined his whole pattern and then he fucks up and goes back to repeat himself i still posit that in this uh fake snl sketch we're writing the celebrity guest is a sports star because he just says like one line and is thrown off the boat so it's probably like uh let's say patrick ewing in 1992 oh god the patrick ewing episode yeah i just made that up and i'm sure he's on an snl uh you know i'm thinking of charles barkley yeah he was on and michael jordan and gretzky alonso morning was bo jackson on one oh i'm sure he was yeah that's the only way football player that everyone credits
Starting point is 01:34:02 as like the only good uh snl sports host because they used to be a lot more of a thing than it is these days and uh there was one that everyone was like he was the good one was it tom brady i think it might have been tom brady i is such a peyton manning i'm thinking of peyton okay yeah okay yeah for years people are like peyton manning's the one good sports snL host. And then I finally watched that episode when I was really becoming an SNL nerd. And I was like, no, I don't agree. I think this is also boring and not as good as the other ones. I think if you're grading on the sports curve, he's better than most.
Starting point is 01:34:40 That's true. And now Charles Barkley's done it many times. People consider him a reasonably fine host. I think people consider him a pretty good host. I'm not a big fan of his episodes, but he's done it. The swimming guy was terrible. Michael Phelps? Phelps, yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:56 Oh, that was terrible. So bad. For a second, I was thinking of Seth MacFarlane as Ryan Lochte. Which he did. That wasn't bad. That was funny. I'm remembering one of Barkley's first appearances. It's the most 90s sketch ever,
Starting point is 01:35:10 where what if Charles Barkley played basketball against Barney the Dinosaur? It would go something like this. And he yelled at everybody in real life. That's the story. Oh, that's right. Yeah, I remember that one. He yelled at Wally the cue card guy.
Starting point is 01:35:24 Well, that's the source of that classic one he yelled at wally the cue card guy well that also is the that's the source of that classic photograph of charles barkley with nirvana oh my god you're right jesus christ uh now i do remember i liked michael jordan's episode or at least him doing the douche commercial that was that was funny i like that's fun the joke that he to do any commercial yeah i think uh peyton manning i mean he seemed funnier than others but uh wayne gretzky certainly was not a good one that's that's for sure but yeah you know this this whole sequence here is a really good snl sketch another lost soul has joined our world weary ensemble hey who are you guys?
Starting point is 01:36:08 Who are we? No one. Where are we sailing? Nowhere. Do we even exist? Who knows? Hey, let me off this thing. Oh, don't listen to him. We exist, all right. We wander the seven seas trying to forget. Forget what? Oh, boy, here we go. My story of jilted love is long and bittersweet. If anyone has to go to the bathroom, go now. I don't want you walking around during my story. My story's better.
Starting point is 01:36:35 It has tigers. I was born into wretched poverty. So one day, I stole a loaf of bread, put it in the freezer until it was very hard, then robbed a bank with it. I love the turn where you think it's a story of tragedy where she is stealing a loaf of bread, ruins her life, and she's in prison. But no, she uses the stolen bread to rob a bank. That's so funny to think of threatening people with a frozen loaf of bread of all things i love that the the guy
Starting point is 01:37:07 gives the very mysterious slide to homer of like do we even exist who knows and then homer has to be assured like no we exist okay it does feel like just a dream you know i think actually i'd change that actress to nora dunn in this scene i see or uh no wait the one who just passed away uh jan hooks actually jan hooks should play this one yes yeah uh the commentary meyer is too defensive about that or not too apologetic not defensive yeah yeah i mean when i first saw this i was like what the hell is happening but now i appreciate it i think it's the highlight of the episode yeah i think so too i think it's uh just a really funny scene that, you know, does it say anything about being guilty of a kidney transplant?
Starting point is 01:37:50 No. Doesn't really do much for that story. And also that it looks really good, which is impressive because Mike P. Anderson, the director on the commentary, says this was such a late addition that they had less than a week to lay it out and to make this scene yeah it uh that's too much pressure honestly for their poor animators it's a nice break from the
Starting point is 01:38:11 very sad upsetting cruel episode for once you're not thinking about an old man uh in horrible pain yeah the and also to know that they laid it out in a week this has a lot of original character designs in it, too. It does. There's like five or six people on the ship with Homer. Yeah, yeah. You got Peter Lorre, the tiger stabber, the Miss Haversham type lady, the accordion guy, and the black guy who doesn't say anything. So, yeah, you got five guys there. The lost souls should have returned in another appearance.
Starting point is 01:38:44 I think so. They're probably in Simpsons Tapped Out have returned you know in another appearance i think so they're probably in simpsons tapped out every character's in that yeah i think you're right i also like uh in the second clip here we find out what the guy's story was but i love that he is saying oh my story he's he's priming homer he's like my story has a tiger in it and you think it's going to be a fun story but it's the says, like, I'm a tiger stabber, which sounds like he just stabbed a poor tiger that was not attacking him. At the zoo or something. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:13 But yes, let's hear the second half of our lost soul scene. And when Mr. Dinkley saw what I had done, I was banned from the car wash forever. Forever? How awful. I would have killed Tinkley for that. As you can see, we're a contemptible lot of cads, bounders, and tiger-stabbers. Come, stranger, join our circle of infamy. Tell us your story of ennui. Well, back on land, my name was Homer Simpson. And I guess it is here, too.
Starting point is 01:39:49 I promised my dad one of my kidneys, but I chickened out at the last minute and left him on his deathbed. Good Lord. Oh, how could you? I think I'm going to be sick. I stole this accordion from a blind monkey. But you, you disgust even me! Well, yeah, I know.
Starting point is 01:40:15 It's the last time I trust the strangest people on Earth. That is like the blackout line on the sketch, too. You're right! It's perfect. You're totally right. It's like fade out. You see them pulling the fake boat away. You start up the G.E. Smith guitar riff after Tom Hanks or Wayne Gretzky says that line.
Starting point is 01:40:34 Though they wouldn't have delivered it as well as Dan Castellaneta does here. God, I love that line. That's the last time I trust the strangest people on earth. God damn. And Homer swims back to shore.'ve killed homer here too like he's throwing someone overboard is a death sentence in just about every case homer's not doing himself any favors with him either the way he describes killing his dad but i guess he's he thinks like well as long as we're all being honest here i did this and that's that's when they're finally disgusted about it.
Starting point is 01:41:07 His soul is too lost for them. I mean, stealing from a blind monkey is bad, but it's not leaving your father to die. More monkey humor, too. Yeah, you're right. I mean, of course, the accordion playing monkey, that's just a hilarious image you get in your head anyway. And they also bring up on the commentary that I never noticed it, but they're all voiced by Dan. Every man in that scene is Dan. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 01:41:32 Wow. So he's really working overtime. Maybe if this was a late edition, the only guy who was in town that week was Dan. That is probably it. Dan seems the most ready to play ball with voice acting. Yeah, I mean, in the regrettable digital Simpsons shorts that are happening these days, I think the only male voice actor in it is Dan. I think he's playing most of the voices in it. Anyway, let's think of happier things like Abe's septic shock instead.
Starting point is 01:42:02 But yes, Homer, it feels like a very cheap emotional turn of like they need a moment where homer decides he's going to improve and so he just steps on a sandcastle with that kid it i mean it's it's cute and all that homer's first step is to destroy that sandcastle from the people who inspired him and we just saw him destroy a sandcastle in when you dish upon a star right yeah yeah so uh homer homer hates sandcastles it's i mean it's a funny thing to destroy it's it takes a lot of work and i'm second to destroy the best sandcastle i built was just like a overturned bucket of sand there was no sculpting just like there you go there's a castle did you at least make a moat it's more of a sand dome of course okay yeah that's that was my favorite part of it
Starting point is 01:42:43 yeah you just make a dome it was really about digging holes and filling it with water that was my favorite part of the beach but then the beach just sucks up your water because it's basically a sponge uh good beach times uh and fortunately no no lout ever walked through my thing after almost drowning i would have thanked him for taking my castle over. And so Homer returns to save Abe. I don't really, do you get the, if there's a reference here of Dr. Bombay, come right away? Oh. That's the other ADR gag. I missed that gag.
Starting point is 01:43:18 I missed that gag. It's said by the Doc Martens woman. It's like the second one of those jokes in there. I'm sure it's something. But I don't know what it's a reference to. The music those jokes i'm sure it's something but i i don't know what it's a reference to the music they're playing is the music they always play which is from ben casey yeah yeah uh which is again a show i'd have no idea existed were it not used by the simpsons as a free song that i guess fox must have owned or something which now disney owns like it
Starting point is 01:43:41 owns everything so homer arrives i do like his, the screaming sequence is okay. The funniest bit is that he screams loudest when he's running towards what he's afraid of. I do like that, which, you know, it's an identifiable fear. I'm afraid of surgery. I don't like the doctor at all. It really sucks.
Starting point is 01:43:59 And especially something that would only risk my life for what, a shitty old dad? No, thank you. We get a little gag with Lovejoy and a hate of Catholics. Like, I like this season really. They got in trouble already with Marge saying she's not going Catholic because she doesn't want to have any more kids. That pissed off the Catholic League.
Starting point is 01:44:22 This probably didn't make them any happier and then in a couple uh weeks after this episode a few weeks after this episode aired there's the super bowl episode with the catholic church we've made a few changes gag if you remember that one really digging in on the catholics i think that's scully i think he was raised catholic and he's like man fuck this uh instead of a midwestern you know presbyterian or whatever al jean was or a uh non-believer like dave merkin and bill oakley or jewish guys uh like weinstein and uh josh weinstein is jewish and mike reese instead of all that now we finally got a catholic in charge of Simpsons to make fun of Catholicism. Before the clip, because it's our job to get jokes,
Starting point is 01:45:07 I found the meaning of the Dr. Bombay. Oh, good! And Henry, if you check your Twitter account, I sent you a link to a one-minute video that, if you play it, it is from the show Bewitched. Oh! And that's what the reference is from. I see. Dr. Bombay! Calling Dr.
Starting point is 01:45:24 Bombay! Emergency. Bombay Emergency Come right away There you go I didn't know that until I just typed it into Google And I found that the first link was a YouTube video Of her talking to Dr. Bombay I should have Googled that a long time ago But that's from Color Bewitched
Starting point is 01:45:40 I don't like Color Bewitched as much Black and white That's when they replaced Darren's there's only one Darren for me, guys. That's Dick York. Yeah, which Dick is that? York or Sargent? Yeah, York was first, then Sargent. Okay, I got them confused.
Starting point is 01:45:56 When you really care about someone, you shout it from the mountaintops. So on behalf of Desjardins Insurance, I'm standing 20,000 feet above sea level to tell our clients that we really care about you. Home and auto insurance personalized to your needs. Weird. I don't remember saying that part. Visit slash care and get insurance. That's really big on care. Did I mention that we care? Yeah, I mean, you know, obviously they replaced him not because they fired him, but because he had, you know, many health problems.
Starting point is 01:46:35 But thank you, Bob, for finally we understand that Dr. Bob Hagen. I knew we'd be corrected, and I can't stand it. But yes, Homer is here to save the day. Aren't you going to give him the last rites? That's Catholic, Marge. You might as well ask me to do a voodoo dance.
Starting point is 01:46:53 Dr. Hibbert, I thought you'd located another kidney for Grandpa. Larry Hagman took it. He's got five of them now, and three hearts. We didn't want to give them to him, but he overpowered us. Don't worry about old Grandpa. I'm going to a better place. Shelbyville Hospital. Oh, who am I kidding?
Starting point is 01:47:14 I'm a goner. No, you're not, Dad. Done! It's like Abe knew he was making a joke, and he's like, well, but enough joking. I'm not like that yeah so a clever joke by his uh by abe there intentionally yes larry hagman uh he did he got a liver transplant in 1995 that's what the joke is about there not not a kidney but just he was a famous uh actor who got organs who got organs They said in 1995 he did not get it
Starting point is 01:47:45 because of his celebrity status, that he got it from the anonymous list. He wanted it more, is what it was. And he would appear on The Simpsons in season 17. Oh, shit. Which would happen before he passed away in 2012 from throat cancer, I
Starting point is 01:48:01 believe it was. When I worked at a believe it or not, I worked at a real estate magazine in Santa Fe, New Mexico for about a month before I moved to California. And my job as a temp, I made $27 an hour in 2010, which was nice, more than I ever made in my life at that point. But my job was to write up descriptions of multi, multi, multi-million dollar houses for this real estate magazine.
Starting point is 01:48:24 And in order to do that i was just giving pictures because they're not they're not gonna let some bum like me walk through the house and see what it looks like and one of the houses dog shit throughout the house possibly steal light fixtures but uh one of the houses that i had to write a description for was larry hagman's uh house he was selling and that was one of the things we had to highlight like this is larry fucking hagman's house you're getting jr's house he was selling. And that was one of the things we had to highlight. Like, this is Larry fucking Hagman's house. You're getting J.R.'s house. Like, that's what you're getting for this.
Starting point is 01:48:50 And I made a joke to the very upper class people I work with. I made a joke like, I'm going to put in the copy now. You can shoot J.R. all for yourself. And they're like, what? How can they? Man, come on.
Starting point is 01:49:03 And then it's like, no, I'm not threatening this client. I'm just making a Dallas joke. You should have at least said, remember when they shot Mr. Burns? Remember that one? These people were like all 60-year-old men who worked at Santa Fe and made like $700,000 a year. They didn't care about the Simpsons. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:20 Actually, if they didn't get Dallas, they're not getting the Simpsons. Yeah, that's true. Homer seems to save the day. As they rightly point out on the commentary, viewers know that you can't trust a maudlin moment with Homer, that it's not actually going to happen. Or with Mike Scully. Yeah, or with Mike Scully. By this point, I think I was distrusting it too. Even if I didn't know how much longer was left in the episode, I would have said to myself, like, there's definitely one more twist here. Homer isn't going to actually hold his father's hand and be like, I'm saving your life, dad, and I love you.
Starting point is 01:49:56 Like, that definitely wouldn't happen. But yes, Homer refuses to help one more time. The way I behaved was shameful. I guess fear made me run away, but love made me come back. Bless you, son. I knew you'd come through for me. Now, Homer, this may sting just a tiny bit,
Starting point is 01:50:19 but... Oh, son of a... Oh, dear. Phew. Boy, that... That's... He's waking up. Oh, homie, I'm so glad you're all right.
Starting point is 01:50:48 Try not to move, Dad. You swallowed a lot of motor oil. I'm sorry I ran off again. Oh, I guess Dad must be dead by now. When I get better. And after I built those shelves for the kitchen, we'll visit his grave. Grave? Nothing. I never visit his grave. Grave nothing!
Starting point is 01:51:05 I never felt more alive! Ha ha! Oh, boy, I shouldn't have done that. The car falling on Homer was just a loud laugh in my apartment when that happened. He doesn't even have time to be relieved. He's like, boy, I slammed. The car falls off the car carrier and falls right into Homer. It's brutal. It truly crushes him. He's dead. He disappears slammed the car falls off the car carry and falls right into homer he's dead he disappears underneath the car he's lucky that seemingly it only broke his skull and arms and legs like that's uh yeah homer horribly mangled there that that gag is so it does hit you
Starting point is 01:51:42 like a truck that gag so quickly like especially I was just caught up in the North by Northwest reference of the guy almost being hit by the car. Homer even moves like Cary Grant does in the film. But then, as you're thinking about it, a car just slides off the top and crushes him. God, and also, it feels like a classic gag to have Hans Moleman operating one of those things. It felt like a long time since we've like a classic gag to have hans mole man operating one of those things like it's felt like a long time since we've seen a hans gag like there's a bunch of like what are
Starting point is 01:52:10 they bricks on the gas pedal or something like tied to the gas so this tiny foot can reach it and also what causes homer to run away is the idea of a small pinch when he's getting a shot like that's what puts him back over the edge to run away one more time uh and this is where the episode crosses over into truly cruel for me when like before homer's scared of a thing happening to him and he runs away now that it did happen it didn't matter to him he didn't have to experience it and he still is mad and wants to fight his father to get his kidney back that's where it becomes like i think i hate this episode at that point where like before i'm like homer's just an idiot he's he's a coward but he'll figure it out and he'll eventually help his dad but like all the things he does in this episode leading up to now and then this happening
Starting point is 01:53:00 this is like the worst of what's wrong with later simpsons to me after the entire family and the doctor are complicit in stealing an organ from homer i'm just like well who is truly the bad guy here it's hard to say well you know we're talking on the legality of that i did consider like marge as the wife could have power of attorney over that or she could be the one who could make that decision i mean it's funnier to me if hibbert just said like fuck this asshole we're stealing his kidney and saving this guy uh it's funnier if he just made an executive decision to steal a kidney but uh you know if you if you want to think of the legal way it could have been done marge decided but uh yeah also by this ending one thing that cuts away the sentimentality of it is
Starting point is 01:53:47 everybody forgets that homer owes him a kidney because he killed him like he destroyed his kidneys the least he can do is give him one nobody remembers that in this scene homer just treats it like well i gave you a kidney for some unknown reason and now you've stolen it from me and i'm mad like that it's just uh if you forget that background to it which i guess they feel like the audience has been taking on such a ride maybe they don't remember yeah no character reminds homer like no homer we're giving grandpa your kidney because you ruined his yes you you uh you blew up both of his kidneys uh now what i do like like in this scene is that Homer will visit Abe's grave, but only after he builds those shelves, which he's probably never going to build in the kitchen.
Starting point is 01:54:34 I do like that. And Abe kicking up his heels and then immediately regretting it. I like that gag, too. It feels like his rib broke, just like Burns' rib that always breaks. I guess that line, I'll visit his grave after I build those shelves, it implies he's not even going to the funeral. Oh, yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:51 Or maybe he thinks he's been unconscious so long that they must have buried him already. Yeah, that could be it, too. I mean, well, I guess they could just put him in a wheelchair and get him to the funeral. His injury can't really prevent you from going to a funeral, I suppose. Yes, we get our happy ending. It's a miracle. You recovered. What?
Starting point is 01:55:15 What? Hey! While we were setting your broken bones and putting your blood back in, we helped ourselves to a kidney and gave it to your father. You butchers! Give it back! Give me that! Come on! Don't you dance out that door!
Starting point is 01:55:36 I'll get my kidney back, old man! You have to sleep sometime. I know you're a little peeved at Grandpa, Dad, but you've done a wonderful thing. Yes, you've shortened your life significantly, so someone else can have a slight extension of theirs. Yeah, I guess you're right. Give me a hug. I don't need two kidneys. I have everything I need right here.
Starting point is 01:56:02 Dad, you're tickling me. Yes, tickling me yes tickling i like how on the commentary even mike scully the showrunner agrees i ruined that joke yeah i didn't give the audience enough credit it takes too long like they homer squeezing bart is a callback to the squeeze earlier we know what he's referring to it could have ended with an i think it should have ended with an ominous thing on um i got everything i need right here and then just like the sound of him squishing bart's kiddies and then like an ominous thing and then go to the credits instead of like we get two more jokes to explain it's like dad you're tickling me yes tickling and then we see like a zoom in on bart's face like there's like goes like three steps too far yeah also also bart wouldn't have that. Normally,
Starting point is 01:56:45 I wouldn't hear Bart give a reaction like, ha ha, you're tickling me. Like that, that sounds too childish for Bart usually. Or of a Lisa line.
Starting point is 01:56:53 Yeah. But it's just to set up a joke we all get the second he starts squeezing him. Yeah, I think, I'm glad at least Scully
Starting point is 01:57:01 can admit like, yeah, we didn't trust the audience enough there. Like, I think, you know, on commentaries or even on our Patreon-exclusive interview with Mike Scully, he's the first to admit of, yeah, I've got a few regrets. You rewatch episodes and you think we could have worked harder on that or done that line again. I also like that they were putting his blood back in. It sounds like Homer nearly died anyway.
Starting point is 01:57:24 So if they were thinking like, well, Homer's about to die, why don't we just take this kid right there? I like how he has a perfect potato-shaped incision. Yeah. I don't think they cut an entire circle of flesh out of you to take your kid in. I think it's just an incision.
Starting point is 01:57:38 It's more like Operation, the board game. Oh, sorry, Matt. It's a little odd to have earlier in the episode the idiots at the bar giving Homer bad information, including that they will steal your organs, and then that's what happens.
Starting point is 01:57:53 Yes. I don't know if that's a bad thing, but it is interesting. Lenny is correct. Lenny was right. Yeah, he's right. As always, we should have listened to Lenny.
Starting point is 01:58:01 He is an organ donor sucker now. And that Marge's line completely sells out the plot but that's only if you forget like the way she says that it's like marge do you not remember that homer did this and that's why he owes a kidney instead she has to have this real kind of like gotcha of just like yeah you did the very stupid thing of shortening your life to what? Give Abe nine more months of living? He's a very old man. Why would you bother doing this? I don't think she's being snarky.
Starting point is 01:58:31 I think she thinks it's nice and sincere. Yeah. I think she's like, oh, this nice thing you did, but she doesn't understand the darkness of what she said. I mean, it is quite a sacrifice Homer made in that way, for sure. But it's not a sacrifice when you realize it's just him doing the least he can do to make amends for what he did to his father which was kill him like that i don't i don't want to sugarcoat it homer kills abe in this episode or the very least like attempted murder
Starting point is 01:58:58 through through negligence form of abuse we all know yeah hey that's a form of abuse, we all know. Yeah, that's a form of abuse. Yeah. So, yes, this is a ridiculous episode with Homer being as mean as he's ever been and just like the most despicable too. But damn if there aren't a few really funny lines in this show. And all the cowboy stuff's great. The ship of lost souls is great. And there's so many just like funny lines in it so i can't fully reject this as a bad simpsons episode i just wish wish they didn't make homer so awful yeah i was uh not looking forward to this one because it has a really bad reputation
Starting point is 01:59:37 but i liked it a lot uh more than i remember especially the lost soul stuff and there are a lot of really funny jokes in this too. So I did enjoy it, but you have to overlook the sheer cruelty of Homer, but then everyone comes out bad in this episode. Real bad. Yeah. I totally agree. I mean, I don't think it's a great episode,
Starting point is 01:59:54 but I do think there's some funny stuff in it, but it does, it sticks with me for how terrible everyone is. And I think it's a damaging episode to Homer's reputation. But I am, am i always been kind of a fan of grandpa i mean i don't i don't hate the elderly as much as the writers of the simpsons do so i uh i tend to disagree with their treatment of old people on the show but uh you
Starting point is 02:00:16 know it's it's it's totally it's a a mid-tier episode for me in terms of uh the later episodes of the simpsons you know it's not the worst it. You know, it's not the worst it'll get. It's not the best it'll get. But Homer's cruelty in this episode, really, it does push it down for me. And I'm not, I wouldn't consider myself a fan of this episode. Although, like I said earlier,
Starting point is 02:00:36 I do think about it a lot because it really scarred me as a child, I think. It gave us all urine anxiety, that's for sure. So in that way, it's left a lasting impact on, on Simpsons viewers. Awesome. So thanks for being part of the show,
Starting point is 02:00:50 Matt, please plug all of your stuff. I know you have two Patreons and lots of podcasts going on. Uh, yeah, I got, uh, the show I mentioned earlier,
Starting point is 02:00:57 the deep end I do with Steve Yurko about, uh, every adult swim show ever. It's a very weird show that we do. Some of the episodes we've had recently include, we did the Venture Brothers season one with voice actor Brock Baker. We just had Brad Evans on to do Eagle Hearts.
Starting point is 02:01:13 Nathan Barnett came on to talk about his pilot, Youth Large. James Trevor, who works with Wham City Comedy, he came on to talk about this house's people in it. Bunch of cool guests like that. Hal Lublin, voice actor on the Venture Brothers and host of a bunch of great podcasts, talked about Futurama with us. So check that out at The Deep End.
Starting point is 02:01:27 On slash The Deep End we do a weekly show about The Venture Brothers every episode and a monthly show about other adult animated series that didn't air in Adult Swim like Undergrads, which we thought was terrible. MTV's Downtown, which is related to Megas XLR which you guys and I did a podcast about.
Starting point is 02:01:44 That's right. Yeah, this month's upcoming episode for september will be uh the upn's classic show dilbert oh you're doing the dilbo nice yeah we're doing the whole thing we're doing all i have to watch all 30 whatever episodes i i've said this before but i've heard it's actually a good show it's very interesting yeah because it's like going back to it i was worried because of uh well yeah what scott adams has become and i don't know how involved he is with the show he's got writing credit on a bunch of the episodes not all of them and he's credited as a co-creator but uh the show is very anti-corporate it's very anti uh business environment it's very pro there's a whole episode about evolution that i
Starting point is 02:02:26 got very scared about when it started and it's the joke is that dilbert is like no evolution is clearly real and dog birds trying to gaslight him and thinking it's not real like it's jokes like that it's about how uh capitalism has destroyed the world and uh and the people that have to work in it you know it's it's got interesting things to say. Well, Scott Evans was a different guy 23 years ago as well. Yeah, I've looked into that too. Because I read a bunch of Dilbert comics as a kid. And when he started getting really terrible, I was like, I don't remember this being in the actual comics. And it seems to be like he did get a little radicalized.
Starting point is 02:02:58 Like he kind of used to have better thoughts, you know. 9-11 did a lot to a lot of people as well. Yeah. So we'll talk about that in an upcoming episode over there and i do uh cartoons 101 at says cartoons 101 where i interview animation creators like uh bill oakley and evan dorkin and brian newton uh who directed pretty much all the most classic episodes of rick and morty and i'm also doing currently a series on adult animated films so we did uh you know heavy metal and a scanner darkly uh a weird belgian film called tarzoon shame of
Starting point is 02:03:31 the jungle which the american dub features uh bill murray and john belushi uh and guys like that very interesting and this this week's episode is down and dirty duck from 1974 which is kind of it's very interesting it's it's become known as a fritz the Duck from 1974. It's very interesting. It's become known as a Fritz the Cat ripoff, but it's very much not that. Roger Corman made it into that in the marketing. We're going to talk about that. Check that out over at slash
Starting point is 02:03:56 cartoons101. Thank you so much again, Matt, for coming on. Thanks so much for having me, guys. Anytime. I love coming to do this show. Thanks again to Matthew J. for being on the show. Please check out his great stuff. But as for us, if you want to support our show and get all of these episodes one week ahead of time and ad-free, please go to slash TalkingSimpsons.
Starting point is 02:04:18 And if you sign up at the $5 level, you will get just that. And also access to the dozens upon dozens of podcasts behind the Patreon paywall. That includes things like our exclusive miniseries, the most recent of which was Talking of the Hill, and we'll have a new one in fall for subscribers. We also have so many podcasts behind that paywall, too many to listen to, but if you sign up today, you get access to two plus years of paywall content. But Henry, what is happening for people
Starting point is 02:04:42 who want to give us 10 bucks a month, even extra longer podcasts once a month? Yes, the folks at the premium level of ten dollars a month they get the monthly what a cartoon movie podcast we've done 10 of them so far and the most recent one is rocco's modern life static cling where we talk about the reboot of the classic nicktoon. Me and Bob talk for over three hours, sometimes as much as four hours on these, going into extreme detail and tons of research about these animated feature films. If you sign up now, you get the whole back catalog,
Starting point is 02:05:16 plus you'll get to hear September's, which is gonna be a ton of fun as well. Whether you're at the $5 level and go up to 10, or just sign up at 10 bucks, you really get your money's worth there at slash talking simpsons. So I've been one of your hosts, Bob Mackey. Find me on Twitter as Bob Servo. My other podcast is Retronauts.
Starting point is 02:05:34 It's a classic gaming podcast. Every Monday and occasionally on Friday. Go to or just look for Retronauts in whatever you use to listen to the podcast. I'm sure you'll like it if you've ever played a video game. How about you, Henry? You can follow me, Henry Gilbert, on Twitter at H-E-N-E-R-E-Y-G. When you follow me there, anytime
Starting point is 02:05:52 there's new stuff that comes out on the Patreon or on the free feeds or announcements about live shows that we're doing, you'll hear about them from me when I tweet some out. So please follow me there. H-E-N-E-R-e-y-g thanks so much for joining us folks we'll see you next week for our pax west 2019 special and the week after that mayored to the mob Hey Dad, that light says check engine. Uh oh, tape must have fallen off.

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