Talking Simpsons - Talking Simpsons - The Last Temptation of Homer With Gary Butterfield
Episode Date: February 12, 2025This week we're joined by Gary Butterfield from the podcasts for a tale of Homer struggling with desire. After Mindy Simmons joins coworkers like Stuart The Duck and Large-Hand Man, Homer ...finds himself attracted to her in a story that takes a lot of finesse from the writers. As we look back on that potential infidelity, we also note our memories of being nerds in elementary school just like Bart, so grab some prune juice and hard-boiled eggs for another classic retrospective podcast! Support this podcast and get over 200 ad-free bonus episodes by visiting and becoming a patron! And please follow the official Twitter, @TalkSimpsonsPod, not to mention Bluesky and Instagram!
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Ahoy, hoi everybody, and welcome to Talking Sim Simpsons where we pray for giant shoes. I am one of your hosts, the Naked Chick Riding a Clam Bob Mackie, and this is our chronological
exploration of The Simpsons.
Who is here with me today as always?
Henry Gilbert and Excelsior!
And who is our special guest on the line?
I'm Gary Butterfield and I'm bringing prune juice and a hard boiled egg to the cast.
And this week's episode is The Last Temptation of Homer.
The beauty of it is each parking space is a mere one foot narrower, indistinguishable
to the naked eye.
But therein lies the game.
I fear to watch, yet I cannot turn away!
This episode originally aired on December 9th 1993 and as always Henry
will tell us what happened on this mythical day in real world history.
Oh boy Bobby the Moxie Pirate Show debuts on Cartoon Network, id Software
launches Doom on personal computers and Wayne's World 2 defeats Sister Act 2 at
the box office.
So we have to tell the children about Moxie, otherwise he'll be lost to history.
Moxie was a skee-gee-eye motion capture cartoon character with the voice of Bobcat Goldthwaite, correct?
And he hosted a show in which he would show you other cartoons.
Yes, yeah, it was a classic cartoon host thing, but it was like cutting edge technology that
is kind of like everything now, but it was the earliest days of motion capture and a
computer animation company said, we can make a live cartoon.
Like on Thanksgiving a couple weeks before this, they had Moxie host the great international
tune in where he like live talked about the news of like no
I'm really I'm a live cartoon folks and that was all to set up the premiere of the Moxie pirate show
It's often forgotten in the history of Cartoon Network originals though our Pally and Jones Quartey and Toby Jones who we've had on the show
When they did the big crossover Cartoon Network history episode of their TV series OK KO Let's Be Heroes.
They made sure to draw Moxie in the background. They did not forget Moxie.
And Doom, obviously a very big game. We don't need to tell you about this.
Gary, our guest on the show, you were actually on an episode of RetroNauts
five to eight years ago talking about Doom with me. And this is the game that made computer gaming
cool. The book Masters of Doom goes into this in great detail.
It's a great fascinating book, but it shows that you know before Doom, computer games,
games you would play with a keyboard and monitor, they could barely scroll, they didn't move very
fast, it was all about thinking and role playing and adventure gaming, but this made the PC the
cool gaming center of your den perhaps. Yeah Doom to me now even plays a little bit
faster than something like a sonic. Like it's quick there's nothing faster than
Doom like it is kind of the Rubicon for like PC switching into twitch gaming in
any way. Yeah absolutely. It's still very fun. Yeah. Very easy to play. Masters of
Doom, great book. I recommend reading it, not listening to the audio book.
The audio book, read by Will Wheaton,
it's a little bit much.
Is he doing voices for everybody?
Big time.
Oh no.
Yeah, there's a part where a character says
we're not worthy, and he does a real exaggerated
Wayne and Garth for it, and it's one of those things
where I want to rip off my earbuds and throw them on the bus.
You know, it's not like Will Wheaton
to be a little extra about everything.
I can't believe this.
Master of subtlety.
And speaking of weird outweary, yes,
Wayne's World 2, I saw that in theaters.
I didn't see Sister Act 2 until like, you know,
a TNT or TBS afternoon at half watch.
Mainly I just know it for like,
Lauryn Hill sings in it very well, if I recall.
Wayne's World 2, a fine, unnecessary sequel.
It's still very funny.
I think a lot of the things people think
are in the first movie are actually in the second movie
because they're just like sketch movies
with a very thin plot running through them.
The Sister Act movies are interesting though
because this is Kathy Najimy's biggest time
in the spotlight, pre-Peggy Hill.
This is where everyone took notice of her,
like, oh, who's that funny nun?
And then I got in the mood to see, like, what else is Kathy and Jimmy in? I can tell everybody out there, nothing good.
It's Sister Act one and two and King of the Hill. Those are the best things she's done,
which is great, by the way, but there is no truly great Kathy and Jimmy movie out there,
if you're wondering. It also gave us Back in the Habit as a suffix, which I think is a better one
than Electric Boogaloo for comedy purposes. Oh yeah. It works for the first omen,
works for all kinds of movies.
You know, that is a better pitch for a joke
than Electric Boogaloo.
Electric Boogaloo played out back in the habit.
I think still has some life in it.
Legends of Curly's Gold, right on the edge.
And Sister Act is a brilliant pun
because a Sister Act is a kind of musical performance,
but Whoopi Goldberg, if you notice,
she's also a sister.
And, meanwhile, Wayne World 2 really counts on you musical performance but Whoopi Goldberg if you notice she's also a sister.
And meanwhile Wayne World 2 really counts on you having seen the Doors movie or I
guess caring about Woodstock a lot too. Actually I wonder if it set up the
return of Woodstock 94. I'm just like well everybody loved Wayne Stock in Wayne's
World 2 maybe we should actually just do a new Woodstock for these Gen X kids who
wanted their own woodstock.
Huge dehydration related body count on Mike Meyer's hands in that case.
Yeah, I think this is one of the movies where he kind of became a tyrant on because he did
Wayne's World 2 and then he had a really bad experience on how he married an axe murderer.
So he took over this film is what I've heard, the behind the scenes on it.
And him and Dana Carvey, they're friends now.
Age brings them together eventually and humbles them both.
Anyway, so that's what was happening in late 1993 when this episode of The Simpsons first
And joining us once again is Gary Butterfield from the Duck Feed podcast network.
Welcome back to the show, Gary.
And if I'm not mistaken, Gary has not been on Talking Simpsons since 2020.
We covered the episode last tap dance in Springfield with him.
Welcome back to the show, Gary.
Thank you so much. Appreciate it.
Really happy to be here.
Yeah, absolute banger episode from a banger season.
Really happy you guys are doing these classic episodes because they're great.
And I think I've personally seen Gary about a dozen times since that episode.
There was no estrangement between Talking Simpsons and Gary Butterfield.
No, no, no, no.
The beef is off.
We turned off the beef.
And it feels like 2020 was just last year, right?
So I didn't think of it as like, well, it has been a while,
hasn't it?
Yeah, yeah, trivia Talking Simpsons listeners
will know that that was not my first appearance.
I was also on a talk to the audience a long time ago
because I happened to be recording Retronauts right
before it.
Right, that's when we were doing everything
in Henry's Berkeley apartment.
True. That's right.
I think we recorded something for you too, Gary,
when we were all... Yes, yeah.
I think I recorded an episode of my short-lived podcast,
Heartbeat City, my advice podcast.
If you want to hear love advice from us eight years ago,
check that out.
Yeah, before we knew anything.
Well, that's funny because this episode
is all about relationships and love,
or it's also about being a nerd,
which obviously we can't relate to at all in the B-plot.
But this is an interesting episode
about teetering Homer towards infidelity.
It seems like every year or two, up to now even,
they still do an episode of like, will they cheat,
or will Homer or Marge leave the other?
And though this was only the second one for Homer's side of the equation.
Well I think this one, you know, written by the late Frank Mueller, directed by Carlos
Baeza, we've talked about him both a lot.
It sounds like from the commentary this was very much a mercant idea for a day one came
in with like X number of ideas and this was one of them.
Yeah, and I think it's because it was an idea he had never seen on television, at least
in the sitcom where we might have seen episodes in which, you know, some outside force tries to
get the husband to cheat on his wife or the wife to cheat on her husband. But in this case, Mindy
isn't the same, you know, status as Homer in terms of I don't want to fall in love, but I'm very
attracted to this person. And it's looking at that kind of scenario that plays out pretty often in
real life. The focus on physical attraction is really interesting in this.
And then also the focus on the personalities,
because it's like the universe conjured a she-homer,
or hermer, onto the scene.
It's really comical rewatching it, just everything that he does,
she just also does to the same degree.
Yeah, except offscreen you're seeing Mindy doing, I don't know,
three hours of cardio a day to keep up with the same degree. Yeah, except off screen you're seeing Mindy doing, I don't know, three hours of cardio a day
to keep up with the Homer diet.
You know, it sounded like they're all friends
on the commentary, but it does sound like
that Matt Groening was one of the people
resisting this being a plot point.
And I can see he didn't like, you know,
Homer being this close to, like,
actively considering cheating.
But also I think that, like, this does feel, if you get this pitch to you considering cheating. But also I think that this does feel,
if you get this pitch to you, then you would say,
or if I was in the writers' room, then I would have said,
well, but we did this just two years ago.
Homer already got tempted by a beautiful woman
in Lurie Lumpkin, and Matt Groening wrote that episode even.
We're going back to something we had done
less than two years earlier.
And kind of a more, that relationship, the Lauren Lumpkin relationship feels a little
bit less contrived to me in terms of just having somebody who has everything you have
in common and is just beautiful.
They have a relationship that feels a little bit more organic to me.
And to me, this feels like this is a more season five approach to it, which is very
gag forward.
Like, this is an excuse to tell good jokes.
I also think Merkin comes at this from like, you know, graining.
In this episode he wrote, he was just like, Homer never wanted to cheat on Marge with Lurleen,
but then he ends up just so close to her that he's like, huh, I guess a beautiful woman is in love with me.
That's funny. But Homer instantly in this one recognizes what it is.
And they're making sure like this is an entirely different experience for Homer's character at least.
Yeah, and Lurleen is actively trying to go after Homer and you know, not really caring about destroying his family.
All of her songs are about Homer, leave your wife and come with me.
But in this episode, Mindy realizes late in the episode like, oh no, I love this man,
or at least I have feelings for this man and I could potentially destroy his family.
Yeah, it's interesting how Mindy doesn't really even seem to find out about Marge up until
Homer's crying on the bed. She has no hesitation, you know, for it, which is really interesting.
It's also, I consider this episode, and also a little bit of the Lorraine Lumpkin episode,
a little bit of a subverting and calling on the trope of in sitcoms, absolutely gorgeous
women are always attracted to ogre men as a thing. This was true with Marge, you know, in the universe.
This isn't where I admit that I'm way into Simpsons porn or anything, but the universe Marge is a hot
dish. People talk about it. And then just all of these, you know, classically beautiful women by
Simpsons standards throwing themselves at Homer.
That has always been the everybody loves Raymond, Home Improvement, any kind of thing where
you just have this kind of...
King of Queens.
King of Queens, like grunt man who just attracts very conventionally attractive women here.
And this episode feels a little bit more subversive because it's so direct.
Like she's that and she's instead of having a very different personality, she's Homer
on the inside as well. Mm-hmm
I also wish this was that there was as much available of the behind-the-scenes stuff as there are with other episodes at the time
Of this recording I could not find unlike with many other episodes in season 5
Couldn't find a table draft script out there online couldn't find any animatics
I'd be really interested to see because they do say that this had a bad color screening, which implies that they must have done
more retakes or re-dos of scenes than normally they would. There are three
deleted scenes on this, but only one really feels like a retake, so I wonder if
like it just came down to editing to improve this episode? I think this is a
really good episode. We'll have to contact the Mueller estate.
It's weird that one of the deleted scenes actually shows Homer and Mindy do it, and
it shows everything.
I was really surprised by that.
I didn't know that was going to be a direction they were going to take it.
They don't cut away.
Yeah, they never cut away.
And it's in real time.
It's the third act, really.
Homer can last five minutes.
I was impressed.
The bellboy tags in at some point, right? Yeah, exactly. It's the third act really Homer can last five minutes. I was impressed the bellboy tags in at some point, right?
Yeah, exactly. It's a dark. We don't know exactly who's doing what to what inside what of whom but
floating eyes and avoid I
Do note on the commentary they said like in some phase of the design on Mindy
They were trying to make sure like oh, no
She looks too flirty in this scene or it seems like she's too actively trying to be a home wrecker, which they are trying to make her innocent, but
also like mature, an adult who makes her own choices. Despite being Homer in so many ways,
she is much more emotionally mature than Homer is.
Yeah. Homer's interesting in this too, how being confronted by all of this stuff turns him into a
child. This is a big showcase episode for like giggling at the word titmouse Homer.
Is he just running away in terror at the thought of a girl?
The commentary also is where Merkin references that this was on like a list of top Simpsons episodes.
I'm guessing he is talking about the 2003 entertainment weekly ranking of the 25 best episodes. I'm guessing he is talking about the 2003 Entertainment Weekly ranking of the 25 best episodes. Just to let you know that where it was, this was
ranked as number 10 in that listing in between Treehouse of Horror 5, which is
a season 6 one, and Duff List. That's where it ranked. Was last Exit the
Springfield still number one? I'm sure we talked about this list before. I
believe that is the classic, the one that made it the number one or like the
canonical number one or like the canonical
number one for years in Simpsons fandom.
I think it was that EW list.
Which we dug really into that in the last exit to Springfield podcast.
So Bob and I have done a lot of podcasts.
I can't be expected to remember this.
The episode begins with a chalkboard.
There's like two jokes in this one that make me think, oh, you're writing season six as you're doing this,
or maybe it gives you season six ideas,
but like they're doing a Shining reference chalkboard gag,
and this airs probably as they are writing
or producing the Shinning parody
for that Treehouse of R5.
Yeah, they're calling the shots.
Get ready for the Shinning, folks.
And also guys, remember when we cared so much
about David Letterman versus Jay Leno what a time
I chose my side and my side lost darn Hugh Grant
Yeah, when they pan over I still expected it to be Conan O'Brien
Because even though I'm old I'm not quite a million
I can't he was going to be a talk show host that was people liked and so I like Letterman just fine
But it ages the show a little bit. Well, we're a few episodes away from Conan playing himself in the show.
Though that's funny too in that, like, I guess it's because Fox at this time had no late
night competitor, but that a Fox TV show is doing a joke about like, hey, we like Letterman
more than Leno, and Fox show is taking a side between CBS versus NBC.
And so after this, we get our first Bart prank of the episode.
David Merkin makes Bart into a little bastard who is like malevolently planning, not just
a little stinker.
Yeah, he's in league with Satan.
He's got all of these plans that require blueprints and phases.
It's like Breaking Bad.
Pranks are boring and hard to do.
They require tons of planning and execution.
He's up all night.
We've seen the Big Butt Skinner prank.
I think somebody from this did die from like a panic attack. Like they asphyxiated and
just died in the car. I noted many times this episode like, well that killed somebody. This
was the first one.
There's that great delivery during that of Miss Hoover just being like, I'm trapped.
Resigned. I've definitely took into my lexicon the Millhouse, I fear to watch
yet I cannot turn away. And so everybody is trapped. We have a nice cut to in the class
Edna's defining. I mean, this is such a mercant thing of a teacher going like, no, my classroom
is a fascist state. This is not a democracy. In our first clip, Bart learns something about
his eyes.
Class, I know there's no way to prove who actually did this. And in our American democracy,
everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
God bless America.
But my classroom is not a democracy. Ha! For the rest of the year, Bart Simpson will be
the first student called on for every question.
Oh, well, let's get started.
Can someone pronounce this word?
Go pick me, teacher! I'm ever so smart! Oh, I couldn't read it. The letters are all blurry.
Is it possible all your misbehavior and miserable grades have been caused by a simple vision
You mean it ain't me noggin eats me peep peepers? Oh, well that's just lovely.
He's wheeling on his Cockney boot black character. He's just Rutteger half the time now.
For this revelation show, isn't he?
I love Martin during this.
In terms of things from Old Simpsons,
I've entered my lexicon,
the pick me teacher I'm ever so smart,
that pops up all the time in me reacting to people online.
There's a certain online typo guy
who really needs that kind of validation.
And I always think of Martin straining to raise his hand
even harder than he was before.
I did used to feel Martin vibes in grade school
because you're trapped there, you don't wanna be there,
everything is already wasting your time.
And when the teacher calls on someone
who just reads very slowly, like,
oh, you read the next paragraph
and they're tracing it with their finger,
getting things wrong, I'm just tearing my hair out.
Let's get on with it.
Maybe we can have reading time.
If you get through this faster,
we can read magazines.
It's a run out the clock situation,
and you don't quite understand that as a kid.
You can get to the end of the game faster
by playing it better.
I'm not saying Martin was right, exactly.
Well, it's funny too, that like, you know,
an insulting online term is calling somebody pick me.
Martin is literally saying, pick me, pick me.
Bart's realization that he needs glasses, like when I saw this when I was 11 I think I got glasses when I was
seven or eight and definitely was this realization of like you can't read the
chalkboard you need glasses. Yeah yeah I had a really similar experience it
was a little bit later in my life but I didn't realize people just didn't see
that way. I could see the chalkboard but I didn't realize people just didn't see that way.
I could see the chalkboard,
but I couldn't read like street signs.
And I was just like, oh yeah,
you're not supposed to read things
that are like 20 feet away.
Nobody can do that.
And then just at some point,
dropped enough clues that my parents took me
to go get classes.
But it was really similar to this.
Like if the only thing you've experienced
is your form of vision and things are blurry at a distance,
that's just how it is.
That's not what's happening at the bar here,
but that was my experience.
Yeah, if you can see things that are more than 20 feet away, you just be distracted
reading things all the time.
The blurry world that Bart lives in, though of course, is we learned Bart very briefly
has lazy eye that is easily fixed.
Not so in the real world for the nerds, but yeah, when I was 11, seeing this storyline,
I was more focused on the infidelity
of a father thing that I could not relate to, so I would not have to think about like
being damned to be a nerd storyline of Bart's life here.
We then have a very Chris Peterson moment of Homer, which I bring up every time he acts
like the lead of Get A Life.
This is Homer basically doing a cartoony style prank, except has real-world results and Homer definitely kills this guy, right?
So yeah Homer pinches this guy's butt he drops the dangerous chemicals and
Then I love that Lenny says run. Well hide in my house
Yeah, this is also little kid behavior.
And then they're all cornered.
Seemingly, they're about to die, too.
We won't bore you with the details,
but somehow they got away.
The painting on emergency exit, obviously really, really good.
And one of my all time favorite jokes,
and I hesitate to view it from a 2025 lens
of any kind of sensitivity, but the tube that Mr. Burns has that just sends somebody
to Sri Lanka or what have you,
to dance for people who are clearly waiting for it
and are delighted, it's a stereotype.
It's so silly that it can't bother me.
I love that so much that some of these buildings
just have a tube that send you to like
the Middle Eastern party zone.
It doesn't seem that bad.
It feels like it's from a different time period too. This doesn't seem that bad. Yeah.
It feels like it's from a different time period too.
Like this tube also took him back in time.
To the set of like the fourth not made
80s Indiana Jones movie or something.
He's gone to the Temple of Doom deleted scene.
And this was not something that Mr. Burns installed.
I like how this is just an existing piece of equipment
that's been there.
He likes the classic trap door that kills you.
It's so perfect they came up with like,
well, let's literally inverse the trap door joke we've done.
We've done Burns hits the trap door joke
like three times now in the show.
Let's reverse it, he's sucked up into the ceiling
and then to top off it then it's like,
oh it came with the building somehow.
Like how long, and Mr. Burns has been there so long
that tube has been there for like 300 years or something. What that guy's life is now as he dances for people who truly appreciate him
Real into it Charlie will be back to get arrested by the FBI for forming anti-government conspiracies
That's yeah, I looked that one up
I was like, okay
when is Charlie ever out of speaking role after this one because Charlie is like
We should have realized like Oh Charlie's done for if they're going to give him lines that they
normally never give him because Lenny and Carl are the only co-workers that
matter but getting rid of Charlie here it then did set up that like oh in
season nines the trouble with trillions if they're gonna set up another person
to get arrested and seemingly be an FBI black site for the rest of his life it's
gonna be Charlie. He was about to do a January 6th
over high definition television.
More justifiable, I'd say.
And he fought for our right to have HDTVs.
After he's gone, this is where Burns realizes
they're gonna need to hire somebody.
Dunge, dunge, dunge, dunge.
Sir, we'll need a new dangerous emission supervisor. Yes, we'll find someone cheap. Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Sir, we'll need a new dangerous emission supervisor.
Yes, we'll find someone cheap.
It's been a very lean year for us.
Money fight!
Money fight!
Excellent, Zootroy.
Work hard and each day you'll get a shiny penny.
Agent was in Department of Labor. This man's an illegal alien.
That's preposterous. Zutroy here is as American as Apple Pie.
Toch ni graba, Mr. Boons.
This plan violates every labor law in the book.
We found a missing Brazilian soccer team working in your reactor core.
That plane crashed on my property!
Look, Mr. Burns, we want to see some changes.
For starters, you can reverse your sexist employment policies and hire at least one
All right, I'll bring in a woman, but I still stand by my hiring policies.
Get back to work, Stuart!
We get a then-topical reference to the movie Alive.
And it's because of this, for the longest time, I thought that the people that crashed
in the Andes were a Brazilian soccer team.
No, they're from Uruguay and they're a rugby team.
They got everything wrong.
I thought you were going to say because of this you thought there were finders keepers
laws for people.
And it was going to get real dark.
Well they're lucky they crashed on the mountain. Yeah, 100%, yeah. It's funny too, like this alive thing,
then Marge watches the movie alive in fear of flying
and later in the Merkin era.
And just last year in 2024,
in an episode written by Al Jean,
it is a lengthy parody of alive,
where Homer and the rest of the Pin Pals crash land
and almost freeze to death.
Well, they made a new movie called Society of the Snow and that's on Netflix. So there is a new version of that story.
Presumably everyone is not played by white people as they did with a lot.
Oh man, but I want to see Ethan Hawke play a guy of South American descent.
I mean, Zootroy, speaking of foreign people, Zootroy is a nice vaguely Eastern European
guy with
just speaking nonsense.
I really like there's a little detail in his character design.
He tucks his tie into his pants.
I think this could be crazy Volklov's cousin or something.
I was just about to say, I think he's from the country that no longer exists.
And did Zutroy ever meet Tibor, I wonder.
Much like the EPA in the Simpsons world, the Department of
Labor is a super powerful entity
that does secret agent missions in
the world of the Simpsons.
They're very powerful at breach and
Like, they're not very powerful at
enforcing anything for longer than
a minute.
It's all their entrance game is
entirely very strong.
They couldn't get rid of a duck that
Burns had on staff.
Burns hiring a woman, I would think he made that a rule
after he sexually harassed Marge Simpson
in the previous season.
Which actually leads to a deleted scene.
I think, did you see that one too, Bob?
This one, I was watching a rip
so I didn't get the deleted scenes.
Well, I wish they'd have kept this in there
because this is a wonderful callback to another episode
that this one kind of copies,
right after this scene with Stuart.
I don't understand how we can go through so much baby food.
Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.
Oh, Marge, please, I have enough problems.
They're hiring a woman at work
and you know what a pain in the butt the last one was.
That was me.
Well, would you look at this. Ret retirement degrees with Tip O'Neill kind of puts our problems in perspective
Homer was the one eating all of the baby food instead of feeding it to Maggie
That's the other joke, but just a great call back. Is that a reference to Homer alone? Oh, I guess yeah
Okay, because he's eating all the baby food in that Yeah, yeah, but they're bringing up the like Marge gets a job because they're like wait
No, Marge was the last woman who worked there and Homer hates her
So not only is this copying the season 3 story of Homer is tempted by another woman
But also a woman is hired to the power plant
Tip O'Neill this coward he retired in his 70s from serving in, I believe,
Congress. Oh, wow. Only 70? He had a good another 20 years! You should be 90, your hips should be
exploding every time you walked on any set of stairs. In the gerontocracy, the 70s, the new
60, it seems like you have plenty of time left. Yeah, the Tip O'Neill probably was kicking up,
I was thinking the same with Barbara Boxer,
when she retired in her 70s, and then seeing her compatriot
Dianne Feinstein die in her seat in her office.
Barbara Boxer's kicking herself for giving it up just
to let Kamala Harris take the seat.
Yeah, you can just have your funeral on the house.
Get paid for it.
On the floor.
Yeah, you can do it on the clock.
And probably still get a couple votes in after you've died. Yeah, they're just gases escaping
the body, but they sound kind of like A&A. There was another Texas Republican congresswoman who
was just like committed to an old folks home or something personality. I forget the woman's name,
but it's yeah. Oh, wonderful. Wonderful.. Okay, well hey, let's talk about something
not depressing right now, health insurance.
Oh yeah, I forgot about health insurance
because we didn't talk about it for four or five years.
Well, because it was all good then.
Everything's been good.
Oh yeah, we fixed everything.
I don't think I truly understood this
until I actually was part of an HMO.
The lovely people at Kaiser Permanente
who seemed visibly upset whenever I would show up for something like
You you should go to Walgreens. Why are you coming here?
This again, I try to do the round of okay. I have health insurance before I move to another country
I want to use this I swear like I think I kind of got a lecture from the person giving me an eye exam
Like you really shouldn't have come here for this
They're gonna charge you next time you want to do this go somewhere else. It's just I put I give you money for this, they're gonna charge you, next time you wanna do this, go somewhere else. But I give you money for this.
I already paid for it.
You freak.
Same, this is the kind of joke as a kid,
I knew that HMOs were apparently bad
just from stuff like this.
It's on that big pile of things as a child,
you get a vague idea of what adults think of it.
So if you'd ask me at 13, I'd be like,
yeah, HMOs suck. Which is really silly
because I was 13, I didn't know what the fuck I was talking about, anything. It's part of what's
so awesome about The Simpsons is that like little jokes like that have, you know, returns that pay
off as you get older. You know, there are things I can relate to more now as I get older. It's a
really timeless kind of thing. And calling it the Hibbert Money Making Organization is another great name too.
I love that.
I feel like this is a good set piece, but in the future,
they would just have Hibbert doing all these things
because he's a funnier character than the three doctors
they have to make up, one of which is just female Hibbert.
The lady Hibbert does say, I don't like that throat,
better spray it.
And spray is delightfully vague.
I don't know what that's gonna be.
Better spray it.
Better spray it. I really like that.
Hibbert also owns the same pneumatic tube. He sends the uninsured there all the time, which is another great, great joke.
I mean, again, like to have that joke, you know, in 1993, we didn't know how true it was about.
Now, obviously, there's not a tube. They just let you die outside. That's all.
The tube would be wasting valuable resources
I guess though to we live through the last use of pneumatic tubes of like well
I mean going with your mommy to the bank kind of pneumatic tubes. I
Went without my mommy a few times driving my car my beep beep vroom vroom car
I would put the check in the big tube and go through all the network and come back with money in it
This is a silly regret
But one of my regrets is I've never stolen one of those tubes like now
They don't make him and I'm sure they're just wasting them
But I always coveted them when I was younger and I never just like I'm an adult rules are fake
I'm gonna take one of these I never did it
Although when I did go with my mom to the bank and they saw that I was in the car
They would send a sucker over in the tube with whatever receipt my mom was getting to gives and takes
would send a sucker over in the tube with whatever receipt my mom was getting. Tube gives and takes. Do your local banks still spend money on the free lollies for
kids? I would think that's not in the budget but... No it's just like going to
the doctor the bank is like why are you here? We have an app. What the hell is your
problem? Then you're like I need change go somewhere else. I do think the
pneumatic tubes are still around when I started getting like checks I could
deposit myself but I think I would just go up to the window,
or I wanted to go inside.
I didn't want to do it through the drive-through.
So I only associate the pneumatic tubes
with trips to the bank with my mom.
This is where Bart first visits the optometrist,
and yes, around the same time,
I also was diagnosed with the lazy eye condition
I still have to this day,
and so it's a livable annoyance. Henry, have been a cool eyepatch kid for a couple months
I know the eyepatch I did it for like a month it wasn't having a and then I was
always scared of eye surgery too and still am but you could have been called
eyepatch Max if you left that on for another month
it's not got mocked for other things well fortunately my glasses never look
like Menachem Begin's who is that?
well he was the sixth prime minister of Israel from 1977 to 1983 Well, fortunately my glasses never look like Menachem Begin's. Who is that?
Well, he was the sixth prime minister of Israel from 1977 to 1983.
No, I'm not reading that off the document.
And he did have the classic nerd glasses.
Terrorists first, then prime minister.
It's usually the opposite order.
Yeah, you wait until you get into office and then you spread terror.
I mean, listeners could just go to his wiki and see the war crime section of his page
for Menachem Begin. It's just funny. I mean, listeners can just go to his wiki and see the war crime section of his page for Monocambegan.
It's just funny, and I'll say this again when we cover the Kissinger's glasses in the next
episode in season five, but they're doing Kissinger's glasses and Monocambegan glasses
jokes back to back about war criminals.
Yes, Bart is changed to a nerd from head to toe.
Unlike my lazy eye, I did not have a bad scalp issues or a need for, I didn't have fallen arches.
So Bart's given everything horrible here.
I didn't think about the connection between those glasses and war criminals.
Does anyone know what Ira Glass is doing?
Like right now, because we should check for the war crime section on his Wikipedia if he's got those glasses.
Oh no.
There's gonna be a very big controversy tab soon.
Well, I mean the last 20 years of Weezer is a war crime.
Am I right everybody?
Then he just finally has become Jerry Lewis.
And do you think they had it be Dan Casalannetta
doing the Jerry Lewis voice here?
Because like, that Frank is so set up at this point
that if his area didn't, you'd just be be like why is Bart talking like Professor Frank? I think
that's the reason why. And then after Bart has been damned to nerd-dom we cut
to Lenny and Carl with Homer and we learned that Homer has been peeing in
the drinking fountain regularly and only now learns that it's a bad thing and
as pretend he wasn't. And this is where we meet our guest of the episode.
If they hire a woman, we won't be able to spin on the floor.
And we can't take off our pants when it gets real hot.
And we won't be able to pee in the drinking fountain.
Yeah, I mean, that, you know, if we wanted to, not that I ever did.
Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet your new coworker, Mindy Simmons.
I think she has a degree in engineering or something.
How's it going?
Oh, pleased to meet you.
Yeah, ditto.
Mama, what's the matter?
Haven't you never seen a naked chick riding a clam before?
Gotta go. What the hell was that? I probably shouldn't eat in that pack of powdered gravy I
found in the parking lot.
Now that powdered gravy, my guess is that it's a hallucinogenic like mescaline or peyote that can
be in powder form. And I know this from just looking it up. I have not imbibed.
Well, good, because I am a cop.
I think the McCormick people just have a lot to answer for.
They assume nobody bought those,
and they decide to smuggle things in them.
But also Homer just ate, like, he's like,
oh, a powdered gravy in the parking lot.
Just downs it, no water, didn't prepare it,
just poured it into his mouth.
Gravy in your stomach.
I like that Lenny and Carl don't give a crap about her.
You would think every guy in the office would instantly fall in love with Mindy
She is like the perfect guy's girl and very attractive and also the only girl in the entire power plant
And she is played by Michelle Pfeiffer
She's fresh off of Batman Returns
And she was just in the age of innocence a Martin Scorsese picture about gangsters in this case their wasps
They were really happy to get Michelle Pfeiffer I think it is. David Merkin
really did like to cast beautiful women as guest stars in it and but also
Michelle Pfeiffer remains a great actress. Like I was looking into her
personal life here because they mentioned that she had her baby with her
for the recording. She had just adopted a young girl named Claudia,
who is now 31 years old.
And the funny timing was that like,
Michelle Pfeiffer had been in a relationship
with actor Fisher Stevens,
and then had broken up with him,
wanted to just adopt a child and be a single mother.
And then while going through the adoption process,
she starts dating writer and TV showrunner David E. Kelly and they are still
together. You know I found out about the Fisher-Stevens thing because I was
doing research about the Super Mario Brothers movie from 1993 and they were
dating during the production of that movie. I like to think that is what
severed the link between Michelle Pfeiffer and Fisher Stevens. He was a coupa that
He was a he did Michelle Pfeiffer finally watched Short Circuit and realized that he had done a lot of crimes of that
Well, I mean, let's be honest Michelle Pfeiffer
What if Fisher Stevens cheated on her in that North Carolina sweat house that they were all in
But if Fisher Stevens cheated on her in that North Carolina sweat house that they were all in and filming that movie.
Her and David E. Kelly though still together.
Looking at Pfeiffer's biography or her many credits, and she still is doing work to this
very day, she has done very few voiceover roles.
The only other voiceover roles I saw on her IMDB were basically back to back DreamWorks
animated features.
She was in The Prince of Egypt and the Sinbad movie that killed 2D at DreamWorks.
Wow, yeah, Merkin on the commentary says
that she was very intimidated by voice acting
and very frightened at the prospect,
but they got some good performances out of her for sure.
And most recently, obviously,
she's a very successful person.
I don't really feel that bad for her,
but I felt bad that she, in the third Ant-Man movie,
she is trying to do something good,
and I think she is trapped by a movie that also had like, one of its stars very soon
after get arrested, so it's like, there's tons of negativity around it, but also it's
not a good movie, but she's trying her best in it.
But again, like, you know, she's very successful, it's fine.
She's fine. She's fine. The Simpsons will be right back.
Homer's got the hots for the new nuclear technician.
I mean, hello!
The Simpsons tonight at 7 dirty on Fox 11.
Hi, I'm Chris Gaththerd and I'm very excited to tell you about Beautiful Anonymous.
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["The Daily Show Theme"]
Murphy, oh wait, no, it's Henry. Hey, welcome to the break, wait, no, it's Henry.
Hey, welcome to the break, folks.
And a big thank you to our guest this week, Gary Butterfield.
It was awesome having him back on to talk about The Last Temptation of Homer.
And please follow all the cool stuff that Gary does on the podcast network
of stuff, including their Watch Out for Fireballs and Bonfire Side Chat chat those are both really fun podcasts all about video games that I enjoy and we love having Gary on as well as
His co-host Cole. Thanks again
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Then after Homer runs away, we get a quick scene that when I was a little kid my mom laughed too much at this and it made me feel like oh I feel like I'm being laughed at here.
Nice glasses, four eyes!
Yeah, nice shoes!
Two feet!
Your appearance is comical to me!
I'm a nerd!
So am I!
My mom laughs at me!
I'm a nerd so my my mom loved mill houses so am I like I wonder if I
think of it as like oh did me watching this make me realize I am a nerd did
this crystallize it for me I don't know it took Henry. Well no. By 11 I was being picked on
a bit and I think I knew. I mean I had seen enough TV shows of like oh the characters
who look like me are hated by Zack Morris and they are awful characters. The enemy.
They're the enemy and they only get one line and they're just gross and even Screech makes
fun of them on Saved by the Bell. That's how low the characters who look like me on Saved
by the Bell. In the 90s, in the 80, you could invent cool stuff. The nerds were always, you know, like real science or, you know, this
Bra-Bomb, better work nerd thing, or like you got to do stuff like that. But yeah, in the 90s, the nerds lost their place in the crew.
I really like the little noise Nelson makes when he, it feels like he's trying to convince himself that was a good singer, like,
It feels like he's trying to convince himself that was a good singer like
After he lands with two feet. He's got no ha ha there for it either. He's like
Sherry and Terry have never sounded more like demons than in that clip either
Genuinely without seeing the audio is kind of scary and even Martin is scoring off of and that really is the last line for Bart then we
Cut to Homer after work. He's stealing pens, which hey,
you know, if you don't steal the equivalent of a box of pens from a day of work, you wasted your time.
The second part of that joke, though, I love it so well observed, is that I would steal from my
office jobs too, but I had no end game. I didn't need those pens. And him just throwing them in
a pile in the back of the car, like you're just doing it for the love of the game, which is based.
I think that's cool. And people should do it. Like you're just doing it for the love of the game, which is based.
I think that's cool and people should do it.
It's just very funny that like the Simpsons do that as well.
Like nobody needs hundreds and hundreds of pens.
And here we see the Mindy isn't just like, you know,
an attractive woman.
She's cool.
She rides a motorcycle to work
and waves off at Homer very innocently.
It's very innocent.
And more great animation of Homer driving backwards.
This is another part where I was like,
this killed somebody.
David Merkin loves Homer killing people in his car.
It usually is the car.
Do we have that multi-car pile up
where all the cars catch fire, and I believe,
Homer the clown?
That's right, yeah.
You know, in season 15, soon we're
getting to an episode where Homer, full on,
like no ambiguity, drives his car
and hits a man who dies on screen.
We're getting there.
This is when Homer crashes into a salmon hatchery,
and the, or is it a trout?
Oh, I didn't write it down.
Damn it.
Okay, trout hatchery.
And then he has the return of his visions
of the cherubic Lenny and Carl
from the parody of the Birth
of Venus, but I, the deleted scene, I'm not going to play it because it's basically silent.
This is better than the original one. That's the deleted scene, which is the just Homer
crashes in there. And then when the fence is down, hundreds of cats run into the trout
hatchery to feast on the goo inside. I like the singing fish. And then Homer
still hasn't gotten rid of his hallucinations yet either. So we start
back the next day, Homer is infatuated with her, the other guys don't give a
single thought to her, and also we learned that Homer's normal operation is
to steal the box of donuts and eat it in the bathroom. Very animalistic behavior.
Indy has a motorcycle.
That's another great line to just say that you have a new
obsession is really good.
And so we cut to Bart.
He, meanwhile, is damned to be a nerd.
No matter what he tries, he actually sees like, I'm still
the same just because I have glasses.
No, you're awkward and bad now and everybody hates you.
It's hard to skateboard with those orthopedic shoes, to be
Bart is damned once more and even shoes to be fair. Bart is
damned once more and even falls into the books. This is such a mercant thing. I
feel like he told the animators when the bullies beat up Bart they got a whale
with abandon. Yeah it's nice that he's out of frame but they are just like
pounding on him. And then later they do the thing where he crawls out from under
the pounding. It's very cartoon like you can have that kind of heightened violence when, you know, it's Tom and Jerry
But yeah, he did get severely beaten for it and he does recover pretty well from this.
Later, the line with the kidneys is chilling.
The HMO is making a lot of money on his broken glasses, I'd say.
Then we meet one of the funniest one-off characters in Simpsons history.
Moe, I need your advice.
Yeah? one-off characters in Simpson's history. What am I going to do? Your infatuation is based on a physical attraction. Talk to the woman and you'll realize
you have nothing in common.
Barney, that is so insightful.
How did you come up with that?
That was on one of these barnapkins.
A great design on that barnapkin.
Something I never noticed before watching it
for this podcast was that when Homer starts saying
Joey Jojo, Barney's looking at him very concerned.
Barney picks off on it before the joke actually lands.
It's a really nice little touch.
Yeah, yeah, he starts to look horrified
as Homer winds up with his story.
When you mentioned the unforgettable one-note character,
I immediately thought of Giant Handmaid.
Oh no, I was talking to Joey Jojo Jr. Shabadoo.
This is also a joke about fitting a lot of words
onto something except it's a napkin, so.
Yeah, and I wanna believe that the little cartoon man on the napkin should be
Tipsy McStagger we never see him but I want to believe it is him that he must
have got it from the restaurant where they sell those that and some people
think Joey Jojo is the guy who runs King Toots but no look at the character
models they're not the same I saw the Simpsons wiki made a good point that the character model for Joey JoJo
is one of the members of Burns' boardroom
that you see in Simpsons and Delilah in season two,
except he is a black man in that one,
and he has now been repurposed
and recolored as a yellow character.
Smithered. I see, okay.
He did get smithered.
He got smithered.
And we go to the office. This is where I think
the darker joke that her just working out four hours a day is that she has a severe
eating disorder that we're not seeing off screen with Mindy here. She's eating donuts
just as much as Homer. And this is before they've created the Big Pink. So right now,
canonically, Homer's favorite donut is raspberry swirl with a double glaze. And this is before they've created the big pink. So right now, canonically,
Homer's favorite donut is raspberry swirl with a double glaze. And man, Michelle Pfeiffer,
doing the drool as Mindy? Great. Yeah. Apparently she had broccoli in her mouth for this because
very, very healthy woman in case you couldn't tell. So a mouthful of broccoli when she's
eating the donuts, when she's drooling. You don't fit into that Catwoman costume if you're
eating raspberry swirl with a double glaze.
I love this bit too where Homer's like,
you know what I don't like, watching TV and drinking beer.
And again, when I talk about the universe
just conjuring a perfect woman for Homer,
her just be like, oh, not me.
That sounds like heaven.
Like the delivery of that's very good.
And Homer has to give it up, ooh, me too.
But then we learn her greatest folly
So let's have a conversation
Think we'll find we have very little in common cat talk eating
Hey, my favorite raspberry swirl with a double glaze double glaze
swirl with a double glaze. Double glaze. Oh okay so we have one thing in common but you know what I hate? Drinking beer and watching TV. Not me that's my idea of
heaven. Me too. Really? I can see I'm gonna love working with you. Well gotta go go. I wanna sneak in a quick nap before lunch.
Hurt you!
Vile temptress.
I'll bet she thinks Ziggy's gotten too preachy too.
Yeah, all of Homer's just childish cringing is great.
He's not hiding anything from her.
I think Pfeiffer's playing that really great too.
Like she's not so turned on exactly,
but she's like, really?
Like she's kind of hopeful. She's like, like oh cool you like all the same things that's
great she just wants to be his friend and but the sparks are flying and yes
Ziggy on Ziggy's preachiness you can pull up the very comic that was published
the day this episode aired and Ziggy is being preachy it's the comic strip is
Ziggy's parrot which which he was a parrot
just like you, Bob. My parrot's always making fun of me as well. Well, Ziggy has
a sign next to his parrot that says, Beware of Parrot, and then Ziggy says, He
listens to Rush Limbaugh. Wow, Ziggy, we know where he stands. Ziggy is a
preachy liberal, which that tells you how Homer feels about Ziggy as well.
The Chad Ziggy compared to the Virgin Dilbert.
Ziggy is cooler than Dilbert, you're right.
Well, I'm looking at today's comic and it's also starring the Parrots.
I saw one where there was a joke where the Parrot says,
I'm the only animal that talks in this, that's why I get all the lines.
So maybe that's why the artist keeps going with that
And this one he's not talking he's mad at the news, which I'm guessing we're recording this on Inauguration Day
So that's what's going on and Ziggy is saying ironically lactose and gluten are the only things he's not intolerant of
Man, this is a judgy parrot and that Ziggy's been around for 54 years
And it still is drawn by Tom Wilson II,
the son of the creator of Ziggy.
He took over the strip in 1987,
which maybe if there is a Ziggy fan community,
I couldn't find him online,
but I would figure they would,
perhaps they are complaining like,
oh, when his son took over, he's a real commie or pinko.
I'm looking at the art
and I think it's time to slot in Tom Wilson III.
Whoever's the heir to the Ziggy fortune. I guarantee there is a fandom for that.
I've gotten, me and one of my friends, this is a little bit of a digression,
me and my friends have gotten into reading The Lockhorns, that horrible comic.
And the most fun part of it is if you go to look it online, there's a comment section.
And it is a window into a much more innocent world.
You will find Ziggy fans who are having all manner of discussion, I'm sure.
I didn't check the comments on that. Homer couldn't imagine a world where most
Ziggy comics are available for free online and just to read on the official
webpage instead of having to invest all that money in dozens of Ziggy
collections. I know you need an entire bookcase for 54 years of Ziggy. My local
newspaper did not carry Ziggy. I was not a Ziggy reader.
I read everything that was on the comic page,
so I certainly would have read Ziggy,
but we didn't have Ziggy.
I begrudgingly read Ziggy.
I bet it would have been next to where Family Circus was,
and I think I would have preferred Ziggy
to Family Circus, I think.
I'm kind of surprised Ziggy never got an Amiga game.
Doesn't seem like there should be a ZX Spectrum Ziggy game that's like an intolerable
Dizzy-esque like puzzle game.
Yeah, I guess his prominence came when he had an animated special and that was kind
of it.
Yeah, which was directed by Richard Williams who directed well many things but the Roger
Rabbit animation director but Eric Goldberg took it over and finished it for him.
As I've said before about Richard Williams, a brilliant animator who could
not finish anything that was over 11 minutes long.
And a lot of people finished his work for him and got no credit, but
brilliant animator, all the same.
Anyway, but we haven't done Ziggy's Gifts.
Maybe that depressing Christmas special will cover one of these years for Christmas time.
Oh, that'll be my last Christmas.
By the way, in case you're wondering, speaking of depressing things, there is no Ziggy video
There is a Ziggy board game called A Day with Ziggy.
Just a day?
It's like spin the wheel, stay in your chair.
Get yelled at by a bird.
Your doctor says you're sick of some... So Homer then gets trapped in an elevator with Mindy, a very tiny one, and listening to it now as a kid,
I didn't get what dirty jokes these were of Will be going down together or getting off together.
Like, flew right over my head.
I think I was about three years into Married with Children and most of these hit me where they needed to hit me. This terminology like going down or getting off,
I didn't learn it formally until a couple
of Kevin Smith movies.
It was really, I think, Mallrats
where I understood this terminology.
Smith does aim to educate as well as entertain.
And this is also where Homer tries to think
on sexy thoughts, including Barney singing.
I love the animation on his transformation in Homer's vision it's a good body swap yeah and he's
scatting the I dream of Jeannie theme song in case you're wondering did they
have to pay for it I feels recognizable enough oh I think they should they had
to pay for that it's enough notes but it's a great cut back to like Mindy also
is instead of being like I am disgusted to
have to be this close to this huge sweaty again remember Homer's the
smelliest man in Springfield but being this close to him she is also telling
herself think unsexy thoughts and this is where there's the great gag of Homer
forces open the thing and somehow this elevator which was indoors was next to
the cooling tower impossibly is part of the cooling tower. Within the cooling
tower. See you tomorrow! Here's my stop is very funny. The timing on this is real
good. And we cut to Homer. He's coming home and he's wanting to move past this
and recommit himself to his family but things aren't going so great at home either.
Ah, home to my loving family.
What more can a man ask for?
Hi, Hover.
Don't kiss me.
I'm all stuffed up.
Hi, Dad.
Hi, son.
How are you?
Dad, look, I made fish sticks.
They're burned on the outside, but they're frozen on the inside so it balances out.
Yeah, son. How are you? Dad look I made fish sticks. They're burned on the outside, but they're frozen on the inside so it balances out
Yeah, good
Homer gives a really good like thousand yard stare at the end of all of this to just like oh my god
Yeah, I think so you think she'd have something to say to Bart about his new nerd status I'm just like, oh my god. And also, that lease has only gone on this episode? Yeah.
I think so, and you think she'd have something
to say to Bart about his new nerd status,
but I feel like that's a missed opportunity here.
She does comment on Homer's song later.
She does do that.
Oh, you're right, yeah, yeah.
Oh, yes, that's right, that's right.
Yeah, I forgot about that.
But yeah, she's not in this episode very much,
but it's a very well-observed little bit.
That doobie-howe fish sticks, I just, like.
Yeah, I just love Homer's non-comedical.
No, actually, that's a very good point that she would have so much to add to
Bart's becomes a nerd story and like enters his world. I guess the closest we
get to that in a near ish episode to this is next season in Bart's comic where
Bart joins Lisa on the Super Friends.
Honestly, this nerd society is like the proto super friends.
I love that the only interaction Homer has the A plot with the B plot is just him going
like, you like he just wanted to tussle Bart's hair and it's disguised his hand is covered
in sludge.
Good fully on the hair sludge.
Anytime anyone touches his head,'s like blokk.
And yeah, poor Marge that she is like gross for this act here.
And that Marge, like Homer, can't even like be physically romantic with her.
And the way they like color her, like her eyes have the normal color under her eyes,
but that's just to like make it effective bags under her eyes.
It's a rough time for old Marge.
And this is where Marge introduces rough time for old Marge. And this is
where Marge introduces the wonderful smeared Marge shirt. It's a great drawing.
It's a nice little touch I got this time where, yes it's a horrible shirt, but she
noticed that I got two dollars off. The shirt should have been free. It's an
unusable shirt. And I've seen this shirt in the wild a few places and I always
love seeing it. I get a kick out of seeing this shirt on people. It's also very funny the idea of Marge just wearing a version that was successfully created.
Like she's like an 80s Halloween costume.
You know, she's got like a smock with Elf's face on it and is wearing an Elf mask.
She's very proud of that $2 off.
In an older version of our official Patreon art or podcast art, Nina Matsumoto drew me
wearing that smeared
Marge shirt. I also really like I'm drawn in a button up shirt with Homer's Moo Moo
design on it. I also like that one. And that Homer changes subject, hey, we haven't watched
TV in a while. And we get a great series of gags here. One pointing out that the open
secret of George HW Bush's affairs, which to know that in like, he's just a year out of office
and less than a year.
And they're like saying like, oh yeah, he had affairs.
And it's like just a known thing
that you can't be sued over obviously.
Towards the end of his life,
he found out his nickname was David Copperfield.
And that's not a joke.
That's a fact about him.
This also gives us the tiny little sketch of Horny Lincoln
for the Hailed to the Chief special.
Like I love the tiny cartoon horny Lincoln.
Classic skirt chasing behavior.
Now, of course, though, people talk about,
when they talk about Lincoln's affairs,
mainly they talk about did he or did he not
have an affair with a man, which is impossible to prove,
as the records from that time were spotty at best.
Well, we didn't have the technology
to have an affair with a man back then.
The man invented the pill yet.
That's right, the Mr. Show pill.
We all know, based on recent discoveries,
he was too busy fighting vampires to have gay sex.
Also, we learned that flies suffer virtually no guilt
from all of their sexual partners.
Almost no guilt.
There's trace amounts of guilt.
The National Ringworm Association,
one of the hornier moments in the show,
I would have said the horniest,
but I had to remind myself that in the scully years
of, you know, Booberella and Titania
and some of the deleted scenes,
there were some bouncing breasts in the show
that I would say outdo the horniness
of the National Ringworm Association.
Homer runs out of the room,
which it is such a regular occurrence
that I think Marge isn't suspicious.
And we then actually he immediately tries to run out of the room again in the next
scene when he's talking to Ned on the phone. They're used to Homer running out of rooms
in shock. He gets Ned on the phone when he calls the marriage hotline and Ned is
going to reveal these things to Marge immediately and then Homer knocks
himself out. And we
seemingly are about to have a wonderful life parody, but via a very interesting on-ramp
into that.
This slays me. This is great shit.
Yes. Here, Homer meets his guardian angel.
Who are you?
Elmer, I'm your guardian angel. I've assumed the form of someone you would recognize and
revere. Sir Isaac Newton.
Sir Isaac who?
Oh, very well.
Colonel Clink! Did you ever get my letters?
I'm not actually Colonel Clink. I'm just assuming his form.
Did you know Hogan had tunnels all over your camp?
Homer! That's not why I'm here!
My job is to show you how miserable life would be if you married Mindy instead of Marge!
Ooh, I would live in a big mansion!
I'm so happy, darling!
Aye, yes, well! Are you happy, Jeeves?
Yes, sir. Quite.
Then we're all happy!
Let's get out of here.
Sure, life is good for you.
But what about Marge?
Marge lives here?
Madam President, your approval rating is soaring.
This dream is over.
I want to read his letters to you, Ridnum. Like, just allied secrets, left and right.
It is so great that, like, Homer, they're talking about it on the commentary just to give, you
know, context to people who didn't grow up with it, but, like, Hogan's Heroes was,
like, a famously terrible, like, it was controversial then when it came out.
Gilbert Godfrey had a great joke about joke about like how did a Nazi prison camp show become a comedy ever,
but it was controversial then.
Yeah, it's like if Gilligan's Island took place within a Nazi prison camp, that is the premise of the show.
Much fun has been had about it. I don't think I had seen it by this point.
I was looking online and it started airing on Nick at night in 1996,
and that's when I started watching it just to get like jokes in the context of what this actually was. But yeah, he was a Jewish fella and he agreed
to play the role as long as the evil Colonel Klink never won, as long as he never got the
upper hand in any situation. So he was humiliating Nazis on behalf of his tribe.
It made it sound like he agreed to do the Simpsons episode as long as Colonel Klink
didn't win. So if Colonel Clink had successfully shown the vision,
he would have been out.
Like, we can't have a win for Clink.
I think it applied to all Clink situations
because Clink fails here as well.
I also like canonicity.
They make sure like, no, no, no, I'm not actually Colonel
I'm not actually a Nazi helping you.
I'm just assuming his form.
Assuming his form.
The impression's really good.
I read on the wiki, he forgot how to do the voice.
So he's doing an impression of an impression, which is for my, you know, up until I saw
Hogan's Heroes for the first time in my teens, this is just what I thought he talked like.
Like I was like, oh, I can do a pretty good Colonel Klink, but no, it was a copy of a
copy of a copy.
In the The Germans episode of Bern Selling the Plant, we got the sidekick, reference
to the sidekick of Colonel Clank.
Oh yes, Sergeant Schultz.
On the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz comes an unprecedented exhibition
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Auschwitz, not long ago, not far away, features more than 500 original objects, firsthand
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On now exclusively at Rom, tickets at
So it's funny we get-
So perhaps I remind you of Salton Schultz from Promoke and Heroes.
Oh yeah, he does kind of.
I probably watched a couple episodes once it finally went on Nick and I just to again get it,
but I got another angle on it years later
watching the Greg Kinnear, Willem Dafoe film,
Auto Focus, all about the proclivities
of the star of the show.
It's an interesting movie.
Right, Bob Crane.
Weird trivia about my high school.
There was no band program,
so it was basically the five kids
who wanted to play instruments and walk around with them. And I went to a number of
football games just to hang out. And the three songs my high school band played were our
school theme song, our school fight song, and the theme to Hogan's Heroes. I don't know
why that was in the rotation. It's just the third song they knew. So they go through all
three of them and then a real band from another high school would come out and just do an amazing performance and all the marching and all the formations and stuff and it was just like five to eight people
They already knew that song those five people
They were all bank eeks
All being geeks and all hogan's hero super fans they they had that in common and now I would like to introduce
Formalizing a segment we've basically been doing lately,
but now I've made a jingle for it.
So listeners, enjoy this brand new jingle.
Lisa, are you doing math?
Yes, it's the scary math jingle.
Oh no.
Well, the scariest math I know right now is that the actor who
played Colonel Clink died at age 80 in the year 2000 that's pretty scary
why did the good die young? well this is one of those fun ones where I'm like okay how
old was this show compared to how old this Simpsons is now? Hogan's Heroes
debuted essentially 28 years before this episode aired. And this episode right now is 31 years old
and a couple of months.
Yeah, so referencing this episode to a young person
is an older reference than Hogan's Heroes was in 1993.
All the young people are just clowning on us
left and right because of this.
Is Homer the equivalent to Colonel clink to a
Jan alpha kid
I hope to play that jingle many times in the future as we do more scary math on the show
Also, I like that they got Phil Hartman for just one line in this episode just to be Lionel Hutz
I assume he was in for a bunch of stuff. They're like, can you say one more thing, please?
It's another 500 bucks or whatever. They were paying per appearance
Unlike in Wonderful Life Marge isn't an old maid minding the library. She's the
friggin president. So everything is pushing Homer towards me. It would only
make Marge happy. Even his angel. Then we go back to Bart. He's being horribly
beaten and escapes in a cartoonish way. It's almost if there was a dust cloud
around them and he walked out of it, That's the only way it would be more cartoonish
Bart finds a world that now is just online forums and whatnot
But he is escorted by Martin into the world of the nerd which is a beautiful place a reason
No, one of my favorite exclamations is Excelsior other than of course Stan Lee said it all the time is
This joke here like oh the nerd, it is their exaltation.
Yeah, I never heard that word before. And I don't think I knew until much later it was
a Marvel Stanley thing. Yeah, it was a sign off for the stands soapbox. Who can't identify
with a secret place you want to go to either study more or do extra credit or build your
model of the USS Enterprise? This would have been sick.
I would have really liked to have a secret hallway
in school and never had anything quite like this.
I just went home and imagined my room was a secret hallway.
And they really pegged hard boiled eggs and prune juice
as nerd snacks for some reason.
It doesn't make sense, but it just feels right.
But I'll tell you, I'm no nerd
and I had two hard boiled eggs before this recording
to give me podcasting proteins.
It's different than the regular protein listeners.
I had just been having protein shakes.
I should have eggs instead.
That'd be nice.
I wish we saw a little more of this, but it's a nice little moment here.
It kind of reminds me of what you said earlier with Lisa not having anything to say about
Bart's nerditude.
This is a firmly BB plot.
They could have done a whole thing with this.
This could have been in a plot with Bart getting kind of indoctrinated into this crew.
I mean, something like that kind of happens a little bit later, like you mentioned with the
super friends, but having him react to that, like it's really interesting that they just kind of
didn't fire that bullet on this. It's just here for gags in the background.
Yeah, this is funny stuff, but it's not the focus. And it feels like a missed opportunity to not
explore this hidden world of nerds even more because Bart ends up here, the next scene with
him, Mart is like, good news, honey, you're not a nerd anymore and then it's kind of interesting
the way that there's a more recent episode in the last couple seasons the Martin highlight
episode about Martin's home life and everything where they actually kind of drill into what
Bart's social status is in the school because this episode plays with that the idea that
he goes into the nerd zone and then when he's no longer has the signifiers He still gets beat up like Bart's in a weird kind of strata and everything and one thing you can say for later Simpsons
Is that like, you know, it's not as funny or usually as artful, but they do tackle some of that stuff straight on
I think there's a later episode where Milhouse and Bart are judging their standing and Milhouse is like we get beat up
We get a reason. Yeah
The Bart can be the cool prankster if need be,
or he can be like as horribly bullied as any other kid.
I mean, too, like they've been told,
he tries to laugh along with the bullies
and they tell him like, get out of here.
Like they won't give him anything.
Or also they say like, sometimes you seem kind of righteous
and then I see you hanging out with Ralph.
Meanwhile, Homer is having a nice little song here.
It's a parody of Mandy
or his own version of Mandy made famous by Barry Manilow. And now I wonder, which
I couldn't have wondered when we first covered this one because I don't think
he had come out yet, was it an open secret that Barry Manilow was gay
because he had been in a relationship with a man named Gary Keefe since 1978?
Was it an open secret in Hollywood and that's why this song is
about being gay in it or it becomes a gay joke? I wonder.
Very Manilow came out in 2017. He married his manager even. So think about
that when Homer is singing about being gay for a man named Andy.
Oh Mindy, you came and you gave without flaking. But I sent you been gay, oh Andy.
You kissed me and stopped me from something.
And I...uh oh.
Dad, why are you singing?
Tell a lie, tell a lie.
Because I have a small role in a Broadway musical.
It's not much, but it's a start.
Are you hiding something from me? Like what? Judging from your song you're infatuated with a woman named Mindy.
Or a man named Andy. Lisa look out behind you. Dad I'm not gonna fall for that.
No Lisa I swear to you. I'm 100% completely serious.
You've gotta turn around right now before it's too late. Huh? Sucker!
Getting a little judgment from Lisa on that man named Andy line.
Gotta say.
Sorry, Gary.
Yeah, yeah, for sure.
When Homer is sprucing himself up, he takes spray deodorant and sprays it directly on
his junk for like a long time.
I remember seeing other things from the 80s and 90s where this would happen, and then
he's like, oh, that's just what you do.
And then as an adult I realized that's not normal behavior. You don't need to deodorize every body part, but now
The commercials are like no you do have to deodorize everybody apart
We're selling you deodorant for like every single inch of your skin. It's weird
Maybe the manscaping industries have fallen in recent years
But I remember many a podcast ad that mentioned item called ball deodorant. Yeah, okay
I feel like I don't hear it as much, but I think our pals on the doughboys that mentioned item called ball deodorant. Yeah. Oh, okay.
I feel like I don't hear it as much,
but I think our pals on the Doughboys,
I feel like they would always go so hard on the like,
well, time for your balls.
Like they really leaned into the ball aspect of it.
A spray deodorant.
That just seems like a way to get like a big UTI,
like a UTI they haven't discovered yet.
I don't wanna, I mean, spoilers everybody.
There's an opening down there and you don't
want anything in there.
Yeah, unless you get that shit sealed.
Well how maintained do you think Homer's Bush is also?
Let's ask ourselves this.
Or is he balding down there?
Does he have the little Matt Groening signature up there?
He has a bunch of small G's hanging out.
Get to it fan artist.
I am certain there's drawings.
If we were to look up the many Simpsons porno drawings
out there, do they bother drawing the pubes on them?
Because I feel like that's a lot of extra line work
for artists to put pubes on characters, I think.
But enough about pubes.
I think Homer, I like that in Homer's song,
he shifts into the person he sings about kissing is Andy.
But you're right, Lisa's face seems to note that she thinks
if Homer was in love with a man named Andy,
that would be gross.
So also, this is like, I can't say this is the first time,
but Homer running off saying suckers
is a real runner after this.
Scully would really go with that joke.
He loved Homer saying suckers.
And it does pop up in the ones we're doing
in the teens as well. And now Homer is going to try to break things off and
this is where we get a man much more beloved than Joey Jojo Jr. Shabbadoon.
Mindy because of our uncontrollable attraction I think we should avoid each other from now on.
Max what I did I did because of alcohol and anger.
I am tired of these jokes about my giant hand.
The first such incident occurred in 1956 when...
Hi, Homer.
Uh, oh no, I'm sweating like Roger Ebert.
Murphy, you are an elf, uncontrollably, I think.
A wee nam-yoho-reggie-kyo.
Look at those two inseparable chums, Smithers.
That's exactly the teamwork we'd like to showcase at this year's Energy Convention.
Are you sure, sir?
Well, no one else seems to share the same spirit of camaraderie.
Semper egg to red.
The entire time Homer is saying things that I'm sure is Dan Kesslin on the
Improv-ing, I'm dying to know when we go to Burns' office I guess he's saying
part of a brute Buddhist prayer and then he says Sixth Semper Tyrannus to Mindy.
But Mindy is just standing there while he's looking at his hand and talking.
Isolated, it is hard to tell exactly. Yeah, you can only really pick out that last bit.
I love that Homer forgets even her name and he thinks like, well, it says Murphy there.
I guess I'll say Murphy, not Mindy.
Yeah, Giant Handman was on my mind
because I love this joke
and he will return in Simpson Tide.
That's where you get his origin story.
Which that means like Gene and Reese must have loved this guy
because unless they pitched him in the rewrite room,
like this is a Merkin character.
And then when two seasons later, they're like,
oh, well, we'll write our Crimson Tide parody,
and we got to have a joke about the giant hand man.
That's like this two second subplot about Lenny and Max.
The delivery on that's really good.
It's very sincere.
What I did is because of alcohol and anger.
When it comes to the Lenny and Carl relationship thing, does Lenny have
a relationship with a man named Max as well? I wonder. Homer is doing the
Japanese Buddhist chant, Nam-myoho-ren-gyakyo. Probably said that wrong, but I am
wondering where Merkin got it from. If he got it earnestly, just like
that he's interested in world religion perhaps, or did he get it from
the final episode of the Monkeys where one of the characters also says that while in a trance?
That's more like it.
When I looked up where it was used in movies and TV shows it appears in the Hal Ashby film The Last Detail
which I can totally see David Merkin being a fan of Hal Ashby films but the
monkeys one feels more accurate to me.
Well, I like when we pan across the monitors, we see that Stuart has knocked someone out.
He is dangerous.
If not killed another man.
This is where Homer gives the immortal line, Colonel Clink, why have you forsaken me?
Because him and Mindy get invited to the Windy Apple.
This is where Werner Klemperer, seemingly, I think based on his IMDB,
the final lines he will ever say in a TV show or movie as an actor.
Simpson, Simmons, you two have been chosen to represent us at the National Energy Convention.
Congratulations. You'll be spending two nights together in glamorous Capital City.
Wow, Capital City. The Windy Apple.
Come on, I'll get you the tickets oh this is the worst crisis my marriage
has ever faced colonel clink why have you forsaken me what is it do you have a question
did you know kinch had a radio in the coffee pot he did
yeah colonel clink why have you forsaken me a wonderful line for Homer to say?
And then he then wastes his guardian angel appearing in not a dream.
So Homer is this is they have no backup of like, no, Homer was just dreaming this because
he was unconscious.
His angel appeared before him or he just ate more powder gravy perhaps.
Click knows like, do you have another question?
We see that Mindy and Homer are gonna get sent
on a business trip together.
What I love is how this is like a old corny sitcom thing
of like, oh, you have to go on a business trip
with the woman you're attracted to,
like that kind of story and you'll be tempted.
And it's just, no matter what he does,
he just keeps getting shoved farther into it for no reason.
So when we come back from the commercial break,
Homer is in the Windy Apple,
getting put into his hotel room.
And I love this bellhop, he's great.
Hank Gazaria's having a lot of fun with him.
I think Hank Gazaria would have played him
exactly the same in live action.
I think they're just making fun of the things
Conan O'Brien would do in the room.
These are things that Conan would do when a female guest was on him was
very attractive, right? Actually, maybe when Conan learned they had cast Michelle Pfeiffer
in this, he did all of these things. You're right. This is exactly what he did when any
pretty woman was on the show. When he was unmarried and full of a piss and vinegar.
Now he's respectful to the female guests. And only full of vinegar.
I also love, it's all these act outs that are cartoony
and the animators, Carlos Baeza and his team,
they are following this great thing of like,
they're not breaking the rules.
So like a guy is doing cartoony, awuga motions,
except he has to stay within the Simpsons rules
of saying hubba hubba and all that stuff.
And Homer is only going to build a little fort, which I have to think off screen him and Mindy built a little fort together.
They're having fun.
Now these days do you find as many free things in hotels? I feel like they really limited on you.
Oh, I mean, I'm not sure how regularly you stay in hotels, but I've noticed now you don't get little soaps anymore
You get the three pumps in the shower
Yeah, that's it. That's it
And Homer's looking for a different three pumps in the shower this up
Last time I was in Seattle
I went to a hotel where they literally everything had like a price tag on it
The idea was you could take it but you'd have to pay for it
And it was like from the bedding set through the shower curtains and everything. It was wild like a price tag on it. The idea was you could take it, but you'd have to pay for it. And
it was like from the bedding set to the shower curtains and everything. It was wild. I'd
never seen that before. So like it went from yes, you're expected to steal things to you
can have little soaps to now you're expected to buy things.
Yeah, I think the hotel being you both stayed in in Portland, Bob last year, like they had
a water bottle with a $3 tag on it of like, well, hey, complimentary water for $3.
Yeah. The entire room was a mini bar. I think.
Though in Japan, Bob, how many free shower curtains did you find at like the
Snoopy Hotel?
Oh, oh, well now I stayed in the Peanuts Hotel and the thing is it's a moderately
expensive room for a tiny Japanese hotel room,
but you could take everything except for a few things because that's just the
agreement. Like take the towels. They've got Snoopy on them. Take this take that so we took everything we were allowed to no shower curtain though
I believe it was a shower stall because it was a Japanese bathroom that makes sense. I
Love that Homer and Mindy are right next to each other as we learn walls are a necessity in today's society
Then we see Mindy. I love her provocative pose and she does a homer joke
She gets into a sexy pose and then says let's do it. Let's order room service
I also like the pose of her when she says let's get room service and her one hand is spread open
She looks so excited. Yeah
And again, if you're on a company corporate trip or whatever, you know, order room service the best you can.
But they also they're holding that back on you a lot more too.
It's a nice to make her more attractive.
I think they gave her these blue jeans because I'm looking at stills now and the the seam in the jeans really traces her figure.
So it's more apparent like she has a very nice shape to her where just a solid color would make that as apparent.
And those are some tight genes on her as well. And this leads to another of my I love this joke that anybody can do a Wizard of Oz reference
and if he had just let the fly my pretty fly and then they flew good enough joke you get
the reference.
But it is so much funnier that they are a failed experiment and three winged monkeys
fall to their deaths.
It's just a little moment of Burns being disappointed.
It's like if I tried to do it.
Like I probably would just sew the wings on and hoped.
You know, and that's basically what he did.
Continue the research.
It's so great.
Like he just watches them all like die.
Like it's sad too, but it is animal cruelty joke,
but it's very funny. So Homer and Mindy binge big time together. They ordered it's sad too, but it is animal cruelty joke, but it's very funny. So Homer
and Mindy binge big time together. They ordered more than one turkey, because when they find
the turkey, it's just one of them.
Got quite a vile display on their bed there.
Oh yeah.
And then they lady in the tramp with a chili dog, which like, between this and Sonic, the
way that chili dogs are used as like a food that isn't one of the heaviest, most serious foods
you can eat.
You know, like I love to run on chili dogs
and I love to make out with chili dogs.
Like all these things you don't do with chili dogs.
Nothing sexier than meeting your partner
in the middle of a chili dog.
Yeah, I mean, if I eat a chili dog, I eat it tactically.
It is a food that once I pick up, I cannot put down
because there's containment happening.
Strategic bites are taking place.
There's a walking chili dog.
Homer kisses a woman that's not his wife.
They make it very unintentional.
Though I guess if we're to look back on what
Homer could have done better as a partner,
I do feel like, wouldn't you tell Marge,
I am going on a business trip, they're not sharing a room,
but going on a business trip with a woman
you work with, I don't know, do you tell your wife or do you not tell your wife?
Well, he should have told Marge. There's a lot of things he should have handled better,
but he's a dumbass. But I will say you can consider cheating a spectrum. You can consider
cheating a binary thing. Do you cheat? Is it cheating? Is it not cheating? They kiss each
other at the end. And a lot of people would say that is cheating. But the show wants you to view
it as sweet, but I'm sure a lot of people will view that as
well Homer actively kissed a woman even if it was a friendly kiss that's not his
wife and it's a woman he was attracted to so they try to make him very innocent
but there are a few instances here where reading it through 2025 eyes you can see
well Homer you don't do this yeah it's also we don't necessarily it's weird how
little Marge factors into that plot like we don't know if he told her or not because we don't do that.
He doesn't talk to Marge about it.
You know, the, it's a weird thing where this episode could almost, I love the B plot, but
it can almost not have the B plot and you could develop this and have, you know, Mindy
doesn't react to Marge being there.
We talked about her not being predatory and she's not, she's not trying to home wreck,
but we also don't get to see any of that. Like her discussing it. They don't talk about
And Marge has only made aware of Mindy in the next season's really, really bad clip
In the clip show, yeah.
And using it intentionally as a joke of like, well, you don't need to, it's a joke of, well,
if you're able to tell each other this one, and that clip show brings up the good point
that like, well, Marge, Homer did discover
he knew that Marge had somebody when she was with Jacques, but they never talked to each
other about it.
So Marge already had done this to Homer, but two wrongs don't make a right.
And I think it's probably unhealthy in a relationship to say, well, you almost cheated on me.
So aren't I allowed to do this too?
Like you have a gambling problem.
Yes. You know, it's inauguration day,
and we're hoping that two wrongs make a right.
I'm hoping so many wrongs.
Does Homer ever find out later about Marge's weird Flanders
thing, like their sexual chemistry
that they do in a couple of those weird mid-late episodes?
Well, I do know in the, because I've watched ahead
a little bit, in the Diatribe of a Mad Housewife episode
where Marge writes
a romance novel that's about her and Flanders together. Homer does learn and it's an interesting
they came up with a clever end to that about what it represents. Though that was more of
her Carter style like lusting in her heart kind of thing.
The bit here of Homer's obviously because he's been eating so much his shirt explodes
open and his undershirt is Marge's smeared face, and then we hear the sound of the cleaning
machine that is her.
I love the vacuum.
It's so good.
I love that so much.
Then we cut quickly back to wrap up Bart's story.
Good news, honey.
Two weeks are up.
You don't have to wear your glasses anymore.
And your scalp and posture seem fine.
Kids, did anyone pray for giant shoes?
I did!
We've been doing a lot of upper body work on Bart.
Today, let's pound his kidneys.
Let's get... Huh?
What gives?
Gentlemen, the nerd you knew is dead. Beat me and you will be beating one of your own.
It's a great payoff, and there was never any logic to this. They just wanted to kick his ass.
They needed to kick someone's ass, and Bart's just right there. It's a perfectly Merkin ending to a story of that it has like, oh, everything's back
to normal, isn't it?
Doesn't matter.
Whatever bam bam bam bam is perfect David Merkin storytelling.
Nothing matters and you'll be beaten horribly no matter what.
And that God is real and will bless you with giant shoes if you pray for them if you're
a Flanders.
I love how regular that occurrence is implied to be just like if you pray for something it flies through the window and they're like
Yeah, no, you know catches cut can easily don't glee and also I guess this wraps up Marge's story of being sick as well
Yeah, I go for the one scene she got over the cold. It wasn't Legionnaires disease
Then we cut back to the Homer story for the rest of the episode. We're
at the Energy Convention and see a lot of jokes. There's still no cold fusion yet.
I keep hearing we're gonna be getting there. Yeah, I love this man in black or
whatever you want to call him for the fossil fuel industry. The line reading
lots of luck and he chops him in the neck. It's great. Then Mole Man joins the many people in unmarked graves who got in the way of the fossil fuel industry.
When they're changing around the booth, his body is placed in a bag.
It's so funny.
He's literally getting black bagged.
I looked at where we are 31 years later.
One article I read said that like 4% of all US power is solar now, which is a huge
increase from 1993, but they haven't had a lot to look at. And apparently a lot of that
is just because in the last 20 years has been just a lot of tax credits for going to solar
energy. I bet there's going to be less of those these days. And then, well, but of course,
lobbying is much more useful in real life than just karate
And this is where there is one more deleted scene.
Before we go to Minnie and Homer at the table, we pass by Professor Frank, and he has a
new energy device as well.
Hey, the Techno 3000 produces limitless energy with absolutely no pollution. And it runs on common household diamonds.
That's right.
That in there.
And we get...
And it barely lights up.
He puts three diamonds into the machine
and a light bulb, it barely lights up.
That's a nice gag. I guess there was no time for it.
Common household diamonds is a great line.
If we'd have seen this in 93,
we'd have been saying it all the time. Homer and Mindy's With is nice. There's some nice
touches here that I'm not sure were in the script because we have a portrait of
Burns behind them with Smiling Joe Fission on his shoulder and in a later
shot you can see there are copies of Will There Ever Be a Rainbow next to
Homer. Yeah I didn't catch the Fission in the background. You're right that's a
great extra thing that had to be the artist who cared that much about it.
Like I, you know, Frank, Frank Biel is a great writer, but I don't think he and his script or Dave Merkut would have said,
Hey, remember these deep lore from the nuclear power plant?
It's really interesting to this episode as a time capsule where because they're at the nuclear power thing, everyone is calling them out for pollution. You know, the idea of nuclear power being the most insidious force for destroying the planet, you know,
is really interesting. I mean, like, obviously, Chernobyl is a lot fresher.
We weren't even 10 years out from Chernobyl, I don't think, in 93. Yeah.
Yeah. There's a really power, like I'm sort of a Chernobyl nerd in my, when I'm not doing
podcast shit. And like, there's a really powerful argument that that specific incident changed the course of the world
in terms of changing public opinion against nuclear power in a way more than
many many things have just by kind of being a PR disaster for what is a can
be if well managed a really relatively clean good power source sounds like
somebody's been bought off by the nuclear power camps where I am we big time hydro which just sounds cool
I paid my hydro bill
Yeah, I like hydro too, you know, basically anything except for what we do
What we have seems like the worst option America
I love that Homer brought a brick with him just ready to throw at somebody who again if we're adding to Homer's body count
He had to have at least like, this man's injured. Like it sounds like he hit him in the head
based on the sound the guy makes.
Yeah, it's a nice little injury sound from Harry. I like it.
And then in a wonderful Merkin-esque story, we've all been to conventions. We've been
to our like, you know, you know, the Electronic Entertainment Expo E3. There's no king and
queen of these things. Like it turns into prom like
Work convention. Yeah, they're crowned the king and queen of energy
And they get a free dinner to Madame Chow's the sexiest Chinese restaurant in capital city
And it's because you're asking yourself well, they can just not go to this
I love how they throw in homers like do I have to do this? Yes
It's so great like Like, but why?
Why does he like, you do?
You must.
The MC knows that the story needs to end in a satisfying way.
There's a sense of kind of just getting all the pieces into place here at the end of this.
Like, they rush through some of that stuff.
Non-derogatory, like, it's the right choice for the pacing of the story, but we are moving fast now.
Also, this tuxedo-wearing MC MC type character and the beautiful women with him.
I believe they're the same people who in Burns' Air give Homer his dust real chimney sweep job.
So they're on hand.
They're a brief runner, these instantaneous award appearers.
And we see them at their dinner. I love the line sure nice
of them to make us cheeseburgers. Yeah great. Middle-aged people from the
suburbs would be kind of weirded out by Chinese food I think based on where I
grew up. Yeah. Fancy Chinese food for sure like if this isn't all authentic
there's a spare rib in this. There were tons of theories if you were a Simpsons
writer that age then you grew up with like,
Oh, it's full of MSG that'll kill you and make you go crazy or you sweat so much you ate a Chinese food because they put secret chemicals in there.
And of course, we talked about it that King of the Hill episode that it's, you know, you're not getting chicken or pork or whatever on there.
You're getting other animals. Yeah, domestic pets and stuff like that.
Not to bring up recent events. We just went through another wave of that kind of animals. Yeah, domestic pets and stuff like that. Not to bring out recent
events. We just went through another wave of that kind of belief. Yeah. There are no new
conspiracy theories. They just take the old ones and rename it like same with like all the vaccine,
anti-vaccine stuff was like, oh, this happened in influenza too. Or with like every shot. That's why
there's a joke in this era of Simpsons of like, Ned wouldn't get flu shots for his kids because
of the same reasons people didn't want COVID vaccines.
That Mindy and Homer are both the same
like, unadventurous people that go to a Chinese restaurant
and ask for cheeseburgers.
Then Homer is given a fortune cookie.
That's the only reason they're at a Chinese restaurant,
to get a fortune cookie.
Yeah, I was thinking like the cheeseburgers,
it's the reason why there's always pizza
and chicken wings at the Chinese buffet.
Every restaurant needs to have chicken fingers for kids at them, I guess.
But Homer feels trapped by this cookie.
Little did he know that there was a whole barrel of stick with your wife he missed out on.
And so, OK, here we go.
Two more clips here. First, this is Mindy and Homer talk through their emotions.
Well, you guess you'll want to come in.
This was a really nice night, Homer.
Yeah, yeah.
What's wrong?
Oh yeah, like you don't know.
We're gonna have sex.
Oh, well, we don't have to.
Yes we do. The cookie told me so.
Well, desserts aren't always right.
But they're so sweet.
Homer, you don't have to do anything you don't want to.
Well, maybe I want to.
But then I think about Marge and the kids. Well, not the boy. He drives me nuts. Sometimes I just like to-
Homer, you know how I feel.
So, it's up to you.
Look in your heart. I think you'll see what you want.
And then they kiss! This must have been very hard to write. To keep Homer sympathetic, I think you'll see what you want And then they kiss
This must have been very hard to write and to keep Homer sympathetic. I think they mostly did a good job to point out that Homer
He thinks she's attractive and he wants to have sex with her, but he knows like well, that's something I cannot do
This is just the natural feeling I have that is overriding common sense right now
Their magnetism is telling him like oh we just had a great date
in sense right now. Their magnetism is telling them like, Oh, we just had a great date. And also like Mindy dressed up very nice for it too. Like they're definitely feeling something
and they're in bed together like in Homer just says, we're going to have sex. So if
somebody is crying at the idea that you're going to have sex, like you should just don't
have sex. I think that yeah, that Mindy should not have sealed the deal at that point if
she were going to at any point
Not you know, not necessarily just putting on her but like it the messages are mixed and she doesn't the idea like I like How this you know in this is similar to the episodes where Marge is attracted to to Flanders and some of the later episodes
Or Marge gets tempted where it's physical and it's like oh, we're just animals, you know a certain point
Like we have choices. We're responsible for our choices, but you can't decide that you're attracted
to somebody or not.
It's, you know, it's something that just kind of happens,
at least in my experience.
Maybe this is just me telling it myself,
but like, you just don't do anything,
but you can't not look, you know, it's difficult.
Like, you don't, don't leer,
but if you see somebody attractive,
like you are an animal,
like it kind of takes over a little bit.
We're looking at this like,
oh, well I logically would act this way in the scenario, not like characters like yeah I know. Yeah yeah yeah. That isn't how people act in real life especially not with something as complicated as like sexual attraction or romantic feelings so I judge Mindy a little here just that like if you could have ever said she didn't know he was married before or didn't want to know,
Homer's saying that.
I think about Marge and the kids like, now Mindy does know what this represents.
And also they can't draw it on his finger, but it's implied that Homer wears a wedding
It would just be too much work to keep it consistent, but I'm sure Mindy saw that.
I think that she would-
Pictures of his family in his office
or in his station, you know?
Yeah, actually she should see all those baby pictures
of Maggie against the wall and be like,
oh, you must love your daughter.
I wouldn't want to break this up.
It makes Mindy seem more sympathetic if it's unclear
whether or not she knows,
but told this point about Homer's family.
Yeah, but the way that Mindy frames it as like,
you know how I feel, like I am interested in you and if you do want to have sex, I will have sex with
you. And she is just putting it all on Homer and how he feels. And him making
the move for the kiss, like that is him saying, I want this and they have sex.
Which is the misdirect for the audience. And I think you're supposed to all like
gasp like, oh I'm watching Homer cheat on Marge. I don't know what I felt when I
first saw this but there is a fake out where you think they wait a very long
time to reveal Marge's face you're thinking oh he's actually going through
with this for the finale. Yes do we judge should Homer have told Marge or not? I do
think if you're alone in a room with somebody who if you are in a
monogamous relationship with your partner and then you end up alone in a room with somebody who, if you are in a monogamous relationship with your partner
and then you end up alone in a room with somebody
you did not tell them about and then you kiss that person
without telling your spouse, that is cheating.
Yeah, and fellas, don't wait until a clip show to tell them
because clip shows aren't canon and that will not haunt you
for the rest of your life as it should.
Homer couldn't just FaceTime Marge back in 1993
about these problems.
But if I wanted to throw out a dark, horrible fan theory
that you could have here,
the time cut would be Homer did sleep with Mindy
and then didn't tell Marge about it
and then invited Marge to Capital City
and also had sex with her in the same bed
and making him a worse guy.
But obviously that's not what happened.
Well, I mean, we don't like that clip show.
We'll talk about it in a year or so.
But they sell out Mindy pretty hard.
They say, well, she hit the bottle pretty hard
after she got fired.
So they really throw Mindy and Lurleen under the bus.
I was going to say the same thing with Lurleen
when she becomes a drunk.
I spent last night in a ditch.
That joke in another Simpsons Clips show
is so, like, it's brutal.
And it all comes from the place of writers
who don't want to make an episode,
but that they say that, like, oh, yeah, what happened
to the nice character, Mindy, who did very little wrong
to deserve anything like this?
And that, oh, the reason you never see her again
in the show is that after Homer didn't have sex with her,
she apparently fell
into alcoholism, though then again if she is living Homer's life exactly in all of
his appetites, then she must be an alcoholic too, I suppose. Well later she
does join the Homewrecker's bowling team, so maybe all this entire time she was
plotting to destroy his family. So we cut on the kiss, which Homer probably should have told Marge about instead of just
we can assume he stopped kissing Mindy and said, well, consider that a goodbye kiss.
See you later, Mindy.
Calls up Marge and says, hey, let's share this room together in Capital City.
And Marge either drove up or flew up.
I'm going to assume that not just they license can't get
enough of your love, but they used the version Barry White recorded for them in
Whacking Day. So wait a minute, Mindy's in the next room and Homer is just going to
town all night. I assumed for some reason I thought perhaps this was a later
weekend. That's what I assumed too, but yeah like he got back it's you know and
he's reconnecting with his marriage but maybe maybe he just invited her up and he's just sitting there with earplugs
Oh, you know what Gary? I think it is the same weekend because the turkey is still there. That's smoking gun
Yeah, smoke turkey the smoked gun though
That's interesting. Yeah, and he just has to tank it. Well, the Homer song is that it's a vacation away from workie
She just has to tank it. Well, the Homer song is that it's a vacation away from worky.
So perhaps he just stayed like, oh, you know what?
I'll take off Monday and Tuesday and stay in the room locker.
How long will a turkey stay good with air conditioning?
That's the question.
That's the forensics we have to get to the center of, even though that wouldn't stop
We unfortunately waited too long.
We can't ask Frank Mueller anymore.
But this is where Homer and Marge and a certain bellhop reconnect.
Oh baby. This was a wonderful idea, homie. Hey, there's a turkey behind the bed.
Marge. Marge.
Oh Margey,
you came and you found
me a turkey
on my vacation away
from worky.
Hubba Hubba
That all plays out so well with just floating eyeballs in the mouth. That all plays out so well with just floating eyeballs in the dark.
The animators-
I think the bellhop letting himself in as well.
If I hear music, I'm gonna dance.
I'm scared when he does that regularly in this hotel.
I worry.
Yeah, they play it all on the eyes wonderfully, the more just fantastic animation.
And I guess Homer learns that like,
you know what, Marge can find me turkeys too.
It's not just Mindy who finds turkeys.
There's a million women out there
that can find you turkeys.
And because of this little parody,
whenever I hear this song in public,
which honestly is not often,
I do think you came and you found me a turkey.
Now hearing the bellhop do the growl sound,
that's when I really hear the Conan O'Brien in it. Yeah.
Absolutely. Hey, I'm five years late to it, but it just came out on Xbox. I'm playing
Death Stranding. Henry, you don't have to apologize.
Now I've gotten to experience the Conan O'Brien cameo that's in it, which, not a spoiler,
they advertised it heavily. But when he appears in it, he gets in the
growl even in the Hideo Kojima game.
I should say, Gary and I do a podcast where we often have not played a game in 30 or 40
years for the first time.
It's true.
And yes, I do cut myself afterwards as punishment.
Well you know, when it appears on the Xbox, it's new to me.
To paraphrase a wonderful ad from our childhoods that is almost as old as Hogan's Heroes.
You have to get into flagellation, Bob.
It's easier than cutting yourself.
There's less blood.
Well, we'll talk about it later.
I'm just worried about the spray.
Yeah, I'll start a side podcast about this.
Non-sexual self-punishment.
Yeah, only pop-cultural self-punishment for being late to things.
But OK, is this number 10 best Simpsons episode as of 2003?
I wouldn't put it that high on it.
But I think this is a beautifully animated one,
like most are at this time.
But yeah, I love the Bart story.
As a nerd, I wish it explored it even more
and it had a little more room to breathe.
But they needed all that time to give context to
Make Homer not entirely like a guilty. There's just so much nuance needed. It takes up a lot of time
Yeah, yeah, I will say my final thoughts are this is a funny episode from a great season great direction by Carlos Baez
By the way, I love how this episode looks and I love his episodes
The Bart story feels like a missed opportunity and I will say that I do enjoy the Homer and
Mindy stuff, but it is wrapped up in the sexual and gender politics of 32 years ago. So it
has aged a little bit, but I feel like they were approaching a deadly topic for Homer
and they came out pretty well. But your mileage may vary on whether or not you think Homer
actually cheated.
They could have biffed that way harder with us.
The opportunity was there for that.
I don't know if I would say top 10.
The thing I think about with the A&B plot,
as much as I like both of them, is
they don't talk to each other very much.
In a lot of my favorite Simpsons episodes,
there's a little bit more integration
between the A&B plot.
They have a little bit more sense of focus.
But also, when I rewatch this, there are so many jokes
from this that I did not realize necessarily
were from this episode.
You know that we're sticky, like sticky lines,
sticky moments, that teacher I'm ever so smart,
things like that that I just, I didn't really realize
were here, and that's always a pleasant surprise.
It's tied for 10th with a whole lot of things,
because I don't like fighting them.
Well, thank you again to Gary Butterfield
for being on the show.
Gary, let everyone know about what's going on
on the Duck Feed podcast network.
You've got a lot of great shows going on there.
And again, please forgive Gary.
Often he won't play a game until maybe 30 years
after it comes out, but we love him for it.
Yeah, I've been fucking around
and now it's time for me to find out.
You know, I'm Gary Butterfield.
We are Duck Feedeed.TV.
It is a podcast network, totally independent.
Me and my partner, Cole Ross, we do all kinds of shows.
Listeners of this will recognize Cole as well.
Cole's been on this show as well as Bob's other show, RetroNauts.
Watch Out for Fireballs is our flagship show, but we also do Bonfire Side Chat, Abject Suffering,
Real Lich Hours, a show about Baldur's Gate 3, a bunch of things like that.
If you go to DuckFeed.TV, you can see all of our stuff as well as find our Patreon.
And $5 a month gets you a lot of extra content, $10 gets you more.
We think it is a really good value and we'd appreciate you giving it a listen.
I have to say, Gary, my friends got me Baldur's Gate 3 for Christmas.
I can't wait to play through it while listening to the podcast series because I'm seeing them
pile up in my podcast player and I know like, oh, I can't touch these yet.
We do our best to make things like that as evergreen as possible
You know, so it will serve as a companion whenever you get to it
I had been waiting until my husband and I can play it cross-platform
Baldur's Gate 3 when they make the patch to like he can play on PS 5 and I play Xbox
So I'll be giving that a shot to that coming in to the month. Yeah, it'll be nice. It'll be nice
I think when we did the retro knots about souls games and use a souls spurt
It's also apologetic for my lateness to the soul series to I you know, this give me something to work on in 2025
It's okay to encounter things at your own pace
Or you have to be up to date with all media. Mm-hmm. Those are the two choices you can choose which one seems more plausible
By the way, Henry that straing came out six years ago.
Six, well I mean come on it was November 2019.
To the punishment chamber Henry.
That's actually when the first cutscene started and it's not over yet.
Thank you Gary.
Thank you Gary.
Of course, yeah think anytime.
Thanks again to Gary Butterfield for being on the show.
Please check out all the great stuff he's got going on at DuckFeed.TV that is the podcast
network. As for us if you want to check out more of what we do and get all the great stuff he's got going on at duck feed TV that is the podcast network as for us you want to
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We just did Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,
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Bob pulled up a lot of classic info and trivia from that film
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I've been one of your hosts Bob Mackie you can find me on blue sky as Bob
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Thanks so much for listening, folks.
I'll see you again next time for season 15's I, DoughBots, and we'll see you then. Uh oh, he's done for.
Don't worry, this safety glass will protect us.
Run! We'll hide in my house!
Hey, this emergency exit is painted on!
There's no way out! There's no way out! We're doomed! Doomed!
Well, sir, I won't bore you with the details of our miraculous escape, but we desperately
need a real emergency exit.
Why, that's a fabulous idea.
Anything else you'd like?
How about real lead in the radiation shields?
Urinal cakes, maybe?
Smithies, throw this at him!