Talking Simpsons - Talking Simpsons - Treehouse of Horror XIII With Nina Matsumoto

Episode Date: May 31, 2023

Just in time for the spine-shattering season premiere, we're joined by horror fan/award-winning artist Nina Matsumoto! As we begin season 14 with another Halloween episode that debuted after Hallowee...n, we talk about how David Silverman returned to the show just as the digital era began, for a trio of terrifying tales. Plus we dig up Maude Flanders to discuss how her actress returned to the show, and lots of needless furry discussions, so download now manimals and invertabroads! Support this podcast and get over 100 bonus episodes by visiting and becoming a patron! And please follow the official Twitter, @TalkSimpsonsPod!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is brought to you by slash talking simpsons head there to check out exclusive podcasts like talking futurama talk king of the hill the what a cartoon movie podcast and tons more. I heartily endorse this event or product. Ahoy, hoy, everybody. Welcome to Talking Simpsons, the podcast that murders gun violence. I'm your host, a horrible ghoul from the past, Bob Mackie, and this is our chronological exploration of The Simpsons. Who is here with me today, as always? Hey, it's Henry Elbert, and I want to read that FDR vs. Superman comic book. And who is our special guest today in the same room? This is Nina Matsumoto, and one handsome hubby is all I need.
Starting point is 00:00:53 That's very true. And this week's episode is Treehouse of Horror 13. I don't know, neighborinos. I'm all for Halloween fun. But seance sounds a little PG-13. This episode originally aired on November 3, 2002, several days after Halloween. And as always, Henry will tell us what happened on this mythical day in real world history. Oh my God!
Starting point is 00:01:16 Oh boy, Bobby, and welcome to Season 14. Republicans do great in elections for Congress in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq. The Santa Claus 2 tops the box office. And thanks to the World Series going to seven games where the Angels beat the Giants, this Halloween special airs after Halloween. Unfair. And that will be the case for, I think, most of the teen Simpsons seasons. It happens a lot.
Starting point is 00:01:40 I blame it on the World Series being too exciting and going to an unexpected Game 7, thus taking up the Sunday before Halloween over and over again. And this was when the Anaheim Angels defeated the San Francisco Giants, and it's the Anaheim Angels' only championship. They have never won the World Series since. Oh, the Angels. They do the arm flappy thing, right? Angels in the Outfield?
Starting point is 00:02:06 Oh, that was in that movie. Did they do it at the real games? I don't know. I'm thinking of the movie about the kid breaks his arm and gets a really good fastball. Yeah, that's the rookie. The rookie, okay. There was no devil in that one or God. How does breaking your arm make you better at sports?
Starting point is 00:02:23 Just the way they reset it. It didn't happen with with henry though it didn't make his pitch any stronger actually my left arm was weaker for a while and i broke my arm but yeah i believe the plot i actually remember the plot of that movie better than angels in the outfield which was like the kid breaks his arm and it causes like hypertension in one of his muscles so that he just throws a natural 95 mile an hour speedball. Speedball. Fastball. And the Cubs sign him to the team
Starting point is 00:02:54 for a whole season. If only breaking our bodies did make us better at things. It should make us stronger. I mean, Dragon Ball leads me to believe that having your body shattered turns you into a much stronger person. But I guess you have to be a Saiyan for that to work. And Santa Claus 2.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Out of all the Santa Claus movies, I think this one honors Christ the most. Which is why the TV series is clearly the best of this franchise. Because they brought it back. They really renewed the honoring of Christ for the series. Which has always been there from the very beginning. It's a Christian movie. It's always been about religion. Always.
Starting point is 00:03:27 And you're being censorious of religion if you think otherwise. Yeah, the crazy thing with Santa Claus 2, I thought, was that they waited so long that his son was an adult by the time. It was like seven years. So he had an adult son and had to then... I mean, also it's about forced heteronormativity
Starting point is 00:03:44 because he has to have a Mrs. Claus. It's called the Mrs. Claus because he has to have a wife to be Santa Claus. In case people aren't aware, I want to explain our joke from earlier. What was the joke? That Tim Allen wanted to put religion back in a Santa Claus TV series. Yeah. Because he said, oh, well, it's about Christmas. You can't have Christmas without Christ.
Starting point is 00:04:07 When the Santa Claus movies are like the most Christ-free movies that ever happened, like it's just about how Santa's a magical spirit who has nothing to do with Jesus to run his, you know, Santa Claus shops. It's funny.
Starting point is 00:04:20 He was complaining about how apparently they wanted to put in a bunch of like spirits and fairies and like ghouls and goblins or whatever in the TV show, but he refused. He's like, no, this is about Christ. He had a no goblins policy in his contract with Disney+. And speaking of goblins, the goblins are invading Iraq soon, and they just got a big majority in Congress, the Republicans did, in this lead up to it. Though we're still, I guess you'd say March. March is when it happens in 03.
Starting point is 00:04:48 So we're still, as people who were adults in this time, we knew it was coming. We didn't want it to happen, the invasion of Iraq, but it was impossible to stop. Yes, we stumbled into war. Yeah, and with the best of intentions. Old Butterfingers us. Yeah, and there was just a great Citations Needed podcast everybody should listen to
Starting point is 00:05:07 if you want to hear about how all of this post-20 anniversary bullshit about how, you know, he lied to us. He wanted us to believe he had weapons of mass destruction. Like, absolutely not. Like, it was just, just listen to it. But only if you want to be mad. Only if you want to be mad. And speaking of being mad, today's special guest is Nina Mats matsumoto she mentioned a handsome hubby up front that's me
Starting point is 00:05:28 yeah that was a great great great first line oh thank you actually i thought uh henry you might use it so i prepared more no that's funny because i had the ghoul one and then bob used that so i was like oh no yeah see because i i never use the word hubby or hubs or any of that. But you do. So I thought you were going to take that one. I do say husband a lot. It's true. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:50 You say hubby a lot. Nina isn't mad. Let me correct myself. She's mad about podcasting. Exactly. And Halloween. Yes. I am a Halloween weirdo.
Starting point is 00:06:00 And more importantly, you're in town right now. Yes. Also that. I mean, this is a spooky episode. It also has cowboys in it, another thing Nina enjoys. So it's a good fit. Like guns. Nina loves guns.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Nina's fired more guns than me, but I fired more guns than Henry. I'm the lowest on the gun. To clarify, I've gone range shooting a few times, and I do think it is fun, like target shooting. I haven't gone in a long time, though, because I feel bad giving money to any kind of gun business. Probably, you would think anybody who owns a gun range, probably not a great person, or one you'd want to hang out with. But the act of target shooting, aiming the gun and stuff like that, is fun, I think. And one also, I was curious too, is a award-winning artist of Simpson's work,
Starting point is 00:06:49 including, this is the first episode of the digital era, really. What do you think about being an artist drawing either on physical media versus digital art? Obviously, I grew up drawing on paper, but then as soon as we had the ability to draw on the computer I switched to that and now I just do everything digitally. For me it's it's a lot easier being able to erase anything like lines colors whatever being able to like move elements
Starting point is 00:07:18 around like shrink elements just adding layers taking them away it's just so much it just speeds up the process so much instead of having to like erase something and redrawing which i had to do a lot back when i did pencils for bongo comics on actual paper and then i would like send it to them via fedex and then eventually i was like can i just do this digitally and they're like yeah that's fine because i hated it when like say i would draw like the entire family and then my editor would tell me like, oh, can you make, shift them down like half an inch to make more room above for the speech bubble? I'd be like, I just have to like redraw this whole thing.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Like, can't you just like copy, not copy paste, but like cut and paste it lower? Apparently not. But ever since I switched to digital, I think I've been a much better artist. It was cool during uh i remember during the pandemic you did a few art streams where i get to i i oh yeah as a non-artist i always am you know marveling at like wow look at that like the the the quick use of um shortcuts to be like oh wait that layer's wrong do do and redo it and then draw another thing it's really neat yeah um i i like drawing fast and that's why digital works for me best
Starting point is 00:08:26 because I don't like being slowed down by having to erase and redraw on paper. We have big life news, by the way. As of midnight the day before this recording, Nina and I started the process to close on a condo in Vancouver. Yes. So after years of talking about it,
Starting point is 00:08:43 I am finally moving. It's really happening, folks. Finally. And we came up with a gesture and a slogan to celebrate it. You cross your hands over your chest and you say, New Condo Forever. Just like Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Chadwick Boseman and anyone else who died that month has to do in heaven.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Yeah, I laughed too much when I first heard you say that. Yes. That's good. All right, I'm going to have to do it too. New condo forever. New condo forever. I just wanted to say, going back to The Simpsons, I'm sorry. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:09:13 I'm glad I'm finally on a Halloween Treehouse of Horror episode because I'm a huge fan of Halloween, like I mentioned up front, and I love Treehouse of Horror. However, this is the first one I ever missed, I think, because this was when I really stopped watching the show for a long time. Because when I watched it, I thought, I don't have any memory of seeing this when it aired. And I used to be so excited for Trials of Horror every year.
Starting point is 00:09:36 But for some reason, this one I managed to miss. And I guess it didn't really bother me because I kind of stopped watching TV in general for a bit. You know, i had a very similar issue with this episode too i think i did i think i watched it live but it's a very vague memory maybe i did just watch like the first clone clones one no i remember the kaiser wilhelm stuff so now okay but it made little impression to me and i didn't tape it it was i think this 14 was the first season we just gave up on the Henry's Tale of the
Starting point is 00:10:08 Tape fully. Oh yeah. Welcome to season 14, everyone. Yes. Yeah. And then- Tale of the Tapes is retired now? For season 14, but I've still got all the old stories from the first season.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Oh boy. They'll come back. But yeah, no, I also missed this and then I didn't really watch this episode again until the season 14 DVD release in 2011. And that was the first time I really watched it again. I also did not get this DVD set. It's a great set. It's a really great set. Yeah, from a little of what you showed me when I first got here.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Like, yeah, it seems really cool. It's a Treehouse of Horror themed set. All the menus are cool. The packaging is cool. The way you pull the discs out of it is not cool but that will be the case for every disc set after i think 12 or 11 or something like that yeah i mean it was it's for conservation purposes i get it they wanted to use less plastic in it totally understandable no no listen if ed shearing can just fly on his private jet wherever he wants i can get get a sturdier DVD set. I'm putting my foot down. It's not okay.
Starting point is 00:11:07 But yeah, I think this was the first DVD set that I bought and I was like, I do want to keep hearing the commentaries, but I don't feel invested in the actual episodes themselves. And even though this, I think, is one of the best of the season, there's some other episodes this season
Starting point is 00:11:21 that when I was looking at them on the list, I was like, ooh, that episode, right, right. Well, this is a very boring history of me buying dvds but i'll say it because it's my podcast i think i stopped buying the dvds with 13 and they kept coming out but i didn't care but in 2015 fallout 4 came out and i was like this is my chance to catch up with all of those commentaries and this is when these sets were still in print and very cheap. So I bought 14, 15, 16, 17, and I think 18 just in one go. You got the 18 US release that is now like over $100. And 19 is pretty rare too, right?
Starting point is 00:11:58 Yeah, it is. That's why I did buy 19. I didn't have 18 until very recently because I found out that the Canadian version of it, which is essentially the same box as you'd buy in America, is only like 50 bucks. Whoever printed them in Canada printed more copies than the US side did. All you have to do is, the only thing that's annoying is it has to be Les Simpsons right under the Simpsons on the on the art i gotta admit i didn't know the dvd sets went up that high they all the way up to 19 yes yeah well i'm technically
Starting point is 00:12:32 20 but not really you don't count it no it's no commentaries no and i think 2018 is when season 19 came out and that was just on the cusp of the disney deal maybe it was even 2019 right after the deal but that was the last one with the full menus, with the full commentaries. We've said it before, but they said they recorded commentaries for more and they were going to be on the FX app, FXX, FX, whatever it was.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Yeah, the Simpsons World FXX, yeah. But no go. I haven't heard them say anything new about it. When I even went to that D23 panel, if they had an open mic, I would have asked a question like, what's up with the DVDvds you said there were dvd commentaries disney won't let them they say get back in the star wars shorts room yes oh god they just did another one i wonder i wonder what the next thing will be an advertisement for i don't want to know we have a
Starting point is 00:13:20 lot of preamble stuff to go over though yes so uh i have two writers corners because we have two new writers on this episode and it's fitting that this is a halloween episode because these guys are both ghosts oh no uh all due respect to their families and loved ones who miss them very much of course but uh yes it's strange that we're doing a halloween episode it's two writers first you know crack at the bat and they're now both deceased it is what are the odds it is kind of eerie yeah because there aren't a lot of at the time of this recording late simpsons writers it's not of people who had full credited writing ones it's it's there's very few i think i mean i'm sad to say i think we're up to seven or eight counting sam simon oh shoot well okay yeah but i mean it'll only increase yeah as time goes on uh let's cover
Starting point is 00:14:07 mark wilmore who uh really recently passed away so we covered this on talk to the audience at the time but mark wilmore died on january 30th 2021 at age 57 from what sounds like covid and other health complications apparently he received a kidney transplant at some point in the 1990s that was causing him serious health problems since then and i think his brother or a family member said he's finally at peace he was dealing with like pain and health problems his whole life and i think covid is what just pushed his body over the edge yeah it was really sad to read that that's what the final five it sounded like it was the last straw uh for his constitution which is really like i mean with a lot of the covet deaths
Starting point is 00:14:45 you hear about um sadly it's a lot of just like comorbidities like those yeah yeah it's uh when he's such a great you mentioned his brother like he most people refer to him that's they mostly think about larry wilmore his more famous brother who a famous comedian who even had his own like daily show alike the kind of show after the daily show yeah and i mean the writers we're covering are very talented guys but it also shows you the kind of people aljean was hiring to pick on aljean a little more we love doing it here it's not fresh new writers like oakley and weinstein it's not people that have great spec scripts like matt selman who get like one seinfeld and then jump onto the simpsons it's people who
Starting point is 00:15:22 have worked in entertainment for 10 or even 20 plus years uh in the case of mark wilmore he started as a writer and then became a writer slash performer on fox's sketch show and living color for the entire series and then in the final season he was a performer so for all i think five seasons he was a writer and then a performer on the show and i i he did break barriers as the i do believe the first the first black writer on the actual writing staff michael carrington in season four co-wrote homer's triple bypass but uh he was not staffed so right yeah i think well i believe mark wilmart is the first so yeah it's uh he is breaking barriers in the Simpsons writing room. In season 13. So from In Living Color, he went to The Tonight Show from 1995 to 1998. He was a writer for that.
Starting point is 00:16:11 And then he entered the Simpsons orbit by being a writer for the PJs, where he also played the character Walter. And yes, his brother Larry shares the created by credit with former Simpsons writer Steve Tompkins, but there's also a handful of other Simpsons people on the PJs. So the PJs created by Steve Tompkins and Larry Wilmore, but you'll see a lot of former Simpsons writer Steve Tompkins, but there's also a handful of other Simpsons people on the PJs. So the PJs created by Steve Tompkins and Larry Wilmore, but you'll see a lot of other Simpsons writers in the episode listing. I wonder if Mark Wilmore was under like a Fox overall deal that then when PJs got canceled,
Starting point is 00:16:37 they transferred him over to the Simpsons. It could be. And just like the next writer we're talking about, this was an Al Jean hire at the beginning of production season 13 so you'll see his he's first a producer on she of little faith and then he'd remain on the simpsons staff until the end of production season 26 and 2015 he'd write 11 more episodes after this first one and he left the simpsons to be an executive producer on f is for family with fellow simpsons writer Michael Price, who will join the Simpsons in production season 14, which we're not in yet. Right.
Starting point is 00:17:08 And so Mark Wilmore ended his career with F is for Family and the penultimate episode of that show is dedicated to him, as is the Simpsons episode Wad Goals. So he was doing it up until he died. And then there were episodes that came out after he died. It's too bad i uh this reminds me of what i watched all the first season f is for family i need to watch the rest of it it's a quality show maybe a little too mean but i i did enjoy the first season so that is mark wilmore r.i.p of course the other writer uh also deceased uh kevin coran so both these guys passed
Starting point is 00:17:40 away in their late 50s far too early he passed He passed away at age 59 in October of 2016. And he has the Simpsons pedigree you would expect. So one, he went to Harvard, worked on the Lampoon. After he worked on the National Lampoon, he went to Late Night with David Letterman in some of those pivotal early years. And yes, he did work with Jeff Martin on David Letterman, which is why you'll see them credited together on a lot of things in the future. he is on the writing staff with jeff martin so again al jean is not hiring fresh and upcoming young talent he's hiring guys who worked on the original david letterman run
Starting point is 00:18:13 in the early 80s reliable writers but uh you know not maybe that explains why these seasons are a little listless because these people they don't have really anything to prove they're hard workers but they've been in the game for a long time and guys who want to go home at five yes and get a script out yeah i mean that i i always think back to when we interviewed dan graney and we said like what's al jean's management style or showrunner style and the uh character i remember he said steady eddie like he he just keeps it on track and not gonna not gonna take any big swings yeah and yes he would then uh after late night with david letterman he would then work with jeff martin in the mid 90s they would co-create the sitcoms hardball
Starting point is 00:18:57 and the good life together and martin's wife suzanne is another creditor uh credited creator on the good life and a long long time ago we went over the different shows the departing simpsons writers left or made and the good life was an early drew carrie vehicle before the drew carrie show yeah martin that's funny that martin leaves the simpsons for his big big old disney deal and then he brings in kevin curran and then eventually uh life brings current to the Simpsons that Martin was still not working on and it's funny to see where Kevin Curran went because he went to Harvard worked on the Lampoon worked on the National Lampoon worked on David Letterman the 80s stuff like the groundbreaking stuff that was the the people of that generation that was their Conan
Starting point is 00:19:42 O'Brien from there he goes on to work at married with children for five years where he is the initial voice of buck bundy yes buck bundy the dog the talking dog yes which i loved every time he talked on that show i loved it as a kid and buck would have a few more voices after kevin left i think like as a little stunt he was briefly voiced by cheech marin in some very buck focused episodes and then i think another writer voiced him but initial buck was kevin coran and i remember buck went to heaven and reincarnated as another dog yes yeah much much later in the series those years i didn't like as much but yes he somehow got that pivotal role but yeah married with children
Starting point is 00:20:22 had harvard writers on it that is not you wouldn't have thought it from how it was treated at the time by people and this should not surprise you in any way but kevin coran also wrote for the sitcom unhappily ever after because the married with children co-creator created that so he's also on uh unhappily ever after before the simpsons so it's just like very highbrow stuff and then very lowbrow stuff. And then the Simpsons. In that one, they're like, why do we need to have just voiceover over a dog? Let's just have a puppet. Let's just go all the way and have a little puppet talk.
Starting point is 00:20:56 And Kevin Coran is also an Icebox guy. He got an Icebox deal in the year 2000. He created something I had never heard of until doing research. It's all on YouTube because all these things are. It looks like garbage. It sounds even worse because it was made for dial-up modems to download but it's called the pub of heaven and it's a kind of a cheers parody in which a bar in heaven is run by jfk and a bunch of other historical figures show up there so it's sort of like clone high before clone high in a way interesting you know i didn't even see that when i did the big icebox deep dive. I guess I was too distracted by luminaries like Mr. Wong to to have missed the pub in heaven pub. this season so in season nine he was a consulting producer on the two david murkin satellite
Starting point is 00:21:45 episodes so he worked on all singing all dancing and the joy of sect just as a guy in the little tiny writer's room they made to produce those two episodes that's where they also had the former head writer of those old david letterman show to write joy of sect yeah completely unnecessary like yeah this it's just favors to their friends. I mean, who are good writers, but still. So, like Wilmore, hired with She of Little Faith. After his Treehouse of Horror segment, he writes 11 episodes through season 29,
Starting point is 00:22:16 though he seemed to have left the show like Wilmore at the end of production season 26. And a fun fact about Kevin Curran, he became the partner of author Helenen fielding in the year 2000 and they had two kids together helen fielding the author of bridget jones's diary wow wow i don't know that famous wife as well but yes he has passed and yeah uh rip to both these guys now that's uh it's funny to hear him on the commentary he's even doing he does the bud voice uh or buck buck voice not bud buddy that's a different guy he says his
Starting point is 00:22:46 favorite buck quote is yeah right or something like just something very comebacky um but yeah triathlon 413 i know henry has a lot about this but this is the return of david silverman it's the first episode he has directed since mother simpson in season 7 yeah he returned to the show in production 13 as well probably al gene is getting a lot of the little crew back together for his stuff yeah yeah i think it was really interesting to see who gene worked hard to get back but it was i mean it was a big deal to get silverman back if you chart we discovered this since we did our interview with him when we interviewed him we did ask i i listened back we did ask a couple questions about this episode and the return to digital but that was before we did road to
Starting point is 00:23:28 el dorado which the secret of that is that technically i believe it is silverman left simpsons to get a big money dreamworks deal from katzenberg to staff up the dreamworks animation and he was supposed to be the director of road tell dorado and like the kevin klein character and it even just looks like him or how he looked back then and uh something fell through and he was not a director or co-director of road tell dorado and then he leaves that for pixar he moves up to the bay area where we live works on and it seems like he was brought in late on monsters inc to help it get finished and like he's a co-director on that and then by the time he is done like the time monsters inc is released he's back at fox like he's he has a consultant credit on ice age
Starting point is 00:24:22 which comes out a little after or no before this episode he must have just signed a new overall deal with fox but i'll tell you what my big theory is is that this came up so many times a variety stuff when they signed the actors to the new deal uh part of it was they are committed to do a movie if it's made if the production starts within five years so i think silverman partially was hired back because they're like if you come back you you're the director of the movie if we make the movie you're the movie director that's what it felt like to me i had that inkling and to stop the fact checkers out there yes technically the last thing he directed was the 138th episode spectacular as pound foolish but really there's like five minutes of wraparounds yeah though it is him playing around with digital that is true yeah and this is a digital test episode because this was their third test run
Starting point is 00:25:10 there was radioactive man then there was tennis the menace and then there was this they liked how this goes but it's not until the production season 14 starts that digital takes over completely there's still a handful of cell episodes after this one and it's funny that now they've reached where they started recording commentaries for the series because in the earliest commentaries they're saying we're about to stop doing digitaling we're about to go digital nobody does zinc and paint anymore like that was partially the reason they were doing it too and i checked the the credits this is a rough draft produced episode uh which they were you know doing they'd been they'd done four seasons of futurama by this point i mean the fourth
Starting point is 00:25:53 season's about to air but they've already done yeah so and i do think you can tell that silverman really enjoyed the possibilities of digital allowing him to animate a lot more because he really animated a lot in this one too and i'm glad that they like held out for so long they wanted it to be on sales forever but aljean says that people overseas they weren't doing that anymore so they eventually had to make the transition but if they made the transition with radioactive man it wouldn't look as good as it looks with this i feel feel like this digital look is very, very good, especially for the time, and I'm glad they waited. And if you listen to
Starting point is 00:26:30 some of those later commentaries, like on season 17 and 18, the animators working with the current tool set miss this. The more hand-drawn look, where the only digital element is coloring. This does seem to be pencils on paper then scanned into computer
Starting point is 00:26:49 yeah we were watching the animatic before we started and it's just pencil drawings and like regular just photograph pencil drawings like they used to but i do think this is about as good as the show can look at this point like that silverman silverman can push it a big thing i am glad that silverman is back for is that he he looks like he gets to break the rules you know like that silverman silverman can push it a big thing i am glad that silverman is back for is that he he looks like he gets to break the rules you know like that he there's a couple times like when march says oh you dear her face is at an angle that is like against the rules but looks good for the line and i feel like that i again i've said it before jim reardon is one of the best directors they ever had on the show but when he became supervising director around that time i think they weren't allowed
Starting point is 00:27:27 to have as much fun or go off model and i think silverman thanks to his status can break the model rules on his shows in ways other directors aren't allowed to yes once you co-direct uh monsters inc and come back you can throw your weight around a little bit yeah and I also like that he shouts out the assistant director Nancy Cruz uh specifically is giving a lot of space yeah this is a really good looking episode there's so many elaborate shots of lots of characters on screen at the same time and it makes sense now knowing that they tried digital for this because if they had to like hand paint all this stuff it would have been very difficult i imagine yeah i think that's why they went with the clone segment because silverman was explaining
Starting point is 00:28:11 there there'd be so many cell layers necessary for all of these moving characters that the background would be cloudy there'd be all the cell flare which does look cool at times but there's a limit to how much they can actually photograph with the physical process there'd be way too many shadows. Yeah. Yeah. This definitely feels like how a boost up also like budget wise from other episodes in production season 13. Like I think I, it feels like they had a little bigger budget too. I think it's like also too, if you've watched another, the last regular episode, Silverman
Starting point is 00:28:42 directed the aborted movie sequel sequel the man who would be dinner that also when you watch it like oh this is this is like the budget of two regular tv episodes like not film budget but they definitely spent a bit more on it too yeah and after this he'll direct four more episodes three of them are treehouse of horrors and now he is a consulting producer that could be because he is in his late 60s now and not wanting to direct as much or it could be disney's budget cuts a lot of big producers got slapped down to consulting producers seemingly some of them against their will yeah i think uh i think gene saved him in making him the guy who's in charge of the commercials on Disney+. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:29:30 And I think just by having that producer credit, he's not viewed by the suits as just a replaceable animation cog. Right, yeah. Not looked down upon like other animators. And he's a lot of pitch jokes and stuff. He mentions being in the writer's room. So Silverman is kind of a writer at this point. I wish more directors on the show were given the level of respect Silverman is. But Silverman earns it. He is like in the hierarchy of important Simpsons creatives.
Starting point is 00:29:49 I'd say he's third probably. Like what the true person who defined the rules of what Simpsons animates like. It's David Silverman if it's anybody. You know, he is the guy. So I mean, it was great that they got him back. But there's only so much you can see silverman in some scenes it looks great but he's pushing against like the budget the rules as they are now the resources he has not just money wise but just like there's only
Starting point is 00:30:18 so many animators around and and time so he's doing the best he can with it but i like does this look as good as treehouse uh four or five no not not in my opinion but this is as good as they're gonna get it to look at this point yeah and you know we started the episode talking about dead bodies and this episode starts with a notable dead body being dug up that's right this also feels like well it is a fix here this is definitely a fix. And yeah, if you guys have your DVDs, I was showing it to Bob and Nina right beforehand. If you go to the episode on the Simpsons Season 14 DVD,
Starting point is 00:30:56 press up, you'll get into the extras, and you can watch the animatic for the first nine minutes of this. And one noticeable thing in that animatic is, one of the lines said by Maude is, I believe, Mitzi, it's not the returning guest star. Or also voice, I guess not guest star. But yeah, I mean, let's talk about it. This is the return of Maggie Roswell. A pretty big deal. And she finally got whatever pittance she wanted just to be able to have herself flown in to record so i
Starting point is 00:31:25 look this up uh which is the main friendly newspaper for maggie roswell is the local major denver newspaper like she is a superstar of denver and you guys love you guys are big fans of denver too we didn't spot maggie roswell we were looking for her no she was not at meow wolf so so i read this um 2011 interview with her about just her career a lot of simpsons talk was in there and in that she mentioned in case you don't know and we talked about this in the episode where ma died in season 11 but roswell got her start in los angeles in the mid 90s uh she and her husband who she's still with adopted the daughter that uh a baby girl and a big thing for roswell was she wanted to get out of los angeles like every she in that interview she has nothing nice to say about living in la she did not and she did not want to raise
Starting point is 00:32:20 her kid there so she was going to move to denver which he did but uh she was flying to la every time she would record in person and this was before there was really you know it's nothing like today of having long distance remote guests i think they could still do it they just didn't want to pay for it because i remember a long time ago in the mid 90s watching behind the scenes of the lion king and it's like oh matthew broderick recorded his lines over the phone so they had dsl lines for voice actors but i'm sure fox didn't want to pay for that for what they considered a c tier actor on the simpsons yeah it's these were the numbers she put out there that basically that
Starting point is 00:33:01 she was getting paid around 2000 an episode. And then at the same time, she's almost losing money on travel to go there to record it. And on top of that, she's seeing the main cast, who's been on the show as long as she has, get hundreds of thousands of dollars per episode. I can see why she'd be a little pushed to then say that her number is she says she wanted 6k an episode mainly just to cover the expense of travel and she then got low-balled in an offer back to fox and she quits then they
Starting point is 00:33:32 kill maude in response to being mad that she quits and so uh the story is then that i believe it was al jean but the show wanted to patch things up with her it was bad press for him uh here's how she explained it in 2011 i do it from home and i could not be more grateful we work from march until november two weeks on one week off i get sag insurance it's great i'm living the life she just does it remotely from denver she doesn't have to fly in and she even they were so nice to her that by the 2007 premiere of the movie they flew her in to attend the premiere with her daughter oh how nice she was very happy about and by the way the other voice actor i think you called her mitz mitzi mitzi that's marsha mitzman gavin that's my
Starting point is 00:34:15 i was sitting here wondering who the hell mitzi is for the past 10 minutes i see that she actually maybe because of how the production worked out but she voices mod one more time okay and in large marge she's credited as voicing mod in large marge but then never again so maybe that was still when they were working with her negotiating with her maybe gavin was in the room and they were like we need one line for mod for this upcoming episode can you do it and they forgot to take her out after they forgot to re-record it but she is credited with season 14 episode 4 large marge interesting which is in this production run i think yeah we're gonna see it soon enough yeah in this on our podcast but yeah it's uh one other bit from that 2011 interview they asked her
Starting point is 00:34:53 the interviewer said how would you like to die and she replied i'm maude flanders i'm already dead like she she also is pretty clear of like i did not like how they killed me on the show she was very clear on that. I think it's great that she, that somebody made it work with her. And, you know, maybe it was that Al Jean made that a priority of like, we should make up with Maggie Roswell. And not only do they get back Maude for flashback scenes, but also her incidental character, not incidental, but her recurring characters like Lune van houten and miss hoover can talk
Starting point is 00:35:26 again i figured out the mystery though oh so large marge is the 18th production order episode this is 19 so we go back to gavin for large marge but then never again because we're still in production season 13 okay i'm sorry i just love the idea of asking someone in an interview, how would you like to die? Sounds very threatening. As you're polishing a gun in front of them. I know. There were other ones of like, honestly, it was a crummy interview, but it had good quotes from her.
Starting point is 00:35:55 But the questions, I think maybe the person thought they were like the inside the actor's studio questions of like, what's your favorite food or what's your favorite line or whatever. But yeah, she comes off as a nice lady who it seems like a christian democrat uh is kind of her style interesting okay and i'm glad i'm happy for her that she is enjoying denver while still getting to be a recurring voice on the simpsons probably with no residuals but at least getting paid a respectable amount of money while getting to work from there. So good for her. The Simpsons will be right back. For one year, America has waited.
Starting point is 00:36:47 On Fox Sunday, the wait is over. Currently, the homers are occupying these areas. By tomorrow, we're doomed. Treehouse of Horror 13, the unluckiest treehouse of all. The Simpsons, 8, 7 Central, Sunday on Fox. We're out of donuts! When you really care about someone, you shout it from the mountaintops. So on behalf of Desjardins Insurance, I'm standing 20,000 feet above sea level to tell our clients that we really care about you!
Starting point is 00:37:18 We care about you! We care about you! Home and auto insurance personalized to your needs. Weird, I don't remember saying that part visit care and get insurance that's really big on care did i mention that we care whether you're attacking family guy or not this is hen this is Henry Gilbert saying welcome to the break. Huge thank you to our guest this week, Nina Matsumoto. It's always awesome to have her in person for one of our recordings.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Thanks so much. Follow her on Twitter at SpaceCoyote and check out all the cool stuff Nina does and her Space Coyote artwork as well on Instagram, on her personal website, all the cool stuff she does for places like Fangamer and RiffTracks, and of course the awesome art she does for us, including all the t-shirts we
Starting point is 00:38:10 have on TeePublic. Check it all out, and thanks so much again, Nina. You're the best. And if you're a fan of Talking Simpsons Podcast, you should know it's only possible thanks to listeners like you who subscribe at slash TalkingSimpsons for five bucks a month. You get to listen to every episode a week
Starting point is 00:38:25 ahead of time and at free and you also get a ton of exclusives every month you get a new episode of talking futurama and talk king of the hill we're in seasons four and three respectively of those great series and if you sign up you get the entire back catalog all the previous episodes of futurama king of the hill we covered plus we covered every episode of the critic of mission hill and we're going through a lot of our favorite episodes of batman the animated series you can only hear those amazing exclusives if you sign up at slash talking simpsons but if you want something even better than a fox attitude you should sign up at the premium level of slash talking simpsons today because that 10 bucks a month gets you all the five dollar things i just said and then you get our monthly
Starting point is 00:39:10 what a cartoon movie podcast us talking about an animated feature film super in-depth just like we do an episode of the simpsons which often means talking for over six hours even about an animated feature film like toy story 4 that's what you're going to hear at the end of this month if you sign up today at slash talking simpsons us going in depth into the most recent pixar toy story adventure and don't forget next month if you sign up you'll get to hear us talk about the incredibles a real pixar favorite of mine back catalog includes recent stuff like the little shop of Fars 1986 film and Dumbo, or even some classics that go everywhere from Akira to a goofy movie, Kiki's Delivery Service to Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse. Check it all out for yourself at slash talking simpsons today
Starting point is 00:39:57 to see the almost five years worth of what a cartoon movies in addition to all of the other stuff. One more time, slash Talking Simpsons. It is the return of Maude. This is Al Jean finally dealing with the fact that they killed Maude. He wouldn have killed maude i really wish he's joked about this before i it would have been a crappy episode and i'd have complained about it when it happened but if in season 14 it was close enough to her death it would have been the poison pill to swallow that they could have just done an episode where maude returns and she's like no i faked my death because and there's a dumb reason for it and the episode
Starting point is 00:40:45 sucks but at the end of it maude is back and we're done with this dead maude stuff but it's too late they they couldn't they didn't undo it yeah aljean said we couldn't think of a way to bring her back and i i think i my my argument is the simpsons you could just magic her back to life i don't know people were mad when she died but i think bring her back like it's a soap opera would have made fans even angrier yeah i mean i would have been one of those angry fans and calling it the worst episode you would have been on the internet within seconds i think it also would have been calling attention to the fact that they killed her and they didn't want that they know it was a probably the least popular thing they ever did i i wonder if it was very fulfilling for maggie roswell to play a vengeful spirit who's mad that she got killed.
Starting point is 00:41:28 I wonder if this felt good for her to scream at everybody as the character. Here is the return of Maggie Roswell as the spirit of Maude Flanders. Maude Flanders, we the living beseech you to appear. Ned, I'm back. Give me a kiss. Chill out dudes, it's me Bart Simpson.
Starting point is 00:41:59 What are you looking at? Maud, you still look as pretty as the day I buried you. Are you ready for tales that will shatter your spine and boil your blood? Well, duh. Then choke on these. There was one other cut bit from the animatic where Marge asks Maude what heaven is like, and she describes it as like a lazy Sunday morning of like, oh, you have a half grapefruit in the morning. You get the jumble a week ahead of time of everybody else. And then Homer cuts her off with boring.
Starting point is 00:42:41 And that's when she does the scream at everybody and the transformation you know i was thinking with the return of maggie roswell that lets them do more things with uh luann van houten who i think they made a lot of jokes about kirk post oakley and weinstein but they never cared about luann but as we get in season 14 and 15 they kind of get back together and there's more stuff between them so uh mitsman gavin never voiced luann yeah this is also gene warming back up the reunion of the van houtens as well yeah have you guys ever attempted a seance no no no but when we went to uh arizona that spooky old hotel yeah uh they just they just had a seance it was the one of the many places where dillinger got caught right yeah yeah it was
Starting point is 00:43:24 um i think every weekend they did a seance. This was around Halloween, so all of October they did that. I've done seances or attempted seances a few times when I was younger, like in grade 6 or 7, I would say. It's not like I was a goth or my friends were goth or anything like that. It was just something fun to do, like, oh, let's try a seance or, oh, let's play as a Ouija board. You didn't have to be a goth to be into that kind of thing well hey i wasn't a goth but i played
Starting point is 00:43:49 vampire the masquerade all the time i haven't done either i'm the least gothy of all of us the close i've come to attending a seance is uh going through the haunted mansion ride in disneyland where which starts with a say well it does it starts with a seance from madam leota the uh come to spirits from somewhere beyond do you think the santas is going to close that down this is demonic well you know i was thinking that marge's outfit is a little cultural appropriation you know should she be dressing like a romani person isn't it weird that lisa says well duh like that's uh i don't know i feel like they should do it could be a little more clever than just, well, duh.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Not a great Lisa quip, but also that looks like David Silverman animation. There's a few pieces of dialogue that don't follow the regular mouth charts that feel like he stepped in and wanted to hit those specifically with his own idea. And he gets to break the rules like that. I think this shows what,
Starting point is 00:44:43 it's not just that they needed david silverman but it's great that he's back but also just loosen it up in general guys like let people be more creative in the character animation i wish they would i and this is also a big moment too because and i triple check this this is the first time where on screen the name of this special or this episode is Treehouse of Horror number. This is not Simpsons Halloween special number. It is Treehouse of Horror. Even though that's not what it's called, you know? Yes.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Yeah, it's not. I guess it's because it was the 13th one. That's a spooky number. It is. It is pretty spooky. I'm curious, too, if maybe it's because since this was airing after halloween they're like ah shit we shouldn't call this halloween it's not this is after halloween now but uh though maybe it too is because by this point not just the biggest nerds in the world knew
Starting point is 00:45:38 they were called treehouse of horror followed by number that people had watched enough of the dvds that it was more publicly known that they were called treehouse of horror internally so like let's let's stop calling the simpsons halloween specials and and i believe they've been treehouse of horror on screen as the official name ever since this one okay cool and one thing i noticed up front is uh we're still without creepy credits my own theory is that they they could not return until the last piece of 9-11 rubble was cleaned up and once then once that was cleaned once the uh the freedom tower was started rising whatever it's called the foundations report yeah creepy credits came back yeah they none of those creepy credits uh yardley's on the commentary saying like how hard it is to
Starting point is 00:46:22 come up with with creepy credits and she always wanted to try something new but she she could not or it was difficult well matt selman comes up with a thing that rhymes with yardley but i won't say it oh oh right he does boy there's a few things on there like oh do you know you guys are being recorded on this thing it was a word that was said on many a podcast in 2010 when this dvd set came out it's true that's true uh that and yeah i see that this uh this short here i guess if it parodies anything it's multiplicity right like yeah we're parodying movies from 1996 in this one even though i really like it it's like here's your multiplicity parody here's your island dr. monroe parody yes i know it is a book and it's
Starting point is 00:47:03 been adapted several times but they're really playing into the marlon brando val kilmer movie for sure i've not seen multiplicity you know i i think it was a vhs rental and i barely remember it but it was i mean it was sort of like was harold ramus again right doing uh oh i can do more magical a bad husband is fixed by science fiction in some way i had a friend who was really into it but he would only quote the the more simple of the clones oh yes yeah i listened to the we movies uh podcast about it i think it was we i think it was we had movies okay i'm pretty sure one of the clones like sleeps with the wife yeah there's weird sexual politics in that movie just like in this episode
Starting point is 00:47:43 yeah nobody questioned it then of like well wait what's that what shouldn't the wife know she's sleeping with someone other than she thinks she's sleeping but it is still her husband yeah in a way yeah that's true but well obviously as we see at the end of this uh this act that marge is fine with with a shiver homer she'll she ends up with and this is a real anti-wife season oh boy the knives are out and the wives are out well as in as as in the wives are divorcing some yes they're working up to that no this is really the we've joked about this before of like what's the i feel like in a few seasons there's that joke of the things they hate about their wife
Starting point is 00:48:25 t-shirt that somebody has on or just like that there's Marge starts the scene nagging. She's just like, you should do something on the weekend, Homer. I think the transformation of Manjula into a horrible harpy is the inauguration of the horrible wife era. And my wife is on here and I've never been nagged or handed a list i do like that marge hands him a listicle though she even says like oh number three is my favorite saying number four will make you cry that is great i love that marge i love when they are freeze framing on a list joke or a written sign gag and they go like that's pretty funny like it's it's good marge gets
Starting point is 00:49:04 to say my favorite is number three which it is funny that the uh you know a deck over a decade on they have not written their thank you notes for wedding guests but then again they eloped to see if i'm gonna have an overly nerdy continuity reason for this they eloped with nobody in uh across the border and they wouldn't have thank yous to write but maybe these are thank yous to the people who attended their second wedding that happened in a millhouse divided oh it was a lot of people yeah well the details of their wedding it's changed so many times over the course of the series i don't really care anymore but continuity only if she got him as long as they don't change that they ate a fudgy the whale uh at their reception or that homer's dad told him to
Starting point is 00:49:45 not do anything in the past yes yeah see that one at least that was in a treehouse so also homer should listen to that one as well in this episode because they do basically the same joke about him changing the past uh but yes homer is uh tries out his hammock he also ate all the pancakes for the church breakfast. Which, you know, pancakes do make you sleepy. They're a powerful sleep aid. I've never gotten into the hammock lifestyle. I've never been presented with a good hammock, though.
Starting point is 00:50:15 I mean, I feel like I need more support. I feel like I was inside of a plastic bag or something. Wait, so you never actually used a hammock before? I've tried. I've tried. Lord, have I tried. Are you too long for the hammock? I think I am. I've been in a hammock before before and I think they're pretty comfy.
Starting point is 00:50:26 In fact, the condo we purchased has a humongous patio. We could put a hammock there. Hammock time. Yeah. There was a hammock store in Vancouver. Every time I see it, I think of the hammock district. Could I be living the hammock lifestyle? Also, my mom was a nurse and she came home one day telling a story of how somebody sleeping
Starting point is 00:50:43 in a hammock, basically one of the poles crushed them and they died yeah oh my god uh you know how did that happen uh it happened in like 30 years ago so i don't know the details but it made me a little afraid of hammocks too i had a hammock uh in the summer of one of the summers of high school i was like mom but give me a hammock i want to sit out on our patio and mom fetch me my hammock i think it was like a but it was like a mesh net hammock and honestly it kind of sucked like it it was always because it was a mesh net it uh it kind of like cut into my skin not cut into my skin but you can you can feel this tension against your skin barbed wire hammock and like in in this episode, it did eventually,
Starting point is 00:51:27 like getting in, it became an ordeal of like, I'm moving too far this way. Like the balance on it, though I tied it between two corners of the deck. Like it didn't have its own stand. Ooh, deck lifestyle. I'm learning more about Henry. But you know, the hammocks,
Starting point is 00:51:43 they don't have enough cushioning you need to like what homer's got it's just you know you're laying against a tarp really like i i'd rather sit in an easy chair than well you can add cushions in there sure but then you go on to adjust the cushion and you're already dealing with more balance issues for at least for me these were my hammock issues and then in clearly he breaks his hammocks quite a lot as he deals with the hammock man very often as Homer excitedly gets a new hammock in our next clip. Hammocks! Get your hammocks! The hammock man!
Starting point is 00:52:18 I'm glad he's a little early today. The price is $10, but I must warn you, this is no ordinary hammock. Its webbing is a mesh of comfort and evil. You had me at comfort. Mr. Hammock, say hello to Madam S. ass. Huh? What the? It made another me! How cool is that? Wow. Hmm, no belly button. Shuttle's in the hangar.
Starting point is 00:52:58 You wanna be my slave? Outstanding! Yeah, there's no... I feel like the joke of multiplicity is with every copy you make they just get stupider but the homers come out of the hammock already as stupid as they'll get well they are starting from a pretty stupid baseline with homer too so do you think this hammock man is magic on his own or did he just happen upon a magic hammock that is cursed and is selling them is he does homer regularly see him and he sells him normal hammocks?
Starting point is 00:53:28 I want to know the story behind this hammock. He's like the guy from Treehouse of Horror 2 who sells the monkey's paw, just this mysterious merchant that sells a cursed object. Right. Oh, and the Chinese guy who sells Homer the Krusty doll as well the next season, too. And a coupon for a free Froger. Full of potassium benzoate. It's so delicious. It's bad.
Starting point is 00:53:54 You know, this episode also reminds me of the Gravity Falls episode with all the Dipper clones, Double Dipper, where he uses a copy machine to make clones of himself and one of them is called paper jam dipper because the paper got jammed in the copy machine and it's like like a deformed clone that makes awful noises yeah that's a great episode it is that's full of the kind of like how they get away with that on disney channel horror of like they kill all of the clones yeah it is kind of like a treehouse of horror episode oh yeah i gravity falls in general is like a big tree it's like treehouse of horror the series that's true yeah yeah it's uh they get into a lot of freaky stuff and josh weinstein even worked on it homer saying outstanding and shuttles in the hangar i know i'm gonna say this every episode as long as the guy works on the show but those both feel very dana gould pitchy me, especially shuttles in the hangar to represent a penis.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Will you guys stop saying Dana Gould so much? We're trying to summon him. Yeah, you know, Henry, I think you're right because yes, Dana Gould is just one writer, but I feel like as a performer, as a comedian who had been working for like 20 years, he is the strongest voice in the room and I think he's pitching the loudest.
Starting point is 00:55:03 I mean, it just feels like a Dana Gould thing to be like shuttles in the hangar like that kind of way of referring to to a person having a penis uh yeah so homer puts his his clone to work i like that he calls him ugly he's like yeah we're kind of ugly was like he's you and then homer when he sees him die doesn't care like he's just like well i had a good run like no it a recurring gag and it is that no one is disturbed at seeing homer die over and over again it's not upsetting to anybody and these are very funny drawings of dead homers uh just great drawings of homer in general very silver mini oh by the way uh homer genders his butt as female for some reason? Madame Ass. Like why? It's so smooth and supple and curvy.
Starting point is 00:55:48 He's turned on by his own butt. I guess so. Yeah, Homer wants to dump the corpse but he needs a second clone to do it. He then creates it. They dump him in Flanders' backyard and that leads to no problems at all
Starting point is 00:56:03 later in the episode. Is that why Flanders needs the chainsaw later no problems at all later in the episode is that why Flanders needs the chainsaw later he's gonna hack up the Homer corpse I know he says he needs it for a tree but also it's funny when Homer in the animatic when Homer denies clone number two the beer the the clone says me file grievance which I wish they kept that in there that's better than me need clone but that is how Homer decides he needs more clones than he clones himself and gets two more clones. And I also like that that is when Homer says, I think this could be a magic hammock.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Only after creating three new lives does he realize it's a magic hammock. And yeah, so this is when we see Homer doing all the things he can with his clones. Care for me? No, you got chores to do doors me need clone clone That's ridiculous. Where am I supposed to find it? Wait a minute Wow
Starting point is 00:57:03 Four of me I think this could be a magic hammock. And it just might be the answer to my problems. What do you think, Homer? Does this make my hips look big? Outfit good, Flatter's butt. Aw, aren't you a dear? Then after World War II, it got kind of quiet till Superman challenged FDR to a race around the world.
Starting point is 00:57:29 FDR beat him by a furlong. Or so the comic books would have you believe. The truth lies somewhere in between. Takes Homer way too long to realize the concept of this story. It's a treehouse. They got to go fast. This story that Abe tells, well, it's more of the reference to Superman versus Muhammad Ali, but also this tells me how Gene's back in charge because this is the plot of a Superman
Starting point is 00:57:57 versus the Flash race that happened around the world. Oh, okay. Yeah, it's the, and he, I looked it up like gene would have been in his uh younger than 10 reading that comic to see who's faster superman or the flash yeah can superman outrun the flash the answer is no the flash is definitely faster he's superman's pretty fast but he doesn't have the speed force that the flash has now the fdr uh beating superman in a race is funny uh a because he's in a wheelchair b because he's dead he's dead after the war he says this is after world you're right yeah uh and also i showed you guys in the the animatic originally marge asked if the
Starting point is 00:58:39 dress made her bust look big yeah and it sure does uh 2002 2003 we're getting horny for marge yeah we're paving the runway to the playboy issue she's in who well yeah i mean i was gonna ask this is definitely a more shapely way of drawing marge than she is normally drawn right i guess so i mean there's more um definition to her but i think proportionately she's about the same okay her her boobs seem bigger to me in the shot i wasn't looking there oh i see well she was indicating her hips so i yeah we should have been looking there i just again i said it before but the way marge looks at homer with like oh you dear it's like it's such a funny drawing of her that is not on model and then homer is also playing baseball with the kids uh
Starting point is 00:59:26 he's just being the batting tee essentially and the cut to him smashing the car with the bat is so funny like that's super silver mini too yeah just staring vacantly into space and he's smashing the car one-handed with baseball bat behind him just errantly hitting the car breaking random parts of it and bard's like me not notice which uh it's the only line bard has in this episode or the this act so they then go to marge uh dropping off uh her groceries with homer marge is so pleased that she whispers like i'll let you so we can only imagine what Marge is going to let Homer do uh this is when Homer jumps the line uh ahead of his clone and he's gonna have sex with Marge instead which yes that is it does ask some consent questions a little bit I suppose but as far as Marge is concerned
Starting point is 01:00:18 either way she's having sex with Homer but Marge Homer is sort of tricking Marge into having sex with him on some level here yeah but in more fun a more fun thing to talk about it's homer strangling homer which that was apparently like a silverman pitch to and he just drew it of like yeah they should strangle each other and they're too evenly matched which the dumb one says me concur i don't think we've gotten to homer making out with homer in a sequence. Have we gotten there yet? Or is it coming up? I think it's this season close to it. It feels like it's close.
Starting point is 01:00:49 So these are their fantasies are now being achieved. And also Homer exits on Suckers, which I feel like we haven't heard him do in a few episodes. They're more into the shaking fist instead of the Suckers exit line at this point homer also talks them out of a mutiny by saying i mean four not three uh to overwhelm him then we cut to an amazing shot of all of them working together on breakfast like it's really good oh man this shot yeah looks hard to uh coordinate i know it had to i that again feels like silverman there's good animation in the other two ones but this is the real like show off like let's let's push this as far as it can go kind of deal for sure like this feels on the level of a of a scene from the movie like of the the detail work in it
Starting point is 01:01:39 and everything and you know i also think with silverman back to draw the stupid homers they get to go back to the walleye homer, which they hadn't done in a while. Like slack jawed and eyes just looking nowhere. If only they had huge pupils as well. Matt Groening would be helicoptered in to shut it down. Shut down production until the pupil sizes are reduced 20 percent. At least one of the clones could have had huge pupils. We see a bunch of them.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Well, like slight differences. That's so this is funny in the animatic. I forgot to show that to you guys in the animatic 2 in the pan it's more obvious that they drew characters to look like season 2 homer season 4 homer there are a couple of bigger pupil homers wow that would have been great yeah it's there's only a couple that if you pause it you you'd and you're a mega nerd like us you'd say that's season three homer they drew in there but it's it's more obvious in the pan uh yeah they but i wish they'd have done more of it i agree homer is then uh asked to give back the chainsaw he stole to ned and he won't take a discover apparently discover card is bad or seen as a lesser card in part
Starting point is 01:02:43 because it often charges high fees for card acceptance to vendors. So that's another reason people don't take Discover. Now, I could be wrong about this. I'm sure someone will tell me if I am. But I think Discover is more for high-risk credit people in that you may have to pay off your balance every month. So if you have poor credit, then okay. So if you have a Discover, then that means you've got bad credit and people should want to let you buy something. This is just what I've heard.
Starting point is 01:03:08 And I will be corrected, I know. So let me know if I'm wrong. I've never had a Discover. I don't know any friends who, in my retail days, it was rare indeed when a Discover card appeared. I definitely remember taking charge of a few, but I was still like, huh, Discover. I don't see that all that much. I only see it on the door of an establishment saying we don't take this oh yeah get out uh but all those ads they were trying to say like no take discover anywhere we're great but in my notes i
Starting point is 01:03:36 have ned didn't say what he needs the chainsaw for so i think it is to chop up the homer corpse and it it is such a great joke that homer nods at his this was my biggest laugh of watching it is to chop up the homer corpse and it it is such a great joke that homer nods at his this was my biggest laugh of watching it is the way homer nods to the dead-eyed clone of him holding up the chainsaw and then he comes back with ned's severed head like the clone thought like oh you wanted me to kill ned with a chainsaw well i did it i pulled it off yes ned is murdered off screen it's a great reveal and this is where there is a really mean joke that they deleted from the episode that i showed you guys too yeah it was the cut family guy joke that they mentioned on the commentary because family guy uh had just been canceled a second time so family guy was canceled in its second
Starting point is 01:04:23 season in may of 2000 fox started burning episodes off that summer of 2000 but then reversed the decision in july give it a third season but then in may of 2002 was canceled again family guy not a popular show at all in these early years i didn't realize that it got canceled so early on yeah i forgot it was it was the year 2000 yeah oh my god yeah i think fox viewed it as just another they're like ah we tried to have another show and they they just killed it like i mean around that time they were killing everything in one season family guys i mean compared to say firefly or a million other shows like that family guy is lucky it got those couple second chances that gave them
Starting point is 01:05:00 enough episodes that made them worth licensing to Adult Swim to replay on Adult Swim which helped it get reborn and what what is the the joke though I forget what it is what does Marge say so at the dinner table or breakfast table it's the same table that Marge has Marge asks Homer what's on tap for the family guy and Homer replies don't ever call me that anyway so i will correct you and say the dinner table is not the same as your breakfast table in the simpsons household you're right yeah that jerk is so large is wrong in that scene too that's right yeah the the story of family guy is interesting because it happened that's happened more than a few times where reruns get a show so popular comes back i was just watching our friend Pop Arena.
Starting point is 01:05:48 I think this was part of their Nickelodeon Studios video. It might have been something else, but the research was that Rugrats reruns were the most popular thing on cable television, period. And Rugrats had completed its three seasons. That is why Rugrats came back and why there was a movie because they were like, we have to make new ones. For whatever reason, we didn't see this coming. These reruns are just the most popular thing ever.
Starting point is 01:06:09 We didn't know Rugrats would be this big. And it was after the show was canceled. It was bonkers how huge it got. And they because yeah, Nick Toons just moved on to a new thing. They did, you know, 52 episodes, I believe, of every show. And they're like, well, it's over. We're not doing more than 52. But Rugrats did so well they bring it back first for the Hanukkah special and then they start working on the movie
Starting point is 01:06:30 like the Klasky Chupo was doing pretty great in the mid-90s but yeah family it was the family guy got saved by Adult Swim reruns and the DVDs at the same time like they were just so huge that Fox decided we should first they thought oh then let's just buy american dad a new cartoon from seth mcfarland and then after they greenlight that they're like eh screw it let's have let's have new family guy as well and uh but yeah it's funny to hear on the commentary i think it's yardley brings up the family guy jokes and then Al Jean's a little sheepish because family guy is is now their friends or they're trying to patch things up and they're like, hey, Al, isn't this where we made a really mean joke about family guy? Yeah. And I remember even people who hated The Simpsons a lot at this time, like me, and people who made hating family guy their personality like me thought that uh yeah you get them when they saw this family guy joke that's coming up yeah i felt if i'd have seen
Starting point is 01:07:29 this one of homer being mad to be compared to the family guy i'd have loved it then one of my favorite jokes during this season is in the sideshow bob episode with the um calling him a forgery or a ripoff artist as well yeah the uh but now i you know it's like yeah i just don't have the energy to hate family guy and seth mcfarland actually does seem to be a better boss than most uh bosses yeah there there are so much worse shows and when i see people still trying to get mad about family guy uh in a very like active way like this is the year 2005 what's happening have you seen south park lately i also i just saw a i think it's relatively recent an episode of where family guy uh they do a joke of saying like lois says and we're not gonna cross over with the simpsons again you know
Starting point is 01:08:17 what did that get us i'll tell you what more ink for the simpsons and then peter replies like yeah look at the headlines simpsons uh lowers itself into the gutter simpsons like it was a great joke about how doing the crossover didn't do crap for family guy it just made the simpsons look like uh it just got more headlines for the simpsons i still haven't watched it don't that's what i heard yeah yeah don't do it until we reach it in a podcast in 12 years uh because it's like because also like they recorded this commentary in 2011 so they must have been maybe starting to plan the this the crossover doesn't come till 2014 and it was just them giving permission to family guy to do a crossover episode like it's not a simpsons episode it's a family guy episode the Simpsons are in, which happens a lot.
Starting point is 01:09:09 Their most recent, they actually did another crossover just recently where that Peter goes to the Belcher restaurant from Bob's Burgers and Homer's there too. Okay. And he orders a special. And then he says, oh, that's only for Emmy winners. And then Peter is forced to order something else because Family Guy is still not won an Emmy, unlike Bob's Burgers and Simpsons. I think they will eventually. But Harry Shearer, he sat that Family Guy episode out.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Although he would sit everything out. This was not because it was Family Guy. He's like, is this a main Simpsons episode? That's all I'm doing. I'm not doing a video game. I'm not doing voices for a Skinner doll. I'm not doing anything else. No, I have seen the Futurama crossover episode, and I liked it. It's been a while since I've seen that one.
Starting point is 01:09:55 I did see somebody point out that Bender is occasionally still drawn as being in the basement. Oh, really? That's cool. But yeah, so Homer,er shocked shocked at seeing ned killed and uh you'd figure in a treehouse homer would be slightly more of an asshole and let him kill a couple more people but ned's death is when homer decides to round them all up and basically recreate the uh scene from the end of casino of driving them out to a cornfield to shoot them and kill them they didn't make uh
Starting point is 01:10:25 the homers dig their own graves though yeah yeah honestly the only one homer this is nicer than treehouse homer normally is because he comparatively to the homer who's going to bash bart with a mace for ruining his cloning machine or his teleporter machine this homer is like he's only going to shoot the ones who know how to get home won't shoot them all you know uh even though this episode was way before this was released but it actually reminded me more of a looper homer shooting himself out in the cornfield oh yeah yeah i forgot that it is that is very similar the no time well time travels in act two no time travel in this one but yeah i refer to that film as a loopy movie. Have you seen it?
Starting point is 01:11:08 No. I've not seen it. We've got to watch it. I just did a slow turn to Nina after saying that joke. I was just staring at Bob. You got to take it on the loop. You got to go on the loop. Now, Homer telling them, come on, and then another guy raises his hand and you just blast
Starting point is 01:11:22 him with a shotgun. This is a very gun violence forward episode. Yeah. If blood exploded out of these clones it wouldn't be funny but also Nina I ask you this too as a Simpsons artist like how often is Homer drawn with a
Starting point is 01:11:38 belly button because it's like it's not that he's not but I when he looks at his stomach and sees no belly button I'm like how often is he drawn with one it's like Homer's dot nipples aren't always drawn on either when he looks at his stomach and sees no belly button i'm like how often is he drawn with one it's like homer's dot nipples aren't always drawn on either uh when he's shirtless no the nipples and navel are always there oh really okay i'm afraid to type in homer shirtless like his pants don't go over his navel oh okay i see all right but it's the chest hair that goes in and out right yeah usually there isn't chest hair that goes in and out, right? Yeah. Usually there isn't chest hair.
Starting point is 01:12:06 Okay. Only in like, I don't know, season one or two. Oh yeah, Henry. I'm looking at, I knew a scene with Homer shirtless. It's the Sharkboy flashback and he's got nipples and a navel. Oh, well, okay then. Yeah. They didn't just make it up for this one.
Starting point is 01:12:19 They never get rid of the nipples on Simpsons. You know, my eyes are always drawn to Homer's nipples, I guess, and I never noticed the navel on it. You love looking at the chest of characters, don't you? Didn't Mario just get nipples recently? Well, the history of Mario's nipples is an interesting topic. Oh my god. Are they fully rendered in the Mario film?
Starting point is 01:12:38 Are they fully rendered in the Mario film? You know, I don't think he's shirtless in the Mario film. No, he's not. But in Super Mario Odyssey, he does not but in in super mario odyssey uh he does have his swimsuit model of basically wearing like board shorts and nipples are on his uh hd model bob don't worry they're gonna make a sequel to that movie and we will see his nipples we're gonna see those nips i you know my uh my wonderful hubby uh dar, he got me a, he actually got me a figurine of shirtless Mario recently.
Starting point is 01:13:07 I'll show you guys. Spicy. It is the nippled Mario. Interesting. Yeah. But yeah, so Homer kills everybody, kills a few clones, chucks the hammock out the window, drives away. This is when the clones decide they're going to create their own clones.
Starting point is 01:13:24 And I like that one of the clones is smart enough to know to tie one into a tree, but ties the other into his own neck for the Xerox effect. And this is where, so in the animatic, I mentioned before, in the multi-Homer pan, you can tell more like, oh, that's season two Homer, that's off model Homer. And there is no Peter Griffin in thatin in that joke so they i don't know when it came in but in the animatic that's on the dvd that's dated january 20th 2002 peter griffin is not in the animatic in my peer group in amongst co-workers at the time that was the
Starting point is 01:13:59 one joke they would always talk about from this episode i mean because everybody hates peter griffin for i mean he is a homer simpsons clone like he's just he's homer who's even stupider and meaner that's pretty much what he is it's it's always jarring seeing uh someone with peach skin tone in the simpsons universe because even when they brought jay sherman over he was yellow yeah the when the king of the hill characters appeared they they had the the pink skin for the one yeah that felt weird too yeah it's that breaks a rule they should have to have you should be the yellow skin version of yourself if you're a caucasian yellow skin and an overbite oh i want to see the king of the hill characters redesigned to be simpsons characters and nina you're the woman for the job i can do it i can do they should have done that for that one gag
Starting point is 01:14:42 oh man that could go viral and earn you no money. And be put on t-shirts instantly that you'll get no money for. Nina knows a thing or two about going viral. You're a superstar of virality. I'm sure someone has already done this. But you do it better.
Starting point is 01:15:00 I know. There's a long pan that also includes, you've got king size homer in there and then it ends on an Ullman era homer saying the line he says from the football uh short from the second set of shorts and it is it's in the animatic too Silverman just drew it all himself because he knows how to draw Ullman era homer it's crazy to think that that homer when they drew it then wasn't even 15 years old now it's like a 30 almost 35 year old homer because it's 35 because it's 88 that short yeah you know i was looking this up to go back to hank hill and he appears
Starting point is 01:15:37 again on missionary impossible during the pledge drive thing for fox and that is where their first real family guy slam happens like betty white to something like cheap disposable programming and she walks in front of peter griffin and in the background we see other fox characters taking phone calls hank hill is there but he is yellow there that's interesting right he is yellow in that bender's on the law of the group too isn't he yes i think so so. Sorry, I can't see from here. Does he have the overbite? No, it's just the same character design, but they just gave him yellow skin.
Starting point is 01:16:09 Okay, that looks kind of weird too. It feels more like an oversight than an intentional choice to me. And so the homers run wild. They eat all of the food in a giant corn patch. Then it destroys Gil. Gil's like, well, at least i got my health he then is eaten down to his bones it feels like his little skeleton groan was added after the fact
Starting point is 01:16:31 in the his head goes down it's like ah in the animatic he throws his hat on the ground as a skeleton in anger i i kind of prefer his weak i thought they were gonna go um harder on the horror in this one and have him start eating everyone else in Springfield. They didn't do that. This is a lot less blood than most other. Like, this does not feel like a Merkin era of Halloween special. It could have been a lot meaner. Again, we're still cleaning up in New York City.
Starting point is 01:16:58 Oh, right. Yes. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, actually, with that animatic dated at January 20th, like, yeah, it's less than five months after 9-11. They all run into a Duff factory. They then all take a piss behind the Duff factory as well. In the animatic, there's a sound of liquid being sprayed in the aired version.
Starting point is 01:17:20 No. We know that's a no-no. And then Homer is spreading like comedy clubs from the late 80s and this is when lenny uh everything's destroyed except for mose and this is when lenny says he'll cover for homers because anything for homers and we can reference dana gould again who was performing in comedy clubs in the late 80s dana gould yes yeah he knows it uh he knows it firsthand the spread of them so here's another joke that was lightened up from the animatic. When Marge is listing all the things that makes it clear that the Horde are Homer clones,
Starting point is 01:17:53 she doesn't say rude to Patty and Selma. She says they chainsawed Patty and Selma. Oh, wow. You know what? I like the idea of the Horde being rude. Get ready for Las Vegas-style action at BetMGM, the king of online casinos. Enjoy casino games at your fingertips with the same Vegas strip excitement MGM is famous for when you play classics like MGM Grand Millions or popular games like Blackjack, Baccarat, and Roulette.
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Starting point is 01:19:21 your home cozier, and your world brighter. Find our Net Zero Hub at to patty and selma this mindless horde that's just eating everything on the path but they stopped just to be rude to patty and selma i think it's funnier than just chopping them up into pieces yeah i think so too but homer just replies like yeah it's a good group and he he does not admit his fault we cut back to the strange love war room which is this is like the third time they've parodied the strange love war room in the series i think i know sideshow bob's last gleaming yeah the big one you know well you know i'm getting it mixed up with in in deep space homer the their meat it has a meeting room for nasa but it doesn't look like
Starting point is 01:20:01 the war room this yeah you're right it's only it's only sideshow bob's last gleaming we get a kind of a dark joke about the uh the the vietcong uh which you know again the invasion of iraq is nigh the new the new vietnam for everybody else for our generation a new longer war to lose more expensive all everything but so homer reacts with out of dough to there being out of donuts not that he's horrified which that made me go kind of meh but that it gives lisa an idea to further the plot i do like that and they go straight from a strange love reference to an apocalypse now reference like they're just hitting fast with these references yeah i mean a bit on the nose with the flight of the valkyries you see a helicopter fly the valkyries fine but yeah but everybody but homer chasing all the giant donuts that's funny i like
Starting point is 01:20:49 that and apparently silverman wanted them all to fall into the gorge in the manner of barth the daredevil but he said it would just take too much time so they kind of do enough so you realize what the reference is i didn't um get the apocalypse now reference because i've not seen the film and i don't know what scene it's parodying oh all you need to know is that when a helicopter appears and you hear it dun dun dun dun dun dun dun it's from apocalypse now oh okay that's why whenever you see a helicopter you always hear that music you never don't hear fly the valkyries with helicopters now yeah it's a it's a good. It's a good movie. I think you should watch, if I were to suggest it,
Starting point is 01:21:26 I'd say even though there is a good director's cut, the scenes that are in it are like, man, it's too long. I never, I still prefer the original theatrical cut. Isn't it a pretty long movie to begin with?
Starting point is 01:21:36 It is, yes. I prefer Apocalypse Wow. Yes. Yeah, like I showed Bob the Guys and Dolls movie where Marlon Brando is singing and then he showed me that clip from the critic in return oh man it's brace lamarche or whoever doing that impression is has way more energy than marlon brando and guys and dolls oh yeah or or on the
Starting point is 01:21:57 set of apocalypse now uh so yeah the the yeah the falls are. And I like how when they come back, Marge, again, doesn't care about this math desk. She's just like, there's still some writhing and twitching, but that should stop by morning. Like, nobody's disturbed by this at all. But then we get a shocking reveal that no one could have seen coming. Thank you, General. That's a big relief. The Horde is almost dead. There's still some writhing and twitching, but that should stop by morning.
Starting point is 01:22:30 Good news. One handsome hubby is all I need. No belly button? You're a clone. Then the real Homer... First over Cliff. My homie's dead? will i go on you like back rub oh well we are in this era where they're always using licensed music and it makes me appreciate that
Starting point is 01:23:03 as evil as the disney company, they retained all of it. Because Nina and I have been watching a lot of 90210 because Friends of the Show We Hate Movies have a 90210 miniseries called 90210. It's on their Patreon. Check it out. It's great. But we noticed that when episodes aren't on Paramount+, it's because a character in the show sings a licensed song. Either it's karaoke, it's a joke, it's a performance within the episode. If it's something they can't replace with a library track, they just will not put it
Starting point is 01:23:33 on streaming. But Disney probably paid $30,000 just for that eight seconds of Crosby, Stills, and Nash. It's the downfall of so many shows. I'm glad. Simpsons is big enough to do it but you would think like i mean no i 90210 or melrose place reruns are not as powerful on streaming uh draws as simpsons so i can see why they don't spend the money on it and these these dvds sold so well that they never had to worry about that yeah yeah and it all unlike other dvds like like say the super
Starting point is 01:24:02 mario brothers super show nobody was gonna pay to license the incredibly popular songs that appeared on that like thriller or something they removed all the license music from the backgrounds of 920 and Merrill's place and replace him with like absolutely terrible like fake music from different eras that didn't yeah yeah like yeah cuz you think with like 920 they'd stick to music that sounds like it's from that era. But no, it all sounds like it's from the 2000s. It makes no sense. You'll see that, oh, this opening song used to be U2 or something.
Starting point is 01:24:33 And it's replaced by a Sum 41 sound alike. Oh, that's terrible. I haven't really watched Baywatch in a very long time. But I've watched a podcast on YouTube about how the Baywatch went through the same thing like it was full of licensed songs and even though Baywatch was one of the biggest things ever they still were like we're not paying for that Beach Boys song we're just gonna make up a new song for this scene I'm sure you watched Baywatch because you like looking at chests yes as you learned in this episode there are so many great chests in that show for both both genders no no but i'll admit it i want the the baywatch podcast
Starting point is 01:25:11 i watched was about the several episodes of baywatch where pro wrestlers were on it and and i watched it on a plane one of them and the and it's hosted by a woman this podcast but she's they constantly are talking about how like oh my god God, look at this shot of Pamela Anderson in this episode. The camera is leering at her. But I have headphones on and I'm watching it on a plane. And it hits me while I'm watching it. Like the person next to me thinks I'm just watching like a super cut of the sexiest scene to Pam Anderson on Baywatch. And I fear I'm creeping out the woman
Starting point is 01:25:45 sitting next to me. I had similar concerns when I was playing Fallout New Vegas on my steam deck on a flight and just exploding dogs left and right. Yeah but oh also there was an episode of Baywatch where they had on Little Richard as a guest and they hacked away all his scenes because he sings songs in them and they play Little Richardard songs so uh yeah it's but meanwhile simpson's big enough to keep all their songs and i i like that al jean even with hacky song choices is costing disney lots of money i like that i'd also say this look there have been many simpson's treehouse segments that end with this crazy twist ending hey you know what i accepted and it's better but they shouldn't do two in the same episode that's that i don't think act three should have the same ending it's a it's a nice
Starting point is 01:26:30 cheat to end your segment on a fun weird reality destroying blackout gag but it does get kind of repetitive though of course this is more anti-wife comedy here just like that uh wives just want a husband that'll give her back rubs she She doesn't care about the man she married. It should have been foot rubs. We know this. Oh, yeah. You know, positioning-wise, it's easier for Homer to just get behind her and rub her back. Well, Marge gets her back scratched in the third story at the very end.
Starting point is 01:26:57 Ah, that's true. So it's kind of a bookend. Marge likes, she has a back that hurts and she needs help with it. And like an extra Homer is shot at the end of the second segment. That's right. Yeah. There's a lot of connecting these. So that was Send in the Clones.
Starting point is 01:27:13 That was Mark Wilmore segment. This one is called The Fright to Creep and Scare Harms. Now, as someone who liked to get really mad about the Simpsons in 2002, I thought they're not even trying with these names. But then later I realized like, oh, it's supposed to be like a Crypt Keeper kind of thing. And I do appreciate this. I like how sweaty it is. Yeah. Yes. I love it. I also love hearing that they did it just to entertain Josh Lieb, one writer on the show at the time. Yeah. Brian Kelly, I believe is the writer for this one. He did that. I got to say, Brian Kelly is doing a Schwarzwelder impersonation on this entire act. Like, this is such... There's so many episodes in this time as Schwarzwelder's pulling back that just feel like,
Starting point is 01:27:53 oh, this is just a writer trying to do a Schwarzwelder thing. Oh, yeah. He would have loved writing this. For the longest time, like, if you'd asked me, oh, who wrote this segment, I'd have just guessed Schwarartzwater like it's full of impossible things and constant gun violence and cowboys also his name's on a tombstone oh right yeah man and and also it's about telling lisa she's wrong for believing something yeah yes yeah i guess hey why don't i play the jingle now but since it's the entire point of the segment take that lisa's beliefs
Starting point is 01:28:26 yeah and this really feels like a 90s chunk of writing in which they did this a lot back then and i don't know if they still do it today where the joke is we gave you the worst moral possible and that's why it's funny we don't believe. But now I think people are a little more careful with this kind of comedy because they realize like, oh, people think we're being sincere, and we don't want people thinking we endorse these ideas. Satire is dead. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:28:54 There's a famous t-shirt you can buy that says that that Nina has created. Nina also did our spookiest t-shirt, which is a shirt for a jingle we no longer play out of a sense of better taste. But shows I love like Strangers with with candy that was the entire point we're going to do a fake morality play and then give you the worst moral at the end but everything is so cartoonish and outlandish you realize you don't want to be like any of these people but then we eventually realize viewers of
Starting point is 01:29:21 tv are often not savvy enough to realize that yeah like think of the worst take possible and there's tons of people who believe it yeah they all think it's very i mean to the more you i i feel like social media killed it as well because people would write the comedy writers would write stuff as obvious as this or say like the colbert rapport on that the steven colbert character he was playing and then you get on social media like facebook or twitter and you see people thinking i agree with this guy finally somebody's talking sense like no satire is obvious enough for some people to get it and you i i get that a lot of writers probably feel like well it's irresponsible to let people not get it and you need to sadly though being overt is not as funny uh most of the time to just actually say i mean i hate when i have to compose a tweet where it's i have to waste
Starting point is 01:30:13 like 10 words on of course i do not believe this or and yes donald trump is a horrible person or what you just have to make these clear statements just so you're not then they ignore them anyways yes exactly so just don't don't try and i don't want to go over this too much but the baggage clinging on to the segment is the 20 years of gun massacres and especially uh children are the most vulnerable uh and a little girl who wants to stop guns is proven wrong and it it doesn't hit the same in 2023 we were just covering uh toy story 3 and i was thinking boy all these kids should have clear backpacks uh i feel like the toy should be on guard at this school you know locking the doors watching out for these kids we did pitch an idea in which toy story 5 the toys stop an active shooter in the school sadly i think it would put a lot of kids minds at ease because they have to go
Starting point is 01:31:05 through these horrible drills these active shooter drills and i can't imagine living with that fear as a little kid if anyone says kids today have it too easy uh imagine what's happening to them and in their schools you know our parents had to grow up with you know, nuclear bomb scare drills and stuff, that would, I mean, it probably did scare them, but it never was really going to happen. Or if it happened once, that's the only time it would ever happen. If you're going through active shooter drills, you can imagine, like, this might happen twice in my life.
Starting point is 01:31:39 Like, this will happen more than once the rest of my life. It felt like there were only eight relative years of child safety. And that's when Nina, Henry and I were all children. That is between the fall of communism and Columbine. It was the only time where you felt safe in a school. It's like, well, you're not going to be doing nuclear bomb drills and you're also not going to be doing active shooter drills. There was a real comfy eight years we grew up in, didn't we? Yeah. not going to be doing active shooter drills there was a real comfy eight years we grew up in didn't we yeah it's again this is why we're obsessed with also 9-11 as well on the show because it's
Starting point is 01:32:08 such a perfect like oh shit's not fun anymore i don't want to talk about this too much it's it's too depressing i just wanted to say uh this story it's a lot like uh lisa's wish in the monkeys paw halloween segment and the consequences of it they just took that idea and extended it yeah even the gun return thing like is the same yeah you're right it actually is very very similar to just like if we take away all the weapons and what will happen if someone uh who has weapons tries to attack instead of aliens it's old west zombies and kaiser wilhelm i you know i do again it's like this is satirizing it and ultimately they agree with what we agree with on that there is too much gun violence in America and something should be done about it.
Starting point is 01:32:48 But when you do formulate a story of like, here's why guns are needed. And if you didn't have guns, you can't protect yourself from a bad guy. I feel on some level they sort of agree with that. I think somebody kind of agrees with that, like at least a little bit. But well, that's that's the john swartzwelder opinion i guess yeah that's bleeding through here if they're trying to emulate john swartzwelder you have to emulate his conservative opinions as well i think when i first watched this too i conflated it with i didn't realize how production on tv worked at the time but i conflated it with
Starting point is 01:33:19 like bowling for columbine was coming soon like it was i i looked it up it was a it had like a con debut in may but it it had its american wide release in the fall of 2002 so i was like oh this is what everybody's talking about now like bowling cup for columbine came at the same time though i think definitely what happened was that they heard the early 2000 charlton heston speech famous for a cold dead hands line and they work backward from that i think i think that was the inspiration oh yeah oh yeah totally that you can easily get zombie from that that little quotation if you're trying to spin it into comedy i mean he's close to a zombie anyway when he's saying those lines anyway but yeah this and also this episode did feel a little bit like more their south park envy from the time like the way they're attacking us but the last little flaw i have in it is that this is supposed
Starting point is 01:34:09 to be lisa's segment and then they just hand the story to homer like lisa should solve this problem this is a lisa segment yeah and she's just proven wrong yeah ultimately uh ultimately it's about daddy tells lisa she's wrong there's not even it's not even one homer it's two homers yeah so so yes uh lisa and bart barry goldie the goldfish who died sometime in between the summer break of the simpsons between august and october and also this inciting incident with a dead pet in a cemetery not unlike the inciting incident in dial z for zombies as well uh but this is when they happen upon a uh a grave and not to spoil it folks but this is the accurate death date and age for billy the kid it's the it's the real uh ages for him and these are all celebrities for nina who loves westerns so lisa is inspired
Starting point is 01:35:02 seeing that line and even i did in even in 2002 i was like uh he's not a boyfriend he's a boy who happens to be my friend i was like yeah that's such a played out joke i guess they had the word dead in there to to mix it up a bit i suppose that changes it a little did you know who he was when the name no no no no i think most people don't know billy the kid's real name no i uh i'm only on Googling afterwards. Like, oh, they were playing it straight with this. Like, I mean, if you ask me to, like, name a famous cowboy, it's probably Billy the Kid.
Starting point is 01:35:33 I'd say it eventually. But, no, I forget if he was on Deadwood or not. A lot of, on the Deadwood TV series, a lot of famous cowboys came through town. Well, last podcast on the left had a great maybe four or five part series on Billy the Kid. And I believe his birth name was Henry. Oh, so he's faking a bit. Wow. Henry McCarty.
Starting point is 01:35:51 I should learn more about this guy as a fellow Henry. You just watch Young Guns. Oh, my. That 88 movie with Emilio Estevez. I've never seen that one. It's okay. I gave it like 2.5 stars on Letterboxd. Okay. Billy the kid did not appear
Starting point is 01:36:06 on deadwood according to my quick google search here but so lisa decides that she is going to campaign against gun violence after seeing this and uh she's uh this was another bit where i was like oh i think this is them testing the waters because the signs are so clearly digital write-ins after i wonder if this was their test of like, okay, can we just leave these blank spaces? How natural will it look if we want to write the sign gags as late as possible? It bothers me how the text does not conform
Starting point is 01:36:35 to the draping of the banner. Oh, yeah, the big red one. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, the text just exists in a different dimension. It's sort of like floating in front of it. If it was hand-drawn, I don't think it would have looked like that. Yeah. I feel like that one could have at least been hand drawn.
Starting point is 01:36:49 Like the protest signs. Those are cute. Like, I think my favorite is conceal love, not firearms. That's a funny. I mean, the show, Al Jean loved his rewrites and last minute additions. And I think the digital technology allowed him to do that more. But now I'm thinking because of the writer's strike uh that is considered writing obviously doing post-production writing and uh as of this recording futurama was just announced so whatever step of post-production
Starting point is 01:37:16 they're in they can't do any more writing it has to be locked in now yeah i think and i don't know if they'll make it worse or better i think there's a lot of productions that uh expected this was coming the the strike was possible and so they got a lot of things to be locked in ahead of time i bet futurama is one of those but yeah i mean we've seen showrunners that were being compelled to get back on staff to do the showrunning thing but uh like say the the executive producer of andor didn't do it because he says like well no this is writing like it's not it's not just managerial stuff when you are show running a show through final production anything you add to it is writing and that is breaking the wga strike rules yeah i was also reading and this is getting slightly off topic certain movies like quantum
Starting point is 01:38:02 of solace happened during the writer's strike so it was like hey daniel craig uh what would james bond think about this yes oh no wonder that movie sucked yeah yeah it was a big reason why same with that x-men origins wolverine was another oh man it's it is so bad i've seen that movie too many times because i lived with someone who loved that movie oh i'm sorry that's uh in my opinion the worst wolverine movie like it's bad but it's kind of a fun bad to watch i think i like i thought the blob fight was all right but the what a waste of gambit i had been waiting to see gambit in a movie for so long and he is oh yeah yeah canadian actor wow canadian actor playing the bayou zone and And then he played the lead in John Carter.
Starting point is 01:38:46 He's much better than that. Okay. Man, that guy, that's right. He was like the star of like five giant bombs in a row. Yeah, really bad luck. He's a good actor though, I think. He saved his John Carter money. Hold that John Carter money.
Starting point is 01:39:01 That moon money or Mars money. Good movie, by the way. It is unfortunate that it bombed so badly. Very awfully advertised. I did not give it a chance. But it was one of those movies that did so poorly. Disney just bought Marvel. They're like, ah, forget it.
Starting point is 01:39:17 Oh, so you haven't seen it yet? No, no, I haven't seen it either. I got to show Bob. At some point. It's fun. It's a lot of fun. Yeah, we'll have a lot of time for that movie. And our new condo.
Starting point is 01:39:26 That's right. New condo forever. No one else is doing it with me. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. Okay. It's all right. I got to get my arms around Mike.
Starting point is 01:39:33 The microphone's in the way. Yeah. Now, unlike the real world, in Springfield, when a child says we need to ban guns, people listen. They don't say, you're part of the deep state. Yes. Yeah. They don't say that you're being child trafficked.
Starting point is 01:39:46 Yeah. Oh, boy. I mean, yeah. What's frustrating about this is everybody agrees with Lisa as soon as she does it. I don't want to have these thoughts and feelings, but we just exist in the year 2023. I apologize. Yeah. It's like, look, it's not our fault.
Starting point is 01:40:00 But yeah, Lisa's speech here makes more sense than ever today. I dream of a world without guns. Don't we all, William? Lisa has a dead boyfriend. He's not my dead boyfriend. He's a dead boy who happens to be my friend. Mr. Bonnie, I'm going to make your dream come true. If not for guns, poor William Bonnie might have become a doctor or a senator.
Starting point is 01:40:28 Or a frustrated novelist. Sure. The point is, let's stop the madness and ban guns now. Yeehaw! The girl's right. I'm sorry. I can't live without passion. That's a good line.
Starting point is 01:40:48 I like that, too. That he can't live. He is okay with getting rid of the guns, but he just can't live without passion. And apparently this was a thing in L.A., this turning in your guns for money program that actually happened. That's what they're parodying here. The buyback program yeah yeah in uh in canada in 2020 uh there was a big mass shooting in nova scotia and trudeau our prime minister immediately banned like 1500 models of assault style weapons uh mostly
Starting point is 01:41:16 semi-automatic guns which has been contested a little bit because there's no official definition for assault style but they are working on a buyback program. They just need to figure out how much they're willing to buy the guns for and how much they have in the budget for that. Interesting. Wow, I didn't know that. So it is happening in Canada. Man, well, and I'm sure everybody in Canada loves Justin Trudeau for that very thing, right? He's treated very nicely. Well, the conservatives say he's essentially Hitler.
Starting point is 01:41:42 Yes, yeah. Of course. Sounds like he's essentially hitler yes yeah of course sounds like he's uh i i only know things about justin trudeau from listening to our friends on the uh michael and us podcast well i understand as soon as i cross the border they'll put me in chains metaphorical chains trudeau is not perfect but he's better than a lot of politicians i gotta say it seemed like he was really the best time for his marketing in the u.s was right after trump's election like he was really mark the best time for his marketing in the u.s was right after trump's election like he was really everybody was pushing like oh look north of the border how
Starting point is 01:42:11 great this other guy is like we well don't we wish we still had that i feel like it was like his first visit to america to meet with trump there were a ton of like didn't he like trudeau did one thing that people were like oh how sassy he really showed trump of like not shaking his hand at some point or something but well i'm not voting for him because i can't well maybe you can vote someday you'll be able to vote for like his son for the next generation of trudeau to be pm there you don't vote for a person though in canada you vote for the party yeah okay you're gonna have to explain multi-party uh voting to him because it makes no sense to us in america i don't have to
Starting point is 01:42:50 because he can't vote it's sort of like in valkyria chronicles when you level up the classes and not the individual characters yes right yeah exactly uh so uh but yes they do the gun buybacks there's a good joke of him saying not so tough without your gun are you snake slap oh oh I guess you are that's what I like about this job you learn stuff I like that Wiggum takes away a nugget of wisdom from that encounter I will say there are fewer shootings in Canada but there's a lot of stabbings still gotta watch out for the knives you can run from a stabbing I'll take my chances with a knife and you you can't, like, in two seconds stab a hundred people. There's also, like, you can't just, yeah. Unless you're the Tasmanian devil.
Starting point is 01:43:31 Let's talk about it. The thing with knives, though, it's silent. Yeah, that's true. That's true. You could sneak around, like, suddenly stabbing a hundred people and just saying. Sounds like people should be having guns to defend themselves. That's right. This is what I'm saying, people people shoot the knives out of people's hands
Starting point is 01:43:47 what we want pictures to know the most is that they're never safe you know you never except when you're in your house listening to our podcasts lock the door but lock the door hey yeah that was speaking of bowling for columbine that was one of those things like there's an entire like canada's so great section of that movie and he says he he alleges in it that people in canada don't lock their doors is this how true is that or not nina i'd say that's true in my experience really yeah i actually i remember watching that like a long time ago and thinking like oh in america everyone locks their front doors like i didn't know that and i was like i was surprised to see that it was a surprise to him it was it was news to me too as well i've seen enough true crime stuff where i know like
Starting point is 01:44:29 most serial killers just walked in an open door that wasn't locked really and i i catch myself locking your deadbolts when i've been yeah that really uh annoys me because i'm like opening the door and suddenly the the deadbolt like i come slams it closed from america what do you think is going to happen in my apartment uh i'm on the top floor lots of things could happen you gotta leave some of your american paranoia behind when you move uh it'll take a lot of therapy yeah i can't just stop at the border unfortunately so they're giving away all their guns for money including uh maggie has a giant stockpile of guns which makes sense because in the last episode we did she shot a bunch of people with her hidden shotgun uh or no it was a rifle yeah
Starting point is 01:45:11 yeah this doesn't even like come across like a joke anymore because you see like those crazy family photos where they show their huge gun collection and like all the kids have their own little gun collection yeah i know like it's madness the joke that bart has a giant box of guns it's like yeah people yeah i've seen it uh but i do like mr blasty that mr blasty is cute it's a cute little gun uh and then uh the the silliest thing for the real world to me is that the cops would ever disarm in America, like ever. That would never, ever happen. This is when we learn that Eddie has enormous genitals, which this is a tree house, so does it truly count?
Starting point is 01:45:54 Also, it's Lou. Oh, sorry, it's Lou. We don't know Eddie's genitals or if they spawned Nelson. I think Henry needs to write a note to himself on his hand. Oh, yes. Lou, huge dick. Eddie, his dick size unknown. Who's is bigger, Lou's or Ned's? I wonder, in a penis competition.
Starting point is 01:46:13 Oh, now you're looking at the groin. Yes, yeah. I can't stop thinking about these things, these cartoon characters. So they announced that they have got all the guns. They've turned them into slides. Ralph slides down a bunch of guns, a slide made of guns that almost shoots him in the head, which is pretty funny. A really good design in those, by the way.
Starting point is 01:46:34 That had to be extra, a real hard one for the background designers, the level of detail. I think so. Yeah, the guns aren't melted down enough. So you can just see barrels and other gun parts. I only know barrels, folks. It's not up there. It's not as detailed as the squirrel house, but it's close. Stocks?
Starting point is 01:46:52 Hilts? Sure. Scabbards? Sure. Help me out. I haven't gone to a shooting range in a long time. I forgot. Safeties! There, I named one more. There you go. I did notice, though, that when Eddie and Lou had in their guns, the hammer was drawn back on the revolvers. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:09 Which is weird. That's dangerous. It is. You know, when Homer hands over Mr. Blastie that's going to be shooting angels in heaven, he is holding it the safe way. His finger's not through the trigger. He has his finger drawn over it. Good trigger discipline. Yeah, trigger discipline.
Starting point is 01:47:23 Yeah. drawn over it. Good trigger discipline? Yeah, trigger discipline. I do always watch for that whenever people draw people with guns, like holding guns, or if they're posing with a fake gun or whatever. I always look for that trigger discipline. I see. Yeah, I only learned about that from... There was some right-wing crazy person
Starting point is 01:47:39 had a photo of at the gun range to trigger lives and people were telling like, this is incredibly unsafe. Your finger's through the loop. You shouldn't be doing that. It's important. And so this is when they pronounced the town utterly defenseless. If only poor William Bonney were here to see his dream come true.
Starting point is 01:47:57 Oh, but I am. William Bonney? Better known as Billy the Kid. Looks like the only guns left are in my cold, dead hands. Now I'd like you to meet the hole-in-the-ground gang, Frank and Jesse James! The Sundance Kid! What happened to Butch Cassidy?
Starting point is 01:48:28 What happened to Butch Cassidy? We're not joined at the hip, you know. And the most evil German of all time, Kaiser Wilhelm. He ain't a cowboy! Sure I am. Yippee-rippee-rippee. Okay, he's in. Now let's rob the bank,
Starting point is 01:48:47 give the money to the poor, then rob the poor and shoot the money. That does feel like John Schwarzwalder wrote it, doesn't it? Rob the poor and shoot the money. That absolutely feels like a Schwarzwalder line, as does the appearance of Kaiser Wilhelm feels very Schwarzwalder. The fact that
Starting point is 01:49:04 all the men were buried with their horses in Springfield. And I also love the little joke where the most evil German who ever lived is not Hitler. Yes. Yeah. I guess he's Austrian, but you expect them to say Adolf Hitler, right? Yes, I know. Yeah. You're all supposed to think.
Starting point is 01:49:18 Yeah. Do you think maybe they wrote in Hitler at first? Oh, maybe. Maybe they punched it up. Graining doesn't like Hitler jokes, too. Yeah. So and I was looking at that that Cold Dead hands thing up. in hitler at first oh maybe maybe they punched it up graining doesn't like hitler jokes too yeah so um and i i was looking at that uh that cold dead hands thing up it was especially addressed to uh al gore in may of 2000 because i'm sure even heston thought well naturally he's the next
Starting point is 01:49:37 president this is how it's gonna work that's right yeah which again they thought the the foolish thing on his part too was thinking that even if Al Gore got elected, he'd actually do anything substantial about gun control like would not happen. And he was holding a rifle as he said that part of the speech to show it off like this is what you're not taking from me. Right now I'm seeing it. I mean, I only saw that clip probably just on The Daily Show and in the Bowling forumbine movie of the the shot of it which they did and i mean didn't they even do it like basically on the dead bodies of the kids of columbine like which not like literally but they people were i felt like it too was a response to like you guys maybe should lighten it up with the gun talk after columbine and like no way harder than ever and charlton heston's gonna say it i also like that definitely the first time i watched it my when they said the sundance kid my first thought was like where's where's butch cassidy and then to know that the biggest dorks in the world would
Starting point is 01:50:33 say that they're like comic book guy is going to be the one to say hey where's uh where's just to know that like you're a lame-o like comic book guy if you're wondering where butch cassidy great movie by the way. I love it. I got to watch it before Duffless to understand the 10-second reference. Yeah, yeah. It's a fun scene. It does not belong in the movie at all.
Starting point is 01:50:54 It's kind of random, but it's fun. That was one I watched in my youth because of all the Simpsons references. Oh, really? Yeah. It was like I finally had to do it. And I love that movie, too. Yeah, it's been a while since I've seen it. I'll probably watch it again wherever it's at
Starting point is 01:51:10 by the time we get to Dufflis in about 18 months. This episode, though, full of great animation, especially in this scene coming up, Barney being kicked out and lassoed in twice, and then all of the piano playing and the celli playing that is perfectly timed out to the music yeah like the fingering the piano was perfect yeah i was gonna say nina you you have some experience with piano but do you have experience with piany uh no i wish i learned how to play
Starting point is 01:51:38 that kind of music i just stuck to the the royal conservatory program so it's all just classical music stuff so i did play for Elise, as Homer did. Everyone who learns piano has to learn that song at some point. You know, I looked it up at one point in my life, maybe a few years ago. I was like, what does... Is it Elise? Elise, yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:55 Okay, I was like, what does for Elise mean? I think it's Elise. What's that? I think it's Elise. Okay, what does for Elise mean? It means for Elise. Like, here you you go elise i did this for you i didn't know that until a few years ago it's a pretty straightforward name yeah i love homer playing the ragtime it's so fun how he's when it's peony and and yeah also great animation too on
Starting point is 01:52:18 them shooting up everything in the bar like though of course now i mean yes we're just gonna say it a bunch of times but seeing a bunch of guns being shot in a bar also is just like it's it's upsetting now as well i don't i almost said the word triggered but i guess it is it is triggering as well but yeah it's like boy yeah there's lots of mass shootings happen in bars uh America. But I guess it's really everywhere. It's like they could have put it in a mall, and it's like, no, that'd be in a mall too. Oh, yeah, you're not safe anywhere here. Yeah, I was mugged with a gun.
Starting point is 01:52:52 Yeah. It wasn't a fun zombie cowboy. It was just two guys. These cowboy designs, or the zombie designs, are great of their missing noses and their zombie horses. This is some good zombie art here and uh this is when homer well basically they hand the story to homer when really i feel like to write this at its best plot wise lisa should solve the problem instead of homer
Starting point is 01:53:19 that's piano i said peony you play the celly That's piano! I said pianee! You play the celli. You sing a song about cattle rustling. And you sing one about robbing banks. Caps in the field so you sneak up slow. Grab them by the tail and go man go. Break into the bank and snatch that dough. Please don't hurt our family. March, let me do a solo.
Starting point is 01:53:53 This could be my big break. I very much doubt that, Homer. These are horrible ghouls from the past. Hey, so are the Grammy judges. Ah! Badum-tsi. hey so are the grammy judges but i'm cheap and there's another really like uh statler and waldorf line in the next segment where like house of pain this must be where you pay the bill and then someone is immediately grabbed i yeah you're right it's it's the same back to back i
Starting point is 01:54:19 i also like a mean i mean i like a mean joke at the Grammy judges, but it's even funnier how Marge says, I highly doubt that, Homer. Like, what a great way to doubt Homer's idea there. I feel like these corny lines are pitched in their writer's room and they're like, oh, let's just put it in there and then point out how corny it is. If Homer is yanked off screen, then it allows us to do a corny joke but and get away with it by the way those horrible ghouls from the past voted uh for u2's walk on as record of the year in the 2002 grammys cannot name a single goddamn song walk on walk on record of the year oh i guess record of the years i know there's a difference i don't want to know what the difference is but album of the year was oh brother where are thou oh okay yeah well that i think that uh this was right after beautiful day
Starting point is 01:55:08 uh one i remember that one some grammys simpsons have never won a grammy maybe that's also why they're mean to the grammy judges because they've never won one but what are they going to win for the sing the blues i mean honestly like it wouldn't it would be no that album is no worse than other things that have won the grammy in that category you have a point you have a point not that it's like but yeah i think uh but yes bob famously uh does not know you two songs very well nina nina has tried has there been any progress nina teaching bob you two songs no no only if they have the name of the song is also many of the lyrics in the song then i'll know it they're very direct with their titles for sure yeah but uh see how homer gets grabbed he's given
Starting point is 01:55:51 the time machine to fix things by frank frank also his main job in any treehouse is just to hand somebody a piece of technology that saves a problem or causes a problem. But he's handed a time machine, and he honestly, his teleport back isn't dissimilar to the one from when he travels back in time in Treehouse 5. Yeah, time and punishment. What's weird about this, and I know they have four minutes to tell a story, is that when Homer goes back a few days ago, there should be another Homer there. Yeah, you're right. They should have double Homers in that.
Starting point is 01:56:26 But I think because they had more than one Homer in Sending the Clones, they just didn't want to write a scene where Homer has to stop himself also. Yeah, that's probably it. I do like, too, though, the teleporting animation where it's like him in a spiral. That's really well done.
Starting point is 01:56:42 I think that's some good stuff. This time machine looks a lot like the toaster it does yeah they basically put just put a clock on top of it to look like and it's a handheld single person thing to travel back in time and then frank just says what the plot of that episode is which is i hope he doesn't change anything in the past that affects the present in this case it for some reason gives him a egg beaters for hands which that also feels very swartz watery kind of choice now henry in the world of kitchen tools that is a hand mixer oh a hand mixer egg beaters are different okay well see i i think i think you might be i think you might be thinking about of a whisk oh i see yeah you're right what do you
Starting point is 01:57:21 think nina is that a hand mixer yeah yes you can use it to beat eggs i wouldn't okay don't want to mix and match so homer heads back he says hear me people of the past uh hey everyone that's us that's a good line but homer talks everybody into pulling out all the guns everybody is armed and they are marching down the street the animation of the entire like town with guns like that is really well done and highly detailed. I wonder if that was them, Silverman, also wanting to push the digital as far as they can. Can we get that level of detail on a giant mob all holding distinct guns and being specific characters? They pulled off pretty good. And then everybody is shooting zombies in their graves, which is also quite silly.
Starting point is 01:58:05 Just the constant shooting is very funny and all throughout this segment. Yeah. I honestly, I feel bad playing the clips of it though. Just like listeners don't want to hear gunshots in their ears when they're walking around in public places. I feel like. Oh yeah. Good point.
Starting point is 01:58:22 But yes, this is where Lisa learns the lesson that she is wrong. Another tragedy prevented by gun violence. I guess guns really are the answer. Hear me, people of Springfield. I come from yet another distant future where gun violence has destroyed the very earth itself. What is this, open mic night ha now to get me some caveman hookers you know what it would have been much better if it was just what is this open mic night cut to black that caveman hookers thing is i think i pulled that in cards against humanity once in my life
Starting point is 01:59:05 that's yeah it's to me i thought it was like that's a quagmire line if any line has ever been said so you know that that part reminded me that i actually once penciled a story for the mighty most is like number one which was a one-shot comic issue by bongo and the story penciled was about moe and barney time traveling. And they do get cavewoman girlfriends. Whoa. Wow. So we finally got to see it on the page thanks to your art. Wow. Although he says caveman hookers.
Starting point is 01:59:32 Hmm. Yeah, that's... Huh. You're right. Shouldn't he say cavewoman? I guess... I don't know. They're treating caveman as a genderless term.
Starting point is 01:59:41 I'm sure the writers debated this. Yeah, yeah. Should he say caveman or cave people cave people wouldn't be funny sounding just like referring to vampires as dracula's it's just funnier yeah and caveman is the shortest so it gets him to the it gets him to the funny word sooner which is of course hookers i'm laughing i'm laughing now see i prefer this this feels more like the scully aramo who is horny in a creep, a creepy horny guy.
Starting point is 02:00:07 Has sex with dead women. We've had jokes like that on the show. I prefer a Moe who never has sex and is miserable. Not one who, um, wants to circumvent, uh, ways of having sex with people.
Starting point is 02:00:21 I don't know the nicest way to say this, how they wrote Moe. There's a joke with a giant roofie. Yes. I's that was just two years ago yeah we didn't write it we're only reporting on it and again that's that's the bailey wick of quagmire you know i i don't want to see mo reach the level of quagmire is now uh dead so they have to pick up the torch that's true until he comes back in 2005 uh and wait quagmire died well no family guy is dead so they're like oh there's a gap for all of these sexual assault jokes on fox tv there's an opening it's time for uh you know what i'm not gonna say i was gonna say time for mo to enter
Starting point is 02:00:57 that opening there but i shouldn't say no god you're such a pervert today sorry it's this i blame the episode it's putting my mind in this place. The raunchy 2002 era. All right. It's time for our third act here, which, you know what? I like that for once. When has Dr. Hibbert ever been the main character of even one Treehouse segment? He never gets to be this.
Starting point is 02:01:21 I like he gets to be crazy. The Hugo episode. Oh, okay. Yeah. That's true. All right. I like he gets to be crazy. The Hugo episode. Oh, okay. Yeah. That's true. All right. I stand corrected. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:28 This segment spawned an entire toy set, play set, whatever you want to call it, from the McFarlane line. I believe one of them is like Homer and the Donut Machine from The Devil and Homer Simpson. And they made one based on this segment. It includes the entire family, Hibbert with with the mr burn stole around his neck and comic book guy in his ram form so there's an entire 2006 playset extremely out of print or whatever you call toys that are no longer being made but it exists and i've seen it there's barely like a plot in this it's just an excuse to draw these like fun designs which i do like a lot and there's so many when we watched it
Starting point is 02:02:05 again today before the recording i noticed new ones like the rooster wiggum and uh i think uh mayor quimby's a panda in this yeah yeah yeah chalmers is there but i forget what animal he is i was trying to figure out what he was yeah it's like because he's chalmers from the neck up like just his regular design but maybe he's got feathers. I can't tell. I didn't freeze frame and take a closer look. I was just trying to figure out as I was watching it. If I didn't hear it on the commentary, I would have missed the Skinner and Agnes combo in it. Because it goes by so fast.
Starting point is 02:02:37 But yeah, they had a lot of fun with this one. And now it feels like it was sort of fresh then. Now I think every cartoon, if it goes long enough, does an Island of Dr. Moreau parody. Now, do you think it was fresh? Because five years earlier, South Park had that Dr. Mephisto guy and Kevin, the little guy based on the little guy from the movie. And that was five years ago. No, you're right. But this is still funny.
Starting point is 02:03:02 But boy, they hit on this parody pretty late, didn't they? Yeah, you know what? You're right. But there were a lot after this one that did it even more but yeah this south park did it real soon after the 96 movie but then again in the uh one of the horniest batman the animated series episodes they did it even before it got a new adaptation in tiger tiger where cat woman becomes a literal cat woman i i did like that one and she's uh she's nearly as sexy as marge is in this episode too as a cat woman but again this is the sexy marge era 2002 2003 i think we needed it to heal after 9-11 let's give her a big breast let's make her into a cat let's get her buff what's what are her feet doing let's see them
Starting point is 02:03:44 let's draw her in a a tight dress at the start of this episode. It's also funny on the commentary, Castellanet is there, and he mentions working on some play with the writer who told all the funniest, crazy production stories on the Val Kilmer, Marlon Brando film, which sounds...
Starting point is 02:04:03 I've never actually... I've got to watch that doc the documentary of all this the island of lost souls i think it's called yeah yeah which is also the original name for the first film adaptation of it from 1932 starring charles lawton and bella lugosi which is what bart also calls where they're going uh they they land pretty quickly and uh they meet dr hibbert who actually gets to act crazy and fun in this one i just uh and yes as they meet dr hibbert they also meet their first manimal without uh and they're not really bothered by it tell me again why we're spending our vacation on the
Starting point is 02:04:37 island of lost souls hey what could be more fun than an island shaped like a big smiley face. Welcome to my island. Dr. Hibbert? But we heard you'd gone mad. Yes, completely mad. About providing top-notch vacation values. Willie, help them with their bags. Now, you may try to slobber on your crotch. Hey, I've been around Scotsmen. Willie, you know, Willie is a fun one to start with
Starting point is 02:05:14 because he's only, I'd say, 10% more animalistic and hairy than he normally is. Yeah, he's like an ape of some sort. Also, I was looking at the Chalmers drawing again, and I think he's supposed to be an orangutan or something like yeah i think he's just very ape like yeah he's one ape like dude that leads to a great joke later with homer but uh yeah the the himbert so himbert's gone completely mad on this island uh i'm i'm glad it's i think too this is another one where they just started with a title like they're gonna call call it the Island of Dr. Blank.
Starting point is 02:05:46 It would make sense for Frank to actually do the sci-fi stuff that's in this. But he would be the Island of Professor Frank. The only doctor they have is Hibbert. Dr. Nick. Yeah. Oh, well, shoot. That would have been funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:59 Actually, he'd be the guy doing all this weird medical experiment stuff. It's forfeiting. Well, actually, you're right. Boy, this is a better rewrite here. They do a quick little joke of walking through a scary forest and we're seeing eyes, Scooby-Doo style eyes in the darkness. And one set of eyes eats another set of eyes. Kind of Garfield-esque eyes. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:21 Apparently that was a very weird David Merkin pitch for a joke. And it was a challenge for the animators to execute that and i think it kind of works i think it works i like that it has a very looney tunes like sound from the the dying pair of eyes it gets eaten i like any variation on the the eyes floating in the darkness gag which is that's been intrinsic to the simpsons from like the second short hey they love eyeballs in the dark and it's um it's nice for the animators to get a bit of a break yeah did you ever get to draw any comics where characters turn invisible so you don't have to draw anybody i don't think so uh that's uh i think of that from uh there was a red and stimpy comic when i was young that was like the issue was called the the the artists take it easy kind of issue. Like there's one issue, they transform,
Starting point is 02:07:05 they become invisible for like eight pages of a comic and it's just word balloons on the same background. There was a new episode of Beavis and Butthead we just watched recently. I think Lou Morton might've teased it on our interview with him. I can't remember, but Beavis and Butthead are in the dark for about two minutes
Starting point is 02:07:20 and there's not even floating eyes in the background. And I think the joke is, you think they're going to find a source of light, but they don't. And you're just looking at nothing but darkness. I got to catch up. I got to catch up on these before they're delisted from Paramount Plus as well.
Starting point is 02:07:33 Nah, they're doing pretty good. I don't think they'll get delisted. They're not going to be thrown in the Pluto TV slot pile. They go to dinner. This is when they really luxuriate on a long frank scene i think animated by silverman himself this little bit here it looks especially the way his head flops over it looks very silver mini yeah this was disturbing to me well that he was cooked fully and is still talking and him saying up in my popic that was the part that disturbed me the most that is yiddish for belly
Starting point is 02:08:02 button by the way oh okay. I'm less disgusted. Hey, more belly button talk. I'm disgusted by all this talk. Me too. But yes, he's being hacked at as he's the delicious nerd. Well, I was thinking of also Bob is having to see a lot of bird violence in this third act here. Yeah. It's fine.
Starting point is 02:08:21 I mean, he's already been cooked. Well, it's not as bad as the bird violence coming in a couple of that's fine it's tasteful cats actually do that and they should be stopped so so marge goes on uh some sleuthing of her own and this is where it feels like oh this could be a marge episode but instead in the end it just becomes another homer episode he's the main character of all three acts this is when marge actually gets to be funny for once house of pain get ready for las vegas style action at bet mgm the king of online casinos enjoy casino games at your fingertips with the same vegas strip excitement mgm is famous for when you play classics like mgm grand millions or popular games like Blackjack, Baccarat, and Roulette.
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Starting point is 02:10:15 Why am I always so funny when no one's around? Oh, I'm around. What's up, honey? Want a little lovin'? Quite a tiger there. Easy, easy. Oh, I guess it has been a while. Okay, okay, that hurts more than it tickles.
Starting point is 02:10:45 Quiet, youse. Isn't vacation sex always the best? Marge, you were like a wild beast. So voracious and prowly. And I've never seen you use your tail like that. Oh, my God. she's become a monster which i have to admit i sort of suspected during the sex the the thing about bart throwing the boot could be a reference lost to time i just know it as in in olden times when cats were in heat outside of your window you'd throw a boot out the window because they're meowing all night yeah pick up your old boo like shut up you i think uh i think the first sylvester cartoon when
Starting point is 02:11:29 he's got a big red nose has that same plot line you know i conflated with that and also it was a running gag in garfield of giant boots being thrown at him though of course garfield not for being horny no usually it was him doing his uh his stand-up routine on the fence posts, I believe. You know, it didn't make me laugh when I was watching it, but Marge's feline sounds are very funny. I could just imagine, like, I don't know, 58-year-old Julie Kavner having to do all this. And the director is like, no, hornier, hornier. And now do the sound of a boot hitting you. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:02 I also love how Homer is describing her in all these ways that it's obvious she is a cat and he had sex with her just like so proudly like who says so proudly like i but yeah when i when i remembered the images from this episode i forgot that i thought like oh yeah this is a horny episode because they turned marjorie to a sexy cat lady but it's not just that she instantly has sex with homer after becoming a sexy cat lady. But it's not just that. She instantly has sex with Homer after becoming a sexy cat lady. Just to make it extra horny for this episode. And Ned Flanders is milked.
Starting point is 02:12:32 Yes, yeah. I have a stupid tangent, by the way. I have a question for you. Oh, you're in the right place. Oh boy, okay. Oh boy, stupid tangent. Bob and I, or I showed Bob Justice League Doom and there's Cheetah in there,
Starting point is 02:12:46 like Wonder Woman's nemesis. What is the deal with her? Is she just like a good fighter? Where does she come from? Well, there's a lot of answers to that. Is this too long? First thing you need to know, eight nipples. No, well, traditionally with Cheetah,
Starting point is 02:13:00 when she first appeared, she's a more evil cat woman who was a lady who put on a cat costume. Okay. And then has magic nails that can... She's not as strong as Wonder Woman, but her claws can scratch her properly. And then by the 80s, they decided they needed to upgrade her from lady in a cheetah costume to a full-on furry.
Starting point is 02:13:20 And so then she became a furry and she's faster than Wonder Woman, but not as strong, but her claws can slash her up. But where does she come from if she became a furry and she's she's faster than wonder woman but not as strong but her claws can can slash her up but like where does she come from if she's this furry she made into that uh yes she i believe was a fashion model our fashion designer who then transformed into a cat person out of uh anger towards wonder woman it's kind of similar to her they adapted a little bit for her origin in Kristen Wiig playing her in that second Wonder Woman movie. Oh, I was wondering about that.
Starting point is 02:13:50 Yeah, yeah. Basically, she's jealous of Wonder Woman and then blessed by the gods with the power to kill her. Yeah. You know, you hear about these things that activate people into becoming furries. I mean, they realize like,
Starting point is 02:14:01 oh, I really like this. It's, you know gadget from rescue rangers is a big example of that minerva mink people's kids see that like i love this i wonder how many now 30 some year olds watch this segment and realize i i love cat marge and i need to talk to more like-minded people about it i wonder i would bet it's it it furthered it along too same with like for our generation it was also like sally acorn too oh yes absolutely the the naked rat see i yeah i think the trick of it was or squirrel what the hell was she oh acorn yeah i would fit with squirrel yeah but i think the trick of it was
Starting point is 02:14:36 that in the 80s you were allowed to have all of these nude male furry characters but they were not drawn in a sexual manner like you know chip and dale they're just little roly-poly guys like you're not to say you couldn't find them attractive i suppose but the the point of them wasn't to be sexual objects and so then hornier animators and especially in the 80s in america they design female characters to follow the same rules same like sonic the hedgehog like well sonic the hedgehog's naked so when we draw sally acorn she just won't be wearing clothes either but then they give them the lines of a more shapely figure than a cartoon male character now what made sal okay we're gonna talk about sally acorn real quick here what made her seem naked is the fact that
Starting point is 02:15:22 she has no clothes but she does have boots oh and that makes her seem naked is the fact that she has no clothes, but she does have boots. Oh. And that makes her seem like she's missing clothing. But, you know, Gadget, she does wear full pants. Like, she has pants on, unlike the rest of her team. Like a jumpsuit. Yeah. Monterey Jack doesn't wear pants.
Starting point is 02:15:37 He's free. More free than her. Yeah. To be panatic, by the way, i think margie's supposed to be a panther not a cat okay a puma maybe a puma the claws do more damage than a regular i like how even her ears moved up and and also that her hair is everywhere on her too well just because um when the characters are transformed into the animal they're supposed to be there's the size changes accordingly as well right oh yeah panthers are darker so yeah i guess but march's hair is blue i don't know i think this
Starting point is 02:16:09 is a we can't ask kevin coran unless we have a seance oh um the funko pop of her it says panther march okay then we've got it well there we go that's that's as real that's as good a cover for it as any for sure yeah i bet in his final days, he signed off on that. No, I mean, honestly, he probably learned about it when the toy came out. He's like, oh, I guess they made a toy of this and I didn't get any money. By the way, remember when April O'Neil became a cat lady? Oh, yeah. Who could forget?
Starting point is 02:16:39 I think that activated a few people. Oh, and we covered the Gargoyles episode where Elisa Maza became a Gargoyle lady as well. This entire podcast network is going to turn me into a furry. We're pushing Bob farther and farther towards it. I'm just typing in April O'Neil cat.
Starting point is 02:16:55 Okay, yeah. If we do the Animaniacs again and do the Minerva Mink episode, I think that'll be the final nudge. The problem is the horny fan art of that one episode outweighs the actual art from the episode of i think that'll be the final final nudge the problem is the horny fan art of that one episode outweighs the actual art from the episode of april o'neill i only know this about april because i know someone who loves ninja turtles and he loves cat april you know for
Starting point is 02:17:15 and they didn't make a toy out of that too for ninja turtle fans who read the archie comics their favorite furry was they made up a japanese ninja fox girlfriend for rafael in it who's only in the archie comics yes look up look up rafael's ninja girlfriend i've already Googled too many things i'm gonna look this up but uh but yes they homer it finally hits homer when he sees marge kill a bird with her mouth and just rip it apart and uh so yes homer heads off uh to and as he's exploring he comes across ned even al jean on the commentary has to admit they're like gee where's this joke going when the top half of ned is sticking out of a stable we all know where it's going i do love how homer said uh when homer is doing it ned says you're actually quite gentle when you want to be like
Starting point is 02:18:01 that's that's very hot uh reply to nina showing me salacious furry arts umeko that's her yeah yeah that's her yeah why is a turtle getting with a fox i don't like this uh you know they it's uh there's a lot more furries actually i think she's supposed to be a tanuki oh okay i think i feel depends on the uh actually i think she's a tanuki i feel like one of them's a kitune. Maybe that's a second one. What are we doing here, folks? Sorry. Let's get back on track.
Starting point is 02:18:29 This is about furries. Right. Raphael. Girlfriend. Ninjara. Yeah, Umeko with her codename Ninjara. Yes. So yeah, you know what?
Starting point is 02:18:41 You're right. I think you're right that she is more of a tanuki than... Yeah, I think it is a Tanuki. I'm glad we cleared this up. The guy who wrote the comics was really into her and would not sign off on the rights for her to appear in other stuff. He has partial ownership so she can only appear in the old comics. He's like, only I get to draw her.
Starting point is 02:19:00 I learned this from Mike Carlson from Podcast Right, who's an even bigger fan of that era of the ninja turtles comics than i uh but okay yeah so homer milks ned gives him a good squeeze i think we as a society don't talk about this scene enough and that's really enjoying it yeah he's like like yeah he's having a good time. And then Homer gets to ride him. Al Jean also really loves the song The Lion Sleeps Tonight. Like, the critic sings the song as well. Yeah, there's a very long scene in Sherman of Arabia, I think the episode is called. Yeah, yeah, when they went to Iraq. And in this case, Homer sings it until we end up with all the animal hybrids.
Starting point is 02:19:43 You know, another of my favorites is they could have turned snake into a snake, but they make him a skunk, which I think that's much more clever. And one thing they missed because this term did not enter the lexicon until maybe a few years later is that Edna is a leopard. I feel like they totally missed the joke of making her a cougar, but we weren't talking about cougars on TV in 2002. My first thoughts here is like, oh, it's a cougar. Oh, wait, no cougars on tv in 2002 my first thoughts here is like oh it's a cougar oh wait no that's not that's not a thing yet it hadn't been entered the real lexicon
Starting point is 02:20:10 uh we were uh we were on the way to cougar town there was a few exits off the off the freeway there's a really old uh bongo comics one-shot comic called edna queen of the congo and she's like in this sexy little oh wow. She's like a jungle woman. Yeah, I remember that. Definitely Bill Morrison art. Yes, yeah. Well, I could totally see from Morrison's generation being a fan of Shauna the Sea Devil
Starting point is 02:20:35 and those kind of comics. So they turned Edna into that. Check that out, Bob. Bob's doing a double take. Ooga! I thought you were going to do a spit take. I wanted a spit take. wow january 1995 i was the perfect audience for this yeah it's super old yeah no it's uh i i remember reading it i think it's on the flip
Starting point is 02:20:55 they did a flip back uh backups in the first years of simpson comics i don't know how long they kept doing that if that was in your time, Nina, of backups. There's the main story and then an eight-page backup in Simpsons Comics. Oh, I think they kept doing that. Okay. But yeah, they had fun with this one, you could tell. I was glad that- Just a horny, kerbopple comic. It definitely seemed, when we interviewed Morrison, it sounded like the first couple
Starting point is 02:21:21 years of Bongo especially were really hard to get that many books out. So I'm glad at least that they got to have a lot of fun with weird backup stories like that one. They also did one in the first year. I remember that they took the one-off joke of Otto's vampire killer comic and made it an entire eight-page story. Oh, really? Yeah. It was a fun one. Anyway, everybody's an animal.
Starting point is 02:21:46 Hear me, accursed brethren. I understand that some of you are still wearing tattered pants. Please throw them on the bonfire and embrace your animal essence. Okay, but I'm keeping the tattered vest. I still have my dignity. Hey, slops.
Starting point is 02:22:06 Ooh, a toenail. I can't my dignity. Hey, slops! Ooh, a toenail! Ha-ha! I can't believe it! Hipperts turn you all into human guinea pigs! We prefer Italian-American pigs. Hey, Dad, check it out! Eat my... shorts! Why, you little...
Starting point is 02:22:24 Maggie! Lisa! shorts you little maggie we were just playing what game let's eat maggie now uh they were at least savvy enough to not do a parody of marlon brando's little mini me because south park did that first and then austin powers had mini me mini me is a parody of that little character from the island dr moreau i totally forgot about that until now they at least knew like well we can't do that because marlon brando just fell in love with this uh smaller actor and yeah and insisted they film together you know i really hate that they use luigi as the prop for all of their jokes about political correctness like they it's it's one of the real negatives of the gene era i feel like anytime they want to say like oh political
Starting point is 02:23:16 correctness gone awry it usually is about italian american stuff and luigi i think it's also because they can't say the other slurs on fox yeah that's it that too i you can say the many italian slurs on fox in 2002 i also didn't know that guinea pigs are called cavies really that's another name for them a british person would call a guinea pig this it's it's the other name for them on uh on the wiki page i think it comes from their their scientific name and it's shortened to kvs though that's not as cute to me uh to me as guinea pigs i i also like how long it takes homer to read eat my shorts there's a couple bits in here that feel like them mocking uh season one style bart stuff
Starting point is 02:23:57 one of bart bringing back eat my shorts and then also the star of the episode when he's pretending to be maude he's like chill out dudes it's me bart simpson like i guess i guess that's what bart says bart says chill out dudes and uh yes uh maggie is a cute anteater that's almost killed by lisa so this is when homer kind of takes over the episode as the main character and he gets to make the speech oh and i do like the comic book guys identifying the thing that happens in all these types of stories of like so do they still wear their tattered clothes or do they leave their clothes behind renouncing humanity and he's bringing up the like you guys you're still wearing your tattered clothes we need to move past this yeah most dogs just hate wearing sweaters so i feel like once you enter animal form you're just tearing that stuff off of your body but he specifically says the
Starting point is 02:24:42 pants he's fine with him wearing like vests and whatever i feel like the next stage is getting rid of the vest too it's disgusting but hearing wiggum say slops instead of slop makes it funnier than me it's it's funnier they call it slops so homer talks to all the animals and invertebrates and uh they actually do kind of believe him and he said they refer to him as a half gorilla he's a quidgy bow they think that he's already transformed so then we get another gene taking his shot at his master's bit here it's mr burns with a fox attitude uh that's based on that when they took the show uh the critic season two to fox they were told to fox it up bring in that fox
Starting point is 02:25:26 attitude which gene says uh meant more fart jokes yeah yeah just like lewd humor the only joke in this that made me full-on just like is disco shrew like it's made it's meant to make me grow was it was it written backwards from from that joke there you know we thought a disco shrew okay let's do island of dr moreau let's go backwards uh but yes this is when homer this is when homer changes his mind now i admit i made a few mistakes but all in the name of progress it's mr burns with a fox attitude about it, my hideous children. Aren't you better off now than you were as humans? Me gusto, Paul, and disco shrew can steal boogaloo. You guys are nuts!
Starting point is 02:26:18 All you can do is eat and sleep and mate and roll around in your own filth and mate and eat. Where do I sign up? So how do you like being a walrus, Dad? It's great. I haven't been this skinny since high school. Homie, someone owes me a back scratch.
Starting point is 02:26:49 Look at that island shaped like our number four makes you think you know I feel like there should have been a lawsuit 20th century Fox television versus view askew productions because this is the plot of Tusk holy crap that was in my notes too yeah it really isn't but one element is the same and that's enough for a lawsuit it's uh yeah fox
Starting point is 02:27:11 i mean they should be they're not gonna get much money out of kevin smith but that's one movie i couldn't finish it was just too bad every detail i heard about i was like no this sucks too hard i can't and if the and and of course this is not to say that the last two movies he made weren't also not good but they're in the view askew universe world so i can at least attach nostalgia to them meanwhile like well also like something about seeing justin long playing a uh ridiculous podcaster in uh that is in no way like the life of a podcaster also kind of bothered the store i mean the story of that movie is he pitched it while high on a podcast no good ideas begin there uh kevin smith
Starting point is 02:27:51 now is he's off the green he's off of it completely it sounds like he's in a better place yeah i think uh yeah he really he was doing too much it makes it sound like he's dead he's playing catch with uh mark wilmore and kevin coran yeah kevin smith's never been. He's playing catch with Mark Wilmore and Kevin Coran. Yeah, Kevin Smith's never been more alive than now, really. But no, the reveal. So again, act one ends with Marge going like, oh, this is crazy. Actually, I like it. Same deal with Homer here.
Starting point is 02:28:18 Like, this is crazy. Oh, I actually want this. So how does a walrus Homer have sex with a cat Marge? I'm curious how this would work. Maybe they don't. Well, they are both mammals, but, uh, so, you know, good points. Yeah. So sorry. The last bit of deleted scenes on the DVDs, there's only one color deleted scene and they
Starting point is 02:28:38 made the right pick by deleting it and adding Kang and Kodos. Kang and Kodos originally not in the episode at all. This was a retake. The original last scene was after Marge is enjoying having her back scratched. It then pulls back to show Hibbert watching it. And he's like, he is happy that, oh, sorry. Marge first coughs up a hairball. So they have that joke. And then Hibbert cackles like, they're all enjoying it.
Starting point is 02:29:02 Now to change them all back. And then it blacks out and that's not as funny as kang and kodos just appearing for no reason and then yeah a good choice and that makes sure they're included in this special yeah if they weren't in this part there would have just been no kang and kodos the whole episode by the way here's a picture of a walrus penis bone well nice okay it's enormous i didn't know a bone was attached to their penis. There's a lot of animals that have a penis bone. I think there was a recent news story.
Starting point is 02:29:33 You guys can look it up out there. It's real great. This public beach, it was a real problem because this walrus was masturbating on the beach and it wouldn't stop. It wouldn't stop. Is there video footage oh we're gonna
Starting point is 02:29:46 look it up now oh man but yeah it was a new story i think like in the in the winter or something i'm gonna get the fbi called on me for yes uh actually it was new year's eve walrus public masturbation ruins new year's eve celebration um a masturbating walrus shut down new year's eve fireworks in a uk town because town officials didn't want to wake him from his post jerk off nap oh boy was it using its flipper i'm pretty sure that's how it works wow yeah man i here i thought it was just uh i thought the flippers were just used for innocent belly slapping nope nope they're slapping other things oh boy uh and yeah i'm looking at a title uh english town cancels new year fireworks for arctic walrus only for it to masturbate in public and leave well i'm glad it left homer's homer is up to i mean it's not just the mating it's
Starting point is 02:30:38 the masturbating yeah yeah so it can reach itself down there huh yeah yeah well it is pretty big that's uh oh yeah well with a bone that big it can reach the fl there, huh? Yeah, yeah. Well, it is pretty big. Oh, yeah. Well, with a bone that big, it can reach the flippers. Apparently, it was a lusty old walrus named Thor. Oh, and a name. Yeah. Oh, man. Wow. Well, that's fun.
Starting point is 02:30:55 Well, I don't think we can top that. No. This podcast is over. Yeah. You're glad I can vividly recall walrus masturbation news stories. Oh, hey. is over yeah you're glad i have can vividly recall walrus masturbation news stories uh hey here i here i thought i was gonna have to imagine how walrus could have sex with a cat woman but now i i have a good idea he doesn't need to oh i'm seeing a photo of this now okay oh wow i'm not gonna show you thank you uh but uh one the outro music is apparently meant to evoke the adams family
Starting point is 02:31:23 music a little bit or that's what they say honestly it doesn't feel like it just feels like they just added harpsichord to the instrumentation of the the theme yeah and it's not like the other ones where it's like oh this is clearly them doing the snaps yeah the snaps or when they did the monsters like obvious surf rock kind of style not not the same here but yeah this is uh animation wise this is about as good as it gets in the show these none of these uh as scripts feel like standouts to me if i had to pick my favorite of the three i actually think it is the guns one no really i think well as far as writing goes i think it's a funny the funniest idea as as executed the clones to me is the is the best of the three yeah
Starting point is 02:32:04 i think i enjoy that one the most in terms of animation this is this is a strong start to the season i think uh and i love the full return of silverman i mean he had been a producer throughout season 13 but here he really gets to shine and he doesn't get to direct many more episodes after this so it's great to see him doing what he does best nina what uh new cond forever, by the way. New condo forever. We're going to end the show with it. I'm doing the arm thing. Yeah, I'm doing it too. What did you think of the episode?
Starting point is 02:32:29 It's okay. I would say the script is kind of weak, but visually it's fun to watch, especially the animal stuff at the end, all the homers. I guess the middle one, it's all right. There's some cool design choices there. Yeah, it's fine.
Starting point is 02:32:46 Shooting zombies with guns and they just run off into the sunset. That's pretty funny. I like seeing that. But yeah, no, I think this is, I'd say this is better than the previous year's Treehouse, which, though the smart house killing everybody was pretty fun. Yeah, what else was in the previous one again? Boy, it was a smart house. It was the Leprechaun.
Starting point is 02:33:05 Oh, Harry Potter. Oh, yeah. Way better than the Harry Potter one. Yes, absolutely. Agreed. But the smart house and the Leprechaun, those were good. Those were on par with this one. Just Harry Potter was so crummy.
Starting point is 02:33:18 I'm glad they did not pick a just coming out movie or book to book to parody uh this year better choices all around nina matamoto thanks for being on the show and let us know where we can find you online and what you're working on you've got a lot uh going on right now uh if you go to you can see my art and go to slash links to see me on your current social media platform of choice. Lots of people are leaving Twitter still. I'm still on there. SpaceCoyote, that's SpaceCoyote with an L at the end instead of an E.
Starting point is 02:33:52 And I design video game merch for Fangamer. So go to sort by artist and click on my name. Most recently I designed merchandise for Ace Attorney, Dead Space, and Spirit Farer. Awesome. And folks, we don't promote it enough, the Honor Tee Public,
Starting point is 02:34:08 full of t-shirts also designed by Nina, including the brand new one this year that we referenced earlier about how The Simpsons didn't predict anything. It's satire is dead. It's true. It's a great, great design. Perfectly summed up via t-shirt.
Starting point is 02:34:20 But thank you for being on the show, Nina. Yes, thank you. Thanks for having me. Although we went to some strange places here. And I that henry is a big pervert yeah hey whoa some of us knew that already uh but as for us if you want to check out more of what we do and get these episodes one week at a time and at free please go to slash talking simpson sign up for five bucks a month when you do that you get the advanced episodes and also access to everything behind that five dollar paywall that includes monthly new episodes of Talking Futurama
Starting point is 02:34:46 and Talking to the Hill, as well as the entire archives of those, as well as past miniseries like Blabbing About Batman, the animated series, Talking Mission Hill and Talking Critic. There is over 150 bonus episodes waiting for you behind the paywall the second you sign up at slash talking simpsons.
Starting point is 02:35:00 And there's a $10 level as well. When you sign up for that, you can access all the $5 stuff naturally, but then you can also access one extremely long podcast once a month only for patrons of that level or higher and what is that Henry? Bob is talking about the What A Cartoon movie podcast our premium
Starting point is 02:35:14 monthly podcast where we go over an animated feature film just as in depth as we do an episode of The Simpsons which often means going for over five or even six hours about an animated feature film this month you're going to hear us talk about Toy Story 4 for over five or even six hours about an animated feature film this month you're going to hear us talk about toy story 4 for over six hours uh the final time count hasn't come back just yet but it's definitely over six hours and you last month would have heard us talk about uh our yearly live action film discussion of little shop of ours the 1986 adaptation and we're beginning our summer of
Starting point is 02:35:42 pixar so sign up today to get to hear each month a brand new episode about uh a different pixar film and there are nearly five years worth of what a cartoon movies at your fingertips in addition all the five dollar things bob mentioned everything from akira to a goofy movie we cover the gamut check it all out for yourself at slash talking simpsons as for me i've been one of your hosts bob mackie you can find me on twitter as bob servo and my other podcast is retronauts the classic gaming podcast all about old video games you can find that wherever you find podcasts or go to slash retronauts sign up there for two full link bonus episodes every month and henry how about you follow me
Starting point is 02:36:21 on twitter at h-e-n-e-r-e-y-g i'm always tweeting up a storm there also if you're following us on twitter you should definitely be following the official twitter account that wouldn't be possible without nina's help thank you so much nina it is at talk simpsons pod on twitter you stay in the loop whenever there's new podcasts or other stuff going on in our lives and same if you follow at talk simpsons pod on instagram that's at talk simpsons pot on twitter and instagram also if you want an easy to explore list of all our previously released free episodes head on over to talking simpsons thanks so much for listening folks we'll see you again next time for the latest episode of our community podcast talk to the
Starting point is 02:37:00 audience and we'll see you then. Let's all go out for some frosty chocolate milkshakes.

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