Talking Simpsons - Talking Simpsons - Trilogy of Error With Nina Matsumoto

Episode Date: December 1, 2021

We welcome back the fantastic artist Nina Matsumoto to help us chart out season 12's most ambitious episode! It's Simpsons meets Go and Run, Lola, Run in a complex adventure covering the family's diff...icult day. We've got severed thumbs, pedantic robots, fireworks exploding, and so much more. So listen now before we get started on the Blue Man Group! Support this podcast and get hundreds of bonus episodes by visiting and becoming a patron! And please follow the official Twitter, @TalkSimpsonsPod!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Riddle me this, pod fans. What's 90 minutes long arrives every Friday and is all about the Caped Crusader? Why, it's Blab and Bow Batman, the animated series, the newest Patreon-exclusive podcast miniseries on the Talking Simpsons network. That's right. For the rest of 2021,
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Starting point is 00:00:51 I heartily endorse this event or product. Ahoy, ahoy everybody and welcome to Talking Simpsons, the home of Knifey Wifey. I'm your host, Party Robot Bob Mackie, and this is our chronological exploration of The Simpsons. Who is here with me today, as always? Why, it's Henry Gilbert, and save it for Dateline Tuesday. And who do we have on the line? Me am Nina Matsumoto, Canada call from. And this week's episode is Trilogy of of a deadly this week's episode aired on april
Starting point is 00:01:31 29th 2001 and as always henry will tell us what happened on this mythical day in real world history oh my god oh boy bobby giant film fiasco town and country bombs at the theaters. Jane's Addiction headlines the second ever Coachella Music Festival. And Robert Downey Jr. is arrested for alleged drug use in Los Angeles days before he is about to have a court hearing about his previous arrest for alleged drug use. That's the end to him. Never heard from him again as as robert downey jr tells the tale this was the arrest that set him straight that he was like oh this this is rock bottom being arrested while i am waiting for to go to court for my previous arrest i am i am going to
Starting point is 00:02:20 clean myself up and he apparently has and like all drug offenders he was given multiple chances and allowed to have a uh you know fabulous movie career afterwards very limited time in jail he actually was the rare one where he actually did go to jail briefly in my way rare one i mean rare celebrity yeah not um not normal person who got mandatory minimums for her for like the first time rdj was arrested a person would be in jail for 20 years for what he did. But yeah. When he was first announced to play Iron Man, I don't know, Henry, do you remember if people said like, oh, I can't imagine him as Iron Man? Because I thought he'd be perfect because of all these substance abuse problems he'd be having. Yes, I actually I did think the same thing because Iron Man famously in the comics is an alcoholic and has struggled with
Starting point is 00:03:05 alcohol abuse so i figure like oh that'll be an interesting thing they can you know actually journey through his character with but then they didn't really do that in his movies though they didn't they still haven't yeah they kind of look up ptsd thing yeah i love that like i really thought that was gonna be the the one where they tackle his alcoholism. But no, they didn't go for it for some reason. Yeah. In the second movie, I remember in the first trailer for the second movie, there's him drunk DJing in his Iron Man suit.
Starting point is 00:03:35 And I thought like, oh, this is rock bottom on his alcoholism. He deal with it. But I think it was that they wanted Tony Stark to be a fun guy who could just make a cocktail and say something funny while drinking. Or no, no his most famous one is like in the first avengers movie where he's like making a drink is as taunt as he's taunting loki like not a good plan while while drinking something so i think they just didn't want to get rid of that aspect of him uh and maybe they also were like ah it's depressing to see a superhero get drunk in these aren't marvel movies You want to have fun.
Starting point is 00:04:05 They can't be like real humans with vices and sex drives. It's nuts to think it would be seven years after this, he would become the most famous movie star for a time, thanks to Iron Man. And Town and Country, not an Iron Man style hit. No. All the old movie stars were coming out to shine, like Warren Beatty, Diane Keaton, and Goldie Hawn. And we were trapped in the brief Josh Hartnett bubble. Oh, yes. Yeah, he was a lot of stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:33 We were at peak Hartnett in that time period. Where is he now? Probably doing something. Not dead. I know that for sure. I know nothing about town and country. Does that have anything to do with TNC surf design? No.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Thrilla Gorilla is not the star of this movie which is why i didn't see it the funniest thing about it was i never saw the film but i remember hearing about it as like this film got delayed two years that they did so many reshoots that it was somehow like 80 million dollars or something and you just look at like but there's no special effects it's just warren baity and diane keaton and they just keep filming it over and over again and then once it finally came out i think it was one of those times where warren baity thinks that he is still like like robert downey jr the most famous guy in the world and actually to most people even in 2001 he was no longer a movie star and people didn't care and i don't think warren baity likes to admit that about himself what is he even about a town rich people getting a divorce in fancy houses it's uh
Starting point is 00:05:31 it's one of those like divorce comedies of the 90s where i was like uh like james l brooks i think did at least a couple of those like divorce funny huh yeah directed by the man who directed later in life hannah Montana, the movie. So a really profitable movie, actually. So that wasn't the end of him. And yes, the second Coachella with Jane's Addiction. That's, you know, hey, they're they're good. Jane's Addiction and Coachella still what they did.
Starting point is 00:06:00 They brought it back this year. There was Coachella has resumed. I thought Jane's Addiction was Lollapalooza. Well, I mean, this was also them going to coach okay yes you're right they i think the jane's addiction dude uh founded uh lollapalooza yes yeah i am too old for music festivals because uh too much standing all that standing the heat yeah and then uh don't talk about the prices of food there either i mostly see coachella used as a punch line nowadays white women dressed as native americans usually that's all i know it for yeah i only know it is a thing like millionaires go or actually no when i think coachella my first
Starting point is 00:06:38 thought is hologram performing that's what i think yes so that's where all the holograms go the greatest dead celebrities Can be seen on stage And they're all blue But joining us today Is Nina Matsumoto The Eisner Award winning Comic artist
Starting point is 00:06:51 And also works for Fangamer The video game Merchandise company And last but not least She is my Knifey wifey I'm happy to be back
Starting point is 00:07:01 And this is my First time recording A podcast Since I got my Invisalign off So if the way I talked Bothered anybody Up to this is my first time recording a podcast since I got my Invisalign off. So if the way I talked bothered anybody up to this point, don't worry, it's been fixed. No one has commented on it,
Starting point is 00:07:11 but now they're going to go back and look for it. Well, I noticed. I feel like I've been lisping a lot or like sucking on my Invisalign traits during recordings. It bothered the hell out of me. To make people feel better, I'll be eating hard candy throughout the entire podcast. And also Nina is an expert i mean listeners don't know by now i mean nina is also an expert simpsons illustrator professionally so i have questions about
Starting point is 00:07:35 simpsons fingernails and the drawing of them especially and uh for this episode do we talk about that now or when we wait till we get to the severing of the finger. But yeah, also you are like a super fan of both of the movies this episode draws from, are you not? Super fan? I mean, I just watched them for the first time in my life this month. Me too. Wow. I take that back. Thanks to Nina. Run, Little Run, Bob and I watched a couple of months ago, but we watched Go for the first time last week. Oh, really? Wow. Bob and I watched a couple of months ago, but we watched Go for the first time last week. Oh, really? Wow. I like both of them a lot. I can see why Selma was inspired by both,
Starting point is 00:08:10 although more so Go than Run Little Run, which I'm sure we'll talk about later. But no, I just like this episode mostly. I'm glad that I haven't been on a season 12 episode of yours, of Talking Simpsons, yet. So I'm glad I got the best season 12 episode. It definitely is. Objectively.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Yeah, yes. Before anyone asks me, like, yeah, I say things that are hyperbolic to show how strongly I feel about a thing. So take my statement with a grain of salt, but for me, this is the best one without question. Yeah, I think especially what makes it stand out is a hallmark of the Scully era
Starting point is 00:08:43 is them joking about how little the plot matters like usually the third act will be none of this mattered and you're a dumb dumb if you expected it to matter in any way like on simpsons safari we just recorded that on the commentary somebody asked wait how did this happen in mike scully jokes you actually care about the story yes in this case this episode stands out and it did at the time because the story really really matters and there are lots of great simpsons episodes where the story doesn't matter. Lots of really gag filled ones like I like, like the PTA disbands, Itchy and Scratchy Land and so on. They're not plot heavy.
Starting point is 00:09:13 They're gag heavy. But this one stands out because there were so few story focused episodes at this time. And even in 2001, when people were extra grumpy about The Simpsons, they still like this one. All the cranky fans stopped being cranky for about a week because of this episode. You know, unless Simpsons Tall Tales, the only one of this season I haven't rewatched yet, unless that really impresses me more than I remember, I agree that this is the best episode of season 12. I was rewatching it too. I was like, this is full of moments that have become memorable memes like that is a great,
Starting point is 00:09:50 you know, metric to measure of an episode's, you know, cultural value. And also, yeah, I think it's full of really funny stuff. And it challenged them to actually give a shit about a plot. Like, I think that that matters quite a lot at this time which is why and we'll get to it the ending is very weird because uh it's mr teeny saying this plot made no sense it makes the most sense that any plot in this show had made in four years yes the ending is the only thing i don't like about this episode whenever anyone implies anything past season nine or ten is garbage i bring up this episode as proof that that's not true.
Starting point is 00:10:27 And yeah, it's not the funniest episode. It's not very gag-heavy, like Bob said. But the plot itself, I love non-linear storytelling. I can't get enough of it. It's because I get the same kind of satisfaction out of non-linear storytelling as I do from mystery stories. Because you're gradually fed pieces of a puzzle. And when everything makes sense and comes together at the end, it just feels great.
Starting point is 00:10:50 And it's even better when I see the same scene happen from different points of view. I just love that. Yeah. In case you haven't seen the movies, they're worth watching. 1998's Run, Lola, Run and 1999's Go. By the way, Go is kind of hard to search for online like go movie uh but you can find it but yeah in run lola run um these are both like short movies too so they're really easy to watch but run lola run it's basically like uh it was a you know like three or four attempts at the
Starting point is 00:11:15 same day the character goes through and each time like she's delayed or she advances a certain amount of time and that will change the thing she meets along the way. Yeah, it's the same portion of time seen multiple times but done different times. It's almost like she meets a bad end at each one so then she starts over again, kind of like a video game. It's very video game-y which is why I think we liked it. And there's one little moment I wish they did more with
Starting point is 00:11:38 in which she actually learned something from a previous timeline and used that to her advantage. It only happens once and I was like that is a really cool idea I wish they would have done more with yeah i i think it probably influenced a lot of the not that i think there were time loop video games before it but it's one of those things with especially with like bigger video games that you can see if there was a popular indie film or a cool indie film like like run lola run or foreign film but what because but i guess it's a german film it's not foreign if you're in foreign film but what because but i guess it's a german film
Starting point is 00:12:05 it's not foreign if you're in germany but you know what i mean it's one of those films that uh just it becomes the thing that influences all these other creators in in video games like oh i could be a thing like now time loop video games are kind of its own like genre there's so many of them and uh like outer worlds i remember everybody was talking about that it's the outer wilds i always those two games released the same time and they're very different with very similar names outer wilds yeah and and recently there was just death loop yep yep yeah plus uh yeah you love those uh the 999 games yeah no nari games uh more majora's landscape series yeah yeah yeah i have a
Starting point is 00:12:42 weird history with run lola Run because back in 1998, I was obsessed with the song Believe from the soundtrack. So I bought the CD and I listened to it a lot, but I could never find it for rental. So I just kind of gave up on ever seeing the movie until a few months ago when I remembered it exists. And I watched it with Bob and it was so nice to finally see the movie and then to
Starting point is 00:13:06 realize like oh this episode is not really based on Run Little Run. It kind of references it like once but that's it. And then when we watched Go last week I was like oh this episode is just Go but done better. Yes. Selman
Starting point is 00:13:21 snarkily points out in the commentary he did a better job than Go because with Go theily points out in the commentary he did a better job than go because with go uh the stories all start in the same place and then uh in the movie each character has their own story it's like three acts and at the end you see the ending of each one and i will say uh throughout the character's main stories they maybe cross over like five percent is that fair to say nina yeah like surprisingly very little like these are three completely different stories and it gets the filmmaker to be able to tell three different crime stories and you were very right to say nina this is sort of like a light more light-hearted version of a tarantino movie because
Starting point is 00:13:53 i think it's like kind of a subversion i think you put that out nina i don't want to steal your idea but i think you said it was a subversion of a tarantino movie and that like in a tarantino movie these characters are put in these very very desperate and terrible situations but unlike in a Tarantino movie, these characters are put in these very, very desperate and terrible situations. But unlike in a Tarantino movie, no one gets killed or raped or disfigured. The endings are all very happy for mostly everybody. And like there's no murders. There's drugs in the movie, but they're like fun drugs. It's not like kill you drugs.
Starting point is 00:14:18 It's like ecstasy and weed and that's it. So I feel like this is sort of Tarantino for teens, even though it's rated R and it shouldn't be. Yeah, when I finished watching the movie, my only complaint was that it felt like Tarantino for babies. Yes. And it kind of is. It's like junior Tarantino. But yeah, then I realized, oh, there are all these scenes that felt very Tarantino-ish. And you feel like something horrible is going to happen, like in a Tarantino film.
Starting point is 00:14:40 But then it doesn't. Well, you know, after 1994 with when pulp fiction you know hit the mainstream and i'd say you know even in 90 after 92 with reservoir dogs most indie filmmakers were like yeah i'm gonna be like tarantino i'm gonna do a thing about criminals who then have conversations about the smurfs or whatever like that's there was only one of those in the movie and it was brief there was like a two minute conversation about the family circus you know but i agree with timothy oliphant i just watched it last night so this is all fresh in my head yeah that uh timothy oliphant's character complaining
Starting point is 00:15:14 about how family circus is this shitty thing you get at the end of uh having a good time reading the comic strip i did feel that way all the time in that movie. Now, I saw the movie when it was new. I did on DVD, not in theaters. But it was because I had just really gotten into Dawson's Creek. And then it was like, oh, Katie Holmes is in a movie. All right, I'll check that out. I joke with Nina before we started the movie, like, oh, boy, a Scott Wolf movie. I'm excited. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:15:38 He was fine in the movie. It's funny because I wanted to see this movie because it stars Sarah Pauly. Right. She's a bit of a like canadian darling oh okay i never really got a huge break but she i think she's a really good actor and lately she's not really acting more so like a political activist which is also cool oh that's cool and she wrote a big uh story for something about harvey weinstein saying this is basically why you don't see me in a lot of things anymore can you believe it that's sad that's and yeah well when i saw it at the time obviously i was a nerd who never touched drugs but i was 19 and i did want to make out with timothy oliphant so i could identify with katie holmes
Starting point is 00:16:16 that way watching it again thinking about how like you know scott wolf is like this heartthrob on on party of five and you know it wasn't a lot of actors would not play gay back then you know yeah he he just kind of went for it though only jay moore kissed a man on screen scott wolf did not kiss a man which that i know that was a line for even characters straight actors playing gay back then they'd be like look i'll play gay but i'm not kissing any any dude on the mouth well it could it could have been him but also could have been his agent yes that's a bad look for you if you kissed a man yeah he does not kiss
Starting point is 00:16:49 men in this movie but I like the movie I think holds up pretty well it's full of but it is like Pulp Fiction jr. yeah you can just see a guy writing at his desk like I'm even funny in Tarantino I write better stuff than it is by these the swingers director, too.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Yes, that's right. Yeah, and I mean... Speaking of Pulp Fiction, I think that was the first time I encountered nonlinear storytelling where things kind of come together and intertwine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:15 I remember being really impressed by that when I was young and saw that for the first time. For me, it was that one scene in Spaceballs. Them watching the VHS tape in the movie. Still an amazing joke. And yeah, so Go recommended movie. Same with Run, Lola, Run.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Go, not a popular movie, not a bomb, but it came and went. No one really talks about it or remembers it. That was the basis for the plot. Matt Selman says, if you come up to me and say, I love that episode you did, that parody Run, Lola, Run, he says, you're a dummy. It's actually a Go parody. And this episode, because it's like we got this young hip gen xer writing this thing about go we need some old boomer references so the episode is named after the 1975 made for tv movie trilogy of terror
Starting point is 00:17:55 uh famous for the one segment in which karen black is chased around her apartment with a zuni fetish doll sorry by a zuni fetish doll holding a knife for 30 minutes just her in this doll one segment it traumatized an entire generation it's why there's the evil crusty doll episode of the treehouse yeah that treehouse is not based on child's play by the way it's definitely a trilogy of terror uh child's play just ripped that off also they both were inspired by the same thing yeah i know i you know i didn't see run lola run until after seeing this episode because i think i slightly recognize the goness of it but even by 2001 go was kind of leaving my memory even but the running by lisa and this is so specifically
Starting point is 00:18:37 that that i think i did hop online to be like it's run lola run so then then i rented it i would think within two months of seeing this episode and and then i hadn't watched it since and re-watching it as like man this movie rules too but it's also another of those like it's about hip 90s 20 somethings doing crimes like again it wouldn't exist without tarantino i would say yeah it's about drugs and crime yes and being sweaty going going back to the episode title like i'm not going to translate all the season 12 japanese titles but this one in japanese is trilogy thumb story trilogy trilogy colon thumb story yeah oh that's good i like that no trilogy exclamation mark thumb story yes okay uh thumb monogatari right um yeah oh yeah it's oh yeah you'll be monogatari that's one of the japanese words i
Starting point is 00:19:26 know because it's in a lot of titles of video games and anime and yes matt selman originally titled this story go simpsons go to reference the movie go i wish he'd gotten to keep that as a title but it's a better title for this yeah so though that yeah actually yeah i wanted to super duper compliment matt selman actually because this episode i think totally shows why he got to be a showrunner on the show and one of the more like influential writers on the show in the last like decade you know i i never really considered it until we it's time to talk about the the table read but but seriously when we went to that table read it was a gimmick episode run by matt selman yeah and
Starting point is 00:20:05 i think he's really invested in like trying to do cool gimmick episodes like so many of the new ones i've watched when they're other not just the cincinnati one but also like the even the one that makes homer a 90s teen the gimmick is it's like the first act is set in the 90s and then the rest of the episode spins out of that or like the musical gimmick episode that was a season premiere i appreciate how much selman challenges at least the show's structure in a way and that kind of really starts here i think uh this episode being such a success for selman i think inspired him or like maybe made his name in the room of like oh this guy actually tries really hard maybe and he's sticking around for 10 year another 10 years let's uh why don't we make him co-show he seems like
Starting point is 00:20:49 super proud of this episode and rightfully so like five years ago i found a tweet by him uh from five years ago where he says after i pitched trilogy of error the other writers reacted with sobs of joy that such a wonder had come into this world i'm sure he's being a little bit sarcastic but uh i think he is confident about this and i think he said it's it's his best episode that he's written i would say i would bet so yeah and i think too uh another reason that makes this one of his better ones was that i think selman is one of the most outspoken guys who was wished he was jealous of what south park was doing at the time and i think that infected some of his lesser scripts where he's like oh i tried to do like a south park turner
Starting point is 00:21:30 i wish i was as good as south park i wish i could go back in time and shake him to be like you're on simpsons that's not the same like don't feel like you're not as good as south park and speaking of south park influence it definitely influenced the story that didn't make it into the show lisa's story was going to be her getting on the uh the short bus as it's known instead of the normal bus meeting a bunch of characters with hilarious disabilities that actually gave them kind of superpowers not more was said about it but he said it was considered too radical i was joking with henry i think mac running was like helicoptered in from futurama to like throw salmon against the wall and say what are you doing yeah i feel like there's going to be a lot of uh you know our funny r word uh humor in that uh i mean it was 2001 it didn't
Starting point is 00:22:10 go that way yeah i'm really glad hearing that short bus story he tells i'm like i'm so happy they didn't do that like it but that is so like that's jimmy and timmy on south park at the time which was you know the style at the time as old grandpa would say but i i think lisa's story is the weakest but at least he didn't go there i'm glad she at least hung out with you know they gave i'd rather lisa get another crush than have to be on the short bus that's i i'm glad they didn't go there also it's funny hearing selman one that he's very proud of the work he did on it on the commentary but also that he says oh, also when it went time to table read and rewrite, I went on vacation, like see you suckers.
Starting point is 00:22:51 They wrote the third act without him because he was gone, but he's happy with the results. Yeah. And I think the gimmick forced them to give a shit about the plot more than they did this whole season. And I think I uh just overall blanket compliment to mike b anderson and his team like this is a complex episode animation wise not just that it's a bunch of complicated action sequences but also like timing and bits have to go back on each other and and if you fudge something in act one it actually will fuck up a reveal in Act 2 or Act 3.
Starting point is 00:23:25 So you can't mess around with that. Yeah. They also had to write scenes that you wouldn't mind seeing over and over again. And even I'd listen to Son of a Diddly every morning. I love that. Though ants and picnickers reach last minute accord. That joke, I'm like, eh. That's the weaker of the three-peated jokes.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Yeah. The Simpsons will be right back. Presenting TGI Friday's special mouth-watering Christmas appetizer. The holiday sampler platter. Mmm, platter. Spicy tangy buffalo wings. Mmm, buffalo. Fried mozzarella and loaded potato skins.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Oh. Bring the family and friends. Who cares about them? Gimme, gimme, gimme. Christmas at TGI Fridays. Everyone looks forward to Fridays. Offer not available to cartoon characters.
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Starting point is 00:25:09 to our guest this week nina matsumoto we always love having her on our wonderful artist for the series and our good friend too follow her on twitter at space coyote with an l at the end on it and check out her amazing comic series with ian boothby sparks the third volume coming out soon any of you enjoy this podcast well you really should be checking out what we do at slash talking simpsons because that's how me and bob do talking simpsons as our full-time job thanks to supporters and listeners there if you sign up you not only get to hear next week's episode of talking simpsons right now but you also get to hear a giant back catalog of exclusive podcasts of us covering shows
Starting point is 00:25:45 like futurama king of the hill mission hill and the critic only if you are a five dollar enough patron and right now you could be hearing every friday until the end of the year our podcast covering our 10 favorite episodes of batman the animated series you can hear blabbing about batman the animated series the podcast every week if you are a $5 and up subscriber. So please check it all out today at slash Talking Simpsons. But if you want something even nicer than telling the difference between inflammable and flammable, you should check out our premium level at slash talking simpsons for ten dollars a month you get all those five dollar things and then you also get one extra super long exclusive premium podcast
Starting point is 00:26:31 that is the what a cartoon movie podcast like our sister podcast what a cartoon we go super in-depth like on the simpsons with a different animated feature film each month often for over four hours long recent ones have included this month. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. The holiday classic. Before that we did a whole summer of Disney Renaissance. Including The Lion King. And coming this month.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Coming next month. We'll be covering the Satoshi Kon masterpiece. Millennium Actress. We will go super in depth into all those. You will have a good time. Please check it all out slash talking simpsons also they were really addicted to fire jokes at this time just because not only the explosion in this episode but their chalkboard gag is also about burning things did that say fire is the cleanser at one point and then like he burned his mustache off oh yeah yeah when he got the um the
Starting point is 00:27:41 cooties on him yeah yeah well and also they burn a book in this episode too. Yeah. And the explosion of Flambeau. They're really into burning at this time. Fire being a cleanser, is that a reference to anything from back then? It just feels so specific to call it a cleanser. If you're psychotically obsessed with fire, that's something you would be thinking. It's the cleanser.
Starting point is 00:28:04 It will heal all my first thought of his rorschach from watchmen saying the talking about the cleansing fire as he burned down this guy's house or whatever that's that's my first thought but yes we we begin the episode with homer's day and and also on my first watch i didn't get the gimmick till the start of act two like i i'm going to act like I was so smart that I realized like, oh, it said Homer's Day. This is going to be interesting. I was just like, Homer's Day. Okay. And I think too, maybe by this point, as I've said many times, my episodes made me mad at
Starting point is 00:28:35 the end. So my opinion was going lower and lower on Simpsons in season 12. So I didn't give them the credit of like, oh, this is going to be like a creative idea, like a creative gimmick, like 22 short films. You know, I did not have that expectation for this episode. Well, like nothing super weird happens until the very end of the first act, at which point you're like, huh, what happened? And then you see the gimmick.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Yeah. Yeah. Apparently they didn't want to do the repeated scene at the beginning, but then they realized like, no, we need this to sell the idea. It uses up time. Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah they that's something too that is animate there's a funny bit on it where mike b anderson is asked like was this cheaper and he's like no it actually somehow ended up being more expensive even though we reused scenes it was more expensive than the average episode and then aljean has a funny joke of saying like it turns out every episode's more
Starting point is 00:29:23 expensive than the average episode. Like, every episode's a higher budget. This episode takes place on March 21st. Specifically, because of the newspaper, it says that. You know what? I should save to my Twitter drafts now a viral tweet for March 21st of next year. It's the year Marty McFly went back in time. We can't do that anymore, and I sad now it's too bad but the episode begins with uh with homer applying his deodorant the sound of him
Starting point is 00:29:52 putting stick deodorant below the belt is uh it still haunts me and you know what listen uh this is again another time that reality has outpaced satire or parody because uh i mean i don't begrudge anyone for having the manscape commercials on their podcast you got to do what you got to do to make money but when i hear the term ball deodorant i i have a lot of questions uh how how smelly all your are your balls uh i feel like if you're if your testicles are stinky enough to require some sort of applicant you just should get in the shower in second shower time you're not doing enough in the shower the first time it's like you're applying the febreze philosophy to your body and that's not going to do it if anyone else is going to be going down there you want to be clean with soap and water yeah i think it's unnecessary like throughout the years there have been various like products
Starting point is 00:30:36 sold to people to cover up the odor of their genitalia but i really don't think it's necessary in fact it's probably bad to apply anything in down there it can be kind of sensitive itself it doesn't usually clean itself though i mean the sweat should deal with it i mean yeah i yeah we're gonna have a very detailed ball washing description right now well speaking of like uh just deodorant in general like i never use it my mom never bought it for me or told it what it was so like it like i never understood like what what it was uh was like to like use it like i've seen it i saw commercials but then it wasn't until like high school uh gym locker time that i saw that everybody used it and it felt like there was societal pressure to oh yeah if you didn't use it you were seen as like stinky and
Starting point is 00:31:19 gross so i asked my mom like oh can you get me deodorant and she said uh you don't need it because you don't smell and i I'm like, okay. But then it turns out she was kind of right because I later found out there's a specific gene that makes your earwax wet and your sweat stink. And the majority of Asians don't have this. My earwax is dry and I guess I don't smell. This reminds me of my first trip to japan for video game coverage i i went with a japanese american man who who warned me he's like you need to bring your own deodorant because you're not going to find powerful enough deodorant for your stink if your white man stink when you're in japan so i
Starting point is 00:31:58 can vouch for nina's i can vouch for nina's claim we spent a lot of time together very close and she has never smelled well thank you bob thanks for confirming yeah i have north american friends in japan who will buy a stock of stick deodorant whenever they come back here to visit yeah he warned me i and he was right i'm so glad uh that he uh takeshi warned me about that i appreciate that but uh but yeah homer i think homer's enjoying this application of the roller as well. I think there's some fun for him. Also, I just love hearing Julie's breakfast. Like, so, so good. Macca Rainey loved it.
Starting point is 00:32:32 He wants a doll that does that. On the commentary, he was saying that. I'm glad we hear it three times in this episode. And we get to see Homer. It's funny. Homer hears breakfast. You think he's going to run naked all the way there but i guess in his nude run out of the bathroom he runs to the bedroom and puts on clothes but obviously it'd be
Starting point is 00:32:51 it'd be weird if homer was nude for the next like five scenes after this so i understand why uh but yes we then head to the breakfast table and marge has a surprise for them. It's a special cereal. I've never had Mueslix. Have you guys had it? Yes. Is it gooey? No, it's not gooey. No, it's not. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Which is why I never understood this joke. And I, sorry, Nina, I love Mueslix. Go ahead, Nina. No, you go ahead. I love it. Tell me what Mueslix is like. It's just like the cereal I liked the most growing up was just like basically trail mix in a box.
Starting point is 00:33:21 That's what Mueslix is. Okay. So I don't know where I get this joke where it's sticky. Yeah don't understand it i've i've not had when i looked at the box of muselix i was like well i've never had that but i've had several kashi cereals and other healthy cereals that are just you know really a collection of nuts and berries and not not the usual sugar delivery system that americans associate with sugar uh cereal as as we call it. Yeah, Mueslix is kind of similar to the cashew stuff. It's just like cornflakes with some dried fruit and oats in it. And what Moritz has is more like oatmeal, like cartoony oatmeal,
Starting point is 00:33:54 so it's sticky as well, as well as goopy. This feels like, as we've said many times in the Scully years, this feels like husbands complaining about a thing a wife bought that they don't like and that they made them eat. They weren't made a plate full of bacon. Also, the name is just funny. It is. Muselix.
Starting point is 00:34:12 And Juselix. Juselix. And it's also the weird that Lisa hates it, too. You would think she would like the healthy cereal, but she can't stand it either. And they're all looking for excuses at the breakfast table in our first clip. Cereal. You know I like my breakfast fried or chicken fried. It's a healthy cereal from Europe. Juicelix.
Starting point is 00:34:36 They also make Juicelix. It's Milhouse. And it sounds like he has big news. I'll get us out of this. Say, Dad, want to go see my project for the school science fair? No, Lisa. But I sure don't want to eat this crappy breakfast. Meet Linguo, the grammar robot. I built him all by myself. If you misuse language, he'll correct you.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Well, let's put him to the test. Me love beer. I love beer. Oh, he loves beer. Here, little fella. Dad, no! Garrot. I'm sorry. I thought he was a party robot.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Ugh, this is why I can't have no! Gerrard. I'm sorry. I thought he was a party robot. Oh, this is why I can't have nice things. This is a new level of dumb for Homer. The lingual is repeating back what Homer just said, and then Homer pours beer into a robot's mouth. To be fair, he's saying something slightly different, so maybe Homer is like, well, this is what the robot thinks.
Starting point is 00:35:50 He thought it was Bender. Exactly exactly it looks a bit like bender yeah i think the connection with trilogy of uh terror is that there is a little doll kind of thing running around sure i as as they remark on the commentary this is an also a new level of brilliance for lisa like lisa in in the bully episode i i noted that i thought it was good that they made it like oh it's salad dressing so lisa didn't like invent this the anti-bully spray she just discovered that salad dressing does it so she's not you know full-on professor frank in this episode she is equal to professor frank in building ai and and full robotics but it's really a very lisa style thing to invent a sunny at robot and all it does is correct your grammar that's true in building AI and full robotics. But it's really a very Lisa-style thing to invent a Senate robot,
Starting point is 00:36:27 and all it does is correct your grammar. That's true, yeah. I love Linguo. When this episode first came out, I was like a huge stickler for grammar, correct grammar. And I still am to some extent, but I now understand there's a time and a place
Starting point is 00:36:39 for bad grammar. It's fine on Twitter to use bad grammar for comedic emphasis or in a in a humor comic but i do think professional signs need good grammar or else it drives me crazy for example i can't stand comma splices which i see all the time or improper use of an apostrophe uh but i can let it go on twitter i i'm glad you if you correct grammar on twitter you are you're in the wrong yeah you're not playing the game right if you're doing that yeah i uh no i i yeah lingua i mean this was at the time of the uh grammar nazi term was being thrown around a lot back then so uh that's that's kind of what lingua is i i was also shocked to see
Starting point is 00:37:17 they they say on the commentator they're like oh we should make a toy a lingua based on my search of simpsons merchandise databases and of ebay they're they still have not made a linguo toy of like not even a linguo funko pop which they make one of those for everything they were just launching that like world of simpsons uh playmates toys the line of every action figures of every character seemingly at least the important ones even even minor like variants of ones like resort smithers they. But no Linguo. Linguo never really took off. There aren't really even memes of Linguo. Do you see many memes of Linguo?
Starting point is 00:37:49 The one that's behind Bob's head of Homer closing the eyes on the Linguo. I see that one a lot around the feed. I do see that. Do you see it being posted? That image being posted? Or do you see variants of that? I guess more variants. But I've seen it used in like a good night sweet prince kind of thing of turning out the eyes like i i've seen
Starting point is 00:38:09 it from time to time but yeah i guess lingua is not as beloved as say you know any anything from seasons one through eight no i i wouldn't say that no i want to see more like remixed stuff with lingua in it i don't know what it could be but maybe people just found him too annoying i will say lingua does appear in the ds version of the simpsons game in a pokemon parody oh that's fun where he's sort of like a pokemon oh that's clever i have that game i didn't get very far in it though i should yeah i was just seeing that one in my feet again because people pointed out the soundtrack sounds like a dragon quest yeah also in the whole winking thing it's a really funny sequence of homer just not getting it and just he's winking to lisa but then winks to marge but there's something about the scene of when homer says that crappy breakfast it's framed
Starting point is 00:38:58 with marge in the middle yeah you actually just feel so bad for marge he's like i tried to make a nice breakfast and i have to hear from you like my breakfast is crappy like that it's it's an interesting like choice to make you feel bad for marge and they could have easily just shown her face being like mad but instead she's just like hurt yeah oh at least she didn't make it she just made the choice to buy this that's true i guess prepare it for the family she she just poured stuff into a bowl so i can i i understand it at least it's not much wasted time by her yeah and yeah the uh lisa lisa runs upstairs and so homer is then uh completely doesn't even care that lisa is upset he's quickly distracted by a new scent in the air and uh yeah so oh boy i said i one thing that really
Starting point is 00:39:47 fills me with anxiety whenever i see it on tv it is kitchen accidents like stories about homer falling down ravine like homer has gone through so many horrible injuries even like the realism of the way they drew his intestine sticking out of his body when a badger ripped apart his chest. That didn't gross me out as much as this sequence here. Yeah. I mean, there are many things that can kill you in your own home. In fact, I don't want to say who this was because I don't want to be tasteless. But a famous comedian died recently.
Starting point is 00:40:20 And I was like, well, how did he die? An accident in the home. It wasn't said how. It wasn't said what happened. But it could have been somebody tri accident in the home. It wasn't said how, it wasn't said what happened, but it could have been somebody tripped down the stairs. It could have been somebody cut themselves. It could have been any number of things. So yeah, it's like, we don't think about it.
Starting point is 00:40:32 I could slip in the shower tomorrow. Oh God, I'd be killed. Yes, exactly. You could wake up dead tomorrow. Sorry, Nina. I sliced my thumb recently cutting a bagel in half and that's why Bob bought me a bagel gilding. Yeah, I will put Nina on blast because she cuts things too recklessly I sliced my thumb recently cutting a bagel in half, and that's why Bob bought me a bagel gilding knife. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:45 Yeah, I will put Nina on blast because she cuts things too recklessly, and I'm just like, slow down, slow down. I love to use a knife. Yeah. She's my knifey wifey. That's funny. It's true. With me and my husband, I am the Nina in that scenario with knives because I use knives
Starting point is 00:41:01 pretty recklessly sometimes in the kitchen, and my husband actually is like, I can't be in the kitchen watching you cut things. I'll just be I'll be over here. Just tell me when you're done cutting stuff. I had a kitchen accident of cutting the web of my hand in the last year, which which was my fault. And entirely just me going like, I can just rush through cutting this thing like, wow. Like, yeah, that's hard to heal. Yeah. It's moving.
Starting point is 00:41:27 I glued it back, though. It all it all. I went to a doctor and the doctor told me what to do i didn't just like pull out the super glue they make like heavy duty uh gloves you can wear in the kitchen while you're cutting things uh well that's what you need they're very flexible maybe so it's like wearing chain mail on my hands oh that sounds if if you told to me it was like oh it's like mithril like frodo wears i'd be like okay that's cool i'll do it henry it's like you can feel like you're a frodo while cutting things in the kitchen oh man i you know then if i get that then i should also get a knife that looks like his blade sting which lights up blue and orcs are near okay this is getting out of hand yeah yeah uh but yeah nina you can attest to the
Starting point is 00:42:04 power of the bagel guillotine isn't it amazing it is amazing i really don't like having lots of little kitchen peripherals that do one thing but i'll give this one a pass and i guess you could use it for like cigars too right to to bisect a cigar oh i mean just the front side of the cigar just oh no you put you put the bagel inside the compartment then you put the blade down on it. It's great. Yeah. If you try to cut anything else in there, the bagel police will get you. Yes.
Starting point is 00:42:32 But unfortunately, Homer and Marge did not have a brownie cutting device. Instead, accidents happen. Oh, he shoots! My thumb! Oh god, oh god, oh god! I'm sorry!
Starting point is 00:42:45 I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! Oh, oh, oh, oh! Oh, oh, oh, oh! Sorry doesn't put thumbs on the hand, Marge! Well, calm down! If we hurry, they can reattach your thumb!
Starting point is 00:42:53 Reattach a thumb? This isn't Gattaca! Just gotta get your thumb to the... Just gotta get your thumb to the... Just gotta get your thumb to the... Where'd it go? Where'd it go? Where'd it go?
Starting point is 00:43:00 Where'd it go? Where'd it go? Where'd it go? Where'd it go? Where'd it go? Okay, boy. Drop the thumb. Drop the thumb. Drop the thumb. Drop the thumb. Drop the thumb. Nobody's gonna tackle you.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Come back with my thumb! 911, this better be good. I cut off my husband's thumb. Attempted murder? You'll burn for this. Burn in jail. It was an accident. Yeah, yeah. Save it for dateline tuesday uh what's your address so i can come arrest you arrest me um my address it's um one two three
Starting point is 00:43:36 fake street one two three fake street got it oh god oh just see even hearing it just like uh march is cutting those brownies with like a bone saw or something to just sever sever the thumb completely you don't need that much effort to cut a brownie either yeah i don't really understand the the gattaca reference i'm guessing you know it's been a long time since i've seen gattaca but gattaca is about eugenics not really you know reattaching limbs or anything i'm guessing it's just homer said a sci-fi thing and instead of like star trek the joke is he's mentioning a thing no one even in 2001 remembers the 1997 film gattaca that's how i read it as and i have some dateline trivia that's been lost the time boy so when this episode was written dateline nbc was airing five nights a
Starting point is 00:44:24 week good go five nights a week Five nights a week And because viewers were getting just worn down By the amount of Dateline They eventually removed the Tuesday spot In 2004 But Tuesday was the first time slot for Dateline NBC Wow And most famous I think in history
Starting point is 00:44:40 For it's To Catch a Predator Segment Which you know very polarizing because uh as much as i am not pro-pedophile i also don't like police entrapment either so predators should be caught but also there shouldn't be police entrapment the tv show yes i think that's bad yes you know bob mackie not pro-pedophile exactly record saying this now the the show i i remember watching the first couple of those catch a predators when they were new and thinking like this this show is you're trying to make it comedic you're making this like this is not sober news journalism like there's there's at
Starting point is 00:45:16 least uh like 10 candid camera in there that i'm like come on you can't you can't act like this is so serious we have to catch them and then it's also like can you believe this guy brought this what the i yeah i i guess what wiggum is referencing is how dateline does a lot of stories of spousal murder like they're so uh bill hater on saturday night live he did a great sketch about how much he loves these shows of dateline because they're just so trashy. And the host of it is just like, oh, and then what did you do? Oh, did you kill him? That's right. Look at Bill Hader Dateline, one of my favorite SNL sketches of the last decade. And yeah, the Homer just running around with his blood flying out. I i guess too in my first viewing this made me i i'm surprised
Starting point is 00:46:06 i when i already was feeling like boy simpsons just did that diamond mine thing at the end of the last episode and now i gotta watch a severed thumb i'm impressed with myself for not turning it off i am too there's a lot of blood yeah hurting out of there homer um should die of blood loss i'd say i would say it's a realistic amount of blood i get they do bandage it up pretty fast yeah uh and you know the fingernail on there i guess we could talk about that uh that was put on there to indicate that it is a finger uh because it looked too much like a penis a severed penis uh otherwise uh sorry nina go ahead that's what i was gonna say okay well yeah i was ready for nina's expert opinion on not only the drawing of fingernails
Starting point is 00:46:45 or the fingers on Simpsons and rules for that, but also like... Well, Bob came up with his own expert opinion. No, that was what they said on the commentary. That's what like the director, Mike B. Anderson. Is that who directed this? Yeah. You stole it from the commentary. I did.
Starting point is 00:46:57 I was thinking exact same thing when I was watching it. I'm like, oh, I know why they had to put that there. This is the second time I've been on an episode that had a Simpsons fingernail in it. Oh, right. The first one was put that there. This is the second time I've been on an episode that had a Simpsons fingernail in it. Oh, right. This one was Road to Cincinnati. That's correct. The close-up of the fingernails.
Starting point is 00:47:11 And we're like, oh, wow, some rare fingernails. I remember when we did Love in the Fast Lane, that was people pointed out, like in the weird shot of Homer, like eating his steak very sloppily. You, they did draw fingernails on him in that shot. And it's very distracting. That one disturbs me. That was not necessary. Those fingernails. I in that shot and it's very distracting that one disturbs me that was not necessary those fingernails i don't know like how that got past
Starting point is 00:47:29 mac grading it was season one well it's like that's true it's a thumbnail and also like the ridges on the knuckle too that are basically never drawn on a simpsons finger yeah too detailed and i guess that's a finger cutting thing um reminded me of michael moore's sicko i know his documenting style is flawed but that was the the documentary that opened my eyes to just how brutal the american health care system can be and uh one case that stood out to me is a man who accidentally sawed off two of his fingers and he had no insurance so he could reattach his ring finger for uh 12k or his middle finger for 60k and he chose his uh ring finger because he's a he's romantic and he wants to wear his running ring oh jeez make us an offer
Starting point is 00:48:11 can i get the combo pack and he's gonna i imagine a thumb would be the most expensive one yes yeah i uh that that's why i used to as a kid laugh at like oh why would him or not help him later in the episode and now i'm like oh no it's actually brutally realistic yeah it's it's funny when you go to the doctor or even dentist saying uh before the procedure before whatever you're uh getting done happens when you ask how much will this cost the answer is usually we don't know yes you'll find out we don't know till it happens yeah i i had a thing where I went to a doctor. I had my job insurance run out one time after leaving a job. And I thought it was good for like another month, but it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:48:52 And when I went to the doctor, but I had an appointment that day and I said, okay, well, can I, I'll pay it. How much is it? And the person at the reception is like, literally, I don't know. This will cost. If you agree to do this, it will cost whatever it will cost. And you will, you're asking for a blank check to be attached to your name and it will be whatever debt we say it is and and i of course canceled my appointment that day i was like great good for me
Starting point is 00:49:15 like yay yeah but yeah i guess too this the the violence of it it hits harder because it's not a tree house either you know like this is all this blood and it isn't a treehouse. And of course, I've said it many times, but I'm still scarred by watching the Homer Eats Himself treehouse like that. It's only five years old, but I don't think I'll ever get over watching Homer Eat Himself. That must have really affected you because you keep saying that. It gets me every well. That episode starts very similarly where Homer cuts a finger off while cooking and then he eats the finger.
Starting point is 00:49:48 And so, yeah, I will say this is slightly on topic, but Nina and I watched a lot of Treehouse of Horrors last time we were together because, you know, it was October. And one trend I noticed is that they are extremely violent from a certain point onwards, like unnecessarily so. Usually in the past uh like within the first 10 or 12 seasons there'll be one slightly shocky moment of violence per act there's just like countless heads being lopped off and blood squirting sideshow bob wearing bart's like intestines as a as a scarf that was a lot yeah just that one yeah like maybe i'm getting older i'm like it was never this violent uh or the thanksgiving treehouse of horror they did it starts with the uh the parody of the mel gibson aztec film apocalypto apocalypto
Starting point is 00:50:31 that is brutal as hell which i mean at least makes it like accurate to apocalypto i suppose but uh but yeah the i can't remember which one this was but uh when i was going through all the treehouses there's one where crusty is put through a wood chipper and that scene is so graphic and violent like it kind of the same reaction the um an adult in the simpsons universe might have watching an itchy scratchy episode i felt old when i saw that this is too much it's a little excessive i guess you know we did see the virus that turns you inside out you know that that didn't seem too much when we were kids. No.
Starting point is 00:51:08 At least to me. People said. Yeah. I mean, I was, geez, I was like a 12 when I saw that. I thought it was funny. But I see people on Twitter saying I was scarred by that. When I see later treehouses of horror again with all the violence. But in that one, it's like they're happy to be inside out.
Starting point is 00:51:22 They're singing a song about it. That's true. Yeah. but in that one it's like they're happy to be inside out they're singing a song about it that's true yeah i uh so i i did google what you should do if you cut off a finger and so i'm going to quote from the web md on this the finger should be kept moist but not wet or submerged in water saline is ideal but a moist clean paper towel is the best most people will have around. This should be wrapped around in a clean zip-sealing bag or sterile container and placed in ice. The amputated finger should not directly contact the ice, though, and dry ice should not be used as this will permanently damage the tissue of the severed finger. So, there you go.
Starting point is 00:51:59 They follow the rules slightly, though Homer's thumb is put directly onto ice, which they shouldn't be doing. And though, you know what? Now hearing that thing about saline, the pickling jar, not as dumb as you think, actually. Yeah. Though obviously WebMD doesn't say put it in pickle brine. They do not say that.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Healing power of garlic and dill. And also on the reattaching thing, it does say that in some cases, if you have, you know, your regular fingers like pinky and ring, they say, eh, you know, you maybe don't want to reattach it because the ligaments won't get all back together and it'll actually be harder for you to move your hand from then on with a reattached like one of those. But they say opposite for thumb. If you can, if you can try to reattach a thumb, you do it. Like give it a shot.
Starting point is 00:52:43 That's, that's their opinion. I mean, I remember in college, uh, one of my professors, my logic professor, because I took a logic class. It was necessary to be such a good podcaster. All of the fingers were missing on one hand. Oh, wow. And I thought to myself, there's got to be a story there. And I don't know. It's none of my business.
Starting point is 00:53:01 But I feel like if I was in the same position, I would just tell the story on the first day. Like, you're going to be looking at my hands. Here's what happens. You know, if I had to lose a finger, it would be my ring finger. Oh, no. It's so useless. Look at this thing.
Starting point is 00:53:14 It can do anything. That's your proof of marriage. I don't even use it when I draw. Actually, no, I do. Shoot. Forget what I said. Okay, you'll have to wear the wedding bracelet then. I remember the video game Heavy Rain.
Starting point is 00:53:28 There's a challenge of like, will you cut off your pinky or not to prove you love your son? That's the future of video games right there. Yes, yeah. And I did it in the game because I was like, ah, pinky, left-hand pinky.
Starting point is 00:53:39 I can live without that, you know. And of course, I'd look like a cool Yakuza. Or I'd buy, I'd just buy one of those gloves like the guys in the Yakuza video games have to cover their missing pinky. But how will you make promises without your pinky finger? That's very important. There was a very corny pinky promise scene
Starting point is 00:53:57 in the Many Saints of Newark. I won't spoil for people, but I was just thinking of pinky promises. But yes, anyway, now not only is Homer bleeding, but they're on the run from the law. They didn't head out. Homer has to chase after Sam's little helper, which I really love the animation.
Starting point is 00:54:15 It's a dog that thinks he's playing a game of keep away. I really like that. And as Homer chases him, he goes into the house, and we get a... I've said before, i don't like jokes about ned being a christian extremist who says harry potter would go to hell but as far as accuracy goes as somebody who worked in a movie theater in florida when harry potter movies were coming out i met several people who said do not give me your harry potter bag that is witchcraft
Starting point is 00:54:42 like i don't want a bag of harry potter popcorn like and i worked with somebody else at a blockbuster video who said like well you like those harry potter movies you know it's the devil like i had to these were realistic things back then it may seem silly that ned would say this but actually pretty real in in the united states and it was uh very savvy of them because Harry Potter was not a movie yet. It would be a movie that fall. So people were talking a lot about the books. At this point in time,
Starting point is 00:55:11 the fourth book was out in America. So 2000 is when that book came out. I think the next one was 2003. I didn't read them. You know what? I came out on top. You were right, Bob. Because knowing all that shit,
Starting point is 00:55:21 nobody needs to know it anymore. Yeah. I never read it either i i saw like a couple of films but it's it's just not for me i regret every hour i invested in it i feel really bad for all of the uh lgbtq people i know who uh liked it so much that they even got tattoos of it and have now had to like get the tattoo covered up or removed because they're just like ah fuck that lady i guess now we're we're on rod and todd's side with yeah cheering yes the book being incinerated
Starting point is 00:55:50 the same reasons but still i uh yeah and also the simpsons would have their own harry potter parody character they would use several times angelica button which would debut in the episode the ha ha couple in 2006 all right there was an episode in which homer was reading the uh series to lisa and he read ahead and found out that version of dumbledore dies right and he has to figure out like should i actually read lisa the story or make up a new ending or something like that that's a clever idea it's always weird when the simpsons has both the parody thing and the real thing in the world kind of like how they have star wars and cosmic wars yes i don't like that oh well they love
Starting point is 00:56:30 playing uh sorry paying tribute to star wars as a disney brand now they do yeah sure yeah in just three episodes forward we've got the treehouse of horror for season 13 which has the harry potter one in it so uh but uh yeah so homer not only does he run through ned's house but also he uh destroys the train the little toy train that's about to run over his thumb which uh that's fun posing on that and just the i just love the timing of al homer just crushed like foot just in there crushing that little lionel train and destroying todd flander rod's life really we don't need to comment on every line of dialogue but i do want to comment on what the
Starting point is 00:57:10 dilly did leo i think it is the first or sorry the third parody of what the dealio in this uh in this show and that was a super short-lived catchphrase in this time area uh time zone or whatever that we're in right now the late 90s early 2000s and i like it wasn't invented by buster rhymes but it was in that song uh put your hands where my eyes could see and i think that's what popularized it but people were saying what the dilly yo for about four years you had to be there i think my mom even said it wow yeah it's perfectly right for it to be uh flanderized oh yeah i do miss uh all right i prefer the way marge says what the dilly oh that's that's a good one uh but homer gets back his thumb
Starting point is 00:57:52 i i do feel bad too for us and his little helper is crushed and homer chomping on him but he seems fine after so at least somer didn't like injure him and so yes they put it on ice but directly on ice listeners if this if this happens to you in a bag around a moist paper towel not directly touching the ice okay and then homer as he's trying to make up a lie they smash right into the car causing a car accident which uh yeah there's car accidents that are very important in the story of go as well yeah and uh i want to know what marge's original line was because let's just say bart did it is a uh you know totally adr line yeah there's there's an even more criminal adr mouth wronging
Starting point is 00:58:32 in this episode but that's up there in in go they're basically given a ferrari because they're on the run out of this casino because something happened no spoilers here but uh tay diggs is a character in the movie he's very well dressed compared to his dirtbag friends and the uh racist guy with the ferrari thinks he's a valet so he just hands him the keys and that's how they get a ferrari yeah uh it's cool man i i uh i forgot how cool that movie was especially the vegas thing just made me want to be back in vegas baby uh and eating but not eating any shrimp at film time don't eat shrimp at vegas i had food poisoning uh very badly uh recently and that's one part of the movie i didn't like seeing i was feverish and hallucinating you were just like breckin meyer yes exactly
Starting point is 00:59:15 nina took care of me when reindeer wolf castle smashes marge's car with a golf club i was wondering if that's a reference to jack nicholson doing the same thing. I'm pretty sure it is, yes. Yes, his 1994 road rage incident. I like how he's not even paying attention to Marge or Homer. He just is going off on the car with the golf club. That's road rage for you, man. Nowadays, there would be video footage of that. I'm sad we didn't get it, yeah. The instant, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Or a picture or something. And also, I remember that being so funny at the time because I already, because of jokes on The Simpsons, I already conflated Jack Nicklaus, the golfer, with Jack Nicholson, the actor. And so, and then there is a story of a guy smashing a car with a golf club, but it's Nicholson. It added to my confusion. He should have said, look at me, I'm Jack Nicklaus. That would have been funny. But yeah, that's what happened there yeah and apparently he paid the guy five hundred thousand dollars like that's good he had it that's like
Starting point is 01:00:10 one percent of his batman money right oh yes yeah well though you know the guy whose car he smashed it was a mercedes-benz which means the dude who he who he pissed off was a fellow rich guy who could actually like threaten to sue him not not some nobody like Marge and Homer in this case. Which, man, how'd they fix their car after this? I'm going to say they spent some of that diamond money on fixing their car. I think so. That's where it all went. And paying back Ramir for stealing his car.
Starting point is 01:00:39 And paying the mob doctor. Yes. But, yes, so they steal the car and this is when they visit Dr. Hibbert, which even at this point, Marge has to say, Hibbert's gotten really bad. Isn't there anything you can do? Well, I could cut off the other thumb for a sense of symmetry. Symmetry, eh? Hibbert's really losing it.
Starting point is 01:01:10 We're going to doctor next. We need more ice. My thumb is fading fast. Quick, Moe, Marge cut off my thumb. No problem. Just stick the old eye gouge in your pickle brine. That'll keep your thumb fresh and delicious. Thanks, Moe.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Hey, hey, ain't you gonna have a beer? Well, I really shouldn't. What with my massive blood loss and all. Although I do like the occasional beer. Did you ever see that blue man group? Total rip-off of the Smurfs. And the Smurfs.
Starting point is 01:01:42 They suck! Uh-oh, I smell gangrene. We gotta wake him up. A little coffee will do the trick. I wish they drew him as Sober Barney when he said that. Yeah, he's still Coffee Barney. That's one mess up in this, yeah. I will say in Japanese, finger is yubi and thumb is oyayubi,
Starting point is 01:02:00 and that means parent finger. Oh, that's fun. In Japanese, a thumb is technically a finger oh that's right that's why a yakodan is called that right thumb is their leader yeah okay i i like the uh the totally realistic appearance of a coffee pot at a bar which always happens because uh you know it's there for the bartenders who are working and dealing with awful people they need to be alert but also people who get too drunk to drive home, they think if I have one cup of coffee,
Starting point is 01:02:27 that'll get me sober enough to, you know, maybe not drive through a preschool. The way Barney pours it into Homer's mouth, though, that looks very painful. Yeah. Unless it's very cold. I think that's what, no, you're steam coming off it. I think that's what wakes Homer up
Starting point is 01:02:41 is the pain of half a pot of coffee poured directly into your mouth. That's called like Homer shouldn't be able to talk for the rest of the episode. Really? His esophagus is probably scorched, too. Also, I like how the other acts reveal that Homer gets that drunk in like literally 10 seconds. Like it looks like a time cut in Act One.
Starting point is 01:03:00 But then you see that like Lisa, it's 30 seconds tops in in the time it takes for homer to drink that beer and then march go like ah he's on the blue man group again and drive away and they were at the height from all the blood loss that too yeah alcohol on top of blood loss not good and not good and a blue man group hotter than ever in 2001 yeah i i've seen i've seen that blue man i i assumed you did for some reason and And I don't know why. You know, the family went to Vegas. It's easy tickets to get. And it's totally good. It's fine.
Starting point is 01:03:30 You know, I don't understand that. What do they even do? It's music. It's like performance art. It's basically like a very sort of it's a more mainstream version of like a performance art piece. It's like three guys all plain and blue. And then they're like, oh, we're all rolling toilet paper and then doing like a dance about it oh and i turned the toilet paper into a drum uh baton boom boom boom boom it's for
Starting point is 01:03:55 white people who are too afraid to go see stomp sure yes it is i remember stomp yeah it's like oh well if the stomp people were blue that i'm not as worried yeah now i've seen them in vegas i have not seen the jabberwockies which are supposed to be the even weirder version of the masked guys yes they creep me out i don't like them but if you're looking for 60 dollars as a way to have fun in las vegas you know my first vote would have been go to the evil dead musical but unfortunately that's now closed no no longer doing the evil dead musical which was a good time i did see that too but uh but yeah we're still in a pandemic as we're recording this and uh there's all sorts of supply issues all around the world and i saw an article
Starting point is 01:04:36 recently saying there's this paint maker a dutch paint maker who's running out of the color blue or a certain shade of blue or something whatever you use to make the color blue or a certain shade of blue or something. Whatever you use to make the color blue, there's a supply chain issue with that. Oh no, the blue mans are in trouble. They've been stockpiled. They've been renamed the man group. Also, you know what? Those pickled eggs first appeared in some
Starting point is 01:04:58 enchanted evening and they're paying off plot wise. Homer runs off. He sees that Marge has abandoned him, which does look pretty bad but in marge's defense homer got drunk instead of getting treatment for his thumb so i think she you know i can understand why she's like all right i'm out of here like homer homer's getting drunk i'll just take lisa home but well well that and uh she's like oh he's on the blue man group again this will take a while she's heard this rant before yeah but i guess when you see homer just head outside the door and marge isn't there you do think pretty
Starting point is 01:05:28 poorly of marge in that moment i will say um i agree with homer i think the smurfs suck i've never liked them absolutely yeah i yeah henry and i were born into a world of smurfs dominance and i never liked them my sister did maybe that's why but they were all just i mean they're the happy little elves, right? Yeah. Yeah. The Smurfs can be so consistently popular. Homer can still complain about the Smurfs in 2001,
Starting point is 01:05:54 just as much as the show complained about the Smurfs in 1989. Will you guys ever do what a cartoon on the Smurfs? I think we have to. Yeah. It's such a big thing. I, I definitely many times when we've covered people who worked in the, the animation world in the eighties, I just have to go like, and they worked at the Smurfs factory, obviously. And then you'll have to watch the live action film with Hank Azaria.
Starting point is 01:06:14 I don't think I'll be doing that. We talked about how his portrayal of Gargamel now, I think, is accidentally anti-Semitic or something. Yes. He looks like a caricature in like a racist magazine now. And he's saying he can finally steal all those Smurfs to turn them into gold. But yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:32 Is that what he does? How we use electricity can be smarter, cleaner, and greener. At Electric Ireland, we can help guide you there. You see, our new Net Zero Hub has all you need to know about smart meter plans, EV tariffs, solar panels, and much more. Making your usage clearer, your trips greener,
Starting point is 01:06:57 your home cozier, and your world brighter. Find our Net Zero hub at That was one of his plans yeah that smurfs if i could get into smurfs lore here gargamel wants to seal smurfs or smurf berries uh because he can use them in a concoction that transforms like liquid into gold it's uh he's he's a bit of an alchemist old gargamel is okay i thought you just like would squeeze a smurf to death and stuff would come out that would turn into gold. Gargamel wants to put him in his cauldron, definitely, and turn them into gold.
Starting point is 01:07:29 That's his plan. If any of us... Now I want to steal some smurfs. I want to make some gold. If any of us mentioned Gargamel at that table read, he would have chokeslammed us. Yes, yeah. It's like, oh man, you know, you, Chalmers and Gargamel, my two favorite characters, you've done them both.
Starting point is 01:07:44 You could have mentioned Herman's head but not this do you think he'd be more insulted by herman heads and gargamel no you know what uh on herman's head he had the point of view at least i'm not one of the people in the head that's true and he was correct about that but yes homer tries hitchhiking doesn't work so well without a thumb uh he does get in the car with cletus though cletus pulls up in i can't tell what country song it is can you tell bob henry one guess at which band is playing this song god damn it yes it really it's nrbq again it is and it's so buried in the mix that it's not listed on the wiki that lists the appearances of nrbq songs i thought so our eight appearances listed this is the secret ninth appearance it's the song song, Keep Looking for Tumbleweed's Danny
Starting point is 01:08:25 from their first kids album, which there was a song from that on the Homer Becomes the Baby Safety Guy. Yes, yeah, the safety first. Yes, that is the secret ninth NRBQ song in Mike Scully's run. There's one more coming up in Hunk, Hunk of Burns and Love.
Starting point is 01:08:42 Stay tuned. I saw someone on your Patreon who's sick of all your NRBQ bashing. You know what? I like their song about Diamond Lou Albano. Yeah, it's a fun song. And I like the joke song they make about- I'm sorry, Captain Lou.
Starting point is 01:08:57 He was not Diamond Lou. Yes, yeah. You're thinking of getting him confused with Diamond- Dallas Page? Yeah, I think that, yeah. Yeah, I like their Lou Albano song. I also like the joke song they make up for a father and son in love from the motorbike episode.
Starting point is 01:09:14 A Mayonnaise and Marmalade. Yes. I didn't even know what the hell this band was until I learned about it through Talking Simpsons. And now every time they come up, I'm like, man, they do use them a lot in this show. Mike Scully. oh scully i mean scully if he wasn't getting a kickback from the nrbq guys he deserved one because he he i think he must have made them at least five million dollars on just just through constant replaying of it disney sending them checks like a it seems
Starting point is 01:09:41 like a good song pick for this scene though no it doesn it doesn't stand out as like, oh, this is a bad song or whatever. I should have realized if it wasn't a song I recognized and it sounded like it was sung by white guys in their 50s, I should have realized it was an RBQ. I should have. I want to say Homer attempting to hitchhike without a thumb is one
Starting point is 01:09:59 of the best jokes they've had in a long time. It doesn't work. Why isn't this working? i love it yeah though uh cletus is really good at growing fingers back because he for one joke he has only a middle finger and a thumb but then in the very next scene all fingers are back on his left hand cletus is living in gattaca world he is he's uh i i would guess something in his inbreeding gave him the ability to regrow fingers that That's what I'm going to say. I love the book, The Grapes of Wrath. Yes, sorry, I almost said the Simpsons title.
Starting point is 01:10:32 One of the more shocking things is just in the beginning where they just come and they just like matter of fact say, oh, yeah, this pig ate a baby. And that's what happened to this baby. So watch out for pigs. Pigs will absolutely eat people they're scary it's uh homer is right to be scared of that uh the of the mascot of springfield a&m when that that bites he could have easily lost a finger sorry thanks a lot could have done a cletus on him yeah most recently like in 2019 a woman in russia had a seizure while feeding her hogs and she was eating it alive oh man that's all it takes you just like stumble fall in a pit of hogs and they'll eat you you know what i laughed at that feral hogs lady but now i
Starting point is 01:11:11 need to buy a gun they're keeping a machine gun yeah they head over to dr nick's lap first time dr nick in a while too oh sorry yes nina there was a deleted scene from this part oh apparently was used in an ad like i saw on uh simpsons archive uh for this episode they were like oh there was a scene here where homer spots a tick on cletus and it wasn't shown in the episode so sometimes they had deleted scenes in the promos uh so actually the two yes there are two deleted scenes that are on the dvd i i know the one you're talking about though this one actually appears in the, it does appear in this sequence, but in the second act replay of it,
Starting point is 01:11:47 because it's after Homer's abracathumbra, after Cletus laughs and says he should be one of those magic queers, then Homer says like, oh, really? Let me try a different trick. And he's going to like do the find a quarter behind your ear trick.
Starting point is 01:12:01 But then he sees there's a tick behind Cletus's ear and cletus goes like no no that's that's my friend i i'm keeping this tick and then later there's another deleted scene all that calls it back that i can see why they cut it as well you said the joke but i laughed really loud at cletus calling homer one of them tv magic queers which it feels like dana gould wrote that joke for some reason i don't know why it feels like what his dad called like david copperfield or something like that but yes dr nick returns as well a while since we've seen him and he has quite a yakov smirnoff delivery here
Starting point is 01:12:37 inflammable means flammable what the country can you drive me to Shelbyville Hospital my reconcile? Somebody done stalled in my wheels. Thanks a lot now. I gotta walk to Shelbyville It's too late Friend we always knew this day would come say goodbye to your brother what the hell oh lingual dead like i just love that delivery so much you can hear the colon in there and that he cares so much about this when he's about to throw his thumb away in the garbage like that he's like he's instead he's now concerned about a robot he met for like five seconds and destroyed now he's like treating it like more with more gravitas than if he saw like
Starting point is 01:13:51 a dead pet of his and with dr nick's uh what a country joke mike scully has come full circle because his first writing job was on the yakov smirnov sitcom what a country so for one of his last simpsons episodes he show runs he works that uh punchline in so he's coming full circle i think i learned from this episode that flammable and inflammable are the same thing i did too why is it like that me too and it seems wrong the english language is silly wrong yeah no inflammable should mean it's like invincible it's the invincible version of flam of flammable it means oh it's not you can't light on fire yeah i was shocked to learn i remember seeing this first time uh with my mom
Starting point is 01:14:31 and she was like no really that's true inflammable also means flammable and it's a very important word that you think it'd be very clear it's uh it causes explosions as happens to dr nick like yeah i you know homer should have asked now i think about it when homer goes to moe's moe already did his surgery on his brain crayon right he should have uh or crayon uh he will not say crayon around me that's right i'm a doctor he should have just uh reattached the thumb himself to homer you know maybe he only specializes in the head area uh maybe yeah it's a good thing lingo wasn't around cletus because it would have exploded a lot sooner yeah yeah oh man and yeah definitely on my first viewing homer's somber closing of linguo's eyes i was just i think uh my reaction was well this doesn't make sense
Starting point is 01:15:24 but that's most simpsons episodes now don't make sense so i this won't be explained that's why it was such a treat that it would be explained later i like that that kind of reminds me of the big city greens episode just covered yeah where he closes uh barry cuda's eye after he dies barry cuda the singing fish robot there's there's something just innately funny about the somber closing of the eyes of an inanimate object. Yeah. Then we start with Lisa's day. Same jokes as before.
Starting point is 01:15:53 Son of a diddly in the newspaper. Then, just as Lisa had said in the Homer episode of the crayon we just mentioned, Lisa is using Tai Chi to help her just as she said no chai tea is visible in this scene i'm sure people still do it i associate tai chi with as like a uh like kind of a yuppie-ish kind of thing you'd see jokes about it on tv uh when i go to the uh airport the san francisco airport in the international terminal there's this little area where you can you know get coffee and there's like an outside area people hang out i always see people doing tai chi out there oh wow like before their flight or something i can see it be relaxing if you go on a morning walk around here you'll always see
Starting point is 01:16:34 like a huge group of like old asian ladies doing tai chi out in the park you know i i was seeing it at the the yuppie version of it around berkeley during uh the early uh like first eight months of the pandemic uh in a parking lot near where i live on my morning walk uh at about eight every morning or five on the weekdays at eight there would be a lineup of of people they'd have rolled out their mats in the parking lot like all right open air tai chi we're gonna well do it here now i've never done it myself but i'm sure it's a lot harder than it looks moving that slowly can be um like a strain on your muscles like holding a position it's like yoga but moving you know donnie yen in those ip man movies makes it look pretty badass too so i want to learn but yes march screeches breakfast once more and this is when you as a viewer know
Starting point is 01:17:22 this is a repeating thing and we then get to see a briefer version of bart hearing millhouse at the door and then all over again we get to see the paint on marge's face that no one wants to eat her a crummy breakfast then we follow lisa upstairs instead of seeing homer uh cut his thumb off hang on linguo you'll be up and conjugating in no time. Ah! My thumb! Quiet, please. Some of us are trying to weld.
Starting point is 01:17:52 Almost done. Just lay still. Lie still. I knew that. Just testing. Sentence fragment. Sentence fragment is also a sentence fragment. Must conserve battery power.
Starting point is 01:18:05 Just come on. Uh-oh, the bus! Hey, stop! Wait! Oh, any day but Science Project Day. Kiss first place goodbye, Lisa. Ha-ha-ha! Oh, no! Somebody took my bike oh mom i need a ride to school we gotta get to the hospital this is when lisa must run and just as lola runs that sequence of her uh when she says quiet please
Starting point is 01:18:41 some of us are trying to weld every mouth movement is wrong on it i really want to know what the original line was but it's very audible that homer says ah my thumb and lisa does not care like that doesn't make her pause even a little bit lisa he hurts himself all the time at home yeah it's even worse a lot of it yeah lisa created a robot more pedantic than she is you know like i try to use proper grammar when i speak but it drives me nuts how i can never figure out lay versus lie unless i look it up so you you lie down but you lay something down that's how it works right yes i guess so but ultimately it doesn't matter because if language is that complicated people will just accept whatever you say i trust your opinion on this nina but yeah i don't i i i only know when
Starting point is 01:19:26 my grammar's wrong when red lines appear beneath text on something and i know i'm wrong and by the way i'm glad i'm less pedantic these days yes i i have a master's in english and i will not tolerate prescriptivism in my house but uh yeah the run lola run song is called running one so in case you're wondering where that is if you want to look it up they paid for the real song yeah that's cool i like that and also i love the shot of martin uh with his you know electric uh his lightning ball i guess you'd call it uh that and and the way he says kiss first place goodbye uh it had it does remind me of his pride in his geode. But I noticed a mistake. Milhouse is on the bus. You can spot Milhouse behind Martin when he's saying his first place goodbye.
Starting point is 01:20:14 That's the Estonian little person. He only plays Milhouse when he gets hurt. He's still pretending to be Milhouse to this day. Okay. All right. I saw someone post a screenshot of that and call it a dear evan hansen oh that's great at uh oh man i if you're listening to this six months after it goes live you won't know what your evan hansen is but it was with a toast to the town watch the jane nicholson video
Starting point is 01:20:37 about it if it hasn't been taken down by the dear evan hansen company by then because they're disputing it oh that's both that video i watched that that's where i learned the extra hateable fact about that movie that like oh the guy who is completely miscast in the role his dad's a producer on it that's why it like that makes him it makes it even uh i i pity him even less when people make fun of his performance in it but yes this is this would be the moment when lisa would get on the short bus fortunately she does not in in this version i never understood like what uh martin's thing is like i know what he's carrying but did he make that himself is that what he's going to present i assume he did make it himself yeah otherwise i guess that's pretty impressive it's not one he bought at spencer's gifts exactly yeah if you could build one of those yourselves then that's
Starting point is 01:21:23 impressive and like in run lola run uh lisa is almost hit by a car i think i think in some of the timelines she is hit that's correct yeah yeah she bounces off that mr martin dude's car and then and also you know they do copy not just the music and the shots of the running but also the big they even imitate the like big overhead shot of her running through the town square kind of thing. So, you know, for about a minute here, it's Run Lola Run. But otherwise, no, it's not. This is definitely the most recognizable reference to Run Lola Run Orgo, which is probably why
Starting point is 01:21:58 people mistakenly think this entire episode is based on Run Lola Run. Well, I mean, because it's so in your face and also i would think most people remember more people remember run lola run the go i'm gonna say these days i would bet oh completely yeah i do like run lola run more but they're both um equally worth watching i'd say and they fly right by like short they were like some of the shortest 90 minutes i've spent watching a movie when everything else else is like, I felt that same way watching Venom. And then meanwhile, we got Dune coming out this week that's like three hours long. It comes into my home on HBO Max and I'm not watching it.
Starting point is 01:22:34 The Eternals is like two hours and 40 minutes long. What are we doing? I want to see it. I want to see the new Dune. I heard it only covers half of the first book, though. I have heard that, yeah. Dune is one of those things I was like, boy, I'm a failure as a nerd that i've never read dune but i've not i you would think all the other things i've i've experienced i've not experienced to dune
Starting point is 01:22:53 unfortunately there's no such thing as being a failure of a nerd if you're a nerd you've already failed yeah exactly it's over for you i'm just kidding uh but yeah crusty crusty famously runs over people many times as we know glug glug vroom vroom thump thump that must be why teeny is his driver now i guess but also yeah you know after day of the jacket apes i think they fell back in love with mr teeny you know they hadn't done much with mr teeny in a little while and this now season 12 they're like hey it's funny to have this little chimp do stuff because monkey jokes were kind of overused back then and i guess they were trying to bring it back a little bit here god i mean yeah the the pointing monkey and chris uh in in in the family guy closet thing oh right i forgot about that recurring joke yeah real i mean well speaking
Starting point is 01:23:41 of like not trusting hogs i would not trust a chimp ever either. I feel for all the actors who acted with real gorillas or chimps or orangutans. It all seems very dangerous. Oh, man. I would never. But you know what? So it's been canceled now, unfortunately, but Why the Last Man, the live action series, finally came out. And there's a monkey in that, like in the original story. And the monkey in the show is entirely CG because Disney has a no primates policy for their shows. Oh, wow. Real life primates.
Starting point is 01:24:15 So Ampersand, I haven't watched the show yet. Ampersand's, he's all CG. Wow. Yeah, but it's really well done. It's not distractingly bad CG or anything like that. I think this is a better way to go instead of using real live chimps or monkeys. wow yeah but it's really well done okay it's not distractingly bad cg or anything like that like i think this is a better way to go instead of using real live chimps or monkeys i always figured that ampersand role was written for the one capuchin monkey that's in everything who was in outbreak
Starting point is 01:24:35 and friends and also the ken jong doctor show even like 15 years later it was the same uh monkey playing the role of being used in that show as in friends and outbreak in the 90s disney doesn't allow it uh you know what i guess that is the better thing honestly also when i watched go last night i was like oh there's a joke about subtitling an animal in this movie too just like with mr teeny in this episode that's right yeah first off i like that crusty the only reason he doesn't care that they almost ran over lisa is that she is a viewer in his key demographic it's the only reason why crusty would do a favor yes but mr teeny being asked for directions and just saying back in subtitles like i don't know what you're saying that gave me i that was a really great joke i
Starting point is 01:25:19 like uh and then wigum is just like ah whatever okay. Hey, we got the same hat. Like, Wiggum also had a new level of stupidity in this episode, too. Well, he doesn't care when he sees a dog driving a bus or whatever that was. Yeah. And he abuses a chauffeur with a cop. Yes. And so Lisa gets dropped off. And when she gets there, so Nina, you're the only one of us who is, well, actually, no, Bob, you were taught French in school.
Starting point is 01:25:44 I took Spanish. Yes. Against my will. I was taught French. I was us who is. Well, actually, no, Bob, you were taught French in school. I took Spanish. Yes. Against my will. I was taught French. I was in French immersion. Oh, man. That's far better than what Americans do. I was immersed in French.
Starting point is 01:25:52 Did this bring back any memories for you when they taught you how to laugh like a Frenchman as well? I recognized all the words just from knowing French, knowing some French. Nina knows more than me. The frog eats the grapefruit. I knew grapefruit because pumpleboos is like a comedy French word to American ears. Yes. I've heard it quite-
Starting point is 01:26:12 It is funny. So it's grenouille, I guess. I noticed the calendar on the wall says juillet, which is July, even though it's supposed to be March. Hey, wait a minute. This West Springfield school isn't as good as i thought it was things will be different at the magnet school uh also the french i was trying to see if they reuse the character art and it's the the french teacher is similar to the guy who makes the deadly
Starting point is 01:26:37 eclair and the french accordion man on the honey bunch but not a reused character model so there's like three of these very caricatured frenchmen now frenchmen are skinny they have pencil mustaches and they're rude big noses too i guess oh yes pointed noses yes uh but yes when lisa lisa's shot i just thought of a mean joke what to say oh so it's bob with a mustache thank you oh ouch, man. Thank you. That's some of that married humor right there. Trading barbs. No, Nina. But yes, Lisa realizes she's in the wrong school, but she makes a new friend. What? La grande nuit mange les pompes de mousse.
Starting point is 01:27:20 La grande nuit mange la pompe de mousse. What? This isn't Miss Hoover's class. I do not know this mademoiselle, Hoover, of which you speak. What's happening? Where am I? Sacrebleu, what a foolish question. You are at West Springfield Elementary School. West Springfield? I'm at the wrong school. West Springfield? I'm at the wrong school!
Starting point is 01:27:49 Au français! Sorry, I was rushing because I'm in the wrong school. Can you believe that? It's understandable. All the schools in this area were built from identical plants. I guess they didn't have enough money to hire I.M. Pei. You know about I.M. Pei? I am impressed.
Starting point is 01:28:15 My name's Thelonious. As in monk? Yes. The esoteric appeal is worth the beatings. What do your friends call you? I don't really have any friends. Just like me. And yes, it's the Simpsons debut of Frankie Muniz, the star, the titular Malcolm in the middle.
Starting point is 01:28:34 And we did an entire episode talking Simpsons about Malcolm in the middle, I think last year in 2020. Yes, yeah. And it's a great show. Just a very good show on the level of the simpsons and it was the next show on that night haunt great yeah yeah you guys were both watching it at the time right oh yeah definitely i was here to the very end i've still never seen it it's good oh you gotta you got i i remember it being advertised as like oh it's like live action simpsons i never bought
Starting point is 01:29:01 it though i it's it i think it's that's a it's an apt comparison yes it's like the simpsons i never bought it though i it's i think it's that's a it's an apt comparison yes it's like the simpsons except they never forgot the family is poor yeah yeah and also they unfortunately are cursed with aging unlike the simpsons yes oh okay so frankie muniz yeah we know his politics are bad but pro follow on twitter because he is the biggest sad sack and he really leans into it he is a very sad dad and he lives a very pedestrian life again but he leans into it like i'm looking at some of his tweets now and one of them is basically boy i love i sure do love rice-a-roni at rice-a-roni and um frankie muniz also says not only was eating at white castle painful while i was doing it the white castle farts and burps i've had for the past 24 hours
Starting point is 01:29:41 since reminds me to never do that again page Paige may kill me. Paige might kill me. No, I might kill me. Jesus. And lots of things about how his wife won't let him do things or how like his wife slipped on oatmeal and blamed him, but he doesn't eat oatmeal. And yeah, lots of lots of life for old Muniz. I mean, he's had a lot of serious brain issues. So that'll put you in a space.
Starting point is 01:30:03 If he doesn't as he said said he does not remember anything about making malcolm in the middle i would guess he also doesn't remember recording this guest appearance on the simpsons either probably not here's another one was supposed to get ice cream with my wife tonight but she fell asleep a few hours ago so now i'm getting ice cream with myself because i'm pretty fat damn yeah dark life dark life for old frankie man uh here's an interesting thing too about having him on though that malcolm in the middle Pretty fat. Damn. Dark life. Dark life for old Frankie. Man. Here's an interesting thing, too, about having him on, though, that Malcolm in the Middle, I looked up like, oh, what was the episode that aired with this?
Starting point is 01:30:31 It was a rerun. But two weeks before, alongside Simpson Safari, Malcolm in the Middle did their Sliding Doors parody episode that's also about timeline, retelling of scenes, things, the bowling episode. You know what? I watched that one for our podcast last year. It's even more complex than this. Yes, yeah. It's really good.
Starting point is 01:30:51 Have you seen Sliding Doors? I have not. Yes, yeah. Okay, that's one I do want to watch because of the two different stories thing. So, Bob, we should put that on our list. I smell a date night being planned here. Now, the bowling episode is really great.
Starting point is 01:31:05 I think actually probably I watched that live and seeing it two weeks before this one, it maybe made me think that this episode wasn't as clever as it is because I was like, I just saw that bowling episode. That was pretty intricate, too. Oh, another tweet. Sorry. One positive tweet from Frankie Munez. My armpits stink, but that's OK because I love my wife and I love my life.
Starting point is 01:31:27 Hey, all right. That's nice. Yeah. So, yeah, just follow him and I hope he's doing better these days. A French teacher pronouncing Hoover's name like that reminded me, like, I like to say people's names the way it would be read in French sometimes for fun. And, Henry, yours is the most fun henry gilbert that does sound much more sophisticated i do like that yeah henry bob and mine are boring yeah bulb also i much i much prefer the uvair to how like brits say hover
Starting point is 01:32:00 they say they they they call a hoover vacuum a hover vacuum oh really yeah i i learned that because there was a video game called hover bover which was uh we would always make fun of in the office is like the most british video game we've ever heard of hover bover which means uh hoover bother i suppose yeah oh yeah nina because of the french uh having poisoned your brain well what do you call our president you should be then beiden no i say i say biden in my head because it would be biden in if you read b-i-d-e-n uh through french eyes and japanese eyes it would both be biden because i know like the three languages like uh the voting in my head is like this is pronounced biden and i have to tell myself it's Biden. It's like Ninja
Starting point is 01:32:46 Gaiden. Ninja Biden. You know what if you asked him it would take him a while to think of it because he's a thousand years old. With his fists up. Yes like Cornholio. That was some good stuff. Yes our president recently did a Cornholio impression on stage and it was very funny. What was he doing? I don't know he thought
Starting point is 01:33:02 a lectern was there but again people who are 80 shouldn't be president. one final tweet from ricky muniz uh made in january of 2020 he says in 2002 i was nominated for a golden globe in 2020 i'm just sitting here staring in the mirror at my balding head so you know god damn he's got millions but he's still very sad yeah yeah geez it's a frankie a therapist take it to them man that's also the hearing about a kid whose parents named him thelonious it reminds me of the very cringy thing of how i forget which one of them but it was one of the ain't it cool news reporters named their their a white man with a white wife named his child toshiro which i thought was uh pretty cringy i mean henry and i have off-the-shelf white guy names from like 1934 but when i walk around berkeley i hear some
Starting point is 01:33:51 weird names being shouted out yes yeah i'm sure there's a thelonious around here one of the like the hippie kids here it is fun being around families and hearing what the kids are named and the parents just shouting it angrily uh also im pay that is a famous chinese american architect who lived a very very long time i've been in one of his buildings really not not the javits center but i have been in the rock and roll hall of fame which was i think the one of the last things he did his firm did i didn't know the javits was his i missed that okay then i've been in an impa building it's it's fine it's a fine center to have a new york comic-con in i had a nice time in there people were shocked he did the rock and roll hall of fame because it was him dabbling in something paying tribute to low art so there you have it and yeah i like his buildings though they look cool
Starting point is 01:34:39 he was an architect across seven decades which is great He lived to, he died in 2019 at 102, which that's impressive. And he was working up until like very late in his years, he was designing stuff. And then is the kids dance, which also is a scene in Go, but it's a fantasy sequence of, you know, two people holding hands and spinning in a circle. That happens with Manny and an unnamed teller at the grocery store right right oh i wasn't even thinking of that yeah i wasn't thinking of that either i was thinking more of the the threesome oh well sure there's that too it was uh it was thelonious in bed with lingua and lisa oh god uh i like to uh these are some of my favorite algin commentary moments when he remarks that
Starting point is 01:35:25 whenever he hears a song in something he knows how cheap it is to get that song and he talks about like if you ever hear the turtles happy together and stuff he's like that's in everything because it's cheap everybody the turtles are easy to license and most like another nrbq song in there yes scully probably had to fight for that like no i can think of the perfect nrbq song nrbq could cover happy together how about that get him in here uh but yeah it's funny that i think i mean i looked at people taking apart the plot and maybe there's a few shaky things but i like how this is built into the the storytelling and lisa goes we've been spinning for hours which makes it so the timelines line up the one thing they don't explain is that bart and millhouse have to have been inside of those caves for like four or five hours.
Starting point is 01:36:06 It's a really long cave. Yes, but plausibly you can say, yes, the caves are that big. You know, they call their shot right at the start. They show you that 7 a.m. sign and, you know, the episode ends at 3 and they do fit it in. And one thing Nina noticed about Go is that they show you a time at the beginning of the movie, but they don't ever show you times any other time in the movie. Yeah, that was weird. I thought they were going to keep showing you the time in all three stories. But no, it's just that one time.
Starting point is 01:36:33 It's almost like they were planning on doing it. And then they thought, oh, this would just cement too many things. And it'll cause too many continuity errors. So let's just take it out. And they forgot to take out that one time. Yeah. let's just take it out and they forgot to take out that one yeah i think the biggest cheat is like i think driving to from la to vegas is um longer than just a couple hours like how it appears in the movie but it might be going really really fast sure okay i i guess i don't know when i
Starting point is 01:36:59 lived in southern california people would go to vegas all the time and treat it like a no big thing like oh we're driving to vegas this weekend right. Maybe I'm thinking of just how long it is from here to Reno, and I'm associating similar California to Nevada trips. Lisa realizes she's been spinning for hours, and she must make the ultimate sacrifice. It's 1115. We've been spinning for hours. I've got to get to my school and hand in Linglo. Oh, but I don't want to leave you. You must. You can't sacrifice waiting for hours. I've got to get to my school and hand in Linglo. Oh, but I don't want to leave you.
Starting point is 01:37:26 You must. You can't sacrifice grades for romance. That's not the girl I fell for. Will I ever see you again? Of course you will. At the Magnet High School. Now go. I just want to play the music just a little bit there too.
Starting point is 01:37:42 I just realized he says, now go. Oh, yeah. And they say go throughout the movie Go. That's right. Well, it's the go from the movie Go. I think Jay Moore has the titular phrase in Go, the titular line in Go. Sure, sure. But that's not the only time that's used in the movie.
Starting point is 01:38:01 Henry, you saw it. The only one I'm thinking of is the is the jay moore one i can't i know i'm sure they do say go other times in it but that's the only one that is coming to mind right now i'm sorry to say every time they said go in that movie they should have looked straight right down the barrels isn't it hey pretty funny i said that right i wish she'd ended up with thelonious honestly i don't like this i i love that he even just says like yeah we're both gonna end up at the magnet high school in like seven years and we'll date then i i guess this is really just my way of again grinding my axe that i really hate that in future
Starting point is 01:38:36 timelines they consistently right now that lisa is with millhouse i just do not like that no i don't like that timeline either but in this in this one um I like that it was such a fleeting romance. It almost felt like a parody of Lisa's fleeting romances throughout the show. That's true. And all they do is spin in a circle. And you know, I will say in one of the most recent future ones they did where it was them revisiting the Lisa becomes president story. She is not married to millhouse in that one like they which i appreciate it i think they made it clear that she was a
Starting point is 01:39:10 single woman as president which uh that that seems unlikely to happen in our lifetime i don't know i feel like you got to be married to be president people people already are looking weird at cory booker for wanting to run for president and being unmarried and you have to pass as a christian or it's not gonna work of course that too yes i know they reference it like once in like uh one photo in the show but they really need to give lisa a girlfriend yeah they need to go you know in that same future episode they also say she has one girlfriend too in that right in the in the president one they just did in the last season so yeah they should just explore that more yeah do do one set in when lisa's 22 and let us see lisa's girlfriend she had like let's give lisa a girlfriend hashtag give lisa a girlfriend though she could be voiced by
Starting point is 01:39:56 zendaya sure why not though though also in everything these days though also i want to i i still am living for the idea of Bart and Ralph having had a romantic history as well in the future. I still want that to have happened. How we use electricity can be smarter,
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Starting point is 01:40:29 Making your usage clearer, your trips greener, your home cozier, and your world brighter. Find our Net Zero Hub at But anyway, yes, Lisa comes back to her Lola running. And you know what? Just like in Run, Lola, Run, she is running towards where her dad is. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that makes sense. There's a little there.
Starting point is 01:40:52 Lisa's saying of it's noon, that's when dad gets the brew shakes. That's the dark acceptance of Homer's alcoholism there. But instead, she runs into Wiggum, who really is the glue for this entire episode. Everybody meets Wiggum. Chief Wiggum, can really is the glue for this entire episode. Everybody meets Wiggum. Chief Wiggum, can you drive me to school? It's an emergency. No can do, dollface. I got an informant wearing a wire.
Starting point is 01:41:12 Just like on Nash Bridges. We're trying to get the goods on some smugglers. Why, I'd be delighted to sell you some illegally smuggled goods. That sounds like Fat Tony. Only one way to be sure. Fat Tony, is that you? Fat Tony? Hey, where's that voice coming from? This guy's wearing a wire.
Starting point is 01:41:30 Take him out. My bad. Can't work my answering machine either. Now I need a new informant. Hey, say, Lisa, people trust you. How'd you like to be a snitch? The pay stinks, but... Oh.
Starting point is 01:41:45 Rick, Moe, Marge cut off my thumb. How'd you like to be a snitch? The pay stinks, but... Oh. Rick, Moe, Marge cut off my thumb. Lisa! Mom, where'd you get that car? I stole it from the Bane after I cut off your father's thumb. Can you take me to school, please? Not right now. Your father's in there.
Starting point is 01:42:05 Did you ever see that Blue Man Group? he's on the blue man group again come on we've got lots of time got lots of time no you don't you don't have lots of time uh so the part with the part with wigum it's such a good scene because it's funny enough on its own and you think it's just like a throwaway gag that's not important to the plot. You would never imagine it's connected. And it just reads as a joke of Wiggum gets someone killed. And also that he thinks it's like Nash Bridges. I was going to say Nash Bridges info, not too much about it. I mean, it's a cop show with Don Johnson and Cheech Marin.
Starting point is 01:42:44 It would have its final episode just a few days later on May 1st. Really? Yes. And guess what? If you're a patron, we can give you advance notice because the Nash Bridges revival movie airs November 27th. If you're on the free feed, you missed it. This is what you don't get if you're not a patron. Just in time for Thanksgiving to watch the Nash Bridges
Starting point is 01:43:00 reunion together as a family. That's great. I know Nash Bridges for two things. One one at the height of my pro wrestling fandom in the 90s steve stone cold steve austin appeared on nash bridges so i heard about that and two that it had a spin-off show starring sammo hung which i actually watched a few episodes of called martial law should have been called hung jury it was like it was just so fun my friends would make fun of him calling him chunky chan and i was like hey give sam oh hung respect he actually is jackie chan's like you know a
Starting point is 01:43:31 colleague and he's he's a very well respected martial arts filmmaker but uh but in america he was just like the heavy guy who does kung fu that's that's how he was right here yeah i know i know nothing about nash bridges is that the name of a character? Yes, Nash Bridges is Don Johnson. Yes, he's a cop who doesn't play by the rules in Miami, I believe. There's a lot of cops that don't play by the rules, apparently. Too many shows about them. That's most of cops, I think. Yeah, I mean, before everyone had cameras, it was considered novel.
Starting point is 01:44:01 Like, this cop breaks the rules. Wow, what an interesting character. Well, that's what the Dirty Harry movies, to begin with were born out of the perception that we're putting too many rules on these cops and then the bad guys are getting away with it and somehow you get to make a a cop into a cool rule breaker even though it's again it's like every single day we find out cops actually shoot people when they're not supposed to and it's not cool or or hip but i meanwhile i prefer that wiggum is just a loser cop who gets people killed as reality should reflect lisa just running
Starting point is 01:44:33 away from wiggum is also a great response to it and also i really like that march says i stole it from mcbain not raymier wolf castle because i was thinking if in real life you say stole something from Tom Holland, you I would say, hey, I stole it from Spider-Man. You wouldn't say Tom Holland. It's more fun to say stole it from Spider-Man. No, it's pretty realistic that way. This is also like when they're able to say McBain again, right? Yes. I guess it was a while back.
Starting point is 01:45:00 The McBain rules have dropped. I think it's still been pretty rare that they say mcbain out loud i think it was uh yeah it was uh when homer the mountain climbing homer episode in 10 that's when they saw a mcbain movie of him killing commie nazis that's when mcbain finally got to be in the show again and so no one corrects you henry it's rainier with an n i i came back for the beer i think that's why i said yeah i i've i've often been a rainier guy instead of a rainier guy but also i i'm sometimes not good at enunciating my words uh as somebody who edits my own voice a lot i know i i am sick i i wish i enunciated better too so we're gonna go back and slip an n sound rainier wolf castle rainier wolf castle so i sounds. Ramir Wolf Castle. Ramir Wolf Castle. In the past
Starting point is 01:45:45 I've said it like Ramir and not Rainier. Yes. But yeah, Marge drives off, but it instantly runs out of gas. It's not so bad versus Mamma Mia in it, which gave me a good laugh.
Starting point is 01:46:01 Abundanza is an actual Italian word. Oh, really? It means plenty of. Oh, that's fun. Have you heard it in your Sopranos rewatch? You know, I hear them say the word schidol a lot, and I don't see them say abondanza. It's like give me agita, all that. They don't go like, more gabagool, abondanza, abondanza.
Starting point is 01:46:20 At gabagool, you hear about gabagool quite a lot. You do hear that. But no, he's usually mad that they're out of gabagool you hear about gabagool quite a lot you do hear that but no he's usually mad that there's they're out of gabagool that they're it's the opposite of abadanza gabagool uh which it does you know it makes uh that uh that meat that lunch meat look very tasty of course but that's whenever you see tony grab the gabagool that's when he's upset it's his coping mechanism to eat gabagool it's the it's the manic guys uh but instead of reaching for the bottle he reaches to eat gabagool. It's the manic, guys. So instead of reaching for the bottle, he reaches for the gabagool?
Starting point is 01:46:47 Well, he reaches for the bottle as well, but yeah, when he goes, in many scenes where Tony goes like, ah, enough of this, he walks over to the fridge, opens it up, and pulls out his handily ready gabagool. Cured meat.
Starting point is 01:46:58 Yes. But yeah, this is when that deleted scene comes in of after Lisa and Marge get on the car. Then it cuts to the abracathumbra. The name of the tick is Chester. That's the name of him. And we see that it's Dr. Nick's clinic for the next seven exits. For Marge and Lisa to be lost, they have to be crushed beneath a bunch of chicken coops.
Starting point is 01:47:19 So I chuckled at that. Especially when Marge comes out with a chicken in her hair. I just like that visual. And Marge decides, well, I borrowed one car today, so she's going to steal a second car. You know, for a penny and for a pound. Yeah. And it's when they steal the second car. That's when the next the only other deleted scene on the DVD appears, which is Marge and Lisa driving away.
Starting point is 01:47:40 This is when Marge sees a tick on her arm and goes, ah, and she's going to crush it. And then Lisa says, no, mom, that's Chester. away this is when marge sees a tick on her arm and goes ah and she's gonna crush it and then lisa says no mom that's chester and marge says wow you really know everybody so they they lost the chester subplot in this episode i guess it has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the plot so they were able to cut it out there easily no room for chester and so then as uh we're wondering like well how's this scene gonna end bart comes out of a manhole cover and Marge is about to plow right into him. And the act ends. All right.
Starting point is 01:48:12 So now Bart's day must begin. We're back with Son of a Diddly. You know, I do wonder, why does Bart's alarm set go off specifically at 7.03? Is that to get the extra three minutes of sleep in there? I think this is after he's already hit the snooze button. I think it went up at 7. Hit the snooze. Three minutes later, that's when Krusty brings out the big guns, which is Itchy and Scratchy.
Starting point is 01:48:35 Yes. I love the clockwork Itchy and Scratchy that come out to attack his head with little mallets and axes. That's great. A little baby axe. It's so cute. I also love any time where crusty and itchy and scratchy cross over in promotional branding i like that and and it was certainly the age of the snooze alarm joke the homer already did the in season 11 that was the first time i could find a joke about
Starting point is 01:48:57 the snooze button of homer saying need more snooze and he presses it and then sleeps for like uh 12 hours i think he does bart jumps up and uh this is when we hear the third use of breakfast uh the only one i have here in the clip is bart's day begins hey hey hey hey lazy huh get them boys okay okay Get him, boys! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Okay, okay. Breakfast! That's Millhouse. And it sounds like he has big news. I found something awesome in the woods. Is it a dead body?
Starting point is 01:49:44 It's cooler than a million dead bodies you take my sister's bike let's see front door back door skinners flanders your house ah lisa's bike what's it like riding a girl's bike it's disturbingly comfortable and i saved don't worry we'll talk about that next line that comes after that but i wanted to save that but uh bart uh he's trying to show off to millhouse that he's like i could break into your house anytime i want so i like that like but also unspoken here is that bart and millhouse are choosing to skip school today they're just not going to school well if something's cooler than a million dead bodies i'm there yeah uh but yes millhouse says he's disturbingly comfortable riding a girl's bike
Starting point is 01:50:30 which you know that made me uh remind me of a thing from our friends podcast drew mackie on the gayest episode ever podcast for one of his simpsons one his most recent simpsons one he had on uh two trans writers and podcasters uh one of them henry giardina uh who also uh they interviewed me for an article uh henry the this other henry wrote about drew's every gay moment in simpsons ever video it was uh giardina who had gave to me the theory he thought of like do you think millhouse reads like someone who will transition into being a woman later in life and this was one of uh jardina's uh top reasons of like just these moments and also millhouse going like oh what are big sisters for like just all
Starting point is 01:51:17 these jokes that are obviously making fun of millhouse the the intent of the jokes are millhouse is a little effeminate haha but i i i just thought it was interesting to hear from a trans writer who's like oh i actually theorize this shows that millhouse might you know transition later in life but anyway i can see that reading yeah yeah also i i linked uh to a gif of the animation when he says that but there's crazy butt animation of millhouse when he says it's disturbingly comfortable oh it's not it's not there until he says that and that is it's almost like there's something in his uh the the seat of his pants going back and forth like i guess that's his butt cheeks but they're not there until he says it's disturbingly comfortable wow you know
Starting point is 01:51:59 it's very distracting to me i never noticed that before but you are it's now so obvious to see when you showed us the image of it yeah feeling the sea with his butt yeah while pedaling like yeah it's it's him luxuriating in it as he says it's disturbingly comfortable yeah but he doesn't shift his position yes yeah he stays in the same position but then something comes out of his butt and goes back and forth he's got good control of his glutes yeah yeah what's weird about this scene uh is that it's an adr line from bart but it just it just rephrases what bart says because i think the original line was like in a commercial or something instead of him saying what's it like riding a girl's bike he says how's that girl's bike treating you so i don't know why they changed the phrasing because it wasn't a joke yeah that's interesting yeah also uh millhouse on lisa's bike
Starting point is 01:52:50 for a simpsons comic i did called uh a pencil called for uh millhouse's guide to keeping it cool i had to draw millhouse on a girly bike and these scenes with millhouse on lisa's bike were great reference so i just copied lisa's bike and put it on there. And I saw on Instagram one day that someone got a tattoo of that exact Milhouse drawing that I did. Oh, wow. That's so cool. My drawing of Milhouse trying to look cool on a girl's bike
Starting point is 01:53:15 has been immoralized on one's skin. It is a girl's bike because the, I don't know bike terminology, but the bar between the two wheels, bikes have wheels, is at a downward pivot. Because, of course, as we all know, women only wear skirts. And if they rode a boy's bike, you could just see their legs. It would be the end of the world. But that's why a girl's bike is gendered in that way, or was. Also, our hoop skirts wouldn't fit on a bike.
Starting point is 01:53:44 Exactly. that way or was also like our hoop skirts wouldn't fit on a bike exactly i mean if you were to be as so improper as to ride a bike as a woman anyway then you at least need to keep your skirt lower uh so then they arrive and i i would say this is the most memed moment of the episode wouldn't you guys say at least these days yes how'd you it? This is where I come to cry. Cool. Wow. Sacks. Burlap sacks. It gets better.
Starting point is 01:54:16 They're full of fireworks. Bottle rockets, frog launchers, weeping mamas, Tijuana toilet crackers. Three, two, one one gnomes blow up so yes this is where i come to cry i've seen used numerous times on twitter now often to refer to twitter as the place where people come to cry and i think it's important that it's like not just somebody saying this is where i come to cry but that the response from bart is like cool i guess i like any positive response part has to a
Starting point is 01:54:50 very dark thing it's better than uh bart making fun of millhouse for it i it fits too in the recurring jokes that we spotted in in drew mackie's video of every gay moment where after this episode there were like two or three scenes where millhouse seemingly is about to come out to bart and bart like shuts it down or he just was like i don't want to hear any emotions from you millhouse like this is getting too real and i like bart being a supportive friend it just is cool it's just like cool yeah this is where you come to cry but but i've seen people say like oh when i show people my twitter account this is where i come to cry like i've i've seen that uh a lot in the feed and we also get one of the last uh great pre-9-11 jokes about how the military is
Starting point is 01:55:35 full of wusses who are wasting money and they're not ready for war i love it the last gotta be the last time i think yeah it's uh from then on our all our soldiers are brave and powerful that's all the jokes you know no other joke can be made about them we have to apologize to dan crenshaw if we make fun of him it's the second time i've been on an episode that features fireworks because my first time i was on talking simpsons it was for summer of four foot two yes yeah uh i think the fireworks you're talking about, Nina, were the fireworks between us during that recording. Yes. Well, I already explained in that episode, but in my city of Vancouver, it's a tradition to shoot off fireworks at home on Halloween night. And this week is the week before Halloween. And the week before Halloween is the only time it's legal to sell and buy fireworks.
Starting point is 01:56:22 So you're only allowed to use them on halloween wow until last year they were finally banned so this is going to be the first year of the ban wow man halloween is uh it's coming up and i wonder how many people are going to adhere to the new rules how many lawbreakers are you going to see you know in the i remember in the covid uh july 4th both of them there were people like in in san francisco and in the los ang 4th, both of them, there were people like in San Francisco and in the Los Angeles area I saw who made like drone shots of people,
Starting point is 01:56:50 everybody in their backyard shooting off giant fireworks they really shouldn't be doing. Especially in a powder keg of fires that can start all the time in the Bay Area. It's dangerous. I think this year's July 4th
Starting point is 01:57:02 is especially full of fireworks because it was within the two-week period we thought COVID was over we're like yes we beat it it's fireworks time everybody yeah and then uh halloween is a much safer time to shoot off fireworks especially in vancouver it's constantly wet everywhere oh well sure a lot of rain especially this month we've had it pretty dry until now it's actually been a wet october for the first time it feels like forever in in berkeley to make up for the the fireworks the new fireworks ban they are gonna put on like an uh official fireworks show on halloween night somewhere that's good i don't know if that's gonna
Starting point is 01:57:35 call the the thirst though i think we're gonna still see a lot of people shooting them off in their backyards you know i'm glad you mentioned summer four foot two as well because when we did that episode i thought tijuana toilet cracker was in that episode until we did it i was like oh i guess that's later like it's it's such a great just descriptor of a giant uh firework you know weeping mama's is a good one too because that's what will happen after it blows up your child i suppose bart's plot bart's story is the most go-like of the the three stories in this episode yeah but not to make it gay again for millhouse but it is very similar to the scott wolf and jay moore storyline yeah it feels like they always turn drugs into fireworks
Starting point is 01:58:18 when they need to make something family friendly uh i remember the clerks cartoon where uh kevin smith pitched the cartoon abc didn't know that Jay and Silent Bob were drug dealers. When they found out, they're like, you can't do this on our show. So instead they became, quote, unquote, merry mischief makers, and they would sell illegal fireworks instead of drugs. I remember that. And also this was the first time I caught that the gnomes are skinners. Like you see skinners mailbox. I always caught that the gnomes are skinners. Like you see Skinner's mailbox. I never, I always just see the gnomes explode.
Starting point is 01:58:48 I never noticed Skinner's mailbox in the shot. Those are mother's gnomes. Mother gnomes. Oh man, that could have been used in this episode. Yep. Yep. Punching it up. I also, the bit of the rockets attached to a bike to make it go faster,
Starting point is 01:59:05 basically doing like a real life version of a Wile E. Coyote trick. I feel like after this episode, Jackass did that. I can't remember. I know Jackass did rocket skates, but I think they did it for the bike as well. You know, Henry, I'll call you out for hypocrisy. You said that you couldn't handle Homer severing his thumb in this episode, and yet you're a jackass fan. Frankly, I don't understand it.
Starting point is 01:59:27 I can't watch jackass. It's a nuanced world view. I see, I see. For some reason in a, well, look, if they did a jackass thing called like hand accidents that you don't, in jackass they're doing stunts you expect to see them hurt.
Starting point is 01:59:41 I see, I see. You know, there's a difference there. Also, you're watching jackass with all your rowdy friends it's uh that's all your rowdy friends are coming over tonight uh but no i contain multi i guess honestly if i can explain my appeal of jackass it probably is because it came at the same time i was watching a lot of extreme wrestling and so i could compartmentalize that violence into the pro wrestling section instead of into yeah for like horror movies not to say i never watch horror movies but i don't love them like i love the jackass you know i'll buy it uh speaking of things that were current at the time
Starting point is 02:00:16 like jackass penis adjustment surgery we got a joke about that it was it's all the rage then lengthening and widening as we know m McAllister needs a bit of both. Though, again, I must say, a canister being, when the thing gets lit on fire, it does not look like how the canister that is lit on fire in Act 1 looks. You know, it explodes differently. Bad continuity. Are we to believe this is some magic canister? I choose to think it's a second canister.
Starting point is 02:00:43 You must have had two ether canisters that exploded. You're like some kind of lingo for cartoon continuity. We really are that. But yes, then the boys are running away as they hear the cops, but they have the foolish mistake of going into
Starting point is 02:00:59 the real 123 Fake Street, which is when they are caught in this next clip. Here we are, 123 Fake Street, the home when they are caught in this next clip. Here we are, 123 Fake Street, the home of Knifey Wifey. Hey, Chief, can I hold my gun sideways? It looks so cool. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Ah, sure.
Starting point is 02:01:15 Whatever you want, birthday boy. Okay, drop the knife, Stabitha. Great, Groochy's ghost. We've uncovered a hardcore cracker house. There's enough Chinese sky candy here to put you boys away for a long time. I can't go to Juvie. They use guys like me as currency. Yeah, they'll pass you around like...
Starting point is 02:01:38 Like currency, like you said. Maybe we can make you boys a deal. Your mission is to find the firework smugglers and get them to say something incriminating on this tape. Hootie and the Blowfish? Yeah, it's cheaper than blank tape. Ouch. Take that, Hootie.
Starting point is 02:01:57 Take that, cracked rear view. You know what? Hootiefest is coming up. It is? January 2022. They're having some kind of giant concert along with Bare Naked Ladies, Blues Traveler, Spin Doctors, Better Than Ezra. They're all of that era, I guess. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 02:02:15 Where is this? I got to look up where this is. It's in Mexico, I think. Well, all right. It's not too far travel. If you want to know where hootie was at the time and his blowfish um so at this point their previous album was the 1998 album musical chairs which still went platinum but in 2003 that album would be the big bomb and uh yeah so uh yeah they
Starting point is 02:02:37 were fading to the point where a few years later no one would care i mean even still around by 2001 they were already a joke yeah the the hootie and the but i i couldn't believe when i looked it up again like how much did cracked rear view sell 21 million copies yeah yeah but like just from the song hold my hand alone they made enough money for like 18 lifetimes the entire band back when that mattered having a hit song like that so march 20 uh 21st is lou's birthday i guess oh okay it does so it lines up with the hootie fest oh yeah so holding a holding a gun sideways is uh not good that's a but it's a very pulp fiction tarantino-y type thing it fits nobody and when people hold guns in go nobody does it the sideways way but i i think
Starting point is 02:03:27 of it as a pulp fiction thing like certainly it was done in movies beforehand but i think of jewels in pulp fiction pointing his gun that way in like the poster like a john woo thing you know and john woo he double guns it i guess he's sort of i've seen yeah yeah chai fat does it too yeah that's true i think a lot of movies are doing it at the time. Well, and certainly Tarantino would have ripped it off of John Woo movies too, yeah. If you've ever fired a gun, you'll know holding it sideways is probably going to jack up your wrist
Starting point is 02:03:55 and you can't aim properly. Man, I'm learning so much about guns here. Nina and I have both fired guns, so watch out. Not together or at each other. Have we mentioned this is the subplot for the movie Go? With Jayay moore and scott wolf uh yeah because they're actors who you know off screen were caught you know buying drugs so now they're working as undercover cops to uh you know on a sting operation and they're wearing wires and although fun ecstasy yeah yeah and by by 99 wires are not that big it's like a comedy wire that scott wolf has to put on his
Starting point is 02:04:25 balls uh quite a batch on him there in that movie well though you know the movie the the series the wire is just about to premiere at the end of 2001 or early 2002 also this feels like the last time you could do a joke about a cassette tape in 2001 as well and if i may do a comic nerd thing here the uh obviously great grucci's ghost is a reference to great caesar's ghost which is perry white's exclamation in many a classic superman series and of course grucci is a firework manufacturing company so combos up the two there oh i didn't know that but yeah the great great caesar's ghost what a wonderful exclamation i i still enjoy that uh she is uh known to be a fireworks factor uh fireworks maker yes he asked me to name any kind of fireworks manufacturer i'd be like i don't know
Starting point is 02:05:17 no i mean i only i know that because i had to look it up me too i was like what's grucci like matt slum and said it on the commentary so The boys are made into wire-wearing snitches. They head into their tunnel, and this is when we run into good old Fat Tony, Legs, and Louie. Great idea to smuggle fireworks, boss. Yeah, I was getting sick of running those unions. So much paperwork. Knock, knock. Excuse me.
Starting point is 02:05:44 My friend and I were interested in purchasing quality fireworks yes we are why I'd be delighted to sell you some illegally smuggled goods hey where's that voice coming from guy's wearing a wire take him out my bad oh i love that to find out that it's bart who gets shot like if you if you're remembering act two of like wait the person who wears the wire gets shot we saw that happen with lisa like that also makes you very worried for bart in this section this is when uh millhouse and bart run through the caverns for hours they sure do yeah well i mean you know it's on the outside of town and then they end up in the middle of town somehow somehow these caverns uh
Starting point is 02:06:34 also connect to the sewer system which is how part comes out of a manhole cover but and also we just did a whole thing about the sims uh the previous episode simpson safari is all about how much they hate unions now we got a joke about uh you know the the mob runs the union so much paperwork yeah this uh you know this goes about as well as the wire does for the guys and go also which man i love that sequence the sequence in the sarah polly going to sell the drugs like that the tension in that scene is so good like how everything feels weird to her in the first version of it and you're like what's so weird here but yeah it does feel weird what's going on yeah i mentioned that like the three stories and go feel like wildly different
Starting point is 02:07:14 stories but the third one is my favorite yeah it's the funniest one too oh yeah yeah and uh it pays off so many things and uh and yeah i love i love that the jay moore's character goes from like helping sarah polly to then going like man she should just fucking die like yeah what a trip he goes i don't want to spoil all ago sorry for like if you haven't seen it yet listener but yeah i i think the third act is the best of the three i will say go to amazon prime and rent it for three dollars at uh i think the vegas douches are the worst uh part of it even though it's it's still fun but yeah you know in anything the second act is the weakest even in this episode yeah yeah take that lisa and also as uh you know i speaking of uh little animation things i had to like i was like going second by second
Starting point is 02:08:06 i guess it can be read as bart grabs a lighter out of louis pocket but really he or sorry legs his pocket but bart pretty much has a lighter appear in his hand to light those firecrackers to cause the diversion but he kind of he like he wiggles around and has a hand near legs his pocket and then he has a lighter in his hand so i guess you could assume he pulled it out of his pocket but i'll buy it it's a bit of a fine i'll let it go and i i also like the animation of them running through uh the caves with sparklers out lighting it with with sparklers. I also like that. You know what's interesting for this? They could have brought back the Lola music for this.
Starting point is 02:08:50 Like it could have been the same. It's also a running sequence, but it's instead the usual, you know, Alclaz and running music. I think the Lola stuff needs to stick to Lisa. It makes the most sense with her. It's one person running that I associate that music with. That's true, yeah. The boys get cornered
Starting point is 02:09:05 uh they're about to be shot like fat tony is going to murder two children right here uh and this is uh they ask shoulder or ankle which uh you know surprised me louis chooses ankle legs picks shoulder uh just to let the record reflect that when When they run away, the mobsters have to stand below them for about 20 seconds for this to work here as well. They let them go up the ladder. Like, let's see where this is headed. How we use electricity
Starting point is 02:09:33 can be smarter, cleaner, and greener. At Electric Ireland, we can help guide you there. You see, our new Net Zero Hub has all you need to know about smart meter plans, EV tariffs, solar panels, and much more. Making your usage clearer, your trips greener, your home cozier, and your world brighter. Find our Net Zero Hub at Let's say that Fat Tony was just very slow going up a ladder. He is quite big.
Starting point is 02:10:07 There's no mob stuff in Go, but there are mob-like guys with guns. Yeah, the strip club guys are basically mob guys. Bart and Milhouse, they are going up top. Bart comes out top. And I love for all of the drama
Starting point is 02:10:22 that they put at the end of Act 3, Marge just stops and it lightly taps the back of Bart's head. That's great. I love that. He's just annoyed. Like, ow. Mom. So the boys run away one more time.
Starting point is 02:10:34 Lisa and Marge are witness to them being chased. And it's almost Marge is about to watch her child be murdered in front of her. And so she is desperate, Desperate enough to throw a robot. You ain't going nowhere. You leave those boys alone. Hey, they's throwing robots. They are throwing robots.
Starting point is 02:11:02 Is this respecting us? Shut up, you face. Shut up, you face! Shut up, your face. What's the matter, you? You ain't so big. Me and him are gonna whack you in the lobanzer. Bad grammar overload. Error. Error.
Starting point is 02:11:20 What the hell? Lingo. Dead. what the hell lingua dead you know lingua should be more open-minded about dialects that's what i have to say yeah honestly it's italian american discrimination yeah you know at least i didn't have time to program that in that's true she'd have been more sensitive if she had just given a little more time she'd have been more culturally sensitive i think no colloquialisms but yeah the thing's throwing robots i love that i i like when lingual sits up to correct them also that lingual yells when he's thrown oh he knows he's thrown yeah that's great and yeah this is the height of the sopranos popularity so it's a time to make fun like season three of sopranos i was watching live on hbo the sameopranos popularity so it's a time to make fun. Season three of Sopranos, I was watching live
Starting point is 02:12:05 on HBO the same nights as these episodes. It was a good chunk there. 8 o'clock, Simpsons, 8.30, Malcolm in the Middle, 9 o'clock, switch over to HBO to watch the Sopranos. Actually, I guess it was really Sex in the City
Starting point is 02:12:22 and Curb, then Sopranos at 10. That was the usual. Italian lobsters had never been more popular. I'm telling you guys, I know I sound like every cliche in the world. It really is the best show. I love the show so much. It's only better with time. If I see you buying cigars, Henry, I'm stepping in.
Starting point is 02:12:37 Well, what's funny about the show as I watch it now is like, oh yeah, I was exactly AJ. Like AJ Soprano, his shitty little little son who's just an annoying jerk kid who's like mom you're on the internet i was like oh yeah that was me this i don't think any show in 1999 more perfectly captured uh how annoying 13 year old suburban white kids were and i think she did that show does it well i know i ragged on on you about on Twitter, but I just want to say it was funny when you guys were like, oh, they should let people smoke on TV and in movies. It doesn't make people want to smoke. And Henry was like, yeah. And then three minutes later, he's like, oh, I started watching Sopranos and I really like it.
Starting point is 02:13:18 It made me start drinking whiskey. And actually, now that I think about it, I think my dad started smoking cigars because of Sopranos. It does make an impression on you when i just re-watched the fifth season premiere of sopranos and tony takes out his little like metal tube that you unscrew your fancy cigar out of to take a few puffs which i saw my dad exactly do back then i was like oh yeah he did just do it because of this but you should not emulate tony soprano or jolfini. No. Both dangerous lifestyles. Unlike Gandolfini, my weight loss has been going down instead of up over the years as he does on the series. But, you know, Bob is supportive of my whiskey.
Starting point is 02:13:55 After doing that podcast, Bob as a birthday gift to me bought me some very nice whiskey and a whiskey measuring cup as well for it. So I can have the correct shot amount. And when I make my highballs at home, I can measure it out correctly. All right, he got you some good stuff so you don't have to drink Jack Daniels. When I drink the Suntory brand,
Starting point is 02:14:14 I'm just like, oh man, I'm just like Yakuza on Yakuza. The Italian mobsters, they all get blown up. Homer runs real fast from where he is to get to that alleyway but uh i also i had a little chuckle at the funny drawing of barton millhouse hugging each other inside of the uh the trash can for safety that's it's a cute little drawing uh but yeah homer ran back he sees lingo is destroyed he kept his thumb is now in his pocket which is like ah this this thumb is trash now in his pocket, which is like, ah, this,
Starting point is 02:14:45 this thumb is trash. Now really it's, it's not coming back. It's the magic of mob doctors. They can just do anything. Uh, and yes, we have a happy ending for everyone here.
Starting point is 02:14:56 Oh, thank goodness. Everyone's okay. Except your thumb and Lisa science project. I couldn't help, but notice your respective predicaments. Perhaps I may offer a bipartite solution. There you go. Enjoy your thumb.
Starting point is 02:15:15 As the circulation returns, the subject prepares for a long and painful recovery. It's lucky for me that Legs was an experienced mob doctor. He once pulled a slug out of my arm and inserted it into a stoolie's brain. That's a first-place science project, Lisa. Yay! Boy, this sure
Starting point is 02:15:38 was one crazy day. Right, Mr. Teeny? Mm! Mm-hmm! Mm-hmm! Mm! Mm! Mm! Mm! Mm! Mm! Mm! Mm! Mm! Mm! Mm! Mm! Mm! Mm! Mm! Mm! Mm! Mm! Mm! Mm! Mm! Mm! Mm! right mr teeny that's the only downer of this episode i said it up front but it's mr teeny saying tell the people this plot made no sense which you you worked very hard to do this why are you crapping all over at the end it all works even people on the internet could barely find anything wrong with the plotting i was like you've had like way worse endings than this why why this one you're uh you're saying this
Starting point is 02:16:15 makes no sense it's not true it feels like perfect sense an elder statesman on the writing staff uh just stepped in and said we have to put this on here because otherwise if we're wrong i think that's one of those times where again it feels like the simpsons lacked confidence you know they should have had the confidence certainly selman on the commentary is very confident i don't think it was his call i think i think they say that that was a replacement that originally was like him saying like i have rabies or i have ebola yes but actually on the commentary they they actually disagree with mr routiney they said no this plot does make sense why did we put that in there and i think
Starting point is 02:16:49 somebody says i think he said something about ebola before yeah they they should have the confidence to just say like yeah this episode does make sense but they this was the opposite of them rubbing something in the face of uh the commenters on the internet this was them saying like i'm sure the people on No Homers are going to tell us that we messed it up and it doesn't make sense. So let's just have Teenie say it now to get ahead of the curve, you know?
Starting point is 02:17:14 This is why no matter what dumb thing you do, you got to do it with full confidence. I agree. You can apologize later when it's over if you did make a mistake, but have the confidence then when you do it. This insecurity is now part of this episode forever. And that sucks because it's a great episode.
Starting point is 02:17:31 Yeah. And it's an unfortunate thing at the very end, too. I wish it wasn't that. Especially, I love the drawing of Marge. Marge saying, boy, we sure had a, that was one crazy day, right, Mr. Teeny? Like, that's such a funny drawing we get we get two downers at the end we have uh mr teeny's uh bad line of dialogue and also fake miss hoover the non maggie roswell miss hoover uh bad taste in my mouth also homer moves his thumb instantly
Starting point is 02:17:58 as soon as it's reattached which uh as as you i'm sure can assume that is not accurate it says it'll take a lot of usually a lot of physical therapy in about 12 weeks before you're moving your thumb again, even a little bit. Lisa, I like how Lisa, she like shrugs off the magic of this by saying, you know, the slow and painful recovery that will follow. Though the time frame does work. If you take that Homer got his finger cut off at nine and it got reattached at three the internet does tell me that up to six hours you're probably gonna be able to save the thumb it says and so homer was really at the last second there there's a video on youtube that has
Starting point is 02:18:37 all three parts playing next to each other at once to show the entire day oh neat oh i should check that out yeah it's by youtuber multiple ajs okay i'll look that up all the audio plays at once too so just last thing about this scene here too uh is that tony admits to murder in front of witnesses including a police officer nobody nobody really cares about him shooting a stoolie in the brain i gotta wonder what they get out of this i guess if they help her with her project then they don't get charged with anything debarded millhouse not pressed charges for their the fat tony trying to kill them i guess i suppose mr teeny is right
Starting point is 02:19:18 everything back yeah this episode i don't care like i said uh a lot a lot of fun has been had on this uh on these recent seasons with how little they care i mean it they they like to joke about it's like we've been going on for so long what else do you want us to do so often it'll be a fun shrug sometimes they work sometimes they don't sometimes they frustrate us they frustrated us a lot more 20 years ago but it was cool to see them actually care about plotting and having the plot matter and that's why this stood out then and it stands out now doing this podcast where again people are getting tired in in these seasons yeah i i've said it before on here for examples of me getting to the end of just the
Starting point is 02:19:56 simpson safari and going like so they all have diamonds now or or the end of the scams episode where they just all start surfing yeah it's just like surf party like moments that just shove you in the face of like haha we don't care and you can't make us i had the opposite reaction when i watched this the first time because even then i didn't stand up and say this definitely makes sense but i did think like wait why is teeny saying this i thought this made sense like it i had the complete opposite reaction the way teeny talks is how he should have said at the end of most episodes the angry reaction i had in 2001 missionary impossible let's say yeah yeah after watching go i'm even more impressed by this episode because the stories intertwine more and timeline wise they may not fit together perfectly like bart and mil's being chased for three hours
Starting point is 02:20:42 it still works and uh this actually heightened my expectation for the movie Go because I thought that movie was going to be more like this episode instead they all veer into like wildly different directions this one it's more like I said more intertwined which makes me want to see an episode that's actually based on Run Lola Run where it follows one character and we see the same day three times where they do something different each time and uh like i can picture lisa like say bumping into bumblebee man as she runs past him and then you see like flashes of what the rest of his life would be like but that could be fun to play with yeah you know i wish they had done that if there's one joke they should have stolen from it to put in the movie we're not just yeah the polaroid flash forwards like just
Starting point is 02:21:22 do do that one time where she bumps into like barney or whatever and it's him dead in a ditch or something maybe they thought that would be a little too confusing yeah you haven't seen the movie that's true that's true and in both those cases they're like nobody saw this movie it only it only made like a million dollars or whatever so i i can understand that you can still understand this run run reference in this episode without having seen the movie like what do you know about that movie it's about a woman who runs to cool german techno music yeah that's all you see in this i mean i hadn't seen it at the time and i knew the reference i unfortunately it left it was too big of a reference because now people think
Starting point is 02:22:01 that's what this episode is when it's not and matt someone will call you a dummy i also have to give credit to matt selman al jean still won't reference a movie as young as a 1999 film like he will only reference movies that are older than 1970 and so even now having a go reference to in a 2021 episode would feel relatively fresh compared to the many breakfast at tiffany's episodes that uh that al jean has done he's done at least two at least two breakfast at tiffany's ones or the one that puts homer in atticus finch's role in to kill a mockingbird oh you mean atticus finch don't don't remind me this this shows the um relative youth that matt selman brings to the show and one of the more positive things about modern simpsons uh that that selman brings i'd say oh and yeah i guess officially best episode of season 12 oh definitely maybe the best episode of mike scully's uh run
Starting point is 02:22:57 maybe you're calling it now maybe you know i won't i'm gonna have to double check the list one more time to say that for sure i don't't count episodes from his run that were showrun by Mike, sorry, by David Merkin or Oakley and Weinstein. Oh, certainly not. Those are different. That would be underhanded. I wouldn't go that way. But yes, thank you for joining us on our show, Nina.
Starting point is 02:23:18 Please let us know where we can find you online and what you're working on. I know a new book is coming out that you are the artist behind, too. Yeah, that's Spark sparks future perfect that's per as in the the cat noise drawn by me simpsons comics artist me and written by simpsons comics writer ian boothby and that's coming out march 1st 2022 that is after hootie fest this was entirely drawn during the pandemic oh it was yes yes and i'm on twitter as space coyote that's space coyote with an l at the end instead of an uh an e space is my website if you want to see my artwork if you go to go to collections sort by artists space coyote you'll see all the latest stuff i've designed for games like ghost of tsushima megaman legends and delta rune chapter
Starting point is 02:24:01 two i'm also on the talking Simpsons Discord way too much. Say hi to me on there. She's modding on there. So if you insult us. I'm not a mod. I don't have mod privileges. We'll talk about that. Mod privileges. It's hard thinking.
Starting point is 02:24:15 And yeah, I own several of your shirts. My husband actually just bought your Garris one from Mass Effect. The Archangel one. Oh, that's on Ah, okay. I'm wearing one of your Undertale shirts right now. That's from Fangamer. A wonderful shirt smith, this Nina Matsumoto.
Starting point is 02:24:34 But yes, thank you, Nina. It's always great to have you back. So, thanks again to Nina for being on the show. Please check out all of her stuff. And as for us, if you want to check out more of what we do and get all these episodes one week ahead of time and ad- ad free please head on over to slash talking Simpsons sign up there you'll get just that and also access
Starting point is 02:24:50 to everything behind the $5 paywall that is all the exclusive podcasts we've made for the past four and a half years of this patreon which includes all of our limited miniseries the most recent one we're doing right now it's currently unraveling that is blabbing about Batman the animated series we're going over our 10 favorite episodes of Batman, the animated series with research
Starting point is 02:25:07 and clips, everything you love from our podcast. And only $5 and up patrons can get that at slash Talking Simpsons through the end of 2021, 10 new episodes. And there is a $10 level as well on the Patreon when you sign up for that. You get access to all the $5 stuff, but also access to one huge mega long podcast once a month only for patrons of that level or higher what is that podcast henry bob is talking about the what a cartoon movie podcast if you're a listener of talking simpsons you no doubt know that we have a sister podcast where twice a month on what a cartoon podcast we talk about an animated
Starting point is 02:25:39 series super in-depth well once a month we cover an animated feature film but only for our premium patrons at slash talking simpsons if you sign up at that ten dollar level you get all the five dollar things bob just talked about but you also get the what a cartoon movie where we cover animated feature films like this month we're covering rudolph the red-nosed reindeer the 1964 rankin basque holiday classic the month before that batman beyond return of the joker one of the best batman cartoons there ever was a giant back catalog three years worth i would dare say over 200 hours of exclusive what a cartoon movie podcast in addition to the over 100 episodes of other patreon exclusives there sign up today to check it all out go to slash talking simpsons so as for me
Starting point is 02:26:27 i've been one of your hosts bob mackie you can find me on twitter as bob servo i also have another podcast by the way that is called retronauts it is a classic gaming podcast all about old video games find that wherever you find podcasts or go to slash retronauts sign up there for two full-length bonus episodes every month and henry how about you you can follow me on twitter at h-e-n-e-r-e-y-g and also if you're following me and bob on twitter follow the official twitter account of this podcast at talk simpsons pod if you follow at talk simpsons pod on twitter you will be up to date whenever there's news on the patreon on the free feed whenever there's a, whenever we announce something like a live show, you might hear about it first.
Starting point is 02:27:07 No, you will hear about it first at TalkSimpsonsPod on Twitter. Follow it. Thank you so much for listening, folks. We'll see you next time for the latest episode of our community podcast, Talk to the Audience. And we'll see you then. And Harry Potter and all his wizard friends went straight to hell for practicing witchcraft. Yay! What the diddly-oh?

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