Taskmaster The Podcast - Ep 101. Fern Brady - S14 Ep.4

Episode Date: October 20, 2022

Ed is joined by another Series 14 contestant and this week it is the brilliant comedian Fern Brady. Fern and Ed discuss sabotage-gate, Dara's competitiveness and why she thinks her song was best. Fern... also gets a chance to put right her reasons for being tired!Watch all of Taskmaster on All 4www.channel4.com/programmes/taskmaster Visit the Taskmaster Store for all your TM goodies!taskmasterstore.com Visit the Taskmaster YouTube Channelyoutube.com/taskmaster Get in touch with Ed and future guests:taskmasterpodcast@gmail.com Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing. With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer. I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated
Starting point is 00:00:32 category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising. Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative. Hello and welcome to the Taskmaster podcast. It's me, Ed Gamble, host of the Taskmaster podcast. We are, of course, now deep into series 14 of Taskmaster. We are absolutely loving it. It is on every Thursday, 9pm, Channel 4. That's where you need to watch it. Then you need to come straight over here and listen to the podcast. If you have not seen episode 4,
Starting point is 00:01:29 series 14 of Taskmaster, put down your headphones, go and watch it on all four, and come back and listen to me discuss it with Fern Brady. That's who we've got on the show today. One of the wonderful contestants in series 14 of Taskmaster. She is absolutely hilarious. She's completely smashing it. We all love Fern. We cannot wait to talk to her about this episode and about her experience of Taskmaster in general. Some things you need to know about Fern Brady. She is a wonderful stand-up comedian, of course, but she has also written a book that is out on the 14th of Feb next year. 14th of Feb 2023, you need to get Strong Female Character by Fern Brady. Get online, pre-order it now, these pre-orders matter. I'm sure it's going to be absolutely wonderful. She's a brilliant writer
Starting point is 00:02:17 and very, very funny. Can't wait to speak to her about Series 14 in general and specifically series 14 episode 4. Here it is! Welcome Fern Brady to the Taskmaster podcast. Hello! Very excited to have you here Fern. You are of course one of the stars of series 14. Am I? Oh good. You are absolutely. mean, it would be awkward if I said there were four stars and you weren't one of them. But I'd say you are more than one of the stars of Taskmaster Series 14. You're absolutely smashing it. We're loving watching you on it. I saw one mildly negative thing the other day and it wasn't even true.
Starting point is 00:02:59 I was looking at the Reddit Taskmaster thread, which the two Andes told me not to do. Yes, that's the first thing you shouldn't do if you're on Taskmaster is look at the Reddit. It's broadly a very positive place, but there are some bad eggs. And that's the people that we'll focus on. Yeah, but even the bad stuff they were saying
Starting point is 00:03:18 was really not that bad. They said that I was upsetting Alex and telling him that the tasks were boring. I think they said that Dara hated me and John. Well, that's, I mean, look, it's very funny that the only negative thing they could think of was that you're upsetting Alex, because it's so funny when people get protective of Alex, as if when people are mean to him, it's not playing into his hands completely yeah and also I'd say that Dara doesn't hate you and John he's just I think exasperated to the point of dislike yeah also I mean we didn't
Starting point is 00:03:56 know how much I thought I went in there to win but I didn't know how much Dara was going to turn up and be obsessed with uh oh my god he's so competitive he is i mean he is but look i respect that 100 um he's also very he is very funny with it as well but he he has made no attempts to conceal his competitiveness more than any other contestant in taskmaster history i think i heard that you went in it with a clear like plan to win yeah but I'm also a complete wally so like I did want to win but my when I try and win and when I really throw myself into stuff it's so chaotic that it could go completely the opposite direction whereas Dara I think is like a terminator he's decided he's going to win and it sort of lays a focus and he's actually achieving
Starting point is 00:04:44 his his aims whereas I'm just an absolute whirlwind of chaos well i'm telling you i went into the series with the plan of winning it and when you watch a lot of my tasks you wouldn't think that see yeah i completely i completely empathize with that um but a lot of them you are you are absolutely nailing um dara's obviously got that lazy focus but i also think when you're next to john anything you do seems deliberate and well thought out yeah i mean i didn't know john was going to be as bad as he was that's the other thing because john's really clever yeah he's a smart guy. But now, I watch it now and I go, was I wrong about that? He also took, I mean, I think of myself as someone
Starting point is 00:05:30 that processes things quite slowly, but John took that to another level. We're on episode four now, so is this coming out after episode four has been broadcast? Yes, it'll be straight after. So everyone knows about the incident. I mean, which one? In episode three.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Yeah, of course, yeah. So we talked about that with John last week, the betrayal. Not that he had much choice, I think. He's never spoken. Obviously, like, he acknowledged it to me, but he never spoke to me about it. But he saved in my phone as John Traitor Cairns. I mean, that was a wonderful moment.
Starting point is 00:06:12 I felt like you were annoyed with him, but I think you took it better than Dara, would you say? Yeah, I was more just so shocked. I was so, so shocked. And I don't know if this is in the edit but um i don't have any babies and i'm not much interest in babies but i was very proud of myself that i knew people who have a baby are very tired and i'd heard that the tiredness was like next level so i made sure to reassure dana who i think has children you don't know John is doing the task
Starting point is 00:06:46 badly because he has a baby because John had been mentioned, I think he'd mentioned that in the breaks and stuff so I was like I just was like yeah people with babies are dumb and I really stuck with that one thing You put it down to baby
Starting point is 00:07:02 brain which I guess you do have to try and explain it on the day to yourself, right? Because he wasn't just, he was making no effort to be subtle about how he, about how he sabotaged it. Like we talked about it with him last week
Starting point is 00:07:15 that at one point he looked right down the camera and just laughed. Like he doesn't, he didn't, he didn't seem to care. Yeah, but he was behind me. Yeah. But you, it was funny that it was the dynamic was great because obviously you know john anyway and you'd already called him dafty in the middle as greg
Starting point is 00:07:33 pointed out so you'd already gone oh john he's just messing up because dara doesn't know him as well he must have thought that you know john so you know that he's always like this and just assumed that john was the biggest idiot of all time. Yeah, I think also I never think of John as a deceptive person. Yeah. So that was the other reason I was so shocked. Yeah, he couldn't be a deceptive person, clearly, because he can't hide it at all.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Like, he absolutely can't hide what he's doing. It is the fact that you're all... If you'd chosen to go separately, if you'd not done the whole the the conga thing i think he would have been found out straight away do you think i mean you're talking to someone that i'm surprised at the twist in every film any any really obvious film where people see it coming i'm very surprised all right well dara might have spotted it then Dara might have spotted it then. Dara might have spotted it. So you say you hadn't seen much Taskmaster before. Had you seen any Taskmaster or were you going into it completely blind? So what I did was I tried to binge watch it,
Starting point is 00:08:40 I think I found out a couple of months before we started filming. So I tried to watch and but then I started trying to watch it across all the series so I would just dip into random episodes but I think if I'd if I'd been someone who'd watched it before I wouldn't have buzzed up my prize tasks as much do you think you balls them up yeah I actually have to skip through a lot of them because I hate them so much and I'm still getting amazing ideas
Starting point is 00:09:12 now for oh you could have had that as a prize task I actually kept thinking of oh if I was like you because you watched Taskmaster a lot before right? yeah and I was like you because you were you were you watched Taskmaster a lot before right yeah yeah yeah so what I did and I was reading um I know they're going to hear this because they're always like oh Jamali spoke about us on the podcast I worked on the Reddit Taskmaster sub
Starting point is 00:09:38 a lot and you can learn a lot you actually learn more by going on that than by watching it yeah those guys know what they're talking about um yeah i think it's really interesting what you say about the prize task because i think that is you only learn that from watching the show that probably one of the most important things to get right if you want to win certainly is is the prize tasks um yeah i mean sarah's and daryl's were amazing everyone's everyone's prize tasks. Yeah, I mean, Sarah's and Daryl's were amazing. Yeah. Everyone's prize tasks were great apart from mine. Mine was so obviously, I didn't have a clue what was going on.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Apart, I mean, there's a couple that I wasn't... There's a couple of really good ones. I mean, look, I think, let's talk about this prize task as we're on the topic. Let's get stuck into the episode because I actually, I personally think you were a little bit undermarked for this one. This is the greatest addition to a garden. Oh, see, that's one of the worst ones. So that one was, they wouldn't let me, none of my tasks would get cleared.
Starting point is 00:10:41 So we had to just come up with suggestions. And it was the pizza oven. So I want to hear the thinking behind the pizza and first of all maybe let's do you do you remember any of the ones that got rejected well this one it wasn't i mean a lot of them a lot of my prizes would get rejected for legal reasons or because it was these are the ones i want to hear for like one of my one of my best things i think one of my most it was too... These are the ones I want to hear, Fern. Like, one of my best things, I think one of my most... It was something like a youthful thing. It was a knife sharpener that I had. And they said,
Starting point is 00:11:12 we don't want anything to do with knives. Fair enough. But that was your most youthful thing, was a knife sharpener. Oh, my God. I use it all the time. You can't be a good chef without a great sharp knife. And also, the day I bought my knife sharpener...
Starting point is 00:11:28 I'm so sorry, Fern. I thought you said youthful, as in something you would give to a young person. So you can imagine what was going on in my head. I was like, of course they banned it. They can't have that as a prize for a young person, a knife sharpener. I also, I wish I'd remembered to say to them that I brought,
Starting point is 00:11:44 this would have been useless as my oyster knife I bought an oyster knife when I was on the dole and I didn't have any money for oysters so how did you arrive at the pizza oven and then also why is it so fucked up the pizza oven so that I found that question really hard. And in fact, my boyfriend said to me when I was going through my prize tasks, he said, you're taking this task very literally and what they actually want is for you to come up
Starting point is 00:12:19 with jokey little tasks, jokey little prizes rather. And I think John said a similar thing because I really really found it hard and with the garden one I just was like I felt like I was going to reveal too much of how boring and middle aged I'm becoming with all the incredibly
Starting point is 00:12:38 dull things that I want in my garden and I did want a proper very expensive pizza oven that you can make pizzas in in 30 seconds. They actually gave me that pizza oven, by the way. Did they? But I don't understand. When you said to them, pizza oven,
Starting point is 00:12:55 that's what I want the price to be, why did they then go, all right, we'll go and find the most messed up looking pizza oven that looks like it's been... That's Andy Devonshire's. Right. So it's been... That's Andy Devonshire's. Right. So it's not your fault because I would say that the idea of a pizza oven being the prize for the greatest addition to the garden
Starting point is 00:13:13 is a brilliant idea. I completely agree with it. It's a wonderful addition to a garden. It shouldn't be on you that then they went to the director's house, got a pizza oven that looks like it's been fucking fired. Yeah, and you know, I don't like lying. So I think, I don't know if this is in the edit. I had to skip through this bit because I was so embarrassed.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Because I hate prize tasks so much. Greg was like, oh, it's all dirty. And I had to be like, oh, yeah, I don't know why that is. It's Andy's. And then they, so i thought that i was getting andy's pizza oven to take home and i was buzzing because you can make i could do nan breads in them it wouldn't just be pizzas um so they were like yeah yeah we're gonna put the pizza oven in your car before you go home tonight and andy kept sidling up to me and saying I made salmon in it the most delicious salmon I've
Starting point is 00:14:06 had in my life and then his daughter was there watching the show and she was like dad shut up about the salmon shut up about the pizza well so you've got that now and you're in your garden no so I didn't get that I didn't get the amazing fancy kind. They gave me this. I remember seeing it when I opened it, and it was like this thing that you put on top of a barbecue, and I was so disappointed. I used it once, and it's like a health hazard. So, look, I think the idea of a pizza oven should have been much higher. It's just the fact that it was Andy Devon's one
Starting point is 00:14:41 that looks like it had been in a big fire. Munya gets two points for, I mean, this is another absolutely vintage Munya story. A blackbird called Smooth Rupert. It is like he lives in his own cartoon world, isn't it? Because we've already had young Pablo and now we've got Smooth Rupert. It's like he's just wandering through and everything around him is animated, but no one else can see it. I'll tell you when you was the
Starting point is 00:15:05 person that really took me by surprise the most because i thought i thought you would be this really cool guy and i would be like this i don't know he's weirder than me the story has the gardening one been out yet the um all the gardeners that you have yeah i think that was episode one actually where he talks about all his gardeners that he has yeah i think that was episode one actually where he talks about all his gardeners and uh one of the tasks he set them was making him a bow and arrow yeah it's insane there's um there's more to cut i've thought of at least one more uh what a story that he tells where you just can't see where it's going uh yeah that was great i mean this is the yeah smooth rupert i mean so he's calling greg g wagon which i
Starting point is 00:15:46 think greg was on board with but um but it's it takes a lot to confuse greg like greg has sat opposite some bizarre comics on this show and for greg to start talking and then have to stop and say uh hang on munya what you're on about is quite that's quite an achievement um and i really like smooth rupert i like the story. Yet again, Munya has afforded more time in the edit than any other contestant because all of his prize tasks take about five minutes to explain. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:15 That's a really good way of doing it, actually. Yeah, he takes his time. He gets a lot of screen time with it. But he still only gets two points. I mean, it's a lovely story, but you wouldn't necessarily have it as the greatest addition to a garden would you no i thought i'm sorry if this is jumping ahead i thought cedars was the best yeah i mean so let's let's talk about sarah she gets the five points i completely agree i mean it's it's a perfect millican prize it it's she completely understands her own persona
Starting point is 00:16:46 and where she's the funniest and this is just, she absolutely nails this this is what I mean about prize tasks her and Dara they just, they would come out with theirs and I would just feel so embarrassed and just knowing that you can't
Starting point is 00:17:02 ever take it back, it's not something you can change in the edit, it's not something you can change in the edit it's going to be there forever and they're gonna if anyone says i brought in bad prize tasks across the series i agree there's only two where i wasn't embarrassed that's well look that's not coming across for me at the moment it's not okay but again i think this is the john factor bear in mind the first two episodes john brought in a book and uh and got one point so i think your your legacy is secure after what john did for the first two episodes i think sorry though john brought in ulysses yeah john brought in we brought in the guinness world book of records
Starting point is 00:17:36 and then he brought in ulysses and i think he got one point for each of those so i thought you should have got more points for ulysses because I did a whole English lit degree so that I would read Ulysses. Yeah, I think that John suffered in those episodes because the first one, everyone did well up until him. So it was funny that his was bad in the Guinness Book of Records. And then the second time, it was just a book again. So I think he suffered because of the rhythms of that. He was victim to the rhythms, as I told you.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Yeah, Greg just had it in for him. And then with me as well, Greg tried to, I don't know how much this will come up in the series, Greg tried to make out that I didn't care and that I was yawning all the time. I was yawning because I was so excited about doing Taskmaster that I couldn't sleep. Every single time.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Also, sometimes I get, if I get a rush of adrenaline i have to yawn so yeah you know that's a good excuse anyway john gets let off too much here i think for this one because he brings in a leylandi plant he well he says he's brought in a maze and then it's just one leylandi plant um so it's it's essentially a grow your own maze i mean he gets three points but oh yeah that was terrible yeah terrible i feel like this should have been one again but i think even greg now is going oh i can't it's gonna look like bullying now i'll have to give him three points just to let him off yeah that was shocking that one what's a dara bring in dara brought in a thermometer like an a vintage french thermometer with an advertising poster on it.
Starting point is 00:19:07 It's sort of an advertising mascot that looked like him. The big sort of bald man with the big chin on it. And it really does look like him. I think he said it was an advert for pastis or something on this thermometer. I mean, but is that a great addition to a garden or is it just a great addition to his garden because then that's a story people go to his garden you go oh look at this i found this in an antique shop doesn't it look like me on this it's weird in someone else's garden right yeah it should be the best addition to any garden everything i thought of was so boring and so stupid what else what else did you think of so boring i could i would struggle off i don't know like a hammock uh a porch swing uh decking it was all because i was doing my
Starting point is 00:19:55 garden up at the time it was all i think this is what your boyfriend was saying about um you taking it too literally though because you literally just thought of the greatest things that would be in a garden whereas yeah i think they want the jokey stuff yes i mean you think i'd cop on given i'm a professional comedian i would have understood that was the task um there actually was there was one thing i did do something embarrassing to my garden but it was so embarrassing i mean you might not think this is embarrassing it was so embarrassing that i didn't want to show the pictures and i didn't want people to know but this is maybe only embarrassing to like fucking middle class people or something right there was this woman in the Guardian called Morag Myerscough I don't know how you say her name she's an artist and she painted her whole house
Starting point is 00:20:50 multicolored these amazing patterns fluorescent colors it looked amazing did all the garden and stuff as well looks so good and I said to my boyfriend should we do that I think we just need some masking tape we just need to put masking tape out and then we can paint all the patterns it's gonna be hard to see how much I spent on the fluorescent paints just for artists in an 11 crisis right I think I spent between two and five hundred pounds on the paints right and then I started painting the garden and I went oh no oh and what I'm a nice next-door neighbors their house is done up their house is
Starting point is 00:21:37 done up in this middle-class way the way I want to do my house you know it's very bright thing and that was when I thought you fucked this so i was gonna show where i tried to make an artist's mural in my back garden in catfords but i just i couldn't face it because it just so clearly showed me to be an idiot i mean look that would have been that would have fulfilled the jokey remit but also i think that might have got one point as well if it was dreadful it's obviously not the greatest addition to a garden so i think greg would have enjoyed giving that one point yeah it's taken too long even explained there um but yeah if i showed if i showed a picture of her work versus what i did to the garden that might have helped well look feel free when i tweet about this podcast coming
Starting point is 00:22:20 out feel free if you want to follow it up add to the thread a picture of what the garden looked like okay but no pressure no pressure let's talk about sarah's uh briefly uh it was it was absolutely fantastic the complete works of shakespeare uh that she uses as a paperweight for magnum wrappers what what is so pro about the way she does this is she is so confident with it she really lets lets it hang so she just says the complete works of shakespeare and lets greg react to that as if he's about to give it one point and then hits us with the using it as a paperweight for ice cream wrappers and it is just so well presented yeah i was so jealous of it um loads to her prize tasks were great yeah yeah hers andara's you're right they're very yeah very very well uh well thought out and well presented and and within persona for both of them
Starting point is 00:23:12 it was fantastic I mean the reaction sometimes something gets a reaction in the studio where even if Greg likes it or not you know that it's going to get five points just because it's absolutely smashed it but then I never felt like another thing if i'd have watched taskmaster a lot before i would have known that greg doesn't score stuff fairly yeah that's something else you need to be prepared for he does it on whims sometimes which is what makes it an exciting show and a frustrating show to be part of sometimes well that's why this episode for me is was one of the clearest indicators that that happens. It was so blatant.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Well, yeah, I mean, we'll get to that later because before we recorded this, you have sent me a list of some of your issues in this episode. So I've got them in front of me. So just in case you forget any, I can bring them up. So it was one point for your pizza oven fan, two points for smooth Rupert, three points for John's Leylande plant, four points for Dara's thermometer and five points for Sarah's
Starting point is 00:24:12 Magnum Shakespeare paperweight. Sarah? What I've brought in is something that I've used every single time I've sat in the garden when it's been sunny. And it is the complete works of Shakespeare. LAUGHTER
Starting point is 00:24:28 Oh, hang on, Jon, you're back in the game. LAUGHTER Here it is. Perfect. Perfect for the garden. LAUGHTER Well, I use a heavy book every single time I'm in the garden to keep my magnum wrapper from flying away. Lovely. Lovely.
Starting point is 00:24:51 He'd be pleased. Don't you think Shakespeare would be pleased? Oh, I think he'd be mortified. His whole life's work's holding down your magnum wrapper. But fortunately for you, he's not scoring this. Task one, turn on the bubble machine you may not step off or move the doormat fastest wins your time starts now i loved this task fern because this was just like a mini escape room did you this is one where if it doesn't feel like characteristic of the way I solved other tasks it feels like I actually managed it well it is it's character you did manage it absolutely it's characteristic
Starting point is 00:25:34 in the sense that um you announced that you were tired after five minutes again yeah but you I mean they have edited edited it to make it seem... I'm telling you now, it was because I was so excited. It really annoys me that they've tried to have this storyline where I'm tired and bored all the time. Obviously, I was buzzing. It's like, I wanted to do so, so well. So then when I got into the studio and that was a thing i was like oh god no one
Starting point is 00:26:07 thinks that you're um you weren't buzzing or excited to do the show but it is very it is very funny that that in a couple of tasks in a row week to week you've gone oh i'm tired i'm tired now yeah it is mentally taxing as well it is mentally taxing and they are long days and i completely get that thing of being like getting halfway through and going i'm just trying to what am i trying to do turn a bubble machine on i'm absolutely knackered i completely understand that but also i love that you announce it out loud and it's always within five minutes it's very funny well that's the other thing is because i didn't, you don't think absolutely everything's gonna go into the edit. I mean I've been watching, I don't normally like watching myself on camera because
Starting point is 00:26:52 imagine in my head I think I talk like you, I'm like hello I'm Van Brady or whatever and then I see myself on camera and it's like, and it's so upsetting. But I'll tell you something now. I've watched my interview with Alex about three times. It makes me so happy. I feel like it's my purest version of myself. You can tell how much I get on with Alex because there's a lot of bits where I don't think that we're getting filmed, where I'm telling him,
Starting point is 00:27:22 don't tell Greg about my sex dream, tell later and things like that. So a lot of the time when I say I'm tired in the edit I'm just saying it to the crew or whatever because I really like them yeah oh it's great anyway but that's that's sort of what Taskmaster does isn't it it does reveal a lot more of your true self than uh than you'd normally find on a tv show because you're not as on guard because you're busy doing something else. Yeah, it's a lot. I mean, I am myself when I'm doing stand-up. I don't think my stand-up's an act.
Starting point is 00:27:52 A lot of people say that, but the way I am on Taskmaster is how I am around the house, basically. Yeah, exactly. Also, and I think stand-up, the aim, certainly with me and I guess with you and with a lot of people, is to try and get the on-stage persona as close to your real life persona as possible but there's always going to be artifice because you're doing prepared material that you've sat down and written and thought about
Starting point is 00:28:13 so you're always putting it through a prism of performance but Taskmaster's the one where like say you're trying to make a bubble machine work you're not going to be thinking about portraying yourself in a certain way so you will you will just be yourself i mean you say you you don't like hearing yourself back because you think you speak a certain way that was one of the notes you sent me um you said a caster consistently thinks i'm younger than him uh and it must be because i talk like a little baby yeah yeah i'm the same age as you and james but, I mean, it's not just yours. It happens all the time. People think I'm younger than I am.
Starting point is 00:28:50 But that should be a nice compliment, shouldn't it? But you've taken that to... No, I think... I mean, I don't just think it's because I've got nice skin. But, like... Having seen myself on camera... Because I used to think, why do people think I'm stupid um and then I've seen myself on camera and I thought I mean god you have to agree with them
Starting point is 00:29:13 uh it's so dispiriting I don't people don't think you're stupid Fern is the point I'd argue do you think no no one thinks you're stupid so you don't need to look for a reason for that because it's not it's no it doesn't exist i promise you okay you don't speak like a little baby either i think i do because my i've got my youngest brother you've met my youngest brother weirdly yes um so my little brother uh is very similar to me he's like my twin and i text him and i said why why do we both have stupid little baby voices? He was like, what are you on about? Well, you did very well in this task, like you say.
Starting point is 00:29:55 You just sort of followed all the points. You got what they were going for, as a few people did. I mean, look, Sarah is the only one who spots the plug, which is very impressive, I'd imagine the the thing is when they set the tasks i think they do want they either want one person to spot it or they want nobody to spot it the nightmare is everyone spotting the plug isn't it really right okay um because if no one spots it they can do that thing where they zoom in at the end and everyone goes ah we hate you uh but the fact that sarah got it she it, she doesn't panic in any task is what I've noticed.
Starting point is 00:30:27 She's very fastidious. She checks everything. And at no point does she let panic get the better of her. Yeah. Yeah, she was so good. Yeah, now you're saying that she was the calmest because Dara can get very frustrated. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Dara wasn't calm at all. Dara wanted to win. And so even this, like he's, you know, he's sort of arrogantly doing it in a way which i love he's just goes at it with gusto really goes for it and then says that thing about always check under the table and boy oh boy was he proved wrong he did not check under the table. I'm just thinking, the producers said to me at the start, you should try, like, the best way to approach all of this series is to try your very hardest in tasks. And I was like, I'm going to.
Starting point is 00:31:17 But this episode is one of the episodes where you see me just give up, which is unusual because everything else, even if I wasn't didn't particularly like the task I would really really try to look like I wanted to win it on camera but I'm skipping ahead but the I think the next task is the the suitcase thing where you yes that was one where I just I just my spirit died yeah I mean I watch I mean we'll talk about it but I don't I don't think badly of you for that at all because you tipped everything out but we'll we'll get to that one for sure I mean John tried it's almost like John's decided he's a clever taskmaster
Starting point is 00:31:56 contestant in this one because he keeps trying to say that the machine is on anyway even though it's not making bubbles he keeps trying to find a loophole with it, which it just doesn't work. And he spends ages saying that. Like, it's minutes he spends saying that. And then gets really confused with not stepping off the doormat. And then he manages somehow to get the battery pack stuck.
Starting point is 00:32:16 He's a walking slapstick film. Did he do the... Yeah, he is. Did he do the worst in this one? No, Munya did the worst because Munya's confidence got the better of him again he is obviously the most confident man
Starting point is 00:32:32 this is the storyline that's been written for him, by him he's a hugely confident man and his confidence in this task even stretches to thinking he can make a screwdriver out of a coat hanger do you not find, that was the thing i found most interesting about mania is how much he approached the tasks with huge confidence and then the outcome was like it was like that does not match
Starting point is 00:32:57 up to the confidence no it rarely it rarely matches up to the confidence because he set such a high level of confidence but what's genuinely impressive is if I did that if I decided well today I'm going to go in and before the task I'm going to go I'm going to say easy I'm an expert at this if I then failed massively I would certainly not be able to pick myself back up again and do exactly the same in the next task whereas he just attacks it again even if he's done badly he's like yeah brilliant here we go another brilliant task from Munya yeah uh yeah I thought that was one of the things that made him funniest because it would have been annoying if he was really really confident and then just acing it yeah and then did really well exactly at least when dara is doing well and you know clearly wants to win he
Starting point is 00:33:38 doesn't start by going here here we go dara's back in the room let's do this i can do this thing he does just get on with it whereas munya failing after i mean it was even even a couple of weeks ago uh the laminator where he was so confident about the laminator and then just immediately fucked up the whole thing um well a highlight from that episode for me fern um was uh one of your signs uh saying poo your pants and then when you got to that one and realized that what you were like i can't poo my pants yeah i'm wearing a plastic g let's talk let's talk we've not even talked about the costume we've not mentioned the costume we've not talked about the outfit i mean i think it's got to be straight into the top taskmaster outfits
Starting point is 00:34:21 ever that was what i was aiming for and also i wanted something um because children are the ticket buyers of the future so i wanted something that children would love so it was very disappointing when i received the outfit and my plastic pants didn't have a bum a proper bum which to be fair to ada that designed my costume, I mean, she does make fetish gear, so I should have specified. Yeah. Absolutely amazing. It's an incredible thought process from you
Starting point is 00:34:52 that you thought, well, children and the ticket buyers of the future, we need something that appeals to the children. Where shall I go to get my costume made? A fetish specialist. Do you know one of the most embarrassing moments was, because I came up with the costume right? Yeah. And I had to go, I had to get permission off channel 4. So I'd never met the two Andys and I just had to like email them what my outfit was
Starting point is 00:35:21 going to be. So imagine you've never met someone in a work capacity before and you're like can i wear this and then the first version of the outfit uh i think andy cartwright replied and was like channel four come back and said no stars on the boobs and no you know highlighting of the boobs yeah and i said that's fair enough um i mean i didn't want it to be a pervy costume anyway because of the um i get like weirdos in my inbox and yeah unsurprisingly that has gone up tenfold anyway even without the highlighting of the boobs that's gone up i'd imagine even just the fact i'm wearing that type of costume I've had people being like can I call you mummy?
Starting point is 00:36:07 I'm going to buy pictures of your feet. And then it's just like some man in Stevenage wearing a gimp mask head to toe. It's horrible. It's horrible. It's always Stevenage isn't it? Yeah but look it's a great outfit.
Starting point is 00:36:22 I mean it's not comfy by the looks of it. You've not gone for comfort. It wasn't, it wasn't, because the thing I was wearing underneath was... It was comfortable after a while, but I just always needed a piss. So you can tell that in some bits because I'll be sort of jumping around or...
Starting point is 00:36:43 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And the only day that I felt bad in the costume, because I just got, obviously I was around the crew and we all just got used to seeing me in it. And then we went to Gatwick. But you still had to go through security in this empty terminal. And the security guard just shook his head at me
Starting point is 00:37:03 as I was going through in this costume he was and and all my Gatwick tasks I'm a lot more uncomfortable than normal because the Gatwick staff were standing watching nearby and I was just running around with like my green arse out um and I was just it was i was so so self-conscious on that day and it really affected my tasks that's i mean that's it's funny though it's funny and that's when you realize yeah that the outfit you you designed it to wear in a set in the safe space of the taskmaster house and then having to actually go outside of that is uh horrifying well imagine how phil wang. That's what I'd say.
Starting point is 00:37:47 So Munya took the longest, but still came out the task as if he'd done it in the quickest time. He got one point. It was two points for John, three points for Yufan, four points for Dara and five points for Sarah. John, you seem to struggle to see the batteries a lot of the time. Yeah, we had hidden secret messages everywhere. On the batteries, it all said, look down.
Starting point is 00:38:09 In the middle of the string, it said, look down. We weren't expecting people not to see the batteries that were right there. And also, Jon insisted for five minutes that the machine was on, before doing anything. Five minutes. LAUGHTER It technically was on. Right. It didn't look on. No, I agree with you.
Starting point is 00:38:26 In the spirit of the task, the machine was definitely off. Yeah. It was off. But it was on. Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing. With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode
Starting point is 00:38:57 where I talk to an actual cannabis producer. I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising. Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store
Starting point is 00:39:29 and ACAS Creative. We can wait for clean water solutions. Or we can engineer access to clean water. We can acknowledge Indigenous cultures. Or we can learn from Indigenous voices. We can demand more from the earth. Or we can learn from indigenous voices. We can demand more from the earth. Or we can demand more from ourselves. At York University, we work together to create positive change for a better tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Join us at yorku.ca slash write the future. Task two. This is stressful, this one. Get this tarpaulin completely in one of the containers. You have a maximum of five minutes and you must select a container before touching the tarpaulin. Also, you must tidy everything up within those five minutes. Smallest container successfully filled with the tarpaulin wins.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Your time starts after you've selected your container and you must have selected your container within the next 30 seconds. This is one you referenced earlier fern uh that you just yeah well you didn't give up i mean look it was it's definitely one of the ones across the series i think where you i i really um gave up the book it's so much like when i get asked to tidy things up in my house or do anything difficult um can I I'll just be honest uh I didn't understand that task uh it became clear that I'd forgotten what the task was halfway through so did you think it was something different or you just completely forgot what the task was see as you even read it out again there I just was like oh so boring all my favorite tasks are anything that
Starting point is 00:41:05 because i'm an artist anything that involves creating art yes be that actual art or music not tidying away anything like that whoa i hate like what um try and explain the task back to me now for what do you understand of the task okay so as you read it out again there my brain just went just shut off and imagined kittens dancing um was the okay wait the task was to pick an item that holds stuff right then pick then put a tarpaulin inside it but then if that's then why would i go to spoons and marbles in my suitcase because because also part of the task was clearing up everything so what they wanted was to pick a container then you have to tip everything everyone's going so when, so when I empty it out, I wondered, so when I watched it back, I'm like, why is everyone going,
Starting point is 00:42:06 oh no, because I emptied it out. Right, I just thought I had to put the tarpaulin in the thing. No, so obviously you have to empty it out. It's mad that I used to do real jobs. You have to empty it out to get the tarpaulin in there,
Starting point is 00:42:18 but then you do have to clear everything else up as well, but it would have just been scooping all that stuff up and putting it in one of the other containers. Right, so I didn't have any chance of winning what was my points in that well i think you did have a chance of winning but i think you clearly got yourself confused i mean you've got three points it's but only because let's talk about the others i think the um the only uh reason you got other points is because Munya and John were there again. Because Munya chose the bread bin. Munya looked at the containers that he thought you could fit a tarpaulin in,
Starting point is 00:42:54 and he chose the bread bin. No one is fitting a tarpaulin in there. Some of them, you can't even fit a full loaf of bread in. This is, I mean, one of my favourite lines in the studio so far he munya thought there'd be some trick to it sewer underneath the bread bin like a hole or a sewer when you said that that was one of my favorite moments because i love the thought of there being a hidden sewer underneath things like what what how what do you think the budget of this production is that they could they could somehow dig a sewer or dig a trench underneath a bread bin?
Starting point is 00:43:29 No, that's fair. I mean, if you think we'd already been in Gatwick Airport, so that kind of budget. John chooses the wheelie bin. The problem with this is he doesn't have a strategy at all. He took all the balloons out and stood holding them for 80 seconds. at all he took all the balloons out and stood holding them for 80 seconds he just stood there in silence holding like armfuls of balloons for 80 seconds and obviously it's he's so mad and then and then obviously the first thing you do is you fold that
Starting point is 00:44:03 tarpaulin up so you can get it into a small space he doesn't try and fold it he just starts ramming it into the wheelie bin yet again a scene from a 70s sitcom that he should have starred in just him desperately trying to pack this tarpaulin into the wheelie bin i find it stressful fern i find people not folding things like that stressful john is like someone from another leader now you say about it do he has that feel about him yeah yeah he totally does uh yeah i forgot that he just stood holding balloons but what i like as well is that i don't know if some people go and where they're like oh i'm gonna have this persona but he was he he really liked that they've had to edit out a lot of bits where I'm just crying laughing at him in the studio. Because all the publicity stills that I got sent,
Starting point is 00:44:50 all the pictures in the studio are me just howling laughing, sat next to him. But it's mad how much they cut from the studio. Yeah, it's a shame how much they have to lose. But I think it happens every series. But thank God they left in the duck and the pharmacist thing which i think he's going to be remembered for for quite a long time yeah he's put up extra upsets to prove that it proves as he well knows that proves absolutely nothing
Starting point is 00:45:20 you tip all the cutlery marbles out everywhere and everyone goes oh and you still didn't know why also something I don't know maybe if one of the Andes is listening to this and they can tell me why is there a snake underneath the tarpaulin did they ever tell you why there was a fake snake under the tarpaulin? No they didn't and I did think it was real. Yes I mean more than anyone else you you jumped in the air away from that plastic snake. Because you...well...oh no I can't say that. Because obviously we don't have snakes in Scotland but London's so hot that I did think I thought you could you know you could. Living in London's like living in the south of France for me it's so so hot I never really need a jumper or anything so it seemed feasible
Starting point is 00:46:21 that there would be snakes in December. Yeah okay so you thought you know climate change has progressed so much now that we're So it seemed feasible that there would be snakes in December. Yeah, okay. So you thought, you know, climate change has progressed so much now that we're basically a tropical nation in London. Yeah. Well, we're just, I don't know, London's very different. I mean, I've been here for a long time. London's very different. There might be a snake in Chiswick.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Yeah, so that wasn't faked when I did that. But I did worry people were going to think I'm putting on some full naive persona. No, I think we know by now. I think we're four episodes in. I think we know you. And that was a wonderful reaction to the snake. Dara, again, Dara and Sarah both stuck to type and Dara just attacks it and gets it done.
Starting point is 00:47:03 But he leaves the lid off the barrel right which i would say and i believe is intimated that that is not successfully clearing up afterwards it's not totally clearing up and he has points in this one uh he got four points so i think he got one less than sarah because um because they both choose the laundry basket he got one point less than sarah because he didn because he didn't tidy up properly but it feels like he should have been punished a little bit more because he doesn't fully complete the task
Starting point is 00:47:32 Yeah but that's the thing they have ideas of who they like and I just felt like Greg wasn't going to mark him down Do you remember being aggrieved by that sort of thing in the studio? Did you get aggrieved? Yeah, because that was the first time I was realising it,
Starting point is 00:47:48 that, like, nothing I did was ever going to really impress Greg or surprise him. Right. Do you think there's, like, is there an issue of authority? Do you think Dara has a natural authority that means he's always going to get more points in this situation the same with sarah i guess yeah i mean i'd say if you think of them as stand-ups outside of it um wouldn't dara have been going before greg yes yeah yeah absolutely so maybe it's a maybe it's an elder thing yeah um greg and sarah's got on so well and i mean i got i i mean i i really
Starting point is 00:48:29 liked greg but uh um but yeah dara and sarah got on really well with he's long greg's long been accused of um and he's openly said it in the past as well of being uh biased towards the older people or you know damning damning the youthful um but uh but sarah you know there's no sort of there's no two ways about it she absolutely smashes this again she's so calm absolutely just gets on with it um yeah she seems to enjoy the tidying up and putting the tarpaulin in the laundry basket and really and very fastidious again goes and gets taped to tape down the lid to make sure she's fully cleared up. She really just looks at the task
Starting point is 00:49:07 and absolutely hits every beat. That's just reminded me, one of the coolest things about meeting Sarah during this was, I don't know if this will be exciting for non-comedians, because she's like a tour, she tours and she tours hard. I'd like to be someone that tours as much as that um and she had all these amazing tips on how you uh live well in a hotel like oh that's good
Starting point is 00:49:35 because we've already seen her we've already seen her do not disturb sign as a prize task what can can you give us some of the other the other tips from sarah millican on how to live well in a hotel please so after that off camera i think she has all these little things like snacks that you bring along or things to make the right tea uh oh like she'll bring a mug from home because hotel mugs aren't big enough that one was so inspired it's only when you're living in hotels on tour that you start to get annoyed at things like that like tiny little cups and she just has it sorted and i just found it very it was very very invaluable learning all that stuff yeah that's that's good i might i might have to ask you for some tips because i'm in a hotel right now
Starting point is 00:50:21 and it doesn't doesn't feel like i'm living well I'll be honest with you Fern. I take an AeroPress and fancy coffee with me. Do you? See there's a pod there's a pod machine in this one I mean this is going to get so boring we'll talk about this separately. Okay. So it was one point for Munya, two points for John, three points for you Fern, four points for Dara and five points for Sarah. Four points for Dara and five points for Sarah. 15 seconds. Fuck! How many minutes? Two.
Starting point is 00:50:50 You've got to clean all that up. Really, though? Mm-hm. Right now, it's inside, isn't it? It's not completely inside. Well, that's just not possible. Oh! How do people get bodies in these?
Starting point is 00:51:06 It's inside, isn't it? Done. I guess I'm going to tidy up the forks. Done? I guess I'm going to tidy up the forks. Yeah, thank you. I'm going to read out both parts of this next task. Task three, part one. Write down five wonderful words.
Starting point is 00:51:41 You have one minute. Your time starts now. And part two, write a classic song. You must write lyrics for a piece of classical music. Your lyrics must contain your five wonderful words you have one minute your time starts now and part two write a classic song you must write lyrics for a piece of classical music your lyrics must contain your five wonderful words you have 30 minutes your time starts now now you've already said in the last task you know you you have an artistic brain you like to create things so was this a task that when you opened it you were excited to do or did it worry you as soon as i got this one i was buzzing because um i used to do a podcast with my mate allison uh where we would write songs at the end of every
Starting point is 00:52:13 episode and try and write them about the episode i mean that had diminishing returns we love misfortune yeah and i was always shouting at Alison, this doesn't scan, these lyrics don't scan. How do you not know that you do poetry in school? You must know that you can't just randomly put words together. Do you know what I mean? And I am a big songwriter in my own home. I write songs spontaneously based on what is happening in that day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:46 I get a lot out of songwriting. It's a shame because I don't have any ability to sing to tune and my cats run away when I start singing. Well, let's talk about your song straight away. Your words were dilapidated, imbecile, obsequious, serendipitous and sycophant. And I mean mean you say you can't sing but that doesn't necessarily matter, I think you
Starting point is 00:53:09 utilised what you're good at and I mean certainly there's one line of your song that has very much been stuck in my head and also the producer of this podcast said we were talking about it just before you logged on Me Fern Brady, Me Fern Brady, Me Fern Brady is something that I've been singing quite a lot of Fern
Starting point is 00:53:25 I don't know if this is common knowledge but Greg sang it to me quietly every day before we went on set I don't think that is common knowledge Okay well so this is what this happens in episode 4 every single day
Starting point is 00:53:44 for the rest of filming, for every episode, just before they played the credits, Greg would mutter, it's me, Fern Brady. Ah, no.
Starting point is 00:53:55 But knowing Greg, that is of course so up his street because he loves stupid made up songs. Oh, does he? Yeah. And that is just, I don't know. I don't know how even how to describe it
Starting point is 00:54:05 that's just right up his street and of course he like he would like saying that he loved it me for brady me for brady me for brady so now now that we have this fact right yeah now that we know that greg sang it for the rest of the thing what do you think of the points because it was demonstrably greg's favorite song yeah and then a song about a fucking, what was it, a tangerine? Well, you didn't even know. Yeah, John got the same points as me. Yeah, Satsuma, Pyjamas, Lance, Fantastic and Curry. About finding a Satsuma in the curry.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Yeah, it's nice. It's nicely creative, but I think we've got to say I challenged myself the most. Admittedly, I had an advantage because I think we've got to say I challenged myself the most with admittedly I had an advantage because I think this comes up I played Mozart's and that I was all the way through school instead of socializing and I knew that piece really well and I knew how to make long words try and fit around that music so I had an advantage over people that way i mean it was it was a very good song it was very successful the words were very long so it was impressive that you managed
Starting point is 00:55:11 to fit them in what i would say the same points as him for me when i was watching it it felt constantly on the verge of falling apart it never does but it's just just on the edge there there's one line where it i'll admit it didn't scan but uh but well no sorry it wasn't like it didn't scan it was more like uh my addiction couldn't keep up with it so if we had a different performer if we had you crisp diction you seem like you were a choir boy at school you'd have um made the song a runaway hit well thank you very much you would have been singing me van brady me van brady me van brady me van brady i would have loved to have sung that bit um i think john's john has has to be rewarded because this is the only time so far
Starting point is 00:55:58 in four episodes he's done anything where i felt like he's in control of it yeah it was a task that suited John I think John's similar to me and any um creative tasks tasks that prioritize um um being artistic over being like physically um speedy or whatever John did well at that yeah I mean it was there was a lot of poise i really liked the story he brought into it so look i think i can see why you thought yours deserve five it was very very good but it wasn't you know it wasn't john who got the five it wasn't you got the five it was in the end sarah who got the five which we will come to sarah's i want to i want to speak about munya and dara first munya got i mean I feel like two points is harsh for any of these. I feel like it should have been three points lowest
Starting point is 00:56:47 because I thought everyone did a good job. I also think that now I've watched it back. At the time, I thought I was easily the best and then I watched the actual episode and I was like, oh, no, everyone did well at this. I loved Munya's. Everyone did well. Munya's was great.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Loquacious, jovial uh emphatic sex and euphoria um maybe i think maybe he he might have overthought it because this is this is munya's wheelhouse writing songs quickly is absolutely what munya does best that's what you know he constantly goes viral for turning around uh um satirical songs within like a few hours yeah so maybe he was overthinking it or maybe it was just, maybe it was too good. Maybe that was it.
Starting point is 00:57:30 I realised I keep moving on too quickly. I was going to say me and Dara took the same approach with our wonderful words, which was, look how clever I am. Whereas other, John and Sarah picked words that they genuinely find wonderful.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Yes. Well, look, I that they genuinely find wonderful? Yes. Well, look, I think they're all wonderful words. I think everyone selected good, wonderful words. Munya does a bit of a mix. He's got loquacious, but then he's got sex. I think the issue with Munya's is he didn't incorporate the words necessarily into a narrative or into a song. He would say them individually and then do a
Starting point is 00:58:06 bit about that word so he'd say loquacious and then do something about loquacious jovial yeah that might have been the only place where it fell down but again just very competent dara's i don't know how that gets two points because he smashed it it was very efficient and it's a shame to give anything two points but i felt like he's deserved more than that let's talk about sarah's uh sarah's song um biscuit greenery toadstool bralette and catnip um this i think this is a fairly incredible thing because it's there's genuine emotion it's it's so rare for taskmaster and it was a welcome addition um it's just a very real story and look i know i know your your song should have got five we've established no no no but that's don't make me i'm not like heartless
Starting point is 00:58:53 no but i'm also saying this deserve five this is why it's such a tricky it's such a tricky when she said the thing about her um ex saying she couldn't sing i was like I mean I was thinking well my current boyfriend says I can't sing but also I just was like I just couldn't say anything in the studio way because it was like a sad story and Greg was very like uh yeah it was yeah that was yeah and then watching like I said when I watched everyone's back Sarah's was good good. She's a better singer than me. I'll say that as well. Well, she just really, it's kind of lovely because she did just try.
Starting point is 00:59:32 She just tried her hardest to write a song using those words. And it was a beautiful song and it stuck to the tune. And with the backstory as well, it was just lovely. It just shows what's really good about Taskmaster is they don't try and overproduce anything. So if something is done with genuine emotion and isn't necessarily going for big laughs they're not gonna suddenly try and edit it so it's for big laughs or anything it's just they just let things let the chips fall where they may and it it's just a really nice range of things that came out and I thought everyone did really well in this task being told you have to write a
Starting point is 01:00:01 song I find very very difficult right no I was but I wish there was more like that although I was gonna I just remembered I had to do many many takes of my song and they had to send the sound guy to stand outside because he kept laughing and you know a lovely cameraman he's got like white hair sam oh my god i loved him so much yeah he was he was laughing a lot and we just kept making each other laugh when i was singing my song um he's so great sam sam's also sam's a cameraman on various things obviously but um sam sam's a cameraman on um on uh celebrity bake Off for Stand Up To Cancer, which absolutely relaxed me when I was doing that. I was so much more chill because it was Sam behind the camera.
Starting point is 01:00:51 He's such a lovely man. Yeah, yeah, yeah. My agent was like, oh, what jobs do you want to, is there anything you want to do after this? And I was like, anything that the Taskmaster crew are doing, which sounds really sucky, okay, but. No, they're brilliant. They're just so nice.
Starting point is 01:01:05 They're so good. So it was two points for Munya, okay, but... No, they're brilliant. Yeah, they're just so nice. They're so good. So it's two points for Munya, two points for Dara, four points for you, Fern, four points for John, and five points for Sarah. Here we are again, series 14. Who will be counter-house's queen? It is me, Fern Brady, me, Fern Brady. I'm the rightful queen. Dilapidated house filled with mystery.
Starting point is 01:01:22 We even bloody knows what we will see. Only one contestant will achieve the height of victory. Thank you. and you're losers and they'll stamp on their toes. Let's talk about the live task briefly. Throw your egg and your spoon the same distance. Both egg and spoon must cross the qualifying line. If either your egg or your spoon fall off the nappet, you are disqualified. The most distance, egg and spoon, each round are out.
Starting point is 01:02:02 If your egg doesn't break, your distance is halved. Last player standing wins. Did you enjoy doing the live tasks, Fern? More than I thought I would when I was watching Taskmaster. Yeah, I enjoyed them more than I thought. But I feel... I've got this weird thing where I'd feel quite shy when I'm uh not doing stand-up in front of a studio audience so right I had to really work hard to get over feeling shy on the stage I'm feeling nervous and stuff that was when you don't have
Starting point is 01:02:42 that sort of armor of stand-up or you don't have that material, yeah, you just sort of... Yeah, I completely understand that, yeah. But I did get into the fact that we were in a team as well and I'd already been with the team, that helped a lot. And just the fact that the live tasks were so stupid. I mean, this series especially, there's some absolutely idiotic ones but um this one is a bit more like it's a game that you might play like it's at least there's there's rules to it that feel feel like they make sense in a way the distancing of the egg and the
Starting point is 01:03:18 spoon and you did very well you held your uh you held your nerve you came second um oh yeah yeah yeah you came second in this one and people are switching up which way around you throw the egg and spoon and stuff and i i always hoofed these up i would have i would have messed up straight away i get in my own head absolutely it would have been spoon in the audience throw the egg greg it would have it would have gone terribly um as it does for john one point of course one point for john he's becoming very comfortable with the old one point um sarah gets the two points but it doesn't matter she still wins the episode uh munya gets three points you get the four points fern and dara wins and dara has now won or been on the winning team for three out of the first four live tasks which i don't know if it's happened
Starting point is 01:04:05 before i'm sure jack bernhardt the tm statistician will let us know but that is a pretty impressive record don't you think yeah but it gets a bit i was like come on guys we've got to mix it up now stop that because this is this is i try and sabotage dada in this one yeah you shouted at him didn't you that's unlike me you know i wouldn't know but i just thought come on we can't have him winning again um i just that was i see now i'm thinking about it now that was one of the ones where it's like because i'm really really competitive i don't know if that comes across in it but i hate people people winning over me. And that's why it bothered me so much, the thing about, oh, you're tired and stuff,
Starting point is 01:04:48 because I came in it to win. And I just thought, you're going to have to start being more underhand and doing things like that to put Dara off. Because I didn't know if there was a rule against that, but yeah, you wouldn't. No, I don't think there's a rule against that at all. I think you can be as underhand as you want.
Starting point is 01:05:04 I mean, I don't think you've been underhand in general, Fern. I think that's probably the first time. It's not that I'm an amazing person, but that kind of fun wouldn't be in my nature. So that was why it shows how much I'm competitive, that I just was like, I've got to do this. Wasn't this one one of the classics where Munya has a big... I mean, I remember it this way.
Starting point is 01:05:25 He makes a big song and dance out of how good he's going to be at it and then it's just very average. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, it comes third. Really talks about how great he's going to be. I mean, as he's done in the majority of the tasks and the live tasks, and then it comes out absolutely fine. But like I say, the really impressive thing is that does not dent his confidence
Starting point is 01:05:43 the next time he comes to a live task. He brain dumps what's happened. In his head, he's got five points and then he moves on to the next one. He's very funny. So the final scores, talking of confident Munya, he comes bottom in this episode with nine points. John gets 12 points. You get 15 points. Dara gets 19 points.
Starting point is 01:06:01 And Sarah takes home the victory with 22 points. Leaving the series at the moment, John's on 53, Muni's on 55. Closer at the bottom than you would expect. I think John's been painted as the big loser in these first four episodes, but that's pretty close there. You're on 60 points, Sarah's on 73,
Starting point is 01:06:20 Dara's on 83. So the top two sort of pulling away quite a lot at at this point but look we're only on episode four it could all change it could have been front loaded with dara and sarah's best so we will see fern thank you so much for coming on the Taskmaster podcast. We are loving you on Taskmaster. All that's left to do is we always ask our guests to rate their experience on the podcast
Starting point is 01:06:54 between one and five points in the style of the Taskmaster. Have you enjoyed being on the podcast? And if so, what point score would you give your experience on it, please? Oh, I was going to say five. But then I'd give myself four because I slept in and I feel guilty. Oh, we weren't even going to reveal that. I don't think it came across at all. Okay, I am in my pyjamas.
Starting point is 01:07:15 Fern was 15 minutes late for the podcast because she slept in and assured us it's the first time she's slept in in ages. But you know what? I wouldn't deny you a rest, Fern. Okay. Sometimes we need to sleep in and you've been brilliant. So you go maybe you need a very thin i showed i was very tired and in the series so i'm now finally having a sleep she's finally catching up on the sleep guys don't you worry she's not tired anymore let her back in the taskmaster house she'll'll do all those tasks again. She'll find the grapes in the flower. She won't even get bored halfway through.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Thank you so much, Fern. You've been absolutely brilliant. Thanks for coming on the podcast. Thanks for having me. Thank you very much to Fern for coming on the Taskmaster podcast. We might chat to her again soon, I'm sure. I think she likes Taskmaster in general, so we'll get her on a future series, or again this series, who knows? Lovely to speak to her. We will be back
Starting point is 01:08:10 next week, of course. Watch the show, Channel 4, 9pm, then come straight over here at 10pm and get yourself the hot gas on the Taskmaster podcast. Don't forget to get Fern's book, Strong Female Character. You can pre-order that now from wherever you pre-order books from. And it's out on the 14th of Feb, 2023. But for now, from me, Ed Gamble, and the rest of the Taskmaster podcast team, there's only two of us, goodbye! I found an autism in my fantastic curry.
Starting point is 01:08:47 Oh yes, I found a naughty satsuma in my fantastic curry. The lady on the phone said, What? Get here, you prick. I will lance you into next week. I said, I'm in my new pyjamas and I'm free. I said, I am free to come back to you and moan. Hello? Hello?
Starting point is 01:09:49 Thank you. Or we can demand more from ourselves. At York University, we work together to create positive change for a better tomorrow. Join us at yorku.ca slash write the future.

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