Taskmaster The Podcast - Ep 102. Rose Matafeo - S14 Ep.5

Episode Date: October 27, 2022

This week's guest needs no introduction, it's the brilliant Rose Matafeo!! Ed and Rose get nostalgic for Series 9 and do a deep dive in to Ep 5 of Series 14. There's a worm trumpet, a musical routine ...and some brilliant animal miming. Enjoy! Watch all of Taskmaster on All 4www.channel4.com/programmes/taskmaster Visit the Taskmaster Store for all your TM goodies!taskmasterstore.com Visit the Taskmaster YouTube Channelyoutube.com/taskmaster Get in touch with Ed and future guests:taskmasterpodcast@gmail.com Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We can wait for clean water solutions, or we can engineer access to clean water. We can acknowledge indigenous cultures, or we can learn from indigenous voices. We can demand more from the earth, or we can demand more from ourselves. At York University, we work together to create positive change for a better tomorrow. Join us at yorku.ca slash write the future. Hello and welcome to the Taskmaster podcast. It's me, Ed Gamble, and of course we are still talking about Series 14 of Taskmaster. We are now halfway through the series, presuming of course you have seen Series 14, Episode 5, which is the episode we will be talking about today.
Starting point is 00:01:01 If you've not seen it, go and watch it, because we're going to be tearing it apart, ripping into it, really analysing that bad boy with a special guest. And this week's special guest is the wonderful Rose Matafayo. Yes, Rose Matafayo, of course, from series nine of Taskmaster, the same series as me, one of my Taskmaster brethren. And of course, Rose has been on the podcast before discussing series 10. But today we will be talking about series 14, episode five, another belting episode of Taskmaster. Excited to get into it. I've got some pretty hot takes, so strap in for those. This is Taskmaster Series 14, Episode 5, as discussed by myself, Ed Gamble, and Rose Matafayo. See you after.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Welcome back, Rose Matafayo, to the Taskmaster podcast. Hiya. Hello. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a long time. Gosh, when was the last one? I think you spoke to us probably about Series 10 in 2020. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Oh, my God. Oh, that's wild. Series 10, far out. During the lockdown when I thought, hey, this would be good to have something to do during the lockdown. Do a Taskmaster podcast and talk about every episode of Taskmaster ever. And now there's no, now there's no lockdown. And it's truly got out of hand. Yeah, you've got other things, you've got other bits and bobs to do, yet Taskmaster continues. Hey, you know, i've actually our our series randomly has been on
Starting point is 00:02:25 telly at the same time that i've been kind of catching it every night coming home from work oh what a weird yeah yeah really weird it's kind of like it feels like like i never want to like tell anyone about it or post it because i'm like it's so uncool to like be watching your own series but it's on tv look i love to watch my rick stein and then it just this kind of flows on into taskmaster series nine all right yeah i mean that's a classic double isn't it it's it's rick stein into taskmaster series nine well of course i'm waffling around cornwall and then uh david baddiel waffling around the studio um and we'll look we'll be talking about series nine fairly soon
Starting point is 00:03:07 because I think we're pretty much right. Once we've finished with the new series of Taskmaster, we're wrapping up series seven, then we'll do series eight. And then of course it's on series nine. So you'll be back on for that. I'll be back. I'll be back.
Starting point is 00:03:19 It's so weird actually. I've only just, like this series and last series, it's the first series I've actually properly like watched week to week. It's really weird. Yeah, yeah. It was interesting hearing John last week on the podcast kind of, you know, I thought
Starting point is 00:03:34 he was a bigger Taskmaster fan, but he, I think, is the same level as me. Yeah. It surprised me when he said that he hadn't really seen it because I assumed he would be all over that. I mean, now, obviously, watching him on the series, it's very clear that he has never really seen it before because he approaches it like someone's dad who's been roped into a game they don't understand.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Already furious about partaking at the very beginning of every task in every episode. I think it is true. And I think in the same way that I, not to bring my own experience into this explanation. That's why you're here, please, please. Wow. But no, I can tell he's got a similar level of, of, of expertise in terms of, uh, price tasks. You can always tell price tasks because it's all about appealing to Greg and knowing what
Starting point is 00:04:32 has historically not appealed to him, what would appeal to him. If you know him personally, all that stuff. And, and, uh, and watching John go out there, go down, go out there with his amazingly whimsical prize task concepts and and go oh baby i'm so sorry i'm i should have warned you i should have called you i should have called you as soon as the but it's already filmed it's already filmed i don't know so uh yeah can i just thank you on behalf of the nation for not calling john because it's one clearly I wouldn't have helped look how shit I I did on prize tasks but but no yeah it is a true it is a real treat though although you know yeah it's it's well let's talk fish poster very briefly wow of course one of
Starting point is 00:05:19 your most famously terrible prize tasks the uh the fush poster. Amazing that you would say terrible because this is you gaslighting the Taskmaster community, the greater community, the UK public into the, again, not only on the live show, but since the Fush poster episode,
Starting point is 00:05:40 the amount of public support behind me for this Fush poster, not only from my own country from this country as well from this country as well it has uh it riles me because it was a decent prize um but anyway what were you gonna say well i was gonna say it's it's since the the fush poster has since made an appearance in taskmaster new zealand yeah far out i know it's a very sweet thing, getting tweets being like,
Starting point is 00:06:06 the fish poster in the shed. And obviously I know, you know, a bunch of the people who make it in New Zealand and the sort of task setters and stuff. So yeah, that's very sweet. It's a very sweet shout out. But was it a shout out to you, Rose? Because you claim that every shed in New Zealand
Starting point is 00:06:24 has a fish poster in it. So was it not just that if they were building a shed on the set, of course they'd put a fish poster in it. So now that you're admitting, if that's true, then obviously my prize task was incredible. No, it still was bad. It was still bad. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Before we talk about this one rose let's let's talk about so you say you watched you watched all of last series as well week to week yeah yeah did you have any favorites from that series let's let's just briefly sort of dwell on the past let's briefly well i i um i thought the cast was so just so dynamite last last series i think i think judy is one of the funniest people i've ever met and watched yeah um i think that i love arnold so much that it's like unreal and i need to go back and listen to his episode of this because i am i was really obsessed with Ardle as a kid because I had a massive crush on Father Dougal let's not explore that too much but um let's not examine that pattern in my life too much but um and uh so I real crush on Father Dougal and um i remember i did a would i lie to you episode with him and he
Starting point is 00:07:45 was so funny and and seeing his energy on this uh on the this cast was so good i feel like yeah i feel like every like i think there always needs to be an idol on the series it always needs to be a judy and also like yeah i don't know i just think there's nothing better when there's just like an amazing chemistry amongst the group and it's such a funny unique position to be in watching it having done it and also knowing all these people because like you know you meet you meet a lot of these people through the years through like comedy or whatever like tv stuff and sometimes when the cast is announced you go i wonder how that's gonna go yeah okay let's see how this pans out well this this current series is is one where i was like okay i've got no idea because sometimes like like when our when our cast was told to us
Starting point is 00:08:34 i was like well look i've got pre-established chemistry with rose like she's a friend i didn't you know i didn't i didn't really know uh i didn't really know what a way to find out david or joe I didn't really know. What a way to find out. David or Joe. Yeah. And I knew Katie as well. So I sort of, we had a vibe already,
Starting point is 00:08:54 but then with this cast, you know, you sort of, you think, how are they going to get on with each other? How's it going to work? Obviously, John and Fern probably do a lot of the same sorts of gigs. The John, Fern and Dara team, as it turns out, couldn't have worked better. It's anti-chemistry is what it is.
Starting point is 00:09:10 It is chaos. It is, what would you call it on the D&D scale of, it's not chaotic neutral, it's chaotic. Chaotic chaos. It's just pure chaos. is it one of the first times where um like it's just been because that's why i've noticed it's interesting is that it's just the left three versus the right two and then that's translated over to live tasks as well but i feel like yeah i i'm just i was thinking back to other ones so no no, yeah, yeah, last series it was a mix. I just, I don't know why that has bugged me. I don't know why that's really bugged me. How they split the teams up.
Starting point is 00:09:52 I suspect maybe this is one of the series where they were assigned their teams based on schedule. I suspect. And it's worked out very nicely. Whereas our series was Young's v. olds, if that's fair. Yeah, it's less catchy of availabilities were more flexible versus very inflexible availabilities. I believe they said that on series six.
Starting point is 00:10:17 They said that Alex outright said, oh, we've based the teams on schedule. Well, that's good. Well, that's good to know that we had so little on that we could um be in a team of three you and katie and i um it's pretty pretty depressing no i i'm really i'm quite thankful i love the teams this year because i really think um mania and sarah i i love them together they work beautifully don't they they work so beautifully they're like a it's not it's not children's tv presenter energy but it's close it's it's it's an interesting like
Starting point is 00:10:50 like they're so enthusiastic i mean sierra is competitive and mania is competitive as well but also like they're very collaborative it's collaboration versus i don't know what's going on in the other team like Like it's, it's, it's amazing. Also, it's amazing because those are the three that I know the most. Yeah. And they've been put together.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Yeah. And that's, that's definitely a team I go, well, this could go any way. It could go any way. Do you not think that our team was interesting? Sorry to keep harking back to series nine. Don't worry.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Our team was interesting because if anyone had told me before that you're on a team you're on a team with rose and katie katie would be like yeah fine we'll get on fine uh she'll say some interesting stuff and you just listen to katie but i would have thought you and me would have more of a sort of fractious team relationship because because we do tend to have a sort of uh well i'm not going to say i'm the annoying younger sibling but that's very much that feels like the role i'm filling sometimes when we hang out thank you you are an old man uh you are an old man compared to me 26 year old I'm the younger one. I'm the young sis. I reject that because I don't think that, oh shit. Now you're positioning me like Arthur and DW. Remember that cartoon?
Starting point is 00:12:16 That's probably, that's a real, I don't know if it made it to the UK, but DW was the really annoying younger sister. And there are shades of that, I think, within some of the team tasks that I have been sort of reminiscing about watching it at 6pm after my Rick's time. No, because this is what I was interested by, because I think we both do that,
Starting point is 00:12:35 the sort of annoying younger sibling thing. So I was intrigued as how it was going to work. But then we've done loads of escape rooms together and we tend to, we're both so competitive that we feel like we have to work together. Exactly. Isn't that and we tend to we're both so competitive that we feel like we have to work together exactly isn't that sad is that we're so both so competitive that we're forced into collaborating and working together because that is the only way in which we will personally succeed it's never for the team it's only for personal success it's it's so it's so cynical it's um really upsetting but i think we did work well uh and i mean in some in some ways i think
Starting point is 00:13:06 i think communication is something that uh that you have to foster in an escape room environment let's be honest hey the communication can sometimes be yelled it can sometimes be fraught but it still is communication it can be which is which is exactly it can be punching. Which is, which is exactly, it can be leaving the escape room for a breather and then coming back in. And so I, I think,
Starting point is 00:13:29 but that's the, I think that there's some team Dara, Fern, John, fundamentally lack and it will be their downfall. let's talk about the prize tasks which you've you've uh highlighted as one of your weaknesses and of course it has historically been one of john's weaknesses but he's really redeeming
Starting point is 00:13:59 himself in the last few episodes uh so the prize task this week is bring in the most useless thing you've bought that cost over 20 pounds now don't take this as an insult rose immediately as this category came up i thought i bet rose has got something really good for this excuse me i think we're both probably guilty of this shit that is wild but that is true that is quite true yeah um i did i did recently just buy a music box that opens up and plays the theme from the godfather um do you mean i'll show it to you yeah please i feel like we'll be all right oh my god there it is and then you open it up oh yes i mean for the listener the music box is in the shape of a house
Starting point is 00:14:46 which I don't think has anything to do with the Godfather. No. It's sort of like a winter cottage and then you open it up and it plays the theme tune. It's definitely the kind of winter cottage it would be in an A24 film where someone gets murdered or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:58 You know what I mean? I love it. That's the vibe of it. That's giving me an idea. For Christmas, why aren't they doing little Taskmaster House music boxes where you open up and they play the theme tune hello merch up alex maybe text out maybe i'll send this a photo of this to alex and go well alex doesn't answer my texts unfortunately because i texted him earlier about uh about one
Starting point is 00:15:19 of the tasks we're going to discuss because i thought i'd found a way around something but um he's not texted back uh so never mind. Most useless thing that you brought that cost over £20. Let's talk about John first because he brings home the victory. I think it's a fairly straightforward victory for him. It's a streaker for Sabutio which by itself seems like a useless thing even if you have Sabutio but he doesn't own any other Subutio and yet he's still paid out for them. I mean, it's very funny. He's absolutely nailed it there, isn't he?
Starting point is 00:15:51 He's completely nailed it. And it's quite special in the sense, I reckon that's something he's owned for quite a while already, obviously. It's not just quickly bought that before the Taskmaster record. It's perfect. It's perfect in the sense that like the kicker
Starting point is 00:16:06 that he doesn't own Subodio. I didn't know what Subodio was until, my only reference to what that is, is I remember when there's a Subodio player in Bill Bailey's hair in Black Books. Yes. I think it's in there. That's all I know. I was like what is this um so that's immediately what i
Starting point is 00:16:28 thought when i saw john's yeah that's that sitcom is is weird anyway um but if you're watching that with no knowledge of what sabutio is you're like oh they've really got stuck into the surrealism in this episode the hell is it we're all supposed to know what sabutio is something that they've invented no i'm really glad that john's brought it back. I mean, from last week as well, like it's been two weeks on the trot where I think he is, I think his concept has been really strong. And I think it's all about the,
Starting point is 00:16:55 it's all about the explanation of the prize task, which I feel like I really lacked and failed on. And I think it's selling it as well. Like if you have the confidence to sell it, you know. It's confidence to sell it. But also I think sometimes with them, you sell it or you come up with something that you can say succinctly in two or three words that is funny as you announce it.
Starting point is 00:17:17 And streaker for Sabutio is one of those things. Or you go the Munya route of having a five to six minute story about all of your prize tasks. And this is another one where they've, honestly, he must've been bribing the editor because he gets in like whole life stories before the prize. Everyone else gets like four words. This golden snitch fidget spinner gets,
Starting point is 00:17:38 he gets about five minutes. I think that also, I watched this episode and I was like, Greg has gone soft, man. I thought he was really, really gentle on them for the whole, actually scoring the whole episode. I think he was in a good mood, clearly. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know what was going on because he is mean.
Starting point is 00:17:58 And I think, and I've seen him be mean. He is mean. And it was weird. Like he was in a buoyant mood clearly maybe he'd had just had dinner or something like it was like oh i'm feeling generous because that golden snitch i'm sorry that's a one pointer yeah it's not it was 15 yeah it doesn't fulfill the task they gave him another chance to lie and say it was 21 pounds it's a nut look it's another good story for munya he wasn't allowed to watch harry potter so he used to read it under the covers like it was pornography um but but it was 15 quid it should not i don't
Starting point is 00:18:35 know why he even brought it in i don't know why he brought it in brought it up i mean i i suppose i think he must have just mistakenly bought something that was under... Did he tell them? You can just say it's 20 quid. He even says in his story he bought it for 15 quid. It's like, no, just say it was 20 quid to start with. Bizarre that he mentioned that. I found that odd.
Starting point is 00:18:57 I found that odd. I found it odd that they were lenient on him there. I think it's different rules for different people, different seasons, and I think that Greg needs some consistency, and I think it's different rules for different people, different seasons. And I think that Greg needs some consistency and I think he's a coward. Yeah. And this is what I'm maintaining as I slip further down the overall Taskmaster rankings spreadsheet.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Oh yeah, you've got it. Oh wow. Yeah, I forgot about that actually. Yeah. Yeah. I'm sort of being pushed further and further down, unfortunately. And I, you. And I maintain it's because Greg is more lenient in the later seasons. They went to Channel 4 and suddenly, it was probably in the Channel 4 contract, they were like, oh, everyone's going through a rough time. Greg can't be too mean. And Greg's kowtowing to the boss of Channel 4. That's what's happening.
Starting point is 00:19:41 That's exactly what's happening. Whereas we lived through the winter of the Dave days days the winter of the final throws of the dave days before a fucking pandemic where the where the energy the cosmic energy was just dog shit yeah and gree's in a bad mood um so it got three points the golden snitch fidget spinner and i thought sarah was actually scored slightly harshly in comparison to the fidget spinner it should thought sarah was actually scored slightly harshly in comparison to the fidget spinner it should have at least got the same as the fidget spinner for her mandolin um that she sliced the top of her finger off the only issue being of course that it's not a useless thing it's a very useful thing the mandolin yeah and also she kind of just agreed with greg at the
Starting point is 00:20:18 end of it so that's when you lose yeah when when i mean it was a uh i think it was think if it was like a hateful item, an item with bad energy, it would have been great. Mandolins have bad energy. Mandolins are scary. Yeah, man. They have bad energy. I don't know how they sell them. Do you remember when I did mine a couple of years ago or even a year ago? I had a mandolin and I was slicing potatoes for potato dauphinoise
Starting point is 00:20:47 and uh wasn't using the guard uh and the potato slipped and my thumb went onto the mandolin and basically it just hacked the top bit of my thumb off and i had to have stitches i've still got a big scar there and but i've done that before with mandolin every time i i said still got a scar there like like a kid who's like in the playground yeah still got a scar yeah yeah still got a big scar that'll be there forever um i throw that i throw mandolins away more than anything else like like a cursed doll and they keep coming back they're just lethal i just don't like i don't want i don't want one in the house i don't want one in the house no No. If you want a mandolin, you've got to do it outside the house. You've got to do it at someone else's house.
Starting point is 00:21:28 You've got to hire someone. A mandolin will not be darkening my doorstep anytime soon because I will cut my fingers to ribbons. Yes. No, I prefer boiled full potatoes. I don't need any of these. Fancy French potatoes you're talking about. That's the thing about Rose.
Starting point is 00:21:51 She can't even be trusted with a knife. So every time she eats a vegetable, it is whole and unpeeled as well. She can't be trusted with a peeler. And often uncooked because I'm not trusted with the whole thing. Raw potato. Yeah, I thought it was relatively weak the mandolin
Starting point is 00:22:05 as well but look who am i to judge i put a lasso of strawberry laces for my final price test so literally take everything i say with a grain of salt yeah and also me too i brought in a long piece of spaghetti so uh let's talk about ferns ferns is great i thought i think it's devastating that it gets the same as the fidget spinner because a harness and a leash for a cat that every time i see one of those things advertised which is a lot um i think absolutely insane and the video as well it's just the top of the cat rolling over not walking and then somehow wriggling free of the harness is great i thought it was really good also the fact that it cost 70 quid and and it was an
Starting point is 00:22:45 audible like huge gas from that audience um obviously not making the bank that uh that a television company makes 70 quid yeah i'll throw that away on a cat harness i would 100 percent spend up to 100 pounds on a cat harness it's a horrible i don't have a cat you don't have a cat yeah i mean that would be even more useless really really useless but no i thought i thought i thought definitely deserved more than the fidget spinner for sure but just the idea of taking a cat for a walk is just insane do you think you've never taken your cat for a walk have you no no no he doesn't really he doesn't go outside unless we're taking him to the vet so i think he would be he would be overawed by the whole thing. Did he go in the garden?
Starting point is 00:23:25 No. Wow. He's a fully indoor cat. Man, maybe I should get one of those. Yeah. God damn it. I don't know. Fully indoor cat. Nah.
Starting point is 00:23:33 He's good. He's happy with it, but he doesn't know the outside world, you know? I'm basically- So true. I'm going to come over and like offer him the red pill or the blue pill. It's like the matrix.
Starting point is 00:23:43 I'll be like, you want to see outside? I'll take you outside. Immediately in danger. Yeah, but knowing my cat, he will eat both pills and then do a horrible shit. It's a deleted scene. Yeah, when Neo grabs both of them. I don't want that in the film.
Starting point is 00:24:02 I think it's a weird bit and we should just cut it out. Maybe I should have one pill and that does something. Okay. All right. Here we go. Let's talk about Dara's worm trumpet. I mean, this was great as well. And I can absolutely, he's one of the only people I can imagine buying that.
Starting point is 00:24:24 100%. I think on any other contestant, this would be like, come on. But so appropriate for Dara, Dara's vibe. Dara's vibe. It's definitely that kind of shit. It's that kind of thing you'd see in the crap, like a shitty gift shop in Stoke Newington and be like, oh, I'll buy that for my friend. They'll never use it.
Starting point is 00:24:43 That's exactly what it is. Yeah. and be like, oh, I'll buy that for my friend. They'll never use it. That's exactly what it is. Yeah, the packaging would have a cartoon man listening to a worm and the worm saying like, hey, man, or something. What's up?
Starting point is 00:24:53 Oldie worm trumpet. The oldie worm trumpet. I'd love to test it out, though. I mean, it is. And I would almost say, because what was it? It was the most useless useless yeah useless yeah i'd argue that that's pretty used it's relatively useful i mean it was scored according checking out what the situation is underground what do you think the situation is underground uh well how many worms there are how many i don't know what's going on
Starting point is 00:25:24 under there. You can't count the worms, the worms are underground. You can hear the worms at the whole point. I wonder what a worm sounds like as well. There's one. All right, give me tabs on it. I think you're going to buy a worm trumpet, aren't you? I kind of, I might do.
Starting point is 00:25:41 I don't even have a garden either, but maybe I will. Rock up to the park. You can listen to them, yeah, the park worms. I mean, I do just't even have a garden either, but maybe I will. Rock up to the park. You can listen to them. Yeah, the park worms. I mean, Dara's family, it must be so funny because he has telescopes and stuff as well. So quite often he'll probably be like, I'm just going to nip out and look at the stars.
Starting point is 00:25:57 They're like, all right, Dad. He has telescopes and stuff. What a sentence. What a sentence. The day he went, I'm just going to nip outside. And they went, are you going to go and look at the stars? No, I'm gonna go listen to the worms. I've got my wooden telescope. My wooden ear telescope. I have mastered the skies, now it's time to master the land.
Starting point is 00:26:22 It was four points, a well-deserved four points. It was five points, of course, for John's Sabutia Strica, three points for Fern and Munya, and two points for Sarah's mandolin. Tara. I, it turns out, purchased a worm trumpet. Yeah, this is Tara's worm trumpet. There you go. You're supposed to lie on the ground and put your ear to it
Starting point is 00:26:47 and you can hear the worms move in the ground below. HE SNIFFS Wow. And actually, if you do listen to it, you don't hear a lot. And even if you do, it's worms. It's not like it's opening a magical door into a... They're not tap dancing we can wait for clean water solutions or we can engineer access to clean water we can acknowledge
Starting point is 00:27:16 indigenous cultures or we can learn from indigenous voices we can demand more from the earth or we can demand more from ourselves at york we can demand more from ourselves. At York University, we work together to create positive change for a better tomorrow. Join us at yorku.ca slash write the future. Task one, get the most pleasure from all of these rubber shoots. You have 30 minutes. Your time starts now. This was the sort of task that would panic me rose i don't know about you 100 immediately i was panicked because i mean as as everyone does when they watch taskmaster they go what am i going to do how am
Starting point is 00:27:56 i going to do it uh that's you know and also i think specifically and maybe it's a unique perspective from someone who's actually done it at 30 minutes those those 30 minutes are stressful because it's just it's not it's not a limited amount of time so because it because it indicates how much effort you should be putting into the task as well yes yeah so if it's a short if it's like 10 minutes or if it's like you know an hour or something it means that like okay 30 minutes it has to be a decent attempt yeah still it's still not all the time in the world. Yeah, it's really tricky. I mean, obviously, like, everyone just went slide. First thing you think is slide,
Starting point is 00:28:33 because when you see those on a building site or something and they're using them to drop bricks down into the skip, you think, oh, at the end of the day, do the builders just get in that and slide down? I saw builders with a conveyor belt getting bricks out of a sort of house the other day, and I was like, I want to bloody go on that. Yeah, get on the conveyor belt i'm getting bricks out of a sort of a house the other day and i was like i want to bloody go on that yeah get on the conveyor they go in there but then yeah surely slide slide was i would probably think that as well but um but it's the pleasure thing because i think it's so stressful when it's such a um uh personal like it's it's
Starting point is 00:29:04 the the boundaries the kind of what's expected of you in a task like this worded like this it's like half creative and half practical and like that stresses me out my only other thought um for me personally something that i would enjoy would just be putting them all on the ground and then getting everyone in the crew to get under one and then play um big human whack-a-mole this is okay this is classic you this answer is absolutely classic you because i am so annoyed because when i when we were in the studio watching how you dealt with tasks how how you did it you are a bully to the crew you are a bully to Alex. You are a person who would always just use your phone because apparently that was allowed. You go, oh, I'll just Google this.
Starting point is 00:29:50 I'm like, sorry. I did it twice. Once was in a team task because you guys weren't bringing the goods. So I had to Google it to translate something. And if you watch that back, you can literally see me go, I didn't know we were allowed to do that
Starting point is 00:30:02 when you pull out your phone. And I think they honestly left it in because it's against the spirit and I only used it one other time and that was in a clever way that's true that's true
Starting point is 00:30:10 that's true okay but twice is enough for me because it's twice two more times than I could have potentially done it you didn't think of it
Starting point is 00:30:16 did you but but also you always get you always get Alex to help you on things which is what absolutely within the spirit
Starting point is 00:30:24 of the show what you mean no no I didn't get him to help me I'd involve which is absolutely within the spirit of the show. What, you mean? No, I didn't get him to help me. I didn't involve, you know, you've got to involve the guy. Okay, fair. You involve the guy. But you've got to involve the guy. You've got to involve the guy.
Starting point is 00:30:36 But so it's involving the crew, and it's also trademark, it's pain. It's pain and punishment for these four wonderful, hardworking crew members on Taskmaster. I'm not using a real hammer. What are you using then? Cricket bat. Pool noodle.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Use a little pool noodle. A little pop on there. I would use a pool noodle actually. And I could dress them as moles as well. It'd be great. That would be, that would have been cute actually. Do you think that would have popped out? Oh yeah because it was that was the trouble that when when
Starting point is 00:31:08 as soon as i saw john uh put that slide together i was like honey this is not going to be fun or good because just the the joins it's like you know when you go down a water slide as well yeah and like i mean back in the back in the 90s where it was like you know they put them together like like lego but like the freaking like bump and like the horrible join where you'd be like thrashing down a water slide yeah those were horrible and that was like that times 10 for john's one yeah absolutely i mean and i like john's idea and I think something like that might have occurred to me as well. Sort of like a magical mystery tunnel where you crawl through and there's loads of things happening.
Starting point is 00:31:51 But I would have put pictures in there maybe. Let's call it a tunnel as opposed to a slide because I don't think it counts as a slide when you can feasibly walk down the slope of the slide. Yes. As Alex did. Quicker. Like I don't think that counts quick more quickly yeah no but it was it was a sweet it was a sweet concept i i um i enjoyed it
Starting point is 00:32:14 but it's just i think a lot of it was based on how much he enjoys saying the word chockeys he loves his choc i enjoyed i enjoy the choccy. I enjoy the choccy. Yeah, and it's also like, it's quite funny because like, I derive the most pleasure watching that. Yeah. It was because of his level of displeasure, I suppose. Absolutely. If that's a word.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Yeah, absolutely. He didn't, it's so, this is so illustrative of how little Taskmaster John has watched because he doesn't even try and make pleasurable noises. Someone like Dara invents that sport which is good which looks like quite good fun. I think we both enjoy having a go at that. Absolutely. And he clearly enjoys it but he really overdoes
Starting point is 00:32:55 he really overdoes proving how much pleasure he's deriving from it. So he's going like oh great did you see that? Oh my god. Because he knows the whole task is do the most pleasurable thing. Whereas John, all the way down that tunnel,
Starting point is 00:33:08 he's going, ah, oh, oh, oh. It's clearly an agony. Well, Dara's had to develop this skill of, I mean, how many years has he hosted Mock the Week? Do you know what I mean? Like there's this, you know, laughing and laughing
Starting point is 00:33:22 and making himself look like he's having a great, a great time with all of these wonderful comedians. What are you talking about? He is having fun. Can you tell that I've never done Mock the Week? He is having fun. He's having such a good time.
Starting point is 00:33:33 What are you talking about? How dare you suggest that he's not? I wouldn't suggest a thing. I think Dara enjoys equally every single joke that anyone has ever made on Mock the Week. That's why he only makes sure that they book comedians that he finds funny. Oh, God. Imagine if that was underneath a big pile of mail I saw my invite to do Mock the Week.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Yeah. Under a dusty bed. Oh, he liked me after all. No, and it works, though. I think he knows the game he plays the game and he plays it well because it does it does I watched that going especially like up against um Munya's one uh I was like this looks fun it definitely looks like more fun than Munya's because that was a bit hellish to be fair but yeah it doesn't go well Munya's but Munya gets
Starting point is 00:34:21 four points for this it's quite amazing because I look the concept of it's well, Munya. But Munya gets four points for this. It's quite amazing because the concept of it's good, but Munya does what I do quite a lot, which is you imagine something in your head and then you have no way of actually realising that thing. So strapping the thing to Alex's back is funny, but the catapult doesn't work. So he ends up just throwing the ball through the tube. He may as well just throw the ball at the cow.
Starting point is 00:34:40 The tubes aren't necessary to this game at all. I think quite a generous comparison there to your energy and money is uh in terms of uh i think he i think he i think he takes i think he is less angry when it fails oh sure well he doesn't think it fails he never acts like anything fails that's so true oh my god i think that's the that is so that's part of it, isn't it? Confidence and self-esteem. Oh, God. Wow. No, but I mean, that sums you up going confidence and self-esteem. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Oh, God. Oh, God. I'm going to look back at the third time around. I'll be watching it, my little dinner, TV dinner after Rick Stein going, oh, God, I should just add a bit more self-belief. Oh God. No, yeah. No, he really... But I enjoy watching Munoz
Starting point is 00:35:31 when he does those talks and stuff. And he's like a little boy in this. Yeah, 100%. But I mean, I feel like... Because Fern got the five points here, right? Fern got the five points. I mean, Fern andah go down a similar route and how dare you say my suggestion was bullying i think this is this is proper bullying
Starting point is 00:35:49 this is this is evil psychological bullying um yeah sarah put alex in front of all of the tubes and covered his eyes and then sort of gave him a sensory experience almost like he was sat in front of a big church organ uh but like you know bit of tickling bit of food going down there i mean she clearly loved doing it which was the task the task in itself it was yeah it was it was but we i didn't like watching it but she enjoyed doing it do you know what i mean like i think i think i had no pleasure watching i mean that makes sense i had no pleasure watching the ones that were most pleasurable for the person, but I had a lot of pleasure watching John's, which obviously scored not great. But I mean, Fern's, also knowing Fern a bit,
Starting point is 00:36:32 like just that is pure. There's like nothing put on there. That is pure pleasure. Oh, she is giggling. Getting lost in the moment. Yeah. Doesn't know the cameras are on, essentially. Like basically unaware of anything else going on like she's just
Starting point is 00:36:45 you know and it's it was wonderful to see but it was um even i felt sorry for for alex although no way although i like i liked it as it felt like a sort of preemptive revenge for uh what i loved seeing in the live in the studio um uh finn getting quite angry at alex for his passive aggressive tendencies which is like so true but no one's ever actually held it yeah the the please thing is very alex like yeah you say because you're obviously desperate to do the task so you're like alex do that and he's like please yeah like no we don't have time we don't have time for that the problem is that i actually do that so i respected that i do that to alice sneddon my friend alice then all the time she didn't say please what's up because she she she
Starting point is 00:37:29 she says please she says thank you after it's done but she doesn't like to say please because she it's an expectation that you're going to do the thing right oh interesting so it's more polite to not say please it was i give her a smack and i say say please say please good manners good manners will take you far yeah but you're not often timed uh with the things that you and alex are doing in terms of you don't have 30 minutes to get something you don't know our relationship yeah that's true when you're working with all your rubber shoes 30 minutes um i uh yeah no uh but it was it was not the best time for Alex to, to pull Fern up on her manners. But I loved it.
Starting point is 00:38:10 I absolutely loved Fern's. It was just like some sort of bizarre, it's almost as if there was Guantanamo Bay in Teletubbyland is what it felt like. It's exactly, there was the ketchup, which is, it was just like, is it was just like put this in your put this in your mouth like it's it's also like we're all professional comedians so you like sometimes try and do like you know say funny things there was a pure abandon because it was like there's no it was put this in your mouth put some ketchup in your mouth nothing like isn't this funny or it's just pure pure directive yeah. Yeah. It was amazing. It was like she'd had some friends over
Starting point is 00:38:48 and her little brother was there and wanted to join in with the game. And she was like, all right, you can join in with the game. Here's the game. We're putting you in a bin and you have to eat ketchup. Of course, quick shout out for Fern seeing the tubes
Starting point is 00:39:01 and her first instinct was to curl up and have a sleep in them. So good. I love that. And I love that paired with what John was saying on last week's podcast of Fern just rocking up tired every day. Yeah, yeah. And Fern, absolutely. We interviewed Fern and look, she's not happy with this narrative that's been written about her that she's the tired one and can't be bothered to do the task because she was genuinely excited. She says it on this week's episode. She was so excited to do the task that she wasn't sleeping properly so she was tired and also adrenaline does crazy things to people so we'll just say officially on the podcast it's not that fern didn't enjoy the
Starting point is 00:39:32 taskmaster experience she it's the opposite she enjoyed it so much she was knackered i know look i think i agree i i have the same restless nights before i genuinely felt like it was christmas day like you can't recreate like it was Christmas day. Like you can't recreate that. It was Christmas day the next day, like as an adult. Like I don't give a shit about Christmas, like actual Christmas, but it was like that. But, you know, and that excitement either results in sometimes, you know, you're a bit tired because you haven't gotten any sleep or literal mania as in my case where i was um not myself uh but no i think uh i think you know um uh it's a good energy yeah it's a great energy and it really works for in this because she gets the five points for torturing alex four points for sarah four points for munya three points for john and
Starting point is 00:40:26 two points for dara and he looks absolutely horrified by that um absolutely mortified and i want i love moments in taskmaster editing where they they they pinpoint um true human emotion where the mask drops with these people and it. And I like not to, again, not to be like obsessed with myself and our series, but I, I remember like only just watching it one time when the live task where we had to draw on our, the faces on the helmet.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Yes. Yeah. Yeah. And there is basically as Greg just is like, Oh, well yours isn't good, Rose. And you can see my face, like Ralph Wiggum's heart being broken in The Simpsons. Like, it's literally that where I go, what?
Starting point is 00:41:14 And it's no, there's no act. It's not a funny thing. It's no acting. It's pure confusion, mortification, like heartbreak of like what do you mean and like and that Dara moment where he's got two points you can just see it
Starting point is 00:41:28 you can just it's like right at the surface he's waiting for his five yeah what are you talking about love it Fern yours was a bit more medieval
Starting point is 00:41:38 I thought what was a curveball for me and when it started becoming like Misery the film which went out of nowhere he way to fill his mouth full of ketchup extremely passive-aggressive so it does a lot of things like it goes hmm under
Starting point is 00:41:56 his breath very English brand a passive-aggressive that just makes me want to be violent to him task to perform the best routine to this musical backing. You've got 30 minutes. Your time starts now. Now this, when this came up, Rose, just talking about our team again, I just thought, thank God this didn't come up when we were a team. Are you kidding? I would have, no.
Starting point is 00:42:21 So this is the energy I'm talking about. You would have loved this so much, and it would have been no, so this is the energy I'm talking about. You would have loved this so much and it would have been pure frustration at me for not being able to get on board with it or do anything you wanted me to. It would be dragging me around going like, why can't you do this? Why don't your legs bend this way?
Starting point is 00:42:36 It would be a very Year 7 talent quest energy, which I would have slipped into. I was once in a play about the Nazi youth at school. Oh, amazing. That's where you go to start in comedy? It was an easy casting. There was a thing where they wanted like an exercise routine at the beginning of the show.
Starting point is 00:43:02 And we had to do this little exercise routine. And one of the simple moves was getting off the floor without touching the floor with our hands. And I couldn't do it. So I had to stand at the side while everyone else did the routine in the play. I had to be making my bunk bed or something. Because I couldn't get off the floor.
Starting point is 00:43:19 And people were like, just get off the floor without touching it. I can't, I can't do it. So this would be the end of it. It's Karen who's can't do it. So this would have been the other team. He's in the mess hall. Oh, he's mopping up the mess hall. Where's Alfie? Mopping up the mess hall again.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Missing morning exercises. That's so brutal. What a bizarre play as well yeah it was pretty weird yeah geez it was written by a drama teacher from another school how weird is that weird yeah but i i wasn't i remember being in a production when i was a year six called location location location was based on real estate and it was Tony the music teacher had written that um and um and it was so bad because also I went to quite a bougie school like I was like the only like not bougie kid at a bougie school where like they literally did a musical about real estate it was bizarre it was so um so strained. But.
Starting point is 00:44:27 You would have loved this task, I think. I would have loved this task. Oh my God. Well, yeah. I mean, I feel like we had, when we did Buckaroo, you were kind of the sort of, we probably put, it would have been a similar energy. Do you know what I mean? Where it would have been me and Katie kind of running around you.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Yeah. Which I think that was kind of a similar energy with john and dara and fern and that in that team task but i think um oh my god as soon as i heard that music i was like this is amazing but all my instincts were very different to what i think those two those two teams came up yeah would you have gone down more of a an actual sort of proper choreographed dance routine kind of because i just think it was such a show-offy um track that it would have been a gym it would have been a rhythmic gymnastics yeah calisthenics or whatever it would have been like it would have been leotards and um sort of showing off and to be honest probably only one of
Starting point is 00:45:19 us really showing off like i think gymnastics is what i was kind of thinking or like or magic or like you know those um back of the day with like a really big for some reason like quick change entertainment was a big thing in the yeah 90s early you know when you get that shoot and you go and then like a husband and wife you know yeah quick change quick change entertainment was just massive I think for my childhood and I think maybe maybe I would have done a quick change routine channel some of that yeah or maybe um like sort of dressage thing a team member could be dressed as a horse you know that's perfectly possible you're really into the idea of dressing into a horse quite a lot am I I suppose I think that's probably why I was thinking about it
Starting point is 00:46:06 because you mentioned it. It's not, it doesn't occupy my, it doesn't occupy my every waking thought, Rose. I'll be honest. Hey guys, I just found this pentamon horse costume in the shed. Maybe we could incorporate this into the task. I know it has nothing to do with it.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Could you stop bringing your fetishes onto the Taskmaster property, please? You brought it in here. I just found this in my car. No, I love this. And I think it was, I do think it was quite a bold thing for Munoz to claim to have known seven martial arts.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Seven martial arts. And then only really show three and barely show three. Also, I don't know if that's true i don't i don't i do not believe him he's like he's an inshap guy sure guy but he's not mysterious because he'll tell you he'll tell you he tells you everything he tells really long stories and reveals everything but i think a lot of it's not true yeah he'll one of them will be tai chi and then one of them will be tai chi sped up and then that will count for two which
Starting point is 00:47:05 ain't fair it's a martial art as my dad constantly reminds me of when he tells me about his tai chi practices he says if i spit it up this would be lethal yeah is that the old that's the old person one in the park right yeah yeah tai chi i'm gonna hey it's pretty difficult don't knock it till you tried it but you won't probably try it for about 20 years. Yeah, I'm never going to try it. For me, 40. As we've established, much younger than you. I like the montage though.
Starting point is 00:47:36 I like the training montage. And you're right. This is the thing you were saying about Munya and Sarah as a team earlier. When they walk in and the music's playing, before they've even opened the task, they're doing a little dance. And it's it's lovely and it's such a great vibe and they seem to get on really well and they complement each other really well sure the fart comment sort of baffles Munya and his eyebrows really flap up and down but um but they seem to get on well whereas Fern, John and Dara I was this maybe filmed after the trolley task of getting the sand into the trolley because there's not a good vibe there they all just sit there oh my god what an incredible theory and i think you're probably
Starting point is 00:48:12 really right because they walk into that room like someone has died that is like uh but i think a sabotage task will do that to you. Yeah, I think so. It will do that to a team. Because apparently Dara, like after that, obviously until the studio thought John was medically thick. And the fact is the first two episodes of the show before it was revealed in episode three that he'd been sabotaging, did nothing to dissuade Dara from John being thick. It's so amazing because it was such a treat to watch
Starting point is 00:48:45 that because obviously there has been a wonderful sabotage task in series two of new zealand task master featuring three of three of my good friends david and guy and laura and um and watching that uh for all of the uber fans who who listen to this obviously but watching that seeing your actual close friends react to that live in the studio and knowing that that was truly real and it just it's just oh i just want to inject it into my veins a sabotage task it is just stunning stuff so yeah i think i definitely um probably you're absolutely right because they just they've got such a bad energy when they come into that room but I do love I love this task how it led to
Starting point is 00:49:29 yeah and I love it how it leads to the wonderful sound by I die every week from John Kearns which I think is just the most poetic classic John Kearns thing to say
Starting point is 00:49:39 I die every week I die every week Brandy Alexander Biff Chippington and Coco Pops I mean this it's come together really nicely because i think it's all of their sense of humor is a a nicely melded here 100 i want to see scalpel please i'd love to see an episode of scalpel please it is exact type of crap you know that i'll be watching it on television on um you know uh on my channels
Starting point is 00:50:02 that are way too way past 50 on terrestrial. The 50 pluses. The Columbia, the Columbos, the Tales of the Unexpected and then it's on to Scalpel, please. It'd be on a channel called Saga Plus or something. It's on Talking Pictures, for sure. It's great. I loved it. I i mean and what i've written down here notes wise as i've said great teamwork for such a terrible team 100 they've brought it back and
Starting point is 00:50:35 again like it's hard for greg to like i think these tasks are always difficult to be like you get two and you get five like the ways are going to be a five or four vibe because it's just nice to see. Yeah, I think they were both genuinely, they both genuinely did well. So it's a shame they can't both get five, but that would just, that would be pointless as we'll find out. It's not the point of the game.
Starting point is 00:50:55 This serious game that they're playing. So it's four points for Munya and Sarah and five points for Fern, John and Dara. The best routine to this musical back end. You've got 30 minutes. Your time starts now. We just did it. That's what I've got.
Starting point is 00:51:18 That's it. Let's listen to it again. OK. I know seven types of martial arts. Do you? Do you? Try and hit me. No. No, no, just try it.
Starting point is 00:51:28 You told me, so you're ready. I'll hit you later on when you're making a cup of tea. All right. I'm not an idiot. How do you draw a dance number? Oh, that's a classic problem for choreographers for generations. So we're going to do a workout routine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Apologies for any accidental farts. There is this idea, of course. Task three, place one luggage trolley a certain distance away from the line. Then, starting behind the line, strike that luggage trolley with another trolley. If you strike the first luggage trolley with another luggage trolley, you may move the first luggage trolley further away, but you may not move any unsuccessful luggage trolley with another luggage trolley you may move the first luggage trolley further away but you may not move any unsuccessful luggage trolleys furthest luggage trolley struck wins you have 10 minutes your time starts now so this is the one i texted alex about yes and i think i think
Starting point is 00:52:19 i think there's a loophole i think because. Because when they read this, I had to go back and listen to this task again. It's the exact type of task I would get confused about, which is fairly simple in practice. Like, you know, very simple. I would be utterly confused about this. But what is your, what's your loophole? There's something that I think everyone's inferred a rule from, including the team team because they spend
Starting point is 00:52:46 a long time going oh is john behind the line is john in front of the line the actual task reads starting behind the line strike that luggage trolley with another trolley could you not place one luggage trolley as far away as humanly possible in the airport you go back you start behind the line it says nothing about not crossing the line you yourself so can you not walk the luggage trolley across the line across the airport and strike the other trolley with the trolley whilst you're still holding it why do you have to let go of the trolley it doesn't say anything about not crossing the line starting across the line starting behind the line starting so you start behind the line and then you just walk it all the way can you read starting yeah starting behind the line strike that luggage trolley with another
Starting point is 00:53:33 trolley i think that that's probably i i think alex would would was not allowed that 100 not allowed that 100% I don't think that's right the task I think that but look this is this is what it's all about Rose they they've assumed that people would infer that and everyone has inferred that but I'm saying I've spotted a gap there you start behind the line you simply walk the trolley all the way up to the other trolley bump it into it you've struck it that's the task done what how would you word it in terms of so how would you reword this task to um reflect how they've they've approached it so you'd say release release release the trolley from behind the line or you you must not cross the line the trolley must the trolley must cross the line but you
Starting point is 00:54:22 must not cross the line yeah You must not. Yeah. Christ. I mean, look, this is the type of thinking which I think. Am I taking the fun out of it? I think this is the type of thinking which really makes you incredibly fun at parties and escape rooms. I'd say at escape rooms, arguing with the escape room. But it didn't say, you said, can't pull these things off the wall if they had the sticker on it. The sticker fell off. The sticker fell off the certain item. Okay. So, yes, I ripped this these things off the wall if they had the sticker on it. The sticker fell off. The sticker fell off the certain item.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Okay. So, yes, I ripped this medical cabinet off the wall. But that's on you. I don't know. Yeah, I think this is the kind of funky thinking that I would try. I wish I could say that that would be my instinct, but I would absolutely go for the simplest one. I mean, I think I barely understand the task when I read that.
Starting point is 00:55:11 But yeah, I'm really excited to see if Alex... It's a fun game anyway. Look, all that aside, I think it's a really fun game. My bets are on that you... My bets are on that Alex is going to come back back and say no because i think often he says he he does um sometimes he says it in the live uh the studio right yeah and there's like oh you could have done this or we would have accepted this well this is why this is why i'm intrigued maybe i'm the first person to think of it maybe maybe you're maybe you're special maybe well yes one in a
Starting point is 00:55:43 million yeah i think you know that anyway. But yeah, and perhaps it would have been one of those ones where I would say, can I do this? And then he'd just go, no, come on, mate. 100%. Yeah, I love that. I love that. I'm just like, no.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Or it happened to me a couple of times where I was the first person to do a task And I'd read it out And they'd go I'm going to have to rewrite that Or they'd spot something That would ruin the task And they'd have to just go and type up another one
Starting point is 00:56:17 And then do it again There are still guinea pigs within the series You're such a nerd You're that kid at school being like Actually I found a loophole, sir, in this essay question. If you would care to remedy that before the others take it.
Starting point is 00:56:33 I know I'm here in my spare time to do these mock exams for you. I'm giving you my time. There's no greater joy that you'll ever hear than Rose, who is the biggest fucking nerd of all time, accused someone else of being a nerd.
Starting point is 00:56:48 She loves having that position of power for once in her goddamn life. I was reminiscing when I chose the film to study in English and wrote up my own worksheets of notes for the class, for the teacher. Oh, God. Anyway, I want to say that, first of all, I just want to say this, and that I am supremely jealous about this location for these location tasks.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Yeah, it's amazing, isn't it? It's the most unbelievable location. So much fun. I was so jealous when I saw this one. But yeah, I think, and I knew that John was going to succeed in this, I think, just because of his competitive nature. You could see it in the task as well with the football thing.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Like, this is what he lives for. This is, it's got all the energy of a backstage game. So I spoke to Chris Ramsey about this in the first episode of this series. It's got all the energy of a game that, this is very inside comedy and very inside a specific group in comedy, but you'll know what I'm talking about. Greenwich Comedy Garden, Bristol Comedy Garden, all of those gigs are all booked by the same person. They tend to be quite similar lineups throughout the year.
Starting point is 00:57:54 And you always end up backstage at one of those, really late, backstage in a marquee, with normally Kearns, Tim Key, David O'Doherty playing some sort of game where you have to flick your shoe into a bin or something like that and it's absolutely got that energy it's 100 yeah completely completely um uh yeah i'm just trying to think of the i mean i'm just flashbacking to the amount of times david has tried to do like like skateboarding tricks on some sort of rigging or something from the back stage of one of those
Starting point is 00:58:25 festivals this is ridiculous obviously nearly hurting himself before he goes on stage but it no it's it's it's it's exactly that well or like you know even when you're doing it yeah when you're doing a gig like in some random play like on a tour show or something and you're in like some weird community hall or weird theater and there's something random in the in the backstage area yeah i uh i love it but also this feels like a very pure like clean task you know what i mean that's why i don't like this sort of you know yeah i know the loophole stuff but but it is the it's a real it's like one of those physical um because also reminds me of the one the last the lasso lasso gate,
Starting point is 00:59:05 but you know, moving the line. Yeah. Like, I guess they couldn't move the line. Again, the line wouldn't have made sense. That wouldn't have made sense.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Cause it's a lasso task. I was told not to move the line because it was a tiebreaker. And then the rules were changed after I'd done mine. Really? I didn't know that. Do you know that? Well, no,
Starting point is 00:59:23 I didn't know that. Alex said, don't use any loopholes. Just try and do it for real because it's a tie break. And then David did it and made such a hash of it, they decided to make it one of the actual tasks. So everyone else was allowed to move the line. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:59:35 Yes. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I could have won the series. Yeah. Let's talk about the way they approached this. Because I think everyone did pretty well. But it was just, I think we just need to talk about John.
Starting point is 00:59:52 It was just majestic, wasn't it? Yeah, it was so beautiful. His little steps. The way he did little steps all the way up to the line. And I love, I love, but I this um climate of fear that taskmaster and particularly alex horn has created and when when anything to do with lines measurements i mean i've been i've been stung by it uh and in a brutal that not to bring up my sad taskmaster watches yet again but that that episode came on and i didn't turn it off. Oh no, what the final episode?
Starting point is 01:00:26 Yeah, when it came to the bricks I had to turn it off because I was genuinely too, it made me too like sick, like it made me actually really upset still. But no, and you can see it when it comes back to studio with John's face of going, I think I'm going to, you're going to get me here. Yeah, but what I'm saying is it wouldn't have mattered because he started behind behind the lines so it's no issue that he crossed the line because it doesn't say that in the task this is true but then why would why would Alex have prepared that screenshot had that not been an important part of the task no I think the task has been I think the task has left gaps that even the production crew don't understand uh how they can be exploited I'm the
Starting point is 01:01:04 one seeing all of this like the Matrix again. I've taken both pills. I've done a big poo. I've gamed the game. It was incredible work from Munya. So confident. So confident. But his tactic was bizarre,
Starting point is 01:01:16 like to like, like try and like not use, you know, you know how wheels work, Munya? Where they go straight. Let's try and like really reinvent literally reinvent the wheel and thrust it sideways and see if that will be a better way of of of propelling a trolley forward that was um um really i mean i know but those
Starting point is 01:01:40 trolleys are pretty difficult because they go they go go pretty wayward. So I was really, yeah, that's why I was, I was just really impressed by when John could make it quite, go quite straight. Dara, Dara really sort of, he was a bit meek in this task, I think. Until the end, when he started miming Puffer on a pipe and stuff. But he really, yeah, he, he went for it and Munya did as well. I mean, Dara and Munya, both supremely confident people and still, But he really, yeah, he went for it. And Munya did as well. I mean, Dara and Munya, both supremely confident people. And still, Munya confident even after he got the four points. He didn't win. John won, but he's, in his mind, he's won, I think. I think he can't hear, he can't hear Greg say anything other than Munya's got five points. He just imagines it.
Starting point is 01:02:20 I love it. But it's working. And I loved how much fun Ciro had and Fern had. It was very good. I love it but it's working and i loved how much fun zero had and fern yeah they were they were it was very good i love fern's comparisons are always death-based so just saying there's is the trolley graveyard down there it was like that's such a fun thing to say after the pile of flour being like operating on an old person that was that was unreal um fern gets to one point but they all did. I mean, they all got some distance on it. One point for Fern, two points for Sarah, three points for Dara, four points for Munya, and the big five for John. Let's start off ambitious.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Alex, what's the thing we've been saying this whole series? Happy birthday. Go big or go home, all right? And that is what I plan to do. Let's get one in the bank, as we often say in the Charlie Pushing game. Let's get one in the bank, as we often say in the Charlie Pushing game. Yeah, you got one in the bank.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Gone! Successful strike. You don't want to be using that one. OK, that's a lot. I need a slow clap. Mm-hm. OK, start's the one. I need a slow clap. Mm-hmm. Okay, start to speed up. You see, if you had clapped with a bit more passion, that wouldn't have happened.
Starting point is 01:03:38 The live task. Part one. One member of your team must write down ten animals in two minutes. Part two. Communicate the other team's animals to your team members write down 10 animals in two minutes part two communicate the other team's animals to your team members by saying the letter that comes before it in the alphabet over and over whilst doing an impression of the animal most correct animals named wins you have two minutes and one pass just before before we talk about what actually happened in the task john fernandara again there's a lot of friction in that team. Fern clearly picks Jon because she thinks it's funny that he's going to mime the animals.
Starting point is 01:04:08 The decision immediately backfires because he tries to go to their list of animals. It's just like, but also, and that is such a, I love how Dara and Fern react to it. Like you expect Alex to go, no, no, no, no. But Dara is like, no, no, no, no. It's the competitive dad, of course. The competitive dad element of Dara being like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 01:04:32 Is the mask slipping? I love the mask. Let the mask slip. Yes, Dara. But it's so classic John, because John is also not that kind of guy. He's an intelligent, thoughtful man.
Starting point is 01:04:49 But then in these situations, he becomes flustered and just sort of does the weirdest shit. I love, I love, I love it. I love it, love it, love it. And it's so funny that both, I mean, Munya and John both get one of them wrong where they do the wrong letter,
Starting point is 01:05:06 then have to loop back, try and work out what the letter is, and then start again. So funny. At one point, Fern's not trying in this task. She's just laughing at what John does. I mean, John, John, this is pure,
Starting point is 01:05:20 like quintessential John Kearns where it's like the crocodile was just, he goes, you know, wait the crocodile was just, he goes, you know, wait, crocodile would have been. B. Oh no.
Starting point is 01:05:29 He's going B. D? B. B. B. B. B. B.
Starting point is 01:05:33 And like, but the, but when they're not getting it, he like, the way he looks at them and the way on the ground, like a man who's got nothing left. No, it's just depleted going
Starting point is 01:05:50 it's just like there's so many bits i want a screenshot of john and in the show and um but the woman really i mean the wolf was obviously incredible with v yeah I just think, I loved it. But I wasn't, what I, I was annoyed that he didn't go V, V, V. Yeah. You know what I mean? Or do his lips at the end. You go, V. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 01:06:15 I was just a bit, but obviously in the heat of the moment, you can't, you can't judge these people for what happens in the heat of the moment. But they should have got Crocodile quicker. I thought Crocodile was great. That was mad. Yeah, that was mad that they didn't get that. They should have got Crocodile quicker. I thought Crocodile was great. That was mad.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Yeah, that was mad that they didn't get that. Munya and Sarah, just, you know, quite a smooth team task again, really. But obviously Munya has to involve everyone, so he sniffs Dara's ass and jumps on John, which is the screenshot you sent me on text yesterday. Munya jumping on John's face. It's like seeing um someone uh you know those photos you get done at like in australia when someone goes to the gold coast
Starting point is 01:06:53 at like movie world or something or with a koala but like they're not into it it's exactly that john's john's friend huh oh yeah just perplexed perplexed. Perplexed, genuinely annoyed. Yeah. I just think, does he stumble? When you constantly try to involve. The stumble, the stumble is just so
Starting point is 01:07:14 amazingly aggressive. I just love it. But yeah, yeah, he does, he always does try and involve. I like their relationship. They're quite,
Starting point is 01:07:22 they're quite sweet, those two. It's really nice because they're complete opposite types of people aren't they yeah as as uh as shown by the sticking it to the man in this episode like when you're desperately trying to get john to put it to the man um it was seven animals each though even though they felt like very different efforts so it was five points each so overall completely pointless. Rose, thank you very much for coming back on the Taskmaster podcast.
Starting point is 01:07:58 Of course, we always ask our guests to rate their experience on the Taskmaster podcast between one and five points in the style of the Taskmaster. Have you had a nice time and what point rating would you give it? I've had a lovely time catching up with you, talking about Taskmaster, watching a great show alone in my little house, my little TV dinner. I would rate this experience between a three and a four to be honest because I don't want to I'm a bit hungry to be honest yeah I haven't eaten
Starting point is 01:08:29 blood sugar's a bit low and also I want to come back on it so I don't want to rate it like too high maybe I'll do a four a solid four okay four
Starting point is 01:08:36 yeah because we don't do half a month so yes four and then you can build to a five when you come back on to chat about series nine thank you very much
Starting point is 01:08:44 Rose Matafeya thanks Series 9. Thank you very much, Rose Matafei. Thanks for having me. Thank you very much to Rose for coming on. A wonderful chat with her, of course. Really loving this series. Cannot wait to chat about what's in store next week. It's, you know, leader-wise, Dara's in a strong position but who knows what's going to happen we've still got a whole half of series left thank you very much for listening
Starting point is 01:09:11 we'll see you next week for more of the same but different bye Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing. With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer. I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated category,
Starting point is 01:10:05 and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising. Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative.

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