Taskmaster The Podcast - Ep 138. Jenny Eclair - S9 Ep.9

Episode Date: July 14, 2023

We are getting close to completing our historical Taskmaster episodes! Joining Ed this week is the brilliant comedian, podcaster, artist and writer, Jenny Eclair! Jenny returns to discuss desirable sm...ooth objects, things that go bang and her Series 15 highlights. BRACE BRACE!*THE PODCAST WILL BE BACK IN TWO WEEKS*Follow Jenny on Twitter and Instagram @jennyeclairYou can also get updates on Jenny's Podcast here: @olderandwiderpodcastWatch all of Taskmaster on All 4www.channel4.com/programmes/taskmasterVisit the Taskmaster Store for all your TM goodies!taskmasterstore.com Visit the Taskmaster YouTube Channelyoutube.com/taskmaster Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We can wait for clean water solutions, or we can engineer access to clean water. We can acknowledge indigenous cultures, or we can learn from indigenous voices. We can demand more from the earth, or we can demand more from ourselves. At York University, we work together to create positive change for a better tomorrow. Join us at yorku.ca slash write the future. Hello and welcome to the Taskmaster podcast. It's me, Ed Gamble, the host of the Taskmaster podcast. We are edging closer and closer towards the end of talking about Series 9, which is bittersweet for me.
Starting point is 00:00:58 No longer do I have to talk about bad things I've done, but also no longer do I get to talk about good things I've done. But we will enjoy this episode very much. It's a great episode uh very strong effort from everyone involved um some absolute howlers from me uh and some good stuff as well and we're very excited to be talking about series 9 episode 9 with jenny eclair of course the wonderful jenny eclair a brilliant comedian national treasure territory and indeed star of taskmaster series 15 uh can't wait to hear what jenny has to say also i like talking like talking to Jenny because I know she's not going to bullshit. She's not going to mince her words. If I've done something bad she will tell me off on the podcast. So it's going to be lovely to talk to Jenny Eclair. You know this already.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Jenny does a brilliant podcast called Older and Wider. You should go and listen to that straight after this podcast. So without further ado this is Taskmaster Series 9, Episode 9, as discussed by Jenny Eclair. Welcome back to the Taskmaster podcast, Jenny Eclair. Well, thank you very much, Ed, as I've just told you. I'm a very sweaty girl indeed because, oh, I'm having a bit of a nightmare. They're demolishing the house next door, right? Demolishing it, right? Smashing it down, smashing it down like you've never seen anything smashed down before and uh it obviously it creates some noise so i've been um accessing
Starting point is 00:02:11 my sister's house but nothing will work in her house i can't i'm honestly and it's only 10 minutes down the road and i've just run back and i'm i'm very claggy and um ah my my long line knickers are soaked through not with just with sweat nothing more sorted but we're i'm here and i'm with you and i have learned how to use vimeo for this job you have you've done a great job with the vimeo um i will say i think you're so for listeners uh the way we watch the episodes is we get a link sent to us and the episodes are uploaded onto Vimeo which is a video service and one of the features of Vimeo is you can make notes at certain points as you go along now you are our first guest to use the note feature because I went on the Vimeo link today to watch the episode and there were I'd say extensive notes from you next to the Vimeo
Starting point is 00:03:03 I couldn't believe I could make it work Ed. I couldn't really. It said click on screen to make notes. I thought well this will never work and the whole thing will explode. I clicked on the screen I could make a note but I made so many notes I ran out of notes room I think. So I've got some notes and I've got some in a notebook as well. Jesus God. Okay so which episode is it? I haven't got the details of that in front of me. Right, so you've made notes but you're not sure which episode it is. No, I know it's got you in it, it's got a lot of you in it, God. It's series nine, episode nine, so it's the penultimate episode of series nine. That's right. Yes, and you've made extensive notes. I even texted the producer of the
Starting point is 00:03:41 podcast, Daisy, to say, oh Jenny's made notes on the Vimeo and Daisy said has she in a very sort of surprised tone Daisy will have had to pick herself up off the floor Daisy has a weekly struggle where I think what she does is sort of when we're not looking she bites down hard on a piece of leather when she's doing me and Judith with older and wider I tell you because I mean I'm 63 Judith's nearly 68 we're fucking useless um anyway I've got my notes I've got you let's let's roll on right well let's let's roll on before we talk about this episode there are some things that we can talk about now from series 15 because you were on the podcast but then there were many episodes after that um so we didn't get to we didn't get to chat about some of the tasks.
Starting point is 00:04:30 It's all a blur, Ed. You'd have to send me a Vimeo link and I'd have to make notes on myself. Do you remember, for best fake, faking a heart attack and a nosebleed? Oh, yeah, it was a mess. I mean, you know, I just, I was embarrassed of both. I just, as soon as I'd done both, I just was, I wanted to do a third one. But I knew that, you know, some days it's just not going to work, whatever you do. And I was, I just thought, well, you know, I can't even remember how to fake an orgasm, so I won't even bother with that one. And the heart attack just became ungainly.
Starting point is 00:04:56 The nosebleed was quite good, but it was, it did use sort of ketchup and it looked like I had half a bottle of Heinz tomato sauce in an old toilet roll really and that was the one where Frankie uh triumphed where he faked his own death oh there were two brilliant um uh contributions for that task Frankie faked his own death down to his underpants causing consternation and uh and uh Ivo did the brilliant thing where he wrapped himself, there was a lot of toilet roll used that day,
Starting point is 00:05:30 he wrapped himself up in toilet roll, but it wasn't him. That was the, I don't want to sort of blow things to people who haven't seen that episode, but he faked himself because he dressed a crew member up. It was very, very smart. And I was very surprised at the time. Not that I didn't love yours. Of course, I think everything you did deserved five points.
Starting point is 00:05:50 But I feel like Ivo deserved the five there. And it was Frankie who was victorious, which is very good as well. Yeah, they should have had either equal five or equal four. Yes, I agree. That scoring was a bit random. I hope I only got one. I can't remember what anybody else did though. No, I mean, I'm watching about four series at a time.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Right, well, I'm not testing you on it. It's not an exam. I'll lose my job, Jenny. I want to keep posting this. Okay, well, I'll help as much as I can. Thank you. I do want to briefly mention as well your lecture on 1642 that was supposed to be one minute and they just let you carry on talking for 10 minutes. Why would they do that? There's the catchphrase. Why would you do that? Why would you just because you know the trouble is I hate a silence. I get very very worried by silence so unless someone says stop I'll just keep blathering nonsense utter nonsense that was
Starting point is 00:06:46 the one where um that was the one task where I thought I genuinely hope none of my family watch this but the only one of my family that really watched intently was uh my daughter who's a massive fan my sister doesn't get it she's got about three or four history degrees so she would she would be very angry with me. Yeah. Very angry. And my brother, I think he secretly does watch it, but he doesn't want to mention seeing me on it
Starting point is 00:07:11 because that doesn't suit him. Well, it was, I mean, because we're going to talk about a time task later on in the episode. We will get to it. Because you overran massively on that one. And then I think you underran in the task where you had to be in the caravan without any time pieces and come out at a certain time. So 20 minutes. Yeah. And I came out off after 10.
Starting point is 00:07:32 I was trying to do some stand up in my head and I think I missed a chunk out. I mean, it would have been 20 minutes with laughs. That's my excuse. Oh, exactly. Yeah, absolutely yeah absolutely yeah I do the opposite let's let's start talking about this episode then uh because you've made extensive notes as you say um the prize task is the most desirable smooth thing yes yes uh now that's I hadn't got used to Vimeo at that point so I've got those notes in my notebook, old fashioned style. Okay, so Rose did a semi-nude photograph of herself in a snow globe. In a snow globe. How did you feel about this contribution, Jenny? I wasn't sure how smooth it was really. mean a snow globe is smooth yes but she's done better things that's all I'm going to say she has done it was a very bold task submission I mean I guess
Starting point is 00:08:36 I was she perhaps suggesting that not only the was the snow gloves smooth that she herself she shaved she's possibly suggesting that I am newly shaved um and in which case I would have liked to see have seen evidence of that so the semi-nude thing really kind of just confused that issue um was she also perhaps suggesting and this would be a very rose thing that it's a smooth thing to do to send someone a semi-nude in a snow globe is that a smooth like like smooth talking it's uh well you know it to me I just look at snow globes think oh god not more clutter jesus god I can't really deal with anything I look at things like that now and go well that's in the charity shop bag in three three weeks time I just yeah I don't want any more shit you know I like if it had been you know a really
Starting point is 00:09:25 lovely paperweight set in glass of something else I don't know but no I don't want any more cheap nonsense clutching up my house so it's a you know and I I do oh god didn't she look beautiful in this episode that summer frock she was wearing well no she did I'm saying I'm just she looked she looked like a a summer picture she did she was wearing a lovely floral frock and good shoes can't remember they were like fluffy mules or something I can't remember yes I remember the shoes yeah they're good good and she looked great but no I didn't I didn't think that was a highlight from from Rose I thought it was very bold from Rose I actually I did really like it as a prize especially as it felt like it took a bit of
Starting point is 00:10:04 bravery to present. And then she sort of wired when she was announcing it. What was brave? Because she wasn't very nude. Didn't she have quite big pants on? I wouldn't. No, no, no. She's a fine looking girl.
Starting point is 00:10:20 She could have stripped down more, I reckon. The thing about these guys they have no idea how beautiful they are at this point and it's only you know when you can look back and oh jesus i wish i'd done for that well there'll be a point in her life when she's older when she looks back and goes you know that time i did the semi-nude on taskmaster i wish i'd gone all the way i should have really shown them how newly shaved i was i wish I'd gone all the way. I wish I'd really shown them how newly shaved I was. I wish I'd done them a real close-up of my
Starting point is 00:10:50 crotch. Perhaps she tried to do that and then maybe the channel fought back on it. Maybe Dave as it was at the time said no. Do you know what she should have done? Do you know what she should have done? Right, okay. Instead of there being snow in the snow globe, it should have been her shaved pubes. That's what it should have been, shouldn't it?
Starting point is 00:11:08 I'm not going to say definitely should have been, but it would have been an experience for sure. That would have been smooth. Smooth with evidence. Smooth with pubes. Let's move on to David Baddiel, who brought in a trophy for winning the quiz show going for gold and then there was a series of reveals that a he's never been on going for gold and then the show never gave out trophies but what a that very mysterious prize yeah and i i don't know whether in some kind of feed and dishly clever thing he made the whole thing up like he sort of designed it from scratch you
Starting point is 00:11:45 know okay I've never won this prize this prize doesn't exist but I'm it I'm taking it in because it's a smooth object I don't know but it had it didn't it did it have his name on it or something no I don't think it had his name did it have going for gold on it yeah it had going for gold on it yeah for sure even though going for gold didn't give those statuettes away yes so I think someone's had it made at some point maybe as a sort of joke uh for a friend or family member um or maybe someone did win going for gold and someone else made a trophy for them to signify that moment but eventually it's ended up in the hands of of Badil I mean interesting that you would think that David could do something fiendishly
Starting point is 00:12:25 clever because that has not been the that has not been the entire Taskmaster experience for him so far no but I I'm still one of those sort of stupid polytechnic drama school girls that thinks that anybody that's got lots of A-levels and went to a proper university like Oxford or Cambridge has actually got to be really clever uh and I really enjoyed seeing David flounder about, really flounder about, but in a really charming kind of way. Absolutely. He sort of, you know, I have got to like him more and more the older he gets.
Starting point is 00:12:58 He was a little bit sort of, well, we were all so competitive and kind of terrified of everything when we were younger that I I just couldn't really I couldn't get beneath his skin it seemed like I didn't know who he was I wasn't very good at talking to boys that I didn't fancy to be honest and he's become a lot better looking as he's got older as well. He's like Richard Herring. He's got much better look, you know, handsome older men. Maybe that's the sort of Oxford connection, Oxford Cambridge thing. The Oxbridges, they look better as they get older.
Starting point is 00:13:35 As they get older, yeah. But they start off looking like absolute nerdlingers. Yeah. But yes, he brought that in. Yes, there was quite a lot of confusion around that. Well, it felt very Baddiel. It felt like a sort of archetypal Baddiel prize in that he didn't even know what it was, really.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Yeah, yeah. He just brought in a random object, but it paid off for him. Joe, I mean, this is fantastic from Joe. I feel like this deserved to get more than certainly mine and Katie's. It was straight down the line, two smooth things, butterscotch angel delight, concealing an action man's genitals. Yeah, which were as smooth as roses should have been in the close-up photograph.
Starting point is 00:14:14 The angel delight, very smooth dessert. Was it butterscotch as well? It was butterscotch, yeah. Which is the smoothest of the smooth. I mean, I can't actually think about it without feeling ever so slightly queasy, like I'm going to throw up on a car journey because I think it once happened. But the added naked action man with his very smooth groin was a lovely addition. And yeah, but nobody scored badly in this round.
Starting point is 00:14:40 It was fours and fives all round. Greg was very generous. I mean, Joe's got such a good reaction from the crowd i feel like it deserved to be separated from from mine and katie's let's let's talk about katie's briefly uh she brought a smooth pebble uh and to make it more desirable put her bank details on so she separated smooth and desirable which i think is quite a clever way of going about yeah but i did feel it was a bit last minute I think that I think that Katie actually is an aestheticist aestheticist that um I think she loves beautiful things and I genuinely can see her picking up a pebble on a beach and thinking this is so delightfully smooth
Starting point is 00:15:17 I'm going to keep it in my pocket and every time I need to feel something smooth it is there and it's reassuring and I think you're and I think that she those sort of things really call to her they do appeal to her I think I believe it was the last the last episode uh the previous episode where she brought in things from a shed and she brought in tiny little tools from a doll's house shed and she couldn't believe that Greg didn't think they were amazing so I think she has a very specific I shared a doll's house thing with her anything that's from a doll's house deserves five points no arguments um and she's yes that uh she's a very interesting woman Katie her book's very good if you haven't read it
Starting point is 00:15:57 you should yes um and I thought that it was but the bank details didn't strike me as a very her thing to do. No, I think she was appealing to Greg there, maybe. I think she was, yeah, yeah, very much. In some respects, I would have preferred just the beauty of the smooth pebble. Yes, I feel like that would have got less points. I think it did the job. The bank details did the job.
Starting point is 00:16:22 And also, I'm sure her bank details are very desirable. She gets a lot of work, you know. She's in most British sitcoms I well I can I can stop my Vimeo and I can take a note of the bank details and maybe I'll take some money this afternoon because I could do with some Italian um so and I thought yours was very very good Ed, about the chest waxing. The only issue with this, Jenny, is, I mean, A, I think it wasn't smooth when I presented it. So I feel like it's not completely within the spirit of the prize. And B, I'm not a very hussute man. So the waxing of the chest didn't have the sort of visual impact that it might have done on David Baddiel. OK. Yes, I know exactly what you mean. Yes, yes, he's sort of this 1970s chest hair kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Well, I still think it was a very clever idea and I do think that, I do think actually it deserved four points. Well, I want it, I want it, my original idea was to give someone a voucher to shave my head at the end of the show no that's silly don't be ridiculous well this is exactly what my wife said my wife said you can't do that because no it might be funny on the night but then you've got to live like at least sort of six months with with very very short hair yes absolutely and she's got to sleep with you and basically's saying, I don't really like the idea of your bald shaped head. I don't like, I don't think you're,
Starting point is 00:17:49 I don't think you'd do anything for me. And lots of people would think you'd been ill and then they might, oh no, it was a ridiculous thing to do. So I'm glad you didn't do that. What I'd have done with that one was, actually, I think that I'd have given Joe the five points, you the four points, David the three, Katie and Rose two. Okay good right that's do you know what you would have brought in for the
Starting point is 00:18:16 for the prize itself do you know what you would have brought in? Oh I hadn't even thought about that I really I don't know that now you're going to give me some terrible flashbacks. about that. I really, I don't know that now you're going to get a terrible flashback. I don't know, I'd probably panicked and done something like this pebble or some soap or something that's very smooth. I don't know. No, horrible. Oh, sorry to take you back there. Yeah, the prices were the thing that really freaked me out the most because you just thought I don't, it immediately I just kind of seized up every week and just thought, oh, God, why is this like this extra thing that you have to do?
Starting point is 00:18:52 Well, we won't put that pressure on you now again, Jenny. You're free. You're free of the reign of the Toastmaster. It's fine. So it was four points for me, Katie, Joe and Rose and five points for David Baddiel. Rose, what is your desirable smooth thing? My price is very good.
Starting point is 00:19:11 It is a semi-nude in a snow globe. Here it is. That is a desirable thing that is smooth. I will be taking no further questions. Unfortunately, that's not quite how this works so yeah I don't want to do like a full-on news because I thought that might be a bit hectic. Oh, that would be weird. Yeah. Have you put a picture of you in your pants inside a snow globe? Me. Why?
Starting point is 00:19:49 Because I want to win. Oh, you did it especially for this? Yeah. Oh, I thought you just had it. OK. Excuse me, do I strike you as a person who would do that? Because you have nailed me. 100%.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Task one. Give Alex the the five word instruction in the most spy-like way you must not be seen or heard communicating with alex in any way most subtly but successfully communicated instruction wins you have 20 minutes in which alex must carry out your instruction your time starts now i hated this task jenny i hated it i don't think it was as there was some confusion i think they showed rose's confusion but not mine but i had the exact same worries it sort of wasn't explained enough and then they just stared at us it was slightly loose it was loose it was loose which means that the contestants just go well it's it's too loose for me to get a handle on this yeah in 20 minutes because i can't this is um
Starting point is 00:20:48 yeah it it was very open there was no way of getting to alex without being seen yeah yeah i think that that was the unless he'd been a human mole but you do have those thoughts i think at the time i thought well i need to establish a zip wire across to the tree or i need to burrow underground you're going you got 20 minutes what you're talking about yeah but it was it was it was the the confusion was that both definitely rose and i had seen by who because we weren't thinking it was the crew for some reason we thought there might be other evil spies in the area who were the ones who would be able to judge whether we were seen and there was a man there was a man just across the way who was gardening and i thought that must be a spy yeah okay but that was just a man working at the place so that's why i went all the way around the other way because i
Starting point is 00:21:39 thought if i could distract him with uh with your decoy My decoy. Who was one of the crew, I presume. Absolutely, yes. You were lucky that there was somebody like you. Yeah. You know, similar size and age and all this sort of thing. It was tricky for somebody like me. I could never find a decoy. Well, you were always looking for a decoy.
Starting point is 00:21:59 I was always looking for one. And there was never a sort of spare dinner lady knocking around that could have taken on my walk and and whatever um plenty of the other contestants took on your walk perfectly yeah i know i know less said but there we go so yeah this was this threw me a bit because i sort of thought i know i don't i don't know really where this is going um i the thing that worried me most was actually david driving without his glasses because i know he's as short-sighted as i am i and there's just no way that was that was a safe or sensible thing to do yeah i mean you know i don't know whether david's actually done any acting classes or anything but you know, I don't know whether Dave has actually done any acting classes or anything,
Starting point is 00:22:50 but, you know, there's a sort of, there's a fine line that you really can't cross, even if you're being very Stanislavski about something. Yeah. And you're so into your character that you think, well, yeah, obviously my builder bloke, builder Dave doesn't wear glasses because obviously he doesn't. So I won't wear glasses. Oh, but I'm just going to get behind the wheel of this 10 ton lorry thing it was impressive that he used the van though because no one else used it and David's issue throughout the series up until this point has been that because he's not he hadn't seen Taskmaster before he did it he didn't know what resources he could use in the
Starting point is 00:23:21 show he didn't know he could ask for certain things yeah um and he didn't know that he could use in the show. He didn't know he could ask for certain things. Yeah. And he didn't know that he could do pretty much anything he wanted within reason. So the fact that he decided to use the van and thought outside the box and use the van, I think was a stroke of genius, especially since nobody else did it. Well, the thing is, as well, it's episode nine. So he's kind of gradually catching up with the vibe, isn't he?'s starting to realize i mean i you know i told you on when we did the podcast about the series i did that i i didn't watch um taskmaster for so many years because i was too jealous and i was angry that um you know they hadn't invited me on when it was made by my own management and um and so you know when I finally got it on after, you know, 15th series, there I go, I had to wait a bit. I did a quick sort of binge watch, but that frightened me quite a lot.
Starting point is 00:24:15 I just thought, oh, Jesus, fuck, what have I done? I said I wanted to do this for years and years and years. Now I've watched it and it's really hard and I'm going to have to think on the spot and do things and um but yeah I do think that um you know I think that David did well because everybody else didn't do as well yes damning with fame praise there yes David did well because everyone else did badly no I loved Rose's rock I thought that if she crawled with the rock. Yeah, I agree. But she just sort of stood up like, you know, I'm a sexy rock. You know, with her lovely legs.
Starting point is 00:24:56 And that surprised me because, you know, Rose is very gung-ho. And I thought if anyone's going to crawl, she's going to crawl. Yeah, I think crawling bit by bit and moving like maybe a meter at a time would have been pure genius but she ran she just kicked up her heels and yeah um and uh hold on let's see what oh Katie dressed up as a spy but she was wearing a high-vis jacket that yes Greg mentioned that that katie and joe both went with the more charactery version i mean look of course david did some acting but as we established it was just david in a van yeah but he'd written i voted leave on the side of it um so so into his role yeah but katie and joe i think i think i preferred kat Katie's effort here in terms of the acting because
Starting point is 00:25:45 it was slightly more subtle there was a bit of coughing and ticking and all of that stuff and but it felt the most spy as well to be to sit down next to someone as if you don't know them and then subtly pass them a message it felt like a classic spy novel the message was in the newspaper wasn't it yes it was and that's very classic spy novel I mean you know uh my dad was a spy so I know and I know a few tricks um Jenny you've dropped you've dropped that bombshell pretty uh pretty late on into the discussion of the task well I'm not allowed to say it so it'll have to be edited out anyway so I wouldn't worry about it um no I I liked I liked that Katie was doing a lot of nodding to the classic spy thriller and novel, etc. Yes, whereas Jo went with sort of a mad person character.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Yes, but Jo lives in South East London like me, so she's taking her inspiration from the streets. inspiration from the streets. And now I thought it was quite, you know, leaving the coffee cup littering, but with purpose, littering with purpose. Yeah. It was, you know, I think everybody struggled a little bit with this.
Starting point is 00:26:55 This is a hard task. I certainly struggled. I really panicked in this because I think the decoy thing was a good idea. It felt like I could employ a decoy and there probably is a plan that I could have used if I'd got multiple decoys maybe I dressed the same dressed a lot of other people around me the same and we walk in a big group why didn't you go and drag why didn't you drag up you should have dragged up I'm not sure I had time to do the tuck okay to be honest okay but I've
Starting point is 00:27:21 actually thought of another way of doing it that I absolutely should have done. Oh Christ, Ed, leave it, leave it. No, I can't leave it, Jenny. This is the curse of the podcast is I have to relive this every single week.
Starting point is 00:27:32 And bear in mind, I've thought of this today and we filmed it maybe four years ago. Yeah. Um, uh, to get the director to call a fake cut for sound, send the sound man over. And while he's adjusting alex's microphone
Starting point is 00:27:47 to give alex the message in his ear and get alex to do it that way and they i just stay in the van i don't go i don't leave the van so you wouldn't have given alex the message well i would have passed it through the sound man but i wouldn't have even left the van i don't know whether you'd have been disqualified i don't think i would have been i think everyone would have thought i was a big genius oh jesus god if only you could go back and do it again but you know whether you'd have been disqualified. I don't think I would have been. I think everyone would have thought I was a big genius. Oh, Jesus God. If only you could go back and do it again. But you know what?
Starting point is 00:28:09 You can't. It's over. It's done. It's edited. It's been on telly. It's been on telly several times. I've watched it on Vimeo and paused it. I know exactly what happens.
Starting point is 00:28:27 You just do this really odd kind of running across the grass. while anyway it was it was very sweet and everyone tried the hardest I was gutted though you could see on my face when it got back that I was absolutely livid about this task it made me really angry Jenny do you know what there's something you must learn to do Ed and that is to learn to smile when you're hating the world. I think it's in the, when I was a brownie for a very short amount of time, because I was never very good in organised things, there was a brownie law and I think one of them was if you can't smile, grin. There's nothing more terrifying than a grin. That's scary. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But there were a couple of moments, especially when you paused this episode, where the hurt and confusion on your face.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Yeah. I didn't think anyone could have looked younger than Kyle did on my series, but literally it's like toddler Ed is very upset. Yeah, it was that sort of episode for me because also it was obviously episode nine so it was the last night of the studio records yeah and it was really getting down to the crunch and I thought I could win this I just need these last two episodes to go well and when that that task popped up I was I had my fingers crossed that it wouldn't be shown it would be one of the tasks that was lost but there it was i was gutted well it's glorious okay so well yes oh yes
Starting point is 00:29:51 you did quite badly didn't you i did do yeah i got two and so did rose which is against that wasn't fair not really fair i think i'd have given you one rose two fair enough katie no katie got three no katie i just swapped around joe and katie yes uh possibly um and i would have given david the the big the highest yeah i think he deserved the five but it was joe got the four katie got the three i got the two and rose got a two as well um but i agree one for me. Fair enough. OK, OK. Isn't it good that you can't go back and re-edit this, really? Because if I had my way, you'd have done really badly. No, you wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Well, not in this next one. Oh, no. Oh, dear God in heaven. No, this is extraordinary. I mean, look, honestly, first impressions, like the worst set of spies of all time. The quote that I wrote down that sums you all up is, I've panicked and opened the lemon.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Rose, I've wrote down everything you said. Where's Alex? Is this live? I've got to get it over there, right? Right? She was the only one who thought they were bad guys. Task two, inflate, tie and pop as many balloons as possible in 10 minutes. Once you pop your first balloon, you may not inflate any more balloons.
Starting point is 00:31:12 If any of your balloons are still inflated after 10 minutes, you are disqualified. Most popped balloons wins. Also, you may not look at a clock or any sort of timing device at any point. Your time starts now. So this is
Starting point is 00:31:25 the one that I would you know I'd align with your task where you were in the caravan and you had to write down all the words and you had to time with no with no clock yeah I would have probably done very badly in this because my timing thing the cat my counting time in the head doesn't really work um this is the task where where David kind of claims the title where he says, don't let them go bang. Don't let them go bang. As soon as he saw the balloons, he was very worried about the balloons.
Starting point is 00:31:52 I'm the same. I actually really, really hate balloons going bang. I sort of want to cover my ears and sort of squeeze my eyes shut. I don't like it. It upsets me. So that whole task would have been slightly nightmarish for me but yeah for starters the blowing up of blooms as well I'm I have a horrible
Starting point is 00:32:11 feeling I'd have been as daft as David and not noticed there was a balloon pump well that was I mean they absolutely dropped him in it they dropped him in it there I think because that is vintage Baddiel missing the pump then saying, where is there a pump? Because I'm sure there were some other people who might have missed the pump initially, but they just knew it played into David's character so perfectly. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, he did not see the pump in front of his nose. Yes. And everybody else did, didn't they? Yeah, I think they did eventually. I mean, I mean, I saw the pump and decided against it. But in David's situation, had you not seen the pump, would your next step have been going to the pump and decided against it but in David's situation
Starting point is 00:32:45 had you not seen the pump would your next step have been going to the shed and getting a leaf blower I did like the leaf blowing action though to be quite honest you know if you've got if you've got 10 minutes to waste why not get a leaf blower out I mean that just there was just a sort of wonderful kind of surreal, you know, Jack Tati kind of madness going on in that little laboratory room for a while. David was, of course, scared of the banging. And then when he came to popping them after he finally worked out the pump situation, and Alex helped him, by the way, as well. As Alex said, he always helped David because he knew it wouldn't impact the competition.
Starting point is 00:33:24 David jumped on them with his full weight and they didn't pop. No, I know. Balloons are quite sort of sly things sometimes. I mean, Rose was trying that as well, wasn't she? She did some good stamping because she had a Cuban heel on. Yes. And, you know, they are designed to pop a balloon. Jo also did a combination of stamp and pop. She unhooked her earring, which I thought was a very clever thing to do.
Starting point is 00:33:52 It was nifty. It was nifty. She had a pierced ear and she took an earring out and she was, she was, she was popping and stamping. She was, yes, it was a good combination. It was satisfying to watch that one, I think. Oh, and, oh, you had your medical emergency kit with you, didn't you? I had my insulin pen with one of the disposable needles screwed onto the end. As soon as I saw it was a balloon poppy task, I thought, yes. Do you know, you are so competitive. You probably thought at this moment, this is why God made me diabetic, so that I could win this task so i could blow up 42 balloons by kind of weirdly blowing up two at a time like some weird reptile thing i did try that i tried that a couple
Starting point is 00:34:33 of times but turns out i because i don't have two separate mouths it was harder than i thought um so i just stuck with the one in the end but also my technique here was to only fill the balloons up a little bit some people were filling the balloons up totally oh of course you see this is what yes yes i'd have filled i'd have breathed i'd have passed out on balloon three really i'd have vomited and passed out i mean i've got i used to smoke a lot and there's no way i could have done that task really yeah there was a lot of I mean there's a lot of young healthy lung action that was another potential title for the episode yeah um also I didn't no one mentioned it in the studio um which I was surprised by if you go back and watch this
Starting point is 00:35:19 listener um me blowing balloons up I do something very odd when I blow balloons up I blow up a balloon and then I almost do another weird little breath and shut my eyes afterwards it's it's bizarre the action is is odd oh it's like a little tick is that that's your balloon face i mean we all have faces for certain things um i've got this you know i've got this 11 month old well nearly one year old grandson and his most adorable face is his poo face where he just suddenly stops crawling, stops everything he's doing and this look overcomes him and he can't believe that something is going on around the end of his arse and sometimes his eyes water up a bit as well and it's just this look of complete shock it takes it's as if it takes
Starting point is 00:36:05 him by surprise every time yeah it's marvelous so that's your balloon face that's also my poo face that's what's so it might also be your orgasm face you need to check these things out yeah it's all the same it's all the same with me i've got one face for everything. Not very versatile. Okay. So, yeah, you had a bit of a triumph with that one. I was very proud of my timekeeping there. And I think that was because I was doing a lot of stand-up at the time. So I probably could just naturally... You had your 10 minutes. Yeah, because I've never really used a watch on stage.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Oh. I just sort of, I guess it. And I've never had any complaints that I've overrun or underrun. Yeah, yeah. I just sort of, I guess it. And I've never had any complaints that I've overrun or underrun. Men seem to be sort of really quite anal about this and quite good at it. Well, I'd say men, just because I can't. I just say, well, men are a bit weird and they can do that and I can't. Rose did it in the right amount of time. Yeah, and she did very well.
Starting point is 00:37:01 She got 17, which, I mean, let's be honest, I got 41. It was never going to beat me. But she did did very well she got 17 which I mean let's be honest I got 41 it was it was never going to beat me but um but she did she did do very well and I think was it 41 because I made a note of 40 but I 41 oh 41 okay because the extra one is really quiet it's 41 uh Jo got 13 but she was disqualified because there was a stray rogue blown up balloon. Yeah, she didn't check was the issue. And I think even if you let Jo do that task again, she wouldn't check. I don't think she cared. She'd had enough.
Starting point is 00:37:35 She'd just had enough. But, you know, it was a good effort. It was. But, you know, enough effort had been made and that was enough. Yes. So she was disqualified. Yeah, Katie was disqualified. Yeah. Katie was disqualified as well.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Taking too long. I mean, she didn't start popping the balloons until after the 10 minutes was up. No, that's the sort of thing I'd have done as well possibly. She was never urgent, Katie. She was very, very good at Taskmaster, especially in the creative artistic ones. Yeah. She's waiting for a drawing task, isn't she? She just wants to do painting and drawing. Yeah, exactly. exactly she said i was hoping it would be a drawing one um it can't always be exactly the same
Starting point is 00:38:12 can we just sit down and do some coloring in now um i'd i'd i would have i'd have been disqualified because i'd have blown three up to the full max um and then I'd have passed out being sick and I'd have probably been unconscious for about 15 minutes so yeah I wouldn't have come around for that one I really wouldn't know well I was hoping Katie would be better at blowing up the balloons because I have a distinct memory of when she was in a double act with Anna Crilly yeah yeah when they did when it was Penny Spub's party before they became Anna and Katie, they had a very, very funny sketch, an odd sketch, about two South Africans who ran a balloon safari. And they'd have loads of half-blown-up balloons around them on stage
Starting point is 00:38:55 and do a little safari with the balloons. What, making the balloons into animals? No, just literally talking about them as if they had a park where people came to look at balloons. I love Penny Spub's party. just literally like talking about them as if as if they had a park where people came to look at balloons oh because i love penny spubs party i saw it was an attic in edinburgh one of them and then it moved into another uh venue at the pleasance yeah because one of those shows or a couple of them were directed by my friend chris george who um was my tour manager for many many years and is still a really dear friend of mine. And he was just,
Starting point is 00:39:27 he had some lovely ideas for things. He really did. And he directed the first Grumpy Live show as well. Oh, cool. Yeah, yeah. So how many points? No points for Katie. No points for them.
Starting point is 00:39:40 We did a balloon task in one of series 15. I think it was, didn't we have to make animals or something? I did, mine all went wrong, but I pretended it was a sausage dog in its basket. It was the speed, I think it was the speed chess round. Yes, we had to copy Alex. Copy what Alex did.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Yeah. And if you did it correctly, I think you'd end up, well, actually Ivo ended up with Vaseline on his hands because he didn't put the gloves on. So you're supposed to scoop Vaseline with the gloves on and then make the balloon animal but because Ivo skipped the gloves then he ended up having to make a balloon animal with Vaseline on his hands like it turned very fetishy in there a few minutes so you got the full five points I got the full five Rose got four David got three which is incredible because he actually completed the tasks. That proves that sometimes in Taskmaster, as long as you complete the task, you might get three points.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Yeah. Yeah. And Joe and Katie both disqualified Joe for not popping her balloons and Katie for only starting after the time was up. Oh, can we just go back just for a second? Because there was a glorious moment just on the subject of the balloon popping, blowing and popping task. Yeah. Which you triumphed at. Very rightly, you got your five points. Thank you, Jenny.
Starting point is 00:40:57 And Greg was about to sort of cover you with praise and Jo sneezed at the point of your moment of glory. And she just took the focus away from you. She did. It was unbelievable. Yeah, it was magnificent. Even if it wasn't by accident, even if it was, I don't know whether, I'm sure it was by accident. But I'd have really liked if it hadn't been by accident, actually.
Starting point is 00:41:22 If she'd just pretended to. Just to spoil your moment, it was a classic lovely Joe moment. It was perfect timing. And your face again, the three-year-old Ed. Stropping, stropping. The big girl took his ice cream off him. Yeah, that was a very funny moment in the studio.
Starting point is 00:41:41 That was great. It couldn't have been a better time from Joe. I mean, absolutely incredible. And yet all I can see is you bent over, running across a field. That was amazing. And so many things to enjoy. I enjoyed your...
Starting point is 00:41:57 Come on, Joe! You can't let me have one moment, can you? Task three, make either a knee and an elbow, a knee and a knee, or an elbow and an elbow look like a famous couple. You must only use your knees and elbows. Best representation of a famous couple on knees and or elbows wins.
Starting point is 00:42:22 You have 20 minutes. Your time starts now. Right. This was sort of a mixed bag of stuff, I think. famous couple on knees and or elbows wins you have 20 minutes your time starts now right uh this was sort of a mixed bag of uh mixed bag of stuff i think um because it's tricky as well now katie won this is another this is an art one let's talk about how good katie's was before we discuss the rest of them right uh katie wanted to win this one katie would have been disappointed if she hadn't won this one i I mean, the thing is, once you've set up yourself as one of the arty ones, if you do an art challenge, you don't do
Starting point is 00:42:49 it really well, you feel a little bit hysterical. Because I'm vaguely arty. You know, I didn't go to art school, I went to drama school, but I did art at A level. And I picked it up as a real proper hobby in my 60s. I mean, it's in my late 50s and 60s it's what makes me happy um and i you know it was she used the most color she had the nicest images yeah and it was frida carlo and uh the on off lover diego i always want to say maradona but that's the footballer and everyone's what a couple that What a couple that would have been. That would have been a couple. And, you know, they were sort of, she did the monobrow of Frida.
Starting point is 00:43:31 But what was really lovely about her illustration on the elbows was just the little bit of ephemera around. There was a painting and a sort of, you just, it just, she conjured up a little world. She did. And that was really nice. And she's got such a distinct style, Katie. And all of her art tasks are done in the same the drawings and paintings are all done in the same sort of way she's got her own
Starting point is 00:43:50 sort of house style which is I mean I wouldn't know the term for it uh Jenny because I'm not I'm not an artist but it's sort of sketchy sort of sort of abstract but you can still make out what it is expressionism sort of thing I would call it yeah yes a colourful expressionist artwork and I really like roses and it shows how how creative she is as well Rose is a very creative woman and does a lot of crafting and I think that hers were graphically really good but they didn't look anything like Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton he had a big conch on him Burton didn't look anything like Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. He had a big conch on him, Burton, didn't he? He had a huge old nose on Rose's elbow.
Starting point is 00:44:29 He's impossible to draw. He's actually really, he was quite pudgy-faced as well. He really didn't have any bones in his face. It's not really easy to do him. He could have been the third Mitchell brother if he hadn't been really good-looking. He's just not, you know, he didn't have glasses. He didn't have any distinguishing features.
Starting point is 00:44:48 He didn't have a sort of, you know, peculiar moustache or anything you can really put on him. So that was it. She chose a really difficult couple in some respects. What was interesting as well is I think Rose did Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor, but considered doing Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. And Katie talked about maybe doing Burton and Taylor and then did Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Like very, always on the same page, Katie and Rose, throughout the series. Yeah, I'm just sort of thinking who I'd have done. I might have done Charles and Diana. I don't know why, that's just come to my head. An iconic couple. Yeah, or, you know, I might have attempted Rod Stewart and Brit Eklund on the front cover of that album,
Starting point is 00:45:34 you know, when they were both wearing leotards. Quite tricky, that one to do. Well, if you did it on the knee and then you could go down the shin or something, I don't know. But I'd have enjoyed thinking about that one. I'd enjoyed doing that one but I'd have been really cross if it hadn't come off well yeah yeah I mean I was let's let's talk about me then okay I was less I mean I don't know what I was thinking here I think this was day one okay and the shaving Alex said it was like I'm sorry ed it was like you'd never shaved before
Starting point is 00:46:06 we never shaved my legs before jenny but you don't seem to have a particularly knobbly knee but you basically sliced your knee to ribbons well you know i've as discussed already i'm not a very hairy man face wise a couple of times a week so i and i don't really use those disposable razors and i'm certainly not used to the contours that a leg offers um so it started bleeding almost immediately i'd say yeah yeah that must have been absolutely quite petrifying if it's the first day in the filming the tasks yeah and you're already sitting there with two bleeding knees you must be thinking oh shit this really isn't going that well oh no i really want to do well i loved it i loved it because alex was absolutely horrified because by the way this isn't in the edit he was the one who said
Starting point is 00:46:53 do you want to shave you he suggested do you want to shave your knees because you're doing the mitchell brothers and they're bald he said should we you could maybe shave them he really nudged me towards this yeah yeah he is clever got me this rubbish little razor yeah yeah he had it planned but it was actually I mean the I thought the end effort was actually very good so did I I think they're recognizable and you could say they'd been in a fight there was a story behind it there was and the bleeding knee did add to that did you once your knees were bleeding did you decide Mitchell brothers did were you then thinking right these have got to be boxers these have got to be fighting boys or these could be the Gallagher brothers or or had you made up your mind before I think I'd made up
Starting point is 00:47:34 my mind before and once it started bleeding the cog started wearing and thinking well I can incorporate the blood into it because I'm definitely going to make the other knee bleed as well. So, yeah. If it kills me, I'm going to slap it in my knees. Katie said a very nice line. She said, are they portrayed as crisps or something? Because they did have a real element of potato crisps. They had the oval crisp look, yeah. I was never good at the art task. I had to keep it simple.
Starting point is 00:48:03 But I actually feel like I got it across. Joe did Henry VIII, which Greg only guessed because Joe's got an absolute obsession with Henry VIII. Yeah, she's already dressed as Henry VIII in the series. So, yeah. And then the wives just look like someone on fire. Just this red scribble. I didn't understand what that was all about.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Well, it was the decapitation, I suppose. Oh, I suppose, so she had the crown and then there was just load of blood coming out of it. Yeah, I think it was supposed to be a neck with loads of blood coming out of it. Ah, ah. So not a crown, it was more the sort of neck that had been hacked off.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Oh, I see. I mean, it's quite a clever idea, but not necessarily executed in the best way, pardon the pun. Yeah, I think she needed, you know one of those scrunchie bands, a really scrunchie band around the top of, under her knee,
Starting point is 00:48:55 and then the blood coming out from, or, yeah, it didn't, I couldn't really get that. I just thought that's a face that's been scribbled over. Yeah. But, and now that I know it's blood, I think actually I'd have given her another point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Well, as Greg said, I think it all rides on how good the Henry VIII looks. And the Henry VIII did look like a monkey. So I think that's where she fell down there. Yeah. I'll tell you when you looked really disappointed, when David Baddiel did something clever and funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:27 I don't think you could, because obviously throughout the series, David has not covered himself in glory. And then you cannot believe it, on the last penultimate episode, last but one episode, David starts to almost pull himself together. Yeah, yeah. David starts to almost pull himself together. Yeah, yeah. And in this one, he does, it was a clever, good gag.
Starting point is 00:49:52 The two Ron knees. It was. And you know, at the time I thought, oh, that's a bit hokey. And, you know, I can't believe he's got away with this. But looking back on it, it's pretty smart. He didn't have to cut his knees up. He just popped some glasses on there. It worked perfectly. It was clean. glasses on there. It worked perfectly. It was clean.
Starting point is 00:50:06 It was simple. It was clean. It was pleasant to look at. It didn't, it didn't make, you know, because I look, when I see someone else's blood, you know, my vagina tightens and I just, you know, it's an uncomfortable feeling. So, no, I thought David did well.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Yeah, I thought, I thought he did really well. I actually think maybe David deserved... I mean, he only got three. He got the same as me. And I feel like David deserved four or maybe up there with five with Katie, to be honest. Joe got one, Dave got three, you got three. And Rose got two.
Starting point is 00:50:42 Katie got five and Rose got two. A little bit mean on roses, I think, because it was actually a really nice image, but it didn't look anything like them. But, you know. I think I was lucky to get three. Oh, I think that... I don't think you were lucky.
Starting point is 00:50:55 I think you bled for it. I think that was what got me the three, was the bleeding. No, it was a good idea. It was a good idea, the fighting brothers, with actually live blood. So, you know, well done. It was a good idea, the fighting brothers with actually live blood. So, you know, well done. I thought there was going to be a bit of argument,
Starting point is 00:51:09 and I think there possibly was in the studio, over what constitutes a couple, whether they have to be romantically involved. Because obviously myself and David both went with people who aren't couples in that sense. Oh, I think that would have been really splitting hairs actually i think a couple is it could be a double act it could have been it could be anybody like the gallagher brothers or whatever i think that that that would have been petty if that if people had started arguing about
Starting point is 00:51:36 i think it did come up i think someone said are there a couple and i i said a couple of brothers and that yeah yeah yeah yeah i think you, we all in studio particularly start grasping at straws. And sometimes you grasp at a straw and the audience let you know that you've grasped the wrong straw. Yeah, absolutely. And you just end up backing off going, no, I didn't mean it.
Starting point is 00:51:55 I didn't mean it. Anyway, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Just keep going. Just forget that I said anything. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Well, some of us, Jenny, when that happened, didn't back down.
Starting point is 00:52:04 They doubled down. Oh, yeah. That was me. when that happened, didn't back down, they doubled down. That was me, and that was why the records were longer than they could have been. Bleeding quite a lot now. Could we get you a bit more soap? I'll tell you what would be nice. Maybe some tissues to clean off all the fucking blood off my knees.
Starting point is 00:52:24 I can't remember what her nose looks like. Posh and Bex, what are you doing, David? Oh, I've messed this one up. Good to know I can start again. I mean, they're one of the most famous couples. William and Kate, they did one of the most famous couples. William and Kate, they did a Christmas card that looked exactly like that. Looks like something from a horror film.
Starting point is 00:52:56 No, hang on. I mean, I'm doing this for the sake of your television programme, and now look what's happening. Yeah, that's better. Let's talk about the live task. Now, this is perhaps the moment in this entire series I still get messages about and people still send me gifs of and pictures
Starting point is 00:53:14 of. Is it gifs? Is it gifs? It's gifs apparently. Is it? I've recently made the change to saying gifs because apparently that's correct. From gifs? Yeah. I didn't know that. Vimeo and GIFs. This is totally, honestly, I've learned so much this week I might have to go and have a lie down. Okay, yeah, I like this live task. Standing in a queue, draw the most accurate pictures. Alex will
Starting point is 00:53:41 show the person at the back of the queue a picture. The person at the back of the queue must draw this picture on the back of the person in front of them the person at the front of the queue must draw the picture they think has been drawn on their back on their pad you have one minute per drawing no one may communicate with anyone else the team with the most accurate three drawings wins now i think you can probably guess why this is sent to me so much jenny uh it's also my my biggest meltdown in the whole in the whole series right right you got well the thing is at this point uh david is top of the leaderboard isn't he for that game for this for this episode yes he's got 16 points i don't know how many you've got at this point i think i've got. Okay so it's close it's close so you're thinking at this point as you go on stage for the live task as long as I'm not with David I've got a chance
Starting point is 00:54:31 of winning this. Well this is the thing because you know I think in every other instance of there being teams in live tasks they use the teams that that they use in the house so it's the the actual teams that we do team tasks with but in in ours the team was me rose and katie and david and joe i'm not sure i'm just thinking whether there was one where oh no i think you're right actually with all our live tasks if we're in teams we kept the teams that we had for filming so yeah i see so when you were doing your filmed tasks as teams remind me who you were with i was with katie and rose and then it was david and joe were a team of course and i saw them yes i saw one of those episodes and they just stopped they were amazing
Starting point is 00:55:18 tea and some biscuits yeah yeah yeah so there's one of two things that happened here because they decided to switch it up in the studio either they they thought David and Joe were such a sort of useless team who would drag their heels deliberately that to make it feel more competitive, they had to mix the teams up. Or they immediately knew that the combination of me and David would create chaos and I'd get really angry at David. I think they knew that. Yeah, I think they did. The latter is true. I mean, they just totally know what they're doing. The thing is, the level of expertise on the crew and, you know, the plotters or the producers or whatever.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Plotters. The plotters, I refer to them. I think that, you know, you just can't underestimate them at any point. No, I mean, we will briefly mention that Joe Katie and Rose did quite a good job that's all we need to say about them um they did well let's say I think also they did better than they were given credit for because their first drawing of the horse actually did look like a horse but Greg couldn't guess that it was a horse and he guessed a dog or something I don't know but I think they should have got um well they did get the full points
Starting point is 00:56:24 anyway they did get the full points yeah but me and David got three points somehow somehow because I think we won one round but um it was the the drawing on David's back with my finger and the moment he reached around and stopped me tracing on his back I did not know what he was thinking I was so shocked I was absolutely livid I could you can see it in my face Jenny obviously I've stropped for this whole episode but the he said it didn't occur to him that it wouldn't be a face so he just drew a face and drew eyeballs like came off the paper yeah maddening yeah yes but the thing is it shouldn't have mattered that much Ed but the thing right so what the first thing was a horse, wasn't it? Yeah, it's funny.
Starting point is 00:57:07 David's brain kind of goes in fits and spurts, doesn't it? Yeah. It's sort of like there's this waves of genius and then just complete... It's like disengaged from everything. He's just gone off into his own little world and made his own decisions and they're quite wrong. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:23 Whereas the girls went into really kind of goody goody girl mode you know like the the good girls that at the top in the top class at primary school you know when you're sort of 10 11 you just think you're really grown up and they were they were doing that and they were being nice to each other and encouraging and then you and david just not well you really just snarling at this this slightly bewildered man well you say so you say bewildered and that's what I that's what I'd level at him for the rest of the series in the film tasks I think when he does badly he's just bewildered he doesn't quite know what's going on and he manages to mess things up in this task particularly when he was like gripping my finger and doing a face for no reason
Starting point is 00:58:06 and all of that and drawing ridiculously badly on my back, there's a moment when I'm getting angry where it cuts to him and he's smiling and he knows exactly what he's doing. Oh, so you think this was sabotage? I don't think it was sabotage, but he was doing it to provoke a reaction,
Starting point is 00:58:21 for sure. Because also... You know, when I said he was clever, they're clever, these types, these Oxbridge- because also also you know well I said he was clever they're clever these types these oxbridgey types you know don't underestimate them well that's quite mean of him I mean did you talk about did you sort of was that maybe you know you might maybe you know like people go to marriage guidance counselling maybe there needs to be some post taskmaster counselling between you and David. Oh, we didn't need it, really. We get on very well, David and I. I really like David. You know,
Starting point is 00:58:52 we all went for an afternoon tea together after the show and stuff. Lovely. Yeah, we didn't need the counselling. But I do think on that occasion, he knew what he was doing. Because I think David, more than anyone else in this series, David and Joe, I think both of them were less competitive. They were there to do the tasks to the best of their ability but also if they saw an opportunity for a laugh that would completely ruin their effort, they would take the laugh over the task.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Oh yeah. I wonder if that sort of, you know, just being in show business for so long, being in comedy for so long you start to realize when that when the laugh is the most important thing yeah i think i think that's it whereas certainly myself and rose yeah which is why i think the balloon task in this episode did um it uh it favored the more desperate uh sort of energetic contestants and the younger lung yeah i think i'm the younger the younger. Yeah, and the younger Lung.
Starting point is 00:59:45 I can't forget the younger Lung, exactly. But yeah, this was me raging at full pelt. And Greg's face when I was doing this, you know, I know Greg very well. He was so delighted. He loves it when I get angry like that. He was hiding behind his cue cards. Shaking with laughter.
Starting point is 01:00:00 Shaking, pulling his little legs up to his tummy. He was absolutely loving it. Getting a tummy ache from laughing. Yeah, yeah. So mean look it was all worth it but gutting that i was with david so i couldn't win this episode but we wouldn't have had it any other way in the end because david finally on the penultimate episode gets a victory with 19 points yeah myself something really charming about that the underdog it's lovely but the cunning underdog there's something really charming about that. The underdog. It's lovely. But the cunning underdog. There's a sort of cunning underdog, I think. I don't think you can call him an underdog completely.
Starting point is 01:00:31 No. Well, I think underdogs, when you call someone an underdog, you're allowing for room for them to perhaps win. Whereas David was never going to win the whole series. I don't think he's an underdog. Okay. He's in a different game. You know, he's turned up this week and suddenly started playing the game, as you said.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Yes. The pennies sort of started to drop, hasn't it? I think so. But obviously all the film tasks, you never know when they're going to be shown. So the ones he did well in, it just so happened they were towards the end of the series. I think I had an episode like that where it sort of looked like I could even have been a contender and then sort of by episode five I'd fallen to pieces and all the tasks that were left or the film tasks that were
Starting point is 01:01:17 left to be broadcast I was I was completely shit at but there was a there was a but then you know that often happens to me i start really well and then sort of about halfway through i start to doubt that my own you know ability and it all crumbles um but you know i thought it was i think it's really nice when people win episodes that have because frankie never won one on our episode. No, but I don't think Frankie didn't seem to care. Oh, he couldn't give a shit. No, he couldn't. I mean, I think I read an article,
Starting point is 01:01:50 maybe it was in the podcast with you, where he said the reason why he didn't want to win was he couldn't think of anything worse than having to dance around the stage with the prize tasks. You know, and that sort of, after making a prat of yourself on anything else the idea of that being a stumbling block just really confused me yeah I guess it's because you're in the room with an audience maybe that's that's the hurdle there but I love doing that get up there vamp
Starting point is 01:02:17 around fantastic and of course on this occasion I did have to get on the stage anyway and have my eight chest hairs waxed off my body yeah people would pay good money Ed there's girls out there listening they're young girls you know um I don't think there's anyone out there listening who would pay good money to wax my chest Jenny but um I I don't know Ed I think actually don't underestimate and if if we go by my DMs, they're certainly not women. Oh, dear. Oh, well. But no, that was great. You see, there you go.
Starting point is 01:02:58 You sort of got on stage at the end, which is just unfortunate. Yeah, I got to get up there. Yeah, you got to get up there. It was in the wrong place. You wanted to be as the winner. Yes, but I was chuffed for david i'm really glad he he he won an episode yes um and you know it was his only episode victory i think he was very happy and we were all very happy for him uh and he did it with 19 points myself katie and rose all got 17 and joe coming in last place 14 points which means i'm six points in the lead
Starting point is 01:03:22 in the series going into the final episode in front of Katie weirdly he's got 149 Rose is very close on 147 Joe very close as well on 144 and David languishing as per on 118 so you know it was exciting going into that final episode you were bunched together weren't you so at this point did you how confident were you percentage wise uh I'd say 50 confident I thought you know i i thought i was going to come first or second i didn't think i would slip down to third but um right it was all up to what katie or rose did did you keep the razor from uh scraping your knees ready to slit your wrists or your throat had you not won the entire season yeah shave my wrists until i was dead yeah jenny we um we're gonna ask you uh predictions for the series 16 winner um because of course
Starting point is 01:04:18 we have our series 16 lineup now shall i listen for you yes uh jul Julian Clary, Lucy Beaumont, Sam Campbell, Sue Perkins and Susan Wacoma. Do you have any sense of who you think might be a good Taskmaster contestant who could take the head home? A couple of these are unknown to me in terms of I haven't worked with them. Sam Campbell is a young Australian, I feel, who won what used to be the Perrier Award. Was it last year? Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. OK.
Starting point is 01:04:47 So he's unknown to me, so an unknown entity. He could easily snatch the crown. Susan Wacoma, I've never worked with her personally, but I do like what she does. Yes. And I think Sue Perkins will be very clever. I think she will be. So do I. I think she might have shades of May about her.
Starting point is 01:05:07 I think that there will be thoughtfulness. But then is there the Oxbridge conundrum there? Where actually really clever people sometimes are really impractical and just sort of can't see things and look at things in such an odd way. Do you think that might happen with Sue? Not so much. Not so much as with David. I agree.
Starting point is 01:05:28 I'm just a devil's advocate. I think maybe are women forced to be more aware of things? I don't know. Julian will be terribly charming and he'll either sort of go full tilt or he'll get quite lazy. And, you you know he just sometimes might have to have a beauty nap I don't know he's so glorious to look at um who have I
Starting point is 01:05:51 Lucy Lucy Beaumont oh I think she could be in for it as well I think that I've never worked with her but she's fascinating it's a good team it's a good bunch it is it's a very good bunch I cannot wait to see these episodes I mean I get them early because of the podcast. Oh, my God. Have you seen any already? No, I've not. And, you know, I can't wait. It surely can't be far off now that I get some of the episodes. And I am extremely excited.
Starting point is 01:06:16 I'm excited to see everyone. I'm very excited that Sam is being introduced to the wider British public. How would you describe him as a comedian? Willfully odd. I mean, sometimes willfully odd becomes a little bit, is it precious or annoying? No, it's not with him because it's his genuine personality as well. So it's not forced.
Starting point is 01:06:40 Okay, so it's not forced. Okay, and it's not going to steal too much time. He's not going to be one of those people. Okay, okay. I don't think so. Certainly not forced it's not forced okay and he's not gonna it's not gonna steal too much time he's not gonna be one of those people okay okay i don't think so um certainly not in the studio uh he's actually quite quiet sometimes as well so i'll be i'm just very interested to see but i think that is a fantastic lineup so when you were at this point discussing with another guest the series 15 who did you mark as the winner i think everyone said May yeah yeah I mean as as soon as I met them but when we had our first filming day together I just I think I came home and went well I'm not going to win that and I know who is I was knocked out by how immediately
Starting point is 01:07:22 clever they were yeah just really Just really, really clever. Very smart. Yeah. And yeah, I think when we were doing the podcasts about the previous series and we were asking guests for predictions for the next series, I think pretty much everyone said May.
Starting point is 01:07:35 I thought it was going to be May. Did no one say me? I don't know, Jenny. You absolute fuckers. I hate everyone in comedy. And I always have. What a lovely way to end the podcast. Jenny, thank you so much for coming on the Taskmaster podcast.
Starting point is 01:07:50 We always ask our guests to rate their experience on the podcast between one and five points in the style of the Taskmaster. We hope you've enjoyed yourself. How many points? I have. I'm going to give it the full five. Thank you very much, Jenny. We'll take it.
Starting point is 01:08:03 Right, you are. thank you very much Jenny we'll take it right you are thank you so much to Jenny Eclair for coming back on the Taskmaster podcast always a fantastic guest I'm sure you'll agree I will be forwarding her suggestions for Rose's snow globes in future
Starting point is 01:08:19 straight to Rose Matifeo we will be back in two weeks now we still need to complete series 9 of course but we won't be here next week straight to Rose Matifeo. We will be back in two weeks. Now, we still need to complete Series 9, of course, but we won't be here next week because of life. But we'll be back in two weeks with the episode that wraps up Series 9, Series 9, Episode 10.
Starting point is 01:08:37 Very excited to talk about the final episode. Of course, I am victorious, spoiler warning, but it's a great episode from memory and I think contains one of my favourite tasks in Taskmaster history. And I'm not just saying that because I was involved in it and I won. Partly that.
Starting point is 01:08:53 Thank you very much for listening. We will see you in two weeks' time with another special guest. I've been Ed Gamble. You've been wonderful. Bye-bye. Anything you need delivered with Uber Eats. Well, almost, almost anything. So no, you can't get an ice rink on Uber Eats. But iced tea, ice cream, or just plain old ice? Yes, we deliver those.
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