Taskmaster The Podcast - Ep 141. Sam Campbell - S16 Ep.2

Episode Date: September 28, 2023

Sam Campbell is our first Series 16 guest to join the podcast and he did not disappoint. Sam and Ed discuss the episode and get to the bottom of the mischief task. He also shares his thoughts on his t...ask efforts and how he felt being in a team with Lucy and Julian. Watch all of Taskmaster on All 4www.channel4.com/programmes/taskmasterVisit the Taskmaster Store for all your TM goodies!taskmasterstore.com Visit the Taskmaster YouTube Channelyoutube.com/taskmaster Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We can wait for clean water solutions, or we can engineer access to clean water. We can acknowledge indigenous cultures, or we can learn from indigenous voices. We can demand more from the earth, or we can demand more from ourselves. At York University, we work together to create positive change for a better tomorrow. Join us at yorku.ca slash write the future. Hello, hello and welcome to the Taskmaster podcast. It is, of course, new series time. We are on episode two of series 16.
Starting point is 00:00:49 What an episode it was. What a cast this is. Oh man, it's already brilliant and there's so much more to come. I can't wait. We are talking this week about episode two to a man who was there, the wonderful Sam Campbell. He will be on the Taskmaster podcast. Just to let you know, I'm recording this intro
Starting point is 00:01:05 after we've recorded the episode. And that episode was recorded in person for the first ever time in the history of Taskmaster podcast. We were there in person. We weren't there, we weren't at the studio, but we were in, you know, we were sat there with microphones and Sam was in front of me. They've always been on Zoom up until this point.
Starting point is 00:01:23 So it was a lot of fun to do one in person. but what a feeling to be in a room with Sam he specifically asked for it I think we might get into that during the episode uh but yeah a lot of fun to see that those cheeky little eyes close up as we were recording uh but let's get into it this is Taskmaster series 16 episode, as discussed by Sam Campbell. Welcome, Sam Campbell, to the Taskmaster Podcast. How are you, Mr. Ed? Yes, very good, thank you. Now, for the listener, I'm just going to let them know that this is the first time I've ever recorded one of these in person with a guest.
Starting point is 00:01:58 We're well over 100 episodes now, always been on Zoom, started in lockdown, and never has a guest... You wanted to see me in the flesh. Well, I mean, it has you wanted to see me in the flesh well that i mean it's a pleasure to see you in the flesh of course you wanted to truly experience and to witness me and it is i get it i get it yes well thank you but also i will let the listener know that it was at your insistence that we record it in person i don't know yeah i don't really like to get into in the weeds with who requested what and what's going on sure but i'm in the weeds already so i'll just shout from the weeds.
Starting point is 00:02:26 If you stay on the riverbank, that's fine by me. Maybe up on a bridge even. No, no, we're just kidding, guys. Yes, so Sam insisted on this, but the original message that reached me is that you specifically wanted to come to my house to record it. Yeah. Yeah. So can we get deeper into that?
Starting point is 00:02:48 I wanted to go to your house. Why did you want to go to my house? Basically, my motivation for that was I wanted to go to your house. Yeah. Okay. So say that that did happen, but that's not happened because we're in Avalon now. Avalon Fortress. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:02 The Fortress. Yeah. It couldn't happen at my house. Wife works from home. Cat works from home. Too much going on. Your cat works. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:10 My cat works from home. Actually doesn't work. Our regular thing we say to our cat is get a job and he still, he still hasn't done it. Oh, wow. Uh, lazy boy.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Um, but, uh, if you had come to my house, what would you have done? If I had, if I had infiltrated your home yeah i would have snooped around and just taken it all in and admired it you'd probably live in
Starting point is 00:03:31 some sort of mansion so i would have loved it very normal house so you would have been incredibly let down would you have taken any trinkets no no no no no no no no no no no no leave nothing but footprints take nothing but memories that's actually the poster in our bathroom is it really oh i'd like to get in there well you're welcome that's what i would have done i would have said i was going to the toilet but i would have just laid in your bathtub in your empty bathtub for 40 minutes well look you're welcome to come over socially yeah anytime you like when would that be's pencil something. Hey, let's pencil something in. We'll do that. We'll edit that bit out,
Starting point is 00:04:07 but me and Sam are going to pencil in a social occasion now. Even if you're more comfortable, we could break bread, we could go to a restaurant, and then if that went well, then I could come to your house at another time. Okay, it's starting to sound like a lovely date now. Sort of.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Yeah. Right, well, let's talk about Taskmaster because of course you're on the new series of Taskmaster very excited to see when when you were announced for the new series of Taskmaster how did you feel when they asked you to do it when they asked me when they asked you just saw dollar signs you get paid we've uh we've bleeped the amount that sam said there uh but yes that is i believe how much so just the dollar signs oh yeah and just to be part of and you know sort of it's kind of yeah getting called up to the big leagues you know yes i've been division two i've been in the fucking sewers in the wilderness for so long and they're like yeah you're ready we want to see you i'd imagine the producers of australian taskmaster were kicking themselves when you got
Starting point is 00:05:09 i'm trying to do that one are you going to try and do that one too yeah do you reckon that's going to work out they well who knows yeah they said they said it could be a goer so you'll be the first contestant to cross the borders into another international version of taskmaster yeah that would be amazing man it could upset people and it could delight people. Yeah. Did you have a good time doing Taskmaster? Yeah. I think so, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Had you watched a lot of it before? I'd seen a lot of Taskmaster Indonesia and a lot of Taskmaster Czech Republic. Yeah. So yeah, I hadn't seen the UK one, but I had seen a lot of the other versions. Who's your favorite contestant from Taskmaster Czech Republic? That's a great question. I like leopold why do you like leopold so much oh what he did with that um with that long bit of piece of metal
Starting point is 00:05:55 was just amazing in that task absolutely it's got millions of hits on youtube um so we're gonna or as they call it in the czech yeah that's a hole you dug yourself and then you just stayed in the hole yeah yeah we're gonna be talking about episode two hell is here but beforehand i've got to say sam what a great episode one oh thanks what a stunning episode one from you now i don't mean this to be offensive but when i was excited when you were announced for taskmaster but i thought you would be chaotic which you have been so far but it's very focused chaos you do seem to want to do well in the tasks you're not throwing you're not throwing anything away for the sake of a joke at the moment right i'm talking about the tin can task and tying everyone's hair together, which was genius.
Starting point is 00:06:45 I think both of those kind of landed in my lap and I just kind of sort of got lucky. One, I was blindfolded and then one, they hadn't announced. They didn't say like, we're going to be doing this with the hair. The hair just struck me.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Yes. It didn't, but it didn't fall into your lap. You stood there and you thought about the idea and you thought about the get round. And then you came up with that, which I thought was very impressive. Oh,
Starting point is 00:07:04 thank you so much. Yeah. I've got a beautiful mind. Exactly, a beautiful mind. That's exactly what I'd say. But let's talk about episode two. I've got notes from the producer here. The producer sends me notes.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Which one? Daisy. Oh, Daisy. The podcast producer. Oh, yeah. Not one of the five Andes. No, not one of the five Andes. Has our show got enough Andes on the production team?
Starting point is 00:07:28 And Daisy said here, probably the contestant that's got the most reaction from podcast guests when the lineup was announced. So when we had guests on and we were talking about the future lineup, a lot of our guests were like, oh, Sam Campbell's on it. It doesn't say here whether the reaction
Starting point is 00:07:42 was positive or negative. Yeah, just I guess in a way, I don't, I mean, I wouldn't see myself belonging in this world. Taskmaster or the Earth. It's like just, you know, I guess if we're talking fruit as an example, you know, banana, pineapple, apple, all this. I'm kind of, you know, whatever, like one that you're just like, what? I've never even heard of that one. Are you going to give an example or is it so like a rambutan or a london or a husked tomorrillo you know what these ones where you're like oh the division two fruits where you're just like yeah
Starting point is 00:08:16 never heard of that one yeah yeah dragon fruit is that dragon fruit the weird looking ones yeah um when you what's that supposed to mean you haven't got my exposed gums watching these episodes back i was like how much i've never knew that it's like the same amount like my gum my gum length like it's insane do you think yeah i've got really exposed gums and really thin wrists i think you need to be careful with that sort of stuff watching yourself back on tv trying to pick out what you consider to be careful with that sort of stuff. Watching yourself back on TV, trying to pick out what you consider to be physical flaws. You're a lovely looking boy. I look disgusting.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Some people have a good poker face. I've got a disgusting Magic the Gathering face. I think if you can see your gums, it's because you're giving a cheeky smile, Sam. And we like your cheeky smile. Yeah. Yeah. There's a lot of cheeky smiles on this.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Yeah. From you. I was, yeah, I found it all really funny. Yeah. like your cheeky smile yeah yeah there's a lot of cheeky smiles on this yeah from you i was yeah i found it all really funny yeah what i would say as well is um when i heard the rest of the lineup i was like sam's gonna be the the wild one and then you sat next to lucy beaumont yeah lucy is lucy's insane like yes it's, she's from another planet as well. You're from another planet, but your planet is closer to earth.
Starting point is 00:09:27 I'd say. Oh, so, Oh, can we get a diagram of the planets? Well, I would be Mars and she'd be what? Neptune.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Yeah, probably. Yeah. Great. When the rest of the lineup was announced, but happy to share a solar system with all of the incredible cast. Who did you think was going to be your biggest competitor my jupiter would have to be um sue perkins easily yeah yeah she was nasty man
Starting point is 00:09:53 we got when we were asking you know what she said when i arrived what she goes i'm an institution and you're about to be institutionalized that does sound like perkins she would say something like that. Let's crack on. What were you saying? Sorry, I interrupted. No, I was just, no, the biggest competitor. But I think when we were interviewing people and telling them the lineup,
Starting point is 00:10:13 a lot of them thought Perkins, Perkins for the win because she's very together. Yeah, brainiac and just like, yeah, has just been around. Like, you know, she is TV and people simply love her. Yes. Let's talk about the prize task for this, episode two of this series of Taskmaster. Best sign.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Did you enjoy doing the prize task, Sam? The opening treasures, yes. Is that what you call them? Yeah, I thought, yeah, I had some help from this guy, Luke Smith, one of the production team. He helped me. Well, he, now I'm thinking particularly about the one you brought in for episode one was the Pinocchio.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Yeah. I mean, that is very you prize, I one was the Pinocchio. Yeah. I mean, that is very you prize, I'd say. Pinocchio. Who built the Pinocchio? It was a collab. It was a collab. Yeah. With Luke Smith.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Because you can't just be on the actual show. You can't be like, and a big shout out to Luke Smith for helping me out with this one. You've got to just roll with it. Yes. But yeah, he helped me with those. Yeah, very, very impressive. Little bit easier this one, I guess. Not too much of me out with this one. You've got to just roll with it. Yes. But yeah, he helped me with those. Yeah. Very, very impressive.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Um, little bit, little bit easier. This one, I guess not too much of a build on this one. Cause it's best, it's best sign. Uh,
Starting point is 00:11:32 you brought in a sign from the British library saying, uh, please take care. Piazza slippery. Yeah. What, how did that one occur to you? Did you just,
Starting point is 00:11:41 is that one you'd, were you looking for interesting signs or when you were told the price test or was that in your photo gallery? I go to the British Library almost every day. Yes. And you just picked up on that when you were looking for signs? Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:57 I just, that one just, I know of it. I see it almost every day. So I thought, well, yeah, there's no better sign. Yeah, I suppose it's, the piazza is always slippery then. That sign's always there. It's slippery, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:07 They've had slips. Yeah. And there was a big discussion. They cut a lot of stuff. They cut this big discussion of what technically a piazza is and what differentiates it from a courtyard. And there was like a massive in-studio. But they had to cut it because the audience applause was too thunderous.
Starting point is 00:12:25 People were getting too excited and riled up and people were trembling and running around and screaming i can't believe they cut the discussion it was just in a piazza in a courtyard that sounds like golden television yeah um you're very good at selling the prizes i think do you really think so yeah i think so well like to me because this is a tricky task, I'd say. Best sign. Like obviously Susan went, you know, pretty like, not route one, but like if someone says bring in best sign to me, I'm like, I'm going to find a rude. Oh, you mean Susan Wacoma? Yes. I thought you meant Sue Perkins.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Pretty route one, a painting by an ape. But yeah, yeah, yeah. No, totally. Hers was smutty. Hers was foul. Hers was disgusting. Cock pond. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Yeah. Cock pond on Clapham Common. I mean, I did enjoy it. Really was foul. Hers was disgusting. Cock pond. Yeah. Yeah, cock pond on Clapham Common. I mean, I did enjoy it. Really? Yeah. Get your mind out of the gutter. That's completely foul. Well, she got four points from Greg.
Starting point is 00:13:13 I think she got five. I think she won. No, she got four points. Shit. Sue Perkins. This wasn't the ape one. Sue Perkins got five for the sign from BBC Studios. Oh, what's the one where there was a painting by an ape yeah that was that was in the last episode the painting by an ape
Starting point is 00:13:28 oh that wasn't a sign that could have been a sign though i guess yeah what would it be a sign for though um yeah just like what signs would apes have just yeah maybe like their version of live life love yeah should be you know climb creep capture climb creep capture absolutely but yeah no i think you are very good at selling them like piazza slippery and then telling us about the european spy piazza slippery oh yeah yeah i feel like you could really you could flesh that out as a into a sort of short story yeah short story series of piazza slippery yeah um cop pond was good though and the sign from that was just disgusting what the stole or
Starting point is 00:14:16 cop pond yeah the series in general i found was really grubby yeah i'm gonna be watching back the pre-watershed stuff because i thought really there was a lot of that. Well, there are some moments where, I mean, we'll talk about this on the podcast with other people, but there are moments where some grubby stuff happened. That was really gross. You looked absolutely affronted, Sam. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Well, I just think it is a public, you know, people are watching this stuff. Yeah. In private, do whatever, you know, shine a torch through your nutsack, have fun. But don't, you know, this is a family show yeah what if the task was shine a torch through your nutsack would you do it for the points ah i've got a very um thick scrotum don't cut that or or make it really quiet do something with that yeah don't cut it but just quiet and just yeah do something with that sorry
Starting point is 00:15:05 yeah i mean this throws forward uh you asked to be cut out of the next task actually to be blurred out yeah these editors they're really wizard like yeah i didn't know that that was an option otherwise i would have done that multiple times yeah yeah well i think they're so eager to you know they've been doing it for 16 series. People are so checked out. They love any kind of... If you want to make a short film or anything like that, I think they really jump at the opportunity. They do.
Starting point is 00:15:32 They absolutely love doing that. So you got three points for Piazza Slippery, four points for Susan's Cockpond. I'm so sorry to bring it up again, Sam, because I know you found it very offensive. No, I love that stuff. Five points for Sue. She stole a sign from BBC Studios.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Yeah, yeah. This is her using her industry connections. This is a very manipulative, very calculating person. I don't think it's industry connections. Isn't it a Winkleman? She had a Winkleman on there? Yeah, Winkleman gave her a leg up to steal a sign. Winkleman leg up.
Starting point is 00:16:03 I mean, that's the most, yeah. It's a Winkleman leg up. Have you met Winkleman? I've met Winkleman many times. I mean, that's the most, yeah. It's a Winkleman leg up. Have you met Winkleman? I've met Winkleman many times. You've met everyone. Your life's a fairy tale. If I could, I would trade my life with yours in a heartbeat. Is this why you wanted to come to my house?
Starting point is 00:16:15 Were you going to start squatting? Next round, please. Lucy brought in the pub sign from her home pub, the Dog and Bastard. I think if you've got got a home pub you need to get a better sign than that what did you think to that sign it looked like it'd be made i like the way english people every pub is called like the frog and biscuit or the you know the the rat and the pig and it will some or it's multiple things it's like the four. Like it's either four or something or two different things. There's a pub quite near to my house where the mad lady runs it,
Starting point is 00:16:53 has replaced the pub sign with a full color photo of herself. It's fantastic. She DJs every Friday. Really? She plays her vinyl records. And if people ask her to turn the music down, she shouts at them. It was two points for the dog and bastard sign. I kind of liked that. The dog and bastard sign.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Yeah, I thought it was nice. I like the image of their home pub. Yeah. I want to go there so bad. Yeah, but you've got a thing about wanting to go to people's houses, haven't you? Out of everyone on this Taskmaster lineup. Now, obviously, I'm not included in this because I wasn't on the lineup. But you want to come to my's houses, haven't you? Out of everyone on this Taskmaster lineup, now, obviously,
Starting point is 00:17:26 I'm not included in this because I wasn't on the lineup, but you want to come to my house. We know that. Whose house do you most want to go to? Julian Clary. He is elegant. He is velvet.
Starting point is 00:17:35 He is sophisticated. Did you think everything he said was like just amazing? He's just amazing. Yeah, he's amazing. He's absolutely incredible. Obviously, he won the prize task. Would you call him effortless totally well yes on many different levels yeah as in he's effortlessly funny yeah and also within a lot of the tasks he put in no
Starting point is 00:17:55 effort whatsoever yeah but just not yeah i was really just yeah so impressed did you know much of julian's work before yeah I'd seen him on YouTube. His like famous clip that's so funny. The fisting Norman Lamont clip. Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. I love that. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:18:14 I mean, everyone's probably watched that, surely. But that's the biggest laugh I've ever heard. Like in a, like the crowd just goes so googa. Yes, it was at the British Comedy Awards back in the day. And he said, sorry, I'm late. I've just been fishing Norman LeMond. And my favorite bit of that clip is they cut to Martin Clunes, and I spent a long time working on an impression
Starting point is 00:18:34 of Martin Clunes' face when they cut to him. It probably won't make sense for the listener, but here it is. Oh, wow. Can we get a grab of that? That needs to be up there. How can we get a grab of that that needs to be up there how can they how can we put that yeah i'm obsessed with that absolutely obsessed with it that's amazing but we should talk about judy because he only gets one and i've watched so many of his clips he's like amazing yeah i think he is huge in australia yeah yeah i think he was like called the patron saint of the adelaide fringe at some stage is that an award they give out the adelaide i don't know i think they just like yeah we just
Starting point is 00:19:08 love him he was yeah he's done a lot of stuff in australia um he's a star he got one point here though so not particularly starry start to this episode uh a sign from the green room at the whole literary festival that just says food for artists yeah i i think i wasn't i wasn't immediately sort of taken aback or laughing at that because i was like i've seen so many signs like that in my career like that is just every backstage everywhere just with some bananas and you're supposed to be grateful to get a banana yeah but i liked that it showed people like this is what it's really like out there yeah it's not very glamorous yeah yeah absolutely but not a good sign because it's all that you find that there's a lot of stuff that is just seems like it's a simulation of something like if you go around the back it's
Starting point is 00:19:48 hollow you know like tell me more just feel like a lot of social contracts are being broken and just things are falling apart is this your branch out into political material this is the big turn do you ever feel like life is a simulation? No. Okay. It's not a great sign he brought in, but I like the chat and I like the story. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:16 But it was one point for him, two points for Lucy, three points for you, Sam, four points for Susan and five points for Sue. A few years ago, I was like, oh, I was born in London, but I don't really know London. So then I started going on London walks, which is when you wake up really early on a Sunday and you follow normally a jaded actor around bits of London and there is a walking tour where you go and look at dirty signs
Starting point is 00:20:40 around London. And this is one of my favour because i'm a child apparently yeah yeah i like cop bond thanks quote me on that task one pull the sword from the stone you may not force the sword or break the stone the champion is the one who releases the sword fastest your time starts now um I'm really angry about this task. Oh. Because obviously the answer was Widdicombe. Yeah. So they've picked a former champion
Starting point is 00:21:10 to be the password to release a sword from the stone. Yeah. And it's not me. Oh. Well, yeah, what are you, a narcissist, obsessed with yourself, want to look in the mirror all the time? Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Yeah, Widdicombe makes sense. Yeah, yeah. Look, first champion, champion of champions, a lot of clues there, a lot of good clues that sort of link back to his name. But I was very grateful you at least said my name during the task. Yeah, and I was happy with that. Glad I got a shout out.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Your name is never too far from my lips. It's always balancing on my tongue, Ed. You brought a tape measure with you to this. Yeah. How often did you bring your own tools to the tasks? I did a few times. is balancing on my tongue ed um you brought a tape measure with you to this yeah um how often did you bring your own tools to the tasks i did a few times my friend he became the assistant on taskmaster australia tom cashman yes and he did a tour of the house yeah alex horns seriously he said yeah no one's ever bought any stuff and they're allowed to that's what i would do if i was on the show um did the tools ever come in
Starting point is 00:22:05 handy i mean don't ruin anything for future episodes but did you ever get a chance no no bad gadgets were a mistake yeah and i'd have to carry them home each night yeah yeah yeah um you attack this task pretty well though i think although you didn't do great time wise but i think you you're very good at just like throwing yourself into things um you got that there was a champion missing, claimed that the whole task was to inside baseball. Yeah. Did you find that at all?
Starting point is 00:22:30 Like if you were a first time viewer, you'd be like, who are these people? You know, what is this? A snake eating its tail? I feel like I'm so inside the baseball and the snake. You love it.
Starting point is 00:22:38 I love how much you love it. And you even text me about it. You'll be like taskmaster. Yeah. Yeah. As soon as I saw the first episode of taxi, you'd say how good you were. Yeah. You're nice. Yeah. You'll be like, Taskmaster. Yeah, yeah. As soon as I saw the first episode, I'd say how good you were. Yeah, you're nice, I think.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Yeah, I'm nice. I hope. Yeah, you think. Yeah. I explore. I explore. And this is the task where you're asked to be blurred out because you didn't deserve to exist.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Which they did. They did. Did you find yourself getting quite down during any tasks like that? Because you seemed quite sad during that one that you weren't doing it quickly. No, i had only one day that was just a true disaster but i think that was yeah you know you just yeah you pull yourself through yeah most of them i really enjoyed each day although you i think you texted james acaster after after that day because he said sam's really worried about a day he's just had on taskmaster what the hell network of spies over
Starting point is 00:23:26 here well i think i just network of spies right well just i didn't want to bring this up you were texting acaster the whole time in melbourne saying i'm staying in the same hotel as ed gamble got this stuff it's i don't know that i don't know him i don't know you i don't know anything. Sue did worse than you. She manages to name every country in Europe. I'm not allowed to text people? The realisation moment that Sue has when she says Widdicombe for the first time out loud and then just stares off into the distance.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Yeah, that was amazing. Absolutely phenomenal. It takes a while for those cogs to whir. But everyone gets it. Everyone gets it eventually, which is impressive because I think there'll be some other people who've been on Taskmaster who'd absolutely never get that. Never, never get it, yeah. She gets it in 33 minutes, 23 seconds.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Do you know what? We got a WhatsApp group of everyone who was on the show. This is good. I like to hear this. And the profile picture is Elizabeth Taylor because everyone said that Sue Perkins looks like Elizabeth Taylor. How does Sue Perkins feel about that? I think she likes it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:29 The photo's Elizabeth Taylor. What's the group called, if you don't mind me asking? Oh, I'll have a check. Yeah, have a look. Does it change quite a lot? The name hasn't changed. And guess what? I'm the admin.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Bet you didn't see that coming, Ed. What's that? What's that?app oh hold on a second sorry this is taskmaster 16 crew all right okay yeah so here's some some stuff pretty nice yeah lovely yeah oh is it quite active yeah it's man look at all these messages it's vibrant it's gonna kick off as well when the when it's broadcasting i think yeah that's man look at all these messages it's vibrant it's gonna kick off as well when the when it's broadcasting i think yeah that's all our water bottles that we got so hang on quite a lot of black and white photos my phone is in black and white so my you can put your phone in black and white if you don't want to be controlled by it um sue does worse than you like i say she does it for over a minute longer than you lucy pretty
Starting point is 00:25:28 close as well 28 minutes um here's something i'm still trying to work out sam um when lucy sees the sword and the stone and all of the clues she says she feels like she's in dubai yeah any idea why is that something they have at the dub airport or something? I don't think so. Yeah. Well, yeah, she's like on another plane. But I, yeah, we stayed at the same hotel. And yeah, well, we would always get lifts in. And yeah, I felt like we were on the same page with a few things.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Yeah, I think so. There was sort of an unspoken thing between you two, I think. Yeah. Yeah. Well, at one point we tried to do a high five and it was, it was, it was, it didn't, it didn't happen. I don't know if it made it in, but there was a bit where she went to high five me and I went to high five her and we missed the high five.
Starting point is 00:26:17 And it was like. And is that stuck in your brain since then? I just, I thought, I hope that hasn't been immortalized. I think it has, isn't it? Is that in a future episode? Oh, don't tell me that. Yeah, it has, hasn't it? Is that in a future episode? Oh, don't tell me that. Yeah, it has been apparently. We'll get that deleted.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Pixelate that, please. At least for the pre-Watershed. I don't want the kiddies seeing their hero missing a high five with a national treasure. I feel like I would have maybe panicked a little bit on this task and done what Lucy did and phoned the Women's Institute. But I like the idea that she thought if she called them, there would be a clue at the other end of the line.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Yeah, yeah. Like they've drilled the Women's Institute to be like, if you get a call from this number, you've got to answer and say Widdicombe, something like that. Oh, that would be kind of interesting. That would be good. Yeah. Quite a lot of admin. She does eventually get it though 28 minutes i'm trying to think but i mean you wouldn't put it past these guys no their tentacles
Starting point is 00:27:10 reach deep yes um susan google's people who are related to katherine knollies how do you feel about susan using google yeah um do you not think it's fine it's outside of the spirit? Someone once told me Google's not going to be around in three years. Really? Yeah. Who told you that? Oh, far out. One of my people that I talk to on the pier. One of my guys on the DLR.
Starting point is 00:27:41 No, do you know what I mean? Because apparently, yeah, like there's going to be a news, there's rumblings at Google. And do you find that when you use it now, it's not as accurate and that the first page, there's a lot more promo advertising? Yeah, there's a lot more of that for sure. But then what of Gmail? Yeah, well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:58 I'm a big Gmail guy, you know. I know. No one knows more than me. I send you a lot of emails. Oh, yeah. Are they from you? Yeah. you know no one knows more than me you know i send you a lot of emails oh yeah are they from you um well i i look i used google a couple of times when when i was on the show and i always felt bad
Starting point is 00:28:13 about it it feels like it's not within the spirit of the show yeah um so look it was fine she got the points not a fan of the googling but it was very effective oh you think it's not in the spirit of things no i don't think it's in the spirit of things to use google it's it's it's a fast and easy way of doing things yeah do you think maybe they should have a no phone rule i think a no phone rule yeah um you're not gonna give alex horn is the problem you know yeah he's in the top one percent of ashley madison users so but he wouldn't be he wouldn't be banned from using his phone though well he's on there a lot yeah yeah but i think he could he could keep using his phone for ashley madison yeah um of course we know josh whittakin is related to katherine nollie's from the show who do you think you are
Starting point is 00:28:57 oh right that's where it comes from uh and i've seen that episode so i would have known straight away so i would have won this task. Julian. What? I mean, I'm surprised Julian wins this, because it really doesn't feel like he's going to, seeing as he doesn't know the name of anyone. He's just such an ultimate gentleman in the way that, yeah. He's just one of these people where you're just like, ah, he's just with it.
Starting point is 00:29:22 He's just, yeah, he gets it. Well, he calls Rob Beckett the man with the teeth. Yeah. with it he's just yeah he gets it well he calls rob beckett the man with the teeth yeah and then literally finds a picture of josh behind that door which must be very frustrating for the rest of you knowing that there was the ultimate clue hid behind that door yeah um and then just calls him small and nasally and spends about spends about eight minutes trying to remember his name yeah it's all right i mean it's i kind of like you know because all comedians are so obsessed with what everyone else is up to you know even before we record you like what's rufus hound doing what's going on like but you know julian just doesn't
Starting point is 00:29:55 care he like you picture him in the hammock you can picture he's not like troubled by all that he's not you know yeah he's just he's outside of it he's not in the green room you know suzy ruffles got one of the you know he's like got his own world yeah absolutely because he's a legend i just wonder what people he knows i bet he like no yeah he thought i mean he'd asked me for a diet coke off and i said oh i'm not working the show the diet cokes are over there by the sign you know what he had you know how they have the after party and that other thing? Yeah. He said it reminded him of a Wetherspoons. It was so funny.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Everything he said, like even if he said something and it was only two words, it would be so funny. Yeah, great. It was five points for Julian, four points for Susan, three points for Lucy, two points for you, Sam, and one point for Sue. Who are all these people in pictures? That's a good question. Giles. Someone.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Someone Giles. Nearly. That man with the teeth. Rob Beckett. Rob Beckett. They're all comedians? Yes. Well, Adrian Giles isn't. Aha. Another comedian. Another comedian.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Do I know supposed to know his name? Do you recognise him? I do, yes. No, he's very funny. Yeah. That face, what is his name? He's sort of small and nasally. He is small, that's exactly right, yeah. I've always liked him. Oh, only a heard against him.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Josh? Is it a Josh? Josh? Widdicombe? Widdicombe? That was it. Can't see that coming back to me. I've stopped the clock.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Oh, dear. You can get Make a cheeky picture on this piece of wood using nails Order now. Product availability may vary by region. See app for details. Task two, make a cheeky picture on this piece of wood using nails and one continuous piece of wire. Also, if any egg timers stop, you must stare at the camera, shaking your head for 10 seconds. Best cheeky picture wins. You have 20 minutes. Your time starts now.
Starting point is 00:32:18 You call that an egg timer, not an hourglass. I've got egg timer written down here. Yeah. And did it say egg timer on the task? I've got a timer written down here. Yeah. And did it say egg timer on the task? I've got a real egg timer figure. That would be a better phrase.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Do you not use the phrase egg timer in Australia? Oh, I use all. I use every phrase. You use every phrase? Even the bad ones? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. How did you feel about this one, Sam?
Starting point is 00:32:49 Because I would describe you as cheeky. Really? It's probably played quite into your hands. Yeah, you're like a Beano character. I'm a neurotypical dude. You're cheeky. Yeah, maybe a little bit, yeah. I have my moments.
Starting point is 00:33:02 I liked this one a lot, yeah. Yeah, i thought your your picture here first of all the hack of using the nail to scratch a drawing in genius i thought that's what you had to do really yeah really that was your first thought yeah yeah in fact because alex says oh you're doing it like that are you and said how else do you how else do you make a picture with a nail yeah but then you did use the wire as well properly to depict the woman with lovely hair. Do you find gold doesn't show up that well on screen?
Starting point is 00:33:31 Gold? Yeah. Oh, was it? But it was yellow, wasn't it? It was gold. It was like really beautiful. Yeah. I feel like, yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:39 I thought it showed up beautifully, yeah. It actually, the lady you depicted actually looks a lot like Josh Whittakin to tie it back to the... Oh, right on, okay, yeah. Yeah actually, the lady you depicted actually looks a lot like Josh Whittakin, to tie it back to the... Oh, right on, okay, yeah. Yeah, but luckily for us... Hopefully she doesn't get trapped in some sort of parenting hell.
Starting point is 00:33:53 No, no, we're just kidding, guys. That's just a bit of... Just a bit of humour. Yeah. Where does he live? Where does he live? I know where he lives. I'll tell you after the episode.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Yeah, well... But if we have to record another one of these in the future, Sam, maybe we could do it at his house. Hey, that'd be all right. Yeah, yeah. We could have a little snoop around. It's the woman who hides her hair under the hat even though she's got lovely hair.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Again, I think this could be a running story. Maybe this character could appear in Piazza Slippery. Oh, really? Yeah. The hat. Mrs. Hat. Mrs. Hat, yeah. Because you can't call her mrs hair because that reveals her secret exactly yeah yeah people are like well she maybe she doesn't have
Starting point is 00:34:30 any hair yeah how were you competitive in taskmaster like if so say like sue got the same amount of points as you here were you happy about that or were you like god it was me who deserved the five points do you get competitive well you know my ethos life is not a race it's a painting but i also felt like pressure from the show itself to be like oh you've got to really like when they would say they're like and you only got this oh right so i almost feel like yeah i didn't really you didn't really care if not so much about the points and stuff like that yeah but you felt like the show put pressure on you to act like you did care about the points.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Maybe a little bit. I don't know. But that's part of the fun. Yeah. Yeah. It's like if you're playing, you know, I guess if you're,
Starting point is 00:35:13 yeah, it's like when you're playing table tennis, you know. Well, Sue does a cock and balls. Yeah. Disgusting.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Foul. More filth. Incredible. Juicy. But it's a great cock and balls. Yeah. Disgusting. Foul. More filth. Incredible. Juicy. But it's a great cock and balls. Yeah, she did well. Yeah. Say compared to Lucy's cock and balls, which she says it's a penis with wings.
Starting point is 00:35:35 It had wings. Yeah. But it didn't come out. It didn't come out great. No. But as Sue says, who would have thought she'd be the one to render a penis very well? It did look like a flying penis if it had flown into a window. Yes.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Or a helicopter chopper. Very, very bad. Apparently they're going away, helicopters. Really? Three years, there won't be any helicopters. What other things are going away in three years? Because so far it's Google and helicopters. Things that are going away?
Starting point is 00:36:08 Yeah. Jackfruit, it's having a moment now, but that's on its way out. Also, what are they called? They're where people are just riding on a wheel along the road and they're just standing on a wheel. What, those hoverboard things. Yeah. There's going to be some legislation.
Starting point is 00:36:27 So if you've got one of them, sell up quick. Yeah. Okay. Thank you very much for the advice. Have you been on one of those before? I'd really like to go on one. They're very difficult to get right.
Starting point is 00:36:37 I think because it's, it's all about weight distribution. Everything in life that's worth doing is, is, is tough. Yes. Um, Julian does a sperm. Uh, did you think it was a good sperm yeah you did but i'm kind of a fan of the guy i'm kind of biased but yeah it was really perfect yeah if one of my sperm looked like that i would be honored uh and susan i think
Starting point is 00:37:00 i think i think because of you and Lucy, I think quite often Susan being insane gets overshadowed. Yeah. And then sometimes it just really comes through in the series. And this is one of those occasions that when someone asked her to do a cheeky picture, her first thought was draw a lady with her boobs out feeding it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Well, I can't talk too much about this individual because there's some legal action, but we will say that she is a psychopath. feeding it yeah well i can't talk too much about this individual because i got there's some legal action but i think we will say that she is a psychopath there's some legal action between you and susan yeah i've got a lot of legals paralegals a lot of people in that profession are working on this case okay well we won't go into too many details then um was there a longer discussion in the studio about the the um topless lady feeding the dog picture? Not so much.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Not that I recall. So it was just brushed over that Susan thought it was cheeky. Imagine if you were topless feeding your dog. Yeah. And then she goes, and it's cheeky and it's weird. I loved that when she said that. Yeah. It's very, very funny.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Yeah. Also, I would say, I don't think it was one continuous piece of wire. I think she stringed two pieces of wire together and I would not call that a continuous piece of wire. You get hung up on stuff like that. Yeah. You're one of those, are you? Yeah. As should Greg.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Greg should be picking up on these things. Oh, Greg, yeah. Yeah. He seems a bit relaxed this series. I'll say that. What? I'm more pernickety, I think. Well, look at this.
Starting point is 00:38:20 The whipping boy gets a hold of the whip. One point for Lucy, two points for Julian, three points for Susan, five points for you, Sam, and five points for Susan. Did I? As well, yeah. Five's the best you can get. And finally, Sue Perkins, and this is more recognisable.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Here we go. Cheeky. Yeah. Good. Yeah. That's what I needed. If you were to take a bet beforehand, who would be the person least likely to...
Starting point is 00:38:48 LAUGHTER No-one's more shocked than I am. It's a lovely attention to detail. Yeah. And I hope this is appropriate. A lovely girth. I wanted to make it aspirational but attainable. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Stars three, make mischief. Most mischievous wins. You have a maximum of half an hour. Your time starts now. It's the second mention in the series of The Secret Task. Yeah. Now, when Alex first mentions The Secret Task in episode one, you are the one who's intrigued the most, I think.
Starting point is 00:39:22 I think it really caught you on the back foot. Were you thinking at that point, I need to find the secret task? No, I just thought it was a creepy through line. Actually, can I tell you what my fear was? Yes. And I'm one of the most delusional and paranoid people, but I thought maybe it was something he was just saying to me
Starting point is 00:39:38 just to get a rise out of me. Interesting. Yeah. Yeah. Which is perfectly possible. Just the way he would say it. Like, have you seen secret and i yeah i thought maybe i was being it was a targeted attack well i mean you're kind of right to be paranoid
Starting point is 00:39:52 because this task actually does put you in a position where that you're the only one having to do something and people have directly targeted you yeah i mean let's talk about this straight away because susan's uh mischievous task is to set you your own task, which is stand up and shout mice whenever you hear or see mice. Sit down and whisper fish whenever you see or hear fish. You have 20 minutes.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Most fish and mice seen and heard wins. I think this is one of the best things anyone has ever done in the history of Taskmaster. I think it's genius. It was really, yeah. And she even had her own custom seal. Custom seal, which you didn't't notice You just popped open the task And you tried really hard in the task
Starting point is 00:40:30 You tried so hard you started drawing your own fish and mice Oh yeah I did some like cheap trick As you call them yeah How did you feel watching that back Because you cut back to the studio I was furious I wanted to kill her and i pursued legal action oh is this is this why all the legal actions come happening yeah
Starting point is 00:40:52 she's gonna be behind bars in a federal prison they're gonna put her in prison in another country yeah wow um well you called her a nut job is what you did yeah yeah that's not i also as they cut stuff i also called her a nut job is what you did. Yeah. Yeah. That's not, I also, as they cut stuff, I also called her a fruitcake and a psycho. Did you feel, I mean, you felt like your paranoia was absolutely justified after seeing this. But here's what I think, Sam,
Starting point is 00:41:18 and you're going to enjoy this. I think you should have got some points for that task. Oh, really? Yeah. No, no. Because you were set a task. But I fell for it. Yeah, but you're not going to walk into every task and go,
Starting point is 00:41:29 Susan McComb has set this. I'm not going to do it. Otherwise, you get no points for the whole series. You got presented with a task. You did it to the best of your ability, which you did very, very well. I feel like you should have got at least two bonus points for completing a task that no one else completed. Yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 00:41:45 You're very relaxed about this. You don't have the competitive spirit, do you? I think maybe it manifests in different ways. Yeah, but this taught me a lot, this one. What did it teach you? It's so much of this kind of thing will happen where something means so much to you and then you find out that it actually didn't mean anything. but then you realize it did mean something because we are the ones that
Starting point is 00:42:08 assign meaning okay so really philosophical it made you feel quite philosophical sort of like even when they were like ah and she said and you're like yeah but i still did it and i still felt it and yeah you can't get too hung up on like this means this and this means that because you find that so many so many where you're like this is important to me and then later you realize you're like what the hell well like you'll have an enemy do you know what i mean and then you'll have and then you'll later on you'll you know you yeah you'll end up in a canoe with them or like something nice will happen with them like you can't yeah you can't be too have you ever ended up in a canoe with uh with your enemy yeah who was that?
Starting point is 00:42:45 Like a school friend who we were enemies and then became quite good friends and yeah, even went canoeing together. Yeah. And do you know what happened? Oh, this is great. We went, we canoed past a nest. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:58 And it was not eggs. We ran over to look and it wasn't eggs in there. Yeah. There were no eggs in there. No. Yeah. I'll tell you off the podcast what was in there. Well, tell me now. Tell me now. A dead bird.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Oh, no. So how did that make you and your enemy feel? Well, now for end, we were like shocked. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's big stuff. Well, you got one point for this.
Starting point is 00:43:44 You've surely got to cut all that. i yeah one point yeah yeah yeah i got tricked and i was um they definitely uh yeah they they sandbagged me badly and i feel like in the edit they found the shots where i looked the most distressed yes what in your particular uh attempt at this task or when susan after after it had been revealed they showed me going yeah yeah yeah um but your attempt uh was only one point which i was surprised by because you are a mischievous little boy um i think you just you maybe telegraphed it too much by asking for alex's phone to oh the thing with the hammer and oh yeah that was terrible that was such a dad that was that was awful was that on the day you didn't enjoy i can't remember but yeah it could have been part of that with that one yeah so the prank was that you said you were borrowing
Starting point is 00:44:29 alex's phone for a prank call yeah um and that was your mischievous thing yeah and then you switch the phones out yeah to a yeah to a dummy phone to a dummy phone and then came back in and you know what they cut what it was hot water that was in the bowl does that make a difference not so much you drop the phone in a bowl and then started hitting it with a hammer yeah and alex said that at no point did he think that it was his phone yeah yeah he do you feel yeah he kind of like dropped the mask a little on this one. He did. Yeah. Yeah, I really think he did. When Greg said, did you think it was your phone? Yeah, yeah. Never at any point.
Starting point is 00:45:09 We see a bit more of the Alex we see off screen where, you know, he's like very publicly checking his bank account. He goes, oh, right. You know what he does? He goes, well, this is what he, he goes, yeah, wow. Speaking of six zeros. And then he points at all the crew and goes back to work um one point for your prank sadly um two points for lucy's prank uh who does a seance uh and then uh yeah records her voice counting down and steals things from
Starting point is 00:45:43 people's pockets greg seems to suggest it's not good because the people she got to do it don't put on a good performance. Do you think that was fair? Yeah, it was the crew. It was Clarence, it was Luke Smith, and it was Amy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Do you feel like they can be held accountable for this? I guess they just wouldn't have known what was up and they would have just, yeah. I mean, these people, well, it's, I mean, you know, I might get flack for this, they don't belong on camera. Let's see their name flying past in the credits at the end, but that's not actually... She blows in their face and stuff as well.
Starting point is 00:46:24 I mean, I thought it was a good idea. i mean i thought i thought it was a good idea i thought it was a good idea and then it was historically accurate yeah absolutely um but i guess the real issue with it was the recorded voice you you can very clearly hear the changeover from her voice the recorded voice and then she's very clearly moving around blowing on people's faces and steeping their stuff but um i like the idea uh i was less actually maybe less a fan of julian's i was surprised it got three points over lucy's where he wrote fan letters to stephen mulhern and jacob reese mogg oh this got like the biggest laugh in the studio of the whole thing almost they cut it what the the how big the laugh was they cut a bit where he called jacob reese mogg the c word right and it
Starting point is 00:47:05 just like explode the way just do you know what i mean that sounds like maybe a bit but the way he said it in the context and everything he just dropped it and everyone just went bananas yeah i bet he got some huge monster laughs yeah i'm sure and he doesn't like revel in them like he just surfs them he's sort of amazing to me i love how much of a fan of julian clary you are what do you know you don't think he's sophisticated of course i do i think he's brilliant but it's just it's like this has been a huge revelation to you during this series yeah yeah um do you think this this deserves three points though i know you love the guy yeah but writing the letters you had a half hour window to do something mischievous he wrote the letters
Starting point is 00:47:41 within that half hour window those letters are doing nothing doing nothing. I didn't know who the people he was talking about. I didn't know anything about what he was doing. I didn't understand it at all. Right, okay, fair enough. So you can't really comment on that. But I still give him five.
Starting point is 00:47:54 I don't think it causes that much misfit. For his penmanship. Well, the penmanship of Peter MacDonald, I believe that was his pen name. Yeah, there's a lot of made up names in this show. Adrian Childs, all these crazy people. I don I believe. That was his pen name. Yeah, there's a lot of made-up names in this show.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Adrian Charles, all these crazy people. I don't know who the fuck are these people. England's amazing because you can become famous and look like a candle. Just in Australia, they're like stunning people. That's why I had to move over here. Disgusting porridge sniffers. Sorry, cut that. Cut everything I've said've said no it's all staying in man um sue immediately wants to create a portcullis yeah that was awesome yeah absolutely awesome uh tempts alex into the caravan uh with lollies he's got to do his own task and it's nice
Starting point is 00:48:41 to see alex do tasks and see that he would be committed to them if he had to do tasks because he's dribbling everywhere you can see gobbles flobbing out of his mouth onto the floor and then he's into the caravan and the portcullis comes down and sue just screams portcullis yeah in a very childish way as greg said i i really love this one what is portcullis is that similar to like what era is that from well it's on like castles and stuff so like trebuchet times yeah so trebuchet times yeah as it's known historically the trebuchet times yeah it'd be on the front of a castle yeah for defense and stuff but the amount of effort she put into it just to scream portcullis into his face yeah i thought it was great and the sense of joy incredible yeah loved it four points well. But it was five points for Susan, four points for Sue,
Starting point is 00:49:25 three points for Julian, two points for Lucy and only one point for you, Sam. This lady's a nut job. And you invented the game. I wanted it to be, like I said, like victim-based. And you were the victim, I'm so sorry. It was amazing. That was amazing. But also just like, you know, lock her up. And you were the victim. I'm so sorry. It was amazing.
Starting point is 00:49:46 That was amazing. But also just like, you know, lock her up. I never spotted that mice, fish is an anagram of mischief. Oh! How deep does this go, Wakama? Let's talk about the live tasks. Did you enjoy doing the live tasks? I think so, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:05 Yeah? Had a good time? I've been hit on the head a few times since I did the show. Well, this live task, write down one thing you like and one thing you don't like. You have 30 seconds. And then part two is draw your two things at the same time. You must be drawing with both hands and stare at the taskmaster throughout the task. Best pair of pictures wins. I'd like to retract and portcullis my answer i actually hated this one oh okay
Starting point is 00:50:29 why just got tricked well you got tricked because this episode was i got tricked a lot and um yeah i was like what have i signed up for they will trick you yeah and this would have been day one of filming the studio right yeah yeah it was episode two i did well during the days and at night it would fall apart i was king of the day and then sue perkins was queen of the night and you know she tried to bribe me did she as i was walking home she like rode past in her chariot and she offered me turkish delight she goes take this boy and let me win this series like narnia a little bit like that yeah you if i had to nail you down to a character in Narnia, you would be Edmund.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Who's that? Which one is he? He's the kid who gets given the Turkish delight. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Turns on his friends. I would prefer to be any other. I would like to be one of the more woodland creatures. Probably Aslan.
Starting point is 00:51:22 You're not an Aslan, man. What the hell? Why not? You're Tumnus if you're a creature. Who are you? I or probably Aslan. You're not an Aslan, man. What the hell? Why not? You're Tumnus if you're a creature. Who are you? I'm probably Aslan. You think you're, you've, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:30 I'm Aslan or Mrs. Beaver. Probably. Hmm. Yeah, see, I'm not as familiar. I know that all the kids die in the end, in the last book. Well, this is a suggestion,
Starting point is 00:51:40 isn't it? That they're all dead. Yeah. They die in a train crash. That's what happens in the last book. Yeah, but I just, I refuse it? That they're all dead. Yeah. They died in a train crash. That's what happens in the last book. Yeah. But I just,
Starting point is 00:51:46 I refuse to believe it. The last battle. It's very sad. Are you a huge Narnia fan? I used to be. Yeah. Wow. You know,
Starting point is 00:51:56 cool stuff. Cool stuff, Lewis. So, you know, it's, it's obviously a allegory for Christianityianity yeah no no allegedly and then lord of the rings is a very uh atheistic book yeah so jr tolkien used to be a fervent christian
Starting point is 00:52:16 and cs lewis was an atheist and they met once and had like a four-hour discussion and uh swapped swapped ideologies they convinced each other of their different ideologies. Wow. And then those books were written. That's amazing. That's like me and you. It is like me and you. I'm going to walk around, walk away with some tats and a penchant for blood music and heavy
Starting point is 00:52:37 stuff and you know. And I mean, I'm going to do whatever you do. You're going to live my life. Yeah. Living in one of those sheds on the side of the road with the bikes um do you think your life sucks if anyone please write in and trade lives with me please please please do you think your your esoteric choices of something you like and something you don't like really came back to bite you? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Yeah. Were you a bit annoyed that you went for weird, weird odd things? I just panicked. I didn't know. I thought maybe it had something to do with someone else would have to guess ours. Right. So I tried to set, to trick them.
Starting point is 00:53:18 So you tried to pick difficult things that other people wouldn't be able to guess. So you picked world cinema and negative gearing. Yeah, which I don't know what that is. No. But it's something that people are talking about in Australia and it So you picked World Cinema or Negative Gearing. Yeah, which I don't know what that is. No. But it's something that people were talking about in Australia and it's only in Australia
Starting point is 00:53:28 they have that. I think Alex Googled it, didn't he? He said, don't have it in England. But I thought actually if you had to represent Negative Gearing
Starting point is 00:53:36 in a drawing, I thought you did pretty well. Thanks, Ed. That's nice. I mean, it's still impossible, but there were some gears falling. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:43 It was quite good. But it was one point, obviously, because there was no way Greg was going to guess that. Lucy draws peas and cauliflower. Really tickled me. And somehow, drawing a cauliflower drew a better penis than she managed with the nail and wire. Yeah, sometimes the answers come to you at different times.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Yeah, just look in a different direction. You draw a better penis. That's the lesson. Penis. Sex. Susan. Susan draws dancing and sweaty backs.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Yeah. I love the representation of sweaty backs. Do you have a sweaty back? I do right now, yeah. Really? Yeah. Not in general, I would say.
Starting point is 00:54:22 How about you? I'd like, yeah, I wouldn't mind you collecting some of that stuff in a cup and um maybe i could drink it yeah not the question i asked i was just asking you about your sweaty do you have a sweaty no i don't really sweat much and you know i've got really not much armpit hair at all no me neither i'd love to get more yeah but i don't have any to give you if that's what yeah well we could go out there and get some, yeah. Sue and Julian both draw Stephen Mulhern and Jacob Rees-Mogg.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Yeah. But then Julian gets five and Sue gets four. I feel like they should have got joint points. Yeah, maybe, yeah. That's an interesting theory. Because I think Sue's Jacob Rees-Mogg was better than Julian's Jacob Rees-Mogg, but I've realized that probably doesn't mean anything to you because you don't know who Jacob Rees-Mogg is.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Have you since looked him up? I think I do know who he maybe I don't know the other guy Rees-Mogg I really like doesn't he like still have a nanny at like
Starting point is 00:55:17 age 50 he's that sort of guy yeah Mulhern is a TV host he works with Anton Deck a lot and he's about to host a reboot of the show Deal or No Deal. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:55:28 So there you go. Keep an eye out for him. That show did so much for briefcases. They were seen as so boring and now they're kind of golden and a bit of spiff and a bit of, you know, yeah. It's boxes here. It's not briefcases.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Oh, you don't have briefcases? No. Really? And do you have the monkey? No, we don't have the monkey. They do not have the monkey. Wow, yours is so different. In Australia, if you get 50 cents, that's the monkey.
Starting point is 00:55:49 And a little animated monkey comes on screen. He's like, you did the wrong thing. It's different, yeah. Yeah, it's very different. So Sue and Susan are joint on 19 points. And my mum is also called Susan. That's exciting for you. Does she know that you were on Taskmaster
Starting point is 00:56:07 with another lady called Susan? Yeah, annoyingly, my parents actually came to one of the episodes because they were going on holidays. So they came and they saw an episode. So they'd come over from Australia on holiday? To go to Italy, yeah. To go to Italy?
Starting point is 00:56:22 Yeah. And then they popped in to see a record? Yeah, and they met Sue Perkins and they were so excited. They couldn't believe it. Oh, really? That's who they were most excited to meet? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:31 And Julian as well? Did they share your... I think they did meet Julian, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. How did they... Have they seen the show before? Were they excited that you were on it?
Starting point is 00:56:40 I think they... Well, they hadn't seen it before and I think they they my mom called alex horn the weasel i think she just thinks that's what he's called she's like yeah the weasel the taskmaster in the weasel he's doing some show he has to catch this guy the weasel so it all went down to a tie break between sue and Susan, learn pi to the most decimal places. Do you remember filming that one? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:07 How well, how well did you do on that one? I kept saying numbers for ages and ages, hoping that they'd like coincide. I didn't know it had to be consecutive. And so I said numbers for like 20 minutes and people were so pissed off. That cameraman, Sam wanted to like choke me and.
Starting point is 00:57:22 No, Sam, Sam's lovely. I really tested his patience so you wouldn't have won every day I would do something that people
Starting point is 00:57:28 were like we should have this is we should have done a background check this guy is not okay Sue wins the tie break and learns pie to the most decimal places so Susan comes in
Starting point is 00:57:37 second place Julian had 16 points you got 12 points Sam and Lucy got 10 points meaning the series scores. Julian's on 35, you and Susan are in joint second on 33 points, Sue on 32 points, and Lucy languishing on 23 points. But at the top, 35, 33, 32, it's all pretty close so far. No one's streaking ahead. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:59 We're only on episode two. A lot to happen. Sam, thank you so much for coming on the taskmaster podcast oh thanks so much we always ask our guests on the taskmaster podcast to rate their experience on the podcast between one and five points in the style of the taskmaster we hope you've had a nice time but please give it a points rating five the host was very accommodating thank you very much sam i love water thank you so much to Sam for coming on the Taskmaster podcast and thanks so much to Sam
Starting point is 00:58:32 for making it in person it was a lot of fun we will have more chat about Taskmaster specifically episode 3 of series 16 next week straight after the main show on channel 4, 9pm 10pm this podcast will be out with another fantastic guest.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Thank you very much for listening. Until then, enjoy yourselves. Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing. With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer. I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means.
Starting point is 00:59:44 I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising. Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative.

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