Taskmaster The Podcast - Ep 150. *New Year's Treat Winner*

Episode Date: January 2, 2024

Merry Christmas all Taskmaster Podcast listeners and a Happy New Year! To celebrate Ed is joined by the winner of this year's New Year treat! Enjoy the inside scoop on Deborah, Kojey, Lenny, Steve and... Zoe! It's a brilliant episode with some top notch competitiveness and great tasks! We will be back very soon for a Champion of Champions episode so keep your eyes and ears pealed! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, it's Ed Gamble here, the host of the Taskmaster Podcast, and this is of course the Taskmaster Podcast, it feels a while since we've spoken. It has been a while, but very exciting that we're back on track now because we're going to be talking today about the New Year's Treats. I hope everyone had a decent enough Christmas and a decent enough New Year, but you know, the thing we all look forward to the most is the Tastmaster New Year's Treats, an opportunity for other celebrities from outside the world of comedy, although there are some comedy adjacent people in the lineup get a chance to do the will of the taskmaster. And it was an absolutely fantastic episode. If you've not seen it, do go and catch up, watch it wherever you watch it. I mean, it's all four, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:00:56 That's that's where you gotta go watch it. And we're gonna be speaking today to the winner of the taskmaster New Year's treats. Now, if you've not seen it, do not listen from this point, because I will be saying who that is, and we will be speaking to them. The winner was Lenny Rush.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Of course it was. He was absolutely wonderful on the episode, stiff competition from Koji Radicals, certainly, and Steve Baxchill, Debra Medin, less competition from Debra, I'd say, and Zoe was solid, Zoe was solid, but no one could beat Lenny a great performance from Deborah, I'd say. Zoe was solid, Zoe was solid, but no one could beat Lenny a great performance from him. And we're very excited that we can be talking to Lenny.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Now, Lenny is obviously 15 years old. He had to record this before he did lessons. It's the first time we've done that on the Taskmaster podcast. And the first time, I think there's been a teenager competing in Taskmaster, I know that for a fact actually. So many, many firsts today, speak to Lenny, excited to meet Lenny, it's going to be a great episode. This is the Taskmaster New Year's Tree as discussed by Lenny Rush. Welcome Lenny to the Taskmaster podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Thanks, you! I'm sure it's like to be here. Well, it's an absolute honour to have you here. Of course, you are the winner of the Taskmaster New Year's Treats 2024. 2024 technically, that's what it showed. Yeah, I think so. Yeah, so you get to be a champion for a whole year. I know. Are you excited to be the winner? Is that what you're aiming for when you went into the New Year's Treats?
Starting point is 00:02:24 Yes. Well, I't think I would. It was quite tricky, but so I'm getting it spectacular, but yeah, I gave it a go and there we go, I'm here, I'm going to... Are you competitive, would you say? Did you sort of look forward to beating everyone? Oh yeah, I'm massively competitive. In the, I'm in the final round, I've got really close and I get really nervous and I happen when it, which is really weird, but can't you say trophy of gold and I, but I just, I actually, I actually, I just, I just, I just, I just, where does the, do you have the trophy now? Where does the trophy live in your house? Where does the do you have the trophy now? Where does the trophy live in your house? I've got a little desk so I've got a little sort of award thing above my TV and I could have any outfits. It's so big. So I've got I've got I've put it on my desk. But yeah, I'm so pleased with it.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Of course, yeah, you've got multiple awards, Lenny, but now you've got the Golden eyebrows, which is surely the award that means the most to you. Yeah, we don't forget all of them, forget all of the other ones. It's the Golden Eyebrows, the one. Before you did, Tassmos Nia's treat, were you a fan of the show? Had you seen much of the show before? I love it. I actually really love it.
Starting point is 00:03:43 I was just starting from the beginning and when I love it. I actually really love it. I am, I watched, so it was slightly from the beginning and when I watched it with my dad, I went to the National Comedy Awards and I didn't tell us much, I had to read out, I actually did them, was it called, presently awards, that's it, so my mum went blank. Yeah, I had to present them the awards and that's when I, because I told her a bit before, I mean who I think and um so one of his energy get a full you know of goodness and what I love it is so good. Well you're absolutely fantastic on the show as well. Had you had you watched and of course um you worked with Daisy May Cooper a lot and she was on
Starting point is 00:04:19 series 10. Had you had you seen any of her efforts on series 10? I think lips yeah yeah's crazy isn't she? Yeah, she's crazy but she's lovely, she's amazing. Oh Daisy's the best, but did you take any, when you saw Daisy's clips and the way she was performing on taskmaster, did you take any sort of advice from that? Did you, did you take any tips or pointers or did you decide to go in the opposite direction? I went a complete opposite because God knows my day, He's gonna go, what's He's gonna do?
Starting point is 00:04:52 So I just went on the young road. That's the best way to do it. Before you're going in, did you know your fellow competitors on the New Year's treat? Did you have any idea what they might be like? Did you think someone was going to be big competition in particular? Yeah, well, I hadn't met any of them, but I knew I was going to them. And I thought my biggest competitor would be Steve Bachel, because I thought if he can get strangled by a burysonating fight rules, I thought he could win the gold in my belly, but he couldn't. He might have matched. I think that means now you're allowed to take eyebrows, but it's really nice.
Starting point is 00:05:25 I think that means now you're allowed to take over Steve Bachel's job because you beat him in Taskmaster. Yeah, I think so. Actually, no, I'll have a break, just crush myself, I'll have a break, I'll have a break with it. I should get the snakes with a little while. Yeah, let's leave them to one side. Let's talk now about the about the episode. Let's get into it. The prize task was of course the most fun thing to be carrying when you enter a room full of people you don't know
Starting point is 00:06:05 Now let's talk about yours straight away Lenny, beer and cigarettes. Yes. Yes. I think I said this bit. I was the only kid on there. Well, I know that every adult smokes and drunks. I just sort of think you were. No, it worked. It was fantastic. I just sort of, really worked. Oh, it worked. It was fantastic.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Thank you. Thank you. It's, you appealed directly to Greg, I think. I think the idea of, he'd imagine himself being at party and then you turning up, getting the party started with, with beer and cigarettes. Yeah. It was a fantastic image.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I think so. I always happy as well, because I was happy that he'd get in, he'd get in, because obviously, it was actually turned a stitch and squash. Yeah. I was happy as well because I was happy that he was getting... because it was actually kind of sticks and squash. So I'm happy that he's getting my knee down for that. That's really, really. Yeah, I think he heard Bearing Sigarettes and then the reveal that it was actually Candy Sigs and squash
Starting point is 00:06:57 didn't even register with him. I think he was just excited that it was Bearing Sigarettes. I think he's still feeling sick or that he's staying with his dad. Or even that. Yeah, I thought it was beer and cigarettes. I think it's still fantastic. It's been the same with dancing. Yeah, I thought it was absolutely fantastic. Thank you. The fake, the fake, when they would turn out to be candy cigarettes and squash, was that you came up with that idea or did someone take you to one side and say we're going to have to say this is fake cigarettes and squash so you don't get in trouble? Yeah, well, my mum actually helped me come up with the idea for that. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:07:25 um, yeah, and I said sort of, I think we were sort of like, being a said that she's a joke and then my mom went, well, can't get to get to school. Yeah, you know, she's not going to him for it. Yeah, that absolutely, to me, felt like it had a mum's hand in the situation. If it was me, if it was me, you know, no, in the situation. It did. It did. It felt like it was me. No, it's...
Starting point is 00:07:45 And look, you got five points for it. That's the top amount of points. But Koji also got five points with the six robot puppies doing a synchronized dance, which was, I thought, just a fantastic effort. It was good. It was good. It was really good. It looked amazing.
Starting point is 00:08:03 The dance that he'd clearly been working on for a long time with them was fantastic. And I think this is when we get the idea that Koji has seen a lot of TASMASTER. He is well versed in TASMASTER, I think. I think he has, yeah. I think I remember he mentioned a few songs, obviously, he's seen it and he likes it. So I think, yeah, when I got there as well, I think I really loved that he'd be a bit of a competition as well. Yeah, yeah, and I think I think this marked him out as competition when I mean he was very confident about this price task It did look absolutely amazing and I do love the image of him walking into a party with six robot puppies who all do that dance I think that'd be amazing, but Yeah, if you then walk into the room with the beer and cigarettes, I'm not looking at the robot puppy. I'm straight out to you with the beer and
Starting point is 00:08:49 cigarette. Exactly. Exactly. That was my own. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I think, you know, it was good that you both got five points. It's very generous of Greg, but I think if I had to, if I had to really pick the five point winner, it would be you, Lenny, I'll be honest. Thank you, me too. That was a nice. Let's go right down to the bottom of the table now. And let's try and work out why Debra brought a bingo cage in
Starting point is 00:09:14 and why she thought that was a good idea. It would come like that. That was, that's it. Yeah, that sort of sucks me. Yeah, I don't know what she was thinking really. I mean, what would you think if you were in a room full of people? And Debra Meadon from Dragonstone walked in with a bingo cage? What would be your first thought?
Starting point is 00:09:33 You'd be a nutter. I mean, she's like, it's not like she's a business agent, she's a viscid and all these amazing told us. I thought she'd been one of them, but now she's a business agent, she's a viscuit and all these amazing told us. I thought she'd been one of them, but now she's putting a bingo wheel. She's not. She's not. It would, I think you're exactly right. I would worry about what's happened to Debra if she just came in with a bingo cage and so.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Also, they don't feel very hugely portable. Like, you've got to hold it and then do the wheel and then the balls is probably going to spill everywhere. Yeah, just got some work. It doesn't work. It does. Does he mention that he picks to an idea? So, um, it's 20 hours. I think it is.
Starting point is 00:10:15 But then as well, it was, but I think you're right. I think she was going to get one point, whatever. And it was lucky for Greg that she did definitely bring in the worst prize, because it's highly enough quite well. Greg's idea was a glass that you can drink through the bottom of, so you don't need to sit up when you're having a drink. Oh, you should have your bad idea.
Starting point is 00:10:38 It's not a bad idea. I mean, it's a very Greg idea. He is a man who likes to relax and lie down. Yeah. Greg idea, here's a man who likes to relax and lie down. Um, yeah. So I can absolutely see him and I think he genuinely thinks it's a good idea as well. I mean, Deborah not on board, but then she brought in a bingo cage so we can't swear by her business credentials. You can't say that that's not a good be an idea and then we're going to be in the bin go wheel.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Yeah, exactly. No, no, no, one point for Deborah. Yeah. Zoe brought in a one man band. Now, I thought this got two points. I thought this was a better idea than Greg gave it credit for, Lenny. It was good. I think it, because I won, it wouldn't have fit me.
Starting point is 00:11:22 So, it can take it on. It would have been massive on me. It'd been horrific. No, it was a good idea that I was to be fair. And then, yeah, I got three points. There's the other, what else? Oh, yeah, it was the lovely, lovely, getty-bellum, wasn't it? Yeah, that was, that got the three points, which, I mean, it's Steve Baxchill, obviously, he's gonna bring in a Vennermus creature at some point, right? And it's the world's most venomous creature.
Starting point is 00:11:51 It's a jellyfish, I think in Japanese jellyfish, in a jar, I would, I don't think that's a fun thing to carry into a room full of people. No, I think it'd be cool. It's a cool thing. No, not necessarily like it's not showing that you sort of get out and juggle around with his, like, like, daglet in front of people's faces and chase them around the room with it. Yeah. But still better than a bingo cage, weirdly. You know what, actually, we're doing it? I suppose that's what you'd want from backshould.
Starting point is 00:12:27 You'd want him to bring in a venomous animal, wouldn't you? So he sort of played to his strengths there. Yeah, three points. Three points. What, the one man band, I'm sure, Lady, if you ask nicely, they'd make you a new one man band set up. Yeah, a little one. If we be, you know, the creepy nut that's, a little one. If we were you know the,
Starting point is 00:12:45 you know, the creepy, not like from the story stories, the creepy man, that's bad. Yes, yeah. Yeah, I'll probably just, like just then one thing. Yeah, it's just a little one thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Yeah, yeah. Do you play any instruments, Lenny? I don't know. I remember in, in your, you know, I'm here now. I did, I did a lot of now, I'm year 10 now. I did, I did a while ago, I got so used to it, but I did like little sort of piano things in school
Starting point is 00:13:10 and I got out of class and yeah, I can't get bored. It's okay. Well luckily you've mastered acting, so that's fine. Thank you. You don't need an other string to the bow. That's all right. No, that's okay. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:13:23 So it was one point for Deborah. Two points is OE, three points for Steve, five points for you, Lenny, and five points for Koji. Okay, let us begin with Deborah Meeden. Hello. Hello. You may or may not remember, I do have beef with you. Oh. Deborah and I met on a show many, many years ago.
Starting point is 00:13:42 You do? And in the bar afterwards, I pitched an idea to her. LAUGHTER LAUGHTER LAUGHTER I didn't think it would take 15 years to get my revenge, but... Here we are, Deborah. LAUGHTER
Starting point is 00:13:56 It's a genuine idea as a horizontal glass. When you're lying on a sofa and you're enjoying a drink, it's unfortunate that you have to sit up sometimes. So I invented this glass that's got a straw comes at the bottom so that you don't have to move your chin. Horizontical. Horizontical. Devora said, were you serious?
Starting point is 00:14:14 You thought that was a good idea. And I went, I actually do think it's a good idea. And she said, it's not. LAUGHTER Anyway, let's get on with giving you one point. What have you... Let's talk about task one. It's a long, titled task.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Let's do it. Eat these poppodoms. After each mouthful, you must lose a letter of the alphabet from your vocabulary. Then either compliment Greg or insult Alex. Your insults and compliments must all be different. If you use a loss letter at any time, 10 grams will be added to your final poppodom weight. Most poppod-ons eaten wins. You have a maximum of 10 minutes, your time starts
Starting point is 00:14:49 when Alex blows his whistle. Now, I thought this was a very, very difficult task to kick off with. I never want to see a pop-it-on, I never want to see a pop-it-on. I remember, because it was one of my first tasks, the whole day. I just come from Noice Hill, I had a cup of tea and jam on the post. And then I actually got into it and I was like, it was so dry. And I was like getting some of the dips underneath. I had like, dips, it's the same. Secret dips, but I don't know how much
Starting point is 00:15:28 the dips would have helped really because all you're doing really is adding more food to the situation. I think Zoe had the best idea. I think Zoe went to get a drink from the kitchen because all we really needed was water because I think if you're adding mango chutney to it, it's just gonna make it more difficult.
Starting point is 00:15:43 I think so. Yeah, mango chutney to it, it's just gonna make it more difficult. I think so. Yeah, I mean, it was, I'm not actually in a blind thing general. I don't like poppodongs. Well, that would make it very difficult. It was horrific. Yeah, I did all for long. I think I came, I think it was setting to last.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Yes, you got the two points. Yeah. You did work out that you could feed Alex Poppodongs. That was a lovely moment where you worked out, you could feed him some instead. Yeah, it was a lovely moment. But you use the loss letters a lot. So you may not 85 mistakes, but Lenny, to your credit, you're one of the only people who actually seem to notice when you were using the loss letters. So you would say a sentence and then go, Oh, now I've used the letters.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Everyone else was just talking, they didn't seem to care. They were just going through making mistakes. So you know, thank you. I think in a way though, me noticing it may work. You're like, oh God, and then I've already got rid of O and D. You know what I mean? I just made it worse for myself.
Starting point is 00:16:48 I really like to talk about feeding Alex's Papa gongs. As soon as I come out, you always do this. I could have done it. I could have just could have just gave him loads. And I thought I should have done it. But I called him Gap and Pig. So after that, I thought I tapped his to sort of swim down a little bit. You went, yeah, you went in, pig was one of my favorite insults
Starting point is 00:17:09 of the whole task, I think. Did you also say you had weird knees? Yeah, yeah, I was really, I had a sort of like, just sort of a blanking out moment. I don't know what happened, I just sort of, yeah, like he's not so weird niece though, she looks. Yeah, definitely. No, I thought it was, I thought it was bang on. I thought you were the correct to say he had weird niece. Did you enjoy being able to insult someone when it was part of the task or did you find it awkward? See, I like it, no, not, not, not, I like, but I mean, like Alex is there and I know he's, he's, he's, um,
Starting point is 00:17:45 he doesn't show that much emotion anywhere on there. No. But I can say this now because I've won it and he can't do anything now. I'm a fraud, I've been salted red. Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. Alex gets it all, do you?
Starting point is 00:17:59 He does, yeah. You're right. Yeah, he's got me from calling him Pagan Gap. I mean, look, you can use this as an opportunity now and throw Greg some insults because, like you say, you've got the golden eyebrows. So if you want to toss a couple of insults Greg's way, please feel free. You think someone, I've got Greg and Shultt. I've got only Greg and Shult salt, which I call it. Maybe like
Starting point is 00:18:27 Lanky. Oh no, he's not Lanky. He's a bit bulky. He's a Oh, it's something salt and bulky. Yeah. Okay. Yes. Polky Greg. Yeah, but in a bad way, in a bad way. Yeah. Polky in a bad way. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. I can see how much you're enjoying this now. Lenny's rubbing his hands together. He's absolutely loving this. I love it. Feel free.
Starting point is 00:18:50 If you think of some others during the rest of the episode, just let me know and toss them in. We can put in as many as you like, but bulky in a bad way. Thank you. Is it a good way to kick off? That's a good way to kick off. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Luckily, Lenny, you got the two points because Koji, even though he finds the sources, still makes 131 mistakes, which is incredible. He doesn't really seem to care about this task, would you agree? I don't agree. I eat short, I think he's right, perfect. It's sort of just a meal for him. And he goes out sort of in a way, and I know I've got more points, but I wish I'd done way down to relax.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Yeah. And it's the way he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he's so, he. Yeah, he was kicking back. And of course, I mean, finding the sources is a real moment. And he is a taskmaster fan. So I think he would have really enjoyed the discovering the secret and finding the sources underneath the table. But he doesn't really use him to his advantage. Like he says, very relaxed.
Starting point is 00:20:00 He's just enjoying himself. He's having a meal. But what he does get out of it is a t-shirt of him feeding Alex, which he shows off in the studio. He's a great t-shirt, isn't it? I really want that t-shirt. He's named me one. He was massive. So, he's never going to try and take it down. Yeah, I wish I'd been to be like that, but I wish I found the sources as well because Like I love obviously love to ask more as well, so
Starting point is 00:20:32 Yeah, it was it was annoying, but I Tis my dad was in the room with me and What's in the past yeah, and I was saying to dad Under my table you sure Yeah I remember saying, Dad, with the sources on the more table, you saw. I know, yeah, I don't know what that's what they were. They were, but yeah, it's so weird that that was there, I didn't even know. Well, now this changes things, now that I found out your dad was in the room for the tasks. Was your dad not tempted to sort of like gesture down towards the sources, or give you a little pointer, he's just letting you flail? You know, I don't know, you know, I'm not treating, but I thought it sort of, gesture down towards the sources or give you a little pointer he's just letting you let you flail.
Starting point is 00:21:06 You know I don't know you know I'm not cheating but I thought it sort of give you a little. But he was harsh as usual and I remember I remember he got thrown around before me because obviously things like hiding getting up on chairs and the director showed him else like would that be alright with him getting on there? And then, then obviously, then found out what was going to be toaster and they came back and I went, could you give me a little short of sleep and what I can do? And he says, no.
Starting point is 00:21:34 And he's like, come on, come on. Just a little clue, dad, for goodness sake. Give something. Little something. Well, look, although, I feel like your dad should have given you a little clue here and there. I think the listeners will be very happy to hear that everything was above board. There was no cheating because if your dad had given you a pointer and then you won, then
Starting point is 00:21:56 that would be the biggest taskmaster scandal of all time. Yeah, that would be weren't it. Yeah. Yeah, I'd probably be forced to hand back the golden eyebrows. Yeah. So, Koji got the one point. Zoe finds the sources as well and she gets herself a drink and tries to...
Starting point is 00:22:16 I mean, I think she overthought it, Zoe. She sort of used her letters and tried to actually spell insults on the... on the tape. Yeah. Which was an interesting technique, but I don't think she had enough time. No, I mean, I think it took up her time. And she wasn't too harsh, was she?
Starting point is 00:22:36 So she's lovely lady. No, that's when the studio, though, and Greg, they were an insult to say, that's funny. She couldn't quite manage it in the way that Greg wanted, I think, but also I think Kazoo does a show on radio too. And I think after years of doing show on radio too, you sort of learn to not just freely insult people and start swearing and tossing out rude words and things like that because you get in trouble for that sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Whereas, you know, you don't mind. You're going pick, gap, all for that sort of thing. Whereas, you know, you don't mind, you're going pig, gap, all of that sort of stuff. Like putting milk on him. Yeah. So, Zoe got 56 mistakes, which was the three points. Now Steve, Steve was not worried about insulting Alex was he. I mean, he really went in, he really went in on him,
Starting point is 00:23:24 the horn section saying, saying the horn in on him, the horn section saying, saying the horn, he never liked the horn section, it was deep stuff. You always be a psychic. You'll always be a sidekick, yeah. That was brutal. It's like he studied Alex and he'd worked out the things that Alex was most uncomfortable with and he went in on him. Yeah, and, and, I wish I'd come up with insults like that. I just said I'd get him when I went to something, but maybe like, you know, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:52 you know, you don't think like that. I thought you were insults were great, Lenny. Honestly, the, yeah, gap and pig and weird knees, because I think the best insult was weird knees for me, because Alex probably didn't realise he had weird knees and now you've given him a complex about his knees. Yeah, exactly. That is really like, he's really, he's got to get out of his head and he's just really conscious of the toughest knees. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:15 And I hope that's how we feel. He'll never wear shorts again, Lenny. No, I've seen him. No, Steve was a master of the insults and pretty good at not making mistakes as well. It was 38 mistakes for Steve, but the winner, of course, with the five points was Deborah. And this to me seems to be because of the technique of saying a mouthful was basically having eight popodums in a row. Yes, and I'm going know how to do it.
Starting point is 00:24:45 I realised it's well, when Dad was not doing it, I'd sort of, I'd miss Reddit, and I sort of saw it as I asked each bite and not mouthful. Yeah. So I got to go even eight, one full cup of gum. Oh wow. This is a shame. Yeah, that is a shame.
Starting point is 00:25:00 You had to get through them, but like you say, if you don't like poppodums and you've just had jam on toast how many poppodums really can you eat? I know I'm supposed to shit thinking about it. Have you had a popper umsense Lenny? No, I never will ever again ever. The thing is I know what you mean I've been put off food like that before but then if you're having a curry how else are you gonna start? It feels weird not having a pop it on before a curry, doesn't it? Yeah, fair enough true. Yeah, but I think I'll always I think I've got that PTSD With pop it on pop it on traumatic stress disorder. I think
Starting point is 00:25:42 traumatic stress disorder, I think that's what the... That's good. Yes. Exactly that. So Deborah's technique about what constitutes a mouthful meant that she did amazingly well and she only made 24 mistakes. I find Deborah really scary when she really gets into it. There's a task later as well where she has to be angry. And she is... Oh, yeah. She's pretty focused in her anger.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Yeah, I remember the creepiest bit for me I remember when she was eating the popcorns and she sort of, she had them all in her head like that. Yeah. And she just, she just looks like, like a, like a girl. You can imagine like working for one of Debra's companies or you know, being her assistant or something. You know, lovely lady and then if something goes wrong, you know it's gone wrong. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:37 I mean, like if I had a business or a product with her, I'd, I'd never give it straight away. Yeah. You don't want to, you don't want to make it go golem, full golem, megan. No, no, no, no, scary. But it was five points with Deborah, four points for Steve, three points for Zoe, two points for you, Lenny, and one point for Koji, although I don't think he cares, particularly.
Starting point is 00:26:58 No, she'll feel enough. APPLAUSE I think this is your problem in the context of this stupid show, Zoe. You're too nice. Do you want me to help you? I'll write an insult for you to say to Alex. OK. I think it's just training, just to bring out your dark side. Hi, Zoe. You wank flap. Yeah, sorry.
Starting point is 00:27:22 I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited.
Starting point is 00:27:31 I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited.
Starting point is 00:27:39 I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. You didn't include all your compliments, there was some pretty good ones to you, lovely hair, wonderful posture, perfect hot, fab fit muscle. You know it.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Thank you. Task 2, draw a picture of yourself eating some fruit on this tablet. You may not touch the touchscreen with any part of your hands, you have as long as it takes you have as long as it takes you to eat an orange, also throughout the task, you must become increasingly angry. Now, you made a good call here, Lenny, because when you were asked how long it takes you to eat an orange, you said 10 minutes. Yes, I'm happy I said that. I don't know why I said it. I think I was sort of like Koji in the way that I sort of
Starting point is 00:28:31 I knew that it didn't just ask me how long it took me to meet in orange for no reason. I mean, so I'm getting one to say ten minutes, I'm getting it to affect me, like in a bad way, so it was really tricky that brought. And I just, it just turned me wild to it in orange. I think I'm not a big fan of it, I don't know why. I don't, I can't remember the last time I ate an orange, you know, I think they're difficult to peel. They make your hands stink. They do take ages.
Starting point is 00:29:02 It probably would take me about 10 minutes to be honest. I think that's quite a good, quite a good call. I prefer an easy peeler, Lenny, like a satsuma. Me too. Yeah, that's nice. You can, like a banana. Yeah, yeah, yeah. How quickly can you eat a banana, Jurekun? About three, four minutes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, that's good. Yeah. You're pacing it nicely there. You're pacing it nicely. They're enjoying it. Yes, exactly. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Well, you and Koji both, you know, you suspected something might be up. And it is difficult because you don't want to pick a really long time and you don't want to pick a really short time. So I think actually 10 minutes and then Koji picks six minutes, 23 seconds. I think that was the smart way to do it. Because now you're... I think so. Yeah. I mean, certainly smarter than Steve who wanted to show off how quickly you could eat an orange and said 45 seconds. I mean, I don't know if I get this in the show. I don't know if it's going to
Starting point is 00:29:58 be posted on social media or something. He actually did the orange of 45 seconds in the studio. I don't think that did go out on the show, you know, Hélène? It sucks a shame because it was incredible. And it was honestly, and he did it, he did it in 45 seconds. And you're sitting next to him, but he ate the skin. It was disgusting. And he ate all of the skin. He was like, he's sort of ripped it off, gave it a swallow, be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be,
Starting point is 00:30:27 it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to know, it was Steve Bachel, so I don't get more. Yeah, don't mind. Well, you know, hopefully that will be released as extra online content. We will get Steve Bachel eating an origin 45 seconds. I hope you didn't do it for nothing, that would be perfect, because it was bad.
Starting point is 00:30:57 It was, yeah, it was like, like, a ventilation at the end. But also, I'd imagine there was quite a lot of cleanup afterwards, wasn't there? The makeup lady said to come on and wipe him down and stuff. It was a bit yeah, it was all on the floor. She'd have got down the bridge. No, but yeah, it was a really good moment. I hope they post it on social media. That'd be great.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Well, fingers crossed because that sounds absolutely amazing. 45 seconds though. and Deborah picked three minutes as did Zoe, both very confident about their orange eating ability, but of course it all meant that that was the amount of time that you had to do your drawings without using your hands in any way. Let's talk about you because you used Alex's hands, which I thought was a good work around.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Yes, I think at first I asked for sausages, but they had none. I don't know, I just sort of panicked again. So obviously they didn't have sausages, so I thought, what else would you look like with sausages in a whole relic? So that was the way you came to Alex's hands. It wasn't Alex's hands. It was, I want the sausages. Yeah. What's the closest thing to sausages?
Starting point is 00:32:12 Alex's hands. Yes. It is actually what I think about it really bad that I thought of sociatism before Alex's hands. Yeah, that is quite wrong. That would have been another good insult. Your hands are like weird sausages. Yeah sausage fingers. Yeah sausage fingers. I thought yours was really good Lenny. I mean you thought yours look like Kim Kardashian didn't you? Yeah I had like
Starting point is 00:32:38 big blot blot blips a lot a bit in the front and like yeah I just sort of, yeah, I looked like I've had too much plastic surgery. And of course, the fruit you're eating was a pear. I thought it was a very, very good pear. It was quite accurate. And you drew it, of course, in scale with yourself. Yeah. So, like, really, the last really a appear to me is about optimal shoulder. You know, it's, I can't help it, you know, I'm sorry, but it just needs that they're massive compared to me. And that's actually the same with the orange, I just want to take this along to my orange. Yes, of course. I sort of go through it like a little sort of caterpillar. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So it's, now, don't take this wrong way, Lenny. Are you sure you didn't
Starting point is 00:33:29 accidentally draw the pair massive and then you retroactively came up with the, it's in scale to myself? Is the studio, it seemed like maybe you were just using that to try and get out of the fact you accidentally drew the pair wrong. Yeah. Yeah. And it worked again. It worked. It worked. It sort of worked. Sort of worked. It well, look, you still got the three points and look like you say you've got the gold and eyebrows. So any technique now is absolutely fine. It worked. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:04 One. Yes, thank you. It worked. Yes. Yes, thank you. I thought it was a fantastic drawing in that it actually looked like a human being as opposed to Debra's, which I mean, I really don't know what she was doing. But actually, before we get moving on to Debra, your anger was absolutely fantastic. The way your anger was very, very convincing. It was nice to see some of your acting chops coming out there
Starting point is 00:34:27 Thank you. I think it was half-acting and half-real It was in annoying task. Yeah, I think actually Be allowed to be angry. Help it. It's counted down a little bit Yes, I know what you mean sometimes when you when you're able to get out some of those frustrations vocally, then you actually focus more on the task in hand. Yeah, yeah, exactly. I think it I felt bad because obviously we've flung all the tasks on one day. I've let so much anger on Alex in one short, short space of time and no money. Well, talking of anger, let's talk about Deborah, because I thought she was absolutely terrifying
Starting point is 00:35:08 when she was angry in this task. Yeah, me too. I think that was, I think that was a hundred percent real. Yeah, I think that is in her. That's definitely in her, and she can let that out when she wants. And of course, her, she drew a terrifying image, and then accidentally, he seems to black it out but then when they removed the black it's even worse somehow.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Yeah I think instead of the blacking out I mean if everyone laughed with the first part and the second part was just oh my god I... because Zoe did a really good piece I mean it was I really do feel good peace. I mean, it was, they look like the world's summer, I mean, but, yeah, I don't know what Deb was done. Cause I think I'd both done it with I know he's getting there.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Yeah, they did. Yeah. So I don't know how they're going to get so different. I mean, Zoe, you've been very generous to Zoe's, I think. I was surprised Zoe got four points because I thought it was quite haunting I think it was quite haunting. You said earlier about Deborah acting like she was in a horror film. I think this portrait
Starting point is 00:36:10 looked like it was from a horror film eating the watermelon. Well, I think so, yeah. It was, it was old and I just, I feel like I should have got the four points because I had color in that and I'd like to say it sort of, it looked like a monster, it's horrific. Yeah, you had colour in yours, you could see what the fruit was. Zoys, you couldn't see any of that sort of stuff. No. And Steve's, I mean Steve got two points. He wasn't even eating any fruit.
Starting point is 00:36:39 And he just used it as an option, in 45 seconds, he drew himself a six pack. I know. And he actually looked okay. I do seconds, he drew himself a six pack. Oh no, it actually looks okay. I don't know how he's done that. It was a good drawing. Yeah, I mean, but you're gassy to do your six pack on yourself in 45 seconds. So funny.
Starting point is 00:37:00 I mean, he must have done that first. He must have been right, get your priorities straight. We're doing the six pack and then we can do a face. Yeah, probably. I want this part to be just did the six pack option. Yeah. Yeah, amazing. Well, it was two points and I'm glad he got lower points
Starting point is 00:37:16 because he really, he tried to say that this is six pack with blueberries, but it clearly wasn't. Coach, he was, of course, the winner. He used a feather, then he used a banana, and he drew on laser beams to emphasize the rage that he was feeling during the task. And he was eating a strawberry at a table. I thought this was the deserved winner, Lenny.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Yeah, it looked good to me, Fred, and I mean, yeah, it was a time first. Yeah, I know, I can see that tension, as you're talking about it now, Lenny, that you are being forced to admit the coaches was better than yours, but you did want the points. Oh, yeah, basically. I thought, I mean, we could look, you won. We can just say on the podcast, now yours is the best and you should have got five points. How does that sound? That sounds amazing. Yeah, I should definitely, I should definitely have it.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Yeah, well Lenny, Lenny, you're absolutely screwed out of those points. He deserved the five. Koji should have got one. Oh no, thank you. Thank you. Oh no. It was one point for Deborah, two points for Steve, three points for you Lenny, four points for Zoe and five points for Koji. How long does it take you to eat an orange? Might want to give myself a bit of extra time, considering where I am. What kind of show this is? This isn't part of this. This is just a dinner. I don't believe you, Alex. I'm going to go for three minutes. Three minutes. Ten minutes? Ten minutes. Four minutes and 45 seconds. Is that your final answer? Six minutes and fifteen 45 seconds. Is that your final answer?
Starting point is 00:38:45 Six minutes and it's been for the reason. I reckon I could do an orange in about 45 seconds. That's pretty cool. It's one of my special talents. OK, you can open the task now. OK. Draw a picture of yourself eating some fruit on this tablet. You may not touch the touchscreen with any part of your hands. Draw a picture of yourself eating some fruit on this tablet.
Starting point is 00:39:05 You may not touch the touchscreen with any part of your hand. You have as long as it takes you to eat an orange. On reflection, I reckon it could take me over an hour. Let's talk about task three. This was a good one. This was hard as well, though. Make these things pop when the timer hit zero. Toast, pop up, monster, jack, gum, feeder, cuckoo, bubble and balloon. That's a sort of short list of all of those things.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Shortest time between first and last pop wins. You have 15 minutes. This was really tricky. I really would have panicked on this one, Lenny. Yeah, right. My panicked. It one Lenny. Hmm, yeah, I panicked. It sort of a bit, and there's a bit, I went in to sort of sit myself down and then sit in up all the cameras. I remember I obviously couldn't have looked at the task yet. And I was just looking at all these other things, and I started trying
Starting point is 00:40:04 to memorize them all the way where they were. That I thought, if you know, they might take them away or, no, it was, it was, it wasn't at all. It took me by surprise. Yeah, it's a really tricky task because you know that you've got 15 minutes, but obviously some things take longer than others
Starting point is 00:40:20 to pop up. So I would have gone the route, which is probably the wrong route, of trying to set things to all pop in 15 minutes time. But you can't do that. Is it like you were amazing at this task, I thought. You had a 50 second pop window, and you just worked out, you worked out where everything was,
Starting point is 00:40:39 how you're gonna do it quickly, and you just like bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, you sort of, you did it all. However Lenny, I'll say it, you didn't like the Jack in the box. No, I see I've never I've never ever actually had one or used one. Yeah, but one member saying he was always it was he never felt wrong. It was else. Yes. It was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it's the anticipation of being scared and then also not knowing when
Starting point is 00:41:27 it's going to pop out right is the is the main problem. Yeah, and you don't know what it's going to look like if it's the first time you've used it, it might be the scariest one ever. Yeah, and it looks like you're looking at them. Yeah, you're looking at them. You look good, they're not that. And you just, yeah, it was awful. But you did an amazing job. Unfortunately not as good as Steve's, but I don't think anyone could beat Steve at this. I don't know, it's like a task he was completely made for. It was like watching it was watching a concerto of pop, so he was just conducting this orchestra. It was incredible. I know. It was, it was really good to be fair. Um, yeah, it was, it was quite a strikingly good. And, um, yeah, I just, you didn't so well. It was like, you want to do it. Yeah, born to do it exactly. Maybe you need to get out of the
Starting point is 00:42:17 wild animal game and get into the making things pop game. Yeah, the popping. I should also talk, Lennie, about the fact that you opened up the cat feeder, saw there was popcorn in there and so quickly popped a bit of popcorn in your mouth. Yeah, I mean, I would say yeah, popcorn is nice and everything and I do like popcorn, but I think I'd stop maybe for a few seconds to work out with there I was going to eat it if it was coming out of the cat feeder. I actually I acted to this day, I haven't even thought about that. I'm not even like yeah, I know I feel really Yeah, I would meet this was seafood like it. Yeah, basically, that's my motto in life. Seafood, yeah. Yeah, even if it's coming from a cat feeder.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Yes, exactly. Look, Steve was amazing. I think he was unbeatable here. So the fact that you got four points was pretty good. Let me now, should we talk about Debra now? I think he was unbeatable here. So the fact that you got four points was pretty good. Let me now, should we talk about Debra? Now let's talk about Zoe. Now I think Debra will save that at the end. Yes, that is a good one.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Zoe, she sort of panicked. She does what I think I would have done, which is trying to work out how long the toaster would take, trying to work out all of this stuff, and then forgetting about the feeder. So it's a total disaster for Zoe, because even though out all of this stuff, and then forgetting about the feeder. So it's a total disaster for Zoe, because even though her pop window is okay, apart from the feeder, then she leaves the feeder and it's 24 minutes later that the feeder pops open.
Starting point is 00:43:55 It's a long time, isn't it? It's a long time. Yeah. I think she did that. Well, actually, she popped it quite far from zero. I didn't see she popped it like two minutes four zero, by accident. But she didn't do, like, she didn't do it horrifically. No. I think she probably could beat and cozy if she had it and left the cat feeder.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Yes, leaving the cat feeder was the big error. People's main issue with the cat feeder seems to be the numbers on the cat feeder. They were going, oh, is this for 15 minutes? And he said, well, no, of course, of course, that's ours, because if you were going to needed your cat feeder to pop open to feed your cat while you're away, you're not going to, there's not going to be an option to put it on for 15 minutes, because then you may as well just feed the cat, right? Yeah. To be honest, I think they showed you which is good. But no, I did it exactly. Oh, you completely, I see, in my defense, I've never had a cat. Yeah. Just like how
Starting point is 00:44:55 dad was never had a toaster. Yeah. Yeah. I've never had a cat. And I genuinely didn't know it. I thought it was some snazzy lunchbox, but no, it was a cat feeder. That's good for a snazzy lunch. It's that you could probably use it as a snazzy lunchbox, because you know, when I had a lunchbox, certainly when I was at school, I would eat my lunch early.
Starting point is 00:45:17 I'd eat my lunch at like 11 a.m. So it'd be quite useful for me and for other people to do the same thing, for it to be on a lock and a timeless to pop open at one o'clock or ever. Yeah, I mean, I'm not a meat. You really sure were the pork or a madman. That's not about, Lenny, if you want to go in on that idea with me, the lockable lunch box with a timer on it, I think we can take it to Deborah. I think she's going to snap it up. Oh, I think so. Yeah, I mean, she's getting...
Starting point is 00:45:49 I think it's better than the horizontal glass. Yeah, I think a lot of things are better than that. But I think I'll... A human feeder. Yeah, exactly. A human feeder, exactly. I think you... So, do you want to split that to let?
Starting point is 00:46:01 The human feeder or the... or the Lenny lunchbox. I was going to... I was... Yeah, the Lenny lunchbox. I was gonna. I was Yeah, the little on it. Yeah. Well, like the the wash gamble. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The gamble rush. Yeah, that's good. Yeah. All right. Goose right. I'll tell you that. That shows like a gamble in the kitchen. I'll do it. Yeah, it does. Yeah. Let's talk about Koji. Um, okay. Koji seems very relaxed in this one as well. It's very good. He gets a bit angry with Alex that Alex can't blow a bubble for him. Yeah, I mean, to be fair, I don't know how I could do it because even if Alex did blow
Starting point is 00:46:38 the bubble, I wouldn't want to pop it in my finger like I've actually done it. You just hope that Alex pops it at the right time. Yeah. Yeah, it doesn't quite work out for Koji. It's a three minute, 31 second pop window, but he wraps his ABC at the end. Oh, nice, amazing, isn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:59 Was it the Kupu bird? I think it was. Yeah. Was it the clock? Yeah, it was like, I thought it was really an Italian. I loved it. Yeah, I think it had a bit of, it had a bit of a bit sort of a round of a ding in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:12 When it popped out, it was you. Yeah. It was just like, yeah. It was just like, yeah. No, but, you know, I think he was really funny, actually, because he was really good in it. And, yeah, I think, you know, it's just so in it. Yeah, I think, he was, he was about a good tactic if we'd get him pop that balloon because he accidentally popped it, getting it,
Starting point is 00:47:33 he didn't stop. I mean, that balloon was odd, so was it? I couldn't quite work it out, so you press a button on the desk and then it starts inflating above you, but if you stop pressing the button, does it stop inflating? Yes, basically.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Yeah. Let's talk about Deborah because I think this is a moment that's going to haunt Deborah for the rest of her career. I think so. She has seemingly never used the toaster before and doesn't own a toaster, which I think is really odd. I think who doesn't own a toaster in the UK? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:03 And then is somehow Alex jokes, it's speech operator, doesn't own a toaster in the UK? And then is somehow Alex jokes it's speech operator doesn't he? And she absolutely takes it as fact and starts saying go down to the toaster. I mean it is just an outstanding moment. I mean it takes you a while to realise it isn't speech, she goes, she says it loads, it's because I said, it's not spin, it's because, it's just a load of this. I mean, you're right. I think. How was that?
Starting point is 00:48:28 How was that in the studio when that was happening? When you were watching that happen? Um, get, get, get more shit. Just like that. It just got a hang of it. But, um, no, it was really, it was, I don't think any of us had expected it. Um, yeah. Yeah, yeah, we're expecting a different,
Starting point is 00:48:47 in my vlogs talk, we're reality a little bit. Well, I think she almost definitely had. It was funny. It was very, very funny. It was five points for Steve, four points for you, Lenny, three points for Deborah, somehow getting three points, despite thinking her toaster was speech operated. Two points to Koji and
Starting point is 00:49:05 one points to Zoe. Let's quickly talk about this live task. Say whether the item will fit through the hole or not fit through the hole. If you get it right, you lose an egg and the fused eggs remaining wins. Now this, Lenny, is where you came storming through for the victory. You had an absolute command over whether things were going to fit through that hole or not. You seem to just know it instinctively. Is this something you've always been good at? It was, I should think, I'll never try it. But it was very intense this part.
Starting point is 00:49:56 And yeah, and I think the worst part is at the end, because it was a bit of a draw if we both went for the same answers. Yeah. So going for that different answer was very nerve-wracking. Um, yeah. I won Alex broke it. Yeah, Alex broke it. He came crashing through right at the end. I mean, I don't know who thought Alex was going to fit through that really. I mean, it's not that, it's not that, you know, they call him a little Alex horn, but he's six foot two Lenny. Is it? Yeah. See, he's... Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:50:27 He just doesn't give that impression, does he? He doesn't feel like a son, but it's the weird niece. Everyone's too busy looking at the weird niece. Yeah, I think he's just... He's like the way that. He's just like... Like a... Bit of it's coming from me, but like a little man. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha and you came out with the school. Thank you, I love it. Yeah, you're brilliant. It was one point for Koji, three points for Zoe,
Starting point is 00:51:06 three points for Deborah, four points for Steve, and the all-important five points for you, Lenny, which meant that you'd be Steve by one point Koji in third place, Zoe in fourth place, and Deborah in bottom place. We'll join with Zoe actually, to be fair. there. Now, Lenny, we always get our guests on the Taskmaster podcast to rate their experience on the podcast between one and five points in the style of the Taskmaster. We hope you've
Starting point is 00:51:41 had a great time on the podcast, but please give me a point score. Five, I love Git, thank you. Thank you for having me. You've been fantastic. Do you want to insult Greg quickly again before we go? Yes, really. We're good in self-agreed. One more. We've got to think of one. I just got to do this. Oh, I know. I don't know. I've not seen his toes. Wait, I called Alex Pig and I said about his fingers. So I've got to say that. I've got to say Piggie toes.
Starting point is 00:52:19 Oh, sure. Yeah, sure. Yeah, trotters. Great Scott drottters. Fantastic. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you so much. I'm just coming on the taskmaster podcast, Lenny. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:52:30 See you later. [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ There we are. Thank you so much to Lenny for coming on the show and fitting us into his busy schedule of not only being an award-winning actor, but also literally being at school. So much fun to speak to him.
Starting point is 00:52:46 What a lovely guy. It was nice. Hope you guys enjoyed the episode of Taskmaster and the Taskmaster podcast. And we'll be back soon of course because there's champion of champions coming up this year and of course another series of Taskmaster on the way at some point. They don't tell me when it's coming. That's above my pay grade. Do not ask me, but I know there is champion of champions coming soon. Thank you very much for listening. Enjoy the rest of your new years time before boring old Thank you.

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