Taskmaster The Podcast - Ep 41. Hugh Dennis – S4 Ep.3

Episode Date: July 15, 2021

Ed is joined by Hugh Dennis AKA Desky this week to take a deep dive in to Series 4 Episode 3. They discuss Hugh’s Cloud Appreciation Society membership, Tugtemester and why photoshop isn’t camoufl...age. They also get to the bottom of the basketball treadmill saga. Enjoy!  Get tickets to Ed's Touredgamble.co.uk Pre order Bring me the head of the Taskmaster https://taskmasterstore.com/products/bring-me-the-head-of-the-taskmaster Watch all of the Taskmaster on All 4https://www.channel4.com/programmes/taskmaster Get in touch with Ed and future guests:taskmasterpodcast@gmail.com  Visit the Taskmaster Youtube channelwww.youtube.com/taskmaster  For all your Taskmaster goodies visit www.taskmasterstore.com    Taskmaster the podcast is produced by Daisy Knight for AvalonTelevision Ltd Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's hockey season, and you can get anything you need delivered with Uber Eats. Well, almost, almost anything. So, no, you can't get an ice rink on Uber Eats. But iced tea, ice cream, or just plain old ice? Yes, we deliver those. Gold tenders, no. But chicken tenders, yes. Because those are groceries, and we deliver those, too.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Along with your favorite restaurant food, alcohol, and other everyday essentials. Order Uber Eats now. For alcohol, you must be legal drinking age. Please enjoy responsibly. Order Uber Eats now. For alcohol, you must be legal drinking age. Please enjoy responsibly. Product availability varies by region. See app for details. Hello and welcome to the Taskmaster podcast. Ed Gamble here. I'm the host. We're currently chatting Series 4, of course. We're on Series 4, Episode 3.
Starting point is 00:01:00 I might sound slightly different this week because, and this is exciting, there's some drilling going on, so I'm sat in my bedroom not that exciting, realised that halfway through saying it here's what we're doing we're going back through the old series you know this, you know this, you always listen, you do and we're on series 4 episode 3 and we are chatting to Hugh Dennis today
Starting point is 00:01:16 from series 4 and of course from everything else mock the week, outnumbered every single voiceover of every advert you've ever heard he's the voiceover for a television show called yorkshire airport um so definitely check that out um he asked me to plug yorkshire airport he said could you make sure people know about yorkshire airport uh so this is going to be a fun chat i absolutely love hugh dennis he was marvelous
Starting point is 00:01:41 on series four uh the worst prize tasks ever possibly and just some of the some of the most disastrous attempts at tasks in general so it'd be very nice to chat to Hugh I hope you're watching along with us I hope you've gone away and watched episode three of series four uh so you are familiarized with it before we chat about it uh you can find all the Taskmaster episodes on all four keep Keep injecting Taskmaster into your life. Watch it on all four. Check out the YouTube channel. Buy some stuff from the store.
Starting point is 00:02:12 There is no need to ever stop having Taskmaster in your life. Keep doing it. Why not? It is the true tonic that we need in these troubled times. I didn't like saying that. I felt horrible saying that, actually. Come and see me on tour. I won't say things like tonic in our troubled times. I didn't like saying that. I felt horrible saying that, actually. Come and see me on tour. I won't say things like tonic in our troubled times.
Starting point is 00:02:29 I'll just talk about dicks and stuff. It's called Electric, my show. It starts in February 2022. Tickets are available now from edgamble.co.uk. That is the plugs done. Let's get on with it. This is the Taskmaster Podcast with the very special guest, Hugh Dennis.
Starting point is 00:02:43 it this is the Taskmaster podcast with the very special guest Hugh Dennis. Welcome Hugh Dennis to the Taskmaster podcast. Thank you. It's very exciting to have you on. We're of course chatting about series four episode three and you were on that famously. Well I was on it. I think I was in all the episodes of that series, in fact. Well, I would say... I never actually watched them back. I find it too frightening. If they managed to cut you out of that, I think that would be a pretty good edit job. They've not snipped around you in any of the episodes. I'm happy to let you know you are in every single episode of Series 4. That's fantastic. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:03:20 I didn't win it like what you did, though. No. Well, you came second last, Hugh, which, you know... I'd much rather you said I'd come second, like you did in the first take of this. We just re-recorded that, everyone. Because I accidentally said... This is how you change history. I accidentally said that Hugh came second,
Starting point is 00:03:41 which I was then going to go on to say, Hugh, that I was very surprised to hear that, because for a large proportion of the series, you messed up. I know, I did. If I'd come third, I would have come third and third last. So that would be brilliant. Yeah, that would be ideal. But no, second last, and that's how we're going to have to say it
Starting point is 00:04:00 for the rest of the episode, because that's the truth, unfortunately. Second last, all right. Because we're on episode three now, we've obviously talked about the first two episodes on the podcast already. And I'm very much sort of, I know the way you're doing this show now. I've seen your style on the show.
Starting point is 00:04:14 It's all or nothing. You always go to try and hack the tasks. And I'd say 70% of the time it fails spectacularly. Do you think that's fair? Yeah, no, I think so. I mean, if I could smash something or slash something with a knife or use a pair of scissors or a massive drill or anything, I would do that.
Starting point is 00:04:35 There wasn't a lot of subtlety involved. I like to literally cut through stuff. Yes. Why do you think that is? Do you think you sort of quite pent up in normal life and you saw Taskmaster as a way of breaking through the normal rules of society and being able to smash some stuff up? No, I didn't think of it as smashing stuff up.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I just thought of it as the quickest route through. Brilliant. I have always loved a power tool and a knife and a Swiss army knife, you know, that kind of stuff. So, you know, if a thing can be cut or smashed, I will do it. And normally, in normal life, I think I'm very considered and calm. Now, it's a while ago. It's 2017 was series four.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Do you remember when you were asked to do the show? Were you aware of the show before or uh were you aware of alex what what made you uh what made you do the show and say yes well i was i was aware of alex um because i really like the horn section that's what his thing's called isn't it yes yeah excellent no i was i was aware of a. I thought he was a really, really, really funny boy. And clearly I'm aware of... Who presents it? Greg Davis. Greg Davis, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:53 I was aware of Greg and Alex. And I hadn't actually watched it, to be honest, because it had only been on for a couple of series by the time I got to do it. So I'd seen it on Tube Station adverts, and on Tubes, which I spent quite a couple of series by the time I got to do it. So I'd seen it on tube station adverts and on tubes which I spent quite a lot of time travelling backwards and forwards you know like you do, mass transit railway. You just get on a tube train and just travel back and forwards.
Starting point is 00:06:17 I do, I can yeah. As a child I used to have a thing called a red bus rover which I think allowed you to travel on the tube for as long as you liked and i did quite a lot of it anyway hang on hugh as a child yeah would you go and sit on the tube and just let it go back and forward all day and certainly no no no i used to get the tube to school every day so uh how have we gotten to tubes because i saw the advert because because i saw the advert of Taskmaster on the tube. Yes, on the tube. And I was also aware of the fact that people I spoke to thought it was like the funniest programme they'd ever seen in their lives, which I would sort of agree with.
Starting point is 00:06:54 I think it's a tremendously funny programme and format. And much like, I mean, it's amazing. I went to, you know know occasionally if you want to not be disturbed and stuff I kind of have to go places where no one has ever seen what the week or outnumbered right yeah so about in 2018 just after this was broadcast I decided to go to Sweden we went to Sweden on holiday and even in Stockholm in Gothenburg people were looking at this train ship and then I discovered that Taskmaster is one of their biggest programs why didn't I know that and they've got their own
Starting point is 00:07:32 they've got their own version now I believe a Swedish version and this is a perfect time to bring up your trip to Sweden this episode uh we'll talk about it later but you've of course uh done your Scandinavian detective trailer. And then two of your guesses for words in the studio task are Sweden's, Sweden's and Sweden's. Yeah I like Sweden. You do like Sweden? I'm pretty keen on Sweden. Do you have any particular highlights from filming the show? Any tasks that you were very proud of? Well, I don't think there were any I was sort of tremendously proud of.
Starting point is 00:08:10 I enjoyed the one where we had to deliver, I think it was tea and sandwiches, wasn't it, to Alex? And there was all this bunting cut across, covering the area between. And clearly, Noel won that. clearly like Noel won that, like Noel won everything I think by hopping very sort of athletically across. I decided to just cut the bunting down with a pair of scissors. There's the scissors. Yeah but at the time this is sort of how I am wired I thought now that would be good to cut all the bunting down but I wonder if that
Starting point is 00:08:45 will actually be a bit of a problem for the production if I remove all the bunting they're going to have to put all the bunting back and I think I could have gone a bit quicker if I wasn't thinking yeah I don't know yeah it might be an inconvenience to someone you're too considerate I'm not a problem you would have won the whole show if you weren't so polite yeah exactly i'm not sure i'm not sure i should have done it i love that and i also love the one where they went um i think it was show us something surprising or do something incredible or whatever i can't remember what the phrase was and i decided to leap over a kind of a gym horse thing onto a mat but i couldn't wearing incidentally and i'd like to stress this i was wearing a vest but it was not my vest this was pre-covid of course at a time when you could use other people's vests you could share the vest without any
Starting point is 00:09:39 without any washing or anything and i wore alex horn's vest which gave me an insight into Alex Horne's life it was he's actually wearing the vest at the time took it off gave me the vest I put it on looked like a 1950s gymnast aged and leapt over this horse but I could never get it right I couldn't get it right because what I wanted to do was dive over the horse and then stand up. But for the purposes of television, they won't let you land on something hard that would let you roll on it. You have to land on a massive crash mat. So I kept on doing it, determined that I would stand up. I literally did it about 50 times and I never managed to stand up. So your highlight of filming Taskmaster is failing to stand up and wearing Alex Horne's vest.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Yeah, well, I just found it, again, I just found it very, very funny that I couldn't stand up. Just consistently failing to stand up. But do you think if the crash mat wasn't there, do you think you would have nailed it straight away? Well, who knows? But I would have been able to, you would have nailed it straight away? Well, who knows, but I think I would have come a lot closer because every time there was a slight slope and every time I landed on the crash, mate, it absorbed everything. I could
Starting point is 00:10:56 barely sit up actually, let alone stand up. Let's crack on with this episode. It's the prize task, first of all. This is such a great prize task. It's the best membership or subscription. Now, we had a couple of emails about your prize tasks, Hugh. This is a general one okay I have a question for you about the prize task did you change any of your later prizes after the show started and you realized that your prizes definitely were not going to win any points from Greg or did you just stick to your guns and do the originals uh no I stick to my guns I stuck I
Starting point is 00:11:43 sticked I stuck to my guns and did the originals. Because I think whatever I would have come up with, I would have come last. That's sort of what I decided. From that show on, I thought, he's just going to go, no, that's shit. Whatever it was. But I think we've got a theory at the podcast that in the first two episodes, you suddenly realised that your entire game plan with the prize toss was wrong because they were very funny, but they weren't trying to win.
Starting point is 00:12:13 So it was always going to be one point straight away because everyone could laugh at how bad it was. And then we move on. No, exactly. Yeah. And that's just how it goes. I didn't change anything, actually. But I did every week feel this sort of the inevitability and sort of deep kind of sense of disappointment and hurt.
Starting point is 00:12:35 I think it really kicks in in this episode as well because when Greg starts to do the scoring, you go, oh, come on, we all know what's going to happen. I know. It doesn't get any better as we go on i you know in in my defense i think clouds are great look i'm gonna but i'm i'm gonna back you up on this yeah um because let's let's go through the others and we can we can talk about it mel brought in moving ahead which is a quarterly magazine about crossrail yeah but she didn't think was called called Moving Ahead, did she? No, she thought it was called Moving On,
Starting point is 00:13:08 which sounds like a quarterly magazine about grief. Yeah. It is a terrible... It's like a guest publication on Have I Got News For You, isn't it? In fact, I'm sure it's been one. And she gets the name wrong. This is the sort of one you would have brought in in the first two episodes. It's a deliberately funny very bad
Starting point is 00:13:26 attempt at a prize yeah although she is absolutely obsessed by Crossrail is she really yeah no she's probably properly obsessed by Crossrail
Starting point is 00:13:34 she's really excited that it goes from where she lives at Crossland see I didn't know that I don't think that comes across in the episode
Starting point is 00:13:42 no no no that Mel genuinely yeah well I love that absolutely obsessed by Crossrail to the extent I didn't know that. I don't think that comes across in the episode. No, no, no, no. She's utterly... That Mel genuinely... Yeah. Well, I love that. Utterly obsessed by Crossrail. To the extent that I thought at one point... Yeah. You know, I do a show on Radio 4
Starting point is 00:13:53 and considered inviting Mel on to talk about Crossrail because she's so... Wow. Yeah. She's been down. She's been down. She's looked at the tunnels. I mean, so have I, clearly. So have you. As you mentioned on the episode, you've been... But at that time, she hadn't been... She seemed very jealous that down and she's looked at the tunnels. I mean, so have I, clearly. So have you. As you mentioned on the episode,
Starting point is 00:14:06 but at that time she seemed very jealous that you'd been down to look at the tunnels. Yeah, but I think she mentioned it partially in order to get an invite to go down and look at the tunnels. This was her pitching to the makers of Crossrail that she can get down there and look at the tunnels. It's like saying things like, I just love Rolex watches. I don't think Rolex are listening to the Taskmaster podcast. No, okay.
Starting point is 00:14:31 But worth a shot. Yeah. But the cheese guys might, and there's a couple of cheese-based memberships and subscriptions. Lolly went with the Cheese Society. It's a monthly supply of cheese. For me, Hugh, I don't know about you, this is the winner for me. The cheese one?
Starting point is 00:14:49 Lolly's cheese one specifically is the winner for me. The Cheese Society, yeah. Well, the trouble with the cheese subscription, and it's not going to surprise you that I have in the past had a cheese subscription. Yeah, of course. But not the Cheese Society. I didn't even know the cheese society existed i knew there was a wine society and i think possibly they should join to formally
Starting point is 00:15:09 cheese yeah they should yeah but the um but you get in there in most of those subscriptions you get enough cheese for 16 people or something for a month, but only you get it. And then you have to eat the cheese for 16 people. You get too much cheese. Obviously Noel bought in Cheese Posty, which is the monthly supply of ingredients to make a gourmet cheese toasty. And I feel that's hemming you into him. I love cheese and I don't want to be hemmed in
Starting point is 00:15:39 by the toasty format, Hugh. Do you not? No, I don't. I wouldn't be able to use my cheese for anything. What you do is you just take the cheese out. You don't have to use the rest of it. Because it's all sliced isn't it? It's all like the boring slices of cheese. I want to get chunks of cheese and sure Hugh if I want to make a toasty I can sauce my own bread. You can. That's true. That's the thing about me.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Yeah. Yeah and also you can just buy cheese can't you you don't need any form of cheese subscription well yeah I mean but I don't think that would have been a good prize to us for the best membership or subscription would have been like
Starting point is 00:16:10 20 quid a month to buy cheese go buy your own cheese no no no it's true but yeah
Starting point is 00:16:18 no I'm standing by my choice I still think I was savaged we're going to get to yours Hugh I think you were savaged here's what I think I think Noelaged. We're going to get to yours, Hugh. I think you were savaged. Here's what I think. I think Noel wins because it's clearly Alex's favourite and Greg is very lazy
Starting point is 00:16:30 as he says. Greg loves cheese but doesn't want to have to slice it. He just wants someone to post it into his mouth. Joe's was another good riff on that. Cure and Simple, the monthly bacon subscription, but then you cook the bacon, so that's probably marked down by Greg there. How do you feel about a bacon subscription but then you cook the bacon so that's that's probably marked down by Greg there how do you feel about a bacon subscription Q would you would
Starting point is 00:16:50 you like that well no I would yeah I've recently given up bacon this is my problem yeah meat meat in general or specific no no no bacon but well sort of trying to eat less meat you know it's a time of life thing. Yeah. I've eaten, you know, high fat meat all my life and I've suddenly looked at myself and gone, no, huge. It's time to stop mate. Time to cut down. Maybe a fish subscription. That's what I've gone for. That would be nice yeah so the so bacon's gone from your diet bacon's gone not entirely gone from my diet i mean i don't think you know once you've had bacon very difficult to give bacon up no but fish would be very difficult to transport i mean i don't know how you get it in to two people you know would it be smoked fish dried
Starting point is 00:17:40 fish no i mean you can get i i guess you could get, like, I get an email every morning from a fish market saying, here's what we've got available to deliver, and we can deliver it on ice in 24 hours. Do you? Yeah. Are you a member of the middle class, by the way? What's given that away? Was that the email I get from a fish market every morning?
Starting point is 00:18:02 Yeah. This brings us, Hugh, to yours, the Cloud Appreciation Society, where you're emailed a picture of a cloud every single day. And we had an email about this as well, Hugh. Yeah. Hi, Ed, huge fan of the podcast. This is from Matt Hurst. The first email was from Lexi in NYC, by the way. I'll go back and pick that up later. Hi, huge fan of the podcast. I have a couple of questions for Hugh. Are you still a member of the Cloud Appreciation Society?
Starting point is 00:18:37 And I'd also love to know where your favourite ever cloud photograph was taken. Many thanks, Matt Hurst. Well, I am not actually a member of the cloud. Oh, no. No, well, it's lapsed. I'm no less interested in clouds. But I sort of was interested. I'll tell you why I got really interested in the cloud appreciation society because when I was writing a thing once, I had to go and do,
Starting point is 00:19:01 I'd research the bloke who named clouds. Have you ever read about him? No. Who was was as far as I remember an Englishman who just walked around wherever he lived looking at the sky the whole time and walking into stuff I imagine because he couldn't he wasn't looking where he was just a perfectly ordinary place like an accountant or something yeah and thanks to him he named all the clouds and I thought, well, I, you know, I've always loved a cloud because I spent a lot of time lying on the grass. Of course, yeah. Looking at them. And I thought that sort of, they are properly, they're amazing. You get amazing, these pictures of, do you know what a lenticular cloud is?
Starting point is 00:19:40 No. Please tell me. So a lenticular cloud is the one that you might get at the top of a ridge of hills so when the air is forced up and then it forms a cloud at the top and therefore it runs the whole length of the of the range of hills so you can have a cloud which is like you know dead straight beautiful you know 50 miles gone or broken into bits i thought that's just beautiful you look at clouds don't you when you're in an airplane you everybody wants a window seat so they can see the fucking yeah i like looking at them from above i i'd like clouds live i don't know if i'd want a picture emailed to me every single month but I think your passion for clouds should have been a factor in this and I think it's clearly better than Mel's
Starting point is 00:20:31 I think you were very unlucky to not get two points and Mel gets one point I might have come third last if some of my prize choices had gone through I think I literally scored nothing in that round i haven't done the math set but look you got you know what you've got one point here for the cloud appreciation society yeah but you should have got two points and i feel like your passion should have earned you a bonus point i think it should have been three points i love it absolutely adore okay you see what you
Starting point is 00:21:03 also have to remember is that i read geography at university so i've got this there you go you know you should have brought that up i've got an architect well i don't think i had the chance he just went that is crap and i knew by that state i knew where it was going there was no point fighting it um mel got two points for moving ahead. It was three points for the bacon for Joe, four points for Lolly's cheese, and five points for Noel's cheese postie. I imagine
Starting point is 00:21:34 a group of villains all sitting around going, we've tried everything to rip people off, and then one of them going, could try and sell clouds to Hugh Dennis. Task one, camouflage yourself. You have 10 minutes to plan your camouflage after a further 10 minutes you'll be photographed in position your time starts now Hugh how you feel how were you feeling about this one were you excited to get stuck into this one yeah oh I was it was kind of um in this one as far as I remember I disguised myself as a door.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Yes, you did. Sort of. In fact, I just stood behind the door, but I'd remove the door and put straps on. So here's the thing about this. Which is definitely camouflage, I think. Well, I don't think it is. I'm going to argue the point that standing behind the door of the house, you may as well just go into the house and say you're disguised as a house. Okay, so what I should have done was attach myself to another door
Starting point is 00:22:29 and stood in front of the door. Yes, I would have been happy with that as camouflage. Yeah. Do you see what I mean? No, no, no, I do absolutely see what you mean, yeah. I think there wasn't another door available. But this also speaks to my limited brain power oh no what am i doing now this is what you were saying as well about any opportunity
Starting point is 00:22:51 to destroy something or cut something off your first thought was i want to take the door off the front of the house i'm never going to get an opportunity to do that again let's take the door off and wear it like a big turtle shell yeah Yeah, I think it is, I mean technically, as far as I remember, Alex sort of thought it was camouflage and Greg didn't really think it was camouflage. Well you got the four points, so you did very well on that one. I think there was a little bit of chat about it in the studio, I think the other contestants weren't particularly happy that that was counted as camouflage. That it was that was counted it was allowed but it was allowed yeah because i think i'm quite basic when it comes to things like that i'm quite route
Starting point is 00:23:29 one uh in tasks like this and i would have done this fairly route one like lolly did um so i would have i wouldn't have thought to put the door on the back because i wouldn't have that's not classic camouflage is it no i when lolly disguised herself as grass didn't she yes by covering herself in plastic grass yeah nothing like grass yeah lolly's wasn't great i mean it was very it was fairly clear where she was for a long time i thought that was going to be a decoy because there was a a clear sort of disturbance and uh and raised part of the lawn uh and i thought oh no she's, no, she's going to be on top of the caravan or something. But no, that was literally just where she was. The lolly-shaped lump under the grass was lolly.
Starting point is 00:24:13 But you see, I think I was, as in all these tasks, what I decided was really that I'm actually just very, very literal. No, but I don't think that was. This one was literal. I think the door was quite a good way of thinking outside the box. Yeah, but kind of. But Knowles, which was brilliant, which was to disguise himself as a banana in a fruit bowl. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:36 While wearing a yellow suit. And you just had to sort of put yourself into any sort of picture at all, didn't you? And I kept on thinking, I think my thought process process was this has got to be sort of the house this is the picture of the house this is what you've got to do there's a picture of the camera yeah i didn't think you know i could use photoshop but i don't think here's the thing hugh i think you're right i i look the banana is so funny and it is it's genuinely hilarious it's such an abiding image in Taskmaster. Noel is the banana and him winking dressed as a banana.
Starting point is 00:25:10 And I hate to be a killjoy, but that's not in the spirit of the task. That's not camouflage. It says a photograph will be taken. It doesn't then say you can edit that photograph and make yourself smaller because otherwise you could just erase yourself from the photo, couldn't you? And that's the best camouflage. Yeah just take yourself out completely take yourself out the photo yeah so i feel i feel like a real killjoy but i don't think noel deserved the points in this no but it was but you know there are no actual rules yeah i mean they're very specific there are very specific rules in the tasks yeah you know you can't like that bit you know there was one bit in this episode where you know right down the bottom
Starting point is 00:25:52 it said you're not allowed to eat chocolate and stuff that's incredibly incredibly specific but when it comes to the marking of the task it's just a free-for-all i know and you're much more laid back than i am hugh that you could have just let that happen in the studio. But honestly, I would have made such a fool of myself in the studio if I was there because I would have been shouting and screaming. Everyone would have been clapping Noel's attempt and I'd be going,
Starting point is 00:26:13 this is not in the spirit of Taskmaster. Yeah. But it was very funny. Anyway, listen, I got four points. I was disguised as a tool. You did very well. You got four points. Lolly got two points for the grass, but I really liked points. I was disguised as a tool. You did very well. You got four points. Lolly got two points for the grass,
Starting point is 00:26:25 but I really liked it. It was classic camouflage and she did frost with icing sugar, which I thought was a marvellous detail. Joe Lysett, and I'm going to be a killjoy again, was hidden in a photo of other people dressed exactly the same as him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Which I don't think is camouflage either, Hugh. I don't feel like that counts. I don't think that's camouflage. I mean, it's sort of what is it? Deception? Yeah. Confusion? Yeah, I suppose so, yeah. I suppose you could argue that that's camouflage.
Starting point is 00:26:58 I think I'm with you. I don't think that is camouflage. It's nice to see Al Murray pop up, though. I mean, I think Al Murray just popping up in that camouflage it's nice to see al murray pop up though i mean i think yeah al murray al murray just popping up in that is great especially as he pops up later in the episode as well i mean al murray really really can't can't let it go he loves it he loves it he really does mel's now let's talk about mel's before we move on. I mean, it's absolutely outstanding. Just no attempt to camouflage at all.
Starting point is 00:27:29 She's just hid behind some sunflowers. And you can see her feet. You can see her arm. You can see her shoulder. Because she thought she needed to stay in the room, which happens quite a lot on Taskmaster that people haven't necessarily seen it before. They think if they get a task in that room, they feel like they have to stay in there.
Starting point is 00:27:43 It happens to Katherine Parkinson a lot as well but Mel's just great of all the people for this to happen to she's perfect she just laughs everything off yeah well there is also a certain panic that sets in in tasks isn't there
Starting point is 00:27:58 because you know it's the time limit and all the rest of it and in the end your head just your head just goes. You're just like, oh, I'll stand here and look like a lamppost. I'll put my hand out like that and that'll look like the lamp. Just sort of rubbish. It's amazing. Yeah, when you get to the end of that time,
Starting point is 00:28:20 you get to the end of that time and you realise you've thought of nothing good and then you just have to do the first thing that comes to you and it's hugely embarrassing but just just perfect from mel so funny yeah no really funny she had a really really funny series actually i did lots of tasks with mel it was just you're a great team great of course the team task was the first time we've heard your nickname desky yeah there you go do more people call you desky now because of taskmaster yes and how do you feel about that yeah i'm very very very happy should i tell you the big mistake though was um i wasn't so i was called desky desk neverky, but Desk at university in my first year.
Starting point is 00:29:09 And I made the mistake of telling Mel and Sue Perkins that once off camera somewhere. I think on a radio, well, it was off camera because it was on a radio show, but it wasn't live. It wasn't live. And there were no cameras. And they just thought this was great since when to both of them I've been desky so your nickname at university was just desk it was desk well only to a certain number of people but yeah because you worked was that because you worked hard yeah so when I when I went to university I so I was at Cambridge but I was sort of very lucky to get into Cambridge because I really hadn't got very good a level result but
Starting point is 00:29:52 you could take an exam to get in sort of seventh term sort of after your a levels and I got in that way but I spent the first year and a half really thinking I probably was much more stupid than absolutely everybody else there and it took me about a year and a half to thinking I probably was much more stupid than absolutely everybody else there and it took me about a year and a half to work out that wasn't true and actually I was sort of fine um but in that time I worked really hard because I thought I had to really just to sort of keep up and so I became deskie desk just desk I I really like how simplistic nicknames are sometimes. Well, he's working a lot. He's at a desk.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Yeah, it's slightly alliterative though, isn't it? It's Desk Dennis, isn't it? Desky Dennis. Yeah. Desky. It's Desky. So it was one point for Mel for that very poor attempt at camouflage. Two points for Lolly. It was four points for Joe. Four points for Lolly. It was four
Starting point is 00:30:46 points for Joe, four points for you as well, Hugh, and five points, even though I don't agree with it, for Noel's banana. I'm going to show you Mel Gedroych, but you might not be able to spot her. Ready? Yes! Good. Here she is.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Whoa. LAUGHTER APPLAUSE Good. Here she is. Whoa. LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE Do you want this? And I just say, do you know what? I thought you had to stay within that room. Look at your little feet underneath. I mean, that is the sort of hiding place that my niece would choose.
Starting point is 00:31:32 She's five. You can get anything you need with Uber Eats. Well, almost, almost anything. So no, you can't get snowballs on Uber Eats. But meatballs and mozzarella balls, yes, we can deliver that. Uber Eats, get almost, almost anything. So no, you can't get snowballs on Uber Eats. But meatballs and mozzarella balls, yes, we can deliver that. Uber Eats. Get almost, almost anything. Order now.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Product availability may vary by region. See app for details. We can wait for clean water solutions. Or we can engineer access to clean water. We can acknowledge indigenous cultures. Or we can learn from indigenous voices. We can demand more from the earth. Or we can demand more from ourselves.
Starting point is 00:32:07 At York University, we work together to create positive change for a better tomorrow. Join us at yorku.ca slash write the future. Task two is a team task. Make a trailer for Taskmaster the movie. Best trailer wins. You have a maximum of one hour. Your time starts now. And this is where we see the second appearance of Al Murray banging the gong, which is a shot from series 3 when he did his series. But I think you were filming them at the same time, so I'd imagine Al Murray banging a gong and no one had seen it was probably completely out of context and quite a bizarre thing to happen. Yeah, well I wasn't expecting Al Murray at all.
Starting point is 00:32:51 It was a good task, it was a really nice task. I enjoyed doing it. Well I think yours and Mel's was particularly good, the Tugmeister. Yeah, well I think if you have a camera crew who are all filming Taskmaster and you say to them hey come on we can make this look couldn't we like a Scandinoire thriller they love any opportunity like that
Starting point is 00:33:16 they love it right on yeah I think Andy D the director as well would have absolutely lapped that up, wouldn't he? He would have been so on board with doing that. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:29 But it was all, you know, it does make you realise how telly's made. Clearly I know how telly's made. Yeah. But, you know, the fact that you can run around a gravel drive just shining a torch in your own face and make it look kind of actually reasonable. Yes, it's very good. And those sorts of tasks are nice as well because you can come up with those ideas and
Starting point is 00:33:50 leave it to them and you know that they're going to absolutely nail it in the edit so there's not a huge amount of work to do on your part no no and in fact i just i essentially i just had to run around and then lie looking dead on the gravel, which was slightly wet. It was the grass, wasn't it? Yeah, so there was a little bit of hardship there. It was slightly wet, but I guess you love lying on the grass anyway because you could look at the clouds. Yeah, but I couldn't because it was dark, mate. It's the very worst time for me.
Starting point is 00:34:21 In fact, I think as I lay down, I said, I can't see the clouds. Do I have to do this? That is the worst time of day for a cloud appreciator. There are clouds up there, but you just can't see them. You can't see them. I loved Tugmeister. It really dates the show as well, I guess, because that was right in the thick of the craze for Scandi Noir thriller, I guess.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Well, it's never left me. Is it not? No, no, no, no, no. There's an enormous amount of increasingly poor Scandi noir to watch.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Do you think it's going to get to the point where they, they've run out of ideas and they're going to come back and they're going to commission Tugmeister? Well, yeah, I hope so. Wouldn't that be great? Except I'd die in it. So I've already cocked that up for myself early on.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Yeah, but you could go back. It could start with you dying and then it could be like two years earlier or something. I think you realise, the amount of Scandinavian stuff that I've watched, you do realise that a lot of the impact of it is the fact you can't really understand it. And if it was all in English, you'd english you'd go oh no this isn't very good just when people go tuck tuck all the time it just is so it's like um you know i always think that the uh french cinema which is regarded as this sort of great you know sort of thing isn't it yeah i think that seems so powerful
Starting point is 00:35:45 again because nobody speaks very loudly you know you're really struggling when sean reyno goes okay what sorry this must be so you think it must it must be good if they're not shouting if they're not having to cover up with shouting, it must be beautiful. Yeah. Well, there we go. That must be it. You must have fooled everyone with Tugmeister by putting it in a different language. It was phenomenal. I thought it was really good.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Genuinely exciting. I agree with Greg. I would watch Tugmeister. Joe, Lolly and Noel did a more straightforward trailer for the series. But Alex does most of the work in this this is why i don't think it yeah even deserves the two points really they made alex dress up for most of it which is very funny but i i would have liked to see them get a little bit more involved
Starting point is 00:36:34 yes i um this is where he's kind of dressing up as all of us isn't he yes he is he dresses up as all of you and then lolly dresses up as alex and noel dresses up as greg and joe does the voiceover yeah i enjoyed noel's greg i enjoyed lolly's alex uh but um but i would have liked to have seen them get a little bit more involved in playing each other do you know when alex was uh playing me and i i was genuinely surprised when he removed whatever he had on his head that it wasn't me. You were sat there going I don't remember filming this bit. I thought I could not distinguish the shirt and the trousers and the general build from me. It was a genuine shock. I thought hang on I think we've got another head.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Did you have that when you were watching the task back in the studio where you couldn't remember filming the task or what you did? Yeah I did on lots and lots of them actually. I kept on thinking how did I deal with that and also there are there are certain tasks aren't there but I can't actually remember any of them where you're so embarrassed you're thinking oh please god you know because you do more tasks than actually get shown don't you yeah I'm thinking please let everybody else have caught that up as well then they just won't but of course it's the ones where you're the most embarrassed that are most likely to be used yeah no exactly yeah and also there are some which you you're pretty convinced you've done really well on they don't make it in and then you're inside you're sort of slightly seething.
Starting point is 00:38:07 It's amazing how, I mean I did realise during the whole course of it how competitive I was actually. Although I came second last. Yeah, you do get second last. It made no difference. You're going, oh no, this is great, I'm second last. And inside you're going, oh. And you know you've got all those prize tasks to come where you're going to get your points.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Oh, no, not the one where I get the medal for not winning a thing. Well, I mean, Camouflage's loss is filmmaking's gain. I genuinely wanted to watch it. Yeah. That was remarkable. It's absolutely wonderful. Tooth Master. That slightly put me off it, the fact that it's called Tugmaster,
Starting point is 00:38:46 which is a very different show to this. Let's talk about task three. Persuade three dogs to stand on the red mat. Exactly 12 legs must be stood on the red mat at the same time. Fastest wins, your time starts now. And, look, Lolly's was chickens. We'll say that straight away because of avian flu she did hers first and it was chickens then the rest of you uh got dogs now here's what confuses me
Starting point is 00:39:12 about this the way this task is worded it says persuade three dogs or three chickens uh exactly 12 legs must be stood on the red mat at the same time so it doesn't as you point out in the task it doesn't say whose legs so it doesn't as you point out in the task it doesn't say whose legs so it doesn't need to be three dogs because you could have you could have four dogs depending on the amount of legs are on there you could have you know it doesn't i don't know why it specifies three dogs it should be how get 12 legs on this mat yeah yeah yeah well i think i was i only mentioned it i think because i was desperate at the end yeah that's the only way I could see that was going I was going to end it but but it's amazing that's
Starting point is 00:39:52 one of those things when you when you get back into the studio and you then discover that actually you know I was panicking after six minutes 55 seconds thinking oh this is absolutely terrible but then someone else has taken much, much longer. Yeah, you can normally rely on someone else taking longer, I think. But chickens is much, much more difficult than dogs, isn't it? So much harder. And everyone made fun of Lolly for saying, these are not all chickens, are they?
Starting point is 00:40:17 But it does make a difference, the fact that the chickens and ducks were all mixed in. Yeah. Well, you could also argue just you can do ducks have feet in the same way would you legs was they definitely had legs yeah exactly 12 legs and you can i think i think you can successfully argue that ducks have legs ducks do have legs yeah they definitely have legs yeah they definitely have legs for sure yeah um so look lolly did it in 13 minutes 40 which
Starting point is 00:40:45 is quite impressive given that she had the she had the chickens to contend with um mel mel did it in 14 it's not a great episode for male points wise mel did it in uh 14 minutes 24 by putting uh ramming sausage into her driving gloves um why not just put the sausage down that's the bit i didn't understand at all i think she wanted to tempt them over with the smell but wanted to conceal the sausage for some i think she's very scared of the dogs so i'm very nervous of the dogs jumping up wasn't she yeah i think she felt if she revealed the sausage um then they would start jumping up but if she just gave them a smell of some sausage then they they might stay down i mean i i loved watching mel do this i never knew that this was the exact situation that i needed to watch mel trying to tempt dogs with sausage in a driving
Starting point is 00:41:33 glove on top of that it's just so funny yeah she was i don't quite understand how joe managed to do it so fast because it he did it in like 44 seconds or yeah 44.6 seconds but he must have decided me he does very quickly go i need to get some food i saw some sausage in the fridge running get the sausage and i guess they just happened to fall that way they followed him and there were 12 legs on there it is amazing they did um were on the beginning of the task those i mean this is in the mists of time but when we walked through the house i think they did walk us through the kitchen where there were clearly sausages. Clearly sausages, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:10 They gave you the sausage hint. But also, again, like the cutting of the bunting. Yeah. I think in my head, I was partially thinking, those sausages must be for something. Yeah, you're always on the lookout. I'm not sure or those are this family's evening meal i'm not sure that i'm allowed to use what if i'm depriving a family of four of those sausages um yeah but they were so you thought the family lived i mean was that a genuine family home then
Starting point is 00:42:45 that location yeah yeah it's really is that the only time did you film multiple tasks there because i don't remember no we just did one we did see that yeah that's weird normally there's one location for all the location tasks and then the rest of it is at the taskmaster house um so you just did one task at a family home that's very i, I think it might even have been Alex's house actually. Really? Well, then we probably can't say that, but I just, so you were worried that Alex had pre-cooked some sausages for his family dinner. Well, you know, maybe he loved sausages and cold, cold, cook them early.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Yeah. Cook them. I get so excited. Then you know, you know what it's like when you're looking for sausages in the evening, you just have it's like when you're looking for sausages in the evening, you just have to cook them up breakfast. It's also interesting how tempted dog, you know, attracted dogs are to sausage. Is that a thing? It's a classic thing, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:43:34 You always see in, in old books and cartoons, the dog chasing after a string of sausages. Don't you? Um, yes. after a string of sausages, don't you? Yes. Do you like it? Maybe. You always see that, the dog with a string of sausages in its mouth running away and the butcher's chasing it, that sort of thing. Yeah, I suppose so. But, you know, in the same way as you see cheese eating,
Starting point is 00:43:59 mice eating cheese, rather than the other way around, which they don't do, do they? It's a problem, Hugh. You're too busy looking at the clouds. You're missing all the dogs running past on strings of sausages. Yeah. But actually, it was all right.
Starting point is 00:44:08 It was quite a difficult task, though. Yes, and a lot of luck came down to it because it was a number of legs. It was just whoever happened to wander onto the mat at any given moment. Yeah, and it was a really small mat and they were very big dogs. Yes, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:25 I think at one point I considered, I wonder if I can build a fence around the mat and tempt the dogs in, but I didn't. No. Also, I didn't say you can just go in and get three dog leads and just walk the dogs to somewhere, to the mat. But you didn't do that either.
Starting point is 00:44:42 No, I didn't do that. I didn't do any of that. I wasn't thinking straight. These were all good ideas that you just yeah so it was joe with the five points noel with four points uh lolly with four points as well she got two bonus points for her task being harder hue three points and one point for mel uh for her driving glove full lolly should have got more though shouldn't she because greg kind of arbitrarily decided that it was 40 more difficult getting chickens yeah and i think it was about a thousand times more difficult so she should have got um two thousand points she should have got a lot
Starting point is 00:45:16 she should have won the this series won the whole series yeah just on that basis sure people would have loved that yeah treats oh the house i could get some food what have we got in the glove i filled the driving glove with some bits of sausage that's going to drive them a bit nuts help me how do you want me to help you they're in the fingers i put them in the fingers where do you want the dogs to go okay oh where's the sausage where's the glovie oh yes too many melt many. He's got my glove now. How many is that? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
Starting point is 00:45:50 12. Task four. Without moving the fishbowls, transfer the water from fishbowl A to fishbowl B. You may only use the items on this table. Most water moved wins. Also, you must commentate on your attempt at the task always referring to yourself in the third person you have five
Starting point is 00:46:08 minutes your time starts now hidden rule of course if you eat any of the chocolate you'll be docked five points first thing i'm going to say hugh yeah you were the only one who made an effort with the commentary yeah and that's a written rule isn't't it? It is a written rule. You see, that is a written rule. I completely agree with you. And yet, in the marking of the task, it counted for nothing. It counted for nothing. It was almost as though I suggested that a really good society to join would be one that looked at clouds. I was just, I was ridiculed, ridiculed for it, told it didn't count at all.
Starting point is 00:46:44 Greg was having absolutely none of it, wasn't he? No, he wasn't having any of it. And I wonder if anyone else had suggested that. Yeah, they would have been, you know, it would all have been carefully considered and listened to, but not me. Because also it's just lovely to have, you know, a professional voice man make an effort with the commentary.
Starting point is 00:47:01 You were doing a proper commentator's voice. You were doing it throughout the task. i considered it an essential part of the task largely because it was written on the card i think you're right i mean to be fair to joe he spent a lot of his time siphoning the water uh with his mouth so there was no way of him commentating really there weren't any gaps. And I suppose, Hugh, if you look at it in the long run, it didn't make any difference anyway, because the people who weren't really commentating ate the chocolate. So they all got the minus points anyway. Yeah, but you know, a rule's a rule. A rule's a rule. A rule's a rule, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:47:43 So, but in terms of Joe, he lost points anyway, because he got the five points and then got docked five points for eating the chocolate. What would you have then done to him for not doing the commentary? More points off? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Far more. Far more.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Far more points off. But I don't think any of us have read the thing about chocolate. No, you all missed it, which is a good tip if you're doing Taskmaster. Always read the back of the task. Always look for a small written note on the back of the task. I always forgot. I think that got me a couple of times on Series 9. And yet you still won.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Still won, yeah. Overall. It was the prize task. It's impressive. That's what won it for me. Yeah. The reverse. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:23 The reverse. The reverse Dennis. reverse. Yeah. The reverse Dennis. Yeah. Lolly was disqualified for moving the fishbowls in a particularly brutal edit of her reading that rule over and over again and then immediately walking over and picking up the fishbowl. But that happens sometimes, doesn't it? Especially with a long task like this. If it's the first thing that's on the task you might immediately forget it because of the other details don't you think actually when you read the task first again
Starting point is 00:48:49 maybe this is just me you yeah you you go at it at least i go at it with this sort of loyally head on going yeah but that doesn't like with the legs of the of the dogs and things you're kind of going yeah but it doesn't say animal legs, does it? It doesn't say this. And that is the sort of interpretation that you can, that you can get away with. So is there anything, anything else you spot in there now that you could have exploited? No,
Starting point is 00:49:17 I don't think so. And what amazed me about that task was that I attempted to hollow out a baguette. And that's the title. That made the title of the episode. The episode is called hollowing out a baguette. And that made the title of the episode. The episode is called Hollowing Out a Baguette. And as Mel proved, it was a particularly floppy baguette. I don't think it would have helped at all, would it? No, it was completely pointless. Who has ever thought that bread isn't porous?
Starting point is 00:49:41 I mean, just... Just soak it up and squeeze it out. That's fine but again that's the sort of desperation of just going there must be something I think I also didn't really want to suck the water out of the bowl because I've had I had a goldfish and it's not
Starting point is 00:49:58 nice sucking water out of a goldfish bowl. Hang on, so you've sucked water out of a goldfish? No, but I've looked at the water in the goldfish bowl. I've got the poo out of a goldfish bowl. Even if there's no fish in it. Hang on, so you've sucked water out of a goldfish bowl? No, no, but I've looked at the water in a goldfish bowl. I've got the poo out of a goldfish bowl. With your mouth? No.
Starting point is 00:50:13 No, not even tempted actually. It's just because just then you said, you seemed to be saying that you'd sucked the water out of a goldfish bowl and then when I asked you about it, you immediately went back on it and you're now denying it. Oh, okay, no, I think what I meant to say was I didn't want to suck the water out of a goldfish bowl because I have seen the water in goldfish bowls. Right, OK. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:33 It's not different, but important. You did a good job because you didn't eat the chocolate. And you did a good job with the commentary because Joe did the best job of transferring the water, but five points off um yeah eating the chocolate lolly disqualified for moving the fish bowls mel siphons the water and tries to use the rubber glove but eats the chocolate so now she's on minus four points uh three points for no no chocolate and four points for you hugh so just just by accidentally following the rules that you didn't know existed you got the four points.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Yeah. Which is great. But no extra for following a clearly stated rule of doing commentary. Which I think in a way may have slowed me down a little bit. I think because, as you say, I'm a voice man. Yes. I put great emphasis on the commentary. Almost as much as getting the water out of the bowl. Yes. I put, you know, great emphasis on the commentary. Yeah, almost as much as getting the water out of the bowl. Yeah, I think what really slowed you down was trying to hollow out the baguette if I'm honest. Well, it is a particularly difficult thing
Starting point is 00:51:34 to do isn't it? I mean you could hollow out a loaf of bread relatively easily but a baguette is a very long thin thing. I mean how do you? how do you hollow out a baguette? You, I mean, you couldn't, I mean, you guess you'd have to cut it, you'd have to slice it and then scoop the scoop the middle out, but then you're left with two, two boats. Yeah. In my head it would also, you know, once you'd hollowed it out, it would then act as a sort of, you know, a big tube that you could pour. It would pour out and in the end you end up squeezing,
Starting point is 00:52:04 squeezing the baguette like a sponge. Pointless sponge. Like a big bready sponge. Really. Rubber glove of course. Let's hope it's waterproof with no holes in it. We can't use the rubber glove. Hugh is really quite worried now. Hugh is hollowing out a baguette. Right, let's talk about the live task briefly then. Take it in turns to say a five-letter word whenever the music stops. You may not say a word that has been previously said. If you fail to say a word before the music starts again, you are eliminated
Starting point is 00:52:44 and the game continues with different length words winner takes all i would have hated this one hugh that this would have panicked me so much that i think i would have given a wrong word straight away just to end the tension yeah well i i approved not to be particularly good at this i think but largely because of my obsession with the word sweden's you panicked and got sweden which is yeah which and I think I was thrown slightly by going well Sweden's I knew sort of isn't a word yeah but you got away with it yeah yeah but Greg let me have it which is extraordinarily unusual in the entire series I think and then all you could and then all you could think of was Sweden. Yeah, Sweden.
Starting point is 00:53:27 So I kept on saying Sweden. But it's, you know, like you, I find those things really sort of rather stressful. I mean, if you want to know why I've never done Celebrity Mastermind or all that kind of stuff, that's why. Because once you're on the spot, once you're on the spot. Yeah, that's right. I would like to see you go on Celebrity Mastermind and say Sweden's for every single answer. Sweden's, John.
Starting point is 00:53:52 Yeah. You passed on none. You scored none. Yeah. I mean, Joe stayed very cool. Joe looked like he was actually enjoying it, to be fair to him. Yeah, no, he was. He liked the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:54:09 He sent me a message early on. I was just walking down the street one day before the series started. And I think it was like his cousin or something. It was like a 10-year-old cousin who happened to be walking down the same street, like Oxford Street. I can't remember where it was quite. Came up to me and said, I'm Joe Lycett's, I think it was his nephew.
Starting point is 00:54:31 He said, I'm Joe Lycett's nephew and he's going to mash you in the toast. It was a little subtle. Just subtle, yeah. Yeah, everybody. Well, actually, Noel I don't think was very competitive but um no that's the annoying thing about it and was naturally the best in it yeah yeah that's so funny that joe sent his uh his henchmen his hands to tell me yeah i mean to be fair joe did mash you
Starting point is 00:55:00 that child was right no he did um yeah let's briefly talk about the tie-break task. While sat in a tennis umpire's chair, decant wine from one bottle into the other bottle on the ground. Most wine in the lower bottle wins. You have one minute. Your time starts now. Joe wins this by virtue of actually trying to do it rather than just dropping an entire bottle of wine onto the other bottle. He didn't just drop an entire bottle of wine.
Starting point is 00:55:20 He drank quite a lot of the wine. Yeah, that's true. And then dropped it. That's the thing with those tie-break ones. Yeah, that's true. And then dropped it. That's the thing with those tie-break ones, you never know if they're gonna be used, so it's whether you take them seriously or not. No, again, I can't, nobody's ever seen my version of that, but I can't remember what I did.
Starting point is 00:55:34 I imagine I just poured it. Just poured it away, looking up at the clouds, you probably missed the bottle completely. I might well have done, yeah. Yeah. Or maybe I tried to run it down, maybe if I'd got a baguette I could have used this as a
Starting point is 00:55:46 hollowed out baguette that's the thing if you ever get to do Taskmaster again Hugh just take a hollowed out baguette with you for every task and you're going to win so it was Joe and Noel were the winners of the episode 19 points but of course Joe wins
Starting point is 00:56:04 after the tie break you came second in the episode, 19 points. But of course, Joe wins after the tiebreak. You came second in this episode, Hugh, 15 points. Lolly got 12. And Mel, only three points. That is absolutely dreadful. I didn't realise quite how bad it was. I suppose those minus points really hit her pretty hard. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:19 But she bounces back, doesn't she? She deals with adversity very well. I mean, within the series, I don't think it's so much that she bounces back as you bounce down, Hugh. Yeah. I can't really remember because I've expunged it from my memory. What happens in subsequent episodes?
Starting point is 00:56:36 I'm doing well at this point. Well, you're third at this point in the series with 45 points just behind Joe and Noel. Noel's doing very well and Mel's bottom. But, yeah, you do... So I drop an entire place in the next? You drop an entire place, yeah, and so does Lolly, and then, yeah, Mel slots in above you guys. Caravan.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Wembley. Partiers. Sweden. That's it. That's it. That's it. That's it. That's it. That's it. Sit down.
Starting point is 00:57:11 That's self-destructed. We've got some emails, Hugh. Oh, yeah. Here we go. You'll like this, Hugh. This is from George in Bristol. Hi, Ed. To call myself a Taskmaster fan is an understatement.
Starting point is 00:57:23 I've watched each episode over 20 times and have re-scored all the series at least five times just wanted to email before next week to say that hugh dennis is undoubtedly the most underscored contestant in taskmaster history and usually comes out as the winner of the series in my scorings thought you should know How do you feel about that Hugh? Well I've always loved George. He's great. Well thank you very much. I did feel a little bit underscored but not enough to win the series. I thought Noel was a very worthy winner of the series. He just proved to be annoyingly good at everything. There was one task where we had to hit, we had to sort of hit a stone or something across a football pitch with a kind of a golf
Starting point is 00:58:12 that we'd made and I got it, I hit it really sweetly and I hit it I don't know how far, you know, sort of to the halfway line or something. And I thought I've got that nailed, there's no way that Lolly or Joe or Mel will do that. Noel, however, just sort of, he's like Bryson DeChambeau or someone off the tee. Just saying, I was like twice as far as everyone else. Yeah. And then he paints and he, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:42 he disguises himself. Yeah, he's a little magic man. Astonishing. But as I say, I think I prove to myself, one, that I am very literal and two, that I should carry a baguette everywhere. Let's talk about this briefly because this came up last week.
Starting point is 00:59:00 This is an email from Lisa in Stirling. Just listening to the podcast. Great job, by the way. Thanks, Lisa. However, the question about the treadmill. Now, Lisa's got her opinions on this. Do you remember the task, Hugh? We chatted about it last week.
Starting point is 00:59:15 You had to keep the basketball on the treadmill for as long as possible, and the treadmill was being turned on. And what you did was very clever to start with. You put the basin over the basketball and held it in place um and read a book and did a bit of business yeah very much appreciated the business um and then you unplugged it now i was suggesting on the podcast last week that you unplugged it you touched the plug of the treadmill so that is part of the treadmill and
Starting point is 00:59:43 part of the task was not touching the treadmill can you clarify once and for all what was the plug attached to so because lisa says uh i think he unplugged the treadmill plug it was the extension lead plug i think it was the extension lead plug this is what lisa's saying she's saying i don't think you unplugged the treadmill plug but the secondary extension lead the treadmill is plugged into. Yeah, no, I think that's right, but I can't really remember. But I think because I am so literal, I think I would have done that. Yeah, I can't see a situation where you're unplugging the treadmill by touching the plug that's attached to the treadmill.
Starting point is 01:00:22 I've completely forgotten that task. I'd say it's probably one of your highlights. Alex came on the show last week to say it's one of the few times that a perfect solution to a task has been found. Thank you, Alex. And not a week after you are hollowing out a baguette. I know. But you can be great in some areas and terrible in others can't you i i agree
Starting point is 01:00:46 some kids are good at english and terrible at physics i do agree with you hugh but in taskmaster you take that to an absolute extreme sometimes even within the same episode you do the perfect solution to a task and then the maddest thing anyone's ever seen yeah but it's great to do isn't it because none of it matters although it just doesn't matter. Well, you say that, Hugh. I think about it every night of my life. I wake up screaming at some of the things I did. It is... When you get to the house for the first time,
Starting point is 01:01:13 you know, on your first day, you sort of haven't quite appreciated the fact that it will literally just be you. Yeah. Have you appreciated that? Yeah, it's weird when you do the first one and then you sat there and you're like oh it's going to be it's good and they're setting up for you again yeah it is yeah it's quite a strange thing you go and then you're going to another
Starting point is 01:01:32 room and you're thinking oh no there are cameras on me everywhere i've got oh no and that sort of balance it is that balance of you know you know, I'm going to try and do this in the best way possible, but also this does have to be slightly entertaining. Yes. Oh, I think it's all entertaining. Yeah, there was no doubt that I think even when you were trying your absolute hardest to win, Hugh, I think that was when you were most entertaining, because that's when it went the most tits up. We always get our guests, Hugh, to rate their experience on the Taskmaster podcast
Starting point is 01:02:07 between one and five points, as is the style of Taskmaster. How have you enjoyed being on the Taskmaster podcast and how many points would you give the experience? Well, listen, I would give it five. Do, do then. Clearly, because you're an excellent podcast host. Thank you. then clearly because you're an excellent you know podcast host thank you the only reason I would mark this down possibly two or three is because I'm sat on my bedroom floor
Starting point is 01:02:32 no is there is there yeah because you're sat on your bedroom floor but really because it you know in my mind it's brought back a lot of trauma. Okay. I spent an hour dealing with trauma. It is, it's amazing. It's three points, is it? Because it's two points off for the horrific trauma that I've brought back to the surface. Yeah, yeah, no, it's five for your, you know, your great podcasting style and all that kind of stuff
Starting point is 01:03:00 and three really just because I've been thrown back to things I just don't want to have to think about. Well, that's of stuff. And three, really, just because I've been thrown back to things I just don't want to have to think about. Well, that's the aim. We aim to really upset our guests. Hugh Dennis, thank you very much for coming on the Taskmaster podcast. Thank you. there we are Hugh Dennis thank you so much for coming on the show Hugh uh we'll try and drag Hugh back for another one uh I'm not sure if he's a Taskmaster expert across the board but it might
Starting point is 01:03:39 be fun uh to make him watch some other episodes and realize quite how wrong he went in the way he approached it. Remember, you can watch Taskmaster on all four. Next week, we will have another very special guest, taskmasterpodcast.gmail.com, for emails. And our special guest next week is Mel Gedroich. Yes, it's Mel from Series 4 as well, the other team-mate to Desky.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Can't wait to have Mel on. She is one of the best Taskmaster contestants of all time i'd say uh so we can't wait to chat to her get your questions from mel to taskmasterpodcast at gmail.com come and see me on tour in electric from february 2022 edgamble.co.uk for tickets watch taskmaster on all four watch the youtube channel buy the stuff just live your life via Taskmaster. Thank you very much. Goodbye. You can get anything you need with Uber Eats. Well, almost, almost anything. So no, you can get anything you need with uber eats well almost almost anything so no you can't get snowballs on uber eats but meatballs and mozzarella balls yes we can deliver that uber eats get almost
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