Taskmaster The Podcast - Ep 68. Tim Vine - S6 Ep.1

Episode Date: February 17, 2022

It's Series 6 time! And who better to join Ed than comedian, actor and Series 6 contestant - Tim Vine! Tim kicks off the series with his thoughts and memories of being on the show - why he enjoyed th...e prize tasks, the inspiration behind the outfit and the story behind Sledge Ravine. To find out more about Tim's live show go to www.timvine.com/plastic-elvis-2021-uk-tourWatch all of Taskmaster on All 4www.channel4.com/programmes/taskmaster Visit the Taskmaster Store for all your TM goodies!taskmasterstore.com Visit the Taskmaster YouTube Channelyoutube.com/taskmaster Get in touch with Ed and future guests:taskmasterpodcast@gmail.com Taskmaster the Podcast is Produced by Daisy Knight for AvalonTelevision Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We can wait for clean water solutions, or we can engineer access to clean water. We can acknowledge indigenous cultures, or we can learn from indigenous voices. We can demand more from the earth, or we can demand more from ourselves. At York University, we work together to create positive change for a better tomorrow. Join us at yorku.ca slash write the future. Hello and welcome to the Taskmaster podcast. It's new series day at the Taskmaster podcast. Always an exciting day. The children all rush out into the street. They're so excited. They're so giddy. They all get there all four ready. They all get there all four ready, the children,
Starting point is 00:00:54 and they watch it in the street. They shout, it's a new series. It's a new series. And they all jingle their bells because today we are starting to talk about series six of Taskmaster, the first series with 10 episodes. This will be 10 weeks of chatting about this brilliant new lineup to us. The wonderful Tim Vine, who we'll be speaking to today, spoiler warning. Alice Levine, Asim Chowdhury, Russell Howard, and of course, Lisa Tarbuck. It's a great series, it always is. It's lovely to watch it back. And we're going to chat to Tim today about episode one of series six.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Do get your questions in. If you have any questions for any of the other guests that we might have on, we're going to have a mix of hopefully more people from that series, previous Taskmaster contestants from other series, and just massive Taskmaster mega fans. So any questions you have in general or about series six or about a specific task, taskmasterpodcast at gmail.com is the email address for you but for now this is a brilliant Tim Vine talking to me about Taskmaster series six episode one welcome Tim Vine to the Taskmaster podcast oh Ed what an absolute pleasure to relive some
Starting point is 00:02:02 wonderful memories well it's lovely to have you on because it's the first time we're talking about Series 6 on the Taskmaster podcast. Very exciting to start. Always exciting to start talking about a new series. Great. Excellent. Well, I'm happy to be here and to see you. Good. Excellent. That's a good start. A lovely start, isn't it? Such a lovely start. So, yeah, this is episode one of series six now tim of course uh we need to ask you a few questions generally about your experience on the show
Starting point is 00:02:29 had you had you seen much of taskmaster before you agreed to appear on the show well you know the first time i saw it was actually a trailer and i and i and even from the trailer it popped up and i think john richard simpson was that an early series that john was in i'm trying to think it was quite early on. Series two. Yes. Yes. OK, so I saw so I saw this train. I thought, I'd love to do that. It just seemed they were just doing some nonsense in the garden. Yeah, very physical and silly.
Starting point is 00:02:55 I thought that was great. And I sort of was hoping for, you know, that someone would ring up and go, do you want to do it? And it sort of didn't really happen because that was series two. So it was a little while. And so eventually when I was asked, yes, I'm still on that list of people that sometimes get asked to do things. So, and I didn't really know much about it other than a trailer
Starting point is 00:03:14 and having seen a couple of episodes, you know. But, I mean, you can't really be prepared for it because the tasks are all different anyway. Exactly, yeah. I mean, I think you were probably always on that list. I know that Alex in particular is a massive fan of yours. Oh, bless him. I'm a big fan of his.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Well, it was very exciting when you were announced. I thought, yeah, Tim's made for it because you embraced the silly. Yes, well, I try to, yeah. And the lovely thing about it, and I'm sure lots of people who've been on it have said the thing to you is it's lovely not to have to remember anything I mean you just literally they uh they put you in a little holding area and every now and again you go we've got another task for you and you wander out into whatever they've got to offer you you haven't you're not scrambling around going and this is the line I've got to remember this bit you know you can just
Starting point is 00:04:02 mess about so it's great and what's i always found it quite refreshing as well because obviously as comics our thing is we need to do something and then get that instant feedback straight away and it's that constant worry of doing the next thing and god i hope people like that i hope people like that but with taskmaster you get to do something and then you don't see the results of it for months and it's quite no exactly and you have that great moment in the studio where where Alex introduces a task and you all have the kind of, oh, yeah, that one. Yeah, you all each other.
Starting point is 00:04:31 And that is a genius bit of the show as well, is the fact that that that taskmaster rule about you mustn't speak to each other about these tasks. Yeah. And so you really sit in a line in the studio on the day when when they start in the studio. It's just great fun because you're all looking at each other going, oh, yeah. And you realize you're sitting with four people who also did the same thing. And the crew, I remember saying to me at the time, and again, I'm sure they said to everyone, but but it's a it's a strange thing. But they let the same tasks come up.
Starting point is 00:05:08 People make quite quick decisions and they always make different decisions. Yeah, it's very odd, isn't it? I mean, that happens a few times in this episode. I think there's things where you think, well, they've decided that as if it's the only possible course of action. Exactly. And you kind of do feel that way when you make the decision. Your worry actually is original. You know, actually people tend to go off, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:30 in their own different paths. Absolutely. Yeah. I mean, this is a very, very good episode to kick off with. I mean, the reaction of people sat in the studio going, oh God, this one. It seems to mainly be Asim in this episode. He was great
Starting point is 00:05:45 he was fantastic did you know did you know many of the many of the other contestants before you started no I didn't I'd never met Asim before
Starting point is 00:05:53 I'd never met Alice before Russell I'd I'd met a few times doing gigs and things who was the other one oh me Lisa as well oh Lisa sorry the winner the winner, the winner.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Goodness sake, Vine, come on. I mean, she was, and she was very, very good. Yes. Very, very, we sort of, you sort of got to realise early on, you think to yourself, oh, she's very smart, very witty, and, you know, everything, there was nothing sort of, there was often a really good sort of laugh involved in what she did, you know.
Starting point is 00:06:28 It wasn't just nonsense. You think, oh, that's very clever as well, you know. Yeah, she's very smart and very calm as well in all her tasks. She's just very, she's the one who's like, this is what I'm going to do, this is the way I'm going to do it and I'm absolutely confident about it. Yeah, and I'm not sure which episode it was where it was me Asim and Lisa and we were uh and it was like some sort of uh treasure hunting type thing which I think you had to then work out you're
Starting point is 00:06:55 supposed to hop on the ground 20 times and uh I mean it was absolutely me and Asim looked absolutely clueless and Greg made a good point straight when we came back. You see what women have to deal with, you know. We just looked like a couple of Inspector Clouseaus while she was working it out. That is a legendary task. Lisa, I think, says, oh, maybe it's hop. Maybe we have to hop.
Starting point is 00:07:17 And you and Asim are going, oh, I don't know what we've got to do here. And then she just starts hopping and that's the end of the task. It's brilliant. we've got to do here and then she just starts hopping and that's the end of the task it's brilliant um so you must have enjoyed the show team you're talking about it very fondly yes very much so very much so i always say to people that it's you know if you ever get asked to do it you must do it because it's uh it's it's just it is so much fun i mean it when you when you're doing the tasks it it really does go to,
Starting point is 00:07:45 we all like to be the centre of attention a bit. And when you film the tasks, you're there in this house with the crew who are all lovely people and Alex, who's lovely, and you're sort of just messing about all day long. The other contestants aren't even there. So you're the centre of attention for the day. You have a nice lunch together. Everyone's really kind.
Starting point is 00:08:02 So it's just great fun. It's just a silly silly thing to be doing and as i say it's the joy of it partly is just the the not having any pressure to there's nothing you're being expected to bring to the table you just bring whatever you think of at the time and that might freak some people out but to me i you know i think to comics it's just a nice release to just mess about. Yeah, I think you're right. Talk us through, I mean, there are a couple of things I want to talk about generally
Starting point is 00:08:28 before we get into this episode. Talk us through the outfit decision, because it's one of the great Taskmaster outfits, I'd say. Noel Fielding, he had a great costume, didn't he? And I thought to myself... Yeah, yellow sort of jumpsuit with a skeleton painted on it. That's right, yeah, yeah. And I thought, I think I need a costume. I think think i will get i didn't want to just turn up wearing
Starting point is 00:08:48 a tracksuit you know um and actually and actually everyone kind of wears a costume don't i think that's now sort of a thing you have your signature yeah it's a bit more of a it's a bit more of a decision i think this was probably one of the last series where there were quite a lot of contestants just wearing quite regular clothes, which made yours stand out even more when you're introduced at the top of this episode and everyone's just wearing like just normal clothes you'd find in a shop.
Starting point is 00:09:14 And then you walk out wearing a safari suit with a hat. Yeah, well, one of the things I think they had to keep doing, and to answer your question, I don't really remember making the decision exactly. I just must have made a quite quick decision in a party shop. But but one of the things that they had in the edit process, I think, was the fact that when when we're all sitting there in the with a studio audience watching a show and and the task done. And each time I used to walk out to a task wearing the safari suit, it used to get a laugh from the audience. But of course, once you're sort of, you know, three episodes in
Starting point is 00:09:48 and it's a different audience, that no longer doesn't make sense anymore. But each time you go, what the fuck? So I was quite pleased that it's sort of, you know, it's nice to wear something, isn't it? Yes. Yeah, it is. I mean, I also had a sort of more of a sort of unique outfit when when i did it uh what did you wear because i can't remember i wore all all denim like all horrible stonewashed denim with a bolo tie um so it was just more of a
Starting point is 00:10:19 horrible outfit uh yeah yeah yeah i think that be, mine could be described like that as well by some people. Yours was great fun. And we actually came back to. I'll tell you what, on the subject of it, I can, I'll show you, I know this is,
Starting point is 00:10:33 we're not visual at the moment, but I'm wearing the shoes I wore on. These are the trainers that I wore on. I'm sort of almost in the costume. Well, of all the things you could have picked from that outfit to wear in normal life, I'm glad it's the trainers, Tim. Yes, it doesn't really get a big reaction.
Starting point is 00:11:08 So let's kick off with the prize task. Yes. For the first episode of Series 6, it's Best Liquid. Did you enjoy doing the prize tasks, Tim? I loved it, yeah, yeah. In fact, early on in the series, I think I won a couple of them quite early on, so I felt like it was a round I was quite pleased about. It took me a while to win a normal round,
Starting point is 00:11:28 but I seemed to sort of do quite well with a couple of the tasks, the prize tasks. Yeah, I think that makes sense because I feel like you've got a lot of weird stuff in your house because you've got so many of those props that you use for your show where you'll just buy things or have things made and then write the jokes about them afterwards yes there's there's an element of that that goes on yeah yeah and one of the um uh and i'm jumping to another episode now but uh one of the tasks was uh things that's scary in your kitchen
Starting point is 00:11:58 and uh and i um and i chose a cupboard door that would occasionally fall out and hit me on the head. Well, that cupboard has now been reattached. And feeling like I wanted to, it was a sort of special door, you know, having been on Taskmaster. I've actually written on the inside of it, this cupboard door appeared on Taskmaster episodes and I put the date on it. So when they tear this house down, someone will go,
Starting point is 00:12:22 oh, look. What a lovely memento for them i hope they don't get rid of it oh yeah exactly you got to put that behind perspex like in a museum or something that would be great yeah well i think you'd just be there until as i say you know they you know i die and then someone has to clear all the junk out and while they're pulling all the covered doors down again oh look at this he's written on the back of a door my brother will go in the skip for the rest of it. I think the cupboard door won't make much difference when they're finding all those props anyway.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Those are probably the headlines. Yeah. They find the candy floss wig or whatever. So let's talk about Best Liquid. Let's talk about yours first, Tim, because you said you won a few early on. This is one of the ones that you won. Yeah. Because you grabbed Greg's attention with this straight. This is one of the ones that you won. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:05 Because you grabbed Greg's attention with this straight away. You can see Greg's face light up. You went with fizzy Benelin. Yeah, which I thought was a really clever idea, because I thought it genuinely would work, but actually it sort of curdled when I attempted it. It was disgusting. I did try a bit of it,
Starting point is 00:13:25 but it just, I thought the whole thing would be fizzy, but Ben will inflate. Yeah. But actually it was just like a kind of turned into like a kind of yogurt. It's horrible. That doesn't get mentioned in the show. I feel like the points would have got knocked off if you'd said,
Starting point is 00:13:40 well, it's actually turned into a sort of yogurt. If I said it was disgusting. Yeah. No, I think great couture is something that could genuinely be sold in shops yeah i think i think if you took some of the sort of medicinal stuff out of it and you just had the flavor and the fears i definitely think that could be sold in shops i mean you said that you poured out half and then filled up the rest with fizzy water i think you need to go soda stream if you're going to make it properly, right?
Starting point is 00:14:05 Yeah, you're right. But the thing about SodaStream is you do require quite a lot of, you know, whatever liquid you're using. And Benelin, it's not a lot. You'd only be that high up in the SodaStream if you put the whole of a Benelin bottle in there. Yeah. Well, you're going to need to invest. You're going to need to buy loads of Benelin, Tim.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Loads of Benelin, yeah. Yeah, that's the key. But I thought it was great that was a brilliant prize and yeah it's sort of it's fun it's silly and yeah really tickled Greg's nostalgia which I think is key other end of the scale in terms of sort of fun
Starting point is 00:14:38 Alice Levine brought blood in yes where was the blood from I don't remember she said it was her blood. But then that wasn't discussed any further. I'm not surprised. So I don't know if it was... She missed a trick. She should have gone for fizzy blood.
Starting point is 00:14:54 She should have had fizzy blood. Exactly. That's the only thing that could have beaten fizzy benzyl in is fizzy blood. You could probably produce that naturally if you did some diving and came up too quick. People with the bends. Benzolin. Tim, I'll be honest, we're nearly 15 minutes into the recording.
Starting point is 00:15:15 That's the first pun. I was getting worried. Sorry. I'm not sure Benzolin could be used in my act anywhere else. It's too much explaining. Yeah, there's quite a lot of... Have you seen Tim's new show? He does a 25-minute set-up to the first pun which is benzil and yeah yeah blood and cough mixture pun ed gamble has to come on and talk to him about it it's really it's really weird it takes a long time to get there i'm not sure it's worth it um but blood i thought was good she's thinking around
Starting point is 00:15:39 best liquid of course we'll we'll need it that doesn't yes definitely that was a good one lisa uh brought in water but the world's cleanest water from a place in chile which i think was harshly judged greg uh greg seemed to suggest that it was uh she'd not tried or she'd not she'd not really right but she did import this water from ch. I think that's pretty impressive. Right, yeah, certainly. She said she did, certainly. Are you suggesting... You could find something similar here to fool everyone. Are you suggesting she got a bottle of Evian and put a Chilean label on it?
Starting point is 00:16:18 That would be more difficult. Yeah, not at all. I'm absolutely certain it was flown across from Chile. It might have just been Chile water. Yeah. Asim brought in his own peanut dust vape juice. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it relates to his character, Buddy G,
Starting point is 00:16:40 in People Just Do Nothing, who sells peanut dust as a business idea. It's in the first episode of people just do nothing it's very funny and then he made his own vape uh vape liquid uh peanut dust flavor as a fan of people just do nothing i thought this was great um are you a no, no, I'm a human. Are you a vaper? Now that has got some possibilities, hasn't it? That's great.
Starting point is 00:17:14 I'm sure you can make something out of that. E-cigarettes. He said, are you a vaper? I said, no, I'm a... Whatever the next bit is. I'm a solid, I'm a solid. Yeah, exactly, I'm a solid. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So the vape juice didn't do very well.
Starting point is 00:17:29 It only got one point. I feel like it should have got more. I thought it was quite inventive. Yeah, and very topical as well to go with vape. Yes, yeah. And of course, something you will talk about later on with Asim, he did, as far as I'm concerned, the greatest... And it wasn't an opening task
Starting point is 00:17:45 no it was that thing of the callback thing to a previous episode I thought and being a vegetarian the announcement yeah
Starting point is 00:17:51 the announcement yeah that was great yeah it is it's fantastic I think maybe rather than it being topical it feels like it was
Starting point is 00:17:59 slightly ahead of its time I think vaping really only maybe came into its own in 2019 2020 and this was 2018 I think we were maybe six months ahead into its own in 2019, 2020. And this was 2018. I think we were maybe six months ahead of the curve with Assim's Vape Juice.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Yeah, you might be right. Maybe that's why I only got one point. Well, Russell Howard was, I think, not ahead of the times with Brute for Men. Probably slightly behind the times. Brute, though, was, did you know unbelievably elvis used brute did he yeah brute 33 yeah will you be do you splash yourself with brute 30 special do your tribute your tribute tour no that was a nice link though to talk now in great depth about my tour no um no i don't know i just uh um yeah whatever i would put on would be washed away by the torrent of sweat that i produced as soon as i go on anyway so it wouldn't work
Starting point is 00:18:53 no one's getting near enough to other than me to actually smell me so so you're in like a plastic outfit though right the yes plastic yeah um so it So I sort of, I make a joke about, I say in my best Elvis voice, I say, yeah, but sweat just kind of builds up in here. It just doesn't go anywhere. At the end of the night, I bring the zip down. It's like taking the front off the Hoover Dam. Oh, I love it.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Which the audience obviously are delighted by the imagery of. I love it. Which the audience obviously are delighted by the imagery of. I'm sure. It doesn't put them off at all. Well, yes. But yeah,
Starting point is 00:19:31 we're sidetracking. But yeah, Brute 33 is a great smell as far as Elvis is concerned. Well, not according to Greg Davis
Starting point is 00:19:38 who said he'd had an awkward experience with Brute for Men and refuses to elaborate on it even though Russell asked him to and then Greg really laid down the law and said, I'm the taskmaster
Starting point is 00:19:47 Russell. It's like he was slapping him down early doors being like, you don't host this one, Russell. Well, I don't think you need that. There was a bit of that going on throughout the series between the two of them, wasn't there? A tussle. A manly tussle. Well, it was one
Starting point is 00:20:02 point for Russell, one point for Asim, three points for Lisa's Chilean water. Alice Levine's blood gets four points, but of course it was five points for the fizzy benelin. Well, I was thrilled to get off to a good start. Russell, what have you brought in? I think the best liquid in the world for me would have to be Brut for Men. It's an aftershave. There it is.
Starting point is 00:20:23 And I remember splashing it all over myself for the first time in 1988 i was eight and my dad gave me some and said get some of that on here and kind of splashed it on went into school and just your dad is phil mitchell from east denmark it was the only aftershave you could buy when I was a young man, which is why I didn't lose my virginity until I was 35. So this is task one proper. Perform the best stunt using this wheelbarrow. You have one hour. Your time starts now.
Starting point is 00:20:56 I think tricky task. There's so many things you could do, I guess, but also very little you can do, Tim. I can reveal something about that actually the because i did i did i did i call it the ravine so i do apologize sledge ravine yes sledge ravine yeah yeah that's right but there was a task we'd filmed before that that didn't make it into the show and it was one where we were asked to do like a a motivational speech thing yeah and uh and i did this thing and threw myself back into a hedge and and there was this and the hedge didn't catch me at all i sort of says throw yourself back into life and i threw myself back and it's thinking the
Starting point is 00:21:37 hedge would catch me i went straight through it and there was a rock like that oh my god i went and i landed on it and i was lying there like that and i had my God. And I went, ah, like that. And I landed on that. And I was lying there like that. And I had that thing which, you know, whenever anyone falls over, you think, is anything broken? You know, because it's a bit of a shock. And I thought, no, I think I'm all right. Because I could have broken my back. I was thinking about one of those moments. And, you know, Alex sort of leant in and said, yeah, yeah,
Starting point is 00:21:59 I'm all right. But anyway, the following task was a stunt with a wheelbarrow. And I'm sort of hobbling around a bit with my back thinking so it was a bit of a sheepish attempt at sledge ravine that makes a lot a lot of sense then looking at sledge ravine now with the context that you'd nearly broken your back on a sharp rock exactly yeah i didn't really i mean it wasn't something that i took a great run-up for was it? No, you just sort of slid down the wheelbarrow onto some cushions while Alex threw tennis balls at you.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Yes. And the only note I wrote for this was, Tim, what was this? But now we know it was you trying to heal your back. It was me thinking to myself, I'm going to do this, but I just need to be slightly, I don't think this is the moment to be mid-air with a wheelbarrow. Yes. But you still didn't come bottom in this task
Starting point is 00:22:50 despite the poor sled ravine. Acid managed to get bottom place. He attached the wheelbarrow to a bike, rode through a fake brick wall, picked up a dummy and took it to the caravan. And it was all in slow motion. I think Greg makes the point of saying it's very rare that something can be in slow motion and still look terrible because he seems to he saves this dummy he's rescuing this dummy but he's she's just sort
Starting point is 00:23:18 of stood there the dummy she's not in any distress whatsoever and And I thought it was fun. It obviously wasn't a great stunt, but he'd thought it through. There was a story to it. It made more sense. No offence, Tim. It made more sense than Sledge Ravine. Sledge Ravine, I agree. Looking back at Sledge Ravine now,
Starting point is 00:23:35 I think it was only the tennis balls that saved me from last place. Yeah, definitely. That extra sort of cherry on the cake, you know. But I can see Asim as an action star. I can see him in an action film, for sure. 100%, yeah, yeah. I mean, I would disagree with Greg,
Starting point is 00:23:52 and I'd say that it looks great in slow motion. Anything in slow motion looks brilliant. Yeah, I mean, it's impressive, if anything, to do something in slow motion, and it just looks like the sort of speed of someone walking. Yes. I think that's great. I think that deserves points.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Only perhaps walking in slow motion would be a bit dull, wouldn't it? Yeah. Lisa made a zip wire and turns the wheelbarrow into a sort of fly creature and sends it down the wire delivering chocolates. I mean, this has got a really good example of Lisa's brain just working differently to everyone else. Because she comes up with this idea immediately and she just said,
Starting point is 00:24:37 oh, well, we'll turn this into a creature and we'll send that down. Probably chocolates were delivering that, isn't it? What was the creature? It looked like a big fly. It had sort of big eyes. I think it was supposed to be like a giant fly, but I could have stood there for hours and never thought
Starting point is 00:24:50 of, oh, I'll do a giant fly delivering chocolates. No, exactly. I think the delivering chocolates, something actually happened. There's a humanitarian side to it. It's helping. Sledge Ravine was very self-indulgent help nobody
Starting point is 00:25:05 yeah exactly Lisa's always thinking of other people isn't she yes she is she's working out a new system for the UN where mass I mean that'd be horrible wouldn't if you're hungry and then a massive fly delivers a bar of chocolate that would put me right off yes no that would be certainly unusual. Yeah. But she's so great. She's so sure of herself. It's perfect. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Russell makes it as dangerous as possible, his stunt, by swigging some gin, lighting a cigarette, getting into a wheelbarrow with a toy shark and crashing it into a wheelie bin full of rubber bricks. I think he calls the bin of doom. Yes. He'd really thought this through. Was that the winner? Did he win this one? He got four points. Alice won this one.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Alice's was pretty spectacular, I think. But I really liked that Russell had thought it through. You could see all the additions he'd made along the way. And just his closing words in it, which I think makes all stunts good he just looked down the camera and said
Starting point is 00:26:06 now that's a stunt and he's sort of puffing on a cigarette puffing on a cig, yeah I mean it took ages to light Alex's cigarette which I liked even more the build up, the tension it was great, I loved that one but Alice's I think, this is one of the ones
Starting point is 00:26:22 I really remember from this series as well Ed you must remind me because I didn't do my homework recapping this was with the legs in the car was it yeah oh goodness me well I mean there we are that was an absolute belter yes you know the second you see it well that's that one one move on yeah exactly yeah so the the yeah the the wheelbarrow she was sat in the wheelbarrow with a rope attached to her feet alex drives away and pulls off her legs completely what a what a brilliant surprise it's so funny it's so great yeah really really really great well that's an example of i mean blimey the second if you think of that if that's one of those ideas that comes to you like that
Starting point is 00:27:00 you must be you must think that great, that's a good idea. Where were the legs taken from? It was from a dummy, but I wonder where the dummy was. The dummy was in the caravan, I think. I'm assuming it's the same dummy that Asim rescues. He put all that effort into rescuing the dummy and then
Starting point is 00:27:19 Alice pulled its legs off. Which is a real shame. Poor dummy. It's spectacular, that. It's so, so good. And any time Alex is asked to drive his car, I enjoy it as well. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Because you're just reminded that Alex drives himself there because he's not a diva. It's always great when Alex gets involved in tasks because there's something very sort of earnest about it in wanting to do well with them. You know, he's sort of... Yeah. Okay, yes, of course.
Starting point is 00:27:51 He's like a sort of really willing butler, isn't he? Yeah, he totally is. And I don't think he ever wants to be accused of deliberately not helping someone... Yes. ...to reduce their point. So I think he really wants to do well if he's asked yeah and quite often it is like it is one of the constant joys of the show is that is that constant uh um
Starting point is 00:28:11 yes jim yes well no i don't know yeah it's like yeah it's like he's seen it all before yeah absolutely and you wonder what i'd love to see the uh do you get to look at the what he's writing down in specifics? I know there's lots of timings and things, don't there? Yeah, I think it must be timings or, you know, you hope he's not writing insults or anything like that. Yeah, or a letter home when it comes to the air, rather. They won't let me out.
Starting point is 00:28:40 So it was one point for Asim, two points for you, Tim, three points for Lisa, four points for Russell, and the big five for Alex. We established a baseline with yours. Yeah. It was shit. The question is, did Tim Vine limbo under it? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Did he come back round because it was so shit? Also, mine had my name in it because vine is in the word ravine. Oh, yeah. I've just thought of that now. I didn't think of that. My middle name is Sledge, coincidentally. Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing.
Starting point is 00:29:27 With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer. I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. and surprising. Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative. We can wait for clean water solutions. Or we can engineer access to clean water. We can acknowledge Indigenous cultures. Or we can learn from Indigenous voices. We can demand more from the earth indigenous voices we can demand more from
Starting point is 00:30:25 the earth or we can demand more from ourselves at york university we work together to create positive change for a better tomorrow join us at yorku.ca write the future task two make the highest tower using only what is in the bowl which was lemons you may wield the knife a maximum of five times you have 10 minutes your time starts now very typically task mastery using a word like wield which you have to interpret and i think they're hoping that you'll do something something odd and claim it's wielding and then have to argue it in the studio. Yeah, yeah, exactly yeah and I think
Starting point is 00:31:10 someone did talk about wielding as there were. Yeah, I mean when you first saw wield, what did you interpret that as? Just hold. I was more transfixed by the lemons to be honest than the knife Utterly enchanted by the lemons to be honest than the knife you start thinking about it is like it
Starting point is 00:31:28 is like one of those there's lots of puzzle elements to these things that that you you look at you look back at sometimes when you're not under the uh sort of pressure to think of something in actual fact you're not under pressure to go like that they alex always says have a bit of a have a bit of think about it but none of us really want to stand there for three minutes thinking about it. So that's what makes us all think of stuff quickly, I think. Because there's a camera like that.
Starting point is 00:31:52 And even though they go, no, it's fine, just give it some thought. I don't know whether there's many people who go off and, you know, have a sit down for 10 minutes. We all get on with it, don't we, straight away. But it is like those puzzles. In this one, you're really in no rush.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Everyone else is sort of panicking a bit about the lemons and what to do with the lemons. You're very, you sort of, you delight, take this one and squash it on there and see what happens. You're just having a nice day with some lemons. Yeah, well, as with it, I've noticed that I often think I'm doing things quickly
Starting point is 00:32:22 and actually I'm not doing them quickly at all. And your poor shorts took an absolute pasting, didn't they? You were squeezing those lemons and the lemon juice all over your bottom half. That's right, yeah. That wasn't the task where I said something where I
Starting point is 00:32:39 uttered son of a bitch or something, was it? No, I think that's later in the series because that was a big thing. Well, that was front page news, yeah. Yeah, that Tim Vine swore. Yeah, and not even really a swear word, really particularly. No, not even, no, no.
Starting point is 00:32:58 But even for you, that is the worst word, isn't it, I suppose? Well, no. We've got an email about your swearing later on, actually. I'll definitely ask you that question. But you sort of just squat. You didn't really use the knife particularly until the end, but you squashed the lemons,
Starting point is 00:33:19 hoping that you could squash them down and build a tower. It seemed like quite a good technique. Yes, I thought so. The problem with... I think I was transfixed by just the thought of being able to balance more than the height. Because actually, if you flatten something, you do lose height, I discovered.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Yeah. I think I was more thinking about how do we make this... I mean, was it... make it as tall as possible? Was that what the... Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah. Tallest tower, yeah. Yeah, so I don't think I really, I don't think I was really thinking much about the tallness,
Starting point is 00:33:54 more about, like you say, just flattening things. Making a tower in the first place. Exactly. Look, you got the two points because a pattern is emerging. Asim did worse and saved you from the bottom. Yes. Because Asim started, he had a proper Taskmaster meltdown
Starting point is 00:34:11 where just all logic completely defies you. He started slicing the lemons in half and then just putting them back together. Pointless. Absolutely pointless. Sliced the lemons in half, put them back together. They had a whole lemon again. He only made a tower of four. Except they weren't joined together properly yes except they were less stable
Starting point is 00:34:29 he made the lemons less stable than they already were um four centimeter tower uh unfortunately or four inch tower and one of the two anyway he was bottom uh and you you managed a seven inch tower which is great uh lisa uh used the knife as well to create her tower. Eight inches, very strong. I mean, again, she's not in any rush either, to be honest. She's very calm. No, well, when you're not being timed, it's sensible to take your time.
Starting point is 00:34:56 But weirdly, it's, you know, lots of things you think about afterwards that you don't encourage you at the time. Yeah. You think, you know, if you've just done a timed task and then the next one isn't a timed task you're still sort of in timed task mode yeah that's a good point yeah and it's just you're right it's the pressure of the lights and the camera and alex stood there in a suit with a clipboard you're like i've got a clipboard doing his normal yes well no yes jim yes um alice this was very clever.
Starting point is 00:35:26 I think Alice is super smart, actually, especially in this episode. Reads the task and says, well, it says I'm only allowed to wield this knife a certain amount of times. It doesn't mention any other knives. She went straight out and got another knife from the kitchen.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Very, very smart idea. Very, very smart. And it's exactly the sort of thing that greg loves is that you know you've looked at the rules you've applied the rules and you've stuck to the rules but you've been a bit clever by going around them slightly a bit clever exactly or some days if he's in a bad mood he hates that so you never know that's that's that's the point yeah but he's generally though though, he does like... He's a stickler for rules, though, Craig, isn't he?
Starting point is 00:36:07 So he would sort of... I think he's fair normally. Occasionally, he just doesn't like someone. But normally, he's fair about rules. Yeah, I think so. Russell's Tower. Now, I think this is controversial, Tim. If you remember Russell's Tower,
Starting point is 00:36:28 he had the bowl and he stacked them up in the bowl to make it what he calls a diagonal tower that was 11 inches. Now the rules of the toss, Tim, I'll remind you, were make the highest tower using only what is in the bowl. So he actually uses the bowl as, I think there's an argument that it's a supporting structure, but I would say it's part of the tower.
Starting point is 00:36:49 So you can't say you can only use what is in the bowl when you're using the bowl, because unless you believe that the bowl is in the bowl. I agree with you. I think that that's an example where he should have been disqualified. Yes. In a fair world, that's no out. It didn't happen that way,
Starting point is 00:37:07 did it? It didn't happen, no. He was given the full 11 inches, the five points. At least, I think it should have been the height rather than the diagonal height
Starting point is 00:37:15 because he's... So in a way, I'd like to go slightly against what I said about Greg always being a stickler for rules because in that situation, he looked at the rules and thought well I mean you know
Starting point is 00:37:29 yeah kind of it was just he allowed a little more bending than I would have liked yes quite and I'm going to get plenty of tweets I'm sure saying that I'm wrong and Russell was allowed and I'm sure it's great but yes I'm willing to have that argument.
Starting point is 00:37:45 I think he was only allowed to use what was in the bowl. The bowl itself is not in the bowl. If you ask someone to empty the bowl, you don't want them to throw the bowl out. Okay. Well, it would be like introducing a totally different item in as well. I mean, if you say using,
Starting point is 00:37:59 what is it, you're using only what is in the bowl? Yes. You couldn't have introduced another item. And also a bowl isn't in a bowl. So you're right. Yeah. I suppose could you have... Yeah, could you have grabbed loads of things
Starting point is 00:38:11 and put them in the bowl and then gone, oh, those are in the bowl and then use them? I think you could have. I wish I'd thought of that as well. Well, it's only four years too late. Was the knife in the bowl? The knife wasn't in the bowl, I don't think. But you were allowed to wield the knife. So you too late the knife wasn't in the bowl i don't think but you were allowed to wield the knife so you may wield the knife but yeah i think it's very interesting what you just
Starting point is 00:38:31 said there i think that's true if you'd have said that using only what is in the bowl and then you put some things in the bowl and go right there's the bowl and using only what is in the bowl i will now make a tower yes i think i think you've there would have been an argument for that in the studio, I think, depending what mood Greg was in. I think he possibly could have got away with it. Nassim would have added more lemons. Can I ask why, because I was watching, I didn't understand. Why were you cutting them all in half and putting them back together?
Starting point is 00:39:01 Mate, I don't know. I am a lemon, right? So that's don't know. Listen. I am a lemon, right? So that's why I fucked it up. I'm a lemon. Blood and acid, title of your autobiography? Yeah. It was like watching somebody have a breakdown on their Blue Peter audition text. Task three. This is a great task.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Wearing a hat, kiss the portrait of the taskmaster in the taskmaster's house. The hat must not come from the grounds of the Taskmaster's house. Closest to 30 minutes wins. Your time starts now. If you remember, Tim, this is the one where you had to start off in a wardrobe, blindfolded. I remember it.
Starting point is 00:39:36 It's the nearest I've ever got to knowing what it feels like to be kidnapped. Because they put you in the car, the house with a blindfold on and you're just driven somewhere yeah and then you come out of a wardrobe and uh although i'm not sure if you were really kidnapped anyone would bother with the wardrobe but but then you emerge in the field and this is this one was one of my this not i didn't share myself with glory here because i didn't read the task properly you know that i just read it right immediately gonna get back as soon as possible but it says closest to 30 minutes yeah yeah i understand that 30 minutes i i just went back as quick as i could yeah i mean
Starting point is 00:40:27 i understand that because why why would it why should it be closest to 30 minutes it feels like it's one of those tasks where you have to get back as quickly as possible and get a hand in the way and i think i might have done the same thing i might have panicked misread it and just plowed on regardless and just stormed back towards the house um So yeah, that was an issue. And obviously they had to take your hat off you. You had your safari hat but they had to take that off you because they didn't want you to be using that hat. But look, it could have gone much
Starting point is 00:40:53 worse because, as is now tradition, Asim did worse. Yes. So you got two points, Asim got one point. Thank God for Asim in this episode, Tim. I'll tell you another. Having spoken... Thank you. But I know I said to you a moment ago
Starting point is 00:41:12 that I nearly broke my back falling through a hedge. I had another near-death experience on this one. And when we were walking back, I think it was this one, certainly the traffic lights anyway, just outside where the Taskmaster house is, I was about to cross the road and I think Alex said, yeah, it's clear or something like that.
Starting point is 00:41:35 He was standing on my right and I began to step across the road and I just stopped myself and a car went by at 17. And Alex went, oh, blimey, sorry. And it was... It was one of the I wasn't wearing a blindfold I hasted to add but it was
Starting point is 00:41:51 another one of those moments you know where in life you think you know if something goes I'm not sure how many points I would have got for that I think they would have
Starting point is 00:41:59 cut that task Tim to be honest I think they would have yeah yeah yeah well you would have been disqualified because you wouldn't have made it back to the house no anywhere near 30 I think they would have, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Well, you would have been disqualified because you wouldn't have made it back to the house. No.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Anywhere near 30 minutes. Or if it just sort of clipped you, it might have slowed you up enough to get a few more points. Yes. If you were sort of dragging your mangled corpse back to the house. I'll tell you something else I remember about this task.
Starting point is 00:42:21 I remember that Russell rang his agent yes yeah he rang he rang his agent and asked for a car and asked for a car a genius a genius move in many ways and that is that is a man who is not concerned with how that looked on tv he just had he just had to do the task yes that wasn't that wasn't great for his man of the people image and the other thing i'd say to him is uh russell's agent is also my agent uh and and a lovely group of people they all are and i had a real i had a real thought that imagine if i tried to do that and you just didn't pick up when I was when I was doing Taskmaster and there was just no answer I was like oh no well you know what sorry Ed we can't send you the car Russell's got it Russell's in the car yeah the one car that just idles around London waiting for a
Starting point is 00:43:20 call yeah well I love that I love the image of russell in the back of the uber doing a double thumbs up and said let's roll like it was the coolest thing in the world that he was in an uber that his agent had called for him very very funny i mean one does think just use alex's phone to call an uber if just cut out the middleman there he's just showing off that his manager picks up his calls yeah yeah yeah did he ask to go did he know where the house was at that stage when he asked for the car or was that part of the no but i guess i guess i guess his agent does yeah exactly yeah yeah he sorted it out just sorted it all out which is very jealous it's amazing how because we're not that far from the house
Starting point is 00:44:04 but it's amazing how yeah how easy it is to be disorientated to an area you don't really know. Totally. All you've got to go on is the length of the car journey, actually. And that's probably a bit of a red herring as well. I don't know when they took me around the block a couple of times.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Yeah, I think they took everyone around the block a fair few times, I think, to try and confuse you. Yes, I thought you just misread it, Tim. I think you would have been... I bet you're very good at estimating times if you knew that you had to get closest to 30 minutes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Didn't no one have watches on them? No, all the watches were taken. That would have been... If everyone had missed that trick, that would have been... That's true, yeah, yeah. Everyone, oh, we're wearing a watch i i was worried that there was some trick that maybe there was a hat on top of the wardrobe or there was a watch on top of the wardrobe yeah that would have been clever idea wouldn't it or even if it'd been a watch in the wardrobe yeah because you would look
Starting point is 00:44:59 at you wouldn't think to bring it with you you'd go oh that's that's no use to me and then you go off and then probably you'd be half a mile away by the time you realise, oh, actually, perhaps I should use that watch with me. Asim, I mean, it's amazing what Taskmaster does to the brain, because this is a classic. Asim decided to check
Starting point is 00:45:18 to see if he went through the wardrobe, then he'd end up back in the Taskmaster house. He went back, he was like, it's not one of those things is it i better check because you know obviously it's not going to be that but it's worth it's worth a look isn't it worth a try well you never know is you know the budget's going up every series isn't it yeah they might have brought in some sort of hyperspace facility because people forget about this this thing i think that he tried to get in that wardrobe to see if it would transport him back.
Starting point is 00:45:46 It reminds me of a more recent series, Mouan Rizwan tried to put helium in an egg to float it up to the ceiling and just thought he'd give that a go. It's that sort of logic where you think, just give it a go, because otherwise if it does work and I don't try, I'm going to look very silly.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Yes, no, exactly. But he misread it as well tim so he got back there in nine minutes i mean if it had been first back you would have absolutely smashed it and i was back in about 10 or something was i yeah 10 10 minutes 40 you estimated it in the 20s um but it was 10 minutes 40 there was that real i remember in the studio the realization that i misunderstood the task. Watching, I think probably just watching Alice's thing when she arrived and just weights it out a bit by the front door.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Yeah, yeah, very, very impressive. 28 minutes 30 she did it in. She just absolutely smashed this. She sort of seemed to get a camouflage hat off someone. She said, Elvin gave me his hat and then gets a lift in a sports car with someone called Simon. So she arrives
Starting point is 00:46:48 in a camo hat looking like a rapper in a sports car, waits around and then absolutely smashes it. 28 minutes 30. Well done. Simon, of course,
Starting point is 00:46:55 has since turned out to have been her agent. Isn't it frustrating that everyone apart from you and Asim used their agent? Yes, exactly. Yeah, yeah. Lisa, this is, I've been, isn't it frustrating that everyone apart from you and us amused their agent yes exactly yeah yeah um lisa this is i mean i would watch a full show of this lisa just walks around
Starting point is 00:47:11 for ages and had a lovely day yeah she did didn't she yeah she went on a nice stroll and said good morning to people uh and pointed out trees she liked and this is what i mean she's just operating to the she's walking to the beat of her own drum absolutely and i think that she must have understood the task as well because once you know it's 30 minutes but not less than 30 minutes then you can afford to enjoy yourself yeah yeah and take it because it is a especially if you know whereabouts you are in relation to the house it is very much a leisurely stroll it's a leisurely stroll and not a mad dash wearing a safari suit. Not at all. So it was one point for Asim, two points for you, Tim, again. I mean, I think that's happened in every task.
Starting point is 00:47:52 So far. Three points to Lisa, four points to Russell, and five points to Alice. Very impressive victory. I really like that. Totally. It sort of felt like a BBC coastal walk. I love the whole idea of being lumbered round,
Starting point is 00:48:11 blindfolded and driven round. It just appeals. Yeah. And then shut up. It does, cos you've dreamt that, yeah, I'll crack this. I felt really calm. I'm good in a crisis. As soon as you were free, you just went for a stroll.
Starting point is 00:48:23 I was desperate to get out that morning. It was a beautiful day. You were saying hello to people. You commented on what a lovely day. You were like a sort of chilled headmistress. She stopped to compliment a tree. The first live task of the series. Sort the objects under the table in order of size.
Starting point is 00:48:43 You must keep your elbows on the table, top and your head in your hands at all times the smallest object should be on your right the largest objects on your left and they must all be in line under your table also there must be no fruit in your lineup if there is any fruit left under your table you will be disqualified you have 100 seconds did you enjoy doing the live tasks tim i love the live tasks yeah yeah i love the fact that there's a that i think you get an energy off the audience for the live tasks Tim I love the live tasks yeah yeah I love the fact that there's a that I think you get an energy off the audience for the live tasks and also it's because you because you're you're actually present with your competitors it brings out the competition side of it that you
Starting point is 00:49:15 haven't really tasted doing the other things the other thing is you're you're in this mad world a lot of the time you don't know what's going on in relation to the other contestants but uh yeah you know there was the one where you're sort of rolling um was it eggs trying to make eggs get near like a kind of egg golf thing you play yeah they're obsessed with eggs egg bowls i mean yeah egg bowls yeah um but uh yeah no i always enjoyed that yeah very much so yeah you said i i think i think this is what i mean i think you take these sorts of things completely in your stride. Like there's no pausing and going, well, this is a bit of a weird thing to do. You're like, yeah, it makes total sense.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Here we go. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah. Well, having been through all the tasks, the live tasks are the least weird thing of the lot, Norman. Yeah. And obviously things like, I mean, you're obviously, you're a darts man. I know there was a darts task later on. Yes.
Starting point is 00:50:06 So, you know, you're used to these sorts of things where you have to aim, your aim is excellent. Well, yeah, I mean, I know, well, the darts task was, that's another one I look back at and think, I'd love to do that one again. But of course, for those people who, I mean, I will just briefly mention the darts. Yeah, please do.
Starting point is 00:50:28 It was either 60 darts from 10 metres, three darts from one metre, or one dart. No, so three darts from the original 7 foot 9 quarters. Yeah, and then one dart from one metre. Now, one dart from one metre has got to be out straight away because it's actually hard to go close to the board if you're used to being further away.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Three darts, to be honest, with a bit of wind gusting, even if you're quite good at darts, the chances are all that's going to do is just narrow it down slightly. So you're probably going to chuck him in the five and the one. Yeah. So he's probably going to be seven. So you've got to go for anyone. I think you put Brister in that situation.
Starting point is 00:51:08 He would go for 60 darts from 10 metres. It's just a numbers game, isn't it? It is. And I think that being timed was the problem with that. So I was rushing it. I was surprised how many times I had the line correct though. Because I hit the pole. I kept hearing a ding, ding, ding.
Starting point is 00:51:31 I kept hitting the pole. It's amazing regularity, but never the broad. But yeah, I would have liked another go at that. But yeah, so this last task that you're talking about now, anything that involves, actually it's nothing to do with darts, is it, this so i was just thinking some a lot of the times yeah the the accuracy and throwing comes into a lot of the live tasks this one but not this one this one was all more about your ability to discover what's large and what isn't without your feet of eyesight yeah and there was a little flash
Starting point is 00:52:02 of russell's uh true competitive nature there where I think Lisa took her shoes off earlier than him. And he sort of appealed to Alex, like, she's taken her shoes off already. And Lisa snapped back with, ring your agent, which I thought was great. It was great. But it's this, I mean, Russell's very impressive in this task because what he does is he takes the rules of keep your elbows on the table and your
Starting point is 00:52:26 head in your hands and manages very athletically to keep everything on the table and swivel his whole body over the front of the table so he can see what's underneath. Yes, the athletes in him came out that perhaps myself and Asim couldn't do some of these moves. Well, you'd broken your back, of course. When you try and feel things with your feet, you realise it's not something you've really ever done before. Unless you're just looking for a sock.
Starting point is 00:52:58 But even then, it's like saying, well, pick out this sock of a particular size. I mean, it's very hard. It's very tricky, isn't it? Yeah, well, there was a rogue rogue banana in yours unfortunately there always is almost every task there was a rogue banana was there a banana rule there was no fruit so you had still had a banana under there you hadn't got rid of the banana with your feet so you were disqualified now it's probably a good time to say something that i saw in my garden i actually saw a um uh i actually saw a toucan in my garden which i thought this is quite you know unusual then i realized it wasn't
Starting point is 00:53:36 a toucan it was a magpie eating a banana so so my point is i do have a sort of banana blindness. Certainly when all you've got to go with is your feet. And as we know, your toes don't have eyes, as the old cliche goes. I haven't got eyes on my toes, as my mother used to say. So, you know, it's very easy to miss a banana yeah completely and yeah that's the issue i mean asim and russell both did all right but i think asim managed to sort of shifty his way around to the front as well but lisa again she kept it calm she ordered it fine she got rid of all the fruit
Starting point is 00:54:17 very very impressive the five points for lisa four points for asim and Russell and nought points for you and Alice, the final points leaving Alice and Russell tied at the top and they had to do a tie-break task which was spin round as many times as you can and kick a football at the caravan, most spins wins if you miss the caravan you're disqualified
Starting point is 00:54:39 and Alice won 24 spins, 24 spins and a kick. Great. And of course, those tie-break things, we've all done for the possibility of a tie-break coming up. And there was an episode where, because a lot, it's often very close to those shows.
Starting point is 00:55:00 And so those final live tasks are often very crucial. Yeah. And I remember Alex saying to me at one point, he said, if he'd have just got such and such, it might have been something like, you know, is it a grape in my mouth or not? Or one of those types of tasks. If you just got that right, so it was like a 50-50 thing,
Starting point is 00:55:17 then it would have gone to the tiebreak. And the tiebreak was, and he said the tiebreak was one where you got it as quick as possible yeah receive a text now i've got a very old nokia phone and i can show you now because we're on zoom even though the users are that and so i simply texted myself and it came straight through so it was it was actually like incredibly quick so yeah you know I would have won the tiebreaker. It would have been that one, yeah. So there's lots of ifs and buts in this show.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Yes. I don't think I did so well in hitting a caravan with a football, I don't think. Do you remember doing that one? Do you remember spinning around and kicking the football? I do remember that, yeah. I don't remember where the football went, but I don't remember. I think if it had been a huge triumph triumph it'd be very clear in my head but because i've slightly
Starting point is 00:56:09 blanked where the ball ended up yeah i don't think i i don't think it was super fantastic tim no one saw it and we never will see it so why why don't you just say you spun around 100 times and hit the caravan i spun around 100 times and hit the caravan Wow, well done, you would have won We always have a few emails and tweets into the show Questions for our guests We've got plenty for you here Tim So we'll do a few from here Now this is obviously something that comes up a lot in the emails and tweets
Starting point is 00:56:40 And we will read out this from Justine in the Philippines She says, hi Ed and Tim the emails and tweets uh and we will read out this from justine in the philippines uh she says hi ed and tim uh so tim how long did it take for you to realize that the hook in the weighing task was on your person and do you still think about it every day since i'd say personally this is a highlight of the whole series for me when that hook ended up on your shirt yeah i mean and the surprise actually seeing how it got there was one of those things where i saw for the first time in the studio that that sort of slow-mo of it falling off and hooking onto the epaulette um and i think alex said at the time it was about 15
Starting point is 00:57:19 minutes and that's true i just was uh he just wouldn't let on. And I was, well, where have I had it here? What if where is it? And then eventually, you know, I obviously saw it long before I did, Alex. And eventually he was kind of, you know, was was answering questions from me along the lines of, can you see it? Yes. It's not on me, is it? You know, because I'd literally looked everywhere as far as I could see yeah I was anywhere near I looked underneath
Starting point is 00:57:48 those those wooden pallets and stuff I just looked everywhere so there was nowhere else but me I didn't think
Starting point is 00:57:55 you know unless it had been lifted up or something of course you don't assume that it's it's fallen and then hooked onto your jack
Starting point is 00:58:02 like no way you would not assume that but it's it's so good that's what Taskmaster's all way they would not assume that but it's it's so good that's what task matters all about those weird little moments that suddenly are overblown to become this huge storyline um yeah because it's it's it's one of those things which is completely out of my control yeah it was like you know any comedy that was involved in it was was nothing not of my making at all yeah it was just this this stuff just happened you know i love it when you know and it's true in fact just to be uh quite general
Starting point is 00:58:31 being being a human generally means that comedy kind of does follow you around isn't it yeah yeah if you can look for it i mean every i think some people think that oh you know so this person is funny on that president but everyone's actually funny it's funny you know funny stuff happens to all of us doesn't it yeah we've all got the tools yeah uh let's uh let's have this email from joe in london uh hi tim and ed i have a question about tim's swearing do you really try to avoid swearing like you did on the show in your everyday life and do you say the same alternatives brackets brackets, flippers, bums on seats, do me a favour, et cetera, or is it different every time?
Starting point is 00:59:08 Thank you. Well, the truth is, I've got to be honest about it, that I do swear using all the traditional rudies. But it doesn't tend to happen. I don't do it in my act, because my act is very silly. The time it tends to happen is this sort of frustration with myself i've done i'd never swear at anybody else unless
Starting point is 00:59:29 that's a new thing that's going to start happening in my life so so would be an example would be you know someone's uh you know a car's waiting for you outside i'm just about to go out and i can't find you know my door keys or something like that yeah that's That sort of, that kind of frustration thing of, well, you know, and then I get frustrated. You knew you were leaving at this point. You, you know, whatever. So no, I can't claim to be someone who doesn't swear. That's just nonsense.
Starting point is 00:59:57 It's just that I, I mean, I did play up to the thing slightly that that is because my act is like that, but I do say flippers and bums on seats and things in you know flippers i think it's more inventive i like flippers i occasionally have uh when i've been very angry i start with flippers and then end with something really rude and i think that's what on earth i said that for? Why did I bother with flippers? Flipping flipper, flip flip! We had a tweet here from someone called
Starting point is 01:00:31 CJ A Hero, I think is the tweet name. I don't know what that means. How does he think his brother Jeremy would do if he was on the show? What a good question. I don't know actually how he'd approach approach it i think he'd uh yeah i mean it's like i was saying earlier you do have to make decisions quite quickly and i think
Starting point is 01:00:52 he would probably he you know he's he's competitive is he competitive he wants it he wouldn't like to make mistakes uh i don't know it may not may not be his his thing. He may find the whole lack of control and preparation frightening, I don't know. Yeah. I mean, it does lend itself to people who are... who are comics, I suppose, but... I don't know. I actually don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:19 It'd be fascinating to watch. Well, look, they do the New Year's treat now on Taskmaster where they get people who aren't necessarily comedians on to do one episode. So maybe, maybe we'll get to find out one day. One final question. Yes. From Soren on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:01:35 I really want to know what it feels like to fall victim to a solo task, especially when you come up with a great tracksuit pun and it doesn't get enough credit. you come up with a great tracksuit pun and it doesn't get enough credit well i i i loved the the uh that surprise of uh yes you were the only one who we did this with that yeah you know it makes you feel a bit special when when alex reveals that moment yeah um and uh i was pleased to be honest with you i was what i was pleased about with the the tracksuit pun thing is that that I could easily have gone for stationery stationery which is what a lot of people thought I would go for and I could so I was actually just pleased I hadn't gone for that you know yeah that would be the that would be the the slightly the subtext of disappointment
Starting point is 01:02:20 there for a comedian as if everyone guesses it right everyone guesses the same yeah i've noticed that the uh there's a bit in that task as well where i'm wearing a some sort of um file on my head yes and pushing my nose up and it's sort of slightly like uh jim carrey and the grinch sort of look yeah um and there's a bit as a flap across my face and you can sort of open it up and i sort of open it up morning and i noticed someone had put that out as some kind of uh meme what do you call it it's a gif a gif uh gif yes it's a gif in fact i used it to publicize your appearance on the show it's a great right it's a great gif floating around now again i like it thank you so much for coming on the on the taskmaster podcast tim you are of course uh on tour at the moment you You're just about to finish, actually.
Starting point is 01:03:05 You've got a few more shows left of your plastic Elvis. Yeah, plastic Elvis. That's an Elvis tribute show. It's not really a comedy show. It's me doing my best impression that I can do of Elvis Presley, who's my big hero in show business. And as I understand it, I think I'm the only person
Starting point is 01:03:25 doing an Elvis tribute act, I think. I think it's an original idea of mine. But it's great fun. We have a live band and everything, five people in the band who are amazing. So it's a bit of a vanity project, really, Ed, if I'm honest. That's great. We've all got them.
Starting point is 01:03:43 You can go to timvine.com uh for more details about tim's uh touring and stuff like that i wasn't telling you to go to timvine.com yeah thank you i'll have a look at that tim we always ask our guests on the podcast to rate their experience on the podcast between one and five points in the style of the taskmaster please uh will their experience on the podcast between one and five points in the style of the taskmaster please uh will you now rate this podcast between one and five points i'm gonna say that uh it it started really really well and then it sort of got a bit better in the middle yeah and then at the end it went back to being really really well and then at the very end
Starting point is 01:04:23 it suddenly got even better than it had been throughout the entire five points. Yay, five points. Thank you very much, Tim. And thank you very much for coming on the podcast. Thank you for having me. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:04:38 There we are. Thank you so much to Tim for coming on. Absolutely love talking to Tim always. What a lovely, lovely, funny man. We'll be back next week, of course, chatting about Taskmaster Series 6, Episode 2. And we'll be talking
Starting point is 01:04:54 to Greg Jenner. Greg Jenner. We've been trying to get Greg Jenner on this podcast for a while. He's very up for it. He is a Taskmaster mega fan. He's brilliant. You'll knowreg jenner he's a historian but dabbles in the world of comedy as well as a writer and he's been part of the horrible histories team for a long time and he does a brilliant podcast called you're dead to me which is
Starting point is 01:05:15 educational and funny and i've done it twice so i should know so do go and listen to that in advance but most importantly go and watch series six episode two come back here and we will be talking about it next week emails to taskmasterpodcast.gmail.com thanks very much for listening goodbye Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing. With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer.
Starting point is 01:06:10 I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising.
Starting point is 01:06:31 Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative.

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