Tea at Four - Ep 51: What dating was like in the olden times and why you should stay away from lobotomy TikTok

Episode Date: March 18, 2024

Hear ye, hear ye! The girls are going back in time for this week’s episode to explore all the pains and struggles women have faced throughout history. We discuss all sorts of bizarre facts includi...ng how toads were used in medieval times to stop periods, why women were thought to be witches and how toxic men were in Victorian times. If you have any funny stories or dilemmas please DM us on Instagram @FourNine or send us an email at teaatfour@junglecreations.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So women who were believed to have close relationships with animals, particularly cats, dogs or familiars, were often suspected of witchcraft. I'm sorry, but all those f***ers that have made Instagrams for their pets, dead. Oh! Witch, witch, witch. Hear ye, hear ye, and welcome back to another episode of Tea at Four. Today I present to you as old Christabel of new street joined today with young maiden lauren of white chapel and today we are dressed and today we are dressed in such characters for lauren it is women's history month so we thought
Starting point is 00:00:42 it'd be fun to do an episode on period pains, aka the pains women have faced in history and how they've got us here today. Yes. As we sit before you doing a podcast. Yes. Could you even imagine explaining this concept to a Victorian child? Yes. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Actually, no, I couldn't, but yes to what you're saying. Just quickly, one thing that always blows my mind. Imagine explaining the concept of the masked singer to a Victorian child. You don't. That last weekend I saw a dancing maypole, a dancing, singing air fryer. Could you just imagine explaining that? I think they'd think you're very crazy. I'd be put in the asylum.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Yeah. So, here's an example of when that has happened in history. All right, let's go. Now, because this episode is entitled Period Pains, not all of it's going to be about menstruation, but I did find out some interesting goss. Okay. About how people treated women when they're on their pee.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Oh, right. Back in the day. Let's hear it. So, an interesting one I actually read was that they used to shove weed up their vagene. Weed. On their time of the month. weed the old marijuana so burnt weed or just clear weed uh no i don't think they smoked it and then they're right now that's done remnants up um no it said marijuana has been used has long been used to combat period pain according to the 2002 book of women in cannabis,
Starting point is 00:02:06 the use of weed as period pain relief stems back to ancient Egypt. And they'd essentially grind up the weed with honey and introduce it to the vagina to cool the uterus and eliminate its heat as a way to ease cramps. And in 19th century, Queen Victoria was prescribed marijuana
Starting point is 00:02:26 i might say marijuana do i keep saying marijuana no you're saying it right i love that by a doctor in order to combat menstrual discomfort wow so will you be trying that no i don't want to put no weed up my vagina i don't think it's something that's very sanitary. No. And I think it's expensive these days. Weed? Is it? I don't know. You guys tell us. You guys are in the club.
Starting point is 00:02:52 How expensive? That is actually quite interesting though. You're right. Sorry, it's a fucking plague. Oh gosh, I don't want that next to me. No, sorry. By the way, just for context, I've had the fucking black plague this weekend um because i've been method acting move over he fledger in dark night damn
Starting point is 00:03:11 um yeah so that's an interesting one yeah another one was in medieval times um so there was a lot of religious shame around menstruation here um and women would take precautionary measures to dispel any suspicions that she was on her period. They would wear herbal pouches around the neck to mask the odour of blood, and they often carried the remains of a cremated toad near their waist as a cramp remedy. That's absolutely disgusting.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Thoughts on carrying a frog on your pee? I mean, I know they say kiss frogs, so now you're going to carry the... No, the princess has to kiss many frogs to find her. You don't believe that. No, of course not. But then if you're kissing frogs and now you're going to carry the princess has to kiss many frogs to find her. You don't believe that. No, of course not. But then if you're kissing frogs and now we're burning toads.
Starting point is 00:03:50 You're not burning them. You're just hanging it on your waistline. Yeah, but regardless like you're around your Gucci belt. That's too disgusting. And toads stink. Yeah, that's the point I think.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Yeah. I'm so happy you weren't alive those days because I don't think I would be able to do that. I would rather the period just flow. But then they might kill you for being religious? No, for being a woman, basically.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Oh, yeah, sorry. No, what's so funny about that with the religion back in the days, so in the fourth century, St. John Christian served as an early archbishop, quoted, and I quote, what else is a woman but a foe to friendship and inescapable punishment of necessary evil and natural temptation a desirable calamity of domestic danger and delectable determinants and evil of nature painted with fair color meaning that because we will go on our period like spark notes please i'm spitting so much
Starting point is 00:04:45 because we're on our periods apparently we're evil um yeah we shouldn't be trusted wow can you imagine just because we bleed it's because we yeah but you have to bleed to be able to have babies and that's what they want to populate the country no right but funny enough back then they didn't have many periods because they had a lot of childbearing. So I'm guessing, does that mean that nowadays we just need to be popping out the babies so that we don't have to carry toads around our waistbands? Yeah, correct. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:12 So we're just popping out babies with anybody? Well, no, it was obviously seen as a very bad, bad thing to have babies out of wedlock. Yes. So women were probably killed for that as well. Were they hung? How were they killed? Oh God, we'll get onto that later. I think the toads would be free on the nhs
Starting point is 00:05:28 they're from the nature's ground yeah no it's probably seen as a currency they didn't have coins back then they're probably like right i'll give you one toad for toad farming maybe they did that so obviously let's say for instance you want to get rid of the period i've got a toad farm you pay me xyz i'll give you some toads dragon's den there you go come on oh my days in the victorian times they also had a way to prevent pregnancy after sex they shoved opium egg whites goose fat up there to prevent pregnancies from forming i thought they were poor yes all these things were supposed to be expensive no i'm not gonna lie no but think about it they they could they could grow eggs not grow eggs sorry they could they had chickens right we would not survive five minutes i'm pretty sure they had chickens
Starting point is 00:06:21 back then no just from our streets not everyone did, though. Not everyone. No. I'm going to like goose fat. That's up there. That's expensive. That's spendy. That's for your roast potatoes, not your vagina. It sounded like a roast potato stuffed in your vagina.
Starting point is 00:06:35 It was like a little turkey. Couldn't you? A little Christmas turkey. Oh, my God. That's wild. And some more facts we found from the Amazing History Gossip on TikTok. She said that po- Can I say povos? Is that a sensible?
Starting point is 00:06:46 Powerful, she says. Povos were forced to free bleed and then expected them to be pregnant if bleeding. They also thought that singing would lead to worse periods or that music made period cramps worse. What music would make my period cramps worse? Rock. A little bit of bass.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Rock. A little bit of bass moving my shedding uterus. Oh my God. Imagine driving. You hear, and then you're just vibrating. I want to pimp my ride cars. It's literally manually shedding the root.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Oh my gosh. What you should have told me. Singing. We found these from this girl called the history gossip on tiktok she is sick I'm obsessed with her the way she like gen zifies history
Starting point is 00:07:29 I wish she was around when I was learning it back then I'd get it I'd get it I'd get it yeah but miss
Starting point is 00:07:35 mrs whatever my history teacher was bring on the history gossip I literally I'm scrolling tiktok at night and then I see the word utus a fetus I'm clicking on
Starting point is 00:07:43 what is that oh my day at night and then i see the word uterus fetus i'm clicking on what is that oh my day obsessed okay and then quickly i want to say um as far as back as ancient greece women were not seen as equals to men christy in his work on the generation of animals aristotle stated that a woman is essentially a deformed male hey and that menstrual discharge and that menstrual discharge is semen in an impure form and lacks a soul bless you aristotle did you get many women i don't think you did we did some research as well into the salem witch trials back in the day in massachusetts where just normal women would just be an absolute persecutor for being witches i think i'd definitely get caught for like being a witch back then if i was watching tarot card readers at 11 p.m at tiktok um so basically you wouldn't survive your first period i think
Starting point is 00:08:37 so these women that were accused of being witches were hung they were burnt at the stake they were uh what else christy they were dunked in water so the dunking and swimming test i think for me personally that would be the one that i would basically die on because i think everyone would die no no because apparently no because apparently it's like they dunk you in water right and if you float that means you're guilty and if you sink and you drown that means you were telling the truth right so obviously in my mind i'm thinking i don't want to drown and i am telling the truth so i wouldn't want to float but i want to float because i want to be alive no see this is the thing one key detail you're
Starting point is 00:09:16 missing is that they tied your arms and feet together are we so i don't even got a choice to go in your head should i see yeah but you can still no you think you can survive by having your your body bound yeah you just gotta relax the body right i didn't get to all that in your lesson lessons but yeah i think i think that one for me that is very very like that's crazy that's dark that's i wouldn't say dark the burning is dark oh yeah sorry that one is dark this one is a bit like we will allow you but what would you rather be burnt or being hung oh god i hate this would you rather can i drink but no i just feel like out of all of them i would rather the dunk
Starting point is 00:10:03 in swimming test uh yeah i guess so i think drowning would be a terrible way to die and you know you've got an audience as well you know you see your mother mother sister aunt all in the crowds yeah they can everyone you went to school with they're all coming to watch the witch be put in the swimming pond i'll be staring at them looking at them like yeah because you didn't want to come and save me this is what you get so i'm gonna haunt you for the rest of my life how about that curse curse how about this and then all the crows come on your body and then imagine yeah that could have happened has anyone reported on that again write in the comments if you've been at the salem witch trials uh can we get tickets any any tickets yeah there definitely would have been tickets oh my gosh
Starting point is 00:10:46 anyway is that like ticket master or like oh my god ax axs ax tickets can i get box vip box oh my being great with the. What kind of snacks do you think they had? What? What kind of snacks did they have? What snacks? Back in the day, like frog's eyes. Frog's eyes. Legs and... Snails and stuff.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Snails and bits. Popcorn. Popcorn. Slammy. Got many drinks. Are we having a little tipple whilst we're watching the old dunk? Yeah. A nice little cranberry juice made of beetroot or something.
Starting point is 00:11:25 A cranberry juice not made of cranberries, but yeah, right. Yeah, but some of the reasons why women were thought to be witches are very interesting. The first one is an unusual appearance. So people that deviated from societal norms of appearance were often suspected of witchcraft. This could include physical deformities or abnormalities such as birthmarks moles or extra digits moles oh my god i'm from the isle of wight i'd be slung quarters slung is it hung i've got a mole yeah you'd be gone babe because of a mole jokes you drawn that one because you're in renaissance thank you period beyonce's renaissance anyway the next one is association with animals so women who are believed to have close relationships with animals particularly cats dogs or familiars
Starting point is 00:12:15 were often suspected of witchcraft i'm sorry but all those fuckers that have made instagrams for their pets dead oh which which which just so funny i feel like the i understand cats because cats have a kind of a link to like witches and stuff and in the western not in the western world back home we call cats um witches really especially a black cat oh it's a black cat that's walking down your porch walking down road. That is a witch about to come and give you some bad luck. Really? Yeah. Ooh la la.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Ooh la la la la la la la la la. Right, where does that start from? But you know what else is quite even funny and interesting about that as well is like social disputes and grudges. So basically, if I hated you, I could call you a witch. Fair. So valid. That's a personal vendetta.
Starting point is 00:13:01 That is so peak. Yeah. So what kind of thing could I be doing to piss you off and you've just gone? Maybe you didn't greet me. I think they were mad petty back then. I feel like they were petty as hell. So you didn't greet me.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Or let's say, for instance, a guy... When we linked up, you didn't say it right. Right. Or a guy wanted to take you out and you're like, oh, he spiders anyway.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Yeah. There you go. She's a witch. Get her in the pond. There you go. She's a witch. Get her in the pond. There you go. Wow. Can you imagine? Imagine.
Starting point is 00:13:28 You basically have to be fake around people and just be very extra nice. Yeah. I think you'd have to look a type of way, though, if you're a witch back then. Maybe everyone looked the same, just a bit rugged and had moles. Imagine. So another type of pain in history women have faced is the suffragettes my girls don't know why i did a hunger game symbol that's different that's a different thing anyway when women were in prison back in the old suffragettes times yeah i literally don't know a history timeline you can
Starting point is 00:14:00 tell me i just know they wore a lovely stash yeah um women were obviously doing hunger hunger strikes to get across their point their message yeah and um actually interesting a porridge company an oats company made this whole promotional poster basically showing a lovely steaming bowl of porridge and they sent them all into the prisons to make the women break the hunger strikes and then the promotional poster said um v brackets oats for women votes for women tea so whilst they were so whilst they were in in like day what 45 of that hunger strike the porridge companies are going i don't know what we'll get them i don't know what we'll get them our lovely big porridge big bowl of gruel and they've sent them into the prisons and they've made them cook up in big batches and then it's a funny funny
Starting point is 00:14:54 thing they've made promotional posters to be like hit votes we know we'll make a break how terrible that is actually our order it's awful we're trying to stand for our rights yeah and you're trying to shove it in our faces yeah like fuck you guys i'm gonna break you guys anyway you know you they were back then like wow so petty no i think that's actually very very rude yeah that's very that's like the equivalent of what would that be now like if they took a tick took off okay oh subway have you smoked subway i've had that in a i'll be i'll be in prison subway like i'll send it footlong i'll send it footlong oh you've never had subway it's been a while it's been a it's been a but still it's a known thing that the smell of subway is delectable what about mcdonald's that was what made me break
Starting point is 00:15:42 mcdonald's fries and suffragette mcdonald's suffragette mcdonald's mcdonald's yeah fries oh oh my god i'd hear that i'd be transported and then oh yeah let's have some fries salty fries yeah okay this is not health problems but maybe sexual problems sexual health problems um but it was the thing that cleopatra apparently when she got a bit horny had those old pains down there she got her servants to put and capture bees into a box and then she used it as a vibrator huh no yeah that's painful no it didn't touch her foof yeah but then if you put buzzing i hear was inside the... I hear it, but the box is not quite smooth, is it?
Starting point is 00:16:28 Think about it. How do you know, Christy? Yeah, but a box, Lauren, a box. Cobbled box, wooden box, back in those days? Well, Egyptian times, I'd maybe say a sarcophagus. Oh, my God. I never told you, at Christmas, Cam was going to get me a mini sarcophagus necklace
Starting point is 00:16:44 because we went to ancient Egypt VR experience at Stratford once and then he was like I was going to get you an actual Egyptian Tutankhamun necklace I was like I'm so glad you did for you to wear or for you to use as a
Starting point is 00:16:57 wear to take the little Tutankhamun out oh wow interesting scary you missed the mark on that one. Yeah. Another one that women have been...
Starting point is 00:17:08 Oh, my God. What happened? Are you on Lobotomy Talk? What did? Lobotomy Talk. Lobotomy TikTok. TikTok. Is that like a trend?
Starting point is 00:17:17 Well, we... No, it's not a trend. Hopefully not. Basically, there's this... It wasn't even a trend. This man... Let me see his name this man called walter freeman started this fucking thing in the 1900s where he just decided to shove ice picks up
Starting point is 00:17:31 women's nose who were suffering from maybe hysteria or emotional or menopausal issues he'd shove an ice pick up their nose or through their eye and twist it around and make a brain or through their eye and twist it around and make a brain slushy because look at for die yep he did and they made a blame a brain slushy slushy and women will actually just allowed Oh women wouldn't have thoughts afterwards so of course I think about the nose but yeah but why because women were going through like emotional turmoil and stuff and they're like i know what we'll do we'll numb them of all feeling um and they would come out of these surgeries just be like do you know what i find quite like concerning is that back in the day women were basically used as like test like lab rats yeah basically yeah because there's no way why couldn't they do
Starting point is 00:18:25 it in um and on a guy's face men were meant to be strong you know well so men did have it as well but i think the fact that women were had any feeling at all like it wasn't seen as a nice thing for a woman to express any kind of mental health issues or you know depression anxiety everything like postnatal depression back then it wasn't accepted so then they'd put women through these things like lobotomies where they've taken all brain power out so they couldn't even function i don't like this let's cut the cameras yeah i like this it's terrible It's terrible, isn't it? Honestly. Yeah. Speaking of mental health,
Starting point is 00:19:07 you see how here we've got, like, therapy, we can talk to people, we can actually have, like, mental days off? Yeah. Back then in the Victorian times. Yeah. Anything but. Anything but that.
Starting point is 00:19:17 But they had something called the water cure treatment. What's that? So basically the water cure treatment was a popular treatment for various alignments during... Aliments. Aliments. Alignment would be my posture, which needs fixing ASAP. The water cure was a popular treatment
Starting point is 00:19:29 for various... Aliments. Aliments. Various ailments during the Victorian era, including mental health disorders, involved submerging patients in water baths or subjecting them to cold water dousing. So think the ice bucket challenge or the
Starting point is 00:19:46 witches that were just in the thing basically often a form oh often a form of punishment or control so i don't understand how that's basically helping your mental health but women in particular were subjected to the water cure for conditions like hysteria or nervousness with the belief that the shock of the cold water could restore balance to the body and mind yeah so how would you feel about that you come to me yeah i'm feeling a bit down i'm like don't worry i got you come into this water bath well i think they made me want something you know a little wim hof ice bath yeah scenario they do before work every morning right i mean it probably wasn't in such a nice nature whether
Starting point is 00:20:25 in a nice bar and a lovely wooden and then afterwards they go for a little sauna afterwards yeah so that was actually quite interesting i don't think i would want to um cure my nervousness as that i'll probably just pray where was church that would work yeah where was church back then where was oh there are lots of churches they also used to administer a pelvic massage by a doctor to women to induce orgasm and release the hysteria
Starting point is 00:20:54 and men we wouldn't mind it what was that sorry a pelvic massage what that is crazy and also they used to have these fainting couches yeah so i wouldn't i wouldn't mind if they had couches back then
Starting point is 00:21:10 oh yeah perfect can you you've got the job can you fake with me and i'd love to know if it was like to faint so they were common pieces of furniture in Victorian homes. Women were often depicted. I hate English. I can't speak it. So there were common pieces of furniture in Victorian homes. Fainting spells were attributed to female hysteria, a catch-all diagnosis for a range of emotional and physical symptoms thought to afflict women.
Starting point is 00:21:41 I need a fainting couch. I mean, better to faint on a couch than to faint on a living floor. Do they look different to your basic Ikea couch? I'm thinking maybe, you know them couches with the long... Chez Lange? Voilà. A nice little... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Soft as well. Maybe made of sheepskin. Sheepskin is quite soft. Stinks. Yeah, but it'll be soft. That would wake me up. But yeah, I think that's actually quite, I mean, interesting.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Nice for them to think of something. At least we weren't having the pain of hitting the floor. There you go. Positive silver linings, eh? There you go. Safety. Looking after the women. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:23 But you know what I actually want to touch on what how was dating back then you see how here we've got it so easy okay i wouldn't say it's easy yeah i wouldn't say it's easy we've got things like you know you got the bumbles you got the hinges yeah you got the going out and socializing i'm pretty sure back then you had to be a certain age to socialize or did you not uh a certain age to socialize? Yeah, so like, I think they were having babies when Henry the Eighth was 13.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Henry the Eighth, I'm looking at you. Boy. I know you're watching. They all had children very young. Yeah. There was one kind of,
Starting point is 00:22:55 I remember reading one thing, maybe Henry the Seventh or someone of the sort. Henry the Seventh? Had a fucking, feel to say he was eight and then he died and then she was widowed
Starting point is 00:23:03 by the time she was 10. It's given R. Kelly kelly oh is it not uh i mean eight i don't think he's dealt with eight year old he's given a very young yeah but um i also read that medieval kings used to say that if she could if she was old enough to pee she's old enough for me can you no babies pee pee by herself maybe i don't know oh because that's how i'm going to internalize it because there's no way everybody pees right yeah if you're old enough yeah right if you're old enough to pee you're old enough for me so i'm just i'm just hoping it's not like a new baby because that's very very scary oh my god yeah well concerning that is repulsive
Starting point is 00:23:45 that's disgusting you flipping stupid idiotic medieval kings yeah i bet he didn't even i bet his friends around were like that's sick bar that is sick i'm living by that let's get let's write that down yeah i think that's crazy and then you obviously we all know about king henry the eighth um for him i think he when he was going out with going out when he was was he married he was married to them in it yeah he wasn't going out he was married i think he was married to one of them called anne and about seven hands no but it was a katherine yes right so he was married to anne and um katherine was quite young but he wanted katherine right and she wasn't ready for him i think they said that she was a bit too young but then he was determined that he was going to get her and of course he
Starting point is 00:24:28 did at the end i just find it very scary the authority that they had back then oh yeah yeah just pick that's mine be the equivalent like prince what's his name in the uk williams what prince william prince william what the't know what the hell's going on i think that's the equivalent to like king william what's his name harry and william prince prince william yeah duke of william whoa with kate prince william prince william that doesn't sound right why williams prince williams like robbie williams god i wish he was the king robbie williams yeah no sorry no what would be the equivalent of him just going like you know i actually want someone that's in middle school can you find that for me
Starting point is 00:25:17 yeah weird weird i don't know i wouldn't i wouldn't want to assume any king that's out there or that is running any country right now has that type of authority because that's a bit mad they should feed them to the lions well they would
Starting point is 00:25:31 adultery no? adultery? how's that adultery if you're picking that's not really adultery that's um pedophiles yeah
Starting point is 00:25:38 in ancient Egypt times men would administer nose amputation called rhinotomy which was a punishment for adulterous women however the adulterous man might escape with a less severe punishment like a final beating just so annoying it's i feel like because back then women were seen as the promiscuous type so then of course we would get all the punishment but then yeah the jezebels you had the names as well there was no whole ratio right for men and i think that's quite crazy i'm pretty sure it's the guys that went after the girls right but then why is the girl getting more of the punishment than the
Starting point is 00:26:15 guy yeah honestly henry the eighth with no nose oh i'd yeah grab it off him yeah stupid stupid man shave it off how would they do that administer nose amputation and another thing back in the day back in ancient times they used to kidnap wives they used to kidnap a girl if they liked the look of her and they would abduct her Christy
Starting point is 00:26:37 take her home grab and go grab and go grab a go bag was that something celebrated go bag but that's something celebrated or uh yeah people loved it huh yeah i don't think i would like to be grabbed and goad we obviously are reading these facts now on a timeline from literally the words ancient are being used but realistically it's crazy that they're still happening now like i can still think of so
Starting point is 00:27:03 many cultures that are out there and i know we sit from a privileged mindset and go like oh this happened back then but really it's happening on our doorsteps like of course out there in the world now yeah dare i say it but i do think the patriarchy is still alive 110 percent a lot of people might argue different but i'm reading like these situations and the kind of punishments in the word ancient in front of it but i i know when i read the news every day that i'm seeing this going on on the other side of the world yeah or even like you know in the uk or around where we live and i think yeah that idea that women should be put through pain for the things that they do or experience is already like we go
Starting point is 00:27:40 through childbirth it's archaic but it's also going to be contemporary we're going to continue that happening with this mindset that you know if women experience pain they're going to be punished for it and welcome to a ye olde what madam madam as lady christabel i shall introduce this segment thank you very much you've just you've got a chimney this week please yeah you're right go right so as um i was saying i was really interrupted before i even started speaking we're about to play the old game of don't spill thy tea of thy tea to be spilt it nice I've actually it's a different version
Starting point is 00:28:29 of don't spill the tea today so it's not quite it's don't spill the tea but it's ye olde don't spill the tea and you're going to have to guess which classic viral spill the tea this was oh
Starting point is 00:28:44 it's been oldified it's been oldified okay okay in the corner of my washroom atop the porcelain throne rests a solitary knife unnoticed by all save myself its purpose is singular to assist in the division of particularly sizable evacuations, impeding the flush's efficacy. Unspoken and unheeded, it faithfully fulfills its humble duty. After each use, a quick rinse returns it to its unassuming abode, awaiting its next task. Such is the unremarkable yet essential role of the knife in my lavatory. Pause.
Starting point is 00:29:28 God bless you. I know what that one is. Go on. Poo knife. Knife poo. Women in STEM. Yeah. STEM, women in STEM.
Starting point is 00:29:37 I like that one. I love the way that sounds though. Okay, they're gonna get older, so you'll have to think. This smells like it's been cleaned with a tomato sponge. Like someone's kitchen has done their lunchbox with it and then you cleaned it out with a tomato sponge. No, it stinks.
Starting point is 00:30:03 See, now I haven't smelled it, now I'm smelling it. It smells like lunchbox. In the ancient halls of scholarship, a maiden suffered a mysterious affliction. Ignorant of its nature, I sought to lighten her distress with jest, dubbing her a beatboxing legend. Alas, my old chosen words cast a shadow upon my reputation, weaving a tale of folly in the annals of school's law.
Starting point is 00:30:29 That sounds so stupid. Did anyone laugh back in the day? I don't think so. Maybe. Maybe they weren't allowed to laugh. Maybe only the rich laughed. Was that a TikTok one? TikTok? That was beatboxing, like a, what? Whoa.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Whoa. Whoa? How many extra syllables did I want to put on that word? Do you want to just try again? That was, beatboxing, whoa.
Starting point is 00:30:54 And one more for luck. Beatboxing legends. That's it. Let's get it. Let's have it. All right. Oh, that's not Lady of Me.
Starting point is 00:31:02 I'm sorry. Oh, that's your dog. Oh, alright oh that's not lady of me oh that's your dog oh bless okay ready what are you both doing thinking
Starting point is 00:31:20 you should you should read I'm looking at my reflection in the mirror. Right. You should read Victorian poetry. You know, the one where they talk about poo. Victorian poetry. Have you heard of that?
Starting point is 00:31:35 Well, I'm sure it exists. There's a poet that used to talk about, like, he'd go to have sex with a girl and... Not Shakespeare. He'd go to have sex with a girl and when there was poo and seed marks in her pants you'd get excited. What?
Starting point is 00:31:46 Where have you got that from? I've read it somewhere. Also, you know Mozart? Yes. Mozart used to do
Starting point is 00:31:57 song names about poo and shit and stuff. That's an actual thing. Really? Mozart used to make songs like like silly little songs, and they would be entitled like,
Starting point is 00:32:09 Poo, poo, poo, piss, piss, piss. Mozart wrote a dirty six-voice canon in B-flat major entitled, Lech Mik Im Ach, which means, lick me in the ass. Ah, ah, ooh, ee, ah. He was a freak. He likes a good rim. Ha! Ha! Ha!
Starting point is 00:32:30 Last year our dear father succumbed to prostate cancer. My jove, that's bereft of any jest or levity. Do you say it again? What is it? Last year our dear father succumbed to prostate cancer my jove that's bereft of any jest or levity that was a bobby classic a bobby classic last year my dad died of prostate cancer silence everyone laughs what was that saying afterwards you said it that's not funny oh so you're reading out what i said yeah i'm reading
Starting point is 00:33:05 out the last year my father died of prostate cancer yeah i thought you were just retelling the story that was the end that's not funny talk oh really yeah yeah the one that went viral that's not funny yeah right okay next one okay next one my jove why did that make you I said my jove and it didn't make you laugh just cut that to that
Starting point is 00:33:33 when you said yeah bit of editing by jove we should bring that back we should bring that back by jove bring back my jove
Starting point is 00:33:42 yeah bring back by jove it's like bon jove bon jovie by jove Bring that back. Bye, Jove. Bring back my Jove? Yeah. Bring back Bye, Jove. It's like Bon Jove. Bon Jovey. Bye, Jove. Bye, Jove. No!
Starting point is 00:33:55 Bye! No! No! Ah, it's gone! Ah! Oh! What would you bring back from the Victorian era? Other than my Jove.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Cholera? Tuberculosis? Tuberculosis? No. I would bring back... Oh my God, what a great question, Bobby. Jesus God. What would I bring back from the Victorian era?
Starting point is 00:34:16 I just want to work in a workhouse for five minutes. I want to see what that was like. Not that everyone did it, but just me to experience what that would be like sweating over a big laundry someone's shouting at me in my ear i want to just ride in those carriages oh lovely yeah i'll ride in the car and i thought you go you're so you and i am so covered in filth that's lush yeah
Starting point is 00:34:48 I wanna know I just wanna know what they smell like why could you imagine how disgusting you'd smell not a gas
Starting point is 00:34:56 the teeth the teeth Invisalign who and did they have soap bars back then snow babe not soap bars not even toothpaste i'd say oh man how would you brush your teeth with your finger me at sleepovers wow no i bring i just want to go back
Starting point is 00:35:22 i did i went to the london dungeons the other day that's not enough brings i just want to go back don't be bad it's me to find an experience like an actual real yeah i did i went to the london dungeons the other day that's not enough it's not enough that's not so right maybe i'm gonna board this we see how there's disneyland disneyland but like a victorian there is a place i want to go it's up north where it's somewhere i think it's someone is there a place called dudley in the uk i don't know it's like a village that you go into and it's like everything is back as the same it was and you could do like bread making and like oh you would love that oh i know bring back some bread yeah black country living museum yeah that's it black country living museum in where d dudley dudley dudley get her to dudley
Starting point is 00:36:02 right now get me go fund me to get me to Dudley. Vlog coming soon. Yeah. I went on so many school trips at school that were like to like, you know, Roman,
Starting point is 00:36:13 Roman waxwork museums. I used to love waxwork museums. Who wants to hear about it? That's it. Okay, so, on Valentine's this year, my mum tagged me in a post on Isle of Wight Heritage Centre
Starting point is 00:36:25 and it was of this waxwork that I used to be obsessed with called Valentine Grey. He was essentially a waxwork of a chimney sweep who was 10 years old and he got stuck. But on the Isle of Wight, there was this waxwork museum and he was just... And he was so peggy, he was so fit. So I was just obsessed with him.
Starting point is 00:36:43 A statue was fit. Yeah, but on a school trip we go there every time we're like when when we see valentine when we see valentine i know we need to get you to that dudley we need to get me to get her there that's him he looks like harry styles he looks like harry also he was 10. Sorry, fucking Henry VII. Wow.
Starting point is 00:37:09 He looks scary. That's what I'd bring back from Victorian times, Valentine Grey. Okay. Nice. I've got, all right, let me do, I'll do one, I'll do one more. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:19 That was good chat, that was good chat. Two dozen years prior, I found myself in the lamentable position of stumbling upon a most disconcerting scene. My father engaged in an act of intimate devotion towards my dear, dear mother. A sight both shocking and unsettling to my sensibilities. He was licking her out. He was licking her out. He was, what was it?
Starting point is 00:37:41 Lick ass. What? That's not in German! What was? What is that? Whatak-ax-chiming. What? That's not in German! That was! Mozart. Mozart's German? Mozart's German? Why did it...
Starting point is 00:37:52 Austrian. Austrian. Devil possessed you then. Yeah. That was like, what was it? Carmen, subliminal messaging. Carmen! No.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Oh. He's licking her out. How do you say it in ye old times? How do you say licking her out in ye old times? Engaged in an act of intimate devotion. Engage in an act of intimate devotion. Stinks. Intimate devotion stinks.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Oh. Her cup. Stinks. One more. One more. I am plagued by an insatiable longing for a carnal union with a lady of the circus in her colourful attire. The intensity of this yearning weighs heavily upon my conscious, rendering me quite distressed. Circus?
Starting point is 00:38:37 Circus? I can't breathe. We've run a race. What's that based on i am plagued by an insatiable longing for carnal union with a lady of the circus in her colorful attire i thought it was everton one but it's not it's the other one a lazy of the circus the clown one yeah oh the clown one yeah harley quinn harley harley baby all right that's the end okay right well i hope you guys like this episode sorry am i allowed to speak or am i still a peasant
Starting point is 00:39:16 and i should be seen and not hers you you can speak okay thank you yeah i hope you guys enjoyed this episode this little history version of T4. Celebrating. We would love to do more episodes like this. So if you enjoyed, let us know in the comments. And do you have any fun facts? Let us know. What am I saying?
Starting point is 00:39:38 You speak. Thank you. Before I was really interrupted, I hope you guys enjoyed this pleasant episode on women's history in our beautiful attires. Me as old lady Christabel of New Street and common old freak from Whitechapel. Right, common old freak.
Starting point is 00:39:58 If you did enjoy this, please do comment below. Send us any more questions, what you guys want to see from us on our DMs, on TikTok and Instagram, or send us an email at junglecreations... Oh, no. At tiad4 at junglecreations.com.
Starting point is 00:40:14 Of course, back here, we do not have emails. We have pens, so do write to us at tiad4 at junglecreations.com. And we will see you guys in the next episode. Won't we?
Starting point is 00:40:25 See you next week

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