Tea at Four - Ep 54: 6 Botched BBL’s And Blocked By My Plastic Surgeon

Episode Date: April 24, 2024

This week the girls dive deep into the world of plastic surgery and botched BBL's. They are joined by Shannon Davies, who has undergone seven BBL procedures after the surgeons in Turkey botched he...r first one, resulting in her having spent a massive £56,000 so far. They chat about the realities of having plastic surgery and the dark side of the aftercare, as well as revealing how influencers were paid to attack her on social media when she chose to speak out. Plus, we discover that Ozempic is not just a thing of Hollywood - it's hit the welsh valleys and everyone is on it.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 He said, how does it make you feel that you spend £40,000 and you still look the way you do? I've had six BBLs, five boob jobs, a tummy tuck, a gastric sleeve, six rounds of liposuction. And are you done? No. And a lot of the influencers who you'd know of, they're on TV shows, were paid by them to actually attack me on Instagram. Hi guys, welcome back to TFf4 i'm christy and i'm lauren and this is the podcast where we talk all things that should have stayed in the group chats and for today's episode we are joined by a special guest we are joined by shannon hello looking absolutely stunning thank you very glam on this monday morning as we shoot right now
Starting point is 00:00:47 um but basically our guest here today calls herself on tiktok the botched bbl queen this is your words not mine just not being rude so would you mind giving us some context to that for our audience i literally just wanted to wind some people up on tiktok the drama I get called botched enough so I just thought I'd brand myself the botched bbl queen incredible so you kind of document online that you've had a lot of surgeries would you mind talking us through what you've had done I've had six bbls but seven um have been corrections um I've had five boob jobs, a tummy tuck, a gastric sleeve and I've had
Starting point is 00:01:30 six rounds of liposuction. And are you done? No. Can I ask what incredible, what motivated you to get these things done? Was it aesthetic? Was it confidence? Some people say they get enhancements for the male gaze i'd just be really interested to know i was literally at the
Starting point is 00:01:51 time i was working for somebody else i was working nine to five i was on my break and i just wanted my boobs done at the time and i said to my boyfriend if i lose a stone i'll get my boobs done so i was looking at like maya for like the finance and stuff then um as i was on my break i opened my phone and i seen an influencer who had tagged that she had her boobs done but then she said she had a bbl and i didn't know what that was at the time and she tagged the company so i went on their page um and so i thought it says on there like oh if you contact us on whatsapp we'll let you know a price and so i just asked them for the boobs but they asked you to send full photos of yourself completely naked like everything out um even if it's just for boobs so I thought what
Starting point is 00:02:31 yeah wait hold on wait a minute like everything out no no underwear completely everything back front side and side so I was like well this influence has gone I can't wait to tell the truth. Oh, no. So I sat at my phone and I took bollock naked pictures. Oh, my God. And I sent them over and they were like, yeah, you need liposuction, you need a BBL. You need? You need. No.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Yeah, you need a tummy tuck. So it went from £2,000 for a boob job to £6,000. But that was for liposuction everywhere, boob uplift, boob job, and then a tummy tuck as well um and then i set a date for 10 days later and i was flying out there wait so it's no research done can i just ask how old were you when you first decided to get 21 21 yeah did you agree with all those things like going into initially you just wanted they were feeding into my delusion i was like yes like it was so cheap and i was just like am i gonna be
Starting point is 00:03:25 like pam lanson coming out and that was one of my questions and they said yeah and i was delusional enough to want to give them a money to do it and they were feeding the delusion i was happy for them to do that of course i am who is this replying as well is this is this a doctor or is this no no this is just the owner of the company stop it yeah so i send you a picture and you tell me you need x so you're now listing all the things that yeah you might not even be insecure about because you just wanted your boobs right yeah and all of a sudden it's like and now you're thinking oh maybe maybe yeah and i was thinking well well if i can have a bigger bum why not yeah a smaller waist why not yeah it's only four thousand pound extra so i was just like i'd be stupid not to and they were just gael bwynt fwy, pam na? Os oes gennych chi'r llwyth fach, pam na? Mae'n ddiweddar £4,000 o gwerth. Felly roeddwn i'n meddwl, byddaf yn ddifrifol i beidio hefyd. Ac roeddent yn
Starting point is 00:04:08 dweud, ie, rydych chi'n gwaith 18, nawr byddwch chi'n dod i gwaith 6 oherwydd byddwn ni'n mynd i'ch ddynnu chi. Roeddwn i'n ddilysio hynny. Roeddwn i'n ddylai iddyn nhw ddweud beth roeddwn i eisiau ei wneud i chi. Felly roedd hynny'n cael ei wneud yn ystod fy hŷr. Roedd y flyt wedi'i bwyto, felly roedd popeth wedi'i bwyto yn ystod y hŷr. Ac roeddwn i them on my hour break it was booked the flights were booked everything in an hour breaks yeah and I was out there 10 days later yeah can I ask I mean you've mentioned cost here how much have you spent on surgeries altogether at this point for 56 000 pounds and it's still not done and it's still not done no not by choice no not by choice yeah so i mean by starting off with these things and everything that came out after in terms of cost yeah what what what happened why were things needing to be corrected it was after my first ever surgery um i had a cardiac arrest
Starting point is 00:04:59 yeah um and when i came around my nipple was necrotic. So I was in pain straight away. So this nipple had to be unstitched. It was unstitched for five days. And they put a cotton pad over there to keep it on. So I was in a hospital and my nipple was hanging off. Literally, it was hanging off. It had one stitch left on the nipple for it to regain the blood flow. And they just put, they were like the cotton pads, the round ones.
Starting point is 00:05:23 It was just stuck on with that. That was it. Is that medically syth gyda hynny. Dyna'r peth. Yn y meddygol? Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Yn y meddygol. Felly doeddwn i ddim yn dioddef yn cael y twmi tynnau. Felly fe wnes i ddweud i'r gweithiwr pan ddodd i'r ôl, roeddwn i'n dweud, wnes i ddim wedi cael y twmi tynnau, felly mae angen i mi ei gyflawni am hynny. Ond hefyd, mae hyn wedi digwydd. Fe wnes i ddweud bod fy niple yn dal i ddod yn ôl oherwydd roeddwn i'n rhaid aros dau wythnos cyn iddyn nhw
Starting point is 00:05:51 ei ddynnu'n ôl. Ac yn amlwg, roedd fy BBL yn mynd yn iawn hefyd. A chafodd hi'n sgwyl. Roedd yn meddwl ei fod yn hyfryd iawn. Stop! Ie. Dyna'r peth. Ydych chi'n gwybod beth fyddai'r enw? Gwneud ffando. Beth ydych chi'n ei ddweud?
Starting point is 00:06:02 Beth ydych chi'n ei ddweud? Nid, roedd yn meddwl ei fod yn hyfryd iawn. Roedd yn meddwl, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, no he thought it was absolutely hilarious he's just like oh is that right so he'll be stitched back on don't worry about it it was normalized over there like you were made to feel crazy if you thought you were being treated wrong like obviously i was like my nipples hanging off my bum's gone wrong i've had a cardiac arrest yeah and he was just like oh you're all right you're fine now don't worry you know it's kind of like it's like gaslighting you like it's not their fault it's your fault yeah but you're the one that highlighted i needed xyz do you know i'm getting mad i'm ready i'm ready to fight for you did you have an advocate there because i think a lot of people go out there alone so i've only been out there with a person once which at the time yeah
Starting point is 00:06:40 i did yeah um but she didn't know what to expect either i mean we were both 21 and and when they're telling you that you're fine and you know you're not really meant to be angry at them because y tro. Ie, fe wnaethon ni. Ond nid oedd hi'n gwybod beth i'w ddangos hefyd. Rydyn ni'n i gyd-dwy-un. Ac pan maen nhw'n dweud wrthych chi fod yn iawn ac nid ydych chi'n gwerthu bod yn angylchol amdano, oherwydd mae pethau wedi mynd yn anghywir, fe wnaethon ni gadael. Felly pan oeddwn i allan yno, nid oeddwn i'n... Nid wyf yn meddwl fy mod i'n gwybod y cymorth o'r hyn sydd wedi digwydd i mi. Yn sicr nid. Nid hyd at i mi fynd i'r tŷ a chanodd pethau yn gwaethaf hefyd. Ond ie, roedden nhw'n ymdrin â chi i feddwl bod yn eich ddifon, ac nid yw'n ei ddifon. Ac yna pan fyddwch chi'n dod i'r tŷ, dyna pan fyddant yn ymdrin fel, o ie, byddwn ni'n but yeah they were just they kind of gas at you into thinking that it's your fault and it's not their fault and then when you get home that's when they're just like oh yeah we'll we'll make sure you have the proper aftercare but then you go home and they block you which is what happened to me you were blocked yeah yeah because when i got home my after a month my boobs completely dropped so the uplift completely dropped because they weren't putting right. And then the nipples opened back up. All the scarring underneath opened back up.
Starting point is 00:07:27 I developed a hernia from the liposuction. So that had to be corrected. And they put the fat at the top of my back to create a BBL. But it was in my back and on my bum. And when that had dropped, it leaked into my legs. So then it all come down, which is why the title on the sun is corn bum because obviously it ended up going into a cone down there so they did promise me a revision surgery which i did have before they blocked me but the surgeon had blocked me he wasn't happy to redo my
Starting point is 00:07:56 surgery um because at the time he was the most famous surgeon and he is the most famous surgeon in istanbul really yeah and are people aware of like because i'd leave a google review first thing oh yeah yeah people know like so me and the company had um after my second correction because it was still wrong we had a bit of an instagram war going on i mean that's how you get things done in 2024 and a lot of the influencers um who you'd know of you know they're on tv shows were paid by them to actually attack me on instagram because they have since apologized for that argument but they were putting on their instagrams like um you know they'd never do that she's telling lies
Starting point is 00:08:36 i was there when she was there i was like no you weren't um but they have since apologized for that but the company did pay them to to put out lies when we're having the disagreement publicly i don't think an apology cuts it that's surely like no it doesn't legally not no and it's like you know in your truth but then obviously because these people have such big like appearances online who's gonna believe you if there's like xyz influencers i kept the receipts mind i mean it's been six years but i've still kept them oh my gosh i've kept them from the argument and from the apology two years later yeah because i think it's you know it's important to if i ever want to share them you know because
Starting point is 00:09:15 they did lie yeah and i was made out to be a liar that is horrific i'm so sorry you went through that well i'm ready to fight well you let me know you call me i'll be there what so you mentioned going into cardiac arrest yeah yeah uh has anything else happened on that scale uh whilst you've been in surgery so yeah um my obviously my bum went up into my back and into my legs um and i'll see you how does that so they kind of followed like my love handles and instead of like mapping where my bum was because my bum was so flat i had no bum at all they kind of just like added it on to the to the love handles of my back and created a bum from this you can that's how big it was so in your hips it was in my hips yeah do you want to see yeah i mean did they not wow do they have they seen a
Starting point is 00:10:10 bum before where that's supposed to go can you see yeah like how does a yeah how did it come on guys and do you think they stepped away from that afterwards and were like smashed it yeah amazing they were just like yeah that's amazing and this is what happened to her boom remember i said that all the stitches were yeah coming undone wow jesus there's a lot it was crazy oh my god do you keep yourself composed after seeing all those like the stitching and stuff like don't you obviously you said you don't really worry but was there any sense of like oh my god what have i done when you see the kind of like the soreness especially when you're swollen like that is absolutely insane i mean i just cry constantly i'm just literally crying and then i'm angry
Starting point is 00:10:53 and that's when i start to have the arguments with the owner and the surgeons because you know you you're dorsed up on pain meds you're in pain because the pain meds they only give you is paracetamol you've seen all of this you're swollen yeah literally paracetamol that's all they give you that doesn't even do my period pains i know exactly exactly and that's meant to do your tummy tuck and your and your bbl and your life or like it's painful you just you're very irritated because the garments are irritating to wait and i think they actually make me more angry because i'm squeezed into them i'm in such an awkward position and then you're not even happy so you're kind of like why am i squeezed into the thing when i'm not happy anyway so you start having to go to them then you start getting angry
Starting point is 00:11:33 but it's yeah it's terrible it makes you really really angry i'm normally quite chill but with with surgery i'm not at all i'm nasty when i've had surgery because i'm just thinking what's the point well no wonder it's your body yeah yeah i'm literally squeezed into it like a bloody sausage coming out of a thing honestly i feel like a sausage in an oven you're about to be like freaking pricked and coming out of the thing and it's not even worth the pain yeah it's it's horrible like this is this is my first ever bbl so you can see it better there wow i don't think that looks bad though oh it is i do get what you're doing with the hip and the thing like they should have at least given you a where's the hello hourglass the smoothness right yeah yeah it's just like a big it is so for a first timer as well pretty big isn't it and this is how i how i was left this was just before my tummy tuck
Starting point is 00:12:30 so you can see like and at that point i spent 40 000 pounds wow yeah oh gosh yeah cheek of them yeah it's bad isn't it so and so and so you're you've had your surgery yeah just had a cardiac arrest do you also much were you in a coma what um no so they revived it was the cardiac reps doing surgery and then the only treatment I had after that was for the nipple that was necrotic right they didn't bother treating anything else they just kept me in hospital for two nights and I was it yeah just don't move basically I remember the nurse coming in she's like you moving you're moving I was ddim yn gallu trinio unrhyw beth arall. Roedd yn cwmio fi mewn ysbyty am ddwy nighydd ac roedd hynny'n yma. Yn ymwneud â symud. Yn enwedig, roedd y nurse yn dod i mewn. Roedd hi'n dweud, wyt ti'n symud? Wyt ti'n symud? Roeddwn i'n meddwl, wyt ti'n dweud, na, dwi ddim yn gallu. Oherwydd roedd hi'n dweud, mae fy nghyffyrdd yn mynd mor gyflym ac roeddwn i'n meddwl, dwi ddim yn gallu gael fynd i fyny. Roedd gen i gatheter, felly doedd ddim angen i mi fynd i fyny. Ond roedd gen i lypo yn fy nghymryd ac, o'r Dduw, dwi'n gallu, dwi ddim yn gallu
Starting point is 00:13:22 ddefnyddio'ch cymryd eich cymryd ar gyfer lypo. Mae gennych chi ddim sylw yn eu cymryd. Felly roeddwn i'n arms like and god you can't not you can't use your arms after light boards like you've got no feeling in them so i was just laying there like this and she was like are you have you been moving i was like no do i look like i'm moving yeah hello i didn't have any like follow-up ecgs nothing like that i have over here because i've got i've got um tachycardia now so i can't walk up the stairs and stuff without getting out of breath um so i've got a lot of health issues from the first one now but obviously it wasn't all confirmed until i was back in the uk yeah yeah which they weren't happy about the nhs told me that they were going to charge me um and stuff like that i think obviously because i was using the resources and i'd just been to turkey yeah and the woman at the a and e said to me she's like you're the fifth person this week to come in from turkey and that's my first ever
Starting point is 00:14:02 time so i was like oh things must be going wrong does that happen a lot people have heart attacks from plastic surgery yeah yeah actually cardiac arrest and heart attacks i think are probably one of the most common things to happen out there actually i believe yeah because they're like wrong medications and stuff being given like a woman in the villa with me had a heart attack because she was given the wrong medication she was fine after surgery it went really well but the nurses they're not nurses either are they roedd y gwylfa gyda fi wedi cael atach oherwydd ei bod yn cael y meddygaeth ddewis yn dda. Roedd hi'n iawn ar ôl y gwrthgynhyrchu, fe wnaeth hi'n dda iawn. Ond nid yw'r nyrsiau yn nyrsiau hefyd, ydy'r gwyliau sy'n cael eu gweithio ar y gwylfa i roi meddygaeth. Felly nid yw'r gwyliau yn nyrsiau, ond y gwyliau sy'n gweithio ar y gwylfa.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Ymddygiadwyr. Ie, ymddygiadwyr. Yw, yw'r llyfrau, yw'r ymddygiadwyr. O, o! Ie, maen nhw'n rhoi'r meddygaeth ddewis yn dda, roedd hi'n cael atach oherwydd hi'n iawn. Ond yn amlwg, mae'n ymwneud â'r pwynt, ydy'n ymddygiadwyr? Ie. liars or actresses oh yeah they give her the wrong medication she had a heart attack she's fine but obviously it's besides the point you know you can give her the wrong medication yeah that would like you know it's just no duty of care at all yeah oh don't get me wrong some of them are great some are amazing but for the majority they lack severely yeah it's given like you actually have to know your medical history back to back yeah to know
Starting point is 00:15:05 what you're you're allergic to do all the tests that you can do here and then go there backed up where it's like i've given you guys the proof i've listed you xyz of what i can take what i can't take so if you guys mess me up you're liable for whatever you guys have done to me well i remember saying to one of the nurses out there i said i've got a seroma which happens a lot in turkish surgeries what is that really common it's then built up fluid and you have to get it drained out if she didn't know how luckily i am trained in it so i was draining my own saroma buying my own needles she didn't know how to empty my drain so i was emptying my own drain no then because the drains are stitched in they hold on by a stitch she didn't know how to cut the stitch i had to cut my own drain and pull my own drain
Starting point is 00:15:43 out of me oh my god it was wild so imagine the girls that don't know any of this yeah and then they are they dying like what um if you can't drain your own body like that's infection that's leading to yeah well if they get full and they're going to come back yeah i can i can go really wrong yeah you need to know ac mae hynny'n arwain i... Ie, os ydyn nhw'n dod yn llawn a'n mynd yn ôl, gall hynny ddod yn anghywir iawn. Mae angen i chi wybod sut i ddrinio'r llawr a'i gwasgu a chadw'r air yn gwasgol pan fyddwch chi'n clodd. Na, dylai i chi wybod. Dylai i mi wybod.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Maen nhw'n dweud hynny. Yn gyntaf, mae'r nyrsiau sy'n cael eu cymryd gan y cwmni i edrych arnoch chi yn y hotel, os ydych chi wedi bod yn y hotel neu'n y villa, maen nhw'n dweud, mae'n ddwy i chi a fi mewn swydd bob dydd i'w gael. Nid ydynt yn cael eu cymryd. staying in a villa they are just like me and you in an everyday job for them they're not qualified at all no you could walk into it you could i could walk into it you know yeah it's um they just get given the job but there's no medical background yeah and would you mind quickly touching on um so when you're in surgery you're completely out of it you're supposed to trust the
Starting point is 00:16:38 people in the room who are looking after your body yeah and what did you say happened in the liposuction situation they they took out more than did you bargain yes so i was in for mega liposuction but usually it's around about eight mega is that the medical term well that's what they called it on my page right away mega lipo so um mega lipo is around about eight litres minimum that's for the whole body and I know when you're having a tummy tuck on the tummy especially 2-3 litres is maximum I had 15 15 litres of fat 1.5
Starting point is 00:17:15 do they not know how to count? because from 3 to 15 that's a huge jump they're freestyling at that point but they are. I mean, like, look at this arm. Saggy. Look how saggy that arm.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Look how different it is. Can you see? I mean, to your eye, you'll see it, but it's, like, minimal. But where do they find that extra eight? Oh, they're down my knees as well. They're down my fanny as well. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Yeah, they just, I didn't even ask. I don't know why my knees are well they done my fanny as well whoa yeah they just i didn't even ask i don't know why my knees are like i didn't even ask me i didn't think it was making up time at that point they were harvested it from everywhere so like when you wake up and you're like okay did they tell you after we're taking it from x y z you're thinking oh you can tell he's swollen i mean it's out there he had a mind of his own at that point when you look down and you see your knees like skinny as hell you're like oh they weren't they were saggy i got up and the skin just folded all for i was just like why is my knees done they were just like they're fat i was like really honestly everywhere every they were from the calves my knees fanny back arms every any place my neck i've had like on my jaw five times were you glad did you wake up and you're like
Starting point is 00:18:35 actually thank you for that extra 10 kilograms you took out me no because of the loose skin and it's just it wasn't they didn't it wasn't taken properly unevenly i mean my one hip's bigger than the other as it is the one arm's fatter than the other it's just they just they are they just grab it from any any no they're cheeky and they're greedy yeah yeah it is greedy it's great i mean i was having a bum correction they kind of took it all from the ass but they did go for the knees instead yeah it literally went for the knees i mean if they could take it from a tall they would take it i was just about to ask i've got fat toes so do you think you're matching you literally i can't i'm a size i'm a size five but i can't fit into my feet
Starting point is 00:19:16 no but what's going on yeah so we'll take from you okay jesus wow they would take it from you too if they could they absolutely would oh my god anyway to harvest some fat yeah mega yeah literally that is mega when i had a gastric sleeve last year i woke up my stomach was in a bag next to me on the bed because you cut 80 of it away i might have a picture hold on wait wait wait wait wait your stomach was sitting like laying beside you yeah it was in a bag right next to me let me see if i can find it because i want to make sure i can back it up to show you your camera roll must be fucking wild if your son's having a scroll on that on that big screen i can see myself on a drunken night out imagine if i had and i'm like guys okay and then this happened i'll be laughing guys this happened look at my toe this is my knees i remember that was
Starting point is 00:20:20 the last ever surgery i've had and i remember the surgeon say to me he's like it was only 40 minutes long and um i was trying to fight the people um pouring me down because my all of my veins are yna. Roedd hynny'n dweud wrthym i mi, roedd hi'n ddewis 40 munud yn fawr ac roeddwn i'n ceisio chwarae'r bobl yn fy nôl oherwydd mae pob un o fy nôl yn cael ei ddod o'r llall. Ni allan nhw ddod o'r llall i mi. Y tro diwethaf roeddwn i'n cael y llwyddo yn fy nôl, y transffusiwn. Rwy'n dechrau'n siarad amdano, dwi'n gallu meddwl. Roedd yn mynd drwyddo i fy nôl, roedd yn mynd drwyddo i fy nec, ond pob un o fy nôl a fy nôl wedi cael ei ddod o'r llall, mae fy ngôl wedi cael ei ddod o'r llall i bawb. Ni allan nhw ddod o'r llall i mi ac ni allan nhw ddod o'r llall i mi, ac ni allan nhw ddod o'r llall i mi ac ni allan nhw ddod o'r llall i mi ac ni allan nhw ddod o'r llall i mi ac ni allan nhw ddod o'r llall i mi ac ni allan nhw ddod o'r llall i mi ac ni allan nhw ddod o'r llall i mi ac ni allan nhw ddod o'r llall i mi ac ni allan nhw ddod o'r llall i mi ac ni allan nh yn llwyddo i bawb. Nid yw'n gallu ddod o ddwylo i mi, ac nid yw'n gallu rhoi meddygau i mi. Dyna pam mae'n cymryd hwyl i mi ddod o amgylch anesthetig. Nid yw'n gallu dod i fyny.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Ac mae gen i ffobr o gyffrediniaeth, felly nid yw'n gallu cwylio fy gyffrediniaeth. Ac y lle arall arall ar gyfer nhw, oherwydd os nad yw'n mynd i fy nghyffyrdd, oherwydd yn amlwg maen nhw'n gwneud fy nghyffyrdd yn Tyrci, os nad yw'n mynd i mewn yno, mae'n rhaid i mi fynd i fy nghyffyrdd. Ac roeddwn i'n bolig yn bennaf. Roeddwn i'n meddwl, oedd Jesus ar y bed, yn cael ei dd cael fy ngheirio i fyny fel hyn. Roedd fy ngheirio yn cael fy ngheirio. Roeddent am ddynnu'r ddyn a roeddent am ddynnu fy nghroes.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Roeddwn i'n mynd, nô! Nô! Dwi'n ddim yn dda! Roeddwn i'n bolig yn nesg. Doedd gen i ddim unrhyw fath o gyfrif arna i, roedd fy ngheirio yn dal i fynd yn y ffordd hon. Roeddwn i'n meddwl, dwi'n ddim yn dda! Doeddwn i ddim yn tynnu fy nghroes. Doeddant yn ddim yn siarad Saesneg,
Starting point is 00:21:22 nid oedd ymddygiad yn ymlaen. Roeddwn i'n mynd fel hyn, roedd fy ngheirio yn cael fy ngheirio yn ôl, ac roeddwn i'n mynd, nô! Nô! I was like, do not touch my wrist. And they didn't speak English. The surgeon wasn't in there yet. Oh, no. I was going like this. And my head was strapped back. And I was going, no, not like this. And as she was about to put it in, I literally, I got my hand free. I unstrapped my head. And I sat up. I was like the exorcist on this metal bed.
Starting point is 00:21:35 And there was hardly any room for me. They laid me back down. They strapped me back. And they just, I remember the guy looking at me. And they were really annoyed at me at this point. Because I was fighting them. He just shoved a mask on me. And I went to sleep. And they obviously twined in my vein. y dyn yn edrych ar mi ac roedden nhw'n hynod o'n hyderus am mi ar y pip hwn oherwydd roeddwn i'n eu hyderus â nhw. Roeddwn i wedi llwyddo masg arnaf ac fe wnes i ddod i'r ysgrifennu ac yn amlwg roedden nhw'n ddwylo fy nheud. Ond dwi'n meddwl i gael fy nghymryd yn ôl, roeddwn i'n cwpio gyda'r
Starting point is 00:21:51 pip sy'n dal i lawr i fy mhroed. Roeddwn i'n mynd... Mae fy mhroed yn edrych arnaf ac roeddent wedi cymryd ychydig o amser i gyd i ffwrdd â fy mhroed. Dwi'n meddwl fy mod i wedi pwyso'n llawer, roeddwn i'n meddwl... Mae hi'n gweithio! Ie. Oherwydd yn edrych arnaf, roeddwn i'n... Oherwydd yn edrych arnaf. Felly roeddwn i'n edrych arnaf ac roeddwn i'n dweud... I say I was just thinking she's acting in it yeah because looking at her I'm like just looking at her so he kind of looked out at me
Starting point is 00:22:07 and just went and then took it out and I thought hmm yeah you've done that on purpose I pissed you off doing that didn't I sorry
Starting point is 00:22:13 I was fighting them you're saying this with a giggle behind your throat is this not traumatic to a degree not anymore right you're saying
Starting point is 00:22:21 you're desensitised is what you're saying yeah oh yeah wow I can't I can't be traumatized by it anymore none more than what i have done let me get these up for you the google photos yeah it's hard it's just hard to be traumatized by it anymore i think i i've been really really low over it i mean ridiculously low i think now i've got myself out of being so low it's hard to kind of go back in there but i've hit really really bad depression yeah um and because i don't allow myself to be
Starting point is 00:22:53 that way anymore i just find you're funny now i think yeah because i've i've kind of healed that trauma so i think it is funny to me in a way yeah rather that than crying yeah oh yeah god i've cried so much I could have swam to Turkey okay let's see oh my it's actually in a bag it's like a rat in a bag yeah let me see
Starting point is 00:23:23 I don't know if we can even show this it looks like a a hairless roll mat oh my oh my god in a bag am i crazy that is shocking wow yeah jesus so you're on a zen pic yes this is a uk thing we thought this was american only did you yeah no no so as long as you can get a prescriber to prescribe it to you there's private pharmacies that will sell it to you because i'm in the booty industry i had to do it's so stupid you could do courses to be qualified in ozempic to send it to other people right so then you have your own prescriber day or know to send them their form they'll prescribe it and then you've got it then you have to obviously you have to go through a
Starting point is 00:24:10 prescriber so it's all legit about they have to fill in a form wow how are you finding it i haven't had since yesterday and i don't i'm not even a little bit hungry honestly because it takes away your taste buds it takes away everything like your sense of smell i can it takes away my sense of um taste as well i can't taste anything really yeah honestly i can't taste a thing when i'm on ozempic if i don't inject it for two weeks i can taste again as soon as i inject it i've got a severely dry mouth oh it's really weird i don't know if that's everybody's side effect that's mine in a way how often do you have to do the injections once a week once a week yeah do you know a lot of people that are on it yeah really yeah god almost
Starting point is 00:24:46 everyone in the valleys is on olympic i thought it was just celebrities oh my god no almost everyone in the valleys is on olympic i mean my salon alone sells probably 56 a month how much how much is it 250 it can be but sometimes on off of 160. It just all depends. Wow. Yeah, because if Ozempic sells out, then you've got Mogovi, Trulicity, Bonjaro. There's so many different ones you can get.
Starting point is 00:25:15 And they're all the same thing. It's just different brand names, yeah. Everyone in the NAN is on it, in the Valleys. They really are. Everybody is on Ozempic. think in london as well probably yeah i mean if they are if they are in the valleys they are in london yeah wow yeah interesting fascinating i was gonna ask i i feel interesting you talk about like celebs those kind of people the kind of bodies we all aspire to have did you have like a an ideal or do you now have someone
Starting point is 00:25:46 you want to reach to or aesthetically get to since then absolutely not i've never trusted my life sorry i just wouldn't yeah no that's so fair i've seen what they do just for money yeah to lie about somebody um so no no yeah i wouldn't even want to look like them anymore because so i just i don't know i just they have like such a bad like I got a bad stigma with them I guess at the moment so I just I wouldn't even want to look like them anymore no of course Lauren do you have like a an ideal yeah I mean I have the people I scroll past on TikTok and I I just go that I wish that was me I wish that was me and the the worst part is in my head I'm thinking like oh they're so lucky to have that they're so naturally gifted to have that body and it's like realistically they might have had this surgery
Starting point is 00:26:31 that surgery and my shoes i just don't have the funds to get that body rather than being born with it but yeah what about you tiana taylor tiana tiana taylor i love it she's got just a nice sculpted back yeah you know what i'll be in the gym i will pain and go through the pain of pulling them stupid lap pulls until yeah yeah that's such an interesting point did you do you feel the things that they brought up weren't things that you could achieve in like the gym or like look at 21 as well i feel like you've got so much to go with your body's still changing yeah it was just they said that obviously you wouldn't need to go to the gym so obviously i was lazy at
Starting point is 00:27:09 the time as well so i was just like that's amazing you know yeah they're gonna give you know saying that you're gonna go from 16 uh 18 to a size six yeah you're gonna have big boobs a small waist a big bum you don't need to go to the gym to achieve it of course you know it's just easier fix isn't it so that was very appealing to me yeah and i was so lazy at the time i didn't want to go to the gym you know well people were doing that nowadays with the zen pick aren't they they're like i'm bored with doing all that other stuff just give me something that i can it's that instant gratification you just instantly just get in there and it's like i've got it now so yeah about my business yeah but that was a big downfall for me was not taking up the gym at the same time as having surgery so because i kept obviously i know i was going back and having um corrections done yeah but because
Starting point is 00:27:53 i wasn't keeping up in the gym and i was i was so depressed i was still like binge eating then having the corrections and binging again obviously the results ain't gonna be good anyway yeah so that was also my fault like they do need to teach you that you do need to eat healthy but the thing over there is you know you can have it and eat what you want because you've had the light one you know you're just gonna stay thin but it's not it's not the truth yeah i was gonna ask in terms of like your friendship groups was there any friends that you consulted um was there any friends that were like maybe you shouldn't or maybe you should like the first time no they didn't it was too quick for it you know it happened far too quick yeah um after about the third time my friend did say to me he was like i think enough is enough
Starting point is 00:28:35 but i remember my friend he said um and it really upset me at the time he's like how does it make you feel that you spend 40 000 pounds and you still look the way you do and i was just like fel sut mae'n gwneud i chi teimlo bod yn gwneud £40,000 ac yn edrych yn ffordd sy'n gwneud. A roeddwn i'n dweud, oh ie, mae hynny'n ddrwg. Ond roedd yn wir. Ie. Yn y pryd, roeddwn i wedi gwneud £40,000 ac roeddwn i'n dal, mae'n dda, mae'n ddal fel 16 stwm. Rwy'n dal, rydych chi'n gwybod, roedd yn gwneud llawer mwy o waith wedi'i wneud. Roedd yn ymdrin yn y blaen. Felly roedd dim ond y gwir, ond roedd hynny'n rhywbeth sy'n fynd yn ôl i'r tŷ a roeddwn i'n dweud, wow ie, rwy'n gwneud yr holl arian hwnna ac really botched back then yeah so it was only the truth but that's when it kind of really hit home and i was like wow yeah i spent all that money and i look way worse than what i've ever looked before in my life jesus i'm i'm i mean i know you say botched which i think is a a huge thing in
Starting point is 00:29:15 this what is the recovery of a bbl supposed to look like and versus what you've experienced um so you're meant to be in like a a far heart for about four weeks you know like your daily massages um and this is meant to be like a bit painful like you've been to the gym you're bruised obviously and you have the drains taken out and then it's just pretty much stiff for a few days and you can't sit down on your bum for two weeks it's quite straightforward to be honest i've got a question can you still use the bathroom whilst yes but it's quite straightforward to be honest i've got a question can you still use the bathroom yes but it's hard you're kind of hovering a bit oh god oh wow i can't even do that without bbl my thighs can't do that oh my gosh yeah it's hard when you're recovering it's hard yeah are there any surprising things that we wouldn't know about the whole process when you have a bbl
Starting point is 00:30:04 because you can't sit down and you need to go for a wee you have a shiwi so you stand up in peace you put the cup over it's like a little tube perfect wow so you've got to carry that around with you then yeah yeah everywhere you go just in case you need to level out so okay scenario in my head i'm at the club right and i'm queuing up to go in and have to search my bag oh excuse me darling yeah it comes with like a little bag to put it in but it's also a fee we are no but yeah it'll be in a little clubbing bag going out okay in my clutch i wouldn't recommend going clubbing after a bbl right yeah geez how between like recovery that you're going through are there moments where you get to enjoy normal life between surgeries um at the very start i
Starting point is 00:30:53 think before they start because obviously when you're swollen and stuff you won't see the true result anyway yeah and with me what i experienced is when stuff starts going wrong it's only three weeks after surgery right so that's when stuff starts to open up infections start to kick in yn y cyfnod cyntaf pan ddechrau rhywbeth yn mynd yn anghywir mae'n ymwneud â tri wythnos ar ôl y gynhyrchiad iawn felly dyna pan ddechrau rhywbeth yn cychwyn i ddechrau i ddechrau i ddechrau i ddod yn ysgwyd yn mynd i lawr mae'n dechrau gweld sut mae pethau'n sefydlu felly am y tri wythnos cyntaf mae'n debyg iawn oherwydd rydych chi'n gwybod bod chi'n llwyddo o ran hynny felly nid ydych chi'n gwybod sut rydych chi'n edrych felly rydych chi'n hapus a yna nid yw'n bod am tua tri wythnos ar ôl yna mae pethau'n dechrau mynd i lawr yn y gwaelodd rydych chi'n dechrau meddwl o ddu mae ganddyn nhw eisiau newid y pethau ond maen nhw'n dweud bod yn aros i chwe mis i gael that I think, oh God, maybe I need to change it. But they say to wait six months for results.
Starting point is 00:31:25 So you keep having your massages because they can help mold you back to a good shape. So if you find a good massage therapist and do wood therapy, especially if you have lumps in you and stuff, they can get them out. So you can kind of manipulate it. Yeah, it's not until about six months
Starting point is 00:31:41 you'll see the real result anyway. Do you know what's kind of like, it's just confusing me, not confusing me me i'm a bit shocked is that because obviously there's the procedure and there's the aftercare those that are um doing the surgeries they should actually impose by the aftercare and literally kind of like um highlight the responsibility that's coming on afterwards i feel like the g of care that they have where they just get it done and go about your business i think it's out of order yeah i'll pay you that big big amount of money and you don't want to give me the full you know 10 out of 10 service you need this or recommend
Starting point is 00:32:11 like you know stay an extra day or two so we can make sure that you're good and then the fact that they went and blocked you yeah they don't care it's they literally don't care and i found out the surgeon that is really well known over there, the one that done me the first time, he didn't even do my surgery. He was his assistant. Because my surgery was at six in the morning. Well, I got to the hospital at six in the morning. My surgery was scheduled for nine.
Starting point is 00:32:33 I went to surgery at midnight. Because he was doing the girl before me. And then three girls before that. And my surgery was seven hours at that point. Obviously, because so much went wrong. And he was starting. So when I come around at nine, after having a bit of a sleep, he was starting somebody else's surgery at 9am. am y pwynt hwn, oherwydd mae rhywbeth wedi mynd yn anghywir. Felly pan dwi'n dod o hyd ar 9, ar ôl cael ychydig o gofod, roedd yn dechrau cael gyd-dau-laeth o'r cirio ar 9 o'r amser. Felly roeddwn i'n meddwl, os ydyn ni wedi di wythio fy mhrofiad ar 7, yn amlwg,
Starting point is 00:32:53 a dechreuwyd ar ddydd, mae'n unig ydym wedi cael ychydig o ddwy ors o gofod, mae'n dechrau'n ddiogel yn ôl. Ond roedd un o'i gilydd bach wedi dweud wrthi, oherwydd mae ganddi gwych yno nawr, ei bod wedi dweud ei fod yn ei asiant, ac fe wnaeth hi ddod i'r because she has a company out there now she told me that it was his um assistant i don't know and he just overseen some and then went home shocking yeah can i ask um from someone that doesn't know much about this why turkey i know price is a big thing but um if you're consistently seeing things like this happen does it not deter you from doing it there i mean for me because of the the things that have gone wrong for me it doesn't deter me because i've got to keep cabinet done Dwi'n credu, oherwydd y pethau sydd wedi mynd yn anghywir, dwi'n credu nad yw'n ddiddordeb i mi oherwydd rwy'n rhaid cadw'r cafnir wedi'i wneud. Yma, nid ydyn nhw'n fy nghyfrifio. Rwyf wedi ceisio. Felly ie, rwyf wedi ceisio am ddau cymaint o amser. Nid ydyn nhw'n eisiau cwrdd â'r cwmpas oherwydd mae'n risg uchel. Felly i mi, rwy'n rhaid mynd yn ôl i'r Tercys i gadw'r cwmpas.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Yn amlwg, gallwch fynd i bethau fel Columbia a phethau, ond eto, mae hynny'n ffordd iawn. Ie. Mae'n hir. Felly byddwn i'n hoffi mynd i'r Tercys a chael ei gyrraedd. Ond rwy'n credu i'r long so i'd rather just go to turkey and get it fixed but i think for people for the appeal over here for people in turkey it's just because it's only four hours away and the price is just so much cheaper and i feel like they're very lax on some of the medical conditions that you they probably say no over here with they would probably say yeah over there yeah so it's just easy access i think that's why people love it wow do you know what's so bad like it's crazy because i've considered getting my teeth done and obviously turkey just it's the the place to go for it and i know i think i've got three four friends that have done it done and it's been amazing for them yeah but then i think for me it's always the what if this what if that so i've got i'm a very
Starting point is 00:34:21 panicky person even i don't i'm very chill sometimes but sometimes I I can just overthink yeah so it I think that over thinking part of me talks me out of it but with the amount of ads you see you could be you could think about it and then all of a sudden your phone is showing you xyz you're crossing the road and you're seeing like a advert for something and so it's it's hard kind of battling the research behind it being scared of doing it but also because it's always in your face you're always going to be constantly thinking about it so how do you deal with like obviously you've done your you want you want to get your corrections done and stuff but how do you deal with like let's say you come across another ad and you're like oh should i consider that that did happen to me so after i had my son three months after i went up for a tummy
Starting point is 00:35:02 tuck mega like a suction and correction on the bbl i ended up having my teeth done once i was there because of you when you're out there you see all the dentists um and they give you such a cheap price you're just like oh well i've got like a week before my surgery and i'm out here early yeah i may as well go and get my teeth done oh it's really hard i still struggle with trying not to see other adverts and go for them to be honest yeah but but even in that is there not something at the back of your head that's like what if that goes wrong now yeah yeah it's like are you do you feel like you're ever going to feel that sense of completion or you're always going to be chasing something else yeah i think that's just part of me now because i've programmed my brain into constantly wanting corrections it's rhywbeth eraill ie dwi'n meddwl mai dyna rhan i mi nawr oherwydd rwyf wedi'i rhaglennu fy nghymryd i ddylai am gweithgareddau nid yw'n mynd i fod yn berffaith ac rwy'n deall nad yw'n mynd i fod yn berffaith
Starting point is 00:35:49 ond mae'n dal i fod yn fawr o'n berffaith ie dwi'n gallu helpu ond yn parhau i wneud fy hun un mwy o gydgyfnerthu felly mae'n anodd iawn gweld cyfnod o ran y cyfnod gyda chael yn hapus gyda sut rwy'n edrych a'n dal i angen mwy o gydgyfnerthu fel rwy'n deall un wythnos byddwch yn gofyn i mi a ydw i'n mynd i gael ei wneud ac fe ddw i'n dweud na dwi'n gofyn i mi nad ydw i'n cael gydgyf me am i gonna have it done i'll say no i'll say i'm never having surgery done again yeah you'll ask me a week later and i'll say yeah do you think would you be i guess something that's important with this we don't always talk about the horror stories and i guess would you be able to talk about the positives that have come out of having these surgeries? Not trying to smile at you like, oh well. There hasn't been many, so it's hard. Because I've only had one good surgery over the month.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Really? Yeah, every single one's gone wrong. What was it? It was the tummy tuck with the correction BBR. That was everything. And even that went a bit wrong. Oh, God. Best of a bad bunch yeah
Starting point is 00:36:46 um so the best thing actually is teeth okay okay that did nothing went wrong with teeth right and you also have touched on the fact that you're a mom yes and i mean even talking about the surgeries pre and post becoming a mom like do you like how do they even attack that like your boobs obviously change everything's yeah like how did they work around that and do they do they warn you like you're not gonna be able to keep doing this if you if your body is i don't even know no um so i spoke to the company i went to um after the baby i spoke to them whilst i was pregnant actually but i knew them before anyway because she's one who told me about my previous surgeon so um so um she already knew me anyway and she was just like
Starting point is 00:37:33 yeah have the baby and then you can come over there was it wasn't saying like it's going to be a lot different because I've had the baby yeah it was just wait a couple months until um some of the hormones have left your body and then you can come over so i paid my deposit once i was pregnant wow yeah oh my gosh yeah it was pre-planned so is that is that just the dream to have like a flat tummy like it's just to look normal like before um if you asked me two years three years ago i would have said i still want a big bum not as big as i ever went but i still wanted a bvl bum i still wanted nice boobs but now i just want to look normal yeah that's all i want i just i'm just so sad what's normal yeah just not so much loose skin overlapping herself especially when it comes to the bbl
Starting point is 00:38:16 i've got loose skin like that's normal to me i have to tell myself that's normal versus the perfected versions of bodies i see online like yeah i think it's just because the loose skin i know is from weight loss and so much liposuction got you so that's but you know because i was 16 stone having a tummy tuck and i'm nine stone so i've lost six stone since having a tummy tuck yeah so now my tummy tuck is loose so it's just like oh now i need another tummy tuck yeah can i ask what um what's your kind of purpose with documenting stuff on social media the realities of showing surgery yeah so when i first started my first ever video i just wanted to show
Starting point is 00:38:57 my recovery because i just it was the one just after my baby so i just wanted to show my tummy tuck recovery but then that's when all the hate started and that's when it was really intense felly roeddwn i eisiau dangos fy nghyfarchiad am y twyllg. Ond yna roedd hynny'n cychwyn i'r holl ymddygiadau a dyna pan roedd yn hynod o ddifrifol. Ie. Ond roeddwn i hefyd yn cael llawer o bobl yn gofyn i mi ble dwi'n ei argymell, a ydyf i'n mynd i'r surgeon hwn? Felly dywedais, oh, gallaf i helpu rhai pobl os byddaf yn eu ddweud yr hyn rwy'n ei wybod. Felly dyna pan dechreuais, roeddwn i'n ysgrifennu iddynt neu'n ateb cwestiynau. Ond yna, yn amlwg, oherwydd bod y holl ymddygiadau yn cychwyn, roeddwn i eisiau eu llynu ychydig. Felly mae'n dod yn rhan o'r gêm yna. Ie. but then obviously because all the hate started i kind of wanted to wind them up a bit so it became a bit of a game then um even though that um i knew it looked bad because it pissed them off i wanted to do it more okay so it became it became more about just wanting to help other people it became more of just want to be a troll to be honest with you wow what would you say is
Starting point is 00:39:41 like your most engaged post and why when i'm showing the claws on the bum definitely because they love to hate isn't it so if they can see the bbl yeah then they can comment you know ew yuck stupid little thing so they're always the most engaging just because is that coming from men or women both wow yeah and the women are the ones that will show their face too when they hate so the men have always got like a cat or something on their profile picture yeah or it's not a proper picture at all yeah but the women they're ballsy when they when they leave a hate comment they still got their face on they don't care i can find their linkedin yeah that's all i need find a husband i find it Find a husband. I find it,
Starting point is 00:40:25 not weird, but I find it strange that it's females that hate because I do feel like maybe it's not, maybe it's not hate, but it's one of them, oh, I wish I could get a BB
Starting point is 00:40:36 or I wish I was in your position type of thing. But then I feel like, especially in society, females, instead of like talking and be like, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:40:43 you know, showing concern, it's like, it comes out in a hateful spiteful way yeah but maybe them internally they want it done or they they wish i wish i was my machine i wish so it's it's interesting that it's hate and it's not like support from like females people see better yeah i know literally it's funny because like a lot of the hate is from women i don't i don't really get too many from men yeah women and on a night out i get women
Starting point is 00:41:06 staring at me and then if we get a bit drunk and they come over and they ask me if my bum real and stuff and then like i tell them and i show them some of the photos when it gone wrong and then they kind of like me because they can see it's gone wrong oh so it's quite twisted isn't it yeah you can see they're very standoffish to me at the start but when they see pictures that it's gone wrong and it doesn't look the same as it does in clothes yeah a bit like oh i'm lucky why do you feel the need to show when it went wrong do you not feel because i feel that i kind of feel the intensity coming off them that i know that they don't like me straight away just because of what my body looks like in clothes so i feel like i gotta justify myself so i'm just like oh but it doesn't look like this you know it's gone wrong yeah so then because i i just
Starting point is 00:41:49 i don't know i feel like i'm being judged so i'd rather them judge me for going wrong than judging me thinking that i'm stuck up because i've had surgery because that's what i get a lot of so i don't like that because i'm not so it's i'd rather them know that it's gone wrong yeah it's weird i don't know that's so interesting yeah and i, it's weird. I don't know. That's so interesting. Yeah. And I guess so you kind of document your own journey on your own social media, but you've mentioned that also tabloids have written about your surgery. How have you dealt with the comments from that where a lot of people in those comment sections are brutal?
Starting point is 00:42:20 Yeah, they were horrible. And even the writers can twist your story a bit. Yeah, so the preface was they contacted me they've seen my tiktoks and they wanted to share the videos originally about just what i filmed on tiktok and then when i got speaking to them and they heard how many times i had gone they were like oh okay um can you tell us a bit more so we can gather up a story about them just making it about a story of bbl's gone wrong in turkey so the storyline changed a bit and she asked me to send them a timeline of photos like 20 different ymlaen â'r stori o BBL wedi mynd amgylch yn Tyrcia. Felly, fe wnaeth y stori llaw newid ychydig. A gofynnodd i mi gysylltu'r ffotograff a'r ffotograff,
Starting point is 00:42:48 fel 20 o ffotograff gwahanol y gallant ddewis o. Felly, dyna beth oeddwn wedi'i wneud. Ond rhai o'r ffotograffau a wnes i'u gysylltu, doeddwn i ddim eisiau eu dangos, oherwydd, yn amlwg, y rhan fwyaf o'r ffordd oedd nad oedd yn gallu'i fwyso o unrhyw ffordd. A oherwydd roeddwn i'n ganddi. Roeddwn i'n teimlo'n rhyfeddol.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Felly, fe wnes i ddweud pa ffotograffau oedd yn iawn i mi eu gweld, i ddod yn ôl i fy which pictures i was okay with them seeing just to kind of back up my story which is why i sent so many um so i sent which ones i was okay with which ones i weren't they ended up using the ones i weren't okay with anyway um the bit that they gave me to proofread was in the whole article anyway so i proofread some obviously yeah so they've got me saying yeah it's okay but it wasn't the whole story yeah the headline was also different um and obviously i think i've told you before about the the comments on there were absolutely brutal because i was pregnant at the time i mean i was five months pregnant they were brutal saying that they wanted to burn me alive saying about the plastic dripping off me oh come on that's that's the one i get a lot of that's what everyone always says to me but it's stupid because it's not much plastic it's fat it's recycled fat yeah so it's a stupid comment
Starting point is 00:43:50 anyway which is why i can laugh at it now but i was pregnant at the time so it really hurt me um and they were just saying that like they feel sorry for my unborn child because like he's i'm gonna be the one giving birth to him um and you know the journalist said that she they take well care of ones that are pregnant they try to make sure that you know they are not vulnerable but i didn't once get reached out to they didn't once reach out to me and say are you okay even if they did leave the comments up just asking if i was okay they knew i was pregnant i didn't have any of that they didn't remove any of the comments they're still there now so they there is no um there's no k at all they
Starting point is 00:44:27 they use you to print the story and that's that yeah but like your family and friends as well and you say you've got a a child do you worry about them seeing the stuff online do they feel like they need to stick up for you um my parents and my sisters won't look at it i'm a brother yeah they they literally pretend like i'm not even in anything right okay so they they um they don't like speaking about it at all because they my parents and my siblings don't agree with my choices at all um so it doesn't get mentioned my body doesn't get mentioned my surgery don't get mentioned and my parents actually only know i've been over twice so they don't know all the rest that i've been over anyway so so you just say you're going on holiday yeah right yeah i think they know because obviously they've seen the change but they they they like to live in in
Starting point is 00:45:15 the dark they don't like to to know anything about me yeah yeah stay with my sister my sister's embarrassed so um oh my sister's getting married next week and i've been asked to wear a bridesmaid's dress and she said not to wear anything tight oh yeah so like when we go out together it's always double leggings don't wear this because she's embarrassed to be seen with me because she knows that we'll get honks or we'll get people staring god we'll get the comments so yeah if i'm out with my sisters i'm not allowed to wear anything that reveals my body shape in any way do you not go what if i want to what yeah but then i'll just get a silent treatment while someone with them supports right yeah yeah yeah and because i'm the youngest i always lose so yeah yeah i just i i got to take a big jacket all for me you know
Starting point is 00:46:03 yeah yeah but for the 56 000 pounds you spent on the surgery would you not just want to show it off yeah exactly that's what i think yeah you should want to but yeah i'm like no i've i've got people that i can do in front of and people that i can't and then people that i can't yeah can i ask so you say you're not done with it what is there anything else you'd like to get done right okay so i need a thigh lift i need an arm lift a back lift i need my bum cut and lifted and i need a tummy tuck and i need my boobs to be done right let's circle back what's a thigh lift the inner skin the inner skin on the inside of the thigh oh Oh, I want that. I would go for that. Yeah, man, just tuck it in.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Yeah, exactly. Mine just slap each other when I'm walking. The chafing? Oh, I hate a chafe. Talc's my best friend. Oh my God, I hate a chafe. Okay. Yeah, funny that.
Starting point is 00:47:02 So what were the other ones? Arm lift. Arm lift. And then another tummy tuck and a bum lift. So I don't want more fat per in the bum okay it's gone saggy now it's big brist saggy there's no fat left in there i just want to cut and then lift it up and i'll be happy i want it back small i don't care about it anymore yeah yeah so so with i kind of trends have been a big thing and like we've seen the kardashians go from the big bum down to the small bum yeah um is that something you're going to be taking taking into account probably probably um i just want to be honest with me the reason why i want it all gone is because of what
Starting point is 00:47:37 i've been through now otherwise if i hadn't i probably still want it a bit bigger um but yeah no i i just want it gone now because of what i've been through i'm just done with with the look of dwi'n hoffi ei fod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. Ond dwi'n hoffi bod yn fwy. off in your head anyway sure uh i mean this is a big question but if if you could go back to your 21 year old self that went and sent the full body pic on the whatsapp would you go back and not do the surgeries or i'd go back i would just say maybe lose weight first i mean that's i should never have been allowed all those surgeries at the way i was i mean i'm gonna tell me to get 16 stone come on that's ridiculous nobody should ever have approved that i shouldn't have even ffordd roeddwn i. Dwi'n mynd i ddweud mai 16 ston yw'n ddigon. Mae hynny'n fyddiol. Ni fyddai unrhyw un arfer wedi gwerthu hynny. Ni fyddwn i ddim wedi meddwl hynny. Felly, byddaf yn dweud,
Starting point is 00:48:27 gadewch i chi gael y cymaint yn gyntaf. Dechrau gyda'r bobs, gael un peth wedi'i wneud. Ac yna, os ydych chi'n dal i ddweud y byddwch chi'n gwneud rhywbeth sydd gennych chi'n ei ddysgu amdano heddiw, os ydych chi'n dal i wneud hynny, yna... Rhesychio ychydig. Ie. Rhesychio amdano. Mae llawer o grwpiau ar Facebook a'r Instagram. Ie. Mae llawer o fideos YouTube hefyd. Mae pobl yn mynd i gael eu gwneud.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Gadewch i chi feddwl yn gyntaf. Gael y cymaint yn gyntaf. Gael un peth wedi'i wneud. Os ydych chi'n dal i'w and instagram yeah there's so many youtube videos as well people going and having it done just have a think first lose the weight have one thing done if you're still happy then you can go don't rush into it because when you rush into it things go wrong look at me and how and how do you trust who's reputable and you've don't trust influencers for one i'm sorry but just don't you can't look i i did and look what happened to me i know some of them go to good places but don't just trust them they am un peth dwi'n ddiolch ond nid ydych chi'n gallu edrych i mi wnes i a sut yw'r hyn sy'n digwydd i mi rwy'n gwybod bod rhai ohonynt yn mynd i leoedd da ond nid ydych chi'n ymddiriedol iddyn nhw fel y dywedais mae grwpiau y gallwch edrych arnynt mae llawer o grwpiau ar facebook a'r instagram yr un peth y mae'n rhaid i chi ei wneud yw teisio yn xx doll a yna enw'r surgeon ar instagram a byddwch yn dod o hyd i'w ffugiau sydd wedi mynd os ydych chi'n mynd ar facebook os ydych chi'n teisio mewn enw'r meddyg maent yn cael llawer o gymunedau
Starting point is 00:49:22 ie siarad gyda phobl byw go iawn yn gyntaf. Mae rhai ohonyn nhw'n dweud bod pethau wedi mynd yn anghywir, ond efallai ei fod oherwydd iechyd nad ydyn nhw wedi'i ddewis neu rywbeth fel hynny. Ac fe siaradwch â chylch eraill amdanoedd a wnaeth llawer o ddweud iawn. Felly ceisio siarad â'r mwy o bobl a allwch chi oherwydd efallai y gallwch ddod o hyd i rywun sydd â ffordd cyffredinol i chi, sylwadau iechyd cyffredinol i chi, ac yna byddwch chi'n gallu gweld sut y mae'r doctor wedi'i ddweud yn ei eu trafod i'w ddysgu os oedd ganddyn nhw ganddynt gynaliad iechyd sydd gennych chi sut oedd y doctor hwnnw yn cyflawni'r ganddynt iechyd os oedd ganddynt yr un ffordd o'u bod yn ei ffordd sut oedd hi'n ei ffordd y person felly gallwch chi ddefnyddio nhw fel pethau yn ymddygiad yna hefyd felly maen nhw'n dod atoch chi maen nhw'n fy ngyrchyd maen nhw mae ganddynt
Starting point is 00:49:58 ganddynt fodd fel fi nawr hoffwn i gael rhywbeth fel yr ydych chi wedi'i roi iddyn nhw felly mae llawer o bethau y gallech chi ei wneud ie peidiwch â mynd i'm sorry i feel like um i don't know if it's the last couple months or the last year or so i've seen and i kind of want to cover the the ultimate dark side of it i've seen influencers dying from and this is even influencers not just a normal person just dying from like a bbl especially how do you go into these surgeries knowing that's the biggest risk of it all yeah that's never on my mind if i'm honest with you yeah the biggest thing that scares me is the anesthetic um i think because obviously they say that like they don't go under the muscle now with the bbl so it's a lot
Starting point is 00:50:42 like safer then you think like oh well it's very low chance then so then for me the anesthetic oedd yn ddiflannu'r gwaith gyda'r BBL felly mae'n llawer yn siŵr. Yna rydych chi'n meddwl, wel mae'n gyfle iawn i hynny. Felly i mi mae'r anaesthetig yn fy ngwneud mwy. Ond ie, rydych chi'n gweld llawer o bobl yn marw ond ar yr un pryd, nid ydych chi'n gwybod beth oedd eu cyfandir iechyd yn ôl ac os oedd ganddyn nhw unrhyw beth yn ei ddweud nad oeddent hyd yn oed yn gwybod hefyd. Felly rydyn ni'n gyflym i ddweud, oedd yn dda oherwydd roedd yn cael ei wneud yn y Tyrci ond weithiau efallai ei fod yn rhaid i ni fod oherwydd unrhyw fath o gyfandir iechyd roedden nhw o ran unrhyw ffordd. Felly it's we're all quick to say like oh it's just because it was done in turkey but sometimes it might just be because of whatever health condition they were in anyway so you can't take it too literal about oh is it going to happen to me because it happens to them or you know because it's just a luck of the draw i guess with anything even over here though
Starting point is 00:51:16 yeah even with routine surgery isn't it so you've got to try not to think about it yeah it's hard yeah i guess other than death do you know any other um shocking botched surgery stories or people you know that have had yeah even in the uk though right yeah her her nipple also went necrotic really bad um and she's actually having surgery in a couple days um but she's going to turkey to get it fixed right because she had it done off here originally so it's quite funny isn't it here yeah she got botched here yeah but she's going to turkey to get it fixed so yeah so you can't catch a rick so it's not even just turkey yeah and they handled it really bad over here as well she caught sepsis and everything yeah yeah really bad she paid like 16 grand for those boobs jeez yeah have you seen actually interestingly over the time
Starting point is 00:52:06 you've been getting surgeries has the cost gone down like we were we were we had a episode around aging and about how um fillers like they've kind of been going down in their prices to match the cost of living crisis um have you seen that in surgeries as well yeah absolutely yeah because like now you can get a bbl tummy tuck and boobs for full so it's gone down by the cost of living crisis yeah um have you seen that in surgeries as well yeah absolutely yeah because like now you can get a bbl tummy tuck and boobs for full so it's gone down by two grand in a way like when i had tummy um a gastric sleeve i paid 2000 um but the previous price i think when my friend went because i went to a company my friend went to yeah um two years prior they were 3800 so it's 1800 off so that's almost two people to go isn't
Starting point is 00:52:46 it it's like half price so yeah because so many people are going like teeth they have gone down massively in price like when I was first quoted 6,000 I ended up paying 3,800 for my teeth so again it was almost half price but with fillers and stuff obviously that's what I do as a job and in my shop I've i've noticed we have had to put the prices down as well because the cost of living yeah it's so cheap oh my god so can you do it on yourself yeah i do my botox and fillers all the time yeah wow that's it and what's your background do you are you a nurse i'm a non-medic i've been doing it for 10 well i've been doing microblading for 10 years okay um and i've been doing lips and botox for four wow yeah yeah i mean that if anything enables you it's having the needles in the back
Starting point is 00:53:31 yeah well actually dissolved my lips a few days ago so they're not too bad i had some migration going on but yeah they were a bit minging but yeah no it's hard especially like that's the thing as well is it being in the surgery world and being in the booty world you get a lot of clients that are going over and having stuff done even your older clients having their teeth done or having a gastric sleeve you're constantly about it like i've got about at least 20 clients i've had a gastric sleeve got at least 15 that have had their teeth done yeah whether they're old or young because like they just the way they're going into booty places and they probably see someone like me with teeth done then they'll want their teeth done yeah but do you constantly around it yeah i mean uh there was that viral clip of you know molly may when people said that she had too many fillers as someone that does those injections
Starting point is 00:54:15 in people do you feel you have the autonomy to go i'm not going to do that yes so i get a lot of 18 year olds coming in and i won't let them have it done i know they're old enough yeah you've got to because you don't have their mum's bringing you up saying why do you reject my daughter i know Felly rwy'n cael llawer o ddoddau 18 oed yn dod i mewn ac rwy'n gwneud hynny. Rwy'n gwybod eu bod yn ddodd iawn. Ydych chi'n cael gofod? Ydw, rydych chi'n rhaid. Oherwydd nid yw'r mamau yn eich cymryd i chi, yn dweud, pam rydych chi'n hynod yn hynod o ddodd? Rwy'n gwybod eu bod yn ddodd iawn ond mae'r mamau yn cael eu cymryd i mewn yn y gwerth. Ond ie, roeddwn i'n gweithio ar 18 ac roeddwn i'n meddwl, gyda philwrau a phethau, ac fe wnes i fynd i 6ml ar ôl i mi fod 19.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Mae llawer o philwrau yn eich llyfrau. Ie, yn union. Yw, yn union. Yw, yn union. Mae'n hawdd i mi gael fy nghymryd i mewn i'r llawr. it's a lot of filler in your lips yeah exactly it's exactly it's so easy to get sucked into it and i got sucked into it because my manager at the time we to work there you had to have fillers to work no way yeah if you wanted to work there you had to have it done botox and fillers at the age of 18 so it was just wrong isn't it so if i can say no to girls now at 18 then i absolutely will yeah no i love that i feel like we need more people like you especially because you work in that industry as well it's like having
Starting point is 00:55:08 that duty of care and i kind of understand like listen work from my perspective what i've been through as well and i do feel like a lot of places where let's say kids or kids teenagers will go to these um aesthetic boutiques and stuff and they're like oh yeah just get just they're just doing it for the money whereas you're actually doing it for the due of care. Like, wait a minute, do your research. Do you actually need it? You're literally questioning the client before they actually do something. Because if they just have it done,
Starting point is 00:55:33 then they're gonna come back and then have more done. And then they're gonna end up looking ridiculous before their face has even developed properly. Maybe they're 18 years old. They still got baby faces, haven't they? They're not even 21 yet. So I say to them, if you really need it, if you really got small lips and have half a mil then wait until you're 21 to have more because your face is changing so much like your facial structure is still changing you know
Starting point is 00:55:53 everything is so um yeah i i tend to tell them no definitely i wish somebody told me no yeah do you see many boys coming in yeah a lot of boys these days yeah yeah because like even when you said about you you've just had your kid and you're already doing a tummy tuck we hear about mommy makeovers i'm not seeing any daddy makeovers over here so yeah i get someone that does the injectables you so you're seeing a lot of in the last two years i mean i've had the salon for five so yeah for the last two years i'd say there's a lot of men coming in for botox they come in with their wives their wives they're just like my husband needs to come in and need these botox please convince him
Starting point is 00:56:30 that's not my job thank you just like if you think he's wrinkly bring him in i'm not gonna phone him up and be like your wife told me me wrinkly coming to the salon like that's funny an odd phone call yeah a lot of men especially eyebrow threading oh they love eyebrow threading beard threading
Starting point is 00:56:50 they just want to snap beard threading yeah wait what yeah they like to have like that really white
Starting point is 00:56:57 sharp line around their beards so they like to have either waxed or threaded it's painful I can imagine
Starting point is 00:57:03 I mean I'm doing it I can feel it just snapping out their cheeks. I love it. Oh, I remember. Yeah. I feel sorry for them at the same time. But yeah. You can feel it on your teeth.
Starting point is 00:57:12 You can feel the hairs coming out. Oh my God. The price of beauty. Yeah. Price of beauty. Wow. Yeah. So I guess, do you have any other things you'd like to talk about in the realm
Starting point is 00:57:27 of surgery or like the realities that you want to bring up i would just say at least wait until you're 25 if you're gonna have any surgery if i'm honest with you again body's still developing um your mental health is still developing as well so i think wait until you're 25 at least if you're gonna have anything done and if you are maybe speak to surgeons over here just as consultations just have your health checked over here privately get a full blood count just check everything have a few consultations for 50 pound 20 pound over here and see what they say if they think you're in good health and what they would do then go over to turkey they may just have consultations over in turkey compare the two ddod yno i'r Turceg, mae'n bosib i chi gael cymorth yn y Turceg, cyd-drechnau'r ddau, ac yna gweld os ydych chi'n cael rhywbeth rydych chi'n hapus gyda. Nid wyf yn dweud nad ydych chi'n cael gyd-drechnau, oherwydd rwy'n meddwl
Starting point is 00:58:10 bod hynny'n hypo-critigol i mi. Ond rwy'n meddwl, gwblwch eich bod yn ofalus gyda'r peth, gwblwch eich amser. Nid yw unrhyw un yn ymrwymiad i'w wneud. Mae pawb yn ymrwymiad i'w wneud. Rwy'n bob amser yn ymrwymiad. Mae pawb yn ymrwymiad i gael rhywbeth i'w wneud, oherwydd maen nhw eisiau edrych yn wych yn fuan fel y gallant. Ond bydd y trend yn ymwneud â'i fod yn ystod amser. Os ydych chi'n dilyn rush everyone's in a rush to have something done because they want to look perfect as soon as they can yeah but the trend is going to be there for a while if you're following a trend just stop like if you touch the ground a bit and yeah just take your time that's all i am still intrigued about that thigh in the thai one yeah i'll be doing my research but i just love the perspective you're coming in it's not or just not it's not heavily negative but also just the the sense of like concerned thinking and actually being real with yourself yeah and i do feel like anyone that's
Starting point is 00:58:49 listening if you are considering as well like let's just have that moment to kind of like stop reflect do your research that you did and just don't rush exactly so um i've taken that out of it i just i love the fact that you're just so real and honest with it and i think another thing is real people hearing from real people and not influencers because you're going to be 100 times more transparent about these things versus someone that might be being paid to say the thing they're saying so this is the part of the podcast where we play Don't Spill the Tea, where you spill the tea and we try not to. I'm looking forward for this one. Oh yeah, we've got a special guest.
Starting point is 00:59:29 Special guest, let's do it. So let's take a sip, ladies. Okay, ready? My boyfriend of two years walked in on me masturbating to Minecraft Steve. I get turned on by Steve from Minecraft. It wasn't until two weeks ago, I saw Minecraft fan art on Twitter and they drew Steve looking so hot. So I began masturbating to him.
Starting point is 00:59:57 I was embarrassed so I kept it to myself. This went on for about two weeks, but last night my boyfriend walked in on me doing it. There I was was legs spread out jerking off to minecraft steve on my tv it's now the next day and he seems to not want to talk to me about what happened last night he's been avoiding me all day and i don't know what to do isn't minecraft like pixels i was gonna say ain't minecraft like roblox as well ain't minecraft like roadblocks as well it's roblox not roadblocks roadblocks grandma roboblocks
Starting point is 01:00:30 that's a rectangle what is so sexy about that i love your square hair i love how the corner zipped me that's wild that's strange that's wild wow weird one
Starting point is 01:00:50 love it alright let's go again okay yeah re-sip I had a huge poo which made my eyes water and I came out
Starting point is 01:01:01 of the bathroom my boyfriend thought I'd... LAUGHTER I'm going to talk. Sorry. She's good. Sorry. Oh, that's so funny. This is why they film it at the end of the episode yeah it makes sense to do it at the end because in the beginning it'll be like yeah guys we've convened in two hours
Starting point is 01:01:34 okay i hadn't even got to the end of that one either what's the line what's gonna follow the end was oh wait okay oh sorry oh yeah i would start again anyway i had a huge poo which made my eyes water i came out of the boy the i'll do that again i had a huge poo which made my eyes water i came out of the bathroom and my boyfriend thought i'd been crying so he spent the rest of the day spoiling me. It went back. It went back as I was falling. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Oh my god. That's incredible. So all I gotta do is just cry for you to spoil me. I'm sorry but I literally deflated the water. He's just getting some tissue. Yep, refill. Okay. I had sex with a guy that was so shy and vanilla. He wouldn't even take his shirt off while we were having sex.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Just some spooning that turned into sex he never changed it up he would get so discombobulated if i tried to take control he didn't want to come in my mouth or on my stomach so he came in a plant he would say he was about to come and ask where and i'd tell him all the places but his response to all of them was i feel bad so he ran over to a plant oh my god who's to say the plant wants your semen yeah i mean you're clogging you're clogging the pores you're clogging the pores of the plant yeah yeah I mean I guess he's fertilising right oh there you go that's a good one
Starting point is 01:03:27 oh my gosh oh gosh why a plant honestly see if I didn't have a plant in my room so you're going all the way downstairs to go and oh no
Starting point is 01:03:37 yeah goodbye Jesus nothing but the plant yeah it's not easy to grow plants these days it's not it's not my monster in the corner violating it literally right yeah
Starting point is 01:03:53 oh i love orchids imagine you just come to my orchid oh i will literally yeah literally what's this podcast come to what if he come on my orchid brilliant great top content okay okay i'll do another one one time my ex and i were having sex i was in the missionary position suddenly he shrieked and battered away at whatever was behind him apparently the chihuahua that i was dog sitting decided to come up and lick his balls while we were having sex why is the chihuahua in the room why is the dog in the room yeah that's horrific do you not go to like take the dog out
Starting point is 01:04:51 exactly lock the door oh chihuahua what the hell horrible well sean thank you for playing don't spill the tea with us thank you for having me love it and being an incredible guest honestly you've been so um honest and dare i say raw yes and i think this has been a really enjoyable conversation yeah it's been absolutely fun so insightful and we're just happy that you're here. I'm happy to be here as well. Through all that you've done, we're happy that you're here.
Starting point is 01:05:27 And do come back. I will. I will. This is my new seat. Yes! I love that. If you guys have any questions around Shanna's experience
Starting point is 01:05:36 or just have any questions at all, you can email us at tf4atjohncreators.com or you can DM us on Spotify, TikTok, Instagram, all the realms. We'd love to hear them and we'll try to get them answered but yes thank you for joining us this week and we will see you next one bye
Starting point is 01:05:52 we'll see you next one we'll see you on the next one they know you

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