Tea at Four - Everyday sexism, should female footballers be paid more and how can we celebrate women?
Episode Date: March 12, 2025It’s International Women's Month, so naturally we get into a chat about how we can celebrate women everyday...Lauren debates whether friends should be supporting each other on social media, as w...ell as in real life. Billy wonders if female footballers should actually be paid more, and our audience members share with us hilarious but infuriating times that men have accidentally been sexist. Also, Christie does what she does best by not knowing Sabrina Carpenters song and getting Glastonbury festival confused with The Simpsons, and Lauren and Billy share their huge disappointment in the lineup this year. If you have any confessions or dilemmas you’d like us to read out anonymously on the pod, send in to teaatfour@junglecreations.com or DM us @teaatfourpod
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This Friday, grab your friends.
Nova Kane?
I thought you'd be dead by now.
Get to the theater and experience the movie audiences are calling.
An adrenaline rush of a good time.
It's a big screen blast.
Find a badass.
I know, alright.
Nova Kane. Friday.
I'm not going back to university to be your friend.
I'm going so I can get Uber One for students.
It saves you on Uber and Uber Eats.
I'm there for. I a month. Savings may vary. Eligibility and member terms apply.
Hi guys, welcome back to TF4.
I'm Kristy.
I'm Billy.
And I'm Lauren.
And this is a podcast where we talk all things
that normally stay in the group chats.
Oh, I thought that was like a fucking tumbleweed though.
That's better.
Nice, nice, nice, nice, nice.
And we are here celebrating international women's Nice, nice, nice, nice, nice.
And we are here celebrating International Women's Month. Woo!
Shout out to the whole female crew!
Well done, everyone. Well done for being born a woman.
A real featsit.
Yeah, you're a bit of an odd one one. I know. Sorry. That's okay.
Diversity. Allies are just as important as the women on International Women's
Month. Let me start with the good news. Two of the week. Two of the week. And then go into the bad news.
Oh, okay. What is the good news? Well, the good news is that we last minute were
invited to the Brits. That we were. Which is insane. Yeah. And tell us about it.
Yeah so Fall 9 got a little seat just at the side at the O2 there. It was
absolutely euphoric. It was honestly like a dream come true. Obviously I would have
had everyone there but it was just one one little measly seat they managed to
find us but that's okay because next year we're all gonna be there. We'll present an award. We'll present an award. We'll actually perform and we'll actually be gifted best artists of the year.
Okay. New category. Okay fair fair. Yeah yeah yeah. But no it's absolutely amazing saw Sabrina Carpenter, saw our Queen Jade, saw Charlie XEX.
Just all my all my fellow queens and I just I know I'm supposed to be in a life
where I'm surrounded by celebrities
because it truly makes my heart sing.
In the most sad, pathetic little way.
My veins were pumping with the gelatin.
It was such a big night for women as well.
I was watching it like live.
Charlie took home like five of the biggest awards.
Jade won best pop act.
Sabrina Carpenter was honored with
International Star Award.
Artists of the Year, yeah.
Huge, huge congrats to all those women
on International Women's Cup.
From the Billy Turner, so that's a huge accolades.
Well done, the girls.
Yeah, love it.
But that was euphoric.
And obviously we're going to see
Sabrina Carpenter on Saturday.
Short and sweet tour.
Double trouble. Double trouble.
Double trouble.
Oh my God.
I'm actually gonna throw up, I'm so excited.
Don't throw up, don't do that.
They might kick you out.
Can you name a Sabrina Carpenter song, Christy?
Don't do this to me.
Come on, it must be there in the depths of your brain.
Okay, don't kill me.
the depths of your brain. Okay, don't kill me.
I'm working late.
What's the song called?
What's the song?
One word.
Working late.
I'll give you some clues.
It's a drink.
Perhaps a morning drink.
A drink?
A drink.
A drinkie.
Are you drinking in the morning?
Are you drinking in the morning?
Italians have it.
It's type of coffee. It's that me
Yeah, come on you're falling Tom fooling us now it's that me me
Is that me oh she doesn't drink coffee and she also doesn't
Little short Italian espresso. Yeah
espresso espresso Cabrino Cabso for Cabrino.
Cabrino Cabello.
Thank you.
There we go.
I know that song.
We got that in the end.
Yes, well on some sad news, absolutely devastating news, the Glastonbury lineup was announced
today. news absolutely devastating news the Glastonbury lineup was announced today
okay wait before you guys want let me hear who it is okay because I've never
been I wish we take it turns I'll start off with Neil Young Jackson Rod Stewart
Rod Stewart no the 1975 the A year? It's gonna fall on me like it has to be very...
That is such a grandma line.
Oh my god, dad joke.
A year? No, you're not even asking me.
That's a good one.
Olivia Rodrigo.
Yeah, no her. Good.
Snow Patrol. Yeah, you told me about them this morning.
Buster Rhymes.
Buster Rhymes? The one that goes... What is he doing there?
I don't know. Lost. By the looks of it, they've lost, they've busted their budget by the looks of it.
Buster Rhymes, oh my gosh. There's no one good this year. Don't, she's going to be there,
which is exciting. But apparently she's on at the same time as Charlie XCX. Oh, why do they do that?
I know. So you're going to gonna have to split yourselves. In half.
Do you know, it's not a good sign though,
cause this got released this morning
and I thought that Glastonbury Instagram account
had been hacked.
It was so shit.
I'm screaming.
I was like, there's no way this could be Photoshop job.
This got to be some kind of AI kind of set up.
No, it's real.
Someone is trying to prank your ass.
So wait, is that the confirmed lineup?
No special guests.
Really? So who's the big, big act this year? Exactly, Regrettably. Really? So who's the big big act this year?
Exactly, we just told you them.
That's the big big act this year?
The big bigs. I'd rather go to Wireless and see Drake three times.
Oh stop it. Period.
Really disappointing.
So what was it last, who was headlining last year?
Dua Lipa.
Oh lit.
Johnny Boy.
No, Elton John was the year before I think.
Oh sorry. It was Coldplay, Dua Lipa and Sizzler. Oh. The year before that was like Elton. Sizzler. Johnny Boy. Sizzler. No, Elton John was the year before I think.
Oh sorry.
It was Coldplay, Dua Lipa and Sizzler.
The year before that was like Elton John.
Year before Lizzo, Miley Cyrus, Billie Eilish.
Kylie Minogue.
So they really stepped down a couple of pegs this year.
I just think Glastonbury doesn't have the budget for the big artists anymore.
I was gonna say that.
And these big artists don't have the same, I don't think Glastonbury has the same kind
of respect or,
like, I just think people, especially artists,
don't care to perform there anymore
if they're not being paid what they think their worth is.
Before it used to be like, oh no,
I'll basically do it for no money
because it's the Glastonbury,
but nowadays I think it's so commercialized.
All I'm seeing there is influencers going there for free.
Like, I think it's lost its special quality.
Really? It meant to be like Glastonbury is our Coachella.
Glastonbury has been going on since the 70s and it's arguably the biggest festival
in the world in terms of numbers.
Do you know how I know that it's been going on for that long?
Because there was a Simpson episode and they went to Glastonbury.
Shut up. That's quite cute.
Glastonbury in the UK, they flew over and went.
Okay, maybe they did.
Are you talking about Woodstock or something?
I don't know now.
I might remember them at a festival.
There's a least-check that.
There's a least-checking.
There's a least-checking episode, that's why.
I doubt it.
That doesn't seem right.
Please be real.
Or very niche if they've keyed into that.
Well, I mean, if you guys are listening,
executive producers of Simpsons, I think you should.
I think the Coachella line up is better this year than...
Do you think?
Yeah, than Glastonbury. And I don't normally say that, but Coachella has the money. What is it?
Lady Gaga.
Oh, wow.
Post Malone, Charlie XCX.
I don't know where the frick you've got that, but they didn't go to Glastonbury and Simpsons.
Maybe it was in my dream. I don't know.
They go to the Hullabalooza music festival if that's what you're talking about.
Yeah, close actually.
Lollapalooza is a real festival. Hullabalooza is made up.
Oh my god.
Another day in Christie's world.
Well, jokes. But yeah, anyway, regardless, we were very disappointed
and don't come to us in the comments and say, well, sell your ticket then. No, I'll keep that, anyway, regardless, we were very disappointed and don't come to
us in the comments and say, well, sell your ticket then. No, I'll keep it.
Oh, I can imagine.
Exactly. It doesn't change the experience you have, but it makes you less excited for it.
Yeah, it is about the music.
I think most of the time I go and I see about three people because I'm so hungover.
Pooing yourself in the tent.
I didn't do that. Don't put that out there. I didn't poo in the tent, Lauren.
I farted
and followed through.
Oh, mad beings.
Oh my God. Talking about horror, that's three horror stories. One year we made a flag of
Miley Cyrus on the red carpet with her blue eyes. You know that? Oh, for listeners, yeah,
the reference photo where she's got bright blue eyes and she's staring into the cameras
if she's been possessed.
We made that into a flag and then one time that was in our tent and one time I came back
from the thing late at night.
All my pants and socks have been strewn out of my tent and someone had pissed on my Miley
And all my pants were around the campfire.
They have violated you.
What kind of bandit does that?
I did say sorry. They have violated you. What kind of bandit does that?
I did say sorry.
It was not me.
So that's all.
So much new pink.
I spent ages making that flag.
I know.
I sewed it.
I got some lovely rainbow fabric and then ironed on Miley's crazy face and then I couldn't
even use it because it was covered in piss.
So wait, you couldn't even use it at all?
And I was right at the front that year. I was right at the front. Billy Ray Cyrus touched my hand. We had like eight hours. We were in piss. So wait, you couldn't even use it at all? Like, hmm. And I was right at the front that year.
I was right at the front.
Billy Ray Cyrus touched my hand.
We were like eight hours, we were in one fucking spot.
I saw you.
I saw you on the screen.
Oh my gosh.
Insert clip.
It's iconic.
We got so drunk that day that we both ended up crying.
Because she did one song where I was like,
my mum, I love my mum.
She's like, I don't know, I don't know.
She was like, most people think this song is about my husband,
it's actually about the love I have for my mum.
And I'm like, oh stop it.
I love my mum.
I am going to be watching, when is Glastonbury?
The 26th of June.
Oh great.
Oh, great.
Oh, I'm watching Simpsons. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no do a little vlog. Yes, please do vlog. Obviously it is International Women's Day, International Women's Month,
but the ideal world would celebrate women every day.
So do any of you guys have any ways that you would imagine
a perfect world where we could celebrate women every day? Not even a perfect world,
a real world. I think celebrating people is important,
but also just acknowledging the kind of like the hardships that come
with everyday life. Like being aware, especially as an ally is important but also just acknowledging the kind of like the hardships that come
with everyday life like being aware especially as an ally and as a man of
like how severe like your periods are and how kind of like that affects your
everyday day-to-day life and you know and it's not so much championing that but
just being there in a way that kind of like you feel that you're being heard
and it's not just like another man rolling way that kind of like, you feel that you're being heard
and it's not just like another man rolling their eyes
and being like, oh God, yeah, here she goes,
she at that time of the month.
And I think actually taking into consideration,
you know, women's feelings are valid.
And I think a lot of the time men especially say
that women are overly emotionally charged
and actually taking into consideration women's feelings
and what they've got to say,
like small gestures like that, I guess.
I love that answer.
That was gorgeous.
You're welcome.
Well done.
Christy, Christy.
What I do is I call all my friends' parents,
like their mothers, I check in on them,
I call them my mums.
So I'll be like,
I haven't spoken to Lohani's mum in a minute,
so I'll call Lohani's mum, have a chat with her.
Just thinking about you, hope you're all right.
Or just, yeah, literally just call my friend's mum.
Just to kind of like.
Yeah, I feel like us kids,
sometimes we don't call our parents as much.
So yeah, calling your friend's parent,
making sure they're, you know,
just checking in on them to be honest.
If I did that to my friend's mum,
they'd be like, you're all right.
Yeah, what have you done?
Is everything okay?
Yeah, I've literally got all my friends' mums' numbers
and my friends' mums' numbers, yeah, literally.
That's what I do.
Love that.
Okay, my one for this is maybe a bit of a hot take.
But I think as women, we are very much conditioned
to kind of pit ourselves against each other a little bit.
And that's kind of in the sense that we've been taught
that there's not room for all of our success
or all of our beauty.
And there's always one person that has to be better
than the other.
And I think something I've witnessed,
and maybe it's quite dystopian using it
in like a social media context,
but you know, there's like that classic meme
of just like my three fucking strangers on the internet hyping me up on my Instagram posts or my stories or the content that I
put out, especially with us, we do stuff creatively.
And it's weird sometimes when those random couple of strangers hype you up more than
your close circle of female friends.
And what is that about?
I agree.
I disagree.
No, I actually do agree. Do you? I disagree.
No, I actually do agree.
I feel like, cause as like your friends, they know what you do.
So it's just like, okay, cool.
You know what?
Like, do you know what I mean?
Let's say for instance, you did a project that was very, very small, but it meant the
world to you.
Your friends would be like, I'm gonna congrats.
We'll just like it.
That's it.
A stranger would be like, no, I loved how you did this.
They go into, they go in depth.
You're thinking, raw.
I feel shivers, right?
Like shivers.
And it happened to me in church actually, last week,
a random girl was like, oh my gosh, I love your TikToks.
And I'm thinking, I've not posted them in a minute.
What are you talking about?
She's like, I love your editing style.
It's so cool.
Your videos really inspired me.
And then that literally gave me the energy to go home
and be like, all right, what am I gonna create next?
So I think it's better when you hear it
from somebody you don't know.
Yeah, but it should really matter hearing it
from your close girlfriends.
I think it does, but it's more that because they know you,
you know what I mean?
Whereas somebody's like a complete,
like for instance Sabrina Carpenter was like,
oh my God, Lauren, your hair today, tonight. I'm telling you, you're gonna wear that same hairstyle. Do you know what I mean? Whereas somebody's complete, like a complete, like that for instance, Sabrina Carpenter was like, oh my God, Lauren, your hair today, tonight.
I'm telling you, you're gonna wear that same hairstyle.
Do you know what I mean?
Also like when it comes from strangers,
it's because they don't interact with you very often.
They don't see you very often or see what you do.
Whereas for friends, probably see it all the time.
And like, like there does, I think come a line where like,
oh, I can't tell you every time you do something that's amazing do you know what I mean and like I think that
sometimes our friends we like because we I think the friends who are in our close
circle I like would tell them something in person but I wouldn't necessarily
comment on everything that they do.
Not talking comment I'm saying that if someone had
posted something really creative, really fun,
one of my close friends, and I then the next time I see them, they're talking to me about it,
that they've seen it. Why do you have to fucking double tap? It doesn't cost you money.
Like that's just like, why aren't you hyping me up in private and public?
I think we as in our friendship circles, we over consume what we all do.
So I think that's what it is
because we're over consuming what everyone's doing.
Like, I mean, okay, what did Lauren do this weekend?
I'm looking at your story, looking at your story.
So I over consume that to the point where it's like,
you think, I don't think we tend to forget,
but we have a way of forgetting, not intentionally.
I don't think it's intentional.
I know what you mean.
Yeah, I agree.
I just want to say as well,
if it feels very like dystopian or weird
having this conversation,
but it's just something that's cropped up for me as a woman.
And I think naturally on social media,
we've just got a habit to see a person feel quite jealous
or envious of their more better creative abilities
than you, or they're more beautiful than you.
And I think as women, we should really be clubbing together
and putting that aside and just like, you go.
I also feel like sometimes we put so many measurements
in place that like, oh, why didn't my friend do this?
Why didn't my friend do that?
Instead of actually just, you know, with friends,
you don't have to live by these rules
and these expectations.
You know, like, if you don't like something that I've done,
I don't really care,
it doesn't really change our friendship.
Yeah, maybe it's an ish me.
I don't know.
I like, I didn't like, there are some times where like,
with like work, say like the podcast,
and then my friends are like, oh, I've not seen it.
I don't like, I don't really follow it.
And I was like, why?
That's the reason.
Why is that?
Excuse me?
You know, I follow your dog's Instagram account.
I don't know.
I guess that's just my hope for a world
that we celebrate women is that we don't just celebrate
women from afar.
We're celebrating women close to us,
women that are doing amazing things outside of our circles.
I think you're definitely right there though that we are so quick to celebrate women that
are at a distance.
Sure, like celebrities and stuff.
Yeah, celebrities and like, or even like micro-influencers, like, and sometimes actually we should be
championing those closest to us.
There we go, that's it.
It's when I don't see something on mine but then Kylie Jenner's got a, she's not seeing
that, she's not seeing that
Love everybody we're gonna play a game of brutal with stories of everyday sexism. Let's get into it first one I went out for a drink with my parents. My dad asked me what I wanted and I said a beer
He came back with a pint for him and half a pint for me. I said, why did you get me half a pint? He said, well,
I just assumed you wouldn't want a full pint.
Who said it?
Why didn't you just ask? That is a little bit of an assumption as well, isn't it?
Sure. Yeah.
I think it's the delusion that he doesn't want to believe that the daughter drinks.
Or it's like if you asked for a beer and then they come back with a shandy,
that's a microaggression.
That's an actual direct microaggression.
That's a direct attack.
I went out for drinks with my mum and dad and my sister at the weekend for my dad's birthday.
Happy birthday, dad.
And my dad was just getting my sister like the same drinks everyone else, or at least checking.
I was the one who was having half pints, so I wanted to pace myself.
And my sister was there nicking down like full pints of ale.
And I was like, honey, you're gonna be sick.
Yeah, that kind of idea that like cocktails
are for the girls and then beers are for the boys.
Very outdated.
Oh my God.
Most of the girls I'm friends with drink beer as well.
Like pints.
Zink and back.
Glug, glug, glug, glug.
I've never had a beer.
You've told me this before
and you said this to me last time I gave you a beer. So
I'm not buying this anymore, Christy.
I've never had a beer. I've tasted it. Don't really like it.
You never did. Sinked pine. Maybe we'll get you a half-pine after this.
You know what it is? I'm a... No, to be honest, I think me and my dad, I could down a whiskey
shot with him. You know, just a nice book ball.
Oh, the hard stuff. Oh, the hard stuff.
Yeah, the hard stuff.
Hot liquor.
I can't do that.
That makes me feel a lot.
I think in terms of brutal,
have a word with your dad.
I'd give that an eight.
That's like a circumstantial thing.
Cause I don't think all dads are like that.
No, not all.
No, but like for me there,
that would be a little bit like,
what are you trying to say?
But say speak up next time,
too late. No dad, I don't wanna.
Is it out of 10?
Or five? Yeah.
10. 10.
Yeah, three.
Three out of 10.
Oh no, I'd say eight.
Eight, really?
Eight, you find that really personal?
I do.
Just because I hate men.
I say five.
I say three.
In a pub chatting to some people, I'm with friends.
We're talking to a small group
of middle-aged men
next to us.
One guy asks me what job I do.
I say, guess.
No way he didn't.
Come on.
His friend says, high-class prostitute.
I'm not actually shocked by that
because I feel like as soon as you said middle-aged man
and I was like, you know,
they're going to say something gross.
High-class prostitute.
Yeah. That's so gross. And like, that's just, they're going to say something gross. High class prostitute. Yeah.
That's so gross. And like that's just, there's not to typecast people, but there is definitely a certain like age generation who still think that kind of joke is really funny and groundbreaking
and tongue in cheek. But also he's insinuating that maybe he likes the girl, high class prostitute, you know what I mean?
In a kind of sly, a rude way, very sly.
What are you trying to insinuate?
It's kind of coming across like he's insecure.
He's aware that she's beautiful and has to kind of, the only way he could think to bring
her down is to make a joke that he thinks is degrading.
But if she is high class prostitute, good on her.
I don't know, I think that's his poor response. Shut up. that he thinks is degrading. But she is high class prostitute, good on her.
I don't know, I think it's just poor response.
Shut up.
Yeah, I think also like,
when I say I'm not sure whether it's like,
there is definitely like that kind of,
I've heard that before.
Yeah, 100%.
A thousand times by like the same kind of old age men.
Do you know that Peppa Pig,
sorry I don't know what I'm referencing Peppa Pig,
but have you seen that?
Let me land, let me land.
Have you guys seen that Peppa Pig beam where she's on the phone and then she just hangs
I don't think I'm on Peppa Pig top.
I would give that a good 8.5.
9 for me because that's still very cheeky and very rude.
Yeah, that's an instant disrespect.
Yeah, it's a disrespect, isn't it?
I was working at a cafe when I was 16.
A customer asked me when I was due, I said, no, I'm not
pregnant. And they laughed and said, no, really. Sorry, 16. Firstly, you don't say that anyway.
You don't do that. But yeah, the follow up brazy, brazy stuff.
You could send the poor 16 year old to one serious bad mental space because now they're
thinking oh my god is this how I look like and now they're judging themselves.
That's rude.
It's true.
What's the, what's the, is there even a male equivalent if a 16 year old boy was stood
there with a bit of tub and timber on him.
Oh, are you staying in and playing on your Xbox every Friday night and binging?
Yeah, you can't really say anything to me.
Don't do that.
I'm going to play Devil's Advocate because there was one time I was sitting on the train
with a friend and I was sitting in my tube seat and I'm aware that I have to give up
my tube seat for people who need it.
And I saw a lady get on and I was like, oh, about to get up and be like, here you go,
do you wanna sit down?
Because I thought she was pregnant
and my friend grabbed me and was like,
she's not pregnant.
And I was like, okay, thank God I didn't say anything.
I mean, though you had polite intentions there.
Polite intentions, yeah.
And it's more just like the difference
between saying it out loud and then thinking it in your head.
Unless I see a, I also was where I sat down,
I couldn't see if she had a baby badge on.
Baby badge on.
And normally I just look out for baby badges
and that's the only way I'll ever.
Do you know what?
This is an interesting conversation as well.
I think it's actually gone,
I think it's gone really far the other way
because now I'm so scared to even acknowledge,
even if a person is fully pregnant,
someone today I saw fully pregnant
and my eyes are diverted
and I don't know whether to say congratulations because it's like I've got so scared of just
being like congratulations and then be like actually I'm just fucking bloated from lunch
yeah yeah Blake Lively sit yeah you just get that in your face yeah I also just
don't think it's anyone's place to comment on a woman's body yeah so she's
pregnant she's not unless the conversation is opened up by them.
Yeah. Keep your mouth shut and just say a huge apology if you've got it really wrong like that.
A huge apology. Yeah, brutal. Brutal. I think that's quite, yeah, I don't like that one.
That's rude as 12.5. Yeah, I think I actually find that kind of like to be a little bit more,
I don't know, that would stick if I heard that that would stick with me more than the kind of
the high class prostitute because I know that that's just a trashy joke whereas that's coming from
like it feels malicious yeah and it's not obviously not but you know when some people come across
that way and you're like yeah for sure is the no. That's a rude one. I do a pub quiz with my male friends every week. There's another group of guys that go weekly
and they know my friends. They speak to them and never acknowledge me. They refer to our team as
the boys. Oh, the boys are winning again. Oh, you boys are on fire today. Oh, I don't like that.
Yeah, she's just being ignored. They're not acknowledging us.
It's different when like I'm with a group of girls
and someone refers to us as a group of girls.
I love that.
Yes, I am part of the girls.
I don't need to be like identified by my gender.
But when you're erasing someone like that,
it feels different.
I actually get annoyed when someone says like,
oh, it's a girls night and Billy,
because that feels like I'm like not included.
Right, right.
Like, I feel like in this scenario,
I don't think she would have the same outlook.
No, it's just like, you've got a vocabulary of words.
You can just say the boys and Stephanie.
Oh, just say there.
Yeah, that's peak, but I'd speak up about that,
to be honest.
Yeah, I think if she doesn't speak up about it,
then of course they're not gonna know that
she feels some type of way.
I feel like they probably just all used to it
and she's, because they've always done it.
It's not been, that's just.
It also like comes across though, like the boys are doing well
as if like they're insinuating she's not actually adding
to anything in the group.
Yeah, true.
Especially when it's like a pub quiz and you're like,
it's all based on knowledge.
It's almost like they're assuming that she isn't contributing just change it to the gang
the gang peeps or maybe get a team name that will solve all the problems
diversity I'm gonna give that a six out of ten five for me and I think is yeah
five actually six six when I was in year 11 my teacher told a group of us girls off in the
playground because our socks were showing too much ankle and it was distracting.
I hate that.
Oh, you fucking fancy my ankles miss.
Is it a female teacher?
I don't know. I had that from both women and men teachers in school.
Just like the obsession over the skirt length.
I have a controversial opinion here, but I really agree. And at my school, a lot of the
time, I don't want to be ageist, but it was like-
The women enforcing it more.
It was always, yeah, like you said, female staff that were enforcing it and kind of being
like, you're going to distract the boys, da da da da. And it was just like, we used to
have these female teachers
that would stand on certain corners of the corridor
and they would pull the girls aside,
pull their skirts down in front of everyone.
Oh, well that's assault.
That's actually assault.
We get my teacher to have a battery.
I think that school has now,
every girl has to wear trousers.
Yeah, I don't know how it is the same way now,
but I had similar thing, the obsession with the skirt.
I'd see teachers stand
with a makeup wipe and make like a girl take off their makeup. I think there's a way of doing it
that's not from the perspective, like you're saying, like making it seem like it's, you're
distracting the boys, like you need to look more professionally and then embarrassing school girls.
Cause that was definitely the feel when I was in school.
I mean, I went to all girls school.
So I heard that all the time, but I think it was too, okay.
In a way it has its negatives, but also its positives.
Cause when I went, when I left school and I went to college,
I went to sixth form, which was mixed.
So for me, it was a whole new experience, right?
So then now you're, you're kind of remembering, okay, cool, you can't
wear stuff that's overly, you know, exposing because you're sitting next to a boy in class.
Or do you know what I mean? It's like, I used to sit like this on the side, making sure
my mind, legs don't touch the boy's legs.
Oh my God.
For the first week of starting in that sixth form, because it was just so bizarre to me.
But I do get it. I feel like there is a way you deliver it I would have in a girls school because it was a Catholic school as well I would
appreciate from the women that the female teachers but if a guy a sir yeah
told me that I'd be like I'll be a bit like hmm plus oh my god there was a story
right one of our teachers in my school he actually was dating one of the girls
in the school and she was one of the girls in the
school and she was one of the girls that always used to tell her, oh yeah, don't pull your
skirt down.
Oh my god.
How old was she?
I think, how old are you in year 10?
Oh my god, year 10?
That's a paedophile.
That is a paedophile.
He got arrested.
That's what I was going to say.
And what schools would do, I think, did wrong was they obviously had the best interests.
You know, they don't want the girls to be constantly griped or upskirted and, but making
it sound like, you know, you're wearing this and that's why they're going to do it.
Instead of being like, look, the guys at this age are not right and they are, it's disgusting,
but you need to make sure you're doing everything to protect yourself
so that like people don't start saying that, oh well you did this and that, which is just completely unfair and not right.
Very true. That's a really good point. Just as much as the focus was on the girls and the way that they look and protecting themselves,
there should be a big focus on men and how they view women and the male gaze and things like that.
I think hopefully it's more balanced in schools these days.
I don't know though.
I mean, it took, well, when I was in school,
we were petitioning for us to start wearing trousers.
And it's only now that my school,
my old school, secondary school, are allowed trousers.
Yeah, so it was literally every,
like from the start of the year to the end.
Just skirts.
That's so weird. That's weird. Literally. Yeah, it's weird that every like from the start of the year to the end. That's so weird.
That's literally.
Yeah, it's weird that they would enforce the skirts.
Trousers are a little bit more unisex.
Thank you.
Everyone's comfortable in trousers.
I just think schools need to do more than just provide basic education.
You spend like most of your life, your early life there.
They need to be providing kids with these kind of like real life studies, you know, like learning about different sexualities,
different cultures, like looking back on it, I hated religious studies,
but there should be something like that where you discuss how different families.
Did you not do citizenship?
Very like, it wasn't really that serious.
We did it, I think just in, yeah, what was it, secondary school,
just in secondary school for like two years and then it stopped but I think that that lesson
would be so beneficial I don't think they do it now. Yeah there should be
something on like being able to understand different culture, respect
culture, ways of life and in that I think men or the guys should also have a
lesson on misogyny like a weekly study of like how what you're saying
is gonna affect people.
There's such a good point because I feel like
the introduction to these kinds of things
is young men learning about feminism.
And I think there are such aggressive feelings
associated with the word feminism nowadays.
And like, if you were to ask a 16 year old boy nowadays,
are you a feminist?
They'd be like, oh my fuck.
Like, what is that?
What, the world ruled by women kind of thing.
And it's just maybe not the right.
Yeah, I think it's the way it's been perceived.
Cause I remember when I was a young boy,
when I was young in primary school,
I used to, I was so much, I'm very much a tomboy, right?
And I used to hate when people were like, oh yeah, you can't play football with the guys. You've got to play
dance in the playground with the girls. You've got to play do skipping with the girls. I
used to hate that. So I was always that child, especially at home, my mum used to hate me.
Like I wouldn't wear a skirt. I'd wear jeans. I'd wear a hoodie. I wore a hoodie for like
since about up until like second-
Born in it.
Yeah, born and raised.
Past secondary school actually,
maybe I think I just started dressing up more girly
after secondary school.
So it's one day once like just enforcing that kind of,
I understand there's gender roles,
but you are allowed to do what men do.
Yeah, super interesting.
Cause I was going to ask you that as a follow-up question
about what we should be teaching in schools.
Cause that's such a, and I think you are right.
Like women, we should be able to wear what we want at school,
and it's not immediately that idea is then, it's on us.
Men are never taught at school,
you shouldn't be behaving that way.
Like, oh no, don't do that, it's naughty,
but we're not actually going deep.
Do better, education system.
Now for this episode, we're gonna play our favorite game
of facts, stats and fiction.
We listen to some questions and find the answers.
Let's go.
Another quiz.
Which country became the first to pass a law requiring equal pay in sports for men and women's national teams?
Is it?
Close enough.
Wait, I didn't get to guess.
Let it with your chest.
Oh, that's interesting, isn't it? Like equal pay in terms of sports and stuff.
I didn't even know people were paid. What?
What do you mean?
To play sport. Lauren. Oh, like football.
Yeah, I think that like teams and stuff.
Oh, yeah, national teams.
I was having a conversation like around, obviously there's like a massive
pay disparity between male and female football players. But I don't want to come across as
a misogynist. I feel like footballers in the light should be paid for like how much they
bring in. Do you know what I mean?
But is the reason for why women don't bring in as much as men systemic? I feel
like there's so much standing in front of why men are so much further ahead in terms of sports
than women. But then maybe but like I just I feel like with something like that and it's like the
same with any kind of field like when someone, do you know what I mean, like if women's football
brings in so much money yeah but it should be based on like how,
with tennis, like the female tennis players
are arguably way more enjoyable to watch
because their rallies last longer
and it's a better game of tennis.
And like within something like that,
when it's a kind of an equal playing field
of people going to see it,
then yeah, the hundred percent,
you should be paid for like what you bring in.
Otherwise it doesn't really make sense if like.
No, I personally feel like, I think cause there's not,
there's not been like emphasis on women playing football,
that's the only reason why then it,
they're not, they don't get paid as much or you can't kind
of put it in the basis where what they bring in is what they
should get paid cause they haven't had the equal opportunity.
Like if they pumped the same amount of money that they use
in male football to female football, surely.
But do you like, do you have you ever gone to a football game
to see women footballers?
My friends play, I go watch them.
Like a professional football like Arsenal,
you go see female Arsenal?
No, but I watched them at home on Sundays on the TV.
But like, that's what I mean,
like if the audience isn't paying into it,
into women's sports, then.
I do, do you know what though,
it's so much deeper than that,
because like when I hear a group
of boys talk about, because what makes football football are the fans and the majority of
them are like the classic football hooligan, the die-hard fans. And when I hear those men
talk about women's football, it's like, oh, what a load of rubbish, women's Euros doesn't
count, doesn't count when they run. And it's like, there is so much deeper
than just like people gravitating towards the sport
and like celebrating it.
I think it's way deeper than that.
I feel like they should put some more respect on it
because last year the women's team did way better
than the men's team.
Where did you guys come?
Yeah, that's true.
Just saying.
Yeah, and it doesn't have the fucking nastiness
surrounding it.
Like how vulgar and aggressive people get around the Euros and the World Cup on the
men's teams.
It's like there's a reason why things like domestic violence and stuff go up.
And I think that, yeah, you're right.
We should put more respects on women's, women's sports, women's football.
Who became the first openly LGBTQ plus person to travel to space in 2022?
Oh, I don't know this one.
In 2022, so this year.
No. Oh, Christy, wake up.
God. Three years later.
I don't even know.
I didn't know.
I didn't even know that yet.
I did have it yet.
I bet it's a name that we've heard
and we're gonna be like, oh my gosh.
I actually think the first woman
that went up into space was a lesbian.
Double check that for me.
She wasn't out at the time,
but she later came out in the nineties.
She went up in the eighties.
Well, this was 2022.
2022, I did a video about a woman that went up into space.
She was the hundredth woman to go up into space.
And I don't know if it was 2022 or 2023,
but she did a video and it was with Blue Origin
and it got taken down because basically all the comments
were fucking misogynistic because she's like laying down like the kind of facial expressions
you as you can imagine as you're going up into like the atmosphere that everyone was just like
then Blue Origin took the video down. Oh it was an American astronaut named Sarah Gillis. I think
it might be Sarah Gillis that I'm talking about. Let me check the TikTok. Really? Big up Sarah.
Because the first person to go.
Oh no, I'm talking about Emily Candrelli.
Sally Ride was a lesbian and she was the first woman in space.
So in 2022?
Yeah, but she went up in the 70s.
Well, there's a lot of like controversial about using the term open as well.
Some people find it like, I don't know, like,
why should you have to specify? Yeah, kind of. I suppose we're in a different
time now and like having been queer in the 70s would have been a different, you
know, she wouldn't have been had the same respect. And so it almost kind of like
takes away her credit of getting to where she was and what she accomplished.
So like when people now say the openly gay one, it kind of discredits the work
she's already done, because she had to hide who she was in a time
that wasn't like supportive.
That's a really good point.
And we don't say the openly straight Lauren Way.
Exactly, yeah.
Openly straight.
You don't do that.
It's crazy that only in 2022.
In 2022, which country officially added feminism as a guided principle in its
government policies? Oh, 2022, not the UK. 2022? Spain? Yeah, I was going to say Spain.
Spain have just made IVF free a thing as well. Yeah, we're talking about this two years ago.
They're very progressive. No, they progressive. Should we go to Spain?
That was for same-sex couples.
Now I think it's free for everyone.
Oh really?
I think so, if you can check.
What's the question, sorry?
Spain IVF free.
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Just kind of... Spain offers free IVF to single women, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people.
Was that recently?
Single people?
In 2021.
Oh, okay.
Apparently I was reading the news.
Oh yeah, so Spain.
So well done.
Well done guys.
That's great.
That's the Spain.
Super progressive country.
Another little Batelona.
They don't like it when we go over there.
So they like feminism, they like IVF, but they don't like talking about it.
So they like feminism, they like IVF, but they don't like talking about it. Yeah. So they like feminism, they like IVF, but they don't like talking about it. Yeah. So they like feminism, they like IVF,. They don't like it when we go over there.
So they like feminism, they like IVF,
but they don't like tourists.
These great people with water guns.
You do?
In the past 20 years,
what percentage of films passed the Blatchdale test?
The what test?
Some of the criteria is really weird.
So there's three criteria.
The first one is it has to have at least two women that are featured. These women have to talk to each other
and they have to discuss something other than a man is the Bechdel test. Oh my god. But there's
a lot of films that like just make the Bechdel test but then it's literally just like one line
between two women and it's just like a lot of films don't make it.
Oh, I would say maybe 10%.
What percentage of films pass the test in the last 20 years?
20 years.
20 years.
So it's, back then I doubt it.
Well, cause if you think about like the amount of films
there are that like actually, yeah, they've got women in it,
but their women don't talk to each other.
Look at Monster Zink.
That is a very random.
I'm trying to think of like obvious films that we like know and love, but actually...
Mulan is all about, I'd say five percent.
Yeah, I don't think Shrek passes it.
Hey, not Shrek!
When you think about it, Princess Fiona is the only female character.
Fiona? Even in High School Musical, Gabriella and Charpe don't really talk.
Yeah, but her and Kelsey... Yeah, Kelsey and the other girl. Yeah, Taylor. You've watched High School Musical, Gabriella and Charpe don't really talk. No, but she talks to that other girl, Kelsey Ember, other girl.
You've watched High School Musical?
Yeah, Taylor.
Yeah, yeah.
I like that.
Zach and Cody haven't.
How much?
How much?
Sorry, I've lied, 50%.
How much?
50% pass it?
But again, it's like, to what extent?
Yeah, it's like, actually, when you look at it, there's some really like...
Where we scrape the barrel.
A lot of their Marvel films don't pass the pick-tailed tits.
Who said your self-worth is determined by you?
You don't have to depend on someone telling you who you are.
The Queen.
Michelle Obama.
Oh, yups.
And you didn't even know that?
I was giving you guys a chance.
Oh my god. You said the Queen. Half of her. Yeah, I said Michelle Obama. She's not the green queen herself. Queen. Oh, that's a beautiful
quote. Can you say it one more time, please? Shall I do it in her accent? Yes. Be honest.
She who said your self-worth is determined by you. You don't have to depend on someone
telling you who you are.
I thought that was his accent.
No, I wasn't going to do it because I didn't want to embarrass him.
Is that when she did the, in 2020, the loads of celebrities were doing like
messages to the graduating class.
That sounds like something she might have said then.
Well, like she did this speech and then people edited the speech.
So she ends up saying you are dumb, unattractive, overweight.
I love the internet.
Yes I am.
That's funny.
What percentage of women grow the world's staple crops?
I don't even know what staple crops are.
Like the main crops?
Just staple crops.
What's that?
Like grains.
Crops, the most important crops, rice.
Is that grain?
Olives and stuff.
Why can't they say food grain? Olives and stuff.
Why can't they say food then?
What's the percentage of women?
Well, it's very outdated view really
that you pitch your little farmer,
little man farmer to grow your crops.
So hopefully that's different these days.
I also around the world as well,
like that's gotta be different surely.
Like I mean- I'm thinking back home,
a lot of the people that actually tend to like the crops are women.
Oh, it's nice. I might go high and go like 60 percent. Yeah. 80 percent. I was gonna say 82!
Women farmers! Because we tend. And if you think about in like Asia like a lot of like the rice farms stuff like that, it's like a lot of women.
What an impressive stat.
Who run the world?
So it's not just Jeremy Clarkson on his big tractor.
This is what I'm fucking Gerald.
That's what I picture.
Yeah, 80 is a good number.
80 is a good number.
Well, on that note, we want to wish you all
a happy International Women's Month and Day,
celebrating all the amazing women in the world, the amazing women here and the
allies. We're so grateful for you.
Love you, see you next week.