Tech Over Tea - #27 We Actually Talked Tech - feat Joshocalico

Episode Date: September 3, 2020

On this weeks episode of Tech Over Tea we actually talked about tech, I know it's weird we never actually do that but I guess we should every once in a while, Josh and I discussed a bit about mechatro...nics, some recent changes to Oculus accounts, the future of the C language and much much more. ==========Guest Links========== GitHub: ==========Support The Channel========== ► Patreon: ► Paypal: ► Amazon USA: ► Other Methods: ==========Video Release========== 📚 LBRY: 🎥 YouTube: DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation. I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and related sites. 🎵 Intro Music Aces High by Kevin MacLeod Link: License:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yeah, the Mirabella ones are kind of the go-to for most people. Yeah, pretty much. Especially because they're just so cheap anyway. Yeah. Yeah, anyway, I've already just started the recording, so... Oh, shit. Hello. I like to do that.
Starting point is 00:00:14 So, I will play the intro then. That is Joe Rogan. Let's not play that one. There we go. I keep doing that. Not quite, dude. Yeah, not quite. I really should stop using the phone to do this.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Welcome to episode 27 of Tech of a T. I'm, as always, your host, Brodie Robinson. And today, we have got a guest who I've been trying to bring onto the show for a while, and he's actually recording from the university right now, and is probably going to be bothering people around him while he's doing it. Welcome to the show, Josh. Hey, to be fair, I was actually helping them before, so technically this is just, you know, karma. Like, I help them and then I make their lives progressively worse, you know? Actually, if they ask a question, feel free to just answer it during the podcast
Starting point is 00:01:05 oh that would be fun uh make sure you do that we're doing vr at the moment so it's um pretty spicy yeah how's that assignment actually going well uh let's just say some so like it's due next week and it's due next week is it yeah next thursday okay progress is like basically some people are still modeling their rooms to some people who are just adding more objects into their scenes yeah i do not envy any of them because none of them are done and it could probably take them still forever so yeah well i'm at the point where i have just got the okay so for reference i don't think point where i have just got the okay so the for reference i don't think i've talked about this on the show before basically what we had to do was make a
Starting point is 00:01:51 uh haunted house in unity and it had to be like a vr game so i'm at the point now where i think the only thing left i have to do is implement the the breakable cobwebs oh you of course you are like oh wait no i also haven't made it so you can turn the torch on and off yet but that's like a two minute thing hey but do you have a gui no no i don't and i don't really care about the wow factor because i don't really care about bonus credit no i mean no i mean like the reason i'm going for the gui is because i think it's a nicer way of handling inventory management sure yeah because like one of the specific one of the specifications we've got to do is we've got to have like a queue system for inventory management and uh i think it's kind of hard to predict what's in the queue about having some sort of image there
Starting point is 00:02:39 though i do have the pause menu for debugging purposes. Yeah, sure. I've fallen in love with the XOR operator, mainly just because... I didn't know, wait, UD has a XOR built into it? Sorry, C Sharp has a XOR built into it? No, no, C Sharp, yeah. So C Sharp has a XOR built into it. You know the carrot key? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Like the one... And that, you can actually do an assignment, the one and that you can actually do an assignment which is that character equals and if the one on the right is true it will flip the byte on the left so it'll flip the boolean on the left it's it is
Starting point is 00:03:18 so useful for things which are related to input it's made my life so much easier I did not know there was a Zora operator in... I keep saying Union, C Sharp. I've basically only started using C Sharp for this course. I guess I did the Agile course as well, but besides that... Yeah, but that barely counts.
Starting point is 00:03:39 That's ASP.MVC, so most of that is crazy syntax. Which at this point is old here's the thing about link well i mean if you're if you're talking about web forms for sure but mbc is like modern ish though things are going the way of um api controllers and synced applications. So I'm a web developer by trade for the podcast knowledge. I only started a little while ago, but I had background in web development as well. It's pretty cool. You're doing mainly Django work now, aren't you?
Starting point is 00:04:19 I completely don't. Django, did you say? Yeah, mainly Django stuff right now, aren't you? Yeah. Yeah, I know you're doing Python stuff, I wasn't sure what it was though. Our stacks basically Django, AWS, React mostly, but for our admin-wise, we use sometimes jQuery,
Starting point is 00:04:43 sometimes our own JavaScript. It's a whole mess. It's an enterprise project. You know how that goes. Django was a weird choice for those guys because I've looked around for Django work in Adelaide and there's really not much. Django is probably near the bottom. I think it's a good one to actually do large systems in them. Sure.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Because it handles migrations for you. It's written in Python, which is really easy to get your head around. Mind you, with large projects. You're laughing at Sam in the back. Yeah. I hate that. No, no, please. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Oh yeah, for anyone also watching the video version, some of the previous guests will be in the background from time to time, so Sam's off to the right there, and then is it your right, which way, is your camera reversed, or not?
Starting point is 00:05:44 So Sam's my left here, and that's my left, yeah. Okay, so it's the right on my side. Yeah, for you it's on the right. And then Corey's on the side. Has Corey been on your podcast? Yeah, Corey came on last week. He was on the Mr. Robot episode. I don't think...
Starting point is 00:05:57 That's right, I forgot. My brain's kind of all over the place. I just remember Ken Lee being like, you should go on this podcast. I'm like, I know know I've been planning to yeah it's been a while and Kung hasn't come on yet but I will get him on the show at some point
Starting point is 00:06:11 soon hopefully I can have some cool things to show you guys at some point when I become interesting then Brady might have me on again maybe by then I'll have a better mug than this. This is just one that I found in my cupboard. I'll buy you a damn better mug.
Starting point is 00:06:32 I have a UniSA mug that is in the dishwasher right now. The one they give you on O-Day. I got one from the school of ITMS, which doesn't exist anymore. Doesn't it? No, no, no, no. UniSA STEM now, dude. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Of course. Yeah. A university has gone through a restructure. Not that any of you would probably care, but. Actually, I did. Okay. There's one dude I know who sent me a message on Instagram. He was like, hey, how's this class at UniSA going?
Starting point is 00:07:03 He's like, can you not ask me questions like that? And I've had someone else in the comments ask me about, like, a specific thing about UniSA. Like, stop. Just don't ask me questions at UniSA. I actually think I might have convinced the security guard who, like, keeps letting me into this room to do a games and entertainment design degree.
Starting point is 00:07:22 So do I get a connection or something? I don't know. Maybe. Ask us. Go about it. But, like, it's not a secret what uni I go to. Like, you can find my LinkedIn. But I really don't like it when people just send me DMs
Starting point is 00:07:37 about, like, the specific school I'm going to. Like, don't do that. Stop. Yeah, I mean, you've got to have a private life. It's very important. Also, you shouldn't have a linkedin account anyway so i should just go and do that at some point i'm just gonna actually say that um so i was working on authentication um for so i do freelance work as well i was working on authentication um with facebook uh linkedin and snapchat yeah all of them were an ordeal um i know you were talking about the facebook stuff in big data the other day i was yes um so
Starting point is 00:08:17 facebook if you know um if you use their sdk yeah um if you use their sdk there is no way to avoid at all them phoning home about what page you're visiting, as well as the data on that page. So, for example, if you use their login with Facebook button, it handles the overflow for you. But you are selling your site out, basically. They do actually give you analytics as kind of like a way to say, hey, you're letting us use the data on your site. We might give you something for it. But realistically, if you're going to actually do analytics, you're going to want one which is actually scoped to analytics,
Starting point is 00:09:02 like Google Analytics, because they don't share that data with their other services. It's just purely an analytical service. Because, I mean, if you think about Google's MO, right? They want you to use the web. They make money from you using the web. Well, one of the big things... So they have no reason to...
Starting point is 00:09:26 I was going to say, one of the big things that points sort of to that is early on when they were developing whatever the precursor to MapReduce was, Google's MapReduce nonsense, they could have made that proprietary and then just sold it to people, but they realized it's much more valuable for them to have everyone working with this data and then they can get the data themselves rather than keeping this method to handle it to themselves and then trying to sell that to people.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Yeah. I think that's something like there's always something in it for them, right? Sure. So, I mean mean even with uh facebook um they have their uh open source stuff like react and um their ai stuff as well i think they actually work on pytorch as well. I didn't know that. The work which people do on that, Facebook can benefit from. Sure, yeah. So if a company receives a return on an investment,
Starting point is 00:10:33 they will open source. Well, there's obviously a reason why companies like Microsoft are working on things like WSL. Microsoft could obviously work for tooling just for Windows, but they know that there's a lot of could obviously work for tooling just for windows but they know that there's a lot of value in trying to get linux working on the windows side to keep the developers using that yeah absolutely like i i think the day that you can run linux executables natively natively on windows will be a an interesting day um i don't think you'll ever be able to run them purely natively
Starting point is 00:11:05 because I think they've given up on full-on kernel integration. I think it's now just a virtualization layer. Yeah, WSL2 is basically a very, very lightweight VM, basically, using their proprietary hypervisor nonsense. I find it kind of a bit sad, really, that they gave up on that. Because I like the idea of being able to translate Linux calls into NT system calls.
Starting point is 00:11:34 But I know there was some actual incompatibilities there. Well, they did work on something fun involving Linux compatibility. I don't know how much you know about WSL. I know its predecessor as well um they actually had posix interrupt but that was awful but there were some people who were kind of hacking together to get um graphical applications working wsl they'd be running an x server inside wsl not a good idea run it ran horribly so in wsl2 as of last year microsoft is like hey we're gonna work on wayland support so they're gonna and it actually already works so you can run these
Starting point is 00:12:14 graphical applications that have wayland support actually inside of wsl2 which is absolutely insane. Yeah, I mean, X, I think, deserves to die. Yeah, the only reason I use X is because the tooling on Weyland isn't very good right now. Yeah, it's still very new. But, I mean, X... There was this... So, I find it really bad when I reference things and I can't show people. If you have any links, you need to show me anything. Oh I don't actually have the link on how
Starting point is 00:12:54 But actually I might give it a look because I've got time so like just to describe so X org Actually has like a configuration file. And it's just the Borg, basically. It just has everything in there. And because it has everything in there, it's just known to be completely unmanageable. It's actually precisely the reason why X should be deprecated my reason like my rationale um mainly just because it's modules after modules after modules and it is like so very much stuck in the 90s with how it was architected yep it needs to die godmit. It's lots of fun. Nothing has aged as badly as the X server.
Starting point is 00:13:46 I try to avoid working with Xorg stuff as much as possible, but you kind of have to deal with it. Luckily now, because of how mature X is at this point, there's a lot of tools that basically automate the configuration process. I just sent you the link for it. Oh, yeah, I already found this one. Okay, cool. I wasn't sure if this was the one you wanted to show.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Yeah, it was the general satisfaction with my life. There we go. I have the technology to show pictures on the screen. Here we go. Oh, you do? So if anyone listening to the audio version... Oh, yeah, I'm using... Yeah, I'm using OBS right now.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Nice. If anyone listening to the audio version, there is a graph. On the left side, it says, General Satisfaction with How My Life Is Going. And as that goes up on the bottom, it's Time Since I Last Had to Open the Xorg.conf. And as basically the time since the person has had to last open the Xorg.conf, the basically the time since uh the person has had to last open xorg.conf
Starting point is 00:14:47 the more they've been enjoying their life because it is disgusting to work with not only that but also just the fact that it's all in separate files it's not like here's one big xorg.conf obviously there is that but then there's also other stuff alongside that that also you can configure and it's just if if there's a tool that automates it just use the tool imagine having to change your display manager it's something i've had to do and i've gotten it wrong before and then just don't i mean you kind of have to sometimes i log into a black screen oh you of course you do I log into a black screen. Oh, you... Of course you do.
Starting point is 00:15:25 I have a... You're so extra. Three lines in my ZSHRC that when I log in, it automatically opens up my window manager. Not a bad idea. I think that's, like, the good way of doing things. Yeah. It's how most people end up doing it on Arch
Starting point is 00:15:41 if they're not running, like, a desktop environment, just because it's... You're going to see it for a couple of seconds. You might as well just take the absolute easiest approach. What's great to see with Arch newbies is
Starting point is 00:15:55 how stuck they get with the manual petitioning. There's tools that make it easier. You don't have to use FDisk. There is like CFDISC. But. I like even with the cursors one, like the one which actually has like a borderline text-based GUI.
Starting point is 00:16:14 People still get stuck on that. And I'm just like, I love this so much. Like you actually have to learn about the low level features of a file system. In order to actually do things. The problem you're also going to have a lot of the time now is a lot of the videos that exist were made for BIOS systems and if you're trying to
Starting point is 00:16:33 run UEFI and you try to like, I don't know not use a GPT partition, you will have lots of problems. Oh yeah, like I don't know how many people who've installed a MBR-based version of an operating system or tried to boot an MBR-based version of an operating system only to find out that no bootable medium is found because you don't have CSM.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Luckily, all of this stuff is fairly well documented, at least in the case of Arch. Don't know about other distros. I hear the Gentoo wiki is good. Yeah, you shouldn't be using CSM anyway nowadays, realistically. If you've got a new install, always use GPT and EFI. Always. It's just so much nicer.
Starting point is 00:17:30 It's a bit of a pain in the ass if you're running Grub, but that's the only thing you can be difficult with. But a lot of people say just stop using Grub anyway and use Systemd boot. I like Grub because it's the least configurable it's the least configurable so you like it all right then well it's at least configurable at least oh it's at least i said least configurable yeah at least configurable that's fair um whereas systemd boot just boots doesn't it like i don't think you can really do anything to, so it might run Plymouth,
Starting point is 00:18:06 but I, I know you can mess with your frame buffer size to change your resolution, but I don't know about doing things like grub themes. Like you could with grub, obviously. Yeah. But I was, cause yeah,
Starting point is 00:18:19 someone actually asked me to look at Plymouth recently. I was like, Oh yeah, that actually sounds kind of neat. Plymouth's pretty cool. Um, so for the like, oh yeah, that actually sounds kind of neat. Plymouth's pretty cool. For the podcast, I guess, you know those beautiful little boot screens which you get when you log in
Starting point is 00:18:34 well, when you start up a system like Ubuntu or Fedora, that's Plymouth. Plymouth does that boot animation. It is sick. I love it to bits it even though it is a bit of a pain I know there's a couple
Starting point is 00:18:49 I don't know why, there's a couple people on this channel at least on the main channel who use Windows and a couple on macOS as well I know there's one guy who mains macOS there's one guy does Mac still do it when you're like logging or when you're starting up the system there'll be like a little spinny thing just before you log in get
Starting point is 00:19:10 gets login or is that not a thing anymore oh sorry could you repeat that um you cut out for a sec the fucking uni connection is being shit all right oh yeah um on mac os when you just before you log in is there still like a spitty screen while stuff's still loading up oh no so like um they they ditched that a while ago this is how long it's been so mac os yeah so they now have like a loading bar which yeah we could do the same thing in plim as well that's the point i was getting at there's some sort of screen before you get to your display manager which I still think is a terrible name. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Yeah, I think it makes sense as a display manager in the sense that it manages the frame buffers on each display. Okay, so think about it like that, sure. And then you have a window manager, which, yeah. But mind you, I don't actually think... I mean, I've always had problems with how macOS handles Windows. Sure. Not like Windows is in the operating system, to clarify. I'm pretty sure everyone got that.
Starting point is 00:20:11 When you unplug a display, and you open up your laptop, and if you plug in the display again, it shifts the windows randomly. So it doesn't have any sort of port memory. up your laptop and if you plug in the display again, it shifts the windows randomly. So it doesn't have any sort of port memory. I think most operating systems would be hard to implement, but just remembering where things are would be kind of useful, you know?
Starting point is 00:20:36 I mean, even when you restart things. The way that a lot of window managers tend to avoid that on Linux is they... You'll remember where stuff goes on the actual desktop so if you say put stuff on you know desktop 8 and then desktop 8 goes to the second monitor it'll stay in the same place on that desktop but it'll just be moved to the other monitor I mean I think it's a bit more difficult with macOS because they've got some like system specific quirks with how they handle multiple desktops so each display has their own instance of virtual desktops so you would have you could have desktops 1 to 16 on one you could have desktops 1 to 16 on another monitor and desktops 1 to 16 on another monitor right okay so
Starting point is 00:21:21 so it's it's probably a hard architecture to work with um mind you speaking of apple if anyone's wondering what i'm eating i've got a bowl of grapes here oh sick cool so i might eat these throughout the episode uh what's your opinion on this whole uh epic scandal with like epic shooting themselves in their own fucking no i i absolutely love it i epic's doing an amazing job here they knew exactly what they were getting into they did though and like literally there's been a release from the judge saying like yeah we're not putting fortnite back on because we literally plan to do this, but we will protect Unreal, at least for now. So if anyone is somehow... Actually, I'm going to find information on this. If anyone is somehow completely out of the loop and doesn't know what's happening here, basically, Epic is the company behind little known games like Fortnite.
Starting point is 00:22:26 You may have heard of it i don't know uh and basically what happened is apple's got this um this policy where you can't sell i guess products without going through the apple store and what what uh epic decided to do was like hey we don't give a shit we're just going to do it anyway and then about two hours after apple banned them from the app store they had a lawsuit ready to go and it was like 50 pages long and obviously they were planning this because no one can write 50 pages of legal documentation in two hours so they have set this up entirely for the purpose of actually, you know, starting up a lawsuit. And Epic also is the developer of the Unreal Engine. Now, the Unreal Engine, if you don't know, it's sort of up there at the same level of um used as like unity so it's kind of important so i'd actually say unreal is more popular i think it's got a larger market share
Starting point is 00:23:31 um at least um in the larger well i mean uh even triple a studios use it nowadays yeah and basically what happened is epic is still banned from the store. They are taking Apple to court. Also, Microsoft is joining Epic's side, and I know exactly why they're doing that. I'm just going to clarify that they are
Starting point is 00:23:57 backing them in keeping Unreal Engine available. They are not as Microsoft, as one of the parties which also charges fees for their own stores, is not defending their other points.
Starting point is 00:24:12 The paper was just written poorly. Mm-hmm, okay. Classic lawyers, right? Do you know, okay, it's really fucking obvious why Epic's doing this. Like, they wouldn't be stupid enough to do this for any other reason. They want to get the Epic Store onto iOS. They actually emailed to Apple's teams, basically, specifying this,
Starting point is 00:24:36 and that actually got leaked to the public. Everyone knew exactly what they were doing. The second this happened, they're trying to get the Epic Store on iOS. And you know what? I know Epic's doing this entirely for their own reason, but I am entirely in favor of Epic in this respect because it will actually be better for the consumer to have more than just the Apple Store available.
Starting point is 00:25:03 I agree that, that while in theory um they should be able to have a store on um the platform um but i don't agree with the way they went about it because i mean well they went about in a very heavy-handed way for sure there's no doubt about that. Yeah, so like, I'm just going to say like there's they're not really going to make any friends in Apple for a while. Let's just say, I mean if you want them to open up their platform, this is not the way to do that.
Starting point is 00:25:38 I don't know if there's any other way you could though, that's the thing. That's the thing, yeah. I completely agree. I mean, it's not like alternative stores aren't a thing on iOS. It's just one of them is Iversidia ones which use tend to use um dodgy signatures as well as like the enterprise um way of loading things on um so i mean everything else is considered high risk at the moment um and i don't see apple opening up their API for installing apps anytime soon either.
Starting point is 00:26:29 I think the only way you can really... Nor do I think they'd want to. Yeah, no, they wouldn't. That's the thing. But I think the only thing they've really achieved here is a hit in their own revenue. Okay, we'll have to see how the lawsuit actually plays out because if this does go in epic's favor which is possible because there there's definitely an argument to make that apple is running a monopoly here um it is possible that epic wins
Starting point is 00:27:00 and if they do that also also means that say like, Valve could start up a store on iOS, or whoever else wants, Amazon could. My only concern here on Epic's side of this equation is that
Starting point is 00:27:19 personally, I'm just going to clarify I think both Apple and Epic are both terrible companies. I mean, I'm just going to clarify. I think both Apple and Epic are both terrible companies. I mean, I like Apple products. You say this while wearing your AirPods and recording from your MacBook. Yeah, absolutely. So I like their stuff, but I don't think, well, I mean, it's really your thing.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Like, if you like their stuff, you're still going to buy their stuff, right? You make that choice as a consumer. You just might not like the actions the company takes, right? No one's going to stop playing Fortnite because of this. And no one's going to stop using Apple products because of this. Exactly. So, like, I mean,
Starting point is 00:28:03 there's now, like, a black market of iPhones with Fortnite on them. Well, I found this article from The Verge here. Actual scalpers. I found this article from The Verge. So, it seems, I'll actually send you a link to it. It seems like the game still exists on iOS, but you can't... You can't remove it if it's already installed. But Nucleus can't download it.
Starting point is 00:28:32 So what's going to happen is basically Fortnite is splitting into two separate games because of this lawsuit. So you've got the Apple version, which isn't going to get updates, and then the rest of the versions, basically. to get updates and then the the rest of the versions basically i mean um so apple has basically said that the moment that um epic reverts this code um they can go back on the app store and i suppose you could still have the lawsuit still be pending um given those circumstances so i i can just see epic just reverting the code here and stepping down for now on that front
Starting point is 00:29:07 and just pursuing them in court. It's possible, but... I mean, there's too much collateral damage if they get rid of Unreal, because Unreal's used everywhere. Well, I don't know how reliant they are. Obviously, Unreal is a big deal, but I don't know how reliant they are. Obviously, Unreal is a big deal, but I don't know how reliant they actually are on Fortnite itself.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Unreal probably is a much bigger revenue stream for them. Yeah, so I know that Fortnite iOS is 10% of Fortnite's revenue. So, mind you, so I can see Epic definitely prioritizing Unreal because they get royalties over a certain margin so
Starting point is 00:29:54 if I remember the payment structure for both of the two major commercial engines Unity Technologies is you have to have a pro license if you're earning over a hundred thousand dollars. That sounds right. Yeah, I think that's right. It's a hundred thousand US as an organization or an individual and Unreal is royalties per dollar earned. So I'm pretty sure.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I don't think the royalty system is rather ethical, but I think they're... I think Kim Sweeney is a bit of a snake. Because straight up, he's gone against people putting ads
Starting point is 00:30:48 on top of their competitors' products, right? Mm-hmm. You proceed to search Unity on Google, and what do you see? Ads for Unreal Engine. So an absolute snake. I don't know too much about Team 20 myself, so I can't really comment on that. We have a saviour complex.
Starting point is 00:31:08 We have a saviour complex. Don't forget the saviour complex. Because, like, I'm saving the games industry. Sorry. Sorry. I don't believe anyone with a god complex. So I don't know how this lawsuit is going to go down. I hope that Epic wins.
Starting point is 00:31:31 That would be the best outcome for the consumer. Whether they win or not, I have no clue. I'm not a lawyer. I don't think that wins. I don't think they win. I don't think they're anti-trust. I think it's going to depend on who has deeper pockets at this point. And I don't know who has deeper pockets, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:31:50 They both have a lot of money. I'm just going to say Apple's worth $2 trillion. Yeah. Apple has deeper pockets. It depends on how much they want to spend on this, though, or whether it's cheaper for them to be like, you know what, fuck it. I mean, the App Store is worth a lot of money to them, so they'll fight this too, shouldn't they?
Starting point is 00:32:07 We'll see how it goes basically hopefully Epic wins maybe not so yeah again my position on it I'm gonna stay neutral because like I see the benefits in Apple controlling things like
Starting point is 00:32:23 in security reasons because like you could have some rogue stores, less stringent policies, but you can also make the argument that Apple is overcharging, which is the face that they are. Yeah. It's complicated. Well, we did mention,
Starting point is 00:32:40 we did mention Facebook earlier and it did. I'm sure you heard about this one as well. What's this one? So it's about the way that Facebook is changing how Oculus logins are going to work. Oh yeah, I had to do that. That's
Starting point is 00:33:00 cool, normal and exciting, right? Anyone who missed the news a week or so back, Facebook being the owners of Oculus now, where everyone thought this is going to go really badly, and then it went fine for a couple of years, and now it's going really badly. So Facebook is forcing new Oculus owners,
Starting point is 00:33:25 so existing owners of a device with an existing account won't have to do this for now. Not quite true. Okay, but they changed that? They are really pushing to migrate. They changed it, but they are really pushing to migrate and they're using dark patterns to make you do so. Okay, so what's happening is Oculus is forcing or actually we'll say facebook
Starting point is 00:33:47 facebook is forcing oculus owners to log into their accounts with a facebook login so they're basically just forcing you to use facebook single sign-on so you don't have a facebook account can't use your oculus yeah becomes kind of a bit of paperweight. I think you can get to... You might be able to... Actually, no, you can't, because you do need to use the Oculus app to actually set up your quest.
Starting point is 00:34:16 So, unless this... Yeah, it becomes basically a paperweight. Yeah. Fund HTC, I guess. That's my only answer to this. Buy a Valve Index, even though you can't get them in Australia. Yeah, well, I haven't looked too much at the Index. I hear the Index is pretty good as well, but I really wish that Oculus wasn't making good devices.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Then we could just forget about them. But the Quest is an absolutely amazing headset. Oh, I love it so much. I mean, what are you going to use? Windows Mixed Reality? You actually are. I know you. I'm borrowing it from the uni.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Sorry? How's the controls? They are suck ass. So, when I hold this like this, it's, like, jittering like this on the screen. So, it's not fun. It sucks, and I'm only using it for the, using it until I have to give it back to the uni, and then I'm never touching it again.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Well, I mean, not all Windows Mixed Reality devices are bad. There's some really good ones. Yeah, of course. And even the HoloLens runs the Mixed Reality OS as well. Okay, these two cameras here, this is how it tracks the hands. These two little things. Nothing else, there's no other cameras, just these two. Hold on, just give me a second, I'll get my Quest.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Well just get anything else in that room. Like if you look- Yeah, literally. On the left side you have a- It's the ESA VR lab, so. Yeah, there's a Vive tracker lighthouse behind his head. Two, three,
Starting point is 00:36:12 four. And up to your right, I guess it would be, there's a lighthouse behind you. I can't even get the... Yeah, up there. Lighthouse. There's also another one up here.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Not that I really should be moving my laptop as a camera. You're probably right. It's an attempt. Yeah, I haven't dropped it yet. Give it a week. Oh, there's also a Vive directly behind you as well. Yeah, so that actually is the... There's like a vibe there.
Starting point is 00:36:47 You should study at uni. Yeah, there's a... And develop the one game that's ever actually come out of that course. That's the pictures all around the room. Funnily enough, by someone I know. So, he's pretty cool. That game gets shown off at
Starting point is 00:37:07 Avcon every year and it doesn't seem like it's ever made any progress. Well, I mean, he stopped developing at Arsta. So I think... So the uni just keeps showing it off. I don't know. Yeah, because it actually looks good.
Starting point is 00:37:23 And he was really good at 3D modeling, so... Last year... Um... Last year when I was at... I highly doubt... Sorry? I got what you were saying, I'll... I need really good 3D modeling, but...
Starting point is 00:37:34 What were you going to say? Ah. What were you going to say? I was at... Oh, I dropped a crane. Uh... Last year when I was at Avcon, um... The person running the stand there didn't like me
Starting point is 00:37:46 because I was trying to break the game. I spotted a place where you could jump up along one of the walls and I tried to jump out of the map. Oh, that's cool. Come on. Who was there? Would I know them? No, maybe.
Starting point is 00:38:04 It wasn't like Adam or Doug. Both of them are cool with it, but I don't know, some woman there. Yeah, I just tend to know people at the uni. Yeah, but this is how I can compare it with or tell the difference between the uni
Starting point is 00:38:21 and an actual indie game development company, because I went around to everyone's stand doing the exact same thing, trying to break their games. And the actual indie devs, they're like, I didn't know that was a problem. I'm going to write that down. And then the uni was like, stop doing that. Well, I mean, that's the thing, though. Like, if the student who actually wrote it was there, they would be like, oh, you you can clip through that i've got to patch that hole in the mesh or something like that yeah um but i suppose if i suppose like an outsider would say you're trying to break my um the game
Starting point is 00:38:58 my organization made right yeah rather than being like this is a bug to be fixed. It's a developer mindset versus the random person mindset. Well, yeah, the uni's there to try to recruit people to the uni. The devs are there to get feedback. Yeah, like a marketing department, right? Yeah. It's got borderline marketing. I think what was happening was instead of using a box collider on the wall on the outside, it was a mesh mesh collider and there was some lips along the mountain so you could sort of glitch onto the lips
Starting point is 00:39:30 yeah i mean mesh colliders aren't perfect anyway yeah like but at that point i would be using the box collider like there's no point having a mesh collider go up the entire mountain i remember when i was at aie and um we were tasked with doing basically the tanks tutorial um the meshes provided by unity technologies actually had holes in them so you could actually clip your tank through the walls with enough pressure it was a great time because your tank would then become indestructible and yet because it's a mesh glider you could fire in perfectly fine you just couldn't fire out it was you win it live so you went to aie before you're at uni sa did you or was that just like an open day okay uh yeah i did a set pre then okay cool
Starting point is 00:40:19 yeah i had a couple of mates from uni from uni from high school who did the same thing uh but i don't know why i didn't I really should have done that course But for whatever reason I was like no, I'm not gonna do it because I was lazy I mean it would have been good to see you there. Yeah. Well, it would have been fun as well Yeah, I mean Uni's been fun. Yeah, you know Even though like now I'm just like let me leave I mean, uni's been fun. Yeah, uni has been fun. Even though, like, now I'm just like, let me leave.
Starting point is 00:40:56 I think that's the appropriate reaction after, like, what, three and a half years? Something like that, yes. It has been that long, hasn't it? How long's left? Was it now week five? Theoretically, I'm supposed to be finishing this semester but it's not gonna happen i've got um how long until this semester is over then is it uh probably about 10 weeks yeah okay i thought it was if you if you include like the break exam period and exam period as well maybe i don't have no exam periods no no exam periods like
Starting point is 00:41:25 would be 17 weeks yeah because i forgot mid-semester break that's right oh that's gross it takes you like into december if you have exams yeah again frustrating um but yeah uni has been like one of the most eventful stressful times of my life but i would not have changed anything for the world like i got to go to sydney in my first year oh nice how sick was that that is he does it like spooky ass robot oh right now you were doing um you're working with adam on his stuff back then weren't Yeah. Do you actually want to see a photo of the creepy-ass robot? If you can bring me a photo? Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:42:08 It is so bad. So if I remember correctly, it was some sort of robotic challenge, wasn't it? Yeah. So this was before any of us knew fuck all about AI, right? So it was very rudimentary. Mind you, we actually had to throw together...
Starting point is 00:42:32 Okay, I'll tell you about the architecture of this robot while I'm pulling up the image. You had this robot which uses ROS, which is fine because it's actually designed for robotics, right? But, well, you'd think it was fine, but then you actually have to program for it, so...
Starting point is 00:42:56 Moving is a pain. Working with the connector is a pain, because the cameras in the eyes were absolutely terrible. So I'll just send this. The display in the front of the torso
Starting point is 00:43:14 was a HTML5 browser. So in order to actually have interaction on there you had to have like a client server architecture with your app it was not fun so like we we basically had like a word store which we would pull from um we'd have a client application which would use the connects send it to the server pull it back onto the screen.
Starting point is 00:43:46 And the one thing we never got working, but we were still programming the app when we were walking up there. That's how bad things were. We had, like, no time to finish it. We were programming the app while we were up there. I was holding my laptop. Jesus Christ. We'd also got very drunk the night before,
Starting point is 00:44:04 so I was, like doesn't very hung over is that yeah is it just a coincidence or does that look like it or is that actually like a commonwealth bank logo on the robot it is it was a commonwealth bank thing okay cool i was wasn't sure it just looked similar it was just actually sponsored or something yeah it was um so it was a project for them okay that makes sense they were running it with with uts and the atn which our uni is part of but um and then like there was the club stuff yeah and i'm glad you that's where i met you so uh no we met before the club. We met during Open Day.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Oh, yeah, that's right. Shit, we ran into each other. Yeah, I met you through Sam. He's still there? Yeah, he's still here. Yeah, I met both of you on Open Day because I wanted to know where to get my ID from. Oh, ID. That was right. It was either textbooks or ID. Someone was...
Starting point is 00:45:09 I was getting textbooks, actually. I was smart enough to know where to get my textbooks from. I just knew how to download stuff online. You mean download legally, yeah. How much did you spend on your textbooks until you realised they were useless
Starting point is 00:45:25 like how long did it take you how many thousand no comment no comment how many i'm just gonna say like uh one of my laptops and it was my cheapest laptop yeah that's uh because god that let me let me let me tell you how many laptops I've gone through while I was at uni, through being slightly cursed. So that was the first one. Actually, technically, my high school Mac died a little bit before uni,
Starting point is 00:45:57 so I'm going to do half of that one. I'll do that at the end, though. So my first one, a key fell off. I sent it to Lenovo. They couldn't repair it. They gave me a replacement. a key fell off i sent it to lenovo they couldn't repair it they gave me a replacement that one fell off the counter then i got another one which just stopped working and now i've got my macbook so four and a half laptops that's fucking dumb i had my macbook pro until like second year and then i got the Swift 3 and then that's been fine since then
Starting point is 00:46:26 lucky bitch and now I'm just doing everything from a desktop anyway so I'm actually cursed with technology though yeah I don't know how you managed to lose that many I just hope that this one lasts because like this is the most expensive thing I've ever bought
Starting point is 00:46:44 in my life. Yeah, hopefully your MacBook Pro lasts a while and it doesn't have, like, some horrible design fault like some models have. Yeah, the fans actually work in this one. Lewis Rossman would be proud. Actually, no, he wouldn't. Everything's soldered down.
Starting point is 00:47:02 I saw an iFixit, like, video of it being torn down and,'t. Everything's soldered down. I saw an iFixit video of it being torn down, and everything's soldered. So if I have to repair anything, good luck. Just give me a new MacBook. I don't watch that much Lewis Rossman, but I will check into his channel occasionally, because it's just fun watching him tear something apart. Sometimes something will show up in my recommended like there was a video a while back where someone was told that it was going to cost them i think six hundred dollars to replace the motherboard on in their macbook and the one problem was there was like this one point that was just like the solder had broken off and like we're gonna replace it
Starting point is 00:47:53 but sounds about right no don't do that just send it to anyone else i mean that's that's just like the apple way that's just like when you uh charge um when you charge like 1.5 grand to just click three buttons. That happens sometimes. Apple's business model is just buy a new device, basically, at this point. Well, I mean, I've still got my Apple antennas, but I'm thinking about... No, I should not. I should not. They've got enough of my money. Just buy your phone from your Chinese overlords. This is a
Starting point is 00:48:25 real me 5. They do actually make some good phones. Is that Xiaomi? It's an Oppo made phone. Yeah, because I know there's two big ones. There's Xiaomi and Oppo.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Actually, do Xiaomi even sell in Australia, or do you have to get them imported? Oh, and there's also Huawei. Can't forget Huawei. They're getting destroyed by the US government. Okay, there's so many companies that have ties
Starting point is 00:48:58 to the Chinese government that if the US really wanted to and went after them, like, how long until League of Legends gets banned? Isn't, yeah, because Riot's, what percentage of Riot is owned, is it Tencent? Yes. Yeah, it'd be Tencent.
Starting point is 00:49:19 There's a lot of companies that are owned by Tencent or a good portion of the company is owned by Tencent. Yeah, that company is like the Borg, I swear. They even have two chat clients. They're just as bad as Facebook. It seems like you can get Xiaomi devices just... Yeah, they've been sold on Kogan, so I presume there's no problem. Yeah, yeah. Well, I mean...
Starting point is 00:49:42 Yeah. I mean, I'd see no problems in Australia, but maybe the US, because the US is weird and American. Well, did you hear, wait, I presume you did hear about the solution to keeping TikTok available for US operations. It was going to be Microsoft was considering purchasing it and there's also so like there's also uh so the suitors include microsoft oracle
Starting point is 00:50:14 yeah yeah yeah yeah really oracles oracles literally since when is oracle been interested in social media? They're Oracle. They just don't want Microsoft to have it. That's fair. You've heard of Larry Ellison's MO. He just hates Microsoft. That's his entire business model. Hating Microsoft.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Sure. Okay. Oracle's considering buying TikTok anyway. You learned something new today. Who else is on the list? Oh, and ByteDance has put out some data basically specifying that all of their data is held externally to China, which was related to the filings from the cleat um when that was acquired a while ago
Starting point is 00:51:05 um but it's questionable whether you trust bite don'ts i know that uh face is it wait who owns instagram the facebook or twitter uh facebook i know they would have no interest they would have no interest in uh buying tiktok because they're just making it again inside of Instagram. They just clone it. They literally just clone it. Like, they made Reels the day TikTok started to look not viable because that's what Facebook does. Well, Instagram has Instagram Stories to kill Snapchat. Then you have Reels to kill TikTok. Like, they have no interest in buying other companies.
Starting point is 00:51:44 They'll just destroy it themselves. Well, I mean, they don't do it successfully, though. Like, who uses Reels? Fair. Yes. You watch. Stories. Stories is really popular. Yeah. Yeah, Stories is. That's
Starting point is 00:52:00 mostly thanks to companies using it. Because, like, they tend to be the first adopters also Instagram TV is doing really well yeah it's just you were saying sorry?
Starting point is 00:52:16 businesses I don't even remember businesses are basically the first people to use it because they see that as an opportunity to engage with people a lot easier. So, like, you'll see influencers, quote unquote, and businesses. I really don't like the word influencer. I hate it too.
Starting point is 00:52:42 That's why I put quote unquote. So, like, what are you influencing well no my problem with influence is it makes you sound like you have no talent whatsoever yeah it's like i wanna i'm gonna wear these like wear this handbag so people will buy this fucking handbag like i don't like youtuber either because youtuber kind of ties you to one platform um like content creator content producer things like that that works fine but influence is like okay well a big brother contestant is also an influencer like a bachelor contestant is an influencer like what do you actually do with yourself i want i want that term to become derogatory i think it borderline has yeah i hope
Starting point is 00:53:27 it does it no it kind of has in some circles but among the people who happily use it it's still perfectly fine i'm an influencer yeah no i fucking hate the term it's a toxic culture too because they like you have these people who are screaming at these businesses for not giving them free shit literally it just screams of entitlement because say say you work out or something right like and that's why people like you're one of those first trap instagrams or something like that. People aren't following you so they can, like, get you to sell them stuff. They're following you because you're a damn first trap.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Most of my Instagram accounts I follow are, like, okay, so I follow The Rock because he's a fucking madman. Like, he'llman. He is. Okay, so The Rock's Instagram account is, I'm lifting really heavy shit and being, like, an absolute maniac. Here is my whiskey company and here are my children. That's his entire Instagram. To be honest, I want that to... That is just, like, Instagram goals, you... That is just like Instagram goals.
Starting point is 00:54:46 You know? Just giving zero shits. Look at this. This is my life. That's it. Bye-bye. But also, another one that I actually am really enjoying a lot of his content is Cameron Haynes. He is a bow hunter.
Starting point is 00:55:03 And Instagram doesn't like him at all. Because he likes to upload videos where he... No, he likes to upload videos where he's skinning some of the things that he's killed. And Instagram is not a fan. It's just like
Starting point is 00:55:19 the Instagram police for slight nudity, when the nudity is up too high, or when there's a little bit bit too much blood or a little bit too much drug use. But another good one is David Goggins who likes to run shirtless in like 400 degree heat and call people a motherfucker. That sounds amazing. I think I might actually have to follow that one um he's a ex-navy seal who like he's just every day he goes for a run like doesn't matter how hot how wet it is every day you're just it just that level of persistence is amazing to me. Actually, I suppose like the influencers, I hate it.
Starting point is 00:56:12 I still hate it. I kind of admire are the ones who are actually building something for themselves. You know what I mean? They aren't selling other people's shit. They're trying to say, hey, I've started x and y venture or something like that right would you like to support this sure um and it feels more honest when you're selling for yourself you know sure well that's why i think that influence is kind of meaningless term because you could say hey i like i would like you put like a comedian in that category and you could also put someone who is building up their own i don't know tech business for example
Starting point is 00:56:51 and like they could both be producing that content online and you'd both you you could consider both of them to be an influencer but the influencer term itself doesn't really say much about what the person is actually doing yeah um i suppose like it it really just varies on the person whether i find you uh absolutely reprehensible or not because i was actually like there was this one there was these group of Instagram people who actually were selling their followers cyanide. Okay. Because they got pranked. They got pranked real hard. So they got approached by someone who set up like a fake marketing thing, which they didn't even read the bottle. They didn't use it.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Sell it to the followers. They were happy with selling their followers aside. It was great. Jesus Christ. Good man. I'd totally do that. I feel like I should do that. Not literally, like not selling followers,
Starting point is 00:58:00 like a prank on those people. Like I'm a marketing agency. Well, there was, um, I can't remember what his name was, but he, okay.
Starting point is 00:58:10 So he's been known for fucking with people a lot. Uh, and he's decided to start up a fake hand cream brand because he wanted to see if he could get, uh, quote unquote, Instagram influences to start selling his shit on on instagram and it wasn't a real product at all so what he did was he like put some accents in his
Starting point is 00:58:32 name to make it sound like a french name because they recognize who he was because he's fucked with them before so he was just like i'm gonna put accents in my name so you're not gonna know who it is um and he sends it to them and he managed to get a couple of responses from some like they were like it was mainly just like uh what's the one i'm thinking of reality tv show guests or really tv show contestants and it was fucking hilarious this i'll see if i can find it afterwards i can't remember exactly the guy's name who did it but it was honestly amazing when i saw that because they would just happily read it out on their stories like yes i here's here's this thing that i'm trying to sell it's like you have no idea you didn't read anything did you no yeah they never do it's just it's just all about the money to them and i mean i can honestly
Starting point is 00:59:28 understand wanting to make money right most people do um but making money at like the expense of your uh integrity i suppose i mean mean, you can assure your integrity if you want, but if you're representing yourself, you're just going to drag yourself through the mud. If you're an organization, you've got that defense, right? Mm-hmm. It's like, it wasn't my idea. Just pass it down the line.
Starting point is 00:59:57 You're representing yourself. Yeah. You don't get your credibility back. Luckily, luckily with a lot of these people, they don't get your credit already back luckily luckily with a lot of these people they don't really have their their reputation isn't really what sells anything they do it's sort of just how attractive
Starting point is 01:00:15 they are yeah it's like I'm cute by anything I actually know that since I actually I love the simp thing because it's so different in the sort of sphere i sit on like on the internet because on twitch obviously the simp thing is like oh stop simping stop simping and then but go over to like the vtuber, and everyone is a simp, and no one cares. It's like, yes, I'm simping for you.
Starting point is 01:00:48 It's okay. For anyone who doesn't know what a VTuber is, you need to experience VTubers. So a VTuber is a virtual YouTuber. Basically, it's someone who usually gets an anime avatar and then just makes videos like that. And this sphere usually exists on YouTube. And yeah, people just donate hundreds of thousands of dollars. Yeah. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:01:17 So I'm going to show you a hilarious chart. Let's see if I can find it. Okay, so this actually has to do with VTubers it has to do with who the most the channels that get
Starting point is 01:01:30 the most super chats on YouTube um and you'll be surprised like very surprised alright let's let's see it
Starting point is 01:01:41 uh that's so that's I don't last month, not the last year. I think I'm a little afraid to see this. Okay, I don't think I've shown this on the podcast before. Okay, so number one for the
Starting point is 01:02:00 most super chats in the past month is Coco. Coco. Number two is Lucia. Number three is Kanata. Number four is Pekora. Number five is Marin. Number six is Tim Paul.
Starting point is 01:02:19 I love that Tim Paul is just in this list of anime girls. One of these things is not like the other. One of these things just doesn't belong. Sorry, I had to. But after Tim Paul, we're back to anime girls. It's like, here's Watame, here's Matsuri, here's Kanae.
Starting point is 01:02:37 It's just like, what is this fucking list? I mean, of course, I don't tend to like, write, but it's just so funny to see him just around. I know. This doesn't make any sense. But also, $100,000 last month. Can I just, like, I want to push, like, a conspiracy theory that Tim Pool is secretly a VTuber. Because he's just in the group of VTubers. He has to be.
Starting point is 01:03:17 There's no such thing as a coincidence. Not at all. Like, yeah. Okay, so the next time you actually get to someone who isn't... Sorry? How long until we can get, like, Tim Pool as an anime girl? I guarantee someone's done it.
Starting point is 01:03:37 I just, like... I just want to see that. Like, I don't even care that I disagree with him, like, most of the time. I just want to see that. It would be hilarious. even, I don't even care that I disagree with him. Like most of the time. I just want to see that. It would be hilarious. It would make my day. It would make my year.
Starting point is 01:03:50 Like, I don't know how this, okay. I don't know how he manages to get this high on the list and no one else does. It's just like, I don't know. I get the people like simping for the VTubers, but why the hell is Tim Pool so high on this list? Obviously, he has simps too. Absolutely. I guess people love the beanie. They want to know what his hair's like.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Maybe if they pay him enough money, they'll see his hair eventually. To be fair, we don't even know if he has hair. He's just like, if I pay $10,000, can I get a follicle of your hair? I'm just imagining that level of simping. So he's just like, if I pay $10,000, can I get a follicle of your hair? I don't think we have proof. I'm just imagining that level of simping.
Starting point is 01:04:29 I don't think we have proof that Tim Hall has a scalp. So there is no proof. So he's just looking at me because he does not get the context at all. No, it doesn't. Oh, Lord. Oh, Lord. Oh, my God. Sinead's been making entertaining content for the back of the video from time to time, just rolling by. There he goes again. Didn't even hear us this time.
Starting point is 01:04:57 So, I suppose, moving on to other stuff uh what do you think of dot net i actually haven't been looking too much into this you were mentioning it the other day um i know that i know that everything's basically moving over to core and that hopefully means better lin support, maybe. Now, here's the cool thing. They're dropping the word core. So if you're following Microsoft signaling here, frameworks are no longer being developed.
Starting point is 01:05:39 It's just going to have security patches. So it's being developed, but not really. Core is version five for both both streams basically if you want any um support forward you use dot net five i don't even know if it's released yet um i want to actually confirm that for you because um five brings a lot of features it's it's really cool actually i want to actually confirm that for you because um five brings a lot of features it's it's really cool actually i've got the blog post introducing five but this is from a year ago yeah so it was introducing it yeah it's been released now i think okay cool oh no no no preview eight so it's soon okay um because what i'm seeing on this list here is basically, yeah, everything's going to be some unified.NET system rather than having your separate, here's the website, here's this site, here's this, here's that.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Because the problem with the earlier versions of.NET had is there was, just on the website, for example, there was too much going on. It's like you had Razer, you had ASP.NET, you had web forms, you had a bunch of other things as well. It's like, why is all this still here? You also had to worry about whether you wanted to support framework or core because they weren't really source-to-source compatible. I mean, they tried, but they didn't really do it. Like C Sharp is still the same C Sharp,
Starting point is 01:07:15 but the standard library was different. .NET Core had a different version of ASP and questionably better. I think you can even still do VB on it so that's a little cursed. So I'm looking at the... wait did you say .NET is out now or is it still not out yet? It's 5 Preview 8 so it should be out soon. Because on this chart it's saying it's supposed to come out in November. Yeah, so soon. Like, couple months tops. And it'll be a good time. Yeah. Good time to learn it.
Starting point is 01:07:53 As much as I don't want to see another GUI framework on Linux, maybe it would be cool to have forms over on the Linux side as well. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. I'm not actually sure. Like, they should have a changelog.
Starting point is 01:08:10 Let me just quickly... Find something? Yeah, because I'm pretty sure I could do forms on macOS at least. And I think that was framework... Not framework. Core 4? I think it supported that Or Core 3 But the point is
Starting point is 01:08:32 Is that Cross-platform GUI Using Windows tooling Is coming Which I mean, even with Xamarin You already had it And hopefully the Unity side Gets better on Linux then I mean, even with Xamarin, you already had it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:48 And hopefully the Unity side gets better on Linux then. That would be nice. Yeah, the good news is, so someone's been maintaining Unity install stuff for Linux for quite a while. Whether they'll get Unity Hub there ever is a different thing, but you can always use Unity builds on Linux nowadays. Yeah. It's kind of cool.
Starting point is 01:09:11 I have used a version of Unity on Linux. It was usable, but the problem we have on Linux is tooling. We don't have the.NET tooling available. There are things you can do. You can access the language server being used in VS Code. It's... Yeah, VS Code. VS Code isn't all you really have, though.
Starting point is 01:09:36 You don't really have, like, GUI development toolkits or anything like that. It's just VS Code and a language server. Well, I mean, the good thing about how Unity's gone now is that you've got, like, this package. So a lot of that stuff you can actually handle in Unity's GUIs. Neat, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:02 So you've kind of got with code and Unity you've got enough to work with. But I was talking more on the... I don't think you could do VR development on them. I was talking more on the web side. More on just... We don't really have proper tooling on that side. Unity worked well enough.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Yeah. Yeah, it's good enough um yeah i i kind of happen to agree with you on that because you've got um you've got entity framework um you but you can't use some of the features um like you can't use their what is it called um they have this like model which you can actually modify graphically on um visual studio like the big visual studio yeah um which you can't do on code mind you um with umlet um now being supported in ds code hopefully uh things like that can come along because like you can actually implement yeah you can yeah that's a new one isn't it? You can actually run umlet and yeah so this is actually really new umlet is now supported in vs code you can actually have a
Starting point is 01:11:19 a window and do uml diagramming in VS Code. That's odd. Yeah, you can do... So, like, you obviously can do complex UIs in a web view, probably. So, like, that would be the way to go if they want to do that sort of stuff. Because, I mean, it's just an Electron app. Basically, yeah. So you're basically just running a Chrome process. Just a really, really big Chrome process.
Starting point is 01:11:45 Well, we're already doing this on Discord. So, hey, it's already on a big Chrome process. Just a really, really big Chrome process. We're already doing this on Discord, so hey, it's already on a big Chrome process. Yeah, while you're at it, you should use Hyper, because you should run your terminal in a Chrome process. Hyper, that sounds familiar. It's a
Starting point is 01:12:02 terminal written in Chrome. Oh, I think I know which one you're talking about um it feels slightly cursed to run something which should be theoretically so lightweight in hypoterm oh yeah i have seen this one i was gonna do a video on it a while ago and then and just never got around to it and i want to do it i want to do it so then people bully me in the comment section. Oh, wow. Yeah, that'll happen. Because, I mean, you were telling me how some people are just like,
Starting point is 01:12:32 GTK will die. Well, right now the thing that people are getting annoyed about is the fact that I keep doing videos on Vim plugins and they're like, hey, Emacs does this out of the box. Stop using Vim, just use Emacs. Do you happen to be Torvalds or Stormen? At this point, honestly, like, I'd put so much... No, no, I'm saying to them, like, the people who are bullying you,
Starting point is 01:13:00 because, like, aren't they, like like staunch emacs cultists i don't know about 12 volts i know obviously stallman is but honestly at this point i've done so much work on my vim config that i don't know if i'll ever switch over to emacs maybe i'll try it out but and then there's me who uses vs code for everything because i'm on a mac yeah that's fair this goes it's a good editor like it's it's probably better than Sublime yeah I mean so before
Starting point is 01:13:31 before VS Code and Atom the go-to software was on macOS so like you probably won't care Xcode? it was some software no no no Coda software was on macOS, so you probably won't care. Xcode?
Starting point is 01:13:48 It was some software... No, no, no. Coda. It was some software by Panic who actually published, funnily enough, Entitled Goose Game. Oh, okay. Sure. Yeah, that's some trivia. They published Entitled Goose Game and they also make other software.
Starting point is 01:14:03 It's funny. Most of the people who make Mac utilities also do like games, so it's pretty funny. Oh yeah, I can't remember what you're talking about. I just, I was looking for the editor. Yeah, so like there's Coda and now they're developing a new one, which hopefully, like they're saying we think it's pretty good. Probably not going to best VS Code though. Microsoft's got too many developers. Well, VS Code also has the benefit of
Starting point is 01:14:33 developers. Microsoft also has the benefit of open sourcing it. So they can just outsource their development. I just had to channel my inner Steve Ballmer. Developers, developers, developers. I have fun here. I can see that.
Starting point is 01:14:54 Yeah, thanks for inviting me on, dude. Yeah, no worries. You're just cool. I mean, I'm still not over. Still got plenty more. We haven't even hit on most of the topics, to be honest, but we'll see how it goes. Which one do you
Starting point is 01:15:10 want to know? I've got a couple on this list that you didn't know about. Oh! I've been having fun with Damien recently, the big data guy. What about him?
Starting point is 01:15:27 He's decided that I'm now Linux boy. I don't know if you've heard this. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I have. You are Linux boy. Yeah, he's decided to forget what my name is, and I'm now Linux boy. And he also, I haven't gotten around to it yet, but he did ask me to post my YouTube channel
Starting point is 01:15:42 in the forum. Which is amusing. What a guy, right? I mean, and then you've got... I mean, he actually just forwarded a student onto me when they were having issues with Big Sur, because they were just like, oh, you got some stuff running on Big Sur,
Starting point is 01:16:04 so you must know what's going on. And I'm just like, yeah they're just like, oh, you got some stuff running on Big Sur, so you must know what's going on. And I'm just like, yeah, dude, you're going to have to pay money, because Parallels is the only thing that runs on Big Sur right now. That's, oh, that's fun. So, nothing's working properly right now.
Starting point is 01:16:20 Well, you can use Docker, because Docker was using Apple's hypervisor framework for a while. Yeah. VirtualBox, no. Because VirtualBox insists on using kernel extensions, which Apple has completely deprecated. You can't use kernel mode at all.
Starting point is 01:16:43 Is Vert Manager a thing on MacOS, or is that just a Linux thing? It would be Linux only, because you can't have a... That's a Red Hat thing. You can't have a kernel level... Yeah, you can't have a kernel level hypervisor. Because, like, KVM... Well, I mean, I suppose there is a kernel level hypervisor,
Starting point is 01:17:02 but it's their hypervisor framework, which is provided at a user mode level. Before, you could just use a kernel extension like VirtualBox did. Now you have to use user mode extensions. Which is probably for the best, to be honest, because the kernel mode stuff just crashes everything when people fuck up.
Starting point is 01:17:24 And it turns out kernel developers fuck up a lot. So... Especially when you're writing things in low-level C. Yeah, there's... As much as C... I've got a lot of people on my Discord who really like to praise C and how great C is. It's very easy to fuck up when you're doing something
Starting point is 01:17:46 like that. Yeah. Like, my favorite keyword in C is actually the union keyword, because I like the fact that you can have multiple types represented in the same memory space. But that is, like, the most broken thing I can
Starting point is 01:18:02 think of in my head. I've never seen a practical use for a union oh i can tell you um color codes okay i i've seen one practical use for a union is there another one uh yeah that's the correct answer. Structs. And, like, if you want to have that struct as a message, I guess? I don't know. Sure, okay. Like, maybe Ethernet frames?
Starting point is 01:18:32 Remember, you're working really low levels, so you're going to have, like, lots of message types. It's a bit fucked. Sure, okay. C is great, like, in the fact that it's terrible, but it's also great. Like, there's no such thing as a namespace. I've talked about this to some people before,
Starting point is 01:18:50 but I have a feeling C might go through the same sort of transition phase that Fortran went to, where people are going to move on to another language, and there's going to be these... No, sorry, not Fortran, Kobol. Kobol's a better example where you have these massive legacy systems that exist written in a language that now no one ever uses because they've moved on to say rust for example and i feel like that could potentially
Starting point is 01:19:17 happen i see um c plus so like c as uh the language for bootstrapping. Because C is really low level, which is awesome. It's basically an abstraction just a little bit above assembly. Because it's functional. It has the concept of functions. It has a concept of parameters and stack and whatnot. And you can even call assembly in some compilers, which is good, but also dangerous.
Starting point is 01:19:56 But because all you need to do to like get your first compiler is a C compiler. So you write a compiler for your compiler in C. And then you write a compiler for your language in something like whatever your language is. And then you compile that compiler from C to a binary. You then compile your new program from your binary to your binaries compile like, oh sorry, it's bootstrapping. Sure. Yeah. So yeah, so you would get your source code. So say like this is a language like, what's a compilable language?
Starting point is 01:20:46 We can use C++. C++ makes sense. You start with C compiler. So you get your C++ compiler compiled in C. You compile your C++ compiler written in C++ into your C++ compiler, and then you compile it one more time, just so you know that it's self-hosting.
Starting point is 01:21:05 Congratulations! You now have a compiler written in your own language. It's cool. It is, yeah. So, like, that's what I see the use of C for. Sure. Because seeing it's such a low-level abstraction over the top, it probably won't have much more use than that, because there are better low-level languages to use nowadays.
Starting point is 01:21:26 The problem is we already have compilers that exist, so that's not exactly the problem we really have to deal with right now. I'm saying it is actually like... So you start with... When you're bootstrapping a system, quite often you'll have a compiler which will compile for your system, right? Sure. It's just like writing things in IR, right?
Starting point is 01:21:54 Intermediate representation, so like an intermediate language. Sure, but the point I was getting at before with the COBol comparison was it's very likely that a lot of this... There's no reason why you can't do this low-level development in a language like Rust. And Rust is really taking off. I love Rust. Rust is great. It's really taking off in this space.
Starting point is 01:22:15 And it's very possible... It's just safe. Yeah, it's very possible that in the next 20 or 30 years that people will stop learning C as much because more and more Rust jobs will start appearing in this space and then you'll have these legacy systems that exist but you don't really have the developers for it because that's the problem that COBOL has right now.
Starting point is 01:22:34 You have these massive banking systems and massive corporate systems that need to be maintained by somebody but there's just no one that knows the languages and I think that's very possible that it could happen to a language like C. That's what I'm saying, in the sense that it has kind of become a language with very limited uses.
Starting point is 01:22:54 Mm-hmm. Which- Like, you would use it to compile LLVM, maybe. Sure. And then you would compile LLVM in LLVM. I'm gonna- Give me one second. Would you be able to work 8 to 11 tonight? No, I'm busy right now, sorry.
Starting point is 01:23:19 Alright, all good. Okay. Bye. See ya. Nice. I felt like unmuting the mic just because it would make it entertaining this isn't the first time I've gotten a call during the middle of a podcast that is entertaining
Starting point is 01:23:33 this is my boss calling me, one of my two bosses because I'm working at two stores right now nice on the topic of um c becoming one of those languages which is only really used um if it does go in that um that position you were saying where it's just very very very low level stuff um that's going to be a very small market of developers and you'll have the exact same problem.
Starting point is 01:24:05 If there's not just general embedded development work. Say, for example, let's just assume that all embedded development, like development for all of these systems out there, just goes to Rust work. Saying this happens, the amount of C work that will actually be out there is a very tiny amount. And it's the same sort of problem we have- Yes, Sam, that's how big your dick is.
Starting point is 01:24:30 Yes, Sam, that's how big your dick is. Apparently, according to him. I saw you looking at it. He said, are you talking shit? I'm being the messenger. He said his penis is perfectly slightly below it's averagely normal
Starting point is 01:24:55 it's averagely normal yes I'm just going to disagree with you a little bit on C though you'd need C sharp and java to start to disappear same with c plus plus before c becomes irrelevant because all that's a part of the c-like family sure so um because like that syntax will still be understandable the syntax sure syntax isn't the difficult part of learning a language.
Starting point is 01:25:26 It's actually learning the constructs. It's memory management for this one. Yeah, memory management is the big one. Yeah. But, I mean, you still have the concept of memory management in Rust, though you have the concept of lifetime. Well, a lot of Rust developers, what's it called in Rust? Is it like, there's a keyword you can use to just basically do C-like memory management.
Starting point is 01:25:49 Unsafe. Yeah. It's just unsafe. Yeah, so there is a lot of Rust work that does get done with that. But if you're using that, you'll quite often get yelled at. Well, no, there's times where you simply have to do that just because the way that rust is managing your memory is just going to get in the way yeah like there there's still structures which require
Starting point is 01:26:10 unsafe but um that that list is reducing every day sure um but i don't think this is likely to happen anytime soon but i do think it is very possible it could happen with how popular rust is getting it might not even be rust that does it one day though one day though c isn't going to be a very big language it like there's never been a language that's stuck around since the start of programming so one day c will die did you hear about that um there was actually this um repository for a a web client written in Rust, where the community basically bleeds the guy into like dropping the project over his usage of unsafe. I think I've heard about that one.
Starting point is 01:26:58 So it's a little toxic. Yeah, I think it was like Atomics or something. But it's, that one's, that one's, like, a, no, no, it's not Atomics. Yeah, no, definitely not. I definitely know the one you're talking about, though. Um. Also, it's difficult to find Rust stuff because there's also a game called Rust
Starting point is 01:27:27 Actix Actix yeah it was A-C-T-I-X yeah yeah okay yeah there was a
Starting point is 01:27:43 whole lot of drama so it was Actix Web and then there was yeah I'll send in the register one because the register is pretty good yeah I found a thing on Hacker News but it's not
Starting point is 01:28:02 this article yeah yeah I've definitely seen this one hacker news, but it's not this article. Yeah. I'm done with the resource development for us. Yeah, I've definitely seen this one. Yeah. So it's just, things got pretty toxic.
Starting point is 01:28:17 So this is, I mean, it actually gives me a segue into another slightly toxic situation, which is not new, but it came into conversation a little while ago. Python's walrus operator. Yeah, so anyone who doesn't know what a walrus operator is, because I only heard this phrase like a few weeks back, the walrus operator is semi not semicolon the colon equals
Starting point is 01:28:47 so it's a walrus it's got like yeah i've never heard that operator called a walrus though so different languages use it differently php isn't an assignment or something stupid i know there's a language that they use it assignment. It is, it's an assignment. No, I mean just regular assignment, nothing special. Yeah, so like it's a special assignment where the result is done beforehand, you know? But it's also returned. So like in Python you can't set and return at the same time with a regular equals. If Corey wants to be in the shot, he can be. Yeah, he can.
Starting point is 01:29:28 He's just playing something. Oh, I think he's playing Beat Saber. You guys definitely are working hard in there for sure. Yeah. I mean, I'm definitely working. But yeah, like they ended up losing their BDFL benevolent dictator for life mmm so basically the deal with that okay I have the technology to show things Python walrus operator let's see if we find an article about it surely
Starting point is 01:30:00 someone's got a written article about or is this just too nerdy that no one gives a crap to write articles what is the there's no there is no articles talking about the controversy this is the the most nerdy python stuff on the fucking planet okay i'll just give you the worst link in existence so okay let's see what you got oh you found from packedact, okay Yeah, sorry, I'll give you an actual link Rather than the trash one It works, I'm on the website Okay, so basically what happened is In PEP 572 If you don't know what a PEP is
Starting point is 01:30:37 A PEP is basically the way that A Python proposal is done Yeah, sure, whatever it stands for Basically it's a proposal for the Sorry, I'm a Python proposal is done. Python enhancement proposal. Yeah, sure, whatever it stands for. Basically, it's a proposal for the... Sorry, I'm the Python developer. That's all good. I needed one of those to understand what's going on. Basically, in PEP 572,
Starting point is 01:30:55 there was a proposal for bringing in the Walrus operator, and the Walrus operator was... If I understand it correctly, it's an assignment which also returns a value but in drafting it it was it got so heated um because i don't even know there's um there are like python guidelines for how things should be developed and people were saying this is why it doesn't fit in this and other reasons like that. I'm not big in the Python community, so...
Starting point is 01:31:30 If you actually want to know what actually got it through, if you look at it in usage, you'll notice that it's actually wrapped in parentheses. So that had to be included for it to be considered valid in order for the community to let it through but even getting it through was like he had to use all of his bdfl powers which he shouldn't have had to but because yeah like i mean when there's that much stress over a proposal, right? Well. It's all messed up, wouldn't you say? Yeah, well, I don't, I'm not really sure why he wanted to push this so hard. Well, I think it's just, I think it's just was a lot of dissent
Starting point is 01:32:27 but there was also a decent amount of support so you had to just make your decision whether it was included or not and it doesn't really affect people if they don't want to use it so realistically you can even choose to put in a linter rule if you
Starting point is 01:32:43 friggin wanted to to say no walrus you can ban the walrus if you want to you can't into the thing yeah everyone uses like every every commercial python project i've seen has used some form of like automated linting and testing just i don't know if that's just because of where i work but well i only found out about this because i this channel's been getting recommended to me a lot recently it's um lex fridman yeah like for whatever reason youtube's like hey you want to see these videos of the driest programming nonsense you've ever seen? Watch Lex Fridman.
Starting point is 01:33:29 If anyone hasn't seen one of his videos, he has no emotion in his voice. He's just like, okay, so we're going to talk about this Javas thing that I just did today and here's this other Python thing I did and this is the end of the video. That is how he sounds
Starting point is 01:33:45 but he says really smart shit so i guess that's why people watch him i'm i i think i should just like start making parody um programming tutorials that are impossible to follow but that should be my claim to fame on youtube i should just get involved and i'll just i'll just be the absolute worst i'll just be like so you see this here you need to put a forward declaration here and a forward declaration here just have like your entire program before declarations or um have java where everything's cast into an object You wouldn't be the first person who's done videos like that. I know I wouldn't, but I just want to add to the genre,
Starting point is 01:34:31 you know, add my particular brand of awful. There is so many bad programming videos out there. It's the same in the Linux sphere as well. The thing is, most of them aren't parodies, and that's the problem. Yeah, go find some...
Starting point is 01:34:46 It's not just a joke that there's a lot of programming tutorials by Indian people, and you can't understand a word they're saying in them, because that's most of the programming tutorials out there. For whatever reason, people in India like making programming tutorials. I don't know why, but there's a lot of them.
Starting point is 01:35:07 Some of them are really good. Or some of them aren't really good. Yeah, for sure. There's also a lot of trash ones just because of volume. But there's also programming tutorials where it's like, okay, I'm going to be writing out tons of stuff on my keyboard. I'm not going to explain anything that has been done. Okay, we're going to skip ahead a bit.
Starting point is 01:35:21 Okay, you've written Minecraft now. I think you skipped a few steps in there. That was so good. I've seen that one too. That was so good. But it's the same with the Linux sphere as well. I got heavily criticized because it didn't have an Indian accent.
Starting point is 01:35:40 Yeah, I did. That was a very good point. But, that's good. i don't think uh he or i could do a proper indian accent so we'll stop with that one actually he did a part two where he did an indian accent all right yeah he did didn't he and he also had he also had like the registered body cam and uh and like youtube stock stock Yeah, there's two ways these program tutorials usually go. It's either a really, really heavy Indian accent or they're going to write all the stuff down they want to say on Notepad.
Starting point is 01:36:17 We've registered VerdiCamp. Can't forget that. Because you can't download OBS or something. Yeah, because OBS definitely isn't free. It definitely doesn't have open in the name. I wish the Linux version of OBS was better. Like, there are some problems with it. For example, there's a... The audio plugin framework does...
Starting point is 01:36:43 At least on the master branch of OBS at this point isn't available so I can't do a lot of audio plugins I can't do what's the word I'm thinking of where you change the levels of different parts of the audio, like the highs and the lows that's the word I different parts of the audio?
Starting point is 01:37:05 Like the highs and the lows? That's what I'm thinking of. Oh, mastering? No. No. Yeah? I don't know. Anyway, the plugin framework for OBS isn't available on the master branch,
Starting point is 01:37:20 so you cannot run plugins like this. Streamlabs isn't available on Linux, so you have to do Streamlabs through the web interface. Really? Yeah, you have to do it through the web interface, which is a mess. To be honest, Streamlabs in general is a little bit of a mess. Sure, but it's certainly better than having YouTube
Starting point is 01:37:41 take 30% of your income when you're doing paid chats like that. Yeah, it is. I've donated to a few streams. I actually haven't done the stream yet. That's why I was like, I haven't seen it.
Starting point is 01:38:02 Probably in two months. I'll just dislike it.'m kidding it's fine i already got a dedicated group of haters already which means i'm doing something right who are they are they the are they the uh crew who hate um your vim use uh no i think those people would typically tend to be fairly fairly um positive but there are some people want like every single video upload without a doubt it could be the least controversial thing on the planet and there'll be a dislike on it dislike dislike no it's me it's actually me i'm a hater i'm kidding of course but hey i am i i don't know if this is correct but i I think it probably is. I haven't seen any evidence to prove me otherwise.
Starting point is 01:38:47 I think I'm the quickest growing small Linux creator. I think you're doing a good job. Because I'm at like... Like, you've already got me as a sub. A sub? Yeah, a sub. You know how we call it Subway? It's not...
Starting point is 01:39:02 Sure, yeah. It's like the Subscriber. But I'm getting like 700 subs a month, which I feel like is probably the quickest small creator. I don't know. But I don't know if anyone else in Linux V is. You're probably one of the fastest growing in Australia at the moment. Well, yeah, Linux creators in Australia is a fairly niche category.
Starting point is 01:39:27 Yeah, I know. But, like, you've definitely gotten some visibility. And I'd say you're, like... So, like, just YouTubers in Australia is a small pool anyway. Mm-hmm. Even though you hate that term. YouTube...
Starting point is 01:39:43 Okay, no, I don't hate the term YouTube. I don't use it for myself. Yeah. Because I don't. I'm saying of people who produce content for YouTube in Australia, you're probably doing quite well as a growth margin relative to your channel size. Well, yeah, because I'm at 8,700. If I'm growing 700 a month, that's 10% growth.
Starting point is 01:40:07 A bit less than 10%. 80-ish percent. Like, I know this channel, Tech Over Tea, won't grow nearly as fast because podcasts tend to be a lot more slow growing. Well, this is nearing 200. Oh, neat. Soon. Soon, TM.
Starting point is 01:40:27 What are we at right now? We're at 178 right now. Soon. Probably next month. Very soon. Yeah, he's hoping. I did actually have something interesting happen recently. So I presume you know of the Vivaldi browser.
Starting point is 01:40:48 I do know about Vivaldi. Yeah, so I did a video on them recently talking about the way that they do their licensing structure. So there's a myth that keeps going around inside the Linux sphere that Vivaldi is completely closed source, which isn't correct at all. What's actually happening with Vivaldi is completely closed source, which isn't correct at all. What's actually happening with Vivaldi is the UI is
Starting point is 01:41:10 closed source. There's no question about that. The UI is closed source. The backend though... Sorry? This is just Chromium, isn't it? There's a bit of extra stuff they do to do their notes and stuff, but obviously the Chromium part's open source, back-end code they've written themselves that's licensed under a three
Starting point is 01:41:30 clause bsd license which is an open source license one of my favorite licenses storman's least storman's just like it's not copy left enough uh actually storman's not as strict on copy left enough uh actually storm is not as strict on copy left as you'd think at least in the past oh he used to be like he like i mean i know he used to be dpl or die so well there's an article he wrote a while ago on that uh basically where he says it doesn't have to be copy left it probably should be but it can still be free software if it's not copy left but the point i was getting out was uh after that video came out i got like a message from vivaldi on twitter and they're like oh we like this video uh even though i titled the way i titled the video is amazing. I'll find the exact title just,
Starting point is 01:42:25 just so I don't get it wrong. The title is Vivaldi explains why they make proprietary garbage in quotation marks. So I got that message from them on Twitter. And then a couple of days later, I got an email from their PR manager who was like, Hey, we really like this
Starting point is 01:42:45 video we want to send you some merch oh did you get merch please show me the merch i haven't got it yet because i i sent the email to the pm manager and said yeah i'll take it um because they didn't get me to sign a contract or anything they just want to send me some stuff i don't know what they're sending i know i hear there will be stickers i don't know what they're sending. I know. I hear there will be stickers. I don't know what else though. Maybe. I will happily snag one of those stickers. Yeah. If you want,
Starting point is 01:43:11 I don't want it. I'll do a video on it. Oh, I assure you that like my laptop still needs more stickers. I've currently only got two. So I've got one from my work and one from USASA. So the Student Association. You shouldn't have said that. Now my Discord's going to have a field day with you.
Starting point is 01:43:32 Oh, yeah. Is it just because I'm a political hack? No, it's because you're a soy dev. I'm a soy dev? Yeah, you're a soy dev. How nice. Oh, is it because I've got the stickers on my my laptop you have the stickers you run a macbook you have a coffee you just look like a soy dev they're gonna have a field day with you
Starting point is 01:43:54 oh um i i'd love i'd love for your discord to roast me it would make me so happy i'll be sure to let them know actually i'll see if I can find the soy death picture. Let them know that it makes me happy and it sparks joy in my heart. And send all the hate mail my way. I mean, yeah. I like
Starting point is 01:44:19 decorating my laptop. I have a MacBook. I also have an Apple Watch, so you so you can pro shade at me for that too i use my apple watch of course um i can't find the soy dev picture oh i i need to i need to see this i'm a soy dev now i i identify as a soy dev uh i'm also a web developer so you can use that against me too yeah so i'm extra like html the programming language kidding of course i cannot find there are so many mentions of soy devs in my discord i can't find the specific one i'm looking for i i think you just actually made my day yeah i can't find it i'm sure someone will
Starting point is 01:45:09 let me know after this comes out oh please do i i want to be branded as soy dev i will um i know so i mean i've already i'm already uh um sorry i'm a zoomer soy boy cuck so wait uh have has kenley sent you the uh there's a really cheap sticker pack you can buy no no i haven't seen it uh i'll see if i can find it in my messages but i'll send you a link to it uh please do. I'm definitely going to cover my laptop with stickers and then I'm going to have one of my colleagues put me on blast. I can't
Starting point is 01:45:58 find it. You seem to be having a bad day for finding things. Oh, you got it. Yes. Here we go. Oh, you got it. Yes. Here we go. Oh, goody. Yes! It's $1 plus free shipping.
Starting point is 01:46:22 So, there's two of them which won't be going on there. Mm-hmm. At least. The, um, the Debian one and the Arch one. Well, actually, I know there's a few which will go on there already. Um, there is the Python one. Sure. The Git one.
Starting point is 01:46:41 I'll get, like, Little Penguin as well. Sure. Oh, and I've got to get, like, the Go mascot as well. I absolutely love the Go mascot. A little time will because i the go mascots great i actually um so i had spare time um when i was running a session for um for um uni because like no one came so i was just i spent my time just drawing all of the mascots for all the software projects I could think of. So, like, I drew Tux. I drew the GoGopher. I drew the Plan 9 buddy,
Starting point is 01:47:16 even though no one knows what the hell Plan 9 is. You don't want to say that, mate. I've got to... That's another thing there's a guy on my Discord loves. Actually, my mod is, like, always trying to get people to use Plan 9 stuff. He's the one Plan 9 user that exists. Wait, Plan 9 still develops?
Starting point is 01:47:36 Yes. I thought it was frozen. I don't know. He uses Plan 9. Maybe Bell Labs open sourced it. I don't know. Because Bell Labs is now owned by Nokia. Would you believe it?
Starting point is 01:47:49 Okay, sure. Yeah. Welcome to mergers and divestitures, I guess. Corporate world's confusing. It is quite confusing. I i'm just gonna make games i'm just gonna make games and software and then hope for the best and hope someone hires me fair point though speaking of cool things though speaking of cool things i actually got approached to join a company um in my email and i was just like i can't i'm I can't work full time sorry, I'm gonna have to say no they had
Starting point is 01:48:27 an animation in their email and I was just like that is glorious it's a cool company, they said to keep them in mind if I time freeze up, but it won't, I've got a whole other semester after this
Starting point is 01:48:43 oh you still another semester do you yep because of ict project ah yes so before we get way too far off of the uh the topic of go uh one of my patrons and a guest and also i guess i would call him a friend at this point uh donald fury he's got uh he's done a lot of videos on um on go and his partner makes his thumbnails and the thumbnails he shows or thumbnails he has are absolutely amazing i love this so much like look at the one oh wow the idea for the uhDB one was his idea. That is so good. I didn't bring Donald back on the show.
Starting point is 01:49:33 That was a fun episode. Yeah, I'm sure it would have been. I haven't watched through the whole thing. Anyone who's not subscribed to Donald, go check his channel out. He's only got 330 subscribers. He deserves way more attention than he gets. Yeah like it looks like the thumbnails show that seems very passionate about it which is good well okay as i said his partner makes the thumbnails because he used to make them and they weren't very good and he he's very happy to admit they were not very good but i'm saying like the fact that he just sticks with go stuff yeah he's done so many go videos at
Starting point is 01:50:12 this point i don't know why he's done so many go is go is such an interesting language like it has um has a rather unusual syntax it follows some of the Plan 9 sort of, I suppose, design principles. Like, you know, late binding. So that's not a thing on Plan 9. That was not allowed in Plan 9. It's not encouraged in Go, but they've had to relax some of that. Mainly just because of noobs. So many noobs.
Starting point is 01:50:52 It's also a similar issue of Rust, right? Because a lot of people try to do OO in Rust. You don't do OO in Rust. You do something different. Rust is not an LW language. Rust is a procedural language, isn't it? Procedural with structures, traits, and it's awesome.
Starting point is 01:51:22 I'd say the hackiest part of of Rust in my opinion is macro rules. I haven't actually done any Rust experience so... So macros basically allow you to rewrite the syntax tree. Oh okay. It's as janky as it sounds so like you can generate rust code using a syntax which would not typically be allowed by rough it's weird um well i mean and it expands out into i just i don't know how to explain it Yeah I'm looking at it right now I've never been able to use it successfully
Starting point is 01:52:09 Because it's The documentation I found quite unclear I think it's a cool feature But I think it needs better docs Sure As of everything on Ra Well yeah as I was saying It may take over the embedded development sphere at some point but
Starting point is 01:52:28 it may not happen anytime soon yeah i mean there's even like uh there's even like projects to write um operating systems using rust as well and stuff like that i mean if you wanted to create one you just have to rewrite libc, basically. Well, there are discussions of not rewriting the Linux kernel in Rust, but opening up, I guess, an interface to work with Rust inside of the Linux kernel so you could write extensions to it through Rust. I think they should follow the model
Starting point is 01:53:04 of disassembling the monolith, if you know what I mean. So... Sorry, someone was at the door. So to describe disassembling a monolith, you've got, like, a set of modules, right? And then you start going module by module rewriting that code keeping the api the same well not the api the same or api is api api i think it's maybe i um and then that keeps things nice and you know orderlyly and compatible, which is important.
Starting point is 01:53:49 But it's cool. That makes sense, yeah. I don't see the monolith of Linux ever being changed in that way. No, it's too big. It's too big, but I think new drivers could be written in the last
Starting point is 01:54:03 for sure. Yeah, there's no doubt that that could possibly happen that's why opening up the interface to work with other languages is definitely a possibility. Yeah and like that is like the pro strat of this really. So I had a point that I was going to bring up earlier and then I completely forgot about it I don't remember what it was I mean we've got plenty of other things we can talk about
Starting point is 01:54:36 we do have you this is kind of old news at this point but have you seen the trailer for the newest Call of Duty no I haven't but I've heard it has like this um x kgb guy right i don't know if i can wait is yeah the trailer's on youtube there's some names you're not allowed to say on youtube basically the trailer has yuri bezmanov in it um who is who is a kgb defector during the cold war uh who basically came to the us and he's done
Starting point is 01:55:06 a bunch of lectures on this talking about how the uh the russian government um basically overthrows a country and the steps they go through to overthrow a country um all right uh yeah let's see if I can find information on it. Newt. Bezmenov. Uh. I don't know anyone, like, whose XKGB is going to be a controversial character. Uh, okay, no, the problem is that there are some names on YouTube that you're not allowed to say.
Starting point is 01:55:43 Not allowed to say? Yeah. Like, you're not allowed to say his name? Yeah, there is some people um... Because YouTube doesn't want you to know about certain people. Um... Let's... Can I... What were the four...
Starting point is 01:56:01 Google went off with that company. Besmanov. Subversion. Let's see if we can find it. I should be able to find... I know that they... I know that, like, the KGB was kind of, like, big on generating bullshit, so...
Starting point is 01:56:19 Why can I not find it? Basically, all of his lectures were about ideological subversion and effectively how you would overthrow a government. But I cannot... I should have gone and researched this before because now I cannot remember exactly what the points were. Oh, that's all right. It's all right.
Starting point is 01:56:38 You know what? I'm going to do it like this. This will also work. Right. Okay, so it was demoralization destabilization crisis and normalization hello Yeah late Yeah Demoralization so basically you demoralize the populace and that would cause the country to destabilize which would cause a crisis and then crisis becomes normalized and then basically you've
Starting point is 01:57:17 you've successfully overthrown a country at this point and up until this point youtube has kind of been deleting every reference they can to his any of the lectures that he releases and he's released in the past so yeah so it's kind of amusing that the one way that people who are like 15 16 are going to find out about yuri bezmanov is through a call of Duty game. That is amazing. So when Activision, well, Activision Blizzard did everyone a solid, did they? Yeah, I don't, it's so weird that Activision Blizzard is actually the ones getting involved with this because these are the same tactics that China basically uses as well.
Starting point is 01:58:04 And Blizzard is in the pocket of China right now. Like, they will do anything that China says. Didn't they, like, withdraw the prize money for, like, some Hong Kong person who, like, protested the police brutality in Hong Kong as well as well as like there have been a couple instances of that protesting yep yes the problem that we have right now is a lot of these a lot of these big companies what they see is china is a very big market right now and that's sort of all they're seeing they're seeing this is just a place we make a lot of money
Starting point is 01:58:42 yeah but it's more than the market. Governments have policies, and they should know that. And they do. And they just choose to not take a stand even when, well, I suppose when money's on the line. It's a couple of authoritarian
Starting point is 01:59:02 states. The other thing they see is that if they don't basically bow to China, then China is just going to steal what they have and just make it themselves. Yeah. Didn't that happen with Riot? Maybe. I think, if I remember correctly, Tencent wanted a mobile version of League.
Starting point is 01:59:29 And then when Riot refused, they made their own. That would explain why there's a couple of those that exist now. Yeah. I think that was a story. Mind you, don't quote me on that. I might be thinking of a different company or a different game yeah
Starting point is 01:59:49 it's in Tencent's playbook it's in Tencent's playbook they're a game company themselves they can throw together something very quickly yeah well Tencent's also got a lot of money and a lot of subsidiaries so even if they
Starting point is 02:00:06 can't do it they can definitely get someone else to do it yeah it's complicated a complicated relationship to have with your borderline
Starting point is 02:00:20 subsidiary well basically everyone's a subsidiary of the Chinese government when you're a company like that, so... I mean, Tencent does have a lot of... Well, pretty... I think if I remember correctly, you do actually have to have a certain number of party officials in your company.
Starting point is 02:00:43 That sounds right. Don't get me wrong, again, I'm not sure about that, but I think that sort of environment plays a part. It's nothing like how companies are run here. There's no representation from the government here, and it's probably for the best. For sure, yeah. So...
Starting point is 02:01:15 Yeah, that's a lot. So we've got one big... Or one other big topic left on the list, and that is about some changes to the australian university system this came up last week and everyone on the podcast last week was super in favor of it uh so are you talking are you talking about which one are you talking about the arts one or the one where people get like i'm talking about yeeting your Hex. Yeet your Hex. Getting yeeted off the Hex program. Yep.
Starting point is 02:01:47 So anyone who didn't see last week, because it was focused on Mr. Robot, so I can understand why people wouldn't want to watch that. Mr. Robot's a good show. It is a good show, but if you don't want to see Mr. Robot spoilers, then yeah. Yeah, I completely understand. Do watch it, though.
Starting point is 02:02:06 Absolutely. So, basically... Do I still have the link from last week? I might. Probably do. Not in this chat, though. Oh, of course. It'll be over in that chat, won't it?
Starting point is 02:02:22 Yes, I can do that. Can I find it? Did I send it to them, or did I just show it on the screen? I just showed it on... I'm actually curious to see your rationale, because I tend to lean on the side of compassion in this sort of sense. Okay, so I'll just reread it again,
Starting point is 02:02:45 at least reread parts of it. Could you chuck it in the chat for me just so I can follow along? Do that. Cheers, dude. Correct chat in that one. Okay, so this is a release from the Minister of Education.
Starting point is 02:03:06 Doesn't really matter what his name is i can't pronounce it uh also they got they got the date wrong as well which is amusing i'm not surprised so uh this doesn't matter the morrison government yeah that doesn't matter uh okay so the job ready graduates legislation contains measures to strengthen and extend the student protection and provider integrity by, and there are four, sorry, three points. I can't count apparently. So the first point is that requiring that universities ensure that all students are academically suitable for their course of enrollment and the students are engaged with the course and maintaining a reasonable completion rate. If that was the only point on here, I don't think you would have any disagreements.
Starting point is 02:03:49 Sorry, say that again? The first point, yeah. The first point, yes. The first point is entirely reasonable. Basically, the university should be ensuring that people are actually suitable for the course before they even let them do the course um my my rationale for um like so that system already exists um under the preclusions program so like well not a program the um universities can preclude students if they haven't made satisfactory progress um though this does take a while, I do admit, and quite often it can be appealed.
Starting point is 02:04:25 Um, though, um, so like usually if you have a good reason, uh, such as, um, medical or mental health issues provided that you're actually actively seeking treatment or, um, making improvements improvements you'll be prevented from being precluded um but moving on so yeah the second point is ensuring that these students hex help debts can be forgiven if their progress has been affected by special circumstances and this point doesn't really um mean much until you see the third this part so the third point is kind of the the big port a point of this so students with a low completion rate or progression rates will no longer be able to access a Commonwealth supported place hex help or fee help so basically this
Starting point is 02:05:20 is just the the loan structure that we've got for Australian universities and Australian higher education, basically. A low completion rate would be a student who has failed more than 50% of eight or more units in a bachelor course. If a student can demonstrate circumstances have adversely affected their academic performance, for example, illness or bereavement, the education provider can allow for consideration of these impacts. If a student trans... This should be a fourth point. Okay, so we'll leave that as the third point. And the fourth point is if a student transfers to another course, the low completion rate will not be carried with them. So if you say, failed a bunch in electrical engineering and you realize electrical engineering is not for me, I cannot do this.
Starting point is 02:06:08 And you're like, okay, instead of doing this, I'm going to go do social science at that point. No, this is also something I'd want. It wouldn't be carried over. So like,
Starting point is 02:06:21 this is something I'd want clarification on as well, because if a student enrolled, so like, say they'd been, I suppose, knocked back for low completion and are, quote unquote, not able to access a CSP, HEX help or fee help. If when they enrolled in a new course course they would be able to access a commonwealth supported place in that new course um i'm assuming so that that's how it says that the low completion like the low completion rate won't be carried with them but however when you say they will be no longer able to access such and such and such, right? It feels too broad. The way that I'm reading it is that if they transfer into something different,
Starting point is 02:07:15 then the previous, I guess, marks on their record would be forgiven inside of that context. That's the way i'm reading yeah so this is complicated um so my position is that it shouldn't be subject to hex um because we already have processes to manage this in the university. In fact, this is making them a lot stricter than they were. And while, yeah, there may be some people who are rewarding the system, it is by far not the majority. And yes, low completion rates are a concern. Yes, students having a lot of debt is a concern. Yes, students having a lot of debt is a concern, but
Starting point is 02:08:07 I don't think this is the way to go about it, particularly because the university... So, I mean, it can be hard to demonstrate to a university adequate illness or bereavement, right? It depends on the university. Every university sets their own policy on that front. Having Sam do that in the background actually sets the mood perfectly for this. Thank you for the laugh. I wasn't even paying attention um but
Starting point is 02:08:47 yeah so my position is basically it's making something that was already a difficult process And I also think that withdrawing people's access to a CSP, hex help and fee help for a course permanently is not exactly helpful either. Because it could have just been a... Now, one point there before you go on. I don't... It's unclear whether it's permanent or if at some point... I hope it's similar to a preclusion
Starting point is 02:09:30 because a preclusion... It's very possible that there could be some reason why they would let you back in at a later date. But it's not clear from this media release here. I haven't actually read the article itself. A preclusion is actually a lot more... a lot broader than this is, theoretically speaking.
Starting point is 02:09:51 Because when you're precluded from the university, you're basically barred from the university for three years. So it's not going to prevent you from getting a CSP. It's not going to prevent you from getting hex help. It just means that now is probably not the best time you from getting a CSP. It's not going to prevent you from getting hex help. It just means that now is probably not the best time for you to be doing study. Because the university's general position is they don't want to waste your money. They don't want to waste your time.
Starting point is 02:10:15 And if they see that you're struggling and you have no way to get better, they don't want you here. You know? I mean, sure. They probably want your money, but that's a different thing yeah for sure i mean at the moment they definitely want your money well adelaide uni definitely does oh yeah did you hear i like i've definitely heard chaos um oh wow yeah so for me i of course there are these existing um existing structures for basically keeping someone i guess out of court stopping someone before they build up too much debt for
Starting point is 02:10:55 themselves but i'm also approaching this from someone who cares where my uh my taxes are going and i i don't like if there are people who are struggling to complete a course and they are struggling to the point where they are failing 50 or more of their courses it uh of 50 or more of their courses in a i can't fucking read 50 of eight or more units in a bachelor course there There we go. Someone who has failed that many courses without a medical reason for doing so or some other reason why they weren't able to do that. Like, every year, one member of their family died. Like, that would be a legitimate reason, I think,
Starting point is 02:11:38 for why you couldn't complete it. But someone like, for example, Aiden, who sticks around forever. I hope he never listens to me. I don't know. I've mentioned his name before. But someone like that who clearly cannot complete the course and has no reason why they can't complete the course but keeps sticking around.
Starting point is 02:11:59 Someone like that, I don't think there's any reason why they should be able to access hex help in this context. Sam was like are you talking about me? I was like no. Yeah because Sam actually listens to this same time. Does he? I'm sure, do you listen to some of these? yeah to quote but yeah so like I see where you're coming from but I also
Starting point is 02:12:34 see it as a return sort of thing as I said some people are potentially rewarding the system yes I don't know if rorting the system, yes. I don't know if he's rorting the system or if he's just too stupid to do anything else. I wasn't specifying anything.
Starting point is 02:12:51 Okay, sure. I know other people who are potentially rorting the system. For sure, yeah. But, I mean, there are some people who just had a really bad first year and they had to get their, like, you know, they had to get that click to get into first gear.
Starting point is 02:13:15 So, like, I mean, not get into first gear, get into, like... Yeah, I hope you're not in first gear after all that effort. Yeah, first gear, it's going to, like, oh, dear. I mean, first year was me in first year for sure i was just like cruising along you know yeah um starter engines but anyway um yeah so there are some people who really struggle in their first year and um quite honestly i think that it's way too tight. And the fact that it's against the debt apparatus means that it's skewed heavily to the wealthy and also would cause an increase in the usage of private student loans as well.
Starting point is 02:14:07 Because they exist still. Sure. It's just not, it's just not typically, and it would actually, so something about when you remove the CSP as well. So the CSP actually takes away most of the fees, right? Sure. Otherwise you end up paying as much as an international student
Starting point is 02:14:25 well yeah the international students the ones who are really getting screwed yeah but if you don't have a csp that's how much you pay so i think i think the the actual burden um of losing a csp is basically as much as barring them from the course. Sure. So I think that it's placing too much of a burden on people who just made a mistake, potentially. And I think if it doesn't come with an expiry date, then I think it is too rough.
Starting point is 02:15:06 I see where you're coming out from. And the fact that it hasn you're coming out i do see where you're coming out from that point but when it comes to i know i know you're i know you're i know you care about like taxation well also cost also a point that i was going to get out was when you said that um it uh when you brought up people who are in like low-income families I think that if you're going to be going to university and you're from a family like that if you're not willing to put in the work you shouldn't be going to university I don't I don't care that like it's it's a one of the ways you can bring yourself up in life there are other ways and I don't... I have absolute respect for people who go into
Starting point is 02:15:46 blue-collar trade work. People who go and do sparky work, electrician, for anyone who's not in Australia. People who are brickies, plumbers, anything like that. Those people... It's not like those people are making small amounts of money.
Starting point is 02:16:04 And I think there's... No, they're making a decent I think there's a lot of people who come out of high school. And I was one of these people who thought that university was the only thing that you could actually go and do. There's in the, like, I think a lot of the problem with the university system as it is, could be solved with high schools putting more of an emphasis on actually explaining the routes you can take in life because right now most people seem to think that if you don't go to university you're not going to get a good job like that that seems to be the world that we're in right now i remember um some of my teachers at my high school um basically saying that your life is over if you don't go to university so
Starting point is 02:16:46 that was i i know some people right now who are doing really well for themselves who were like i'm gonna go do some trade work because i'm not gonna get through university i can't do another four years of school that's that's insane they went and did trade work obviously at the start they're making dirt like um yeah of course like apprentices get paid fucking nothing but yeah it's not like that is bad work and i think there's a lot of the problem with people maybe not rorting the system people who go and get debt they really don't need to get comes from the fact that there are people who just simply don't know that there are other alternatives at this point um it's also um just getting back to um what you were saying about um i suppose low-income uh people and um and university as well.
Starting point is 02:17:45 Well, I mentioned this before. I came from a fairly low-income family myself. Likewise. I think my parents split up when I was in grade 11? 10? I don't remember. And my mum was on like $30,000 a year,
Starting point is 02:18:02 which is by no means a lot when you're trying to raise two kids. Particularly in Australia. Australia's cost of living is like loony, dude. So when I talk about coming from a low-income house, I'm talking from personal experience. If you want to do it, put in the work. It's no one else's problem
Starting point is 02:18:20 if you're not going to put in the work. Yeah, but it's also worth mentioning that sometimes circumstances are different so like for sure um so like if you're having to work like way too many hours um yeah sure you probably should be part-time yeah yeah if you're if you're failing because you're taking on too many hours at work, I think that one's entirely your fault. Like, you can do part-time uni. I think this is just going to be where we have, like, a fundamental disagreement.
Starting point is 02:18:52 You know what I mean? What do you mean? As in, like, I'm going to tend to sway on, like, on, like, the side of the um sorry i can't words today brody i can't words still good um i'm gonna tend to um sway on the side of people being able to have access whereas you're going to say don't waste your time you know what i mean pretty much yeah so like you're going to have one position i'm going to be like um but if you really want to be here i would like you to be able to go here but you also say if you're wasting your time yeah i mean i want
Starting point is 02:19:37 university to be open to people but i want it to be open to people who are gonna put in the if like if you're gonna go to university and you're gonna try to like skate through on p's like just don't go yeah i don't like i don't like the whole piece get to get the greatest stick yeah but that's just me as an academic one exception i mean like i do make an exception for that if you're basically putting in no effort into uni for the sake of the paper and also building up something on the side like if you're going through like a yeah if you just want the paper because for whatever... You want to go do military work, for example. If you want to do that work, they won't accept
Starting point is 02:20:10 you without a degree. So in that case, then build up your portfolio as you're going. But if you want to do... If you want to go work at Google, Google has said in multiple instances, they do not value degrees. If you have a degree, they do not care.
Starting point is 02:20:25 It's like we have toilet paper to them. They care about what you've done and what you're passionate about and what you built. So if you're going to slide through with basically no effort and you're doing something on the side, that I completely accept and that I think is actually kind of admirable. One sec, I'm just going to grab my charger.
Starting point is 02:20:42 Oh, good. I'll just entertain you guys for a couple of seconds, I guess. Literally a second. Oh, okay. I'm just going to grab my charger. Oh, good. I'll just entertain you guys for a couple of seconds, I guess. Literally a second. Oh, okay. I'm back. Told you. So, just to get on, I suppose, networking in Adelaide. Do you do it?
Starting point is 02:21:03 Mate, I build up a side business and waste four years of my life. That's what I do. You're going to end up being like one of those hustlers on Etsy or something. Mate, what I'm going to do is I'm going to retire by 30 and you're going to be working until you're 60 because I'm putting away like over half my income every week.
Starting point is 02:21:23 By the time I'm 30 i'm gonna have i'm gonna have like a ten thousand dollar a year income just from my investments that's my life you know i just don't care about money sure but if i invest all this money then i can stop working are you gonna be like wall street street like bets and just like lose all of your money in two seconds. I'm taking... Imagine you're trying to... Have you ever played RuneScape? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:53 You want to max out your fire-making level. The way you do it is you burn U-Logs. No, that's not the way you do it at all. The way you do it is you go and cut the logs yourself and then you burn them. That's my life. You take the hardest approach possible, but's not the way you do it at all. The way you do it is you go and cut the logs yourself and then you burn them. That's my life. You take the hardest approach possible, but it's the cheapest and the safest approach.
Starting point is 02:22:12 And that is basically what I'm doing. I'm just investing in dividends, basically. For me, I'm just mostly... I'm mostly just thinking, what do I want to do? So I already have quite a bit of side... I'm mostly just thinking, what do I want to do? Like, um, so I already have quite a bit of side work. it's too much. You know how I would say.
Starting point is 02:22:33 Yeah. A little bit, just a little bit of work. I'm kidding. It's like, what is it? Hold on. Bring that one off the screen.
Starting point is 02:22:42 I'll still show you the fucking media release on the screen still. Sorry, what? I still have the media release up on the screen.'d been there for way too long oh wow um oh geez we should probably change that shouldn't we yeah it's it's fine i've fixed it now all right anyway um but yeah so like i've got this um this project I'm doing with this guy in LA. This project I'm doing with Jai, who is a character. He's been on the show before. Oh no, you already have. He has lenses.
Starting point is 02:23:14 Yes. He was the guy who had the face tracker lens on the entire time. Yeah, Jai is a lot. He technically works at my other workplace too um because he never comes into the office yeah that's fair it perks are right you just never go into well now you you can kind of avoid work as much as possible you might cough cough i want to work at home no actually i don't even have to do that like they they
Starting point is 02:23:46 literally don't care and they're just like yeah um they didn't like it if you come into the office yeah yeah like otherwise jai would be in so much trouble i've never actually so like there's this there's this guy who supposedly sits next to me in the office his name's george i have not seen him once oh didn't you say uh in in. Didn't you say your monitors were shit? Would anyone notice if you swapped them? He actually does come into the office, but not when I'm there. I think he's just trying to avoid me. No, I'm kidding.
Starting point is 02:24:20 Of course. It feels like it sometimes. But yeah, it's like it sometimes. But yeah, it's, yeah, it's a cool place to work. Won't shout them out because they're too involved with the university sector.
Starting point is 02:24:35 And then you can find me. I don't want people to find me. Well, they can call me, they can call me a soy dev. They can call me a soy dev in discord, but no further, please. Well, if, if you give me a soy dev in discord but no further please if you give me a link
Starting point is 02:24:48 to your github that I'll put in the description probably then I think they'll track you down if you don't want any links I won't put any but I'd rather I'd like to do my github because I've got some cool stuff I actually had to
Starting point is 02:25:04 remove some stuff off of there because um well uh there was some stuff which has gotten a bit outdated so i was just like oh yeah i love those emails you get from github it's like wow did is something happening no it's just like here's this vulnerability in this project that you are you have on github like actually um were you an arctic code vault contributor i am i have to i have lots of stuff what was yours uh i've got a bunch of stuff in there because i've got um okay here's the sad part about being an open source developer i have like 300 followers on github and i don't do anything on there i have 369 and my uh my dot files repo has 127 stars and 29 forks
Starting point is 02:25:50 and i don't do anything on here nice um i mean i just uh contributed to like this one dead um redline plugin so i've only got one thing on them yeah i've got like but it was um like this is why i've got a lot of stuff in here because it's yeah you know how ruby on rails is kind of like a thing it is a thing for sure um does exist yeah um so like there was this thing which was um using alias method chain um which was like deprecated. So you had to use a prepend to do monkey patching instead, so I fixed that up for them. So that way it would support
Starting point is 02:26:32 Redmine 4 and a new version of Rails. It was a good time. Ruby allows you to do so much hacky shit, dude. But then again, so does Python. Ruby makes it easier. My only... But then again, so does Python. But like, Ruby makes it easier. My only experience with Ruby
Starting point is 02:26:48 was a really bad example of how OO works. It basically just showed off why OO was terrible. Just a heads up. I've sent you my GitHub. I spotted that. It's a good time.
Starting point is 02:27:03 Someone will track you down. I like your repos. but you can tell that um you can tell that my work uses github um because um of how my uh what is it my contributions are structured um because it's just like the days i work, something is weird every day. And then you can tell when I started working at the company too. Oh, wow. I'm in tragedy. Does the AGPU organization actually have anything on it at this point?
Starting point is 02:27:38 Or is it still... It did have... Like, I did actually have a new version of VOT102, but I never ended up pushing it. Mm-hmm. I also actually have a new version of VOT102, but I never ended up pushing it. I also did have a start of the events API, but then no one appeared to be interested, so I was just like...
Starting point is 02:28:02 This is the worst programming club to ever exist. There's no work ever being done. It's just a game club at this point I mean I'm I was the only developer let's face it yeah that's fair I was like the only one who actually wanted to get some stuff like builds I was pushing for people to do games development
Starting point is 02:28:17 I mean Marty's being to Marty's credit he did try to run a game jam but I don't think it was really executed that well, thanks to Rona. I don't think he reached out to Adelaide game developers at all. Yeah, there's... We'll see how the...
Starting point is 02:28:35 I kind of want to pop my head in next year and see how much the club's going to fall apart. Oh, don't be like that. No, don't, Rona. I don't expect it to go back to what it was, where there was no members, but I feel like it's going to get even further away from development. It's probably just going to be a gaming club at some point. You watch, they'll amend the objectives in the AGM and it'll be gone forever.
Starting point is 02:28:58 So it'll be a bad time. I bet you, the first year's takeover,over it's like it's a games club now well to be fair they're at least using it as a study club like every time i go in there after big data they're watching the um they're watching our boy matt's lecture mr so i actually did um um to their credit they have been trying their best to learn C++ but I'm just like hey who needs help
Starting point is 02:29:31 and all of their hands go up because it's C++ yeah it's not a fun language I refuse to work with it oh I don't refuse but I understand that it will throw a compiler error in your face. And the moment you actually have to do a dependency which...
Starting point is 02:29:50 So like, you know how you can do a two-way relation, so like a one-to-one relation? Yes. I think I know what you're talking about. In C++, it's a bit of a pain. Because you need to do a forward declaration using the header files, put in a header guard, and then have them both be comp, like their own compilation units, and use the linker to get them in. So it's tedious.
Starting point is 02:30:22 But that's because it's C with O-O. Yeah. Well, okay, someone's going to complain about that one as well. I mean, so, like, as I said, C++ is good. But it's not an easy language to work with. Well, after checking, I mainly do stuff with web languages. So going back from that to C++, it hurts me. Like, it really hurts me.
Starting point is 02:30:51 So, like, the languages I've been using lately for most things. So let's start with my work. Our stack is Docker, Django, and like JSX web react and stuff.
Starting point is 02:31:16 Neat. JSX is nice, I like it. I don't want to talk about the legacy stuff. I'm ashamed of the legacy stuff. Well, it's not legacy at the moment. We the legacy stuff. I'm ashamed of the legacy stuff. Well, it's not legacy at the moment. We still use it. I just, I'd never want to touch that. Here's what you do with the legacy code.
Starting point is 02:31:32 It's too big. Do you want to know your legacy code? What do you do? You take all of it, okay? You squash it down and you call the commit legacy. Well, what if the legacy code is the thing we've been working on for the last 20 years by we i mean the company just squash it down and ignore it and just ruin the entire company in a day i'm just gonna well i mean it's its own repo so um like what we're working on now is a completely new program i hope they haven't backed up then.
Starting point is 02:32:06 Yeah, so it's signed repo. It's on GitHub and everything. Not you'll be able to see it. Sure, yeah. I mean, it's the thing when you're working with a company. It's private. If you ever make it public, you're going to get fired. Well, unless
Starting point is 02:32:22 your entire company's about doing open source stuff. Yeah, unless you're working on react yeah or um yarn before it left facebook or you know you hate yourself and you're using caden live to edit stuff fucking hate caden live caden live is fucking horrendous you're using caden live aren't you it's because there's no better alternatives well there is but it has a memory leak in it and it can't be used right now what one's that one that would be Olive
Starting point is 02:32:52 have you ever used Premiere yeah you know how it's a node based video editor yeah Olive is node based Kdenlive is layer based and Kdenlive has a fun bug right now where if there's more than three things in the render queue it crashes
Starting point is 02:33:09 just 100% of the time it just crashes how long has that been there for? since the update came out and this is what Kdenlive does can you do a rollback? I could, I could also go download the app image Kdenlive app images are like the best worst you do a rollback i could i could also go download the app image um okay caden live
Starting point is 02:33:25 app images are like the best worst thing ever caden live is the it is the windows of video editors every other update is completely broken so there's people i know who that wasn't that wasn't mac os smugness that was because like I'm using macOS and they just choose to decide to break everything too. But I know there's people who use really old versions of Kdenlive and don't update because they're scared they won't be able to use it. Because it's that fucking broken.
Starting point is 02:33:57 It's been broken for like 10 years. Come on, KD18. You can do it. I believe in you to be honest it's isn't it like cutie based because it's um yes sorry cute based okay sorry i've grown it there shitty pronunciation oh people get annoyed when i say alacrity. Pardon? It's the terminal I use. Oh. Oh, with the
Starting point is 02:34:30 alacrity-ty. Ah, yes. They complain that I'm pronouncing alacrity wrong. And the way they tell me to pronounce it sounds exactly the same as I'm saying it, so I don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Oh, they're probably just picking on your accent dude oh no they 100%
Starting point is 02:34:47 because i'd say both of them and they sound the exact same well i mean i was just confirmed by the way before um they flame me i'm just confirming it was alacra with the tty thing because like, like, TTY... No, it's actually... It is Alacrity. You don't pronounce that TTY. Yeah, no, that's why I was saying, like, don't blame me. I just wanted to find out... You're already a soy dev, so...
Starting point is 02:35:16 Oh, yeah. Actually, yeah, good point. I'm already, like, the lowest tier in the... Oh, you're already... You're also in a DX racer, so that doesn't help either. I'm on a what? A chair behind you already know. You also want a DX racer, so that doesn't help either. I'm on a what? The chair behind you. Oh, I don't even know, dude. It's a DX racer.
Starting point is 02:35:30 It's a VR lab. It's a gaming chair. Sorry, I'm just in the VR lab. You don't like the chair? With your $300 chair and thousands of dollars of tech around you. True, true. There's a really nice monitor behind me too. Is there?
Starting point is 02:35:54 Like behind my computer. It's like a nice Dell one. I think you might have briefly showed that one earlier. Yeah. This room's actually pretty chill though. Like it's got like lots of cool little lamps and pikachus and it's a fun room it's like the one of my favorite rooms in this place what is nice especially because it's usually empty yeah that's my favorite thing not having people
Starting point is 02:36:20 everybody's favorite having people. Everybody's favourite. I like people, I promise. I don't know why people are still sticking around. It's six o'clock. Yeah, it's cold. We got a VR assignment due next week, dude. What day is that? You said it was due on Thursday.
Starting point is 02:36:41 That doesn't sound right. Why would it be due on a Thursday? Yeah, because he sucks and it's bullying. He's bullying us. Not that you should hear that. No, I know that... I know that he doesn't watch. I know Andrew
Starting point is 02:36:56 knows about my channel, though. Andrew Cunningham. Oh, he's a good guy. Yeah, he is. Though, if he ends up watching this... My Spark Plus never worked. Oh, it started working now. You should work. I hope so.
Starting point is 02:37:17 I don't know. He gave an extension without telling anyone. Classic. But... yeah. To be honest, like, all of the VR guys, like, the VR lecture is pretty cool too. It's just kind of, how am I supposed to know when things are due?
Starting point is 02:37:41 Yeah, it's not listed anywhere on the course page. He says it is, but it's not. Yeah. And there's no submissions apparently it's next week now like from now it's due next week okay so so like now we're all under the pump to finish all of these functions and stuff because i heard it wasn't due until like the 8th or something. By the way, if you want to know about the level of crisis involved with my ICT project at the moment. Yeah, how's that going? Yeah, it's going all right. I mean, I got a bit concerned earlier this week when I was going through the backlog,
Starting point is 02:38:26 which one of my groupmates did, only to find that they didn't realize we were using a database and were going to write something to store the credentials in a CSV file. Why? We have a MySQL database database we should be using that i'm just trying my best to stay calm because like i reasonably should have that done by tomorrow as well so i might do a less than smart thing and stay up way late and finish that or try to get at least part of the api done at least if i can get the api then i can show something to um my client tomorrow because we have a meeting tomorrow the milestone actually finishes on monday though so your project is everyone i've spoken to their
Starting point is 02:39:18 project is so much more stressful than mine i'm so lucky with what i got like mine is the fucking chillest thing um what's yours so i'm doing vr related it no not anymore it was uh okay so you still have the headset because i haven't given it back yet because i haven't asked for it back basically um so it's a windows headset basically they're not going to ask for it back anyway um it was vr related basically it was big data stuff um graphs and stuff inside of the context yeah data visualization vr um in a context if you care at all and genomics is cool it is i don't understand any of it i just show the data not a lot um now it's switched over from that to being multi-touch. So basically, I have to convert the existing system
Starting point is 02:40:09 to work on a multi-touch screen, and that's why I've got... Let's see if I can reach it. As an iPad or...? No, I'll grab it. Is it like a surface? It is. I can't see it.
Starting point is 02:40:34 Yeah, I know. It's a Microsoft Surface. Nice. There we go. Better few. It's blue as well. It is blue. I like blue.
Starting point is 02:40:45 But anyway, yes, we're converting it to work with multi-touch. And what point was I getting at here? Right, my project is real easy. So, basically, there's a dev who's working on it full-time, and me and my team member are doing more work than he is.
Starting point is 02:41:02 And he's getting paid, so give me your fucking paycheck um he's doing he's like continuing on the vr side and we're doing multi-touch now and i in reality i can stretch out as long as i want but in reality i have about like 20 hours of work to do and then i'm done all right i mean realistically um like the reason mine's bad is just because um we have an existing app we have an existing schema and we've got to somehow get that to work with a mobile app when there's no existing api okay to be fair it's not as easy as I say.
Starting point is 02:41:47 We also do have 20,000 lines of code and it's like maybe 10 lines of documentation. Get on my level. Outside the libraries that are being pulled in. Get on my level. Do you know why I say that? Enterprise projects have like a lot more Well, the other problem we have is
Starting point is 02:42:07 there's a lot of classes and we have no idea if they're being used Like they're just sitting there. Do they do anything? Fucked if I know I think the smallest project I've seen at my work had about 5,000 lines of code and the largest
Starting point is 02:42:23 GitHub couldn't even calculate it because it was like a 20 year old repository fucking hell that was that last one that last one was the one i was telling you about which is the legacy one the one which takes two hours to transfer from subversion two hours yeah i am so lucky with what I got because I would not be able to finish this project and do the channel full time like that wouldn't happen I mean like realistically I think I should probably be part time
Starting point is 02:42:54 like if I was smart but I'm not so if I had a project like yours I would be doing it part time because I wouldn't be able to do like big data VR and also this at the same time if I had a proper project. Yeah, and work. Yeah, and work.
Starting point is 02:43:09 How many hours a week do you work? 22 and a half. Fuck. Yeah, I do usually anywhere from 12 to 16 right now. Also worth mentioning, that doesn't include the roughly five hours of expected work for USASA and the other stuff. I was just asking about your day job, I know you do tons of other shit as well.
Starting point is 02:43:32 Yeah, it's like, it's a lot. It's a lot. Yeah. But I haven't gone insane yet and if I only need to keep it up for this semester, then it'll start to ease up again and I can relax. November 29th sounds like an important date. That might be when the... I feel like that's when we finish, somewhere around that point.
Starting point is 02:43:56 I don't know why I think... Yeah, roughly around there. Probably roughly around there. November... Actually, UniSA... They have two term dates and stuff. Calendar. Let's find out.
Starting point is 02:44:11 You have the same class as me, don't you? Yeah, you do. Yeah, we've got the same classes. Yeah. Study period five is... Is it study period five? Yes, it is. So, exam period starts...
Starting point is 02:44:33 Actually, no, earlier. Oh. Exam period starts on the 14th. Am I your favourite overworked soy dev, Brody? I don't know too many other soy devs. So? I don't know too many other soy devs. So, I think you're...
Starting point is 02:44:48 I hope I'm on your top list of developers in general, though. Probably. Well, of the UniSA kind, not like the real world. Nah, yeah, I'm pretty sure that's self-evident. Aw, thanks. I think you're like on the top list, if not the top. Yeah, I'm a lazy as fuck dev at this point. I do basically no dev work.
Starting point is 02:45:13 I mean... I'm just hoping this works out, basically. I think you're gonna be fine, dude. Oh yeah, I'm enjoying it, and... Yeah, basically. So, teaching break is on the 21st, in case you weren't sure. Oh, 21st of next month?
Starting point is 02:45:29 Yes. So, that'd be week eight, nine. Yeah, so the 21st of September. That'll be a good time. I don't know what week that's going to be. I can't count. I'm going to say week eight. End of week eight.
Starting point is 02:45:47 Sick. It'll be a good time. Yeah. Good time to recollect my berries. Yeah. Well, that'll be... Actually, how are you going on... Fun little fact.
Starting point is 02:45:56 I have to do ICT during that break. Yeah, I do, but I also don't have much work to do. How are you doing on big data? Because we have the short research paper to write, which you probably haven't started. Correct. Thought so. Sorry, Damien.
Starting point is 02:46:17 Have you picked a topic? No. Get a dartboard. Just throw a dart. Yeah, that sounds like a plan. Or get a PRboard. Just throw a dart. Yeah, that sounds like a plan. Or get a PRNG. Yeah. I picked automobile and feed forward neural network.
Starting point is 02:46:33 Oh, wow. That sounds fun. It's not. The papers are all maths. Who doesn't love maths, right? And there is no mention of big data in any of the papers so I'm going to bullshit the hell out of them
Starting point is 02:46:48 well I mean it's not bullshitting because like if you're doing a neural network you would need big data too but it's not like they're being like here's the big V's here's the volume here's the velocity here's the variety so I suppose you just have to adapt it to meet the definition. Basically. I'm just going to read 15 papers
Starting point is 02:47:08 and then bullshit. That's why I'm saying it's not really bullshitting if you can see the application between both, then you can quit it. It'd be bullshitting if you didn't have the sources to back you up. Sure, yeah. So, as I said, just a PNG for me.
Starting point is 02:47:27 And keep on rerolling if I hate the sound of it. So I do have some dice around here somewhere. No, no, no, PNGs are much more efficient because then I can just be like, no, next one. No, next one. But, give me one sec, I'll find them. I'm gonna like pull out the sick dice. Not that you can hear me. But, give me one sec, I'll find them. I'm going to pull out the sick bags. Not that you can hear me. Okay, so we got this one, which is like 20 or something, 20 D6s. And that was from when I was playing...
Starting point is 02:48:29 What the fuck? What is that? The Cyberpunk D&D. I think... I don't know. What the fuck's it called? I'm blanking on the name. I'm going to find it.
Starting point is 02:48:45 That's alright. I'm going to find D&D. Someone's going to tell me what it is, and then complain that I compared it to D&D. Oh, if they're complaining about you comparing it to D&D, are you thinking Warhammer? No, I haven't played Warhammer before. Um, what the fuck's the game? What the fuck's the game? Let's just look up tabletop RPGs and see if we can find it. Table Top RPG.
Starting point is 02:49:18 The best tabletop RPGs you can buy right now. Will I find it? That is the question. Probably not. No, no I didn't find it. Okay. Uh... I don't remember. I'm gonna think of it afterwards.
Starting point is 02:49:35 Anyway! The rest of my dice. This, the rest of the dice... The rest of the dice are from when I played D&D. Sam just was like... Sam just actually like, popped up right behind my head. Shiny. This is one of the ones from...
Starting point is 02:49:53 What's this set called? It is called Black with Red. I actually really like dice, so, like, they're pretty cool. Yeah. Some of them are pretty shiny. This was one of my favourite sets from back when I... You're ditching me Sam! You're ditching me! Ditching me! Oh, I was going to go and get some food for later, so... After this.
Starting point is 02:50:17 This one here. Yeah. Basically this was my cool set that I liked, and then when it started to piss me off because I was rolling badly with it, I switched to a different set. Here's my royal purple set. It's not here. This one's sort of, like, translucent. Probably can't see it too well. I can see it pretty well. Your resolution is pretty good because of the joints of the internet.
Starting point is 02:50:45 Yeah. Hey, internet so. Yeah. Uh, no, D20. Hey Brody. Yo. Uh, wanna get dinner with us later? Uh, sure? Maybe? Sure. Maybe. Where are you going?
Starting point is 02:50:59 I don't know. Just Sam. Okay. I'm being the messenger for Sam because of airpods no one can actually see and then my last set these I bought these are my favourite ones because they look
Starting point is 02:51:16 ugly as hell I want to see the ugly dice the more uggo the dice that is some uggo dice I'll turn the brightness way down and I'm all for uggo the dice. That is some uggo dice. I'll turn the brightness way down. I have all four uggo dice. They're like green and yellow. That's way too bright. Green's actually my favorite color would you believe. I'm
Starting point is 02:51:38 turning the brightness up instead of down. I don't know what I'm doing. Uh... I don't know what you're doing either. There's no... I don't have a deep... There we go. There, you can see it properly. Look at this thing. Actually, that looks kinda pretty! I like them. It does, but... It's also ugly as hell. And this was my set... But it's also pretty, but also ugly. Yeah, these...
Starting point is 02:52:02 I like these ones when I was rolling real badly. I'm like, fuck it, I'm just going to roll whatever. I used to be real big into D&D, and then I got a job, and then I stopped playing D&D. So, D&D is counterintuitive to job. Pretty much. Also, this coffee is definitely cold, but I also need the caffeine,
Starting point is 02:52:21 so I'm like... I was working nights at the time, i and my dnd session was at night so sort of didn't work together well yeah like not having time is counterintuitive to playing dnd that's why i don't play dnd very much yeah that's fair actually it was kind of a bit hard to wrangle the time even for this podcast so well, yeah, I was honestly expecting you to not show up. I was getting ready to do a solo episode. No, don't ditch me. Well, you're the one who was going to ditch me.
Starting point is 02:52:54 That's the thing. This is much more fun, isn't it? Yeah, I do like the guest episodes. You get to have a spicy conversation with me. I always like our spicy conversations it's not that spicy fairly tame sometimes yeah this one was tame but some of our other conversations are spicy i was considering when you would like when we're starting the episode to just play the ussr theme oh you know what i i actually so like I wanted to actually have that queued in my
Starting point is 02:53:26 my snap camera but seeing snap camera was broken missed opportunity am I right? maybe you can do it next time next time or when Big Sur's released when it works yeah it's gonna be a fun time it's gonna be a long time Or when Big Sur's released When it works Yay It's gonna be a fun time
Starting point is 02:53:48 It's gonna be a long time Isn't it supposed to come out in a few months? Yeah I think it's supposed to come out I don't fucking know You're the Mac guy Two months I think Apple said When does Big Sur come out? When does
Starting point is 02:54:01 They say a season So like it's... Ah, yes. 2020. Thank you. Very useful. That is helpful. Thank you, Google.
Starting point is 02:54:15 I'm presuming Google. Yes, yeah. I use Google when I'm trying to find things. I use DuckDuckGo when I care about my privacy. Oh, what about Bing, though? Well, I'm using DuckDuckGo, so privacy. Oh, what about Bing, though? Well, I'm using doc.go, so it is Bing. What about Bing, though? Like, what about the real Bing, where you get Bing rewards and you can get that $5 gift card?
Starting point is 02:54:34 Bing rewards? Is that a thing? Yeah, it actually is. Oh, I didn't know that. I actually have, like, so many points on there because I just, like, decide to use Microsoft Edge when I'm using Windows. Because I'm using Microsoft stuff, I might as well.
Starting point is 02:54:49 They already have my data. What's the point? What the hell is this? People also search for compatible OS. What does that mean? What are you telling me, Google? I don't know. Operating system software slash computer compatibility.
Starting point is 02:55:09 El Capitan, Mavericks, OSX Lion, Windows Server 2012, CentOS, Big Sur. What the fuck? I'm so confused. I'm going to have to actually see this. I don't know what this list is. Oh, WatchOS, MS- ms dos and also watch os again i don't i don't know what this list is i don't know what i'm looking at oh you sent me the cursed link oh that's fucking long i'll take you to oh is Google okay? I don't know why they're associating this together,
Starting point is 02:55:47 I don't know what this list is supposed to be. It's called when automated data scraping goes wrong. I guess so. They've even got watchOS, like what? Yeah, what does MS-DOS got watchOS. Like, what? Yeah. What? What does MS-DOS and watchOS have to do with each other? Zero. Like, they don't have anything in common. Like, they literally have nothing in common. One of them's a Unix-based operating system worn on your wrist, and one of them is a... DOS.
Starting point is 02:56:19 Oh, there are some people who are gonna get real annoyed about that one. There's a couple of people in... There's lots of people in the Linux sphere who like to say things and don't think them through a lot. One of the bigger guys recently said that macOS isn't a Unix-based operating system. Yeah, it is. Which is objectively true.
Starting point is 02:56:40 I mean, it's a Unix-based operating system combined with a microchip. It's far removed from Unix, but it's definitely a Unix-based operating system. If you look at the Exynos source code, actually, it is literally a version of FreeBSD without any changes. It's FreeBSD and Carnegie Mellon mark and some interrupt between the two okay so um it's it's still classified as unix like because mark is actually what runs the applications but the actual the most of the kernel and most of the operations that run in it run like a BSD. Sure. And BSD is definitely Unix.
Starting point is 02:57:31 So like it's, it's questionable that it's Unix. It's not pure Unix. Sure. It is Unix like. Sure. But it is as close to a Unix operating system that you'll see on mainstream desktops, like, typically.
Starting point is 02:57:47 Mm-hmm. Apart from running BSD proper. Well, except for WSL. Pardon? Except for WSL. WSL doesn't run Unix. Runs a Unix-like... Like, remember, Linux is not Unix.
Starting point is 02:58:02 Well, sure. And, like, Torvalds even says Linux is not Unix, nor is Minix. It's just... Well, I mean, it's pretty rare to see a distribution of Unix nowadays, anyway. Yeah, that's fair. I mean, Solaris is technically Unix, I'm pretty sure.
Starting point is 02:58:28 But it's also Solaris, so... Well, we're getting close to three hours at this point. Oh, yeah, we should probably end it soon. Well, especially if Sam wants to go get dinner at some point. No, no, no, We can let him starve.
Starting point is 02:58:45 I don't know where he's going. I don't know either. But as I said, he needs to suffer for his sins. Many, many sins. Do you have Sam's number? I think I do, yeah. Do you want to put it on loudspeaker and just call him right now, ask him where we're going for dinner?
Starting point is 02:59:07 Oh, shit. Maybe I should, yeah. Do you want to put it on loudspeaker and just call him right now and ask him where we're going for dinner? Oh, shit. Maybe I should, shouldn't I? That'd be a fun way to end off the show. Yeah, that'd be good. Also, what's your cryptocurrency of the week? I'm kidding. Like, actual. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:59:26 I'd be putting a lot of money into BitTorrent Wouldn't recommend it But it's good for dividends Not for Holding this game I stake in DLive Huh Nice
Starting point is 02:59:42 I'll try to cool down. Also. Yes. Hold on. What was your first Linux distro again? Arch? But what
Starting point is 03:00:02 distribution? I don't know what you're saying. Ha ha ha ha. I got him now. Like what year? Oh, like last year. Yay!
Starting point is 03:00:16 Now, mine was Ubuntu 8.04. Well, I've used older versions of Ubuntu before, but nothing, I haven't really daily drived them. Oh, I tried to for a while, but it was 8.04,
Starting point is 03:00:28 and then when I got sick of it, because it was a bit of a buggy mess, because it was 8.04, and that was, like, the third distribution of Ubuntu, I think? No, no, no, no. They did the 6.10 thing, so maybe the fifth or sixth.
Starting point is 03:00:49 And, mind you you canonical shit but um for different reasons um it was chaotic oh and then i ended up destroying grub so that was fun that's the story for another time so yeah yeah it is well we'll talk about recovering Grub with pain and suffering. Grub is great. Grub is fun. It's the worst best thing ever. Let's get Saren on the phone. Yeah, we'll see if he answers. I'll try not to dox him by accident.
Starting point is 03:01:21 I'm kidding. I won't docks in. Will he answer the phone? That is the question. Can you hear it? Yep. All good. Hello. Can you hear it?
Starting point is 03:01:41 Yes. Oh, cool. So what's for dinner? Hotel place. The hotel place. Hotel place. Young and Bray are being started. So Molson Lakes Hotel?
Starting point is 03:01:58 Pick up the committees. All right. We haven't gone out yet. We're just at AGPU or about to be at AGPU alright are you on with Brody are you still yeah
Starting point is 03:02:10 tell him he's on the podcast right now you're on the podcast you're on the podcast dude yay we got him Yeah You know the place right dude
Starting point is 03:02:29 Oh that's to you Brady Oh What the Where are we going It wasn't like Totel The hotel Oh the one across the road from the uni Yeah
Starting point is 03:02:40 That one Okay cool So yeah obviously you do Yeah yeah Yay Not that like my airpods Are actually like getting the sound across Yeah. That one. Okay, cool. So, yeah, obviously you do. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Not that, like, my AirPods are actually, like, getting the sound across. No, it sounds like ass. Yeah, it does.
Starting point is 03:02:57 Because, like, it's trying to block out things which, like, aren't my voice. Hmm. It doesn't work too good. Anyway, good talking to you, Sam. Bye. Okay, we're at the drop there. Do you have any creators out there that you want to give a shout out to? Anyone on YouTube you're watching right now who deserves a bit more attention?
Starting point is 03:03:23 Just Connor's YouTube channel. Oh, yeah, Connor definitely deserves attention. He always needs more attention. Well, he'll be on next week. Also, follow my GitHub. I need friends. Yeah, there'll be a link to Josh's GitHub down below. But, like, you shouldn't follow my Twitter. And it's definitely got the same username as my GitHub profile. But you shouldn't follow my Twitter. And it's definitely got the same username as my GitHub profile,
Starting point is 03:03:46 but you shouldn't follow it because it's where I post my political hackery. And try to avoid responding to people who subtweet me for saying I do fuck shit, apparently. But I'm just saying, what are you talking about? I've never done bad things in my life. None at all no nothing I definitely
Starting point is 03:04:09 never admitted to anything in big data oh lord I plead the fifth so as for me I would say I mentioned his channel earlier but we'll mention it again because he's an awesome dude.
Starting point is 03:04:27 I'll bring him back on the show. And his name is really hard to find content of because it's also the name of a boxer, apparently. Isn't it Coshan Whitefinger? Oh, no, I was talking about the guy I'm going to shout out. Oh, which one? Donald Fury. Go check his videos out. They're actually really good.
Starting point is 03:04:46 He doesn't just do the Go stuff. He also does some stuff on... He does a lot of streaming, so he'll play a lot of retro games that he's got set up on his RetroPie. RetroPie is great. Or RetroArch, whatever it's called. Yeah, RetroArch is what he's running.
Starting point is 03:05:03 Well, I mean, RetroPie is like the Raspberry Pi distro for it, isn't it? Yeah, yeah. But I think he's running RetroArch on it. Anyway, I think that is pretty much everything for this podcast. Actually, you said go to your GitHub. Do you have anything else that you... I suppose, like, my Twitter, but I really don't want you to follow that.
Starting point is 03:05:30 Okay. I won't leave a link to his Twitter, but if you find it, go follow it. It's literally... You'll find it if you look for it. Yeah, that's fair. So... I mostly...
Starting point is 03:05:42 Actually, I want to shout out one Twitter, which is my favorite Twitter, but I don't need any shout outs. Yes. Um, let me quickly pull it up. It is, it is like,
Starting point is 03:05:54 here we go. Sorry. I just got to get a link though. Thanks for good man. There we go. Here we go. Here we go. Computer facts. This rings a bell.
Starting point is 03:06:16 It is just all. 1D, question mark, question mark, question mark. You've got to know your hubs. You've got to know your hubs. Get, grub, and I. You gotta know your hubs. You gotta know your hubs. Git, grub, and I'll let you finish the rest. Hmm. Where the release candidate mail's at.
Starting point is 03:06:35 Where the LTS mail's at. The fuck am I reading? Alright then. Go check out this Twitter account as well, I guess. So... Alpha software is unstable Broken, full of bugs and needs more work Before it's ready for the real world Probably always true of anyone calling themselves an alpha male Alright then
Starting point is 03:06:58 We'll end it like that Now does that provide context to that joke Release candidate males and LTS males I guess so. So, I think unless you've got anything else you want to shout out? That's all? Good to end off?
Starting point is 03:07:13 That's it. I had a fun time. Yeah, I had a lot of fun as well, Dan. So, before... If you ever want me to come back on... Yeah, you're welcome to come back on whenever. When we can line some stuff up. Which isn't going to happen anytime soon. Chaos.
Starting point is 03:07:30 Yeah, I know. Are we ending it? Can I do my sign-off? Or do you have more to say? Do your sign-off. Okay. Do your sign-off. Just ignore me.
Starting point is 03:07:40 Before I go, before we go, I want to thank my supporters. So, a special thank you to Joachim, Kolbinian, Andrew, Craig, Nathan, Montazer, Joseph, Pitter, The Road, Tony, Donald, Marek, Mikel, Sprean, Thais, and Zilva. If you want to go support my work, there'll be some links down below to my Subscribestar, Patreon, and all of that sort of stuff. There is also a Cointree that has extra links as well, like my Amazon links and things like that, if you want to buy things and support my work through that way. Also, go check out my main channel.
Starting point is 03:08:10 That is just called Brodie Robertson. I upload Linux nonsense, but you probably know that because most of my viewers come from that channel. That is available on YouTube, Library, and other platforms as well. It's on BitChute as well, if you want to watch it on BitChute, but that's only in 480p, so I wouldn't recommend it. If you want to go watch this as a video version, you're watching the audio version, it's available on Library and YouTube,
Starting point is 03:08:33 and the audio version is available literally anywhere you can listen to an audio podcast. So I think that will be pretty much everything for us. Do you have any final words, Josh? Well, keep up the good work with your Linux channel, dude. And also, it is really hard to tell when people are speaking
Starting point is 03:08:54 on Discord. What do you mean? Oh, is it? We kept on clashing into each other because of the mild delay. Yeah, one day I might have a studio, but I also might just move out into the middle of fucking nowhere. So, I don't know.
Starting point is 03:09:10 Wherever you can afford land. Oh, I'll afford land wherever I need to afford land. Soon. I'll get my boomer farm in the middle of the country. Is that actually a goal in life? I do want to grow my own food. Oh, he's going. That sounds cool.
Starting point is 03:09:28 Where's he going? It's Corey. It's Corey. Look who it is. Oh, it's everyone's here. Let them know I'll be down there in like 15 minutes. Cool. So that is the end of the podcast.
Starting point is 03:09:45 I will play out the outro. Get ready for this. The porn music. Gotta love it. The only option is porn music. Thank you guys for watching. This has been a fun three hours. Sam is eating something in the background by the looks of it.
Starting point is 03:10:06 And I think we'll end it there. So thank you guys for watching, and... I'm out.

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