Tech Over Tea - #28 Atari, Lockdowns & Tea - feat Supercozman

Episode Date: September 9, 2020

As is tradition at this point, Supercozman is back for another appearance on Tech Over Tea and I think after 5 episodes we're finally getting used to doing this podcast thing. I didn't even realise ho...w long we had been recording for until we needed to stop the show. This week we discussed things such as the Atari VCS, did some house shopping, uncovered a bizarre series of YouTube channels and much much more. ==========Guest Links==========  YouTube: Instagram:  Twitter:  Deviant Art: ==========Support The Channel========== â–º Patreon: â–º Paypal: â–º Amazon USA: â–º Other Methods: ==========Video Release========== 📚 LBRY: 🎥 YouTube: DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation. I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and related sites. 🎵 Intro Music Aces High by Kevin MacLeod Link: License:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Tech of a T episode 28. I'm as always your host Brodie Robertson and today we have a guest who has returned many a times. He is the man who made the art for both this channel and also my pod... This channel, my main channel. This is the podcast channel. Fuck, I don't know what I'm doing already. Welcome back to the show, SuperCosman. Hello, thanks for having me back again. This would be your fifth appearance, if I'm not mistaken, because you're on the first and then... Yeah, fifth sounds right.
Starting point is 00:00:42 That would be correct. You got it right this time. I'll forget next time. I'll probably say seventh next time or something. That would be correct. You got it right this time. I'll forget next time. I'll probably say seventh next time or something. I don't know. Seventh, seventh. I gotta prep my tea as always. I got this mug. Well, that's actually a pretty awesome mug. It's from Bob's Burgers.
Starting point is 00:00:59 And the tea I have got today is Twinings Ginger and Apple. I have not tried that one. How is it? It's nice. It's like slight ginger and kind of like if you've ever had apple juice mixed with water. Like it's there, but it's not very overpowering.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Yeah. I actually don't have any tea with me right now because I forgot to make some. And my mouth still tastes like toothpaste. Even better. But I have an empty teacup. I don't have the thing that says what tea it is. It was an Australian afternoon
Starting point is 00:01:38 tea in here. What? Twine. Twine. Mainly what I drink is the Australian afternoon What? Twine. Oh, okay. Mainly what I drink is the Australian Afternoon, the Pure Chamomile, and also Lipton Black Tea. Those are respectable.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Because I'm boring. Those are like... I don't know what the normal English tea is, but that sounds like the kind of teas they drink in England. Yeah, I wonder. I wonder if the English-style tea is what they drink in England. Well, you know, just the boring teas. Sure, yeah. I get what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:02:21 I don't imagine the Queen or whatever sitting down for some ginger and apple very often no that's a fair point now I might have to go get a box of that if that's actually decent I'll get one of the little boxes just in case it's not that great yeah well that's what I got
Starting point is 00:02:37 just to try it out it's pretty nice I think most ginger ones are pretty good if you want to try one that sucks go get the chamomile and honey. We had this conversation last time. I don't remember that. And then we looked up how they get honey into a tea bag. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:03:00 We did. Actually, since we already did that, let's actually go find out what other flavors of Twinings tea exist. Because, sure, we did. Actually, since we already did that, let's actually go find out what other flavours of Twinings tea exist. Because, sure, we'll do that. Well, I also bought ginger and lemon, and that one's pretty nice as well. Okay, yeah, I haven't actually tried any of the ginger teas. So, I don't have my Discord window open.
Starting point is 00:03:21 If this breaks everything. That broke everything. It really does depend on how much you like ginger, though, because it is, like, pretty strong. Fair point. I mean, I guess you don't have to leave the bag in, though. Yeah, well, of course. Here you go. Finings range.
Starting point is 00:03:42 So we have the English breakfast tea. That's just their their boring black tea I'm not showing it on the screen there you go we're gonna look at teas because this is a tech podcast it is a half tea podcast that is fair it is actually how many letters are in the title? Eleven. Yeah. Are we counting spaces as letters? We'll count spaces. Characters, not letters.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Whatever. Characters, yeah. So it's approximately 25% tea. So I think that means we can talk about tea for at least 40 minutes. Have you ever had loose leaf tea before? I haven haven't but it sounds like a lot of effort it just sounds like you're gonna be sucking down little pieces of leaf like why would you want to do that i imagine you're like you're supposed to filter it properly but no but like it oh okay okay uh if you use it with a strainer then sure but like i'm thinking like for people that want to do the old um tea leaf readings right okay yeah no like
Starting point is 00:04:57 i don't know i guess how you drink that without sucking down the little particles i guess it's no different from drinking like orange juice that has pulp in it. You kind of, you like, you drink it because it has it in there. Mmm. I guess so, but I feel like the experience would be slightly different. Yeah, tea's a bit of a, a bitter taste for the most part. I haven't even seen this one before. T's a bit of a bitter taste for the most part. I haven't even seen this one before.
Starting point is 00:05:33 I've seen most of these while I'm stacking stuff at work. Here you go. Here's one that I don't know if you've seen either. Can I open up my Discord window without breaking things? No, I can't. Well, we're just gonna break it every time I open up Discord. Cool. Here. I don't even know how to say this. Uh... Ceylon Orange? Ceylon? Pecco? I don't- I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:51 What the fuck? I have no idea what this is supposed to be. For lovers of picnics with friends? For lovers of picnics? Who goes on picnics by themselves? I don't know, That might be a thing that we just haven't experienced. Ingredients. Black tea.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Alright. Thank you for the descriptive ingredients. Available at Woolworths. Do they only sell at Woolies? I guess this one only sells at Woolies. Maybe they're only listing Woolies. Let's see. Oh, great. I know this one's at Coles. Oh, no. That one must be exclusive to Woolies. Maybe they're only listing Woolies. Let's see. Oh, great. I know this one's at Coles.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Oh, no, that one must be exclusive to Woolies right now. That's so stupid. I don't... Exclusive tea. Look, you've got to convince people to go to Woolies somehow. There's good stuff at Woolies, but... I don't know. There is, but... Are you more of an Ooshies or a Treehouse book person?
Starting point is 00:06:51 Fuck it. Okay. I tell them to keep their stupid junk every time they try to give it to me. Okay. Right. So for anyone who doesn't know, because you live in a country where you don't give out stupid crap at the supermarket like this. Both our major supermarkets, Woolworths and Coles, have been competing with each other to give out free crap to customers.
Starting point is 00:07:17 So, the first thing they had was... What was the first one called that Coles did? The little plastic thingy. Oh, Mini Shops. Oh no, this is before that. Oh. Was mini shops first or was it the sticky ones
Starting point is 00:07:31 that were first? Oh, no, no. It was little shops that were first. Okay, so, right. So the thing that started this off was a thing called Little Shoppers.
Starting point is 00:07:40 So I will bring up Little Shoppers because it's dumb. Well, I'm pretty sure Woolies had stuff before that but it did become popular also got into it i think okay yeah it didn't really become popular until that happened at least okay so what were you saying i was gonna say because woollies has been doing like disney stuff like
Starting point is 00:08:05 that for ages now yeah that's fair um okay so little shop basically what it was was the most capitalist idea that's ever been created it i i absolutely love this idea and it's it's brilliant so basically they would sell like if i think you30, they would give you a little plastic version of one of the products they have on the shelf. So it's like, here's the little toilet bowls. Here's the little mints. Here's the little razors. Here's the little Vegemite, things like this. And basically they were just like kids toys that were various products on the shelf
Starting point is 00:08:45 obviously it was whoever was paying them the most would get little plastic thingies but basically that's what it was and that led into what was the sticky one called just they're called stickies which is basically like little plastic thingos that would like or maybe the rubber i don't know plasticky rubber things that you could like squish down like little plastic thingos that would like, or maybe the rubber, I don't know, plasticky rubber things that you could like squish down onto a surface and they'd stick to it. And they were just like these characterized versions of foods. Like I think the first round was like all fruits and vegetables
Starting point is 00:09:19 to try and get kids to eat more fruits and veg. Yeah, this was apparently a part of the Little Shop program. So basically, yeah, it was getting people to eat fruits and stuff by giving them sticky things. Now, this is where it gets very different from the first round of Little Shop. This is where they really, really made a lot of money. They had them in packets
Starting point is 00:09:41 that you couldn't see what was in the packets. So they were like trading cards, right? And there were rare ones. There were some that there was only like a hundred in like the state or something like that. So You have to collect them all and this is where the big brain stuff started happening So you get like silver versions of them and gold versions of them and the kids didn't give a crap This was entirely a thing that the parents cared about and people spent big soccer mom energy right here and people would spend hundreds of dollars to get them uh people were trading them online like on the like
Starting point is 00:10:17 facebook marketplace there were people who were selling individual ones for like 50 plus dollars and if you got a rare one it would be like at least a thousand dollars for it this little fucking sticky thing yeah it should um but also like just before the the checkouts there'd also be like stuff to go along with them so collector's cases so you could like when you got like there'd be 30 of them or something. So you'd have the collector's case, and every time you got one, you'd stick it in there. And this is true of, like, both Woolies and Coles for each one of these things that they've come out with. And I think for the Little Shops, they have, like, miniature shopping trolleys or something. Do you remember what the cardboard one that Woolies put together was?
Starting point is 00:11:06 Because they tried to copy Little Shop, but they... Did they? I just remember Woolies is just like Ooshies. They had something before Ooshies. Disney tiles and the plant things. I don't know what it was called, but Woolworths basically joined on the Little Shop bandwagon, but their ones
Starting point is 00:11:28 were made out of cardboard, because obviously people were just chucking most of them in the bin, and they were trying to say, hey look, ours are going to be better for the environment. What they didn't realise is that the Karens didn't care. They just wanted their plastic things. So that ended up failing,
Starting point is 00:11:44 and now Woolies is focusing entirely on Ooshies now Ooshies is even bigger brain than the uh the little shop because this is a uh basically a partnership with Disney so they have like uh little you have like little baby Yoda and little Mandalorian is that what the main character in Mandalorian is called? Little Mandalorian. I fucking know. I fucking care about Mandalorian. Or you've got like little Elsa and little various other things that exist in the Disney universe.
Starting point is 00:12:18 And then there's the special versions of those ones as well. Mm-hmm. versions of those ones as well so this is just like the two biggest supermarkets fighting over who has the biggest brain way to just get money out of people and because disney owns marvel obviously they can do lots of marvel characters as well so and once again you can sell collector's case for them so um something else going back to this capitalism idea of it as well is like, if you bought certain brands, then you'd get an extra one. So it would just incentivize people to buy more shit that they didn't need. Well, this is pretty much just an extension of the flybys
Starting point is 00:13:01 and Woolworths Rewards things. But this time get instead of just getting imaginary points that don't do anything this time you get plastic things that don't do anything so it's much more important and much more valuable I mean but like fly-bys
Starting point is 00:13:17 is actually useful though because you can redeem those points for real money the only thing I use my Flybuys card for is that it stores the petrol discounts. Otherwise, I wouldn't have a Flybuys card because I don't keep my receipts because I've done that for a while
Starting point is 00:13:36 and had four years of receipts sitting in my car. That's not good. No, it's not. So yeah, our supermarkets are just fighting over who has the biggest brain method of, like, tricking Karens in to give them money. I'm waiting for Audi to come out with their version, but I guess they're not big enough yet to justify it.
Starting point is 00:14:02 I guess Foodland could do something. Well, you'd think so, food lands like well food land slash drakes because yeah drakes are pretty much slash iga all of food land there's just like a couple independent ones yeah now but i don't think yeah again i don't think they're big enough i'm pretty sure oh then there are drakes you cut out then i was just saying how there's probably more audis now or about equal than there are drakes well yeah audi is a bigger company anyway they exist outside of australia foodland i think isn't foodland just a south Australian supermarket? Yeah, Foodland is just SA, but I'm not sure about
Starting point is 00:14:48 the rebrand of Drake's. I don't know if that's all of Australia or not. Let's find out. I'm sure everyone cares about this. Drake's Supermarket. Let's find out where
Starting point is 00:15:05 uh where can we find them stores uh let's say I'm in Brisbane you wouldn't be allowed to go to the store anyway no that's uh
Starting point is 00:15:24 that's Victoria. Victoria's fucked right now. And yeah, it does seem like Drake's does exist outside of SA, but I imagine what they might have done is they might have bought existing whatever the supermarket chain in Brisbane
Starting point is 00:15:39 or in Queensland already was, like they've done here with buying up the IGA's. I don't know if that's what they've done, but I imagine that probably not too far off. Well, I'm a little bit confused because I don't know if IGA was its own thing or if that's just like a certain version of like a Foodland or a Drake's because I'd always see like IGA Foodland iga drakes i don't think i ever would see one that's just iga i actually have um i don't know if it's still there anymore but in
Starting point is 00:16:14 uh davenport park there was a a little iga run by this like indian family and that was just an iga and i think there's one down the road at the uh at one of the shops nearby i think that's just an iga but it might be an iga food land but i'm not entirely sure what their deal is to be honest um i don't know all i know is that that I try to shop at IGA's, but when you want a specific product, you're not going to get it most IGA's. It's not happening. Yeah, IGA and like Foodlands
Starting point is 00:16:54 and there's another one, there's Foodworks. There's a couple of like the more independent ones. Like, you know, it's probably better to support those ones because they're like actual local ones that aren't just giant businesses but like at the same time everything costs more there and like yes the selection is so small because those stores are always like a quarter of the size pretty much the only big like really oh some of the food lands are really big not even just the drake's food lands like there are some iga food lands that are pretty big like the one in the one in manapara is pretty big that one has a pretty good range but i think the biggest one i've seen
Starting point is 00:17:37 is the drake's food land on saints road okay um as you're coming up main north uh where is it yeah as you're coming up main north past the old spot hotel there's like a big supermarket there that's a and there's like a mcdonald's there and stuff as well that's a uh probably the biggest rakes i've ever seen. It probably is the biggest in the state. Mm-hmm. The Foodland in Mount Barker is also really big, and also it kind of took me by surprise because it's really fancy. Like, just because think about typical supermarket, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:26 interior is kind of just like all kind of gray stuff but this was like made to look almost like an old kind of european thing with a lot of wood and like fancy lights it was pretty cool yeah that that sounds similar to one on um um oh fuck what's the road? It's in, uh, Davern Park, near, near the train tracks. Stevan Heath. The one on Stevan Heath Road. Um, that one's, like, really fancy inside, and the one on Saints Road isn't, like, a, it's not supposed to look, like, wooden fancy in that way. It's supposed to look like a, I that way it's supposed to look like i'm i guess a sort of modern shop so it's it's sort of like that that modern design uh appearance that you wouldn't
Starting point is 00:19:09 really expect from a supermarket especially if you're used to shopping at like coles or somewhere like that like every coles looks exactly the same so more like a modern architecture yeah it's think of the like the townhouses you see around a lot of places that are getting new properties built. Yeah, yeah. Just like a lot more geometric shapes. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:33 I get you. I'm not a fan of that design. Honestly, I get why they're built. I just don't want to live in one. They look boring as hell. Yeah, I think you can definitely make them look interesting, but, like, the majority of them, they're meant to be, like, cheap to build
Starting point is 00:19:53 because there's usually, like, two or three on one block of land. So, like, you can't really get away with making them look very fancy. So they just end up being, like, big rectangular blocks. I'm going to find one for someone who doesn't know. Here we go, that's a perfect one. So it's basically they just build the walls out of concrete and they're just flat planes. Where is it? Where is this at? Where is this at? But the thing is they don't do them
Starting point is 00:20:30 they don't do them justice either they kind of just give them the ugliest colour schemes they can think of as well Yeah, that one's not very nice to look at It's a bit of an older one That is a gross blur I don't know why they're using it.
Starting point is 00:20:48 It's like a sky blue, and then someone just knocked some brown into it, and they're like, oh, shit, I guess we've got to use it still. Yeah, this is not a pretty-looking house. Because I... I want to eventually get to the point where I can just move out of town
Starting point is 00:21:06 and go out into the middle of fucking nowhere and i've been looking at how cheap it actually will be like oh it's it'll be nice houses like houses and i mean not if you're buying like acres of land sure but like houses and like just a reasonable size land are like actually pretty achievable pricing but has pretty achievable pricing like once you drive like an hour out of the main living area oh i'm not talking about yeah i'm talking about even further than that i'm talking like wakery way yeah i know but like you know it's, like, York Peninsula is fucking cheap and, you know, out there. Yeah, you could even go out to, like, Truro is not even really that far away. Did you say Truro?
Starting point is 00:21:56 Truro. Truro. Truro. Here you go. Here's this place. What up, mate? I'm from Truro. Truro. Here's a place that's 175 000 it's got a it's a three bedroom one bathroom six carport it's got a interesting first picture yeah it's
Starting point is 00:22:21 uh this is if you look at the floor plan um that is the man cave the man cave is actually called man cave on the floor plan oh that's a bit cringe but 175 000 yeah and it's like a new house as well okay it's new interior the outside not new and it's got a massive backyard like this is what you can get if you go live rural in australia that's a big kitchen yeah no that's that's that's pretty good one this is the dream i mean the grass could do with some watering but well yeah they definitely didn't take this picture at a good time that's for sure
Starting point is 00:23:12 uh i don't know this photographer doesn't really seem very good like that kitchen photo and maybe like the lounge room look pretty decent but like the bathroom picture you can't really get a good idea of how big it is. Oh yeah, no. Also the outside picture sucks. Yeah, I'm just bullying the photographer. But
Starting point is 00:23:38 $175,000 and you get a bar. Mm-hmm. So I was just finishing my tea. All good. So obviously you don't have to go out this far to find really nice properties, but... Where is Wakery? Oh okay, that's in like the other direction. Yeah, Wakery is up by uh renmark and berry
Starting point is 00:24:05 that's like pretty close to the border yeah yeah well even though renmark's pretty far away once you're out there every like between each town you can go 110 so it's not really that far even if it's 50ks that's only half an hour yeah well like once you um if you go in the other direction because like um oh down towards the coast no no no um like to the left towards york's because like we have a bunch of relatives there yeah and so like after you go past port weightfield it's just like you know you go from town to town in like 10 minutes yeah yeah how much is property out on the york peninsula i would imagine it's a lot because it's coastal property um i think it's like it's not too bad like if you get one if you get
Starting point is 00:25:00 some like in like the middle of it it's a lot cheaper, I'm pretty sure. But even then, comparatively, compared to if you want to live in Glenelg or something, it'd be a lot cheaper. Yeah. What the fuck are these photos? Okay, I'm going to send you one. This should not be your first photo when your property isn't massive. Here you go.
Starting point is 00:25:31 So here's a sky view. And then you go to the next picture and it's like, it shows you how big the property is. It's like, what? 500, 800 square meters? That looks meters a literal shed but you're literally on the ocean as well it's a shack so obviously yeah i'd like honestly wouldn't on the wall i'd be like low-key scared of like when global warming hits that my house is gonna get engulfed by the water
Starting point is 00:26:15 i think you got problems before that point you're kind of yeah that's that's actually i don't know there's a pretty big lip there, so you're probably fine. But, yeah, this... This is not a house you buy to live in all of the time. This is a house you buy because you want to have a holiday home and you have too much money. Yeah, it's not too bad. The nearest neighbour is at least a kilometre away.
Starting point is 00:26:46 If you go to... Here's a much, much cheaper one over at Tiddy Witty Bay. Which I didn't know was a place. Stupid names. I didn't know that this place existed. Yes, so I'm not fucking with you people. There is a place in Australia called Tiddy Witty Beach. Not Tiddy Witty Bay, my bad.
Starting point is 00:27:07 That house looks so depressing. Oh, the inside looks nice. Oh yeah, it's not bad, is it? It's a bit small, but you know what? Can't complain. It's not great.
Starting point is 00:27:24 You don't have any grass. The outside is a bit sad, just pavement. And fucking gravel. It's a big backyard, but it's depressing. I don't know. You can probably do something with that. I'm sure. If you actually wanted to put grass in, it wouldn't be too hard.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Oh, sure, yeah. Okay, so if you go to picture 17 and then go to picture 18, you can see that 17 was professionally done, 18 not so much. 18 done with an iPhone 4. Yeah, that's not bad. You got to do your episode lead. This is good for the audio listeners. Yeah, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Oh, yeah, I didn't even think of that. Yeah, you guys are probably having lots of fun right now. Let's talk about photos that you can't see. I think we're doing that for half an hour. Look at picture 20. That one is so awful. What the hell? It's a youtube video wait is it no at the last slide is a youtube video oh it's literally a fucking slideshow oh my god don't no don't play audio i don't want. Wait, is it actually just a slideshow of the pictures?
Starting point is 00:28:46 Yeah. This is... Oh, my lord. Don't copystrike me, Ray White. Why did you do this? What's the point of this? The big, scary Ray White is coming for you. There must be, like, a market of people that just look for housing on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Maybe. I don't know. How many subs does Ray White have? It seems very counterintuitive. On Ray White 6, they have 551 subscribers. Ray White 6? What happened to all the other Ray Whites? Probably got taken down.
Starting point is 00:29:30 And, wait, they've... Wait, what the fuck? This channel was just made. Like, today. What? Hold up, hold up, hold up. What if we stumbled onto? Ray White.
Starting point is 00:29:50 So anyone who's not caught on, Ray White is a real estate agent in Australia. Anyway. Okay, so we have the Ray White, like Ray White, just regular account. Let's go into here, see if they link to the other ones. Ray White, Ray White. Ray White. Community? Channels.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Oh my lord. What the fuck? They've got Ray White channels for every single area, and one of them seems to have been taken over as well wait wait why is there a dude called ray white who's a rapper on here okay yeah i'm about to sell the sickest houses you've ever seen i'm gonna sell you a house you see in your dream so it'd be one thing if it was just a dude called ray white that would be okay but no this is linked to from the official ray white youtube channel
Starting point is 00:30:51 one subscriber what am i looking at i have a feeling that they used um because if you if you want to do like boxes on the side of your channel, you can either put in the URL or search for someone. So I'm guessing some boomer probably searched Ray White and was like, yeah, that looks like a house. Wait, there's another one in here. Indah RWS,
Starting point is 00:31:18 which has no content. Ray White, the foundation freestyle. This dude has more views than my videos, that's sad. Your videos are actually good, so. I mean, debatable, but sure. Well, some of them are. I'm going to put that on watch later and listen to this man face
Starting point is 00:31:45 sure since we're already on the topic of doing things that are bad for the audio listeners here's my shirt it's a pretty awesome shirt you can't read it it's upside down it says cutlery
Starting point is 00:32:02 and this side says apple apple cutlery you It says cutlery. And this side says apple. Apple cutlery. You have a cutlery apple. And I'll... Give me one second. What is this a reference to? It gets better. Here you go.
Starting point is 00:32:19 You have a cutlery apple. Oh, so it's just like you stab stuff into it. That's a anything for views joke. Go watch his and Max MoFo's podcast. I like...
Starting point is 00:32:38 I don't know. I can't stand Chad very much. Yeah, that's fair. I can only watch him in small doses. He's a bit much to handle. And same with Max, unless he's not screaming at the video.
Starting point is 00:32:54 I think this came from one of their... Sometimes they'll go, because it did well the first time, they go on Fiverr and order a bunch of shirt designs. And I think this was one of the shirt designs, if I remember correctly. I mean, it was pretty nice. Well, this might have been a joke they had on the show
Starting point is 00:33:22 and then one of their actual artists made it. I don't remember. Anyway, this is the shirt that basically made them keep doing it. Where is it? I'm not going to even say it until you get to see it. Here we go. Yep, that's perfect. Copy the link address. Open the Discord. Here we go. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Honk if you're gaming. I'll do some describing for the audio listeners. Yeah, sure. The picture is a Caucasian male standing with a golden necklace on with a black T-shirt that reads Honk if you are gaming. The honk is on the top of the T-shirt. If you are gaming, it is on the top of the t-shirt if you are gaming is on the bottom uh there is a playstation 4 camo print controller to the right with a big truck in the middle that is carrying
Starting point is 00:34:34 a bunch of wooden logs thank you for coming to my descriptive audio perfect yep have to make it entertaining to the audio guys at some point. If that doesn't paint the perfect picture in your head, nothing will. That's pretty true, to be honest. What has this fucking start been? This has actually been pretty sad, I'm not going to lie. Hey, if you... To be fair, I think it was an entertaining start. Not for the audio guys, I apologise. Maybe I'll try better an entertaining start. Not for the audio
Starting point is 00:35:05 guys, I apologise. Maybe I'll try better in the future. Probably won't. Maybe if I get audio sponsors then I might try hard. We'll see. But I make no promises. What's your ideal? I know you said you'd take anyone but what's your ideal sponsor
Starting point is 00:35:23 that you want to get? That's an interesting one um i don't that's a i'm trying to think of something funny, but it's not coming to me. Don't say Rage Out of Legends. Maybe Chatterbait. Oh, yeah. I'll take a Chatterbait sponsorship. I'll take an Audi sponsorship, I reckon.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Actually, better yet, I will accept a Lube company if Kleenex also joins on board. So you have that dual sponsor. Exactly. Look, it's a perfect combination. You can sell both at the same time. Uh-huh. You can do like a buy one, get one free deal. Oh, dear.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Yeah. This is a bit of a train wreck yeah no it is it absolutely is talking about tea, ooshies and fucking real estate yeah mate is this actually the Karen podcast well if we're going to continue on the Karen-ing did you
Starting point is 00:36:46 okay so I don't know if you've seen the fairly viral video going around Australia right now about the woman in Victoria getting arrested maybe okay I'm surprised you've managed to miss it for the audio listeners please accurately
Starting point is 00:37:04 describe the video. Okay, so in Victoria, there was a protest being planned called the Freedom Day Protest, which is at this stage still happening tomorrow. Basically, it was going to be a protest to protest the lockdowns that are happening right now. And the woman who ended up planning it, she was just in her home minding her own business
Starting point is 00:37:30 and the police come knocking on her door and then put her in handcuffs, take her away and arrest her. Okay. And their reasoning was that she was in, it was for incitement. She was inciting the protest. Therefore, she should be arrested. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:37:53 That's pretty much how that went down. Also, they confiscated all computing devices in their house, even the ones that she wasn't using herself. And, yeah. People are not happy in Australia. Rightly so. Yeah, you know, I don't think I'd really want to be arrested for organising a Facebook event. To be fair, I don't think you should protest.
Starting point is 00:38:23 I also don't think that you should be arrested for trying to protest, though. Yeah, I'm pretty much the same. It's probably not the best time to protest about a virus, but at the same time, you should be able to legally, freely protest stuff without being arrested for it. freely protest stuff without being arrested for it and this is just a part of the long line of um dan andrews doing fun things in victoria people have started to call the premier of victoria dictator dan at this point just because of how ridiculous some of the things are getting so have i told you about the drones that victoria is using
Starting point is 00:39:04 So, have I told you about the drones that Victoria's using? No, I didn't know about this. I just, I don't follow news. Good, you shouldn't, because it will make you sad. So, to actually tell you about the drones, I did say some other things. In Victoria, if you are not going to work, you are not allowed, oh, sorry, in Melbourne specifically, if you are not going to work, you are not allowed to go more than five kilometres from your house.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Yeah, I know that one. Also, there is a curfew from 8pm to 5am And to ensure that people are not breaking these rules, because obviously they don't have enough police to keep track of everyone in Melbourne they're using drones to basically watch if people are going
Starting point is 00:39:44 outside of their houses for too long also you can only say if you're not going to work you can only leave your house an hour a day as well that is actually cursed like victoria's fucked right now that's that's how I feel about them like I don't like Victoria but I can I can sympathise with the people who have some serious problems with the leadership of that state right now nah that
Starting point is 00:40:16 that is pretty that is rough I remember like when I was doing just like self isolation stuff for like a month and like you know i'd still go outside for like exercise and stuff but oh my god i fucking lost my mind like and that wasn't even like that bad i you know having to stay in your house for, like, the whole day, except for, like, one hour to go shopping.
Starting point is 00:40:51 That would be very rough. Yeah, I'm real happy that South Australia is basically completely recovered at this point. I think we have five active cases right now. I'm pretty sure they got... I checked it a couple of days ago, so it could be wrong. I think there's only like...
Starting point is 00:41:09 Yeah, because I remember seeing on... I'll check, but you know, they say health is a pretty good one to follow for that. But I'm pretty sure there's... There's no cases at the moment. Let's find... Yeah, zero cases. When was this? One day ago, zero cases. there's no cases at the moment. That's fine. Yeah, zero cases. When was this?
Starting point is 00:41:27 One day ago, zero cases. I'm looking at the numbers that Google is showing. They're saying there's four cases, but if there's zero... Are you sure it's not zero new cases? No, zero known active cases in the state. Oh, no, okay. I'm seeing the stories right now, yeah. This cringe.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Oh, Lord. Oh, Christ. Yeah, so there's a couple of articles about it. Apparently, we are completely free right now, which is good to see. Yeah, I'd rather not go in lockdown.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Yeah, I know that Queensland is cancelling schoolies this year. Oh, bro, devastation across the Australian nation right now. Schoolies is very important look you can't cancel schoolies what are you doing bro it's my last year of school I'm actually gonna fucking kill myself cause I can't go to schoolies
Starting point is 00:42:35 fuck man if anyone here doesn't know what schoolies is basically think um American spring vacation but compress it into a week. That's basically schoolies. Yeah, you just get really fucking drunk, do lots of drugs,
Starting point is 00:42:53 and you wake up in a different state somehow. I didn't go to schoolies because I have better things to do with my time. I didn't either. I respect myself a bit too much for that. I don't think anyone from my school actually went to schoolies because I have better things to do with my time. I didn't either. I respect myself a bit too much for that. I don't think anyone from my school actually went to schoolies. Mainly because we were too poor. I know some people that did go.
Starting point is 00:43:14 And I also know some people the years afterwards that would go and jump over the fence. Because they're like literally got nothing else going on in their lives. They're like, bro, schoolies is the one thing that will actually bring me happiness. Mate, there's nothing wrong with being a toolie. Okay, this is my life plan, okay? I'm going to drop out. I'm going to drop out in year 10, get into a trade, go to schoolies every year.
Starting point is 00:43:44 I go to schoolies before I even turn 18. That's how fucking sick kind I am. I do know people like that, to be honest. Oh, fucking hell. Yeah. There's some people, I don't get the party culture thing. There's some people who just do it every weekend
Starting point is 00:44:05 how are those people surviving right now with clubs like still not being fully open i don't know like probably just getting smashed at home yeah that's fair because you know like do you know how the wall shed and all of those are actually operating right now yeah i'm pretty sure I've walked past them a couple times and been like, oh, they're actually open. They're not fully open. At least
Starting point is 00:44:33 as a last one talking to my sister, the way they're open right now is kind of not making any sense. Okay, so basically, they have the music going, but you have to social distance and you're not allowed to dance so i'll just stand here in a fucking grid pattern basically so the the music is blaring you can't talk to anyone and you're not allowed to dance so i'm
Starting point is 00:44:59 not sure what the entire point of even being there is i mean that sounds like the experience minus the dancing to be quite honest well the dancing's the only fun thing to be there for unless you're trying to hook up with someone you're telling me you're like rubbing bodies with random people in fucking the trap room in dog and duck but it was fucking good i actually do miss dog and duck um but yes that's that's the only fun thing to do there. Just rub your crotch up against people. Male or female, doesn't matter. You're too drunk to care.
Starting point is 00:45:32 It's a person. That's all that matters, bro. So basically, the way it's set up right now is it's sort of like being in a pub, but the music's just way too loud. That sounds awful but then again that's just that's just me coming from someone that just does not like clubbing or going to the pub for a drink that's like honestly that i feel like that's when you know that you're fucking depressed beyond repair is when you go to the pub every night. You're like, shit, I love him going down to the pub for a couple of schooners. All right.
Starting point is 00:46:09 So I got me VB and I'm just going to sit here. I'm not going to talk to anyone. I'm going to sit here, watch the footy on the TV, eat some peanuts, and that's my night until I come home at 1 a.m., fucking blackout drunk, hit my my mishes and then go to sleep mate you gotta go there with the boys after you after you knock off from uh from the work site you gotta fucking go down your high vis make sure you don't take the high vis off you have to make sure you keep that on and just fucking all sit around just getting smashed and then drive home
Starting point is 00:46:44 and then you're good that's like the two different people that you see going to the pub or the third group which is just like the family going there for dinner yeah because they don't feel like cooking anything they're like down here for a pub meal and all schnitty nice chips in a shit salad. And then, yeah, you have the depressed liners, and then you have the boys, the boys, the boys, which are like, yeah, okay, let's fucking go. Hit them back, man.
Starting point is 00:47:17 You get fucking pissed, then go to work 5 a.m. the next day, rinse and repeat. I wonder why I have no money. Fuck, boys, you got me chef with DUI. I can't come into work today. I've got to bring me tools on the bus. Fucking hell. Oh, Lord. Yes. Them fucking
Starting point is 00:47:36 coppers, they're really what's ruining Australia. Them fucking breath checkers, that's what you really should be writing about, okay? You know, I have my Australian right to suck down 10 fucking schooners, mate, and then go back home in my vehicular device. I don't want no fucking copper breath testing me because that shit's un-Australian.
Starting point is 00:48:07 I just thought of a great idea for an app. So you know how there's some of those petrol tracking apps? Just like, oh, here's whatever the price is at this place. Here's whatever it is at this. Do the same thing, but do it for like, for like undercover cop cars that are taking speeds or for breath test stations, things like that. It's a fucking brilliant idea.
Starting point is 00:48:30 There's, like, Facebook groups for that. I know there are, but it's so much better if you just put it into an app and then everyone can very easily see the information like that. Surely that would get taken down. Google has literal malware on the Play Store. I don't think Google cares. I mean, probably not.
Starting point is 00:48:52 That's fair, but like, you know, it'd probably come out and be in and last around for a while, and then like some fucking cop that thinks his top shit's like, oh, I found out about this app I'm getting to fucking take it down. Well, yeah, if I was in Victoria,
Starting point is 00:49:08 they'd probably show up at my door and arrest me. For even thinking of the idea. How dare you express any interest in this idea. I will arrest you now. They've got, like, some telepath people they've been working on secretly in the government coming into Victoria. So, you know
Starting point is 00:49:25 as soon as you think of protesting they fucking knock down your door oh victoria i wish it wasn't like a like melbourne's a really beautiful city i don't know if you've ever gone there i have been to melbourne and and this was when I was younger, but for me, I found it very overwhelming just compared to Adelaide. It's sort of like a little, I guess the best way to describe it is take, like, an American city, like, take, like, I don't know, just any big American city, and then stick it into Australia,
Starting point is 00:50:05 it seems like it makes no sense here. Because I think the population of Adelaide, what, 500,000 in just the city? Is it? Adelaide population. I know it's not much. It might be more. I thought it was, like, a million.
Starting point is 00:50:22 It might be a million. It is. be more like a million might be a million uh it is okay no i'm completely wrong it's 1.3 million anyway it's a very small number of people compared to melbourne melbourne i think is triple the number i think it's triple or quadruple the number of people in like half the space. So it's way more condensed and it feels like you're actually in a big city. Like Adelaide, you can walk around and never bump into anyone. Melbourne, you actually might bump into people when you're walking around. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:02 If you're like, unless you're like around Highland Street and Rundle Mall, which are the main streets, you can very easily walk around and just... I mean, assuming this isn't peak time, where people are getting off work and stuff, but just during the day or afterwards, there's not a whole lot of people around. Yeah, but Victoria's kind of like that in general. Like, Victoria, I think...
Starting point is 00:51:28 What is the population of Victoria? I know it's way bigger than South Australia. South Australia population. Our population is 1.6 million, so most of the people are in the... just are in Adelaide. And Victoria population
Starting point is 00:51:43 is 6.3 million. So I think a good way to demonstrate how stupid this is, is I'll show you a map of Australia, because the population of Victoria is more than the population of Queensland. Okay, so... Here we go. So this little thing down here, this is Victoria. It's like double the size of Tasmania. I don't know how big across it is, but you've seen a map of Australia before. This right here is Queensland. I would say it's like five, six times the size of Victoria, and about a million less people. This is why Victoria has, like, this is why their cases are so high. This is why there's too many people in Melbourne. This is why there's a lot of problems in that state. There's just too many people there.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Like, it's, you shouldn't have that many people in a city. You shouldn't have that many people in a city you shouldn't have that many people in a state basically how I feel about that Asian countries be walking in here telling you otherwise okay yeah well I'm looking at this from an Australian perspective where we have fuck all people in the big desert
Starting point is 00:53:03 in the big desert pretty much yeah In the big desert. In the big desert. Pretty much, yeah. I don't think we've touched on any of these topics I've written down. Oh, we haven't touched on any of mine either. Oh, wait, no, one. Victoria, that's all. Nice.
Starting point is 00:53:24 So what do you got? What do you got on there? Because we already did one on that. Well, one of the things, I was talking to Kenley about it because he watches all the episodes I'm in and he's saying how we're not allowed to talk about games anymore because he, like, has never really played video games, which I was like, what the fuck? Yeah, I know, Kenley's a weird character.
Starting point is 00:53:48 He hasn't played video games. He's only just recently started watching TV shows. Like, he's only ever watched movies before, which... What are you, in the fucking 20s? So, uh... It's like, oh, I don't have a TV in my house, I don't know what this is. What is this alien technology? Um, yeah, so, because he was complaining...
Starting point is 00:54:14 Apparently, whenever we talk about games, we talk about it for, like, a third of the podcast, which I'm not too... I don't know, I'm not too sure how true that is. I feel like he's extended that amount just because he doesn't like hearing about video games so we've been banned, good thing I haven't been playing anything yeah that's fair, I haven't been playing anything either
Starting point is 00:54:38 well I guess he sure he'll accept this speaking of games, I recently had the VR assignment have to get marked, and the way that Bruce decided to mark that was absolutely fucked.
Starting point is 00:54:56 I saw your Instagram story. Yeah. Yeah, I also posted about it in one of the group chats as well. So, basically, I've talked about the vr assignment before basically we had to make a haunted house so the way the lecturer decided to mark it was fucking dumb he decided to mark it by himself which already is a big problem because he had like 20 people to mark uh and what he did was he got you to demonstrate it and basically he would
Starting point is 00:55:23 mark it as you're going through the game. Perfectly reasonable, a lot of classes do this but usually they have more than one person. Now the problem that happened here is one that he had four people assigned for a 30 minute block and everyone took 15 minutes to mark. I don't know if you can work out the math that's wrong there but obviously that's not going to work. So everything ran late. Luckily, I was in the first block, though, so mine wasn't that big of a deal. The problem I had, though, is he decided to mess with the spec as he was marking it. So he's had a few problems in that spec already where he was like, oh, I made a mistake here.
Starting point is 00:56:04 I made a mistake here, I made a mistake here. This one he didn't actually know about until he got to the marking where he basically wrote the spec in a way that's really difficult to understand and very easy to misinterpret. Actually no, scratch that. I interpreted it correctly, he wrote it wrong. So basically the spec said uh change your height to the height of a child so basically the way that you would sensibly interpret that is basically make your character the height of a child what he actually meant was make it so you can toggle between the height of a child and an adult which is not what it says in the spec at all oh that's really big brain like it's one thing for like adam to have hidden marking schemes fine i don't like it but at least
Starting point is 00:56:55 i don't know what the marking scheme is but this had it written out and you just marked differently to what you wrote i had that happen to me in c++ for one of the marked practicals i did something exactly like the so the way i interpreted the uh the spec which like was perfectly fine i did it and i got it all to run fine but i think, I think that was the first and only time I've ever gotten a, oh, fuck, what is the, just a, just a failing grade on an assignment, because Matt Selway came along with these little fucking, oh, you did this wrong, you were meant to do it like this, and I'm like, hey, did you look at the spec i interpreted this way which is actually like fine it makes sense this way he's like no that's not how i wanted it that's zero zero zero i'm like
Starting point is 00:57:52 come on dude can you not empathize with me and understand that like you're the way you've written this is incredibly vague and i've done it to meet the spec that you've written do you remember exactly what the assignment was or the crack was i think it was the one where you meant to like populate like an army of soldiers or something oh that one okay i don't remember exactly how that went down but i can see how that would be easy to misinterpret yeah i don't remember either how like exactly how it was but i think yeah i just i did a different way that he didn't want to do it but it didn't the spec didn't specify that you're meant to use this concept like right here you had like a big hard-on for design patterns yeah but i don't even think that that assignment was about design patterns like he just
Starting point is 00:58:48 wanted it done a certain way and if you didn't do it a certain way he was like no this is wrong it might there might have been something with like a he wanted singletons designed like in the way that he said singletons should be designed there might have been something with that that he said singleton should be designed there might have been something with that yeah probably because like you know i don't i'm pretty sure design patterns aren't like exactly set in stone no they're not they specifically in the book that he loves to reference they say these are things that we've observed in the industry these are not necessarily like best practices yeah it's just like that whole course was a big train wreck that was easily the worst like people like the shit on networking and i'm like design thinking
Starting point is 00:59:35 but c plus plus was easily the worst the worst course that we did. And, like, I have a bit of sympathy for Matt because he was just, like, handed the bit of background. The course was going and then the teacher that was doing it just fucking disappeared a couple weeks before the uni semester started. So this new teacher kind of just had it thrusted upon him. But even still, he was just incredibly unapathetic towards the students and kind of expected us to know shit that we weren't taught at that point do you want to have less sympathy sure he hasn't fixed it oh my god there is there are second years going through it right now in uh
Starting point is 01:00:20 in agp right now they're um they've been listening to the lecture like I think I get there when they're like halfway through the lecture he hasn't changed anything it's the exact same I think they're doing the exact same assignment the same dungeon assignment that was
Starting point is 01:00:40 fucking hell that took me fucking three weeks to do yeah just of non-stop work like pulling literal all-nighters multiple times to get the assignment done yeah for for context the first assignment was um this incredibly lengthy, you know, dungeon builder thing that you had. Like, it was basically you had to create a dungeon according to this spec with different rooms, different enemies, different items. Basically, like, a bunch of, like, pretty much the whole thing you had to do from the ground up. He provided, like, one or two essential files, but the rest of it you had to do from the ground up he provided like one or two essential files but
Starting point is 01:01:27 the rest of it you had to do and you also had to incorporate design patterns which was something that we were learning at the time we were also learning how to use c++ for the first time also he was trying to force the design patterns and it wasn't like hey store all your game data in a singleton that's entirely reasonable it was like here use the builder pattern to design your dungeon rooms even though it didn't actually make any sense to do or use this other pattern to do this other thing even though it made no sense to do it was like forcing these patterns into the project for the sake of it plus as you said we were still learning how to use them at the time i mean yeah and additionally there was
Starting point is 01:02:06 multiple ways that a design like there are multiple areas in this assignment that i should probably explain what a design pattern is for people that don't know but i'll do that afterwards there was multiple areas where you could have implemented this design pattern or a certain design pattern so like i remember i did the whole class diagram the uml thing and there was also that as well yeah we had to do this giant uml diagram which for anyone that doesn't know basically takes i don't you need to know some programming knowledge to understand what we're talking about think of it like a flow chart for programming stuff that's the best way pretty much so we had to draw up this massive thing and i showed mine to him and i was like hey this is where i
Starting point is 01:02:58 think everything goes and he's like no that's wrong and i'm like hey i i explained that my reasoning to him i was like this makes sense for this design pack to go here he's like yeah but it's meant to go there i'm like what the fuck do you know made it that worse as well if you remember correctly um the uh the the diagram and the code would you at the same time so it's not like he did the diagram first, and then you got marked on that, and you got to know what was wrong with it. They were both due at the same time.
Starting point is 01:03:30 So if you designed the diagram wrong as you were making the code, you were going to write the entire project wrong. But with the design patterns, even though they could go in multiple places, if you put certain design patterns in other places, there was no way to use a different design pattern, because that was the only place that one could go in so if you used the wrong pattern for building the dungeon you couldn't use the builder on that and then you just couldn't use the builder and then you just lose marks for that
Starting point is 01:03:57 yeah you're essentially just like well but especially if you didn't, like, the thing is, like, you know, I reached out for help, but I basically just got told to fuck off. Like, I'm sure that someone that wasn't as confident as me wouldn't have reached out for help and would have been so heavily penalized for, you know, thinking they're doing the right thing. you know thinking they're doing the right thing which like you know first students that are probably around our skill level you know they logically thought it through and they were like giving it their best go i'm not talking about the fucking dumb smooth brains that can't even fucking open an editor but like yeah it's just fucked course yeah but um i at that point i was like not having any of this shit i was giving him like big essays about why he was wrong about everything and he didn't even understand like what the problem with the assignment was he's like oh i don't see a problem with it i managed to do it in this long it's like
Starting point is 01:05:01 yeah the dude who's teaching the c++ course you've fucking literally been doing this language for years bro it's like two weeks in on us understanding how to make a fucking header file like this is it would have been different if it was like in the java course or something like that because java was something we had plenty of experience with at that point it wasn't like we were learning the language i think i think design patterns are now being introduced in the new python course they have so that should be easier for people but the way they're structuring it is hilarious now um so they do python until data structures. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:48 I think I've heard about how it's like, what the fuck? So yeah, they, they're going to be learning about like how to do a linked list and they're going to learn how to write Java at the same time, which is stupid. Yeah. That's really dumb. Like I remember, like I didn't find data structures like overly hard but i know that's one of the courses that people say to look out for because it's like you really need to be able to conceptualize these things like in your head for you to then convert it onto the code like you can't just you know be told or make a list and you can do it like you need to actually properly be able
Starting point is 01:06:29 to understand so like if you're trying to learn java at the same time which you know even if you learn object oriented in python like the syntax the syntax from going from python to java is a lot more jarring than going from you know j, Java to C++. Oh, and especially because Python's inheritance is... No, not inheritance, sorry. No, I think... Yeah, Python's inheritance is fucked. It doesn't have a keyword for inheritance. You have to do, like, importing a separate library
Starting point is 01:07:00 to do inheritance or something weird like that. Why? Why would you teach that? It's, see, Python is a very good introductory language. It's not good at teaching OO. It's a very bad language for that. Like, C Sharp, anything else. Like, C Sharp's not a
Starting point is 01:07:19 bad place to go, actually. Yeah, I remember, like, because at the end of the um end of problem solving program when we learned python you get introduced to like what a class is yeah and you got 10 free marks on the exam if you managed to write out like fucking two words but like at that point you know i think i i really struggled to understand what it was and i think a lot of people that i knew kind of was like oh i don't really understand it because it's like such an out of the blue thing and like for from what you've been learning um and then you
Starting point is 01:08:00 get hit with that but you know when you get to java it kind of all clicks and makes a lot more sense once you can wrap your head around the disgusting syntax yeah once you yeah because you have to like it is you know because java is just like completely made out of object oriented philosophy like it kind of clicks a lot easier system dot out dot print line no you just do sys dot out and then you do fucking command b or whatever it was yeah oh yeah if using eclipse you could do that definitely one of those dirty eclipse users i think intellij also copied that i mean i would hope so it's a pretty good feature to be honest if they didn't i know there's a different way to like alias out um sys out basically i think maybe you press like you
Starting point is 01:08:54 write out sys out and then you control tab or something yeah that sounds about right yeah but either way that's just uh so much ranting about uni courses yeah you miss uni you miss having things to do every day not not at all you know i'm i'm like you know i i wish i did have something to do like i want a job so i have like something to like get in the habit of doing but i don't really ever see myself going back to studying something because just that constant stress of having shit looming over you is just it's not good for you yeah that's how i've been feeling the past couple weeks like i had, I was completely fucking gone yesterday. Cause my sleep's also been kind of fucked and obviously stress plus no sleep is going to make it worse.
Starting point is 01:09:53 So up until yesterday, I was like, I am fucking done right now. And luckily with a bit of a break yesterday, I'm kind of back to where I should be. But if you let that get out of control, let your assignments get out of control, it starts to, like, drain you really quickly. Yeah, I definitely don't miss that feeling.
Starting point is 01:10:16 I remember I finished second year and, like, it was coming up to, like, it was after Christmas and it was coming up to like it was after christmas and it was coming up to where third year was starting and i think i'm pretty sure i had like just this mental breakdown i was like holy fuck i just i don't want to do this anymore i don't want to do a fucking exam anymore i'm just like oh my god what have i gotten myself into just let it end i was feeling like that last year pretty bad um and second year as well now that we're in the final year it's like i'm fucking stressed but you can see the light at the end of the tunnel it's like i fucking hate everything that's going on right now i want everything to end but november 6th there is nothing after that point yeah i remember well so 29th maybe i
Starting point is 01:11:11 don't remember the exact third year first semester i remember not really liking like i've pretty much purged that from my memory but i remember my last semester was really good because, like, I got a really good IT project. I was just genuinely enjoying working on that. And I had my elective, which was life drawing, which was another thing I was just really liking because it was something that I had picked out and I wanted to do. I don't remember what my last course was, but I remember it was a fucking easy one. So it was just a really nice way to end my uni experience which i was glad about yeah that's not how mine's feeling right now big data is not that course
Starting point is 01:11:52 go on my uni thing i have got a um the lecturer doesn't know my name all he knows me by is the fact that I use Linux. So I'm Linux boy now. Fucking of course you are. Also, he wanted like some... Because obviously it's a big data course. YouTube came up at some point. And he started talking about like the information that you get as like...
Starting point is 01:12:22 That YouTube collects from videos. And I started talking about like what was available from the creator's side and then he asked me to post my youtube channel on the forum oh no i didn't do that but i might do it that's definitely interesting i shouldn't post this one for sure especially some of the things i say uh but you had um life drawing and what else did you have in your final year yeah i found out i had it project life drawing i thought the last course was like i thought last course was enjoyable but it was fucking cloud programming and i guess i've just purged that from my memory as well because Good point. It wasn't like that was a hard course, but it was just shit. I did not do any cloud programming in that course.
Starting point is 01:13:11 Yeah, you don't do any cloud programming. You're like, oh, here's how you fucking install Parallels Linux. Or here's Parallels. No, did we use Parallels? AWS is what we were using. You're thinking about the course. No, no we were using no no no no no no in cloud programming at the start you use some virtual machine oh yeah they get you to learn how to use Linux for some reason yeah and like how to download packages and shit I'm like it's such a funky course
Starting point is 01:13:39 you don't use that for the rest of the course because after you finish that stuff you go on to fucking Amazon Web Services anyway I think, yeah, that course was first four weeks was like a Linux course and then it went into like researching cloud programming, then it went into a bit of AWS
Starting point is 01:13:58 it went into teaching yourself how to use AWS instead of the course teaching you how to use it that's the course teaching you how to use it. That's honestly how I... Looking back on my time at uni, I've realized that I've basically paid all of, like, $30,000, whatever it is, to teach myself. For the most part, I reckon you could, could like eliminate at least half of these courses and like nothing like eliminated half of the lectures and the tutorials and practicals and nothing would have changed you would have gotten the same grades yep absolutely because a lot of
Starting point is 01:14:40 except for the ones that had exams most of of the content was useless. Because right now, the VR lectures are useless. They're talking about, like, here's the history of VR, here's, like, different VR technologies, and none of it has to do with VR game development. It's not like, okay, here is how you design an interface in VR, here are some of the considerations that you need to have if you're going to have some sort of, I don't know, movement system in VR, here are some of the considerations that you need to have if you're going to have some sort of I don't know, movement system
Starting point is 01:15:08 in VR, like that stuff actually makes sense for game development, but it's not that it's the history and all this other stuff like there's so much you can talk about for interaction systems in VR and we're not fucking doing it, and I can talk about this all fucking day, but you want to say something I was just going to say like
Starting point is 01:15:24 if that stuff was in the first week then understand because like it's kind of bringing like because you know your mentality changes from going from a break coming back into doing a study so you know having like a history of vr like this different technology for the first week lecture makes sense like to a degree but yeah if you're doing that shit in like the second term of the semester then like what what are you doing but here's here's where it gets even better okay this court like this part like the lectures don't exist because there's another course called human-centered interaction or something, which is just that it's like here,
Starting point is 01:16:09 we're going to talk about the history of VR. We're going to talk about the VR technologies. That's what should be in that course. And it already is in that course. I know someone who's doing both and the lectures are the, basically the exact same content. Why is that even a course? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:16:28 This course, honestly, this course should have- It's literally just Wikipedia as a fucking course. Honestly, VR would be no different if you got rid of the lectures. The only reason the lectures are there is because every week, basically, we go over, like, so everyone's been assigned to do it, like, read a research paper and then do a presentation on it uh basically that's all that happens in the lectures and then it goes on to the nonsense we don't care about but i don't know maybe you could replace the lecture with a workshop or something and have people you know talk about how to do things in VR. Talk about, maybe talk about like the differences between SteamVR and OVR.
Starting point is 01:17:08 Talk about the differences between, or talk about things like how the HTC Vive has less buttons than the Oculus controller and how to actually make games that, or how to actually make interaction systems that make sense on both controllers. Because if you design something for the Oculus and you make use of that extra button, and then you go to the Vive, obviously you're going to have to have some way to move that behavior over. That stuff's actually important. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:17:41 I don't know. I guess it all just depends on the lecturer. sure just i don't know i guess it all just depends on the lecturer you know how they want to structure the course if it's good or if they have no fucking idea that's like the two that's literally the two sides there's no middle ground for a uni lecturer they're either really good or they're just god awful i'm trying to think of an example that doesn't fit in that. I don't... You know, I think you're probably right. Like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:18:21 It's just... I'm just glad the degree did not cost more than it did. How much is your degree total? Because mine's going to be a little bit more because I got the extra year. I think mine is $30,000. I think yours is probably going to be a bit more. Because, like, each course is about, like, $1.5-ish or, like, a little bit less. I think it's $1.2, but it doesn't matter yeah yeah but like if
Starting point is 01:18:47 you add them all up it's around 30k which is like very manageable to pay back yeah i've talked about this on the podcast before but our our loan system is really generous like you you don't have to pay anything back like you can just never do it if you just don't make enough money. I mean, that, that is true, but I think I, you know,
Starting point is 01:19:09 I, well, you want to, but you don't have to. Yeah. I'm pretty sure my, my dad, like,
Starting point is 01:19:18 cause he went to uni as well. He was saying how he only finished paying off his HECS debt, like a year or two ago. I was like, bro. Cause yeah, like two ago. I was like, bro. Because yeah, like if you go and get like, I don't know a social science degree and then you just work at a coffee shop for the rest of your life. Like you never
Starting point is 01:19:35 have to pay it back. Yeah, but that's a bit miserable. It is. Yes. But I'm probably going to start paying mine back fairly shortly. I said I was going to do it earlier, and then I just forgot to set the payments up. Just pay off, like, 20 bucks a week or something.
Starting point is 01:19:54 Yeah, well, like, that's the thing. Like, if it's really not, I don't know. This goes back into the, we were talking about last time or the time before about just people being awful with money, but like you can easily put aside like a certain amount each, you know, pay and,
Starting point is 01:20:11 you know, within like the, probably realistically within three or four years, you can easily pay all of that money back if you save it properly. But no, but I've got to get the latest releases. I've got to get FIFA 2021. I've got to get FIFA 2021. I've got to get NBA 2021.
Starting point is 01:20:28 I've got to get Tiger Woods Golf. And I've got to get the new... Madden. Yeah, Madden, that's the one. I've got to get my new Madden. And, oh my God, I went into Zambrero's the other day. Sure, okay, yep. This is this is gonna come around don't worry i went to zambia's other day and this dude i was wearing a space invaders t-shirt i just got from like bw or something it was like five dollars and this dude comes up to me like
Starting point is 01:20:59 he's like oh what do you want i'm like yeah just a burrito thanks and he's like oh oh, what do you want? I'm like, yeah, just a burrito, thanks. And he's like, oh, that's a really cool shirt. You know, I used to love Space Invaders, man. Oh, you hear about that new Atari that's coming out? Oh, you know, they say it's going to be really expensive, but, you know, I'm going to get it. Yeah, I think there's going to be VR stuff with it as well. It's just going to be so sick, man. I'm like, oh, my God, yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:24 Give me my fucking burrito i love playing just awful games and paying 900 for it how much is that atari thing isn't the same thing as like the little nests and stuff it's just an emulator well that's what i hadn't even heard about it before this but like i'm pretty sure that's all it is. I'm like, what else would it be? Like, even if they were to redo the games, they're still going to be fucking god-awful except for... Well, yeah, even then, because, like, Atari games are, like...
Starting point is 01:21:58 No. Atari games are just disgusting. So, anyway, that man reminded me of the fucking chads that are like, I've got to get my fucking madden every year. What the fuck is this? Atari returns to the living room with Atari VCS. What the fuck is this? Some garbage.
Starting point is 01:22:22 Atari's new PC slash console hybrid. What? Like, bruh. Just fucking buy a Raspberry Pi. Wait, is this like, no, is this literally a new Atari console? What the fuck is this? Wait. What am I looking at? Send us a link, please. Okay. Have a look at the Atari modern controller
Starting point is 01:22:51 It's the it's disgusting So, yeah, this is it looks like a router oh It's literally running Linux on it Modern control Oh, yeah, it's literally running Linux on it. Modern Control, ooh. Atari PC mode. Install any OS. This is a fucking computer. That's all it is.
Starting point is 01:23:16 It's just a computer. Who actually, like, I understand the nostalgia of it, but who the actual fuck wants to play these god awful games some of the games it's four hundred dollars that's probably us though yeah it's four hundred dollars us for a raspberry pi with a with a fancy controller that has too many buttons for it. Okay. Have a look at this modern controller. It has an X, Y, A, and B button.
Starting point is 01:23:51 Do you know how many buttons are on an Atari controller? Not that many buttons. That numpad? Numpad? What the fuck? D-pad? That D-pad looks disgusting. Why has he got a thumb stick on it what am i looking at oh i guess the thumb okay no thumb sticks there to emulate the joystick but
Starting point is 01:24:14 why is there two of them i don't know is this supposed to come apart like the switch controller what am i looking at okay listen anyone who's thinking of buying this don't there is a thing out there it is called retro arch and there's another thing called a raspberry pi a raspberry pi is a very cheap computer It will play anything up to GameCube games Retroarch is free. It'll take you like a couple of minutes to set up Finding the ROMs will take you a bit of time, but you'll get the exact same experience you get from this and it's not $400 I like how- Thank you for listening to my TED talk
Starting point is 01:25:02 Does it- oh technical specs here we go Yeah, actually, what is it running? GPU! Ryzen! I like how Thank you for listening to my TED talk Does it show Oh technical specs Here we go Yeah actually What is it running? GPU Ryzen That's all it says Why? It's an Atari console
Starting point is 01:25:14 You don't need that Do you know where the specs are? Look at It's where the price is It's under there And there's like A little technical specifications oh yeah, oh that one
Starting point is 01:25:27 AMD Ryzen processor with Radeon graphics tech you're playing Atari games, you can play it with a fucking Pentium from 2002 play it with a fucking pen I wish I'd get this mic
Starting point is 01:25:44 close, I need a longer arm because then i i can yeah this is um not actually attached it's just held in by nothing there we go um yeah here we go i'll just hold it like this i'll just hold it like this from now on Okay, so Here's the thing about the Atari console It was released in the 80s You can emulate NES games With the Raspberry Pi And you get the exact same experience as this
Starting point is 01:26:15 Stop Hey, better yet I will set up the Atari VCS for you on a Raspberry Pi I'll buy everything I will set up the Atari VCS for you on a Raspberry Pi. I'll buy everything for you, okay? I'll charge you $300, okay? Does that sound like a deal?
Starting point is 01:26:37 Because I think it sounds like a good deal for you. It's a good deal for me as well. Do you know why? Because the Raspberry Pi is $100. I have $200 profit you know why? it's because 32GB of storage look out
Starting point is 01:26:51 or a cloud subscription 8GB of DDR4 RAM that's upgradable are you fucking insane? I'm going to chuck SteamOS on this garbage this is an Atari you don't need 8GB of RAM I'm gonna try to steam OS on this garbage. This is an Atari. You don't need 8 gigs of RAM.
Starting point is 01:27:13 You see, I think that's where you're wrong, though. Actually, for reference, how much RAM did the original Atari have? Probably, like, 2 bytes. I'm gonna put it at 512 kilobytes oh it's got 4k video support what's your what's your guess at fat my actual guess of RAM yeah probably like a hundred megs no this is probably less than that it's the 80s it was 128 okay so my first guess was closer yeah we're thinking in uh too many thousands here no the 4k output's fine because you can do the same thing with retroarch you can just um if you upscale the the uh the output and then do um
Starting point is 01:28:09 msa or something like that you do some sort of uh what the fuck's the word i'm thinking of i've discovered something else there's two versions of this there's atari vcs 800 system and atari vcs 400 system uh-huh i can't find any difference though in the specs uh-huh what like like go on the technical specifications thing again, and if you just scroll down, there's two different versions. But, like... Oh, yeah, I see it. But, like, got the same shit.
Starting point is 01:28:56 Oh, I'm not showing it on the screen right now. Oh, okay. No, this one is... This one only does 1080 streaming video. Oh, wow. How much is it charging for the 400? Atari's new PC slash console hybrid. No, it's literally just a PC running an Atari emulator.
Starting point is 01:29:18 Top trigger button, yes. Side trigger button, yes. Home slash menu buttons, yes. LED ring, yes. Side trigger button, yes. Home slash menu buttons, yes. LED ring, yes. You can't just list out features and say yes. What? Okay. Okay. I'm going to tell you something. Okay, I'm gonna tell you something. The, uh... Oh my lord. The Atari VCS 800 models feature native 4K.
Starting point is 01:29:55 Okay, 4K's fine. We can already upscale video just fine. That's nothing new. HDR video. Nothing on the Atari was made with HDR support. I guarantee it. Dude, the 4K is going to make the pixels look so much more crisp, bro. No, you actually kind of need it on modern TVs,
Starting point is 01:30:19 just because of how big the pixels are. I mean, yeah, true. But, like, also just... It kind of just makes the lines look sharper. Like, I don't have a problem with the pixels are. I mean, yeah, true. But, like, also just... It kind of just makes the lines look sharper. Like, I don't have a problem with the 4K. It just makes the lines look sharper. It's probably anti-aliased as well. That's fine.
Starting point is 01:30:35 But... There's nothing on the Atari that has HDR support. Also... Hey, you can watch your favorite web-based streaming videos. It, yeah, it's a PC. Fucking PC. It's a PC running Linux. This is just going to make Atari go bankrupt again.
Starting point is 01:31:01 No, I hope. Okay. I, I am saying how fucking dumb this is, but I do like Atari. They are a cool company. They haven't done much in the past 40 years. Ah, it's an Indiegogo project. That explains everything.
Starting point is 01:31:20 There you are. This just looks like Atari's version of OUYA. I forgot about the OUYA. Oh my god, I forgot about the OUYA. I'm sorry for any hardcore Atari fans in here. I'm just talking so much shit about it. What platform? Was the Ouya an Indiegogo project?
Starting point is 01:31:48 I think it might have been a Kickstarter. Yes, it was. Oh, I forgot about the Ouya. Oh, Lord. Okay. The Ouya was the dumbest idea for a console ever made so if i remember correctly wasn't the uya like a um an android home con yeah it's an android home console literally just an android box but this was way before we had things like um stadia or nvidia whatever the game streaming service called any of the game
Starting point is 01:32:27 streaming services this was going to be you play temple run basically on your tv and i wonder why it didn't do that well well something else as well is like it had this whole business model of everything being free before you play it but like the problem with that is like it's a mobile game there's there's not a whole lot that you can like really do with that this was 2012 as well so it's not like we have all the really awesome mobile games we have now this was back when like the coolest stuff you had on mobile was temple run yeah and like beside in addition to that like a lot of the best games on the app store and stuff were stuff that you actually needed to swap your phone with like,
Starting point is 01:33:25 good luck playing fruit Ninja on a fucking Uya. That's going to be miserable. Like there was a touch pad on the controller, but Oh my God, like that controller was not quality in the slightest. No, it wasn't a good idea for a console. Maybe now it would,
Starting point is 01:33:42 well now it does already make sense, because Nvidia's got their... What's their handheld called? Oh, I remember hearing about that, but I don't remember what it's called. Shield. Nvidia Shield. I don't know if there's new versions of it coming out, but it did well when it came out. Because of how much has moved online now,
Starting point is 01:34:02 I can definitely see it making sense, but it didn't make sense eight years ago. I mean, but, like, another thing as well is, like, I think just as a concept itself, it doesn't really make sense because mobile games are meant to be mobile. They're meant to be things that you play for, like, five minutes and then you're like, oh, I've had enough of this. And like the stuff that does get ported to mobile
Starting point is 01:34:29 that are like actual full indie games, you're better off playing those on the computer anyway. I can make an exception. Well, you probably should, but if you're going to be playing like emulated NES games at the time it was, like Raspberry Pi's weren't anywhere near as powerful
Starting point is 01:34:52 so sure, I can make an exception in that case, but when it comes to just Android games, it didn't make any sense so I went and looked at the FAQ for the Atari VCS. So, what operating system is the Atari VCS running? It's running an optimized Debian version of Linux.
Starting point is 01:35:15 Not even RetroArch. They're not even using something that's known for emulation. They're just using some random version of Debian for some reason. This one's good. Yeah, my mate told me about this one. It's a really good one. They're just using some like random version of Debian for some reason. This one's good. Yeah, my mate told me about this one. It's really good one. The Atari VCS is highly customizable, especially in PC mode. You'll be able to upgrade the hardware. I'm pretty sure the only thing that said was upgradeable was the RAM.
Starting point is 01:35:48 Yeah, not even the The hard drive, just the RAM? The hard drive has unlimited external USB capabilities. So it's already less customizable than a PS4. PC mode opens up the full PC architecture of the Atari VCS so users can install a second OS like Windows, Ubuntu, or Chrome. But why? Chrome OS. Chrome is not an operating system. And use apps like Steam to play AAA games.
Starting point is 01:36:26 This is where it gets funny. AAA games on this dog shit piece of fucking wood. Or retro emulators. Oh my god, what is this thing? You mean the thing that they bought already? This is actually
Starting point is 01:36:42 just mind-blowing. No, the mind-blowing part is that people are going to-blowing. No, the mind-blowing part is that people are going to buy it. That's the mind-blowing part. It's a fucking... It's just a little computer running a custom version of Debian.
Starting point is 01:36:59 Literally go buy yourself a fucking computer and just hook it up to your TV. If you get more use out of it. Buy a Raspberry Pi. You can get a little box for them like this big. Yeah, but can a Raspberry Pi play AAA games like this Atari can? That's a fair point. I don't think you can.
Starting point is 01:37:19 By AAA games, what it means, you can play Fortnite. I mean, pretty much. You can't play anything actual value on this thing. You can play League. You can play fortnite i mean pretty much you're not going to be playing anything actual value on this thing you can play league you can play fortnite you can play uh what valorant maybe on like lower settings are people still playing overwatch i don't know well okay this is another weird thing the people that are going to be buying this obviously don't know about a Raspberry Pi or about traditional PC gaming.
Starting point is 01:37:49 So does it come pre- Oh, yeah, that's a good point. It's going to be parents who buy it because they're like, back when I was a kid, I played Tetris. So, like, it's going to- Does it come pre-installed with the software? Yeah, it's coming pre-installed with a custom
Starting point is 01:38:05 version of debian by the sounds of it okay so you know it comes pre-installed with a linux software which you know it's not like the worst thing to learn but like i think most people that are going to be buying this would be used to like i think i think it's supposed to be like steam os style linux so very locked down um you know sort of like you're on a game console so that's what it's supposed to be like now i don't know i haven't seen how you actually get the games on this okay so it comes with a hundred games by the sounds of it yeah so is there a way i can load other roms on it that's what i want to know well i think that's like what the pc mode there is for but like that that goes back to what i was saying before the p the kind of people that are going to
Starting point is 01:39:03 be buying this that don't know about Raspberry Pis or traditional PC stuff are going to be like, how do I install Windows 10 onto this thing? Yeah, because it's going to be a... When you boot it, it's not going to have an OS on there, so it's just going to be a DOS prompt. This is so big brain this is galaxy
Starting point is 01:39:28 brain levels of marketing okay to be fair if you want to send me one I'll have it because I want to see if I can I want to see if I can get root access to your Debian system sponsor me after we talk shit about your console for like
Starting point is 01:39:43 40 minutes but there's something mentioned on here about stream wait is this wait what's your favorite web-based videos entertainment and play games at up to 4k 60 fps wait is that saying this is a subscription service with this as well is that talking about external ones like Netflix surely I don't know maybe you can stream Atari games over the web
Starting point is 01:40:14 have you ever wanted to play E.T. over the internet hopefully it comes with E.T. if it doesn't i'll be sad like so many all the good games that were on this there's better versions of them now and the rest of like half of these games are basically gonna be unplayable like i don't know how much atari shit you've seen but like, like, they're going to be so bad. They're going to be like, oh, I played this for literally two minutes.
Starting point is 01:40:48 I'm like, oh, this game actually sucks so much dick. I don't want to ever touch it again. And then, like, the good stuff like Asteroids or, like, I don't know if Tetris was ever on the Atari, but, like, that stuff has good versions now. If you want to go play Tetris, what's the fucking, is it Tetris 10,000 or something?
Starting point is 01:41:10 Tetris 9,000. What's it called? Tetris 99. Tetris 99. Yeah. I didn't remember the numbers. That's a good game. Like that's actually a good version of,
Starting point is 01:41:20 yeah, Tetris 99. That's actually a really good version of Tetris. Either play Tetris 99,'s actually a really good version of tetris either play tetris 99 which is fun if you like versing other people poi poi tetris which is like fucking really tight and excellent or tetris effect on a ps4 which is like more chill and good the only one i don't know if there's a better version of is Pac-Man. Pac-Man Championship Edition. Pac-Man Championship Edition.
Starting point is 01:41:49 It's slightly different, but I think they also have a normal default mode in that. Do you know what I just realised? What? We've been talking about video games for 40 minutes. After Ken... No!
Starting point is 01:42:05 No! I'm deeply sorry, Ken. I apologise for nothing. It was your own fault, sort of, by telling me. But yeah, this actually does look like a pretty good version of pac-man um the main like mode of that championship edition is is really interesting i'll say this and then we'll move on to a different topic we don't have to kenley can can we get accepted um it's basically the ghosts are sleeping and when you go past them that's when they start to follow you and so it's kind of like it the get the board gets split into two things and then if you eat all the dots on one side then that side gets replaced with a new one and like you
Starting point is 01:43:04 having this whole train of ghosts following you until it finally gives you a power pellet and then you turn around and you just munch on like 50 ghosts it's like it's really fun i would recommend does sound pretty cool but i think there is also just like the normal Pac-Man mode on it. Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. For anyone who doesn't know about Tetris 99, the only reason I know about this game is because a lot of VTubers like to play it. If anyone who didn't see the topic last week on VTubers, go watch the clip that came out
Starting point is 01:43:40 where me and Josh talked about them. The top VTuber gets $160,000 a month just from Super Chats. That's all you need to know. I haven't been able to listen to that one yet because it literally came out yesterday. And the video version looks like shit for reasons.
Starting point is 01:44:00 Because I... yeah. If you just listen to the audio version, it's fine though. But that one was a fun episode so josh was recording from the uh the vr lab and there was like a bunch of people walking around in the background like tongue is walking around cory sam i think yeah i think that's everyone um So sometimes you'd see Sam just roll behind. Well, maybe I'll have to watch the video version, man. Well, that was a fun episode. And I think after that we went
Starting point is 01:44:40 over to the Mawson Lakes Hotel to get some dinner. Over to the pub, you mean? Over to the pub, yes. I got some other topics to talk about. Most of my topics are just, like, funny anecdotes that have happened over the past couple of weeks. All right, tell me one of your funny anecdotes. I told you one with the fucking Zambreros dude.
Starting point is 01:45:04 That's how we got onto this fucking whole topic anyway okay cool so as you guys know i work in a supermarket lots of fun you meet some interesting characters um i recently have moved over to a different store or i'm in the process of moving and this store i would have thought it was less darrow but it's darrow in different ways so i will describe this man as the energy drink man oh no so this little chinese dude he was like maybe five foot tall he came up to me he with a can of mother and he was like uh which which mother is better i'm not going to try as a chinese accent i can't do it um he was like which mother is better he was like, which mother is better? I'm not going to try the Chinese accent. I can't do it.
Starting point is 01:45:47 He was like, which mother is better? He was like pointing at the blue one and the red one. I was like, I don't know. I don't drink mother. And he was like, oh, you don't drink mother. Okay. Yeah, no, I feel like it makes it hard for me to sleep. He's like, oh, does it give you a lot of energy?
Starting point is 01:46:04 It's like, yes. Does it have a lot of sugar in it? I does it get does it give you a lot of energy it's like yes so does it have a lot of sugar in it i was like yes it has a lot of sugar is is this going to be good for uh for working i was like i probably i don't know it's gonna give you a lot of energy and then he went all the way back to the start i was like so it gives you a lot of energy then it's like yes and we went over this point like four times. And then back to the fucking sugar point. It's like, yes, it has a lot of sugar. And it's like, oh, okay, I'll buy it then. It's like... It's just stuck in a loop.
Starting point is 01:46:32 What the fuck are you talking about? Trying to just get high off a fucking mother. I do have another one. Not as good as that one but we might save that for later unless you want to go on your topic now I mean no you can talk about your
Starting point is 01:46:53 anecdote so you know those scissor lifts you know what a scissor lift is yeah if anyone doesn't know what a scissor lift is basically it's like a scissoring action and it will like lift the the top up in the air um so this dude uh at elizabeth was doing some some renovations there and as he was like driving the scissor lift down the like the aisle he was
Starting point is 01:47:23 just looking at his phone the entire time not watching where he's going just like pushing it forward just looking at his phone going through his facebook it's like mate what the fuck are you doing like you know there are people around right like what special absolutely special Really big thinkers work. Yeah. Don't do that. Same with a forklift. If you're driving a forklift,
Starting point is 01:47:54 please don't be on your phone. Just a bit of humble advice. Just a little bit of good advice. Just a little bit of good advice. I looked at the grade distribution for C++. It has 35% F2. I know that's probably inflated by 5% or 10% just purely because people join courses and then just don't withdraw. But that is a lot
Starting point is 01:48:27 i'll see if i can show anything without showing too much information uh you can't see anything that's you shouldn't be able to see um cool i don't care if you see my grades uh which one are we talking about? C++? Yeah. Holy... Yeah. That's the highest category.
Starting point is 01:48:53 That's not how that should be. Alright, bro. It should be a normal distribution, HD to p2 and then like the f's should be like not the small it's more like a slight incline but like it should be you know c is the middle grade and then like they go down and then F has a slack tail yeah yeah this also our marking system is really weird so for some reason I've got a blank category there I don't know why it's a blank category then we have other passes so
Starting point is 01:49:38 other passes are things like non graded passes which you can get if you have like a usually it's medical reasons uh usually be something like um you did all of the work but you had like a i don't know a serious mental breakdown and you had to be i i don't know you have like serious depression or something like that things like that or in the case of right now with the pandemic basically if you passed and you didn't like your grade you could say i want a non-graded pass and then that just won't be counted to your overall grade um then we have f1 and f2 which is you failed and then you failed worse and then you failed even worse again and i'm not sure what... WF would be a withdraw fail, maybe?
Starting point is 01:50:26 Yeah, that's if you withdraw after the census date, I think. Those are fucking idiots. I don't know why you do that. You're paying money to fail a course. Yeah, so the way it works here is if you are... I think if...
Starting point is 01:50:41 Is it up to, like, week three or something? Hmm. No, it's usually around week six. Oh. Okay, anyway. It's pretty lenient. Anyway, there's time end of the semester where you can like say if you want to do this course or not. And if you drop out before that point, then you just don't pay for that course.
Starting point is 01:51:01 So it's sort of like a try it before you buy it system. Except you waste six weeks of your life. And then I guess withdraw is just a Yeah W would just be withdraw Presumably Yeah before the census date Which means you don't have to pay money I think the worst one
Starting point is 01:51:19 Like worst as in it was ridiculous Was uh Like ridiculous how easy it was Would have been something like network fundamentals yeah i had a lot of fails and a lot of passes i have such a i think the first semester subjects are like a bit unfairly weighted because like yeah you have the people coming in that don't really want to do uni and they're like oh fuck i'm just not gonna try yeah well i have spoken to lecturers and they have said the way the course was set up was to basically weed out people who won't make it through yeah
Starting point is 01:51:58 um what's another one problem solving and programming oh you see how much it is it's is there anything on here that identifies me nothing okay cool thought maybe my like student ID was here so it's $1131 at least in first year so problem solving and programming yeah it's same problem here you have lots of
Starting point is 01:52:20 super high passes lots of fails tools was a really easy one. Yeah, here we go. Tools was awful. What the hell? This course was basically, you write, I think it was like a thousand word research paper. You do a
Starting point is 01:52:39 I think five commits on Git and then you get an HD. But like actual. And so some people managed to fail. I found one that's like got a really weird distribution. Network security has no fail grades. Okay. I don't know how, but it doesn't.
Starting point is 01:53:01 But I think, I don't think it had very many people in it so maybe everyone that was in it actually did pass that's fair because that was like network security is one of the last um networking courses that you do so yeah i think the only course i've seen that actually has a reasonable distribution is AI. Which is weird, because everyone hated that course. Interesting. So AI, for people listening to the audio version, I think it's 27% of people got Cs, and then it's sort of like normally distributed around that.
Starting point is 01:53:46 And then a bit of a uptick on F2's. Yeah. There you go. Fun topic. More talking about university. What's your GPA? Ah, stupid. Let's find out. 6.5 right now that's that's pretty good man our gpa is out of seven mine ended at 6.04
Starting point is 01:54:18 mm-hmm yes this is the uh the big brain podcast anyone who wasn't sure yeah big brain i got a hd average i don't know how but i did jesus christ Yes, this is the Big Brain podcast, for anyone who wasn't sure. Yeah, Big Brain. I got a HD average. I don't know how, but I did. Jesus Christ. I think before I switched, I was at 6.8. So overall, it would be like a 6.7 or something like that. That's pretty crazy.
Starting point is 01:54:40 Yeah, it's stupid. That's what happens when you have no social life. I would not recommend it. I didn't have a very big one either. pretty crazy. Yeah, it's stupid. That's what happens when you have no social life. Mm-hmm. I would not recommend it. I didn't have a very big one either, so... But yeah, I was never going to parties or anything, but it wasn't like... But you still hung out at the university sometimes. Yeah, I would spend, like,
Starting point is 01:54:57 a bit of time there. Like, I wasn't the most diligent worker, but, like, I made sure to get everything done. For sure, yeah. There's some people, on the other hand. I feel like as long as you have a GPA that's above 5, I think you're fine. I think above 5.5 and you qualify for a PhD.
Starting point is 01:55:20 Okay. Yeah, so they can take anyone. 5.5 would probably be a D average, I'm guessing. Yeah, so they can only take anyone. 5.5 would probably be like at the average, I'm guessing. Yeah, sounds about right. Because 6 out of 7 is 85%. Right, okay, yeah. That makes sense. But I don't know how people have, like I know people with like a 4.5 GPA, like how do you
Starting point is 01:55:44 even manage that? How'd you make it this far? And there's other people who I, I don't want to know what the GPA is, Aiden. But. Poor, poor, poor Aiden. Yeah, but he's done it to himself. I mean, self-inflicted, but. Yeah, very self-inflicted. but he's done it to himself.
Starting point is 01:56:02 Self-inflicted. Yeah, very self-inflicted. There's, um, I remember seeing this Luke thumbnail. It's like, am I too smart to learn? And just seeing that just reminds me of Aiden. Wait, why did you even see a Luke thumbnail? Um, I think I watched a couple of these videos after he, like, gave you a shout-out. Ah.
Starting point is 01:56:32 And then I'll occasionally just check him out. Yeah. I don't mind, like, his just rant stuff is the stuff I'd watch. Like, I don't really watch any... Same with you, I don't watch any of your technical things. I just watch the vlog. Yeah, that's fair. Uh, what do I actually have planned for next week? I think I have some things that aren't super technical,
Starting point is 01:56:52 but I could be forgetting. Well, to be fair, I haven't planned anything yet. I've got one talking about the... So you know how obviously a lot of stuff's going online right now with courses. A lot of universities are trying to bring in these really, really... What's the best way? I'm going to call them malware.
Starting point is 01:57:14 So universities are trying to effectively use what I'm going to describe as malware to make it so they can do exams online. Yeah. So they're using these things like the lockdown browser, which basically will track every single key press you make make it impossible to open up a new tab to have your webcam on all these other things and yeah i want to talk about that and uh i'll probably watch that one i might do it just a random discussion video about why not all the videos i do are about
Starting point is 01:57:46 like really practical software sometimes i just do stuff it's mainly style over substance and i want to do one on nvidia's as well which is a different front end for youtube okay but the rest of them are like fairly technical ones like fern.vim which is a vimfied explorer what is a snap and also tillix which is a javascript based terminal yeah as soon as i hear anything that has the word vim in it or anything that's a word i don't recognize i'm like yeah nah i want to title that terminal video javascript is infesting everything. I might change it, but... JavaScript is the new coronavirus. If I didn't get the video demonetized
Starting point is 01:58:31 by putting coronavirus in the title, I would do that. Is JavaScript a disease? Is JavaScript the new pandemic? Could you get away with that one? Maybe. I wouldn't be too hopeful though I think I know
Starting point is 01:58:54 what tea I'm gonna have next time I come on I got this which I probably can't read
Starting point is 01:59:01 it's um it's a flower uh huh it's called Blue Willy. Yes. It sounds like drugs. It basically, well, it does have a psychoactive ingredient in it. It's legal, though.
Starting point is 01:59:17 Are you going to come onto my show doing shrooms? Fucking God, no. We will know if the lights are not on next time. I could not set up my laptop if that was the case. If you rang me, I'd be like, why are you doing this to me? Yeah, so come on to the show with your psychoactive tea. Yeah. Yeah, so come onto the show with your psychoactive tea.
Starting point is 01:59:44 Yeah. Okay, what is the psychoactive substance in it for people who are injured? I'll double check. Give me a sec, I'm just gonna... Oh, we have to look at your desk. Nice. Yeah, thanks. Be back. What is that off to the... Is it your left side? No, right side.
Starting point is 02:00:06 This? No. There's like a... Top right. That? Yeah, there's like a line there. I think it's a lens flare. Oh, that's a funky looking lens flare.
Starting point is 02:00:19 Yeah, I did notice the thing in the right. Oh, the left, whatever. Psychoactive alkaloid. Aproprofene? What the fuck? Aproprofene? A-P-O-R-P-H-I-N-E. A-P...
Starting point is 02:00:38 A-P-O-R... I... I didn't catch the rest of that. I'll just send you the... Yes, please do that, because I'm dummy. It's basically... It makes you relaxed, but also kind of alert at the same time,
Starting point is 02:00:58 and it, like, improves your dreaming kind of capability. Okay. Where'd you get this from? Happy Herbs. Sponsorship from Happy Herbs? Yeah, I'd fucking take a sponsorship from Happy Herbs. Honestly, they sound like a drugstore. They are a drugstore, basically.
Starting point is 02:01:25 There's one in the city. It's on Bank Street. I don't know if you know that one. It's like the one that's directly up from the train station. Ah, yeah, yeah. But like if you go in their store and you give them like the secret keyword, they'll take you out back to see the actual line. No, I don't think they sell actual illicit substances
Starting point is 02:01:47 that's because you don't know the keyword they do sell um paraphernalia though um the way they get on the way they get away with it is they call their glassware vases and they put flowers in them and they have signs that say please don't take pictures of our vases like here's an ice pipe I mean put a flower in it
Starting point is 02:02:16 it's basically just cool stuff it's bongs and pipes and just yeah I haven't seen a meth fucking pipe there so i think we're okay look just use a fucking a cigar pipe and then no one's gonna question it you can just like that's not even something that any um any cop would question it's just a regular old tobacco pipe just Just smoking, smashing leaf, brother.
Starting point is 02:02:49 I mean like, there's fucking police that always walk past it, so you know, they're not doing anything too sus. Well, another store that, or another place that looks super sus in Adelaide is the Shisha joint. Dude, all the Shisha places look hellsauce like you'll walk past and it's just like smoke rolling out yeah well i've heard stories of people like bringing weed and putting them on the the hookah machines and it's like right it's on hymney street come on that's fucking awesome but i guess like the police can't really do much there because like if they're like oh you're fucking smoking weed on the hookah machine all the people come out and be like no no it's not it's just normal hookah just smells different
Starting point is 02:03:34 it's just weed-centered hookah that's such a weird place i don't, like, what you get out of going there. I don't know. It's just, like, the social aspect of, like, smoking stuff. I guess. That makes sense. It tastes nice, I guess. That's fair. But apparently it's, like, even worse for you than cigarettes
Starting point is 02:04:01 because it's, like, how sweet the smoke is or something. Mm-hmm. i don't know i did i did it once when i was drunk i was like oh my god this is the fucking worst thing ever yes i feel about vaping as well i have done that once i'm like no maybe if i was smoking it's it'd be better but like having gone from not smoking to smoking that. No. Yeah. Don't come near me with your tobacco plant, thank you. Yeah. If I'm going to smoke, I'm going to smoke something, you know,
Starting point is 02:04:33 that's going to be more interesting than that. Something a bit illicit? I'm not going to say anything about a lawyer. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yeah, I've tried DMT. Speaking of vaping, though,
Starting point is 02:04:51 vaping's a good way to use certain substances that I'm not going to mention. DMT. Wait, put your head back where it was. There. Yeah. You can still see the flare. Is there something on your webcam?
Starting point is 02:05:07 Well, maybe. Yeah, it might have been a hair or something. Oh, what the fuck? What is that? Okay. Yeah, sure. It's gone now. Maybe.
Starting point is 02:05:22 It might have been a hair. I didn't see it but maybe I don't know interesting what a beautiful collection of topics we've talked about so have you
Starting point is 02:05:42 have you ever gone and listened to any low fly music no I haven't So, have you- have you ever gone and listened to any lo-fi music? No, I haven't. I would recommend checking out the comment section on a lo-fi stream, because they have the fucking weirdest comments. Lo-fi chill beats 24-7. Lo-fi chill cow. I'll bring up- I'll just- let's see what's happening right now. Lo-Fi Chiu-Kao. I'll bring up... I'll just... Let's see what's happening right now.
Starting point is 02:06:11 Because, you know, people go there because they're supposedly studying. But they're not. They just... Yeah, you'll see what I mean. I'm just going to mute the audio just on the off chance that youtube doesn't like what i'm doing okay so right now i love girl in red sweater weather the song uh-huh no i think there's people talking about final fantasy as well uh hello i need someone to make a daily speaking to improve my english can anyone help me? I can see that. Then we have some Spanish. I feel so close to y'all.
Starting point is 02:06:53 Wassuppity whuppity. School is kicking my butt. Yo, anyone listen to The Neighbourhood? Do you listen to Girl in Red? There's lots of F's as well. More some language I don't recognise and people talk about oikawa
Starting point is 02:07:09 for some reason I'm going to start using what's uppity yuppity what's uppity yuppity I need a bi or pan girl or lesbian what here's a lot of strange people, but well, I like it. Yeah, this person knows exactly what's up.
Starting point is 02:07:31 And now there's people talking about BTS. What the fuck is this conversation here? I think you should run. I would not trust. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We have some gaybies. Some gaybies. not trust yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we have some gays some gays which i presume is supposed to be you know gay babies or something i'm gonna give birth to a gay b so yeah that's uh that's lo-fi
Starting point is 02:07:55 comments i usually have it going on in the background right now while i'm like planning out videos just because otherwise it's nice to have a bit of background noise. Background noise you don't have to focus on. I like listening to just, like, random Japanese songs. Because, like, that way I can't attach, like, anything to it. Like, if I hear, if I'm listening to, like, if I'm trying to come up with stuff. And I'm, like, either watching something or listening to something that has English in it, I'm like part of my attention's put onto that.
Starting point is 02:08:31 But if it's in a different language, I'm like, I'm good to go. Cause I'm, I can't understand it. Huh? That's, that's bizarre.
Starting point is 02:08:42 I don't know why that's just, well, That's bizarre. I don't know why. That's just... Well, so you'll just, like, fucking start playing some anime medleys when you're trying to do some work. I mean, like, I won't do it all the time, but, like, sometimes I'm like, oh, yeah, I'll listen to, like, some openings for some shows that I like,
Starting point is 02:09:01 provided they're not too intense. Huh. I don't know. Maybe try it out. provided they're not too intense huh I don't know maybe try it out well no I I know enough weeb Japanese to pay attention uh huh
Starting point is 02:09:16 so I need something without lyrics if there's lyrics then I can't do it even if it's in like Polish I think I need something without lyrics. If there's lyrics, then I can't do it. Even if it's in, like, Polish. I think... Okay. If it's... I think it's more distracting for me if it's in another language.
Starting point is 02:09:35 Okay. Interesting. Because then it's like, I'm trying to work out what's being said. Whereas if there's no lyrics whatsoever, it's more like... There's just some sort of noise going on in the background yeah no i understand i guess it's just a me thing yeah no i get it for sure but yeah it's not something i can really deal with for a while i was just listening to nothing and then i realized when i'm trying to do things like read research papers, I fall asleep. Like, literally fall asleep.
Starting point is 02:10:06 You're telling me you don't like reading research papers, the most thrilling activity the human species can engage in. I love reading, and some of the topics I absolutely love, but you put it in the format of a research paper, and I just fucking fall asleep. As soon as I see those double columns i'm like yep basically like i could be reading about i don't know um some really interesting vr technology that i'm super interested in you put it in that double format a double column though i'm done i can I can't do it. It doesn't work. I think it's also because the way they present it usually is like really, really dry. This is the VR headset. It is used for virtual reality capabilities.
Starting point is 02:11:05 You know, I've got a paper right here I'm just gonna take an excerpt from it And you'll see exactly what I mean Anyone who hasn't suffered reading through a research paper before Do I have them still saved here? Research methods, assignment 1 Yes I do Let's read about What are we reading about today we are reading about um
Starting point is 02:11:28 artificial intelligence and some legal implications okay here's part of the abstract various groups of ascertainable individuals have been granted the status of persons under american law while that status has been denied to other groups. This article examines various analogies that might be drawn by courts in deciding whether to extend persons... Shut up! Yeah, exactly, that's how I feel. Yeah, and you do that for, like, hours and hours.
Starting point is 02:11:59 See my problem? Yeah, pretty much. Oh, no. My, uh... Everything's broken. Oh, I'm gonna fix it. How long have we been going for? We've been going for 2 hours and 12 minutes. I reckon I'm happy to end it soon.
Starting point is 02:12:22 All good. Do we have anything else super important to go over? Nothing that can't really wait till next time, I guess. Unless you got anything? I mean, pretty much the same. I've been watching... getting more into the old animus
Starting point is 02:12:46 I watched Dorohedoro on Netflix I haven't watched anything in so long I'm so behind and it makes me sad I would I would recommend it it's like a fuse of 2D and 3D anime though so I don't know how you personally feel about 3D anime,
Starting point is 02:13:07 but a lot of people don't like it. But I thought it was pretty good. It's just one season at the moment, but it's got a really interesting world, and I think I watched all of it in one day because I got sucked in. I really need to smash out the rest of these assignments just so I can start watching stuff again.
Starting point is 02:13:31 That is something I do want to check out and I have some things I want to finish from previous seasons as well. I want to finish off Ahiru no Sora, which is a basketball anime because i'm a big sports anime nerd yeah anyway i will check out um whatever the hell it was called doro head doro head what the fuck's the name doro doro yeah doro doro all i know about that anime is the opening is fucking awesome and it's by um the artist is no name i believe and the song is called welcome to chaos so if anyone wants to go listen to it
Starting point is 02:14:14 uh for anyone who's big on anime like i am the artist also did the opening for grimgar of fantasy and ash and i guess that's the only other notable series they've done an opening for but it's a really really good song so listen to it and I don't know if the opening has anything to do with what goes on with the show but it's fucking weird like it has some
Starting point is 02:14:40 importance but not really but yeah that show has a lot of fucking good music in it like i've i've saved like the opening and there's a good outro song that i've put in some of my playlists on spotify who did now who's the um the i'll go to my anime list. Let's find out who the music producer, music person is. Music director? Sound director.
Starting point is 02:15:16 Who did the outro? Oh, there's multiple outros. Okay. Oh, they're all done by no name as well. Okay, that's awesome. Yeah. Oh, they're all done by No Name as well. Okay, that's awesome. Yeah, I will be sure to check that out. It's a MAPPA series as well. MAPPA is a great studio.
Starting point is 02:15:34 They did a really good series back when they first started called Zangjo No Terror, which is about two high school kids who become terrorists. That sounds very good. Yeah, and what was it? I think, wait, I don't want to get this wrong. Give me one sec. I'll just find what their names were.
Starting point is 02:16:00 Zankyo no Terra. Because their names are numbers. Yeah, so one of the main characters is called 12, and the other main character is called 9. And there's another character called 5. And 12 is very close to another number, but I'm sure they probably couldn't have the main characters be 9 and 11 that probably would go down super well especially with them you know being terrorists who go and blow up a tower so
Starting point is 02:16:38 probably shouldn't have called them 9-11 in that respect. Another anime, another Netflix anime I want to shill is Beastars is good, but it will turn you into a furry. Beastars is fucking amazing, but yes, it will turn you into a furry. That also has a fucking banger of an opening.
Starting point is 02:17:00 Mm-hmm. Beastars is about a high school where for some reason animals are people uh animals people in this world but there's a high school that they're in and they're in like a drama club or something and the wolf uh basically falls in love with a rabbit. And in this world, basically eating meat is sort of frowned upon because meat are actually other people in this world.
Starting point is 02:17:32 Yeah, so it's basically just like Zootopia, but more mature. Yes, it's Zootopia. Zootopia. Here we go. In a civilized society of anthropomorphic animals, an uneasy tension exists between carnivores and herbivores.
Starting point is 02:17:54 At Sheraton Academy, this mutual distrust peaks after a predation incident results in the death of Tem, an alpaca in the school's drama club. Tem's friend, Legoshi, is a gray wolf in the death of Tem, an alpaca in the school's drama club. Tem's friend Legoshi is a grey wolf in the stage crew, has been an object of fear and suspicion for his entire life. In the immediate aftermath of the tragedy, he continues to lay low and hide his menacing
Starting point is 02:18:16 traits, much to the approval of Louis, a red deer, and the domineering star actor of the drama club. It's really good. it follows this wolf around doing wolf things and trying to like not kill people basically yeah it's it's like and he wants to fuck as well yeah he wants to fuck the bunny uh it's not really about the high school aspect though it's more so just like character study
Starting point is 02:18:46 especially how that fucking went down I'm not going to say any spoilers but how it went down with Louis' backstory yeah that series throws you an absolute curveball once that starts happening and um
Starting point is 02:19:04 what else was another one i was gonna say uh oh yeah uh disastrous life of uh psyche k that's another good one i'm not a fan of that one no no i've i watched the first season it was really slow i just like it's not really a story it's basically just like different skits yeah the comedy didn't appeal to me that's my problem fair enough i could understand why i just like it because it's nice and chill and get the occasional laugh out of it i like my comedy to be full of cute girls doing cute things that's a very weeb thing to say or you know unintentional comedy where a gray wolf tries to fuck a rabbit and then yeah i'm actually not going to spoil anything else that happens in that series
Starting point is 02:20:00 i was going to say who else tries to fuck the rabbit basically everyone tries to fuck the rabbit that's all you get and then the last thing I've been watching that I haven't finished is called Monster which is like a hell old anime yes that's something I haven't watched but I've always heard good things about it
Starting point is 02:20:23 yeah it's like I think it's like 70 episodes and I'm only like 12 in, but it is really good. Yeah. This is, this is a well-known classic. 74 episodes. Yeah. Yeah. This is something I've been meaning to watch for so long.
Starting point is 02:20:44 Um, I have no idea what it's even about. It's basically about a doctor that kind of gets disillusioned with the medical system because it's, like, all about money instead of actually saving people. And then, I mean, it's not really revealed in the first episode, but, like, you basically find out straight away that one of the people he saves turns out to be like a serial killer okay that's basically the premise for the show but it's really it's really good so far and i've heard it just
Starting point is 02:21:19 gets better the more it goes on so i'll definitely check that one out. Eventually, one day. That's my anime gosh. Yeah, let's see what I still have left. That's pretty much all I want to talk about. I'll see what I still have left in my list of downloaded stuff that I just haven't watched yet. Because this is how far behind I am. So, I still haven't finished the, uh,
Starting point is 02:21:46 episode 9 of Eizouken. Um, what else do I still have left to watch? I'm at episode 9 of Koisudo Asteroid. And I'm still watching Magia Record. Like, I'm like 3- oh, I'm also on episode 9 of Nekopara.
Starting point is 02:22:01 So I'm, like, real far behind. What the fuck is this? Why did that get downloaded? I'm also on episode 9 of Nekopara, so I'm like real far behind. The fuck is this? Why did that get downloaded? My RSS feed broke and I downloaded something called Peter Grill Takenja Nojikan. I don't know what this is. I reckon you should watch it then. I will check it out afterwards maybe.
Starting point is 02:22:23 I don't know what this file is supposed to be. Yeah. So, that's... For some reason, we did an anime recap at the end of this. I don't know why. Sure. Was that on your list of topics? It was. Dorohedoro and Monster was on my list of topics.
Starting point is 02:22:44 Because, like, I never really used to watch anime like i think before before those couple ones i was saying i like pretty much had only watched like death note as a traditional anime like excluding like fucking yugioh and that dumb dumb shit um but yeah so i i've been getting into the old animus uh because you have no job and have nothing better to do pretty much actually how has the job hunting been going has it at all i mean yeah but you know it's like i've had some interviews i had like a pretty good one happened recently but basically like the guy was like oh yeah you know your interview is really good but even so just because there's so many like people looking for a job like you probably won't get it and i didn't so yeah yeah i get that it'd probably be hard to find something um for for a while probably
Starting point is 02:23:49 well a lot of companies are starting to move a lot of their workforce entirely online like there's a um a report that came out recently talking about uh australian commercial office rentals and it's like fucking tanked because most like most companies like we don't need an office like it's cheaper to not have one well yeah that's like something but that's gonna be like one of the really main impacts of the older toyota corolla um is like yeah there's just gonna be so many jobs that can be well that get realized that can be done from home so be interesting to see how that affects everything else yeah for sure like uh there was one i saw where it was a recruitment firm for some reason a recruitment
Starting point is 02:24:40 firm had an office i don't know why uh and they're like yeah we don't actually need this we can just do everything online and if we need to have a meeting you can get there's basically Airbnb for office space so if you need an office space you can use that yeah well like even then you could just go to like a cafe
Starting point is 02:24:59 or something if you're really desperate you want to talk something a bit more private than that you want to do some very important company stuff whatever companies do then like you can rent out things for like a day so it's it's a very interesting way the model is going to shift and we'll see where it goes in the next couple of years i guess sure it's like um i was listening to um i have another friend that does a podcast and it's like he's talking about how there was this um basically poll or study i don't remember which one but it was done of um like the australian population it was
Starting point is 02:25:47 like oh how long do you think it will be until things get back to normal um you know because of everything that's happened and like there was lots of people that were like oh yeah nothing's nothing's really changed for me um and then like it was basically but the majority of people like oh yeah i'll probably just get back to normal in like half a year or a year's time but like you know there's there's just so many unforeseen consequences of like what's actually happening yeah Yeah. Yeah, like, if you're just doing... If you're already working from home anyway, nothing's changed.
Starting point is 02:26:29 If you're doing, say, I don't know, remote dev work, or you're doing contract dev work, something like that, nothing's changed for you. Or even if you're on a... Even if you're a tradie, most things haven't really changed
Starting point is 02:26:45 it's just like, you sort of have to not stand as close to each other You have to do the old the old 1.5 metres part, T-pose Pretty much, yeah But I can see how most people haven't had anything changed, like my my job, we should be wearing masks.
Starting point is 02:27:06 Like, we should have been wearing masks the entire time, but we never did. We didn't have gloves, we didn't have masks, nothing like that. So supermarkets never changed. Yeah, I seriously doubt there'd ever be, like, like, the most big thing that happened at the supermarket aside from like stuff not being there is like michael's rearranged a couple of things to space it out and that's like about it yeah the really really popular ones they have um like arrows that say which direction you
Starting point is 02:27:40 can go down the aisle yeah but even like elizabeth doesn't have that so and elizabeth is a pretty big one so you have to go to like adelaide or something for that to happen i know the um food land on saints road does do it though yeah well i'm happy to end it there on the old yeah we're almost at two and a half hours yeah i'm happy to end it there um do you have a channel you've been, I'm happy to end it there. Do you have a channel you've been watching recently you want to give a shout out to? I do.
Starting point is 02:28:11 You know, it's a pretty big channel, but whatever. You Suck at Cooking. I, like, binged all of his videos in, like, a week. Because they're just... They're basically, as i see them just better versions of my cooking videos um but yeah that's my shout out he's really enjoyable that yeah that does look pretty cool well since we're on the topic of cooking i had a different one i could have suggested but
Starting point is 02:28:48 We'll do a different one. So this is actually an Australian dude This is called and that's what I reckon so send you a link to his channel He basically is just like you know what fucking stop using packet stuff just make it yourself like a lot of his videos start with like him getting some sort of packet shit and then just like throwing in the bin like okay packet mac and cheese fuck that we're gonna make it from scratch or packet like or he's he has a um extreme hatred for jar sauce it's's like, stop using jar sauce. It's fucking easy. Just make it yourself. I love these names.
Starting point is 02:29:28 End of days, bolognese. Wham bam, thank you, lamb. Chili con can't go outside. Rice rice baby. The ultimate stroganoff. Yeah, he does a really good job of what he does. And I think he's mainly, like, he's
Starting point is 02:29:50 bigger on Facebook. That's how my sister found him. Oh, Macarona and Cheese. I'm gonna put Chili Con Can't Go Outside on my watch later. Yeah. He hasn't even been doing this for that long really he's just started flying a couple years back but this cooking stuff looks a bit more new
Starting point is 02:30:17 hmm seems like you used to do like random bogan-y shit before yeah absolute bogan-y shit before. Absolute bogan shit before. The channel's really old. He's got seven-year-old videos. But yeah, the cooking stuff's very new.
Starting point is 02:30:42 That's cool. I'll check him out for sure. i would recommend him and if my sister happens to watch this then uh she would recommend him as well uh do you want to shout out your platforms actually we never just think i just realized at the start of the podcast, we never actually said what you did in case anyone hadn't seen the previous episodes. Well, you know, I feel like surely the people that stumble upon this aren't going to just watch one of my random episodes. But you never know.
Starting point is 02:31:20 Yeah, at the start, I mean, like, I said that you had done the art for this channel and also the main Channel I didn't say anything else you actually did Yeah So Connor has a YouTube channel it's called cause harm he does skit videos that are bizarre in nature Would be the best way to describe it Just bizarre You're gonna think that you're watching something and it's not actually that video at all in nature would be the best way to describe it just bizarre you're gonna think that you're watching something
Starting point is 02:31:48 and it's not actually that video at all yeah the newest one the chess video I haven't watched that one all the way through yet goes very off the rails yeah by the looks of some of the parts I saw
Starting point is 02:32:04 it got a little bit weird um so yeah my channel's cause cause hand cause han it's got fucking weird videos with a overarching storyline uh other than that super cause man is um where you find all the rest of my stuff so dv Twitter, fucking whatever else. Yep, that's it. That's it? Okay, cool. So, I reckon we'll cap it off there, then.
Starting point is 02:32:33 Before we go, I would like to thank my supporters. So, a special thank you to Joachim, Corbinian, Andrew, Craig, Nathan, Montezat, Joseph, Peter D. Rowe, Tony, Donald, John, Mark, Mikael, Neffite, Tease, and Zilva. If you want to go support my work There'll be some links to my Patreon and Subscribestar
Starting point is 02:32:53 My Cointree, things like that If you're from Kleenex or a lube company And you want to sponsor me My business email will be on my channel page And Happy Herbs If Happy Herbs wants to sponsor me I will consume your herbs on to sponsor me i will consume your herbs on the podcast and so will connor i will send him some of the samples i have some
Starting point is 02:33:11 you're gonna get some more samples all right um if you want to go watch my main channel content that's where i mainly do linux nonsense where it's much more structured than this and i'm trying to say something that actually has value rather than talking about herbs for half an hour at video games and ranting about Atari that is Brody Robertson on YouTube and Library
Starting point is 02:33:35 and the video it's also available on BitChute and BitTube, I'm really tired it's 2 o'clock and I haven't had lunch yet this channel if you're watching it on youtube or library the audio version is available anywhere you can find audio podcasts the video version is available on library and youtube should be out on tuesdays thursdays hold on fucking knock day comes out i'm working it look at what we're the ones that starts with a t look at when it came out the week before
Starting point is 02:34:05 it's going to come out seven days from that point you can work it out yourself I think that's pretty much everything then how do you want to sign off the podcast what did that guy say what's uppity puppity
Starting point is 02:34:21 what fuck what was it what's uppity-puppity? Oh. What? Fuck, what was it? It was uppity-duppity. Yeah, what's uppity-duppity? Catcher on the flippity-floppity. Yeah, squad fan out. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:34:40 Yeah.

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