Tech Over Tea - 3 Hours Is A Really Long Time - Tech Over Tea #2 feat SMARTZ921

Episode Date: March 5, 2020

I really should plan a time frame for this podcast, today we just just kept recording until we hit about 3 hours, why you ask, I don't know but I still think it should be an entertaining episode. Don'...t expect this to be the regular, it's actually really tiring having to talk for this long plus I was already tired before hand. But anyway, Marty and I haven't talked in a while so discussed a lot of random little things, like the steam market, some more LBRY talk, a bit of CounterStrike, a couple of world events, and most importantly that time that we met Lewis Spears. ==========Guest Links========== YouTube: Twitter: Twitch: ==========Support The Podcast========== Patreon: Paypal: BTC Wallet Address: 1Aokiv3pFQXUEmh2LbzZQAwxMvq6bpT2UN ETH Wallet Address: 0x80451867c86bdf08c3888d407c1e3fcb6add61ed LBC Wallet Address: bLRN9fm17sCexKfgbYqmMj5xskZF2ogpEh

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Can you still hear me? Yes. Okay, so we had some technical difficulties. I kind of switched my audio device and then Marty couldn't hear me or I couldn't hear him or something. I don't know. Anyway, we're going to try that again. Welcome to the second episode of Tech Over Tea. I am your host, Brodie, and this is someone who was supposed to be on for the first episode
Starting point is 00:00:21 and it just didn't work out because he was busy. Welcome to the show, Marty. Thank you, thank you. It's generally what happens when you decide to move house in the middle of a fucking... That would be a bit of a pain, wouldn't it? Oh, it's... Especially...
Starting point is 00:00:37 The whole, like, Friday that I moved into my new place... I mean, like, don't get me wrong. Like, now that everything's working, I love the place that I'm at. It's absolutely amazing. Like, the place that I got was furnished and, like, I got my own balcony. There's only one problem at the moment.
Starting point is 00:00:53 The hot water service is so scuffed. It doesn't actually work. So at the moment, I'm trying to get onto the landlord and be just like, yo, you sold me a scuffed fucking apartment. Please fix it. And he's not returning my calls. Yeah, no, you sold me a scuffed fucking apartment, please fix it, and he's not returning my calls. Yeah, no, that's, uh, good luck with that one. I've never had any luck with landlords, that's for sure. They've always, like, oh, except for the ones I've gone through with,
Starting point is 00:01:14 like, private rentals. Private rentals are generally, generally better, but then you don't have any security, uh, any security whatsoever. I said security. Nice. You don't have any security whatsoever going through private rentals but generally you can at least get in contact with them and you know stuff can get fixed i mean yeah luckily for us like we also have like a real estate agent who handles everything on behalf of the landlord so i kind of like i'd like to go to the landlord first but if i have to i'll go to the real estate agent which is what we're doing at the moment so yeah it's just another case of
Starting point is 00:01:50 abuse everyone until someone answers you know that might work but eventually you're gonna run to someone who you probably shouldn't be abusing i mean yeah but if you if you're in see the thing about abusing people or at least for me if you're within your See, the thing about abusing people, or at least for me, if you're within your rights to abuse them, then do it. Just fucking do it. Oh, excuse my language. Sorry. No, it's fine. I couldn't work it out with Connor whether we were going to swear on the show or not,
Starting point is 00:02:19 but he was just like, whatever, we'll just do it, and then I just went with it. So, whatever. This is going to be a library-first show anyway, so it's not really a big deal oh i actually that remind thank you for that i'm gonna i've been meaning to make my own account on library and now i'm actually gonna do it now that i have internet yeah i'm i'm just shilling this service to everyone to get a chance to it's not just because i'm making a lot of money from it it's also because it's a good service yeah uh, from what I've looked into it, which isn't a lot, but from what I've seen it's pretty cool and like the whole thing is when you go to the website is, congratulations you're now free from censorship.
Starting point is 00:02:58 There's definitely some problems with it, like one of the things that happened recently, they added reposts in, so the way that reposts work are basically the way that retweets work on Twitter. So it still says the original poster, but it also says this was reposted by so-and-so. The problem that's happening right now is it's actually, when you get the notification emails that say people have uploaded stuff, it actually says the person who was reposted uploaded that video even if you're not following that person so you'll get emails saying here's a new video from this random channel you're not actually following which needs to get fixed but they're working on it
Starting point is 00:03:40 i mean it's all a work in progress oh Oh, definitely, for sure. Kind of like, have you been following Neobanks? Neobanks? Neobanks. So they're like, they're banks that don't actually have a physical location. Like, they have a head office and stuff, but they don't have any branches or anything. It's all done via an app. Oh, like the one that you were trying to get me to join the one that i show yeah yeah and then i just didn't end up doing anything with that what was it called
Starting point is 00:04:09 again up there um yeah they're uh they're pretty cool and yeah i show them and they like all of the neobanks or at least at the moment have better interest rates than you know actual solid banks so there's something that you know you should look into i love them like the one that i'm with um up as i said i shielded to you and a lot of other people um like their roadmap is pretty interesting yeah and like they have um so you know how pay id works, right? Just hold that thought for a second. Hmm. Sorry, just whacked a spider.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Oh, okay. I didn't, look, wait, you're on campus right now, aren't you? Why are there just spiders roaming around? Because this fucking room hasn't been used in like a, what, three months? Oh, you're in the club room, are you? Yeah, when did the semester end? Um, November? October? in like a what three months oh you're in the club room are you yeah when did the semester end um november october because uh so we had like our last thing in here on december 20th yeah um yeah no this room hasn't been used for like a couple of months that's why so
Starting point is 00:05:19 that would explain it yeah Yeah. Oh, yeah. So, like, they've just reached the part of their roadmap. So, you know how, like, you know what pay ID is, right? I'm aware, yeah. I don't typically use it. So, they allow you to pay ID using a custom name that you set, not like your mobile or an email. And it's pretty neat.
Starting point is 00:05:44 I'm not sure how they've done it i'm not like that well but like i said it's pretty neat on that note um have you been paying any attention to what's been happening in the the crypto realm no not really i i really like for all the investing stuff that i do i really need to pay more attention to crypto. Because crypto is one of the fronts that, like, it's one of the most volatile, but it's also, like, where you can make some good profit. But please go on. I'll send you a link. But it's something to do with Visa actually getting involved with it. I'll see if I can find it.
Starting point is 00:06:19 But I've been investing a bit in crypto lately. Not a ton. I've got,'ve made it work. He got me into it. He's got like, I think he said something stupid like 20 grand or something in Ripple. Fucking hell. Let's see. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:06:37 So Coinbase has partnered with... I think that link should work if I didn't do it wrong. Anyway, Coinbase has partnered with Visa to do a crypto credit card, basically. Oh, this is huge. So basically... I know, that was page not found. Oh, I didn't post the link properly then. Just Google Visa crypto credit card and you'll find it.
Starting point is 00:07:07 posted that properly then. Just Google Visa crypto credit card and you'll find it. But basically what it's going to be is a credit card that automatically converts your whatever the crypto you have on it into the currency for the countries that it's available in. So it's not available in the US, but I think the European Union has it, Canada and a couple other places. So I think this is gonna be... it's a really like... so it's one thing to use something like Bitcoin as a store of value but store of value I don't really think holds... I don't think most people are gonna care about it but if you're gonna increase liquidity like that and make it so it's actually something that people can easily spend i think that that's really going to help actually boost up the prices so yeah no this is if this actually
Starting point is 00:07:57 goes ahead this could be huge or has the potential to be huge even like as it is i think if i remember correctly it supports the like five major coins so that would be um bitcoin ethereum ripple litecoin and someone's gonna hate me for not remembering what the fifth one is um dogecoin it's not dogecoin. I think it's Bitcoin Cash. I think Bitcoin Cash, that sounds right. But it also then also supports BAT, which is if you've used Brave before, the token you get from using that browser. Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. I'm still a Chrome scrub. Oh, you're still using Chrome? Still, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Just try out BAT. It comes with a built-in ad blocker and it gives you free money um wait what browser was this sorry brave oh yeah uh one of my friends uses it and they had do they have like referral codes for like so if someone recommends it to you i think that was what he was saying like one of his friends was using it and he gave him a referral code. Oh, there probably are. I haven't spotted them though, so. Oh. You know what?
Starting point is 00:09:13 I'm going to download Brave. Yeah, we're shilling up. We're shilling Brave. Let's just keep going with it. Subscribe to Brody's channel on Library. Oh god, that's going to ruin the audio levels. Lucky I don't have them set up to be automatic. That would be a real problem.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Oh, the first thing that came up when I said Brave was the movie. Oh, yeah. I look up Brave Browser or Brave Chromium. Yeah. The one thing I don't like about Brave is it's not a problem with Brave. It's a problem with Chromium. I'm not a big fan of running chromium apps and the reason for that is because google is effectively taking over the web standard and they are at the point where they can say like so in the like early 2000s microsoft
Starting point is 00:09:57 were doing dumb things with internet explorer but no one cared because no one ran Internet Explorer. But Google is in the opposite position. They have almost a complete ownership of the web browser market share, so they can do whatever they want. Yeah, I don't mind Chromium, but to be honest, I'm all for just doing dumb shit. Let's all go back to using Edge and Internet Explorer just to watch Google Sweat.
Starting point is 00:10:29 If we could get enough people to do it... Just to watch what? Just to watch Google Sweat. Oh, just to watch Google Sweat. Okay. Yeah, sorry. Nah, it's all good. Yeah, because as I said, everyone uses Chrome or a a chromium app yeah and i'm pretty sure even edge now uses chromium um yeah the edge chromium build came out fairly recently i'm pretty
Starting point is 00:10:54 sure yeah so fuck it we should go back to like internet explorer 11 and like get everyone on that that we can because you know just to stick it to google no just what i want is i want a firefox builder brave if there was a firefox build of it i would not have any interest in using anything else because right now there's really only three there's technically only three web engines you've got actually four so you've got um firefox you've got chromium you've got um safari's fork of the the blink engine which is what chromium was built on and then you've got the other one the um g i think it's gtk web or something i don't remember what it's called there's like it's just random linux web browsers that use it but really um we need people to support these other browsers and
Starting point is 00:11:52 i wish i could but brave is just so good yeah i like i've now that i've got like i'm trying to import everything now that... Now that it's actually downloaded, and it keeps telling me to close Chrome. Okay, there we go. Now I wonder if it auto-signs me into everything. No, it does not. Yeah, no. If you copied your cookies and all that over, it would.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Maybe. I'm not sure. Maybe. I can't be bothered with that. I can just sign in. Yeah, that'd be a bit of a hassle Everything's easy enough Well relatively easy
Starting point is 00:12:28 Um Yeah I mean Wait Mozilla Sorry Firefox is open source isn't it Ah yeah Brave is as well Well time to get bored and make a Brave version Or a Brave fork in Firefox
Starting point is 00:12:44 Oh yeah if you want to make that your honours project, that would definitely be something that would take at least a year, that's for sure. Oh god, like, I don't even want to. I mean, I've got a whole, like, I'm not doing much at uni this year, but, so I've got kind of like, essentially a gap year before my honours,'m kind of interesting um i'm kind of thinking about what i want to do for my honors and i'm thinking that's going to be my idea unless you know someone beats me to it but and if they do well hoes mad well i'm not even really sure what's going on with this honors project thing well like i'm i'm doing like this thing that's it's a community service learning project so it's
Starting point is 00:13:28 basically like did you do i think i've told you this before or asked you this before have you ever um or do you remember doing like um research project or plp personal learning yeah yeah in high school yeah well did you like in plp did you do like a community service thing or like showing your um like community values that sounds familiar like you had to like do something for the community so i like went did some fundraising for like a few local charities and stuff that That's essentially what this is, except they give you the projects that you have to do. It's not like a free tour. No, I know that. I mean, I haven't seen anything
Starting point is 00:14:12 about the projects that are available. That's the thing. Yeah. So, like, and that's the same for me, right? They've, like, given me a list and they said, like, pick three. Oh, wait, you got a list? Well, not for honours, for my thing. Oh oh okay um and they were like yeah pick three and so i did and then i've heard nothing since and it's kind of concerning
Starting point is 00:14:34 and i want to email them be like so um have you forgotten about me like what's the deal is this still going ahead um because i am i essentially being dropped from a course and I have to pick of another pick another elective real quick because I heard that with the honors project you get a list at some point and I just I haven't seen anything of it yet and the course is supposed to start in like a week yeah that's the same well because I'm sorry yeah don't what saying? I was just going to say, like, a lot of the courses, like, over the whole uni haven't even opened up yet. Yeah. Some of the first years, well, second years now are panicking because DataStruxure is open.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Oh, is that about DataStruxure is not open or is it is open? Is open, sorry. Is open. Sorry, you cut out for a second there. I think, yeah, that's kind of my internet. Well, the uni's internet. Yeah, like a hundred down dedicated just to you. And it's like, oh, the uni internet's playing up.
Starting point is 00:15:37 It does that, doesn't it? It's just the latency. Like the download's fine, but because there's so many devices on the network, sometimes it just has a bit of a strong... I'm going a speed test is it really that busy right now because like i mean like main semester hasn't started yet no it's not that busy but like most of the computers in the labs are still on just doing nothing but they're still yeah that's fair so yeah it i really want to like set up oh well do you remember the story in our first year that are you telling about adam's botnet not a yeah like when he fucking set up a bow wolf cluster in like in one of the mac labs just to do his own thing i can't even
Starting point is 00:16:22 remember what he ended up doing with it i don't know um i would have used it for some like crypto mining but that'd probably get me kicked out of the school oh i remember i remember hearing that i love that story of the guy who used one like he was working for the russian government went into like wherever he was working with like one of the huge supercomputers started running fucking bitcoin mining on it and then immediately got fired oh yeah i wonder why gee it's not like i mean what could possibly go hey maybe that's the use for the uh the google stadia it's not doing much else oh my god have you did you watch jack septica's video on the google stadia i haven't watched jack septic eye the google stadia that's the most boomer way to describe it um i haven't watched
Starting point is 00:17:12 jack in a very long time good um i follow a channel called memology yeah and oh yeah yeah he just like posts like stuff that's going on in, like, the YouTube realm. And also, he's been posting a lot of stuff about the coronavirus, which has been mildly interesting to me. I think I found that channel from Unbox Therapy pretending that he didn't steal a phone case. Oh, the Pataka case. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:43 What a time to be alive that was. But anyway, we're talking about corona. Oh, the Pataka case. What a time to be alive that was. But anyway, we're talking about Corona. Yeah. We'll get too off track. Yeah, I was following him about the coronavirus. Or that's who I follow to kind of find out my news about the coronavirus. Or any kind of news, really. Good channel.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Shout out. Speaking of getting your news, there's one channel that you should subscribe to on library yeah hang on let me just sign in again he's go subscribe to alex jones oh yes he's always on the uh page. It's great. Oh, hell yeah. Hang on. I need to send you a link to a very good YouTube video that you should watch. Oh, God. Because it's so good. It's got one of my favorite images in the world in there.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Yeah, I'm not going to play that just because this video will get copyright struck later copyright strike um but yeah it's fun it's funny you mentioned that um i'm a huge like i love initial d right and i love eurobeat a lot of the mixes that i used to listen to and like the anime music videos or amvs depending on you know who you who you ask um have disappeared from youtube like funimation has retroactively gone back and been just like this has been uploaded for three years this this is ours and then the whole channel got nuked well they do own the copyright to it the problem is they just weren't actually enforcing it yeah and i mean like for some of them were transformative and i mean you could have argued fair use yeah for the remixes for sure but yeah um because one of my favorite videos was um crazy little love by new age and it was um it was i think i don't even think it was in the anime or
Starting point is 00:19:42 at least i don't think so anyway but someone had edited like the last battle between Takumi and I think his name is Shinji it's like 8-6 versus 8-6 yeah the 8-6, 8-6 match is it fine to spoil something that came out 10 years ago I mean yes
Starting point is 00:20:00 but with that being said I only watched like I only watched third stage like a week before Christmas because that's like the closest I could get to Initial D Christmas. And oh my god, I'm so sad I didn't watch it soon because it is such a fucking lie. Yeah, all of Initial D is pretty good to be honest. Ah, can I say thriftu as they say oh good times good times i didn't think the anime cast would happen until i brought shut on but hey i guess it can happen early man fucking oh i want to oh if you want to talk anime let's talk about vick uh how do you Let's not do that. Let's get copyrights.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Let's not turn this into a political podcast. I'd rather not talk about what's happening with Vic. Yeah. Alright, fair enough. Anyway, now that that's kind of derailed, where are we even going from here? Good question.
Starting point is 00:21:02 You want to go back and talk about investments? Before that, I should probably mention, it's kind of going to become a thing where I mention the tea that I have. I don't actually have any tea in this cup, I drank it last night, but let's see if the camera can see it. It's not, it's not, whatever, I have my focus set to where I am. I don't know why I keep trying to get it to focus when it's closer, I have the focus set to where i am i don't know why i keep trying to get it to focus when it's closer i have the focus set manually anyway it's a it was a pure chamomile tea it's pretty good makes you sleep better um anyway what were you gonna say uh um well as this is tech over tea i had broke tradition and got coffee instead i got an iced latte from my local coffee shop.
Starting point is 00:21:45 They see me coming. They have it ready by the time I walk in the door. I just pay them and walk out because I go there that often. It's probably better than what fucking Connor had last time. The episode's not up yet. It's going to go up on Library the 25th. So that'll be a week. Tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:22:04 A week before this comes out, something like that. Anyway, yeah, tomorrow for us, we're recording this on the 24th, he had a cup of Kohl's home brand black tea. Fuck's sake, Connor.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Why, though? I don't know god i don't know why you're drinking it tastes awful just buy yourself some like i've said to myself if i'm ever too poor to like where i have to buy international roast i'm just not buying coffee anymore and it's the same with tea if i'm if i'm too poor to buy like at least lipton i'm just not drinking tea anymore all right i'm gonna be a shit again um one like the tea that i drink it's um dilma tea dilma and i yeah i've seen that myself yeah um i get the extra strength which is the purple box and that is it's good stuff if you if you're lacking hair on your chest that's the stuff to get puts hair on your chest makes you a man anyway we weren't gonna go
Starting point is 00:23:11 somewhere and then i derailed it with t-talk i mean let's if you want to talk all right investment investment we were going to talk about that oh what were you saying about drama i was going to say if you want to talk to you i can talk drama if you want i know where are you going to go with that oh no nowhere at all i'm not allowed to talk about it that's the thing it's all uh it's all about people look man imagine resigning with the word yeet yeah you know what i'm talking about i think I know what you're talking about, yeah. Yeah, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Why isn't Library working on Brave?
Starting point is 00:23:51 Excuse me? What, Library TV, it's not working? Yeah, no, it's just a white page in Brave. Excuse me? That's weird. I haven't had any problems with it. It's possible Library TV's down right now. Let's see if the devs are talking about it.
Starting point is 00:24:10 No, no one's talking. So I don't know. Maybe it's just playing up or something. I did notice that the regular library app was also playing up a bit this morning as well. Being a peer-to-peer application, it is a bit slow from time to time. Unable to load your saved preferences perhaps brave is being a bit slow. Oh it's a brave problem then okay that makes sense. In Chrome it's
Starting point is 00:24:38 saying unable to load your saved preferences but in brave it's just showing a white page all together Okay. Yeah. Interesting. I don't know then. Chromium problem, I guess? Perhaps. Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer. Wait, does Internet Explorer even come on Windows 10 anymore? I thought it was just
Starting point is 00:24:57 replaced with Edge. If you type in Internet Explorer, Edge pops up first because, you know, I know it is a library problem, or perhaps it's a uni problem. That's actually probably... Oh, yeah, that's actually possible. Speaking of Edge, did you hear what Microsoft did recently?
Starting point is 00:25:17 Well, that's getting them in a bit more hot water. No, not recently. So, if you... On the newer... I don't know what version of it is, one of the newer versions, if you typed in Chrome into your start menu, it would say something along the lines of Microsoft Edge is still here. This is a, basically they're trying to force you to use Edge. I'll see if I can find it. Basically they would... instead of just showing you you've searched for Chrome and then like open up Chrome, they were trying to
Starting point is 00:25:58 entice you to use Edge instead. I mean to be perfectly fair Windows search Has been a very big Meme for a long time Yeah Was it Linus Tech Tips who was saying Like I would type in Team and Team viewer would come before Microsoft's
Starting point is 00:26:19 Own team Team groups app It's such a meme Yeah no I'd never had it working properly on 10 team groups app. It's such a meme. I'd never had it working properly on 10. It's such a meme. Do you mind if we take a break real quick? Yeah, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:26:40 I just need to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back. Yeah, we're good. I guess I'll just entertain you guys by myself then. The thing that I was going to talk about was, basically, if I remember correctly, when you searched for Chrome on your Windows 10 computer, it would show a little message saying, Microsoft Edge is still here, use it for a better experience or something along those lines. Now the problem that's happening here is this is incredibly anti-competitive. So basically it was pretty much enticing people into using Edge when all they wanted to do was using Chrome. And this isn't the first time that Microsoft has done something like this. I can't remember what it was the previous time but yeah it's never a good look for a company to do this that's for sure. Now for
Starting point is 00:27:29 some reason you're not gonna see it but even though I've got it set to being Discord in the recording spot for the second webcam it's bringing up Brave. Now I don't know what's going on with that. Yeah, anyway. Now, I'm not really sure where I can go from here. I don't really actually have a topic that I can go off by myself. I don't really have a Jamie to bounce off of, so that's kind of going to be a problem. Hopefully, he doesn't take too long,
Starting point is 00:27:58 because, you know, I want to make this actually entertaining. Yeah, so I think we'll just cut. Oh, he's back. Cool. I managed to drag out time perfectly. You have returned. Good, because I had just run out of talking points. Excellent.
Starting point is 00:28:14 So, what are we talking about now? What were you talking about, rather? I was just trying to find more stuff out about the Chrome thing. Yeah. The Chrome Edge, the Windows 10 thing. uh chrome thing yeah like chrome edge like windows 10 thing um it just reminds me have you have you seen that video clip of jeb bush like giving a speech and then at the end he goes please clap that's all i can think of i'll link you hang on yeah um where is it i don't want to like oh that's cnn no no ah here we go smurf party this should be yep here we go
Starting point is 00:28:58 it's good stuff i'll have a look at it later i can can't play it now because otherwise it's going to pick up the sound because I'm actually just recording my desktop audio, not recording just Discord. Yeah. I'm well aware of how OBS works. I think there might be a way to set up a separate audio channel for it, but I haven't dealt with it.
Starting point is 00:29:23 There would be a way or you can just shell out and get like massive audio mixes and do it that way it's up to you well i eventually want to move this into like when i get my own place i want to set up a dedicated room for recording and i'll probably have a dedicated room for the podcast but we'll see how that goes oh it's funny you should mention that like between like some like one of the group chats randomly one of them's like do you know how fun it would be living in a gaming house and then i just have like ptsd flashbacks to like some of the counter-strike houses that i lived in oh god wait that's a story there what's that about oh um like back back in the day the day you're like 21 i mean yeah this is back when
Starting point is 00:30:09 counter-strike uh was that i can't even think if it was 1.6 force anyway it was back in like the the peak counter-strike days um me and a few boys who used to like play competitively we were like well i mean we're all like playing together why don't we just get the house together and that lasted about a week how long ago is this i can't even remember because like i knew that we had problems because i couldn't like because i was under 18 i couldn't get on the lease yeah legally be on a lease and so i think we only like i think we ended up like we lived in the house for like a week and then we just like rented it out after that like a month like oh that was a good such a good time like the internet and
Starting point is 00:30:57 everything was fine and then we're all like hmm this isn't working and we all hate each other how have you not told me this story yet? This is just an interesting story by itself. You never asked. Why am I going to ask if you live in a Counter-Strike house? I just assumed that when you were under 18 you were probably living at home. I mean, I got bored and left for like a week and then came back. And that was the Counter-Strike house days. I guess that's a way to go
Starting point is 00:31:25 and it just so happened it was in the school holidays too so it's like i like i've lived in like a small rural country town and there's like nothing to like the only thing to do right it's like drive to the next town over and like even then i didn't have my license so i mainly just stayed at home playing counter-strike yeah fishing and motorbike and that's all you get so you don't even have fish yeah we don't we yeah because um we don't have like a ocean or anything close yeah and even then like motorbike we literally have dirt yeah and we didn't have enough land to land and or stock to warrant motorbike that's fair so i i just stayed at home playing counter-strike and then i got good enough got
Starting point is 00:32:12 picked up put on a team was good shit geez okay yeah that's uh i don't know like i said probably better you see moved out team lasted a week moved back oh lord you see why I'm such a huge counter strike nerd now yeah that's one way to put it oh lord I don't even know what happened to the other guys that were on the team
Starting point is 00:32:45 they probably have gone off to play more counter-strike see like if you want to talk about like au counter-strike it's kind of a meme like you have like the top team in australia which is renegades and then you just have it's literally renegades, everybody else, and every kind of like fights within themselves to try and beat Renegades. And no, at least I don't think anyone else has
Starting point is 00:33:13 because, well, actually that's not true. There was one team that broke the mold and that's the meme house, Greyhound Gaming. Greyhound Gaming. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Yeah. They don't exist anymore.'re so the renegade this happened like a couple of months ago the renegades roster got signed to 100 thieves which is like a bigger na team and they took like the entirety of um renegades they took their coach they took all their players um and i think they took a few other people as well so then Renegades bought Greyhound Gaming and Greyhound
Starting point is 00:33:52 Gaming in and of themselves were kind of a meme because they had one man who made the team and his name is Dick Stacy and so this kind of relates back to the investments so Dick Stacy. And so, like, there was, this kind of, like, relates back to the investments. So, Dick Stacy,
Starting point is 00:34:10 so, they managed, so, Greyhound Gaming, right, before they got bought by Renegade, they qualified for not one, but two of the CSGO majors. And when you qualify for a major, your team gets a sticker in the game
Starting point is 00:34:30 and all of your players send Valve a signature and they put it on a sticker and then you can either buy them through the community market or you can open capsules for it. So Dick Stacy was like, oh, I just sent... Well, you can open capsules for it right so dick stacy was oh i just sent well you you can imagine right dick stacy being the man that he is made so many memes out of his neck and i should send i'll see if i can find the twitter thread of like the signatures that he made um and then what actually happened oh what actually got put in the game.
Starting point is 00:35:10 I actually, I think I've maybe played five minutes of Counter-Strike. That's how much I actually care about the game. I mean, it's not to, I'll admit, it's not to everyone's taste. Sorry, I'm trying to do this. Like, I completely completely get that it's not to everyone's but like the people who can play it and play it well yeah uh like some like dicks so i'm still trying to find this thread but anyway so like he made like so many like different um autographs for the game and they never accepted any so then when it came around to the game they literally just like printed his name in capital letters
Starting point is 00:35:50 and then put that in the game because like i really want to find it and send it to you come on no you're not going to find it are you I found it before and I sent it to nah it's all good we can move on from that if you're not gonna find it nope found it oh you did I need the twitter thread this is quality content
Starting point is 00:36:18 right here um you don't have anything to say about that do you no I god damn it You don't have anything to say about that, do you? No, I... God damn it. But, like, if you Google some of them... Well, this was one of them.
Starting point is 00:36:33 I can send that to you. Oh, come on. Fuck you, Brave. Okay, maybe you don't like Brave, then. There we go. That was one of the ones he made. And for obvious reasons that didn't get accepted because, you know, PG family friendly game. I'll put a link to this in the description down below.
Starting point is 00:37:01 And then he also made this one as well, and that didn't get accepted. And so this is... And then this is what they ended up putting in the game. Right. So then this is what they put in the game. And so when they went into the community market, they were about $2.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Anyway, so Greyhound, like, they went to not one but two majors, and then, like, recently Renegades bought them out. And so Greyhound Gaming isn't really a thing anymore. They don't have an active roster or anything. Right. And not about a week after they bought greyhound dick stacy was dropped from the lineup uh due to like everyone was like lamar uh bought but as it turns out he had been battling an injury with it or he'd been
Starting point is 00:37:59 he had like eyesight problems for quite a while um and so like he was like well i need to like have some time off and you know gets get my life sorted and get like this i thing dealt with and so a lot of people are like well you know is this the end of dick stacy and if it is then those um stickers or as i like to call them, dickers, like, as I said, they're all sold on the community market. They could potentially, like, the prices of those could go sky high. When they first dropped, they were selling at about $2, I think. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:42 They're up to around $15 at the moment. Jesus. Yeah. they're up to around uh 15 at the moment jesus yeah like the steam market like is like if you can invest in it correctly like it can be huge and the good thing about it is it's not like wall street it doesn't close it's open 24 hours like at the moment I've got a few investments going in, like, CSGO cases. Wait, you're actually investing in Steam Market? Well, kind of. Right. So, I had, like, $5 in, like, spare change between a few of my accounts. Yes, I have multiple accounts.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Sure. And so, I was like, like well prices are kind of this the steam market kind of has well it hasn't kind of it's just been released in china so the prices at the moment are really inflated so i've jumped on like a few things that weren't too bad like for example uh i bought i think it was seven operation breakout cases uh for like 70 cents and they're up they went up to two dollars um saturday night yeah and i mean like you know oh that's only two dollars yeah but you know if i had have sold them i would have made like at least a decent margin of profit they crashed and went back they've well they haven't really crashed they've just gone down to 97 cents hold that thought for just a moment for anyone wondering he's actually talking about steam
Starting point is 00:40:16 as in the gaming platform not steam the cryptocurrency we're talking about the gaming platform right now okay continue on just had to make that clear yeah um and like uh where was i going with that yeah so like which is it's still profit but if i had a sold like at the two dollars that they were at and then they had a crash i could have like reinvested and bought more but i mean you know it is what it is. There's also, in Counter-Strike at the moment, there's an operation going on. I think you mentioned that. Oh, no, Connor was talking about that last time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:54 So, I'm trying to, or at least my plan is to try and profit off of it. So, the pass cost me, like, 14 bucks, I think it was. So, I'm trying to, to like get enough items out of that to maybe even break well hopefully break even but maybe make a bit of profit and i mean i'm not going too badly at the moment the but the or at least the huge winner out of all of this is going to be steam because they take a percentage off of all your sales. Absolutely. They make a bank off of this. Yeah. I mean, there's a reason why they haven't released Half-Life 3 yet,
Starting point is 00:41:29 and that's because they just want to keep milking the market. And everyone who plays CSGO knows that CSGO is a cash cow for Dota. Yeah. Hey, well, they are at least releasing, what is it, Half-Life Alyx. Yeah, that was was yeah the vr thing i wanted to pull back in that was the winter set they put their vr kits on sale there was only one problem they weren't available in australia and i was very sad because i was going to get like it was the package that came with like the headset as well as like the game yeah and the
Starting point is 00:42:05 controllers and i was like fuck yeah like if i saw it on reddit that it was on sale and i was like okay cool jumped over it's like this is not available in your country well guess i just got all excited for now you could always just get it shipped. I could, but... I mean, I have a US Steam account because... Well, here's another cool thing about Steam. So Steam has, like, markets for, like, New Zealand, you know, all the different countries, right? Yeah, I know that, like, third world countries have cheaper prices and all that.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Excuse me. So they don't actually do the conversion or at least i don't think they used to the developers actually set their price in australian dollars so some so like even some games um aren't available on the australian market so i have the us steam account so i can go into the us store and then just gift it to my australian account that's a way to do it and i mean you just do it during the sales um which is another thing i kind of do on the slide uh account leveling i'm trying to get my main account to level 420 for obvious reasons are you trying to get it done before 420 happens i mean to be fair it's going to be 420 for an entire month however i don't think it'll happen
Starting point is 00:43:34 if i was going to do it i'd have to do it i would have had to have done it during the winter sale um you could just unload all your savings savings. I could, but... I like how it's actually a consideration. I mean, I did think about it for a very long time. But, so, like, the way you do account leveling, for those who don't know, is, like, every game... Oh, sorry, some games have Steam trading cards, and you get...
Starting point is 00:44:03 So, like, for buying the game, you get dropped at for buying the game you get dropped um at different time intervals um half of the cards that will uh make a badge and there's five levels to a badge it's it's it's kind of complex but it's also not really um so if you can and you get like xp per like level of badge and then like all your xp adds up to your account level and i mean it's just a number on your account to be fair it doesn't really do anything you mean it doesn't do anything at all there's no really about it no not really i mean it gives you extra friend slots on steam and that's literally it i guess that's one thing if you have that many friends i mean i recently i had about 250 friends
Starting point is 00:44:54 i think it was and i recently like unfriended everyone that i didn't know then you had like 12 left no i have 59 left okay that's still more than i expected i mean yeah but there are ways to like profit off of the steam trading cards which you have to be very tricky and if you're gonna do you have to do it during like the sales when like if you craft a badge you get dropped event trading cards and then you can use those event trading cards to level up event badges, and then you get extra XP essentially for free. It's very weird.
Starting point is 00:45:33 And like I said, I went up... So my account when I started doing this was level 10, I think. I'm up to 77 at the moment. And I have sunk a lot of money into this. Have you ever considered putting your money in, you know, anything else? Nope.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Anyway, go on. You were talking about wasting money on steam trading cards. Yeah. So that, that's kind of, so, and to like kind of maximize it,
Starting point is 00:46:01 like with events, steam give you like so many free cards. If you do certain things like, I'll leave a review on this game and we'll give you a free trading card. One of the favorite ones is if you view your discovery queue, they'll give you one.
Starting point is 00:46:17 I have four accounts. Over the course of the event, four times three is 12, 12 right that's 12 a day right and the events usually last for two weeks so 12 times 14 is let me just pull up my calculator 160. And then someone or, I mean, that's one thing I should do. A lot of people have them. They're called trading card bots. Uh-huh. So people write their own bots that if you give them one card
Starting point is 00:46:59 and you pick out one card, it'll automatically do the trade. Sure. Yeah. and like you pick out one card it'll automatically do the trade sure yeah um and then usually during the event someone writes an event bot that is like oh yeah it's just one for one so like if you have duplicates of one card and you need another type of card you can just get that card for you know one of your duplicate cards right that makes sense so yeah yeah. There's a method to it. Or you can do what... For some reason, a lot of people just sell them. Not that anyone would buy them.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Because they just immediately go down to three cents because there's so many of them being dropped. There's not really any rarity to them. But when you craft a badge, you get dropped rarer, or you have the chance of being dropped rarer items. So when you craft a badge, you get dropped an emoticon or
Starting point is 00:47:53 essentially an emoji for the game that you're crafting a badge for. And you get dropped a wallpaper from that game. And there's, I think there's three common, uncommon, and rare. dropped a wallpaper from that game and there's i think there's three yeah there's three common uncommon and rare uh one of the rarer ones that i have that's currently on my profile is from did you ever watch zero punctuation or do you watch zero i haven't watched zero
Starting point is 00:48:17 punctuation in a very long time but yeah i used to yeah uh it's it's from their game, Hatfall. Yeah. Yeah, that Yahtzee made. Yeah, yeah. And that's, one was sold in the last 24 hours for, let me, I think it was sold for $10. Jesus Christ. Yeah, and it's not, I think it's one of the, is it rare? Yeah, it is, it's one of the rare ones. Actually, hang on. Let me confirm that.
Starting point is 00:48:48 No, it's one of the common ones. It's just because it's the PC Master that everyone wants it. My main advice, if anyone wants to do this, know your market and also don't listen to me because I have no idea what I'm doing. Here's my advice. Don't. your market and also don't listen to me because i have no idea what i'm doing here's my advice don't just use your money for literally actually invest in uh actually i'm not going to say invest in anything if i say invest in anything and it goes south you're going to be angry with me invest in what do you think is a good coin uh it's oh i'm trying tdm jesus says says trust your numbers not your gut
Starting point is 00:49:25 and invest in Dogecoin and also don't listen to me exactly I just dabbed when I said Dogecoin kill me please Dogecoin good meme what a good meme the coin's actually worth quite a bit still that's the funny thing about it how much is Dogecoin?
Starting point is 00:49:40 too much let's check out coin market cap. Doge. 0.002 I have. Okay, maybe it's less than I thought. And it's down as well. Yeah, a lot of coins are down right now yeah um well that lagged a bit actually how is it going right now uh also fifth place that i wasn't sure about sorry okay litecoin wasn't one of the top coins that's a bit lower down my bad it was um bitcoin sv is fifth place bitcoin cash is fourth that's nice uh anyway have you ever had any uh experience working with discord permissions yes i have they are pain in the ass uh some of i with like the discord permissions especially like for one of them that i'm managing at the moment like it's so bipolar sometimes it works
Starting point is 00:50:43 sometimes it doesn't which is is it going to be? I don't know! Because I have my server right now, and I had someone who, one of my mods, who's kind of abusing his role. I might end up removing him, we'll see what happens. He's been attacking, like, at everyone to, like, install Gentoo. And I tried to remove his add everyone privileges
Starting point is 00:51:06 but then he had privileges from some other role he had as well so i had to remove both of them instead of just being able to like lock it down for this one person just really easily it's like come on what is happening here anyway you're saying uh with the i tried to make a role um that we use as a last resort. It's called Mute. It's either Mute or Nerf. And the reason we use it is so we have the rhythm. Everyone knows what the rhythm bot is.
Starting point is 00:51:36 It's a music bot that plays YouTube. And this one person, whenever we'd be sitting in a channel talking, would come in, play this hour loop of the like this kid singing something about tortino's hot roll and so the whole point was that they could see all of the channels but not type in any of them right okay and they could like still join and talk um and like we gave it to them and they were still able to like type and summon the bot and we're all sitting there like um excuse me what the fuck what and then like so then i had to like go because our channel were in groups had to sync the group that still didn't fucking work and uh to this day they are still summoning the bot playing this tortino song that makes me want to cry every time i hear it
Starting point is 00:52:23 the syncing is even worse though because then you have if you change in a sub channel and it doesn't align with the the group then you're gonna have mismatching um permissions and then if you try to change it at the group level it might be overridden at the channel level man i miss team speak i still well i don't miss it well some people still use team speak yeah yeah i still use it um for one of the um streams that i mod for i jump in it like after stream ends and just you know give my mod report um or just you know chat for a little while um but yeah no i wish more people still used it um i was never back big sorry i was never a big teamspeak guy back when i was not using discord we were on skype and for me discord is an upgrade from skype but that doesn't mean it's good yeah no i agree um so for me i first so when i'm just trying to think of the timeline of things
Starting point is 00:53:32 like when i wasn't playing cs i used to play like the daisy mod not the standalone the mod the one that was wild wasn't it yeah it for our armor 2 operation arrowhead and that was a good time and every server like every bit two minutes would just be like having troubles join this team Speak I just used to join the team speak and then just jump into like the server Channel and just sit there and then like people would like jump in and out and be just like hey Where are you? Do you want to like team up and help me build a base and then you know that was like a huge community and uh there's still i kind of wanted to like go and start up my own daisy server so i went back to like my old like the old team speak channel and i'm sad that like it's upsetting to see that like they folded like they're not a thing anymore um yeah. Rest in peace, Zero Remorse.
Starting point is 00:54:27 I miss you and I still think about you every day. DayZ was something I never got a chance to play. Not the mod or the standalone release, but I did watch a lot of DayZ content back then and I feel like if I did play it, I would hate it more than I did when I watched it because it seemed like you have like three hours of content and you get like maybe 10 minutes of actual usable content from it yeah um let me guess did you watch frankie on pc um the name rings a bell i don't think so i can't remember who i was watching
Starting point is 00:54:57 back then frankie on pc in 1080p uh rest in peace wherever you are uh used to upload like he used to like upload daisy content then he just used to like um mod servers and like record it and like uh kind of do it so it wasn't like an actual server it was kind of like a modded and controlled environment right and then he played he uploaded a video of him playing cs and one dude watched his video and was like that's interesting he's not actually like so in counter-strike there's this thing called bunny hopping or bee hopping and it takes a lot of skill to do not everyone can do it takes like thousands of hundreds of hours sorry not thousands hundreds of hours to master and one of the
Starting point is 00:55:45 arguably the best bunny hoppers on youtube at the time washington was like yeah no this is this is a script or service um this isn't legitimate and so frankie being the the madman that he is copyright claimed his video cynical brit heard about this and was like frankie you piece of shit because you know cynical brit had you know when he would upload indie game and be just like yeah no this is garbage um and then the indie companies would then copyright claim his video um yeah he was like a huge advocate or at least at the time uh, for, you know, abusing YouTube's copyright system. That's someone I haven't talked about in a very long time. Man, I miss him so much.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Yeah. Cancer sucks. Absolutely, yeah. Yeah, my... I've had a lot of people in my family die from cancer, and yeah, that's... Yeah. It's not good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Anyway. Anyway. We're not going to go deep down into that hole. Yeah, the rabbit hole. Yeah. Like, I watched... Yeah, like, Cynical Brick's content was so good,
Starting point is 00:57:03 but anyway, moving on. Honestly, it was some of the best content that i was watching at the time yeah so and yeah from that frankie has disappeared the last let me have a look at his channel because he made a video do you remember a game called evolve i do remember a game called evolve i never played it but i know of it yeah it died on release like the queue times were like 40 minutes long on release and everyone was like yeah nah fuck this game yeah the last video he uploaded what was two years ago um and like he updated his logo and everything on facebook and then nothing ever happened like everyone's Everyone was like, is this the comeback?
Starting point is 00:57:47 And no, it wasn't. Nope. Yeah, anyway. So yeah, that was a fun time. I can't remember where I was going with that. I have no idea. What were we talking about actually good question i don't know i think we're just talking shit about youtube speaking shit about
Starting point is 00:58:12 youtube i should really make a video at some point wait you still haven't done that mate what are you doing still haven't um moving house is what i'm doing right but you weren't moving house back when we went to lewis's show yeah i weren't moving house back when we went to Lewis's show. Yeah, I wasn't moving house when you were like, yeah, you should make a video. I was like, yeah, I'll do that. But, on the topic of making videos, I got a message
Starting point is 00:58:36 this morning. I have, I'm now editing full-time for a Twitch streamer. I'm not going to say who it is because they need to do their announcements and everything um yeah so that's pretty cool hopefully i can make some content for them i did see that um i was going to ask you about that because i saw that post on twitter when you were looking for editor for hire yeah you Yeah, you were, like, editor for hire. I was gonna ask you what was going on with that.
Starting point is 00:59:07 I didn't know you were looking for editing work. I mean, I've edited on and off for, like, a few Twitch streamers. Or, sorry, a Twitch streamer. I was just looking for, like, something more consistent, but the Twitch streamer that I have previously edited for was, like, yeah, my
Starting point is 00:59:22 previous editor is being a dick. So do you want to edit for me full-time and i'd just like immediately fuck yeah well i wish i had the money for an editor that would save me so much time i mean yeah but also i i i don't i'm not oh i suppose i could if i'd given enough time i could probably do like a real like professional edit but I might mainly just meme edit and like highlight clip things together
Starting point is 00:59:51 honestly for me I kind of just want someone to cut out me being awful at speaking I don't know why I seem to be better on the podcast but when I go and record stuff myself it is absolute garbage half the time and I have to cut out like a bunch of breaks and Me just completely tripping over my words. Honestly, just having someone to edit for that would make that so much easier Maybe one day that'll happen
Starting point is 01:00:15 one day when the Well when you get the 100k subplot Yeah, we'll see. We'll see how honestly I would love to get to a point where I could just do this full-time. That would be awesome. Because right... Sorry? No, keep going. Because right now I'm at 3400 on YouTube, 2400 on library.
Starting point is 01:00:42 I mean, it's all a grind. Oh, it's all a grind oh it's actually a grind so um yeah i used to do it back in the day and like i was consistent for like the first week and i was like nah yeah nah nah no that's um especially when i used to edit in how did so i started in windows movie maker yes so did everyone yeah i mean everyone did and then i used to then on like my laptop at the time because i didn't have like a high grade pc uh it came with bloatware called uh power director and i mean that was i've never heard of that one that one it's bloatware um and like it was cool but the only problem was it would only give you like four tracks to edit on uh-huh and so i basically went like called it discount vegas um and like there would be times when i'd like flick between cyber uh cyberpunk uh power director um and windows movie maker and now when i edit i'm not a scrub i actually use like
Starting point is 01:01:56 vegas after effects and premiere that's far more effort than i put in you've seen you've seen some of my videos i use caden live i use two video tracks one video track is for the video the other video track is for text that is all i do i mean man if you don't have six layers you're not doing sorry six tracks you're not doing it right mate if i had the time for six layers i wouldn't be going to udn working a job at the same time i mean yeah that's fair. So what do you actually use for, like, rendering? Because I'm kind of interested. Do you have, like, a big, beefy home PC with, like,
Starting point is 01:02:36 an NVIDIA Titan in it, or what's... Hey, I wish I had a Titan. No, I was talking about before the show, it took me five hours to re-render the podcast after the audio wasn't synced. And it's not going to be synced this time as well so it's going to take another five hours this time so yeah I'm actually running off of that that Asus Swift laptop that I've
Starting point is 01:02:54 been using for a while yeah ouch part of the reason I want to get a desktop as well is I don't feel like having it running at 85 degrees Celsius is good for the CPU if it's going for five hours. Oh, yeah, 100%. So I had, like, laptop-wise, I had an Acer.
Starting point is 01:03:18 I can't even remember what it was, but it was an Acer laptop. It was a dual-core, 2G dedicated VRAM and that used to render alright, used to render like a 10 minute video in about an hour, half an hour to an hour, depending on you know how complex and how you know over-the-top I went with it. Then I downgraded because I didn't know much at the time to an asus was that i think it was an asus idea pad i think your pad no isn't the idea pad the um that's the thing isn't it oh it might be dells i can't remember they all sound kind of similar i used to have like i had the bookmark for the drivers
Starting point is 01:04:06 because the audio driver used to corrupt every other week so I'd have to uninstall it and then reinstall it and I'd have to download the driver from the Asus website I can't think what it was now anyway I'd recently upgraded to an Asus ZenBook Pro
Starting point is 01:04:21 and I mean I like to call it a Nintendo DS for like oh yeah that was the yeah i forgot you had that yeah oh it's so like i love this thing so much it's a six core cpu 16 gigs of ram uh four gig dedicated gpu and the touchpad doubles as a second monitor so i you i there was one day i kind of yeah there was one day when i was like studying in the library and i had like a lecture on the top screen then i had minecraft on my touchpad and i mean i was straining my eyes to see the minecraft i'm not gonna lie but it was also kind of funny because everyone like thought i was like studying hard you know watching this lecture when
Starting point is 01:05:00 in reality i was just playing minecraft you could just openly play minecraft no one's gonna care that's also an option i mean i was on the third floor which is like the quiet study area but i mainly just go there so people don't talk to me that's actually a really good point because i go up there occasionally and i'll see people i've seen someone just playing some like league of legends up there and honestly that's probably the best place to go to just i don't know just get away from people, to be honest. There's too much noise on that campus. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:29 Well, at the moment, it's not too bad. Yeah, because everyone's at home still. For now, anyway. Or they're not allowed to come back from China. You weren't supposed to do that. Yeah. Not to talk about politics. You weren't supposed to do that. Yeah, it's... Not to talk about politics. No, I'm not going to talk about that.
Starting point is 01:05:50 I'm just talking about coronavirus. I mean, I'm just going to send you a thought that I had about coronavirus. Like, I'll talk to you about it after the podcast. But, yeah, yeah no the coronavirus like you and i both know we probably got the same email saying like oh yeah um because of the travel bans we've also cancelled like any overseas overseas study trips yep um to china um yeah the uh the cruise ship though that's currently docked in japan that, that's, uh, a mildly interesting problem.
Starting point is 01:06:27 I don't think I've heard of that one. Oh, well, there was, like, a cruise ship that was, well, you know, was having a good time floating around the ocean, docked in Yokohama in Japan. Uh, as they docked, someone fell ill with coronavirus, and now the ship is still docked in Yokohama, japan and has been there for like it's definitely been there for more than a week um and uh like it was apparently like from some of the because like it's a lot of admittedly there's a lot of boomers on board and they're like posting videos to facebook uh like um like mainstream media facebook pages
Starting point is 01:07:07 like just to get attention about it and like some of the videos are like pretty scuffed um and like some of the stuff that's going on there isn't not by like any means but i think the last thing i heard was that a lot of them or a a lot that were ill, were flown back to Australia. Or a lot of the Australian citizens that were on there were flown back to Australia recently. But the ones that were confirmed to have coronavirus, or suspected of having it, weren't allowed to leave. They had to stay on board. Yeah, okay, that makes sense. weren't allowed to leave they had to stay on board yeah okay that makes sense so yeah it's like i said the coronavirus is rather interesting to say the least yeah i haven't been paying a ton
Starting point is 01:07:52 of attention to it more of it just on the meme side really oh yeah like uh i'm also following some of the um sorry uh a couple of the guys i follow are like hardcore conspiracy theorists. Like I mentioned Alex Jones before, but I meant, I mean like Alex at least has some sort of consistency. These are the kinds of people who are just completely nuts. Yeah. No,
Starting point is 01:08:19 um, some of the like conspiracy theories around it are mildly interesting. One of the ones that I heard when I was like, when was like up at home not at my apartment was um it was it's like a population control measure um that was done deliberately uh like there's so many of them floating around but it's yeah like that it's mildly interesting. And, you know, I turned 21 13 days ago, and one of my birthday presents was a coaster. And on that coaster, it was menu for 2020 plague. And it's just like one of the plague doctors walking around. I fucking love it so much.
Starting point is 01:08:57 It's such a good coaster. And I look at it every day when I put, you know, my coffee mug on it. Yeah. Speaking of coasters, you won might be able to see it but um i've got a pretty dope coaster it's a bit of um what's the word um a lacquered rock oh i'll send you a picture of it afterwards i got it uh back when i was up visiting my parents a few months back we went to the uh what was it the berry the berry show or something something like that oh yeah i'll send you a picture of mine i took a photo of it yesterday and said I got this for my 21st and it's pretty cool and also pretty accurate.
Starting point is 01:09:49 Ah, yep. There we go. Let's see. Oh, wow. That actually is pretty awesome. I do like that. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:02 Oh, God. That's, can we take another break real quick? Yeah, we can take another break. I'll be back. I'll just cut back to when he's back from this. Did you miss me? Oh, welcome back. Thank you, thank you.
Starting point is 01:10:20 I was just doing random stuff. I've been on Instagram for a bit. Fair enough I saw this video of This dude had like The Water dispenser things Like those bottles you sit on them
Starting point is 01:10:36 Those big water bottles Yeah he had one of those Filled with I think I don't know gasoline or something He lit it on fire in the middle of a classroom. It just burnt all of it out, and then he put his hand on top, and then it created
Starting point is 01:10:51 like a vacuum seal in it. Hmm. I don't know, it's just random stuff that I find. Um, yeah. So what was that about? Oh, what I left for? Yeah. Uh, I, so two things. One, I had to go to the bathroom okay well secondly uh yeah second uh so like i said so hot water service is gonna be either
Starting point is 01:11:17 looked at or serviced in half an hour and the internet at my place is now getting set up oh sweet so yeah i'll be able to actually podcast with decent audio from home next episode oh with your um you said you had a zen book yeah yeah does that not have a webcam on it it does i just don't i currently look like shit that's fair and i to be fair i didn't want to walk across like i didn't want to walk to uni because if i was going to go on this podcast i was going to wear a particular shirt and i'm not walking around in public with that shirt oh no i think it's on my twitter it was i posted it uh christmas last year um the shirt that i was going to wear on this just so you can get some cheeky comments out of it.
Starting point is 01:12:06 I think I've seen it, actually. I'm pretty sure I've shown you. It's the Ahigo or Ahi Argo. The Argo shirt, yeah. Yeah, good stuff. Good stuff. Oh, you mentioned earlier about an image that you want to have,
Starting point is 01:12:21 or you want to send me to put on here. I think I've got a better image though. Oh God. Just put Alex Jones here instead. No, I'll put the picture of you and Lewis. Oh, good times. So you guys would have been seeing that from the start of the show and I just worked it out now, but yeah, we're going to use the picture of Marty when he went and met Lewis
Starting point is 01:12:43 Spears. So do you want to explain the picture? Because I've been looking at it now for like an hour and something. So that was a good time. So I've been a fan of Lewis Spears for quite a while. And I can remember in one of his videos, he, one of his videos was he Googled him and he found himself on a fetish website. So, you know, I have a reasonably good memory i remember
Starting point is 01:13:07 a lot of like random and like completely useless things and so brody said to me oh lewis spears is coming to adelaide um i'm going if you want to live there and you get a ticket i'll go with you and i was like fuck it yeah sure why not um and so like this was a couple of weeks you know before this was happening and so i was thinking about it more i was like wait a minute didn't lewis spears find himself on a fetish website i have a brilliant idea so i went to like my i went online went to the wet went and found the video found the website found the particular photo that he used for the thumbnail, went to Officeworks, got it printed in A4 size, took it to the show, waited for almost everyone to leave,
Starting point is 01:13:52 walked up to him and said, Hey, man, you're the arsehole I aspire to be. Can you sign this for me? And then just pulled out this photo of him on... This photo of him at the beach being a long long lanky boy because he's is he like six foot eleven i don't know he's too tall he's at the point where it's a disability yeah he's huge um but the look on his face when you brought that picture out yeah and he legit said to me oh for fuck's sake and he was like dude do you know this website's
Starting point is 01:14:25 closed i was like i hate to tell you but it hasn't this is where i got it from and i had the the photos got like the watermark of the website on and everything it's some of my finest work um follow me on ebay because as soon as he hits a million subs i'm gonna well we'll see what happens with um have you seen the trailer for his new series yes i have i haven't seen the trailer i saw like so good emotional i saw the promotional poster and even from like the poster it looks no you need to watch the trailer it is it is fantastic so um i'll just spoil a little bit of it because it's brilliant so so he um so he does a like fake photo shoot um and he gets them to ridiculous poses he finds like the dumbest people at the absolute dumbest people he can find but they're all like super attractive so like oh yeah i could be a model i'm an instagram model i could do that um i'm an instagram influencer i hate the term influencer um but anyway he went up to them and
Starting point is 01:15:29 he told them his name was clive palmer oh and he was my fucking lord he was clive palmer the famous the famous photographer from from australia and then that's not even the best part um i think it was i think it might have been cnbc they had a reporter because they like started gathering like a big group there so a reporter showed up with cameras and did a news report on him oh and he said to them his name is clive palmer now if you don't know who clive palmer is just aust... Australia's resident politician. He is... Think... Think Boris Johnson, but just make him Australian.
Starting point is 01:16:10 And also make him an idiot. Yeah. Yeah, so... Oh. Lace it. I just thought it'd be Australia's meme ward, but... Man, I gotta get over Clive Palmer first. Oh.
Starting point is 01:16:28 And the other... I don't even know if i want to i want to spoil the other part he also convinced um he also convinced a bunch of like uni students that uh tony abbott was the first trans prime minister. Oh, my fucking lord. He became the first trans prime minister after transitioning into Julia Gillard, who he was pretending was called Clementine Ford oh my fucking lord it was exceptional
Starting point is 01:17:10 that's only half of it there's so much other stuff that is amazing in that trailer well funny you should
Starting point is 01:17:18 mention that before we do that anyone who wants to go watch it it is called Spears vs America go watch it right now it isars versus america go watch it right now it is absolutely exceptional yeah it's such good stuff um and like he's the thing that is like
Starting point is 01:17:34 highly respectable or at least for me he's done it independently like yeah he's not backed by a network or anything he just got bored and did it himself um well he's being published by verve um yeah um not public what am i saying um promoted promoted by verve but yeah who does basically all the australian comedians really i don't think there's anyone else dude like do you remember his uh marxism conference video that was i think that's how i found him actually see uh it's i have found so i found i used to follow marcus dibble when he used to do call outs um like that that was peak back in the day that was peak australian comedy um and like when so flow antonio sent both lewis spears and marcus dibble um uh cease and desist letters yeah and they both like read them out and they were exactly the
Starting point is 01:18:32 same the only thing that they changed is the name and that's how i found him through that video and i've been following him ever since anyway um on like i mentioned the marxism conference video is because on my walk to uni where i'm you know uh talking to you from uh there's a huge marxism conference poster up oh is there yeah there is one of them got ripped down and like you can kind of like someone's just like ripped the middle out of it um but you can still see like The tapes kind of held like the ball grow of it in place and then on the pole next to it is like a full Undisturbed poster. Where is that the um Where is that is that by the traffic lights? Yes, by the the one that used to have a Peterson photo poster on it. No, no, that's that's the pub side
Starting point is 01:19:23 This is the health clinic here. Yeah. Yeah. no no that's that's the pub side this is on the you know where the health clinic is yeah yeah yeah it's that side ah that corner rather um i haven't stopped and looked yeah i've only looked at the title i haven't like gotten dates or anything but i'm kind of tempted to go that would be fun just to uh just to see and just like roll up wearing like a ussr costume and just play russian hard bus the entire time oh yes uh see i'm glad there's i'm glad like i don't have like i have my full license but i don't have a car because i live within walking distance of just about everything i need yeah so i mean i'm basically like paying the government for the privilege of I might need to drive at some point maybe. Maybe. I'm so glad I don't have a car because I would have a banging sound
Starting point is 01:20:13 system of it and just circle the block playing Russian hard boss and like dressed up as Stalin. I should just stick a massive speaker in the back of my Barina. Do it. Don't even think about it. Do it. Yeah, but you probably also just buy a new computer. That's probably a better investment. Why not do both? That's a fair point. I need to find
Starting point is 01:20:36 I have this I need to find where this photo is saved. It's somewhere on my phone, but to be fair I have over 2,000 photos on my phone. Most of them i have i have over 2 000 photos on my phone most of them are memes that's good good space some of them are some of them are like photos and one of the photos that i have on here is of me and a friend we went to like our valedictorian dinner dressed up as temple of knights and uh-huh we were as we were walking we just play that um
Starting point is 01:21:09 you know the song the last stand by sabaton yes i'm well aware of the song yeah just walked into there playing that and good times and i still have i don't have like the i have the helm but still so if i ever need to go on a crusade i have it but i don't have the helmet still, so if I ever need to go on a crusade, I have it. But I don't have any of the other costumes. Me and the dude that we went together as our own Templar knights, he went and rented them, and I just bought the helmets. So I'm trying to find the photo, and if can find it i will send it to you on uh there's the photo of me lewis spears so i think no it would be before that
Starting point is 01:21:54 that's such a i hope you use the one that he put on his facebook page as well oh yeah the proper i'll find the one that Keelan took. The high quality one. I mean, I shared it on my Facebook profile being like, who's this cutie? That was beautiful. I love that that was shared. Yeah. I'm sad that he didn't... Sorry?
Starting point is 01:22:16 It took him forever as well. Yeah. The one thing I'm surprised he didn't do was for all the other states, he did like an episode in his channel where he was going around doing stuff, but he didn't do that for adelaide that was no fun yeah it's shame uh shit and shit oh yep here we go oh that is beautiful you can use that photo as well if you want
Starting point is 01:22:42 just have like a slideshow of different photos We'll see if that's easy to edit And I might do that Yeah I'm the one on the right by the way Yeah I thought you might have been Yeah Unfortunately height Is not one of my strong points
Starting point is 01:23:01 It's fine I'm under 6 foot as well Yeah 5'10 or something five nine yeah height height's really a struggle for me but oh well oh well i don't think lewis has a well besides his country tour i don't think he has a um tour coming up anytime soon yeah i i really wish i had to go into the podcast now just so i could like i i wanted like just put that photo that i got him to sign on like a on like a board and just whenever he's like looking in my general direction just
Starting point is 01:23:36 hold it up i was sitting like you can actually see me in most of the recording because i was sitting like right at the front um off to the left side uh but yeah so and then later in that episode i there was there was a when they did um fuck what was it one of the segments where they read out messages i don't know what it was called somehow lewis got to talking about eating yogurt in the shower or something yeah righto and I don't remember what I asked but it was some stupid
Starting point is 01:24:13 fucking question I asked and everyone lost it that was an absolutely amazing fucking absolutely amazing event that's for sure I know that Luke was got a show coming up soon i'm going to that one maybe lewis will make it um but like some of the like just some of the shit that like lewis and then luke and lewis posts um like the there was like when he
Starting point is 01:24:41 said like when lewis finished he said he set the microphone to the average male's height and like just about put the microphone on the ground and like uh luke comes out to you know do his set and he's like crouching the entire time and lewis just sticks his head out from behind the curtain and laughs at him and it's like abs i posted it on his instagram i'm pretty sure it's like absolutely no one my sleep paralysis demon is just him long it's so it's such a good meme um i think it's luke's not even short he's fucking massive as well well it's funny you should mention that because there was also a photo of like some like he i think lewis posted like a few photos of like meetups that he did after the show and there was one dude that was taller than him and everyone in the comments was like what the fuck is this bullshit how do you be taller
Starting point is 01:25:30 than lewis how does that even work yeah exactly like how do you be longer than the uh long stretchy boy like that that shit doesn't work far out fuck that yeah oh well oh um yeah so that that kind of didn't go anywhere yeah i mean we just talk about lewis i mean as i said lewis spears is the arsehole i aspire to be that's fair i do appreciate him that's for sure. Absolutely. It's good stuff. A certain level of being an arsehole is just a part of Australian culture, even though everyone's actually really nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:13 Lewis just is like, you know what? Screw the nice part, I'm actually just going to be an arsehole all the time. Come on. Fuck you, Instagram. For anyone who doesn't know and who hasn't been to Australia before, basically everyone's just an asshole to each other, but then you've also got... Everyone's actually just really nice.
Starting point is 01:26:34 They just harass everyone as a form of love. That's sort of what it is. Like, no one's nice to anyone's face, but it's legit, like, you know um i'm gonna go full australian australian here for a second it's um you know catchy cunts yeah no worries mate see you later um what a nice dude yeah fucking do anything for that bloke such a top like yeah pretty much australia was built on mateship and you know doing anything for your mates even if you wouldn't tell that to their face.
Starting point is 01:27:06 Oh, absolutely, yeah. Like, most people I wouldn't say a word to. There's a very, very small amount of people who actually say that I would like, but most of the time, if you can shit-talk with someone, that's kind of just a sign that you actually like that person. You can't shit-talk with them. You're not going to get along. not here that's for sure yeah and i mean like to be to be australian is to be fluent in shit talk oh absolutely well that's why we run all the shit posting groups online like
Starting point is 01:27:39 the um the area 51 raid was started by an Australian guy. A bunch of the other ship hosting groups were all just started by Australians because that's just what we do. We're the best at it. I'm so sad that not as many people turned up to Area 51 as they said they were interested. That would have been ridiculous if they did. 51 as they said they were interested that would have been ridiculous if they did uh i remember in my first year at uni um the naruto run down a public place this was such a huge thing and i actually went to the i do remember a few people from uni went and i happened to be in the
Starting point is 01:28:18 neighborhood and i live streamed it and it was like no one made it down the length of the mall by the way like they all kind of died halfway through and it was like and like the some of like the sports shops have like guys outside with um microphones and speakers like trying to entice people in telling them about their sales and like this one dude because it's like one sport shop like just down the road from what like it's about 10 meters down from where we started like i didn't participate per se i just ran behind everyone live streaming it um and like this one dude you can hear in the corner he was like boys if you need any running shoes come into rebel sport we got a great sale going on at the moment just as like all these fucking weebs run past,
Starting point is 01:29:05 arms backwards, just pegging it down the wall, pretending to be Naruto. And the dedication on some of these people, I will like 100% give these people props. Because they like turned up in their, what do you, like the,
Starting point is 01:29:19 I can't think of the name of it, like the robe with the clouds on it from Naruto. I can't think of the name of it. Yeah, I don't remember. But youuto i can't think um think of the name yeah i don't remember but but you know akatsuki's robe yeah yeah those they turned up in the robes and uh a few people had their own headbands and stuff and it was just it was such a good time and then do you remember when adelaide got their own um got their own like e-scooters i do i still haven't used them they're like when so like when we first got them they were through a company called lime yeah and so one of the events was the lime and then like the city sorry you cut out when you said that oh sorry um so but it was lime something yeah no um so lime kind of had like a monopoly on the whole city
Starting point is 01:30:08 and so this adelaide city council was like you know what this is unfair we should allow competition so the city council made their own company and then uh another company kind of got half as well and lime ended up getting kicked out but before they got kicked out a facebook event was made the lime grand prix it was a race around the city on a lime scooter and whoever came first won like 50 bucks i think it was and it sucked for a lot of people because a lot of people who said that they were going couldn't either a get a scooter or the scooter that they got was flat so they couldn't make it around the entire circuit and but for those who made it it was such a good time um when they first like with lime when there was like a week into there i think it was listed as a trial
Starting point is 01:30:58 uh when they're in their trial me and one of my friends we were like this was at like midnight one of my friends came past and knocked on my door i was like what's up and he's like do you want to go to the pancake kitchen i was like that's in the middle of the cbd and it's 1am i'm not walking to the pancake kitchen at 1am so he's like what if we took a scooter i was like you son of a bitch i'm in so we took a scooter so we took like e-scooters from my place into the city and like the whole time i was just blasting um is it flight of the concord yeah you know like it's it it's in the world war you know it's in like every world war i know you're talking about you know yeah it is
Starting point is 01:31:38 hallway into the city so like we then drop like because you couldn't take them like right through there's like a dead zone where they lock and stop working right so we left them like just outside of the dead zone and the pancake kitchen is in the dead zone anyway um so excuse me for just a moment i'm getting a call so good well i guess we we're going to hear the pancake kitchen story later, I don't know where that's going, I haven't heard this story myself, hopefully it's good content though, but we'll see how that goes, if it doesn't take too long to cut back, or to get back, then I won't bother cutting this out, but jeez, yeah, I still need to ride one of those Lime scooters, they, I, whenever I go to the CBD, they're just sitting around everywhere, I don't really bother it,
Starting point is 01:32:33 uh, bother with it, I know that some places in the US have them as well, but here, they're considerably more expensive, I think, I think we charge on time, whereas you guys charge on distance, so, because of that, they end up being like far more expensive. I might be wrong, they might be the other way around and that's why it's more expensive, but even though our dollar's garbage, even if you normalize it, they're still more expensive. I'm not really sure what's going on with that, but what was I saying? Right, um... That $50 that the winner got, that probably would have covered for the track. I'm not sure how long the track was, but I don't imagine that by the end of it he would have, or she would have, ended up having much left. But, yeah, so, I do need to check those scooters out, they do sound like a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:33:23 Yeah, so I do need to check those scooters out. They do sound like a lot of fun. I have rode a hoverboard before. I've got a mate who's got a hoverboard. He's coming on in a later episode, not because of the hoverboard. He's coming on for various other stuff. But I've ridden a hoverboard before, and it went about as badly as the time I tried to ride a skateboard.
Starting point is 01:33:45 So I stood on it. I moved about, I don't know, a couple of centimeters. I fell off. I tried it again. Same thing happened. Didn't hit my head, which was probably a good thing. If I'd hit my head, then it was a road. So I would have not been in a happy state.
Starting point is 01:34:06 That's for sure. So I'm not sure how long this call is going to take, I'm assuming it's about the hot water service, so I don't know if he's going to have to leave, or what's going to happen, I don't imagine he's going to have to, but if he does, I guess we can end it here, because my recording's saying about an hour 40, but after that cut we had before before that'll be about six minutes that we're losing so yeah I'm not sure not sure what he's gonna want to do we'll find out when he gets back if anyone's wondering what this is it's just a thermostat I've got water in it there's nothing too special about it. But this thing is...
Starting point is 01:34:48 I would really recommend one of them. If you ever... Not just this brand, just the thermostat in general. This one, I... If you've never been to Australia or you've never been to somewhere hot, you'll know that one of the problems is that if you leave a bottle of water in a car, it's going to be unusable by the time you get back. This thing, I've left in a car when it's going to be unusable by the time you get back. This thing, I've left in a car
Starting point is 01:35:06 when it's like 40 degrees Celsius outside, which, I don't know, like 130 Fahrenheit, something dumb like that, and I've left like ice cold water in it with ice blocks in it. I come back four hours later, it's still ice cold. Pick up a thermostat if you're anywhere hot, or you could go the other way, you could put something really hot in there and I presume It this is like a cold hot bottle as well So I presume that if you put something really hot in there you come back like three four hours later. It'll probably still be hot Haven't tested that out though just because I'm using it as a water bottle Now I don't really have anywhere to keep going with that basically so
Starting point is 01:35:47 if you notice that i've been yawning a bit throughout the show and seem kind of out of it i didn't get too much sleep so i'm a little bit tired today and yeah with um the previous of with sorry with the previous episode we started recording a bit later. So I had a bit of time to just wake up a bit more. But it's about 10am here, which I know 10am is not early. But I work night, Phil. So when I'm working, I'm not getting to bed till about midnight. So I'm pretty much in a habit of doing midnight to 8am.
Starting point is 01:36:24 If I wasn't working that job, I'd probably be getting up like 6am or so, I couldn't do what, what's his name, not Goggins, why am I forgetting what his name is, give me one sec, I occasionally retweet his pictures, let me just find it on Twitter, I really wish I had someone to do this for me, I see why most podcasts try to get someone to actually, you know, handle googling stuff, because it is a pain to do it if you have to do it all yourself, Jocko, that's it, so Jocko, where he'll post pictures of his watch, and like 4 30 in the morning 4 30 time to get up is especially on a Sunday You want to you don't want to say stay bed any longer than that. That's for sure
Starting point is 01:37:13 but Yeah, I Anyway, well, why was it talking about Jocko? I don't remember. Um, right because I get up at 8 a.m. So because of that... Eh, if my... and I ca- I don't- what was it? I get up at 8am, why did I say because of that? I don't even know. Also the fact that I'm living in a share house, so if other people wake up and make noise, then I'm gonna get woken up. And I've got a dog here, so if she decides that it's time to play at
Starting point is 01:37:46 five in the morning, or it's time to start barking at five in the morning, then I'm going to be awake then, and obviously I'm going to go back to bed, but even then, my sleep is still kind of ruined, because you really only get like a good five hours sleep, and then you get like a kind of awful sleep after that, because once it's 5 a.m. Especially here right now because the sun's pretty much up at that point so you're going back to sleep while the sun's rising It's not it's not the best situation. I know I could get better blinds like I've got the blinds I'm currently using aren't great or it's a like a Shadow thingy you pull down. They're not great at blocking up light.
Starting point is 01:38:25 It still comes in through the edges. So it's still a bit dark. Or a bit bright, sorry. If it was a bit dark, that'd be nice. But... He is taking considerably longer than I was thinking he would take. So I don't even know if I can keep this going. We'll keep going with the light topic, I guess.
Starting point is 01:38:41 So I've got this window thingy. Massive window. Left in a lot of light, so if I'm going to bed at, or going back to bed at 5am, I'm waking up as the sun's coming up, and because the sun's coming up, it gets harder and harder to sleep, I honestly don't know how people do, like, proper overnights, because I finish at 10, so give me a bit of time after that, and I'll get into bed, but actually finishing at, like 4 a.m. I don't know how people do that. That's That would completely ruin my sleep. I thought I heard him come back, but his mic still muted so I guess not
Starting point is 01:39:17 Yeah, I think I'll just cut back till he actually gets back now See, you know what, I think we can keep going with that. Yeah I don't know how people do those like proper, proper overnights. It's a, I would probably have some terrible, terrible sleep and I'll be depressed all the time. I guess, I guess you could get used to it if you got like proper blackout curtains but without getting something like that, I don't't know i feel like it would just be just be way way too difficult to actually you know sleep and not be a depressed person i guess that's why some people who actually do work shifts like that end up do having like pretty bad
Starting point is 01:40:03 depression and just pretty bad health in general. I know some people get away with it, like, going through that and actually, you know, still having a healthy life. But too many people I've spoken to who've done shifts like that, it's just been, you know, pretty horrible for them. But, yeah, I've been talking to myself for, like, eight minutes now, I reckon. Whoa, I'm so tired. I don't remember waking up this morning, like, early, so I'm not sure why I'm so tired. I think it's just... I don't know.
Starting point is 01:40:44 Hey, look, he's back. Yeah he's back sleep yeah sorry about that uh you know how we're talking earlier about uh I don't know what you just said that you just completely cut out oh thank you thank you internet very cool um so you know how earlier in we were talking about how like things haven't opened up and elective you know are being going and projects haven't been released yeah yeah absolutely yeah i just got my project oh for what for not for the community so for the community service one yeah okay um so for that i'm going to be like running a class with another software engineering student that i have never heard of so that sounds like it's gonna go exceptionally well
Starting point is 01:41:32 and the project can be so they said one of the projects that some other people have done is uh how to have like a facebook presence and also be safe on Facebook. So if that's their guidelines, this is going to be easy. Oh yeah. That's, you just got to be like super HR speak. That's one of those things that I, that's part of the reason I do want to do my own thing.
Starting point is 01:41:55 I don't want to deal with HR. That sounds like a pain. Trust me. HR sucks. Like, like with some of the stuff that, as you're aware that I'm doing you have to be very political and you have to be very
Starting point is 01:42:08 non-biased etc etc and you're not allowed to say naughty words because if you do you get banned and have to write a two page apology um which you know man it sucks it does um you know it is what it is right i was gonna say earlier about that honest project like because i know with the ict guys by this point they would have had their
Starting point is 01:42:32 projects and they could have easily picked it but we just haven't seen anything about that yeah exactly like i kind of i can't they'd expect us to plan our own projects, especially when they're doing it for all the other courses. Well, who was I talking to? I can't even remember who it was, but, like, you know, some people, like, you know, I won't name people, but, like, one dude had to, like, interface with one of the machines here and then, like, kind of do, like, a remote printing thing
Starting point is 01:43:04 so that, like, you could remotely print to that machine and it's like a big from what i remember it was basically like a huge 3d printer right and you needed to be able to like interface with it and see like all the viral but so like make sure it wasn't overheating etc etc like that was his project and like what he did with it was pretty neat and then other people literally got like here's a game idea yeah shoot yeah our boy aiden oh yeah and like one of my other friends well um like he did his and did it really well and his project coordinator our boy stewart absolutely love him um said that you know they were pushing stewart was pushing them to release it on steam under not even green it's not green light anymore um but they were being pushed to release it and he was like well i mean it's good
Starting point is 01:44:06 but like i don't know if i want to release it because i don't know if it's that good which you know that's kind of like some content i have lined up i was scrolling through reddit um and it was posted on steam but was later deleted because the odds are trash more um all mods are trash mods even All mods are trash mods. Even I'm a trash mod, to be fair. I just like server muting people and seeing how long it takes them. I know the feeling. Anyway, I saw the post and I downloaded the game.
Starting point is 01:44:39 And I didn't have my massive PC. Oh no, my dog's barking. I didn't have my PC. So I downloaded it on my laptop and like i said my laptop's pretty beefy as it is especially for a lot and it ran like ass even on like very settings unity game yeah like and it's an interesting concept but like i said it runs like ah so if it runs any better on my big pc i'll be very surprised but if it you know still runs like us well then i'm just gonna be like i would like to you know talk to you about the gameplay but when it runs like us it's not an enjoyable experience and it's not enjoyable to watch
Starting point is 01:45:16 so that's it game trash end of review roll credits oh where are we where did that even come from i don't remember i kind of phased out for a second there releasing games on steam right yeah yeah okay well that's that's actually impressive because some of the stuff i've seen coming out of that uni has been uh garbage yeah we've actually we've also stuff like the whole reason is that i kind of downloaded the one game that i was talking about that i saw on reddit was because it was someone's uh project um and i was like oh yeah well you know i kind of empathize with you know i know what it's like to you know have a project and not sure and you know not be sure of how well it is or like how you know good it is yeah definitely but there's a
Starting point is 01:46:06 lot of fucking garbage on steam there's also a lot of garbage that isn't on steam uh we're looking at you yandere oh yeah i've i've recently got into looking into what's happening with yandere dev and holy crap that's a that's a mess and a half oh yeah um like even even back in the day like oh some of my favorite videos on the internet uh world record for um getting banned from his discord yeah that's an awesome video yeah there's one dude who currently holds the record because he got banned because of his name not because of anything else just his name he didn't even have to post anything so you know easy um and like i i remember like remember back in the day looking at it like his he used like what was it it wasn't 26 he used definitely over like six consecutive if else statements yep one of the other things
Starting point is 01:47:07 was he used an if statement instead of doing a um just some basic maths for converting like i think it was some sort of value into another one so it was like if it was five then it's like point two if it's four it's point whatever instead of just doing the math because it had like a consistent scale oh god come on man there was um oh what else was there there's well yeah like his twitch streams used to be you know him developing the game now it's just him playing games uh everyone in the chat is like um so when are you him developing the game. Now it's just him playing games. Everyone in the chat is like, when are you going to finish the game?
Starting point is 01:47:50 Eventually. I'm quite fond of the saying soon TM. I love soon TM. Soon TM is a fun one. Yeah. Tell us one where anyone complains about anything missing with Libram, which is like soon TM. Yeah. Eventually, maybe. Another, you know, Tower of Spawn where anyone complains about anything's missing with the library which is like soon TM eventually maybe
Starting point is 01:48:05 another you know hot dumpster fire that's on Steam at the moment is have you heard of a game Day of Dragons no I'm not big into gaming right now I'm kind of just getting back into it yeah fair well this is don't buy this
Starting point is 01:48:22 game because it's a fucking Unity asset flip and has no custom code whatsoever oh it's literally like yeah it's literally uh like unity assets that have been bought from the unity store yeah and then so they've bought like the it's like a sandbox right they've bought the the terrain they've bought like all of the dragons that are in the game and you just fly around at the moment and that's literally oh wow and how much are they charging for this uh good question i'll find out and i i'm pretty sure it's getting review bond i'm gonna guess a tenner at least uh higher 20 a little bit higher it's 21 71 oh okay that's well that is australian dollar being
Starting point is 01:49:09 garbage so yeah it's probably more like 15 oh no it's on sale at the moment it's usually 28 95 what so it's over 20 us jesus christ no this is austral, I know. I'm converting it to US. Yeah. And it is trash. There was a YouTuber who used to like for the game. And he was like, I'm distancing myself from this game until, you know, they actually thing with it. And then someone saw it was like, be ashamed if something happened to your cute little German shepherd. So and he was like, you know what something happened to your cute little German shepherd. Oh, Jesus Christ. And he was like, you know what? That's it. I'm out.
Starting point is 01:49:49 But yeah, like I said, you can't actually do anything. And there... I'm not sure... There's been, like, a lot of videos made. It was a Kickstarter scam, essentially. Yeah, those are not
Starting point is 01:50:03 uncommon, that's for sure yeah but you know it is what it is it is what it is there's a well like i said there's a lot of um unity asset flips on the steam market i wrote a paper on like the on like um markets and like how to market your game if you release it right what'd you do that for uh i did it for you remember tools for software when you had to write that paper on anything that was a software development yeah i do remember that i said that steam and places like gog and humble bundle were technically development tools because it allows you to publish well i talked more about steam mainly because they have like um assets and scripts that allow you to like write your own installers yeah um and it also you know kind
Starting point is 01:50:57 of allows you to manage um you know your game and repository um and all those good stuff and all that good stuff and yeah it was really interesting and i talked a lot about how like green light was a dumpster fire um because like with green light all you had to do hit a certain number of likes it didn't matter the ratio of likes like you could have got down voted wait wait so ratio didn't matter no ratio didn't matter you No, ratio didn't matter. You just hit a certain number of likes, you got published. Far out. Yeah, and so someone worked out that you could write a bot to do it all for you.
Starting point is 01:51:38 And the bot repository is still up on GitHub to this day. Because I linked it in my report. I was like, oh, yeah, the ratio doesn't matter by the way there's just a bot chilling on github you can use to upvote all your stuff oh and that was a huge and that was a huge problem with csgo um before the before the um library ui up um there used to be like recommended workshop items um which you know it used to be you know cool maps that made or cool skins that people photoshopped uh it then became you know win a free knife which you know is a scam by the way you think it's ever free well the cheapest knife in counter-strike is 80 australian dollars i think
Starting point is 01:52:20 last time i checked it might have gone because like I said prices are highly inflated did you just say 80 yes 80 what because knives well the way that it worked is knives are the rarest items in the game even though like you can and their patterns and like the designs that they have on them will not always be the same so there are things like case hardens which is like a it's kind of like a it's a pattern that's kind of blue purple well it's got a little bit of purple in it and it's also got like a gold on it and in the case hard and there are these things blue gems how the design is just completely blue they're extremely rare and i think at least a field tested which is worse um wear ratings because so that's something i should explain as well there each item has its own wear
Starting point is 01:53:21 rating and like the more worn it is the less it's worth um so like field tested is one of the uh factory new minimal wear field tested and battle scar i think field tested is kind of so battle scar is the most and field tested kind of like the most common because it's such a huge like wear rating whereas like uh factory new and minimal wear cover like a very percentage of wear um and anomaly sold like a field tested ak that was just completely like two grand i think i think yeah like um what what is this game i mean it's and like i said these are all items i have a where is it i have an orb worm god which is one of the most common skins right but uh so it's currently 13 on the steam mark but because it's a rare float which is what you call the wear rating it's float because it has a rare float value uh it's worth 18 to 20 i think from memory this is dumb this is actually fun I love it so much I
Starting point is 01:54:47 can say that in this market yeah it's good stuff I bet I could just bring you on for an entire episode just of counter-strike you'd probably be able to do it I reckon I should I reckon I could if you... Well, when is the... I don't want to, but I reckon you could. Man, like I said, I know a lot about... I'm a huge Counter-Strike fan. I can see that, yeah. When is the next Counter-Strike Major? I know it's in Rio, and I know... ...some point.
Starting point is 01:55:20 The question is, when is it? Do we do, like, the sort of like joe rogan thing where they do a flight companion we do a cs go companion oh god i'll be the one who has no idea what i'm talking about and you can be just talking the entire time see that's the thing like most of the stuff that i know like isn't stuff that i've like i found out myself i've just you know stuff that other people have said yeah so like um there's a like in when i was talking about like csgo investments most of my investment i follow from a guy called tdm jesus he's australian um and he does a lot of like investment stuff and he was taught he did i think it was two 10-minute videos on
Starting point is 01:56:06 The Dick Stacy anomaly right which was like the Dick Stacy stickers and how they're gonna like I said they were $2 or sorry the foil ones were $2 They're like I said they were up They're up to 14 now the like the high tier Dick Stacy stickers like the gold stickers they were $100 there are 300 now what no I'm deadly serious no I believe you're serious I know how ridiculous this sort of stuff can get that is that is dumb I love it it's um I love the incident stuff like this can't happen in real life I mean You say that
Starting point is 01:56:45 AMD Fox literally exists Coin collectors also Do you want to pay $500 for a 10 cent coin Yeah I mean that was one thing I mean I've always kind of been a collector I have a metric ton of cards Some of them are worth a lot
Starting point is 01:57:03 Some of them are just straight trash But I refuse to get rid of them because they have sentiment. That's fair. And also I still kind of use them and play them. By the way, the next CSGO Major is in May in Rio. It's on
Starting point is 01:57:17 specifically May 21st is when it starts. So CSGO will probably release a viewer pass for that and then the pick'em and that will be the last event sorry so there'll be an event in CSGO for that and hopefully I can get some but if not I just kind of like the coin that you get from doing stuff yeah you cut out quite a bit through that i i i got i think my mic's kind of being i don't know what's going on through that i got sort of the
Starting point is 01:57:53 gist of it but you were cutting out quite a bit yeah um so for the major cs does like an event where like it's kind of like tipping so you you pick the teams that are going to advance or pick and then pick the teams who are going to exit um by losing uh three in a row so you pick the team that's going to exit without winning a game right um and the more tips that you get correct the like higher tier like collector's coin you get right uh and so the last event they did there was bronze silver gold and diamond right um i had my and to like if you did all the the event or sorry if you did all the challenges slash like tips you got a diamond coin. And one of the challenges was, you know, watch the event on Twitch or They broke their API. And so a lot of the watching events didn't work.
Starting point is 01:58:55 So even if you didn't watch it, you got that challenge ticked off anyway. And a lot of people got diamond coins that didn't deserve them. I know because I was one of them. Lovely. coins that didn't deserve them i know because i was one of them lovely and so now i just flex on people with my diamond katowice coin um yeah and even one of the well dick stacy who actually played in that event um i only got a gold coin so i i kind of laugh at that that's awesome yeah man dick stacy if you're watching this hit me up huge fan mate i i didn't even know who dick stacy was before today hey follow him on twitter he posts some good memes i'll do that i don't even follow too
Starting point is 01:59:38 many people on twitter do i i don't know you sure who i follow you follow me i know i follow you let's see who i follow oh i just remembered maybe oh if i save that for next episode then that's gonna be too long away have you heard about project melody oh is this the um hentai bot on chatterbait it's not actually a bot it's a uh mocap oh yeah yes i have heard about this so I love this so much it is please explain it okay so basically we have this thing called this all starts from something called MMD so MMD is sort of like a animation thing for like 3d models so what people have done is they they can take those models and then basically they can like put them into something like VRChat and other things like that.
Starting point is 02:00:30 And I'm not sure exactly what program she's using. But you can basically mocap with that model. And you know it's mocap because she lets it fuck up occasionally. And you know it's mocap because she lets it fuck up occasionally. So, doing some naughty things, she will occasionally have her arm clip through her body. And her arm just starts breaking around. Anyway, so what ends up happening is she makes a Chatterbait account. She actually gets Chatter about to accept her it's not like she just made an account they just haven't deleted her
Starting point is 02:01:10 they actually knowingly verify her knowing what she was going to do and then basically she became the biggest cam girl literally the second she made her account so the next biggest users had like 8 000 viewers she was 30 000 or something like that and every single day she came on 30 000 30 000 30 000 25 000 30 000 every day she's just crushing it and basically if if you don't know there's also this thing called a VTuber. So a VTuber is a virtual YouTuber. They basically use anime avatars or various other avatars. So it's a combination of that sort of more mocap-y stuff, where a lot of the VTubers, they'll use something called Live2D. So Live2D is mainly just for 2D images. And you do have a couple of VTubers that do 3D stuff, and they are doing something presumably similar to what Melody is using. But she's combined the VTuber stuff with being a cam girl, and is making tons and tons of money.
Starting point is 02:02:15 And there are some cam girls who are getting so angry at her for this, because they're like, oh, she's just a bot. She's not working hard. The problem is that she actually is. She's doing more work than they're like oh she's just a bot she's not working hard the problem is that she actually is she's doing more work than they're doing because what's happening is you'll go watch some of the like actual cam girl streams they're just all sitting there just waiting for you to send tips to them she's interacting with the chat she's trying to actually make an entertaining show because she's also a youtuber and she's also a twitch streamer so she understands that
Starting point is 02:02:43 if you want people to give you money you actually have to make a show you can't just be like i'm just gonna sit here give me money i'm attractive give me money she actually is making something that people want to watch simp culture in a nutshell and oh my god i i the the moment i heard about this i just i keep thinking of the um we have a visual of hoes being mad, Hoes mad, over. And like I said, some of the Meltdown tweets are some of the funniest shit I have ever seen in a long time. All I can say in like, response to- Sorry.
Starting point is 02:03:15 Sorry, go on. My favorite is there's one person who was complaining that she isn't allowed to be verified because you can't determine what the age of the animation is. Oh, f***. There was also... Yeah. All I can say to this is, like, listen. Like, to the cam girls who, like, just sit there and is like,
Starting point is 02:03:39 give me money. And this goes for, like, a lot of Twitch streamers as well. Financial domination is not a personality. Do something. Because, like, do you remember Bad Bunny? Bad Bunny. The name slightly rings a bell, but I can't think of who you're talking about. Well, she had a meltdown.
Starting point is 02:03:57 It got featured on, like, It's a Gun. She's basically female DSP. Like, $5? You can't afford $5? Oh, yeah, I didn't know what her name was okay yeah well explain the story if anyone hasn't heard about it hello i'll say explain the story uh the story for anyone who hasn't heard about it so um she is like a she streams in in Just Chatting talking about politics.
Starting point is 02:04:31 And then like she just randomly has like an outburst of like people who won't sub to her. Or like people haven't subbed to her. Excuse me. And like then she then complains like, oh, you have all this time to sit around and watch me, but you can't even spare $5 to sub to me. Just YouTube the outburst. It's great um anyway i i got bored and when i get bored i scroll through just just to see like what garbage is in there and i saw her stream and i joined it and i joined right at the moment she had a meltdown about people who weren't subbing and holy jesus it was one of the funniest things i have ever watched um and so like i wanted to like talk shit and try and get banned um
Starting point is 02:05:14 and so like she's got like the 10 minute followers thing so like you have to be for 10 minutes to be able to and so like by that time she had a meltdown and someone gifted a couple of subs and so it meltdown over right um so after that um you know continues talking about politics and then she said someone came in with like an opposing view of like the ideas that she had and she like called them retarded and cringe and so by that time i had earned enough like bits because you know how twitch has like the chat bits yeah yeah that like the more you watch the more bits you earn i'd earned enough to highlight a message and i highlighted my message it was like imagine thinking someone with an opposing view is cringe-hearted lamal or if i
Starting point is 02:06:03 have ever been getting close to ban in that chat it was that and then someone came in and it was like trump 2020 meltdown meltdown followed and it it was one of the funniest things and she's like oh i don't care you know about your side of politics and i don't care like why do you think anyone cares trump like about trump so i just added the dude who said it's like i care it's okay i care and uh and then like my final message before i got on board and left was i wonder typed in dsp didn't get my message banned or anything so if i ever need any future content i'll start annoying her again because it's it's mildly amusing and like i said being a simp does not um yeah being a simp doesn't mean you know you have a personality and financial domination isn't a personality either absolutely if you can't you can't make
Starting point is 02:06:59 entertaining content then you don't deserve a send like i i this is what i say at the end of my videos if you want to donate to my channel go right ahead but i don't care if you do or not that's entirely up to you if you feel like my content deserves some money feel free to donate but if you don't want to that's entirely up to you i'm gonna keep making the content if you don't think the content's worth it that's that's your prerogative yeah absolutely i mean there's like like i said you know you like for people actually like for me have to actually earn it like i i used to be i used to be sub to two people on twitch and i don't anymore because they rent. Yeah, that's fair. But, like, I followed, I think it was, like, either 50, somewhere from 50 to 100.
Starting point is 02:07:50 And those, like, of those 50 to 100, I only subbed two because I thought they were the people who deserved it the most. You are cutting out horrendously right now. Oh, sorry. I got most of it. You only subbed two people out of 50 to 100 you were following. Because they were the people who deserved it the most. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:08 I promise, like, next time... Well, if there is a next time I get invited on... There'll be a next time. I don't have a math lesson. God damn it. Oh, fucking hell. You won't get invited on if you keep doing that. No, because I noticed as I was speaking,
Starting point is 02:08:19 Discord kind of cut me out. No, I was saying, like, my audio will be a lot better next time because i'll probably have internet at my place yeah that's fair well there is no probably there will be well we'll see what um we'll see how often you come on because i don't have a massive list of people and i don't know how often they'd want to come on anyway that's the thing at least at this stage while there's not much of an audience once there's like something for people to actually get out of it then i could see i could actually get some people on but right now the first episode is not
Starting point is 02:08:49 even up yet so asking people to come on that i don't know isn't really happening yeah no i understand that um yeah like back like this was last year when i was um you know kind of more involved in cs and wasn't as busy with like a lot of the other side projects. And I talked to, like, a couple of, like, my CS girlfriends. It's like, you want to make a podcast? And, like, then, like, at that time, like, everyone was making a podcast. Like, everyone and their dog had a podcast. Like, the Misfits had just started theirs.
Starting point is 02:09:22 Oh, wow. Yeah, like, this was around that time like everyone yeah and like that's the thing everyone has a podcast now so yeah well i think if you do the sort of content i do there's a lot of stuff that doesn't really fit in the the sort of style of my content like i can't talk about i don't know the steam marketplace or random people having meltdowns on twitch that just doesn't fit in the the content of my channel whereas the podcast gives you that place where if you want to do like i don't i don't hate the people who do like this is what my podcast is about i do linux i do
Starting point is 02:09:58 tech i do whatever i don't want this podcast to be that though i want this to be the place but i can just chat with people i can bring people on and just talk about whatever I've got a mate who is like religiously vegan and he thinks that anyone who anyone who eats meat is like he calls them carnists
Starting point is 02:10:18 which is hilarious and like you are literally the devil if you eat meat oh that yeah I've are literally the devil if you eat meat oh that that yeah i've i've been called the devil for um from for different reasons but when i went into like my my local well not even my local i went to like the mall yesterday uh just to pick up a um grounded power board for my computer because i i didn't have one and my cords weren't long enough to reach the power point so that was kind of a good middle ground um and i you know you want a grounded power board to protect your stuff anyway in case you know the power ever goes out or anything
Starting point is 02:10:53 um and like i said uh well my pc i spent a lot of money of it and i worked basically like i worked a job that i hated for i think it was like two a month and a half to two months um and of like out of that job i built i yeah i built my pc um so that pc kind of means a lot to me and it also has the sentimental value of work hard and you can afford you know anything yeah for sure um so the anonymous vegans who usually go in on sundays were there and i i was very very tempted to walk down to the food court get a bucket of kfc and just stand there and eat it in front of them because oh my god and like my sister who's just moved to adelaide asked me me, who are those? Those people are people who are retarded. I mean, I get you can have your vegan viewpoint. That's fine.
Starting point is 02:11:50 Just don't shove it down my throat. I'll make the choice if I want to. I don't care if someone wants to be a vegan. I have a problem with people who are, I guess, their life is being a vegan. Yeah. I have a problem with people who are like that, sorry, I cut you off, but people who are like that politically as well. If you are like
Starting point is 02:12:09 a really far left and that's your entire personality or you're really far right, that's your entire personality. You're going to be an obnoxious person. I don't really care who you are. And it's the same with- Socialism is not a personality. Socialism is not a personality socialism is not a personality veganism is not a personality oh good times but um like anonymous and like they they always use the is it the guy forks mask yeah yeah like they always use those masks it's like don't ruin the message come on like the mask used to stand for something now it it doesn't um absolutely but like what i don't get with these people is like they always show animals being slaughtered this is where your meat comes from it's like yeah well it doesn't grow off of a bacon tree like where did you think it came from i do like how that's supposed to be some sort of like argument against eating
Starting point is 02:13:00 it's like oh it did you know your animals get slaughtered for this like yes i'm aware they taste delicious i've seen how a sausage is made i still eat them they they taste good yeah i mean i've lived on a farm so i know what um and like kill for me um another thing someone hit me with a vegan hit me with one time. Did you know that, you know, animals have, well, animals can feel what we feel. They're intellectual beings. Like, did you know that potatoes have sensory receptors so they can feel pain as well? And it's like, the wheels slowly start turning. It's like, um, but that doesn't count. Yes, it does.
Starting point is 02:13:44 That's your argument goodbye did you know the mushroom is closer to being an animal than a uh a mollusk is so you should probably eat uh mollusks instead yeah like i said it all that you can make like all the arguments and another argument that people make is that um farming is cruelty free oh that's a good meme that that yeah good mean it's like um i live in farmland and farmers routinely have to patrol their so that things like kangaroos and emus don't you know walk around and eat their crops um so that they can harvest so they have to you know be on the uh the point of kangaroos where do the americans get this idea that kangaroos are some like endangered species no idea they're they're really not so
Starting point is 02:14:35 for anyone who doesn't know there's actually um twice the amount of kangaroos in australia than there are people they are actually a pest. There's a reason why every There's a reason why every single place you can go to buy pet food will have kangaroos as an option because we just have too many of them. Yeah, it's insane. Like, we
Starting point is 02:14:58 yeah, there's like, in my hometown we have to drive between, like, from where I live to live to like the next town over to do grocery shopping. And like you routinely see like, I can't even count how many kangaroos along the way. Like it's insane. And they're not even scared of like the highway or anything. Like they just stand there and chill. They know that either, you know, they've accepted their fate. Either they get and chill they know that either you know they've accepted
Starting point is 02:15:25 their fate either they get hit or they they know what's good well on my trips to wetikeree i routinely see at least and that's when i'm driving and not paying attention to the sides of the road i see like six or so kangaroos like it's just dead on the side of the road and that's when i'm like driving and not paying attention to whether there's dead shit on the side of the road and that's when i'm like driving and not paying attention to whether there's dead shit on the side of the road and there's it's something stupid like how many kangaroos are there like 40 million 30 million i don't remember how many people uh there's the last time i checked uh we australia had either 20 or 24 million so double that yeah so it it's not exactly double i think it's a bit less than double so it's like 38 or something million kangaroos.
Starting point is 02:16:08 Well, another pest that I didn't even know we had that many, feral pigs. I didn't even... Apparently there's like 24 million of them. Oh, yeah, no, feral pigs are also just... They're a problem wherever they're brought into. Yeah, like I didn't even... Like they're more of a problem... Well, even like they're more of a problem well they're
Starting point is 02:16:25 not as much of a problem where i live well they don't exactly exist where i live but like i couldn't believe that there were 20 million on yeah and like another thing that was surprising to me and i'll relate this back to tech for you is that there are so many like people on youtube making content of them farming or sorry hunting like feral pigs yeah how did we get this far off of tech i don't even know how that happened i have no idea but you know good thing about a podcast is content you know you just it's on your mind yeah sure anyway you're saying um hunting channels yeah like there were like just specifically for hunting feral pigs in like eastern australia sure yeah like it's ridiculous and there's heaps of them and like if you want to talk about
Starting point is 02:17:13 australian culture watch like some of their channel because like you pick up like some of them are like like proper bogans i'm talking like real like you know walking around the middle of like a um paddock with like six foot high sugar cane in nothing but like a singlet short and thong i love by the way the thongs the shoe wear not you know the other yeah no they're not walking around in those sorts of thongs that would be an interesting image yeah just for the for the uh the americans the flip-flops yeah or if you're see it's another thing about australian culture we hate new zealand also like actually if not flip-flops and there's like they're not exactly sandals yeah see in new zealand they call them jandals like yeah like it's spelled like sandal with a J,
Starting point is 02:18:06 and it makes no fucking sense. Can we remove them from the Commonwealth? No, no, no, no, listen, listen, listen. You put me as Prime Minister. Right. I'm going to do exactly what I did the first time I played Heart. I play as Australia, leave the Commonwealth. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:18:25 So I become Prime Minister, demand New Zealand, don't get New Zealand, leave the Commonwealth, invade New Zealand anyway. Easy. Yeah, no, hearts of iron when I did that kind of had a seizure because the UK was still requesting that, you know, they could dock ships in my harbours and I was saying yes and they were like,
Starting point is 02:18:46 actually, we're not going to do that. And then about two minutes later they'd be like, hey, can we dock ships in your harbours? Yeah, sure, that's fine. Oh, wait, we can't do that. Oh, Paradox, you've never made a game that anyone's understood this. I've never played Hearts of Iron. I've never been much of a tactics
Starting point is 02:19:05 person or like a world builder person yeah see like this is when I grew up and when I mean grew up I'm talking when I was like 3 and 4 years old I grew up with like a Windows 95
Starting point is 02:19:21 and even though this was in the early 2000s when XPp was still kicking around um like i i just like use this windows 95 every day um you know and i grew up playing games like age of empires the first one um plague which you know to be fair probably wasn't appropriate for like a four-year-old maybe as i got up as i got older like i kind of diversified my taste um i there's this one lucas is it lucas arts it sounds a game company yeah i think so i have it on my um it's one of my favorite games of all time it's called outlaws 3d and like i said it i used to play it all the time on my Windows 95.
Starting point is 02:20:06 And I got so good at it, I could finish, like, because it was a, the way I got was, we didn't have internet for, like, a good portion of my life. I know that feeling. Yeah. So, like, my mum gave me this trial disk and it had 95 different trial wares or share wares on them. And one of them was this game by Outlaw.
Starting point is 02:20:31 And it... I played it so much that I could speedrun it and complete the whole level I think it was about 10. I think it was my personal best. But, like, to be fair, you didn't have to, like, necessarily, like, find all the secrets or anything.
Starting point is 02:20:48 Yeah. Complete the level, and then... Oh, sorry. Get rid of enough people to spawn the final dude. Mm-hmm. And then, like, you kill the last dude, and then that's the end of the level. Is it not on this account?
Starting point is 02:21:02 I thought I still had it. Or did I put it in Is it Oh no it's still here thank god On that note When did you actually get an internet connection What year do you reckon Good question
Starting point is 02:21:15 It I reckon I reckon we got it when I was 10 And that's when like I think we got it Around because I was like quite late yes one point uh cs and 1.6 so I think we got ours around 2010 and then go release in 2012 uh counter strike go and then that was once that released I kind of fell off and didn't bother
Starting point is 02:21:44 playing anymore I'm pretty sure I got an internet i didn't get one until i came back to south australia actually no even later than that until i actually moved into the house that my parents owned a few years back before they split up um so that would have been i think youtube had just come out because i remember my cousin telling me about this new website that had just come out where you can watch videos online. And it was like, here's this new website, it's called YouTube. It's like, oh, I'll remember to bookmark that website so I don't forget about it.
Starting point is 02:22:19 So that would have been like 06, I reckon. Because I then started playing RuneScape a little bit later than that right after the Grand Exchange came out oh dude I only just got into RuneScape what would it
Starting point is 02:22:38 be now a year ago maybe no it would have yeah it would have been yeah a year ago because i so i don't do a lot of like youtube stuff but i occasionally stream on twit and when i like first started streaming i joined like an affiliate team thing and one of the um members of the team hosted me and they were playing room scape so like i was like oh you guys are all from room scape let me just switch over so i started and i
Starting point is 02:23:11 just started playing and to this day i'm still playing and that was a year ago it's a game i'm still it's time sink that's all it is for me i haven't played in so long when i played it it just felt like i was wasting time all the time i mean at the moment i'm like i'm trying to do iron but you know it's kind of a stretch i'm trying to get my smithing up high enough so i can start smelting gold and then once i can start smelting gold i'm going to start making rings and then once i can make rings i'm going to enchant them sell them on the grand exchange yeah I need to make I need to hang on let me just sign in and see how much more coal because I need a lot some smelting steel at the moment mm-hmm and like as you can Am I by the bank? Yes, I am. Yeah, so I need 1,000...
Starting point is 02:24:10 Yeah, 1,000... I need, like, almost 1,500 pieces of coal that I need to collect to get my smithing up to the correct level to then start smelting gold. Jesus Christ. Yeah. With that being said though, my character's, you know... He's a free-to-play character.
Starting point is 02:24:33 He's getting there. I remember getting no-no cooking in free-to-play. That wasn't a fun experience. Yeah, my mining at the moment is level 55, and that's my highest stat. mining at the moment is level 55 and that's my highest stat it has not been a fun time
Starting point is 02:24:48 to get it that high well because I was doing fuck what was best money I think it was tuna oh yep so I was doing most profitability I mean there's this one place um that like so i had like one of my huge time
Starting point is 02:25:11 sinks that i spent into the game was getting my fishing cooking and also fishing cooking log cutting and also fire starting high enough because there's this one spot where there's um like there's a fishing spot and then i think i can't remember what type of tree it is it's one of it's like it's a pretty high level one i think you need to be around level 30 to um um you know cut it down 30 would have been Willow? I think it is. I think it is Willow. Or, mate, hang on. RuneScape.
Starting point is 02:25:52 RuneScape cast. RuneScape wiki is best friend. My best friend. Anyway, like, it's because I needed to get my cutting and fire starting to a high enough level to cut down like those type of trees yeah and then you know set and then like um start a fire so then i could cook the fish that i caught right yeah and it's near i can't remember what town it's near but like i said it was just in a perfect spot there were like willow trees and then there was like a little fishing and then there was a bank this um there was also like relatively close i think so because reynolds is where people went for willows
Starting point is 02:26:35 yeah and like i said this is a free to play area yeah it would have been everyone everyone and their dog was there yeah uh was there like a market sort of thing next to the bank? As I said, I can't remember. I might log back into RuneScape and see where... I'm pretty sure you're talking about Draenor. Because I know where it is on the map. I just can't think of the next... I don't know why I remember that name.
Starting point is 02:27:03 I mean, like I said, I'm mining coal at Elkrid because that's like the closest free-to-play place I can get. And that's relatively empty because all the scorpions just aggro the low players out of it. And then all the higher players are generally 500. Can you do a mining guild in free-to-play? Maybe, I'm unsure. Because mining guild is best place for coal I'm pretty sure at least it was when I was playing. I'll have to have to go and have a look. Yes it is drain oil. Yeah. Anyway I want to get yeah anyway
Starting point is 02:27:45 I want to get up to Yule hmm because there's one of those there's a Yule tree rather out in Varrock I think at the back of the castle I think it's two there actually
Starting point is 02:28:00 yeah so once I get high enough, that's probably my next thing. But again, time and I want to get, you know,
Starting point is 02:28:09 most of my steel stuff going. And once I get up to like steel, I'll probably buy a bond and then start making arrow tips in them.
Starting point is 02:28:18 I forgot that that was a thing you could do now. Yeah. Like, no, I mean, the bond thing. Oh, yeah. Or I could, by the time I Yeah, like... No, I mean the bond thing. Oh yeah, um...
Starting point is 02:28:27 Or I could, by the time I finish the game, I'll probably have enough to buy a bond, to be perfectly honest. Because like I said, I'll have like... Over 1200 pieces of iron, uh, steel, so... And some of it I'll use to, you make better gear because iron man account if anyone who hasn't played runescape or at least hasn't played in a long time um a bond was a wasn't a way to buy membership with just gold well yeah that's how you get your member with just gold yeah so back when i was playing you had to actually pay the membership fee but if you can make enough money and free to play then you can get yourself into members and hopefully from that point you can make even more money but yeah that also then turns being allowed to play the game in members into a job which yeah well that's there was a video um i think it's a lot of people in
Starting point is 02:29:19 venezuela are playing escape at the moment like 24 hours a day because their economy is so trash they end up like selling RuneScape stuff and then using the gold, like selling the gold for real money. Jesus. Yeah, because their economy is so trash. Well there's a couple guys on
Starting point is 02:29:40 library that are in Venezuela as well so that makes perfect sense. Yeah. You're saying sorry I cut you off. no um and then the because they go into like the wild and they hunt they they they use their slayer stats to hunt like different um different stuff in the wild right i can't remember the guy like the video that i saw and he like he pulled up one of the guys because he like absolutely destroyed him because he was like he was level 99 but he only had five health i think that was his challenge and so he just went to the wild destroyed people and he found like a bunch of these people from venezuela like trying to make enough money to survive jesus and like they just literally they just sit in the wild hunting, you know, this one kind of animal.
Starting point is 02:30:27 I forget what video it was, but it was it was an interesting one. And yeah, it was just an all-around interesting video. That is crazy. I didn't know anything like that existed for RuneScape, but Yeah. Considering there are real money auction houses, it makes sense for people in countries where they just have no better way to make money because if you're not doing that how are you like i don't know how most people end up surviving in venezuela yeah things are well i'm not exactly sure how that's you know one of the things that people are doing... Were you around when Jagex kind of had that problem where
Starting point is 02:31:07 paying for a membership were getting declined by either their bank or Visa because of all the gold scams going on? I didn't hear anything about that, no. So this was back when RuneScape was kind of
Starting point is 02:31:23 first starting or had been out for a little um so like you know how it's kind of a meme buy free gold yeah or sorry to buy runescape gold yeah yeah yeah so so many people were doing um you know and they thought that because the people that were doing that or subscription a group from Shinsuke, that this company that they were paying $14 a night was scamming them for gold. So they would just stop processing the transactions that came from Jagex. Is it Jagex?
Starting point is 02:32:02 I think it's Jagex. I don't remember. Jagex or whatever it is any so yeah a lot of people lost their memberships because of the the bank stopped processing and then like the people noticed that you know they um a membership anymore like um excuse me what the fuck and yeah there was a there was a whole so yeah that is just a weird story of the past yeah good times good time on that note how long did you want to go for because we're going for like almost two hours 40 right almost three hours yeah well minus the six minutes you were gone that i'm cutting so it's like yeah about two and a half hours right now i don't care how long you
Starting point is 02:32:50 want to go for i mean i'm good whenever and shout out i'm happy that well i've talked i've talked a lot of trash to be fair you have and i'm i guarantee there's plenty more that we haven't talked about like i guarantee things like project melody are going to expand more out as time goes on that time i abused a solar company and also kind of that was dumb that that was such a stupid story but also kind of a good one. I am so tired right now I don't know why. See I'll bet it's the chamomile tea it's working. Oh I drank that last night mate it didn't help with the sleeping it's helping me now though. Just go to sleep now. I've got to record today's video as well. I'll take over the podcast. You can edit it if you want, it'll take quicker for you to render. I'll set up a botnet at uni.
Starting point is 02:33:47 I mean, one, two, three, four. That was a joke before anyone thinks I'm actually gonna set up a botnet at uni. For legal reasons, that's a joke. I mean, like, you think about it, though, one, we got four, like,
Starting point is 02:34:02 relatively new that have got like i5. I think it's either one or two gig dedicated VRAMs and then some of the old could just use CPU power. And there's also what is equivalent to, I think we have 10 Core 2 Duo in here. So I mean, what's the worst that could happen? Oh, you know, getting kicked out maybe. Actually, they'll probably be fine with it.
Starting point is 02:34:30 We'll see. I mean, I'd have to... They still have all the authentication stuff that the uni uses on them, so just pop out the hard drive and you're good to go. Actually, they wouldn't even notice really, because if I'm using a botnet to just render a video, it would go for like half an hour. So they'd be like, oh, all the computers are fired up for half an hour. That's nothing weird.
Starting point is 02:34:53 We could also be like, oh, you just turned on... Because we did that with one of the servers that was in here. It was just an email server. Yeah. We turned it on on and as it turns out it's got a memory bit error yeah and the other fun bit is so like we can't actually do anything about it because the case that it's in is like it's a server case so you need a key to open it and like get at the internals um yeah but you can use a drill i mean lock picking 99 well that also works uh but yeah we fire that up one day
Starting point is 02:35:34 good meme and as i turned it off biters ran out of it um because you know it it's been living under one of the here for ages and now it's in our so along with oh did i another thing that we did we have like you know how we have those development xboxes yeah uh yeah so we got all of them out one day and turned them on to see if any of them work all of them were red ringed bar one the one that wasn't red-ringed, it couldn't actually turn on because the power switch wasn't working. So I might have to send a few cheeky emails
Starting point is 02:36:13 to people being like, hey, do you mind if we, you know, pull these Xbox apart and actually get a few that work? Interesting times, but... Yeah, those would be better useful than just sitting in that work. Interesting times. Yeah, those would be better useful than just sitting in that closet. Well, they're 360s, so you know. That being said, you could probably go to cash
Starting point is 02:36:35 converters. Sell a bunch of Red Ring Xboxes to cash converters. Why are they Red Ringed? Ask no questions. They don't need to know. You can just sell them. I mean, spare parts.
Starting point is 02:36:48 Yeah. Look, they're not going to test it before you try to sell it to them. No, they only test it after you sell it. They might ban you from the store after you've sold them 20 red-ringed Xboxes.
Starting point is 02:37:00 Nah, there's only like 12. Oh. Only 12. I mean... Sorry, 11 Red Ringed Xboxes and one that doesn't have a power switch that works. And one that just doesn't... One that blatantly doesn't work. I need to go... Looking around Cache East has actually come... You know, it's especially... It's such a good game with the...
Starting point is 02:37:21 Was this actually legitimately sold here or was this stolen? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z. Well, I did have three bikes stolen and I guarantee they popped up at Cash Converters at some point. Yeah. Like, a lot of the... So like, if you ever lose like a lap or like something, take the serial... Like, make sure you keep the serial number or, like, a model number or something. Because if it pops up at cash converters, they, like, run the model with, like, a police lost and found. And if it pops up in the lost and found, well, then they kind of just, you know, goes back.
Starting point is 02:37:56 Yeah, that's what I should have done with my bikes. I should have just got them serial numbered. It wasn't too expensive to get done. Just didn't do it. Nah. yeah it wasn't too expensive to get done just didn't do it nah um i like occasionally when i'm walking city like people like they instead of bike blocking their tires they bike lock their in teams i like i've seen people like just like undo the tires and like take everything but like the frame yeah so it's just been like a bike frame to a fucking like um bike stand and it's it's like why though what can
Starting point is 02:38:28 you possibly do with the spare tires to be worth it five dollars and it's not worth the effort oh no i've seen people do that that actually own the bike they'll just take the tires off so no one steals it oh yeah like i've seen people that own that too. Like, one dude I thought, like, I got on the train with, right? He rode his bike to the train station, locked it up, then, like, undid his front wheel and then, like, clipped it to his backpack. And I was like, god damn, this is, like, Day-Z all over again. Like, if you ever took a car anywhere, you'd take, like, one of the front and one of the back wheels off.
Starting point is 02:39:01 Take the fucking steering wheel off. No, well, like, armour would allow you to, like, take engine parts out. So you just, like, you either take the wheels off or you take, like, the engine parts out so that they won't move and they're not going to go anywhere and people can't steal them. That's awesome. Because I tell you what, I've made
Starting point is 02:39:17 away with five... Yeah, I got away, like, because I just used to run around the world by myself and just see what I could... I've stolen stolen five armored cars that way. Because people forgot to take the engine parts or take the tires off. That's, that's awesome. Good times. I really wish the armor mod was, you know, still around.
Starting point is 02:39:37 Because we were talking earlier about, like, the standalone. Standalone's trash. Like, legit. Didn't ever get better. Nah. I mean, like, you you know it's kind of official but the modders kind of made the game like and to be fair they've done a better job than the lone team has in my opinion and like the community for the game it used to be like such a good place now it's just you know everyone just you know kills on sight. No one's about, like, the human interaction
Starting point is 02:40:06 or, like, the teaming up and co-oping anymore. It's all just, you know, kill on sight and take everyone's stuff. And it's the same with Rust. Rust used to be about the community, now it's trash. So it's kind of just turned from being, like, a kind of zombie survival thing into being more like PUBG. Yeah, basically. And like I said, the same with Rust.
Starting point is 02:40:32 And I mean, Rust and DayZ both have the same problem. They spent way too long in early access. I had a mate of mine who was explaining to me some of the ridiculous stuff that he was doing in Rust some like weird electrical stuff he was doing and then he was talking about how like plumbing is going to be added to the game or something
Starting point is 02:40:54 and he's going to do some more stuff with that and I was like what are you talking about why is this game so weird some are like they added like logic gates I think they added... I think that was what they added for electricity. So are you saying that...
Starting point is 02:41:10 Are you saying that Rust is Turing complete? Essentially, yeah. Like, you can do a whole bunch of stuff, like, with electricity. That's awesome. And it's really, really weird. Like, I've even seen... even seen it's basically Minecraft now I've seen people make Turing complete computers with redstone
Starting point is 02:41:31 it's hilarious and another thing that Rust has added is they recently added a whole array of instruments and so one of the like my like my YouTube rabbit holes at the
Starting point is 02:41:48 moment is just watching people make uh remake songs in rust i've seen like um feel good inc um seven nation army because that's easy but yeah i mean like they have a great like the developers are doing a good job because it's the same developers that made gary's um face punch studios um but like i said the community around it is just trash yeah like i said it used to be about you know teaming up you know taking on a few raids see if you could shoot down the helicopter that patrols the map and uh rockets you back um you know and you used to do that do that with not only your friends, but just randoms you found as well. Now it's all about seeing who can
Starting point is 02:42:30 cross-map, cross-bow everyone. Yeah, that... It's kind of gross. Take the fun out of it for me. For sure, yeah. Anyway. Anyway!
Starting point is 02:42:43 Oh, lord! This... anyway anyway oh lord this honestly I don't even know how long I want this podcast to go for I can't I never set a time limit for it it's more just like how much time the person has um I mean if you want a 12 hour podcast I should probably actually
Starting point is 02:43:04 see what's going we'll save that for the um when the god emperor wins again yeah oh that i'm so i hate social media right absolutely no feeling i'd like never post anything for like fear of people, you know, just absolutely going off because I'm friends with like people on both spectrum. And like, I've seen people recently updating their profile pictures to like Bernie 2020. And I've been,
Starting point is 02:43:36 I've been very, just to change mine to Trump 2020 to see who comes out of the, well, it's just as like a joke. It's not like they have anyone else to go for yang dropped out yeah um rip yang gang but like i just but at the same time like i'm so scared that like people will just be like you know you fucking racist how could you um i mean like i'd do it for a joke but not many people would get the joke and like the last time
Starting point is 02:44:08 like i shared that photo of me and lewis that was like most recent thing then before that i think last thing i posted was like 2019 no 2018 i think was the last time i ever put a page. I think. I don't know what I last posted on Facebook, actually. I don't even know if I'm logged in on Facebook right now. Yeah. Like I said. Let's find out, actually. I just use it to scroll through and find regurgitated memes. That's fair.
Starting point is 02:44:42 That's it. I'm not even logged in. And I also use it to um i have like a few like pc part shops that appear first in my news feed so if they're doing sales ways of thing i know ah yeah that's fair that's i guess that's one good use for it. That's it. I also have the CFS, because sometimes we have bushfires, so it's nice where they are. Yeah, the CFS, for anyone not from Australia, is the Country Fire Service. That's basically our volunteer fire force. Yeah. They're handy to pay attention to.
Starting point is 02:45:24 Yeah, absolutely. when the the fires are within walking distance of your house that's for sure yeah i know that feeling it's in the middle of a fire season as well because i was pretty close to the um the cuddly creek fires oh damn um i know like when that's back like this is back in december like before christmas when started i went home and when i went a sorry uh a thunderstorm jesus um and and uh like i got home and then like a big thunderstorm blew in and the lightning had started a fire near our town so like we kind of had to get ready um and like prepare as if it was going to come here luckily it never um but you know you definitely can't be too prepared especially
Starting point is 02:46:16 when you are living in rural areas even here though um there were fires up by, um, what's the, the other side of, um, the Northern Expressway. Oh, yeah, yeah, um, I saw them when I, on Friday, when I came back in, like, I saw a lot of those. Yeah, because my sister's up by that way in uh daven park so she was pretty close and yeah luckily my parents luckily my parents were safe because there wasn't really much going on in wakery yeah i mean like australia when it's not bloody freezing we're kind of fire literally well our freezing is like 10 degrees celsius yeah but i mean like where like we get or at least where i'm from we get frost every morning yeah um and like i used to ride my bike to school and that like i used to like my hands would be aching by the time i got to school
Starting point is 02:47:20 my hands would be um Um... But yeah, don't do that anymore. For good reason, that's for sure. Yeah. Well, I don't go to school anymore, that's why. Oh, you've still got a beauty. Yeah, but I mean, like, that's a five, ten minute... You could be like
Starting point is 02:47:39 Connor and do nothing right now. Yeah. I mean, he's got his... at least he's got time to pretend. I just right now. Yeah. I mean, he's got his... At least he's got time to pen. I just have excuses. Yeah. Well, he's also doing some art stuff as well on the side and other stuff like that.
Starting point is 02:47:55 I mean, he's doing something. And power to him. I highly enjoy his work. And, like, even his art stuff. Yeah. His channels... We talked about his channel for like way too long i think like 15 20 minutes i talked about his art for a while as well and he did like a fantastic
Starting point is 02:48:12 job with the artwork for my channel yeah um i got him like when like for one of the clubs that i manage i got him like i asked him like for us and i'll um i'd submit it on his uh for him um and like some of the stuff he sent me was really good but he was like no i'm not happy with don't submit that one this is like my idea but don't submit it and then he was like no i ended up couldn't be bothered with it because i couldn't find anything yeah uh i'll just submit um the last one you sent me yeah that's fair but um yeah you know as the internet internet historian video says any poll is the goal oh yeah well i think i think we should probably end it there. I've got other stuff I want to do today. I still haven't actually recorded today's video,
Starting point is 02:49:08 so I still need to do that. Nice. Plus, it's getting really hot, and I'm wearing track pants right now because it was a little cold this morning. Yeah, it was... I walked to uni in a t-shirt, short, thongs. And, yeah, it was a brisk walk because it was kind of cool.
Starting point is 02:49:27 But, like, my room, because, like, when the sun rises, it shines directly in, like, my room because my whole room, or one of my rooms is just glass. Yeah. So it keeps my room nice, but at the same time, in the summer, not what you want. Yeah, definitely not. But, yeah.
Starting point is 02:49:49 Anyway, I better head home now, too. Yeah, well, anything you want to shout out? Well, I have my YouTube channel, but if I'm not uploading there, then I'm sometimes live on Twitch. Do you want to say the name of your YouTube channel? I'm not, you know, uploading there. Then I'm sometimes live on Twitch. Or you can follow me. Do you want to say the name of your YouTube channel? Smarts921. I'm sure Brody would be courteous enough to link it.
Starting point is 02:50:13 Yeah, for sure. And it's the same across, like, most of my platforms, Twitch, Twitter, you know, all that good stuff. I retweet memes monthly. That's it. All right, then. Well well if there is content up on that channel make sure you go actually watch it um there's currently there's currently just one meme that i edited on my youtube i have i used to make content like i said i privated yeah i know the feeling but if if marty actually gets around to actually making the video he keeps saying he's gonna make then go go watch that go videos well whatever when you
Starting point is 02:50:53 haven't you haven't even made the first one yet we'll get to that point then you can decide if you want to make more when he eventually does that go watch it go like subscribe all that good stuff um i'll be uploading to library as well. Oh, you are? Yeah, that's kind of my strategy to go to YouTube. On that note, library has a syncing functionality. Yeah. I've heard you talk about it.
Starting point is 02:51:15 It's handy. So, yeah, you can upload to YouTube and then they'll get it synced over. Later in the year, they want to do it backwards, though. They want to make it so you can upload to library and then they will sync it to youtube which i think is really cool but for now that'll be handy but for now yeah just um youtube then from there you could get it on bit tube and everywhere else if you wanted to as well but library is a library i think is the best place to be right now the second biggest place is
Starting point is 02:51:47 bit tube i just don't particularly like bit tube besides the fact it looks like a porn site um i mean everyone's got to start somewhere for sure well they can hire someone who knows how to use css that'd be a good start so anyone who's watching this and works at bit tube hit me up i don't oh bit tube doesn't like me oh i've talked shit about them plenty of times that's one thing you talk about next time uh hub what's that sorry oh you said hub sorry no sorry porn hub and their meme community oh yeah that's i love that that is absolutely fantastic it's good stuff i love it but that's a topic topic for another day we don't want to waste don't waste your entire life on just one
Starting point is 02:52:33 episode yeah not that i have much in my life anyway well i'm not sure when marty will be back um i've got a couple of guys I want to bring in. I'm going to bring on... I'll see if Jai wants to come on for next week so we can talk Snapchat and all that stuff. I've got a mate called Taymor who also runs a YouTube channel. He does the same sort of stuff that I do
Starting point is 02:52:58 but on the Windows side. And he does a lot more vloggy stuff as well. So hopefully he'll be good for that. And I've got a bunch of other people, especially stuff from Udi. So if Marty does come back on, it'll probably be, I don't know, at minimum three episodes from now. But we'll see what happens. See what happens.
Starting point is 02:53:20 And if this video gets... One like. No, no, no, no, no. A reasonable like goal, I will completely uninstall Windows from my laptop and go to Ubuntu and flex on people with Linux. Yeah, okay. Actually, no, no, no.
Starting point is 02:53:39 I'll double down. I'll go Arch. Go Arch, okay. It's not actually that difficult. I can show you in like half an hour. It's pretty easy. Yeah, I've watched the video. Was it Luke? Yeah, Luke. Luke did a pretty good installation guide. So yeah, I think that's everything for this episode of the show. I feel like your
Starting point is 02:54:04 technical difficulties side a little bit better than the first episode. Also, Marty didn't have to deal with me looking like a ghost. So that's also nice. I'll talk to you about that off camera, but that was fun. So this was episode two of Tech Over Tea. I think that's everything for this time.
Starting point is 02:54:23 So I still don't know how to end these. Marty, how do you want to end this? Hmm. Hmm. Don't forget to like, subscribe, comment. I read every comment. Yeet. You cut out through half of that and I love it. Let's end it there.

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