Tech Over Tea - #39 Ranting About Uni Students - feat 1R1SHMAN04

Episode Date: November 26, 2020

On this weeks episode of Tech Over Tea my mate wanted to come on and rant about teaching at university so I kindly agreed, and you know what after finding out how much he makes I no longer feel bad he has to deal with annoying students. ==========Support The Channel========== ► Patreon: ► Paypal: ► Amazon USA: ► Other Methods: =========Video Platforms========== 🎥 YouTube: =========Audio Release========= 🎵 RSS: 🎵 Apple Podcast: 🎵 Spotify: 🎵 Google Podcast: 🎵 Anchor: ==========Social Media========== 🎤 Discord: 🐦 Twitter: 📷 Instagram: 🌐 Mastodon: ==========Credits========== 🎨 Channel Art: All my art has was created by Supercozman DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to episode 39 of Tech of a T, I'm as always your host Brodie Robertson, and today we are recording from the centre of the Rona breakout. Welcome back to the show, Nick. Thanks for having me, Brodie, always happy to be here. Yeah, it's been, um, I think I checked you were last on in June, so it's been quite a while now. Yeah, I think it was right at the end of the last exam period. That sounds right, yeah. Or towards the end of the semester. Yep, yep.
Starting point is 00:00:32 And now it's exam period again. And I don't have any exams, so I'm happy. I have two. What have you got exams for? So systems architecture and cloud programming. Isn't Cloud more of A test though Isn't like an on-campus test
Starting point is 00:00:51 Or what are they doing now So everything is all Zoom And it's like theory stuff Short answer questions Yeah okay It's not like here is the VM Do a thing Because that was his intention, was to be like,
Starting point is 00:01:08 yeah, come into uni, there's a VM set up on your computer, do these things. But now that we have to do it online, he can't verify that everyone's computer is going to be fast enough to be able to do the entire exam in two hours. Yeah. Because someone might be putting it on a potato. Yeah, that's fair. So yeah you just uh have this short answer question because i remember when i did the
Starting point is 00:01:31 um cloud programming mine was a i think it was just a theory test but like we had i think they had everyone come on to campus it was like it was the same as an exam but they did the exam on campus for some reason which i'm not sure how they got away with doing Was it on paper? Or was it on Learn Online? No, it was on paper That's weird I think
Starting point is 00:01:56 When you walk into the F building That big room right at the end of the building As you walk in the door The big lecture hall there Oh end of the building? As you walk in the door, the big lecture hall there? Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it was in that room. But yeah, F is where I do all my classes, where I teach all my classes. I taught in F1-16 last semester, and I teach F1-16, 18, 20, and 22 this semester.
Starting point is 00:02:20 That's the Mac Lab, yeah. Yeah, Mac Lab. Fuck those Macs. hard dude they they're getting a bit old now aren't they they're getting a bit old yeah and the permissions are all kind of garbage and they don't they don't have the stuff that we need for our practicals installed on them so so this semester, I'm teaching object-oriented programming, which is Python version of the beginner Java course that we did. Yeah, specifically you're teaching OO in Python, which is not like OO in any other language.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Yeah, correct. It's fucking retarded. I hate it so much. Can I swear? You can say whatever you want. Just don't say anything that people shouldn't hear. Okay, yeah, no, no, no. I've already planned to change names. I'm going to be writing down the names that I choose for people. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:16 OO in Python is just really stupid. It's not how you do it in any other language. You have to, like, path pass self all the functions that need self but then if you don't pass self it still assumes that it needs self unless you put like at static method before the method like self is python version of this and i was just there's so many weird things that my students don't understand and they weren't really taught. You were just kind of meant to understand. Is it inheritance that's the really fucked one? Yeah, you could do multiple inheritance.
Starting point is 00:03:52 I just want to bring an example up on the screen for anyone who hasn't seen it. Yeah, let's look at that. The normal inheritance is fine. Instead of doing class my class extends the other class, you just put class, my class, and in brackets you put the other class name.
Starting point is 00:04:08 So, an actual inheritance like that is fine. But multiple inheritance is yucky. What is this fucking example? You don't have a reference to super if there's two inheritances. Because when you try to use super, it just defaults to one of them and it won't default to the correct one because python's an untyped language which means that function calling is really fucking stupid well okay no it is a typed language it's a duck type language um but it also doesn't care if you just suddenly change types yeah yeah um But yes, if you're trying to call
Starting point is 00:04:45 the super constructor and say you've got two say you've got multiple inheritance one initializer for a super class takes two parameters, one initializer for a super class takes three. If you do super.init which is their
Starting point is 00:05:01 initializer, and you give it two parameters, it'll go, whoa, we don't want two, we want three. And if you give it three parameters, it will go, whoa, we don't want two, we want three. If you give it three parameters, it's like, whoa, we don't want three, we want two. So you have to use explicitly class name.init. Oh, God. But then it's not like this.class name.init. It's just class name.init.
Starting point is 00:05:22 So it seems as though when you're doing it, it seems as though you're creating a variable of the supertype. And so that's what people started to do. People started to, in their multiple-inheritance-y class, make references to those other classes and instantiate. And I'm like, no, they're abstract classes.
Starting point is 00:05:40 You can't instantiate them. Stop. Python is not an OO language. It's just not an oa language it's it's just not an oa language the oa was a hack yeah honestly just having that like just classes in python are dumb enough like the underscore underscore init underscore underscore like what is that literally no other language under the sun does that yeah because like other other languages have like keywords like public private protected or you know if you're gonna do like a constructor you're gonna name it the same thing as the class yeah but yeah so like in in python like the public private protected is like the underscores. So like two underscores before is protected, two before and after is private, and then nothing is public.
Starting point is 00:06:30 I'm so happy. Like, why can't you just write public? I'm so happy that I got to, like, this is the first time I'll ever say this. I'm so happy I did OO in Java. I know. I fucking hate teaching this course. But what I was saying about... Especially because this course is taught really weird.
Starting point is 00:06:51 So normally, how subjects normally work at UniSA, week one, there's no practical. But week one, there is a lecture. And then week two, in your practical, you will work on week one lecture content. And then you'll have another lecture in week two in your practical, you will work on week one lecture content. Yeah. And then you'll have another lecture in week two. And in week three, you'll work on week two's lecture content.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Oh, no. It didn't work like that for OOP. Because for OOP, we've got practical, workshop, and tutorial all in the same week. And the week's tutorial is what the week's practical is on. and the week's tutorial is what the week's practical is on. So for students to have the tutorial on Thursday, but come to my Wednesday practical, they have not watched the tutorial,
Starting point is 00:07:36 and they don't know what the fuck is going on. And they'll get to me, and they're like, oh, I don't understand this. And I'm like, have you watched this week's tutorial? And they're like, no. I'm like, well, I don't understand this i'm like have you watched this week's tutorial and i'm like no i'm like well i don't have time to teach every single student in my class the tutorial content i just want to get paid to teach the tutorial content so go look at the tutorial slides that's uh you need help then i'll come back to you but like just start with watching the tutorial because that just gives you the answers what What was the problem with the
Starting point is 00:08:06 original setup? There's nothing wrong with the way they've been doing it this entire time. Yeah, I don't know why we're doing it in Python instead of Java. No, not that. I mean the fucking weird lecture setup where you don't know what the hell you're doing for that week. Yeah, it's weird.
Starting point is 00:08:22 There is no lecture. It's a tutorial instead of a lecture. Oh, fucking hell. This class is replacing problem solving and programming, isn't it? No, problem solving and programming is first semester. So they're still doing PSP. And then this is replacing programming fundamentals. Right, yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Yeah, that makes sense. So they should have done Python last semester and then they're coming in to do advanced python um but they've forgotten all my students in like week one didn't know what didn't know what python was like one of my students hadn't actually done the course and i'm like how did you get into the course then because when you try to enroll in the course, it'll say you don't meet the prerequisites of the course. How did you get in here? But does it? Oh, yeah, I saw that and I just clicked yes.
Starting point is 00:09:12 What? I was going to say maybe the prerequisites just won't work in a bunch of people who didn't have them just got into the class. But no, it's there and people just... Yeah. But yeah, then people just like forgot the entirety of Python because they're like, oh, I finished just... Yeah. But yeah, then people just, like, forgot the entirety of Python, because they're like, oh, I finished my Python course,
Starting point is 00:09:29 I don't have to remember it again, which is what I did. That's the high school mentality. The fucking... Yeah. That's what I'd hate about teaching first years, because the ones who have just come out of high school, they're just going to still be thinking the exact same way. It's like, oh, I don't need to remember what I did in math or English last semester that's not how it works anymore
Starting point is 00:09:48 but yeah so there are all these people that like completely forgot what python is and like there was just one woman in week seven she she like pulls me over to her screen and just slaps on her screen and looks at her phone. I'm like, yeah? She's like, yeah, I'm done. I'm like, okay, click the run button. She's like, what? And just slaps at the screen again.
Starting point is 00:10:19 I'm like, oh my god, there's no run button. She doesn't have Python installed. It's week seven. And so I'm like, okay, you got VS Code open. Go to the store tab. The very top, like, install on the store tab is Python. Click install.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Okay, now go back to your file. Now you have python installed click the run button okay now there's an error and she's like yeah okay i'm done i'm like no you're not done she like looked at her phone still and i'm like you have an error you've got to fix the error before the practical is finished and she's like i don't know how to fix it i'm like just read the error it says cannot concatenate int and string that's like one of the only errors that you were told how to fix last semester and it's very simple you can't do int plus string that int there just surround it with str bracket bracket because
Starting point is 00:11:18 that's just the two string in python that's actually kind of weird with python i i've been doing a bit of python stuff recently and i actually got tripped up by that i was like why can't i just concatenate them because everything else you can just do stupid shit in python but you can't like they do like automatic type conversion except for that the one thing where you can't type convert like why it's it's not even like there'd be weird behavior that happens if i do int plus string just do turn it into a string or if i do string plus in the string plus input work or no neither of them work just turn them both into strings there's nothing weird you have to do there yeah or it could be like javascript and just literally i also don't like how the two string method is a function called str that you've got to pass to the variable.
Starting point is 00:12:07 It isn't just, like, variable.toString. Mm-hmm. And, like, length as well, like, array length is the function len. Yeah, yeah, you pass the object into it, or the value into it. Yeah, instead of just doing, like, array.length or.count. Well, the string function is less of a toStstring, more of a constructor. Yeah. Which I don't particularly mind. I just don't like it. Anyway, back to the story. So then I fix this one error. Like yep, you've got kind of clean int and string, just surround int with the string. Yep, cool. Now I've got that error again, I fix it again. It's like,
Starting point is 00:12:47 what? I'm like, no, no, no. Just fix it again. The same thing that you did two seconds ago, do that now. And she's like, okay, surround this bit here with FPR. She did that,
Starting point is 00:13:03 hit run again, and I'm like, you have another counter-container in the string? I'm gonna let you fix this. I'm gonna get back to the other 59 students in my class. Fuck, there's that many people? Yeah, yeah. I have 110 students
Starting point is 00:13:19 over three classes. Fuck. Yeah, it's real fun. Yeah yeah it sounds like it like python isn't a complex language that's the thing and it's not it doesn't sound like they're doing anything super complex in the class anyway i i get struggling with doing it in java because java has fucky syntax and there's just weird things going on with that language. But most of the- See, I would actually prefer it, right?
Starting point is 00:13:50 Like, if we had to do OO in Python, I would prefer it if students did Java first, and they did OO in Java, and then came to Python and did it. Because Python, like, doesn't support you as much as just like eclipse java yeah yeah because like java in eclipse you'd make an error it'll underline the error it'll like give you a oh here's how you're gonna fix it python in a visual studio code so what we program now instead of using like idle um it'll just print out the stack trace. Yeah. And if you don't know how to read the stack trace, and it's all the same color, it's all red,
Starting point is 00:14:30 if you can't read that stack trace and figure out where the error is, you're just staring at it like, yep, that's an error. Yeah, I understand. That makes sense. Because with a stack trace, really the only thing that generally matters
Starting point is 00:14:43 is whatever's at the bottom of it. But if you don't know that, or I guess the top, whatever, the last thing in the stack trace really the only thing that generally matters is whatever's at the bottom of it but if you don't know that or i guess the top whatever the last thing in the stack trace that's the only thing that matters um but if you don't know that then it's going to be hard to actually work out exactly what's going on yeah it's like i'll like walk up behind a student and like yeah i've got this weird error and i'm like yeah line 17 and i'm like what like yeah line 17 it says right in your stack trace there that's the name of your class yeah but to be line 17 that that is that error there and like i can see that immediately as soon as i get there but like they don't know that they don't have that experience
Starting point is 00:15:14 to know that this part of the stack trace is where your code is erroring but when there are exceptions and that's one of them when it says says, this line number, it- I see- this happened when I was in first year as well. I'd have people coming to me with these sorts of questions, and I would look at the thing, and I would say, it literally says the line that it's broken on. Like, I get not being able to read a stack trace, that's fine. But when it's like, um, I don't know, syntax error line 20. Have you considered looking at line 20? Or I guess also plus or minus one, because sometimes there's a problem on a line
Starting point is 00:15:56 and it's causing a problem. And it's trying to like add on to the next line or something, like a plus symbol on the end of the line. And it's like, oh, this thing isn't, I think it can be added. Like with Java or something, you have a function you're trying to do. If you say forget a curly brace, the error is going to be on the next line. Yeah, yeah. Curly braces. I haven't seen one of those in a long time.
Starting point is 00:16:23 I haven't seen one of those in a long time I've been um I just recorded a video yesterday on Ork Ork is a um I guess it's a text processing utility and the syntax is basically C syntax but also you put
Starting point is 00:16:38 everything like if you want to do any sort of action the entire thing is around like surrounding curly braces so the entire thing is surrounded in curly braces. So it's basically C with more curly braces, and it's lovely. But yeah, so many people will be like, oh yeah, I copy and pasted this code from a PDF and it didn't work. I'm like, yeah, you just copy and paste it from a PDF. Like, on the PDF, you can see there very clearly, here is the name of the function, next line down, indented one over is the code inside the function. Look at your code, there's no indentation at all. All of your code is on the far left.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Python works by indentation, you've got to have that over. Or people use one space for the function name and then 17 spaces for the space for the function name, and then 17 spaces for the code inside the function. And I'm like, can you please just press Shift-Alt-F? That's the command that automatically indents your flower for you. Just please. How do you guys... It looks so much easier now. How do you guys tell them to do indentation spaces or tabs?
Starting point is 00:17:48 I wasn't told how to do it. I'm saying tabs because tabs is just easy. You don't need to count to four. Like some of these students, I bet, could not count to four if I asked them to. So just hit tabs. Personally, what I do, I use but i have my uh my tab key convert into spaces oh yeah um vs code converts to spaces anyway yeah yeah i do everything in um vim but it is good that you're telling them to use vs code now and not fucking idle like when we
Starting point is 00:18:17 did idle idle is garbage i still i still had students in like week 10 using idle and i'm like they're like oh i've got this weird error i'm like yeah go to line 17 so just count 17 lines down from the top of your file literally anything would be better like you could use notepad it would be better because i think even regular notepad you can enable number lines yeah but yeah so yeah i i converted so many people to using vs code over the semester like like we they were told like for the first three weeks every tutorial they were told you need to be using a visual studio code for this but yeah and then like i had one i had one student who had vs code and and they're like already like a
Starting point is 00:19:07 programmer before this they just came to get the degree okay that's like they hadn't done python though because they'd done real languages um and they had fucking vim keys up in which to do code and they're like i've got this bit of error and i'm like oh it's easy to fix and i can press left i'm like uh i didn't do it navigate for me and they're like yeah and there's like pressing with weird key commands i'm like uh yep that's how you navigate left and right sure yep h j k and l h is left l is right um j is down k is up i might have got those two mixed up. I know in my head which way to do it. Why don't you just use WASD?
Starting point is 00:19:48 Because home row. You want your fingers to be on the home row, and then there's dumb reasons for it. And every key in Vim makes sense. Like Y is for doing copy. So you yank it. P is for doing paste why so you yank it uh p is for doing paste no just just stop talking just just uh if you anyway there's one thing that doesn't make sense if you want to undo you press u if you want to redo you press ctrl r okay sure yep okay so next story that i have listed down on my list of uh stories to tell actually before
Starting point is 00:20:30 we get to your goon hat before we go to that i was gonna say like 20 minutes ago um i would if you want to get your yourself a uh a cheap mac watch the uni in like a year or so when they decide to replace them because like i did the same thing with um when they're replacing a bunch of office chairs as well. I think that was actually no that might have been um Adelaide Uni they were like oh we have a bunch of office chairs we don't need they'll just like fucking take an office chair. Yeah yeah. So anyone who are is in Adelaide who wants a cheap Mac, just pay attention to UniSA. They might sell them soon.
Starting point is 00:21:07 I hope they do, because the ones we've got are the really old, thick ones. Mm-hmm. But the fucking... You were saying about how you were missing software? Oh, yeah. Yeah, virtual reality is just as bad. Wait, do you know what actually happened with the vr class because i don't okay so all i was i was in the vr lab for quite a bit because i was in there with kong so all of the
Starting point is 00:21:33 computers were missing i think we needed unity 2019.2.0 or something yeah that sounds about right um none of the computers had it so what happened is none of the computers or obviously none of the users had admin access except the uni security isn't great so someone might have um added admin access to the computer i'm not going to say who i might let you know off camera but he's a tall he's a tall lanky dude oh Oh, yeah. Yeah, I know. You don't need to tell me off camera. I know who this is. Yeah, yeah. So, he might have given all of the accounts on the computers their admin access. And, yeah, because no one could do their work.
Starting point is 00:22:15 And Bruce, he wasn't getting any response from the IT staff at the uni or anything like that. So, this dude was like, hey, fuck it. I'm just going to do it myself. Probably not legal. like that so this dude was like hey fuck it i'm just gonna do it myself probably not i did i did have to deal with uh campus campus uh support for a while and it's like hey uh person uh can i have the thing that i said i was going to need it's like oh yeah we're working on it like a week later hey are you still working on it like oh oh yeah, we're working on it. And like a week later, hey, are you still working on it? Like, oh yeah, definitely. Yeah, we're still working on it. Did you have anyone in your class who was trying to use PyCharm? Anyone who discovered the loveliness of JetBrains?
Starting point is 00:22:54 Yeah, I had like three people use PyCharm. Okay. Of the three people that use PyCharm, one of them used Light Mode. Oh, why? I don't know. I thought Dark Mode was default. default like why would you change that think it's i think there's three versions of dark mode and then there's a light mode button after it yeah i don't know i it like i looked over and i'm like is that idle oh wait no that's
Starting point is 00:23:20 it's white but it's not idle what anyway yes the goon story I've got an empty can of bourbon here I'm not drinking it's 11am on a Wednesday I took out my beer bottles before I started recording so
Starting point is 00:23:39 I had several here but yeah so the goon story so me and my mate Harry I had several here. But yeah, so the goon story. So me and my mate, Harry... What was it? Me, Harry, Jake, and Zach all went camping. We went to KI two months ago just to go have some fun over holidays. And we all went, set up our tent,
Starting point is 00:24:09 and then Harry and Jake went to go because we realized we needed so much more stuff that we didn't bring. We needed salt and ice and a table and all this stuff that we assumed the campsite would have, and it did not. So me and Zach sat in a tent for two hours because the nearest shop
Starting point is 00:24:28 was an hour away. And then they came back and we sat down and started eating and Zach pulled out of his bag this bottle of wine and as he pulled out his bottle of wine Jake's like, oh my god, you brought Cairn!
Starting point is 00:24:46 Because Jake works in BWS and Jake knows that that specific bottle of wine is $4 and like the entire trip like before this Zach had been like oh yeah my dad got me one of the wines out of his cellar to bring he just bought a $4 bottle of wine in his cellar
Starting point is 00:25:04 to give to his son fucking great do you want to give a shout out to the brand oh yeah Bowler's Run I had some of this Bowler's Run dairy fucking like wheat it was
Starting point is 00:25:19 less wine and more like just cherries like cherry juice. But it was good. It tasted good. But yeah, so later that night, we cooked up a bunch of burgers and snags and onion and eggs. And this dude was like, he forgot how to speak English
Starting point is 00:25:44 because he learns Japanese and he English because he learns Japanese. And he's very good at Japanese. And yeah, he just kind of forgot how to speak English. And he was like trying to talk to me. And I'm like, yeah, I did Japanese 1A. That doesn't mean I know what you're saying. Like, I know you're saying like i know you're saying nick is and there's another word after nick is that i know is a bad word but i don't know what that bad word means and and then he like there
Starting point is 00:26:16 was this wooden table that to this day he claimed that wooden table is metal and he was like bro that was the softest metal table i've ever slept on he's like like like pushing shit off the table to get onto it and he's like sleeping on it like this i'm like zach stop please knock your bottle of wine over not the four bottle of four dollar bottle of wine can't afford it no uh and it's like, it's the softest metal table I've ever slept on. Definitely would. Was he just drinking the $4 wine? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:53 What a fucking bitch. He downed that shit in like half an hour. It's fine. It's a fucking... It's shitty wine. If you're getting drunk off of that. He's also a very small boy. Like, I'm tiny, but he weighs, like, 50 kilos. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:12 He's, like, no alcohol tolerance. That's fair. Yeah. That was a really fun night. We've got this... I've got this Snapchat that I'll try to find and I'll show you. He fell over
Starting point is 00:27:28 and he was going back to his tent to go get his phone or something and just fell over and he was sitting on the ground like, ooh! And I took a photo of it and just captioned it with,
Starting point is 00:27:46 Spin him! Because there's this funny movie called Archie and Sheepock. It doesn't ring a bell at all. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a very shit movie. I doubt anyone listening would know it. But they have a quote in there
Starting point is 00:28:02 that's just, Spin him! It's something like I'll come with you as long as you don't spin me yeah sure boys spin him I'll find it later anyway he just like forgot English
Starting point is 00:28:18 it's fucking hilarious it's like saying oh Nick is like a disgusting man and I'm like bitch I'm helping you Nick is like a disgusting man. And I'm like, bitch, I'm helping you. Nick is kusotori. You are shitbird. Yeah, it wasn't that, but... Yeah, it was funny.
Starting point is 00:28:35 It was funny. It sounds it. I have not had a holiday in so fucking long. Yeah, I want another holiday. This Vanessa has been so shit yeah i haven't heard anyone who's actually been happy with the arrangements that we've got because no one's fucking learning anything and it's just like oh hand up the assignments and hand up the assignment that's all you get this semester
Starting point is 00:29:03 yeah and i honestly got to the point where I'm just like you know I don't fucking care for my last couple of assignments I was just like I know that I'm gonna pass so I don't I'll just fucking do minimal effort yeah I kind of forgot the systems architecture existed
Starting point is 00:29:18 because like week one two three and four I went to my my tutorial I week one, two, three, and four, I went to my tutorial. I week one and two watched the start of the lecture on Zoom. But so I can get up and walk around because I've got a wireless headset, right? I can walk around wherever I want to. I don't even need to be in camera view. But the systems architecture teacher had a standing mic on his desk oh no and he would stand
Starting point is 00:29:48 up and he would walk around and he would stand in the corner and talk into the wall and act as if nothing was changing who was teaching that class was um that's still marcus stumptoner okay um and yeah so he would like walk, and we're like, hey, Marcus, we can't hear you, because it was on Zoom, so we can text chat. We can't fucking hear you. Your voice is dropping out. And he's like, oh, I don't know why that would be,
Starting point is 00:30:14 but we can actually hear his hair wheel back. I was like, just stop standing up. I'd tell you, after half an hour of the first lecture, I dropped out, and then after 10 minutes of the first lecture, I dropped out, and then after ten minutes of the second lecture, I dropped out. Never watched a lecture again. Oh, God. And then, yeah, I went to the tutorial, and the
Starting point is 00:30:33 tutorial was just taught as if it was a lecture. There were questions on the board, and he was like, does anyone want to answer questions? No? Good! And then he would give you like a half an hour... He didn't actually say good, but he was like, no one wants to answer questions? No? Good. And then he would give you like a half an hour. He didn't actually say good. But he's like, no one want to answer?
Starting point is 00:30:51 Okay. Half hour lecture. Let's go. And like go through the answers extremely in depth. Like more in depth than anyone would give as an answer to the question. And yeah. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:31:02 It was just a lecture too. Electric Boogaloo um and yeah so i went to the first four of them in the third one i was like oh hey so marcus on the course website you said you may elect to do the assignment as a group do we get a different like smaller assignment if we do it individually and he's like haha no you just do the entire assignment but yourself and i was like oh that's kind of shit and then one of the guys in the club was like hey you're looking for a group member and i'm like yeah he's like oh i am too i'm like sure add it on facebook um then next week i rocked up he wasn't there i'm like yeah there's Added it on Facebook. Then next week, I rocked up. He wasn't there. I'm like, yeah, there's no point in coming anymore.
Starting point is 00:31:49 I just never went to a tutorial again. How did the assignment end up going? Good. As I said, I forgot the course existed for a while. Week 8. That was week 4. I stopped going to the lecture.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Week 2, I stopped... Week 4, I stopped going to tutorials.. Week two I stopped... Week four I stopped going to tutorials. Week two I stopped watching the lecture. Week eight we had an online test. Week ten we had presentations. Okay. So week eight, at the end of the week, my groupmate Hunter messaged me like,
Starting point is 00:32:19 hey, remember, there's that test online. I'm like, oh, there's a test? Shit. So we got off the test. It was like, oh, there's a test? Shit. So we got off the test. It was like you had as long as you wanted to actually do the test. It wasn't timed. So I started on Wednesday
Starting point is 00:32:33 and finished on Saturday. I just Googled all the answers and looked through the textbook and was like, yeah, this is fine. Do we have results for that yet? I don't think so. But then, yeah, I think week 10 we had an abstract due. So week 10 we had our abstract.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Okay. And then week 11, no, week 12, we had a presentation to give for a report that we hadn't written. Oh, it's another one of those. I had the exact same thing. For my big data class, I had a report that was due in the final... No, I think it was due in SwapVac, and the presentation was due, like, two weeks earlier.
Starting point is 00:33:17 And they were both submitted online. Yeah. But, yeah, so we did our presentation, like... All we had done on the assignment so far was write the abstract. So we made a presentation and talked really vaguely. And after the presentation, he was like, wow, that was amazing. Thanks, guys. I'm really interested to read your report now. And I'm like, I'm interested to read the report too. And so, yeah, the report was then due week 12. So we wrote it in like a day just by going and taking the script that we made for presentation, pasting it and changing a few words.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Oh, that's amazing. How long did the report have to be? It didn't say a length. We did like one and a half thousand words okay probably not a good amount like when i when i do presentations i give good presentations sure i i prepare for them so much because i'm like very anxious if you don't know me i'm a very anxious person i will write a thousand or two thousand words in the exact way i'm gonna say them so that i can read directly off my script and it is the exact words i'm gonna say and i can i can prepare those words i don't need to like improvise at all i did the exact opposite when I did my ICT presentation.
Starting point is 00:34:48 So me and Rhys, we had our script. What it was, was the order that we were speaking. And read what's on the slide and improvise. That's all it was. And I think the notes were maybe like 60 words long and the at the end of the presentation like wow that was really good like sure if you say so i don't believe you uh also my supervisor liked it as well so maybe i did just i have just tested i've just checked and uh yeah the the week eight test is not graded yet okay that was a month and a half ago no wait even further because week eight
Starting point is 00:35:38 was the one before the holidays right because we came back to week 9. Did we? Yeah, I think it was week 1 to 8, and then 2 weeks break, and then 9, 10. Or maybe it was 1 to 7. I'm not sure. I know it wasn't standard. It wasn't week 1 to 6, 2 weeks break, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. I think
Starting point is 00:36:00 it was 1 to 8, and then 2 weeks break. I can't remember. Anyway, Sunday 11th October was when I submitted it. Here's a question for you. Do any of your classes still have assignments due? Yes. ICT. Okay, yeah, besides that one.
Starting point is 00:36:20 I know that one's due because I've got the report still to submit. Yeah, I still have. I know that I won, because I've got the report still to submit. Yeah, I still have the report to write. And I've got the... We submitted a lot of design documents. What I love about the guy who runs the ICT course this semester, it's his first time running a course.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Andrew was a lot. Yeah, he's a really good guy, but he keeps giving us extensions at the last minute. He does. The report was due Thursday. No, the report was due Friday. He gave us an extension Thursday morning.
Starting point is 00:36:52 The design document was due Monday 5 p.m. Monday 5.03 p.m. He gave us an extension. 5.03 p.m. Three minutes after the deadline, he up with an extension of like three days yeah andrew is just as bad when it comes to doing the um being my supervisor as well like last like so every week we'd have a meeting with him he would send us the email about the meeting about 20 minutes before
Starting point is 00:37:26 it's like mate yeah we're gonna do this anyway we have this scheduled at this time send it at any earlier point yeah i i will quite often i i have a i have a meeting every Friday with my boss for teaching and we have a meeting every Friday 1pm I will quite often send him an email at 1.05 and be like hey are we having a meeting this week we didn't have a zoom are I coming to your office
Starting point is 00:37:58 and then he will send back an email at like 1.40 like oh sorry I forgot like how do you forget it's in your calendar so um when's ict2 is that the 23rd i think it's 23rd uh i think it's friday isn't it or thursday i fucking know when it's due it keeps keep changing yeah it was supposed to be due fucking ages ago I know
Starting point is 00:38:25 I've had it finished for a while I'm just waiting for my teammate to actually since we got this delay he's like oh I'm just gonna wait a while like to the due date
Starting point is 00:38:34 to actually make my changes like can you not can you like do it now please yeah so the research report is due Monday next week and
Starting point is 00:38:44 the system design document is due Monday next week, and the system design document is due... Oh, it's due now, apparently. Wait, what? Apparently we got a global extension, but it's not actually showing up on my thingo. Yeah, it says it's due on the 16th here, so two days ago.
Starting point is 00:39:06 I swear we got a global extension applied to it. I don't know. Have you submitted yours? Yeah, we've submitted it. Oh, no, no. So the global extension was applied to... Okay, so my ITT projects are really fucked. Yes. So we've got three people doing ITT project specialist major two.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Ah, okay. One person is doing ITT project because they're only in game design. One of our group members who is is doing Specialist Major 2, didn't do Specialist Major 1, which is me. Because I did ICT Project last year when I was doing the game dev course, and then I
Starting point is 00:39:56 transferred into this course, and ICT Project was credited towards Specialist Major 1. Yes. So I don't have access to the Specialist Major 1 course pages. And Jake, who's doing ICT Project, doesn't have access to Specialist Major 1 or 2. And so when we do our submissions,
Starting point is 00:40:20 our submissions are real fucked. So early in the semester, Andrew was like, you know what fuck this i'm giving the three of you guys all access to ict project and just do all your submissions on there because he literally couldn't combine us into a group for submissions because they're in separate courses because the submissions are actually different submissions so he's like yep you all have ict project so you're all doing it on there um and so the global extension was applied to ice tea project but not to ice tea project specialist major two so you guys are by the sounds of it you're doing a individual report
Starting point is 00:40:56 because they actually can't your supervisor can't decide if they want to do a individual group oh the research report yeah yeah yeah no the research report we were doing individually okay because yeah me and reese are doing 4 000 together okay yeah so but you've done your your design document on top of that as well right uh yeah we how long was yours uh good question because uh that the markers don't like mine. They don't like yours because it's too long? Yeah, because it's 114 pages. Ours is... When it loads...
Starting point is 00:41:34 Last time they were like, oh, it's too long, and it was 94 pages. So, fuck you then. Make it worse. It's just saying page one of one. Can you please load and tell me how many pages? I hope it's more than that. 36 pages. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Yeah, I think the average is like 50 or so. I was like, yeah, no. We just gave them... Because, okay, the thing about my project is there was no... We had an existing VR project and it had zero documentation. So we were're like okay then i guess we'll document it but you're not supposed to do that
Starting point is 00:42:13 because the design document is what you designed so you should only be it's fine we we got marked down last year uh because we included a thing saying one of our deliverables was going to be a working server when the previous group was supposed to do that, even though they didn't do it. Well, we got an HD on the design document last time, so... Oh, yeah. I don't know. But yeah, so it was really weird, though, because like, so two of our group members, Jared and Clayton, they worked on a project together last semester. And now they're working on this one this semester. Is it a different project?
Starting point is 00:42:54 But it was two separate projects. So the markers don't like them because we're doing a single semester project as an honours student when you're supposed to do a full year project. It's really fucking weird. Well, I'm technically doing two individual projects. That's the weird thing. Because the first semester was VR. This semester is multi-touch.
Starting point is 00:43:22 And they don't interact with each other at all. It is the same code base, but they're completely different projects with it. Yeah. But we can kind of bullshit them together. Yeah, so, like, our projects were similar. So, like, this semester,
Starting point is 00:43:38 like, we had our group of four people. Me, Jake, Jared, Clayton. But me and Jake did a VR game and Jared and Clayton did a volumetric video application okay so like using using like the azure connect they tried to the the intention was to get four cameras set up all in a corner like in corners of a room and live stream a person's like rendered body into Unity didn't end up working because the Uni is garbage
Starting point is 00:44:08 and slow as all shit. And then the program that we were using to do it, EFEBE, never fucking worked. And it took them until week 13 to send us the tutorials on how to use the software. Oh.
Starting point is 00:44:24 And then when we finally paid for everything, it was like, license don't work. Do you have an account? Do you want to sign up for an account at this link? Because for some reason the uni
Starting point is 00:44:40 is blocking some kind of a port or something. We never figured out what exactly the issue was, but they were sending a certificate from their server to our client that was being blocked. So the login process went, send thing, get receipt, get certificate back,
Starting point is 00:45:01 no certificate, you don't have an account. And the only way to fix that was just to connect with our phones internet so every time we wanted to do anything we had to like disconnect the ethernet plug our phone in use our phones internet then unplug our phone put the internet back in because it only required it for the login process, not for the general use. Yep. And then sometimes, even though we did that, it just didn't work, and then we restarted the computer, and then it just didn't work.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Fun. Yeah. I've said this before, but my project is the easiest project I've actually seen. I'm so happy I got such a bullshit project. Basically, at the start of the project Bruce was like okay here's this cool project but you're not doing any of that basically you're code monkeys. Yeah. Which honestly this semester
Starting point is 00:45:56 I'm happy with because I had so much other shit I wanted to do. But yeah so as well as having all these issues with this program that we're supposed to be using, and not getting tutorials until the last minute, and half of the program being not usable anymore because they've changed that functionality to be in a different program. We also had to order computers through the uni. And oh my fucking god, is that a nightmare. So before our project started, we were given a budget write-up with all these things we needed to purchase and we were approved for a budget of $24,000 $83, sorry, $24,083 and 50 cents. And it was like, yep, these are the exact prices $24,083.50.
Starting point is 00:46:48 And I was like, yep, these are the exact prices of all these things. But that budgeting thing was made a year ago. So all the things that we needed to buy were no longer available from those sources. So we then went and spent a week going and redoing the budget list. And we were like, yep, here are all the things you need to buy. Someone please buy them. So we sent the request off to all the people that needed them. So like all the
Starting point is 00:47:12 Dell purchases because we needed to buy some Alienware PCs. All the Dell purchases go through this person and all the other purchases go through this person. So yeah, so I sent Caitlin all of the purchases from like Amazon and stuff and all eBay stuff and I'm like, yep, Caitlin, sent Caitlin all of the purchases from, like, Amazon and stuff and all eBay stuff. I'm like, yep, Caitlin, please handle all these.
Starting point is 00:47:29 And then I'm going to change his name. What's Jerry? Jerry is his name. So I sent all these Dell purchases to Jerry. I'm like, Jerry, please handle all these. It's funnier thinking of the other Jerry. I don't know who the other Jerry is. The square is a circle. I don't know who the other Jerry is um the uh
Starting point is 00:47:45 square is a circle the Chinese lecturer oh I haven't had him oh you haven't had him okay anyway um go on
Starting point is 00:47:57 yeah yeah I sent all his all his no pleasures to Jerry I'm like yeah please handle these and he was like okay I'll do it and like a week later i'm like have you done it he's like yep i'm still waiting for approval from like this executive group i'm like
Starting point is 00:48:14 okay cool thank you for doing that for me and a week later i'm like hey jerry have you have you got any updates for me and he's like oh yeah, I'm waiting for approval from this different IT group. Like, okay, sure. And then he finally got a... He got all the approval he needed. He got the invoice from
Starting point is 00:48:38 Ailey where he's like, just double checking. This is what you want me to buy. And I'm like, yes. I want me to this is what you want me to buy and i'm like yes i want you to buy that but my supervisor has just said he wants monitors as well as those because we don't have enough monitors in the lab to support this so can you add on these four monitors and she's like cool so then we did that we had that whole two-week process of getting all the approval from all the different people at uni.
Starting point is 00:49:06 And then getting the invoice back. And I'm like, yep, buy them, please. And then it took, like, four weeks for Alienware to even send the PCs to us. And the PCs got to uni. And he had to install all the, like, uni-required software and all the, like like uni windows 10 builds on there and then we got them and was like yep
Starting point is 00:49:29 they work now we turned them on b-thod where we started them b-thod like what do you mean they work they won't turn on um so yeah it ended up being
Starting point is 00:49:46 something wrong with a keyboard driver that was on the image, and so they came and they fixed that. They still... One of them works perfectly fine. We ordered two PCs and a laptop. One of the PCs
Starting point is 00:50:01 works perfectly fine. One of the PCs sometimes B-sods, but not every day they used to do it every day multiple times a day now this one does like once a week and the laptop oh my god it like it doesn't be thought anymore but what's really annoying is you can't set a Windows Hello pin. Like, the computers that I have been using in the lab, you can set a Windows Hello pin for it. So I can put in my staff account username and password and then set the Windows Hello pin to 142563. And I'm like, hey, guys, this is the pin for the computer.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Yeah, I was going to say, what the hell is a Windows Hello pin? Because I don't use Windows. So essentially, you put put your username and password and then you set a different pin so you can give the pin to someone else. Or, like, you don't have to type in your, like, full, like, 25-character pin and it's only ever stored on your PC. It's not sent to the cloud or anything.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Okay, makes sense. So, yeah, people can't, like, hack into your Windows account and get your pin. But, yeah, so that's what i did last semester is i logged in with my account to the computer and gave everyone my pin and it worked fine but no i had to change my password uh for my staff account and then give everyone my password my staff account and be like please don't log into my email account and email my students. Or, like, log into my Learn Online and grade
Starting point is 00:51:30 my students and give them all the details. Or, you know, my banking information and change that or anything like that. Oh, yeah, but this is only my staff union account. Right, but it's going to be, it's going to have your payment information in there as well. Yeah, all I had on there was, oh, yeah, technically, if they logged into my staff Right, but it's going to have your payment information in there as well.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Yeah, all I had on there was... Oh, yeah, technically. If they logged into my staff webpage... You go to the staff portal, you can change it from there. Yeah. Yeah. But, yeah. They didn't. They didn't do anything like that.
Starting point is 00:52:00 They didn't. That's good. That you know of. That I know of Yeah Maybe they've Stole something And you just Don't know about it
Starting point is 00:52:08 Yeah Yeah it was really fun How many weeks Did that whole process take In total We got our PCs In week 8 And they were working
Starting point is 00:52:20 Is that like When they were all working Or working No they were all Working in week 9 Okay Like at the end of week 9 And for people who don't know is that like when they were all working or working no they were all working in week nine okay like at the at the end of week nine um people who don't know how long a uni sa semester is just let them know 13 weeks so we had one month to do our project to do a 13 week project from the point
Starting point is 00:52:41 yeah to our 13 week project from the point that we actually had hardware that could actually run the software that we purchased. And by that point, the one-month software license that we purchased had expired. And the software that we were using was from a small indie company in the UK. So whenever we needed anything we would email them in our time and then like 10 p.m they would email back and then we would wake up and be like the email fucking lied to me because it's like like when we're trying to get this this thing to
Starting point is 00:53:22 work it was like oh yeah you can't log in because you don't have an account. I emailed them like, hey, we don't have an account. Can you fix it? And he's like, oh yeah, just run it as administrator. I'm like, oh, seems fine. When I get into the lab tomorrow, I'll run it as administrator. Run it as administrator.
Starting point is 00:53:40 Same problem. Hey, I ran it as administrator. It didn't work. Oh, easy fix for that. Run out of administrator. And this went on for like three days straight until I sent them a video of me right-clicking the icon, clicking run as administrator. It didn't work.
Starting point is 00:53:59 And they're like, oh, there's an actual problem. Okay, let me team view it in and check what the problem is. They team viewed in. They pressed whatever the console button was to get the console up in the application. And were like, oh, yeah, the certificate isn't being returned. Yeah, I know how to fix
Starting point is 00:54:17 that. And then they just clicked from the team viewer and were like, yeah, I'll investigate it for you. Have not heard back from that person that was like week eight i think that we oh no no it was even before that because because we were trying to do this on like a shit computer before we got our actual computers this is like week six week six he was like yeah i'll investigate that for you haven't heard back from him. Doesn't surprise me.
Starting point is 00:54:47 So... Indie company. Small indie company that charge, like, $8,000 a year for their software. That doesn't work. Jesus Christ. So up until that point, were you just mainly doing the, like, design document and stuff? No. So, as I said before, so Jake and me were working on a VR game and Clayton and Jad were working on a volumetric video thing. So this software we needed was for the volumetric
Starting point is 00:55:10 video project. So they were investigating like alternatives. So instead of using this program, they were going to use like DepthKit, which is like a free tool that can only handle one camera, but it does really good stuff with one camera. But we wanted to do multi-camera setups, so they were investigating other... There were some Unity packages that could support two cameras in Unity, but then you couldn't really do anything with them. You could just view the footage.
Starting point is 00:55:37 You couldn't record. You couldn't change anything. And the stitching was terrible, because when you've got two cameras combining their footage like the midpoint of a person is like really fucking jagged uh it's garbage so yeah they were just doing stuff like that trying to figure out how to fix all that but they couldn't fix it because it was all just bad um and while they were doing that, me and Jake were making an actual game. Okay. It looked pretty fucking good at the end of it. So he actually got something that was a reasonable product,
Starting point is 00:56:14 unlike what I ended up having. Yeah. But yeah, so it was kind of a shit, like, concept. It was, like... So, Last year, my project was firefighters suffer from PTSD.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Fix it. Fix it. Mushrooms. Yeah. That was our entire spec. It was like, yeah, PTSD exists. Do something in VR to fix it with this HoloLens we've given you.
Starting point is 00:56:48 And they didn't really say whether they wanted us to treat PTSD patients or figure out who has the predisposed effects to have PTSD.
Starting point is 00:57:03 It was just kind of the ethics. Yeah. And so we did the best we could. And at the end of it, Ross gave me a job to continue the project as an internship over 10 weeks. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:57:18 I hate this project with all my heart, but if you're going to give me money, I guess I'm going to accept it. And then while I was on the internship, he was like, hey, you're going to give me money, I guess I'm going to accept it. And then, while I was on the internship, he was like, hey, you've finished your degree now. You should do honours. And I was like, no.
Starting point is 00:57:33 I don't want to do honours. But you should do honours, though. I'm like, no. Why? That's stupid. I'd have to write a fucking 10,000 word research report if I did honours. And he's like, well, no. Technically, you don't have to. If you do hon 000 word research report if i if i did honors and he's like well no technically you don't have to if you do honors you can do this thing for your software engineering then you can blah blah blah blah and i'm like oh i guess if you need me to i have to have to do it
Starting point is 00:57:57 but i'm only gonna do it if i get to make a video game for my project and he's like a video game i can sort that out and then i got to i got to uh um the the start of the semester when i got the email from andrew being like here is your project vr gamification project and i'm like vr gamification project sounds very similar to the PTSD project that I worked on last semester. Please, God, tell me I'm not redoing that project. No, you're making a game. I'm making a VR game
Starting point is 00:58:36 for my project? A VR rehabilitation game that uses breathing to rehabilitate people that have been in trauma. Oh, fucking hell. Like, what do you mean? I thought we talked about this, broth. I hate mental health, please.
Starting point is 00:59:07 But hey, it's a game. I have no idea. Yeah, it's just like, hey, people, when they experience physical or mental trauma, they'll disconnect with their real body. Fix it by using breathing! I don't like it. I really don't like it. I couldn't tell.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Then we had to figure out how to cure trauma. It's just last year, but again! I was gonna say that Ross sounds like a bit of a lad, and then you told me that, and I kind of take back what I'm saying. Yeah. He's a good guy, but he just...
Starting point is 00:59:57 He really likes curing trauma, but also causing trauma. To me! Hey, maybe you can build a project for yourself then no no I don't want to do it look we're done now so well the report
Starting point is 01:00:18 still needs to be submitted I'm not done are you going to have to keep doing any internship I have a job to continue the project I'm not done Are you going to have to keep doing an internship? I have a job to continue the project I want to die Is that a I know you and AC like to do a lot of contract work
Starting point is 01:00:40 Is that a contract or is that full time or something? It's a contract Last year when I did it, it was as an intern. So I got $10 an hour for 300 hours. This semester, or like this time that I'm doing it, I'm actually a research assistant. So instead of getting $10 an hour i get 45 dollars an hour research assistant
Starting point is 01:01:06 is a fucking lucrative position yeah oh yeah and so yeah i'm just combining the project that we made with a project that another student made which is like a pain museum it's like a yes it's like a museum of all these different like body parts and then you go into each room and it's like oh yeah these are all the things that you can experience and these are the ways that you get around it. Yeah, yeah. Often people come to terms with their body,
Starting point is 01:01:33 but I really don't give a fucking shit. I don't know what mental health is. I don't know how to fix mental health problems. But it's $45 an hour. But it's $45 an hour. Yeah, when I did my position with Wolfgang, when I was doing that bullshit web dev job,
Starting point is 01:01:50 where I didn't know React and they wanted me to build a website with React, yeah, I was doing the same thing. It's so fucking good. Because I was doing 20 hours a week for $45 an hour. My tax bill was massive that year, but holy crap. That built up my savings so much
Starting point is 01:02:07 oh talking about savings um i kind of read my contract wrong for teaching and i forgot an entire line in my contract because my contract has nine lines to each line is a different thing i get paid for so like the first three lines are the first class I teach, second class I teach, and third class I teach. Because I have three classes on Wednesdays, 9 to 11, 12 to 2, 3 to 5. So each of those is a separate line.
Starting point is 01:02:36 I've got nine lines. Some of them are assignment marking, exam marking, assignment 2 marking, all that. And there's one line that is continuous assessment. two markings, all that. And there's one line that is continuous assessment. Which, I got to the end of week 12 and I'm like,
Starting point is 01:02:52 what the fuck is continuous assessment? So I called up the campus support and I'm like, I don't know what this is. And they're like, oh, that's for marking practicals. And I'm like, but I mark the practicals in the practicals when I'm teaching them. So you're telling me for each day that I do a practical,
Starting point is 01:03:14 I get paid six hours to teach practicals. And then on top of that, I get paid seven and a half hours to mark the practicals that I just taught. Yes, I do. And I get paid the same rate of like $47 an hour to teach and then $47 an hour to mark. I think I ended up working it out to like because I get paid like seven and a half hours for some reason
Starting point is 01:03:49 instead of six hours for doing the marking. I get paid $107 an hour to teach first years. But I forgot to claim all my hours until now so i'm claiming literally half of my entire job like three and a half grand i'm claiming all at once so when that paycheck comes in oh boy
Starting point is 01:04:20 well okay no you don't you don't miss out on like a third of it for now why would i miss out on a third of it because it's gonna go into your fucking taxes you got two grand from it yeah but still it's a big big chunk a big chunk to just all get at once oh my god i'm like why why do i get paid so much? Like, I like it. I like being paid $107 an hour, but like, why? Okay, let's just, for the fun of it, let's just work out what $107 an hour would be at like doing full-time work.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Oh yeah, yeah. Like my brother was like really pissed off at me that I was getting that much. And like, he's a baker and he works like 50 hours a week and it's like oh i only get this much money per week and i'm like yeah but i teach 13 weeks a year so like my yearly revenue would be actually 13 weeks a semester so 26 weeks a year so i only work like half of the year and i'm still getting i'll be getting paid like garbage because i get paid $170 an hour, but six hours a week. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:48 So it's a lot of money for the work that I put in, but it's just not a lot of money all up. I couldn't make my full-time job doing six hours a week. I think you could at $107 an hour. Yeah, but six hours a week, though. Mate, I live off like like, 300 and something. Like, that's fine. You'll be good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Anyway, at full time, that would be $4,280 a week. Not a month, a week. A month, that would obviously be, like, $16,000-ish. So, if we just times this value by 52, that would be $222,560 a year if you're doing full time yeah sounds good
Starting point is 01:06:33 so you know you'd pay like $100,000 in tax yeah yeah fucking hell yeah I'd like that much Fucking hell. Yeah, I'd like that much. That'd be nice. Given the option, I wouldn't teach first years again, though.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Well, they do sound a bit dumb. Because first years are a bit stupid. But my second year that I taught last semester were fine. What were you teaching there? I die. Oh, yes, I die. Interface Design, Inter interface design interaction and experience which is the java effects course and like that was easy enough like my students already knew java coming into the course and it was just this weird java library there to learn um and like my practicals then were just um you guys having a group assignment to work on, work on it
Starting point is 01:07:26 in my class. They had 10 weeks to do the report and then 3 weeks to learn the library. Well, it was a bit different for us. It was 6 weeks for the report and then 6 for
Starting point is 01:07:42 the program. It was like, you guys have a great personal time on your time and I am here if you have questions. But the practicals that I'm teaching now are you have code to write by yourself.
Starting point is 01:07:58 You're allowed to talk to your friends but just write your code. And they just can't. Yeah, I hate those practicals. They will line up behind me and I will give one person the solution
Starting point is 01:08:14 and no one else in the huge lineup will listen to that solution. Have you considered just talking in front of a class? Yeah, I considered it I teach over three rooms And so people just don't listen
Starting point is 01:08:34 Yeah, no surprise Everyone spreads themselves out I'll be like, okay, if you guys need help fixing this issue come here now i'll fix it for everyone and then at the end of the class like an hour and a half later someone would be like hey i have this weird is this weird issue and i'm like yeah i fixed that for everyone else earlier in the class what do you mean but yeah um so you know i was saying Way back at the start of this That the Mac Pools were missing software So they were
Starting point is 01:09:11 Missing Visual Studio Code on some of them But some of them Even though they had VS Code They didn't have the Python libraries That we needed installed And installing libraries was Really fucky
Starting point is 01:09:25 because like when they installed python onto the max they didn't install python with pip which is the command line python installer that's the package manager yeah um so we had to like there was this command that was, like, you know, 100 characters long in the PDF. We had to copy and paste and then change the your ID here to your ID. And then hit enter. And so many people, it was like your ID here in triangle brackets. People didn't remove the triangle brackets it's a path to your local files what do you mean you didn't remove the angle brackets
Starting point is 01:10:20 to be fair the angle brackets did confuse me when i was in first year yeah this is why when i do tutorial content i never put in angle brackets because i know someone's gonna leave them in there just put in like if it's a id here just put in id here and then at least if you replace that part it's gonna work fine yeah but yeah so there was that, and then you had to go and, like, that was if you were on the Mac pools, right? Mm-hmm. And then you had to do that, and then you had to type pip install iContract, and then it kind of worked. As long as you only had one version of Python installed.
Starting point is 01:10:58 If you had multiple versions of Python installed, good luck trying to figure out which one it was going to install to, and which one was going to run and execute your file. So all these fuckarounds we had to do to get that to work. And then there was a different fuckaround for people that were on Windows. So if you type
Starting point is 01:11:17 pip install iContract, and then it just works. It's like, yep, it's successfully installed. Then you hit run. For some people, it just would be like, iContract is not installed. I was like... Because when you type pip into the command line,
Starting point is 01:11:37 it doesn't use the currently selected Python version. It will automatically choose a version of Python. So if you're not using that version to run, you're fucked. What version of Python were you guys actually using for the course? We were using 3.9.
Starting point is 01:11:58 Okay. But people had 3.9 32-bit and 3.9 64-bit installed. Because it default installs both of them. If you let it install both of them, it installs both of them. But then some people also had 3.8.5, 3.6, then 2.7. So what we had to do was go find the actual Python EXE,
Starting point is 01:12:28 You had to go find the actual Python EXE, copy it as a path, paste the full path in, dash M, pip, insta-y contract, and it would work. And it's like, the course coordinator didn't test all of this stuff before the prac started. So the prac started at 9am. And these people started having errors and I'm like, oh dear lord. This just worked for me. I did this yesterday and it just worked for me. So I didn't even
Starting point is 01:12:57 think that there could be errors. And of course Gwena didn't think that either. No surprises there. Yeah, that was really fun. But yeah, also with this course, what's really fun is I have been teaching myself the course because this is a brand new course started this semester.
Starting point is 01:13:18 No one has done it yet. And my qualifications for teaching this course are the same as the qualifications for the students taking the course which is that i did psp um so i'm teaching myself each each week practical content by looking at the practical. Yeah, that's it. I look at the practical and it's like, hey, you need to make a class called this. And so I make a class called that. Done. You make this function. I made this function. And then like, oh, you need to do this weird type conversion thing as i go on google google how to type convert python yep that's how you do it cool but you're also not a brainlet who understands how to use google yeah so many of my students like every single error they had they could have googled
Starting point is 01:14:20 well yeah when it's something like uh cannot concatenate string at end literally take that error the first thing you see will be someone saying that on stack overflow yeah yep i don't know why they don't do that um but yeah uh so i taught myself the practical content tuesday night at like 11pm and Wednesday morning 9am I would teach the content well here's the thing about teaching something I've learnt
Starting point is 01:14:54 is you only need to know more than the people you're teaching yeah but yeah like some of my students would like come to class with like these weird solutions and I'm like, what the fuck is this? There was explicit duck typing stuff you could do, but I'm like, that wasn't in the practical,
Starting point is 01:15:17 so I don't know what the fuck that is, so please delete it. I don't like looking at it. Have you had anyone who's actually, like, out of any of your students, who actually knew Python already and is just doing stupid solutions just to fuck with you? As far as I know, no. Okay. But one of my students
Starting point is 01:15:35 is going to be another rename that I'm going to type in. I'm going to call this guy Jimmy. Because Jai did the same thing back when we had the other JavaScript course, the web development course. Because Jai would do the same thing back when we had the other JavaScript course, the web development course, because he'd already done JavaScript. He'd do these fucking dumbass solutions just because, lol,
Starting point is 01:15:52 why not? So, Jimmy, if you're watching this, you know who you are. I would walk up to this kid and be like, okay, Jimmy, what have you... Oh, dear God, what are you doing he's like it technically works and i'm like no it doesn't it runs it doesn't run your function because you've used the wrong name for
Starting point is 01:16:18 the function like yeah it executes your code but not all of the code i was like or like one day he showed me his code and it's like his code is blue and white if you've used python in a vf code you know that your code is blue white green yellow orange he didn't have syntax highlighting for some reason. All he had was blue for class names and everything else was white. I was like, how do you fuck up this bad? And sometimes I would sit down next to him look at his code and i would just i would just fucking walk away and like oh my god i like all right friends with him we talk on discord every now and then. I add him in the AGPU Discord and call him out on his garbage programming.
Starting point is 01:17:28 But yeah. His code is fucking disgusting. Fun times. I actually do have two viewers that are at UniSA, so maybe one of them knows who Jimmy is. Yeah, possibly. But yeah, I've also got
Starting point is 01:17:44 students that are like they like really i i know that they don't understand what they're doing but they're trying and like week eight actually no so so i only taught like week one to seven and then eight nine were done with design studios for a different course. They didn't even have Python for those weeks or for holidays. When we got back and started doing classes again, I was like, please, dear God,
Starting point is 01:18:16 I was making progress with Jeremy. Sure. I was making progress with Jeremy in like week seven, and he started understanding what I was saying. When I said, make a variable
Starting point is 01:18:34 called myString, he would type self.myString equals, and then he would type quotes, and this is a string. And then we got back to week 10 when we started again, and I said, make a variable called mystring,
Starting point is 01:18:56 and he goes, what? I'm like, no! I thought we were doing good. Have you been writing down like Who each of your fake names equals Yeah so I've got Jeremy Jimmy and wait I've got Jerry Jimmy and Jeremy
Starting point is 01:19:13 I only just noticed that you've been Every time you say a new name you just went and typed something To see if you keep your story straight Yeah So that I know if I'm talking about Jeremy I know who that is I don't know about Jimmy Oh fuck Jimmy
Starting point is 01:19:31 That's too much effort Yeah well I don't want to like Out them Well you could just give them different fake names That's what I'm doing. No, I mean, like, every time you mention them in a story. But then Jimmy seems
Starting point is 01:19:52 less dumb than he is. Okay, that's fair, yeah. You want to make sure everyone knows that you're specifically talking about Jimmy. Yeah. Yeah, I get that. That's fine. But yeah. I got a lot of students I've got this one student I am going to out this student
Starting point is 01:20:07 Drew Hutton I love that boy Drew Hutton comes to my classes with the practical finished and then he helps the rest of the class finish the practical
Starting point is 01:20:18 he like he's essentially like an extra teacher like I'll I'll walk up to him and he's got a line of students behind him, and I've got a line of students behind me.
Starting point is 01:20:31 Or, like, we'll just be talking and, like, everyone's, like, just doing their work. We'll just be chatting about things and stuff. And I shouldn't come up to him and ask for help and I'm like, excuse me, sorry, I'm the teacher here. Come to me, not him. I'm the one getting paid $107 an hour.
Starting point is 01:20:50 Exactly. Yeah, I was, for what, one year I did that, and then I realized, wait, I'm not getting paid enough to do this, and I just leave. Yeah. I can't expect him to keep doing that. Yeah, well, I told the course coordinator about it, and I'm like,
Starting point is 01:21:09 this boy is so good, so smart, is there any extra credit I can give him? Because he's done so much work for me, he's taken so much stress off my shoulders. And he was like, oh yeah, I can recommend him for becoming a tutor for the course.
Starting point is 01:21:25 I'm like, fuck yeah. I've told yeah, I can recommend him for becoming a tutor for the course. I'm like, fuck yeah. I've told him I'll recommend him for PASS if he wants to be a PASS tutor. And the course coordinator will give him recommendations for actually teaching the course next year or whatever. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:21:42 I think the same thing happened with Jai as well, with PSP. Oh, yeah. Because I think, yeah, at the time he was already doing his Jango work. So he already obviously knew Python. Yeah, he was working at the bank, right? Westpac. Yeah, yeah, at the time.
Starting point is 01:22:03 Oh, no. No, yeah, he was still doing... No, maybe he didn't know. No, he wasn't doing Jango stuff then. He was still at Westpac. Yeah, yeah, at the time. Oh, no. No, yeah, he was still doing... No, maybe he didn't, no. No, he wasn't doing Django stuff then, he was still at Westpac. Because he was doing VB stuff back then. Maybe it was second year he was at Westpac. Because eventually he got himself to StudyLink, and that's when he started
Starting point is 01:22:17 doing Django stuff. Okay, yeah. No, I think that must have been second year then, because I know he was... I know he did move from Westpac to StudyLink. That's been like an hour, 20 of you just ranting about your students. Oh, really? Yeah. Exactly what I wanted to do today, rant about students.
Starting point is 01:22:42 I rant about my students so much, which is why I dislike it that some of my students are part of ATPU. Because I'll finish a class, I'll kick down the door of ATPU, and I'm like, hey guys, my students are in the room. Start a new club. Better club.
Starting point is 01:23:02 Yeah. The students that go in there like oh Jimmy Jimmy goes in there and I'd be like hey guys I had this really dumb student today
Starting point is 01:23:12 and I could glare at Jimmy and he's like it wasn't that bad today okay last week was worse and I'm like yeah you're technically correct Jimmy yeah that sounds uh sounds fun and really shit at the
Starting point is 01:23:32 same time yeah but yeah um students give me like feedback because i'm a teacher feedback to thing isn't it yeah so i was like too scared to look at my my feedback last semester because i failed so many fucking students last semester because so many students like all like the indian and asian students like handed up absolute dog shit code and like the interfaces were ugly as fuck um or like they were just copied straight off the internet so i failed a lot of students that semester so i was so scared of looking at my stuff like oh my teacher didn't teach me anything um but i looked at the other day it was so good
Starting point is 01:24:18 like i think i had um 10 very positive and 1 positive feedback. What's the... This is something I've been curious about. What actually is the general feedback rate? So I had 11 students out of 60 last semester. Okay.
Starting point is 01:24:39 I'll go look at them now for this semester, but yeah, this semester yeah, you know, a little bit worse. So I think when I looked at it, I had 10 feedbacks and like three of them were negative. And as opposed to the like 10, a very positive and one positive. How negative? So each of the questions you answer,
Starting point is 01:25:11 you go like strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree. And I got like two disagree, one strongly disagree. Do you have an OBS set up for screen sharing? And I got like two disagree, one strongly disagree. Ooh. Do you have an OBS set up for screen sharing? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. If it's a picture, then I can do it. Oh, are you going to do it with your...
Starting point is 01:25:37 I was just going to screen share my feedback. Oh, yeah. It's all anonymous. Yeah, because it'll replace your webcam, so it's fine. Okay. I've got to remember how to actually get into it. Hopefully. Watch this course, Comp 1046. Either that or it's going to break everything. Evaluations. Open my course experience. Also, what I love about the
Starting point is 01:26:03 UniSA websites is all the websites are different websites so you've got to like put your passwords back in whenever you change websites it's great isn't it yep and imagine being a student and a staff member at the same time i know it's great isn't it cookies what are cookies if it does keep your webcam here just disable the webcam that should take your spot okay let's uh yeah okay it's gonna take your spot so just disable the webcam okay I didn't fix anything now you just got deep fried Nick okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this one here and we're going to oh god this is a fucking
Starting point is 01:26:54 dumb idea can I I can't I can't fix it. Oh, wait, no, I'm pressing the wrong button. That's why. Okay, I think we've got something now. Yeah, this... Okay, yeah, cool, cool. Yeah, you can show stuff now. right so yeah this this this is my
Starting point is 01:27:28 responses so it's like uh people were satisfied with me as a teacher but then like yeah i i didn't support their learning one student said uh one student said i didn't help understand the key concepts of the course and yeah i didn't make the course interesting. One person was strongly against that. But then it's like, yeah. How could the staff member improve their teaching? Don't spend too much time on individual students. I had to because the individual students that I was with
Starting point is 01:28:02 didn't know what a Python was. People waited for a full hour to get the attention they needed. Stand up and line up behind me like everyone else did. What do you mean? Yeah. But yeah, and then I got these
Starting point is 01:28:19 nice ones. Nick's very intelligent and explains stuff as well. He's very helpful and I feel like he wants me to do well. Friendly guy and makes class comfortable for me. Like, aw. Yeah, most... I guess most people probably just don't bother with feedback. It's either
Starting point is 01:28:35 if it's really bad or really good. Yeah. That's just fair. I like looking at the positive ones The negative ones, I'm just kind of like You're an idiot Here's the thing When you do YouTube stuff, you just get these
Starting point is 01:28:52 Negative comments all of the time So you kind of get used to it That's my suggestion, make YouTube videos And get used to people being douches Yeah, I feel like Since I've started teaching I've gotten a lot better at speaking publicly um because i used to get really really like anxious now i don't really fucking care yeah well you're speaking more publicly so honestly honestly obviously you're gonna get better
Starting point is 01:29:21 uh yeah yeah but yeah like when I went into my first class for I die I was like oh my god they're going to hate me I'm going to stutter constantly and then I went into my first class and I'm like I gotta do this again really it was kind of more of an annoyance
Starting point is 01:29:40 that I have to talk over like oh no I'm going to fuck up up i'm gonna say the wrong thing well i think the it's a bit harder to see with you because the practicals aren't recorded but i've gone back and i did i i noticed how much i fuck up with my current my current content but when i go back and look at like how i was a year or so ago i realized how much worse i was back then and once you've actually taken notice of that you realize oh yeah actually trying to improve this tiny little bit each time as you go on that's going to make
Starting point is 01:30:19 massive improvements and like with you trying actually trying to speak publicly you're going to get better at it even if it feels like when you get to a point where you have to actually do something public that it's not any better at all yeah well yeah like when I had to give presentations for like ICT project
Starting point is 01:30:38 and for cloud and for architecture like I like I prepared like hell before the presentation because i'm like oh no i'm gonna be so anxious but i got into it i was perfectly fine like i read off my script it was easy like i just kind of i'm still in the mindset that it's hard even though it isn't the nice thing about the presentations this year is none of mine were in person except the first CT presentation I had.
Starting point is 01:31:06 So, they were all online on Zoom. Yep. And we had to screen share our presentation, but I have two monitors. So we did this great little cheat, which was I screen shared my second monitor
Starting point is 01:31:22 that had the presentation on it to the Zoom call. I screen shared my main monitor, had the presentation on it to the Zoom call. I screen shared my main monitor, which had the presenter mode, to my Discord mates. We all watched my stream, and I went through the slides, and then we
Starting point is 01:31:37 had the presenter notes section of PowerPoint, which has our entire script in it. So we can just read off the entire script, hit next, and the Zoom calls none the wiser because there's no cameras. So I'm staring directly at the notes, reading line for line my script,
Starting point is 01:31:57 and then next slide. It made the presentations an absolute joke, but it made them so easy. Yeah, yeah. I would have hated to do all those presentations I had to do because I think the last ICT one was like 15 minutes or something stupid yeah it was 10 to 15
Starting point is 01:32:17 minutes now 15 minutes I think we got in ours so we did two separate ones because our project and the other project um but we did 12 minutes for ours in ours. We did two separate ones, because our project and the other project. How did that work? Yeah, it didn't really work. Sorry, because
Starting point is 01:32:33 we made a game, and they tried to make a piece of software. We presented our software, and they presented our game, and they presented their solution. Right. But yeah, so we did like a 12 minute presentation and they did like a 14 minute,
Starting point is 01:32:52 58 second presentation. It was like right in on the edge of the time. At least they didn't try to make you like merge it all together into one presentation. They wanted us to and I was like, um, we're two separate projects, though, so, like, can we not do that, please? Why were you in the same group, then? Uh, the intention was, at the end,
Starting point is 01:33:15 we would combine the two, so we would eventually have a rehabilitation game that a doctor could livestream their actual body into and talk to the patient while they're being rehabilitated okay but it didn't end up working because the fucking all the issues that we mentioned before about the uni being slow and the program not working yeah hmm that's actually
Starting point is 01:33:41 a cool idea but it honestly anything more complex than, like, something... Really, something like I did is going to fall apart. Yeah, I don't know why they expect, like, people that haven't touched any of this kind of tech before to make a fully in-depth working thing. Like, we hadn't dealt with even putting a webcam into Unity yet.
Starting point is 01:34:10 And they wanted us to do rendering your entire body using four different cameras. Yeah. And they're fucking depth-based cameras which output really weird shit. At least with mine, a lot of it was even though i've never done vr stuff for most of what i was doing was standard vr sort of interactions so it was like
Starting point is 01:34:34 add teleportation add a laser pointer i have um vr user interfaces things like that things that even though exactly like my exact project, there's nothing for, it's still a standard component, or still a standard idea, and you can sort of adapt it to what you're doing. Yeah, yeah. Ours was very, very non-standard.
Starting point is 01:34:55 It was all weird things that you wouldn't... All very researchy. Yeah, and you couldn't just Google it, and be like, oh yeah, this person's used this camera before. How do I add three depth cameras into unity it's kind of like it's kind of like bleeding edge technology so no one's really made full in-depth guides on how to do anything with it yet so i can't just like look it up it's i have to experiment constantly fuck that yeah constantly. Fuck that. Yeah. Indeed.
Starting point is 01:35:29 So, your sleep seems to be a little bit fucked, because you said you were having breakfast just before we started recording. What? It was 11am. You don't have breakfast at like 10.50? No, I don't have breakfast at 10.50. I had breakfast at like 10.50? No, I don't have breakfast at 10.50. I had breakfast at like 1 yesterday.
Starting point is 01:35:50 PM, yeah. Yes. I told my mate the other day that I woke up at 1 and he was like, oh, bro, that's so shit. You woke up at 1 and I'm like, yeah, PM. He was like, oh like oh pm what the fuck but yeah so um i just um when i'm not doing uni or something that i have to be up at 9am for every day i just sleep until i want to get up and I don't ever want to get up because life is so trash
Starting point is 01:36:28 why would I want to leave the comfort of my bed I don't know cuz we do things during your day like what I'll play video games yeah I forgot yeah video games yeah I am a't played them in a while yeah right before I started teaching I was getting up at like 2 or 3 in the afternoon every day
Starting point is 01:36:55 and going to bed at 2 or 3am wait I'm sorry you slept for 12 hours? It was... I had never slept that well. It was so good.
Starting point is 01:37:16 I bet, yeah. Probably would be, but you're so fucking wasting literally half of your day. Yeah, I know. I would, like, wake up and mum would be getting home from work. And she was like, oh, so how was your day? And I'm like, no, my day hasn't been yet. I haven't had breakfast yet. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:37:43 See, I can get what Kenley did. Kenley would fucking have his, have his time zone flipped upside down. He'd be like, oh, yeah, I'm just waking up at 6 p.m., but he stays up till, like, 6 a.m. as well. Yeah. Like, 8 a.m. or whatever. Like, he would spend his entire day, but it'd be his night. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:04 But no, I would just sleep half the day. But then I started teaching, and then I had to get up at 7am, because I have to take the hour and a half bus to uni. And I started teaching at 9am. So, that
Starting point is 01:38:20 was fun. So what you're saying is as soon as, like, assignment marking and classes and everything's all done, you're going to just let it slip back into 2pm? I've already started getting up at 1pm. I had to set an alarm
Starting point is 01:38:35 this morning in order to be up before 1. You know we could have just set the podcast at 1pm. Yeah, but then I also have to talk to my other boss. That's fair. have just set the podcast at 1pm. Yeah, but then I also have to talk to my other boss. That's fair.
Starting point is 01:38:50 Yeah, that makes sense. Now, for me, I am in bed at 12am and I'm up at 8am every day. Except when I stand outside of work ranting about my boss until 2 in the morning
Starting point is 01:39:05 and then I'm up a bit later. Because my new fucking boss is shit. Yeah. He thinks I'm his best friend as well, which is also fun. Because he'll tell me manager-y things and talk shit about the staff. I'm like, mate, I want to fucking deck you.
Starting point is 01:39:20 Stop fucking talking to me. Yeah. I had friends like that at Big Dub. I have taken this entire semester off Big Dub, so I haven't been there. Oh, so you are still working there? I'm still working there, technically, but
Starting point is 01:39:35 yeah, I haven't had a shift since, like, August. Okay. That makes sense. Or even probably earlier than August. I'm sure you're not missing it with $107 an hour. Oh, yeah. Like, I kind of want to go back, because I don't want to fucking deal with students anymore, but I also, like, don't want to go to, like, $20 an hour.
Starting point is 01:40:00 It's really a tough decision. Would you be working during the day? At Big Dub I'd be working at night. Oh, what's more than 20 an hour? It's like 25. Yeah, yeah, probably. But like 25 or like 45 normally or 100 is what I'm on now.
Starting point is 01:40:24 And also, when I'm at Biggie Dub, I have to bastard my guts. Running constantly, always on the forklift getting shit down for customers. Always re-wrapping pallets and sprinting around the pallet with the wrap.
Starting point is 01:40:42 This is where you're fucked up. You need to be doing Nightfell over at Coles, because we're chill as hell we are not chill as hell on night fill the big dub like big dub is getting budget cuts constantly so we need to be constantly getting faster and faster yeah the new manager is like oh uh so he came in first day he He was like, okay, so you know how we're doing? I think pallets were taking an hour or something. He's like, okay, cut 15 minutes off of that. And everyone's like, no, because we were getting everything done.
Starting point is 01:41:15 Wait, how many people do you take to do a pallet in an hour? It's one person. One person. Yeah, for an hour. But that's also including, like, taking the pallet in and out of the back as well. Yeah. So that adds an extra five or so minutes. Plus, if you need to...
Starting point is 01:41:33 I thought you were saying your team does the pallet in an hour. I'm like, what? No, no. No, it's one person. Anyway, he was like, yeah, so even though on the hours that corporate tells us we need to hit, we're getting everything done. He's like, no, cut
Starting point is 01:41:52 15 minutes off of that. It's like, no, no, we're not doing that. So everyone just kept working at the same pace and no one gives a crap. Yeah. I don't think we could do that. He can't complain too much if the work's getting done but the um the worst thing about it is he pretended like the like grocery manager told him that he has to cut the time down
Starting point is 01:42:14 and i happen to know other people who work in management and she was like yeah no he did the grocery manager never said that that's a lie and. And I went and told all of the night fillers that. I was like, hey, this guy's fucking messing with all of you. And all of them hate him already. And that just made them hate him even more. I was like, okay, well, fuck him then. But he's doing things that are trying to get himself fired anyway, like training people in the electric pallet jack
Starting point is 01:42:42 when he's legally not allowed to do that, and that could lose him his job. I found out right before I left that I technically wasn't allowed to be training people to use the baler. Really?
Starting point is 01:42:57 The baler's a... That's not really that big of a deal, is it? You need to be on the safety team to train someone to use the baler. Huh. I'm not on the safety team. I probably trained half the people that know how to use a baler at Big Dope.
Starting point is 01:43:14 Because I learned when I was 15 how to do it from one of the guys who was on the safety team. And then he left. And then I trained everyone else. I would have thought you guys would have a compactor that's weird oh yeah it's a big big compactor
Starting point is 01:43:33 baler thingy balers and compactors are a bit different what's the difference um that's fucking good question a baler when you want to empty it it'll turn into like a hay bale sort of thing yep that's the one okay and a compactor basically it gets compacted down and then gets pushed into a truck yeah no no so so so we've got a baler okay we've got a
Starting point is 01:44:00 tie it off and become yeah yeah that's a baler um yeah we've got like a ret off and become a big baler um yeah we've got to like re-tie it and shit it's real fucking annoying when I have to do like two bales in a row like my hands are all fucking torn up to shreds because the bale just like cuts into you I'm lucky enough that
Starting point is 01:44:20 I've only dealt with coals where they're big enough where they need to have a compactor and small enough where a baler isn't that big of a deal yeah like if if you only go through like one or two bales a day like yeah balers are completely fine then yeah we we go through like two a day okay but yeah then like when we've got to get him into the truck it's real fun because we've got to like
Starting point is 01:44:47 put him on the side and like roll them off yeah that's not my job we just put the bales outside and then someone else can deal with it yeah that's like the garbage truck guy will just like reverse up and be like yep put him in
Starting point is 01:45:02 I don't know if that's a day job or if that's just like the baylor truck man that does it fucked if i know i'm not there in the morning yeah we've got we've got a doc guy called johnny who does all that stuff oh yeah okay but we'll help him because he's he's like a relatively old man now he He's in his 50s. 50s isn't really that old anymore. Yeah. But like late 50s. Anyway. But yeah. Yeah, we also got
Starting point is 01:45:35 very specific rules. Like, you can't lift a pallet unless you've got someone else lifting it with you. But like when I was there. You just pick up the pallet, you put got someone else lifting it with you but like when I was there you just pick up the pallet you put it up on your hip like this and you just fucking put it up on the stack
Starting point is 01:45:52 yeah I sort of hurt my wrist the other day and now because everyone in this store just picks up the pallets by themselves and the management sort of takes it for granted so I hurt my wrist and I was just like okay I'm just not going to lift them up and's like oh can you like lift up pals like nope you can help me i'm not doing it because you're not allowed to do it and the man just can't tell you to lift it up like
Starting point is 01:46:13 that if you decide to be a dumbass and do it that's fine but so i'm just like okay i hurt my wrist i'm not doing it they can go on the floor you can help me if you want to pick that up yeah yeah that just reminded me of a story but I think I've already told a story on the podcast before I don't know we'll find out okay well I already forgot the story the only story I can think of you told is this year's story
Starting point is 01:46:41 okay new name I remember J name Jeremiah you told us this yesterday. Okay. New name. What's the J name? Jeremiah. Jeremiah. So Jeremiah, right? So Jeremiah once, he's my
Starting point is 01:46:57 manager at Big Dub, was like I was doing a field shift, like a a field shift a day field shift normally we do night field back in the day it was like 7 to 12 I was doing a day field
Starting point is 01:47:14 1 to 7 just to get everything prepared for night field so when they came in all the pallets were down they were all in the spot they needed to be the ones that needed to be broken down into cages were in cages and the cages were ready to get run out onto the floor i when i was like very young when i was like 15 16 i worked my fucking ass off because i like wanted the job because i wanted money now i just kind of i'm not gonna fire me i like i worked really hard because i needed the job i needed money i wanted to play warframe i needed to spend money
Starting point is 01:47:51 on plan i needed i needed to open up my wallet and waste money on this fucking game that was literally my first paycheck 80 went straight into platinum on warframe were you you at least waiting for the discount codes or discount ticket thingies you get on Warframe? Yeah. Okay, good. Yeah, I got my paycheck and then immediately there was a discount. I'm like, fuck yeah, let's go! But yeah, so I did my entire six hours worth of work in four hours.
Starting point is 01:48:24 And Jeremiah, is there anything I can do? And he's like, oh, you can sweep the dock. So I swept the dock in like 10 minutes and it was spotless. Because I'm like, I sweep at home. I know how to use the room, dude. And then he's like, oh, you can do this thing and then this thing and i did all those things really quickly i'm like anything else to do i've got four hours left i'm ready to go i'm hyped i'm on energy and he's like um now nick technically i can't ask you to go home early yeah i'm like yeah you can't it's like yeah yeah i'm legally not allowed to ask you to go home early and i hated jeremiah jeremiah was the worst fucking boss i've ever had i can't ask you to go home early i can't they because because like i've already been like assigned this shift i've already signed
Starting point is 01:49:23 in they've got to give me 24 hours notice if they want to change my shift. That's weird, because Colesburg is happy to send you home early. That's interesting. Nah. We need 24 hours. So, yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:37 I hate Jeremiah. He made me clean up a shit. I'm fairly sure I told that story. I'm fairly sure that's part of the clip stories. But yeah, he's like, Nick, I can't ask you to go. And so I'm like playing with him. I knew what he was asking me. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:49:58 I could go home early if you want me to. If you want me to go home early, I can leave now. He's like, Nick, I can't. and i'm like hey jeremiah i finished all my work can i go home early he's like yeah sure you can please get out i was gonna ask did you just, stick around for the next four hours or something? I played with him for, like, a minute. He kept getting, like, slower every time he repeated, Nick, I can't ask you to go home early.
Starting point is 01:50:39 Like, every single time, he kept saying it slower and slower. And then I just caved. I'm like, yeah, I'll go home. That's fine. I had my fun. I'm like, yeah, I'll go home. That's fine. I had my fun. Oh, fuck. There's a few times I have gone home early at Coles. There was one time where
Starting point is 01:50:52 I don't know how it happened but I think we were like three or four hours ahead and I was like, um, I don't want to be here. I've got better things to do. And I was like, okay. And the manager's like, oh yeah, well that's fine. Go. We don't need you here. And I was like, okay. And the manager's like, oh, yeah, well, that's fine. Go.
Starting point is 01:51:07 We don't need you here anyway. I was like, cool, we can do that. So I think I was trying to get assignments done at the time anyways. Like, fuck it. I have better things to do than be here. And I had done my hours to get my bills and stuff paid that week anyways. Like, eh. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:23 But, yeah, like, on Thursday, like, I was trying to get my give me one sec guys if you didn't know Brody's real name is Brody Robertson it's true he doesn't want anyone to know he thinks it's a really smart pseudonym. But it isn't. Don't worry, you don't need to edit out the section in the middle there, because I didn't say anything weird to your fans, don't worry. I'll see how much of it was silent and I'll leave the rest that wasn't. Ah, shit.
Starting point is 01:52:04 Anyway, shit. Anyway, um, yes. Uh, was there, was there a story you were continuing, or, what'd you do? Uh, I said, I'm going home, bye. And that was it. Oh, okay, no, I thought there was, uh, I mean, like, the story you were
Starting point is 01:52:22 saying before. I thought you might have finished that as... The, the Baylor one? Yeah, I told a bunch of people how to use a Baylor. No, I mean, like the story you were saying before. I thought you might have finished that as... The Bela one? Yeah, I told a bunch of people how to use a Bela. No, I mean, there's a story that I cut you off as you were about to start it. Oh. I don't remember. I started watching YouTube,
Starting point is 01:52:37 and my brain has just been wiped clean. Yonder, I never just scored band speedruns. Speaking of YouTube, I hear you like Gura. Oh, yeah. I mean, I
Starting point is 01:52:54 don't actually watch Gogura. I have a friend who's into all the VTuber trash. But I watched Gorgura
Starting point is 01:53:04 before she was Gorgura. Yes. I watchedura before she was Gorgura Yes I watched her before she was cool Yeah it's sort of like an open Secret who Gorgura is at this point Everyone is well aware of who she is Yeah
Starting point is 01:53:17 But yeah I just want her to make music Well she did Do a cover. She did do a cover of Country Road. Yeah. If you go and look at the original video at, what is it, 49 seconds? There's an A in the middle of the screen.
Starting point is 01:53:39 46 seconds. And it's like, it prophesied the future. I'm waiting for a drunk cover now that's all we need not drunk it's blitzed blitzed doesn't get drunk I was about to say
Starting point is 01:54:00 she was a child but she's not a child she's like 9000 years old or 5000 or 2000 whatever number she decides today yeah indeed I was going to say she was a child, but she's not a child. She's like 9,000 years old. Or 5,000 or 2,000. Whatever number she decides today. Yeah, indeed. But yeah, so... Did I send you the feet pics?
Starting point is 01:54:15 No, I didn't. So I... Alright. I need context. You know how I'm talking about about zach the guy who forgot how to speak english sure um so i sent him this this picture uh that you may or may not want to censor for uh for uh for the stream uh of of gargara that i found on the garagara Know Your Meme page. And it's Gagara with feet. And I
Starting point is 01:54:49 sent it to Zach, and I'm like, why the fuck does this exist? And he's like, what? Hawaii shark feet. And I'm like, yeah, probably shouldn't share that one. You fucking degenerate. Zach. You fucking degenerate.
Starting point is 01:55:05 Zach, you fucking degenerate. No, protect the lolly and look respectfully. We need some sort of original music. We need something. We know she can make shitty music. Yeah. She just... So, have you heard Niana's album, Magic Circuit?
Starting point is 01:55:31 I didn't know she had an album. I've only heard her cover of So So. Her Magic Circuit album isn't like a meme music album. It's like an actual good album. And Zach, who is a fan of all the trash YouTubers, didn't know this either. What did you say it was called? Magic Circuit.
Starting point is 01:55:52 Magic Circuit. There are two songs that aren't in the album that are very similar, which is Lip and Quiet Rooms. But yeah, I fucking love that album. It's been out for three years, so two years?
Starting point is 01:56:08 Yeah. The fuck? How did I not know about this? I know. I listen to it all the time. It's a little bit depressing. When you read into all the lyrics, it kind of
Starting point is 01:56:23 sounds like the entire album's about breakups but like that's how i read into it you might you might not read into it into it the same but yeah i love that album um but yeah then thanks for i actually gotta thank you because zach is really liking demon dice now he knows demon dice is a thing yes uh because yeah when when you sent me the the the demon dice uh i think with alcat a thing yes uh because yeah when when you sent me the the the demon dice uh i think with alcatraz you sent me yeah yeah i thought i thought it right to zach because he he fucking loves uh aliope is that is that how her name's actually pronounced uh okay so there's a weird thing about callie's name so it in english it's calliope but if you spell it in katakana it's calliope
Starting point is 01:57:09 oh yeah yeah and um she was actually on the trash taste podcast the other day with uh gig arc and the anime man and yeah i i saw that on twitter but i didn't actually watch the trash podcast you should it's fucking great um anyway i guess SeadogVA is on there as well, but he's less important. Anyway. I mean, he's part of Trash Taste. He is, but also, I didn't even know about him until that podcast.
Starting point is 01:57:36 You didn't know about him until it? No. Anyway. I started watching him a bit later than that. Yeah. They asked her about the name, and yeah, she doesn't know herself. She's like i i didn't think that far ahead anyway yeah i i highly highly recommend demon dice um alcatraz is an amazing album but i recommend also going back and listening to some of our old stuff, like Red, Black and White and American Psychodrome.
Starting point is 01:58:08 Especially American Psychodrome. It is absolute fucking trash and I love it. I fucking love Gang Gang Kawaii. Gang Gang Kawaii is a masterpiece. Yeah. Wait, if I click on this, is Spotifyify gonna try to play it no cool uh but i also really recommend um speak of the devil is also good or speak of devil and uh hell bento is also a good one
Starting point is 01:58:35 but all basically all of her tracks are good yeah yeah i'd say the one that hit me the hardest was uh you're an ace kid because that's sort of about i don't know if you've heard that one or not if you know if you have you actually gone and listened to much demon dice stuff besides the ones i said so as i was about to say um i have been just been doing assignments constantly lately so i have pretty much the only demon dice music that i've heard is like i've finished assignments and then i've gone into the discord and zach is playing demon dice songs i'm like yep that's so uranace kid is basically about um how she realized that she wanted to
Starting point is 01:59:19 go and be a rapper but all of her her like fake friends around who was like hey you like come out to the parties and do all of this but like fake friends around who was like hey you like come out to the parties and do all of this but she's like no i'm i'm dedicated to getting like following my dream and actually becoming something from this and that that song sort of like hit me pretty hard i really recommend that one if you can listen to nothing else uh uranace kid is amazing all right but callie's new stuff is also really good as well yeah i haven't actually listened to any of callie's music um i i was not not cardi b maury calliope we'll see if we can actually keep this podcast going for another
Starting point is 01:59:58 10 minutes before i have to go again um i don't know we'll probably end it off sometime soon anyway because we're a bit past two hours. Anyway, yes, we're talking about Calliope. Yeah, yeah, so I said I haven't actually listened to any of Calliope's music, and then immediately after, I'm like, oh wait, no, I've listened to Excuse My Rudeness, but Can You Please Rip.
Starting point is 02:00:18 That is an amazing track. Specifically because Zach keeps putting it in the fucking rhythm bot when we're playing League but yeah that's her only song that I can heard is that the only song she's made?
Starting point is 02:00:29 uh no she's got an entire EP she released like her debut week okay wait none like Joshua made a
Starting point is 02:00:37 made a remix of Keen Peas Rip? uh I think he entered yeah he entered the contest I think he was one of the yeah yeah like I I think he was one of the I think
Starting point is 02:00:46 he was one of the top 10 contestants. Yeah, his video is in the top 15 playlist on the channel. Ah, okay, that's what you're looking at. Cool, yeah. Oh, yeah, top 15, I guess. But yeah, no, she's got Shitsudeshimasu ga shinde
Starting point is 02:01:02 kudasai, which is the one you mentioned. Live again, or live again, however you decide to call it i know right um that's her general outro music then dead beats dead beats is a weird one i recommend dead beats oh yeah i may have heard dead beats give me a sec uh and the last one in the original EP is Reaper Rapper that was her introduction song yeah I have her deadbeats because
Starting point is 02:01:33 once again RhythmBot Zach he just pasted an entire playlist in RhythmBot deadbeats jerk it now deadbeats jerk it now exactly and then her new track Cursed Night is really good as well Jerk it now. Deadbeat, jerk it now. Exactly. And then her new track,
Starting point is 02:01:47 Cursed Night, is really good as well. Yeah. I'll have to look at this shit later. Yeah, you absolutely do. Yeah. I have to do homework by watching
Starting point is 02:02:03 Anime Girl Thing. Oh, damn. Oh, no. How will you ever survive? Now, if you want a really good cover of her contest song, I recommend going and listening to Boogie Vox's version. Boogie Vox? Yeah, Boogie Vox. Alright.
Starting point is 02:02:29 They, um, a rapping VTuber Jilo, and they decided to not just cover the song, they also wrote some of their own lyrics for it. Okay. And
Starting point is 02:02:44 holy shit, it. Okay. And, holy shit, it's good. I wish it had run, but I think Nyato got first place. Yeah. I don't know who Nyato is.
Starting point is 02:02:58 A pretty big remixer. Okay. Good, it's not a VTuber. No. I hate VTubers. VTubers. I've been very much against
Starting point is 02:03:17 Hatsune Miku for ages, because it's trash. Illumiku's stuff is pretty bad though but yeah but then when I when I put the Magic Circuits album
Starting point is 02:03:30 into a rhythm bot Zach's like wait this song has Hatsune Miku in it I thought you hated Miku I'm like shut the fuck up
Starting point is 02:03:37 this song's good but Nyanas Nyanas makes it better what do you love more your what's more important your love for Nyanas or it better What do you love more What's more important Your love for Nyanas or your hatred For Miku
Starting point is 02:03:49 Nyanas I also at the same time that I put That good album in I put in like everybody in the club getting tipsy And um Pomp Pomp Kimichi Very sad that she delete those songs, but we have backups.
Starting point is 02:04:09 The backups will always be saved. Also, it took me like an hour the other day to try and find It's the Nutshack by these cute anime girls. Because that video does not exist on YouTube. There's like one video of it but the audio has been been like claimed um so actually like on a
Starting point is 02:04:33 on the on the claimed audio video there was a comment with a link to a facebook post that I finally have this. I need this. Why does she have to, like, rebrand to remove the N-word from all the songs? And all of the incest. Jeez. So what's the deal with your hatred for most of Hololive? Just grown men pretending to be anime girls.
Starting point is 02:05:14 Definitely not grown men. Except for... Except for... Gorgor, obviously. Except for literally every single one of them. Blue Gremlin. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:05:28 I just... I just don't like the concept of simping to an anime character that isn't even an anime character. It's like I simimp to
Starting point is 02:05:45 certain anime characters. Especially, uh, Kurisutina! She's the best anime character. Ever. Don't at me. Um, but, like, just human beings that
Starting point is 02:06:03 think they're anime characters? Yucky. Nah, it's fun. You're missing out. You're going to miss out on the big wave of VTubers taking over YouTube. Yeah. But yeah, I did try to join Gogura's Minecraft stream, like, two days ago. And, I don't know, it wasn't Minecraft.
Starting point is 02:06:24 It was, she was doing singing it was the stream that the Country Roads cover came from and right as I joined the stream it was like, alright, thanks everyone for watching yeah, I did the same thing I was like, no I've been waiting all this time
Starting point is 02:06:42 for Gorilla to put out music and now that she's got a fucking stream I'm gone. But the Clippers are at it. The Clippers have everything saved. Yeah, and Gorgor has got all her VODs uploaded on YouTube. Well, certain streams are unarchived.
Starting point is 02:06:57 I can't imagine that one's archived. Typically the singing streams aren't archived so they can actually do songs that they would get copyright claimed for uh possibly yeah because in um it is not there yeah i think because what did kiara do in her first one um i know she did some things that would definitely get copyright claimed. Oh, she did Bluebird, one of the Naruto openings. Oh yeah. Is that the good opening? Is that the the 4th Frank opening? Which one? Is Bluebird the Frank one? It's not.
Starting point is 02:07:46 What? You know... Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh, um... I know which one you're talking about. I'm just gonna, like, look up Doocy Frank Naruto, and, um... See, I'm gonna get copyright claim if I do that.
Starting point is 02:08:18 Actually, you know what? I'm just gonna go into my... It's in my fucking Wii Blast shit playlist. It'll be the one naruto opening in here it is not in here apparently maybe the video that i had in there got claimed because like half the video in my wee blast shit playlist is claimed no the best naruto opening is distance. Just Google Naruto distance. Give me the first fucking two seconds tell me you don't love it. I don't love it.
Starting point is 02:08:59 You are my friend. No, he know you may. How can you not love it? Because it's... I just don't like it. It's not hype enough. It's trash. It's trash. It's great. Exactly. It's bad.
Starting point is 02:09:18 But it's not the first Naruto opening. Rocks. Great song. Absolutely love it. I need to go finish naruto i'm thinking i'm still on the fucking tune in the exam that's how early in naruto i am yeah i don't watch trash anime i mean that's no fun again correction i watch sword art online but i don't watch other trash anime speaking of sao um did you see the trailer for progressive progressive i haven't seen the trailer yet
Starting point is 02:09:52 i i did i did send you that link thing hey progressive is getting adapted it yeah we all thought it was going to be a series but it's going to be a movie a movie hmm like it's gonna look good but i i wish that progressive got a moot i got a series sorry yeah oh great no no new footage it's all just actually i'm like no that rain scene might be new. No, it's all new stuff. It's just the exact same scenes, just redone. Yeah. Yeah. Like, it looks like stuff we've seen before.
Starting point is 02:10:33 Also, Arsena is considerably more important now, which is good. What? She was really important before. She died at the end, remember? That was the most important thing she ever did. Arsena was, was like a side character at best for most of Aincrad. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:49 And then there was basically no explanation for why they fell in love. It's just like, oh yeah, they like each other now. That's cool. We watched a guy die together. That's love, right? Two years worth of semen. Oh, I love that I said that to one of my mates the other day when we were talking about Sword Art Online
Starting point is 02:11:09 and he didn't know what it was and I got to explain it to him for anyone who doesn't know look up Sword Art Online chapter 16.5 12.5? what is it? 16.5 basically it's the scene where Album of the Line chapter 16.5. 12.5? What is it? 16.5. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:25 Basically, it's the scene where Asuna and Kirito fucked, but it's explained in weird detail. Like, two and a half years of Semen flowed into Asuna. Yeah. And, like, that isn't how Semen works. No.
Starting point is 02:11:43 It doesn't just build up constantly. It builds up to a max in, like, that isn't how Semen works. No. It doesn't just build up constantly. It builds up to a max in, like, a day. Also, I don't know how much performance you get inside of a video game. I imagine, like, you can probably customize that. Maybe that's part of your character creation. Yeah. I mean, as well, like, it's inside the game, and he implemented cum? Yeah, so basically, Kirito just nutted in his bed.
Starting point is 02:12:16 Yeah? Or, like, if he didn't, you know, fine-tune the sex system in the children's video game that he made like if he didn't fine-tune it enough kirito could be ejaculating before kazato kirigaya ejaculates or after either either or would be terrible I think there was an explanation for why that system existed in the game. I don't remember what it was. I think there was, like, supposed to be brothels or something in the game. Yeah, I didn't read the
Starting point is 02:12:53 entire thing. I read, like, the first, like, two or three hundred words, and then skipped to the end to see the years of unused demon made a glooping sound as it yeah the glooping sounds also important yeah yeah i'm gonna find the exact quote now i've got to look it up now so 16.5 oh yeah wattpad let's go yeah
Starting point is 02:13:19 you found the same one i did um i just if i just search for semen you gotta scroll all the way down to the bottom or else it doesn't uh oh it's one of those websites two years worth of semen added glopping noise as it flowed endlessly into asana every time my penis twitched fireworks would go off in my head. Also, yeah, it's written from first person. Oh, God. For those of you who haven't looked it up yet, chapter 16.5 is a unofficial
Starting point is 02:13:58 official chapter of the light novel. It was written by Reki Kawahara, but it was published on a fan site, not as an actual book. So written by the author
Starting point is 02:14:14 kind of makes it official. Also, it's written in first person from Kuroko's perspective. So Reki Kawahara kind of really wanted to fuck Asuna which is the character that he wrote I'm just reading
Starting point is 02:14:34 parts of this like I can put on the screen like just just read some of this if you want to I'm not gonna read it out cuz I might get might get claimed. I might get fucking yeeted off of YouTube. Asuna threw her body back while drawing out the last part of her sentence
Starting point is 02:14:53 as she violently convulsed two, three times. I was in no position to pause and admire the sight of Asuna with her eyes scrunched closed and her teeth gritted together looking incredibly cute like horribly polluted. All at the same time. I'm not going to read through it.
Starting point is 02:15:14 I'll just highlight this part. If you want to read this, feel free to do so. God, this fucking chapter is amazing. Also, there's lots of explanation about noises and stuff. Ah, yes, let it out. Ah, Kirito, let out a lot. Ah. Also, Kirito is kind of an absolute fucking lad,
Starting point is 02:15:41 screaming loudly, asking a climax for the second time. kind of an absolute fucking lad screaming loudly arsenal climax for the second time and this is only like three quarters of the way through this is before the two years worth of semen this is oh here we go they plan to use sao systems all to provide a personal sex service yeah so basically there's going to be brothels in the game. Okay. Which is canon. That is actually canon.
Starting point is 02:16:11 That's the funny thing. Half canon, I guess. Yeah. God. Oh, this fucking game. oh this fucking game seo is a game doesn't make any sense and yeah it's a great series though i would play it i yeah i would play it but it just couldn't exist it's simply the systems don't make any sense but if we do get uh something at seo level in my life did you know true love can
Starting point is 02:16:48 break admin paralysis yeah there's also that um yeah if you haven't seen seo uh the last fucking scene of ironcrad makes no sense but that sort of happens a lot of the time throughout the series like actually no after after fairy dance i guess it starts to make more sense. Because the same sort of bullshit happened in Fairy Dance. And then also, Kirito had the admin password as well. So he's like, oh, fuck it. I have an admin password. Why didn't I use it earlier?
Starting point is 02:17:19 The admin password is the name of the guy that I just killed. Heath Cliff. That's the password wait wait i just realized something so heathcliff's account reki kawahara had admin privileges so not reki kawahara not right fuck yeah no it's it's just a self-insert. Yeah. What the fuck's the antagonist's name? Rikawa has the rider. I'm Googling it right now. Anyway.
Starting point is 02:17:49 Aki Kakaiba. Yeah, yeah. Well, actually, no. Kirito's a self-insert. Anyway. Whatever. The name. The name of the antagonist. Kakaiba.
Starting point is 02:17:57 His account. Heathcliff. The username was Heathcliff, and the password was Heathcliff. I don't know if it had a password on it. Well, no. I don't know. His account... In the final episode of the first season, he just says, log in, Heathcliff.
Starting point is 02:18:14 And that's it. He doesn't say a password. That's fair. Maybe there's a password. I believe that may have been the dub at the time that I watched, because that was my first anime that I watched. So it may have just been that the dub didn't have a password in it. Yeah, that's fair.
Starting point is 02:18:29 Or it may have been an anime-only thing, and the light novel had a password. I don't recall there being a password, but I can't imagine a game like this would not have a password. But if he did, his username was Heathcliff, his password was Heathcliff. Yeah. That's fucking brilliant.
Starting point is 02:18:43 This dude who made this massive game just set the dumbest password imaginable. Not only made a game, made a game engine that automatically makes games. Yeah, well the seed system doesn't make any sense either. He set the highest level of admin
Starting point is 02:18:59 access for every single game in existence to Heathcliff. Because it's a different game that he logs to Heathcliff. Because it's a different game that he logs into Heathcliff with. Imagine he puts on, you know, from the movie where they had the
Starting point is 02:19:15 little eye patch thing. He just says, log in Heathcliff. Now I have creative flight. How fucking stupid was the movie? Because, like, everyone... Fuck, what was it called? The non-canon movie you're talking about, that one. No, no, the canon one.
Starting point is 02:19:38 Ordinal Scale. That's not canon. That's not canon? No, it's... I don't think so. That's not a Light Novel adaptation, at least. I'm fairly sure it's canon, though. Because they have those eye devices
Starting point is 02:19:51 in the last episode of Alicization. It might just be anime canon, then. Maybe. Anyway, yes. Ordinal Scale. Fucking dumb series. Or dumb movie. Apparently, yes. Ordinal Scale, fucking dumb series. Dumb movie. Apparently, yeah,
Starting point is 02:20:07 Ordinal Scale is canon to the continuity of the anime and the light novels. Okay, sure. But yeah, it was so dumb, because, like, these are not real things that are in the real world that, like, are making wind.
Starting point is 02:20:23 Mm-hmm. It's like, are they like the robots from the new Spider-Man movie? Well, who would actually play this game? That's the weirdest thing. The people who'd be, like, fucking nerdy enough to do it are not going to be fit enough to actually play this game. But you see some people running around in this game, especially, like, Kirito.
Starting point is 02:20:43 And, like, this dude, dude you fucking play VR games all day literally all day, you would not have this much energy like if he played actual VR games where he has to actually move around like if you're playing Beat Saber, you've got to like swing your arms
Starting point is 02:20:59 real fucking hard to play Beat Saber but if you're playing a full dive game where his body is in a catatonic state. Nah. But yeah, I also love... Have you watched Alicization all the way through? I've watched the first season of Alicization. Okay. Well, I won't spoil the very end for you, but
Starting point is 02:21:19 yeah, there's just like... There's just stupid shit. I need to go watch it. Oh, wait. So you've finished up to the point where they get to the top of the tower? I've seen up to the point where Sinon joins the game. Or was it Leafa?
Starting point is 02:21:37 Whoever joined the game. Oh, that's not the first season. That's the second season. No. No, it happened right at the end. Okay, yeah. Yeah, so... Literally that happened, and then it was like, oh, season's over now.
Starting point is 02:21:51 Yeah. Yeah, so that's... Technically, there's like three seasons for Alicization, because there's Alicization, Alicization War of Underworld, and then Alicization War of Underworld. Sorry, season two then. Yeah, my bad. I completely forgot about when Yu-Gi-Oh was around. Yeah. But yeah, I just love War of Underworld
Starting point is 02:22:09 because characters in coma. It's so fucking good. I love this arc. Yeah. And then the harem still fights over him. Yeah. Yeah, like the two girls that him and him and yuji uh trained just like simping over him while he's asleep to be fair he's
Starting point is 02:22:30 okay with with the girl who's simply of a yuji before she's sort of just there because kirito was also like a great like a great teacher not because like she's still desperately in love with yujiro yeah but um the other girl yeah the one who looks like his sister yeah are you watching uh sort of unabridged uh no i've watched up until one of the really early episodes like i don't remember when I stopped, but should I go back and watch it? Yeah, it fixes all of the character flaws that exist in SWAT Online. It's extremely meme-y for the first four or five episodes, and then it becomes more actual series kind of stuff.
Starting point is 02:23:24 The last thing I recall watching is the episode with Silica, where they're on the bridge, and Kirito's like, yeah, I'm, like, actually fucking OP, you can't do anything to me. Silica? Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, so, real early. My number's yours! Yours! My heel! That's no- Real early. My numbers, yours. My wounds heal faster than you can make them.
Starting point is 02:23:53 I fucking love that scene. One of the few things in the game that actually made sense. Like, yeah, this is how MMOs work. Kirito was so fucking overleveled. Like, I don't know. I think he was supposed to be at level like 50 or something at that point or 40 everyone else was at like a regular level
Starting point is 02:24:09 yeah they were at like level 15 or something and he's like 80 yeah but yeah no so they're up to the point in um is fairy dance second arc yes fairy dance is second arc yeah so they're Dance is the second arc. Yeah, so they're up to the point in Fairy Dance where
Starting point is 02:24:27 Kirito and Leafa just got to Leafa's hometown. Okay, yep. But yeah, they've removed the incest subplot. And so now, instead of there being
Starting point is 02:24:45 oh I don't know it's my brother but I'm in love with him it's like wait I know it's my brother he's trying to trick me because he thinks that I'm a girl who's into really weird girly shit he's trying to yeah
Starting point is 02:25:00 so that's what the subplot is instead of this subplot is instead of instead of instead of uh this subplot but every female in sao needs to want to fuck kirito because it's a self-insert yeah as it's demonstrated by 16.5 i think Leafa is like the worst out of the harem. Because it's like everyone else
Starting point is 02:25:31 kind of has a reason to simp over Kirito. Because in SAO your life was actually on the line and this guy actually saves your life many times over. And then it was like oh oh no three guys in a video game were like gonna kill me and i was gonna have to respawn yeah like silicon makes sense i'm in love
Starting point is 02:25:54 with you that silicon makes perfect sense asana fine sure uh lisbeth also fine all of them actually had their lives saved. Sinon I get, because they actually were kind of close. Yeah, and that was, like... It's probably even more okay for Sinon to, like, carry to you, because in that game... Oh, also, yeah, that was the scene right at the end as well.
Starting point is 02:26:20 I forgot about that. But, yeah. Yeah, but, like, that was... you weren't supposed to be able to die in that game like in sort of online everyone already knew the stakes everyone knew that they could die at any point but in gun gale it was like silica uh yes yes i know um was like this guy might be in my house right now you You can't, like, let him shoot me. Don't do it. And then, obviously, once we move on to Alicization,
Starting point is 02:26:50 they don't realize they're in a game. Yeah. And they actually do die if they die anyway, because they're, yeah. Yeah, then Lightcube just goes... I don't know why the people who made the system didn't just, like, oh, the character died? Okay, well, here's a backup of their light cube.
Starting point is 02:27:08 Nope, too hard. Like, they're doing all this, like, hundreds of years of iterations to try and get the perfect cube. But then if that character dies, the cube wipes itself. Like, why do that? characterize the cube web to self. We're able to save human intelligence as data, but we don't know how to back it up. The thing I don't get about
Starting point is 02:27:33 Alicization is it's like, oh yeah, we made this incredibly advanced system that if you go inside of it and fuck, you can make a real baby. But we can't just click a button and make a real baby we have to get actual people to play as virtual
Starting point is 02:27:51 characters the other thing that doesn't make sense is um what was her name the antagonist of the first arc of Alicization was that an antagonist of the first arc oh uh the Pontifex who leveled her way up to being admin oh yeah of Alicization? Was that an attack on the first arc? Oh, the Pontifex.
Starting point is 02:28:07 Yeah, who leveled her way up to being admin. Oh, yeah. Well, yeah, she just... That kind of made sense, because they're stupid idiots and they designed their system to not have admin access. It was just...
Starting point is 02:28:23 Anyone could just say list admin commands or whatever the command was. And she knew that the magic was by saying words. So she just said every set of words possible in every single order possible
Starting point is 02:28:39 and then eventually landed on list admin commands. This game didn't make any sense. Why did it... Like, they have admin accounts. That's the dumbest thing. Like, they had their god accounts. But they just let everyone use the commands. Yeah, also, they have, like,
Starting point is 02:29:00 admin accounts. Admin accounts. That are, are like actual gods that have no password on them. The security in this secret military operation is absolutely amazing.
Starting point is 02:29:18 And they can't just make a new account. When they're in that fight, they can't just make a new account. Oh yeah, they're like, oh, we don't have one that's leveled up enough like what are you talking about what does that mean that level equal to 199 like just do it no we have to have people go in and play the video game seos i i love how trashy it is but if you just turn your mind off and enjoy it, it is a lot of fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:29:49 You have to turn your mind off. You can't just turn your mind down. It's got to go all the way off. Yes. Not as... I feel like you have to turn your mind off less when you watch something like High School DD, because you go into that knowing what it is.
Starting point is 02:30:04 It's a trash trashy not porn porn the main character i don't know how far if you've watched the newer seasons i watched the first season and i cringed too hard to watch you need to watch no you need to watch um born and uh just watch the newer seasons because now the main character he he can, like, use his full, like, transformation dragon form thingy. Oh, yeah. I actually saw a GIF today or yesterday that I assumed was DD because it was, like, full dragon. And it was just, like, chibi style.
Starting point is 02:30:37 Like, boobies, boobies, boobies. Yeah. Well, at the start of, I think, season three or something, basically he, like, pokes Rios' breasts to get a power upgrade. That's the sort of series you're watching now. Yeah. So you know that's going to be dumb. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:30:58 Then you go into SAO and you're like, would you like to watch SAO? You know, if you come into it knowing what a video game is, you're going to have a bad time. I think, okay. Forget what video games are. Forget what computers are. The problem with early SAO
Starting point is 02:31:14 is that Reki started writing it, I think he was 16 when the web novel came out. 15 or 16. And that's why you get these weird self-inserts where he wants to sleep with Asuna. Yeah. Because he was a horny teenager who wanted to sleep with Asuna and this is why Alicization is
Starting point is 02:31:31 honestly if you start reading Essay Era from volume 9 it's so much better the rest of it doesn't matter I think 8 or 9 whenever Alicization starts I think it's 9 but it could be 8 because Yujiro I thought 1 to 8 was just the first arc I think eight or not. Whenever Alicization starts, I think it's nine, but it could be eight. Because Yu-Gi-Oh!
Starting point is 02:31:47 Yes? I thought one to eight was just the first arc. No, one to two is the first arc. Really? Yes. I swore someone told me that volume one, three, five, and 8 make up the Aincrad arc. Oh, yeah, no, no, no. Okay, what's happened there is the side story volumes.
Starting point is 02:32:12 Oh, okay. So 1 and 2 are actually in it, and then 8 is a side story. I think... I think the, um... The Christmas episode, that was part of the side stories. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 02:32:27 You know, the one where... The one where it's like, hey, you want your girlfriend back? Ha ha, little jokes. Yeah, yeah, that one. It was a fucking hat. That was from the episode. Yeah, I have seen that one. Yeah, I have seen that one.
Starting point is 02:32:49 And here he comes now, the patron saint of prostitutes. Look it up. The bridge honestly takes the original series and makes it so... It takes it to the level of dumb that it needed to be for how dumb Reki was at the time. Yeah. There's this video on YouTube called, like, Most Quotable Lines of SAO.
Starting point is 02:33:09 And I'm like, man, why isn't this every single line mentioned in the entire series? Because, like, I could quote the majority of SAO abridged. Abridging sort of died down in the past couple of years. It's kind of sad. Yeah, because you get claimed and then you just make no money. Yeah, like, Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged used to release so often. Now they release, like, one after a year. Have you watched Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged?
Starting point is 02:33:43 I've watched... The only Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged I can think of is the movie. Because everyone's seen the Abridged movie. Bonds Beyond Time? Yeah, yeah. Is that the one with Jaden and all the other characters? Jaden, Yu-Gi, and Yusei. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:33:59 And Yu-Gi all together. Yeah. Synchro what-what? Synchro summon. What what? Synchro summon. What summon? Synchro summon. What what? It's where you play a master. Oh wait, I seem to have stopped caring.
Starting point is 02:34:14 The game's gotten worse since then. For some reason, Yu-Gi-Oh videos showed up in my recommended. Holy crap, the game doesn't make any sense now. Yeah. There was a point where I had all i had was an ipod when i was young and the only song i had on my phone was the yugo bridge series movie i had the first like five minutes memorized with the timing
Starting point is 02:34:40 i can still quote the majority of the movie. I need to go back and watch that. It was a lot of fun. I want to see how badly it's aged. It's no longer available, I don't think. I can send it to you. I can find it. I don't think it's on his channel anymore because he split it into three videos
Starting point is 02:35:03 and only the first two videos are still up, the third video he's taken down. Unless they have a... It'll be available somewhere. Oh wait, no, it's back! Cool. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:35:21 1, 2 and 3 are all back up now. Cool. But yeah, I originally like downloaded part 1 and part 2, and I had to go to somewhere else to get part 3. So it goes from 1080p, 1080p, 720p. Because I edited it into one video. Fuck, this came out a long time ago. Nine years ago, yeah. Good movie, though. yeah good movie though
Starting point is 02:35:45 fucking good movie I don't know if the actual movie is good but I watched it after I watched this it's it's like three hours long and it's just three hours of Yu-Gi-Oh!
Starting point is 02:35:58 yeah it's not very good but yeah I also I've watched like the actual like the latest uh yugioh movie where they actually bring back uh yami but yami comes back for like 20 seconds they spent like the entire movie being like no the pharaoh has passed on he can't hear you anymore kaiba and then kaiba's like no he will come will come back, and I will duel him, and I will beat him!
Starting point is 02:36:28 That's a really good Kaiba impression. Yeah. So he comes back, and it's like, You! Yami! Yes, you are here! Finally! And then he's like, Yeet. I say it's good, but it's good at the abridged level of Yu-Gi-Oh! Yeah, I can't do any impressions good.
Starting point is 02:36:49 Oh no, I did actually watch Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series, yeah. No, I did. I completely forgot. I think I watched most of it, actually. Yeah, I've watched all of it, I think, because he hasn't uploaded a new episode.
Starting point is 02:37:03 I probably watched all of it at I think, because he hasn't uploaded a new episode. I probably watched all of it at the time. But that's fun. Let's have a look. When was the last actual abridged episode uploaded? One year ago. Ooh.
Starting point is 02:37:23 Last episode was first of wait no first of December 2018 that seems wrong yeah nope first of December 2018 it might be a re-upload
Starting point is 02:37:40 or something I don't know I feel like I watched it before that point. But my sense of time is fucked right now. Yeah. That is the latest episode. Okay.
Starting point is 02:37:56 Okay. But yeah, that's the most current episode. It started fucking 15 years ago or something. Ah, okay. That makes sense. The very first episode.
Starting point is 02:38:17 So, the first episode that is actually up on the channel is episode 31, which was 12 years ago. So there are like 30 episodes that are just either gone or on a different channel. Yeah, you'll find them uploaded somewhere, even if they're not on the Little Creepo channel.
Starting point is 02:38:40 This is... The very first episode was 29th of April 2009. Holy shit, that was a while ago. Yeah. Well, maybe that was just the re-upload. Let's have a look at 31 now. Yeah, no.
Starting point is 02:38:57 So that one was uploaded in 2009. Episode 31 was uploaded in 2008. Fuck. So the first episodes would have been re-uploaded, which means the first episodes would have been reupload which means that first episodes would have probably been even earlier than that possibly 2007 Jesus Christ we're getting old yeah I was thinking the other day, someone born in 2004 will be... Actually, no, sorry. Someone born in 2002 will be 18. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:39:30 It's weird. It is weird. I saw this thing on Twitter, and it was like, did you know people born in 2001 are 23? It's like, uh... No. No, they're not. People that can't do maths, they'll believe it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:39:50 Oh lord. We have been going for two hours and forty-seven minutes, well minus the time I've left, probably about two and a half hours. Um, let's- This is what we did last time. Last time we had like a four hour episode, didn't we? I dunno. Or three and a half hours or something. It was long. This is what we did last time Last time we had like a 4 hour episode didn't we I don't know I want to go get a haircut Because my hair is getting too long today I think we'll You have the opposite problem
Starting point is 02:40:14 Yeah So I think we'll Start wrapping it up there Unless you want to talk about my hair If you want to take your hat off. Yeah. Okay. So, I used to have really long hair. Well, not really long, but like
Starting point is 02:40:31 big hair. And I always wanted to do something with it, but I didn't know what I wanted to do. And then I decided I wanted to have a fucking man bun. So, I'm going to have a man bun all the way at the back here. Oh, God. It doesn't... Not long enough. have a fucking man bun so i'm gonna have a man bun all the way at the back here oh god uh it
Starting point is 02:40:46 it doesn't um not long enough to do it yet so i'm wearing a hat constantly so i won't be able to hear you so i'm just gonna change my output to my speakers uh real quick this one talk now hello yeah okay okay it's not that's good it's not feeding back in yeah so it's been in a hat all day so it's kind of shit but yeah so i've got hair on the top nothing on the sides pretty much uh it's supposed to be a fade on the side but uh it the fade has grown out. But yeah, I'm going to have it tied all the way back here. Why?
Starting point is 02:41:30 Why are you doing that? Because I saw... What's her name? Female character from Dungeons & Dragons. Do it. And now I want to do it sure okay Beauregard from critical role with D&D
Starting point is 02:41:54 and now I want that I disapprove I disavow yeah everyone does don't worry not the one everyone that i've talked to over the last uh several weeks has said no why it's fine it's your head do what you want i don't i don't actually care enough i might laugh at you but apart from that i don't actually care i mean you can laugh at me all you want but like i've seen your hair so that's fair i will go to get a haircut in uh i don't know when i have some lunch
Starting point is 02:42:32 yeah yeah anyway uh do you have anything you want to shout out uh the same people i shout out shouted out last time, probably. DingoDoodles. Wait, wait, wait. Am I shouting out me or am I shouting out... Yeah, shout out yourself first and then we'll do... Me first. Okay. I have a YouTube channel. I've posted
Starting point is 02:42:59 a video and it was posted like five years ago. Go subscribe to me. 1R1SHMAN04 Don't have to do that. Why would you do that? I'm not going to post ever. Yeah, I don't really have anything to shout out because I don't really have social media.
Starting point is 02:43:17 Like, I have accounts, but like I don't post. We have greatest win in competitive history. Have you heard of the May Ice Wall strategy? That's three years ago. Yeah, that's it. Day of the Undead. That was the...
Starting point is 02:43:30 That's the public video. That should be private. That was from the VR course. Oh, VR, not Android. No, that wasn't VR. Android, sorry. Not VR, what I'm saying. And then,
Starting point is 02:43:40 immersive engineering pump jack working. Working. Because the pump jack wouldn't work, so I made a cheat that made it work. Okay. So in Minecraft, the pump jack would pump once and then be like,
Starting point is 02:43:56 I don't have access to oil, so I can't keep pumping. So I made a thing that continuously broke and replaced the pump jack so that it would pump that one time and then break and pump again. Oh my god. To get oil. But yeah.
Starting point is 02:44:15 Lovely. Nothing really for me because I don't do shit. But if you want to watch some good Dungeons & Dragons content, Dingo Doodles is an animator. She is currently doing a Fool's Gold campaign that is very good, very fun to watch, as well as The Baku and Puffin Forest. They both do D&D animations.
Starting point is 02:44:42 they both do indie animations and my mate has just made his brand new YouTube channel where he does Linux tutorials he's a very small creator his name is Brody Robertson
Starting point is 02:44:59 sounds like a bit of a douche yeah he is a bit of a douche. Yeah, he is a bit of a douche. But he deserves your follow, so go and subscribe to him. I'm subscribed to him. I watch I've seen
Starting point is 02:45:18 a video of his. Go watch my video on Big Sur being a fucking absolute surveillance nightmare. That's the new version of macOS. It's tracking everything you do. And people don't like that I said that. Because there's a blog post that says...
Starting point is 02:45:36 Oh yeah, the your computer isn't yours video? Yeah. There's a blog post that's like, oh, that's not actually what's happening. And the guy who that was a reply to was like, no, this reply is completely wrong. And there's no idea what he's talking about. And no one's actually gone back and read the reply to the reply. So everyone's like, oh, it's all
Starting point is 02:45:54 good. Apple said it's fine. This guy said it's fine. And this guy's like, and the first guy's like, okay, no, no, no, it's not fine. What are you doing? Stop, stop, stop. This is bad. Stop buying Apple products. Anyway, as for me, I'm going to say you should go watch Trevor Wallace. Trevor Wallace is a fucking comedic genius. He does a sketch comedy. And so we've got some good examples like so we've got some good examples like uh the first guy to rob a bank after covid and every guy after morning sex or moms when you're one minute past curfew basically it's
Starting point is 02:46:37 just really good sketch comedy and i really recommend him also if you i recommend you look at his face and tell me he doesn't look like Jai. Okay, sure. So, talking about how I haven't watched any of your videos. Yes. So, I have 154 of your videos in my watch later. But my watch later is 1,801 videos long. I think that's not a watch later anymore.
Starting point is 02:47:06 Yeah, it got down to like 1,500 and that was when the semester started. And then I stopped having time to watch them and my phone kept saying, hey, new video uploaded. You should watch the video. And I'm like, oh, later. And then
Starting point is 02:47:21 the later never came. Lovely. and then never the later never came later never came lovely I know the feeling I've got a bunch of video topics I need to read through and see if they're decent and I've got like 7000 things on the list yeah this is the picture that I said I was going to show you like 2 hours ago
Starting point is 02:47:42 that you can probably just edit into the thing but yeah. Spin him! Zach just fell over. If anyone still watching at this point doesn't have any idea what the context is probably they've completely forgot. Spin him.
Starting point is 02:47:57 Zach fell over because he forgot how to speak English because he was drinking wine. Little piss baby. So we good? You got nothing else you want to say? big English because he was drinking wine. Little piss baby. So, we good? You got nothing else you want to say? Yeah, that's all I got. Cool. I'm going to go thank my supporters, wherever my list of supporters
Starting point is 02:48:15 is. Wrong document, that one. So, a special thank you to Chris, Joachim, Donald, Cobinian, Andre, Nathan, Monstar, Chico, Bento, Joseph, Mitchell, Peter D, Rho, Tony, and all of the $2 patrons. If you want to go watch my regular videos where they're considerably more planned
Starting point is 02:48:31 and not as rambly as this, then go check out the Brodie Robertson channel. I do Linux content and general tech news, I guess. If you're watching the audio version of this, the video version is available on YouTube, Library, and Odyssey, and the audio version is available basically anywhere you can listen to audio podcasts.
Starting point is 02:48:49 So, yeah, I think that's pretty much it. What do you want to say to close off the video? Thanks for watching, everyone, and go subscribe to Brody. He makes content. I assume it's good content. I do make content, I can confirm. He hasn't quit yet, so someone's going to be watching it.
Starting point is 02:49:11 Sure, that's a great winning recommendation. He's a good guy. Give him your watch. This has been a fun three-ish hours. Hopefully next time your watch. Well, this has been a fun three-ish hours. Yeah. Hopefully next time there's not as many
Starting point is 02:49:29 breaks that have to happen, but apart from that, I felt like it's been fun. So, yeah. I guess we'll go? Yeah. Alrighty. That fucking hurt my wrist. I really need to do something about that.

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