Tech Over Tea - #42 You Will Not Finish This Episode - feat Supercozman
Episode Date: December 16, 2020We're back with another episode of Tech Over Tea, today Conner is back for another episode and I've finally learnt how to spell his name, I honestly don't even know where to begin in describing this e...pisode. But we talk about gaming, being terrible at being an adult and Harry Potter. ==========Guest Links========== YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Deviant Art: ==========Support The Channel========== ► Patreon: ► Paypal: ► Amazon USA: ► Other Methods: =========Video Platforms========== 🎥 YouTube: =========Audio Release========= 🎵 RSS: 🎵 Apple Podcast: 🎵 Spotify: 🎵 Google Podcast: 🎵 Anchor: ==========Social Media========== 🎤 Discord: 🐦 Twitter: 📷 Instagram: 🌐 Mastodon: ==========Credits========== 🎨 Channel Art: All my art has was created by Supercozman DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation.
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Welcome to episode 4- actually I should have kept playing it.
Welcome to episode 42 of TechOT. I am as always your host, Brady Robinson.
This is what happens when I don't actually play the opening, and I only play it on your episodes.
This is what happens when you don't put that audio into your software and you play it off your phone
i know right i could just make a very simple app for my phone that does everything for me but no
i'm just gonna like adjust the volume level as i'm actually going fuck it um welcome back to
the show connor how you doing yeah yeah thanks for having me back once again. But I have this time.
Some tea.
I also have tea.
I was going to make coffee, but I didn't have any.
What the fuck is that thing?
It's a thing where they put tea leaves in.
Ah, fancy.
So this is just some nice English breakfast, nice and mild.
I had to give you the mic because I had to view the mic
because I was staring the cup.
ASMR channel now.
That's probably scared
everyone away now. oh we're not even a fucking two two minutes in and everyone's already stopped watching
or listening as you said yeah well um i think on the audio version of the podcast actually i'll check right
now i think there's 43 listeners which is pretty crazy yep 43 listeners uh average but the way
anchor does it is it takes the because you can't really get um proper listener numbers when you're
doing an rss feed the way it goes by is uh the average numbers of downloads
per episode so each episode averagely gets 43 downloads which you can probably assume is a view
i can't imagine most people are downloading episode twice to listen to it and yeah probably not Probably not. You can count me in as one of those viewers, thanks.
I think recently...
So the first episode of the podcast has been the biggest episode for the longest time.
It's finally been overtaken by last week's episode,
where I had HexDSL on, which makes sense.
Yes, I have not listened to that one. I'm getting to it very slowly. It's just lots
of Linux ranting, basically. Alright, so I'm probably not Bill Mica then. He does have
a slight spoiler, he has a kettle on his desk. Okay.
Yeah, he just makes tea from his desk and doesn't have to leave.
See, I mean, you know, I just feel like that would end in tragedy, but... Oh, yeah, I can imagine so, but it's cool.
I want one.
Do you even have room on your desk?
I can make... Okay, I have room on my desk. My desk is probably the only place even have room on your desk i can make okay i have room on my desk my desk is probably
the only place i have room i'm just a very cluttered person i have shit everywhere like i
have a calculator here i have a tv remote i actually need this for the other monitor i have
another tv i have some lynx black Knight which I didn't buy
I just get given Lynx packs every year
I have
So you're a professional Chad then
Exactly, I have a bunch of books
which should go on my bookshelf
which is just out of frame
I'm just lazy and haven't put them back
So yes, I have room on the desk
It's just
After a couple of days after cleaning it,
this happens again, and I don't know how.
Well, maybe you should not clutter your desk.
Yeah, that's fair.
Maybe I should.
Maybe I should just deal with this problem.
Yeah, just solve your problems.
Come on, it's not that hard.
Oh, but, like, this book actually is a good one for solving your problems.
Atomic Habits.
Teach you how to make new habits.
Not sponsored, but I would like to be.
Hit me up James Clear.
It's a good book.
Yeah, I'll get a book out of you, buddy.
It's on my bed.
You know, it's only a little bit long.
Oh yeah?
Ah. On my bed. You know, it's only a little bit long. Oh, yeah.
I know we were talking about Harry Potter last time,
and I started reading the books.
So I'm about a little over halfway through this one.
Where does that put you out in Order of the Phoenix?
I've only seen the movie, so maybe... I just had the dream.
I don't know.
No, this one is pretty faithful,
just like with more details, pretty much.
I'm up to the part where Harry has the dream
about being the snake attacking Vorm's dad.
Ah, okay.
Yeah, that's where I'm up to.
You know, I i definitely recommend if you like the movies and you have like the time to read them so far they've been super good and um number one and
two are really super i'd say super faithful with like a couple details missing just because like they are quite short books they're like
less than 300 pages um number three uh is is really good uh the movie but it misses quite
a lot out that is like pretty important info but the problem with that is i don't know how
they convey that information
without it just being a big scene of everyone talking because yeah at the end
of the third one when they find out the order the books are in or the movies
are in third one is prisoner of azkaban yeah and so yeah at the at the end of that one is
when they find out sirius is like actually a good guy um i think that goes for like two or three
chapters just them explaining the whole book like what's happened and like it's really good because
it has so much detail explains everything that's happened throughout the book, but that's, like, missing from the movie.
And I totally understand why,
because, like, you don't want just 10 minutes of people talking in a Harry Potter movie.
Yeah, that's fair.
Yeah, this isn't something like the Monogatari series,
where there was literally an episode where two of the characters sat on a bench
and talked for 24 minutes.
Nothing else happened.
Oh, my laptop's not running. talked for 24 minutes nothing else happened um anyway number four uh movie number four is like atrociously adapted um and i think we might breathe we might have touched on this last time
but i think it's because the director for that movie was having a sook about reading such a long book
and so just
like such big
parts of the story are just cut away
and um
well that makes sense because Goblet of Fire just wasn't
very good
yeah Goblet of Fire is easily the worst movie
my favourite part of Goblet of Fire is uh
Dumbledore calmly asked harry
i laughed so much when i got up to that page like just seeing that text warmed my heart
hey it made for a more interesting scene but no that was not calmly asking harry
more interesting scene, but no, that was not calmly asking Harry.
Or calmly
Harry, I put your
name in the Goblet of Fire!
fun movie.
But sounds like the book was better.
Yeah, definitely a lot better.
Would you still say Goblet of Fire is the worst
you've read so far, though?
No, I'd say the first book is the worst,
not because it's bad, but purely just because of its length.
Just because all the other ones are longer,
they have more time for you to get sucked into the world, pretty much.
I'd say...
I haven't finished order of the phoenix but i think so far it's my favorite one and then number three number four number two number one okay yeah um yeah so judging by the
fact that there was um two deathly hallows movies i'm guessing that was probably the longest book
or maybe they just wanted to expand out the story. No, Order of the
Phoenix is the longest book.
I'm pretty sure they just split that into
two, because it was, like, a trend
at the time, because...
Oh, yeah, and money. Because, like,
Hunger Games is the last
movie split into two, and that's
one book. And I think
another franchise might have done it but
like that trend came and went super quickly but to be fair expanding out into two movies does give
you plenty of time to actually go over everything you need to go over yeah well i'm pretty sure um
i was watching something that said originally for golet of Fire, they were going to do two movies just cause like that book is basically,
the first three put into one in terms of length,
not completely,
but it is like 600 and something pages.
so yeah,
they were going to put that into two movies but i guess
at the time even though the franchise was really like blowing up i guess it just wasn't popular
enough at that time to justify it maybe so what would you say was like the worst thing that was
cut from goblet of fire um something really weird is it's not necessarily cut it's
more so changed um i didn't realize this i found this out in another video but like the
um kind of structure of a harry potter book is like it's a mystery they're all mystery books like
the first one is like oh what is the philosopher's stone what's the three-headed dog guarding and
then um chamber of secrets is obviously what is the chamber of secrets what is petronium on
blah blah it goes on and on they're all mystery books and who is serious so on and on. They're all mystery books. Who is serious, so on and so forth.
And so in the fourth one, there's a bunch of things.
So there's at the start of the movie,
when they're at the Quidditch World Cup,
there's the dark mark that's cast into the sky.
And in the movie, you see the guy that does it um but in the book
you don't see who does it and it's a big talking point until you find out um and there's just like
i guess this goes into what was cut there's a bunch of characters that uh don't have near as much like screen time yeah and there's also one that's just
like cut out entirely which was weird because you see him throughout the entire book um and yeah
there's just all these little mysteries that kind of just get cut out for just stupid stuff yeah
well that makes sense because we had all these
other schools come in and you had obviously the representatives from those schools but
you weren't really given much time to care about them yeah you you definitely learn a lot more
about the head people at of the schools and something weird as well is like in the movie
those two schools are like all boys and all girls,
but like in the book,
they're just the same as Hogwarts.
How they have like boys and girls.
So what you're saying is the director basically just read spark notes and then
decided to make a movie.
I'm pretty sure that is like,
someone must've just like told him what happens in the book.
He probably read like two chapters fucking whatever um it's just yeah a really dodgy adaptation and i think the movie spends
too much time on stupid stuff as well and also dobby is in the fourth book and the fifth one but you like
which okay something that i always found uh annoying is like dobby in the second book is
like a piece of shit and the most annoying thing ever and like he dies in the seventh one and it's
like oh well you know you meant to feel yeah fucking it came out like seven years ago or
something i'll check just keep talking i'll find out when it came out um so anyway yeah he dies in
the last one and you meant to feel sad but it's like in the context of the movie he's like being
pretty fucking annoying like but you know you get to see him in these other books i think i don't
know if he's in number six or not but he's in number four and five and he's a lot more fleshed
out and like actually likable so i feel like once he actually buys i might care
no fucking way it came out this long ago. What?
When did it come out?
It says it came out in 2010.
The last one or the part one? No, it definitely has a part one.
No fucking way it came out that long ago.
It's such a long time ago.
What the hell?
No, it didn't come out that long ago, did it?
Surely not.
It says part two came out in
2011. What the fuck?
2011? What the fuck?
Are we just getting really
old and just didn't realise? I thought it was
way newer than that. I think so.
Yeah, that is weird. It feels like
at most five years ago.
There's no way that number's right.
It has to be wrong.
Release date in Australia, July 13th, 2011.
What the fuck?
What the fuck?
I do remember I saw them before I moved from the hills,
which was like 2013, so
yeah. Jeez, okay.
That's super weird. I thought I was way
older when I saw Deathly Hallows.
I was fucking
what, 13?
Alright then.
That's, yeah.
I'm gushing about Harry
What's your book like?
Not as fun as Harry Potter.
This basically...
So it looks into the...
Basically how habits are formed
and how you can use the way that habits...
How you can use the way that, say, negative habits are formed,
reframe basically how you're doing some sort of task to basically make that something that's more i guess something that you actually want to be shifting your habits towards so say for example
uh one one thing they brought up is something called habit bundling i think it was called where you can take a negative habit that you want to do and then some positive habit you
need to do and then put them together so say for example uh you will only watch netflix when you
are on the elliptical something like that or you will only do this thing you want to do when you
want to do this thing you have to do so say i know one another
example is you want to get like a pedicure and you also need to check your business emails so
then you can even though you don't want to check your business emails while you're doing the other
thing you can do that at the same time and you can link together other habits like once i do this and
then after i'll do that so um when I have breakfast, I will read the news.
When I read the news, I will then think about something positive that happened yesterday.
And it breaks down basically the psychological reasoning why this actually works.
And honestly, I think it's a really good book.
I think I'm about halfway through this as well right now it's at the point where
it's describing how to make a habit seem attractive initially it was talking
about well actually give me a second what was it how did it frame it
where is it it went past it and this page in here that has a thing. So we have four stages.
We have make it obvious.
So make it a habit that's something...
Make it some...
If you want to make it a habit,
make it something that's obvious.
So don't put it somewhere in the corner of your house.
Put it somewhere where you're going to clearly see it.
Clearly see it.
And then make it attractive.
So make it something that you want to to clearly see it clearly see it and then make it attractive so
make it something that you want to do make it uh make it something that actually is going to be
i guess entertaining to make it something that you actually feel like you're spending your time
in a way that makes sense um make it easy so obviously like with make it obvious, don't just put it
in the corner of your house. If say you want to learn guitar, put it in like your
the center of your lounge room or something and then what if you sit on
the couch then you can practice the guitar or something like that. And then
make it satisfying, so make it so you're actually getting something out of the
task. I like reading these self-help books.
They're entertaining.
They're interesting. I don't know.
Have you actually, like, implemented
anything that you've read? Yeah, yeah, I have.
I'm just very bad at it.
It's very much a work in progress.
Because my biggest problem
is that now that I'm not at
well, my problem whenever i go on holidays not just with uni just it happened with high school as well whenever i don't have
something i have to do all of my other tasks just fill up the rest of that time that it would have
been at school or being at uni anything like that so i don't actually end up getting any more extra
time yeah i think i'm pretty much the same with that one
so i try to like fill my day with things i need to do so i can actually like get something done
yeah um i just ask about like have you implemented anything from the self-help books because i
remember seeing this video about this guy saying how you can fall down this hole really easily where you kind of like
read a self-help book,
but you don't really implement anything into it.
And then you just like keep latching onto the next book and then the next book
because you feel like you're accomplishing it.
Like, you know, when you finish a book,
you feel good about yourself because like, you know,
it's a bit of a time sink and you're
like wow i i put the effort into like reading it it's not like when you finish a movie you're just
like oh it was good but um yeah so you kind of can get addicted to just reading these health
without actually implementing anything and then so that becomes its own thing that you have to
try and fix.
Hey, if your goal was to read more,
then you've accomplished your goal.
That's true.
So I think it was about two minutes or so
before we started recording.
I actually got an email saying
that my final results are out for my design document.
I haven't checked them yet, but...
For IT project?
Is that for IT project? Yeah, yeah, for IT project.
I don't know what...
Well, I know what
my partner said that he got, so I
assume that it's the same.
I'm just going to double check it now.
I'm pretty sure that's brute marking. I don't think you get individually marked for that. I think you can's the same. I'm just going to double check it now. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's brute marking.
I don't think you get individually marked for that.
Unless, like...
I think you can change the weighting
in, like, the section at the bottom.
Oh, yeah.
Well, that and also if you get, like,
talk shit about each other in the Sparks review.
Let's see.
System design document.
Fucking hell.
HD in every single category.
I think I got a HD for my one,
which also surprised me
because we stayed up until like three o'clock in the morning
just working on it
and thought it was, like, the worst thing ever, but, you know.
That's because you're up until 3 in the morning working on it.
Yeah, I've been slowly working on it the entire year,
so I think we ended up with, like, 130 pages or something stupid,
and I'm guessing they gave us all HDs they were too lazy to market I wouldn't be
surprised they did something good about yes I was just gonna say something good
about my project was it wasn't very technical it was I might have explained
it on here before but basically it was just like a um a program not a digital program um
a what's another word for it um a course basically for high school students to learn about it so it
was like a lot of paper-based activities okay and that, we had to do documentation because we had to make sure the people teaching it
could understand it.
So it was really easy.
We could just take that documentation
and basically change it a little bit
and just chuck it into our design document.
That's good.
Yeah, I know a couple of people who had a similar sort of thing this year.
That seems fine, but I had, I think it was Kenley said that he had a research paper or something he had to do documentation on.
How do you even do that?
That's just stupid.
I don't know what the deal with those projects were why would you even like it seems like some of the projects i don't even bother to check like how much work you need
to do or anything like that because mine as i've said plenty of times wasn't us like two semesters
worth of work at all yeah i mine definitely wasn't two semesters worth of work. I think I just made it two semesters worth of work,
partly because we wanted to do a really good job
because it was for an actual, like, important governmental department.
So yours was actually going to be used?
Yeah, and it has been used because...
So it was for DHS, Department of Human Services,
which takes care of, Centron and stuff,
which for people not in Australia is just like...
What's the American version?
So is it Social Security?
Is that what it's called?
I have no idea, but just basically government payment.
Government handouts, there you go.
Whatever they're called in your country.
And so our group, so my team, there was three of us from uni,
and then there was three people from there.
And we still, like, catch up every couple months because we, like,
worked really good together and had a really good time.
And, like, the last time we caught up um the people
at the workplace were like yeah we've used it and like it's had super good results so wow
something to chuck on the old resume yeah no that actually is good mine is just
hey you were a code monkey you did fuck all work the entire year. Yeah. Yeah, going back to that, like,
I guess they just have a certain amount of projects
that they, like, care about getting
and then they, like, throw the rest of the students
just some actual garbage.
Well, mine had, like, a...
Oh, I had a six and a half GPA,
so it's not like I got a garbage project.
I think what they do is they might go by who's offering the project.
So yours was DHS.
Mine was the CSIRO.
Both are fairly credible organizations.
My project was just a joke.
Because I know some people who got projects where it's like,
make something for the lecturer.
Those are the people who get the dropkick projects yeah like create a game for stewart
i know some dropkicks that got that dropkick project so you know i think it might it's
probably important to have a couple of those for the
students that really should not be in uni still but like yeah they really should have been filtered
out two or three years ago i think we both know who we're talking about i don't know
what like if he ended up finishing, or what happened to him? He's still there.
I think I remember, not last time I went into uni to say hello, but the time before that, he was still there, so.
Playing Smash?
As all good uni students do.
Yep, absolutely.
Not doing any work, nothing like that just just smash he seemed invested in his
japanese class at least sort of a little i mean just a bit but also complaining about it every
three second that he had
i don't know if i could be bothered learning a language.
Cause like,
I hate reading textbooks and like,
you need to read the textbook for a language.
After first year,
I didn't read a textbook properly at all.
I don't think even in first year I read one.
I was like,
I think I tried to do it for the first I read one. I was like, I think I tried
to do it for the first couple weeks, and I was like,
wow, I'm really not learning
anything from this.
Right now I'm actually in the process
of learning Japanese, and
I feel like I've gotten about as far as Aiden has gotten
in like two years.
I've been doing it for like three weeks.
Anyway, I've been doing it for like three weeks anyway yeah I'm in the same boat with textbooks
it's most of them
are a massive massive pain
to read the only one that I have
gone out of my way to read is called
Code Complete and that's
because it's actually a good book
it's a textbook second
but like with programming fundamentals,
the Java book or anything like that,
it's just like actual snooze.
Like it's legit.
That stereotype of like someone reading a book and then they fall asleep.
Like textbooks are basically the only thing that will do that to me.
Yeah. And most of the time though, the
lecturers will just take what's important and put it in the lecture
slides. They'll say, oh, don't just learn
from the lecture slides. Don't put everything in the
lecture slides then.
They actually make good lecture slides where you talk
about other content. Don't just
copy and paste everything from the textbook.
They'll never learn. They never will never learn they're always going to do it
it's because it's easy
you have to put in effort to
make a good powerpoint
if you're not just copying and pasting stuff
you need to take what's
in the textbook or what you know
and convert that into a good PowerPoint that you can then expand upon in your own words.
Like that's not easy because, you know, we have to do it for a bunch of presentations.
I don't feel like I've ever gotten better at doing presentations, but my grades have been getting like going higher for them.
So I guess I have.
I don't know
i know i've definitely gotten better at just speaking in general as i say fucking stuttering
over my words um but i could definitely i definitely noticed a difference looking back
from my first presentation at uni compared to some of my last ones like i was still super nervous for all of them but i could tell that like just going into
them i felt a lot more prepared in terms of like having to actually present something i know there
is a recording of my d2di presentation i think we had to upload them i should go back and watch it
yeah we did have to upload them.
Which was weird.
So, okay, here's something dumb I want to explain to people.
For some reason in my uni, or in our uni,
a lot of people, a lot of the, sorry,
a lot of the lecturers, they like to say to the students,
record the lecture, record the presentation,
and then they'll mark the presentation
so if you don't bring a phone
you don't get graded
which is
or if someone in the class isn't going to lend you a phone
they won't record it themselves
they want someone in the class to record it
can they not just set up their phone
on a tripod or something?
Is that just not possible?
Then you don't have to go through the hassle
of sending it to them or anything like that.
That class is just a train wreck.
Yeah, DCI isn't a thing anymore.
It's been, like, broken apart.
What a shame. What a we get the class was there but i
think it was a class to replace a filler class wasn't it initially i'd heard that it replaced
something like aboriginal studies really yeah i think that's what was supposed to be there
beforehand oh that's bizarre this didn't have anything to put in that spot.
I could think of a lot of things that could be in there.
Why it wasn't the Git course at the start.
Not that that course is even necessary,
but, like, that course would have been a lot more useful.
How do you use Git?
Literally, that is a sad course but you know
what they could have done is
did like I don't know
6 weeks on git is still too much on git
but they could have 6 weeks on git
and then like 6 weeks on
introduction to linux
that's all you need that's what that course could have been
I think you're really underestimating
the average uni student
no my problem though is that there were so many courses
that had introductions to Linux in them,
and it didn't need to be there, because we...
There was, like, I don't know, I think I did, like,
three or four courses that all had introductions to Linux in them,
and I don't know why they were there.
Yeah, who knows?
yeah um who knows i think there seems to be like a bit of just not communication between the courses like someone's like i'm doing this and you can't tell me what to do
that's like when really it should be i mean i they might actually all talk together but like it's it doesn't feel like that
at least going through first year
it seems to be fine when we did it
first year made sense
but once you can start bringing in electives
and stuff like that that's when it all falls
apart even when they have to be electives related to your
yeah I don't know how to approach that because
i'm not the one that's meant to be coordinating all the courses but um yeah there's definitely
there needs to be some collusion between them to make them
i can i can accept the electives being a bit of a mess but when they're core course subjects
that everyone in the degree does
I think you can
sort of work something out there
for sure
like every student in that degree
does data structures
yeah that's the point of getting
out there Yeah, that's the point of getting up there.
I... Yeah, just, you know,
just uni is a bit fucked in general.
Yeah, I'm happy to be done.
Honestly, I love not being there now.
I don't think it's properly going to kick in until, like, February
when I was supposed to be going back.
Like, once holidays would have normally been over, that's when I think I'm going to be like,, like once holidays would have normally been over.
That's when I think I'm like,
oh yeah,
now uni is actually over,
isn't it?
Cause right now it's just like holidays,
like I normally would be in.
I thought like when I finished,
I was like,
I thought I'd feel different after my last assignment.
I didn't.
I was like,
maybe I'll feel different when everyone goes back.
I was like, I didn't. was like well maybe i'll feel different when everyone goes back i was
like i didn't i'm like oh okay sorry i guess i am just uh floating around for now well it helps
for me because i keep giving myself new projects to take up some time so it's not like i'm just
doing nothing yeah um i i've been trying to to do that like trying to still just make videos
and stuff and I got something else I'm working on at the moment that hopefully I can stick to
because I feel like I'd be super cool when I finish it I also I got a job as well that's just
like some some manual labor
and makes me want to die, but, you know,
it's something to do in the meantime.
I'm sure you're heavily using your degree there.
Yes, definitely.
Multiple times during one of my shifts, I was like, wow, I, you know,
not to be an elitist or anything,
but I am a bit too smart to be working here.
Just like, no, no, I'll tell you the exact moment I realized this.
This shift I was doing was at Spend Less Shoes,
which is their big warehouse.
So it was basically just moving giant boxes of shoes um and uh there
was a guy inside of the truck that brought all the shoes in he was putting them on the conveyor belt
and like we were kind of we were sharing there was three of us like down at the bottom of the
conveyor belt and you have to sort them into different colors and
types of shoes and stuff onto the pallets and so this guy that I was with so we have to stack them
in a certain way like you have to have the tape of the box along like this. You can't have it vertical.
And you have to, like, stack it in this certain circular pattern.
And so, like, I was doing it.
It's literally brain-dead work.
Like, this is moving boxes and stacking them in the right order.
And this dude was absolutely struggling to figure out
how to place his box in the correct direction and rotation.
To be fair, I have no idea how to do that either.
We'll get, like, pallets of coke coming in,
and I just see there's a pat in there.
I'm like, I don't know what to do here.
No, but it's different from that, though,
because it's not like you're just doing it yourself.
Like, we were with a supervisor who was telling us explicitly what to do
and told this dude, like, he fucked it up five times, and the dude was like, each time, he was like, no, you've got to do it like this, you've got to do and told this dude like he he fucked it up five times and the
dude was like each time he was like no you gotta do it like this you gotta do it like this and he
still just kept messing it up and that was the moment i was like i shouldn't be here
oh so what are you i'm guessing by what you said you're not working at spend less
no no not at the actual stores it's just the warehouse oh okay like the distribution center
sorry yeah yeah okay that makes sense yeah so like unloading trucks and and just like pickpacking
that sounds like so much fun yeah throwing work i love moving moving boxes all day. I love when you go home from doing that all day
and then you close your eyes
and then you are moving the boxes still.
To be fair, my side of it,
I still lift boxes, just not as many boxes.
Mine feels just as fun.
How many hours are you doing there?
That's like
part-time? Casual? What are you doing?
No, it's just casual.
It's like very
I'm not on an actual
roster. They just kind of call me in
if I'm needed.
So, yeah. Last week, I had
nine-hour shift and then one five-hour shift. so yeah last week I had one 9 hour shift
and then one 5 hour shift
oh gross
my body was not prepared for that 9 hour shift
it wouldn't be, I don't miss doing
9 hours
I've had people be like
you can get like a full
now that you're done with uni you can go get get, like, a full-time development job.
Like, I don't fucking want to work full-time.
Even if it's doing desk work, fuck that.
Yeah, I think full-time work actually sucks your soul out of your body.
Like, you don't need...
Like, unless you're living in, like, living in the city or you have a family or anything like that,
you don't need to do full-time work. It just not a thing yeah it's ridiculous like i i did those two shifts and
i also got my my centi pay and like i i only have to do those two shifts um once a fortnight and i
can live comfortably like indefinitely like it goes back to the big rant we always have just people don't
know how to fucking spend their money well to be fair if you do have a family sure that's going to
be very expensive but also that yeah sure then you need to work full-time but if you're a single dude
you don't need to work full-time just you don't yeah well yeah if you if you're like in charge of
a whole family and you're the only person that works yeah sure you probably do have to work full
time but like even if you have two people that have a job in that household you don't need to
work full time well yeah i there's a big part of it where people live in suburbs where they really
shouldn't be living in.
Like, not to say that you can't live there if you want to,
but, like, just live within your means.
Does that mean you'll have to make some sacrifices?
Yes. Yes, it does.
Get over it.
Does that mean you have to live in Elizabeth?
Yes, but that's okay, because as long as you've got bars on your windows,
you'll be fine.
I was looking at some houses in Davo the other day.
Some places that are in, like, the 145 range.
And to be honest, they're, like, some really nice houses.
Like, surprisingly nice.
Yeah, it's probably because they're, like, newer.
Like, all the new houses in those um kind of this is not even
like poorer areas it's just like not as fancy as some of the other areas but like they're generally
nice and like i think with those new developments i think a lot of the stigmas attached to those
areas are also leaving like the past couple times i've been to like
northern suburbs honestly haven't been that bad it's really only around like
the public transport that you have to be worried about yeah you still get some uh some units there
but that is always gonna happen but, that's definitely true with,
with like Davo and Elizabeth and all that,
because it's such a cheap area.
a lot of like younger families moving out there because that's really the
only place they can,
like you can really afford to actually buy a house.
If you're,
if you're stupid and have a kid when you're 19.
um i i think i'd still rather just like move into semi-country area before i'd move into northern suburbs anyway because it's like same price i mean like it's a bit further from
civilization but like that's also kind of a nice thing um and like yeah you don't have to worry about about like that kind of deroness
if that's something that you are worried about different deroness when you start moving country
it's more so just like everyone wants to be your friend and they're all retarded
and then uh northern suburbs is everyone wants to be your friend and then they stab you
i'm trying to find it right now but there's a um so do you know that there's some places Northern suburbs is everyone wants to be your friend and then they stab you.
I'm trying to find it right now,
but there's a... So, do you know that there's some places in Australia
that you can get gigabit?
Yeah, there's a...
Basically, it's any of the places that have
fibre to the home, you can get gigabit.
Now, there is a map somewhere,
but the map keeps getting...
It's link changed and I can't find it right now um but i think there's some places in aldagola where you can get gigabit and i think that's the
furthest in sa and then you have to go like to a different fucking state to get gigabit
but even in adelaide you can't get gigabit that's the funniest part about it it's just
random parts ended up getting fiber to the home that it's there.
Yeah. I remember back in, like, 2013 looking at the NBN map
and, like, everywhere of Australia was meant to have good internet
by, like, 2014.
And then it just never happened.
I've just found this news article here.
NBN's new 2023 gigabit fiberiber rollout, who wins, who misses out
Why it's the right upgrade
Are they just
They're not redoing NBN are they
I mean probably
Well yeah it was a shit rollout
They just tear up
All the road again
So let's see, by 2023
75% of fixed line NBN network will have access to gigabit speeds.
So that's all fiber to the premises, obviously.
All HFC.
So that's fiber to the corner.
And 2 million fiber to the node.
Wow, okay.
Somehow they're going to do a gigabit over that shitty copper.
I'm guessing it's going to be the copper in the new areas
I'd like to say that
I have no hopes
anymore for
stuff like that
yeah no I've
this is what happens when you let
a government monopoly
try to roll out an internet plan like this.
It's going to fall apart as soon as the leadership
changes and something
people might not know about Australia is we have
leadership changes every couple of
A couple of years ago
it fucking was like that.
I think you had three liberal leaders within
two or three months
our politics are fucking great i love it
absolutely useless it's just like it's it's it's like how they in America how they just like shit on Trump for everything except like
they just shit on
anything that's not liberal because
everything's owned by
Rupert Murdoch
oh yeah Rupert Murdoch is our
what's his fucking name
I'm blanking on a name
You should know
You're the conspiracy guy
The guy who pays every single
Group out there to do bad things
What's his name
His name is Bernie Sanders
No not fucking Bernie Sanders
Similar to the Koch brothers I don't remember the guy I'm thinking of Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders. No, not fucking Bernie Sanders. No.
Similar to the Koch brothers,
but I don't remember the guy I'm thinking of.
But yeah, it's basically,
here is the guy who funds all of the bad things.
Yeah. Yeah.
I do love going to Twitter sometimes.
You just look at anything related to, like,
you have two sides on Twitter.
You have the people who love the Liberal Party
and then the people who hate Rupert Murdoch
and will try to burn anything to the ground
that has his name attached to it.
And it's great. I love it.
Our politics just aren't as fun as US politics, though.
Yeah, I think it's just like
kind of like how australian like shows and movies like their their vibe is so much like
more calm and like no one fucking cares about it compared to like american stuff where it's like
you know hollywood is a thing it's just like
those comparisons also just lead into the politics so it's like literally just old
white old men in suits and it's like fucking no one cares about that because
why would you there's a um i think it's scene from Futurama that people like to bring up with Australian politics. It's, um...
Uh, what was it, fucking...
Uh, John Jackson and Jack Johnson.
I don't remember if those were the exact names, but yeah, you know the scene I'm talking about, yeah.
Yeah, no, no, that, I'm pretty sure that is their names.
I will do good things.
I will do better than the good things that he is doing.
That is a pretty good episode.
I think that one has brain slugs in it as well.
I need to go back and actually watch Futurama.
I'm sure there's a lot of episodes I missed out on that were absolute gold.
Yeah, pretty much
in the first four seasons is like
primo. Like, there's
only a couple, like,
you know, kind of throwaway episodes.
And then the four movies
are really good. Wait, there were movies?
Yeah, there's four movies. Wait, what?
You might... I don't... when they were airing on TV
they split them up into four episodes
each so maybe that's why
oh that could
be it okay
and then after the movies
there was a couple seasons which like
have some super good episodes but also
have like the worst episodes
oh okay now i have seen this one then so we have bender's big score this was when you had the um
the harlem globetrotters yeah i have seen this one
uh bender's game what is bender's game Bender's Game. What is Bender's Game? Bender's Game...
It's a big D&D parody. Oh, D&D and Mordor Runs parody.
I have seen that one as well. Yeah, I guess I have seen the movies then. At least most
of them. We have Into the Green Yonder. What's this one? Yeah, I have seen this one. This
is when they go visit... What's the asian girl's name they go
visit her parents or something yeah the her amy's parents yeah that's her name well amy's dad wants
to make like a giant mini golf course right and then we have the uh the beast with a billion backs
i don't know if i've seen this one. This one doesn't seem familiar.
It's when they...
So at the end of Bender's Big Score...
No, no, fucking...
Yeah, that's what it's called.
Bender's Big Score.
The universe tears in half or some shit,
and then they go and investigate,
and this big tentacle monster comes out.
I don't know if I've seen that.
I'm not sure.
That's fun.
Maybe, I don't know.
I've got plenty of things I need to watch.
Maybe I'll go back and watch Futurama at some point.
It's always fun to go back and enjoy some of the older shows like that.
It's weird to call Futurama old, because I remember when it was, like, airing.
When did Futurama start?
Is that old?
Okay, maybe I didn't
see it when it was airing then. Oh, no.
No, there was a break or something? I don't know.
Huh. It got cancelled got cancelled like two or three times so right that makes sense like there was the first
four seasons they got cancelled they had the four movies they got cancelled uh they had one of the
new seasons and i think they didn't know if they were going to be cancelled again and then they had the last season and they were like
okay this is enough that's weird because i remember like people loving futurama but it's
weird that maybe it just wasn't that popular i don't know maybe it's just popular now i mean
i think its original run was popular because like it was coming off of Matt
Groening from like all the Simpsons hype.
And then I guess like the ratings must have not been what Fox was expecting
because that's who they were with originally.
And so they dropped them and then,
you know,
they did the four movies,
which probably didn't really resonate with people as much as a TV show well yeah they weren't really movies if they yeah they never like they well they they
never um got aired in cinemas i don't think um uh you say that they can be cut up but i remember
being pretty janko the way they did it i I don't remember how they were cut. I sort of remember how they were cut,
but it's a long time ago when I saw them.
And then, um...
I think they got picked up by Comedy
Central for the other two seasons.
Yeah, that's what it's saying on Wikipedia.
Uh. Yes. I lost where I was gonna go with that. yes
I lost where I was
going to go with that
I don't know
Futurama's good though
yeah definitely a good watch
I think it's also
it definitely is something that is
good to go back to
because there's a lot of jokes that you probably
would have missed when you're younger i have noticed that with some things that i've re-watched
it's like oh yeah that that that was funny as a kid but it's fun much much funnier now
that's that's how you make a good show Like especially a good kids show
If it's something that the kids can enjoy
But there'll be a lot of jokes
That they just won't get
It might still be funny to them
But they just won't get until they're a bit older
Think of the children
Yeah Simpsons does a really good job at that Think of the children.
Yeah, Simpsons does a really good job at that.
Can't have this smut in my child show.
So last time we talked, I think we talked about,
what game did we talk about last time?
It's a really dumb game. Good question, I think we talked about, what game did we talk about last time? It's a really dumb game. Um, good question. I don't remember. I don't know. Well, I've got another dumb game for you and it's on my Steam wishlist right now. So I'm probably going to buy it
over Christmas. Uh, it's this game called Overgrowth. Now it might not sound interesting,
but I, I believe that is the one with the rabbits. yes? Yes. Yes, that game is really fun.
I need to actually go play it.
No, don't.
Don't play the audio.
Here's Oro.
Here we go.
Here's the Steam page for it.
It is the one with the rabbits.
You're basically a Kung Fu rabbit.
I really want to play it. But's 34 right now in australia and i don't want to pay 34 for it but it's it looks cool yeah it's really cool it's so stupid though because it's like
been in development for like 10 years or something ridiculous it's yeah it's still getting changes as of august that's hilarious
i last played it three years ago
uh yeah i was just looking at stuff on um on gaming on linux and this was one of the games
that showed up out of nowhere.
It was like, oh yeah, this game you can play.
Like, okay.
I watched an IGN review. Don't watch
IGN reviews, but I watched an IGN
review of this game, and
they pointed out some things that lowered the score.
I think they gave it like a 5.3, and every
time they said something, I was like, this game sounds even better.
the physics are really janky. Sometimes
if you jump
off of a massive cliff, you'll take no fall damage.
Sometimes you'll die instantly.
If you
approach some NPCs from the
wrong direction, it won't trigger the cutscene.
And the game just softlocks.
Sometimes you can just
one-shot bosses for no reason. Like, you can just get shot bosses for no reason
like you can just get a lucky strike and just die
that's just that sounds great it sounds like a great
stream game
I would definitely recommend
I would definitely recommend it like because yeah it is
a bit jank but it is also like
actually really fun to play
and it looks like shit so it'll run on anything.
I remember when I had my old computer,
I would struggle to run it because my old computer was so shit.
Like, this thing isn't great, but it's good enough for things like this.
Lately, or not lately, I guess
over the weekend I played a bit of Hades.
That was really good.
Yeah, I have watched
the first couple minutes of your stream
and I was like, I can't be fucking watching this.
I just saw
the thumbnail and I was like, I have to click on this.
Oh yeah, right, you commented on it, didn't you?
Yeah, that game is
a lot of fun but
that thumbnail i threw together in like five minutes i i wasn't happy with the thumbnail i
just needed a thumbnail i think next time i might cut out zag and then put like a glow on him or
something and that will make it stand out a bit more i need to play hades i just like haven't gotten around to it because i finished
bastion i i 100%ed transistor that's like one of my favorite games um i played a bit of pyre
um and that was like cool but that that game completely slipped under my radar.
I mean, like, you don't even really have to play the games to appreciate them,
just because, like, they're so pretty.
Yeah, Supergiant does a great job
at art. That's one thing
you cannot criticise them on. Their art
is gorgeous.
And their soundtracks. their soundtracks are also
great yeah i used to listen to the transistor soundtrack like all the time because it's so
just beautiful i got up to the uh the first major boss in uh in hades and like there's a
talking scene just before the boss fight actually starts so if you don't end the talking scene
obviously fight won't start um but the boss
music did start playing so i just left it on the last panel and just listened to the boss music
like two or three minutes because it's this really really good guitar riff i'm like okay
if i just start playing now i'm not gonna be able to deal with this but this this song is
fucking amazing yeah another game i reckon wait oh you know let me double check this on linux first Yeah. Another game.
Oh, you know what?
Let me double check that it's on Linux first.
If you go to ProtonDB, you'll find the... Yeah, it's on Linux.
They have it on the bottom of the Steam page.
Oh, no.
You don't really need Linux support.
If you use Proton, you can just
get it working through a translation layer.
That's how I'm playing Hades.
Well, it's called...
I might have talked
about this before, but it's called 5D
Chess with Multiverse Time Travel.
You did! You have talked about this
5D chess?
Just go on the Steam page, the screenshots are just beautiful.
Yeah! I don't know what I'm looking at.
Okay, here we go. I think you have talked about it before, but I'm happy to... yeah. yeah it's not something that i would like i've actually actively played but it's really fun
to figure out how everything works uh-huh to play an actual chess game on this is like
super fucked like they have small they have um like a normal chess board is 8x8, but I think they have 6x6 boards
because it's too ridiculous to play a proper game of chess.
Oh, fucking hell.
I need to find someone to play it.
Do you want to play this on a stream at some point?
I would more than happily play this with you on stream
because i imagine there is like uh ai you can play against but
you wouldn't want you want to play this with someone who you can fucking laugh at what's
happening with uh like once i figured out how each of the pieces move and how it works,
I then was like, how the fuck did you program this?
This is so messed up.
Yeah, I don't know how you would...
You probably have some sort of tree structure going on in the background
to store the positions, but this is a fucking mess
yeah you'd have you'd have a tree structure for like because like each turn uh the board moves
forward and then you the past is like back there and then you go on to the current board
but like you can also move you can also have alternate timelines as well uh-huh and then you can send you a specific
image and explain to me what's happening right here okay so that is a queen uh-huh and so
a queen in normal chess can move diagonally or um up and down left and right so basically
it can move in all of the possible directions
you know for me to explain this i need to explain how some of the other pieces work. Ah, okay. So a rook or a castle can move in one dimension any amount.
So it can move up until it hits something
or left until it hits something down.
So in the context of this, there's also the parallel dimensions
and there's also the history dimensions.
So it can move back in time in the same spot as much as it wants
because it's moving in one direction, one dimension, sorry.
Or it can move through parallel timelines as much as it wants.
And then so a bishop moves diagonally,
which really means moving two dimensions at once.
So on a normal chessboard, it moves in a diagonal shape.
But in this, if you want to move back in time or
across other dimensions um moving a dimension counts as moving one direction so when you move
a bishop back in time you don't move diagonally you move back in time one and either down, left, right or up one.
Aha. Aha.
And so basically a queen can move any amount of dimensions at once, which means it can
move up, down, left, right, diagonal in the 2D one, but it can also move back in time at the same time,
or it can move different timelines at the same time,
or it can do all of those at once.
So what I'm seeing here is it's moving back in time
across parallel universes,
and it's also shifting its square.
So it's not moving from the same point to the same point,
it's moving to a different point.
Yeah, because a queen can move any dimensions
any amount of dimensions at once
also all of those white arrows are just where
it's you can move
that's not where it is moving to
no that's what I get that yeah
yeah yeah
it's pretty fucked
yeah I can see that.
But it's good fun when you are playing against a friend
and then you're like, hey, guess what?
You lose.
Because you moved your queen into a spot
where it attacks a king in the past
and then that's checkmate.
So if you set it up right you could basically um
you could effectively just have a a one turn check a turn one checkmate um no you can't do
turn one checkmate it's more so so there's something the big thing the big change in
how the game works aside from all the fucking timelines is that you can checkmate a king in
the past because a king in the past can't move itself so it can't defend itself so if you move um let's say so you have your regular chess board where
the king is and let's say in the future you move your rook to where that king was
going back in time it's checkmated the king because the king can't move
because the king can't move.
This does sound like fun,
but it sounds like an absolute mess.
There's also two new pieces that you can play with.
I think they're called...
One of them's called a dragon,
and one of them's called a unicorn. one of them's called a unicorn so we're not even
playing chess anymore basically i think it's the unicorn has to move three dimensions at once
uh-huh so it has to move diagonally and also either back in time or into a different timeline
and then the dragon has to move all four dimensions at once uh-huh yeah
it's only okay it's only 17 australian so if you have a friend who
wants to play this nonsense with you uh negative review got called an idiot the
the entire time had fun they're cool let's find negative reviews. Let's just... Rook to 1999 checkmate.
I'm editing this review to acknowledge
the dev has released an update that improves
a lot of the game by my understanding,
or at least that was their intention. I am acknowledging
I have not tested the new changes, nor am I
going to be able to have a new
player entering and learning the game experience again.
The review that... Oh my god.
What is this fucking... Did this guy just write an entire fucking article here okay head he
does have a legitimate problem with it the UI is awful and actively fights you
learning the game that's fair it is about time travel and yeah I can see how
the UI would not be amazing.
This game, while really cool and fun to play,
completely stops regressing in about half the matches I play because it gets stuck on some calculations
for an indefinite time, making it impossible to finish.
I guess there might be ways to soft lock it.
That's amusing.
I mean, I don't think it's soft locks.
I think it just, because you can get to the point where there's so many boards on the screen
and there's so many chess pieces it has to go through and check.
Like, is, you know, is this checking the king in the past?
Like, is, you know, is this checking the king in the past?
Like, it probably just fucking overloads it and you have to sit there for, like, ten minutes.
Oh, fucking hell.
This is, this looks great.
I love this idea.
We'd have to play with a small board
because I don't want to be here for, like, Monopoly time.
this idea. We'd have to play with a small board because I don't want to be here for like Monopoly
It's really, yeah.
My brain can handle this.
The puzzles are
really fun to play as well.
Because that's
like kind of how you learn how the
pieces move, like by doing the puzzles
you're like, oh, okay, I get why
I check.
We need to make...
Get rid of the regular...
What is the Twitch chess nonsense called?
I don't know what it's called.
You know what I to talk about it though
yeah get rid of that
replace it with 5D chess multiverse time travel
become a grand master in this
it's not actually 5D
it's only 4D
5D sounds but I think it's cause like
you know chess
as a game is only two-dimensional,
but if you discount the third one,
people are going to be like, what?
Because there's the 2D plane,
and then one of the dimensions is history going back in time,
and then one is all the parallel timelines.
Yeah, so there isn't actually five but you know mm-hmm well 40 chess is already a
game so calling it 40 chess would kind of confuse people yeah probably because
40 chess is actually 3d chess yeah
So stupid.
Just don't think about it.
Imagine... Oh god.
If they...
That would break this game
if you actually did make this
a 4D chess game
with all the other mechanics.
This is hard.
This seems to make more sense
than 4D chess though.
Yeah. It does seem in some way
To make more sense
Just not much
Just a little bit
We don't need vertical movement in chess
That just doesn't need to be there
It's already hard enough
I've already not been great enough to understand how chess works.
I don't need vertical movement.
But time travel, that's fine.
That's fine, sure.
Actually, multiverse time travel.
Oh, sorry, multiverse time travel.
Fuck this game.
I'm not looking at Steam.
Okay, I'll add it to my wishlist afterwards.
I'll get it during the Christmas sale, probably.
Like, I'm gonna buy things like Tithe Has Manion Tiger.
When's the stream of that coming?
Uh, when I buy the game.
That's when it comes.
I think next stream I'm gonna do some...
People keep bothering me to do some Bastion,
because I played Hades.
So, it'll be Bastion this weekend.
I'll probably do Bastion and some more Hades dungeon runs.
You're just going to turn into a Supergiant channel.
That's fair.
Yeah, well, I'm going to run out of games eventually, so I can't do that.
Maybe I can just be a Hades streamer.
Eventually, okay.
Maybe I can just be a Hades streamer.
Play nothing but Hades. people do it with gta and then have their channels die when they stop playing gta
gta i'll tell you what i don't know that game still costs so much money like How old is that game?
I think it's seven years old now?
Five years old.
That game still costs
like 40 bucks at EB Games.
$47 on Steam.
That is so
To be fair, people are still
playing it. It's still being played online.
I have played
709 hours
of GTA 5.
Fucking hell.
I did used to play the game a lot.
I've played zero hours of GTA 5.
I've played a bit of GTA 4, though.
4 was fun.
Not many people like 4.
4 is my favourite one.
Why? Why is 4 your favourite?
Have you not played San Andreas?
No, I think San Andreas is very overrated,
to be quite honest with you.
This is, like, my most big brain opinion this is the hill
you're gonna die on yeah i this is basically your video about fucking mechanical keyboards like i
just sandras just doesn't do it for me um i think number four is definitely a lot better
which is so dumb because i'm pretty sure that's the one
everyone's like that one's bad i think my least favorite is vice city i have very mixed feelings
about vice city because i platinumed that game on my ps4 and that was one of the most miserable things I've ever done because
you know I I missed one of the stunt jump so I have to go and do all of them
over again like four times because I couldn't figure out which one I had
missed because it doesn't tell you but the worst part was there's an achieve
there's no fucking trophy not, it's a fucking trophy, not an achievement.
There's a trophy where you need to get a crime rating of a million or something,
which is, like, so stupid because, like, the only way you can do it is there's two methods you can either restart your whole game and then
go find a minigun and then shoot it at a car for like 20 hours like 20 real life hours or you can
do what i did which is just as time consuming park a bunch of helicopter you get four helicopters park them all on one roof then
you enter the same cheat code i think i calculated it i think i it turns out to be like 35 000 times
you have to enter the cheat code to blow up it blows up the all of the helicopters and it counts that inflates your rating so yeah i'm pretty sure i still have
that cheat code ingrained in my muscle memory did you actually do it 35 000 times yeah i was
determined because i got all of the other trophies i'm like i have come this far i spent like 40
hours doing this whole game i'm like i'm not gonna let this stupid little fucking thing
beat me fuck why would you do that because i'm autistic clearly
i judge a gta game by how well the cheat codes work i don't like vice city because
the flying code didn't work it like made your car bounce and then go back down. That's all you got.
I mean, yeah, it is... The flying cars is a bit better in San Andreas.
Yes, much better.
But, you know, it's still usable
in Vice City. Also, the Vice City map
is, like, really small.
I didn't realise how small it was.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's fair.
But, I just... I don't realise how small it was yeah yeah yeah that's fair but I just I don't know I played San Andreas
a lot as a kid
if a PS2 had a number of hours
you played a game for
I think it would probably be my most played game ever
I don't know
I had
GTA on my PS2 but like I don't think I ever played it.
I was, like, more about Ratchet and Clank and Jak and Daxter and Slayer
and fucking Worms Forts.
No, the only good Worms games will be, like, the 2D ones.
I mean, I still like the 3D ones, but the 2D ones are definitely a lot better.
When are you playing Worms on your stream?
When am I playing Worms on my stream?
That's a good question.
I don't know at some point
maybe I'll do it as like community game night
and get
destroyed by the uh
the worm
champions who are
the worm police
I guarantee there's someone who
like there are people who still like
play nothing but quake now I guarantee there are people
who play nothing but Quake now. I guarantee there are people who play nothing but Worms.
There are.
Because I used to play Worms Armageddon a bit,
which is like...
I think most people consider it to be the best Worms game.
It's one of the older ones,
but it has the most weapons
and the ninja rope movement is super um super strange it's like
i know i just looked something up just to see if it exists um worms armageddon uh pro match 2v2
i knew it had to exist
anyway sorry i cut you off there go ahead
I was really stumped but
the Worm Lumberg and UI is a bit
yucky to navigate
also so I
needed something
to play with
Alfie because we would basically only play Ultimate Chicken Horse together and we needed something um to play with alfie because we would basically only play ultimate chicken
horse together and we needed something else to play so i was like oh you should get a worms game
and so um i got him to get worms wmd which is like the newest 2d one and it's also like
an actual good one and i it never occurred to me because i had like grown
up playing worm so much but the controls are actually so fucked like like space is to shoot
shift is to like open up your menu um caps lock is no, it's not caps lock tab changes what direction you're shooting
an airstrike or something.
Um, yeah.
Backspace is to do a backflip page down is how you open the chat.
Asterix is how you open the chat asterix is how you use
voice chat
what the fuck are these controls
I don't know but they've always been
like that so I guess like they were like
oh don't want to ruin
it for the worms veterans
I don't remember them ever being like that
just have like a
a fucking a dumb cunt mode
and then actual
proper controls.
I don't know what they're thinking.
That's stupid.
But hey,
Worms World Championship.
Let me have a paper this.
It's just a YouTube search.
I'm surprised this even exists.
Surprisingly, it has a lot of views as well.
That's the weirdest thing.
Worms Armageddon Pro Match 2v2.
Pavel B.
I-N-N-N-I. John Mir. Worms are getting pro match 2v2 Pavel B
John Meir
that's the title of this video
it is
that was two years ago
there were
two years ago people were playing pro matches of Worms
let's see let's see if they do anything
like actually crazy or not.
I don't know. What does
pro strats in Worms look like?
have no idea.
I'm looking at this video.
You bounce a grenade into someone's
hidey hole or something
I don't know
oh okay
I was gonna say
this doesn't seem that good
but then you just like
did some
are you now getting into
the world
world championships
just a little bit
no I gotta stop watching this
yeah no worms is fun though Okay, no, I've got to stop watching this. Yeah, no.
Worms is fun, though.
I don't want to go back and play that as well.
To go back to books, here's another good one.
What the fuck is that?
You know, I've got to throw in my usual
this isn't very good for the audio listeners part of the podcast,
but it's basically just like a book with a very intensely colourful colour.
Basically, just think of an LSD trick and there you go, you've got your cover.
Yeah, that's basically what this book is.
Oh, okay.
So that explains it.
Oh, God.
That's the first...
Oh, that's like the first page.
I don't know how to explain what I'm
Some more ASMR.
Some of the other
It's basically,
there's this character that is like new to this town and she has a washing
machine that you go,
you go inside and you get transported to the drug world,
world basically um and it's about how she shares that with um one of her new friends and then the new friend kind of like ruins it by telling everyone about it and um some kid dies in there Yeah, I don't know if it comes out on the camera properly,
but, like, this person drinks from this weird kettle thing,
and then they melt.
So, yeah, thought you'd appreciate that one.
Yeah, I appreciate it. I don't know what I was looking at though.
The screen turned off, why are you doing that?
Wait, my computer just turned off!
I can hear you.
No, well, I'm on my laptop, but my actual computer behind
the laptop.
Ah, okay. Windows update.
That's what happened.
That's fucking rude.
It's like I didn't even turn it off.
Like, what?
Gotta love Windows. Great operating system.
Yeah, definitely amazing if i if i wanted to do anything with my computer that wasn't just like gaming and editing i like would actually put some time into
like putting linux on it and stuff because yeah, yeah, Windows is yucky. Well, most games you can play just fine.
Like, Hades works flawlessly.
There are some games that are very, very, very broken.
Like, I know that Apex doesn't work.
What a shame.
I know, what a shame.
So, let's look at the...
There's a list of the top ten games that... There was a list, it's not showing it fucking now
Okay, so
Of the top 10 games on Steam
Player Unknown's Battlegrounds doesn't work
Destiny 2 doesn't work
Apex doesn't
And Rainbow Six Siege doesn't
But all of the rest do
To be honest, you're not really missing out on much.
That's my next big brain opinion.
I don't like any of those games.
But hey, you can go and play Football Manager.
My favouritest game ever.
But most games work fine on Linux at this point.
That's what I have to say.
Most games work fine.
Proton is great. I like Steam for doing that.
Well, they didn't really
make Proton.
They basically just made Wine
easier to use.
Because when you install a
Windows game on Linux, all you do is just click
install, it says you want to run
this with Proton, and you're like, yeah,
and then it does it, and it works.
Pretty much.
I remember when I was, like, super
young, and I had
my iMac, I tried
to use Wine, and I had no idea
what I was doing, and I was like, why can't I
play this game?
Let me play Worms 2.
See, there probably is a Mac version of Worms 2.
I mean,
probably. I eventually just
bootcamped Windows on
that iMac. Oh yeah, bootcamp. That's a thing,
isn't it? Or was it a thing? I don't know if it's still
a thing. I'm pretty sure it still the thing? I don't know if it's still a thing.
I'm pretty sure it still is.
It's so nice to use.
It's super easy to install
another OS on it, and then
changing over is literally
just holding down a key
when you start your
computer. Yeah, I remember
the Macs that we were given
in high school
they had um bootcamped windows on it because some of the classes just had i think we needed to use
google sketch up or something for our design and tech class yeah and that just wasn't on
mac at the time it could be now i don't know i remember um... If things were being made.
My dad went on, like, a super big, like... He went from...
I'll just restart that.
He basically just, like, got super into Apple stuff
and, like, we only owned, like, you know,
Macs and iPhones and stuff,
which was funny because
until not that long ago,
you couldn't do your taxes on a Mac device.
Yeah, you had to do it on Windows.
So we had this dingy old PC that we'd keep in the shed
that we'd drag out every once in a while just to do taxes.
That's weird because it's all done through a web browser, so why wouldn't it work?
Is it just because Safari was just not playing nicely
with it? I don't remember.
But there was a certain reason.
Or maybe it's just because
my dad was dumb.
Yeah, it could be that as well.
But yeah, SketchUp is...
SketchUp is now
available on macOS.
I don't know if it's still being developed I remember
it being pretty easy to use as well
it looks like it might still be
yeah it was actually a pretty good design tool
because I've used things like Blender
and Blender is very easy to break your model.
Because it's actually a good tool.
How dare you say that about my Google SketchUp.
It doesn't seem to be owned by Google anymore.
I think they sold it.
Zoom SketchUp.
Zoom SketchUp Zoom SketchUp yeah man
Zoom is a
I'm happy that I haven't had to use Zoom
that much this year
it's just not a good program
I had to use it once
for an interview
and then those people
never called me back and I was like, well, fuck you then.
Now you work in DC.
Fun time.
At least you're making some money now.
That's good.
It was really good because I got my payslip yesterday and I only got my tax file number, like, a couple days ago.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
So, look, I didn't have a tax file number
because I had never had a job before,
and so I had to get one,
and, like, it takes a bit of time for it to, like, go through
and get applied and then sent back to you and stuff.
And I got paid yesterday
and I haven't given the company my tax file number yet.
So they taxed me the biggest amount,
which was like half of my pay.
What do you mean you didn't have a tax file number?
Don't you need to have one when you're doing your hex?
I remember having to supply mine to the uni when I was doing that I think I might have done like a workaround or
something uh-huh because I didn't have one how old are you I am 21 you didn't have a tax file number so my school did a really good thing
because they knew because we went to mark off in college we're all drop kicks so in i think
i think when we turned 15 or something they gave every single student a form to go and apply for
a tax file number and everyone in that school got one before they even
had a job and that was actually really good and i actually that's one of the only good things that
school has ever done that would have been pretty handy to be quite honest because i knew that none
of these kids knew how to get a tax file number and that most of their parents were on centrelink
probably didn't have one anyway.
You know, fucking, you know, instead of teaching me real life skills, I'm really glad I did
Oh, PLP.
Have we talked about PLP before?
I think we've briefly shit-talked it before.
So PLP was basically...
Think of it like a uni research project, but make it much smaller.
Basically, it's supposed to get you to the idea of what a uni research project is,
but you can bullshit it so hard.
Are you sure you're not thinking about a research
project? Wait, maybe I am.
PLP, there was also a
research component, wasn't there?
No, it was basically
doing a lot of forms about yourself.
Maybe I am
thinking... Because it was called
Personal Learning Plan. I remember there being some sort of
presentation I had to do. Maybe I'm thinking of something
else. I mean, there might have been, being like being like hey this is what i want to do with my
life i don't remember i don't have the assignment anymore but yeah yeah no maybe that was it
i think you're definitely a research project though yeah yeah okay well i was thinking about
that the other day and yeah like compared to stuff you do in uni I could have done that
in like two weeks
how long did you have on your research
like the whole year I think
yeah that was not a whole year project
it was 2000 words
or like half the year I don't remember
I think it was 2000 words
yeah it was just
2000 words wasn't it or 3000 something 2000 words yeah it was just 2000 words
wasn't it
or 3000
something like that
it was not very much
it was like an A
and a B version
like there was
two versions of it
one of them was worth
like something for your ATAR
the other one wasn't
I don't remember
I did mine in year 11
I know most people
do it in year 12
I did mine in 11 and then
they were like, this is not good enough.
Keep doing it.
Yeah, I would have gotten this at least...
I would have passed it, no problem.
But like, this is not good enough. Keep doing it.
Like, okay. I guess I get out of class then.
I got a B for mine.
I was really salty because I saw some other people's ones that got A's.
I was like, this is bad.
Why did you give that an A?
What was the most popular subject at your school?
Because I remember what mine was and I didn't want people doing that subject.
I don't remember.
I just remember someone did their research project on how
to build a computer i'm sorry fucking serious dude my so they didn't allow it in my year because
there were a lot of people who did this. It was the benefits of marijuana. Oh no.
Of course your school
would have that as their number one
pick. Yep. But there was
a couple of topics like that where
they had so many people doing them.
They were just like, no, because the markers are going to hate it.
They've seen so many of it already
that it won't stand out.
It's like, that's not my problem.
It's their job to mark fairly
i remember i wanted to do a really edgy one it was like
what happens when all the money in the world runs out oh god i'm glad i didn't do that
that's such a dumb project. It doesn't even mean anything.
Young Connor didn't even understand what money actually was.
I didn't at all.
When it runs out, like, where does it go?
Bro, it's just everyone spends it okay.
Do visitors not get it or something?
Like, what happened?
I don't know what was going on going i want to know what was happening that was that's a fucking weird way of thinking money i know all of the ones
that i wanted to do before i landed on the one i did was just like so stupid i do remember one of
the kids wanted to do something about like, you do know the TV show Arrow?
Wanted to do something about a specific episode of that show.
It was like, how did the main character get off the island in this show?
As their research project question.
I'm so happy that
I had teachers who were like, no,
this is not what a research question is.
I did mine...
I think I was at a
good time for me because I did mine
I think the consumer version
of the Oculus had just come out.
So I did mine on on something about
vr gaming like where it's going to go in the future and where did it go what was your conclusion i
don't fucking remember it hasn't gone anywhere right now it's just beat saber and that's about
it they're getting cheaper they're getting better, but it still hasn't really gone anywhere.
My research
project was, I think my
question was, is it possible to colonise
Mars? Okay,
I think I determined
not really.
Elon has something else to say to you.
Elon has joined the chat.
with the PLP,
I remember having to,
I did,
I remember doing some sort of presentation or some sort of video or something.
Cause I did,
I do recall doing like a,
a research project on like the PS4 launch games or something.
I don't fucking remember. What? on, like, the PS4 launch games or something. I don't fucking remember.
Yeah, I think the PS4 and Xbox One had just come out,
and I did something on, like, the launch games.
I don't remember what it was, though.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, God.
Yeah, that game.
It wasn't bad, I guess.
I did not play it.
I didn't get a PS4 for ages.
Yeah, I got one a couple of years back,
and they're good games now.
We have, like, Bloodborne.
Bloodborne's good.
It's, like, the go-to game whenever anyone's, like, PS4.
Yeah, Bloodborne.
Okay, I guess it's on everything else,
but go to the same... By the way, I'm...
Oh, yeah, true.
But that's on everything.
Anyway, yes?
Yeah, not to talk shit about Bloodborne at all.
It's one of my favourite games, but...
It's just funny how much of a meme
a PS4 being a Bloodborne machine really is,
because it's so true.
Well, the PS3, when it came out was a
Blu-ray player
yeah that had nothing on it
also it was the cheapest Blu-ray player around
I mean
to be fair that is because like
Sony owned Blu-ray
at the time
and like they were like
how can we get people to buy a console
because I don't like I wasn't old enough to care about prices at that point,
but apparently when the PS3 came out,
Blu-ray players were like $400 or $500 in Australia.
Sounds about right.
I mean, but also the PS3 was really expensive.
It was like $800.
Was it?
Are you remembering correctly about the Wii Racer?
It was not that much.
There's no way it was $800.
It was really expensive.
That was like one of the super pain points about the PS3 compared to the Xbox.
It was just ridiculously expensive.
Okay, maybe it did.
Because I didn't pay $300 for it.
I got it years later.
It was $1,000 in Australia.
What the fuck?
I guess Blu-ray plays were even more expensive then.
What the fuck?
How much was the Xbox 360 launch?
Probably like $600 or $800.
What the f- why?
I think it's because like, comparatively, the jump from PS2 to PS3 was like really big
in terms of like processing power.
But like, 3 to 4 really isn't that much better.
What the hell?
That's insane.
Because I remember paying like $400 or $500,
and that was with a couple of games.
I mean, that would have been years afterwards, though.
Well, I got it like two years before the PS4 came out.
Yeah, so years afterwards.
The PS3 came out in like 2006 or something.
That's like actually insane.
I didn't get a PS2 until then.
Yeah, I think I'd be about the same.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
That's crazy. speaking of shit being expensive
did you end up getting anything over Black Friday
there's not really anything
that I want or need
there's just like a couple books that I want to get
Discord's been lagging a bit today
yeah there's like there's some games that i want to get but at the same time i'm like i can't be
bothered playing these like i'd rather just play the ones that I have and like, and don't have to like, cause all the games that I play at the moment are just like,
I basically just play stuff with Alfie and it's games that I can just like
play for a little bit and then stop.
I don't have to like commit to doing a whole run of something.
But yeah,
I wanted to get,
the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy books
um i wanted to get the queen's gambit book i don't know if you've seen anything about
the netflix series the name is ringing a bell it's just like a chess show well it's not really about chess it's about it's like about the main
character um chess is just like the way that it's framed i guess yeah yeah um but it's really good
i would recommend watching that and i wanted to get the book that it was based off of
because yeah i just been i've gotten super into reading. I never really liked
reading when I was younger, but
now, for some reason, it just...
It's really...
Yeah, this is really fun.
The only thing I could stand
reading as a kid was the
Goosebumps books.
I don't think I ever read
any of them. I just know there was so
many. My primary school...
They had a bookshelf in every classroom for some reason.
And I think there were times when you could read for some reason.
I don't remember what.
I don't know.
There was a reading time for some reason.
And I would always go and grab some Goosebump book.
And that always rotated from... Some Goosebump book. And that always rotates.
Some Goosebump book.
Yeah, just any of them.
Not Goosebump books, just some Goosebump book.
Yeah, some Goosebump book.
Yeah, they'd rotate them with what's in the library as well.
So you'd occasionally get new things coming in as well.
Yeah, but now, like, as as i said i've got this or i've got got this as well
um there's plenty of other stuff over here as well i've got uh what's something else we have we have let's see what else
the more I
Sam Harris there we go there's one thing
I was gonna say
I think for the longest time
I thought I didn't like
reading because like
you know in school for English you had
to read books I think
like when I read a book that I had to read I
wouldn't get sucked into it just I'd see the words and
nothing would like appear in my head, but like
Now that I like re approached it and it's like something that I wanted to read and do like I
can just see it so vividly and it just makes it like um like when
I don't I don't know if you I think most people get this but I don't know because I haven't talked
to anyone about reading but like when you stop seeing the words that you're reading and you
kind of just see what's happening yeah in your head like that wouldn't ever happen to me when I would read at school.
Yeah, no, I get exactly what you're saying.
So I'm pretty sure that's why I never liked reading when I was younger.
Well, yeah, I'm, I'm really happy that there's there's some really good books that I didn't
read in school.
Cause I would have hated them like 1984.
I would have hated that if I read it in school,
but going and reading it now that is
a really really good book i remember one of the books i had to read for english was looking for
ala brandy i think okay it's like some fucking boring book about some girl. It was so boring that I don't even remember anything about it.
I just know I read it.
Well, one book
I've had people tell me it's a good
book, but it's a book I was forced to
read when I was in school, and that was
Of Mice and Men. I think it is the
worst piece of literature ever fucking made.
I've heard of the name. I haven't read it though.
Let's read the description on... no, not Wikipedia, Sparknotes is here, we'll read the description
on Sparknotes. Plot over... oh god, that's long. Okay, we'll go to Wikipedia.
It narrates the experiences of George Milton and Lenny Small,
two displaced migrant ranch workers
who moved from place to place in California
in search of new job
opportunities during the Great Depression
in the United States.
Okay, well that's all we got.
Basically, Lenny has like...
Some sort of mental disability, I don't know.
And then he's like accused of raping someone.
And I think he gets shot at the end of the book or something.
I don't fucking remember.
That sounds nice.
But I read it in high school,
and I fucking hated the book.
It was the most boring thing I'd ever read.
You're going to get all the literature knowns in your comments being like,
how dare you?
But we did also read Romeo and Juliet,
and that one actually I did enjoy.
It was painful to read,
because we read the old English version I
something I really didn't like in school is when you'd read a book as a class so
everyone would have the book and then take it in turns reading out like a page
or two it's just like I just become in a like just not able to speak when it was my turn like
the boy ate bread i think that's why so many kids leave school and just fucking hate it because that
is not a good way to read a book yeah but um by by reading romeo and juliet it also means we got to watch some of the
fun Romeo and Juliet movies
like the
Leonardo DiCaprio one
I haven't seen that one
oh it's so good
I think you're
forgetting about Gnomeo
and Juliet
you haven't seen anything of this- have you- you haven't seen anything of this book- of this movie, have you?
No, I haven't.
I'm gonna show you something then. I'm gonna fucking show you something.
Wait, no we need-
Let's see.
Give me something fun, Google.
So, it was set in, like, the...
So, basically what they did is they tried to, like, modernize it to the 90s.
So, that means horses were replaced with cars.
And swords were replaced with guns.
And you got beautiful images like...
You got beautiful scenes like this right here.
Where... Oh, here we go here's here's a fun one look what what am i looking at look at the uh the scope on this gun
it's a red dot sight but when they like look through it, it actually has an eight-time zoom.
So these guns, the guns with the sights on them, those were called long guns, like a
long sword.
Some people shouldn't be allowed to make movies but hey you got um the thing that did
make it good okay you got young leo and you got young leo in a fucking hawaiian shirt
yeah i can appreciate that but the other two that you sent me i do not appreciate in the
slightest no it's just it's not good uh we also watched the i think it was like a 1960s adaptation
which was a faithful adaptation we watched that one first and then we watched this one
and we did like a um you know how you did like movie, movie comparison or movie... Yeah. And we had to, like, compare the two of them
and talk about, like, how they approach the stories.
Everyone watching this was laughing their fucking ass off
the entire time, because it was such a train wreck.
God, dude.
Also, sometimes they didn't modernise it
like when they were at the ball
Leo still had
armour on for some reason
because they changed it to a dress up party
Instead of a mask party
it was a dress up party
Speaking of
not really train ranks but going back to i i briefly mentioned
hunger games because i have been watching them i'm up to the last one i haven't watched them before
but uh the first one is like disgustingly edited like there is a cut every one or two seconds for the first half of the movie
and there's so much shaky cam like the dude directing was like
like it was it was it was actually painful to watch like i was trying to get into it but i felt
almost motion sick i don't remember the first half of the movie yeah i like so i had
kind of watched the first one before like not fully but i remembered parts from it and i didn't
remember how badly filmed and edited it was um but the second one they fixed that and it was actually nicely shot. I don't think I've ever seen the final one.
I had only seen parts of the first one
and so
I'm up to the last
part two. Let's age ourselves again.
How old is The Hungry Games?
I'm pretty sure part two came out
in 2014.
Fuck! 2012 was the first movie
Maybe it was 2015 then
Oh yeah no it was 14 for the second one
What the fuck
I don't know
I just
You know in like 10 years
It's gonna feel so much worse
yeah it will
back in my day the PS3
just came out
we were playing
Worms 2
you guys don't know how good
you have it because
the PS6 mate that's only 200 back in my day
the ps3 was a thousand dollars when you get older does your accent change is that how that works
yeah yeah man of course it does sunny jim sunny jim you just is i i don't know as you get older
does your accent change?
Or is it just that that's how people talked
when they were actually like 20 or so?
I don't know.
I have no idea.
I feel like the old man voice is like
a bit over-stereotyped.
Well, obviously you'll have less energy,
so you're going to sound slower.
I mean, yeah, you probably do sound different.
Something weird is I was watching some of my really old videos the other day,
like, not stuff that's on my current channel,
like, this is stuff from, like, 2010 or something,
and I sound British.
Uh-huh. As a little kid little british kid for some reason
who's never left australia yep i've had people say oh i thought you were british and i'm like
that's insulting what are you saying to me i think i i don't know but but I guess to Americans, like, Australian and English accents.
Like, not fucking in it, Cockney accent, but, like, just a normal British one.
I guess they sound kind of similar.
I guess if you take someone from London and compare them with someone from, like, Melbourne,
they're probably similar enough.
I guess. It just bothers me me we just have a really nasally
accent oh my god i i love your accent oh that reminds me i was at um i was at kfc the other
day and there was this there was this chick serving me from uh from california and i i had
to stop myself fucking laughing at her voice
because i i was like can i get a five tenders box like a five tenders box a five a cilantro
five tenders box like stop talking just just stop please i can't take your voice.
Look, nothing wrong with you if you're an American who has a really annoying accent.
But just please don't talk to me.
Or I will laugh at you.
Don't expect me not to laugh at you if you say five, ten doors box.
This poor girl probably having like a shit shift and then you come up and you're like
It was like
five Tendr's box
and he's like
I can't.
I just can't. I can't. I just can't.
I can't even.
Is that something kids still say?
Literally can't even.
I was in Games World yesterday,
and the person behind the counter said,
as the kids are saying,
that's a big oof.
Oh, God.
I literally said to him,
I was like, excuse you?
And he's like, yeah, I'm just an old man.
And he was like 25.
I can't say that's a big oof.
I just accept that I'm going to just say stupid shit.
Look, I'm not going to keep up with what people are saying.
I'm just going to say whatever the fuck I want at this point.
Big oof, I like big oof.
Big oof, that's lit the only thing that's basically keeping me in touch of anything's being said is the fact that uh my sister's two years
younger than me mm-hmm so she's in that range where she still hangs out with
people who are old enough to be in high school. But after that ends, then I'll have no idea what the fuck's going on.
I like Big Oof, though. Big Oof is nice.
I use that too much.
Someone comes to you with a
serious mental issue and you're like,
Big Oof.
That sucks, bro.
That's lit, not are you okay
can I do anything for you
that's a big oof bro
internet culture is
language changes over time
but because of the internet
you've massively increased the amount of communication
that actually happens
so you have these shifts in language that
happen while people
are still alive. So people will
complain like, oh, this word is not
being used correctly. Like, literally.
Literally is one. So literally now means
figuratively. That's one. But the reason
why no one was ever bothered by
this in the past is because the amount of
time it actually took for these language shifts to happen
was multiple generations.
But now
it happens in multiple weeks.
So everyone has no idea
what the fuck's going on and language is shifting
really, really quickly.
That is a
dab moment.
Like, if you give it, I'd
say, 15, 20
years, the English language is going to sound absolutely nothing like it does now.
You're going to have people obviously holding on to,
this is the correct way to say stuff, but...
Actually, the academic pronunciation of ya-yeet is...
i don't know what would happen if i went on if i went on tiktok i feel like there's just there's so many things that i i don't care that are happening that kids are saying now i'm just
like i'm too old go away really the tiktok's um algorithm is like a lot more intense than youtube's is so once you like
kind of get into a certain niche it will just feed you video after video after video like um i
trying to give an example but like there's like basically a whole community for gay
tiktok which is funny because like I think China doesn't like gay people.
I liked a couple of
them and then my whole feed
was just like, lesbian content!
But I guess that would make sense because I would probably
only follow like Louis Spears and Frenchie
and that's all I would ever get.
Like just
dumb comedy stuff.
Just Australian comedy.
Which is fine by me.
I won't complain about that.
Fuck at least.
Neil Kohlhatt Carr.
Yeah, man.
I would love to go see Neil live at some point.
I think I've watched
I've only ever watched clips of his stand-up
on YouTube, but it's pretty good
yeah, I missed out on going
I think I was busy with assignments
but Alex Williamson
did a show in Adelaide a few months back
I didn't go to it, I really wish I did
because he's the only comedian
who was actually doing anything in Adelaide
because he's the only comedian who was actually doing anything in adelaide because he actually lives here because like um lewis spears and luke kidgall they're both stuck in
melbourne same with frenchie there's a great um video it's like when people say world tour
and then it's just someone scribbling out all of australia except for sydney
or australian tour and it's everywhere just someone scribbling out all of Australia except for Sydney.
Or Australian tour and it's everywhere but Adelaide.
Yeah, you get a...
Generally if it's a world tour it's going to be Sydney and
Melbourne. Nowhere else
But speaking of
Australia and how shit it is, did you see what's happening in tasmania
i think a week or so ago now no it uh their weather so you know how weather's been fucked here
uh yeah tasmania is much worse'm going to send you a news article.
I literally watched the news for the first time.
Wait, I think, not yesterday, the day before, I watched news for the first time in, like, a year.
I was like, wow, this is just awful.
Yeah, yeah, I know the feeling.
Yeah, so it's four days ago in the middle of summer.
It was snowing in Tasmania.
I mean, it's not really the middle yet.
It's December.
It's still in the first month.
Okay, but it's not...
We had spring already.
Spring felt like summer and winter felt like...
I don't even know.
Did it rain once in winter?
I don't fucking know what happened rain once in winter? I don't fucking know what happened
it was a pretty chill winter
chill as in calm
not chill as in cold
I hate English
yeah so it was snowing in Tasmania
in summer
which is not good
and this has happened multiple times now
and this was while the rest of the country was having the heatwave.
You just gotta accept that we're gonna die, okay?
We're gonna be killed by the greenhouse gases.
Or, I don't know, maybe we'll just have the seasons flip.
I'd be fine with that.
Then we can be in line with the US.
It'll actually make it a lot easier. have the seasons flip. I'd be fine with that. Then we can be in line with the US. It would
actually make it a lot easier.
Then maybe
Australians can start buying Christmas sweaters.
Fall. Because the leaves fall
Leaf fall, so it's fall.
Oh, I actually have a really bad Christmas shirt.
I can go get it.
And entertain the people for two seconds.
Two seconds.
One, two.
Get absolutely pranked, Brody.
As you can, for the visual watches,
you can see Brody got up from his chair for the audio
listeners uh i'll do some asmr commentating brody has stepped up from his chair um the scene can now
be a microphone seen to the left of frame uh his chair slightly ajar to the right, and he has re-entered the frame with the book covering,
and now he has put on the shirt and has put in his earphones again
and turned the microphone back on.
Thank you for listening.
Doing the ways tomorrow, are we?
I asked my description of what was happening on screen.
Okay, so it just looks like a Christmas shirt, right?
It's a Rick and Morty.
I knew it was going to be a Rick and Morty shirt.
I just could tell.
It says, it's time.
Oh, wait, what does it say?
It's the season to get schwifty. No, it says tis the season say? It's the season to get schwifty.
It says tis the season.
It tis the season to get schwifty.
I don't like how you put that on top of your other shirt.
Yeah, that's fine.
It looks weird.
I know it does.
There we go, now it's fine.
There we go.
Now you can barely see it.
Good job. go now it's fine yeah there we go now you can barely see it good job it was um i i was at harbour town over black friday um i heard i wanted to go to caravan park near there
and it was five dollars bargain yeah uh there was a bunch that obviously black friday got a
bunch of nice sales and yeah we were just
doing some regular shopping anyway because you know christmas presents and stuff so i saw this
and i was like okay well work let me wear christmas shirts plus i can wear this in a video
and i'll make the money back for it i do not like harbortown at. It is kind of shit, isn't it?
I just...
It's just not good.
The only time I go past Harbour Town is to go to the skate park.
So, most people probably have no idea what Harbour Town is.
Basically, it's a big...
It's not a supermarket.
It's a retail outlet.
Shopping centre.
Yeah, it's a shopping centre that's just like
clothing outlets basically
there's a few other little things
but it's mainly clothing outlets
there's an EB Games
there's an art store as well
and I think there's a discount chemist or something
and that's about it
beautiful and there's a coffee shop and also it's not on a harbour a discount chemist or something. And that's about it. Beautiful.
And there's a coffee shop called Corona.
And also it's not on a harbour.
Yeah, it's not on a harbour.
But there's a coffee shop called Corona.
It's next to an airport, lawyer.
It is. Yes, it is.
Which is great when you're at the caravan park
because the planes go over the caravan park.
It's great when you go... So there's a because the planes go over the caravan park it's great
when you go there so there's a skate park that's like just down the road from it which is like also
next to the airport i think i went past that yeah you can see it it's like a giant quarter pipe
yeah i did see that i was like that's fucked why would anyone get on that
um but there's also like a massive skate bowl there so when an
aeroplane flies over it
reverbs throughout the whole bowl
so if you're in there you're like fucking
yeah no that fucking
you haven't gone down that half height have you
I have not
skated down I slid down
and was scared
fuck that I have not skated down it. I slid down it and was scared.
Fuck that.
I'll see if I can find a picture of it.
I don't think I would ever actually skate on that.
I'm still a couple of years away from even attempting that.
Thank you very much.
Oh, you don't need your wrists. No, this is just other half just other half pipes just think of a well how big would you say it is like three or
four meters high uh no it's higher than that i think
it's probably like two stories higher, I think. So, like...
Two or three stories.
Eight, ten, twelve metres, something like that.
Yeah, basically that, and it's a half pipe.
It's fucked.
Actually insane.
I wouldn't even want to slide down that.
Fuck that.
No, it was a bit scary, also it's not like a U shape.
It kind of comes and curves back around at the top parts.
So you would have just fallen a bit.
So you kind of just fall and then slide.
Oh, God.
Not happening.
Nope. But that skate park's really cool
but it's one of the most popular
ones in all of Adelaide
so a lot of the time
you can't really go there because there's too many people
yeah yeah
but how is the skating
going anyway
it's going good I'm slowly progressing more.
I haven't been able to go skating as much as I want to just because, like,
it's super hard to skate on, like, a 30-plus degree day because you get so sweaty
and just worn out.
And then also it's just been randomly raining.
But I went yesterday to somewhere that i hadn't been before and it was super nice like i don't know what the ground was made of but
it was nice and it was super smooth um and i got a small anecdote from that so i i was there and
there was like a couple other people and then there was this one guy that was like a pretty experienced skater because he was doing like kick flips and shit
off of manual pads um and i didn't i didn't talk to him the whole time i was there and i was just
like i was taking a little break just sitting down on one of the benches and he was leaving
he was like oh see you man see man i'm
like yeah goodbye and then as he's walking off he's just yelling like fuck i'm so fucking shit
oh maybe he's trying to go pro or something i don't know
maybe he's one of those people who's like i have nothing else in life i'm just gonna
focus on this one thing i like and he realizes he's not good at it
he sounds like he's better than i would ever be but if he wants to do like it professionally
i can imagine the bar for that is he is here and then that bar is like way through the fucking roof
yeah probably there's just like i don't know there's just some
people that skate that get really mad when they don't land tricks which is like
it just i don't get it it's like try again unless you like really badly hurt yourself i don't know
why you're yelling about it yeah yeah well i. Well, I went and did something for the first time
over the weekend. A mate of mine was like, hey, you want to come
to the golf driving range?
I was like, okay, sure, why not? And you know what?
It's fun. I kind of want to buy a set of golf
Is that like an actual golf course
or is that the one where you just like hit the balls?
Yeah, there's a
just a driving range there and also a course
on the other side
but we were just at the driving range because we are shit
and we just need to learn how to
hit the ball first.
But it's pretty cheap.
I think it was like $5 to rent
a club and then
I think we got 200 balls
split between the two of us for like $40.
And honestly it's actually a lot of fun.
I'd recommend it.
Bro, he's going to become a golfing channel now.
It is really calming.
And my shoulders have been very sore the past couple of days.
But maybe I'll start a golfing channel.
Yeah, because you need another channel. Yeah, yeah no i think i'm good on that front i've got my podcast got the gaming i've got the main channel i'm i am dropping one of the videos on the main channel
though so i'm doing a one live stream a week now okay so that i think this week i'm going to do
a talk with my patrons then next week i think i'll do a solo one where I'm just hanging out with chat
and then probably like a community game night.
So playing something like, I don't know, Quake or Zanotic or something like that.
Maybe Urban Terror or Assault Cube.
Both those are fun.
Urban Terror or Assault Cube. Both those are fun.
Well, you know,
I think I might wrap it up.
I'm feeling a little bit peckish. I think it's
been about two hours, hasn't it?
Yeah, it's two hours and eleven minutes right now.
Yeah, we can do that.
Yeah, so...
I'm trying to think of a channel to recommend,
but I haven't really been watching all of YouTube.
There's a new epic rap about history.
Go watch that. It's a really good one.
Okay, yeah, go watch that.
Uh, let's see.
I'm going to say...
Here we go, here's one.
So there's this channel called Tim Kreef.
I don't think I've mentioned him before?
But maybe I did.
No I did, I think I mentioned him last week.
Damn, okay.
Let's see.
Who can we mention?
Let's see what's in my YouTube sub box.
Let's go subscriptions.
my youtube sub box let's go subscriptions uh let's see
ah god it's a problem I don't watch enough for YouTube right now? Just recommend yourself. Go watch PewDiePie, there you go. I don't have anything
right now, I should prepare them beforehand to be honest. Go watch Kay's Cooking, that's K-A-Y A-Y It's not really a real suggestion
I did see that video
Yes, please go watch
Kay's Cooking
Okay, we have to talk about that video
before we go
I didn't know that you'd actually watched
Uncle Roger's video on it
I mean, I knew about k's cooking before
the video but okay but how did you know about k's cooking beforehand i don't know don't ask me
um anyway so go watch mr nigel mg he's also yes mr nig. Yes, Mr. Nigel NG, I also know. You'll find if you just search for Uncle Roger as well.
You probably saw the video
where he
talked about the
BBC cooking
fried rice. That's what sort of...
He already had a big channel, but that was like a
really big video that got him
a bigger boost.
Yeah. really big video that got him a bigger boost um yeah but then he did a video on a channel called k's cooking
um and who made possibly the worst egg fried rice you could ever imagine
literally burning the garlic and then putting in raw rice instead of cooking it
but i don't i don't is this like is this a troll channel that's the thing
no it's it's not it's like too genuine to be a troll channel and there's too many videos for
it to be a troll channel but there's's- there's a video called Piss Take Peas on Toast.
Maybe that one video is a joke and the rest of them are serious.
Oh my god, the like to dislike ratio is so bad.
Everyone's going back and watch all of these videos and just dislike them into the ground. Don't be mean to her.
Poor Kate.
She's just trying to cook.
Spicy soup with fish.
Spicy soup with fish.
That's sad.
But she's not making videos anymore.
Anyway, maybe she deleted some recent ones.
I don't know.
Who knows. I don't fucking know oh anyway uh yeah we can we can end it off here
thank you oh wait i should probably save my channel yeah if anyone fucking
makes it to the end
surely the people watching this one
have also watched my other ones
surely you're a favourite guest
at this point
my channel is
everywhere else
is super cozman
yeah that's it
yeah so
give me a second I'll bring up my thingy
my patrons
where is the thingy
thingy wrong list
that list cool
so before we go
I would like to thank my
supporters a special thank you to Chris
Joseph Tony like to thank my supporters. A special thank you to Chris, Joachim, Donald, Cobinion, Andre, Nathan, Montezar, Will, Chico,
Joseph, Mitchell, Pity, Tony, Tushar,
and all of my $2 supporters. If you want to go,
I'll put the links down below to the thingies.
You know what to do.
I've got my main channel, which is
Linux-y stuff.
You're probably from there. If you're not,
though, because I have seen some people who have actually
naturally found this channel,
go watch my main channel where I actually do, like, well-produced, well-produced Linux videos,
uh, very heavy air quotes, and this podcast is available as an audio release if you're watching
the video version on, basically, any way you can find audio podcasts, and the video version is
available on Library and YouTube. Um, I was to say something else, right
at some point I need to bring you on
and we can play some 5D chess
with multiverse time travel
I'll be there for that
once you buy it after
the Christmas sale
maybe I'll pay $16 for it to be honest, that's probably worth it
cool, so
thank you for coming back
as always.
Probably be back at
49 unless something changes.
I believe so.
Which will be
February, I think.
Yeah, definitely
after Christmas. Yeah, definitely after Christmas.
I think I'm going gonna do the christmas
episode as a solo one at this stage maybe i'll do something for my parents but at this stage
it's gonna be a solo episode just because it's gonna be difficult to get a guest on around that
point and i'll probably do the same with um with new year's but i might be able to find someone
for that one it's just because i don be able to find someone for that one.
It's just that I don't want to bother anyone around that time.
I might as well just do it myself.
So thank you guys for sticking around to the end if you managed to do so.
What's your final word?
End it off.
For those who made it to the end, I would really appreciate if you wrote in the comments
Pray for K.
Gravity is a lie.
Oh, okay, that.
Yeah, we can do that.
Also, hashtag pray for K.
Thank you guys for watching.