Tech Over Tea - #44 Rants, Rants & More Rants - Solo Episode

Episode Date: December 30, 2020

This weeks episode of Tech Over Tea is going to be a solo one and as you've come to expect from a solo episode I constantly go off on rants about whatever was on my mind at the time of recording. Next... week will also be solo as I'll explain at the start of the podcast. ==========Support The Channel========== ► Patreon: ► Paypal: ► Amazon USA: ► Other Methods: =========Video Platforms========== 🎥 YouTube: =========Audio Release========= 🎵 RSS: 🎵 Apple Podcast: 🎵 Spotify: 🎵 Google Podcast: 🎵 Anchor: ==========Social Media========== 🎤 Discord: 🐦 Twitter: 📷 Instagram: 🌐 Mastodon: ==========Credits========== 🎨 Channel Art: All my art has was created by Supercozman DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to episode 44 of Tech of a T. I'm, as always, your host, Brodie Robertson, and today we are doing a solo episode because right now it is the 23rd of December, and I didn't really want to try to arrange something during this week. I'll probably do the same thing for next week as well, just because... or maybe I'll take next week off, because I'm actually one episode ahead right now, so this episode, I think you guys will be seeing, uh, in the, like, the new year, the week just before New Year's, so not the Christmas week, whatever next week's going to be, um, which actually might be just around New Year's when this is getting uploaded, so if it is, yeah, that's cool. So on the topics for today, I don't really have anything super crazy, as you've probably come to expect from a solo episode at this point. Usually it just ends up being me rambling for like an hour and a half or two hours, and that's pretty much what we've got going on for this time. So you might be wondering why the lights are off I actually don't know why I didn't put the
Starting point is 00:01:09 lights on I might turn them on a bit uh basically I just wanted to see how it would look with the lights off and you know what I think for certain things it actually can kind of work it's got this kind of weird atmosphere to it I don't think I would record regular videos like this, because, so maybe I would, I don't know, hmm, and if I had the light more, instead of being off to the side, more like above where my current light is, which I actually might be able to do once I get my new arm, I think it would have like this cool, you know, shadow effect going on in the background, because right now it's slightly that side, yeah, it's slightly offset, which I don't feel like looks the best. Maybe if I move the camera... I just want to sort of try that, see how it would kind of look.
Starting point is 00:01:51 So if instead we had the camera like here... Obviously, besides, you know, seeing all the stuff in my closet and also the light pointing at the back of my head, I feel like, you know, that kind of could create a cool effect. And also, you know, the, uh, the, the closet there, that's, yeah, besides it being open, sort of like there not being a wall there, uh, is that better? Yeah, that should be fine. Uh, maybe hang a little bit lower. Nope, too low. And, okay, we're good. Um, yeah, I don't, I don't know, maybe I'll turn them on? I'll turn them on now.
Starting point is 00:02:26 There we go. Cool, remember the settings, and that one. There we go, cool. Uh, okay, it seems to be working. Uh, yeah, I've been playing around with the lighting a bit uh, in my regularities, you probably haven't even noticed, but I've come to the conclusion that anything that uses something on the like the darker blue, so the color that that one was, and that one is now, anything on like the the blue to purple spectrum, anywhere in that range ends up looking very vibrant. You can kind of get away with like a blue and a green, but when you start getting into like reds, these lights are not very vibrant in that color spectrum.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Obviously, you can get lights that are better for that and maybe I will at some point, but these are pretty just basic, you know, smart bulbs. So for now, I think I'll probably just start setting it somewhere in that blue range. I have managed to make red work from time to time. And I have no idea how I've done that. Maybe it's just because these globes are getting a bit older now. That the red's just not as vibrant.
Starting point is 00:03:35 They are like LED globes, though. So, it should still be fine. But, I don't know. For now, though, they're fine. At some point, I do want to have a bit more of a permanent solution. So when I get my own place, I'm probably going to have... Actually, I'll show you what I'm going to do. The digital life.
Starting point is 00:03:54 One of the guys who's been on the podcast before, he saw what I was doing with my lighting and then decided to, you know, step up his game a lot. And now he's way ahead of me. So I'll bring this one up. I'm sure he won't mind me playing two seconds of his video Here we go So as you can see he's got like this light bar behind him
Starting point is 00:04:12 I don't know if this is just a Blue light bar or if this is a like a an RGB globe and if it's an RGB globe That would be pretty cool, and I'm sure you can get like RGB What are you called? I don't even know what these lights are called if you're just listening to it, it's one of the you know, the really the round long globes, the ones you'd normally see
Starting point is 00:04:34 like mounted on a roof somewhere, if you're like in a shopping centre they usually have some sort of cover over them but they're these really long globes rather than the ones you'd like normally see mounted in your house so I'd like to get something like that, that is RGB, because it's fine having these little guys, actually, I'll give, I'll show you what it looks like, is that gonna be long
Starting point is 00:04:56 enough, yes it is, so here we go, turn that off, so it's just like this, it's a fairly big globe, it's bigger than the, the, the the lamp this lamp is not designed to have a globe this big in it but it fits and it powers it maybe that's also why it's not as vibrant maybe if i uh got a more powerful lamp it would be fine but it's turning on so it can't be that bad anyway uh because this is such a small point it is gonna have a bit more trouble actually getting the light uh you know out so if i a bit more trouble actually getting the light out. So if I had a bigger surface area the light was coming from, I imagine it would look better, but I don't know. Anyway, he's got this blue globe here, and I presume by the looks of where the lighting is coming from,
Starting point is 00:05:38 he probably has another one sitting down on the floor under here. And I feel like this looks really good. sitting down on the floor under here and I feel like this looks really good. Once again though, he is doing this with blue and purple because that's also part of his color scheme for his channel, but blue and purple tend to be easier to drive. I don't know why that is, I'm sure there's going to be some that probably won't be. If someone is an expert in, like, lighting and how light disperses, you can probably explain to me why blues and purples end up being easy to drive them. Like, say, you know, reds or whatever. Yeah, red.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Red's the big one. Like, anything from, like, yellow to red, I would say. Yellow, actually, yellow is kind of an exception because this globe is technically... Weirdly, if I want a white light from this one, it's actually better to get a yellow light from it than to just use it as it is out of the box. Because out of the box, like in the white
Starting point is 00:06:36 setting, it's actually a blue globe. So, actually, that's partially why... Yeah, actually, I imagine that's probably why it can drive the blues better than it can the reds. But I think even so, red might just be a bit harder for it to drive. But I don't know. Let's actually...
Starting point is 00:06:52 You know what? Since we're here, since we're already talking about... Since we're five minutes into the podcast, I have other topics. And we're already talking about lighting. Let's actually see if we can find some of those, of those, like, long globes in RGB, I don't even know what you call them, RGB, um, long globe, I, I don't, I don't know what they're called, um, let's see, RGB globes, um, let's, okay, we're on eBay now. Here we go. I'm sure we can find some excellent quality content on eBay, like we always do. These are just indoor lights from what I'm seeing.
Starting point is 00:07:31 That is not something you would ever want to use. Honestly, if you're getting something like a little E14 globe, you might as well just go get fairy lights, because they will look better. go get fairy lights because they will look better. Um, I'm not seeing anything that's fitting what, outdoor floodlights. No, wait, can you, RGB floodlight, that might be an idea. Wait, okay, no, surely this isn't a thing. RGB fog lights. Surely, surely no one would make RGB fog lights, right? I was partially wrong. There are RGB headlights.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I'm pretty sure RGB headlights are illegal in Australia, though. But no one actually cares. I do know someone who owns a 3... 370? Yeah. Nissan 370. And he was like, I'm just going to put RGB globes in the headlights. If you just run them as white most of the time,
Starting point is 00:08:38 no one has a problem with it. It's just that when you, you know, make them red like this, it's a bit of an issue. I don't know what those globes are called. Uh, let's see if we can find, I'll just Google, like, long light, name for long light globe. Someone's gonna know the name and think I'm just really dumb. Uh, light globe types. Here we go. Fluorescent tube. Yeah, that's what we're looking for. RGB fluorescent
Starting point is 00:09:09 tube. Here we go. This is exactly what we're looking for. Best LED RGB video tube lights for filmmakers. Okay, there's actually decent ones that exist. Let's see if you just have links in your description, because I don't want to watch your video, uh, products in the video,
Starting point is 00:09:32 we have this one, we have this one, and we have this one, okay, so, now, let's go to Amazon, no, sure, we'll use... We'll go to it with your links. This... Oh, this is just a controller for them. I wonder how much that is. Ooh! $814 for these lights. Okay, there's four of them.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Okay, well, that's still... That's still not great. What are you paying $814 for? What? You got like these little plastic things on them that like bend the light in a certain direction, but that's about it. I'm sure I can find... Look, the way I do stuff is I do it on the most budget possible. So, they do look kind of good, though. I'll show you what they look like. Can you see it? You can't see it. There we go.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Now you can see it. They do look pretty nice. Also, that pack looks pretty cool as well. Maybe I want one of those as well. Let's go back to here. Let's go into eBay again. Okay. Let's see if we can find some RGB, RGB, yes, exactly, RGB fluorescent tube, let's see, we're finding regular ones, we're finding,
Starting point is 00:10:58 I think that what I'm finding the most of is this nonsense, The like LED strips and these are actually pretty cheap. The problem is they tend to die a lot but you can get how much is it? Let's just whatever I don't care what chip code it is. Let's just go with the biggest number sure. Number of lights. 600, sure. Colour. Wait. Presumably there's one in here. It showed RGB stuff.
Starting point is 00:11:32 What are the RGB ones? I don't know. RGB strip. Okay. So, let's... I think I've looked at this stuff before anyway. 20 metres. How much So, let's... I think I've looked at this stuff before anyway. 20 meters. How much is 20 meters of...
Starting point is 00:11:49 It's $60 for 20 meters of light. Yeah. Okay. Well, that's also an option. I'm still trying to... And this one comes like a little controller as well. So, I don't have to dick around with the uh the stupid smartphone app for these lights that's honestly the biggest problem like I think it's this one on the um like right
Starting point is 00:12:12 behind here if I have it there it won't actually connect to my phone so I have to go and grab it and like walk it over to the other side of the room and then it'll connect to my wi-fi I don't know why when I had the other one over in that spot, it didn't do it. It's just, for whatever reason, this globe just doesn't work when it's sitting here. But luckily, I don't need it to always be connected. I just need it to be connected to actually go and configure it. So what I'll normally do, like a podcast or if I'm streaming, I'll just set them on the setting I want and then just leave them.
Starting point is 00:12:46 And what I've been doing for a couple of videos is just leaving that one on, say, blue, and then swapping the other ones like purple or like a light green. And that's pretty much all I need to do because I don't want to dick around with this stupid light. I cannot wait until I have a better solution for this, because I'm getting sick of dealing with it speaking of things I'm getting sick of dealing with, over on the regular episode of the podcast where I normally have a guest on, I've been using
Starting point is 00:13:14 Discord, and you guys might have noticed it in a couple of the episodes specifically the DistroTube and Donald Fury episodes for some reason every DistroTube and Donald Fury episodes. For some reason, every five or ten minutes,
Starting point is 00:13:32 my guest would just cut out. And I thought the first time, okay, maybe it's just DT connecting to, you know, maybe it's just DT in this case, because he also forgot to turn his audio server on, so maybe that could have been the problem. And then it happened with someone else. And I've had it happen with other people as well.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Outside of the podcast. And I don't know what the deal with it is. So I'm probably going to stop using Discord. To actually, you know, make the podcast. And I'll probably use Zoom. Not Zoom. No, I won't use Zoom. I'll probably use Jitsi. Because I've got my...
Starting point is 00:14:07 Started, like, messing around with VPSs as well. And hosting Jitsi doesn't seem like it's going to be that difficult. Obviously, I could use someone else's instance. But if I'm going to use Jitsi, I might as well host it myself. And also, I can get a video out of it as well. Plus, you know, I can kind of make the video an ad as well. And get paid from that as well. Speaking of that, there will be a link to Linode in the description down below.
Starting point is 00:14:31 If you want to go, you know, get a VPS and all that. Yeah, so I'll probably be using Jitsi from now on. I know Jitsi has problems when it comes to doing like public calls. So I'll probably keep using Discord for like the community chats, at least until Matrix gets to the point where I can do breakout calls, because right now I think if I want to do a call in Matrix, I end up calling every single person in the room, which that's not good. So the only way I could really do a call in Matrix would be to add people to like a group chat and then call that, but then that would be a big hassle because then would be to add people to like a group chat and then call that but then
Starting point is 00:15:07 that would be a big hassle because then I have to get people to find some way to actually say they want to join that chat and yeah that it's just it's just too much of a hassle to actually deal with so I'd rather just keep using Discord for those community chats, because voice calls seem to be okay. It's just in video calls that there's a problem that seems to happen. So, Jitsi for everything else,
Starting point is 00:15:36 I have used Jitsi like once or twice before, like with I think it was, yeah, DT, back when he was doing that stream where he tested Jitsi, I used it then, and then I think it was DT back when he was doing that stream where he tested Jitsi. I used it then. And then I think... Did I use Jitsi when I was talking to Trav that one time? I might have. So I've used Jitsi a couple of times. It seemed perfectly fine. Yeah, I think I can set it to a grid as well. So it shouldn't be any different for you guys when you see it on the actual like recording it'll just be me having to you know modify the way that my layouts actually
Starting point is 00:16:10 work to actually fit inside of the way jitsi works rather than the way discord works and hopefully that has less problems i i don't yeah i just don't know what the problem with Discord is right now. But it's just annoying me. So... I don't know if there's anything else I would try out besides Jitsi. Obviously, yeah, I could use Zoom. But I don't particularly want to. That's my big thing about Zoom. I just don't want to use Zoom.
Starting point is 00:16:41 So I'm just not going to use Zoom. And if there's... Maybe not better alternatives, if there's an open alternative I can use and it's good enough, I'll be more than happy to use that instead. So that's the plan for that. And I guess that leads us into one of the topics I actually have on the list anyway. So I want to talk a bit about words,
Starting point is 00:17:03 a bit about my plans for next year. there we go, words, words are hard, so for, I actually want to break this down into a couple different segments, so I will be doing a video on this as well, so this is just sort of me getting my thoughts out before the video comes out, so one of the things I want to, I think that'll go up like New Year's, yeah, New Year's Eve, probably, because when else would I upload, like, hey, these are my plans for next year sort of videos, so for the podcast, I've been getting a lot of people asking me to bring on certain guests, I haven't reached out to some of them yet, but I feel like some of them might end up coming on, I don't, I don't know about say like mental outlaw that would be awesome if he does want to do the podcast that would be absolutely amazing but there's a
Starting point is 00:17:50 couple other people who I feel like I probably could get on this and then there's some others where it's like hey bring on like some ordinary gamers like okay that would be cool but I feel like Muda is much too busy to just come onto this random podcast as like, what, 400 subscribers on YouTube. So I don't think that one's going to happen, but maybe Mental Outlaw would come on. And maybe there's some other people who I could reach out to who would be happy to come on as well.
Starting point is 00:18:17 I know someone has reached out to me in emails wanting to come onto the podcast. I'm not going to go too much into details, but they're someone who is a PayPal developer, or PayPal certified developer, sorry, and I haven't actually read back to them yet, I should do that, because they do sound like they're kind of an interesting product they're working on, so that'll be fun to talk about, and besides that, I think it's just going to be pretty much go ahead like we're normally doing on the podcast. I will be modifying the layout just a little bit because, as you can see, yeah, it's... Yeah, I need to fix some stuff in here.
Starting point is 00:18:54 If I move my webcam, you'll probably notice it's the grey box behind it because I'm dumb and don't know how to actually make layouts. I'll probably go fix that after the episode's over. And don't know how to actually make layouts. I'll probably go fix that after the episode's over. Also, for some reason. The resolution. The aspect ratio isn't correct. So, you've got this weird outline.
Starting point is 00:19:15 That's bigger than it should be. I don't know how I managed to do that though. I really don't know how I managed that. So, I'll fix up this layout. And that should be Probably the only major change that's happening to that Maybe I'll make the webcam bigger here like there's gonna be like minor minor changes that are happening to the podcast structure itself Maybe I'll start messing around more with thumbnails That's one thing I do want to do because right now my thumbnails are fine, but they're not very clicky. That's That's the one place I need to work on
Starting point is 00:19:46 with this channel. I'm good at it with the main channel. The main channel, I've actually making some pretty clicky thumbnails. If you haven't seen them, I'll bring them up now. Cool, it's not going to auto play the video for me. If we go there. So we have, can never have enough monitors and and I've, like, I'm actually physically holding up my second monitor, and what I did is I cut out the monitor, and then placed it on top of the monitor again, so it looks like I'm holding up two monitors in my hand, and honestly, I feel like that's a great thumbnail, uh, what's the difference anyway, that one I kind of threw together, I'm not a big fan of that one, uh, massive change coming to Pac-Man, that was a video of threw together. I'm not a big fan of that one
Starting point is 00:20:32 Massive change coming to Pac-Man. That was a video about how the Pac-Man package a Pac-Man package manager is getting I guess it's technically concurrency someone corrected me in the comment section. I don't care it parallelism concurrency It's basically the same thing Sure, someone's gonna someone's gonna argue that I don't care. Parallelism, concurrency, it's basically the same thing. Sure, someone's going to argue that. I don't care. Anyway, basically, you can download multiple streams at once. So whatever you want to call that. And what I did with that one, if you're just listening, is actually I took a picture of myself and then put it in the thumbnail three times. Like in line with each other, you know, as if they were doing something in parallel, just because I thought that would be a funny joke,
Starting point is 00:21:15 and it seems like it's worked, because that video is kind of exploding right now, um, my Xenotic video, I threw this thumbnail together at the last second, so this sort of went back to my old style, where it's just like, oh, here's some text and a bit the text is a bit clicky Let's all be awful at Zenotic, but like I didn't put my face in that one or anything It's just oh here's the Zenotic logo and I made it massive which I think sort of did help because that pod that podcast that stream Kind of did really well, but also people like Zenotic So that also does help like there's a surprising number of people who even though this isn't a gaming channel So that also does help. Like there's a surprising number of people who,
Starting point is 00:21:45 even though this isn't a gaming channel, are more than happy to go and watch some gaming content if it's like open source gaming. And I was genuinely surprised with that. So when I do streams on the main channel, I'm probably going to be doing a lot more in the realm of open source game. It's not going to be super often, maybe once or twice a month. But I find it fun anyway. So I'll definitely be doing it.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Let's see, what else do we have? People like the I can't escape this file manager one, but I felt like this one was kind of lazy. There's one thing I should have changed here, and that is I should have worn one of the Hawaiian shirt, because you can probably notice there's a little tux here, but it's kind of blending a lot into my shirt. So if I had like, I don't think I had the yellow Hawaiian shirt at this point, but if I just wore like the red one, I think it would have stood out a bit more, but as you can see I was using the red one a bit too much, so at the time I decided that I wanted to have like a bit of a change, but I didn't actually have the extra shirts at that
Starting point is 00:22:42 point, so I couldn't really make much of a change. Uh, I think my favorite one that I've done recently, because I've been, if you scroll back through my thumbnails, you can see, as time's gone on, I've sort of, like, my, my face thumbnails have gotten, depending on how you look at it, worse and worse, but I intentionally make them as annoyingly clicky as possible, like, oh, look at these old ones, like, these are fairly, fairly normal face thumbnails, nothing too crazy here, I was experimenting with having, like, outlines and stuff, I didn't like the outline, after playing around with it more, I didn't end up liking the outline that much, so I just got rid of it, uh, god, there was a time, there was a time when I was just doing text ones, I don't think these thumbnails are that bad, to be honest, I felt like they were just,
Starting point is 00:23:30 looking back, I feel like the ones, like, if you go back, say, three months on my channel, um, I feel like these were decent thumbnails, like, they're, they're better than what I had if you go back even further, so if we keep going back, yeah, so there was a point where I had my, my text, like, sent, it was, the text was centered, but it was off to the left side of the screen, sometimes it was in the center as well, um, I feel like that did look better than just having the text, you know, aligned to the left-hand side, like I used to be doing, um, yeah, this is how, I don't think these were bad thumbnails either. Some of them had a bit too much text on them.
Starting point is 00:24:08 I think if I had reduced the amount of text, that should have been clarifying my stance on FOSS software, not free and open source. Yeah, that's the problem I sort of have with a lot of my old content. I had way too much text on my thumbnails. And a lot of the time, I was making much text on my thumbnails and a lot of the time I was making the text on the thumbnail basically the same thing as the title of the video and that's not how you do clicky stuff. What you do is you have a little bit of text in the thumbnail that sort of
Starting point is 00:24:39 implies there's something that they want to see in the video and then the title of the video maybe you can have that be a bit more descriptive maybe you can have that be clicky as well why does it say I only have six months worth of videos it's just not letting me scroll back any further all right sure maybe it's just being weird right now anyway but if we go actually we'll start from at the side of the face thumbnail so if we go here as you can see like if you go to any channel that was face thumbnails, these are, like, the most hard. Look at these basic thumbnails. Whoa, they're so exciting. Face in the thumbnail.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Whoa, whoa, whoa. This one I do kind of like, though. The RAAA attacks YouTube DL with DMCA takedown. Or we have YouTube's being destroyed by spam bots. Those I felt like were both pretty decent. Oh, right, my face was very red back then. I forgot about that. Yeah, as you can see, the red, the red seems to work really well in this video. Maybe it's just because my saturation was also way too high as well. Wow, you can really see how bad the saturation was when the background is blue. Anyway, um, I think it would have, yeah, when you can start seeing that I'm using two hands in my pictures, that's when I actually got this one right here. So, this is a phone holder that attaches to like any sort of standard camera mount. And once I got that, that's when I started really
Starting point is 00:26:03 experimenting with the thumbnails and you started getting, you know, this one right here, where I have two calculators, and just like, holding them up in front of my, oh, that hurt, oh, yay, wrist problems on both my wrists, that's good, where I'm like, holding them up in front of my face, like, oh, I'm really interested in this calculation, or just after that point, actually, once, once I did that one, that's when I started getting really interested in doing, um, you know, prop stuff with my thumbnails, rather than just, you know, having my face there, or something like that, because the face is boring, like, no one just wants to see your face, no one's going to click on a video, just because your face is there, unless you're like Linus Tech Tips But even even Linus
Starting point is 00:26:49 Even he will do prop stuff because props that's where you start getting people being like what in the world are you doing there? Like for example, we have this one here where I'm holding a Microsoft Surface or this one here where I'm holding up it's actually a Or this one here, where I'm holding up. It's actually a... It's actually a money tin, and I just like placed it on its side, and it's like, hi look, it's a receptacle! It's a bad joke, but it works. Or if I don't have a prop that works, I can sort of like edit a prop in. For example with my pre-selection one, basically I just hold my hands there, and I can like edit a, you know, a window in or something like that. Things like that. Eliminate your display manager with StartX,
Starting point is 00:27:32 that was great. That was the first time when I realized that I can go and unplug this monitor, and if I need to go put, you know, an image on something, I've always got there to use. It is just a 23 inch monitor but that's perfectly fine for a thumbnail. Anything bigger than that and it would honestly get to the point where it's just kind of difficult to hold up. This one was really bad. Let's rise up this music player. I couldn't find a mix deck that was like from the angle I wanted so I got a 2d image and just basically 3d transformed it to the point where it actually kind of fit the angle I wanted it looks so bad but if you don't if you like as a thumbnail because
Starting point is 00:28:16 thumbnails generally pretty small it's kind of difficult to notice how bad it actually looks that image looks so awful if you have the full-size version of it. But, yeah, I think the big thing that's making my thumbnails stand out more now is the, uh, the Hawaiian shirt. Now, the Hawaiian shirt is a great idea. I only, I don't know why I initially did this. I think, yeah, why did I initially, what was my first video with the Hawaiian shirt? Wait, was it, I think it was the Vivaldi one. The Vivaldi video was the first one with a Hawaiian shirt. No, no it wasn't. Wait. The first one, the red one. Um, what was the first one? First one entirely.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Oh, right, it was this one here. Pol- uh, does Polestar 2 deserve the hate it gets? was this one here, does Pulse Audio deserve the hate it gets? It kind of made sense for that one, because, you know, you're trying to be like some some Chad dude at the pool party holding up a boombox, because it's the 70s, and I just, I was kind of going for like a specific mood there, and I thought, okay, this is hilarious, let's just keep going with it. And obviously with the Vivaldi one, it makes me look like a massive douche wearing the Hawaiian shirt and having the hat which I edited the Vivaldi logo on. I can't remember what the logo for that one normally would be. Oh, I think that was my
Starting point is 00:29:37 goon hat actually. So I edited out the I heart goon and then just stuck a Vivaldi logo on it. When it's small, it actually kind of looks like it Vivaldi logo on it, when it's small it actually kind of looks like it's part of the hat, but when it's not, like, that is obviously not actually part of the hat, it looks horrible, but once again, thumbnails, and yeah, from, from that point on, it's just like, from that, then we get things like my, uh, apply magical audio filters using Pulse Audio, that probably should have been with, not using, and that, I might go and change that after Then we get things like my apply magical audio filters using Pulse Audio. That probably should have been with, not using. And I might go and change that afterwards, actually.
Starting point is 00:30:10 And that was when I was like, okay, let's just go full ham and just make the dumbest thing possible. So I have my Goon hat on. I have on one side my Jack Daniels hat and the other side another Jack Daniels hat. And it kind of looks like a a homeless wizard hat if like just imagine what a homeless wizard would look like and there you go and then to make it kind of look like a robe sort of thing I just put two of the Hawaiian shirts on at the same time and then just edited those uh those, those lightning, uh, those balls of lightning you see, um, those are just the, one of the lightning spells from Skyrim, and I just edited out, like, the, the color around it, and just stuck it on my hand, and you know what? I feel like it looks way better
Starting point is 00:30:58 than it's allowed to look. I, it, it, I kind of have fun just making the thumbnails. That's like the big thing. This one here, I probably should have had more lighting on me. The matrix one, it's like, I actually do like the thumbnail. It's just I could have done it better. I was just very lazy with how it was done. The video still did fairly well and maybe in my future matrix videos i'll do something a bit different that might work a bit better um yeah but one thing i am trying out with thumbnails now is when i have the hawaiian shirt on i think i'll make the background less poppy because i want the main focus to pop out to be you know me because that's, like, I'm wearing the really poppy shirt, so obviously, if I make the background less poppy, that should make me
Starting point is 00:31:51 pop out a bit more, and that's what I did with this one here, can never have enough monitors, it's basically a black background, I think the actual background is my terminal, but because it's behind this, it just makes it look darker than it actually is. I think it also raised up the contrast and also added some blur, so it's very difficult to actually see that there's anything going on behind it, but I feel like that one actually pops out really well. But this one
Starting point is 00:32:16 here, this one here, just, the yellow just massively pops out against that background. So, I'll have to keep doing that one. I think now I actually have five? Maybe six Hawaiian shirts.
Starting point is 00:32:35 So, initially I said, oh, I didn't buy these shirts for the sake of my channel. And that's entirely true. I actually bought them because I wanted to wear them. But, now that I have a way to make money with the Hawaiian shirts, I can also then go on business expense. And I think the shirts were like $20 each.
Starting point is 00:32:56 At least they might have been on special. If they're not on special, I think they're normally like $30. So after like, I would say four videos, four like averagely performing videos, I've actually paid off one of them, so I think it's a pretty decent business expense, and this one right here, this will end up making me like 20 or, I don't know where it's going to stop actually, it'll be at least 20 bucks from this video, so that already paid off that one shirt there, so, oh, it's such a, it's such a dumb idea, but tell me another Linux channel, or tell me another channel in general that is just, like, wearing Hawaiian shirts for the meme, but specifically, tell me, actually, you'll probably
Starting point is 00:33:42 find it easier, you'll probably find it easier to find a channel, just a general channel wearing it for the meme. Find me a tech channel doing it, because I don't think you're going to. And I think that's really going to help me stand out. Obviously, the content of the videos is obviously important, and I am still working on that, like, constantly, but the content of the video doesn't matter until someone actually goes and clicks on the video. And I think that I've got myself into, like, a rhythm that can make people click on it pretty well. Like, there's some of the little, the tiny, tiny little things to make, like, the text stand out. So, around the text, you may or may not notice it. Depends on, sort of, the, uh, the background I have as well. Um, I actually have, have like a black border around all the text.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Some backgrounds it stands out pretty well against, like this one here, like on the who ordered the system tray. I actually have a obvious black outline around the text, and then behind that I actually have a black drop shadow, and all of this is like tiny little things, but if I get rid of them, it makes the text stand out just that tad little bit less. If you're just looking at two thumbnails side-by-side, you'll notice instantly that one of them stands out more. You won't really be able to pinpoint exactly why, but because of this tiny detail, I feel like it makes a massive, massive difference. Just like having, say, tiny detail, I feel like it makes a massive, massive difference. Just like having, say,
Starting point is 00:35:12 the white outline. It makes the image stand out a bit more from the background, rather than just having it directly on the background. That's the only outlines I normally do now. I don't think the colored outlines work anywhere near as well, but white, I think it fits basically every scenario. Even if I'm wearing a white shirt it's fine because usually the white is slightly different to the um the white of the actual shirt itself so or I can always like slightly adjust the color in that case like for example here the white of the shirt already stands out against the background so it's not really that big of a deal anyway but it still makes my head stand out more than it otherwise would but I typically don't wear white shirts in my thumbnails anyway uh just because I feel like I don't know I feel like because I normally have a poppy
Starting point is 00:35:56 background if I'm gonna wear like I'm gonna have some sort of shirt in my thumbnail I'm gonna be wearing something black because black is gonna to stand out against the brighter background. Whereas obviously, in the case of a very neutral background, a very dark background, then having a colourful shirt is going to stand out more than just having a white shirt. But I have noticed that I actually can wear white shirts in my videos now. For a while I couldn't do that because of the way I had my lighting set up. So, when I had this light right here, I off in this direction here,
Starting point is 00:36:29 which you probably would have noticed where I had the really bad shadows on my face. I think I can go back. I think I can go back like a couple of months. I'll find a video that has it like that. Oh no, that's too many months. Oh lord. Oh no. I forgot how bad my old videos look, um, can we find some, here we go, here's something, so, wow, also my, my camera,
Starting point is 00:37:00 like, zoomed in way more than I do now yeah here we go so uh if we pause it here so right now my nose is actually too close to my webcam too close to my um my microphone and when I have my when I have sorry when I when I can speak when I have my light here, you'll probably notice that by doing that, it ends up causing an extra shadow that otherwise wouldn't be there. So at that point, I was actually trying to do a very neutral sort of lighting. I think it was more off to the side than it is now. And also one light right around this area. light right around this area, and it just, yeah, I had problems like that, where if I got too close to my microphone, which I normally do, because sometimes I like to, like, lean in and stuff, not, not usually that much, I will lean in a bit, though, and if I'm, if I have that neutral
Starting point is 00:37:59 lighting going, then it just doesn't work, I guess one way you can... Obviously, one way to get around doing that is by having a lav, which I should get. I had a lav in the past. I just don't have one now. It was a really terrible lav. I want to get something much better than I had. But... Yeah, the lighting like that just didn't work with the way I had my setup actually working. If I had a yeah, the lighting like that just didn't work with the way I had my setup actually working, if I had a desk mic instead of it being on an arm, obviously, I still have the stand for the Blue Yeti, but it's just better to have it on the arm, just because I don't have my desk room,
Starting point is 00:38:34 because I'm an idiot and have too much shit on my desk, like, I have three monitors on this desk, if I put, I might end up putting my second monitor on an arm and that will give me a little bit more space but still it's just gonna in the end I just need to get this third it's not a third monitor it's a TV actually I need just space
Starting point is 00:38:58 where I can not have a TV on the desk and then I'll be fine yeah so right we'll see Blue Yeti takes a lot of space so if I had that on the desk and then I'll be fine. Yeah so right what was I saying? Right, blue yeti takes a lot of space. So if I had that on the desk then it probably would be fine to actually have you know the lighting be more neutral. The way I was doing the lighting here wasn't very good though as you can probably see it just it's not the lighting just doesn't look very good, my, I think I was doing a bit less in the realm of color correction as well, but I, I just don't like the very flat look either,
Starting point is 00:39:32 like, neutral is fine if you're trying to do, like, photo shoots and stuff, um, and obviously, for certain kinds of recording, it works, but also, I had, uh, I was actually using a white light to light up my background then, so it also just didn't look that great plus my camera it's just not at a very flattering angle I feel like having I'm not I'm actually like I think I've put on some weight since I did this video so it's not like I'm skinnier now it's just that the angle I have the camera at is a bit more flattering so I think if we put it like that, it looks... That should be how it is.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Yeah, there we go. So, that's just not... This is not a good angle. It's just not a good angle on my face. So, no matter what I do with that, it just... It won't look good. So, if I just have it angled down a little bit... It's just...
Starting point is 00:40:26 It gives the... I don't know, it gives it a bit of a better effect on my face. Oh god, there we go. And that's what I'm gonna be doing with my new camera as well. I'll have it slightly angled down, plus you can actually see more of my shirt like this. So the people who hate the hand waving, you get even more hand waving because I don't care. Like I... I'm not gonna stop hand waving, like, that, this is just how I normally talk, so it's just gonna keep happening, um, anyway, this angle just wasn't very flattering, there was the lighting, also wasn't very flattering, by having the neutral lighting, and it just, yeah, there's just lots of things that I, I wasn't,
Starting point is 00:41:02 I just didn't know about lighting when I was recording videos like this For example the hair light the hair light very simple thing makes you stand out from the background Look at just look at look at this like you just have this very it's just blends into the background Obviously you have a white background and black hair so doesn't blend in that much But this makes it really pop out from the background, plus having this light here makes the, like, um, the edge of my head also pop out against my chair, because I have a white, I have a, sorry, I have a black chair, and yeah, uh, if you want a good channel to actually learn about how to do better lighting like this, I think a good starter resource is to go to Harris Heller's channel.
Starting point is 00:41:50 So, is it just called Harris Heller? Harris Heller. Or is the channel name different? No, it's Alpha Gaming, sorry. Yeah, so Harris Heller's channel, Alpha Gaming. This is an exceptional channel. yeah, so, Harris Heller's channel, Alpha Gaming, this is a exceptional channel, uh, are those, wait, are those the $400, uh, tube light, they might be, I'll see if he's done a video where he actually talks about those lights, but he does, uh, really, really good content, if you want to
Starting point is 00:42:20 know just really anything about, not just, he,, like he focuses on live streaming, but a lot of the live streaming stuff, obviously will translate over to doing regular VOD content as well. Like lighting is the same, regardless of whether you're doing a live stream or whether you're doing a regular video or you're trying to do movie stuff. Obviously, the way you light is going to be a little bit different, but the fundamentals are going to be exactly the same. So I really recommend checking this out. Plus a lot of information about
Starting point is 00:42:48 microphones and cameras. And if you do care about streaming, he also does things about, you know, setting up widgets and stuff like that. Basically everything that you need to know to actually make your content better. Or for example, just basic stuff like working with OBS. That's something I just wasn't very good at, you know, a few months back. I'm still not very good at it. There's some stuff I still need to automate that I'm doing manually, like, you know, resizing windows and stuff like that. But that's just something I need to get around to actually doing. But channels like this will make you realize that there was stuff you were actually missing because you might you might think you know what you're doing when you're first starting out uh i'm going to tell you now regardless of what you're doing whether
Starting point is 00:43:32 that is streaming whether that is playing games whether that's learning a language you think you know a lot you don't you just don't and that's not to say that I do. I'm just saying that when you start out, no one knows anything. And it just makes sense to go and take advice from someone who actually has been doing this for a while and not just has been doing it for a while, but has been doing it successfully. That's the most important part. It's one thing for someone to be doing something for like three or four years, but you can find channels on YouTube that have been making videos for 10 years that have like a couple hundred subs. Some of them do actually make really good content and just never manage to get like picked up by the algorithm.
Starting point is 00:44:17 But there's way more people who have been doing this for a long time and are still doing things that are horribly dumb. But when you see a channel like say harris's that does really well and the way he lights his content for example is part of the reason why it does well like people click on a video like this and it looks really well produced i recommend like i reckon that's someone you should probably take... At least... At least take... Something they say...
Starting point is 00:44:48 As a bit of advice. I... There are some things I would change about his content. Like, I don't like... How flat his lighting looks here. Uh... I know he's going for a... Like, an actual effect here.
Starting point is 00:44:58 But... I'm not a big fan of the way... The... The light actually looks. I feel like it's a bit... It's a bit too flat, and it kind of makes his shot look worse than it actually is, because I know that he can light his scenes much better than this, but I think it's just because he's trying to do more of a serious video that
Starting point is 00:45:21 he's not lighting like that, so I don't know. I just like having a more... Even if I'm doing a serious video, I still like it to be a very poppy, very poppy look. Everything else about this is absolutely gorgeous. Like, the way he's lit up his background, I would love to be able to have the space to have a dedicated...
Starting point is 00:45:41 Sorry. I would love to have a dedicated space that I can just have permanently set up like this, rather than having to fiddle around and have this bed here. If I could just get some lights that I can mount to the wall and leave them always there, and then just turn them on when I need them, that would be great.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Um, yeah. Yeah, it's just lighting the subject that I feel like probably because of the content of the video is just not the best in this one. Like, for example, if we go to something else... Let's go to something a bit happier. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:46:18 As you can see, he's got himself lit up way more here. Oh, these definitely are RGB. Okay, awesome. Because that was green in the last shot, so, whether they're the same ones we were looking at before, or something different, I don't know, uh, but yeah, as you can see, now he looks, like, the, the way he's lit up, uh, lit himself in this shot looks way, way better, and looking at myself next to that, I, I realize I'm actually a kind of oversaturated. Can I fix that?
Starting point is 00:46:48 Let's add a... You know, we're going to do a live edit. So, filters. Yeah, I'm definitely way oversaturated. Let me turn that down a bit. There you go. If it's way up, this is what my LUT can actually do. So, it kind of raises like the reds and stuff. So, if we turn this down a bit...
Starting point is 00:47:10 To like 35, I think. Obviously, my camera isn't gonna look anywhere near as good as Harris's does. Just because I am running a... A kind of terrible webcam right now. Not a multiple thousand dollar camera, but you still get the point, so if we go to color correction, I think we can do something here, we should probably do color correction before the LUT, and it looks like I'm still a bit oversaturated, so if we bring the, oh yeah, now we're in Lunduk mode. No.
Starting point is 00:47:45 I should go see what I'm doing over on my main setup because I have changed that a bit. I think what I did was I shoe shifted it a bit. Not that much. I shoe shifted a bit this way. And... Okay. Oh god, no. and okay oh god no we could just do the rest of the podcast like this i guess just make myself green and orange um no let's bring it down to here let me see on the main screen actually because i'm actually looking on my second screen. And my second screen just doesn't look anywhere near as good as my first. I feel like that looks considerably
Starting point is 00:48:30 better like that. And if we also go... Bring the filters back up. Maybe I'm a bit more yellow now. But obviously because I am hue shifting towards the yellow, that is going to happen. Let's raise the LUT up. Yeah. I think that's better.
Starting point is 00:48:46 If we raise the lot up to like here or so, so like 44, 45. Okay, that looks better. Might have to go do this to my main scene as well, because on my main scene, obviously it's going to be configured a little bit different now. So if we... No, that's too far.
Starting point is 00:49:12 If we go... Bring a little bit more color back into it. There we go. So make that like negative 8. I think that looks much better actually. Wow, I should have done that earlier. This is what I mean by I'm really lazy when it comes to doing stuff in OBS. Like I've been letting my camera just be slight, kind of misconfigured for a while and just didn't bother
Starting point is 00:49:36 to deal with it. But I think that that does look much, much better now. I can probably, here's the problem. If I start messing with camera settings, I'm going to mess with it for like hours. No, I don't want seven. I want negative seven. Yeah, yeah. That looks better. What was I saying?
Starting point is 00:49:55 Right. Yeah. Harris has... Actually, I don't think he's running his hair light here. I think he's just got the... It looks like he's got a fill light off to the side and also a point light. But yeah, he definitely has a point light or a key light. Sorry, a point light.
Starting point is 00:50:14 He definitely has a key light, obviously, because otherwise, you know, his face would be not lit up. But he also has a light clearly coming from the side here. And just having that light from the side isn't going to give you this nice effect over on this side here because what's going to happen is the lights going to hit here it'll hit your nose and then the rest of the face is not going to be lit up. I can actually show you that right now. There we go. As you can see it would basically do this. Obviously there's way more light in this room than I do but if we just see here the light it hits my nose and then doesn't do anything on the rest so he obviously is running at least two lights here I feel like it's just two normally the way I've
Starting point is 00:50:53 seen him do his videos is he'll have two lights so you have his fill light off to the side he'll have a key light lighting himself up and then if he wants an extra light he'll have an extra light behind him and that'll be his hair light. But he's not in his streaming setup right now and the streaming setup is normally where he has that set up like that. Anyway the whole point I was getting at here was go watch people who actually know what they're doing, not me. Don't take advice from me when it comes like to how to actually light your scene. But if it's how to know how to light your scene, how to know how to light your scene,
Starting point is 00:51:33 I'm the best guy to ask because I don't know what I'm doing, so I'm going to be relying on other people who actually know what they're doing. Also, his thumbnail's great because Twitch has no fake DMCA claims. Gotta love the tinfoil hat. Anyway, I've not even touched on most of the topics I have for today. So what else do we have? Since we're talking about Twitch anyway, God, Twitch's new TOS is a hilarious meme.
Starting point is 00:52:01 So let's find out. If you haven't heard, it'll be like old news at this point, but Twitch has decided to change their TOS and like on what their new banned words are. Now, I'll accept there's probably some things you probably shouldn't say on Twitch. Obviously, I'm not going to repeat them here. You can probably work out... you probably work out what you probably shouldn't be saying. But let's see. So the initial thing that Twitch decided to do... they've been messing around with even more stuff recently. I can't even find it because Twitch keeps doing stupid shit now. Okay so the first thing that happened is that Twitch said that you're no longer allowed to use the word
Starting point is 00:52:51 simp, cuck, or virgin in a derogatory manner. So you can't just be insulting to someone and say, oh, stop simping, oh, you're being a cuck, things like that. And there actually was someone who did get banned for that, even though this new TOS isn't supposed to come in until January, I think it was. So it's still December right now, and this new TOS isn't supposed to come in until January. And someone already got banned for it, and she didn't understand why because the TOS isn't in effect yet. But Twitch doesn't care.
Starting point is 00:53:28 That actually leads into something else hilarious that happened with a ban recently. But anyway. Twitch has no idea what they're doing. And it seems like, judging by some of the things I'm seeing here, people are just even more frequently using the term on Twitch now. So, usage of simp more than doubles after the ban. Which doesn't surprise me. Why would people not keep using it? Yeah, chat's mentioning simp doubled after the Twitch ban. Of course it did, because this is not how you kill a meme Twitch. This is how you make it even more powerful. because this is not how you kill a meme twitch.
Starting point is 00:54:04 This is how you make it even more powerful. Obviously, it's going to keep getting more popular. If you're like, oh, we're going to ban the word and no one agrees that it should be banned. It's like, oh, imagine being like, oh, we're going to... What's an example? We're going to... Actually, here's a good one. Prohibition. We're going to, hmm, actually, here's a good one, prohibition, we're gonna go back in the past, prohibition, we're gonna ban the consumption of alcohol,
Starting point is 00:54:33 I wonder what happens when you do that, could it be that people don't stop doing it, and they just keep doing it more, I wonder what could happen, Twitch, you have no idea what you're doing, and also, you can probably notice some other interesting things happening here related to some other Twitch stuff. So, I mentioned that ban before, so I believe that was just the minx who got banned
Starting point is 00:54:57 for saying simp. I think she called someone like a simp cuck or something, which is not a banable offense anywhere besides Twitch. So, she insulted someone, called them a simp cuck or something, which is not a bannable offense anywhere besides Twitch. So she insulted someone, called them a simp, called them a cuck, which is hilarious and I love it. And she got banned. But someone else on Twitch decided to accidentally stream what was going to be streamed to her OnlyFans on her Twitch. Then on...
Starting point is 00:55:26 I think her name was Misbehaving or something. I don't care. She was completely irrelevant beforehand. She's going to be irrelevant in a couple of weeks. But... So she accidentally streamed to her Twitch when she was supposed to go to her OnlyFans and got banned for three days. Because anyone else who streams porn on Twitch would obviously not get banned for three days.
Starting point is 00:55:53 That's nonsense. But Twitch also added some extra things to their TOS. Like this one right here. Twitch bans accusations of sexual favors between streamers and staff. I wonder why that came out basically straight after she got banned for three days for basically uploading porn to Twitch. Could it be? That there are some sexual favors going on between streamers and staff? That's impossible though.
Starting point is 00:56:29 That's completely impossible. That would never happen never ever ever happen at all so twitch is just trying to burn itself to the ground it's kind of hilarious because i don't know why twitch is getting this attitude it's not like they're even the biggest streaming platform it's one thing if like youtube does something, YouTube's like, okay, we're going to do some insane TOS changes, they're also the biggest platform, and you can't really do anything, Twitch isn't, YouTube is still the biggest streaming platform, and if they keep going down this route, Twitch isn't even going to be something that people consider, the only reason that people are still using Twitch from what I see is they like the community and that's entirely fair. The Twitch community seems to be great, especially if you like the, I guess the sort of
Starting point is 00:57:16 90s and early 2000s way of communicating on the internet. You don't really see that in many popular platforms anymore. It's sort of just delegated to Twitch and also some smaller communities here and there, but nothing like YouTube, for example. YouTube is a very different atmosphere than what you see on Twitch. But, so it's the community which I entirely accept, but they'll go other places when Twitch crashes and burns because they don't know how to run their company. And the other thing is that a lot of the top streamers have these absolutely insane exclusivity contracts
Starting point is 00:57:58 where they are not allowed to stream on other platforms. So until Twitch crashes and burns, a lot of these top streamers will be basically stuck on the platform unless someone else like Mixer shows up who's willing to buy out their contract like happened with Ninja? Yes, Ninja and a couple other people
Starting point is 00:58:17 back when Mixer was a thing. But obviously, you know, Mixer, not exactly much of a thing. And unless YouTube decides to do it, which they very well could, if they decided they wanted to go after the gaming streaming space, they definitely have the money where they could, or at least YouTube maybe not, but Google if they want to take over that space, definitely has the money to buy up some of the top streamers and actually bring them over to YouTube exclusively, or even not exclusively,
Starting point is 00:58:46 just bring them over to YouTube and let them stream elsewhere, like every other platform does. So if you say stream on YouTube and you're a partner, like, you know, I am and a lot of people are, YouTube doesn't care. You can stream on 10 other platforms at the same time. All they care about is if you're making money on YouTube for YouTube right now. If you are, that's cool. If you're not, hey, you can keep using it, but we'll probably put ads in your content
Starting point is 00:59:16 and not pay you for it instead. But if you have a Facebook gaming partnership, they don't care. You can stream any way you want. If you have, a Facebook gaming partnership, they don't care, you can stream any way you want, if you have a DLive partnership, they don't care, you can stream wherever you want, it's only Twitch that has these exclusivity contracts, and I don't know why they, well okay, I know why they do it, but I don't know why people keep accepting them, and why people keep thinking that Twitch is the biggest streaming platform. Because it's not.
Starting point is 00:59:48 It's just not the biggest streaming platform. And from what I've seen, it's not even a good platform to grow your content on. There's my rant for that. So Twitch, people are going to keep saying simp on it it's gonna keep happening no matter what you try to do to it and it's gonna be hilarious when what are you gonna ban like critical and xqc if they start saying that no you're not that's stupid or like if say pokemane calls someone a sim actually pokemane sure might be one of the reasons why that new rule's there about the favors and the streamers. But that's another story.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Are you going to ban top streamers if they say simp? No, you're not. That's stupid. Actually, you might do it because you did ban one of your biggest streamers. Dr. Disrespect. I'll blank on his name for a moment. because you did ban one of your biggest streamers, who I'm... DrDisrespect. I was blanking on his name for a moment. You banned DrDisrespect,
Starting point is 01:00:49 who obviously was making you a lot of money. So maybe you will ban top streamers. Maybe you'll ban Ninja and XQC and Critical. If you do, though, what they'll do is they'll go to YouTube and then a good part of the Twitch audience will follow them, so I don't think even Twitch would be that dumb to go and ban people like that, so they can sort of do whatever they want and you don't really have any choice in that, especially
Starting point is 01:01:18 if a lot of them decide to work together to do it, that's the biggest thing. Maybe one or two would get banned, but if you say have ten of them, if you have your ten biggest streamers doing that, Twitch can't fucking do anything about that. God. Twitch, great. I can't wait till, like, Library has streaming. Like, obviously, Library is still a very, very small platform. I think BitChute's getting streaming as well.
Starting point is 01:01:52 So, streaming on those platforms will be great. Because it is... I do want to, like, have my content going out to multiple places. I might start, like, restreaming to Twitch just because I can. It's, like, there's no harm in doing it, except that I, I have, like, a, a thing on my screen that says, uh, you simped so-and-so amounts, so maybe I'll get banned from Twitch on the first day, and that would be funny, uh, because then I'll just go and, like, I, I have zero followers on Twitch anyway, maybe I'll just go and stream on, like, DLive along with YouTube, YouTube's obviously going to be the main place, like, they've got
Starting point is 01:02:28 some pretty insane rules, and people don't like the way that DMCA is handled, but honestly, YouTube's DMCA handling is infinitely better than what Twitch is doing, and for the most part, YouTube doesn't really care, like, they're not gonna stop you from saying, like, simp, they might stop you from, you know, saying some other things, but if it's, if it's just simp, like, no, no one's gonna stop you from saying that on YouTube, that they've got better things to worry about, like, actually, I don't know what YouTube worries about, to be honest, uh, maybe, maybe political content getting popular. Yeah, that's probably the only thing they care about.
Starting point is 01:03:08 I'll have to go watch this clip about XQC making fun of the new TOS. I haven't actually watched it. XQC mocks Twitch's latest TOS update. They apply to literally nobody. Let's have a read through this article and see what it's actually saying I pressed the wrong button there we go, now you can actually see it do not play any
Starting point is 01:03:34 black ops stuff Felix xqc I don't know how to say that which has been met with a great deal of backlash after deeming the use of words simp and version or ban of offenses has totally missed the mark. Coming into effect January 22.
Starting point is 01:03:49 So yeah, they're coming to effect January 22 and someone's already been banned from it. An assortment of offensive terms will no longer have a place on Twitch, whether it's threatening words or hateful speech. The Amazon-owned streaming service is broadening its horizons in the new year. Sure it is.
Starting point is 01:04:04 It's also going to burn itself to the ground. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the internet caught wind of a particular term and immediately fought back. The word simp was seen across the site. 97% more than usual in response to these announcements. Haha. Oh, that's
Starting point is 01:04:20 great. Many popular streamers have joined the community in laughing off some of the chosen terms now xqc is the late the latest to comment on the drama explaining how the upcoming changes won't make a noticeable difference uh we don't have a blanket ban on the use of uh words like simp and casual banter but we'll take action and when words like this among others are used to harass and harm our community members so let's here's an example actually what if you're streaming and you have voice chat on in the game and then someone insults
Starting point is 01:04:52 someone by calling them a simp or a cuck is that going to be a bannable offense because we have seen things on twitch where you know like i think, yeah, I think it happened with Dr. Disrespect, actually, where someone streamed, or maybe it was some, some other streamer, some other band streamer they had, anyway, someone streamed, and that band streamer happened to be in their lobby on voice chat, and because they're on voice chat, and the way that Twitch works is, you can't actually bring a band streamer onto your stream, that streamer ended up getting, I think it was a suspension or a ban, and that's just insane, that's not ended up getting, I think it was a suspension or a ban. And that's just insane. That's not how you run a platform like this.
Starting point is 01:05:29 You can't like, if you're going to be in public lobbies, you have to expect that maybe you'll run across someone who's been banned from the platform before. And it's just, it's just not, it's just not a good idea
Starting point is 01:05:44 to run your platform like this. So, the new TOS are a little specific for my liking, he said during a December 21 stream. When asked about the announcement, XQC simply brushed it aside. To be honest, it doesn't really change anything. I don't think the new TOS applies to anybody. It's not going to be honest. Wait, I'm going to be honest. The new TOS applies to anybody. It's not going to be honest. Wait, I'm going to be honest. The new TOS applies to literally nobody. It's a non-issue.
Starting point is 01:06:12 Twitch wants to avoid terms that negatively target other users, even implying that bans could follow under certain circumstances, though nobody does any of these things that Twitch is looking to prevent, according to XQC. I think at this point, when people say the word simp or anything like that, they're using it in a joking manner. I don't think anyone is actually using it as like a serious insulting term. Maybe someone gets insulted by it, but that's never the intention for it. So I don't really, yeah, I'm in agreement here. It doesn't really make any sense for what he's doing. Mocking the TOS changes, he joked about the only way to actually get banned
Starting point is 01:06:47 using select words on Twitch. Look at him, this fucking virgin. Holy shit, he joked. As if he were going to, as if he were going out of his way to target an up-and-coming streamer with the 20 viewers. Guys go into his chat and tell him he's a virgin. He would have
Starting point is 01:07:03 to do that for like two weeks straight for the new rules to even come into play, XQC added. Obviously, the example is a tad excessive, but the point is clear. With specific terms being targeted, it begs the question of just how strict Twitch will be in enforcing punishment. Clearly, XQC thinks new changes will fail to make an
Starting point is 01:07:19 impact. Well, someone's already been banned from it, so clearly they're going to be enforcing it in some way. Jake Paul explains why he can beat Conor McGregor in a boxing match. That's something... That's a match I would
Starting point is 01:07:37 love to watch. I don't know why Jake Paul keeps trying to fight people and now he's challenging fucking Conor McGregor. Don't play that. No. That's, that's, no. Don't play that. Um. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:54 So, Twitch. Twitch is a great platform. Uh, I'm so happy that I haven't built a career on it. Because I feel kind of bad for all the people who are kind of stuck on that platform and really can't do anything about it because of their exclusivity contracts. Getting yourself started on YouTube seems like a much better idea and then making use of Twitch as like a extra platform to get those people, you know, involved in your community. That's the
Starting point is 01:08:19 reason why I use like library as well. I don't think you should start a channel on library. That's a dumb idea. I know there's people who do it and there's people who are like oh but library is a great platform it's it's fine but because it is such a small platform you're much better off having it as your secondary platform and then focusing on whatever the um the the main platform is and if you want to then you know fun you want to then funnel people from that platform to wherever you want them else to be, that also works, but having it as your main platform, especially when Twitch has these insane rules, is just not a good idea. So over on the um-
Starting point is 01:09:05 So, over on the... Over on the main channel, someone asked me... I think... It was on the main channel, not on my Discord. Someone on the main channel, they asked me to do a video talking about the Debian website. And I don't know why they asked me this. Because I've looked at the new Debian website. And I'll just show you guys on the screen. I don't know what this person had expected me to say about
Starting point is 01:09:30 this. I don't know how bad the Debian website was before but this website looks like just a pretty standard website from the early like or mid 2000s. So I'll just move this over. That's the wrong thing I'm moving so move it no select the thing I want to select there we go look at this website why would I make a video about this like I don't know what I would say about it it just looks like a pretty standard website from like mid 2007 or so. Like look at this, like hey look I discovered what CSS animations are and we have this really ugly header bar that's an image instead of actually you know making it inside of code and we have these, oh look at this more more CSS animations and it highlights when
Starting point is 01:10:23 you have your cursor over this icon for some reason. Like there's nothing special about this website. I don't know what I would actually say about it. It's not like, not to deride the person who wanted me to do a video on this, like if it's better than it was before that's cool but I just don't know what I would say about it. That's the thing, like there's nothing that I could say about this that would make a decent video. That's pretty much all I have to say about that. It's just like, oh, it's a website
Starting point is 01:10:55 that looks okay, I guess, if you like really old-looking websites that, yeah, are just old looking websites, but... That's pretty much all I have to say about that. The Debian website, it looks kind of shit actually. Like I think the Arch website with it... It's a very basic looking website. Like you could make this in the... Not even the early 2000s, you make this in the fucking 90s. Arch... Yeah, if we just think about Arch, it should take us to the Arch website. the early 2000s. You make this in the fucking 90s. Arch. If we just think about Arch, it should take us to the Arch website.
Starting point is 01:11:35 As long as you have CSS, you can make this website in the 90s. Obviously, it looks better than the 90s website does look like because we have design sense now. But I think this website looks better than a 90s website does look like because we have like you know design sense now but I think this website looks better I just realized that my this actually was never intentional by the way it looks like my theme like my my system theme actually looks like an arch theme that was literally never my intention. Uh... But...
Starting point is 01:12:06 How did I not notice that? My entire system theme is based around the colour scheme of Arch. How did I not know? Wait... Wait, how did I not realise that? Because even things like... Actually, can you see this if I press... you okay you can't see my FCRTX window but I can like type in Japanese. So if I take a
Starting point is 01:12:37 screenshot of it... no okay you can't really see it. Basically it has the same sort of theme as my polybar up here. And all of my other applications, as you can see, I have a blue border around this and a blue border around this. Yeah, I... Huh. I do like Arch Linux, but I had never initially intended to actually theme my entire system around it. It just sort of happened, I guess,
Starting point is 01:13:06 which is cool, um, yeah, I don't, that was unexpected, actually, I didn't, I am, I'm actually just realizing this right now. Because this was a... I don't remember why I picked this blue. I think... Yeah, I don't know why I picked this blue. Maybe I just kind of like the look of this blue. Maybe this is the reason why I use art. Maybe I just like the blue in the logo.
Starting point is 01:13:38 And I just happened to... Actually, I just realized you can't actually see my polybar anyway. If you go watch my main channel, you'll see my polybar and you'll see the lines under it. Maybe I just happened to pick this blue because I I'd seen the arch blue and for some reason that blue just stuck out of my mind
Starting point is 01:13:56 and I just wanted to use that instead. Maybe. Maybe it's coincidence. I don't know. By the way, it's kind of amusing to me. No, get rid of the ad. There we go. I think the only thing that doesn't have the blue, which I should go and fix, is my dunce notifications.
Starting point is 01:14:13 I don't know why I don't have a blue border around those. I just have a grey border. Yeah. I don't know. Anyway, what else do we have on here? So, last weekend, uh, would be, yeah, last weekend for me, I think two weekends ago, as you're going to be watching this, I basically spent the entire weekend gaming, and I haven't done that in, god, I don't know how long, maybe at least six years, five or six years, I would say, what year is it now, yeah, at least five or six years, when I was in high school, that was probably
Starting point is 01:14:55 the last time I did that, um, yeah, I left high school five years ago, so, yeah, fuck, years ago, so, yeah, fuck, fuck, that was a long time ago, um, so, I played Bastion on the Friday, yes, Friday, um, played Bastion on the Friday, and I was getting drunk that night, I didn't have that much to drink, I was just drinking, I know this is, I didn't drink this that night, uh, I drank this two nights later, um, Kuiomi Highball, really good, uh, this flavor, the, uh, Mandarin and Grapefruit is, it's a very quiet taste, once, when you have one, you hate it, probably, once you have, like, When you have one, you hate it, probably. Once you have, like, five, and you go back to drinking,
Starting point is 01:15:49 then they're actually really good. I think all the flavors of the Koyomi highballs are actually really good. Anyway, that's not the point. So I played Bastion, streamed that, got drunk. That was lots of fun. The next morning after that, I did my Xenotic stream, and that stream went on for so long. I think, what, it was three and a half hours or something.
Starting point is 01:16:08 I don't think I've done a stream so long I actually need to take a piss before. And that was the first one that actually was like that. Normally, I end up ending a stream around that point. But no, I just decided to keep playing it. And people seem to really like the stream for some reason. So I think it's my most popular stream at this point. It actually got a lot of views after the fact. seemed to really like the stream for some reason. So, I think it's my most popular stream at this point. It actually got a lot of views after the fact.
Starting point is 01:16:31 And it has 100% like to dislike ratio, which is also pretty crazy. Let's see. Yeah, so there's an IP address on the screen right there. That server isn't my service, so feel free to do whatever you want to it anyway. Anyway, so this video got 64 likes, a thousand views, I don't know if it has any comments yet, or if it's just, maybe it doesn't,
Starting point is 01:16:57 maybe it does, can we see the comments, no, there's no comments on it, so it's just mainly what people were saying during the live comments, um, yeah, this went for three and a half hours, and during the stream, one of my mates came into it, and was like, hey, you want to come play some Left 4 Dead at some point? And then I went and played Left 4 Dead, I think, so it would have been from when I finished this to about eight or nine o'clock that night, so I finished this around, I think, one. And then I had some lunch. Maybe it was two. Anyway, I had some lunch after that. And then, for the next six or so hours, I just played Left 4 Dead 2. I've never played Left 4 Dead 2 before. I'm going to say something that's kind of controversial. It's a... I don't think it's a very good game. It's a good game.
Starting point is 01:17:42 It's not the sort of game that I like to play if I'm going to play a shooter I kind of like I kind of like more fast paced shooters, that's why I like Zenotic, Zenotic is lots of fun obviously doesn't have to be an arena shooter even like Call of Duty is fast enough for me, Battlefield is fast
Starting point is 01:18:02 enough for me, it's just, Left 4 Dead you're walking everywhere, and if you get hurt, then you're, like, limping everywhere, and it's just, it's just not fun to play for me. I don't, I think it's just too, it's too slow. It's way too slow for me. I'm sure people who like that sort of game will love it, but no. All right, maybe I'll go back and play more Left 4 Dead, maybe I'll enjoy it again if I'm not playing it for six hours, uh, but yeah, I, I'd much rather play anything else that's a little bit faster, so then Sunday I didn't end up playing anything, I was gonna do a, a, uh, Hades stream, but I was like, I've already played like
Starting point is 01:18:45 12 hours of games this weekend. I think I should do something else with my time. And that was when I had my work dinner. So I yeah, I wasn't going to play that much that night anyway, just because, you know, I want to get real drunk for work. That's why I had this
Starting point is 01:19:02 and had some ciders while I was there as well, I think I had, like, four ciders, um, yeah, so, oh, it's nice to, it's nice to just play some games for once, it's just, it's not something I've done in so long, it's, it's, it's a nice, nice relaxing feeling, and I think I've changed a lot since I used to play a lot of video games. So back when I was a kid, I would get really, really angry playing a game. And now, because it's been so long since I've actually like really gotten into anything, it's now just back to being fun again.
Starting point is 01:19:38 It's a feeling that I haven't had in a very long time playing games. Because for a while, it was at the point where I was like, oh, I play this because I'm trying to get better at it and that just at some point that stops being fun. Like it's one thing when I want to get better at doing this because this is like sort of it it's something I'm I'm but words it's something I sort of make money from and it's something I want to I want to make the best content for you guys, but when it's just something that's supposed to be relaxing for me, I don't want to turn that into, how can I compete, I just want to be like, I just want to chill, and that's sort of why I like playing single player games most of the time, because if I am competing against anyone, it's going to be competing against myself,
Starting point is 01:20:18 and that's fine, because then I know what I am capable of. When I'm competing against other people, that's when sort of that stuff can start to come out again. But I think I've, at least at this stage, I'm still kind of more chill playing games than I was. And maybe I'll play some more here and there. I do want to do some open source game streaming, at least some more on the main channel. I don't know what I'll play.
Starting point is 01:20:45 Like I've got a big list of stuff now. I don't know what the next one will be. Maybe it'll be like Urban Terror or something. I played a lot in high school. In class. Teachers didn't like that. What else do we have on the list? On my gaming list actually.
Starting point is 01:21:03 We'll go to... Is it video ideas? No, it's video. No, it's stream ideas. There we go. Should reorder this bit. So, we have Urban Terror, Armageddon. Obviously, Zenotic again.
Starting point is 01:21:13 People seem to love Zenotic. So, I'll be happy to come back to that one. I did realize I had my window cropped slightly wrong. So, you couldn't actually see the entire game. We have Assault Cube which I had a lot of fun in high school with again, once again in class. If you haven't played Assault Cube, I'll bring it up on the screen. Basically it's a... I guess it's very similar to Counter-Strike. Yeah, Counter-Strike's the best way to explain it, um, here you go,
Starting point is 01:21:48 here's what it looks like, it even looks sort of Counter-Strike-y, open image, okay, it's a very tiny image, um, yeah, basically, it's, it's a open source FPS that is very much like Counter-Strike, that is very much like Counter-Strike. And it's fun. I enjoy it. It's great. What else do we have? We have... So I said Armagetron.
Starting point is 01:22:12 I did hear that Assault Cube... Not Assault Cube. I guess Cube. Which is what... This game is based on the Cube engine. There's like a second Cube game? Oh, that's what that one is. Okay. like a second cube game? Uh... Oh, that's what that one is. Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:31 Okay, so someone told me about this. Um, they just called it like what the subtitle is, so Cube 2 Sour Brattons? I don't know how to say that. This is a sequel game, or I guess... Yeah, I guess you call it a sequel. Basically the same sort of game, but newer. I'll definitely have to have a look at that one. It seems like it... Okay, no. It
Starting point is 01:22:58 came out a while ago. Oh, it came out a very long time ago. People are still playing it in 2020, apparently. At least the channel could open source games. I did not know this channel existed. I'll have to go check this channel out. Because this might give me some good content to actually talk about. Wow, this is going to be a lot of content to do on streams. Open source Crash Bandicoot.
Starting point is 01:23:26 Battle Metal. Open source mech action game oh that sounds fun oh I will definitely have to check this channel out there is a lot of really cool stuff on here okay that's awesome oh I guess he's also a game developer as well does he still make content?
Starting point is 01:23:44 four days ago. I will have to hit this guy up and... Yeah, bring up... Come on to the pod... If you happen to be watching this, hit me up. I'll bring you on the podcast. I don't know if you have any way I can...
Starting point is 01:23:58 Oh, you give a Discord chat. Maybe I can contact you through that. I really don't like it. Like, okay. Please have... If you're going to make content on the internet, maybe I can contact you through that I really don't like it like okay please have if you're gonna make content on the internet can you please have like some sort of way to contact you like maybe uh
Starting point is 01:24:11 an email or something if you don't check the email like ever please have something it just makes it easiest so if if you want to try like bring you on a podcast maybe you don't want to be on a podcast I don't know
Starting point is 01:24:23 um yeah I'll if this guy will respond to anything i will definitely want to bring him on the podcast because it was a paintball game that's cool there's a lot of really cool games that i'd never even never even heard about unfair hard open source classic rpg That looks kind of pretty. Huh. Oh, and Zero AD stuff. Oh yeah, that's another game on the list. Zero AD, which I am very bad at RTS games. So we'll see how that one goes. But we also have Open Arena, which is another open source arena shooter. Very similar to something like Xenotics.
Starting point is 01:25:05 So in the same sort of vein of being like a Quake, Unreal Tournament style shooter where it's real fast. You can rocket jump, things like that. Is this a Japanese project? Has a Japanese title. What is that? Open Arena. Yeah, okay, it is.
Starting point is 01:25:28 That does say Open Arena, cool. Yeah, it's basically another arena shooter. And apparently it's Japanese, that's cool. Or at least maybe one of the devs is Japanese? I don't know what it is. Either way... Actually, no. It could also just be that the, the
Starting point is 01:25:46 dev is also a massive weeb, that could also be the case, because I don't know if you've seen my new Discord message, my new Discord, so my old Discord, um, message of the day was discount Luke Smith, now it is, um, fuck, I don't remember how to read the kanji, basically, it says discount Luke Smith, but it's in Japanese, uh, just because I want to see if anyone can read it, and that would be funny, um, anyway, yeah, this might also be fun, I don't know if it's still being updated, when was it last updated, oh, no, it's not, four years ago. We'll see if it still works, though. Open MW, which I don't know much about. We'll look at that one right now.
Starting point is 01:26:32 I was just given a list by Nephite, and I haven't actually looked into most of the games that are on the list. So, Open MW is a open-source, free software engine game recreation that re-implements the one powering Bethesda Softworks 2002 open world role-playing game Morrowind, oh, it's an open source engine for Morrowind, that's cool, uh, oh, no, I have seen this one, and I saw someone actually getting it working on a fucking mobile phone, yeah, yeah, okay. I've never actually played Morrowind. I got into the Elder Scrolls series with Skyrim, like a lot of people did.
Starting point is 01:27:14 That's cool. I don't know whether this will make a great stream game on like the main channel, but maybe I'll do that on the gaming channel. the, the gaming channel, uh, we also have a Super Tux Kart, which anyone who knows about, anyone who knows about Linux gaming already knows about Super Tux Kart, um, basically, it's a kart racer, but it's, it's a Linux kart racer, and there's, like, there's, I don't know who's, any of these characters are supposed to be, except obviously, you know, we have a, we have our boy Tux, um, is the AI cheating? Probably, uh, let's see, is Super Tux Cart a Mario clone? No, the Mario Kart series, the most known kart racer games, but there have been many others, some very old version of STK tried to mirror, um, racing games but there have been many others. Some very old version of STK tried to mirror
Starting point is 01:28:07 mirror Mario Kart but this has been the case for a very long time." I do have to look into Super Tux Kart because it just... I like kart races. Kart races are fun and it just looks fun. That's all I have to say, just, it just looks fun, uh, also to stop Hum from bothering me, I'm gonna go and play NetHack at some point, which is, I think it's like a, it's a text-based roguelike, NetHack, NetHack is a very, very, very old game by the looks of it. Here you go. Here are pictures of NetHack, because their website's terrible. Yeah, it's a text-based roguelike, so... And there's also graphical versions of it as well, which is cool. Playing NetHack... Wait, what is this? After 20... After 25 years of playing NetHack,
Starting point is 01:29:09 I finally got my first Ascension. So there you go. It's at least 25 years old. But it's probably older, knowing Hum and what he recommends to me. And I will make some exceptions for certain games. Like, for example, maybe people want to play Quake.
Starting point is 01:29:25 You know, maybe people will accept that, uh, that Quake would be a fine game to play on the channel. I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe people will hate me for playing Quake, but I think that we can all agree that Quake is a
Starting point is 01:29:42 good game. Doesn't matter which Quake it is. Maybe even, we'll go back and play Quake 1. I'm sure we can get Quake is a good game. It doesn't matter which Quake it is. Maybe we'll go back and play Quake 1. I'm sure we can get Quake 1 working just fine. Actually, there's probably people still managing, like still maintaining the project. So I'm sure that'll be just fine. Another one is Mind Test. So Mind Test is actually an interesting one.
Starting point is 01:30:00 So is it going to focus on this window? There we go. Mind Test is like an open source Minecraft game and I don't know anything about it. Yeah, I have no idea about this game. I'll have to look into it though because because... Are those like cylinders? What? What am I looking at? Is this like... Wait, is it... I'm pretty sure...
Starting point is 01:30:32 I'm pretty sure that this... The texture that's running is actually just a Minecraft texture pack. Because I'm pretty sure I've seen this before. But I don't know anything about Mind Test. I don't know how old it is.
Starting point is 01:30:50 I don't know how well it runs. I hear it's a good game. Surprisingly so. Mind Test. Open Source Voxel Game Engine. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah. Maybe it'll be fun. And it looks like the cave generation is already better than what Minecraft does. Because Minecraft's cave generation is fucking bad.
Starting point is 01:31:16 Yeah. Wait, you can mine 31,000 blocks down? What? Wait, wait, wait, what? What do you mean you can mine 31,000 blocks down? What? Wait, wait, wait, what? What do you mean you can mine 31,000 blocks down? What the fuck? So the maps are stupid big, apparently. Alright then.
Starting point is 01:31:43 Also, an IRC, because of course they do. It's available in many forms of BSD, and it is still being actively updated by the looks of it. So, that also sounds like lots of fun as well. What else do we have? We have OpenTTD. I don't know what that one is. OpenTTD is... Alright. Open TTD. Is.
Starting point is 01:32:08 All right. Open Transport Tycoon. Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe. Basically is an open source version of Transport Tycoon Deluxe. I've never actually played one of these like Tycoon games. Especially one of the older ones. Let's see. Click on this one. So it's like the same sort of vein as like the SimCity games as well. I've never played anything like this. I don't know, maybe
Starting point is 01:32:33 they'll be fun. I don't know. I'll try it out. Could be cool. We also have Open Red Alert. Open Red Alert. Red Alert is another game that I have not ever played. Here we go. Basically, it's Red Alert, but it's open source. This one's still being updated? Yes, this is still being updated as well. This got updated 10 days ago as of the recording of this. Wow.
Starting point is 01:33:03 Okay, cool. Or at least it's getting blog posts about it. We have Open Rollercoaster Tycoon. Which I think you can judge by the name is going to be an open source version of Rollercoaster Tycoon. Another game that I had never played, but I'm sure would be lots of fun. Because, you know, building rollercoasters and stuff, that sounds cool. We have a couple more on...
Starting point is 01:33:36 We have a couple more on the list. I have hiccups. Battle for Wesnoth. Wesnoth. I don't remember what this one is. That's not coming up. Maybe I spelled it wrong.
Starting point is 01:33:53 Oh, it's Wes, not Wes. I was told the wrong spelling. Okay. This... I feel like I have seen something about this one before. This is a... Is this another RTS? This is not an RTS.
Starting point is 01:34:13 Maybe... What do you call it? The same sort of game that Civilization is. I guess maybe you could call it... Yeah. How does it describe itself? The Battle for Westnoth is an open-source turn-based strategy game with a high fantasy theme. It features both single-player and online hot seat multiplayer combat. Once again, I'm not big-brained enough to play these
Starting point is 01:34:38 games well, but maybe it'll be good as well. And the last one we have on this list is, I believe, it'll be good as well. And the last one we have on this list is, I believe, a single player game, actually. It's a game called Strife. I believe it's a stealth game, if I'm not mistaken. Strife game.
Starting point is 01:35:04 Maybe, once again, maybe it was a different one that I was thinking of. Ah, it's a Doom mod by the looks of it. Okay, maybe that's the one people were talking about. Well, maybe it was something different. I think I searched for it on the stream. Can I find it? Will I find it? That is the ultimate question.
Starting point is 01:35:34 Maybe it wasn't called that. Maybe it was something else. Anyway, I'll check out that open source games channel. Maybe I'll find some other game on there that would be kind of cool to look at. Because there's obviously a lot of open source games out there. But for a stream game, I kind of feel like the arena shooters actually make a really good one. Because even if you're not very good at an arena shooter, it's very easy to get into. Like if I said, let's play something like Zero A.D.
Starting point is 01:35:59 The number of people who could play Zero A.D. is probably limited to like DT and like one other person. So, uh, and actually DT might show up to play a game of ZeroAD knowing him. Uh, he did join my, my Zenotic stream and not join my voice chat. He was just watching the stream. And I know he was watching the stream because he would comment in the stream chat on things that were happening in the stream, and then, like, also, uh, talk in the actual text chat in the actual game, I don't know why he didn't jump in the voice chat, maybe he just wanted that, like, 90s gaming experience where you're just, like, talking over text, I don't know, maybe that's what he wanted, maybe, maybe he just didn't want to talk. I don't know. Maybe he was
Starting point is 01:36:46 embarrassed about not turning his audio server on last time. Oh, lord. I think the Nordic might actually have voice chat built into it as well. What? I can't remember. Okay. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:37:04 What else do we have on the topics list? Oh, yeah. Back to the Left 4 Dead thing for just a moment while we're still on gaming. So, when I was playing Left 4 Dead, for the first few hours, I was playing with just some mates. And that's the best way to play Left 4 Dead because playing pubs... Holy crap, playing pubs, holy crap, playing pubs is awful, so one time, we actually had, so while we were playing, we had three people, for a while we did a four, but then we went back to three, and then we got this dude who actually
Starting point is 01:37:37 joined us, I don't remember what his name was, he was an absolute legend though, so this guy, he seemed to love the game, he didn't even, he wasn't even worried about the fact that we weren't very good at the game, he just seemed to like the fact that people were playing Left 4 Dead, which is awesome, that, like, those are my favorite kinds of people, the people who just love something so much that they just want more people to enjoy it, they don't care if you're not very good at it. They don't care if you're going to hold them back. They just want you to enjoy the hobby that they're enjoying. And those people are awesome.
Starting point is 01:38:12 The people who are not awesome, though, are the people who like to gatekeep their hobbies. So after the pub campaign matches we did, we then went into versus matches. And holy crap crap i hate versus versus is awful even if you're playing with people you know because playing as the zombies is just not fun they're not designed to be played as anyway um we had so the two two of the guys in no so one of the guys in the call ended up being on the survivors team and
Starting point is 01:38:46 me and another mate were in the uh... the versus... or the zombies... the versus team... the zombies team. And that meant that we had some extra people fill up the lobby. Now, my team ended up getting some of the most annoying people I have ever seen in any sort of game. So these people were so angry that we weren't very good at Versus. I had never played Versus before and I'm pretty sure my mate never played Versus either, but he was so angry about the fact that we weren't very good at Versus and anytime anything bad happened he would just talk over a voice chat and be like, oh I can't believe you're this shit, why even playing the game if you're shit? Like, as if you can somehow get better at a game by not playing it. How do you-
Starting point is 01:39:31 of course you're gonna be shit at the game if you just started it, what sort of fucking point are you making there you idiot? Um, but that sort of showed me the like, two sides that exist of this game. You have, oh actually really any game I'm sure the same thing happens with Counter-Strike as well. So Left 4 Dead just went on a sale So that means a lot more new players. So the veteran players obviously have to deal with those new people And there's two ways the veterans can do it. One is you can be like that first person which was really excited to just play left for dead with people even though even though he just had to deal with people who were shit at
Starting point is 01:40:10 the game and a lot of the time he was carrying us but if like he would say stuff in vc like he'd be like okay do this do this do this okay we'd be like oh yeah that's cool uh because we just didn't know where we were going half the time. But if we were unsure about anything. Or if there was like a difficult part coming up. He'd give us advice on how we can get through it better. Like there was one part where. I think there was like. We'd like stand up on a tower.
Starting point is 01:40:35 And if we didn't get up on the tower. We'd basically instantly die. And he went and told everyone that. Or there was like a bridge level. And he was like just stay on the left hand side. And we'll get through it easily. We didn't get through it easily. We all died except for him.
Starting point is 01:40:46 Who just ran off to the end. But he was still perfectly happy to help us through the game. Those other people though. Were just like no. You are not allowed to play this game. If you are not good at it. If you are not good at this game. Do not play it. Which is just not good at this game, do not play
Starting point is 01:41:05 it, which is just the dumbest thing I've ever heard, and I don't know. I get why some people like that, but with such an old game like Left 4 Dead, I don't know why you would try to drive people away from it, because obviously, at this point, the lobbies are going to be much, much smaller than they used to be, so you probably want to keep people around who may enjoy the game who may not be very good at the game because then you can actually you know play matches in pubs even though you shouldn't play matches in pubs um yeah that's sort of my rant on that don't be a dick who sort of gate keeps your gains just accept the fact that when new people join the game, they're obviously
Starting point is 01:41:48 not going to be very good. And if that really bothers you that much, what you can do is just leave the lobby and go to a different lobby. That's literally all you have to do. But this person stuck around for like four or five matches, and I don't know why he stuck around for that long if he's just going to complain
Starting point is 01:42:04 about it. If that's your problem just piss off. That's all I have to say about that. Just piss off if you don't like it that much. I'm sure there'll be another lobby that will have probably just as shitty people in it. Maybe they'll be better. Maybe you'll find another group of veterans who all hate not playing with new people. But if you want to play a game now, accept what you have to accept. I've gotten really ranty in this episode, haven't I? We had the Twitch rant earlier, and now we had the Left 4 Dead rant as well. So, oh lord.
Starting point is 01:42:44 Let's talk about something a bit less ranty, because we have, uh, what, 18 minutes till the two-hour mark, and that's sort of where I want to end it, so, recently, I've actually, I'm going to do a stream on this, I think by, yes, by the time this comes out, the stream actually would have been out, uh, because this is going to be my Christmas day stream, because I don't have anything super important planned, it's just just I sort of want to do a stream before I go out to my parents' place. Just so there's something there. And then on the 26th, there'll be the Christmas video. Because that'll be out for Christmas for the Americans.
Starting point is 01:43:15 Yeah. So I sort of get to do the Christmas sort of content two days in a row. Because I'm Australian. And that's how it works. I get my Christmas. And I get your Christmas as well. Anyway, my stream for that is going to be on... It's probably mainly going to be WaniKani because I've got a lot of lessons to do
Starting point is 01:43:34 and I've got a lot of reviews to do. And when I do these lessons, I'll have a shit ton more reviews to do. WaniKani is basically a service to, you know, help you learn to read kanji, because kanji is, it's, it's, it's a pain, it's a pain, really, I'm still very early in Wani Kani, I'm at level two right now, these kanji are, you know, fairly simple to read, I think that one there is six, I haven't actually done these lessons yet, and that would be like 3. I don't know how to read this. How do we read 6? The onyomi reading is going to be roku.
Starting point is 01:44:11 Of course it is. Yes, it is. That makes sense. But if you're looking for a way to actually learn kanji, I think this is a pretty good service from what I'm seeing. I'm retaining a lot of the knowledge, and I haven't started grammar yet because I want to get to the point where I know enough kanji that I can actually read the grammar books without having to constantly be looking up stuff. So maybe when I get to like level five or level 10 or so, then I'll actually, you know, start the grammar stuff and then
Starting point is 01:44:39 actually be able to properly form sentences with the vocabulary I'm learning. So this service, it will teach you the radicals, which are the components that actually make up the kanji. It will teach you the kanji. And then along with that, it's also, I don't know, reviews that day, at least right now. It'll also teach you some vocabulary as well. So for example, as you can see, the 60 levels, what's something we have like Like, this one here, iriguchi. So, that just means entrance. Or we have something like, what's another one? Kudasai. So, that would be like, please or please give me. Obviously, knowing vocab can do some things. I feel like if you hold out your hands and say, kud and say, I know my pronunciations are
Starting point is 01:45:26 pretty bad. Someone might get what you're trying to say, but there's a... It's a... Vocabulary is only one part of learning a language. You obviously have to learn the grammar part to tie it all together. But the Japanese
Starting point is 01:45:42 grammar books are also in Japanese. So you need to be able to read Japanese to be able to understand how to learn Japanese so learning kanji is a good way to start or here's what else we have in here we have like uh agaru yes yes I would I sometimes get um so this kanji here this basically means below this one means above I sometimes get, so this kanji here, this basically means below, this one means above. I sometimes get the readings mixed up when I'm looking at like Sageru and Ageru, because it's a slight, slight difference. So Sa in the case of below, and then A in the case of above.
Starting point is 01:46:24 I guess there's the tricks you can give yourself to actually learn it like you can say okay if it's going to be above ah ah above or uh another one that I sometimes get confused with is for uh give me a second it would be uh e, i, i, de, du, don't type in kathakana, I want, no, go over here, uh, I want, uh, i, uh, i, de, du, uh, that one, yeah, here we go, i, de, du, so that means to insert, Yeah, here we go. 入れる. So, that means to insert. So, if you think of it like,
Starting point is 01:47:07 入, insert. Because there's a couple of, like, the problem with kanji that makes it so difficult is there's multiple different readings of each character. So, for example, this character right here means entrance. But it doesn't have to just be read as キュア, which is, so, yeah, キュア. キュア, which is one of the readings for it.
Starting point is 01:47:25 You also have... What is this? Hai or I? I think there might be another reading as well. And when it's a very common kanji like this one, they have a lot of different readings. Which make it even more annoying to say.
Starting point is 01:47:41 I guess the number ones are fine, but if it's like Mountain, for example, I think Mountain has a couple, okay, only this one only has two, so we have San and Yama, but you have to kind of know when you have to use the correct reading, and really the only way to know that is to start learning vocabab and the way they actually teach kanji and vocab is actually kind of good so this is a um it is a spaced repetition system learning methodology i guess where basically they'll give you lessons uh you go through the lessons and then at some point after that usually it's like a couple hours later
Starting point is 01:48:21 for the first lesson or the first review uh you have to then recall what you actually learned in that process and then a couple hours more after that you do it again and then again and again uh by the last review i think it's like an entire day you have to wait to review that specific content and if you can recall after a day then that's a lot more grounded in your memory than just constantly repeating it over and over again, which is just going to keep it in your short-term memory. So that's one thing it does. The other thing that it does is it uses a mnemonic system.
Starting point is 01:48:57 So let's actually go into lessons and I'll show you what I mean. I'll do these lessons a bit later today. I know I have 53 of them to do. Okay, here's a basic one. Here's the vocabulary for nine. So, nine would be read as... Q, I believe. And the way it actually...
Starting point is 01:49:15 Okay, so... When a vocab is made of a single kanji with no okurigana, hiragana attached to the kanji, it is often the same meaning as the kanji it's based off of. Same goes for the word nine as well. It has the same meaning as the kanji, it's based off of, same goes for the word nine as well, it has the same meaning as its kanji component, it tells you like what the synonyms are, in this case obviously being nine, it has no synonyms, but if the vocab is something like, uh, uh, kudasai, like a synonym for it could be, like, please, or please give me something like that, and it'll tell
Starting point is 01:49:45 you, like, what type of speech it is as well, so, for, like, um, ageru, and ageru, and agaru, I believe ageru is a transitive verb, and agaru is a intransitive verb, I might have got those backwards, that's another thing I constantly make mistakes on. And then it'll give you like, okay here's how you actually go and read it. Or here's the reading for it. So in this case it's going to be a Q. And then also it'll show you how it's actually pronounced as well. So we have like a male and a female reading as well. And it has multiple readings like this one does it'll have both the readings there and also as I was saying before it gives you mnemonics so this one actually is a bad example but if we go to say this one here so this is going to be great okay these are really bad examples basically a lot of them will
Starting point is 01:50:42 give you like you know okay for like okay, for, like, Shita, for example, that is a reading for seven, um, it gives you a little sentence here saying, okay, here's how you should probably try to remember it, uh, for Shita, it's like, okay, you stepped on a, and then dot, dot, dot, and it sort of tries to make it comedic, so it sticks in your head a bit more, and I feel like for a lot of things. It ends up doing it fairly well. I'm not actually sponsored by WaniKani. But hey if WaniKani wants to hit me up.
Starting point is 01:51:11 I'll take it. But I will say that if you do want to purchase. A lifetime membership to WaniKani. It's $200 right now. And they do this sale once a year. So if you want to not get it now. And then get it again the following year, so if you want to you know not get it now and then get it again following year
Starting point is 01:51:29 Right now it's $200 otherwise, I believe it's like $16 a month, but I might have showed you before there's a there's a 60 levels here And it's going to take you a long time to get it done And that's kind of the point learning a language like this is going to take you a while It's not something that you know you're gonna learn quickly for example like something like this kanji right here i have no idea where i would even start with that i don't even know what radicals make this up uh but it also progressively introduces harder and harder kanji so eventually you'll get to the point where something like this isn't as much of a big step like if i go down to like uh level 50 the difference between 50 and 51 is going to be
Starting point is 01:52:11 much smaller than you know 2 and 51 anyway um yeah lifetime memberships are 200 right now i'm probably going to buy one for myself i haven't done it. The sale goes on until the 6th of January. I would say it's probably really worth it. Now, WaniKani is just really good for learning to read. Learning to speak Japanese, there are better resources. And what you use WaniKani for is getting you to the point where you can actually read the resources that teach you how to learn other things. That's the reason why you use something like WaniKani. There are other services you can use. Like, you can technically get all of WaniKani for free if you know how to search for the Anki cards for it. I'm not going to tell you how to do that, because I think you should kind of support WaniKani. If you want to use that to supplement what you're doing in WaniKani, I think that's a reasonable
Starting point is 01:53:08 approach, but I would suggest paying them because they do a lot of really good work for this. Obviously, with any solution like this, because you are translating, there's still going to be some meaning lost. Like, for example, the meaning for the vocabulary big and the kanji big have the exact same meaning, but I think there might be some subtle differences that exist if you actually look at the specific meaning in Japanese. It's just when you try to give it a textual meaning in English, it's just, you have to translate a bit, or you're going to lose something in translation. Or another one is
Starting point is 01:53:53 agaru and agaru. So, one of them is to rise, and the other one is to raise. But in English, it doesn't make as much of a distinction between transitive and intransitive verbs. So basically, a transitive verb is a verb that applies to an object, whereas intransitive is a verb that applies just in general to the action. So for example, you would raise a ball. That would be a transitive usage. But if, say, you're and that like that because that's something that you are actually actively doing you are the one who are who is raising the ball up but if it's say something like uh my blood pressure is rising that is something that you're
Starting point is 01:54:39 not in control of or say the sun is rising. Obviously there is something in control of that but it's not saying that the speaker in this case or the one the verb is being applied to has control over the action that's actually happening. So in that case that would be an intransitive usage. But English doesn't make much of a distinction between those. I initially thought that rise and raise were like different tenses, but because it has that little description saying like it's a transitive verb and intransitive verb,
Starting point is 01:55:11 I recommend making sure you understand like what those actually mean because it will actually help, especially when the meanings do get a bit lost in translation. But ultimately, what's important is being able to get a general understanding from
Starting point is 01:55:26 this and then once you actually start looking actually being able to read like japanese dictionaries then you can get a proper meaning from it rather than just this sort of like half ass translation like okay the one economy translations are fairly good from what i see but it's still a translation and if you can understand the meaning and the context of the language, it'll be a lot better than just dealing with a translation instead. Yeah, that's my point I'm trying to get out there. There's this channel that I can't remember the name of that does... It's a channel...
Starting point is 01:56:02 I really want to find the name. It's a channel... I really want to find the name. It's a polyglot channel. So a polyglot is someone who can speak multiple... I think it's above three languages or something. Yeah, here we go. Ikena. Ikena is a really good channel. He does...
Starting point is 01:56:22 He learns a lot of different languages. But I know he's got a couple of videos specifically about Japanese, and he did a video about a couple of resources for, you know, learning how to speak Japanese alongside, like, because that's kind of important as well, because if you can read it, that's one thing, but pronunciation is, uh, my, uh, yeah, pronunciation is kind of a mess for me right now, but 2000 days, my 2000 day Duolingo streak, maybe I'll try out Duolingo at some point as well, people do like to shit on Duolingo, but I feel like it's probably better than, better than, better than nothing, and hey, like it's probably better than better than nothing
Starting point is 01:57:05 and hey, maybe it would make a fun stream if nothing else. I don't remember what the video about Japanese was called. Hmm. Yeah, I don't remember what it was. If I can find it, I might link it in the description.
Starting point is 01:57:24 I've said this before, but I always forget to do that. Let's see what it was. If I can find it, I might link it in the description. I've said this before. But I always forget to do that. Let's see. I'll see if I can find it right now, actually. Go there. So if we do... Ikena... Japanese...
Starting point is 01:57:48 Japanese... Ah, here we go. It was how... I think it was this one. It was one of these two videos here. How to learn any language in six months. And also, five best language learning apps. Yeah, yeah. This was the one. It wasn't just about Japanese.
Starting point is 01:58:01 I think this one also was about Dutch and French and stuff. Both of these videos are really good, and if you care about learning a second language, I think they're really good resources to check out. Yeah, that is what I'll say. I think what he recommends is Pimsleur, as a a speaking, a learning
Starting point is 01:58:24 to speak a language, rather than just learning how to read a language. And as you can see, he's not a big fan of Rosetta Stone or Duolingo. I think the big problem that he has with Rosetta Stone and Duolingo is the fact that the sentences you learn, you sort of don't learn in context. It's just teaching you how to say sentence. Oh, sorry, that's a nonsense what I just said. It's teaching you't learn in context. It's just teaching you how to say sentence. Oh, sorry. That was that's a nonsense What I just said it's teaching you sentences without the context. There we go. So rather than teaching you the components of a sentence It's teaching you the entire sentence and not really showing you how to break it down
Starting point is 01:58:58 To use the components like for example Like for example, um, Wani Kani, for example, Wani Kani, it shows you the, the vocab in context of a sentence, but the main, it's not quizzing you like on the, the sentences themselves. It's quizzing you on the, on the vocab. It's trying to help you learn the vocab, but also giving you an example of how that vocab can be used. So you're not just learning it something completely with like no context at all. But if you're just learning a
Starting point is 01:59:30 sentence as itself, that's a bit, then you need some extra context around that sentence, or actually maybe even, maybe even less context. You need to know what the actual components of the language, or the components of the sentence actually are especially in the case of japanese because japanese doesn't have uh it doesn't have word borders for the most part it doesn't have word borders so you have to sort of work out where the edge of each word is now that's not to say that it's impossible to work out where words end in japanese it's just that it's harder to do in english where you have, like, you know, spaces, um, but when you know about things like, say, particles, then you can sort of understand, like, okay, there's probably a word end here, obviously, you're not always going to be using a particle, but, for example, um, actually, I don't have an example sentence, um,
Starting point is 02:00:22 I don't have an example sentence. Yeah, I don't have an example sentence. Basically, a particle, you know how between words in a Japanese sentence, they'll say something like wa. Wa would be a particle where it's like watashi wa, that the wa at the end there is the particle. I don't know the reason for them, but I know they exist. And once you know they exist, it makes it a bit easier to read Japanese sentences, especially when you don't know much.
Starting point is 02:00:51 Because if you don't know where the words end, it's very hard to then go look up what the vocabulary in that sentence actually means. If you know where the words end, though, and you still have no idea what the meaning is, at least you know what you're trying to look for. To find out what the meaning is. There. I think I've been learning for about like three or so weeks now. So.
Starting point is 02:01:13 I've been starting to pick up on. Places where I. Or places where. There's things that I'm missing. Yeah. I think that's a good way to put it. Places... I know basically fuck all,
Starting point is 02:01:28 but I'm starting to pick up on places where I know that I have problems with what I know. If that makes sense. I think that makes sense. Maybe. Anyway. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:41 I recommend checking out Ekenna's channel if you want to learn about learning languages. Learn about learning languages. Yeah, we'll go with that. Because you're not going to learn in languages watching his channel. But if you want to learn about learning,
Starting point is 02:01:51 good resource. And also, WaniKani. Get your $200 lifetime membership. Because if... I think if you do it $16 a month, that's like after two years or so. Or a year and a half. So if you keep at or so a year and a half so if you keep at it for a year and a half then you're going to basically pay more than the lifetime membership anyway so
Starting point is 02:02:13 if you're going to keep at it and you know you're going to keep at it you might as well just get it anyway save yourself a bit of money because lifetime memberships are cool and i wish more services actually offered them so So we get on with words. We are just past two hours now and I think I will end it off there. I have some other ideas I was thinking about talking about but I think we'll end it there because it's just past 12 o'clock as well and I want to go make some food. So before I go I would like to give a shout out to a channel, because that's what we do on this podcast, uh, and I'm forgetting his name, Matt, not Matt Hartley, um, yeah, not giving a shout out to that Matt, uh, he's a Matt Colbo, there we go, that's his channel. Matt Colbo is a pretty awesome dude. And I recommend going and watching his channel.
Starting point is 02:03:06 Here we go. He does these, I guess... Skits? Yeah. A video he had that blew up that you may have seen. Is basic geography for adults. Okay, it didn't blow up as much as I thought. Only 300k views. That's still pretty big, for my channel at least. And basically he just does these random funny comedy skits, and some of them aren't comedic, some of them are just like weird acting skits,
Starting point is 02:03:39 but are you looking at my box? Here we this is actually a really good one um basically the whole bit here is that this dude has a penis shaped like shaped like a box that is that is the whole joke and pretty much uh the way he does these is he just he plays usually it'll be like a back and forth between two characters but he actually plays both of the characters. So it's just weird. It's just weird and I enjoy it. I've said it before, but I enjoy watching content way outside of my niche. Because I make content in my niche. And I've seen enough content in the Linux sphere that I don't want to watch more Linux videos.
Starting point is 02:04:25 So stuff like this always appeals to me. And he has a really great way of presenting stuff. And you're not going to learn anything. You'll learn literally nothing on this channel. Except maybe on this one here. More basic geography for adults. But if you want to have a bit of a laugh. Oh, this one is the one that I originally found his channel with.
Starting point is 02:04:45 Basically a Tom Scott video. It's pretty much just him recreating every single video that Tom Scott has ever done. He went to this field and... You've probably seen a Tom Scott video. So he does a series called Amazing Places. Basically, he'll just go somewhere and he'll have someone, yeah, here we go, he'll go somewhere, he'll have someone at the place, tell him about the place, and that's pretty much what every single one of these videos actually
Starting point is 02:05:18 is, and then this does an absolutely fantastic job basically recreating the entire meme. And I love it. And I love that it's actually more popular than some other Tom Scott videos. That actually, that honestly makes it perfect. Oh, I love it. So yeah, go check out Matt Colbo's channel. He's at, what, 167,000 subs.
Starting point is 02:05:42 I don't remember how much he was at when I first found him. Let's check out the video. And I should see how much he was at when I first found him. Let's check the video. And I should see how much he's grown in the past couple of months. 12k in the past couple of months. So he had that really big Tom's Got video. And obviously, that one blew up a bit. So obviously, his growth is down a bit. And his views are down now.
Starting point is 02:05:59 But they're probably still way up from where they were before that video came out. probably still way up from where they were before that video came out. Anyway, I think that's going to be pretty much everything for this. If you want to go check out my main channel, that would be Brody Robertson, available on YouTube and Library
Starting point is 02:06:18 and Odyssey. On Odyssey, I think we're closing on like 17,000 or something. I haven't been paying too much attention to the numbers. The blumblers. The blumblers. Let's go to the channel. The channel. There we go.
Starting point is 02:06:35 And... Show you on the screen. See how long it takes Odyssey to load. I love this website sometimes. This is a ringing endorsement for using Odyssey, sometimes it's fast, sometimes it just, it just keeps loading, oh, there we go, so yeah, 16,648, so in like a couple of weeks, I guess we'll be at 17k on Odyssey, which is insane. I think my podcast channel is like close to 13, maybe like 12 and a half. Anyway, yes, check out the channel on
Starting point is 02:07:12 the platforms I told you about. If you're watching the audio version, or you're listening to the audio version, I guess, there is a video version for this channel available on Odyssey, once again, at the Tech of a T channel, or on YouTube, once again, Tech of a T channel or on YouTube once again Tech of a T and if you're listening to the audio version look up Tech of a T on whatever your favorite that was weird noise on whatever your favorite uh podcast platform is whether that's iTunes Google Podcasts other podcast platforms that exist I don't know know. If it uses an iTunes feed, though, it'll be there. Also, check out
Starting point is 02:07:50 my Patreon. Yeah, I want to thank the patrons. That's what I want to... How do I end these podcasts when I'm by myself? Thank you to... It went behind my window. Thank you to Chris, Joachim, Donald, Cobinion, Andrew, Nathan, David, Montezar, Will, Chica, Ben, Joseph, Mitch,
Starting point is 02:08:05 Peter D, Tony, Tushar, and all my $2 patrons. That's all got musical. I cannot speak right now. Go check out the links down below if you want to support my work. There will be links and there will be things that you can click. Along with clicking the links that are
Starting point is 02:08:21 things, you can also click on the link to go get yourself a VPS from Linode and that will get you $100 off if I'm going to put it in the description. If it's not in the description, it will be on the main channel in all of those videos. Yeah. And I think that's gonna be pretty much everything for this. That was a nonsense ending. I don't know why my rambling got ramblier than it normally rambles, but hey, I think the rest of the podcast was fine, I hope you enjoyed the rants, and I think I'm gonna end it there before I start saying something else really dumb, so thank you guys for watching, and
Starting point is 02:08:54 I'm out.

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