Tech Over Tea - #64 Connor Has Returned Once Again | Supercozman
Episode Date: May 19, 2021Connor is once again back on the podcast, we had originally planned to record this last week but our plans completely fell through and we had to push it back a little bit, today we chat a bit about ga...ming, some social media news and even laugh a bit about Ninja's book. ==========Support The Channel========== ► Patreon: ► Paypal: ► Amazon USA: ► Other Methods: =========Video Platforms========== 🎥 YouTube: =========Audio Release========= 🎵 RSS: 🎵 Apple Podcast: 🎵 Spotify: 🎵 Google Podcast: 🎵 Anchor: ==========Social Media========== 🎤 Discord: 🐦 Twitter: 📷 Instagram: 🌐 Mastodon: ==========Credits========== 🎨 Channel Art: All my art has was created by Supercozman DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation.
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Welcome to episode 64 of TechOFT. I could have prepared the music, but you know what, we're going to prepare the music now.
I've got a bunch of new listeners now, so maybe they've never heard it and maybe they have no idea who you are.
So while I'm looking for this music, tell the people who you are.
My name's Connor, or SuperCozman. I have a channel called cause Hanseo the H a.m. I make
Very obscure videos that all link together
I've been on here a bunch of times just because it's a recurring thing. I come on every seventh episode. Oh
Here it is. There we go. I'm just gonna cut you off. I
I forgot to pause it.
Anyway, go on with your intro.
That was my intro.
Oh, is it?
You were here.
You make videos.
I would have shown your channel on the screen, but I was fiddling with stuff.
Well, you can show it now.
I guess I can.
Yeah, I could do that.
There's a new video up there.
I must have missed that.
Wow, it's been a while. It's already been three weeks since I uploaded, geez. I haven't seen it. There's a new video up there. I must have missed that. Well, it's been a while
It's already been three weeks since I put the cheese. I haven't seen it. It's been a while
Well, that's fine
Put in the wrong name, okay. Well before that it was like a four month break so
I'll probably do that again to be quiet enough my my video making motivation just isn't there at the moment yeah that's fair i'm more focused on doing my book
stuff oh yeah how's that going that's gone well i'm about a third done i i realized that i would
have i probably would have finished uh like a first draft by now if I was doing it in draft form.
But I basically do each chapter and then read it over a couple of times and kind of make sure it's like basically a finished version.
And then my plan is to go back one final time when it's all done.
But like each chapter as it is now, it was like completely readable and like good quality. So that's why it's all done but like each chapter as it is now it was like completely readable and like
good quality so that's why it's taking me so long i think but you said you already had like a general
outline of what you wanted to do though oh yeah i have like so at least you have that
yeah i have the major story beats and everything that i want to hit it's just like
actually writing the good quality stuff
so how are you actually um what's your plans for getting that released is just gonna
throw it up on on wattpad throw it out there with all of the fanfics I'd actually like would really
love to get it properly published and like see it in a bookstore that would be like just so i don't know
gratifying i guess like being able to go to a bookstore and like see a physical copy of it that
would just be sick um so i don't know anything about how to get a book published but i guess i
would deal with that overcome that when i get to it because Because I think there's book deals and stuff,
but I think those are for already established artists or writers.
So I think if I had a finished book and I went to somewhere,
then I think that should go okay.
I'm not entirely sure.
Well, ultimately, there are services where you can actually get books printed
and then obviously the um the the cost of doing it would be higher but uh you could just sell them
as like an independent thing yeah i think there's also a service through amazon that you can use
like you upload your book onto that and then they print it for you for like uh probably either equal or more to what a publisher
takes so that's also i would explain a lot of the garbage books on amazon yes like there are
actual pamphlets you can buy that are just printed in book form yeah well i found out that that was, like, a service thing from the iDubbbz documentary he did about Dax Flame.
It's, like, this old YouTuber guy, and he released a couple books,
and they're, like, the only place you can buy them is on Amazon.
Well, speaking of shitty books, I haven't looked at it at all,
but I know that, like like ninja has a new book
or no how to play fortnite seven i i don't know what it's about it's a graphic novel i'm gonna
i'll send you a link to it um sure also i have tea this is a different one i think i said i was
gonna have this like in episode four or something but i just
haven't had it it's like it's this this flower thing i got from happy herbs i'm just drinking
my uh boring lipton black tea i just sent you a link to a google search um it's fine awesome thank
you ninja war of the Dominions.
Oh no, I'm going to look inside.
I want to see what this is about.
I have literally no idea what it's about.
Look, it's already a step up from what I was expecting. I thought it was going to be how to play Fortnite.
I'm not even lying.
About Ninja, War of the Dominions.
The great beasts have been unleashed.
The war has begun.
Gaming superstar Ninja returns in the sequel to the graphic novel Ninja,
the most dangerous game empowered by the show of resilience from Ninja and his
friends in the Keterung.
A broadcasted battle royale game realm
controlled by evil overlord Strigus Thule.
The people in all of Thule's 1000 dominions are now rebelling.
In response, Thule decides to unleash his great game master's tools for all of eternity.
Rather than use their remaining energy
to return home at the end of their game,
Ninja convinces his friends
to stay and help him free the Dominions
from Thule's tyrannic rule.
Will the tenacity, integrity,
camaraderie that kept our hero and his crew
alive in the first challenge help them
defeat the horrifying great beast
and Striga Stool himself?
I'll give it one thing.
The art, not the cover
art's a little bit icky, but
if you do the look inside
thing, the art
actually seems... What side are you on? Are you doing the look inside?
I'm on Penguin Random House.
Ah, okay, there's a look inside thing there.
It's underneath the picture.
Oh, look inside, yep, okay.
they clearly hired someone
that can actually draw, which is nice.
It's not just some fucking garbage.
He drew it himself.
The art bot is by Mark Anderson
Felipe Magana. I don't know if that name's right.
Probably completely wrong.
Yep, yep, show me something.
Oh yeah, the art's not that bad, is it?
It's actually
a nice...
It has a nice style to it.
I don't care that it
exists, but hey.
The artists did a good job at least.
I wonder if like... They would've got paid a good job at least. I wonder if
like... They would have got paid a fucking ton for it.
I wonder if Ninja
actually does
anything artistic, because
he's just a streamer, isn't he?
Yeah, he's just a Fortnite streamer. And very
cringy. I wonder if he actually
does anything of artistic
value, or if he just hires everyone
because he's a millionaire probably
there's no probably there there are twitch streamers who are far smaller than him are
millionaires he is 100 percent this tastes nice but it's kind of just like flavored water
isn't that what tea is anyway it's just dirty water i mean it is but this is more so like water warm water with like
just a smidgen of taste in it compared to like you know black tea is quite a strong flavor
yeah yeah what was the um the flavor you're saying it was uh it's it's called Blue Lily, I think. Mmm, okay.
It's, um... That doesn't sound like it would be a strong flavour.
Well, you can, like, either drink it as a tea, or you can
smoke it, or you... I was gonna say!
Of course you can!
Apparently, it was used
in Egypt.
Um... The Egyptians would, like, Apparently it was used in Egypt.
The Egyptians would make moonshine or just their version of fermented liquor.
And they would put this in it and it would increase the effects of the alcohol. there's also like other effects because it has um
psychoactive alkalines in it so it's um it doesn't actually affect you it's not just like
oh this plant chills you out it has like actual properties that affect your brain and stuff it's
not like magic crystals. No.
There actually is a, I think five minutes from my place, there's someone who does
crystal healing,
acupuncture, and
what is it like?
Reiki release or something.
Oh no, not Reiki.
Acupuncture is like an actual thing I'm pretty sure
Yes it is
Like chiropractic but it also doesn't like cure
Literally everything
Oh yeah obviously
Please don't go to a fucking chiropractor
I'm not suggesting you do that
It's a very dangerous idea
Do not take your baby to a chiropractor
I know there's people who do that. It's terrifying.
Or your dog. Don't do that.
Just go to physiotherapy.
It's much easier.
From what I understand,
a good
chiropractor is about as beneficial
as a good massage.
Is it
literally just like the same thing as cracking your knuckles but like on
different bones yes and there's like different schools of chiropractics like you have the um
there's like the the mixed chiropractors where they'll they'll use chiropractics but also use
like modern medicine and actually you know do something productive which they're basically a
bad physio at that point.
But then you have the magic chiropractors who believe that chiropractics is the cure for everything.
And if you crack your back in a certain way,
you'll cure your cancer and things like this.
That's facts.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Yeah, man.
I've gone...
I think I talked about it on here a while ago i like had hurt
my leg a little bit um i had like hurt the muscle or something and yeah i went to um uh uni sa they
have like student physiotherapists and it you only have to pay ten dollars a session so it's like
so it's just like such a good scheme
because it gets the students to have like real world experience but it's also cheap for you
and like they have a teacher supervising them as well so it's not like you're just gonna get
like mangled by some student it's like tape does the exact same thing as well with like
hairdressers and stuff like that. Yeah.
So I went there and it was really good.
They helped me out quite a bit.
So what the uni should do is they should set up the exact same thing
but for shitty dev jobs.
So if you want to get paid
$10 an hour to
build some random person's website
you can get a student to do it.
I mean that would actually be, like, good experience.
Oh, it would be.
Because there's IT project, but, you know,
that's kind of a roll of the dice if you actually get anything decent.
But, like, if there was a program like that,
that would actually be really beneficial
because it's real world experience and it just benefits everyone
because right now your only chance getting any experience is you do really well and you get like
one of the lecturers to hire you to do a job or you go and get yourself like an internship or a
junior position but that yeah look i was memeing about it but you know you've you've convinced me
that actually is a good idea i don't know I mean, you could definitely take out some bullshit from some of the courses
and just incorporate that instead.
I was going to say, oh, where would you find the time?
But there's plenty of time that could be found.
There's something like in terms of like editing a video,
like how you kind of go through once and you edit it
all together and then you like revise it a bunch of times to cut out the stuff that isn't really
necessary i feel like this is just me being a bit of a dick because like i know creating a uni
course is a lot more complex than editing a video but like i feel like they didn't
take that concept they just did their once round and i'm just good enough well they just refresh it every four years like
and just scrap everything because when we started there was a different course the year before now
it's a different course now yeah but even then i suspect they just take like certain elements from
the different courses that they merge together. And then they're just like,
here it is.
They probably still use the same assignments from like 20 years ago or
not now.
Cause everything's in Python now.
But even so the same core stuff would still be used.
Cause it's much easier to just be like,
make blackjack for the 20th time.
Instead of thinking of something cool and new.
It's not until you get to some of the electives
where they start doing cool stuff,
like Adam's stuff, where it's just like,
hey, make an iOS app for travel.
What is it?
A travel app about Australian big things.
That was one.
So it's like the big banana, the big
orange, the big pineapple, all that stuff.
And it's just like, make a travel app about it.
And he just does different things
every year.
It's the same general idea of making a
simple app like that, but it's
a different idea of approaching it.
Yeah, exactly. It's just a lot more interesting yeah there's some courses in there that definitely did um
suffer in that respect but yeah again i am not the one that has to design the courses
yeah that's fair um what have you been up to man besides the
book uh i've been doing a lot of skateboarding i got a new skateboard which was um cool i got
that the other day and like i went into the shop and got it like custom made so i like picked out
the the deck part and like all the wheels and shit that I wanted and so um oh my god it's just so
much smoother than my old one because like I had that for about a year and it's it was starting to
show its age it's mainly the the main thing that was like wearing out on it is like the ends of
the board um are a bit chipped and stuff now just because like
uh you know if you like slip your board underneath you it will go and whack into something and just
over time it has a bit of wear and tear but um the bearings in the wheels are the main thing
that i found that you need to like be consistent about because um especially because my board was a cruiserboard so
i'd take it everywhere and not just skate parks and so it would get like a bunch of dirt and shit
in it and i wouldn't i didn't even know that you were meant to consistently clean your bearings
um even just like on a normal skateboard not let alone like my one which was getting so much more
use in like dirty areas yeah yeah but um yeah so my brand new skateboard was like smooth as bottom
um but i also bought some bearings for my old one because i'm still going to use that to go
around the streets and whatever and so i put those those new ones in and it's just so much better.
I've never learned to skate.
I stood on a skateboard twice,
fell off.
I was like,
I don't like this.
I'm going to go back to my scooter.
Fucking scooter dweller over here.
Skating took me like like i got my skateboard last year in about march
or april and i didn't properly start riding it until probably like june or august or something
like i would try it maybe like once a week and be like, Oh, this is really icky. And then it kind of just clicks one day and you're like,
I can actually ride this now.
I think we've talked about,
I still have no interest in skateboarding,
but somehow I guess because you skate a lot,
like it always comes up whenever you're on the podcast.
it does.
I actually did something fun the other day for the first time,
not fun for the first time, but something new for the first time anyway i went rock climbing um mate of mine was back in town
for the because he's um he does uh he works in the mines so he's like out one week in the next
so he was like let's just do something fun this week while i'm back and yeah we went down to a
an indoor rock climbing place near here. And you know what?
Rock climbing is a lot of fun.
I actually really enjoy it.
I have a fear of heights and that's fun.
I haven't gone specifically to a rock climbing thing,
but I've gone to, do you know like Ninja Warrior, the TV show?
Yeah, there's like places that are like that.
They have, like, all those kinds of obstacles and stuff.
And so I've been to that place a couple of times.
I think it's called Base Camp.
It's a lot of fun.
And there's just all these different obstacles.
And there's, like, a rock climbing section.
And, yeah, I really enjoy going on that whenever we go there
so i was i think it was like 37.50 to get the the actually do the thing because it was
25 or so dollars to get the day pass then we had to get training that was only like five dollars
we rented shoes as well um the shoes are fucking uncomfortable like they're so bad so have you ever worn
when you did that we did like wearing like special shoes to have extra grip no i was just wearing
the skate shoes okay okay so rock climbing shoes you understand the concept of like a ballet shoe
right yeah so it's like very short uh or very i guess compressed
toe section to keep your toes like in one place it's the same concept with a with a rock climbing
shoe and you're sort of supposed to wear them like half a size too small so you can like move your
when you move your toes it moves the entire shoe yeah um but god wearing them for like 10 minutes and you're just like i want to i want
to tear my feet off this is horrible you get to the point where you stop paying attention though
like once you're actually on the wall you're paying more attention like you know where where
do i actually put my foot to actually get up this wall how do i actually bend in this way to lift
myself up there's some points where you can see what you're supposed to do but you
can't really get your foot in like actually in the hole to bring yourself up you know that if you
could like because there's like points we have to like bend your leg above like a 45 degree angle to
actually get to that point and if you got it there it would be fine um but just just that first part
is a challenge and i think well the first one we started on was effectively
when they train you
most places have a section that's
um so all of the
climbing sections are in grades
a grade is basically how difficult it actually is
and the
lowest grade they usually have is effectively
what amounts to a ladder
so you have like,
they're rock climbing holds,
but they're so close together.
And there's so many of them that you can't not climb the wall unless you're
like an actual child.
You can't,
it's difficult,
difficult not to climb.
but once you move from that to some of the more difficult ones,
you then to start like thinking and that's, yeah, that's when it starts falling apart.
Also, after you've, I think I got to the top, like,
three or so times right at the start.
Once you get to the top a couple of times, though,
and you don't work out much, like I don't,
it becomes very difficult to, you know,
keep up the, like, the strength to pull yourself up.
Because I think we were there for about three hours and fuck it is very intensive after that long yeah I
suspect your arms would just be spaghetti by then pretty much
surprisingly they weren't hurting that much the next day but there was one one
thing that was pretty impressive there was a dude who i was convinced he was in
like his 40s maybe he was in like a muscle shirt fucking absolutely jacked and turns out he was 64
climbing like the hardest walls they had there with basically nothing but ease it's like mate
what a legend i want to be i want to like be in that good of a shape at 64.
Yeah, I occasionally see at skate parks,
just like these 50 or 60-year-old dudes that just skate the bowls and stuff.
I'm like, good for you.
Because some of them look a little bit beer belly and look a bit fucked.
bit like you know beer belly and look a bit fucked but like there's also like dudes that are just like really lean and they've just like stayed fit like their whole lives yeah it's actually
impressive like obviously if you're unfit by the time you're 60 getting like that when you're that
old is a bit difficult but if you maintain it like joe rogan for example like
he's how old is joe at this point he's getting he's late is he i was gonna say like either late
40s or early 50s um born in 67 so that makes him 53 like if you maintain fitness like that you will be fit your entire life obviously there comes a
point where it becomes difficult to maintain it but it holds on much longer i feel like he could
easily pass it's like a late 30s if he didn't have his like studdily beard yeah he's also he's
he's a bit wrinkly but apart from that that... Just get a bit of Botox in you.
Yeah, here's the money for it.
Fucking $100 million Spotify deal.
That's insane.
So much money.
Speaking of insane,
have you been paying attention to the Doge situation?
I have not.
I think you ask me this every time.
No, I don't pay attention to any news,
whether it's internet or real.
I hope you've seen this picture.
No, if you haven't, it's even better.
Did you know that Elon Musk was on SNL?
So you don't know about this image
then. I'm going to send you
Let's see it.
And if you're
convinced this image is not real,
that's good, because you
should be convinced it's not real.
the image.
Oh my god.
So there was a skit they did on SNL.
I don't know what the plot of it actually was, but yes, Elon Musk was dressed up as
Yeah, that doesn't look real, but like, I will believe it.
It just... Yeah, it's quite real. yeah that doesn't look real but like i will believe it it just
uh yeah it's it's quite real um and there was there was one part of i don't know as i don't
know the deal with the story was but um like some of the evidence they showed in the court
was i think it was maybe something to do with like luigi cheating on
someone there was a picture of like luigi with like a fucking censored massive cock
oh my god and hey snl you might be sued by nintendo soon but
yeah i wouldn't be surprised nintendo is really like
strict about people using their characters,
I'm pretty sure.
I know for, like, because for the longest time on YouTube,
you weren't allowed to do, like, Let's Plays of Nintendo games.
Otherwise, they'd either just, like, take down your video
or they'd take all your monetization.
Yeah, Nintendo had a program where it was just, like,
you had to be in the Nintendo, like Nintendo partner program to stream any of their games
I think they took a pretty substantial cut of your revenue as well
Yeah, I don't know if it's still like that or not though
I believe they're much better now
Because they don't seem to have an issue with what's going on on Twitch
Or like with Pokemon Snap now for example
Everyone's fucking playing pokemon snap yeah i um i remember as well i
think it was like persona 5 you couldn't place past like i know this isn't nintendo but just
like on the same topic of game companies being fucky uh yeah i remember persona 5 when it came out people
couldn't stream past like a certain day in the game otherwise they'd get like yeah they'd get
basically sued or something yeah atlas is a bit because atlas makes a lot of like very story
driven games um and okay i'm looking at a thing right now an update on persona 5 and streaming so when persona
5 launched we put out a set of stream guidelines i hope would limit online spoilers uh to our
surprise we we then saw numerous reactive news articles go up i've seen many emails asking us
to please change our persona 5 streaming policy so because we want to give players the most
access to the game, or respecting
the original goal, we're now asking players to refrain
from streaming or posting video
past the end of the in-game date
when the main story gears up for the
final act. So, you can stream
most of the game, they just don't want you to stream the ending,
basically. At least at this point.
I don't know if they've updated since then.
They may very well have.
I, like, I understand,
but at the same time, it's kind of
like, if people want to know the
spoilers, they're gonna find the spoilers out.
Like, people are gonna post that shit on, like, 4chan
and Reddit and stuff, like,
I guess it's just, like,
that kind of censorship thing that is just,
like, it doesn't really work and it just, from what I saw, it just like that kind of censorship thing that is just like it doesn't really work
and and it just from what I saw it just led to like so much backlash and it's like you you say
it's for to stop spoilers from getting out but I guess they probably thought it was um to like
try and coerce people more into buying the game instead of people watching it.
But I would say as a response to that,
the people that are going to be watching it to that point
probably aren't going to be playing...
Probably aren't going to buy the game in the first place.
Maybe a small fraction of people might actually buy the game.
And I feel like the money that you're going to get from those people probably isn't worth the amount of backlash that you're going to be getting from everyone else
yeah they um have the same sort of guidelines with the um with persona 5 royal as well
where they have things saying please appropriately mark spoilers if sharing story content. So if you upload clips, for example,
mark them as spoilers.
That's fair enough.
Include copyright logos for Atlas and Sega.
Fair enough, yeah.
Stick to normal streaming guidelines,
such as do not slander the game or other players.
Well, that's no fun.
I want to slander my game.
I'm playing Crystar right now,
and I fucking rail on this game constantly
because it's fucking garbage uh anyway please do make please do not make bgm videos
okay don't just upload the music by itself like they allow music to be streamed because otherwise
then you'd be claiming game content so don't just go and make separate videos of the music
and then most of all enjoy the So, you can stream the game
by the looks of it.
Also, don't stream past December 24th
in-game, which would be the
final chapter.
But yeah, I get why
game companies do this. I'm pretty sure there was a similar
thing with the Walking Dead
games when those were coming out as well.
I vaguely
recall something. I have a vague memory of
that but i don't know if i've just like made it up or not but yeah games that are like entirely
story-based i can understand the uh the problems there but people are gonna like the content's
gonna make its way online anyway you can say don't stream it but it's gonna be there i get it but also like video games
streamers and and video makers i feel like are really good publicity because like i would have
never played so many games if i hadn't like watched people play them i know i'm pretty sure
i want something that's like entirely story based is um heavy rain i'm pretty sure something that's entirely story-based is Heavy Rain.
I'm pretty sure I watched a whole playthrough of that,
and I've still always wanted to play it.
Even though I know the ending and everything, it still is –
I think I also watched all of Walking Dead Season 1,
and I ended up buying that, and I've played through that twice now.
So I think that kind of reasoning doesn't make
sense either yeah at least most companies where it isn't story based don't really care like no
one's gonna say don't stream like call of duty war zone for example there actually have been
companies in the past that have done things like that but that was like in the early days of
streaming when there wasn't really a good understanding of the the relationship that should exist between content
creators and like the the companies making the games yeah i guess they probably also didn't see
the potential back then because there weren't like any ninjas back then for example yeah i know
back then let's players would only have like but before it really
got popular i think minecraft was really um influential in that respect but before that
i remember watching channels that only got like um a couple thousand views on each video and that
was like their entire audience basically so i Yeah, that's sort of responsible for Minecraft
being the game that it actually is today.
Like it would never have been as popular as it is
without people like Yogscast, for example.
There's people online who are of the mindset
that the original Yogscast series
is probably what made Minecraft as popular as it was.
Because nothing like that had ever been done on the internet before,
and it's a massive series.
Yeah, that would definitely be one of the most influential ones.
And I guess also those early Minecraft YouTubers,
other than Yogscast, were also really responsible.
Yeah, AntDemon, people like that.
Yeah, AntVanam, CaptainSparklez.
CaptainSparkles, yeah.
Yeah, just those people were so responsible.
I'm pretty sure Yogg's Cast were the people that got me to buy Minecraft.
Yeah, I think that was probably the first Minecraft...
I think the first episode in the Yogg's Cast Minecraft series
was the first Minecraftcraft video i ever saw
sounded that right i did hear about the game before that from like people at school but i
didn't really know anything like at all what it was about so like let's go find out what this game
is because at the time i was just like playing a lot of runescape that's what was taking up my time
i think before i played minecraft i didn't really use my pc at all i was
uh i think i spent most of my time on my ps3 playing little big planet one and two i think
that's what took up like most of my time like game wise yeah and then yeah i um
found out about minecraft in i don't know uh no it was in primary school that i found out about Minecraft in...
No, it was in primary school that I found out about it.
And yeah, I think that I played Minecraft so much,
like just religiously,
that was the only thing I ever played for like multiple years.
I've actually been watching a couple of Minecraft videos here and there.
I don't know how they keep showing my recommended.
Like, I'll see things like non-Euclidean geometry Minecraft and things like that,
and I just fucking keep watching them.
And now my recommendations are kind of ruined.
Yeah, I think I've watched a couple.
Can my hair fucking cooperate with me?
I think I watched the occasional Minecraft video, but I
don't get them recommended to me very often.
Actually, a lot that I do see are like the 2b2t
videos. Yeah,
I think we talked about that one at the times.
The oldest Minecraft
server. The oldest
downiki server in Minecraft. Yeah, that's
what it is.
Speaking of Minecraft, I have actually been playing it.
Oh, you have?
That's what I have been playing recently.
I bought a server from just, like, a hosting website
because I was using realms, but I found that it was really laggy
and, like, for the same, I think it might even be less of the price,
for the same, I think it might even be less of the price, it was you get, like, a proper server that you can customize
and put mods on and plug-ins
and basically do whatever you want with fee
at basically the same price.
So I was like, well, I want to play with people
and I might as well just do this
because my internet's not good enough.
I remember back when i first started
playing minecraft my internet was like better than it is now and i was able to host the server
for like 10 people just off of my computer oh nice i remember the first i was just thinking
about how we used to host minecraft service at school it was such a shit way of doing it so uh we had 2012 macbooks and
one of the people would decide hey i'm gonna host the other server on my macbook while playing the
game hell yeah it was so fucking laggy because those things i think had dual cores and two gigs of ram which is not enough for a server were they metal ones
or were they the white plastic the white plastic ones uh i miss those bad boys um i think the year
12s did get macbook pros though yeah my my macbook the one that i'm using right now to do this is um
as dual core and four gigs of ram and it now i remember i think it used to play minecraft
pretty well but now with like all the updates and stuff it it struggles i think the last
actual just general minecraft thing i saw not like 2v2 or anything like that,
was actually the trailer for the Caves and Cliffs updates.
Which do look pretty cool.
I like, for the longest time, I thought it was already out.
And so when I started my server, I was like,
where is all this new stuff?
But I got baited.
Well, you can go load new chunks in when it comes out or just start a new world.
Yeah, exactly.
But there's so much new stuff since I quit playing because I quit.
I think I've said this before, but I quit when the full release came out.
So I think the Ender Dragon had just come out.
Yeah. So there's so much new stuff like i'll see like streamers playing minecraft and it's like
aquatic shit and all this like what is what is all this what are these new blocks why are there
biomes in the nether now like what what am i looking at yeah it's it's really bizarre the
but like it it's kind of dumb though because this is stuff that all should
have really been added back when the game was released like their update schedule was
is like just awful for like the amount of content that you actually get like
well i mean i can't talk shit because i don't know how hard it is to program Minecraft expansions.
But, like, I think I've talked about this as well,
but, like, compared to Terraria, like, their updates were basically
on the same schedule as a Minecraft update,
but a Terraria update would, like, completely change how the game
was, like, played and stuff because they
just add so many new things but then you look at the minecraft thing it's like oh nether update
there's uh there's four new biomes um there's this new there's a couple new mobs and uh a couple
new structures that yeah that's pretty good we'll call that a finished update. And it's like,
it took you like
five months to make that?
Like when the end was released, you got like
a floating island and nothing else.
You got a floating island,
a dragon, and nothing else.
Like, okay, sure.
I don't think...
Oh no, enchantments were in the game at that point.
I was going to say there might not have even been a reason to do it.
But no, there were enchantments.
And like, I completely understand.
The stupid thing is like when it was just Notch
and like when he got like a small team after that,
I'm pretty sure they were releasing updates like weekly
and then it became monthly and then then it became, like, bi-yearly or something.
I don't remember.
To be fair, at least the Caves and Cliffs updates are going to be...
I know there's, like, they're releasing them...
They were going to be in, like, one update, now they're in two updates, so it's the whole thing again.
At least, like, the Caves update and and the cliffs update are going to be big updates
they're going to be changing completely changing the game it's going to be quite different and i'm
i'm pretty keen to keep playing when those come out i think i seriously don't see myself ever like
getting sick of minecraft like Minecraft like I'll have a break
from it for like a while but I think
it's just a game that I'll always
come back to it's just something
that's like
kind of permanent yeah I've
stopped playing for a very long time but
I've been meaning to go back to it
at some point
you can stream it at some point
I might need to buy a new account
because I gave my account away to my sister
years ago
back when she didn't have a job
and wanted to play Minecraft and I'd stopped.
I just went onto your gaming channel.
What is this thumbnail?
Which thumbnail?
Australia doesn't make sense
even to Australians.
I've considered just... so with the the gaming channel like i'm honestly probably gonna stop doing the clips
because they're starting to feel like more work than they're actually worth like they're not fun
to make and no one fucking watches them yeah fair enough like i i started the gaming channel
was just like a way to
chill so I could play some video games and I might as well stream them now it's
starting to feel like more work than that really actually should be putting
into it yeah that I think if you if you feel that way then yeah you should just
go to just streaming it instead of putting in all this extra work
like something fun does happen i'll probably clip it but i'm not gonna have like a consistent
schedule um you're not gonna force yourself to find something funny every time pretty much yeah
uh i actually like even though i've already been recording for like fucking four hours today i'm
still i enjoy like recording the main channel stuff.
I did three videos early today.
I've got another one to do after this, actually.
I find that fun to do.
I don't know why.
And streaming is just generally fun as well.
Because you're, I don't know what it is about streaming.
There's just something weird about having a bunch of people there
just watching you do something.
It's like, why are you here?
Go do something. Why are you looking at me i don't know i haven't watched one of your videos for like a long time so just like looking
at these thumbnails it's just i love them they're so good i've had a couple people be like oh your
thumbnails are cringe like okay just close your eyes then i don't care
be like oh your thumbnails are cringe like okay just close your eyes then i don't care
that's cringe bro a lot of people in linux community like to say cringe a lot i think that's like a good argument for anything your thumbnails are like nowhere near cringe it's
like it like if i see one that's like oh that's a little bit cringy it's like, if I see one that's like, oh, that's a little bit cringy, it's like, well, it's obviously meant to be.
Yeah, I'm not doing the, like, I'm not unironically doing, like, just, like, the big pog faces on everything.
Oh, yeah.
like, just, like, the big pog faces on everything.
Yeah, no, I, yeah, I like where my thumbnails are at right now.
I think, I think there is a good balance between the amount of effort they take and the, uh,
how good they come out. I'm still, still like experimenting with new stuff with them as well
just like hey maybe i should have something in the background behind me or maybe i should do
some other things maybe i should like just fucking do a couple of shots before i do the
thumbnails and see how that goes well just compared to how they used to be well yeah
well just compared to how they used to be well yeah only room for improvement oh yeah only room compared to like we go really old oh my god like i'm not even talking about the shed error because
that's obviously gonna be bad but like some of these thumbnails there's so much text on it i'm
like i feel so overwhelmed like poly, an almost complete look at configuration,
it fills the whole fucking thing, I'm like, oh, you think that one's bad, um, my, one of my most
popular videos, um, let's see if we can find, oh god, it's so, there's so much text on here,
these are really bad, and it's also, like, the background is still really busy,
because it's not blurred enough so it's like hard to read
it's an email from work no i don't want to work go away um yeah no i i know exactly
how you feel that's exactly why i stopped doing them like that they're just
but we move a bit further down once you start showing your face, I think that's actually when they got really good.
Oh, this is in the... Wait, have I been living in this room for that long?
Wow, that's surprising.
No, I didn't even realise how long it...
That's 30... Why is that 30 minutes long?
Ugh, gross.
Here's one.
Oh, jeez. There's so much text.
Maybe I should go look at that old video.
Like, wow, this old video is bad.
If you think your old videos are good, you're not improving.
That's how I feel about that.
But yeah, I know what you mean.
There's so much fucking text.
about that but yeah i know what you mean there's so much text
at least your top one your top like five aren't too bad really i thought they were
oh like they're readable oh no i know the zsh one oh my zsh here's why you don't need this fucking manager and she's like well that's too many words no that is awful 27 000 views though what the fuck i hate it i hate it
because i've looked back at that video and it's such a bad video
yeah i um i look back at mine and there's like i think there's really good comedy moments in there, but just like overall the video is just like this is garbage
I've had people say to me like oh no your old videos are good
Like I don't care what you say to me like they're not good
Like I know what I can do now, and I know if I was you know approach that again now
There are so many ways I could improve it
there are so many ways I could improve it.
And I think, yeah, as I was saying,
that's where anyone really should be.
If you actually respect the content you make,
like, you should think your old stuff... Like, it's not... You don't have to hate it,
but you should think that you can definitely do it better now.
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, I think...
I mean, other than, like like the blatantly bad videos
like I guess your shed videos
no don't hate on
the shed is hype
don't hate on the shed
it's like I don't think you should hate
on your old videos but you should
definitely yeah just be like
or this has
space to grow
I've had a couple of people who are just fucking trolling me at this point be like oh this this has space to grow i've had a couple of people who are just
fucking trolling me at this point be like hey when are you gonna do another anime review
it's like stop stop i'm not doing that i love this one i'm done with open shot
no i'm still done with open shot it's still shit shit. The thumbnail is so bad. It's just black.
Okay, wait.
I think I know the one you're talking about, but I'm blanking on it.
No, I know why that happened.
It's because there was a thumbnail I saw.
There was a thumbnail I saw that looked very similar to that uh i just didn't
do it well uh-huh that's where a lot of my ideas came from like i'd saw someone like some bigger
channel doing something and i would like try to emulate the style but i didn't know how to use
of image editing software and would produce something that just looked really really bad and that's he got this yeah these early like just your face on the shed i prefer that to like some of your attempts to
make them now like might be onto something there what is like what is this one this is
disgustingly bad oh i know what is that background trying, yeah, there was, as I said, there was someone else who had a background on their thumbnails,
and I was trying to copy it, and I just didn't know what I was doing.
And I'd seen, like, Reddit videos before,
and I sort of understood the idea of how to do, like, a Reddit video thumbnail,
and I just fucked it up so badly
i don't know what i was doing there like the text should have been so much bigger i know how it could
be improved now you pick one of these focus on one like section of the text make that take up a big
portion of it that's how you do it not whatever this was yeah like i can't read those i'm just
looking at boxes with unreadable text with a disgusting background this fucking i heart
reddit isn't even centered properly well um oh no it's not it's not comparatively centered like
the heart is yeah yeah i see what you mean the eye compared
to the reddit symbol isn't in the center which is me yeah that's something like i know our channels
are like completely different but that's something i'm really holy shit no i just looked at my face
there's something i'm really glad about is that like my early thumbnails still
are very consistent with my current ones.
I hopped into YouTube not having any idea what to do.
I sort of like, I speed run through the like past like 15 years of awful YouTube content.
I went from 2006 where there was no effort in trying thumbnails and eventually moved up to like modern times within the span like a year and a half i guess that's like um something that's different it's like i have been making
youtube videos since like 2008 or something i'm gonna check actually i want to see what my first
video was made like the school video no it's not that one. It's one of my
Lego animations, I think.
Lego animation? I think you've shown me that one.
I made this in 2010. This was my first video.
Well, I've done videos in the past. I just never did videos
remotely seriously.
This was made before you could even do thumbnails, so.
Oh wow. And it's actually not the worst thumbnail, to be honest, from what it auto-generated.
Do you have any music on this?
I'm gonna mute it anyway.
Uh, I don't think so.
This animation is not very good quality, but some of my later ones actually are like, half
Wow, there's actually...
For me, bigger. It's not bad.
I love that the lighting's not consistent though.
Oh, yeah.
That was like before I got lighting and everything.
I'll find one that actually has like half.
Were you using just...
Wait, wait, hold up a second.
Don't you see a hand left in a shot?
Go to 30 seconds.
Yeah, there's a frame in there
where you
had a hand in the background
oh yeah I see it
that's beautiful
yeah this isn't bad
how old would you have been at the time
10 or 11
for a 10 year old's
attempt at animation
it's not horrible wait would you 11, 10 or 11. For a 10-year-old's attempt at animation,
it's not horrible.
Wait, would you... The camera seems remotely consistent.
Were you doing that with a tripod or something?
Probably, because, like, my dad works...
Still works, but he worked at the art division of uni,
so, like, he had access to tripods and stuff
right right okay because it's not perfect it moves a little bit but it's
not like completely different every single shot so it seems like you either
had like a book there that you were using to prop it up on or like a tripod
yeah I think this one is actually like half decent, like the animation is a lot better in this one.
Ed and Fred. Ed and Fred, yep.
There's still like a little bit of inconsistent lighting, but the camera is like still it's...
Oh that video looks so bad though.
The quality is really awful. Oh the uh the light yeah lighting's more consistent
actually i prefer the other one to be honest
yeah i think it's because like i filmed a lot of these at night time with like glaring lights so
that's probably why it looks so uh yeah yeah that would wash it out because it's
clearly not a good camera in the first place no i'm pretty sure it was a webcam or something that
i was using that would explain it probably like a what yeah a 2010 webcam at best yeah that
no probably not 2010.
But that channel is my first channel that I made everything on.
And so it goes from Lego animations and Lego reviews to gaming videos
to archives of my old live action things that I did.
Yeah, I never got this into making videos.
I've had channels in the past, but I'd make like three videos and then give up.
Like I did a couple like RuneScape tutorials, for example.
Well, I did all the Lego videos before I went to high school, but I started, once I got
to high school, I started making the gaming stuff.
I got to high school I started making the gaming stuff
I have another
channel which
this one which has
some like actual kind of decent
quality gaming stuff on it
but I used to have
Super Cosman XX
how old are you? i just need to understand
i think i was this was a big year eight or nine that's respectable
i'm gonna say if you're any older than that
but uh what was i saying yeah i had a bunch of videos on here that I deleted, and I also had another channel that I think is just gone entirely.
No, no, it was on...
Fuck, was it on Mega Egg?
Wait, Fallout 4 is that old?
Far Cry 4, you fucking stooge.
Whatever, Far Cry 4 is that old?
I didn't realise that.
Wow, I remember playing Far Cry 3 like
I what because a couple of years ago but I played it online last year bro
maybe I'm good so old that's what it first came out now I've looked at like
the release dates like the ps4 and stuff like that. I'm like, wow, that's fucking ages ago, isn't it? I was in high school, like early high school.
Yeah, it's bizarre.
Time is weird.
Speaking of time, I probably have to go in a minute.
So I guess we'll wrap it up.
Actually, I've got one last amusing thing to talk in a minute. So I guess we'll wrap it up. Actually, I've got
one last amusing thing to
talk about.
This right
here. I know you don't look much into
news, but this is fucking
So, Signal
decided to troll the absolute
hell out of Facebook.
So they decided to run an ad campaign on Facebook where instead of showing like a good, like, not a good ad, instead of showing
an ad, what they did is just fed back the data that was being used to target you into
the ad. So it would just tell you how Facebook is targeting you.
I like that. that's pretty cool.
So we got things like, you got this ad because you're a teacher, but more importantly you're
a Leo and single.
This ad used your location to see you're in Moscow, you like to support sketch comedy,
and this ad thinks you do drag.
I like that. And, um, Facebook was not happy about this,
and instead of doing, like, anything, you know,
like, oh, okay, maybe it's a problem that we collected this data,
no, they decided to, like, switch it back on Signal.
They were like, yeah, but, like, Signal,
they're targeting you based on your sexuality.
It's like, no, Facebook, you're the ones collecting the data. You can't, like, get out of this by just saying they're the ones collecting the data you can't like get out of this by just
saying they're the ones who do it i mean for the majority of people they can get away with saying
that because people are like dumb and don't understand it's like a play that uno switcheroo
card think about how many like brain dead people use facebook think about how many people copy pasted
my account is not compromised you could i don't give facebook my permission to use my
photos and shit and it's like you literally did when you signed up to use the fucking platform
like i am a sovereign citizen
this is not within the this is not within the US Constitution therefore you
are not allowed to force me to wear a mask
people are dumb this did lead to signal getting their ad account banned for obvious reasons
uh because facebook is not very happy about it poor poor poor signal poor signal um
it's fucking hilarious though i love it
um in terms of channel that i want to shout out i haven't really been watching much youtube recently but um
uh i guess uh i've been watching shu on head i like her videos they're very
god knows how long she has a new series called hell world and it's just like so depressing to watch because it's just like
um 40 minute long videos of just like fucked shit that's been happening
jeez i i when did i last watch shoe on the head
like actually i'm gonna try to find a video i actually did watch from shoe and head i'm gonna
say maybe one of these ones from like two or so years ago maybe it's been a long time that's all
i can say she's like definitely evolved from who she was previously and i think i like her um a lot more now because because like she's
primarily she's like a political youtuber but i like people that um when it comes to politics
they talk about individual policies and ideas instead of picking one or the other side because it's, like, counterproductive.
And it's, like, identity politics.
People care, especially, like, Hillary versus Trump.
That had, like, nothing at all to do with their policies and stuff
aside from, like, the people that kind of understood it.
It was more so just, like like the media hyping people up
to like hate these people and then you have to like pick one when it's really
not about that you should be picking them based on how your political ideas
and stuff yeah fair enough which again is just like a problem with like a
two-party system it really be a kind of more open platform
where you can vote individually for different policies and stuff.
But that's a bit of a can of worms to open at the end of a podcast.
Well, I'll go with something a bit more fun then
that you can just turn your brain off and watch.
I'm going to say go watch Dashcam Owners Australia.
Yes, I have a bunch of those
in my watch later. I haven't watched the last
three months, but
I'm keen to watch them. It's not
as crazy as some of the
Russian dashcam videos,
but it's still enough
to make you sit down for a
moment and be like, oh,
that just happened, did it? Oh, okay.
I cannot confirm nor deny whether some people have died while being in these videos,
but it's very possible. I think the majority of clips they show are very like, they didn't die at
all, but there's like one or two in each compilation of the month
where you're like could that person have died because they like cut it before it shows anything
but they're really good and i haven't found anyone that doesn't like them so if you find
like if you're at somewhere and you know you're sharing videos or whatever chucking one of those on this is usually a really good thing yeah absolutely yeah I think I'm gonna
run in an hour now so I think I'm gonna continue it on for the for another maybe
half hour or so so let people know where you can find you and I'm gonna just
continue on with this my youtube channel is cause here and
then everywhere else i'm super cause man well there'll be links to your stuff in the description
down below thank you thank you for having me on again next time we will do a longer podcast for
sure well i probably should end it because i actually do have stuff i need to do but
fuck it i'm not working now i'll just finish later. Good idea.
Talk to you later, man.
I'll leave by saying...
What's something good to say?
Hashtag Alex joins gang.
Talk to you later, man.
sure all right bye-bye talk later man um okay my my template is going to be broken so i'm going to stop the recording and we'll restart it in just a moment okay so everything seems to be working
again um i'm gonna go back to that signal topic for just a bit because there was some more i did
want to say about that so yeah i know um Linus Tech Tips did talk about this fairly recently as well.
Oh, God, that broke all of my things.
Okay, there we go.
I'm not going to do any more setup.
So this is absolutely terrifying.
I think we're also going to do a video on this as well.
This is fucking terrifying.
It actually does do a really good job at showing what Facebook is actually
tracking about you. Now, I can, I can see why Facebook decided they, they did not like, uh,
they did not like Signal doing this, but there's no way that Facebook can just be like, oh yeah,
um, hey, you're not allowed to show people this data. That's our data. And it's pretty crazy like some of the stuff they show like, oh you got this ad because you're a GP
So they know your job. That's not that crazy
Actually, no, that's not a great one. Oh, here's a good one
You got this ad because you're a kpop loving chemical engineer now
Both those you probably see on Facebook and this ad use your location to see you're in Berlin
Now this is where it gets kind of weird.
And you have a new baby, and just moved, and you're feeling those pregnancy exercises lately.
It's obvious how Facebook actually has this information, but seeing it shown back to you is really strange.
like, seeing it shown back to you is really strange.
And I kind of want to see what it actually knows about me,
because I just put, like, random shit out there.
It's probably got, like, some weird profile about me that's not exactly anywhere near correct,
because I just, like, dick around trying out different things.
So it's probably going to think I'm like some absolute fucking mental case.
But even so, I try to avoid Facebook in the first place.
And this is actually a pretty good reason or pretty good advertisement for things like uBlock Origin and the tracker blocker built into Edge.
That I think is going to encourage more people to actually
try it out. Now, this campaign, I think, only lasted for maybe like a couple of
days before they got shut down. I don't know exactly how long it lasted, but hopefully long
enough where people actually did, I guess, see some of the ads and get some effect from it.
And this is just Facebook and Instagram.
I'm sure other services like Twitter are just as bad.
And Amazon, maybe not.
Actually, maybe Amazon will be more so because Amazon has a very, very clear understanding
of everything you've ever bought.
So maybe they'd have an even better understanding of everything you've ever bought.
So maybe they'd have an even better understanding of who you are.
And if you combine that data,
this is where it gets really scary,
is what happens when Facebook has a data leak.
All this information, like a almost perfect profile of a lot of people,
is going to just be completely out there.
And they can do anything they could ever want with it in some cases having like a uh a good understanding of relatively personal things like if you're say reading parenting blogs and you're thinking about lgbtq adoption like
that's a pretty personal thing and while you know knowing the city you're in isn't super personal i guarantee
that facebook's not just taking your like general city if they have gps access they're taking you
know more like your latitude and longitude they might not be allowed to do it but i guarantee
that they are accessing that data if they have access to it so this is actually kind of terrifying
obviously everyone already sort of has like a implicit understanding of the the information
that's being tracked but seeing it showed back to you is a very different idea um something i do want
to talk about it's not a new thing by any means i kind of want to talk about it because it's fucking hilarious so there is a comedian in australia called alex williamson who is
no uh no stranger to controversy so obviously lewis spears is fucking mental
trolling the entire australian media but Williamson, or Shooter Williamson,
he recently got dropped from some comedy festivals
after denying some abuse allegations that happened.
That's not what I wanted to talk about,
but I haven't looked too much into this one.
What I wanted to talk about was something a bit more...
a bit more amusing,
where he was almost glassed during a set.
So, I think this would have been in the one,
one of the few sets he did last year.
So he's a Adelaide based comedian.
And because he's Adelaide based,
that meant he could do shows while no one else could,
which is good because he's a great comedian.
Fucking crazy person,
but great comedian.
So I'm going to show you this clip.
Here we go.
Hopefully you should be able to hear it.
You cannot hear it because my...
For some reason, my audio is not being picked up
inside of OBS.
Let's see.
Advanced audio... Not advanced audio properties.
We want to go properties.
Oh, that's trying to pick up audio from my mixer. That's why.
Yeah, there we go. Now you can hear it. Okay. Okay, here we go.
Just brace yourself for Alex Williamson just...
Absolutely blowing up. Why you're raised like a fucking cunt.
And guess what?
I'm glad they're fucking dead, so they didn't get to see their son evolving into such a
fucking useless sack of shit.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
So someone was basically heckling him during a show and he just fucking lost it with this
Get the fuck out you stupid cunt!
Walk the fuck away, cunt!
Now he's basically getting almost a fight with him but he knows he has security
He knows he has security that's like two steps away so he's not exactly too worried about this guy
Get the fuck out! Get the fuck out you stupid cunt!
You open your mouth, you pay the fucking price, cunt!
Uh, the second video is where it gets even worse.
Like, I've seen- I've seen Frenchy almost be glassed before, but it's-
This is like actually way worse than what happened in the next week.
You pay for a show to sit here quietly, you fuckwit!
You pay for a show to sit-
He's gonna cheer!
The cat's gonna cheer!
The cat's gonna cheer!
Get the fuck out of here!
You just a bit- Where is it?
Get back to your fucking hole!
I hear it is.
Hole in hole you fucking cunt!
That's the first shot.
But it gets so much worse.
You fucking scum of the fucking universe!
The second one is so much worse.
Watch this dodge that's about to come up.
It's fucking mental.
Absolutely mental.
We need a replay on that.
Look at this.
That is such a good dodge.
Like, he's a bit of a mental case, but that was a good dodge.
I can respect that dodge.
I don't know what it is about Australian comedians, but all of them seem to, like, be absolute...
Like, all of the young dudes who, like, are on...
On, like, social media as well
are absolute mental cases.
I think the only one who's got his head remotely screwed on straight
is Luke Kijal.
But Luke's online presence
and his comedy presence are very different.
I was so surprised when I went and saw, like, Luke Kijal live.
Because he, online, he's, like, a pretty tame, like, his whole, like, meme is that he's, like, the whitest person on the planet.
He's just, like, the most generic white dude you'll ever see.
You go to one of his shows, though, and holy shit, you get a different impression of him.
Lewis Spears, you you know obviously trolls the
entire world media
Frenchie is like absolutely
fucking cooked all the time
Tudor Williamson
mental case
I don't know
what it is about Australian comedy I love it
it's such a different comedy
scene you get in any other country.
And I adore it. Obviously, you have
the very mainstream, tame
comedians. A lot of the older
guys are pretty boring.
But the young
crop we're getting is...
The guys around my age...
Yeah, they're...
They're a bit cooked, to say the least.
Oh my God.
I didn't get a chance to go see Luke Kijal's latest show
because I forgot it was on,
and all three of the Adelaide shows sold out
because it's the first time he's been allowed to do shows in Adelaide
for about a year.
So when that, about a year and a half, I think.
So when that, you know, when that went, um, what's the word?
When that went, uh, when it happened, yeah, it sold out insanely quick.
Wait, Alex Williamson was in, he was in Red Dog? Hold up. Wait,
oh! I, okay, I did not know he was in Red Dog. That's cool. Huh. Okay, sure, whatever.
Oh, God. okay sure whatever oh
Australian comedians that's what I gotta say
Australian comedians are mental
but they're fun they're fun
and if you ever get a chance to go see any of them
go check them out
I highly highly recommend it
ugh I don't know if I have much else to really talk about,
to be completely honest.
I had planned stuff around Connor being here,
so a lot of the topics I don't really think
are going to be great to do by myself.
Let's see if we have anything in the other list of topics.
Let's see.
No, they're old topics that I just haven't planned out new ones for.
So that's good.
Uh, I don't think I've ever done like a, um, I guess a post guest sort of podcast.
Usually I'll just end it off.
The only reason I decided that continuous, cause yeah, I did have that other little ones
I didn't want to talk about
oh yeah um I've actually been
looking at getting a new car
very very off topic for what I
normally talk about on the podcast but hey
we'll talk about cars for a bit
and my very limited knowledge of them
so I don't know what the deal
is but for some reason
Mazda 3's are
everywhere in Australia.
Like, there is, okay, in all of
Australia, there is currently 2,300
Mazda 3s for sale, which
is a lot of Mazda 3s for Australia.
Usually, if you pick a specific
model like that, you're gonna see
like maybe a hundred cars across the entire
country, but let's go and set it
to, uh,
let's go and set it to South let's go and set it to South Australia
there's 257 just
in South Australia
and I don't know why
but there is a lot
of like 2008 models
for sale, let's go set it to
price low to high
2009, 2008
2004, okay that's one exception
2005, also one exception okay now 2008, 2004. Okay, that's one exception. 2005, also one exception.
Okay, now, okay, there we go.
2007, 2004.
I guess we're seeing a lot of 2004s as well now.
It's changed a little bit.
But this car, for some reason, is just everywhere on the market right now.
Actually, no, I think the reason why we only saw the 2008s last time
is because I set it to auto because, yeah, I think the reason why we only saw the 2008s last time is because I set it to auto because...
Yeah, I can't drive manual.
I don't know if I've said that before, but yeah, I can't drive manual.
But I'm considering this being my next car.
Right now, I'm driving a 2001 Holden Barina XC,
but it's kind of fallen apart.
It's a bit of a shitbox.
So I'm considering getting rid of it.
I don't really have any
requirement to buy a second
hatchback, but a hatchback
Mazda 3 like this wouldn't be the worst
idea, to be honest. Hatchbacks
are nice because they have a lot of space.
You can fit a lot of it.
A lot of shit into a hatchback.
Like my
Barina, I fit like a one and a half
meter desk into the Barina.
I had to like
scrunch up and
basically put myself in a situation where
if I crashed, I would break my neck.
But it managed to fit nonetheless.
Also, Mazda 3s have a lot of
really nice
stock colors. Like this is the same blue
that my sister owns
but she has a
sedan version rather than
a hatchback version
and a lot of them seem to not even really have that many
k's on the clock
this right here, 124,000
k's, like what the hell
it's a 17 yearyear-old car.
Or we have this one here.
104,000 Ks.
Very tempting.
64,000 Ks.
Why is that only at 64,000 Ks?
It is silver.
And I don't particularly want to buy a second silver car.
But Mazda 3s are just a generally nice looking car, to be completely honest.
I know you can get them in a really nice red, I believe.
But I'm thinking about getting rid of my current car and getting one of these.
Maybe not a 2013 model, but the 2013 model is pretty nice as well, to be honest.
To be honest, it is a nice car, and it's not exactly outside of my price range.
I don't
plan to spend a ton of money on a car.
This is probably the
most I would really ever go.
$14,000? Really?
Realistically? I don't
see any reason to spend any more on a car
than that. Sure, I could buy something
you know.
I could buy something that came out this year
but really does it matter that much like if you give a car like a little bit of a little bit of
runtime it sort of usually is going to knock out any of like the the defects that exist right as
the cars are actually being released so a lot of the time you have things like recalls and stuff
like that and if you buy a car like a couple of years late,
all of that stuff's going to be already dealt with.
So maybe buying like a 2013 model wouldn't be that bad.
Obviously, there's an exception.
Like when you go and buy something like 20 years old, like I have,
you're going to have other problems there.
But even so, this is certainly wouldn't be the worst thing to buy actually because we're on the topic
of cars i'm gonna go and just search for every car in australia let's go let's set it we'll
set it to south australia just so it's something i could potentially buy uh and let's go and set the price. Oh, we'll go. No, sorry. We'll go price low to high. What is
the cheapest car for sale? Mitsubishi Verada AKS Auto. That's $800 right there. How many Ks are on
the clock? 327,000, but it's a But it's a car from
95 that's an auto, and it's
$800. Wouldn't be the worst
first car to buy if you
just on your
P's or something.
Oh my god, that's beautiful.
What the hell? I love it.
It's a 77
Volkswagen Golf
that is
a shitbox
it's a convertible
wow there are some really bad cars on here
why is that
why is a
Elantra with
Ks on the clock, $1,100.
And it's an auto. There's something wrong
with this car. There's something seriously
wrong with it. Wait, do I
know the person who owns this car?
Hold up.
I think I know who owns that car.
Oh, God.
Ooh, 98 Impreza.
Oh, fuck.
Ooh, 455,000 Ks.
That's, um...
That's a little iffy.
That's at the point where you're like okay i think i gotta
like replace the motor but like the body is in a real okay no it's not in a decent condition
ignore everything i said the paint's in a relatively decent condition for something
that old with that many k's it's not uh it's not all just completely picking off
unlike my car where the paint is actually chipping on the roof.
And they get 2002.
They're actually not... They're actually surprisingly good cars in here.
Or surprisingly
not shit cars.
I can't tell they're good without actually driving
it, obviously. But yeah. Surprisingly
not shit. Let's go the other way.
Let's go price high to low
2004 kowe i don't know how to say that name whatever this name is
uh 606 kilometers oh 606 kilometers okay So it basically just drove off the lot.
1.88888 million.
Or we want to buy a Lamborghini Aventador for 800,000.
That's not as bad.
Wait, why is this...
This car looks like garbage.
It's a Rolls Royce, but the interior is all like wood paneling. That looks ugly. Why would you spend $700,000 on that when you can spend
$690,000 on a 2019, uh, Porsche 911?
I'm just looking at cars that I don't-
Sorry, what?
Hold up. Hold up. Hold up. Hold up.'ll... Sorry, what? Hold up.
Hold up.
Hold up.
Hold up.
Hold up.
Hold up.
Hold up.
This is not a street car.
Yeah, this is not a... This is...
That is...
Oh, no.
That's actually...
That's actually a V8 supercar.
Someone's selling...
Someone's selling the 2000...
A 2000 Holden Commodore that was from...
That was from the V8 Supercar series.
Oh, wait.
Hold up.
Is that...
Oh, that's Russell Ingalls' car.
Oh, now I'm interested.
I don't have...
I don't have $600,000.
But... it is Russell
Ingle's car and that's
slightly tempting
how about some Ferraris? Why am I just looking
at cars? I'm sure this is really interesting for you
guys listening to the audio where you can't actually
see anything. Go look up
Russell Ingle, he's a cool dude
I have a hat signed by him
I don't know where it is though, I hope
I didn't throw it away at some point
Because it's
Probably a very expensive hat now
Oh god
What can we talk about
We've got nine and a half minutes
I want to stretch it out for
We're not going to stretch it out if I don't need to
But I'll talk for another nine and a half minutes And then to stretch it out for we're not going to stretch it out if I don't need to but I'll talk for another nine and a half minutes
and then I'll go record more videos
yeah, I'm going to be recording
too long today, but
that's actually one thing I can talk about
I didn't work yesterday and I didn't work
and what this means is that my
week is very
front loaded so I've got And what this means is that my week is very, like, front-loaded.
So I've got four videos already planned.
It's Tuesday right now.
Four videos already planned.
I've obviously recorded the podcast, usually not done until the end of the week.
I have got all of my thumbnails done, except one new one that i want to throw in there like i didn't have the um the signal stuff
there before which i'm gonna i'm gonna hop on to because that's gonna be awesome to talk about
uh and by the end of tonight i'm gonna have two more videos planned out the last thumbnail done
four videos edited probably gonna edit the podcast and the clips and we'll be done by tuesday
edit the podcast and the clips and we'll be done by tuesday she's like fucking crazy i think i've got a new idea for the way that i can restructure my week what i'm gonna do is i think i'm going to
plan my videos on monday i think that's what does it where it just like completely completely like
evolves my week i guess we can put it. It completely
revolutionizes my scheduling. So, I would previously leave my planning to the end of
the week, where it felt like I was always rushing to get stuff done, which isn't a great feeling.
I like to just be able to, sort of, because towards the end of the week,
I want to just like be sort of coming down,
starting to chill towards the end of the week,
go into the weekend, be super chill then,
not have to worry about anything and be good.
But because I was planning my stuff on Thursday, Friday,
couldn't really do that.
So what I'm thinking of doing instead,
starting the week, rather than planning my thumbnails,
which is what I do right now, Monday, I'm going to just plan out videos, which gives
me the longest time between the time I'm breaking and the time that I'm planning stuff
So I can like sort of chill more later towards the week because doing stuff like thumbnails,
I can do, I can very easily do while doing other stuff.
But when I'm planning out
a video, I like to be very focused on like planning out the videos. Not to say that I'm
going to plan everything on Monday, but if I can make like a good chunk on the Monday, that's going
to make the rest of my week much more relaxing. I can, even if I get like four done on Monday,
or even three, that just means I have three less videos to do later in the week
when I'm more worried about getting stuff done.
Plus, now that I'm not doing clips on the gaming channel,
it just gives me more time when I can just do stuff for myself
because the problem I've had up until recently
is just trying to find a way to balance my weeks
where I get days off,
but I also don't feel like I'm rushing to get everything done. I think this is going to be the best way to balance my weeks where I get days off but I also don't feel like I'm rushing to
get everything done I think this is going to be going to be the best way to handle it at least
for now if it ends up not being it I think we can change stuff around very easily but I think that
going like this is going to be the best way to handle it and hopefully that means that I'll just
be able to have if I need it like more time to polish the videos.
Because that's the other thing.
When I plan a video on Thursday, Friday, I'm probably going to be recording some of them like two days later.
Which isn't the best if I want to go back to it and be like, okay, maybe this part I should revise.
Maybe this part I should revise.
By doing it as early as possible, I can then decide on Wednesday, Thursday, that I just then want to completely restructure everything
and just be like, okay, well, I don't like the way I'm doing this.
Maybe I should come at it from this angle instead.
And I think that produces better content.
Whether I really take advantage of that or not is a whole other question.
But if nothing else, it at least gives me time where I can just relax and just chill, basically.
Which is important.
Even though it may lead to me working.
So yesterday I actually worked a 12-hour day.
And today I'm probably going to work another 12-hour day.
But if I get like 24 hours done at the start of the week and the rest of my week is like
half days it still works out about the same so i don't think it's that big of a deal to be honest
um i thought i would hate doing 12 hour days but i realized that i've been doing 12 hour days
for a while it's just that i've been sort of structuring them poorly and not really making the
most of my time. So,
now it's taking advantage of
the waste of time that I was already doing
and just making it
so it's less of a waste of time and
potentially gonna get
more work actually done.
Or at least more work done in a more efficient way.
Oh, the other thing about doing the videos early
is it means that I have better...
I guess a better room or more room.
More room would be better for it.
More room to actually put the podcast where I want it to put it.
I want to put it.
Because now that I'm doing a live stream on Thursday,
which is usually when I would do the podcast
and also plan out videos and other stuff,
it's just like a lot of stuff being done on that day.
So this just gives me,
it's allowing me to expand my week
while also compressing it,
if that makes any sense.
I expand it into the time I allow myself,
but compress it from like the whole week,
which was what was happening before.
So yeah, I'm still messing with stuff
and trying to make it happen,
but I don't know.
I don't know.
I'm just making it work as it works, basically.
I'm just looking at what's going on
in like the cover picture for Dash Cam Owners Australia here.
And I noticed there's some blue smoke.
So that's someone who's obviously doing a gender reveal party.
Actually, I wonder if we can find it.
Dash Cam Australia gender reveal.
gender reveal.
No, we're not finding it.
That was clearly a gender reveal party.
There is no other reason why you would have blue smoke like that.
That is the only reason to do so.
I'm not finding it, though.
Oh, this is a...
Oh, so no, this is an American one.
Oh, no, this is...
Holy shit.
Okay, that's actually pretty bad.
I don't care about that.
I just want to see the picture.
Apparently the car, like, burst into... This is Queensland. Car is want to see the picture. Apparently the car like burst into this Queensland.
Car is going to burst into flames.
Well, look, it's a boy.
Crazy. Boom. Car's on
fire now.
I'm going to...
What is this? I'm going to stop playing that just
in case we see someone die. That would be
bad. Not like I get money from this channel
anyway, but...
Yeah, just in case this channel ever does get monetized,
I did not show someone die there. I think their car
just lit on fire. Or at least their wheels lit on fire.
Don't know if the rest of the car did.
Hopefully not. That would be bad.
Oh, lordy lord.
Oh yeah.
I think I mentioned this a bit last time.
But I've noticed that.
The podcast is finally.
Cracking some good numbers. On the audio release.
So this time.
Let's see what we got for the most recent episode I did.
That would have been 63.
That's the one that came out most recently, I guess.
So here's the graph.
Back in April last year, April, March last year,
getting like three or so views on the episode, maybe even one view.
But it's picked up over time
and the latest episode we did
and it's still got two days
until we hit Thursday
where we do like... I do
stuff in weeks. Oh, it's 58 now, sorry.
So I do stuff in weeks and it's hit 58
views now. But over that week
period, the other
episodes have had 74
views. Sorry, there's been
an extra...
There's another one. Oh god, there's another one in there.
So, there's been
an extra
90 views on all of my other
stuff. Which is crazy.
I honestly didn't expect this podcast
to start having a
And it seems to have just suddenly gone parabolic for some reason.
Which is like, oh yeah, we slowly grow at a linear pace.
And there's a whoop.
Just straight up.
Thank you guys.
I appreciate it.
And I don't know why people like this podcast.
But hey, if people are enjoying this, I'm more than happy to keep doing them. There will be guests I bring on at some point, I don't know when, but they will
happen when I decide to arrange someone, or when people I arrange decide to answer their emails and
DMs. Maybe I just need to hit up someone who I've had on before, like Brian Jenks, who I know will come onto the podcast
if I ask him to come on, rather than trying to find someone new
who I have to look back and forth with and wait until they actually respond.
And all that jazz just gets someone, you know,
gets someone who wants to come on.
But, I don't know.
I know this is going to be a shorter episode than we normally do
but I think
that's where we're going to
end it to be honest
because I just didn't plan out topics
to keep going solo
so I think that's going to be pretty much
everything then, I already did the
I guess the half sign off
with Connor before
so I guess we'll do the the full sign-off now.
If you want to go check out the audio release,
that is available basically anywhere.
If you go look up Tech Over Tea,
it'll be on pretty much any podcast platform.
The video release is available on YouTube and Odyssey
if you'd prefer to watch it there.
Go check out my main channel as well.
That is Brady Robertson,
Uh... Go check out my main channel as well.
That is Brodie Robertson.
Where I do...
Planned out, I guess, Linux-y videos.
That people are enjoying them for some reason.
My thumbnails are much better than they used to be.
So, go check that out if you like the Linux content.
If you don't, then...
I don't know.
Check out my gaming channel.
Where you can see me be really bad at Dead Cells and Crystar.
Uh... And I'm almost done with Crystar. So, so there's gonna be a new game that comes in soon. What it's gonna be,
I'm not too sure. Maybe it'll be Kingdom Hearts. Probably will be Kingdom Hearts though.
And yeah, I would like to also thank my supporters. So a special thank you to
Joachim, Donald, Logan, Michael, Andrew, Nathan, David, Will, Brennan, Chica, Bento, Jamie, Joseph,
Josh, Mitchell, Peter, Lee, Stephen, Theroux, Tony,
Tushar, and all of my $2 supporters.
You can check all that stuff out
down below if you'd like to support the content.
I've also got my Discord where I'm usually
hanging out in there, so if you want to come ask me
anything, I don't know,
what color the sky is,
don't ask me that, I'm going to tell you to piss off.
Ask me something that I feel like answering
that's actually like a question to me.
Or you just want to chat with the people
who also hang out in the Discord.
Some of them are some pretty weird units,
but they're all cool dudes.
So go do that if you want to.
I think there's a link in the description.
There should be.
Yeah, that's pretty much everything for this.
I'm going to go record my last video for today.
I'm going to record my last video for the day. For the today.
I'm going to record my last video for today.
Which is going to be on the Audacity telemetry situation.
So, keep your eyes peeled for that one.
Actually, no.
The video is going to be out by the time this is out.
So, check out the main channel.
And you're going to go and see it there.
So, that's pretty much everything for me.
And I'm out.