Tech Over Tea - #65 Please Be Safe In The Market | Solo

Episode Date: May 26, 2021

I've been watching how absolute insane the crypto space has been getting and it seems like no one is even thinking anymore, they're just chasing the gains, please be safe. Besides that I get into some... random anime junk and how absolutely insane 1 trillion dollars really is. ==========Support The Channel========== ► Patreon: ► Paypal: ► Amazon USA: ► Other Methods: =========Video Platforms========== 🎥 YouTube: =========Audio Release========= 🎵 RSS: 🎵 Apple Podcast: 🎵 Spotify: 🎵 Google Podcast: 🎵 Anchor: ==========Social Media========== 🎤 Discord: 🐦 Twitter: 📷 Instagram: 🌐 Mastodon: ==========Credits========== 🎨 Channel Art: All my art has was created by Supercozman DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good morning, good day, good evening. I am, as always, your host, Brodie Robertson. I just thought my thing didn't start recording. This is episode 65. I am, as always, a massive professional. And every single day, we become closer and closer to the Ha Ha Funny meme number. You know, that joke would have been better if I didn't just completely stumble over my words. We are four, I guess, four episodes after this one. Five if you include this one. Four or five episodes away from episode 69. Now, I don't know who I'm going to have on for episode 69.
Starting point is 00:00:32 I'm going to obviously have to have a guest on of some description. Maybe, maybe I'll bring HexDSL on. I think he'd be up for a Ha Ha Funny meme number episode. Maybe, we'll see. I'll work it out with him. If I did that, I would have to do like a another really early morning recording which it would be fine i could make it work like now that i've shifted my schedule around and actually have a schedule that i am comfortable working with i could definitely get that done somehow it's just a matter of if i want
Starting point is 00:01:00 to i have a couple other people i could bring on, but I think Hex might be the best person for that. Because I think he would very much be up for playing into the joke, like, as much as possible, really. And that's exactly, that is exactly what I want from an episode like that. So we've got a lot of things on my list
Starting point is 00:01:19 of topics today. I was going to say I could show you the list, but I'm always just capturing my browser and I don't feel like actually breaking my scenes during the middle of a recording. So we are not going to be changing that right now. But trust me, we do have a lot of things to talk about. Probably too many things, most of which we won't actually get into. One thing I do want to get into though, we'll get into this straight away because this happened today for me it'll be like, I bet a week ago for you
Starting point is 00:01:48 guys, the end of my Crystar stream the end of my previous Crystar stream so not the stream that you would be seeing if you're watching this on YouTube the day this comes out the one the week before I think it was titled something like Mirai
Starting point is 00:02:04 is dead, just keep her dead already so what happened is this stream I think was my longest livestream so far so I didn't realize this game autosaves and because I didn't realize it autosaved when I got into a situation where there wasn't a save point for nearly two hours I just kept playing and playing and playing and playing now if you know what I've been doing in the Crystar stream, basically, I went through the first playthrough, then I went through New Game Plus, now I'm in New Game Plus Plus, now I'm in, I guess, it's not New Game Plus Plus Plus, it's like, after you finish New Game Plus Plus, you get another chapter afterwards.
Starting point is 00:02:42 And we're in that chapter now. The problem that we have with this third playthrough is it decides that it wants to basically break the entire story of the game and then end the entire game with a boss rush. Now, if you don't know what a boss rush is, a boss rush is basically it's where
Starting point is 00:03:03 you don't have any other gameplay. It's just boss boss boss boss boss. And just keep going through bosses. Until the game feels like giving up. And doing something else. So. The problem. I don't think anyone cares about Crystar spoilers.
Starting point is 00:03:19 So initially the final boss. Which I thought was the actual final boss. Would have made sense. It wouldn't have made sense because they retconned the story, but it would have made sense to end it there. So we had a boss fight with one of our party members, Sen. I don't know why we had a boss
Starting point is 00:03:36 fight with Sen. For some reason, she decided she wants to fight us. Like, there was some sort of plot explanation for why that happened, but it didn't make any sense whatsoever. It felt like they were just basically coming up with story elements. And then just chucking them at the wall. And just seeing what one actually stuck.
Starting point is 00:03:55 And we just got this absolute train wreck of a story because of it. So Sen became not evil. I guess for some... Yeah, she wanted to kill us. Anyway, we defeated Sen. Wasn't too difficult of a boss fight. Then after that- Oh, no, sorry.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Before that, there was a different boss fight. I think we had to- What was it? Who did we fight before that? Oh, sorry. There was, like, a mini boss before that. And then there was the actual final boss. Then after that, it's like, hey, now you're gonna fight your sister, and now you're
Starting point is 00:04:26 gonna fight, uh, who was it? So we had, we fought our sister, who's dead. Just don't, don't question the story. Um, we're in purgatory. Everyone's dead. Just accept it. So we have a sister, a twin sister, who died in the womb, who, then we have to fight as the who i thought was the final boss turns out there's another boss directly after that and all that's separating that is cut scenes and you don't have a chance to get more healing items so basically you are burning through your healing items throughout these fights and the fights are really poorly designed where there's basically no telegraphing for the attack so there's so many attacks in that game. Which are basically impossible to dodge. Like there's no wind up.
Starting point is 00:05:08 There's no like hey here's a particle effect to tell you the attack's going to happen. No. The attack just happens and you get hit. So there was that boss fight. Then there was another boss fight after that. I think this was the third boss fight in a row. And when I got to that boss fight I was like okay. If this boss is not defeated in the cutscene, I am just stopping.
Starting point is 00:05:27 I'm quitting the game. I'm just done with this stream. Because I was four and a half hours into that point. I was just getting sick of playing it. It was like, kill the boss in the damn cutscene. Nope. Nope. Time for more boss rush.
Starting point is 00:05:41 We have another boss fight. Then I went and looked at like how the game actually ends. Turns out there's another two boss fights in this boss run. I don't know if there's going to be a point to like get some healing items or if we somehow have to get through the rest of the game without any items. I don't know what the deal is. It's so poorly designed. I think I'm like 40 hours into this game at this point.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Really, the only reason I'm still playing it is out of sheer habit. I think next stream, if I might do another Crystar stream, I don't know. I'm really emptied to not and just go play something else. I want to go and start streaming something like Kingdom Hearts or Cyberdimension Neptunia,
Starting point is 00:06:21 Nier Automata, games that I know are actually good games. I haven't decided on which one I'm going to go with yet, but once Crystar is done, I will absolutely be swapping to something else. But it feels like every single time I try to
Starting point is 00:06:35 stream this game, it's just never ending. It's just always going. I felt like it was going to end after the first playthrough. Then it's like, oh yeah, time loop time. It's like, okay, that's fine. One time loop's good.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Time loop time again, now it's New Game++. I think we're actually at the real final ending now. Which is nice. Because, yeah, this is one of those games that... It really feels like it's overstayed its welcome. Especially during this boss run.
Starting point is 00:07:11 It's just like, I thought I'd fought the final boss like three times already. Can we just end this stupid boss fight? Can we stop this boss run? These are not well-designed boss fights. This isn't fun anymore. This game has really overstayed its welcome. And the story is just making less and less sense every single time.
Starting point is 00:07:30 So for some reason, we need to collect, like, time loops to, like, defeat the demons who contracted us to work in Purgatory. I don't understand why. It was never explained why that was a thing. It's just like, oh yeah, time loops happened, you collect time loops now.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Like what? What are you talking about? This entire game, we've been collecting souls. Why are we now collecting time loops? What is this video game? I don't understand it. JRPGs are generally weird enough. Take Kingdom Hearts, for example, where the time travel system in that game underpins
Starting point is 00:08:03 the entire story and makes literally no sense. But in the case of Kingdom Hearts, at least the general Kingdom Hearts-y stuff is fun. Crystar, it was a mediocre game at the best of times, and now it's just like, I don't even know if I want to keep
Starting point is 00:08:20 playing it. That's where I'm at right now. I really don't know if I want to keep suffering it. That's where I'm at right now. It's just like, I really don't know if I want to keep suffering through this game, but it should only take me like maybe another hour or so to finish the game. So I'm really tempted to just like maybe do it in tomorrow's stream and like my Dead Cells stream, or maybe do it next week and just finish it off then. If I do it next week, I'm not just going to do an hour stream. What I'll probably end up doing is starting as a Crystar stream and then, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:08:49 maybe playing something like Hades or something afterwards. Something that's a good game. Maybe I'll start Binding of Isaac. Maybe I'll go do some more Tasmanian Tiger. Something else. Just literally anything else. I know that I could have stopped playing this game ages ago. But a part of
Starting point is 00:09:05 my brain i like i have a minor completionist brain i'm not the sort of person who's like i want to get every achievement but if you put a story in front of me and it's like hey you should probably go finish this story i'm like do i want to though but like even though i could go watch the story on the internet i could watch on youtube i do i want to finish this story myself and yeah it's that it's that part of my brain that gets addicted to things like hey you like cycling now hey you like programming now do nothing but that for like six months and it's a part of my brain to try to channel on helpful things so i don't get into like the um the same sort of runescape grind I got into when I was a kid where it's just like I played runescape for
Starting point is 00:09:50 six years six years I'm gonna say uh yeah probably too long that's how long I played it for I played it from like 2007 up until the rs3 beta so whatever that works out to be. And I just try to put that part of my brain towards good things, like my YouTube channel, or studying Japanese, or not playing Christ. One thing with the PS4 streaming, though, I can do PS4 streaming currently. I've got a hacky setup to do it. It's with some of those really sketchy eBay items I bought previously.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Where I bought a... Or I was telling you about guys previously. Telling you about previously. Where I bought a HDMI splitter. Those old... What were they? The Elgato Cam Link ripoffs. And it works.
Starting point is 00:10:42 It's just there's a bit of lag in it. And especially I can deal with lag for you guys i don't care what you guys you guys didn't accept it but for me if i'm playing a game i want it to not be lagging on my side and to do that i'm going to be replacing the entire setup with one device the ava media live what's the ava media live gamer portable 2 plus is that what it's called ava media is never good at naming stuff. Ava Media Live Gamer Portable 2 Plus. I got the name right.
Starting point is 00:11:11 It does 4K pass-through. Not a big deal for me. If I eventually get myself a PS5, it might be important then. A PS5 and a 4K monitor might be important then. But it does 1080p recording. So, yeah. Uh, that's gonna be how I end up capturing that. That'll just go, like, into my PC and just work like that.
Starting point is 00:11:35 It should be fine. It is, uh, this device right here. They're not that expensive either. I think that this was, like, $100 and... $170 or so how much did I pay for it let's find out more than my
Starting point is 00:11:52 original set, more than my hacky setup I had before but it was like $40, oh sorry okay I spent $211 a bit more, okay it's $200 plus $11 shipping, sure anyway, that's basically how much I spend it's gonna hopefully um hopefully be better if it's not better I'll feel really bad I'll feel really
Starting point is 00:12:12 bad if I wasted $200 on trying to improve my setup and it doing literally nothing literally nothing whatsoever but I can hope I can hope that it's not like that and it actually does fix my problems i did test out what do they use to test out i was playing jack x yeah jack x is just a great game i bought it on like the playstation digital store uh like years ago and cyber dimension neptune and both of them for some reason would occasionally stutter and I know those games don't stutter when I'm playing them like on the actual console plugged directly into my monitor
Starting point is 00:12:52 so there was clearly some weird stuttering being caused by the um weird setup that I have which is expected because when you buy a $10 HDMI splitter I wouldn't expect the best experience all the time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:09 My side was bad enough. It was even worse capturing in OBS. Plus it had like a really big audio delay. I can deal with occasional stutters, but the audio was like, I think half a second out, which really threw me off. Like I would say, you know, use my boost in jack x and then half
Starting point is 00:13:28 a second later i would hear the boost happen or i would get someone like shooting at me and a half second later i would hear the shooting and that's just not a workable way of playing it's bad enough in jack x but in games where like sound actually matters it just wouldn't wouldn't work at all so getting rid of that is probably for the best. Plus the... Well, part of the reason why there was the big delay is because I was listening to the audio on
Starting point is 00:13:53 my OBS monitor. So I was monitoring it through my PC. So there was the delay from the capture card, or from the splitter, and then the delay from OBS, so it's like double delay, which is what was throwing me off. The pass-through on the AvaMedia, though, that does...
Starting point is 00:14:13 I think you can capture, or you can plug your microphone, not microphone, your headphones directly into the capture card and then monitor from the capture card, so it should be far, far less lag. There might still be a little bit but it would be in the level of tolerance where you could actually functionally play a game
Starting point is 00:14:32 not what it was before not what it was before which is uh shit, shit is a good way to put it yeah speaking of things that are not shit, yeah we'll speaking of things that are not shit yeah, we'll go with not shit
Starting point is 00:14:47 questionably shit meet 76ers meet System76's first mechanical keyboard System76 are those guys who make Linux laptops that run Pop!OS if you have never heard of them
Starting point is 00:15:04 but you've probably heard of them if you do anything relating to the Linux-y world. Even if you don't care about Pop!OS or their devices. Now, this is an interesting keyboard
Starting point is 00:15:18 that is has a horrible, possibly the worst design space bar on the entire planet. Plus... Oh, okay. When I looked at this keyboard, I didn't realize how much I hated it. I actually hate this more... The more that I look at this thing, the more that I actually hate it.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Oh, God. Okay. So, for anyone listening to the audio version, generally it looks like a keyboard. It's a, um, 10... Is it 10 keyless? It doesn't have a number pad. It doesn't have a number pad. Anyway, whatever you call those keyboards,
Starting point is 00:15:55 don't have number pads. You have to look at this thing. It's so weirdly laid out. So, the escape and function keys those are fine nothing weird there number line perfectly fine tab um tab through backslash perfectly fine where it gets weird is the line with caps lock on it where caps lock is offset so usually usually my voice is awful today usually what you'll see is like your tab caps lock shift and control key
Starting point is 00:16:28 will like all be in a line that's a normal thing for a keyboard in this case though the caps lock shift and control are like slightly pushed inwards I don't understand so like they're not in line with the tab, the tilde and the escape they're actually like slightly in like in further on the keyboard which is
Starting point is 00:16:50 so weird to look at plus then you've got your enter key so the enter key is also pushed in but it's also like a smaller enter key like it could have been expanded out to be the length of it a normal enter key but it's not could have been expanded out to be the length of a normal enter key,
Starting point is 00:17:05 but it's not. There's just, like, a weird gap there. I don't understand this gap. Why is that gap there? And then, because, um, because it doesn't have a number pad, it's also had to put, like, the, uh, the arrow keys, like, right next to the, uh, right shift,
Starting point is 00:17:22 and the right shift is then also shorter than it should be as well. And also pushed in really far. Like pushed in even further than the enter key. It's so weird to look at. I don't know what this keyboard is. And then you have the biggest offender of all. I see why they've done it.
Starting point is 00:17:38 But the biggest offender of all is having a split space bar. It doesn't have one long space bar. It doesn't have one long space bar. It has two space bar keys. And then you can go and replace those keys with a shift or a backspace or a function. Why would you replace it with a function key? That's weird.
Starting point is 00:17:59 I don't understand. But yeah, you can replace it with a bunch of keys. That's so strange. So if you replace the... If you replace the left side of the space bar, you... I don't understand this. So if you're not looking at the image, look at your keyboard,
Starting point is 00:18:18 take your space bar and split it in half. Because most keyboards have two switches under their space bar, but most of the time they're both on the same key this takes those two um two switches and puts them on separate keys so weird to look at i've never seen a keyboard like this uh and then it's also going to be accompanied with um with a uh mapping software so you can go and remap those keys. You want to go and remap literally any key on the keyboard. Now, that I actually do see as something pretty useful. Now, there are other keyboards you can very easily remap.
Starting point is 00:18:56 But this does have its own special remapping software to do whatever special things it can do. I don't know. It also has RGB, because why not? But all of this keyboard is really cool. Until you get to the price. So this is a keyboard that is manufactured in the US, which obviously makes it expensive. $285. So it is a 84-key semi-staggered layout. Also, wait, what? It has a 10 gigabit USB hub.
Starting point is 00:19:46 So it's not... Also, with the firmware, it's not running QMK. It's running a firmware based on QMK. I'm guessing that's why they have their own software. Huh. But anyway. I don't understand this semi-staggered layout. Why is the enter key so small? Why don't you extend the keys to where they should be located?
Starting point is 00:20:08 I would get it if you're trying to save some space, but there's nothing but room here. It's literally just empty space here, and you've made the caps lock shift and control shorter than they need to be. I don't understand why. It doesn't make any sense to me. It's so weird to look at.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Also, something that someone pointed out to me is, why doesn't it have a... What are the ThinkPad people call it? The nipple. Why doesn't it have a track point nipple? That would actually be pretty cool. I think if you put that on there that actually would justify the price i don't know if uh lenovo has a patent on that they very well might but if they don't that actually would be really cool here and actually could see people buying this
Starting point is 00:20:57 but i don't know who's buying this keyboard otherwise it's a 285 84 key keyboard with qmk software like if you're spending that kind of money that's the range and like this is such a a customizable keyboard that you would go and build your own keyboard like that that's what this range is i i don't understand who this is for sure the 10 gigabit usb hub is useful but like it's not it's not that useful it's a wired keyboard i don't know why this is a feature that's uh that's not a feature that's like standard i'm sure this um this split space bar appeals to somebody i'm just not the person that appeals to plus i do like my um my numpad that that's a big thing for me. I love my numpad and not having my numpad would be a big pain for me. What I need to do is get a QMK keyboard and just remap the numpad to be like useful keys
Starting point is 00:21:55 so they don't break all my other stuff, but... I don't know. It's such an odd keyboard to look at. I wouldn't pay... Well, in Australia it's not gonna be $285. It's gonna be like keyboard to look at. I wouldn't pay... In Australia, it's not going to be $285. It's going to be close to $400. It's not my sort of thing. I'm sure someone cares about it, but...
Starting point is 00:22:17 It does have a bunch of... Okay, so when I said the USB hub, it has two USB-A 3... I guess they're 3.1 ports. They would probably be. And then USB-C ports as well. Like, that's cool. It's all cool and all that.
Starting point is 00:22:31 But I just, I just don't, I don't understand the point. I don't know. To be fair, my keyboard, in case you don't know, I've shown it off enough times, is a Cougar Vantor, which I believe is $70. I bought it because it's a scissor switch keyboard, and scissor switch keyboards are objectively the best switch. I don't care what anyone has to say.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Get out of here, you mechanical scrubs. I don't care about your opinion. I don't know. It's an interesting keyboard. I just don't get it. I don't get who this appeals to at that price point. If it was $200, I could't know. It's an interesting keyboard. I just don't get it. I don't get who this appeals to at that price point. If it was $200, I could see it. $200 would actually be more reasonable, but almost $300 is where you're building your own keyboard. No one spending $300 on a keyboard is buying something pre-built.
Starting point is 00:23:21 At least in my mind. Maybe I'm wrong. I could be wrong. I don't know. I'm just ranting. But it is built in America, and if that's what you want to support, maybe that's why you want to buy it. Still too much for me, though. Still very much for me. Even if it was built in Australia,
Starting point is 00:23:38 I still wouldn't pay that much at all. Speaking of paying too much, though, I hope you guys have been looking at the crypto market and like the absolute fucking carnage that's been happening it's probably still happening by the time this goes up I don't expect to have recovered yet I
Starting point is 00:23:55 I'm just oh the crypto market is so so good right now so in case you're living under a rock um apparently the crypto market is just controlled good right now. So, in case you're living under a rock, apparently the crypto market is just controlled by Elon Musk's Twitter. Like,
Starting point is 00:24:12 past seven days, when Elon started to say that, hey, Bitcoin may not be that great, Bitcoin dropped 20%. Which, for the record, is a lot of money., is a lot of money. Like, a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:24:34 And because Bitcoin dropped, everything else dropped. Except Dogecoin. Dogecoin actually held out pretty well. Because Dogecoin is Elon's new baby. Dogecoin is where Elon thinks the future should go. Except not really, because if you think, okay, if you think that Elon is on your side,
Starting point is 00:24:54 you are the dumbest person on the planet. Have you forgotten that Elon is a billionaire? That's not to say that all billionaires are bad, but have you forgotten that Elon is a billionaire? He's not here to help the little man. Sure, that's not to say that all billionaires are bad, but have you forgotten that Elon is a billionaire? He's not here to help the little man. Sure, he's gonna, like, not take a massive salary for his job.
Starting point is 00:25:12 That just looks good for PR. Sure, he's gonna boost up Bitcoin. Do you know why he boosted up Bitcoin? Any, all of you, all of you absolute brainlets who think that Elon was on your side from the start, and even the people who think that Elon is on your side from the start and even the people who think that Elon was on your side with Dogecoin. You are all absolutely being played right now.
Starting point is 00:25:32 All of you are incredibly dumb and you're all going to absolutely get yourself hurt from this. So, do you know why Elon was pushing Bitcoin? Because he bought Bitcoin. It's so obvious to watch what Elon's doing from the outside. He is manipulating the market and nobody seems to care until he's not manipulating the market in your favor. So Tesla announced like, hey, we're going to accept Bitcoin now.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Do you know what Tesla did before they did that? And do you know what Elon did before he did that? He bought Bitcoin. And then he shot the price up. And do you know what happened when he decided the price had gone high enough? He sold. And then he tweeted saying, hey, look, Dogecoin is the future. Do you know what he did before Dogecoin was the future, though?
Starting point is 00:26:26 He bought Dogecoin. It's so obvious. And it's going to happen again. Like, sure, he's pumping the price of Dogecoin right now. But he's going to sell it soon. And he's going to go to something else. Because all he's doing is manipulating the market. Allegedly.
Starting point is 00:26:44 This is all allegedly. But it's so fucking obvious. I don't know how there are actually people out there. Who think that Elon is the saviour of crypto. Or the saviour of Dogecoin. Or he's going to help us all become millionaires. No he's not. That's not happening at all.
Starting point is 00:27:00 All he's doing is trying to make himself rich. Now that's not to say that you can't make some money, you know, following the trends. I'm not saying that you should or shouldn't do that. I am not a financial expert. But if you think that he's on your side, you are absolutely being played. Like, I feel so bad for, like, all of the new investors who have been seeing all the hype around Elon and, like, the time he was on SNL and all this other stuff. Thinking that, oh, Elon's going to make me a millionaire. Like, no, he's not. That's not happening.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Anyone who got involved in crypto in the past, like, month, I feel bad for you because you've been scammed you've been scammed by all of the crypto tubers who think this bubble is going to just keep going up and up we're going to go to the moon to the moon to the moon everyone's going to be a billionaire that's not how the economy works that is that just cannot function like look at this okay if you think that this is not a bubble oh you can't even see it okay we try okay? If you think that this is not a bubble, oh, you can't even see it. Okay, we'll try that again. If you think that what's been happening over the past year
Starting point is 00:28:11 is not a bubble, you are absolutely insane. Sure, you can manipulate your numbers to make it look like, oh, Bitcoin always goes up. And generally, yes, Bitcoin does go up. But when it has a bubble like this, it will go back down. It's just how the economy corrects itself.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Especially when your entire market is controlled by a dude on Twitter. But hey, if you bought down here, and you sold up here, like, you're in a good position. Um. I don't feel bad for the Crypt tubers who've been scamming people any of the crypto tubers who have been like hyping up bitcoin saying oh it's going to go to a hundred thousand dollars
Starting point is 00:28:54 it's going to go a hundred thousand dollars I'm going to be a billionaire I'm going to be a millionaire and then it crashes and you lose like 50% of your investment in one day, all of you deserved it. All of you deserved it for trying to convince all your followers to dump their life savings into crypto. Sure, you can be like, oh, but I'm not a financial expert. Take my advice with a grain of salt. You know that that's not what you're doing. You're saying that because you need to say that so you don't get sued by the SEC.
Starting point is 00:29:23 That's why you're saying that. Not because you actually believe that. I'm sure there are good crypto-tubers out there who are actually trying to help people out, but there are so many people out there who are just absolutely running a scam and openly
Starting point is 00:29:42 running a scam knowing that people are going to fall for it. And that's not even, that's without even getting into people who are actually doing things like, hey, I'm going to double your Bitcoin. Ignoring those people, just the people who think like, you know, what SafeMoon, SafeMoon is the big meme right now. That's the one that everyone's like, oh yeah, SafeMoon, go to the moon. SafeMoon, SafeMoon, it's such a real, it's a real project. No, SafeMoon isn't, no, that's not, anything with safe in moon it's such a real it's a real project like no safe moon isn't no that's not anything with safe in its name is not a real thing let's go safe moon what's safe
Starting point is 00:30:11 moon doing right now wow it crashed who would have thought oh look at this this is not a bubble this is not a bubble at all this coin has existed for two months If you're putting your money in this, you are stupid. Like, look at this, okay? Started at nothing. Oh, it mooned like everything else did, and it came crashing back down, and it's gonna keep coming crashing back down, because the second this bull market ends, SafeMoon is not gonna have any value whatsoever, because there's nothing backing this project. There is no, like, technology they're trying to build. There's no like, oh, we're trying to build decentralized video. We're trying to build decentralized contracts. We're trying to make even crypto games, even something like that. There's nothing here. It's just, oh,
Starting point is 00:31:00 it's going to go to the moon. When the ball runs over, it's not going anywhere. It's going to zero. And anyone who has their money left in this is going to be an absolute chump. Do not be left holding the bag at the end. I don't care if you think that like, you're going to become a billionaire from this. You're not. It's just not going to happen.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Just be sensible. Like, I get the like appeal of trying to, you know, trying to gamble your money away and actually make millions of dollars. These crypto YouTubers are selling you a dream that is
Starting point is 00:31:32 not going to happen. Because all of them already have their money in there before they tell you anything. It's the same thing with Elon. It's the same thing with the crypto YouTubers. All of them have their money in the coin before they tell you anything. And before they tell you to sell, they have already sold. That's just how this works.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Actually, if you want a good channel to watch about how just ridiculous this nonsense is, I highly, highly recommend going and watching CoffeeZilla. CoffeeZilla is an absolutely amazing channel. This guy, as seen on Netflix. Yeah, I love that. He's been doing some absolutely amazing videos recently. Did a video on DogeTubers.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Doge! Doge to $5! No, Doge not going to $5. He's stupid. In this video, he showed how stupid the market would be if Doge went to $5. If Doge went to $5, it would be worth more than the market
Starting point is 00:32:32 cap of every single coin. Like, literally every other coin, it would be worth more than, which is Doge. It's not going to happen. Or he did one today about Dave Portnoy literally telling people to join a Ponzi scheme.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Like, oh, SafeMoon is probably a Ponzi scheme, allegedly. SafeMoon is a Ponzi scheme, allegedly. If you're in on the ground floor of the Ponzi scheme, you'll still make money. That's such an irresponsible thing to be telling people. It's one thing to gamble your own money away. It's one thing to do
Starting point is 00:33:05 that. But if you are encouraging other people to gamble their money, you are a horrible person. Once again, not all CryptoTubers are bad. But there are so many of them out there who have, I don't think have any moral compass. Who just
Starting point is 00:33:21 think they can just say anything they want and get away with it. Because so far they can. The SEC? The SEC has been useless. There is, um, I'm sure you guys know the, like, the I sleep meme. I'll see, for anyone who's a boomer who doesn't know what this meme is,
Starting point is 00:33:38 I'll show you a picture of the I sleep meme. It is this meme. It is the I sleep, when nothing interesting this meme. It is the I sleep when nothing interesting happens and then real shit happens and you have like the laser eyes. This is what
Starting point is 00:33:53 like this represents the crypto market right now. Hey look, Elon Musk is literally manipulating the price of Bitcoin by tweeting and oh he's manipulating all of you guys into thinking that he's trying to save the world and he's literally controlling the market with his Twitter account. I sleep.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Dave Portnoy telling people, join a Ponzi scheme because if you're in on the ground floor, you're still gonna make money. I sleep. LBRY trying to make a decentralized video platform and actually do something productive and use a cryptocurrency to solve a real problem? It's time for the SEC to get involved, time to sue some people! Like, what is happening? What am I watching?
Starting point is 00:34:40 Like, the people who are actually building real projects, they're the ones getting sued. The people who are actually building real projects, they're the ones getting sued. The people who are unironically scamming people, nothing. Literally nothing. I don't understand how broken, how broken the SEC is. Like, I don't want, you know, I don't want people on Twitter who are just talking about things going to the moon to be sued. That's not what I mean. But when it's people who actually have the ability to sway the market, like Elon,
Starting point is 00:35:11 when he can just say, Tesla's not going to accept Bitcoin anymore, market crash is 20%. People like that, that is where you, things like the SEC actually should be used. Not going after real projects because they talk about features. I've talked about the library problem before.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Where library... Literally, some of the evidence that the SEC is providing to sue them is that they talk about features. Like, they talk about, oh, library's going to have new features on their platform. And they don't say, like, this is going to pump the price or anything. All they say is that library's going to have new features on their platform. And they don't say, like, this is going to pump the price or anything. All they say is that library's going to have new features. And, oh, here's some cool stuff we're doing. Oh, why are you talking about features on your platform?
Starting point is 00:35:54 Why are you being truthful to your users? Things that, like, make no sense in my head why they're being criticized about. That's what the SEC goes after. Not the actual people controlling the market maybe because they know that if if elon does get sued he'll just move his company he'll just go somewhere else wait when you're that rich you're basically immune to going to jail or being sued because what you can just go somewhere else and what, the government's not going to follow you. The government's not going to chase after you. They'd much
Starting point is 00:36:28 rather you just stay in their country and keep providing them with jobs and tax revenue and all this stuff. That's enough of my rant about Elon's Elon literally manipulating crypto because the SEC doesn't give a shit about actual problems
Starting point is 00:36:47 all they care about is we're going to sue people who want to make stuff that's all they care about so my end point here is no matter what you do be safe don't be left holding the bag at the end I don't think you should be even touching the market right now
Starting point is 00:37:04 but that's your money just be safe don't think you should be even touching the market right now, but that's your money. Just be safe. Don't put your life savings in something that may go to zero tomorrow. Like any of these meme coins. That's what I'll say. Okay. That's enough ranting about crypto
Starting point is 00:37:20 right now. I think we're a bit done with that. I think we can talk about something else. I don't know how long that rant went on for. Probably way too long. Oh my lord. Let's talk about something a bit more fun. So there is a pizza shop
Starting point is 00:37:38 not too far away from my place. A really really good pizza shop. It's called Australian Pizza House. I think that's what it's called. Am I doxing myself telling you that I live somewhere near this? Whatever. I'm not going to tell you where I live.
Starting point is 00:37:54 It's within driving distance of my house, which sums it up to most of the state. Anyway, there's a place near me called Australian Pizza House. Or Australia's Pizza House, depending on what sign they want to use today. Anyway, they have really good food. Like, I am genuinely impressed by the other pizza I got there.
Starting point is 00:38:17 I went there, what, like a week or so ago? I got myself, what is it? I think it was a barbecue beef pizza or something. I don't know. It had like pulled beef on it and it was actually really good. I don't usually buy beef pizzas. I usually go down the chicken route, but this one was really good. I've never had as good a pizza that I usually, you know, go like Domino's and stuff like that. So my pizza standards are very low, but I have had good pizza from other places. And I think this is probably the best pizza I've ever had.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Anyway, I'm not here to talk about the pizza. If you are ever near Australia's Pizza House, highly recommend going there. If you want to get a pizza for yourself, it's actually pretty cheap, like $8, which might sound like a lot if you're in a country where food's actually cheap to buy from restaurants. But in Australia, $8 is actually a good price. Buying lunch for $8 is actually surprising. Anyway, not the point.
Starting point is 00:39:14 The point is that this store is the sketchiest looking store I have ever seen. If you didn't know the food was going to be good there and you walked into this place, you would probably walk right out because holy crap this place This place is very questionable. It has like what does it have? What is its rating on Google like a four and a half a five star? Probably some really high rating. What give me a rating?
Starting point is 00:39:42 Give me a rating dammit. What do you mean the pizzas are basically all dough? That's what a pizza is. I don't know. Some insult. I can't see a rating. They're clearly ratings, but they haven't given me a general rating. Google reviews, give me something. Bullshit, it has a 3.8. The food's way better than that. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Actually, maybe it's because of how sketchy the building is. So you walk into this place. The entrance looks perfectly fine. Okay? Entrance is fine. That's because you're not at the kitchen. Not the dining area. Yeah, the dining area is what I call it. You're not at the dining area or the place that you order stuff.
Starting point is 00:40:17 You walk into that area. There is a exposed wall with wiring hanging out. It looks like they're supposed to be putting up some, what are they, some gyprock to, like, cover the wall. Gyprock's missing.
Starting point is 00:40:32 So it's just electrical wiring hanging everywhere. And then they've got their, because I guess they just never got around to putting the gyprock up, they decided to actually stick the menu onto, like, the exposed wiring, which is already bad enough like that already gives you a bad enough impression turn to your left and there's um there's like concrete for like the brick wall they've got there that's all good the bricking is like half done though so it stops at about my head height and the rest rest of it is just. Exposed beams.
Starting point is 00:41:05 With more half done jip rocking. And because of how like. Sketchy the. The bricks have been put up. You can like. Peel the concrete off the wall. And peel the bricks off the wall. It's just so.
Starting point is 00:41:22 So sketchy. There's probably other weird things about it. Like, there's a... Oh, yeah, they've also got a pinball machine that, because of Rona, they haven't been able to use in, like, a year and a half. It's just sitting there, covered in dust. Like, no one's even bothered to dust it.
Starting point is 00:41:37 And there's, like, you know, in arcades, they'll have, like, the... Or, I guess in pubs as well, they have, like, the boxing thing where you, like, have to hit this bag and it, like, tells you how strong you are. Or you can hit it a number of times. That's a weird angle.
Starting point is 00:41:52 We're not going to do that. You can punch it a bunch of times. And it gives you a score. It's fun stuff. You're drunk. But none of that stuff has been cleaned. Since it's been put there. I think it's been there since the start of Rona.
Starting point is 00:42:04 And just no one has cleaned it. So the dining area is just absolutely horrible. But. But. Okay? The food. The food is good. It is the sketchiest shop you've ever been in, but the food
Starting point is 00:42:19 is really, really good. I'm gonna go there again on the weekend. I want more pizza from there. I don't usually buy pizza for myself. I'm the sort of person who, if someone buys pizza at a party, I'm more than happy to devour it. But I don't ever buy pizza just for myself.
Starting point is 00:42:35 I usually feel like it's... No, it always feels kind of weird for me. But this is an exception. This is very much an exception. Also, because it's Australia's pizza house they've got like Australia stuff up all over the place like they've got a 3D painting of
Starting point is 00:42:53 a 3D painting of a koala so like a 3D painting would be basically a combination of a painting and like a sculpture if you've never seen one before it looks pretty good and they've got like a big banner of their logo and all that here we go i'll show you what their logo looks like this logo right here that is the people who work there well okay you've been docs now i guess
Starting point is 00:43:15 why is it not showing me the picture that's fine that the picture's public what what the hell okay there we go now we can see it. Oh, wait. It was merged together. Right, that's why. Open image. Thank you. Well, that's small. And it's also cut off. It's a cool logo as well. I highly recommend the place if you're ever in the Adelaide, the northern Adelaide region around the
Starting point is 00:43:37 Modbury area. Very good food. Yeah. All I have to say about them. Australian Pizza House, you get a five star from me. Much better than a lot of the Chinese food places around here. There's a lot of, I don't know if these exist anywhere else, but the way that a lot of Chinese fast food places work here is a lot of them are, they're rice or noodles and then two choices of like meat whatever meat you want or i guess some
Starting point is 00:44:07 places have tofu as well but usually it's going to be like you want some honey chicken you want some uh sweet and sour pork things like that and most of those places are so bad like they're a lot of them are so so bad there's a place um in the elizabethping Centre, which is actually pretty good it's got a really shit rating, all of these places have a horrible rating, so the only way to find out if the food there is actually good, is to go there yourself, but the one in Elizabeth I think it's called Cherry Blossom or something
Starting point is 00:44:36 I guess no one cares about local food joints, but I'm going to keep talking about them because I am doing a solo podcast and that's what I do, yeah Cherry Blossom in Elizabeth. I think it was. I'm pretty sure it's a Chinese place. A lot of the Chinese places.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Just use very generic. Yeah it is a Chinese place. Just use very generic Chinese names. Or very generic Asian names. East Asian names. Anything that sounds East Asian. They'll usually go. They'll usually use the name.
Starting point is 00:45:08 There is a place next to it that does very similar stuff that is a Japanese place. It sells the exact same food, but that place is called Itami. Anyway. Not the point. Cherry Blossom? No. No. Wait, maybe it's something different. As as i said all of these places have the
Starting point is 00:45:27 exact same like sort of generic names like what there's cherry blossom sushi there's cherry blossom takeaway there's sakura takeaway like very like even if it's like a chinese place or a vietnamese place they'll just go with like the most generic sounding east asian names even if it's not at all like related to their actual culture. Everything is just very generic. Usually it ends up going Japanese even when it's not Japanese stuff. Don't ask why. It's just how it goes.
Starting point is 00:45:54 But that place is good. There's one in Tea Tree Plaza which is really overpriced and you're like biting into the honey chicken and most of it's just batter like there's this little tiny bit of meat in there and i'm just like okay can i can i get good food please i've been there twice i usually give a lot of usually my my the way i do stuff if i'm gonna try out food
Starting point is 00:46:15 from somewhere is i'll try it during like their busiest time and i'll try it during their off period if they screw up in both of them there there is no reason for your shop to exist. Because I get like being, having issues in like your peak period. You should be good at that, because that's when you make your money. But I get having issues then. I've worked in fast food. I understand that. In your off period though, if your food is bad,
Starting point is 00:46:38 well that just means that you're a terrible shop. Pretty much it. I don't have anything more to say about that. Oh! On the note of that pizza place, it does take a very long time to get the pizza, because they actually make everything from scratch.
Starting point is 00:46:53 So I think it took me like 15 minutes to get the pizza, because unlike, you know, Pizza Hut, where they have like, industrial cookers and stuff, a lot of stuff is pre-made. This is all like, cooked fresh for you, and it's really good because of it. I'm going to keep talking about this pizza place because it's really good. Maybe I'll do a live stream
Starting point is 00:47:09 and just have a pizza on it. Maybe I should do a mukbang stream, just so I have an excuse to eat more pizza from there. So, judging by my last stream, maybe I can actually make this stream actually pay off the pizza, because holy crap! My last main channel stream? I don my last main channel stream i don't know
Starting point is 00:47:26 what happened i don't know i don't know why people were so excited for that one but it didn't get that many views it was my highest super chat though i think in that stream i made like uh before the youtube cut because youtube takes a 30% cut of Super Chats, I made like $95 from Super Chats, which for a big channel isn't a lot, but I've never had more than like $10 in an entire stream. And it was... I don't know what was going on. It was just like Super Chat
Starting point is 00:47:56 after Super Chat after Super Chat. They were all asking like inane questions like, hey, is Super Se... Oh no, is Super Se... Is cereal a soup? What's your favorite programming language? Things like that. You know, very simple questions.
Starting point is 00:48:10 The soup's a cereal. Cereal's a soup one. Led me into a tangent for a while, but I appreciated it. I don't know why, though. I don't know why people were getting very generous that stream. Maybe it's because it's the first time I've done an American stream in a while. So normally when I do my main channel streams, I stream it at 8pm my time.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Which ends up being good for the Europeans and good for the Indians. Which are two of my big demographics. But I did this one for the Americans. I don't know, maybe Americans just have a lot more disposable income that could very well be it I don't know, there was like, it wasn't just one person I think there was like four or so people who had very generous wallets that day
Starting point is 00:48:54 I don't know why but my Patreon also grew a lot recently as well I think I've had like three three or four people join the Patreon. Oh, I take that back. One person deleted the Patreon. But I've had one, two, three.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Three people join and then one person upgrade. So, I don't know. Apparently, May is just the month of giving. I thought that was December. I thought that was Christmas. But apparently, May is the month of giving. I thought that was December. I thought that was Christmas. But apparently May is the month of giving now. I'm not going to say no to it. If people are going to be very generous,
Starting point is 00:49:30 I do definitely appreciate it. It's awesome that people want to do that. I just never understand why. And especially in that case, it's one thing if you're like, hey, here's five bucks, do a stream, it's good. But I think one of the dudes in there gave me like $40 or something. It's like, that's one thing if you're like, hey, here's five bucks, do a stream, it's good. But some of, like, I think one of the dudes in there gave me, like, $40 or something. It's like, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Like, that's absolutely insane. Thank you. Thank you. I don't understand why, but thank you. People are very generous. I think it's part of the FOSS thing, though. Like, what the FOSS thing? The FOSS community.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Because my channel, like, I've noticed not just my channel, actually a lot of the a lot of the FOSS channels the well, how would you describe it the average the average patronage, the average patronage, yes the average patronage is
Starting point is 00:50:19 really high like the amount that people the amount that people actually donate so i think mine i think averages at like nine dollars per person yeah so here is my patreon mine averages whatever that works out to be 221 divided by uh 24 about nine ish dollars a person i think dt's is also pretty high as well i'm pretty sure dt's is Oh yeah, on that note, I'm always going to keep my Patreon public because I don't think
Starting point is 00:50:47 there's really any reason to hide that information. Like, I don't care if people know how much I make. I think it actually makes more sense to make that public because then people are like people can then make a actual realistic decision about
Starting point is 00:51:03 whether they want to actually support the channel. Yeah, here you go. DT has 286 patrons, but that works out to be what? How much is that? I'm gonna do the maths. By do the maths, I mean I'm going to type the maths into a calculator and the maths will be done for me. mean I'm going to type the maths into a calculator and the maths will be done for me. That averages out to
Starting point is 00:51:29 almost $6 a person. $5.59. That's insane. Like, a lot of really big channels like, you know, the Ludwigs, the Pokimanes, people like that, theirs averages out to be more like $2 a person. I don't know know maybe it's just
Starting point is 00:51:45 part of part of the foss community people are just really generous for some reason like i think like it makes sense because it makes sense because a lot of projects rely on donations so there's sort of like this mentality that donating really does like help people out. That could very well be it. And I guess that then extends into like the creators who also make videos in that world. I don't know. I just realized I have a message on Patreon. Who messages me on Patreon?
Starting point is 00:52:19 Oh, okay. Let's see what this guy said. I'm going to read your message. I'm going to read your message. do you say anything private in here? this is from Joseph I'm not going to read his last name it's already been a while since I watched your videos as I was heavy into gaming on Linux of course
Starting point is 00:52:35 for a few months started back on my Linux desktop eventually and have been catching up on your videos a few weeks back did a video about a CLI assistant included some info on text-to-speech ah, that would be on the one that Bugs Writer did. Tuxy, that one.
Starting point is 00:52:49 I wanted to let you know about a much better text... Wait, CLI assistant include... Oh, okay, no. Yeah, no, this is about Tuxy. I wanted to let you know about a much better text-to-speech system. It's called Festival. It's in the Arch repos and there are three packages. Festival, Festival English and Festival US. Even though you are not from the US, I recommend installing that package because all the more
Starting point is 00:53:15 advanced, more natural sounding voices are in that package. The others sound like Stephen Hawking. It's from the University of Edinburgh Speech Labs and the documentation is pretty bad. About 20 years old, so is the help feature. If you use it's built in command interpreter, just be sure to wrap the commands in... in brackets. Yes, that's what those are called. And there is tab completion. Voice in the hit tab will bring up a list of commands. Test that it is working like this say text hello there Include the bracket. I like voice CMU US RMS CG for my default voice
Starting point is 00:53:56 There are some other voices that come up with just voice without the bracket like a Welsh voice But I've never been able to get them to work. Maybe you'll have better luck Hope you have fun with this and I'm glad you're still making great content thanks for that well thank you Joseph let's check it out now we're not going to test out the software but let's actually see what this is festival text to speech
Starting point is 00:54:18 I guess we can look that up text to speech should show us what he's talking about I think yeah so in that video where I talked about text to speech I was talking Text-to-speech should show us what he's talking about. I think, yeah. So in that video where I talked about text-to-speech, I was talking about... I was talking about Tuxy. I was talking about text-to-speech in the context of eSpeak.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Best of text-to-speech. Oh, DT did a video on it last year. Okay, let's see DT's video on it. Does this mean I'm going to steal DT did a video on it last year. Uh, okay. Let's see DT's video on it. Does this mean I'm going to steal DT's content? I don't care about selling stuff online, Wix. Go away. Uh, let's steal some DT content. Because that's what YouTubers do.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Let's see. Let's see him run the command. Um. No. Okay, you're showing us how to install packages geez this is an old style of content isn't it i remember when i did this oh hash dot files left bracket screenshot of my desktop right bracket https slash slash yeah that's text speech i'll have a look at this one actually that actually
Starting point is 00:55:23 does sound pretty useful. Yeah, there's a video if you want to go watch it from DT himself. Apparently, there's a lot of other voice packages that can be used as well. Maybe this is how my arch-nemesis, BabyWogue, makes his videos. Probably. I don't know. Let's see if someone comments about it. Usually someone will do that. Baby
Starting point is 00:55:49 Wogue? No, no one mentions Baby Wogue. I do wonder how he does his voice. I know that I have heard the voice from streamers before, and I don't know where the voice package came from. Clearly, it's a popular voice package if like big
Starting point is 00:56:06 streamers are using it as well and it must run with things like outside of linux as well because these are like windows people i don't know i'll try it out i'll try this thing out see uh see what it's useful for and thank you for the suggestion uh if anyone's ever curious about how to get in contact with me you don't have to be a patron to do it like that's just one of my many methods the easiest way i would say is probably go and contact me on on mastodon or twitter that's where i will see your thing like basically straight away because i'm on mastodon twitter more often than i should be um But if you want to get in contact with me straight away. That's a good way to do it. Or over on Discord.
Starting point is 00:56:49 But I get a lot of people don't want to do that. Another way you could contact me is. If you really want to. I don't suggest it. Because I'll probably take a couple of days to respond to you. Is over email. You can find my email in various places. On my various channels.
Starting point is 00:57:05 If it's something related to my main channel, please contact me with the email for my main channel. I like to have stuff nicely segregated out. It makes stuff easier to sort through. Obviously, if it's about the gaming channel or the podcast, use those specific emails as well.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Just email me on the channel email that is relevant to the topic you were mentioning. Yeah. Or if you want to bring up video topics, if you want to just comment on a video, I read all my comments. So even if you comment on a video
Starting point is 00:57:38 about, I don't know, Richard Stallman, and you're like, hey, here's a cool application to try out. I will still take that advice. If that's just your easiest way to contact me as well, like, that's cool. Do whatever you want. Whatever works for you,
Starting point is 00:57:53 I check most of my methods of contact. Most of the time. The worst way to contact me, even though I do accept messages there, is I have a Facebook fan page. I check Facebook fan page. I check Facebook fan page... I check the page probably once every six... three to
Starting point is 00:58:10 six months. So... Not the best way. Unless it doesn't matter. Unless you're like, hey, cool stuff. If that's what you want to say, contact me wherever. Yeah. Yeah, words.
Starting point is 00:58:26 Words are hard. Words are hard because I did a five-hour stream. Nearly a five-hour stream earlier today. And it is currently 9.17pm. I could have done this earlier, but I was also planning videos out. Planning videos earlier today as well. What ones did I plan today, actually?
Starting point is 00:58:42 That's a good question. Let's find out. Um... I planned a video on Google AMP I do want to talk about that a bit after I finish this actually I did a video or planned a video on Google AMP matrix spaces and also I want to do a video discussing what decentralization actually is
Starting point is 00:59:03 now Google AMP nobody is talking about this and i have no idea why nobody's talking about this because it is a really big deal so google amp is um google's web framework for building mobile friendly web pages now Now, Google AMP is dead. It's just dead. I don't know why literally nobody's talking about this, but Google's killing them. There's this article right here from
Starting point is 00:59:36 Now, you might be saying, oh, but Google hasn't announced they're killing them. No, no, no. They haven't announced they're killing them, but they're effectively killing them. So, the problem that Google AMP pages cause is that Google is a massive monopoly that will basically control everything they want to control. And they've made it so up until now, if you wanted to have your news site ranked in the news section on Google, it had to be a Google AMP page. And if you wanted to show up in,
Starting point is 01:00:11 it had to be a Google AMP page. They're finally fixing that, making it so you don't need to use AMP. Now, this is the entire use case for AMP. The only reason anyone ever used AMP, because it's not a good web framework besides this, the only reason they ever used AMP is because if you don't use AMP, your site will not be ranked. So removing that requirement is effectively the same as killing Google AMP. And I'm so happy it's happening because AMP sites are so boring. They all look exactly the same. Sure, you can have different font and you can
Starting point is 01:00:46 have different pictures, but besides that, they all look the same. They are all so, so boring. It takes all the fun out of website development and like exploring the web. When every new site you go to is like, hey, here is a white page with some text on it and a logo at the top. Wow, that's so exciting. And it's not like AMP even succeeded in doing what its main purpose was, which from Google's side, we're saying,
Starting point is 01:01:20 hey, AMP pages make your site faster because they don't. They make your site faster because they don't. They make your site faster than a poorly designed website. That's about it. Because the problem with Google AMP sites is while they do make your site faster going by Google's metrics, what Google doesn't include
Starting point is 01:01:40 is the main reason why sites are slow, which is having lots and lots of analytics from things like Google Analytics or loading in a lot of external fonts from Google Fonts, you know, the stuff that actually slows down websites. That stuff not included in the metrics. That stuff just magically ignored.
Starting point is 01:02:02 And if you, you know, don't do that, you don't have telemetry or you download your fonts and actually load them with the site, turns out your site becomes much faster. Crazy that. Or if you don't have auto-playing videos, or you don't be lazy and you just load the entire site when the user loads the site,
Starting point is 01:02:20 instead you go and actually program and you load the site as the user views stuff. All this stuff makes your site so much faster. I know it's crazy. Imagine actually optimizing your site and making it quicker. It's crazy. Who would ever have thought that? But turns out it does.
Starting point is 01:02:41 And it makes it faster than AMP. Like you could use anything else and it would still be faster than AMP. Maybe not anything else. Maybe not anything else. Maybe if you use, like, jQuery and, like, made really bad jQuery code, it would be slower. But, like, you use React, and you don't write your site like an absolute moron. Or you use Vue or Angular, and you just write it sensibly. It'll still be fast.
Starting point is 01:03:02 You just have to make sure you're not doing that other stupid shit. Which is very easy. Not having telemetry? Surprisingly easy. Not including Google Fonts? Surprisingly easy. I know it's- who would ever thought that like not doing stuff would make- would actually be quite easy. Just not- not stealing people's data is actually the easiest thing you could ever do. It actually involves far less work to not steal people's data. But anyway, AMP is basically dead. There will be a video coming out about that before this actually comes out. So yeah, there will be a video
Starting point is 01:03:36 about this on my channel already. Check that out if you want a more structured way of talking about this, rather than me just blur out a stream of nonsense. My camera just has stopped focusing. Okay. You good there, camera? Okay, my camera just decided that we're not going to be in focus right now. You good there? Okay. Okay, sure.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Whatever, whatever. My camera's been doing that recently, actually. I don't know what's the cause of that. Maybe I've got, like, a spec on my lens or something. Actually, I could very well have a spec on my lens. I don't see a spec on my lens. Uh... I don't know what's happening.
Starting point is 01:04:24 My camera. That's why. Wait, did I don't know what's happening. My camera. That's why. Wait, did I? Wait, I just realized. Did I just click on that to like focus? I did. I did. I clicked on the thing to change my layout when I like got close to the camera.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Why did I do that? I don't know. I don't know why I did that. Hey, look, I actually don't have my filter on today. So I can whisper and you can still hear me Can you? Wait, I actually have the filter on Give me one second, let me check
Starting point is 01:04:51 Do I have the filter on? If I do, then that would sound really horrible I do! I'm going to turn it off Now you can hear me Yeah This really sounds really weird for any of the audio listeners Yeah. This really sounds really weird for any of the audio listeners.
Starting point is 01:05:10 That's enough. That's enough of that. We are not going to do that anymore. Everyone just stop listening as soon as I started doing that. I have no regrets. No regrets whatsoever. Speaking of no regrets, I recently discovered a new channel that I do not regret watching
Starting point is 01:05:29 because it is so good. Coffeezilla I already knew about, but this channel, this channel's a new one to me. There is a channel out there called Air Force Proud 95. Treat this as my shoutout for the day as well, even though he has 1.3 million subs this guy is really fun now every single video on his channel
Starting point is 01:05:50 every single video on his channel is about microsoft flight simulator and he's also a commercial pilot so like he actually he understands like the flight lingo as well which makes it even funnier because people on flight sim are microsoft flight sim most of them don't like the flight lingo as well which makes it even funnier because people on flight sim are marks of flight sim most of them don't know the flight lingo so he's just like bullshitting half the time and they don't actually know any better but he has this um this series called fsx multiplayer chaos and trolling where like he does do like actual realistic flight sim stuff that stuff's fun and all but that's not the most fun the fun stuff is where he's trolling people in multiplayer where
Starting point is 01:06:31 uh people like hey i want to go i want to go find some aliens or uh hey i'm gonna just call people absolute assholes while being the atc as someone had their call sign as oof and he was just like I refuse to let you land at my airport until you change your call sign or uh someone was like hey I'm gonna make my call sign weed ha ha ha funny uh basically he's just going around the ATC stuff is really good as well that's the uh the air traffic controller but I think the air traffic controller videos are the best videos. Just trolling everyone trying to fly into his airport. Anyone who jumps into the chat and is like, hey,
Starting point is 01:07:11 what airport are you at? He always just answers, we're at Pyongyang. Pyongyang in North Korea. But, no, I highly recommend this dude's channel. I've been watching so many of his videos recently, and I don't care at all about Microsoft Flight Sim. If it wasn't for this...
Starting point is 01:07:32 If it wasn't for this channel, I would never watch a Microsoft Flight Sim video. That sounds incredibly boring. But this game is horribly, horribly broken, apparently. And it makes some interesting interesting situations. Like you can very easily mod the game in multiplayer and do things like turn your F-18 into a hot air balloon and do 300 knots in a hot air balloon uh which for obvious reasons is quite
Starting point is 01:08:07 amusing to see and doesn't stop being funny i've seen it like four times now doesn't stop being funny or you could be like hey i'm gonna i'm gonna modify my my boeing 737 to have the flight parameters of a Cessna for example. And land on an aircraft carrier. And just do stupid shit like that. I highly recommend it. It's so fun to watch this stuff. It might sound like Microsoft Flight Sim is just really boring. But I guarantee. I guarantee this dude has a fun channel.
Starting point is 01:08:43 And he deserves his his gold play button even though he does record his videos with a Blue Yeti this is proof right here that gear doesn't matter if you're a fun creator
Starting point is 01:08:59 gear does not matter because you can get a million subs with a Blue Yeti, you don't need to have a nice microphone like i do this is a nice microphone this is just less bad microphone or like a nice mixer board like i have you can just use a blue yeti as long as you don't use it as it is out of the box you turn down the gain to the minimum you can make it functional and i think with his videos the other bad microphone actually does add to it because you know when when you're an air traffic controller or a pilot like you you know you hear like the bad microphone so it actually adds to like the adds to the feel of the videos I guess whereas usually like a blue yeti would make the video sound worse I think
Starting point is 01:09:38 being an air traffic controller with a blue yeti actually does kind of add to it the guys he's talking to in team speaking discord have way worse microphones anyway just like hey can you not record with your like your xbox like your original xbox microphone back when like multiplayer was first introduced can you not record with that microphone that would be nice thanks't happen. Doesn't happen at all. They're just going to keep using it. Yeah. Yeah. One of the really good videos is there was, for whatever reason,
Starting point is 01:10:15 they were flying a bunch of Cessna 172s. And they were like, oh, yes, we are Air Force One. Air Force One just couldn't afford the F-18s today so they rented a bunch of Cessnas. Taxpayer dollars going to a good cause. But out of nowhere someone joined the TeamSpeak who could absolutely perfectly
Starting point is 01:10:38 impersonate President Obama. And that led to some fun situations because hey, why is Obama flying the Air Force One plane? Don't question it. Doesn't matter. Why is the president flying? Who cares?
Starting point is 01:10:55 It's funny. And towards the end of the video they decided to interview Obama and that led to some amusing questions being asked. I recommend this channel. I do re- really recommend it. It is Microsoft Flight Sim, which doesn't sound fun, but I guarantee it is. Watch one video from like the multiplayer trolling series, and I guarantee you will just- you will be in love with this channel.
Starting point is 01:11:22 Yes. in love with this channel. Yes. Oh, another good one was when they had... Just the most Australian Australian dude you can ever imagine. Who was like, yeah, it's my first day as an air traffic controller. I don't know what I'm doing whatsoever.
Starting point is 01:11:47 And trying to help him guide him to the ground. And that obviously went quite badly. So, check out the channel. Recommend it. This isn't the end of the podcast. I just happen to talk about this right now. Speaking of talking about right now, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:12:06 That's bad segue. Uh, I've been getting ads for a new game recently. I don't know how new the game actually is, but it's been, it's new for me. I only found that it existed like very recently. I guess it came out. Actually, no, that would explain why I only just found out very recently because it actually just came out very recently, because it actually just came out very recently. There is a game out there called Toho Lost Word.
Starting point is 01:12:31 Not Lost World, as you may think. Lost Word. This is a Toho gacha game. Why a Toho gacha game didn't exist before this point? I don't know. I genuinely don't know. So, being a gacha game, it's got the normal gacha game didn't exist before this point? I don't know. I genuinely don't know. So being a gacha game, it's got the normal gacha combat style where it's like, Hey, here's a party of characters.
Starting point is 01:12:55 They will fight things in an RPG way. Woo. I have no interest in playing it. But I've been getting these ads for it and it does look good. It does look good. But I know it's going to happen. I play this game and it's going to do what every single gacha game does. Here's a picture of the combat actually.
Starting point is 01:13:11 It's going to do what every single gacha game does where it's like oh yeah, free to play is fine for like the first 10 hours. Now time for free to play become very difficult to play productively and you're going to have to grind for days upon days to get any single
Starting point is 01:13:28 good drops. I'm not up for that. But hey, if you want to have fun Toho story, that's cool. I've never actually played a Toho game all the way through. Also, yeah, the art actually is really beautiful. I will give it props for the art.
Starting point is 01:13:43 The art style it started to go with for this game actually is really good. I'm happy they didn't go with the normal Team Shanghai art style for Touhou, which is questionably good. Anyway, as I said, I haven't actually played all the way through a Touhou game, but if you've never played Touhou before, basically it's a bullet hell. Now, for some reason, I know that a lot of people just don't know what the
Starting point is 01:14:11 word bullet hell means, even though there's a lot of western bullet hell games. Basically, a bullet hell is where you have some enemy shooting at you from the top of the screen, and you have to dodge the bullets. Basically, take Space Invaders and make it a thousand times more bullets.
Starting point is 01:14:28 That's pretty much what it is. The only Touhou game I've actually played was Touhou 6. Touhou 6 Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil is the art style from Touhou 6. This is why I'm
Starting point is 01:14:44 quite happy. Quite very happy that they didn't go with this art style. Because it's not very good. Anyway. Bullet hell. This is what you have to deal with. Like what is this? There are so many things in your screen.
Starting point is 01:14:59 It's crazy. Anyway. It's fun. It's really fun. But it's very difficult. This is probably, what is this on? Lunatic difficulty? Obviously, the higher difficulty you go, the more bullets there will be on your screen.
Starting point is 01:15:11 You can play, like, bitchier difficulties if you want to, and, like, not suffer as much. But, if you want to suffer, then you can play insane, or you can, whatever the hard, Lunatic? You can play Lunatic mode on, uh mode on 6 because 6 is apparently also very difficult.
Starting point is 01:15:28 Apparently it's one of the harder ones. Which is probably not for the best if that was the first one I played. But Touhou is fun. It's fun because you know that you suffer. If that makes sense. It's fun because you know that there is a lot of room to improve. It's one of those games.
Starting point is 01:15:50 If you're the sort of person who doesn't care that they're not making any progress. And you're happy to just bash your head against a wall for hours upon hours on end. Just to become better at a game. It is the perfect game for you. It's one of those games. If you want to make progress, not so much. So if you're the sort of person who likes games like say
Starting point is 01:16:09 you know, Hades, Binding of Isaac things like that. Things where you're always doing the same things over and over and over again trying to get that slight improvement upon upon your previous run that's the sort of person who's going to enjoy this game.
Starting point is 01:16:26 Maybe I'll go back and play Toho again at some point. I know there's a... There's fucking Toho 17. Is that the most recent one? What the fuck? Wait, what's... Toho 17 came out in 2019. What is the most recent Toho game?
Starting point is 01:16:45 Um... What is the most recent Touhou game? The most recent version is Touhou 18 Unconnected Marketeers. The art style still looks like shit. It's better shit, but it's still shit. I'm quite happy this is not the art style they went with.
Starting point is 01:17:05 But hey, people are happy with the art style. So if they actually got good art at this point, I guess people would... People probably wouldn't be as happy with it. Just optimize your shit into the best shit art style it can be. Anyway, yeah. I was saying that I should go back and play some Toho, maybe some of the newer games, and actually have some fun with it, I don't know, it's not my, I usually go with bullet hell games,
Starting point is 01:17:32 that's not my general sort of thing, I am very big on, like, the RPG games, very big on, like, the action RPG, that's my current thing I'm big for. I might... Yeah, that takes... Yeah. Words. I was talking about Crystar before. I'm not 100% set on which game I'm going to play next, but it's probably going to be some sort of RPG.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Because Crystar was an RPG, I enjoyed the RPG components, I just didn't enjoy the Crystar components, which is most of the rest of the game, but if I play something like Kingdom Hearts or something like that I think I'll have a more fun time or I've actually got a copy of
Starting point is 01:18:13 which Final Fantasy game was it? Final Fantasy something or other I don't remember, the one with Squall whatever Final Fantasy game that is, whatever Final Fantasy game that is with Squall. Whatever Final Fantasy game that is. Whatever Final Fantasy game that is. Squall.
Starting point is 01:18:29 That would be Final Fantasy. 8. Yes. Final Fantasy 8 on PS4. It's like the re-release of it. That I paid like $10 for. Because god no. I wouldn't pay a full price for that one.
Starting point is 01:18:46 There's plenty of other games there. Like Nier Automata. Actually, the problem with playing Nier or a Final Fantasy game is they're very long. Nier Automata. Time to beat. Not time to platinum. Fuck that. Time to beat.
Starting point is 01:19:01 Main story is 21 hours. Plus the extras is 37 and a half hours. Completionist is 61 and a half. That might not be that bad as a stream game then. Hmm. I don't trust that it'll take 21
Starting point is 01:19:18 hours. I would be the sort of person who gets sidetracked by other shit. But 10-ish streams actually doesn't seem that bad i could i could uh make that a decent stream game i thought it would have been longer maybe i could actually know if i want something long to play i've got a copy of um ninokuni uh what is the game? Where is it? I'll just
Starting point is 01:19:48 look up Ni no kuni 2. Ni no kuni 2 Revenant Kingdom. Wait, how long does the first game say to complete? Because I remember the tutorial taking like 20 hours. 30 to 60 hours.
Starting point is 01:20:06 Bullshit. Bullshit it takes 30 hours. 44 and a half hours according to I completed Ni No Kuni at about 80 hours. Yeah, that's about right. I remember, I think I spent 100 hours playing Ni No Kuni
Starting point is 01:20:24 1. I did also go back and try to like capture specific enemies. Ni No Kuni 2, time to complete. 38 and a half hours, I call bullshit. It took me about 90 hours to finish all but one side quest. That sounds like a Ni No Kuni game. That absolutely sounds like a Ni No Kuni game right there. I want to play that as well. I have so many games I want to play.
Starting point is 01:20:55 I also got a couple of the Ataliya games on my shelf as well. Just some of the random old ones. Like, what do we have here? Ataliya, Sophie, The Alchemist and The Mysterious Book. And also Ataliah, Fierce, The Alchemist and The Mysterious Journey. Why did I buy random Ataliah games? I don't know. But when I bought my PS4, I was just collecting games.
Starting point is 01:21:21 And that sort of happened. I want to go play Ryza. Ryza looks really fun though. Ryza does look like a lot of fun. So maybe I'll go buy Ryza but I also want to go play these older ones I have on my shelf as well. Maybe I'll do that. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:21:40 At last Sophie was released in 2015. Yeah. I don't know why I was collecting random Atalaya games. I don't know. Actually, I've played like 10 minutes of an Atalaya game. And I thought it was fun. Like, I played it at a friend's house.
Starting point is 01:21:59 I think it was... Hmm, what Atalaya game did I play? It was a PS3 game. Atalaya PS3. Let's see if I can find it. And I played with the English dub. And god, that game was not good in the English dub. Ah, yes, that's the one it was.
Starting point is 01:22:19 Was it this one? I think it was. Give me one second. I think it was Escher me one second. I think it was Esha and Logi. Yeah, Alchemist of the Dusk Sky. That's what it was. Okay, looking back on this now,
Starting point is 01:22:36 I don't know. I think me now would really enjoy this, especially if I did hear the Japanese voice acting. Me at the time wasn't like a big... I was not a big anime fan when I played this game at a friend's house. But I think me now, this is like exactly what I like. Like, look at this.
Starting point is 01:22:51 That thing's adorable. And she's adorable. Look at that big sword she has. That's adorable carrying the sword. Also, this cool dude with the white hair. So you can have him with cat ears, I guess, for some reason. But also, the dub did definitely hurt that game surely. Actually you know what we're gonna listen to the English voices. English. Why did I hate this? Let's see why I hated this. Oh, this is Vita gameplay.
Starting point is 01:23:26 Uh, show me a cutscene. Cutscene, cutscene, cutscene, or... Oh, I guess a battle works as well. You'll hear how she sounds there. Come on. Look at all these... Oh god, I don't care about you.
Starting point is 01:23:44 Don't, don't... I don't care about you. Don't- don't- you don't speak. I wanted to hear the character speak. Uh... Ooh, this is bad. Uh... Well, thankfully he- Stop speaking. Uh... I'm gonna find someone else who isn't speaking. Let's see... That would be nice else who isn't speaking. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:24:08 That would be nice. Please don't speak. I don't want to deal with your voice. And I don't... No, no. You don't get to have your ad playing on my screen points, Bet. Yeah, here we go. Here's a cutscene. Okay. Let's see if this person is talking. On board precisely because we feel you are necessary, but unlike before...
Starting point is 01:24:35 Thank you, manager? No. Now now, there's no need to be- This is considerably less bad than I remember. Oh! Sorry, branch manager Grumman. No, it's quite bad. It's not as horrible, I remember it being so much worse, but that's at least tolerable. On that note, let's go see the Japanese version, because it's gonna be much better I wonder if I wonder if I recognize her voice I probably will I'm usually pretty good at um
Starting point is 01:25:12 I'm usually pretty good at recognizing um recognizing Japanese seiyuu uh Japanese Japanese Sayu. Japanese. If I can spell Japanese. That is an English playthrough. Don't show me an English playthrough. I don't care. That's a trailer. That is an OST.
Starting point is 01:25:44 Show me some voices. Don't show me. That's a good channel as well't, don't show me... Okay, that's a good channel as well. But don't show me that. Oh, from Red Gaming. No, I'm not giving points bet. They're mad. Go away. It's not happening.
Starting point is 01:25:57 No, that's still English voices. Why can I not find anyone playing this game with the Japanese voices? Um... You know what? We just look up who is voicing her. And then we'll work it out from there. Wikipedia to the rescue.
Starting point is 01:26:14 Tell me who voices are in the Japanese version. Give me an answer. Rie Murakawa. Rie Murakawa. Onto my anime list we go, because anyone voicing in Japan who voices video games probably also voices anime characters as well, and I am 100% correct.
Starting point is 01:26:38 Okay, let's see. Uh, don't know that. Kaoruko from Boku no Hero Season 3. Okay, don't know that kaoruko from boku no hero season three okay i don't remember your voice tiona from uh damachi okay okay nyatan from that thing from etotama uh ah megumi from gochumon Okay, that voice fits. Yeah, I can see that. Anzu from Hinamata. Ah, voice of Ram. Okay, her Japanese voice would be really good then. Okay. Yeah, Japanese voice would be good. Who else do we have? Otaru from Non Non Bayori. Obiyori? Not Bayori. Natsuki Momohara from One Room. Obviously, Ram from ReZero, not just from the
Starting point is 01:27:27 spin-off series. Uh... Yui from Trinity 7. Okay. Okay, that's a pretty good voice. Yeah, the, um... Her Japanese voice would be less bad than her English voice. But her English voice is not as terrible as I remember.
Starting point is 01:27:47 If you want terrible English voices, I highly recommend listening to some English gameplay of the Neptunia series. I'm going to show you the... Oh, yeah, here we go. Here's a bad one. Neptunia. We look up Neptune's catchphrase. Jump like a kangaroo. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:28:08 The English version of that is so bad. Let's listen to... No, that is muted. Here we go. Like a kangaroo. Like a kangaroo. Like a kangaroo. No, that is muted. There you go. I hate you. Stop that. Stop. Stop. Japanese.
Starting point is 01:28:40 Here is the Japanese version from the anime, but still works. That's adorable. That's much better. That's much better. The Japanese Neptune voice is so much better. Why would anyone ever play the Neptunia series in English? It hurts me that people do this. I hear... That catchphrase gets very annoying very quickly.
Starting point is 01:29:15 Luckily, jumping is very useless in the game. Like, there's really no way you need to actually jump. But, whenever I play some sort of like, really any JLPG, I always play it in native voices. I actually try to, most games I actually try to play in native voices.
Starting point is 01:29:33 Like, if a game, if I was to go play Witcher, for example, I would probably play Witcher with the native voices. Generally, what you see is when a language is in its native version, generally the game is going to have better voices that's not always the case sometimes um especially in the case of japanese dubs the japanese dub is
Starting point is 01:29:54 so much better like have you ever watched the japanese dub of ruby for example that is the um the rooster teeth series the first season in Japanese is so good. Like, I'm so surprised by, like, how good the Japanese voice in RWBY are. Let's see if we can find an example. I don't make any money on this anyway, so we can just show copyrighted stuff. RWBY Japanese. Here we go. I'm obviously not... Wait, is this gonna play the music? Probably gonna play music, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:30:36 Here we go. Yeah, that's fine. This part's fine. I wanna hear Ruby's voice. Show me Ruby's voice, dammit! Show me Ruby speaking. Here we go. This should do it. Especially in the case where Ruby is a web series Like Ruby being a web series
Starting point is 01:31:13 The voice actors in Ruby are not Especially in season 1 Are not voice actors The only voice acting they've done Some of them haven't done any But the only ones that have done any voice acting Was in Red vs Blue, another web series, which doesn't have amazing voice acting to begin with. So the English version of RWBY is just like, questionably voiced, but you then have
Starting point is 01:31:38 professional, professional voice actresses do it, are doing it in the Japanese version, and it's just so much better. I wonder how much of it's actually been dubbed into Japanese wait if they've dealt to wait season four has been dubbed into Japanese wait what apparently so okay excuse me season four in season five have been dubbed in Japanese I did not know that I did not know that. I did not know that at all. That's actually surprising. Okay, I only knew that Season 1 was.
Starting point is 01:32:13 I guess it must have been popular enough to continue doing it. Maybe because the dub was better than their own voices. But, hmm. I don't know. Ruby is a fun series. Even though the series is sort of like train wrecked, ever since Monty Ome died, the story has just been like spiraling into like absolute oblivion. Like they decided to change how the story was going to go
Starting point is 01:32:36 after Monty had a pretty good direction to go with. I think they're going to keep, what was her name? Pura? Pyra? Pura? The girl who died in season three. I think it're gonna keep what was her name? Pyrrha? Pyrrha? The girl who died in season 3. I think it was Pyrrha. It's been a long time since she died.
Starting point is 01:32:52 They're gonna keep her around as like a mentor for Jaune. And they're like, nah. Nah, let's not do that. Let's instead, now that Monty's dead, just kill her off. And just make Jaune more powerful because reasons. Like, what? Why? Huh? But she was a really because reasons. Like, what? Why?
Starting point is 01:33:06 Huh? But she was a really good character. Like, one of the best characters in the series. Nah, let's kill her off. Let's kill her off in it. Better. What? No, no, it's not how that works.
Starting point is 01:33:18 Let's not do that. Let's keep the good characters around. And then they, like, killed... Like, not killed. I guess they killed the characters of the main characters. Yeah, that works. Sure. Very roundabout way of saying it, but it works. So all the
Starting point is 01:33:33 main characters in RWBY represented colours. You had RWBY, who was red. You had Weiss, who was white. You had Blake, who was black. And you had Yang, who was yellow. But as the series continued on, like, their costumes actually shifted more towards looking very generic. Like, Ruby now has, like, a bunch of black in her costume and, like, belts everywhere because anime characters need belts.
Starting point is 01:33:57 Yang is now, like, wearing a bunch of brown clothing. Blake has white clothing. And Weiss is, like, grey now. So it sort of, like, takes away the original theme of the series. And I really feel like if Monty was still around, it would not have gone that direction. Monty was bringing the series in a really good direction and he died when the series started getting good.
Starting point is 01:34:23 And then, you know, they continued it going and just ruined his entire vision. Even though they did have like a layout of how the series was going to go. I have heard that they actually did diverge from where Monty wanted to take the series. Which would explain why it doesn't make any sense now. And Monty would have never left in things that just... Okay, there were fight scenes that just made no sense where someone... I think Ruby was just sitting on the ground
Starting point is 01:34:53 while someone was running at one of her teammates trying to attack them. It's like, why don't you stop them? You have the ability to basically teleport. Why don't you do something? And she's like, nah, I'm going to sit here. I'm going to sit here. In it, mate.
Starting point is 01:35:09 Why would I move? What's the point of that? Oh, I could save everyone's life right now, but that's too much effort. So Monty wouldn't have left very obvious things like that because he was the reason why the things like the text fight in Red vs. Blue were made because he understood
Starting point is 01:35:26 how to do fight scenes. That's what he was good at. That's what he was doing before Red vs. Blue was doing stuff. That's what he was doing before RWBY existed. He understood fight scenes. And Rooster Teeth understood how to make a fight scene
Starting point is 01:35:42 look cool, not how to make a fight scene make sense if that if that makes sense like you can make a kung fu fight for example look really cool but you know really the fight makes literally no sense it's just the fact that usually kung fu fights are so cool that you don't care about that in the the case of Ruby though, they're like moderately cool. Like Jason Statham movie kind of cool. Nothing super impressive you haven't seen before, but still cool enough
Starting point is 01:36:12 to grab your attention I think would be a good way to put it. Yeah, I don't know. I'm going to keep watching Ruby because I'm like what's the latest season? Six? Ruby. What is the latest? Seven. Seven's apparently the latest one. Ruby, I guess it came out
Starting point is 01:36:27 and I just didn't see it. Oh no, that was last season. Season seven was the last, the one that came out last year. I guess season eight started and I just never watched it. I guess it's probably finished because it came out six months ago. Okay.
Starting point is 01:36:45 Yeah, I guess I'll go watch that at some point. I don't know. I don't know. I'm seven seasons in. Seven, eight seasons in. I guess I should finish it. It's my Crystar problem all over again.
Starting point is 01:36:59 I'm already so far in it. I might as well. Eh. Oh, Lord. Actually, something fun. So, apparently, Terraria is a very old game right now. Terraria apparently came out 10 years ago. And we have the final update of Terraria that came out... What? A couple of years back?
Starting point is 01:37:24 It was the final update. It was the final content update. They've still been doing occasional updates here and there to fix bugs. And with the 10th year anniversary, or 10 year anniversary, not 10th year, the 10 year anniversary, they decided to do
Starting point is 01:37:39 a bit of a fresh update, add some celebration seeds in. They're actually kind of cool. I haven't actually looked at the seeds themselves, but I'm so surprised Terraria's been around for 10 years. I remember playing that game when it first came out. Remember pirating the game
Starting point is 01:37:56 and playing it during the first update, to be honest. Seeing it seeing how much it's improved, like, it's, it's one of those games that, it was fun when it first came out, but there's been so much free content that, there's been so much free content for that game that makes it something you can always come back to and always enjoy. Let's see if we can find... That's an ad. I'm not going to show you the ad. You guys do not even get to see the company
Starting point is 01:38:31 it's going to be an ad of because I don't want to give them any more attention than they deserve. Let's see these celebration seeds. Show me a celebration. Oh, we're loading a world. Let's see what this world is. Thank you to Chippy Gaming. Wow, the're loading a world. Let's see what this world is. Uh, thank you to Chippy Gaming. Um, wow, the loading screen looks so different from what I've seen before. Oh, that's cool. They've got, like, they've got hats on. Haha, that's neat. Oh, so it's like a party world. That's actually really cool. I wonder if there's, like, anything special, um, like, under the map or something like that. So this is basically just a celebration world.
Starting point is 01:39:09 That's cool. All the NPCs are here. You get to see what's going on. I like that. That's cute. I need to go back and play Terraria. It's been a long time since I've played it. I'm sure since the last time I played it, there's been a lot of updates actually made to the game.
Starting point is 01:39:28 it. There's been a lot of updates actually made to the game. Just looking at this person's equipment bar, I can already see there's been a lot of updates to the game. I remember when the final boss of the game was the boss in the temple thing towards the edge of the map i remember when that was the final boss when like the big skeleton dude would come out that was the final boss at one point then there was like a mecha version of that then i think there was like other bosses as well man i'm so happy with like how much free content you got for Terraria. That game is worth so much more than you pay for it. Like how much is Terraria actually worth on Steam right now? Is Terraria a ripoff of Minecraft? What are you saying? It is $10. Nope, I don't want to play that audio. It is $10 for
Starting point is 01:40:22 Terraria. I guess $ dollars if you're in australia that is so cheap this game can give you like what maybe you probably get like 40 or 50 hours of content out of this for ten dollars that's mental uh let's let's have a look at the bosses on the wiki so the final boss when i was originally playing was this guy here, the Skeletron. But now what is it? There's pre-hard mode bosses. Okay, sure. So we have the King Slime, the Eye of Cthulhu. Yeah, that was a fun one. Eater of Worlds. That was also a fun boss. Especially once you got yourself a... What was it? A Ball and Chain. That was this easy boss after that.
Starting point is 01:41:12 The Brain of Cthulhu. Now it's a B, apparently. Wall of Flesh. That wasn't there when I originally played, but that was a fun boss when that came out. Hard Mode bosses. Then there are like... Mecha versions of bosses. There's like the Queen Slime, the Destroyer, which is a mecha version,
Starting point is 01:41:28 Skeletron Prime. Wow, there's so many bosses now. What the hell? The Moon Lord. That is the new final boss, apparently. Huh. And there are event bosses, so... Ah! So when like like, certain...
Starting point is 01:41:46 certain times in the game happen, there's a pumpkin moon now, apparently. Wow. Okay. There are all of these other bosses. That's so cool. There are so many bosses! What the hell? Oh my god,
Starting point is 01:42:04 that's crazy. Okay. I need to go back to this game. I think there's probably like 10 more bosses here since I last played. I think I played like 6 years ago. That was the last time I played. I can't even imagine how much content has been added since then.
Starting point is 01:42:21 Man. This is a game that's worth your time. Maybe I should play Terraria and just never stream anything besides Terraria. I could do it. I wouldn't get bored of the game. There's always new stuff to do. I don't even know how long it would take to get to the final boss in Terraria now. Let's see if Time to Beat has a thing on Terraria.
Starting point is 01:42:43 Time to Beat Terraria now. Let's see if Time to Beat has a thing on Terraria. Time to Beat Terraria. I can't imagine it would because it is like a um apparently people have apparently people have done it. The main story, so getting to like the final boss 50 hours
Starting point is 01:43:01 90 hours for main plus extras 181 for like getting like everything I think this is worth some time $10 and that's 181 hours of maybe not 181 hours completionist runs are crazy
Starting point is 01:43:20 but this one 90 hours 90 hours of good content for $10. I don't know if ReLogic is even doing anything else. Like, I think they're just living off of the money that Terraria has brought in. Like, I've still got Terraria
Starting point is 01:43:36 on, like, their home screen here. The page was last updated in 2017. That's hilarious. Um, what else is ReLogic doing doing they have a game called pixel piracy never heard of that one before or pixel privateers terraria honestly though like terraria will give you a lot of money like that being the developers of that game like sort of a lot of money uh, so there has been some updates
Starting point is 01:44:05 since then. There's been Steam Workshop support. That's another thing. It now has Steam Workshop mod support. Like, that's insane. What the hell? There's resource packs. You can do anything you want
Starting point is 01:44:23 in this game now. Having mod support in a game like this means that you get infinite content. I wouldn't be surprised if they try to follow up Terraria. I hope they, if they do, if they do try to do like a Terraria 2, that they really consider what they're doing. I'd be. I think it'd be probably better to like. Hey it's Journey's end.
Starting point is 01:44:50 But like maybe the Journey didn't end. And we're going to continue actually updating it. I could see them actually doing that. Like bringing some hype. If they decided they were going to re-update Terraria. And continue developing it. That would bring so much hype back to the game. Maybe they're going to wait a couple of years and then do it then.
Starting point is 01:45:07 But it's such a money train. The fact that they would just be like, yeah, it's done now. It's done. We don't need it anymore. The game's complete. That would take so much self-control for a company making this much money to actually do.
Starting point is 01:45:23 It's crazy. These devs are crazy. The fact that they decided to just stop developing a game that everybody loves. You gotta be, you gotta be a, you gotta have some balls to do that. You really do. Wait, what does that say? Did I just see something that said 35 million? Oh, okay. Well, that's why they're not developing anymore. Because they sold 35 million copies. Okay, maybe they're just like, yeah, we have enough money.
Starting point is 01:45:58 We just don't need to work for the rest of our lives. To be fair, if that's the reason why they stopped, I can respect that. It's like, yeah, we've got enough money. It's fine. Why would we keep developing it? Game is complete. We have
Starting point is 01:46:14 $350 million. We're all good. And it probably costs more on consoles anyway. I can respect that. I can respect that. I can respect that a lot, actually. You know what? I take back what I said. I take back what I said,
Starting point is 01:46:33 that they're crazy for not developing it. If you have $350 million, you don't have to work. I know they are still porting it to new things that are coming out. It's like, hey, games on Stadia, or games on Next Gen. Actually, is it on PS5? If it's not on PS5, it'll be coming to PS5.
Starting point is 01:46:53 Terraria. PS5. It's on the PS4. And it's probably coming to PS5 at some point. There are things on the forum about it, but surely... Also, the PS4
Starting point is 01:47:16 is backwards compatible, isn't it? Ah, yes, yes, it is. Yeah, of course. That would make sense. Yeah. So probably won't do it. But you can play it on PS5. It's like Minecraft.
Starting point is 01:47:34 Minecraft is one of those games that has so much momentum that, like, you don't need to work on it anymore. Actually, how many copies of Minecraft have been sold? Because I feel like it's's gonna be a dumb number. Like a really dumb number. Copies of Minecraft sold? Oh. Oh, this is year by year. Oh. Oh, I thought it meant 200 million sold. No, 200 million sold in 2020. And it's gaining popularity now why is minecraft gaining popularity again ah dream that's why right i hadn't considered that yes because people like dream exist now uh minecraft is gaining popularity again this is like the level of money where you don't need to work again. 200 million copies in a year?
Starting point is 01:48:27 That's like... That's like fuck you money. Let's say... Minecraft isn't sold for $10 either. Minecraft is like, what, $30? How much is Minecraft? Minecraft... Not Microsoft.
Starting point is 01:48:42 But also Microsoft. And Microsoft isn't going to stop developing it because Microsoft you know, loves money they can never have enough money Minecraft oh yeah, they've also got like Minecraft dungeons as well, don't they? And Minecraft Earth
Starting point is 01:48:59 whatever that is, get Minecraft how much is Minecraft? For computer thank you, For PC. Sure, whatever. Okay, yep. Java Edition. Thank you. 35 Australian dollars.
Starting point is 01:49:12 So what? 25 US? Something like that? For players in South Korea, you must be 19 years of age or older to purchase and play the Java Edition of Minecraft. Imagine having Minecraft having a 19 plus age rating. What the hell?
Starting point is 01:49:30 That's strange. Why does it have that? I have to look that up. Huh. But the Windows edition, the one that no one plays, that one is $30. So let's just say $30 all round. That's, what's that? $6 billion?
Starting point is 01:49:56 Wait, did I do my numbers correctly? Yes, $6 billion a year. What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? Those are dumb num- like that- that is a dumb number. That is a dumb number that doesn't make any sense. Surely I've- wait no. Surely I've done that wrong. 300 million times like six- wait.
Starting point is 01:50:20 Also 200 million? Am I dumb? Can I not do maths? Wait, I need to check this. Okay, that's 200 million. Times by 30. No, that's correct. 1, 10, 100,000, 10,000, 100,000, million, 10 million, 100 million. Yeah, no, that's... Wait, 1, 10, 100,000 million, 10 million, 100 million. Yeah, no, that's, that's, that's, that's, wait, 1,100,000, 10,000, 100,000 million, 10, yeah, no, that's 6 billion dollars. 6 billion dollars a year. What? What? What? How much money do you need, Microsoft? How much money do you need?
Starting point is 01:51:06 Microsoft net worth. What is the net worth of Microsoft? A lot, probably. One trillion dollars? What? At what point do you decide as a company, we have enough money? At what point does that happen? Like, is it a billion dollars? Is it a hundred billion? A trillion? How much money do you really need? Like, what is a trillion dollars? You could buy
Starting point is 01:51:36 a country for that. Like, literally buy a country for that. What is... what? So much money. I can't even fathom how much money that is. 100... What is that? $100,000 in $100 bills. Here's a good example. I know... Uh, let's see. Let's see. This is $100,000. Oh, no, this is $1,000,000. Okay, this is $1,000,000 as a cube of $100 bills. So,
Starting point is 01:52:17 $10,000,000 is 10 times that. $100,000,000 is 100 times that. Are million is 100 times that. Are you understanding how stupid this is? That's only 100 million. So... Wait. 100...
Starting point is 01:52:38 So... A trillion is 100,000 times more than 1 million is that is that right something like that that's a lot that's really big that's like that's like neighborhood size big so stupid how much money do you need though like genuinely genuinely how much money do you need i don't know maybe when you're a company that big it's like you're not even looking at the How much money do you need though? Like genuinely. Genuinely how much money do you need? I don't know. Maybe when you're a company that big.
Starting point is 01:53:09 It's like you're not even looking at the numbers anymore. You just want your numbers to go up. As long as the. Or you're not even looking at numbers. You're just looking at a bar. As long as the bar is green. The bar is good. If the bar is not green.
Starting point is 01:53:18 The bar is not good. But like this is the problem with having investors. Who are always trying to make more money. It's like at a hundred trillion dollars. No one could ever spend that much money. Even if you always trying to make more money. So, like, at a hundred trillion dollars, no one could ever spend that much money, even if you were trying to spend that money. Like, literally buying Lamborghinis every day. Wait, okay. How much is a Lamborghini? Let's find this out. Lamborghini. What is the Lamborghini everyone buys? um that one the
Starting point is 01:53:47 the Aventador, that's the one the Aventador is the one that all of the all of the influencers on TikTok have, yeah that's the one yeah yeah yeah, that's the one how much is a Lamborghini Aventador Lamborghini Aventador? Uh, Lamborghini Aventador price.
Starting point is 01:54:08 So that is 800,000 Australian dollars. Let's go US price because we're going with US dollars. So the US price is not the Australian price. That is not what I searched for. Um. um probably more than you think sure that's that's the answer i didn't care about lamborghini aventador 2021 model okay that's the number we can work for oh we can work with 450 000 let's go with 450 that's the middle of Okay, so, how many zeros are in a trillion? That's 100,000, 10,000, 100,000, million, 10,000,000, 100,000,000, billion, 10,000,000, 100,000,000,000, trillion, divided by 450,000. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:55:12 Now, this number here, this is two million, two hundred and twenty two thousand, two hundred and two. Okay, that means that you could literally buy a new Lamborghini every single day for how many years divided by 365 you could buy a new lamborghini for 6 000 years every single day that's how much money that is what the how just just fathathom are you understanding like how stupid a trillion dollars is you could buy a new Lamborghini every single day for 6,000 years and
Starting point is 01:55:55 not have run out of money yet what this is what I mean when I say you can't spend What? This is what I mean when I say you can't spend... Obviously, it's not all in liquid money. A lot of what Microsoft has is in assets. But if you sold everything Microsoft has, that's what net worth is.
Starting point is 01:56:18 That's too much. That's just too much. I don't understand. I don't understand. I don't know. As I said, maybe there's something that happens to your brain when you get that rich and when you have a company that successful. It has to be more successful.
Starting point is 01:56:39 Just having the current level of success is not enough success. That's just not allowed. Not to say that you can't be successful. Not to say that you're not allowed to have a trillion dollars. But there has to come a point where you're like, maybe we should do, like, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:56:58 maybe we should solve the hunger crisis in some country out there. Maybe that would be for the best. Maybe not just like doing. A bit of you know. Because Bill Gates is definitely a philanthropist. But. He's at the point where he could literally. Solve world hunger.
Starting point is 01:57:17 Like. Literally solve world hunger with how much money he has that's how stupid it is like no that's not profitable if you're going to be a philanthropist you have to make money off of it that is the Bill Gates way
Starting point is 01:57:39 anyway that's enough ranting about Bill Gates. I want to end off this... Before I lose all my YouTube ads on my main channel. I want to end this off with a good note. Hololive. Hololive English. Hololive English is great.
Starting point is 01:57:59 I love Hololive English. And the Hololive English girls decided to do a cover of a song. They decided to do a cover of the song, Take Me Home, Country Roads. Now why did they decide to cover this? I know why, because this little gremlin right here, this little gremlin, Galgura, is a member of Hololive English. Now, I think I've talked about who Galgura is. Galgura, otherwise known in a previous life as the one and only
Starting point is 01:58:32 Senzawa, who is famous for the song Okidoki Boomer, which I guarantee you've heard, because that's the one where you had the birdie girl dancing around. you've heard, because that's the one where you had the birdie girl dancing around. You've heard the song.
Starting point is 01:58:48 I'm not going to sing it, but you've heard the song. Now, Senzawa also did a Take Me Home. There we go. She also did a cover of Country Road. that she also did a cover of Country Road. But when Senzawa did it, she was very drunk.
Starting point is 01:59:11 Now, this gremlin, this gremlin is now this gremlin. And this gremlin decided that this needed to happen. And it's amazing. Even though Amelia Watson is not a great singer,
Starting point is 01:59:27 didn't hurt it. All of the rest of them, great singers. Gura, great singer. Calliope, great singer. Takanashi Kiyoda, great singer. Ina, great singer. Even if she did do the really bad cover of Unravel, the Tokyo Ghoul opening.
Starting point is 01:59:43 Amelia is getting better, though. This is great. I highly recommend better, though. This is great. I highly recommend listening to this. It's adorable. And it will make your day brighter. Or just go and listen to Amelia sing it by herself. That also works. Or you could listen to Gura sing it as well by herself.
Starting point is 01:59:58 I don't know why they love this song so much. It's a great song. But I don't know why they love it so much. Yes. Hololive English is great. I could probably do an entire podcast just talking about Hololive English, and I've done livestreams like that, basically, so it wouldn't be any different,
Starting point is 02:00:14 really. Really wouldn't be any different, so maybe I'll have to do that at some point. Maybe I need to bring on someone who's just as much of a Hololive fan as I am, or just VTuber fan in general, and just do that talk about Mousy, talk about Nyanas talk about Veibay, talk about
Starting point is 02:00:30 Snuffy, all of the Hololive girls talk about Nijisanji whatever sort of VTuber stuff comes up because VTubers are the future, just accept it VTubers are the future they will take over all of the platforms I'm waiting for some like TikTok VTubers wait, does. They will take over all of the platforms. I'm waiting for some TikTok VTubers.
Starting point is 02:00:46 Wait, does that exist yet? Surely it has to. Surely there are VTubers on TikTok. TikTok VTuber. Okay, so you have... You have some of the Hololive girls on TikTok, but you don't actually have any
Starting point is 02:01:10 TikTokers who are VTubers. Sadly. Get on that, guys. That will be the next big thing. I guarantee it. Why they are not Ori on TikTok is beyond me. Because that is how you get the
Starting point is 02:01:25 what are the new generation? The Gen A's? The generation alpha? The alpha generation? That's how you get them big in on VTubers. And then the world explodes. Because no one wants to work real jobs. Everyone wants to be
Starting point is 02:01:42 on the internet. On that note, I'm ending today's podcast. Me, the one who is on the internet all the time. Because I am a VTuber. No, I'm not a VTuber. That's not my secret. I'm a YouTuber, apparently. I'm a content creator, as one may say.
Starting point is 02:01:59 I don't say influencer because influencer implies that I have no talent. And I don't want to let people in on my secret that I have no talent. So we go with content creator instead. Anyway, that is going to be everything for today's podcast. I'm probably going to go and render this and then do the clips tomorrow because it is 10.20pm right now. And I don't think I have time to do both tonight. And I don't want to stay up late because I've got a dead cell stream
Starting point is 02:02:23 first thing in the morning. So, that's going to be pretty much everything for me. Before I go, I would like to thank my supporters, all of the beautiful, beautiful people that I'm going to compliment while I stall to bring up my list.
Starting point is 02:02:40 Special thank you to Yoakim, Donald, Logan, Michael, Andrew, Nathan, David, Carl, Will, Brennan, Chica, Bento, Jamie, Joseph, Josh, Mitchell, Peter, Stephen, Tears, The Rude, Tony, Tushar, and all of my $2 supporters. A special thank you to all of those beautiful people. They're all lovely. I love all of you. Every single one of you. From the top tier to the bottom tier, you're all beautiful people.
Starting point is 02:03:03 I don't know how long I'm going to drag this out for. Go check out my main channel. That is Brody Robertson. Where I do Linux-y videos that are much more planned than this. And I am far less tired when I'm doing them. Even though I do get quite angry while recording. Because I know that I can do better. And then I fuck up the recording.
Starting point is 02:03:19 And they take longer than they should. But that is something you don't see. Because I cut it out of the video. Because I know how to edit videos. I've got my gaming channel. Where I do gaming stuff twice a week, Thursday, Friday. Directly after this comes out, actually, there will be a live stream. It'll probably be a Crystar live stream unless I decide that I don't want to suffer anymore and I go play something else. But it will probably be a Crystar live stream.
Starting point is 02:03:41 I've also got this podcast available as an audio release. If you're not listening to that version already, that is available anywhere you can find audio podcasts. Just search Tech over T and you will find it. And I have also got the video release on YouTube and Odyssey.
Starting point is 02:03:58 So, that's going to be everything for me. I am going to turn these lights off because I am blind right now. I really need to get a better, a better, a better thingy that goes on the camera. A lens. A better lens that I can turn the lights down further
Starting point is 02:04:14 for and be chiller. Because right now this light is at what is this light at? This light is at 34%. And 34% is quite bright as you may not know, but actually no, if we turn this off, you'll see how bright it is
Starting point is 02:04:29 that's how bright it is that's how bright that light is so, anyway enough rambling that is the end, see you guys later peace out, love you all I don't know how to end this, but we're gonna end it like that
Starting point is 02:04:43 how do I do a click? there we go

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