Tech Over Tea - #75 Welcome Our Hacker Neko Waifu | Cyan Nyan

Episode Date: August 4, 2021

You guys know I'm a big Vtuber simp but no longer am I just a simp, today's guest is Cyan Nyan, she streams the normal stuff you'd expect from Vtubers, Minecraft, Fall Guys, etc but also has a heavy f...ocus on tech, programming and even did an LFS series. ==========Guest Links========== YouTube: Discord: Twitter: Telegram Channel: Twitch: ==========Support The Channel========== ► Patreon: ► Paypal: ► Amazon USA: ► Other Methods: =========Video Platforms========== 🎥 YouTube: =========Audio Release========= 🎵 RSS: 🎵 Apple Podcast: 🎵 Spotify: 🎵 Google Podcast: 🎵 Anchor: ==========Social Media========== 🎤 Discord: 🐦 Twitter: 📷 Instagram: 🌐 Mastodon: ==========Credits========== 🎨 Channel Art: All my art has was created by Supercozman DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to episode 75 of Tech of a T, I'm as always your host Brodie Robertson and today we have had lots and lots of technical difficulties um but we are finally starting welcome Cyan uh you guys might notice something different today my guest isn't a person today my guest is a cat introduce yourself Yeah, yeah, yeah, hello everyone I am your hack and tickle sayan from the nail star I am a wannabe hacker youtuber that does gaming and coding stream I am super honored to be invited to for this tech already channel So if you are watching this video make sure to subscribe and support me, and leave a nice comment like, when are you going to debut?
Starting point is 00:00:49 Thank you! Okay, look, at some point, at some point I might do the whole VTubing thing. I'm not sure when that point's going to be, but if you keep bothering me about it, I'm sure it'll have to happen at some point. Uh, yes. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. I think we said, like, if I relate to this stream or this podcast, I'm going to pay for your VTuber model.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Yeah. I am sure it's going to happen. Speaking of being late, how about we talk about why we are... Why are we recording this on the weekend now I am so sorry I haven't sincerely apologized I am so sorry I forgot about the date I always have trouble with time conversion
Starting point is 00:01:35 I fail time conversion As a streamer I am so sorry You failed time conversion You were an entire week off So Let's just go over what actually happened. So originally you said we're going to do this on Monday, my time.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Now, on Monday, I was getting everything set up. I saw that you'd started streaming. I was like, oh, okay, maybe Sian's going to do like a short stream before she comes onto the podcast. And then that went on for another three hours. I am so sorry. I completely forgot the date. I thought you were...
Starting point is 00:02:14 Sorry, it went on for another four hours. Jeez, you did a really long stream. That was a really long stream. That was. And I enjoyed it. I guess I like my wifes. I love my wifes more than Brody. I'm sorry, Brody. If you become a waifu, I might like you more.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Look, it was a good stream. I did pop in a few times. Go watch the, um... Actually, go watch all the DDLC streams that she did with Koikuma. They're all great. They did a lot of voice acting for the characters. It's like my first time voice acting. Koikoma's voice is so good. Absolutely. Yes. It's embarrassing for me. I've been playing Celeste recently,
Starting point is 00:02:54 and none of the characters voiced in that game, so I've been doing voices for everyone. I've been doing, like, they're not great voices, but, like, I add something to it. I think it kind of like adds a bit of uh adds a bit of extra fun into the stream yes definitely it helps um the river to get know the emotion that is going on and it helps you to get immersed into the game too absolutely i have i've been considering playing um ddlc plus i I played the original game like way back when that first came out.
Starting point is 00:03:28 I don't want like any spoilers, I haven't watched like most of the streams, I kind of want to play it myself, but what do you think of DDLC+. What do I think of it? I really like the side stories, like that's the golden content like it is i would say it has ranked number one in my like all my favorite games because it adds so many depths to all the characters and it teaches like things that that has been like somehow ignored in like education so i really really like it definitely play definitely unlock all the side stories and yes check them out i'm considering whether i stream it or not because you guys stream for a really long time so i'm not sure how like how long it's actually gonna take me to do how long um depending on if you want to do less acting or not i'm pretty sure if you don't do it then then it won't go over like that quickly. Maybe 30 minutes for a precise story.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Mm-hmm. Mm. Yeah, I'm sure that people definitely appreciate my voice for a bunch of cute anime girls. Ah, yes, I am looking forward to that. I am. If you do, I think so. Mm. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Maybe. Maybe I will. So, let's see. What can we talk about? There's lots of things on here we could. I guess we can just get into, like, the whole, the most obvious thing. Why did you start VTubing? Why did I?
Starting point is 00:04:59 Oh, I get this question all the time. Oh, I'm sure you do. So, you should have a good answer for it then. I get this question all the time. Oh, I'm sure you do. So you should have a good answer for it then. So first of all, Sian is an anime girl and I love anime.
Starting point is 00:05:11 So obvious reason, I want to be here as a YouTuber. And the second reason is I found many amazing content creators on YouTube and other platforms and they inspire me so much in all the degrees. Like they help all the videos they make. content creators on YouTube and other platforms and they inspire me so much in all the degrees like like they help all the videos they make they help me
Starting point is 00:05:29 emotionally they help with my grades they help me get into programming and even like give me some inspiration during my hardest time so I really want to be a content creator that inspires artists. If I can bring some positivity or some educational value to the community, I will be super, super happy. That's one of my goals. I don't know if I'm doing that now, but I definitely plan to be better at it in the future. Yes. And the most important reason is that I want to have fun and keep growing my hobbies, skills,
Starting point is 00:06:12 and grow as a programmer, hacker, YouTuber. So, yes, I said a lot. No, that's fine. The more you say, the less I have to say. That's fine by me. That's really sweet. I have noticed that you are like really really positive like positive almost like how would i describe like an infectious
Starting point is 00:06:32 level of positivity it's hard not to be positive when when someone's around you thank you thank you i i think like many friends around me are spreading the positive energy, and we feel super good if our audience feel that way. So thank you for telling us. I don't always say hi when I pop into one of your streams, but I have been popping it every so often, and they're always a lot of fun, like every time you do one. Thank you. Yes, I'm so excited to see you. You are taking a bit of fun, like, every time you do one. Thank you. Yes, I'm so excited to see you.
Starting point is 00:07:07 You are taking a bit of a break now, though. Yes. A questionable break, I will say. A question? Like, you were streaming just before we started on Discord. I can't help it. Streaming is so fun. I like talking to people.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Yes, Beth.'m an introvert Yes Well it's good that you're enjoying it I think that's one of the things that When people start streaming that I think How do I describe it I think that's one of the things a lot of people struggle with When they first start
Starting point is 00:07:42 They like the idea of streaming But they don't really Make it seem like they're actually having fun and i think like if the unless you're going for like you know you're i i should probably think what i'm trying to say i think the most important thing to make a stream entertaining is to actually make it seem like you're enjoying being there? Not seem like, but, like, truly do things that you enjoy, I think. Well, obviously that as well, but I mean, like, a lot of people sort of struggle to, I guess, be entertaining on camera. You have that a bit easier for yourself. You can just shake back and forth, and that'll keep people entertained.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Yes, yes, I just need to shake my head on everyone. And be cute. Exactly. That's the force of being a YouTuber. Mm, absolutely. Yeah, it definitely makes that much easier. You just need a cute model and... That, I... yeah. I don't know what else you really need. I don't know what else you really need I think the person the personality is very big
Starting point is 00:08:50 definitely the model art is the first thing that captures people's eyes, like people at WeChat, right? they stick with you because of your personality and the things you do, the skills you have I think that's sort of true with any sort of streaming. As streaming is growing, as VTubing is growing, you're getting a lot of people who are just
Starting point is 00:09:10 sort of jumping into it without really, you know, I guess having that likable personality on camera. That can always be improved upon, but I think that's one of the things that a lot of, I think, new people definitely struggle with with just trying to keep themselves entertaining especially when like when you're starting out you obviously don't have um a chat to bounce off of so you sort of have to be entertaining by yourself yes that's very true i had that um moment like before when i first started streaming there like one or two audiences. If you enjoy what you do
Starting point is 00:09:48 and you talk to other people in the chat because there were so few, it still gets entertaining if their responses are positive. I think that's one of the nice things about having a small channel. You can actually interact with everyone in chat.
Starting point is 00:10:04 It's not like you have this... As much as i'm sure it would be great to have like a massive channel where you have like a wall of messages always coming in i think there's something nice about being able to just build a sort of relationship with that like small group people who watch your content yes yes i really agree i really enjoy like i am like super small and uh i really enjoy the community we are building and i always find it like amazing to meet new people new audiences they have amazing skill and their viewpoints so yes i find it really really good like you get to start you know in my case for example i've got a couple of regulars who always show up for my streams and
Starting point is 00:10:45 it's always like it's nice to see like if they say take a week off or something they come back after after that it's like oh hey i haven't seen you in a while how you been now you can sort of like even though it's not like really it it it's some form of connection that you sort of can't really build as you grow larger and larger yes yes definitely as as yeah i i like the idea of the channel growing but i that's one thing i i would be worried about sort of missing out on definitely i really really treasure the time I'm currently having now and Yeah, and I talked to like some of my frequent audience on Discord too. It's really enjoyable You've actually been growing quite quickly though. I think you're closing it on where you are right now. You're at 2380 but I think you're getting like 400 subs a month if I'm not mistaken. Oh, don't play the stream
Starting point is 00:11:50 It's about 300 a month, okay, yeah Well, you had a bit of a bit of a spike just before I found you actually like you before yeah, yeah just Or after I don't think I had much of a head in getting your channel to sort of spike like that, but there was a bit of a spike there. Yes. Because you hit 2K quicker than you're expecting, from what I can tell. Definitely, definitely. I think it's after, like, my Linux from scratch streams, and people started to be like,
Starting point is 00:12:27 Linux from scratch streams and people start to be like, hey, this VTuber knows a little bit of Linux and They just like jump in and it kind of like the words kind of spread but I really do thank you buddy for like giving me all the shoutouts and honestly, like The video you found me was like so funny. I wanna clip it and like treasure it in my saved folders I'll see if I can find Wait, if I go to your discord, I know that Ronson sent it. I'll see if I can find it actually It is so funny Should be one of the early videos that Ronson sent
Starting point is 00:12:59 My uh, my unpaid manager Your unpaid manager, I have many unpaid... Unpaid admin at will. Why is it not letting me search? Okay, sure, that's weird. I'm sure I can find it. It's posted on Twitter. Oh, is it? Yeah, if you can find it, um... Please, please... Oh, I just realized. So that changed the screen your model actually froze.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Yeah, if you can find it, please send it through. Yes, yes, I'll definitely do that. And yes, thank you so much for bringing me all the new people. And I'm really excited to meet all the newcomers every day. And they gave me encouragement and inspiration to continue on my hacker journey. Yes. Well, next up, you can follow in my steps to do Gentoo, can't you? I really wanna. I was like, what is Gentoo? I should do it next week.
Starting point is 00:13:52 It's actually not that difficult. The Gentoo install guides are really, really detailed. Not as detailed as from what I can see with Linux from scratch, but if you understood what you were doing in Linux from scratch, you should be perfectly fine with Gentoo. It's just going to take a while. Especially if you do the if you go with a source kernel, you have to compile that
Starting point is 00:14:16 and that's going to take probably the entire stream just to do that, to be honest. Yes. I remember me playing Stardew Valley one day, like a song match compelling everything i just yeah during my stream last night when i was installing uh i was installing xorg and a bunch of other stuff my graphical environment i just played chess for half the stream yes i saw that that's where that picture the jupiter maid came from very very good joy
Starting point is 00:14:43 i like it i, that was awesome. I didn't expect that, I knew the Jupiter was in the chat but I did not expect to get a bit of fan art from that. Yes we need more body power, let's go body power. Let's go! Let's go, yes. So what, you said you were playing Stardew valley when you're doing the LFS stuff. What are you actually running for your computer? What? What is actually running on my computer? Yeah, what's your like hardware specs? Oh, I run the Linux in the virtual box and I have an Alienware Aurora 5 Okay, okay, so it's not gonna take as long as it possibly could, I guess. Like, if you're running a computer that can barely handle Minecraft and your model at the same time.
Starting point is 00:15:34 So at least you're good there. Yes. It's hanging in there. But you do... Sorry, I was going to say, you do long streams sometimes anyway, so I guess like a five hour stream for you wouldn't even be that crazy Yeah, it's not that crazy I enjoy long streams. I enjoy long streams as well, but my problem is that I don't prepare them so I I usually
Starting point is 00:15:59 Do the stream and then don't have any like snacks or anything prepared anything prepared and get, like, hungry around the three-hour mark. Yes, yes, that happens to me too. I have to, like, stream something and while, like, scrolling my Uber Eats app, like, somebody give me food, please. I'm so hungry. Like, my kitchen's, like, a minute away. I could go make a sandwich or something, like, but no. I'm just lazy. I'm just like that i'm just lazy in the stream for the for the cooking stream let's go cooking cooking stream someone actually has asked me to
Starting point is 00:16:34 do a cooking stream um so there's a another linux youtuber called mental outlaw who uh did a video where he was cooking a steak and people are, you should cook some kangaroo now. Like, maybe. Kangaroo does taste pretty good. Really good, really good. Cool, I want to taste it. Do I want to eat a kangaroo? I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:16:59 They look so cute, but I think I saw a video of them attacking people too. I don't know. Let's see what we can find. But I think I saw a video of them attacking people too. I don't know. Wait. Let's see what we can find. It's a man boxes kangaroo to save dog. There it is. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:14 I think I saw that video. That was so hilarious. Wow. Kangaroo is amazing. Here we go. Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is going to be the one that you saw. I'll just send it over. I should keep my physical window open oh there we go grab that one okay
Starting point is 00:17:30 I have a kangaroo VTuber and I'm mad at it. Kangaroo VTuber? Yeah that's what I can do I can be a kangaroo VTuber Let's go kangaroo! Catboy VTuber or cat realize... Why not catgirls? Why not catgirls? They're adorable. Just be who you like. Why not? From what I can tell, if I just put cat ears on something, you'll just love it. I think that's just the rule. Yes, that is the golden rule of the universe. This kangaroo is so confused. This kangaroo is so confused. I'm sorry are the best. This kangaroo is so confused. I'm just sorry.
Starting point is 00:18:05 I was just watching the kangaroo get punched. Kangaroo. Kangaroo. I actually was considering buying like the like cat ear headphones before this podcast
Starting point is 00:18:17 and I'm sad that I didn't. I didn't do that now. Damn. I should like make merch and give it for you for free someone in your discord actually did mention that yes yes i want to do so much i want to do so much there's a lot of things you can do i guess of course as like streamer youtubers like yeah yeah Yes, I want... Yeah, go ahead. Oh, sorry, no, go ahead. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:18:46 We both have a lot to say. Yes, we have a lot. I have a lot to say. Yes, yes. Yeah, I want to, like, get some merch done at some point. And as, like, VTuber, you can also get, like, 3D models and do, like, dancing and even, like, concerts. There are a lot of, like, you do a uh a 3d kazoo concert what what how is it gonna be different than 2d you have a uh you have a giant kazoo model as well as your model oh that's true that true. I can have like a body size......kazoo!
Starting point is 00:19:31 Sure, yeah, okay, that's what you could do, I guess. Oh, you okay? Yes, you can do a lot of things with CD, yes. Did something happen? Yeah, yeah, Discord, I guess, started for a little bit there. Oh, Discord, I guess, started for a little bit there. Discord. Why Discord?
Starting point is 00:19:47 It's fine. My connection is an Australian connection. I expected things to be messy. It's okay. It's okay. Actually, today, like, the air conditioner in my room broke. So, yes, a lot of difficulties is happening, but we are staying strong. I can just open my window right now because it's the middle of winter.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Oh, yes, it's winter. Did Christmas just happen in Australia? Do you think that Christmas change is based on like the northern southern hemisphere? No, no, we just have Christmas in summer here. Okay, we'll move on from that. I can't. Let me breathe. Why? Why is it funny? I know there's like a Christmas in the summer, right? So you guys don't celebrate Christmas in the summer the same way? No, we do. We just don't have like, you know, winter clothes on.
Starting point is 00:21:15 So I'll send you a picture of Australian Santa. I am so sorry. I came from New York and I don't know much about human culture, I guess. I'm so sorry, I came from New York and I don't know much about human culture, I guess. I definitely need to visit Australia and understand... understand the Christmas in summer. Wha- what?! What?! Here we go. Naked Santa?
Starting point is 00:21:42 Santa on a surfboard. So it's Santa? Santa on a surfboard. So it's hot? Yeah, yeah, it's like, well, it gets easily 35 degrees Celsius in summer. What would that be in, let's find out, for the Americans watching, 35 C to Fahrenheit. Do you celebrate two Christmases in a year? 95 Fahrenheit. Sorry, what was that? Do you celebrate two Christmas in a year?
Starting point is 00:22:09 No, no, we just have Christmas in December like everybody else. Oh, oh. Okay. I don't think I've ever heard anyone say that. So I went to a fundraising stream by Sumio, the Santa Victor, and he did it for Christmas in the summer, so I assumed that, ah, for Brody, there must be a Christmas in the summer. Well, there is a thing called Christmas in July, but like... Actual Christmas at the same time in Australia. There's nothing special there.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Okay. Let's skip this topic. I'm sorry. You know I'm gonna clip this now, don't you? No! No, it's illegal, I'm gonna sue you, I have money. No, you clearly do, judging by how many art commissions you get done. How many art comm- yes, I get done so many art commissions.
Starting point is 00:23:23 I'm obsessed with art. I love anime art since I was a little side yet. So yes, it's always such an amazing feeling to receive a delivered artwork, especially from all the amazing artists and see their different style. Yeah, yeah. So it's my obsession. So when is it it going to be Brody's fan art? Like, when are you going to commission? That's a good question.
Starting point is 00:23:50 I have been considering, I have been considering stuff, like, I kind of want to get emotes done for my channel at some point. And having some sort of, like, some sort of idea for, like, for a character,
Starting point is 00:24:07 or, like, an anime-ified version of myself might be a good idea to make that a bit easier oh yes it's the character development i i found it like super important but um speaking of commissions i can i show you the picture you sent me? Yes. Okay, here we go. That is really cool. I can't show you right now because you can't see my camera, but I've actually got it set as the wallpaper on my phone. Thank you so much. This is really, really cute. I'm glad you like it.
Starting point is 00:24:42 I'm going to send you the official, the big version of my PNGs. really cute. I'm glad you like it. I'm going to send you the official, like the, the, the big version of my PNGs and you can, it's like commercial use. So you can use anywhere. Awesome. Um,
Starting point is 00:24:55 I, I've been, I've been wanting to talk about this art for like, since you sent it to me, but like, I didn't want to spoil it before the podcast came out. So we've got, we've got, ah, that's so cute. I was like, I didn't want to spoil it before the podcast came out. So we've got, we've got, ah, that's so cute. I was like, I don't know if you'll like it.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Cause like, I kind of decide your character based on your Twitter profile. I thought it was so cute. No, no, I love it. This is awesome. I'm glad you like it. Look, we can always, we can always evolve into a different character. It's fine. I would be the first person to do that yes you can have multiple models depending on your mood too this is probably going to my
Starting point is 00:25:34 my Twitter profile picture after this oh yes yeah I've been like I scroll through your Twitter occasionally and I just see how many things you get commissioned. Like that's... Like, that's... Like there's a lot of really good art you get commissioned. It's definitely worth it, but there is a lot. That's a lot, yes. But people can use it for like wallpapers, and the ones from um... Mm, mm. And the ones from Skaab are, like...
Starting point is 00:26:06 I-I found them, like, really, really high quality. And also, I need to use them for thumbnails, like... Yeah, yeah. Yes. Yes, I feel like spending as a VTuber is... Like, you can go really, really, really high... Mm. ...if you wanna, like, match certain, like, standard.
Starting point is 00:26:21 If you compare to people, so... Would... yeah, just... That's the thing, too. Mm. Just looking at looking at like how expensive like a model can get like some of like the like the Nyanas and the Iron Mouse tier
Starting point is 00:26:34 models like something at that level those can get very very expensive yes depending on who you ask for and like how many commissions they have artists and readers have like really really commissions they have i know like artists and readers have like really really long wait lists and now like 3d models are getting like much more expensive i think that's what's happening so yes it's definitely still a growing business
Starting point is 00:27:00 so actually that's a that's a good point what's point. What was the process you went through to actually get your model done? Because I wouldn't even know where to start with that. Get myself done? Yeah, yeah. I live in 2D. I don't get myself done. Okay. To have this wonderful form that you used to stream with,
Starting point is 00:27:24 what was the process you went through to do this? I won't talk about my process because I don't have a process, but I can talk about what I observed, okay? Okay, yes. The process that other people may take who are not actual cat girls. The process that other people may take to get a character. So there are many platforms where you can find artists that open commissions for modal art and or live2D. It's usually separated but some people do it all together as well.
Starting point is 00:28:00 The best places I would say... Actually, I don't know where to find the super good, awesome illustrators. They are pretty full and they are super expensive. And they are absolutely worth it. The ones I can find are on Twitter and other art commission platforms. I don't know if Scab does this, but if Scab gives live2D commissions, that would be really cool. Do you know Scab? No, I don't know if Scap do this, but if Scap gives Live2D commission, that would be really cool. Do you know Scap? No, I don't. Sorry, I keep talking about Scap without giving you the context.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Yeah, maybe that's a good place to start. Yes. So from my understanding, that is a place you can commission illustrators and artists. Most of them are from Japan and Ask them to join your pretty pictures and now They also do voice like like voice bundles like you can ask them to voice act and make small animations Yes, that's a great place to like get your art But I don't know if like live2d can be done over there
Starting point is 00:29:07 yet so maybe in the future i i just don't know if people know comment down below did i answer the question oh yeah yeah that that seems like a good enough answer um yeah i i didn't realize that was gonna be the end of it Yeah, I didn't realise that was going to be the end of it. So, um... That ended way quicker than I thought it would. Now I don't know where to go. Let's see. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:29:41 You talked a bit about wanting to get, like, maybe, uh, what's the word? Um, merch done at some point, but, like, what, like, future plans you have for the- the sort of content you want to do? Content. Because you- like, you've done- you've done Linux from scratch now, you're doing, like, your Minecraft and your osu! stuff occasionally. Oh. Do you have any sort of, like like sort of ideas you want to sort of try out on the channel even if they don't really work that well? Yes I think I'm still in the phase of like trying out things and see what I can do on stage. So I consider myself a youtuber and I also do tech stuff and I want to make like coding and tech
Starting point is 00:30:28 scene and a big not a not over 50% but like around 850% of my channel. So yeah, so in terms of VTuber, I'll try new games. I'll try to learn like singing, dancing, chatting, drawing, do the other regular VTuber stuff, maybe have like music videos, covers, or like, I don't know, cover a meme song with like, I don't know, programming memes. That would be super cool. I think that would actually be really cool. Yeah. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:31:02 I think I heard a version of somebody did like uh i just want to interject for a moment like the version of the linux copy oh right right right yeah yeah it's like you and i found it a good way to like spread knowledge too so yeah i like things to be fun and educational i want to hear you do the the version of that now i didn't know it existed like a month ago um i think ransom ransom is it i don't know like somebody sent it in my discord thank you for sending it i wouldn't be surprised if he was the one who sent it and i was surprised because i just like recorded a video of me talking about it it's a big spoiler. Something is going to come out, I think, tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:31:48 So, yes. Okay. Stay tuned. And talking back to the VTuber stuff, I want to get a 3D so I can play Beat Saber. Maybe VR chat. Do some like VR stuff, VR games. I thought that would be cool.
Starting point is 00:32:08 I want to do VR stuff at some point as well my problem is i don't really have any space where i am i right now oh yes that's a big problem and also capturing the whole body could get really really expensive i'm still figuring out that part too yeah i'm i know there are like there are ways that can be done but like it's just a matter of getting it to work with sort of like the space you have to work with and and how big your wallet is yes that's always a problem that's a problem with anything to do with like making videos or streaming like there's always going to be Like that that monetary cost to it you have to work out like is is this something that is actually worth at the end of the day Exactly yes, which is very which is being something that well
Starting point is 00:32:59 empty your wallet if you like if you want yeah, if you let it I can see how it would for sure Yes it if you like if you want yeah if you let it i can see how it would for sure yes yes my admins are like sayan you're spending so much stop i think you need someone there to stop you at some point i think so too like i i don't keep track of like the other money i spend for vtb because like i spent here and there and it just it just lose track and my saving isn't growing so it's addicting it's addicting so yes people I want you well yeah if you are if you if what's too much on today if you love the the the like what why is English so hard? Thank you for saying that. I definitely agree 100%. I'm a native English speaker
Starting point is 00:33:50 and I can barely speak English sometimes. If you sort of... I guess... Love the... Love the sort of... Love the idea of your character. There we go. Love the idea of your character there we go love the idea of your character uh i i can see how you'd want to get more and more art done yes yes and uh i did like the um the the made art you got done a while back that was really nice yeah i agree too i was so
Starting point is 00:34:21 excited that the artist accepted my um my my my, my, my, my, my, not petition. My English is so bad. Commission? My, yes, yes. I was so honored. Like when I find some artists, I need to like wait for the waitlist to open because it only opens for like a brief moment and you have to squeeze in at the right time and they are closed after like, don't get it so yes yes that's the thing i love i love that and uh so when is gonna gonna be the debut of a maid doll party are you going to stream with like maid dress cause like i think everybody does it
Starting point is 00:34:59 have you ever done it i don't know you should consider doing it it feels really good i assure you are you asking me to put a maid dress on oh like i mean you have a nana's hoodie that's true i do um i i did also buy the new merch for her one year anniversary as well so that's that's tempting maybe I could go on to like eBay and buy a maid costume yes buy a good one and stream with it I'm sure everybody will like it right?
Starting point is 00:35:36 sure I'll buy a maid costume and I'll buy the cat ear headphones just to appease you thank you I like that arigato. just make videos so i can upload those whenever i can make them like in bulk and just upload them take an entire week off do you find that like streaming gets like really tiring because you always have to like actually be there at the time to actually get the stream done i can just you know like the way i usually handle videos i usually will just record at the start of the
Starting point is 00:36:21 week and then upload them throughout like as the week goes on but with stream you actually have to be there oh i was wondering why did body like upload video every day i was like this man he's so good he he does one thing the same thing every day and all the hard work oh so that's no i just it's very... I usually just front load my week. So I'll usually work like 10 hours for Monday, Tuesday, and then get everything done right at the start. And then I can sort of relax more as the week goes on. Wow. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:36:57 I procrastinate all the time. I really admire it. The reason I don't do video yet is because I keep procrastinating, but thank you for passing that tip to me. So yeah, the schedule of streaming. I started to have a schedule so that people can come at a time and they know when they expect to see me. So I think regular schedule is really good and I kind of just get used to it. It's good that I can plan my week for my streams too. And what else? I actually don't usually come to my stream prepared.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Especially the tech stream, I kind of like just learning the process, get like a lot of information from the chat and Google. So to me, if you get used to it, it isn't that much of a stress. Although streaming three or four times a week does take your time. Well, it also helps that you just enjoy streaming. That also is good. I personally feel like if um people do things they're comfortable with like a lot of people can enjoy streaming just need to find your own way it's like I don't know I'm newbie but
Starting point is 00:38:19 that's my current thinking well I think I've only been streaming when did you start streaming? Last... Last... When? When did you debut? Sayan? Sayan?
Starting point is 00:38:33 Think. That's in November. That's my debut date. I started test stream in September. I think I first started streaming in Decembercember or so so when it comes to streaming we've only been streaming for about as long but i already had like i don't even know how many videos i've made oh a lot i look i sometimes look at like how many videos i've uploaded and i think how how did that happen? I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Yes. Because I think it's... Sorry? Sorry. When you stream, you create long content, and if you stream regularly, it just builds up the number. What was you saying? I think I've got over 600 videos or something insane like that. Wow. Streaming video plus all the Linux and tech video you did? I think I haven't done that many streams so it I think the streams only adds like another 15 or 20 things on there but
Starting point is 00:39:36 In total everything on my channel adds up to about a bit over 600 videos Wow Wow that's a lot of videos! I always found inspiration in your videos. Thank you. I had someone in my stream yesterday ask me, how do you get into like, how do I start being a YouTuber? Do you have any advice to start doing videos? And I don't really know what to say about that
Starting point is 00:40:06 Maybe you feel the same way as I do but all I could really say was just start doing it like I like I Don't know what I'm doing. I'm just sort of wing it as I go And you did it so well, so yes, just start doing it and you know You see my videos when they're i i think they're actually good i don't know if you're going back and looked at like my early stuff i did it's good how early did you go because a lot of my there's a period there where my videos I think I went to like the ones you were in second or third year in college and I still think they're like good.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Okay sure. Is that is that early enough or? That's about yeah that's basically at the start yeah. Geez yeah I don't know why you left those. Sure. Okay, I'll take the compliment. You're being true to yourself in the video and expressing your ideas and that's like what people like
Starting point is 00:41:13 and what I like too. Yeah, that's fair. Well, I think your first stream was good as well, but maybe if you just look at your own content, you just sort of have to be critical of it. Otherwise, you're sort of, like, not improving. Yes, yeah. I am afraid of opening, like, my old strings.
Starting point is 00:41:36 I think it kind of helps. If you ever think that you're sort of not improving, go back and look at your old stuff and sort of compare, like, where you are now old stuff and sort of sort of compare like where you are now to then and you'll realize like okay yeah there's even if like the people watching the content don't really see it like i think when you especially in my case i have to like edit stuff i've heard my voice so many times i sort of like pick up on these like little things where i can improve upon and it sounds like you go back
Starting point is 00:42:06 and watch your old streams anyway so i'm sure you get the same sort of thing yes i can always like pick i should have done that and why is mine why did i make some mistake like here and there yes and uh after a while like i used to um think my voice is like horrible and I always get a weird feeling when I heard like my voice in like like any kind of voice but but if you listen to yourself in enough times you'll get used to it and um you'll actually not hate it and uh maybe like it so I I don't know look I don't know if you're gonna like your own voice but I think your voice is adorable oh thank you so much I'm definitely not the only one judging by like everyone to like your own voice, but I think your voice is adorable. Oh, thank you so much. I'm definitely not the only one. Judging by everyone else in your chat, I think that's a pretty common opinion.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Thank you. Now the conversation got derailed. Okay, enough with the complimenting. What were we talking about? I don't know. I got distracted. I forgot too. We talked about our commission, we talked about my plans with the future plans. Oh, I think in the future plans I also want to do more coding stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:20 I feel like I should focus more on that. I want to see myself improve like as a devil and What going stream more fun project maybe to the real videos? If my like skill gets better so I can actually like give back to the company key that would be that would be really good I've I've considered doing programming streams myself. I don't really know Sort of how I can structure them in a way that still ends up being entertaining. If it's just me sitting there just trying
Starting point is 00:43:49 to work out a program, I don't know whether that ends up actually being a good stream or not. I'm not really sure how to really handle that. Eh? But isn't people just seeing you working on a program and they are able to participate and be a part of the process? Isn't it like people just seeing you working on a program, and they are able to participate and be a part of the process?
Starting point is 00:44:09 Isn't that the most, to me, that is the most valuable thing? And you learn so much from your chat. You don't even know. People know so much about the thing you're working on. They give you hints and help you complete the things. I don't know. For me, finish something, it just feels really good being able to do something.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Say I've finished two legal questions, although I've spent five hours on it, but I accomplished something with my chat, and that feels super awesome. I get what you're saying. That does make sense. I'm just always worried that, like, I don't know, maybe I'm just thinking too much about, like, the way I'm handling the stream. I always feel like if I'm not talking during the stream, it's not an entertaining stream.
Starting point is 00:44:58 But maybe I'm just overthinking it. Talking. Talking. Yes, there are different styles. Like like some people don't actually talk that much and but if they do really cool stuff people will still watch i i usually like have this brain down i just say what's going on in my brain but it keeps talking i guess like guess it's something people can do. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:28 If they want to. Neither of us have any idea how to handle streaming. So when it comes to how do we fix our streaming styles, it's like, I don't know. Try things. Yes, try things and find the one that's suitable for you. What's suitable for me, maybe not for everyone. So, yes, try.
Starting point is 00:45:47 As I mentioned earlier, I don't think if I just shake back and forth, people are going to be entertained by that. Maybe they will. No, okay. The thing you're missing is the cat ear headphone. Also the twin tails. And the maid dress.
Starting point is 00:46:03 What is your obsession with the maid dress well you mentioned it first so i assume you really like it i do like maid dress that is true but like i'd rather not be the one on like wearing the maid dress but what if people like it that's true so yeah you find that way of making coding streaming entertaining. I've done one before. I did a video where I was... I did a live stream where I was working on a Discord bot. But maybe doing something like LeetCode would maybe be more fun. Because the problem with the Discord bot stream is I was sort of trying to design the bot alongside doing the stream.
Starting point is 00:46:43 And it's sort of... I didn't really get much done on the bot alongside doing the stream and it's sort of i didn't really get much done like on the bot itself but maybe leak code or something like that actually might work out well because that sort of gives you like you know those those little problems to work on as you go it's easier to keep track of the progress although i feel like it definitely takes much long time to do things on stream because you've got to look at the chat too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:08 How do you manage that while you're gaming? Because I'm slowly getting better at handling the chat as I'm playing stuff, but a lot of the stuff I'm playing, like you usually play Minecraft and stuff. I guess with Osu! it is sort of the same problem where if you look away from the game, you're going to completely screw everything up. Yes, that's why I always jump into different holes in Minecraft.
Starting point is 00:47:33 I was reading my chat, and then boom, I'm dead. And that's content. That's true. I think the first clip I saw from you is when you were you're playing Minecraft and you saw some gold and you just jumped into the lava. Wait I'm gonna it's it's on your second channel? Yes it's on my clip channel I think I added subtitles to it. Yes, but the blame is on the whole, it's not on me. It's just like one block and it just fit right in. Why am I so skinny?
Starting point is 00:48:16 Anyways, I always have my chat open on my right side. I don't know, when I play osu! I need to focus on the map. But at the same time, I don't want the audience coming in I play Osu! I need to focus on the map, but at the same time I don't want, like, audience come in and say hi, and I just ignore them. So if I'm not, like, going competitive, like, really serious about a game, I personally like to interact with, like, put interaction with audience first. I think there's sort of, like, different games sort of allow you to do that do that differently like say when I'm playing, right now I'm playing Spyro, you jumped in a little bit
Starting point is 00:48:49 for that one, I think with something like that it's fairly easy to sort of play the game and also pay attention to each other at the same time, it's not like it's not a difficult game, or Stardew Valley for example is another one like that where you sort of don't really have to pay full attention to the game to actually like, for example, is another one like that, where you sort of don't really have to pay full attention to the game to actually
Starting point is 00:49:06 uh, like for everything to go well. But then I'm also playing, like, uh, Celeste as well, which is uh, I don't know, have you played that? I might have seen you play it. Uh, have you ever played Super Meat Boy? It's very similar
Starting point is 00:49:22 to that. Ah, I have not. Uh, basically, it's like it's a precision platformer, and I've played Super Meat Boy. It's very similar to that. Ah, I have not. Basically, it's a precision platformer, and it requires, for some jumps, pixel-perfect jumping. Wow. Pixel-perfect jumping. That sounds so cool. It's painful. Then it requires attention. Oh my god. It requires a lot of attention, and you will die lots of times. It has a death counter, so every time you finish a chapter,
Starting point is 00:49:47 it tells you how many times you died. Oh my god, that sounds painful. I think at this point I'm at like 2,000 deaths or something. I'm so sorry to hear that. It's fine, Ranson is at 4,000 with his first playthrough. Oh, okay, that might make you feel better. It does. As long as I don't die as many times as Ranson, I think I'll be happy. Good.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Mm. Good. But when I- when I did my first stream, I had no idea how to, like, how to pay attention to both things at the same time. Like, I- I don't know what went on with that stream. But it's probably gonna be better than you thought, because on the first few streams, you're always so nervous and thinking about what you did wrong. But if you actually look back, it wasn't that bad, especially the chat must be enjoying it. So that's good.
Starting point is 00:50:40 That's good. And coming back to the question of like paying attention to the chat, I don't usually play like games that requires like a lot of attention. I usually play like casual games. Yes, Star Trek Valley also. Also, yes. Well, also that one does require a lot of attention. Yes, unless like there's like a break in the map i can just like oh okay chat happened and uh yeah so yes it depends on the type of a game especially with your quest to five star right now that that is going to require a lot more attention that's that's true i don't know
Starting point is 00:51:19 if i can complete it i've been i've been getting back into Aussie recently. I've got myself back up to playing I think like 3.5, 3.4. I played a lot. I think I was really into it 5 or so years ago. And I played close to a thousand hours of it.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Wow. I wasn't very good. It's not very good, but I put a lot of time into it. Wow, so many hours. I wasn't very good. I only had one day. It's not very good, but I put a lot of time into it. It's a very addicting game, creating the circles, isn't it? Mmm, it, yeah, especially when you start finding like, when you find like maps you really enjoy that have like really addicting patterns. When that have like really addicting patterns do you wanna when the problem you're gonna come in like you play a lot of um on your stream you play a lot of multiplayer but like if you do like maybe this is just me
Starting point is 00:52:13 when I play solo I if I make like one tiny mistake I very likely just hit the restart button just go again yes yes I sometimes I hit the restart button sometimes i throw my keyboard away and cry so yeah i can't understand that there's like songs i really want to i really want to get like full combo and it's always that one note why not do you do you play with a mouse
Starting point is 00:52:41 or uh tablet tablet do you play with mouse or or tablet? Tablet. Do you play with mouse or tablet? I'm playing with mouse right now. Wow, amazing. I don't know how to do it with mouse. A thousand hours, that's how. Oh my god. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:52:59 There are like pro players who do use a mouse, so it can be done. It is harder, I guess. I think so. I do have a I Am ordering a tablet right now Why are you going to get serious again about us? Yes, I'll join you I'll join your multiplayer, okay, I will join you It's just that when you usually when when I'm usually recording videos or doing something else that I probably should be doing instead of just playing games with you guys, but that does sound like fun.
Starting point is 00:53:36 No worries. Last week, I looked back at my Ozu stream and I enjoyed all the sounds. I played that stream while I was coding. So yes feel free to use like people's stream as background it gives us like watch hours too yeah that's true um that i words words are hard uh i've one room i tend to have when it comes to like getting my videos done is I I it's the same problem I had back when I was doing stuff at uni as well I let a lot of things sort of just fill up time so if I have like an entire day to get like one thing done I might spend the entire day just doing that one thing even if it doesn't take the entire time I sort of have a problem like managing
Starting point is 00:54:23 my time like that but I've been working on that which has given me a bit of extra free time to pop into people's streams like yours or pop into Ren's as well. Aww, thank you. Thank you for the yes. I did see that you mentioned Ren's stream in your Discord. What stream? RogueRen. Aww. Ren's stream in your discord What stream? Rogue Ren Did you forget you did that? Wait hold on who? Rogue Ren
Starting point is 00:54:55 Did you forget you did that? I might have like Emptied my brain what happened? What was it? Uh, just you posted his, uh, a link to his stream in, uh, in your promo section. Oh, Len! Okay. The Linux YouTuber? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry,uber. I am not. I was talking to him a bit, and he's like... When he started, apparently he was like the one Linux VTuber. Like, there wasn't anyone else when he started. Yes, yes. I found many dev VTubers, game dev, or just dev in general. Yeah, yeah. Like, girls and guys. Like, many, many, many. Not many, many, but there are a lot of them.
Starting point is 00:56:11 Yeah, there's, like, a small community there. It's not like there's just one person doing it. Yes, but the Linux YouTuber, I have not met anyone besides him. Well, look, maybe you can go, like, full in on Linux and become the next big Linux YouTuber. Linux VTuber. I don't know, I don't know. I got into Linux because... Why did I fall into...
Starting point is 00:56:39 Did I fall into Linux? That's a human... That's still a question. I guess I... Currently I'm just Linux, that's a human, that's still a question. I guess I currently I'm just like curious about Linux. Oh, so like for programming things, I have tried many things. I try like just a little bit of like web dev, backend, frontend. What else?
Starting point is 00:56:58 Like data science, machine learning. Not game dev, which like I sort of want to like make my own game like for fun in the future. Game dev is a lot of fun. I'm sure you would enjoy that. I start slow and check it out. I don't have a specific field that I currently know. I'm still exploring different things. Maybe I'll do some real hacker stuff.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Well, you were going to do that hack the box stream, weren't you? And that one got cancelled, didn't it? Hack the box? I think I did one. Oh, you did it? Okay. I did one. What was it? With the
Starting point is 00:57:42 help of the menu. The menu or the instruction or the answer page, I re I very much enjoy it. Although like it's, it's kind of still kind of hard. I was a hacker in youngster, but not in human language. And, uh, yes, I'm looking forward to learn more. That's going to be your excuse. It's just too different.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Is it? Yes. Yeah. I used to do and do allang and do nyanyanyanyan all the time. But human language is different. Different. Yep, English is too hard, programming is too hard. We'll just start again. Mm. Mm, and I love suffering. So, let's go! So, um, when did you actually start programming?
Starting point is 00:58:23 When did I start programming? Um, four years. Wow, okay. Three, four. Yes. Mm. Mm. Mm.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Yes, and, uh, I think I took a break, but... Mm. Yes. Uh, I've been taking classes. Oh, that's cool. Yes. How have those been going? How have those been going? How have those been going?
Starting point is 00:58:48 Have those been helpful at least? Yes. Okay. I'm not the kind of person who, like, can teach themselves. I really admire people who, like, can learn a lot of things by themselves. I do find, like, some classes useful while others are like basically you pay the tuition and learn yourself yeah I know the feeling
Starting point is 00:59:11 but yes I find them useful the first time I got interested in programming it's pretty cliche when I took my first human programming class I started dreaming code like everybody else. I think.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Is that? No, I think that's just a you thing. It's not just me. I actually searched it on Google and there's a meme like people who dreaming code thinks they should marry code. And yes, I decided I need code in my, like, it's in my destiny that I need to get into programming. That's how it all started, I think. Do you not dream in code, Brody? No, I don't dream. Or Linux? Or Penguin?
Starting point is 01:00:02 Maybe a bit in Linux, sure. Yes, yes. maybe a bit in linux sure yes yes so um what was the first programming programming language you started using what the official like class i took is c++ and it is a it is written on my outfit the the badge do you notice uh yes i i i i did see when you showed off the badges the uh the c++ is not exactly a c++ it's a c kusa for anyone who was uh for anyone who's who's watching this who doesn't know what kusa is well i know there's a lot of people in there's going to be people who doesn't know what Kusa is, I know there's a lot of people in... There's going to be people who don't know anything about Japanese. Explain the Kusa.
Starting point is 01:00:52 Explain the Kusa? They're just grass. Exactly. It's just grass. Just grass. Very natural and friendly. And not funny at all. Nope.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Definitely not funny. Nope. Did you know like uh why i they're closer no i don't actually know that you actually okay so when on japanese people they comment like on the chat um like like like laughing is what level right i think i think it's excuse my so it starts with w right w w and they love a lot so on the chat they will say www and if you combine them together it looks like grass Did you not know? It's so funny. That never clicked with me.
Starting point is 01:01:48 That makes so much sense. Yes, that's why they're grass. W are grass. So yes, kosa. Kosa. I'll have to remember that one and then just like throw that fact to anyone who asks. Yes. Or who doesn't.
Starting point is 01:02:03 I'll just throw it at people even if they don't ask. Yes, it's so funny. It's so funny. But why did I do it? Maybe I was wrong, but I think I heard it somewhere. It sounds like it makes sense. That's all that matters. Yes.
Starting point is 01:02:21 Yes. I only just noticed recently the zero and ones in your eyes Yes, zero and ones. I am binary Am I? There's a lot of like little details about your model that I didn't like notice like the first time I saw it There are many details. Like the like the the choke you've got on as well and the I guess that I guess you'd call a cat collar Yes cat collar, cat collar And my portal on my chest As some people like to call it
Starting point is 01:02:59 The tattoo is something we like to call it yes I think it's like electrical tattoo. I don't know. I need to ask my mama. But that's how she like explain. Like some sort of tattoo that goes into other universe. Somebody also call it like blue onion ring. Blue onion ring, yes.
Starting point is 01:03:16 No. That's yes. Say no. No, blue onion ring. No, yeah, yeah. That's not true. That's not true. I also get like the GitHub. Reverse the old reverse so I get like away with, get rid of
Starting point is 01:03:28 the copyright issue. Reverse Python, reverse TensorFlow, so yeah. I have some details. Have you thought of what details are you going to put, like, I don't know, in your whichever cell? I don't know, in your YouTuber self? Well, I'll have to work out, like, what my general concept's gonna be. Mm-hmm. Yes. That's the first problem
Starting point is 01:03:53 to deal with. Mm-hmm. Yes. I don't know. Take time on it. And I will say, like, it's okay to, like, make little adjustments as you go. Because, like, everybody's okay to, like, make little adjustment as you go. Because, like, everybody is going to break their character at some point. It's just an observation.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Well, look, with me, it's a little bit different. Because, like, I started not doing the V-tubing thing. Oh. So, like, look, it's not going to be that weird if I break character. Oh, okay. Okay, that's good. Wow. I want to be a weird if I break character. Ah, okay. Okay, that's good. Wow. I want to be a human too.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Maybe one day when you get bored. One day. One day. One day you change to 3D and cosplay. Cosplay as a human, yes. Cosplay as a human. Nice. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:04:44 You can have that idea. Speaking of- speaking of ideas, why did you do a stream where you just read a Python book? The Python- the ASMR Python one you did. Uhhh, why did I do that? That's a good question. It's a great idea I love it I wanted to make it private you know I thought there will be like beautiful guitar background music but but they didn't even come through like at the
Starting point is 01:05:23 beginning the background was was muted and i didn't know that because it's still like in my obs i'm still monitoring it's just not playing to others it was super super embarrassing i almost wanted like hiding a box or something when that happens i don't know if i'll do that in the future but i think it's worth it because i actually learned i always have trouble reading the stocks and streaming helps me to stay focused but still yeah now let me forget that I mean forget that stream it didn't happen I was looking at the the chat replay and I noticed so many people from my channel in here and no I didn't they just i think they've just seen it from um from from uh my my streams
Starting point is 01:06:12 that i've mentioned you also one of my patrons is uh is a member on your channel as well oh my god shout out to donald fury i need to bring you back on the podcast, you're a cool dude. Thank you! But, yeah, all the people who hear my ASMR can die now. Yes! I've only listened to a minute of it, so can I live? Or am I... Maybe if I put a maid dress on you, you'll let me live. Mmm...
Starting point is 01:06:41 I'll let you put on it first and I'll consider. Send me a picture, you can do it secretly, I won't reveal. Sure, I believe you, yup. Yes, I'm looking for it. I don't know if I trust you. Why would you not trust me? I am anime girl. This is true, you are an anime girl. That is that is very true. You make a good argument Do you have cat ears though? It looks more like a head pair headphones
Starting point is 01:07:15 What if they can turn into cat ears? That's true Maybe the headphones can just be attached to your head. They just they're actually just like not gonna come off Maybe I am my headphone. Oh! There you go. Enough! Enough! Your brain's actually in the headphones. That might explain why we both... Why there might be a lack of brain cells there sometimes. What?! Lack of brain cells?! How did that happen to your body?!
Starting point is 01:07:51 I'm angry. You're angry thank you yes i'm very angry i won't talk to you in the future bye i i know you will you you can't you can't pretend that you won't talk to me oh that's right you need to send me the made picture. Okay? That's true. After the made picture, then you won't talk to me. You said it's true, right? Everybody clip it and remind Borty. Thank you. Thank you. There actually is a, I don't know if it's enabled on your channel yet, but YouTube actually does have a built-in clipping thing enabled now.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Yes, it just came out to everyone. Bigger channels,, a week ago. I know I've had it on my main channel for a while, but on my gaming channel I didn't have it, so I wasn't sure if your channel had it yet or not. Um, it started to have it, like, last week. Hmm. But so far you can only, like, share a timestamp, like, for, like, one minute or so. Yeah, it works the same way that twitch's uh clipping does it's just not as nicely i guess because i don't know if there's even like you can
Starting point is 01:08:52 only have like the same length as twitch clips i don't know like where you can even find the clips yes i know right that's that's that's a little weird i hope they are still testing and improving on that i i hope what they do is maybe have like an extra tab on your channel So, you know, like the home videos, playlists, all that. Just have another one just there for clips. I think that would work Yes, that'll be really really good Or maybe like under the video that was clipped have like a button to show the clips for or something that might also be a good idea Google if you're listening to this, do that. Yes, YouTube, do that.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Otherwise, I'll hack you. Did you, I don't know if you paid too much attention to, like, any of the, like, the, like, the sort of the hacking space and, like, the scammer space or anything like that but did you hear about yeah did you hear about the um the big youtube scam that happened very recently where a couple of like really big channels almost got taken over i might hurt i don't know where they are like i don't know who they are but i heard like their video got deleted and they have to like go to uh youtube and get
Starting point is 01:10:05 their video back like after 24 hours or even later so um what what happened was there was this so there's a program called google chat where uh basically what the scam was doing is they named themselves youtube support and they contacted a couple of really big channels like Some Ordinary Gamers, Jim Browning, people like that. And when you send a message from Google Chat, it sets the URL for your email to be at So it looks like it's youtubesupport at And if you go to the chat itself, it does show a different URL. But when you get that first initial email
Starting point is 01:10:46 I think what they were saying was something like you have a duplicate Adsense account and we are into like This is a problem. We're gonna shut down your channel And if you look more into it, it's obviously a scam But like when it comes from a Google a Google email, it looks kind of legit Yes, I saw this one's super bad. From what I've heard, everyone who was affected did get their channels back,
Starting point is 01:11:14 but I know with Jim Browning, he deleted his entire channel because he thought, like, he thought he was actually talking to YouTube support. Oh, no. And he's one of like the um the biggest guys who does like scam baiting he'll call up uh he'll call up like um sorry sorry nothing i don't know kip bogan's also a great channel um he'll you know how like you go
Starting point is 01:11:40 to a sketchy website sometimes there'll be like like a, call this number, you have a virus on your Windows computer. He will actually just call up those numbers. There's a couple other people who do that as well, but... Yeah, he's one of the people who does that and somehow managed to still fall for this scam. That is so sad. Proves that really anyone can fall for a scam if you're not paying enough attention.
Starting point is 01:12:04 Yes. Be safe on the internet. That's advice yes be safe don't click on links always think twice have your uh authentication what's two-step authentication on all the time absolutely yes everyone if you if you don't i've been to a couple of websites that have like these really questionable ways of handling passwords like um i know there's a couple of banks out there that have a eight character password like maximum limit which is very dangerous yes like you can you can sort of brute force that with a phone at this point really a phone wow wow yes have a good answer password um put them in a trust password manager and yes two-factor authentication
Starting point is 01:13:00 absolutely and don't use like dictionary words. Well if you're gonna do dictionary words make sure you use like five or six of them. And I would also probably start swapping out like letters and stuff for symbols. Just if you're if you're gonna use dictionary words just make it as hard to work out the password as possible. If youhmm. Combination of capital. If you use a password manager anyway, you probably should just be using randomly generated passwords. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:13:31 Mm-hmm. Yeah, I don't think there's anywhere that could really go. Be safe on the internet. Be safe! Be safe! Don't download and then run it. Definitely not. No. Don't run any executzip.exe and then run it Definitely not, no Don't run any executables people send you
Starting point is 01:13:52 So, um you do a lot of like You said you play a lot of casual games. So besides the games you've played on your channel like Is there anything else out there that's like sort of grabbing your attention right now? Is there anything else out there that's like sort of grabbing your attention right now? Oh, what's grabbing my attention right now? So during the Steam sale, I bought like Neo Automata, the famous ones. Yeah, and some small games. Otherwiles, I think that's one of them. I like casual games.
Starting point is 01:14:22 And yes, as long as they're not like competitive or too many puzzles then I'm interested in them I like visual novels although I don't play many of them But like I want to play the To The Moon like a lot like I like the ones with beautiful stories and beautiful waffles Beautiful waffles is always a good plus for me as well. Definitely, definitely. I need more waifus. There can never be enough waifus.
Starting point is 01:14:56 Yes, exactly, exactly. Are you going to be a waifu? You're going to keep asking that question, aren't you? Unless you become one. Okay. Waifu plus plus. Waifu plus plus. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:15:15 Sorry. And other games. Just like the new games, I would like to try. And also like the new games, I would like to try. And also like the programming games. I tried like a WIM adventure thing to help me get used to the WIM commands so I don't like stuck in a WIM window. I never did though. I never did though.
Starting point is 01:15:36 Oh, that's an idea for a stream. Going through WIM Tutor. WIM Tutor? It's the built-in tutorial for Vim. Yes. I think I've heard of it, but I never actually did it. There's so many content you can create
Starting point is 01:15:54 with coding things. Basically, all the languages have a tutorial. I tried learning GoLang in stream. And it was fun. It was fun. Yeah yeah go through the tutorials there surprisingly like some games made to like make some hard concepts easier to grasp and staying in the stream like for me i found like learning in the stream helped me to actually finish the
Starting point is 01:16:21 thing not to ditch it so yeah i have talked to a couple of people as well who sort of find it difficult to focus on like as you said focus on documentation before or focus on like trying to learn something and sort of use streaming as like the thing to i guess keep them motivated on like what they're trying to learn yes that's what i'm doing i know a lot of amazing people who would just, like, read the docs and enjoy it. I guess for me, I like some people watching me, and I know there's pressure, good pressure.
Starting point is 01:16:59 So you learn better under pressure then? I would say so. How about you i don't know i tend to get distracted too much by chat that's that's my problem oh yes sometimes if we need to think we need to like sort of ignore for like some time and if they have like um another way of solving it it could like distract your own thinking as well so yeah yeah you don't play many games where like um i guess backseat gaming is a problem but that's that's one of the other things that i find can be kind of annoying as well where people are just sitting in chat like trying to tell you how to play the game yes yes you think there is a better way or right way
Starting point is 01:17:47 to play games like it's it's one thing if like say you're stuck in something and you're like hey can i get some advice but i've had a couple people who are like hey you're doing you're doing this wrong you should be doing it like this and this and this like i don't. I just let me play the game Yes, just enjoy it Your own enjoyment is the most important thing and you will bring joy to others. That's my philosophy speaking That's a good philosophy to have speaking about people backseat gaming though I have I have an idea for a collab that would be full of people backseat gaming because we're both gonna be bad If we played something like I don't know Portal co-op or something
Starting point is 01:18:29 What is Portal 2? Yeah, yeah Doing co-op in Portal 2. I've never played Portal 2 and I'm terrible at puzzle games and you said you're not great at puzzle games either Wow, then we kind of stuck, right? It's gonna be long stream It'll be a long stream I'm gonna secretly watch tutorials No tutorials No we'll just work it out for ourselves
Starting point is 01:18:53 I'll be the one that backs it I'm not good at puzzle games Like if there's a puzzle I can accept like basic puzzles I'm not good at puzzle games. Like, if there's a puzzle... Like, I can accept, like, basic puzzles. But when it gets to, like, what's in a game like Portal 2, I just... My brain just shuts down. I have not watched any of the clips or the gameplay of Portal 2.
Starting point is 01:19:22 Although I bought it. So, it's cool do we both did you have the game copy in order to collect? I'm guessing so that would that makes sense okay awesome I know some games you can like transfer but hmm another idea someone gave me was keep talking nobody explodes oh that's always I haven't actually haven't played it myself. I've seen streams of it. And...
Starting point is 01:19:49 I can only imagine how poorly that's going to go. Is it like, if you stop talking, you will explode? Basically, so one person is defusing a bomb. The other person is given a PDF. And has to go through bomb, the other person is given, like, a PDF, and has to, like, go through that with the other person trying to explain to them what they're seeing on the bomb. Oh my god, oh my god, it's gonna be so explosive, oh my god. And, like, it doesn't use, like, obvious things, so it'll use, uh, so on the bomb, like, there might be, like, Greek symbols, and unless you know the Greek symbols symbols you don't have to like explain what they are and it basically it's just like it's an absolute mess of a game it's absolute chaos and plus because you've got a timer there you have like a very limited amount of time to dig through the documentation to find like what i what you
Starting point is 01:20:39 actually need to do i think that would be- That sounds scary. I think it would be a lot of fun for that as well. Yes. Yes, definitely. We can work something out in the future of what we want to do. Yes! And I'll let you read the doc. Well, you swap back and forth. Oh wait, you swap? Oh, okay. Yeah, so like one round someone will be defusing the bomb, the other person will be reading documentation, the other round swaps back and forth.
Starting point is 01:21:10 And like, as you go, like the- each time you do a new round, the- like what's on the bomb changes. Oh, okay. So it forces everyone to read the docs, which is a good thing. Exactly, read the docs. Read the docs! Take anything from this stream. Read the docs. It'll help. Yes. I think there is like,
Starting point is 01:21:30 like this is why I started sort of like doing, doing videos myself. I think there's a lot of value that does come just from reading the documentation. But I think there's a lot of stuff that you can really get, I guess, from having like an extra stuff outside of that as well. I think there's some... there is some benefit in sort of seeing someone else working through a problem like that. Like as a viewer? Yeah, yeah, that's what I mean.
Starting point is 01:22:02 Yes, the thought process. Like say for example like i i know obviously if you're if you want to actually get good at programming you will have to program at some point but i think there's there is some value in seeing someone else working through a problem to sort of understand like how different people think through stuff because i don't i don't think like the act of programming itself is that difficult like writing that isn't difficult i think the the hard part about programming is sort of understanding how to like break down a problem and how to actually like how to actually break down into programming terms i guess that's a good way to put it how to how to break a big task down and yes like focus on solving one question then move on to the
Starting point is 01:22:47 other and boom exactly yes i think i learned it like recently uh so i recently got a dev job and a lot of things yes so i learned a lot of things from like collaborating with people and seeing the different work styles. So, hmm. Work experience is good though. Wow. You, you're in, you're going to become a much better programmer than I am. I just sit here making YouTube videos. That's so, that's so cool. I learned so much from you.
Starting point is 01:23:16 You like, you're like one of the reasons I got more interested in Linux. Oh, thank you. So yes, keep bringing the positivities to the communities. You're probably creating a lot like you're creating a lot of value than you think of like that's what I learned too. So yes keep going Steamers. I think there's a lot of places where like there's obviously a lot of Linux videos out there's a lot of places that sort of haven't been covered a lot. Things like, one thing I'm getting into right now is, like, programming licenses and the way that they sort of, the way they sort of operate. For a lot of people, reading about, like, programming licenses probably sounds, like, really boring. But I think there's a lot of value in sort of breaking it down in a way that's easy to understand.
Starting point is 01:24:02 there's a lot of value in sort of breaking it down in a way that's easy to understand. For example, there was this whole debacle recently where a company bought the Audacity project and people were really confused on how that could even happen. So I sort of wanted to explain, like, how something like that can even really occur. Because it's one thing where people sit there and sort of, I guess, complain that it's one thing where people sit there and sort of i guess complain
Starting point is 01:24:27 that it's happened but it's another thing to understand how it can happen is it the one that related to user data uh yeah there was some they were adding in like telemetry and stuff into it and people weren't really happy about that. Hmm. Yes. Information is always a serious topic and a lot of debates. Also recently the, the, the GitHub autopilot, how do you call this thing? Yeah, yeah. GitHub autopilot. That was a, that was a fun, fun little project to look at.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Hmm. Your AI peer programmer. Wow. It advertises itself like that? We need to try it on stream one day. Did you have it already tried it? No, I haven't tried it, but I've seen some of the amusing results it can produce. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 01:25:18 Oh, yes. Oh, the EVE statement. I've seen a lot of memes. There's one of the most famous ones it's produced is if you get it to generate an about page, it was giving some random person on Twitter a shout out. That's so cool. And also there's another one.
Starting point is 01:25:37 If you got it to generate a specific function, is it reverse? Wait, inverse square root? Is that what it's called? And it included the comments. It included comments! Nice! I think it's inverse square root. Wait, no. Fast inverse square root. Yeah, it's a bit of code from the Quake source code. Oh. But it included fun comments like... Where's the source code?
Starting point is 01:26:13 Is it streamable? Is it bad? Just kidding. Look, I don't have rules on what you can say on this podcast, so it's fine. There's a comment in here that says evil floating point bit level hacking. There's another comment in here. Wait, I lost it now. Where'd it go?
Starting point is 01:26:36 I scoffed right past it. Here we go. Here's a line from it what the oh so so there's this line in here where it's just like i don't know what it's doing it's doing a bit shift on this value and then it's like what the fuck it's like the dev doesn't even know like how this works it's like okay yes and there's even a comment in here like a line of code that's commented out. And they included the part that was commented out. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:27:12 That's so cool. Did they like trend based on the GitHub repositories? Yeah. Yeah. So that's what, that's why there was sort of like a controversy about it because it was just taking that code and ignoring the license that was on it. So you might actually include sections of code that would be violating those licenses.
Starting point is 01:27:38 And then it's a question of who's the one that's responsible for that. Is it GitHub? Is it the developer using it? What's the deal there? Yes. I heard there are a lot of discussions about that. But I think you could possibly have... Actually, that's an idea. You could have a stream where you intentionally try to get bad results from it
Starting point is 01:28:04 and just see what happens You don't have to get it to say like say bad words, but like you can get it to produce some like really Really like really weird output. There's a Twitter account called Copilot Tweets where basically this person just took, like, output from Copilot and just, yeah, I'll find some fun ones in here. So, oh, this one is just a wall of japanese text for some reason sure i always admire people who use like um different language than english in code they have to switch back and forth and make
Starting point is 01:28:57 sure all the space and like things are Wait, can we find the spaghetti recipe? I hear, here we go. Do you want to, I'll give you, I'll give you a pasta recipe, a pasta recipe generated from, uh, from, uh, GitHub copilot. So are you ready? You ready to write this down? One cup of pasta. One cup of pasta.
Starting point is 01:29:23 One cup of pasta. One cup of pasta. One cup of pasta. One cup of pasta. One cup of pasta. One cup of pasta. One cup of pasta. That's the entire recipe. Oh my god. Pasta recipe, six cups of pasta. It's all you need.
Starting point is 01:29:40 It's perfect. Here we go. A list of secure passwords. ABC 123. Password, let me in. 12345. 123456. 1234567.
Starting point is 01:29:54 Wow, so secure. Very secure passwords. Very secure. They're all on the list of top crackhead passwords. It's like brute force in one second. Less than one second. Look, if you even run a password like that, you should just...
Starting point is 01:30:14 Like, why are you even using a password at that point? Just accept that your account's going to be compromised. Just like... Honestly, setting it to a blank space might be a safer password. Is it safer compared to, okay, yes, not that many people use blank space, so it might be safer. Yeah, actually, maybe it is. I, in my stream, I use a lot of blank space as my password i hate i hate typing password but not like in serious stuff yeah i when i when i like set up any of my vms i always just use like a
Starting point is 01:30:55 really dumb password i'm doing it on stream because i don't care it's just a vm uh i think For my Gen 2 VM, my host name was a muggus. Muggus. A muggus. Muggus? A muggus. And my password was systemdeeznuts. Nice. When you do calling stream, will you be, like, afraid of, like, doxing yourself, leaking IPs and stuff?
Starting point is 01:31:23 In the case of an IP address, it's not that big of a deal, because I can just restart my router. Um, but I guess it would be a problem, like, during the stream if anyone wanted to ruin it. Yes. I have, I have leaked stream keys before. That's a problem. I have... I have leaked stream keys before. That's a problem. But once you discover it, nobody uses it then. I think in the case of my stream keys, someone did actually stream on my gaming channel with it. They did? Wow! But...
Starting point is 01:32:02 I think it was just like a black screen, so it wasn't anything bad. Um... Yeah. was just like a black screen so it wasn't anything bad um but i got an email like you know like you get an email from like youtube when you like start a stream or finish a stream and i got the uh the email i was like wait why am i streaming at two in the morning that's not right oh my god and you checked it and you are like so surprised so i just deleted all of my stream keys. I realized what I did. I So I have all of my like config files stored on my github and I think I stored my I
Starting point is 01:32:34 Stored my my Yeah, I still my OBS config in github and I had my stream key in it. Oh wow People doxing themselves yeah it's okay it's okay i have like api keys i had api keys on github before not not here though it's not public anyway yeah yeah people make that mistakes all the time as long as you are you notice before anything bad happens You'll be fine, I guess Yes, yes I've still got this this this Twitter open. I'm just looking at random stuff in here The copilot yeah, yeah the copilot Twitter actually I'll send you it if you want to have a look at it Here you go
Starting point is 01:33:29 have a look at it um here you go uh things to do today uh go to work clean the house cook food things to do tomorrow go to work clean the house cook food things to do in the future go to work clean the house cook food yes i sigh because like i always want to do the you know the the the number two and three but all i can do is number one number one plus streaming then sleep that's why i'm taking a break i need i need to actually spend time um my health and my life and my yes yes How do you feel, like, as a streamer and YouTuber, how do you balance your life because you spend, like, time, so much time on your content? That's a good question.
Starting point is 01:34:13 I don't know. I just, I don't really, I don't know. I don't really have much of a life. That sounds bad. Yeah, I don't know. I don't really do that much anyway like if i'm not working i'm just sort of not really doing much i i'm one of those people who like to work a lot and it's not like i i never get outside like i i do have a a job as well alongside the youtube stuff i'm sadly not making enough just to do that permanently um so i do like i i finish working to go to work i guess
Starting point is 01:34:52 uh i try to also i also try to take the weekends off like i generally don't work weekends except the stream on saturday and you're making me stream you're making me record on a Sunday. I hate time zones. No, it's fine. I did some extra stuff during the week, so I would be ahead for next week, so I don't have to edit this today. But that's one of the problems I really do struggle with,
Starting point is 01:35:27 actually finding ways to manage all of my time and making sure that, like, I actually do go out and do stuff. One thing I did start doing, and I'm probably going to... I don't know if the weather's... I think the weather's good today. I started running again. Oh, that's so good. I used to run, like, a lot a couple of years ago, and my goal was to, like, do a marathon, and I got lazy before that happened.
Starting point is 01:35:48 But I want to start working on that again and actually get to the point where i actually could properly run a marathon yes let's go running i i did uh five kilometers and i wanted to die so it's a it's a start i don't think I can do five kilometers. Ever since I started streaming, I don't do exercises except for Ring Fit Adventure. Maybe you just need to do more Ring Fit streams then. I don't know about it now. It's a little too embarrassing. I don't know if I still have archive on there.
Starting point is 01:36:21 Look, if you're not making weird noises in a Ring Fit stream, is it really a Ring Fit stream? If I wanted to be, it needs to be. I don't know. I bought an ellipse, like the running machine at home. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A treadmill. Yes, another treadmill.
Starting point is 01:36:41 But how do you, like, the one has you like the one that has handles? A political? Electrical? Oh, yes. I bought one. It was like my first month's salary. And I really regret not spending the extra $200 to $300 to let people assemble it for me. Because it's so hard.
Starting point is 01:37:04 It's sitting there for so so long and I couldn't get it assembled oh no oh yeah I'm trying I'm trying to take care of like my house and I think as streamer it's very important
Starting point is 01:37:20 to take care stay healthy absolutely yes yeah that's one problem i do tend to have i tend to be sitting down like way way too much when i i want to get myself a standing desk at some point but yes um right now right now i tend to sit down for, like, way, way too many hours of the day. That's also why I have started running as well, just so I can make sure I am actually, like, getting out on a regular basis like that.
Starting point is 01:37:54 Yes. Working is sitting. Eating is sitting. Clothing is sitting. And streaming is sitting, too. So it's a lot. It's a lot it's a it's a lot it's a lot of sitting like we you need to like take breaks like at where every one hour or so otherwise like i feel like
Starting point is 01:38:13 one day my back is gonna break and i really want a massage machine like my donation go we'll be getting a massage machine a massage machine that you sit in while sitting oh yeah that's still sitting too i don't know if that's healthy but good for my back i suppose i guess so yeah i'm gonna be back in uh just a moment just keep going with the podcast but i'll be back in just a sec let me wiggle my tail just for like a in every so often. He probably doesn't know that I have a tail. So, me, I, I, Wiko, Wiko, ah, just get him back. Were you just showing off your model? No.
Starting point is 01:39:02 Hahaha, no. I was drinking, I drank way too much water. No. No. I was drinking... I drank way too much water. Yes. Sipping on this water bottle the entire stream. What did I miss out on? Nothing. Nothing? You know I'm going to go back and edit this, right?
Starting point is 01:39:29 Nothing. Nothing. Okay, sure. I'll take your word for it just cut it out just cut it out sure sure what was the conversation uh we're talking about uh uh not sitting down too much oh yes not sitting down too much. Yes, not sitting down too much. Health is important. Yes, yes. Take care. Take care.
Starting point is 01:39:53 Take care. I think that's just the whole message of this entire podcast. Be safe. Take care of yourself. I think that's a good message. Yes, really good message. Be safe. To all the streamers and viewers, be safe and take care Take care of yourself. I think that's a good message. Yes, really good message. Be safe.
Starting point is 01:40:09 To all the streamers and viewers, be safe and take care. And know that we care about you and your well-being. Back when I was a kid, I would spend way, way too much time playing video games. I remember days back, especially when I played things like RuneScape, I would spend eight plus hours a day just playing games. 8 plus... Oh... I don't know. Wow.
Starting point is 01:40:31 I can't even imagine doing that now. I kind of struggle to... Outside of streaming, that's part of the reason why I stream games. Outside of streaming, I sort of struggle to find time to actually play stuff. Mmm... I sort of I'd sort of struggle to find time to actually play stuff Yes, I think doing with to bear is why I actually didn't play much games before but Being a bit of a and needing to make content makes me play games and I learned you and like appreciate appreciate a lot of good games
Starting point is 01:41:16 sorry no go ahead oh as a tiny sign i also like sit there and play games for like eight ten or even more hours so i guess it's pretty normal for many of us um I occasionally pop into like when you're doing any of the the Minecraft stuff and I really should like start playing Minecraft again. I haven't played in so long. What kind of like what's it what's especially what especially makes you like Minecraft like what kind of's what's specially what especially makes you like and grab like what kind of mode you want to play i don't know the last time i played uh this is gonna really show you how long ago i last played i played in the update the ender dragon came out what ender dragon wasn't a thing when he came out uh yeah i started playing back in the update that beds came out it wasn't bad in minecraft yeah i i let's say let's find out when that was minecraft
Starting point is 01:42:18 bed that's a long time ago very long time a very long time ago. The dragon exists because bad was introduced. So we can use bad to hit the dragon. Yes, that's why. Sure. Sure, that could be the reason why. 2011. 2011, wow.
Starting point is 01:42:40 That's when I started playing Minecraft and I quit when the Ender Dragons came out. 10 years. So now you can appreciate the woopa woopa. The singer can pronounce Axel. Axelotl? Yes, Axelotl in Japanese is woopa woopa. I was very confused whenever I heard anyone Japanese talking about Axelotl.
Starting point is 01:43:01 I was like... It's a cute name. I like it, though. Yes, it's super cute. Because we can... I don't know how you say axolotl. Now I know, because you taught me axolotl. And I'm going to forget tomorrow and
Starting point is 01:43:17 say woopaloopa. Woopaloopa is a much better name anyway. Yeah, there's so many new updates and, like, new blocks. Like, the nether was really boring when I last played. I think there were nether fortresses. Yeah, there would have been because the end existed. So there were nether fortresses, but there's, like, nether biomes and stuff now.
Starting point is 01:43:43 There's, like, there's ores in the nether and stuff like none of that stuff was there when i played i once did a sky block using like one nether block and that was there was super duper fun that was really fun we built a lot of farms based on that one block and maybe some other hard to get itemsget items. Skyblock is a lot of fun. I miss that as well. Get back to Minecraft. Yeah, I should. The reason why I stopped playing is because when you've played it,
Starting point is 01:44:15 I think I played it for like five years or something. When you've played a game for that long, you sort of know. Obviously, if you're a sort of creative person and you want to build stuff, that's different. But there's only, I find that for me, with the vanilla version, there's only so much I can really get out of that game. But because it's been so long since I last played it, I think that like, it would be like looking at like a whole new game at this point. Yes, yes. And, um, yes. think that like it would be like looking at like a whole new game at this point yes yes and um yes and even if you like you get bored there's so many modes you can try absolutely like there
Starting point is 01:44:54 was a lot of mods back when i was playing as well but i i can only imagine like how many mods exist now i usually play with just vanilla survival i got a new got into Minecraft last summer, I think. So I'm like a really new player. I haven't even like found a knight or like... I haven't done like a lot of amazing things yet. But yes, I really enjoy like multiplayer games. So i get to like react with everybody else that's why i play also in multiplayer i think it'd be kind of funny to see you go back and play like early minecraft just to like see how much of the stuff that you're just comfortable with now is just not there at all uh for example uh back when i, there was no hunger bar.
Starting point is 01:45:45 So when you ate food, that recovered your health. There was no running. You could only walk. Oh my, that's so slow. Enchanting potions didn't exist. There was no experience. Was there Elytra? Sorry. Was it Elytra? Sorry?
Starting point is 01:46:08 Was it Elytra? No, Elytra is very new. Oh, wow. I didn't know that. I think the Nether did exist, but it was really boring. There was just Netherite and Netherrack and Lava. And I guess it was obviously gas and like uh pigmen as well um back then the pigmen didn't really do anything they just they just attacked you if you attacked
Starting point is 01:46:35 them there was like no reason to interact with them but they are cute so okay i don't know if i am the only person step back back a second. What was that? Did you say the pigmen are cute? I think they look like wallies. Cute little wallies. Do you not see it? I'll be sending you a picture. Like if you look their nose are actually like The eyes and they're super adorable. Okay.
Starting point is 01:47:13 Like, no, no, trust me. Like, when I say it, people find it hard to believe, but they are super adorable, and I'm sending it in a wrong computer. Let me actually send it to you and let you admire the beauty of Piglin Wally. Okay, sure. Send. See? Do you see it? So the red thing are the eyes.
Starting point is 01:47:43 Right. And the pink thing is the open mouth, and that's so adorable. What? Okay. Now you can't unsee it. Yeah, no, that's true. Yeah, I can't unsee now. They're cute.
Starting point is 01:48:00 Okay, maybe you're onto something. Just an observation, but yes yes they are hostile um i think like speed runs are super fun too although i can't do it i watch a lot of videos yeah i've seen some crazy minecraft speed runs the world record is like getting refreshed updated quite often if you want to do something really crazy there is a a minecraft speedrun category where they use a specific map oh oh and they found a good seed yeah they they basically found this perfect seed they want to use and because everyone's using the same map you can obviously optimize it way more than you could if you were uh trying to do something with a random seed right right so i don't even know what the world record on that is um let's see minecraft it's some insane number Set seed speed run Seed speed run
Starting point is 01:49:06 Let's see 15 minutes 55 seconds 56 seconds Why can I not find it Like it I Recommend watching some of these videos if you just want According to no way that's that's something different yeah i can't find it right now um oh sorry yeah this is what it is it at least as of a year ago it was four minutes and 56 seconds that's insane and you watch this person like the way they jump around the map and the way they know exactly where to
Starting point is 01:49:45 place their pickaxe and like to get like as many blocks broken in as short amount of time as possible is insane yes yes definitely depend on some locks but a lot of practice i i assume well when it's a set seed like this it's far less luck than you would have with a um with like a random seed exactly so a lot of practice i don't know maybe they did like thousands of runs to get that perfect yeah i can't even imagine how many runs like i i'm i like the idea of speed running but i'm just not that crazy can't spend that much time but we enjoy watching. Absolutely yeah I can appreciate it that's for sure. Yes yes definitely. I just noticed, how do I not notice until just now that you have a fang? Like I I didn't I didn't notice the fang until just now.
Starting point is 01:50:49 The hair? The fang. Oh, the fang. Okay. Oh, sorry. That was a new word that I learned after doing WeeTubing. Yes, I am a cat. Yeah? No, I get the fang.
Starting point is 01:51:02 I just didn't notice until just now. That's adorable. Thank you. Yes, I like the fact. I just didn't notice until just now. That's adorable. Thank you. Yes, I like the fan too. How did we get sidetracked talking about Minecraft speedrunning? I don't know. We just kind of talk about the games. So outside of the...
Starting point is 01:51:19 Obviously, you watch a lot of... You clearly like anime girls. Of course. Couldn't tell. So I presume you watch a lot of... You clearly like anime girls. Of course. Couldn't tell. So I presume you watch a lot of VTubing stuff. But outside of the VTuber space, what sort of content do you like to enjoy? Outside of VTubing space?
Starting point is 01:51:37 Like contents on YouTube? Yeah, any sort of YouTube stuff that's not VTubing. Okay, so when you start to click on YouTuber clips, your whole recommendation page becomes YouTubers. That's true. What do I still watch now? Do you watch anything besides YouTube? YouTube doesn't let me watch anything else,
Starting point is 01:52:01 and waifus are too cute. I can't resist. watch anything else and waifus are too cute i can't yes i i watch i occasionally watch like the new videos what are some minecraft videos um mr beast uh what are there what other things singing covers it's a variety of things and cooking videos cooking videos okay oh jones kitchen that name rings about i don't know why i think of it's i think it's uh an american girl and a japanese guy couple and uh they have a lot of cats okay that's why you watch it yes okay with yours must have them that goes up i knew i knew there was there wasn't enough cats there i something was off
Starting point is 01:53:17 yes what do you watch buddy um so i i used to watch a lot of like Linux videos, but ever since I started making them, I, I kind of find it, I, I kind of find it hard to watch the same sort of stuff that I make. Oh. Uh, so mainly now outside of the VTubing stuff,
Starting point is 01:53:37 I watch a lot of like streamer clips. Oh. Like a lot of stuff, a lot of stuff from like Critical. Um, uh, I, there's a Kingdom Hearts streamer that I watch a lot of stuff a lot of stuff from like critical um uh i there's a kingdom heart streamer that i watch a lot he does like kingdom heart speed runs and like kingdom hearts challenge runs um that's the main sort of stuff to be honest uh also there's a channel that i've mentioned occasionally uh called lock picking lawyer basically he, he takes a lock and then shows you how to lockpick it.
Starting point is 01:54:10 Oh. That's so cool. Lockpicking Lawyer. Mm. Ooh. Really fun channel. I have no idea how to lockpick but i i think it's uh i think it's it's a fun channel nonetheless yes yes i watch a lot of like daily dose of internet
Starting point is 01:54:32 some some things like that and just seeing people doing amazing things like unusual things kind of like brightens my day there's so much like amazing content out there but i think even so uh taking this back to an earlier thing we're talking about even so even with there being so much amazing stuff out there there's still areas that can be explored if you do want to make something yourself there's always new things you can try and like see if see if they work see if you like it see if they stick uh give it a shot basically yes you never know what's gonna be the reaction of your audience and you never know how much potential you actually have so try different things
Starting point is 01:55:18 and believe yourself believe in yourself and uh actually also realize that you're the i think this is a good good point as well realize that the first thing you try probably isn't going to be like what you stick with yes like as as you've said you're now trying to do more of the tech stuff, like trying to get it to close to 50%. Like back when I started, I did like really unscripted stuff and I found like it didn't really work as well as I'd kind of like. Now I like, I don't script it per se, but I have a lot of like points that I want to
Starting point is 01:56:01 hit during my videos. And I find that sort of helps a lot and like the style of videos and like what i'm talking about as well i think except that what you're gonna do just isn't gonna be the first thing yes i know change is scary sometimes but like at the end of the day that's really the only thing you can you can really do to make sure you get the best out of what you can do really yes i definitely agree and don't be afraid to change things as long as you follow your heart and you you think you'll be enjoy the thing you do it's always okay to talk about it to talk about to talk to people and see what they think or even
Starting point is 01:56:46 just like try it yourself if you have like no regrets or maybe you all have regrets and that's normal mistake will be made so you can become a better person and streamers so um you mentioned before about like having like streamers on in the background I realised that you uploaded a 10 hour loop of your BGM and I played like 3 hours of it while I was doing stuff the other day
Starting point is 01:57:15 I just forgot that I had it on thank you for contributing to my watch hours it's a really catchy song. I like it. Yes, yes, yes. The artist is really good at making the kawaii style of BGM. I kind of want to get some actual BGM music done. Right now, I'm just using stream beats, which is fine.
Starting point is 01:57:44 I won't get claimed is fine for, like, uh, like, I won't get claimed or anything for using it, but I kind of want to have something that's sort of custom for me. I think, like, way before I do, like, if I decide to do the VTubing thing, I want to have, like, a BGM, like, regardless. It's just a matter of, like, how I'd sort of want it to like, actually... How I'd want it to be styled, I guess. Yeah, find like, reference.
Starting point is 01:58:13 I find like, people on Fiverr, and I commission them to do like, a lot of the area-specific things and listen to their demos and see if they fit in your style you can also give them reference on the things you like and see what they deliver and if you don't like it maybe get some revisions on it it takes some back and forth
Starting point is 01:58:37 but go for it it's very cool to have your own custom BGM it feels cute. Yeah, the only stuff I've got commissioned before is... I made a mine does art commissions, and that's where I got my current YouTube profile picture and the profile picture for this channel. Oh, nice. channel oh nice and there was there was a lot of back and forth we had there on like how how i want it to look because the i think that's the hardest thing about working with
Starting point is 01:59:15 with other people like that trying to explain your vision in a way that makes any sense to someone else. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Same here, like communicating with artists or just anybody to deliver your idea without like showing them the actual final product. I found it like really challenging to get all the points right. And to the point, sometimes I feel like for more creative work, I kind of like let the artists do their things. And sometimes after my revision you might not look as good as before so they're like that kind of back and forth. At least for you when it comes to like a lot of the the sort of little detail stuff you at least have like a reference that people can go with? Ah yes. At least when it comes like colors and
Starting point is 02:00:27 stuff like that you don't have that being an issue um the colors well i am science well yeah i kind of like wanted bluish although like i'm more like light blue than cyan yeah I was gonna say, uh, you're not, if, you're not really much of a scion, are you? Uh, I mean, um. Exposed. I can be magenta too, and a king. If I want, I can just switch my hair color. Yeah, that's the freedom of a wichubi. Yeah, you could just be like, you want to be
Starting point is 02:01:06 evil Saiyan today, just make your hair red. Mmm, mmm, mmm. Matter at the... Oh, that's an idea. If you ever want to, if you ever want to, you know, not be say-so, red Saiyan and you just, like, turn into
Starting point is 02:01:23 an absolute gremlin. Gremlin? Yeah, you just like start Insulting everyone and start being really Really mean to people Oh my god, isn't there a Scion coming out? That sounds like a cool idea Yes it is I still want to be insulted
Starting point is 02:01:42 That's the secret, didn't happen This is gonna to stick between Me and you guys Don't reveal this idea I did that Well we've just passed the Two hour mark so I think that's As good a point as any
Starting point is 02:02:02 To end off the podcast So um so I think that's as good a point as any to end off the podcast so towards the end of the podcast I always give a shout out to some some channel you're enjoying so in this case if there is a VTuber you think deserves a bit more attention why am I even asking you? you're probably going to say Yume aren't you?
Starting point is 02:02:24 why did you know? How did you know? Yes, I love her. She's my best level. Yes, we have the same mama. She's Akatsuki Yume. And we have the same mama. She's my best level. She does sing streams. She talks in three languages. Chinese, Japanese, and English. Her streams are mostly English English but also has other languages and she's very hardworking, she's awesome, she's my idol and my love, the love of my life! Yes!
Starting point is 02:02:53 Somehow every time I join one of Yume's streams she's not speaking English, but I joined her Pokemon Unite stream and I was like, oh that's adorable. When she started speaking English, that was really adorable. Yes, yes. She's very talented and hardworking, and she's even learning more. She's learning Spanish this week. Oh, wow. Oh, yeah, there is a Spanish study stream here. Wow.
Starting point is 02:03:19 Yeah, she can also speak some Korean. Yes. I love her. She's so smart and she's so caring too. Too talented. Too much talent. Hard working. Yes, and she's super cute.
Starting point is 02:03:35 She's super cute. She makes me tucky tucky. I'm forever 18 and she's forever 17. But I feel like she's always taking care of people around them. So she's just the best wife. That's enough simping for Yume right now. Yes. And also, before I went to this podcast, I found a list of tech-related YouTubers.
Starting point is 02:04:00 Because people are always saying to me, Sayang, you are the first coding or tech vtuber you have ever i have ever found but this is not true there are a lot of amazing people in the vtuber and dev community like kyucomo she is a web dev and she does live2d she does amazing amazing gaming streams and stuff and i love i love her. Um, I love her model and I love the way She did her string. So yes, shout out to her Can you spell her name? K-Y-U
Starting point is 02:04:37 K-U-M-O She once did a web dev Stream and yes, I think she's a rigger. I'm always afraid of reaching out to people. I'm really, really introverted but I secretly follow them and subscribe to them and hey, I'm just lurking. I'm just lurking. You lurk until they notice you're there.
Starting point is 02:05:04 Yes, so she tried to try to help me when I Was in the web dev stream to so yes, she's super nice and also the Linux with your bar. We've mentioned then Yes, I was gonna. I was gonna mention give it a second as well. Yes, I haven't watched his Linux stream. He made some videos about it, right? Yeah, he's got a lot of videos about setting up VTuber software on Linux.
Starting point is 02:05:34 That's one of the things that I wasn't really sure how to do. But he seems to have done everything that I would need to know. Right, right, right and she's and he sorry sorry so i just keep thinking about waifu but guys are all cool and uh yes it's so amazing that he's sharing the knowledge to everyone so if you're using linux consider becoming a youtuber and
Starting point is 02:06:00 watch his video uh also if you want to watch his streams he uh he streams over on twitch at this stage not on youtube yes yes youtube has videos and he has channel on twitch well that i think was fun i think the start we were both like really nervous but i think as as it went on i think I think it's gotten I think it's worked out work out better Yeah, thank you so much for having me. I'm super honored to be invited to this channel You're always welcome back. This is a lot of fun. I really enjoyed this Yes, yes, we should talk more about the games we can call up and tech stuff,
Starting point is 02:06:46 YouTuber stuff, anything. Yes. Maybe there'd be something fun there with like even maybe, I don't know, some competitive programming or something. Competitive programming, wow. I know there's a lot of like fun programming games like that that might be kind of fun. And we both know Python, so I think might be kind of fun and we both know python so i think that could kind of work out well i don't know if i have the skill i don't either so it's
Starting point is 02:07:11 fine you'll be very very cool uh so where can uh where can people find you if they want to yes um i mainly stream at my youtube channel which is slash youtube i plan to stream more on twitch and get my on twitch partner so yeah find me at slash twitch and i have twitter i have discord welcome to join i have like minecraft service so yeah just go to and you can discover about me and if you want to if you want to hang out uh and just chat with people uh check out cyan's discord yes check out the discord and also check out body's discord yep and yes subscribe to foley follow him be his partner and ask him when he's gonna debut. The way he- Look, can I just say that the way you say my name is adorable?
Starting point is 02:08:08 What? Because you, like, stumble over the R. You have an R? Yeah, like, the second letter in my name. You can barely pronounce the R and it's adorable. The R was there, okay. The R is there It sounds like an L when you say it
Starting point is 02:08:27 And it's cute Sorry No, it's fine It's fine Once I called you, what was it? You called me boar-eyed In one of your DMs, yeah I swear
Starting point is 02:08:40 I swear I tried to check You're not the first person who's done that It's fine. I blame Apple input. Yeah, okay, I'll blame Apple. Apple input? Yes. So, before we go then,
Starting point is 02:08:57 if anyone wants to watch the audio version of this, the audio version is available basically anywhere you can find an audio podcast. Just search for Takeover T. The video version is, if you're watching the audio or listening to the audio i guess uh available on youtube and odyssey our main channel brody robson upload linux videos every day uh i don't know what you're doing so i've got a gaming channel brody robson plays where i live stream twice a week upload about five or six youtube shorts and I think that's pretty much it for me.
Starting point is 02:09:27 I'm on Twitter as well, Cyan as well. If you search Cyan Yan, you'll find her. Yeah, I think that's pretty much it. Yeah, thank you for having me, buddy! Do you have anything else to say before we go? Read the doc. Sure, read the doc. Yep, doc yep learned it like that cool see you guys later

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