Tech Over Tea - #91 Chatting Shit With An Old Mate | Donald Feury

Episode Date: December 1, 2021

It's been ages since Donald was last on the show but he's always a lot of fun to talk and since he was last on and stopped making content a lot of awesome happened in his life. ==========Guest Links==...======== Website: ==========Support The Channel========== ► Patreon: ► Paypal: ► Amazon USA: ► Other Methods: =========Video Platforms========== 🎥 YouTube: =========Audio Release========= 🎵 RSS: 🎵 Apple Podcast: 🎵 Spotify: 🎵 Google Podcast: 🎵 Anchor: ==========Social Media========== 🎤 Discord: 🐦 Twitter: 📷 Instagram: 🌐 Mastodon: ==========Credits========== 🎨 Channel Art: All my art has was created by Supercozman DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation.

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Starting point is 00:00:01 Good morning, good day, good evening. I am, as always, your host, Brodie Robertson, and today we are back for episode 91 of Tech of Tea, and it's very rare nowadays, but I have a guest. Not because I decided to actually go and, you know, ask Donald to come back on, he actually sent me a message. So, hi Donald, how you doing? Welcome back to the show. Hello, hello, how y'all doing? Welcome back. What is that cup you have? I can't see the full name there. Mattermost. I can't remember if I ever told you the one time I tried to be a good developer and contribute to open source. Um, maybe, but I don't know if it was on the podcast. Well, yeah, the project I contributed to was MatterMiz,
Starting point is 00:00:47 which is basically an open source Slack alternative. Ah, okay, here's a mug. I was like, okay, whatever. Yeah, look, everybody, every company is going to try to send you mugs, send you stickers. I don't know why. It seems like they just,
Starting point is 00:01:01 they buy them for some reason and then aren't really sure what they need to do with them like every company that i speak to like you want some stickers like no i've got enough stickers thank you they just go straight in the bin water bottles i don't want to be your walking advertising billboard all right yeah well there is that as well like when they're actually you know well-designed stickers well-designed water bottles whatever that's cool but what it's just like hey we just took a shirt and we stuck our logo on it like okay i know i know this is your employee uniform but i don't want to i don't need it like i'm good yeah the company i work for they started like he did like a little rebrand and they gave everybody out these merch packs everyone's like oh wow i'm like hey um i'm throwing this in the trash because i'm not
Starting point is 00:01:51 fucking wearing this i know i had like a vaulty water bottle sitting somewhere around here i've literally never used it oh yeah and oh god i still remember the pens i got from them the fucking blue pens like what do you like what why did you send me these what do you not need blue pens in your office like why are these here i was confused about it because didn't you like you didn't make like a glowing review about them it was like yeah no okay, you're okay. I mentioned that they exist, and at the time, I had what? I think I had like 10k subs, which in the Linux world
Starting point is 00:02:31 isn't small, but it's certainly not like a big channel. Yeah. Anyway, how you been doing, man? I'm pretty good. Been running my ass off in between work and moving and kind of ran out old house now. Now, I can't wait till I move. In a couple of months, I'm finally out of this house into a bigger place.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Honestly, it's going to be nice. What made you decide to move from your old place? We needed more room. Yeah, yeah. decide to move from your old place uh we needed more room yeah yeah so because we both work remote right there was no real reason for us to be like in a more urban area so we we kind of moved out it's not the boonies but it's a lot further out than where we were at yeah i don't know what like why so many people are still trying to move into the cities like you unless you have a job where you actually need to be physically there just go somewhere else it's cheaper you don't need to be living in like
Starting point is 00:03:32 silicon valley oh as well so the my wife knows somebody who lives in California. And when he moved out of the apartment he was in on his own, I think his monthly rent for not a big apartment, like a regular size studio apartment or something. I like how studio apartment is regular sized in a place like that. His rent is almost as much as the mortgage on both of my houses. Fuck you. Oh, my Lord. Yeah, so I'm share housing right now,
Starting point is 00:04:16 but if I was paying all the rent by myself, I think it would be some in the range of like $1,200 Australian, which puts it around like 900, a thousand us. Yeah. That's a, uh, then this is for an entire house.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Yeah. The mortgage on this house is about 1200. I never understand. Like I'll talk to some like Americans. I know who live in like very urban areas. And they're like, Oh yeah, my rent's like $4,000 a month. Like,
Starting point is 00:04:47 what do you mean your rent's $4,000 a month? What does that even, what do you mean? What is, what is minimum wage there? What is, and they were like, Oh yeah,
Starting point is 00:04:58 I don't, I work in like a restaurant. Like, do you have any money outside of rent? Like, what do you mean? Probably not. They'd probably get uh supplementary income even a little bit man that i can't even imagine wanting to like actually wanting to do that
Starting point is 00:05:16 no i don't i don't like the only reason like the only reason we moved where we moved initially was because of my job. Right, right, right. I kind of get the whole, you know, the whole city life thing. If you're a person who likes to go out and do things. But besides that, like, you're just around traffic all the time. It's not a nice place to be. Traffic and assholes. Yeah, it's true.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Hey, look, you're gonna get assholes everywhere, but at least when there's less people in your town, they are more physically distanced from you. You see less of them in a day. So you're saying you have two places now, so you're renting out one of them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:08 That's been an interesting process because I've never done it before. In fact, I'm using... I was trying to find what to use to actually do the rental posting and application management, blah, blah, blah. Apparently, I found out Zillow has a rental manager application. Right, right, right right which is why which
Starting point is 00:06:26 is i am using so you're you are doing it through like uh i guess it would zillow be considered like a real estate agent in that case or how you use it like a private rental how you managing this i guess i wouldn't i wouldn't really call it a listing like a real estate agent because real estate agent would be like someone that helps us get the process for like getting like this house or the last house this is just like I guess it's almost no different than
Starting point is 00:06:54 when you like post stuff up on like Etsy or something marketplace or something but in terms of like there was a cost associated with putting it up there but in terms of uh like there was a cost associated with putting it up there but in terms of like the handling of onboarding somebody you basically have to do the whole thing yourself right right right so you don't have like a property manager for it you're
Starting point is 00:07:15 sort of in charge of that okay right that's what i was sort of trying to get at yeah i thought about it because the house is about 35 minutes away. I was like, it's just one house. I don't think I need a property manager. Right, right, right. All the places that I've lived in since I moved out of home, they've been private rentals where the person renting out actually lived in the house, which is always fun. Not for me. Maybe it's fun for them
Starting point is 00:07:47 um yeah but i i get why you wouldn't like i know the i know why you might want to have a property manager because then you have like a sort of barrier between you and like the the person actually living there but obviously the property manager is going to have like an overhead and that's going to eat into the the rental uh the the rental income you're gonna make from it and all that sort of stuff yeah i also see where it's more useful if the property that you're trying to rent out like has a bunch of issues with it and they're gonna be literally harassing you like every month because shit's falling apart yeah that's fair like that yeah that house is fairly well maintained minus the ac central air getting its ass kicked by our two long-haired cats ah yeah that'll do it so what would you actually keep the place then just because you had the extra money to
Starting point is 00:08:37 be able to like afford it yeah it's long term it's the more financially beneficial move i think if you were willing to put up with doing it because you know if i were to sell the house even though selling the house now would be a bad deal because i don't know if you've ever seen i don't know if you've seen the real estate market over in the u.s right now but holy it's pretty bad here as well it's not as bad as the u.s but yeah there are some sections here like uh if i go a suburb over the houses minimum for absolute like shitholes that are falling apart 500 000 that's really high in my area like you you'll see like a uh like a a shithole if you put it like next to like i don't know the beach or next to the river it would just be like the cheap holiday home it'd be like that place you spend like i don't know
Starting point is 00:09:29 a hundred dollars a night it's like falling apart the the doors are hanging off things like that and it's five hundred thousand dollars the um what was it the when we got that house initially, I got it for like $92,000. And like right now, the estimate for it is like $60,000 more or something. The only thing that's different about the house is it has a new roof. The tree fell on the back of the house at one point. Yeah, that one's really been a bit of a good upgrade then. But whenever I've been going through this process, and maybe I didn't,
Starting point is 00:10:08 maybe I should have expected this because the last two years have been kind of fucked anyway, is I didn't realize, because when someone applies, it charges them to do a background check and a credit score check. Right. And I don't know how credit score stuff works down yonder,
Starting point is 00:10:27 but here, like, the way it kind of goes is like 600 is like average 700 is good 800 is like your jesus basically when it comes to credit score stuff uh i can't i was surprised how many people when they put in a thing and i would look at their credit score, it's like 500 or below. That's like, yikes. Most banks would probably have a hard time doing business with you at that point. I'm trying to
Starting point is 00:10:56 bend to sort of not take that into a whole lot of account because the whole last year and a half or so, I'm screwed a lot of people's debt and finances up. Yeah. I'm looking at it right now.
Starting point is 00:11:11 So according to can Dot a U below average would be zero to 505. I really hope you don't have a zero action. Zero credit score is not that bad. Cause that means you just don't have a credit history. If it's above zero, but lower than 500,'t have a zero. Actually, zero credit score is not that bad because that means you just don't have a credit history. If it's above zero but lower than 500, that's a problem.
Starting point is 00:11:32 506 to 665 is average. 666 to 755 is good. 756 to 840 is very good. Then 841 to 1200 is excellent. So I don't know if that's the same scale as in the u.s but that's that's what it has here yeah that's pretty close give or take about 10 or 20 points at least anytime i've looked at stuff i haven't looked at buying a house i just occasionally like you know check out you know the the real estate website see what see what there is around um see what i'd be looking to pay if i
Starting point is 00:12:04 want to buy a place i think it's confusing as shit in the u.s too i don't know if this is the case down and down there is uh there's three different companies that think that track credit scores yeah no um this has equifax experion. Yeah, so I guess it's the same then. Well, those are different, but yeah. Your credit score can be very different between all three of those.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Yeah, I've been trying to, like, because I do want to buy a place at some point. I don't want to be renting my entire life. I know people who've done that and it's just like, why? Especially when a lot of people the rent they're paying is basically what they would pay as a mortgage anyway yeah that's uh that's actually part of the reason why we got the first house was our rent at our first apartment was like 700 and some i think and when i i never we didn't look for a house for a long time because we had this stigma oh it's it's gonna be really expensive yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:13:14 then we finally talked to uh somebody who was a loan coordinator he was like oh well given your credit score blah blah blah it would it would come out to be about 600 i was like what you mean it's cheaper to have a mortgage but okay yeah the barrier to entry is like the the deposit and having the credit score like that that's what stops a lot of people because you know like it i can totally get why you know you can afford to pay you know i don't know 200 a week in rent let's say 250 a week in rent but you don't have you know you can afford to pay you know i don't know 200 a week in rent let's say 250 a week in rent but you don't have you know 20 000 as a deposit like that totally makes sense that's why there's um a lot of places have what's called a called a first-time home buyer
Starting point is 00:14:01 yeah we have a first-time home buyers grant low i, we have a first-time homebuyers Grant blow. I don't know what it's called It changes everything Yeah, basically where you can Basically get a loan with somewhere between like no down payment and like a really really low down payment. That's how we got the first house Let's see. So If your first time by you may be eligible for the first home buyer grant of up to $15,000. If you are buying or building a new home. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:33 That's the thing that catches people here. If you're buying a, like a new property. So something like some new development, um, or you're building a place, uh, and that home will be your principal residence if you're going to live there. But yeah, that's what stops a lot of people because
Starting point is 00:14:51 a lot of the cheaper houses are going to be old I don't know what do you call it in the US? Government housing? Oh, probably. Yeah, it's like, we call it shit, what are we I don't know, now I forgot the term for a trial it's the old government housing like this
Starting point is 00:15:09 like the 70s that's kind of like falling apart they've had you know all manner of tenants come through that right i haven't looked after the property a lot of those places actually get built uh like they get um like done up and a lot of those places actually get built Like they get Like done up And a lot of them are actually really nice now And they sell still pretty cheap Because the you know The area they're in Has this
Starting point is 00:15:31 Has this stigma of being You know kind of shit area But a lot of those A lot of those shit areas Because they're so cheap A lot of like younger families are moving there Oh sorry I cut you off You were saying before Speaking of House, do you like the
Starting point is 00:15:47 wacky-ass color scheme from my office? Yeah, I was... Oh, is that purple? I couldn't actually tell that. Yeah, it's like a deep purple. Okay. I just noticed the bunch of crap you have sitting around and I didn't even notice the wall colors.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Yeah, that's shit. I ain't gonna package it yeah I know that feeling what's that uh yeah that one there that is a mixed media piece that uh Bone my wife made back in college
Starting point is 00:16:19 and it's based off me when I had a thing for steampunk back in college oh it looks pretty cool it's basically kind of like it's basically me based off me when I had a thing for steampunk back in college. Oh. It looks pretty cool. It's basically me wearing a lot of my steampunk stuff with, like, hats made. It looks like a chimney pipe. There's smog coming out of it.
Starting point is 00:16:37 My teeth is, like, charcoal. Goggles are, like, a clock and vents and stuff. Hmm. Are you going to try to hang that up somewhere or you just get to like leave it on the floor i'm gonna hang it up somewhere i am not excited for the whole packing and moving part like the the being at the new place sounds great but like the packing and moving at least okay my benefit is i haven't lived in like a full house in a very long time so the first time i moved it was a pain in the ass because um my sister my mom and me were all moving
Starting point is 00:17:13 out of that place to do our own things uh my mom now lives with her partner up in uh up in the riverland but anyway um moving out of that was a pain in the ass. But now that I've been living in a room for a while, it's a little bit easier. But you'd be surprised by how much shit you can fit in a room. We still have crap at that old house that we're like, what is this? When did we get this? Why is it here?
Starting point is 00:17:46 Yeah, I've run across stuff like that. Um, I've got a... You can't see it from... from here, but I've got a... toolbox that's falling apart that I think I made when I was, like, ten? Like, we had, like, a woodworking class, and I... For some reason, I still have it.
Starting point is 00:18:02 It... Like, if I move it you can see the side panels like falling off you have to like pop them back into place to make sure they don't fall out but hey I'm not buying a new one it works I'm not throwing it away I made this
Starting point is 00:18:17 absolutely actually I can't throw it away because if I try to throw it away my mum's going to be like can I have that like sure you can have it if you really want to. I thought she'd be like, no, bro, don't throw it away. You made that. Yeah, she'd do that as well, but then she just... Because they've got a much
Starting point is 00:18:36 bigger property there. They've got, like, two or three acres, so, like... And a really big shed. For a while, they're actually renting out half the shed to source someone's glider. That gives you a reference to how big the shed was. God.
Starting point is 00:18:57 You'll have to tell me about how you do stuff on Tech Over Tea because of this podcast me and a co-worker are starting so um god my setup is jank um so i've got a the main way i get the the video capture so i've got my on my main screen the discord window um set up into grid mode um then basically I in OBS I take two inputs from that that window and then I crop out the cameras and just stick them like on my overlay there's nothing really fancy going on my overlay the overlay is just like it's a PNG with a whether the webcams would be just cut out and then cameras just put behind it basically um yeah my setup's
Starting point is 00:19:46 pretty basic in that regard like there's not much else i think that's really noteworthy oh i do put my my audio on different layers so your audio on my audio on separate layers just if i need i don't know i need to like raise and lower volume levels things like that um i can do it you know you can do it if they're on the same track it's just it's not as easy if they're separate right um or if there's like you know an audio issue or something like that in some cases you can you can sort of recover it when it's like that or you can just i don't know make make something happen i guess sometimes i'll have like a a backup recording like some guests i've had they've actually like recorded their side themselves so if something
Starting point is 00:20:28 goes wrong like you can always replace it like that i think that's actually a a good idea to do like actually having both people record it uh just in case something goes wrong because you can always like even though you have to like sync shit up it you can you can get the the same basic uh same basic result from it uh when they are split up like that what do you use for uh distribution uh what do you mean like like putting them on different platforms and stuff oh um so i do everything uh through a platform called Anchor. Anchor is a Spotify service. Basically, they will do all of the magic of getting the podcast out there.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Because it's fine for most platforms. Like getting onto Google Podcasts, getting onto... Actually, what do we have on here? I actually don't know what the full list is. Google Podcasts, Overcast,, actually what do we have on here? Actually I don't know what the full list is. Google Podcasts, Overcast, Breaker, most of them are completely fine. The one that you want to be on, that is a
Starting point is 00:21:33 pain in the ass, is Apple Podcasts, because Apple is the dumbest company on the planet. So to get a podcast on Apple Podcasts, you need to have a verified Apple account. Whichs, you need to have a verified Apple account, which means that you need to have an Apple account that has made a purchase.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Why? I don't want to make a purchase to put a podcast on your stupid platform. But if you do it through Anchor, there's other services that do it as well. They handle all that stuff for you and then automatically, they give you an RSS feed and it as well. Um, they handle all that stuff for you and then automatically, uh,
Starting point is 00:22:06 like they give you an RSS feed and stuff as well for that. Anchor is also free as well, which is nice. Um, and being in the U S there is a, um, they have like an ad program as well where they can like hook you up with like,
Starting point is 00:22:23 you know, sponsors that might want to work with you if the thing gets big enough um that's not available in australia at this point i believe unless they've changed it also anchor has a monthly sub attached to it as well if you want to use that it's just like an optional thing um oh that that actually wasn't there before. They added to that very recently. Yeah, that's the main stuff for that. For the... Like, the video uploads, I just do... I don't know if you want to do video uploads,
Starting point is 00:22:57 but for the video uploads, I just do those manually. I just put them on YouTube and Odyssey and wherever else I want to put them. Oh, with the... Sorry? I just put them on YouTube and Odyssey and wherever else I want to put them. Or I'll use it as an excuse. Sorry? I was going to say, or I'll use it as an excuse for one of those ideas I have about syndicating videos everywhere. Yeah, well, you were working on something like that for streaming ages ago. And then you needed to go get an actual job.
Starting point is 00:23:22 And then you... I don't know if you ever finished that project. you needed to go get an actual job and then you i don't know if you ever finished that project and then i then it same thing happened to it that happens to millions of other developers which is it got thrown in the discarded projects right okay yeah that makes sense um so with all of like the the little podcast apps like anchor and things i don't um of like the the little podcast apps like anchor and things i don't um antenna pod antenna pod things like that um a lot of those apps it will say they're not like in the list on uh on on anchor but a lot of those services they basically just pull everything from apple podcasts so okay that's why you want to be an apple Podcasts because everyone who isn't using their own feed management stuff
Starting point is 00:24:09 just pulls from Apple because I guess Apple just opens up the API. Okay, that makes sense. Let's see, anything else? I don't think there's anything else too crazy that I could mention? Do you have anything specific you are not sure about? No, I think the main question I had was
Starting point is 00:24:34 about the distribution method. Most of the other stuff, I think we already have ideas because we already have name, we already have we're trying to work on the branding, we're trying to work out when to do it, we already have name we already have we're trying to work on the branding we're trying to work out when to do it we already have a spreadsheet of topics to cover which the like the brief summary of what we're probably going to be talking about is basically just like the podcast is going to be
Starting point is 00:24:58 called off the clock basically he'd be damn kind of talking about like like stuff we've done like in work and things relating to work and also things to do to get you where you don't have to fucking work hopefully at some point all your money into dogecoin know what you do is you just follow Elon Musk on Twitter and you just bother him about your favorite project and then eventually you might tweet about it I made that joke to him once when we were chatting and one on ones I was like just I actually said the same thing I was like just follow
Starting point is 00:25:33 just follow fucking Elon and as soon as you see him tweet about something just just make sure you're all in right before that happens yup you know how many projects I'll see in Elon's replies. Like, hey, can you talk about me?
Starting point is 00:25:50 No, shut up. Stop trying to get... I don't know how Elon Musk has not been contacted by... Has not been contacted and has not been barred from talking about crypto on Twitter
Starting point is 00:26:05 Because he is openly manipulating the market And nobody gives a shit There's a reason why he's not allowed to talk about He's not allowed to talk about Tesla on Twitter Without going through like A board of people that validate the tweet Because he's gotten in trouble
Starting point is 00:26:22 For manipulating the Tesla stock before But he openly does it with crypto And no one cares the tweet because he's gotten in trouble for manipulating the tesla stock before but he openly does it with crypto and no one cares like he's even encouraged to do it no no one cares except the the hordes of them swarming around him like flies on shit hoping he talks about him no one cares except the the people except the projects that he shits on. Yeah. Like, that was what... I think he said... What was it? I don't own any Shiba Inu or something.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Some random... I think it might have been that one. And the price is... And I used to be going like... I am... I kind of like the state of the shitcoin market at this point but there's going to be so many people
Starting point is 00:27:09 that are getting burnt over the past couple of years I got into crypto I think it wasn't at the bottom of COVID but it was just after it started coming back up and at that point,
Starting point is 00:27:25 you could make money by literally putting money into anything. Everything went up. It didn't matter what you put money into. Literally anything. Like you could find just some shit coin project and it made you money. But we've moved past that
Starting point is 00:27:39 because markets have recovered to a level where they're not just 200% the gutter like when everything's 200 in the gutter it's easy to make money um but because of that because people have this idea that it's still super easy to make money with crypto you have a lot of these projects that are coming out that are like uh fucking rap dog um which actually that's not me making one up that actually was a thing that existed rap dog and all of these dog themed coin and all these other random shit coins that are all being like yes this is gonna go to the moon we don't
Starting point is 00:28:13 actually have any foundations to why our coin is good everything is powered by meme economics that's the only thing that's holding this coin up. While I'm on the topic of ranting about that, I want to tell you about a coin that you may have heard of. I hope you haven't heard of it because it would be funny if you haven't. Where's the website? Here's the website. Okay, I'm going to show it on
Starting point is 00:28:42 the screen. Where's my Discord window? Did I close it? I closed it. Yes, I did. Here we go. Oh, no. This is Shark Girl
Starting point is 00:28:57 token. Who are totally not going to get sued by Cover Corp. Oh, my god, dude. Do you want to know what the best part about this is? What is that? It's so openly, allegedly a scam,
Starting point is 00:29:14 that if you click on the link to the white page, it doesn't have a link attached to it. It's just a button. It's just a button that does nothing. It's not even pretending. This is actually not allegedly a button. It's just a button that does nothing. It's not even pretending. This is actually not allegedly a scam. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:29:32 There are so many examples of this I could show you. But you can actually buy this coin. You can buy this. You shouldn't. Because the price went into the gutter. Because of course it did currently it is worth what how many zeros is that one two three four five six so how many wait is that a four hun wait 400... Wait. 400 thousandths of a percent.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Something like that. Of a dollar, sorry. But hey, the price went up. Does Gura know about it yet? Look, she probably does. She probably does, but she's probably not allowed to mention it. Okay, maybe I should have reworded it, has she publicly acknowledged it? Oh no, definitely not, no. No, I don't think Kava's going to until they sue it.
Starting point is 00:30:42 The crypto market is a meme. until they sue it. The crypto market is a meme. The only, like, crypto involvement I even have now is because I have, there's a service called BlockFi. The name's ringing a bell.
Starting point is 00:30:59 I'm not sure why. I keep talking about it. I'll just bring it up. Their initial thing is they basically have these, like, crypto in, like, interest accounts. accounts oh it's one of those yep okay yeah yeah basically i just have i think i converted like a bunch of bad i had at one point into the theory i'm chucked it in there okay yeah if it's gonna be your coin that you got for free hey who cares
Starting point is 00:31:19 yeah um it's gotten it's not like a ton of interest but it's like way more interest than you get from a fucking savings account yeah that's fair they also uh they released their credit card that it's a rewards credit card that rewards you in bitcoin i i saw you had a thing on there about credit card rewards yeah yeah okay tell me about
Starting point is 00:31:54 credit card rewards yeah I was like actually after I put that I was like wait isn't like doesn't like Luke Smith like meme on that or have like a big rant about like he abuses the fuck out of you at one point he has like a big rant about like he abuses the fuck out yes yes he does he has like a big uh a big list of uh different uh cards you could get to abuse it yeah well i don't know if he explains why you could technically why they're abusable
Starting point is 00:32:16 but so for brief i guess intro to abusing the fuck out of credit cards for somebody. So, everyone's probably heard of rewards credit cards, right? You use them, you spend money, you get something back. Also, a lot of credit cards like those tend to have introductory offers where it's like, hey, if you spend $1,000
Starting point is 00:32:40 in the first two months, we'll give you $200 credit or something. Now, the thing is that if you're responsible with using a credit card, especially after seeing some of those credit scores, people don't do that very well, you can essentially just use these, get a bunch of free money, and not actually have any of the downsides to it. Because something I learned more recently,
Starting point is 00:33:04 this is not financial advice, by the way, is... That's very important. This is not financial advice. This is just two bearded dudes on the internet. As far as I understood, because I asked a couple of people, tax professionals, about this, I was wondering, well, hold on.
Starting point is 00:33:21 I'm actually getting a decent little extra side income from doing this. Do I have to record this on taxes? And the answer is, depending on how you get it, but most likely the answer is no. And that's because
Starting point is 00:33:36 if you have to spend money to get the reward, it's not considered income. It's considered a rebate right okay and in that case the IRS is like well at least for now the IRS is like eh yeah
Starting point is 00:33:52 I don't think there's that many people abusing the credit card loophole that warrants the IRS being like this is such a serious thing we need to worry about if enough people did they would that warrants the IRS being like, this is such a serious thing we need to worry about. If enough people did, they would. Because I'm actually at some point going to have a big write-up about this.
Starting point is 00:34:12 And probably explain it a little better than fucking Papa Luke did. Because I think I've probably, over the last two years, I've probably gotten like, probably close to about $3,000 or $4,000 extra from intro offers and just the rewards off credit cards jesus christ yeah the one okay the one thing to be careful
Starting point is 00:34:36 about um if you do try this you shouldn't it's not financial advice but if you do be very careful you don't fuck it up and destroy your credit advice but if you do be very careful you don't fuck it up and destroy your credit score because if you do that this will this will destroy it yeah okay i'll even tell you how to do it you know how you do it is you pick a card that has an intro offer get it okay now that this is your this is the only way you do transactions temporarily Okay, now that this is your this is the only way you do transactions temporarily Actually, I I don't I wouldn't even ever use a debit card as the main form of transaction anyway Cuz then you're playing with your own money not someone else's money Literally all I do is as soon as anything post with a card. I paid off. Yep that
Starting point is 00:35:21 Prima I don't think Any card I have keeps a balance on it for longer than a month. Hmm, which generally means you don't think any card I have keeps a balance on it for longer than a month which generally means you don't get charge interest period I mean that's it as long as you do that I can't speak for anywhere else
Starting point is 00:35:37 but I use because I'm trying to build up a credit score I use a credit card to buy everything I pay it off as soon as the bank lets me pay it off there's always going to be that period where it's like you have $300 to pay back but it hasn't
Starting point is 00:35:53 cleared yet so you can't actually pay it yeah I don't have anything else I have a phone plan because phone plans are a scam I don't have a car loan because car loans phone plan, because phone plans are a scam. I don't have a car loan, because car loans are a scam. So credit cards are basically the only way to do it. Like, okay, phone plans are a scam, because you don't need, like, 50 gigabytes of data on a phone.
Starting point is 00:36:16 Like, you don't need to pay $120 a month to get 50 gigs of data. Like, it's stupid. Stop it. There's free Wi-Fi everywhere, and how much are you doing outside of free wi-fi that you need that much data it's a phone um car loans are a scam because you shouldn't be buying a ten thousand dollar car like stop it you don't need that buy just buy a shit box it's fine you know what you know what else is a scam you didn't mention although i'm sure this is purely an American problem
Starting point is 00:36:46 health insurance that involves more than one person we do have private health insurance here it's just it's a thing that most people don't get what's the problem with health insurance for more than one person what's the deal there the cost just
Starting point is 00:37:04 explodes exponentially right okay the last time i was offered because usually most people get their health insurance through their employer um and you every you i don't understand this yeah yeah you have to sign up for it yearly right right the last time i was offered health insurance from my employer if it just covered me it was like it was much more reasonable it was like 80 bucks a month okay right that's that's more reasonable as soon as i add in uh my wife boom shoots up to about four or five hundred dollars and i'm like okay hold on let me let me do some math here how many times in the course of a year am i actually going to use this like the the uh going to actual like clinic or something
Starting point is 00:37:51 probably four at the most for like routine visits how much is a routine visit well if i have no insurance it's about 120 bucks okay um if with the insurance they usually have co-pay it's like 20 bucks so okay the health insurance for that visit is saving me 100 bucks but i still had to pay four or five hundred dollars that month to have the insurance in the first place so we're still in the red right now uh so like you would literally have to go to the clinic like five times in one month to actually like warrant the cost of the health insurance now granted i understand the whole point of this shit is for emergencies um i'm in my early 30s she's in my late 20s uh we don't have to fucking worry about like suddenly going to the er all of a sudden i don't really care about that
Starting point is 00:38:42 yeah it's fair. I can't speak on health insurance because, as I said, Australian. We just have Medicare. We get like a 3.5% Medicare surcharge on our tax. That's basically all. Which does mean that you can pay a shitload of money
Starting point is 00:39:03 if you accidentally make a lot of money with crypto my tax last year was a fucking mess I don't want to say how much I made but I made quite a bit with the crypto boom and my tax bill I think
Starting point is 00:39:21 it was close to 16,000 so I just had to fork out that at the end of the year which was great um but hey i still still left the year with a lot of extra money so not not all bad just it it always like even if you make a bunch of money it feels very depressing to just hand over like 10 15 000 no matter what it's for yeah but i was talking about a shitbox cars before my car it's fucking falling apart like my mirror is held on like my driver's side mirror held on with duct tape um because someone someone hit it, and it just fell off.
Starting point is 00:40:09 All of my paint is peeling off, but it's not a bad thing, because my car's already silver. That's the big brain strat. They never know the paint's peeling. I've had to replace the front screen window once, because I had a chip in it. That's the only repair I've done in a long ass time. And it's fine. It runs.
Starting point is 00:40:30 I paid like $3,000 for it. I've had it for like three years. My car needs something fixed on it really bad because it's had this problem for like I don't know, a year and a half or two years or something where when I put gas in it Right. And where when i put gas in it right and only when i put gas in it it has this problem where it has a very hard time starting for just that one time like i have to do this i do this fucking little routine where i take the emergency brake off i turn it till it finally
Starting point is 00:41:03 like turns over and starts i have to give it gas if i don't give it gas it shuts back off uh-huh and then i have to like give it enough gas that it revs up put the fucking thing to drive and go i take my foot off the gas it'll turn back off okay and i have to do that for three or four seconds and then it's fine right that's that's that's my that's my uh like panic inducing trip that i have every time i have to put gas in my car you know i'm not a mechanic i can't tell you to fix that one but i feel like you should go see one of those like as long as the car's running it's fine if it gets me from point A to point B, I don't really care. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:41:50 We should probably just take a quick break just so I can fix up the thing. And we are back. What are we talking about? We're talking about cars. Why are we talking about cars? I don't know anything about cars. We're talking about car loans being a scam and someone who got to talk about our cars being shit boxes.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Yep. So I've actually been having a very fun problem recently. So my ISP is run by a bunch of morons. So I'm gonna call them out. Optus, you're shit. Fix your stupid routing. So for the past couple of days, I've been trying to play Final Fantasy XIV. Now, that's usually fine, you know. It's not a problem. But for whatever reason,
Starting point is 00:42:36 I have not been able to connect to the Final Fantasy XIV authentication servers through Optus. But if I open up a VPN, it works someone reported the exact same problem over on Reddit, it's
Starting point is 00:42:53 it's still a problem it's been a problem for about 3 days now what the hell there's a oddly specific problem you can't connect to the authentication servers, you can't connect to, um, like, I think
Starting point is 00:43:10 you might be able to connect to the game servers, but their auth servers don't work. I try to ping it outside of the game client, so it's not the game client being weird. I literally cannot connect to it unless I open up a VPN. I then, you know, route back to my own country,
Starting point is 00:43:25 and then it works. It is just a problem with my ISP having no idea what to do. I wonder if for some reason something under a system went weird and, like, on a blacklisted domain or the IP for the people. Someone at Optus just does something
Starting point is 00:43:44 like Final Fantasy XIV. They're actually like a... They're still sniffing the copium for WoW. That's what I was about to say. They want to make sure the end walker fails, so they are making it so you can't play the game.
Starting point is 00:44:02 I don't know how this problem even occurs. I thought maybe... Look maybe maybe it was Japanese servers I tried to connect to the Japan Times and I tried a bunch of other Japanese websites all fine just the Square Enix servers and just the Square Enix servers
Starting point is 00:44:19 for Final Fantasy XIV and nothing else you said all servers. I guess it wouldn't matter if you changed region or anything. No, I try to ping, like, the... I play on JP, but I try to ping, like, the American servers, try to ping the European servers. All have the same problem.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Oh. You said... How far are you in XIV now? I am... I don't want to give spoilers for anyone listening. I have just finished the... The section in Castrum Sestri. I think I'm at level 46 in the MSQ.
Starting point is 00:44:59 No, 46 or 49 in the MSQ. So I'm very close to the end of the 2.0 Realm Reborn content okay I think maybe I have like 5 or 6 more quests until we actually finish all of the Realm Reborn stuff
Starting point is 00:45:18 I never got, I never played any of the actual expansions but when they did a realm reborn I did play a fairly decent bit I at least finished like all the main story and stuff right right actually I actually I didn't have the account anymore but I actually did play that before the rework oh that was interesting yeah I've seen some um i've seen some some videos about like how the game worked before the rework there was like skill points and stuff and yep yeah like i it's a it's definitely a good game now it looked like uh it looked like it wasn't it wasn't a very good game before though i'm trying to remember i want
Starting point is 00:46:06 to say a lot of the elements of the original version of 14 were taken from 11 right like yeah it's like the look like the god awful like monotonous menuing uh-huh and uh i think you had to raise like skill proficiencies by using them okay stuff like that and like if you didn't like you like couldn't hit shit or do like no damage right kind of like like kind of like vanilla wow with like weapon weapon skills or something in case you didn't know 11's actually, the servers are still running. Yeah. And it's still getting, like, content updates. I never played it, but, like, well, no, that's not right. I've actually tried it a long time ago. But, yeah, it still has a little cult following around it.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Yeah, it's obviously nowhere near as big as 14 is, which recently became, unsurprisingly, the most profitable game for the entire history of Square Enix. Nice. Which is, yeah, it is really cool because one of the things that Yoshi P has said is he really wishes that 14 had the budget of WoW because there's a lot of things that he would love to do
Starting point is 00:47:20 that you just can't do on the budget they have. Yeah. But it's very quickly becoming part of the core MMOs, the RuneScape 3, the old-school RuneScape, Elder Scrolls Online, Guild Wars 2, and now 14. WoW is still technically a part of that group of big MMOs but man
Starting point is 00:47:49 have you been paying attention to the shit that's been coming out? Oh yes. Yeah no. Man what the fuck is what are they called? Activision Blizzard? Blizzard Activision? Whatever they're called themselves. Man this is an insane company.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Yeah in between just all the godly dumb decisions they made with the game combined with all the like insane nasty pr shit that came out like it would be cubicle crawling like it would be one thing if the game was just not good there's a lot of games that are not good. But, like... That's where you should stop. Like, we don't need the rest of it. No. For anyone who hasn't, like...
Starting point is 00:48:38 Who hasn't caught up on the Blizzard Activision stuff, like, go and check it out. Go and see, like, what... Go and specifically look up the stuff with bobby kodak because yeah um and the reason why they haven't gotten rid of him the reason why he's still there is because he has a uh 300 million dollar severance package so yeah like they they fire him they basically will probably do a lot of damage to the company because I don't think they can recover from a $300 million severance package
Starting point is 00:49:08 right now. Well, I noticed one of the other things that came out, I didn't know this until I think my wife told me because she plays Overwatch a fair bit, was that they completely renamed one of the characters because the character
Starting point is 00:49:24 was named after somebody that I think was accused of sexual assault allegations or something. Yeah, that did happen. Yeah. Look, there's funny stuff that came out of it as well. Like when they replaced a woman with a bowl of fruit. Do you know about that? No, wait, what is it?
Starting point is 00:49:44 I'll show you. So basically, there was like a sexy portrait. And they're like, that's too sexy for WoW. And also, everyone at works at the company is incredibly sexist. So the way we fix sexism is we just remove women from the game. You cannot be sexist if there are no women. It's like, you know, there's some logic there, but I don't think that's the path you should really be taking.
Starting point is 00:50:21 I don't know, that orange slice is looking nice. It's like, what is... I don't know, that orange slice looking nice. Like, what is... I don't know if there's any way right now that WoW can recover from the bad PR. I don't think anyone is... Anyone's excited for WoW at this point. I remember when I was younger and WoW... I was a RuneScape player when I was a kid, but WoW
Starting point is 00:50:45 was always seen as the really cool MMO, the MMO that everyone plays. But like... I can see why a lot of people are saying that we're in the golden age of MMOs now, because there's a lot of really good games
Starting point is 00:51:01 that you might want to play. Like the ones mentioned before you know runescape 3 i don't i don't care too much for runescape 3 but like i totally get why you'd play it old school runescape which isn't just you know like classic wow it's actually like it's old runescape but they keep adding content to it um you have guild wars 2 which still is a really big player base, Elder Scrolls Online, and Final Fantasy 14 now. And also now Amazon's throwing their hat under the ring.
Starting point is 00:51:31 I don't know if New World's going... New World looks like a really cool game. I don't know if New World's going to survive, though. Like, that game is... It's a buggy mess. Like, there's been problems where if you moved the window, like, the game client around,
Starting point is 00:51:47 it wouldn't send any requests from the server to the game client. So, if you did, like, if you did that during a dodge roll, and you moved, like, during the iframes, it would keep trying to attack you, but the server still thinks you're in the iframe state, and you just didn't take damage.
Starting point is 00:52:11 The only bug about that that i remember seeing somebody mentioned was something about how was it the the chat was this like some kind of like embedded like web element and you just inject malicious code the chat was basically an html frame and you could inject html into it um frame and you could inject HTML into it. I get having the HTML frame but do you know what you do when you do that? You don't let people write HTML elements, you just automatically encapsulate everything in paragraph tags, that's all you do. Please, please sanitize user input. Well, like, if you let people write HTML into it, you just automatically escape. You sanitize. You escape everything.
Starting point is 00:52:51 It's just basic shit. And it's funny because it's coming from Amazon. You know? Actually, the funniest stuff with New World was the fact they were having serious server congestion stuff when it's hosted by amazon on aws it's like guys you literally own web hosting you are the web hosting how are you fucking this up
Starting point is 00:53:13 like i get that every game's gonna have a lot of difficulty when it first launches but come on you didn't think that new world like oversize your service go ahead it's you'll be fine but like everything was congested there was like 19 hour waits for some people like 10 000 person queues like what even is this god i complained about like the 50 person queues i get every single day in ff14 but that's that's nothing compared to what New World had I'm trying to remember what like my worst like MMO
Starting point is 00:53:52 launch queue experience was I want to say it was have you ever heard of an MMO called Ion? The name's ringing a bell It was like this Korean MMO
Starting point is 00:54:06 where you played these two races that were almost kind of like Angels of... Dark Angels? Yeah, I know. Like a strong emphasis on flight mechanics. Yeah. When that game released, if I remember correctly,
Starting point is 00:54:20 there were multi-day wake-us. Because they really really undershot their server capacity I really just don't
Starting point is 00:54:32 like Korean MMOs I feel like the I feel like the armor is a bit too gaudy for me
Starting point is 00:54:39 like there's no games where they just have you know like you can have gaudy armor like some of the stuff in FFXIV looks pretty ridiculous but there's a certain like there's no games where they just have, you know... Like, you can have gaudy armor. Like, some of the stuff in FFXIV looks pretty ridiculous,
Starting point is 00:54:47 but there's a certain... Like, there's an even further level of ridiculousness that every single Korean MMO has. Yeah. But it's like having spikes coming off your spikes, leading into plates. Like, what... Like, just calm down.
Starting point is 00:55:08 The arrows, you're,'re like horrendously like cartoony or like overly anime or it's really like that that's not armor that's that's that's a two-piece that's a bikini this looks like you walked out of a screen this looks like you walked out of a fucking video that's going up on Pornhub later. I never actually played an MMO on launch. Like every single MMO I get into, it's always... Actually, no. Sorry, I lied. I did get into an MMO on launch. Adventure Quest Worlds, back when that came out.
Starting point is 00:55:39 I think I heard about that. I never played it before. Did you ever play Adventure Quest? I don't think so. it's a flash rpg um there's that sort of ages it already um adventure quest worlds when did it come out god i let's see 2008 is when I played it. So I would have been... 10. Yeah. Dang, I don't know. It was a fun game.
Starting point is 00:56:11 Servers are dead now. Like, they're alive, but there's no one playing them. Okay, the only people that are playing that game are the ones who are standing in the hub area showing off their gear they got 10 years ago. Those are the only people that are still playing it. That and gold farmers, because that's what happens with every MMO.
Starting point is 00:56:29 Yep, yep. I totally get buying gold in a game that's popular, a game that people are playing, but why would you buy gold in a game that's basically dead? Have you ever bought gold before? No, I haven't. I have, actually. What game are you playing? I haven't. I have, actually. What game do you play?
Starting point is 00:56:47 Wow. I think I bought gold during Burning Crusade to afford my flight license because it was expensive as fuck. Right, right, right. I have considered it in the past but like
Starting point is 00:57:05 when I was like really into into MMOs it was during like when I was in like early high school and I didn't have money
Starting point is 00:57:14 because I was I was lazy and didn't want to get a job basically but I have considered it that's for sure and hey look nowadays you don't need to buy, a lot of games will just sell it to you.
Starting point is 00:57:29 True. Even games that don't have a direct way to buy gold, like WoW, it has the WoW tokens. You can't buy gold with that, but you can buy things to buy gold. Yep. old yep god any like i think that anytime a game lets you inject real world money into the economy you're gonna start seeing some serious problems like it's gonna start very much breaking the way things are actually priced yeah wasn't that um that was the issue with yabba 3 initially i remember correctly because they had that real money auction house. Yep. Yep. I Never actually played Diablo 3 I wanted to play it after
Starting point is 00:58:13 What was the expansion Reaper of Souls came out, but I just never I never played it and since then from what I hear The game's basically just been left to die like Like, it's never got anything else after that. Yeah. As far as I understand, it's basically in autopilot mode. Which is kind of sad, because, you know, people were very excited when... I remember when Diablo 3 came out, like, all of the gaming outlets were super hyped for it,
Starting point is 00:58:38 and it seemed like, compared to Diablo 2, it seemed like it was obviously dumbed down because they wanted it on consoles, but it still seemed like it was a good game that's all right it's um like how do i describe it's it's dumb fun right right you don't really have to think like even if like you don't even have to like look up like builds really like if you generally just like use some of the shit that you find and you you know can at least put like correlate what makes the most sense like you could just basically face roll through most of the content i say it's dumbed down because it's on consoles but technically it doesn't need to be um when you played when you played 14 did you play it
Starting point is 00:59:20 on keyboard and mouse or with a controller i've played it on both at one point or another i don't understand like how they managed to fit so many buttons on a controller i know dude but actually it works though like it's actually not that hard to play with a controller actually at least not when you're i can't speak if you're trying to do something like healing that might be a bit more uh a mate of mine plays white mage on control oh okay well some of the jobs don't work uh some of the things that are like very combo heavy don't work as much but um white mage seems like it's fine at least when you say because they're combo heavy just because they don't have enough room for all the buttons uh because you sort of have to you know it's very very difficult to you know switch between
Starting point is 01:00:04 your different hot bars and all that fun stuff you gotta gotta have that like korean gamer skill i'm sure you could lay it out in a way that makes it easier um but um from what i know i i think like i think ninja doesn't play nicely on a controller you can can do it, but it's not as nice as keyboard and mouse. I just say fuck it to both and use an MMO mouse. Oh, yeah. I have my entire hot bar on my thumb. Yup. Honestly, it's lovely.
Starting point is 01:00:40 I can't go back to not having an MMO mouse now. I see the way that some people sort of get a like get around like the the problem with the keyboard where you know if you have things on like zero or minus um and they're kind of difficult to hit but look when you get an mmo mouse you can move and also hit actions at the same time it's great i'd probably have a hard time getting used to control like that i noticed something recently that i don't know why i never noticed this for super long time so you know how pretty much any controller nowadays for consoles anyway has like two buttons on top on each side like a shoulder and a trigger button? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Because I grew up in the time
Starting point is 01:01:25 where controllers did not have that, like, you know, Super NES or stuff like that, where they only had one button, even when I'm holding those controllers, I don't hold them like this. I hold them like this. Yeah, I do. I'm one of these people as well.
Starting point is 01:01:39 I see people who play like this, and I'm like, how do you move those fingers like that? I don't get it. I see people who play like this, and I'm like, how do you move those fingers like that? I don't get it. Maybe I... I don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:51 Maybe it's better on the PlayStation controller? Yeah, the PlayStation controller feels a bit nicer, but I'm just not used to moving these fingers. I'm just flipping off the chat. But yeah, like, I don't play like I get it, it probably is more efficient to get used to it but like yeah no I can't
Starting point is 01:02:12 and I started on the PS2 you're ruining like three decades worth of muscle memory I started on the PS2 I have no excuse I guess when I got my console i was really young though so and at the time the playstation control felt like a big control to me so maybe
Starting point is 01:02:33 it's just because of that like you know when your hands are smaller it's a bit harder to you know have both up there um but it feels like controls sort of designed around around this sort of grip anyway. It doesn't feel anywhere near as nice. There's not anything supporting your hand under there. I don't know. I think, look, if you can play the game, either way is fine. I think the only reason I even thought of that, and my examples are escaping me now,
Starting point is 01:03:06 but I have encountered a few times where doing this is very cumbersome because of the way you have to, the certain combinations you have to press, and you basically have to do this, or it feels fucking weird. I usually just get around that by like, janking it and like, doing this. Got a stanky finger on the back end. Just make it fucking work. I'm not changing my muscle memory. This is why I don't play fighting games though.
Starting point is 01:03:36 Because like, I, I, I cannot, like, I play games that I, I need to need to have some level of quick input. I can do quick reaction time. It's just multiple quick inputs, one after the other, that sort of... What's the word? Stumps me? Sort of slows me down. I've just never gotten super serious. I've tried to.
Starting point is 01:04:02 I've just never gotten super serious in any games where I need to input like that and now that i'm playing games for 15 or so years i i've sort of built up to the point where i i don't really it would be very difficult to sort of change from the way i'm playing now right yeah i don't play fighting games much either. The only time I ever played a fighting game much that I tried to learn it pretty decently was Mortal Kombat 10. And I think I tried to learn one of the characters
Starting point is 01:04:36 that was harder to learn too, which was... Fuck, what's that guy's name? It's the cowboy guy. I forgot his fucking name now. People probably know i'm talking about but yeah that's the character i was trying to use right this is hard because his really his good combos are hard as shit to pull off apparently i i'm one of those people
Starting point is 01:04:54 who only plays fighting games like you know at parties like oh someone just pulls out a copy of tech and mortal combat uh it'sur, which, you know... I feel bad for any Soul Calibur fans. When was the last one that came out? One came out three years ago. But, yeah. No one...
Starting point is 01:05:17 Soul Calibur is sort of like... I think it's the coolest out of the fighting games. It's just not that popular. Yeah. The most entertainment you get out of Soul Calibur is seeing all the sit here by his feet people try to like recreate like other characters in the it's the same with me for like smash though like I think smash is very fun I just I just don't play it that often like i don't have
Starting point is 01:05:46 a switch um which is the other problem but even if i did like i'm not the sort of person who would spend a lot of time just getting better at smash yeah i'm actually not the sort of person who really plays competitive games that much anymore either like in when i play like dark souls or bloodborne or whatever um i typically disable the network features i want people invading my world i just want to play the game if i want to play something competitive i'm gonna go out of my way to you know play whatever games people playing the competitive apex legends i guess um like i i typically like my game experience to be either solo or cooperative i think the last competitive game i played was heroes of the storm okay did i ever play Heroes of the Storm?
Starting point is 01:06:47 Um... I might have played it, like, with some friends once, maybe, but... I never... I've never been much of a MOBA player. Hmm. There have been times where I wanted to play, like, Dota, and then I realized, like,
Starting point is 01:07:04 the skill ceiling for a game like that is uh yeah it's a bit more of a time commitment than I I care for uh I've tried I think I've probably tried a good handful of MOBAs at one point another I know I played League some with people back at the college's gaming club, there was a period where I was playing Smite really heavily for while I was in college. Then I played Heroes of Storm pretty heavily after that because the characters in Heroes were just more interesting. I think my favorite one on there was they put Abathur
Starting point is 01:07:42 from StarCraft in there, and his thing was he didn't fight on the front lines he hid back and he could like symbiote to any friendly unit and like attack up the port them from anywhere on the map i was i always liked that a lot just breaking stuff over here i was like your face has gone dark broody uh i for some reason my light decided to die really early i don't know why there we go now we're good the batteries usually last a couple hours i don't know what happened there uh maybe just didn't charge properly um i yeah mobiles look cool mobiles look cool um but like i i know they have like sort of a reputation for being like very toxic as well
Starting point is 01:08:26 yeah they do that's my other problem with like playing competitive games because i used to be super toxic gamer i used to be like super into like call of duty battle for things like that and i was that person who like you know just get really angry about getting sniped halfway across the map. Having someone who hides in a bush and that being their thing, like, no, I want nothing to do with that. There was actually a friend of ours from back in my hometown. He quit playing with him because he they play heroes the storm sometimes together and the friend that we don't really talk too much anymore he has i don't know what the fuck was wrong with him one day but he got super pissed and he dropped and he dropped the like go kill
Starting point is 01:09:20 yourself and i was like all right buddy I think we're done here. Okay. Oh Lord. Yes. I've done that plenty of times. Um, it sometimes comes out. It, it sometimes comes out in single player games.
Starting point is 01:09:42 Like when I play something like fucking, uh, like blood Bloodborne for example sometimes you get stuck on a boss and you're like mate this shit's kinda starting to piss me the fuck off it's okay it's I think the difference with something like
Starting point is 01:09:58 actually this is a good point with like game difficulty I think the difference with something like Bloodborne compared to... I don't know. Pick some difficult game that's not fair on its difficulty. Like, when you die in a game like Bloodborne, like Dark Souls, things like that,
Starting point is 01:10:14 most of the time, it feels like your fault. Like, it feels like you made a mistake because the enemies don't have these random attack combos. If you do something, they're going to typically react in a very specific way. There are some situations where Bloodborne's
Starting point is 01:10:34 a bit buggy. I've had enemies that get stuck underground and just stay like heads sticking up and they swing their arms at you somehow still. Or I had uh have you played bloodborne yeah uh do you remember what's her name vicar amelia the big dog thingy that like it's in the church um it sometimes she'll like sit down and like pray to heal oh yes yes yes
Starting point is 01:11:02 uh and she'll like swing her arm to grab you sometimes i had a situation where i was outside of this like clearly the arm did not hit my my character but it like swung me over to where she was well where she was trying to pull me like no stop that what are you talking about like i i know game hitboxes are difficult but but for something like that, it needs to be accurate. Yeah. Was that a... Did you beat that boss by, like, killing it before it even healed, or did you do the,
Starting point is 01:11:35 oh, wait, there's a thing I haven't stopped since I'm healing? Wait, what? Yeah, there's an item that you can find or buy. It's like some kind of missed stuff when you hit shit with it they can't heal yeah like i think it's probably i think it's probably technically meant more for like pvp because you can't use blood bottles when you have it but like it works on enemies if they heal when that boss goes to pray if you chuck it at her, it stops her. I didn't know that. That was the only way I killed that boss.
Starting point is 01:12:10 I realized at some point that when she falls down to the ground, you can actually get a I don't know what they call it, the parry strike on her face. Yeah. I recently got through what was his name lagarius the guy on top of the
Starting point is 01:12:29 cainhurst uh castle um he has like swords that fly from the sky yeah i was watching you fight part of that yeah i didn't realize until like 10 attempts in that you can hit the sword that makes the swords fly down so i was trying to fight him like with a handicap basically it makes that i see you're actually way further than i ever got so like him the stuff you're doing i never even seen so i was like yeah when you got to that second stage and he was like shit storm of swords i was like what the fuck what are you yeah i i should have realized i should have realized because you can target the sword i just did i didn't realize at all just hit the big glowing thing on the ground for you another game that like does the whole you're just bad at the game thing
Starting point is 01:13:19 really well is like dead cells um dead cells and hades both do this very well as well like if you die in those games it's generally because you're just bad at them is like Dead Cells. Dead Cells and Hades both do this very well as well. Like if you die in those games, it's generally because you're just bad at them. Right. There are, I think, less so in Dead Cells than Bloodborne situations where the game just breaks. Dark Souls 2, on the other hand...
Starting point is 01:13:48 Never played that one, but I've heard There's one of the bosses It's like a big rat And at the start of the fight there's a bunch of these little rats And if you don't kill the little rats Straight away you get toxic Now this is fine On New Game Plus On first playthrough you don't have
Starting point is 01:14:04 Poison heal items yet They just don't have poison heal items yet. They just don't exist. So you just die. So if you do not kill them straight away, you just lose. There's nothing you can do. Literally nothing. Wow.
Starting point is 01:14:18 I never played the second one. I've played the first one. I've played the third one. I've not played third yet. No, sorry, I did. I played, like, two hours of the third. Got through, like, the second boss or something like that. I did think that
Starting point is 01:14:34 first boss you fight, like, at the start, like, in that first area you go to was pretty cool. I don't remember what it was, but I remember it being cool. It was like a... Transforms or something yeah i remember the first like boss bot maybe this thing we're talking about you know the one that like crawls on all fours has like a mace yeah maybe maybe i'm just getting games confused
Starting point is 01:15:00 all right i don't know but yeah no i i do that boss, I'm just not sure where it was from. The Souls game is really good. I think they're good. I'm very excited for Elden Ring. Yeah, I didn't even know what that was until I think I saw somebody talk about it and I was like, oh, it's like almost like giant open world Dark Souls
Starting point is 01:15:26 and it's just as cheesable during the network test someone found out that one of the dragon bosses in the overworld it can jump onto a mountain but they didn't fix the way they calculate fall damage
Starting point is 01:15:43 so if the dragon jumps off the mountain, it just dies. It just takes like 20,000 damage. So what's happening there from what I understand is they were still calculating fall damage based on the size of the player character model. They didn't account for different size models. So even though for the dragon it would be the equivalent of you jumping down like 3 metres
Starting point is 01:16:08 it's still calculating it like if you jumped off the mountain. So it just yeah, it was really fucking dumb. It just explodes. It's the same as getting like the what is it, the Taurus demon?
Starting point is 01:16:23 In Dark Souls 1, jumping off the bridge. That's one of the things I don't like about Bloodborne. A lot of the bosses, like with Cainhurst, you can't get him to jump off the roof. He just refuses to. Don't put an invisible wall there. Let me just kill him like that. Speaking of games, we should talk about linus's fun linux challenge i actually this is why i was almost late for the podcast i i was just planning out my reply um i'm like five minutes into it
Starting point is 01:16:57 i intellect the second part okay first part, I think... I think first part, Linus justifiably made a lot of errors. I think the problem with Popoess, I think Linus is responsible for... He's responsible for his actions. Anyone who says he's not responsible for saying yes to the prompt is just denying what like the the like denying his free agency as a person like he could have chosen to read the entire prompt he didn't pop os has the responsibility to make sure the prompt actually is something the user is
Starting point is 01:17:39 encouraged to read if it's just like giant wall of white text, like, why would I read that? And then it says, yes, do as I say. Like, that doesn't sound like anything bad. That just sounds like an annoying admin prompt. I think... I know, it's crazy. This is a black and white situation. PopWess and Linus are both at fault.
Starting point is 01:18:02 Linus discovered in the other second part that it's not just... The reason why people don't like NVIDIA on Linux isn't just because the drivers aren't open source it's because they're actually bad he was going through the NVIDIA control panel and was like, why does the control panel look like it's from 10 years ago why is it laid out like this why are there basic features missing
Starting point is 01:18:24 I don't use nvidia specifically for that reason um i'm always going to use amd on linux just at least until a video you know cares at all just support like don't donate like 20 or 30 000 to the novo project if you're not going to support it with developers do something to make the the open source drivers better better yet actually just send developers to it but yeah yeah i think if i next time i make a linux system uh i'm it's gonna be all amd based because this is like an old one i had before i was like super using lin so it still has an NVIDIA GPU in it like you can use NVIDIA
Starting point is 01:19:07 GPUs but you sort of just have to be aware that there's going to be problems right yeah um let's see what else was in the first part I'm trying to remember it was a while ago now um
Starting point is 01:19:23 I know Luke had basically no problems. I did find it funny. I think you had this funny reaction to whenever Linus first put Pop on his cylinder. He was like, oh, I was wondering if my monitor in the other
Starting point is 01:19:39 room that's hooked up to Thunderbolt would work. He was like, oh, actually it worked. And you were like, hey, isn't that amazing? It's like just drivers in the car. Yeah, yeah. No, I get it, because the Windows installer isn't like that. The Windows installer is like a separate thing from Windows, but I guess
Starting point is 01:19:55 it's not really made clear from downloading the ISO that it actually is just a full installation of Pop! OS. Yeah. Maybe that's not really the misunderstanding. The misunderstanding there is that in Windows, like, the drivers are all separate.
Starting point is 01:20:13 Because you have to, like, constantly download drivers to use shit. But in Linux, all the stuff, more or less, is baked into the kernel. That's why you almost never have to get drivers. The difference with Linus' setup, because he has an nvidia card um and if the driver like the nvidia drivers aren't part of the kernel they have to be added through um dynamic kernel something or other system uh module system i don't know it's a thing where you can like interact you can make modules interact with the kernel. So things that are out of tree can be added like NVIDIA drivers,
Starting point is 01:20:49 like the virtual box guest utility things. You can like change resolution in a VM, things like that. I can get why Linus would think that wouldn't work. Cause I, I think he knew that the nvidia drivers weren't like supposed to be there like at least some level of knowledge about nvidia drivers being weird on linux um so i can get that being the problem the the thunderbolt thing though is different because
Starting point is 01:21:14 thunderbolt is just in the kernel thunderbolt's worked for like i don't know seven years now whenever it's worked since like pretty much just after thunderbolt came out so even though like linus linus said like his computer stuff is really weird like he has It's worked since like pretty much just after Thunderbolt came out. So even though like Linus, like his computer stuff is really weird. Like he has computers in a separate room in a server rack. That seems like a really annoying thing. Like if you need to troubleshoot stuff.
Starting point is 01:21:38 Yeah. Yeah. It kind of does. Yeah. Cause even when I get like a, a home lab stuff, so like, I'm not gonna, run my machine off of fucking shit on the server rack.
Starting point is 01:21:49 I get it for, like, not wanting the noise. You can just put it somewhere else. But, like, I wear headphones 99% of the time. I can't hear my computer. Yeah. Actually, I've got my notes for the second part. I'll see what I... I'm only've only about like five minutes into the video um well i've watched all of it before but i'm like five minutes in my notes because the way i usually do notes for like a video like this is i'll watch it first and then
Starting point is 01:22:20 you know re-watch it afterwards um oh you had this weird problem with Manjaro. Or I think it's a weird problem. It's a weird problem or Linus is still unable to read. So he tried to use sudo apt-get on Manjaro because he came from PopOS thinking that was package manager. Didn't work. Fair enough. Anyone could make that issue. Even if you're super experienced with Linux,
Starting point is 01:22:47 if you just forget what the distro you're using is based on, anyone can make that issue. Like, even if you're super experienced with Linux, if you just forget what the distro you're using is based on, like, anyone can make that. But he said that when he ran it, like, it tried to install a dependency for app. Like, no. Like, I just had to confirm this with, like, one of my viewers. Like, can someone here who actually uses Manjaro tell me what happens if you run a command that isn't installed it says command not found like i don't know what he did to get it to
Starting point is 01:23:12 try to install a dependency um but maybe i i'm convinced he just didn't read what it said at all that doesn't sound like it um what else he did get into the problem of you know device uh control panels things like for like your mouse uh keyboard things like that just not being available on linux yeah yeah so his solution for that was going through a windows vm vm and I was like, what? I understand that. If the device has onboard memory, that's a legitimate way to do it, but a lot of these
Starting point is 01:23:54 devices, especially because he has Logitech mice like I do, have really good community software on Linux. For the Logitech stuff, you would use Piper. This is my G g600 here i configure it through piper it works perfectly fine uh i think the main house is using the same one that i have the three the 305 uh might be like a newer version of 305 but like stuff like that is it works great through piper like you don't need to use... You don't need to use Windows for it.
Starting point is 01:24:26 Some mice are like that. Corsair and Razer both have tools that are pretty good. Anything else, you're very hit and miss. Like, I can't speak for Madcatz, for example. I don't think there's any Madcatz software on Linux.
Starting point is 01:24:52 When he did explain the whole thing about the like whole windows vm thing like i was both like wow that seems like a lot of effort to get out the work but at the same time i was like that's also kind of an interesting idea what if i told you that's how i do printing What if I told you that's how I do printing? Do you? Yes. I don't print on Linux. I don't want to deal with... I don't think I can... I have...
Starting point is 01:25:11 There's drivers available that work on Linux for my printer. So I just do it through Windows. People can bully me about it all they want, but it's just... I don't want to spend three hours trying to print a document. Actually, I have this kind of slightly nightmare printer-related story that's Linux-related. That's a good start. For work, when I had my old position,
Starting point is 01:25:42 I had to sometimes do test, um, reproduction with the actual printers they use at the stores and their Epson printers. Um, those printers don't work like out of the box on Linux from what I can, from what I understood. You had to go get there,
Starting point is 01:26:03 uh, not just a driver there was something else you had to get because when i tried to install it through like the like pop os like normal way of installing a printer just shit this didn't work i had to literally like google around for like two hours to figure out how you in like set up a printer manually in a terminal with cups i got to work damn it my favorite description of cups is cups was created to save the rainforest because it doesn't work i was um i was very lucky at uni. Firstly, they had Windows computers attached directly to the printer.
Starting point is 01:26:50 That's great. The other thing is they had USB ports on them. So I could just plug a device into it. And it had like a built-in thing to do all that for me. But sadly, my current printer does not have that. Actually, I need to replace it anyway. It's hit the, we need to make this printer break end of its life. And just, it's stopped working.
Starting point is 01:27:13 The print head doesn't work anymore. Right. It just prints like, it prints like as if the document was interlaced. And one of the, like every other line is missed. So yeah, I need to like, I need to get a new printer at some point but i don't print stuff very often anyway yeah i don't either i think when do i when was the last time i printed anything um god i don't even know i think it was something for uni maybe that yeah i don't i most things you can just email yeah i last time i think i had to print something was
Starting point is 01:27:55 something i had to print and hand signed in regards to the whole mortgage process right right right but other than that like before that probably i probably hadn't even turned that regards to the whole mortgage process. Right, right, right. But other than that, like, before that, I probably hadn't even turned that fucking printer on for a year. But yeah, you can, like, every so often I'll have someone say to me, like, oh, printers work great on Linux, you just have to get this very specific model that
Starting point is 01:28:20 is known to work. Like, yeah, I don't have that fucking model. That's not my problem. It doesn to work. Like, yeah, I don't have that fucking model. That's not my problem. It doesn't work. Like, some brands work better on Linux as well. And I think this is a problem that a lot of Linux people have in their head. A lot of people have this idea that
Starting point is 01:28:38 having to buy specific hardware isn't a problem with Linux. Like, no, that's a problem. It's a problem that isux like no that's a problem like it's a problem that that is caused by the manufacturers not caring about linux but it is a problem i wonder so how much do you think even though it's not gaming related how much do you think something like the steam deck is going to influence how much other companies that even if they aren't game related start caring more about Linux
Starting point is 01:29:08 I think when it comes to I don't know I don't know if it's going to have much of an effect on the peripheral market, that's for sure especially software outside of the gaming world like i don't know slack things like that i don't think the steam deck's really going
Starting point is 01:29:30 to have any effect on that um i think there is some there is some possibility of like there is a possibility like peripheral companies getting their shit together. But besides that, I think it's mainly just about game devs. That's where I'm thinking. Mainly game devs are going to put more attention into it. And if game devs put attention into it, I think there's a knock-on effect that can happen there. But I don't
Starting point is 01:29:58 think it's going to be directly related to the Steam Deck. It's going to be like, oh, more games work on Linux, more people try out linux more companies you know put effort into making linux stuff work or giving anything at all i'm looking at you uh go xlr company that i'm forgetting the name of xc i don't know it Halat? I don't remember the name. So that's an H. Hal- Halash? No, that's not right.
Starting point is 01:30:29 Hey- No, what the fuck is their name? I don't remember. The guys who make the GoXLite, I want a GoXLite. I think it's a really cool device. I just can't use it on Linux. Yeah, I think-
Starting point is 01:30:43 I think even if I did work on Linuxux like i think it's fucking expensive i don't know if i i can just because i can justify it but i can totally get why you like most people couldn't yeah yeah but um luke talked about how his uh his mixer board worked perfectly well i am in a great position to talk about that mixer board because it it it can we see it can we see it because he's he's the same one that i have the uh mgxu he is i think he's a smaller version of it but uh he has the exact same mixer board i have and yeah it's just like there are drivers on windows um but it just it actually doesn't need them i don't know what the drivers do i literally have no idea what the purpose of those drivers are um but yeah it's just it's plug and play it just does everything maybe their firmware updates yeah whenever i
Starting point is 01:31:38 whenever i plug this thing and it just worked most simple mixer boards tend to work like anything anything where it's like there's an input and there's an output it's good if there's like hardware controls those work because usually they're done on hardware it's usually you like the way you see problems is when you have you know hardware controls for software features like the goxlr sliders for example right um or phases or whatever the hell they call them or you have like the the beat button things like that i didn't know that the beat button was a thing so one of them mentioned it in the fucking liners video i was that's why people buy the go xlr but you don't need a GoXLR to do that. There are standalone units that can also do the exact same thing.
Starting point is 01:32:30 And they're much fucking cheaper. Like, just look up soundboard, yeah. And you'll find them. Like, there's so many... Like, I get why a lot of people, you know, sort of congregate. Is that the word? On to, like, these very specific pieces of hardware, like the GoXLR. I am at fault for this. I do have a cloud lifter.
Starting point is 01:32:58 It's a great device. But, like, I get it. It's easier to just go with what all of the big people are using rather than like doing any research oh yeah i mean that's that's kind of the same logic behind people in development that instead of trying to think about how to solve their problem they just go oh it's best practices i don't have to think about someone else that's smart smarter than me told me how to do it this is why it this is why so many people use fucking Visual Studio
Starting point is 01:33:28 Visual Studio is the worst development environment unless you're doing like Windows GUI like development stop it, stop it, there are better things to use the GUI builder is great I will not talk shit about the GUI builder the GUI builder is great also it's great for doing
Starting point is 01:33:43 SQL server database stuff. But if you're not doing that, stop it. Use anything else. JetBrains is great. Use JetBrains. I'm... I can't focus on the background.
Starting point is 01:33:53 I have big JetBrains shill. It... We good? Just gonna watch and try to focus my camera. What is... There we go. Okay.
Starting point is 01:34:06 Okay, now... Perfect. We're just gonna record like this now. Fine. Oh, there we go. Oh, there it goes. Yeah, actually, I did... I know a lot of people
Starting point is 01:34:16 use Visual Studio Code. Code's great. I didn't know... I didn't know a lot of people use Visual Studio. It's not as... It's not anybody I've ever worked with. It's not as big as it used to be, but there's still certainly a lot of people who,
Starting point is 01:34:29 you know, they went through uni using Visual Studio because they have Boomer professors who don't know other things exist. But like, yeah, no, code's great. People talk shit about code, you know, being a Microsoft project, all that, but like, it's probably one of the best code editors yes I know you can turn
Starting point is 01:34:50 Vim and Emacs into code editors but I mean something that just comes out of the box as a code editor sure there are things you can customize better but if we're talking in the realm of notepad++ sublime text, atom VS Code is probably the best amongst them.
Starting point is 01:35:06 Yeah. I mean, if your main contention with VS Code is, you know, again, the data mining that Microsoft tends to do, just get VS Codeum and strip all the telemetry out. Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. If you're just doing web development, I've seen people who download, like download full IDEs to do JavaScript dev. Stop it.
Starting point is 01:35:31 Literally, what are you doing? There's nothing this thing can offer you. The code can't do for you. Speaking of code, I actually, probably for the first time in a long time actually i actually learned a language just for the shits and giggles wow yeah was it rust it was elixir okay i don't know what that one is it's a functional language that runs in the Erlang VM. Uh-huh, okay.
Starting point is 01:36:08 I've also just learned it because I've never used a functional language before. Have I used... I've used languages that have, like, the option to be functional, but I've never used something that is a purely functional language. No. Uh-huh. This looks cool. It's been a while since
Starting point is 01:36:29 there's written code. I tend to only write code right now when I have something I need to do. I want to automate enabling my tablet. I don't know if you know my tablet cover.
Starting point is 01:36:47 Oh, cute. That's the art that cyan made for the club um or got made she didn't make it herself but like automating like enabling my tablet because it's like weird tablety things you need to do like but for the most part like most i don't really write code for fun too much right now. I still find coding fun. It's just, there's so many other things I like doing as well. I mean, yeah, the only reason I even learned that was there are situations,
Starting point is 01:37:20 not just at where I work, but I think that are in general where elixir because it runs in the erlang vm makes it inherently very very resilient to failure that's kind of that's kind of one of its main selling points is like erlang was literally made by telecom companies to have like as much uptime as possible and it also handles a lot like concurrency like stupidly well because it actually spins up
Starting point is 01:37:54 basically kind of like the same way like Go does Go routines for concurrency it spins up what they literally call processes but shit they're even lighter weights than Go routines are and they're memory isolated from each other unlike go what you mean you're not gonna write your own concurrency in c what are you not a real programmer i'm not like some of the artists in your yeah like the people who tell me that C is the only language that matters
Starting point is 01:38:26 are the people who are not developers. Like, maybe they've contributed to some open source projects every now and again, but not a single one of them has a job as a developer. Because anyone who does doesn't have that opinion. Like, they've used other languages and know that they have their actual usages. Yep. Man. The Linux world's always fun for that. I like giving
Starting point is 01:38:54 them shit. It's so easy to get under their skin with stuff like that. You did reply to it on Twitter. The GoDaddy breach that just happened yesterday. Oh, yeah. Yeah, if anyone doesn't know, GoDaddy just had another breach. Like, another really big one. Over a million GoDaddy WordPress customers had email addresses exposed in ladies' breach.
Starting point is 01:39:22 Oh, it's not that bad, actually. I thought this was actually a proper bridge. Is it just email? Is it just emails that was exposed? Because that doesn't matter at all. Right now, the thing that I read said there was way more than that. They could also see the, oh, they could see the original WordPress admin password set by the provision as well as the credentials for, Oh! As well as the credentials for active users' databases. Okay, that's a big deal. Also, some users had their private SSL keys
Starting point is 01:39:51 exposed. Okay. Leave the article with that. That's the bigger deal. Not, oh, they had their emails exposed. Half of them were using the same email they had as a public email anyway. Like, they didn't expose the email um yeah no that's actually a big deal look stop using godaddy they shit and they get hacked like every like every year it seems
Starting point is 01:40:20 it's like i even said on there like when i saw that i was like oh wait yeah go daddy's the thing that still exists isn't it i think literally the only person i've met in probably the last like decade that uses them was this dude who came to fix our like our air conditioning a couple years ago because i was going to help him work on his site because he has no idea how obviously sure and i asked what it was what it was and he was like oh it's go daddy i was like oh i exist still and i he and i was like he was supposed to follow up so he could give me access because he all he literally needed me to do was change the phone number for his business on the site oh okay he and he fucking ghosted me
Starting point is 01:41:06 how much how much are we gonna charge him to change a text string well that wasn't gonna charge him shit because he just fixed their ic why just stop using godaddy i i know that they have like their ad campaigns that that no that's why they there's so many people that use GoDaddy. There's always an ad campaign going on. So many people know GoDaddy exists. GoDaddy's been a thing since I was a kid. And popular since I was a kid.
Starting point is 01:41:39 But stop it. Stop. There are so many other hosting providers and like domain providers that you can use stop that like this isn't just me being a linode shield like literally anyone else is better like go use namecheap for your your names and then i don't know linode aws um AWS the one that calls their thing droplets what are they digitalization that one thank you that's what I use anyone anyone else
Starting point is 01:42:14 or if you want like half them do wordpress hosting as well like a go to these prices even good like why do people besides just knowing about them is it just that like people know about them is that it it probably is i don't know what their prices are because i haven't been on that site in ever uh these are australian prices first year for a dot com it's 22 okay now that's going to be very limited
Starting point is 01:42:46 in the dot coms that are available because $22 for a dot com like that's whew mate if you're getting $22 on a dot com that's going to be some like really shitty domain because like even
Starting point is 01:43:04 just getting like your name if your name is not like a popular name is probably gonna be more than that Also, I'm finding it funny that on their site if you go to websites it says protect against malware attacks Good luck with that one! Why is dot-com cheaper than dot-sydney? I'm looking at Namecheap right now. Just looking at Namecheap for my name. The most expensive one is here is dot-so for $90 a year. What the hell is dot so who cares about dot so Tita is that is a is name cheap for you moved your shit after epic got fucked
Starting point is 01:43:57 yep I moved my my names over for all my domains I did finally too i moved it over to uh pork bun that's what i moved it over to that's gonna be the next one that gets hacked that's where all like that's where like you know luke smith and all that end up going to so that's what did they yeah i have no interest in being on pork bun um sure they might be like censorship resistant and all of that stuff, but that's not very useful when they have a database leak. Yeah. Maybe they'll be fine.
Starting point is 01:44:33 I can't say anything about whether they will be or not. Maybe they actually handle their data properly and don't store full credit card strings. Fucking epic. Oh, we don't store full credit card strings? Then why are they in the data set? Stop it. Just...
Starting point is 01:44:56 Like, I don't know how you can openly lie about data that is literally public. Like, I can verify everything that you're saying right now. I guess they just didn't expect anyone to actually do it, but the dataset wasn't even that big. It's not like the NFT bay. Actually, do you know
Starting point is 01:45:18 about that one? Oh, I haven't heard about any NFT bays. The NFT bay. Someone went and downloaded every single NFT on the Ethereum network and a couple of other networks and just put them into a torrent. And just, it's a 16 terabyte torrent and you can just download every NFT.
Starting point is 01:45:38 Nice. Because people have got this idea that, you know, NFTs are stored on the blockchain. They're not. It's just... The token is the actual assets the blockchain. They're not. It's just... The token is the actual assets, though. Yeah, no, it's just that you're literally just buying a link to Google Drive, basically, for the most part.
Starting point is 01:45:54 Yep. I wish those things would go back to, like, what they originally intended to be. Which has nothing to do with art. Hey, you're getting game companies jumping on now. Ubisoft has said they're going to do NFT stuff in their
Starting point is 01:46:12 games. Well, like, as probably annoying as it is, that's kind of more what the original intention of those things were in the first place. Like, they were made for blockchain based games, or at least I think that's where they started coming from. Just wait till EA jumps
Starting point is 01:46:28 on it. Does it in FIFA. NFT soccer players. Oh. FIFA's already bad enough for card packs as it is. Like, imagine if you could buy a player for like $1,000.
Starting point is 01:46:46 People are going to do it. That's the dumb thing. And people are like, the NFT guys are like, wow, I can't believe the company is jumping in on this. Well, yeah, they're jumping in on it because they're going to be
Starting point is 01:46:56 scraping income off the top of it. It's not like they're just going to like, it's just going to be, oh, you can just freely trade them amongst yourselves. Like, no, they're going to be increasing the gas fees and then taking off from that. Like, that's how it goes.
Starting point is 01:47:10 It's just like the company's embracing NFTs. They're embracing it to make money. Yep. I think the first time I heard about a company catching shit about them dealing with NFTs was actually Dead by Day by daylight that rings a bell i did hear something about that so they um they were working with some company and they were i don't know if they were going to or did release an nft that was for when they released a new killer which i think was hellraiser and it was supposed to be oh if you
Starting point is 01:47:45 get the nft you'll like get access to something that in the game wasn't there before or something yeah and they got they caught a lot of shit for it oh i can understand why yeah like you've got two crowds here you've got the people who like are really hardcore into nfts and then you have like the gamers who are like stop putting fucking money like we don't need more monetization systems in our games like this is why i mainly play indie stuff because typically like obviously you have the indie companies who you know make the nft games but the guys who don't like they are they're not doing it for the most part as like hey hey, this is how we can quickly make money. It's usually a passion project.
Starting point is 01:48:28 And a lot of companies aren't going to integrate NFTs just because this is the cool thing to do. I do hope we can look back in five, ten years on the whole NFT art thing and just be like that was a weird time wasn't it remember when people were buying really poorly drawn monkeys for five hundred thousand dollars that was why why did that in the middle of a global pandemic uh pandemic where a lot of people were homeless crazy times the thing that made me start realizing how getting cringe and fts were getting it wasn't that it was i
Starting point is 01:49:08 think it was a little bit before this i'm if i remember this correctly gary v suddenly got super fucking in nfts i think he started his own nft line of his little fucking doodles he makes uh-huh yeah i was like okay now sorry i'm out now i get okay i get the nft thing from the artist perspective like actual artists not like hey i just went onto fiverr and bought like a hundred monkeys like which is what half the projects are now like it people like oh yeah the artists the artists like these are not artists that are making money here. The artist was paid on Fiverr. The one who's making the money is the companies who are trying to flip them
Starting point is 01:49:52 for insane amounts of money. I mean, even for the perspective of somebody who's an artist trying to monetize their work some, unless you're somebody that has a fucking huge following already
Starting point is 01:50:07 this that it's just like anything else where you're you are a speck of sand in the beach and no one's gonna find your fucking NFT. It is the Elon Musk factor again you have to get like really big influencers who are willing to sell out their fans
Starting point is 01:50:24 to talk about this. Like the Logan Pauls, the Jake Pauls, the Gary Vee, apparently. Look, the problem is there's a lot of people who are just willing to sell out their fans. Like, if you unironically refer to yourself as an influencer, then you're probably one of those people who will sell out your fans. Look, I hate the term the problem I have with the term influencer is it doesn't tell you anything about the person, when someone says
Starting point is 01:50:56 they're an influencer, I just imagine that they don't have any talent their only skill in life is being able to be popular it's like the pretty kid in class who has, like, who's, like, dumb as a pile of bricks, but
Starting point is 01:51:11 they're pretty and they have friends. Like, that's all they are. It's the internet's form of preppy kids. Yep, exactly. But hey, look, you might make money on it. you might make money on it you might make money on it do you want to buy this look at you can buy this ten thousand dollar monkey it might go up to a million dollars you should do it you're gonna be rich like that that's the other thing like i think i think in most other clim, this wouldn't actually be as tempting.
Starting point is 01:51:46 But because there is a lot of people who are really struggling to pay bills right now, any chance they can grasp at to make a lot of money, they're going to grasp at. It doesn't help either that. The few microscopic times somebody actually does something good like it's like boom that's all you fucking hear about you don't hear about the god what probably the hundreds
Starting point is 01:52:12 tens of thousands people that lose probably more than they should have on those things yep like i think i think back in this i'm like you know as cool of a dude as he is i'm like i damn it people this shit wouldn't fucking start if you can sell fucking nft for like six million dollars of shit because that's what kickstarted all this crap off i don't know where the crypto market's going but it's getting too ridiculous right now like we're getting... You know, it's starting to feel like, you know, the bubble's getting a bit too big. Like, there's so much money here.
Starting point is 01:52:52 And it's coming out that, you know, a lot of the stable coins, like Tether, are sort of bullshit. They're not actually backed. You have your prices getting just to ludicrous levels you have absolute joke projects going from no no value to like you know billions of dollars of market cap back to no value within like the span of an hour or two like this is it something's got to crumble at some point and i don't know what it's going to be but when it does happen it's going to be very big i don't think that i don't i don't think crypto is ever going away i think that you know you're going to have a lot of things collapse
Starting point is 01:53:39 and i i think that what's going to happen afterwards is you're going to see a lot of a lot of these projects that actually have use cases stick around, but all of this, like there shouldn't be, what, how many coins are there on coin market cap right now? A couple thousand? I don't even know. Like there shouldn't be
Starting point is 01:53:58 this many projects. Yeah. And something's going to collapse right now and i don't think it's helped by the fact that a lot of like a lot of like crypto outlets are just talking about like how much things go up in value like i'm looking at the biggest gainers right now and one of the thing okay let's actually have a look so the top gainer right now is bankless dow it went up 55 000 in the past 24 hours like that that's not sustainable like i i don't think i need to
Starting point is 01:54:34 tell you this but like that's not sustainable um we now have coins like shark girl token i mentioned earlier that are based off of characters uh i found one called Genshin Shiba Inu. Oh, no. That went up 1,000% in the past 24 hours. Goldzilla. I shouldn't need to tell people that something that goes up... Look, if it goes up above 20% in a day, it's probably,
Starting point is 01:55:06 allegedly, a scam. Yeah. And you shouldn't even touch something... Like, if it goes up $50,000 in a day, like, that's not something that your money should be in. Because that right there is a pump and dump. Like, it's the most... Allegedly.
Starting point is 01:55:20 It's the most obvious, alleged pump and dump on the planet. Which I mean, if somehow some way you happened to randomly buy a shit coin because you were bored and all of a sudden it got pumped up, alright? Cool, lucky for you. I bought like $50 of Shiba Inu.
Starting point is 01:55:38 No, $40 of Dogecoin back when it was worthless and it went up in value. I was like, oh, I have a couple hundred dollars here. That's cool. But like, don't... This isn't... This is not how you plan your future. You don't make...
Starting point is 01:55:54 You don't bet everything on red as the way to get your life savings. That's not how it works. People are going to keep doing it though. And something's going to burst. Maybe it's going to be like, you know, the equivalent of like the financial crisis again, but this time in crypto where everything just collapses.
Starting point is 01:56:21 But... Don't say that, man. $5,000 Bitcoin. I've been out of the market for a while like i'm i made quite a bit um and i now like it's it's nice now because i have like my you know my savings there like i didn't have that i had i had a bit of savings but now i have considerably more um but you shouldn't just because you can make money on it and there are people that do doesn't mean that you should be banking on like there are people now who say stupid things like oh it doesn't matter that's a ponzi scheme just be the first one in and the
Starting point is 01:56:58 first one out it's okay like no if you if you know it's a Ponzi scheme, your money shouldn't be going into it. I don't know how every podcast I do turns into a crypto rant, but it somehow does. Let's see. What else do we have on here there's not much uh i have a couple minutes left for the podcast anyway uh hey i here's one i'm gonna send you a fun one um uber eats is expanding their business we need to let you order weed in ontario but won't deliver
Starting point is 01:57:47 yep this is a pickup earners canadian cannabis retailer tokyo smoke so hey look if you you can buy it you i don't know like why would you order it through uber eats but like not have it get delivered like why would you order it through Uber Eats but not have it get delivered? Why would you do it like that? Why would you not just go there? Go to the store? Well, besides very dumb reasons, I'm actually trying to think
Starting point is 01:58:18 of rational reasons. I know I haven't used Uber Eats before but I know with DoorDash you can technically some places I know with DoorDash you can technically like basically some places will just use DoorDash as how they order online but can't deliver so my thought process is
Starting point is 01:58:34 okay I can order from a place that I can't get delivery from but I can go pick it up and I'm going to go pick it up because I'm going to go fucking get high too and I'm going to get the mad munchies so I can get both at the same time I guess if you just don't want to wait in like you don't want to walk around the store you don't want to wait to find stuff I guess that's why I don't I don't know I I don't know um but yeah you can do that in
Starting point is 01:59:02 Ontario now I guess If you want to. I've never used Uber Eats either. I'm typically the kind of person that will just go to the store and buy my food. We should do that more. Admitted. I'm just a very cheap person. I do, you know, I'll get myself, you know, some KFC, whatever, every so often. But, like, I don't want to pay the delivery fee.
Starting point is 01:59:34 I just don't. I was just silent. I thought you were going to say something. I'm sorry. I was just thinking i just remembered i know we didn't cover this topic yet because i wanted to see what you were gonna say about where i said i'm gonna have a vt remodel me soon yeah i i did see that but i just i was skipped over it um where's that coming from where's that coming from so i think i've explained this so i wouldn't have it for the same reason obviously like a lot of people that do vtubing do which is like because the anonymity or probably like anxiety and shit
Starting point is 02:00:17 um and the idea actually came from um i try to think of like different ways to do it like there's like do i have it be a whole separate character that i sort of like play off of in some way shape or form um because it's i initially when i thought about the idea of somebody who like just has a model and just sometimes using it like just cause seemed a little weird to me but then um i don't know if you know who this is there's somebody who i think used to or still associated with the gang grumps named rubber ross um he kind of basically does that like he he basically does some streams and some videos where he's just you know he just has his camera on right right right
Starting point is 02:01:05 but then he has ones where he basically is vtubing now and just sort of like i guess he doesn't really like switch characters he just sort of just sometimes uses his vtuber model right right i was like actually i was like no that's not a bad idea actually because to some extent doing it that way sometimes just seems more fun because there's like any more interesting things you could do Sure sure sure. than my dumb ass in my room So I was thinking of basically just like doing that also You wanna be a cat gal?
Starting point is 02:01:37 Yeah From a strategic perspective. Sure. There's two reasons. One Wanna be a cat boy or a ship um sure okay there's um there is that uh that audience that can be tapped into sure sure sure maybe i see you said like are you mocking me I wear these unironically in my streams they're actually kind of
Starting point is 02:02:13 comfortable but the other reason is like okay so I know there are people who do v-tubing that sort of do technology stuff like there's there's like you know obviously they're cyan and um is that ren yeah you've had on there um but like i think there's still there's still a gap here that i don't think it's really been the tech space is very very it's the one part of vtubing that's very unsaturated yeah so like and it's not like okay so cyan does streams where she's like learning stuff and you're like learning alongside with it okay good um admittedly i don't exactly know what ren talks about when he uh ren's mainly a game streamer right now okay but on his like his youtube channel he talks about like vtubing on linux okay yeah that makes
Starting point is 02:03:06 sense um so i see like okay where there's a hole here where there's not somebody who's vtubing that can actually basically literally teach you how to do software or like do stuff like this i'm like okay maybe i can kind of fill that gap. That makes sense. Yeah. Now, I know there's a, well, there's a bunch of people I can think of that have, like, you know, the VTuber character and then also, you know, they streamline themselves. Like, Kason, for example, she does that.
Starting point is 02:03:43 Fuck. I know LilyPichu sometimes uses a vtube model as well um uh who else uh anthony padilla for example also does the same thing from uh from smosh yeah he started vtubing a while back um and i i think yeah there are definitely things you can do for sure um i i think i think that the problem a lot of youtubers a lot of them end up doing the same thing like this sort of happens with every single... Like, whether you're doing, like, just general content creation, anything you're doing,
Starting point is 02:04:29 there's always going to be a lot of people that... Same with what I said earlier. Always sort of coalesce, congregate at doing, like, the thing that you do when you're doing this. Like, when you're a VTuber,
Starting point is 02:04:41 you're a game streamer. You do these streams, you do karaoke, things like that. But I think there's a lot of experimentation that still can be done. And, like, there's no reason why you can't just do regular content that gets done on, like,
Starting point is 02:04:53 on the YouTube space as a VTuber. Like, you don't have to be a game streamer. You can do all of these other things. And it's not at the height that vtubing was like you know when uh gura first uh first um you know hit a million subs and everyone knew about like en vtubers but it's still a very big space uh and i think a lot of the people that were there at the time have sort of dropped out like a lot of people sort of started but without like having any sort of direction they want to take it they just right they just you know it's the
Starting point is 02:05:31 cool thing to be doing right now and i'm gonna start yeah um but i every so often cyan bothers me about getting a model as well um i was gonna ask i was like you was so when's your when's your kangaroo vtuber yeah look um look maybe it's someone who will happen but i don't know i think i think it's it's an interesting idea to experiment with just to see like how it would go because i don't know of any like i know of dev vtubers i don't know if like some people do development but i don't know of anyone who you know tries to teach it right i there probably is at least like one or two but i i can't think of anybody and most people who do the VTubing stuff do streams anyway. Yeah. I can't think of any video content about development.
Starting point is 02:06:35 I couldn't be mistaken. If someone happens to know someone, let me know. But from my knowledge of the scene, I don't know of anyone. There's too many VTubers to keep track of. There's too many VTubers to keep track of. There's too many VTubers in general. I get why everyone wanted to do it, because VTube is this cool new thing. Everyone wants to try it out.
Starting point is 02:06:58 But it's sort of like with anything. If you don't have a direction you want to take it, then you're not going to last for the long run like i know a bunch of people while like luke was at like the the peak of you know actually being a linux youtuber um we're starting like linux channels like that was the reason why i started but a lot of people ended up like dropping out of it because you know you if you just start because you're you see someone else doing it you're not like there's nothing that's gonna make you stand apart there's nothing that really sort of there's nothing that gives anyone a reason to watch your stuff i think i think the thing that's helped me recently at least is you know i put it budding budding a bit putting putting
Starting point is 02:07:47 that part like stuff like that where I can't speak putting a bit more of my like myself into the content like this is why I wear the fucking Yana's shirt like there's no other like I feel like the Linux youtuber space needed needed like different people like everyone in the space was the same person like they're like okay i am serious foss man maybe i'm bold um but i am serious foss man foss is all that matters there's there's at least no no one that i can think of that was like trying to give a bit more of a, a nuanced perspective. Like I,
Starting point is 02:08:26 I don't know. I think that it's always a good idea to experiment with content and just see what, see what sticks. Yeah. Cause I kind of like how you did with Linux. The reason why I started making some of the programming stuff was because I didn't like a lot of the way some people
Starting point is 02:08:45 most people did their tutorials as they're either extremely slow and dry and make me want to slam my head in the desk as i listen to them speaking of oversaturated spaces and uh or they like they just show you what they did but don't actually fucking explain like what they did or why and uh so that that's kind of what i tried to do is i still try to do it at a pace it's not boring but i still try to explain what i'm doing but i and i also try not to curb my speech or anything while I'm doing it. Because I'm surprised no one's commented on it until literally the other day. Somebody commented on my video I did about doing testing in Go. And at one point, I make this remark about how,
Starting point is 02:09:40 oh, we need to simulate breaking uh breaking existing code so i like breaks i'm like we have just introduced a regression which is a programming terms a fancy way of saying you broke shit that already worked and i was like okay i actually like pulled it out into a clip because i'd like i'd never hurry and make like a dumb take about like that like stuff like that is why people stick around like there's so many fucking dry absolutely dry and boring programming channels like there's a reason why there's like a couple that sort of like stick out um there was a unity channel i used to watch back when i was doing a lot of unity stuff um let's see if we can find it. Unity tutorial. What were they called?
Starting point is 02:10:30 Brackies. Brackies was the channel. Like channels like that where there's like some character there. I think, you know, I think that they're a bit more exciting. The problem is that there's a lot of people who see characters being exciting and then just use
Starting point is 02:10:46 the same fucking character. There's so many Twitch streamers that are just the same person. I don't know. I'm sure you're all not identical in real life, but it's the idea of this is how you be a streamer.
Starting point is 02:11:02 This is how you be a Python tutorial channel. Things like that. idea of like this is how you this is how you be a streamer this is how you be a a python tutorial channel things like that oh okay i guess you're able to try to like emulate the the the style of the popular channel and it's very obvious in a lot of cases when people are emulating a style right yeah i can't remember um i remember his name now i I remember there was someone I used to follow on Twitch that... I can't remember his name, but he was just extremely energetic. And not like fake, he was just a very energetic person. And I can see why he was, for even being a channel at LouisD's sister and writes fucking code,
Starting point is 02:11:39 he was still a pretty decently sized streamer. Because I think he probably gets your attention a lot more because he's he's very he he's very like he's very upbeat and has a lot of energy whereas like i would never try to do that brother oh my god you tried imagine me sort of being like okay everybody here we go we see oh no i think you didn't like that it was yeah that would be fun uh but if you had to do like, it would... Yeah. That would be fun. But if you tried to do, like, the... You, like, try to, like, clean up your accent as much as possible and try to do, like, the...
Starting point is 02:12:11 That's impossible, yeah. Yeah, no, you try to be, like, like, the generic programming channel. If you did it with, you know, like, you just go full redneck with it, I think that's a different appeal, and that could work. You're, work. You get the redneck look as well.
Starting point is 02:12:29 I think that would work as a programming channel. We're going to put this variable right here. We're going to come back for it later. I know there are some people that super over over emphasize the like australian accent as well and that that works out in its own way not for programming but for like some other things um i think it would work with yours as well maybe maybe i'll have like these polar opposite things where if I'm using the VTB model,
Starting point is 02:13:06 I'm being, I guess, call it more normal. And then if I'm like camera on, I'm like full blown like, we Appalachian in this bitch right now. Maybe it could work. I don't know. It's certainly something worth experimenting with. Like if it doesn't work, hey, it doesn't work.
Starting point is 02:13:25 Just change it. Oh, no. You just gave me the middle image of me intentionally misspelling words with the horrible southern slang. Oh, no. I think when it's like an obvious there's a difference between faking a personality and playing an obvious character
Starting point is 02:13:51 like when it's a character I think like there's you know you sort of have that understanding that it's a character but when it's like you're trying to pretend like this is who you really are that's a little bit different. I just realized we're actually over time. Oh,
Starting point is 02:14:14 no, it's fine. Um, uh, I don't think there's anything else I want to talk about on here. I think we hit on most of the main stuff actually. Yeah. I think we did actually.
Starting point is 02:14:34 That was fun. That was fun. Now I need to go plan out the rest of the latest video and record that today before I go to work. Oh lord. My life is fun uh i said i wasn't i was like considering not doing reactions but linus is making it so hard not to do reactions like he's saying shit oh no it's so fucking stupid in some cases like it's one thing to just be you know new user stupid like new user stupid's fine like know, new user stupid. Like, new user stupid's fine.
Starting point is 02:15:05 Like, everyone's new user stupid. But, like, unable to read English stupid is a whole, like, another story. Like, Linus, just stop. Oh, wait, did I mention the thing about OBS earlier? Oh, with him? Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, you didn't. But, yeah, I did remember him seeing a bunch of
Starting point is 02:15:26 interesting obs issues uh no it was not the issues the issues are fine i had the exact same issues like that's entirely fair obs is a fucking it's a mess um no the problem that uh was funny was so the package for obs on on arch linux it says unofficial okay he read unofficial as unsupported oh right he circles it and says it's unsupported like Linus it literally does not say that like how do you word unofficial means? It's supported, but unofficially. Stop. Like, shit like that is the reason why I have to do these reactions. I can't not do a video
Starting point is 02:16:14 when I hear shit like that. I'd watch it, but admittedly, for some reason, I don't know why, I'm actually one of the people that watches a reaction channel sometimes. I don't like doing reaction content, actually one of the people that watches a reaction channel sometimes. I don't like doing reaction content, but if I'm going to do it, I'm going to
Starting point is 02:16:30 like, I'm going to try to add context to the video. I'm not like, oh yes, Linus said a thing. Yeah, you can hear him say a thing. I'm going to be like, okay, this is the problem that he's having here. This is why it's happening. Here's how you can address it. Anyway, I just realized we actually hadn't split this into parts we've gone an hour and a half with one part so let's hope i didn't lose the recording it should be fine hopefully um
Starting point is 02:16:55 anyway uh what do you want to say to end the the the podcast uh y'all can find me on I actually have my own website now. Oh, you do? Yeah. It's a blog. I basically just post like very small snippets of how to do
Starting point is 02:17:12 like a bunch of random things with certain technologies like Mongo or Go. I did not know you had How do you spell your name? The last part? F-E-U-R-Y Oh,'s f-e yeah i had it u-e everyone does yeah okay
Starting point is 02:17:33 it's just a ghost cms you should go and buy the other one and just link it back i should that's not a bad idea because i i i don't know if i've ever spelled your name correctly actually like when i you and nobody else it is a weird spelling and is it weird are there other people the name fury spelled like that i've never seen it before nope not really yeah well i i see the problem then um okay for me if you want to go watch my main channel that's brody robertson i do linux stuff you'll probably hear from that channel i don't know why i shout that channel out but if you did find the podcast first that's cool yeah um gaming channel brody robertson plays live stream twice a week up that's three times, Brody. Twice a week.
Starting point is 02:18:25 Upload Favre's YouTube Shorts. Podcast available. It's not wanted to release basically anywhere if you're watching the video. The video is available on YouTube and Odyssey as well. And I think that's going to be pretty much it for me then. Yeah. How do you want to end it? Y'all come on back now. We'll see you next time.
Starting point is 02:18:48 Didn't you say that last time as well? That's my ending. That's my ending catch line. I don't watch most videos to the end. If I see an outro happening, I just stop the video. Anyway, see you guys later.

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