Tech Over Tea - Australian Internet Is Basically A Scam | Solo

Episode Date: November 16, 2022

Finally my new fibre internet connection is here but it has been an absolute nightmare to get to this point and the speeds while better are nowhere near what you'd think you'd get from fibre. ========...==Support The Show========== ► Patreon: ► Paypal: ► Amazon USA: ► Other Methods: =========Video Platforms========== 🎥 YouTube: =========Audio Release========= 🎵 RSS: 🎵 Apple Podcast: 🎵 Spotify: 🎵 Google Podcast: 🎵 Anchor: ==========Social Media========== 🎤 Discord: 🐦 Twitter: 📷 Instagram: 🌐 Mastodon: ==========Credits========== 🎨 Channel Art: All my art has was created by Supercozman DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good morning, good day, and good evening. Welcome back to the show. Today we are doing a solo episode, and I have some, uh, I guess you'd call it good news? Interesting news? I finally got my fiber connection actually working. It has been a, um, it has been a long journey to get here. You've probably seen I've done a bunch of clips on this channel. I've talked about it a ton of times in this podcast. Finally, the connection is actually working. Now, it was installed. Like, it was installed. Like, the fiber to the house installed, I think, like six. No, four months ago. We originally got stuff started like six or so months ago.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Got it installed back then. Maybe three. Whatever. It was installed a couple of months ago. We originally got stuff started like six or so months ago. Got it installed back then. Maybe three. Whatever. It was installed a couple of months ago. And we've had the modem sitting there for a while and our ISP hasn't let us actually set up a connection. They've just been saying hey,
Starting point is 00:00:59 you don't actually have this installed yet. And they've sent out multiple people to install the box that is already installed So it's been a mess now. We finally had a technician come out to like Check what's going not like check what's going on not just showing up to be like oh? You know what the box installed this yeah? I don't know why I'm here someone actually checked like was the box installed properly and here's where it gets fun. So we've had the
Starting point is 00:01:28 fibre connection installed to this house for all this time and when they install it, they put a box outside that the fibre from wherever the fibre comes from comes to the house, connects to this box, the box goes into our modem inside. To that box on the outside of the house the fibre
Starting point is 00:01:44 connects to, there's a bunch of the house the fiber connects to there's a bunch of ports uh i think there's eight of them and the people who installed our fiber installed it into port one now my house and my region is not a port one house it is a port eight house i don't know what the ports i I don't, I don't know why they have different ports for different regions, I'm sure there's some, like, I'm sure there's something there, but my house is a port 8 house, so the people who installed the fiber at my house, they installed it in the wrong port, so all of the equipment we had, working perfectly fine, there was literally no issues on that front our modem
Starting point is 00:02:26 was fine our router is fine our cables were fine no issue except they installed the fiber wrong so we've been waiting all this time just for them to realize they fucked up now when they did the installation so there was i think there was, when they did the installation, so there was, I think there was four people here when the installation happened, and three of them seemed like they had basically no idea what they were doing. So, my assumption for what happened there is there was one person and three people, like, one, uh, supervisor and three people being trained and I guess they just decided to train at my house so um yeah you'd think the person who was in charge would you know double check the work and make sure everything's good uh but no so yeah that. Now, we swapped over from our old connection, the old, I think it was 50 by, I want to say 50 by 10.
Starting point is 00:03:32 It was 100 by 10. It might have been 100 by, wait, what did we have before? No, it was 100 by 10. We had a 100 by 10 connection before, and now we have a glorious 250 by 20 now fiber in australia you can't really with a residential connection you don't really get that great also they will overcharge you to the fucking moon if you want upload so right now the connection we have is 250 by 20 and we're paying 100 Australian dollars a month. So 60 US, I guess that would roughly convert to. And if we wanted to go up to like 40 upload or 100 upload,
Starting point is 00:04:31 they would add like 50 or $100 onto the contract. Upload isn't that much more expensive. The reason why they can like get away with charging so much for upload is that the like regular person doesn't care at all about upload. They just upload some TikToks. They upload some Facebook videos, some images. They're not doing like, you know, streaming and high bitrate video, things like that, where you do need that upload. But they do download that stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:01 And that's why you can usually get like a much better much better connection on that side now usually when you get a connection you don't end up getting the like the full speed of it's like oh you know you get you pay for 250 but in reality you're gonna get like I don't know 170 or so but last time I'm not gonna show you the IP because just in case, I don't know, 170 or so, but last time, I'm not gonna show the IP, because, uh, just in case IPs don't swap until, uh, this goes up, but right now, I'm doing a speed test, and I'm getting the, I'm getting 242 down, so basically as good as it can pretty much get. Okay, drop down to 230. And then upload side, I'm getting 23 and a half right now.
Starting point is 00:05:52 23 and a half upload, which is so... That is so fast compared to what I had. Because usually, like, usually I'd be working with like a 7, which is totally fine. Or maybe like a 10, which is totally fine, or maybe like a 10, which was totally fine for streaming, um, maybe a little bit too close to the, uh, the border there, like, because I, I do 6,000 kilobits, so you want a bit of buffer room there, but now there's definitely that buffer, and now if I maybe don't have a game downloaded during a stream, it's not a big deal. Like, I downloaded Ys Origin, which is about two gigabytes.
Starting point is 00:06:27 It took about a minute and a half to do that, which is absolutely crazy. Like, I've never had a connection this fast. I would love, you know, I would love symmetrical gigabit. And I think you can get it with, like, a business connection. But residential is not happening. I think I've actually it with, like, a business connection, um, but residential is not happening, uh, I think I've actually talked about Gigabit in Australia, but let's see, Australia, not, not that one, Australia, Gigabit, um, also, if you can hear my keyboard, I've got a new
Starting point is 00:06:59 keyboard, I'll mention, I'll talk about that in a moment, um, I don't know if you can hear it, let's find out, uh, you can't hear my keyboard, okay, maybe, just ignore what I said, you cannot hear my keyboard, but now you know, um, Aussie Broadband does a, I think this is the one, oh, let me show you how just ridiculous the upload nonsense is, so, where is it? Where are their plans? So this is $250 by $25. This is probably what the normal people would get. This is $130 a month. Now, if you want to get $100 up, they add $80 to the contract. And then the top contract they have for the residential connection doesn't even have the top upload speed you cannot get like a thousand by a hundred a thousand by 250 or anything like that the top they offer is a
Starting point is 00:07:52 thousand by 50 so if i went up to that plan like as a content creator that is literally downgrading my connection because sure the extra upload is nice and it's great for the, um, you know, the regular, the regular consumer, but why can I not get a thousand by, like, at least a thousand by a hundred? There is no reason why you can't offer me at least a thousand by a hundred. Maybe there's some, like, weird nonsense to their back, but I don't believe there is a reason why they couldn't try to offer me a thousand by a hundred. That's dumb. Like at least say, hey, maybe out- maybe the gear you have isn't going to support it out of the box.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Maybe you need to get like upgrade your gear, fair enough. But at least offer it for the people who want to- who want to waste their money. Did I not clean this cup? I didn't clean this cup. Give me one second. You know what? I'm just going to leave the tea there. I made the tea in a dirty cup.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Now the tea is going to sit there and not be drank. That's sad. I think it's breadcrumbs in there, so I probably- I could drink it. Um, that's sad. I'll make myself a cup of tea afterwards and then stop being sad. But yeah, now we have the 250x20 connection. I'm very happy about that. I haven't tested it, like, in the context of, you know, gaming or anything like that, but I don't see any reason why it would be any less stable. That'll be really weird. FF14 serves. Let's do a ping of the server I'm playing on. ARR status. I've moved over to Aether. Here we go. Let's try that. Ping.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Aether, here we go. Let's try that. Ping... Oi, no, I'm not- the IP is not part of the command. Uh, that is basically doing exactly the same as it was before. Okay, so no difference basically in the ping, which is fair. I wouldn't really have expected a difference in that regard. Because I was already sitting on like, because I've run a wide connection as well. I was already sitting on basically as low as your ping is going to get in the context
Starting point is 00:10:16 of connecting to servers either somewhere else in the country or on the other side of the world. So now we've got our... So our, like, what do you call it? We have a modem router combo, like most people have. So now the modem is something...
Starting point is 00:10:36 So when you have NBN in Australia, they actually install the modem on the wall, and then you'll plug your other devices into that. So now my... What previously was my modem router is now acting as a, uh, switch and router, I guess. It's not a great switch. It has four ports on it. Um, so, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Also, it's Wi-Fi and all that fun. So I don't use the Wi-Fi for pretty much anything besides my phone. I like having cables So now I've still got my switch under my bed It was a matter of switching the cables over and all that but one thing we can do now is um, I showed this back in my Video when I I got the switch. I'm so sad about this tea
Starting point is 00:11:20 I showed this in the video where I got my switch, I could just fish it out, that's an option, um, I have a cable running along my entire hallway, uh, now, this was not good when it was, when the, um, the modem router combo nonsense was in my housemate's room, because it could just run along down like the hallway and not be a problem now because we've moved that into the I get I think it's called the The second die. I there's like a this house later. This is like a dining room I think they called it the breakfast room or something on the floor plan
Starting point is 00:12:02 Now that's in the breakfast room, so rather than running directly up the hallway, now it runs directly up the hallway, and then turns at that room, so there's just a cable sitting in the middle, uh, what we're planning to do now, and, uh, probably gonna do this after I record the podcast, is run the cable along the ceiling, which is something we were planning to do ages ago, and once that's done, it's pretty much gonna clear it out, it's just gonna drop down, like, in front of my door, and then it's pretty much good to go, assuming we don't, um, break the cable, which would be really bad, because then we'd have to take all the hooks down, and, uh, yeah, and they're gonna be hooks
Starting point is 00:12:41 that you, like, nail into the ceiling as well, so, yeah, um, she'll be fine, she'll be fine. Either way, uh, it's good to have the new connection, and hopefully nothing goes wrong, hopefully nothing goes wrong. oh that does remind me the uh the cable we had connected to the the modem that was uh the the fiber modem we had there uh so i don't know how this happened but at some point the ethernet cable attached the shielding got slashed i don't know what slashed it whether it was i i don't know what could have slashed it, um, because we never have anything sharp over there, it's not like we're vacuuming a floor and the cable could have gotten, like, caught up in that, or, uh, something like that, I, I don't know how it got broken, but the, uh, ethernet cable wiring, um, here we go.
Starting point is 00:13:50 So, the inside of an Ethernet cable looks something like... That's a terrible picture. Here? This will work. Actually, this is a really good example. Here, here we go. So, the inside of an Ethernet cable looks something like this. You've got all these twisted pairs and that fun stuff. Now, due to the way an Ethernet cable works, if some of these,
Starting point is 00:14:15 if some of these lines are broken, the cable will still function. But depending on how the damage occurred, it may drastically reduce your speeds turns out that's what happened with that cable so it was like a 25 meter cable i think a lot of 10 meter cable something like that it was a relatively long cable um plugged it in and on that cable we got 50 down and one up on the same connection so So clearly, something is wrong with the cable. I didn't do like a deep dive onto the cable itself, but it's possible that something got slashed in there. Now, if I really wanted to,
Starting point is 00:14:53 I could just cut the end off the cable and then rewire it, but I just didn't care enough. I've wired ethernet cables before. It's fiddly. It's not difficult. It's just really annoying. As long as you just get like a cable stripper and a cable crimper and all that fun stuff. It's not difficult.
Starting point is 00:15:14 You just put the thing where the thing goes. It's all like color code and all that fun stuff. So it's pretty straightforward to do. Also, you can just look at guides online. There's one way to do uh also there's just you can just look at guides online there's one way to do it so as long as you do the thing in the right way uh it'll work don't be like me like uh when i i made the cable where i uh so the purpose of these little, um, these little, like, plastic doohickeys on the end is to strengthen the cable. So, you want to have those, like, go, you want to have some of the, like, the regular cable go into the plastic doohickey that holds it. I didn't do that.
Starting point is 00:15:57 I stripped off way too much of the cable and had, like, the wire exposed. So, like, the internal wire was exposed um which will work like it's it's gonna work just fine but the purpose of the plastic thing is to make it so when you're a dummy and you yank on the cable which is something you're going to do you don't break the cable and like it is a usable cable um i didn't didn't do that. So, yeah, that cable, I think, I think that cable lasted for a while. I don't know whatever happened to it. I know I was using it at one point, but I don't know what I ever actually did with it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Also, there's, like, a million videos on YouTube on how to, like, make a Ethernet cable. So, if you really wanted to do so, like, you could find out. Um, if you have too much do so, like, you could find out. Um, if you have too much time and not that much money. I don't actually know how much you'll save by doing your own Ethernet cables, actually. Um,
Starting point is 00:16:55 Ethernet, uh, let's go Cat6, no plug. How much is it per meter? No not cat6nplugs cat6 cable no connectors no terminators do do do do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do, I'm just finding e- I'm just finding made cables, Amazon, show me the thing that I actually want to see, I don't care about the ethernet, the ethernet plugs themselves, oh my fucking god, okay, maybe somewhere else, maybe not Amazon,
Starting point is 00:17:39 um, okay, no, not that one. That's the connectors again. Oh my- show me the- Oh my god. Oh my god. No. Termination. Show me the thing I wanna see. Because I know you can just buy it.
Starting point is 00:17:58 You can buy it at a fucking hardware store. Why is it not showing me? Bunnings. Bunnings saved my life. Um, Ethernet cable. I know they literally have like giant fucking wheels of it. Here, okay, thank you. This is solid core Ethernet network cable. It is a hundred meters it is not showing me a price details where the fuck's the price bunnings where the fuck's your price i always scroll past it like 10 times uh let's go back okay 30 minutes 38 dollars, $38. What was this one? That was $100.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Okay, so it's about a hundred or so, about a bit over a dollar a meter if you buy a lot of it. Let's just say $1.50. So $1.50 per meter, and how much is a... Okay, 20 meter Cat6 cable is $38. And then connectors you can buy for a couple of cents. Like if you buy a lot of them. That's the only problem with doing your own cables. It only saves you money if you're doing a lot of cables. But I guess if you were doing that, you could probably... Like you could save yourself a good... Especially on, like, 50 meter cables, for example.
Starting point is 00:19:27 You could save yourself a good, like, you know, maybe 30% on the price if you really wanted, once again, wanted to waste your time. Because it's not difficult, but it is going to take you, especially on your first couple of cables, like, maybe a good, like, 15, 20, maybe 30 minutes. And whether your time is, like, worth that much, like, whether it's cheaper to just buy a cable or make your own cable, because remember, you have to do both sides. So if one side takes you, like, 15 minutes, you've still got the other side to do as well,
Starting point is 00:20:02 and that's a little bit of a problem. But it's fun. I did it during my first year networking class. I think it was just called Network Fundamentals. Yeah. I think that was my first week class. I guess they wanted to do something that was interesting and exciting before they started doing networking, because I fucking hate now, I, I hate networking so much,
Starting point is 00:20:34 so with the, um, the Wi-Fi, I guess a Wi-Fi router they call it now, the Wi-Fi router we have, Wi-Fi router we have, it's like a lot of these really, really shitty modern locked-down one of these devices. So if I bring it like the thing up on like, you go to the IP of the device, you cannot actually set anything from the device screen itself, like if you connect to it from a computer. So the only way to configure it. Is through the app. That's the only way to do it. I don't know what's wrong with just doing.
Starting point is 00:21:17 It's fine. Have an app there as an option. But don't break the thing that everybody. Who has any technical knowledge. Goes to as their default to fix a modem. Like, why? Why do you have to do this to me? Just, just don't. Like, stop it.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Or at least give me any other way to access it. I would take a, like, I would take just would take just like SSHing into the device. Just give me some way. That's not using your stupid app. Because for some things it's fine. But when your app gets in the way. Of setting things the way that I. I want to set them.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Or browsing information. That I want to be setting. It's a problem. And I don't like it. But usually. I don't have to deal with that stuff. With my home setup. I'm sure you can see my shoe back there.
Starting point is 00:22:13 It's just a random one of my work shoes. Usually. You just set things up. With a home connection. And you're good. The extent of my. Complex networking. Is plugging in a switch which i i did consider buying another switch for the the wi-fi router itself uh just in case there is a need for having extra ports because right now two of the four port wait sorry there's technically
Starting point is 00:22:47 only three free ports because one of the ports is taken up by the connection to the modem itself so it's not exactly a um optimal setup if you want to have anything wired. But my housemate doesn't really care about that. The only thing he wanted wired was his desktop. So he didn't really care about the laptop, even though it does have a port on there. And I guess maybe, possibly, you could do like Ethernet to the PS4 in the lounge room, but nobody plays it anyway.
Starting point is 00:23:23 And like when stuff is being played on there, it's, uh, not being done online. So, it doesn't particularly matter in the first place, but... Maybe at some point that'll happen. Uh, that some point is not now, though. Uh, I mentioned FFXIV
Starting point is 00:23:40 before. So, I have for a while now been playing on the Oceanic servers. Um, the new they're called Oceanic servers but they're very much Australia focused. It probably
Starting point is 00:23:56 should have been a, like, a C server, a Southeast Asia server, because that would still be good for Australia, but would also be good for Southeast Asia. The problem with the Oceanic servers is nobody's fucking playing on them. Like, FFXIV right now is in kind of a low period, where we're between, like, major exp- we're, like, in the middle point between the expansions, we're in the middle point between, like like big patches, things like that, so the player base
Starting point is 00:24:25 just naturally is going to decline during that period, and the problem is that Oceanic didn't have a player base to decline, so when I first joined, it was great, because everybody was joining to level their alts, and get the like the free gil and get the free game time so great great during that period that died out pretty quickly because once you've leveled your alts hey there's no reason to stick around with your alt because f for 14 you can do everything on the same character so unless you want to have alts for doing like rp stuff or erp stuff generally the alts don't really matter. Or if you're like, if you're a weird person who wants to experience
Starting point is 00:25:08 the story on different characters, I guess, but like, there's not particularly much value in doing that, so most people don't bother. So a lot of people just play on one character or they'll have characters, just like a very low level character they don't bother doing the story with on other
Starting point is 00:25:24 servers just to like you know go to house parties and nightclubs and whatever there um so during that like probably three months after the big rush happened that's when things started like settle and it wasn't like dead but it was settled. So, you could queue perfectly fine as a healer, as a tank, as a DPS, not so much, but DPS usually struggle
Starting point is 00:25:54 in pretty much anything but peak hour times. And that was good for a while. I really enjoyed that. The issue is that didn't last forever. So, especially now that I'm in Stormblood. So, the first expansion, A Realm Reborn, it's great.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Because you have a lot of new players that are experiencing that. And Heaven's Ward, the second expansion, is also fine. Stormblood, the third expansion, is where you're in that middle period between the beginning of the game and the end game. And there's not that many people in that middle section, especially on Oceanic. So it got to the point where my daily roulettes, I would play as a healer, and it would take me about 15 minutes to queue. Which, I just don't want to deal with that. Like the reason I play healer is for healer privilege. I want instant, just absolutely instant pop queues. If I wanted slightly slower queues, I would play a tank. Tanks usually pop pretty quickly. Healers go very fast because no one wants to play a healer. I actually kind of like healer gameplay,
Starting point is 00:27:05 and I like having the entire team's stupidity in my hands, because when they... Healing in FFXIV, especially on, like, outside of endgame content, is very easy. So, if people are doing things they're supposed
Starting point is 00:27:21 to do, especially now playing in a Astralute... Scholar, especially now playing in a, uh, Astralute, uh, Astral, um, Scholar, which has an auto-heal, a lot of the time I don't have to press my heal button. So when people do stupid things, it gives me something to do. I enjoy people being dumb. Like, if you want to pull the entire dungeon, fine, do it. You might die, but you might not.
Starting point is 00:27:40 It gives me something to do, though. I at least have to, like, try and see what I can do and keep you alive. Um, so yeah, I play healer because I like my instapop queues. I don't know how long it would take to queue as a DPS. I genuinely don't. FFXIV doesn't have a distinction between, like, different types of DPS, like your magical DPS, your ranged DPS, your physical DPS. So, when they're queuing as DPS, it's just generically DPS. It's different if you do, like, you know, um, party finder stuff and, like, set up a specific party, but for general pug groups, it doesn't matter. Um, and that's just for my Judy stuff. Outside of Judy stuff, it got even worse. So, I'm doing the Stormblood Alliance raids.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I say doing, because I'm not really doing them on... Oh, I wasn't really doing them on Oceanic. I've moved now. I did the first one, which is... I forgot what the Alliance raids are called in Stormblood.
Starting point is 00:28:42 F14 Stormblood Alliance. What is the first one called? Stormblood. The Royal City of Ravnastra. So I did that one. It took me about 3 hours to queue. I then
Starting point is 00:29:02 tried to do the Ritirana Lighthouse and I queued, I think over the three or four days I did so, maybe, maybe 15 hours of queuing at like a bare minimum. And it's probably more. It was such a fucking mess. couldn't do so and then there were the omega raids which i'm also trying to do which also wouldn't pop like at all and the thing with um storm blood and the omega raids is that both in the um the like the alliance raid for the Ivalice raids, and then the normal raid roulette for the Omega raids. But the thing with...
Starting point is 00:29:57 The thing especially on Oceanic, this happens on every server, but especially on this, there is a lot of people who do, I guess, what's being described as an eye level cheese. So a lot of people don't want to do any of the alliance raids besides Crystal Tower. Crystal Tower is the first one and many argue is the easiest. And not just easiest, everybody knows the mechanics for crystal tower generally you don't have wipes on that uh on that raid sometimes you have people who don't understand like stand behind the rock when you are at the behemoth uh and sometimes you have people who
Starting point is 00:30:39 don't exit the giant death circle when they're supposed to exit the giant death circle. When they're supposed to exit the giant death circle. But besides those. You're pretty much good. And usually there's a healer or two. That can rez them. Or like a red mage. Red mage can't rez during crystal tower. Too low level.
Starting point is 00:31:02 A summoner. A summoner can do the raids. That's usually fine. But the raids after that, people don't know as well. And sometimes people actually die. Especially in the Void Arc. Especially in the Void Arc. Yeah, um...
Starting point is 00:31:23 Stormblood, from my, from what I've seen so far, is not really causing an issue, like, it's, I don't, I, I've not gone into any of the, uh, Alliance raids and actually prepared for them, I just wing them, and usually, if you just pay attention to what other people are doing, you can pretty much work it out, uh, yeah, so, I've wanted to do the Stormblood raids, and I couldn't do them on Oceania. And that was the thing that broke me. I could deal with the 15-minute roulette. I could deal with story dungeons taking 30 minutes to queue on a healer.
Starting point is 00:31:58 I could deal with that. I couldn't deal with over, like, 12 hours to queue for a single Stormblood raid. And it was only going to get worse from there. Because that's the, that was the first tier. And I can't imagine the, oh sorry, the second tier took so long. I can't imagine third tier was any better. Same with the Omega raids. I couldn't imagine that any of the Omega raids were going to be at all reasonable to queue.
Starting point is 00:32:22 any of the Omega Raids were going to be at all reasonable to queue. So, I eventually decided I am just going to move over to Aether. I was considering going back to Elemental. Elemental being on the JP data
Starting point is 00:32:38 center, and Aether being on the North American data center. The reason I didn't want to go back to Elemental, there's actually a couple of reasons. Firstly is the time zone. Time zone was a big one. So if you've never played an MMO,
Starting point is 00:32:56 a lot of people like to do their MMO gaming at like late at night. So peak time on JP is like 6 p.m. onwards, usually to like 1 or so a.m and the same is true in america as well the difference is that 6 p.m is when i wake up so i wake up at around 8 9 a.m depending on what the day is and pretty much the entire time that i would normally be playing ff14 like anywhere during that period it's peak i just play during peak all the time and then when it's off peak here's the thing though it doesn't even matter that it's peak and off peak because off peak is still double the like still double the part i think no like 5x the party finder and double the uh
Starting point is 00:33:47 double the like pug duty finder than it is on oceanic during the peak so it doesn't even matter it's still bigger any time of the day and I think it took me 30 minutes maybe 10 10-15 minutes 10-15 yeah about 15 minutes to queue for the second Stormblood raid on Aether
Starting point is 00:34:17 and sorry I was talking about the reasons why I did it didn't I? Yeah. I'll get back to the ray itself. So, time zone's the first one. Second one is the language barrier. Because while Elemental is the unofficial English server, like, unofficial English datacenter on the GP datacenter,
Starting point is 00:34:40 there are still a lot of people that play, that are GP players players on elemental so i would say it's probably majority that's elemental especially if we start getting outside of tomboree and kujata which are the uh english servers there's uh other ones that like a overflow for the overflow but generally you start getting into more JP stuff there. Now, it's not a big deal for FFXIV because it does have the cross-server duty finder and stuff like that. So for stuff like that, it's good.
Starting point is 00:35:13 But you still do have a lot of JP players on Elemental. And that can lead to communication issues with the more end-game content, the high-end content that's available.. So if I want to get to the point where I'm doing like ultimates and things like that which may or may not happen or like current tier savages for example or extremes, things like that
Starting point is 00:35:35 I want to be able to communicate with the people and while I am learning Japanese, it's going to be better to just do that in my native language and that's the thing that's going to happen with America. So you have those. Also, I just wanted to try out a new server culture. So I've only heard from people that don't play the American servers.
Starting point is 00:35:58 I have only heard bad things about the American servers. And as someone who's now played there for not too long, like, a couple of days, it's been great, like, maybe it's different in, like, high-end content, but, like, Aether's been a great server, everyone is just as welcoming as they were over on Oceanic, and even on the, even on Elemental, um, for the most part, like he had some exceptions where people just didn't talk. That's the other big thing. The way that people actually interact in the game
Starting point is 00:36:32 is completely different on the American servers. So on JP and even to much of an extent on Oceanic, which kind of surprised me, but it makes sense considering that a lot of people on Oceanic, which kind of surprised me, but it makes sense, considering that a lot of people on Oceanic, did come from the GP servers, the public chat, the say chat,
Starting point is 00:36:54 whether it's like, it's the local area chat, is dead half the time, maybe someone will say one thing, there will be bots advertising stuff, there might be someone advertising a nightclub. But I am an ex-RuneScape player. And in RuneScape, the public chat was always full.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Like, it didn't matter if you were in Falador doing some smithing. Didn't matter if you're in Varrock going to the Grand Exchange. doing some smithing. Didn't matter if you're in Varrock, uh, going to the Grand Exchange. Didn't matter if you go to, like, the... the Gnome Village. Didn't matter if you went to, like, um... What's the... What's the lobster
Starting point is 00:37:34 place over the mountain? It's been a long time since I've played RuneScape. Uh... RuneScape map. Um... Let's have a look. See? I'm now forgetting it. RuneScape map. Let's have a look. See.
Starting point is 00:37:49 I'm now forgetting it. It has been a long, long time since I've played RuneScape. Tree Gnome Stronghold. Where is my... There's my Warwick Wolf map. Catherby. Didn't matter if you were doing anything down by Catherby, or like you're at Sears Village, or pretty much anywhere
Starting point is 00:38:10 that players existed, there were going to be people that were chatting in RuneScape and chatting in the public chat. But you just don't get that in FFXIV. And that's the big thing that's changed.
Starting point is 00:38:26 People talk. I go to Limsa Liminza, and people are talking. They're just talking in public. I know a lot of people in FFXIV like to have chats in the FC chat and in what are they called?
Starting point is 00:38:42 Linkshels, which is basically like a private chat. Or like a private group chat. I get it. And it's a big part because FFXIV doesn't have chat bubbles so if people are talking in public chat the public chat
Starting point is 00:38:58 is going to be spammed by text and it's going to be hard to keep an eye on what's actually going on for for what your try like for what your conversation is so it makes sense but i don't like it like i get why it happens i just i just don't like that it has to i'm just i keep looking at the um the runescape map and I'm just remembering all of the things that I did
Starting point is 00:39:28 in all of these various locations like in Fremenik province doing rock crab farming up here what do we have we have the Carradine Desert I never actually did a big exploration going down to a
Starting point is 00:39:42 I did the agility pyramid a couple of times this town nada some of this stuff I I didn't explore I think most of my exploration of of of this yeah of this area. Was done. Especially Barrows. Was done on. RuneScape private servers. Like Ampscape and things like that. Man.
Starting point is 00:40:16 I should stop looking at this. Because it's going to make me want to actually go and play. Old school RuneScape. And that takes too much time. And I have no. I definitely don't want to do that. As much as I want I've no... I don't... I definitely don't want to do that. As much as I want to do that. I don't... One MMO is way too many MMOs already.
Starting point is 00:40:34 I don't need more of them. As much as it might be fun to waste hours and hours of my life playing R playing runescape the only problem i have with like going back and doing runescape is just it takes so long to do your leveling like obviously getting to the levels where you can do most of the content it's fine um but like if you want to if you want to get like max level anything like it takes so fucking long, I think, if I remember correctly, the experience for 98 to 99 is the experience of everything up to 98, or it's, it's some, some ridiculous number like that, so all of that time just merged together, but yeah, I, I'm, I'm enjoying it over on the US FFXIV servers.
Starting point is 00:41:26 And the ping, here's the thing. So, this is why it's so stupid. FFXIV, every so often has some weird routing issues. I don't know why this only happens in XIV and no other games. I have a feeling there's something really fucked up about their network architecture, which is true in other ways, which I'll talk about in a bit. I was getting 230 milliseconds ping on the
Starting point is 00:41:59 Oceanic servers, on my local servers. They're in Melbourne. It's not that far. I should at most be getting like 80 or 90. And for a little bit, I actually was. But at some point, it dropped down and then yeah, it just stuck at where it's at. So I went over to the JP servers and I got better ping over on JP. I think I was getting like 150 or so. And then on Aether, it was only 10 milliseconds worse than Oceanic. And if we're already playing at 220, an extra 10 isn't that big of a deal. Especially, you know, if you start using some of the not TOS friendly tooling that is available that totally doesn't exist that no nobody ever uses 14 Alexander nobody ever uses no Clippy no one's ever done that because the networking in FFXIV is absolutely perfect and if you play at 200 milliseconds ping, it is a perfectly playable game and it doesn't break
Starting point is 00:43:07 You know dual weaving and in some cases triple weaving the game is as playable at 200 as it is at 50 Except that's not true at all. That's not true at all. The network in this game is so fucked It's not just the networking it's the fact they do they they ff14 has a lot of animation locking you're not animation locking of like things that make sense like the uh dragoon jumps for example you will have your like your your skill bar animation locked in places where there shouldn't be animation locks so there, there's, I think, like a 500 millisecond lock or something stupid. So, if you have a 200 millisecond ping, you effectively have like a 700 millisecond, maybe it's not that much, it's a lot more of a lock than your ping would indicate. But there are
Starting point is 00:44:00 possibly, you know, there are possibly extensions that nobody actually uses that, um, reduces some of that locking by sending, uh, packets that say your ping is a lot lower and totally don't fix all the issues that the game has and make the game a million times more playable, but no one would ever run them. Because that's against TOS. That's against TOS. And nobody breaks TOS when they play FFXIV. Nobody runs extensions. Nobody runs plugins.
Starting point is 00:44:33 And you don't want to be an evil hacker, do you? Speaking of extensions though. FFXIV VR. Someone is actually working on a VR mod for this game. It is... It is a little bit something. Is this the one with this? Yes. Okay. This has the video on it. Let's have a look at this. I'm not going to play the audio because that will... I was playing the audio. That will blow out your eardrums, but I can't actually hear it. So... will blow out your eardrums but I can't actually hear it. So clearly some aspects
Starting point is 00:45:07 of the game are a little bit funky right now so I think you can just walk around your player model. This is very very early like this is this is pre alpha and the alpha is coming out very soon. But running through dungeons like this also you can play in third person. Which seems weird to me. I don't know why you'd play a VR game in third person. But yeah, you can do VR third person. And you get
Starting point is 00:45:36 very close to these frogs and very close to the old lady as well. But first person I think is where this could be really, really cool. I don't know whether you would want to play it like this. But I think it is really cool. Was this person playing a fucking Dragoon?
Starting point is 00:45:52 Hold up. Hold up. I think I saw a Lance there. Yeah, they're... Oh my god, they're playing a Dragoon in VR. Why would you do that to yourself? If you use your jump ability, it's gonna throw you in the fucking air. I get bad motion sickness when I'm doing, uh, anything VR related, so I probably wouldn't want to do any, any Dragoon, any, anything with, like, jumps or launches, so maybe, like,
Starting point is 00:46:17 Dark Nut as well would be a problem, Red Mage would be a problem, Are there any other big launches? I guess Machinist does jump around a bit, but not that bad. Ninja does have its, like, AoE kunai that it jumps in the air for. Also, I guess it has its teleports, so teleports aren't that bad. It's the jumping back and forth that's a big problem. So this is, like is like really really cool. So this is made by the extremely talented modelers- ah modders, sorry. Marulu and Streetrat who worked on Half-Life 2 VR and have been working on a Six Degrees of Freedom
Starting point is 00:47:00 VR mod for one of the best MMOs FF14. of freedom vr mod for one of the best mmos ff14 and if you talk about this on twitch if you talk about this on youtube you might get banned because imagine imagine not banning people for for you know aesthetic mods and things like that no they have to You can probably hear that I don't particularly like the way that... The way that Square Enix approaches plugins. Ban all the plugins. Doesn't matter how little they actually do for the gameplay itself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Yeah. Also, considering that VR... Like VR. That metaverse stuff doesn't matter, make VR mods for a lot of the big MMOs and see how even
Starting point is 00:47:54 less people care about the metaverse. I really don't care about meta. Meta lost a lot of money this year. Uh, was it like 73% of their stock value or something ridiculous like that? Like an absolute insane amount of money.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Yeah. Speaking of VR though. Is it this one? What was the... there was a Twitter, here it is, so, considering it's 2022 now, it is, uh, it is a very important time if you're a giant weeb like I am, because now, we have, uh, we have approached the year of Sword Art Online. So, there is this Twitter account that is posting dates for all of the events that happen in SAO. I don't know what they're going to do after the... Now, the game launched two days ago.
Starting point is 00:49:04 I don't know what they're going to do with like events that happened during the story uh because i don't know how many of those i don't know how many of those actually have um actually have direct dates attached to them so maybe we'll hear about kirito clearing certain flaws things things like that, but I'm not certain. But yeah, back in August 1st, the SEO beta test finally started. Think of the content that we have available in VR now. It's sad. It's so sad that we have this stupid metaverse nonsense and these dumb headsets and these fucking controllers you hold. We could have SAO.
Starting point is 00:49:58 One day. One day we might have SAO. That would be nice. One day. Possibly. Also, there was a, a, a, a, in relation to this, someone sent me a I think it was a post from Facebook I want to say give me one second, I'm going to open it because Oculus actually made sorry not Oculus made
Starting point is 00:50:17 Parmalucky of Oculus made a concept of something fun Oculus made a concept of something fun. Here we go. This VR headset can kill you if you die in a game and was inspired
Starting point is 00:50:36 by an anime. If you die in the game, you die in real life if you wear the headset that Oculus founder Parmalucky created in honor of the sword art online there was a there was a lot of really dumb comments on here from boomers who somehow managed to follow ign but don't actually know what sword art online is um because there's someone in here where is it
Starting point is 00:51:06 I think it's just completely gone now yeah I can't think of a stupid example of someone IRL missing the point of a work of fiction I'll say this about SEO what I heard about George Orr's 1984 it's a warning about the future not an instruction manual it's also a joke
Starting point is 00:51:23 it's a literal joke what the fuck the anime is all about the future and not an instruction manual. It's also a joke. It's a literal joke. What the fuck? The anime is all about the characters trying to get out of the uh, they're trapped in without dying first. And all people on the outside trying to get them out too. So kind of miss the point of the story. Uh, yes.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Wait, what's this one? That's gnarly. Turn it down a bit like a gaming chair that will slightly poke you in the back with a really sharp stick. Because there was someone here who actually took it seriously, who thought this was an actual thing that existed. It was like,
Starting point is 00:51:53 death row inmates shouldn't be playing video games. They should be put on the chair. I don't know if it's... It's so ridiculous that it sounded like satire, but it's also Facebook, and Facebook is full of boomers. So it's so ridiculous that it sounded like satire but it's also Facebook and Facebook is full of boomers so it's entirely possible that it was
Starting point is 00:52:10 that it was 100% serious yeah but yeah no buying a VR headset is not going to kill you uh sadly we are not at that level of technology because you know i look look i'm gonna be honest right if if there is a if there is an seo like technology that exists and you know it's spread around that maybe it'll be dangerous
Starting point is 00:52:43 if you use it how many of us are actually gonna be like you know what it's spread around that maybe it'll be dangerous if you use it, how many of us are actually going to be like, you know what, I actually don't want to go to this VR world even though it's going to kill me. I think a lot of people are just going to be like, you know what, if I'm going to go out some way, this might as well be the way that I actually do it. It's not the longest life, it's not the, the longest life you're gonna have, but, hey, uh, maybe, maybe it's not that bad. Or maybe it is. Maybe you have a, you, you don't
Starting point is 00:53:15 want to do that. Here's the question, though. Why was nobody in S0 a, uh, a, a, a live streamer? Like, could you just not capture the game? Because here's what would actually happen with an MMO launch. It doesn't matter if it's a VR MMO or anything else like that. People are going to be streaming it on day one. Why was nobody streaming SAO? That didn't make any sense. Like, you would think that's something you would do.
Starting point is 00:53:42 But no. Giant plot holes in the story, uh, actually, wait, when did the original, when did the original, uh, web novel for SAO come out, maybe live streaming wasn't that big, that, that popular thing back then, um, okay, you know what, You know what? I'll give them... Yeah. So the original light novel came out in 2009. The web novel came out years before that. A couple of years, not like a really long time.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Okay, no, a really long time. 2002. 2002, the original SEO web novel happened. 2009, the, um... There's no excuse for it not to be rewritten in the light novel, though. Because, like... While streaming wasn't this, like, major thing back in 2009, it was in its early stages. And YouTube was well-established at that point as well.
Starting point is 00:54:42 So, it's pretty... It's pretty clear it's, it's pretty clear that, like, I think if you can say that YouTube exists, and YouTube is a popular thing, it's pretty clear you can go from there to doing, like, live videos on there as well. Did Justin TV exist back then? Actually, wait, Justin TV, when did Justin TV exist? Um, When did Justin.TV exist? Around the time of YouTube, actually. I don't know how big it was in Japan.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Because Justin.TV eventually went on to become Twitch. Maybe it wasn't that big in Japan at all. That's very possible that it just... But there probably were some sort of... There probably were some sort of streaming platforms in Japan back then. I'm just not 100% certain. Because YouTube didn't have streaming until much later. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:43 I'm sure someone could have guessed, but also, the original SAO light novel, original SAO web novel is a mess, it's not good, the original light novel is not good either, if you ever read SAO, um, you know how in the anime it feels like the pacing is a mess and they're like jump between events like hey we're on floor one oh we're on floor two now oh we're on floor 70 like what like dumb jump like 25 or something and like what happened in all this time well the answer is nothing nothing happened because Reki did not think of it at that time. So the pacing in the anime is just as bad as the pacing in the light novel. But I feel like the light novel does it a little bit better.
Starting point is 00:56:38 For some reason, it feels less awkward in the context of writing. Maybe it feels more like a journal or something like that. Either way, whatever the reason is, um, yeah, it's a mess, uh, it's not until, like, it's not until people start saying the SAO is actually bad, that the light novel actually becomes good, it's when you get to the, the, uh, Leafa stuff, the, what is it called, Fairy Dance is the arc in the light novel, when you get to Fairy Dance, and then, uhantom bullet that i think phantom bullet is where su actually becomes really good like actually like really really good whether he will like the second season of the anime or not is another question
Starting point is 00:57:14 i thought it was really good and uh i will stand by that i just don't care what people like what people's like critical opinion of anime is at this point. There's a lot of people who think their opinion on a series is way more important than it actually is. If you ever go to MyAnimeList or any anime social media site where there's a review section, you'll notice that very quickly. Some of my favorite shows have been those like, it's got a 6 out of 10, which is effectively a 1, because the scale on a lot of these sites never actually goes all the way down. Like,
Starting point is 00:57:54 the lowest rated things are, like, 5 and a half, because people just don't know the other side of the scale exists, I guess. I don't know. Like, people like, a 5 is sort of treated as an unwatchable series, where 5 should be, like, it's, it's average. That's, 5 is the middle point. 5 is average. Or, like, it's not bottom of the barrel,
Starting point is 00:58:18 that's for sure. But that's just the way it's, uh, it's been treated. But, like, my taste in anime are just, like, I watch things that I enjoy. I'm almost finished with Naruto. People can be like, Naruto bad, Naruto not good, shounen, watch Jujutsu Kaisen, watch Demon Slayer. I watch both
Starting point is 00:58:34 and they're all so great, but also Naruto's really good as well. I just watched Naruto, what is it called? The Last Naruto the movie? Is that it? The Last Naruto the Movie? Is that it? The Last Naruto the Movie Yes, The Last Naruto the Movie
Starting point is 00:58:49 which is not The Last Naruto the Movie, the movie after that is The Last Naruto the Movie they called it The Last because whatever because the next movie is technically like a Boruto movie so it's The Last Naruto Movie the next movie is the first Boruto movie.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Anyway, I did not like the last. The last was not very good. There were so many things. Once again, you don't have to care about my opinion, but I'm going to say it anyway. There were so many things in that movie that just bothered me. So the Sliced Life stuff, I think, was actually the best part. If this was a Sliced Life
Starting point is 00:59:27 movie, it would have been 10,000 times better. So, the first thing that bothered me is... I'm going to give you spoilers for the last, so, like, whatever. Enjoy the spoilers. Movie came out 8 years ago. So, at the start where Hinata
Starting point is 00:59:43 is being captured by... What's his name? He's such a forgettable villain. Tonari? Yeah, that guy. The antagonist of the movie. Trying to capture Hinata. And when Naruto throws the Rasenshuriken, which for some reason are now orange. I don't know why they became orange.
Starting point is 01:00:04 It's not like he was infusing them with like Kurama's chakra. They're just orange now rather than blue. So like that just happened or green. I don't know why they're orange. Anyway, they're orange now. Um, so he threw the Rasenshuriken and Hinata was dropped. Now the early part of this movie starts with Hinata, like, knitting a scarf that she's going to give to Naruto. And she's going to tell Naruto that she loves him. All that fun stuff. Naruto doesn't end up taking the scarf because, or like, doesn't get given the scarf early on because he already has a scarf. And Hinata gets jealous being like, who gave you the scarf?
Starting point is 01:00:42 I don't know who gave him the scarf. Does someone else like him that gave him the scarf? Turns out at the scarf? I don't know who gave him the scarf. Does someone else like him that gave him the scarf? Turns out at the end of the movie that his mum gave him the scarf. Like, it was from, like, not his mum gave him the scarf. His mum knitted the scarf before she died. And Naruto and Konohamaru found it in the third Hokage's possessions. So he was wearing that scarf. Hinata was being Hinata about it. the third Hokage's possessions. So he was wearing that scarf.
Starting point is 01:01:07 Hinata was being Hinata about it. So when Hinata was dropped, she forgot that she was a ninja and forgot that she could like meld chakra because rather than putting her feet on the wall and walking up the wall, she got the scarf scarf hooked on a nail or something sticking out of the building and was holding that
Starting point is 01:01:29 while it was breaking and going down. Literally, all she could do is just put her feet on the wall and walk up. This is Naruto. You can walk on walls. You can walk on water. You can stand upside down on a tree. Why did you forget you could do that?
Starting point is 01:01:41 It didn't make any sense at all. So then there was like four extra times throughout the movie where hinata like she like i think she remade the scarf three times and destroy it was destroyed all those times as well it was only until like right at the end when naruto actually got given the scarf and like that naruto wearing the scarf is like on all of the promotional material so i presumed he would have the scarf at some point before the end of the movie also the literally the first time that he gets the scarf they're doing some like weird color filtering as well so you can't even see him wearing the scarf also they
Starting point is 01:02:27 show sasuke here as if sasuke was going to be a big part of the movie he shows up for like one scene and he's like naruto isn't here the only person who can protect the leaf village is me and then fucking punches a meteor oh that's the other. So here's the plot of the movie. This is where I love it, actually. It went, like, full dumb. So the whole gist of the movie is Tonari is one of the descendants of Hagoromo's brother. The guy who went to the moon.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Yeah, so Hagoromo, the Sage of the Sixth Path. What was his brother? Hagoromo. Hagoromo Otsutsuki. What was his brother's name? I forgot. Hamura. Hamura.
Starting point is 01:03:31 Yes. So, Hamura and Hagoromo sealed their mother, Kaguya, in the moon. And then Hamura went to the moon to make sure that kaguya doesn't escape or something um but did a pretty shit job because like she was just teleported to earth during like the end of the movie anyway at the end of the series um so tonari is one of the descendants one of the disciples of Hamada. And because of all the fighting on Earth, Tonari was like, you know what? I'm going to crash the moon into the Earth. That's actually the plot.
Starting point is 01:04:17 So the movie starts with extra meteorites hitting the earth, and people are like, wait, why are there more meteors? This doesn't make any sense, and they realize the moon is getting closer, um, and where was I going with this? Um, right, also, I don't, why did he, wait, so, Tonari wanted to, like, capture Hinata to get her, um, Byakugan, to turn them into Tensei-gan, um, I don't remember why, I don't know why he wanted that, I think he just wanted to kill everyone, yeah, I think, I think his goal was to just crash the moon into the earth, and that's all he wanted, um, he was a really weird and shallow villain, um, but here's where it gets fun, so Naruto, Hinata, uh, Shikamaru, uh, Sai, and Sakura, they, uh, went to go fight Tonari, and, some point, during the early parts of the movie,
Starting point is 01:05:28 they weren't just fighting this guy at his lair. His lair was on the moon. So they were fighting on the moon. And in the Naruto universe, the moon is hollow. And not only is the moon hollow, but ninjas can breathe in space, apparently. Um, yeah. So, there was this
Starting point is 01:05:50 bit, this was already dumb enough, but there was this bit where Naruto brought out Kurama to go and fight Tornado, and they were fighting on the surface of the moon. Okay? Fair enough. Whatever. Kurama's just a chakra beast. Presumably that means he can fight without oxygen. Um, surface of the moon, okay, fair enough, whatever, Kurama's just a chakra beast, presumably that
Starting point is 01:06:05 means he can fight without oxygen, um, also, uh, yeah, the same is true for ninjas, like, I get the, the whole, like, you know, uh, fighting underwater thing, like, multiple people did that, but apparently space doesn't matter either, so, like, you can just go and fight in space, at least in this movie. Um, so, yeah, they fought on the surface of the moon. Also, the moon seems to just have, like, Earth-like gravity. So, yeah, it didn't actually seem like it was the moon, um, but it also, there's other dumb things. So, uh So for some reason, don't know why, it didn't ever get explained. The, uh, the village in the clouds has a giant laser cannon, um, that they were using to fire at the meteors.
Starting point is 01:06:56 Why do they have a laser cannon? How did this happen? When did they get this? I don't know. Uh, but there's like two modes for the laser cannon. There is the meteorite, like, fire out a bunch of laser modes, which just so happens to hit all of the meteorites.
Starting point is 01:07:11 And the Naikage was like, you know what? I want to blow up the moon. Like, that was his plan. His plan to stop the moon crashing into the earth was blowing up the moon. Didn't think about any of the consequences for
Starting point is 01:07:26 doing that. Doesn't matter. Just blow up the moon. It'll be fine. And, um, the only reason they didn't blow up the moon is because, like, some of the ninjas there that were, like, looking at the moon, looking at it with telescopes were like, wait, I think Naruto and Kurama are fighting on the moon. And Naikage was like, fuck it, blow them up anyway. And everyone else, like, all the other Kage was like, no, let's not do that. Let's, um, let's, let's wait an hour or so and not blow up the moon. Um, so ultimately they obviously won, didn't blow up the moon, and then the movie ended with the most contrived kiss scene I've ever seen.
Starting point is 01:08:15 So, there was any number of points throughout the movie they could have had a kiss scene, or they could have had a kiss scene at the wedding or something like that. No. they could have had a kiss scene, or they could have had a kiss scene at the wedding, or something like that. No, the way they did it is... So, when they're escaping from the moon, and going through these, like, portals created by crabs, once again, it's Naruto, it's weird. Um, Naruto and Hinata were, like, gonna run out of time, the portal thingy was gonna be closed. So, Naruto, like, basically used, like, gonna run out of time, the portal thingy was gonna be closed, so Naruto, like, basically used, like, a Rasengan to fire himself up in the air, and then crashed through the, uh, the ceiling, because they were going way too fast, and they were gonna crash in
Starting point is 01:08:55 the top of the cave, broke through the top of the cave, and then while they were in the air, and while they were falling to their deaths, um, that's when the kiss scene happened. Just out of nowhere. It's like, let's just do this now. But hey, at least Naruto finally realized that he, that Hinata liked him. It only took, what, 700 episodes, and he didn't really figure it out.
Starting point is 01:09:27 He just, like, the only reason he figured it out is because he was in a genjutsu that made him, like, relive all of his childhood. That's the only reason he worked it out. He's like, wait, when Hinata said that she loved me, maybe she didn't mean that she loved me like a hamburger. maybe she didn't mean that she loved me like a hamburger. Maybe she actually meant that she wanted to fuck. Wait, that makes sense. It's so fucking, it was so dumb. Um, and the movie ultimately ends where the, uh, the next movie begins with, uh, Boruto and, uh, Himawari. Um, Boruto, and, uh, Himawari, um, the last was not very good, it, it wasn't even, like, it wasn't even bad, like, the Boku no Hero movies are bad, or, like, I was gonna say Dragon Ball for the most recent one.
Starting point is 01:10:30 What's it called? Superhero. Dragon Ball Super Superhero, something like that. That one, it was a mess. So that one and the Boku no Hero movies, what they all have in common is they have incredible animation, shallow as fuck villains, and terrible writing. But the incredible animation makes up for it. There are some ridiculous fight scenes in all of those movies.
Starting point is 01:10:59 It doesn't matter that at the end of one of the Boku no Hero movies, doesn't matter that at the end of one of the Boku no Hero movies, Bakugou is given one for all. And then there's a scene where, I'm gonna, I'm just gonna show you it, because I've already spoiled it. Bakugou one for all. There is a scene at the end of that movie where both Deku and Bakugou have one for all at the same time, and somehow Bakugou's body just instantly adapts to using it, no problem whatsoever. Then you have, um, then you have the new, I'm gonna, there's new spoilers here for Superhero, you have, uh, Dragon Ball Super, Superhero, um, uh, Superhero Super Hero, what is it called? Orange Piccolo, where Piccolo gets this new form, but the movie is so badly written that they introduced the form before introducing Gohan's new form. So Piccolo got this new form, and then it was instantly retconned,
Starting point is 01:12:09 like instantly destroyed, and nobody cared about how powerful it is. So we have Gohan, Gohan Beast Form, which is basically a Dragon Ball OC. Like, that's what this is. This is Hey look, it's Super Saiyan
Starting point is 01:12:32 5! He's got silver hair now! That's literally what Gohan Beast is. Um. You get dumb things like that, and that's all great. But Naruto The Last doesn't have that incredible animation. It's not bad, but, like, there are some episodes of Naruto with god-tier animation.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Like, obviously, you can go all the way back to early Naruto with Rock Lee and Gaara. You can have a more... You can have the best animation in early Shippuden, the scene where Shikamaru is playing Shogi, but if you want to, if you want a fight scene, you can go further ahead to something like, um, the fight with the mask dude, um, the mask dude in the Akatsuki. What is his name? Naruto Akatsuki. I'm working on a new keyboard right now. So I'm making a bunch of mistakes when typing. Akatsuki.
Starting point is 01:13:34 What was his name? Wait, was it Kakuzu? Yes, no, wait. Yes, Kakuzu. The fight with Kakuzu and... Kakashi. Kakashi. Kakashi.
Starting point is 01:14:03 Or you have the fight with Kakashi and Obito. Or you have various forms of the Madara fight. All of these have god-tier animation. Or, actually, wait. The first big fight between Naruto and Sasuke at the end of original Naruto. All of these fights have incredible animation. And then there's the last Naruto the movie, where, yeah, it's just, it's just, it just is. It's just not great, but it just sort of is. Like, it's, it's, it's depressing what that movie could have been, it's depressing what that movie could have been if they firstly had good writing
Starting point is 01:14:48 but even just had better animation. I wouldn't have been complaining about it if the animation was good. Like, I hate the story in all of the Boku no Hero movies. Anytime there's a new Boku no Hero movie that comes to cinemas, I watch it because I know the regular series always has great animation, and the movies are even better. And the same is true for Dragon Ball. Now that I've seen a terrible Dragon Ball movie,
Starting point is 01:15:13 I'm still gonna watch them all, because Super had a great animation. Super also had a good story. Resurrection F had... Great animation. I was just gonna say Frieza's theme. Frieza, Frieza, Freeza, Freeza. If you've not heard Freeza's theme, it's called F. Go watch it. It's fucking great.
Starting point is 01:15:31 Or go listen to it. Then you had the Broly movie. Broly was also very good. The problem with the Broly movie is they hadn't really worked out what they were going to do with 3D animation yet. So Broly was a mix between 2D and 3D, and I don't think it, it didn't work as well as I would like.
Starting point is 01:15:59 So Super did the same thing, but Super, I think Super only did 3D backgrounds, I think, or maybe it did, it might have been a while since I've watched Super, and maybe it was just as bad as, um, Broly Swaps, but the big problem with Broly Swaps is the animation style in that 2D style was so distinctive. Like, if you saw any shot from that movie, you would notice it. Dragon Ball Super, Broly. Like, it's very, very clearly... It's very clearly from Broly. Like, this, for example.
Starting point is 01:16:42 Like, they changed the style a lot for it. And the swap between 2D and 3D just, it didn't work. Whereas Super Hero, Super Hero was entirely, entirely 3D. And I wasn't sure how that was going to work. But seeing it, like seeing the movie in in cinema it worked great like it was great they they obviously had to rework some of the model here's the problem with um 3d and dragon ball dragon ball was designed in the context of 2d animation where, for example, it's got the, Dragon Ball has the Mickey Mouse problem, where
Starting point is 01:17:28 no matter which direction Mickey Mouse is facing the camera, um, Mickey Mouse ears, um, no matter which way Mickey Mouse is
Starting point is 01:17:43 facing the camera, his ears are always going to be in the same... How would you say it? Perspective. Here we go. Here's a great example of it. So whether he's face-on, which looks very cursed, whether he's side-on, it's always in the same position when you do
Starting point is 01:18:09 When you have a character like Goku which has the exact same thing where Goku's hair will always face in the exact same direction Regardless of where the camera is actually facing when you don't do that it looks Really off. This is why no matter what you do a like a real life mickey mouse uh poster uh the post like a model or something like that is always going to look weird and as i said the same is true for goku uh same is true for vegeta as well. So I believe they actually had to redraw some of the frames to make sure that things like that line up. Also just redesign the characters so they fit properly within a 3D context. Whereas
Starting point is 01:18:56 other characters designed in the context of 3D don't have this problem. Now the thing with Mickey is that they always want to have the ears being a very distinctive part of his character, regardless of where he's actually looking. So that's why he's like that. But it is a problem that other characters will tend to face as well, especially older character designs, and designs trying to be very distinctive. character designs, and, um, designs trying to be very, very distinctive, other times, um,
Starting point is 01:19:34 other times, character, uh, character designers are just lazy, and, uh, yeah, don't actually, um, don't actually care, like, you know, I'm just gonna draw the hair once, and it's gonna be the same, no matter what I'm doing, and that's that. I have talked about nothing on my list of topics, haven't I? I've talked about like three things. I'm going to take a short break and we'll talk about something else. McDonald's gaming chair. That's not a sentence I thought I'd ever hear myself saying, but yeah, that's a thing that exists. McDonald's McCrispy gaming chair has a fry holder and a sandwich warmer. Two fries, too serious. What a tagline, Tom's Hardware. I love it. So the UK arm of McDonald's is giving away a gaming chair. I believe it's giving away four gaming chairs. I thought it was multiple, not just one.
Starting point is 01:20:26 Maybe I'm mistaken. To celebrate its new game-changing chicken burger, the McCrispy. And we're not sure if we're loving it. Okay. Okay, you know, I'll get back to criticizing the chair in a bit. Let's see what it actually does. The giveaway was announced on the McDonald's UK Facebook page with a video showcasing the yellow the yellow and black racing style design as well as its garish and gimmicky additions such as a
Starting point is 01:20:56 Fryholder a hotbox to keep your McCrispy warm during gameplay Zane proof treatment which this you with which this will need which this will need if you're eating greasy food while sitting in it, and slots for two of your favorite dips. Only two dips? I'm like an open all of the dips kind of guy. I have like four dips open at once. Let's have a look-see. I'm sorry, did I say...
Starting point is 01:21:26 The McCrispy Ultimate Gaming Chair. Featuring... Perfectly crafted fries holder. It's only perfectly crafted... Unless there are other gaps there. It seems like it's only perfectly crafted for large. A hot box to keep your McCrispy warm during gameplay. Now what this box will actually be used for is for marijuana and then a stain proof
Starting point is 01:21:53 leather treatment so no spills or stains. Wait, which sorts do you go with? Sweet and sour and ketchup. That's not a bad choice. This is so stupid. Win the McCrispy gaming chair. Whoever wins this chair, that chair is going to be worth so much money. Do not... Okay, guy, whoever wins this chair, do not use the chair. Keep the chair and hold it. Don't sell it instantly.
Starting point is 01:22:25 Hold it. This chair in new in box is going to be worth shit loads of money for stupid people who want to buy it. Stupid people likely being a YouTuber. A YouTuber is going to pay you a lot of money. I'm not going to be that YouTuber. But a YouTuber is going to pay you a lot of money. I'm not going to be that YouTuber. But a YouTuber is going to pay you a lot of money. Or a Twitch streamer. Someone is going to want this chair.
Starting point is 01:22:52 Someone is going to want this chair. And you will make a lot of money from it. So, the chair itself. The chair itself is fucking ugly. Like, there's no other way to describe it. Not only is it bright yellow, not only that, but also, all the way down, it just says McCrispy all over it. Also, is that two different shades of yellow? Or is that just the background looking weird?
Starting point is 01:23:24 Because I think the shade of yellow on the cup holder... Wait, is there a cup holder? Wait, is there a cup... Wait, so it has a fryer holder, two sauce holders, and a fucking burger holder, but no cup holder. McDonald's, what are you doing to me? Oh, I hope it has a cup holder. It's just not being listed. I really do.
Starting point is 01:24:02 That would be so stupid if it doesn't. But yeah, this chair is ugly as hell. But I kind of want it. I don't want to sit on it because gaming chairs are disgusting. It's got these stupid, like, I hate bucket chairs. I've had multiple bucket chairs in the past. They're not comfortable. I've used bucket chairs in many contexts. They're not comfortable. I don't know why people keep buying them. Buy a normal office chair like this guy. This one, not this one specifically. This one's falling apart.
Starting point is 01:24:33 But buy a normal office chair. It's going to be cheaper. It'll feel better. It might not have a burger holder. And it might not have a chip holder. But most of your chairs probably don't have that either. So you're not really losing out on much um if this chair doesn't get flipped for less than a thousand dollars i'll be very surprised uh for sorry for more than a thousand dollars i'll be very surprised
Starting point is 01:24:55 uh fake clickbait product made for viral ads why are you saying the fake clickbait product made for viral ads? Why are you saying it's a fake clickbait product made for viral ads? It's literally a thing that they're... That they're giving away. What are you talking about? It's literally a real product. It's a real thing that you can... You can quote-unquote... I would say win.
Starting point is 01:25:19 It's not a thing you ever want to sit on. But it is a thing that you want to sell. Uh, the terms state there is no cash alternative to the prize, suggesting that it is indeed priceless. Look, you don't want a cash alternative, because this thing is going to hold its fucking value. As I said, if it stays in box, it's going to be a very expensive stupid chair.
Starting point is 01:25:43 So, look, the only problem here is it's only available to people in England, Scotland, and Wales. It's not even happening in, like, the US or Australia or anything, anywhere else. Just in those three places. So, I hope that one of the, like, the London
Starting point is 01:25:59 YouTubers win it or something stupid like that. I think it would be funny. Or better yet, I hope one of the London YouTubers buy it, because that would be fucking hilarious. But, yeah, that's dumb. Um, but I want it. Speaking of things that are dumb, but I want it, uh, actually, no, I don't really want it, actually. Um, 8K Gaming is becoming this thing that is, like, being marketed by, like, the GPU company. So, 4090 8K. So, somewhere on...
Starting point is 01:26:40 Somewhere on the product page for the 4090, at least it did say, I don't know if it does now, 8K, yeah, 8K HDR gaming, you can game at 8K if you play Stardew Valley, like, you can play, like, relatively, I say relatively well, like, three four, five year old games at 8k at like 30 fps on max settings. So like it's not unplayable, but the difference, there's a LTT video on this that does this really well. The difference between 4k and 8k, because games are not made with 8k in mind. The problem, okay, the problem with upping your resolution is they're not upping the texture quality. There are no games that are shipping with, like, 4K or 8K textures,
Starting point is 01:27:32 so it doesn't matter if you have a higher resolution, it's gonna look exactly the same. The only difference is you'll get, like, you will avoid having to do, like like anti-aliasing and things like that. So I just, I don't care about 8K being a thing that you can like theoretically do. Plus the fact that like 8K displays, 8K monitor are expensive. Where's the price? Here we go. Here is a Dell 8K monitor. This is US pricing, by the way. Not, not Australia pricing.
Starting point is 01:28:15 $3,969.99. That's very expensive. That's more than my first car was. That is so, so expensive. When, mate, look, maybe when you can get these displays under, under... $1,000, someone will care. We're only just getting to the point where 4k is entering the, firstly, reasonable to actually drive, but secondly, reasonable to actually buy.
Starting point is 01:28:51 So you can get 4K displays now. They're obviously not the best 4K displays, but you can get 4K displays for a couple hundred dollars, like $260 for this one. This is probably early Black Friday sales though. So do keep that in mind There are displays under a thousand dollars like you can do 4k now reasonably, I don't care about 4k on Linux because Scaling is broken like it just doesn't work properly on X. It works a little bit over on the
Starting point is 01:29:24 It just doesn't work properly on X. It works a little bit over on the Sway side, but I don't want to have to do scaling for stuff I'd much rather just not waste that extra that extra screen and just And just go with what I'm using because it's gonna it's gonna be fine. So most gamers... Oh, let's look at those recent Steam hardware survey and see what most gamers are actually playing on because I guarantee it's not 4k and I definitely guarantee it's not 8k. I would be very surprised if it's even 1440p. Wow, look at that. It's not even 1440p.
Starting point is 01:30:02 Um, so most gamers on Steam are playing at 1920 by 1080. It is going down. Granted, it is going down. Some people are slowly moving up to 1440p. I think 1440p is going to be in like 5 years 1440p might end up replacing 1080 but I don't see 4K becoming this thing, sorry, this one this one is the 4K we're looking at I don't see, because that's ultra wide, I don't see
Starting point is 01:30:38 I don't see this becoming a major thing anytime soon, because most people just want to especially considering the top GPU on Steam is still the fucking 1060, most people, most gamers just want
Starting point is 01:30:54 their games to play well. So they're going to keep the lower resolution and then just go from that. The 2060 is taking its place very soon though, which is actually kind of surprising Because they're both growing still But the 2060 is growing quicker, so I wouldn't be surprised if in
Starting point is 01:31:16 But the 3060 is growing even- ah I know why because the 2060 When did the 2060 come out? Did the 2060 come out during the GPU shortage Nvidia Oi 2060 because that might be why the 2060 didn't replace the 1060 20 series, okay. No it out before. So it came out in 2018, but during that period, the 1060 was still, like, very popular. So it seems like a lot of people have just straight up skipped past the 2060, or are sitting on the 1060, skipped past the 2060, and are going to the 3060.
Starting point is 01:32:04 1060, skipped past the 2060, and are going to the 3060. I kind of expect within a couple of Steam hardware surveys, because the the 4060 hasn't been announced yet and probably won't be a thing for another like six or so months. So by that time, I wouldn't be surprised if the 3060 ends up becoming the top card on here. I kind of hope that one of the AMD actually moves a bit up this list because right now, yeah, AMD cards, literally the top thing for AMD is integrated AMD graphics, which is really sad. When it comes to like the 570
Starting point is 01:32:50 is one of the next popular cards. Vega 8 graphics is, uh, Vega 8, what is that? What is that? What is Vega 8? Is that 1600? Pfft. Uh, Vega 8. That's the fourth...
Starting point is 01:33:07 Oh, that's the 4,000, 5,000 integrated... Once again, it's fucking integrated GPUs. And then, like, when you get into, like, 6,600, 6,700, you're down to, like, 0.3... There's a storm coming. There's a storm coming. Like, point three...
Starting point is 01:33:27 There's a storm coming. There's a storm coming! Oh no! The raft! I couldn't help myself. Yeah, it's summer here. And we're getting a lot of... Summer? Late spring? I don't know. I don't know seasons. It's hot now.
Starting point is 01:33:43 I've got the air conditioner on. You probably can't hear it because it's not very loud in this room, um, but, uh, yeah, uh, what was I saying, GPUs, right, something about 8K gaming, yes, 8K gaming is dumb, I think the only place where 8K actually makes sense is VR, VR makes sense, because 8K, the display is gonna be so close to your eyes, you're actually gonna notice. It's the same reason why 4K phones are stupid. This is 1080p. 1080p for a phone is
Starting point is 01:34:11 basically the top that you would ever sensibly care about because why would you go above 1080p? You literally cannot see the pixels. Like, it's not the matter of, the human eye can't see above 4K or can't see... There's definitely a storm coming. The human eye can't see above 4k or can't see, there's definitely a storm coming, the human eye can't see above 1080, the human eye can't see above 4k, it's literally,
Starting point is 01:34:31 the pixels are so fucking small that you won't be able to see it unless you're looking at it like this, which in most context, uh, you know, is too close to the screen to properly focus on it anyway, so if we're talking about, like, there's this thing where, like, gaming TVs are becoming popular. Like, I say popular. They're being talked about a lot by gaming YouTubers, and they're being, trying to be popularized. When we're talking about, like, an 80-inch TV, a 100-inch TV,
Starting point is 01:35:03 yeah, 4K, 8K makes sense. When we're talking about like a cinema display or a projector, absolutely, 8K makes sense. But for gaming, yeah, the Steam Hardware Survey doesn't lie. People surprisingly have six-core CPUs now. I think it's because AMD is like, picking up quite a bit, but they actually dropped off surprisingly. Huh. I don't... I'm
Starting point is 01:35:32 surprised that AMD leveled off at 30%, because this was like, constantly growing like, month on month for quite a while. Okay, this makes sense, becausevidia just released their new cards um i really hope that going to this next generation of gpus we do see a bit more a bit more competition like not just hey amd is in last place it It is what it is. Hopefully, AMD's cards do end up selling better.
Starting point is 01:36:13 They're obviously not going to sell better than the Nvidia cards, because Nvidia is like, that's where people are focused on right now. That's the big thing. I really hope I don't lose power. That's the big thing right now. But hopefully, especially with AMD being a lot more aggressive with their pricing, so, what is it called, the 7900 XTX, this is their, their, like, this is their 4090 competitor. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 01:36:48 It's the other way around. Wait, sorry. Is the XTX the 4090 competitor or the XT? Which one's the more expensive one? Sorry. They've named them XTX and XT. Yeah, the XTX... On average is like 10% slower than a 4090. I know that LTT did a video on
Starting point is 01:37:11 their numbers. Like they, they obviously not perfect numbers, but they're like, um, extrapolated out numbers. And if we're seeing like, you know, even if it's like 20% less performance, but for 50% of the price, I think that a lot of people that, like the people who don't want absolute top of the top, but do want like really good gaming for a surprisingly good price, are going to probably, are going to probably jump down. Because look at this. 4090s, 3,000 Australian dollars.
Starting point is 01:37:52 Some of these are more expensive than my first car. My first car was like 37. Yeah, 3,700. Not 37,000. 3,700. But if we look at the... I think the recommended retail price, that's it. 7900 XTX.
Starting point is 01:38:19 I think it was like 900. Now, keep in mind, they're obviously not going to be selling at the MSRP, because it's MSRP, and MSRP doesn't mean anything. Um, but if we're seeing, you know, if we're seeing even, like, 20 or 30 percent higher than that, like, they sell for, like, 1400 US dollars, 30% higher than that, like they sell for like 1400 US dollars it's still a fucking great deal it's not a great deal if you care about
Starting point is 01:38:50 dollar performance, but if you're looking for basically top of the line without top of the line dollar the 7900 XTX seems like it's gonna do it the only problem okay, the big problem with the AMD cards 100x, 2x, seems like it's going to do it. The only problem... Okay, the big problem with the AMD cards,
Starting point is 01:39:08 at least in the context of creators, not Linux-created, because the drivers on Linux are bad for NVIDIA, but if the drivers on Linux were good for NVIDIA, I would buy an NVIDIA card, because NVIDIA just makes the better creator GPUs. You have both CUDA and NVENC, and that by itself is enough to sell any content creator. CUDA for your, you know,
Starting point is 01:39:34 your rendering, and then NVENC as your encoder. Now, AMD does have their own encoder, that I'm forgetting the name of. Oh, they also made... They're also working on some new encoder stuff. What is their encoder called? The AMF encoder? Yes, yes. Something like that. I don't believe you can use- can you use it out of the box?
Starting point is 01:40:15 No, you can't- okay, you can use it out of the- I don't think I'm actually using- am I using it? No, I think I am. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I am. Anyway, NVENC is just a higher quality encoder, but maybe we're gonna see that change, because AMD is a platinum sponsor for OBS now. can we find a page? OBS AMD OBS sponsor where? Okay, here we go. Diamond, sorry, not platinum. I forgot how the tiers work. So that puts them in their
Starting point is 01:40:54 like, top tier of sponsors. So hopefully this means that AMD is trying to like, actually compete with NVENC. Now, they don't really have a solution for CUDA. Um, yeah, they don't really have a solution for CUDA, which doesn't really help. Um, but it's not like CUDA is used for most video editing on Linux anyway, so it doesn't
Starting point is 01:41:27 matter for me. But I would like a NVENC level of encoder for my video capture, absolutely. The other thing for the regular gamer that NVIDIA just does better is ray tracing. Like, we're getting to the point now where the consumer level cards, not the prosumer like 4090 and all that nonsense. The consumer level cards, if you drop down your settings a bit, can actually do ray tracing. Like, I will not be surprised if on the 4060 and 4070, at 1080p, at like medium high settings settings they are perfectly capable ray tracing cards because I'm pretty sure the
Starting point is 01:42:13 3060 oh God the thunder is getting worse I'm pretty sure the 3060 is already Playable with ray tracing if not if not good. Okay that's okay no no it is actually sorry correct me I'm actually mistaken my information is a bit outdated okay no it's still not good at 1440p 30fps FPS, you're getting... I don't know what settings they're playing at, though. High settings.
Starting point is 01:42:50 Okay, high settings. So, if you're playing a couple-year-old game with ray tracing enabled, with dropping your settings down to medium-high, medium high, I think the, the 4060, 4070 are going, than probably, like, 4060 Ti, or 4070 Ti, whatever ends up coming out, I think ray tracing is going to be a thing for the regular people, now, obviously not max settings, that's, like, 4090 nonsense, but, like, the, the regular sort of settings, I think is going to be perfectly capable for ray tracing, which is going to put a dent into AMD because Yeah, AMD's ray tracing performance even with these new cards
Starting point is 01:43:36 isn't good and isn't really getting that much better. Like I think they're seeing quote-unquote big improvements because the numbers they had before were not good in the first place. I think we're just under like on these top tier cards just getting to the point of like console playability which is yeah maybe one day maybe one day I'll get to experience ray tracing, but I'm not, I play like 10 year old JRPGs, so like ray tracing wasn't exactly going to be up my alley anytime soon, but it would be nice if I get around to playing a game like the new Dead Rising, Dead Island, for example, which I only found out is just, Dead Island, for example.
Starting point is 01:44:23 Which I only found out is just coming out next year. Like, literally today. Because AMD is doing... Here's the thing. If you want to buy a new GPU, AMD is doing a promotion right now where they are giving away keys to Dead Island 2
Starting point is 01:44:40 and there's another game in the bundle as well. The Callisto Protocol. Uh, yeah. So, if you want either of those games, and you're looking for a new GPU, then, uh,
Starting point is 01:44:56 AMD is going to serve you, which is nice because, hey, they're gonna be, they're new games, and the price of the GPUs didn't go up, so you're getting these free games, and if you're gonna play them anyway, it saves you maybe, like, you know, a hundred or so dollars, which is cool. How are we gonna be able to play these games, um, on the, like, 6000 series? Good question. I don't have an answer for you um but it should be fine
Starting point is 01:45:28 should be fine you know when i buy a new gpu eventually i'll stop talking about gpus on this podcast but it's not gonna happen uh it's not gonna happen for a little bit i'm I'm still waiting on the Black Friday deals. I've been waiting to see if there's any early deals that happen, all of that fun jazz. So 67, uh, uh, 67, now, it's a six, wait, that's the regular, that's the regular 6700, not the XT version. My bad, my bad, my bad. XT, here we go. So, $600 for the lowest tier 6700 XT. And the top tier is $830. $6750.
Starting point is 01:46:43 We're closing in more closer to $1000-ish. Honestly, if I was going to buy this card, I would just buy this card. Like, there's no point not spending the extra $20 and moving up to the $67.50 XT. But I'm not going to do that. I'm probably going to go with, like, I don't know, one of these cards in here. And then finally, get good performance. Get triple the performa- double, triple? One of the- double or triple the performance in FFXIV, which would be nice.
Starting point is 01:47:19 Actually, one thing would be nice for is FFX13. So I'm playing through 13 right now, and 13 notoriously has a really shitty PC port. And it's very much kept with the style over on the Linux side as well. It's a little bit funky. The main issue it has is the frame rate is terrible. Like, it probably
Starting point is 01:47:51 averages around 50, sometimes 60, until you turn the camera, and it's like, hey, let's just drop down to 10 now, just for a moment. So there's a lot of stuttering the game has, and it's, it's not, like, unplayable, like, you can play it just fine, and the combat system works
Starting point is 01:48:12 well enough where a little bit of stuttering is fine, it's not, like, it's not real-time, like, a Devil May Cry game, it's real-time, like, FF7 is. So you have this pseudo-turn-based system. And you have... Yeah, it's a pseudo-turn-based system, basically. We have a combat timer and enemies will attack whenever. But obviously, they have their own timer. But it's not like you have to worry about dodging attacks and moving around. Things like that. So it's a workable kind of issue.
Starting point is 01:48:51 But I would like to brute force the problem not to happen. And I would like to be able to use the full refresh rate of my display. Because, yeah, I play 14 usually at 120 or so ish unless i'm in limsa liminza where i play at 60 because it's limsa liminza and that's where all of the rp is hang out yeah and and limsa liminza always has a lot of people yeah you'd probably address that with our mods by just hiding the people but I like the atmosphere of Limsa
Starting point is 01:49:33 it's fun and I like the RPers and the ERPers that's one thing I'm definitely I'm excited for not ERP I'm excited for data center transfer stuff because data center transfer
Starting point is 01:49:49 didn't matter on Oceanic because there was one data center but if we data center transfer in US and we go over to like let's say hang out in Balamung or something like that well, that might be a bit of a different experience
Starting point is 01:50:04 so yeah oh so I guess we'll end it off with a I've got a new keyboard so this is oh look at that it doesn't show up super great in the camera but it's got RGB is what was got it well I guess this is an RGB this is is R, but it does, it does have RGB, um, uh, let's put it on mode where it's easier to see, this, this mode, RGB, I just, I'm not a big fan of, I could probably work with this, what I'm not a big fan of is ones like this, where it's constantly
Starting point is 01:50:53 moving. I find that to be really distracting, because I can see my keyboard out the corner of my eye, and I tend to get distracted by a lot of stuff. So I just like to keep it on R and then, yeah, we're good there. I guess I could change the color,
Starting point is 01:51:12 but considering that my mouse is also red and I guess my light back there is also red now, I might as well just keep it red. I like red. Red's nice. But yeah, this is a Red Dragon... So it's on the keyboard. What is it? It's a Red Dragon.
Starting point is 01:51:36 K618. The Horus K618. And it's got a bunch of fun things on it. One of those fun things is this volume knob. Now, this volume knob isn't some proprietary software Windows nonsense. This maps to XF86 volume up and volume down. So I can use this on Linux. And not just use it on Linux,
Starting point is 01:52:01 it's bound the same way it was already bound on my other keyboard. So, it just works exactly like it should. This also, being a gaming keyboard, has like... It's got these macro buttons along the top. You can program to do whatever you want. I'm not a big macro guy. So, it doesn't really matter to me. These little buttons here are your media buttons.
Starting point is 01:52:24 There's not as many as my other one that I don't have a, oh no, I do have a play pause. Oh, it's just a merged play pause. Ah, okay. Okay. Okay. That's fine. I'll just have to rebind stuff then. Um, but I could have gotten this as like a 10 keyless. I like my, my numpads because I like to have my numpad as a, like a, how would you describe it? A, um, macro bay, basically. I, I, I guess that's the only macro bay I use. I use this as bindings for like OBS and things like that. Now, this is also not a Cherry Switch keyboard. I have famously, if you go to my channel, it's actually like one of my biggest videos, famously said how I don't like mechanical keyboards.
Starting point is 01:53:20 This is not your original early days mechanical though. So that video has... Oh, it's not that popular. It's a little more popular. 21,000 views. This is a low profile linear red. I'll show you. Low profile...
Starting point is 01:53:43 Low profile mechanical switch this is a switch that I had been very interested to try out for quite a while I guess the blues will work, they're basically the same, it's just different
Starting point is 01:53:59 colours and different weights and things like that and actuation points from the outside look the same so this is your conventional mechanical switch they are usually on your gaming keyboards things like that your whatever whatever keyboard you have this is the more the the newer low profile mechanical switch they are millimeters thinner. And then there's also like another optical version as well. Now, a lot of keyboards will use these low profile mechanical switches, but we'll put traditional key caps on them.
Starting point is 01:54:36 So they're certainly thinner than your traditional keyboard, like six or so mils, but they're not that much thinner. your traditional keyboard, like 6 or so mils, but they're not that much thinner. What the Red Dragon does, and what this keyboard is a clone of the, I want to say Logitech C15. C
Starting point is 01:54:59 915, sorry. 915. Is it 915? sorry, 915. Is it 915? Uh, yes, yes, it's a coin of this keyboard. Uh, it, uh, show me a good picture. Show me a good picture. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:55:19 This is the Logitech 915, and you can see it's got these very, very thin keycaps, and the exact same is true on the Red Dragon K618. These keycaps are not that common. They're not impossible to buy but they're certainly not as common, uh, as the traditional ones. Low profile mechanic- uh, low profile mechanical cap. Uh, I- you can- okay, you can definitely find them-
Starting point is 01:55:57 yeah, you can definitely start finding them in places like Etsy. So, presumably, you'll be able to find them in other places like Amazon, things like that. It's not as bad as it was a couple of years ago. If I bought this a couple of years ago, and I ever wanted to like change out keycaps, things like that, basically you're kind of stuck, and there's not much you can do. But considering that these are making their way out, and there are actually devices using these switches now It's getting to the point where I can reasonably use a mechanical keyboard The problem I had with traditional keyboards is they're like this just weighs you high you need a wrist rest for them I know some people are fine with them
Starting point is 01:56:38 but I like my hand being as close to the desk as possible. And that's what my KC Cherry Stream did really, really well. It is very thin, and I love it. And this new keyboard is only a touch thicker. Maybe, like, I've not checked it, but maybe it's not really thicker at all, actually. This is a very unscientific way of measuring it. Let's do it the other way so they're actually the correct size. It's maybe, I would say, two or three mils higher, which isn't a major deal, I can accept that
Starting point is 01:57:28 and I think I've only just started using it today, so I can't really give my long term thoughts on it, but I think I'm going to keep, I'm going to stick with this, and I'm going to use these
Starting point is 01:57:44 low profile switches going into the future. Now, the main reason I switched isn't because I just wanted to buy a new keyboard. There's actually two reasons. Firstly, you might notice that this KC Cherry Stream is missing a keycap. It's here. This has been breaking off for a while. Now, you can get them back on, but remounting a mechanical... A scissor switch is a pain in the fucking ass.
Starting point is 01:58:12 So I have not done it. The other reason I haven't done it is... The reason I bought the keyboard. So I bought the keyboard before this keybrook. I was playing FF14. I was doing a raid. I held down the W key. And I didn't go forward.
Starting point is 01:58:34 So there are some points where if you actuate the key. It wasn't resetting it. So it wouldn't actually let you press it again. That was really annoying. And I just, I didn't want to deal with it anymore. It had started to become a problem a while ago. And I've wanted to try these low profile linear switches for a long time anyway.
Starting point is 01:59:03 So this gave me sort of a good opportunity to actually do it maybe in the future i'll try out that logitech keyboard this is a clone of because from my understanding that is a a much uh nicer keyboard like this is not a bad keyboard in any definition of the term um but this logitech one is also, like, um, $400 in Australia, so, like, that's a lot for a keyboard, but it's well built, and I love Logitech, like, I, I have, like, multiple Logitech mice, I, I am very much a Logitech shill, and I'd be happy to use a Logitech keyboard as well. Maybe in the future that'll happen, but for now, I'm going to keep with the Red Dragon,
Starting point is 01:59:50 and maybe we'll see if Red Dragon lives up to the hype, because this is a company that, you know, it came onto the market sort of out of nowhere, and made these cheap clones of a lot of devices. That people wanted to use. And they gained a lot of popularity for it. So I want to see if that hype is actually real. And you know it's worth the money. Or if I should have gone and spent the money. And bought something a bit nicer.
Starting point is 02:00:20 We'll see what happens. And yeah. We are closing in or just past the, uh, two hour mark, actually, one thing I'll do is, I want to show you these new lights, so, these are, I think, I think they were, like, a TikTok trend, because if you look up, um, like, if you look up Lamp, like, RGB Lamp on Amazon, you get a hundred different clones of these, I think it's, like, some, some thing where people are lighting up their corners or something like that, but they work really well as a way to, like, light up the edge of a cabinet. I'm thinking of possibly getting another one to put on my um my uh, what do you call it?
Starting point is 02:01:10 Bookshelf. Um, just so there's like just so all of the cabinets there are lit up in that way. But uh, they're not super bright but I think they do add a bit of, bit of interesting, how would you say
Starting point is 02:01:26 look to the background, especially if I turn the light off I think like that they actually look pretty cool now, I won't record regular videos like this just because of the fact that my camera is not great at doing low light stuff.
Starting point is 02:01:47 It's not great at fucking focusing on my face either. Focus on my damn face. Oi, you fucker. Focus on the damn face. What are you doing? Okay, now we're good. Um, yeah, my camera's not great at doing low light stuff, so I don't know whether I would actually want to do that, but I think they do look pretty cool. I'm gonna change the color. There is a bunch of fun modes here, so this is... that's yellow and that looks greenish to you. That's red. That's green. That's a another different... that's like a cyan green that's another different that's like a cyan, that's a purple that kind of looks purpley
Starting point is 02:02:30 blue, blue actually does look blue another blue and that's white, oh that actually is white huh maybe that would look cool I don't know if that would look good with the lights on the only reason I went red is because I tend to like having my shots be,
Starting point is 02:02:47 like, I have a little orange light coming into my face because I feel like that makes me look not deathly ill. And the red kind of makes sense with that. The blue, I've tried the blue once and it just, it seemed really off. But my favorite mode, it's not just a color, is like one of these modes. So they actually have a microphone in them and will react to my voice. Like there's this mode as well. Sorry. This mode as well, where it's sort of like a visualizer. I find that one to be really annoying though. And then you have this one, this one, where it does the same thing as the first one, but starts
Starting point is 02:03:26 in the center, I think that's super cool as well, um, but I, I will probably just keep them on a single color, and yeah, maybe when I eventually get my new camera, that will definitely be a lot better for doing low light stuff, uh, I will actually do stuff with the lights off like this. Actually, if anyone, if I clip this and anyone sees it, let me know if you think I should put another one on the bookshelf itself. I'm thinking of doing so, just so it doesn't, just so it's not that like one thing that looks out of place. But I don't know, we'll see what happens. I did have another lamp I was gonna put up there as well, but I didn't think that one looked any winner
Starting point is 02:04:15 as good, so I'll repurpose that one for another reason. But for now, this is the look that my videos are going to have. I guess with the lights on. And maybe I'll stream like this, actually. I think this could work for a gaming stream. Because I would have my camera be like small down the corner. And I think it would look pretty cool. Anyway, that is going to be it for me. Next week, there's probably going to be a guest.
Starting point is 02:04:43 I've not arranged anyone. But there probably maybe be a guest, I've not arranged anyone but there probably maybe is a guest if I do so so yeah keep an eye out for that one my main channel is Brodie Robertson I do Linux videos and all that fun stuff, I've got Brodie Robertson
Starting point is 02:04:59 Plays where I do my gaming streams and if you're listening to the audio version of this, the video version can be found over on the YouTube. If you're watching the video version, the audio version can be found on any of your favorite podcast platforms. And there's an RSS feed and all that fun stuff. So yeah, go and check that out.
Starting point is 02:05:20 And if you like it, then go and like it and all that fun stuff. And do please subscribe. So that's going to be it for me. And yeah. I'm out.

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