Tech Over Tea - Chromium Is Finally Worth Using On Linux | Solo

Episode Date: January 25, 2023

We're starting off the year with a big change, chromium finally works properly on Linux, it's only taken far far too long, but I decided to do a solo episode today so as always expect things to be a l...ittle hectic. ==========Support The Show========== ► Patreon: ► Paypal: ► Amazon USA: ► Other Methods: =========Video Platforms========== 🎥 YouTube: =========Audio Release========= 🎵 RSS: 🎵 Apple Podcast: 🎵 Spotify: 🎵 Google Podcast: 🎵 Anchor: ==========Social Media========== 🎤 Discord: 🐦 Twitter: 📷 Instagram: 🌐 Mastodon: ==========Credits========== 🎨 Channel Art: All my art has was created by Supercozman DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good morning, good day, and good evening. Welcome to episode 152 of Tech of a T. Have you noticed how the, uh, the flipper zero has been getting a lot of attention recently? Like, this thing came out, I think, like, two or so years ago. Uh, all of a sudden, people started talking about it. Apparently, it's because of, because of a weird TikTok trend. I didn't realise this until fairly recently. There is a
Starting point is 00:00:29 another thing that has a very similar name that I have no idea if the creator of the Flipper Zero is aware of. I don't think I can show it on the screen because that is probably probably TOS? I don't think I can show it on the screen because that is probably... Probably TOS?
Starting point is 00:00:46 I don't know. Tenga Flip Zero. I made this comparison on Twitter and Mastodon, and some people got, specifically Ren, got bothered by the fact that I made this comparison. But don't name your product Flipper Zero when there is a Tenga called the Flip Zero. Like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:01:13 Like, do we understand SEO? This is as bad as the Steam Deck and the Stream Deck. Just type in the name that you're going to give a product before you release it. And if you see that there is a product that has a very similar name, don't use the name that you're going to give a product before you release it and if you see that there is a product that has a very similar name don't use the name especially when that name is the name of a sex toy but hey look maybe that's what they're going for maybe they're going for the people that are trying to look up the Tenga Flip Zero it's like hey maybe well considering Well, considering that developers are primarily male. There we go.
Starting point is 00:01:52 We'll say it like that. Developers are primarily male. It probably then goes to assume that anyone involved in pen testing probably also male. Therefore, also, actually, before that, also the users of the Tenga Flip Zero at least have a penis, bare minimum. If you don't, I don't know why you're buying it.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Maybe you just like it. Maybe you think it's a cool desk ornament. So with this logic in mind, if you try to, like like mash up the SEO, maybe there's something there. I don't know. It could just be a mistake. And I've just spent two minutes talking about a Tengaflip Zero. Anyway, I don't make money on this channel, so it doesn't really matter.
Starting point is 00:02:45 doesn't really matter actually i don't know if youtube would i don't know if youtube would get like really annoyed with me talking about with me talking about that considering that a lot of their stuff is based on uh what's the word the the language recognition model the transcript model i've noticed that some of my auto-generated subtitles are a little bit like scuffed so you know having a non-american accent does kind of help out with that uh makes the ai kind of freak out a little bit i could go and put it on like way harder make it even worse for the ai uh the problem then is you're gonna have the you have a reverse problem happen where it thinks you're saying something where you're not actually saying and then it nukes your channel anyway. I believe there was a...
Starting point is 00:03:29 I believe there was a kids channel or a toy... was it like a toy? No, it wasn't a toy. Was it like a Lego channel? There was this channel that... We're just gonna jump right into it. There's this channel that after the new change to the the YouTube Terms of Service, channel that after the new change to the uh the youtube terms of service all of their stuff got flagged even though everything they were doing before was all like you know totally totally fine like nothing objectionable with it not even swearing like not even like a shit or a poop like fully clean you could air this on like you know uh abc kids or whatever like the equivalent kids channel is in in your region in like middle of the day no problem at all but uh i got like
Starting point is 00:04:17 i'm getting a lot of his uh stuff auto auto flagged by the new YouTube TOS, which is great. In my case, in case anyone's wondering. So actually, if you don't know, YouTube recently modified the way their TOS works. I initially didn't think it was that big of a deal. I still don't think the terms themselves are a big deal. I think the big deal is the way that YouTube is implementing them. Long and short of it, if you sway in the first 15 seconds, instant demonetize. I think it's kind of dumb, but I can understand because that first 15 seconds is what you'll see just scrolling past
Starting point is 00:05:01 the video with the YouTube autoplay. If there's any point where you're going to do that, fine, whatever. I think it's dumb, but at least it logically makes sense on the platform. Then if you swear too often throughout a video, you will also be demonetized. Now, this from my understanding was pretty much the way YouTube worked before. Nothing really changed here. The issue is that YouTube seems to be implementing it in a really, really heavy-handed way, where you can swear, like, once or twice and instant demonetize. I don't swear on the main channel. I never have.
Starting point is 00:05:45 I just don't think it really adds anything to like the content i'm doing that if i'm talking about like system d if i'm talking about i don't know whatever i talk about on the main channel i don't think swearing really adds anything to the content sure it might be useful in the context of, like, a joke, but if I'm doing a news video, if I'm doing a tutorial, things like that, I'm not against swearing. Like, you've seen this podcast, you've seen possibly the gaming channel. Here, it's
Starting point is 00:06:16 just, you know, talking shit, and it is what it is. Here, like, I just say whatever. I pretty much just say a stream of consciousness. I need to, need to filter some of that consciousness so I don't say something that is going to come backfire when Twitter finds it. But besides that, I generally just say what's going on.
Starting point is 00:06:37 And the way that I typically talk is I will just throw some fucks in there every so often because I'm an Aussie and that's how that goes down. Uh, yeah. On my main channel, I've not been affected. I've not monetized on this channel. And so I don't, I, there's nothing like, there's no demonetization that can happen on this channel. I think I'm at the point where I can monetize it, I think. I want to say that I am. Um, don't quote me on that, though, but if I go to my content, if I go filter, uh, I guess if we get, no, not visibility, age restriction, let's go, yeah, we'll go age restriction, let's see if anything uploads been age restricted, uh, you can't see it, because I'm on the wrong thing, uh, but no,
Starting point is 00:07:30 nothing has been age restricted, um, so, I guess the amount of swearing that I do on this channel isn't enough to get age restricted, maybe it's enough to demonetize? I don't know. I should go and, I've said it before, I don't really want to monetize this channel until it gets to the point where it makes sense to monetize it. I know a lot of people don't like seeing ads, and if, like, if I'd be making, like, you know, $10 a month, I don't think there's any really, any real justification to add the ads in there, just for that small amount of money i think it makes a lot more sense to wait until like you know the channel's at the point where it's whatever successful or whatever you want to call it uh then it makes sense because then at least even
Starting point is 00:08:18 though it's annoying at least i'm getting something out of it. You're not getting anything out of it. You're still seeing ads. But if I'm going to annoy someone, I at least want to get something out of it in return. YouTube's fun. YouTube's a lot of fun. But hey, at least... I was going to say, at least people are considering alternatives. But no, they're really not at least people considering alternative but no they're
Starting point is 00:08:45 really not in the case of youtube they're definitely not uh twitter at least twitter on the bright side people are actually considering uh alternatives so we're not going to get into twitter and talk about them for another you know 20 or whatever minutes um we've done enough of that in the past i do want to briefly mention that uh medium now set up a mastodon instance so if you want to go and join that it's for like authors and things like that read as a medium uh i think this is one of the best things that's happening from the twitter takeover say what you want about whether elon Elon Musk running Twitter is a good or a bad thing. It seems like it's roughly stabilizing, mostly, except for last week when some change just broke
Starting point is 00:09:36 the entire platform in Australia for an entire day. Now there's also the limitations of the Twitter API that's kicking off a lot of the fairly, not super big, but relatively well-known Twitter bots. But the bright side that's coming out of this is people are finally really considering Mastodon. So I believe Mozilla set up an instance not too long ago. Yeah, Mozilla set one. I don't know why Vivaldi has one, but Vivaldi has one, and now Medium has one as well. And I don't know if
Starting point is 00:10:15 Mastodon is still picking up more users. Let me just check. Because they do list the user growth on the M mastodon website if i could it's joined mastodon isn't it i think it's joined mastodon um where is i i i've said it before i need a jamie i need someone who can do all of this stuff for me so i don't have to do it while i'm uh to talk. It seems like it's pretty much stabilized at 1.6 million monthly active users.
Starting point is 00:10:50 So until Elon does something stupid again, it seems like it's going to be pretty much just chill there. Which, you know, 1.6 million monthly active users is not Facebook. It's not YouTube. It's not even Twitter. But it is a really, really big amount of people. And with that amount of people, you can sort of justify other people joining. Like, the problem with a social media platform is the social media effect.
Starting point is 00:11:22 The reason why you want to be on Facebook, the reason why you want to be on Facebook, the reason why you want to be on Twitter, the reason why you want to be on YouTube is because this is the platform where everybody else is. You don't want to be that weirdo on the social media platform that nobody's using, unless, you know, you're in a position where you're kicked off of everything else and then you have to go join, BitShed or whatever. But those,
Starting point is 00:11:47 the like, the, what do you call them, the platforms that are basically like political refuges, they've sort of grown enough as well that they have their own, at least, maybe not massive communities, but they have their own like healthy little ecosystem the problem with something like let's say you wanted to make a social media platform tomorrow that's not connected to anything it's not in the fediverse it's just like this whole new thing how do you get people to join that like what what are you like there's going to be obviously people that join it as like hey i join everything like there's some people out there who have accounts on every platform under the sun even the ones you've never heard of they have like a thousand users there's people
Starting point is 00:12:38 like that but the vast majority of people just they want to be in the place especially when it comes to them posting maybe they're fine to like follow a specific creator on whatever random platform but if someone's going to be posting on a platform they want to post in a place where they could potentially have some maybe not go viral but potentially have some level of attention actually come from it. You could say that's like very self-centered, very, I think self-centered is probably the best term there, but that's what social media is. Like if you're going to be on social media, pretty much your like end goal is to be the center of attention at least in some fashion maybe not the center of attention across the entire platform but the center of attention at
Starting point is 00:13:31 least in your own little bubble of the internet whether that's like you know some specific game whether it's like the specific some specific community like an operating system community like the linux, things like that. I don't know how we got here. We somehow got from the Tenga flip zero to talking about Mastodon, and I never said what, did I say what episode number this is? If I didn't, it's 152. And we're doing this solo in case you couldn't tell by the fact that I've been speaking for 15 minutes and no one else has been here. But I guess if you're an audio listener, you would have just thought I was on a rant 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Actually, no, you would have seen the title. Yeah, because I title things solo episode. I forgot my own workflow. I do want to bring a... So, last week I had... Why am I blanking on a name now? Admirico. Admirico Bromben on last week.
Starting point is 00:14:37 I am planning to get Luca to come on. Luca Di Maio, the creator of DistroBox. We were talking back in December. Yes, December. And you know, December's just like a weird time to plan stuff, so that
Starting point is 00:14:55 didn't happen back then. He's also a very busy person, so it takes a while to respond to messages. Hopefully, hopefully next week's episode's going to be with Luca. I'm not making any promises here. I've tried to ask for that, see if, you know, he's free for that.
Starting point is 00:15:12 If not, it'll happen at some point. I'm definitely gonna make sure it happens, assuming that he doesn't just, like, ghost me until the end of time, which, you know, is possible. I've had people certainly, certainly do that before And other people ghost me for six months be like oh, I forgot to check my messages like what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:15:32 It's six months. What do you mean you've got to check your messages? I'm not gonna name any names but Some Linux youtuber who's been on the show before Things only been on once maybe that limits it down, uh, considerably more, I'm not going to give any more information, if I give any more information than that, you're going to know exactly who I'm talking about, um, maybe that's fine, but, you know, it is what it is, uh, yeah, speaking of it is what it is. Yeah, speaking of it is what it is, I have topics here that I do want to talk about, some of which are me just dicking around.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Some of them are not so much. You know, we'll start with a Linux-y topic. Why not? So if you use a Chromium browser on Linux for the past 16, 15 years? Something like that. I think it's going on its 16th year. You would notice that if you scroll, especially if you've come from Windows, you'll notice that if you scroll, the scrolling speed is pretty low. It feels like it's about half of what the scrolling speed is on Windows.
Starting point is 00:16:54 This isn't some weird Linux issue per se. It's technically related to Linux, but the issue is an issue directly in Chromium. So if you look up on just like any search engine, Chromium Linux scroll speed, you will find a lot of people being like, why is the scroll speed so low? Why is the scroll speed bad? How do I fix the scroll speed? What is up with the scroll speed? Some people used to fix it with an application called I'm Wheel or I am Wheel, whatever you call it,
Starting point is 00:17:30 whatever you want to call it. There's also this extension here called, called, why can I not, there it is. It's like, where is the extension? This extension here called Linux Scroll Speed, which basically just tries to replicate the Windows Scroll Speed on Linux. I don't know what would happen if you tried to install the extension on Windows. I'm not sure. Maybe it would still work. Maybe it would just, like, do nothing. I don't know. Try it.
Starting point is 00:18:00 If you've got a Windows install, go and install the Linux Scroll Speed extension. I don't know. Try it. If you've got a Windows install, go and install the Linux scroll speed extension. This makes it scroll like it should under Windows. If I go and disable it, because Brave still is not updated to the newer version.
Starting point is 00:18:19 How do I disable it? How do I disable extensions? Manage extension. Brave is not updated to the newer version of Chromium. Here we go. So that's disabled. And if I reload the page now... So I've got to scroll a lot more to actually do the scrolling. Yeah, for about 15 or so years, that issue had existed inside of...
Starting point is 00:18:43 Where's the extension? That one. That issue had existed inside of... Where's the extension? That one. That issue had existed inside of Chromium. And the issue was actually something really simple. Actually, this is the... I think it's the new issue? No. No, it's the... Wait.
Starting point is 00:19:01 No, this is the old issue. So, the issue was originally made in this one was in 2015 um and actually got closed as won't fix because the developer didn't understand what the problem actually was they thought it was something completely different the line size is the same between all platforms. I think this is the difference between how many lines the OS scrolls with each mouse will tick. On Windows and probably Linux, that's a configurable setting of the OS, so you probably just need to adjust that setting. This tracks aligning the line size of IE and Edge on Windows specifically. I don't
Starting point is 00:19:42 think there's anything to do on the Chrome side here. Feel free to reopen it if I missed something." And the person who actually made the issue was like, yeah, you did miss something. Literally look at this demo and you'll see that you have no idea what you're talking about. This person then reopened it, and then there was some other discussion happened, and they closed it it again. Also not understanding what the problem actually was. This issue then sort of devolved into chaos. With users being like, guys, this is not a problem on Linux. This is a problem in Chromium.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Fix the problem. This went on for a very, very long time. And then, I believe, last year? Last year, yes. Let me find the issue. The new one. Is this last year? Is this last year?
Starting point is 00:20:40 Was this the year before? When was this made? What am I scrolling? No, scroll was this made? What am I scrolling? No, scroll here. What the fuck am I scrolling? Oh, God. There's a giant wall of text. I love it.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Where's the wall of text? And, yeah, last year. So the end of... Wait, no, this is 2023, isn't it? 2021. So the year before last year. Two years ago. Maybe like a year and three months ago so this issue was made it was like a collection of a bunch of different issues all like merged
Starting point is 00:21:13 into one issue report don't report issues like this split your issues out into a bunch of like separate things just to make it easier on the developers to work things out. And a developer in here actually worked out what the problem was. So the problem actually was an issue in Chromium. The issue was caused by Chromium trying to be consistent on Linux. So Chromium on Linux uses a pixel value, so each scroll, of 53, which is said to be the same as GTK+. Whereas on Windows, it's 120. So it's actually a bit more than half the speed. The funny thing is, Firefox is actually higher than Chromium is at 130. So it felt even worse. Literally the only problem was they set a number too low.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Now, there would be a much better solution that could have fixed this like a decade ago. Make the number configurable. Let me change the number. That's all that had to happen and the problem would have never existed. At all. Because if it defaults to being too low, you can change it.
Starting point is 00:22:50 But no, that's too difficult. Let's just, like, change it to what it is on Windows and then pretend that never happened. Which, you know, is like a fine, totally fine fix. But doesn't address the issue that some users still want it to scroll faster. Like if you want it to be faster than Windows, you can't do that. You gotta like do it with I'm wheel or you got to do it with like some weird modification in like your mouse settings, things like that. I don't
Starting point is 00:23:20 know why it was so difficult just to expose a little setting that lets you change a number. Why? Why is that so difficult? I don't have an answer. But, as of Chromium 109, 109, which is released now. Was released a, I guess, for you guys like two weeks ago maybe. And when was this released, uh, no, sorry, uh, I guess, actually, no, it was, right, okay, no, no, this is different, um, the 109 update was coming, was said to be coming
Starting point is 00:24:02 at this, wait, no, it was ready for the 109 release, which came out, like, a little bit ago. The change to the mouse scroll... Mouse wheel scrolling speed has also affected the speed of precise scrolling with touchpad on a ThinkPad laptop. I'm using Google Chrome on Ubuntu. Why the hell are you using Google Chrome on Ubuntu?
Starting point is 00:24:27 Previously, the scroll speed matched the scrolling speed in other Ubuntu apps, or at least was close enough that I couldn't tell the difference. But now it is much faster. If I change it system-wide, it'll be slow in other applications. Oh, so this is just another justification to make it use configurable expose the setting to like Easily be changed by a user if they want to go set it back to the old number They can have it be the old number if they want it to be the new number They can be the new number or at least like a toggle back and forth How difficult is it to make a toggle to change a number the answer is probably not very difficult
Starting point is 00:25:02 The answer is probably not very difficult. Path of least resistance. Path of least resistance. That's what you got to do. Put in the least amount of effort to get the most amount of results. The worst part about this is it's a Chromium problem. And a lot of Chromium devs are paid to be Chromium devs. So it's not even like the general open source issue of, you know, no one making any money. This is Chromium devs. So it's not even like the general open source issue of, you know, no one making any money. This is Chromium.
Starting point is 00:25:28 A lot of these people are employed by Google. Like, in this case, there's sort of no excuse for someone just to not do it properly. I could get not doing it properly on, you know, some random little browser fork.
Starting point is 00:25:44 But this isn't some random little browser fork. This is Chromium. Pain. Pain and suffering. But you know, that's sort of what you get doing stuff on Linux. Yeah. Speaking of doing stuff on Linux, I actually got myself a new capture card recently. This is the EVGA XR1 Lite. Now the EVGA doesn't make GPUs anymore, they just make really good capture cards. Like, this is actually kind of insane how good this capture card works. Look at it! It's so tiny! It's so thin! Actually, compare it to another capture card I have. Uh, we have my Toblerone here. Uh, look at how, look at how giant this
Starting point is 00:26:30 thing is compared to the EVGA. Like, what is this? Um, the reason I, I replaced the Toblerone, not just because the Toblerone is massive like that, You know, I just put it on my PC case or under my bed It's not a big deal. The reason why I replaced it is The EVGA Stopped accepting USB power. I couldn't turn it on. It would not turn on I would plug it in It would come on for a second and it would turn off so Yeah, I tried different USB cables and the same thing just kept happening.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Which is good. Which is very good. I had it for like three years though. So it's not a major deal. I did sort of... It was a bit too expensive for what I'm doing. Because this thing has a bunch of extra features that I had never really used. Like audio directly from the device.
Starting point is 00:27:27 This like switch for different recording modes. Volume knobs on it, like a record button on it. The EVGA is a lot simpler. There is a HDMI in. There is an HDMI out and a USB-C power. There are no buttons. there are no knobs, there is a sticker on the back that you probably can't see. Maybe you can see it? No? If you're gonna focus on it? It's got a little OBS logo on there.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Because this is one of the OBS certified devices. I didn't buy it for that reason. But it just happened to be on that list. Pretty much meaning it's guaranteed to work on OBS. At least on Windows. Because this device is, you know, it's supposed to work on Windows. But it's a UVC device. So a UVC being USB video class or USB video capture. Same generic drivers used by webcams like the C920 and most sensible webcams.
Starting point is 00:28:35 So you just plug it into Linux and it magically works. The new capture card's been mostly good. I have noticed a weird issue with it. Not an issue with capture that works perfectly fine so the issue is actually really dumb um if i plug it in turn my console on when i boot up the console like when i swap over to the, like, the, the pass-through onto my monitor, it's running at, like, 480p at 21 by 9, or some ridiculous resolution, like, it's in this big letterbox, I don't know why, I have no idea, uh, and it only happens on the boot screen of the
Starting point is 00:29:22 PS4, like, that section where you select your, like that login screen where you select the accounts there. If I then go to the next page, like the main dashboard overlay, I unplug it and plug it back in, it's running at the proper resolution, at the proper aspect ratio. I have absolutely zero clue why that could happen. I tried plugging it in and then turning on the console,
Starting point is 00:29:50 turning on the console, then plugging it in. Neither's actually fixing it. So I don't know what the deal is there, but it's clearly not a problem with Linux. If it's a problem with Linux, that would make no sense because all it's getting from Linux in that context is USB power. Maybe I should try it on Windows, just to see what happens. It, like, it's not a big deal, I just have to, like, remember to, you know, unplug and plug back in. Um, yeah, maybe I should try it on Windows just to see if the problem does occur. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Yeah, I don't know. I probably won't do that. I'll probably just keep dealing with it as it is and then one day replace it again when it stops taking USB power. I'm slowly getting more USB-C devices in my life. Slowly but surely. As much as I don't really care about USB-C, I've said it before, I have never broken a micro USB cable. Actually, sorry, I have broken a micro USB cable. I've never broken a micro USB port. I broke a cable because I stepped on it, which is not a good thing to do. Don't step on your cables, especially cables where they have these, you know, fucking little flimsy connectors. I was wearing like boots as well at the time. So, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:16 there was no surviving for that cable. I kind of gave it a death sentence. The issue with going USB-C is I've still got some devices where they're micro USB. So right now my phone is micro USB. My drawing tablet is micro USB. This is USB-C.
Starting point is 00:31:40 My controls are my Yeah, both. Is it both of them, yeah, the Xbox One X and the, um, the, the PS5 controllers, those me one sec. Is the Xbox controller... Yes. Yeah, okay. Right. The, um, the, the current generation Xbox controller is USB-C, but then my PS4 controller is micro USB. It's gonna be a real problem when I swap my phone to USB-C because right now what I do is I have this, I have this cable here. This cable sits on my desk. This cable most of the time is just plugged into my, uh, into my drawing tablet. But if I need to go and like transfer, oh, plug it in. If I need to go and transfer transfer oh I'll get in I've been there go and
Starting point is 00:32:45 transfer images videos whatever from my phone because I do my my thumbnail pictures on my phone I just unplug the cable and then plug it into my plug it into my phone no extra cable needed it just sits there and we're good to go but if this goes USB C which, which my next phone, I don't think there are any new phones that are made with micro USB anymore. So when I buy a new phone, um, I'm then gonna have to have like another cable running, which is gonna be annoying. Uh, yeah. I could just steal, like, this is the cable from the, the EVGA. I could just steal... This is the cable from the EVGA. I could just steal this cable every time I needed it.
Starting point is 00:33:29 But that's just annoying. Maybe I should replace my drawing tablet. I really don't want to just replace a perfectly good drawing tablet with one that has USB-C just because I want to deal with a stupid cable. Do they actually have a new version of Wacom? just because I want to deal with a stupid cable. Do they actually have a new version of Wacom? What is the model of this one?
Starting point is 00:33:55 The one by Wacom. Do they have a version of it with USB-C? They should by now, hopefully. One day. One day they'll have it, you know. Let's see. I bought this thing like a year or so ago. You know, what am I even thinking?
Starting point is 00:34:12 I bought it like a year or so ago. Of course they won't have it in USB-C. USB cable. Let me see. If I go to USB... UBC. USB-C. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Does it have USB-C now? Wait, maybe they... Maybe they did release a new version of it. I take back what I said. Wait, no. No, I think people are talking about the Wacom 1 which is a completely different device
Starting point is 00:34:49 um the Wacom 1 I believe is like a big yeah it's a big drawing display uh this guy is the Wacom 1 the one by Wacom
Starting point is 00:35:05 is a very cheap drawing tablet why they released two products with almost identical names in entirely different price brackets ask Wacom, I don't know but they did do that so that I think is the one they're talking about unless there actually is a version of 1 by Wacom that has USB-C.
Starting point is 00:35:34 There are other Wacom tablets that are USB-C. So presumably, at some point, it would be USB-C. Or some other tablet I get in the it would be USB-C, or some other tablet I get like in the future would be USB-C. Once everything's USB-C, USB-B, is that the one I'm thinking of? USB-B. Yeah, yeah, my... Is this one? Wait. Yeah, yeah, it's this guy. Cable that you may have seen or may not have seen. Because it was never a popular standard. It was a popular standard on more professional gear and cameras.
Starting point is 00:36:36 But not really anything. Not really any. I guess consumer digital cameras used it. Actually, no. Consumer digital cameras usually it, actually, no, consumer digital cameras usually used the Mini-B, why are there so many USB standards, USB connector types, let me just see if we can find a chart, what the fuck am I looking at, okay, um, am I looking at? Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Um. Yeah, okay. That's actually worse than I thought it was. Uh. Is this all of them? Actually, this one doesn't have USB-C on it. Uh. Show me one that has everything, please.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Is this it? USB... I guess we... No, okay, it doesn't have-C on, this, I think this is everything, okay, so we have Type-A, Type-B, um, okay, that's technically not anything different, it's just the Type-A with a blue thing, um, Mini, or USB Mini, USB Micro, Type-C, and Micro-B, so, USB Mini, USB Micro, Type-C, and Micro B. So, I can't unplug this. I think the audio mixer has a Type-B cable on it. If I just poke my head.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Yeah, I think it's a Type-B cable on it. I've got a hard drive that has a Micro B cable on it. The USB Mini is the one I was thinking of for cameras. This is the one that a lot of consumer cameras used. I hate, I absolutely hate USB. I hate USB so much. Couldn't we just have, you know, maybe two standards? And that's sort of the direction we're going.
Starting point is 00:38:20 But it's taken a long time to get here. We should have full-size USB. And I guess we're settling on Type-C. Whatever. I don't care for Type-C, but if that's what we're going to settle on, fine. Big, small. Not like, hey, what the fuck is this thing? Micro-B. It's like a micro-cable and then they attach this other, like, thingy off to the side like what is this? Why did anybody think that micro B was a good idea? You know we're gonna. We're gonna look that up why? Why does USB micro B exist? Why does USB micro B exist?
Starting point is 00:39:02 I Can't even there are so few devices on it that there's not even anything. Yeah, people are talking about micro USB, not micro USB-B. It's such a stupid cable that nobody
Starting point is 00:39:18 even knows it exists. I hate it. I genuinely hate it. But, you know, if we go, honestly, I'd be happy I'd be content, maybe not happy, I'd be content if everything just went USB
Starting point is 00:39:37 USB Type C the only issue with going Type C on everything is that you then have to like convert things out to type-a and I don't think everything to get rid of the like the type-a connector that like regular USB connector just because there are so many legacy devices that use it like this this big chunky boy it does what it needs to do and that's it but i i guess if i guess it makes more sense to go type c on sort of everything else but okay the reason why i'm not a big fan i'm not not like not a big fan just don't really care about type c is I've had far more Type-C cables die on me than micro USB cables.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Everyone was like USB Type-C is so great and is much stronger and like I had multiple cables die within their first like couple of weeks. That might have just been the weird cable and maybe that sort of that sort of colored my my idea of usbc but that's that's sort of where i stand with it and i'm sure like it the cables i've had now they've been better um but i i ultimately feel it was sort of just like a problem looking for a solution like Micro was fine
Starting point is 00:41:12 if it was just full size and Micro it would have been all G but you know it is what it is I think that's where it comes down like everything in my life just comes back to just, you know, I can't change it. So, you know, it is what it is. Um, yeah, I've almost finished my tea. There you go. There's some TASMR. Um, I apologise for-
Starting point is 00:41:45 I actually apologise for nothing. Um, yeah. So, we'll move on from whatever that was. Uh, Discord. Discord bought a platform called Gas. Now, if you're like me and have never heard of gas you're not the only one so discord acquires gas a compliments based social media apps for 10 what the fuck is this website tech crunch um uh discord acquired gas compliance-based social media app for teens.
Starting point is 00:42:27 The messaging platform Discord announced the acquisition of Gas, an app that's popular among teens for its positive spin on social media. On Gas, users sign up with their school, add friends, and answer polls with their
Starting point is 00:42:41 classmates. But the questions in the polls are intended to boost users' confidence rather than damage it. Teens might be asked to choose which of four friends is the best DJ or has the best smile. Then the person who was chosen will get an anonymous message with their compliment sent from a vague boy in 10th grade or girl in 11th grade. GAS was founded by Nikita Beer? Never heard of this person. What have you... Make apps grow really fast.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Founder of Gas. Ex-founder of TBH. What are these apps? Apparently, he makes things that are popular. His previous is a similar app called TBH to Facebook in 2017. TBH has since been shut. Okay, so he likes to make things that big companies acquire, realize they're terrible ideas, and then kill.
Starting point is 00:43:34 You know, I can only respect this person. I respect the hustle. According to data from Sensor Tower, Gas has reached 7.4 million installs and had almost 7 million in consumer spending since its launch in summer of 2022. What the fuck? This is why it's made a lot of money. Users can subscribe to a paid feature called God Mode, which gives users hints about who their secret complimenters are. Actually, let's watch this video.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Let's see what this app's all about. Let's not watch this video, because I don't want to be hit by today. Let's mute the audio. Let's skip through it and mute the audio. Stop talking! I muted the audio. Let's skip through it and mute the audio. Stop talking!
Starting point is 00:44:26 I muted the audio, damn it! Okay. Why is Twitter so... Why is Twitter's video so terrible? Twitter, if you want to be a platform where people actually upload videos to you, it has to be actually good. At this time,
Starting point is 00:44:43 GAS will continue as its own standalone app, and the GAS team will be joining Discord to help our efforts uh, to continue to grow across new and core audiences. Discord wrote an announcement as of October, BSA GAS has had four team members. So, I have
Starting point is 00:45:00 never heard of this app. Literally never heard of this app. But, if we go look up, uh, gas social media, um, according to cyber news, gas social media overtakes TikTok and app store, but is it safe? So let's see if we can find this. At least temporarily... Okay, this is a terrible article. At least temporarily, it overtook TikTok in downloads. That's, like, that's massive.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Like, it's not just like, oh, you know, it's slightly popular. Even if it's just for a day, dethroning TikTok is kind of massive. Maybe I'm just getting old. Maybe that's what it is, because I just, I didn't know this app existed. I think it's like, you know, need idea or whatever. it's like, you know, neat idea or whatever, but I thought I was, you know, pretty on the ball with what was going on, like, going on on the internet. I may not know what's going on with various, like, you know, TikTok trends or whatever, but I feel like if a platform arises, then I'm probably gonna know about this platform. It completely slipped under my radar, and and you know, I hope Discord
Starting point is 00:46:27 does what Meta does and buys it and it shuts down a week later despite Gaster's fast popularity the app has had a rocky road to its exit the app was subject of a widespread sex trafficking rumor
Starting point is 00:46:42 which was completely false we'll have a look at that yet still impacted the app's downloads beer told the washington post that he and his team received hundreds of graphic death threats as a result of this hoax other viral social apps irl and what what are these apps irl and walk safe um so this is WalkSafe. No. So WalkSafe. Let me just do a bit of a Google search.
Starting point is 00:47:20 WalkSafe app. WalkSafe app. WalkSafe. Download WalkSafe today. Okay, this website. Can we just, like, go back to designing websites where it tells you what the thing actually is? WalkSafe has identified the need for digital solutions that help people feel safe. Our mission is to bring the
Starting point is 00:47:50 world's safety and security data into accessible apps and platforms giving users This literally said nothing. You just said safety like three times. Our app WalkSafe does just that. Bringing police crime data, community reported data, and soon CCTV and safe zone data.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Okay, so it's just like bringing together a bunch of safety data into a single place. Okay, that's neat. The app also has a human sat-nav feature, which allows the user to plot their walks, avoiding trouble spots. So, GPS. You've got a gps feature um and also inviting their circle of i thought that said circle of predators um their circle of protectors to monitor them on their way home okay so i yeah you can clearly use that to monitor people but if that's being used by a parent with their kids, I think that's
Starting point is 00:48:49 totally cool use. What was the other app? Like, IRL? Is that what it was? IRL. Let's have a look at what IRL is. The safety one makes sense, but I've never heard of that what is IRL so IRL
Starting point is 00:49:12 that logo looks a lot like Instagram are they owned by Instagram hold up get in touch FAQ because that looks a lot like Instagram, maybe that's just, like, their intention, uh, meta, I don't see any mention of meta, maybe they're not, Among Us, Among Us, uh, company, company blah blah blah
Starting point is 00:49:47 used by blah blah blah I don't see any mention of meta maybe it's just a coincidence that's how it's probably not a coincidence they're probably designed like that to make you link it together with Instagram in your head so IRL in real life
Starting point is 00:50:04 do more together your place to discover groups and events oh is this just like a meetup app ah okay that's actually not a bad idea either i'm sure that can be used for malicious things if people want to. Okay, this isn't actually as big as I thought it was. Some of these things have like a thousand or so people. It seems like it's at least remotely
Starting point is 00:50:37 used. Okay, 77,000 followers. Okay, maybe it does actually have some users. There's a lot of... Even if you're really on the ball with what's going on in the tech space, it's really easy to have no idea what's going on in certain areas.
Starting point is 00:50:59 There's a lot of apps that I've just never heard of that are apparently viral apps. There's a lot of social media platforms that apparently I've never heard of that are apparently viral apps. There's a lot of social media platforms that apparently I've never heard of that are viral social media platforms. I guess the problem with something being viral is it sort of it comes and goes really really quickly. A lot of these things to pick up don't really stick around. Now I could see something like that WalkSafe app being an exception, but a lot of things that end up, you know, being overnight successes
Starting point is 00:51:35 sort of vanish basically just as quickly. There's a few exceptions there that sort of stick around for the long run. I think Snapchat's one of the, one of those really big exceptions. Like I remember when Snapchat came around and it just, it sort of just appeared out of nowhere because people are stupid and thought they could just send nudes on Snapchat and things then just got deleted. But that's just not how that worked. Because it was saved on the Snapchat servers.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Because that's obviously how that was going to go down. Because of course it is. It got deleted on my phone. That means it got deleted off the internet. Is that how that goes? No it's not how that goes. Definitely not how that goes. But. Wait what is this?
Starting point is 00:52:28 Gas? Wait, it's working on a Meanwhile, Nine Count, the company that made Spark What the fuck is Spark? Oh, it's a dating app. Okay. Is working on a product similar to gas called No Cap. Okay, that's a great name. No Cap Compliments App. Good vibes only, no cap.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Alright then. That is the most... That is the most Zoomer definition, explanation, something I've ever seen. You know, I am reminded by the fact that I am a Zoomer, like, a lot of the time. But I'm on that, like, I'm on the edge of Zoomer. I'm on that weird edge where depending on where you put the numbers, zoomer i'm on that weird edge where depending on where you put the numbers you could shift me into like really late millennial or really early zoomer but when you see like the really young zoomers i'm just like i have no idea what you are saying what you were doing but then i don't want to deal
Starting point is 00:53:41 with the millennials either because i'm like i don know. You people are, you people make me suffer. Stop. Why are you all terrible? I am stuck between, I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. Zoomers and millennials. And there's no escape from it. And there never will be. But, you know, it's been a trend throughout this episode.
Starting point is 00:54:08 It is what it is. Oh, God. What else do we have here? Oh, this should surprise kind of nobody ever. But new podcast creation has fallen off a cliff. This should surprise kind of nobody ever. But, uh... New podcast creation has fallen off a cliff. So, when did I actually start this podcast? I have a feeling I started it around 2020.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Um... Because it would have been... It would have been around... It would have been my final year of uni I started the podcast. Because I didn't start it earlier. Because I was way too busy with class. But I know that I had some... Some friends on...
Starting point is 00:54:54 I had some friends on during... During me being at uni. So yeah. I started this in 2020. First episode, February 27th. Right, okay. So that was... I guess at the start of...
Starting point is 00:55:14 Maybe... No, was I back at class already or was I not? I don't know. No, I don't think I was back at class just yet. Yeah. don't think i was back at class just yet yeah um but surprising kind of nobody ever a lot of the pandemic podcast stopped a lot of them and a lot of the people who are making podcasts didn't keep making podcasts it's It's kind of surprising to me that when everybody is at home and has nothing better to do, they decide to start doing things that they never would have done otherwise, like make a podcast. And then when they get back to
Starting point is 00:56:00 work, they're like, wait, I can't make a podcast anymore. I don't have, you know, 16 hours a day completely free. This should surprise nobody ever, but this article writes it in like, as if this is some crazy phenomena that no, like, like, oh, some of that can be attributed to the pandemic. Yeah. I think all of it can be. I don't think you can really I don't think there's really another
Starting point is 00:56:36 big factor there that indicates why more people are making it. It's the same reason why a lot of streamers grew during the pandemic or a lot of streamers grew during the pandemic or a lot of YouTube channels or pretty much any sort of business done on the internet massively grew during the pandemic
Starting point is 00:56:56 because nobody had anything fucking better to do. And now that, like, you know, everyone's back at work back at work that like we just can't continue it um creators seem to recognize until podcast discovery improves launching a podcast may be a losing proposition i actually that you know i'll give you that um a lot of people would have seen podcasts being created during that time and then saw them not doing anything and then just binned it like they were gonna make it but they heard their friend make a podcast and they did two episodes and it didn't become a viral success so they're like oh well if they couldn't become a viral success obviously i can't become one um then there's me who have done like 150 something
Starting point is 00:57:46 episodes, 2.5k subs you know, massive massive success honestly like, by any sensible person's metric, if they were trying to like do the podcast just to make money, they would have given up a long time ago, no one would do 150
Starting point is 00:58:02 episodes that aren't monetized just just because up a long time ago. No one would do 150 episodes that aren't monetized just because. And I definitely think that was that's definitely a part of it. People wanted to have a big podcast very quickly. They didn't want to have, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:17 build it up over time. You know, remember like Joe Rogan's podcast went on, like he's been doing it for a decade. Over a decade. And a lot of the big podcasts out he's been doing it for a decade, over a decade. And a lot of the big podcasts out there have been going on for a really long time. Now, there are some, like, you know, standout exceptions. Like, Andrew Huberman, he started this podcast, like, not that long ago. And it's already massive. But he had the advantage that he was going on other people's podcasts.
Starting point is 00:58:43 He was already, you know, a fairly big name in that space. And there are podcasts that sort of come out of nowhere with people that, you know, appear out of nowhere. They don't really have any backing. They don't have any existing name. But that's not the way that most people are going to go. Most people are going to have a podcast that has, you know... Most people are going to go. Most people are going to have a podcast.
Starting point is 00:59:03 That has you know. In this case for example. I think this. This show I think audio wise. You will check it. Let's see. Audio wise. The episode with Donald.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Did 163 at this point. Usually this range. Is in the range. Range is in the range. Sits in the range range is in the range sits in the range of like usually about 180 or so to 250, 300
Starting point is 00:59:34 an episode for the audio side and then usually about most episodes like 800 or so for the how do I see this 800 or so for the
Starting point is 00:59:51 video version and that's doing this over a fairly you know fairly slow growth over a period of time but as you keep doing it as you can you know apparently interesting in
Starting point is 01:00:06 some fashion, if people find what you're doing exciting, then it is going to, you know, maybe pick up over time, but there's no reason to even start doing it if you think it's going to be this overnight success, because I can guarantee that it probably won't be. There is a possibility that you'll be like a weird outlier maybe possibly but if you're going into anything
Starting point is 01:00:35 expecting to be an outlier, you are going to be disappointed. Always go into don't go into it thinking thinking you're gonna fail is never gonna have any sort of audience but you have to go into any sort of any sort of content creation like this whether it's podcasting whether it's youtube videos or anything else like that with your expectations grounded in reality if you are coming from nothing, it is going to take a lot of hard work to build up any sort of audience.
Starting point is 01:01:13 And maybe over time you'll get there. Maybe over time, you know, you'll have a channel like I have on the main channel with like 45k subs. Maybe you have a podcast that has, you know, a thousand or so listeners. But it's going to take time it's going to take a lot of time it's going to take a lot of effort and there's not really any shortcuts there are things you can do to like you know get more attention i probably should be putting more effort into like i should probably be posting clips on places like TikTok. Not because TikTok is a great place to get growth
Starting point is 01:01:50 by itself, but it does get the it does get some attention out about the I just noticed something on Discord. It does get some attention out with the name. But there's no shortcuts. And I think the other thing is why are you starting a podcast like what what are you trying to do with it i like okay so for
Starting point is 01:02:17 me the reason i do the podcast is there is a lot of people in the linux space especially that i think have a lot of really interesting stuff to say, but don't really have anywhere to say it. Like, a lot of developers out there, a lot of distro maintainers, they, like, you know, there's really cool people out there, but no one's really, no one's really servicing that. There are a couple of Linux podcasts, but the Linux space especially is not full of podcasts. You don't have a hundred Linux podcasts that are talking to everyone out there. A lot of the people I bring on, their first podcast is my podcast, and I think that's cool um i think a lot of people also
Starting point is 01:03:08 kind of when when they are in that situation are kind of worried about doing a podcast like oh i don't know if i'm gonna be able to do a podcast well or whatever most people realize very quickly that it's just talking with a recording and once you get used to doing that it's just talking with a recording. And once you get used to doing that, it plays out pretty well. The issue is there's a lot of people who even in that situation are just not good at talking. And I'm not saying that I'm great at talking.
Starting point is 01:03:40 This is something I've had to work on over a long period of time, like, if you go back to my early videos, or the early podcast, you'll see I'm horrible on camera, I had no idea what I was doing, I had no idea how to express myself, I had no idea, really, how to, you know, I had an idea in my head of what, like, how I wanted to talk, but no idea how to portray that on a camera. I don't know exactly how it's described, but the camera is going to take away a certain amount of energy
Starting point is 01:04:13 from the way that you communicate. It's a different way of communicating being on camera, but some people can work it out and other people can't. Either way though, you're probably some people can work it out and other people can't. Either way, though, you're probably not going to work it out on your first episode or your fifth episode or your 10th episode. It's going to be a long time in where you really start to get the ball rolling. There's a lot of people out there who shouldn't have a podcast like you know just because you think that oh you know we have this cool conversation in the car every day
Starting point is 01:04:50 you look it might be a cool conversation but if you start the podcast and like hey guys this is gaming podcast well i'm your host i'm jim jim jim um um i'm the co-host bob brown i'm trying i couldn't think of fake names jim jimison and bob bobbison um but like that's the way that it's probably going to go. You're going to be like, yeah, this is a great conversation. But the second that camera goes on, and especially if you have any sort of lighting, I don't know what it is about having lighting that just freezes your brain.
Starting point is 01:05:42 And even though I've been doing this for a while, it still happens to me sometimes where it's like I'm I've got the idea for the video I've got everything sort of my flow I usually I start my day by going going through like a part of my script just to you know warm up my voice so I'm not like just going in you know know, we're not going in raw dog, all that. But the second those lights go on and Discord opens, I'm just like, how do I speak? I don't understand. And usually that happens for like another 20 minutes. That's why there's a lot of cuts in my videos.
Starting point is 01:06:26 In case you wondered why I do a lot of jump cuts, I am horrible speaking on camera especially when i'm trying to say something very specific when it's just rambling nonsense like this i can make it work but that's just not what i'm trying to do on that channel i also think that the i think the problem with, with just jumping into a podcast is if you can't make something interesting that's five minutes long, that's 10 minutes long, I don't know how you think you can make something interesting that's an hour or two hours long. an hour or two hours long. I think all of my content sort of, it's this positive feedback loop that all benefits every other thing.
Starting point is 01:07:12 The podcast helps me do stuff sort of off the cuff, and that's how I've sort of improved, you know, adding in some jokes into my videos, adding in some random side bits that weren't necessarily in my notes. But the main channel stuff has given me a way to make things more coherent and better enunciated so people have any idea what the hell I'm saying. And in many cases, a bit more...
Starting point is 01:07:44 How would you say it? A bit more... I'm forgetting the word. Compressed? No, that's not the word. Once again, I need a Jamie. Condensed. When you shorten it down... You probably know what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:08:00 When you get rid of all the cruft, and you just have the core thing that you're trying to talk about, that has definitely helped with that. And then, the gaming channel has just been dicking around. I don't care about the gaming channel. Probably why it has
Starting point is 01:08:17 no one watching it. But, I think that if you're gonna do the podcast thing, at least do at least do something short form, whether it's go really short form with TikTok, whether it's, you know, long form videos in the case of YouTube with like 10, 15 minute videos.
Starting point is 01:08:39 If you're just doing a podcast, it's going to be even more of a struggle. Like, most of the big podcasts out there are done by people that have experience talking in some other fashion. Whether it's, you know, all of the podcasts run by comedians who have experience talking on stage and have experience getting to the point. Whether it's the podcast done by professors who, you know, will lecture about things and will, you know, lectures are still long form,
Starting point is 01:09:13 but a good lecturer is going to get to the point and have different beats they want to hit. Those are the ones that do really well. When it's just like, you know, I like to hang out with the boys. It might work. It might work and you might grow. But as I said, it's going to be rough at the start.
Starting point is 01:09:39 And it's no surprise that this number has gone down a lot. Actually, I noticed that I don't think the number's still here, but Spotify does this thing where they tell you, like, how your podcast performs against all of the other podcasts out there. And I think mine was like, you uploaded more episodes than 99% of the podcasts. You have more of an audience than 99% of the podcasts because there's just so much out there where they just did nothing with it.
Starting point is 01:10:17 I don't have that many viewers on the pod. As I said, 200 people listen to the audio version, but even then, it's so many more than the millions of podcasts made for no reason. With that, that reason point, sort of the same thing with the, with YouTube as well. Like, what's the reason that you made the video? Why does this exist? What, what are you trying to address? This is something I had to take quite a while to work out. Because, you know, early on, if you saw my channel, early on, it was definitely a clone of Luke. And it was a clone of DT.
Starting point is 01:10:59 You could very clearly see the influences from those other creators in the content. In many cases, if you took a video and then just stuck it on Luke's channel, it would have just been a Luke video. Whereas now I've sort of carved out, while still doing a lot of the same topics, I've carved out my own way of approaching it and also doing stuff that not really many other people are talking about. Like for example I've got a video, it's probably out by now, a video out about how to buy a Linux capture card. I've got a video about the unfiltered Flatpak repo, things that a lot of people just aren't really talking about. And I think that's one of the things that I think I do pretty well,
Starting point is 01:11:55 and I think it's coming across in the content, where I like to dive into these random topics, which, by all accounts, no one really cares about. Like I've got a video coming out about... what do you call it? This random JavaScript library from 15 years ago or something stupid. no one in their right mind cares about it but it's a vehicle to tell a story it's a it's getting this weird idea that you know people know about javascript maybe they don't know about this thing they know that the web is a mess to design for but they don't know about this specific case of it being a mess. And things like that.
Starting point is 01:12:50 I think that's what the appeal is there. And working out some sort of appeal is... It's sort of crucial. Otherwise, you're just, you know... You're just spinning in a circle trying to work something out. And maybe doing that's going to work for some people. But most people will recommend having some sort of direction. To really better understand what you're really trying to do. What the hell? We're an hour 15 in
Starting point is 01:13:29 how did that happen I actually don't know how that happened was I talking about that for like 30 minutes I think I was um well uh there are other things I want to talk about,
Starting point is 01:13:49 and I'm definitely not going to be covering most of it today. You know, we'll get into one thing that I did definitely want to talk about. So if you were on my Twitter, I don't know, maybe like a couple of weeks back, I mentioned just absolutely out of nowhere that I went to a nudist speech. And I went there because, you know, fuck it. Let's just, there's this idea in people's minds about what it's going to be. And I wanted to just be like, I've, you know,
Starting point is 01:14:27 I've never, I've never been to one. So I just wanted to have this experience and see, see if it aligns with the way that I understand it, the way that other people understand it, or if this is sort of one of those things where, because most people haven't done it they've got this misconception in their head or they've they've seen what it's like in movies and
Starting point is 01:14:54 sort of think that's exactly what it's going to be like and i think in some ways that's that's definitely going to be true there is there are definitely um let's just say degenerates we'll say degenerates uh that go there
Starting point is 01:15:19 mostly old men in that case we'll get into those stories. But there's also a complete misunderstanding about the sort of people that go. Before we get to that, there actually is one hilarious story that happened on my way there. So the beach I went to is a beach called Maslin Beach. This, from my understanding, was the first nudist beach in Australia. It's sort of the most famous here.
Starting point is 01:15:55 And just as a beach, it's actually a really pretty beach. There's two sections. You have the clothes section and the clothing optional section. It's a very beautiful beach. Even if you just go down to like the regular beach section, it's absolutely worth it. Crystal clear water, beautiful sand, these beautiful mountaintops behind you.
Starting point is 01:16:16 Great place to go. But on my way there, I've never seen this before. There was this pickup truck this this ute whatever you want to call it uh and i noticed a big sticker it had on its uh on its rear window and also the number plate this is how dedicated this person was to doing this it was only fans and then the person's only fans account and their number plate was also like it was a custom number plate with their only fans name on it and you know what i fully respect the hustle that is such a god tier hustle if that's what you're gonna do look it's much better than being like i'm gonna go post i'm gonna have a bot the post on instagram i'm gonna jump into like
Starting point is 01:17:13 elon musk's replies and post about my only fans like you're gonna go hard with it you want everybody to know like you know this person everybody in their life is fully aware 100 fully aware they have an only fans account look i can only respect that absolutely and you know i did a bit of searching and found out what their account was she does pretty well not like multiple millions a month but like a well known name that clearly makes a lot of money and you know for good reason for very good reason
Starting point is 01:17:57 she's got the commodity that is worth a lot on OnlyFans there's only one commodity that is worth a lot on OnlyFans. There's only one commodity, which is... You know, you can walk it out. But, yeah, that happened before I got there. So,
Starting point is 01:18:17 when you get there, there's two sections. You have way down the other side, the closed section, then you have the nudist section. There's two different parking spots as well so people don't get mixed up between the two, which is great. Also, it means that
Starting point is 01:18:33 there is plenty of parking. The nudist section doesn't have a parking area where they don't have lined out parking spots. It's just this big zone. So it's a parking area where they don't have lined out parking spots. It's just this big zone. So it's sort of just like gentlemen's parking.
Starting point is 01:18:52 Don't park too far away from someone. Don't park in the middle. Park along the sides and everyone will be good. And it seemed like that worked out pretty well. The issue is once you get there. will be good and it seemed like that worked out pretty well the issue is once you get there um because on this side there is a very big walk down so you're on these cliff tops and there's maybe maybe a couple hundred meters of stairs now the going down part is it's not great but it's fine the going up part is the problem. Because they're really steep stairs.
Starting point is 01:19:27 And there's a lot of them. So, that was fun. And I was going there by myself. So, I had to carry all my stuff down myself. What I should have done is I should have done like two trips. Rather than carrying everything down. Because I had like an umbrella, a chair, and uh and like a an esky, a cooler, or whatever you want to a thing with ice that has drinks in it whatever you call those in uh in
Starting point is 01:19:50 your region so we get down to the beach and the first thing that I was surprised by was the was like the the the the firstly the age and the gender distribution in your head you probably have this idea that a nudist speech is going to be primarily you know
Starting point is 01:20:16 50, 60, 70 year old men, maybe they're gonna have like their 60, 70 year old wives there and absolutely those people were there but this is the thing that i was very surprised about if i was to give it numb like like percentages maybe like i'm probably not gonna work out the percentages exactly, but you know, we're going to go to like 110. Um, maybe like
Starting point is 01:20:48 20% 20? Hmm. Yeah, 20% like just old dudes there by themselves. Not all old dudes. Some of them were like in their 30s. So like, a bit older than me. Um, dudes there by themselves. Not all old dudes. Some of them were in their 30s, so a bit older than me.
Starting point is 01:21:07 Dudes there by themselves, just chilling, doing what dudes do. Hang out with your cock out or whatever. Then there was also a... There was also a lot of... I'm not going to do percentages because that's too hard.
Starting point is 01:21:23 There was a lot of those couples there old... I'm not going to do percentages because that's too hard. There was a lot of those, like, couples there that were older couples. But, surprisingly, a lot of couples around my age, like, not, like, in their 20s, but, like, 30s, late 20s. Surprising amount. Maybe, if we're going to do percentages, maybe like 30 or so percent. And then like maybe an extra like 10% just girls there by themselves. Like around, not like really old. There were definitely those like around my age. Like it's not, maybe this was the case in the past.
Starting point is 01:22:01 And maybe this is the case for certain beaches out there. Maybe this was the case in the past, and maybe this is the case for certain beaches out there, but at least in the case of Mazalin, it was, like, if we went just, like, break it down between the men and the women, maybe, like, 30 or 35 to 40% women, which I was really not expecting, like, at all. I was really not expecting like at all I had that same impression in my head that it was going to be just all men but
Starting point is 01:22:29 no it definitely was not that at all and like a lot of attractive people there as well like you know you also have this idea there's going to be just old wrinkly men. But it really wasn't.
Starting point is 01:22:48 Which was surprising to me. I just basically chilled there all day. Just chilling, basically. Like, yeah, you know what? This is good. I have my umbrella here. I have some creaming soda. And we're going, we're gonna drink
Starting point is 01:23:05 this, and maybe read a book, um, but there were definitely some, definitely some characters there, we'll start with the, the, we'll leave the degenerate till the end um actually there's a couple of those we'll go with the the weird people that are just purely weird they'd be weird everywhere but they wouldn't be a criminal um so it being a clothing option where you can you know you can wear pants you can wear a shirt you don't you can wear nothing do whatever you want. I saw this guy. He had this bag and he was like moving it back and forth along the water. And I went up to this dude and was like, hey, what are you doing? Because he also fully clothed socks on, standing in the water.
Starting point is 01:24:02 He was standing in the water with socks on. That by itself is enough to ask, are you all right? What the hell are you doing? He told me, I am looking for worms. Now, I don't know where he was going to find worms there because there were no worms here. I don't know what he was doing, but hey, go ahead. This is also not like a fishing beach because, you know,
Starting point is 01:24:30 there's people that cocks out and there's swimmers everywhere. So I don't know what he was doing with the worms, but he was collecting worms, apparently. I don't know if you found any, but he was collecting worms. Then there was this dude in full-on, like, not scuba gear, like, full-on head-to-toe wetsuit, had flippers on. And I was like, okay, sure, maybe he's going to go, like, swimming, scuba diving, whatever.
Starting point is 01:25:00 I noticed he had, what do you call it, like a metal detector? Is that it? Yeah. Metal detector. Metal detector. Metal detector. Yeah. Yeah, he had a metal detector. That's what I'm thinking of. So I was like, okay, maybe he's going to look for coins or something.
Starting point is 01:25:19 But why do you have, why the fuck do you have a wetsuit on? What is going on? So I went up to this guy as well,etsuit on what what is going on so i i went up to this guy as well like hey what what was going on here what what what do you got what do you got going on today mate um he told me he was looking for gold he's like ah you're looking for gold, are you? Have you ever found any? His answer, no. I was like, oh, all right. So why do you do it? I just do it.
Starting point is 01:25:54 Fucking great conversation, mate. Absolute great conversation. So yeah, he was going to be not looking on the sand he he pulled out um like a pair of goggles and uh what do you call the thing where you like the straw where you breathe through it whatever that thing is um so he was gonna be like swimming along the top of the water looking for gold now that's fine you can look for gold there i don't know why you're doing that but um hey good on you good on you mate um actually before we get to the generate the degenerates i did meet this... I think they were probably in their 30s or 40s or something.
Starting point is 01:26:50 Not like super old couple. They were playing... Is it Horseshoe? Is that the game? Where you throw the thing... It's probably got different names in different regions. You throw the horseshoe or throw the other thing, and you get it on the pole. There was this
Starting point is 01:27:10 couple playing that. I noticed them playing like, hey, let's just stop in and see what they're doing here. And, uh... The second I stopped there, the, uh... the wife instantly scored and instantly won the round. It's like, hey, you're good luck, stick around.
Starting point is 01:27:30 So I just stuck around for the entire next round and she ended up losing. But they were a nice couple, cool people. The dude was like fucking bright red, head to toe, so clearly was not wearing sunscreen. bright red, like, head to toe, so clearly was not wearing sunscreen, um, but it seemed like he was, like, fairly, you know, often out here, so he was probably doing that all the time, and was probably, like, burnt to, burnt to a crisp anyway. There was definitely a lot of people out there who I don't think have ever worn sunscreen in their entire life and were just burnt to a crisp like you could tell that you know these if they if these people didn't go outside all the time they would be the whitest of white people but they live on this beach and are just burnt to hell which is probably not good for skin cancer.
Starting point is 01:28:27 And Australia has really high rates of skin cancer. So I didn't want to do that. I had sunscreen on, head to toe sunscreen, missed my back. So my back got burnt. I also missed a bit of my butt. So yeah, I had a bit of a burnt butt. The burnt butt was actually the problem because, you know, you sit on your butt. But hey, that was my fault. Yeah, I had a bit of a burnt butt. The burnt butt was actually the problem. Because, you know, you sit on your butt. But, hey.
Starting point is 01:28:47 That was my fault. I shouldn't have... I should have been... I should have just double checked. It's between, like, my shoulder blades here. That bit where it's, like, really... You're like, do this to fucking reach it. And, you know, it's a pain in the ass.
Starting point is 01:29:02 For anyone just listening, you know. That area between both your shoulder blades where... There's not really any convenient way to like put sunscreen there by yourself uh there's probably like a tool you can get or something that helps out with that but without doing that it's kind of a kind of a pain um now on onto the, onto the, the bad part. So, all of that stuff was great. I met, like, some cool people, uh, a lot of attractive people there, surprisingly so, uh, beach is beautiful, great to be out in the sun, now to get to the problem. So, the, the, the nudist section is sort of, it's split into two parts. It's not split into it like intentionally. This seems to just be a natural split.
Starting point is 01:29:56 So you have, when you come down the stairs, the side to the right, which goes down towards the clothes section section so when you get to the clothes section there's like a sign there after this point wear clothes um when you're on that side everything chill all normal people just couples and all that on the other side this is where the this is where you can get the idea of a really bad reputation that this can have, because there are definitely people down there that are there for, like, not the best of intentions, um, you know, it's one thing to be like, hey, look at that, attractive person, check him out, whatever, that's, that's, that's, that's one thing, it's another thing when, you know, you're straight
Starting point is 01:30:46 up, like, just jacking off, and there was definitely, uh, definitely some of that down that side, um, dudes who'd walk by, and it's like, whoa, just fucking shrook a little bit, eh, uh, and it's just like, think you can't see it, or whatever, you're just like, think you can't see it or whatever. He's just like, mate, I have fucking peripheral vision. I can see what you're doing right now. Don't fuck with me. And you keep
Starting point is 01:31:15 going down further, so that area has this big cliff section. It has this section of rocks where you can walk around this corner. And every so often I like you can walk around this corner and every so often I would see guys Walk around this corner now. I didn't actually check what was going on there, but I can have a I Have a pretty good assessment
Starting point is 01:31:38 Based on what was happening at another slightly hidden location um so this is where you get into the like the the weird dirty old man thing um there was this dude who walked he got up walked behind this this is big rock it's like you know maybe five if five, five, eight, whatever. It's five, not close to six foot. So most people could probably like, you know, sit behind it and you wouldn't really be seen. This guy was like fucking poking his head over. So you know what?
Starting point is 01:32:18 Look, I'm going to I'm going to go check out what's going on here. This dude behind the rock. Straight up just going at it. Like going at it hard. Checking out everybody walking by. Fucking. Full on. You know.
Starting point is 01:32:37 Stroking. Stroking the chicken. Um. And he stayed there for like. Five minutes minutes or so and then walked back out. You know, it's, he just, he just fucking goes nuts on the beach. Um, so that, you know, is obviously a crime. Don't do that. Um, definitely don't do that. Definitely don't do that.
Starting point is 01:33:07 So you are going to have... There is definitely going to be this... There is going to be partially a bad experience. And, you know, the reputation that a place like this has isn't entirely unfounded. But down the normal section where all of the regular people are that aren't criminals, aren't sex predators, that's a great part.
Starting point is 01:33:38 And I think if you were to stick down somewhere like that, you would have a great experience regardless of who you are. Whether you go by yourself, go as like a couple, go with some mates or whatever. Um, that I think is good. And, I don't know if I can recommend
Starting point is 01:33:58 the experience for everyone just because of that, just because of that, that weird, that weird section that is there, but I think if, if stuff like that doesn't, like, look, I'm, I'm not that bothered by it, like, whatever, do it, do what you're gonna do, um, I didn't see anyone taking pictures, so there is that. So I'm absolutely sure there are people that fall into that category, that have been people arrested at that specific beach doing that. I didn't see any of that activity happening.
Starting point is 01:34:37 But considering what I did see, there's definitely going to be some of that, and I wouldn't be surprised if there you know if there was something going on that i i didn't see i think if you're not particularly bothered by that and you can like you know it's it's not a big deal to you or whatever i think it's worth at least trying it out because i don't know it i i can see why people go to a go to a beach like that like it it's nice to just be able to go to the beach and just chill completely naked like that there's something nice about that maybe it's not for everyone i totally get that but i don't think you can really say that it's it's not for you if you've never done it i i get like being averse to it and kind of like do i want to do that do i not but
Starting point is 01:35:35 it before you say that i never want to go do that at least at least go down there like you know fully clothed because you can do that like there's nothing at least at least go down there like you know fully clothed because you can do that like there's nothing stopping you at least go like experience what it's like being in an environment like that and then decide whether it's going to be something you want to get involved in um yeah i i think that's that's the best way I can say it. Just, just try it out and hopefully you don't find anyone who's, you know, staring at you and jacking off. Um, but maybe you will.
Starting point is 01:36:14 And, you know, maybe you're into that, but I guess that's just you. Um, that is, look, if this, if this podcast was monet was monetized uh and like the clips were monetized that is where the monetization would stop uh with that segment zero monos the second i the second i start talking about dudes like who see you and start jacking off to you um that's where the the monetization just ends zero monet monetization. I actually, look, if that clip does not get age restricted, I'm going to be very, very surprised. Um,
Starting point is 01:36:52 you know, considering everything's going on right now. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. I don't know. Yeah. I'm probably going to go back down just to see what it's like as a second time, because as I did enjoy the beach, I did enjoy the experience of just, you know, being out there, cock out, chilling.
Starting point is 01:37:13 Yeah. You know, have fun. Explore new things. Try things out. Step out of your comfort zone. Don't always just do the things you enjoy explore new things and maybe you'll find something you really enjoy hopefully that's not jacking off in public um but you know because that's don't do that look if you take anything away from what
Starting point is 01:37:39 that entire story don't don't jack off in public that's a crime it's illegal and i hope you go to jail um let's stop talking about that let's talk about something possibly equally scary maybe worse um this is a thing called dense pose, uh, where they are generating, like, they're, they're sensing where people are located in a room, not using LiDAR, not using infrared, not using, you know, crazy RGB cameras, anything like that. This is being done with Wi-Fi Wi-Fi just Wi-Fi it's not perfect. You can see that it thinks there's a person here where there's no one there What
Starting point is 01:38:41 this is insane and The US government has probably been using it for a very long time obviously it's not going to be anywhere near as good as LiDAR things like that and it's going to be a lot worse in an outdoor situation but the fact that
Starting point is 01:38:59 you can work out where people are in a room based on a wifi signal is ridiculous. There is this whole paper about it that I don't understand. It's way too far above my pay grade. But, you know, it is what it is. but, you know, you know, it is what it is. DensePose was introduced in 2018 and aims to map human pixels in an RGB image to the 3D surface of the human body.
Starting point is 01:39:34 SYNCT has previously covered additional research on the use of Wi-Fi signals for human pose and action recognition through walls and associated risks of such technologies. This new paper focuses on a particular task. Given three Wi-Fi transmitters and three aligned receivers, how can the model most effectively detect and recover dense human pose correspondence in cluttered scenarios with multiple people? I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 01:40:00 What I do know is this is cool and hopefully could choose for good, but it won't be because no tech ever is. Um, yeah. So we all know about chat GPT and how that was sort of taking over the world for like, I don't know, uh, a week, two weeks, a month. I clicked on the second article before the first one. So Microsoft launches Azure Open AI service with ChatGPT are coming soon. ChatGPT is coming to this Azure service soon as businesses get to use new AI models in their apps. as businesses get to use new AI models in their apps. If you thought that ChatGPT was already seeing a lot of use,
Starting point is 01:40:53 it's going to see more use now. And it's only going to get worse from here. There's going to be other uses for it that are even crazier. I don't know where this... I guess this is OpenAI right now not specifically ChatGPT but ChatGPT is made from OpenAI I don't know where we go from here
Starting point is 01:41:15 I've said it before this genie does not go back in the bottle like at all now that AI is like it's a part of text generation it's a part of news it's a part of art it's a part of all of these things that previously were entirely human focused and now it's becoming easier to build new tools with that AI technology, I don't know where this goes. I don't know how much better this gets.
Starting point is 01:41:52 I don't know what GPT-4 is going to be. I don't know what GPT-5 is going to be. Like, GPT-3 was already enough to, like, kind of terrify me in at least, at least limited context. Like if you start getting GPT-3, chat GPT, whatever system you're using directly, to start talking about nonsense,
Starting point is 01:42:20 it will happily talk about nonsense. But if it's confined to like sensible discussions it's it's as convincing as just talking to a person like unless you try to break it you will not know that you're talking to an ai maybe Maybe that's where we go with GPT-4. Like some sort of truth model. Which is getting very Orwellian. The computers are the only ones who know the real truth. What the computer says is...
Starting point is 01:42:57 What the computer says is true is true. I don't know if that's a world we want to live in. I really don't think it's a world we want to live in. I really don't think it's a world we want to live in. But I really don't think it's, like, it's going to stop. Like, I was not happy with what GitHub was doing with GitHub Copilot. But nobody really cared. Like, nobody cared at all. Like, outside of the FOSS space.
Starting point is 01:43:24 They're like, oh, wow, this is so useful, I, I love it, open source, what's open source, don't care about licenses, this is great, uh, doesn't matter, this is a walking copyright violation, a walking license violation, it does great work, so that's all that matters, then you have the, the, uh, AI art, and no one, no one says says a thing you have some artists that get angry but everyone's like wow AI art is so useful and I said AI art so useful I'm sort of just like I've taken the doomer approach now um there's no stopping this so you might as well just embrace it like it's just gonna happen so you just keep going. Where do we go from here? I don't think... I really don't think AI driving is anywhere near ready.
Starting point is 01:44:11 I could be, like, eating my words there. AI, like, full self-driving could be, like, two years away. I just don't see it. I've seen enough from the current Tesla self-driving and all the other self-driving that's available right now. It's just so... It makes so many mistakes still that I don't see that being the next endeavor.
Starting point is 01:44:36 I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing AI music sometime soon. There have been some ventures down that path, um, but nothing that's seen as much, as much work put into it as text generation and art generation, but, like, where, like, what happens in 10 years? Like, where are we in 10 years? Where are we in 15 years? Because if we don't blow ourselves up, this is only going to get better and better and better. And I will not be surprised if there is a lot of, a lot of the even creative work where not it's fully replaced by AI.
Starting point is 01:45:23 I don't think you're going to like fully replace a human programmer anytime soon just to make sure the code that's being spit out is being sanity checked. But I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the sort of lower end positions start to disappear and sort of start to get merged into a single position as you have these AI models that are assisting in that work. I'm excited, saddened, confused. I'm many emotions. But I guess, you know know it is what it is hopefully that hopefully whatever whatever work you're doing um doesn't get automated out anytime soon but unless you're
Starting point is 01:46:19 laying bricks it probably will uh the other article I had here. Was someone actually made a. Chat GPT GNOME extension. So you can like just. Interact directly with chat GPT. In your GNOME interface. Because I guess. If going to a web browser. Is.
Starting point is 01:46:40 Going to a web browser. Is too much effort. You can do this. We are right now in the start of a new technological revolution. I don't know what people would have felt back when the industrial revolution happened, but I feel like it's something sort of akin to what's happening now as you start seeing all of these all of these original positions getting just yeeted and deleted
Starting point is 01:47:16 by ai by uh by i guess at that point by machinery you don't know what's really going to happen and that's I think where we are now I am very much of the the doomer mindset with AI though that it's not going to be like the industrial revolution it's not going to be where we replace a lot of work and you get other
Starting point is 01:47:41 work I think there is genuinely going to be areas of society where like a lot where people just cannot get a job because certain there's just not enough jobs to go around ai takes enough of these positions that you have to in some other way deal with employment and there's answers to that that a lot of people probably are not happy with i've said it before like universal basic basic income that i don't know if i'm a fan of but i don't know if it's going to be really a choice if we keep going down this route. I could be wrong. There could be new positions start to arise and everybody keeps working like they always did. But I will be very, very surprised if that happens. But if it does, I'll be very happy if it does.
Starting point is 01:48:44 Because it will mean I'm wrong. And if I'm wrong, that means the world is not going to collapse. Which is great. Yes. We've got like 12 minutes left. I guess we can talk about...
Starting point is 01:49:00 What can we talk about? Um... We can talk about the Australian Classification Board. So, I don't think I've talked about them in quite a while. So, the Australian Classification Board has this habit of not knowing how their rating system works. Not knowing that they have a adult rating. Not knowing what an MA rating is, an MA 15 plus. Not knowing that,
Starting point is 01:49:33 what they're doing at all. So, Australia bans import sales of How Not to Summon a Demon Lord Omega. Really good series. Highly recommend you watch it. They did license the first season. But they decided not to license.
Starting point is 01:49:50 Or to. Rate sorry. They decided to not rate the second season. Why? I don't know. Because I watched the second season. And it was no worse in that regard than the first season. Um, they did the same thing a couple of years back with No Game No Life,
Starting point is 01:50:13 where they refused classification for the first, second, and ninth volumes of the light novel. of the light novel i don't know why not third fourth fifth sixth seventh and eighth um but yeah they just decided not to which is kind of funny because they were already rated so they they classified them and then rejected the classification later now once again australia has an adult rating but an adult rating means nothing to the classification board because they're the classification board. They have this weird power trip. They think that if they say that something can't be imported into Australia, can't be sold in Australia, that means it's somehow not going to be in Australia. Oh, the other thing is, even though you can't buy it, um, it's still streaming, and it's still streaming in Australia, so, like, you can watch it, uh, but if you don't want to
Starting point is 01:51:20 stream it, you can also pirate it, Because as I said before, the Australian classification board is probably the biggest advocacy group for pirates in Australia. They just randomly decide not to classify stuff. Like there's been games, like Hollow Miami 2, for example, where they decided not to classify that. And I think the developer of that one was like, hey, if you want to play the game, just pirate the game. Like, you can't buy it anyway, so fucking just go ahead.
Starting point is 01:51:53 Which is- I don't know if it was that dev. But yeah, there was- there was definitely an indie studio that just said, Fuck it. Like, don't care about the classification board, just play our game. And, you know, I... Look, if you want to watch this series, just go and pirate it. Like, there's nothing stopping you doing that. You can stream it, obviously.
Starting point is 01:52:15 But if you don't want to do that, yeah, the other option, just pirate it. Because that's how the internet works. You don't... Like, you cannot just stop something being classified and then pretend like that is going to stop it from existing in this country. That's just not how that works. The classification board thinks it is still the 80s and the 90s where they have any say over what actually happens.
Starting point is 01:52:40 They don't. They have literally zero say. happens. They don't. They have literally zero say. All you do is advocate for piracy, and maybe that's what they're trying to do. Maybe they really are Australia's biggest piracy advocate group, but
Starting point is 01:52:55 if they're not, they basically achieve the same result anyway, and yeah. Yeah. anyway, and, yeah, um, yeah, it was, uh, let's see, so, yeah, this saying that it just had light nudity, uh, in both the scents and unscented versions, um, yeah, it was actually nothing worse than the than the first season so i don't know what they what they found with the first season that made it worse i would the um with the second season that made it worse than the first season but i already watched it i watched it back when it aired like in 2021 it was good series good series. I recommend it.
Starting point is 01:53:46 Honestly, there's so, like, if something's not going to be classified, there are so many things that are worse than how not to summon a demon lord. Like, I can think of a thousand worse series that I know are sold in Australia.
Starting point is 01:54:04 Like, wait, I wonder. like wait I wonder actually give me a second is is interspecies reviewers sold in Australia yes yes yeah interspecies reviewers
Starting point is 01:54:30 is sold in Australia is it classified in Australia or did they just not classify it Australian classification board for anyone who hasn't seen this series, it's... Wait, they did...
Starting point is 01:54:49 No, let me have a look. No, no, no. Okay, no, they did refuse classification. Okay. Okay. I'm gonna... I was gonna say, surely... Surely, uh, they have refused classification.
Starting point is 01:55:04 But no, uh, people are just selling it in Australia from sites that, wait, what? Wait, is it licensed? Is it? I see two pages for the exact same thing. see two pages for the exact same thing oh it seems like initially yeah initially it was ma15 plus it should have been r um but then they refused classification when the entire series came out for anyone who hasn't seen it um interspecies reviewers is basically hentai um it's about a group of guys who go between brothels and review brothels um so if there's gonna be any anime that gets refused classification i i think that you know i think it's dumb but i think that makes sense at least oh let's see goblin slayer let's see, Goblin Slayer, let's see Goblin Slayer, uh, let's see, also, this goes to show, like, how, how insanely, like, prudish Australia is, um,
Starting point is 01:56:22 this is Goblin Slayer Goblin Crown. This is Goblin Slayer Season 1. MA 15+. Strong impact. Not high impact. Not like, you know, adult rate. I would say that it should probably be an adult rating for the amount of violence that Goblin Slayer has. But Australia is totally fine with violence. The only game that was too violent to be classified in Australia was one of the Mortal Kombat games. You have to be at Mortal Kombat's level for it to be too violent for Australia. But a little bit of nudity?
Starting point is 01:57:06 Mate, what are you doing? too violent for Australia. But a little bit of nudity? Mate. What are you doing? Can't. No. No. No. A little bit of nudity with fog to cover it? You're not even seeing it? No, mate. Can't have that. That's too much. Ripping people's spines out? Fucking go for it, mate.
Starting point is 01:57:32 Australia. Fuck yeah. I love my country. I love my country, it's a great country. Um. Oh, one thing I should mention. If I suddenly stop uploading things on this channel, the main channel, the podcast channel, there's a good reason for that. A mate of mine is a pilot in training, and he doesn't like to just fly by himself, because, you know, if you have to fly a certain amount of hours to get your full pilot's license,
Starting point is 01:58:10 you know, as much as he loves flying, it's still going to be better to have someone flying up there with him. So at some point in the near future, I may be going on a flight in his, uh, in his light plane, so if I stop posting stuff, it's probably because I'm dead. Um, let's hope that doesn't happen. Uh, I think at this stage, we're gonna be flying out from, out from Parahills or Goula down to the York Peninsula. The York Peninsula is, like, the, it's a, it's a, the bottom area of South Australia. The York Peninsula is like the bottom area of South Australia.
Starting point is 01:58:48 I'll show you where the York Peninsula is. I just realised that hardly anyone who listens to this is from Australia, has no idea what I'm saying with the York Peninsula. So give me a map. Map of South Australia, map of South Australia,
Starting point is 01:59:11 um, so, if I bring this up here, yes, that is a tiny map, why, what are you doing to me? map why what are you doing to me this one give me a clearer map this will work yeah okay so no not save the image let me just look at the image god damn it okay whatever that's close enough so York Peninsula is this little foot thing here on uh on south australia so gola somewhere around this area flying out to down here because this is where he has uh a farm his parents have a farm so that'll be fun i'm actually really excited for that i've never been in like a light plane i've been in you know, you know Boeing 747. I've been like a passenger liner, but I've never been in a small plane like that and I think it'll be fun Hopefully I don't die, but I might um yeah, so that's gonna be pretty much it for me then I
Starting point is 02:00:21 Hope you liked my rambling you probably Didn't maybe you. I don't know. That's going to be it for me. Maybe next week we'll have a guest, if that can be arranged. I'm not certain at this stage. So I'll
Starting point is 02:00:40 come to that, I guess. Maybe I'll do a solo episode. I enjoy solo episodes. They're fun from time to time and yeah so if you like the podcast go like the podcast if you're listening to the audio version do leave a
Starting point is 02:00:55 do leave a review on the podcast platform whatever on Spotify there should be like a question section there be like hey what do you like about the episode or something? Fill that out. If there's anything you want me to change, or if there's any guests you want to recommend me trying to get in,
Starting point is 02:01:11 get on the podcast, do let me know. Obviously, don't say someone like, get Linus Torvalds on, get some ordinary gamers on. People that are actually possible to bring onto the show. Yeah, the gaming channel is Brideon Games. I should still be playing Kingdom Hearts 3, 5, 8 over two days and Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire randomized Nuzlocke Solink. But I might be finishing one of those really soon. And when I do, I'm going to be playing God of War. I don't know what else I'm gonna fill the other slot with, so we'll work that out when we get there, um, yeah, uh, main channel,
Starting point is 02:01:57 Brody on Linux, not Brody on Linux, Brody Robertson, Brody on Linux is my Twitter, uh, Brody Robertson, I do six videos a week and there should be something fun there. Or there won't be. I don't know. I have no idea what videos are there because I haven't recorded them yet. Yeah. So that's going to be it for me. Yeah. Peace out, guys. Enjoy your day. Don't jack off
Starting point is 02:02:17 on nudist speeches because that's a crime. See you guys later.

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