Tech Over Tea - Discord Is Trash - Tech Over Tea #9 - feat Cozza_23-

Episode Date: April 30, 2020

On this weeks episode of Tech Over Tea I've finally realised that discord is trash because it decided to update about 4 times during the recording of this episode which makes for a fun recording exper...ience besides that we chat about how we met, some more ranting about uni nonsense and what it's been like for Corey to work remotely this and more coming up. ==========Guest Links========== Instagram: ==========Purchase My Gear========== ► Buy Anything: ► Blue Yeti USB Microphone: ► Logitech C920 Pro Webcam: ► Neewer 176 LED Video Light: ==========Support The Channel========== ► Patreon: ► Paypal: ► BTC Wallet Address: 1Aokiv3pFQXUEmh2LbzZQAwxMvq6bpT2UN ► ETH Wallet Address: 0x80451867c86bdf08c3888d407c1e3fcb6add61ed ► LBC Wallet Address: bLRN9fm17sCexKfgbYqmMj5xskZF2ogpEh ==========Video Release========== 📚 LBRY: 🎥 YouTube: DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation. I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and related sites.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to episode, I think it's nine of Tech of Tea. I am, as always, your host, Brodie Robertson, and it seems like OBS is dying right now, so hopefully it's not actually a problem. Welcome to the show, Corey. Thank you. I'm glad to be here. I'm glad that I finally got someone else on the podcast. After, what, two, three weeks?
Starting point is 00:00:27 No, last week was Connor. Yeah, last week was Connor, but... The last two before that was just you by yourself. Yeah, well, I do enjoy the solo episodes, but the problem is you haven't seen the one that's going to go up. It was supposed to go up about half an hour ago, but library's thumbnail server is dying right now so it hasn't gone up yet okay but that that episode was a
Starting point is 00:00:52 complete mess it it was yeah i don't know what was going on in that episode for some reason it just didn't work and i was just stumbling over everything I was trying to say And just constantly changing topics But hopefully it's better this week Especially because we actually have a time limit for once Yeah, you'll be right What is it you have to go do after this? Is it an honours project meeting? Just go to a mate's place actually
Starting point is 00:01:20 I thought you had something important to do No, not really. Oh, fuck it up. Yeah, at 1.30, I've got a meeting with the CSIRO, so I've got to go to that one. Oh, sweet. Nice. So we're all going to be dealing with the fun of Zoom.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Actually, no, we're not using Zoom. No, because they've got their own um their own video conferencing thing which is yeah my place uses webex i don't know if you know them i think that's what we're using as well yeah it's pretty much the same thing i haven't got a chance to use it because i didn't realize you needed like an app to use it or the uh webex web extension plug-in yeah yeah because it only works in chrome as well, by the way. So don't use like Firefox, otherwise this won't work. Oh yeah, I'm using Brave right now.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Okay, yeah, yeah. But yeah, no one told me that. They just sent me the link. I was like, oh, join this. Like, okay, well, maybe you should have, I don't know, told me the fact that I would need something to actually join. Yeah. Pretty stupid, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:02:27 So I ended up missing that meeting, but... I should... I checked it out before they sent me the link early, and it says I can actually join it, which is good, because Reece had the exact same problem. Okay. But it should be better this week. I don't know. Yeah This week, I don't know
Starting point is 00:02:45 Yeah, hopefully I don't know Once it gets working once, then it should be alright I tried to fix up your audio on OBS And this is nothing I can do about it I'm probably going to chuck this through a compressor again And mess up the audio At least I know how to fix it this time
Starting point is 00:03:00 Yeah Last week I was kind of just like Weaning it, trying to understand How to get it actually working with um with connor's stuff but basically what i did is i chucked it into audacity and then i could um that you can put it through a compressor and basically it'll raise up the noise floor so if connor was basically being treated as part of the noise floor and it basically just raised him up the problem is it made me clip as well a bit,
Starting point is 00:03:26 so it wasn't the best audio. Hopefully, it's not as bad for this week, but... Yeah. If you just try to keep the mic near you, it should be fine. It would be good. If you... I'll try and make it look natural. Yeah, you could just like stick it to your face or something.
Starting point is 00:03:52 I thought you were going to try something there. So how have you been, man? I haven't spoken to you in a while. Yeah, it's been good. Isolation's fun, as always. Oh, yeah? Can you just bring your webcam down just a little bit Even though they can't really see it through the pixels
Starting point is 00:04:12 Hey This is like 240p What is your your down or your upload speed there? I'm gonna say it's it's probably not very high, if this is what I'm experiencing. I'm on my phone hotspot, because this room where I'm in is on the opposite end of my router, so it doesn't really talk nicely. Ah, yeah, yeah, makes sense.
Starting point is 00:04:39 So I think it might be worse on my wireless, but it's doing the job, I guess. I don't know. The audio is fine. It's just the video is garbage. So go check out the audio podcast on Spotify, on Apple Podcasts, all that stuff. Connor's actually... Can I just plug?
Starting point is 00:04:59 Yeah, well, it's my podcast. I can plug whatever I want. Connor was actually really happy when he saw that his art was on Spotify. I was like, mate, it takes like five minutes to get it on Spotify. It's not actually difficult. That's so cool. I want to have a look.
Starting point is 00:05:13 He's just going to check right now in the middle of the podcast. That's fine. This is... I don't make any money from this anyway. They don't deserve quality content. I guess I'll entertain people. They don't deserve quality content. Oh. I guess I'll entertain people.
Starting point is 00:05:33 I wasn't actually planning to do this. No, it's all good. Yeah, I think it's on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts. Pretty much everywhere you can find podcasts. So, yeah, pretty much. That's actually cool. I actually don't use Spotify or whatever. i've haven't had to do it before but um it's cool that you've got something on there which is actually really sick yeah i did all that through there's a service that spotify has called um anchor which is basically they'll set up an rss feed for you and they'll actually do the
Starting point is 00:06:02 application process for you joining Spotify for joining Apple Podcasts and Google actually Google Podcasts you don't need to join you just give them an RSS feed and they'll just put it up there yeah okay but Apple Podcasts you need you actually need to have a um what what's the word um It's not verified. You need to have an iTunes account that's actually made a purchase. Oh. And to do that, you also need to have an Apple device. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:42 So, yeah, you can't put any podcasts on Apple Podcasts without doing that, and I don't know why. I mean, I guess it's fair enough, kind of, but not really. No, not really, because it's just a podcast. It's not like I'm trying to put a... The thing is, I'm pretty sure through the official Apple podcasting app, you can just give them an RSS feed, but you can't give them an rss feed from the creator's side yeah that's stupid typical apple to be honest i think i completely cut you off before what were you talking about something about isolation isolation yes yeah um trying to study
Starting point is 00:07:23 probably losing a bit too much motivation on it just because you don't have to do anything, like lectures or go anywhere. So typical days has been like waking up at midday, having lunch and then studying for like five, six hours. I don't know if that's healthy or not, but overall. Welcome to my life. This is what I've been doing the past couple of years. I was doing the data web mining assignment yesterday.
Starting point is 00:07:51 That's a good one. How's that one going? Don't get you started on that. Yeah, that one's a, that's a fun, fun assignment. Has the back and forth on the forum been helping out with that? Yes actually. I'm glad that you and a few others have actually questioned him on his whole course structure and just how he does things. Yeah I'm honestly thinking of just rewriting the assignment spec and just posting
Starting point is 00:08:26 it on the forum, like here I'll accept payment in Bitcoin Yeah I've only done the first question that's not too bad First question was K-means clustering That was association rule Yeah, right, no, yeah, it was a priori
Starting point is 00:08:44 wasn't it, yeah, and the second one would have been decision tree. Third was K-Games. Yes. Yes. Yes. So you understand everything as you would expect to? Yeah. Teaching him less to myself because his resources is useless.
Starting point is 00:09:00 My suggestion is to find the uh there's a a channel run by like wake up wake up university and all of the wakey stuff he's just stolen from them but i think i saw that yesterday i think like another student posted that in one of the discussion forum i think yeah it makes it way easier if you go over that stuff. Also, a lot of his other stuff he stole from some other lecturers, so you can find that online as well. So nothing's original? No. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:09:33 But if you... I don't know if you're watching the lectures, but they're not worth it. In week six, he finally realised that he has to stand near the microphone when he's recording oh really because he's been doing what he does during the uh because all the lectures he gave were just lecture recordings so he didn't actually redo any lectures because all of the lectures this year are really lazy and not actually doing any work um but basically what he did was he uploaded those lectures where he would walk halfway across
Starting point is 00:10:07 the room without a mic yep i think i watching week four's lecture and just like come really close and almost like scream in your ears and then you walk away and you wouldn't be able to hear any decision true it's like in a constant battle turning up up and down your volume yeah no and when it gets to a point it um it you just can't understand a word he's saying and not just because there's an accent just because he's like five meters away from a mic that's built into his macbook and they're not designed to be recording like that. Yeah. Hmm. Ow. I guess the content's interesting enough, I guess. Yeah, if you can understand what he's saying, it's definitely interesting. But yeah, the way it's delivered is not the best, to say the least. Yeah, that's one way to put it. Reminds me of, what was it, Database for the Enterprise, a little bit.
Starting point is 00:11:10 At least that one, I feel like the course structure pretty much made sense. I wasn't actually questioning what the spec was. That's true, yeah. You couldn't understand a word the lecturer was saying, but... Yeah. At least no one was like, okay, so, what does this spec even mean? I don't remember anything from that course, to be honest. XML, that's all. XML, game.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Lots of XML. Have you had much dealings with XML? No. No? Never? Not really. Have you had much dealings with XML? No. No? Never? Not really. Also, I think last time I talked to you, you were talking, when I ran into you and
Starting point is 00:11:55 Jai at the Maccas, you were saying you were doing a, well last time I saw you outside of uni I guess. Yeah, yeah. You were talking about how you had a dev job at the time, didn't you? Yes. How's that going? Still going? Working at home?
Starting point is 00:12:10 Yes, it is still going. I guess one part of it is I work for a winery. And because of the whole coronavirus thing, their business isn't doing so well. So they're losing a lot of money um like there's like a rough chance that they might i might lose my job because of it um they talk about the possibility of like paying me not in money but with like wine bottles and stuff which is a bit... It's kind of useless for someone who doesn't drink wine. Kind of sketch, I would say.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Yeah. So that's that. But I do have another job that is still paying me. Better rate and consistent work. Other than the winery.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Yeah, it's going good. Do you still live at home, or do you move out? Yes. Okay. I'm planning on moving out, I think, um, if you have a job. Yeah, um, because, yeah, um, Jai, his girlfriend Jasmine and Jai's sister and myself. The thing of moving out into like a house together. Um, Jai hasn't talked to the bank yet about it, but um, hello doc. Um, he just talked to the bank about it, but we've been looking at really cool houses. Um, so yeah, hopefully. His budget might be a bit too high.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Yeah, well, yeah, it is Jai. 600,000 maybe. Woo! Yeah! Jai, what the f- what are you doing? He's trying to find his dream house now, sort of thing, which might be a bit unrealistic, but- It's not the worst time to be honest considering the housing market is going to collapse arguably almost the best time but like
Starting point is 00:14:13 i don't know if his savings or income strength can suffice it enough for the bank to say go for it yeah that's that's the biggest thing. Because I was talking to my sister the other day, and she was like, oh, today's, it's now a great time to buy a house. Like, mate, I barely make a grand a month.
Starting point is 00:14:35 I'm not buying a house. Oh. Yeah. If it does go through, it'd be really cool. Like, yeah, it'd be really cool like yeah it'd be really fun i hope yeah that would be cool and then you realize you actually hate jai when you start living with him that's typically how it goes yeah hopefully not hopefully not but yeah i mean i hope we have like enough space so we do have a bit of um time away from each
Starting point is 00:15:07 other i hope you have enough space if you're spending 600 grand on a house yeah he's thinking at least like four bedrooms two stories yeah right this is jai i forgot yeah um he's already bought a doormat he got that yesterday okay sure yep yeah so that's good yeah jai is the big flex jai will be paying most of the bills yeah oh i still need to get him on the podcast i i haven't spoken to him again about it. Yeah, I saw him yesterday because we ordered some clothes and I picked my shirt. I said to him that I was on the podcast of Tomorrow Being today. Because I remember you told me he cancelled. Yeah, he was busy with work and I just didn't get back to him about it.
Starting point is 00:16:02 So hopefully, it'll be interesting to see if you can get him on. Well, I'm... Sorry. Really cool. No, you're good. I've got another guy coming on, should be next week. I'm not sure at this stage. He's waiting for a new mic to come up
Starting point is 00:16:21 because he would be recording off his laptop mic. He doesn't particularly want to do that because he would be recording off his laptop mic he doesn't particularly want to do that because he actually does make content online so he can kind of uh he's already got a camera so um yeah but yeah i'll bring tamor on next week then i've got some uh linux guys i talk to from time to time that i could probably bring on oh cool but yeah i do need to get back to jai about bringing him on as well because that would be fun that'd be really fun um because i've been helping um deeds a lot with snapchat lenses and stuff um have you been getting us any of that or not uh i really want to but i just don't really have the time, to be honest. Fair call, yeah. Yeah. I don't know how he does it. He just works constantly,
Starting point is 00:17:07 every day, because he works at StudyLink in the city. He works for Snapchat, oh, I guess with slash for Snapchat. So just, when he's not working for his main job, he's just smashing out lenses at home.
Starting point is 00:17:26 And then... I'll just see him just like playing Overwatch or something on Discord, I'm like, Well yeah! When do you have time to do this? I feel like he doesn't sleep properly. Nah, I don't think it does either. Last night we got off at like 2am, because I was playing Overwatch with him. I don't know if he's awake now, probably might be, but I don't know. Because yesterday he worked from the city, your city job i just get up for like a meeting at 9 30 so if he's
Starting point is 00:18:08 um if he's going to bed like 3 a.m getting up say at 9 for a 9 30 meeting it's not really no no that's that's that uh elon musk mindset where you're just I'm the CEO of three companies. I'm getting going to never stop working Yeah, wait, is it three or what does he have here SpaceX Tesla? The solar one Yeah I'm not sure But still I feel like I feel like it's three there might be another one there as well Oh, and then he'll just do things like,
Starting point is 00:18:45 whenever there's a natural disaster, he's like, I'm going to start boring a hole in the ground. Or, oh, what company's doing the underground rail? Or the rail system? Doesn't matter. Elon Musk does too much work. And Jaiai is he's got the same sort of mindset yeah like definitely worth it in the end but I don't know if I'd be willing to be working like 20 hours a day every day well for me I do I've mentioned this on the podcast before, but I do... What?
Starting point is 00:19:27 So we've got seven videos a week on the main channel. Then we've got the podcast once a week. That takes about an hour to two or so... An hour to three, sorry, to record. Then I do podcast clips. So I do about, what, 13 or so videos a week. And that's already enough work for me. Plus I'm doing uni and working right now as well.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Yeah, yeah. And I'm like, well, I know I have time to do other stuff, but I'm like, I don't want to. I just want to relax for a bit. Yeah, exactly. But I guess if you're making as much as Jai does from the Snapchat stuff, then you're probably going to change your mind. Yeah, he's working on a land
Starting point is 00:20:07 like a big company, he can easily get like 10, 20k for the entire team. Which is still like a lot of money. Oh yeah. That's technically like a side thing for him, but it's also like a main thing in the same um if i
Starting point is 00:20:26 got paid 20 grand that's more than my yearly salary so yeah i'll just give up there um so yeah it's not bad no he's making his own personal lenders that he doesn't get paid for um well yeah that's to build up like his his credibility so he can get those big uh big projects yeah so he's worked for like for huge like companies like i guess sports bet in australia um mcdonald's yeah i know about the mcdonald's one that was that was ridiculous it's still pretty right pretty sick though oh no i would absolutely take that mcdonald's money oh absolutely yeah um hit me up raid i'll take your money um be at sick really cool um we're planning on going to america at the end of the year good luck with that the looks best but I don't think that's going to happen, really.
Starting point is 00:21:27 No. Not with what their numbers are doing. No way. We've pretty much slowed down at this point. But America, I think, is still going for gold. I think they are gold. I think. I think they overtook Italy
Starting point is 00:21:45 They did overtake Italy a while back I don't know how much How much they're at now Last time I checked There was like 300,000 Or something ridiculous Yeah At least Adelaide
Starting point is 00:21:56 I think yesterday They had like two new cases But The days before They had just zero Yeah Very steady decline. I think that's also helping with the panic buying as well,
Starting point is 00:22:08 which is good and also bad, because it's bad because I don't get hours at work. Oh, yeah. I've got three hours this week, which is great. So if I wasn't doing this as well, I wouldn't be paying my bills. Yeah, jeez. Because, yeah, fortunate that we can work from home. I wouldn't be paying my bills. Yeah. Jeez. Cause yeah. Um,
Starting point is 00:22:26 fortunate that we can work from home, but people like you, or I guess even tradies or whatever, um, they have to go on site for work. Yeah. It's not sustainable really. Like three hours a week is
Starting point is 00:22:45 yeah well it's three hours for this week but we don't really know what's happening as time goes on because last night's load was 500 cartons which is 10 hours of work basically
Starting point is 00:23:00 so basically you just need the manager there and one other person actually no yesterday was Tuesday basically. Damn. So basically you just need the manager there and one other person. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Actually, no, yesterday was Tuesday, so they don't count the stock that goes on the ends as part of loads. So they would have had the manager, one other person, and then two people doing the ends.
Starting point is 00:23:17 But I don't know if you've walked into a Poles or a Woolies recently, but basically the ends now are just like pallets of just whatever because they just don't really have much else to put out there. Plus they're not really doing specials right now. Yeah. Yeah. I hope this all
Starting point is 00:23:38 blows over kind of quickly, at least for us and Adelaide. Yeah, Adelaide probably will, but I don't know how long it's going to take for stuff to get back to normal. That's the thing. Yeah. Because I've read a thing and once it does
Starting point is 00:23:54 pass over, people aren't going to be ready to go back outside again, like, immediately. Some people might not be used to sunlight or just driving in the city for parking or something exercise don't sit inside all day you can still go walking just cross the street when you come near someone um but yeah i've i've been outside fairly recently regularly because our ICT project kind of needs it. They aren't really...
Starting point is 00:24:28 they're trying to set up remotely, like remote access. They are having bit of complications with that. Wait, you guys don't already have remote access? No, so the weeks up until about now have just been preparation work. It's like choosing a framework, choosing a language to work with slash in. And then like the past week or two, they've been configuring our access to the building. Right. And this Friday, we're like starting our first day at work. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Oh. Discord just crashed. Oh. Why? Okay. I'm running Discord Canary right now and it decided that it wanted to just install an update in the middle of... Just in the middle of a recording happening I don't know why oh and now my webcam is a mess okay I'll fix that I
Starting point is 00:26:04 I don't know, okay, is my webcam gonna fix itself? No? Okay, I will stop the recording and cut this back. Okay. Okay. Yeah, Discord, I was just saying to Corey off-camera that Discord decided to update literally in the middle of a recording. Don't know why. And then then obs decided to die as well so we're back now um is your webcam on oh no i don't have it on here we go there you go now you should be able to see me there we go okay cool back to back to the show. That'll make quality content.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Anyway, you were saying? Um, it was an ICT project. So this Friday, we're having our first actual day of work, from like 9 till 5, working on the thing we need to do. So yeah, good to get that started. Six weeks of prep and stuff has been a bit lengthy because you had to write an entire document for the language professor and stuff. Oh, you had to do some stuff like that?
Starting point is 00:27:16 Yeah. Ours has been like a complete mess. Ours is very much a research project so they're and the thing is they're basically doing all the stuff all the hard stuff for us we're just doing the implementation so we're basically just interns really like it's not even really a proper ict project we just have to document the stuff uh in like the stuff that we have to do for assessment. And that's pretty much all we're doing on the documentation side. Damn. Is it easy? I haven't actually done any dev work yet.
Starting point is 00:27:52 That's the thing, because I haven't had a computer to do it. Okay. I've been doing the systems design document the past couple of weeks. Right. Yeah. Which means I have to retroactively document a codebase with zero documentation. Oh, jeez. So we have this massive Unity project with tens of thousands of lines and tons of classes without any comments.
Starting point is 00:28:15 And I have to go back and document it. Bruh. I'm not documenting their codebase. I'm just going to document it in the system design document. For sure. Yeah. I'm just gonna document it in the system design document. For sure. Yeah. But this is the good part about having a really high GPA. They give you a project that
Starting point is 00:28:34 they pretend is difficult, but not really. Ours is barely even one semester of work. It can kind of be... Ours is... Oh, sorry. Okay. It can kind of be... Oh, sorry. You go. It can kind of be just as much work as we want it to be. They'll give us some features to implement and we implement however many features we need to implement, really.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Ours is just like a web application, pretty much. It's like the foundation and just building on top of that. Even they said it's just just building on top of that. Even they said it's just, it's not really that. Because we're there for the full year, but no way that foundation framework is going to take a semester even. So you're going to fill up the remaining time with just like little projects to build on top of it for them.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Yeah. Second semester mainly focuses on doing a research paper though so what you're probably going to be doing is some sort of case study or something with the tool you built yeah that should be all right though i hope at least yeah well depending on whether how you're going to have to conduct it, that's the problem. If we're allowed to actually do proper case studies or if we have to do some sort of remote case study. Yeah. I wonder what's going to happen with our exams as well. I don't know. That's the question.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Surely they can't monitor everyone at home. Not easily. There's two ways they could do it one, they just accept that everybody's going to cheat two, they get you to install some spyware on your computer to force you to yeah, but you can still cheat and just have
Starting point is 00:30:20 your notes off to the side because data web mining is closed book but everyone's going to the side yeah because data web mining is closed book but everyone's gonna cheat 100 because last year when um like jai dej manik were in america um giant monique had to do the cloud programming exam while they're over there i think what james got them to do was just record like the room they were in um so they that allowed for no one to like walk in them to walk out that sort of stuff yeah um and then just send off the recording to him afterwards that was a bit of a special case though because that was a small group you can't yeah exactly you can't really scale that up to a hundred people yeah so it's hopefully just don't get an
Starting point is 00:31:11 exam just like get a non graded pass or something I don't know and that would be nice I really don't want to do data web mining exam yeah cuz that's good I think you said it's easy but nonetheless it's a closed book exam, though, so he's going to do something stupid with it. He'll expect you to remember formulas and stuff. Yeah. I've never understood the purpose of a closed book exam. Test your memory, I guess. Yeah, that's the only thing, really.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Because in industry or whatever, you're always going to have the resources there to help you if you don't know a formula or whatever. Yeah, pretty much. So this is like the only case where that's not the case. Does that make sense? Yeah. Which is more or less pointless, really.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Yeah. We'll see what it ends up being hopefully he gives us a practice exam but i can't hopefully i can't see him doing it probably just base the exam on the pracs and just expect us to do all the pracs and stuff again yeah i haven't done it oh you mean tutorials sorry it was pracs yeah yeah i haven't done a single one as tutorials i did the first week's one but then quit my my usual well what i'm probably going to do is after the assignments uh after the assignment submitted then i'll go back and do a couple yeah but right now it's like i want to focus on getting this other stuff done then i'll deal with
Starting point is 00:32:45 you later yeah pretty much because like after the assignments due have like three or four weeks i believe afterward where we just don't do anything i'm still learning content but nothing examinable or assignment wise it might be examinable or assignment-wise. It might be examinable, but it won't be an assignment, yeah. I don't think... I've been learning R in the last few weeks, but I don't know if that'll be examinable. God, I hope not. That would be stupid.
Starting point is 00:33:16 So go do some R programming in... I thought this was an R course. That's the reason I decided to pick it up. It should be. It should be, not Waker. Yeah. In one of the recent lectures, he talked about some of the achievements
Starting point is 00:33:30 that came out of Australia and the Australia region, and he listed Waker as one of the achievements. It's like, mate, Waker, you can't even do a five-number summary. It's actually a piece of garbage. It's not a good data web mining tool. It's actually useless. Do you know of any other
Starting point is 00:33:51 ones that we could have done that might be better? Just doing stuff manually in R probably would have been easier. Much easier. A lot of the tutorials online and stuff are in R probably would have been easier. Much easier. Because a lot of the tutorials online and stuff are either in R or Python, but it just... Oh, you could have used the IPython notebook then. Yeah, exactly. Just streamlining the entire process, really.
Starting point is 00:34:20 One thing I did want to ask you about was that video you were in on Connor's channel. Oh, don't ask that. That was such a good video. So it was our goal. He wanted me to do another video. I don't know if it might have been like a cooking one or something, but something fell through with that. So he wanted just to make, I guess like a lore video that ties in now with a video that you may have seen, like the detective one, recent one. I can't recall. I might have seen it.
Starting point is 00:35:10 That's basically him investigating the man being me in the previous video that you're referencing. So pretty much, I found an old DJ Hero turntable at home. He has like a keyboard, like a launch pad, and obviously his Mac. And we just made up the entire storyline on this. Like someone walks in, asks for beats, and just like storms in, pulls like instruments from nowhere apparently, and just does, like, stupid shit. How many takes did that
Starting point is 00:35:50 actually take? Not as many as you'd think. It only took, like, maybe an hour or two to do. Wow, I would've fucking lost the entire time. It's pretty funny. But yeah, I'm actually kind of happy how it turned out because I'm... You're cutting out a bit. Oh, I'll cut a bit.
Starting point is 00:36:17 No, I mean like, your connection seems to be cutting out. Or maybe it's mine. No, Or maybe it's mine. No, I think it's mine. Is that better? Your webcam's completely frozen, you're just like looking off to the ceiling right now. Um, that should be... my connection says it's all good. Is that better? Maybe turn your webcam off and start it again. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Oh, there we go. Now I get to see my glowing face. Hello. Okay, cool. You're back now. Lovely. What was I saying? Yeah, I'm happy how it turned out because i'm not um typically like an on-camera person um but i just kind of got rid of that sort of i know yeah anxiety whatever yeah um and just had fun really um and yeah got a from everyone i've talked to, they just love the video. I found it really funny.
Starting point is 00:37:28 I feel like it was one of Connor's best videos. Aw, I appreciate that. But yeah, I actually have no idea what he's going to do with that content, like lore or backstory-wise. But yeah, his videos in general are just really interesting not only because of the video itself because it's entertaining as heck but um have you done the puzzles related to them
Starting point is 00:37:55 what there's puzzles i have no idea what you're talking about so in every thumbnail or at least most thumbnails there's like a binary code. Wait, what is that? And then you translate the binary and it gives you like a sentence or like a statement or something. And typically that might be the answer or you have to translate it further down until you get like a clue. I did not know about this. In the description as well, he usually gives like a hex number or
Starting point is 00:38:27 even some more binary. You have to, sometimes you have to like link the thumbnail and the description stuff together to make something. But yeah, it's gone hard recently. Like, Kenley and I have been working together. We couldn't quite figure it out. I didn't know this was even a thing. I need to ask him about this next time I bring him on. If you have a look at his videos, you'll see, like, it's not obvious, but it's there.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Like, just a string of numbers. And, yeah, have fun. This channel is even more artsy than i thought it was it's so good honestly he deserves way more subscribers than he has he really does yeah um not only because the quality but also like just the variety it was like the rap videos he does cooking like the sloth ones as well um and just other random ones um such as my music man one that might tie in but um as of now it's kind of like a standalone as well yeah um but yeah it's it definitely like he's one of the channels where if i if he uploads i'll be like the one to watch it almost immediately um but yeah it's good it's good i don't know if you saw it i I forgot to put it up on YouTube. I'll do that after this is over.
Starting point is 00:40:12 But it was in the episode with Connor, the soup wrap. Soup wrap. Oh, you haven't seen the soup wrap yet? I don't think so. Okay, I'll put it on YouTube as soon as this is over and you can watch the soup wrap. Oh, God. Because it is amazing. I can't believe I forgot to put that up I think I've just been forgetting
Starting point is 00:40:30 ever since I had to build the new computer which is off down here actually yeah I saw it on your Instagram yeah ever since I built that I've kind of been behind on stuff yeah but there is something about this computer. I had...
Starting point is 00:40:47 It's supposed to have a 3900X in it. It has a 3600X in it. Oh, God. Because I killed the 3900X. How'd you kill it? I got thermal paste on the pins. Oh, bro. I put too much on the thing. I tried to get it
Starting point is 00:41:04 off, and then I got some on the pins and that obviously killed it so I'm just going to wait till the 4000 series comes out and then replace it yeah which is supposed to be September what I've heard, it's supposed to be September but I'm not sure
Starting point is 00:41:22 and it's also supposed to work with existing existing X570 motherboards or X590, whatever it is It's supposed to be September, but I'm not sure. And it's also supposed to work with existing Existing x570 motherboards or x590 whatever it is. Oh sweet. Yeah. Yeah, which is nice Didn't you also buy two motherboards? Yes I did also buy two motherboards Yeah, I bought a Z Z whatever the Intel one, Z390 or whatever it is yeah yeah and that was that's an intel board and then i was meant to buy the x570 which is the amd board right and i'm a moron basically if you haven't if you haven't noticed i'm actually like i'm not actually smart i just work hard i'm actually a moron um yeah so it's all working now
Starting point is 00:42:09 so we had the the best of the worst case scenario the worst case scenario was that i've also fried the motherboard and the reason that would be really bad is because uh x570 motherboards are sold out everywhere because everyone's spying up computer parts right now right yeah that makes sense so the reason you're still seeing me as a ghost is because i tried to get a new webcam and you can't buy webcams right now really at all oh you can but you can't because you'd get them off ebay yeah increased zoom webx. So what people are doing, this webcam I'm using on the actual recording is a Logitech C920. And they are about $120, $150 Australian.
Starting point is 00:42:56 They're selling for $300 on eBay. Really? Yeah, so I should have... Screw buying crypto. I should have bought up some webcams before all of this went down. Oh, actually. You make mad bank.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Absolutely. Because everyone's now using Zoom, so what happened was a lot of companies started buying them for their employees. Then it started going out of stock because of that. And then other people were like,
Starting point is 00:43:19 oh, they're going out of stock. Buy more up. And now people are selling them. But no one's talking about it. This is, like, everyone's price gouging on webcams and there isn't a single word about it. Yeah. Because the thing that's catching more people's attention is
Starting point is 00:43:33 the fact that people are price gouging on, like, food and on toilet paper and stuff. Hand sanitizer. Oh, by the way, that stuff actually is coming back. Yeah. My store's got some toilet paper, it stuff actually is coming back. Yeah. My store's got some toilet paper. It's got some sand sanitizer as well.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Yeah, that's good. So I think by now at least the rush has kind of died down. Yeah. People are kind of used to it now. So hopefully there isn't still like that sort of mentality that just grab everything you can and leave other people in the dark sort of thing. Yeah, well, even when I was buying up a lot of stuff, I wasn't emptying the shelf. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:44:18 So I've got 10 kilos of rice in my cupboard right now, which i was an asian uh that wouldn't even be that much like there's a there's a girl at work who just on a normal day i asked her how much rice she has she's like oh i have like 65 kilos like i'm sorry how much do you have no way because if you eat rice or if you have a a family of like four people and you all eat rice with every meal you're gonna go through it pretty quickly yeah but still it lasts a couple of months um that's a lot of rice yeah well anyway i was saying um i bought up that 10 kilos over there and i went to like a little iga and they had two bags there this was when there was a two bag limit so like you know i'll just buy one because i know like a lot of like
Starting point is 00:45:03 old people go to that store so like, someone else can buy the other one. And then I found another bag at another store anyway. I was like, okay, well, that works. Yeah. That's the sensible way to do it. Don't just empty the shelves everywhere you go. Like, those people early on who were, like, buying 20 rolls of toilet paper, then going to the next store buying another 20. It's like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:45:23 Like, what are you doing? Yeah. Like, my mum was lucky enough to find, like, there was small bottles of hand sanitiser in, like, a petrol station. Mm. Like, midway through the rush, so we've been using that. Um, I think... I think we had enough toilet paper
Starting point is 00:45:39 before it all happened. Um... So, we're lucky in that sense, but but like, not everyone was in the same boat. Oh, lovely! It's a liter bottle of hand sanitizer. Yo, sell that shit. That's not the worst idea. But yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:07 I'm glad it's all kind of settling right now. It's still pretty shit, obviously, because we can't have any freedom, almost. But it's definitely getting better, as you've seen with the new case numbers and stuff. And judging by just being an essential worker, people are slowing down yeah exactly they're starting to i think the reason the case numbers are going down is because
Starting point is 00:46:40 a lot of people are now staying inside more often they're not going to the shops every single day yeah yeah and that definitely helps a lot definitely um but yeah zoom meetings are fun like before beforehand i had no experience with like any web meetings like no skype no zoom and then almost like every second or third day now, I'm having a meeting with my boss or pretty much just for work, really. I think you'll fit in perfectly on this podcast. That was my level of segue. Yeah. Just like, fuck it. No segue.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Whatever. It's fine. That was even on my list of stuff I was going to talk about anyway. Yeah. Anyway, yeah. Zoom is garbage. Go on. Yeah. some stuff i was going to talk about anyway yeah anyway yeah zoom is garbage go on uh yeah i thought that zoom before all of this i thought zoom was just some random piece of software that only our uni used i didn't know it was like i haven't even heard of it before to be honest
Starting point is 00:47:40 no one had and then it just booms um so i guess they're like one of the only companies that have made money out of this situation uh netflix is doing really well i know that that's that all the um i guess homey stuff housey stuff yeah, Apple TV isn't. They're the only one that's not. Really? Yeah, so they've, what they've had to do, because Netflix is also doing really well. Yeah. They're giving away like 10 free shows for every single person who has like a Apple device. Oh, sick.
Starting point is 00:48:23 And I think they also give you like a free month or something. So that's enticing all the Apple users Just to go over to Netflix rather than I guess their native No that's for Apple TV Oh I see I see Netflix is just doing business as usual Yeah yeah yeah How's Stan going?
Starting point is 00:48:42 I'm assuming they'll be doing okay as well I don't know presumably they'll be doing okay as well. I don't know, presumably they're doing okay. Yeah. But I heard that Virgin Airlines has gone under. Or at least... Wait, what? About to be. I didn't hear this. Yeah, they kinda gone. Yeah, I don't know many details about it, but Ryan, he told me about it. They're pretty much screwed.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Fuck. And then even my work, for an example, we're... I would... Still selling wine, obviously, but, like, we still have, like, a restaurant, like, bed and breakfast sort of services that just aren't getting any traffic obviously yeah um that's just a lot of revenue gone unfortunately um but yeah i've been saying this to a lot of people but the virus isn't going to be the worst thing about the virus it's going to be the the knock-on effects after all of this happens. Exactly, yeah. I know there's already a couple of movie theatres in the US that are
Starting point is 00:49:46 that have already gone under or are very close to going under and if Virgin goes, that's a massive hit. That's huge. Yeah. So I wonder how Hoyt is still alive. I doubt that'd be open at all. No, all movie theatres are gone right now.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Yeah, exactly. I don't know be open at all. No, all movie theaters are gone right now. Yeah, exactly. So, I don't know. That's ridiculous. Hoyt's also does have their expensive lounge, so they probably have more money from that and stuff. Luxe, I think. How much are Luxe tickets normally? Two months.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Like $30 or $40, I think. Yeah. our lux tickets normally two months like 30 or 40 dollars i think yeah but yeah we'll see what happens after all of this because we're only just now starting to see what's gonna happen yeah yeah with every everyone going under or people obviously um i wonder how those services will be replaced like if a new business was born that will kind of um see like kind of integrate with what we have now but then provide the same things what under businesses have done or like do you know what i mean i'm not sure what you mean like with the business going under and stuff, I wonder if there'll be like a kind of semi-boom with new businesses trying to replace the ones that went under.
Starting point is 00:51:12 Right. Yeah, I don't know. I think it'll... Well, we have to get back to the point where people are willing to spend money again. Yeah. And the problem with that is if no one has a job, then no one's willing to spend money anywhere anywhere near as much yeah for sure because i um i heard like australia post is just way too backlogged at the moment because everyone's ordering stuff from online
Starting point is 00:51:35 um i've been pretty good with them but they have been a bit slower than i would expect yeah because i ordered some stickers from my friends, because she's an artist. She lives, I'd say, like, at least 20 minutes from me. Like, I sort of teach her a gully sort of area. Yeah. I think. That was three weeks ago, and I still haven't got them.
Starting point is 00:51:59 You just got them in person. Yeah. Yeah, she's thinking that she might just, because she, I was the first. Yeah. Yeah, she's thinking that she might just, because she, all the first ones are all of them, so she, like, drew up, like, a special exclusive one for me. Oh, yeah? So we're thinking that she might draw, like, a new one up and then made in person or something.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Yeah. Like you say. Because that would just alleviate just the waiting time and stuff. Like, yesterday, my mom got her phone bill from uh whichever company she has um and the due date was yesterday as well um yes um so yeah like even the government sort of not government services but um like even the government sort of not government services but um phone companies and like all that sort of stuff are also getting backlogged
Starting point is 00:52:56 people can't pay their bills as they usually would as well which is a bit weird i want to see what happens during tax season because we've already seen the um mygov website go down so it's going to get real bad during tax season when everyone's trying to do it online. Because normally you'd have some people who just go to a tax agent or something like that. But having everyone doing it online is going to be interesting. Yeah. It's going to be another census DDoS.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Also known as we didn't buy enough server space. The same thing happened to Centrelink as well. They're like, oh, we got DDoS. Like, no, you didn't. You just didn't buy enough server racks. Legit.
Starting point is 00:53:38 Oh, God. I guess technically people using your service is a DDoS. I just got a message from my boss. Okay. You're surprised what? It was just, you're not working anymore this week, basically.
Starting point is 00:53:57 So what I already knew. Yeah. Yeah. I'm very happy to have a second source of income right now. I wish it was a bit further along, but I can always push some more stuff on library. That'd be the easiest way to increase that. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Yeah, at least you've got that backup plan as well. Yeah. If you just worked for Coles and you didn't have the content creation on the side then it wouldn't be a fun situation to say the least like not earning any money for like at least a month now almost like three weeks three hours a week well i'm not sure what my my hours are going to be last week i had nine this week i have three so it's a bit variable yeah usually i'm sitting on like 12 to 15 so it is lower than normal but yeah but i also have a subscriber who has way too much fucking money.
Starting point is 00:55:06 I got... Did you donate? Yeah. Dude, I got a PayPal donation for 300 euros the other day. Really? I was like, I'm sorry, what? Are you sure you didn't put another zero on this? And he was like, because I have... He was bothered by the fact that I have this on my desk.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Oh, God. And he was like by the fact that I have this on my desk. Oh God. Uh, and he was like, you should buy some real whiskey. And he wanted me to buy like an 18 year old bottle of Highland Park or something, which is about $300. Oh my.
Starting point is 00:55:38 You're not going to use that money for that, are you? No, I'm going to put it in my bank account. Cause I don't have enough fucking money right now. Exactly. Maybe in a couple of months I'll buy my expensive whiskey but not right now when I don't know how much money I'm making yeah legit
Starting point is 00:55:52 well I know I know how much I'm getting from content creation that's sitting at about at this stage 360 a month or so. That's pretty good, actually. Yeah, well, YouTube is... That's sort of a side job.
Starting point is 00:56:12 It kind of is, yeah. YouTube, kind of, not even the biggest part of that. That's only like 120 or so a month. Yeah. Most of it's from library, which I wasn't planning to sell, but if I have to, then I have to. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Because I was just going library, which I wasn't planning to sell, but if I have to, then I have to. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Yeah. Cause I was just going to hold it until prices go up. Cause I want my crypto Lambo. I was talking to my friend the other day, just about streaming in general or content creation. Like some of the huge streamers, they get like donations of ups like 20, 30,000 USDd like it's ridiculous
Starting point is 00:56:47 i don't know how people have that much money to spare for a donation to a stream they don't personally know i assume unless you're like mr beast and you're doing it for content i don't i don't get it yeah because at least the streamer i watch, his name's Shroud. I'm sure people know about him. Yeah, the name rings a bell. Yeah, just a really good first-person shooter-based streamer, like ex-CS player. Yeah. But yeah, he moves to Mixer, actually.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Almost unfortunately, Mixer's nowhere near as good. Oh. Um, almost unfortunately, Mix's nowhere near as good. Um... Oh! Oh, it died again. What is going on? Why is Discord dying so much right now? What is going on with Discord today? What happened? This time it just crashed for no reason.
Starting point is 00:57:48 Bruh. I need to stop using this laptop. Next week's episode will be on the new desktop. I just... I'm still in the process of setting it up, so I didn't have my recording set up working just yet. Yo, I remember your first podcast with connor that was named technical difficulties yeah this one's um real technical oh anyway you're saying mixer is shit yes um but yeah nonetheless like
Starting point is 00:58:21 not only him but the donations that they get are just ridiculous. Like, if you have a good stream, you get, I don't know, $10,000, $20,000 from a donation. Then you have all the subscriptions with that, which is $5 each, at least for base subscription. And then, at least on Twitch, you got bits as well um that's like a lot of money flooding into your channel um well if you just look at how much some of the higher end creators make like uh h3h3 for example has like a fucking 10 million dollar mansion yeah like that's insane. Yeah it's ridiculous. Hmm. I might start streaming at some point. I'll do like, I don't know, I might do like Q&A streams
Starting point is 00:59:14 or something but right now I think I have the ability to turn on super chats. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe when I'm not busy with uni stuff as well because i'd want to actually do a proper link stream i don't want to do like a half hour hour stream i kind of want to do like a couple of hours exactly yeah and right now because the honors project is actually about to start getting really busy then can't really justify doing that yeah you can even do like a arch linux installation on stream fuck off I'm not doing an Arch Linux fucking installation video
Starting point is 00:59:50 why not actually I might have to do it because the developers of Arch decided to fucking break the installation process so basically what you're used to do is pretty much the only part of Arch Linux that actually is really installing Arch is running Packstrap. So the earlier stuff is setting up
Starting point is 01:00:14 like your time zone, your language, your petitions, things like that. That's all pretty much the same stuff on whatever distro you do. The only thing you do to actually really install Arch is run Packstrap and then where you want to install all of your programs to and then what you want to install. The way you used to do that was just run Packstrap slash MNT and then install Base. Because what Base did is what... Base had your basic editor.
Starting point is 01:00:43 It still has an editor, just not a good one. It had the Linux kernel. It had your firmware. It had fucking man pages. Now it doesn't. Now Base, literally what Base does is it installs some basic Gadoo utils, and you don't actually get a Linux kernel with it. So you have to go and install the Linux kernel separately,
Starting point is 01:01:09 and also the Linux firmware separately, and also man pages separately. Is there a reason? No. Well the reason that people are theorizing in my Discord is they did it to basically break all of the existing Arch installation videos, so that people would have to use the wiki. Oh really? That's the only reason I can think of. But then people are just gonna make it with a new process and just upload them again. Yeah that's that's what I'm I'm thinking of doing an Arch video but we'll see. I also might do one with UEFI because fucking UEFI is a pain. Also, I forgot to put my webcam on. There you go.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Oh, yes. Yeah, UEFI is an absolute pain. Yeah. If you ever want to install Arch Linux, do it through legacy BIOS mode. Okay. Because when you do UEFI, you have to do a bunch of extra work with grub to make sure it can even recognise your Linux partition. So that's just a pain in the arse.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Also WiFi is hell. I hate WiFi. WiFi is actually the bane of my existence. Just shit to set up? Yeah, it doesn't work. It straight up doesn't work. I don't know how to get it to work through the command line. Basically, what I do is I will set up Network Manager,
Starting point is 01:02:43 then I'll install a GUI, install a little applet that is in my status bar, and then just let that deal with it. Because I don't know how to do it through terminal it doesn't work that's stupid but once it works it works fine it's just getting it to the point that it works that's the only problem yeah yeah I've been wanting to install Linux I don't know if it's a specific distribution, but Linux in general for a while, but I just haven't done it yet. In the end, it really doesn't matter what you installed. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:15 Like some people... Sorry? Sorry. I think it'd just be more of a fun thing. I don't know if I use it just for a work thing or whatever, but just to explore explore um and get experience with that sort of configuration process yeah but yeah yeah really it doesn't like some people will say oh it's really important you install this or this or this like no it doesn't really matter in the end if all you want to do is experiment with linux sure there are better distros with um default configurations but you could turn like i i know a dude who um
Starting point is 01:03:51 he installed ubuntu and then decided to replace the ubuntu kernel and also the ubuntu package manager with the stuff from arch so he basically turned ubuntu into Arch, just for the lols. And it works perfectly fine. It's Arch Linux now. But, yeah, he started with Ubuntu for no reason. Pretty cool. It is cool that you can do stuff like that, for sure. Yeah, exactly. A lot of, like, customizability, almost.
Starting point is 01:04:18 A lot of freedom, you know. Maybe sometimes too much freedom. Okay. Because if you i guess the problem is this is the problem i had when i was first thing you're switching i didn't know what distro to pick because i wasn't sure like what the differences were or anything like that i didn't realize it just didn't really matter and then when you get from that point and you have a distro like okay well do i want a window manager or a desktop environment which one do i want a lot of decisions it's so easy to switch between them it doesn't really matter like if you install kde for example
Starting point is 01:04:57 it takes like five minutes to switch over to something like gnomeome or XFCE. Okay. Yeah. That's good in that sense then. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, definitely something I might do, I would say in the holidays, but holidays are about to end.
Starting point is 01:05:19 Probably end of year once we're all done. Just as like a little project or whatever. What are your plans after uni? I applied for a graduate thing at Lockheed Martin. I went to the Careers Expo. I talked to them and it sounded really cool.
Starting point is 01:05:38 I had an interview with them three weeks ago. They said they'd call me the week after but they still haven't called me so I don't know you're not gonna get coal but my friend he referred me so that's why I kind of got straight into the interview process like almost straight away yeah he said it could be a good thing because they're still interviewing people but it was so it might be a good thing because they're still interviewing people but it also just might be a bad thing that they just ignored me almost yeah um but yeah nonetheless i got like good experience out of like a a video interview like sort of questions i'd ask or whatever yeah so not all hope is lost
Starting point is 01:06:22 but it'd just be kind of unfortunate if That just be kind of rude to be honest just a Nor someone in the application Yeah, that's uh, there are some companies that will do that I don't know whether they're a company that does it frequently, but yeah I know that when I was applying for a lot of my first jobs, they wouldn't respond back for a couple of months. It's like, come on, guys, what are you doing?
Starting point is 01:06:49 Sheesh. Yeah. But, yeah. But, like, other than the interview process, there was, like, an online quiz you had to do. Mm-hmm. It started off fairly easy, I guess, but then it bumped up really hard in difficulty.
Starting point is 01:07:09 At the end of that, I got above average, which is actually quite surprising. So the interview process isn't the only deciding factor on whether they pick me. Right. So I don't know what's happening I Think I know book what they said that let you know in May But we'll have to see I guess just waiting on the call. Yeah If that doesn't go through I might just apply for other positions. At least get a year minimum under my belt before I either move into the full-time position in the company or just use that experience in my resume.
Starting point is 01:07:57 It's like an actual career somewhere else. But yeah, see how we go. Honestly, at this point for me, I don't even know what I'm doing. That's the thing. Like, yeah. Like, I'm enjoying content creation so much. I don't really want to even, I want to finish off this degree, but I don't want to even go and do development work at this point as like a development.
Starting point is 01:08:21 Well, I love programming, but I don't want to really do it for someone else. Yeah. So. Just do it for yourself and then for your content. Because you've already got a good subscriber base. From someone who started in the short term. Or in the, I guess, big picture, actually. Barely recently.
Starting point is 01:08:46 They're getting a lot of subscribers. At least in the past month or two definitely yeah i went up a thousand last month yeah that's ridiculous but um i was gonna say that i've got a mate who does a lot of um startup stuff so he'll yeah he'll just make a random startup application like okay is this gonna make me some money nope next one yeah yeah so i might go and do something like that that does sound like fun um yeah but yeah because honestly i i don't once you have that uh that uh i guess a taste of working by yourself you're like i don't want to work for someone that sounds horrible yeah like i can do it's fine working at a supermarket because that's not like as long as you're doing your job you're just putting boxes on shelves not really any way someone can tell you to do it better or anything like that um but if it's some sort of creative work, then I don't,
Starting point is 01:09:46 I don't know if that would even, if I'd be able to even still enjoy that. Obviously, if there was a company that I really believed in their project, that would be different. But, but the thing with uni at this point is I'm three years in or three, almost three and a half now.
Starting point is 01:10:01 And I just want to get this done. Legit. Yeah. Cause I'm looking at like giant done. Legit. Yeah, because I'm looking at, like, Jaya and Connor, for example. And they're just chilling at home doing, either working like Jaya. I'm not sure if Connor has something in line. But I think he's been doing side projects for people. Which is really cool.
Starting point is 01:10:20 Even you, for example, make channel art and all that. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know what he's doing besides his artwork. Yeah. Last I spoke to him, he said he didn't have a job, so. Yeah. Even Monique, like, she's finishing halfway through the year. Just because the way she structured her own program sort of thing.
Starting point is 01:10:44 She's still finishing earlier than us for example. Yeah But yeah, I don't know I Probably looking back on it. I probably would have done this software Development stream. Mm-hmm. Just because of one less year don't have to do as much ICT stuff. Um, I Don't know if they had to do AI either. I think they did. I don't recall. I don't remember Jai saying he had...
Starting point is 01:11:16 No, he did, he did, he did. Because he did the HCA star algorithm. At least like half of it in a couple hours, which is annoying because the rest of us are struggling with it I couldn't even work that one out. Wait, no, no windowed I couldn't work out Yeah, oh yeah, yeah HCA star was fine as the windowed one whatever that's called windowed That's a star or something. Yeah Which I could never work out. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:47 Dream convinced he made up. 100% on, somehow. I don't know how he did that. That assignment was a complete mess as well. Yeah. But I don't think he had to do systems architecture, as an example. Yeah, maybe that. Yeah. But yeah, cut off an entire year um definitely a benefit i think yeah well how are you even feeling about uni at this point
Starting point is 01:12:17 do you feel like it was worth it or do you think maybe you should have done like a co boot camp or something like that um because a lot of the stuff we learned is already out of date exactly plus and it was out of date when we learned it yeah again using data web mining as an example we're teaching ourselves for 90% of it. Because his lecture slides are bland. His resources are not useful, to say the least. So you've got the YouTube channel that you mentioned, and then other websites will just condense all of that into a package that actually makes sense, and you learn from it a lot faster. Plus you just learn, you learn obviously all the concepts from programming for whichever language. That's only half of it until you actually start almost like screwing up and debugging.
Starting point is 01:13:23 That's where I can really learn which yeah for sure you don't inherently do through a uni course that's just through experience um yeah so i feel like doing a more proper ict project like you're doing probably does have a lot of benefit yeah because mine's more like as i said before mine's more of an internship really yeah but like here's some tasks do the tasks yeah because i think kenley and matri is one um i think their final deliverable is a research page oh geez so um that's a bit it sucks for them because, or even with research methods, that's just,
Starting point is 01:14:11 why is that an IT degree in general? Because they want, well, yeah, it shouldn't be here. It should be in the master's course. Software engineering should, it should be about building up a good software engineer, but no, it's about building up someone who's good to go into research. That's why you do things like Python and things like that. That's why you still use Waterfall
Starting point is 01:14:33 because all this stuff is still being used behind the scenes in research. Yeah. That's something I've talked about with Reese a lot. The fact that this, the project is structured as a waterfall project, like the way they want you to do the assessment pieces, it's all structured as a waterfall project. It doesn't work during agile,
Starting point is 01:14:54 even though they talk about how important agile actually is. And it's especially the case with, cause we're doing a very heavy research assignment during that, um, that first meeting when we had to explain what the project was, we couldn't, like, they asked us, like, oh, have you got the data yet?
Starting point is 01:15:12 And, like, no, because we just don't know what the data is at this point. Or what's your timeline like? We have literally no idea because, like, we don't have a timeline yet. Yeah. Like, it's still in the research phase. literally no idea because like we have we don't have a timeline yet yeah like it's still in the research phase like you can't map my course on to a waterfall structure yeah it was Kenley's again his supervisors on leave I think
Starting point is 01:15:40 it's Bruce oh yeah Bruce is back now yeah and i think they don't i don't think they've actually like really done much of it just because the client and suppliers have just been busy or away do you know who the client is no i don't know is it andrew I'm not sure because I know Bruce was Bruce is my client and Andrew is my supervisor and I think they were talking about how they weren't sure who was going to do what on what project
Starting point is 01:16:15 I think that might be the case with that one then yeah they're just kind of in the dark at the moment unfortunately yeah we should Um, they're just kind of in the dark at the moment, um, unfortunately. Um. Yeah, we should be a bit better very soon,
Starting point is 01:16:33 because Andrew is supposed to get the list this week. I don't trust him, though. Yeah. See, I probably shouldn't say that, because I know Andrew actually watches one of my channels. Andrew, I love you, don't, don't hate me. I don't know if he watches the podcast. Actually,
Starting point is 01:16:49 he knows about the channel. I don't know if he watches it. Yeah. Yeah. Cause I, I mentioned, um, like my lighting and stuff.
Starting point is 01:16:58 And I was like, Oh, it's for my YouTube channel. And he wanted some advice for lighting. Cause this is actually crazy. Okay. He's a lecturer who wants to know how to record good video. I know. Crazy.
Starting point is 01:17:13 Yeah. He's because he was going to go to China to do some lectures, but obviously not happening. That's definitely not happening. Yeah. So he was like, Oh, can you send me some links to what you use for lighting? I can do that that's cool sweet yeah I remember the last
Starting point is 01:17:31 lecture he actually had good recording Adam my train back to Adam at least knows how to Well he actually uses his lapel mic Some of them don't The uni gives them all lapel mics And some of them just don't use them Yeah Our favourite friend John Actually I think he started using them in this year's lectures but last year's he didn't
Starting point is 01:18:07 and that's the one he uploaded have you told the story on the podcast about the infamous microphone incident oh yeah i think straight after it happened i did talk about how uh he went to the he went to the bathroom with the mic on still yeah okay so for anyone who didn't hear that story because oh it's so cursed basically what happened was uh the data web mining lecture or lecturer john jiong whatever his last i don't know his last name is we're gonna call him john because that he accepts it he a lot of the okay one thing you need to remember at uni sa is that all the lecturers have given themselves like if they're chinese they've given themselves white names because no one can say their name otherwise so anyway yes
Starting point is 01:18:55 we're gonna call him john he accepts the name john um what he decided to do was during like the lecture break he decided to go to the bathroom. And through his big brain intelligence, he didn't take his mic off. That's fine. Most lecturers don't take their mic off. But he also forgot to mute it. And then we're all sitting there minding our own business. And we start hearing, we hear a door open. I was like, okay, that was weird.
Starting point is 01:19:24 And then we hear a stream. Was it a was weird and then we hear a a stream dryer no first we heard the stream and like wait yeah that's a blow dryer wait has he has he just left the mic on when he's going to take a piss and everyone lost it and like okay maybe not and then we hear the blow dryer i'm like okay that settles. He left the mic on when he went to go take a piss. And then no one said a word about it. We just let it happen and just moved on. Sadly, though, he did have the recording muted. Otherwise, or the recording paused.
Starting point is 01:20:00 Otherwise, that clip would be online. That would have been hilarious. Yeah. I would absolutely put that online along with um you know the soundcloud account that had all of the the jerry flips no oh ask jai about it there's a soundcloud account out there that has a bunch of clips of jerry where he's saying like a square is not a circle and things like that jesus i look forward to i don't know if it's still up i hope it is but it is it is amazing yeah some even some of the clips that you've got from john classic i don't know what he's
Starting point is 01:20:41 saying half the time he really hates fat people as well. Really? Have you not noticed how every time he brings up an example of how statistics can be ruined, he'll mention fat people and talk about, like, if a fat person comes onto the bus and you try to take the average weight of the bus, like, the fat person is the outlier. It's like, I get the example. But every time...
Starting point is 01:21:10 Like, I get why he does the example. But every single time, it's fat people. He doesn't use any other examples. That's so stupid. I love it. It's awesome. Also, he loves this example of people who buy beer and diapers. No shit, I've been seeing that online as well, so I think he stole it from someone. Yeah, he did.
Starting point is 01:21:36 Yeah. Half the courses don't even have their own original content anymore. I think that's the biggest problem I've noticed with uh with my degree at least that 99 of the content is just content we could find online for free yeah it's the case like there's not really many courses that it wasn't like that really obviously some of the lecturers structured it well like you take adam's courses early on actually even the later ones he kind of structured them he took the content and then he structured it in a a lecture sort of format but then you have people like john who literally just copied his lecture slides from someone else yeah or actually wolfgang just yeah wolfgang stuff yeah textbook um slide concept descriptions He just deals with the textbook. Textbook. Slide. Concept descriptions.
Starting point is 01:22:25 Just puts them in the slides. I think, no, one of the... Whose course was it that they literally just used someone else's slides? Like, these are the slides from someone else. It might have been one of the CompSci courses. Oh, it might have been, actually. I remember that happening, though. Yeah. Yeah. Was it the second CompSci course? I think it might have been actually. I remember that happening though. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:46 Was it the second comp sci course? I think it might have been. Yeah. Um, course, yeah. Comp sci for software engineers. What even happened in that course? I don't even remember. We did, uh, what it means?
Starting point is 01:22:57 Like the circles. Um, what are they called? Like the, remember like the circle diagrams? Um, automata. That's right. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. circles um what are they called like the remember like the circle diagrams
Starting point is 01:23:07 um automata that's right yeah oh yeah that's it right and we also whenever things like chomsky normal form and things like that oh yeah dude i i said i would do a video on chomsky normal form and then i forgot about it I remember just cramming like three days before the exam not knowing much and then knowing pretty much everything. I've kind of felt like that with data web mining really. I didn't understand half the stuff early on but now that I've gone back like oh wait that's what he was trying to say. Yeah because like for indecision trees, for example, it doesn't exactly tell you what entropy and information gain are.
Starting point is 01:23:49 Yeah. Conceptually, he just says, this is how you calculate it. Yeah. Then I found a, it might have been, I think it was just a website or whatever. It actually explains why they're important and what the values actually mean. explains why they're important and what the values actually mean which is almost
Starting point is 01:24:09 more important than the actual calculation itself and he just completely skips over it Speaking of things he skips over you know how he said you now know everything to do the assignment?
Starting point is 01:24:24 Yeah that's a load of shit that's absolute bullshit um i'll send you a link afterwards but he'd never explain what conviction is so you have to explain what lift leverage and conviction is but doesn't explain it in the lecture slides he gave the thing for lift yeah um but he's he referenced a paper just learn more about it and then in that paper it said um we don't explain lift here go find it yourself essentially um so that didn't help at all he also he mentioned leverage but then didn't explain why leverage was useful yeah he's like here's the formula for it. Why is this useful? That's your job.
Starting point is 01:25:08 Yeah, I was doing the calculation for the things yesterday. I got lift and leverage perfectly. But conviction's strange because the formula that, at least I found online, it doesn't calculate the same conviction as what Weka gives you. And then in his forum, someone asked the question, and he says, normally, this formula is used, which gives the impression that there's multiple formulas that can be used.
Starting point is 01:25:40 So, and then, because I was working with Kenley and matri at the time just trying to research about it and we found like almost two or three different conviction formulas um that no one knows which one weka actually uses right um so i've just said like I'll include an example calculation with the formula that I've found and just like lose a mark or two I don't think he wanted you to do an example calculation doesn't he? maybe he does
Starting point is 01:26:16 I think he said in a thing explain lift etc and then show an example calculation from the rules that you did in part C or B. Oh, maybe I missed one then. Okay.
Starting point is 01:26:33 Maybe. Cause I just included the formulas and didn't actually include a example, but I'll go back and do that. It shouldn't be too difficult. Lift and leverage are fine. Um, but conviction is a bit weird yeah that's one way to put it yeah um but i was hoping to start this is in trees part probably tomorrow um oh good luck on the feature selection by the way another thing he doesn't teach apparently no he
Starting point is 01:27:02 uh well waker does teach the w Wicado thing does teach it. But what he wants is he wants 10 features selected, but he doesn't tell you how to do 10 features selected. Huh. And he's like, oh, well, feature selection is like an attribute you can set. And he's wrong. There's no way you can set it to select 10 attributes. Okay.
Starting point is 01:27:24 So what I... I posted on the forum about it, and he was like, no, that's wrong you there's no way you can set it to select 10 attributes so what i i posted on the forum about he was like no that's wrong it's like no you don't know what the software is actually doing because there is no attribute to set 10 features um basically the way i did it was i used a j48 tree which is the basic decision tree um I think I set it to best first search and I think I had it on like five fold or something and that gave me 10 features. Okay. Um. But.
Starting point is 01:27:58 Is that the only way of getting that then? That's the only way with the J48 tree. Oh. I haven't found a way to do it, unless he wants you to do feature selection some other way. I don't know. I'll have a look, I guess, but... It's confusing.
Starting point is 01:28:14 Yeah, it's definitely confusing. Have you had a look at the research methods second assignment? Or third... second assignment, yeah. Not really. Not yet. Yeah. I have briefly looked at it. look at the research methods second assignment or third second assignment yeah not really not yet yeah i've briefly looked at it i've basically written down or written down a template and that's about it okay what does it cover um basically we have to come up with a research methodology for the third assignment okay um she explains what that is in the week seven lecture but she decided to release it early.
Starting point is 01:28:46 Because she saw that me and a couple other people were working on it, so like, okay, well, I'll release it early to be nice. Yeah. Helen actually is pretty nice like that. Yeah, exactly. I haven't watched most of the lectures, but... There was one lecture that was actually quite interesting About language I did watch that
Starting point is 01:29:06 There's a guest speaker Yeah when she was When she was basically saying hi to everyone who walked in The most Passive aggressive way That I wish we had more Lecturers like that
Starting point is 01:29:22 That's what I would have expected a lecturer to be like But most of our lecturers are like Really introverted and don't want to had more lecturers like that. Like, that's what I would have expected a lecturer to be like. But most of our lecturers are, like, really introverted and don't want to even be lecturers, really. Yeah, exactly. Like, you take John, for example. He's not a good lecturer. He's really smart. He's a horrendous lecturer.
Starting point is 01:29:38 Exactly, yeah. Same with Wolfgang. Adam's a bit different. Adam's actually pretty good at it. He's actually entertaining to watch and listen to. Just's a bit different. Adam's actually pretty good at it. Doug as well. He's actually entertaining to watch and listen to. Just because he's relatable. Not only does he play games or whatever,
Starting point is 01:29:51 he obviously watches movies. He seems like an actual person. Exactly, yeah. Yeah, that's a good change for sure. Same as Joe. I don't remember Joe's lectures. They were good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:07 She's still... We sort of caught up with her late last year. Just because of the courses we had to pick. Just asking questions and stuff. Oh, right. Yeah, she's taken the course coordinator position or whatever it was. Yes, I think so, yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:26 But she's still really useful in that sense's a really cool to speak to and stuff um but yeah uh what was i gonna say right um i don't remember yeah i, kind of a deeper held. Yeah, pretty much. We can keep on the uni topic. Do you remember how we actually ended up meeting? I think we met through Sam, didn't we?
Starting point is 01:30:55 I think so. Sam was the one to go into AGPU and sort of ask everyone he met just to come in and just meet everyone I remember going to the club
Starting point is 01:31:14 during what was it O-Week, right because I met Sam during O-Week he was there with Josh, I believe yeah I remember, I think the first person
Starting point is 01:31:32 I met that wasn't Sam and Josh because we went to high school together I think it was Lachlan hopefully that's a name that I haven't heard in a while yeah but yeah I think I met
Starting point is 01:31:52 do you remember Hines? yes I do remember Hines we met Hines and Kong and Ryan yeah and then I met Jai in the networking fundamentals practical lesson because we sat next to each other.
Starting point is 01:32:09 And yeah, I think everyone just kind of joined AGPU at just random times and just got to know everyone eventually. And then, yeah, here we are. I'm still close friends after all these years. I think the only person I recall ever actually meeting in Network Fundamentals was Stefan, if you remember him. Stefan? Oh, I think so. I think he ended up dropping out. Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 01:32:50 But I think he knew Sam or something, or Sam just knew him somehow, and then it ended up sitting next to him pretty much throughout that entire course. Yeah, Sam's got a good way of just meeting people and engaging with them easily, which is really cool.
Starting point is 01:33:08 I need to bring him on the podcast and talk about why the hell he just talks to every single person he meets. Maybe it's his greeter mentality or something. Probably, partially at least. Yeah. I met Jai. No, I know how I met Jai I know how I met Jai Jai I met in Design Thinking
Starting point is 01:33:28 and it turns out that because we both used to work at Maccas my current boss at the time was his old boss and we started talking shit about some of the stupid stuff that he's done
Starting point is 01:33:43 that was fun. That was good. Yeah The first time I remember meeting Ja was he had a surface proof He had a d-brown skin on it. Of course he did. I just commented on it. The dude's always had money Like he lives in fucking Salisbury and just has a shitload of money He lives in fucking Salisbury and just has a shitload of money Some of the shit he owns is completely pointless, but it's just for- Oh you mean like his GTR? He doesn't even drive that often, he even- I don't know if you remember, but he has like a bear- not costume, but like a bear jacket
Starting point is 01:34:26 That has like a huge bear head that isn't like the hood. Um, at least, it costs, I think it costs like two, three hundred dollars at least. But it's just completely for fun, I guess.
Starting point is 01:34:42 Um. He's a weird character for sure. Yeah. He's a weird character for sure. Yeah. He's a good meme. Absolutely. He's a really good friend as well. He's good. And now we've got silence again. You got anything that's
Starting point is 01:35:05 absolutely pressing right now not really nah I was telling Kenley about this but I think it's a good topic um I don't know if you know about or if you've watched it
Starting point is 01:35:21 but Mr. Robot that's still on my it's on my list right now Or if you've watched it. But Mr. Robot. That's still on my phone. It's on my list right now of topics that I knew you'd fucking bring up. Please watch it. Kelly and I are the only two people to watch it. And we need more people to talk about it. Because the writing, the story is fucking perfect.
Starting point is 01:35:44 And I think it's just a show that's underrated in general. I still, it's got I think like eight and a half on IMDb or whatever. Yeah. But that doesn't represent the show in the slightest. So I think being a tech podcast
Starting point is 01:36:04 is definitely something that your viewers should watch low key um i would definitely check out mr oh okay i watched the first two episodes mr robot when it came out then i forgot about it oh did you like it yeah no it was really good i just yeah i just forgot about it the uh i don't want to say this without spoiling but it's sort of Game of Thrones in the sense where it gets better as you go along you might not think it
Starting point is 01:36:34 but it because season 3 is you think that's like the peak of what it can achieve but then season 4 somehow which is a credit to the writer and I don't know if he's... I think it's part creator. Sam S. Mayle
Starting point is 01:36:56 is quite genius in that aspect. So yeah, i highly highly recommend plot twists you will never see coming um well already first episode i already didn't know what the hell was going on yeah um the intro scene is like probably as you know the pilot in general is just like one of the best pilots I've seen. Just in the way it tells enough of the story to get you hooked but then leaves enough to be questioned of to watch on. Right, yeah. But the story
Starting point is 01:37:37 throughout all four seasons is written in a way that if you watch there's clues throughout each of the seasons that lead up to, like, the big reveal at the end. But you don't know it until you watch it again, almost. It's like, there might be a thing
Starting point is 01:37:58 that might be, like, a bit peculiar, but you don't know what it means until later on. Right. Then when everything's revealed, then it just links together perfectly. And it's, like, super satisfying. So, actually, they wrote the show in mind
Starting point is 01:38:16 that they're all connected, rather than just, like, season and then another block season, et cetera. So, yeah, yeah. just like season and then another block season right etc um so yeah yeah um probably my favorite tv show of all time yeah um which is it it beats bad game of thrones excluding the last season um and yeah highly highly recommend i will get around to it at some point i just haven't i haven't been watching the anime in the past couple of months oh really you're you're just like no it it lagged for a bit and then you just sped up everything that just came through.
Starting point is 01:39:10 Yeah, I've just been downloading stuff and sticking on a hard drive. I've been focusing on this really and on getting uni stuff done. Yeah. Kelly and I watched each episode episode with American ads last year, which in itself is kind of a statement because we don't like watching ads. So there's shows that we actually actively look forward to on every month. And yeah, I bought the first season on DVD, not knowing about what it was, like at least, I think maybe four, three, four years ago. Um, and then I saw someone's Foxtel account thing and watched season two.
Starting point is 01:40:03 Um, like I had a huge break um then i watched seasons one two again then what season three that just came out and then you watch season four live um so yeah a bit jank in that sense but yeah i will get around to it at some point I don't know probably during the actual uni break or something yeah please I'll probably make a group chat if you do because I just want to discuss it with people either theories or whatnot
Starting point is 01:40:36 but yeah everything I say just can't represent it how much I love it and how well it is made. But yeah, that's why. I did talk to you at one point about this, but I'll bring you and Kenley on for a Mr. Robot podcast at some point. Please.
Starting point is 01:40:57 Oh, surely. At some point, I'll remember to watch it, and then we can actually do that. Yeah, that'd be amazing. Maybe I'll bring one of you back when I finish the first season or something and then you just struggle not to say anything the first season you won't see the plot twist coming
Starting point is 01:41:20 I'm just going to say that as a blanket statement okay cool but that being said there are clues again that lead up to it but you still don't fully see it right yeah if that makes any sense yeah
Starting point is 01:41:34 yeah it's quite the show speaking of anime actually I've been kind of getting into it. I read my first manga like a few months ago. Was it Maki? I don't know if you've heard of it. Oh, that's an interesting choice.
Starting point is 01:41:55 Yeah, because Kang recommended it to me, and I really like horror. He was saying the... I think his name is Junji Ito, the author. Widely known as the best horror manga author. Yeah. At least one of them. So he recommended that book to me. That was really good.
Starting point is 01:42:16 Never watch any of the anime that's been made of Junji Ito's works, because they're all garbage. Yeah. I think there was a an Uzi Machi one being made, I think. I'm not sure. Monique's getting...
Starting point is 01:42:35 I watched the first season because of her, of Tokyo... Tokyo Ghoul? Yeah. Cut out for a second. And then she like the last episode ever of that show the other day and she's saying how good it was there we go i'm taking longer here nice i actually have all of uh all of the first series. Yeah, I really want to read those, actually.
Starting point is 01:43:10 Because reading manga is just easier. Yeah. Obviously not as much text on the page, but also just visualises everything for you, almost. Yeah, yeah. So you can easily smash out a book in like a night or two really oh yeah these these are really light compared to some of the stuff that i some of the other stuff i read yeah um so it was in my case that's a thick book but i read that in like three nights i think
Starting point is 01:43:39 like reading a hundred pages in a night is very achievable. Yeah for sure. This is quality content, here we go. Because this is what I'm reading right now. I'd usually try to just keep something... Focus. There we go. Okay. This is actually really good. It's only, I think, six volumes or so. Yep. And... Yeah, basically each of the volumes is like an encapsulated story where they, like, try to obviously solve whatever's going on.
Starting point is 01:44:18 This is a mystery series. Oh, sick. I think it's, like, number one on my anime list or something for like light novels but yeah I was gonna say about Junji Yuto go read um Amagara Fault you know what it is I guarantee you know what it is it's you've probably seen the picture, this is my hole it was made for me. Garo. I got tight. And then Monique's also recommending Death Note, because I think that's just a widely, almost like classic quote-unquote in anime,
Starting point is 01:45:05 because most people who watch anime have also seen that show. Death Note is definitely something that you should watch. Obviously, some people overhype it, but it is a really good series. Yeah, I've heard that the second half isn't as good. Very true. But I don't know if that's in comparison to the first half for us, it's just dropped in quality in general. I would still say second half is pretty good, but compared to the first half it's not very good. Yeah. I'd probably buy the manga as
Starting point is 01:45:39 well. Yeah. Reading is just better in my opinion. and then what's tv show after yeah that's fair yeah um well i think we've got like 10 minutes left till you have to go yeah so i think before we go i'll just do you have uh some just random story that just some weird thing that's happened during quarantine? It doesn't even have to be a good story. Just whatever you come up with, because I've got one. Just people being weird during quarantine or something like that. Not really.
Starting point is 01:46:19 I went out for a walk a few weeks ago. I went out for a walk a few weeks ago. That was with Jasmine, Jasmine's girlfriend. Jasmine didn't come, but he had to work. We just had a good talk just about random shit that day. That was good.
Starting point is 01:46:40 Just going to the city for ICT, I found a really good Vietnamese place where we order like banh mi and then also the place next to it is buy hot chocolate. That's like the best. I wouldn't say anything overly entertaining has happened or strange. Have you seen the people who have conversations with each other across the road? No. I need to go outside for walks more often. It's hilarious.
Starting point is 01:47:21 You'll have neighbours that are across the road from each other and they'll just talk to each other like as if they're next to each other it's great um some of the news like people were having like balcony parties yeah yeah um the one i was gonna say was i was on my way to work yesterday or the the day before or something whatever day i went to work. And I was just driving along, and I see a car speed past me. I was like, okay, well, some dude's speeding. Then an undercover cop car decided to start chasing him. And it wasn't just like a normal one, it was like an SUV. And then a second undercover cop car also started chasing this car. I don't know if it was just like a stolen car or something,
Starting point is 01:48:04 or it was someone who was wanted because this dude like normally you don't have two two undercovers chasing you when there's one there they'll usually be good so I don't know what was going on there but he ended up turning down a side street into like Elizabeth Grove
Starting point is 01:48:20 and I don't know what happened after that but was it on the news dude i know i didn't check it might have been maybe i'm not sure but yeah people interesting people are just weird right now yeah people are definitely like losing it like losing their sanity almost because like people because like um i guess like a month before this all came i went to the gym i started going to the gym with sam it's funny getting a good routine um yeah and then you lose it it just kind of stops yeah so all the pain you had we went on all parts of the body is,
Starting point is 01:49:06 I don't want to say for nothing, cause we still have experience at the gym, but like you have to go through it again. Yeah. Yeah. That's why I've been trying to get back into actually working out more. So I, I can get into going to the gym without killing myself.
Starting point is 01:49:21 Yeah. Cause like the later sessions after the month, you're still hurt afterwards. But the recovery was just a lot shorter. Like, first leg day, I was in pain for at least two, three days. But then second and third just kept on getting shorter and shorter. So, have fun doing that again, I guess. It never gets easier. You get like, you have more perseverance, but it never gets easier.
Starting point is 01:49:55 Exactly. Yeah. But honestly, the hardest part about working out is stopping. Yeah, exactly. Once you stop, then it all falls apart. yeah exactly once you stop then it all falls apart because not only with gym um that paired with like a good diet as well um that led me to like losing like a couple kilos like the first week um but then no working out and then at home it's just i'm still kind of watching what i eat but like it's just sort of more lenient i guess yeah um yeah oh overcast now whoa okay oh we're back now
Starting point is 01:50:37 okay cool i don't know what happened our cloud went over or something But yeah But at least in the first month Sam and I had some good progress Yeah This is why I Don't let natural light happen Because Natural light is shit
Starting point is 01:51:00 Okay there we go I think yeah A bit too bright. Yeah. I had made the mistake of dealing with natural light early on. And then I realized like, oh, this is a dumb idea. Because if a cloud goes over it, you're completely screwed. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:19 Oh, yeah. You didn't realize how bad your webcam actually looked. That's how it looks to me. What? Yeah. Hopefully next podcast, whether that be with Ken Lee, If you didn't realise how bad your webcam actually looked. That's how it looks to me. What? Yeah. Um. Yeah, hopefully next podcast, whether that be with Kenley or just... I'll have a webcam on my PC.
Starting point is 01:51:33 Mm. Um. You'll still have the natural light issue, probably. Yeah. But, um, at least the quality will be better. Yeah, well, hopefully. Like, I wouldn't expect, obviously, people to have lighting set up, but... Yeah, hopefully the quality will be better um yeah well hopefully like i wouldn't expect obviously people to have lighting set up but yeah hopefully the quality will be better yeah it's like at least in connor's
Starting point is 01:51:50 podcasts that's like a consistent light as well yeah oh i'm like now that's gone dark again yeah as i was saying um uh yeah well at some point what i'd love to do when i have my own place i would love to just have a like a space set up where i could just bring someone over to do the podcast yeah exactly yeah that'd be really sick um so at least in the house that jaya is looking at there's always a room that has a pool table or an in-home gym or something as well. Jeez. So even if you get a house with a spare room, I guess,
Starting point is 01:52:35 that might suffice. Yeah, well, I want to have a spare room and an office. Yeah, yeah. So yeah, it should be good hmm well spare room for me is a two-bedroom place so um but yeah if i didn't have an office i would just get a three-bedroom place turn into uh office or something yeah exactly yeah so like got, like, one house set in mind. At least, like, Jai loves it. But I don't know if he'll buy it, obviously, because I haven't talked to the bank.
Starting point is 01:53:13 Yeah. But, like, all the bedrooms are up top. And then downstairs, you obviously have, like, the lounge room. You've got the gym, office, like, what's a huge gym um office like it was a huge backyard but like a good backyard um so i kind of fit everyone's sort of needs um it's got like enough space in each bedroom to have like a desk and stuff for that office sort of stuff yeah but yeah um but yeah um i don't yet as i said i don't know if it will get it but best best case scenario um hopefully that would be awesome it's five minutes away from both jaya and my
Starting point is 01:53:58 places in gulfy heights um oh yeah yeah okay so i can can still Drive back to my parents' place Have a dinner with them Two, three times a week And just hang with them So I don't have to drive across town or whatever Which is really cool Well I have to drive 150km To go see my parents
Starting point is 01:54:18 Really? Well okay, to see my mum, I don't particularly want to see my dad He's in Salisbury, but that's a whole other story. Yeah. Yeah. Future's looking good, I think, hopefully. Yeah, well, I hope it does go well, man. Yes, thank you.
Starting point is 01:54:39 Yeah, hopefully coronavirus doesn't halt any of that. It'll slow it down, but hopefully not. Yeah. All the in-house inspections are gone. Unless you book a time. I know some places were doing, like, virtual inspections. Yeah. If some of them have, like, a 3D space,
Starting point is 01:55:01 you can, like, run. It's like a Google Maps sort of environment but in the house. It was actually quite cool. But yeah. Yeah. So we're almost on the hour right now. So if you want to end it now, we can. Or we can keep going until your later time.
Starting point is 01:55:20 Yeah, probably have to have lunch and then head off if that's okay. No, that's all good. So, yeah, we can end it now. Do you have anything you want to shout out? Your LinkedIn? Get yourself a job? Shout out to my Spotify playlist, I guess. I'll put links for anything you want links for.
Starting point is 01:55:42 So if you want to give me a Spotify playlist link. Yes, Spotify, Instagram. Got a lot of like bot Instagram people coming in recently. What's your Instagram account? Should just be at Corey Linford. Okay. Something like that. Um, my Spotify's I think is linked in the description of that or the bio anyway.
Starting point is 01:56:01 Um, kind of a two-in-one. Okay, cool. Um, same name on facebook if you want um yeah nothing else no twitter or anything nah i don't really use twitter um i think i've read it if you really want. If you want to. Sure. Remember what your Reddit even is. It should be the name underneath my face once this is uploaded. Okay.
Starting point is 01:56:37 My username. Yeah. Cool. So I actually need to add that in because I forgot to add it in now. It'll be added in post, but they would have seen it the entire time. So there'll be some people listening on those. True. Koza underscore 23 with a dash at the end.
Starting point is 01:56:54 All right, that's a confusing name. I haven't run with it for a while now. Just keep up. Cool. So I think we'll end there. How do you want to end the podcast um give me an outro how does one typically outro you don't have one um don't forget to like subscribe favorite patreon kickstarter oh yeah on connor's outro on that note actually uh before i go i almost forgot
Starting point is 01:57:27 to do this before i go i do want to thank my patrons where is my list of patrons thank you to nathan andrew road elphi larry ray and Zilver who helped make this channel possible as well as all my other work. And also a big thank you to Joachim who gave me a massive donation. And Discord just crashed so that's a perfect time to end it. What is going on with Discord today? We will end it there. Thank you for watching the podcast. Next time Discord won't be crashing as much because I will be on my new computer. And anyway, that's enough for me.
Starting point is 01:58:09 So I'm out.

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