Tech Over Tea - Don't Scam A Techy With A Tech Scam | Solo

Episode Date: February 23, 2022

I get some really dumb emails from time to time but a straight up scam is one I haven't seen in a while, but you picked the wrong target, that's for sure. ==========Support The Channel========== ► P...atreon: ► Paypal: ► Amazon USA: ► Other Methods: =========Video Platforms========== 🎥 YouTube: =========Audio Release========= 🎵 RSS: 🎵 Apple Podcast: 🎵 Spotify: 🎵 Google Podcast: 🎵 Anchor: ==========Social Media========== 🎤 Discord: 🐦 Twitter: 📷 Instagram: 🌐 Mastodon: ==========Credits========== 🎨 Channel Art: All my art has was created by Supercozman DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good morning, good day, good evening. I am as always your host, Brodie Robertson, and today we are back for episode 103 of Tech of a T. And I was doing some research for the podcast earlier, and I realized I hadn't checked my emails probably in like three or four days. Occasionally I'll forget to do them, so if you ever send me something and I don't respond, that's either the thing or I just didn't feel like responding. But generally, it's because I just forgot to look at my emails. So I was looking at the emails and a couple of these things I've talked about, I think on stream and maybe I've talked about on the Discord as well, but one of them really stood out so there was this one here I can't show you because in my my Thunderbird client I have that like loaded up in my overlay but the subject of it is in Dutch I don't know
Starting point is 00:00:59 how to read I don't know how to read Dutch so don don't ask me to read it, but chucking it into Google Translate, it says receipt confirmation. Now, if not a receipt, this person is basically just trying to scam me out of money. Not in like a, you know, a subtle way or anything, like very blatantly a scam. So, start off by saying beste. I'm guessing that's high or something in dutch i don't know b-e-s-t-e i got no idea someone who knows dutch uh let me know i am sorry to inform you but your device was hacked well that's that's fairly inconvenient so keep in mind also this was sent on the 14th and i'm recording this on the 16th. So that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Is that what happened hey? Well I guess you've said it happened so it must have happened. I have used a zero click vulnerability with a special code to hack your device through a website. What website? Well I don't know just a website. Some website? Well, I don't know, just a website. Some website. Not too important. It is a complicated software that requires precise skills that I possess. Well, you know what? You've convinced me, man. Clearly you've hacked me, so what's going to
Starting point is 00:02:21 happen here? So this exploit works in a chain with a specially crafted unique code, just singular code, like one line of code, there's nothing more than that, just a singular code. Okay, sure. And such type of attack goes undetected. Well, that's really
Starting point is 00:02:39 inconvenient then. You only had to visit a website to be infected, and unfortunately for you, it's that simple for me. You were not targeted. Well, you know what? That makes me feel slightly better. If I'm not targeted, then I guess nothing's wrong. But just became one of the many unlucky people who got hacked through my webpage. Well, that's less convenient then. All of this happened in August. Now, for the record, I'm recording this in February of 2022.
Starting point is 00:03:10 So they're saying this happened at the earliest, I presume they mean August last year, August 2021. So why did you wait all of this time to send me this email telling me that you've hacked all my data? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:25 I got no idea. So I've had enough time to collect the information. You and I understand how damaging this will be to you. Do I? You didn't tell me what you have on me. It's not that much money to keep your privacy. Well, I've been docked before already. So like what what privacy
Starting point is 00:03:46 you fucking taking my man um i don't care about you personally that's why you can be sure that all files i have and software on your device will be deleted immediately after i receive the transfer i only care about getting paid i don't clearly, clearly, I don't care about you. So that means that if you send me the money, I won't keep asking for more money. Because that is a logical strategy. No, it's not like, you know, if this actually was real, you would just keep demanding more money,
Starting point is 00:04:20 like you see in a lot of the ransomware attacks, where, sure, a lot of them do actually unlock the system if you give them the money. Other ones are like, you know what? Fuck you. I'm not doing that. Let's see. So what are we up to?
Starting point is 00:04:35 My modest consulting fee is $1,700. Why is it a consulting fee now? You're not consulting anything. You're just deleting files. What do you mean consulting? This is to be transferred in Bitcoin. Well, that makes sense. Bitcoin, clearly a very private coin. Definitely. This is 1700 exchange rate at the time of the transfer. You need to send that amount to this wallet. And we'll have a look at that wallet in just a moment The fee is non-negotiable to be transferred within two business days now Here's the important thing so Monday also the 14th was a Monday
Starting point is 00:05:18 So you say Within two business days you sent it on a Monday. There are no non business days within two days of Monday Your your scams not even consistent if you're gonna send out a template like this at least Modify it based on when you send it Obviously do not try to ask for help from law enforcement unless you want your privacy to be violated ask for help from law enforcement unless you want your privacy to be violated. You've already got my...
Starting point is 00:05:49 If this was real, you already have my data. What are you talking about? Why would I not go... Why would I not go to the law enforcement then? I will monitor your every move until I get paid. I don't know how you're gonna monitor my every move. I get paid? I don't know how you're gonna
Starting point is 00:06:06 monitor my every move. I don't have my computer on all the time. Are you saying that you can monitor everything I do when I'm not at my computer? Did it, like, hack my phone as well? And then whenever I take my phone with me, that's gonna track me? Do you have a private
Starting point is 00:06:22 investigator going after me? Like, what are you talking about? If you keep your end of the agreement, you won't hear from me ever again. Take care and good day. Then there is a message outro in Dutch. It's something like
Starting point is 00:06:38 please get in contact within, or please get in contact, something like that. Sincerely, and then Leonie Boxen. Please get in contact within, or please get in contact, uh, something like that, sincerely. And then, Leonie Boxen. And I, look, I don't know, Dutch, is that a, is that a real name? Is that a real name at all? Uh, Leonie Boxen, is that like a name that makes any sense as a name?
Starting point is 00:06:59 I'm seeing people referred to as Leonie Boxen, so I guess that is, that is a, it's a fake name, but it's a real fake name. It's a fake name that follows the structure of a real name. Zero click, also I can't, I, I, I should have been able to show you this, but they've got zero click vulnerability, uh, highlighted, uh, capitalized as well, just to make sure that you know it is a zero click vulnerability Let's see so zero click vulnerability And then email scam shows up if you put this into our into now it's gone Well, I had this working into our into Google. That's because I'm on the Oh, no, this is the right one
Starting point is 00:07:42 Google here we go there you go, zero click vulnerability email scan let's see what other people are saying about it let's see if we can see other let's see what other people are sending a similar email wait, is this just a copy past the email? did they not even put effort into their template?
Starting point is 00:08:01 I'm sorry to inform you but your device was hacked oh, they did forget to format it though so there is that um yeah I think this is it happened in August yeah they literally just used a fucking
Starting point is 00:08:15 copypaster they they did wait no they wait did they they used a copypaster but they wrote it out because they've got mistakes in it. I've been waiting enough and have decided that it's time to put an end to this. Here is my offer. Let's name this a consulting fee.
Starting point is 00:08:34 I need to get so I can delete the media content I've been collecting. Where is it? My modest consulting fee is $1,700. So yeah, you actually copied it, but then added grammatical errors into it. Maybe they changed it so you can't literally just copy and paste the email and stick it into Google. That's probably why. Yeah, that's probably why they changed it. I can't see- or maybe they also changed it because they're clearly going after a Dutch audience as well,
Starting point is 00:09:12 even though I'm not Dutch at all and no part of my name indicates that I am Dutch. It seems weird that you would use a Dutch- like your your default, your scam you would go with would be a Dutch scam, unless you, like, know the person is actually Dutch. Like, it seems like a safer bet, because it's in Dutch and English. That's the weird thing. If it was all in Dutch, that would be one thing. If it was all in English, that would be another. Why is it in both?
Starting point is 00:09:43 I don't get it. I really don't. And there are so many people thinking this is real, and I love it. I genuinely adore this. I thought this would have been like a new copy past, but no, it seems like it's been going on at least since this specific scam, at least since 2021. I don't know if it's going back longer than that.
Starting point is 00:10:11 The earliest I'm finding is 2021. But zero-click vulnerability... Okay, so a zero-click vulnerability technically isn't a fake thing, right? Like, that is a thing that could theoretically be done under the correct circumstances with a sufficiently out-of-date browser. But this is the
Starting point is 00:10:34 sort of thing where if you're keeping your stuff up-to-date, you're generally going to be fine. Also, um, also the other thing is they never mention what operating system on or anything actually important. This actually goes back into
Starting point is 00:10:49 the thing I talked about last week. If you see like a family member mention something like this, always talk to them about it. Make sure they know that what this is. Especially when it's something like this. Like, if I didn't know what I was talking about, if I didn't know about tech or anything like that, this is something I could very easily see and think that yeah, I had been hacked.
Starting point is 00:11:14 But knowing how scams like this actually function, it's pretty straightforward to work it out yourself. But there is a lot of people out there who don't have that knowledge and who would very easily fall for something like this In this case though Let's take this wallet address. So I'll bring up a Bitcoin blockchain viewer Bitcoin let's just look at Bitcoin wallet look up and What we're going to see,
Starting point is 00:11:46 here is a Bitcoin address. That didn't search it. There we go. Here is the address. There's nothing in it. There's nothing in it, and there's never been a single transaction. So one of two things happened.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Firstly, this person sent out this email to a bunch of people and because this is very evidently a scam email, most email providers have some method to examine things like this and work out that it should be instantly sent to spam. Especially when things like a Bitcoin wallet address are included. Stuff like that usually doesn't get through spam filters. I don't know why it got through mine because I use Gmail and I would expect Gmail to be able to deal with something like this fairly easily. But we got it so it is what it is. it is what it is. So either that or for whatever reason maybe the other thing is that they're using a different wallet address for each email being sent out. It's really easy to spin up a new Bitcoin wallet so doing that especially if you're trying to scam people you're trying to actually, you know, do something illegal, um, is something that would be fairly easy to do. I actually want to check that other, that other address we saw,
Starting point is 00:13:14 um, on that other incident of the email. Let's see if that one actually had any money inside of it, or I guess not had any money inside of it. By now, it would be because that one was from September. But, had any money transact through it? Bitcoin wallet lookup. Let's see. Blockchain explorer.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Let's see. And his BTC address. Okay, this one that we saw in that email? Did have some money going into it I see so someone sent them 0.29 Okay, yeah, so converted to today's currency is 1200 dollars converted to today's currency is $1200 oh my god
Starting point is 00:14:07 and uh I'm gonna assume that yeah they're sending it out in a bunch of different transactions oh wait this one had a bunch of others uh wait what did they have more in there?
Starting point is 00:14:27 This address has transacted two times. Oh, no, no. I'm just misunderstanding how the blockchain works. So, yeah. They've had this much go in and this much go out. So, they didn't even get all the money they wanted because... Wait. How much is Bitcoin worth?
Starting point is 00:14:41 I'm pretty sure even if this was the peak of Bitcoin... Bitcoin chart. let's see. That still wouldn't have been the... Was it? Oh, no, no, it actually would have been. No, it would have been. Sorry, I thought it said 6,000, not 1650. Yeah, at the peak of Bitcoin,
Starting point is 00:15:00 that would have been roughly 1650, wouldn't it? That makes sense. So, yeah, at least one person has fallen for this scam, which is, that is sad to see. And as I mentioned, make sure that if a scam like this happens, or if you know someone who a scam like this happens to, keep an eye on it.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Keep an eye on that person. Make sure they know, if they're a family member or anything, make sure they know what's actually going on, and don't do something stupid. I kind of want to see where this money goes. Do they do something sensible here? Uh, yeah, let's see. Okay, yeah, they do. They
Starting point is 00:15:39 spew it out to a bunch of different addresses, so they probably, at least I think that's how that's going down. Um, my assumption is they probably chuck it through something like Tornado Cash to get the money out without, you know, being tracked and all that fun stuff. Uh, all that fun stuff that, you know, legal departments aim to do. At least in some capacity.
Starting point is 00:16:08 But holy shit, the state of the crypto market with... Or just the state of crypto in general and NFTs. It's not great. I don't want to... Do I want to get into NFTs straight away? Do I want to do that or do we hold it off for later? I might hold it off for later and then talk about at the end rather than just making the first half now of the show Nothing but crypto. Let's talk about something actually positive. So this is about the other Steam Deck. So I
Starting point is 00:16:37 know Valve has talked about how they want to make sure the Steam Deck is Some like to some extent repairable. They don't want to make it like, you know, a switch or something like that where it's a locked I don't know how repairable the switch is, but Nintendo certainly doesn't go out of their way to make it more repairable You might be able to get parts for it Maybe like a an iPhone is better example like Apple specifically goes out of their way to make it harder to repair but specifically goes out of their way to make it harder to repair. But Valve has basically said they want to help out. One of the things they did, which I didn't expect them to do,
Starting point is 00:17:14 is release the CAD files for the Steam Deck. So you can literally print a shell for a Steam Deck. That is really cool. And it's not just the, um, it's not just the shell they have available, they have some other design docs as well. It's all on their GitLab, which
Starting point is 00:17:35 is a weird place to store them, but, hey, it works. There's this PDF here as well that includes some, like, how the system is actually structured, like, what each of the components on the shell actually are. I would certainly love to see schematics for the internals. Sorry, I had to zoom in so I could see. I guess if I zoom in like this, yeah, there we go. I would love to see schematics of the internals, but like this is at least one thing
Starting point is 00:18:06 This makes it actually really easy for third-party companies to like Build custom shells like I think I talked about this the other week I might not have but dbrand like right now has a Skin for the steam deck and things like this are going to make it so. Obviously not, you know, making full-on custom shells. Like that's not a thing that most people are going to do. Because some components in the Steam Deck are not easy to get out. The battery being one.
Starting point is 00:18:38 I'll talk about that in just a moment. But this design document, the CAD models, But this design document, the CAD models, make it really easy to make accessories specifically with the Steam Deck in mind. Make like a dock that specifically holds the Steam Deck. Make custom grips or anything like that. All of that stuff, having these design drawings makes that incredibly easy to do. Plus, if, I don't know, if someone wanted to go and put it into a custom shell or anything like that, this makes it so something like that
Starting point is 00:19:10 actually would be viable in some way. You wouldn't have to, like, completely work from the ground up. It wouldn't be great, but it's something. So you can go and download these now. You can go and 3d print a steam deck shell if you want to and just i don't know show off a steam deck that has nothing inside of it if that's what you want to do um yeah i think it's cool apparently they done the same thing with um
Starting point is 00:19:36 the index controllers i want to say someone was telling me about this. Valve Index Controller CAD, I think we look up. Yeah, Valve released 3D models for the Index VR. Oh, for the headset, is it for the controllers as well? Yeah, okay, it's for the controllers as well. Yeah, so Valve isn't opposed to doing this on various of their projects. I think that's really, really cool. their projects i think that's really really cool the question is sort of how how the device is going to be supported after launch with uh hardware not hardware availability component availability is better way to put it so obviously you've got ltd that are teared down you had
Starting point is 00:20:21 gamers nexus i want to say did a teardown i could be mistaken on that one yeah it was gamers nexus cool and now i fix it has done a teardown and obviously being i fix it they've done a more in-depth teardown sort of going over sort of everything that's inside of it explaining how you tear down all of that fun stuff talking about the challenges that it does have to do talking about some of the really cool things it has like the way there's a image here about the way the touch pads work they work through there's a let's see there's some unusual springs that give the touch pad some physical clickability and the wires that power the touchpads atop each stick which can let the
Starting point is 00:21:06 let you activate gyro aiming games without taking your thumbs off the sticks that's pretty neat yeah that's actually really cool um but yeah there's a lot of like weird design decisions about the steam deck to fit it into a sort of system this size but the biggest problem with the steam deck and this is the problem that everyone tearing it down seems to be saying is the battery most other thing the battery in the screen those are the two things that are sort of not great so ifix says battery replacement definitely seems to be the steam decks achilles heel um from my understanding it's either adhesived or glued in basically it's really difficult to get off also the battery is located in a location where it effectively attaches to the screen you're not to the screen, but your only leverage on the battery is against the screen and that's not good. That's a really bad position,
Starting point is 00:22:13 really bad position to be in. I don't know how they could have handled the battery better. I'm not an engineer. I imagine you could have had some sort of pull tab system like you have, you know, with the command strips. And then, you know, cell replacements for those or something like that. That would only be a minor amount of extra space. But it is what it is. The other problem that seems to be there is with the screen itself. There's a mention of it here.
Starting point is 00:22:45 The screen has a bit of adhesive. That'll mean you need to be careful of heat and suction cups, and the battery looks even harder to dislodge. So yeah, the screen is also a problem. But I believe the thumbsticks... Do you mention the thumbsticks? It takes three screws to replace the thumbsticks.
Starting point is 00:23:06 And sure, the screen is something you'd want to be able to fix in the case of dropping the device and cracking the screen or more likely scratching the screen with something or something like that. But the thumbsticks are probably the thing, assuming regular usage and not damaging the device, that's probably going to go. That and is there mention of the buttons? There's no mention of the buttons, but I imagine they come in a grid array similar to the way
Starting point is 00:23:39 the, um, yeah, judging by the back here, they seem to be handled in a similar way to the thumbstick so it looks like it's three screws and a wire yeah three screws and a wire so not that much harder i don't know if that wire is sorted in i hope it's not um but if it is it's not um but if it is it's only a minor issue um but replacing the thumbsticks takes three screws which is really really cool to see i'm really happy with the state the steam deck's in i'm still look i'm i'm still in the camp that's saying that valve is planning to release a big list of games prior to the Steam Deck coming out. Because right now, the list has gone up. Now the list is at 500 titles.
Starting point is 00:24:30 This is 500 playable or verified. And that's, you know, really, really great. I actually appreciate that. But they've said thousands have been tested. And if we look at SteamDB right now, we're still going to see there's not thousands of games on the list SteamDB, let's see Steam Deck Ver- okay, so total their list is at roughly 750
Starting point is 00:25:00 Give or take- maybe 800, give or take a little bit. Rough bit roughly 800 This is still not thousands of tested games It's getting closer to a singular thousand, but thousands usually applies Implies multiple thousands so at least two of them and the Steam Deck is just right around the corner So I'm still of the mindset that when the Steam Deck drops corner so I'm still of the mindset that when the Steam Deck drops there's going to be a list of like a thousand games dropped and all of the media outlets gonna start talking about me like two thousand games work on the Steam Deck and it's gonna be really good for marketing and people are in the second batch you're gonna want to pre-order their Steam Deck all of that fun stuff
Starting point is 00:25:41 maybe for the Steam Deck pre-orders down the line, those are going to pick up as well. There's plenty of reasons why Valve would go about doing this. Is it possible? They're not without a doubt, but I think it's still very possible. The
Starting point is 00:25:59 top 10 list on Proton DB, it looks slightly better than it did before, I guess. But like, New World has just been replaced with Lost Ark and Lost Ark is at the top. So that's fun. It's really cool to see a game that's not a FPS that's at the top of this list, though.
Starting point is 00:26:20 It's been certainly a while. By a while, I mean, I don't think it's ever happened because usually Counter-Strike goes at the top. But right now, Lost Ark is. Lost Ark has been doing, like, really, really well recently. Like, I didn't know how it was going to do. I don't think anyone really knew how well Lost Ark was actually going to do. But, okay, if you don't know what Lost Ark is. Lost Ark is a Korean MMO.
Starting point is 00:26:48 That just received a. Korean free to play MMO to be specific. That just received it's western release. It's been around for a couple of years. So unlike something like New World for example. Lost Ark is a known entity. People knew what Lost Ark was going to be. People knew it had content and people were very excited for it. Lost Ark is, it's basically a ARPG like Diablo or Path of Exile, like that style of gameplay, that style of combat in the form of an
Starting point is 00:27:26 MMO. It's not strictly an ARPG, but it has the ARPG method of gameplay. And I'll check these Steam charts. I don't know what it's doing right now. I know unlike New World though, this game has been like doing really well. It is down right now, but granted, this is not a good time for the US player base. And this is, it's down within its reasonable numbers. So peak is, yeah, it seems to be hitting roughly the same peak every day. So, here we go, this is, we are on Wednesday right now. Oh, I thought it was going to come back down after the weekend. Uh, is that the, was that the global launch? Give me one second, when did the game go public? Um, because there was the, the, the founders pack that you could get,
Starting point is 00:28:21 because there was the founders pack that you could get and you could play the game a week early and there was the then full release public release what was the date okay that's why that is why cool
Starting point is 00:28:36 so basically this was the the founders release there was 500,000 people on every single day at peak that for a new game is quite big and quite impressive then we had a drop right here this was when the servers went out i think i think a lot of servers went out because they were doing some maintenance or something like that to get ready for the actual full release.
Starting point is 00:29:08 So there were still some servers online. It seems they had 40,000 players online, but these charts might just be slightly inaccurate. Or they might have done the updates and batches. Doesn't matter. Either way, then the full release happened, and it hit
Starting point is 00:29:23 980,000. The next day, it hits 1.3 million. Next day, 1.3 million. Next day, 1.1. Next day, 1.1. Granted, these peak days here, these were weekend days. So the 1.3s were weekends and then during the week we're sitting around 1.1 million people. That is fucking insane. Now I don't know whether the hype for Lost Ark is going to survive.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Right now this is probably, long term is what usually matters for an MMO but right now I think Lost Ark actually is the most played MMO in the world unless you count Roblox which some people do, I don't count Roblox as an MMO WoW potentially, you could argue
Starting point is 00:30:19 WoW isn't very open about it's numbers but Lost Ark is easily in the top 3 most played MMOs right now. And that's crazy. It is a free-to-play MMO, though. And being a free-to-play MMO, it does have certain mechanics that some people deem as pay-to-win. So being a Korean MMO,
Starting point is 00:30:46 I've played Korean MMOs before in the past, and they all have a very similar theme. There is a lot of grinding. Now, the benefit that Lost Ark has is Lost Ark has a lot of content. So it's grinding with a lot of content. It's not like you're grinding, you know, three dungeons, for example.
Starting point is 00:31:09 You've got a game that's been around for three years at this point, and you've got all of that, most of that content. I think the highest tier content isn't in the western version yet. So it's a matter of time to see how this game is going to play out in the long run. I think it's entirely possible that Lost Ark ends up being, like, one of the games we consider is, like, a big MMO. I think it's entirely possible that Lost Ark sticks around. I don't think it's... It's absolutely certain. But I do think that there is... Yeah, here we go. Here's a his Steam charts basically showing a SteamDB showing basically the same thing. I do think it's absolutely possible. Now the Twitch viewers, this is something that's going to die down over time
Starting point is 00:31:58 because you know that that always happens with the game like at launch it's always way bigger than any other time in its history. And then over time it goes down and all that fun stuff. But I don't know how quickly it's going to go down and I don't know I don't know
Starting point is 00:32:17 if it's going to stick around. I hope it does because I do kind of want to play it. There's been some people on the Lost Ark forums. Actually asking for Proton support. Now people were asking back in the New World case for Proton support. And that just never happened. Now in the case of New World.
Starting point is 00:32:36 I can forgive that one. Because New World released. And was not a good game. New World released. And Crunch didn't end. New World released and they kept fucking working because the game shouldn't have been released. Lost Ark though was a translation effort and that's basically it. It's not like they were building a game from the ground up. You had to localize this one, you had to make sure text and stuff was good.
Starting point is 00:33:06 You had to tweak some stuff for the Western release, but not like... You're not building systems from the ground up. The gameplay systems are already there. The dungeons are already there. All of that fun stuff, you're just localizing it for a Western audience. So I think it's much more likely
Starting point is 00:33:22 that Lost Ark in a timely manner could see Proton support being enabled. And there's been, so far, 341 people in this thread basically being like, Yo, can you do this? I would love to play this game. I would love to play this game. Make it happen. Make it happen. Make it happen. And yeah, I fully agree. I would love to play this game. I don't know if it's going to be a game that sticks around, but I at least want to give it a shot and, uh, and see what happens. They have been, they have been, um, making updates to the game and apparently they've made updates to the anti-cheat as well and it's not
Starting point is 00:34:06 It's not Updated the game the way people wanted. Well, I've been checking SteamDB like a dope dope thing And saw there was a file change in easy anti-cheat folder and got excited for a second, but it's not the file we need There was probably some issue There's probably some issue they had with the way the EAC was working on the Windows version. All that fun stuff. That's probably why they changed it. But yeah, I think if you care at all about playing Lost Ark, then put your support in for this.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Show them that, yeah, you want to play this game. And there is an audience, even if it is a small audience, over on the Linux side. Because, sure, that no one's asking them to make a... Linux version. Like, that would be obviously something a little bit different. That would be a massive, a massive bit of work to do. But just not stopping people playing the game would be enough to make a lot of people who are really excited to play it, go and actually play it. Me being one of them. As much as I love XIV and I have no plan to stop playing XIV, Lost Ark seems like another good game that's worth my time.
Starting point is 00:35:21 But speaking of XIV, I've been doing something I didn't expect to be doing. So I said I was going to go and play through the rest of ARR, A Realm Reborn, and then probably into Heaven's Ward playing as a summoner. Now, I kind of didn't do that. So right now I think I'm up to, I want to say 2.2. FFXIV MSQ. I just defeated Leviathan. Yeah, so I'm at the end of 2.2. I don't want to give any spoilers about anything else happening, but yeah, that's where we're at.
Starting point is 00:36:10 So I started playing Healer just because i was leveling it as like a side thing when i was playing with one of my mates and then i just kept leveling healer and now i have a white mage level 50 and white mage white mage is an interesting job i can totally see why people say it has an MP issue. Even at 50, it fucking has an MP issue. As a summoner, I never have to worry about MP. As a summoner, the MP gauge might as well not exist because it doesn't run out. White Mage, on the other hand, there are times where if you're not popping your... What's it called?
Starting point is 00:36:50 Not Calm Mind, is it? FF14 White Mage. What is the ability that regens your MP at a quicker rate? Give me one second. It is... Where is it? Lucid Dreaming. Why did I say Calm Mind?
Starting point is 00:37:13 Calm Mind is a Pokemon move. Lucid Dreaming to regen your MP. Make sure you pop your Lucid Dreaming when you get Lucid Dreaming because otherwise you will fucking run out of MP and it's not good. Um, yeah, even at 50 this is a problem and I don't have some of the like, some of the like the big spells that do cost uh a bit more that you get later like um actually I have Medica
Starting point is 00:37:39 2. Uh, I guess I do have them. Actually I I thought there were other spells that would cost more. No, okay. Yes, I'm mistaken. Either way. Either way, I still find my MP occasionally dropping down into like the 4000-5000 range which is enough. It's plenty. But when you have when you have a a tank that's pulling fairly quickly the numbers don't they're not happy the numbers are not very happy um maybe the other healers are a little bit nicer in that regard but white mage okay so the fun thing about White Mage is, if you do not want to think, White Mage is a fucking great healer.
Starting point is 00:38:29 What I mean by this is, you can just chuck a fucking regen on your tank, and then you just spam your, whatever your damage spell is, depending on your level. whatever your damage spell is, depending on your level. Right now, I have Stone 2. Later on, that becomes Glare. Later on, that becomes... Yeah, Glare is the latest. No, Glare 3 is the highest one. Anyway, at some point, you start spamming Glare. But yeah, you just really don't have to heal.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Obviously, below the regen level, which is 35, you do have to heal a little bit. But, like, if you have a tank that's doing their job properly, uh, generally healing's not super important. Especially now that a lot of the tanks just fucking heal themselves. Like, uh, except Dark Knight. So, uh, luckily I haven't had to deal with a Dark Knight yet in any remotely high level content. But a warrior, I see why no one fucking heals tanks. Because if you think everybody is a warrior, then you don't even have to heal them because they just heal themselves. But the other thing about White Mage at least, the other healers are a little bit different, but White Mage at least the other healers are a little bit different but White Mage, there are
Starting point is 00:39:45 three buttons that matter when you're not healing. You have your damage button, you have your AoE damage button and you have your damage over time damage button and that is all. Combos are not real. There is some stuff like your
Starting point is 00:40:01 blood lily and all that fun stuff but glare is literally more powerful than using your Blood Lily. So unless you're using the Blood Lily to, I guess, to maintain your MP, that's pretty much the only reason why you would use it. Yeah. Pretty much it, actually. But White Mage is fun. It's fun because I get to turn
Starting point is 00:40:31 my brain off. I just have to look at the HP gauges and just keep you guys alive, roughly. There was one... Actually, I've got a really funny story about playing Healer. So I was queued up as a healer. I had a...
Starting point is 00:40:48 What is the base class to a... To a scholar? What is the base class called? Arcanist? FF14 Arcanist. Yeah, that one, Arcanist? FF14 Arcanist. Yeah, that one. Arcanist. So as an Arcanist, you are a DPS
Starting point is 00:41:11 because Arcanist is effectively still a Summoner. So obviously Arcanist splits off into Summoner and also Scholar, but it's literally got the Summoner abilities and not a single scholar ability. It's a really weird job. I don't know why it's structured like that, but it is what it is. So yeah, I had this Arcanist with me and Arcanist is a DPS because Arcanist is a summoner. Now because it's a summoner
Starting point is 00:41:45 it has one heal. It has a heal and it has a res. Now I was going through the dungeon playing my White Mage and I noticed that the tank wasn't losing health at all. And then I spot and I hear the little
Starting point is 00:42:01 like little cure chime. And I realize that my Arcanist thinks that it's the healer. It's just using its heal rather than worrying about DPS. And I don't know why. This was a four-man dungeon. This wasn't like, you know, an eight-man and maybe heals were lacking or anything like that it was a four man dungeon and he just sat there healing the tank like mate that's literally my job what are you doing so instead of instead of healing I was just you know what I'm just gonna be a DPS now I'm
Starting point is 00:42:42 just gonna spam stone too and use my Use my my my damage spells and just not worry about it basically I do want to try out other healers My my my idea right now because some queues are not great I'm gonna play the regular content as a summoner because I like summoner and summoner is fun and I will try to play the dungeons as a summoner but I don't like queues and nobody plays a healer so when you play a healer it's very easy queue, even in things that are not very high population.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Like, going through Leviathan, Hall Leader, I waited like 20 minutes as a DPS, I queue up as a healer, 5 minutes later, the queue pops. It's like, okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:43:41 I see how it is, but that's the plan. I do eventually want to play Sage when I get up to Endwalker, and I will play Reaper, I'm gonna play every job, so, like, no worry about that, but, yeah, right now, um, I, I'm just using my, my healer as, like, an extra thing, I kind of want, I don't know if I'm gonna get to Heaven's Ward, uh, this weekend, I kind of want, I don't know if I'm going to get to Heaven's Ward this weekend, I kind of want to though because there's not a
Starting point is 00:44:11 ton left in A Realm Reborn so obviously we have patch 2.3 Defenders of Eorzea we have 2.4 Dreams of Ice 2.5 Before the Fall 2.5 Before the Fall, 2.55 Before the Fall Part 2, and then we have Heaven's Ward starting. So, you know, there's four expansions, oh, four expansions, four patches worth of content, and it's only like, let's just say 30 MSQ quests or something like that
Starting point is 00:44:47 and not all of them are going to be long quests so I'm not gonna rush it I'm not gonna try to rush to get to Heaven's Ward like as quickly as possible but hey I will be very happy to uh to get to Heaven's Ward when it does happen. Because I keep hearing that Heaven's Ward is, if not the best, very close to the best expansion. Some people say Shadowbringers. Some people say Heaven's Ward. I don't know who's correct, but one of them probably is.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Or maybe it's Stormblood or Endwalker. I don't know. one of them probably is. Or maybe it's Stormblood or Endwalker. I don't know. I did notice that the the Sage Job quest is actually in Limsa Lominsa and the funny thing is I technically am very close to playing a Sage. I could actually go and play a Sage through Heaven's Ward if I wanted to.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Because my Paladin is at level 65. So if I got my Paladin to 70, I could actually go back. I would obviously have to level sync in many cases, but I could go back and play as both Reaper and
Starting point is 00:46:03 Sage through Heaven's Ward, which I think honestly would be really, really cool, and I'm slightly tempted to do it. Maybe not Heaven's Ward, because I kind of want to play, like, I don't know, Gunbreaker or Dancer or something like that. Actually, what were the jobs for Heaven's Ward? I don't remember. Uh, it wasn't a Red Mage. I'm not gonna play a fucking Red Mage. I don't like Red Mage. I'm not going to play a fucking Red Mage. I don't like Red Mage. Heavens Ward. I haven't talked about why I don't like Red Mage.
Starting point is 00:46:30 We'll talk about Red Mage in just a moment. Heavens Ward Jobs. I think it was Gunbreaker Red Mage. Gunbreaker might be later. No, I'm completely wrong. I'm completely wrong. It's Dark Knight Machinist Astrologian. Wait, Red Mage was Stormblood. wait, Red Mage was Stormblood, sorry
Starting point is 00:46:45 Red Mage was Stormblood yes, Stormblood Jobs yeah, no, yes it was, okay and then Shadowbringers wait, no this is a
Starting point is 00:47:03 wait, am I reading that wrong? Okay, here we go. Better list. So, Heaven's Ward, Dark Knight, Machinist, Astrologian, Stormblood, Samurai, Red Mage. Okay, yeah, it makes sense. Shadowbringers, Gunbreaker, Dancer, and then Endwalker, Reaper, Sage. Right. Oh, no, that's why I got confused.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Okay, okay, okay. That makes sense. So, the reason I got confused is because Red Mage starts at 50. So, after Shadowbringers, it starts 10 levels under the expansion. 10 levels? Yeah, 10 levels under the starting level of the expansion. So, I guess that still technically is the case in Stormblood. Because Stormblood would be...
Starting point is 00:47:48 Stormblood would end at 70. Yeah, Stormblood would end at 70. So, 10 levels under the start of the expansion would put Samurai at 50. And there's no point starting you at level 40, so Heavensward also starts you at 50 as well.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Right. Makes sense. And I'm very happy that after Heaven's Ward, all of the jobs start in cities that everybody can get to. So if you do happen to level up to 70 in A Realm Reborn, because XPN Oceania is fucking broken right now, it's pretty easy to go and join it. So Reaper is in Uldar, and then Sage is in Limsa. I think, what jobs have I not unlocked yet?
Starting point is 00:48:34 Obviously, I've not unlocked any of the Heavensward jobs. I think I've unlocked all of the... No, on my main character, I haven't unlocked Marauder yet or Rogue. Yeah, neither of those I've unlocked. I did unlock Blue Mage. I haven't played much of Blue Mage, but I'll get around to Blue Mage at some point. Samurai I've unlocked. Red Mage I've unlocked.
Starting point is 00:49:02 I should go and unlock Gunbreaker, Gunbreaker and Dancer. Gunbreaker seems like a fun tank and Dancer seems like a fun physical range DPS. I enjoyed playing as a as a as a Bard so I'm probably gonna end up enjoying any of the physical range DPS like the Machinist and the Dancer. Yeah, all the jobs are fun for the most part. Right, except Red Maiden Samurai. Okay, so I get that some people like main Red Maiden Samurai and that's cool, do whatever you want. That's less Red Maiden Samurai that I need to play. So my problem with Samurai is... There's not really... Maybe it changes...
Starting point is 00:49:47 Like, here's the thing. I keep hearing that Red Maiden and Samurai get better when you get closer to the higher levels. But at 50, Red Ma... We'll start with Samurai. At 50, Samurai feels really boring. It's like, do your rotation and that's it. It doesn't really have many off GCDs. Like, it has a couple of them, but a lot of them, you just pop when they appear, and some of them, they just make your GCD easy to pull off. So you go through your rotation as a samurai. You build up your... Whatever the hell they're called.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Your, your, your... Not ki. No, that's a monk. What are they called? Your... What the hell are they called? This is bad content. FF 14 cut
Starting point is 00:50:51 What what the fuck's the the gauge called? I don't remember the gauges code Summer here we go samurai. This is how little I play samurai as well I played it little 15 like this and I stopped playing it The fuck is it called? Gauge. If we just look up gauge. Job mechanics. The sen gauge. There we go. So you build these, you build up these three, these three
Starting point is 00:51:19 thingies, these three, uh, these three symbols, these three sen, whatever the hell they're called, Setsu, Getsu, and Ka, uh, and then Fuku and all those other things like different buffs and stuff, uh, and then you can use different forms of basically your, your finisher attack. Um, and that attack is, uh, where is the attack? Yeah, Hisatsu Kaiten Hisatsu Gyoten and Hisatsu... No, that's the higher level
Starting point is 00:51:52 shit. What is it called? It's the lower level one. Where is it? I don't know. Something in here. Doesn't really matter. Basically, you fill up this gauge, or you fill up the gauge to the point you want, and then you unleash a special attack. But the problem is... here we go... Is this it? No. Where's... Is this it? Wait. Higanbana... Ah! It was part of Iai Jutsu. Of course it is.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Yes, that makes more sense Brody. What are you talking about? It is part of Iai Jutsu. So you use that and you have different forms of the attack. One of them's like an AoE. I think it's a cone AoE. One of them's like a big single target. One of them something else. And they have different like speeds they take to activate and all that fun stuff. But basically the idea with Samurai is you go, you basically just use this combo. go... you basically just use this combo so 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 finisher 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 finisher and that's all you do that is all you do as a that is all you do as a samurai and sure there's probably like things you get later on a lot of fun stuff but like the the this true north I think is actually useless at 50, like, I don't
Starting point is 00:53:07 actually think it does anything, I'm pretty sure there's no directionals as a, uh, as a samurai at 50, there might be, uh, but I don't think there is, um, uh, yeah, here we go, and the other things here, like, oh, your second wind, you can heal yourself. That's great. Leg sweep. Okay, cool. You can stun someone. But, like, I don't know. I like jobs where your off GCDs aren't just make yourself do extra damage. I like off GCDs where they have some sort of, like, hey, maybe it is a new attack,
Starting point is 00:53:45 or maybe it's like it helps your party and things like that. And I'm not saying that I don't like selfish DPS. I like Black Mage. Black Mage is really fun. But Black Mage also, I feel like, has a more exciting rotation because you've got your Thunder you have to worry about, so you have to make sure you keep up that timer uh sometimes when you use Thunder you get a like a bonus version of Thunder which does all of the damage of Thunder at once and then reapplies Thunder when you're
Starting point is 00:54:15 going through your regular fire combo of at 50 it would be um fire three fire fire fire fire until you run out of MP then blizzard, maybe you need to do another Blizzard because the game didn't update quick enough. Then Fire 3, fire, fire, fire, fire, throw Thunders in there and you're good to go. Then you have your Swift Cast and other fun stuff like that. I feel like at 50, as a selfish DPS, I'd much rather just play a Black Mage. Now, as for Red Mage,
Starting point is 00:54:46 so Red Mage, the idea with that one is you are balancing two gauges. You've got your white gauge and your black gauge. White gauge and black gauge? I want to say it's white gauge and black gauge. Or is it red gauge? Wait. Gauge.
Starting point is 00:55:02 I forget. It's called the balance gauge. White gauge and blue gauge, whatever, um, oh, it is called black mana, the, the thing is just blue, whatever, so it's white mana and black mana, I was right, so basically the idea is you want to keep these balanced, because if your white mana gets too high, or your black mana gets too high, your damage is going to do less for the thing that is relevant to that mana. So the way you balance your gauge is you have different kinds of attacks. So where is the... Oh, oh, I forgot I had that enabled. This is probably a bad way to look at this. Let's look it over on this website.
Starting point is 00:55:45 Red mage, there we go. this is probably a bad way to look at this. Let's look it over on this website. Red Mage, there we go. This is a Lala picture. I love that. That's great. So, basically, you've got your white minory abilities. Those are things like your arrow abilities. Actually, I think it's mainly arrow stuff. Yeah, it's mainly arrow stuff.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Uh, oh, stone as well. So arrow and stone, like you would have on a white mage, they're just named differently. Then, for your black mana stuff, you've got your fires, you've got thunder, and things like that. So that will raise up your black gauge, the other one will raise up your white gauge. Then you've got your jolts, those will do both,
Starting point is 00:56:28 and, or jolt and scatter and all that fun stuff. Jolt is the single target, scatter is the multi-target. And the idea is then, once you've used, or once you've built up your gauge enough, then you want to unleash a melee combo. And then you have your ripost your Whatever the hell that says and you can use these while they are not Boosted up by your mana But if you do that then they'll do less damage so the idea is you want to build up the gauge as quickly as possible keeping the gauge balanced and then Swap back over to the the melee attack and then unleash that. I feel like it probably could be more fun at a higher level, but right now, I don't know, maybe it's just because there's like...
Starting point is 00:57:14 Maybe my brain's not handling the balancing of two gauges. I'm perfectly fine like worrying about tons of shit going on, but for whatever reason balancing two gauges just seems... It just like... about tons of shit going on, but for whatever reason, balancing two gauges just seems, it just, like, it feels off to me, something about it, I don't know, um, but I'm sure it's, it's a fun job at a higher level, like, people say Samurai's great at a high level as well, and I'm sure it is, and when I get up to Endwalker, maybe I will replay them and see what it's like, or maybe when I get up to, like, Shadowbringers or something, I will give them another shot and actually see what it's like at a higher level.
Starting point is 00:57:51 I have no harm in doing that. I'm eventually going to level every job to 90 anyway, or 100, or whatever the current level is when I get up to that point, or whatever expansion is out. But, it is what it is. So I will enjoy it as we go and play different jobs as we go as well.
Starting point is 00:58:11 I want to talk about something else regarding Final Fantasy. So this is happening, or this was happening, this is happening, it's happening in some form on the Oceanic servers. So about a week ago, I saw this really weird thing in the Duty Party Finder. Party Finder, sorry. The Party Finder, which is a thing you use to find parties. Duty Finder does it automatically for you. And what this person was doing was selling pizza. Now, I was very confused.
Starting point is 00:58:45 And I saw someone over in the Materia Discord mentioning the same thing. Like, where would I advertise selling pizza? And people were like, wait, is this like RMT? Are you actually like selling pizza to people? Like, no. No, I'm just selling pizza in the game. So there is a pizza item in game. And yeah, you can do whatever you want with it. It's food.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Food is good. Food gives you bonus XP. All that fun stuff. But this person was doing it for RP stuff. So, they had a thing there where they would deliver pizza to you for 10,000 gil, and you would be delivered the pizza by this cat girl. Um,
Starting point is 00:59:21 and I was honestly not expecting a PC gamer to write an article about this but hey now the world gets to see some of the weird shit that's going on on Materia this is a like this is a fucking strange
Starting point is 00:59:39 data center because everyone is like, you know what? Game, Game Masters don't exist. Moderators don't exist. We're just gonna do whatever the fuck we want. Because that's how it, that's honestly how it feels right now. It honestly feels like there are no GMs and they're just letting Materia play out however they want. And there's also a website for Pizza Time as well. So, Catharsis Cutterhero. Some dumb Mikote had
Starting point is 01:00:17 the dumb idea back in 5.4 to make a pizza delivery service in Eorzea. Well, pizza wasn't in Eorzea at the time, so she went to stop playing until 6.05, where she leveled culinary and learned the existence of pizza. Now an expert-ish delivery person and
Starting point is 01:00:34 chief? Chef? That's not his... Am I dumb? There's no iron chef, is there? There's no iron chef. There's no chef. Iron chef, is there? Wait. No, there's no iron chef. There's no chef. Iron chef is there. Wait. No, there's no iron chef. No, you
Starting point is 01:00:50 just, you just can't spell. Um. Now an expert delivery person and chef, she travels the whole flat world. The whole flat world delivering pizzas to those who request it. Even if someone decides to order it from the top of Kugane Tower.
Starting point is 01:01:08 Good luck getting up there. Life is like a pizza. It can be a shitty microwavable pizza that makes you sad or a quality oven-cooked pizza made by someone with a moustache. I love this. That's honestly great. And the only reason PC Gamer actually found out about this. Is because someone.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Posted about this on. Twitter. Also this was happening on Sephiroth. Which is my server. And it's cool to see. It's really cool to see stupid shit happening on Sephiroth. And not all the stupid shit being relegated to Sophia. Which is. Basically designated as the. stupid shit happening on Sephiroth and not all the stupid shit being relegated to Sophia, which is
Starting point is 01:01:45 basically designated as the um, as the RP server. Uh, where is the Twitter thread? Here we go. I got real bored on FFXIV, so I ordered the pizza off Party Finder. It even came with a kid's toy.
Starting point is 01:02:02 I'm so fucking stoned. So, here's the website again. Yo, can I get a one kid's meal combo? Sure, give me a sec. Where should I deliver it? And then they were in Old Shalian. They showed up. Wait, there is text here.
Starting point is 01:02:22 I want to read it. It's pizza time. You wave to catharsis kind of hero saffron so sure okay you have a trade here thank you so much and then what they received is uh this is a um i forgot what the minions called it's uh it's one of the various forms of chocobo minions, then you get a pizza a drink of some sort, I'm not sure what the drink is and then
Starting point is 01:02:50 flatbread, which is your fill-in for garlic bread and apparently other servers are doing the same thing now, so over on Crystal someone is doing the exact same thing. Which is great.
Starting point is 01:03:08 And I really love it. Oh my god. Why? Why is this a thing? Just like, why is this a thing? Why is FFXIV such a fucking weird game? And this one you can get
Starting point is 01:03:22 delivered to you with a Lala. We have the goods. What is your menu? So, Praetorian Pizza That is such a low resolution dish. 6,000 gil. Toppings are 100 each.
Starting point is 01:03:38 Bacon, extra cheese, sausage, pepper, onion, pepperoni, pineapple, ham, anchovies, mac and cheese, chicken... Donut? I'm not sure what this is supposed to be. Mushrooms and olives. The Big Girl Burger.
Starting point is 01:03:55 A dubby... Dubby. A double patty burger with mayonnaise, a fried egg, and cheddar cheese. Side salad. Uh, we found some lettuce that tastes like ranch dressing. Wait, we... We found some lettuce and sa- Oh, sorry, I can't read.
Starting point is 01:04:12 We found some lettuce and something that tastes like ranch dressing. I read that as some lettuce that tastes like ranch dressing. Uh, we don't really do salads. Fair enough. Yeah, lettuce, that's a solid salad. Uh, sodas and drinks. Uh, 1000 gil. Uh, Arkon Cola, iced tea,
Starting point is 01:04:30 apple juice, Mayosa's Pirogo Punch. I'm not sure what this is, but I'm guessing it's gonna kill you. Uh, and then a kid's meal for 9000 gil. A slice of cheese pizza, apple juice, fruit slices, and a toy.
Starting point is 01:04:46 You can't have a kids meal without a toy. Wait, did the other one have a menu and I just didn't see it? I want to check now. Was there a menu? Yes, there was a menu here. Okay. Wait, was there? No, let's meet the team. Wait, I can't read. Uh,
Starting point is 01:05:02 menu. There we go. Menu. What's on the menu? Standard pizza, 10,000 gil A simple yet elegant dish With dough made from upland flour Before being thrown several times in the air Topped off with tomatoes Imported from the first Mozzarella cheese and salt crystals
Starting point is 01:05:19 From Alamigo I never actually know how to say that Um The crust is crispy from being thrown in a wood fire oven with the wood being that of El Malumba. Wow, this is seriously going hard down the RP route,
Starting point is 01:05:34 isn't it? Garlic bread. 5,000 gil. Useful side dish if you ever get caught fighting vampires. Fair enough. Let's get this bread. Yeah, man. Let's get this bread. Oh, man, let's get this bread. Oh, I guess the drink was probably bubble tea then. Bubble tea.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Bubble tea milk from Ishgard, which you spelt wrong. There was no U in Ishgard. With tapioca pearls in it. Well, generally, that's something that's going to exist inside of bubble tea. But yes, sure. Not recommended if you are lactose intolerant. Fair. Kids meal combo, are lactose intolerant. Fair. Kids meal combo, 20,000 gil.
Starting point is 01:06:10 You get a pizza, bubble tea, garlic bread, and a mystery toy. Whoa. Wait, does that mean they have other minions they'll give you? Okay, you know what? That's cute. They're probably cheap minions, but hey. Minions are minions.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Perfect to buy for patronizing Lala Fells. Just don't sue us for increasing childhood obesity. Oh my god. Man, FF14 RPers. FF14 RPers are genuinely great. Speaking of RPs though. I was going to hold this off for next week. But I want to talk about.
Starting point is 01:06:50 A really weird. Really weird situation. That happened on Valentine's Day. So. I mentioned the. Grahatia cult. Grahatia is a. Character you meet in Realm Reborn.
Starting point is 01:07:06 I recently ran across him. He's at the start of the, the Crystal Tower, uh, uh, story. He's a cat boy, and obviously being a cat boy, uh, some people really like Grahatia. Some people like Grahatia so much
Starting point is 01:07:22 that they make a cult, uh, revolving around Grahatia so much that they make a cult revolving around Grahatia And for some reason that cult exists on Sephiroth Let's see Graha Tia FC what I don't remember the name is is it just called Graha? what was it called exactly?
Starting point is 01:07:50 give me one second it was called Graha FF14 Graha FC can you just show me the thing that I searched for? Here we go. Where is it?
Starting point is 01:08:09 Search here. Free company name, Graha. Okay, there we go. That's what I wanted. Just do that at the start. Thank you. Here we go. Graha.
Starting point is 01:08:23 It has 411 members. Yeah, I've mentioned the cult before. Honestly, it's literally half my server. Half the server I play on are these cultists. So, yeah. that's great. I love it. Um, anyway, they were holding a, an event, we'll call it, an event on Valentine's Day, because you know what? If you're going to be a, a lonely person who plays video games on Valentine's Day, you might as well at least be, uh, be doing something fun with your time, so I know I sent this in the, So, here we go.
Starting point is 01:09:28 This is in Limsa Lominsa. So, there was a big group of people. Most of these people here were members of the Graha cult, but other people were various other people around the world just doing whatever fun things they want to do. They were holding a slave auction. Now that might sound like that's not a thing that they were doing. They were holding a slave auction. I am being 100% serious right now. When I say the Graha cultists were holding a slave auction, I mean they were holding a slave auction. Basically, you could buy the time of one of the people that were selling and they would hang out with you for a day.
Starting point is 01:10:15 They would do whatever you want with them for a day. The general idea was, you know, you're going to buy them for a date. But, look, if you're going to sell people, let's just accept what it is. Most of those people don't care about a date, but look, if you're gonna sell people, let's just accept what it is. Most of those people don't care about a date. There's gonna be a lot of people there being like, you know what? How about you mine for me for
Starting point is 01:10:34 a day? How about you do some wood cutting? I want some material, thanks. That would be lovely. And the funny thing is, this is how ridiculous RPp is are in this game how much some of these people were selling for so there's someone who runs around sephiroth called mummy heidlin if you've not played ff14 heidlin is basically a very important character uh literally from the start of the game. So there is a character running
Starting point is 01:11:08 around called Mummy Hydaelyn. They were selling themselves and I think they ended up selling for 900,000 gil which is a lot of money. For reference my character that I've been playing for like a couple of months at this point, I have, I'm not being like hardcore grinding for money. I have 3 million Gil on my, on my account, which,
Starting point is 01:11:35 you know, is still not much relative to some people. Uh, 3 million Gil is roughly what it takes to buy like a bare minimum house so like I'm in I'm in broke bitch territory but like enough where I could buy a house if I'm happy to be broke afterwards so yeah
Starting point is 01:11:54 they were selling people on Valentine's Day and they were doing this for like fucking 8 hours I show up first thing in the morning they're there people are using the yell uh, the yell chat. I'm like, what the fuck's going on? I see this group of people up on
Starting point is 01:12:10 the top of Aft Castle. Go and check it out. This is going on. I go, you know, do my other things. I'm running around, like, doing MSQ, running dungeons, all that fun stuff. Occasionally, I come back to Limsa to drop in some items at my grand company. And they're still there. They are there when I quit playing the game at night.
Starting point is 01:12:28 I'm like, what the fuck, you people? It was the same people running it. Like, they had a set of managers handling the event, and it's the same people. Like, I don't understand. I don't understand how RPers are so dedicated to not playing the game, but just playing the game in their own, like, weird RPer way. And you know what? That's cool.
Starting point is 01:12:56 If that's a thing you want to do with your time, I'm not going to tell you not to do that. I'm just going to use it as content for my podcast. That's basically how it's going to be. I'm just going to use it as content for my podcast. That's basically how it's going to be. And the last 14 topic we have, before we move on to something else, is there is going to be a new deep dungeon coming to 14, which is great because I haven't finished any of the existing deep dungeons.
Starting point is 01:13:22 My quest of going through palace of the dead solo for one of the rarest achievements in the game is right now on hold just because i want to like go do heaven's ward and all that fun stuff um but there is going to be a another deep dungeon so So now I have. Right now I still have. Palace of the dead. And heaven on high. I don't think there's a third one. FFXIV. Deep dungeon.
Starting point is 01:13:56 Let's see. No not. Specifically palace of the dead. Okay yeah there's two of them. There is palace of the dead. And heaven yeah, there's two of them. There is Palace of the Dead and Heaven on High. And there might be a third one coming soon.
Starting point is 01:14:11 And that will be really, really, really cool. I don't know what achievement you get for solo Heaven on High. You probably get one, but the title's probably not as cool. FFXIV Heaven on High Solo. What is the title here?
Starting point is 01:14:36 It's probably nowhere near as cool, because no one talks about Heaven on High. No, I don't care how to do it. Uh, no one talks about Heaven on High. Uh, do-do-do-do-do. No, I don't care how to do it. Uh, is it just, what? Oh, is it just Lone Hero? Oh, Lone Hero is nowhere near as cool. Yeah, definitely not.
Starting point is 01:15:00 And that's only for the first hundred floors. Is there not, how many floors does Heaven on high have it the only a hundred? Heaven on high Let's see where where is it it looks like heaven on high actually is just a hundred floors Heaven on high here we go Okay, can you like tell me can you just give me the number, please please, thank you
Starting point is 01:15:32 um I'm not seeing how many floors okay, it is only 100 floors. There we go. It's only 100 floors, and that's probably why it's a lot less talked about. Because I'm sure getting to floor 100 is considerably easier. Because getting to floor 100 in Palace of the Dead isn't really that difficult. Like, sure, there's a challenge there. like it's not it's not floor 200. Floor 200 is much worse. But I will work on the rest of my uh, the rest of my Palace of the Dead quest. Suffering? Suffering. Some other
Starting point is 01:16:24 time. But moving on from 14, I want to talk a little bit about another gaming topic. Another gaming topic being Elden Ring, a game that I want to play, because I am a big fan of FromSoftware. There is a lot of FromSoftware games I still need to play, like Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro and all of that fun stuff and I'll get to it at some point but Elden Ring is another game that I certainly want to play and I just saw prior to the recording of this um that the Elden Ring uh like system requirements were released and they are they are they are certainly system requirements. So, Elden Ring system requirements are here and they're beefy.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Beefy is a good way to put it. So, the minimum requirements, okay? Usually when you see minimum requirements, it'll be something like, you know, you need like a fucking... RTX or GTX fucking 950 or something like that, like, a card that most people are probably gonna meet, I feel bad for anyone who still has 800 series or anything, was it 800 series? Wait, did we go from 7 to 900? Anyway, I feel bad for anyone with a GPU worse than a 950, but at this stage, if you're using something older than that, I don't think a lot of those cards actually get GPU driver updates. This game though, this game though is a little bit different. So,
Starting point is 01:17:59 operating system, Windows 10, fair enough. It makes sense why you wouldn't be sporting Windows 7 or Windows 8 anymore because those operating systems are deprecated next Processor i5 8400 Ryzen 3 3300x so Let's see. When did those come out the i5? 8400 Let's see, when did those come out? The i5-8400, that is a... Came out in the...
Starting point is 01:18:32 2018. That is a 2018 CPU. And Ryzen 3300X... Not 300X, 3300x is a... No, not a fucking... No, not a video from this year. Review. When do reviews come out? No, that
Starting point is 01:18:53 is... Is it 2020? Wait, when did the... 2020 sounds way too recent. 3000 series. 2019. Maybe that specific one did come out in 2020. 3000 series. 2019. Maybe that specific one did come out in 2020. Either way.
Starting point is 01:19:10 A fairly modern CPU. Actually a fairly modern CPU. And a fairly good CPU. Obviously not the highest end thing that is available, but enough where that's not going to be met by a lot of people.
Starting point is 01:19:27 Next, the memory. 12 gigs of RAM. Not like how, you know, 8 gigs is enough for most systems still. Nope. 12 gig minimum. Now, I don't think this minimum is going to be the game will not boot without this, but I think their minimum is going to be like a minimum playable. Graphics.
Starting point is 01:19:54 Here's where it gets even more ridiculous. A GTX 1060 or an RX 580 for the minimum specs. That is fucking crazy. I don't know of a single game besides Elden Ring that lists something that recent as a minimum. Because the 1060 is still like a really good card. It's still. It's not as popular as it used to be.
Starting point is 01:20:28 But I think it's still. Very high up. In the. The popular cards on Steam. On like the Steam. Hardware survey. At one point it was the most popular card. Like in the world.
Starting point is 01:20:44 Or the RX 580. Which is. is slightly better than the card I have. That is a tier above my card. We'll look at benchmarks what a 580 and a 1060 can actually do in just a moment, compared to modern cards. DX12 makes sense. You're not playing this in DX11 apparently. Which is... Yep. People told me when I did a video on some Windows build a while back that Oh, games still work on DX11 though. This is not a problem. You can use DX11.
Starting point is 01:21:20 Yeah, we're going to hit a point where DX12 is going to be the minimum. Like how you don't see DirectX 9 games still being made. You're going to see DirectX 12 being the minimum. And then a Windows compatible audio device, obviously. Because it's a Windows game. Now, the recommended 10 or 11, obviously. I don't know why they have 10 or 11 there. They could have just put 10 there,
Starting point is 01:21:47 and that would be the same thing as saying 10 or 11. An 8700K or a 3600X? This is the CPU that I have. This is the CPU that I have. My system is just under the baseline of what Elden Ring requires. It's got a better CPU, but yeah, it's basically just under the baseline. 16 gigs of RAM, a GTX 1070, or an RX Vega 56. And then the rest of it is the
Starting point is 01:22:29 exact same. That is so fucking crazy. Let's see the comments, actually. Let's see what people have to say about this. If the comments will load. If the comments will load. There we go. Uh-oh, the recommended specs is my processor. You know
Starting point is 01:22:48 when your hardware starts showing up in game requirements, it's time to open up the wallet again. Not even! This is just the Elden Ring has just an insanely ambitious game. These look like last-gen specs to me. I mean seriously, my 8-year-old PC will run it. No, it literally won't. No, your 8-year-old PC literally will not run it because your 8-year-old PC is far under the specs. And probably look very smooth, decent setting. Although a 1080 non-RTX would just fine.
Starting point is 01:23:23 A 1080 is not an 8-year-old card. What are you talking about A 1080 is not an 8-year-old card. What are you talking about? If you have an 8-year-old card, then you don't... If you have a 1080, you don't have an 8-year-old system. What are you talking about? A nearly 6-year-old GPU and CPU
Starting point is 01:23:36 for recommended specs isn't beefy. Is it really that old? Wait. GTX 1060. And what do you mean it's not beefy? That's absolutely beefy. Without a doubt. That is...
Starting point is 01:23:52 When did the reviews come out? Review. No, it's not a 2019 card. Shut up. GTX 1060 release date. When did it come out? Release date. 2016.
Starting point is 01:24:08 So yeah, it's a six-year-old card. Wow. Um, but no, that is relative to what most games consider a, like a minimum and a recommended. Like a minimum as a six-year-old card is kind of crazy. Um, I do love how there's a bunch of coping in here about how it's not like insane specs. is kind of crazy. I do love how there's a bunch of copium in here about how it's not insane specs. Yeah, there's a bunch
Starting point is 01:24:32 of copium in here about how this is not insane specs. As if this person has never seen specs for any game ever. Let's take a another game. So, let's take another game. So, what was Cyberpunk?
Starting point is 01:24:50 Cyberpunk 2077 System Requirements. Now, this is an interesting game because this game also ran like shit. But, even in that case, here is the minimum. So, Cyberpunk 2077. This is 1080p on low. So, an i5-3570K, which is like a
Starting point is 01:25:16 10-year-old CPU at this point, a 780 or a 470, 8 gigs of RAM, 3 gigs of VRAM, and then the rest of it's pretty fair. That's normal specs for a game. Not a 1060, definitely not a 1060. I don't know, like there are so many comments in here being like, oh how is that beefy? I don't understand. Just stop being poor.
Starting point is 01:25:49 Like, there are so many people right now who are not able to buy GPUs. And that's the other thing. That's the other reason why this is beefy. Because these are just insane specs while GPUs are really expensive. Now, I'm not saying that Elden Ring shouldn't be made like this, and Elden Ring shouldn't have beefy specs like this. I think that's great. I think it's great that you're making a game that really pushes hardware. I don't have anything to complain about that, but holy shit, those specs are insane,
Starting point is 01:26:22 and I'll probably not play it anytime soon. At least not until, like, you know, the next generation of cards come out and I buy something in that class. And yeah, at some point that's going to happen. I wish I'd bought a better GPU when I originally bought my system. But back then, I just didn't think I was going to be doing gaming stuff because I was in the middle of uni at the time and all that fun stuff. So we got what we got, basically.
Starting point is 01:26:51 So moving on from Elden Ring, we have this. So every single online store is eventually going to shut down. And as of March 2023, which is still quite a while away, still a bit over a year away, the Nintendo Wii U and 3DS Nintendo eShop is going to be shutting down. I didn't know it was even still running. So, after that point, you won't be able to use a credit card to add funds to your eShop accounts on Wii U or 3DS devices. Makes sense. On August... Okay, no, it's... It's...
Starting point is 01:27:32 Shutting down in stages, I guess. On August 29th, 2022, you won't be able to use eShop gift cards to add funds to your account on those devices either. So that's happening a little bit earlier. So you won't be able to use the, like, the, the prepaid cards, but up until, wait, does that mean 2020, what is it, oh, sorry, okay, right, no, I got that backwards, um, so you can use credit cards up until 2022 May
Starting point is 01:28:05 and then after that that is when the prepaid cards stop working, then if you have any download codes, you won't be able to redeem those after late March 2023 you won't be able to use any money in your Nintendo Wallet account
Starting point is 01:28:22 assuming you've linked that to a Switch with the older Nintendo Network ID account to buy Wii U and 3DS content after March 2023. The company isn't shutting down things entirely for the Wii U and 3DS even after late
Starting point is 01:28:40 March 2023 and for the foreseeable future it will still be possible to re-download games and DLC. Okay, so they're not shutting down the entire store just yet, just the ability to buy stuff. You'll still potentially receive software updates if anything gets updated, and enjoy online play on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS family of systems. Nintendo says, however, demos and free to start software won't be available after March
Starting point is 01:29:07 2023. That makes sense. It had to shut down at some point and a system like this is never going to last. This is an area where decentralized games could thrive. Shut the fuck up. The crypto people are everywhere! games could thrive. Shut the fuck up. The crypto people are everywhere.
Starting point is 01:29:27 Where people won't have to worry about some company randomly deciding it's done giving you access to stuff. Where digital games can exist more like physical games and not be at the whims of a company's servers. Have you heard of the internet? Have you heard of the internet? We don't need crypto to download games. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 01:29:54 There is literally no need to have decentralized bullshit Web3 nonsense to make the games still accessible what you do is you just put the games on the internet fucking crazy and you know what sure nintendo might go after people for piracy after they shut down the stores but after they're not selling games I don't think you can make a moral argument against piracy. Like once the, once it is literally impossible to buy a new 3DS or Wii U game, what possible argument can you make that pirating for those systems is a bad thing? It's the same case in something like,
Starting point is 01:30:47 like, let's go further back. Let's say the NES. Is there a possible argument you can make against pirating some random, obscure NES game that the NES has been out of print for years and years now? There is no possible way that you are taking a sale away from Nintendo by not buying that game. And I think that's the exact same in this case. If the system you can't buy new content for, pirate it. It's fine. I don't have an issue with it. So this guy says, not so much
Starting point is 01:31:16 could. It has already been thriving for quite some time. No need for hand-wavy Web3 aspirations. The Wii U is one of the most easily hackable modern systems. Yes, there's also homebrew stuff. Plentiful guides, pleasant well-documented installation processes, and game torrent files as far as the eye can see. Except that's not decentralization at all by any definition. That's piracy. No, that's literally decentralization. You have got a
Starting point is 01:31:44 decentralized distribution of these games sure it might be piracy but it is decentralized you're asking for decentralization um let's see please take the time to research decentralization for erroneously comparing it to piracy it's impossible to have rational discourse when you folk don't even bother to understand what it is you're keen on detracting. You literally don't know what the word decentralization is and you're lecturing someone
Starting point is 01:32:16 that they're comparing it with piracy. They're not directly comparing it to piracy saying that having a decentralized distribution model is piracy. However, if you're asking for decentralization, piracy literally is that. There is not a centralized source of this distribution. It is spread out. There are multiple sources. It is literally the definition of decentralized. It's not Web3 decentralized. It's not NFT decentralized. It's not crypto decentralized, but it is decentralized. And that is what they are asking for.
Starting point is 01:33:03 centralized, and that is what they are asking for. I interpret this as Nintendo's officially approving pirating 3DS games after March 2023. Yeah, this guy has the exact same stance as I have. It's the same way I feel about, like, PS3 as well. Actually, no, PS3, the store's still online. PS2. PSP. PSP is a good one, actually, because PSP recently shut down.
Starting point is 01:33:28 Or PSVita. No, sorry. PSVita recently shut down. I don't care if you buy PSVita games. I genuinely don't. I really couldn't care less, because you can't buy them. I don't care about, you know, buying on a second-hand market. Just like I don't think that you should encourage people
Starting point is 01:33:44 scalping new consoles because at the end of the day, buying that system is not giving any money whatsoever to the original manufacturer. I don't care if it exists on the second hand market, that doesn't matter. All that matters is if the first party is selling it, if they are not selling it, it is free real estate. Some might disagree, and that's fine.
Starting point is 01:34:06 I'm happy to have a discussion with if someone wants to talk to me on my livestream, something like that. Yeah, this happens, so yeah, go ham. Play 3DS games. I actually don't know how, what the state of... I know that Wii U emulation is
Starting point is 01:34:21 actually pretty good. I don't know what the state of 3DS emulation is. I imagine it's easier than... I imagine it's fine. 3DS emulator... Citra. Okay. I don't know how performant it is. Wait, Citra... apparently you can do it on Android now. Okay, that answers my question. Uh, it's fucking easy. That is actually mental. Jesus. Okay, maybe you need to go back and play, like, Sun and Moon or something like that. I don't know. There's plenty of 3DS games that I never got around to playing, but I would certainly love to do. Or X and Y. Actually, X and Y is one I do want to go
Starting point is 01:35:16 back and play. But yeah, we'll see what happens. Yes. So, what else do we have on here? All right. happens, uh, yes, so, what else do we have on here, all right, uh, so we have, oh, here's one, one quick topic, so, OBS, uh, the software that everybody used to record their, their, their video, uh, just received an update, it just received the 27.2 update, which is, this is the RC, that is not the one I wanted to see, uh, 27.2 release, uh, notes, release notes, release candidate, release notes, release notes, show me the damn release notes, uh, here we go, sure, I'll look at the, the, it's FOSS article, so, it has some extra, like, fun things added to it, all that great stuff, Hey, look, they actually have a picture of the correct version. 9to5 Linux showed this prior to it being released. They actually used the release candidate as the actual release version
Starting point is 01:36:18 and released the article early, which is kind of sketch, but it is what it is. So it's got some updates for native Weyland stuff apparently I don't know exactly what they are but it doesn't actually say, it just says upgrades to Weyland okay
Starting point is 01:36:36 the one I care about though is the official Flatpak support right now I'm not using the Flatpak version but I will be probably for the live stream tomorrow and definitely for the next week of the podcast. So Linux users will now be delighted to know that OBS studio is now available as a Flatpak via Flathub. Previously the older version was available as a part of like the beta channel, but now the full version is available. So what this means is No longer are we dealing with shitty distros like Arch Linux
Starting point is 01:37:16 packaging OBS wrong because they don't want to fix it even though someone gave them a patch for it. And it's been there for like over a year. I'm going to trash talk the way ArtClinics handles OBS because they literally don't need to do any effort. They just need to use the patch that's already available. The problem it has
Starting point is 01:37:39 is it had to require an extra dependency and they didn't want to add that to the repos and it is what it is. So I've been using a version from the AUR which fixes it and gives me the features because the Arch version gets rid of things like the OBS browser, a feature that I need to stream. Like it's a basic thing. It lets me embed like stream elements into my stream, lets me embed, you know, my chat and all that fun stuff that I want to see on my stream, my alerts and other things like that. The Flatpak version is going to have all that stuff, all the stuff that's supposed to be there in OBS. It's going to have the official support so I can actually log into YouTube, I can log into Restream inside of OBS, and it
Starting point is 01:38:23 automatically handles dealing with the stream key, which is great. It means I don't have to go and manually settle that stuff up every time. Also, the dock is now part of the login, so I won't have that randomly logging me out and stupid shit like that. There's some updates to hotkeys. So now there's a marker that tells you if a hotkey is already being used. Not to say that you cannot go and overlap hotkeys if you do want to. There are situations where you want to do that.
Starting point is 01:38:54 But now there are some indications you are doing that. So if you want to stop it, then you actually can. So you can now capture your screen without OBS showing up at all. I thought this was just a Windows feature. so you can now capture your screen without OBS showing up at all I thought this was just a Windows feature, is this on the Linux version as well?
Starting point is 01:39:13 if that is I'm going to have to go and try that out then I'm probably going to have a video out on OBS sometime next week so there is improved pipewire support so users can now expect expect a smoother video out on OBS sometime next week. So there is improved pipe wire support so users can now expect a smoother experience with pipe wire especially
Starting point is 01:39:30 those with multi GPU setup. Why is pipe wire not working with multi GPU? Whatever. There's some UI improvements apparently. Similar to Photoshop's layer... Ah! This one. Similar to Photoshop's layer blending, there are now blend modes. You can actually blend layers together. So you can have like a darkened layer and things like that, which I think is pretty, pretty damn cool. I don't know what I would use it for,
Starting point is 01:39:55 but it's certainly nice to have an option. Twitch streamers can now notice the Twitch panels toggle between dark and light modes, depending on OBS's theme, which is cool. Also, panels are a thing now. The Docs menu now has a dedicated space in the menu bar. It was previously available as a submenu
Starting point is 01:40:13 under the View option. Also, there are some improvements to the Linux version. So, window capture shows the list of all windows alphabetically. Okay, makes sense. I guess it's an improvement. I don't really care about that.
Starting point is 01:40:28 An audio monitoring bug that caused significant latency has been fixed. Really good to see. I don't use audio monitoring, but if I was going to do audio monitoring, I'd do it on hardware, but that's cool to see as well. Modifying properties of video capture device no longer crashes. Fuck yes. Okay, so I did notice that sometimes OBS was not happy about you touching video capture devices. That's good.
Starting point is 01:40:55 I'm happy to see it. Fix for certain window managers that didn't allow projectors to be resized. I don't use projectors. I think that's when you pop out the OBS capture window from the like the rest of the OBS window and There's been some performance and bug fixes for the X11 window system Also really cool to see yeah, I'm happy to see it looks like it looks like they've They've improved some stuff, and I'm gonna be using it because there's no reason not to be using
Starting point is 01:41:26 it. It's just OBS and better OBS. The flat pack, I noticed flat packs on my system tend to take a little bit of extra time to open up, but it's nothing that major where I really need to worry about it.
Starting point is 01:41:42 Hmm. Now, let's talk about NFTs again, because this is fucking, this is a Fortnite, this is a Final Fantasy 14 and an NFT podcast at this point, and
Starting point is 01:41:57 it's just how it's gonna be. So, um, MTG DAO. MTG DAO is a project run by some of the dumbest people I have ever seen. This is a, basically a wizard, a Magic the Gathering, uh, NFT format game. It doesn't really matter exactly how the, the system works. And they did not have Wizards of the Coast permission to do that. Because why would they? Why would Wizards of the Coast give them permission to do that? So, they got a fairly kind letter from Wizards of the Coast, to be honest, considering it is Wizards of the Coast
Starting point is 01:42:46 and they don't have the kindest history. Wizards of the Coast LLC, Magic the Gathering property. Dear Madam or Sir, we are counsel for Wizards of the Coast LLC, the owner, as you obviously know, there's a bit of snarkiness in here, as you obviously know of the copyrights and trademarks
Starting point is 01:43:07 for the Magic the Gathering trading card game. We write because Wizards recently became aware of your white paper describing a potential MTG DAO project that would combine a cryptocurrency and NFT technology to create a new scarce Magic format for playing a game of Magic the Gathering. Oh. Your enthusiasm for Magic the Gathering is evident and appreciated.
Starting point is 01:43:33 The team at Wizards is also impressed by the work you've put in developing a new format for playing Magic the Gathering. Unfortunately, your intended use of Wizards' intellectual property, including its trademark and copyright, would be unlawful. And that's true, because you're just straight up taking their IP and then making... Probably making some money off it. They haven't gotten far enough to actually make money on it, because Wizards caught them early enough. because Wizards caught them early enough. You appear to be operating under the mistaken assumption that the project would be legal because you would allow the reproduction of Magic cards
Starting point is 01:44:09 in the form of NFTs only by a player who had purchased a physical card, a card on Arena, or a card on MTG Go. This is not correct. It is the exclusive right of the copyright owner to reproduce copyrighted work, it is the exclusive right of the copyright owner to reproduce copyrighted work, such as a magic card, in any format while, uh, in any format. While there is an exception in the copyright statute for making a backup or archival copy in some circumstances, this is true
Starting point is 01:44:37 in the case of, um, you know, backing up Blu-rays and pirating games, or not pirating, backing up, like, if you own a physical medium and then you have a like a an ice over game there is certainly uh um legal precedent to say that is okay um so while there is an exception in the copyright uh copyright statute for making a backup or archival copy in some circumstances this privilege extends only to computer programs and not other types of work. I didn't know it was only computer programs but um yeah sure. See for example the US Copyright Office FAQ on copyright and digital files here. While Wizards is currently evaluating its future plans regarding NFTs and the Magic the Gathering cards, no decision has been made at this time. Use of NFTs in connection with Wizards' intellectual property
Starting point is 01:45:27 is therefore strictly prohibited. As a fan of Magic the Gathering, we trust you understand Wizards need to protect its intellectual property. Although Wizards is continuously amazed at its communities, creativity, and engagement, they have to protect their IP if they want to keep the lights on. On behalf of Wizards, we therefore ask that you refrain from implementing your idea for a MTG DAO community that relies on the unlawful reproduction and use of Wizards IP.
Starting point is 01:45:58 Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions or wish to discuss this further. Now, you would think they would post this online as like a way to apologize for straight-up creating a thing where they're going to unlawfully use someone else's IP, but no. This is the crypto space and in the crypto space, traditional laws do not exist. And there is this stupid fucking level of entitlement I'm seeing with a lot of crypto projects pretty much as of late. This is not the only one, but this is the most recent one.
Starting point is 01:46:43 Wizards of the Coast sent a very polite email saying they consider our use of NFTs as described in the MTG DAO white paper to be unlawful IP infringement they hint at their own NFT plans and ask that we don't launch MTG DAO here's why Wizards of the Coast is not going to make it firstly I didn't hint at it they just said we are considering
Starting point is 01:47:02 what our future with NFTs are going to be. That means they are considering what their future is going to be. That's all they said. Our vision for MTG DAO is similar to a local game store. Here we would host tournaments, fund writers, and sponsor players. A DAO is the primary community building tool of Web3. To forbid an MTG DAO, a magic DAO, is to forbid any authentic presence in Web3. Not gonna make it. No. Now, the issue isn't having a decentralized organization. That's not the problem whatsoever.
Starting point is 01:47:39 And yes, you'd be right if all you were doing was hosting some sort of online magic tournament, online magic, uh, what's the word? Magic shop, for example, that wouldn't be the case. But what you are doing is taking that IP, changing it into a slightly different form, and then trying to profit off of that different form. That is directly infringing on their IP. MTG DAO NFTs are a protocol tool used to track card scarcity across MTG DAO tournaments. Web3 tools like tokens, wallets, DAOs, and NFTs are the building blocks of a safer, more secure, more interactive internet. No, they're not. Shut the fuck up. A more interactive internet.
Starting point is 01:48:25 What does that even mean? Banning any use of community created NFTs related to magic is like banning any other group of technologies outright. It is unfairly discriminating against Web3 tech and Web3 communities. And you know what? You are right. They are discriminating against people who want to infringe on their IP. They are not saying that this tech is bad or anything like that. They're not saying that. They are saying that you do not get to use that because you are not the owner of the IP. They, if they want to make NFTs, make all of this fun stuff, they are free to do that. That is something they can do. You do not own the IP and you cannot do that. So as Web3 becomes more popular, as it gets mocked more, this attitude will not age well. Wizards of the Coast are digging their heels
Starting point is 01:49:26 into the old world. Internet culture moves quickly and Wizards of the Coast is solidifying their position as dinosaurs on the brink of extinction. Catching up will only become harder. Now, for the record, they are calling them dinosaurs while they have 180
Starting point is 01:49:42 followers on Twitter. Now, followers on Twitter does not necessarily mean how profitable you are, but I don't think you're in any position to say that someone isn't profitable when you literally have no presence online. I have more presence online. Like,
Starting point is 01:49:58 just on my Twitter. Gamers have only experienced game economies intentionally designed to extract maximum value from the players. Convoluted and opaque, so players can experience a suspension of disbelief around how their value is extracted. Are you against NFTs? Now, it sounds like you're against NFTs. It sounds like you're against the idea of using these tokens that don't represent real
Starting point is 01:50:26 dollars to buy things in your game. What is the difference between the game token? Let's call it the game token. You buy the game token with the US dollar, and this is the game token that exists on the
Starting point is 01:50:43 developer's servers. How is that any less obfuscated, any less convoluted, opaque, whatever word you want to use, then you buy the MTG DAO token with the US dollar and then you interact with the MTG DAO system through that token. It's the exact same system, now you've just added in a blockchain and made it more confusing. The standard formula is to create a fantasy world where players feel immersed and can feel that in-game assets have qualities like scarcity and value, but over time through mechanisms like nerfing power creep and printing in-game currencies, every player will see
Starting point is 01:51:20 their invested value be devalued for profit. Magic, the Gathering, and any card game is not an investment. And not everything out there needs to be an investment. Sometimes it's fine to spend money on something, and then the money is spent. That's okay i don't need the pizza i buy from the local pizza store to be an investment i just want a pizza i don't need my deck of trading cards to be an investment i just want a deck of trading cards and of course things like nerfing power creep and printing in-game currencies have to exist this is the way
Starting point is 01:52:05 you have a functioning game if you don't have nerfing and power creep like are you saying that every card should be the same if you're gonna have any cards that are different you have to have nerfing and power creep because some nerfing happens when things are power crept, and power crept happens, or power creeping happens when you have cards that aren't really as strong as people expect them to be. These are things that you have to have in a game, otherwise you don't have a functioning game. So whether subconsciously, whether consciously or subconsciously,
Starting point is 01:52:41 gamers have learned to avoid and detest anything resembling economies in their games. No,'t they're fine with economies they don't like real world economies so loot boxes microtransactions in-game currencies no one cares about in-game currencies what are you talking about and now nfts are out of this list is there a single person who doesn't like in-game currencies? Like, is there a single person who you will find, you go play like an MMO, and they will say, I don't like how there's gil in Final Fantasy XIV. I wish
Starting point is 01:53:14 that the only way to get items was for the items to drop. Will you find anyone in RuneScape who's like, I don't like that gold is a currency. Oh, wow, is currency gold? Probably gold. Like, no, in-game currencies are fine. You've just added in-game currencies to this list of real world transactions and you're pretending like all of these are the exact same thing. They're not and stop doing that.
Starting point is 01:53:37 What is not popular? It's this one. This is the go-to for every single crypto bro when someone calls them out for their bullshit. Always say you don't understand it. This is the go-to for every single crypto bro when someone calls them out for their bullshit. Always say you don't understand it. What is not popularly understood yet is that crypto can give players the ability to choose games with transparent, fully known, and pre-programmed economies.
Starting point is 01:53:59 They can know the rules ahead of time about how and where value can flow and be cashed out. Why do you need a blockchain to have documentation? Shut the fuck up. You don't know what you're talking about. And what do you mean pre-programmed economies? And what do you mean pre-programmed economies?
Starting point is 01:54:30 Are you saying that with a traditional game system, like having a natural economy is a bad thing? What do you mean pre-programmed economies? Like, what are you talking about? Like, it seems like you're just throwing in words here to make it seem like you are making some sort of point when it doesn't make any sense. Hmm. Developers become participants in the economy
Starting point is 01:54:52 instead of pulling strings behind the curtain to gain trust and then exploit it. You don't want developers directly influencing the economy. Why do you want developers rigging the markets? What do you... No, you don't want that. That is a bad thing. You want there to be a natural market
Starting point is 01:55:12 that flows based on player and character interaction. And I thought that's what the NFT thing was supposed to be. Are you saying that you need NFTs and then cap prices? Because if you do that, you don't need NFTs to do it anyway. You can just set a price. Let's see. All this doesn't mean
Starting point is 01:55:33 Wizard of the Coast can't make profit in this new paradigm. I think creating an economy that respects users' value would be wildly profitable for Wizard of the Coast. It just requires them to think beyond their current business models and become participants in a decentralized ecosystem. There are plenty of transparent ways for Wizards of the Coast to profit from a project like MTGDAO. They could negotiate a percentage of the initial token distribution
Starting point is 01:56:02 or simply charge users to have their software interact directly with user wallets and NFTs. Or how about this as a third option? They could say, fuck you and do it themselves if they want to. Why do you think that they are going to bring you into this project just because you were the first one to try to steal their IP. Why would they do that? They can just sue you into oblivion and build what you were going to do anyway. They're free to do that because it's their IP and they control it. I think this person is of the mindset that if it exists on the internet, then it's just free game.
Starting point is 01:56:45 It's sort of the same way that, um... It... Okay, here's one thing that a lot of people don't want to really talk about, um... The idea of, uh... What's the word? Like, fan art. Technically, if you're making fanart of a game, of a character, that fanart is the IP of that company. And Nintendo and companies like that have gotten really touchy about that. It's the exact same thing with game mods. You can make a game mod, but that game mod is the IP of the developers of the game. Just because it exists on the internet does not mean that you're free to go and use it. Now, there are situations where there is a beneficial relationship from that. For example, with game mods.
Starting point is 01:57:37 Sure, every game developer out there could start suing game developers, and some actually have done that in the case of, like, Take-Two, with the whole um it was an engine rewrite of san andre or something like that um and that has happened and there's been a uh there was a console hacker for the nintendo switch called gary bowser which i initially read as gay bowser which honestly would have made the name funnier uh who recently got in trouble with Nintendo. But same thing with fan art. Like fan art, fan art companies realize is a beneficial thing.
Starting point is 01:58:11 There's no value they get from going after artists trying to promote their game for free. It's the same thing with YouTubers playing a game or anything like that. There is a beneficial relationship that can exist, but when your entire business is based on someone else's IP, there is always the sword of Damocles hanging over your head, and at any point, that can be dropped on you. As fans of Magic, we want Wizards of the Coast to win, but we are learning to expect more from our games. If Wizards of the Coast can't adapt, players will move fast to other crypto TCGs. And sadly, Wizards of the Coast will not going to make it. No, they won't. No, Magic's not going anywhere.
Starting point is 01:58:55 It's got a digital format. That's all it needs. Like sure, if Magic was just still a physical card game, you'd be onto something. But Magic has digital systems, like you can play Magic online I right now could go and play Magic with someone in Russia, and that's fine
Starting point is 01:59:12 Presuming it's not banned in Russia, I don't think it's banned in Russia But you get the point, I could go and play Magic with someone in the US, and that's fine We're all playing under the same rules, playing on the same system all that fun stuff To members of MTGDAO, I don't... There's 180 of you.
Starting point is 01:59:28 What are you talking about? I don't know exactly where we go from here. You stop before you get sued. Wizard's position seems reactionary, but I don't currently know enough about copyright law to be confident about how a court would interpret this situation. They would look at your case, and they would kick you out. And they would slap you with a giant, giant fee. They would make you pay
Starting point is 01:59:51 all of the court fees for Wizards of the Coast and you would then have to pay damages as well. That is how that would go down. I plan on responding to their email, getting clarification, and trying to help them see, like, MTGDAO and WebT in general as an opportunity and not a threat. It is an opportunity, just not
Starting point is 02:00:08 for you. My primary motivation continues to be combining my two passions, Web3 and Magic. In ways a community is excited to engage with, this isn't the end of MTG DAO. No, it is. It is the end. Or you're going to get sued.
Starting point is 02:00:24 I think the Web3 community has a lot to bring to the game. If Wizards can be open-minded about us, wish us luck. Why would you think NFTs make a game safer, more secure and interactive? Web3. You're going to
Starting point is 02:00:40 get sued and lose so much money. Yes. Yes. Yes. I love the last comment here. Fuck you. True. True, though. There was one in here that had like 81 replies to it. Here we go.
Starting point is 02:00:58 You launched a DAO around a copyrighted IP without consulting a copyright lawyer first. Yeah, that's the fun thing. He just didn't, like, he didn't know about copyright. He's just like, well, clearly this is fine to do.
Starting point is 02:01:11 This is roughly the baseline level of competence in the crypto slash NFT blockchain culture. Yes. They celebrate the feckless wins and minimize the consequences. It seems like they operate under the philosophy of it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, because once it's on the
Starting point is 02:01:30 blockchain, there's no take-backsies or whatever. Yes. If you don't know that copyright law exists, you already know enough to determine that no court of law will look favorably on you. What you mean to say is you don't know enough about copyright law to make an argument in your own favor,
Starting point is 02:01:47 much less a convincing one, and even less a convincing one to someone who actually knows their way around copyright law. So you're making this big project 100% reliant on someone else's IP, and don't even understand copyright law enough to know whether what you're doing is legal, la mal, cryptoo Bros are hilarious.
Starting point is 02:02:08 But this happened at a, um, this happened with another project. Not the exact same thing. This one was regarding music. And I only found out about this because I believe, uh, Amalie replied to it and she was very angry that
Starting point is 02:02:24 her music was on here. NFT music stream. Here we go. So this is basically a music platform around NFTs because of course it is. So they put out
Starting point is 02:02:42 this big apology here. Big apology, big thing saying, like, you know what? If you don't like the fact that your music is on our platform, then send us a message, and then we'll try to make sure the music is taken down, all that fun stuff. It's basically the exact same thing, and the funny thing taken down, all that fun stuff. It's basically the exact same thing.
Starting point is 02:03:06 And the funny thing about it, so the reason why these guys thought their project was fine, someone left it in the comments here. I don't know if I better find it. Oh, here's the reply from Amelie. We shouldn't have to email you to remove music you illegally stole. You need to ask permission first. Remove all the songs you uploaded without legal consent from the artists who own them.
Starting point is 02:03:29 You don't have my permission for my music either. Remove my music from your website. Amelie, if you don't know, is... I don't particularly like her music. She's one of the big anime cover artists. I think her initial big song was like the initial sword online opening so she's been around for quite a while like she did that like not long after uh sao actually came out um also they're blocking musicians who ask them to take their music down uh which is also good Uh, I can't find the exact, uh, thing here, but basically the reason why they thought
Starting point is 02:04:11 it was okay, it might be in my history actually. Uh, is it in my history? I don't think I'm gonna be able to... Is this it? Wait, this isn't it, is it? Ah, this sort of briefly mentions on what's actually going on. A statement will be released soon, as I think a lot of people are missing the point of the project.
Starting point is 02:04:38 Firstly, we are not profited in any way from musicians and artists. In fact, we have lost money as we pay YouTube music not to be confused with YouTube directly. Now, they don't actually pay YouTube music. That's not what they do. They pay for a YouTube music subscription. They pay the same subscription that anybody else out there is able to purchase. They didn't buy a redistribution license or anything like that. They just bought a regular license that you and I can buy so they can play the music for themselves. That license does not give them the right to
Starting point is 02:05:28 redistribute. This is what I mean. NFT bros do not understand how the law works. Sure, there are some that do, but there are so many fucking morons out there who keep trying to make these projects where they don't even have
Starting point is 02:05:44 the basic understanding of the law and don't even have the basic understanding of the law and don't even have a remote understanding of what they are doing that is at all wrong. And then get confused when people call them out on their bullshit. It's like, what is even going on? Honestly, there's slight times where I feel like just making an NFT channel and then just ranting about NFTs all the time because
Starting point is 02:06:10 honestly, it would be easy. It would be very, very, very, very, very easy. But I've got enough channels on my plate anyway. So, I think that's going to be basically it for us today, actually. I think so.
Starting point is 02:06:33 I'll check the actual length of the podcast. Yeah, looks like it. Maybe I should actually have a timer on my screen so I can work out how long I should be recording for. Recording in blocks like this is... It has some issues in that regard. But yeah, next week, we are probably going to have a guest. I've been talking a bit more to Donald Fury,
Starting point is 02:07:04 who I've had on the podcast plenty of times in the past before. He wants to have a guest. I've been talking a bit more to Donald Fury, who I've had on the podcast plenty of times in the past before. He wants to come back on. I want him to be back on the show. He's a fun guest to talk with and all that fun stuff. Also, it fits with the theme of what we've been doing. He's been playing XIV, so you know what? We might just talk about
Starting point is 02:07:20 XIV for an entire episode. I have no confirmation of this, but hey, it might happen. We'll see what happens. Yeah, check it out then I guess. So yeah, that's going to be basically it for me. It has gotten really hot in this room over the past two hours and my face probably looks really shiny. And I didn't address the hair the entire episode. So yeah, I got a haircut I guess so like there, fun. Yeah, I didn't want to talk about it because I know the second I mention the hair there's gonna be a bunch of I mention the hair, there's
Starting point is 02:07:45 going to be a bunch of comments about the hair because they're hair comments on the main channel as well. And they're going to be there for quite a while because it happens every time anything happens with my hair because everyone's fucking obsessed with my hair, apparently. Anyway, if I shave the beard, it's going to be much worse. Absolutely. No doubt. So, if you like the podcast,
Starting point is 02:08:06 remember to go and like the podcast and go join the Patreon if you really like it and you want to support the work I do and my ranting about NFTs and all that fun stuff and my 14th sub, I guess. Would it be my 14th sub? I'll appreciate it.
Starting point is 02:08:20 It'll be great. But seriously, no. I've been looking seriously at the lens I want to buy and I found a good deal on it. It'll be great. But seriously, no. I've got... I've been looking seriously at the lens I want to buy, and I found a good deal on it, so I might go and buy it, and we'll have a different look, and all that fun stuff. Yeah. So... Main channel,
Starting point is 02:08:36 Brody Robson, do Linux stuff. Gaming channel, we are now playing through... We're still playing through Hollow Knight, and we are also playing through Needy Stream still playing through Hollow Knight, and we are also playing through Needy Streamer Overload, I don't know how long the game is, uh, we might be finished by the time you see this, or we might not be, I don't know, uh, when we're done with that though, Kingdom Hearts 2 is probably the next game on the chopping block, it might not be, but it probably is at the at this stage.
Starting point is 02:09:07 Yeah. Podcast is available as an audio release. Anywhere you can find podcasts. iTunes, Spotify, all that fun stuff. Video release is on YouTube and Odyssey. It comes out generally later on Odyssey because I'm lazy and Odyssey is a dead platform at this point.
Starting point is 02:09:24 And yeah. That's going to be it for me. So. I'm out.

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