Tech Over Tea - Final Episode In The Original Studio | Solo
Episode Date: May 25, 2022It's been a long journey but we're finally here I'm finally moving to a new house and leaving this original room and original studio behind for bigger and better things. ==========Support The Show====...====== ► Patreon: ► Paypal: ► Amazon USA: ► Other Methods: =========Video Platforms========== 🎥 YouTube: =========Audio Release========= 🎵 RSS: 🎵 Apple Podcast: 🎵 Spotify: 🎵 Google Podcast: 🎵 Anchor: ==========Social Media========== 🎤 Discord: 🐦 Twitter: 📷 Instagram: 🌐 Mastodon: ==========Credits========== 🎨 Channel Art: All my art has was created by Supercozman DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation.
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Good morning, good day, and good evening.
Today, it's 116, I should probably say what episode it is, episode 116.
Today is an exciting day, today is the final day that we are recording a video in this house.
I've still got a stream to do on Thursday and Friday.
So I've got my Hollow Knight stream and my Kingdom Hearts 2 stream.
But this is the last time you're going to see the podcast in this house.
This is the last time.
Maybe not regular videos.
Like regular videos because I've got like, you know,
a backlog of stuff to go through.
That's going to probably be there for a while plus
occasionally things you know i forget about for three months you might see at some random point
i'll jump from one house to the other but as for the podcast as of the final clip for this episode
so that's going to be like the sunday or the month yeah the sunday this comes out probably
unless i do four clips something like that that is the final time you're gonna see this on this
channel and you know what there is a certain part of me that feels like feel sad about it
because did i start the podcast in this house wait in, was it this house or the last one I started it?
I want to check that.
I know most of the time I've been here,
but I can't recall exactly.
Let's actually have a look.
But everything's going to be changing up.
It's going to be a completely new look.
So I am certainly excited about that.
Let's go order by date.
And then this is the first episode. Oh my and then this is the first ep- oh my god this is
the first episode. Wow. Wow. You can't see it because I'm on the wrong screen. Here
we go. And load. Look at that. Let's see if we can find a shot uh no no i didn't have my other layout
set up then so you won't actually be able to see any other shots wow look at this like i was letting
the light come in normally i was clearly still super awkward on camera. I was definitely skinnier though.
That is one thing I will say
because this would have been
not that long after I moved.
So I still do have a lot of the
muscle mass I had from back then.
But look at this.
I don't even know where to look right now.
I have no idea where i should be looking like do
i look at the face to look at the camera because that's the other problem i didn't know i didn't
know uh how i should also back then i actually drink tea on the tech of a tea show um i i used
to have my camera i think my camera would have been in the center.
It would have been in the center.
But I would have had the person I was talking to down more like the middle of my screen.
So I kept looking down.
Maybe I had it on the other side.
I would have had it on the screen behind me.
No. Which was I doing doing I'm not sure which I know at one point I did have it
on the screen behind me like behind the the monitor here and at one point in the main one
I think at this point maybe it was the main one either way you can see like the well the other
problem is I just didn't know I wasn't streaming at this point either. So I didn't know like...
I didn't have any...
Any idea how to act on camera when I'm not like doing constant cuts like I was doing...
Doing back then. Also the layout did look a little bit... It's still mainly the same layout,
but I've like darkened the background now. At some point, I'll probably get a new
layout done. Um,
let's see if I can find one with
just my-
just me by myself. I'll find
the first solo episode I did,
so you can see a better look of how my room
was looking at the time. If you go back
and look at my early videos, you can definitely see it, um,
see it looking like that anyway.
Here we go
here we go this is such a terrible title as well
grab this why do i have 41 notifications on my podcast channel what
um okay the lighting definitely looks a lot different here as well because i'm recording
later in the day also by this point i don't know if I've mentioned this, but I've got, like,
one of those, um, you know, one of those roller blinds? The ones you, like, pull down, and then
they, like, sit down. At this point, it was already, like, half broken, so it doesn't go past the
midway point. I think one out of maybe a hundred times I can get it to
go up all the way. It's a terrible idea, I hate them, I like to have either just
curtains or blinds, I don't know why anybody would get one of these stupid
roller things, but... Wow. Also still had some of my old anime shirts back then.
Like I had this shirt at that point already for like three or so years. Well, I'm
slightly less awkward than I was,
but I'm still super
awkward on camera. Like, I just
I didn't know what to do with my hands.
Nowadays, I'm perfectly fine to
just sit here and just, you know, basically
chat. Sometimes I'll grab the mic,
sometimes I'll like, you know, wave my
arms around for some emphasis, but back then
I just didn't know
what to do with my hands at all. Plus the
the angle I had because it was right in front of me.
I don't know if I can imitate it without ruining my entire setup.
Yeah, I don't think I can but by having the camera right in front of me, it makes my arms...
Maybe if we go...
Oh, no, I can't do it.
It makes my arms look really strange, like these weird insect arms.
I do like having the camera pointed down like this, at this bit of a distance, like I have it.
So you can actually see where my arms are connected.
It doesn't look as weird.
I might end up, at some point, moving the camera closer or further away or something like that
I'm thinking closer, but I definitely won't ever have it at eye level again. You don't no matter what anyone says to you
You basically don't want to have cameras at eye level especially having cameras below eye level
Unless you're trying to go for a specific effect,
like you're trying to make yourself look taller.
If you just have a camera in front of you when you're sitting at a desk,
nine times out of ten, it's going to look bad.
It's just going to look bad.
Basically, that's the best way to put it.
God, this chair is really squeaky.
I want a new chair.
But man, the podcast started here.
That is kind of crazy, though.
I didn't realize that it was here.
Actually, let's see if I can find the DT episode.
Back when I did that.
Distro Tube.
I am thinking of changing up the thumbnails for my...
Like the actual episodes themselves. God, look at this. Oh, I,
I, I had lighting by this point. How was I doing my lighting?
How was I doing my lighting? Wait, was this,
was this using the lamps? Yeah, this would have been lamps.
Oh, God.
Derek clearly knows what he's doing way more than I did at this time.
I'm much less awkward.
This was 40 episodes in.
So clearly, you know, I'd gotten a bit of experience actually doing the podcast. But I still didn't have much experience being like a um a podcast host i i just didn't
really know i i was i i don't know there's something that's made me seem more even more
awkward than i normally am and i think it just came from the like pure lack of experience of
being on camera sure it, it was 2020.
I was maybe a year in at that point, but it's still only a year in.
Now, I'm three years in.
I hope that I'm actually somewhat less awkward.
I'm still pretty cringe, but that's just not going to happen.
That's not going to change or anything like that.
It's going to get worse and worse and worse,
so they feel more comfortable on camera.
But back then, I didn't even look like i wanted to be there that's the that's the
other stupid thing about it like i just it looks like i don't want to talk to dt right now which
was the exact opposite i was like kind of starstruck at that point i was like, wow, it's DistroTube. I can't believe that I'm talking to DistroTube right now.
I do want to bring DT back on the show.
That would be fun.
Actually, there's a lot of people I need to talk to to bring on the show.
And that's going to happen probably sometime at the new place.
I have been not about bringing him on the show,
but I have been talking to Nick
on Twitter a bit
and mate, look Nick would be fun to talk to
Nick if you're listening to this
come onto my show, I'll send you a DM
if you don't see this but come onto my show
it'll be fun
I don't know what time zone you're in
but we'll work something out
I will wake up at two in the morning like i
did that two times when i had hex on the show if you don't know that if you go all the way back
back when i had hex dsl on the show a couple of times i was very very sleepy because his like i'm
all by perfectly happy to accommodate like anyone's anyone's time zone. If someone wants me to be awake at, like, 3 in the morning, I'll do it.
It's fine.
I don't want to, but I'll make it happen.
And that's what happened with his time zone, because I think he could only record, maybe it was, like, the afternoon or the morning or something like that.
And my time was stupidly early, or maybe it was, I know for me it was stupidly early.
I don't know what time it was for him
either way it was a good time for him and we made it work
I feel like people
in the US are a bit easier to work
with in that regard just because
the time zone is so
like so far
apart that it's almost
24 hours when it's someone in the
UK though it's
almost 12 hours so that means it's someone in the UK though, it's Almost 12 hours. So that means it's gonna flip the day which makes it much much worse than be like, hey
I'm gonna record at let's say 8 p.m. On a Thursday. Oh
Okay, so that's actually my focus the fucking microphone focus on my face. What do you where's it focusing? There we go
No, don't focus on the fucking microphone. Focus on my face.
What are you... Where's it focusing? There we go.
Fucking camera. It's done it again. Stop it. Stop doing that.
When is the US, though? It's like, oh, I'm going to record at 8pm on a Thursday.
Oh, so that's 4pm on a Tuesday, then. Or Wednesday.
One day, not two days. Yes.
What's the other thing? Right.
Speaking of content,
so the main channel,
I didn't realise this was coming up so quickly,
but on the main channel,
what is the exact number
right now? 995.
995 video uploads on the main channel
I didn't realise
this before going back and checking
but I've
been doing almost daily
uploads for the past 3 years
obviously not
completely because there are like
if it was completely it would have been
oh no because I've we're not, it's not the 3rd year anniversary Obviously not completely because there are like if it was completely it would have been
Oh, no, cuz I've we're not it's not the third year anniversary of the channel
It's I think I've maybe missed in my entire time. I want to say at most like
maybe two months
Maybe two months maybe a little bit less than that But if you then include the times that I've been streaming
maybe it's a bit more actually
actually it could be
yeah actually it might be more
because I started the channel on July 19th 2019
so third year anniversary would be July 19th 2022
and it'll be a thousand uploads So third year anniversary would be July 19th, 2022.
And it'll be a thousand uploads as of, what? So we have Thursday, Friday, Sunday, then Monday's upload.
So Tuesday's upload is going to be, if I did, if I can count properly,
Tuesday's upload is going to be the
1000th video.
Right, yeah, that makes sense, actually.
So, that would be...
What is Tuesday? Tuesday would be
So then there's
50-ish, 55-ish
days between those points.
Yeah, actually, no, that makes sense then I may it may have been more than two months that I haven't been
probably closer like three months then that I haven't
Or three months in total that days I've taken off. Either way a thousand videos are coming up So hopefully that means that you know, I've actually gotten better at making these videos. I feel like I have. Every time I go back and watch a video from, like, you know, three months
ago, from six months ago, from a year ago especially, I'm like, this video is bad. Even when I did this,
like, two years ago, I went, like, when I was a year in, I was like, I went back and watched my
first video, I was like, this is horrendous. Now I go back and watch a video from that period i'm like this is horrendous and
i think that's a i've said this before but i think that's a good position to be in if you can look
back at what you were doing before and you can obviously you know appreciate maybe the way you've
evolved and maybe the topic you were looking at and things like that like that's fine
but if you can look back at what you're doing before and
See how you could do it better like if I wanted to go back and record
Let's let's find some random video on my channel. Let's find something from ages ago. Not like
super early on back when the videos were just
nonsense, and I have no idea what I
was doing back then, but even some of those
probably I could do better
but we go with something
no, not order by views, order by date
here we go
wait, what is that?
what am I looking at?
uh Wait, what is that? What am I looking at? Wait.
Wait, I just...
Were those scheduled for the same day?
Oh, no one... Yeah, okay, I'll fix that.
I accidentally scheduled two videos to go up on the exact same day.
I will fix that before it happens.
Yes, here we go.
All the way back on the early
days. Let's find something.
Not my fucking anime videos.
That's not going to happen.
Maybe if I go back
and did something
like this. Weather in the Terminal.
When I looked at
I'm sure I could
You know what? We're going to look at it right now
and see how bad it is. We're going to do that. I'm going to cringe. know what we're gonna look at it right now and see how bad it is
We're gonna do that and I'm gonna cringe and you're gonna cringe unless you like this video in which case you might not cringe
But you probably will
Okay, let's let's see
What the fuck is this I just realized you couldn't see half the screen it's fine
I keep doing that I stopped doing it. What is my face doing here?
realized you couldn't see half the screen it's fine i keep doing that i should stop doing it what is my face doing here a way to do just that let's have a look wait do that again
if you ever wanted to look at the weather straight from your terminal today we're gonna
have a look at a way to do just that let's have a look this is a fucking intro no we're skipping
past the intro it's not gonna happen the channel so today as you heard from the intro looking? Man, this is back when I was trying to like copy Luke style and even back then it was fucking horrendous man
that's enough of me looking at bad videos but yes thousand video coming up
very soon I've got a video announcing that it's happening coming out on that
day it'll be the thousands video I think technically that it might be like a thousand and two maybe a thousand and three because I know I have like deleted
maybe like one or two videos like back when I got the strike for the YouTube
DL video that obviously isn't counted anymore so my Odyssey probably shows the
actual count but I'm gonna go with what it says on YouTube so if at some point
you know I delete some random videos and it turns out that it ends up not being the thousandth video,
it's totally fine.
But yeah, anyway.
Yes, what should we talk about?
I didn't expect that topic to go for like 17 minutes, actually.
You know what we can talk about?
We can talk about something I discovered with NPM.
So NPM is... NPM is...
NPM, if you don't know, is the... It's not the Node Package Manager, but everyone calls it the
Node Package Manager. Actually, Node... Oh, NPM is now calling themselves the Node Package Manager.
Okay. So, they've just accepted the name, even though that wasn't what their name actually was
initially. So, NPM is basically the de facto standard package management solution used for JavaScript,
because JavaScript is terrible, and it needs package management to make it not terrible,
because you don't want to use, you know, vanilla JavaScript. It's gotten better over the years,
but generally what you want to do is use some of these JavaScript frameworks, so you don't,
generally what you want to do is use some of these javascript frameworks so you don't you know tear your hair out especially back when browsers were having these like inconsistent implementations of
javascript and not just javascript of css and html as well um having these frameworks just
tends to make it a little bit easier to work with. Nowadays, even though it's not as required, it's sort of ingrained into the web development culture and it's not going anywhere anytime soon.
So NPM, what makes NPM great? Like a lot of these package managers like PyPy, Cargo,
RubyGems, things like that, anybody can go and publish a package. So let's say you make a forEach package back when there wasn't a proper forEach function
inside of JavaScript, which there was a time when that was the case.
So someone made a function for it to make sure it, you know, works properly.
Now, this is great, okay?
This is totally great, but it doesn't always work out nicely.
It turns out that because NPM has been around for quite a while,
there is a big problem it has.
That big problem is that there is this right here,
which I wish I covered at the time.
Thousands of NPM accounts use email addresses with expired domains.
This was published back on February 11, 2022.
How I missed this story is absolutely beyond me.
I wish that I covered this at the time,
because it would have been an absolute banger video.
An academic research project found that
thousands of JavaScript developers are using an email address
with an expired domain for their NPM accounts,
leaving their projects exposed to easy hijacks.
So basically what's happened here is there's a lot of people out there who've spun up their own domains to post their email address.
And then they decided at some point, hey, I no longer care to do this because managing your own email account,
email address is stupid
and you're better off just paying
someone else to do it.
Obviously, you don't necessarily have to use Gmail,
things like that. There are better solutions out there, but
if you don't
hate your free time,
you probably should just let someone else deal with that
problem. But,
it leads to an issue.
So, these guys.
I was going to say analyzed.
Analyzed the metadata of 1.6 million libraries.
Uploaded to NPM.
The de facto repository for JavaScript libraries.
And the largest package repository on the internet.
I didn't realize it was 1.6 million.
I thought it was only 1.3.
Anyway. I guess it was 1.6 million. I thought it was only 1.3. Anyway.
I guess it's 1.6.
So, what they found
is, it doesn't sound like
many, 2,800 developers
exposed to account hijacks.
Some of which
they found, wait, some of their domains
they found on sale on sites like GoDaddy.
Well, that makes sense because GoDaddy sells
domains. That's not really
that surprising because
if a domain is for sale, it's
probably going to be for sale on Namecheap
and everywhere else as well.
I don't know what the point
they made in bringing that up
but maybe they just don't understand
domains. The team argued
that attackers could buy these domains,
re-register the maintainer's address
on their own email servers,
and then reset the maintainer's account
and take over his NPM package.
Now, this article
says the team argued. I'll show
you on something just a bit that it's not
exactly just an argument, it's a
An attack like this would work because NPM
portal is not enforced to factor authentication.
It also doesn't have any signing method or anything else like that to verify that
you can't do this. Meaning that once the attacker reset the owner's password,
they would be free to alt packages with any other hindrance. Now,
this is actually a problem that a lot of websites suffer from.
So, if you don't have any sort of password reset protection, let's say you're a...
Actually, Facebook's a good example for this. Let's say you register a Facebook, maybe they do something
special in the backend, but we're going to assume they don't. You register a Facebook account on,
let's say, email at, a domain that I own. Let's say you do that. Well,
what happens then when that domain expires well the email account or the the facebook account
will still exist but if you go to reset the password obviously there's nowhere to and nowhere
to send that password reset but as long as you know the email address and you know the password
you never need to do that reset so there's not really any problem there but if someone decides to come along and
then re-spin up that domain then you know they go to the the website and reset the password
even though your email server infrastructure is probably completely different it doesn't care all
it cares about is that email is active and will
happily send the password reset along. Now, there are mitigation strategies like checking where the
server is hosted, maybe not sending the reset there, but there are legitimate reasons why you
may move your email servers around. Let's say you're moving to a different region or something like that, there's 2FA, which is two-factor authentication. You have some sort of secondary device,
and that is used as a sort of a backup password. So you have something like your Google Authenticator,
it'll generate a code, and if you reset the password, you also need the code to activate
that reset. And if you don't have the
secondary device, then you can't go do so. There are other less secure methods like using, you know, secret questions which are generally not very secret. They're usually
fairly easy things to guess. It's like, hey, what is your mother's maiden name?
Well, that's probably not something you keep super secret. Or what is your first car? Maybe you still have your first car.
What is your pet's name? Things like that. But the reason why this doesn't get exploited on
so many other sites is usually your email address isn't something that is directly on your account.
So maybe there's some way to get your email address,
but in the case of NPM,
if you go look at the maintainer's list in the package.json file,
it'll have the maintainer name and the email address.
This is fairly common to do with anything involving Git.
Making your email address public is totally fine, like it's an
email address, to use it it needs to be public. So there's clearly this, like it makes sense to make
the email public, but it also exposes this really obvious attack vector because npm, why is my nose
itchy? Because npm doesn't do anything to protect against it now what they found is 8500
packages were affected by this problem now 8500 packages is not a like it's not a small amount
of packages it's nowhere near the 16 up the 1.6 million that is available on NPM. But the problem that NPM has, I wish I had, I wish I could like
use my whiteboard right now. It's like sitting right here, but I don't have, do you know what?
Maybe I can. I'm going to try, I'm going to try this out. Do I still have whiteboard markers?
There we go. Okay. Here we go. This is not a good way to do this I'm sure this is great content for the audio listeners as always. Oh, it's broken
That's fine. Maybe I need to buy a new whiteboard then
Anyway, do I have the whiteboard markers or was this a big waste of effort? It may very well be a big waste of effort
Is this whiteboard marker
or is it a permanent marker?
What is this?
What are you?
You don't say.
I know I had whiteboard markers.
I don't know what I did with them.
You know what?
I'm going to put a dot on here
and we're going to see what happens.
That is a whiteboard marker.
Okay, I must have like pinched it from work or something like that so with my broken whiteboard here you know it doesn't even matter if it's broken
so with npm the problem it has is there is i'm going to bring my mic over here so you can see it
there is a lot of these situations where there are these big trees where you have all these packages that all
depend on all these other packages. So let's say this is like one random package here and this
package gets taken over. What has effectively happened is not just that package has been taken
over but every single other package that depends on that package. So even though there is
8,000 packages here, there is a non-insignificant number of them that have like, you know,
hundreds of thousands or millions of weekly downloads, and in situations like that, well,
um, you can certainly start to experience some problems. I can't get the
whiteboard back to where I had it before, so you know what I'm gonna do? We're
gonna take this, and we're gonna put it... not there! We're gonna put it here! So it's slightly out of the way.
Still in the frame, but it is what it is. So even with these eight and a half
thousand packages, there is more like tens of thousands of packages that
are actually affected.
And as it states here, each of them have a 2.43 direct dependence.
So that means there is 2.43 packages, round that up to 2.5, that are dependent on each
of these.
So just with direct dependence, it is tens of thousands of
projects, but it's probably closer
to, like, hundreds of
thousands if you actually follow the
dependency tree, like, all the way down.
Um, and someone
took this from being
a, you know,
uh, hey, this is something
that could possibly happen to
this happened. So let's see if we can find the link
For reach
Here is
Mr. Ervik
Show me the Mastodon link. No show me the actual Mastodon link. I don't want to see your picture of the Mastodon link
Here we go. Here's an article. Is the article
going to link to it? Maybe Hacker News
is going to link to it. Maybe someone is
going to link to the thing that
I said that I wanted to talk about.
Hacker News. Come on, Hacker News.
Yeah, thank you, Hacker News. You actually
do your job unlike everyone else.
So, this is Lance R.
Vic. Buy expired email domains. Recreate maintainer emails. do your job unlike everyone else. So this is Lance R. Vick.
Buy expired email domains,
recreate maintainer emails,
take over packages,
submit legitimate security patches that include a package.json version bumps
to malicious dependency you pushed,
enjoy world domination.
I just noticed 4-H on NPM
is controlled by a single maintainer.
I also noticed they let their personal email domain expire.
So I bought it before someone else did.
I now control the 4-H package on NPM and the 36,826 projects that depend on it.
Now, if you look at the 4-H package, I believe it only has 140 dependencies listed there.
But there are a lot of projects that depend on those projects,
that depend on those projects,
that depend on those projects,
which does fan out to be a fairly large tree.
Now, when this happened,
the original maintainer of the 4-H package
said it didn't happen.
So I'll show you the GitHub here. 4-H package. Said it didn't happen. So I'll show you the GitHub here. 4-H
Maybe I'll just look up
4-H takeover.
I know I found the link before.
There was a...
You know what? I'm going to go look up
GitHub in my history then.
God damn it.
Why did I not grab links for things that I want to talk
about? GitHub, GitHub, GitHub.
The hub.
The hub of the gits.
The GitHub, the GitHub, the GitHub.
Where is my stupid link?
Show me the link.
Show me the goddamn link.
If I just go up GitHub for each.
There we go.
Okay, that's what I wanted.
We go to the issues right here.
So, text.
I just noticed for each,
knock and drop by single maintainer.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Anyone still reading this?
Comments, he might exaggerate.
The NPM package is 120 direct dependents.
Yeah, it does have 120 direct,
but there's a lot more in the tree.
I'm pretty confident he doesn't control it. Who is in control? Looks like a band where to me anyway.
The package creator seems to still be in control unless he has actual evidence to the contrary.
And this is the original maintainer. I am in control of my NPM account since it's a very old repo.
It still mentioned a very old email address
in the package.json.
This domain indeed expired,
but was not in use for my NPM account for a long while.
I just updated it and then posted a link
to the commit that is the update.
So the people in here sort of misunderstand what's happening. commit that is the update. So,
the people in here sort of misunderstand what's happening.
didn't actually log into the account.
What he did is spun up the
domain for the email
address listed in the
package.json. Now,
in many cases, that
may not be the domain
that is actually used for the npm account
in many other cases it actually is especially if it's like a a dev that um that was working
on something and then stopped working on it and then you know their accounts just sort of sat there in those cases those are entirely
basically free real estate that anybody can take over i don't know what the actual number of
accounts that are in that situation but there is going to be a lot of them and if someone wanted to if someone wanted to spend that time spend that money buying
those domains it wouldn't be the most complicated attack because all it would require is buying a
bunch of domains and the domains are literally in front of you then pinging the not pinging the domains spinning up email addresses
using the email addresses listed
on the package.json
once you've done that
basically just see what happens
run a bot account
reset passwords
if you get password reset emails
then you know you've won
if you don't
then don't then you move on to won. If you don't, then
don't. Then you move on to the next one. You just have a bot running going through 8,000 of them, or sorry, 3,000 of them and
basically you just push out whatever you want. Either push out... Honestly, if someone was to do this,
I kind of hope they do this in a non-malicious way.
They like push out an update that starts spamming to the console saying,
NPM is like broken by design or this package has been taken over.
NPM is at fault or something like that.
Because if not, someone is going to exploit this to do something actually malicious,
and when that happens, it's going to be very, very bad.
Very bad indeed.
4-H is just one of the packages that has millions of downloads.
There's a bunch more of them, and yeah.
If one of them is maybe like a dependency for React or something like that,
the chaos would be quite crazy, to say the least.
Speaking of things that are quite crazy, delivery robots.
So I didn't even remember that delivery robots were a thing but on youtube i
got a recommendation the other day for a um a video of delivery robots falling down
uh and it was quite amusing delivery robot uh robot thank you also apparently some of them if you pick them up they will say thank
you to you which is kind of cute and kind of terrifying at the same time.
Yo my mans is stuck.
Can we skip ahead to where it says it?
Go be free.
Here we go.
Go be free. Be free. Go, be free.
Be free.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
You know what?
They're kind of cute, but also terrifying at the same time.
But luckily, they're really stupid. And there's a lot of videos of them trying to like go up ledges they clearly are not capable of going up. There's this other one
Delivery Robot
Train. Some of these are like a couple of years old
but it never stops being hilarious. This one is about a
delivery robot that tried to cross the train tracks and that's a bad idea
because the wheels got stuck in the train tracks and a train came by.
And it exploded and it's gone now and it's dead and whoever paved that food doesn't get their food
Like I like the concept of a delivery robot but
They're clearly not
All the way there
Which is a good thing because if they were all the way there then which is a good thing, because if they were all the way there, then every
delivery job would be, or
every small good delivery job, like
um, not small good as in like
what small good
typically means, like small item delivery,
you're delivering pizza, you're delivering
whatever it is, all of those jobs would be
gone, because they'd be replaced with robots.
But luckily, they're really stupid, tend to break and some people just steal them.
Some people just steal them.
Or they're like, steal the food. Sure, you're not supposed to be able to get the food open,
but a hammer's gonna do it pretty well. It's not gonna do much to stop you because they can't get away.
You just put them on their side. They don't have any way to like get back up i'm really surprised these things are not built with any like any tip recovery like
they don't have a way to like you know extend out a flap that lifts them back up they're just like
if they fall over which they do often they just sit there and they just wait for someone to be a
good samaritan and put them back on their way.
I do kind of wonder how many of them do get stolen.
Obviously, they would have GPS trackers in them and someone would track that person down.
But I do actually know what we're going to find out now.
How many delivery robots get stolen?
Let's find out.
We tried to...
Buzzfeed. We tried to
steal food from a delivery robot.
I'm sure you did.
These are just not a thing in Australia.
This is a weird American thing.
I can't find anyone talking about how many of them get stolen.
There's just, like, this one BuzzFeed video
where they tried to steal one.
I do wonder how badly this idea would go in Australia, though.
Like, people are already bad enough drivers,
and I wouldn't be surprised if someone just, like, runs one over.
Which, I have seen videos of, like, someone in, like, a big, like, SUV,
big SUV, big truck thing, just going past.
It's just, like, crossing the road, and it just hits it.
Which does make me kind of worried about what that person would have done
if there was a kid there.
Because I don't drive over things with my car.
Like, that's a bad idea.
I'm going to damage my car.
I don't want to do that.
I'm not going to drive over a delivery robot.
But it's about the same height as, like, a small child.
So, if there was a small child there, would they have just drove around the corner and hit it anyway?
Let's see if we can find it.
Delivery robot hit by car.
Is this...
Where is it?
No, I don't care about BuzzFeed trying to fucking steal one.
Is this it?
I looked that up and there's like a thousand other videos
all doing the exact same thing.
Is this it?
I can't find the exact video, sadly.
I'm sure you can find plenty of videos of people just hitting them.
It's one thing if they just pull out in front of the road,
but still, you should be paying attention enough that you don't go and hit it.
Unless that's what your plan was.
Unless you specifically see
the delivery robot there, and you're like,
that means I have to
hit it with my car. That is the
only thing that is an acceptable
action right now.
And if that's just the way you feel about delivery
robots, I don't entirely
feel like it's a bad
idea, to be honest.
But, maybe, maybe
not so much if you're in like a
small car that's going to get easily
I'm not going to do it in my Barina.
Little like four cylinder hatchback.
But if you're in like a big SUV
truck thing,
maybe, maybe it's not a bad idea.
Speaking of things
that are not bad ideas,
I am changing out the way my networking is being done
when it gets to the new place.
So right now, I don't know if you heard it.
I've said it a couple of times.
I am using a power over...
Sorry, Ethernet over power.
Like Powerline Ethernet adapter.
Power... If you don't know what these are,
they are the greatest things ever created.
They have magic. I don't know how they work, but they're awesome.
So, basically, they take a signal from your modem, router, combo thingy,
if you have a proper networking setup, whatever,
networking stuff, takes a signal from the internet box, it runs it over
your power lines and then it takes it to the other side and that's where the
output is. So you plug in one side to where your internet box is, you plug in
the other side near where your networking needed gear is, and then you
plug the ethernet cable into the system,
and it just works.
There are some caveats there,
like the devices need to obviously be on the same circuit.
I know there's a lot of houses built with two or three circuits,
and different segments of the house are on different circuits.
Usually, things like your fridge may be on a separate circuit,
but assuming they're on a separate circuit but
assuming they're on the set on the same circuit which as long as you're not doing like weird
things they probably are you can just run it uh it does depend on like the quality of the copper
in your house in my case i've only had experience. I've had good experiences in new houses and old houses.
Generally, it just works pretty well.
But no longer am I going to be doing that.
I'm actually going to be doing a proper networking solution
and making it fairly convenient for myself as well.
So I picked up a new device.
I picked up a switch. Actually, I probably should have showed you the switch and then said I picked up a switch, but you can see the box. Switch. Very little switch box here. So this is a 5 port switch, GS105, Netgear.
It was like 30 bucks.
This is going to sit in my room.
I'm going to run a cable from where the internet box is to my room.
It's going to plug into port 1 and we'll deal with it there. Does that mean I'm going to have a, you know, a 20 meter ethernet
cable running through my hallway? Yes. Yes, it does. It's gonna, that's what's gonna happen.
Um, I might already said that it's fine and we might end up, uh, you know, like running it across
the ceiling or something like that, you know, just so it's out of the way or doing something
with like hooks and stuff to keep it so it's like neatly in the side section. This cable doesn't
actually come in this box. It doesn't actually fit in there properly. But yes, that is going to
be the new solution. So my, the reason I got the five port is I don't need the eight port. I could
have got an eight port. I could have gotten more than that,
but I'm going to have my computer networked. I'm going to have my PS4 networked. Assuming that I get like a switch or something at some point, I'm going to have that one be wired as well.
So that gives us three there. And obviously I need to minus one off to actually plug it into the home network.
And then I have a spare port, which may go to like a streaming PC or something like that.
Maybe at some point I will run out of ports on this, which I have thought, depending on what I do,
I may end up running out, in which case I will go and get an 8 port.
But at least for the time being,
this is going to be perfectly fine. If I do run out though, it's not going to like go to waste.
I'll probably just move it into the, uh, into the lounge room. And then this can be like what gives
the, the like PS4 and the TV and stuff in there, uh, their ethernet. Uh, honestly, I might just
grab a, I might just put it there anyway
and just buy an 8 port, just so I don't
deal with it later. But that's the plan
at least at this stage.
It's not like the Powerline
Ethernet adapters are bad.
They are surprisingly good.
Actually surprisingly
good. I am really impressed by
how well they work.
They do have an upper limit of 300 megabit, which
is fine if you're just doing, like, you just want to do stuff over the internet.
If you're doing home networking stuff, though, yeah, it doesn't, obviously, like, you want to,
if you can get yourself gigabit gear at a minimum, you want to do gigabit at a minimum.
I might have like a NAS or something set up.
I've considered them at some points in the past.
But the main thing would...
Like a main thing with like data transfer
would probably be having a capture PC,
a streaming PC, things like that.
Which I have very heavily considered.
Especially when I get around to
like upgrading this system i might just take the gpu out and then like keep it and chuck it in that
that system you don't need a crazy gpu for a streaming pc for a capture pc you just need
unless you're doing a lot of effects in obs which maybe then. But, it would be fine for most things.
I would be able to do the effects
that I do, and then
have whatever it is I'm doing on a separate system.
Not saying that I'm going to be doing that,
just, it's an option
I have been considering. And, hey,
when I get around to that, then this is certainly
an option to extend that as well
You can get power line. You can't like power line Ethernet adapters that have
multiple ports
But it's kind of a meme to get multiple ports on it
Actually, I guess you can get ones that are above 300 megabit. I guess this one is higher might the ones that I have a 300 megabit
But you can get ones with multiple ports, or you can buy
the cheaper ones and then buy a switch, which is
far cheaper. Like you can buy this.
You know, we're gonna find out how much... we're gonna find out how much like a random switch on
this is... this site is.
find out how much like a random switch on uh this is this site is uh this and this isn't even like good pricing this is um like officeworks doesn't do terrible pricing they're just
not as um as good as you can find if you you like are really looking for good pricing.
Networking, here we go.
Okie dokie.
So, I literally click on networking
and it's showing me a power adapter.
Stop it.
What are you doing?
And we want to go by price low to high.
That's literally not a switch.
That is so far from a Switch.
I don't know why you're showing me that.
Thank you.
Oh my god.
Why do I...
I change whether I'm full screen or not,
and it disables my filtering.
Why would it do that?
Why would that ever happen?
Here we go. Here is a 16 port switch for $130.
16 port switch and the
$70 we'll say
power line Ethernet adapter is
cheaper than buying the one with three ports. Like,
if you can afford the space and an extra power point to just have the Switch, I think the Switch
might be, like, might be a better deal. This bothers me. This is slightly broken now. Um,
I'll, I'll have to have a look at this afterwards. Oh, we got it.
No, we didn't get it.
Because the whiteboard screen is now slightly coming off.
Which is a problem.
I'm sure I can fix it afterwards.
Surely that can happen.
Maybe not. In which case, well, I'll fix it afterwards. Surely, surely that can happen. Maybe not.
In which case, well,
I'll tear it off.
If I tear it off, then it might tear the rest of it off. Hmm.
I bought this ages ago. I think I bought that back
when I was in uni, actually. Back when
I thought, hey, I'm actually going to use a
whiteboard for something.
Is there mould growing on it? Maybe there's mould growing on it.
Maybe I do need to get a new one. I could clean it, probably, I could clean it, I could fix it, um, right, oh, uh,
I am planning to, like, maybe not this whiteboard, maybe a new one, but I am planning to use, like,
a whiteboard in my backdrop sometimes, so if I actually want to have, you know, I want to have you know i want to go and do um i don't know i'm talking about trees yeah
i'm talking about trees i want to do a diagram instead of doing it the really scuffed way i'm
doing right now where i'm doing it inside of gimp i could do it on a whiteboard and it could look
really cool it wouldn't look that crazy but but I think it would add a bit of
flair, a bit of fun to the
content that wasn't there
And I'm going to get a stand for the
green screen
anyway, and
it turns out that
you can
sort of like, you know,
make the green screen stand work pretty well for a whiteboard as well.
It just needs slightly different clamps.
And I've got clamps up here that I'm going to take over as well anyway.
So I'm sure I can make it work somehow.
One thing I'm really surprised about is that the new AMD GPUs actually settled in basically at the price they were at last week.
So the 6650 XT, this one did go up a little bit.
This one went up $60, but this one also has never been in stock.
It wasn't in stock last week.
It's not in stock this week.
Actually, this one, I think, may have went up in price.
No, this one was the same price.
These both have been in stock.
Well, this one's always been $6.49.
So you can actually legitimately buy these at the price they are at.
And considering that the 3060 is way less in stock,
it is still in stock,
but the 3060 is the card that is as close to it in price.
Unless you desperately need some of the like nvidia tech like you want to use um whatever's
nvidia's capture solution is um what is it called nvidia shadow play is it i want to say shadow play
are they still doing that um yes. Okay, NVIDIA Shadowplay.
Unless it's...
Yes, okay.
All you want to use...
NVIDIA has got this filter thing.
Like you can...
What's the word?
You can inject filters into basically any game.
NVIDIA Freestyle.
Which is really cool.
And I kind of wish that we had something similar
on the AMD side on Linux.
It's great for just basic tweaks,
but what makes it really cool
is there is a lot of games out there,
like Final Fantasy XIV, for example,
that doesn't have proper colorblind modes.
And this, you can
literally just put a colorblind filter
on any game.
Here we go. See if I can find
images of it. And it's not just
for like one type of
colorblind either.
Here we go. There is and there's like sliders for stuff as
well. I can't say these words, they're very complex, I don't understand. Protanopia, I'm gonna say.
Duteranopia and Tritanopia. If, look, if someone has one of those colorblind,
colorblindness, then I apologize for being terrible at pronouncing words,
but if you are a Windows user, and you want to play games, and you know, be able to see stuff
properly, it seems like a pretty good idea to just use those settings, if your game you're playing
doesn't have good colorblind settings, I know Doom, Doom does have really good settings,
have good colorblind settings. I know Doom... Doom does have really good settings. Doom is one of those games, probably Doom, like the newer one as well, the...
What's the... The newer version... The second game from the reboot. It wasn't
called Doom 2. What the fuck was it called? Doom... Doom Eternal, that that one i'm pretty sure doom eternal would have like similar good
settings as well but i know a lot of games out there it's it's like but i know back when i used
to play on um battle for the three for example it had a colorblind on and off which is not like
it doesn't tell you what sort of colorblind mode it is. It's just on or off. Like, what does that mean?
Who's it for?
Honestly, I actually played with the colorblind mode on anyway.
Because it wasn't actually a colorblind mode.
What it did was it changed the color of, like, map markers.
And objective markers.
The actual game itself, none of it...
Literally, none of it changed color so if you were a like if
you did have a form of colorblindness that affected like the the colors that were being
shown in the regular game which you probably did considering that the orange map marker was changed
to a different color um it probably still would have been like a pain in the ass to play anyway
i have no idea
if the modern Battlefield games are better, but Battlefield 3, I, I know, definitely had that issue.
Um, where was I going with this? Right, if you wanted, if you specifically wanted some Nvidia
tech, then that's pretty much the only reason I would buy one of these Nvidia cards right now.
Uh, they do have bigger frame buffers.
So actually, I don't...
Does that...
Actually, you're not going to find out.
Look at 6650.
Does the bigger frame buffer actually make a...
A significant effect at
that performance level.
We're going to try...
This is TechSpot's article.
So, at 1080p?
At 1440p
so if you are a
1440p Andy
maybe it makes sense
to go on the Nvidia side
but if you are not
and even not in all cases actually
like Horizon Zero Dawn
does better on the AMD side
you have to go up to
the 3060 ti to actually see any improvements there then watchdogs legion where it outperforms
a 3070 which doesn't even make any fucking sense um and still does so at 1440 we're not going over
benchmarks again we did this last week i did this for like 20 fucking minutes, but, oh, I moved my layout.
Um, yeah. What I did want to talk about here, though, is there are leaked specs for the
NVIDIA 4090. Uh, NVIDIA 4090 leak. Here we go. Uh, what is this, this is a cooler, it got a big cooler, that's cool, uh, let's see,
if we can find something actually interesting, looks like we're calling, yep, don't care,
okay, no, that's not showing me the leak spec, I know there was a site that had the leaked specs in a really good layout.
No, that's an older article.
Am I not going to be able to find the article now?
specs. We'll say leaked specs. I should find it.
Fossbytes. Fossbytes,
tell me that you're a good website.
Tell me.
Okay, so...
RTX 4090.
Okay, sure.
We know the name.
AD 102 to 300.
24 giga...
Don't go to the Twitter.
24 gigabyte GDDR6...
What the fuck is GDDR6 What the fuck is
GDDR6X? Have I just been out of
the loop?
Out of the loop for so
450 watt TDP
and approximately
230... There's no
shot. No shot
this card is equivalent to
23090s. Ah, here's the
Yeah, so it's not really
too surprising that
yeah, it's a newer GPU.
Like, that doesn't surprise anyone.
It's a different GPU. Wow, crazy.
multiprocessors, 60 on the 4070,
80 on the 4080,
and then 126 on the 4090.
Memory, 12 gigs to...
Wait, 12 gigs of 18...
Wait, what?
12 gigs of 18...
Oh, I can't read.
18 gigabit per second GDDR6.
Right, okay.
A 450 watt TDP.
You kind of
need a beefy power supply
if you're going to be running a 49. Like, actually buying
a 700, 800 watt isn't
even unreasonable if you're buying
a 49T by the looks of it.
Obviously, these are leaks.
It very well could be more. It very well could be more.
It very well could be less.
But it is expected
that they are going to come out
really soon.
There are countless reports
relating the release date
for the 4090.
Well, some predicted early 2022.
Obviously, that didn't happen.
We're in like mid-2022.
This Twitter tech leak mentioned mid-July,
which is going to really beat out the AMD cards if that does happen.
I personally, I'm not going to buy the NVIDIA card.
Like, it's not going to happen.
I'm a Linux user.
NVIDIA, I'm just not buying an NVIDIA card. Like, it's not going to happen. I'm a Linux user. Nvidia, I'm just not
buying an Nvidia card. Like, it's not going to happen. Maybe in like a year or two when the
drivers are slowly getting better, but right now, definitely not. Everything that I'm looking at is
either the AMD cards when those eventually come out, or we're going to see what happens with the Intel GPUs.
I'm not set on either.
I probably won't buy first-gen Intel unless they are just exceptionally good.
If they are fucking fantastic, sure, I'll buy it. But more than likely, I'm going to buy an AMD card.
Either way, it's going to be better than what I have.
an AMD card.
Either way, it's going to be better than what I have.
But first-gen cards
probably not
the best idea to go
with for something that
I want to be stable.
I will let other people
deal with
working that out. I know someone's
going to be like, but that's a logical
fallacy because if you don't,
if you just keep, there's like, there's a stupid logical fallacy someone brought up when I mentioned
that I was going to wait for like a second generation of a Steam Deck. Like, oh, but
there's a logical fallacy where if you don't buy it now, you're always going to be waiting for the
new generation. Like, shut the fuck up. I said, I'm not going to buy the first generation. Not that I'm going to wait until the end of time.
Like, just stop. Stop.
Fucking, there's always someone in the comment section
who's trying to get you with like a gotcha moment.
Like, ha, you said this.
Because you said this, that means that this happens.
Like, I didn't say that.
I just didn't say that.
Go away. You're banned.
That's pretty much it. I'm gonna cut back
in just a moment. Let's talk about some video games. Not Final Fantasy XIV, which I certainly
could do. I'm just going through the Heaven's Ward MSQ right now, but that's not what we're
gonna focus on. What I want to talk about instead is a couple of games that I have gotten kind of interested in.
Because they've just come out and they look pretty cool.
There is this game which is coming out tomorrow?
I want to say tomorrow.
Or last week as you guys are seeing this.
No, day after.
It's coming out on the Friday this week.
This is a game called Apico.
I don't know how to say it.
It's a game about crafting.
And basically looking after bees.
And it's coming out on International Bee Day.
Is it International Bee Day?
I want to say it's International Bee Day.
International Save the Bee Day? Something like that.
It's coming out on a day about saving the
bees. And
it reminds me of
it's got that like
a lot of games sort of have that
Star Dewey feel to it.
If that makes any sense.
It's like
in many ways.
It seems to remind me of like the.
I guess the style.
Maybe not the gameplay obviously.
In some ways for sure.
But sort of like the.
The cutesy style that.
That game certainly has going for it.
And there is a demo available for it right now if you want to
go and check it out for yourself yeah world b day that's what it is not international b day um world
b days you can go and try it out see if you like the game uh you can buy the soundtrack for ten
dollars i'm presumed the game is going to be like 10 15 when it comes out but I do not have a confirmation on that.
I do kind of want to play it though and just see if it's any fun.
I don't know if it'll be a good stream game.
Oh, it's also got crafting that actually involves doing something,
which is rare for crafting.
You actually have to like slide a thing back and forth to craft that wood,
which I can appreciate.
I like crafting systems in games.
But I also like mechanics.
I like interesting things to do.
Also, you find new bees by going and stealing them from other bee hives.
Which is just like... Well, maybe that's not the best thing to do.
So you sort of have like a bee Pokedex,
and you like breed the bees together to
get different types of bees
that are resistant to other
things, like certain diseases and things like that,
different weather conditions, and all that fun
I might,
I'm honestly considering, if it doesn't happen,
then it didn't happen, but I'm honestly considering... If it doesn't happen, then it didn't happen.
But I'm honestly considering, like,
playing this on the day it comes out.
Oh, there's other crafting methods as well.
Oh, that's cool.
So, like, different things you craft
are going to have different, like,
interaction methods to work with them.
I'm sure this is one of those games where, like,
if you wanted to do some, like like crazy stuff at the end of the game
You'd probably very much want to have the wiki open but considering the games just coming out
There's not going to be a wiki so you sort of on your own
Obviously, there'll be like a wiki actually is there a wiki I'm gonna find out right now if there's a wiki
There's probably a wiki for the demo
Yes, yes there is there's a wiki. There's probably a wiki for the demo. Yes.
Yes, there is.
Yes, there is.
So, I'm guessing this is going to get expanded out really quickly
as the
game actually comes out.
Why am I not surprised there's already one?
Oh, you can also play with other people.
Oh, I didn't know that.
Oh, that's really cute.
And there's building mechanics as well.
So you're not just worrying about the bees.
You're also like building a little town as well.
That's really cute.
Wow, this is...
This actually does look really fun.
I think it also would be like a pretty chill game to do on stream as well.
Like there's no, you know, there's nothing to fight here, there's nothing like that,
it's just- it's just a farming game, basically.
It's just a farming game, and sometimes it's totally fine to have something that's just
That's- that's fine chill. That's fine.
You don't need to always have crazy monsters to kill and things like that.
Even Stardew Valley has certain levels of combat,
but here it's just like, yeah, you go around finding bees.
That's fine.
Is that a fox?
I guess it's a fox.
And I guess you can get villagers like, villagers to move in?
That's also cool.
Presumably, wait.
Yep, no, I was going to say, presumably this is going to work on the Linux.
But no, it actually has a Steam Deck version.
Like, a Linux native version.
I do like how it's a SteamOS Plus Linux and they list Ubuntu 20.04.
It'll probably work on something older than that.
Intel i5 4th Gen.
Is that like the minimum thing they can require?
Because what's that?
4th Gen would be Haswell.
Yes, Haswell.
So it has, um,
four-player online co-op.
Uh, live out your wildest
beekeeping fantasy sting-free.
Unique crafting and beekeeping
minigames that drive gameplay
progression, crossbreed different bees to discover
over 30 new species.
Make and sell honeys,
Apicola? I don't know how to say that.
And other beekeeping products.
Repopulate lost species and release them into the wild.
Multiple biomes to explore each with their own unique bee species.
Uncover the forgotten secrets of the Apico Islands.
And then full play cop.
Bees are integral to our gameplay as they are to our reward ecosystem we want to promote bee conservation and we donating a portion of sales towards national and international
beekeeping charities go and support this game if you like the bees basically if you like the
bees and you want to play a game that looks really neat um we post regular updates of our
progress on both Twitter, Discord
and Gilded. Oh wow, they've actually been Gilded.
They're the one
team that has a
fucking Gilded. As well as important
announcements, stupid gifs, cute pics
of bees. What could be more you want?
Or what more could you want?
Yeah, so go check that
out. I'm probably gonna play it
at some point, and it's probably gonna be on stream,
and it might be the day that it comes out. I'm not sure.
Speaking of games that I want to play,
I'm not very good at chess. As you've probably seen if you've ever seen me play chess on stream.
So, what if I told you that there was a very
different way you could play chess? One might say a better way you could play chess.
There is a game called Shotgun King where...
Let's see if we can find...
Does it say the description here?
The idea is that you were a rubbish king, treated your people badly, so they
all left you, including your queen, for the other one. Obviously, you're mad about it, and all you
had left was your trusty shotgun, so you decide to go on something of a chess rampage and battle
your way through. Basically, this is a, um, this is a roguelike, a roguelike. No, it is turn-based, so I guess you could call it a roguelike.
It is a roguelike where you go around shooting chess pieces with a shotgun.
It looks really stupid.
But it's also only $9 Australian.
Which does make it kind of tempting like i don't know if it
would be any good and some people have said that it is it is very very luck heavy which wouldn't
surprise me a lot of a lot of roguelikes are luck heavy but considering this is a turn-based roguelike as well, luck tends to be a more prominent factor when you're turn-based.
Because when you're playing something like Dead Cells or Hades,
something like that, if you're just not bad,
you can finish the game with the starting weapon.
When it's a turn-based game, though,
there's always going to be like hard damage checks
obviously there is a high level of skill in a lot of turn-based games but you know you can't you
can't win any turn-based game without obviously abusing broken mechanics which i guess in some
games you can um generally without actually getting the things you want to get.
So this is something else I might have to check out as well.
Obviously, I think the B1 looks a little bit more promising.
It certainly looks promising.
Not to say this game looks bad by any means,
Not to say that the... Not to say this game looks bad by any means.
It's Stardew Valley with bees.
How could I not say that looks really, really cool?
And I've got one more new game here.
I guess the other one's technically a new game.
But, like, not a new game. Anyway, we'll say the new game here. I guess the other one's technically a new game, but not a new game.
Anyway, we'll say the new game.
Or like, new old game.
Super Hexagon.
It's going to be getting a
part 2, like
a major update that is
going to be...
So the framework got replaced with a new one
built just for Super Hexagon.
It should be more stable, and in in some cases quite a bit faster.
The window is now resizable.
macOS slash Wayland now have high DPI support.
Controller support is better.
And the UI now accounts for controller input.
Super Hexagon is a game that I played a lot as a kid.
And I hate it. I hate it and I love it at the same time.
This game, if you're seeing the video right now, you probably can see why. It's a
puzzle... I guess you'd call it a rhythm game in some sense of the word, but
you'd call it a rhythm game in some sense of the word but the screen's constantly spinning you're trying to like dodge your way out of gaps here and i've just never been good at this game
it's just too much going on and i just like i can't do this i can't do this this is too much
for me too much stimulation But I totally get why
there are some people who are like a really big
fan of Super Hexagon.
Maybe I'll have to try this out as well.
And just, you know,
see if... Try it out
again when the update comes out and see if it's
like... If I'm
any worse at it
than I was as a kid. I probably am.
Like, I don't remember it being I was as a kid. I probably am. I don't
remember it being this crazy as a kid.
Obviously, this seems like a higher difficulty.
I don't think I own Super Hexagon.
But you can buy it really cheap.
And presumably,
when this update comes
out, there would be
a sale or something like that, just to like,
encourage people to, you know, get the game. But if you want to like, tear your eyes out and,
tear your eyes out and, I guess, uh, get really addicted to a puzzle game,
this seems like a good way to do it.
One of the reasons I'm not a big fan of most puzzle games,
I tend to just find them two problems.
One, I'm stupid and don't want to deal with the puzzles.
Two, I tend to find them fairly boring.
That's the reason why I do like Super Hexagon,
even though I hate it at the same time.
I don't necessarily hate puzzle-like mechanics.
But when a game's entirely based around puzzles, it's just not my thing.
Like, whenever a game has a puzzle, like, whether it's, you know, I don't know, you gotta find a thing in Skyrim or anything like that.
I don't know, you gotta find a thing in Skyrim or anything like that
most of the time
I'm just like
I'm gonna look on the wiki
which if your entire game is based
around puzzles, if you're instantly
solving the puzzles
there's no game there
so it just doesn't really work out
unless you're like
unless the puzzles are the thing that's keeping you engaged with the title.
That's just not the way that,
this is not the way that I enjoy games,
but I do totally respect anyone who really likes puzzle games and they want
to spend all their time doing them.
But the point I was getting at with our super hexagon is you didn't actually
hear the music cause I had it muted.
We'll play it again
It's like banger soundtrack as well, which also helps
Also, it really it helps and makes it so much worse
Because when you restart the music restarts and you hear the same section of the track
every single time.
You're like, I fucking hate this song, even though it's so good.
That's how I feel about Osu, actually.
Like, I think the...
I want to say the song that I've played the most on Osu...
You know what we're going to find out?
I want to say it's Bluebird.
It may not be Bluebird, but I want to say it's Bluebird. It may not be Bluebird,
but I want to say it's Bluebird.
Am I logged?
Actually, I'm probably not logged into the site, am I?
I'm going to
log into the site, and then I'm going
to show you.
I could cut back to
I'm not
typing the password in
and then wasting time.
And, you know, I could do that,
but we're also here.
So I'm just going to drag this out
for as long as I physically can
if I can enter my password correctly.
Yeah, if I know what my password is Yeah, I know what my password is
There we go
Not to my OSU account
Fucked if I know what that is
I meant to my password manager
Oh goddammit, now it's going to send me a stupid email
To go verify
Let me just look at my OSU statistics I don't want to do your stupid email to my... to go verify. God damn it! Let me just look at
my osu! statistics. I don't want to
do your stupid email stuff.
Maybe I should have cut back
now. Now that we're here,
maybe I should have actually done that.
So you guys wouldn't have to deal with this.
Which email account is
attached to it? That one? Yes.
And here, thank you for my
verification code.
there we go. God damn it, thank you.
Okay. Now.
Now we can do what I was trying to do.
We go to
Ignore my
rank that I haven't
played the game in a very long time.
What song?
Well, I guess actively played the game in a very long time.
I have played it more recently.
Oh, I saw it was Lovers.
Which is the...
I want to say it's the third Shippuden opening.
Okay, Bluebird is on there.
Bluebird is definitely on there.
Lovers, The Bravest Destiny.
I don't even know what that song is at this point.
I'll have to go listen to that one.
Bluebird, I'll Believe by Ultima.
I'll Believe.
What is I'll Believe? And then Burst of Gravity by Ultima. I'll Believe. What is I'll Believe?
And then Burst of Gravity by Ultima.
Is I'll Believe one of the...
I want to say it's one of the...
I'm forgetting the anime now.
I know the series I'm picturing in my head.
No, it's from Shakugan no Shana.
Why is that...
Of all the Shakugan no Shana songs on there,
why is it that one?
What else do we have on here?
Black Bullet from Black Bullet.
Oh, God.
That was an old show.
Tenkuu Cafeteria from Gochuman wa Usagi desu ka?
Secret Em...
Wow, this really shows, like, how long ago
Why is-
I guess because I did
recently play- more recently play this
as well, and we also got fucking 2004
Breakout by The Gentleman
But most of what's on here
really dates, like, how
how long ago I was really into
osu! Um, Vanishment
This World.
That I'm forgetting the series from.
Aqua Terrarium.
From Nagino Asakura.
Secret Ambition.
From Nanoha.
Second season of Nanoha.
This is the third season.
Vivid is the shit season.
What the fuck was the second season of Nanaha?
Nanaha season.
No, Secret Ambition is...
Is Secret Ambition the third season?
No, not fucking Nanaha Vivid.
No one cares about Vivid.
no not fucking Nana Ha Vivid
no one cares about Vivid
no one gives a shit about Vivid
go away
Ace is what it was
wait is Secret Ambition
is Secret Ambition the third season
or the second season
I want to say it's second season
but it might not be
Nana Ha Secret Ambition no that is second season, but it might not be. Nanaha Secret Ambition.
No, that is
second season. Okay, they are using the right picture.
What else do we have in here?
Things that I actually recognize. Colorful Box
is Shirobako.
Lull, once again, Naginaskara.
I think this one's
a bit more recent.
Yeah, no, this would have been more recently I was playing this.
There's no way that I was, like, really into Osu back when 86 came out.
Rally Go Round.
We have a Nisekoi opening.
Bravely Huge.
We have some fun fanzies.
Hacking to the gate is just always a good song.
Steins Gate is never a bad thing.
And then Fighting Pose.
This is one of the newer songs I was playing.
Man, I've considered getting back into osu! a couple of times.
And I have tried to.
But I get like...
I just get distracted by so many other things and just
don't basically
what was my highest
scoring map
colourful, ok it was colourful box
then star log
which is from
Prisma Ilya
sister friend lover
what was that
oh it was from
and then Aurora what the fuck is Aurora
what is this
Aurora by
yeah Aurora Aoi Air.
Aurora, Aoi... What the fuck is Aurora?
What is this? What is this from?
Oh, I never saw... Okay, I never saw this series.
I guess the song was just a banger.
Why am I going over stuff on my osu! from like seven years ago?
Why am I doing this?
I don't know.
I really don't know why I'm doing this.
We're gonna stop.
This is enough osu!
I've got plenty of other things that I want to play instead of getting back into osu!
Not to say it's a bad game.
It's just like...
When I...
If I get myself like dedicated to osu! again,
I will become like an osu! streamer
and I don't want that to happen.
I don't want
to become an osu! streamer
and literally play nothing
but osu!
Maybe start up an osu! YouTube channel
and start doing osu! tips.
No, it's not gonna happen. Definitely not gonna happen. Speaking of things
that are happening, and maybe shouldn't happen. So there is this current trend of demaking games.
So like a remake would be, you take an existing game, and then you, like in the gaming context, it'd be you make an HD remake, you make a
full modern remake, you have an HD remake like say
You have something like the Kingdom Hearts
HD collection. What is this? HD 1.5 plus 2.5 remix
Or you have something like the Jack trilogy and things like that that have been like HD remakes.
They've been like HD, sometimes upscale, sometimes like actually using original, more high resolution textures.
And then you have your like your modernized remake, like a Final Fantasy 7 remake, things like that.
A demake is doing the opposite, where you take a game and then you make it as if
it was made for something in the past. There was the Bloodborne PS1 demake which looked really
cool, and this is a Portal demake for the N64. Obviously, I don't actually think it... Does it run on hardware? If it runs on hardware, that would be really cool.
It doesn't say it runs on hard...
It does say it runs on hardware.
You can play this on
actual hardware. That's actually really cool. When they just make like, they just make the graphics worse, like that's, that's cool and all,
but when they actually make it a proper game for that system, that's just cool.
Like, look at this. It just looks cool.
And if this game had come out on the N64, it would have been like super hype.
Like, look at this.
Like, this is crazy for the N64.
I'm going to just...
If you want to go check this out for yourself, I highly recommend you go and do so.
Because all of these projects are just really, really cool.
Like, every time one of these demake projects come out, I feel like I need to talk about it
just because devs are crazy.
If you want to sit down and apply
the modern things we know about this hardware,
you can do some crazy things.
Clearly, you can do some crazy things even if, clearly, you can do some crazy things,
even if, like, three people are going to play it.
I've never actually played the Portal games.
That's one thing I should do.
I don't know.
Because it is a puzzle game,
I don't know how well I would enjoy it,
but I think Portal's got enough charm to it that I could
get over the fact that it is a puzzle game and actually still enjoy it. Honestly, I look at a
lot of games like they are puzzle games. Like, a game like Celeste, for example, I don't feel like
Celeste is just a platformer. Like, a game like, say, the Jak and Daxter games,
Banjo-Kazooie, the Spyro games,
those games are platformers.
Those games are where you are trying to jump around,
you're trying to get to some point by jumping up platforms,
things like that.
A game like Celeste, though, and Super Meat Boy,
to a very similar extent, but not as tight of a window,
they are a lot closer to puzzle games.
Because the way you have to jump,
it's not just, hey, you can jump up to this area however you want,
especially once you get into the more harder content like
um was it chapter eight or something in celeste that was really bad one well actually no the um
the one that's inside of the volcano chapter i think it's chapter nine when you switch back
between the fire and ice anyone who's played celeste knows the chapter I'm talking about. But
the way you get through that, like there's a couple
of paths, but
it's still such a tiny
number of paths compared
to a more
lax platform.
platform has gotten so complex
in a game like that, that it
plays a lot more like a puzzle game
where you're trying to sort of work out the pathing that's going to actually get you up the
platforms as opposed to just being a game about navigating up the platforms if that makes any
sense i'm sure i'm sure a lot of people are going to hear them like i've know what the
fuck you're saying but i hope what I was saying there made sense.
I think in many ways the Souls games
are a lot
like puzzle games as well. Dark Souls 2
being an exception.
Because Dark Souls 2 has some bullshit mechanics.
I should stream Dark Souls 2.
Like, I fucking...
It's my least
favourite Souls game without a shadow of a doubt but it's still
a souls game and I still think it would be fun to go back and play maybe go back and if I go back
and play it as a um I know sorcery was broken in that game and I was way worse in Elden Ring but you didn't have to have a like a sorcery build
in Dark Souls 2 like sorcery had been buffed so hard in that game that just doing PvE stuff
it was just broken like you could get really good spells early in the game
and it just melt things and every boss just died
And it just melt things.
And every boss just died.
Like it was just a mess. I believe that pyromancy in Dark Souls 2 was also.
Pyromancy was weird in that game if I recall.
Because I don't think there was a pyromancer class.
Dark Souls 2 pyromancy.
Maybe there was?
Um, I don't think there was, though.
Actually, yeah, Pyromancy Flame.
That was the item to actually do damage.
Um, yeah, you couldn't actually start the game with a pyromancy flame unlike the first game so if you wanted to do pyromancy you actually had to go over like
a slightly like um i think i think going like the sorcery build and then merging over was probably
the best way but it i don't remember what pyromancy scaled on.
I could be mistaken on what the best strat to do was there.
Does Dark Souls 3 have a pyromancer?
Does it have pyromancy in the first place?
Let's see.
Dark Souls 3.
Okay, so yeah.
There is a Pyromancer class in Dark Souls 3.
Why was there not one in Dark Souls 2?
I don't...
I'm pretty sure...
I could be mistaken here.
I'm going to just double check.
Dark Souls 2.
Pyromancer class?
Yeah, yeah, there's no Pyromancer class in Dark Souls 2.
Why would you do that?
Stop it. What does Elden Ring have as the starting classes?
I'm not going to play Elden Ring for quite a while, but, uh, let's see what we have, so we have Hero, uh, which looks like
starts with some sort of club, make sure, okay, go, go to the actual thing, can I, ah, here we go,
go to the actual thing, can I, ah, here we go, uh, it starts with a, oh, battle axe, oh, battle,
that makes sense, battle axe and a large leather shield, the bandit, which is your, like, your assassiny, thiefy class, you start with a knife and a bow, makes sense, also buckler, uh, astrologer, which I'm guessing is your sorcery class.
What is this?
Yeah, this is your sorcery class.
The Warrior, which I'm guessing is...
It's not a knight.
Oh, it starts with scimitars?
Two scimitars?
What would that be equivalent in the Dark Souls?
I'm sure there's something on the Dark Souls side that was equivalent to.
Two scimitars to start.
That's interesting.
But you also get a wooden shield.
That's neat.
The prisoner, which isn't your trashy class.
What is a prisoner? What do you start with?
Oh, this is another
Oh, it's another
sorcery class. That's interesting.
Starts with an
S-Stock. So it's like
a battle mage sort
of thing. Oh, that's cool.
The Confessor.
I'm guessing Vagabond is your knight class.
Confessor is another assassiny class.
Oh, it's your faith class.
Ah, okay.
Yes, this is your faith class.
It just looks assassiny based on what it's wearing.
But also being like a holy person also makes sense.
This is your meme class.
And then this is your knight.
Oh, here we go.
There's also two more.
Prophet, which is by the looks of it, another faith class.
Faith and mind.
An arcane.
So this is like a mix between...
Oh, this is your pyromancy class
I guess
it's like a faith
that's neat
and then samurai because lol why not add a samurai
to the game
yeah this is obviously
the knight class right here
this is the I night class right here.
This is the... This is the I am very boring and I don't...
I don't want to try anything difficult.
I don't know what I'll end up playing when I do play...
When I do end up eventually playing Elden Ring.
Maybe I'd start as like a, maybe I'd start as like a
maybe I'd start
as like a warrior
start with two scimitars, run around
fucking dual wielding everything
I know that scimitars are like
not scimitars, stop focusing on
the thing, focus on my damn face
why is it focusing
what is it even focusing on now?
okay there we go
dual wielding has been
slowly getting better in the, in the Souls games ever since Dark Souls 1, like, Dark Souls 1 dual
wielding, you don't, there's just no reason to dual wield in Dark Souls 1, it just makes you worse,
worse uh ds1 dual wield i think there was like maybe a couple of weapons that made sense but for the most part dual wielding was just it just made you slower um katanas being the exception
because katanas were broken in dark souls 1 dark souls 2 added like it added two-handed combos dark souls 3 added sword arts i believe
they were called and then elden ring adds more sword arts so yeah it seems like doing um dual
wielding now is like a not maybe not a sensible thing to do but like somewhat viable especially if you start like
dual wielding fucking big hammers or something
like that, you're like I'm gonna dual wield great
swords and just tear
everything apart, which I believe
I have seen
is there any way, I don't think there's any way
to like do dual wield sorcery yet
like you cast two spells
at once, which is probably for the best because that seems like it would go very badly like you would
basically break pvp and you would basically break bosses like bosses in elden Ring, if you look up like boss speedrun kills, there's a lot of bosses that
you can just literally melt with just these crazy builds. Like Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls 2 had like
their fair number of combinations, but what I'm seeing with Elden Ring is there is a lot of ways
you can customize your build, and when you have a lot of different customization like that,
yeah, balance doesn't matter.
Balance sort of just goes out the window.
Not to say that Souls games were ever particularly balanced anyway,
but, you know, it gets way...
Like, you can go from the point of it just being unbalanced
to be very exploitable the more stuff that you have.
I don't know the exact combinations that would achieve that with Elden Ring.
But it's sort of just a fact that happens with every game.
The more amount of customization you have, the more ways that players will find ways to break your game.
Because you just didn't test it as thoroughly
as you thought you tested it.
Every game suffers from this,
just to sort of like different extents, I would say.
What else do we have here?
You know what?
I'm going to talk about something that I just found out about today,
and I cannot show pictures of it because that would be very tos i want to talk about the um
the the madonna nfts um i don't know how i'm going to thumbnail this if I clip it. But there are these...
What's the best way to put it?
Let's call it fetish porn.
Yeah, that's what we'll call it.
We'll call it fetish porn that Madonna has made.
We'll call it fetish porn that Madonna has made.
Basically, it is these really strange 3D models that are being sold as NFTs.
This is a project that was being done with Beeple.
Beeple being someone who's been very successful selling art
and was very successful early on in the NFT space.
I think selling like one of the most expensive NFT projects.
So, you know, people are very excited about Beeple.
That was not intentional, but it is what it is.
There was a description of what the project actually was,
but I can't find it now.
There's this, I'll just read this quote though.
In a recent Twitter space interview with Winkleman,
Madonna acknowledged viewers might be weirded out,
adding that not often does a robot centipede crawl out of my vagina,
but said that each NFT is essentially me giving birth,
which women have been doing since the beginning of time.
Basically what this is, just look it up for yourself,
is this weird fetish porn of Madonna giving birth to, like,
centipedes and trees and, like, other weird shit like that.
It's supposed to be like artistic but i don't think that's the the word that most people would use to describe it i think my description of fetish porn is probably
um probably much more accurate it It's gonna sell well.
Like, that's the thing.
Like, every time a weird project like this comes out,
it sells well, especially when it's porn.
When you make porn, it's going to sell well.
Especially when it's, like, I'm gonna call it weird,
but, like, the models are made well.
Like, if it wasn't, like, the weird tree shit and the centipede stuff, it would be good.
Like, it would be good.
Like, it's a good 3D model.
Like, it's really well made.
It's just fucking strange.
And I'm not here to say that it shouldn't happen and, oh wow, it's terrible, how dare you make fetish porn.
Like, that's fine, you want to make fetish porn
I don't fucking care
get on
the grind like I respect it
and if this helps to like
show how fucking insane
the crypto market
go right ahead do whatever it is you want to do and just um just just make it
happen i guess yeah go go make some money go make some money doing really fucking weird shit
pretending like this is just an artistic project that um
yeah, it's just an artistic project.
There's nothing weird about this. Totally
Uh, it's
just normal. This is just normal.
I don't know how much they're selling
for. Probably too much money.
like way too much money probably like way too much money um also she if if you didn't think that
she was like super in on the nft game anyway like she is a board ape as a profile picture so like Man.
Do you know where I see NFTs going?
I've sort of evolved my opinion on this.
I don't think NFTs are going away.
But I think where they're going to exist is sort of like,
sort of like how rich people will just buy stupid things.
Like, there was this, I think, million dollar apartment.
Two million dollar apartment.
A million dollar apartment is not even that much.
Like a 10, 20 million dollar apartment.
Where it had this art display made out of pills.
Like it was just a pill display. And there like a pill a pill display in a cabinet things
like that basically just dumb rich people shit that's where i see nfts basically existing most
of the projects are going to go away but there's going to be these very small highly sought after
projects that everybody like in the real world looks at and says, that's stupid
why would you spend your money on it?
And they say
lol, why not?
And that's where it's gonna be
hope that NFTs
just die out of the consumer space
I really hope this
nonsense of trying to bring NFTs
into games like...
We have the story here about Square Enix doing that because Square Enix loves to hate their audience.
They made $394 million profit last year and then you're bang on about blockchain.
This is not profit from the blockchain.
This is profit they made before the blockchain
where they're going to lose a lot of money.
I really hope that this shit dies out
and it dies out before it gets to things
that I actually like.
Like, please stay away from my bunny girls
and my cat girls in 14.
I really don't want that to happen.
Just try your NFT bullshit out.
Try your blockchain nonsense out on some other games
that no one cares about,
and you see that it dies and it goes away.
But it's probably not,
because what they're probably going to do...
What's going to...
Okay, here's what's going to happen with NFTs
and why I hope it dies out,
but why I know it's not.
What's going to happen is a company like...
Fuck, who's the developer of Genshin?
Genshin Impact.
Is it miHoYo?
Yes, miHoYo.
A company like miHoYo,
what they're going to do
is they're going to make a really really good game
make it a gacha game which already are successful but then do the gacha with nfts
when that happens when like one of these legitimate insanely good companies are making money
Insanely good companies are making money,
make an NFT game and make a good game.
That's when they are here to stay.
And I'm really surprised they haven't touched it yet. Maybe they know something that other devs don't.
Maybe they're on the side of regular people
and see that this is not going to last.
That's what I would hope.
But when that happens, if that happens,
that's when they're here to stay
and that's when everybody is completely fucked.
I don't know what's going to happen, though,
and I hope it doesn't.
Anyway, what I was saying, right?
Square Enix.
Yes. NFTs stop
just stop, like the other week
they sold off the American
not just American, the international
branches of like their studios
like they sold off brands
like Tomb Raider, Deus Ex
and Thief and things like that
so that they could invest more money off brands like Tomb Raider Deus Ex and Thief and things like that so
that they could invest
more money into the
blockchain and I really
hope this goes down
as much as I love Square Enix and I
love Kingdom Hearts and I love
Final Fantasy 14
I love a lot of Final Fantasy, actually look I haven't played most of them
I love the Final Fantasy games that I've played
I love the Dragon Quest games.
Square Enix is great.
I really hope this does go down
as one of the worst investment decisions ever decided.
Like, Square Enix takes a massive hit from this
and they realize, oh shit, this is a bad idea.
and they realize, oh shit, this is a bad idea.
But if a company that knows what they're doing,
not just some like grifter indie company that wants to jump in the NFT space,
like we're going to make an NFT game.
You ask them what the game's about.
It's an NFT game.
Like, okay, what's the mechanics?
What's the story?
Why would I want to play it?
NFT game, play to earn. Okay, but Why would I want to play it? NFT game. Play to earn.
Okay, but why would I want to play?
To earn.
Okay, but like, what's the game?
You play to earn.
Like, stop it.
Just, when we get away from those grifters
and someone who, like an actual developer does it,
that's the other way it can come.
Like, if an actual company like square enix properly
puts a like a triple a team onto this and tries to make a game and then puts nfts in it that's
the other way that it happens because if someone does that and it does remotely well like it doesn't
do like it's not a financial failure, for example. That's when everybody
else is going to follow suit.
Like, nobody
had DLC in their game
before it did really well
with Morrowind,
I want to say. Morrowind Oblivion.
When was Horse Armor?
Horse Armor.
No, not Minecraft Horse Armor. No, not Minecraft Horse Armor.
Was Horse Armor Oblivion?
Yes, Oblivion.
That was when the DLC idea really started to take off.
That's when you had Call of, Call of Duty map packs,
not just, like, an expansion, which had already existed before.
Expansions were fully well accepted into the gaming space,
and people were like, hey, I can pay $20, I can pay $30,
whatever the price is, and basically get, like, a whole new game.
It's an extension to the game, but it's still like, a lot of content.
And then, people
realize, hey, you can
convince people to spend, like,
five, ten dollars
on an item. It's two dollars fifty
at the time. You can convince someone to pay two dollars
fifty on an
item. You can convince someone to pay
fifteen dollars for
three maps.
Mate, this is a
fucking money-making
scheme right here.
And when that
idea is discovered in the NFT
space, it's like, this is how
much we can
offer, this is how much we can charge
and we can make an
NFT, that's when it's going
to happen.
Or maybe
you'll have like pre-order
bonus, like a pre-order bonus where you can
get to play the game early
if you have the NFT.
Actually that's a, like you have some
big multiplayer release,
something like that, and only the NFT holders can, uh, can play the game pre-launch. That would also probably,
probably be a, a catalyst to set that off. We've had all of these attempts so far, but no one,
off we've had all of these attempts so far but no one no one really being successful in it outside of the crypto space like obviously you have very successful play to earn games like
um what's axie infinity that one axie infinity is remotely, remarkably, remarkably, remarkably successful.
It is incredibly successful, but only in the crypto space
and only in like really poor communities that, you know,
making $5 a day, $5 a month is actually worth it.
Like if you're in Australia, for example, if you make $5 a day, $5 a month is actually worth it. Like, if you're in Australia, for example,
if you make $5 a day, unless you're like a 10-year-old,
that's not going to be enough to get you to play the game all the time.
It's, hey, it's a nice bonus.
It's a nice thing to like kick back,
but you don't go out of your way to play a shitty game.
I don't even know why Axie Infinity is a shitty game.
Let's just say it's a reasonable
game. But you could also go and
buy Witcher 3. You could
buy all of these games
that are really fun
and they
don't have NFTs.
Actually, right there, that's the biggest problem with
the play-to-earn model.
a lot of companies talk about play to
earn you're going to be able to like monetize your time you you better like instead of just playing
games you can make money from your games as well which is kind of a disgusting way to look at your
free time like you don't have to always be making money every second of the day sometimes it's fine
to just have
leisure time. But let's say that you've bought into the idea that every second of your day
has to be a money-making opportunity. You've watched, I don't know, fucking a thousand
hours of Gary Vee. You're like, you're fucking in the Sigma grindset. You wake up at 3am, you go to sleep at...
Look, the guys who wake up at 3am
probably are in bed by 7pm.
So, like, yeah.
Let's say you've completely bought into this model.
So, the problem with play to earn
is the scale of these systems.
So, if a game is not a good game,
actually we'll start from...
Where do we start from?
What is the best way to start this?
So a play-to-earn game
requires that people are putting money into the game
and that people are taking money out of the game.
I guess it doesn't require that people are taking money out,
but it does require that people are putting money into it.
So for you to be able to make money in a,
let's just say real world money auction houses that already exist,
like RuneScape Gold.
So the only way that you can make money selling gold
is if there are people buying gold.
If you are the people that are sitting
there playing 10 12 hours a day farming gold you're not going to be the person who is buying it
because that sort of defeats our point you're eating into your profits also you have your own
ways to get your own gold but if you're gonna have this play to earn game, where not just a good game that has like a play to earn system on the side
or like a third party real money trading auction house,
real money trading, things like that.
If you're going to earn money in these games,
someone needs to be putting money into the game.
So you can't just have this system where money comes out of nowhere. So who's like who's gonna be putting the money in? If
you haven't built a game that is already good from the start, why would anyone
want to put money into it to buy your systems? But let's just say that there is
a healthy ecosystem of people putting money into
the game people putting money out of the game it's sort of stabilized at whatever rate it's stabilized
when a game is based around play to earn
the amount of money that you can make from that game at the start, let's say at the start,
there is not many people that are making money in the game.
Let's say there's a really big buyer's market,
but not a very big seller's market.
Let's say that for every...
Let's say for every...
How would I put it?
Let's say for every... How would I put it?
Yeah, let's say for every one person that is gathering gold in RuneScape,
there is a hundred people who want to buy it.
So at that point, the sellers are able to charge a much higher rate
because the amount of production they can put out
is far lower than the amount of buyers that are available.
So they're willing to charge,
or they're willing to pay for higher and higher prices
to actually get money out of the system,
to get the item out of the system.
So you as the seller are able to make more and more money.
And that's how it works initially.
But when people realize that a game is really good for making money,
more and more people are going to join that game.
And as more people join the game, it dilutes the seller's market
and the item that you are selling progressively gets cheaper and cheaper
and cheaper to the point where it basically drives everybody out of the market who isn't either
working for like a big company let's say there are like big botting companies or um maybe not
even botting companies like not botting companies um like real money trading companies and that's sort of the only way to really make the money because you have these
big organizations with a lot of people and then you'll make a commission for doing that and that
might still be like a reason way to make money so the individuals who don't have that that gathering
capability they are then pushed out of the market With the exception of people that are in lower and lower economic statuses.
So if you're in a situation where you make $10 a month,
maybe farming RuneScape gold actually is viable.
Because maybe, I don't know the exact number,
let's say you can make $20 or $30 a month selling RuneScape Gold. Or let's even
say it's like $50 a month. Let's say it's $50 or $100 a month. $100 may be a bit too much. $50 a
month selling RuneScape Gold. Well, why would you do anything but sell the gold if getting like a
manual labor job or whatever it is sort of job you can find in your region pays way less like obviously you're gonna you're gonna do this so more of those people join in
and then it starts to like dilute that market even further so let's say it brings it down to like
you can make 20 a month but this basically kicks out everybody besides the absolute most impoverished people and the big companies.
And by that point, it's probably gotten to the point where even companies are not able to get the manpower to make money. Like, even at the scale of, like, having hundreds of accounts,
things like that, maybe even then they still can't make money.
So they then will turn to botting, because you don't have to pay a bot.
You can just bot as much as you want.
All you pay for is the sub of the account,
which presumably you're going to, if you can run it like 24 hours a day you're going to easily
pay off and have extra money left over and then rather than having to pay all of these people
under you even if it's a small cut you take all of the money for yourself but this is what happens
the bigger these these pay to earn get, the less money that everybody makes
to the point where
the pay-to-earn aspect
isn't a reasonable selling point
for anyone outside of the most impoverished situations.
Not to say those people shouldn't be playing the game
because if that's the best way you can make money,
more power to you.
I fully...
If you make more money selling RuneScape gold
than actually getting a job...
Goddamn it.
I'll be back in a second.
I've got a call from Dylan.
He bothered me when I've got, like, four minutes left in the show.
Yeah, as I was saying, if you're making money through selling RuneScape Gold
and that's how you make more money
than you can make literally getting a job,
more power to you.
It does ruin the games that I play,
but when it's just RMT stuff,
when it's just like a third-party RMT,
I don't really consider it as big of a deal
as developer-endorsed RMT. Like when it really consider it as big of a deal as
developer endorsed RMT. Like when it's something like, you know, a WoW token where you can pay the devs like 10 bucks and you can
get a whatever amount of gold you can get in WoW from doing that.
That's very different from there being like this, this like underground economy where
you can buy and sell gold.
And buy and sell other items.
Through the use of.
Real money.
I think that's pretty much all I had to say on the rant.
Maybe there was something else I wanted to go on.
But I think it was pretty much.
At the end of the rant anyway.
So yeah. This has.
This has been. So, yeah. This has just smack my hand on that.
This has been the
final episode of Tech
of a T in this house.
It is the last time that you
are going to see me record
the podcast here. Maybe
next week I'll have a guest
on the show. I'm not gonna say
that's a guaranteed.
I might bring Ren on or someone like that.
I might send a DM out. I might not send a DM out and it will just be me, but in a different room.
Yeah, I'm not too sure. We'll see what actually happens when we get there. So that's going to be
pretty much it for me. you if you like the podcast
remember to go and like the podcast
if you didn't then I don't know
triple press the like button
be a show me how much
you hate the show
make sure you go and double press the dislike
as well and
on this channel I've got the
audio version available basically anywhere
the video version is available on the YouTube.
My main channel, BroderOption, I do Linux videos.
I don't know what video is going to be out when you see this.
Some sort of video.
My gaming channel is BroderOptionPlays.
I'm still playing through Hollow Knight and I'm playing through Kingdom Hearts 2.
Maybe I'll throw in some other games like Upico and other things like that.
But for the most part, that's what I'm going to be doing.
At some point, Hollow Knight is going to be over.
When that happens, work out what we're going to play when we get there.
So yeah, that's going to be pretty much it for me.
And I'm out.