Tech Over Tea - GPUs Are Actually Affordable This Time!! | Solo

Episode Date: October 19, 2022

It's been a long time coming but finally GPU prices are some what reasonable and not just with the new GPUs, the 2nd hand GPUs are even getting back to a point where they're affordable, just in time f...or the new generation. ==========Support The Show========== ► Patreon: ► Paypal: ► Amazon USA: ► Other Methods: =========Video Platforms========== 🎥 YouTube: =========Audio Release========= 🎵 RSS: 🎵 Apple Podcast: 🎵 Spotify: 🎵 Google Podcast: 🎵 Anchor: ==========Social Media========== 🎤 Discord: 🐦 Twitter: 📷 Instagram: 🌐 Mastodon: ==========Credits========== 🎨 Channel Art: All my art has was created by Supercozman DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good morning, good day, and good evening. I am, as always, Brodie Robertson, and today, I am looking after a dog. So, you may see her running in and out of the room every so often. Uh, I don't know where she is right now. Hey, Stella! Come here! Stella! Is she gonna come here? I don't know. I hear her running towards me. Stella! Come here. Come here. Maybe she's afraid of the office chair. Come here. Sometimes
Starting point is 00:00:30 she will actually like come over, but she just got here today. This is my housemates mum's dog. Come over here so you can at least be on the camera. You really don't like the office chair. Nope, she's gone. Okay, well, you might see her running into the room very often, or she might just run away from me when I try to put her onto the camera, either way, uh, yeah, so if you hear, like, I don't know, whimpering in the background, uh, that's going to be why I don't have someone locked in my basement, and she can get outside, uh, she just likes to be near people, because I'm the only one home right now, my housemate is up at the up at his work and I think I'm here till like the 18th by myself I'm not entirely sure and then his
Starting point is 00:01:14 mom was like hey I'm going to Perth or something like that so now she's here and you know it is what it is and speaking of it is what it is have you guys seen the second hand gpu market so when a lot of these so you've probably seen a bunch of times the tech youtube's been like hey and i've made a couple of clips myself but i don't usually talk about like gpus and stuff my main channel on uh on this podcast i've made a couple of videos've made a couple of videos, I've made a couple of clips, whatever, mentioning GPU prices, and this time, it looks like GPU prices actually, you know, did come down. I'm not planning to buy a second-hand GPU, but it's always nice to, like, see what the pricing is actually doing, and there is a lot of cards that are being dumped
Starting point is 00:02:04 out onto the market. Is there anything on the screen that I don't want to be showing? No, it just shows my name. Here we go. So this is the RX 6700 XT, which in Australia, just for reference, in Australia, this retails at, I want to say $699. So we have some cards that are $6700, some cards that are $459, not $6700. The card is the $6700. You've got some cards at $400, $370, $495, $650. This is a, is this a new in box? No, this is pre-owned you just haven't um have not caught up to anything but a lot of these cards are coming much further down now i think yeah this one is by now some of
Starting point is 00:02:55 these ones we're seeing in here are bids so i would expect like this one here to go up a little bit higher but i wouldn't expect much higher than like at most 500 this is where the second-hand market actually should be let's check some other cards so the 6800 XT and we'll check some Nvidia cards as well so let's go PC case gear and check what the retail prices are I want to say this one retails at, I want to say, a thousand? Twelve hundred. Okay, so we have buy it now for $9.99. Uh, apparently this is new. I really doubt that's new. That's probably part of a mining rig. All of these cards are basically mining cards. Okay, yeah, this, you, you can send a picture of it in your mining configuration. Okay, um, one- You even sent a picture of it in your mining configuration. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Um, one of them's missing a fan. Used inside well-ventilated computer. Signs of cosmetic damage may be present. This one is missing a- This one in the middle is missing a fucking fan. What do you mean cosmetic damage? That's not cosmetic damage. That's a missing fan. Maybe he took the fan off to show like if it's clean or not, but you didn't clean it
Starting point is 00:04:14 So like that's that's like all dust in there. So clearly that's not the reason clearly. That's just a missing fan Not cosmetic damage for For anyone who might be curious, GPUs need their fans. Fans are actually quite important. Let's go check the 3070 Ti and let's check
Starting point is 00:04:38 I guess the 3080 Ti? Yeah, we'll do that. 3070 Ti retails at $999. So, 3070. Now, also keep in mind that the new GPUs are just around the corner as well. So, this is also going to be affecting the pricing. Wow.
Starting point is 00:05:00 So, yeah. Retail for this one, $999. We have one for $59999, $5.60. This one is a bid, um, so that may go up, but there's 55 minutes left, so I don't expect it to go up much, maybe much more than, like, $600. Uh, $6.75, $5.76, $5.71. Keep in mind those are bids. Uh, $700. I think $ 700 is the highest in the reasonable range like you
Starting point is 00:05:30 have some of these here like 1099 okay this is a brand new card i don't know if this is like a store that's selling this or someone who stole a card or exactly what the dealio is here but the cards that why did i just go secondhand? Wait, actually, let's go buy it now, firstly buy it now, and can I go, can I, like, select secondhand in here? Uh, used, okay, oh, actually, we'll also put new on that list, just to see what people are selling them new for, $5.99 $599, $675, sorry. $700, $410 to $850. Ah, because different cards.
Starting point is 00:06:10 But the $3080 would be $850. See, even that's still well within the range of where a second-hand card should actually be. Now, $3080 TI retails at $1799. If this is around the. If this is around like the $1200 mark. That would be reasonable. $1250. $14.99.
Starting point is 00:06:36 $15.99. That's not a $30.80 TI. That's a $30.80. $1900. Mate you are fucking pushing it. $2100. 3080 1900 mate you are fucking pushing it 2100 2100 with 60 shipping mate why would i not just go and buy a like a fucking uh maybe not a 3090 ti maybe just a 3090 Ti. Maybe just a 3090. Let's see. 3090 is... Yeah 2149. Why would the fuck would I buy
Starting point is 00:07:12 2100 with $60 shipping? And yeah, was that card free shipping? Yeah, this card also has free shipping. Okay, it's sold out. Here, this one's in stock. Also, this one is $300 cheaper than, like, okay, $200 cheaper than this one, $300 cheaper than this one. So, $19.99. No, that's a stupid price. So, secondhand GPU these are X mining cards. So, you're going to be pretty hit and miss over whether the card is properly stable. hit and miss over whether the card is properly stable if you really want a good deal this is a good way to do it but do be very careful about what you're actually buying and make sure you
Starting point is 00:08:18 like check like obviously you can't do a full check over of the um the card or things like that but at least do a a brief check over over the pictures they have there and if you can discuss it with them like is this next mining card things like that do go and do so um let's go and look at the card i currently have my rx 570 this is wow um i remember like a year ago when I was sort of joking about the fact that I could have sold my card for more than I bought it for. I think I could have sold it at the time for like $400 or $500. Now, for anyone just listening, you can buy an RX 570 for $150, $120, $200, $246, $299, you're getting way too... Wait, Apple Mac Pro 8, what the fuck? Wait, did you just put a bunch of...
Starting point is 00:09:15 Is this just a generic... This is a gigabyte AMD card. Why have you got Apple Mac Pro, AMD RX 570, 4 gig PCIe, VideoCard OSX, Mojave Big Sur, Monterey RX 580. Compatible with Mojave Catalina Big Sur OSX with alt boot screen.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Sure, I guess the... I'm guessing that system must have shipped with it, or this person is just like hey, I'm gonna... I'm just gonna throw some keywords in like, this is Wish. What are you doing, Stella? Before she was, like, sleeping behind my chair, like, when I was, um,
Starting point is 00:09:56 editing some videos earlier, but she'll, like, find some place to chill at some point, or she'll just run off again and go sleep on her bed, which is like chilling out in the bathroom. I think she's here for like...
Starting point is 00:10:11 Did I mention that? I don't know. I think she's here for like a week or so. I honestly have no idea. Housewife's mom's like, hey, just look after the dog. I'm sure she said how long it was going to be for, I just didn't pay attention. I've looked after animals for some people.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Where it's like hey. Do you want to like look after the cat for a bit? And it's like six months later. I still have the cat. It's like are you going to pick up your cat? Do I now own the cat? Do I pay for like the vet fees? And all of this stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Why is it still here? But she's going to go back at some point, which is, you know, it's nice to have an animal around the place, but the other problem with that is I, um, I will get very distracted very quickly. I distract myself just easily enough, you know, just doing the normal things that I'm doing. When there is an animal running around and I'm like, hey, let's go pat the cute animal. You know, it's pretty easy to decide I'm not going to do anything right now. I'm going to sit down and like play with his dog for an hour or something. Like, wait, maybe I should do a live stream.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Maybe I should do a podcast. Maybe I should go edit some videos or do anything actually productive. But nah, nah, it's not going to happen. I'm going to sit here and play with the dog. But, you know, it's a nice change. That's for sure. Because I am, like, because of my housemate's work, he's usually not here. So it's usually just me by myself here.
Starting point is 00:11:40 And, you know, it's nice. I like it. It's very chill it's much nicer than a lot of the previous places i went to where it always felt like i'm just showing the gpus it always felt like you had someone like breathing down your throat like especially because my room was always like touching the wall of whoever the like the person subletting the place to me whoever like the landlord is whatever you want to call it which is really annoying like here my room is literally on the opposite side of the house now the walls here are made of fucking paper
Starting point is 00:12:19 so it doesn't really matter that much but you know having that separation there it does give you a bit more at least a bit more perceived privacy if nothing else and as for like you know basically living by yourself it is honestly fucking lovely one day i will have my own place and that will be very nice you know assuming that house prices stay somewhat in the range where I could possibly ever afford one. Not anywhere near the city, that's for goddamn sure. I don't know what it's like in your country, but Australian house prices are not great.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Like, my area isn't the nicest of areas, but there's still houses in this area selling for like $500,000, $600 in this area selling for like five, six hundred thousand dollars that maybe even like five years back would have sold for only three hundred thousand. Like the area I'm in, this when I was a kid, was thought of to be the really cheap area, the area that has like the housing trust house, the government housing, or whatever the system in your country is called.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Basically, the place where they put all of the poor people, and then the new families also go and buy houses there, because the houses are cheap. I think the house that I grew up in... I want to say that place, it did have a big yard, like a really big yard, considering like the location, I want to say that was like 210, now this was like, you know, 10, 15 years ago, um, I'm actually curious how much that place is worth now, uh, is it 14? Is worth now.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Is it 14? I think this is it. Yes. Is this it? No, not Pennington. 14 Ward Street. Daverin Park. This is the house I grew up in.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Okay. Okay. I was going to say three bathrooms. That's three carport, one bathroom, wait, no, three bedrooms, sorry, three bedroom, one bathroom, uh, four carport, or, like, four car spaces, you have, like, the two carports there, and then you can really fit six cars in here if you really try, and you've got all this area over here, like, this, this is basically how it looked when... I think these actually might be the pictures from when my parents sold that house.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Yeah, they've got the purple letterbox there. So it definitely was around, somewhat around that time. And they've got the shade cloth and like the blinds and stuff they put up when I was living there. Right now, this place is estimated at $281,000. Let's see past sales. See sale history of this property. Yeah, here we go. So, 2008 would have been when... It was actually, honestly, way cheaper than I thought it was.
Starting point is 00:15:19 2008 is when my parents would have bought it then. Back in 1993, when it was built, it sold for... Or when it was first sold from... I think this place was X Housing Trust. When it was first properly sold, sold for $38,000. That's like less than a new car today. Obviously, you know, inflation, all that stuff. We'll actually check, just for the memes,
Starting point is 00:15:42 we'll check how much that would actually be? Can like counting inflation why the fuck is my audio mixer floating? How did that even happen? I'll fix that later Wait, can I show it to you guys? No, I can't show it to you guys because I'm not capturing my screen I'm capturing the window 175 it my screen, I'm capturing the window, um, $175 it, it sold for when we bought it, jeez, and then sold it, like, eight years later, for the same price, basically, like, four grand more, now it's a hundred thousand more, like, this is obviously, like, an estimation, but it could go up to $320,
Starting point is 00:16:21 honestly, considering, um, considering the pricing of a lot of the other area. Like it will probably go up to $320,000 easily. Especially. Like the street this was on. I don't know if they've built it up now. I haven't been here in a while. But. Because it was all like ex.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Like government housing. Ex housing trust stuff. They knocked down a lot of the houses. Because a lot of those houses were built back in like the 70s and they were kind of falling apart and when something is government housing a lot of people you know don't really look after the place but a place that's 50 years old anyway and was built for government housing isn't exactly built to last uh had to come down at some point so last time i was, the street was basically empty, except for this house.
Starting point is 00:17:07 I think, I want to say the neighbor's house was still there, and maybe like three or four houses on the street. But this area is getting like really built up, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's like four or five hundred thousand in a couple of years, which is nonsense. Absolute nonsense. And, you know, a big part of the reason why I just want to go live really rural
Starting point is 00:17:31 because really rural, you just can't raise up the prices that much because there's nothing fucking out there. Like besides, besides obviously the holiday homes, the holiday homes that are on the river or like anything like that those are always going to be expensive because you know holiday homes all that fun stuff but the regular housing like um renmark uh wakery berry uh even like going the other
Starting point is 00:17:57 direction go down to like murray bridge it's you can still get houses out there for like 200 250 and because they're rural houses they're really massive properties like way bigger than you would ever possibly get in town unless you paid for like a you know a million dollar house but you know that being a country house also they're not like i said 70s houses for like the housing trust houses. Some of these houses are even older than that. They're like, you know, fucking 70 or 80 years old rather than 50 years old. But a lot of them, because like no one wants to, no one wants to like get rid of those properties because they are just so cheap. A lot of people are doing them up.
Starting point is 00:18:43 So the ones that are being sold sold they've got like all new renovated kitchens like everything done up sometimes the like living room is still like the fucking original living room and sometimes there'll be like a fireplace there but they've um put some like uh what would you call it like some plaster like or some some gyprock or something over the fireplace and if you go and ever knock down a wall, you realize the fucking fireplace there, uh, so you usually have that, but as for the general utilities of the house, a lot of them are actually quite nice, I'm not gonna get into a housing discussion on, on this podcast, because I do this every, like, every so
Starting point is 00:19:23 often, like, that I do a solo episode. It just gets to housing. I'm like, I want to buy a house at some point. This is the problem with the solo episodes. The solo episodes, you cannot tell what I'm going to talk about. It could be, hey, I'm going to talk about gaming. I'm going to talk about Linux. I'm going to talk about buying a
Starting point is 00:19:40 fucking house. I'm going to talk about how I'm learning guitar back there. I think I mentioned... Hello, there. I think I mentioned... Hello, Stella. I think I mentioned buying that guitar, but I hadn't actually got it when I was last doing a solo episode like two weeks ago, whatever it was. Now it's there. You know, I'm gonna show you something. I can't actually play it on the microphone because I've got my compressor and stuff set up. I'm gonna show you what it sounds like if play it on the microphone because I've got my like compressor and stuff set up I'm gonna show you what it sounds like if I try to do that I was actually testing this earlier because
Starting point is 00:20:09 you know at some point I do want to do something with the guitar related to my channel not for a long long time but I wanted to just test how going to record it it would actually go so give me just two seconds I I wonder if Stella is going to run when I try to play something. Also, playing in this chair is really uncomfortable. I'm just going to hit one chord and you'll see how bad this sounds. We'll even give it
Starting point is 00:20:37 a good situation. We'll put the microphone right here. Fuck, this is why no one plays guitar with chairs with armrests on them. Can I fucking hold the pick properly? Like that probably sounded horrendous. I'll do it one more
Starting point is 00:20:54 time. That's supposed to be an E minor. Give you a G as well. That would have sounded fucking terrible. I'm going to stop that now. Maybe considering how close it was,
Starting point is 00:21:12 it would have at least had some possibility of sounding somewhat decent. I guarantee that in person, it sounds like a proper chord. That's just my compressor and just my noise suppression completely fucking up. It's the same reason why a lot of the time I can't actually use
Starting point is 00:21:32 my, um, like, effects mixer, because, like, the, so, audio is very particular about when you actually apply filters and things like that, because can't like take a filter off obviously you can disable it but i mean like you can't undo a filter later in the later in the audio chain like with um image editing so if you were to say um change the hue of an image and then apply contrast that is going to be like even if it's the exact same settings it is going to be a different result as if you did that in the opposite direction so apply the contrast and then change the hue the same thing is true about audio so because i have my um noise suppression like what i would ultimately like to do i want to do what dt is doing at some point and actually have like a hardware audio suppressor
Starting point is 00:22:26 a hardware noise suppression hardware compressor things like that but like right now as it stands I've got it the noise suppression and the compressor like basically at the end of my chain so I can't really do much to like
Starting point is 00:22:42 you know mess around with that because I can't put it before my, uh, my audio mixer, for example. So like, it's, it, yeah, that probably made no sense. Basically, the idea is that the noise suppression is there and there's a lot of, a lot of really low, not, not like low as in like bassy, like low volume parts of a guitar strum and like Basically, all of that is getting completely cut out. So it just doesn't work now I probably could deal with it by like raising up the gain of the mixer But ultimately the best way to be capturing it is not using the fucking noise suppression
Starting point is 00:23:23 so at some point over on my, over on my gaming streams, over on like my streaming channel, I might, at some point when I learn how to play a song, actually do something. I'm learning what everyone plays, um, when they first learn to play guitar and that's Smoke on the Water because Smoke on the water one is a great song and two is a very fucking easy but i'm not like i'm not just focusing on learning a song like i'm actually just really enjoying learning different aspects of um of like playing the guitar there is a in case anyone is interested in uh learning guitar there is a really good really good series to watch actually there's honestly a lot of great content on learning music at this point um i would recommend
Starting point is 00:24:13 go hey what's up you guys stop shut the fuck up marty um uh let's see guitar lesson go to marty music's channel marty schwartz's channel, and this is the series. Begin an acoustic lesson one, and then I don't know how far he actually goes with this, but I've been slowly making my way through this series. I've done E minor, Asus 2, and there's another lesson in there for the A major, and then the G major. What I've been doing is basically giving myself like five, 10 minutes every day. I've only been doing it for like four or five days. So like, keep in mind, very, very, very early start. Give myself like five, 10 minutes every day,
Starting point is 00:24:55 except for the weekend where I have a lot more time. So I would sit down, honestly, like Saturday and Sunday, I sat down for like maybe an hour and a half on both days, Saturday and Sunday, I sat down for maybe an hour and a half on both days, just going through this lesson, redoing stuff, practicing playing chords in different orders, things like that. And I am honestly really, really enjoying it. I wish I'd picked up playing guitar a long time ago. I actually did play guitar back in high school. not not like you know really play guitar i did
Starting point is 00:25:26 like guitar during my music classes um and i really enjoyed it back then the problem is that back then the resources that are available now just firstly didn't exist like this series from marty like came out six years ago which is still a while ago now, but relative to when I was in high school, like, this came out, like, after I was done in high school. This, the way he's approaching this and the way he's teaching it is so much nicer
Starting point is 00:25:56 than my music teacher ever did. There are so many good resources to just learn, not just music, like, anything you want to learn like you're not gatekept by going to a course or going to like go to a teacher or something like that there's so much stuff that you can just really not easily but like you can self-teach yourself in a way that's not just hey hey, you're going through things blindly.
Starting point is 00:26:27 You're actually getting guidance on how to properly do things. Like, I would never have worked out what the fuck an E minor is without having some sort of guidance there or working out how the G chord works or anything like that. But you can just find this so easily now and it's not just this channel like if you look at beginner guitar lessons uh the reason why i went with marty is because well marty's is literally the top even though it doesn't have as much views which is weird maybe i'll go through this guy's as well ah the the nice okay is he trying to sell a course as well that might also be why
Starting point is 00:27:06 marty is like covering most of oh my god his content is like pretty much all of it um but what was i saying there um yeah just if you want to learn guitar go check his channel out very good i'm very much enjoying it I don't know if later in the series he goes over things like music theory or anything like that what like what we've been going through with this is Basically just how to play how to play the different chords and I agree with him. This might be the best way To like it may not be the best way you know long term to properly learn guitar but initially I would agree it's the best way because I'm really
Starting point is 00:27:53 enjoying it like this is something that there are like on the weekend I will play for like half an hour an hour and then I'm like hey I should put this down because my fingers are hurting but then then, like, I'm like, hey, I want to keep playing this, like, I want to go back and play some more, and then I'll play for, like, another, you know, 10, 15 minutes, that's honestly the big thing that is really stopping me right now, the fact that playing any chords, like, really fucking hurts my fingers. It's getting better. It's honestly getting, like, better, like, surprisingly quickly. I thought developing the calluses would take quite a bit more time. But, yeah, that first day and that second day.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Second day was actually way worse. Second day, I was like, am I going to develop blisters on my fingers? Obviously, stop if it's, like, really, really starting to hurt and you feel like this is actually, like, a serious problem. But, like, no matter how much you do, it's always going to hurt. Like, it's going to hurt initially. I remember it hurting back when I was in high school. And, like, it's definitely hurting now.
Starting point is 00:29:00 But I think once I get past that point, this is going to be something that I sort of stick with for quite a while. Like, I, I wanted something, it's the problem with my hobbies, right? Most of my hobbies are computer-based. Like, I enjoy gaming. I enjoy messing around with Linux. like I enjoy gaming I enjoy messing around with Linux I enjoy you know what else I enjoy my Japanese study
Starting point is 00:29:31 which is done on a computer and all of these things are great and I really enjoy them but I wanted to do something where I don't need to be on a computer I can just be like hey I'm gonna sit down and I'm just need to be on a computer. I can just be like, hey, I'm going to sit down and I'm just going to have fun.
Starting point is 00:29:50 I'm just going to sit here and chill, play some guitar and enjoy myself. And, you know, it works pretty well for that. I know that like, I've also said I enjoy golf. The problem with golf, like I still enjoy it and I still like enjoyed. Yeah, I still enjoy it. The problem with golf, like, I still enjoy it. And I still, like, enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Yeah. Oh, still enjoy it. The problem with golf is golf is like a whole day thing. So it's not a thing that I can just be like, hey, I'm going to, like, between recording videos, for example, I don't just. Oi, what are you doing? I don't just go and be like, hey, I'm gonna go do, like, nine holes right now, that's just not, or even, like, one hole, like, you have to, like, go play and stuff, and go down to a golf course, and do all that stuff, obviously, you can do, like, practicing your swings and stuff at home,
Starting point is 00:30:39 but with the guitar, like, with, like, any sort of simpler hobby like that, I can just be like, hey, with any sort of simpler hobby like that, I can just be like, hey, what are you doing? Give me just a moment. And I'm back. What I was saying was I can just pick up the guitar and just go. No extra planning there, nothing else involved.
Starting point is 00:31:02 There is also a bit like the show-off thing. Being able to play guitar is... There is a part of my ego that's like, hey, I like the idea of just being able to say I know how to play the guitar and just being able to play off some random song. Especially because there's a lot of people I know who have tried to pick up a guitar over the years and just never really stuck with it.
Starting point is 00:31:24 You know, there's always going to be that bit of ego element, anything you want to pick up, like, anything involved like that. But, you know, the main thing about it is, anything you want to do, really, is if you're enjoying it, then try it out. So in this series that Marty was doing, he was saying that you should probably keep it up like You know five ten minutes a day whatever you can manage for two or so months and then after that time
Starting point is 00:31:54 Then decide whether you want to keep it like long term and I think that's honestly a good like a good way to approach it because a lot of people may not really enjoy it from the start or they may be like me where they are really enjoying it from the start. But whether that actually continues is another question. If you still don't enjoy it after two months, maybe playing the guitar just isn't for you. And hey, that's fine. But if you really enjoy it at the start,
Starting point is 00:32:26 this is something that I tend to have happen with a lot of the things I try. Like if back when I was a kid and did taekwondo, if I was to pick up like, you know, jujitsu or something now, if I was to, you know, play the guitar, anything that I do, I tend to really enjoy it at the start. It's just a question of whether I will continue to enjoy it as I go on, or I'll, you know, maybe get to a wall or something. I'm like, hey, I just don't want to deal with this or something like that.
Starting point is 00:32:58 You know, I don't see that happening. A lot of the time, I'll keep that early momentum going for probably longer than I should. Like, there are some things that I do, which, not in every case, is, um, you know, productive use of your time, that I will, um, ow, um, that I'll just keep going and going and going and going and going for. But yeah. I highly recommend you, you know, get yourself a hobby. It doesn't have to be music. Just don't be like what I was doing where I let myself fall into a rut.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Like I talked about burnout last week. And that's what that, last week, the week before. That's what that last week the week before that's what that was i let myself like fall into a rut and just do the same thing every single day mix it up a bit you don't have to be good at things plus like learning new things ultimately has a positive effect on other things you are doing in your life like even if the skills aren't directly transferable like you know fucking taekwondo isn't directly transferable into guitar playing guitar playing isn't directly transferable into i don't know gaming thing like playing apex getting good at
Starting point is 00:34:21 different things firstly it feels good like that's first firstly, it feels good. Like, that's first and foremost, it is an enjoyable experience to go from a beginner at something to that, like, intermediate stage where, you know, you've got a general idea about what you're doing wrong and how much further you can go. But, you know, you're in that stage where you're not seeing those massive improvements anymore this is sort of where i am with kanji at this point but as you get through that and you actually may not become a master at something but you've become like you know somewhat competent at it this is where i feel like i'm at with my youtube for example
Starting point is 00:35:01 knowing that you can do that and knowing that you can do that again and again and no matter how old you get, you can pick up something new and you can learn it and you can develop those skills and continue developing as a person, that I think is going, like knowing that you can do that is going to help you with other things you want to be doing. If that makes any sense. I'm just repeating things that I've heard much, much more intelligent people than I say.
Starting point is 00:35:35 I'm not making some like original point here. I'm just like, hey, smart person said thing. I'm going to say what smart person said, basically. But isn't that how basically every podcast host goes? It's like, I'm just gonna say things that sound somewhat intelligent, and just you know, pretend
Starting point is 00:35:54 like it's my own thing, because I don't remember who said it to me, but like, it's in my brain now, so if it's in my brain, that means that it's something that I made. Yes. So if it's in my brain, that means that it's something that I made. Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Speaking of things and things that I made, you know, I feel like I now have too much power on my Twitter. Like, I can say some, like, stupid fucking thing, and somehow it gets way more attention than it ever should. So I tweeted out this the other day. I guess I tweeted this out yesterday for me a week ago for you guys. I don't know. Non-developers talking about programming issues is always adorable non-dev here can't you just slap an ai on the logic an api on the logic and merge with existing amd apps this is like a making a amd control panel sort of thing i'm curious what slap an api on the logic looks like in your head
Starting point is 00:37:11 Replying to a previous comment, but almost all the business logic should be redone to accommodate AMD such Intel GPUs as opposed to redoing all the business logic Port all the business logic over to an AMD app or vice versa by adding an interface to both Elaborate, please. This is funny and this got like fucking 412 likes and 33 retweets like what the hell like why are people paying attention to things that I'm putting out? Um Another one was from an earlier day where I Pissed off some people about Windows
Starting point is 00:37:45 Where is it? Where is the Windows 7 tweet? Here's the follow-up to it. Didn't think saying I don't run Windows 7 in 2022 was controversial. There are only two reasons to still be using it. Firstly, you have a specialized use case where the software you need can only run on Windows 7. Secondly, you bought a computer a decade ago and have no idea what an OS is. And I think most people would be pretty much in agreement with that. Like, you probably shouldn't be using Windows 7, and if you are using Windows 7, but you
Starting point is 00:38:24 don't know what a computer is, you don't, you don't, like, understand operating systems or anything like that, totally fine. Doesn't matter if you're still using it. Um, because, look, a lot of people say they're using Windows 7 because they don't like the telemetry in Windows 10 and 11. But if your plan to, like, escape Microsoft Telemetry is to run a system with 7 plus year old unpatched exploits, that's insane. I did make a
Starting point is 00:38:54 mistake on the year that the extended support ended. So extended support and extended service something or other. Extended security updates. So extended support something or other. Extended security updates. So extended support ended in 2020.
Starting point is 00:39:10 So for like free use, the people who are still using Windows 7. Those people, they basically don't get any updates after that point. So after 2020, no more updates of Windows 7. With the exception of paying for extended security updates I mixed up some dates I thought that extended support was part of the paid thing someone might say
Starting point is 00:39:34 but what about developing nations that can't afford new hardware which I think is a totally legitimate concern you know might be a fine reason for running Windows 7 or running an older operating system. But I feel like that's like a totally legitimate concern. But instead of running a highly insecure OS, you are much better off using any modern Linux distro.
Starting point is 00:39:59 Now, obviously, if you're in a business and they rely on some specific software or something like that, like maybe you require Teams or some other weird bit of software that doesn't work properly on Linux or simply just doesn't work on Linux full stop, you know, it makes sense why you would need to be using Windows then. But a lot of that software is slowly not supporting Windows 7 anyway. But a lot of that software is slowly not supporting Windows 7 anyway. So it's not going to be... It's not going to even be like a valid choice to be using Windows 7 in like maybe... I want to say two or three more years.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Like I know a lot of games that are coming out aren't supporting Windows 7. A lot of software is updating past the Windows 7 support period. And software that, software that is on, like, a, a software that used to work, and, like, maybe there's still a version of that program that works on Windows 7, because it relies on, like, like, the servers being run by the company,
Starting point is 00:41:06 they might just not support having that old version running on their servers anymore. But like, I will put out stupid tweets like this, and people will actually like take what I'm saying as like some super serious thing. Where was the other one? Before I went to bed last night, I literally just tweeted Gome, and I woke up, and it has fucking 20 comments and 70 likes. I didn't tweet anything! I just tweeted the word gnome! Why? Stop it!
Starting point is 00:41:37 And, like, people have been arguing about gnome and stuff in the comment section. Some people are like, hey, look, haha, funny gnome word But like there were people who had actual discussions about KDE and gnome in my comment section like stop it stop What are you doing? I'm just tweeting out a word cuz I'm fucking with all you people
Starting point is 00:42:01 But for some reason I have I've gotten to this position, and this is not me bloating- uh, bloating? Gloating. Bloating and gloating are very different words. This is not me gloating. I don't know how I got into this position where people, like, not just on my Twitter, on my YouTube, will like, hear what I say, and I am treated as some like fucking authority on things. How did that happen? I don't understand. It doesn't make sense and it will never make sense. Like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:37 Honestly, I don't know. Is it just the fact that a lot of the content in the Linux space is just a lot of it is more opinion-based stuff rather than purely pure like obviously my content isn't purely factual as well like i will include a lot of opinion stuff but usually my content is primarily hey this is what is happening this is like going over resources like going over sources things like that as opposed to hey i'm going to rant about this thing that's going on i don't like my content used to be like that and i felt like it did well but nowadays the way that i'm doing it it seems
Starting point is 00:43:17 like it's a lot more consistent than uh what i was doing previously and i think maybe it's just, maybe it's just the way that I'm, what I'm, the content I'm a, um, I'm approaching here just isn't really being filled with the, in, in the Linux niche, like, you've got a lot of distro reviewers, you've got a lot of people that are, you know, looking at software, and I still look at software myself, just not as often, you've got a lot of people that are doing the opinion-based stuff on, like, random, you know, Linux cultural topics, but there's not really that many people, besides, like, Nick from the Linux experiment, not that many people, and he does, like, multiple topics, doing deep dives on, and he does like multiple topics doing deep dives on like you know things that are interesting but not necessarily things that are you would instantly jump to as like a a primary story like most people wouldn't see like uh let's see a recent video i put up. Um, oh, I did a video about a very specific update to the 5.19.12 kernel
Starting point is 00:44:32 that was killing Intel screens, or, like, screens on Intel laptops, or I did a video about Debian voting on non-free firmware, or, like, Manjaroaro I guess Manjaro shipping a broken kernel is a little bit different. I did a video on the next phase for Rust in the Linux kernel, which is basically a write-up going over a Q&A with the some Linux maintainers
Starting point is 00:44:57 over Rust in the kernel. And all of these topics they're not the obvious popular videos in the Linux space. Like, the obvious popular videos are the, hey, Linux Mint is an amazing operating system. Linux Mint, or Linux Ubuntu versus Debian Ubuntu. Which distro is better? Which distro is good for a beginner?
Starting point is 00:45:23 Like, these are the sort of videos that when I thought of Linux Space a couple of years back, these are the videos I thought of as the ones that do really well. And I'm sure they still do well, and the channels that do them, you know, probably doing well for themselves. But I think that the direction I've taken the channel is, one, it's sort of fitting what I find interesting. I like to do these deep dives on these random topics that you would think no one actually cares about, but if you frame it in a certain way, can be really interesting.
Starting point is 00:46:08 it in a certain way can be really interesting. And two, content that isn't really being touched by that many people. In a lot of cases, a lot of the videos that I've done recently, nobody else had done videos on. Even, even though it was like, you know, sometimes I'm a couple of days late. Or in some cases, it's just really, it's just really... What's the word? Greenfield? Yeah, Greenfield is when it's something new, isn't it? Greenfield Development, something like that. Like the weirdest AUR package. This video, it's about a very specific topic. It's about the AUR.
Starting point is 00:46:40 So firstly, you would think it limits you to Arch Linux users. But when you try to discuss like oddity with the AUR that might expand out past those users to a more like general Linux audience who are like What is this weird thing going on in the AUR? Like should I check this out? Is this actually somewhat interesting? And that video got like 26,000 views which a couple of like a year ago would be unheard of from my channel and um a lot of my recent videos are going like above 10k views just remember a couple of I don't know if any of you guys remember this but like
Starting point is 00:47:19 a couple of months back like 4k was like big numbers for like a regular video months back, like, 4K was, like, big numbers for, like, a regular video. If I did, like, really well, maybe it would be, like, an 8K video, but, uh, it does remind me of a, um, amusing comment I got a year ago. This person, I think I've banned them from my comment section now because they kept annoying me over all of this time, um, and I got sick of them, so I, I banned them, um, it's pretty difficult to get banned from my comment section, if you manage to do that, honestly, like, it, I can't find it now because Discord's not working, um, like, if you get banned from my comment section, you, you fucked up, you really fucked up if you got banned from my comment section you you fucked up you really fucked up if you got banned from my comment section because i just let that sec let that comment section is just
Starting point is 00:48:12 why would pretty much the only things that aren't allowed uh i will block out things that are part of known spam messages so when they're using like you know special unicode that wouldn't appear on a normal like a normal discussion and in a specific way that makes it look like some other words things like that you know someone trying to uh evade the insta block or the insta um spam filter by writing porn in a different way or crypto in a different way things like that like those sort of forms I'll have on the block list and you know known spam links and those scam links and I like some deep like there are certainly
Starting point is 00:48:59 some details out there that have been made public that I also have on the insta delete list as well but if you manage to get yourself banned from my my comment section you've got to try real hard usually the only way someone gets banned besides obviously the bots like the bots are just insta ban um usually the only way someone gets banned from my comment section is they are so stupid and so committed to being stupid and have to comment on every single thing that i say and start an argument not just with me but with other people as well that i'm just like i don't want to deal with you anymore like you are actually wasting time out of my day that i just want to use on anything else so i want to say i've banned
Starting point is 00:49:52 gotta be less than like five people from my comment section at absolute most like five or maybe maybe six or people, but it's certainly no more than, like, it's not more than, it's not ten, it's definitely not ten, um, actually, I can check right now, see how many people, uh, actually, this might be hard to tell, because I also have people that are, um, like, bots that are being banned from, uh, by, by runs, and so this list might actually be way longer than I ever thought it was, but, like, if someone's being mean to me, like, whatever, I don't, I actually don't care, um, it's usually if you're just being genuinely annoying, yeah, a lot of the, a lot of it here is just bots.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Yeah, so I can't actually tell you how many people I've done. Maybe it was less, actually. Maybe it was, like, three. Yeah, I know this person. I'm not going to show you it just because I don't want to put names on the screen. Yeah, like, two or three people, I guess. Don't get so bad with my comment section. Like, just be a normal person.
Starting point is 00:51:15 I think... One thing that I want to make very clear is if someone wants to be critical of me, that's perfectly fine. Go ahead. But if you're going to be critical of me, that's perfectly fine, go ahead. But if you're going to be critical of me, I expect you to have actually done the research and show me where I'm wrong. Like, if I make some point about the Rust language, or about the Linux kernel, or about, I don't know, some program, something that was said here or something like that, if you're going to be critical of what I'm saying, I expect you to have actually read the information and show me where I am wrong. I will not listen to a word you are saying if you're just like,
Starting point is 00:51:58 oh, you're wrong. Like, okay, so are you. Like, what the fuck are you saying? But there have been people who've had these, like, you know, well-researched, well-thought-out rebuttals to what I'm saying. Like, okay, you know what? Yeah, I guess I was wrong about that, and that's fine. And I think that's a healthy way to look at it. Like, you definitely can't... I think there are extremes here which aren't very helpful
Starting point is 00:52:27 but when you get to a certain size they're kind of they're kind of a necessity like there are a lot of big people who don't read any of their comments and i feel like that's a very easy way to start getting out of touch with what people actually want from your content i don't think that's a that's a healthy way to approach i think it works for some people. You get to a point of critical mass, like you're a Joe Rogan, for example, where you are so big that it doesn't really matter. Also, people have just been there the entire time just to hear you basically being you so if something you say just you know doesn't really align with something or it's just nonsense speaking of nonsense i put a lot of nonsense in the podcast um but when it's like that that's different from being a... I mean like obviously small relative to like the six million
Starting point is 00:53:26 subscriber creators but in the Linux space I'm in like that mid to like high tier right now and I feel like that's a that's an area where you get a lot of feedback some of that feedback is useful like one of the things I uh I heard recently is my microphone was I've heard I've had some people tell me my my microphone sounds terrible if you think this mic sounds terrible you need new ears what you might think sounds terrible is my voice the mic the mic sounds great though um but someone said my mic was like way too quiet. That would go from my video to someone else's video. And either their speakers would be fucking loud.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Or their speakers would be nowhere near loud enough to actually hear me. So I jacked up that volume. And I'm sort of testing around some audio stuff right now. Just to see, just to see where it should probably be. I have still considered actually like foaming the walls. I just haven't gotten around to it. Maybe I'll have to do that at some point in the relatively near future. Because it's fine when I'm sitting here.
Starting point is 00:54:39 But when I stand up and when I like look up. The echo is. And maybe I don't even. I don't know if you can hear it because of the noise suppression. But I look up, the echo is... Maybe I don't even... I don't know if you can hear it because of the noise suppression. But I can certainly hear an echo from the top. Floor's fine because, you know, the fucking carpet. But it might be worth actually looking into putting some foam up. I don't know how well it's going to go.
Starting point is 00:55:02 But I definitely noticed a lot more when I first started with the guitar, like, that pointed out the echo real fucking hard, uh, but it's also just started to generally annoy me a bit, plus, you know, foam's cheap and all that, uh, I've just had a lot of things on my plate that I, like, had to buy buy. Like when my fucking battery died in my car the other day. I think I told this story. Did I tell this story? My battery died in my car. And at that point.
Starting point is 00:55:34 I was going to be buying a car. That week. And now things have been delayed. So it's not that big of a deal. But I was going to be buying a new car. At the end of that week. And I just. Literally three days before I got a new car,
Starting point is 00:55:47 it was like, hey, battery dead, buy a new battery. Uh, I've gotta pay for my fucking car regio as well. I think that's due a couple of weeks from now. Um, the guitar wasn't expensive, that was like a hundred bucks. Um, but like,
Starting point is 00:56:03 I think I had some bills, some like other bills. Oh, I had my tax. I did my tax a little while back. Fucking $450 bill or something, which, you know, better than the bill I had the previous year. I feel like I told that story. Maybe I did. Yeah, last year, it was like a $10,000 bill or something like that, because, uh, was it last year or the year before? One of the years. It was the year where the crypto market
Starting point is 00:56:34 just fucking, woo! It was, it was the point where it was at this. It was before this point. I, I'd sold at this point, and, you know sell a bunch of a bunch of crypto it's like hey pay your tax buddy don't fuck with the tax agents you know what if you take any take away from anything I've ever said if you wanna fuck with you know
Starting point is 00:56:58 I don't know the whatever your driving association is called the like, the, in, like, the, the group that manages licenses, if you want to fuck with the police, if you want to fuck with, I don't know, uh, anybody else, don't do it, I'm not saying you should, but if you want to, you, you'll probably be fine, don't fuck, like, with your tax agent, like, your tax collector, anything like that. The tax people, they will fucking destroy
Starting point is 00:57:28 you. Make sure you pay your taxes, make sure you pay it on time, and get your information correct. Yes. But yeah, $450 compared to that previous bill was a, um, certainly an improvement. You know, it improvement you know it wasn't
Starting point is 00:57:46 like optimal I would like to have not had a bill but you know when you are making money over the year and you don't pay any tax on that money until the end of the year uh you know I guess I paid I was paying a bit just not anywhere near enough
Starting point is 00:58:02 to make sure there was no bill I might up it like up my quarterly payments this year just to make sure i don't have a bill at the end um but you know we'll see plus i don't have any have any major channel expenses i want to be making over this year i am pretty much like set Set with everything that I want. I think. Like there are things that I would like. To do in the future.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Like I would like. To move up to the. The canon. What the fuck. What was the camera called? The cameron. The cameron cameras. No, the Canon R10? Yeah, the Canon R10, which is a new camera from Canon. I don't know if I'm going to stick on,
Starting point is 00:58:59 like, if I go from the, from what I'm on now, my M200, up to the R10, this is going to a completely different lens mount. So my current lenses won't work on this body. And you can't, like, adapt them or anything like that. So I would have to decide whether I'm going to stick with Canon or go over to something like Sony instead. This is, like like a long way in the future for me deciding whether I want to do
Starting point is 00:59:27 this. Let's go buy the body only. Let's check out Javi Norman. Did you get this? What is it? $1,200? Or did they change the price? Last I looked it was $1,500 now. Maybe I was looking somewhere else. Maybe I was looking at a different camera.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Maybe I was. Wait, was the thing at the R7... Wait, give me one second. Or is the R7 the more expensive one? Because when I looked at it before, I think they'd actually like, made it really confusing, where the R10 was more expensive than the R7. Yeah. Here you go. Usually with a product line, you would think bigger number means better camera or better product. No, in this case it's the other way around. The lower the
Starting point is 01:00:18 number, but only specifically with this camera. The other cameras they have, a lot of them go in, like, increasing order. Um, but yeah, this is going from the, right now, I'm on the EF-M mount. That is what is used on their, like, low-end, um, their low-end mirrorless cameras, but Canon is basically killing off that segment. So, yeah. Right now, there's like, I think, two cameras that are still EF-M cameras. There's the M200 and the M50, I want to say.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Canon EF-M cameras. Let's have a look. I think those are the ones that are still being manufactured. Like, there was another one in there that you could get up until, like, earlier this year. But that one... Yeah, that one's not exactly around anymore. Or was it the RP I was thinking of? Wait, sorry.
Starting point is 01:01:20 It might not have even been the R10. It might have been the RP. And I might just be completely forgetting what I was saying. Like, completely mistaking what I was saying. Is Canon's website going to load? It just froze. Good job, Canon. Oh, there we go.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Okay, maybe it wasn't this one. Maybe it was the R10. Sure, my browser just broke. Sure, whatever. Right, yeah. wasn't this one. Maybe it was the R10. Sure, my browser just broke. Sure, whatever. Right, yeah. What I was saying was there was another camera in the EF-M line. I don't know what it was called, but Canon decided to discontinue it,
Starting point is 01:02:00 and there's concerns they might discontinue the other EF-M cameras. Plus, there's just not that manyue the other EF-M cameras. Plus there's just not that many lenses on the EF-M platform because it's, you know, their low-end platform. So yeah, going up to the RF line is probably a lot better for the longevity of using the camera. Because once you have lenses, you'll replace out your camera body every so often, but the lenses you have, as long as you're not scratching them, as long as you're not being really stupid
Starting point is 01:02:32 with them, you can keep your lenses around for a long-ass time. So getting to a more getting to a more sustainable platform seems like it might be a getting to a more sustainable platform seems like it might
Starting point is 01:02:47 be a good idea. Also, this is a 4K camera, not that I can particularly work super well with 4K on Linux because of the GPU stuff and all of that,
Starting point is 01:03:03 but I would mess around with it, see if it would be at least, um, you know, feasible to do any 4K stuff, but I would still keep the M200 around, like, I've still got this lens for it, and I like the lens, it's a nice, it's a really nice lens, um, I don't know why I swapped that. But I'd probably keep it around as like a b-roll camera. Like one of the reasons why I don't do a lot of like vlog stuff and I don't do a lot of, you know, moving around stuff is it is kind of a pain to have to take my camera off the stand and then drag it around. And when I do it, like do stuff up there again, I have to take my camera off the stand and then drag it around and when i do it like do stuff up there again i have to put it back and then readjust stuff it's not a major deal like i could do it
Starting point is 01:03:50 it's just i could also not do it uh so yeah i usually fall on the not do it side and i don't know i think when I when I do get a new camera that's probably going to be like as as high end as I go like I don't think there is any productive reason to go above like this is a I think it's a
Starting point is 01:04:18 $1500 camera Australian I want to say it's $1500 um this is the most like camera Australian? I want to say it's $1500. This is the most like the most it makes sense to do for a YouTube camera. Like I know LTT is like hey
Starting point is 01:04:35 let's go to a fucking $10,000 camera but for normal things that you're doing for regular people out there making regular videos which is what ltt is really like they could get by fine with a 1500 camera um but it's like hey let's let's just burn money on insanely expensive cameras um i'm not going to do that
Starting point is 01:05:05 because I want to burn my money on other things. Which I think is a more, you know, maybe a better use of your money. You know, one day, maybe sometime next year, I'll buy this camera. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. I will have to,
Starting point is 01:05:24 you know, I'll have to consider what I want to do when we get a bit closer to that point decide whether it's actually worth it anything like that maybe I will maybe I won't I don't know you know at some point I will have to replace this camera like day, this camera is going to break. So, you know, I don't know. When did I get this camera? Like, I think, I'm gonna check. Because I did a video on this camera. Rody Robertson
Starting point is 01:05:53 camera. I have had this for... Didn't I do a video on the camera? I thought I did. Maybe I didn't. Hmm. I thought I did a video- did I not do a video on this camera? God, look at this. Look at ancient Brody. Look at Brody in the purple background. Wait, let's see my background. Wow, look at that. My face was horribly lit there.
Starting point is 01:06:30 And I'm very shiny as well. Like, look at this is... Like, the purple isn't a bad look. But, like, I was horribly lit. Like, my face is so badly lit. I look... Like, the background is so much brighter than my face ever was. And then my hair light is just way too bright as well.
Starting point is 01:06:53 We've done this before. We're not doing this again. We're not going to ransom out my terrible lighting. I kind of want to do something with this room. Like I like the more, you know, not a gamer look. I, I like, I like what I've got going on right now, but it might be nice to experiment with some stuff because I do have some lights sitting around I could, I could play around with, plus the fact that I have, like, more going on in the background. It might actually be a, a bit more of a
Starting point is 01:07:21 acceptable look. Plus, I have these lights that are actually good lights now, so having enough brightness there to you know, effectively light my face and light my face in a more you know, natural
Starting point is 01:07:40 tone like you're seeing, like maybe I've, I don't know I'm still messing around these lights, I started playing around the settings again, I know it's, like, really blown out here, at my normal sitting distance, I think this looks good, like, I think I could probably get some, maybe I could mess around with the positioning of the lights, and get something that looked a little bit better in some cases, like this light, maybe if I brought it over a bit more closer to the camera it would look better but I think brightness wise with the way it's set up as it stands this looks good I think I think I'll
Starting point is 01:08:21 turn my overhead light so like right now my backdrop is just being lit up by my, um, by, like, my overhead, like, ceiling light. So, we'll turn that off and just see how it looks. Also, keep in mind that I do have my window open here, so, like, some of that, that light is coming through. some of that light is coming through. You know, maybe lighting that up wouldn't be a bad look. Plus, the benefit I have now is because my room is so much bigger than it was at the previous place. Like, one of the problems I had with that shot I showed before is because the room was so big, so small, sorry,
Starting point is 01:09:04 and I wanted to get the color, you know, a certain level of brightness, it had this issue where the light from behind me would reflect onto my face. So my face would have this like purple or green or red glow to it that I don't think looked very good. But with the way this looks now I think I could... I think I could do something with it. Like I've considered running... this is something I wanted to do ages ago actually. I've considered running like LEDs maybe under here, and then maybe, like, you know, under the, uh, the, um, the pictures, the posters, that one, and then maybe I could, like, put some lights in where
Starting point is 01:09:57 the figures and stuff are, I don't know, I don't know, I think, like, this, the way it's set up, like, the way the room is laid out now it gives me so much more flexibility the problem is that i'm not fucking doing anything with the flexibility it's like hey look at this i have a bigger room i can do stuff with it and i don't do anything with it i just i just downgrade and it like i have less going on than I used to have. Which I think in some ways, I think doing less, but doing it, like, better, looks better than doing a lot and doing it terribly, which is what I was doing. I had the fucking purple lights, and I had the, like, lights changing colour, and it looked better in that room than doing nothing.
Starting point is 01:10:47 Just because that room had nothing going on in the background. Now that I have things back there, it's a lot more exciting back there. I still need to get another bookshelf to put in... That bit. Yeah, there you go. In that bit there. So those books down the bottom can stop being down the bottom
Starting point is 01:11:03 and actually be in a fucking bookshelf. Because the figure stand there, so those books down the bottom can stop being down the bottom and actually be in a fucking bookshelf. Because, like this, the figure stand there, the figure cabinet, we'll call it. I guess this side's better. That is I guess technically a bookshelf. Hey look, here you go, get some feet.
Starting point is 01:11:20 There you go, for your feet guys. That's technically a bookshelf. It's a terrible bookshelf because, you know, the back doesn't have, like, there's, like, one side that has a back, the other side doesn't. So if you put books in there, some of them might fall at the back. Plus, it comes so far forward. There's just so much wasted space. It's not a good bookshelf, but it is great as a figure cabinet.
Starting point is 01:11:44 And I'm really happy with, you know, using it like for that. It is technically, you know, getting a little bit full in some areas. But when I get that bottom area down there, I'll have one more shelf to work with. Also, I occasionally throw random junk up there as well. So we have, like, here we Here, we have some spare guitar strings. Or we have a box. From my Aria's. My earphones that I usually wear on stream.
Starting point is 01:12:25 We've got a knife. Safety knife. Also, it's covered in glue. What is this? We've got an orange filter for my old lights, which I don't actually need for the new lights. I can't use it on the old lights, but for the
Starting point is 01:12:43 new ones, they actually have orange globes in them so Like you know filters like this are not particularly necessary Actually one thing I had considered doing to actually light up the backdrop if I wasn't going to use like led strips Which I think is probably the best way to do it, but if I wasn't going to do that What I could do is like get cellophane and put it onto my old lights. I could do it, like, super ghetto, like I was, um, like I was doing with my old lights. Or I could do it properly. I've not really considered, uh, what I should be doing.
Starting point is 01:13:19 One thing I think might be a good idea, though, is, like, getting some getting some sort of like lamp to put back there. Like, you know, some stupid lamp or like a light up penguin or something like that. I've not found anything that really, really fits what I actually want it to be, but I think that would be amusing. I'm going to turn the light back on now.
Starting point is 01:13:43 So like the, the background doesn't look as bad as it does. There we go. Look at that. Much better. Worse? Better? I don't know. I think this looks better than not having the light on. What is this about?
Starting point is 01:14:02 Why are there any messages? What does Dylan want? Let's find out. You know someone. What is this about? Why are there any messages? What does Dylan want? Let's find out. You know someone. What is this? I'm after a young boilermaker, fresh out of their time. EBA company, $65 an hour. Work is construction in the warehousing sector. It's a great opportunity for a young guy or girl. To get into the construction industry.
Starting point is 01:14:27 And learn from myself. And my other boiler makers. Must have own transportation. A site would also need. Boom lift high risk. So 18 year old plus only. Yeah if anyone wants a job as a boiler maker. Um.
Starting point is 01:14:43 I guess go check out. The awesome boilies page on Facebook. I don't have qualifications as a Boilermaker, but I don't know if this is a thing, like, for you guys, but I've got a lot of friends who
Starting point is 01:14:59 for some reason or another are like, I want to be a Boilermaker. I want to be a Boilerm I want to be a boiler maker. And, you know, that's great. I'm not disrespecting people who want to go and pick up a trade. Like, if you want to be an electrician, you want to be a plumber, or you want to be, you know, a mechanic or a panel beater or anything like that. But there's so many fucking people who, like, do one trade.
Starting point is 01:15:22 And then, like, I'm going to be a boiler maker now. Like, why does everybody want to be a fucking boiler maker how many boilers do we need like so many especially like mechanics that i've met like i want to be a goddamn boiler maker like i'm sure that's a great job, but like, how, like, Boilermaker, Boilermaker is the, it is the programmer of the, uh, Boilermaker is the programmer of the, like, the trades. Everybody fucking wants to do it, and it's probably good money as well, it's probably why people want to do it. if you want to do it.
Starting point is 01:16:04 But, I don't know. There actually was a time when I was, like, before I knew that I wanted to do programming, that I finished uni and I didn't do programming, when I was in high school, that point where you're like, I don't know what I'm going to do with my life.
Starting point is 01:16:20 Am I going to go get a trade? Am I going to go to university? During that period where which some of you probably are in or you know may still be in in your fucking 30s or something i don't know if i can do my life i'm just gonna keep winging it and see what happens um during that period i was heavily considering becoming an electrician because like i had always enjoyed messing around with tech but i didn't know what I wanted to do with tech. Did I want to do electronics?
Starting point is 01:16:51 Did I want to go do engineering? Maybe software engineering. Maybe electrical engineering. Did I want to go work at a PC shop? What the hell did I want to do? Because all I knew is I wanted to do something with tech. That is the only, like, since I was very, very young. Like, you know, old enough to really know, firstly, what a future is.
Starting point is 01:17:18 Secondly, like, what a career is. And thirdly, that I had any interest in tech so like I think the first time I used a computer was like a Windows 98 machine in like 2000 and I don't know four or something I don't know something like that from that point onwards I knew that I wanted to be involved in tech and then as I like you know started playing video games that was sort of set in place as well, but I just didn't know what I wanted to do, and I've still sort of, I'm doing that now as well, like, it's just, I've, I've tried out so many different things, like, hey, you're gonna, I don't know what this is, it's supposed to be a snake, but I'm doing it really badly, um, I've just tried out so many things, and in some cases, not even tried out, like, sort of
Starting point is 01:18:03 just looked more into them, and things just didn't really click with me, things didn't really click with me until I got to programming, like, programming was the first thing that I thought, hey, I could actually see myself doing this for my entire life. Now, that hasn't gone super well right now, I've sort of shifted again, but like I wouldn't be, I wouldn't be depressed going and being like a code monkey my entire life. I don't know what I would want to do, like whether it's like web development or back-end stuff or kernel development or developing corporate software or what exactly I'd want to be doing, but I could still see myself doing the programming thing, and if the YouTube thing
Starting point is 01:18:52 doesn't work out, that's what I'm going to be doing, like, if it gets to the point where I feel, where I feel like just things aren't going well, or maybe, like, you know, I get bored of it, I just can't deal with doing it anymore, I have that ability to, like, sort of roll it down a bit, and also keep doing, like, start working on a portfolio, for example, like, what I would do if I needed to stop doing the YouTube thing is I would basically take a year, maybe two years, and go, like, fucking hard making a portfolio, working on different projects, looking at, like, the jobs that are around, trying to work out exactly what I wanted to do, and get some sort of entry-level position, and that, I think, would work out pretty well, especially due to the fact that I know a lot of people that, you know, have been doing
Starting point is 01:19:47 programming stuff for a while now, you know, but look, hopefully by the time that the, uh, the YouTube thing fails and I need to get an actual job, some of those people are in management positions and then I can like, you know, hey mate, can you like get me a fucking job? I haven't done programming like five years, but I've got this portfolio here. Make your connections. That's the most important point. Connections, connections, connections. Developers, developers, developers. No, seriously, like if I was in a situation where I had to like go do that, I wouldn't hate it. Like I enjoy programming. The only reason I don't program as much anymore is, you know, I, I just don't like have anything like right now I only really
Starting point is 01:20:34 program if there's something that I need to get done. Like, Hey, there's a program that I, I want to be using, but it doesn't exist. Usually it's like, hey, I want to do something for myself. It's not as much I'm just programming for the sake of programming. That's where I was when I was like during university before I found the content creation thing. And I think I could reawaken that if I needed to, it's just right now, I don't really need to, I still do get, uh, you know, comments from my, I think it's, it's slow to get into the point where my parents is, like, starting to accept what I'm actually doing, like, my mum was never, you know,
Starting point is 01:21:21 disapproving of me going and doing the YouTube thing. She was very questioning initially, like, when I was still at university and doing the YouTube, she was like, oh, I'm just doing a thing on the side. But then when I finished uni and I didn't get a programming job, and I just kept doing the, the YouTube thing, still like, you know, hey, you're going to look for positions, you're going to do this, you're going to do that. And as I've been doing this more and more, and it's been going better and better and better, I've been getting less of those questions. I feel like those questions are going to start again whenever it gets to the point where I actually quit my regular job. When I quit working in a supermarket and I just do the YouTube thing,
Starting point is 01:22:14 I think that's where I'm going to get questions like, not bad questions. It's never been, hey, you shouldn't be doing this. It's always been out of concern. Like, is this going to go well sort of thing things like that You know and totally get that from a parent's perspective that you're worried about this really stupid Idea that your kid has got like he's going to go and make videos on the internet and not porn videos Which would actually not for me do well, but you know some people they do quite well
Starting point is 01:22:41 Not like something that you know Obviously makes you money on the internet i'm going to go make videos about tech and like linux and not programming much anymore but like i don't know i think especially when you're like i'm like in my mid-20s, which is weird to say. It's very weird to say that I'm in my mid-20s, because I'm what? 24 now. I'm 24. We'll see if I have my
Starting point is 01:23:13 mid-20 crisis when I hit 25, because I know some people are having those like, oh my god, I've wasted half my 20s, and then we get to my 30s and we'll see if I've wasted half my we've wasted like a quarter of my life there we'll see if that happens um but right now we're going good if the channel drops off and nobody watches my content you know maybe I'll feel like that by the time I'm 25 time I'm 30
Starting point is 01:23:36 or whatever um but you know as it stands uh we're doing good so it's not as much of a concern I think the thing that helps out with that is also like not tying my entire my entire enjoyment in life out of how well the channel is doing I do know of some people
Starting point is 01:24:00 that do seem like they do that and I was like this as well, like, for a very long time, it's only sort of very recently that I've managed to properly sort of separate myself and the way the channel is doing, I'm still, I still fade back into that every so often, but like, if a video does well, I feel good for the day, If a video does badly, I feel badly for the day. I think what's helped out with that is kind of the recent boost in the numbers. Like, I never thought the channel would get to a point where, like, a regular video is 30,000 views.
Starting point is 01:24:41 Like, that's just stupid numbers. I just don't understand, like, how that happened. Like, that number just doesn't make any sense to me. When it was in, like, the couple thousand range, like, I could, you know, I could kind of understand how it got there, but
Starting point is 01:24:57 as it gets, like, as the number gets higher and higher, it leads to more of a disconnect between what I'm doing and the way the channel performs, if that makes any sense. I put out the video, and I'm like, this is a good video. And then the views are like, this is a lot of views, and I don't understand. It's so many people clicking on it that it's past that point where the number even makes any sense to me. The other thing that helps out is, you know,
Starting point is 01:25:33 when the channel is doing a little bit, not worse, you would say, like, it wasn't at this position. I could look at the number. Like, when I got out of bed, I would look at my channel and look at the number it said there and know exactly where in my list of videos the video was performing. Now, I really struggle to like work out that number. Oh, it's 3,000 views at like 8 o'clock in the morning.
Starting point is 01:26:01 I don't know what that means. Is that a lot? It probably is a lot. It's more than a video would fucking do in the entire day a year ago. So it's just... It's... I think the best way to say it is the number is so high at this point that it kind of feels... It kind of feels surreal and... And... kind of feels surreal and yeah it kind of feels surreal it's like this number doesn't make any sense i can't i i see the number there and i'm like okay this is the views on the channel but it
Starting point is 01:26:36 it doesn't make any like i can't i can't link it back to what i'm doing like i i would be able to back when it was like a thousand views like thousand is still a lot of people, but, you know, it's still, like, that's a manageable number, like, say there was a thousand people in a room, like, that's a num- that's a lot of people in a room, but it's not a, like, a ridiculous number, but now imagine, like, 10,000 people in a room, or 30,000 people in a room or 30,000 people in a room like that's what do you like that's that doesn't make any sense like that's that's too big of a number to make any sense if you try to picture it and I think I think my inability to picture those numbers is what has helped like cut down on the stress of how the videos are doing. Plus, you know, just, you know, guitar and gaming and just doing other things. When the other weather actually clears up properly again, I do
Starting point is 01:27:32 want to do some more golf. I haven't, I haven't had a chance to over the past couple of weekends because I've been busy with stuff and the weather's been, you know, questionable and I don't exactly want to go do some golf when it is raining. If I was in a tournament, you know, maybe I would. When I'm going to go out for fun, I want it to be at least minimum overcast. That is my bare minimum for going out golfing. It can be, you know, like really fucking windy. It can be really cold, but like minimum no rain. No rain is good.
Starting point is 01:28:02 no rain. No rain is good. I have touched on, like, basically none of the topics this episode. How many have I actually talked about? I've talked about guitar. I've talked about GPUs. I've talked about... That's literally it. Wow, I sat down for like an hour or so planning out these topics and then I talked about three of them so far.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Well, let's do a... I was going to say let's do a rapid fire section. That doesn't happen. I'm going to pick like one topic and then we're going to talk about that for the next like fucking half an hour or whatever. Uh, let's talk about Steam Deck. Steam Deck no longer requires a reservation to buy. You know what? That, that's great. That's great. You can buy a Steam Deck now and you can actually get it and not have to wait a year for it. Which is good, considering that a lot of people were kind of worried that if they did get onto the waiting list,
Starting point is 01:29:10 by the time they actually got one, it would be like, close to a Steam Deck 2. Which would be pretty depressing. But there is a problem with, um, being able to buy a Steam Deck without a reservation. They still don't ship to Australia. Valve, ship to Australia. I want to buy a Steam Deck. Let me give you money.
Starting point is 01:29:42 Yeah, so that's my problem. Valve is still not shipping to Australia. Which is great. And I don't know when they plan to. Steam Deck Australia. Is there any discussion on when that might
Starting point is 01:29:59 actually happen? There's some discussion from like a month ago. Steam Deck production update is good for Aussies. Valve has stated in the past that other markets are on card... Steam Address Player... People are thinking maybe 2023. Do what? Actually would that be... that would be be hilarious that would honestly be hilarious right i've like a dual steam deck video a year after like a steam deck review a year after everybody else has and just do it in like the most condescending way possible i feel like there's some there's some fun way i could actually make that work. But one day, one day the Steam Deck
Starting point is 01:30:47 will be available in in, you know, 2020, in Australia, maybe 2023, possibly. You can, like, obviously, you know, redirect it, like a parcel forwarding system, but Valve won't directly send it to you,
Starting point is 01:31:02 which is just... Especially since there's no renovation, like, uh, reservation, not renovation, reservation, like, Valve, can you just, can you please just open shipping? Let me give you money! All I want to do is give
Starting point is 01:31:17 you money! But you don't want, you don't fucking want me to do so! I've heard so many good things about the Steam Deck. And I want to... I know there are other handheld gaming PCs. But I want to support Valve. Because Valve is the company that is heavily supporting Linux gaming.
Starting point is 01:31:38 I know some people want to make some dumb argument. It's not as great as some people want to make it out to be. But Valve is the only gaming company... Is there any others that I can think of? Okay, they are the only game storefront, I'll give you that. They're the only game storefront actively supporting Linux. Not just having a store on Linux, but trying to make Linux gaming actually good. They are the ones that made sure that Proton exists. Like, obviously, Proton is a fork of wine, all that fun stuff. But Proton itself is a...
Starting point is 01:32:15 It's got a bunch of additions on top of wine. And that just wouldn't have existed without Valve putting... Did I say Steam? Without Valve putting a bunch of money into it. Plus they've been like funding kernel changes and other things like this to bring Linux gaming up to a point where it's genuinely good. So I want to support Valve but they won't fucking let me give them money. One day. I'll have one and then we'll do a Steam Deck video. Maybe I'll just start installing Switch games on it or something.
Starting point is 01:32:48 I really hope that when it becomes available in Australia, it's not like hey, six months a year later, then it's like Steam Deck 2. Because that would be very annoying. That would be very, very, very annoying. But this might be the first
Starting point is 01:33:04 console I buy since like technically in the current generation I know it's like it's a Linux PC and all that but my the last console I bought was a ps4 And I bought that out quite a while ago still not bought a ps5 one because their hardest hell to still buy Two because they're very expensive. Like, very, very expensive. And I don't want to spend that much money. Uh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:36 I'm looking right now and it seems like there... Oh, there is a bundle available on Amazon. You can buy this bundle. You can buy, bundle. You can buy PS5 with Horizon Forbidden West for $900, which is cheaper
Starting point is 01:33:55 than it was a while back. That used to be $1,000. Wow. I would like to be able to just buy a PS5 by itself, but, you know, because of scalpers and stuff like that, it's still a bit of an issue to buy. One day it won't be. One day I'll buy a PS5, like a year before the PS6 comes out.
Starting point is 01:34:23 That's what I'm gonna do. That's what I did with the PS4. That's what I did with the PS3. Maybe it'll say a year and the PS6 comes out. That's what I'm gonna do. That's what I did with the PS4 That's what I did with the PS3. Maybe it was a year and a half two years Usually when I buy a console I buy it very close to the end of the console generation Sometimes the next generation has even been announced It's great because every game that's gonna come out on that system is already out Sure, it might not be as easy to find, but, like, you can always, like, any, like, relatively popular game, or even just buying it somewhere online, you can find anything you possibly want to play. You're not waiting for games to come out when you buy a game at the end,
Starting point is 01:34:55 or when you buy a console at the end of its life cycle. Like, that's the problem with any, any release of a, uh, of a, of a console. there's just nothing to play on it, like, there might be games, you know, but not, none of these, like, killer titles that really sell a console, I guess the PS5 is kind of an exception with that, because it launched, did it launch with Demon's Souls? Demon's Souls come around just after launch, uh, PS5. Launch games. Uh. Did Demon's Souls. Launch with the console.
Starting point is 01:35:34 All the PlayStation 5 games. Uh. All the PlayStation 5 launch games arrived day one. Okay. Uh. Right. You had the um. Spider-Man Miles Morales. Uh.
Starting point is 01:35:43 Morales? Morales? I think it's Morales isn't that available on PC now? I want to say it is Assassin's Creed yeah Demon's Souls was a was a
Starting point is 01:35:54 day one Watch Dogs Legion Dirt 5 Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War DMC 5, Fortnite. Yes, Fortnite. Buy a PS5 for nothing besides Fortnite. It will run on a laptop from six years ago.
Starting point is 01:36:20 But buy a PS5 to play Fortnite. That is the real way the gamers live. Speaking of the real way the gamers live, Persona 5 is very, very close to being released. I- Persona 5 on PC specifically. Persona 5 Royale Royal, whatever you want to call it.
Starting point is 01:36:49 21st of October. By the time this comes out, I think this will be I think this might actually be out on the launch day or like the day before launch. I have not played Royal on console and I've not
Starting point is 01:37:04 finished the base version of P5 but I have wanted to play P5 Royal for a very long time and I consider that like just buying it on console but you know considering that it's coming out so soon, man, I'm excited. What I'm worried about is whether it is going to be, uh, whether it is going to be playable on Steam, on- on Proton on day one, but someone pointed something out to me that
Starting point is 01:37:46 makes it, like, pretty clear that it is going to be playable, uh, this right here, Persona 5 on the Steam Deck at TGS, this was the, like, official Atlas booth, where they had the, um, they had, like, Steam, like, Steam Deck there, in, like, a separate Steam category, so hopefully this means that it is playable day one, because if it's playable day one, I'm very excited, I'm so, so, so excited, because this is the problem that a lot of the previous Persona games had. Strikers. Strikers, only just barely playable. Like, a couple of months ago, finally became playable on Proton. On the base version of Proton, I think this might still be some cutscene issues.
Starting point is 01:38:41 With Proton GE, I believe that those are dealt with. cutscene issues with our Proton GE, I believe that those are dealt with. Persona 4 Golden, for a very long time, was sort of half playable. It was a mess. But now it's perfectly playable. So hopefully, considering they have a booth there and someone is playing it on the Steam deck, that it's actually playable on the Steam deck. You know, that would be good. You know, it's not... If it's playable on the Steam Deck at this point, it better still be playable on the Steam Deck and playable on Linux more generally when it actually comes out. Uh,
Starting point is 01:39:18 let's see what other people are saying here. Steam being listed among those consoles is already a thing there. Uh, I'm probably going to be an outlier here. Okay, don't care about that. Good to see it, uh, before the Switch to show who's boss in Tokyo in 2022. Uh, this is great to see. This is great to see. Holy shit, it's going to be Steam Deck verified.
Starting point is 01:39:38 Yeah, if they've got it, like, right there, that very much indicates to me they're gonna be, like, getting it Steam deck verified and that would be fucking awesome now hopefully they get strikers also steam deck
Starting point is 01:39:54 verified deal with the remaining problems it has and like get that actually like good it's not a major deal like it works now but like I would love this to be actually Steam Deck
Starting point is 01:40:09 verified that would be cool even if it's not Steam Deck verified like they don't fully like deal with the program if it's just playable on Steam Deck I'll be so happy please Atlas please I want to play this game on stream, I want to play it on PC,
Starting point is 01:40:26 and hopefully, like, you know, uh, mate, actually, you know, the only issue is maybe my GPU isn't going to be able to handle it, because it is getting a little bit old, and some games are a little bit, uh, a little bit funky, and considering it's a PC release, there may be some graphic settings that you may be able to, turn up also the PS5 release so You would hope that they've like up some graphics things like that. Maybe it's going to be an issue to run Maybe I just need to go and actually buy a new GPU at some point Buy one right now get it before our p5 releases. Maybe seems like an idea before our P5 releases.
Starting point is 01:41:03 Maybe. Seems like an idea. I don't know when we're supposed to be seeing the new AMD GPUs. Some people are saying maybe like first quarter next year.
Starting point is 01:41:19 There's still a lot of rumors about when it might be, what it's going to be. We don't really know much about them. We know the 4000 series is very, very close to coming out. Like, that's, like, just around the corner. Oh! Okay, wait, sorry. This is new.
Starting point is 01:41:40 I didn't know about this. Join us on November 3rd as we launch RDNA 3 to the world. So I don't know if that means launch day. It very much probably won't be launch day. We're a month beforehand and we're not seeing as... Yeah, it's announced on that day. So if they're being announced then, considering we don't have
Starting point is 01:42:05 from what I've seen a ton of leaks maybe they aim I don't know if you would aim for like you go November release if you're announcing in November maybe they are maybe they want to go fucking head to head with Nvidia
Starting point is 01:42:21 because Nvidia when's the 4000 series? Nvidia. 4090. Release date. This is coming out. Wait did it just come out? Hold up.
Starting point is 01:42:42 Wait I think it. Wait okay sorry. The 4090 is out i guess um now like i i'm in united states sure well can you buy one right now okay i guess it's tomorrow so yeah it'd be us time so it's out tomorrow yeah it'd be US time so it's out tomorrow if they wanna like if they
Starting point is 01:43:09 release them like sometime in November and they wanna go like a month behind Nvidia's release I am very curious to see how that goes that would be a that would be an interesting battle.
Starting point is 01:43:27 I hope the AMD cards do well. Like I really do because well, I'm gonna buy a new card at some point anyway But I don't know whether I'm gonna buy 6000 series or if the upgrade to 7000 is going to actually be worth it. I don't know. Right now on a 570. Literally anything I buy is an upgrade. It's just how much of an upgrade. Do I actually want to be making. Do I.
Starting point is 01:43:54 Like do I want to buy a generation behind. And potentially get like. A really good deal on a card. Or do I want to go current generation. And just crush. Everything. That I could want to play? Like, I am so excited about being able to play FFXIV and being able to use, like, a shader and make the game look really, really good. And, like, being able to crank the settings.
Starting point is 01:44:20 And, like, I'm getting, like, 120 FPS already. But, like, a consistent one. Like, 120 FPS already. But, like, a consistent one. Like, 120 in Limsa La Minza. Which is where all the fucking RPers hang out and are doing their catgirl dances. I get, like, 70 FPS there because there's just so many people there. But a solid 120. And a solid 120 when I'm streaming? Mate, that sounds pretty compelling to me.
Starting point is 01:44:45 Plus, I want to be able to play Elden Ring. I can play Elden Ring on my 570, but like, I don't want to play Elden Ring until I have a system that can crush Elden Ring
Starting point is 01:44:59 and can run it at good settings. And that's what I'm waiting for. Wait. Wait. Are they going to. If they do November. Wait.
Starting point is 01:45:14 When is Black Friday? They're not going to aim for the Black Friday window are they? No way. No way! No way AMD is gonna aim for a Black Friday release. That would be... Actually, that is a
Starting point is 01:45:38 gigabrain. We'll see what AMD does when they do their announcement then. But if they aim for the Black Friday window... That would be crazy. And you could do a Black Friday, not a massive sale. You don't want to do a massive sale on your initial release card.
Starting point is 01:46:01 But some sort of kickback. Like a $50 discount or a $50 kickback, something like that, and maybe like, go $100, you like, price yourself $100 under the Nvidia card, and even if the performance isn't like, absolute, like, absolutely on par with the 4090, absolute, like, absolutely on par with the 4090, I'm very interested to see what AMD is going to do. Maybe they don't do that. Maybe they're like, hey, we're going to release in first quarter and skip past all of that.
Starting point is 01:46:34 But if they don't, if they don't, that's going to be crazy. And I might have to just go and buy one. I'm not going to buy top tier card. I'm going to wait for like the... I usually buy mid to upper tier. So like the... I'm looking at the 6700 XT right now. I would buy, you know, the 7700 XT or whatever they end up calling it.
Starting point is 01:46:56 That's usually where I like to sit. I could go higher. I don't want to go lower. But I could definitely go higher, especially now that prices are somewhat normalizing. I'm very curious to see what's going to happen with the previous cards, though, as the new cards come out. I wonder how much the prices are going to drop. Because I haven't really paid this much attention to card prices in that generational gap.
Starting point is 01:47:24 I haven't really paid this much attention to card prices in that like generational gap. Obviously they drop them because they're slotting new cards into that price point. It's just a matter of how far you drop something like the 6700 XT like you drop it $100, $150 like what exactly What exactly is gonna be done there? I still love the PC case gear says that cards are on sale. Like this cards normally a thousand and ninety nine dollars and it's on sale. It's been on sale. Actually, they've dropped it from like half the descriptions. But like it's been on sale the past four months. It's not on sale anymore. That's just the price. I think a lot of people have been
Starting point is 01:48:06 waiting, waiting patiently, and very excitedly, one, for GPU prices to come down, but two, Black Friday. Because this combination, now that GPU prices are somewhat normalized, and
Starting point is 01:48:21 Black Friday is coming up, like, I expect there to be massive PC sales. Like, I know, I know AMD had, they had issues over the past, wasn't it past year? Where they sold way less hardware, hardware sale, They sold way less hardware than they had actually expected to do so. I think it was AMD. Desktop CPU sales see biggest decline. Wait, no, this is just general market share. I thought some was telling me that AMD general market share. I thought some was telling me that AMD made too much shit
Starting point is 01:49:09 and didn't end up selling anywhere near as much as they had anticipated to sell. Ah, here it is. AMD Ryzen 7000 sales plummet by 70% in the second week in Germany.
Starting point is 01:49:25 Okay, this is specifically in Germany. I thought it was a more general thing. Maybe someone was like overblowing a story like that. I think just generally the market is down. Like a lot of people are... You know, a lot of people are you know, a lot of people haven't wanted to buy PC hardware. One, because they've got bills and shit to pay. But two, like,
Starting point is 01:49:51 prices have been fucked, and you might as well just wait to that time of the year where sales are going to happen. You don't need to buy a new GPU now. You don't need to buy a new CPU now. You can probably wait and that seems to be what people are doing and hopefully shit doesn't go out of stock
Starting point is 01:50:12 and I can actually buy something. Hopefully. I'll hold out at least a little bit of hope. It probably won't go too well. Probably shit's going to sell out and it's going to be a mess. But maybe it won't be. Maybe I'll get something. But by the end of the year, well, I'll make my decision when AMD does their announcement. If they announce new cards are coming out before the end of the year i will probably i will pull the trigger on something whether it's new generation or old generation i'll pull the trigger on something if it's not until next like first quarter next year i'll probably still buy
Starting point is 01:50:58 something but it will be obviously like the 6700 during uh black Friday. Get some sort of good deal on it. Hopefully $600. $600 or $550 would be nice. Even honestly $650. Any sort of deal. I am willing to pay the current prices. So anything less than the current prices I am very willing to pay.
Starting point is 01:51:23 As I said, $570. Anything is a, anything is big upgrade. Double my performance. Triple my performance. Like, it doesn't matter what I buy. Everything is good. This is the great thing about waiting, like, either waiting a long time or buying a card that was already outdated when you bought it anything you buy after that is just so exciting you want to go from 60 FPS to 100 and 180 FPS well you can well you can and considering that I mainly play a lot of indie stuff and and the only, like, really performance-heavy thing I play is FFXIV. I'm good as it is, but I want to get more.
Starting point is 01:52:10 And Elden Ring. And Elden Ring. Elden Ring's very important. Speaking of things that are priced and not cheap like GPUs are getting, and still not cheap, but like cheaper, the new Meta Quest Pro is a cutting edge headset looking for an audience
Starting point is 01:52:29 Meta's new high end headset introduces eye tracking and mixed reality for $1499 $1499 dollary do's actually that's not even dollary do's that's American
Starting point is 01:52:44 US dollars. I don't know what that would be in dollar-y dues. Probably like fucking $2,000. This is what it looks like. Honestly, I think we're getting to the point where these headsets are kind of like... They still look ridiculous. But they're getting to the point where they're becoming glasses. This is like're becoming glasses. This is
Starting point is 01:53:06 like ridiculous looking glasses, but like they're thinning down. Like remember the Oculus? I don't know if any of you guys have used it, but I, my first VR headset was the Oculus Dev Kits 2?
Starting point is 01:53:21 I want to say Dev Kit, was it 2 or 1? I think it was Dev Kit 2. And then I think after that I tried the... I think it was the first generation Vive. Now these are AR glasses so it's a different thing than VR but even then like we've gotten to the point where these things are like actually getting small within 10 years i wouldn't be surprised if we do have glasses like not not a big headband sort of thing like actual you know ray-ban sort of thing from my understanding the sort, the goal with this is to make things like digital meetings a more natural sort of thing. So the eye tracking, the facial tracking, things like that are there to make your digital model look more like you're actually being a human.
Starting point is 01:54:29 It's gonna have more expressive movement, things like that, rather than being very static like they are now. Now if you go look at the VTuber space, you can see there's a lot of stuff that can be done just with iPhone cameras and stuff like that, but having a dedicated piece of hardware is obviously always going to be better, and I'm, obviously, this is a very, very specific device, like, this is a, it is targeting a very specific audience, it is not a, this is not a general consumer device. This is $1,500 for an AR headset. But I think in a corporate space, especially as we do move towards more of these digital meetings, these digital workspaces,
Starting point is 01:55:18 I think devices like this are going to become, maybe not necessity, or necessary necessity, they become necessities, become necessary, they are going to be a place where a lot of innovation can exist. Because a Zoom call, a Jitsi call, a Discord call, whatever you want to call it, it is a perfectly functional way of holding a meeting, but it is not like being in a room with a person, and this VR approach is sort of bridging that gap between a, like, that, like, really computer Zoom call and that in-person meeting,
Starting point is 01:56:02 and I don't care about most of the metaverse stuff, but when it comes to the the corporate meeting stuff, I think that actually does have quite a bit of a... quite a bit of, you know, potential to really, like, take off. And every step we take with better headsets like this and you know lighter stuff and thinner stuff and better tracking everything we do takes us one step closer to sword art online and that is always great for me my only concern is that when we get to sword art online it's going to be full of nfts but considering the market has um you know imploded on itself maybe not as much of a concern as uh it would have been a year or two ago but companies are
Starting point is 01:56:55 still pushing hard down the nft space uh one great example of this that sort of plummeted into oblivion is one of the NFTs that Logan Paul bought for $623,000 in 2021 is now worth $10. Because NFTs are not a bubble and never were. And ignore the fact that sales are down something like 90 or so percent. Yeah. Um. Yeah. What a fun time that was. Do you guys miss when, uh, when, uh,
Starting point is 01:57:47 NFTs were, like, this crazy thing that everyone was so excited about and then, you know, just didn't really care about anymore? Yeah, that was a fun time. This person is saying, I don't know where you got the $10 from,
Starting point is 01:58:02 but, uh, hey, there's a pretty good offer on it, uh, someone offered $1,000, okay, so not $10 then, uh, $1,000 from $623,000, it's not a big difference, either way, you lost quite a bit of money on that, quite a bit of money on that quite a bit of money and i laugh you look if you're gonna buy nfts and you'll buy an nft for 623 000 it's not even a good picture like it's one thing to buy something that people makes like you know actual good art it's another thing to buy this computer generated nonsense that is absolute junk. So if you're gonna do that, you should lose your money. Because, you know, economic
Starting point is 01:58:49 Darwinism. It is economic Darwinism. If you are so stupid that you're gonna waste your money on something like this, then you know, you deserve to waste your money, you deserve to lose it. But if you're someone like Logan Paul, you have so much money anyway, it doesn't really matter. If you're a regular person, well, you know, that might be a bit more of an issue if you lost that money, but you're also just really bad with money anyway, so no one can really help you. Anyway, that is going to be it for me. I still didn't talk about half the stuff I want to talk about, but we'll just end it there. So that is going to be, I think I said that already.
Starting point is 01:59:31 Did I say that? That is going to be it for me. I think I did. Anyway, main channel, Brody Robertson. I do Linux videos primarily. I've got my gaming channel. Brody Robertson plays Call to the Lair. The world ends with you. Great games. Playing them. Primarily, I've got my gaming channel, Brodie Robinson Plays, Cult of the Lamb, The World Ends With You.
Starting point is 01:59:48 Great games, play in them, come and hang out or something. And if you're listening to the audio version of this, the video version is available on YouTube. If you're watching the video version, the audio version is available anywhere you can find audio podcasts. So be sure to go and check that
Starting point is 02:00:05 out. That's going to be it for me and I'm out.

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