Tech Over Tea - How Did We Get Here?? - Tech Over Tea #21 - feat Supercozman

Episode Date: July 23, 2020

Supercozman returns to the show and like always it's an absolute mess of an experience, I love recording all of the other episodes but these ones are always sure to be fun. This week we sort of cover but it's really just a mish-mash of random other topics alongside it along with another update on Connor's journey doing Couch to 5k. Hopefully you guys enjoy this weeks episode of Tech Over Tea. ==========Guest Links========== YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Deviant Art: ==========Affiliate Links========== ► Amazon USA: ► Download Brave: ► Join LBRY:$/invite/@BrodieRobertson:5 ► Join Minds: ==========Support The Channel========== ► Patreon: ► Paypal: ► BTC Wallet Address: 1Aokiv3pFQXUEmh2LbzZQAwxMvq6bpT2UN ► ETH Wallet Address: 0x80451867c86bdf08c3888d407c1e3fcb6add61ed ► LBC Wallet Address: bLRN9fm17sCexKfgbYqmMj5xskZF2ogpEh ==========Video Release========== 📚 LBRY: 🎥 YouTube: DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation. I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and related sites.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Let me just cough a little bit first. I already started that. You can cough if you want. Okay. I thought you were going to cough into the microphone. Nah, I'm being respectful. I'm not coughing into your microphone. Welcome back to episode... Welcome back to Tech of a T. It's episode 21. Today's guest is a frequent returning guest.
Starting point is 00:00:22 He's been on... This is your third time, yeah? Nah, this is number four, I think. That doesn't sound right. No. Yeah, first, seventh, fourteenth, and this is twenty-first. Oh, yeah. Okay, fourth time on the show then, I guess. Welcome back to the show, Super Cosman, or
Starting point is 00:00:41 otherwise known as Coshan or Connor and various other names you probably have online that i don't know about i mean those are the main ones i have had many different names but we'll stick with those it's how you've been man um i'm all right uh before we continue i need to wrap my cup of tea i have i actually don't have a cup of tea with me right now. You call yourself tech over tea, but you don't have tea. I have an empty tea cup. I got higher livings going on again. You're moving up in the world.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Yeah, this is nice ginger tea. I have not tried ginger tea before. It's pretty good. I mean, if you like the ginger, it's pretty good. If you don't, then it's pretty awful. Yeah, no, I can imagine that. I've tried, I think the fanciest thing I had was chamomile and honey. And that was...
Starting point is 00:01:27 That was disgusting. I just... I chucked out the entire box after I had one. Are you not a chamomile fan? Or is it just that combo? It's the chamomile and the honey. The chamomile was fine. Like, I drink that, like, every night.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Okay. But, I don't know, something about the honey just... I don't know what it is. Maybe it's a bit too sweet or something, but it was not fun to drink. Yeah, well, that's interesting, because wouldn't it have to be, like,
Starting point is 00:01:57 dried to be in the teabag? I don't have a clue how it works, actually. You know what? We're going to find out how, uh, what the hell do I even look up to find that? Uh,
Starting point is 00:02:12 I guess, do they dry honey to put it in a tea bag? Yeah. Okay. Uh, do they dry honey to tea? Surely like how else would they have that flavor in there or might not even actually be honey it's probably just like a artificial flavor a honey
Starting point is 00:02:31 like extract thing once a tea no this is about how to add honey into tea let's see what a scoop it in there from the spoon University save your tea bag honey green tea face mask in minutes. Oh, this is about making a face mask with your tea. Oh. What? That's lovely. I'm going to send you a link.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Let's make this one bigger. That's not big enough. Didn't prepare this properly. There we go. Now I can send you a link. Cool. Good job. Yeah, this is about making a tea mask. I don't know...
Starting point is 00:03:08 Don't know why you'd- and there's a picture of a child. Actually, I should probably get rid of that off the screen, because otherwise YouTube's gonna yeet me. Too many- You- you showed a child on your screen, therefore it's child content. I don't know. Are they a child, or do they just look really young? I don't know. I'm not gonna trust trust that YouTube likes to remove people for no reason. Spoon University. Is it okay to put honey in tea?
Starting point is 00:03:33 Surely. What am I? This is great. I'm sure people who've never seen this show before are like, what the hell did I just click on? Two idiots talking about how to make a fucking tea mask so I guess if you have a bunch of leftover tea
Starting point is 00:03:52 you can slap it on your face for whatever reason if you want to do that or something I don't know it's your life do whatever you want it feels good, apparently. It does good for you and your skin. Well, that...
Starting point is 00:04:11 Okay, there's probably some good reason to do it then, if you really care about, I don't know, putting... If you want the most out of your skin, just slap some tea on it. Make sure the tea's also boiling. That's the important part. Big brain move right there. Only boiling tea. Encourages new skin growth.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Oh, fucking hell. It's technically not a liar, so you can get away with it. Up to a point. No, no. that's technicality bro you can't pin me on that one no I think I can I'm gonna say
Starting point is 00:04:53 avoid putting scalding water on your face maybe a little bit yeah I don't know at what point I'm gonna look this up what should it be No. At what point... I'm going to look this up. Oh, no. What should it be? I just type in at what, and the first thing
Starting point is 00:05:15 comes up is at what temperature does water freeze? Is there that many people really looking up at what temperature water freezes at? I mean... Do you not go to school? Do you not look that up, like, on one of your other episodes? I don't recall ever doing that. I think...
Starting point is 00:05:33 I'm pretty sure you looked up when it freezes at Fahrenheit. Oh, maybe I did do that, yeah. Checkmate. So, we have at what temperature does water freeze? At what age can I retire? at what temperature does water freeze? At what age can I retire? At what temperature does silicon melt? Okay. At what temperature is chicken cooked?
Starting point is 00:05:53 At what temperature is pork cooked? And at what temperature does it snow? Interesting. Interesting. Yeah, I'm sure this is real interesting for people listening. Anyway, we'll move off of that for now uh so what have you been doing with your life man um you know not not too much you know just applying for jobs but that's not getting anywhere so we'll just skip that entirely uh making videos
Starting point is 00:06:22 but you know that's slow still but i'm getting that done i've managed to make three videos since i was last on here so that yeah three videos in last seven weeks that would be yeah almost two months that's pretty impressive for you actually i know i get proud i actually did watch one of your recent videos last night and it's my new favourite video you've made, it was the bush tucker video I love that one so much
Starting point is 00:06:53 it was absolutely amazing I'm going to bring it up for anyone who hasn't seen that yet it is actually the best thing you've ever made yeah I'm very happy with how that all came together it's like just the way that i managed to edit it i feel like it flows super well um yeah i just i'm pretty proud of that one yeah i was i was real surprised by how much editing work you put into that uh
Starting point is 00:07:21 when you got to the um bit when you were breaking up the sticks, that was actually really well edited. I'll see if I can find it. Shouldn't be too far in. Let's see. That's probably way ahead. Oh, there we go. Here we go. Quality content. It's not
Starting point is 00:07:43 quality content for anyone who's actually listening, but basically he's breaking up some sticks and doing some really well-timed jump cuts, and it's actually pretty good content. So go watch it. It's linked down below, as always. Sure. Why not?
Starting point is 00:08:00 Yeah. So I'm assuming that one didn't take you too long to make. And yeah. So yeah. I'm assuming that one didn't take you too long to make. No, I think filmed it in one day and I think I edited it the next day because I was like, oh, I'm actually enjoying making a video. And so I kind of just breezed through it in a couple of hours, which was nice. I wouldn't have thought it would take that long to make that one, but that might be something I'm missing.
Starting point is 00:08:30 I mean, there's still quite a bit of just useless footage that you kind of have to watch all of it to make sure like, oh, I want to keep this in or not. But no, it definitely didn't take that long but also I did download a new editing software to do that one so I could actually edit on my computer because I finally I know I think I said last time I was on here but I finally got like a new SSD so I actually have some space on my computer to work with so yeah I i downloaded oh was it cool it was like hit film editor or something it was just like a free one it's actually like pretty good for being free i have not heard of that one you say it was hit film editor
Starting point is 00:09:17 yeah i'll double check but i'm very sure that that is oh yeah hit film express it might be oh yeah hit film express, that's the one. But, yeah, just for little free things, it's honestly, like, pretty good. Looks kind of neat. It's only available on Windows and macOS, though. It kind of looks very Premiere-y, I guess. Yeah, I definitely got that vibe,
Starting point is 00:09:47 but it's a little bit more simple than Premiere, I'd say. So what do you think of that software, then? Is it a reasonable thing to use? Are you going to find something else to use? I mean, I'll probably use it for a little bit. The only problem is because I use my phone to film most of the videos because I don't have an actual camera. But that, like, exports files because it's an iPhone,
Starting point is 00:10:19 and my files are the only ones that that editor doesn't support so i have to chuck them all into handbrake first to convert them i mean that's a pain yeah it's it's a little bit of an annoyance but it's honestly not like too bad i completely forgot that iphones were weird like that why in the world does it record everything to MOVs? I don't know. I'm pretty sure, like, every Apple thing, that's just their default video format. QuickTime's the same, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:10:54 Yeah. Yeah, QuickTime is, like, was designed to play MOV files. Hmm. I don't know. I guess it's fine that you can chuck everything in your handbrake, but it would be a little bit less annoying if you didn't have to deal with that step. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:11:13 I mean, like, once I actually get a proper camera, it won't even be an issue. But for the time being, it's something to deal with. Once you eventually hit 100 subscribers. One day. When it happens. On the grind, bro. Your content is
Starting point is 00:11:35 definitely getting better as well. It's been good for a while, but it's definitely getting better with some of your later stuff. Progressively getting better and better. I don't know. I guess it's definitely getting better with some of your later stuff. Progressively getting better and better. It's just, I don't know. I guess it's just like the experience of doing it. You just slowly get better.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Yeah. I don't know what was up with that. Um, that poem video you did. I watched, I was like, what the fuck am I watching right now? It's very,
Starting point is 00:12:00 it's very out there. It's meant to be very out there. Yeah. That's a one way to put it, that's for sure. I mean, I'll probably end up tying that back into something, but I'm not too sure yet. Okay, so you made it without the idea of tying it into anything, you're just going to try to retroactively tie it in.
Starting point is 00:12:23 That's how i do most of my uh storytelling is it i i thought there was like maybe a bit more planning than that well for the overarching story i have kind of an idea of where to go but at the very start i was kind of just doing shit and i was like oh just connect it with this video. So does this... That actually... Sorry. I was going to say, so does this Bush Tucker video somehow fit into this overarching story
Starting point is 00:12:52 or is this just like, I'm just doing some weird cooking right now? No, Bush Tucker ties into the Jamie story, but nothing else. Anyway, I can't go off just before yeah i was gonna say so doing it kind of retroactively has been fun but it's kind of come back to haunt me kind of recently because i had a whole video scripted and storyboarded a bunch of it. I was like, cause the video essentially was to explain why sometimes I'll just like completely break character and just like go back to my normal demeanor. But I was like,
Starting point is 00:13:38 so yeah, yeah. I made that video for that. Well, I was designing that video for that sole purpose. And then like, when I went to film it i was like oh if i do this that means it's gonna affect every other video i make not in a good way it's just gonna make more work for me so i'm like yeah it's just fine we can just scrap that one i'm sure there's going to be a lot of people who are disappointed about the uh the storyline breaking how many i know i know kenley's been keeping track on it but like
Starting point is 00:14:12 has he actually still been doing that have you spoken to him about what he's been doing with yourself because i know for a while he was looking for the codes in your in your videos um i kind of... He didn't end up doing it because I think just uni got in the way and I've occasionally messaged him and Corey just jokingly being like, when are you going to do the puzzle, bro?
Starting point is 00:14:37 But no, I don't think anyone's actually gone through and done all there is yet. One day. One of these days, someone's's gonna figure out all of it and my hard work will pay off for something and then i'll realize this doesn't make any fucking sense and realize you just throw it all together i mean i think i've done a pretty good job of of putting it together so far. I like go back and double check, like before I make anything that's going to substantially affect the story,
Starting point is 00:15:12 I kind of like go back and I'm like, oh, do I need to consider anything before I make this? Well, yeah, hopefully then it ends up making sense in the end and you're not just thinking in your head that it makes sense or that you have some extra points that you haven't actually put in there that kind of tie it together and it makes sense for you but doesn't make sense for anyone else i really hope so i had there's like two other people that i've kind of explained it to and they're like yes yes, it makes sense, but I just don't understand it.
Starting point is 00:15:48 I guess that's one way to describe it. Surely MatPat is going to help everyone understand it properly. MatPat game theory. You'll maybe show up on the deep web and you'll show up on some deep web browsing series. on like the deep web and you show up on some like deep web browsing series some ordinary gamers do you found this channel that's not how it sounds I don't know why no you're starting videos speaking a bit of fucking speaking a bit of Indian just to throw off the YouTube subs.
Starting point is 00:16:30 I'll occasionally watch one of these videos every now and then when they, like, pop up on my recommended, but I'm not... I'm not a stan. I just... I'm just a fan, not a stan. I was watching a lot of his content for a while, and then I found other channels that kind of caught my interest in. I'm still subbed, I just don't watch as much of his content anymore a lot of channels like that like there's a um
Starting point is 00:16:51 what's his name gray still plays so he would just go and find like random dumb indie games and we just like do some just like a one-off video on them. And it's a game that literally no one has ever heard of. And he's got like a billion subs. So obviously once he plays that, the game sort of explodes. But it's just like the most random shit he can find. So I'll see if I can find something that he did a video on recently. But he makes really, really interesting videos.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Let's see yeah i don't think i really watch any one person very much anymore except for except for one channel the rest of the videos that i watch really just um come up in my recommended and he's got he's got his uh zoomer titling down pat uh so he's got like a video called i forced uh i forced people to dive 10 000 feet into a pool i refused to follow fire safety and this happened i went to prison repeatedly in order to solve crime so got that zumba titling i think i got yeah i think i got that video recommended to me this morning that's how i've actually found most of the channels that i've been interested lately it's not like oh here's someone you should watch it's
Starting point is 00:18:16 just like here's youtube recommendations just throwing something at you and sometimes it'll just be some random video from like four years ago it's like what are you doing youtube yeah i i think it's been like years since i've actually went on my subscription tab because i'm just subscribed to like 600 people and it's just fucking garbage now that like i wouldn't watch now but you know me seven years ago it's like oh this is the funniest thing ever but the channels that i actually like and watch i just have the bell on for so well i barely go to subscriptions because it just doesn't like hasn't worked in a couple of years honestly a home feed works better than the subscription than the subscriptions tab
Starting point is 00:19:05 to actually show new videos i don't know how you fuck that up but why not well all they had to do was just not change what they used to do just show you everything that your subscriptions upload and that's all you had to do and they didn't do that it's oh, but if you don't watch every single video, maybe we just shouldn't show you all of the videos from that channel. We'll show you some of them. It's like, no, don't do that. Just show me everything. I'll choose what I want to watch.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Yeah, just like trying to hold your hand for something that's like, that's what recommended is for you fucking stupids well just get rid yeah get rid of the trending tab and just just put recommended that i know they want people to go watch the trending videos but what's on trending right now so we have this curse i think there's a jayden animation video and then the rest is just like useless garbage. So the top one is an IGN video, Far Cry 6 reveal trailer. Oh yeah, so it's a big channel. Then we have one from Netflix for Lucifer Season 5.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Then we have Jaden animations. Then a bunch of other garbage. Actually, I'll show it on the screen. So there's videos from James Charles and a couple other garbage. Actually, I'll show it on the screen. So this video is from James Charles and a couple other people. Trending is literally just where all the kids go and they're like, oh, this looks good, and then it gets onto
Starting point is 00:20:35 trending. Hold on a second. I just saw what the new Assassin's Creed is going to be. What is it? It's called Assassin's Creed is going to be. What is it? It's called Assassin's Creed Valhalla. It's Viking Assassins.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Well, I mean, they've done Egypt Assassins. I'm going to find a picture of this, and I'm going to send it to you. Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Yeah, well, the Egypt one already didn't make any sense. Like, what is... I didn't actually
Starting point is 00:21:09 play that game, but what's there to actually, you know, what's there to climb on in... Pyramids? Just climb on the pyramids. I played the second one
Starting point is 00:21:25 and the third one and that is my entire Assassin's Creed knowledge second and third second is oh right second is Ezio's first game yeah and then the third one
Starting point is 00:21:43 is the Native American guy, I think? No, that's a bit later. Sure? Yeah, I'm pretty sure the third one would have been Ezio's second game.
Starting point is 00:21:58 No, no, I mean, like, actually Assassin's Creed 3. Oh, Assassin's Creed 3, okay. No, I think it meant Brotherhood. No, I didn't play Brotherhood or Revelations or whatever it was called. I think Ezio had three games, actually. Yeah, because my first game into the series was Revelations. Yeah, that's his third game. Which was a weird place to join the series.
Starting point is 00:22:23 I mean, for sure. I just noticed in this picture he still has the hidden blade. Oh my God. If you look on his right hand, he still has the hidden blade, but he's holding two fucking axes. Like, what is even happening here? What a mess. Just make a new IP
Starting point is 00:22:46 for fuck's sake if you want to do something with Vikings make it something original but we need to get to Assassin's Creed World War 1 Assassin's Creed in the future
Starting point is 00:23:02 and then they'll just catch up to where they're going into the animates. It's actually going to happen. I guarantee it. 20 games later. 20 games later. They're going to milk every single point in history and eventually get up to the... What they'll end up doing is they'll bring back the old dude.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Like the original main character. And it turns out that he didn't actually die he ended up escaping or something assassin's creed australian gold rush assassin's creed emu war i play that game why not you'd probably like be a a set piece where you're like running along the emu backs as they
Starting point is 00:23:50 fucking run into each other or some dumb shit well we need more Australian themed games I've recently rediscovered
Starting point is 00:24:01 uh tie the Tasmanian Tiger I found out that all of the games are on steam now yeah i think i bought the first two on steam when they came out the third one came out uh when i kind of stopped going on my computer i never actually played the second game i only played the first and a bit of the third but i I don't... Honestly, when I start game streaming, I'll probably end up
Starting point is 00:24:27 playing those as my first games I play. Because I just want to go back and play Tasmanian Tiger. Yeah, the first one's great. I think the second one was my favourite, but when I went to replay it, I wasn't vibing with it as much.
Starting point is 00:24:45 And then I didn't really play the third one when I was younger, so I wasn't vibing with it as much. And then I didn't really play the third one when I was younger, so I don't really have that much to say about it. I do remember it was weird, though. The third game just didn't make any sense. They had a lot more emphasis
Starting point is 00:25:00 on, like, cars and mechs and that kind of stuff. I was like, eh, it's not doing it for me. Now when you throw around boomerangs and stuff. Actually, it's beautiful. What are you looking at? I'm just looking at the Steam page for Taiwan.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Let's bring it up. Tasmanian Tiger on Steam okay there we go it is very Australian I'm going to read the description for anyone listening to the audio version oh don't zoom in on that
Starting point is 00:25:38 uh g'day mate are you ready to explore the wild of the Australian outback in this remastered version of the classic game tie the tasmanian tiger join tie on a riffer of an adventure to spree's family from the dreaming through 17 levels of the australian outback in their old school 3d platforming glory amazing i do remember a couple of the zones that were in this game I don't remember what all of them were called but I know you had
Starting point is 00:26:09 you had the outback the outback was the outback was a fun a fun world because I think you were that was the first one where they actually brought in the driving stuff and I think you had to chase around a giant bull or something.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Yeah, I think so. I think the second... I don't remember what the first zone was called, but the second zone, I'm pretty sure, was the Great Barrier Reef. Yeah, that's definitely one of the levels. We also had... What was it? Snowy Mountains. What was it called? There's a jungle
Starting point is 00:26:49 level as well. What was the jungle called? I'm going to find it. Tiger Tasmanian Tiger levels. Jungle level. I'm sure it had a stupid name. So we had
Starting point is 00:27:04 Sorry, the I'm sure it had a stupid name. So we had... Sorry, the... The snow level was called Snow Worries. Beautiful. Amazing. So let's... Shipwrecks was the Great Barrier Reef level. Outback Safari. so let's shipwrecks was the great barrier reef level
Starting point is 00:27:32 outback Safari what is outback Safari yeah outback Safari was the outback level okay this is I miss this game. I do. Well, you know, once you get to your streaming in 12 months or whatever you said it was going to be, this can be the first game you play. Also, I think the jungle level was called
Starting point is 00:27:58 Liar Liar Pants on Fire. Where you would meet Lady the Liar Bird. That's right, yeah. I don't know when I'll start streaming, maybe in six months, maybe some point. Eventually it'll happen, one day.
Starting point is 00:28:15 When I eventually get around to it. There's actually a fourth game and it's a 2D platformer. I hear it's not very good though. Yeah, it doesn't look very good. The art style's a bit ugly. Yeah, I don't know why they decided to do that. I guess they needed money.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Because Chrome Studios hasn't really made that many great games. Yeah, they probably, like, I don't know. Just by the look of this, this looks like it was like a steam only game um i think it actually was well i don't imagine this game having a disc version but chrome studios they've basically only the only thing of note they've ever made has been tied to has been Tide Tasmanian Tiger. They have some other franchise, and I did go and find them the other day.
Starting point is 00:29:10 I'm going to read out some of the names, because they are kind of exceptional. They have another game on Steam called Blade Kitten. Oh, you got to it before me. So we have the Bard's Tale trilogy, which is actually apparently not terrible. We have Blade Kitten, which I don't know what Blade Kitten is supposed to be.
Starting point is 00:29:34 But it doesn't look very good. It looks like a girl that's like beating up Warhammer characters. We have Wild and Seek, which I have literally no idea what this is. Gizmo Tablet. Fucked up, I know.
Starting point is 00:29:51 And I didn't notice this one. Fruit Ninja Academy Math Master. Which sounds like a great game. But the only other thing... The people who make Fruit Ninja that's just like,
Starting point is 00:30:11 here, you can make a shitty knockoff. I think Fruit Ninja just doesn't care who used their license, to be honest. Is anyone even playing that game anymore? I know for, like, the first year or so that it came out, everyone was playing that all the time on their ipod touches at school yep now i only had a uh i think my phone at the time would have been like a s galaxy s2 yeah which was a hand-me-down so at the time i think that's not planned no fruit ninja i think it was a hand-me-down
Starting point is 00:30:48 after my mom got her s4 so my sis so what happened was my mom got her s4 my sister got her s3 and i got the s2 wow because at the time i thought the smartphones were dumb and i didn't want one Wow. Because at the time, I thought the smartphones were dumb and I didn't want one. Dumb phone. Smartphone make you dumb. Pretty much. It's like, oh, there's no point to having your smartphone.
Starting point is 00:31:11 What are you going to do with that? Now, I have this and it goes everywhere. Back in my day, if you were to have a conversation with someone, you'd have to meet up with them in person. Honestly, it does annoy me when people do just sit around at a table and everyone just has their phones out. Yeah, that's not good. Guys talk to each other.
Starting point is 00:31:35 You're literally sitting next to each other. What are you doing? Yeah, that's something I know we've talked about like three times about just like scrolling through like Facebook or whatever and you're kind of just like not really taking it in. I think like a week after the last podcast when we were talking about that, I did a little experiment. I was like I counted every time I'd go reach for my phone
Starting point is 00:32:04 just to like scroll through stuff. I think I did it like 20 times in one day. And like, I had this little tally on my hand. I'm like, holy fuck. I'm just like, actually, this is the most smartphone make you dumb moment. But like, I was like, holy fuck, I'm actually wasting so much time on it. And then like, yeah, as soon as you start counting it, you can just be like, oh, okay, I'm actually wasting so much time on it. And then as soon as you start counting it, you can just be like, oh, okay, I'm not going to do it.
Starting point is 00:32:29 I have noticed a bit more recently that time's just been disappearing when I'm like, I don't feel like I'm doing that much. And then it clicks with me like, oh, I'm just not doing anything productive. When I get a free second, I'm like, oh, I'm going to open this up and look at something instead of actually, you know, doing something useful. Just anything else. Yeah, for sure. So, yeah, I just haven't, I don't look at Facebook or Insta or anything like that anymore
Starting point is 00:33:01 unless someone tags me in something. It's been pretty nice. Well, my big problem is that I keep going back to my YouTube channel to check comments. So I'm technically doing something productive so I can justify it in my head, but I'm really not. I should be actually doing something else. So I can go to those comments at any point.
Starting point is 00:33:18 It's not like I have to do them right now. Mm-hmm. I mean, at least it's semi-productive looking at looking at like a reddit feed is not productive at all i try to avoid reddit for the most part pretty much only just go to my the subreddits i go to that i know have video ideas anything else i'm like no i'm not i don't even go to the reddit website i just have the rss feed to reddit because i know that if i oh sorry i was gonna say because i know if i go to the reddit website i'm just gonna do I just have the RSS feed to Reddit. Because I know that if I... Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:33:46 I was going to say, because I know if I go to the Reddit website, I'm just going to do exactly that and just scroll through nothing. Yeah, I've just given up on anything like that because, I mean, part of the other reason is, like, I'd see something and I'd just get mad about it and, like, waste all this energy on something that I can't change. I'm like, oh, well, fuck it. I just won't look at it then.
Starting point is 00:34:11 And then bam, easy peasy. Don't even be worried about it. My problem right now is I know I shouldn't be doing it, but I've been staying up too late looking at my phone just before I go to bed. And it's like, I should just put it somewhere, not look at it for just before I go to bed and just like I should just put it somewhere not look at it for a bit and go to sleep but no I'm like oh I'm gonna check I don't know I'm gonna check my discord I'm gonna check this I'm gonna check that and then it's a bit past midnight I was like shit I should have just gone to bed shouldn't I
Starting point is 00:34:40 yeah I try and like uh when we go to bed i'm just like i try not to to check anything unless someone's like sent me something because otherwise yeah just just prolonging sleeping and you're making sleeping harder for yourself so and also have a problem on the other side as well where what i would do is i've kind of addressed this one now but um i had my phone within reaching distance from being in bed so i would grab the phone look at stuff and then not get out of bed which i'm sure you've dealt with as well uh yeah not so much recently but i definitely have done that in the past. Yeah, not recently though because I'm more concerned with just like
Starting point is 00:35:28 I want to just get up and get my routine out of the way. What I've decided to start doing now is I put my phone on charge on the other side of my room so I physically cannot reach it from my bed so I actually have to get out to turn my alarm off. That's a pretty good idea yeah it it definitely makes it uh it's annoying some days because some days i just don't want to get out of bed but it's just like days where it's like really cold like i just want to i just want to stay in bed for a couple more minutes but i can't because that fucking alarm keeps going off and it's really annoying and then once you get out of bed you're like okay i'm up now i should really
Starting point is 00:36:10 go do something yeah it's just that getting up part like as soon as you're up you're like okay it's actually not that bad you wake up in like a minute of actually standing it's just yeah while you're still in bed you just like still he was groggy no no just let me sleep five more minutes come on I know there's this alarm thing you can get I don't know what it's actually called but it's basically like a pad that goes on the ground and the alarm won't stop until you stand on it for ten seconds. That's cool. So it literally forces you to get out of bed to turn your alarm off because
Starting point is 00:36:50 otherwise it's just not going to work, which it is pretty cool. If I didn't have the space to put my phone just really far away, I probably would do that. But this is the next best alternative and also it's much cheaper.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Don't have to buy it. I'm guessing like a $50 to $100 but this is the next best alternative, and also it's much cheaper. Mm-hmm. Don't have to buy it. I'm guessing like a $50 to $100 Wii Fit board. I think it actually is about $50, yeah. That's how they get you. What you should do, okay, is buy a Raspberry Pi and set up pressure sensors, which is a much more expensive solution, but it's kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:37:28 It's homemade. Yeah, exactly. So you were saying earlier... No, I don't think I'm... No, go on with what you're saying. I was going to change the topic. If you had something else there. I was just going to say,
Starting point is 00:37:41 I've really never had a problem with getting out of bed. If I have something that I have to do for the day, like I've never had to set more than one alarm, like one will always just wake me up. Yeah. That's the thing with, when it's something I know I have to do, I always climb out of bed when it's something I know I can postpone. So it's like, Oh, I have some videos to record today. I will push them back further in the day. But if it's like you have to be at, I don't know, a doctor's appointment at 10 o'clock, then I will be up and ready to go at that time. But when it's something that I have control over
Starting point is 00:38:18 and I can push wherever I want to push it to, then I tend to let myself fall into those traps. then I tend to let myself fall into those traps. Yeah, I've done that version a couple of times. What were you going to change the topic to? So before the show, you said you went out for a run. So you've been keeping up with that then? I have.
Starting point is 00:38:54 I don't know why people call it running because it's like it's jogging until you get up to the stage where you can actually properly run. Sure. Whatever. But, yeah, so that's been good. I'm at the last week of the program that counts for 5k so hopefully on the next run um if all goes well i will have actually ran 5ks so if the name is true i'm guessing that's uh going well then by the sounds of it going well then by the sounds of it yeah it actually is i've like properly stuck to it i mean like i was sticking to it before but then i like got sick in week six i'm like oh fuck i can't
Starting point is 00:39:35 like return to where i was but no it's just like i've been keeping to it you know it's it's good my feet are a bit sore at the moment but i mean they're fine the next day so that's about as much pain as you have to go through because once you um get past a certain point like the actual exhaustion of of running stops being a problem like i think in week weeks one to two you're like oh my god this is like the worst thing ever my body hates me but like you know i ran for 30 minutes today i think and like i think i still could have gone for another like 10 minutes pretty easily it's like just kind of your body gets used to the feeling of of running so if anyone hasn't seen the previous episodes,
Starting point is 00:40:26 Connor has been doing a catch the 5k program, which if you don't know is basically, it takes you from basically not being able to run at all to being able to run five kilometers. And it incrementally over time builds you up at the start. You're doing mainly walking and a little bit of jogging and then as time goes on it's less walking more jogging then towards the end it's jogging and running and then less jogging and more running and then towards the end it's full running
Starting point is 00:40:55 well there's also um one that you can do after you finish this, which I plan to do is like, there's two paths you can take. You can either like do the program which builds up to doing a 10K or you can do one that makes your 5Ks faster, which I think is the one that I want to do because I don't really want to be running for like an hour straight. So what are your times looking like right now for a kilometer?
Starting point is 00:41:33 I don't know. I'll just check. But like, so my run today was, excuse the sound. My run today was, well, you still do a warm-up and cool-down walk of five minutes and then, yeah, 30 minutes of running. So I'll just check it keeps track of how far you went. So that total, the walking and the running total was 4.5 kilometers. So I don't know how fast that is. is oh it doesn't keep track of your times
Starting point is 00:42:08 i think it might when you like when you finish it but right it doesn't save those times it only saves how long you went and how far. So what have you been using to track it? Well, the app that has the program on it tracks how far you can go. And it also has a little GPS thing to show where you ran, which is pretty cool to see because you're like, oh, holy shit, actually
Starting point is 00:42:40 ran that space. Which app are you using? It's literally just called 5K Runner, but you can just look it up and it should be called Catch the 5K.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Yeah, because I've just always, I've got a fitness watch, so whenever I get into exercise for a month and then give up um i end up just using the app for that one i mean like i'm pretty sure like most of the programs are pretty much the same like i think one person made it and then like the different apps are just slight variation that's the one it's like yellow but it's coming out all rainbow because I'm the camera well that's fancy
Starting point is 00:43:28 yeah I just found it now cool but yeah this that's nice and like this one was like two weeks of free and then $15 for the rest of it I I was like, $15 is fucking nothing for actually something good. I'm sure there are free versions out there. Yeah, there probably are, but I don't mind. I spend $15 on some shit food every now and then, so why not spend $15 on something that I'm actually going to use that's going to better me.
Starting point is 00:44:09 So when you do run, are you just running with nothing? You're running with music, listen to podcasts, audiobooks? What are you doing? Well, I listen to your podcast when I run. If I didn't, then I would never get through all of them, because they're so fucking long. Yeah, they have been getting pretty long. Have we hit four hours on one of them before?
Starting point is 00:44:39 I don't actually know. I think so. I think we came very close to it. I think so, and I came very close to it I think so and I was like fuck this but yeah I've listened to all of them except for the second Marty one which is what I was listening to today oh Jesus
Starting point is 00:44:55 I'm a true blue fan that's actually pretty impressive that's not what I was expecting you to listen to. I don't know, maybe like Rocky music or, I don't know, audiobooks or something, but not my podcast. Well, I was listening to music for a while, but I found that it made it feel like it lasted longer than what it was because, like, you have a pretty good idea of how
Starting point is 00:45:26 like long a song in your playlist is and you're like oh it's only been three minutes fuck that's actually a really good point i didn't even think of that but yeah if you um i have listened to other podcasts but i always always put tech over tea first. Yeah, if you listen to a podcast, you can't really tell how long it's been, which is nice. I actually kind of treat it the opposite way. Back when I used to cycle a bit, I would listen to music. Not when I was actually out cycling in public,
Starting point is 00:46:03 but when I was on an elliptical. I would judge the – I actually actually out cycling in public, but when I was on like an elliptical, um, I would judge the, I actually found it easier to say, okay, well I have 10 songs remaining. I have nine songs remaining. I have eight songs remaining. I don't know for me, I found that a bit easier,
Starting point is 00:46:15 but I can see how that would be a problem as well. Cause then you get down to like the last two or three. It's like, shit, I still have three songs to go. Yeah. I mean, when I used to ride my bike a lot um i would listen to music but i don't think i ever really paid attention to it
Starting point is 00:46:33 then because i never found riding particularly hard and like i'd ride really fast but i think i just have like pretty strong legs so it didn't really get to me all that much I think being out cycling is a bit different though like when you're on elliptical I think that feels way harder than actually just going out and cycling somewhere I think it's because you're not really paying attention to your legs when you're out cycling it's more like you're just seeing what's going on around you whereas on that elliptical you're just seeing what's going on around you. Whereas on that elliptical, you're just staring at a wall and it pretty much does not really else or anything else to focus on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:11 I mean, you also have like the wind blowing against you as well, which is like another thing to distract you from how you're feeling, but also most of the time it just cools you down, which is nice. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Honestly, I really should get back out and exercise more. I've been so lazy with that lately.
Starting point is 00:47:35 I mean, even if you just go for walks, that's pretty good still. I have been going for walks most days, but I do want to do more than that. Because I know that I can do 5Ks. I want to do more than that because i know that i can do 5k i used to do 10 and then i just stopped just fell apart pretty much like i would do 10ks in the middle of winter when it was like one degree outside i would go like six in the morning and then i just stopped doing that and i had a water bottle that leaked as well so my
Starting point is 00:48:07 hand was like frozen i don't know why i use that bottle um but yeah i know i could do it i'm just lazy i don't take water on on mine i'm like i don't want to carry extra shit fuck i would die without water i like well there's something else as well like um i have a couple friends that also run and they were like oh yeah if you just if you breathe through your nose then like your mouth will be fine but like my nose is like pretty fucked so i have to breathe through my mouth but i don't find that it dries out all that much so i mean i guess that's just a me thing no i don't know maybe it's also just because i'm used to taking water everywhere like even if i just go out for like five minutes fair enough because i know maybe it's part of the fact that i grew up in the country
Starting point is 00:49:02 where like if you just break down in the middle of nowhere you just won't have water so it's probably better to take it with you yeah that's a good point I know you'll probably be fine here though like even if you got to the point where I know you hurt yourself or something like you could just walk back home it wouldn't be that far yeah for sure like i'm not going well most of the time i just like kind of run up and down the streets like i used to run like in a straight line and then at halfway i'd run back but i found that going up and down the streets is just nicer because yeah like if i did need to stop it's only like a couple minutes walking back to the house wait so you're just running...
Starting point is 00:49:45 How far are you actually... Like, how far is your circuit? Well, it's... At the moment, the last one was four and a half k's. No, I mean, like, how far are you looping? Oh, like, I don't loop around. I'll literally, like, go down a street, come back up it, go to the next street, go down it, come back up it. That's one way to handle it, I guess.
Starting point is 00:50:13 I mean, I think it's pretty good. It's also kind of like, you know, I just talked about not liking songs because that's, like, it reminds you how long you got left. But, like like at the same time i can't do that with with each street because i think each one's about like five ish minutes i'm like oh yeah i've got this street to go it would probably be okay the first couple of times then once you've mapped out in your head what the run's going to be, you just end up fucking yourself.
Starting point is 00:50:47 I mean, yeah, but that's why you have the podcast, to distract you. That's true. I don't know. Just find whatever works for you, I guess. Yeah, that's true. But I think my main problem is I usually find the weather being an excuse. It's just like, oh, it looks like it might rain right now,
Starting point is 00:51:08 and then I just don't. And then it doesn't rain. So how's that been going with you? Because I know it's been a bit rainy lately. I mean, it's been a bit rainy, but honestly, I expected it to. Like, this whole winter, I swear, it's it's like not been rainy at all so far like there's been like a couple days where it's been pretty bad but for the most part like it's fucking sunny outside yeah I think it's crystal clear out there right now yeah I haven't but no I think I had one
Starting point is 00:51:42 run where it was like spitting but I don't think I think I had one run where it was like spitting, but I don't think I've ever had a day where it's like been raining and I couldn't go. So the area that you're running in. I'm sure if it comes. All right, go on. You go. I was going to ask you about. I was just.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Do you understand what you're saying? Go, do it. I was just going to say, I was just going to say, I think even if it was raining, I think I'd probably still go. Like, I don't find the cold too bad. I guess that's fair. It's not like I should find it to be an excuse. I just do treat it as an excuse.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Like, when I went up to um, I went and hiked up Mount Lofty the other day, which is like a I think 10k loop. So it's 5k up the mountain, 5k down the mountain. Uh, going up is fucked.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Um, it takes like three hours to go 5k's. Because some of the slopes are like this. Which isn't fun. And they happen like two and a half kilometres in. So you're already fucking tired. Hiking up a mountain is interesting. But it was raining that entire time.
Starting point is 00:53:00 And I was just walking up it. So I shouldn't find it to be an excuse. But I kind of treat it like it is. Yeah, well, I went on a walk not too long ago that was, like, pretty long, and halfway through it started raining. I was like, I could turn back or I could just finish it. I just finished it.
Starting point is 00:53:23 I was like, it's fine. I guess could just finish it. I just finished it. I was like, it's fine. I guess it sort of depends on how rainy it is. Like if it's pissing down and you're just going to be drenched by the time you get home, that's a bit different. I mean, it was. It was really bad. But I was dedicated to finishing it because it's a really nice, it was a really nice loop. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:48 So I was about to say before, is the area that you're running in kind of hilly or is it like real flat no it's it's pretty flat but if um there's there's one way that i used to go and i might go along there again there's like uh here's the river torums it's like that has like uh depending on what part you're on, has a lot of up and down. So I think I'll probably head back that way once I finish the program. Get some hill action going. Well, all of my area is hill right now. So that makes it interesting.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Mm-hmm, fun. There are kinda flat bits, but it's like a couple hundred meters of flat really. Mm-hmm. So I guess if I like ran up and down it, it could be okay, but... Yeah, just do a beep test. Oh, fuck. How far did you actually get in the beep test back when you would do that like i don't remember getting very far for myself i would give up pretty quickly yeah well like i never did it by myself but when we had to do it at school i was fucking hopeless
Starting point is 00:54:57 because like i was just super unfit i don't remember what, I think I got up to number four, and then I was like, fuck. I've got a stitch I'm going to die. I think I didn't even make it to four. I think I gave up before that point. I think I was like two or three or something. I was just like, fuck this. Well, it's not like I couldn't keep going for some of them.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Sometimes you're just like, I don't want to. I'm just going to give up. What? Are you going to grade me less for not being able to run as much like what are we doing here yeah i don't really understand the point of of doing the beep test other than just like making me feel bad well i get it if you're like actually trying to i don't, apply for a sports team or something that obviously makes sense but if it's just in like a PE class like what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:55:51 Let me play dodgeball or something Let me just play capture the flag please I remember um that was I don't think I've played that since, like, primary school. I don't think we ever did anything like that in high school.
Starting point is 00:56:10 I think I did it in my first two years, and then all of PE kind of just moved to being in the gym. Mm. Which was sad. Yeah, well... What did we mainly do? I think, for us, the main thing we did was sad. Yeah, well, what did we mainly do? I think for us, the main thing we did was basketball and maybe a bit of basketball and volleyball, I think it mainly was,
Starting point is 00:56:39 which is good because we had one guy who was actually good at playing basketball, so whichever team got him would win every single time. Yeah, I'd suck at basketball. My coordination for throwing a ball into a hoop has just gone awful. Yeah, I'm fucking hopeless as well. I don't like many traditional sports. We played a lot of cricket, and I'm like, many traditional sports. Like we played a lot of cricket and I'm like, this fucking sucks.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Like, uh, I know we played a bunch of table, which was one that I didn't mind. Cause it's a little bit different, but like football and like soccer and basketball and cricket, I'm just like, can we please just play capture the flag,
Starting point is 00:57:24 capture the flag and dodge ball that's all i need pretty much excuse me citrix i need to uninstall you do not what about rugby you gotta play some rugby i don't think we ever played rugby and i'm so fucking thankful we uh because it was obviously you couldn't really like tackle people we only ever played tag rugby which kind of makes it less fun but we also had a
Starting point is 00:57:56 guy who in year 8 was 6 foot 2 so oh you still there? okay you're a bit uh blurry on my side but enough it's my connection or yours i'm like i'm lagging there it would be mine my internet's trash yeah if you had uh the six foot two year eight you know you're kind of gonna win there's not really anything you can do about that.
Starting point is 00:58:26 Because he wasn't just tall, he was like big and stocky as well. So it would take like five or six people to take him down, and it's just that's not fair. You can't do anything against that. Did you ever play wall ball? Wall ball?
Starting point is 00:58:43 I don't know what wall ball is. It's where you have a wall and there's two people. Okay, yeah, I'll explain it. There's a wall and there's two people and a ball. Sure, yeah. And you kind of take turns kicking it. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:58:57 you take turns kicking it into the wall and then whoever's turn it is, if they miss it then they get out right so it's also a variation that yeah yeah it's like squash but you use your feet instead of like rackets right makes sense but there's a variation where the line of people would be on the wall. And so like when the ball comes at you,
Starting point is 00:59:29 you have to dodge it. I do remember doing that, but we might've just been bullying people. So I don't know. I mean, also that also play a lot of four square. Four square was big when i was in primary school i i didn't oh okay in primary school i hated it because there was this one kid that just kept getting me out like purposely because i was shit at the game and i think at one point i like pushed him over um but in high school i just play it with friends i
Starting point is 01:00:08 actually got like somewhat good at it so it was a lot better to play my problem with foursquare is that everybody had their own rules yeah like i don't i don't even know what the correct rules for that were supposed to be, because everyone I played with, they'd be like, oh, you have to bounce it in your side. Oh, no, you don't have to bounce it in your side. You bounce it in your side, you lose. Oh, you have to go in this specific direction. No, you have to go in this other direction.
Starting point is 01:00:36 No, there is no direction. It's like... The thing is, you wouldn't actually decide on the rules until someone broke one of the rules either No but it was a fucking lino You have to do lino I don't even remember what that rule meant It means if the ball lands on a line
Starting point is 01:00:57 In the like any line And someone misses it It's like oh no it was on the line You can't determine if it was out or not and then you have to like whack it into the middle i think it was also rules against like doing certain types of moves as well because they'd be too powerful it's like you couldn't do like volley moves or anything where we, like, bounce too high or something stupid like that. Well, I mean, sometimes we'd play and it'd get to the point where, like, it was basically just skimming along the ground because people would be like...
Starting point is 01:01:44 I think that the reason we didn't do the volley rules is because we were playing right next to a building and it had a gutter on it. So if you, like, bounce too high, it might get stuck in the gutter. But my primary school actually had, like, a line of four-square boxes set up, and every single day, like, whoever got there first was going to be the one that controlled the four-square
Starting point is 01:02:02 boxes, because I think there was four of them. So, usually what would happen is like the the people who were the popular ones they would then go and like take the four square boxes and they wouldn't let anyone use them luckily for me i was part of that group so well we used to have like lines of like 20 people wanting to play so because i think like at one point people try to try to be like no no no this is just us four you can't play and then like i don't know they probably like got teachers involved you have to make it yeah you have to make a line otherwise it's not fair getting teachers involved at my school would have done literally nothing they didn't care about anything like as long as you don't stab someone they didn't
Starting point is 01:02:51 care beautiful great teaching pretty much that's why i know so many people who dropped out just like this school was not very good. Not very good at all. Yeah. Why should I care if the teachers don't care? Pretty much. I'm just going to drop out, go into a trade, and then fuck up my life. Wait, they went into a trade for you? By doing lots and lots of hard drugs.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Mate, our guys went to become rappers. No, not the SoundCloud rappers. Yeah, our guys went to become rappers. No, not the SoundCloud rappers. Yeah, SoundCloud rappers. I forgot I told this story already. So cursed. If you're going to drop out,
Starting point is 01:03:38 at least go get yourself some shit job. Don't try and become an awful rapper. I know people who did go and get the, like, go and get trade jobs, and that's awesome. If you're gonna get a trade job, that's cool. Don't become a rapper, though. You're not gonna succeed, especially if you just start becoming a rapper once you drop
Starting point is 01:03:56 out. Yeah, I'm dropped out, and now I'm about, I'm on the scene. I got my team. That's probably better than half of them. Bro, I don't know what a rhyme is. I dropped out before a year 10 English.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Lord. Scary place out there with all the soundcloud rappers mate what else are you gonna do when you come from smitty you join the smitty gang stab people for drugs that is true hang around the smithfield train station make everyone there uncomfortable because you're fucking hanging out. Honestly, the weirdest people I've seen actually having been at Smithfield
Starting point is 01:04:50 is being like Salisbury. Yeah, I haven't gotten off at Salisbury train station enough. Avoid it. Anything north of Mawson Lakes is not good. Well, you've got Dry Creek in between the city and Mawson Lakes, and that's a weird enough place.
Starting point is 01:05:15 Yeah, I've never gotten off there. I've never gotten off anywhere in between Mawson Lakes and the city. I have no idea what's even in Dry Creek. All I know is the name. A Dry Creek? I presume there's even in Dry Creek All I know is the name Dry Creek There's even a fucking Dry Creek in there It was once wet but now it's dry Well Mawson Lakes is a swamp so
Starting point is 01:05:36 Hey Yeah those lakes are pretty fucking sad It's just like half reed And then in summertime It's just like half reed. Yeah. And then in summertime, it's just mud. I kind of am excited to go back, but not really.
Starting point is 01:05:58 Because classes and all that are opening back up next semester. A lot of stuff is staying online. Like lectures, I don't even think they're doing in-person lectures anymore. It's just fuck it do it online no one showed up anyway i mean pretty much like aside from like the first two weeks and the last week i don't think there's more than like 20 people in most lectures and then you had some lectures. I think maybe it was one of
Starting point is 01:06:25 Jerry's lectures? It might not have been Jerry, but I know there was a lecture that had zero people show up once. And he had to do a lecture to an empty room. Yeah, it would be a bit rough. I think the smallest amount of people I saw
Starting point is 01:06:43 in a lecture was like like, less than 10. Mm-hmm. I think the only lecturer I've seen who's actually... Actually, there might have been two who have actually kept classes the entire time. Adam, he would usually keep class because people like Adam. And Doug. I think those are the only people who could actually hold classes by the end yeah those were the two people I was going to say
Starting point is 01:07:12 because they actually have like a personality other than being a union lecturer well I've got an amazing picture of Doug on my Facebook does everyone find it? I probably won't be able to find it let's see if i can find it um i probably won't be able to find it let's see uh entertain people for a couple of seconds how the fuck do i use facebook anymore well the reason why we say uh these two lecturers is because you could actually talk to them like a human being any other lecturer is
Starting point is 01:07:45 basically a education robot uh yeah i i don't think i have anything better to say than that really uh how much do you know about detroit become human uh i know that it's a game that exists. It's basically about androids. And you could say that most uni lecturers are basically just androids. Yeah, that's actually pretty fair, to be honest. I won't be able to find this picture, will I? Sad story. I found... Oh, I'm not going to show that one. Fuck it.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Oh, there we go. Here's my man. My main man, Dougie. I'll send you the picture. You know the picture I'm talking about, though. I'll know it as soon as I see it. Link you follow may be broken. I'm not logged in! I'll send you a direct link to the image then. Maybe this will work.
Starting point is 01:08:59 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, that should be fine. Okay. Beautiful. I love this picture it's very good best lecturer that's a lecturer that has personality absolutely that ain't no robot
Starting point is 01:09:21 he could still be a robot he's a bit of an odd character. But he's definitely interesting, if nothing else. More likely to be an alien than a robot. Maybe he's a lizard. I don't know. I've never seen how he drinks water. Zuckerberg drinks water in a fucking weird way. So maybe Doug's a lizard as well. how he drinks water. Zuckerberg drinks water in a fucking weird way, so maybe,
Starting point is 01:09:45 maybe Doug's a lizard as well. Is this how people drink water? Have you seen the videos of Zuckerberg drinking water? I have. It looks very strange. I'm going to bring one of these up because it he doesn't know how to he doesn't know how to drink water I'll see if I can
Starting point is 01:10:17 do it without showing any any... Okay, I wasn't sure if there was going to be anything that would be a problem in this one, because people like to upload things that aren't exactly what you're trying to look for. Back in the fucking olden days when you'd get screamers.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Don't you just missed that. I love watching a video and then getting some spooky woman screaming in my face. The way he drinks water. I don't understand how he drinks water like this. The smallest sip imaginable
Starting point is 01:11:07 why does he look like such an alien in that clip it's because he is a lizard man he is absolutely a lizard look i'm not i'm not big on any conspiracy theories for the most part, but if anyone is a lizard, Zuckerberg is a lizard. Why is it always a reptile? Like, how come it's no other animal? I know there's stuff about mole people,
Starting point is 01:11:38 but usually it's things that can live underground. Why not cockroach people? Aren't they, like, meant to be some of the most resilient animals? I think because we are the cockroaches. We are the cockroaches that the lizards will stand on and crush us. That's fucking dumb. Wouldn't we be more akin to, like, something i don't i don't make this shit up
Starting point is 01:12:09 you're the one who brought up the fucking 5g the virus riding the 5g you know how weird this shit can get not weird enough not weird enough i follow this channel i love him so much um he wants to buy a farm but every farm he goes to check out has a 5g tower built there so he can't buy it because it's gonna kill his cows oh lord do you want to give a shout out for this channel sure my boy frank tofano frank tofano that's frank t u f a n o i probably won't watch
Starting point is 01:12:54 any of his content uh no you don't want to it's a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine oh he said some stuff about vegan gains. Yeah, he's like a carnivore diet person. And he keeps saying how fucked up his stomach is, but he's like, no, bro, I've got to eat only meat.
Starting point is 01:13:26 I love his thumbnails. Yeah, his thumbnails are great. I'm just sorry for the fucked up view. That's all good. I love his, not his most recent one, but the one that says Joe Rogan guess lies about crooked teeth. I love that
Starting point is 01:13:44 thumbnail. He's like... He's super scared of, like, being gay, but he's, like, so gay. Is PewDiePie simping for his vegan girlfriend? Or how dare you simp for your girlfriend? Actually, aren't they engaged now?
Starting point is 01:14:10 Or married? I think they got married, yeah. Or how dare you simp for your wife? This video, carbohydrates don't cause diabetes cell phones do. Driving isn't safe radiated while traveling. What am I looking at? You're looking at just excellent videos that's what you're looking at. Wait can I get this... this picture? There's- there's this one called Novak Djokovic is back with the vegan nonsense, and it's a picture of Novak Djokovic eating a raw steak.
Starting point is 01:14:57 Beautiful, amazing. I'm gonna send this video to you just so you can look at the thumbnail, it's so good. I'm gonna send this video to you just so you can look at the thumbnail, it's so good. I'm like, limited with my keyboard accessibility, but please just look at that thumbnail. Oh lord, I need to find some way to bring this up on the screen. Can I see the... There used to be a way to look at the thumbnail for a YouTube video. Yeah, I don't remember how to do it, so that's why I just sent the video.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Oh, I found it. Oh, God, it's going again. Where did it go? So it is, Kids vomiting, birds attacking towers, weaponry and skills. And it's a picture of Trump, but he's, I don't know, some ghostly figure with really sharp demon teeth or something. And lizard eyes.
Starting point is 01:15:59 I don't know what I'm looking at. I can't zoom in because it's YouTube. Oh, and lizard eyes, yes. These are pretty awesome thumbnails actually. Yeah, I love them. So that's my guilty pleasure
Starting point is 01:16:20 channel that I have been watching for a while. fudger channel that i have been watching for a while i i've actually got a weird interest in youtube content right now so i don't have any interest in this game anymore but there's a minecraft server called 2b2t which is a yeah the oldest anarchy server in minecraft yes and i've been getting a lot of recommendations for 2b2t videos and i've been watching all of them and it is it is exceptional i love it i love that there's a whole history and law behind it and there's like big fucking cultures like these big community movements as well like there's this one dude who was like okay there's a bunch of uh important monuments on the server and we need to protect them and this dude was like oh we're just gonna surround them with cubes of ice and break the ice
Starting point is 01:17:16 so then you have a big water cube so then you can't destroy it by using withers or by using uh various other methods to destroy bedrock just like what am i watching it's great it's so good i followed the like i i think i just like binged um just a bunch of those videos and followed it for a while but i kind of fell off it but it's really cool i I recently got into it and every time one of these videos shows up I end up watching it. I don't know what it is there's there's something weird about it something weird about grown adults spending years and years of their life on a minecraft server
Starting point is 01:18:05 yeah it's crazy as well because like it only has a limited number of slots so like you have to queue for like hours just to get into the server like that's the dedication of it is ridiculous there was another thing i saw where uh so because it's just complete anarchy um people were just doing shit to try to get people banned from the server and obviously there's no banning on the server but you can chunk ban people which is basically where you have if you if you load a certain chunk basically your game is gonna be unable to connect to the server so there's a way you could basically your game is going to be unable to connect to the server. So there was a way you could basically have
Starting point is 01:18:47 too many storage blocks in a server, which the reason why that was a problem was because they had a plugin that was trying to get rid of hacked items. So the way it worked is it had to check every single storage item on the server. So in that, in a chunk. So if you're in a chunk that was filled with storage
Starting point is 01:19:07 items it would have to check every single one of those once you loaded that chunk and what you could do is fill a chunk with like 10 000 furnaces and that would crash the game well there's also something else that people would do is to like, yeah, similarly like break your game and get you kicked off. It's like there's these things called shulker boxes, which are like chests. But when you break them, all the items don't come out. Right. So you can just like fill a whole chest with all these boxes, which each have like a whole chest worth of shit in them. And then if you throw them at someone,
Starting point is 01:19:48 I'm pretty sure they'll pick them up and I'll just disconnect them. Which I think is why I like one of the straps or something is to always have a full inventory. So you can't ever pick these items up. It's just ridiculous. It's such a fucked server. I did remember hearing someone tell me about it a couple months back, and I didn't really look into it, and then all of a sudden,
Starting point is 01:20:15 I started getting a lot of these Minecraft recommendations. Always listening, bro. Actually, that's very true. Yes. There's other Minecraft videos that I've been watching as well like there was one it was about trying to find the seed that has, sorry the seed that has
Starting point is 01:20:36 the tallest oh no that's not I did see that one the seed with the tallest tallest cactus. Yeah, I got that one recommended to me. Yeah, so anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about, in Minecraft, naturally a cactus can only spawn
Starting point is 01:20:55 that's two blocks high. But if you have chunks that are next to each other that also have cactus on them, what it's going to do is try to merge those cactus together. So you might get like a four block high cactus and like a five block and six block. And there are people who reverse engineer the Minecraft seeds and basically they've written an algorithm at this point that's managed to find like 23 block high cactuses and it's just stupid. and it's just stupid.
Starting point is 01:21:28 Have you watched the one about pack.png? I did watch that and that is really impressive what they're actually able to do from that. I knew that it was... That's actually insane. Yeah, I knew that there were people who reverse engineered PewDiePie's seed but the fact
Starting point is 01:21:44 that they were able to reverse engine, or at least get most of this way towards reverse engineering a seed from a 128 by 128 PNG file, that is insane. Yeah, I thought when they made the ai to like up res pictures i thought that was just like actually just so amazing that someone dedicated all this time to doing that and i thought yeah it was like this super cool if anyone thinks that you can't get awesome shit done from just
Starting point is 01:22:20 random people on the internet like definitely definitely not the case because there are some insanely intelligent people who have way too much free time who are like oh i know how to write this uh this upscaling algorithm to turn this really low resolution image of a minecraft mountain into something pretty clear and they're just wasting their time doing Minecraft stuff and I think if they're like the Minecraft what I was gonna say was um with the the expedition to find the pack.png seed they've even got people dominating their like cpu cycles to them so instead of doing stuff like folding at home to like try to cure cancer people are like i'm gonna try to find this minecraft seed it's important that needs to be found
Starting point is 01:23:17 anyway you're gonna say before i cut you off I forgot but look at this cup It's pretty cool It is a pretty cool cup I've got this cup here Which was stolen from a pub Because everyone owns one of these cups I don't think I've lived with anyone who doesn't have one of these cups I don't know where they keep finding them
Starting point is 01:23:43 I presume everyone's just stealing them from pubs. Surely. Because what are they going to do? Unless they see you walk out with the cup. I'm not condoning stealing from pubs before anyone says I'm doing that. But unless they notice you walking out with the cup, it's not like
Starting point is 01:24:00 they're going to be able to stop you. Support local businesses. Don't steal their cups. Yeah, that's true. I haven't had a poppy mill in so long. I actually went and I think the first time in a good couple of months went out and actually bought some takeaway, like not too long ago. That was pretty surprising for
Starting point is 01:24:25 me because i've just been eating at home for a while but i had to work like fucking 9 a.m till 6 p.m the other day don't do that bad idea and i went out and got some chinese food like on my break because i've been craving chinese food for a couple of months and as it is every time i buy chinese food it's not worth it it's just okay you're not just going to like the shittiest chinese places yeah that's probably it as well no it's not like it's bad it's just like well that was not really that great it was it was it was good food but it's not like that was worth it, waiting all that time. I see what you mean. You were saying about pub meals.
Starting point is 01:25:14 I was just saying I haven't had one in a while. Are pubs back open now, or what's going on? I don't even know what's going on. I think by like 20th of July, most stuff is going to be open. Until we go back into lockdown because of Victoria. Yeah, hopefully not.
Starting point is 01:25:38 Can we just get rid of Victoria? Just annex them. They can be their own country. I can be next Tasmania. Just literally dig out a border we need to make a big more call it the Victorian more no bridges use nothing comes in and out of Victoria you have to to do it by plane. Mm-hmm. It's its own place now. Yeah. I wonder how big the gap has to be for it to actually be considered, like, you know, not really connected to the country.
Starting point is 01:26:17 Because obviously, at a point, there will be a connection between the two landmasses. But how deep does that have to be for it to be considered like a separation between those two land masses surely like ocean deep surely but i i'm sure there's some weird person who's defined a point where this actually has to happen because obviously if i dig a moat that's like a meter deep that's not like considering that a different land mass but there has to come a point where that actually is considered a different mass well is kangaroo island considered its own thing or is it a part of south australia
Starting point is 01:27:00 well I think it's a part of south aust not because it's the ocean's not deep enough but because we just have rights to that land that's like how deep I'm thinking like it has to be like the middle point between Canberra Island and mainland South Australia
Starting point is 01:27:24 that depth of ocean is how deep it needs to be like the middle point between Canberra Island and mainland South Australia, that depth of ocean is how deep it needs to be. You know what? We're going to see if we can find an answer here. How wide does it have to be? Because you could make it like one centimetre wide and just make it as deep as the ocean. That would still technically be a moat.
Starting point is 01:27:47 How deep does a moat need to be to be a sea? Amazing. Uh, let's see. Amazing. Uh, let's see. Can we find anything here? This is the dumbest thing that's come up on this show. What were moats filled with? A moat is a deep, raw ditch,
Starting point is 01:28:19 either filled with water that is dug and surrounds a castle, fortification, building or town, historically to provide with a preliminary line of defense. In later periods, moats or water defenses may be largely ornamental. They could act as a sewer. Why the f- I'm sorry, wait. People would use a moat as a sewer?
Starting point is 01:28:42 That seems like a pretty shit way to do that. Ha. What is a dry moat called? Wait, what? A drote. Castle moats were usually 5 to 40 feet deep, and they were not always filled with water. Not all moats contained water,
Starting point is 01:29:04 as a simple dry, wide ditch could provide an obstacle these were called dry moats amazing all right then i didn't be in one of the poor fucking slaves back in the olden days that had to, like, dig a moat. Yeah, fuck that. Once you're done digging it, they leave you down there to die. So it's a moat and a mass grave. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:29:36 Well, if it's already going to be a sewer, it can't get much worse. Fair enough. Like, surely they'd have, like, an off-run thing down to, like, some other body of water they wouldn't just like let it sit there I don't know maybe I don't know I think we're thinking a bit too much about
Starting point is 01:29:57 fucking moats yeah probably so yes yeah probably so yes you about to say something I was but I didn't say it so you go I was going to say I actually found an intro song for the
Starting point is 01:30:17 podcast I didn't do it this time because I was saving it for a topic and it kind of got delayed for about an hour and a half. But I do have an intro song. I'm sure you know who Kevin MacLeod is from Incompetech?
Starting point is 01:30:35 No. I'm uncultured. All of his music he releases being under Creative Commons, so all royalty-free stuff. And you've probably heard some of his music pretty much all indie games
Starting point is 01:30:51 where they don't want to pay for music. They'll use his stuff. Okay. So, I'm going to show you the song. Hopefully I can bring it open. Here we go. Are you ready? Let me know what you think.
Starting point is 01:31:04 I'm so ready. And that goes on for another two and a half minutes. I'm not going to play, obviously, this whole thing for an intro song, but what do you think? No, I like it it it's nice and funky reminds me of um game i used to play back on like my dad's fucking windows 98 computer some racing game i don't remember what it was but yeah i like it it's nice it sort of reminded me of something out of the Persona soundtrack. I haven't played Persona, but I definitely understand what you mean,
Starting point is 01:32:12 because I think I've seen a couple of videos about it. Yeah. There's obviously some more rocky tracks, but a lot of them are kind of funk and kind of jazz. And I don't know, I just liked it. So I was like, hey, you know what? We're going to go with this one so finally after the the 21st episode you'll finally have a
Starting point is 01:32:33 intro song i'm still not sure what i'm gonna do with the intro um but let's see no we're gonna go back to the start. I'm going to try something. Welcome back to Tech of a T. This is episode 21, and I'm, as always, your host, Brodie Robertson. And then I just fade the music out and we go into like introducing the guest. Are you going to put that on like in post or are you going to like play it into your microphone? I'll probably set up a thing on OBS to just play it. So my guest will be sitting there,
Starting point is 01:33:30 and then all of a sudden I'll just introduce myself. How many episodes do I have to appear on before I become a co-host? That's a good question. I don't know. But if you become a co-host, would you be able to listen to it when you're running? Or would you be sick of hearing your own voice? Yeah, I don't watch the ones that have me in it.
Starting point is 01:34:07 That's a fair point. When are you going to do a double person, a double guest episode? That's another good question. I do want to go and do that Mr. Robot episode at some point. I just need to watch Mr. Robot. Get to it. You'll watch Mr. Robot when you start your streaming thing as well. Okay, no, to be fair, with the streaming,
Starting point is 01:34:35 I am going to start that as soon as... Like, if I'm not already started it before then, it'll be started when I finish uni. Guaranteed. But what I'm thinking of doing is at least starting a temporary stream where i drop one video i'll ask like the guys on the channel what they like if they think that's a good idea but i'm thinking of dropping down to six videos and then doing a stream which partially means obviously less set up for me i I'm still gonna plan the streams because I'm not gonna do like a blind stream Fuck that. I actually want entertaining content
Starting point is 01:35:09 But planning out my videos takes more time than I had initially anticipated Because So when I do like a video on a piece of software It'll take me two to three hours to get myself comfortable with it for most things obviously if it's something bigger than that it'll take longer, but for like a general thing where I'm doing a video on like a system monitor or a Vim plug-in or just anything that's not really I guess Too in-depth that's like two to three hours to prepare myself for that Then it's another half hour to an hour to write out the notes
Starting point is 01:35:44 And then it's like another hour and a half to record it and edit it. So, and I do that seven times a week. So I'm basically working almost full time. It is a bit more effort than I had initially anticipated. And I think the main thing that's made way more effort now is the fact that I'm actually putting effort into making my videos good, rather than just being like,
Starting point is 01:36:11 I'm just going to wing it as I'm going. Now I'm actually being like, okay, well, I want to talk about this, this, and this, and this. I'm not scripting it mostly because I'm bad at reading scripts. But I am at least jotting down like, like okay these are the points i want to hit and anything that's like more super like really technical i will jot down those points as well because i might forget them as i'm saying them or yeah i think that's the the best way to say i tend to forget stuff pretty easily when i'm
Starting point is 01:36:42 just running through all my topics so it's easier to jot those down and then make sure that I'm actually hitting on them. I see cue cards for your oral presentation. What I actually do is I've got a second monitor that's behind my webcam. That's my TV. And I just have my notes sitting directly above my webcam. And I'm usually looking at those when I'm recording. That's just so it stays off my main screen so they don't get obviously seen on the video
Starting point is 01:37:12 because that would be a little bit annoying to see. So what are you going to do for your 10K subscriber special? I'm thinking of doing an Arch Linux install video, but I'm not 100% sure at this point. Because I have had people bother me about doing that for fucking six months. Like, I might just shut them off and do it at 10K. I reckon that'd be a good little meme, I reckon. Maybe I'll title it something like,
Starting point is 01:37:48 Stop asking me how to install Arch. Here you go. Pretty much. I've actually been getting better at titling. I've been watching a guy called Devin Nash. I don't know if you know who he is. He's a twitch streamer who focuses on doing i guess industry commentary so he's got got a lot of videos like how to build up
Starting point is 01:38:14 a youtube channel uh how to start streaming how to build up a stream talking about how if you start streaming on twitch you will fail uh because twitch has terrible terrible discoverability so you have to do if you're going to stream on twitch also upload clips to youtube because no one's going to find you on twitch you have to upload to other platforms and then they can find you from there and then also upload to facebook and other platforms that exist. And he did a video with this guy. So there'll be people who come to him and say, hey, how do I start streaming?
Starting point is 01:38:56 And he'll always give them things to do. And then every single person that asks that question, none of them succeed except this one guy. And he did an interview with this guy and went over some of the things he could improve so things like doing his thumbnails better his titling better main stuff was like um make your i guess have a couple of points of focus in your thumbnail rather than having too much to look at and with the titles don't make them the same thing that is being said in the
Starting point is 01:39:30 thumbnail so if you're gonna have text in it have the text in the thumbnail I guess try to lure people into clicking on it and the thumbnail be something a bit different so if you did a video on I don't know Vim or something like that you could have the thumbnail have the text say something like, is this the best code editor and then have the title of it be something like, turning Vim into the best code, turning Vim into a competent IDE or something like that. So you draw people in with those two different points rather than them having the exact same
Starting point is 01:40:07 thing being said yeah I noticed that with whenever I have a peep at your channel I've changed it up a bit I've been trying to work out I guess how I want to handle this and the other thing is don't think you're above doing clickbait just accept it you're above doing clickbait just accept it everyone says they hate clickbait but they really don't you wouldn't click on it if you did not like it well the thing i think about uh about clickbait is they don't hate clickbait what they hate is being lied to so if your clickbait is actually saying what's in the video that's a bit different than saying
Starting point is 01:40:46 click this video for titties and there's no titties hot girl in the video hot girl in your area 10 hot bitties in your area that want to frick you but yeah i'm thinking of doing the going back to the thing i was saying before i'm thinking of doing the, going back to the thing I was saying before, I'm thinking of doing the Arch install video for 10k. Maybe there's something better I could do, but I think I'll go Arch install. I reckon that's the way to go. No, you should do Optifine install.
Starting point is 01:41:18 Optifine install. Maybe that'll be April Falls. Yeah, April Falls can be Optifine installed. And then you're not talking either. You have to use Notepad and have cut my life into pieces. No, that'll get me fucking yeeted from YouTube.
Starting point is 01:41:35 Definitely not doing that. Wow. How rude. Maybe I do some... You can have one of the really bad free YouTube library songs like the yes that's actually a better idea i'll do that um fucking optifine install videos i do remember looking up some of those though. I mean like, yeah, it's, I, you know, I'm not gonna lie, I did look it up once or twice,
Starting point is 01:42:10 but like, as soon as you know how to do it, it's like, wow, I dragged this fucking Java file onto my desktop and just run it and it does everything for you. There's a guy called The Breakdown who has done three Optifine install videos. At least three. So he's got how to download and install Optifine in Minecraft 1.16.1. How to download and install Optifine in Minecraft 1.15.2. How to download and install Optifine in Minecraft 14.4. Oh, he's got another one.
Starting point is 01:42:49 How to download and install Optifine. One week ago. He's got another one. How to download and install Optifine in Minecraft 1.12.2. 10 minute video. Are you fucking kidding me, dude? This man has so many subscribers why 211k let's find out what else he does bruh this is the most painful thing ever you can literally make an optifine tutorial fit into like literally a minute long okay so he's got how to buy a Minecraft 1.16.1 server
Starting point is 01:43:29 with Apex Minecraft hosting. That has 200... Okay, I'm sorry. He has 211k subs, and his latest video has 231 views, and it was uploaded three hours ago. I get better views than that. I mean, the one
Starting point is 01:43:48 day ago is a bit sadder. Oh yeah, 721. For a whole day. My video from yesterday didn't do that well. It got 1,000 views. You have 211k. What's happening here? Yeah, these thumbnails are just
Starting point is 01:44:04 ugly to look at. Well, no, his other problem, I think, is his titling is just terrible. How to download and install shaders in Minecraft. Minecraft mini map in 1.16.1. Voxel map for Minecraft 1.16.1! My guess is he's probably got some really popular video. Let's see. Yeah, it'll be the Optifine one, surely.
Starting point is 01:44:31 Maybe. He's got, okay. How to make a Minecraft 1.14 server. How to play Minecraft 1.14 with your friends. 1.8 million views. And then the shaders. Yeah, shaders, crazy craft. Optifine. Opt million views. And then the shaders. Yeah, shaders, crazy craft.
Starting point is 01:44:47 Optifine. Optifine. His older thumbnails were better. How to install custom maps in Minecraft 1.8. Five minutes straight to the point. I can't talk. My videos are way too long, but... Yeah, just come over to my channel. there's like two videos over 10 minutes i'm all about getting right to the point most of my videos are like fucking 15 plus minutes long right now
Starting point is 01:45:15 but yeah the problem with his thumbnails is he has some text that's really difficult to read so that third line of text on that how to make a Minecraft 1.14 server how to play with your friends Sorry, how to play Minecraft 1.14.1 with your friends. Be very specific about how to play with your friends You don't need to say that twice in your title. But the third line of text
Starting point is 01:45:40 you basically can't read it and on a phone you wouldn't be able to read that. Mm-hmm. You probably made a sign video. I mean, I can't talk. My thumbnails are pretty all over the place, but... I... I was going to say, your thumbnails... There's work that could be done on them. The thing you have going for you is your own art.
Starting point is 01:46:07 The thing that just needs to be done a bit better is, I guess, laying out the art. I just, well, like, the thing is, my thumbnails are, like, you're also meant to, I mean, this, like, goes against every fucking youtube trend but like you're meant to view them in full screen because they have all the secrets hidden in them so you can appreciate it as a work of art when you open it in the full screen i think what you need okay is you need the zoomer thumbnails but you still need to be able to embed the codes in them
Starting point is 01:46:44 thumbnails, but you still need to be able to embed the codes in them. That's when you've really hit the money. Uh-huh. I think I respect myself too much for a zoomer thumbnail. I'll just be like Luke, I'll just add Wojacks to every thumbnail and be like, Oh, am I too smart to learn? Wait. Well, um... well um you could just do what Luke does
Starting point is 01:47:13 yeah Luke's thumbnails hurt me on a personal level what he realised early on was that if he puts memes in his thumbnails, he can get people from 4chan to click them. I'm too dumb to use Ubuntu. And you've got ones like,
Starting point is 01:47:37 Zoomer consumer gets red-pilled on technology. Or, get a website now, don't be a web peasant. or get a website now don't be a web peasant uh it's amazing yeah luke's thumbnails are absolutely exceptional like they are actually a work of art i do want to click on them even though i really hate them so it's doing the job oh if you think you hate them see what nonsense happens on reddit everyone thinks that he's like a white supremacist and a neo-nazi it's like no he's just taking the piss no if you use any fortune
Starting point is 01:48:21 meme you are a white supremacistist Nazi and going to beat me up. If you use PP the Frog, I don't like you. You're a bad man. Don't use PP. Identity politics is cancer. Yeah, just avoid it. It's for the best to avoid. It's much easier if you just don't.
Starting point is 01:48:54 Too stressful. Yeah, just don't. I got involved with that earlier on with like an old Twitter account. Just don't. It's a bad idea. Mm-hmm. Just when it comes to voting pick pick the party that has your favorite policy yeah that's that's all you need to care about pick the weed party
Starting point is 01:49:14 yeah pick weed party 420 every day all day for anyone who uh, there actually is a weed party in Australia. Isn't it called the Hemp Party? The Hemp Party, yes. But, yes, they're the weed party. Those are the drug parties. The DMT Brigade. The Methamphetamine Squad. Yeah, I'm sure running on methamphetamine, Australia would get you real far.
Starting point is 01:49:49 Yeah, totally. You just get all the druggies to vote for you. That makes up, like, three quarters of the country. That's it. Mate, you're a true brew legend. I'm gonna vote for you because you put meth in your party title. That's fucking sick. You're trying to get
Starting point is 01:50:05 my brothers out of prison. They got put in prison for doing meth. They did nothing wrong. My cousin got put in the prison because he was dealing meth. That's fucked up. Those fucking police put my cousin
Starting point is 01:50:23 away for doing nothing wrong. He was just supplying. He was running a legitimate business and these people came along and took it away from him. That's what's wrong with the government and that's why I'm voting for the methamphetamine party.
Starting point is 01:50:42 That was a really good accent. I'm not sure what accent it was but I think it captured the essence of the character I was trying to play Oh my lord God that was absolutely exceptional It's beautiful. I have been playing Ratchet and Clank 1 on my Vita.
Starting point is 01:51:15 Ooh, how's that been going? It's quite nice. I've slowly been playing through the three original ones. I usually play it in order, but I've been playing it in reverse order. Number three is not as good as people say it is.
Starting point is 01:51:36 What was three? Three is the one with Dr. Nefarious. I don't think I ever played that one. What was the name? Up Your Arsenal. Right, yeah, okay. But, yeah, I think one is my favourite, but one and two are probably the best out of all of the games.
Starting point is 01:52:02 Yeah, I only... I played one, two, Gladiator, and I think one of the later ones after that. What was 2 called outside of Australia? I know here it was called Locked and Loaded. Going Commando. Right, yes. You're more of a Jak and Daxter person, I believe.
Starting point is 01:52:23 Yeah, no, keep that channel a secret. That's going to be a big reveal one day. That's the 100k subscriber special. It's just watching all the videos on that channel. Sorry? That's the special. It's just watching all the videos on that channel. Okay, there's like three videos on that channel.
Starting point is 01:52:45 And only one of them has me speaking. I did have older videos, but I think I deleted them. Just watch the Jak and Daxter one then. I don't know, if I give too much information about what else is on the channel, someone's going to find the channel. But there was also a video about Pokemon sprites. I think it was a Pokemon sprite competition. Yes.
Starting point is 01:53:16 I remember you showing me that. What a, that was such a bad channel. Yeah. You know what? I was going to say, What a... That was such a bad channel. Yeah, your old channel... You know what? I was going to say, I have lots of old channels that are bad, but I think that one is really the worst.
Starting point is 01:53:33 Yeah, no, your channel... You actually had good content. You were, like, making short films as a kid. Yeah, I was making Lego animations and short films on iPads. Zombie movies and stuff. Zombie movies with zombies that didn't look like anything like zombies. Did you guys even do anything to them?
Starting point is 01:53:55 Or was it just you in your school uniform? I don't even remember. It's been a while since I've seen that. We were just in our school uniforms. Like, the videos were meant for, like, a filmmaking class. Right. But I just wanted to put them on YouTube to archive them. Imagine, okay, imagine if someone found that channel
Starting point is 01:54:18 rather than your main channel. I'm pretty sure that channel still has more subs than the current one I'm okay with it no you need you need 100 subs on your main channel what's gonna be your 100 sub video you did 46 subs or whatever it was
Starting point is 01:54:40 56 I did and then I got rid of that video because it's awful it's still on library though is it I thought I tried deleting it but it just wouldn't let me
Starting point is 01:54:53 oh okay if it's it might have been removed then I don't know yeah well that that's a curse video
Starting point is 01:55:01 that I don't want anything to do with but hey you have way more subs on uh on Library now than you do on YouTube. I do. And it's annoying because I can't upload the video that I want. I don't think the Two Minute Noodle one or the poem is uploaded on there because they haven't synced over. And I'm pretty sure the file sizes are too big
Starting point is 01:55:26 to upload onto library for some reason. You can do it through the desktop app, through library TV. I think there's limits. But you should probably chuck it through Handbrake anyway because they won't do transcoding for you. So you just transcode it. Honestly, I would say get into 720p
Starting point is 01:55:44 and make it as small as possible without degrading the video quality that would be my suggestion okay well i might have to do that then yeah but um i think to do syncing you have to have like 100 subs on YouTube now or something like that. Which is a little annoying. I mean, at least it stops spam from being uploaded onto the library, I guess. It stops certain kinds of spam. Yeah, not all spam.
Starting point is 01:56:18 There's still a pretty big spammer problem. I think that a lot of people have given up though because they were getting their rewards instantly revoked if they tried to do like view farming or anything like that or follower for follow. But there's still a couple of people that are doing that
Starting point is 01:56:35 which is annoying. Oh well. I think it's still going to be inherent in any platform. You're just going to have people trying to fuck with it. I think it's going to be inherent in any platform you're just going to have people trying to fuck with it I think the big problem with it was the fact that they could easily make money
Starting point is 01:56:54 that was the biggest problem with it once you take that away it does disincentivise it a bit for sure so yesterday did you see that um i don't know if you saw it or you heard about it on the news but the fucking fog from yesterday i didn't see it i woke up too late to see it but i did see some pictures okay so being up in the hills it was crystal clear when I got out of bed I was like oh it's a lovely day
Starting point is 01:57:26 And then I drive down the hill And I see this Like from my place I can see Port Adelaide I couldn't see anything I was like okay I guess it's foggy today I didn't realise how foggy I come down
Starting point is 01:57:42 Actually I'm going to find an article about this Because when I'm saying it's fog I wouldn't be talking aboutgy. I come down... Actually, I'm going to find an article about this. Because when I'm saying it's fog, I wouldn't be talking about this if it was normal fog. Like, this fog was so bad that we had planes grounded. I remember back when I lived in the hills, there was, like, another day like that. And we were coming down Checker Hill Road, if you've ever driven on that
Starting point is 01:58:05 rings a bell it's just like just like yeah at this certain point the road turned into fog yeah so as i was saying i um i've got a picture up on the screen this pretty much shows what i would have seen when i was coming down the hill pretty much shows what i would have seen when i was coming down the hill so from my house i can see port adelaide so i can see all the way to the ocean from where i live and i was like i guess it's foggy come down the hill and it starts getting a little foggy i was like okay and then i get to the bottom and i can see literally 20 meters in front of me at best so i i would get to like a set of lights i could see the lights anything past the lights gray i couldn't i basically couldn't see it like that's how fucked it was interesting but um yeah planes were grounded most of the day, because you can't fly in that, because you can't see anything.
Starting point is 01:59:14 So until 11.30am, it was... every plane was grounded. Fuck. So you ended up missing that, did you? Yeah, I was just asleep. I had, like, I don't know, I think I had minor food poisoning, so, like, I was just, my stomach, like, most of the night was just all fucked, and then, like, I finally fell asleep at, like, four or five, and then, yeah, slept in until like one.
Starting point is 01:59:46 I had to get up for work at 9am. So I was like, nah, fuck this. You know, you know. But do you know, do you know what would have done it?
Starting point is 01:59:59 What? The food poisoning. Oh, I still am not too sure, but I think it's like some pasta sauce that i made that i left out for too long i just put everything like in a container and put it away as soon as i don't need it i'm always worried about food poisoning yeah well like, I think it was sitting in the fridge for too long. Ah, that'll do it. Normally, like, I freeze, like, pasta sauce, like, a day or two after I make it, but it was sitting in there for a little bit.
Starting point is 02:00:33 I think that's what did it. What my mum has decided to start doing is she dates everything. So no matter what she's putting away, it's like, oh, here's like a... I opened a box of cereal. Write the date it opened on it. Here's something I put in the fridge. Write the date that you did on it. Because you might end up forgetting something.
Starting point is 02:00:53 It might look fine. Because like pasta sauce, unless it's been in there for a long time, it's probably not going to start looking bad. But... Yeah. Yeah, it's probably a good idea. That's not bad. Might to try that that one out for me i tend to just take stuff out of the freezer as i need it so i don't really have as much of a problem
Starting point is 02:01:14 well i just the other day i purged like everything that was in our fridge. Like, there was fucking sauces and shit that had been in there for, like, three years. Like... When I moved out of my parents' house, you don't know how much shit we found in there that was just really out of date. Like, sealed pasta sauce from, like, six years ago. And... like sealed pasta sauce from like six years ago and we had soft drinks that were literally five years old it's like what what am i looking at how has it been in here for this long
Starting point is 02:01:55 just just hoarding it why not pretty much how long have we been recording for? Two hours and two minutes. I reckon it might be time to wrap it up. I'm getting a little bit hungry. Oh, good, man. Yeah, I had some lunch just before I started this, so I'd be good for whenever.
Starting point is 02:02:21 Mm-hmm. I don't think there's anything else that I really wanted to touch on I guess one last thing I could one last thing we should probably I guess I can talk about is you said you're looking for work so
Starting point is 02:02:37 you said that wasn't going too well for you but what have you actually been looking for I feel like we've had this conversation before. Have we? I think so. I don't know, just any IT stuff, but I think I'm
Starting point is 02:02:55 going to broaden my horizons a little bit. Have you been trying to put together a portfolio or anything, or just go and see what happens? Kind of just go with the flow. I really should be putting
Starting point is 02:03:11 more effort into it than what I am but I don't know. I've been doing some self-improvement stuff. If you go back and watch the previous podcast, you'll be like, holy fuck, you look so depressed. Well, to be fair, you had the hood on and your hair was all out.
Starting point is 02:03:34 Yeah, but also, my general face looked very sad. Yeah, I guess that's fair. guess that's fair but i reckon i reckon i'm on the up and up so you know maybe i'll actually want to put more effort into stuff now well hopefully it goes well hopefully if not i'll just wait till matt pat finds my channel one day 10 years from now that's my channel one day 10 years from now he's on his deathbed honestly i expect like it's it's weird seeing all the old youtubers still being around i get that it's a job but like you see people who started when they're like 18 20 and now they're in like their their early to mid 30s and they're still doing the same stuff and for some people it's okay
Starting point is 02:04:25 but then there's some people like there's a call of duty channel called our white boy seventh street and do you know who that is yeah he did you remember his intro no i don't think i ever actually watched his videos. I just know who he was. Because the old Kong channels used to be so massive. The way he starts his videos is like, Hey guys, this is White Boy 7th Street. He still does the same thing. And he's like in his mid-30s now.
Starting point is 02:04:59 And it's weird. That's rough. It is a little rough, but... I guess he's kind of got himself stuck. But I'm not going to keep you too long if you want to go get some food. So if you want to end it off here, we can do that. Yeah, I'm happy to end it. Cool.
Starting point is 02:05:19 So one last thing, as we have been doing lately, is do you have a channel if you want to, you want to shout out? Maybe it can't be the one you mentioned earlier. It can be another one. Oh, no, Frankie doesn't deserve a shout out. Uh, let me just peep my, uh, my likes recently. I have a Netflix show to shout out sure if you feel like watching a netflix show so it's called midnight gospel it's um oh yes i need to watch that
Starting point is 02:05:56 yeah it's from a podcast as well like the audio is from a podcast and it got turned into a TV show by the person that made Adventure Time. I didn't know that's where the audio came from. I thought it was made for the show. No, it's like, so Duncan Trussell. So there's the Adventure Time guy. I think his name is like Pendleton Ward, I think. And then Duncan Trussell is the co-creator he has his podcast and they like picked out eight episodes from that and then turned it into a tv show that's pretty it's pretty cool
Starting point is 02:06:34 i really need to watch that i've it looks right up my alley it's basically just a walking drug trip from what i've seen yeah Yeah, it's very fucking cooked. Well, I will definitely watch that when I watch Mr. Robot, so I have no promises on when. I mean, at least it's only eight episodes. Mr. Robot's like a whole series of television. That's fair. I do have a YouTube channel to shout out as well yes
Starting point is 02:07:06 okay uh it's called vwen v-e-w-n v-e-w-n vwen um okay just do it like very strange animations and uh i'm a big fan i'm already not sure what's going on with these thumbnails this is a bizarre looking channel. Yeah it is very strange It's like fuck all content on here, wow. But I would definitely recommend that channel as well. Alright right then. Cool. As for me, uh, I'm going to say,
Starting point is 02:07:50 go watch yourself some 2B2T content. So go check out FitMC. He did the video on how water protects history. A bunch of other weird 2B2T videos, how furnaces became weapons, useless 2b2t hacks that are insane, and a bunch of other awesome stuff like that. So, yeah. Give a shout-out to your stuff.
Starting point is 02:08:26 My channel is cozhan it's a bunch of cooking videos and other just random shit and there's a strange overarching story with toy sloths and everywhere else I am super coz man awesome
Starting point is 02:08:41 as for me yes remember to the words uh before i go i want to thank my patrons a special thank you joachim craig nathan andrew montezar p.d road tony donald and zilva if you want to join the patreon there'll be a link to that down below as well as my amazon affiliate links we can buy the gearies on this channel, or anything I should want, and I'll get a small kickback for it. Also remember to go check out this podcast, available
Starting point is 02:09:11 anywhere you listen to audio stuff. If you want to listen to the audio version, the video version is available on YouTube and Library, and check out the main channel that is Brody Robertson, Brody Robertson, sorry, I can't, don't even know what my name is brodie robertson on youtube library bit tube and bit shoot soon to be on facebook as well when i
Starting point is 02:09:35 eventually do that um interesting i'm just gonna get an auto upload there's a site you can pay to just auto upload like vimeo daily motion and YouTube I think it's like it's not much it's I think $80 a year or something so that's
Starting point is 02:09:51 cool why not yeah so I think that's pretty much everything for us how do you
Starting point is 02:09:59 want to sign out the podcast um Lizard Squad praise Lizard Squad out the podcast lizard squad praise lizard squad alright then we can do that this is the sign to lizard squad is it yeah
Starting point is 02:10:15 see you guys later

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