Tech Over Tea - Linux, Gaming, Tech & Other Nonsense | Solo

Episode Date: July 7, 2023

Today we're doing another solo episode and as always tends to happen, we're just chatting about whatever nonsense ends up catching my attention for today. ==========Support The Show========== ...► Patreon: ► Paypal: ► Amazon USA: ► Other Methods: =========Video Platforms========== 🎥 YouTube: =========Audio Release========= 🎵 RSS: 🎵 Apple Podcast: 🎵 Spotify: 🎵 Google Podcast: 🎵 Anchor: ==========Social Media========== 🎤 Discord: 🐦 Twitter: 📷 Instagram: 🌐 Mastodon: ==========Credits========== 🎨 Channel Art: All my art has was created by Supercozman DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good morning, good day, and good evening. I am as always your host, Rudy Robertson, and this is episode one hundred and seventy-five, I think that number is correct, of Tech of a T. And today, we are doing another solo episode. What I'm thinking of maybe doing is like rotating back and forth forth so we have a solo and then like two or three guest episodes then a solo then guests and just keeping it up like that because as i've said before i really do enjoy doing the solo episodes because i don't have to worry about what anybody i bring on the show is interested in like it would be kind of weird to bring some guest on, like, um, uh, Alan Pope, Popey, or, like, Matthew Miller, or someone like that, and then start talking about something that they have absolutely no interest in.
Starting point is 00:00:54 I could, like, run the topics by them, be like, hey, you want to talk about this gaming stuff. But when it's just like, I want to go and go down some stupid tangent that nobody in their right mind would actually be interested in, uh, the solo episode seems like a good place to do that. One thing that other people might be interested in, but probably won't be, is this article I blog, whatever you want to call it, I found the other day. That is not showing up. That was showing Hacker News for some reason. I booted Linux 292,612 times by Richard W.M. Jones, not Richard Stallman,
Starting point is 00:01:38 because that would be really cool. And it only took 21 hours. You're probably thinking, why would anybody in their right mind actually go and do this? Like, what purpose is there to booting Linux 292,000 times? Well, the reason they did it is to address a bug. So apparently there is a bug with the Linux kernel 6.4 where it hangs on boot. Linux kernel hangs rarely when booting on the latest QEMU. I don't know if this happens on...
Starting point is 00:02:10 Does it happen on hardware? It seems like this is specifically just a virtual machine problem. Which is good. And it's probably a big part of the reason why nobody has been talking about this like this would be a pretty serious problem if regular the hair on my microphone uh if regular people were having this problem also the reason why no one's reporting it is it only happens roughly one every thousand boots and apparently rarer if you're using Intel hardware for some reason. Computers are weird.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Like computers are just weird. Why is it rare with Intel hardware? I don't know. Like it would make sense if it didn't happen full stop with Intel hardware. But the fact that it still happens but less often. I don't know. It's surprising to me that no one has noticed this. It's not surprising to me.
Starting point is 00:03:07 But it certainly did because of our NBD kit tests, which use libguestfs. Are you linking to the projects? Yes, you are. So NBD, this is an NBD server. What the fuck is an NBD server? Network block device, I see. And then libguestFS is a set of tools for accessing and modifying virtual machine disk images. Oh, okay. This is just a thing for
Starting point is 00:03:36 working with VMs. That actually makes sense. But I did this because our NBD tests which which use libguestfs, were randomly hanging. Always at the same place, early in booting the libguestfs QEMU appliance. Freeing SMP alternatives, memory at 48k, and that is just where it stops. So to bisect this, I had to run a guestfish in a loop until it either hangs or doesn't. How many times? I chose 10,000 tests as a good threshold. To make it easier, I wrote a test harness.
Starting point is 00:04:09 This is- ah, this link to the actual test- bootbootboot.c, what a great name for the test harness. Which uses up to eight threads and parses the output to detect the hang. After a painful bisection between 6.0 and 6.4 RC6, I wonder why they went with those versions. Maybe, I would presume this is the last version they knew worked well, so it seemed like a sensible place to start. Which took many days, I found the culprit. A regression in the printk time feature. That would be on here. This is the Linux kernel mailing list. Recent kernels hang rarely when booted on QEMU. Usually you need to boot hundreds or thousands of times to see the hang compared to 292,612 successful boots boots which I was able to do before
Starting point is 00:05:06 the problematic commit. So to prove it, I booted this many times before the faulty commit successfully and then after failed after a thousand boots. Like, this is one of those problems, right? Where you get a tiny little issue and rather than being like, oh, computers are weird. I'm just going to go about my day. You take this as like a personal insult, an insult against your family and your entire legacy. And you're like, I am going to fix this problem if it is the last thing I do. For me, when I have a problem like, you know, I boot my system and Pipewire for some reason doesn't start up, I don't go out of my way to be like, I'm going to work out why this happened. I'm going to spend like 21 hours, as the person said,
Starting point is 00:05:59 trying to bisect, not just bisect, 21 hours is just the reboots. The bisect, not just bisect, 21 hours of the reboots, the bisecting took multiple days, just to find this tiny issue that I could fix by just booting again, and the problem wouldn't be there. And judging by what he said, nobody else has taken the problem as like, serious enough to report it, or at least doesn't even realize that it's an actual serious problem. Because, you know know if your system hangs Most people aren't gonna like try to track down the bug. They're just gonna say oh the system hanged or the system hung I guess and
Starting point is 00:06:34 then Rebooted especially if you're running it in QEMU like if you're running in QEMU It's like it's it's so easy to just restart it back up again I is not even a legitimate concern that most people would have. Really the only way you would notice this in a way that would be like a legitimate problem. Is if you're running it in some sort of corporate environment. Where for some reason or another you're doing relatively frequent VM reboots. I don't know what that use case would be,
Starting point is 00:07:06 but whatever that use case is, is something this person either really needed, or was just crazy enough to go out of the way to actually fix it. But hey, I'm glad that it's been fixed. Right now, this is an
Starting point is 00:07:22 open issue in QEMU. Let's see what's going on on the kernel. There should be a thread here. Is there not a thread? Does no one care about... Oh, here we go. I was just on the wrong site. I'm not used to using I usually use another
Starting point is 00:07:39 website. Oh, here we go. Boston. Let's see. what do they have to say. TLDR, I'm adding this report to the list of tracked Linux kernel regressions. Oh, they're just saying it's a regression. Thanks for the report. To be sure the issue doesn't fall through the cracks unnoticed, I'm adding it to the regs bot, the Linux kernel regression tracking bot. This is no regression. This is your fix. It was fixed already. You want to clarify? Wait, what?
Starting point is 00:08:10 It feels like they're having a discussion with themselves. I'm confused here. I'll have a look at this properly if I go and do a video on this, but the main point here is this person is crazy and the kernel But the main point here is this person is crazy, and the kernel is better because of crazy people like this. Whether it's fixing this issue or any of the other issues out there, there are so many things that people just spend a ridiculous amount of time on just trying to make it work, and it's the only reason the FOSS space can actually function. If everybody was just a normal, average person who was like, yeah, all right, a couple of commits here and there, nothing would get done.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Like, we need those absolutely insane people who put in way too much work. But speaking of putting in way too much work, did you guys see, this is probably from a couple of weeks ago, as you're watching this, Debbie and Gnu Herd 2023 released. Every time I see an article like this, I'm always reminded that Gnu Herd exists. Like, I always forget that Gnu Herd is a thing that people actually thought at one point in time was going to be the free software kernel, it was going to be the thing that powered the whole free software world.
Starting point is 00:09:27 So, GNU Herd's been around for quite a while now. When was it first released? 1990. So... It was at a really, really, really bad time. So, 1990. Now for context, Linux was 1991. When GNU Herd came out initially, there was a lot of interest behind it. Like if you go check out threads, like even threads from Linus back then, like everyone who was involved in that space was like, you know, one day we'll all be
Starting point is 00:10:06 running the GNU Herd kernel and we'll have our free software system, all that fun stuff. But Linux came along and Linux just had, I guess it had more development to it, had more, it also didn't hurt that like Linus is a isn't linus is a really interesting character he had this thing that he made as like a you know basically just to learn 8386 that's literally the reason why he initially made it and then people actually liked it and he got sort of a lot of recognition in the the minix usenet by basically arguing with the creator of Minix and telling him he's a fucking moron pretty much, while the creator of Minix
Starting point is 00:10:50 was telling Linus he was a fucking moron. And from this, it built up a lot of notoriety with the project, and it seemed like what was needed at the time was already there in Linux. And I think Linus traditionally said that like, what was needed at the time was already there in Linux, and I think
Starting point is 00:11:05 Linus traditionally said that like, he would have been entirely fine if everything shifted towards GNU, there's a quote that I can't find right now, but he was saying, like, early on that he would have been fine with everything just going the GNU Herd way, and
Starting point is 00:11:21 I think Stallman, I think Stallman said that Linux is most of the way there towards what GNU Herd was going to be, and that's why GNU worked closely with Linux in those early days to get the actual user space available. Because Linux had that really good kernel early on, but GNU had that really good user space. So while GNU could certainly go and do their own thing, and maybe if that was the thing that got really developed at the time, that would be what we're using today.
Starting point is 00:11:57 But it seemed like a better use of time to sort of merge those efforts together and then focus on the parts that are actually important but gnu herd never never went away and like you'll you'll go to reddit if is this one open yep this one's back nope this one's not back wow they're actually they're actually doing the protest uh right now as i'm recording this this is during the middle of the the reddit protests i'll talk about those in a bit because where we are right now is a fucking disaster um but where was i going with the gnu herd um
Starting point is 00:12:38 i don't remember you do heard the problem it has nowadays is why would someone want to go and put that effort into GNU Herd? Like, it made sense to put effort into Linux in those early days because there wasn't a, not just free software, but a free operating system that was good. Like, you had a lot of the Unixes's out there and they were good in their own right but a lot of them had these giant price tags attached to them and no one wants to go and use if you're in this space, no one's to go and use like whatever Microsoft is producing. No one cared about what Apple was producing
Starting point is 00:13:19 they wanted something that was actually free software, but in the 90s there was that interest there nowadays though it's like okay i can choose to put my effort into linux this thing that is proven is used in industry is used on the desktop or i could put effort into gnu herd this project that hasn't really gotten anywhere in 33 years it has a little bit of hardware support but not really anything genuinely productive. Why would I do that? Like, why- if I want to go do that I'm going to go work on like OpenBSD or FreeBSD. I know that the BSD guys are gonna be like, oh no, BSD is great. Yes, BSD is certainly in a much better state in a much, much
Starting point is 00:14:06 better state than GNU Herd is. That's for goddamn sure. But I should do a video on GNU Herd, sort of talking about why GNU Herd never really picked up, never really made that progress and
Starting point is 00:14:21 yeah, I've been meaning to do so at some point it's just a matter of actually going and actually um making it from my understanding the guys who work on GNU Herd now are primarily people who were involved in
Starting point is 00:14:40 Debian and that's why there's the whole Debian GNU Herd thing where I believe it's something like is it the entire what is it here we go on Pharonix so Debian GNU Herd is currently available for i3d6 and can build around 65% of the Debian archive which you know isn't great but it's better than nothing. Like, you could run Debian on certain certain things. Um, mainly virtual machines, because unless
Starting point is 00:15:11 you want to go track down some hardware it's actually going to work on, you know, you might be, you might not get much luck. I think the problem that GNU Herd would have nowadays, though, like, okay, imagine this, right? Imagine if rather than Linux, we were down the GNU Herd route. I don't think much would really
Starting point is 00:15:33 change because I don't think if we went and used a different kernel, it would make NVIDIA release open source drivers, like at the same level that AMD has. Now, NVIDIA is working on some stuff. They're making things more open. But right now, 2023, the best way to run NVIDIA on Linux is using the proprietary drivers. I don't think that would be any different. I think you would still have basically the exact same thing
Starting point is 00:15:59 where you rely a lot on proprietary modules. It's just that the core of the system is completely free software, which I can't imagine the Free Software Foundation would be very happy with. And unlike Linux, I would imagine a lot of those modules probably wouldn't get shipped with the kernel. They'd probably be very much down to the the distro level to actually address, which would make things a little bit less convenient. I've heard that GNU Herd is like better security wise and better design wise and all that, but I think the important thing with with these projects
Starting point is 00:16:46 is one of them actually exists and one of them is actually functional on on a modern system so it doesn't really matter which one is better design like this was an idea back in the 90s with monolithic versus micro kernels a lot of the operating system researchers a lot of the operating system developers people like that were all on this idea that micro kernels were the future the problem is at that point there had never really been a massive like there are certainly micro kernels that existed but like microsoft hadn't even tried to touch micro kernels yet when they did that was the like Windows NT was the the shining beacon for the micro kernel supporters and then Windows NT came out and it wasn't a micro kernel it was a hybrid kernel which mixes the functionality of a micro
Starting point is 00:17:43 kernel and a monolithic kernel together so instead of having all of your drivers in kernel space, you have some of them in kernel space, some of them in user space, and then you have an API layer or an ABI, whatever you want to call it, so those drivers in user space can connect to the kernel. But at the time people were thinking it's gonna be a microkernel. All of the drivers are going to be running user space. You can reboot all of them separately, and it's going to all just work perfectly. But that just never happened. The point I was getting at there was, even if something is technically a better design, which it's arguable whether microkernels actually were. Even if something is a better design, what matters in the end is what do you actually have that works?
Starting point is 00:18:33 Like, say, for example, you're considering buying a car, okay? I like doing car analogies, and I don't know fucking anything about cars, but follow along with me. So, let's say, for example, there is the option of buying a, I don't know, a 2010 Honda Civic, okay? Or, at the exact same price, you could buy a Ferrari, okay? Like, whatever Ferrari, whatever, like, just whatever nice car you want. Like, some really fancy sports car, but it doesn't have an engine, okay? This is a really bad analogy. Why do you watch this show? I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:19:21 So, let's say they're the exact same price. Whilst, you know, a functioning, super nice, exotic sports car would be great, it doesn't work. So it doesn't matter. Sure, you could get a shell and then build up the engine, build everything out and make it this really nice thing. But it doesn't matter because here's this car over here that already works. So which one seemed like the better idea to go with? I know which one I would choose. Maybe some of you guys would go with the
Starting point is 00:19:48 other one because you like building out extra things and you like spending that time and all that stuff. But I can see where most people would go. And it's pretty evident where most people would go when you look at the state of Linux pretty much. And not just in the, you know, the developers on the kernel, the developers external to the kernel who develop things with linux in mind like drivers and proton and all this stuff actually that's one thing i would find very curious imagine if gnu herd was the thing that everybody was talking about i wonder if Valve ever would have gotten involved in this space and had like, let's just say Wine got developed. Where was Wine from actually?
Starting point is 00:20:32 I would imagine Wine was, did Wine exist before Linux? Was Wine made specifically for Linux? I don't actually remember. I'm pretty sure it is made initially for Linux, but there's a lot of this old software which has existed for way too long. Yeah, it was made in 1993. It was made after Linux came out. But I guess there is the FreeBSD version as well.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Yeah, okay. It was first designed to run Windows applications on Linux. The only reason I was confused there is like there are these weird projects like sudo, for example. Like sudo you think of as a Linux application. But sudo has been around like way longer.
Starting point is 00:21:17 I think since like 80-something. Linux, sudo, Wikipedia. Wikipedia, give me a date. Linux pseudo Wikipedia Wikipedia give me a date around 1980 it doesn't have an exact date so this weird software which you would think
Starting point is 00:21:35 is Linux but it's not right I forgot where I was going with that where I was going is in the... I want to say early... When did the Steam Machines come out?
Starting point is 00:21:51 Because around that time, that's when Valve started getting... Started getting, like, really involved in the Linux gaming space. 2014. Maybe a couple of years before that, they started talking about it and discussing whether it's a good idea. Imagine if we got to a state where we have Linux gaming like we have today, but it was instead on GNU Herd. I can't imagine the FSF would be very happy about that, because the primary use case for, I guess, GNU Herd would be gaming for a lot of people. And you have the Steam Deck that comes
Starting point is 00:22:24 out, and then it's running GNU Herd. And then you have people who don't even know what free software is. All they know is they have a handheld computer that is playing games. I could only imagine the FSF would be fucking pissed at that. Because this isn't some special use case, like medical software, where they do make exceptions.
Starting point is 00:22:45 This is just entertainment. The games should be open source. The game should be free software, not open source. The game should be free software. The software running the game should be free software. I guess that part technically is the case. If you count some of the reverse engineering efforts in Wine to be free software, it gets weird when you start talking about that.
Starting point is 00:23:04 I guess it's like API stuff, but that's a matter for lawyers to deal with. I think that would be, like, I think it would be a far more interesting time. Like, as it stands, most people have just accepted that if you're going to game on Linux, you just game on Linux. Like, runs Proton, whatever.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Runs native, whatever. But I'm sure there would be a lot more weird discussion to be had there if it was on GNU Herd. Maybe there wouldn't be. Maybe it would still be in a state where everyone's just like, you know, free software, that's a cool thing, but like, FOSS is where it's at. Which is pretty much where, like, people say like, open source has corrupted or open source has taken over the free software movement but it's more like it's taken over or it's shifted everything away from from copyleft like a lot of the the free software discussion now is i guess focused around MIT and BSD style licenses, which is not what the core of free software was, where it was GPL, it was copyleft.
Starting point is 00:24:12 But it also being in this more, I guess, more open state, this more open source-y state, it allows a lot more people to be involved in this space while still getting a lot of the desires that were wanted from free software. Not necessarily the sending things back upstream and you know all that stuff, not being able to go proprietary and all that stuff, but still most of the way there.
Starting point is 00:24:43 I know a lot of you just are not happy with the state of it and would want everything to be free software. I would like things to go down that free software path as well. But it's just, it's really hard to change the direction of an entire industry, especially when having that support from people outside of the free software space has been kind of massive for getting things like Linux actually adopted. Not just Linux, but like more open software that's just things that are not proprietary. Like what's a good example? Is Bitwarden GPL? What is Bitwarden?
Starting point is 00:25:20 Is Bitwarden GPL? What is Bitwarden? Bitwarden GitHub. I should have picked something that I knew the license of. Bitwarden Server. That is... That is... That is... That is...
Starting point is 00:25:42 Oh, that was a bad example because it's using a GPL, okay, that just is free software, okay, fucking hell, um, but there's a lot of stuff out there that we're never gonna go, like, full-on GPL, like, take, for example, what Microsoft does Microsoft does like Microsoft was never gonna start releasing a bunch of things like VS code for example, I'm pretty sure VS code is MIT I'm pretty sure VS code I've said it before I'll say it again. I need a Jamie I need someone who can just search for things for me. Yeah, VS Code is MIT. Like, Microsoft was never going to release
Starting point is 00:26:28 GPLv3 VS Code. Like, that was just not going to happen. But, they will release it under MIT, and that is still part of this whole this whole FOSS sort of ecosystem in a sense.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Not in the truest sense, but in a sense nonetheless. But I guess that's enough on going in circles about free software. I want to talk about where we are at right now with the Reddit blackouts. Maybe things have changed completely by the time you guys are hearing this, but as I'm talking about this, basically everything is a fucking mess. So, this is like a day after the initial 48 hours happened. Um, if we go to red dark, let's see how many subs are still dark. Uh, where is, where's the number? Large counter. Okay. So, right now, 5,447 are still dark, but you can see right here what's, uh, what's, what's, what's going's what's going on gone public gone public here's this one went private this one went restricted NZ gone wild I love it
Starting point is 00:27:53 public public public public what mostly stuff going public when I when I was looking at this last night I think I I'm pretty sure we're at like 70... When I started looking at it, we're at like 7,400. So in the past day, we've dropped 2,000. I guess the best place to start, right, is who in their right fucking mind, honestly, who in their right mind thought that a 48-hour boycott, a boycott with an end date, was going to have any sort of change? I know there was that whole thing where the Reddit front page went down because Reddit had so many things that were going offline, Reddit didn't know what to do. Like, that didn't matter.
Starting point is 00:28:42 I think Reddit went down for like like, a couple hours, um, Reddit down, I'll see if I can find it, uh, Reddit, where is it, Reddit, I'm seeing more about the Reddit, um, going dark, Reddit homepage broke, I think, that was it, broke. I think that was it. Now I'm finding ancient stories. Anyway, not the point. There was a bunch of people saying that Reddit broke for a couple of hours because so many subs were going offline that the, like, the website just didn't know what to do. So everything just sort of collapsed. People saw that as, like, this weird victory. I don't know why. Like, imagine this, that as like this weird victory. I don't know why. Like, imagine this, for example. Imagine you're protesting, you're protesting a, you're protesting the Amazon warehouse, okay? You're an Amazon worker, and you go on strike, okay? But not everyone goes on strike. There's still a
Starting point is 00:29:41 couple of people there that decide to keep working. You go on strike and there's not enough people to keep things running. And they decide, we're just going to shut things down for the rest of the day. Like it's, you know, normally people would clock off at like five o'clock. But, you know, it's like three o'clock now and there's not enough people to get things running. So let's just shut down early. Let's just shut down for two hours. And then like the protest sees this as a victory like we defeated them They shut down for two hours
Starting point is 00:30:10 It's like no you didn't achieve anything like what about all of your goals? What about the whole API pricing stuff? None of that. I don't know why anyone saw that as any sort of victory like that wasn't a victory That was just some technical issues but the whole 48 hours thing, like the 48 hours thing was... I don't know why anyone thought that that was gonna change anything. I really don't, okay? And the CEO knew this as well. I'll go- I'll get to the CEO thing as well, because the CEO basically were just mocking them. And like, this is gonna
Starting point is 00:30:45 just pass, this is gonna be nothing, I'm gonna show you this, uh, this subreddit has been going public and restricted a bunch, just because they wanted to appear, uh, appear on the live stream, um, so, 48 hours is basically nothing, 48 hours is a weekend. If you shut down... They had like 90% of Reddit shut down for two days. Give or take because of time zones. So some started early, some started late. So the early ones opened back up.
Starting point is 00:31:20 That's what's happening right now, basically. That's not enough time to cause any sort of legitimate effect to the company, because the CEO pretty much just said, we're just going to weather this. Like, this is an article from The Verge. So, Reddit CEO tells employees that subreddit blackout will pass. He did say i'm sorry to say this but please be mindful wearing reddit gear in public uh some folks are really upset and don't want you to be the and we don't want you to be the object of their frustrations this is fairly like fairly normal like don't be don't try to get involved in the real world because of the company you work and i think this is a totally fair statement um you probably shouldn't wear red get involved in the real world because of the company you work at. I think this is a totally fair statement.
Starting point is 00:32:07 You probably shouldn't wear Reddit gear in public anyway. You're just going to get bullied just full stop, regardless of whether you work there. Just don't do that. But what he said specifically is there's a lot of noise with this one. I was trying to make it bigger so you guys can see it. There's a lot of noise with this one. I was trying to make it bigger so you guys can see it. There's a lot of noise with this one. Among the noisiest we've seen, please know that our teams are on it.
Starting point is 00:32:32 And like all blobs on Reddit, this one will pass as well. Which right now is what I'm in the middle of watching. It's still 61% of Reddit, which is still massive. But I'm curious to see where this is going to be in like another day or so.
Starting point is 00:32:53 So the problem with 48 hours is right now, they still haven't done all the going public stuff. Like that part is really big. If they, instead of doing it now now did it as the company was going public and that would affect their like public offering that would be a little bit different maybe then they would make some changes but if they do this now and then open back up then by
Starting point is 00:33:19 the time the public offering happens like everything's, that's old news, that doesn't matter anymore, and good luck actually arranging any sort of new protests. This is the other problem, if you go 48 hours and then decide, oh, we actually want to go longer, now you have to, like, rearrange going longer with these other subs, and it's just a giant nightmare to, to get any of that done. What should have been done from the start is we are going to go- we're gonna go dark until everything is fixed. If that was done, that would have actually had some sort of effect. You can't have a boycott with an end date. The company knows what they need to deal with. They know how long they need to wait it out and waiting out 48 hours literally doesn't matter. Literally does not matter at all now there were rumors um reddit admin force public subreddit
Starting point is 00:34:13 uh so there are rumors going around i don't think they've been corroborated. I've not looked enough into them of subreddits having the moderators removed by Reddit admins and then the Reddit admins forcing the subreddit
Starting point is 00:34:42 back open. All this is, is just posts on Mastodon, posts on Twitter. I've not looked enough into this to really say if this is actually what happened. But it's certainly a rumor going around. Look, I wouldn't be surprised if the Reddit admins were doing it. But let's just say they are doing it, right? That right there should be enough for regular people to say, this platform is run fucking horribly. Like, actually leave the platform.
Starting point is 00:35:23 But people are saying because this this whole reddit admin forcing things open thing was happening that you just shouldn't even bother with the protest because if you process long enough then they'll just force everything open like why did you even start then like if like you knew that was always a possibility honestly what they should have done isn't just like gone private i would have been like it would have been funny if they were just fucking deleted it just yeet it and delete it just don't even consider bringing it back that i think would have had a lot more of effect because yes those subreddits can be rebuilt over time. But it's going to take quite a while to bring them back to the state they were actually...
Starting point is 00:36:12 They were actually... And also, with this subreddit that people were talking about, like, it went... Some mod was removed. Apparently, this mod was removed. But that subreddit's now gone private again. Which means, I don't know, the story with admins removing stuff is I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:30 That person could have just been removed for some other reason, and then and then it's just being sort of brought back in trying to, like, merge the story together. Honestly, like, no matter what you say about, like, Reddit at this point, everyone's going to agree.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Like, any bad thing you say about Reddit and Reddit staff and Reddit administration, people are just going to run with it. Like, because Reddit right now is the bad guy. And they should be the bad guy. Like, don't get me wrong. While I'm saying the way the Reddit protest is being handled is a fucking disaster,
Starting point is 00:37:03 I'm not saying Reddit's good in this. Reddit is definitely the bad guy, but the Reddit moderators are just handling this protest fucking terribly. Like, absolutely horribly. And wasting such a good opportunity to actually fix something. I want the API pricing to be cheaper.
Starting point is 00:37:22 That's another thing, right? There's a lot of people that don't understand what's actually going on because there's been a lot of kind of bad reporting on this. There's a lot of people who are like, oh, well, why would they make the API free? They've got to pay for the API somehow. And yes, they do.
Starting point is 00:37:38 No one's asking for the API to be free. Anyone who is, is an idiot and doesn't really understand how a company should be run. We've tried free APIs in the past. They went very badly. Companies lost a lot of money. Yahoo being one of them. People are asking for the API to not be as expensive as the pricing they're currently offering is.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Because it's just going to pretty much kill third-party applications many of which are very accessibility heavy i know there has been some stuff from reddit saying that they're willing to make a pass on accessibility focused applications but then it gets really weird like how do you define a a reddit app that's focused on accessibility? If it has better accessibility than the main reddit app, is that an accessibility focused app? In which case, most of the reddit apps are accessibility focused because the main reddit app is garbage. It's just pure garbage and you shouldn't use it. So, that would be like a case-by-case basis,
Starting point is 00:38:47 but what if you made a new app then? Could you sign up for their accessibility thing? Could you say your accessibility and not have to pay? Like, that needs then some sort of moderation to decide what is part of that category. So it just seems like kind of a mess. What they'll probably end up doing is, I'm surprised they didn't already do this,
Starting point is 00:39:13 take the biggest applications, the ones that are the most noisy, like Apollo, and just give them a cheaper API price, or grandfather them in or do something and then everyone else, you can now pay the full price because that would take all of the teeth out of the protest. Yes, they wouldn't make as much money off of Apollo. Totally fair.
Starting point is 00:39:39 But if you just give Apollo what they want, because Apollo is the main driving force behind the interest in the protest. If initially they just said, okay, we will give you what you want. Nothing. They wouldn't even have to deal with any of the backlash whatsoever. Oh, speaking of the backlash though, this is the other reason my 48 hours is dumb. Because if you say 48 hours There's gonna be a spike in traffic during that period because people like oh, let's actually check out reddit
Starting point is 00:40:11 Is it actually down are these subreddits down or this subreddit is not down? Let's go post on that one Say hey guys, why are you not down like during this period? I Wouldn't be surprised if reddit had higher traffic than, because people who wouldn't normally be using Reddit, in this case, probably were. I do wonder if they had an increase in signups and things like that. Also, there's been a lot of noise about people being like, I'm deleting my account, I'm doing this, I'm doing that.
Starting point is 00:40:41 I'm very curious to see what the numbers look like on their side, because I would guess, right, I could be wrong here, but I would guess the protests only helped them. That would be my initial assumption. I can't see any way that it would hurt them. It firstly wouldn't hurt them in any real sense, but I couldn't really see any way it hurts them sense, but I couldn't really see any way it hurts them even just in a tiny, tiny little speck of a sense. It seems like one of those cases where it just, it just is objectively favorable for them to have that 48 hour protest and just, you know, see what they get from it, I guess.
Starting point is 00:41:34 know, see what they get from it, I guess, now, it's not like it's all bad, so, one thing I did see is r slash gaming is basically run by a bunch of losers, um, as you should probably not be surprised, so, they had a post here saying r slash gaming is public. I downloaded it. I don't know why a bunch of people upvoted it. They had a post about it being public. They deleted this post. Now, in this post,
Starting point is 00:41:56 everyone was basically saying, shut it down. Shut it down. Close it. Why is this open? What are you doing? Like, there are a couple of people here saying or maybe you know
Starting point is 00:42:14 Maybe just don't even worry about I can't even find them now because there are so few people even saying that most people here Just like stay dark. What are you doing? Why are you so stupid as you can see right now? It's not dark They'd lead to this because they say. We appear to be being brigaded. Now what brigaded means. Is they had a lot of messages saying. Shut it down. So they actually made another one. This one isn't pinned. This one was pinned at the top of the subreddit.
Starting point is 00:42:40 This one. After this one had 1600 upvotes. They had another one. That now has zero upvotes. Gaming is now public. Over the past 48 hours, r slash gaming participated in the Reddit wide blackout in protest of the API pricing changes. Over these 48 hours, the behavior of the Reddit admins has been disappointing. Admin has been stepping in and allegedly removing moderators and forcing closed subreddits open. This is unclear whether it's actually true. To keep their revenue coming in. The revenue would not fucking stop. And the Reddit CEO has dismissed the Redditor's concerns,
Starting point is 00:43:15 saying it will all blow over. It literally has. You are open right now. The mod team here has considered keeping the subreddit private to continue the protest, but we said we would close for 48 hours and we did. Therefore, we need to go public to hear your comments and discussion points. We as moderators are internally discussing further actions amongst ourselves. However, we will be influenced if there is a strong message coming from the sub. In the meantime, we apologize for the disruption, but hope you guys understand the situation reddit admins are placing their users in. Edit, this is part two of our feedback post. The first one was being brigaded. Hopefully, this one
Starting point is 00:43:50 won't be as much. And everyone is still saying, close it down. Why the fuck are you open? What are you doing? Why are you people a bunch of losers? Why are Reddit mods being Reddit mods? Like, everyone in here is just saying, shut it down. Like, in here is just saying shut it down like
Starting point is 00:44:05 why are you why are you open and this was 20 hours ago. Like why? I don't understand and I've had a bunch of people tell me right I've had a bunch of people come to me and say oh a lot of these subs are opening so they can ask for feedback on whether they should or shouldn't go public. Don't ask for feedback. Just stay private. Just keep the protest going because that's the only thing that makes sense. You don't need to go public to ask to shut down again when you're going to shut down again because everyone is telling you to shut down. Just stay shut down and you skip a step. Like, I don't know why it's so complicated for these people. Is it because everyone who is using this, all these Reddit mods are addicted to Reddit. And they can't go, you know, a week or two weeks without their favorite subreddit being open.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Is that it? I don't know. Maybe it is. It probably is. Like, honestly. But like, it's such a fucking mess. And I hope that by the time you guys are seeing this, things have changed.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Maybe things are better. Maybe, you know, subs are actually staying down. I don't know. But as it stands, it doesn't seem like that's the direction we're going. Now, I want to be fair here.
Starting point is 00:45:23 There are a lot of subreddits that aren't a bunch of losers, okay? There are some subreddits like r slash ore, r slash music, r slash videos, r slash futurology, all of which have committed to being private indefinitely. Okay, this is good. And these are massive subreddits. But this is not enough. Because what's gonna happen is if other subreddits don't go down,
Starting point is 00:45:56 then there's still a reason to keep using Reddit. And if other subreddits exist that are in a similar category, like there's gonna be other music-like subreddits. They're going to have a bunch of people joining them because if you're addicted to Reddit, you're going to just keep using it somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Like, no one's attached to r slash music or r slash videos. They're attached to the concept of using Reddit and posting music and posting videos. So it is a good thing these subreddits are staying down. But with other subreddits coming back up, and I think on here they say, is it 300? Yeah, 300 plus that are committed to being private indefinitely.
Starting point is 00:46:38 And that's great. That's great. But that's not 8,000. That's a couple of subreddits and I don't know how many of them are actually big because these are the ones they list as big subreddits there are other subs in here that are much much smaller that are also committed to being down adult color r slash hematology. Like, a lot of these are definitely gonna stay down, for sure. But I don't think it's gonna have that much of an effect if only, like, if it only ends up being, like, a thousand subreddits that are down. Like, I don't know, man. I think, I think
Starting point is 00:47:22 this is just gonna go nowhere. The other thing about this is, um, there are subreddits that don't know, man. I think this is just going to go nowhere. The other thing about this is there are subreddits that don't want to stay down forever because they have a reason they want to keep existing. Like r slash stop drinking represent a valuable resource for a community in need and the urgency of getting used from the ongoing Ukraine war obviously outweighs any of these concerns. For such communities, we are strongly
Starting point is 00:47:48 encouraging a new kind of participation, a weekly gesture on Touch Grass Tuesday. So basically, this would be like a weekly one-day blackout, which is the most useless thing I could ever imagine.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Like, genuinely. If you blackout one day a week, all you are doing is inconveniencing your users. You're not showing Reddit anything. They will just calculate in this subreddit going down once a week in their profit margins, and you're like, okay, well, let's just ignore that. We just count that as a loss and then go on.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Like, that's not going to some massive massive hurt. There's gonna be a lot of subreddits that likely go down this route and maybe like black out once a week as like a show of solidarity. Show of solidarity doesn't mean anything, it just means I'm too lazy to actually do anything and it's not even like you have to do anything in this case. It like the in this case all you have to do is actually do not even like you have to do anything in this case. In this case, all you have to do is actually do nothing. All you have to do is just go private and do something else.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Just not use Reddit for a couple of weeks, and maybe maybe something will change. I don't expect it to change. Like, even if they do go, like, a month, I would be very surprised if anything actually changed. It seems like Reddit is it seems like Reddit is
Starting point is 00:49:07 pretty hard fast on going down this route. Like, this is what they're gonna do, and nothing is gonna change. Yeah. But, you know, it is what it is. It is what it is. Ugh. The fun thing about all of this though,
Starting point is 00:49:29 separate from Reddit mods being Reddit mods, is this whole protest did show how heavily centralised a lot of the internet is. Because for a lot of people, the idea of a forum is a subreddit, like, subreddits are forums, forums are subreddits, and there were articles that came out, like, this one, and this is a separate thing, I'll talk about this as well, um, there were a bunch of articles that came out being, like, a lot of the, the web is broken, because you can't get to Reddit. Because, you know, if you search for, like, how to fix something, some random, I don't know, Linux feature, some random thing about cars.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Like, you know, is this a good gun or whatever you want to search for. A lot of the time, like, the first or second result is going to be Reddit with a bunch of different suggestions for Reddit. And most people don't really scroll past those first couple of suggestions like when the um the the protest first started I was in the middle of um planning out videos for the week so usually what I'll do at the start of the week is I would go to you know go to r slash linux, go to things like that, and search for things that people are talking about. Because usually, if people are talking about it on the Linux subreddit,
Starting point is 00:50:51 it's usually a reasonable baseline of interest in a topic. It's not necessarily like one-to-one. Like if I talk about something popular on the subreddit, it's going to be a good video. But it works well enough as like a guide. Because if something is popular there, it usually has some level of interest in the community. Especially if I can adjust it in a way to focus on some part that's not being addressed or maybe correct some misunderstanding the community seems to have things like that but a lot of the time it's also just random things that nobody seems to care about like occasionally people will post their like random projects
Starting point is 00:51:38 there they'll post blog posts from 20 years ago things that. And that stuff usually doesn't get a ton of attention, but I can typically structure it in a way that is going to make it kind of a functional video on YouTube, at least in the style that I tend to do for my videos. But during that period, like, it just didn't work. And when I was doing research for topics that I'd already found, a lot of the things that I was doing research for would send me to a Reddit post. Like, when I was doing... What did I talk about? Or what did I plan out this week?
Starting point is 00:52:19 Let me find some of the videos. Um... some of the videos. Um, oh, I planned out a video on how Linux took over Unix. And when I was planning that out, a lot of the resources, you know, it's going to be a lot of opinion stuff, and it's going to be a lot of forum stuff. And when it's a lot of forum stuff,
Starting point is 00:52:39 what forums do people actually use? They use Reddit. So, I, for some of the stuff, I had to go through archives and things like that. Like does great work. And I'm so, so happy they exist. But what this does show is just how centralized a lot of the web is on these very small platforms. The article I was going to show you that I thought was something else was earlier this week, there was also an Amazon US East outage, and this broke a lot of things.
Starting point is 00:53:13 In this case, McDonald's and Taco Bell. But I can imagine there were a lot, a lot of US East, a lot of US East people that just couldn't really do anything. I spent like, imagine your entire business operates out of US East and then it's just like, well, I don't know. Um, I guess, I guess, you know, I guess we're just not working today. Like, your entire business is, like, a web-based business, and you just cannot access your servers. Like, AWS is super convenient, and people love, people love how easy it is to scale to ridiculous sizes. Like, Netflix, for example. Netflix operates off of AWS, at least, I'm pretty sure it is to scale to ridiculous sizes. Like Netflix, for example. Netflix operates off of AWS, at least
Starting point is 00:54:07 pretty sure it is. It was a couple of years ago. I don't know if it still is. I can't imagine they would have changed. But like you can run something Netflix off of AWS, or you could run like your random little blog that has 20 people that view it. Like you can scale between these different sizes, and it's so easy. The problem, though, is everything is running on Amazon. So if Amazon has a problem, they don't just have a problem. Everybody has a problem. But the other problem with AWS is there are these AWS resellers where, you know, a lot of the server providers out there are not their own separate thing. Like, Linode is their own separate thing. They have their own separate infrastructure. Google has their own separate thing. They have their own separate infrastructure. Amazon is
Starting point is 00:54:57 their own separate thing. They have their own separate infrastructure. But there are these smaller companies where they will buy server space from these companies and then resell it. Maybe they'll buy it in bulk and then get a discount and they can sell it at a reasonable price. Maybe they'll sell it at a markup, but then also have some extra additions like support or whatever they want to offer. Maybe some better UI stuff to make it easier to quickly like one click set up your service, things like that. So it's not just when Amazon goes down, Amazon goes down, all of those things that are attached to Amazon, the balls of Amazon, as this gesture might show you, um, all of those go down as well.
Starting point is 00:55:49 you, um, all of those go down as well, which is great, apparently there are also issues with, uh, Delta Airline, let's see if we can find other stuff that went down, like, the other thing with, um, like, a region like US East going down is, sometimes you won't have the entire, you won't have an entire company go down, but you're usually going to have servers in those different regions. So, you might have a part of a company causing completely out, and then you have to reroute traffic around the place. Yeah, it's kind of a mess. US East Lambda 1 outage caused issues globally. uh do we have any other, here we go Webflow, Chatbase, Cloud
Starting point is 00:56:30 wait, I don't know what any of those are, uh Associated Press Delta, the Delta Airlines uh, Crunchyroll, Barclays Goodreads uh, DCU Center, don't know what that is Decent XYZ, know what that is.
Starting point is 00:56:47 A lot of the stuff I actually don't recognize. But, like, basically, shit was fucked. Because everything is going to operate out of that system. Like, the idea of the cloud is... The idea of the cloud is really cool. It's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:57:02 you can manage your web presence without needing any sort of physical infrastructure that's pretty much what cloud means like send things out into the ether and it just magically works but when it goes wrong when it goes wrong it's a serious problem like most of the time it's it's a lot easier than managing your own infrastructure. But. The but is very big. But, you know. Oh man. So,
Starting point is 00:57:42 before I get into something actually not this i want to i want to show you something oh it's on my phone because i don't want to bring it up on my computer um i made the mistake of making an account on quora um quora if you don't know somehow speaking of websites that sort of do everything quora is one of those question and answer websites. People will be like, hey, what is this? What is at the top of Quora right now? My 12-year-old daughter wants to have a sleepover
Starting point is 00:58:17 with several of her friends. I am a single father. What precautions should I set in place? Okay, fair enough. What was the extreme of what was the extreme deserving about the last century what? That was way to phrase that. How can you spot a programmer who's trained as a mathematician? You know just like normal normal totally normal questions. Now, I made the mistake of making a Quora account. And when you make a Quora account, they will send you emails on
Starting point is 00:58:50 questions that are that are sort of floating through the platform. Things in what they call the Quora Digest. Now, some of these are some of these are
Starting point is 00:59:07 Some of these are relatively reasonable Let's see we can find Cora So why is Linux more popular as a server than Windows. Fair enough. Why is Linux better than Windows for servers? Why is Linux commonly used on servers? Why should a person use Linux if there is a viable alternative like
Starting point is 00:59:33 Windows and it is even more popular? Why isn't Linux as popular as Windows? See, all of this stuff totally normal. Like, that's like you get that one, you're like, okay, whatever, I get it. Now, sometimes, instead of that one you're like okay, whatever I get it now sometimes instead of that Korra is like hey So we're gonna send you just fucking Weird weird weird ones so
Starting point is 00:59:58 Why is Zelda so thick in Breath of the Wild I so thick in Breath of the Wild? I committed the unforgivable sin. I am 12 years old. What should I do? I am hopeless. And then randomly, if Mercedes and BMW are unreliable,
Starting point is 01:00:20 why do they still not improve to be like Toyota? Why does Google despise Node.js? Okay, that one's reasonable. Is Unix still being developed? Here we go. Now we get back to the crackhead ones. My teenager removed the baby monitor from his room. What should I do? And then back to Why is used for localhost. Does anyone know why that number was chosen?
Starting point is 01:00:47 That's actually a really interesting one. I might have to do a video on that. Back to the crackheads. My husband gives our 16-year-old daughter bare private spanking in front of her brother as punishment. Is this the best punishment for her? She gets really embarrassed, which means it's working. Are mathematicians normal people? I used the F word to my professor,
Starting point is 01:01:13 wanting her to change my 55 for the course to an 85, because I did not think cheating on a math test is a big deal. She changed my course grade to a 25 now. How can I get my grade up? Oh, that sounds like a shit teacher they graded you based on you insulting them um firstly you were wrong for insulting them
Starting point is 01:01:32 uh to try to get a better grade but you're not gonna get a better grade by insulting them um and it's not just that like that's just one of them I caught my son sleeping without my permission. How should I punish him?
Starting point is 01:01:53 Um... If a girl declines my sexual advances but still continues to be friends with me, is she just not ready? I am confused. She keeps giving me mixed signals like sending me romantic songs and sitting close to me Okay, here's another good one why did NASA leave astronauts behind when they left the moon? Why didn't they take them back to Earth with them? My ex-boyfriend is blatantly rubbing his new girl in my face, and it hurts like hell.
Starting point is 01:02:38 What should I do? I just found out my 11-year-old daughter got pregnant by a 13-year-old boy she was friends with at her middle school. She got her period a couple of months ago. What do I do? I think we have one more in here. I had another one. I think I might have deleted that email because There was one in here I saw about Yeah, it's not in here anymore. There was one in here that was like, I caught my son playing the Xbox after 12 o'clock. I broke it. How do I convince him that it is his fault for me breaking it? Any more just ridiculous ones in here?
Starting point is 01:03:27 Okay, this one's deserved. My husband found my Tinder profile and now wants to divorce me. What do I do? Not have a Tinder profile while you're in a relationship. Do professors of computer science ever regret not going for a high-paying job in industry? No, they're professors because they weren't good enough for working in industry.
Starting point is 01:03:55 Oh, here we go. This is another fun one. My 15-year-old daughter got a B in class today. I took her phone, laptop, TV, bedroom door, bed, pillows, and blankets away for two weeks. Should I have done more? I don't know. Like, some of these ones, I'm like, are these real? And some of these ones, I'm like, wait.
Starting point is 01:04:19 Then I remember, um, what was it? Yahoo Answers? Is that what it was called? Yahoo Answers? Is that what it was called? Yahoo Answers from years ago? Yeah, yeah, Yahoo Answers. Sadly shut down in 2021. But this had just as many
Starting point is 01:04:36 just absolutely insane questions on it. I don't use Quora on like a, a day-to-day basis. Like, if I happen to get... It's much like Reddit, where if I happen to, like, get a link that sends me to Quora, I'm like, oh, that's cool, I'll just go to Quora.
Starting point is 01:04:54 I don't go... I'm not one of those people who go into Quora to answer questions or ask questions. But when I made that account years ago, they just send these through, and every so often, every so often, they're just absolutely insane, there's one other in here, um, there's one other in here, let's see if there's any more just insane questions, um, Insane questions.
Starting point is 01:05:30 How can I ask Bill Gates for 4% shares of Microsoft for me as an employee? Alright then. Yeah. Go ask Bill Gates for shares of Microsoft. That's surely going to go well. Why are Indian software engineers so horrible? What the fuck are these questions? Like, what the fuck are these questions? I don't understand.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Oh, man, if you want some fun, just make a Quora account and just see what ends up being sent your way. Because half the time, it's going to be pure nonsense and look at a bare minimum you'll get at least a little bit of a laugh from it. You're probably never going to use the site any productive way but maybe it'll be some fun and you know what fun is all that matters in the end. Um Speaking of fun Twitter has a lawsuit coming their way.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Twitter sued 250 million by music publishers over massive copyright infringement. So Twitter is like YouTube and like Twitch and like all of these other platforms that have media on them. Where in the early days, you know, you could get away with posting whatever you wanted on YouTube. Like you could post, like I remember the days when there was anime music videos with just, you know, Eminem music and all of this other music which the labels are not very happy with But YouTube at the time was so small that it just didn't really matter Like one of my favorite runescape music videos. I wonder if it's still around Oh I should know it might have been EMPscape But look at RSMV Paralyzer wonder if it's still around
Starting point is 01:07:25 Is this it? If I look up RSMV Paralyzer, I wonder if it's still around. Is this it? There were probably a bunch of others. Paralyzer by Finger Eleven was certainly a very popular song with the edgy teenagers of the time. Very, very popular song. I'm surprised these are still around, to be honest. If I play this. Yep, that has music still going. That's definitely still music going.
Starting point is 01:07:54 But there was a lot more of this in the early days. Nowadays, the videos typically stay up, but end up being either muted or all of the revenue that would have been made from the video is sent into the you know the the company that owns the music now twitter also has the same problem because you can upload videos twitter you can upload you know you're gonna have music playing in the background like for a while there were people uploading entire movies to Twitter. I remember a while back someone uploaded, I think it was Shrek in 18 parts or something like that,
Starting point is 01:08:31 or whatever number it was. And in this lawsuit, they have a list. Actually, wait. We can find... So the National Music Publishers Association NMPA is suing Twitter on behalf of 17 music publishers representing the biggest artists in the industry. The lawsuit filed in
Starting point is 01:08:52 federal court in Tennessee claims the company fuels its business with countless infringing copies of musical compositions, violating publishers and others' exclusive rights under copyright. It also has a list of 1,700 songs. We'll have a look at that.
Starting point is 01:09:07 I'm curious to see what's on it. The publishers say, having included in multiple copyright notices to Twitter without the company doing anything about it, asking the court to fine Twitter up to $150,000 for each violation. The issue predates. Predates.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Predates. Musk's 44 billion purchase of Twitter last year. This has been a problem that Twitter has been dealing with for a while. Like for a very very long time now. You've just been able to upload whatever you wanted to Twitter. And there was basically no DMCA system. And now with Twitter Blue. You can upload longer videos uh
Starting point is 01:09:47 and the lawsuit doesn't mention the flood of movies uploaded to twitter like copies of super mario bros and avatar the way of water a way of the water uh is this uploaded in oh this is uploaded in two parts because it's twitter blue and you can upload really long videos earlier this had to be in like 20 or something parts but now it doesn't matter Oh, this is uploaded in two parts because it's Twitter blue and you can upload read-along videos Earlier this had to be in like 20 or something parts, but now it doesn't matter just upload fucking everything A user complained their account could be suspended after five copyright notices which Musk said he was looking into and advised they should consider Turning on subscriptions, which the suit says encouraged them to pay Twitter to hide the infringing material so it could be flagged.
Starting point is 01:10:29 What? In another tweet, Elon Musk said the overzealous DMC is a plague on humanity. He's absolutely right there, without a doubt. The problem is, the overzealous plague on humanity has a lot of money and a lot of lawyers. It wasn't included in the lawsuit, but in March, Musk also tweeted
Starting point is 01:10:46 that accounts engaging in repeated egregious weaponization of a DMCA on Twitter or encouraging weaponization of DMCA will receive temporary suspensions, while claiming that reasonable media takedown requests are, of course, appropriate and will always be supported. Let's see if we can find that list of songs. Oh, here we go. Does it say...
Starting point is 01:11:12 It doesn't say the artist, does it? What is this giant fucking thing on the side of my screen? How do I get rid of this? We'll just see if we can find the plaintiffs, or does it say, we're not, ah, that's, that's so annoying, it doesn't say the artist, uh, all I want for you, wait, all I want for Christmas is you, that's gonna be on the list, okay, all of the lights, that's gonna be on the list, okay, all of the lights, uh, another brick in the wall, another brick in the wall, uh, lovely, um, Baby Got Back is on the list, man, fucking can't play Baby Got Back on, uh, on Twitter anymore, uh,
Starting point is 01:12:06 Bad Man, Smooth Criminal, Puppy Girls on the list. There's a lot of songs with basically the exact same name. Big Bang Theory, Main Title Theme. Okay, sure. Sure, why not? You know, now that I think about it, scrolling through 1700 songs, trying to find songs I recognize is probably a bad idea.
Starting point is 01:12:30 Yeah, this is actually not worth the effort. If you want to go check out the songs that are in the lawsuit, go and do so. Fucking Eye of the Tiger's on there, though. I am not surprised this is happening. Like, Twitter is a massive platform and has been in a
Starting point is 01:12:48 they have been in a situation where they've had to deal with this for a long time. But it just hadn't really happened. And now I guess it's gonna happen. What's gonna probably end up happening is Twitter is
Starting point is 01:13:05 gonna have to have a very overzealous DMCA system like YouTube does and like Twitch does and you know uploading and there's actually kind of a funny time for it to happen because Elon's been talking about the idea of Twitter becoming a a media platform that people upload videos to. So you have this happen just as that's sort of getting some level of steam. And I can't imagine that would be going all too well for the people who want to start using the platform. Ugh, why't I use the platform? For that sort of purpose.
Starting point is 01:13:48 Because that was one of the big selling points of Twitter Blue. You could now, you know, upload content and get advertising on and make money off and all that stuff. Um. Yeah. But it was pretty much an issue waiting to happen.
Starting point is 01:14:07 The idea, like, DMCA is kind of fucked. Like, the way the system works is a mess, but no one's really trying to fix it. Like, no one, at least in positions of power, is trying to address it. So it's more like, well, it's fucked, but kind of just got to work address it so it's more like well it's fucked but kind of just gotta work with it as it is and do not do not have ever like awake the
Starting point is 01:14:33 dragon do not ever get on the bad side of DMCA just be safe never touch content that might be a slight problem and you should be fine you know except for that guy was on Twitch was on Twitch where a guy got banned for playing his own music yeah here it is over on game rant five days ago Twitch banned Streamer for playing their own music, which is fucking incredible. A streamer discovers the Twitch ban, his old account,
Starting point is 01:15:10 for using music he owns the license to, adding to the list of unusual bans from the company. What exactly was the violation? What do I need to change to not violate TOS? There has been zero discourse with me, and why my appeal was denied just this confusing email It would really help you be clear about what you're doing and why you're doing it. Let's have a look at the email itself Your account has been recently suspended for courtesy channel livestream stream suspension after reviewing the details
Starting point is 01:15:45 of the case we have decided that your account will remain suspended due to your violation of community guidelines attempting to evade restrictions placed in your account may result in additional penalties up to and including indefinite suspension i always love when they say you have been banned for breaking a breaking the rule but but they're not at all telling you what the rule was. I have been sent an exemption email for the Lo-Fi channel. Why do you
Starting point is 01:16:14 need an exemption for streaming your own music? Why do you need an exemption for streaming your own music i don't understand i don't i don't i don't i don't understand i don't understand honestly we could talk about the whole twitch situation as well with with them, uh, fucking people over, with the changes to, like, advertising on the platform, and then rolling back the changes, because everyone was like, hey, guys, um, no,
Starting point is 01:16:55 no, like, the, the Twitch situation, I think, was much more, much more deadly than the Reddit situation. Because in the case of Reddit, right? If the Reddit admins decided, we are going to just... You know, we don't like that this protest is happening. We could just reopen everything. If Twitch streamers stopped using Twitch, like, there's nothing that they could actually do to bring them back.
Starting point is 01:17:29 It's not like they can be like, oh, I'm just going to start the stream up myself. Like, you're going to start up XQC's stream, you're going to start up, like, Hassan's stream, or anyone else. Like, anyone else in the platform. Like, no, that's just not how it works. Like, they're not there to do the stream, so the content wouldn't be there. And it's not like anyone even needed a protest in the Twitch case. They were just like, hey, guys, you know that kick thing? That kick thing's actually pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Like, there was no official protest. It was just people considering, considering using other platforms, and they're like, shit. Shit, shit, this is a problem. They're actually, they're actually going to use other platforms this time. Guys, guys, this is a problem. Um, they're actually they're actually gonna use other platforms this time Guys guys is a bad idea. We need a winner about what we're doing now. Um Okay, guys, that was your mistake. You guys just misinterpreted what we said He's not a big deal actually What really happened is they got caught in the act and they pretty much just tried to find any way to get out of it being a problem.
Starting point is 01:18:31 And hey, they got out of it being a problem. Everyone's just forgotten that Twitch was a problem. And now they're just going back to using Twitch. Like, they always have kick and stuff, just not getting the massive signups they were. So, you know, it goes, like, it is what it is, like, once, once that initial outrage just dies down, it's really difficult for people to break their, break the habits they have. If they have a habit of using Reddit, of using Twitch, of any of these platforms, and there's no reason to be angry anymore, well, there's no reason to be angry anymore, well, there's no reason to be angry anymore, so I guess we can just go back to what we were doing
Starting point is 01:19:10 before, because changing is difficult, and it's much, much easier to just pretty much keep doing what you've always been doing. As sad as it is, but, you know, it kind of is what it is speaking of is what it is I don't know if you guys noticed, the audio listeners obviously won't, but any of you video watchers and notice the shirt I'm wearing it finally showed up
Starting point is 01:19:38 I ordered this fucking, when it happened this is the anime rock paper scissors shirt from Corridor Digital. My, uh, a lot of the shirts I had were starting to fall apart. So, usually what I do every, like, year and a half, two years, whenever I feel like buying new clothes, I will get rid of things that are, like, you know, falling apart. Like, not, like, broken, like, not torn to falling apart, like, not like broken, like not
Starting point is 01:20:06 torn to shreds, but like maybe the print or something is fading, usually I go and just donate to them to like some local whatever, some local charity that, usually one of the, the, the ones that are nearby, um, and then end up replacing a bunch of them, and I've said it before, most of my shirts I get from Into the AM, they don't pay me, I wish they did pay me, because I pretty much wear their shirts all the time, and it's pretty good advertising for them, so I actually have a pile of other things here as well besides this shirt, but before we get to that, this shirt took so long to get here, I was watching on, I think it was DHL is the shipping service that was going through. It sat in, like, the warehouse for, like, a month. I don't know why. It just didn't move. Like, it didn't, like,
Starting point is 01:20:54 come over to Australia. It just stayed there. I was honestly getting ready to start, like, calling someone, trying to work out what the hell's going on. And then it showed up with the rest of the shirts. Like I'd ordered these three weeks ago. This I ordered like three months ago. Why did they show up together? I don't know. Maybe they just forgot the shirt was there and like, oh, here's this other package under this name.
Starting point is 01:21:18 Maybe we should send this package that we've had sitting here for a while. Seems like a good idea to actually send it. I don't know what the deal was. That's, like, the only thing that makes sense is they had misplaced the package, and then when another package came through, they realized that there was a package
Starting point is 01:21:35 still there under my name, and then sent it along with it. But anyway, um, probably start seeing these in videos coming up, but IntoTheAM pretty much always has, um, probably start seeing these in videos coming up, but Into the AM, uh, Into the AM pretty much always has, like, a sale going on, so it's always pretty easy to, like, get cheap shirts. I think this time there was, like, a 50% off sale or something, um, which is not surprising, because there's always a 50% off sale usually on like whatever the like last season shirts are
Starting point is 01:22:07 which is cool for me I don't really care what like their current in style, in fashion shirts are I will buy the cheaper ones because I want to buy the cheaper ones I actually really like this one gotta have a shirt that isn't black at least one shirt that isn't black
Starting point is 01:22:24 in my entire collection maybe I just need to buy a chair that isn't black. At least one. At least one shirt that isn't black in my entire collection. Maybe I just need to buy a chair that isn't black. And then it's less of a problem. Or like get rid of the. Get blackout curtains that aren't like black. Maybe like a dark blue or something. Um. So I don't blend into the environment.
Starting point is 01:22:39 When I get another chair. It's gonna be a chair that isn't black though. That'll make. Definitely make it stand out more. All of these shirts are honestly really cool. And I think there's one more after this. That one. This is really bad content for the audio listeners.
Starting point is 01:22:58 You know what? I will describe the shirts. You know what? That's what we're going to do. We'll go backwards through the list for the audio listeners. And for the video watchers, that's what we're gonna do. We'll go backwards through the list for the audio listeners and for the video watchers, you guys can just have another look. So this one here, you have a jacked astronaut who is flexing in front of, I guess that would be
Starting point is 01:23:18 Neptune? I don't know, it's in front of a blue planet of some description. But you have a jacked astronaut with his suit bending around his body. Here you have an astronaut that's got nature growing around him. He's just chilling on the ground, and he's been chilling so long
Starting point is 01:23:37 that grass started growing through him, plants are growing through his suit, and all that fun stuff. What are the other ones? Here is a skull that has, like, a crown above it. So the skull is looking up at the crown and the crown is melting. Like, gold is dripping down onto the skull itself. Uh, this one is the white shirt. This one is basically a sakura tree,
Starting point is 01:24:11 a cherry blossom, on top of a... I guess a cliff? With a crescent moon behind it. This one... This is what happens when you take too much DMT and then go outside. This is the moon. It's all rainbow-y and it's like melting into the river. And there's like Saturn and other things in the sky that are also melting.
Starting point is 01:24:42 Because... Of course they are. And the first one i showed uh this is more look going outside taking too much dmt um this is like a an astronaut falling down through the sky i I guess falling to Earth, but rather than, like, the streaks of fire being, you know, fire, they're blue instead. Most of Into the Am shirts are designed in that sort of either psychedelic-y or space or...
Starting point is 01:25:19 They've added some, like, Japanese and some other stuff. Inspired stuff as well. But, as I said, I just buy whatever is in their last season, and then it's like half the price. Who cares about buying the new stuff? Nobody, nobody I know buys from Into the AM. So like everyone sees the shirt,
Starting point is 01:25:38 it's like, oh, that's a cool shirt. Where'd you get that? I'm like, go get a friend Into the AM. Into the AM. If any of you guys, anyone who works there Here's this please sponsor this podcast. Please sponsor the main channel I buy all your I buy pretty much all my shirts in there except this one
Starting point is 01:25:53 I guess and also the the gorilla the gorilla one I got from Kmart I Am advertising your content in every video Give me money Pay me pay me for advertising your content in every video. Give me money. Pay me for advertising your shirts. Pay me in shirts. Give me a permanent 75% off, and then we can talk. But on the topic of getting paid
Starting point is 01:26:25 this is more of a meta-y YouTube-y thing YouTube is lowering the barrier to entry for its monetization program so this channel is not monetized currently on YouTube you may be seeing this in the future in which case it might be but as of the recording of this, this podcast channel is not monetized. The main reason for that is I didn't feel like
Starting point is 01:26:54 monetizing. It'll be monetized at some point, but with how many views the channel was getting, let's, I'll just check for a second. Let's see over the past month how many views I've gotten. So, YouTube studio, over the past 30 days this channel has had 32 and a half thousand views, which is better than the channel's been doing, the channel is in a pretty good state right now, the podcast is, especially the audio version of the podcast, the audio version is, like, getting a lot of attention, but the, the video version has been doing quite well as well, I think we're on a, we're on a lower turn right now but it's like higher way way higher than it's been over like the past year um yeah 32 000 views over the past uh 30 days which roughly equates to 64, 65, 70 dollars a month on this channel. So this channel, you know, it's not nothing,
Starting point is 01:28:12 but YouTube won't pay out until you've made a minimum of a hundred dollars. It's cumulative over the month. So if you make $30 one month and then $70 the next month, you don't lose that $30. It's just added together. And then when you pass the threshold, then they will actually pay out. So this podcast channel is at 3,500 subs. Yeah. And right now, the conditions to be a partnered channel where you can actually have ads running on it and actually get paid is 1,000 subs, 4,000 watch hours in the past year, or 10 million shorts views in the past 90 days.
Starting point is 01:28:58 That's so fucking much. Jesus Christ. I presume they had done the math there because that seems like way way more shorts views Than 4,000 watch hours is worth of a regular video. I Guess the shorts are weird. You don't really make like shorts Shorts are worth so little because the way advertising is done with them. They're just not They're not supported in the same fashion. Now what they're doing
Starting point is 01:29:26 is changing it to 500 subs, 3 public uploads in the past 90 days, or... Ah, sorry, and 3,000 watch hours in the past 3 years, or 3 million short views in the
Starting point is 01:29:42 last 90 days. Wait, 3 public uploads in the last 90 days, wait, three probably uploads in the last 90 days, that actually, this is actually a weird one, because this actually makes it harder to monetize your channel, let's say you're someone who, let's say you're like an internet historian style of channel, obviously, you know, his channel gets so many views and already well monetized that the monetization wouldn't go away.
Starting point is 01:30:12 But imagine you're a new channel and you upload in the same sort of fashion and quickly the channel takes off. You get like, you know, 10, 20,000 subs, you get 50,000 subs but you upload at the same rate. So you upload like a couple of videos a year. Like you could have a well-performing channel, but not meet this condition. This seems
Starting point is 01:30:33 like a weird condition. I don't know why it's there. Like this makes sense. This also makes sense. 3 million shorts views in the past 90 days. Oh wait, 10 million in the past 90 days. Oh, wait, 10 million in the past 90 days? Whoa, whoa, whoa, that's way more than I thought. I thought that was... Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. So that's 4,000 watch hours in the past year, 10 million views in the last 90 days. Okay, that number does not translate to that.
Starting point is 01:31:02 That is way, way, way higher than that is. That's also really high, the 3 million shorts views in 90 days, but it seems more comparable to this. But the thing is, when you have 500 subs, having a monetized
Starting point is 01:31:19 channel doesn't really... It really doesn't matter. I know it's good to make any amount of money you can, absolutely, but take these numbers into consideration, this channel has three and a half thousand subs, and 32,000 views this month, um, the last episode of the podcast didn't do insanely well. So that one is slightly downturned. But assuming the numbers like scaled perfectly. If I was at 500 subs, you could assume like maybe 5,000 views in the past month. Judging by these numbers, as I said, they don't scale properly.
Starting point is 01:32:07 And when your channel is that small, it's also very likely the numbers are, like, really weird per video. Like, some videos would do... You might get, like, 1,000 views on a video, but then another video would get, like, 5 views. Just because you don't have that core established audience yet. That would be, like like $10 a month. So, YouTube would basically pay out once a year.
Starting point is 01:32:35 So, for me, like, it doesn't really... It's nice that more channels can be monetized. But it's also not a big deal because of how like how little money is being made from the channel and how rarely youtube is actually going to pay out when a channel is that big i guess the one exception where it makes a lot of sense is let's say your channel takes off with a very viral video which sometimes happens like you'll have a couple of videos at the start and then you upload something gets a million views there are a lot of channels that get one of those videos before their channel is monetized a lot of videos to get one of the videos
Starting point is 01:33:12 a lot of channels to get one of those videos before the channel is monetized and that that video if the channel is monetized would be like $10,000 but because there's no monetization you don't get retroactively paid for the views on a video. If there's no ads there, you just don't get paid for it. So that money will just disappear into the ether. So in cases like that, it does make quite a bit of sense. But that is also like a weird edge case for regular people that don't have that happen.
Starting point is 01:33:48 It's not a super big deal. At some point, I will monetize the podcast channel. The only reason I hadn't done it is just because of how little it would have made. I was thinking maybe I'll monetize it around like four, five K subs or something um just because I might as well like I it just it just sort of makes sense to do it at some point and by that point the channel would be would have enough views coming in where it would be doing a
Starting point is 01:34:22 payout every month I don't really pay super much attention to like the the channels outside of the main channel as like actual channels. Like I the gaming channels the most obvious of this where I just do whatever the fuck I playing playing you know ps2 games for example like that's not the most optimal way to grow a channel, like, playing games is not the most optimal way to grow a channel, but, like, I just do whatever I want, and the podcast is in much the same way, like, I bring on guests that I want to talk to, not necessarily guests that are gonna do well on a podcast, like, if I wanted to do that, guests that are gonna do well on a podcast like if i wanted to do that i would only talk to like big youtubers because it seems like for some reason a lot of the interesting people outside
Starting point is 01:35:11 of the youtube space don't end up doing super well i think there's gonna be an exception for alan pope and that when you probably already know that when this comes out but when i uploaded the robert mcqueen video i think robert mcqueen co-founder, collaborator, CEO of NSOS, GNOME board president, super interesting guest, but it like just did as a video would normally do. But then I bring on someone like Chris Titus Tech, and it's like way bigger. I bring on like Linuxperiment, way bigger. I bring on some like Linux youtuber that has 500 subs, way bigger, I bring on, like, Linux Experiment, way bigger, I bring on some, like, Linux YouTuber that has 500 subs, way bigger, for some reason, I don't know why, is it titling, is it something else, I, I don't know what it is, maybe it's just people really like YouTubers, I don't know, I like talking to YouTubers, it's fun, we can talk about, you know, content creation, all that fun
Starting point is 01:36:01 stuff, but the people who are doing actually interesting things. In the FOSS world. I think are the most fun people to talk to. I'm in the process of planning an episode. With Calc Programmer 1. The Open RGB developer. And when I did the video with Matthew Miller. After we were done.
Starting point is 01:36:24 He gave me a couple of names of people to get in contact with to try to bring on to the show. I don't know if any of those are going to happen, but the one with the OpenRGB developer is absolutely happening. It's just a matter of working out the specific date and time it's being done. So it'll probably get recorded after FFXVI week because I'm taking that week off of recording the podcast just because I'm way ahead. Like this is coming out in like three weeks because I did one week where I had...
Starting point is 01:37:00 No, I think... No, I did two weeks. I did two weeks where I did double episodes. So now I'm so many weeks ahead, that it's just an absolute mess, and I might be doing another double week, because, um, in that open RGB developer week, there's gonna be another guest happening around the same time, so it'll be open RGB developer, and probably also Vashinator at the same time, another Linux YouTuber, so I'll probably end up taking the week off of, I'll probably take the week off during AvCon as well, um, AvCon, when is AvCon? AvCon 2023, I bought tickets ages ago, July, uh, July, yeah, July 21st, 23rd, that's, uh, AvCon is 21st to 23rd.
Starting point is 01:37:44 That's, uh, Avcon is the, um, anime and video game convention in Adelaide. It happens, or it happened, happened once a year. Uh, hasn't happened the past couple of years because of the Rona, but now it is back. So, what are, they, so,
Starting point is 01:38:00 Avcon actually have an indie games room, and I am very likely, assuming they didn't change anything, the indie games room is still there. I'm probably going to, you know, hit up some of the indie game devs there. And see if they're interested in coming and doing a podcast. Because a lot of them are very, you know... you know, they are very small creators who haven't really, haven't really gotten much press coverage. So I feel like a lot of them actually would be, actually would be interested in coming and doing so, coming and doing it, um, wow, is this an actual guest at Avcon, holy shit,
Starting point is 01:38:48 so, Avcon the past couple of times have had really shit guests, um, so, this is some random person who, this is a voice actor, there's always at least one voice actor, this other one is an animator, that's actually nice,. Like some of the years they've been like, let's have a, um, let's have a cosplayer as a guest. No, no, don't do that. My, um, I think my favorite guest that they had was a couple of years back. They had the voice actor for Xemnas, who I'm blanking on the name for, and I'm blanking on the year it happened. The English voice for Xemnas. Xemnas voice. Paul St. Peter. Yeah. Paul St. Peter. That was really fun, because during the panels, he would use the Xemnas voice to say really stupid
Starting point is 01:39:43 things. He's also done plenty of other things as well but like that's all Boomer stuff the stuff that people actually recognize for most of the audience there was Xemnas um I think he'd been in some like older anime from the 90s and things like that but Boomer stuff Xemnas is the important part. So speaking of the important things, This wasn't going to happen like I had no intention of doing this but someone actually made New art for this channel. I'm not using it now right now. I'm still using the the it now, right now I'm still using the, the, uh, current, uh, the, the old, the old logo I've been
Starting point is 01:40:28 using for years now, um, but I'll see if I can find it, uh, here it is, uh, where is it, this one, Uh, where is it? This one. So, a guy on Mastodon called Tonke sent me this. Uh, he separated it out into separate things, but just, like, not even asked for anything, just out of nowhere was like, here, have this. And I was like like this actually looks really cool and I've had the The design for the the art we have on this channel for a long time now so it's you know, probably about time for a change and The only problem this had is it wasn't really set up for use as a as a YouTube banner it wasn't really set up for use as a YouTube banner.
Starting point is 01:41:26 Because YouTube banners have, in case you don't know, YouTube banners actually have some requirements on how they're structured. Without showing the DMs, I'll show you the actual image. So there is a text and logo safe area. This is the minimum for desktop. Then there's the tablet. Then there is the full desktop view. Then there is the tablet. Then there's the full desktop view. Then there's the TV view.
Starting point is 01:41:49 And you've got to have your banner fit pretty much all of this. So you want it to be 2560x1440. But you have to have this very small area here. Where it's safe to have your logo and stuff. Which is really annoying. But, you know, it is what it is. So he sent me another one, um, which did take that into consideration, and I'll see if I, I should better find it, not in that folder, where is it,
Starting point is 01:42:16 that folder, yeah, there it is, uh, sent me a modified version of it again here we go and this is set up to actually fit the full banner I don't like the lines
Starting point is 01:42:40 around the side like these lines that go through the in quarters wait it's not quarters, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 lines around the site like this like these lines that go through the Like in in quarters, I guess wait, it's not quarters one two three four five in whatever in fifths, I guess I don't know why he added them entirely But I'm probably gonna remove them because he sent me the source files as well So I yeah, I'll probably just remove those lines. I don't think they really add much to it.
Starting point is 01:43:12 I think it kind of just takes away from the overall design. But this is probably going to end up being the new art being used on this podcast. I don't know what episode I'm going to start using it in. I need to modify a couple of things and And to make a logo to fit for the podcast logo. But it's going to be in this same sort of style. But honestly, I think this looks really cool. And it's nice to have a change. Oh, I also need to change the art on the actual podcast overlay itself. Because this is still using a design for the original art.
Starting point is 01:43:50 Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna have to work something out for that one as well. So I'll probably have to... I don't actually know. I'll work something out, that's for sure. I'll probably mess around with it this weekend if I don't get lazy, which I probably will, because that's what happens on the weekend. And yeah, so if you have any thoughts on it, let me know. If you think it's terrible,
Starting point is 01:44:16 let me know. I'm probably still going to use it. Even though some people don't like change, I'm probably still going to use it. Okay, here's the problem though, though right he made the art for free and I was like hey I'm willing to pay you for the art and then he just ignored that part I should just buy him a game key
Starting point is 01:44:35 and just send him a game key like I don't like the idea of someone making me some art for the channel and then me not paying anything for it like I didn't ask for it so it's totally fair that you made it initially but but if I'm actually gonna use it, I wanna give you something. So, I'm gonna send him a message and be like, yo, like, let me at least buy you a game. Tell me a game. I don't care what game it is. I'll buy you like, I
Starting point is 01:44:58 don't know, I'll buy you a hundred dollar game if you want. I don't care. Just, I don't wanna use this art for free. He's like licensed under Creative Commons something something or other. And that's great. I can use it. But like, let me give you some money. Just something. Anything. Maybe that's just me.
Starting point is 01:45:18 Maybe you guys are happy with getting things for free. But when it's something like this that I know I'm going to be using for a long time. Like, it just feels weird to me to not do that, like, even that early art, like, I got one of my mates to do it from, uh, from uni, and I paid him to do the art, and I, I'm perfectly happy to have paid him for the art, but, you know, we'll, uh, we'll, we'll see what happens when I adjust some things and get it properly suited for fitting on the channel. But if you have any thoughts on it, do let me know about it. Because I would be happy to hear about it. Mmm.
Starting point is 01:46:05 What else do I have on here that I haven't talked about yet? I could talk about Dragon's Dogma. You know what, we're going to talk a little bit about Dragon's Dogma. So, that link did not go to where it's supposed to go. Oh my god. Okay. Here we go. I guess we supposed to go. Oh my god. Okay.
Starting point is 01:46:25 Here we go. I guess we'll skip ahead. So, recently there was all of, you know, a bunch of games announced, all that stuff. Capcom had their recent game showcase along with everybody else doing their own game showcases. During this, Dragon's Dogma 2 was shown. If you've not played Dragon's Dogma, please go play Dragon's Dogma. It's so good. I should go back and play it again. So the thing that was cool about Dragon's Dogma is you had this really neat party system. So you had your main character, and then you had what was known as a pawn.
Starting point is 01:47:00 A pawn was basically a character that you made yourself. You could set it to be whatever class you wanted, give it whatever gear you wanted, and this would be someone who just follows you around, you know, helping you in your party. But you can also have two other party members. This is where it gets really cool. It's not regular characters you would see in like a normal RPG. It's pawns of other characters. So you would go into this like magical crystal thing and then it gives you some bullshit lore reason for why they can join your game. But the important part is they join your game from other, um, other players worlds and they don't level with you.
Starting point is 01:47:40 This is what also makes it cool. So you can't just grab a pawn. You're like, this is a really cool pawn. I'm just going to run this the entire game because if you get it at level 5 it is level 5 So you have to get rid of that pawn and then bring another one in so you're sort of constantly shifting in these new party members Trying out different strategies. Maybe you're gonna bring a caster in you're gonna bring this archer in maybe you want to get rid of pawns That are you know, maybe you're gonna fight an enemy that is really magic resistant, so you want to get rid of the magic pawns and bring some physical pawns in, this is all stuff that's really, really cool, um, I'm unsure where the story is gonna go from here, uh, like, I'm, we don't really know much about the, the story as is, but the world looks cool, like, it just looks like more Dragon's Dogma, I don't even care that even if the exact same story, like, it could be literally just the same story at a
Starting point is 01:48:32 different time in history, doesn't matter, all that matters is, it's Dragon's Dogma, and the nice thing about the party members, this was one of the first games I played, where I felt like the party members weren't morons. Like, you know, you play a game with AI party members and you're like, these characters feel useless. They feel like they're a waste of time. Like Skyrim, for example. Like, you have Lydia in your party and then she just runs off a cliff.
Starting point is 01:49:01 Like, why? In Dragon's Dogma, the party members understand like what the enemies can do. So if you're fighting a Cyclops for example, the enemies aren't like the the party members you have like they understand what a Cyclops is. So like hey attack its eye, hit it with this kind of magic. Like, they give you hints that make sense for, like, they make sense lore-wise to understand the enemy's weaknesses because these are, like, you know, these are warriors from some other area. So it's likely that they fought some of these enemies before. So it makes sense that they can give you hints on what they can,
Starting point is 01:49:42 what the enemies can do without having to have some contrived magic reason. Like, you know, you have a spell like Libra in Final Fantasy and it's just like, it tells you the enemy's stats. It tells you the enemy's weaknesses. Without having something like that, you have a perfectly sensible lore reason to explain to the player how to better fight these enemies. Also, one of the nice things about
Starting point is 01:50:05 Dragon's Dogma is you can climb onto big enemies. Like, you're fighting a cyclops, you grab onto its face and just fucking stab it in the eye. Or you're fighting a griffon and you just jump on its back. Or, in this case, fighting a cyclops.
Starting point is 01:50:22 You grab on its leg and just fucking start stabbing it in the dick. It's like, this is cool. This is just a cool game. It's built on the RE engine, which I don't know what that is. I'm guessing it's some in-house engine. Which is probably a modified Unreal Engine, because everything is. But from what I'm seeing here, it just looks...
Starting point is 01:50:42 A lot like Dragon's Dogma. Also, it has... The combat was like... It comes off weird if you're watching the combat. But when you're doing melee combat, there is this slight, I guess, slight pause when you hit an enemy. Which looks weird when you're watching. But it kind of adds some extra impact. Especially when you knock an enemy away.
Starting point is 01:51:09 Like you hit them with a giant greatsword, and there's this slight pause, and they fucking fly off, like, it just looks cool, also, this, this bit is cool, um, this is how you get yourself killed, um, and it's a bad idea, because you'll run out of stamina and just die, uh, in this case, the character is attached to a griffin that is flying at enough height where if you fell off, you just die. So, if your stamina runs out, you just die. So, the game lets you do things like that. It's a super cool way of handling combat. It's nice that a lot of the systems from Dragon's Dogma 1 just seem to be returning as is. There's a lot of things in the game that didn't really need to change. I think the only thing that really needed to change is there were some classes that just were not good to play. Like, if you tried to play a support mage,
Starting point is 01:52:02 a support mage, it was just not good gameplay. Because you were just, just not getting involved in anything. Like, you were a support mage. Like, which is fine if it's a party member. Or like, some of the, some of the casters, for example, or some of the enemies, for example,
Starting point is 01:52:21 are so immune to magic, that if you are playing a caster, you do not hurt the enemies. You have to wait for your party members to kill the enemy because that is all you can do. From my experience, the melee characters played the best. But I hope they address some of those problems that's probably my only big concern make the magical characters
Starting point is 01:52:52 feel more useful in more situations because they are so cool, like being able to rain meteors from the sky or summon a giant tornado or or, like, blasting the entire field with, like, an ice nova. Like, all of this stuff is
Starting point is 01:53:09 so cool. But when you run into, like, big enemies that aren't even that, like, they're not even, like, a boss or something weird. It's just, like, an enemy out in the overworld, and it's pretty much immune to magic. It's a little bit annoying. Maybe some, add some system where you can add magic resist to
Starting point is 01:53:26 these enemies if you run across them, so you can synergize between the party members, something like that. But, you know. Or maybe, I knew you could also just change your class pretty much at will. Maybe make that even more convenient or something like that.
Starting point is 01:53:44 I don't know how what exactly they're going to do as the game comes out. But I want to go play Dragon's Dogma 1 again. Because it's been a long time. And it's fun. It's just fun. That's all that matters. It's just a pure fun RPG. It's made by...
Starting point is 01:54:02 It's one of those, they, those, it's one of those RPGs that doesn't try to, doesn't try to bog you down with story. Like, there are certainly the story beats, there's, like, characters you can talk to, there's cut scenes, there is a story that goes through, but it's more focused on your actions in the world like you can just be like story what i'm just gonna go to the thing and do the thing whatever it doesn't matter so like just just focus on focus on your adventure through the world most of the time when i was playing the game i just kind of ignored what the game wanted me to do and just like did a thing. Like, from my experience, I don't remember there being
Starting point is 01:54:48 a lot of hard walls in the world. You know, segments where you can't progress forward because you are not allowed through here adventurer. You must go complete this quest. You could just go to areas that were way too difficult for you and just die.
Starting point is 01:55:04 Or you could win. Because that's the nice thing. It's one of those games where if you were a good player, you could win most encounters, even if you really shouldn't have been there. Especially once you started getting some of the more powerful magic. Like being a summer fucking meteor, or summon a tornado, that just eliminates everything, but they were definitely the difficult encounters as well,
Starting point is 01:55:32 uh, like, you know, you go fight a dragon the first time, you're like, oh shit, oh shit, I'm dead now, oh, that's good, I remember in Dragon's Dogma 1, the first time you see a dragon outside of the, like, the tutorial, sort of, there's first time you see a dragon outside of the tutorial... There's a segment at the start of the game where you're super powerful. You're at the peak of your class, and then you lose everything. Games like to do this to introduce the world. But when you go fight your first dragon after that, it's in this forest. And you don't realize it's there there because it's hiding between the trees
Starting point is 01:56:05 but then they go, and you die. That's pretty much how it goes. Or you win because you notice it's there and then you actually don't get lit on fire and have your entire health bar just vanish. Maybe I'll actually go and stream Dragon's Dogma. I don't remember it being a
Starting point is 01:56:21 super long game. Maybe it was. Being an RPG, it very much depends on how much of the side stuff you do. Dark Arisen length. Ah, okay. If you try to complete
Starting point is 01:56:37 everything, 118 hours. If you just do the main story, 38 hours. If you do the main story and then the post-game content, it's 55 hours. Okay, so it's not that long in the context of RPGs. Like, you know, Persona 5 Royal, for example. That's, I guess, my favorite example of a game that's just ridiculously long. Persona 5 Royal Link.
Starting point is 01:57:07 Main objectives. 101 hours. That's not Completionist. That's just the main story. 101 hours. 143 for Completionist. But, like, you could take way longer. Especially if you just take all of the events really slowly
Starting point is 01:57:28 and you enjoy the areas you're in you go do some of the longer side content like you go um rather than trying to like max out your stats you try to you know go do a lot more of the combat which typically lasts longer than doing the, this, the mini games that last for, like, a couple of minutes, like, you could make the game just last a ridiculous amount of time, and then you could do New Game Plus and last, like, even longer, but, you know, sort of fine, very good game, uh, Royal, I need to play at some point i've got a copy of royal on steam one day i'll play it uh one day 101 hours yeah yeah it's gonna be it's gonna certainly be a a journey when i decide to actually play it but you know it is what it is we have somehow hit the the two hour mark. So, I should probably
Starting point is 01:58:25 stop recording. Forget. So I'm going to go to work in a bit. Maybe like a few hours, but like, I've got to upload videos and upload things and new things and, you know, is what it is.
Starting point is 01:58:41 Yeah. Next week, there's going to be a guest episode. I don't know if it's going to be Vashinator or Calc Programmer 1, I don't know, one of the two, we'll see who I decide to get on first, and then, yeah, enjoy the rest of your day, all the fun stuff, I don't know why people watch this show, but because you do, I'm very happy, and you're all cool people, yeah, go support the video and pod, the audio release, because they're both probably good, if you want to see the shirt, and you were listening to the audio version, come watch the video on YouTube, it's at Tech Over Tea, and if you don't care about the video, you just want to hear my voice for some reason, I don't know why, maybe
Starting point is 01:59:21 you want to like, scare some birds away or something, that could be it, uh, audio release, you can find on any podcast platform, tech over tea, there's an RSS feed, there's, like, a, uh, thing on Spotify, it's on, like, Apple Podcasts or whatever it's called, you'll find it, tech over tea, stick in your favorite app, and you're good to go, so that is going to be it for me. Ah, gaming channel, right, I'm playing Final Fantasy 16 as this comes out. It's probably very good. I don't know, I've not played it yet. This is like a week before the game comes out, but judging by what everyone's saying, it's really cool. Probably game of the year. I don't know, could be terrible, could be all lying to me. Also finishing
Starting point is 02:00:01 off Yakuza 0. Also, actually a very very good game Can confirm, been playing it for A long time now Main channel, I don't know What's coming out, Linux videos, probably Can't see any reason why it wouldn't be And um Yeah, I guess that's gonna be it for me I think that's the only thing I gotta say
Starting point is 02:00:20 And Yeah, peace out, enjoy your day And I'm out, I forgot what, I was gonna end it like a stream, I was gonna go to like a different layout, not press the stop button, but, whatever, bye.

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