Tech Over Tea - Neckbeards Anonymous - Tech Over Tea #20 - feat Donald Feury
Episode Date: July 15, 2020On today's episode of Tech Over Tea my guest is Donald Feury a follow linux content creator and fellow neckbeard, on today's episode we chat about a ton of different topics from bullying the LBRY team... to get work done to the terrible experience of a developer interview, hopefully you guys have as much fun as we did. ==========Guest Links========== YouTube: Twitch: LBRY: Twitter: Facebook: ==========Purchase My Gear========== ► Buy Anything: ==========Support The Channel========== ► Patreon: ► Paypal: ► BTC Wallet Address: 1Aokiv3pFQXUEmh2LbzZQAwxMvq6bpT2UN ► ETH Wallet Address: 0x80451867c86bdf08c3888d407c1e3fcb6add61ed ► LBC Wallet Address: bLRN9fm17sCexKfgbYqmMj5xskZF2ogpEh ==========Video Release========== 📚 LBRY: 🎥 YouTube: DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation. I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and related sites.
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Welcome to episode 20 of Tech of a T. I'm as always your host Brodie Robinson and today's guest is a fellow Linux content creator
Who right now is mainly focusing on doing Go programming stuff. I actually don't think I've seen you do a Linux video in quite a while
And also you're a bit of a game streamer, mainly a Chrono Trigger streamer from what I'm seeing right now
And also an ex-web developer. Welcome to the show, Donald
How y'all doing? Glad to have y'all here I'm seeing right now and also an ex-web developer. Welcome to the show, Donald.
How y'all doing? Glad to have y'all here.
How are you doing, man?
I'm doing as good as I can be, considering all the fucking bullshit going on.
There's lots of stuff I could talk about for what's going on in America right now, but... Oh, there you go.
We're not going to get too far into it but there's some uh there's definitely
some stuff about i do want to talk about sure but before we get into that let's uh let's actually
talk about tech for a little bit because you know it's supposed to be a tech podcast but
i don't really gross don't really hit that part that often so i don't even know where to start really um how did you get yourself into linux i guess
uh so while i was in college i was advised by someone i was on a team with at one point that
i should try it so i went to best buy bought a shit $200 laptop put ubuntu on it i was like holy shit this runs better than my
1000 windows laptop do you remember what version of it would have been at the time
16.04 okay i just wanted you to age yourself a little bit it wasn't as bad as i was expecting
yeah i um i didn't go to college right out of high school i didn't go to
college until i was like 24 20 yeah 24 probably for the best to be honest yeah i to be honest the
only good thing i got out of college was my wife the actual like education i got out of college was
fucking shit yeah i've got plenty that i could say about my time at uni as well it's definitely
not gonna be any better than when you were there yeah i didn't know what difference it might be
in your country compared to mine but uh let me put it this way uh the only i think the only useful
class i took that entire time was probably the software engineering one.
And one of the electives I took, which was digital image processing.
Not that I use it.
It was just interesting.
Yeah, for sure.
Yeah, that's how I feel about...
I did a iOS development course last year.
I have no interest in going and doing iOS development,
but it was certainly interesting.
Specifically, like, seeing the weird way that Apple
sets up their bizarre library.
Have you ever looked at the Apple Swift libraries?
I have not.
The only mobile thing I've ever messed around with
was the Android native stuff,
and I don't like Java.
You can blame college for that.
Everything in Swift,
if you want to get any variables
everything is done with reflection you don't like say i want this variable you call a method saying
okay i want the variable named this thing it as a string and then it will go and find it for you
and then you don't know what the return type is going to be so you have to kind of like
handle the return types as well it's a bizarre language what the fuck that's so weird but it's
got a bunch of other weird apple-y things about it that's just like i get why people like it but
not coming from working with objective c and all of the other apple ecosystem it's a mess it's an
absolute mess to work with and i never want to be involved in that yeah the only time
i ever sort of contributed to a mobile project was towards the end of before i actually quit
uh we had to crank out a mobile app in like two weeks but we were going to have to integrate with
this shit legacy system so my boss had me do a few
things but he basically did the whole thing in uh flutter okay that's not as bad as expecting
could have been like hey make this a native android app in two weeks do it in java yeah no
i guess it'd be a bit easier but not not Java. Definitely not. Yeah, I think he tried a prototype in Kotlin,
and then he prototyped it in Flutter.
He liked it in Flutter much better.
I haven't done Flutter myself.
I've heard pretty good things about it, though.
It was all right.
I had no problem with it.
It's, like, only slightly less verbose than, like, Java and Kotlin is.
That's kind of the reason why I don't really like object-oriented playing which is because it's like i just i just want to write
a small little program why the fuck is it this big yeah if you want to find people who really
don't like o.o obviously you can go talk to people who are like see your death those are like there's
those people as well but go talk to game developers
and they'll tell you how much they hate OO,
specifically because of garbage collection.
Garbage collection is the worst thing ever designed
for game development.
Why is that?
Basically, the garbage collector is going to try to obviously
clean up the memory, and that's going to be just wasted cpu
cycles that you don't need so that those should probably be used for something you know more
productive because it's a game and you've got like the physics engine all this other stuff
that you really like have to be very tight on the um the performance of the actual application so
letting the garbage collector just do its own thing is a bad idea. So you'll see people do things like you might have a particle system where if you do that as like an object oriented method, you would have like this is a particle.
It has this variable, this variable, this variable.
And then you have like a list of the particles.
The way you do a particle system in a game is you would have this is the array of x points and this is the array of y points and
this is the array of whatever it is and you just go over the array and then never deallocate the
array until you get to like a load screen or something and that's just way easier yeah
actually i guess we can go and kind of talk about the the go thing anyway yeah but part of the reason why i actually really liked go is it
slowly helped to un un indoctrinate me the way college did to doing literally everything in oo
because uh i i just kind of started messing around with it one day and uh i think i watched some some
of your uh some people in your
discord would post like youtube videos to people who primarily do stuff in like c yeah i've seen
a couple of those and it was just not like i'm watching that i was like you know what that is a
much simpler way of doing this shit so i uh i haven't god i haven't touched a no language since
i love work is what does go is go a functional language i haven't actually an OO language since I left work. What is Go?
Is Go a functional language?
I haven't actually looked at it.
The syntax is, I guess,
it's a better way to describe it.
It's more C-like.
There are no classes in Go.
You have struct.
And you can attach behavior to the struct with receivers.
So you can kind of mimic oh oh but it's really
clunky and it's not really you it's like brute forcing it it's like you can do it but it's it's
not made to do that really right okay yeah i really should look into go i've heard really
good things about it especially when i did my um i did a concurrent programming course and they're
like go is a great language for concurrent programming.
And I never bothered to go and look at Go after that,
but I really should.
It's super easy just because in Go,
literally the only thing you have to do
to make it like a function call run concurrently
is you just stick the Go keyword.
That's literally all you do.
is you just stick the Go keyword.
That's really all you do.
And then they don't,
you have like your standard like parallel and concurrency
mechanisms in there like mutexes.
But you don't tend to use them very much
if you do leverage Go routines very heavily
because the way Go routines tend to work is
they have another concurrency native
type and they're called channels.
And what you do is if you have GoRoutine A and GoRoutine B and they want to communicate
rather than like sharing something and like using mutexes to lock it, you have both of
them have a channel and then like channel or go routine.
A will send go routine B data over the channel and it'll read it.
And then,
you know, it'll do something with it.
Then depending on how you have it set up,
you either send data back or send it further down like a pipeline.
So they just pass data back and forth through channels.
That sounds much neater than doing anything else.
have you ever done threading in Java? I have not. Okay, because it's hell. So I've heard. You have, like,
a thread class, and then you have to call, like, a, you call the lock on the thread class, and then
you have to do another thing, and another thing, another thing, and if you want multiple, like,
there's a thread pull class that creates threads for you
instead of just creating them yourself.
It's very Java-y.
Just everything is embedded in classes.
And it's just...
You get these massive chains of calls.
Like, I want to call the thread pool.
I want to create a thread.
I want to start the thread.
And I want the thread to end at this point.
It's just one long chain of nonsense.
But Go sounds much easier is yeah go the way it's designed incentivizes very flat project structures right uh i don't even think i've even made a project yet that really warranted like even one level of sub directories, except for the adaptation of some easing functions to the,
you know,
the easing function is,
I know of a couple of different meanings of the word easing bit,
bit more specific on that one.
it's basically a mathematical equation that you,
uh, it's basically a mathematical equation that you give it an input and it'll
kind of modify how it
changes over time
if you've messed with CSS
and you do like animations
or not animations, transitions
there's like an ease in and an ease out
those are easing functions, they change how it changes
there was like this website I found
that just literally had like this huge
list of
all the easing functions, including
the mathematical equations for them.
So I literally just took all of them and just
put them in a Go package.
And the reason why I wanted to get those
was I wanted to do some
interesting animations
if I could with FFmpeg
But doing complex expressions in raw strings and FFmpeg filters. But doing complex expressions in raw
strings in FFmpeg filters is cancer to say the least.
So I have a sub package in that
easing functions package that specifically just spits out these
awfully huge expressions that are meant to be stuck into
FFmpeg filter arguments.
I think it's still bugged.
There's like two or three that don't come out right.
But most of them actually come out right.
Just don't use those ones then.
Never bother fixing it.
Just don't touch those settings.
But the fun ones, it's like the bouncing one.
Like it'll have text come in like...
Yeah, I'm sure you you're gonna use that so often
i might depends on how meme i want to get on some of the videos yeah that's fair
uh what else was i was gonna say so
uh and because i've gotten to like to use it a lot for my own projects i was like seems like a good start to do coding tutorials because
at some point i actually want to build more like fully fleshed out actual like courses okay whether
i sell them or whether i sell them or not i'm not sure yet but uh yeah that's that's kind of like my
bigger end goal right now well if we go back to the um we'll get back to that in just a bit but
we go back to when you were saying
about the project structure.
I tend to put things in subdirectories
just because if I end up having a bunch of files,
I find it much easier just to find stuff.
Like if I'm going to have, I don't know,
some util functions,
I'll usually put those in like a util folder
just so it's easier to look for them
just in case I have like 15, 20 files.
It's easier to know like, like oh they're going to be
in this folder, I don't really need to think about
it as much then, even if
you don't really need like a big structure
I'd at least like having at least like one level
in Go
the way I would probably do that is
if I noticed I was writing a lot of like
generic utility
functions, I would probably actually just put them in their own package okay and
like put it in its own repo and then when I need to use it I just run go get
and pull it in but I mean like utilities that are specific to a project yeah
obviously more generic ones yeah that's cool but if it's something specific for
whatever thing you're building right now I'd usually find that easier to put into yeah yeah obviously more generic ones yeah that's cool but if it's something specific for whatever
thing you're building right now i'd usually find that easier to put into like a folder yeah
but yeah going back to the uh selling the the courses honestly like i don't know how much i
would need to know to feel comfortable wanting to sell a course because i've seen how many courses
already out there and how good some of those are.
I don't think I would ever get to the point
where I would feel comfortable selling a course like that.
So here's the thing,
and I've kind of learned this from reading a few books
that Fluke recommended,
is the only thing that really matters is you don't have to be the most
knowledgeable about a subject to teach it you just have to be one chapter ahead of whoever you're
trying to teach that's fair that's that's the main yeah and um sure there are there are certainly
courses and they're going to be courses that are have like a higher production value than mine are
that's almost because they guarantee because i'm not i'm not a cinematographic person you ain't gonna get nothing like visually
stimulating me uh get a slide in transition yeah you're gonna get a sliding text that goes hello
that's that's all you're good for me uh but the the thing that's gonna set me or you or whoever
apart from the how many other people have made courses is the presentation style
how we organize the information and present it so you know somebody may watch uh with some people i
know like you know brad traversi or uh arcade how you pronounce that arcade mind or how you
pronounce that other youtube channel um because you know maybe they like the way they
present you know brad's very uh kind of slow and methodical i guess is the way i would say it
whereas arcade mind goes into like a lot of detail and then my it's my style i guess i would probably
be like kind of in between but also i try to be a little goofy when i'm doing it sometimes you want people
to have fun rather than just this is the raw information that you're getting because if you
want the raw information go read the book yeah because that that was the thing i'm trying to
sort of incorporate more into my tutorials is i'm trying to be goofy while i'm doing it because
if if not i'm really going to be like the 100th person saying okay now we're gonna put a variable and we're gonna put like it's the most fucking boring
shit in the world no one's gonna want to watch it yeah absolutely
it's basically just like an audiobook version of the textbook pretty much if you're just gonna
read out like that yeah i also try to uh i also am a little little more animated when I'm doing my stuff
because I actually asked for
some feedback about
the very first one I did
the little go boot crash course
thing on this site
I don't know if you've ever been there before
it's like a developer blog site
I think I've been there once or twice
I posted it on there sometimes and I said,
hey, I want feedback on this.
And some guy said, I really like how animated you are.
And they just gave me some feedback about changing the editor color scheme
because it was too hard to see.
Because it kind of is because it's literally a pie wall.
Oh, you're using, right.
Of course, you're using pie wall, aren't you?
They said make the text bigger, make my camera smaller,
because it was too big, and I did all of those, actually,
from everything moving forward.
Yeah, for my car's game, I just use,
I just use the Visual Studio dark theme on literally every editor I use.
Like, I've used other themes before, but
as soon as I started using Visual Studio,
I was like, no, this is objectively
the best color scheme. I don't care what
your opinion is.
Yeah, I do like... I think
one of the things I
did too often whenever I still used
VS Code on my old work
laptop was that I would just sit there
and piss around in the extension store going, what themes are there oh yeah yeah i know the feeling i've
done the same thing before my boss would be like hey how's that ticket going oh it's going pretty
good oh i like this company oh yeah i've got i've got 10 ticket tracking plugins now
plugins now I don't
I hope I don't have
to go back to a job
but it's looking
like that might have to be the case
I'm already
prepared for the fact
that that might happen
I'd have to experience either
a rather exponential
amount of growth in the next few months or just crank out some course that everyone's like oh my
god you have to go buy this course right now go piss off like uh what's his name um
give me a second what's his name
trend black that's it
second what's his name trend black that's it piss off trend like make him make him make a worse than the tech industry on you oh no how would i how would i do that he's he says he's a simple country
boy but i know he's plotting more behind that no man i'm actually from west virginia ain't much ain't much complicated going on there boy
i actually do like some of trend's videos like some of them i i i'm sure you've probably seen
the one that he did on uh josh i did yeah that one not the best but yeah he definitely did make
some good points uh especially he did especially if you're looking
at some of josh's current stuff where he's i where he was oh god i do like josh's content
but for a while he was milking the uh my family hates me thing like i i get that you want to talk
about it but it was the only thing he was putting on his channel for a while kind of well i mean sure he probably is milking it to some extent and i'm sure he even acknowledges
that but at the same time the part of the reason why he kept making it is because it kept doing so
good yeah yeah that's what he said like like people all of a sudden were like bro talk more
about all the fucked up shit happening with your family he's like okay i guess what you want here you go yeah if anyone who doesn't know who we're talking about out
there's a channel by the name of joshua fluke he does mainly his uh bread and butter is uh here
are dev jobs that are terrible i'm gonna tell you how terrible they are and look at terrible
corporate culture that's like his main bread and butter and then for a while uh his family basically disowned him and then i think for maybe a week or so that was the only
content he was putting out and obviously yeah as you're saying it was doing well but
i can see why some people would be getting bothered by it
oh well i don't i don't really care i don't see why people would get bothered by it it's like
it's it's his family.
Why the fuck do you care whether he's the winner or whatever?
I mean, at the same time,
I really
liked the ones where he talked about
the really cringy
uber religious shit they did.
Whoa, dude.
I was like, this is creepy,
I don't know.
I don't actually care that much.
It's just...
I don't know.
In the end, if it really bothered me that much,
I'd just stop watching his content.
And then I kind of did for a week,
and now he's back to what he was doing before.
So I was like, okay, well, that's cool.
Yeah. He's in a much better mood now. I back to what he was doing before so i was like okay well that's cool yeah i i'm he's with a much better mood now i talk to him sometimes he because uh actually before i started doing
youtube uh i actually had him i actually did a consultation with him to get me kind of bootstrapped
yeah you seem like you had it uh a bit more together than when I first started my content
Like, my early stuff was... terrible?
To put it lightly?
Absolutely terrible?
Yeah, one day I did actually go back and watch some of your Super Roll videos,
what'd that...
Because you were doing them in a workshop or something?
It was a shed.
A shed, yeah.
And if I moved my camera slightly to the left you would see a
bong bro i wish that shit was legal here i'll tell you what it's not legal here so okay well
but i did not do any of the marijuana police there you go yeah it was it was just there yeah i had housemates it was theirs
which is not anyway it was there was a there was a friend of mine from where i'm back home
and one of the times when we went to an anime convention he brought edibles that's the only
time i've ever actually like induced a substance and holy shit i got fucked up off it wait i'm sorry edibles was
your first experience yes that's a bad idea very bad well it actually was a very interesting
experience because literally all i did it was lay on the bed and laugh for two hours straight
okay i was gonna say did you do it i was about to ask did you do it and then go to the con or was it after you were at the con we we were in the hotel room okay and i like i ate like a quarter of a cookie
or something and i literally all i did was lay on one of their beds and i uncontrollably laughed for
two hours and like it was funny for the first hour and then my face started to hurt really bad
and i was like i want this to stop now.
Yeah, that's a very
familiar experience
that a friend has told me.
Police don't, yeah.
Actually don't. The thing is the
police here don't actually care too much.
Unless you've got like...
Most of the cops I've ever run into
don't give two shits either,
as long as you're not trying to sell the shit.
Well, yeah, there was a grow operation
about half an hour away from where I live.
And I think...
Let me find out how much they had.
I think...
I'm going to say it's something like 200 plants.
South Australia.
I think I've shown this on the show before. Um...
Oh, sorry, no, I was very wrong.
It wasn't, um...
It wasn't...
Uh, a hundred plants. Where'd my Discord go? Uh, don't play that. it wasn't 100 plants
where'd my discord go
don't play that
I don't want
too low or too high
oh you know
oh you know
bit low
bit low
just a little bit yeah this happened when started this year five thousand
five thousand plant drug bust in uh virginia so that's yeah about half an hour 40 minutes
where from i live so that's good so much fun gone and then the uh the one comment on this post weed is not a drug it
tastes good on chicken and can make fantastic non-psychotic smoothies
sure okay i mean i don't i don't even think this should be illegal either but
do whatever you want i don't care if fucking alcohol and cigarettes are legal then fucking
weed should be legal then yeah pretty much that's that's pretty much where i stand on it
well you guys even have a weirder situation where you guys can't even drink and then you can join
the army oh can you not do that down there no well no 18 is our drinking age and 18 is the age you join the army right right yeah yeah i don't know
if you've ever heard the i forget the last time that the the uh surgeon general or whatever that
fucking title is here said like why he would never take as long as he's there why he would never take
weed off the thing he was like if you use too much of it it's bad for you i'm like okay homie i don't know if you notice this
but if you put too much anything in your body it fucks you up yeah man have you ever had a mcdonald's
there's there's there's technically a thing called uh i forget what the term for it's called
there's you can actually get poisoned from taking it from drinking too much water yeah
well you can drown if you would drink too much of of it. Well, I forget what the term is.
There's literally a term for like hydro something poisoning where you just literally put too
much water in your body.
Your blood's like, no, that's too much.
Stop it.
Water poisoning.
Here we go.
Water intoxication, also known as water poisoning, hyperhydration, overhydration or water toxemia
I didn't know about that
I guess we're fucking banning water now
yeah never water
cancel water
cancel what
let's make it
let's speed up the
idiocracy movie let's just only drink Gatorade
no G everyone has to drink Gatorade.
No, everyone has to drink G Fuel from now on.
Only G Fuel.
G Fuel, please sponsor this podcast.
Hit me up, G Fuel.
I'll take a sponsorship.
He needs his own flavor.
I will shill anyone on the podcast.
I don't care.
He needs Brody blueberry.
Or whatever flavor you like.
We need something that flows really well.
And probably tastes horrendous.
I don't know.
Something that starts with B that tastes terrible.
Hmm. Um.
I don't know.
I was about to say beets.
It's healthy for you too.
The first G Fuel that's actually good for you.
G Fuel beets flavored? No.
I'd rather not.
She pooped and everything.
G Fuel beats flavored? No.
I'd rather not. She'd poop and everything.
I feel like enough G Fuel normally will help you do that.
It probably does.
I don't know what's in G Fuel, but it can't be good.
I actually have a funny con story that relates to helping you poop.
Oh, no.
story that relates to the helping you poop thing.
I know.
So the first con we went to
on the way back, which was about an hour
no, two and a half hour drive
I drank
an entire
two liter of root beer
on the car ride back.
And by the time we were about
ten minutes away from my house, I said,
holy shit, please go faster.
I have to go to the bathroom.
And when he pulled into the driveway by my mother's house, I literally ran out of the car with my shit still in there.
And he brought and his girlfriend brought it in here.
And the only thing she heard was, holy shit, nothing coming out of solid.
And I got fucking memed on for like six months after that
oh i would go to the bathroom like while i was like hanging out his house his girlfriend
be like isn't so i'd be like fuck you
oh god thank god your podcast is not monetized. Yeah, well, hey, I make money on library, so.
Oh, true.
Fuck you.
I actually don't know how much I make on library.
Let's find out how much last episode made.
So, tech over T.
Is your, are you getting view tips on library?
I actually don't know.
I got like one.
Actually, I was going to ask you a bunch of questions about libraries
since you saw that in your topics anyway.
Oh, yeah, right.
Of course.
Let's go to the Aries episode.
71 LBC.
So what's that?
What's the current price at?
0.28 cents. So don't know a couple dollars are made maybe maybe a dollar or two i don't feel like doing the maths
math then there's like a crypto hustler episode where i i don't even know how well that did
i only like 400 okay but a thousand views which is ridiculous on library anyway you said
you had some questions about library yeah so aside from me just basically using it as as i am right
now which is just another way of federating the video somewhere yeah i didn't know if you did
anything specifically on your channel to help it grow? I know you can stake
the currency to
boost the chance that it gets seen.
Is that how that works?
Basically, yes.
Do you do that?
Yes, I do.
I've got a lot staked in my content.
the more you stake on it
the higher you get up in the
trending algorithm pretty much
so my recommendation
what I did initially
I bought in like I bought a bunch of LBC
back when it was really cheap so I think I bought
like $300 worth when it was like a seventh
of a cent it's way more expensive now
so yeah I've actually made quite a bit already I wish i'd put way more in it because it's 5x since that point which
is pretty good uh that's pretty good yeah so basically every month i'll go and claim the
tips from the previous month and then just stake that in the content and then obviously
obviously doing that you're not gonna be able to sell it off
and make some money off of that but it will boost your content up more and more and yeah imagine
you'd have to hit like a critical mass point where you're getting so much from views that
you're willing to not actually restake all of it and just start to accumulate some of it. Yeah pretty much. I think right now anything above 50,000 is sort of being wasted on trending
because up after that point you have to put in like a hundred two hundred
thousand to get higher on trending so once you can stake at least 50,000 on
whatever you're doing then pretty much anything after that sort of do whatever you want with it
Is that because at that point you're basically competing with whales?
Pretty much yes anything after that point and you're competing with the people who have like a million LBC to spare on something
Like I've seen crypto hustlers wallet before he has like he would you have 500,000 just sitting there doing nothing
Which video that I want to boost off to the top
there doing nothing which video that i want to boost off to the top but yeah that's the other thing you can do if you like actually talk to people who actually are whales or even not a whale
just someone who has just some despair you can then get them to boost up your content that's
typically what i've been doing um i've been boosting up your content, Arius' content, and also...
What's his name? Bonehead Medias.
He makes a podcast about trucking, and it's fun.
You don't boost our Uniboomer?
He's got plenty of his own. He can do it himself.
I think he's, what, 10th?
Okay, what, 10th?
Okay, what is his place on library?
It's going to be something stupid right now, I reckon.
I know his initial goal was to beat Lunduk,
and that never happened.
Because Lunduk,
even though Lunduk is kind of like slowing down his growth,
somehow he always just keeps going up.
I think it's just the fact that he's high on the list so uh at 11 518 and the podcast channel is at
where's the podcast 66th nice yeah i think to get on the top 200 right now it's
2000 if i remember correctly. Something like that.
I'm not that far away.
Mine has like 790-something.
Yeah, I don't know how many are below the 200 point,
because the list only goes up to the top 200.
But I imagine there's probably a lot in there as well.
I'm sure.
So, was there anything else about library you weren't sure about or is it just the staking stuff
i think it's probably just the staking stuff okay oh i can tell you i don't know if you saw this
because i don't think you were following me on twitter i didn't know if you saw how i kind of
bullied myself in the game my my channel synced. Oh, okay.
So, you know how the YouTube partnership program requirements are
you have to have recent content
and at least 100 subscribers? Yes.
So, it let
me sign up before I actually
had 100 subs.
And it would just sit
in queue the whole time, which I figured, because I was
like, well, I don't qualify.
I figured if you didn't qualify, I wouldn't let you do it in the first fucking place.
Eventually, when I did
actually get this eek
over 100, I
added them on Twitter and said,
hey, I've fulfilled the conditions
now. Can we get this
ball rolling now?
They said, yeah, just email us
that blah, blah, blah.
So I sent them an email, and
I got an email back about, I think, the day
after, and they said,
we reviewed your
account, and you don't qualify.
And I was like, what? And they listed
the reasons, and one of them said, one, you don't
have 100 subs. And I was like, okay,
I can let it slide, because sometimes YouTube's
subscriber count thing ain't the most accurate. And two, you don't have 100 subs. And I was like, okay, I can let slide because sometimes YouTube's subscriber count thing ain't the most accurate.
And two, you don't have recent content.
And I went, fucking excuse me?
So I replied to that email with basically what I just told you.
And I even sent like a screenshot of my fucking creator dashboard going, I have 103 subs.
And I didn't get an answer back for a day
so i i screenshotted the the email they sent me and i added them on twitter going nice customer
service you got here boys yep this is exactly what i do and they were like they said oh uh you know
email us again we'll get it figured out and And I don't know who it was. Someone else emailed me back and said,
hey, we bumped your thing up.
And I looked on my status,
and they had hard set my subscriber count like 999
to get it queued up to get going.
I was like, okay, what the fuck ever.
As long as it gets synced, I don't give a shit.
That's great.
Yeah, I do the same thing myself.
That's how I strong-arm them to be like, let me get on my fucking platform.
I love that they're so small that they will listen to people strong-arming them like that.
Yeah, the only thing they said was like, oh, your count's slow so it'll probably take
longer to queue. I was like, I don't care. Just do it. Yeah. There was a while where Viewtip stopped working.
And I tried to talk to Tom about it.
He's like their main tech lead.
Wasn't getting response from them.
I tried to talk to people in the Discord.
CryptoHustler was trying to get in contact with them.
He like has a direct line to the team.
Because he's like, I don't know, fourth, fifth place, whatever he is.
So he like frequently talks with the team. he's like i don't know fourth fifth place whatever he is so he like frequently
talked with the team no response and then i go and post about it on twitter and i say library is
just falling apart right now syncing isn't working u-tips are not working and then instantly i get a
response from uh from julie dringo and tom and they're all just like, what are you saying?
It's like, fix your stuff, or I'm going to do this again.
And I only have like 200 subscribers or 200 followers on Twitter.
If someone like, I don't know, let's just...
EUVblog, he's one of the big channels on Library right now.
He's got, I think, 20,000 Twitter followers,
and I think a couple
hundred thousand subscribers on YouTube.
If he was still like, hey, can I get
this thing fixed now?
And they were pretending
like, oh, well,
we didn't know about it because it broke overnight.
It'd been three days since it broke.
I don't know how long your nights are, but
they're not three days long.
So, yeah, just bully them into getting stuff done,
because that's what they need.
There's too many people who are too nice to library
and just, like, let stuff slide because they're a small project.
But you've got to be on their backs about getting stuff done.
Yeah, I mean, that's like, if you want something to,
whether it's that we're talking about a thing or a person,
being too nice to them is not productive.
You have to point it out and call them out when they're fucking up
so they can do better.
Yeah, I completely agree.
Obviously, there's an extent.
Don't, like, just be mean to someone for the sake of being mean to them.
But if you're trying to get something productive done,
you can't just sit back and wait for them to hurry up and do it.
Oh, yeah.
If you're doing the first thing, you're not being a friend,
then you're being an asshole.
Yeah, I wish I had more friends that told me how shit my content was early on
because it wasn't good.
It was very bad.
I didn't need anybody to tell me my content was shit at the start.
Hell, that very first video I uploaded, I had a few people that I knew on Discord.
I had them come watch the premiere.
And I literally said, come watch this train wreck.
That's what I said.
I was so proud of my early content yeah
I was so proud of my early content
and looking back on it now I'm like
why did I upload that
what was I thinking
I don't know if you have this
circumstance but funny enough
the best video
the video that I have that's done the best
was the second video I uploaded
which was the thing about how to set up spotify d and spotify t ah yes it has like
four times as many views as literally anything else i've ever done is i'm like what the fuck
i think my top video it makes sense what it is um I'll just bring it up now
I think
no it was a video
on Vim
it was
yeah that's a good question
Vim I was wrong
it's actually a good code editor
it's got 22,000 views
and it's terrible
yeah my second uh second video is my video when i
switched over to vim wiki which that makes sense that wasn't that bad and then my third is alacrity
and then bspwm i think the second one that did the best is the one where I showed off the automated video editing script.
But the main reason it did so well was because it got a bunch of upvotes on a subreddit.
Ah, yeah. Okay.
Well, the only reason...
Because it was...
Not going?
It was a video editing subreddit.
And they have this thing where they normally have a rule
where it says you can't promote yourself or get instabanned.
But they have this like,
like on Tuesday,
they have like this thing called Tutorial Tuesday
where you're kind of allowed to do it
as long as it's actual tutorial.
I was like,
let me show you how to automate your video editing, wink wink.
Yeah, that makes sense.
I've seen a lot of subs having to do stuff like that, especially the Linux ones.
Not tutorial Tuesdays or anything like that.
But they'll have to put all of their wallpaper threads in one thread.
Because otherwise, it's just nothing but pictures of, here's my desktop.
Look at this wallpaper.
Look at my rice, guys.
Like, if you want to see it be really bad, go to the Ubuntu subreddit.
It's constantly, look at this wallpaper I have.
Look at my desktop.
Like, stop.
Just stop it.
It's like the Boomer version of Rising.
Ubuntu Rising is amusing.
It's cool if you're running something like
KDE but it'll usually be something like here's here's GNOME and I've like added a plugin and
I've changed my wallpaper and that's all they have I used GNOME Tweaker to change the icon
thing look at this I I have a macOS theme that I just downloaded off the internet. Wow.
This owned, like, a couple of posts I even care about from subs like Unixporn.
With my RSS feed, I basically filter everything out
that doesn't have the OC tag.
The OC tag is for, like, original...
Like, basically whenever they upload,
like, here's some sort of rising script or something.
Occasionally there's something useful in there, like that's where
I found my lock screen, for example.
But 99%
of that sub is garbage.
And it's just a waste of time.
I want to farm
some Reddit karma. I'm going to show you
what my desktop looks like.
You want to know how, when I first made my my red account how i farmed a shit out of karma
was i would just post fucking videos of my damn cats that's actually a good good way to do it
because uh i'm sure you've never seen them uh are not the one that you've maybe occasionally
seen in the videos but there's another cat out here that's a main coon uh she's very excitable and if i
mention anything about food or snacks she literally loses her shit and we have a our oven has like a
little bar that you use to pull the front of it down yeah she'll literally grab onto it and pull
herself up on it and and the joke i make is my cat can do better pull-ups than me oh yeah instant karma
there that's that's how you do it i forget uh i've missed out on it bro so hard uh my wife would
posted a video of it once in a streamer's discord that she's a mod in and somebody was like hey
can i post this on reddit and i didn't even have a red account then i was like i don't
fucking care go ahead and that fucking thing got like 6 000 upvotes i was like what i need
my internet points yeah i would have just wanted to leverage it to build like a fucking cat tiktok
and do affiliate marketing or something i'm'm surprised that TikTok people aren't actually doing that.
I don't know.
Like, it seems like most of them are like,
here's my funny joke,
and they don't do anything with it.
Like, some of those videos get hundreds of thousands of views
with like five minutes of effort.
Put an Amazon affiliate link or something in there.
Someone will click it.
There are really big pet tiktok accounts
i saw them whenever i was poking around before i forget uh one of them is just like a one that
just uploads like i think they have a bunch of main coons and they just upload a bunch of like
kind of like slideshow-esque really nice objectively really nice pictures of those cats
and those things get like
100,000 couple hundred thousand. I think I saw one I had like a million views on it. I was like
Didn't see any affiliate links. I was like, please give me the money that you're throwing away
Anyone who doesn't know what a Maine Coon looks like I've got it up on the screen right now. I
Don't know cat breeds. So I have no idea what the cat looks like.
I have seen these before.
Depending on what mix they are,
if they are male or female,
they are fucking huge.
Also, they tend to act more like dogs.
What do you mean?
Normally, cats are kind of isolated.
They kind of stick to themselves.
They'll come around when they want attention and stuff.
But Maine Coon,
especially this shit out here,
they'll get
hyper-attached to one human.
Like how dogs normally form a bond with
whoever they own. And they'll just fall
year-round everywhere.
I'm surprised you can't hear her fucking swallowing right now.
I did have a cat that was like that.
It was actually my housemate's cat, but I was the only one who fed it.
So it followed me around everywhere.
I feel bad for that cat.
It's probably dead now.
Hopefully not.
I don't know um i actually i've had cats most of my life actually i only recently got a dog like within the past maybe six or seven years but i've had a cat since maybe i
was like four or so and that cat's still alive so uh we we had a dog when i was super young
i don't know i don't know what breed it was or anything i just know it was a big dog
my mother had pictures of when i was like still pretty young like one or two years old i could
write on its back oh wow uh and the reason we that we eventually lost it was even though she was older like 15
or 16 or something she broke a solid steel chain and ran away and i was like oh no fucking clue
where she went jesus yeah yeah that's uh that's pretty impressive yeah
much uh
I guess much happier way
than the way that I lost my dog
who uh
died of heart disease
she was only uh
six or so
but she was like a little chihuahua
they tend to have
lots of problems anyway
and she was the only
one who survived of her litter so it's surprising that she survived that long anyway and now i've
got a pit bull and so yeah my housemate's got a pit bull and she's adorable and likes to try to eat things because she's a pit bull.
Speaking of pets eating things,
one of the very first
things I had to do when I started making the videos
was I had to rearrange my office
because the way it was
arranged before, and you
can see this in the first two or
three videos, is I
had a window literally right here
and it would bleed through to make
everything i do like shit yeah so i had to rearrange my office entirely and the first day
after i rearranged it uh one of them chewed through one of my monitor cords and the other
one jumped off a cat tower onto my desk hit the monitor down the floor. You can't see it now,
but, um, if I just do
There we go.
I have a, uh, a blind
that I have to close, because otherwise...
I'll turn my light off, okay?
There we go. That's without my
recording light on.
It's still perfectly lit up.
Yeah, it looks pretty good.
Because it's daylight out there.
But yeah, I just closed that now so I can not look horrendous.
I wanted to get a blackout blind, but they would destroy it, so I can't do that.
Yeah, that's fair. I need to close this now.
Entertain people for 10 seconds
oh god you're right
okay we're here soon y'all what we're gonna do is we're gonna get into the
juicy bits of my rant and the juicy bits of my rants involve the stuff from when
I was actually a software developer like how much fucking cancer software
developer interviews are oh yeah that's actually something I had on the list as
well okay I'm gonna do the clap seriously you're gonna you're gonna
clip this part cuz I'm gonna fucking lose my shit on it.
So, what, besides maybe just random shit,
have you ever had any experience
with what type of stuff you typically get exposed to
at a developer interview?
My one dev job was a research assistant position
and they kind of just needed someone
to do the work
and I was the only person who responded anyway
so for me, my personal
experience with actual
dev job interviews has just been
you have the job
I've seen plenty of stuff online
I've seen some examples of insane
coding tests where it's like
here's 12 hours of work and you probably
won't get the job yeah so i never got one of those i i just realized i had um
i had the uh the file viewer behind oh covering the obs window i was like oh it's crashed i'm dumb okay anyway so i've never had one of those interview things where they have you go
literally make a whole fucking product but um i have a huge pet peeve about companies that
basically just copy fang and what they do that is my hugest gripe i i have been what i would consider
unfairly screwed out of opportunities before because they would go hey here's this code test
we want you to traverse this what like a reverse binary search tree or some other shit and i'm like
okay can i ask a question sure am i ever going to need to do
this on the job i mean you might don't fucking lie to me no i'm not and i i hate companies that
base their code interview things on one of two things if not both. One is the algorithms. Second one being
vaguely written
code that if I ever saw
that in the code base and the guy still
worked there, I'd punch them in the dick.
So algorithms
first off.
As I'm sure you
may have already been well aware of at this point.
The extent you actually
utilize algorithms
that you learn in
uni or something is
extremely few and far
in between unless you're working
on a system like stuff
that maybe big fan companies have because
they know a lot more about scaling
when you need that
really, really, really fine-tuned
efficiency from stuff like that.
Otherwise, I don't give a shit.
Just get the shit working.
That's what most of those people really need to work on.
Or get devs that aren't super big on algorithms, but they have good business acumen.
Ah, that's much better if you're a small business.
Because then they can actually help brainstorm ideas that
generate additional revenue or help the business
grow. But for
some reason,
and okay, here's the thing
I'm sure you understand this, that makes
a good developer is they tend to
be very good at tackling problems that they
are new to them.
They're able to adapt very easily.
But for some fucking reason,
when every single hiring manager
or dev lead or whatever
is confronted with the problem of,
huh, we have to devise a vetting process
to get new devs on our team,
their brain just leaves their body
and they're like,
oh, I just copied what amazon and google do
yeah yes that's that's yeah i i don't have anything to say to that just don't
and then the second one is and actually you might see it in whatever video fluke does for
because fluke's doing a video about shit code interview
examples and i sent him one it was um it was a code snippet and they said like you have to be
can you tell us what this what this code's doing and it was just this javascript function and i'm
going to describe it as best as i can function f argument a b every single variable and thing going on is really a one letter
thing oh it's one of those yeah and i'm and i actually refuse to answer that question
i literally sent them the email and i was like i got a question for y'all okay are you having
a problem with it maybe maybe it's a problem Maybe we'll figure this out. I said, this snippet that you sent me, do you actually have code in your code
base like this? Oh, no, we don't. Then why did you send it to me? Why did you show me this? I said,
nobody writes code like this. If you have someone that writes code like this in your company, I
don't want to work there. I would much rather slam my dick at a car door
than work on a code base that looks like this and they were like well it's part it was like
the hr person so fucking fuck off she knew what i was talking about and she was like oh well this
is what they gave me and i was like well they don't understand what they're looking for yeah
that's that's the problem the hr people sorry i sorry I was going to say the problem is they are
a lot of the time
the hiring process
is done by the HR team
rather than the
development team
if they got the
development team
to do it
something productive
might actually happen
but no
if you just
say here's the stuff
give it to HR
HR doesn't know
what to do with it
of course they don't
they're HR
it's not their job
to know what to do
with it
yeah anyway yes you were saying I cut you off um with it no of course they don't they're hr it's not their job to know what to do with it yeah
anyway yes you were saying i cut you off um i said can you please ask your dev team
why this is in here like i'm actually curious and she actually answered me back she said well
they said they want to see if you're able to uh uh understand abstraction i said this is not abstraction this is a fucking
train wreck abstraction would be you show me like a bunch of classes and you know you do i understand
like polymorphism or something i was like this is not abstraction this looks like code that a
fucking five-year-old wrote here i put this code through an obfuscator tell me what it does like yes yes i was like this looks more like code that like would actually be that would come out from
the the fucking compiler actually compiling the code
here's this uh here's this java job tell me what this machine code does it's like
Tell me what this machine code does.
It's like,
what am I here for?
But to follow up on that,
I try not to be someone who just complains about shit all the time. I like to try to offer my opinion on how to make it better.
And so that if any of you fucking asshole project leads
or hiring managers are watching this later,
you need to actually
seriously evaluate what it is you need in your company right now if you're scaling maybe you do
need someone who's good at algorithms if you're just trying to grow and you need to get shit done
you should probably just have someone you should probably just create a process that kind of mimics
what you do like a really small minuscule version of it and have them do
that something that probably only takes like what two three hours maybe if that using a tech stack
so you can demonstrate that one they know how to actually use the tooling that you all use
and two they understand at least some part of your system well enough that they can work in it
and then they can enter you know assimilate into the greater whole
That's if I was in a position. That's exactly what I would yeah
But also then hey there I could sure we just make sure that you don't post the terrible code online because we don't people to
Know it's terrible code. Yeah, I
Didn't know you were in a go shirt. I only just noticed that now
Whenever I used to be in some Go Discord server,
and they have a thing that would just, like,
pull news from the actual Go website.
And I saw one of those, like, hey, we have a store with merch.
I was like, okay.
I went and checked it out.
I was like, hey, it's got that derpy-ass little gopher on.
I'll buy it.
It was, like, 15 bucks.
That's not bad. Yeah, this is what i've got on oh you're you're you're like me you're a
disgusting weeb yeah absolutely part of the reason i do this is to piss people off um i've mentioned
this on the show before but i i have the anime wallpaper and the anime shirts and i specifically
wear them and i specifically use the podcast of
the the wallpapers in the videos to annoy people because i've had so many people be like oh you're
never gonna you're never gonna get subscribers if you're a weeb or oh just stupid stuff that
doesn't make any sense from people who have never tried to do anything in their lives
and he's a weeb i bet he doesn't have a girlfriend and just yeah pretty much just being
just annoying the people who have nothing better to do with their time because it's fun maybe i
should do that maybe i should but i need actually that's a good experiment i kind of want to see
what color schemes you get from pile wall from using anime wallpaper good idea well depends on
what you're doing like i try to make them subtle enough where it's still
a good looking wallpaper like i don't just have big anime tits on my screen partially because
youtube doesn't like that um i don't care what the people think youtube will demonetize it instantly
of course but it's still like good looking wallpapers and there's just like anime girl on there yeah and they're like no he's one of them
i've been getting a couple people uh calling me a neck beard recently and then some more
stuff there also there was someone who called me an in cell the other day that was fun it was like
you're an in cell neck beard like what are you talking about oh some people though is this humor on youtube now i'm confused i don't know what it
is i think it's supposed to be but i can't tell this is a good sign though because if you keep
getting those eventually you can actually do what fluke did and just have the occasional video where
you just look at and roast all the dumb ass comments exactly it's content keep doing it i think i'm i'm i'm waiting
for somebody to make like to make make fun of like the fucking west virginia accent i have
i'm waiting for it
i'm sorry sounds like he's white trash well excuse me i i came from white trash but
i'm surprised no one's tried to make fun of my accent but i kind of just clear it up a little
bit for the video it's tends to be much worse um outside of it like i've grown up in the suburbs
for a while so most of my rural accents kind of disappeared but when i'm not doing videos it can tend to slip out quite a
bit more is there like a i assume i guess i assume there is is there like a country australian
accent and a non-country australian accent yes okay i figured yeah if the same thing would happen
if i guess if you would look at say say, like... I don't know.
Any of you, like, really...
I guess...
What's the word I'm thinking of?
Any of you really dense cities that have, like, a rural area,
if you look at, like, their city accent,
it's, like, some really clear, poshy sort of accent.
Then you go rural, and it's not even remotely similar.
It's sort of like... They sound like they're from a different country sort of like that pretty much I think I guess the other guy that I know that
lives in Australia he must be in the country too because his accent sounds
a lot like yours hmm I don't know where he lives in Australia I just know he
lives in Australia like you can get real poshy in some places.
Like, there's some suburbs in Melbourne
where they sound like they're from, like,
the British royal family.
Oh, God.
And it's like, can you stop?
Just stop speaking to me.
I think you're in the wrong country, bud.
But I want to move rural because it's so much nicer out there.
Everything's slower. People are nicer. You just say hi to everyone. They'll rural because it's it's so much nicer out there everything's slower
people are nicer you just say hi to everyone they'll say hi back it's nice yeah that was
probably one of the the things i hated the most about whenever me and my wife were actually at
college is i fucking hated living in a city because we because where i'm from it's it's not
a small but it's still pretty small yeah in fact the only reason the town that i'm from it's it's not a small but it's still pretty small yeah in fact the only reason
the town that i'm from even exists is because uh there's like a four-star hotel there that's
like kind of world famous within the united states uh-huh yeah
oh what else we got here uh i was i was gonna say i live like five minutes away from my university but um this place i'm in
is like up in the adelaide hills so i'm far enough away from people that it's a nice area
um but i'm still really close to everything there's just like this little i guess you can
call it a little sanctuary in the middle of all the city where it's just like all you people can
do all your whatever city things
you want and i'm just here in the hills and it's nice because i can go outside and i can see the
ocean from my house and i'm like an hour drive away from the ocean nice that's that's kind of
how our where we live is it's in like in the sub or i guess like the rural area outside of a bigger city so it's like if we drive 15
minutes either way we're in like downtown either one of the the bigger areas but like we're in like
a dead-end cul-de-sac in between them and like there's no basically no foot traffic here yeah
i'm i'm the same position cul-de-sac it's nice the only problem i have is behind my house there's a school and it's not great so while school's on
she's like shut up they're like young kids as well so it's not a high school if it was a high
school it'd be okay but no it's it's not oh no if it was a high school okay so you'd hear a couple
out back fucking behind your house yeah no that's that's fair people did that at my high school as well they also cooked weed brownies in
the home ec room the the junior high i went to there was like a disability elevator to the second
floor there was a i don't remember his name there was a there was a couple that got cut fucking in
a disability elevator i know that in the disability toilets there was a uh
a list of people who were like who fucked in there and the list of people wasn't even
so clearly someone's been there a couple times
we had a couple three ways maybe a five way how many stalls are in here
i know maybe who went in there by
themselves and then counted it uh my school is one of those schools where they tried to uh
i guess they tried to gentrify it they rebuilt the school and gave it a new name and like
it's no longer the the old terrible school it was where people got into fights all the time and smoked weed all the time and it's still the same school you just changed the name and
give it gave it a different building oh i just remember i forgot what i was about to tell you
when you're talking about your your anime shirt stuff the only the only anime shirt i'd almost
want to wear that i have is like too edgy to wear on camera because it's it's a
shirt i got from a con a long time ago and it says uh uh hentai because cartoons can't say no
i feel if you just show the top part it'd be fine no one would really get it
yeah i've got some i do have some shirts I do want to wear but they're white
shirts and because of the lights it's not great. I've tried to wear white shirts and I've tried to
get it better, it's not great. The reason I always wear black shirts, it's just easier on the lighting.
I guess you can get away with something like you have on, but anything lighter than that is just not happening.
So let's see, what else do we have on here?
Well, I guess going from the dev topic, what actually got you into content creation? so i can't explain that does i explain why i left in the first place right which was
so i kind of managed to skip some of the shit you have to do to get a job out of college because i
already established a relationship with a company that i worked at before i went to college and they
just basically rehired me as a dev out of college right um so i did that for the first like maybe a year that i was doing that i i genuinely tried really
hard to like get into i guess that that like the career mindset of somebody who wants to like be
like a lifelong like career dev and I noticed after a certain point,
I was like,
maybe I'm starting to feel a little less sure about this.
And I did a number of things
to try to sort of make myself feel like
I wasn't just being a shit dev.
I did a bunch of research on different languages,
software architecturesures just all kinds
of shit would like spend my own time outside of work playing with tools to see if we could apply
them at work um i even uh so i still didn't do it for me i thought you know i'm losing my drive to
do this it's not very interesting to me so at at a certain point, I thought, well, maybe it's just a job,
which is why I casually looked for another job for a while
and had my interesting job interview run in.
But I thought maybe, okay, maybe it's the stuff I'm doing.
So I actually did contribute to a open source project um uh maybe have you
heard of matter most no it's like it's an open source open source slack alternative basically
oh no I do know what that is yeah okay I'm just bringing up on the screen in case anyone else
hasn't heard of it high trust messaging for the enterprise this is
cool oh yeah so um i was looking they had that on the way they have their github issues is they have
ones marked help wanted in case somebody wants to contribute to it and i deliberately picked
like a hard one because and what you had to do wasn't hard the thing that made it hard was you
had to reach across their entire tech stack to do it.
It was all shit I'd never touched
You had to do
the changes on their backend server,
which is written in Go, and I hadn't touched Go
much by that point.
I had to make some corresponding
changes to the React
frontend and the
React native frontend, and then they had another repository that's shared between the uh react front end and the react native front end and then they had
like another repository that's like shared between the two react front ends i had to make changes on
all of those jesus and i i did it it wasn't that hard because it was like all it was was like
updating the formatting of the response from like the slash me command or something so it sounded
like a difficult task but it was kind of
just you have to know a little bit about everything it wasn't actually that difficult yeah um so i did
that and like actually i don't have it i should i probably should have got actually they sent me
like a little like oh a coffee mug for like oh thank you for contributing to manner most and uh
i did it and i got you know the I put in the pull request. Everything got accepted. Bam, bam, thank you, ma'am.
And I was like, okay, that was cool.
Still didn't really make me that more interested to do this.
So the start of this year, I started to think, okay,
I need to start looking towards what's after this.
Because it's very obvious at this point,
this shit's not going to keep me interested at all um and i thought about uh i i had been watching fluke's content
for a while at that point and i thought about the whole thing of maybe maybe i could just teach this
shit instead of me doing it because i think i could teach i hadn't ever tried at that point but i would think i could try and i also
thought in the perspective of i have gotten so much from watching people on places like youtube
and stuff like that and i thought you know maybe i'm tired of just being a consumer
maybe i think i want to take an honest jab at also being a creator um so that i started doing
a bunch of research as i mentioned i actually paid to have fluke do a consultation with me to
kind of get me bootstrapped and get my head straight about what i needed to do
haven't done all of it because i'm i shifted priorities a few times already
uh but that was yeah that was pretty much it.
And then I've basically just kind of been trying a couple different things
to see what I think fits the best.
But I think, you know, I'm surprised, like,
the one video I have that's done, like, super well is, like, this random,
oh, here's how you tell the Spotify client to go fuck itself video.
When I did the same sort of video
no one gave a crap, that was like one of my
worst performing videos
was it?
yeah, because I've already got this established
audience that don't like Spotify
apparently, so
just like, no
and they'll do like a video on some random Vim plugin
it's like, oh, 2000, 3000 views
I don't even what's the point of this spotify is actually useful anyway yes uh
but yeah that's that's basically why i got into it was i need i needed to look forward to what
was after the dev stuff and i wanted to try something different and try to
create value rather than just
take it all the time
I haven't seen a ton
of your videos I've watched
well you know I watched the one on the little
recording stick that you did
which I'm probably going to pick up myself when i eventually
decide to start doing game streaming at some point it's really nice i haven't had that i had
someone comment on saying like oh a bunch of people said they had audio issues and mine doesn't
but when you consider the fact it's very obviously like a chinese knockoff of a cam link i wouldn't
surprise if there's like a higher percentage
of defunct products occasionally.
Well, if you just use external speakers,
it's not going to be a problem anyway.
Yeah, so your content is definitely good.
It's way better than I was making back when I started making content.
I just kind of got in a position where I was really lucky,
where I, well, Luke did his video on BSPWM i started making content i just kind of got in a position where i was really lucky where i well
luke did his video on um bspwm and i thought what he talked about was really lacking he kind of just
like it basically did like here's bspwm it's a window manager and that was pretty much the entire
video yeah and i was like yeah well it's a cool window manager but there's a lot more here that
people have covered but i don't feel like they'd covered in the way that i wanted to cover it
looking back now i see i could have done it way better but um i was just sort of in the right
place at the right time and that's why my channel started taking off but yeah your your stuff on
bspwm was certainly much more comprehensive than other things i've seen because i know other people why my channel started taking off. But... Your stuff on BSPWM
is certainly much more comprehensive than other things
I've seen. Because I know other people
Oh, what just happened
to my video?
It had a seizure for a second.
Oh, happened again?
Oh, there it is again.
Uh... Okay, I'm going to I'm gonna stop this video
for a second, and we'll start this again
Yeah, so
we're back to recording now
My computer straight up just died
like, actually died
My minions did their job
I don't know what happened I've had my webcam cut out weirdly before truly died. My minions did their job.
I don't know what happened there. I've had my webcam cut out weirdly before,
Oh, now my face is too bright.
Run the fix cam script.
There we go. That's better. Cool. Now I'm not
blindingly bright.
Your camera was literally doing
like you're being hacked, because it would
stutter like like help help me
yeah that happened back when i was on my laptop a bit and i don't know what caused it back there
either so oh that's weird my give me a second i'm just gonna check that this is actually recording
because it seems like obs is not using using as much CPU as it should be.
Yeah, so...
No, it is recording. It's just not using as much as I thought it would be.
Okay, well, we're back to recording anyway.
Where were we talking? What were we talking about?
Video stuff. Video stuff. to recording anyway so uh where were we talking what were we talking about video stuff video stuff um you're like discussing like i like all my best videos this and
your content's this and blah blah blah oh right i think yeah uh i Right, something about
I was in the right place at the right time
BSPWM videos
Yeah, but I'll just go back over that
Basically I was pretty much in the right place at the right time
And yeah
That's pretty much the only reason that ended up taking off
But I do hope you do get some traction
Yeah, me too Because from what what i see you are making good content
they could uh i i want to do the uh tutorials a little better
i'm trying to figure out trying to play around with the format of those a little bit
is that what you're going to mainly be focusing on at this point?
Okay, yeah.
My notes I have in Notion,
pretty much all the notes are for either something relating to development,
whether it's more Ghost.
I have like four separate lists now. There's Go, SQL, Docker, PHP.
I got a lot of PHP. That's what I use the entire time when i was at where that last job was php php does some fucking stupid shit i hate that
i've done a little bit of php and it was weird when i did it then i i'm sure you know far more
about the weirdness of it than i do a fun dumb fact about php and i you maybe not may or may
not realize this um you know how most normal languages there's a thing called scope when
things like leave inner scope uh well php is like what scope you can literally declare variables
like within like an if statement or something and when you leave the statement
they're still there and you can still use them oh i have run across that yeah yeah the bit of code
that i was like going from examples of like it was actually using that on purpose it was just trying
to ignore the fact that scopes even a thing god that's dumb yep doesn't javascript do the same thing or am i thinking of another language
no i think javascript properly scopes things okay maybe i'm thinking of something else i don't know
but if you if you see like older uh php code in order to prevent that from causing issues a lot
of times when you see people
like about to leave like a block,
whether it's a function or an if statement or something,
they'll explicitly call, is it unset?
Unset on the like things they use in there.
So they can't accidentally use this shit later.
That's such a bad idea.
Why would anyone design a language like that scope is a very useful feature
I don't know
you can my boss
my ex boss he's a PHP
wizard he can do some pretty crazy shit
in PHP he basically
he wrote
what amounted to a utility that looked for,
so you can directly access like the PHP like language parser.
And he basically wrote this tool that it would look in the entire code base
for every class that like implemented a certain interface and used that and its properties
and its functions to automatically
generate an API and its
endpoints. I was like, bro.
Jesus. How much do they pay
you? Not enough.
They'll pay you less if they find
out they can do it automatically.
Oh, man.
Don't let the bosses know that you have
some script that does your job for you. Bad idea. No, no, no, man. Don't let the bosses know that you have some script that does your job for you.
Bad idea.
No, no, no, no.
Always keep that tightly held to yourself.
Yes, you do.
What else do we have on here?
So, I'm noticing you've been streaming a lot.
Yes, I have more or less a schedule
ironed out now okay i didn't realize there was a schedule there i thought you were just going at
random uh the the when i upload videos it's kind of random but they do happen on it's supposed to
try to happen on certain days uh actually this is i'm actually going to completely redo how I do the my video uploading workflow because I have this really bad thing called chronic procrastination.
And half the time I have like these days of like one or two days straight where I'm just like, I just don't fucking get to a video.
So what I'm going to do probably I did it some today but it's moving forward i'm always
going to do this on like saturday or sunday is i'm just going to literally record every single video
for the following week on one day and then just put them all up there
oh no i can't do that that's way too much effort on one day
i i i mean i waste my day half a damn time anyway if I can actually set my
ass down here and actually do boom boom
boom boom plus four videos that
okay the week's done because then the other three
days I stream right okay
in case anybody's curious
the base of the schedule is supposed to be if
I keep to the fucking thing is
Monday Wednesday Friday
I start streaming at eight
right now I'm primarily...
Basically, my...
I know you said you've only seen me basically streaming, like, Chrono Cross.
My goal is basically just to stream a bunch of, like, old RPGs
I've played throughout my olden days.
And so, like, I'm playing Chrono Cross.
The next game I'm going to play is a game called Legend of Dragoon,
which is, like, another really good ps1 rpg and then on uh sunday tuesday thursday saturday i upload youtube videos okay yeah that's my proposed schedule i have to keep myself to it yeah how long
uh how how how well does that go has have you ever actually perfectly kept to the schedule or always just like kind of move stuff around
because, you know, didn't keep on top of stuff?
I think the very first week and the second week I did that,
I did do that.
Then last, was it last week?
Last week I got thrown off one day
because we had to deal with like a personal issue
and then this past week uh on tuesday and thursday uh my procrastination killed me so
that's why i was like okay i need to just pick a day where i just i i toss aside everything
that's distracting me and i just pick the next four videos
on my Notion list and go boom, boom, boom, boom.
And then after that, it's basically just
feed them
into the script to edit them and then I'm done.
How long do you actually
spend recording a video?
I just do one take.
Even like the super long
like the longer tutorial videos.
Unless I
the only time I stop
is if I just completely just fuck
everything up.
Except for that I just
do one through.
And then if I do start and stop
I'll just like look
through the recording real fast and then PV to see where the bad part started.
And then I just copy it over the good part with FFmpeg.
And then I take all the good parts and I just concatenate them together in FFmpeg.
And then I take the concatenated version and feed it into the script.
Okay, yeah.
Well, yeah.
And then ta-da.
I basically take the second approach there where it's just
like i'll record it and usually there'll be good parts and then i'll just tape them together
basically but i i don't know how you manage to do it just a single take i know luke does the
same thing and i don't i don't know how you do it i fall apart way too quickly when i'm trying to
talk and i just i don't know i feel like when I'm trying to say something technical,
I want to say it exactly the way I want to say it
and end up re-going back over parts
because I want to do them better.
I fumble over what I say halftime anyway.
Usually because I have an issue where I'm talking faster than I'm thinking.
I guess is the best way to put it so i'll i'll just like get stuck in a loading please booting please wait i just i can't say what
i'm trying to say but i usually just leave those in there because i i i call character his character
he's cute he stutters like that that's fine now when it comes to like doing the whole single take that actually
doesn't bother me at all i think it's because uh i have this habit a lot when i'm uh like in
in a room by myself i talk to myself a lot right anyway so like when i'm doing recording all i'm
technically doing is talking to myself that's fair so once i got got over like the camera shyness of like the first,
I don't know, four or five videos, it was just,
I just like consciously remembered to hit record.
And then I just started talking to myself while I'm doing something.
That's basically it.
For me, the camera shyness hasn't gone away after 300 videos.
So that's my problem.
It helps when you, I don't know know either due to age or just things that happen
you just gradually get the point where it's like i just don't give a fuck anymore i'm just gonna
show people my ass anyway okay well i was i think it's also the fact that i have like housemates and
if i can hear them walking around that also bothers me yeah so i usually try to record when
they're at work but sometimes that doesn't really work.
Especially because one of my housemates is a teacher,
so when school holidays is going,
then she's going to be at home all the time.
So I feel like I've gotten better at it.
I feel like my problem now is I'm too critical of what I'm saying.
So I'm like, okay, I can record that part better than i like than it actually is
but i still do tend to think oh sorry speak faster than i think as you can see right there
i speak faster than i think and when it's with technical stuff especially that tends to just
like you uh you kind of look like you do you you still do what i did the first two or three videos
which is i started talking and then i basically went on autopilot i didn't even pay attention to
really what i was saying or doing and i was sometimes talking so fast that when i watched
it over i was like you can't even understand what the fuck i'm even saying but now i now i am kind of more
aware of what i'm saying but i kind of still go on autopilot just again just from the fact i talk
to myself half the time anyway yeah yeah i'm trying to be trying to being like catching myself
on that and when i do have those takes where i'm just like that's unwatchable i will go back and
fix those so i feel like it's getting better and depending on the sort of
content that i do i feel like it is okay uh but there's other sorts of content where i just really
go on that autopilot mode and just get the entire video done and like that is basically unwatchable
which i don't know there's i know there's people who say that you should just make the content
and then upload it and go to the next piece,
but I feel like I want every piece that I upload to actually be a good piece of content.
So if I feel like there's something I could have done better with it,
I will spend that bit of extra time, even though the effect of that
will probably be maybe a 1% improvement.
Yeah, I mean, very rarely do i ever actually go remove parts
out of a video most of the time i just record it say fuck it and i'm done with it that's fair but
if there's a part that that i'm like i'm consciously aware of the fact that i just
completely butchered some part i will you know just cut it out and concatenate them back together and say
you know that good enough i should try doing that a bit more often and just seeing how it works
rather than just because some of my videos get very jump cutty
but i mean is that so i mean a lot of most videos on fucking youtuber like that that's fair
that's why i don't see it as much of a problem I know some
people are complaining about it
but have you ever seen a video
on YouTube
yeah I mean
the only time I think I would
something jump cutty
to be more beneficial is when
it's just a video where you're
talking yeah I know you don't do those very often but you have like's just a video where you're talking. You don't
do those very often, but you have
a few of them where you do that.
I haven't
done a video like that in a long time, but
whenever I do, I plan on just removing
all the silence out of it. That's the main
thing I want to do, which, hey, I got
a script and I'll magically remove the silence out of the video.
Wow. That's actually pretty useful.
It uses a Python library called MoviePy.
I'm not surprised that something for Python exists like that.
Oh, yeah.
Actually, I'm pretty sure I could do it better, actually,
just didn't have it been better.
Because the way MoviePy works when you create the subclips
is it actually like writes
them out to the file system and i don't i don't know if this is a problem on the on the operating
system level or just a movie pie it if you try to write a clip that's less than a second it throws
an error okay so which okay i don't know exactly why that is but i just know that's that's the reason why
i had to tweak the i kept clicking the script but uh i could basically adapt the same concept
to just generate a bunch of filter graphs with ffmpeg to get the same sections of the video but
just do it using like the trim and atrium filters.
Then I'm just doing
stream editing. It doesn't matter how long
the damn clips are.
Okay, makes sense.
I've been
thinking of getting into FFmpeg
and just trying it out.
Do it.
I was going to say at one point I was going to be like,
so what exactly do I have to do to get you to join this weird ass cult?
I'm in now where I do all that.
Caden live is just so much easier for most things.
Like obviously once you have FFM peg set up,
it's great,
but for the setup parts,
the hard part.
There's not even really,
there's not really like a setup though.
It's just like,
you just have to understand how to use it.
No, I mean like...
Like, I have a couple of scripts.
Yeah, I mean like getting your script set up to make it so it's quicker than just doing it by hand with Kdenlive.
Oh, shit, that's not even that hard, dude.
Yeah, but then I have to learn all the options for handpicking and all that.
No, you don't. You just gotta learn the ones you need.
Oh, that's fair. Well, yeah, I still need to learn those, at least.
Or I could just take your script and...
That's not. Well, yeah, I still need to learn those at least. Or I could just take your script and edit it.
That's not even that hard because they have really good documentation on
just specifically the filters.
Yeah. I might look at it
at some point, but for now I'm happy doing everything
with Kdenlive. It works well
enough, except for the
problems Kdenlive has where it crashes a lot
lately. And it does that like every other
update of Kdenlive isn't stable
So you just have to know which ones to use
It's such a I mean hell
I hell actually if you if you told me basically what you tend to do like in general to like do like the final edit
For your videos I could probably just give you a fucking script that does it for you
Probably most of the stuff I do is cutting out silence or cutting over stumbles the stumbles is the hard part that you wouldn't be
able to automate as easily no i'm thinking more like you know how in your videos you have like
the little sub animation thing oh yeah i know you can do that yeah yeah and uh you have like
your little outro where you kind of shrink yourself and you have like your little overlay
i haven't done that but it's probably the hard figure out it shouldn't be that difficult you have your little outro where you kind of shrink yourself and you have your little overlay.
I haven't done that, but it's probably hard to figure out. It shouldn't be that difficult.
Actually, speaking of animations, I need to find a...
I've also been federating my content
onto my Facebook page.
I need to get
separate animations for the
Hey, like, follow, share,
I really have no interest in putting my content on facebook
like i don't think that there's obviously there's some content that makes sense on facebook i can't
imagine there's many uh people who are interested in linux content still using facebook probably not
though like i'm happy with the content being on um Library bit shoot bit tube and YouTube at this point. I'm probably gonna also put it on peer tube as well. Oh
Right. Yeah
When I eventually decide to set up my own peer tube instance because I could use someone else's but if I'm gonna do peer tube
I'll do it myself. Mm-hmm. I
Will say from having been federating my stuff over on Facebook
I actually really like how you can organize your content on Facebook.
It's super good.
So there's this thing on here that I really like.
I wish YouTube had this.
So you can create a thing called a series.
And at the first point, it just looks like a playlist on YouTube.
That's how it kind of sounds to me.
Yeah, but series can have seasons which allows you to basically group within the playlist
so what i did was i created a season um for basically just the programming tutorials
uh i think i what i call i call it i call it a boot up and the first season is just all the go stuff
and then whenever i start doing like docker or like the sequel stuff those will be separate
seasons like they're organized all by like what they are yeah so if you wanted to do like an
entire thing on just go you could have a go series and then have each season be like this is basically like chapters you'd have on something like um
any of the big uh tutorial websites yep yep that makes sense exactly that's actually kind of cool
good uh i was gonna say i don't really do content that really benefits from that though so for me
it's not really anything that is going to sell me on it but it is definitely cool that's true the only reason i messed around with that at all is because
from where i set up restream to stream on facebook too so yeah i did see that on youtube you have a
restream thing set up yep so i got i got i got convinced to do restreaming from, have you ever
heard of a streamer
named Devin Nash?
Devin Nash?
Basically, his thing is
he is very knowledgeable about
and advertising, and
specifically within content creation
and streaming.
He had a discussion with another streamer, another pretty decent and advertising and specifically within content creation and streaming. And
he had a discussion with another
streamer, another pretty decent sized streamer
about doing
multi-streaming. And the other
guy's argument was that, oh,
well, that
dilutes your brand. It kind of makes you look
desperate or whatever.
And Devin Nash is like,
okay, that matters if you actually have like a pretty decent size like following on twitch or something already but if you're like probably
99 of the people in this twitch chat right now you don't have a brand you have like two
fucking people watching you who the shit cares it's it's more pragmatic to federate your stream as many places
as you can to increase your discoverability.
That's the main reason why I use it.
Well, yeah, that's how I feel about just regular video uploading as well.
Yeah, exactly.
Same thing.
It's just Restream makes it easier because some of their tooling
allows you to aggregate the chat so that
everyone on every platform can see it.
Ah, okay. That makes sense.
With one caveat, which is
so on
Twitch, YouTube,
and Rip Mixer,
you could
whenever they would chat, it would go into
restream chat, and then the bots in the
other chats would federate it to the other
platforms. But because of Facebook's API, stream chat and then the bots in the other chats would federate it to the other platforms but
because of facebook's api you cannot do that programmatically on live streams on their comments
and i thought because i thought they just didn't do it because they just didn't do it but no i
actually went and looked at facebook's dev api they they do not have an endpoint for creating
comments on videos like that so you just literally can't do it.
Jesus. I'm not surprised.
Facebook's weird.
But that actually is kind of cool.
I don't know if I would...
When I do start streaming, I probably will
look into restreaming, but
I'm not too sure right now.
I'm not really sure. You would probably have more of a reason to do it than i would do it because you have a much
bigger audience than i do like the only reason i even do it technically is one i'm going to play
the game anyway sure and two the when i start to get a bigger following it gives them the
opportunity to come interact with
me live yeah that's the main thing that makes sense so it's like if they actually have questions
as to like something i talked about i can just be like yeah i'll tell you about it that makes sense
yeah well yeah because obviously i do have the following on youtube um it probably would make
sense to do it then i didn't even think of. Because what I was going to do was just direct people over to Twitch or whatever.
Which, obviously, if you do that, you're going to kind of lose out on some of the audience you have anyway.
Because they're not going to go over to another platform.
See, the main argument people had, I've heard people give for not doing re-streaming right from the get-go.
Is, oh, oh well if you get
enough people on twitch then you can get affiliate but then when you get affiliate you're not allowed
to multi-stream because they have an exclusivity clause in their in their partnership thing and
again devon ash makes a really good point which is you ain't gonna make shit from the 10 people
you have on your stream even if they all sub to you as an affiliate.
It's much more pragmatic in the long run
to continuously increase your discoverability,
grow a bigger audience,
so that you don't have to specifically leverage Twitch
and the fucking retarded concept they have where,
hey, you can't use 9% of our platform's features unless you're a partner.
And use that and then you know garner support
through other means whether it's paypal amazon stream elements tips whatever the only issue i
would have with restreaming is i would have to probably drop an upload because otherwise you're
going to start diluting your channel and youtube starts deranking stuff to get when you have too many videos in one day well that's the only issue with it because you it's not as bad with two videos but
when you start getting more than that then it starts becoming a bit of a problem
um i think i think three's fine i've seen a bunch of creators that i follow that
though they won't do more than three okay maybe it'll be fine i think
that's the that's when you start hitting the uh uh decreased return on investment
but the other problem is game content because i wouldn't be streaming like open source games i'd
play i know i want to play pokemon emerald because i miss pokemon emerald um and that's
just very different from the regular sort
of content i upload so i don't know how youtube would treat that that's true i mean you could do
what some other people do anyway which is they just let make a separate channel just for the
gaming stuff that's what i was thinking like like how uh short favor taku has game boomers or
whatever it's called i didn't know he had a channel called game boomers yeah that's where his gaming stuff goes on oh that's great
well speaking of that actually i didn't ask you how long you want to record for because i don't
know how long we've been going i think it's like an hour and a half maybe hour 40 we can keep going
around that shit talk about okay cool no because i i wasn't sure how long you wanted to go for
because i know some people you know like sleeping and stuff well i i kind of already committed myself to being here for
like at least like i don't know three or four hours so okay well i don't know if we'll go for
that long but we'll see so i see that you're on um on parlor now yeah i just kind of pop i saw sargon talk about and i was like why not i'll
just i'll just federate the shit over there too yeah i've joined the platform as well and well
i've got like six followers or something on there it's it seems like an interesting platform
i i have seen some pretty good arguments against it because it's not an open source platform but i think if you have someone who's sane running the platform it's not exactly a problem
yeah i i agree my only hope is they basically just don't turn into because like i i thought
about that with gab and then gab's all of a sudden like porn is satan we're banning porn like
well parla is they're banning porn as well but they're starting with that from the start
yeah which i still think that's kind of like bro who fuck cares but i get why they wouldn't want
to have it on their platform but yeah i i'm pretty much the same like doesn't really matter just put it off in its own little corner mark it as porn and it'll be fine
call it call it parlor xxx i don't know what
replace uh hmm replace the a with x's or something i don't know just i don't actually
care about like i don't care, I don't actually care about
I don't care about the porn, there's plenty of porn
anywhere else on the internet
my only worry
is that as it gets bigger
it turns itself into Twitter
and they start just cracking down on people
but as I said, assuming that the
owner of the platform
is sane
that shouldn't happen, but it's always a worry with something
like this i mean i think that kind of depends on the the primary user base too because part
of the reason why twitter is a fucking cancer is because it's like objectively dominated by
left-wing users which uh as we now say are kind of tend to be more hey you said a bad thing
get rid of him
whereas most of the people on parlor right now are
more like you can say whatever you want
I don't give a shit
yeah I haven't really seen anyone besides the people
who come to the platform
and then get angry that the platform is open
actually being angry about anything said on there
how dare you not censor them.
I saw some of the other negative
reviews for Parler. So it's got mainly
five star reviews and the second
biggest bar is the one star reviews.
And 99% of the one star reviews
are I went to this free speech
platform and people were using
their free speech and it was mean and I didn't
like it.
I talked about that in the um
it's gonna come out tomorrow for for us but i did a solo episode last week and that's coming
out very soon um i talked about parlor in that one as well and i went through and read some of
the reviews and most of them were just this people were using their free speech and i didn't like it
just this people were using their free speech and i didn't like it
i get speaking of parlor something i need to do really bad because i hate doing manual labor is i need to create like a comprehensive content production pipeline yes really bad like i really
need like one script that maybe has like a bunch of accompanying files with it
and when i run it it just post this shit here post this shit here post it i've been meaning
to do something like that for ages and i just never got around to it if if you do that there
is um again the the man of the day devin n Nash, talked about another concept that is associated
with platforms like YouTube
and Twitter and stuff like that.
It's called time to action.
And that's the amount
of time that
someone has
that is interested in your content, like a follower
or something.
If they don't see it within X time,
it's basically unlikely they're going to see it
right it was it was him talking about how like there's people arguing why like oh you shouldn't
reuse content other places because people will have already seen it and he's like well actually
no that's not how that works because the way that works is like say i i tweet about something on
twitter uh the time Twitter the time the action
on Twitter I think he said it was like
8 or 9 minutes
so like if I tweet something if you don't see
within the first 8 or 9 minutes after I tweet it
it's going to get lost in your feed
you're never going to see it
because most people obviously follow way more people than I would do
so you
basically just kind of
spread things out based on like you i haven't looked at something
probably look this up somewhere what the time to action is on platforms and spread it out so that
so you put it here and then after a certain amount of time you put it here and after a certain amount
of time you put it here that way it's always hitting a new audience right okay yeah because
the other thing about the time to action
thing is not everyone not even if someone follows you on multiple platforms they're not always using
the same platforms at the same time yeah yeah so when if you you know you're you're hitting a
completely different audience if you post at noon compared to when you if you posted like six it's totally different audience of course
yeah yeah well yeah my audience um i i post at 6 30 in the morning my time i'm not awake at 6 30
in the morning i want to hit the american time because that's where the main audience is i think
that puts me just before prime time so it's enough for it to get pushed into the algorithm yeah
um i'm not sure i'm not sure which specific time zone
it is that prime time one of the big ones that was the other reason why i wanted to change my
like recording schedule because i always get shit uploaded like super late and i know it's
fucking killing me probably yeah so i want to have everything just scheduled to just go up there at
like five or four or something yeah well i i take
a different approach i obviously do the pre-recording but i do it day by day but then i have a week
backlog oh okay yeah yeah so when like say if i get a new patreon or something i say on my patreon
now like your name will not appear for like seven days probably because i just got all this back uh this backlog pretty
much the only stuff that does go up day of recording or next day is when there's news
content because i want to actually like hit the news cycle because unless you're going to be doing
something special with the news or it's something that's not really time sensitive you kind of have
to be on that news cycle yeah like one that I did that didn't really matter
when I uploaded it was,
it was technically news,
but it was when the Linux kernel
deprecated the 80 character line limit.
Like no one cares about that.
So I can kind of use that
and then upload it a couple of days later
and then talk about something that happens around it
rather than being like,
and then talk about something that happens around it rather than being like
Lenovo shipping their new ThinkPads with Ubuntu.
With something like that,
you kind of have to be on the news cycle
because otherwise everyone's already heard about it.
Yeah, I don't know where I was going with that one, actually.
I don't know why I started talking about that.
Oh, right. Upload times that was that's why yep yep yep yeah i try to always i try to always upload at 6 30 um i wish other platforms like bit shoot and
library let me schedule stuff but they don't yeah that would be nice
because i have to first thing in the morning, I wake up.
First thing I do is I check my comments.
I go and I float on BitChute.
Even before I have breakfast,
I'm just laying in bed, like...
Scroll through my comments.
Is there anything to reply to here?
Probably not the best idea.
I probably should get out of bed first
and then do it.
Yeah, probably.
Actually, whenever I was in college, I had a really bad habit of just going like, best idea i probably should get out of bed first and then do it yeah probably actually whenever i
was in college i had a really bad habit of just like going like no alarm shut up and i'd roll
over and go back to sleep so i distinctly set my phone somewhere that i had to get up out of bed
to turn it off i used to do that i really should start doing that i might start putting it up on
now i've got a bookshelf over here i might just put it on there it's not the worst idea actually yeah i i put it where i couldn't reach it within arm's reach
and i also put the most i don't remember what it was now it was the most obnoxious thing i could
ever find to put on my alarm that'd be like okay nope nope getting out of bed nope not listening
to that i'm gonna do that. That's a really good idea.
I think the only thing that we didn't really touch on on your list here
was game
Yeah, that was kind of going...
I didn't know if there was really much to say about that.
I do have some extra stuff I have on my list
that I didn't tell you about
because I added it afterwards
this happened yesterday
did you see what I posted on Twitter
last night
whenever it was, a couple of hours ago
12 hours ago
the last thing I posted before my video updates
I saw you post
I just don't remember now
you don't have to remember
everything i say um because i had to go buy a new adapter today oh right your fucking ethernet thing
yeah yeah yeah yeah so uh it turns out that power over ether ethernet over power. It turns out the Ethernet cable might still hold some power.
And I think there was a slight surge,
and that ended up going to the motherboard,
killing that port.
I went over to Windows as well.
The adapter wouldn't appear on Windows either,
so it wasn't just a Linux thing.
And also, I think my audio my audio controller its
device name changed in pulse audio so something's happened to this motherboard and i have no idea
what it was and this computer is three months old so fucking annoying but But... Keep that in mind.
Note to self, discharge that if you unplug it and plug it somewhere else.
Yeah, if you're going to use Ethernet over power, surge protector.
At this point, I'm not going to plug anything in unless I have a surge protector,
because I didn't think it was going to be a problem.
I thought, like, I don't know why it didn't click with me
that having a power line
plugged into my ethernet port was going to be a bad idea but it is i forget what i forget if it
was like a year ago i i shelled out for a fucking battery backup in my office because uh i uh i i
miss having the fucking internet when the power goes out so now we still have internet
for I don't know
an hour or two until the battery backup dies
assuming the power
didn't also knock out the actual
you'd hope that doesn't happen
but you can't really be that
what was some of the other stuff on your secret list you didn't tell me about You can't really be that hopeful.
What was some of the other stuff on your secret list you didn't tell me about?
Oh, it wasn't really that secret.
It's kind of just stuff that's happened in the past couple of days.
So there's actually two things here.
I'll see if I can bring it up. I'm sure you've seen plenty of the stuff that Elon Musk has been posting recently.
I would usually see people reference it.
Okay, you've seen people reference it, okay. I'll see if I can find it. Why is Twitter garbage?
Anyway, so...
You've got Kanye West, who's now running for president.
Oh, yeah.
And Elon Musk has thrown his full support behind him.
He's like, you go, man.
Here we go, there we go.
So, I've got it on screen now.
There we go.
Okay, this is a different tweet. This is when he was announcing that he was gonna run. This isn't the...
Oh, no in the comments is you have um,
Elon's support, but yeah. Yep. President Yeezy. How does that make you feel?
Um It annoys me that he decided to do this now actually i don't think he
can really do anything now because uh in the states uh there's like a cutoff time on most
of the states to actually like be on official ballots so i think on most of the states he can't
even be on the ballots so this is i i don't know too much about how your system really works that well but
it barely works yeah that's fair uh but you can you can do what's called a write-in ballot
yeah where you go i don't like any of these people go vermin supreme put him in there
but if he like no no no joke but of course it depends on who else would actually
be running if the last like two elections are reflective of who we would get like in the running
next time which is in other words complete fucking garbage i would actually probably
very consider very seriously consider voting for him over the actual actual politicians well i've been hearing some other people say what he should do is um so run for
president right and then just before trump drops pence and brings on kanye's vp
that would be amazing at that point i don't know how he wouldn't win
like that would be the dumbest like 2020 is already the stupidest year i've ever been in
and if that happened i don't know what like what you could say at that point the simulation is
broken together with conway we're going to be we're going to truly make america great again
like i know there was kind of talks about him running a few years back but that was sort of
like i thought that was a joke everyone thought that was a joke like with the dragon energy stuff
and all that like everyone thought that was a joke and
now it's happening but everyone thought that when trump was gonna run that was also a joke and then
and then he won so i don't know what you could say about american politics at this point
i mean that it doesn't actually surprise me that much that he actually won when he did
because he was literally running up against
like objectively the most
hated fucking politician that most
people I know are like
fucking Hillary Clinton
probably anyone could have really won
against Hillary but
it's just so weird that we're in a
situation where like
an ex-WWE
manager is now the president of the united states
so are we gonna have a rapper be the next president i don't know
considering that for i don't pay like a lot of attention to politics stuff just kind of loosely no that's fair not good for you if
if from what i kind of understand the the the fucking funniest thing about this whole bit is
he actually ain't done that bad of a job objectively like he really hasn't he's done
like okay on foreign stuff um they call-hmm. The economy was doing really good
until China flu hit.
Yeah, well, I don't...
There's no one who could have brought
any country out of that.
Like, anyone who's been critical of that,
like, that's just nitpicking.
Like, nobody could have protected your economy
when the entire world's colon...
When the entire world's economy just freezes.
No one could have stopped that.
It's not
a fucking joke that
it doesn't matter what he would do,
the traditional media
would shit on anything he did.
Yeah, of course.
If he closed super early,
they'd be like, Trump's paranoid.
He's afraid of China and everything else.
And then he closes too late, they'd be like,
oh, Trump could have saved lives if he closed earlier.
It really wouldn't matter.
Well, there are articles from the same publisher
that are saying exactly that.
I don't know.
I try not to get too much into politics on this podcast but
it's occasionally fun just to laugh at the americans yeah i'm quite capable of laughing
at myself well that's good oh do what do we what do we have on here still so i think the only thing
we haven't touched on was alternate video platforms.
So are you actually using anything besides like Facebook, Library, and YouTube?
Or are you just using those ones?
I think the stuff gets synced, whatever.
I guess you want to call it synced.
Synced over to BitTube.
Ah, okay.
One of the three creators on BitTube.
bit tube okay yeah and one of the three creators on bit tube and i do mainly upload the stuff to bit shoot sometimes other than that no yeah bit tube i like the platform but they don't really
have the same level of i guess what would be the best way to describe it i guess enthusiastic community and that's kind
of what library has over them like whenever someone's like hey youtube sucks you'll always
have someone in the comments be like hey come join library or even the bit shoot guys like hey
come join bit shoot but you don't ever see that with the bit tube account or even with any bit
tube supporters like they're never around but like if some like even relatively big
creator has a problem with um with youtube the library official account will come over and be
like hey come check out our platform even if they don't do it they'll still they'll still offer them
like hey here's what we have available over on library come check us out at least yep and i wish i think uh yep if i uh if i
got the whole content creation pipeline thing set up i would probably actually consider doing
kind of going like the the extra mile like fucking six hex and hammer does where he literally puts
his show on like six seven fucking platforms platforms. Does he do that manually?
How does he have that much time to put his content
everywhere? I don't know. He might.
I have no idea. He don't
strike me as the most technologically savvy person,
so I can only imagine he probably does.
Well, no, Tim also does the same thing, but I imagine
Tim probably has, like Tim Paul,
he probably has people to do that for him.
He probably does.
Because I know he does have employees
so I presume they're the ones who are going
and putting the content on every single
platform for him
but maybe he has some tools to do it
that I don't know about
because I know that
I was going to say that
with like the, not the video
uploading but I know that with like the not the video uploading but I know that
with like posting
tweets posting like little
micro blogs to every platform there are some
services to do that but
there's a lot of platforms that aren't
supported by those services like for example
Minds isn't on any of
them or Parler or
Gab or anything like that like you've got twitter you've
got facebook you've got a couple other little ones that i've never heard of that are popular in
random groups you got like linkedin and stuff but the ones that i'm actually using most of them
aren't there so i can't really use them i'd have to go your route and spin something up myself
basically yep the only a tool that i know of because i looked this up before
that uh you could use as a what they call like a social media command center thing is i think it's
called and it's not free you have to pay for it obviously i think it's hootsuite i guess what it
is uh i don't recognize that one i i do use Zapier just so I can post my tweets.
No, it's not my tweets.
My video uploads onto my Discord.
That's how I'm doing those.
But apart from that, I don't use anything else.
I tried using Zapier once.
And we did use it for a little bit.
Me and my wife are personal business.
Because I had one of her old
clients wanted to charge wanted to be charged by hour wanted to be charged by hour okay whatever
um so um we she i had her use a service called toggle to track the actual like time tracking
stuff and what i did is I hooked it up with Zapier
so that whenever she finished a time thing
it would put it in
that client's
project entry for the time
so that it automatically would be charged for in the invoice.
That's actually pretty useful.
You were saying about Hootsuite before.
Was there anything you wanted to say about that?
No, I don't.
Or just the fact that it exists?
Yeah, that's the only social media control center thing
I know about off the top of my head.
So what's your plan to do this content production pipeline?
Are you going to try to web scrape it or deal with the APIs?
Or what's your plan for this
i mean i have to do both because not everything has apis like parlor doesn't have an api i'd have
to i'd have to uh spin up not what i know there might be one that i don't know of but that's true
because that because i remember uh uh d live yeah that streaming platform uh they didn't publicly
advertise that they had an API,
but they did. You could technically use it
because I reversed engineer it by looking
all the fucking HTTP requests going over
the developer console because I realized
there was a GraphQL API.
So they just didn't properly
authenticate the API, I guess.
I don't
guess so. I mean, like,
I wrote a fucking little go package that literally I mean like I wrote a fucking
little go package that literally
I just I looked through all the
requests and I literally like copied
and pasted the GraphQL queries
as like string literals in there
and I just inserted the actual values
into the queries and I just like
there you go
I just actually used it
but yeah I know that like Twitter and Mastodon and all that
do have public APIs you can't access.
So those should be much easier.
Yeah, for other things, I definitely have to spin up
some kind of headless web browsing automation to do it.
That's always annoying.
It can't be done, but they go and like change the css
and then it breaks like oh we're gonna add like an extra layer of divs here for no reason
can you not forget um i don't remember off the top of my head if
you could do that kind of interactivity with a simple web scraper uh i know i i know that
someone has made a a tinder swipe bot so i presume it's the same logic
well is that a web scraper or is that using like selenium to do it
uh i can't remember i think it might be selenium actually
because if i if i did do that
what i was probably going to use is there is a um there is a javascript end-to-end testing utility
called cypress uh that's way fucking faster than selenium is and the uh syntax is much easier to
use and i thought about instead of technically using it for
end-to-end testing i'd be like no i'm going to use it to automate my content posting
hey if it works it works
why is my cat losing her shit honey please stop
i thought my phone just went off for a second and I realized there's no way it could have
no one's going to call me at this time
and I have my wifi turned off
I'm just here and shit I guess
phantom notifications
I know
I guess this wasn't technically
on your list or something
that's fine we played out the list anyway
it's sort of what I thought you were talking about when you talked about the game emulation technically on your list or something. That's fine. We played out the list anyway.
It's sort of what I thought you were talking about when you talked about the game emulation,
which was the Raspberry Pi.
Oh, that's cool.
This is a retro game console.
You're running RetroArch on that, aren't you?
It has RetroArch on it,
but the actual image is called is called uh retro pie sure yeah
it just it just has a couple of like things wrapped on top of it yeah
somebody uh i have to find it again somebody made me aware of another like pretty decent
uh like retro game emulation thing that you could slap on a pie i have to find it real fast
so what can that pie reasonably play up to like what generation
so if you have you done like game emulation not in a long time right so in my experience it
doesn't really matter what hardware you're running it on.
Sometimes it gets a little spotchy when you start getting into the like 64
Cause some,
some ROMs run fine.
Some run like shit.
Some will run better depending on what plugins you use.
I think the most recent console that I actually had run on this,
even though the fps was a little
jumpy sometimes was a psp game hmm wow because i wanted to play this um there's a final fantasy
spinoff spinoff i guess like a final fantasy based game that was on psp called decidia
yeah which was kind of more like a brawler and i love the shit out of that game
and i'd rather play it really bad so i tried it on here and i was like hey works really good except
for a few of the arenas where there's 20 000 fucking cloud particles everywhere then it kind
of goes but otherwise it's smooth and clean i think the last thing I tried to emulate would have been like a...
Probably like a DS game or something.
Like original DS.
Oh yeah?
I know...
Even including the PSP apparently.
Any handheld game I've tried on this runs fine.
It probably runs even better on the newer rich raspberry pods.
You can get with like fucking four gigs of Ram and stuff.
You can get them with more than that.
I have,
have you seen the newest one?
Yeah. There's an eight gig model and it's really cheap.
But I,
I might end up getting one of those myself.
That could be cool.
Um, raspberry pie let's bring it up on the screen so video if you is this rather
high for it is yeah you can get any other RAM model Jesus Christ yeah the
higher RAM models are more expensive.
But, like, the base model's, like, $35.
Well, I think it's a little more expensive now,
because everything's fucking price-jacked right now.
It is $102 Australian for the 8-gig model.
That's not...
Oh, wait.
Is that the 8...
Sorry, no, $130.
That was the 4-gig model that was... Okay, yeah, that's not that... Oh wait, is that the 8? Sorry, no, $130. That was the 4 gig model that was...
Okay, yeah, that's not even that bad.
The other... Uh, like retro console
image that someone told me about is called LAKKA. L-A-K-K-A. L-A-K-K-A.
The DIY open source retro gaming
it looks decent it kind of looks like a ps3 yeah the one thing i did look at this the one thing i
do like about this a little better than uh the whole emulation station retro arc thing which is
what retro pi uses is in that and retro pi you have to put your roms in a
very specific directory right you can't just put them willy-nilly on laka you can actually put
them wherever you want and then you just say okay all of these are you can name the grouping so i
could say like okay this folder has all my snES games this folder has all my GBA games
So you can put them wherever you want technically that was the only thing I saw that was like okay. That's a little better
But apart from that you're preferring to use what you're using now
Yeah, just because I have everything set up on that one
Yeah, I might get bored one day and just like install us on a spare
Raspberry Pi I got just to probably make a damn video about if no other reason uh because i have like i got like
like weirdly obsessed with raspberry pies for like a very brief amount of time i have like
five of them laying around the house jesus i want to automate my entire house well it wasn't even
that um remember when i said I had that little
spiel where I was trying to learn new things
to be a better dad?
One of the things that I did was
I wanted to figure out
And I actually spun up a Kubernetes
cluster distributed across four
Raspberry Pis.
It worked.
Probably the best way to do it, but it works yeah it um it had a um
open source cloud function uh thing deployed on it called open fast yep just bringing up
kubernetes on the screen now if you can see it and so i guess i guess you did understand how it worked then so but it didn't really
i i i've gone through that problem where i was like hey i want to learn all this stuff
but i know i'm not gonna ever use it
it's like yeah i love this language and this is something i figured out
yeah that's something i figured out after the third time was,
okay, I'm not going to pick up shit and try to learn it
just for the sake of learning it.
Because the same thing happens every time.
I may get interested in it and stick with it for, I don't know, a week.
And then I'm like, oh, I just ditch it.
Because what's good is it going to do to me?
and then i'm like oh like i just i just ditch it like because what's it going to do me yeah like i i think i've probably learned more helpful things over the past like two months when i
haven't had a job because i actually learned stuff in order to do things with like youtube and shit
yeah yeah well my big problem is the reason i try to avoid jumping in random things is because i
tend to get very addicted very quickly so if i'm like
hey i like react i just spend tons of time learning react or i learn angular spent tons
of time on that if i was to start if i bought a raspberry pi and then i bought like an led
that could attach to the raspberry pi i would start hardware programming for three months
i mean you could you could you could try to be like the next michael reaves and do weird I would start hardware programming for three months.
I mean, you could try to be like the next Michael Reeves and do weird shit with it.
I could do that.
Or I could do something useful in my time.
But I guess here's the fun thing about the channel.
I can justify things that are a waste of time as content.
That is true.
time as content true that's true it's like oh do i need to set up a retro pi system no it's content though do i do i need to play persona 5 no but i can stream it and that's part of the reason
honestly that's part of the reason i want to start streaming because there's so many games
i have over here that i just don't have time to play right now but one of the main reasons that i decided to do to kind of sort of mimic what
fluke's uploading schedule was is i'm not i'm not a big fan of like picking up something just to
learn it to go make a video on it that's fair uh because i feel like i'm not gonna make a good
video on it everything i've made a video on I already genuinely
have good knowledge of it or reviews it mm-hmm so but that means I'm kind of I
kind of limit my video topics and if I just upload videos every day I'm gonna
burn through it shit really fast so use the the streaming as a buff room
yep i i definitely do get that and i feel like that about some topics um part of the reason i
like to what i've started doing now is at the start of the week i will go and be like okay
these are the videos i will do this week and then i'll learn the software throughout the week or
what i started doing now is i've actually i don't plan it out as much as you seem to be planning it out
But I do have some sort of plan so what I'll normally try to do
Where's my video notes?
So I'll usually try to do like three or so software showcases and those are just like a I
Guess so that I wouldn't call them a review
I feel like a review has to be a bit more polished than that.
This is sort of just like, here's this thing. It's kind of in between a review and an unboxing, I guess.
Where it's kind of like, here's what it does, but it's not like, here's why it's better than this.
And I kind of leave that part up to the people who want to try it out.
And I'm also trying to do more vlog content, so
two of the ones I've got planned out right now is uh, stop running commands that you don't
understand, which that'll be a fun one to record because that'll be just me ranting the entire time.
And the other one is also a rant which is uh, anti-archer leaders are worse than the archer leaders.
So I'm trying to do, like,
I'm trying to do maybe two or so vlog videos,
three software reviews,
and then fill out the rest with something else.
Like, generally what I'm trying to do with the tutorials right now
is stuff that I want to find out.
Like, one I've got planned is I'm going to do image previews in LF,
and I didn't know how to do that
and apparently there are ways to do it doesn't work well but there are ways to do it i'm kind
of just interested in learning about it i yeah interested in learning that so i'm just like hey
i'm going to do a video on it the way i approach it i guess is saying i'm going to do a video on
it kind of forces me to stop being lazy about something and actually go and learn it whereas you seem to take a different approach where you want to know a lot about it and then
make the video on it not even so much i want to know a lot about it i just i want to already have
a like personal interest in wanting to use it sure because if i if i i did this with uh what the fuck was it i did this with uh
next cloud where i used to kind of use next cloud a lot for and i had uh because it was on a raspberry
pi how about that how would that work i was thinking doing it runs like shit actually i was
gonna say that that was what i was thinking of doing and then i didn't do it because you know that sounds like a terrible idea except but i think the main
reason why it ran like shit wasn't actually because of the the resources on the pie it
was because i didn't actually like follow through all the way and it was still just
running off the sd card ah yeah that'll do it lovely reading right times let me tell you uh but yeah like that one i feel like i looked at that video and i was like this is kind of
shit because i'm talking about something i don't use anymore sure yeah yeah well everything i cover
on the channel is something i at least have an interest in like even the software that i don't
use i'm at least like hey that's kind of cool i will say one one thing that you did
show on your channel that like completely uh significantly improved some aspects of my
workflow was that uh that uh dragon dragon that dragon drop thing from the terminal
oh that fucking thing so much no one's heard of Dragon. I don't know how.
It's such an awesome program.
I need to get off my ass and wire it up in the LF.
I'm going to do another video on it at some point
where I talk about basically how you can get rid of
a graphical file manager and just replace it with Dragon
because you don't need it.
I love my graphical file manager.
I'm going to keep using it.
But you don't need it. Yep. No. I love my graphical file manager. I'm going to keep using it. But you don't need it.
Not really, no.
Because obviously the big problem with having just a terminal file manager
is dealing with things like Discord or dealing with web browsing,
things like that.
But, yeah, Dragon does definitely solve pretty much all of those problems.
That's almost what I entirely use now.
Like, every time I need to, like, put stuff...
Like, whenever I upload, like, the YouTube videos and the thumbnails and shit,
I don't click on the shit and look through the files.
I just go, yuck, over, there you go.
I did see something cool.
I presume there's a way to do it in Firefox as well, but someone
Someone decided to work out how to replace the file manager within chromium with Ranger and it works
What yeah, they just went basically went through the source code of chromium and replace any of the GTK file manager calls
With opening up Ranger and they made some wrapper functions to like save files in places and stuff.
And it's actually pretty cool.
Tell him to put it in an extension, figure out how to do it.
Actually, that wouldn't, I don't know if you have to actually go and modify the source code or you can do it through the extension framework.
I feel like you probably have to do it through the like actually modifying it otherwise that would be awesome
but i should oh yeah i forgot to yes i have to ask you what we were talking about the contest stuff
you like my new dang ass thumbnails we're getting now oh yeah thumbnails are awesome now i'll bring
them up on the screen my old ones are such fucking shit because i i basically did exactly what fluke does which is
put face on screenshot put contrasted colored text yay thumbnail i hear but uh it's a good
contrast my wife was like why don't you let me make one i was like okay and i just like told
her what i wanted and then she made that very first one that she made was the uh thumbnail for one of my streams
so much better than mine i was like wow wait why wasn't i having you do this before
and she did it super fast too usually when i like if i give her i tell her the title the colors the
call to action uh and i give her the like the the webcam screenshot and whatever resources she needs
she usually has that shit fucking done like an hour jesus yeah my thumbnails are functional but
you know they could definitely use that's what that's what
they're definitely better than that one video i even made that one video where i was like here
i'm going to show you how i actually make a YouTube video. And I showed how I was like, hey, I make the thumbnail in five minutes.
I spend about 15 on mine.
I find a screenshot that I like.
I work out my call to action.
And then I use my font that I use on every single video.
So what I did was I went on my channel
and I sorted all the videos by most views.
And so what we started to do is I'd go down the list of the ones with the most views and we're redoing all the thumbnails.
Oh, yeah.
Wow, that's such a good thumbnail.
I'm looking at the Spotify one now.
That's so much better.
It is, right?
And the FFmpeg one after that after that jeez that is i feel bad about my
thumbnails now she i was like bro if we keep this up and i can uh i wish i had someone to check or
to track better to like before and ask for like the ctr or something i would price you out somebody to have her make thumbnails for them far out i would i wish i felt like putting the effort for this but i'm not a big fan of the
face thumbnails i know they do well apparently but i i feel like if they're done poorly they're
really cringy yeah i think it depends on the person because
if it's someone who doesn't make very animated face animation like facial expressions it's like
okay you're there i see you what yeah there's nothing interesting there the reason why i think
it works on like mine for example is i i tend to make like really like
like fucking retarded goofy ass faces because i can do that and they work better yeah yeah i'm
kind of a i've actually had teachers tell me that i'm too monotone and that i should uh put more
emotion in my voice uh i got told that once a long time ago when I used to play
World of Warcraft with
a guy I used to work with
and he invited me to come do
a dungeon or something with him
with his friends and I got into his
vent and after I left
we were talking at work
the next day and he was like
they didn't like having you around, you sound too monotone
they make him uncomfortable, I was like yeah they didn't like having you around you sound too monotone they make him uncomfortable i was like what just talking i like also um another thing i commonly
have happened like i'll be with my mom or something you should be like hey i want to
take a family picture and she's like hey you're not smiling and i'm just like are you sure i feel
like i'm smiling.
I'm trying really hard, mother.
I'm trying to smile, but like, apparently it's not happening.
I can't, I can't do any more than this.
Existence is pain.
Take the fiction.
It seems like the only videos you don't thumbnail right now are your streams.
Yeah. right now are your streams yeah because uh i should but there's also like this huge backlog of the other things that need to be done yeah that's i'm just like whatever i probably the best thing
i could do is go back to them and pick a frame that's better because most of them the the
thumbnail is like the first frame to hit the fucking stream that seems to be one of his yeah it's usually either me or like the fucking
like PS3 console
dashboard instead of the actual game
no most of them seem to actually be the game
it's not a very interesting screenshot
but the six hour
yeah there was a
there was a guy
there was two people that tend to keep
coming into my streams when they're not busy
and the reason why that was so long
is one of the guys stayed and we just
talked about
shit for like two or three hours.
I don't know how you did that.
That's insane.
That's too much streaming. I mean, if you're did that. That's insane. That's too much streaming.
I mean, if you're having fun, it's whatever.
You'll notice that some of these last couple
streams, they ended really short
because no one showed up.
I was like, well, I did the part of the game I was trying to do.
Okay, I'm done.
Yeah, that's fair.
The last one, I actually
started streaming again
but only on Twitch in case
those couple guys showed up and it was me brainstorming YouTube video ideas. one I actually started streaming again but only on Twitch in case that one
just couple guys showed up and it was me brainstorming YouTube video ideas
I don't know what I'm yeah as I said earlier I don't know what I'm gonna do
with my streaming setup whether it's gonna be doing on to another channel or
cutting a video or what it is I'm gonna try i don't know what would be the or maybe i'll
just upload it onto the main channel and not really treat it as a problem i don't know what
the best way to handle it would be i might have to try it out and see what actually happens
i mean i guess maybe the thing you could do is you know not commit hard to being like oh i'm
i'm going to stream entirely on my channel
is maybe do like maybe do like one or two and see what the after effects are yeah like does anybody
watch it does it does it not matter do i lose subs do i gain subs what what you know just stuff like
that yeah i mean i mean for all you know you got a bunch of closet gamers and your fucking
subscribers all sudden they'll be like oh my god gonna go play pursuit of four i want to watch it
i know there's a bunch of weebs who subscribe to my channel at least judging by the discord
some of them are worse than i have you need to have community anime night yay
that would have to be on twitch youtube would yeet my channel for that
that would have to be on Twitch YouTube would yeet my channel for that
even then Twitch is kind of
there was that thing a little while back
where a lot of channels were getting in trouble
because of all the old past clips they had
where they had a bunch of
was it because of music or something
I didn't really pay too much attention
I think there was a certain
label or something
they went through and DMCA'd so many fucking old videos jesus and okay here's the thing
that was shit because uh another couple youtubers i've watched it also our streamers talked about
this is twitch in their infinite wisdom when people were freaking out about their their old
streams and shit getting copyright claims.
Twitch has a similar rule with the whole copyright
thing that YouTube does where
if you get a certain number of strikes, you just get
permit banned automatically.
Unlike YouTube,
there's no way to fight them on Twitch.
If you get a ban, tough tips,
you get the mark on your account.
Everyone's like, oh shit, what do we do? I don't want the marks in my account and twitch and their infinite wisdom
is like just delete all your old recordings on there and a bunch of people did it i did hear
that it's like that's not a response like why are you gonna throw all of your creators under the bus uh i've seen a couple people talk
about this and it's just kind of getting more reinforced by some of the objectively not very
smart decisions twist has been making lately um if only thing that has to happen is if youtube
decides to lean heavily onto the streaming aspect or platform which
is fucked yeah yeah well like one of our YouTube got the viewer base already they
just need to be like hey guys we have good stream tools now but judging by
what they've been doing with the studio I don't expect them to do that the
YouTube have you I'm sure you've seen the new youtube studio they forced
you to start or to stop using the old classic tools now i don't like it it's terrible well by
the time i got into this i i like almost i've barely ever ever seen the classic one anyway
like i've only used the new one so well the one i mean by classic i know people are gonna be like
that's not classic there's one older than that no I mean like the one before that we had right now.
The problem with the newest one is it breaks with vidIQ.
There's no way to rearrange your tags by just dragging them around.
You have to put your tags in the order you want them to be in.
And the problem with that is tag order actually matters.
Yeah, I didn't know about that until recently.
Yeah, I didn't know at the start either. But tag order matters. Which, yeah, I didn't know about that until recently. Yeah, I didn't know at the start either,
but tag order matters, so now you have to
write them in the order you specifically
want them to be in, otherwise
good luck.
Yeah, I have to, uh...
I wonder if I can write
something to do that automatically.
Just a CSV file.
There's no way I'm going back through
and changing like
50 fucking videos tags.
What you can do is copy out
the tags.
It's just a CSV, so just
reorder it as a CSV.
Know which tags you want to have at the end.
Know which ones you want to have at the front.
Just paste it back in.
That's all you have to do.
Do you tag your videos with your name
okay good because i that's something i didn't do at the start either it's actually a really
dumb idea not to do it that i tagged them with so besides the things that are like relevant to
the video specifically i tagged them with my name my name with the subject matter specifically
because that does seem to help why didn't i think of doing that that's a good idea like all
all of my good videos like one of the tags is donald fury going why didn't i do that that's
such a good idea um and then i have i this is something that josh told me to do he said you would go into your
analytics and look at your i think it's reach and see what the highest keywords are that people find
your content with and just put that one keyword in every single fucking video anyway that's a good
point yeah uh and then the last thing is uh you've probably noticed that dumb little hashtag at the end of my
video titles.
That's the name
of me and my wife's LLC.
At some point, she's going to
get on the content creation wagon
too, and I kind of want to use that as an aggregation
source between both of our content.
That makes sense.
I wondered why you always had a hashtag at the end content that makes sense yeah i wondered why you always
had a hashtag at the end but that makes sense we have a like a i just call it like a personal
llc that we use to route all of our non-full-time employment income through yeah which that's only
her anyway because she was the one that did like full that did like add a couple of graphic design clients yeah so my besides my name my top search tag is bspwm weirdly enough yeah i figured
i don't even do that many bspwm videos now but i don't know why it's still that high actually i
haven't done a bspwm video at at least a proper one, in a long time.
Obviously, I did the window swallowing one, but...
Yes, Luke, my window manager does swallow.
I knew that video would go off.
I thought it would go off more,
but I think if I got it the day after Luke made that video,
that would be my top video. That would hit, like 000 views without a doubt but because the scripts didn't come out
for about a week or so people have kind of forgotten about it i think if i did get that
on time i probably would have gotten another big boost. Probably.
Either way, I enjoyed that video.
And I got a cool script out of it.
I actually use that on a daily basis now.
Oh, right. Yeah, yeah.
Actually, speaking of BSPWM,
I'm kind of just now starting to use it more... I guess some of the more advanced things you can do with it.
Or not advanced, just... Some of the more advanced things you can do with it. Or not advanced, just some of the ways you can
actually selectively
ratio the window
splitting and stuff.
Ah, yeah.
I've never
fucking looked at the
HKD file before.
And I looked under
and I was like, like oh you can make it
split in a direction and within
a certain ratio so whenever
I was doing the tutorials
I specifically split it so that
Vim took up like 70%
of the top and then I had
another console down below to run
commands with
I never looked at ratio splitting but
that definitely would help for videos for sure.
Yeah, basically it was like,
this is basically what I would have done
if I was using Tmux.
But now I know how to do it in BSPWM,
so fuck Tmux.
I've had certain people be like,
hey, you should try out Tmux.
You should try out Tmux.
Is there a reason why i wanted why
i would want to do that like no not really i mean the literally the only thing i would gain
i don't know about you if i use t-mux would be the the persistent that's what people keep telling
me about it like persistent so shell sessions like but i mean unless i'm dumb and i don't know
how to do this uh that only mattered that would only
matter to me if it like persisted through like when you turn your computer on and off
like if it did that okay never mind I might be on board actually yeah but because I would usually
keep the same like tutorial layout probably otherwise it's like good I was gonna say
there's a really good tool that you might want to look at then. There's a tool for saving your X11 session.
I'm going to do a video on it soon.
Basically, you can save your workspace and just reload a workspace.
Oh, that would be very convenient.
Yeah, I'll check that out soon.
I might send you a link to it.
But yeah, it's really, really cool.
I think it's going to work fine under BSPWM.
And if it does, that should be exactly what you're looking for with what tmux can do or can't do i guess
i was just looking at my um my analytics and i know that one of my big traffic sources is from
tux urls because i don't know if you've heard of this website it's a Linux news aggregator and apparently I'm news so I'm one of the
news feeds on there like DT Luke and my channel are on there so I guess that's
fair but another one I have is from Tux machines and I've never heard of this
website I don't know... Tux machines? yeah this... Tux machines I don't know... Tux Machines? Yeah, this... Tux Machines. I don't know what
this website is, I'll bring it up on the screen. I've never heard of it before, I don't know
if it's a... It seems to be some sort of blog, I guess, but I don't know, is someone... There's
also a forum on here, are people posting my links on the forum or something?
I guess so. I wouldn't know.
I know on my analytics the highest external traffic source is that dev blog site,
Ah, yep, that'll do it. My highest external is Google Search.
Which is a really good sign sign because that means i'm
apparently my seo is not terrible i probably need to tweak that thing because my google search is
like four percent on mine mine's 67 which is a really good sign my dev.2 is like 69%. 69!
Well, that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Are you still posting your stuff over to there?
I try to, yes.
Especially the tutorial stuff.
Because it's literally a blog for people to talk about the developer stuff.
So I'm like, hey, here's a fucking video
where I teach you how not to suck ass and go.
Watch it.
Well, early on, a lot of my stuff was coming directly from Twitter.
So like when you're a smaller channel, it's really easy to mess around with that because obviously your channel is not going to appear as high in the search engine.
But you've got a fairly original sounding name.
It's not like Donald.
I know a lot of people called
donald but fury is like not a common-ish last name the the last name is maybe pseudo common
it's how it's spelled it's weird okay but also the furious tag the way you're spelling that as well
that kind of makes it seem like an original thing as well so once google works out that it can relate furious to
this sort of content then your google search should go up and up and up assuming your tagging
is also being done well as well i think the other main reason at least with the oops go away with
the uh the tutorial videos is while there's not a lot of like go or just programming tutorial videos in general like not
like a super a lot there's there's very established ones already there yeah like like it guaranteed
like on any of the shit i've made if you go look it up uh the first one or three videos are gonna
be fucking brad traverses yeah because that man has squarely submitted himself as like the fucking coding
tutorial dude yeah i get the reason you want to do it because as you've seen earlier because you
can like add a a bit of a different approach to it but i feel like there's nothing that can really
be said that hasn't already been said it's kind of just how you have to say it yep because there
is especially in a language like go go is a really popular language not as
much as obviously like c or c plus plus but there's still so much that people have said about
it that there's nothing original you can say you kind of just have to say in a say it in an original yeah I was looking at my
CTR rates on my
newer videos
oh yeah
they're definitely better than what they were
what is it sitting at right now
well so
the average across the entire channel
over the
last 28 days is 5%.
Okay, mine's 6-ish.
I think 4% to 6% or something like that.
I can't remember the exact number.
Which seems like it's a fairly reasonable number.
I don't know of many channels that have a higher click-through ratio than that.
And if you do, then I kind of feel like YouTube is trying to intentionally favor you.
Like, if you have, like, I have videos that do have higher click-through ratios,
and those are the ones that end up taking off.
But if you have a click-through ratio, an average click-through of like 15, 20%,
there's something weird going on there.
Because you shouldn't be getting that high. Yeah yeah there was um i forget which one it was one of these ones that
uh has my wife's newer thumbnail on it one of these had like 10 yeah i forgot what it was
the one i uploaded today that's on 10%, and that's... Pretty normal.
Actually, no, it's a really high-performing video.
So, my normal videos at this point of the day, which is apparently 8 hours and 44 minutes after uploading...
Averagely sits around like 800-900 views.
But this one's at 1200.
So, it's doing better than normal stuff is doing.
it's doing better than normal stuff is doing
via 10% is a really good click-through ratio but how many views did that video get?
well if I can find the video again
it was
I think it was
that is my
first Go video
it did 137 which is I think it was... That is my first Go video.
I did 137.
Which is fairly better than most of my other videos.
Yeah, judging by the fact that you have a pretty normal click-through ratio, I think the problem that you're having right now
is your video is just not being served up to people.
When people are seeing it, they are clicking on it,
but they're just not seeing it.
Yeah. Yeah yeah if you uh i i i use the uh i have like i don't just have vid iq i have tube buddy on too i kind of switch
because tube buddy's got i think a better keyword seer stuff and whenever i would whenever i would
look through it um even with the ones that do better,
it's like the ninth or tenth video down below everyone else's.
Yeah, I don't use TubeBuddy myself.
vidIQ is my main thing,
but I might start doing that and then cross-compare them, I guess.
But vidIQ's main, its creator tools,
I think are a bit better than TubeBuddy's.
The only thing i like better about
tube buddy is the keyword explorer okay yeah i think that's better but everything else yeah i
think vid iq is better at least when vid iq did let you reorder stuff and now you can't that's
one of the big things about why i used vid iq and broke it. And now I can't use it anymore.
But at least they did fix their scheduler.
With the new uploader, there was a time where you could actually schedule a video to come out yesterday.
And when that happened, it just automatically went public.
It didn't warn you or anything.
It's just like, oh, you wanted out yesterday?
Well, yesterday means now.
So, public. So here's the weird thing is you can technically do that
intentionally on facebook it's called backdating ah yeah okay yeah yeah no this was a bug it didn't
like set it to come it didn't set the upload date as yesterday it just automatically made it public
but it's nice they have fixed that now. That was
one of the things that did annoy me about the new uploader, but I still don't
like it. It kind of feels like they're just giving their devs a job for no
reason. It's just like we need them to do some work, fix something that isn't
broken. Because it's basically the same upload uploader but now it's in a floating window
instead of being a separate page yeah how long did it take you guys to make a fucking modal what
the hell's wrong with you i did hear um like occasionally the youtube twitter account will
respond to stuff and apparently they were saying like oh if we don't rebuild the front end there's
things on the back end we can't fix.
It's like.
That shouldn't be how it's like Google.
If that's how your fucking, your services are built, what are you fucking doing?
We can't fix the back end without modifying the front end.
Piss off.
That sounds like an HR answer.
That wasn't a dev who answered that question.
If a dev answered that question,
he'd be like,
anyone that actually knows how this shit works,
that's how that works.
If it does, you've ridden your software in a terrible way.
Oh, lord.
Oh, I know what I could tell you about
before we actually stop talking,
because I'm late.
I can tell you about the most horrible fucking thing I had to inherit
on a job before
the company
that I worked for when I got out of college
they got bought out
the same year
at the very end of the year
and that company
had done
everything for 10
years by one
contractor, and it was a
legacy PHP code base
the entire
application was in like three
files, and
one of them was literally just called
It was 340,000 lines of code,
just functions.
And then there was another one called like,
I think like dev funk.
And it was another like 170,000 lines of code.
And I think what this was,
those were only functions that were like stuff that he could call when he was logged into the application.
Through like URL stuff.
But that was such a goddamn nightmare to maintain.
My boss wrote this fucking parser that read all, like took all those functions in that one file and split it up into
50 separate files.
Because if you loaded that file on PHP,
a PHP storm, your computer would
freeze up.
What would this program be editing it with then?
Notepad just does whatever.
We met the dude. It used to be Notepad, and then at oneepad. We met the dude.
It used to be Notepad, and then at one point
he switched to Sublime Text.
Oh, that's an upgrade. At least you get code highlighting now.
He was an old school dude.
Like, very old school.
Like, there's nothing wrong with
doing PHP with that purely like uh
the notepad is not a code either that's i mean there's nothing wrong with like fundamentally
like the approach he was taking with his program where it's just a like a a structured functional
based program yeah but um he also didn't know what the fuck version control was.
All of the
releases, he literally
just copied the shit
onto the fucking live server.
They had so many times where they told us about
like, oh yeah, this shit broke. And I was like,
how do you release it?
Oh, I just, I just, he just
FTP'd the shit onto the server.
I was like,
what sensory are you all in?
You said he'd been working on the project
for 10 years, yeah?
Git has been out that long.
Just didn't use it.
He didn't even know it was a thing.
You're saying things like subversion
and other...
There are other version control systems. Nope, of them just copy and paste yep fucking hell now to to his defense part of that was not his fault which is that company
had the really bad habit of when they asked for something they want it now right not
a day not a day from now not a week right the fuck now because they always wait till
shit's on fire to ask for something so he was always just like scrambling to get changes done
like right now and he i don't think that man ever had time to go look up like modern tooling for his film that or or what i'd still kind of think even
though my boss didn't think this which is part of me thought that he was kind of doing it that way
on purpose they have to keep him on there and keep paying him exorbitant amounts of money
that's why a cobalt dev will never suggest migrating to a newer language.
They know that you can't get rid of them.
There's no one else who can maintain this system.
I mean, I could be wrong.
I have no basis for that thing.
It's just, I know that's a thing people do.
And I personally know people who've had that happen to them.
Maybe at a subconscious level he was doing it, but... True.
I don't know.
Fuck, that sounds like a terrible codebase to work on.
I thought that what I've seen is bad.
Like, my...
The last...
The last terrible thing that I've had to work on was...
I'm working on a Unity project right now.
It's a VR Unity project.
There's, like, maybe 100, 200 files.
Some of them aren't being used and aren't being commented and
you don't know they're not being used they're just sitting there uh there's functions that aren't
being used variables that aren't being used but the variables look like they're being used because
they're being used in a setter function so if like a variable's not being used in most code editors
or most um ides it'll just like not highlight it yeah but because it's being used in most code editors or most IDEs, it'll just not highlight it.
But because it's being used in the setter,
it's still
technically being used somewhere,
except that setter's never been called.
So it's just doing nothing. Or you have private
variables that are being assigned a value
and then never used, or a bunch
of other stuff like this.
And then there's just weird spaghetti code around
the place, and it just doesn't make any sense but that sounds way worse than what i've dealt with
i'm so glad to be away from that man that should give me ptsd dude but i i think i know why you
do it in one file because there's a lot of people who complain like oh php people tend to like
abstract everything out into a file you do like a function new file you
do this new file and you just have this hundred lines of imports before you have anything that
actually does anything so i get why but 300 000 lines is a little much like uh i liked how i found
out that that's what the issue was.
So when they hired me,
they didn't really have the funds
to give me a decent laptop.
I got a hand-me-down laptop
from one of the old middle managers or something.
And it had PHPStorm on it.
It ran like shit,
but it had it on there.
And I opened up that file,
and I was like,
my entire laptop literally just stopped responding
i had to go i had to literally force it to turn off because it would run out of memory trying to
parse the whole file how big was the file how how many bytes is in a 300 line a 300,000 line php file
i don't remember i wish i still had it the fact that you ran out of memory kind of says
a lot well i mean it's not like net be or it's not like the fucking jet brains ids are necessarily
lightweight things that's fair yeah they are pretty heavy by themselves um to be fair though i
jet brains are my the favorite ids suite like if I need to use an IDE, I will use JetBrains.
If you have something that can, you know,
has got enough resources to run them good,
oh, they're great.
I loved when the company actually gave me
a decent fucking laptop,
PHPStorm was great.
Well, except the 300,000 line file.
Oh, no, we broke that up.
Oh, that was broken up by that point?
Yes. Basically, what he did was he wrote something that after every certain number of functions it put it in a separate file and then
replaced that section that was taken out with an include right to the thing that was created so you
just the functions.php just have like 35 includes the segmented function files.
So don't bother working out what,
like if you actually need to include it,
just include it.
Too much work right now.
We'll deal with that later.
Because the fucking dude who wrote it
didn't even know what the shit was being used anymore.
The reason why there was so much stuff
was he was always too afraid to get rid of old code.
There was literally code in there
that hadn't been used for like five years. Was there at least documentation for it some of it okay the newer stuff had
documentation what about but that was part of the problem is we didn't know what was still being used
and what was lily sitting there collecting dust what about function naming did the function names
make any sense or was it just a mess mostly
most of the functions were named pretty decently
the part that got confusing was
again he didn't get rid of
he would never get rid of the old version of a function
so he literally had some functions
there were like six versions of it
yeah I've seen the same thing
always the most recent one that was being used
at least
comment it out.
Like, if you
write a new version and then realize,
oh, I don't need this, I'm going to go back to the old version,
surely there isn't that much time between
those two points.
That's fair.
I'd try to do the same as well.
I'm going to deal with this job, I'll find a different job later yep pretty much oh lord that sounds like lots of fun part of the
part of the many reasons why i i honestly i love development work i love doing programming but
i i don't know if i want to do it as a career. I feel like that... I mean, yeah. Having that as a job,
I think almost single-handedly killed my interest in this shit.
It wasn't until I broke it all,
I walked away from it and started tinkering around
when I had to do the FFM Pagan scripts.
I was like, wow, this is actually fun again.
Yeah, I feel the same way.
When I did my React job job i loved react at the start
and then four months later after doing 20 hours a week of react it's like
i don't want to see this anymore i hate react now i'm over this now and that i was in a good
situation where i was the only dev on the team. So everything that happened was my responsibility.
I can't even imagine trying to deal with other people doing stuff.
Okay, I don't know.
I got to tell you another funny bit about that, which was...
So we took his code, right?
And we were trying to refactor it
to at least make it something resembling something maintainable
uh but at the same time uh there was still stuff that the other like the middle and upper
management needed yeah so at some point there was basically like a split where we had our
slightly refactored version that was kind of more maintainable and then he was still making changes on a
two completely separate version of the code
to still support some of these random
requests and
it was just like we didn't
sometimes we had to keep looking to see what he
had done to mirror it back over to
what we had did I was like this is
fucked man I'm just looking over this shit
even having a version control system
isn't going to help at that point,
because you have such a different file structure.
So it doesn't matter.
It's not going to work anyway.
And it wouldn't matter anyway, because after we told him,
he still didn't use it.
Oh, Lord.
He was very set in his ways.
He was like, I don't need this shit.
I can excuse it with, like...
I think up until, like, third year at uni,
there were a lot of people who didn't use version control.
But to be fair, we didn't learn about Git until second year.
But there comes a point where you just have to learn it.
Whether you like it or not.
Just learn it and use it.
Here's a good question.
Have you had to do any interesting projects while you've been at uni?
Let's see.
Honestly, my honours project is probably the most interesting thing I've done.
And that's a VR data visualisation tool.
Which is now longer...
Yeah, which is now longer VR.
It's now no longer VR.
Now it's going to be a multi-touch data visualisation tool,
It's fine.
VR is basically how you control the camera.
It doesn't really affect most of the other
stuff um but apart from that actually my the dev job I did do it was it was with the UD so I guess
we can count this um yeah I was building basically a front end for a bunch of farming sensors so
on like a farm you'd have things like water sensors and other sorts of sensors basically i
was building a front end to collate all of that data pretty much and that was that was a lot of
fun at least while i didn't hate react once it got to the end of it that was cool because i was like
this is the complete product that's awesome the start was awesome. Everything in between, I hated. This sucks.
I didn't hate.
There were days when I loved it and days when I hated it.
When I was doing stuff like,
okay, well, we're going to make a page today and then another page and then another page and another page.
Those are the days that kind of sucked.
But then when it was stuff like,
okay, well, how am I going to take in this JSON file
and then construct a table out of this
and then create a way to make the table sortable
by the different attributes in the table?
Stuff like that, that was fun.
But when it's just like the boilerplate
and there's a lot of boilerplate in React,
But as for like actual uni projects, I don't really think there was anything i could really
say was that fun at uni the only one that i did that i made fun was so most of our projects we
did in the first two years were just like uh games they had to basically make um and the one
that i actually had fun with
mostly because i also had two teammates that actually fucking competent was uh we had to
basically so uh i don't know if this is even a game and uh down under you know what connect four
is yeah yeah i know connect four okay okay um we know basically well i mean I don't know what is over there and what's down here
so we had to basically make
connect 4
but it was 5 and the
board wrapped
uh huh
so the two
the two teammates basically did
the whole actual like game logic for like
having the AI move and how
the game actually worked and keep in mind the first two years that we're at uni we basically did everything in
java yeah we did i was left with i was left with the uh like the user interface so i was like hmm
how can i make this fun and i've realized i looked at the connect five board and i was like
you know what this looks like this looks looks like the password screen for Mega Man X.
I think the entire game after Mega Man X.
Oh, that's awesome.
So all of the individual cells were the little
password screen with the little
like, I forget what they're called now,
the little metal hat things.
And when
the game started,
you were always Mega Man
standing on the pedestal
on the bottom left, and then one of the
eight random bosses was picked
for the bottom right.
Whoever's turn it was, they would do their little idle animation.
When you picked the move,
they would do a little attack animation.
Then whatever boss that you were
facing as, it played
that boss's level theme music.
If you
won, they they died it did
like the the like that you beat the the victory theme like and then if you lost uh you did the
x's death animation and played like the yeah that's actually really cool and that reminded
me of that actually did remind me of the actual cool project I did do.
I was trying to think of anything that I did that was even remotely interesting.
I did an Android development course last year, and we made a twin-stick shooter.
And yeah, that was a lot of fun, because dealing with Android development is very different to doing desktop stuff, because on Android, you obviously have very, very limited hardware,
especially if you want to support older devices.
Whereas on a computer, you can just like,
use 8 gigs of RAM, eh, doesn't matter.
Particle system takes way too long to render,
eh, it's a computer, doesn't matter.
On a phone, though, if you try to do that
and you let the garbage collector run the garbage collector will kill you um but we actually we basically what we had
um it was a twin stick shooter in like a fast food restaurant and you'd be like fighting
you'd be fighting like basically the ingredients and the like the big boss we had was basically a karen and that i found that to be a lot of fun to do
sadly we didn't ever get karen's boyfriend into the game we didn't we ran out of time for that one
but and we had a guy on the team who was um he, he was a, a really good artist and he'd done
some 2D animation before.
And the game looked way better than it should.
Because every other game, it was like kind of makeshift art because everyone was like
kind of devs and didn't really have the artistic talent.
But our one game, it looked like we just put it on Steam.
The game didn't play like it should be on Steam.
It was like a dollar.
We were thinking of actually continuing
and actually making it a proper game,
but then, I don't know, we had to...
Everyone kind of got busy and had to go their own ways
and do their own stuff, but...
Yeah, I understand that.
What do you got there?
I was just looking up something real fast while you're doing that what keyboard you got i can hear something clicky uh it's a red dragon oh yeah
the aka budget mechanical keyboard yeah you wanted the mechanical keyboard and you didn't
want to spend any money on it nope Nope. How much is the Red Dragon?
Like, 35 bucks.
If that, I forget.
Yeah, I'm using a...
It's a scissor switch keyboard, which bothers a lot of people.
It's a Cougar Vantar.
I love my...
It looks nice.
I love my scissor switches.
My wife has a Razor Black Widow tournament edition.
I think that's what it's called.
Ah, yeah, yeah.
Well, if you don't have anything else you want to say,
we're getting pretty up there in length.
I don't know how long we've been going for.
It feels like it's been a while, though.
I know we started about just at 10.30.
So it's been about,
if you're not counting the little uh technical issue it's
been about four hours fuck has it been three and a half okay three and a half yeah okay jesus
it's been a while at least so yeah um i don't know if you've watched the end of the podcast
before but i usually like to do a shout-out of some random channel
that you're interested in right now,
whether it be on Library, YouTube,
anything that you're interested in right now.
Probably that one guy I talked about a couple of times,
Devin Nash.
He's really good.
How do you spell his name?
D-E-V-I-N for Devin. Andash is n a s h okay yeah i found someone called devin
nash i wasn't sure if it was uh his video started playing i wasn't sure if it was someone else
called devin nash uh is his um his banner don't wish for it work for it yes yeah okay 71k subs yeah
okay yeah if you're wanting to get into like content creation and maybe it may take most
talks about streaming but a lot of the stuff he says is kind of applicable for you willing to be
a content creator in general he's got a lot of good info his his entire shtick is he just can see just constantly
does analysis about like the industry and what you can and can't do to build yourself up
i might check some of this out some of it actually seems like pretty awesome content
like we've got the science of YouTube growth explained by marketing experts or
What's something else in here?
How to get what does restreaming grow your stream or things like this?
I watched that one a few times.
Twitch's DMCA problem explained.
Okay yeah I'll check this out.
It seems like a pretty awesome channel.
Okay. pretty awesome channel okay another is another another kind of like more
streamer oriented channel is it's called alpha gaming you briefly mentioned that
one before didn't you yeah that was the guy that I think Devin Nash was talking
to that alpha was like no I don't like restreaming it it diminishes your brand you got five years you don't have a you don't have a brand yet i have seen this guy plenty
of times before i think um what did i watch from him i think maybe it might have been something
about doing my obs filters like my camera filters because early on yes sorry he does a lot of really good equipment videos
I think maybe also might have seen something
about lighting or cameras from
early on yeah I've definitely
seen this channel before this is a really good channel
I can definitely back this one up
as well
he gets the Brody Roberts
in the seal of approval
I'm sure he needs it.
He has 300,000 subscribers.
Let's see.
As for myself, what do we have in my subscriptions?
I don't bother to plan out this section.
I kind of just let it happen.
What do we have on here?
I don't actually have library open.
I probably should have opened that up.
Let's see what we have that I'm watching on library right now.
Actually, no.
Yeah, we'll do that one.
That works.
I briefly mentioned him earlier.
I'll send you a link to his thing as well.
I'll go to his website, actually.
That'll be better.
Did he update his SSL certificate?
No, he didn't.
I told him on Twitter that...
So, the guy I'm talking about is Bonehead Media.
And on Chromium,
it seems like his SSL certificate is just not working.
Okay. Which, you know, isn't good. on Chromium, it seems like his SSL certificate is just not working. Hmm.
Which, you know, isn't good.
But he runs
another podcast.
He has actually two podcasts. One of them
I think is called Truckin' Nuts.
Truckin' Nuts.
Where he talks about being a trucker.
And the other one is
the self-hosted podcast
where he sort of does a lot of the same stuff I do
but much, I guess, more
short form, where it's sort of about one
topic. The latest one he did was
called is not free speech.
And yeah,
I'll send you a link to his stuff if you want to check
it out sure thing
and I will probably send him
a message on
twitter because I've been
I DM'd him a little bit and see if he wants to come on the show
because he's a cool dude
and he makes cool content
I like his thumbnails
simple but good
they are very very simple that's for sure. Maybe a bit too simple. I don't know.
I can't really talk, my thumbnails are a mess as well, so.
I'm not saying shit.
You don't even make your own thumbnails, you just have someone make them for you.
And they're way better than I could ever possibly hope to do.
Maybe I would put in the effort to do it, but as we were talking about earlier, I don't think the face thumbnails would really work for me. You can pull it off really well,
but it just feels weird if I was to try to do that because it'd be like kind of forced for me.
You'd have to make your face like, make an expression please like this this is pretty much
the most expressive i get anything more than that is just nope not happening so for me it'd just be
like which it feels weird for me i yeah i don't i think you should try one just to do it because
the fact that you don't do it makes it kind of look funnier, I guess.
It's because it's like...
Maybe I will.
Maybe I'll see what happens.
I don't know.
Do it for vlog videos.
Actually, that's not the worst idea, yeah.
Because the vlog videos, I'm always unsure about what to actually do with them.
Like, with the thumbnail I mean because with my like with the software showcase I can
like show the software show I can actually show the software but for like
a vlog don't I kind of have to find something else we what's off to the side
just shove your fuzzy face over there, man. Oh, the cat's over there.
He's being a fucking brat.
So, yeah, I think this has been a fun podcast.
This was really fun, man.
You're welcome back on the show whenever.
You invite me back on, I'll come back on.
Hopefully your channel starts taking off and you don't have to go work a real job i don't like real jobs either they're kind of shit gross but
i actually i didn't i don't think we really touched on that before we end off
what is your plan at this point you said you're probably gonna have to go get a real job soon possibly uh so the experience that i'm gaining from doing the
youtube tutorial videos i want to use that to make a actual kind of more comprehensive
like go from zero to can make things in a course.
Not sure if I'll sell it yet
because I don't know if I'd have time to do it.
I'm contemplating whether I actually want to
shill stuff to sell it
or if I want to do the other approach,
which is, there's not really like a term for it.
It's called monetizing free content.
Basically, you just put out so much free shit shit people just want to give you money back anyway yeah
that's my approach pretty much yeah yeah so hopefully it goes well uh i don't i wish i
had a bigger platform where i could just boost you up but there's not really much I can do to help that out
but I can at least
say go check
out Donald's channel
do you have anything you want to
shout out
besides your channel obviously
besides my channel?
I have a discord
if you want to join the discord
there's like 5 fucking people in it
if you go to any of my videos
there's a link to it in the description
I would gladly
take suggestions especially if they're
tutorial stuff
you've got a twitter account
and a parlor account and all that stuff
I'll link it all down below
I think the parlor was not in there yet but all of my videos You've got a Twitter account and a Parler account and all that stuff. I'll link it all down below.
Yeah. I think the Parler was not in there yet,
but all of my videos have links to all that stuff from any of my videos.
Just easy to go check your channel out.
As for me, I think we will end it there.
But before we go, I'd like to thank my patrons.
A special thank you to joachim
nathan craig uh wait no joachim craig i got in the wrong order joachim craig nathan andrew peter
d road tony donald this guy and zilver yeah i didn't actually mention that you're one of my
patrons the cheap one but yes yeah well still patreon any money is more than zero dollars so that's true
as all uh yeah thank you for that by the way i've never actually i said something on patreon right
at the start but i never actually properly thanked you for it that's fine man like good stuff it's i
sure it's only two dollars a month but you don't have to be giving me $2 you could be giving anyone else the $2 so thank you for that
you're welcome man
so yeah also go remember
to check out my Amazon affiliate
links if you want to buy some stuff and support
the content if you don't want to directly donate
that's honestly the easiest way
to do it if you
not just my content if there's any creators out there
that you want to support but you don't
feel like directly giving them money
because you don't have extra money,
use the Amazon affiliate links
and they'll just get a bit of a kickback from it.
And it's no extra money for you
and it's just basically free money
for the creators you like.
So go do that.
For me, for anyone else you want to support,
I would say for you, get an Amazon link.
But the problem is they shut down the account
if you don't get a sale within, like, six months or something,
and that's the only problem with it.
I'm actually coming up on, like, the 60-day thing,
where it's like, hey, if you don't make a sale in 60 days,
fuck you.
Oh, you do have an account, do you?
I do.
Okay, yeah.
Yeah, someone go buy from Donald's thing.
Maybe I'll do one. Maybe I'll buy fun maybe i'll buy something i'll buy like
i don't know a packet of tic tacs or something but i don't know what the shipping for a packet
of tic tacs from the us would be like probably pretty high probably um yeah also I have other things. My Twitter, Paola, all that stuff.
Check out this podcast on Library and also on YouTube
if you're watching the audio version.
If you're on the audio version, the podcast is available on...
There's a cat on the screen now.
The podcast is available on Library and YouTube.
Main channel, pretty much anywhere you- any of
those, plus also BitChute and BitTube and other stuff. It'll all be linked down
below. Too much hassle to say it all, I've got too many platforms now, and there's
gonna be more when I eventually get onto PeerTube, so I might have to find some
different way to say everything. Maybe I'll have icons on the screen or
something, I don't know. I don't know what I'll do. Yeah.
Go get animations done on Fiverr for like
five bucks. That's a good point.
Maybe that's how I should have got my art done.
I got one of my mates to do my art.
It's good art, but if I
got it done on Fiverr, I could either get really
shit art for like maybe five
dollars or a bit more, or get really good art.
Does that dude
know how to make like little simple animations uh no he's just a still artist
okay but hey if i got to the point where i was making enough for my videos i'll just pay five
people to just make thumbnails for me and then and then you can make this i actually like those
videos where people be like i paid three artists
different prices to make me things this is what i got i actually like those videos yeah there's a
there's a podcast in australia um called the cold ones um and they they keep doing like
all of their new shirts they've got like their main shirt line where they have like good artists
but then they'll bring in like random other shirts they'll get really drunk and just pay for the dumbest shit on fiverr
and just see what they get back they get so drunk they don't remember it by the time the
orders actually show up and they're just like what is this and one of the shirts they got was like
honk if you're a trucker and a gamer
and it was surprisingly good that was the worst part about it was well
designed but yeah i think that's pretty much everything we could probably keep going about
that for hours but it's i don't know how long the show has been i'll check it afterwards but i reckon
it's got to be getting on four hours now. So how do you want to sign off the podcast?
I'm going to do my tagline.
You can do your tagline.
Do you have a tagline?
What, at the end of my videos?
I usually just, I'm out.
I do like the, y'all come on back now.
We'll see you next time.
I've actually not watched the end of one of your videos before.
I know.
I probably should give you a bit of extra watch time.
I'm out.