Tech Over Tea - Return Of The Lost Episode #140 | Donald Fuery

Episode Date: January 11, 2023

The last time Donald was on the show was the episode that got lost when my hard drive died so we're doing it again and not even remotely covering similar topics. ==========Guest Links========== Websit...e: YouTube: ==========Support The Show========== ► Patreon: ► Paypal: ► Amazon USA: ► Other Methods: =========Video Platforms========== 🎥 YouTube: =========Audio Release========= 🎵 RSS: 🎵 Apple Podcast: 🎵 Spotify: 🎵 Google Podcast: 🎵 Anchor: ==========Social Media========== 🎤 Discord: 🐦 Twitter: 📷 Instagram: 🌐 Mastodon: ==========Credits========== 🎨 Channel Art: All my art has was created by Supercozman DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good morning, good day, and good evening. Welcome to a hundred... Wait, welcome to Tech of a T. Episode 150. I know what I'm doing. I'm a professional. Hi, Donald. How's it going?
Starting point is 00:00:15 Welcome back to the show. Hello. How everybody do? The last time you were on, they didn't see it. the last time you were on they didn't see it that was the um that was the episode that just mysteriously went missing
Starting point is 00:00:30 yep when your fucking hard drive consumed all your shit yep that was that was uh yeah let's hope that doesn't happen anytime in the future that'll be good you're just like this is fine that's okay i lucky i didn't lose that much like i didn't lose anything important
Starting point is 00:00:52 okay relatively so like i lost maybe like i think i lost like six videos um i lost the podcast and a couple of other little things, but that's all stuff that I can recover. The podcast was the annoying one because that was like, you know, this isn't planned out or anything. We just go and like fucking, you know, go and run with it. Don't lose data.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Just make sure you have backups and stuff. Make sure you, you know, are doing stuff in a um you know sensible way with your data management my audio needs to be brought down just a touch what was my response when you said that i was like about to hop on that butter fs snapshot train yeah boy yeah a lot of people started being like hey why why don't you use butterfest now? Why don't you use this? Why don't you use that? Like, mate, I just want my system to work. I'll deal with, like, any other
Starting point is 00:01:49 sort of thing later. Right now, get the data off that drive, get it onto a drive that I know is safe. I'm gonna just use EXT4, because I know how to set it up, I know it works. I'll deal with the other things that might be better later
Starting point is 00:02:06 that's what matters now how you doing man how was your christmas how's your new year's um the christmas breaks i've basically been off work since like uh the week of christmas up until today um the startup was a little fucked because the ice storm came through and knocked our power out for four days oh yeah the u.s has been going through uh through through that hasn't it yeah that was that was kind of fucked so we didn't we basically were trying not to freeze for three fucking days um but after that it was fine it was great just to play a lot of games and worked on that little side project that I got an idea
Starting point is 00:02:51 for we'll talk about later one of the games I actually got on a whim I was surprised how much I liked that game actually it was Marvel Midnight Suns I've seen ads for it all over the place i have no idea what this game is uh basically it's a game where you play as a character that's not
Starting point is 00:03:16 like an actual like canonical marvel character i think it's just for that story yeah um and you basically end up working with a lot of marvel characters in what i assume is like a story that's unique to that game yeah yeah and it's a turn-based combat and there's like a car element where all your attacks are cars that you draw so okay um so like it's basically it's a strategy game that involves cards, so there's kind of like that little like crashes at like collector itch if you like card related things.
Starting point is 00:03:51 But I like the combat a lot and the way they do the characters in that game, even if you're somebody who like really knows jack shit about Marvel or any of the Marvel heroes, if they tell you enough about them that you like you know who they are you know like how they are the way they are now and like what like what they are yep yep i was trying to find
Starting point is 00:04:13 a gameplay footage on the uh steam page but there is this is all cinematic trailers um didn't work out very well uh Midnight Sun. Game play. Let's have a look. Here we go. IGN. IGN saved the day. Show me something. I instantly skip ahead straight into cutscene.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Okay. I don't care at all about Marvel stuff. I'm not. I like while i was growing up like i sure i watched like you know anime stuff but i'm not like i'm not like a big marvel fan boy yeah i just know certain characters but yeah like there was it was like a good mix of there were characters that again i'm not marvel fan boy i had no fucking clue who the hell they even were but they explained who they were enough that i got the gist of like what makes them unique right then i but then the other characters that
Starting point is 00:05:10 i did know about from watching ama stuff when i was younger uh they did them like really well like i was like i like yeah this is definitely that's definitely iron man that's definitely spider-man just the way they act and stuff yeah right right right so you've been enjoying Iron Man yeah cuz like Iron Man's snarky as fuck yeah fireman won't shut the fuck up yeah yep yep yep yep so you just picked up that up just like out of nowhere like wasn't even planning to get it um got interested in it because i got recommended a video ramley that was like a build guide on one of the characters that's one way to get into a game yeah i was like oh this looks really cool actually so i just bought it at a wimp of walmart and played i was like oh shit
Starting point is 00:05:57 actually i really liked this game i've got way too many games in my list of games to play. Maybe I'll play it at some point, but when you're into JRPGs, they can absorb a lot of your time without much challenge. Oh, yeah, yeah. Right now, I started playing through this. I don't know if you can see it on your side. Oh, it's in a tally here.
Starting point is 00:06:23 I play quite a few games actually. I've never actually played through one myself. One of my mates I think during high school, he was playing through Escher and Logie. Yeah. On PS3.
Starting point is 00:06:44 I think the first one I ever played was it was also on ps3 it was i think what the hell was it it was this third entry because you know they're usually like a trilogy yeah yeah um it was the last entry in that trilogy i think it was altelier medidoo i think that's what it's called oh yeah yeah okay i i if i it's just the one i'm thinking of that's one of the ones that has like a ridiculous uh painful time limit yes it does yes there's a there's a hard cut off that once you cut off like yeah this one has a time limit as well but everyone's like oh yeah you'll finish the game with like i'll finish like the exam part with like 150 days left like there's no worry at all um i hear this one on the other hand is a little bit um
Starting point is 00:07:34 a little bit stricter with its time it probably is because i only played through it once and i definitely did not finish everything oh yeah yeah i have to go back and play like i've been really enjoying playing through fearless it's been very fun uh technically this is the second game in its trilogy um uh adler sophie is the first one yeah And this, the game actually starts off, I don't know if any of the other games do this, but this game starts off with the main character of this one being trained by the main character
Starting point is 00:08:13 of the previous one. Yeah, I think that's a pretty reoccurring theme, yeah. But yeah, it's been a long time since I've played a turn-based JRPG. That's the one thing that's just caught my attention straight away. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Because a lot of modern RPGs are just real-time now. Even Final Fantasy at this point is just all real-time. And I'm excited for XVI, but I would like a proper long turn-based JRPG again. That would be lovely. I get why there's the appeal for real-time stuff. It seems like that's just... For a lot of people, that's just more exciting.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Some people find turn-based stuff kind of boring. But, I don't know. There's always a part of me that kind of wants it to come back. Yeah, that's why I still go back and play older stuff like uh my favorite RPG is still probably Chrono Cross that was on PS1 I still go back and play it
Starting point is 00:09:13 I've been meaning to play uh some of the some of those games um once again it's another thing on my infinitely growing list of games that I need to play. And the problem also is there's a lot of games I want to stream as well. So it's like, do I play this in my spare time?
Starting point is 00:09:33 Do I stream it? If I stream it, then I've got to find some slot to put it in. And I don't stream that much. So like... Like Elden Ring, for example. I really want to play Elden Ring oh Jesus I just I I need to find some time to actually do it like the problem with that compared to like you know the mainline souls games is it's fucking too long yeah it's it's super long holy shit like that
Starting point is 00:10:01 seems to be like I've seen some people make complaints that really like elden ring and the fact that it's so long is usually their biggest complaint yeah like um i saw a very interesting video kind of talking about like but there was someone basically going like why i'm not going to replay through elden ring i and it was because like i've seen the same video maybe it was him basically saying like you know oh you know even though older and rang just as much if not you maybe even more so has more variation with what you can do yeah because it's so long you even if you really enjoy it it kind of burns you out from wanting to do it. Yeah. Yeah. Because the other the other ones, you know, Bloodborne Souls one. I don't know about two or three. You can, you know, realistically probably play through them in like a day or two, depending on like how.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Yeah. Especially if you have a good understanding of how the game works at that point. Yeah. Yeah. But like. You can do that in Elden Ring, but like you literally blow through like 90 percent of the game if you can do that an old ring but like you usually literally blow through like 90 of the game if you do it that way you know you can like i if this is the same video this person was talking a lot about um a lot about pvp as well where they would spin up pvp characters
Starting point is 00:11:20 at different stages of the game but because it's just so long they just can't justify and they just don't find it fun getting to those points with you know whatever build they want to get to whereas with you know dark souls one you couldn't yeah you could even if you want to just get to like the end of the game like it doesn't take that long i think the other thing he was complaining about is that i didn't actually realize this till he pointed it out is that elder ring doesn't have those like faction stuff that you can do in oh the other ones like where you like put on a thing and you're like part of like a group or a faction which can prompt pvp things to happen that's not
Starting point is 00:12:00 in l ring at all oh okay Yeah, it's just not there. Huh. Once again, I do need to really play. I want to also go back and finish DS3 first, though. Because I think I got well into the game, but I was playing it at a time where... I think I was playing it when I was still at uni, actually. And I got busy with classes and just couldn't keep up the
Starting point is 00:12:27 game so I might as well just go back to the start and just play it again or whatever same with things like, I've not even touched Sekiro before, that's another game I definitely definitely need to play I've never played that either there's too many good games
Starting point is 00:12:44 to play, this is the problem. I know, man. Look, it'd be one thing if there was a lot of games and most of them were terrible, but no, that's not the world we live in right now. And then there's games that are coming out where it's like, I want to play this as well, like Wukong Black Myth,
Starting point is 00:12:58 when that eventually comes out. Oh, yeah. I'm absolutely playing that. And then at least maybe you have a little bit of an advantage over someone who's like more my age because it's like there's still like a bunch of games from when I was younger that I'm like
Starting point is 00:13:14 I want to go back and play this 64 game or this Super Nintendo game that's fair okay there are some like I don't think there's any N64 games I want to go back and play but there are some like i don't think there's any n64 games i want to go go back and play but there are some maybe it's it's just as like a joke game but there are some ps1 games i want to go back and play like i want to go back and play the uh the first harry potter game just because i know how
Starting point is 00:13:36 dumb it is yeah i know what you're talking about what do you mean there's no 64 games you want to play what the fuck nothing that like comes to mind at least i'm sure like if you gave me a list of things like there's probably some rpgs back then that i'd want to play um but any of like the major major ones would have been re-released at on something else by this point there actually was i don't think there actually was a lot of like rpgs on okay well like a lot of the really good games around 64 are kind of more like platformers that's fair okay like like bandra gazillion stuff like that yeah no that's totally fair um there's probably at least a dragon quest game back then that i want
Starting point is 00:14:23 to play as well, though. At least one. The only RPG I know of off the top of my head that's on there that's not a very good game is called Quest 64. Quest 64. Yeah, actually, I remember playing through that whole game. Holy shit, it's so grindy. Oh, that...
Starting point is 00:14:42 Yeah, I see the cover art. That just looks like an N64. Yep, that's definitely an N64 game. Yeah, boy. There's something charming about N64 3D. Like, it's so bad. But it's bad in, like, a... It's bad in a...
Starting point is 00:15:04 way that you can appreciate a way you like have nostalgia for it's not like I think PS1 in some ways did that as well um
Starting point is 00:15:19 but there's also just a lot of stuff there's definitely a lot of stuff in both the generations that wouldn't, we're not good. Um, we're not good 3d wise, but you know,
Starting point is 00:15:32 there is something charming about that old early 3d style. Like basically what you're comparing is, uh, even if like, obviously it's dated because it's a 64 game there are games that despite being dated they're still fun to play
Starting point is 00:15:51 they're still just good games it's not just that they're fun to play I think the art style holds up I think obviously the Mario games do this super well there's not a single Mario game in history where you're like this looks bad Nintendo is always very very aware the Mario games do this super well. There's not a single Mario game in history where you're like, this looks bad.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Nintendo's always very, very aware of what their hardware is capable of and how they can adapt the Mario art style to work on that system. It's true. When I think of games that still play well, even though they look
Starting point is 00:16:23 dated, we're thinking of like Ocarina of like games that still play well even though they look you know dated we're thinking of like you know ocarina of time paper mario blast corpse i was not a nintendo kid i i was not a nintendo kid i need to play i've not played a i'm not just not played ocarina of time i've not played a zelda game but somebody that listens to this buy him a fucking U64 and send it to his ass no don't buy me a U64 holy shit do you know how expensive N64s are and N64 games are at this point
Starting point is 00:16:54 uh yeah I bought one yeah fucking uh man I don't know what's going on in the second like not second in the the retro game market. Like, I saw this, this got maybe so depressed. I saw this YouTube short of someone going to, they went to GameStop and they're like,
Starting point is 00:17:15 oh, I found a copy of Pokemon Black 2. It was a great deal. $70. That's more than the game retailed for and it's a ds game well like here's the ship so i started like trying to recollect old games because i don't have any of my old ones anymore and you're depending on which ones you're trying to get at least over here in the u.s like see i think like the average price i was paying for certain games was like 40 50 bucks yeah these are keep my just 64 games it's just like what two decades over so i'm sure over the hell yeah
Starting point is 00:17:56 the other thing that's shitty is like there are certain games that they're a little harder to find and knowingly two of the games i actually really want to get to play are in this category um one of them is usually like 90 bucks the other one's more like 200 bucks oh god that's like look if people are gonna buy it i don't look if you want to sell it for that and people are gonna buy it whatever but like what see like n64 is probably the only console i would make this exception for and actually buy the games and there's one reason why it's because emulating them sucks is it i didn't know that yeah i've tried that i've emulated stuff from like you know atari up to psp basically um for whatever reason trying to emulate certain n64 roms just does not work well
Starting point is 00:19:04 at all i've tried i don't even fucking know how many different combinations of like emulators plugins whatever the hell some games just don't emulate well at all they just don't uh and you almost kind of have to have the actual art to play it yeah in some way that's playable at all but but then there are other ones that they emulate fine and i i don't think i i don't think i tried to emulate too many ps1 ps2 games but i never had a problem with those ps2 games emulate near perfectly from what from my experience like i don't know and the shitty part is is those two games i told you that i want to play but they're expensive those don't emulate well right one is a ogre battle 64
Starting point is 00:19:47 and depending on what plugins i use i either had fucking five fps or the like static like background that is shown during like the combat is have you told me about this game before it was in my search history maybe Maybe. Maybe. Very possible. Yeah. And the other one is Mystical Ninja Star Goemon. What did you just say? Depending on where you're looking at, has like 5 to 20 FPS. There's no getting 30 FPS in that.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Mystical Ninja Star Goemon. Okay. I gave this hell of a 5 it looks cool I have no idea what it's about but it looks cool that's one that you have to play to understand
Starting point is 00:20:36 the the retro market that really baffles me is the PS Vita retro market. Because the Vita was, it didn't sell very well. So the Vita games that do exist that people do want to get are all just stupidly expensive. Like, um, Is Memories of Celceta, which is a really good game that you can buy on PC right now. And it runs perfectly for like $10.
Starting point is 00:21:06 really good game that you can buy on pc right now and it runs perfectly for like ten dollars um the vita version which is a worse version of the game ninety dollars just normally it's like why i actually the one that really confuses me is whenever people um whenever people are trying to sell like you know old mario games which always sell like millions and millions of copies it's not rare at all but it's always like yes this is perfect in box ten thousand dollars like what what do you mean? The only Mario game I know off the top of my head that's expensive, and it's because of what console is for, is Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door. It's on GameCube.
Starting point is 00:21:58 GameCube just didn't sell quite as much as some of the other ones, so a lot of the GameCube games are just more expensive in general right I've never actually played a Paper Mario game, I should do that oh yeah, you have to those are super good
Starting point is 00:22:13 little turn-based RPGs yeah, the only spin-off Mario game I've played is it's just called Super Mario RPG oh, Super NES, yeah maybe it's not that one or maybe it got re-released on no it wasn't that there was a unless it got re-released on ds there was a ds game that was a mario rpg uh you're probably talking about there there is a like a series
Starting point is 00:22:42 of mario rpg games it's like mario and luigi yeah yeah yeah talking about yeah that might be it instead um i don't remember which one it was but it was really fun like i i like the idea of a mario rpg like it as much as you know mainline games are cool it's it's neat when they do experiment with other types of games like that and they actually just turn out to just be really good games. The funny part is, pretty much every single RPG they've made based on Mario is actually really good. That's what I've heard.
Starting point is 00:23:15 I think whatever the latest version of Paper Mario was, the Origami King or whatever, I heard that one wasn't good. Paper Mario, Origami King. Yeah, it is Origami King or whatever. I heard that one wasn't good. Paper Mario Origami King. Yeah, it is Origami King. That's on the Switch. It's got
Starting point is 00:23:34 high... It's got a high Metacritic, but we don't trust the reviewers. It's got a user score of 7. It's not that bad, but it's definitely not like a god tier game by the sounds of it yeah I think
Starting point is 00:23:50 I'm probably being a bit exaggerated I said like not very good it seems like it's just more me compared to the past paper Mario games it's not as good it's not like this game that can be remembered
Starting point is 00:24:06 until the end of time, basically. Yeah, because the first two paper Mario games are like console-defining games on those consoles. I'd definitely go back and play them. Just because I... Not in Nintendo Kids.
Starting point is 00:24:24 There were so many exclusive Nintendo titles that I just never I never got a chance to play um because when I was a kid I only had my first console was a PS2 a little bit later I got an original Xbox. I got a Game Boy Micro, which is basically a Game Boy Advance, but just this tiny little thing. Then I got a DS and eventually got a PS3,
Starting point is 00:24:56 PS4, so on and so forth. I've played some Atari games because my aunt or something like that had an Atari that she just had sitting around in a, like, what do you call it? Like, game room since, like, the Atari came out. But anything in between that range, I pretty much haven't touched unless it got, got like a remake or a re-release on something uh something newer man we need to culturally enrich your retro game repertoire oh absolutely how does it make you feel that people are starting to call like the ps3 retro i mean it's like yeah that doesn't surprise me actually it's technically not wrong but it does
Starting point is 00:25:42 it does bother me a little bit maybe it doesn't bother me because i mean most of the shit i grew up with has been retro for a long time anyway sure sure it's like uh first console that i had was nes and that was a second hand for my uncle who apparently, funny enough he's actually he's been playing games for a long time because he had he still has tons of shit, he has from Atari 2600 all the way up to a Switch
Starting point is 00:26:15 he has all kinds of stuff in between from Nintendo and Microsoft and Playstation I wish I didn't get rid of my older consoles i i think i i think i gave the ps2 to my sister and then she got rid of it at some point i think same with my ps3 um but thinking back on the games i had some of them now like some of them still worthless like the jack and daxter games surprisingly aren't actually worth much but i definitely had some random things in there that just have value
Starting point is 00:26:51 for no reason i can't verify like i've never told you at some point i can't remember possibly the only time i had a almost had the opportunity to get a game that i found out later was expensive was actually i'm pretty sure i told you before uh there's a there's a n64 port of starcraft of course yeah and um i used to rent it from this one radio rental store and play it i had no idea what starcraft was i just oh it's nortio's game i like this fun uh well the video store went out of business and they liquidated their stock and i wanted to go get that game because i liked it so much yeah well by time i finally got you know a family member to drive me over there somebody already got it i was like damn that sucks and then i think at an anime convention uh you know years ago somebody that sold retro
Starting point is 00:27:47 games at a stall had that there and it was fucking price marked at like 300 dollars i was like is that seriously that much money he's like yeah man that's actually really hard i was like fuck oh that's so rough yeah i remember when when there was a rental store that went out of business across the road from one of my old places. And they were like doing, you know, liquidation sale. But the problem is it wasn't much of a sale. They were selling games at like ridiculous prices.
Starting point is 00:28:18 I think they were selling a copy of Demon's Souls, which I could get like, I think I could go to like just a regular game store get it cheaper, and they were selling it for like 30 bucks it's like, guys, it's like, what are you doing? what is this?
Starting point is 00:28:38 this is not a new game, also it's been used as fuck, I don't know who else touched that thing I ain't paying 30 dollars for it yeah, definitely not I miss, I do miss like miss like game rental like that was a i do too there are so many games that i tried out that i never would have tried because i i didn't really get that many games like i would have maybe like two or three games a year so going to those rental stores getting something for a couple of dollars trying it out for you know
Starting point is 00:29:05 a couple of days i i that's how i tried out um prince of persia sands of time i would have never bought that game otherwise it's a really good game um there's a bunch of other random things that i don't even remember the names of at this point um i wish i knew what this was called uh but there's this game where where you run around as a knight killing things, and then when you die you turn into the Grim Reaper or something. I don't know what the hell it was called.
Starting point is 00:29:34 And I've never been able to find it again. It was a PS2 game. If that makes any easier. Probably doesn't i feel like i know what you're talking about i don't even know if this game's a real game i have a memory of playing this game and really loving it i don't even know if it's real are you listening i don't remember it was a real thing. But also, like, I... Yes? Was it called Maximo? How do you spell that?
Starting point is 00:30:11 M-A-X-I-M-O. Wait, if this is actually the game... Don't show me some random IBM software. Maximo. You said Night. That's, like, the first game that popped in my head that's pst we walk around the night killing so i don't know about the grand raper part but i i remember that you would play as a knight yeah i think this is like loosely based off like uh ghost and goblins or something
Starting point is 00:30:39 like that i don't know if this is the game but also like my memory is so so I've just got this idea of the game in my head but it's like extremely um what is it, rose tinted goggles so anything you show me is probably not gonna line up exactly with what I remember um
Starting point is 00:31:00 this possibly is it but I'm not certain I should play like the first five minutes of it and see if it rings a bell um if Maximo loses all his lives he can continue by giving death coins to the
Starting point is 00:31:16 Grim Reaper maybe it's this which isn't exactly what you said but it sounds similar yeah but I played it when I was like 10 so so Which isn't exactly what you said, but it sounds similar. Yeah, but I played it when I was like 10, so... So... I just remember these two aspects of the game. I don't remember much else about it.
Starting point is 00:31:35 You always look up a YouTube video or something and play it, and you're going to be like, that's it. Actually, there's a game that I completely forgot existed, but then I just wrote the description into Google and I found it straight away. If you type in PS2 platformer Electric Lizard, you'll find it straight away. The game called scaler um it's in those days of mascot platformers uh so this is
Starting point is 00:32:13 the dumbest plot like known to man um prior to the start of the game lizard loving animal activist bobby scaler jen Jenkins discovers that five extra-dimensional humanoid reptilian creatures uh, the leader Luger and his henchmen Jazz Rhombus, Bootcamp, and Turbine have disguised themselves as human and intend to conquer the multiverse.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Luger and his subordinates discover that Scaler knows their plot and kidnap him. The game opens with Bootcamp interrogating Scaler by electrocuting him during the torture. ordinance discover that scalar knows their plot and kidnap him the game opened with boot camp interrogating scalar by electrocuting him during the torture boot camp uh frustrated by scalar's taunts accidentally opens an extra dimensional portal transforming scalar into a blue skin reptilian humanoid and releasing him from his restraints that definitely sounds like a the plot of a mid late 2000s game yep it's basically you run around the lizard world collecting eggs collecting coins doing missions for people basically it's a ps2
Starting point is 00:33:15 mascot platformer like it's just ps2 mascot platformer just the definition, basically. That's another thing I do miss. Like, the days of mascot platformers. Like, nowadays, you know, you still have plenty of platformers, but what happened to, like, you know, jumping around as a lizard or jumping around as a fox? Like, where did that go? Or, like, Banjo and Kazooie and things like that. Huh.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Did you ever play the game that got kickstarted by a lot of the devs that worked on Banjo-Kazooie called, uh, Yooka-Laylee? I didn't, no. I played it a little bit.
Starting point is 00:34:04 I heard it was, I heard like mixed things about it yeah it's um you can definitely tell it feels a lot like you know a banjo kazooie game like a lot of the the humor and the way it's presented is very similar but there's there was okay what was the thing that was throwing me off about it was before you get into that it's currently 90 off on steam um so i might just buy it it's like six dollars thing that throws me off about that kind of feels a little weird is so the way you one of the ways you progress in that game is you get to find, like, these golden pages that are basically the proxy for, like, the Jiggies where Mega Man and Kazooie. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And
Starting point is 00:34:49 rather than having, like, just, like, one world that you go into and then you do stuff and you're kind of done, as you find more pages, you can, like, sort of, like, open up more of the same world. Like, the very first world, like, when you open up, like the same world like like the very first world like when you open up
Starting point is 00:35:08 like the second part of it there's kind of like a whole second level that opens up like a bunch other stuff and just like i don't know what that was like it kind of threw me off i was like oh there's all this other stuff here that i had no clue about until the page of that i don't know, I just feel like it's really weird. Mm-mm. I can't describe it. Well, it's got a native Linux port and a platinum rating on ProtonDB, so maybe I'll go try it out.
Starting point is 00:35:36 I don't know. Yeah, if you get bored one day of your stream and you want to take a break from the stuff you're playing, it's like, alright, we're going to meme and play this thing. Yeah, but I've also got, like, I want to go play the first Harry Potter game, so that's also a meme game I want to take a break from the stuff you're playing it's like all right we're gonna meme and play this thing yeah but i've also got like i want to go play the first harry potter game so that's also a meme game i want to play oh yeah i mean you you play the real mean games first and if you run out of ideas you can do that one it's actually that that actually was an interesting topic have you noticed that a lot of the games that have been trying well i can only think of two but there's i'm sure
Starting point is 00:36:05 there's probably more the two games i know of that were like supposed to be like spiritual reboots of old series just like didn't pan out super well so there's like there's ukulele which is like okay from what people seem to say the other one's the megaman one one yep mighty number nine yeah yeah i think the problem is that people have this idea it's definitely a lot of rose tinted goggles stuff like people have this idea in their head of what the series was what they want from the series and basically no matter what the developers do even if they make a great game and i'm looking at it right now ukulele has on steam mostly positive and recent reviews very positive so people like you know they like the game but no matter how good the game ends up being it's never going to be
Starting point is 00:37:00 what the hardcore fans have in their mind of what it could be. True. There might be something else to it as well, but I think that's definitely a big part of it. And when a lot of these games also, um, they come through Kickstarter and things like that, so people know about them
Starting point is 00:37:22 years and years in advance, and they get hyped and hyped and hyped and pretty much the only get like the only game i know of that's done that's gone through that much hype and actually come out on the other side looking better is elden ring like that that game got hyped to oblivion and then it came out and people like this is better than the hype the only game i know i think i think i might know like what part of the issue is is when they try to sort of like do these like spiritual reboots of series like of course they don't want to just make like literally the same game with different coat of paint they want to try to make it like a you know something a little something a little different innovative about it and like they'll do it and i feel like
Starting point is 00:38:09 maybe part of the problem is it's like maybe they don't do quite enough it's like it's still like oh this is basically still just mega man with like an extra mechanic or two so like the only game i know of off top of my head that's like a Mega Man inspired game that does really well because it's pretty different is there's a Mega Man style roguelike called 30XX
Starting point is 00:38:35 yeah I'm very aware of this game Ranson talks about it a lot he's like hey I'm playing this game all the time like okay maybe I'll try it out at some point um i haven't played 30xx much but i played the first one 20xx quite a bit i hate this very good um maybe i'll play it at some point but fucking soundtrack is banging if nothing else okay i'll to listen to that then.
Starting point is 00:39:05 I think the other thing is... A lot of people don't... They like the idea of a spiritual success, but what they really want is just more of the game. Like, you can see this especially with things that weren't a spiritual success, they were just the same game. Like the remake of Spyro and Crash. Like, it they were just the same game. Like the remake of Spyro and Crash. Like, it's literally just the same game.
Starting point is 00:39:29 And they are really popular and people love them. And the Crash one led to a sequel being made. I don't... Yeah, I think all of these things definitely have a big... Definitely are big factors. I don't think you can pin it down to just one thing, like this is why they don't seem to do that well, but all of these definitely,
Starting point is 00:39:55 at least from what I've seen, seem like they are big factors at least. Maybe you disagree, but... It might just be it's kind of like you can't do like an in-between very well because if you just do like a little bit different then it's like well you might as well just made the whole game yeah but if you make something really different okay now this is actually a cool spin on it right um it seems like sort of going off but what you said and what i said the ones that do well are either
Starting point is 00:40:25 again literally just hey it's the same thing you wanted that out here you go or it's something like very different but you can tell it's very heavily derived from some kind of source material that you like again so your example would be the the crash bandicoot and the spyro one yeah my example would be 30xx which okay with this i just want to be clear i know a lot of people and the spyro one yeah my example would be 30xx which okay with this i just want to be clear i know a lot of people like the spyro remake but it's fucking awful it's it's so it's a buggy mess like i've broken that game in half without even trying i've not played crash yet from my understanding crash isn't that buggy um but the Spyro remake is really bad, really, really bad, just, just the fact that, okay, among other things, there is a bug, I want to say in Spyro
Starting point is 00:41:17 2, um, the game lets you, so, the game allows you to set the frame rate lock, you don't want to set the framerate lock to anything besides 50, I believe. Because some of the AI breaks on any other framerate. Oh, no. There are doors that are supposed to automatically open. They just don't.
Starting point is 00:41:42 What is... I don't know shit about game programming but isn't that there's some issue where like a lot of things are like tied to the frame rate not the fucking ai physics is sometimes tied to the frame rate i don't know why your ai is tied to the frame rate like i i'm sure there's a reason for it but i don't know the reason um there's a lot of racing especially a lot of older racing games where their their speed is directly tied or the physics engine is directly tied to the frame rate so if you raise the frame rate the game goes faster and the cars go faster um
Starting point is 00:42:16 there's a lot of games like dark souls i want to say one yeah dark souls one where the collision is tied to the frame rate so if you double it sometimes when you go down a ladder um you go through the floor uh which is a problem but yeah why your ai would be affected i would have to you know ask someone who works at toys for bob why the hell that happens it could be like an unrelated issue and the frame rate just happens to be the cause um i don't know i don't know it's definitely amusing when it happened because i stood there for like 10 minutes waiting for the door to open and it didn't. And it's not even a Proton issue. I'd be fine if it was a weird Proton issue. Like with the DMC games.
Starting point is 00:43:09 I don't know if DMC 3 does this, but DMC 1 and 2 some of the cutscenes just don't play on Proton because they're in a weird codec. That's fine. But what is the problem just with the game? And it just never got patched. Why is this all like this?
Starting point is 00:43:25 Just fix it. I have to ask, I can't remember his name now. You talk to a guy who's like an indie game dev like a long time ago. Tim Kreef? Yes. Yeah. Well, he works with Godot. And I don't know what his specific practices are.
Starting point is 00:43:45 I don't know what sort of crunch they were under when they made the Spyro remakes, like, it, it, it could have been a, it could have been developer oversight, it could have been they just didn't have time to work on this specific thing, like, they knew about the problem, and just like, ah, well, well, he's gonna leave it there, um, I, I, I don't really know. And I don't know what sort of support cycle they had after the game either. What I know is that now the bug is still in the game, which is great. But, you know, it is what it is.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Games are fun. I love games. games games are great especially when they are they don't work like the new pokemon games i actually saw some amusing copium about that um so there are some people going around saying the games are not as buggy as they actually are. A lot of the bugs that people are seeing are emulation bugs. Which I wouldn't be surprised if some of the graphical bugs are emulation bugs. I'll give you that. But I don't think issues with backwards long jump is an emulation bug or falling through the world is an emulation jump emulation bug like those
Starting point is 00:45:13 little that's sorry so wait where were people saying that those bugs that were saying were because it was being emulated there were some people that were saying yeah they're saying that the the extent of the bugs we're seeing is because of the emulation the funny thing about the emulation is um if people were emulating it the frame rate wouldn't be as bad um yeah it runs better emulated yeah there's someone who made like a four scale uh 4k upscale and it runs a solid 60 fps it's such a mess i love it i was like because like when you said i was like wait no way it runs better on emulation what the fuck are they talking about i love that uh the switch is the first console where like first home console, DS was kind of like this as well, first home console where it emulates
Starting point is 00:46:08 better during the generation. Like, usually usually we have to wait a little bit. Like, you know, nowadays you can go do 4K upscale DS games or 4K upscale PS2. But, like,
Starting point is 00:46:24 PS3 games, obviously PS3 is a weird architecture like 360 360 a lot more sensible architecture even that's just now getting to the point where it's surpassing what the 360 was and like the ps4 and xbox one even though they're basically pcs at this point they are still really difficult to emulate. But then the Switch is so underpowered, like it was out of date when it came out, that you can already emulate it on like mid-tier GPUs. I kind of want to try that at some point,
Starting point is 00:47:01 but I'll worry about that later. The only issue with Switch stuff right now is, unlike older older consoles it's a bit harder to get your hands on um get your hands on the firmware get your hands on rom dumps things like that oh true yeah but that that'll happen like over time yeah i actually surprisingly when i played through the new Pokemon game, I almost had none of the bugs happen. A lot of people were showing up. Wow. Yeah, I think only bug that I saw happen was, was it was sometimes when you like throw out the Pokemon to fight, it just, it just, it just fell to the floor i think it happened
Starting point is 00:47:46 like once yeah yeah other than just you know just the shit frame rate i mean that's still obviously not gonna be a thing but other than that i didn't really have any other bugs happen i love how many of the bugs are just great for like speedrunners Like the backwards long jump to get up any hill. Being able to throw a Pokeball at a Pokemon over a ledge and just teleport across the ledge. Just dumb things like that. I don't know what the speedruns like at this point
Starting point is 00:48:18 for Scarlet and Violet. Let's go check. I don't know if there's any official categories yet. Pokemon, Scarlet, i can't spell violet speed run is there i never watched the speed run the only thing i know about i guess what i assume would probably be used for a speed run is i've seen people figure out a way to get out of the starting area without picking a Pokemon. Yeah, I saw that as well.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Definitely saw that as well. So for the any% run, it is five hours right now, which I guarantee, it's an any%, it's going to get much faster than that. Oh, yeah, yeah. Wait, turbo used? Wait wait are people using turbo controllers are we going back to the fucking ps2 yeah boy oh i love it that is awesome turbo what the hell last time i had a fucking turbo controller it's probably super nintendo's last time i asked a turbo controller i had a turbo button on a ps2
Starting point is 00:49:32 control um i don't know if i ever used it i just i didn't know what the button did yeah i think i had one for super nintendo i don't know if i ever used it much so i was one of these weird people that i almost figured out a way to press the buttons almost just as fucking fast as the terrible button would let you do wait did you have wait were you one of the people that had a like a shitty third party controller that you would let other people use that you would get like the good controller or the main like the first party one and then anyone else would get this shit one that you just have sitting around i didn't i know someone that did though okay because i i went through a couple of
Starting point is 00:50:21 third-party ps2 controls and I did have a couple that were not that were definitely not good and old mad cats I actually I had a friend who was actually a fan of
Starting point is 00:50:39 mad cats like he he didn't just have them because he actually got them on purpose well i'm like you're that saying one man's trash is the man's treasure i suppose like mad cats is still around what are they even making nowadays um is there anything sensible Is there anything sensible? That is... That's a ridiculous looking mouse,
Starting point is 00:51:08 but it looks better. I think this should take you to it. Yes. That just looks like a gamer mouse now. It's not even that crazy of a gamer mouse. Yeah, I think I looked them up one time when I was bored and I was like, oh, they're basically just like
Starting point is 00:51:29 knock-off Razer and other stuff now, it seems like. Yeah, I'm pretty much full in on Logitech at this point. Mainly just because Logitech stuff, you can actually configure properly under Linux. I'd be happy to use Razer stuff. I know Razer's
Starting point is 00:51:45 got this reputation, you know, Razer stuff's gonna break, it's bad quality whatever. Like, I've used Razer stuff in the past and at least back then it was pretty good. I don't think I've ever had a piece of Razer peripheral just like take a shit earlier than I thought it normally would. No, not really. It may just be that like, you know, Razer's on top and there's always going to be people that hate whatever is the cool thing to use.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Look, some of those things do deserve it. I just remembered what the last Mad Catz thing I ever had was and I actually broke it in rage. It was a fucking Mad Cat's dance pad for xbox 360 wait why did you have a dance pad what were you using it for
Starting point is 00:52:32 edr oh okay yeah it just it just wouldn't pick up when you fucking stepped on it half the fucking time and i literally what did i do i unplugged it picked it up smashed the like plastic part that connected to the pad and then i think i ripped the pad up because it was such a piece of fucking shit i took ddr really fucking seriously at one point and that shit made me super mad i never actually uh i never got i've played like ddr once or twice in an arcade but I've never actually gotten into DDR oh I had to tell you about the game that actually got me
Starting point is 00:53:12 like super interested in DDR oh no it was I think it was was that Wii? I think it was Wii there was a Mario spin off DDR game
Starting point is 00:53:25 It's so bad What? I can't remember what it's called Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix Yeah, yeah, that's it What the f- So bad
Starting point is 00:53:41 But just playing that game Sort of got me into Playing playing those kinds of like dance pad games that i got like i think the first like ddr game that's not that fucking crap that i just told you about that i actually got was a dance dance revolution supernova on ps2? I'm just watching Mario do this really janky dance right now. What is this? I played it in the
Starting point is 00:54:13 lobby of the community college that I used to go to. That's awesome. Oh, what a stupid game. Yeah. That's one of those we all talk about that game. I didn't really get super into rhythm games,
Starting point is 00:54:31 but I was a big fan of Guitar Hero. I didn't own a Guitar Hero controller myself just because they were expensive and all that, but I did have some cousins that had Guitar Hero controllers and anytime I'd go to their place, absolutely play it. Very big fan of Guitar Hero. I had Guitar Hero 2, 3,
Starting point is 00:54:56 Rock Band 1, and DJ Hero 1 and 2. Give me one second. Oh, okay. That's fine. Someone had a vacuum or something on the computer. I sadly
Starting point is 00:55:18 did have SingStar. That was not great. I don't think I remember that. Singstar? Singstar. I see the cover-up. I might recognize it.
Starting point is 00:55:30 It's basically the singing aspect of those music games. Which... You know, it's not it's not good i mean they tried this is like one of the super early games kind of like that yeah what i uh what i realized much later when trying out these games is the singing doesn't actually matter it just matters the pitch you're at. Pitch, yep. So nowadays... You get a lot of like the super, super new ones, but even like the later like rock band and guitar hero games,
Starting point is 00:56:14 they're still the same way. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think the last time I played a game like that, it was like a New Year's party a couple of years back. Everyone was drunk, which is the best way to play those games. Yeah, boy. Never.
Starting point is 00:56:29 Look, I respect people who get super into Guitar Hero or Rock Band or anything like that and you actually become good at playing the instruments, but I'm not going to do that. I'm definitely not going to do that. It's a party game
Starting point is 00:56:44 through and through for me. Same with things like Smash. I get it. People like getting good at these games. But like, that's not for me. That's definitely not for me. I'm going to go play something else. And you can go ruin all the fun when you become too good at these games.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Yeah. too good at these games yeah or you get at least or at least you get good enough and you uh make the wrong people angry when you beat them there's that was a that was that was a problem at a gaming club we had back at college oh okay yeah there was um there was a couple of uh there was probably three or four people in there who were like what I assume are like above average or better at Smash. Yeah. There were two or three people in there that I'm not using this word to be mean.
Starting point is 00:57:38 Like they actually were. They were autistic. And one of them had a really fucking bad temper problem. There were two incidences where he got super pissed that somebody just wanted to beat him. One time, he just broke the controller. It wasn't his controller, by the way. It was someone else's controller.
Starting point is 00:57:59 And the second time, he threw the controller at the person. Yeah, I had someone exactly like this in my gaming club at uni as well. But the funny thing is, this guy also played Smash all the time. So there's no reason for him to have been bad. He's just bad at the game. He skipped class to play Smash sometimes, but was just really bad at the game. I think at least one of
Starting point is 00:58:26 these dudes they were like that too they played the game literally all the time but they just i don't know they just didn't they just didn't improve at a certain point they hit a sea leg and they were stuck there maybe they're just playing bad character gotta play gotta go with the meta always pick the meta well the funny part is i was the one that usually played bad characters bad characters are the fun characters like i don't know why you don't always just do like meta stuff all the time but yeah because like i didn't care that he wasn't i don't at least i don't think he was that good as soon as i saw when they were showing like
Starting point is 00:59:05 previews of that of the that'd be we switch the we smash i think that was what it was uh he was like that they had megaman in it i was like there's no way i'm not playing megaman in that game like i didn't what do i usually play when I play Smash? I don't know. I usually pick someone with a sword. Like, swords are cool. There's a lot of fucking characters like that, though. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:59:35 Yeah, look, I think when I played... Actually, to be fair, when I say ignore the meta, play fun, I played... I believe I played Meta Knight a lot of the time in brawl and meta night if i recall was one of the upper tier characters it was my memory yeah yeah uh so ignore what i'm saying but like you know sometimes the uh the dumb characters are not the uh the meta characters as well like one of the games where... I think the first game where I really just...
Starting point is 01:00:07 I noticed how much people care about the meta is when I got into Battlefield 3. Because at the start, everyone was playing different weapons, things like that. And then when I got towards the end of the game's life cycle, M16A3. Nothing but M16s it's like okay this
Starting point is 01:00:27 like guys there's all of these other fun weapons like grab the FAMAS it's got like 1100 uh what is it it flies like 1100 rounds per minute or something stupid it's like you unload your entire mag in a second like this is a
Starting point is 01:00:44 dumb weapon just use it what was the first game that i played that had a meta that i guess made me figure out the fuck a meta even was i'm pretty sure it was world warcraft ah yeah it was positive world warcraft yep yep because your damage was too low on the meters well it wasn't even just that like there were literally back in like vanilla wow there were literally builds that just like they they just shit like that's fair even though we had like a token we had a token ret paladin but like ret paladin is garbage in actual progression and rating that's what i kind of like about about playing 14
Starting point is 01:01:25 there is very people will be like, ah, you know there's no clear better job you know, there's no if you look at the damage meters there's very clearly a clearly a better job there was a big fucking stink about it for a while there too
Starting point is 01:01:42 yeah, there's a if you go on the forums every so often why does Square Enix hate machinists so much there was a big fucking stink about it for a while there too yeah there's a you know if you go on the forums every so often be like why does Square Enix hate machinists so much that's a good fucking question actually or you know why does every single patch
Starting point is 01:01:56 Gunbreaker get a buff Gunbreaker does not need a fucking buff this job does too much it's basically a DPS that has tank defense um i ain't gonna say shit that's the only tank i play oh i love young breaker it's a lot of fun um but like unless you get into doing ultimates and stuff most people just don't care as long as everything gets done honestly the thing that matters more in 14 is when when you have a bad healer and a bad tank that are just taking it way too slow like doing dungeons
Starting point is 01:02:34 and stuff when you have a a tank that's so afraid to do more than a single pull it's like can you especially in modern dungeons where they're designed to like so you can't like pull the entire dungeon I'm going through shadowbringers right now and like there's a lot of dungeons where they just hard cap how far you can progress like you can't you cannot be overwhelmed
Starting point is 01:02:57 pretty much every single dungeon in at least shadowbringers is basically made where there's like a section where you can pull like two or three packs and then you literally run into a wall you can't go until you kill the packs yeah i it's always funny when i uh so i i was maining healer for a while so it's very funny when i i'm playing tank now and i have a healer complain to me that they physically are not able to get the healing numbers out like mate don't talk to me right now do not pretend keep up yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:03:34 they're like oh i can't i can't heal enough to keep you alive it's like oh bullshit do not talk to me like that and then a lot of the time i look at their gear and it's like they're where they actually can't keep up because they're geared like a hundred eye level under god well well do you even be able to cue them what it's like it's not made a hundred eye level but like they'll have very clear like they'll be at like min eye level um oh yeah i mean sure but even then like sure just use your fucking just use your fucking out gcds what the fuck is that yeah stop pressing your damage buttons as much just heal you'll be fine there are cases with like or just be white mage and just roll your face over the holy key
Starting point is 01:04:19 and you just don't heal just let your fairy do it i love scholars so much fun you just don't heal. Just let your fairy do it. I love scholars so much fun. I just don't have to play the job. Literally up until like level 70, you don't have to press a heal button. Your fairy just doesn't have heal. Yeah. It's such a broken heal. I see why people like it for dungeon progression.
Starting point is 01:04:44 It just makes sense. But I get it if you get a bit overwhelmed playing a Sage, for example. Like that, shield healers can be a little... Shield healers are great when things are going well,
Starting point is 01:05:04 but the second things stop going well, you know, it can be a problem. But still, like, none of the healers struggle on content. If you're struggling with it, that's a skill issue. That's not, like, I'm sure there's issues with, like, higher tier content and, like, parsing and stuff like that, but, like, I don't think there's a single issue
Starting point is 01:05:26 getting through any of the content like just getting through it with any of the jobs no no there's not unless everyone is just bad like that's that's your only problem just get good i don't know apparently i've been surprised at how uh skilled some people have encountered are sometimes uh sorry i didn't catch what you said my audio just broke for a second i said i said i don't know apparently i've been surprised a few times how skilled divisions of people can be in that game yeah i'm just like did you just did just not read your tooltips you just not read what things do? I don't know, huh?
Starting point is 01:06:06 There's, uh, especially, uh, you know, pugs can be a bit, a bit of a problem sometimes. Um, I think you're going to run into that where, like, anywhere you go, though. People are going to be like, when you're just playing with random players you're always going to run into like you know those people who are way too into the game and then on the other side the most casual of casual players don't even bother to buy like gear that's at a good level don't bother to read any of the tooltips fucking
Starting point is 01:06:45 click the click the icons in their bar don't even use like the number keys or like an mmo mouse um but you know that's that's the pain you get either way okay i can't say anything about the clicking i've always been like a hybrid like hotkey clicker in between right well the way i always played wow because i don't play 14 on keyboard yeah is anything that i had to use frequently those were hotkeyed if there were cooldowns i clicked them right okay that's how I play. That's fair. I just saw how many buttons there were. I was like, I'm just not even going to try to click these. I'm just going to use the number buttons.
Starting point is 01:07:36 Now I have my G600. All the buttons I need are on the mouse. We're good to go, pretty much. Hmm. But but you know look if you can I've seen some people that click the hotbars and actually do it surprisingly
Starting point is 01:07:53 well the only issue is when you miss and then you take your target off at least nowadays there's the auto-retarget thing, but when that didn't exist, yeah, that could be
Starting point is 01:08:10 a bit of a problem. Have you seen... Have you seen... I guess it's like mods for 14 that change class animations and stuff? I seen uh quite a few of them those are i've seen like a few that i was like those are super fucking cool they should
Starting point is 01:08:32 i actually that would be something that swings because i actually put in that game to actually monetize a little bit better actually if they really wanted to was make it so that you could uh hot swap out out animations and stuff. Or even do partnerships with the games. Like, hey, you can buy... I saw this one that was a DMC animation for Dark Knight, I want to say?
Starting point is 01:08:58 Yeah, it was a Dante animation set for Dark Knight, and there was a virtual animation set for Sam Knight and there was a virtual animation set for Samurai. And they both look really, really good. And like
Starting point is 01:09:13 having some sort of collaboration with those other IPs would be it would be neat. The issue The issue is that, you know, there's already people that say that XIV's not even really a Final Fantasy game. It's just basically like a Final Fantasy...
Starting point is 01:09:34 It's a Final Fantasy theme park at this point. Yeah. And that just like, you know, throw that in the bin even further. Now it's not even a Final Fantasy theme park. It's just a theme park for anything. That's what you see in a lot of Korean games, where they'll just have collabs with just
Starting point is 01:09:53 anything. Well, Phantasy Star Online 2 is like that. Yeah, Phantasy Star Online 2 is definitely like that. I think they could... They just did a collab with a melty blood far back sure okay why not i was like what the fuck is the fire game what the there was a short period of time where i was like i'm gonna go try out fantasy star to like
Starting point is 01:10:21 because there was the um the new whatever it is, the new expansion. Yeah, New Genesis, that thingy. And then I looked at the download size and it was like 110 gig. I was like, you know, I'm not going to. Maybe let's not do that. Well, it's probably a better idea that you didn't do that. So, like, here's... New Genesis looks great.
Starting point is 01:10:48 Mm. But the problem is, they released that shit way too early. So, like, there are tons of, like, things that just exist in the base game that just don't exist in New Genesis. Uh-huh. There's no player...
Starting point is 01:11:03 I think there is now, but there was no player housing for there is now but there was no player housing for like two fucking years or something um just like a lot of the stuff that's in base game is not in new genesis and you just i know for a long while there it just felt like this this is just you know this isn't this isn't even a done game i feel like i'm like basically like paying to like beta test your fucking game with this boy. Right, right, okay. Isn't that how it feels to play a lot of MMOs though?
Starting point is 01:11:33 Nothing's ever finished. Especially if you go outside of like the big MMOs start playing a lot of the smaller ones. She's like, ah well here's what it is experience it as it is
Starting point is 01:11:47 and experience it as it slowly progressively gets to a complete state but is what it is yes actually I saw this really dumb thing recently I'll send you a link to it
Starting point is 01:12:02 so you know how like everything like on the face of the planet eventually gets a doom port really dumb thing recently. I'll send you a link to it. So, you know how, like, everything like, on the face of the planet eventually gets a Doom port? Um, this is, this is not a Doom port to Unity, okay? That's not what this is.
Starting point is 01:12:17 This is a Doom port to the Unity editor. Specifically, running it inside of, like, your, your editor window. What the fuck? You know, I need to take a break while I'm doing work on my game. I'm just gonna play Doom in the editor. Like, what even, what even is this?
Starting point is 01:12:41 Why? Why is, why does this happen? Like, I get the Doomport meme. It's great, but like... Of all things... I don't understand. I genuinely don't
Starting point is 01:12:56 understand. I need it for a reference. But to be fair, if I was in like a game development class in in high school or something... I might be playing it. I've talked about it plenty of times, but during high school and even during class, there were plenty of times where, because all of us had laptops,
Starting point is 01:13:21 we were just playing games. Yeah, yeah. because all of us had laptops um we were just playing games like yeah yeah we're just like halo 1 cod 4 urban terror you know just gonna chill basically screw your work i'm gonna play games so um i was in that would have been that would have been in high school that's how my uh that i was in a class which is called like cisco which is basically was like a high school equivalent of like learning like
Starting point is 01:13:53 how like intro like computer and networking stuff okay um literally all we did every single time that we were allowed to like go do something over on the actual like computer lab part of the room besides just getting like, everyone would just get their shit done super fast. Then everyone else would basically just either play runescape or watch flash
Starting point is 01:14:13 game movie stuff. Then there was like a group of dudes in the back who would play lands, dark rap. I think the only problem with us playing runescape is my school did have a very locked down uh locked down network so you couldn't get into things like that but anything local that's gonna work pretty well yeah boy i think nowadays a lot of the schools sort of, they've caught up with locking things down. But like in those earlier days of giving,
Starting point is 01:14:48 giving people access to computers, a lot of IT departments didn't exactly know what they should be doing. Like if you work in school IT, you're generally not like the cream of the crop. Not saying that you're, like, necessarily bad at your job, but, like, you know,
Starting point is 01:15:14 if you go to become a teacher of, you know, mathematics, there's a reason why you're doing that and not, you know, being a mathematician. If you work in school IT, there's a reason you're working there, as opposed If you work in school IT, there's a reason you're working there as opposed to working at some, like, big, uh, data security company.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Probably, yeah. And the pay's much lower, so you're gonna, you know, obviously attract much, uh, lower quality staff. Kind of lower wage, lower effort. Yeah, boy. Exactly. But, uh, yeah, they had no idea what they were doing. lower quality stuff kind of lower wage lower effort yeah exactly but uh yeah they they had no idea what they're doing they eventually caught on a little bit um and like started blocking down like specific ports
Starting point is 01:15:57 these games would play on but most of the time you could just change the port so it's like yeah it got so bad at one point that they actually started it like straight up rootkit software they had on the computers it would just delete the game files like even if it's on an external usb if you plug that device in it would yeet the files off of it. Oh. Which, uh, I led to some people doing amusing things, like naming their, uh,
Starting point is 01:16:34 like, assignment files a certain way. Just to make excuses for why they didn't have it. Oh, man. Uh. That was a fun time. I think the best part about that was actually a great example of how bad it was um was that when i first started going there the admin password was just admin like guys guys guys what are you doing try Try. At least try, please. And then I think they changed it to, like, someone's birthday.
Starting point is 01:17:06 And she's like, guys, what are you doing? Eventually they said a good password, but the teachers also had, like, admin passwords as well. And a lot of them were dumb. I don't know why you would give them admin passwords, but they had admin passwords. And they would just type the password with a student standing over their shoulder sometimes
Starting point is 01:17:29 and there were never complex passwords for the teachers so it created the exact same problem again i love it i absolutely love it. I miss those times. How's your streaming going? Well, I've got my... I've got the Pokemon stream going right now and also the Kingdom Hearts stream. I think with the Pokemon stream, we just got past...
Starting point is 01:18:02 We just got past Flannery, so the fourth gym we're on the way to go fight what's his name? Dad the normal gym leader in Ruby and Sapphire and I didn't realise so we're doing level caps between each of the gyms
Starting point is 01:18:23 so we're not going above whatever for anyone who doesn't know the stream I'm doing me and Rogue Ren are doing So we're doing level caps between each of the gyms. So we're not going above whatever. For anyone who doesn't know the stream I'm doing, me and RogueRen are doing a Soul Link Nuzlocke. So Nuzlocke, random Pokemon. It's randomized Nuzlocke as well. So if we catch Pokemon and that Pokemon dies, then we can never use that Pokemon again.
Starting point is 01:18:41 We get one encounter per route. And Soul Link means basically we both catch a pokemon on that route and if either of our pokemon die then we both lose the pokemon um but i didn't realize and we're also playing with level caps so we can't go over the highest level of the gym leaders pokemon i didn't realize how little the level gap was between some of the gyms in this generation because there is some like weird backtracking that doesn't exist in the other gens. So Flannery is at like 28, but then the next gym is at 31.
Starting point is 01:19:17 Damn, yeah. Usually it's like a five little gap, but because like there's nothing in between you going back to the uh the normal gym you just walk straight there there's just not really encounters you would go through so there's not really any way to level up much further beyond that but then i think there's a jump after that to like 40 or something it's a Yeah, it's really strange. But then with the Kingdom Hearts stream,
Starting point is 01:19:50 pretty much it's just going through the game. I've played through this game before, so it's sort of just going back through the story and remembering what's going on. It's a DS game, so the real-time combat's not that difficult. I think I've died like once or twice, and that's just because I'm... I literally am not even trying in the combat. I'm just bashing my head against the wall and winning every fight.
Starting point is 01:20:15 But I don't know what game I'll play after that. I'm probably not going to go straight into another Kingdom Hearts game. Maybe I could play God of War 1 or something. I mean, we need to do that as well. I was trying to think. I didn't watch it, but I seen when you were doing stuff with Ren, and I was like, man, how do you think of something
Starting point is 01:20:35 that me and Brody can play? I'm trying to think of something. I'm sure there's something. I'm sure there's something. I don't... Like... Yeah, I don know if you if you do come up with something i'd be more than happy to play pretty much anything do you um do you ever want to or have any interest in playing like i guess like very automation driven games like satisfactory something like that I have no injury I've played my industry and my brain just melts when I play my industry it's like this is this is too big brain for me I'd probably be fine playing it off stream
Starting point is 01:21:20 um but I cannot focus on what's happening in that game i'll have to go like watch an entire like guide to go and do so before i do anything like that um because i i don't really play rts games firstly that much anyway and then combine that with factory management as well and then it's like super complex factory management i've seen some of the ridiculous stuff that exists later in that game. And like the, it's stuff that you would not work out by yourself. Like you have to just be reading the wiki. That's true.
Starting point is 01:21:59 But yeah, that I, I respect people who are actually good at those games and can actually stream them as well, but it's not something that I have the knowledge to really make entertaining
Starting point is 01:22:12 because last time I did stream Mind History it was rough it was very rough and I was in still like the very very early early tier stuff. But, hmm.
Starting point is 01:22:31 I had to think of something else then. I'm sure there'll be something. Like, me and Ren weren't initially going to do a Pokemon Soul Link. We were going to be doing... There was a Tales of game we were going to be doing uh there was a tales of game we were gonna play over like steam remote play together the issue is that uh his game over steam remote play ran at like 3 fps um i don't know if that was because of me streaming it or something with Steam Remote Play or Linux or what it was, but yeah, it was not at all playable.
Starting point is 01:23:18 If Square Enix ever figures out how to do that whole data center hopping from data centers that are outside your region we can play file where uh what what data center are you playing on right now crystal uh i'm like what is i'm on one of the u.s data centers now um are you had no idea yeah i moved a while back am i on crystal i think I don't think I'm on Crystal. No, I'm on Aether. Server, are you? I'm on Aether. Okay, well, I can still data hop because you're in a same region.
Starting point is 01:23:50 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm on Adamantoise. Well, fuck, you play Final Fantasy! Look, I'd be up for that. That'd be fun. It's been a while since I streamed any Final Fantasy. And I'm definitely... The last time I streamed, I was very bad at the game.
Starting point is 01:24:03 I think I was still in, like, A Realm Reborn back then. And I had no idea what I was I streamed, I was very bad at the game. I think I was still in like a Rome Reborn back then. And I had no idea what I was doing. You were still a baby. Still a baby, yeah. Now I've got hundreds upon hundreds of hours in the game. You're a battle scar. Every so often I run slash playtime and then I get very depressed
Starting point is 01:24:22 with how much my playtime says already. I don't know how much playtime I have on there. You don't want to know how much playtime you have on there. I do. Yeah, I was on Oceanic. The issue with... I don't know if someone's going to get... Last time I made a clip of talking about Oceanic,
Starting point is 01:24:42 someone in my comment section was like getting all coping about it it's not that bad here, the reason I left is because you can't queue for things I I was trying to do the second stage of the Stormblood Alliance raid that I'm forgetting the name of
Starting point is 01:24:58 I don't know Lighthouse is that the second stage you said you mean the regular raid or alliance raid alliance raid yeah that's the raid around the lighthouse yeah yeah okay
Starting point is 01:25:13 it took me I think I queued for 8 hours on oceanic and I couldn't just couldn't get there was like 5 other people queuing for it as well we just couldn't find anything because everyone i guess so alliance raids already have an issue with uh people lowering their uh their eye level just so they can only do crystal tower um and on oceanic that seems to be pretty much everything like i could i think it took me three hours to queue for the heavensward alliance raids but i could actually do those um no one was interested in doing
Starting point is 01:25:54 in doing uh stormblood so that's surprising usually that's surprising considering that that alliance raids like usually like one of the better liked ones because it's a big homage to Final Fantasy Tactics. Yeah, but also it's one of those ones where people can fail it. Like, people know Crystal Tower. I guess, yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:18 Like, if you wipe in Crystal Tower, there's something going really badly. Like, everyone knows Crystal Tower tower there's always at least 10 people in crystal tower that are fully aware of the mechanics um but when you get to storm blood like there are there's much less people that run it often so you know that can be an issue sure i i think i do remember also if crystal tower is just the quickest oh yeah i'm sure it is um i'm sure there are there have been instances of the group i'm with ripe wiping on a boss
Starting point is 01:26:56 in that raid series still in general like you like a good chunk of your group has to be like really propega to wipe out some of that stuff that's fair no that's that's totally fair um but yeah i just couldn't ever queue for it that's the main reason i left and a lot of other uh it was taking me like way too long to queue for other things and i i was meaning a healer at the time. I would try to queue for leveling roulette as a healer, and it would take me 10 plus minutes. Oh, okay, yeah, that's pretty fucked. Whereas on Aether, it's literally insta-queue.
Starting point is 01:27:33 It isn't, yep. I could be playing at, like, you know, three I play on Aether on non-peak times, and there's more people during the non-peak than there is peak on Oceanic. Damn. And then when it,
Starting point is 01:27:51 you know, when it is peak, I just, it pretty much anything I want to queue for, it just queues pretty much instantly. And I'm not like, my ping's not that bad. It's like 180.
Starting point is 01:28:02 And you know, there are mitigation strategies for your ping um that may i'm not going to talk about but may or may not exist um that i may or may not use i'm not confirming anything but there are mitigation strategies that exist and it plays much nicer if i mean, like, probably the only problem you'd have with slightly higher ping is if you're just trying to play, like, a really busy job.
Starting point is 01:28:33 Yeah. But, as I said, there are mitigation strategies that deal with that. Even if I had good ping, playing a high rotation job is difficult just because the game's designed like, really stupidly. Like, let's have a, let's just have a, what, a hundred millisecond
Starting point is 01:28:52 frame, uh, animation lock for just no reason? It's like, why is this here? What, what is, what is the purpose of this? I still love the fact that, like, every time YoshiP says the game is perfectly playable at, like, 200 ping or something, it's like... Have... Like, you say that you've tested it internally. I don't believe
Starting point is 01:29:17 that you've tested it internally if you think you can actually play the game completely fine at 200 ping. Like, that's's just stop it what are you saying you can play i mean i could but you're not doing your rotation yeah i can i can say so i could see you doing it you'd have to just like you have to make adjustments like you gotta move out of like oh great i was like way the telegraphing's not the issue like that's fine the issue is um like dual weaving dual weaving is where it becomes okay yeah yeah yeah there's no way you could play like machinist it's your opinion that's
Starting point is 01:29:51 not happening yeah gun break is also uh also uh a little bit rough um just just a little bit uh especially once you get to the high level gun breaker and you're doing uh you know your continuation combo things like that that's that's true yeah you're just always pressing buttons um you can play it uh you but it's going to be suboptimal which you know maybe it's fine with if you're gonna if you're gonna just be perpetuating your job anyway like it doesn't if you're not gonna press the buttons or read them anyway it doesn't make a difference i ain't progging sandwich i don't give a fuck oh i actually i made the mistake of using um what's it called duty support i i'd never used it before i was like hey what's this like oh it's so bad i hate it i hate judy support because so all the npcs you have they firstly
Starting point is 01:30:52 they are running min eye level gear which is fun enough but they also don't use multi-target they use no aoe's it's all single targets. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. So every encounter takes so long. Oh, yeah, yeah. Okay, yeah. I mean, I have used that before. And yeah, if there's one problem with it, it's you're going to be there a while. Yeah, I get it.
Starting point is 01:31:15 They don't want to devour the people trying to just queue up with randos because if they made it even remotely decent there'd be a lot of people that just never queue um the reason a lot of people would queue for rand things anyway is probably just to get glam stuff and if you could just speedrun it with NPCs
Starting point is 01:31:40 why the fuck would I waste time getting a queue yeah yeah um but it's rough it's so rough but like i wanted to do it because i wanted to see i wanted it to see like hey what is uh what is your shoulder gonna do what is what is everyone gonna be doing in here and because you get some extra dialogue as well from them when they're going through it um it's not like substantial dialogue i thought the one i did was um uh the the boss makes the floor disappear and you like walk across this tightrope
Starting point is 01:32:19 oh yep yep yep and uh when you have you You can see how the different characters will just do it differently. I think Alizé just runs across, just doesn't care at all. And Mephilia literally doesn't even make it across. She just keeps trying to walk across slowly. Literally, the event ends before she even gets there. The event ends before she even gets there. I think... And Urianger just teleports across. He's like, fuck this.
Starting point is 01:32:53 Maybe Alisae just jumps across. I don't remember. Someone just jumps across. I don't think I ever did those dungeons with 3D support. I think i went back and did some of the walker ones ah okay yeah i am where am i up to in shadowbringers i think like like level 77 msq or something so i've still got a bit to do I've just gotten, I'm not going to say anything super spoilery, I've just
Starting point is 01:33:30 gotten to the the light warden of what's that city with all the, where the fat cat girl lives where where the fat cat girl lives. Where the fat cat girl lives? Um,
Starting point is 01:33:48 where, it's like the, the fancy city that hates the Crystarian. Oh, oh, you mean, uh,
Starting point is 01:33:57 I don't, I don't talk about it. Yeah, yeah. I've just gone into the light warden for that segment. Yeah. So I've still got a bit to do.
Starting point is 01:34:08 Did you finish the Stormblood Alliance raid? Yeah, yeah, I finished it. I felt like it was really fun. I didn't know what was happening. I'll be frank. Sometimes I just keep doing those shits and giggles. I just love those raids so much. I feel like the...
Starting point is 01:34:26 When I got to Shadowbringers, the dungeons got a lot better as well. There's actually... A lot of the early dungeons don't really have mechanics, per se. There are mechanics there, but it's always very basic stuff. But there was this Shadowbringers dungeon I was doing. I don't remember which one it is.
Starting point is 01:34:49 But like these dragon heads appear and will just shoot a big laser or fireball or whatever and you have to get behind this barrier and it's not a boss fight. It's just a random enemy you're fighting in there. And stuff like that actually just makes it more fun. As much as i enjoy going back
Starting point is 01:35:07 to the early early stuff you can definitely see even with the alliance raids like as like things getting a lot better as the uh as the expansions go by i think that's oh yeah yeah yeah i I do feel bad that, you know, some of the fun stuff from Rome Reborn got removed, though. Like Westie, Cape West Wind. Oh, yeah, yeah. That fucker. I love it.
Starting point is 01:35:37 Actually, I think the... Was that... Yeah, I remember doing that and people were meaning about, oh, man, I will be making. Yep. I had the same thing happen. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:48 I was in the cut scene and someone had posted a, a macro in chat and there was like markers all over the arena as well. Oh, they did. Okay. They tried harder than when I did. Yeah. It was.
Starting point is 01:36:02 And then we got in there. I was like, wait, it's over now now new players have you gone back and you gone back and done some of the older dungeons now they've tweaked them uh the first three i definitely did i i've usually when i'm leveling a new job from level one i uh will or or even just just a job that starts at a high level. I like to go through a couple of
Starting point is 01:36:28 dungeons just to get my feel for it. I don't like jumping into current level content. When I started learning Gunbreaker, for example, I didn't jump in straight at whatever level Gunbreaker starts at. I started earlier just to get a general feel for it, and then I
Starting point is 01:36:43 make my way up. Yeah, I've definitely tried out the uh redone dungeons i don't i don't hate some of them i think i i think the uh the one where you used to collect the little light bulbs, that's so much better now. That one... Sorry? That's probably the only one that I'm like, yes, I'm glad you make this not so fucking confusing and convoluted like the old version was. But some of the other ones,
Starting point is 01:37:19 like the Copper Veil Mines, I feel like you could have left that one alone honestly yeah maybe you could i could i could see them like changing there was what boss was it only boss i'm glad i'm really glad that they changed because it was stupid was a slime boss yeah i remember doing that i think the first time I did that, I started the game as a... Whatever the base job for Paladin is. I don't remember what it's called.
Starting point is 01:37:51 So I was playing a tank, and I was so confused about what's going on. And then when I went back to him, I'm like, oh, so I literally just stand here and do nothing for like five minutes. Like, okay, cool. That's definitely a lot better of a boss. But the final boss of Copperbell, it was fine.
Starting point is 01:38:11 Like, I guess the only problem is a lot of people didn't understand... Well, okay, firstly, they didn't need to understand the mechanic in Copperbell for the final boss, because there wasn't a mechanic. I'm sure when Realm Reborn was current tier content and the game was, you know, you weren't so over buffed.
Starting point is 01:38:34 Like over time potency has been increased, things like that. Also now you can just go into that max eye level perfectly fine. I'm sure it was harder back then. But nowadays I don't even know if there was a mechanic i saw like someone digging into the wall like i don't know what you're doing is is that going to affect me in some way no no one thing i do say that i think is useful about the early some of the earlier dungeons being revamped is it show if you're newer players who yeah doesn't know fuck all about anything i do like the fact that they've started to pepper in some of the more advanced mechanics that happen later at like a baby level
Starting point is 01:39:25 in the early parts that you see them. Okay. So like, an example would be in Copperbeil Mines, the boss, yeah. He does the thing where he does like sequential telegraphs that cover most of the room. Right. You basically
Starting point is 01:39:42 never saw that for like two or three expansions before okay that makes sense yeah yeah so it's like so it's like showing you like oh looks spooky because there's like three big ass circles covering the whole room but they're not happening all at once ah yes that one yeah okay happening and that's what's happening yeah yeah i've definitely uh i i the first time i ran across that i definitely didn't understand what was going on and then died um but then you try it a couple of times you're like oh so all we have to do is move out of the way that like there's one boss
Starting point is 01:40:20 later on where it spawns circles around the entire arena. And all you got to do is dodge the first one and then just go back to the original spot and you're fine. Yep. Whereas you might think initially, Oh, I've got to like run around and dodge it. One thing I do wish they would introduce a little earlier is there's bosses which will do AOEs,
Starting point is 01:40:44 but it like they'll spin in a circle so there'll be like the little icon on them where they have like the arrows going in the direction they're going um that i wish they introduced a little bit earlier just because there's a yeah it's a bit there's a couple of lines for instagram there's a couple of lines for instagram make your fucking head shit when you say the first first time. I can, um... I know which alliance raid I'm going to be in for a very long time, just because I want the gear.
Starting point is 01:41:11 The near raids. I like the gear from the... I think the first two near raids. Third one's a little eh. I just want the, uh... I just want the uh i just want the the 2b the 2b pants but i know everyone's gonna roll greed on it without a doubt everyone needs them
Starting point is 01:41:37 the good thing is is uh if it's five you're talking about what i think you're talking about that doesn't drop as pieces it drops as a coffer that gives you the whole thing oh that makes it even worse now you're guaranteed everyone's gonna take it everyone's gonna want it well the the funny part is is the very first time i did that rain i had no fucking clue what that was i just knee rolled on in one wow i was like oh this gave me the whole and i was like wait is this what i think it is i was like oh i'm a hot hrothgar now cool of course you play hrothgar oh god cat girl is the only correct answer.
Starting point is 01:42:26 There was a... Actually, the... When I found out about this, I had to do it. So, if you make your retainer a female aura, she becomes a tsundere so all different races have like different dialogue but yeah as a female aura she becomes a tsundere and sometimes she decides to break character
Starting point is 01:42:55 and is like I'm not going to indulge your fantasies I'll see if I can find the F-14 female aura retainer. Female
Starting point is 01:43:19 aura. Oh, here we go. It's not like I want to... You set here we go. It's not like I wanna... You said it too, independent. It's not like I wanna sell your items or anything. It's not like I was slaving away to make you happy or anything. It's not like I risked life and
Starting point is 01:43:36 limb to bring you back shiny baubles or anything. Just slap a bark at the end, oh there we go. Uh... Ah, here we go a venture great it's not like I would rather spend time with you or anything and then completing the venture
Starting point is 01:43:55 alright take your shite and quit leering at me ass what you can't seriously expect when you humor your fetishes all the time can you I love it it's beautiful as soon as I knew that was a thing I had to I absolutely had
Starting point is 01:44:12 to uh did you ever think about um think about doing any drawing streams that my my drawing is very bad. Good, because you can have Twitch chat help.
Starting point is 01:44:31 Yeah, right. We didn't talk about that, did we? No. Yeah, so you're making a Critter extension. I am. My wife streams sometimes. And she uses critter for digital painting and one day randomly when she was drawing one of her chatters was like do it'd be funny if we could like mess with what you were doing and i was like
Starting point is 01:45:00 holy shit you're a fucking genius and i started looking because i was like wait somebody has to have made this this seems too obvious and i looked for like a day or two and i was like fuck i there's nothing huh okay well let me do a little let me do a little reading so i did a little reading in terms of like how do you make a credit extension was how's it gotta be laid out yeah uh and had to figure out how to solve some problems because of how i wanted to build it but as of right now i do actually have a functioning extension if you start it twitch chat can put in certain commands that will do very basic things to your credit instance,
Starting point is 01:45:48 like what the colors you're using or change the brush size. That's the basic stuff. Yeah, yeah. I had plans later to not make it just chat based, but it could like listen to like channel redeems and stuff.
Starting point is 01:46:01 Yeah, do the same things and do more potentially dangerous things like i i'm pretty sure i saw an example of this i'm pretty sure there's a way programmatically in the the critter python plug-in stuff that if you give like a url you can load just pull a fucking image and just load into the document so that's fucking I can pick to somebody's been like okay yeah you know that one look if it can be done I think that's what we need to avoid doing if you don't want to get banned from Twitch. It was that. He got so obsessed if he could,
Starting point is 01:46:48 he didn't stop to think if he should. If you were going to do that, I think it's much safer to have a list of images that can be loaded in. I would at least make it configurable. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Maybe the person can like white list domains and shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Maybe the person can, like, model whitelist domains or shit.
Starting point is 01:47:06 Yeah, yeah. Arbitrary URLs would be... Maybe as an option, but yeah. That would be very dangerous. Very, very dangerous. Like, I... What is a crit... What is a critter extension written in?
Starting point is 01:47:25 Python. Oh. Oh, okay. What is a critter extension written in? Python. Oh, okay. I thought it was going to be some internal weird language. I think... I don't know when they added it at some point. That's not a thing that's always been around. At some point, they added it in kind of like this. I looked through Critter's source code,
Starting point is 01:47:43 because I was like... There was nothing there that gave me like auto completion in terms of like what was actually in the critter package oh yeah and i don't know like why is there a critter package here i don't know if that's here and apparently i think they use some kind of build tool that basically dynamically creates like some kind of binding between a qt code and the python version of qt stuff yeah so but that's basically what it is from i can tell uh basically it's just like it has to be structured in a certain way where it apparently uses like a desktop file like a dot desktop file to sort of like sort of like list out like the metadata about the plugin right then it expects to like point that to a directory and then it has to basically
Starting point is 01:48:32 load the python code that's actually the reason why i had to figure out something interesting i hadn't had to do with python before which is vendor the dependencies vendor the dependencies ah okay so because i wanted to know like can you even do that i have no idea i never i've barely i've only ever written like one-off scripts i never wrote like a python project per se yeah yeah yeah um and i read about it and apparently like pip the package manager stance is like we're not fucking with it basically basically because it's too big a pain in the ass and the other and they had a perfectly reasonable reason which is for the vast majority of time that's not the solution you want to go for right right like most of the time you just want to do you just want to go with, oh, does your thing have dependencies? Well, just let Pip resolve and install the ship.
Starting point is 01:49:27 Yep, yep, yep. If there's a situation where you can't rely on Pip being a thing, then the general next step down is just to package the whole thing as executable. Right. Then in these really weird one-off cases, this being one of them, where I can't rely on pip being available and I can't bundle as an executable
Starting point is 01:49:54 because it has to be, the source code has to be available in a format. Now I have to vendor the shit. Right. So there actually is a tool literally called vendoring. um there's not much documentation about because it's almost it's views by very few things pip being one of them and basically what it does is is it reads the same kind of file that like pip does to install
Starting point is 01:50:22 dependencies what it does is it pulls down the source code and actually rewrites the imports in the source code to use the local version okay and there's a bunch of little like caveat you have to figure out sometimes like it can't do that with imports that use dot notation uh-huh like import something dot something dot something it won't it doesn't it doesn't like that if that happens you have to there's like a step you have to do you have to so you assuming you're in like a git repo you have to like commit after you've pulled the vendor stuff down and vendors complain that it can't do it to like commit after you've pulled the vendor stuff down and vendors complained that it can't do it you have to change the code so that it's the way it likes it not using dot notations you
Starting point is 01:51:12 have to create a patch file using a git diff and put it in a directory and there's like a configuration thing to say like here's my patches then run it again and what it'll do is it'll pull it down apply the patch then rewrite the code that's how i had to get like three or four things actually would vendor correctly uh-huh and the only other caveat i haven't run this is you can only vendor stuff that's written in pure python you cannot vendor stuff that has like c pure Python. You cannot vendor stuff that has C bindings or something. Right, right, right. That makes sense. That's so stupid.
Starting point is 01:51:50 That's so dumb. So I got that to work. And actually doing this gave me an idea for another project that I started on too, which is inspired by the OBS WebSocket. Uh-huh. inspired by the OBS WebSocket. Uh-huh. Which is basically a
Starting point is 01:52:06 embedded REST API that allows you to programmatically control Krita. Okay. This is because I'm sure people can think of interesting things to do with it. Oh, absolutely, yeah. Because that's basically just making a... A library version of that... That Twitch integration anyway.
Starting point is 01:52:36 Because, like... It's just making a library... Kind of. Yeah. It's giving you that control to modify it without having to go through the idea of using it through twitch oh yeah and see i at one point i was actually contemplating these being two separate things anyway because part of me was like well it feels kind of like weird and bloated to
Starting point is 01:53:00 have like this one extension that like is also a twitch bot and also like can interact with twitch's apis and does the critters control stuff i did contemplate load as being like one thing that that's really all it is a twitch bot yeah um and it would specifically talk to
Starting point is 01:53:20 the other extension that actually controls it over http request. Yeah. But I decided just I was trying to think of like from a user's perspective, it would probably be better if there was just one thing that's just
Starting point is 01:53:34 oh, I just fill out my stuff and ta-da, it just works. Yeah. Rather than having to like orchestrate two or three things that when this thing happens, it has to send a request over to this address that seems a little what you're saying is the Unix philosophy is confusing and stupid
Starting point is 01:53:49 sometimes it is yeah yeah but the thing I was using to do the other project so there's a Ithon API framework called fast API that's what I thought on API framework called fast API that's what I'm
Starting point is 01:54:08 basically following the same approach where I'm trying to vendor the whole dependency chain oh that's something I should mention about that it does not automatically resolve downstream dependencies go dig a shell yourself like this this is this is really the process i vendor
Starting point is 01:54:27 s api i know some vast apis my project dot com or whatever it says like oh it relies on these two things okay i put those in there too under da da da try to run it get an error uh cannot da da da da this cannot import this this package doesn't exist okay which one was that okay i go to whatever the other product i think it was like starlet which is like a server thing that fast api sits on top of okay it was this error what does this need what needs this this this this this okay put those in run it again this package doesn't exist okay go to that what is that so you're gonna vendor down the entire chain pretty much at least as far as my code's touching i probably didn't put in every single thing but my code's not touching this pass i don't give a fuck sure sure yeah well you don't need to support everything you just
Starting point is 01:55:16 need to be uh supporting what you need yes sir that is such a mess. Since I actually have that extension working, and funny enough, I had a bug that turned out wasn't my bug. If I tried to stop the chatbot from the... Then start it again, it would hang. It would freeze up. Okay. And I was like, well, that's weird. And I managed to figure out that it wasn't anything i was doing it's just the way that that package was written
Starting point is 01:55:50 it just had a bug where it just hung when it tried to start again just because i think the state wasn't being cleaned up correctly yeah but i joined that dude i joined that discord server and i brought it up uh the shit they fixed it fucking three hours later wow yeah i was like that was i like this wow that's impressive i think it was like not even like an hour before we started i saw in the message because he has like the github notification stuff set up in that channel i saw a new version available i went okay changed my uh vendors.txt thing resynced my vendoring stuff ran again hey you can turn the chat button on off now cool seems like a pretty useful feature yeah so you said it's like basically working now so is it ready to use or is there still more to do um i think it's usable in its current state
Starting point is 01:56:47 um the only part i'm gonna write up i have to write docs for because uh yeah yeah because you're running your own chat bot as part of the extension you technically have to make your own twitch developer application thing to get your own client id and client secret so i'm gonna do it right up so somebody that can clue that is knows how to do it right but once that's done it's like um everything else should be explanatory in the config and stuff yeah so can you configure like how much of an effect things are gonna have or um so my plan is because it's purely chat based right now there's going to be a configuration setting that controls kind of like a cool down when someone uses it.
Starting point is 01:57:28 So, so I can't just spam and fuck up whatever the hell you're doing. Yeah. Uh, that I also want it to be able to just turn off just certain things, not being messed with being able to be messed with. Like if somebody doesn't want somebody to be able to change the size of their brush they can just turn it off
Starting point is 01:57:48 yeah yeah yeah basic things like that really this is such a ridiculous project I love it well I mean if not this week then next week
Starting point is 01:58:04 I'm definitely gonna send you a private clip. That's going to get made when somebody's trolling the fuck out of my wife. I absolutely want to say that without a doubt. Oh, I will. I know exactly what's going to happen too. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:58:19 I know exactly what's going to happen too. Somebody's going to go brush size, 500 pixels, right in the middle of her time oh so they can specify uh like how like what they want to set it to yeah so i only have four commands on there right now okay there's um one that switches the primary and the foreground background color you're using yeah uh one changes the foreground one changes the background and one changes the brush size the ones that change the foreground the background you
Starting point is 01:58:51 have to give it rgb values yeah and then the brush size you just you just put out a number of pixels but assuming that you gave it stuff you can actually use you'll just do it on the ui i presume you've tested it with things that are not rgb values yes there's a there's a uh there's a because it has to convert it into an int because everything's a string yeah if it can't convert into it and i have a thing to catch it hey that's that's wrong because i can very quickly uh i can see that going very very badly very quickly if uh you hadn't done that well even if um if because i actually i had to figure out a certain point that i had to actually convert the thing is coming in from chat into like actual like ints like that python says is an int yeah because otherwise it just it just kind of like quietly aired out and didn't do anything
Starting point is 01:59:43 if the extension was still running it just didn't do anything when you put the chat command in Python I think Python does do some silent I thought Python did some silent conversion if you just let it pass some stuff around it probably
Starting point is 02:00:02 does but I just know in this one case it wasn't and maybe it was doing it might be because the code that eventually gets handled at member these are just like python bindings to like c++ code yeah so maybe it doesn't like that well it's always safer to be more explicit with it anyway just in case you want to do some error handling yeah well i hope that goes well. And, uh... I'll find out.
Starting point is 02:00:31 Well, we're just crossing the two hour mark now, so I guess we'll end it there. And, uh... I've talked about basically nothing on this list of topics, you know i can move a
Starting point is 02:00:47 lot of the best episodes yeah exactly i can move some of these to the solo episode of the next time um yeah uh where can people find the plugin when it's available for people to download and all that fun stuff um it'll i'll probably put at least a version of it up on github with a release that's basically just a zip archive to just and again i'll have a documentation that says like where it's supposed to go based on whether you're using linux or windows or mac or whatever yeah yeah yeah oh yeah but that once i have it uh release up that's where it'll be it'll be on github okay is there any other things you want to shout out?
Starting point is 02:01:27 Any page you want to mention? I wouldn't consider I'm still on what I would consider an extended hiatus. No, not really. You can send people over to your wife's stream. You want to see the plugin infraction? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:43 If you choose who streams on Wednesdays and Fridays, it's Jawbone see the plugin infraction? Yeah, if you choose who streams on Wednesdays and Fridays, it's JawboneArts on If that chaos ensues, that's where it'll be. Nothing
Starting point is 02:01:57 else you want to mention then? No, not really. Alright, that's easy. As for me, the main channel is Brody Robertson. I do Linux videos six-ish days a week. Uh, the gaming channel is Brody on Games. I do two streams a week, Thursday, Friday. Uh, right now playing through Pokemon and Kingdom Hearts 358 over two days.
Starting point is 02:02:23 And then, if you're listening to the audio version of this, the video version is available basically anywhere you can find. No, video version is available on YouTube. If you're watching the video version, the audio version can be found basically anywhere. Yeah, I forgot my outro. Anyway, that's fine. Is what it is.
Starting point is 02:02:44 Yeah, I'll give you the last word. What do you want to say? Nothing, because my wig game is starting to kick in. Yeah, you know what? See you guys later.

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