Tech Over Tea - Technical Difficulties - Tech Over Tea #1 - feat Supercozman

Episode Date: February 28, 2020

Welcome to the first episode of Tech Over Tea, today's guest is a good friend of mine and someone who has worked with me on both of my channels. What do you mean exactly, well he is the one who made a...ll my new art! If you're interested in getting anything commissioned check out the links down below. I'm still working out the format for the show but we discuss some general tech, uni, content production, some video games and much, much more. ==========Guest Links========== YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Deviant Art: ==========Support The Channel========== Patreon: Paypal: BTC Wallet Address: 1Aokiv3pFQXUEmh2LbzZQAwxMvq6bpT2UN ETH Wallet Address: 0x80451867c86bdf08c3888d407c1e3fcb6add61ed LBC Wallet Address: bLRN9fm17sCexKfgbYqmMj5xskZF2ogpEh

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So welcome, welcome to the first episode of whatever this garbage is. So just off camera we were talking about, well initially we had the fact that Discord's not working so we're using Google Hangout now and then audio just didn't work so here we are. Welcome to the show. Thank you. I feel very welcomed. So I saw you had some high quality tea just before. Oh, okay. Yeah, I have to show this off. So I don't know if it's going to be backwards, but if it is, we have Cole's black tea bag and it has a little tea.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Now I'm not trying to flex, but I think I have the better tea cup. I think that's fair. Yeah, no, mine's just my uni mug. That's not a secret. You can go find my LinkedIn, so whatever. I'm just drinking actually good tea. I don't know if you can see it too well. Is it going to...
Starting point is 00:01:03 No, it's not going to focus. You can see it. It's Twinnings Australian Afternoon. Actually, if you can see it too well. Is it going to... No, it's not going to focus. You can see it. It's Twinnings Australian Afternoon. Actually, you couldn't see it because I look like a ghost to Connor right now. It's a bit unnerving. You actually just look like a horror film monster. I might have to show off what that looks like just afterwards to the viewers, but it's a mess.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Anyway, I don't even know what we're doing here, to be honest. This is the most haphazard podcast on the planet. I've been delaying it for so long and just planning stuff out and not really, you know, coming up with a good solution. And we're here now. So one of the things I guess I did want to talk about was your channel. Like, that's an entire topic in and of itself. So I guess the first place to start is the name, really.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Oh, no. I was so hoping you weren't going to ask. Yeah, so we'll present this on here. Oh, that is awesome. I need some merch. Yeah, exclusive merch. Only me. So the name kind of just comes from uh my like one of my names and one of my girlfriend's
Starting point is 00:02:31 names oh i should probably mention that um the name we've got on the screen is super cos man the channel name isn't that it's cos hand or cos harm you, say it however you want, it doesn't actually matter. But I would say it would be Koz Han though, because you know, Ham is said Ham and not Han. This is quality content that you've got here. But yeah, it's basically just two of our names
Starting point is 00:03:00 put together, so Cosmo and Johan or Johan. So it's kind of like those times when you get a tattoo of a girlfriend's name and then it ages really poorly yeah but I mean it's short and it's it's distinct enough to be a channel name so that's pretty much the story behind that so this the content you make early on it was it was very different to what you're making now um no one's seen your channel you have like 48 subs and you don't deserve only 48 your content is really good yeah uh i mean maybe now but i'm not too sure about earlier yeah the uh the sloth
Starting point is 00:03:42 what was up with that? Okay. Yeah, I was debating if I should stay in character here, but I don't think it really matters. Essentially, I won't reveal too much. You don't have to if you don't want to ruin the allure. Yeah, so for those who probably won't actually go check out the channel, I'm just going to put my screen back on, I don't want to be blue, there we go. Essentially it's just a series of different videos, each one is just something that I
Starting point is 00:04:19 want to make. There's a couple overarching topics of videos. There's one series where I do cooking and stuff, but the kind of thing that I use to make the channel have its own spin is kind of this overarching story that the channel itself is kind of like a self-contained universe, I guess. is kind of like a self-contained universe, I guess. And so the inhabitants of this place, which is myself and all the people that appear in the video, they're essentially being fucked with by sloths,
Starting point is 00:05:02 for lack of a better term. I didn't know you'd put this much thought into it. Sorry, I cut you off. I didn't know you'd put this much thought into it. Sorry, I cut you off. I didn't know you'd put this much thought into the universe around this channel. I thought it was just a weird channel. I've put a lot of thought into it. There's a lot going on. You're going to need to get more deep into the Kazan lore. Yeah, there is a whole lore behind it
Starting point is 00:05:26 that is essentially just a really fucking abstract art piece at this point. Yeah. I probably should have mentioned whether I was swearing on the channel, but you know what? We're here now. It just doesn't matter. We're just going to keep going with it. Even though it's not good for the YouTube revenue whatever you know once you once you actually get that ad
Starting point is 00:05:49 sense money then you can be like hey don't swear well this is going to be a um a library first channel so basically on library you can make money from day one it doesn't really matter if you swear or not so i i didn't mention library a bit off, but have I really talked to you about it? I know I've mentioned that some other people have made some content. Not really, but I obviously have a kind of an idea of what it is. I know it's like a blockchain, like fused with crypto. Okay, so I know you've been watching a couple of my videos so maybe you saw one of those or something? Probably. I don't know. I did notice you
Starting point is 00:06:32 commented on a couple recently but yeah so basically it's an alternate video platform to YouTube basically with a crypto backing so the crypto stuff doesn't really matter I guess you can think about it if it's really important to you but think of the way the monetization works similar to I use twitch I mean no but I have a fairly good idea of how it works you know how they have the other twitch bits yeah yeah the um basically the currency you get paid and is effectively it it's a bit more complicated than that but it it kind of
Starting point is 00:07:11 serves the same purpose so you can get tipped in that and make money on the platform through that method and basically the the monetization ends up being at least at this stage for me about four times what i'm making on youtube so i'm making about 100 a month on youtube right now with the first month monetization i've been making about 400 a month on library the past two or so months so i don't know it might not be a bad idea just to chuck your content up on library just as a way to see how it sticks because there's a lot of weird channels already up there so maybe maybe there's a view base for i'm not really sure yeah uh definitely it might actually do that i mean
Starting point is 00:07:52 currently we um like i know i commented on many videos to check it out but we upload shit on steamer and d-tube which is kind of like like basically a similar thing but i think it's been around for a bit longer i've got my thoughts on uh on d-tube i mean i don't it's basically just like a backup um just in case youtube dies which yeah it could happen could not but it's good to always back up your stuff yeah i don't think it's gonna die anytime soon but it's definitely a good idea to have your content somewhere else especially somewhere where it's easy to download it that's for sure yeah so i mean i i'm very open to just chucking it on library and just seeing if i can get some more followers from that uh the good thing about um i guess my videos is that they're
Starting point is 00:08:48 not entirely dependent on like being on a youtube channel like my my entire game plan is to like just keep going with my story and then if something blows up then it does okay so i don't this i'm sure there's plenty I can talk about for the channel but a recent one you did, the one you did with Corey, that I think that's where I really decided your channel's actually really good. That was an amazing video. He did an amazing job as well. Yeah I was very happy with how it turned out i mean the past couple videos i've done have been like shorter ones and like for me at least like my attention span has been pretty bad recently so i'm more inclined to watch a shorter video than a really long one
Starting point is 00:09:41 um unless i'm like just have it in the background or whatever yeah yeah but i had a lot of fun making that one it was originally meant to be something entirely different but that that plan just exploded so we we did that and it turned out so good so why don't you just explain what happened in that video for everyone who hasn't seen it? So essentially, it's me as my character peeping out of my window. And Corey, which is one of our friends, he plays this DJ character that is essentially a door knocker person. And he just comes and rams into the house and sets up his whole DJ kit and starts playing tunes for me, trying to sell it to me. It's absurd, but it's a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Yeah, that's why I love your channel. Like, I don't know why your channel is not growing as much. It probably just has, I don't know. This YouTube doesn't really benefit, um, shorter content a lot. So,
Starting point is 00:10:53 yeah. I mean, it also doesn't, uh, it's also, so YouTube isn't the biggest fan of like less frequent uploads. Yeah. Also that really hurts the channel. But I mean,
Starting point is 00:11:10 I'm not too concerned with it cause ultimately it's just meant to be something I do for fun. Yeah. Slash expression or whatever, because there was a point where like I wanted to get a video out, like, every week or every fortnight, and, you know, I was just forcing myself to make stuff that is still on the channel and I'll never get rid of it, but I'm honestly not too happy with.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Was that some of the early tier list stuff you were doing? Yeah, so I'll put it this way, I'm never going to make another tmx video i fucking just hate them that is such a dead meme anyway yeah i was trying to capitalize on it and i realized hey this isn't actually something that i think is good if it's not gonna rather put my effort into yeah something that's funner or benefits the story of the channel. If it's not going to mess up your view of me, you might want to lower your webcam just a
Starting point is 00:12:10 little bit. I know it's attached to your laptop, but... Like that? Yeah, because your head was kind of like half in the frame. Now it's a little bit better. So now you don't look like you're just, I don't know, sleeping. So, I don't know, sleeping.
Starting point is 00:12:33 So I think that we've pretty much gone over the channel as much as I really wanted to do. I guess I need some more lore of the channel to really dive deeper in it but I don't really want to ruin all the allure it has. Plus I guess one thing I could ask is, without obviously spoiling anything do you have anything interesting coming up that you're thinking of you want to want to tease a little bit or you just kind of going as the wind blows so i i have an overall plan of where the the main story beats are going to be. Um, there's the whole thing with Alfie. If anyone's interested in actually goes and watches the videos, there's a bit of a, a subplot going on there.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Um, which I think can be quite interesting if you get yourself wrapped up in it. Um, yeah. Uh, nothing you want to be too specific on or you just keep it on down low really until it happens i mean yeah i just try to think of a way to say stuff without explicitly saying it because i think part of the fun is trying well at least I would hope that part of the fun of watching it is kind of seeing it unravel and like there's a bunch of easter eggs hidden in like basically all the videos so that's part of the fun so I don't really want to spoil too much now that's entirely fair man I I I don't really have that problem my channel I
Starting point is 00:14:04 just with me I don't kind of just pump out those Linux videos every single day, and then whatever sticks, sticks. I had a couple that do pretty well. I did one about the sort of Linux software you'd want to run if you're going to uni, and that one did pretty well. But most of them do kind of middling. I know, obviously, it's doing far better than you're doing, it's not really saying i'm trying to like flex on you or anything but compared to like the i don't feel flexed on anything the sort of channels around my
Starting point is 00:14:34 different stuff yeah yeah so well for me at least i find um the so find stuff like your uni video, I find that a lot more approachable for me as someone who just doesn't really care about Linux stuff. Okay. But which is also kind of a bit of oxymoron because you'd be coming to your channel for Linux stuff. Well, a lot of the big Linux guys, they started with doing videos like, one of Luke Smith's big videos was why you don't need, what was it? Something like why I refuse to run Mac OS or something like that.
Starting point is 00:15:16 And there was another one about like why Adobe Acrobat Reader is malware. Yeah, so those kinds of videos are the ones that I would tend to click on. But once, like, again, I don't think I'm your main target audience. It's definitely nice to bring in extra people, but do you get people to really stick? They kind of need to be the kind of people
Starting point is 00:15:42 who are going to be the kind of people who watch the channel. I'm not really sure what sort of audience is going to start building up around this podcast. Because I know the initial ones are going to be obviously the ones who come over from my channel. But in the future, I do want to do sorts of content where I can bring people on like you who do more of this sort of artistic stuff. where I can bring people on like you who do more of this sort of artistic stuff rather than just that's why I wanted to do the first episode with someone who's not explicitly in the tech sphere because I don't want to be um basically just that guy who makes another tech podcast really I kind of want to have that sort of I guess guess, tech focus, really, or tech sphere. So I want to focus on things that are related to tech, like YouTube channels are related to tech.
Starting point is 00:16:30 But I don't want to be, this is Linux podcast 112, basically. Yeah, so what are you thinking about the latest updates to the Linux kernel? The new updates to Ubuntu. Tell me, what's your thoughts on Ubuntu? It's like no there's there's tons like i'm not discrediting those guys the guys who do those podcasts a lot of them are really good but that's not what i want to do i want to be i know this this kind of sounds ridiculous i kind of want to have that sort of
Starting point is 00:16:58 joe rogany position within the tech sphere where i can just talk to anyone about really anything obviously yeah joe rogan much better in his job than i am i'm terrible interviewing people but within the tech sphere where I can just talk to anyone about really anything. Obviously Joe Rogan, much better at his job than I am. I'm terrible interviewing people, but this is episode one and we're slowly getting there. You don't have a Jamie. I don't have a Jamie. I don't think we'd have those sound issues.
Starting point is 00:17:23 I don't want to spoil it too much. If you guys go and watch the um the sound check video but so yeah if you guys don't know basically the um the sound checks are going to be uploaded separately the sound check was useless but that's what that content's going to be we're not I'm not going to care about it at all it's just going to be extra stuff for the library guys if they want to, because I do really appreciate them I know I'm kind of going off on my own thing but
Starting point is 00:17:52 I've been talking to a lot of the big guys in the library the CEO follows me on Twitter I've chatted with him a couple of times and I really appreciate the direction that he's taken the platform I don't agree with everything they're doing but overall I think it's they're going in a good direction I did mention DTube before my thoughts on DTube so recently
Starting point is 00:18:17 I tried to make an account over there and then for about three weeks I I kept trying and every time there was a API api failed it was like a json error basically the uh or the um the account creation didn't work for three weeks and then they went into the token sale and the devs weren't saying anything in the discord and a bunch of people were like hey is is d2 a scam i was one those people. I was kind of pushing up the rumors. But I don't know. Stirring the pot a little bit. Pretty much.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Because you're going into a token sale, your account creation doesn't work, and the devs are radio silent. I know they want to get work done, but you can at least say in the Discord, hey guys, we're working on a fix. But no. Yeah, it's pretty jank.
Starting point is 00:19:04 It is a little bit so yeah oh sorry what were you saying uh i was just gonna say um yeah i'm not really deep involved into the actual community of like the tube or anything it's literally just a place for me to put my videos so i don't really have a comment to make. I think that's the important thing it should be. What happened there? I just love when, uh, when a new torrent just launches on your computer. I'd never use a torrenting program. No, I don't have a video coming up about my torrenting solution or anything. Torrenting solution for uni students i did have someone ask me um
Starting point is 00:19:47 because in a recent video i uploaded a recent video i uploaded i think it'll be a couple i don't know when this is going up actually anyway it was what's today 19th the 19th of february i uploaded a video and i mentioned in that because it was a program to explore my file tree I had a 97 gigabyte folder and it was all anime and I got a comment yeah 97 gigs of anime and someone was like
Starting point is 00:20:18 oh 97 gigs of anime it's probably all hentai and I was like all I'll say is that it's hard enough to seed popular content. So that's all you get from me. I don't think we've, now that I think about it, we're 20 minutes in and I haven't even really introduced who you are. I've said you like, you have this channel with like 50 subs. Why are you here?
Starting point is 00:20:44 Why did I bring you on? I mean, I was told that you wanted to talk to interesting people and apparently I'm an interesting person. Okay, well, I guess we can start from how did I actually meet you? So, it would have been back in first year of uni, wouldn't it? meet you so it would have been back in first year of uni wouldn't it yeah it was in first year but I don't think we really talked until towards the end or the beginning of
Starting point is 00:21:11 second year but I think that was like that for most of the people that I talk to now from uni well everyone was kind of dragged into AGPU by Sam and then yeah okay I I was gonna say he dragged everyone in.
Starting point is 00:21:28 So even if we didn't know each other, because back then, I think in first year, I would have been talking to mainly Sam and Josh. Mm-hmm. And I don't know when we started talking, to be honest. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Yeah, like I said, I don't think because the thing about uni in my experience at least is that in first year you don't really connect with people all too much but it's more so the second year that you do because by then everyone has kind of everyone that's not committed to the degree is kind of like pissed off so you know oh okay these people actually yeah you know these people can actually like be around and can be your friends because i remember making friends with some people in first year and then they just disappeared i haven't talked to them since there are a couple of people like that, isn't there? Especially, what was
Starting point is 00:22:25 his name? The dude who would always be in people's DMs asking about assignment questions. Oh, my boy Agosh. Yeah, Agosh. Top lad. I don't think I ever got a question from him, actually. Damn, that's surprising, because, like,
Starting point is 00:22:41 you're one of the main people that you'd like, go to questions with. I know it's weird isn't it? Now the sun's coming out and it's too bright in here. So you can't tell because it's still white for you but... Yeah you're literally still... Oh it's even worse now. Yeah no the sun's just come out.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Uh lighting might just be a mess for the rest of the podcast. For me whatever. I might fix it in post we'll see what happens so what, actually wait, before I do that now the sun's gone away again of course it has
Starting point is 00:23:14 okay, um art, that one, that was what I was going to go to I've had a couple of people comment about the profile picture most of them have been saying things like, I didn't know you had a new profile picture. And there was one dude who did say, I think it was a couple actually,
Starting point is 00:23:33 who think it's actually really good art. So you did a good job. Besides the thing where you messed up with the dimensions of the channel banner. Oh yes, I'm got to fix that. Also, I don't know if this was just... I don't know what this is. I think it could just be the webcams aren't exactly 16x9, but the boxes seem to be slightly off.
Starting point is 00:23:57 I mean, that is probably also my fault. I can definitely fix that, though. I'll just make the webcam slightly bigger. It's not a problem. Yours is in 4x3, so it's not really any better right now. True. I didn't even think of that. Fucking shitty laptop webcam.
Starting point is 00:24:16 That's fine. I've made the background... You can stretch me so my face just looks like this. I don't think you need any extra help looking chubby. Everything's working. little chubby cheeks all i've done is just added a um a white background behind the actual webcam so if there's no one there then that's how that looks you'll see it when actually go and upload it but yeah so i think you came to me about the art, didn't you? Because I was looking for art to get done, and I don't remember going directly to you for it. No, I reached out.
Starting point is 00:24:52 I was keen to, because I know you mentioned it in one of your videos, and I was keen to do something, because I don't really have a lot to do. I'm just a lowly jobless graduate oh you are jobless still okay so i had to find something to do so i figured oh i'll give it a go i'll reach out and i i you know i didn't used to think i was that good but you know i my self-esteem has gotten a lot better since uh i don't know like a year or two ago so i was i was happy to reach out and i mean clearly you thought it was decent so
Starting point is 00:25:33 it's definitely good i i do definitely appreciate it because this i could have just made something myself but i feel like having some well-made art actually does really, really improve the quality of the actual content, I guess. It's a little thing. I could go without it. Like I could just do an audio podcast and there will just be an audio version of this. But I think for the video watchers, it does really help to just have something there.
Starting point is 00:26:05 For sure. for sure. If anyone else would like some art done, down here is my name, I'm pretty sure. You can look me up on literally anywhere. That's my name everywhere. Yeah, your name, it will be under your thing and I'll put some stuff in the description. Just send me that after we finish recording
Starting point is 00:26:24 and I'll get all that sorted have i don't care how many links you got just send them all to me and i'll i'll deal with it yeah i'll make sure i'll send you the link to every youtube channel i've ever had i think i've been making videos since like 2008 or some shit even though the one i do remember do remember the really old one you had. You showed that off at uni a couple of times. When you were like 10 or whatever it was. The one in the school. I mean, what one?
Starting point is 00:26:53 Yeah, okay. The zombie one or whatever it was. Awful, short zombie film. That was such a good video. It's not any better than the stuff I made back... Actually, no, it's way better than what I made back then. You've seen my greatest achievement, haven't you? I have.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Yeah. We're going to keep that on the down low for a little bit. That's going to be a surprise when we get to... You can hide that in one of your videos somewhere. Yeah, I don't have a Jamie, so let's not do stuff where I have to edit out, because that's a pain. Let's just avoid things that I have to bleep out. That'll make it a little bit easier for me.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Yeah, that's fair, that's fair. There's already going to be a big enough pain to actually go ahead and actually edit all this. I don't really have to do much really it's just to make sure it's the audio is not broken or anything and hopefully it should be fine i hope he is hoping fingers crossed if it all breaks then i guess i'll have to save episode two maybe yeah we'll see because initially i was actually going to be doing this episode with marty but he was like i am moving back from the country and i have to like move into my
Starting point is 00:28:15 new room and i have to do all this stuff like okay well i guess i guess we can save that for episode two then that's fine that yeah that's probably a good idea. I thought of something tech-related. Yes, you did. Okay. I do have notes up. It's not the thing that I sent you. It's actually something else. Oh, it is?
Starting point is 00:28:34 Okay. Up until about less than a week ago, I reckon, I was rocking maybe the worst ADSL 2 Plus internet that you've ever seen. I'm talking speeds like 200 kilobytes a second download. And upload even worse. Like, literally just not even usable upload, let's be honest here.
Starting point is 00:29:00 I see why you did those videos then. I see why you did those short videos then. No, well, the thing is, we literally had to tether our phone internet to the laptop so we could actually upload the video without it taking about like 12 hours or something. Ever think of just uploading at uni? Look, I did, but I don't want to have to train there just to upload it upload it i mean you could do it on the day she had classes i mean yeah but i think i kind of started it uh in the last semester so i thought as long as that okay well uh i think it's going yeah i think it's actually been going for about a year maybe so i guess it was before that okay well but but before i think like the first like four or five videos i didn't think it was going to actually be something that i continued doing so yeah um yeah so just awful awful internet speeds and uh let me tell you i'm about i'm about to bad mouth
Starting point is 00:30:09 inter node so much go right ahead i i've never been a big fan of inter node maybe let's cut those ties with those inter node sponsorship oh you don't want to be sponsored by inter node no i want my mate i want my raid shadow legend I want my Raid Shadow Legends sponsorship. I'll take that Raid money. I don't care if I'm a complete sellout. I'll do 10 grand a video. I'm waiting for the day that you'll be like, hey, let's get right into it,
Starting point is 00:30:38 but first, I'll wait for my sponsor, Raid Shadow Legends. Or Dollar Shave Club. Honestly, if Dollar Shave Club wanted to sponsor me and all they wanted to do was send me free razors, that's fine. Because I've been a member for like three years.
Starting point is 00:30:53 I mean, I think any of the other typical YouTube sponsors are honestly not that bad. As much of a meme as it is being hit with a sponsorship during a video, at least you're not being scammed into some shit game well it depends on who it is you've had some people who actually have been promoting literal scams i mean true but like the big ones by now like audible dollar shave club yeah um i'm trying to think of some other ones uh
Starting point is 00:31:25 no i don't want a game that just plays itself thank you very much that's not why i want to play video no you know i will take that farmville money you know what that'd be that's okay because that's that i mean as much of a scam as a Facebook Game is Farmville at least would be a funnier meme Than Raid I completely cut you off You're going to start bad mouthing internet So
Starting point is 00:31:55 So the whole time That I've lived in this house Our internet has been just god awful But it wasn't until like Last year I'd say that it really got bad like internet would start cutting out and it would just slow down to dial up speeds i mean as much as it already was basically dial up but just unusable internet and so every time i'd call up there'd be like oh have you tried restarting your router?
Starting point is 00:32:26 Have you tried power cycling it? Same thing. Have you tried factory resetting it, all this garbage? I'm like, yes, I've done this 20 times now, and it doesn't work. It's your own fault. Thank you very much. Send out a technician and be like, oh, I don't know what's wrong. And then magically it fixes itself.
Starting point is 00:32:48 And then be like, hey, have you considered switching to ambient? I'm like, not with you. Do you want to announce who you switched to? Stay with ambient? Okay. So I'm not with InterNode anymore. Thank God. So I'm not with InterNode anymore, thank God.
Starting point is 00:33:10 So I've gone for a bit of a different approach to internet. So I don't actually use the copper cabling in my house anymore because, I mean, as much blame as I want to put on InterNode, part of it is just this is an old house and, like, the speed is going to be a bit bottlenecked no matter how good the speed is going to be a bit bottlenecked no matter how good the internet is um so we actually got a new router that uses a sim card so it's essentially you have internet that's just 4g yeah and so that's oh you don't know how good it feels to go from 200 kilobytes a second to 11 megabytes a second. You're only on 11?
Starting point is 00:33:46 Look, I know it's not amazing, but for me, this is life changing. That's fair. I remember when I got 11 like eight years ago. That was nice. We're talking about this as if it's like fast speeds and we're still like literally about the speed of like Kazakhstan. I mean, honestly, yes. if it's like fast speeds and we're still like literally about the speed of like kazakhstan i mean honestly yes i know like most of my viewers come from the u.s i've got a couple people in um japan though just because of the occasional uh anime dropping i've got but you go to japan you can get way better speed so you go to most of the world and you can get decent speeds. Even in the US, there's places you can get gigabit. And in Australia,
Starting point is 00:34:29 good luck. Literally a third world country internet. Literally a third world country. Fourth world country internet. Oh lord, yeah. But yes, that has been a very that has been a life improvement. As unimpressive as it is,
Starting point is 00:34:44 I mean. I honestly don't need more than that. I donimpressive as it is. I mean. I honestly don't need more than that. I don't know if it's my side that's doing it but it can't be that great because your voice occasionally desyncs. I mean, yeah. I don't know what it is. It's
Starting point is 00:34:59 probably both of us. Probably. Well, I've got 50 by 11 us. Probably. Well, I've got 50 by 11, roughly. Okay. If I had control, I would be... Well, we're with Optus here, but that's because my housemate slash landlord has her phone plan also bundled in with it,
Starting point is 00:35:21 so she gets a bit of a discount. If I had my way, I would be switching over to Mate or Aussie Broadband. Those are the only two companies I'm actually willing to shout out. But yeah, I'd switch over to those, get myself a 100 down connection. Did you mention the company you switched to? You said you switched over to 4G. It's Optus. It's Optus, okay.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Optus isn't bad, but they've got a... Some things I'm not too happy about, like the... The password they set for their modem by default is a little bit annoying to get into. I kind of had to uh, dig through some information to actually get into it, just because I was having some port forwarding issues a little while back, where Optus was actually blocking some of the ports that my uh, not torrenting setup was using. Yeah. And yeah, so now I think they're blocking like port 5500 or something,
Starting point is 00:36:17 or 55,000, whatever transmission was trying to use by default. So now I've just got it randomizing the port every time transmission launches. Okay, that's pretty nifty workaround. It's part of the default. I didn't do anything special. There's a setting that says randomize port equals true. Okay, that's a good idea. Okay, so we blocked this torrenting port, but we do have something in our own hardware.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Oh, no, it's in the transmission set up to actually... Oh, in the transmission. Okay. Yeah, yeah. My bad. I've almost finished my tea. You finished it, like, 20 minutes ago. Yeah, my tea was getting a little cold, so I had to finish it.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Let's see. So, that didn't really go anywhere, did it? We're kind of stuck now. We didn't. No. Uni? Jamie, bring up another topic. Jamie.
Starting point is 00:37:12 I have unlimited Uni stories just solely because of awful group members. Hey, Connor, have you ever done DMT? We can just go full Joe Rogan on it. No, I haven't done DMT. I'm sorry to disappoint you. We'll just, we'll keep the drug stories for a later, later episode. We don't want to get shut down instantly. There's many drug stories.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Don't worry. If you ever want me to pull out any, there's a, there's more than enough there. If you ever want me to pull out any, there's more than enough there. So now that you've finished, because you finished uni last year, didn't you? Yeah. Yeah, so what's your plan now? Because I was going to ask you before, and then I kind of forgot about it. Well, I mean, I've kind of changed my mind a bit since I initially was freed.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Yeah. So initially I kind of just wanted to get a job straight away and basically whatever I could get, I wasn't too fussed. And, like, that's still kind of my plan. Like, I would still happily take a job if I got offered it. happily take a job if I get got offered it but at the moment I'm kind of just having fun just doing like freelance stuff so like the art that I did for you and I've also got some other stuff where I'm kind of coming up with designs for websites for some people that aren't really tech savvy. So that's gone well. There's a little bit of a goldmine I've hit there.
Starting point is 00:38:51 I'm really enjoying that. It's also a really good experience because it's kind of getting those soft skills that you need for jobs in general because, you know, you get to talk to clients and stuff and you really have to understand, like you have to try and get out what they want from it because most of the time people have no idea what they actually want and so you have to try and drill that out of them and that's just really good experience for basically anything because it's just communication skills which is probably like one of the most important things that you need, aside from, I mean, the technical stuff that you'd be doing. Well, the technical stuff you can learn as you get on the job.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Once you've done your first couple of programming languages, it's pretty easy to pick up something new. But those soft skills are what really takes a while to actually develop. And it's something that I've noticed in myself. When I first started this channel, I remember that I occasionally would post those videos back in the Facebook group chat, and I was awful at speaking on camera.
Starting point is 00:39:55 I'm not great now. I'm definitely not great now, but I feel like doing this has at least improved the way that I've been able to actually communicate. And I think especially going into the podcast if like I honestly I would love that if this could be what I do as like my life I would love to be able to just do my own thing but we'll see what happens after my gap year next year and we'll after that I'll work out what I'm going to do, but I feel like having
Starting point is 00:40:26 this podcast, being able to actually talk to people, and not just talk to people I know, like, obviously I'm going to bring my friends on, but once I have some sort of traction with the podcast, I want to bring people on who I've never spoke to before, and even people I disagree with, so people, so doing that, I think it will really help my village actually communicate with people, especially people who aren't tech savvy and aren't people who agree with everything I say, basically. If that makes any sense.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Yeah. Well, that's incredibly important to have that point you said about talking to people that you don't agree with because like that's a a big problem that i think a lot of people have is like when they get faced with someone that doesn't agree with them on you know it doesn't really matter what topic it is they kind of just shut down and they become super defensive about it but you got to understand like the other person believes in their thoughts just as much as you believe in your side.
Starting point is 00:41:26 So it's really, I mean, it's all experience. Like you've got to actually do this stuff to gain it. But they're incredibly important skills that you need for everything. I know it's been said countless times on plenty of places but i the biggest problem that we're seeing now is that you can have these conversations with people and you're not actually talking to a person i think that's the biggest problem that we start to see so basically you like say on twitter or on facebook or anywhere like that you can talk to people but you're not actually talking to a person you're talking to an avatar and you're talking to a name whereas when you do stuff like this
Starting point is 00:42:10 and i eventually if this does go well i eventually do want to have a studio where i can bring people in and talk to people face to face and for people that i really disagree with i think that that's going to be a really healthy way to actually have a conversation with someone. For sure. For sure. I can go on talking by myself for an hour about how much I hate social media. I still use it because you kind of need to, like when you're doing content and you want
Starting point is 00:42:40 to advertise it, there's really no better way to do it. Yeah, there's not really any way around it. I found that, I mean, I've kind of improved on it, but I found that I was kind of obsessing over, like, just stupid shit. Like, I'd be looking at, like, Reddit stuff. Yeah. Like, just like the news tab on reddit i'd be like why am i looking at this garbage and so i kind of stopped myself from doing that i'm like it
Starting point is 00:43:14 doesn't give me any gain or anything it's literally just there to like try and upset me and get me riled up about and so you you know you just got to use it for like like the only time you should even be using anything really is just like if you can actually get something out of it yeah whether it be it doesn't have to be important like oh i'm i'm getting an important skill out of it like if you want to just get entertainment and fun out of it, that's good. But like there's a lot of stuff on social media apps and stuff that it's just kind of like literally just a time sink that you don't get anything
Starting point is 00:43:55 out of it. It just ends up making you mad. Yeah. I know that feeling. I know some people, especially in my sort of sphere, there's a lot of older Christians and a lot of people who are very anti, it's weird, there's a lot of people who are anti-technology in the Linux
Starting point is 00:44:10 sphere, I don't get it, anyway, it's a weird, it's a weird spot to be in, but you have a lot of older people as well who talk about how things like video games are just a waste of time, but as you were saying before, if it's something you get some sort of enjoyment out of then even though you're not really improving on anything I think that it's still a good use of your time now obviously could you use that time to improve your soft skills like you're talking about before or work on say if you're into art you could use that time to do art but if you're still enjoying what you're doing is it really such a problem in the end no i wouldn't say so it really more so comes
Starting point is 00:44:53 down to your time management like just making sure that you don't spend your whole day playing games like because obviously then it becomes like a waste of time but if you're just spending like an hour or two like i don't know even once a day if you like have that time then there's nothing bad about doing that speaking of playing games i noticed on discord uh you're up playing cs go pretty late yeah i mean i i like to if if i'm gonna play stuff, I like to do it in the morning. But there's, um, so I don't know how much you know about Counter-Strike. Not a ton. But there's, at the moment there's missions that you can do, and if you do them you get
Starting point is 00:45:42 like items in your Steam inventory which you can like sell for steam wallet money and so So I've been doing that with Alfie what one of my friends that also appears in my videos And so we've been doing all these missions but part of the problem is like We'll want to play at like 10 a.m at 10 AM, but that's when everyone is at work. And so to get some of these missions, you need to play game modes that aren't played a whole bunch. So you have to play it at night time when all the people get back from their jobs.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Or you have to play it on the American servers with the terrible ping. Which is literally impossible. Yeah, well, I might be able to do it with my connection, but it might be a little bit... Especially because you've got a 4G connection, those inherently have higher ping. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:40 How is your ping on that anyway? It's all right. It's around, like around like 60 ish ping it could be better but like it could be yeah i'm so i'm so used to playing at like 100 plus so yeah yeah it's it's an improvement regardless honestly anything under like 170 is actually playable but like well obviously you want it lower than that some games it is i don't know how csgo handles it but i know that a lot of the like big triple a shooters they do rubber banding does oh yeah csgo not do that or is it it has some form of rubber banding but
Starting point is 00:47:20 honestly if you so i've never had consistently like middling ping, like it's either playable or it's just, just not playable. It will spike to like a thousand and you just, you glitch through everything in the map and it's just impossible to do anything. So I think I have a feeling that might just be how they've made it. I have a feeling that might just be how they've made it so you can't be put in a game that's like that awful
Starting point is 00:47:49 consistently but I'm not completely sure because back when I used to play Quake Live, I don't know if you've ever played that it was no but I know about it it was a free release of Quake
Starting point is 00:48:04 built on the quake 3 engine and quake 3 didn't do rubber banding so if you had 200 ping you just had to aim 200 milliseconds ahead so it you could at the time i played on actually roughly as bad as your connection you had before so i was playing on like 150 plus ping and all you had to do was just aim ahead of people and that's i think that's honestly a better solution than doing the rubber band and the rubber banding just makes it kind of gross to play the game i mean yeah of course i mean but so i'll go on a bit of a tangent. Counter-Strike is basically one of the only online games
Starting point is 00:48:49 that I play at the moment. I used to like play a lot of online stuff, but I just found that I get too mad. Because like the thing I like about Counter-Strike is if you die, most of the time it is just your fault. You can't blame it on something else. But I found myself, I can't think of an example, but, like, in other games I'd be, like, just get so mad because it's like, oh, that wasn't even my fault that I fucked up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Or that I died. Yeah, I thought I used to feel it back when I played, like, COD and Battlefield and all that. And I just realised, like, it's not a... Back to the entertainment thing. yeah i used to feel back when i played like cod and battlefield and all that and i just realized like it's not a back to the entertainment thing at that point is it really a form of entertainment if all you're doing is you're getting really angry at it i guess for some people yeah but i don't know yeah so yeah that's that's basically where i find myself or found myself and like you still kind of get those games when you play Counter-Strike, but
Starting point is 00:49:47 they're a lot rarer than other stuff. Unless you go into ranked. If you really care about your rank, then I guess you're going to get angry. Yeah, but you've got to kind of just approach it as having fun instead. That's pretty much it. So I basically just play single
Starting point is 00:50:06 player stuff at the moment. I haven't played a game in a while but usually, you're not going to hear me now, usually, um, let's see. This is quality content. Yeah, the last thing I was playing, you won't be able to see it. Oh maybe you will. I can make up Tales of... Tales of Berseria. Yeah it's a JRPG. That's one of the things I wish I had time for. JRPGs, honestly they were like my my passion growing up but they're so they're so long i don't know if you've really gotten much into jpg so like i think i've played one but i can't think of what it is and i just know that i just don't have that
Starting point is 00:50:56 that kind of uh that commitment yeah there's another one i'm thinking about but commitment's good enough so well the big problem with these sorts of games is a lot of the time is level grinding it's not really something that i don't find interesting yeah but i know a lot of people do so well i think the game has probably done the best that recently i know everyone said this game's amazing it's persona 5 though I love persona it is such a good game and because of the way the the day system works so have you ever played persona 5 or any of persona games? No I haven't but I do have a an interest to possibly play so the way that they work basically is there's a calendar so you own it's not like a time limit
Starting point is 00:51:47 calendar but if you say run out of all of your skill points during the day then you can't do any more battles during that day and you just have to end it there so the battles are inherently or and the leveling system is inherently set up in a way where you don't have to grind for 20 hours just to beat one boss just because you can't actually spend all that time actually trying to level up because you just don't have the skill points to do it. Whereas games where you, I guess, don't have that sort of limit then they can make it so grind this boss until eternity basically. Okay well that's interesting then that's that's good i like games
Starting point is 00:52:29 that do new stuff yeah existing formulas so i i definitely once i get the time i'd like to check it out but i have so much stuff to play already yeah i know the feeling like i've bought a bunch of games when i bought my ps4 and i just haven't played most of them because i kind of feel like i'm a bit different on the entertainment thing i kind of feel like when i'm playing games i should be doing something a bit more productive like i have my my linux stuff to work on which is related to my channel or i could do some programming stuff or i could go the gym, or I could do a bunch of other stuff. Like, I could work on my, um, channel advertising, things like that, where I feel like if I play games, it's kind of, I don't know, digging into that time, but I still then go and watch anime, so maybe it's a,
Starting point is 00:53:21 a hypocritical thing, I don't know know maybe it's just the way my brain works i mean yeah i i would say so because i have my weird fucking brain thoughts when i'm like yeah yeah there's a good brain thought for you but yeah i get weird about stuff i'm like oh should i really be doing blah blah don't think this is good and then meanwhile i'll just go do something else which is just like equally as basically the same thing but different yeah no um i don't know i i don't know it's just a weird thing about how you value your time really. I guess I just value gaming time a bit less and you value certain things more than other things as well.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Yeah. I don't really have anything else to go on for that, so... Yeah, pretty much. I think that's also why... I think doing uni has really kind of messed up my time evaluation ability because, like, because comparatively to now, to when I was in uni, I don't do anywhere near as much actual stuff like in when you're in uni you like have four overwhelming like courses that you have to consistently work on and you're like oh okay
Starting point is 00:54:53 so I have some free time I can work on this now and oh I should probably start on this thing before it gets too late but like now that I have nothing to do I'm like I don't know how to value my time properly yeah i kind of feel the same way even though i have the channel and i have all this other stuff when i'm on break from uni i don't really know how and when i don't work a day so today i'm not working i'm really bad at managing my time when i don't have some looming thing that has to be done later. Whether that's an assignment, whether that's going to work. When I don't have that, I just tend to sit around and not do much. It's been a problem I've had for ages, really. I feel like I've gotten better at it, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:39 It's one of those things you just continuously have to work on. Because if you let yourself slip, then, yeah, it's just all fall apart sorry i cut you off there yeah no um i i kind of cut you off so um i think that's just like a problem that kind of just happens because it's like kind of a shock to your system like you go from being so busy to just not having stuff to do and like just that's such like a big change for you so when that happens you kind of don't know how to process it properly i think the biggest change was actually just when i came out of high school really because when you leave high school you've been in a position where you've basically been working your full-time job since you were five years old so once you leave that you're like what do i do
Starting point is 00:56:32 i have all of this time especially if you go in from that into a gap year i was planning to get stuff done during that year and then i just i did nothing really yeah i i didn't have a gap year yeah a lot of the guys didn't have a gap year i think it was beneficial but i don't know how good it would have been for me um if i did um like obviously i can't tell what would happen, but I am glad that I did just go straight into uni because I feel like for me, at least, I think going from that really intense high school schedule to nothing and then back into like a uni degree would have been like, once again, it would just been a real shock to me. Yeah. And I don't think I would have done as well as i i did if i did have that gap year yeah i think i just needed i don't know i was kind of just dragging my feet back then i i i didn't really have any desires i wanted to do i was at the point where i was just like
Starting point is 00:57:38 do i even want to go to uni after the gap year i think that's one of the big problems if you aren't committed to actually making something of your life then you are you might actually end up dragging your feet and it'll be a serious problem but i looked at the sort of people around me and i looked at what they were doing with their life and a lot of those people were just complete drop kicks like a lot of the guys you you know you came from the same roughly the same area didn't you well um i mean i don't think so but like i do know what you mean there's definitely those people that i did know do you want to shout out the school you went to i went to underdale high school okay maybe it's better than where i went um i don't even recognize that name
Starting point is 00:58:23 yeah but i know you're western suburbs so i think inherently it's better than where I went. I don't even recognise that name. Yeah, it's in the western suburbs, so I think inherently it's better than a northern suburbs school. Yeah, but you go to Elizabeth a lot, and you see the sort of people that are around there. Yeah. Yeah, so I grew up in
Starting point is 00:58:39 Smithfield Plains and like Davern Park area, so anyone from Australia has probably heard of those places and I had a couple of mates who dropped out of high school and I'm not kidding to become rappers
Starting point is 00:58:55 they didn't have any I knew someone like that they didn't have any music history they didn't have anything all they did was they dropped out and then started a SoundCloud account and started rapping. And obviously, it was garbage.
Starting point is 00:59:15 But... Yo, I'm the illest rapper you've ever seen. They all sounded like Discount Cursor. It was a pain to listen to that's a bit worrisome it is so i saw those sort of people around me and i i guess i saw um with my dad who he was stuck in a factory doing a factory job until now and he's always been in a factory job and it's like i don't want to do that that sounds horrible so i'm gonna get something i'm gonna do something my life whatever ends up
Starting point is 00:59:51 being and i've always been interested in computers so going into program was kind of a natural course and now i've kind of shifted from that where i want the programming stuff to be my backup plan and then i'm still interested in computers but i kind of shifted away into talking about computers what rather than making software so it's still in the same sphere and i'm still going towards that dream i've had since i've been like 10 years old maybe but i'm trying to achieve it in a different way if if that makes sense yeah i mean my my it journey is a bit it's it's a lot shorter and it's also just really strange because so in in year 12 i did uh maths uh, and photography, the odd one out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:48 But I didn't – I was going to do a Bachelor of Science originally. I was, like, I was dead set on that. And then one of my friends was like, hey, do you want to come do this Bachelor of IT with me instead? I was like, sure, I'm'm down and then he didn't end up going to uni oh and now you're here and now i'm here i i but i don't think i would change it i'm i'm more than happy doing i don't think i would have made it through a science degree, to be honest. As interesting as I find it, I think it would be, for one, it would have been a lot harder just from what I've heard from some of my friends.
Starting point is 01:01:34 It's a good excuse not to do it. And also just job prospects. I don't know how accurate this is but in my mind um you kind of have that problem of not having as many job opportunities within where you live but also people in it talk a lot about like it goes back to what we were talking before about like soft skills and communication. Like it's kind of a stereotype that I have to people. I have no idea like how to talk to other people, but there are some people. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:02:14 of course. Starting with an A for example. Of course there are those people, but I feel like just from what I've kind of personally seen, that's also a problem within the science kind of area. So I think just like those things put together, I'm quite happy that I did IT instead. Well, I think with,
Starting point is 01:02:38 I do know a couple of people who are in science. I think the problem with science, and this isn't a problem with science per se, it's kind of a problem with the Going into it and getting a job if you're not dedicated about something Then finding a job I think is gonna be really hard. So if you're dedicated about I don't know meteoroids You are going to study really hard about those or if you're dedicated about I don't know Some sort of chemistry you're gonna study really hard about that
Starting point is 01:03:11 And if you do that and you work really hard at getting into that then I think you can make something of yourself But if you're just going in saying I am interested in science then there's not really I don't think there's much you could really do unless you also then do a double degree and then go and teach science but i if you're doing a if you if you end up teaching i think that's where you've kind of let your life fall apart you only teach if you only teach if uh you don't have anything if you don't have the skills to actually go and do the job for yourself. Like, you have a couple of the lecturers who, they've worked jobs, but now they're teaching.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Are they teaching because they like teaching, or are they teaching because they weren't good at their job? There's definitely a recurring theme throughout the uni degree. I don't think we talked about, before we started recording, we probably should have done this before, how long we wanted to actually go for, because I don't want to keep you here for like forever, so. I'm free all day, so I'm happy to keep going as long as you want I'm happy to go for like another half an hour to an hour
Starting point is 01:04:29 so I guess we'll just see where the conversation goes yeah sweet okay because I was thinking roughly the same thing because as nice as it would be to do a three hour podcast that's too much talking and I don't have any way to compensate you so i don't
Starting point is 01:04:46 really want to keep you here for three hours like i said i literally am not doing anything wait how long has that sloth been there i just noticed that it's sitting behind you i didn't even mean to do that oh lord yes well that plays in perfectly to the channel it's just always there yeah essentially
Starting point is 01:05:17 I mean if we go back to that quickly if anyone's still watching and is still potentially interested I'm kind of approaching it from the angle of something like I don't know if you know what Marvel Hornets is but it's like the YouTube channel that was about like this guy that was being like harassed by the Slender Man oh and it was like it was like fully serious and everything like it was
Starting point is 01:05:47 it was um i didn't really watch it but i knew of it and i thought it was really cool and so i've taken a bit of inspiration from that and some other places as well that will become quite apparent if you have seen those things well i do hope that i don't know how many people are going to come over hopefully that at least some people will so hopefully people if you're still watching go check out connor's channel because he does put a lot of work in it and they are really good videos even if the older ones aren't that great the new ones are really good and i hope that i know obviously some of those especially the one with cory those are a lot of work to put together but i do hope to see more content of like that
Starting point is 01:06:33 quality because it is i i think even though it's not consistent content i think that eventually someone's gonna notice it i hope someone notices it like i mean i hope so too like if you got a shout out from someone with a reasonable sub base it that would be all you needed for that channel to just latch on to the algorithm and for it to explode because it's the sort of content that i think really will catch on if people start noticing it it's just actually hooking into the algorithm is the hardest part of it oh yeah and but like and also what i said like it's it's not my main goal to i know that but it's kind of to get a following but it's just nice to share stuff with people because like my favorite video that I've done is the
Starting point is 01:07:25 Comedians in cars getting coffee parody. I think that yeah, that was easily my favorite video and It was my favorite to make and I think it turned out really well. And so I Don't know where I was going with this point My favorite part about that video was the cameraman sitting in the back seat who was hiding behind the driver's seat. Yes. That was the one not planned thing.
Starting point is 01:07:51 We were like, we need to shoot this thing where I talk to Alfie that's not in the car and then we were like, do we go home first? You could have just left her out of the car and just gone for a drive and picked her back up.
Starting point is 01:08:07 True. I'll give you that one, but clearly we weren't thinking that far ahead. I've got this whole plan for this whole story, but I can't fucking think like five minutes ahead of me. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 01:08:23 I guess we probably should hit the topic you actually sent me. So the one about the PS Vita. Oh, yes. Yeah. I mean, yeah, that comes back nicely to me saying that I don't, I have too much stuff to play. So like I've always wanted a Vita because i think they're just like so cool like just the design of it is just nice and sleek and like i like the idea of having a portable console that's not a ds because i don't want to play like ds obviously has like amazing games but
Starting point is 01:09:02 yeah yeah i wanted to play the stuff that's on the Vita because those games are more interesting to me, stuff like LittleBigPlanet and, like, Tearaway and stuff. Hey, you've got a Vita, so you might as well get yourself Persona 4 Golden. Yes, I do plan to do that once I have worked through my back logo stuff. I, like, have bought probably like
Starting point is 01:09:27 10 or 12 games and I've only played about half of those. Yep. I know the feeling. So I'm making my way through that, but it's just such a nice console to hold and like it only about like a handful of games actually use its features like because it has a touchpad and it has a touch screen it has a camera and like i've only played two games that actually take full advantage of that which is sad it's such a sad console because it didn't sell well and it's fucking dead now it did do pretty well in japan but outside of japan because it's got a lot of jrpgs on if you want jrpgs the vita is an amazing console but a lot of them didn't get translated and they're not super popular outside of japan in the first place so it kind of just
Starting point is 01:10:22 died and because japan has such a um a lot of people take the train to get to work so everyone has a lot of time to spend playing things where they like just playing games on a handheld system really but here most people drive so it's not I guess it's it's a bit harder to find that time yeah definitely um i found that i like back when i was um at uni and like taking the train there it's like i wish i had it then because that would have been the perfect time to have it but i kind of put that time into just looking at fucking shitty Reddit posts. Looking at the graffiti along the Gawler line.
Starting point is 01:11:10 Yeah. I mean, that's also fun to look at because it changes every, like, week almost. My favourite part is when they graffiti the train. I'm still waiting for fucking that train line line to be updated it's taking its time it's not gonna happen they're just like I want to put this much money into a train that's gonna have so many festy people on it well we have new trains that can go faster but they keep saying all the lines aren't aren't good enough for it then upgrade the lines yeah i never understood that because they close they close the google line like what feels like every month to work on it but i don't know what they're working on
Starting point is 01:11:57 because it's the exact same thing oh back to the other vita for a second I don't really care about all the extra cool stuff, I've wanted the Vita for one reason and that's for the homebrew stuff getting emulators working on the Vita is really really cool like I think it can emulate pretty well up to I know it can do PS1 games
Starting point is 01:12:20 pretty well and you might be able to get PS2 working on it slightly yeah I've seen videos of people like doing ps2 stuff on it i mean because it has that power because it has like um the trilogies of like ratchet and clank and sly and jack and daxter on it so I can run those things um but I don't I haven't really looked into it enough to know how big the PS2 stuff is but I know everything before that generation is definitely doable yeah yeah I know um on the I don't know how you'd go about on the Vita but I know on PS3 you can run Retroarch and then emulate like SNES and Game Boy Advance and DS and all of that stuff.
Starting point is 01:13:08 So I assume it's pretty similar on the Vita itself. Yeah, well, there's a whole subreddit dedicated to just homebrew stuff for Vita. So if you ever do get one, then there's definitely the stuff there for it. How much did you pick it up for? definitely the stuff there for it how much did you pick it up for so i got very lucky and i know someone that like just didn't use theirs oh nice and so um used vidas are usually like at least 150 but i got mine for 50 so that was for anyone that was very good. For anyone in the US our currency is worth literally dirt so
Starting point is 01:13:49 times that by about 66% and you get the US price Yep around like $230 ish dollars Ah, other way the US would be cheaper Oh yeah So $150 would be cheaper. Oh yeah, sorry, my bad.
Starting point is 01:14:06 So 150 would be about 100 US. I'm so used to converting from US to AU, because Steam for the longest time didn't have Australian dollars. Yeah, that was a pain, wasn't it? Because you just didn't really know how much stuff was going to cost properly. And you're like, hmm, this game is like $10. No, not really. No, it's more like $16.
Starting point is 01:14:32 Yeah. Yeah, because they Valve just got mad because Australia did that refund law and they had to put it in place that you could refund games on Steam. So I'm pretty sure they got super mad for the longest time.
Starting point is 01:14:48 They're like, we're not giving you your currency. But I mean, that's obviously changed now. Yeah, yeah. I don't even know what to say anymore. I feel like we should probably keep going on a little bit longer. I don't really know what else to say, really. You got anything interesting you want to mention? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:15:22 I got, like, several uni anecdotes that I could go off on. Yeah, let's go with that and see if we can at least bring it out to an hour 30. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So what's a good one? I like the C++ group story. So during our degree, we had a course about c++ which was very difficult uh pretty much everyone way to put it pretty much everyone struggled with that course um so naturally you have all the
Starting point is 01:15:59 the people that aren't actually like 100% there, if that's a good way to put it, that really just, I never understood the mentality of these people that go to uni but actually don't put the effort in because you're paying for this whole thing. Like, do you think it's just like high school? I don't understand that mentality. Obviously, you never work a job, you just never pay it back true so you know you have all those people
Starting point is 01:16:32 in this class and like so for for someone like me that was like you know not obviously not not cream of the crop but like i put the i put the work in and I got like fairly good grades out of it. I struggled with this. So you can only imagine how these people just coasting along, just got fucking punched in the face with it. And so you get put into these groups with these people cause it was randomly assigned groups, uh,
Starting point is 01:17:03 not choose your own group so you obviously get these awful people that have no idea what they're doing and so by this time you should know how to use stuff like get repositories but these kinds of people have no idea how to even make a Git account. I literally had to sit with one of my group members to sit him through. This is how you sign up for this. Were you guys using GitLab or GitHub for that one? I can't remember.
Starting point is 01:17:38 I think Matt suggested GitLab because he didn't understand how private repos worked. Yeah, I have a feeling it might have been that. So anyway, I'm trying to teach this person how to push their changes, which are basically dirt anyway. Literally just nothing work. But I'll go back to the start of this assignment. So this was a group assignment, obviously, that I said that we got put in groups and stuff.
Starting point is 01:18:08 And it was massive. And for a group of people that have no idea what they're doing, it's just red flags everywhere. So I had Josh, which we talked about earlier, and he's usually really good, but he was going through a lot of personal stuff. So he was kind of out of commission at the time of this assignment. So the main amount of effort fell on to me,
Starting point is 01:18:34 unfortunately. And so I had this one group member, which was like, he was pretty chill and like he did his stuff. I had to help him out a bit, but like I can deal with that kind of group member. But then we had two people that just had no idea what they're doing. There was a language barrier which doesn't help at all. So you're trying to explain something and they just don't get it.
Starting point is 01:18:59 Obviously, it's hard to learn another language and I completely understand the problem of that but it just compounds onto Unless your name is Kenley How many languages does that kid know? Like six or seven Anyway, go on
Starting point is 01:19:19 So I'm just like, hey, I've planned out what everyone has to do. You have to do this. It's really not that hard to get done. And at this point, this is near the end of this semester, so we had spent, like, a whole semester's worth of time learning how C++ works, how, like, headers and the main files work
Starting point is 01:19:42 and how they interact with each other. I'm like, hey, all you need to do is set out this header file. You need to write a couple lines of code in the main file and just push it to the repo. And so I hear back from this man and he's like, okay, I've done what you said and I go in and look at it and I don't know what this person
Starting point is 01:20:11 has done but it is just it is not readable it is not I don't even think it ran properly like you press run on it and it would just crash so he didn't even try to compile it. It just crashed straight away. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:26 I'm pretty sure from memory. Like, okay. So I'm like, Hey, this is wrong. I'll, I'll try and help you along the process.
Starting point is 01:20:37 This is like how you meant to structure stuff. And he's like, just not getting it. I'm like, okay. I've basically done everything for you. Can you just push it to the repository? He's like, I don't know how
Starting point is 01:20:50 to. What is Git push? Literally, this is the kind of... Actually, no, he was probably using the graphical interface as well. No, no. Okay, he was using the timeline.
Starting point is 01:21:06 He didn't have anything installed. He didn't have, because this was on a Windows machine, he didn't have Git Bash. So I was like, okay, you need to download Git Bash. This is what you need to do. You literally just need to sign in, put the repo link in, and then you can push to it. He's like I Don't understand. I'm like I could understand if this was a normal person
Starting point is 01:21:32 But you've been doing an IT degree and like you've been exposed to get for so long at this point And like the lecture even made a point like Here's how you do it that you don't even need the complex commands that you've learned before. You literally just need to know how to, like, push to the fucking repo and pull from it. Like, that's two commands that you need to learn. So, anyway,
Starting point is 01:21:56 I'm like, here you go. This is how you push. And so he figured it out eventually. I'm like, okay, so there's still a little bit of work here that you need to do. You need to finish this. I'll just, okay, so there's still a little bit of work here that you need to do. You need to finish this. I need to go do some other work. So if you can just get this done by tonight or tomorrow, that's fine. Just push it when you're done. And so I think it was the next day, I was sitting in our club room, I'm working on this stupid thing, and I get a Discord message from this man. And he's like, oh, I've done it. I've pushed this stuff.
Starting point is 01:22:25 And so I'm like, okay, thank you. Thank you for doing this. Finally, I pull it, and it's still just fucking garbage. It is literally just jumbled words that don't work. I'm like, okay, okay. Just remain calm. I'm like, hey, this is still not correct. Can you please just, like, fix it?
Starting point is 01:22:44 Go get help. Go talk to the lecturer if you need to do anything please get help and I just get hit with this message it's literally this is how it was phrased sorry I'm gonna go I sleep now bye
Starting point is 01:22:59 what and I you've never heard from never again that was the last i heard from this guy oh lord at that point it was in the final days of that assignment being due and i'd done everything that i said i had to do and like i had done enough of my stuff to actually get a passing grade and everything and then the responsibility kind of just fell on all the other people to to do their stuff so even if they fucked it up that's like i was protected from that so i don't know what happened with that guy i'm assuming josh had to deal with him because he got an extension on it and he finished up the stuff so it was actually usable but that's my that's my group member anecdote that that was that was lovely i think honestly i wasn't expecting to be able to find a bunch of clips in this episode i didn't know
Starting point is 01:23:58 how it was gonna go because honestly i have no idea what i'm doing and I don't expect that you've ever been on a podcast before but I managed to get like four or so clips out of this video and I think that makes a really good one and we're gonna have to use that for sure oh that I think this podcast was a really good idea I wasn't sure how it was gonna go and I feel like at the start you really weren't sure how it was gonna go and i feel like at the start you really weren't doing great and like opening up and talking but as we went on i think you got a lot better at it yeah i think i just find that with like anyone really though because i'm like a pretty shy person so like i have to just warm up yeah yeah um yeah same with that in real life like if you try it like if i don't know you very well and try and talk to me like the conversation is just awful unless it's like someone that i'm
Starting point is 01:24:53 actually doing stuff for like a client because i actually know what i'm going into but like if you're just trying to have a casual conversation then i'm pretty awful at it. I guess it doesn't help that you're also talking to Casper True, I am talking to the salami. No the ham monster I might just switch over your webcam to my screen This is what I look like right now, and it's it's amazing So you're not gonna see this and unless you've watched hour 25 in I'm not gonna clip this part You have to watch this for yourself so that's
Starting point is 01:25:27 how I've looked at Connor this entire time so if he seemed a little awkward that's partially why most of the time it looks like you have no nose and your eyes are like very small oh well it's been almost an hour and a half so i reckon i reckon we've gone over everything i
Starting point is 01:25:48 want to talk about and i think i think this was actually a really good idea and you're more than happy to come back whenever you feel like it really yeah i i enjoyed it i was i had fun hopefully next time ideally say that you get a couple more people before I come back, though. Yeah, well, it's not really doing a good job for advertising any of your stuff, is it? I mean, I
Starting point is 01:26:16 don't really care, so... Yeah, yeah. Well, the art's nice, because you are making money from that. True. So, yeah, check the link if you made it this far oh yeah there'll be links we'll deal with that afterwards but yeah so i think that's pretty much everything so if you want to shout anything out um i guess just my my channel which is just cos hand it's like one of the only
Starting point is 01:26:46 results that come up when you search on YouTube that's lucky yep I get like I think when I said my name at the start I think if you typed in Brodie Roberts on the first one was some kid with a scooter is his profile picture anyway continue with your shoutouts. Pretty much everywhere else. You can just find me as SuperCosman. If you do want anything from me, I guess something like Twitter would probably be best to contact me on.
Starting point is 01:27:24 But, yeah, so there's my Twitter. There's's deviantart which you can use to like see if there's something that you'd like me to do for you um and then there's my discord but uh i think i just prefer twitter to be honest yeah so that's that that's my little shout out okay well this has been the pilot episode of tech over tea this is what we're gonna be having pretty much every time it's not gonna be super tech focused i'm gonna bring people on like connor who makes artsy stuff and stuff like that later on i'm gonna have one of our mates who is a snapchat lens creator who that's gonna be a fun episode so i'm gonna watch that one i'm gonna pick jiceph's brain about that jiceph jiceph um kenley wants me to watch mr robot so kenley and connor both want me to watch that so
Starting point is 01:28:23 they want me to i might bring them both on for that episode when I eventually do that I've got a mate who wants to or he's got a channel similar to my stuff
Starting point is 01:28:35 but more of a Windows focus yeah then after that we'll just go from there and obviously I'm going to rotate guests as well
Starting point is 01:28:43 so if any of them want to come back so if Connor wants to come guests as well. So if any of them want to come back, so if Connor wants to come back at some point, or Marty or Jai want to come back at some point, then I'm absolutely going to be happy to bring them back, especially if they do as good a job as Connor did this episode. Excluding the first 15 minutes. Yeah, and excluding soundcheck.
Starting point is 01:29:02 That was my fault, though. But, yeah, so that was the first episode of Tech Over Tea. I hope you guys enjoyed it, and I don't know how to end this. So, bye. Goodbye.

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