Tech Over Tea - Terraria Made Us Late - Tech Over Tea #14 - feat Supercozman

Episode Date: June 3, 2020

Today on Tech Over Tea we have a returning guest, my good friend Supercozman and honestly I feel like this episode was way less rough than the first time, we start off the podcast talking about how th...e recording was late because Connor wanted to play Terraria with his mate and it just keeps getting better from then on. ==========Guest Links==========  YouTube:   Instagram:   Twitter:   Deviant Art: ==========Purchase My Gear========== â–º Buy Anything: â–º Blue Yeti USB Microphone: â–º Logitech C920 Pro Webcam: â–º Neewer 176 LED Video Light: ==========Support The Channel========== â–º Patreon: â–º Paypal: â–º BTC Wallet Address: 1Aokiv3pFQXUEmh2LbzZQAwxMvq6bpT2UN â–º ETH Wallet Address: 0x80451867c86bdf08c3888d407c1e3fcb6add61ed â–º LBC Wallet Address: bLRN9fm17sCexKfgbYqmMj5xskZF2ogpEh ==========Video Release========== 📚 LBRY: 🎥 YouTube: DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation. I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and related sites.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to episode 14 of Tech Over Tea. We are back with our returning guest for a third time, Connor. Welcome back to the show. Thank you, thank you. I've cut up with my promise, appearing on the multiples of seven. I don't think we ever actually said that publicly. I think that was just something we said in private chat. publicly i think that was just something we said yeah private chat um yeah i i think so now okay well i'm saying it here now if i don't appear on episode 21 then um please write it well we were supposed to be recording this about two hours ago how about you tell people why we're not okay okay so um i i was the one that said um yeah let's record it at 12 but um i decided that i wanted to play terraria instead so now we're doing it at 2 15 to be fair it is a fun game it is very fun it's been a good couple of years since I last played it they just came out with the last update ever
Starting point is 00:01:10 I thought that was coming out ages ago I guess I just I mean it came out a couple weeks ago oh I thought the last update was way older than that maybe I just lost track of time I mean I'm pretty sure they said that the last... So they just released 1.4. I think they said 1.3 was going to be the last one
Starting point is 00:01:31 because they were making a new game, but they ended up scrapping that and just making this update instead. Yeah. Yeah, I think that might be what I was recalling then because I do recall something a couple of months back talking about this will be the last update to Terraria, and then, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:50 I think they've said that a couple times, to be fair. Yeah, they probably have. What was the other project they were working on, the space one? Oh, I think you're thinking of Starbound. Or is that a different company? Well, it's... So I think you're thinking of Starbound. Or is that a different company? Well, it's... So I think about half the people that were working on Terraria
Starting point is 00:02:10 left to make their own company and worked on Starbound. Right. Which is, like... When it first came out, it was pretty similar. It was basically just Terraria in space, but I haven't played it for ages, apparently it's like its own thing now. Okay, yeah, that's good. I think I originally saw it back when it first first started and it was basically just Terraria with more grinding basically.
Starting point is 00:02:41 It's like you're on this planet planet grind to get to the next one yeah it had some fun stuff um like because i played it not when it first first came out but like maybe a couple months afterwards and like it it definitely had some fun in it but yeah it kind of reached a point where you're kind of just grinding. You have nothing else to do. But yeah, from what I've heard, they've fixed it up pretty well. I guess that's kind of the problem with all of those sorts of games, though. Like Minecraft has the same problem. When you're doing survival mode, you get to a point where all you're doing is just like, I need more diamonds.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Yeah, pretty much. Terraria is pretty good at that. There's only a couple points in the game where you kind of have to grind for stuff and the rest of it's like you're fighting shit and having fun. But Minecraft definitely suffers from that because it has nowhere near as much content as Terraria does, even though it has been out for longer. It certainly has it's certainly gotten better I guess and obviously there's always like the building stuff you can do and that'll keep you entertained forever if that's something you're interested in but as for like the actual core content of the
Starting point is 00:03:57 game yeah Minecraft is definitely lacking in that. If you want to like actually play like an in-depth game then you'd go with terraria but like building is still a lot better in minecraft just purely because it's 3d i think like terraria has more blocks and shit but like it's limited by what you can do i mean like building in terraria is still fun but yeah it's just not the same yeah well really the most you could do is like here's some cool looking pixel art i guess i mean you're not wrong so what's actually happened in this last update because i only heard about i didn't actually look at all into it i don't actually know because i think most of the
Starting point is 00:04:46 stuff they've added is like end game stuff and like at the moment we're kind of like mid game i'm playing it with a friend i should probably say that so what's mid game at this point because i i feel like mid game now is probably going to be end-game when I quit playing. So after you beat the Wall of Flesh, it goes into hard mode. Yeah. And that's pretty much where we're at at the moment. And so I think that is what's considered mid-game. Or maybe it's like... I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:23 If there is another big chunk after this like like i said i'm not actually sure what they've added then i guess would be in the like second quarter of the game when i stopped playing going into hard mode and then defeating the hard mode bosses was pretty much the end of it yeah Yeah, there's a lot more than that now. I don't even remember how many hard mode bosses there were at the time. I think there were just like the original three, but harder. So it was just like the big world eater snake thingy, and then the other ones, whatever they were.
Starting point is 00:06:00 It's been a good couple of years since I've played Terraria, but... Yeah, I think that sounds about right. There was the three metal bosses, and I think that was just, like, the end. But they've added, like, a shit ton more now. It's like, um, after you beat those, then there's a big boss in the
Starting point is 00:06:18 underground jungle that you have to fight, and then there's a giant fucking golem thing, and then... That's cool. It it keeps going and then so the last update um the final boss was called the moon lord and he was fucking hard but he looked pretty cool so i don't know i'm curious to see what they've added past that metal moon lord actually metal moon lord yeah i might get back and play that game at some point it's been Metal Moon Lord. Actually, it was Metal Moon Lord. I might get back and play that game at some point.
Starting point is 00:06:49 It's been, I don't even know, at least three years since I last played it, minimum. Yeah, sounds about right. I think, yeah, probably three or four years since it had just those bosses in it. But but no it was definitely a fun game when i did play it that's for sure yeah it's got a great um sense of exploration in it just because like you're always getting new stuff and like it's really good because um rarely you'll ever get something that's just shit and you're like oh, oh, okay, I wasted my time getting this. Like, you're basically always improving.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Have you played Borderlands before? Yeah, yeah, I've played Borderlands, of course. Yeah, so, like, I like to think of it as Borderlands progression system, but better. Because, like, you always just get shit guns when you play Borderlands but like in Terraria you're always getting some like a better weapon or like a useful equip thing um that always feels like you're progressing and you're never like stagnant it definitely got better with Borderlands as they went on though for sure like the like the first Borderlands like so the first couple of
Starting point is 00:08:04 areas you got nothing of note it was just like here is here is the different gun that has like the first Borderlands like for the first couple of areas you got nothing of note it was just like here is the different gun that has a different scope on it yeah I didn't play much of the first one I mainly played the second one and pre-sequel
Starting point is 00:08:19 I'm a bit of an outlier because I like pre-sequel the most. I think it's got the funnest stuff in it, even though people are like, it's a good shit story because they're all Australian. But I really like it. I think it's good fun playing around with,
Starting point is 00:08:41 because there's a lot of zero gravity, but the gravity is really low so you can jump around and I think there's a thing where you can if you're floating you can stomp down onto people, so if you freeze them then you can stomp down and break them into a bunch of little shards
Starting point is 00:08:57 and float everywhere I don't think I played that one actually, I know I played the first pretty much all the way through. I played the second one religiously, basically. Like, I was farming the... Whatever the final boss was called for like a couple months. Just...
Starting point is 00:09:15 You don't remember the original final boss before the DLC, I think. No, not final boss. The extra boss there was that uh dropped like every legendary in the game do you remember what that was called yeah it was like terra I think it's like terraformer or something something like that yeah and there was a way to cheese that boss where you could kill it in like five seconds basically so me and like three other people would always just we would farm for hours and hours and hours got nothing literally nothing from it but
Starting point is 00:09:46 for whatever reason I like I finished I mean fair enough like it is a fun game it's fun to like get rare shit yeah I finished born lands 2 I think like 2 times but I never like did those
Starting point is 00:10:04 optional really hard bosses because I didn't have a bunch of people to do it with. I think it was either just like I'd play it solo or like with a friend. But it's still good fun. Yeah, it's still good fun. Even by itself it's fun. Obviously a game like that is going to be more fun when you're with other people, but it's still fun by yourself, I guess.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Yeah. I think I'm going to keep shitting on Borderlands systems. That's fine, go ahead. Like, this is not comparing to Terraria anymore. It's just something I don't like. And it's like a problem with a lot
Starting point is 00:10:44 of RPG games is, like, they have the quests and they have, like, you have to do them at a certain level, otherwise they just become ridiculously easy. I always thought that was, like, annoying because you're not actually experiencing it like you meant to. And it's really hard to do all of the quests when you meant to because like you'll go do two and then you've already leveled up past like the other one's requirements
Starting point is 00:11:10 i think there's games that have like fixed that problem but like it just reminded me yeah there are a lot of games that i hate that there are a lot of games that'll do like um the enemies will be scaled with your actual level, which definitely does alleviate that problem. But I think the worst game for that I found was Skyrim. Because after the first, like, half an hour, you could just skip the main storyline and go do everything else for 200 hours. Yeah, that is very accurate.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Then you go fight the final boss and you're like, oh, I beat this in two hits. Like, that was easy. I think that it's definitely less of a problem in Skyrim though because I never found the combat in Skyrim to be very rewarding. It's pretty shit, to be honest. It was pretty bad, yeah. The reason why you play Skyrim is to explore the world and learn about the lore and shit.
Starting point is 00:12:06 For me, at least, that's the main attraction of it and why I've played it so much. It's nothing better than hitting a fucking skeleton with a sword ten times until it falls over. To be fair, it's better than the older Elder Scrolls games. That is true. Like, you had Morrowind where it had a hidden dice system, so you'd hit an enemy
Starting point is 00:12:29 and you might just miss it. Oh, that's not good. You're about to say something, then I cut you off. I was going to say, I've only played Oblivion other than Skyrim, but like, I didn't even play the main story. I unlocked the DLC area and did all of that and then never touched it again.
Starting point is 00:12:59 With Skyrim, have you actually played the DLC for that? Yeah, I went through and did it once. It's like, it's okay. It's not bad. It was definitely fun. Like, there's nothing I would say, like, I've never been, I've played a lot of Skyrim,
Starting point is 00:13:16 but it was never one of those games where I was like, this is super fun. It was more like, I can just waste time on this and I'll always find something new yeah that's about that's pretty accurate actually the actual game itself is really not very competent to be completely honest yeah but it's just it's just fun to play and i don't know what it is but it's it's just good well there are also just ways to completely break it.
Starting point is 00:13:46 If you did like a illusion stealth build, I forgot what your damage multiplier could be, but I think you could get like a 20 or 30 times damage multiplier. Because basically you would just make yourself invisible and there were a bunch of different pieces of gear you could wear that would give you damage multipliers, and I think there were some potions for damage multipliers as well. And that's without, obviously, abusing the fact that the game was actually broken,
Starting point is 00:14:15 where you could make, like, a million times damage multiplier potions with a little bit of a glitch. Okay. I never went... It's so weird like i'll i'll just check my steam stats because i um i never actually went too in depth with like any one thing like i'd always half job it for some reason Where is the S's? Sorry, this is making for some good content. No, it's all good. I actually don't have much in the way of content, and that was going to be one of my topics for today.
Starting point is 00:14:57 The fact that we don't have content is the content. Oh, I know what it is. It's because it's called the Elder Scrolls. That's why it's not on the S. Oh, yeah, that know what it is. It's because it's called The Elder Scrolls. That's why it's not under S. Oh, yeah, that would do it. Oh, my God. Am I actually blind? Where is it?
Starting point is 00:15:14 Possibly. Okay. I don't know if you have me on Steam, but if you did, you would see the only thing I've played for the past couple of months has been SteamVR. I've got like
Starting point is 00:15:26 30 or 40 hours just in SteamVR because Unity has to do all of that to get the VR stuff working. So I haven't been playing a single thing on Steam. It's just 40 hours of SteamVR. Just generic SteamVR. Yeah, that's for your project,
Starting point is 00:15:44 isn't it? Yeah. I played 187 hours generic SteamVR. Yeah, that's for your project, isn't it? My own project, yeah. Alright, I played 187 hours of normal Skyrim, and then I think I did, like, another 40 in the fucking remastered one. Alright, I forgot there was, like... Okay, I don't know how I forgot
Starting point is 00:15:58 that Skyrim's been remastered multiple times. At this point, it's not even the Elder Scrolls series, it's just the Skyrim series. Pretty much. Bethesda is actually just not that good at making games. They're good at publishing them, just not making them.
Starting point is 00:16:18 One day Elder Scrolls 6 is coming out. It got announced at some point, but it one day. But it's never coming. Five years down the track. We still have a couple more Skyrim versions to come out first. If there isn't going to be one for next-gen consoles, I'm actually going to be genuinely surprised.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Of course there's going to be one. That's going to be the first thing they release on them. Surely. that's going to be the first thing they release on them surely I've got a quick topic seeing as you always keep talking smack about me in other podcasts about my shit tea
Starting point is 00:16:56 I've gone I do have other tea bags it's just I like drinking black tea mostly I'm fucking cheap but I have this one this is a different brand oh that's actually expensive hi let me um i drink black tea as well but i at least base my level at like lipton so i've gone with this it's like it's a sleepy tea but like they never make with this, it's like, it's a sleepy tea, but like, they never make me sleepy,
Starting point is 00:17:26 so it's just a nice flavour to have. I was gonna say, do you need to be more sleepy? You just always sound like you're about to pass out. I'm always tired. How, you don't do anything. Exactly, that makes you very tired. It's so stupid, you do something, it makes you very tired it's so stupid you do something it makes you tired you do nothing it makes you tired i have found that uh being at home more often i find myself for the first little bit i was getting stuff like a lot of stuff done and now it's like i i'm just wasting time because i know that tomorrow
Starting point is 00:18:07 i'm also going to be home and the day after i'm also going to be home so it's like i can just do it tomorrow can't i i can just do those dishes tomorrow oh yeah i'll just do them tomorrow again oh okay now i have to do fucking half an hour's worth of dishes yay i did remember to go get my dishes done just before this because my housemate gets a little bit annoyed about it sometimes like i guess i can do it i think she gets home like four or so so i have plenty of time plenty of time well yeah my other housemate he's just as bad as me so plenty of time until she gets home. I've never lived with like just random housemates. So I don't actually know the struggle of sharing a house like that. It sort of depends on the kind of people you're living with.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Like sometimes you'll get absolute fucking weapons and other time you'll get like decent people. And it's kind of a roll of dice there's always something like you're always going to be a bit wary when your housemates are in their 40s like why are you share housing when you're 40 like what's going on in your life um i've um i've heard some horror stories from from Alfie about housemates that he's had I'll share some stories they're actually really good so he had a couple living with him for a while and like they're really nice but they're basically just like they're not very bright um so the one of them was is a chef um like an actual professional chef and they bought
Starting point is 00:19:57 a new block of cheese and they kind of they they opened it, used it, and they put the whole block of cheese back in the fridge, unwrapped. The next day, they were amazed by the fact that the cheese had gone all hard and fucking gross. They're like, we have no idea what happened. What happened? This is a new block of cheese. Fucking hell. And they just, like through shit like um they went away for like they don't live together now anymore but um this is a bit before they left they went away for like a three-week little holiday thing and before that they had like washed all the dishes and shit and they
Starting point is 00:20:45 had a nutribullet and they like washed the little um cup part they didn't let it dry out and they screwed it back onto the blender part and just left it in there so for three weeks there was this festering water thing just uh okay it's good, no good image to think of. And anyway, they come back, and, uh, they don't wash it.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Oh, no. They just open it up, and use it straight away. So, um, if they cause the next pandemic, don't.
Starting point is 00:21:22 I've got a, There, there's you go. Yeah, I've got a couple's you go yeah I've got a couple of stories from uh my old place this place has been
Starting point is 00:21:28 pretty good so far like I've got a few like a little like little tiny annoyances but nothing that's like absolutely horrible my my last place
Starting point is 00:21:38 uh my housemate who was also my landlord that's always the fun part about share housing with like private rentals you usually end up living with your landlord um so he would like to have parties until god knows what time in the morning like 6 7 a.m in the morning and would do it on just like
Starting point is 00:21:58 a random day it's like oh i like the other problem was he didn't tell anyone So it would be at like midnight It's like, oh, he's just gonna go on for a little bit And then at two in the morning It's still going Three in the morning, four in the morning, five in the morning And it wasn't like, sort of quiet It was And it was shaking the house
Starting point is 00:22:22 Like you could feel the house shaking as the music was playing, and you cannot sleep through that. It's completely impossible. And then you would go out and try to be like, hey, can you, like, turn the music down? And he would try to, like, make excuses about it. Like, oh, it was my mate that turned it up.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Or, oh, I didn't realise you were home. Like, what are you... What the fuck are you doing? You're, like, eating your fucking... I think he was 35 or home. Like, what are you... What the fuck are you doing? You're like eating your fucking... I think he was 35 or something. Like, surely... Surely you know better than this. I've got to keep the party going
Starting point is 00:22:52 because if it stops, then my life stops. I shouldn't have drank during that. And he would also have a 40 pack, and him and his mate would drink it together. They'd have 20 each in a night. That's not good. And you're in your 30s. Firstly, how are you doing that?
Starting point is 00:23:14 I'm impressed. Secondly, why? That's a really good question. I've never got the crazy binge drinking thing it's never i've never understood it no it's it's really not good i mean like part of it is because i don't know if this is the case for everyone but it definitely sounds like the case for him and it was for me for a little bit it's like once you're in that kind of like drunk state you kind of can't process like oh if i have another one it'll be fine like i'm not going to be any more drunk it's just i just want i just want more and like you you just keep going and you get to the
Starting point is 00:23:59 stage where you just like don't give a fuck and then that also goes hand in hand with like oh yeah i can't stop partying because my life will actually stop because like coming down from like being almost blackout drunk it's not good so you just want to keep going yeah well i have gotten that drunk before it wasn't off of 20 but I was also younger at the time. I think I was like 16, 17 at the time. Oh, yeah, yeah. That's healthy. Yeah, mate.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Fucking, this is Australia. You start drinking when you're fucking 12. Anyway, I was at my cousin's party or something, and I got fucking absolutely wasted. I don't know. I don't remember how much I had. It would have had to have been At least I
Starting point is 00:24:50 Don't know I think I said drink vodka shots at some point and that's why I ended up fucking me up Yeah, that is that's when you know, it's gotten bad it would have had to be at least equal to ten drinks and I was like nah because I'd also Like just around that time i also started losing like a bunch of weight as well so i was way way less alcohol tolerant than i was and that obviously went well so last i remember from that night was i was like vomiting into a bucket laying on my cousin's couch i'm like oh this is good and i was ready to like sleep there but my sister was like oh we're gonna take you home like can i just sleep here and they were gonna let me so
Starting point is 00:25:34 i think i've only ever like uncontrollably vomited from alcohol once and that was like the most drunk i've ever gotten not even intentionally like I just didn't realize how much I had actually drank and like Yeah, I was I've like made myself vomit like a couple other times just cuz like I felt like shit but times just because like i felt like shit but yeah it's very rare occurrence and also just because like i don't really drink very much anymore i can like because i don't it's really good because like if you don't actually drink at all you can have like one or two oh it's lovely you're like you're
Starting point is 00:26:18 like hell buzzed and it's just like a really nice feeling and you just don't feel gross afterwards it's all it's that sweet spot yeah like i'll go out um for dinner with my family and i'll just get like a jackson coke and i'm like i'm good this is enough for me i don't need anymore uh did you go a couple years back to monique's 18th where was it that was we went clubbing with a big door list Okay no Okay you weren't there I think that was the night I got like the most drunk without losing it
Starting point is 00:26:54 I don't remember most of the night but like I think that was the night I got the most drunk because Because she had a door list and it was a door list for her birthday Everywhere we went She would get free drinks and she got a door list, and it was a door list for her birthday. Everywhere we went, she would get free drinks, and she got a couple of them, and I took a lot of the free drinks. And I took, I think, $80 there,
Starting point is 00:27:15 and I was doing Skittle Bombs all night, which is... Yeah, of course. A Skittle Bomb is just another name for a Jaeger Bomb for anyone who doesn't know what that is so it's jaeger and like red bull which is not a good mix and in australia every single club sells them for five dollars so do the maths what is 80 divided by five and that's how many I had. Lost the three drinks I had. So, I think I blacked out for a while, and then I woke up.
Starting point is 00:27:54 I woke up on, you know, Josh, the, not Josh Steele, Josh White. Yes. Yeah, I woke up on his couch in Maworson lakes i'm not sure how i got there okay i know that we arranged beforehand that i would like crash in his place but i don't know how i got there i was at the wall shed at four in the morning and then i was in his house and i don't there's nothing happened in between yeah i mean that, that's like the ultimate test of how you know you've gone through. It's just like, you just black out.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Yeah. I've only had. I was going to say the great thing about that was I, I woke up in the morning, still drunk. So I wasn't, I didn't have a hangover at all. It was great.
Starting point is 00:28:42 I mean, technically yes, but also no. I didn't need to fucking do anything the next day so i was good okay that that's that's fair then yeah um i was gonna say i've only ever blacked out once and that's that same time i vomited yeah i don't get the people who like vomit and they're like party keeps going like how I don't get it how do you do that yeah like oh my god my mom was telling me this time when she was younger she was like yeah so I have to go vomit in the backyard but then I was like yeah just give me some more
Starting point is 00:29:16 drinks I thought that is so festy as if you can even do that yeah no like just even regular vomiting if I vomit once in a day i'm i'm done i'm not getting out of bed for the rest of the day that's that's the end that is actually i'm the biggest pussy when it comes to vomiting like i give up at that point fair enough i mean like it is your body's sign that something's not okay so oh you did mention the uh the next pandemic happened happening i did remember another story that happened at my old place so okay uh we had actually how can i say this without youtube yeeting this video uh we had a uh a bottle for doing herbs of some description uh-huh and say herbs yeah a bottle a bottle for doing herbs of some description.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Uh-huh. You should say herbs instead. Yeah. A bottle for herbs with a hose attached to it. You can probably work out the rest. And me and my mate, we got, like, real sick. And we were, like, the day before that we were using it and then we just left it on the like on the back table and just left it there for three weeks didn't like no one changed the water or anything it was just sitting there
Starting point is 00:30:35 and then one of like the the landlord guy his mate came around and just used it and didn't question anything it was just sitting there for three weeks after two incredibly sick people were using it he used like the my housemate who who was also sick he was using it while he was sick and then this dude just uses it and doesn't even question it i don't know whether he got sick or what happened there. So don't do that. Bad idea. Clean your water, basically.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Just, if it's... Even if it's just sitting there, clean your water. Like, it didn't even look clean. It looked like it'd been used tons of times. It's not, yeah, well, okay, no. You're not meant to change the water
Starting point is 00:31:25 until it turns black, okay? If it doesn't rot through the floor of the bottle, it's still good. Some fucking people. I've only ever used a bottle and a hose, maybe the same one twice and then you throw it out
Starting point is 00:31:47 because that shit is not good you'll be good you can find other bottles but now this one I think was sitting in like I don't know how long this one was here it had been cleaned out a few times but it was in the house
Starting point is 00:32:02 since I moved in so it had been there for at least a year and it was the same one so it was probably already pretty pretty nasty i mean you could also like if i just don't understand like if you're doing it that often why don't you actually just buy like a shitty plastic one yeah just buy like a wish they don't you actually just buy, like, a shitty plastic one? Yeah, just buy it off the wish. They don't care. I understand, like, the not wanting to buy a glass apparatus because, like, if you're sharing it, then people are just, like, dumb and they break it.
Starting point is 00:32:42 But, like, you can get plastic ones and like silicone ones and that is gonna be much better for you because you're not gonna be inhaling alfoil particles and fucking hose particles i think one of one of my one of his housemates friends he had like a like a really nice cigar pipe that you could use and we just packed that up so like a metal cigar pipe that's definitely not going to be harsh at all
Starting point is 00:33:14 yeah no that was a that was certainly a pretty fucked night when that happened would not recommend also vaping it is also an interesting experience. Vaping is much nicer. Yeah, vaping is definitely nicer. I am pro-vaping.
Starting point is 00:33:34 I don't want to die afterwards. I am pro-vaping herbs. There is my stance. Okay, Joe. there's my stance okay Joe speaking of Joe did you hear that he's going to Spotify I did I thought it was pretty interesting I do you do not the other most recent most recent rumored number is because last i heard was 200 mil there's getting paid to go over there if anyone who doesn't have any context um joe rogan runs biggest podcast in the world surely you know who that is is going exclusively
Starting point is 00:34:19 over to spotify after september 1st i believe the date is? Yeah, 1st of something. Yeah. September 1st sounds right. Or he's going over to Spotify September 1st and then afterwards going exclusively. Regardless, he's going to be exclusively on Spotify at some point. And the rumoured deal that he was given to do that was $200 million. It's a multi-year contract, so's not like 200 million as a lump sum but
Starting point is 00:34:47 it's still a 200 million dollar contract it's pretty insane but i mean like i guess it's gonna be worth it they're gonna get a lot of listeners i don't know what's gonna happen to be honest because i know that obviously he will be able to bring people over to Spotify but there's a lot of people especially because he's had a lot of musicians on the podcast who really have a serious problem
Starting point is 00:35:14 with Spotify's business model there were a lot of people who were like I'm not following you I'm just going to find something different to watch well like I guess the good thing like is that it's still going to be free to watch well like i guess the good thing like is that it's still going to be free to watch oh i'm going to listen to i already have a spotify account yeah same i think they're interesting i guess like the counter argument to like people that against um spotify's model is like that's just how music streaming is now like that you're not really gonna get away from it and like it's always been not good for the artists
Starting point is 00:35:58 anyway like because the like back when you'd have to like sign with like a label or something, you'd still get screwed over like big time. And so it's not really any different now. You just like don't get paid from Spotify. You get measly little cents. I don't know what their monetization rate is. I know it's like pennies on the dime. Pennies on the dollar.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Pennies on the dime doesn't fucking make any sense. It's basically nothing that you get paid from spotify so yeah yeah i don't know how like if it's worse than it was or if it's better than when people were all just pirating music i'm not really sure all i know is that from what i've heard from musicians it's it's kind of a shit setup it could be better but is it worse than it used to be this is the important question i guess yeah well like my understanding is that most music like most artists still make bulk of their money from like doing tours and from like uh selling physical copies still yeah so i mean i could just be I mean, I could just be being,
Starting point is 00:37:06 we could both just be being really ignorant, but, like, I don't think it's that much worse off. Especially because I think Spotify definitely has a bigger reach than, like, just on the radio. Because I think, especially, especially like this generation of people you're gonna be a lot better you're gonna reach a much larger range of people on like google music and um and spotify which are then going to lead those people to wanting to buy physical stuff because people still like doing that so i don't remember last time i heard
Starting point is 00:37:46 a song on the radio and was like oh i'm gonna check out this person more i actually don't even use my radio i just have my phone always connected up to my my stereo yeah i i'm basically the same except my card doesn't have a aux port so i just have a shit ton of discs which is like still good i have bluetooth because i am living in 2006 yeah well my car is living in 2004 and doesn't have to be fair with the uh the stereo that came with my car, it had a tape player. Ooh. So I got that replaced a couple of years back. It was, I think, a Christmas present or something.
Starting point is 00:38:31 But yeah, the one that came with my car, I think, had a tape player in it, which, you know, I don't exactly have any tapes, so it wasn't really doing me much work. So it wasn't really doing me much work. I mean, on that topic, something I found really interesting. So I got my car, and the stereo thing, it had a password on it. It was password protected, so you couldn't actually use it. And I was like, oh, fuck, I don't have the password how do i get into this but they thought they hid it away in like the car manual i just found it so
Starting point is 00:39:12 weird because like i guess it's to stop people from just breaking into your car and like stealing it i guess so but like it's just bizarre yeah i've never seen that before i guess you could probably do it on mine as well but i didn't know that any car stereos actually had like a way to set up a password obviously like the newer ones with android music and like i whatever apple car play whatever it's called they probably have a similar thing but i didn't know any of the older ones had something like that yeah i had no idea this first time i've ever seen it so it's just breaking into a car though i feel like this more valuable stuff than the stereo especially in something as old as your car like you know the car i mean like i guess but like i guess the headset of the person is like I don't know how to
Starting point is 00:40:08 like wire a car to start so I'm just gonna steal the stereo because like I don't know what else would be more valuable than the stereo inside of a car I guess yeah if if you're not gonna steal the car, then obviously the stereo probably would be. I guess you could check the glove box to see if they left any money in there. That would probably be the only other thing. Because some people will just leave their wallet in the car. I have, like,
Starting point is 00:40:38 a dollar worth of 20 cents in my car, sorry. I have lots of receipts, so you could, like, I don't know, get a refund on something I bought from Woolies, I guess. Do they not need to then steal the thing that you bought? I don't know. I've never
Starting point is 00:40:59 had to return anything to Woolies, so... Yeah, but, like, they're gonna take the receipt to Woolies and be like, I want to return this. Oh, where's the item? I don't have it. I have the receipt, though. Someone will try to do that. Don't act like... Mate, I work in retail.
Starting point is 00:41:16 I have seen people do that. No, I'm, like, I'm well aware. I'm just saying, I don't Oh they won't get very far with it but Unless they have like a pushover manager I guess
Starting point is 00:41:31 Oh You have a receipt that you probably found on the sidewalk here Let me give you something Actually yeah That's a good point I didn't even think of that You just pick up a random receipt You dig through the bins You know the guys who dig through the bins to get like cans and stuff Actually, yeah, that's a good point. I didn't even think of that. You just pick up a random receipt, you see.
Starting point is 00:41:45 It's like, you dig through the bins. You know the guys who dig through the bins to get, like, cans and stuff? Dig through the bins to get receipts so you can get refunds on stuff. I mean, I've heard some horror stories of return stuff, especially from Bunnings. They're really very lenient. Like, you can walk in with something that you bought like three years ago and they'll still return it they'll still give you your money back so if i just pick up like a two by four off the side of the road like i want
Starting point is 00:42:18 to return this i mean you could like depending on who's working that day, I bet you could get away with it. Mate, this is a business strategy right here. Okay, let's plan this out. So what we're going to do is we're going to, if you walk around like Davern Park, you know how they've got some of the houses boarded up. What we can do is pull the boards off and take them to Bunnings and return them.
Starting point is 00:42:43 This is actually a community growth effort. You're taking the boards off of the houses and then you can put that money back into the houses. Exactly. So we're really doing it for a good cause. We're not trying to scam
Starting point is 00:42:59 Bunnings out of money or anything. Definitely not. Not at all. If the employees are like so you can't return a random piece of wood we're gonna be like you're really oppressing this effort to try and improve our community oh god bunning i honestly love bunnings they are such a good store i don't know how often you go to Bunnings but not too often I would go more but I have a mind of 10 like 2 minutes from my house
Starting point is 00:43:32 that's fair opposed to the Bunnings which is like 15 minutes and also the car park there is really fucky so ignoring just the Bunnings snags for a moment which is honestly just the best part about Bunnings the Bunnings experience the Bunnings snags for a moment, which is honestly just the best part about Bunnings. The Bunnings experience.
Starting point is 00:43:48 The Bunnings experience. Sadly, they haven't been able to do Bunnings sausages for a while because, you know, social distancing and all that. That's sad. Because I don't know how often a lot of the others do it, but the one in Parafield, they're basically every day running something. It would just be like, here are the local veteran group.
Starting point is 00:44:09 They want to raise money for this. Or here's some other random, like here's the local footy club. They want to raise some money or some other group. But it's honestly one of the great things about Bunnings. I'll just let anyone set up shop there. Like we want to raise some money for whatever it is today. Yeah, we're raising money for our Davern Park improvements.
Starting point is 00:44:31 We need some tools to fly the boards off. Get all the nails off. I was going to say, but Bunnings is a great store. I usually go there. I didn't realise this, but they sell a bunch of just... Obviously, they sell electronic stuff to do wiring and stuff, but if you want to get a cheap power strip
Starting point is 00:44:54 that's not a shit power strip, go to Bunnings. I've got a 12-port power strip down here with a surge protector. It was like $20. Yeah. Were you talking about that in a previous podcast? I don't know. I feel like you were, but I might be
Starting point is 00:45:12 misremembering. Maybe. I don't know. I've done 13 of these at this point, so it's kind of easy to forget stuff. Uh-huh. I just, like, before we did this, I saw that you uploaded upload the number 13 it's fucking three hours man i don't know how that happened sam and i fucking talked we were gonna like we were gonna go longer
Starting point is 00:45:36 that's the thing like sam and i can talk for fucking like seven hours like it was real bad one time when i took him home from a party, and we just sat in the car talking about whatever. I mean, that's good. Yeah. I also like the new colour scheme you've got going on here. Yeah, I was going to ask you about that. What do you think of that?
Starting point is 00:46:00 I think it's way better than what I was doing before. Yeah, it's a bit more readable i and it's kind of a an adaptation like a couple of other podcasts i've seen um but yeah the last like i didn't think the last style really worked so like it doesn't look bad but um yeah this new one's like definitely a lot more readable it looks like a b got the orange and red going on and the orange and black what the hell someone was like oh is that like the porn hub color was like, oh, is that, like, the Pornhub colour schemes? Like, of course, yeah, thank you. I didn't even notice that until someone pointed it out. I mean, like, yes, but also it's a bit, like, unfair,
Starting point is 00:46:56 because orange and black really contrast well, so... Well, if you want to know where I actually stole it from, go watch Luke and Lewis. That's where I stole it from. Okay. It's way better than podcasting this. Just stop watching this, go watch Luke and Lewis. It's a way better show.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Yeah, I'll also go with that. Go watch... Go watch my boy Nebs. Go watch... Yeah, do that. Oh, Lord. go watch my boy nebs go watch yeah do that oh lord um honestly there's so many other shows besides this i don't know why people are watching it to be honest because they're here for your personality i guess so i don't know why you've listened to the topics but oh well yeah you haven't listened to the same episode yet. We talked for like half an hour about working in retail.
Starting point is 00:47:52 And then a good portion of the rest of the show was just anime. At least the retail one can be relatable. I have had... To be fair, we... Okay. There you go. No, I was going to say, I have had a few people on my main channel give me lots of shit for like the random anime wallpapers I'll have
Starting point is 00:48:13 I don't care I do it to piss you off imagine getting so mad about someone else's wallpaper mate you haven't seen some of the comments I've got. Some of the comments are like... I don't know if people are just going crazy with being in lockdown or if they're just, like, horrible people, because...
Starting point is 00:48:37 Just... Oh, Lord. You just have to remember that you know or like half the people are on the left side of the bell curve so i i didn't think of that uh i have to remind myself that sometimes i've got some interesting comments here that I have screenshotted. Let's see if I can find one that was fun. Okay, here's one. Not a weird person telling me to stop making videos.
Starting point is 00:49:16 This one's... I don't know what the hell this one was. So, don't use Wi-Fi. Chronic exposure to Wi-Fi can impact your health significantly don't use power ethernet either power ethernet injects dirty electricity into your house dirty electricity creates more electromagnetic radiation in your house techno technologically generated that's how he ended it just generated sure there is a whole rabbit hole to go down with non-ionizing radiation. It's kind of, like, related to 5G stuff,
Starting point is 00:49:52 but, like, people also say that you shouldn't use Wi-Fi. You shouldn't use any mobile things. You shouldn't use just anything wireless. You shouldn't use anything that emits radiation. Mate, just fucking live in a Faraday cage. Well, okay, so I follow this guy. I'm not going to tell you his name because I...
Starting point is 00:50:14 He's an interesting character but it's not worth actually getting invested in. Okay, sure. He's made videos about making a faraday cage around his bed he like he has a whole thing showing how he made like um this mesh like like he's throwing mesh over his bed and it's just this whole little cage that he's created um and he goes in there he's like okay look guys the the meter the emf meter is not beeping as much as it is in here as it is out here and
Starting point is 00:50:52 it's just ridiculous because like okay fair enough you want to reduce your thing you want to reduce your exposure to it but then he like he has a phone that he uses to record stuff and upload shit to the internet. And it's like, bruh, you have any electrical current, it emits radiation. Nah, fam. Don't worry about that. That's good electricity. That's good electricity. You don't want dirty electricity. That stuff is bad. You don't want dirty electricity.
Starting point is 00:51:26 No, you don't want dirty electricity. What is the difference? Are they not just both electrons? No, not at all. Some people, though. Some people are just the most fucking... I don't think it's just the internet. I think there's something about YouTube
Starting point is 00:51:42 that just brings out the weirdest people. Because on other platforms, I don't see as many weird people like this. But for whatever reason, YouTube is just like, this is where all the fucking crazy people live. Are you sure it's not just the Linux people? Okay, that might be it as well. I did get another interesting comment. You really need to stop making video. That was a complete waste of time.
Starting point is 00:52:07 You just read through the help menu. I'm pretty sure this person watched the end of it, of a 12-minute video, just to tell me that it was a bad video. It's like, thank you. I appreciate it. Uh-huh. Well, I remember seeing one comment.
Starting point is 00:52:22 It was like... I don't remember what it was now. It was just, it was along the same lines, it was like, you should just stop making videos. I'm trying to remember what it was, but I don't think I'm going to. That's like a pretty, I just can't believe that you wouldn't just be like, hey, this aspect I didn't think was very good maybe you could do this instead this instead they're just like you should stop making videos because um your existence has actually affected my well-being you don't know how many people were basically saying that about
Starting point is 00:52:59 my beard though they're like i love your content but your beard it's like have you considered closing your eyes just listen to the video instead listen oh you make great i i love your channel but i can't i can't stand the beard or i i've been subscribed for a couple months but i'm unsubscribing because of the beard i actually got a comment saying that like I responded saying you know the beard was here three months ago as well right? You're a fucking idiot. What do you want me to do? Unsubbed. It's so stupid cause like subscribers... Yeah, you sorry you go. I know we're probably gonna say the same things like I don't care if you unsubscribe you probably
Starting point is 00:53:46 weren't watching my channel anyway I doubt you were even subscribed in the first place yeah speaking of our channels where's the content don't at me bro okay so I spent like a week or two, sorry, okay.
Starting point is 00:54:09 For anyone that somehow stumbled on this that hasn't seen the previous ones that I'm in, I have a YouTube channel, it's called Cozhan, C-O-Z-H-A-N. I haven't uploaded a video in a month. And I'm gonna explain why um so uh i finished the the last video that i did um and i wanted to have a little break because that one fucking took me forever to do um so i had like a week break and i was like okay so i'm gonna start So I had like a week break and I was like, okay, so I'm going to start working on new stuff. And it was a problem because usually I have like what videos I'm going to make, like three videos in advance.
Starting point is 00:54:57 I'm like, okay, this is the plan. And so it took me a little while to figure out what I was actually going to do next for the overarching story. And so I spent like a week figuring that out and then also starting to script some of the videos because they're... Two of the ones that are going to come out soon are like very important to the story and I wanted to make sure that there weren't like any plot holes in it at all um because you know i wanted to stay consistent and so i went through and script
Starting point is 00:55:34 these videos which took me a while okay so the video that i'm working on now, it's all filmed, but it's taken me so long because I have, like, I've filmed all of it and I've refilmed all of it again. And it's annoying because a lot of the scenes were filmed, like, in different locations, so I'd actually have to go to other places. I couldn't just do it at the house. so I'd actually have to go to other places.
Starting point is 00:56:04 I couldn't just do it at the house. And one particular scene I've refilmed about three times, I reckon, because I'm getting Kenley to do some effects on it. Oh, yeah. And originally it was set at night, but the lighting was too shit to put effects on it. So, pardon me. You don't know what I'm doing right now. I've got your rap video in the background.
Starting point is 00:56:32 The music's not playing, it's just playing the video. I love this video. Thanks for giving me the views. Yeah, so I've had to do that. And now I'm just up to the point where I'm doing the sound for the video. It's almost done. And at this point, now that I've spent like weeks on it, I fucking hate the video and I just want it to burn. But it's so important to the story that I can't. So that's where the... That's why there's no videos.
Starting point is 00:57:07 So you've just been working really hard on it and just... Now that you're almost done, you're like, fuck. This... I hate this. So can we expect a video at some point? Yeah, I really want to get it done but like...
Starting point is 00:57:23 Like this... Wait, what day even is it? It's Thursday. It's Thursday, yeah. I want to get it done by next week, hopefully. Yeah. Also, depression played a role in that. I was just fucking too mopey to work on it as well. Mate, I just worked through that that that's why a lot of my
Starting point is 00:57:47 early videos were shit a lot of those ones where i was like filming the shit and stuff like that i was just real depressed at that time yeah i mean like that's fair but also like have you tried doing something along my lines while you depress something I haven't tried to make good videos something that requires brain power like creative brain power I'm not trying to like shit on your
Starting point is 00:58:16 videos or anything but like they're quite different oh yeah for sure it's like it's hard to like do something creative where you're like, oh, I just want to fucking wait and do nothing. Yeah, yeah, that's fair. Well, yeah, for my videos, I've been trying to do a bit more research for them just to
Starting point is 00:58:37 make them, I guess, more valuable. I still have the rambly ones and I've got one coming out soon. It'll probably be out by the time this goes up where I'm talking about how I have had to go back and relearn Windows and it sucks so that's fun, so that's more like
Starting point is 00:58:56 a rambly video where I'm talking about just my experience and stuff, but when it's the stuff where I actually want people to learn something from it, I have been putting more effort into it. So I would say I do like maybe three or so hours of like proper research, testing stuff out and like, okay, how are we actually going to go about doing this? But I imagine you have way more time put into it than that. Because for me, I would say my total time commitment for a video
Starting point is 00:59:22 at longest would be six, seven hours hours and that's at the absolute worst well i think i said this last time it depends on like what kind of video i'm making but like for these recent ones that like i've actually put the time in to actually script what is happening and like i fucking storyboarded a bunch of the scenes as well to make sure like they were how i wanted because something i was i was having a problem where like usually i can storyboard a scene in my head and like see where it's gonna go but like i was just having such a mental block that i actually had to fucking draw it out. So that took, like, fucking an hour or two to do.
Starting point is 01:00:10 And, like, this is all for a seven minute video. It's like, holy fuck, this is not worth my time. A seven minute video on a channel with, like, 66 subs or something. Yeah. Not throwing you under the bus for that, but, like, you're putting so much effort into it
Starting point is 01:00:26 and just no one's going to see it. Like, I would feel so bad about that. I've definitely had those thoughts, but, like, part of the problem is that I really enjoyed... Before this video... Okay, I'm going to just open my channel real quick so I know what the fuck I'm talking about. If you want me to show anything on the screen, you can just send me a link and I'll bring it up. Sure.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Because we have scenes in OBS now, I actually put some effort into setting stuff up. up? I can't like access my computer keyboard at the moment so I'm trying to use everything through mouse. Oh sure, yep. I sent you that. Okay. So I enjoyed... oh just tell me sloths to the stranger sloth. Oh wait, why is that open? That's the wrong link. Those videos I thoroughly enjoyed making, and I didn't care that no one was going to watch it because I was happy with it.
Starting point is 01:01:45 And I've gone back and watched those videos just for the fun of it. And I actually enjoy watching them. But the rap video, that was a bit of a slog because I had been sitting on those lyrics for like months and i was like i fucking just need to get this done because i wanted to like actually get done so i pushed through that and like the investigation video i really enjoyed the um making the the script and stuff for that and like actually coming up with what the video would be but filming it was so shit and so my goal after i finished this video i've been working on is to like if i'm not gonna enjoy it i'm just gonna fucking bin it yeah that's fair it i'm just gonna fucking bin it yeah that's fair or like i'm just gonna read the work completely because yeah um my favorite video that i've made is the um comedians and cars getting coffee parody
Starting point is 01:02:55 and i enjoyed that so much because like um i had a clear vision of what i was doing that was the main thing and just like seeing it come together was so satisfying because like i was trying to parody something obviously so it was a lot easier but just seeing it all come together felt really satisfying but like when you're working on something like completely original and it's not coming together how you imagined it that's that's part of the reason why i fucking just hate this video that i'm working on is because i had this vision in my head of like exactly how i wanted it and it's like kind of come off as that but i'm not happy with it but i've sunk too much time into it to go back and re-film it again yeah
Starting point is 01:03:46 I love this I love the in cars getting coffees video just because of one scene in it I mentioned this last time and I've got it open on the screen right now it's when you're in the car and you just didn't bother to do
Starting point is 01:04:03 two shoots or two trips to bring your camera the car and you just didn't bother to do two shoots to, or two trips to bring your camera person back. So you just hide them in the backseat. Yeah. I love it. Like you could have done anything to hide, but no, just like, nah. Yeah. I like, I'm honestly not too fussed about it i think it's just a fun little thing
Starting point is 01:04:30 oh no it's fine it's something that i just noticed and it made me chuckle for a bit when i first saw it yeah fair enough i think my favorite video you did was probably the one that you put the least effort into, and that would be, like, the storm drain video. I mean, I... I... Like, actually filming it was, like, no effort, because you just, like, were exploring it and filming it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:59 And it's not that the editing was hard, but, like, it just took a while, because, like... Yeah, because you would have had so much video, yeah. Yeah, there was a lot of footage that didn't make it in there. And, like, I wanted to make it so the video flowed as... So it flowed the same as we experienced it. So it wasn't, like... I feel like we're repeating a story we talked about last time i think we did i feel like you're saying the exact same thing we talked about last time
Starting point is 01:05:34 i think you're actually right but i'll just finish it up um yeah i didn't have this technology to show the video though so that does help it does um i used a lot of like um the transition where it like fades from one clip into the other i felt like that was like um it really helped with kind of this adventurous sense i'm getting a little bit pretentious here but no i agree i definitely felt that it had like this nice flow to it opposed to like um just like hard cuts um which i use in like the kitchen videos because that's but to be more of a comedy thing um but yeah yeah i after the one I'm working on was going to be another kitchen one just because it's like, it's easy, it's fun to make, and it's funny.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Yeah. They're definitely fun, that's for sure. Yeah, that's my channel. You're on YouTube and you said you're also on Steemit, didn't you? Yeah, on DTube or I don't know if they've renamed it again yeah well yeah well d tube's a different platform whatever it is yeah yeah they're like connected to steam it but also not i'll probably put my content up there. I also... Yeah. It's always easy, because, like, you can just... It has a thing where you can just, like, link the YouTube video, and it just, like, uploads it from that.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Oh, does it? It's just handy. Yeah. Oh. So, like, when you go to upload on DTube, like, you... They have an option where you can, like, either upload the actual video itself, or you can just, like, put the YouTube link in, it auto-fills the description and the, the name and thumbnail and the video, and it's really easy. You, like, don't have to do anything, pretty much. I didn't realize that. I guess I'll start soon, then.
Starting point is 01:07:44 Yeah, you could probably, oh, I don't know how many videos you have, start soon then yeah you could probably off I don't know how many videos you have but like you can probably sit down for like an afternoon and just like upload your backlog tour probably will be an afternoon let's see I have I did also put a request in to sync my channel onto the library, but I still don't think that's gone through. Oh, okay. Yeah, I'll have a look into that. I have...
Starting point is 01:08:17 Wait, shit. 337 videos. Ooh. Yeah. I guess you could also cherry pick which ones that you want to upload. Oh it won't take too long really, if it's just a link then it'll be pretty easy. Um, let's, oh, all things broke. Okay, fix that, there we go. I presume your channel on library is just going to be Kozhan, yeah? Yeah, it should be.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Well, yeah, there's nothing, it doesn't seem like there's anything here yet. But you can check on, you should have an email like when you first originally synced and it would be like it would tell you the status of your sync okay maybe that's something I need to actually look into again maybe I just did it wrong
Starting point is 01:09:18 yeah there should be no reason why your content wouldn't be syncing over um if you've already gone through the process, then just check what's going on on that page. And if there's some problem, just let me know. I can go ask the team about it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:35 That's good to know. Maybe I'll do that after the podcast. Because I kind of want to... I've been doing this with someone else's channel as well. I like just boosting people's channel up to see how many subs I can get them. I've got someone else's channel above their YouTube channel, so I want to get yours to a thousand just because that'd be amusing. I'm sure you have no problem getting over 66 subs.
Starting point is 01:10:03 Yeah, well, LB is pretty easy to build up subscribers just because of the way the reward system currently works obviously you want real subscribers and there are real subscribers that come with that but because of the way the boosting system works it's pretty easy to get people to see your content especially when you're a bit of a whale like i am get people to see your content, especially when you're a bit of a whale like I am. Mm-hmm. Because I don't know how much I actually have right now. It's
Starting point is 01:10:30 a lot, though. I'm going to do some maths, and I'm not going to say the number on chat. Okay. Now, whatever. I'll say it in the Discord. Alright, I'm ready.
Starting point is 01:10:46 So this is in USD. Oh, okay. And that's at the lower price. When we were back at 5.5 cents, it was this. Oh, God. There we go. it was uh it was this uh oh god okay switch that over there lbc ever like goes up toward dolly and be fucking lambo you're gonna get your crypto lambo that's that's a lot of that's quite a lot yeah considering that i've been on the platform for about six months. That's not bad. Yeah, well, all I'll say to the people listening is I have at least over 100,000 LBC.
Starting point is 01:11:39 I'm not going to say how much, but it's at least over 100,000. but it's at least over a hundred thousand. So, uh, yeah. And then don't you also have like the LBC you got given that doesn't activate for two years? Yes, I have this little thing right here. That's the... your speed device. Comes in a little felt box. That came from China. Thanks, library.
Starting point is 01:12:13 I think that USB by itself... Actually, how much is that USB worth? Well, the USB itself is worth nothing, but... Excuse me, it's probably worth like a couple cents. Yeah, well... That USB is right now $3700 in USD, sorry. So in AUD... That'll be... AUD...
Starting point is 01:12:42 It is... Yeah, that USB is about fifty six hundred dollars on it right now that's that's not bad that's for sure can't complain about that I think I'm talking about this last time but my my hope for my channel is that just eventually someone's going to stumble across it, and they're going to be like, wow, this is cool, this is really cool, I'm going to share it to other people. Yeah, that would be cool. because um the way that i'm kind of structuring it like i i think after i finished well after i made the i think after i made the second sloth video i made the decision to like actually um take the channel in a proper direction because before that it was like oh i'm just making videos just for no reason like fucking cucumber challenge that means fucking nothing at all
Starting point is 01:13:51 um so i decided to take it in the direction where it's like there's all these secrets and stuff i think cory told you that and you're like you said you didn't actually know about it, but yeah, there's a bunch of secrets and Easter eggs hidden in, like, all the newer videos. And so my goal, I don't want it to be Matt Pat that stumbles across my channel, but, like, a channel along those lines that like goes through and like actually dissects all the puzzles that i've set up and figures out like all the story behind it because i have an end point in game theory god no yeah i can see why that would be a problem. But that's my ultimate... That's my endgame goal. Your endgame is just to have someone stumble across it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:57 This is why I want to boost up your channel on Library. Because I can get it to a thousand subs, no trouble. I will get it on the phone i will have it on the home page for like multiple weeks and people can stumble across one of the sloth's videos and be like what the fuck is this garbage and also have um one of my subscribers he's uh he'll read like he boosts up my content but he likes to also just boost up random other little channels He's like, oh, I'm just gonna stick like 40,000 LBC on this Why not? Might as well
Starting point is 01:15:37 He initially bought it because he was like I want to boost up your channels like you don't have to do that Like this guy's already one of my patrons patrons so he's already giving me money every month and he's like i just want to boost up your channel it's like you don't have to it's like oh i want to do it it's like okay that's fine you can if you want to but you don't have to to be honest like i i do appreciate it of course but there are some people who are a bit too generous i would say i'd love to be in that position where i could just like give away random just give away money to people like obviously can't centi budget going on oh yeah how how has the uh the send link stuff changed because i know there's been a lot of changes to it as of late. I guess since the last time you were on, it wasn't really recently, I guess. Yeah, I mean, this like,
Starting point is 01:16:37 because they did like the surplus and stuff, got like one big, well like got like one big well like $750 like that was the original just baseline thing and then they like doubled everyone's payments so now like basically
Starting point is 01:16:55 everyone that's on Centrelink gets like $1000 I thought my fuck what the fuck yeah so like i don't know how they're doing it but like i'm not complaining i'm just gonna save that money except um i like you know i have been using it how you meant to you meant to be giving it back to local businesses i have been buying a lot of food yeah of course so but i'm like that's still like a lot of money it's for that's something i've never understood like i've been living on like so i'll give away my personal financial details um
Starting point is 01:17:41 i get like roughly um 450 dollars like what is your hair i don't fucking know anyway yeah i cut you off with my shit okay you just keep talking i'm gonna fix this um yeah i get roughly like 450 um dollars like a fortnight. This was before the pandemic happened. And like, I'd have to like pay $300 of that as like a board to stay at the house. And so like $250 is like not a great amount to like live on but like it's definitely doable so getting like um all that extra money as a part of the surplus is like wow i actually don't know what to do with this like i'm gonna just save it so i never understood how people have such trouble managing their money if they have a job like i just don't
Starting point is 01:18:46 understand well if they have a consistent thing we can talk about because i completely agree with you on this like i don't get how people get paid and they're like i'm gonna go spend my whole paycheck in like two days well yeah i get obviously having bills and stuff that's one thing but i know so many people who complain that they're just they're really poor they work full-time jobs though and they're just really bad at finances it's like oh i buy like i buy tons of alcohol i I order food in every night I buy cigarettes I buy a bunch of stuff I don't need and it's like shit you have no money
Starting point is 01:19:32 what do you think would happen I mean yeah pretty much it just dumbfounds me I know so many people that have their full-time jobs and they just yeah they just don't know how to manage their money and like some of the people they don't even like buy those things that you just said and they still somehow waste all their money i don't know how that's the other one that confused me like i get if you're buying like cigarettes and stuff all the time those are expensive but like i don't know how much food you're buying that you managed to
Starting point is 01:20:10 waste that much money like how are you doing this but um i remember a story from back when i was in my first year i had an argument with someone about this uh they were telling me that so i think like grad salaries here are anywhere from like 45 to 60 000 a year and they were telling me that so i think like grad salaries here are anywhere from like 45 to 60 thousand dollars a year and they were telling me that you can barely raise a family on oh you can't raise a family on like 50 000 a year like bullshit you can't like where are you living you can't do that don't live in like in the city center but you can absolutely live on that and you can raise a family on that. Like, I was raised on less than that. And if you're a single
Starting point is 01:20:50 person, you can absolutely live on that. Yeah. Obviously, I get that if you're living in, like, the city centre, you can't do that. But, don't do that. It's a bad idea. No one should live in the city centre. Yeah, especially if you're trying to raise a family.
Starting point is 01:21:09 I guess these people... No, you go. Just go on with what you're saying. I was already talking. Okay. So I know these people that
Starting point is 01:21:22 are hopeless. Literally hopeless with money because they move houses okay i need a little bit more setup than this um it's like a family of like seven or eight people and it's like okay fair enough that is a lot of people to like feed and stuff obviously yeah that's that's gonna be like a lot of electricity but you can still do it because they still get paid like a ridiculous amount because um the both the people have jobs and they like they're higher paying jobs as well they're not just like base salary yeah and they still manage to have like no money at all um so part of the problem is um they move houses like every six months and so they'll be like paying all these like loans
Starting point is 01:22:21 and shit and like um putting down house deposits and stuff. And it's like, why are you moving so much? Oh, I just realized the way that people waste more money. People who have, like, $300 a month phone contracts. Yeah, also that. So, like, the kids, some of the kids will like keep breaking their phones and it's like why how do you keep breaking that's another rant how the fuck do you even break your phone that badly but okay whatever um uh and yeah so they have like two cars one of them fucked up and
Starting point is 01:23:03 they're like oh i can't pay for this we have no money meanwhile one of them fucked up, and they were like, oh, I can't pay for this, we have no money. Meanwhile, one of them went and bought a boat when they know that they have bills coming in and they have a broken car. And then the other car broke, so they had to take one of the children's cars instead. God. It's just hopeless.
Starting point is 01:23:22 Like, I can't ever see myself getting into a situation like that where you just like have no money whatsoever i obviously i feel people for i feel for people who are um obviously unemployed that's one thing like if you went from having a full-time job to being unemployed obviously you're gonna struggle there yeah for sure but if you uh like a family i get with eight people that could be a problem but if you have the money to go and buy a boat you're not struggling you've just made struggle for yourself pretty much but uh the big one i was gonna talk about was anyone who's like living by themselves like anyone who complains about all the poverty line in in australia is like oh i'm so poor i was like no you're not if you're working a job
Starting point is 01:24:11 you can find a way to survive like i i think by the way that you're like defined as being poor in australia i am basically supposed to be dead because I'm for a couple of years I think I was making like $200 a week you'll be fine just live in a share house eat the cheapest food you can, you'll be okay
Starting point is 01:24:38 like you're not getting out of rent by yourself obviously that's too much, but find a place where you pay like $110 a week for rent, $120 a week for rent. You can survive on the rest. Yeah, it's, like, I think that's also a major sore spot for, like, so many people that, like, I didn't even, like,
Starting point is 01:25:00 know was a thing. It's, like, people spend so much money on like buying like takeaway food and whatever like so they don't actually have to cook and then like when they do cook they'll buy the most expensive brands at the supermarket and it's like like i know you're giving me shit for drinking coles brand tea but like most home brand stuff is essentially the same as the brand name stuff. Like, if you're buying, if you want to buy milk or whatever, the Coles brand one is
Starting point is 01:25:31 going to be the same. It's not going to make a difference. And like, you can eat tasty food without spending all this money. I just, it just dumbfounded me. Like, just buy some vegetables,
Starting point is 01:25:48 buy some rice. Like, it's not hard. Well, before all of this shit went down, I'd bought 10 kilos of rice. That was $30. That'll fit... Like, I'm only on my second bag now, and I think I started on it about
Starting point is 01:26:05 a month and a half ago two months ago obviously if you have more than one person to feed it'll take a while but oh it'll go i go through quicker but even then three dollars a kilo and rice can be most of your meal and then get yourself some like frozen veggies that's also really cheap oh and then you don't even have to really try hard to cook that just like you can even chuck it in the microwave for most of them and then get yourself yeah i don't know like fucking a couple kilos of chicken and chicken is dirt cheap right now like it actually just doesn't like you can live off of beans and rice like and that shit's so
Starting point is 01:26:47 cheap and it also tastes good but like i mean another problem is like i am not a picky eater at all i like literally eat almost anything but like i i forget that people are like oh i don't i don't like broccoli it tastes weird oh i'm, I'm a picky eater. I just have, like, two meals that I know how to cook. And I just eat the same thing all the time. Yeah, or you could do that. It's like, oh, we just have, like, rice and some various form of chicken every night. I mean, like, yeah, I eat basically the same thing for breakfast every day. And then, like, I have a couple rotating things to have for dinner.
Starting point is 01:27:27 And, like, they're things that you can make in bulk and then freeze. And then, like, so, like, you can make a shit ton of pasta sauce and freeze it and have it with pasta. And, like, that's still, like, a good tasty thing. Or you can, like, make curry and have it with rice. And it's just, like, I don't know. i think we need to change the topic i'm getting too mad god damn you rich people who pretended before that's how it ended actually yeah i really touched on this earlier but um with this lockdown happening it was actually really difficult to find topics because usually it's just like oh there's just stuff that
Starting point is 01:28:14 i've done in my life but i haven't even though it's kind of letting up right now i've still kind of just been at home most of the time sam i mean to be, to be fair, I don't have anything to do, though. You're still living that Centrelink life. Yeah. But, like, even for me... I'm still trying, though.
Starting point is 01:28:37 You're still trying. That's good. Like, I still... Because, you know, Centrelink's changed where you don't actually have to apply for jobs to get my payments just cuz like yeah until they keep extending the date, but Like yeah, you have to apply for jobs, but like I'll still be applying for shit
Starting point is 01:28:58 I like I've had interviews, but let's keep getting ghosted. Yeah, what have you been looking into getting into? but let's keep getting ghosted yeah what have you been looking into getting into just like entry-level it jobs um just like yeah whatever i can like whatever's like available pretty much i just like want to get something and then like work my way from there. Yeah. Yeah, well, I don't know. I can't really say anything to help you at this point, to be honest, because I'm not looking for anything right now. Like, my plan right now, even if I do want to actually go into doing IT stuff after this,
Starting point is 01:29:41 I'm still going to take a gap year. So I'm not looking for anything, even if I wanted to. Yeah. Because honestly, I've been in uni for four years now. Sorry, I cut you out before then. Hmm?
Starting point is 01:29:56 What was that? Oh, I cut you out before that. I don't remember what you were talking about. Um... I don't remember what you were talking about. I don't know. Quality content. This podcast has been a little bit rough. We've cut each other off so many times, but I think part of it is because my net is being held bad. So you'll be done saying something and then I'll say it,
Starting point is 01:30:23 but you've already started talking again. Yeah. done saying something and then i'll say it but like you've already started talking again yeah i can't wait till i can have a space set up to do these podcasts in person that would be that would be such a better experience you should just set it up on your bed we can just like sit next to each other on my cross-legged. Just like... Yeah. We can... Yeah, exactly like that. And I'll be on the other side. I'm sorry, audio listeners, for this. Yeah, I... There we go. how's this my my arm can't get much
Starting point is 01:31:11 closer actually I mean you still sound okay so that's because the mic's in front of my face still yeah yeah so I'll be um on the other side and that's how you're gonna do your physical podcast from now on yeah you know i think you would be here and i would sit over on the other side and we'd just like sit next to each other like this and just be real cozy oh this is so stupid yeah to be honest i actually could make it work that's the that's the stupidest part of it. Like I would just need to slightly change the framing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:51 Because I'm only in the middle of my bed, I still have a bunch of room back here I could go. So if I just did it like that, and just changed the way the shot's actually framed, it could work. It's not a good idea but oh we started off so strong and it's just derailed no i think we started off pretty weak actually you're always kind of slow to get into like into actually talking i mean this that is true but i have like a better idea of what we were talking about before,
Starting point is 01:32:26 and it's just gone. Yeah, that's fair. I haven't been able to get off a proper sentence in a little while. But you at least sound happier than the start. That's an improvement. That's true. I'll give you that one. I'll try to set this back up without ruining everything. That one true. I'll give you that one. I'll try to set this back up without ruining everything.
Starting point is 01:32:47 That one there. There we go. This room is absolutely tiny. Yeah, I was surprised with how small it was. I think you showed it off for... Kenley's podcast, I think. I was just surprised how small it was. To be fair, it's not actually that small.
Starting point is 01:33:19 My desk is really deep and my bed is pretty big. Yeah, I mean, I used to, my old room used to be like that as well, like it wasn't small but like the bed took up a lot of space because I ain't sleeping in my single bed. Yeah, single beds are too small, I'm not a child, I can't do that. I guess you get like a king single yeah that's not too bad um I would show that we have one in here we shot but it's fucking it looks a bit gross because there's no covers on it at the moment I was actually expecting to get a call from my boss during this but but hey, it didn't actually happen.
Starting point is 01:34:05 That's weird. Because usually Thursday nights are like a busy night. Okay. I mean, you've been saying how you haven't had many shifts, so I thought it was going to be like, Hey, buddy. Hey, go on. You don't get a shift. And he just hangs up.
Starting point is 01:34:23 No, I wasn't going to work tonight anyway. But if I got called in, I would have gone to work after the show. During Sam's episode, I did actually get a call from my boss. Like, during the episode. I had my mic muted, though. I thought I unmuted it. I wanted to have the call actually on the show, and I fucked it up. Was it worth... Was it actually any good though
Starting point is 01:34:47 oh no no but i just had my mic muted for like half a minute oh wow yeah what a shame to be fair every every single week i'm less interested in picking up shifts at Coles because I don't know how much people really care at this point but on YouTube, my next YouTube paycheck is going to be at least $160 which is already two shifts at Coles so that's already two shifts that I don't have to pick up if I don't want to. Yeah. I'm guessing you enjoy making videos a lot more than... Putting boxes and shelves.
Starting point is 01:35:33 Yeah, a lot. It's not a very high bar to be better than it, for sure. I wrote down some topics. We already hit a bunch of them but like um i think a couple episodes ago you were talking about couch to 5k and i like um yeah so i've been i've been doing that i um i started doing it like a couple months ago but like i got sick and it kind of just derailed itself but i've been doing it again you know it's it's a bit it's a bit rough but you know it's it's like good because you feel like you've actually accomplished something afterwards what's your area like
Starting point is 01:36:18 because here it's like i'm obviously in the adelaide hills so it's pretty fucked to go for a run. I'm actually pretty well off because I live near the river which goes from the city all the way down to Henley Beach. So it's like this massive, I don't know how many Ks it is, I think it's 20 k's in total um but like it's also two-sided so like you can just do a loop around it so i'll usually just go along there and it's like it's nice and flat yeah and so that's like a hell good spot but also just like my neighborhood is really flat as well so i don't have to worry about going up and down hills which is not fun i guess if you get used to going up and down hills it does make the flats easier but it's fucking hard to get into
Starting point is 01:37:11 yeah i mean like when you like at the start of a session going up a hill is not too bad but like when you're on that last um run going up a hill just actually feels like death. It started raining when I was out for a walk the other day, and I had to run the last couple, I don't know, I think it was like, I think 500, 600 meters, and, like, I am really unfit right now. It's like, can I not? Because it had started, like, it wasn't terribly piercing down, but it was still bad enough where I was like, I want to get inside right now
Starting point is 01:37:46 Yeah So yeah, how's that actually be going? Um, it's gone good. Wait, I'll just open up. I think I'm up to like week three or something. Mm-hmm I mean I am up to week 3 day 2 so what does that put you at? it's still it's still like
Starting point is 01:38:15 running and then walking but it's like so that I'm going to just check which one I'm going to be doing next week 3 no I'm actually just check which one I'm gonna be doing next Three okay. No, I'm actually up to week three day three so I'll be doing a two minute run and then two minute walk and then Two three minute runs three minute walks and then two minute on two minute walk
Starting point is 01:38:43 I know it's a good cash to 5k picture out there I see if I can bring it up for anyone who's not too sure about what it is. Why don't you explain what it is for anyone who just somehow has never heard of it? Um, yeah, so essentially it's just like a program that you follow for, um, for being able to run well from not being able to run basically at all to being able to run, um, being able to run basically at all to being able to run um five kilometers
Starting point is 01:39:06 without stopping and so as the um each week you run three days um and it progressively gets harder and so to start out with you just like you run for a minute and then walk for um a minute and a half and you do that like a couple times and then eventually like each um running interval gets uh longer and each walking interval gets um uh less i can't think of the shorter yeah oh my god i can't believe that word um yeah until eventually you're able to run 5km which is pretty cool so has that been going well?
Starting point is 01:39:53 has that been going well? have you been hitting the targets? yeah yeah I've been like I've always been able to finish like the whole thing like some of them you just feel like dying afterwards but like you still can get it done um and then like yeah it's it's it's really um cool because like i remember the first time i went through and tried to do it the first day
Starting point is 01:40:25 is so rough if you're like unfit because like even running for like a minute and doing that six times uh it just takes it out of you completely yeah but then you get up to like the last time i got up to week six um which, which is 10 minute, 10 minute run, five minute walk, and then a 10 minute run. And you're like, if you look back,
Starting point is 01:40:51 it's pretty crazy how you're like, you're now able to run for 10 minutes straight. And not only that, do it twice in one thing. I really should. It's really cool. Yeah. I really should. It's really cool. Yeah. I really should actually get back into it
Starting point is 01:41:08 and properly try to do it. Well, that's something that I've been, like, trying to think is, like, I'll spend this time watching, like, videos or, or like just browsing through just whatever and it's like it's time that you actually like you look back on that and you're like I didn't really have any emotion attached to that like it's not like oh I really it's not the same as watching a movie it's like oh I really enjoyed watching that movie I got a lot out of it it's not like oh i really it's not the same as watching a movie it's like oh i really enjoyed watching that movie i got a lot out of it it's like it's just random shit on youtube or like
Starting point is 01:41:51 you're scrolling through instagram or something um and you're like wow i'm not actually enjoying this i'm kind of just taking it in and it's like if you can just because because I think each, I think the longest, each day varies in how long it is, but I think the longest one's like 35 minutes. It's like, if you're going to be doing that, spending time doing something that you don't actually care about, why don't you just put it towards actually bettering yourself? Fuck, I feel like I listened to to reflection of myself from a couple months back am I just talking to myself from the past sure you might have to like sure you might have to force yourself to do it but like ultimately afterwards you're gonna feel like
Starting point is 01:42:42 oh I actually accomplished something with my time instead of just looking at shit. Yeah, absolutely. I couldn't have said it better myself. Obviously I have been lazy with the working outside, but like just doing the YouTube stuff is a good thing for me. Like before, all I would be doing during this time
Starting point is 01:43:01 is like, oh, I have a couple of extra free hours. I'm just gonna sit here and watch some stuff on YouTube. I'm going to sit here, watch some anime. Now I would like to go back and watch some anime, but I'm like, I've got some other shit that's more important to get done right now. I want to build up my brand. I want to, I don't know, just something that I feel is actually like more productive. That'll be more useful for me in the long run like even even if I go and say do dev work for my life having a brand there I can say okay well I want to build an app now and I already have this established brand where I can say okay well let's let's advertise the app through this so it's something I can use even if it's something that I don't do as like a long-term thing. Yeah, I just like...
Starting point is 01:43:54 Let me restart. Um, I guess it's just like valuing your time and like putting value on what, like on each activity that you're doing so like if you feel as though you're getting something out of it then it's worth doing but like it's different for everyone though because like someone else might say oh yeah running isn't really worth my time but i I'm going to like fucking go punch a punching bag for like 20 minutes or something. So for me, it's like my channel, I don't think it's ever going to get me something like maybe in the future it might like make me some money or whatever. But yeah, when matpat finds it um but
Starting point is 01:44:46 like for me it's a creative um output which i find um important because like uh if you're being like creative in one area it's ultimately going to help you in another area which might link back to i don't know doing work or something depending on what job I end up getting. But, like, I was just going to say it just feels good to be creatively fulfilled, like, making something. Well, I was even going to say, even if it's not something, like, that most people would consider valuable, like, going and working out, building up your artistic talent, something that's like i don't know say you don't just play video games to kill some time you
Starting point is 01:45:30 actually really enjoy that time you enjoy spending time with people you feel like you're getting better at something even that as long as you consider it valuable for yourself it's still a good use of your time even if other people don't think it's valuable. Yeah. And, like, you can tell when you are personally doing it. Like, you can easily differentiate the... I don't think I said that right. You can easily tell the difference between playing a game just as something to do
Starting point is 01:46:01 and playing a game as something that you want to do. I think that's like the main difference It's like doing it for like no reason compared to wanting to do something Yeah, I definitely have that kind of one yeah, I Definitely got that back this fucking connection makes it real hard to talk I Definitely got that back when I used to play things like runescape like looking back on it now i realized i didn't actually enjoy most of that time it was kind of just i'm playing it
Starting point is 01:46:32 because i don't know why i just had nothing better to do with my time whereas obviously i was i was still a kid at the time so but there were there were other things i could have been doing where i actually would have had fun like i had friends that i could have gone to their places and played i don't know whatever it is i was playing back then probably like rayman or something or i could go or i could i don't know i did enjoy going out like cycling and stuff like that even as a kid i enjoyed that so there was like stuff like that i could have done but instead I would be like I'm going to play runescape because I want to get more levels even though I most the time I had the runescape window in this tiny window and the rest of it was like a movie or something mm-hmm
Starting point is 01:47:18 so it's kind of just wasting time for the sake of it pretty much I'm sure you've experienced that yourself with other things. Oh, definitely. Wait, I'll just open my Steam quickly. Yeah, Steam's a good place to go. I don't know how many hours of Counter-Strike I've played that I didn't enjoy, but... There's definitely that. Just, like, so many games I've played that I didn't enjoy, but there's definitely that. Just like so many games I've played
Starting point is 01:47:45 that I'm like, I haven't actually liked. What the fuck is going on with your lighting? I don't know. Like, it's good for a couple of seconds and then something happens and all around you starts glowing. But you're still lit up perfectly,
Starting point is 01:48:04 which is weird. I don't know. Do you have a window or something? Yeah, but it's closed. Okay, I guess it's the camera being weird. Yeah, I don't know. Because you still look fine. How long have we been going for?
Starting point is 01:48:24 Sorry? Oh, yeah, yeah. I was just going of it. How long have we been going for? Sorry? Oh, yeah, yeah. I was just going to say, how long have we been going for? Almost, it's hour 48 on my screen. I reckon I'll go until two hours. Okay, yeah, cool. I'm feeling a little bit restless. I don't think I can do a three-hour podcast.
Starting point is 01:48:42 Nah, it's all good. I don't know i can do a three-hour podcast no it's all good i don't know how i don't know how it happens that's like i've done a couple of them recently and it it does take a lot out of you that's for sure especially like um i like it's interesting because like you can play i used to play um stuff for like the whole day while talking to people. But it's so different because you're putting your attention into the game as well instead of just talking. I guess just focusing on a conversation for ages is a bit draining,
Starting point is 01:49:20 but it's still good though. Yeah, for sure. If you're enjoying it, it's one thing. draining but like it's still good though yeah yeah for sure especially if you're enjoying it it's one thing um if it's like you're in obviously a lecture feels way different like even if you're actually like talking to the lecturer because you just don't want to be there whereas if you didn't want to be here you wouldn't have been like hey can i come on the show again hey can I come on the show again okay yes I was gonna say um how do you go watching online lectures because I know that you don't go to lectures at all I'm just like curious to see how how do you go with them oh i i've never really had a problem with
Starting point is 01:50:07 them i like for me i've i've been pretty chill with everything that's been going on like the lectures the classes all of that uh i think okay the main thing about the lectures is i realize early on that a lot of them are kind of a waste of time. Like there's some lecturers who will just read the lecture slides and those ones I generally don't bother with, but as for the ones where they actually do something productive I will go and watch them and sometimes only... okay the good thing about watching stuff online is if they say something where you're like I don't understand a word you just said you can go back a bit and be like, okay, what the hell did you say? You try to listen to it a couple of times.
Starting point is 01:50:51 And the bit, okay, obviously the big struggle is not getting distracted. Because it's obvious it's easy to get distracted when you're in a lecture hall. You can be like, I'm just gonna sit on my phone. But when you're actually on your computer, I do find myself can be like I'm just gonna sit on my phone but when you're actually on your computer I do find myself being like I'm just gonna stop right now and check out this thing I saw or I'll have discord in another window and start talking in discord and stop paying attention for a lot of lectures I I do struggle to keep like keep myself paying attention but the way I usually get around that is not the way that most people want to
Starting point is 01:51:25 get work done, which is I just put more work into it. Like I'll just spend longer working on uni stuff. Basically. I don't usually have myself with a set schedule. I work way too long on, on uni, on my channel,
Starting point is 01:51:38 on everything. I just don't basically do other things. Fair enough. I just ask because like I always found watching lectures online to be incredibly hard like it felt like time was going at negative four speed just so I'd force myself to actually go to lectures cause like, at least I was just internalizing something, even if I wasn't actually paying attention. Yeah. But like with online ones, just, I could not pay attention at all.
Starting point is 01:52:15 Yeah. Um, I remember, uh, I don't remember what semester we did web dev in, but it was on a, I think it was on a i think it was on a wednesday morning or something the lecture was on a wednesday morning and i was like i had nothing else on during that day i was like i'm not gonna go to this i'll just watch it online i think i watched two weeks and then never watched another lecture jesus christ i think i somehow still got h HD for that though. I think my problem with watching lectures online isn't the time feels like it's going really slow, time feels like it's going really fast, the lecture feels like it's just taking forever though.
Starting point is 01:52:55 So, it's because I keep getting distracted, so time keeps disappearing away from me, I'm like, this is a two hour lecture, it's been three hours now how did this happen this is not how time works i mean like the good thing is that you can put the lectures on like 1.5 times speed but then you get hit with like someone that has a thick accent and you're like oh i can't understand you anymore not at all with like Adam and all that it's generally pretty easy but and well this semester I barely actually have lectures
Starting point is 01:53:35 because ICT project doesn't really have lectures and no one listens to the data web mining lectures because he doesn't say anything of value. And then I think research methods are like every two or so weeks, which is, so I barely have lectures this semester anyway. Yeah, I only went to the IT project lectures
Starting point is 01:53:58 just because they were like negative marks if you didn't attend them. It's like, I don't't think like the two lectures that were helpful for that were the two where they actually went through um the two documents that you have to fill out other than that the guest lectures like yeah there's the i was either the first or the second lecture for like for me it was and then there's one near the end of the semester telling you how to fill out another document so those are the two
Starting point is 01:54:32 actual useful ones and then the rest are all the guest lectures and I don't think I got a single useful piece of information from that we actually only had two guest lectures this semester they just cancelled most of them you like cut out I was going to say two guest lectures this semester they just canceled you like cut out i was gonna say um
Starting point is 01:54:47 i mean yeah we canceled most of the guest lectures because we didn't like there's just no reason to do them yeah like that there's genuinely just not like okay so i remember one of them was like to say okay it was basically the message behind it was like oh like listen to your client and stuff like actually internalize don't just assume shit and um but it was like packaged around like also um don't be racist to indigenous people we had that one yeah i think i don't think anyone like that wasn't going to be is gonna get anything out of this we actually had that lecture and another one packaged together we had the um women are super oppressed in technology and they did them both in the same day. And, like, I found those two particularly problematic because they don't present the actual issue... Problematic.
Starting point is 01:55:58 They don't present the issue, like, properly in an approachable way. It's, like, super condescending as if like you've already decided okay it's as if the people that are presenting have decided that everyone in the audience is like racist or sexist as like well that's not the case at all and you're just making me feel like a piece of shit yeah and like for the people for the few people that like are on the edge of those things like that's just going to push them further away from it than anything because you're talking down to these people which is like the exact opposite like which is the issue that they're trying to talk about in the first place it's so stupid in that lecture, I was in
Starting point is 01:56:45 Sam's Discord, and we had Kenley, Corey, and a bunch of other people, and we were just making jokes the entire time. Yeah. But there was one thing I wanted to mention before we ended the podcast off. If you want a really good YouTube channel to watch,
Starting point is 01:57:02 this is who you should check out. Lockpicking Lawyer. really good YouTube channel to watch, this is who you should check out. Lockpicking Lawyer. Lockpicking Lawyer is actually an amazing channel. Basically it's this dude, he just does lockpicking the entire time and will like pull these locks apart and just explain why they're shit basically. And there's times where he'll get an electronic lock and open it up with a fork or something like that.
Starting point is 01:57:34 Or there's this one that's a reusable zip tie for a bike lock. Yeah. And he's like, don't do this. This is stupid. But if you want a really, really good channel to watch, I've been watching way too many of his videos. And he's, he does like a video a day, and he's got a thousand videos.
Starting point is 01:57:59 So speaking of wasting time, if you ever feel the need to waste time here's a good way to do it you'll learn something about locks and which locks not to buy yeah all of these ones look so like jank it looks like a shit channel but you'll watch it and you get super addicted to it no no no I mean like the locks themselves oh the locks themselves I don't know why you'd ever like buy half of these uh I'll
Starting point is 01:58:33 send you one in particular um there's let's not play the audio for that there's this one right here where he had basically a gun safe and was able to bridge the contacts in the... Basically bridge the contacts
Starting point is 01:58:57 and put a new fingerprint in it. And he bridged the contacts by just sticking a fork under the lid. That's good. That's well designed absolutely or there was um there was a older lock design used for a lot of like government situations where you could open it up by sticking a magnet on the side and it would just pull the pin open because it was just not designed well at like whatsoever that's interesting well i'm definitely gonna check this man out then it's not like he needs some subscribers he's got like 1.68 million so i just felt like uh letting you know about a channel that i am absolutely in love with right now okay you know i'll also
Starting point is 01:59:45 give you a channel that i like uh oh excuse the shitty camera we've got a bit of chest view now yeah okay um so this man uh his channel name is Internet Shaquille. Um, and he does cooking videos, except they're like super good cause they're funny and they're like super like informative and to the point, like, I don't think he has like one video that's over 10 minutes long. The rest of them are like five or less and they're just like they're super bingeable and like um just like super cool and like i want to try out a bunch of shit that he's like made because like everything he makes looks fucking tasty as and it's just oh it's a good channel good channel check it out. I Always feel bad about how YouTube
Starting point is 02:00:47 Doesn't push these channels as much as it used to like some of them obviously break through like you saw with lock picking lawyer Two-minute videos 1.7 million subs, but there's so many channels that make Absolutely amazing content, but just don't get pushed in the algorithm because their videos are too short amazing content but just don't get pushed in the algorithm because their videos are too short yeah i don't i don't like what okay i understand why it's because they can chuck more ads yeah they can do mid-rolls past 10 minutes yeah but like i just can't i don't have the attention span anymore to watch like a like a two-hour video that's not a podcast for me my limit for making videos now is like i try not to do over 20 minutes and people like oh why don't you just do one really big video
Starting point is 02:01:35 a week firstly youtube credit like it really punishes you for doing like only one video a week even even like three videos a, it barely will push your channel. But if I'm doing one really long two-hour video, that's not a sentence. If I'm doing one long video a week, no one's going to watch past 15 minutes.
Starting point is 02:01:58 So I don't see the point of that. Because these videos, like these podcasts, even some of the more popular ones 10 minutes people watch on average so i like i want people to see the content i'm putting out basically yeah i don't know um yeah i've like always made sure like um i think my long my longest video at the moment is 11 minutes and 40 seconds. And I like to keep them under 10 just because I know personally I wouldn't want to watch something that's over 10 minutes. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 02:02:40 When it's a skit like you do, they are kind of a bit draining to watch for that long. Like, you have to be really, really good at them to make it good for over 10 minutes. So we are just past the two-hour mark now, so you said you wanted to end it here. I'm happy to do that if you still want to do that. Yeah, I reckon I'm ready. I don't have many more topics going on in my head.
Starting point is 02:03:09 Okay, so this has been episode 14 of Tech of a T. What do you want to shout out? Just my channel, Cozhan, C-O-Z-H-A-N. And then my name under my thing is SuperCozman, and that's just me everywhere else on Twitter and, I guess, DeviantArt. Those are the two main ones. Yeah, cool. You've also got a Facebook linked on your channel.
Starting point is 02:03:40 Oh, yeah, there's a Facebook on the, like, there's a Facebook page for the channel. There's also an Instagram for the channel, but we barely use those. Yeah. Yeah, cool. The actual YouTube channel is more important. I'll have a look into getting your stuff over onto the library. Have a look into what's happening with that. If there seems to be a problem, then I'll see if I can get it sorted out yeah just quickly
Starting point is 02:04:11 search that up to remind me to look into it so yeah I think that that's pretty much everything then so I don't remember how I end this podcast yet. Um, thank you all for watching. Uh, before I go, I would like to thank my patrons. Yoakim, Nathan, Andrew, Gabe, sorry, nope, yep. This is why I, uh,
Starting point is 02:04:37 I, in my main channel videos, I do multiple takes. I'd like to thank Yoakim, Nathan, Andrew, Gabriel, P.Doddy, Rode, Tony, Lotto, Elky, Larry and Zylva. If you want to also support the channel in another way, I've got my Amazon affiliate links. We can buy the gear I use on this channel or anything else you want to get a small kickback for. Also remember to go check out my main channel. That is Brodie Robertson available on Library, BitTube and YouTube.
Starting point is 02:05:03 Library, we are at 8,000 subscribers right now as of the recording, which is mental. Um, YouTube, I think we're like 6,200. That's it's growing, but I'm probably going to be at 10 K by the time that YouTube even hits like
Starting point is 02:05:19 6,500 at the rate it's going. So get onto library and I'll boost up your channel and we're going to get you into the top 200 list. Also, if you're listening to the audio version of the podcast, then the video version is available on Library
Starting point is 02:05:33 and YouTube. If you're listening to, or if you're watching the video version, the audio version is available wherever you listen to podcasts. So I think that's pretty much everything for this.
Starting point is 02:05:43 How do you want to sign out the podcast um love jesus why not cool love jesus praise up thank you all for watching

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