Tech Over Tea - The Virus Rides 5G - Tech Over Tea #7 - feat Supercozman

Episode Date: April 17, 2020

There are some crazy conspiracies going around right now and none are as weird as the 5G conspiracies and you know what, we think they're hilarious. Supercozman is back again to discuss whatever nonse...nse we feel makes good content such as some gaming talk, his early days of content creation and some of the YouTube scams going around right now, plus the obvious title. ==========Guest Links========== YouTube:   Instagram:   Twitter:   Deviant Art: ==========Purchase My Gear========== â–º Blue Yeti USB Microphone: â–º Logitech C920 Pro Webcam: â–º Neewer 176 LED Video Light: ==========Support The Channel========== â–º Patreon: â–º Paypal: â–º BTC Wallet Address: 1Aokiv3pFQXUEmh2LbzZQAwxMvq6bpT2UN â–º ETH Wallet Address: 0x80451867c86bdf08c3888d407c1e3fcb6add61ed â–º LBC Wallet Address: bLRN9fm17sCexKfgbYqmMj5xskZF2ogpEh ==========Video Release========== 📚 LBRY: 🎥 YouTube: DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation.  I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and related sites.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 That's not surprising, to be honest. So, yeah, whatever. Anyway, I started the recording, so... Oh, nice! Oh, I started this slightly too late. I missed out on you complaining you had no notes. Anyway, welcome to episode seven? Seven of Tech Over Tea. I am your host, Brodie Robinson, and we have a returning guest today. So welcome back to the show, Connor. Thank you. It's a pleasure to be here. So if you guys didn't see, you were on the first episode, weren't you?
Starting point is 00:00:34 Yeah. Yeah, so that episode we mainly talked about, I don't even know, that was an absolute mess of an episode, to be honest. Yeah, it was very jumbled I think we probably went over like 15 different topics because none of them had enough material to go for more than like a couple minutes
Starting point is 00:00:54 yeah well I feel like I don't know it was a bit of a problem of just me not being used to doing the like podcasting thing and also you kind of just not being used to doing the like podcasting thing and also you kind of just not being used to it either so it is it's yeah it's a bit of a weird experience doing the first time for sure and yeah here we are for sure so one improvement over last time is the fact that discord's working
Starting point is 00:01:19 today that is true it's much nicer than having to use janky google hangouts god i that was such a mess last time literally what was it like five minutes before we started recording it was like oh google hangouts just isn't working anymore oh google hangs out um discord's just not working anymore yeah and that's like one of the only handfuls of times i've ever seen discord just like refuse to work. Yeah, I don't know what was happening that day, but at least we don't have to use it anymore. Because now, even though you still have ghost mode, I at least don't have like the little... I just put my mouse over the webcam thing, so that opened up the settings.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Okay, I didn't know you were a uni lecturer. I'm going to leave my mouse on the screen. Hey, at least I'm not doing, let's just cover the microphone for a bit. At least I'm not recording like this. Or, hey, how's it going? Let's just record from behind the microphone. Welcome to my ASMR lecture. We're going to be doing JavaScript.
Starting point is 00:02:34 I could just go out and record from the kitchen with this mic sitting here. Just go record from another room. That'll also work. That could be what... That's basically what the... You haven't had him before because you've... He's the data and web mining lecturer.
Starting point is 00:02:53 I've complained about him before, but he's the one who decided to leave his mic on when he went to the toilet and also a bunch of other stupid things. The guy that walks across the room. Yeah, the guy who walks across the room yeah the guy who walks across the room yeah he's a he's not the brightest that's for sure but god yeah the worst thing about that is though because like all the lecturers are given lapel mics that he's just not using it yeah well i think 90 percent of lecturers don't know how to run a lecture properly.
Starting point is 00:03:26 That's fair. Yeah, a lot of them are really smart, but they don't know how to talk, basically. That's the big problem. Like, they can write a paper and do it really well. But if you try to get them to explain what they're talking about, they'll have absolutely no idea how to even begin with that. And that's basically what uni is like. So.
Starting point is 00:03:51 I mean, yeah. They also just don't know how to record anything properly. That doesn't help either. The amount of times, like, I've been to a lecture, they don't know how to record or how to pause a recording. They don't know how to switch mics. They don't know how to do that. And now you don't deal with that anymore.
Starting point is 00:04:15 You just enjoy that unemployed life. Yes, that's anti-payment. I have my tea. I'm rocking some EVs today. Well, that's actuallyi payment. I have my tea. I'm rocking some EVs today. Well, that's actually a pretty nice mug. I've got this one with love hearts on it. That's such like a mum mug. Yeah, it's my housemate's mug.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Saved it. Yeah, well, that's what you do when you share a house. But anyway, I have got... I don't know what I had last time, but this time Lipton Black Tea. You're probably still drinking that home brand colour stuff on. I am still rocking home brand colours. I don't leave the bag in my...
Starting point is 00:04:57 I almost never do. I do, because I like that deep tea taste. Strong taste that just envelops all of your taste buds. Absolutely. You should see how my stepdad makes tea. He will dip the bag in. If the water turns even just more than the tiniest amount of brown, he's like, that's too much.
Starting point is 00:05:24 He's gotten like 16 uses out of one bag before uh no i've always heard about those people we use tea bags i'm like there's nothing inherently like gross about it i guess but it's just still just not good they're so cheap there's no reason to do it it's like yeah you actually can get a hundred tea bags for like five dollars being so fucking stingy with you if you're honestly at that point if you if you can't afford five cents a drink like you shouldn't be drinking tea at that point like i'm sorry to tell like all the poor people out there don't drink tea if you can't afford five cents a tea bag it's a bit above
Starting point is 00:06:10 your price range you just need to you don't even pay for water actually just go down to your local pond scoop a bit out um if you can afford it um you probably want to boil the water first and then you can drink it why don't you just i don't know get it from a public fountain or something that's probably a bit cleaner i don't know if the fountain or the pool oh now we're going to a pool not a pond i wouldn't recommend drinking pool water pond water maybe you'll be fine with I mean chlorine is it's known to boost vitality I've read that
Starting point is 00:06:52 once on a on a blog I'm sure yeah probably yeah because people if you go deep enough down the conspiracy hole and all the uh the uh natural what am i thinking of um what the natural medicine yeah you go down the natural medicine hole you'll find some weird stuff like using bleach to cure stuff and that is not natural.
Starting point is 00:07:29 You can catch me chewing on a fucking eucalyptus leaf before I'm going to be drinking it. I would not... That's actually really bad for you. Do not eat a eucalyptus leaf. No, but I'm very sure that it's better for you than drinking bleach. Well, it's not like toilet bleach or anything like that. It's like a... It's not actually called bleach. anything like that it's like a it's not actually called
Starting point is 00:07:46 bleach it is still a bleach though and you'll find videos of people uh they'll mix them with water like they'll like really dilute it and then like they will look at um how they start shitting out what they think are worms what it actually is is like their intestine lining and they think they're cleaning up their body but they're actually killing themselves i got like 10 worms in me they just keep they keep multiplying it's like the whole worm it's like when a cell divides into two except that it happens with the whole worm. I just got to keep getting rid of them. Well, at some point you'll stop shitting out the worms, but you might also be dead at that point.
Starting point is 00:08:37 That's a scary rabbit hole to fall down. Oh, yeah. I usually stick at the surface level of the people mocking them. I don't usually dig at the surface level of the people like mocking them i don't usually dig down the whole down myself because otherwise that's just a depressing depressing path to go down really i mean it is and you know like i i trust myself enough not to get sucked in but like as soon as you find someone that has like half of an argument that actually makes sense, you know, you can, you kind of get into that mindset.
Starting point is 00:09:09 You're like, okay, you know, I'm picking up what you're putting down. No, I don't feel like that at all. Well, you clearly haven't been deep enough into the rabbit hole. That is fair. I have not been deep enough into the rabbit hole. If you use the rabbit hole analogy, it's like you start going down and then you get to a point where it just becomes vertical and then you slip and then you're fucked there's no other way around it i'll keep that in mind speaking of a crazy conspiracy theories have
Starting point is 00:09:40 you um have you heard what david icke has been putting out recently? No, but I do love my man, David. He's one of the proponents pushing the 5G caused the bad thing we can't talk about. So it caused, I've heard a couple of different things about how 5g and um quadruple x 4x flu yeah 4x flu uh how they interact together like there's a there's a map of the uk which is uh of the rollout of the 5g locations and also where like the um biggest number of infections are. They also happen to also line up with the biggest population centres, but whatever, we'll just ignore that fact.
Starting point is 00:10:33 I love the one that's, like, the disease, it rides on the back of the 5G radio waves. Wait, what? I haven't heard this one i need i need more of an explanation here okay so essentially like the so it's not that 5g caused it right but 5g is increasing the infectivity of it because the disease gets onto the 5g wave as it's being transmitted and essentially surfs it onto someone's phone. And then because they're touching their phone, then they touch their face and then it gets into them.
Starting point is 00:11:12 That's how it works. That is actually the greatest one I've ever heard. I love it. It's so dumb that it's actually good. Most of the ones I've been hearing are like, oh, 5G will like break down your cells and things like that but no i haven't heard surfing viruses that's a new one for me i mean there's also uh the one that um the i don't know i'm saying disease instead of virus
Starting point is 00:11:40 whatever if it actually makes a difference i'm not a i'm not a doctor um so there's this other one that the virus isn't actually the thing that's deadly that's just it gets into you and it isn't until you're exposed to the 5g rays that it becomes activated and you start to get symptoms oh lord yeah i think that kind of leads into the one i was hearing about my it i think mine was like a combination of it's literally causing it and also something by activating it um but god it's i think people are just trying to look for an explanation for a bad situation and they're just turning to the craziest stuff possible i mean yeah but i guess it also makes sense just because like it's new technology and people don't properly understand it well and if you explain in a certain way you can
Starting point is 00:12:35 uh because 5g uses millimeter radiation and that sounds scary if you don't know it sounds real scary if you don't know what you're talking about. It sounds real scary if you don't know what you're talking about. I mean, pretty much. When in reality it's actually less harmful than 4G because its ability
Starting point is 00:12:58 to actually pierce surfaces is far lower than what 4G was. So if you have even a piece of glass between a 5G tower and someone's phone, basically, it pretty much can't get through that glass. Whereas 4G, if you're inside, you're going to have full service. No question there.
Starting point is 00:13:17 5G is more of a, I guess, a more point-to-point high-speed communication service. So I don't think 4G is ever actually going at least for the time being gonna disappear just because you can't replace 4g with 5g it's just the amount of towers you would actually need would be completely ludicrous you need to have basically one on every single building otherwise just wouldn't be feasible i mean yeah definitely still gonna be years before 4g goes away because like 3g still a thing anyway so 3g i think in some places is supposed to be stopping soon ish but i'm not sure when i'm not sure about australia at least we're still barely getting 4g rolled out in some places
Starting point is 00:14:01 yeah that's that's why I said it, because when I still go up to the hills and stuff, I'm like, oh, okay, thanks for one bar of 3G. I can't load anything. It has gotten a lot better in town, though. I just walk around now, it's everywhere I've got 4G LTE, which is just way faster than a phone needs to be. Well, I have my own conspiracy theory i don't know
Starting point is 00:14:26 how true it is but i reckon that they've done something to my nearby 4g tower because my coverage at my home used to be like primo like four bars all the time and now it's just like randomly it's like okay i'm gonna drop down to two or maybe even one. Like I've had that happen sometimes. So, you know, I'm trying to uncover the conspiracy going on here. Is the government trying to silence you? It is. They know that I know about the virus, right?
Starting point is 00:14:59 In the 5G waves. It's just like I'm in China. They're trying to get rid of my internet connection so I can't spread this vital information. Oh, speaking of China, I have the greatest story that I just heard about like five or so minutes ago. Actually, a bit longer than that, whatever.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Anyway, great story about China. So in China, actually, firstly, you know what? Have you heard of the new Animal Crossing game? Yes. You heard it's new Animal Crossing game? Yes. You heard it's fairly popular? Mm-hmm. Literally everyone on my Switch friend list is just playing Animal Crossing.
Starting point is 00:15:35 So, um... In China, specifically in the part of China that isn't actually China, there are people playing Animal Crossing. You know how you can put just random graphics down? Yeah. People are putting down graphics saying, free Taiwan.
Starting point is 00:15:57 So a lot of the... Because everyone's in bed with the government, all the game sellers have just had to stop selling Animal Crossing now because Animal Crossing is against the Chinese government. Anything that you can make. Anything in. No. God, China is such a fucked place to live.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Yeah, I would not be a fan. Let's just say I don't have any plans immigrating there no maybe give it a few years when uh taiwan actually becomes its own thing i've heard taiwan is nice but i mean i haven't really looked into any asian. I haven't looked into it too much, but from people I've heard that have gone there, apparently it is a nice country. Or province of China, depending on who you're asking. I mean, I think I've heard people go to China, and they're like, yeah, the different places there are really nice,
Starting point is 00:17:02 but I don't know. I'd just be a bit too scared. I'd be shot for doing something wrong you've just had uh too much weed in your system you're just perpetually gonna blow positive oh lord yeah that uh what was i gonna? I don't remember. I don't know. Did you...
Starting point is 00:17:29 The other day, did you see in the group chat how I was saying about the computer part that I bought? The motherboard? The motherboard. Yeah. Something... Yeah, I... Don't... I didn't see what was wrong with it.
Starting point is 00:17:40 I'm a moron. That's what's wrong with it. So... Don't blame the machine blame the user i uh yeah well don't buy computer hardware late at night basically uh-huh so it's a it's an x390 board or x290 or whatever i think x390 anyway it's an intel board and i've got an amd cpu so you should see the problem there uh yeah-huh, that's a problem. Yeah, so I'm trying to sell that right now.
Starting point is 00:18:08 And I had someone ask me just before if it's still for sale. So hopefully I'm going to be able to sell that soon and get rid of that stupid thing. But hey, if anyone wants an Asus Prime X390, then hit me up. So you're selling that on Facebook Marketplace. Are you just going to leave it at the front of your door when the guy comes to pick it up? That's a good question. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle this.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Maybe I'll risk it and touch his money. That's a little bit suspect. I would honestly get him to bank transfer me or something. I did forget to respond, so I might do that just in a few minutes. But, yeah, that's probably a good idea. I don't know what... I've got it on Gumtree as well. In Gumtree, you can, like, set up PayPal to just work directly through Gumtree.
Starting point is 00:19:01 So I don't know why I haven't just done that. That's probably a better idea i mean like i'm i'm just being hell paranoid and taking it like super seriously because like i don't know i've been sick like so much recently i don't want to also get this virus and then just die because my immune system's like okay um so we've basically been punched for like the past two months here's another massive thing on top of that yeah well you're in a good spot though because you don't really go out too much unless you need to get food but when you're stuck in a job where you are still an essential worker then you're you don't really have much of an option but to be around people who are maybe sick or maybe carriers yeah exposed to literally like everyone
Starting point is 00:19:52 possible yeah well luckily i haven't run into too many people who've come into the store coughing but when i'm out shopping by myself if someone starts coughing i go to the next aisle like i'm i'm not going anywhere near you i mean like i wear gloves when i go because like i'm like the safer thing to do just extra precaution and people give me weird looks i'm like are you fucking serious like have you seen what's happening in uh everywhere else well i've started seeing a lot more people start wearing gloves now a lot more people wearing masks as well but i was initially on the um the idea that apparently the mask didn't work but that seems to have just been bullshit by the uh the cdc i mean and also the who yeah i don't actually know but from what i've heard is that it can
Starting point is 00:20:51 help you stopping spreading stuff because like if you were to cough or start or something it would catch like the droplets that like yeah i knew that yeah but like i don't know the thing that i don't know is if it actually protects you from getting it from someone else yeah that's what i initially heard that it didn't but i've been hearing from very credible people that it actually does and i don't yeah i don't know i've heard that what the cdc was putting out initially was just bullshit to pretty much stop people from buying up all of the masks, which didn't really help. But... Because the US has got a massive
Starting point is 00:21:30 shortage of masks. Like, they don't even have enough to give their medical staff. So, if you have everyone buying them up, obviously you're not going to have anywhere near enough to actually give to the people who actually need to be using them. I think we're like the least
Starting point is 00:21:46 qualified people to be talking about this absolutely my knowledge comes from listening to fucking joe rogan yeah so um maybe not the most credible source yeah don't take anything i'm saying seriously if you want to wear a mask do it if you don't then i don't know go ask a doctor i'm just talking about what i've heard so which is pretty much what everyone else is doing at this point like no one really knows what's actually going on like everyone kind of has like a uh i guess a idea but no one really has a full understanding yeah it's pretty pretty secretive which i mean like both sides are pretty valid in that argument it's like well obviously everyone deserves to know how bad it actually is but the other side to that would be if it was like actually let out how bad it properly is then that would just cause everyone to like freak out more than
Starting point is 00:22:45 they already have yeah on that note did you uh have you heard this stat which is a interesting stat um so in china basically everything you need to use your cell phone for everything so it's like your id and all of that sort of stuff and china has had uh over the past couple of months, 2 million less cell phone users. Okay. Which some people are thinking, oh, I guess people are just not using their cell phone as much. The other people are thinking, oh, China is lying about how many people have actually died.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I don't know what the actual like what the actual thing that happened is but since this like having a cell phone is so important in china that's what's led people to believe that i i don't know what's going on though i mean i honestly wouldn't be surprised like think about how long they kept it like under wraps for in like the epicenter so like i mean it wouldn't be surprising especially like how actually dense like provinces in china are that that many people would have died and they're just like we're not telling people i think last time i checked china's numbers basically stopped at like 85 000 which it seems weird i can see why people are thinking something's off there yeah it is weird especially because america is about to like overtake them which no what do you mean overtake
Starting point is 00:24:20 they're about to triple them yeah okay yeah i haven't looked in a couple days yeah it's gotten real bad a week i used to i was like so fucking into it oh yeah i think that's how a lot of people are feeling now it's just like oh i don't i don't really care at this point yeah um so anyway they're above china i guess yeah um but so my thoughts about that is that america's either just i just checked the numbers um sorry i cut you off there but america's apparently at 502 000 that's rough anyway sorry yeah go on to what you're saying yeah so, so either America's really dumb, which they are. Yes, they absolutely are. We've seen that. Or the other way they can go is China is lying about numbers.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Or they actually have said the bright numbers, and that's because of how strict they were once it did become a big thing, like locking people into their houses. Yeah, did you see those videos early on? I don't know if they were once it did become a big thing, like locking people into their houses. Yeah, did you see those videos early on? I don't know if they were legit or not, but apparently people were getting welded into their houses. I didn't see the welding. I heard about that, but I did see the videos
Starting point is 00:25:36 about people getting dragged off the street and shit. Yeah. That was rough. If China is being entirely legit about the numbers, that's honestly what's probably what what's happened china has just gone full authoritarian state on them and just if you show any symptoms if you breathe in the wrong way we will lock you in your house or we will kill you i mean like i honestly feel like either could be a possibility, but I guess that like,
Starting point is 00:26:06 if, if the numbers are accurate, I guess that is like what's going on with the cell phones then. Yeah. Well, I don't know. The other thing with the cell phones is that because they're at home all the time,
Starting point is 00:26:17 then you don't need to use your cell phone as much, but. I guess like that is also a possible explanation if you want to do devil's advocate. Yeah, if you want to go down, China might not be a terrifying country. Arguable, but this is actually just turned into conspiracy podcast. Yeah, well, it had to happen at some point, I guess.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Nothing wrong with that until youtube comes and uh just shuts it down i think you're gonna have to make a highlight clip top 10 conspiracies discussed on tech over tea i do have a a uh a thing open right now where I'm taking down timestamps just so I can extract some clips. That's probably the way to do it, instead of just trying to re-watch all of it and be like... Oh, yeah, no, I don't even watch the clip through. I just sync up the audio and just render it. Fuck that. I want to deal with myself talking for an hour.
Starting point is 00:27:21 It's bad enough when I have to just record it. I mean, fair enough. fair enough i like by the by the end of me like editing a video i'm like i fucking hate this video i've watched it like 30 times now i never want to see it again how long do you normally record for one of those videos um i'll just peep my channel because it really depends on the video because i'm absolutely retarded and I cannot string a sentence together. So you'll see my videos and they're just full of jump cuts. If I wanted to actually record it well,
Starting point is 00:27:52 it would probably take me like four hours to record a 10 minute video. I mean, I'm a bit of a fake fan. I only really watch the podcast because I don't care about any Linux stuff. That's fair. Yeah, I know a few people like that. you could be like my uh my stepdad though who actually watches the linux stuff and has no idea about it he like he was uh i was talking to him the other day and he was like oh i saw that video about you uh supposedly stealing of Luke Smith's videos. Like, why do you watch my fucking content? I did watch that one.
Starting point is 00:28:29 I watch any of your videos directly about Linux or like just application stuff. I'm just more interested in just your personality, I guess. Yeah, I've got a few more. I can't think of a better way to say it, but yeah. No, I've got a few more. I can't think of a better way to say it, but yeah. No, I get what you're trying to say. I've got a few more coming up soon-ish where I'm going to do more like just general, I guess, vloggy personality stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:58 But I like to keep it sort of still focused on the main content of like Linux and techie stuff. But yeah, I think the doing the vloggy stuff actually does it it can be fun content for sure i i do enjoy it i mean yeah i think it's good to have um that core thing that you're going for with with linux and and tech stuff that way you know there's people well that way people know to come to you for for that stuff and like if they stick around and they actually like you then you know they'll like the vloggy stuff well the other spam it out oh yeah the other stuff with the uh the vloggy stuff is it tends to have a bit more of like a wider audience or i guess the more
Starting point is 00:29:45 general tech stuff so if I do something on like I don't know why I've got one coming up soon where I'm talking about how Microsoft is trying to drag Linux into Windows so they can pretty much keep a death grip on the developer community I think that has a bit more of a wider reach than the Linux stuff. Yeah, for sure. I mean, that's something that I would watch compared to like this specific program here is how you... This is how you install Arch Linux. Yeah, I've actually had people tell me like,
Starting point is 00:30:29 oh, you should do an Arch installation video. I was like, do you know how many of those already exist? Like literally if I do that video, it'll be me watching Luke's video and then me telling you what Luke told me. That is all it will be. There's only like so many ways you can install Linux. that is all it will be there's only like so many ways you can install linux back in year eight or nine of high school um uh like me and my friends we all had youtube
Starting point is 00:30:55 channels and this one friend all he would upload is how to install optifine for minecraft version 1.7.3 and then like every time the game was updated it was changed the title because it's literally the same exact thing wait so he just did optifine it's not just minecraft mods just optifine yeah literally just how to install optifine like because like and they got views they got like 20K plus views. Yeah, of course it does. People don't know how, like, there's so many videos of how to install Optifine.
Starting point is 00:31:34 So that's why I'm so dumbfounded about why his specific videos from like the smallest channel got so many views. It's just ridiculous. Yeah, the YouTube algorithm is complete mess like I think every time I think that I work it out I do something and I'm like oh this will probably work and I get get like no views from it like what how does this work I don't understand this I mean I can't really comment on that because most of my videos don't even break like 100 views.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Hey, well, at least you can see which ones do get past that point. You're like, hmm, okay, maybe that works. And in reality, like, I don't know what actually works. Just enjoy what you're doing and maybe you'll come across something that's actually going to work, I guess. And maybe you'll come across something that's actually going to work, I guess. And pretty much my highest viewed video is the one about a board game called Atmosphere. Oh, yeah, that was a good one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:40 And so that's the most viewed one. And we figured out why. It's because they released a new version of the game so everyone was searching for it that makes sense yeah so but that's died down now because i'm not sure what my top one actually is i i'm gonna guess it's probably something like uh i'm gonna say why i use lin. Let's see if we can find it. Most viewed. Oh, sorry. It was saying that Vim is actually a good code editor.
Starting point is 00:33:16 So that has like almost 12,000 now. Jesus. How did that hit 12,000? Yeah, anyway. Then I've got one from switching from i3 which is i3 is one of the bigger window managers and switching to bspwm i timed that pretty much off just after luke smith did his and he basically didn't really talk much about what he was doing and i did more of like an informative video so that one did really well then i did did one on LF, which is a terminal file manager.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Once again, Luke released a video on it and didn't really talk about much of what it can do. And I did a video where it was more like an explanation. And then the next one would be, why did I never switch where from Arch Linux? And that one's at like four and a half thousand. I reckon you gotta start making like fake accounts
Starting point is 00:34:09 and going onto Luke's videos and be like, hey, this broody guy, he actually did a really informative video where Luke just kind of fucking talked about nothing for 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Oh no, that's what his commenters already do. Like, they'll be like, oh, Luke, he does great videos, but doesn't really say much. Which is weird, because early on, once I, like, when I got the shout out from Luke, people were saying the same thing about me. They're like, oh, Luke does really informative videos, but you don't really say much. It's like, what the fuck is even going on here? I'm sure you have that kind of just weird
Starting point is 00:34:47 group hypocrisy yeah like even more once you grow more like it's just people always want to try and prove you wrong or some weird mentality like that yeah that's why when I try to, with the Discord, if anyone does try to do any, I guess, Brody is so great sort of stuff, like, stop. Don't put me on the same level as someone like Luke or DT. They do far better content than I do. Or don't try to bring down someone like Chris Titus Tech or Chris Okapenty. You may not like their content, but they do really good videos.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Or even just any... In any of the niches, really, there's no point trying to bring down any of your competitors. I mean, yes, but people are going to think like that. Yeah, for sure. But I can at least give a little bit of push in that direction
Starting point is 00:35:46 i guess yeah i guess please don't do this your camera has gotten real laggy over the past couple minutes i noticed that i don't know what's going on i'll just turn it off and on i guess your audio is still perfectly fine so i don't know what's going on there. Here we go. Is that better? They just got a shot of my webcam for a second. Beautiful. Oh, Lord. I don't know if you've come across this channel, but do you have any comments from a guy called Tim, Tem, or Tom?
Starting point is 00:36:24 Never heard of him. Just check your comments. It might be in your spam. Cause this is like a big spam ring that's happening on YouTube right now. I mean, I have had a comment or two of just like, hey, your video is really cool. Basically just sub for sub.
Starting point is 00:36:44 This guy didn't say sub for sub but basically he was like you're i love your content amazing content this is this content's so great and you this channel has like 350 000 subscribers but it has zero videos sounds about right and it gets even funnier though. So his recommended channel is MrBeast, but the thing is, it's not actually MrBeast. It's a fake MrBeast. So it's called MrBeast, has all of MrBeast's videos. Actually, no, I think it has a playlist called Uploads that has all of MrBeast's videos. Actually, no, I think it has a playlist called Uploads that has all of MrBeast's videos in it.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Uh-huh. But the channel's actually from India. What the fuck? So you have Tim slash Tim slash Tom who will comment on these videos. Then you have fake MrBeast commenting on your videos. And I don't know what is going on here because they're not asking for sub for sub. They're not
Starting point is 00:37:47 trying to get you to download anything. All they're doing is saying this is great content. I don't know. I guess like I don't really understand the Tim one but I guess if like a fake MrBeast commented on your video I guess if you were naive enough, like I suspect
Starting point is 00:38:08 like if that was commented on like someone that was like younger and they had a channel that was like kind of starting to take off, if they can't on that then like they could be like, oh my god MrBeast comment on my video I'm going to sub back. I get the sub back thing but the the thing is the channel doesn't have any content i don't know what like what you're getting from a sub back so it's not like you're getting any ad revenue or anything like that so i have no idea what exactly they're trying to do yeah i can't think of anything they must be playing some weird long game thing maybe they're trying to, like, garner enough subscribers
Starting point is 00:38:47 until the point where, like, they're almost at the same level as the channel they're trying to imitate, and then they drop, like, some hell controversial video to try and, like, start some drama. Because if you watch... There's also another channel called Zymatrax, which has a bunch of fake accounts as well but that one actually has videos on it and
Starting point is 00:39:09 also Like like they're not just a playlist of uploads. It's actually videos on it. So I Can see that one but yeah, you might be right about that The other thing they could do is a lot of these channels that get hijacked They will have videos uploaded to them like how to get Fortnite on your, I don't know, on your toaster or how to get free Bitcoin or things like that. That reminds me, I got a YouTube ad,
Starting point is 00:39:38 this was like about a month ago. It's really far away. Yeah, I got this ad about a month ago and it was, it caught me so much by surprise because it was legit like some probably like 13 14 year old um just over playing fortnite is the video and he's like hey come join our fortnite clan it's super cool and then it transitions into like basically a montage of this fucking obnoxious music and like these fortnight clips of him like killing people it was like a five minute ad
Starting point is 00:40:12 so i strongly suspect this this child has stolen a credit card and decides i'm gonna run my own fortnite ad jesus hopefully it wasn't their parents actually maybe their parent just paid for it maybe it's not a scam at all maybe they just have really rich parents i mean that is also a possibility hey dad can you please can you please advertise can i have fifty thousand dollars to advertise my channel my my epic fortnite clan Can I have $50,000 to advertise my channel? My epic Fortnite clan. I'm surprised Fortnite's actually stuck around for this long, to be honest. I didn't think it would be sticking this hard. Yeah, it's definitely died down from how popular it was
Starting point is 00:41:04 because I don't see as much of it anymore. But I think it's just that kind of... I mean, I'm not really into Battle Royale games, but, like, fucking everyone else is. I think because it's got that art style, that more approachable art style than something like pub g had i think that's why it's still stuck so much because you have that core gameplay that people really like and then you also have like this appealing thing which would also be dragging more people in still
Starting point is 00:41:40 i'm guessing that's my theory i just think it's like i i'm not the biggest fan of art style but i can definitely see why it would be so appealing to people yeah especially the children that's for sure i mean ultimately i personally i would rather fortnite be on top than something like pub PUBG because I fucking just despise games that are just trying to be like super realistic let's bring Call of Duty to the top again
Starting point is 00:42:13 that's something I'm just yeah okay I can talk today that is something I'm just surprised it's still like like, actually going. I thought they, like, because people turned on them so hard once they started doing, like, the futuristic stuff.
Starting point is 00:42:34 I'm surprised that people actually, like, stuck with them for this long. What was the first futuristic one? Was it Ghost? No, Ghost. Ghost wasn't futuristic, was it? I think ghost ghost wasn't futuristic was it i think it was infinite warfare that was the really big one that people fucking hated like there was people that were not a big fan of black ops 2 because it was kind of more futurey but they didn't they still had like the core movement and oh yeah no black ops 2 was a bit like that as well wasn't it yeah
Starting point is 00:43:02 but infinite warfare was the one that had like xo jumps and stuff which i honestly i like infinite warfare a lot more than like almost all of them because of that like i i think normal cod is so fucking boring like comparatively infinite warfare is like a thousand times more interesting i guess i didn't have like that massive history with cod when i was a kid so i don't really have that that um i guess problem because i played mw2 split screen that's the only experience i had with mw2 i played about 20 minutes of mw3 uh and then i played blackps 2 for a while. So for me, COD never became that really boring thing for me.
Starting point is 00:43:54 I'm kind of in the same boat. I never had Modern Warfare 1 or 2 or World at War. I played Black Ops 1 a little bit, but I never owned it. And then I got Black Ops 2 on my pc and played that for a little while and i i like that and i really like zombies and then after that i kind of just dropped off like i played infinite warfare because i think one of my friends bought it for me and that's kind of where i ended i actually did go back and play modern warfare and world at war but that was years after they came out. At my high school, we had a pirated copy of Modern Warfare
Starting point is 00:44:29 that went around to all of the peoples, and that's what we played during class. The IT staff didn't like that. But yeah, we were playing Modern Warfare in class. Everyone was running the same build because everyone knew what the best build was. And I think we played World at war a bit later just because fuck it yeah they didn't like us playing modern warfare so we just played world at war instead
Starting point is 00:44:53 it's a different game we did the same thing with halo as well beautiful and played urban terror and Cube. Those were also fun. World at War is not very... I've gone back and played that multiplayer. It is not very good. No, it's not, is it? World at War is only good for zombies because that's the game that was moddable for the longest time.
Starting point is 00:45:22 So there's thousands of custom zombie maps actually pretty cool the one that sticks out the most in my mind is there's like a moon map yeah that's that's from black ops one that's one of my favorites no there's one in a as a mod from uh world at war as well okay sure and you can do some weird stuff with that with that modding system yeah people managed to get stuff from like black ops 2 into world of war jesus like that's that's impressive i'm surprised the engine doesn't just fall apart doing that yeah uh i mean like to be fair i'm pretty sure they used the same engine until like I mean, like, to be fair, I'm pretty sure they used the same engine until, like, Ghosts or something.
Starting point is 00:46:13 I might be wrong, but I vaguely remember, like, they were still using the same game engine. I can't remember what engine they were using. I have no idea. Yeah. I don't remember. I don't think it really matters, to be honest. No, but they managed to squeeze a lot out of that, so that's impressive.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Yeah, it is. Even with all the mess that was happening back then with switching... Infinity Ward stopped being Infinity Ward after Modern Warfare 2. Then MW3 was a mess. Then Treyarch ended up taking the spot of being the preferred developer. Then you had a third developer come in with Sledgehammer
Starting point is 00:46:47 yeah what a mess yeah it's absolutely a mess of a franchise for sure cannot argue with that yeah my definitive FPS would be Titanfall 2 I fucking love that game that's an interesting pick. It basically took what I liked from Infinite Warfare,
Starting point is 00:47:10 like, the movement, and made it super smooth and fun. And you also have, like, these different layers of gameplay. So instead of just, like, person versus person, like, you also have, like, these minions running around similar to like a moba i guess um and then so you have the person on person stuff and then you also have the titans that come down and so there's titan v titan or you can be like a person versus a titan i just think it's infinitely more interesting than any other shooter what did it do better than the first
Starting point is 00:47:45 titanfall because i heard the first one was a bit messy in places yeah the first one was um i mean people were like bitching they didn't have a story but like oh that doesn't matter so many games don't have stories anymore no one's gonna play the story mode it's a multiplayer fps just ignore it exactly that's why i never understood why people were so mad about it but um i think i didn't play it as much titan for one but i think uh just like there wasn't a whole lot of map variety and like the like the wasn't i mean same with the guns and stuff and like i think the matchmaking was just really fucky. But, yeah, they made Titanfall 2 way better.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Yeah. I fucking love that game. I don't think I ever got a chance to play it, actually. Yeah, I don't recall ever playing it. I mean, the good thing is, is like i was really good at it but even if you were like bad fps you could still have fun with it because like you could focus on killing the minions and stuff and you'd still eventually like get your titan to come down which makes it easier for you to kill actual players so yeah and there's like there's not a whole lot of downtime either because like i know in cod like um once you get killed you have to wait like a couple
Starting point is 00:49:11 seconds to respawn and then like you can get fucking locked in that kind of cycle of just like spawn dying oh especially with the older games for sure yeah yeah but um i don't know i never had that with titanfall so i think it i think black ops 2 did a pretty good job with fixing the spawn locking but on some maps it was really bad especially um do you remember the map with the where you're just on a boat in black ops 2 yeah yeah yeah yeah whatever it's called yeah yeah that might be right the uh two two main spawn points were on either side of the boat and if you killed someone you could just run back and forth between two spawn points yeah that's how i would win gun game
Starting point is 00:49:57 i i remember that that was god yeah it was i don't know i i was i do definitely enjoy fps games i haven't played one in so long though i would say my pinnacle would probably be uh god that's a hard one um i don't know because all of the games I had I didn't really play them as like I guess the only one I played for a really long time is just like by myself was Battlefield 3 but all of the others that I played it's kind of tied to the people
Starting point is 00:50:36 I was playing with at the time like Modern Warfare 2 I played only as a co-op game or as a split screen game Black Ops and World of war i only played for zombies uh black ops 2 i guess i played that for a few months modern warfare i only played at school and then like you can go to another type of series like borderlands like borderlands was also a big like heavy co-op game for me as well i mean i was more so like focusing on like multiplayer fps not not so much like co-op
Starting point is 00:51:15 kind of games i kind of categorize those into different things because the experience is like vastly different yeah that's fair yeah if you were to look at something like borderlands that it's much closer to like an rpg than it is to a just a regular multiplayer fps yeah it basically is like a combo of rpg and and fps so yeah it's kind of different so i would say probably i would have to say black ops 2 was the one that i had the most fun with that wasn't just because i was playing with other people because modern warfare it's not a bad game but it's aged really poorly like people will think back on it as a great game but there was really only one viable build you ran the m16 you ran painkiller and i think you ran um quick draw or something like
Starting point is 00:52:09 that which made you reload faster or it might have been something different but and that's just the only viable build in that game yeah i well like i said i never really played Modern Warfare 1. Did you have any experience with Battlefield 3? Yeah, I was going to go on to that afterwards. I did play quite a bit of Battlefield 3, and I enjoyed that a lot more than normal COD, but I think that's just because of how big the maps are.
Starting point is 00:52:42 It's more so you're just having fun doing random well for me i just had fun doing random stuff instead of like focusing on killing players did you have the experience early on in that game when there was the fully automatic grenade launcher that shotgun that you had the shotgun with frag rounds that uh no i did not oh okay so do you know the gun i'm talking about though no okay so there was a gun you got really late game it was a pretty shit shotgun but it was fully automatic and you could put frag rounds in it so the frag rounds their damage was set a bit too high i think that was set to like 50 or 65 health or something ridiculous. So you would just fire a couple of them in a direction and just eliminate
Starting point is 00:53:30 everyone. And I think they had the blast radius of a grenade as well. So it was basically just a fully automatic grenade launch and it broke the game. That is awesome. Same with those guns you only got from co-op as well called the fms which had a fire rate of over a thousand or something so you would unload your clip in like half a second but it also had basically no recoil at the start so it was just a laser gun but that game had i think it's a problem with all FPS really. Over time, as balancing patches and stuff come in, there always ends up being just one viable build.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Yeah. Which I... Yeah. I think that's... It's just kind of a problem. Well, I guess even without the balancing patches, it still becomes a problem because everyone's just looking for the best possible way they can play the game it's the same i guess with every sort of multiplayer game
Starting point is 00:54:29 though really everyone's trying to just optimize their build for the best possible way to play i think that's like inherently a problem of like the way that those games are designed and also outputted like if they're if they're chopped out every year then the developers are like not going to care about like actually maintaining that it's balanced but i think part of that problem is that it's too complex because there's so many guns and stuff in the game for them to actually like have a proper i don't know i guess rock paper scissors type thing where like a thing has a specific well the thing has benefits and also downsides which from memory i think that might have been another reason why i like titanfall because like they added more guns into it compared to the first one but they also didn't like overdo it and i think also
Starting point is 00:55:26 um that as well as they had six five or six different titans each with their like own strengths and weaknesses i think that also like made it um a lot more interesting yeah well if you compare it to some like some of the older FPS that came out, like, have you ever had experience with, like, Quake Live or Quake 3 or anything like that? No, I don't think I ever played anything that old. Well, okay, you at least know how Quake works, right? You have, like, a very, very small selection of guns.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Yeah. When you have, I think it's, like, six guns or so. So when you have a small selection like that it's so much easier to just create that sort of rock paper scissors gameplay style where the rpg is good because you can rocket jump but and it has a high damage but it also has a really slow fire rate and the projectiles are really slow whereas you you have like a shotgun, which is a really short blast radius, but it has a wide spread. So if there's a couple of people in the way,
Starting point is 00:56:33 you can get them both at the same time. When you have a smaller selection of guns like that, I think it's a far less monumental task to actually make a fun and balanced game from that i would say yeah uh i would go with that i think counter-strike kind of has that but like they still have in my opinion i think they still have a too many a few too many guns um that in reality people don't use anyway so i might as as well just, like, get out of the way. Yeah, yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Well, every time I see any, like, pro Counter-Strike gameplay, they're running, like, an AK, and that's pretty much it. Yeah, so, like, that's the main kind of gun that's used, but, like, depending... Sorry. Depending, like, on the kind of round that it is. So say it's the first round. They obviously only have pistols and stuff.
Starting point is 00:57:31 And there's some good kind of decision-making you have to make. It's like, oh, do I want to buy armor so I don't get fucking yeeted? Or do I want to buy a better pistol? So it's kind of like you become more of a kind of glass cannon type deal. And then like second, like there's other rounds where, you know, you don't have as much money. So, okay, I'm going to buy the cheaper guns, but they have their drawbacks.
Starting point is 00:57:57 And I think that's a lot more interesting than just like you pick your gun at the start of the game and then it's fine for the rest of them. But they're like two different... No, I do actually like the Counter-Strike system, but it makes a very different sort of gameplay style because then you actually have people... Even though people are still going to end up floating towards the best gun in the game,
Starting point is 00:58:23 there's still going to be a period of the match where everyone's trying like trying to figure out the best way to get to that point yeah there's like little pockets throughout a whole game of where you have to like because you fucking spend all your money and you're like oh we haven't run around in like three rounds so you get these like down pockets of like where you have to figure out oh what gun is best for this map in this situation i mean like just kind of i could just keep ranting forever but no it's it's fine i don't have a problem with it um there's kind of my my main problem at the moment is like the maps that are used for the official game modes. I think they're not varied enough.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Most of them follow the same kind of design. I can't be bothered explaining what it is, but they follow a similar kind of design, explaining what it is but they follow like a similar kind of design um which favors like stuff like the the rifles and that like which is why everyone runs around with ak's and m4s well i know the only other gun i see people commonly use is what's that um that sniper that everyone fucks around with yeah the or just because they want to fucking piss people off with that. Yeah. I spent some time coming up with my own map. I hit a point where it's like you have to do all the detail. I can't be fucked doing this. But I kind of went into that wanting to design something
Starting point is 00:59:58 that had different places of the map that actually benefited from the five different places of the map that actually benefited from like the five different classes of guns um so that was something i set out to do i mean i haven't looked at that for ages but i think i did an all right job but i never got to play a full match with like a full lobby of people right yeah i've got to play like with one or two other people so it if you did play with a full um a full match people you'd probably still run into a situation where there would be an optimal way to play that map even if it's not everyone runs around with rifles it might be everyone runs around with shotguns now yeah for sure um but i think that's like it does at least give some though because it's still variation as a whole
Starting point is 01:00:47 yeah compared against other maps like there's a map that everyone basically hates called um office and it's just like held confined and it favors stuff like shotguns um and i think people don't like it because it's different but i'm like i think that's something i mean the to be fair the map isn't very well designed but i think it's infinitely more interesting than like playing dust 2 for the 15th time in a row counter-attack is such a weird game like i don't i get why in something like battlefield you want to play the optimal map like i think in battlefield 3 by the end of that game's life every single server was 24 7 metro but i don't get why you'd want to do that in something like counter-strike because in battlefield at least even though it doesn't
Starting point is 01:01:36 matter you're trying to get as much experience as possible counter-strike it's just like why are you playing the game like this yeah i mean the whole mentality behind counter-strike, it's just, like, why are you playing the game like this? Yeah, I mean, the whole mentality behind Counter-Strike is kind of weird. I fell into it for, like, the longest time. It's kind of like you want to be really good at the game, but you just end up getting mad at it. Because, I mean, it is entirely, like, there's moments where it's not, but it basically is entirely just like your own skill. It's not like you level up and get different shit
Starting point is 01:02:11 that's better than before. It's like you entirely work on yourself getting better at the game. So it's much more like some of the older FPS then. Yeah, for sure. Which I think is personally, I prefer I like getting better
Starting point is 01:02:31 than unlocking stuff to get better. If I want to unlock stuff, I play like a single player game. Yeah. Sorry. I'm going to catch Corona now over the 5G. Yeah, it's going to travel through my Wi-Fi, through the fucking copper cabling.
Starting point is 01:02:49 Oh, wait, no, my router's 4G. It's going to travel on the 4G waves. Is 4G going to work, though? I don't know if the virus can travel on 4G. Oh, that is true. Well, we've got to look that up then. Oh, but no, it wouldn't work on 4g because it'll get on the 4g wave and then it'll get stopped by the the wall like because the virus can't travel through a wall can it that's a good no i i don't know can the virus travel through a wall
Starting point is 01:03:19 i'm not sure probably if it can travel on a 5g wave it can travel on a 5G way, it can travel through a wall. Oh, fucking hell. Just wrap it all back around. It's beautiful. That's such a fucking dumb theory. It is. I love it, though. I think that what's going to happen in time is everyone's going to look back on this time
Starting point is 01:03:45 and it's going to be such a weird just weird point in history because even the past like really the past four years have just been bizarre so like we had yeah we had 2016 with the Trump becoming the president and then it just got the meme ever then it just got weirder and weirder from there yeah i've yeah and then now this virus like i've noticed i've tried to talk to people and they've just like had this weird kind of headspace like i understand because like you can't get out of the house or like anything but like still it's like they're entirely different people i'm like what is wrong what is happening with everything i i don't know if you like going for walks or anything but you see some weird stuff when you go outside right now oh i have an anecdote for you yes um okay yeah i went
Starting point is 01:04:37 i did go on a walk the other night and um i was just walking up basically what is my main road, my closest main road. I was walking up there. I was like, oh, yeah, I'll just, like, go to this reserve. And then as I was walking, I legit saw, like, a police chase. I'm like, this, like, it's my main road, but this is essentially, like, a back street. Yeah. like it's my main road but this is essentially like a back street um yeah and so i saw this car it's like fucking doing 80 down a 50 road and it's like and behind it is an undercover police car and
Starting point is 01:05:15 then a normal police car it was just so bizarre and i don't know like how that would have ended as well because there's like five roundabouts that that person would have to go around just to like... Anyway, that's my small anecdote. It was just bizarre. This isn't the anecdote I was going to say, but I've got a different one about some cops I saw the other day. So I was going down Main North and I see this car just speed past me
Starting point is 01:05:43 at like fucking at least 110. And right behind it is a cop car also doing the same thing. But his sirens weren't on. Okay. So they were both speeding way past me. And then the cop just turns down another street and lets the dude go. Doesn't stop him or anything. They're both going at least 110.
Starting point is 01:06:02 And he just doesn't think anything of it. Maybe it's like someone stole that other police car to let that other guy get away that's actually a good point maybe it was a stolen police car well actually wouldn't be a bad like if you could get away with stealing a police car i don't know how you fucking do it but if you could get away with doing that, that would be really good because you could then have your buddy steal a different car, drive off, pretend to chase him, and then, like, just turn off eventually. If you want to hear peak criminal intelligence, I'll tell you about the drug deals that happened while I work.
Starting point is 01:06:40 So... Sure. You know where I work, right? By the cop shop. Uh-huh. Yeah, so i know some people who work at my store um who will do drug deals in the car park so right next to the cop shop and right next to their job now you'd think this would be a really dumb idea and that's the point it's so dumb that no one would ever think you're doing a drug deal there yeah i'm pretty convinced that um i have like uh drakes near my house um and like that's got like
Starting point is 01:07:14 quite a few things it's got some other shops and it's got a maccas and a kfc there as well i'm pretty convinced that uh because like sometimes, sometimes, pardon me, I'll go on, like, a late drive because I want some fucking KFC chips. And there's kind of, like, this back section of the car park, and we always see, like, these whole shady people park there together, like, chilling and chatting out. And so I was, like, convinced for the longest time, like, they're fucking, like, either some gang or they're like doing some drug deals this mini gang my i think my point was proven because this one time we were getting some chips and then like turn the corner and we just see these police um lights on
Starting point is 01:07:57 not the sirens and like yeah there's like these people in the same exact spot being like dragged away into cars and shit oh lord so that was interesting yeah you see some weird stuff when you're around this area that's for sure i see like para hills is a weird place that's for sure i just name drop myself over whatever maybe i'll maybe i'll edit that out uh anyway we'll see um yeah i love living in the adelaide hills i'll go with that i'll probably forget to edit that doesn't matter no one's gonna find me um but anyway it's a weird place because you've got on like one like some houses you've got some just like absolute druggos and then other houses like literally down the street you'll have like three-story mansions so you have druggos and three like and millionaires next to each other and it's such a
Starting point is 01:08:55 weird dynamic because you go down to the like the woolies and it's you see the strangest people just all together and i don't understand it. I think slowly the area is getting like built up, but they didn't really do it like any time recently. So it's just like you have the super expensive places next to the shit places and no one questions it. It's just like normal, just completely normal here now. I mean, where I live isn't that much of a divide, but it's still kind of weird.
Starting point is 01:09:26 So, like, my section... So, it's kind of, like, split by this big main road. Not the one I was talking about before, but a different one. And so, I'm on the side that's all, like, nice and just, like... LAUGHTER So, yeah, I'm on the side that's, all nice nice suburbs and stuff and then you go on the other side of the road and like that's where all the fucking weird people live and it's all hell dingy and i know there's like an actual drug dealer house there you know you see people
Starting point is 01:10:00 fucking roll up and then leave like two minutes later. Just in case anyone didn't hear that on the recording. My housemate just laughed in the most ridiculous way. And I don't know what she's laughing at. It's a beautiful moment. Beautiful moment. Oh, my nose. Yeah. it's a beautiful moment beautiful oh my nose um yeah my old place back in daven park there was actually like a known drug house on my street because you know daven park and all that um daven park that's your problem yeah they did um i know that it was a coke house um there was
Starting point is 01:10:43 like a news story about it at some point But they would do deals in front of my house Like at four in the morning Awesome So they would like walk up to each other Do the exchange And then just separate Yeah, not suspect at all
Starting point is 01:11:02 Yeah, everyone I know who Who deals They at least like Act as if they're best mates They're like oh I'm just gonna He just goes to this dude's house Stays there for like an hour or so Leaves Not suspect at all
Starting point is 01:11:13 Yeah Don't just go in for like A second and leave Like that's obviously Have you gone bro Oh yeah see you later I think that's Actually might be another reason Why people do it in a car park
Starting point is 01:11:26 because it's not even that weird at that point. It's like, oh, hey, you're here. Unless it's like midnight and then it's weird. Like if you just run into someone in a car park during the day and you're like, oh, hey, hey, person I know. And then you like shake each other's hands. Like that's a way you could do a deal without anyone knowing about it. True.
Starting point is 01:11:44 How do you think? But you can't do that kind of stealth mode anymore because of the virus. That is fair. You have to... How would you do a deal now? That's a question. It's a very good question. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:11:56 I guess just, like, then drop things. Yeah, that's what the postie's been doing. So it literally says on the box, do not leave without the uh without this being signed for and they'll leave like literally thousands of dollars of computer hardware on my doorstep and just walk off i had that i was like oh yeah i i ordered this it's like uh 120 dollars can you uh and on the note it's like left behind bins like that is not helpful one of the bins is now sticking out because there's a massive box behind it so i'll grab something uh back in just
Starting point is 01:12:33 a sec you entertain the people the audience um yes i i am the entertainer now i will be taking over the podcast. Brody is now retired, as you can tell, because he hasn't left the podcast. So what's up, everyone? Welcome to Take Over Tea. This is episode seven. My new host is always SuperCosman.
Starting point is 01:13:01 I don't know what you said. I'm going to see it in post, I guess. Yeah, you're going to have to go back and look at that that one Yeah, I hope you didn't say anything or get me cancelled This is a 3900X, not flexing, but this is 850 Australian This is the motherboard that I wasn't supposed to buy, 300 Australian And a shitty graphics card all left on my doorstep with no signature and they didn't even bother to check if I was here. Beautiful.
Starting point is 01:13:32 He's like, oh I'm just gonna leave this here. I was like, mate don't do that please at least like put it behind something. It was just like in a box that was like do not leave without being unsigned like everyone knows that that's an expensive box. I mean, I don't know how bad it is in Australia, because, like, I've never... I haven't seen, like, anything about package stealing in... Well, at least, like, around areas that I live, but I know, like, in America, it's a big problem. Yeah, it's...
Starting point is 01:14:03 It can be a problem, depending where you are if you're like daven park yeah obviously i think it's really the same about regardless where uh wherever you are really if that you're in a poor area people are gonna steal shit probably i mean that's fair fix that back up yeah Yeah, that's better. Cool. You might have noticed that... Actually, you probably haven't. When it's not blindingly white, if I...
Starting point is 01:14:35 Actually, let's see if we can get it to colour correct to a sensible colour. No, okay, it's not. I'll send you a screenshot, actually, if I can do that. Sure. But my color is... It looks way... It looks way better than it was before because I've actually learned how to do lighting now.
Starting point is 01:15:00 Beautiful. Basically, the way to do lighting is to murder the sun. I was telling you about this just before in the sound check. Now I'm not going to be able to find the picture of my shit. Saved it in your fucking Windows folder. I don't know if I'll get it in Linux. There you go. Alright. People on desktop. I don't know if I'll get it in the next... There you go. All right.
Starting point is 01:15:27 People, I guess, talk. Oh, yes. It looks way better than it did last time, that's for sure. That is true. I can actually, like, see your background. Yeah, I've mentioned this a few times in the podcast. You might've heard this already, but I want to get a light and put it back there,
Starting point is 01:15:49 like a Phillips heel or something like that. So it looks, it's just that, that section of the room just seems a little bit boring. Yeah, that's, that's fair. You could just stick like a giant anime poster on your back wall. Yeah, I would do that if i wasn't in a share house and like if i were in the place i would absolutely stick up like posters and stuff back there but i don't really want to damage the walls here that's fair i've been like pretty
Starting point is 01:16:15 naughty and i just like stick shit to the wall even though it's like a rental there are ways you can do it but like if you use those command hooks that aren't supposed to damage your walls, then you can get away with it. I have used those, and I have damaged the walls. Yep, I have as well. They're not great at all. I haven't had any problems if I've left them up for a few months,
Starting point is 01:16:39 but when I moved out of my place in Davron Park, they'd been sitting there for about three years, and when they're there for three years, they kind of meld into the wall. And this is kind of an Australia problem because it just gets way too hot. Yeah, they become the wall because it's just too hot here sometimes
Starting point is 01:16:55 and the glue just doesn't hold up. Yeah, I've used glue type before. Oh, bad idea. It's usually, in my experience honestly not too bad but yeah it's kind of the same thing if it gets too hot then it kind of like blends into the paint and then you kind of peel it off yeah i am probably gonna put up some hooks though just so i can put some acoustic foam back up there um i think that'll probably end up costing me like 150 to do all of that which is not bad actually all in the name of the channel all in the name of eliminating this awful echo
Starting point is 01:17:35 i mean if you yeah if you put some like if you put some of those forum things it would probably like actually make the background look pretty nice. Yeah. That also a bit of a benefit of it as well. But the way I'm going to do it is I'm not going to stick them to the wall. I'm going to stick them to like a piece of black, um, black fabric and hang the fabric up there like a curtain, basically. Beautiful.
Starting point is 01:18:02 It's, I think honestly, that's not even the expensive part. The fabric is like $16 to get like two and a half meters to put across that wall. You going to Spotlight for that? Absolutely, I'm going to Spotlight for that. Where else would I go?
Starting point is 01:18:17 That's what I was about to say. What is like Spotlight's competitor? Do they have a competitor that has a physical store? Maybe some like little just just little store but i don't think there's any chain stores that are competitors yeah i can't think of anything hmm not for fabric at least like some of that other stuff sure but not for like big things of fabric. Yeah, well, there are definitely little stores. I know that. Like, if you go out to, like, the Riverlands, you can find arts and crafts stores. But for, like, such a big store, I don't think it has a competitor in Australia.
Starting point is 01:18:56 Or at least a competitor that has physical locations. There are some online competitors. But anything that, like, there's no way you can really browse that's like that no i've never thought of that that's pretty weird if it is then i could basically put a monopoly on it i'm sure everyone's so so sad about the monopoly on fabric monopoly on fucking fabric oh yeah yeah i don't know we've hit our first weird gap weird gap number one anyway um did you notice that i forgot to change the channel art over? I did. I've noticed that for like,
Starting point is 01:19:46 whenever I go to either one of the channels, I'm like, he still hasn't changed it. I forgot. I've been meaning to do that for like, what? When did you send it to me? Four weeks ago? Probably two months ago, I reckon. That's what it feels like.
Starting point is 01:20:03 No, yeah, you did. Cause you fixed it just after the first episode of the podcast. So it would be almost two months ago i reckon that's what it feels like no yeah you did because you fixed it just after the first episode of the podcast so it would be almost two months ago now that's that is a little bit tragic but i mean it's not like it's a big thing anyway i doubt like because i i looked again and like it's only on some devices that it shows up like that anyway. For most stuff, it looks fine. It looks fine anyway. Yeah, no one probably has any idea of what we're talking about. If you go look at my channel on both YouTube library
Starting point is 01:20:37 for both the main channel and the podcast channel, the edges of the channel art, it's kind of missing stuff. And Connor ended up redoing that for me. So I just haven't bothered to fix it. So I'll do that at some point. You're like a five minute job. Takes less time than it does to make a video. Yeah, that's fair.
Starting point is 01:21:04 Well, yeah, I fucking take forever to record a video. Oh, no, my webcam's gone all white. It's been doing that, like, a few times. Usually it's just refreshing, but it's, yeah. I don't know, it's happened again real bad. Too much virus is surfing my 4G, bro. It's corrupting my router. The thing is, your mic hasn't changed, so...
Starting point is 01:21:29 Which is... Anyone listening to the audio would have no idea what's happening. Yeah, that's weird, because, like, normally they kind of go at the same time. I don't think I've ever had, like, my audio be fine, but my video be, like, horrend horrendous i did have a bit of crackly audio earlier but it did resolve itself pretty quickly so that's not really a big deal okay it's kind of weird oh well yeah well i it doesn't even really matter to be honest like
Starting point is 01:22:03 if anyone's act i don't know why you'd watch this as a video, to be honest. There's not really much to watch as a video. Yeah, even when I watch them, I don't watch them. I just have them on my second screen while I'm doing something else. I am probably going to start changing stuff around with this. I might make the webcam portion a bit bigger, but I'm not sure right now.
Starting point is 01:22:31 I'll have to set up a VM just so I can fucking use Photoshop, though. Do you not... Is it not supported on Linux? No. Actually, no, I could probably just remake it with GIMP. GIMP is so festy. Hey, I could probably just remake it with GIMP. GIMP is so festy. Hey, I use GIMP for all of my thumbnails. Ew, I
Starting point is 01:22:50 actually can't. I can't believe you said this to me. GIMP is such a good piece of software. It's not. After going from Photoshop to... I guess that's because you haven't had the privilege of using Photoshop for extended amounts of time
Starting point is 01:23:05 but yeah going from photoshop to gimp it just yeah that is my physical response when i see gimp blow it up like you can do perfectly fine stuff with gimp i'm not doing anything too complicated no your thumbnails don't look bad they look fine they've gotten a lot better for sure i'm i'm literally being a spoiled piece of shit yeah if i did use photoshop for a while but i never really got into it it's not until i started doing like content creation where i really needed to use a image editor a ton and i just i didn't want to download phot so I just got GIMP and it just worked fine but I can see how coming from Photoshop and coming from Premiere and After Effects
Starting point is 01:23:52 how it would be a problem to use like what? GIMP Kdenlive OpenShot, things like that Yeah I like go from using Premiere to sometimes using iMovie,
Starting point is 01:24:10 depending on like what I want to edit on. The difference is just so fucking apparent. I can't use iMovie. It's a pain in the ass. At least it was when I used it. That was like two years ago. So I'm not sure if it's gotten better. From memory, iMovie was like two years ago so i'm not sure if it's gotten better uh from memory uh i'm maybe a little bit jank like it's definitely way better than what it used to be but it still hasn't changed all that much it's still the like apple mindset
Starting point is 01:24:37 yeah it's definitely for like just drag drop stuff in it's not meant for heavy editing yeah what did i even use right in my high school we had to make a bunch of videos for random reasons like there was one class oh yeah that happened didn't it oh let me tell you about the time we had to make a uh a biology rap oh this sounds right up my alley i wish i still had the clip but um i oh what what was it so we would like for this assignment we had to make a song i don't know why we had to make a song though and me and the like my group members we just didn't want to do it so we just decided to take the absolute piss out of it and we made like a don't fuck with cursor level of song i think it actually was supposed to be a parody of don't fuck with cursor
Starting point is 01:25:38 and as you would expect i wish i still had that clip because, oh, that was so, it was just so bad. I think it was about like photosynthesis or something. Yeah, photosynthesis. It is the very best. It makes all the plants grow. And when they get there, leaves will show. That's way better than what we did i think we just stuck with the don't don't don't fuck fuck fuck with with don't fuck with cursor i think that's what we
Starting point is 01:26:13 stuck with anyone who hasn't listened to don't fuck with cursor go listen to that song it is a piece of australian history did you just be like photo photo photo pretty much pretty much yeah and uh we also um we recorded the audio in the video separately but we didn't lip sync it properly oh i don't i don't even know what would have happened with that video i assume i probably just nuked the device it was on. Probably. There's so many. I'm so salty at myself that I did this.
Starting point is 01:26:57 I used to have... I've had like fucking 10 YouTube channels or some stupid shit. And I've kind of just purged a lot of them. But I wish I had just like private to them because those videos were so good. Like just most cook shit. Um, there is still one. I don't know what the channel is called.
Starting point is 01:27:16 I don't know how to get this video, but I know it's still on there. There's a link some that I need to find. And it's just, um, link some that i need to find and it's just um me and my friends in year eight or nine back at back then again um you want to name drop your school birdwood high school birdwood high school piece of fucking shit um so there was like this short film contest that we wanted to like do. And none of us knew anything about filmmaking at all.
Starting point is 01:27:51 Like, so I could tell from some of the stuff you put out back then. Let's put, let's make a rap song. Oh no. Soup. I still know all the lyrics. Do you want to give us a verse?
Starting point is 01:28:11 I'll preview to this. I will get a beat for this. Make sure it's something that's not going to get me copyright struck. Royalty free bait. While you're looking for that, do you know what's also a great video you did what the zombie one
Starting point is 01:28:30 yes that one is actually better than the shit I made but um I think most of my channels I ended up deleting I wish I still had my old runescape videos because I did some just garbage
Starting point is 01:28:46 back then like i would do i would literally just steal other people's videos back then i would just i took someone's video and then basically i listened to it and recorded like basically what they were saying that's awesome i have a channel that was trying to be monster cat oh lord i so i i looked up this tutorial how to do this thing and like how to do a um music visualizer in after effects and so i got working all nice and i literally just stole some songs like, I didn't even get the genre of music correct because, like, on two of the three videos I uploaded, people were like, this is not dubstep. This is trap music.
Starting point is 01:29:36 Oh, God, I hate those people. And, like, they were technically right, but... Just call it all electronic music and then just piss them off even more. You can't even do that. Electronic is like its own thing, apparently. Of course it is. Anyway, I heard you had a beat. I have found a beat.
Starting point is 01:29:54 It says free, no copyright, but like, I'm still a little bit worried. I don't make money on this channel anyway. If it gets demonetized in a few years, then that's fine. Tell me if it's too loud. No, that's pretty good. This is fucking weird. I get ready for some fire bars. Ooh.
Starting point is 01:30:21 Yeah. Year 8 represent. Can you fucking drop already? Ooh, canned soup Yeah, it's the best It stops you from being depressed Ooh, canned soup It's very nice It wants you to try it twice
Starting point is 01:30:42 Mmm, chicken soup It's not that nice Try it with some delicious spice I Can't remember the rest that was about it. And then the end was like that song It's like don't push me cuz I'm close to the edge. You're lying. This soup is the best That was exceptional I'm gonna have to find that I will clip that for you and I'll give it to you
Starting point is 01:31:14 if you if you want to put that on somewhere just or I'm gonna put it up as a clip because that is that was that was beautiful. I think I'll have to put that as a separate thing. That's not even going to be treated as just a regular clip.
Starting point is 01:31:36 That is literally worse than some of the freestyle things I have done. the freestyle things i have done like i don't know how i can how i made something that bad but it happened so yes there's there's bad things in all of our histories i i'm gonna keep my uh my channel a secret for a little while everyone Everyone knows, like all my mates know about the channel. And I want to keep that name a secret until I feel like dropping it. That can be like 100,000 subs. I don't think there even is a Linux channel that has 100,000 subs right now. You can be the first one. I can be the first one.
Starting point is 01:32:24 I think the first would probably be like Chris Titus Tech or something like that. Oh, you can be the first one. I can be the first one. I think the first would probably be like Chris Titus Tech or something like that. Anyway, you're saying? I was going to say when people start switching to Linux more, then you can be number one. When Microsoft eventually drops the Windows kernel and brings in a Linux kernel. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:32:42 See, this is why you need to make an Arch Linux install so that way when people switch over, they'll go to you instead of... Why can't my mind work? Woke. Yeah, look. That one. My boy, Luke.
Starting point is 01:33:00 Yeah. I've got relating to old channels and also Luke. When I was younger, I really didn't like my voice so i pretended that i was someone called luke smith um but i also pretended that this character was the younger brother of my actual self and And I just never talked in the videos, I made them. Right. Because, so I used to make stop motion Lego videos. How did you not tell me about this? I will find the channel, I'll link it to you.
Starting point is 01:33:41 Thank you. Well actually, I think it's, it's the one i comment on your channel with supercosmic oh is that the one why do you comment from that channel anyway not kozhan well because one i'm lazy to switch the channels right do you actually use that as like your main channel i'd like to just watch stuff yeah i use this one for my main channel because it was my actual channel for like the longest time oh yeah and then it lost um adsense rights because i clicked on my own ads oh no i know like this channel is literally so small and it's got like $15 worth of revenue already. Something is up.
Starting point is 01:34:27 You have got your rights revoked. And like, I wouldn't have cared, but it also stops you from like having custom thumbnails. Does it? Yeah. Well, I don't know if they still do it, but like it's permanently stuck on this channel. I can't do custom thumbnails anymore. Oh, yeah. it's permanently stuck on this channel but i can't do custom thumbnails anymore oh yeah that's well maybe if you get it revoked but actually no that doesn't make sense because a lot of the uh political guys um they've had their monetization rights revoked and they
Starting point is 01:34:57 they still have custom thumbnails maybe your channel is just stuck in some weird void from the past they just never was the fix. I think it would be because it happened like, I mean, I think it happened about eight years ago. Oh, yeah. Looking at these videos, right? So, yeah, it's probably stuck in that kind of old YouTube. So, anyway, anyway.
Starting point is 01:35:22 Yeah, so I used to make stop motion Lego videos. I have found the channel if you want to go click on it and look at those. Yeah. And so I had this character called Luke that was my younger brother. Yeah. That would do all the voices. And my dad would also do some of them. And then my end goal for
Starting point is 01:35:47 this my end plan was uh once my voice got deeper i was like yeah luke died or some stupid like that there's just no thought put into it at all. I do have another channel as well dedicated to this character called Luke's TV show. Oh, Lord. That has some beautiful videos, including the series Penguin vs. Wild, featuring penguin grills so it's um i have i have this um soft toy that is like one of the penguins from madagascar
Starting point is 01:36:37 i run around my backyard which was in the hills at the time so it was a pretty massive backyard um just pretending to be fucking the well the penguin i i'm the i'm the cameraman and the penguin is bear grills but yes yep and so i all improv literally zero planning at all not even like just oh yeah i'm gonna do this and then this literally just on the spot and be like i'm penguin grills and this is penguin versus wild did you do the sound effects yourself as well yeah so the first couple episodes i'd do it but like But after that, I think, I don't know, I somehow worked out how to use iMovie more. And I'd go in and record the music afterwards of me going...
Starting point is 01:37:37 So they're still all up there if people want to go look at that. Yeah, if you send me a link to that i will link it um no you don't have to do it now you can send it i'll do that afterwards otherwise i'm gonna have to like move my laptop to get to my keyboard yeah yeah that's fair so those were my two oh wait no there is one other channel, but this one was purged a lot more. It only has five videos on it now. And this one is just called SuperCosman by itself. And the videos on it are three Terraria videos and two Far Cry 4 videos.
Starting point is 01:38:21 But there used to be, I don't remember what was on there, but there used to be so much more things on there but i'm like i'm gonna get rid of them because i'm an idiot i think my one that i had a bunch of runescape videos on was um that would have been draco lord 307 that's an awesome name it is pretty awesome isn't it I think the name I end up... My favourite name that I had on RuneScape was, like, Soul Crusader. Soul spelled as, like, S-O-U-L.
Starting point is 01:38:53 Actual... Ouch, the edge. Because I think my mate at the time, his name was, like, Soul Vampire or something. Yeah, to be part of the Soul gang. I was like, mate, my name is way cooler than yours and i i took the super edgy name i have a another anecdote relating to youtube channels just remind me of um so same year eight and nine this is when i was actually like just the most idiotic version of myself um all my friends and i we were like let's get a youtuber house when we finish high school
Starting point is 01:39:35 um and we started a channel called the i don't know if it's still up there or not but it was called the, I don't know if it's still up there or not, but it was called the Mossy Cows. And it was going to be like this group channel of just like us playing games and stuff. And at the time everyone was like, okay, so we're going to have coordinated names. It's going to be like a clan. And it's like, the names would be xl underscore like your name xl yeah i don't know why i didn't end up doing it because i was like this is fucking stupid
Starting point is 01:40:19 but like basically everyone else did it so like um one of my friends had xo valor one of them was xo spotty um there were some other ones i don't really remember them though um that was another little venture that i went on i miss the like that reminds me it's just the days of like the uh back when i was into call of duty a lot with all the fighting between like phase and optic like which is the better clan and you'd have people pretending like they're in phase as well by changing their gamer tag actual garbage phase is actually still around if you didn't know actual garbage FaZe is actually still around
Starting point is 01:41:02 if you didn't know yeah they like do Counter-Strike now as well yeah they've got a I saw a thing on Snapchat
Starting point is 01:41:11 a few months back where they had like a 12 year old join FaZe and he like I think he moved into the FaZe house as well
Starting point is 01:41:18 that's awesome with like a so he's this 12 year old moving in with a bunch of adults but anyway that's not a problem or anything.
Starting point is 01:41:26 And they're also partially like a fucking Fortnite clan as well. Because of course they are. Maybe they're the one that did the ad that I saw. Maybe they are. Oh, God. That was such a dumb time in history. We'll never get back to the old MLG days, that's such a dumb time in history i will never get back to like the old mlg days that's for sure yeah i honestly i have such a hard time thinking of like what the internet
Starting point is 01:41:55 is gonna be like in the future like just the kind of community around it because it used to be so different than what it is now like it used to be such like a kind of um almost as war footage thing now it's just like so produced i fucking hate the term politically correct but like i can't think of another term for it but like just so polished and no i get what you're saying about the produced and polished stuff No, I get what you're saying about the produced and polished stuff. Yeah, but it's just so different now, and I don't know where it's going to go from here. I think this is why the sort of off-the-cuff stuff that Joe Rogan does actually does...
Starting point is 01:42:35 It gets a lot of views because people are looking for something that's just more natural. There's so much stuff out there where people are like, this is like a super polished is it produced like you look at um what all the big tech channels are doing so like linus tech tips marcus brownlee everyone like that all of the stuff they do it's all like super polished and like this is just it it kind of feels like it's fake in some way even though like you know the people enjoy the stuff they're doing it just feels like it's fake in some way, even though like, you know, the people enjoy the stuff they're doing.
Starting point is 01:43:06 It just feels like it's too overproduced. Yeah. Uh, I feel, I feel, I remember a couple, uh, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:43:18 probably more than a couple of years ago, but like when Linus Tech Tips used to be a lot less produced, like, and they'd do stuff like, I don't know if they still still i've literally haven't looked at this channel in like ages but they do the stuff where they had to like try and build the best computer they could um with a budget from parts from like gumtree and stuff but yeah they they have done like seven seasons of scrapyard wars but the problem is it had the same problem that all of their other stuff had.
Starting point is 01:43:47 It just became way too produced over time. Yeah, okay. I figured that if it was still around, it would have become more of like this Porsche thing. And like, there's nothing inherently bad about that, but it's kind of like almost as if it's just getting pumped out there's not a lot of personality being put into it i think that's the main thing that people are looking for if they're kind of into that kind of stuff
Starting point is 01:44:19 well yeah when i a common complaint i got for a while was that my videos were just... They had a bit too much fluff in them, and I think the fluff is what actually keeps people around. Now, I know some people want just straight to the important information, but I think that we do need to keep around that just, I guess, the fun side of YouTube. Yeah, it's all well and good to make useful tutorial content, but I think that what really is going to keep people sticking around
Starting point is 01:44:49 is having that personality in there and just making your channel not just another channel that exists out there. Just putting a bit of yourself into it. That's pretty much what you were saying before. Yeah, like, for example, as obnoxious as, like, like fred was back in the day like at least that was actually something unique that i think i mean i i it could still happen today but i think it's not as likely to like some i mean i'm just trying to say that kind of concept of something that's just so
Starting point is 01:45:27 out there because people want to kind of have this really locked down image of themselves almost i think even with the like different styles of videos they all kind of everyone's trying to do the same sort of thing like i i know i fall into this myself as well um even like i i know of this channel where they uh they're gold prospectors which is a which is a great idea for a channel um but even that it kind of just it i don't know what what it is it feels like they're trying to do something more like the super polished channels and as you were saying there's nothing inherently wrong with doing content like that i think it does hold a place but i don't want to see the uh the raw um i guess personality disappear it would be the best way to
Starting point is 01:46:19 put it yeah um like your the way you do your content i think it's it's a dying art on youtube that's for sure like there is still skit content out there but i think a lot of it is kind of going the like really produced way yeah that's something i've i just lost my train of thought um I think part of that would be just because it's gone from something this is my opinion and I know I think I hold it pretty strongly but I think part of the problem is that it's gone from people wanting to do it for the fun of doing it or for the like purpose of like trying to help people out to becoming essentially a business. Like,
Starting point is 01:47:15 and because it's a business, you can't have like stuff go wrong. So you need to stay super polished and everything. Yeah. I'm still like oh sorry you can go oh okay um there's still this is awful um there's still channels that uh just don't care about that like i was watching some some idubbbz stuff uh recently iDubbbz got himself in some uh hot water yes um that's a topping of itself i've been watching i've i've watched him for like so long um and i was going back and
Starting point is 01:47:56 watching some of his old stuff which i enjoy a lot more and uh while he's like, he's stayed pretty consistent with like doing it because he wants to. That's why I only upload like every month or some stupid shit. But so that was someone I wanted to use as an example, like someone that's still doing it because they want to instead of money incentive. they want to instead of um money incentive uh you can go with whatever you're gonna say if you remember it oh right i was gonna say i've i've noticed that even my sort of content where i don't get a ton from it i still feel like i kind of get into that bit of a rut where i'm kind of just doing what i know works i've been trying more stuff out recently like you might have did you say you saw the video where i uh talking about how people think i'm stealing luke's videos did you see
Starting point is 01:48:58 yeah watch that one which it's not like different from just every bit of content out there, but it's different from what I normally do. And I think that, yes, it's good to have your core content to fall back on, but I think too many channels out there who rely on that YouTube income coming in like that, I think too many of them just get in that kind of rut where they are only making their core content and sure it works but that's not really what I want to do. I want to, I guess, try out stuff that it might not work. Like if it doesn't get many views that's fine but maybe it will
Starting point is 01:49:42 work and maybe it's something new that i can try out and maybe that's something that can bring new people in and even though the content that came in from wasn't the tutorial content maybe they are going to find the tutorial content interesting as well and i can then bring in some of the styling from those sorts of videos into my my main content i guess yeah well that was something i don't remember if i talked about it on the last time i was on but something i found um is that at a certain point i think it was after we uploaded the kitchen episode with Damon about pumpkin soup. We kind of went back and watched every single video that we had made. And we were like, did we actually like making this video? And are we proud of this video?
Starting point is 01:50:41 And I found that like the stuff, like the tier tier list videos where i was kind of doing it to act to like i i did that because i wanted to get people to come in to watch the stuff i found that those are the kinds of videos that i fucking just hate and i want to delete them but i'm not going to because like i think it's just important to keep them up um because people still like them for some reason um but after doing that going forward i've liked every video that we've made every video that we've made so that's i don't remember what my point was but i think my main point was to just do stuff that you actually enjoy yeah well i don't know how many videos i have at this point it's something in the realm of like
Starting point is 01:51:30 270 or something ridiculous like that and i look back on my content and this stuff from like a few weeks ago that i'm just like that is garbage i don't know why i made that and the further i go back because you've probably noticed this in yourself, that as you make more videos, they get better and better. But when you do it every single day, you notice that very, very strongly how much you improve from your early stuff to your stuff now.
Starting point is 01:52:01 There is a very big difference because when you practice it like that every single day, you very rapidly improve. Yeah. And like my editing has gotten better and my lighting has gotten better. So there are a lot of, like I do enjoy the tutorial video
Starting point is 01:52:19 or the review videos where I review like random GitHub projects. But there's a lot of them out there I'm not really too proud of where I don't feel like I did the best job with it. And there's some videos where I do want to go back and like, okay, I probably could have done this in a better way. Like my torrenting video. I don't think I did the best job explaining how I've got my torrenting setup working. And just a lot of stuff like that where I don't feel like I've done the best job with it. But I don't... Is it Casey Neistat that said that just you should make a video every single day
Starting point is 01:52:58 and even if you don't like it, just put it out there? I feel like that's a Casey Neistat thing. Yeah, I think that's something I can say. I don't watch his content, but I know about that one clip. And I do feel like that is important. And even stuff in my backlog where I'm not super happy about it, I'm still going to upload it because in the end, it's just a stepping stone in the direction of where I want to go.
Starting point is 01:53:28 Yeah, you're just learning from what you perceive to be mistakes at least. Because I don't record anything where I'm like, this is garbage when I'm recording it. But sometimes after I finished editing it, I'm like, I'm not a big fan of this, but that also might be the fact that I've just finished editing it. Yeah. I don't know how long it takes to edit for you,
Starting point is 01:53:50 but for me it's about an hour or so. Obviously yours are way more polished than mine are. It really depends on the video. Yeah. We were going to talk about that before, and then you just never bothered to give me a time. Yes. We can talk about that after you finish this thing. I'll write it down somewhere.
Starting point is 01:54:09 Yeah, well, it was sort of over there. The way I edit videos is pretty straightforward. I do some clip cutting. A lot of the time I will record videos for like maybe 18 minutes and the uploaded versions are only about 13 because there's just so many times where I'll either repeat the same point or I will stumble over my sentence and I'll have to repeat it and I'll repeat it again or repeat it again or repeat it again I don't know why it doesn't come across like that in the podcasts but when I'm just
Starting point is 01:54:41 talking I think it might just be the fact that i'm actually talking to someone but when you're just talking to the camera well you yeah you always have someone there that you're really talking to because if you if you want to forget about the camera there's always someone there at least for the most part with your content where you're talking to whoever's holding the camera yeah most of the time i mean recently i've kind of been just um using like just a tripod yeah yeah it's it's like i think but that being said i think it is a lot easier for me because i am playing a stupidly exaggerated character but the point i was getting to there was when you're just talking to a camera it gets a bit weird at at least in my head. I'm just, until I get into that like zone where I can just knock off sentences, at the start, it's kind of weird to try to structure sentences where I'm not really talking to
Starting point is 01:55:33 anyone. I don't know if you've actually had that experience yourself, but I just cannot string sentences together sometimes. Well, yeah, I was, um, for my latest video, latest video which um it's kind of like this detective thing i had to do voiceovers for it and when i was recording those i stumbled over my words so many times even though i had like most of it scripted out of what i was going to say i was still just like fucking it up like a bunch of times it took me a while to get it but it's weird I wanted it it's weird because when I do the vlogs I don't have the problem it kind of feels
Starting point is 01:56:10 like the podcast I think that just is because of maybe like it's a subconscious mindset that you put yourself into because you're not thinking that the vlog or the podcast is going to be as i can't think of the word but it's just like as scrutinized free flow yeah i guess so it's just a lot more free flow that could be it from what you've said that kind of seems like what it would be to me. Is this just armchair psychiatry with Connor? Yes, I am a licensed psychiatrist now. It's fine, you did some sort of job, so I've set you up with one. Thanks, you can start paying me by the hour now.
Starting point is 01:57:01 I already paid you enough for the art. This is true. So I was in this reply and told a message. It's all good. I can hear it. Okay. Can you still see me okay? Uh, you're a bit laggy, but.
Starting point is 01:57:17 Oh, I was laggy before. Yeah, you're all. Yeah. Yeah. Oh God, that got real bad. It's no worse than it was before at least that's good um yes did you have anything else to say on that topic uh no just the fact that i'm a moron who can't string sentences together and it's probably just a psychological thing. Very likely, yes. It would be one thing if I couldn't string sentences together,
Starting point is 01:57:50 like, ever, but since it's only when I'm looking at this webcam and I'm recording by myself, you can't even see my hands because it's actually above the webcam you're looking at, this webcam. Yeah, since it's just when I'm looking at this webcam, I guess it's just some weird,
Starting point is 01:58:10 I guess weird idea about, I don't know, I don't know what it is. Well, you are technically performing for like an audience of people. It's just not live. Hmm. But as I said before, it's different when I have the vlog camera out. Yeah, I mean, I can't.
Starting point is 01:58:38 It could just be, I don't know, it could just be the fact I'm recording this little box. And when I'm talking to someone on the podcast, I can actually see someone here. But when I'm talking by myself, it's just me like in this little box, just talking by myself. Maybe that could be it.
Starting point is 01:58:53 I don't know. I guess so. It is a bit of a weird concept. Like you are essentially talking to yourself. Like you aren't talking to anyone. You're not getting any feedback from anyone i mean that doesn't explain why you're okay with like filming vlogs um but if it with the vlogs though i typically do those outside so it's i'm not recording this tiny little box yeah i'm not sure i don't know some weird thing that would probably have to be researched
Starting point is 01:59:29 we are definitely not qualified for this why can i hear your discord because i am very popular no i mean like why can i actually hear it uh because it's coming through my desktop headphones. Ah, that would explain it. So I wrote down this topic, talk about editing for my videos, because we're going to talk about that. At some point we are. Probably the 5G transportation.
Starting point is 02:00:09 some point we are probably the 5g transportation um so what i was gonna say is that it's like different for depending on like what kind of video it is um for example the the 59th subscriber special i didn't see that actually that i'm not a true fan. I haven't seen that one yet. Yeah, that is like my least viewed video. No shit. I don't think anyone wants to watch that. But it was, that was completely off the cuff. Like I didn't expect to make that video. So it's literally just a one take vlog.
Starting point is 02:00:44 Oh, okay. Yep. And so that didn't require any editing at all um something like the the tier list ones which were kind of like i had to bring it was more so like what you would have to do where you kind of just like bring it together um make sure everything's okay and you kind of cut out like the dull moments but uh more recently it kind of takes a bit longer because there's like a lot more footage to go through and it's more akin to like i don't want to sound pretentious or anything but it's more like kind of like a short film type deal where you have to bring everything together
Starting point is 02:01:27 to make it like flow properly and kind of more cohesive. So stuff like the comedians and cars getting coffee thing and how to be a pro gamer. That one didn't take as long because it was a short video, but it's just the same process, like making sure that everything's in order and the transitions between each shot um so that takes a while uh probably i remember the um coffee one took me two or three days to do most of it yes because i wanted it very specifically to be exactly like how the actual one is right okay but some of the shorter ones took a couple hours to put together and then the
Starting point is 02:02:15 most recent one took a couple hours well probably like a day worth of putting together but there was a lot of footage i filmed for that one so that's probably why yeah i'm not surprised that it does take a while to get all your i guess all your content together because even the less produced ones they are still i i would imagine you'd probably have a lot of outtake shots as well. And especially with the one you did with Corey, where he had to play that weird character. I guarantee there's no way you did it on the first shot. No, there's like...
Starting point is 02:02:58 We did a good couple takes to make sure that it actually was good. And then we also had to go back later as i was putting it together and refilm one of the shots where he goes up to the pitch and then it's like oh who's this bitty because it was originally like i can't remember who i tell stuff to but i feel like i said this last time i don't know no one watched actually that was my most watched episode 300 views on that one yeah everyone came over from my main channel was like this is shit and then left um but yeah we have to redo a shot for that because uh originally he's like who's this
Starting point is 02:03:37 and the picture was like some child i'm like i really wanted to keep it in but like he was let's take it out please yeah that's really for the best oh jesus yeah no don't do that don't don't say who's this hot baby and have a picture of a child very bad idea um stuff like the kitchen episodes they are literally like 30 to 40 minutes of just raw footage that goes down to like it goes down to like under 10 so yeah so it's closer to my sort of content there yeah that's pretty painful to do especially because it's like it's not like i have a plan like the um the coffee and the investigation one like for those i have a plan in my head how i want it to go out but kitchen ones are basically just improv and i have to bring it together to be a cohesive thing right that's about it yeah well i did say it's sort of like
Starting point is 02:04:49 my content but what i do with mine is i guess i would say it's a bit different um i usually have if i do any note taking i'll usually have a bunch a couple of notes where it's like these are the points i want to hit on and the way that i do retakes is I try to basically redo the sentence that I was just trying to say. So I will have this. I basically have like one line of content through my videos. And then I try to record along that line. I may have like some jitter along the way, but i only have like one string that i go with i don't really have multiple different ways the video could take if i decide to edit it differently
Starting point is 02:05:29 yeah which i feel like makes my editing process way easier and that's why i can do it in under an hour but yeah i've had some stuff like that. Like a lot of my videos, I don't like actually plan out properly. Like most of it is kind of like dot points, what kind of stuff I want to film and then how I want it to come together. So in that way is kind of similar, like, um,
Starting point is 02:06:01 the stranger sloth one. I don't know if you've watched that, but it's like I go outside and get some visions, some shit like that. And so that one didn't take that long because I had like, like there's a couple of different takes and stuff, but I had a good idea how that's all going to flow together
Starting point is 02:06:22 according to my dot points. I imagine the one that would have been completely fucked would have been the one where in the uh the water pipe yeah that one was pretty rough to make an actual video did you check out the uh the pipe before you went in there or not that was our first time going in so okay so you would have had at least half an hour of content. We had no idea if any of it was going to be usable until you got there, really. Pretty much.
Starting point is 02:06:52 The way it happened was Alfie had... Because it's near his house, which is a bit of a drive away from mine. He was down on the beach one day and he saw it and he was like, hey, we should go explore this sometime um sounds good so we'll make a video out of that and yeah we didn't know if it was just gonna be like literally just all tunnel and then nothing happens but luckily it was it turned
Starting point is 02:07:20 out pretty good so but yeah that was a lot of footage and it took quite a bit of time like make it go together nicely instead of just being like oh we're in the tunnel oh we're in this room oh we're in this room like kind of making it seem like the video um something that Alfie said afterwards is that the video felt like how it did to actually go and explore that like the tunnel um kind of like led through the journey of it in a good way so yeah i think you do a like i i don't know where i'd even begin to edit something like that you do a way better job at editing than i do my stuff isn't just basically just making sure I don't say ums and stuff. But what you do is far more work than I could possibly feel like doing. I know some people do that level of editing on like daily videos,
Starting point is 02:08:13 but I have no idea how they managed to find the time to do that. No, I don't either. Like there's some, there's a guy I watch. He does like vlogs every like two times a week um of like him just doing like skateboarding stuff and um like they're really well edited and i can just like imagine how much shit he has to sit through and make a video that flows really well like I make like a video a week, if I'm lucky, but that dude's like been pumping them out for like years now.
Starting point is 02:08:49 Yeah. I don't know how, like, I know how people like PewDiePie do it. Obviously they have editors, but if you don't have an editor, I don't know how you could possibly do that by yourself. Nah,
Starting point is 02:09:01 I don't know. I would like, if I was doing anything that produced, I would need to get an editor like i i have too much other stuff i want to be doing well i mean part of it would be is like once you get that big anyway if you can make enough revenue off of your videos then you might as well yeah well then you would have the time to like actually go through it. Like that would, there's essentially a job at that point. So I guess that's where people find the time to,
Starting point is 02:09:30 but I guess because Pewds has so much money, he's like, I don't want to edit my videos. Yeah. And fair call to him. I wouldn't do it either. Like editing is, it's the most boring part of making the videos.
Starting point is 02:09:44 Yeah. I mean mean for me it depends on what video because sometimes i find it really gratifying to like have this vision in your head and then have it all come together but for other stuff like in the kitchen videos it's like this fucking painful yeah for sure one thing i did notice throughout this video was uh we have been cutting up like cutting each other off a lot and that's kind of a problem one with your internet being shit uh it's two just kind of inherent with doing online stuff at some point i would love just like even if it's not anything too crazy just like a room where i can just do the podcast in that would be awesome like when i have my own place i would love to just set up a
Starting point is 02:10:30 a dedicated space for that and for just general recording that would be awesome that would be nice because like there's obviously i wouldn't really to bring anyone too special over because everyone who's in my sort of sphere is in America. But I could bring you guys, not to say that you guys aren't important, but I could bring my mates over to do the stuff in person. That would actually make a far more interesting podcast, I would say. Yeah, in person is always good. I think Jerry definitely made a very, very good decision to do his podcast like that
Starting point is 02:11:05 i mean also the the thing is like also he has like a lot of influence and he does live in america so yeah yeah that's also true to do that a lot easier but like he has done some online podcasts like he did one recently with um uh i don't want to get his name wrong. Give me one sec. He did the one with Edward Snowman. Yes. I wasn't going to go with the Snowden one. There's one recently because some people,
Starting point is 02:11:35 they do want to still be on the podcast, but they don't really want to be there in person right now. He did one with... Brian Redband. Brian Redband, I believe he did one with Brian Redband Brian Redband I believe he did online I don't know who that is yeah I didn't think he would but I didn't want to get his name wrong and you can definitely see how
Starting point is 02:11:59 the style is different when Joe actually does do it online because there is some there is something different when you have a does do it online because there is some there is something different when you have a conversation with a person like in person for sure it's like flow is better i guess like because you can just pick up on cues easier yeah especially with how bad some people like just i don't a lot of people don't seem to understand how to do conversations online i think that's the big thing because it is a little bit different
Starting point is 02:12:31 and i i know i'm bad for it myself where i'll occasionally cut you off and things like that but i mean it's also different because like i, I used to talk on Skype for literally just, like, 12 hours. I know the feeling, yeah. At once with friends, but, like, it's a lot different than, like, actually having a proper conversation than what it is to, like, be playing a game and just talking shit. Oh, yeah. When you're playing a game, you don't really care
Starting point is 02:13:03 unless you're trying to do, like, tactical stuff. if you're just shouting over each other no one really cares yeah yeah i'm just keep blanking we've been going for like uh almost 2 hours and 15 minutes yeah i was gonna say I probably want to stop at like 3ish okay not 3 hours that's 3 o'clock
Starting point is 02:13:30 oh yeah all good yeah okay cool so that's like another 10 minutes then yeah that's no hassle yeah that derailed the conversation I honestly could probably just like keep going for like a good five hours or something but i'm getting a little bit antsy i don't want to eat stuff yeah that's fair i've got
Starting point is 02:13:52 some other stuff i want to do today anyway so i'll i've got some pod not podcast i've got some uh assignments to work on i'm not recording a second podcast today that's that's another thing that i don't know how joe does like how the hell do you record multiple three-hour podcasts in a day like that takes so much energy out of you yeah he's probably just so used to it by now well it's i mean it would be one thing if i did oh sorry um it'd be one thing if i did a podcast with you and then I did a podcast with Marty because that's just shit talking the entire time but he'll do stuff with like Eric Weinstein, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins
Starting point is 02:14:31 people who are just stupidly intelligent and I don't understand the stuff that I'm listening to half the time when I'm just going through one episode but doing multiple of those in a day it's like clearly just not cooked enough then
Starting point is 02:14:47 that's fair i am not cooked enough that that may be part of your problem i've got wait i'll bring up my topic list no you think I actually hit on all of the topics I had. I hit on one of them. One of mine was, are you happy with your videos after you finish making them? Oh, that was actually a topic you had written down. Okay. I didn't purposely even ask that, but it just came about. My other one was, have you ever had to deal with like
Starting point is 02:15:27 feeling burnt out from like making videos that in any way it doesn't have to be like i never want to make another video again but like there are definitely times when i'm like especially when i'm i am doing the software reviews i was saying this before how like, they do feel like you eventually get in a bit of like a rut. Um, if I'm reviewing, like, here's a, I don't know, here's a Mastodon client. Here's, uh, here's a Vim plugin. Here's another program. Here's another another one at some point they do start to blend together and it does at some point start feeling like this is like i don't want to do another one of these reviews right now and that's why i haven't in a few days because i'm just like i've done too many of these recently so yeah i i definitely do feel like that i haven't hit a point where i'm except when i'm hungover there have... Except when I'm hungover.
Starting point is 02:16:25 There have been times when I'm hungover, I'm like, I don't want to record a video today. But that's less me not wanting to make a video and me not wanting to get out of bed. You being in, like, an awful state. Yeah. I don't know why I've got this sitting here, but I've had this for the past couple of days
Starting point is 02:16:42 just sitting on my desk. Oh, nice. If Highland wants to sponsor me i will absolutely take that so send me your free whiskey please i don't know why it's sitting there i've just had it on my desk for a few days i'm not planning to drink it or anything if i have like anything sitting on my desk that I don't like use, if there's a cup that's sitting on my desk for more than a day, I'm like, I'm going to start freaking out. Nope. Because I'm basically just a neat freak.
Starting point is 02:17:15 No. I've got some books here. Yeah, there you go. If anyone wants to see what they are. No. Could you even see that? Oh, the color is back for you i actually could it keeps going in and out like right now you look fine i don't think you're about to become a albino yeah yep i've got a casio fx uh 82 au plus two that one is there for uni stuff, though. I have my... I have my graphics calculator
Starting point is 02:17:50 in this drawer next to me. But the last time I looked at it, it was leaking solidified battery acid. So I have not touched it since. Got some toothpicks. I've got a liter of hand sanitizer not lube definitely hand sanitizer do not put that on your crotch it is like 99 alcohol you will really hurt yourself um i bought that from work we were keeping them in the meat fridge
Starting point is 02:18:21 so that people didn't like sell them early um i think that's like 15 for that because now the only ones you can get like 70 meals for like five dollars so i bought that while i could but yeah my you guys don't see it but my room is a mess i just frame my shot really well yeah when's room tool coming out shall see if i can if you look down there you you can't see it but i can't yeah like it it's actually like pretty bad um eventually i am getting a second um second webcam though but have you sit i don't know if you've bothered to look at them or not but a lot of people who are selling webcams are just marking them up to hell yeah it's like i said in our messages everyone wants to become a youtube oh no i did yeah i was talking to you about that. I forgot who I was talking to about.
Starting point is 02:19:25 Um, talking to you about that. But yeah, um, the fucking C920... I saw sales on the American store for $300. That's a $60 US webcam. That is rough. Like, wh- Like, but why though though i don't know i get the hand sanitizer thing i get the other stuff but why webcams like i said that as a meme and i i don't think anyone would actually be like going out of their way to buy a webcam no okay i know what it is it's because everyone's on
Starting point is 02:20:03 zoom and they need webcams well yeah what's happening is all of the companies are buying up webcams to give them to their employees that's why they're going up so much didn't even think of that because I'm completely out of the loop on that it's a mess with Zoom right now
Starting point is 02:20:21 you haven't had to experience it but I've been using Zoom a lot with uni right now and it's fun i need to watch your latest video i was gonna do that yeah speaking of videos i'm not super happy with that video uh yeah i i recorded that i felt fine with it but i've gone back and looked and i'm like i didn't do a great job with it did i something i always struggle with is like um not only when it comes to videos but like when it comes to art stuff it's like fucking old saying but it's like actually true like you basically own like biggest critic and it's like i find it so hard to determine if it's just me or if this is actually bad I think a good piece of um a good piece of bar to go with is look at your old videos are you getting better than what you used to do if yes then it's probably fine I do feel like this
Starting point is 02:21:21 video isn't the best for what I'm doing now But I still think that it's better than what I was doing a few weeks ago And I feel like as I'm going along it's still getting better even if I'm not like really happy with this I think it is still getting a bit better That's good then that's all that matters Go look at like not on your like when you're like in grade 8 Go look at the first video on your channel and then if you think your current stuff is not very good, just compare the two and see what you think.
Starting point is 02:21:52 I mean, I... You'll cringe very hard. Disregard the first couple videos. Yeah, that's my point. Because, I mean, the first two videos weren't even made as the purpose of being videos that were literally just like off the cuff um like things that we recorded for fun and we decided to start a channel have you seen the first video I did on my main channel no but I did see the first couple things
Starting point is 02:22:19 you did because I fucking shared and I was like okay Brody i want to be supported but this is really not good no i don't know why anyone was supporting me then like there were people in that chat and like oh this is this is good this is good like no it's not stop lying to me like i i do hate that like if you think what i'm doing is bad tell me like if it's bad, I want to know it's bad. I just like didn't say anything. I was like, I could say something or I could just not say anything. And cause I fucking just hate confrontation. I'm just like,
Starting point is 02:22:55 I'm not going to say anything. I'm sure he will improve eventually. Now you stopped. Like when you went from looking at the, the viewer on your camera to see you and you start looking into the camera i was like my boy he's graduated that was so bad now the other thing was bad i i didn't believe them at the time because i didn't want to deal with people but the beard was a bit uh bit ranky it's definitely a lot better than what it was what i did was i was like shaving under here
Starting point is 02:23:26 because i'm a fucking moron so it just looked like it was really thin uh-huh yeah now now it's actually like not a bad beard still bit of a neck beard but like and it doesn't grow properly up here but it's gotten better yeah that takes Like, I can't see my camera properly. Oh, there we go. I still like... These parts along here are still, like, really weird to grow, but I guess that just comes with, like, age. Hmm.
Starting point is 02:23:58 Yeah, once you get... As you get older, you just start growing hair in more places. Even if you don't really want to start growing hair out of your eyeball that'd be so fucked imagine one day like blind because some hair's just grown out of your iris oh god no don't i don't want to imagine that that is some cursed content right there. God, that, no, I'm good. I think on that note, I... Yeah, maybe that's where we end it. So, what do you want to shout out?
Starting point is 02:24:37 I guess I'll just shout out the same stuff I did before. My channel, it's called Cozhan, C-O-Z- c o z h a n if someone made it to this long please go look at it um everything else i do like art stuff and just anything else in general is under super coz man uh that's about it yeah you don't have anything else you want to shout out um go watch my videos don't watch your videos. Go buy his art. Give him some money because he's living off of Centrelink right now. I'm just a lowly Centrelink. If you like the art for my channel, then commission it.
Starting point is 02:25:14 I'll be a millionaire. Do you be a millionaire? Because they're doubling Centi payments. Oh, yeah. Until the 5G riding virus has gone so yeah anyone who likes the art for my channel uh are your commissions open right now yeah i'm doing nothing please pay me i will leave a link to your art down below feel free to go commission something so yeah I think that's pretty much it before I end the episode though I want to thank my patrons
Starting point is 02:25:48 Andrew, Road, LQ, Larry and Zilver because they help make this channel possible and even though it's only $14 a month you guys are absolute legends if anyone wants to come check out the discord where we will just basically make fun of anyone who complains
Starting point is 02:26:04 that I'm stealing luke's content and yeah uh connor is in there once every month or so so yeah i only ever chime in if i think it's interesting that's fair it's not really interesting that much is it it's usually just shit posting about nothing i i only like commenting on the circle jerky stuff that's fair well my other mate uh taymore he usually comments on the windows stuff i only ever comment on stuff that's not related to tech so that's fair well yeah i think that's pretty much it we are almost at what we're at 2 hours and
Starting point is 02:26:47 26 almost 27 minutes bit past 3pm so I think we'll end it there so I think that's pretty much everything for this I still don't have a way to end these podcasts but yeah just
Starting point is 02:27:02 bye I guess we'll do that again. Enjoy watching less garbage content, I guess.

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