Tech Over Tea - The World Burns - Tech Over Tea #4
Episode Date: March 31, 2020In today's episode of Tech Over Tea I'm doing another solo episode because I enjoyed doing last weeks episode, maybe I'll bring a guest on next week, we'll see what happens. Today I discuss my discord... server, do another update on the state of my work during the current world crisis and also talk about what's been going on with my University. When I'm by myself this podcast gets really rambly so if that's not what you're in for then maybe you won't enjoy it but for anyone else I hope you enjoy it. ==========Support The Podcast========== Patreon: Paypal: BTC Wallet Address: 1Aokiv3pFQXUEmh2LbzZQAwxMvq6bpT2UN ETH Wallet Address: 0x80451867c86bdf08c3888d407c1e3fcb6add61ed LBC Wallet Address: bLRN9fm17sCexKfgbYqmMj5xskZF2ogpEh ==========Video Release========== LBRY: YouTube:
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Welcome back to the fourth, fourth episode of Tech Over Tea. I still don't know how to start
these videos and you know what I don't really care. Now you might notice once again I'm missing
a guest. Now this isn't because I couldn't find a guest this time, no this time it was because I
was lazy. So I'm the only one to blame for this one, because uni has started to
quiet down, we'll talk about that more later on, but yeah, it's entirely my fault there's not a
guest, but you know what, I kind of like running this podcast without a guest, sometimes I'm gonna
have a guest, sometimes I'm not, initially I was planning to have a guest every single week,
but right now, when there's not really much, like, like I guess value for other people to come on
it's a bit harder to bring them on now obviously I can drag my mates into it but if I wanted to
drag someone who you know was actually busy with their life that might be a little bit more of a
problem so because that's the case I'm going to go ahead and do a lot more of these I guess solo
podcasts now while I'm recording this I'm also going to go ahead and do a lot more of these, I guess, solo podcasts.
Now, while I'm recording this, I'm also going to have to delete my trash.
Because I realized that I may not actually have enough space left on my computer to save all of this video.
So, hopefully this doesn't cause anything to lag.
I'm going to say it'll probably be fine.
And if I didn't mention it, you probably won't even notice it.
So, let's just clean that up and see if it
No, okay didn't like cool. We're good
47 gigs that'll be plenty for the video
I had 16 before but I know that actually I haven't tested how big these files are they sometimes get like 10 plus gig I
Don't know how because look just you can see how the how the podcast, if you're, if you're,
if you're watching the podcast, you'll see it's basically just like a gray screen, and then my
video around it, and it just lagged a bit, so hopefully that's not a recurring theme, maybe if
we put out a Brave, you know, I really should just build up a new computer, I keep saying I'm going
to do this, but I keep just putting it off. Anyway, we'll get back to...
Probably won't get back to that.
I don't get back to any topics.
This show is just an absolute mess.
Just all the time.
Maybe I'll eventually have some sort of structure.
And maybe it'll go a bit better than it has in previous episodes.
But if you expect something consistently good you're in
the wrong place because the podcast is here for me to just do whatever basically
like I'm wearing this shirt I wear this on my main channel as well I actually
really like this shirt I got it at Avcon last year I don't remember who the dude
who sold it to me was bb summer Go buy shirts from BB Summer. They make cool shirts.
I've also got a really cool Initial D shirt.
It's in a manga
style with
basically just, you know, it's Initial D
so they're drifting around the track.
But it's in the manga sort of style. It looks pretty cool.
I've also got a
Yandere version of this same shirt
and I've got a bunch of other cool ones. I think I've got
some Final Fantasy ones and things like that, so, yeah, go check out BB Summer, not sponsored
by BB Summer, but if they do want to sponsor me, that would be awesome, because they make amazing
shirts. Anyway, what do I want to talk about? Right, I'm thinking about getting, like, an intro song to the podcast, now, I'm not going to have it running the same way as I do, like, or I want to talk about right I I'm thinking about getting like a an intro song to the podcast now
I'm not gonna have it running the same way as I do like oh I used to do intros for my main channel where
I would have like a break it would be like an intro to like run into the podcast so an example of this
I'll bring up something. Let's see if we can find
This should work
I'm like right at the end of this video.
I'm sure this is great content.
Let's go right to the start.
So this is Luke Kijal's podcast. so like run into the podcast with a song yeah that's what i'm thinking of doing it i feel like
just having an abrupt start it doesn't really work i know there's a bunch of different ways you can
do it like the way uh joe rogan does it is he has his, like, ad bit at the start, and obviously,
if I ever got to the point with this podcast where I could have an ad section, pay me Raid Shadow
Legends, then yes, I would do an ad section, honestly, I don't care, I will shill whatever
you want on the podcast channel, if you want me to sell, like, Raid Shadow Legends, you want me to
sell your lube, you want me to sell, I don't know, your tampons, send me anything and I'll be happy to do
it. I did get a sponsorship request on my main channel the other day. I think it was for some
random note-taking app. I don't remember what the name of it was, but it's because I did like a
Joplin video. But the thing is, when they actually sent me the sponsorship request, they spelt the
name of their own project wrong. Now, it was an official email for the project they had like a
proper extension, not extension, proper domain for that that website that
actually hosts the app but in the email they spelt the name of the app wrong.
Like why would I accept your sponsorship request
firstly I'm not going to take a sponsorship request for like some random note-taking app
one because I feel like that kind of conflicts with the sort of content I do two your note-taking
app I'm pretty sure it required a account which no I'm not using a note-taking app that I need an account
for. And three, I'm not taking a sponsorship from someone who can't even spell the name of their own
project correctly. So there's some advice like any aspiring advertisers out there for me or for anyone else bare minimum spell your project correctly or you're going into
the trash pretty simple i feel like it's not too difficult to at least spell the name of your
project correctly but maybe that's just me maybe i have some extremely high standards and think that
having to spell your own project correctly is too much. Maybe it is.
Maybe it could be. I don't know. I feel like it's just pretty basic though. If you spell anything
else wrong, like if you spell my name wrong, I can accept that. There's a bunch of people who
spell my name with a Y even when my name's written out in front of them. That's fine. You're an idiot.
You can't read. But you should at least know what your own project's called. Rant over.
Yeah, anyway, I think I got another one. Actually, let's, you know what, we're gonna do some,
we're gonna do some live email checking right now. So I'm obviously not going to show you my emails
because there might be something important in here.
But we will do some live checking of my email account.
So if you don't know, for the podcast, I've got an email account to send stuff to.
That is techoverteebusiness at
I know it's Gmail.
It's just I've accepted that Google owns my life.
But my main channel has been getting a few of these.
So let's see.
Usually, it's like once a week or once every other week. I haven't checked my email in about a week
on this thing. No, we don't have another one. Okay. So right now I've got this weird one though. So
I don't know who you are, but there's this dude who sent me an email. He runs a website called, right? And there's this link on it that starts
talking about, like, some of his favourite tricks to do with Arch Linux, and basically
he just sent me the link and was like, hey, feel free to use anything on this website,
you don't have to credit me or anything, but... yeah. Anyway, I'll read this email out, so it starts off by saying the date, so March 15,
very important, was it actually sent on March 15, my time, it was March 16th at 3am, so you're
already wrong there, but I'll accept that, you're probably in some weird time zone, so greetings
Mr. Robertson, like, I'm not a teacher, you don't have to call me Mr. Robertson, but sure.
I am writing you to compliment you on your fine commentary on Arch Linux.
Okay, cool.
I am a retired researcher who uses Arch Linux,
and I can appreciate your lecture on this subject.
Okay, it's already gotten a bit weird.
All right.
So, I have written this essay for those who are novice to the install to assist those starting out, and this is where it links to slash arch.html. So, if you ever decide to initiate a unique install using
your favorite tricks, feel free to use any of the tips and tricks without needing to acknowledge my name. If you do, I won't object to this either, but it won't be necessary. So if I want to say this
dude's name, then I can. So I wish you the best. I live in Pennsylvania. I didn't ask. And it is
always interesting to hear your accent noting. What? I wish you the best. I live in Pennsylvania
and it is always interesting to hear your accent noting
Oh, it it ended the line, but the sentence didn't end
That I always hear your level of intelligence spoken from your videos if you think an Australian accent sounds intelligent like oh, mate
Well, you got down was down the pub. Let's go. Let's go pick up some snitties
Like if you think an Australian accent sounds intelligent, I don't want to know the sort of people that you surround
yourself with, and then it ends by saying, respectfully, and then the guy's name, which I'm
not going to read out, but hey, that's, that's really cool, but let's go to that other email I
mentioned about, so this was for a program, you know know I'm just gonna. I'm gonna throw this out there. It is from
What what's the actual name boost io boost note, so if you've heard of boost note
It was because I did a video on Joplin so
The guys from boost note I presume sent me a link or sent me a thing for it
But I think this might be like the the main dude
for it, but, actually, I think this might be, like, the main dude, uh, let's find out, before I say this guy's name, I'm just gonna google who this person is, I don't want to say someone's name
with, uh, uh, let's go to the Boost Note website, I haven't even, I haven't used Boost Note, but
I'm more than happy on Joplin right now, so, For team? Wait no, about. Maybe on the
github. I'm sure this is wonderful content right now. If you're still
watching I'm not really sure why you're watching but hey I'm I'm happy that you still are uh does it say on here no maybe
uh okay I'm not going to read the dude's name out because I can't work out if it's
actually the main developer or not so anyway some dude he sent me an email and he spoke boost note
as boss at note that was five minutes of rambling just for me to say that, so I'm glad you watched
it. So yeah, that's basically that. Anyway, so I'm going to drink some water. Also, get yourself,
if I didn't, don't do that. That was full of water. Very bad idea. Get yourself one of these high country thermoses.
They're pretty great.
Also, don't try to drop them on your laptop.
Because that would make the podcast...
Well, you wouldn't have seen it if I dropped it.
This is why you need to watch the video version and not just the audio version, guys.
I have an audio version available.
So if you do want to watch the audio version.
Then that is a thing that you can do.
But hey.
I reckon you should probably not do that.
I just realised I forgot to fix up my lighting.
So I will do that live.
And hopefully you can still hear me talking.
I don't know because I'm behind the Blue Yeti right now
and Blue Yetis don't sound great when you're behind them
because it's a very directional microphone.
So I presume that sounded really horrible for the audio listeners
but I wanted to make the experience better for the video guys.
I just noticed the lighting looked weird.
So this is how professional my podcast is.
I wish I had space to leave stuff
set up properly, but I don't, I don't have space. If you notice the bed, this is just my bedroom.
So if I turn the camera, you'll see how messy my room is right now. I've managed to frame it. So
it looks like I'm clean. Generally, it's not like my room is an absolute dump.
But it's not as clean as it could be.
Like, there's cables running along the floor.
And I have, yeah, it's mainly cables.
So I've got cables running all the way around my room.
There's probably better ways to deal with them.
But I've got a PowerPoint under this desk.
And there's another PowerPoint behind the bed there. So
Yeah, it's I've kind of got to work with what I have
But anyway, that should be a bit better to see for the video guys now
Recently I did if you probably noticed if you watch the main channel if somehow if you're watching this podcast and you don't watch my
Main channel. I'm not really sure why.
I don't know why you'd be here unless you really like me.
So, anyway, on my main channel, I did a video about my Patreon, my Discord.
That's what we're going to get to afterwards.
I did a video about my Discord and I all of a sudden got like 60 or so new members.
So, I was sitting just under, I think just under 80 before that video came out.
And then that video came out and everyone was like, oh, you have a Discord?
You have a Discord?
It's like, yes, it's been in my description since 200 videos ago.
And you guys didn't notice until I told you.
So here's my theory.
What I'm thinking is because if my discord is gonna grow that quickly by just me mentioning that I have a discord, maybe I
should mention my patreon in a dedicated video. Maybe I do a video on like how I
make my money on YouTube and right at the start mention patreon or I might say
it for when I do my 5,000 subscribers special. I'll talk about that in a moment
but I might do that for then because I my 5,000 subscribers special. I'll talk about that in a moment. But I might do that for then.
Because I have a feeling, if I was to mention the Patreon.
Now, I'm not saying that I expect people to give me money.
But I have a feeling that there are people who'd be up for giving some money.
Who just don't even know i have a patreon because
if there's that many people who don't know i have a discord when it's been in my description
for nine months i have a feeling that same might be true for the patreon i could be guessing though
it could be the like all of there out of all of my subscribers. There is four people who want to give me money
That's entirely fine. If no one else wants to that doesn't matter. I'm more than happy with the way. It's currently working
but as I said, I feel like
There's a good number of people who don't know I have a did who don't have a disco, you know
I I cannot speak who don't know I have a, who don't have a Discord, who know I, I cannot speak, who don't
know I have a Patreon, this is going to make a great clip if I remember to do this, last week I
didn't actually do any clips, because I forgot, and also it's a bit harder to do when I'm recording
by myself, because when I do the podcast with someone else, I usually take timestamps, so
we'll see what I can do. But
generally, if I start trying to take timestamps while I'm recording, it becomes, or while I'm
just talking by myself, it becomes a bit difficult to actually keep track of what I'm trying to say.
But yeah, anyway, I wish I had someone else to help me out, but maybe one day, one day when I
don't have, I think I have 60 subscribers on YouTube.
So, that's on the podcast channel, obviously.
On YouTube. On the main channel, it's at...
I reckon by the time this goes up, we're probably going to be very close to 4,000.
As of recording, I'm at 39.50. I'm going to check. Once again,
great content. I'm going to say 39.50. 39.55. Yeah. Okay. So I reckon that by tomorrow, by the time this goes up, we might be at like 3970, I reckon, 3980, somewhere in that range.
We'll see how it goes, but because I've been growing real quickly right now, people being quarantined is honestly really great for media jobs. I know it sounds bad to say that the current situation is good for anyone, but
there's two types of businesses where it's really good for right now. Supermarkets, I'll tell you
about how the supermarket's going in a moment, and also online media businesses. The supermarkets
are doing great because everyone thinks the apocalypse is happening
and are stocking up on months and months of food.
So when I work at a supermarket called Coles,
I'm not going to tell you which store
because you don't need to know that,
but I work at a supermarket called Coles.
And for the past couple of weeks,
we've been almost,
some days we've even been going past this,
we've been basically doubling our profits by 6pm.
And the store closes at 8 or 9pm.
So, if we're doubling our projected profits, I can see why the supermarkets don't want to put limits on stock.
And then obviously media jobs are doing fine and I don't
mean media as in like journalism because I assume that some of them are probably doing fine the ones
who are actually reporting on the situation they're probably doing pretty well especially
the ones who like haven't got sick even though they're doing reporting on the ground
but the people who are doing the entertainment stuff, except for Hollywood, Hollywood is doing horrendously
because they can't really record movies
because the people they have to have around,
it's way too many people.
But the people who do stuff like this
where they just record with one person
or record with a few people
and they do it from an office or a bedroom
or just anywhere where it's not really high production value,
jobs like this
are booming right now, I know that a lot of the like massive YouTubes are doing pretty well,
as long as they're not getting hit by, so if you didn't hear about this, YouTube,
they're not doing remote work with their content moderation, because I don't know,
content moderation because I don't know. From what I've heard there is no reason why they can't do content moderation from home so what they're
doing is they're lowering the number of people who are involved in content
moderation and then relying heavily on the algorithm. Now the nice thing about
this and by nice thing I mean really terrifying thing that I'm really worried for some of the channels who try to cover this stuff frequently,
is that YouTube has said that we will be potentially removing videos that do not break terms of service.
So, what's the point of your terms of service if your AI is not going to follow it. And this is the problem with relying on a algorithm
to do your content moderation
because context is key.
So there are situations where I can understand
why YouTube want to take something down.
I'm not saying they should,
but I can understand why from a business perspective,
they would want to take it down.
But then there's other times where you
have stuff that is parodying that or stuff that is, I guess, even stuff that's talking about the
fact that that happened. When that happens, that content might get taken down. So, you know,
I try not to talk about it on my main channel. I've got a video coming out, actually today.
Today on my main channel.
Today as of the uploading of this, not today as of the recording.
So it'll be three days ago when it goes up on YouTube.
Because YouTube obviously released this later.
But what was I saying?
So I've got a video talking about a tool to keep track of the numbers,
so, yeah, because in that video, I try not to say the word, and I'll, I've got a few metaphors to
work with to not say the word, but if you say the word, you might get demonetized, and it's not,
If you say the word, you might get demonetized.
And it's not like I feel really bad for the beer company that is named after the word,
named after the word, whatever, that has the same name as the word.
You know the word I'm talking about.
If you don't know the word I'm talking about, then I'm not sure how you're like,
how you've managed to have you gone outside?
Have you turned a TV on?
Have you looked at a news website have you looked at youtube if you don't know what's going on i don't know how you are that out of the loop because
i don't think it's possible for anyone to be out of the loop right now if you have had interactions
with human beings in the past two or three weeks you know exactly what i'm talking about
anyway some of those metaphors i came up with so So I've done, I think I've done all of them on, yeah,
all of them except one of them is for Australian beers.
So the first one we've got is Forex Flu. So I'm gonna just, you know what, to make this even better,
I will show you pictures of the beers as we go. So
this even better I will show you pictures of the beers as we go. So 4X Gold is a beer from Northern Queensland it is... what's the best way to
describe it? Cat piss. Yeah that's a good one. So this is what 4X Gold looks like.
Yeah it's an Australian lager from Queensland and I don't know why anyone drinks it.
So, because if you don't know, what's the beer that Americans think that Australians drink
that we don't actually, but we just make it so we can just troll you guys?
Someone's going to get me on it.
What is it called Australian beer
The what is it called
Okay, I'm what it's called. So.
I don't know what it's called.
Why can't I work this out?
Someone's probably going to call me up on this
What is that what does that fake beer that we pretend like we drink I
Don't know you you probably if you're from the US you probably know exactly what I'm talking about
That you guys think that all Australians drink even though no one you we can't actually buy it in most bottle shops
Anyway, so the first one we had was 4X Flu, then we've got the 2E's Trouble, I'm, I'm kind of a fan of 4X Gold, but 2E's Trouble
sounds kind of cool, so 2E's, 2E's Extra Dry, there we go, where is my 2ies so here is here's twoies I think it's an Australian it probably
isn't even an Australian beer it's got a deer on it so probably not but it's popular in Australia
uh we've got the Cooper's Curse Cooper's Curse is also one that I'm a big fan of as well so
where's Coopers?
Yeah, yeah, Coopers is Australian.
Here you go.
Here's some Coopers.
I don't know as many people who drink Coopers.
Most of the people drink the word that I'm not allowed to say and like West End around here.
So, also there's a bit of people who drink like Tooie's.
So, the next one. This one doesn't rhyme, but I feel like it still has a bit of people who drink like two-e's but... So the next one. This one
doesn't rhyme but I feel like it still has a bit of a ring to it. So we have the West End Sickness
which sounds a bit more like just a party like a party sickness like oh man I got drunk out the
West End. I got the West End Sickness like that's what that sounds like but uh west end draft no i don't want prices i just want
pictures of west end no i don't want a case of it there we go here's some west end draft you can't
see that one as well but it's because little image oh there we go i can zoom in there we go
that's that's how phones work and then we've got an american one chuck Oh, there we go. I can zoom in. There we go.
That's how phones work.
And then we've got an American one chucked in there.
We've got the Miller microbe.
So let me know down below which of the metaphors is your favorite.
Personally, I'm a big fan of the 4X flu and the 2E's's trouble but maybe you have a different preference
than I have so if I ever talk about the thing that I can't say on the channel
then I'm probably gonna refer to it as the 4x flu I might use 2e's trouble
Cooper's curse does sound pretty good as well. If you've got any other ones, let me know down below.
And hey, yeah, also, words, words, words.
Let me know down below if you've got a better one.
I can probably come up with some others.
I know I've heard some others around,
but those are the ones that I guess I kind of stuck with.
And I did think of these ones myself.
At least I think I did. It's possible that I heard them else somewhere and then just thought I thought of them that kind of happens from time to time like you you'll hear
something and you're like hmm did I think of that like yeah I thought of
that and in reality you actually just heard it from like your mates mates mate
and you just forgot about that you just say hmm like hmm this is this is an idea i came
up up with myself so i'm gonna i'm gonna pretend like i did even though you didn't really that's
that's pretty much my life that's kind of how computer science goes just as a career it's like
hmm i think i know how to solve this algorithm in reality you actually just read how to solve it
somewhere else at some point and you think you just sort of you think you thought you sort of a solution yes you think you thought of a solution but in reality you're just
recalling something and forgetting the steps about how you got there
i really should get another chair this makes a lot of noise
like i've never had a chair that doesn't make a ton of noise like this
i can really do something about it this This is really annoying, I bet.
Especially to the audio guys.
It's just as bad for the video though.
Because I'm swaying back and forth.
So don't worry audio guys.
It's annoying for everyone.
So what else have we got?
So I know I did that Discord drive and I didn't I didn't
mention this in my discord video because it hadn't happened yet but I had like a
massive troll on my discord and he finally left and the reason why he left
is absolutely fantastic so basically what happened was he would always just start fights.
So he would call people the...
I don't have a problem saying most things.
But I'm not going to say that because YouTube will destroy my channel.
He was saying the N-word lots and lots of times.
And he was like, oh, I'm just making Terry jokes.
If you don't know Terry Davis, Google Terry Davis and you'll see what I mean.
Anyway, he was making a bunch of jokes like that.
I don't really care about the jokes, but a lot of people were bothered by them,
especially because it was all he would say.
And eventually, it got to the point where I think I said that Python was a good language.
And he was saying some things about C.
He was talking how every language is garbage except C.
And I was like, hey, Python's a good language.
And then he just lost it and started having fights with people.
I left for like half an hour.
And he came back and was...
Basically, what he decided was he went to his Discord.
And was like, you know what?
I am going to bring my mates here.
And we're going to raid the Discord.
That went exactly how you'd expect it to.
So I sat around watching the raid i jumped
the voice chat with them they ended up getting bored eventually and went to raid some other
discord and then he was like oh what what's going on so i didn't mention this part he was also doing
all of the raiding from a second account but i know what your voice sounds like, so when I'm in voice chat with you, I know I'm talking to
you, anyway, um, he did the raid, and then pretended on his main account that, like, he didn't do
anything, but it was obvious that he did, because he even admitted that in his own Discord, so in
his own Discord, he posted a link to my Discord, and then pretended like he wasn't doing anything,
anyway, so that happened, and he had a role in my
discord so I was like you know what I'm gonna take your role away. He was like oh
you're not gonna give my role back? Oh fuck you fuck this oh you give my
fucking role back. I was like no why would I do that you just raided my server. I was like oh
I hate all of you anyway I've got I'm gonna go do something else. Yep okay bye.
Then he came back a few days later after he left and was like,
so if anyone wants to come chat with me on IRC,
he's like,
no one wants to chat with you with IRC.
Everyone here hates you.
You are the reason why most of the people on my discord weren't talking at the
So then I don't think he left.
I kicked him.
So I kicked him.
And originally he actually brought him and a couple of his mates over and all of his mates are still on the discord
All of the people except the raid that happened all the original guys he brought over
They're still on the discord because they're all chill people so one of them is now my new mod and
Hey, this court is going well, there's 160 people in it, and
everyone's pretty chill, most people obviously, because it's Discord, don't speak, but
everyone who does is awesome, so thank you all of the people in my Discord for being awesome, and
thank you for, or Bomson, for leaving, I hope you never come back. If you do, actually, I think I might have banned him.
I don't know if I kicked him or banned him.
I can't exactly remember what I did.
Either way, he's not in the Discord.
So if you did join at one point and you got bothered by the fact that he was there, come join.
Everyone now is like a functioning adult.
I actually think some of them are like 16, but everyone there is a functioning human being.
Now, I don't have a problem if you want to do some trolling.
That's fine.
Once in a while is fine.
But when your entire vocabulary is trolling
and you can't do anything besides trolling,
that's when you start getting annoying.
So as long as you don't do that, if you want to from time to time do a tiny bit of trolling, that's when you start getting annoying. So as long as you don't do that,
if you want to from time to time do a bit,
a tiny bit of trolling, that's fine.
I'm not going to, I don't really care about that.
But at least know how to hold a conversation
like a functioning, like just as a functioning person.
It doesn't have to be a good conversation.
If you can just say hi and that's all you can say,
that's fine.
if you can just say hi and that's all you can say that's fine that's better than always being in hyper aggressive trolling mode so yeah that's pretty much all i want to say about that the
discord is cool at least i think so we've made some changes to it to clean it up a little bit
because i i've never really run a discord server before, so I wasn't really sure about, I guess, how it should be structured.
But one of the guys has done it before, so we've changed some stuff around.
It's a bit cleaner now. I've merged a channel or two, and I've changed some names of some channels.
So it should make a bit more sense what's going on at this point.
I don't have too many because obviously we do have 160 people but it's only 160 people with like maybe 20 or 30 that talk which is pretty normal for a discord
so there's no point really having a ton of channels so I've just got the ones that are
useful if we get some more people and people want something new then I'll be happy to add it, but for now, it's fine as it is.
So, I guess I should probably talk about how uni's going as well. So, yeah, in about two hours
from the recording of this, I've got to go do a presentation on campus, because for some reason,
they didn't decide to move it online
now all my other classes have been moved online i think i briefly touched on this but i didn't
have the information about what was happening so all of my lectures have been moved online
all of my practicals have been moved online all of my tutorials have been moved online
and that's because i'm doing an it degree and there's no real reason to even be on campus especially when the pracs are usually like get your computer out do a bit of
programming that's the end of the prac so for something like that there's not really any point
to be on campus so most of those I think actually all of my classes have gone online for that but one class has decided to keep stuff on campus and that
is my ICT specialist project now it makes sense to be on campus from time to
time if you are doing the ICT specialist because you still don't have like
meetings with your academic supervisor and meetings with your client my client
and my academic supervisor I think are the same person they might not be the same person it's it's kind of jump back and forth all I client, my client and my academic supervisor, I think are the same person,
they might not be the same person, it's kind of jump back and forth, all I know is my project,
I'll deal with the rest of that stuff later, anyway, I'm a bit tired, anyway, what was I saying,
right, ICT specialist, so the presentation I have in about two and a half hours that is just do like a six
minute presentation on my project then next week or the week after something like that
i've got to do a presentation on my status report and then at the end of the semester there's like
a presentation the like just final like final presentation thing where i just talk about the
how the project went what the project project is, things like that.
Now, as an external student, they can do all of this as a video from the start. But for some reason, with the internal students, they're like,
hey, we're not going to do that.
We're going to make you still come into university.
So we have a marking scheme that works for marking these as videos.
But we're not going to do that.
What we're going to do is make you still come into class,
except we're going to have it over four days instead of one massive class.
So why don't we just do a video?
You already have a marking scheme for it just use that. There's no point expanding
it out over a long period of time just so you can do it on campus without
having big groups. You already know how to mark it online just do that from the
start but hey I can't really change it. I guess I could just say I have a cough and not do it.
That's also an option. And then I guess that would give me the option to do a video.
But I've already prepared for the presentation. So I guess I'll just do it as it is.
Yes, it's probably fine. It doesn't bother me really, but I am bothered
by the fact that they're still making us come onto campus even though they know they can
mark it as a video. So that's my life. My life's actually going pretty good. I haven't
been quarantined or anything. My work is still going, so I work in
a supermarket, as I said before, so we are just pretty much all hands on deck, I've been getting
more hours than I can do, so I've just been taking days off whenever I want to, because that's,
I love that, I love the fact that I can just take as many days off as I want, I think I got
rostered for five days with 17 hours this week, and doing that while doing full-time uni not fun so i dropped i
think my five hour shift and now i'm down to 12 hours so that's what i'm doing this week oh god
let's let's not start yawning let's let's save that for after i've finished editing this and
i've finished my presentation so oh i hear weird noises in my ear. That's
That's always lovely. I like that
Kind of got derailed pretty quickly because of that. Um, yeah, so I
Probably should structure these ideas like I I don't really
Try to keep like some rigid structure for the podcast, because the podcast is kind of just
like a thrown together thing, but I probably should make a bit more of a structure for this,
I've just got like a list of junk, basically, it's a list of just ideas, they're not in any
particular order, they're just like a list of ideas,
like a list of ideas. Mmm. Did I talk about how the supermarkets are going? They're pretty, yeah I think I briefly mentioned it but the the shelves are
still pretty bare. Some supermarkets are getting a little better but
most of them are pretty bad and that's partially because people are still
buying a bunch of junk and partially because the supermarkets are rationing delivery.
So if you don't know, I don't know if this has hit the news yet.
But in Australia, the two major supermarkets, so Coles and Woolworths, or Woolies if you're an Aussie.
They are starting to ration which stores get delivery.
So they're trying to focus on the rural stores just because they have less stores out there. If you're in town, you can drive like 10 minutes down the road and
get to another Woolies or get to another Coles. But if you're out in like Wakery, you're 150k's
down to the Riverland, your nearest, I think your next nearest supermarket if you're in Wakery is
Berry. And that's a good third, 2030 minute drive away and then after that it would be
Renmark I believe which is about just as far away so yeah they're trying to focus on the rural areas
but the problem with doing that also is that because the rural areas are so far away they
also get less deliveries done so because the trucks have
to go out that way they have to go even further from the delivery center so because of that it
just ends up causing less deliveries to get completed and then less of the city stores get
done but i guess it's probably best that it's being done like that because if i want something
there is maybe 10 supermarkets within like a half an hour distance from here.
So I'm not in any worry about buying stuff, assuming the shops stay open.
I'm not in any worry about buying stuff.
But as I said, if you're in a rural area, it's not as easy.
So it probably makes sense.
I know Foodland is doing a bit better though.
So is Foodland in other states?
I actually don't even know if Foodland is in other states they might be an sa thing i don't know if anyone's in like queensland or
any anywhere like that let me know food lands a thing i know you guys have like igas and stuff
but i don't know about food land anyway food land is doing a bit better because they have
generally have a bit more expensive prices so if you go like into the city
food land if there are any food lands out that way they'll be hit really hard because you know
people have money out that way but if you go the further north you go the less money people have
so the less likely people are to shop at the food land unless they really care about supporting
local business so because of that if you want stuff just go to a food lane because it'll probably
be there you'll pay like a dollar or two more but it's probably gonna be there now some of the food
lanes are getting hit pretty hard especially the ones that are near supermarkets just because
if they're near someone will go over to it but if they're like out of the way i know there's one
on um what's the road called stebenheath road in
davenport and it's like i think it's far enough away from the main road that if you don't know
about the store you're not going to know about the store so what i said probably makes no sense there
but what i mean is that you know how a lot of stores are on main roads.
So if you just are casually driving by, you're going to know about the store.
But this is one where it's just far enough off of a main road
where if you don't know that the store is there,
you're never going to go out of your way to go to it.
So that store, I've heard from guys who live out that way that it's still pretty
packed in there, like I think they still have rice and stuff, but I don't expect
that to happen for too long because obviously people have GPS's and they can
find the store. So if you like write rice within a 10 kilometer radius you'll find
it. I don't know how the little like Asian grocers are going either. I've heard they are slowly getting hit for rice and stuff, but initially,
I know that they were doing, um, they were doing pretty good because most people just don't even
know what half the stuff is in there. If you can't read the writing, you're probably not going to
bother walking into the store. So the Asian grocers are doing pretty good for rice, but they probably won't be for long. I did go out and buy some stuff. Now I didn't go out
and buy like a ton of stuff. I bought 10 kilos of rice, about two and a half
kilos of chicken because I don't expect the power to go out. Anyone who thinks the
power is gonna go out, you're insane. I don't think we're gonna fall that far
into an apocalypse, but anyway,
like two and a half kilos of chicken is like $15, so I don't even, even if it did, I don't really
care, but I've got my 10 kilos of rice, two and a half kilos of chicken, I think I'll be fine,
that's plenty of food for a long time, my theory is that if college kids can live off of cup noodles
for an entire semester, I can probably live off of
rice and chicken for a couple of months. That's my theory. Obviously, the chicken won't last for
a couple of months, but 10 kilos of rice, I haven't really worked out how long it would last for,
but I imagine it would easily last a couple of months, especially if I'm just eating it by myself.
Obviously, if you were feeding a family, 10 kilos of rice wouldn't last that long.
But a single person, I feel like it probably would,
especially if I did start rationing it.
But I'm not of the mindset
the stores are going to close for a couple of months.
And I'm not of the mindset
that we're going to be forced to do a full lockdown.
You'll hear stories online
about people getting arrested for breaking quarantine, but
most of those people who are getting arrested, those are like more inflammatory titles. They're
getting arrested because they're doing large gatherings. So they'll do like 50 plus gatherings.
And yeah, for those, I can see why the police would probably come in to stop it. Now, do I
think it should be happening probably
not do i think you should be going out of your way to do a massive gathering right now no you
shouldn't be doing it now on that note i did go to my cousin's engagement party on the weekend and
that was about 50 or so people in a really small space but look if i can't be hypocritical then
what can I be?
It was planned, like, months in advance, though.
And it's an engagement party with, like, close family and stuff.
It was only 50 people.
I think quarantine limits in SA are still 500.
But I know a lot of states are starting to, like, lower them, I think that my state is actually,
like, basically shutting down the border, like, as much as possible, I'll see if I can find
something on that, um, I probably should have prepared this earlier, but I guess I wasn't
planning to talk about it, I wasn't planning to talk about much, actually, like, most of these
episodes, um, I, yeah, I don't't really i have my topics obviously but once i
start going off topic then it could really go anywhere uh south australia to close borders
in response to the thing that i'm not going to say the forex flu um interstate arrivals we need
to self-isolate for 14 days so if you come across from state lines in
Australia you can just go wherever you want normally but now there will be a 14 day self-isolation
period and the border controls will apply to road air rail and sea access. Western Australia
actually already did this I think a few weeks no was that was it tassie was
it western australia western yeah western australia is doing i think tassie might be as well
uh there will only be exceptions for essential travel so i presume essential travel is going to mean uh anyone who is involved in the um essential services so people so you're
going to have your uh deliveries obviously so your truck drivers are going to be allowed through
um you're going to have health care professionals so doctors probably aren't going to be either
and anyone like in the medical industry that's directly related to like making sure this doesn't get any worse
and i think that's probably going to be pretty much it so i guess don't leave the state yeah i
if sa and wa have done this i imagine the other states are going to start doing this now i know
the prime minister has basically said stop they've basically just said to the state stop doing this. Now I know the Prime Minister has basically said stop. They've
basically just said to the states stop doing this. Just you don't need to lock
your borders but I guess we're deciding to do that which is probably a good idea
to be honest. Like at this stage I know there's some people who are talking
about how this is such a big problem like oh I can't I can't go on my Easter
holiday to another state like
is that really the most important thing right now like I think your kids are going to get over the
fact they can't go on a holiday for one year like I don't know what this level of entitlement is
where people just have to go traveling all the time now I get that some people want to travel and you should have if you want to travel
that's entirely fine but there are some times times where you shouldn't be traveling and one
of those times is when there is a world pandemic going on another one of those times is probably
during war but you know what some people still go to like tourist vacations to war zones so i guess that's not
really going to change anything but right now if you care about your family don't go traveling
like it's probably bad enough to be leaving like your local community but you don't need to leave
the state stay in your state just i don't you don't have to self-isolate you don't have to like quarantine yourself but
try to limit travel now for someone like me that's really easy because me and all of the other
sort of like i hate the word introverted but people who like staying at home people like me
it's great because i don't actually have to change
anything, I, like, if I'm, like, what, I go for less walks, that's basically all I do, which I
probably shouldn't do, probably should be going for more walks, because since no one else is outside,
it's a great time to go for a walk if you want to self-isolate, because no one else is around,
but for people who like staying home, people who are gamers, people who are like Linux nerds,
nothing's actually changed really. But I guess the people who go to like sporting events and stuff,
it is weird. Now, that's actually a good segue. So, one of my mates is a like really big fan of the
WWE. So, he was telling me about something that was happening recently. So I don't know what the
event exactly was for, but I know WrestleMania is coming up soon and they're going to be changing
the way that structure as well. They're going to be doing it in like a more, a smaller arena
because what happened with this one fight, and it's been happening with a lot of things actually.
So this one fight, they had nobody in the audience. um i think it was steve austin was trying to like his
like rile up with the crowd and there's no one in the audience so he was like going off on his
spiel doing his things like rile everyone up and it was dead silence they didn't even have like a
fake crowd noise so what happened was one of the commentators tried to respond, and then he got really angry
at the fact that he responded, and just like, what is happening right now? I know that Apple
did an announcement recently, and they had their studio audience filled with cardboard cutouts,
I'll see if, I'll find a picture for it, and I'll put it in the description down below if I remember but they had a empty audience and they just
filled the front row with cardboard cutouts instead of just like moving the
camera a bit forward so it wasn't showing the crowd. They took the weird
approach and this is what everyone's doing. I know the footy, the footy is
still going on so that would be Australian rules football the ultimate version of football fight me everyone else. I don't even care about footy the footy is still going on so that would be australian rules football the ultimate
version of football fight me everyone else i don't even care about footy but i like i like making
everyone else angry about it um so the footy went on and i think the arena was empty so they were in
like the mcg or somewhere like that which is like a massive sports stadium and they were just playing the
match and no one was there i've got mates who do um i think he said he does taekwondo and he had
a fight recently and the like the arena they're doing it in was empty so the other dude could
hear what his uh coach was saying so normally you can't hear your coach because there's too much background noise but when there's no background
noise you can hear exactly what the opposite person or your opponent's
opponent's coach is saying so you can hear every single tactic. So the world is
getting really weird like we're not shutting down these massive events we're
still keeping them running but we're keeping them running in wheat in our really,
really weird ways.
Like we don't need cardboard cutouts.
Just raise your camera up.
You don't need to be in the MCG.
Just use like a local sports field and you don't need,
I guess maybe with the WWE,
it would make sense if they used a fake crowd noise
and same with like the mma and all those you can say whatever you want about wwe it's a really
crazy like it it's it's still a sport they are still insane athletes yes it's acting but if you
think that you can do some of the stuff they do in the WWE without being incredibly fit, you are completely fooling yourself.
But for things like that, same with footy as well, actually.
Just have a fake crowd noise because it would make it a bit more watchable.
I didn't watch the footy match where it was empty, but I can't imagine it was interesting in the same sort of way.
it was empty but I can't imagine it was interesting in the same sort of way because a lot of the vibe of doing a big sports match like that it comes from the fact that you
have like a massive crowd of people around you they're all interested in the same thing
but if you don't have that I can't imagine it has the same level of enjoyment now obviously the
sport for it you don't really have that like take can't imagine it has the same level of enjoyment. Now obviously the sport for it, you don't really have that.
Like take cycling for example, yeah you have a bit of crowd noise, but generally it's focused on what the riders are doing.
So for something like that, it probably doesn't make much of a difference.
Actually I wonder how the V8 racing is going.
So in Australia, we don't care about NASCAR, NASCAR doesn't matter.
What we do is V8 supercars. So we drive around tracks that have more than just a single kind of
turn. We don't just do an oval, we have like windy turns and we have like turns
that go like this and we have all crazy sorts of turns. I know it's it's probably
insane for someone who watches NASCAR but I wonder if the v8 racing still
going on how that's going I presume what they're gonna do when the next big event
happens is they're probably gonna just have no crowd which shouldn't be another
weird one wouldn't it so you'll be watching the race happen and they'll
just be like no one watching it that That would I kind of want to watch that. That sounds interesting
One thing I'm not sure about whether it's gonna go on is the Olympics so the Tokyo Olympics are happening this year which I
Really want to happen because I hope I hope what they do is they just delay it
Because I want to see what Tokyo's opening ceremony is going to be.
Actually, they might still do it.
They might just do it with empty arenas.
That would be weird.
I think that would be like a first in Olympics history.
If they just did the Olympics.
And did...
Well, obviously it would be a first that they had entirely online streaming.
And just entirely streaming.
On TV as well.
But it would be the first time in history where you had the Olympics running and the crowds were empty.
What a weird world we live in right now.
It's just a bizarre time to be alive.
It's been a bizarre time for the past couple of years,
ever since like 2016, really.
Maybe even a bit before that.
It's just been a bizarre world.
Because I don't remember the world being this crazy when I was younger.
But ever since like the previous US election, even a bit before that,
the world's just been really weird.
I would say...
I don't remember being this crazy like before, before, obviously, you have, you've had
pandemics, but, I mean, just, like, the, the general vibe that's going on in the world, I don't remember,
I don't remember being this crazy when I, back in, like, 2015 or 2014, I was 14, 15 at the time, so I was
probably taking a bit less attention of it back then, because back then I would have been playing, like, Battlefield and Call of Duty, but I don't know, I don't feel
like, I did dive a bit more into politics when I hit, like, 16, 17, but I don't, I don't think it
was just, like, a subtle change into that, I think there was, like, some big event in the world that happened, like,
I think, like, anyone who's been following politics the past couple of years probably
knows what I mean, like, it wasn't like this a few years ago, because if you look at some of
the responses to what's been happening, there have been some, uh, some hot takes to some of the, uh,
the case numbers that have been happening, and who's been affected by it, which I'm not going to go
into this podcast, I might bring Marty on
for another episode like that, because that would be fun
because Marty would be more than happy
to talk about that
but yeah
I think we'll keep that
at a, as a little
wrapped together for now, and I'll
save that for another time maybe if I remember.
One thing I want to talk about is actually how to... So right now I have the podcast being like uploaded everywhere.
Because I use a service called Anchor FM.
So Anchor FM is awesome.
So they let you do free podcast hosting.
Obviously they have a file size limit but they do free podcast hosting and they'll actually make the process easy to get onto
things like apple podcasts and google podcasts they actually go and do the application process
for you which is insane so they also do it for Spotify as well, I believe.
All the other little ones you have to do yourself.
So if you want to be on like...
I don't even remember some of the other names.
If you want to be on any of the little podcasting apps,
you have to do that yourself.
But the major ones, it'll do for you.
So I had an idea to do the same thing for my main channel.
And actually for this one as well.
So I kind of want to be uploading the podcast and my main channel and actually for this one as well so i kind of want to be uploading the
podcast and my main channel content everywhere but i don't really want to spend the time to
actually go and upload it because getting used to things like library where it does its um auto
pulling from youtube and getting used to bitube which does the same thing and also anchor fm which
like pushes my podcast out everywhere and i don't know if you even think about it.
I want to do the same thing for like Steemit.
For I guess Steampeak now.
Because the Steemit hard fork is happening.
And actually I might talk about that in a later episode.
Steemit is basically dying because they had like a takeover.
And the new dude just wanted to ruin everything.
But I'm not big into the Steemit community.
I'll save that for another time.
So I want to upload to that.
I want to upload to DTube.
I want to upload to any of the other services that might pop up.
So there's no tool to conveniently do this.
So I was thinking of just doing it myself.
Because you know what?
I've been at uni for four years.
So I might as well use that that education for something because right now I'm not
really planning to actually use it for getting paid but what I was thinking of
doing is there's a server or I guess not a service a library called web driver so
what web driver will let you do is basically just drive your web browser
now I was thinking of writing a
little Python script so that I could automatically log into these services
and then like just manually, not manually, automatically upload the
content to it. Now I would have to manually click submit probably because
I'm not sure if there'd be a way to make it so I could wait until it's fully
uploaded to submit it but I could have it so it automatically logs into the service uploads the video
put the description put the title puts the tags and then goes in the next
service and does all that so all I would have to do in the end is just click
upload and be done with it now the way I was going to do this is, I actually got a great idea from a video I watched a while ago. So if you look up Python Tinder bot, it should be the first result.
That's how I got the idea for this video or this video, this idea.
And basically it's the same concept.
So it uses WebDriver to basically log into the desktop version of Tinder.
And then starts auto swiping.
So you can do things like mouse gestures and stuff with this library.
So you can basically just automate anything on your system.
That's one of the things that Python is great for.
I don't get why people write things like file managers in Python.
But if you're going to be doing things like this.
Where it's more like system automation
that can't be done with shell script that's what Python is for. Python is a replacement for Perl
and a replacement for I guess Ruby is I think Ruby came later. Ruby is kind of in the same
world but Ruby is more of like a web thing but they're all kind of like scripting languages for
I guess system management where you can't do that level
of system management with a shell script. So basically that's what I'm going to do. So I'm
going to automatically log into these services, auto-upload the video, and do that. So it shouldn't
be too difficult, really. The one problem I'm not really sure about is how to get the file actually
onto the thing. Because I don't know if there's a way to automate your file explorer
without automating the mouse.
I don't know if there's a way to actually drive the file explorer.
Now, there might be a way to bind a file to your mouse
and then upload it like that with Python.
But I'm not really sure.
I haven't looked much into it. So I'm not really sure. I haven't looked
much into it, so I'm not sure if that's a thing you can do. I feel like you might be able to.
If not, I guess I'm gonna have to make the script just for myself and then
automate my mouse cursor to drag something in from my file manager. I'd prefer not to do that
method though. I would like to have a more generic version because I feel like this tool would be insanely useful for anyone who wants to
upload to these services because I've talked about how important it is to
be uploading to library, to YouTube, to BitTube, to DTube, to Steam. It's basically
just be uploading everywhere and why I think that not doing that is a really terrible idea
Now I know some people have a bit of a different
Conception about where they think that you should be focusing on one platform and build a community there
Personally though, I think it's much better to build a community around your content than around a platform
So I'll have my videos on all of these little platforms and then the common connector between
all of these platforms is the fact that my content is there so if people are from library
if people are from bit tube they could still talk to each other about my content or they could come
into my discord and we could all chat about it the common connection factor is my content. I don't want to be someone who is
locked onto the fact that I am a YouTuber, I am a librarian, I am a bituber. I don't want to be in
a situation like that. I want to have it so my content can be anywhere. So if a new service pops
up or if I wanted to get onto something like if one day I could be on Floatplane, for example,
I could go there and
it wouldn't really be some sudden change it would be like oh Brody's just on another platform so
maybe you want to go support him there that's kind of what I want it to be I want my content to be
the thing that people care about not the platform that they watch it on to be the thing I guess so
yeah that's that's basically how I feel about that. So I
want to make a tool to make it easy to do that. And if I can share that with other people, I feel
like that would be insanely useful. Now, this isn't some idea that I'm like holding really
close to myself. If someone watches this and, um, and they decide I want to do that myself,
and they decide, I want to do that myself, do it. Please do it. It'll save me so much time.
But if no one does it, I guess I might as well just do it myself then. So I think that's pretty much everything for this podcast. So I've been going on for a bit over an hour now, and I've
got to do some preparations for this presentation. Plus, I'm kind of running out of topics. And doing a
solo podcast for more than an hour, I don't really feel like is a great idea. I feel like an hour
is probably a good length for a solo podcast. Because once it gets past this point, it kind
of gets hard to like think of topics. Now, I could think of some more stuff as I'm going because
that's kind of what I've been doing throughout this video anyway. But at least for me, I feel
like one hour for a solo podcast is a good one. Now, when I have a guest on next time, maybe I'll
do two hours, maybe I'll do three hours, maybe I'll do half an hour. We'll see what the guest
feels like doing. I think I'll save the really variable length for the guest episodes and then
make the solo ones always roughly about an hour
so yeah i think that's pretty much everything for this episode of the podcast so this has been
episode four of tech over tea this is the second solo episode i don't know if next week's gonna be
solo it might be might not be we'll see what people doing i can't imagine people are too busy
right now because obviously a lot of work is getting
cancelled, and a lot of classes are getting cancelled, so maybe I'll be able to find someone
to be a guest for next time, maybe I'll bring Marty back on, he'd probably be happy to come on,
because the club isn't too busy right now, and yeah, anyway, that is all for me, so I still don't
have a way to end these, and yeah, it's nice to have a guess because when I have a
guess I can just force them to come up with an ending but when I'm by myself I kind of got to
do it myself anyway I think we'll just end it there and I'm out