Tech Over Tea - This Is Not A Gentoo Video | Joshua Lee

Episode Date: May 17, 2023

Today we have a video that is not a Gentoo video, and that's because 10leej or Joshua Lee is on the show to talk about some of the ridiculous projects he's got himself involved in. ==========G...uest Links========== YouTube: Website: ==========Support The Show========== ► Patreon: ► Paypal: ► Amazon USA: ► Other Methods: =========Video Platforms========== 🎥 YouTube: =========Audio Release========= 🎵 RSS: 🎵 Apple Podcast: 🎵 Spotify: 🎵 Google Podcast: 🎵 Anchor: ==========Social Media========== 🎤 Discord: 🐦 Twitter: 📷 Instagram: 🌐 Mastodon: ==========Credits========== 🎨 Channel Art: All my art has was created by Supercozman DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 good morning good day and good evening welcome to episode 168 i believe of tech of a t i'm as always your host brady robertson and this is not a gen 2 video welcome to the show joshua how's it going well not too bad uh well you see uh i just got off of work after a very boring night where i completely lost track of time until you started messaging me. I'm like, oh, that's what time it is. Yeah, I don't have Discord on my phone or anything like that. So I got home like 10 minutes before we were supposed to start. Well, it also turns out that I forgot my wallet at home, too.
Starting point is 00:00:44 And it's a 60 mile route. It's a 60 mile one way trip from my house to where I work. Jesus. So I ask. I have to do the thing. And it's just like, hey, can I get like five dollars from somebody here? So it's just like I can make sure I can get home. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Because, you know, I drive a Toyota Corolla. It gets about 40 miles a gallon. Mm-hmm. Not bad for a car made in the early 2000s. But it's just like, yeah, it's just a little far. How old's your Corolla? Say what? What year is it?
Starting point is 00:01:19 Oh, 2002. Oh, okay. Yeah, it is a bit of an older model then. Yeah. I recently got rid of my old 2001 Holden Barina, and that thing, you know, it got me around places. The issue is a lot, my passenger mirror was held on with duct tape. The engine had this problem where if you, when it was cold,
Starting point is 00:01:52 it would sometimes, like, stutter forward, which would sometimes happen on highway mergers. You know, the air conditioning didn't work. There's a bunch of other problems I just didn't want to deal with. So I was like, you know what? I'm done. Bye-bye. I just, I sold the car to someone they did a five minute test drive didn't notice any of the problems and bought it on the spot like good take the bomb i don't want it never speak to me again
Starting point is 00:02:17 oh you'd have a trip with my car then because i literally bought it out of a junkyard and drove it home hey yeah i bought from junkyard it it needed a tie rod because you know uh what the previous owner was driving the car down the road tie rod broke and then they spun the car out hit a tree so it's got a big old dent in the passenger side and then i bought it because i was going to use it as a race car because we got a local racetrack around here so i put the kit i strip out the interior i put the cage in it i take it a couple laps around the racetrack you know uh run a couple endurance races which you know is about six hours straight of just driving full throttle because you know it's just an oval track there's no reason never hit the brakes uh perfect punishment for a car by the way this car is beat the hell in back and then uh my daily driver blew up
Starting point is 00:03:02 so it's just like okay well then uh let's just take this car back we'll take we'll take the roll cage out because it's just oh no i thought you were gonna say you just left the roll cage in there just no i took it out because i took it out because i needed to put street legal seats back in ah that makes sense i see so uh i i put the interior back in dirt i still have the mounts in there if i want to like make a new cage and put it in there but uh i don't have the time to do that anymore fair enough but uh you know i'm just driving down the highway and like this old beat-up car uh because you know it happens to be legal in ohio to drive a car in such a terrible shape yeah i've seen some of the houses there so like i'm not surprised that the cars you know you can get away with some fucking awful shit there well uh there's a reason why
Starting point is 00:03:51 the state of ohio is actually one of the cheapest places to actually buy property in the united states right now right because nobody wants to move here fair enough yeah okay that makes sense it's not as bad as like west virginia where it's just like there's just no reason to move there because you know ohio's got a lot of stuff going on for it however you don't want to move here yeah i well the thing with australia is a lot of australia is like you it's not you don't want to move there it's you can't live there like that that's the difference like you can live in ohio you can't live in most of this country it's you can't live there like that that's the difference like you can live in ohio you can't live in most of this country it's just like oh nearest town is three hours away nearest
Starting point is 00:04:32 water is three hours away good luck have fun yeah uh i i used to work in logistics and uh the company that i that i worked for was based out of austral So, of course, every now and then, they would actually have a truck driver just change countries and decide, oh, I'm done driving truck in Australia. I'm going to move to the United States to drive truck over there. And, of course, I would talk to these guys, and they would talk about the road trains that
Starting point is 00:04:57 they would have out in Australia. Oh, my goodness. I better mute that phone. I partially... I have a partial ownership of a business, so, of course, I better mute that phone. I partially... I have a partial ownership of a business, so of course I get a lot of emails. Ah, right. Fair enough. I worked the third shift, so I don't have to answer the emails, but, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:16 I gotta be able to at least look at them. I go like, yes, I read that email, I swear. Yeah, gotta look busy at least. Yeah. Pete, what's up um the road trains uh but yeah the road trains which uh if uh you if you don't live in australia or you you live in sydney australia and you've never seen one uh road trains are basically just like these big old american styles semi trucks they're called long hood trucks and uh they pull uh three to four trailers, sometimes more, at a time. And they literally just drive from one end of Australia to the other.
Starting point is 00:05:51 That is their one job in life. Let's see if we can find a ridiculous picture. That's got to be a pretty boring drive. How many should I show? I'm trying to find one that has a ridiculous number of trailers on it. I'm sure you could probably find one here we go here's this is five that is such a horrible picture this is five uh petrol tankers that is i love these things that's so good yeah i mean uh they they look beautiful to drive in a straight line
Starting point is 00:06:26 never having to go backwards no never yeah i can only imagine what happens when they take a wrong turn well i've um i've got um relative like well my parents live out at rural so i will you know occasionally go out there it's like a 130k drive. I don't know what that is in miles. Can go and convert it. I don't know. Anyway, it's like an hour and a half drive away. And occasionally you will see these road trains going by. And like, if you are behind one of them,
Starting point is 00:07:03 you are not getting anywhere until the next overtaking section. It's just going to be going at the speed it's going. And you just wait. There's some people there that are like, you know what? I'm going to try overtaking it. And this is like a two-lane road. So you have traffic going one way, traffic going the other way. Like, let's just wing it, see what happens. And they're like, I've seen people do this near turns.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Like, what are you doing? Are you trying to die? Just wait. And like, we have so many overtaking lanes out here. Like, you know, every, you know, four or five kilometers, there'll be an overtaking lane. You can wait a couple of minutes, but nope, gotta move straight away.
Starting point is 00:07:39 And then if you're in front of one, well, you know, you don't want to be in a situation where you need to put your foot on the brake. Because if you are, you got to get off the road. Do not be anywhere near one of those trucks. Well, the funny thing is here in the eastern United States, we actually don't have overtaking lanes. Okay. So if you get stuck behind a truck like that on a two-lane road, you are stuck behind that truck. Is there just no overtaking in that case?
Starting point is 00:08:09 Well, there is overtaking. It just depends on the lines on the road. Sometimes you see the dashed lines. Other times you see the solid lines. We do the same thing. Yeah, it's a relatively simple concept, but just obey the lines. If you have a solid line line you're not allowed to pass if it's dashed you're you're allowed to pass it makes sense that said how many people actually
Starting point is 00:08:31 follow those lines who knows oh my the fucking lighted the thing i hate the most driving out there is you'll occasionally see cop cars they're driving like five ten kilometers under the limit just waiting waiting for someone to speed past them to overtake them it's like guys but i wish that was something that that happened out here but we have the opposite case where the police officers are oftentimes speeding but they do that here as well uh that's awesome because i i happen to be in a very rural area where we only have three sheriff's deputies for the entire county jesus christ you know i i uh i i used to thankfully it's a very small county of about 1400 people oh well that works yeah i used to live like real rural um the the school i went to at the time had like 50 students and that was from
Starting point is 00:09:26 i don't know how they structure it in in america but it was from like the start of school so like five ish up to 12 and there was 50 students in the entire school i enjoyed it out there i would like to go go live rural again, but, you know, it's also real convenient where I'm at right now. Like, you know, everything's in a reasonable driving distance. I don't have to drive 60 miles to get to work. That's always nice. But, hey, one day maybe.
Starting point is 00:09:58 One day I can dream. Yep, maybe. So before we started the show, you showed me the... Yeah, that's one cup of tea oh you want to talk about the cups okay okay so uh if you guys have seen me on other youtubers contents i'm oftentimes drinking cup coffee or water or in this case i'm drinking tea today i will oftentimes show this cup uh this is the the wonderful challenge accepted cup that I'll always drink out of after I agree to
Starting point is 00:10:27 some kind of a challenge or I dare somebody to take a challenge you know like install Gen 2 in the meantime I've also got the DT cup where you can't read it because you know DT used a horrible font for this but it says Linux should hurt a little.
Starting point is 00:10:47 And then of these three cups, Zero Linux has the best cup. That is a pretty good cup. Yeah. I mean, it is slightly larger. It's a 10-ounce cup rather than an 8-ounce, and it's actually thicker
Starting point is 00:11:02 walled, which means that it insulates better as a coffee mug i have my cup says tee hee hee i didn't buy this my mom bought it for me oh and you know just as sure i'll use it why not yeah and just to spice things up a little bit i've got the venerable bottle of Bacardi. Hey! I don't have anything to drink right now, but I do have a bunch of empty Strong Zero cans down here. It's like... No, there's five cans,
Starting point is 00:11:40 and then the other ones are empty, moldy ice coffee bottles. I should really throw these out. They're gross. But they can live on the floor for now. Usually they live on the desk, but I was like, you know what, let's clean my desk this week for the videos. Half the time, if you watch my videos at the start of the week,
Starting point is 00:12:02 I record in bulk, so I do four videos and two videos. Sometimes in the four-video block, you'll see a ton of alcohol just on the side because i just didn't clear it off after the weekend because half the time i'm just like you know what i'm gonna drink by myself and play i don't know right now i'm playing near it's a lot of fun i saw i saw you uh post about mastodon but near is a fantastic game uh i am doing it yeah like i i was actually watching the anime first and the anime and then i'm just one day i just i just get scrolling through the country roll comments because you know crunch rolls like the only proper legal service that you know serves anime uh but uh you know i'm just scrolling through the country
Starting point is 00:12:42 roll comments and then like everybody's fucking spoiling the animator like well fuck I might as well just play the game yup yup how much are you through the game right now? I'm basically at the start of the second playthrough so I'm playing as 9S right now I just got to the third playthrough
Starting point is 00:12:58 okay I was told that at the end of the first playthrough that apparently there's 23 different endings. No, there's 26. There's 26 different endings. I have found two of them so far, where I ate a fish and died, and then another one where I finished the first playthrough.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Okay. With 9S as one, you know right at the start how much you played in the second playthrough uh i played the intro and then okay okay so they just they just self-destructed and uh i'm currently in the space center because i've made no progress because i decided i was going to to switch to this other links distribution and then i decided i was going to start helping this linux distribution like I normally do. And of course, if you guys know me, I tend to break a lot of things.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Get to Linux itself. So I've been constantly reinstalling this distribution for the past two weeks, because we're running the unstable branch like a savage. I might also, because it's the only branch of this operating system that ships a 6.2 kernel, because I happen to be using an intel arc gpu ah um the thing i wanted to mention with uh with 9s so you know
Starting point is 00:14:10 right at the start like just after you do the the robot bit with like the oil um yeah so you know how it's like hey get in the flying thing if you decide to just walk away that's an ending. It's like, 9S abandoned his mission. Humanity is dead. I should have tried that. I didn't even think about it. I just thought it was like, because you could walk over to where 2B was going to fight the big thingy. The big claw? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Whatever it is. If you start walking over, the game just ends. I noticed that 9S can apparently see like enemy names that you couldn't see as 2b yeah because uh the the first big boss there that you fight uh if you if you don't go through the first playthrough the name's just question marks yeah yeah the angles was the first boss um i think so i thought that was linked to maybe the uh the site i don't did were you doing any of the side quests in your first playthrough uh i was doing some of the side quests i just never dawned on me to actually do many of the side quests until like it was entirely too late to like do the side quests so I wound up just like steamrolling through it and I
Starting point is 00:15:27 fought the circus I fought like the amusement park boss which is a level 25 boss and I was level 8 uh so luckily you can just spam the dodge button and you never get hurt well I didn't
Starting point is 00:15:43 discover the dodge button until about two hours into that fight how did you get through the first fight if you didn't know what the dodge button uh it's called run tuck and roll i guess i guess you do get like 30 healing items so it's pretty hard to die even if you get hit with everything yeah well uh i'm used to playing monster hunter ah or you know you hit the A button and dodge. So I was actually just jumping over some of the things. It works, it works. Because, you know, it's like, this makes sense to me.
Starting point is 00:16:14 It never, it never dawned on me. Like, I play with controller because Dvorak keyboards. So it's just like, game's not going to support it. So it's just like, just hit right trigger. This controller? Yeah. This is a, this is a Gully Kit King Kong Pro controller. That's what they call it.
Starting point is 00:16:33 They literally call it a Gully Kit King Kong Pro 2. King Kong. Yeah, it's just that whenever I see anyone that has... Ah, here it is. Whenever I see anyone that has a third-party controller right now, everyone just... Everyone has an 8-bit controller. I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Okay, so... I've not seen this one before. This one... This is a very unique controller because these are not resistive sticks. Every single button and stick on this controller is a hall effect sensor oh yeah oh that's cool i've been rocking this controller for about a year and a half now and i've been using it every day for multiple hours
Starting point is 00:17:19 not a single bit of joystick drift at all. Not even a hint. It is perfect. I pull up the Steam joystick calibrator. Spot on zero every time. Oh, okay. And the company actually supports right to repair. So you can buy replacement parts for this controller too. Wow. I know. And they sell
Starting point is 00:17:46 a stick kit for the Steam Deck as well. So you can replace your Steam Deck joysticks with the same sensors that's in this. God, what the hell is playing? Stop playing audio. Their website had an automatic play trailer. Stop it. Don't do that.
Starting point is 00:18:03 How much is it? It's $90 okay it's it's like in the range of the normal controller prices it is worth the price it's like it's it's about i think that's about the same price as like the microsoft pro controller um i think actually give me one sec xbook i think it might just be the price of the normal controller uh no that's not what I searched for xbook one controller here we go oh okay yeah I just looked it up
Starting point is 00:18:33 the elite wireless controller series 2 is 150 US dollars where this one is 70 uh okay I need someone to search stuff for me you're welcome i i uh how much is the regular controller okay no regular controller is about the same price as a ghillie kit okay okay yeah the the biggest thing the biggest drawback to this is that they advertise that as a nintendo
Starting point is 00:19:02 switch controller right uh which it works great for but lighted uh i i rearranged these buttons here because you know i took the controller part and just pop these out and just put move them around to the appropriate places oh i didn't that didn't even click with me yeah it's a nintendo switch controller you can't really see the letters but like uh it's got like the nintendo button layout yeah it does huh yeah i even have like the dedicated screenshot, which I've found quite handy. I actually mapped this to actually control Hyperland for a little bit. Just as an experiment. But it is a Bluetooth controller.
Starting point is 00:19:39 It's got four different settings here for the Bluetooth. So it can identify as a Direct ActiveX direct, uh, ActiveX controller, or a direct input controller. Oh! It can map as an Android controller, or a Switch controller as well. So, uh, I can have it, I have it mapped to not only my computer, but also my Switch, as well as
Starting point is 00:19:58 my phone, uh, even though I play no games whatsoever on the phone, I just set up for the fun of it. And then, uh, I have no reason to use direct input ever. That's a really cool controller. It is. It even supports like cheaty macros too. So you can set up like
Starting point is 00:20:14 rapid fire turbo buttons if you want. I don't do that because I believe in being fair. Yeah, that's fair. I don't even know how you do that. It's a really cool controller. I heavily recommend it to anybody that's willing to buy... that needs a new controller.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Right now, my go-to... Here we go. I'm very boring with my controller choices. I have a first-party Series X controller in white. Don't buy white controllers. Bad idea. Yeah white don't buy white controllers a bad idea that yeah don't buy white controllers i i use the xbox 360 i know i know exactly why you don't buy a white controller yeah now this control like there's you know there's what do you what do you i don't know grime we'll call it there's grime growing up on them i need to get some like alcohol wipes and
Starting point is 00:21:02 clean it but yeah i i just buy first-party controllers. I like them. I think the reason why I buy first-party controllers is, like everyone, I was burnt on third-party controllers back in the PS2 days. And I've never really recovered from it. Yeah. But nowadays,
Starting point is 00:21:20 there are some really good options. Like, this one's cool. People are really good with the 8-bit DOH dough controls how are the um how are the drivers with uh with linux how does it just uh this it just works just works okay yeah so just make sure you set the x input and it just works because uh all you need to do is if is if you're planning on using with steam just make sure you install the steam devices package okay i might have it it is it is literally class compliant it is fantastic lighted uh if you're going to be like doing anything like firmware updates with this uh you do need to use windows right fair enough uh but at the same time i have no need to update the firmware because
Starting point is 00:22:03 the controller works as it is and it's's not internet-connected, so why do I care? Yeah, what would you need to change with the firmware? I think the firmware updates available, they mostly just introduce new features and stuff like that. Or maybe fix a bug that somebody found somewhere, but like I said, it's been working fine for me. So it would be like bugs with the macro configuration stuff and whatever, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:28 But yeah, prior to that controller, I used this venerable Xbox 360 controller that I bought 10 years ago. It still works, surprisingly. And then I also had a Logitech F340 or something like that. Cheap little $10 controller that looks just like a ps2 controller f340 uh no not the i think it's enough f10 i found wait is that might be the one it looks just like a playstation controller does is that yeah f310 that's 310 that looks like the reason
Starting point is 00:23:06 why i don't like okay oh my god why the picture's not loading uh that looks like the reason why i don't like third-party controllers i have a control that looked like this as a kid yeah now that controller actually isn't bad uh-huh because you know it falls into a category of logitech devices where it's just like good reliable cheap crap that's fair no yeah i i'm a i'm a big logitech shield like i've got my my g305 here i've got my i can't move that i've got my mmo mouse here i don't know if you can see it my uh oh yeah i've also got the mmo mouse hey yeah i like it It is my relegated gaming mouse that I use for the few games
Starting point is 00:23:47 that I play that actually has that I actually use a mouse for. You know, like MMOs. And then I've got the daily driver trackball and then I'm looking at picking up another trackball at some point too. Preferably rather than a thumb ball like this one, like an actual finger ball
Starting point is 00:24:03 because I'm starting to delve more into AutoCAD and Blender. And supposedly those are a little bit nicer. How is the trackball life? I've never actually used one. Trackballs? Yeah. So if you're brand new to trackballs and you've never used one before, get this trackball.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Okay. This is, I think they call it like the MX Master or something like that. Ah, yep. I can't use the device, yeah. This says M570. It's just, it's cheap. It's like 25 bucks on US Amazon,
Starting point is 00:24:37 and it works. I just use this. This one is just, I just use it with my laptop mostly. Just drop it in the grab and go bag because you know sometimes you don't want to use a trackpad and uh you know but uh the big the big advantage of the trackball is that you know after a while it's just like uh it's it's just nicer for like a cat casually you know just laying back just
Starting point is 00:25:01 scrolling through through like news articles that you pick up off of your rss reader and stuff like that but in general uh this one specifically it's it feels very premium and it's nice and weighty and uh it's just more comfortable for me to use on a daily basis compared to like normal mouse lighted uh there is the trade-off with gaming of course but that's what that's what you have regular mice for, or, you know, controllers. Yeah, I've certainly considered using a trackball in the past. Because, you know, I'm always doing stuff on the computer. So, you know, wrist problems are going to develop over time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:43 The only thing that really sucks about this trackball is that uh when i'm doing any kind of work in in blender where it's just like i have to click and drag for long periods of time because you know maybe i just want to like rotate around like the the whole project and look at the other side it gets a it gets a little tiresome after a while but i i've also done i've also uh used programs like uh dungeon draft to actually draw like maps for my dnd campaigns uh where you know sometimes you're clicking and dragging with extreme precision and you know it's just like i'm i'm trying to draw borders for like my fog of war and it gets very tedious a little bit at a time yep yep yep maybe also maybe we'll consider like same same with like the uh the ergonomic keyboard thing
Starting point is 00:26:25 like i i run the a expensive crazy keyboard red dragon k what is this k618 it is very cheap it's very low profile it is a clone of a Logitech keyboard. I might have that keyboard. It might be in the background, but I might have that. The Logitech keyboard or the Red Dragon? The Logitech keyboard. But I've got this venerable keyboard, which is the most expensive keyboard I ever bought.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Because, you know, I built it myself. I don't know how much I spent because I bought it one piece at a time. And I don't even use it anymore because i picked up uh the world famous thinkpad keyboard so uh we've been uh trying to luke smith it here we're we're no longer using mouse we're we're trying to use a track point an awful lot because I'm still trying to get used to it. It is cancer. I honestly found it better to use something like DWM's warp patch with it than anything else.
Starting point is 00:27:34 What is the warp patch? I've not used DWM. If you use DWM, I think it's even been ported to DWL and Hyperland is a config option to enable this, by the way. What mouse warp basically means is that whenever you focus a window or open up a new window, or a new window
Starting point is 00:27:49 becomes your focus, the mouse would just automatically warp to the center of that window. Oh, yeah, I just have that enabled, yeah. Yeah. Right, okay. I thought it was some weird special thing. I think that's default behavior in Hyperland, actually. In the default config, at least. I'm pretty sure maybe it might be let me see i wouldn't know because it was one of the first things i looked for well i shouldn't have opened a window now
Starting point is 00:28:13 your camera's broken okay we're back oh no don't open windows on that screen okay i'll remember that um my my recording setup is so precarious i cannot i imagine i imagine what it involves is a full screen discord window that you that you basically just like screen capture in the obs basically i've also got i also share like a browser overlay and that browser overlay is just a floating window sitting above everything covering my face so i don't have to see it um but like it just like i cover my face because you know it's it's weird like when i record videos i always have my obs off to the side so if i see my face moving in front of me it just completely throws me off it's like you know uh having my audio play back in my
Starting point is 00:28:57 head it just feels really weird to me i can't i cannot deal with it like i've tried to in the past i know some people like it, it's not for me. Well, uh, because I happen to be using this wonderful ArcGPU, sometimes OBS likes to crash. So I've picked up the habit of, let's just put the OBS window directly in front of me so I can make sure that OBS is still open. And I literally just watch myself
Starting point is 00:29:17 be a talky head sometimes. Oh, I can see it out the, like, periphery of my, uh, my vision. Like, it's just, I've got a, um, my, my, my setup is so fucking stupid. Uh, I've got a, I've got a um my mind my setup is so fucking stupid i've got a i've got a horizontal monitor in front of me this is where like all my main stuff happens off to the side here i have a vertical monitor this is where usually discord lives but right now obs is there as well i also have another vertical monitor behind this monitor i can only i can only see half the monitor um the reason why it's there is, you probably noticed my videos, I look slightly off from the camera.
Starting point is 00:29:51 It's my teleprompter. I bought the cheapest monitor I could find. It sits on an arm, and it just, it does what it needs to do. It's a giant waste of money doing it like this. I'm sure there was a better option, but I'm not going to change it to change there is it's called uh there's teleprompter apps for your phone that's a good point i hadn't considered that i've been doing it like this for so long you think your monitor config is kind of stupid i have six monitors connected to this computer oh i've got the three in front of me you know
Starting point is 00:30:24 set up command command base style i've got the three in front of me, set up command based style. I've got the one in the server rack because that's where the computer actually lives. I've got the TV here and then I've got another TV in the kitchen. This system is connected to all of them.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Sometimes if I'm in the kitchen, I want to throw a recipe up on the screen. I don't want to keep a dedicated computer in the kitchen i want to throw a recipe up on the screen and it's like i don't want to keep a dedicated computer in the kitchen because you know my kitchen is a nightmare fair enough uh so it's just like where the heck am i going to put that so and then you know sometimes you just want to watch like a full screen youtube video and then you know obviously because the computer's in the server room uh i it's nice to have you know a monitor in the server room or at least some kind of a screen just in case you need to do things.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Sure, sure, sure. Man, it works. If you guys are, if the audience is any curious as to how I have this set up, I'm not using any Thunderbolt docks like a certain tech YouTuber. I'm just using really long HDMI and USB cables.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Because I'm doing it the proper way. I think some people forget how much, how far you can actually take an HDMI cable even before going to the fiber optic HDMI cable, all that nonsense. Regular HDMI cables go
Starting point is 00:31:37 a really long distance. The standard is pretty solid. I think the standard is like 600 feet. Yeah, because you're not feeding... You don't care about the electrical quality at all because it is all just a digital signal. That's the beauty of HDMI, unlike USB, which USB also has to provide power.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Yeah, yeah, yeah. So what I have for... USB... I don't know what the modern standard is. I know USB 2 was like... I think it was like 3 or 4 meters. I don't know what the current standard is. USB is... wasn't standing this i know usb 2 was like i think it was like three or four meters i'm not uh you you usb is i think it's 15 feet yeah it's definitely not that far about uh about four meters i think that's three and a half to four meters uh but uh you you can get like these repeater
Starting point is 00:32:20 cables that'll that'll amplify the signal yeah that's what i'm using you know it just plugs into a wall and it's like yeah it's just a little five volt connection that to amplify the strength of the signal for usb it works perfectly fine uh i've run into uh this nice little usb hub that i picked up off of amazon for like 30 bucks typically people that typically it's the same kind of hub that you would use for raspberry pi because you know uh it's it's a 16 port hub that plugs into the wall and provides its own powered as well so i don't have to worry a 16 port hub yes how how how well does that play you have everything docked. Everything just works. Sure. Okay. Wait, what is
Starting point is 00:33:07 that connected to your system with? USB 3. Okay, so what does the dock have on it? I've got my mice, my keyboard, my this microphone,
Starting point is 00:33:23 I've got my two lamps, and then I happen to have, like, this camera as well. Actually, right here is the hub. It lives right underneath the screen. Oh. What was that there? What are you controlling that with? Uh, this? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's just a tablet. I'm using OBS WebSockets.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Oh! Okay, yeah. That makes sense. Yeah, uh, the application is called OBS Blade, but, uh, there's there's also like web GUI interfaces you can use as well. Yeah. It's an open source Android application that you can use to connect to OBS Studio and control OBS Studio using WebSockets. Because, you know, global hotkeys are cool and all, but they don't work on most Wayland systems. So I just decided I'm going to use WebSockets. Because, you know, sometimes I forget to close OBS when, you know, I leave home.
Starting point is 00:34:13 So because, you know, I connect there, I run my own VPN service here through Tailscale. I can just, you know, pull up the phone, pull up OBS, belay it and tell it to, hey, stop recording, please. I had been looking for something like this for ages. You're welcome. Yeah, like, when WebSockets first, like, became, like, an official part of the OBS project, like, I was waiting
Starting point is 00:34:36 for someone to make something like this, because I, like, I've been wanting something that could deal with the global hotkey issue. Yeah. And this, this is better than that. Because this allows you to do stuff over your network. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:51 That's cool. I'm gonna try this out. I might do a video on this. Maybe. I'll forget. But I'm definitely gonna use it. But yeah, there's also a web GUI interface too that basically provides you with just buttons that you can that you can press on and uh but I just found like the dedicated Android application to
Starting point is 00:35:11 work best in my opinion that one lighted up with this tablet I had to set it up so that the screen stays on basically at all times it just never shuts off you want it running on battery but yeah it's fine it's it's one of those cheap 20 android tablets and it works yeah for that it would be perfectly fine yeah huh i and i i you know what i love about doing this podcast i find out things that i just never knew existed that i you're welcome i wish someone had just told me before um projects built with the flutter framework? Oh, that's cool. I found it by literally googling OBS WebSocket Controller for Android. I think that's the problem. I looked up OBS WebSocket Controller.
Starting point is 00:35:55 I didn't put the Android part in. It just didn't show up. Yeah, but I debated getting a Steam Deck. Not a Steam Deck, but a Stream Deck for the longest time. Because there's a working driver package for it nowadays, and you can install the Boatswain
Starting point is 00:36:09 application from Flathub, and it just works out of the box. But, you know, how does the Stream Deck work? It communicates over WebSockets, so there's got to be something else that we can use instead. Do you know what? I love Boatswain.
Starting point is 00:36:26 I love the developer who made it as well. It was made by Georges Tavrakis, the guy that fixes everything involving OBS. Like, oh, OBS doesn't work on Weyland? Okay, portals. Here you go. I fixed it. Oh, here's this.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Oh, it works now. Your stream deck's not working? Here you go. It's fixed now. Sure, okay. I'll take it works now. Uh, your stream deck's not working? Here you go. It's fixed now. Like, sure. Okay. I'll take it, man. Like, this guy's awesome.
Starting point is 00:36:51 I've not tested both when I don't have a stream deck myself. But I had definitely considered it. Um. Yeah, maybe I'll get a cheap tablet instead. Because if that would do pretty much the same thing, maybe it makes more sense to do that hmm what would you like so are there any like limitations any like issues with your setup right now that you wouldn't be able to like that can't really be addressed what you're doing uh so most of my use with obs is that iBS is time spent using the virtual camera,
Starting point is 00:37:25 which you can toggle through WebSockets, but this application does not have a button for it. Right. So I had to map a hotkey for it, which will actually control the virtual camera. But you can start and stop streaming, and this application can actually look at chat too. So you can start and stop streaming and uh this application can actually look at chat too so you can manage your chat through this too
Starting point is 00:37:49 uh it the youtube integration is still very much beta because you know youtube chat is kind of weird yeah but uh twitch is just irc so it just connects and works yeah i i am multi-stream anyway so as long as i can see twitch chat, it's fine. But all I would need is changing scenes and start and stop. That's pretty much it. Oh, yeah. I can change scenes.
Starting point is 00:38:14 I can... Well, actually, let me flip over to this camera. This is just a cheap little Logitech camera, so it's not going to be like... C920? Yeah, C20, because everybody's got them. Yeah, you're looking at one right now. Yeah, but you've got your start stream button, your record button.
Starting point is 00:38:34 That's just the replay buffer, but I disabled that. That's like your global hotkey button. So I hit that, and then I have toggle options for all the hotkeys. And then I've got my scene maps right here. And then this shows the things that are
Starting point is 00:38:52 on the scene, so like audio levels and objects in the scene, which obviously this is just a virtual camera, so I got next to nothing. Right, right. And then I can scroll down, right there's the chat, and I can get the live stats from OBSN here too. Huh. that's really cool you can look at uh previous sessions as well you can see uh i've done quite a bit with it uh and then you got your general settings huh i will definitely have to
Starting point is 00:39:21 look at that that's even colder than i thought it was okay yeah the the only problem is that sometimes i forget to hit the button during a live stream so just like people are just looking at me talking and i'm just i'm talking about stuff that i'm seeing on the desktop oh well yeah i i can't remember how many times i've been like playing a game and i swap back to my face for whatever reason i don't know talking about something and then i just keep playing for like a couple of minutes. People are like, what's the game? Game, game, game.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Show me the game. That's another reason why I have the obvious window where I can look at it. Very important. I might check this out and see what I can go and do with. Thank you for that. I think there's like
Starting point is 00:40:07 iPhone ports of this application too, but none of them have been able to actually get approved by Apple. I don't give a shit about an iPhone. Unless I'm going to go buy like a 10-year-old iPhone. I don't have an iPhone. I run a Chinese spyware phone.
Starting point is 00:40:24 That's fine. You can you can probably still buy them unlike me oh well um what was it just huawei that was banned in the u.s or was it like oppo and stuff as well uh oppo is still legal to buy okay yeah but oppo oppo was on the chopping block with with uh huawei as well but uh they apparently somehow made it yeah i don't know who knows because yeah um we had some similar stuff with huawei i don't know the big reason was uh the big reason why is because huawei was also the one that was selling a lot of the 5g 5g antennas and uh broadcasting units that were being deployed yeah that were being deployed near near military bases and oppo
Starting point is 00:41:05 just sold phones right right yeah see they uh they overextended that's the problem yeah just keep keep cloning pixel phones and you wouldn't have been you would have been caught lighted uh if you might have noticed the u.s government only cares uh only just pretends to not care until like they are no longer like the leading in longer the leader in some form. You know, like social media video streaming platforms. TikTok is now almost as popular or more popular than YouTube. Who actually knows because nobody actually releases numbers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:37 Ban TikTok. The only numbers you really get are download statistics from the google play and ios yeah and you don't even see the numbers it's just a ranking a lot of times now that there was a short while there were manufacturers were just pre-installing tiktok for you which is probably how the app actually became so popular to begin with oh i wouldn't be that would definitely be a part of it um i know there have been some like sketchy uh computers you can buy that like
Starting point is 00:42:06 come with tiktok pre-installed as well it's like yeah that said if that said if you're a u.s citizen call your call your local senator or representative right now and tell them not not to actually do anything with the restrict act just tell them to vote no because that act is way too broad yeah i've not looked deeply just just google the restrict act uh level one text actually did a really great deep dive into the restrict act it is entirely too broad and gives the government way too much power almost as much power as the patriot act did but you know tiktok bad is in tiktok mentioned tiktok bad tiktok bad let's make let's make a bill that doesn't even
Starting point is 00:42:45 mention tiktok no oh okay i can't find level one text does a lot of stuff i can't find the video it's some it'll be somewhere around here i will find it afterwards um if i just wait should i look at one text restrict act should be able to find it uh oh it's called breaking down the restrict act okay yeah that i should it was actually pretty recent too like six days ago yeah yeah uh i will go and check that one out afterwards yeah i don't like my my knowledge of the restrict act is like very surface level i just know it exists i know a lot of people very angry about it and just know it exists. I know a lot of people are very angry about it, and I know it doesn't mention TikTok. Thankfully, it's actually one of the shortest bills
Starting point is 00:43:31 that's going through Congress right now, and it's actually slightly readable. But it lists out 13 different countries. You can guess which ones. And then it says that, hey, these companies may provide services that we don't want here. So the department, I think it's the Department of the State, can actually just sit there and order a complete block on everything from that service. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Yeah, that's basically what it says. access this service uh as if you're a uss and every act that that can be used to access this service can potentially uh be be charged with violating right this act as well as the espionage act right there was vpn stuff in there right that's yeah the v that that's the vpn stuff that's insane it is insane because what happens when you know you accidentally land on a page somewhere while you're using your vpn next thing you know you're getting charged with espionage there is no defending yourself if you know anything about the espionage act you don't even get a defense you get you get you don't even get you don't get to say anything in defense of yourself whatsoever
Starting point is 00:44:45 they literally just look at evidence and determine if you violated violated the law or not skip go straight skip go away i can't speak i'm trying to make a monopoly joke it's not happening skip go and go straight to jail there we go thank you yeah pretty much it's the same thing that they've that they've got the julian assange charged with as well as edward snowden and you know all all the big people that you've heard their names of before yep yep yep that's good yeah um you know great times seems great seems great for your five dollar a month molvad subscription man gotta look if you just pay molvad in cash that you mail to them it's fine that's actually what i do i i know that's
Starting point is 00:45:32 what you do has that i i'm surprised that's like worked well for you and like nothing so the the law in the united states is that the u.S. Postal Service has to be as accurate as they possibly can be with delivery, and they have to provide that letter to that address. And it is actually illegal for that address to go anywhere else or for anyone else other than the intended recipient to receive that letter. so and uh they they only pass the letter through like this this massive scanner so so if it doesn't pass through the scanner properly that's when they'll stop and they'll like x-ray the letter and stuff look for like anything that might be illegal but i'm just sending cash so it just works i love the mobile matches it's like they just give you every payment option you can possibly want they want to pay in crypto? Go ahead. Want to pay in cash? Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:46:26 It works. Do it. Yeah. It's fine. I mean, they haven't disabled my account yet. So as far as I know. Yeah, clearly it's going through. Man, even if you don't care about your privacy, just a vpn is just a useful thing to have like you know you've we're all seeing the vpn ads you watch netflix whatever country like the way
Starting point is 00:46:53 that we distribute content on the internet makes no sense with the way the internet like the internet is this global thing but we've still got these weird archaic systems like oh you know you're an american so you can't watch british netflix oh you're british you can't watch australia like this is dumb this doesn't make any sense in a in a global system like the internet even just that by itself or as an alternative i have a DSL internet connection. Uh-huh. So that means that my internet is not the world's fastest. Well, that's one way to put it.
Starting point is 00:47:30 It's not the world's slowest. A lot of times when I go to, how many hops are between me and YouTube? Mm-hmm. 128. Mm-hmm. Okay. That's before I get to the YouTube content delivery network. Mm-hmm. A VPN will actually handle a lot of those hops for me.
Starting point is 00:47:48 And I don't have to pull in every single one of those sources back home. Yeah. So, uh, it's sometimes the only way I can actually watch a YouTube video, even though YouTube is probably the best performing service. When you know your internet is, uh,
Starting point is 00:48:03 everybody in your county is using the internet right now and uh you're basically limited to like maybe 256k well luckily right now you know like your camera's all clear so you know everyone it's also it's also uh 11 in the morning on on a weekday so obviously people are at work yeah yeah yeah um yeah the vpn things like i play i play for 14 and sometimes the routing like i don't know what they're doing with their servers but sometimes the serve like there is some nonsensical hops and running a vpn a lot of people just get a better ping playing in the game because for some reason whatever's going on wherever they've got their their server set up it just doesn't it does not work properly like playing this is especially commonly playing from australia for example a
Starting point is 00:48:55 lot of people set up a vpn for playing on like the american servers and it's just way quicker you would think that it's like it's going through extra things but when you like actually fully understand the whole process yeah it does make sense it's just it seems weird also a lot of it's called you're you're technically connecting to less bullcrap and then letting letting you know the vpn server just handle all that for you well also the issue of sometimes sharks like to you know nibble on the undersea cables so yep that can be a problem um there have been some sometimes sometimes in the case of like uh some other countries that happen to be in the pacific ocean it's not just sharks that are nibbling at that cable too there have been there have been cases where like entire small countries have been knocked off the internet just because like like you know the bigger
Starting point is 00:49:45 countries like australia america all these places like these we have redundant cables but if you're a small island nation many cases you don't you have yep if you have a cable assuming you have a cable and you're not dealing with just satellite that is the cable that is it yeah uh i think i was i was watching like this youtube video it was where they were deep diving into this small country out in europe where this lady was digging in her backyard and cut and cut the fiber cable that serves internet for the entire country so uh but by you know plant planting her garden she literally cost her country something like $17 billion in lost trades.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Effectively shut down her diary for a day. And she didn't even know what the internet was. No, she actually didn't. She was like 83 or something like that. She's like, why would an 83-year-old ever connect to the internet other than they have to? Mm-mm.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Going back to the internet other than they have to going back to the tiktok thing um sorry i i we was you're gonna say something because i want i did want to make i i there's something i want to say about you go ahead man go ahead um my my god you know how know, your parents are probably, like, slow to pick up on internet trends. And, like, elderly people you know are slow to pick up on internet trends. Like, my parents, it took them, like, five, ten years to work out email and then Facebook. And my mom has recently worked out TikTok. And she is now sending me and my sister occasional videos on TikTok. They're just like, she's watching these dumb, like boomer joke videos. Like they're like not good content whatsoever, but they've discovered it. And this is a problem. There was like,
Starting point is 00:51:42 I think like a year or so back my mom was trying to add my sister on snapchat and she was like nope this is the line we are we are not communicating on snapchat this is not happening and there's a good reason for that my sister does uh you know things that she doesn't want questionable things yeah doesn't want my mom to know about um god yeah uh my dad my dad drives a truck for a living so of course he he discovered tiktok because you know he's literally got nothing better to do on his seven hour reset so it's like i don't blame you there dad because you know uh it's not like you could it's not like uh you can bring the TV with you. I understand. I went to go buy some... I don't know.
Starting point is 00:52:30 What do you guys call it? What do you call the stores you buy petrol at in America? Gas station. Gas station. There we go. Yeah, because we call it gasoline here. Sure. I went to a gas station, a service station, whatever you want to call it.
Starting point is 00:52:44 And it was like you know one in the morning the guy that was running the store he was just watching a fortnight live stream it's like look if you're not getting stabbed that's the only way to entertain your time i guess like i i get it you're gonna get like three customers in the next four hours like go watch your fortnight live stream i'd be doing the same when i worked a truck gate for a certain auto manufacturer here uh i i would just literally sit on my butt and just watch youtube videos all day it's like yeah i got nothing better to do it's like uh about 15 minutes minutes between each
Starting point is 00:53:21 truck what uh we don't want to use tiktok because that's like 15 tiktok videos and you know i might just not stop scrolling so it's like well we'll watch youtube videos yeah i normally squeeze in a video or two in between each truck i've never had a job where i've had like enough downtime well besides you know doing the youtube thing had enough downtime to just sit there and watching videos uh first job was working at mcdonald's working in the kitchen um it was not fun uh now i i work doing like you know stacking shelves so like i actually got to be paying attention and i don't have to be paying attention i listen to podcasts the entire time but i can't watch videos that's a bit too much um and i look i'm sure if i was doing something where i had that
Starting point is 00:54:04 downtime or not even downtime it's just like time where i don't have to be paying attention you know you know how you find an excuse to watch videos while you're at work yeah you do what i did and just buy 30 of the company yeah that'll do it yeah yeah that works but yeah uh i i own an yeah, I own and have a 30% stake in a plastics company. We do plastic injection molding. Very interesting industry that apparently exists in this county, which I didn't know existed until like four years ago. And then I just wound up suddenly becoming apparently an expert so uh
Starting point is 00:54:46 when you know this guy calls he's just like hey i'm starting up a company i need somebody that knows how to run one of these machines and uh i happen to see that you're not working in this industry right now you want to come back in and like uh do you have a company now he's like no but i'm starting one up and like oh okay uh how is this going to work out he's just like well uh because we don't even have a building yet uh when this company actually opens its doors uh i don't have anything to compensate you with right now but i can give you partial ownership of the company deal because what the wonderful thing about plastic injection molding is that if you get a customer to send you a mold and plastic and pallets to put the finished product on, there is next to no overhead cost other than the cost of the machine itself, which the average machine costs about the same as a brand new Honda Civic base model. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, so about 30 000 us dollars
Starting point is 00:55:47 basic basic cost of a fairly standard standard machine and uh you know it's just like you just sit there and just uh set up the machine to run and it goes burr and then next thing you know you have a thousand parts about two or three hours later you just package them up ship them out to the customer make a thousand dollars i've heard the term plastic injection molding a bunch of times not just you saying a bunch of times just in my life what is play what is plastic injection molding i i've never bothered to look at what it actually is okay so it's actually how these are made right uh these are this is molded plastic i'm sure that you've seen 3D printed magic plastic where you know
Starting point is 00:56:27 it's got like the lines from different layers and stuff like that. This is all made in one shot. Basically, my job is to essentially melt plastic that comes in form of a grind so it's basically just like pellets. We melt that down into liquid and then we
Starting point is 00:56:44 shoot it into a steel sandwich of a mold at very, very high PSI. That way, you know, it actually fills the part out. It looks pretty when it comes out. Alright. Let me see here. I'm sure that there's like thousands of
Starting point is 00:56:58 super boring training videos on YouTube because it actually is a hobbyist industry. Sure. Let me find one here. DIY injection molding. How to do injection molding in-house. Here, I found
Starting point is 00:57:16 the world's most boring training video just for you. It's about three minutes long. No, stop playing the audio. I don't want to hear the audio. Here we go. Why does everything auto-play audio?
Starting point is 00:57:31 Here we go. Okay. I don't know what I'm looking at, but it is playing. Yeah, they're going to talk about the principles here. It's got the generic call for music in the background as well. Yep. Oh oh this is perfect just to let you know if you're if you're working as a 3d animator these jobs find you you don't find these jobs i'm sure they pay good money as well uh they probably do
Starting point is 00:57:58 i still don't know what I'm looking at but um the thing goes in the thing and then it puts the plastic in the thing yeah so about 50 seconds in you got the plastic dropping into the hopper why is this part I'm just looking at the most replayed section I don't know why it's the most replayed section
Starting point is 00:58:21 whatever yes sorry I cut you off there what were you saying okay okay so about a minute seven in they're showing what's called the screw of the machine oh it does not look like that it looks more like a giant penis i see why it's getting replayed then yeah that makes sense yeah it basically looks like that but basically what that does that spins and that pulls in the plastic comes from the hopper up forward forwards in front of in front of the screw screw which that tip right there is referred to as the ram because eventually the plastic works its way past it into that ram area where then it just sits there for until the molds mold closes and seals and then it just one punches out all the plastic straight into the mold closes and seals, and then it just one punches all the plastic straight into the mold.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Huh. Okay, that makes sense. Okay, yeah, that makes sense. Okay, yeah. Around 140-ish, it's throwing the plastic off the mold. Yeah, okay. Yep. Huh.
Starting point is 00:59:24 That's neat. That is literally my entire industry and i'm on track to we're on track to make 12 million dollars in revenue that's not 12 million dollars in profit there's a difference between profit and revenue as for profit we won't know until we actually make the money and calculate our taxes next year. Right, right, right. By the way, clearly the business is not bankrupt. Not yet, at least.
Starting point is 00:59:56 We might have had to buy eight machines to start with to procure a building, procure material dryers, grinders, and such. So the upfront cost was a little much, but thankfully I personally have no risk in this
Starting point is 01:00:11 other than, you know, a waste of my time. But on the bright side, I paid for rent for an entire year off the very first payout. I paid for my rent for the first year. Sweet. I'm basically living rent-free until December next year.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Oh, nice. That's awesome. I'm sure that takes a lot of stress off you for a bit. It sure does. That's realistically the only bill i have to worry about other than you know like my phone bill because and uh internet bills which uh you know uh speaking of internet bills i want to talk about my isp here for a moment because my isp
Starting point is 01:00:53 when we last talked on our dts thing yeah uh so uh like i mentioned i have a dsl internet connection it's ran by one of the very last mom and pop shops in basically the whole country. So I happen to know the family that owns that operates this ISP because, you know, there's only fourteen hundred people here. You kind of just run into everybody at the grocery store. So I've got I've got the phone number for the network admin, the senior admin, which there's only two people that call themselves network admins there uh so every time i have an internet issue uh i dial two on my speed dial because you know one one's reserved for actual emergencies so i dial two and i i just say hey i'm trying to stream right now can i get the work network priority please like yep you got it you got for the next three hours that's awesome which uh he it's also
Starting point is 01:01:50 set up so that so that i don't have like a proper like regulated internet connection where you know you have like a cap of like say a gigabit cap or something like that mine's mine's unregulated so uh my internet speed is literally as fast as they could serve it to me at all times uh minus congestion sure sure so uh of course when i'm using linux distributions such as arch linux pacman will 404 on me randomly because you know my latency changes dynamically well i have you know i i have filed a bug report against that and the maintainer literally just told me to buy better internet well i have this problem like anyway even with like a supposed to be stable connection like if you have you know multiple people in the house downloading stuff your latency is going to fluctuate anyway yep uh that's honestly why i i've used gen 2 for so long because you know gen 2 is
Starting point is 01:02:42 just rsync or git that you're that you're downloading things with for your package manager so it doesn't matter uh there's other reasons to use gen 2 because in general packaging just kind of pisses me off but you're yeah you'll say i remember when we last talked you're saying your isp has uh he's gonna like shut down or something uh yes uh they bought into cisco equipment 10 years ago and guess what's going end of life in 2025 right okay every every single thing that they own so uh they they were they were faced with the choice buy all new everything or just go end of life and it literally came came down to the village that I live in, which is the largest area and probably their biggest income.
Starting point is 01:03:31 They have a deal to be the dedicated ISP for this village. Well, the village didn't renew with them. Instead, they went with Dish Network, a satellite provider who doesn't even serve internet. So I'm faced with a choice uh i can grandfather myself into dish network and then deal with usenet satellite internet which i think they bundle and or uh i can switch to another service like starlink or which uh you can pay is still not available in my area technically but I am on a waiting list you can pay shit loads of money to run a cable
Starting point is 01:04:08 from the nearest place you can run a cable yeah $1500 per mile on a stretch of 40 miles it's not as bad as I would have thought like it's a lot of money yeah it is a lot of money like it's within the it's not like you know $300,000
Starting point is 01:04:24 like it's it's a the it's not like you know three hundred thousand dollars like it's it's it's a lot but it could be done it it could be done it's about sixty thousand dollars which uh you know if we turn profits and i get a share of it i might do that but then i'll have to be dealing with spectrum right which is uh you america's other comcast so you're sort of like the perfect customer for starling but the perfect situation for like trying it out yeah i i am at the i'm basically at the perfect uh spot i i have joined the waiting list for starlink i have have prepaid for its availability because they swear up and down it's going to be available.
Starting point is 01:05:09 I already bought the satellite and everything. I just can't connect it yet because there's nothing for it to connect to, supposedly, even though I've already found out that there is a signal. There's apparently not a strong enough signal. Right, right. How much was it to actually like get everything set up with starlink uh i know the upfront cost is pretty high 430 dollars
Starting point is 01:05:30 and to get the ethernet adapter for was another 80 wait what does wait what does does od like give you wi-fi initially it's only wi Wi-Fi. Oh, that's dumb. Yeah, and then the Ethernet adapter is just one port. So it's like, well, thankfully switches exist. Yeah, yeah. Why would you like discharge $500? What? Yeah, the worst part is that
Starting point is 01:05:59 the firmware interface for it doesn't let you do anything. So if I was going to like open a firewall port or something like that, I would literally have to call customer service and have them do it for me. Oh, that's dumb. Yeah, so I've already determined just like my
Starting point is 01:06:15 first day in, I'm going to call customer service and tell them, hey, I want a demilitarized zone on this IP address. Can you set that for me, please? And then I will deal with the firewall myself and uh they're probably going to tell me that that's not supported because you know that's a stupid idea no what they're going to tell you is i don't know what you're saying let me redirect you to another person yeah possibly and then you get redirected for the next hour basically until someone's like what are you saying yeah and then do we tell him that's
Starting point is 01:06:47 probably what's going to be happening unless you know like uh some somebody in the village council that you know is only here for three months out of the year uh decide decides that they're going to change their minds it's not gonna happen which is something interesting because apparently in the state of ohio you can uh technically have a permanent residence address and still and still run for elections and sit in local city council seats even though you're only here for three months out of the entire year because winter is cold
Starting point is 01:07:12 and you're 80 plus years old so you go down to Florida. With the ISP, how much would it actually cost for them to upgrade all their gear? I think the last quote I got was $386,000. All right, then.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Okay. Because, you know, you might as well not buy replacements, and, of course, a lot of the gear that they would need actually just straight up doesn't exist anymore. So they're kind of just forced to upgrade to begin with. Right, right. That's a mess. But you know,
Starting point is 01:07:45 they're awesome. They get downstream from Spectrum, so they're getting a cable link to their headquarters, so it's nothing impressive to begin with, so they really don't need to buy that much. But most of the cost is just caught up in the network switches,
Starting point is 01:08:02 and that's really it. Right, right, okay. Man, that's... Like, it's sad to see a small business like that just go under because... Especially one as unique as that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like...
Starting point is 01:08:19 Man, that, like, the relationship you have with the ISP, like, that's a really cool thing that just can't exist really in many other places and it would be nice for that to be preserved but yeah that said uh we do about it uh we are looking at like possibly setting up fixed wireless solutions which you know might be another business venture i get myself caught up in you've got yourself caught up in a lot of really like weird things like when we when we last talked you told me about the um the weather system you have yes uh i run a diy weather station uh mostly because you know it was a science project for myself it's like how can we learn assembly here and learn ARM assembly
Starting point is 01:09:06 for Raspberry Pi? Specifically Pi 2, which has next to no actual documentation whatsoever. But it's fine. We can reverse engineer drivers and figure out how this works. I still don't know how to write an assembly, but apparently I made that system work fairly well.
Starting point is 01:09:22 It works reliably. But for those not in the know i have 27 pi twos that all run gen 2 because gen 2 is the only supported distribution for the for a device this old sure it's the only supported it's the only supported distribution because uh arch linux doesn't support drivers for it anymore that's so it sure. So it's either LFS or Gen 2. I might as well go with Gen 2. I would go Gen 2 in that case, definitely. They almost never get updated,
Starting point is 01:09:51 so I don't have to worry about compiling because they're on an air gap network. Right. But I also happen to own a lot of land. I own 120 acres of cornfield, effectively. And this plot of land came with telephone poles which is also not something you typically get in the united states uh because you know the company that owned the telephone poles shut down uh because you know u.s government broke them up
Starting point is 01:10:17 they're i'm sure you might have heard of them they're called at&t right uh and you know nobody ever put claim on the phone polls so by default they're mine wires included your country is so weird like the fact that you can just be like yeah you know no one claims they're mine now like it's the same thing with um
Starting point is 01:10:41 like okay so in Australia you don't you own the land. You don't own under the land. There are some people I know. Yeah, I know some people in the US that have found dinosaur bones on their land. And because it's on their land, they own them. It's just theirs.
Starting point is 01:11:01 Not always. It's not always it's not not always like but in a lot of cases like especially like with the um with like the older properties when that it's been in their family for like you know 200 years or whatever like they just own down everything yeah yeah you can oh in the united states you can own down as far as uh 600 feet if i remember right you can own 600 feet underground and 120 feet above ground well 120 feet above the highest point of your structures right so if you if you got like a tv antenna that shoots up like 60 feet you have 180 feet of clearance on your property that you own that's's so dumb. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:46 You own the phone lines. I own the phone lines. The only trade-off is that these phone lines have to be disconnected from the national grid because I'm not running a phone service. So if I'm going to be doing anything, I technically could connect them and then run my own phone service if I really wanted to, but I don't
Starting point is 01:12:03 want to do that, so of course I didn't because you know my isp also supports telephone i called them up and go like hey can you can you disconnect these lines they're just like why are we disconnecting lines because they're my lines i don't want i don't want to be on your grid he's like oh okay okay uh let's just prove that these lines don't belong to anyone they belong to you like yeah here's a court rolling homestead act it's great uh but but yeah it's just like uh so they disconnected the lines and uh i we just made sure that the lines are still interconnected with each other right of course this cost me money, of course, because I have to buy phone cable and stuff.
Starting point is 01:12:49 We got everything tied together, and I got the crash course on how to spin up my own phone service. I am the phone number of one. And each Pi has its own different phone number of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, all the way up
Starting point is 01:13:04 to 28. Because my phone number of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. All the way up to 28. Because my phone number is 1. I love that. Because that's all that's needed. That's all that's needed. And Pi 2s happen to run off of a 5-volt connection. Phone lines in the United States are 5 volts. So the Pis not only are powered by the phone line
Starting point is 01:13:26 but they communicate from the phone lines because they have temperature and moisture sensors that can also apparently read nitrogen levels which I'm still working on figuring out and
Starting point is 01:13:42 what these pies do is they literally phone home every three hours using a standard 56k dial-up modem powered of course USB and they take the readings they dial up
Starting point is 01:13:59 and then they just send a 15 kilobit text file to my foot, to my server. And that's how I can track the weather. That's so awesome. I love that so much. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:13 That, and because, you know, I, I rent out a lot of my land to the farmers cause I don't, I don't farm myself. It's just like, I'll just rent the land out that way. You know,
Starting point is 01:14:20 somebody's using it because there's no woods there. Right. Right. Uh, lighted. I did, I did plant five acres of trees as a retirement plan but uh that that's uh 60 years down in the future and hopefully we still have a country by then we'll see how that goes
Starting point is 01:14:34 yeah we'll see how that goes but uh i i i just send a farmer go like oh yeah uh i've got like these readings here from all these little devices I just set up here as a science experiment. He's like, oh yeah, that'd be kind of useful because it's nice to know how much water is in your field. That way you know if you have to water it or
Starting point is 01:14:57 if you have to inject it with nitrogen at all. Where would be the not you nearest weather tracking uh we have one on the local school uh which you know that's how i get like uh radar right right because i can't do radar myself but you know i know exactly what temperature it is at my front door which you know the weather station might be off by, like, a couple degrees, because, you know, they're down a hill
Starting point is 01:15:29 about 30 miles. I'm sure, like, you know, some government agencies wouldn't exactly be happy about you doing your own radar. No, it's actually perfectly fine. Is it? Yeah. Hmm. Okay. Yeah, you can run your own weather radar in the United States. states it's there's nothing
Starting point is 01:15:45 illegal about it okay uh the only thing is that the only issue is if you ever broadcast right okay you can receive all you want just don't ever broadcast right right okay that that makes sense so you have this you have this set of pi2s that are hooked up to a dial-up network if it works it works um it works so what i'm sure it's gonna get like super technical if you wanted it to but like what is the act what is like the basic process of setting up your own like phone service like how how does that even come about uh believe it or not, all it involves is just a 56K modem and a server to run some software on.
Starting point is 01:16:30 And all you need is just a SIP server. Okay, sure. And then you just set up an IP telephone. Huh. It's just that there's only one IP telephone and it just relays to everything else. Huh, okay. That makes sense everything else. Huh. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:46 That makes sense. Yeah. That's cool. Where do you get 56K modems at this point? Amazon. eBay. If I drive all the way to the big cities, I can literally walk into a micro center and buy them. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:17:02 Sure. I didn't know. People still sell them. Well, yeah, I assume you can still get them secondhand. I didn't know you'd sell them well yeah i assume you can still get them secondhand i didn't know you'd be like you gotta buy new ones no you could you could still get them brand new uh the only thing that you can't find brand new is pi twos yeah right but thankfully thankfully people are dumping those on ebay for like 10 bucks well i guess they are yeah there are states that still have dial-up in certain regions, so I guess it makes sense. A lot of the...
Starting point is 01:17:27 Something like 10% of the US rural area population still has served dial-up internet. Jeez. Because that is their only option. Well, yeah, until, I guess, Starlink or anything and whatever. It's either dial-up internet or satellite-based services, which standard satellite services are kind of terrible. Right.
Starting point is 01:17:49 So what a lot of people actually do is they pay for both satellite and dial-up because dial-up is actually the cheapest form of internet in the United States, too, because who cares? It's like $10 a month, and you've got your backup internet connection just in case you run out of your daily data cap on the the satellite i did look this up a little while ago let's see nine dollars a month turbo usa okay yeah a aol okay aol i think uh earthlink still sells dial-up. Yeah, Earthlink, $10.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Goes up to $25 after the first three months. Don't buy Earthlink. They've always been a scam. Juno, free up to 10 hours per month or $30 for accelerated. What is accelerated? What does that mean? They serve it to you at $56,000 because that's all your modem's capable of receiving. What we like.
Starting point is 01:18:50 Availability. Price. Yeah, the price is pretty good. Security. Wait. Dialup uses a different IP address each time you log in, which makes it virtually impossible for hackers to spoof. You could also just do that on a regular connection. Yeah, you can just reset the...
Starting point is 01:19:06 You can just renew your DHCP at least every set number of hours. Most routers actually support scheduling. Surprisingly. Okay, I like this. I like this benefit. Also, unlike broadband internet, a dial-up connection isn't always on, meaning you don't have to worry about anyone hacking your connection type... Connection type? Anyone hacking your connection type. Connection type?
Starting point is 01:19:25 Anyone hacking your connection when you're not logged in. I guess that's fair. Yep. If you have, you know, a internet connected printer, I guess no one can like print stuff on it if you just turn off your internet. Yep. That said, you can technically get a dial-up modem uh or you can get a dial-up modem that is built into some some routers so uh you can have
Starting point is 01:19:54 a router that manages dial-up for you and then serve internet over over a LAN connection so which you know a lot there's an awful lot of cloud-enabled devices that people buy these days. And I found out because, you know, DSL internet, that passively, passively, an Android phone will actually send data back for telemetry. At times, that can shoot up to three megabits per second. Now, on a super fast internet connection, that's no problem whatsoever. You probably don't even notice it. No, I have 250 down, like, I think
Starting point is 01:20:31 40 or 50 up. I'm talking about upstream. Yeah, like 40 or 50 up. So, like, yeah. My average upstream bandwidth is about 1.5 megabits. So it, in many cases cases could saturate your network it saturates my network to the point where like i can't even uh get a dns query
Starting point is 01:20:52 so uh obviously we have to do some network tricks here because you know sometimes i stream sure uh lighted a lot of times when i'm streaming like uh uh like uh you've probably looked at my channel and saw like i do i do like this for this uh weekly live stream called distro hacking on fridays yeah i'm technically not streaming directly to youtube instead what i do is because you know best best buddy isp is i stream to an rtmp relay at their place which is which you know i'm going over the local network which means that i have more bandwidth i can work I stream to an RTMP relay at their place, which is, which, you know, I'm going over the local network,
Starting point is 01:21:27 which means that I have more bandwidth I can work with. Huh? I can, I can actually push up to six megabits upstream to my ISP, who then has a coax connection to the next town, which then relays to YouTube. That is really cool. So you're basically just like siphoning off of like the
Starting point is 01:21:46 the connection for the entire town uh yeah and uh you know it it's mostly not a problem because uh most normal people aren't really using their upstream bandwidth whatsoever yeah yeah that's uh most of most of the time for upstream bandwidth is used is for telemetry data, you know, like video game connections, which, you know, there's not a whole lot of people that play video games out here because, you know, it's terrible internet to begin with. Or, you know, DNS queries. Windows updates.
Starting point is 01:22:17 Windows updates, too, and Windows telemetry. But the... I want to know what Android's sending back that needs three megabit up. Like, that's insane. Yeah, and it's just telemetry data. It's not like Google Photosync or anything. It's just telemetry.
Starting point is 01:22:37 Which kind of makes you wonder, like, what the hell is it? Either it's a lot of data, or whoever wrote it was like you know what people don't have three megabit up it doesn't matter like whatever just do it just make it as unoptimized as possible it doesn't matter but i think it's the former of course uh my my wireless internet connection here has no internet access whatsoever so if i want if need internet, I have to plug it in. Thankfully, most Android devices don't have an ethernet port.
Starting point is 01:23:09 Yeah. But you know, it kind of sucks when I want to watch a YouTube video and I want to use my tablet to watch it. Thankfully, Jellyfin exists and I can just watch the YouTube video through Jellyfin and stream it to my tablet.
Starting point is 01:23:26 My phone basically gets like no connection. Because you know, the only data enabled wireless enabled antenna is a single 4G LTE antenna for the entire county. And I'm right on the edge of it.
Starting point is 01:23:49 I can make and receive phone calls perfectly fine but they're not it's not voice over lte so of course it's slightly slightly terrible uh audio quality and uh you know sometimes i can't send uh uh mms messages or you know not receive them but you know every now and then it's good enough for an email notification. Like, it's fine. It's fine. I've got computers. Yeah, that's fair. God.
Starting point is 01:24:16 Man, that's such a... That's such a setup. There is a surprising amount of people here that actually havef sense firewalls just so just so they can actually like limit some devices in their connection uh it's it's actually pretty crazy like how many people have that out here because you know isp they got to make money somehow it's just like hey uh you're complaining about your internet connection uh
Starting point is 01:24:40 tell you what we'll send a technician out there and set up a PFSense firewall just for you. That's really cool. Yeah. Best ISP ever. I wish I had them 10 years ago when I lived in the city. And it's all gonna go away in 2025. Yep, it's all gonna go away. So it's just like,
Starting point is 01:24:58 unless we figure out a different solution. But you know, if we ever get fixed wireless internet it's going to get faster anyway and we might not have to do such hackery hackery stuff to begin with yeah but you know yeah anyway you uh you mentioned um you have an intel art card yes why why not good answer um i i did see like you took it out of your system at one point to put an amd card i took it out i put the i put an amd rx 560 in i thought it was a 570 it was sold to me as a 580 uh but it's a 560 with a different cooler oh yeah okay did you pay 580
Starting point is 01:25:48 prices for it what uh i paid 30 bucks for it oh doesn't matter then okay yeah so i i bought it i plugged it into the system uh in fact it is still the one that i had to plug into the system if i need to reinstall uh the operating system using sol because, you know, they're ISOs from like three years ago. So, which they are working on a new new ISO. There's a whole checklist. It's just like, but for some reason, they want to add features instead of just like pushing up, push package updates.
Starting point is 01:26:18 I'm like, just push package updates to call a good. Why do we have to enable secure reboot? Yeah, just just get everything. Get everything. Just get something so that anybody that built a computer all good why do we have to enable secure reboot yeah just just get everything get everything just get something so that anybody that built a computer in the last year can actually boot the system yeah yeah with the install media so when was the last dollars update uh so there are package updates available now so yeah update you to current yes but the iso is from 2021 right okay which it ships with a 5.13 kernel all right okay so that was the kernel that was out at the time let's hope you don't have
Starting point is 01:26:55 uh you know any modern gpu because it's not gonna go too well for you when you boot. I mean, you can get a basic display output on AMD's 6000 series cards but not 7000. Nvidia 30 and 40 series, good luck. You're not gonna get anything. And I presume the same
Starting point is 01:27:19 Intel Arc GPU system doesn't even boot. Yeah, okay. It just doesn't boot. Let's hope you have onboard graphics, because if you have onboard graphics, it's probably going to be fine. It is an Intel CPU, which does have onboard graphics, but guess what also doesn't work?
Starting point is 01:27:38 Right, okay. So I have to have a spare GPU. But you know, I was lucky that I got. So what's the deal with Intel Arc? Why are you playing around with that? So the main reason why I got the Intel Arc was because people think that I'm like a distro hopper. I like to call myself a distro hacker.
Starting point is 01:27:58 Right. Because, you know, I just want to play around with things, you know, break things. And I also like push bug reports like a madman upstream. If any of your viewers also watch the Linux cast, I was talking about a couple of weeks ago with like how many bug reports I filed. On average, it's about 20 or so a week. Hey, like, hey, this thing's a compiler error. Hey, the system's not working with this hardware configuration and such.
Starting point is 01:28:29 So it's just like Intel Arc, first generation generation product people are still working on the drivers uh i've already submitted something like uh 48 uh bug reports and uh patch test uh i i like to call them pat patch test confirmations or denials right because you know the patch didn't work right right okay so basically you have it i presume you don't just have it because you just want to go and test it like you just want to like report bugs yeah for the most part i'm reporting bugs and also like uh i had a 5700 xt uh-huh i bought it on release day. I've done a lot of stupid things with the 5700 XT. You know, like crypto mining, undervoting, overvoting, overclocking. So basically,
Starting point is 01:29:12 it was a great card. I had to quit using it as the dedicated encoder because the encoder chip wound up... I think the encoder chip actually died before the actual gpu did because uh i used to use it for hardware transcoding and obs and like it just started
Starting point is 01:29:30 getting like uh stutters and green flashes and all that you know signs of uh you know either a defective driver or defective card right and just like okay well that's fine i've got the intel cpu i'll just use quick sync whatever and then one day it's just like i went to reboot the system and i i just never got a display back oh okay you're like oh okay and then uh you know i'm just like okay so something's going on here let me walk over to the closet there make sure the computer actually turned on because you know it's not right here in front of me i open the door and right there's magic blue smoke you're like oh shit oh okay yeah uh yeah so the card self detonated uh with with you know a capacitor a capacitor blew in it that's basically what happened man that's rough yep which you know when you abuse gpu like i did because you know uh if you just use it like a normal sane person
Starting point is 01:30:23 the a gpu will actually probably last you quite a while but you know if you just use it like a normal sane person a GPU will actually probably last you quite a while but you know I'm sitting here I'm crypto mining while overvolting overclocking and using this very untested firmware version let's see what the top card is in Steam Hardware Server because I know it's like some really old Nvidia card it's like a
Starting point is 01:30:39 1660 is last I checked that sounds correct. Let's see here. We got April 2023 already. Okay, let's pull this up here. 1650. 1650, okay.
Starting point is 01:30:58 Yeah, I was almost right. That is a... How old is that card at this point? Six years? Yeah, okay. right that is a how old is that card at this point uh six years yeah okay yeah um that's yeah people are still running it just fine like yeah people not being stupid with it it just it keeps going i mean if it still plays your games at 1080p because you know that's what most resolutions are it's fine yeah resolutions are basically capped like pretty like i'm surprised that we still haven't moved to 4k but like no one like scaling gets weird at 4k and you don't like the the size that we use monitors at the difference isn't really that big
Starting point is 01:31:38 like i remember um like the jumps between like you know like the jump from 720p to 1080p, that was a big jump. But we didn't even move to 1440p. Most people are still just 1080p, it's perfectly fine. Yeah, and even then on large format displays, I much prefer a 1440p screen compared to a 4K screen. The only reason I would buy a 4k screen is for like super large format screens like a tv right right that makes sense from like 27 inches and below 1080p is actually what's referred to as pixel perfect which basically means that your image
Starting point is 01:32:16 is as sharp as it could possibly get at that assuming that you're sitting at an appropriate distance from your monitor which is typically about three and a half to four feet what like well yeah i may or may not have delved into into user interface work before oh something something wrote world of warcraft out on it had the favorite stuff out right okay okay i i i've never i don't played well i I did have some friends who were like... I think it was back during... When was it? I had some friends who wanted me to start playing back during... I want to say Mr. Pandaria.
Starting point is 01:32:54 Yeah, something like that. And I was like, yeah, I'm going to start playing the game. I picked out everything I was going to do. I just never started playing. When I grew up, I was real big on runescape i played runescape for many years for many hours and it was a waste of time and i don't recommend it runescape is not a good use of your time now i just play a lot of i think i have like a thousand hours or something in final fantasy 14 so like it's not much better but you know it is what it is uh i played world of warcraft from when i first had a high-speed internet connection which i didn't have high-speed
Starting point is 01:33:36 internet until 2012 basically when i when you know i moved to the city. Right, right, right. And now, well, you know, you have a connection. Yeah, I have a connection that classifies as high-speed internet connection under current FCC guidelines. What? Not proposed. Not proposed, but I do have a high-speed internet connection under
Starting point is 01:34:00 current classification that was based back in 1998. under the current classification from, that was based back in 1998. Oh, God. America's fun. Well, that reminds me of the, on, for a long time on the Steam hardware survey,
Starting point is 01:34:20 now they've updated it. Now they've got like, you know, one terabyte, two terabyte hard drives. For a long time, like the the top tier i think was like 100 gigabytes and then everything above that was just above 100 gigabytes it's like yeah and this was when people were like well into the terabyte range how like yeah that that's standard needs to be updated like how how is what you have a high speed internet uh well it was back in the day but not so much anymore there's there's actually been uh pushes to move it to uh five megabits of 25 megabits down where currently it is it is two megabits up and i think it's like 15 megabits down is what classifies as high-speed broadband. Okay, 25 by 5 makes more...
Starting point is 01:35:08 I wouldn't... I guess... Well, they have to be conservative in the number because much of America's internet backbone is still ran through coax and phone lines. No, that makes sense. No, that does make sense. I don't know if you could you should
Starting point is 01:35:25 still call it high speed but i don't it depends on what they what they want to like tie into what like the high speed definition actually is well if they ever update the standard to like a more reasonable speed uh basically then the the federal government has to uh has to work with the 1996 telecommunications act which basically enforces that they then the fcc needs to uh has to work with the 1996 telecommunications act which basically enforces that they then the fcc needs to uh start appropriating a bunch of money to give to the isp to to give to the isps of the world uh money to upgrade their network because the isps are supposed to provide high speed internet bandwidth i see that makes when and if available okay that makes sense but you know if
Starting point is 01:36:06 they update the standard then all those isps can literally just sue the fcc for money right okay going like hey you're changing my classification i see the issue i guess this is yeah like i guess this is the benefit of like the australian system where uh we don't have this you guys have like fake choice where you know you have a couple of companies that refuse to compete with each other we have a government monopoly there is i will the nba the government monopoly yeah there are a couple of little fiber providers here and there but for the most part everything goes through the National Broadband Network. And they fixed it up. Like, initially, they wanted to go, everyone has fiber. Then they're like, no, that's expensive.
Starting point is 01:36:53 Let's do fiber to the node and then use the existing copper. Then another government came in. They're like, that's stupid. Let's do the original plan. And now everything is like three times the cost of what it would have been from doing it properly from the start um but on the bright side there's a farm out there in the middle of nowhere that has a has gigabit fiber into it no like that's actually not even a joke like some of the earliest um some of the earliest uh like fiber rollouts were places
Starting point is 01:37:20 like alice springs a town in the middle of nowhere. Like, it's... They had fibre, like, 10 years ago. Like... But, like, I have fibre now. We don't get, like... Even though we have fibre, it's like, you know, it's fibre. You have the fibre there,
Starting point is 01:37:44 but the max they will give you is $250. You can get a business line. You know, business lines are expensive. And they're slowly, to a couple of areas, being like, hey, you want gigabit? One of the gigabit plans they offer. This is how little upload is treated as an important thing. They offer gigabit by 50.
Starting point is 01:38:14 It's like, 50 is fine. But what is this unbalance here? I bet you that if you ever get them caught up in some government debate, they're going to cite piracy as an issue. Probably. Because if everybody had massive upload speeds, they'd just seed torrents. But you know, I may or may
Starting point is 01:38:36 not have had to download an application on a web VPS server and then create my own DIY torrent and then download it back home. And then I discovered rsync was a then download it back home and then i discovered rsync was a thing and made thing and it made life so much easier for me yeah that seems like a lot of effort just to just to do that well uh when when you know i happen to down have to download like say a red hat iso image which is like eight gigabytes i can't just go to and just
Starting point is 01:39:02 download it to like my local computer because I have unreliable internet speeds and latency is a thing. So oftentimes what I do is I have a web server that runs my website. I just SSH into that, Wget the file to the web server, and then I just rsync it back home.
Starting point is 01:39:19 Huh. That's actually not a bad idea. Yeah, I mean, it works. Yeah, because the website would have some reasonable pipe sent to it. Otherwise, yeah. It can download the image way faster than I can. I think it's a Linode VPS. So they've got their own ISP
Starting point is 01:39:41 and all the other tagline, which, you know, not that it's bullcrap to begin with. It's actually pretty awesome. But it basically has unlimited bandwidth. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The only thing that you're paying for is the actual transfer. If you ever meet one of their transfer caps, which I haven't yet. Yeah, just downloading the occasional ISO here and there,
Starting point is 01:40:02 you're definitely not going to hit it. Yeah, so I just grab the ISO, and going to hit it. Yeah, so I just grab the ISO and then I pull it back home and I just sit on it. Huh. That is certainly a way... Or, you know, I can download the images via torrent
Starting point is 01:40:17 because I'm one of those few people that legitimately torrents Linux images and only Linux images. Well, I torrent Linux images. I'm not going to say anything else you use torrents for, but I certainly torrent Linux images. I mean, I've got a red box
Starting point is 01:40:34 and an automatic ripping machine container, so you can kind of just guess what happens there. Nothing illegal. Nothing illegal. I'm just making copies for myself off of a DVD that I supposedly own for the next 24 hours. Yep, exactly.
Starting point is 01:40:49 Yep, perfect. One thing I saw you had in one of your older videos was an ultra-wide monitor. Yes. You're not using that now, correct? No, it broke when I moved. Oh, okay. That's sad. It was a shame because it was a really beautiful color hacker specifically for for like editing my videos and like in like
Starting point is 01:41:14 using a reasonable color correction because you know i wanted to attempt my hand at it uh then it broke and before i ever got around to actually doing that right what was the i've not used myself i've certainly considered it it'd just be like if i was to get even be my main monitor so capture would be a little bit funky with it um i know there's like yeah you can get around it was a little funky my workaround for it was to either just record the middle of the screen and never put anything outside of the middle of the screen. So obviously I wasn't doing tiling window managers at the time either. Or, you know, I would just screen capture the whole thing
Starting point is 01:41:55 and then crop the heck out of it. Or, you know, I would only like tell OBS to capture just one side of the screen and I just kept everything on the other side. to capture just one side of the screen and i just kept everything on the other side i know on xorg there are some like funky virtual desktop things you can do with x render that you could yep yeah i didn't do any of that because the screen just wasn't wide enough because you know i would have this much screen and if i wanted to run a full 16x9 capture, I had about this much screen left over,
Starting point is 01:42:29 which is basically next to nothing. Right. Right, okay. Just enough to run my OBS window in a very scrunched up. So what was it like actually using ultrawide, though, just as a daily driver? It was fine. I don't know if I'd buy another ultrawide monitor because I like a daily driver uh it was fine uh i don't know if i'd buy another another ultrawide monitor because you know i kind of just uh fell in agreement with uh when
Starting point is 01:42:50 texas because it's just like for the same price why don't you just buy a really big monitor right right yeah so i think that's going to be the path i go down in the future um uh lighted uh The gaming experience as well, like say like some third, from like a third person perspective, you could actually see more of the game, which was, which,
Starting point is 01:43:14 you know, like basically felt like cheating when, you know, you're playing main take in a raid on world of Warcraft. You could just see everything. Well, look, it's not as,
Starting point is 01:43:23 it's not actual cheating like uh you know diablo 4 where initially the teleport was based on the width of your monitor yep what a great game diablo 4 i'm sure it's gonna turn out to be a perfect game no problem whatsoever it's not gonna be like diablo 3 where uh everyone beta tested chapter one and then after chapter one the game fell apart yeah definitely not gonna happen again nope definitely not no now what's gonna happen is that is that the game is probably gonna be like a decent game overall because blizzard still has a little bit of their magic touch that they used to have way back in the day, where it's just like, things work. Mm-mm.
Starting point is 01:44:07 So, the game might actually be playable, and, you know, mechanics might be fun, but the most unfun thing is the monetization. Hey, it's not... Look, it's not gonna be Diablo Immortal. Probably. I mean, it's probably not gonna be diablo immortal but uh you know it might just be as bad as like world of warcraft oh yeah the wow token exists and just
Starting point is 01:44:30 that by itself is already bad enough like the fact the fact that a game so if a if a game developer is willing to just sell you gold i don't care about real money trading anymore if you want to have like third party real money like auction houses like go ahead i don't care if the developer is selling gold why can't a third party sell gold well you know their justification for putting that in the game without rooting the game even online does it even line also has three hundred thousand dollar space battles yeah that's not the game you want to emulate that but that was their excuse back in the day oh why did uh that forum post is gone now because you know different they updated the forum website and of course removed all the old posts but i'm sure you could probably find it on
Starting point is 01:45:22 like if you look oh yeah absolutely yeah um runescape has the same thing as well they have bonds where you know it's just just buying gold basically like this is no stop it like for all the problems i have with ff14 at least you can't buy gold. Not like gold matters in the game anyway. Like, the current, like, a lot of the currency in 14 just exists to, like, spend at the nightclubs. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:55 ERP at the nightclubs, that's all it's for. Let it, I tried playing Final Fantasy 14, but of course, internet connection is kind of terrible and uh you know final fantasy 14 for some reason requires a little bit more upstream bandwidth than world warcraft does yeah yeah yeah that might be a bit rough go back and play ff11 yeah i could probably play a game it'll surely work yeah i could probably play that like uh there are some other mms i could play uh you know for the most part i just don't really play mms that much that's fair uh instead for like a long time i just didn't
Starting point is 01:46:30 play any game so i had like the steam library that was just like rotting uh because you know i have my entire steam library downloaded for obvious reasons sure sure so uh because you know i don't want to you know spend like a day and a half downloading a Steam game in the future. Of course, I have servers at my house because when you have terrible internet, you tend to wind up, and you're a tech nerd, you just wind up hosting a lot of stuff
Starting point is 01:46:55 for yourself. People call it a home lab nowadays. Back when I first started doing it, they still called them home servers or NAS, as you might call them. So, you know, I have like the entirety of my Steam library, which is 2.2 terabytes downloaded to the server that I keep religiously backed up because, you know, I have the world's most aggressive backup policy because, you know, I break stuff. I follow a 3-2-1 backup policy very very religiously but I have the Steam library downloaded I have and I have an RSS
Starting point is 01:47:39 reader that pipes into YouTube that that downloads like a YouTube subscription updates which you know I may or may not be pirating your content. It's just the most manageable way for me to watch it without having to wait half an hour. You're not the only one doing it. It's fine. But I make sure that I have a headless
Starting point is 01:47:59 Firefox container that also gives you a view. My web server does surprisingly a lot just for me, and hopefully it never gets compromised. Yeah, that would be an issue. It would be an issue, because, you know, I rely on it quite heavily.
Starting point is 01:48:23 Like, even though, you know, having this connection would be a giant pain it has giving you like giving you a reason to come up with solutions to things that most people just wouldn't go through the hassle of doing yeah like how many people set up a package mirror or like reverse engineer distributions package mirror so they can figure out how to set up a package mirror. Right, right. So you have a... So if you want to like...
Starting point is 01:48:53 Words. I'm presuming you would download the package updates and then mirror them to your other systems? Yeah. Yeah, my server downloads all the package updates and then it serves as the active host for everything else to connect to right right right yeah that makes sense uh lighted my desktop right now is running a different operating system from everything else yeah which but you know i'm currently working on that it's just that the developers don't want to
Starting point is 01:49:21 help me with this because you know uh EO package is not very good for handling multiple mirrors. Yeah, I'm doing Solus right now. Because that's the distribution I'm working on right now with the upstream developers. I've actually pushed like I think I'm up to 16 packages that I updated
Starting point is 01:49:40 myself at this point in publishing the repository. So I may or may not accidentally become a package maintainer, which then might lock me into this distribution. Hopefully it sticks around. Well, you know, what you do is you just get another computer and leave Solus
Starting point is 01:49:55 on one of them and then use something else. Yeah, I might do that with this ThinkPad or I might do that with System76 computer. We got plenty of computers. This cheap HP computer that I picked up off of a yard sale for $2.
Starting point is 01:50:14 Solus cannot boot on the Pinebook, unfortunately. That's sad. How many computers do you have in arm's reach? I just picked up four laptops, if that tells you anything. But I've got four laptops there. I've got the home theater computer right there.
Starting point is 01:50:31 And then everything else is in the closet. Man. It's awesome. Yeah, I did the Linus Tech Tips thing because, you know, it made sense to me at the time. It's just like we're just going to mount as many things in the server rack as we possibly can. Because I already had a server rack to begin with because nerd with a server.
Starting point is 01:50:53 Eventually, we're going to do the cool guy thing and we're going to buy some servers off of eBay and run them. Well, it turns out they're super loud. And it's like, okay, well, we'll just put them in another room and we won't have to worry about them. And then one day, I'm just sitting sitting here i'm trying to record a video and just like i keep hearing this background noise and like oh it's the computer fans because you know i was cpu encoding the video right right right but you know inefficient causes a lot of
Starting point is 01:51:16 fans kick up well this was like a six hour recording session i did and uh it was probably the most effort I ever put into a video that still turned out pretty terrible at the end but anyways after I got after like I went to edit that video and I was getting frustrated because Audacity's noise reduction wasn't
Starting point is 01:51:38 completely eliminating it so I was having to go in between each of my voice clips and mute it I eventually just like I need to come up with another solution. So I contacted my good buddies over at Sliger and I bought a rack mount chassis for my desktop computer and then I
Starting point is 01:51:54 proceeded to Amazon and I bought the three HDMI to display port cables that are about 30 feet long. And then I bought about six or seven USB docks until I found one I liked. I actually should get myself a USB dock. Like, I have two front USB ports on my computer and I occasionally would need to like swap things in and out. Like, I can't have this camera and like my two cameras and the game controller plugged in.
Starting point is 01:52:21 I should just go- I've been meaning to get one, ages ago. I don't know why I just didn't go and buy one. It sent me so much hassle. Yeah, what I've got is a USB dock. Let me see if I can find it here. I bought it off of Amazon, so I should be able to find the order. Should be. I buy a lot of stuff off of Amazon, because I don't have
Starting point is 01:52:44 a retail store near me. Yeah, it's fair. I buy a lot of stuff off of Amazon because I'm too lazy to leave the house. It does not show up when I type Acasiso or USB into it, so I have to look it up by vendor name.
Starting point is 01:53:03 Here it is. It is an Acasiso USB into that so I have to look it up by vendor name here it is it is ACASIS so ACASIS 16 port 90 watt USB 3.0 data port ACAS I linked it to you here we go
Starting point is 01:53:19 it is just USB 3.0 so you're kind of limited to 5 gigabits which you know if I to 5 gigabits. Which, you know, if... I think 5 gigabits is plenty enough for me for, you know, my keyboards and mice. Mm-mm. That thing looks ridiculous with so many ports on it.
Starting point is 01:53:38 It kind of is ridiculous, but, you know, when it's the only USB access you have at your desk, it's perfect. Yeah, look, it probably worked just fine. Yeah, it is like the perfect solution, and you know, it's pretty durable. It hasn't failed yet.
Starting point is 01:53:55 Prior to this one, I was using the Amazon Basics USB hub, which, you know, lasted me for about seven months, and then it died. Ah, that's annoying. Yeah, but the important part is that when you're running a setup like mine it's best to find a usb hub that plugs into power right because when you're running these long usb cables that usb cable might not have enough power to operate your hub right okay that makes sense so what i did was i looked up a raspberry so to find this thing i
Starting point is 01:54:27 literally looked up raspberry pi nas usb hub and that's it and i just went down that rabbit hole of raspberry pi people you know just doing uh self-hosting things and spinning up nas's which i did the pie nas before PyNAS is great until like Py suddenly were no longer available yeah that was the thing and you know I bought one one Py4 and
Starting point is 01:54:55 that's the only one I ever bought even though I have a rack unit that I can plug three more into and I even have the power adapter for them I remember during that shortage whenVD adapter for them. I remember during that shortage, when LTD put out that video,
Starting point is 01:55:14 being like, here is the best Raspberry Pi alternative, and it's just like this thing that had basically no support, and it's just like, what are we doing here? What is this? Yeah, realistically, the only supported competitors to the Pi that are realistic options is like the Orange Pi or the Odroid
Starting point is 01:55:33 or Pine64. Right. Pine64 doesn't do their own software development. So, of course, me being a savage at the start of this year, I wanted to see if I could go a whole month using nothing but Pine
Starting point is 01:55:51 64 devices. Didn't work out so well. The Pine book was probably the most reliable thing, surprisingly, even though I would just update Manjaro and then suddenly Network Manager would no longer exist or work. Manjaro we're gonna move past that uh i'm sorry i live in navajo nation anyway i've never heard anybody say Manjaro.
Starting point is 01:56:30 That's how I pronounce it in my world, because I speak American. Fair enough. Look. Technically, I speak Midwestern English with a slight Cherokee and Navajo tics. Who knows? It's just unique to my region. I guess I can call it Manjaro but it just sounds weird sure if it works it works
Starting point is 01:56:50 doesn't matter either way you know what distribution I'm talking about yes I know I would just run an update on it and then like network manager would count as an installed package but there was no systemd service file for it anymore right
Starting point is 01:57:04 which was interesting I'm reporting the bug upstream and they're trying to count as an installed package, but there was no systemd service file for it anymore. Right. Which was interesting. I'm reporting the bug upstream, and they're trying to replicate it, but of course they're not able to replicate it, because whoever replicates any bug report that I ever file... Most of the time, I'm only
Starting point is 01:57:20 ever successful when I complain about a website, and I go like, hey, this is a bad user experience. Like when Fedora updated their website, I went to download Fedora Core OS because it's like, I've never heard of this project, so we're going to grab it, download it, and figure it out.
Starting point is 01:57:36 It would install, which is cool, but apparently you have to write a script via this thing called Ignition to be able to generate a script via this thing called ignition to be able to generate a login. Okay. So I had this wonderful installed system on my computer that was stuck at a,
Starting point is 01:57:51 at a TT, TTY login prompt and like, okay, so I never set a password to begin with. So is it root with no user login? Cause you know, some distributions used to do that way back in the day. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:58:14 Nothing. Hmm. You're like're like well this is interesting so uh i i flash back to like something that works because i did this on workstation because i'm a savage and uh you know i go i go i go into uh the fedora Matrix chat, and I'm just sitting there going like, hey, I installed CoreOS, or no, I think it was the Discord, actually. I'm in the Discord and going like, so I installed CoreOS, but I don't know how to log into it. And then they're just like,
Starting point is 01:58:38 oh yeah, you're supposed to use Ignition to write a startup script via YAML file and then have it compile into a package that you then set up on that you can then reproduce and like that just sounds like nixos to me but all right that's basically what it is it's just nixos but you're not dealing with the next package manager you're just writing an installation script for it which it turns out that that's basically how that works and like okay that's pretty. I wish there was a documentation button next to the download button,
Starting point is 01:59:06 which in truth there was. However, the documentation button was in a different spot and it had no border around it or anything. So it was not super, super obvious to me. Right. So I go to,
Starting point is 01:59:21 I, I take like several hundred screenshots. I go into the Fedora bug tracker and I post in there and go like, hey, this is just a super bad user experience because I just installed CoreOS and I spent about 15 minutes trying to figure out how to log into it, literally Googling for login information,
Starting point is 01:59:36 finding absolutely nothing. Then I get into Discord and they go like, oh yeah, you're supposed to use this one thing that I had no clear and apparent documentation link to find. They made that change within the day. World's fastest resolved bug report ever. Wow!
Starting point is 01:59:55 Better than Debian, which sometimes takes about two years for somebody to initially respond and tell you that you screwed up on your bug report then you can't even remember what the heck you did. Sorry. tell you that you screwed up on your bug report, then you can't even remember what the heck you did. So... It's already been two hours. I'm sorry. No, no, it's good.
Starting point is 02:00:19 I imagine it's getting pretty late for you. Yeah, it's going on 1.30 in the morning right now. But, you know uh i think we should probably be ending off the show unless you got something else that's really pressing you want to mention uh no not really uh i guess people are free to join me on fridays fridays at 7 p.m eastern standard time where i do like this weekly live stream where i do stupid stuff with software sweet like uh you know let's fork let's fork zero linux and see what we can do with it or uh I do like this weekly live stream where I do stupid stuff with software. Sweet. Like,
Starting point is 02:00:45 uh, you know, let's fork, let's fork zero Linux and see what we can do with it. Or, let's install this random distribution that nobody ever heard of. All of the maintainer happens to be in the chat. Hey, come and join us in,
Starting point is 02:00:55 in the, uh, free to join Jitsi room. The link's in the description. Anybody can join. Don't dox me please. Because then we might have to take that option away. Yeah,
Starting point is 02:01:02 that's, that's dangerous. It's very dangerous. But at, but at the same time, when you know you're doing a livestream, where you look at the ending total and you only get 27 views, not really a problem yet. Right, that's fair. No, that's totally fair.
Starting point is 02:01:19 Well, I guess let the people know where they can find you, or your social media or whatever. Oh, okay, okay. So I told you about this website link You thought it was hilarious, people are also going to find it hilarious because you know I've long determined that if people want to find me, it's because they secretly want to stalk me So I created this
Starting point is 02:01:38 page on my web server which by the way, don't compromise my web server, please If you hack the website you're just trapped in a docker container anyway but it's a slash stalker is is a web url that you go to because i i understand that you want to track me down and you want to follow me on all these platforms so i literally have everything linked there i made sure of it because i double checked and I realized that I didn't have the YouTube link there. That's pretty important.
Starting point is 02:02:09 Yep. Pretty important. Because, you know, my assumption is that if people find me, they find me through YouTube. Yeah. But, you know, I'm also on an awful lot of other platforms. So it's like, you know, people will find me. But, you know, I do different things on these different platforms so it's just like i literally just put in there and go like yeah this is what i do on these platforms i'm a nerd here i shout at things here uh i get in political fights
Starting point is 02:02:35 here because you know that's all you ever do on twitter i don't even know what i do on reddit yeah i use reddit to farm content that That's all Reddit is for, for me. I use Reddit to sometimes shout at people and tell them that they're doing things wrong. Do you know there's a spelling mistake on this page? There probably is. Yeah, on the PeerTube line. Let me look at it here.
Starting point is 02:03:04 That's fine. It's fine it's fine there's a GitLab page for this website slash 10lej slash there's also just a random space on your email there's a space before the yes it's fine it's fine
Starting point is 02:03:18 it is what it is I should probably put the GitLab link there that way somebody can make a port request and fix it. Perfect. Is that all you want to mention then? Well, that is the most universal way to find me.
Starting point is 02:03:37 That said, I also show up in comments sections. You do. I show up in a lot of comments sections, even non-tech related things here, just going like, this isn't a Gen 2 video, except we don't run Gen 2 anymore, so this isn't a Solos video. You do run Gen 2
Starting point is 02:03:50 on your weather system. I do run Gen 2 on the weather system, but is it actually running Gen 2 when, you know, I haven't updated the packages? They're still using a... I think it's like a 4.7 kernel. But it's an air gap system, so it it's fine i don't have to worry about security vulnerabilities because there's nobody else on the network yeah that's
Starting point is 02:04:11 true someone just how many people yeah how many people are going to hack into a dial-up network let's be honest if they do it just let them like that's impressive. Yeah, it's like, I'll let them because, you know, that server is a physical box. It doesn't even really do much of anything else. So it's like a dedicated machine. And you know it's a Red Hat machine, so it's covered by Firewall ID and SELinux, which, you know, nobody understands anything about either.
Starting point is 02:04:40 Oh, I love it. Except me because, you know, I happen to buy this fancy book about it. Ooh, fancy book. This was fun. I enjoyed this. You're welcome. Yeah, as for me, main channel is Brady Robertson. I do Linux videos there six-ish days a week.
Starting point is 02:04:59 I might do other things there. I don't know. Check out the channel. I just... Actually, no, this is going out like two weeks from now I don't know it's gonna be up on the channel Go watch the videos you'll find out the gaming channel is at Brodie on games I do gaming videos there as you would expect from a gaming channel. I'm currently playing through Yakuza 0 and I don't know what else I'm playing actually because I would have finished the other game
Starting point is 02:05:24 Go find out. You'll see something there. And then when FFXVI comes out, we'll be playing that constantly. Because I'm very excited for it. And I hope, I really hope, we don't have another fucking bad AAA game release. I want this game to be good! Anyway, if you're listening to the audio version of this, the video version is on YouTube at Tech Over Tea.
Starting point is 02:05:46 And find the audio podcast, RSS feed, iTunes, anywhere you can find podcasts. Type in Tech Over Tea, you'll find it. And yeah. I'll give you the final word. What do you want to say? Well, the next game you should play is Celeste, if you haven't played it already. I've played Celeste. I got to Seaside. This is very hard, and I'm like, I'm done now.
Starting point is 02:06:02 Okay. Just play Trine. Trine? Ooh, okay. Trine 1, 2, 3, and 4. like, I'm done now. Okay, just play Trine. Trine? Trine. Trine 1, 2, 3, and 4. That's not a bad idea, actually. Hmm, might do that. Yeah, it's a puzzle platformer. I think I... No, maybe I don't own it.
Starting point is 02:06:15 Maybe I don't own it. I own a lot of Steam games. Yeah, it's a super cheap franchise. I think it was on sale recently, but you know when it's not on sale, it's like each game is like $5. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Super cheap because you know they came out forever ago, but they are beautiful looking games.
Starting point is 02:06:29 That basically require next to nothing to actually run. Maybe I'll do that. I don't know. We'll see. I've got too many games in my backlog I want to play anyway. It's just ever-growing. But, yeah, it is what it is. Yeah, I think that'll be everything then. So, I guess we are done here
Starting point is 02:06:46 that's fine that's fine i'll see you guys just remember it's your new given right so do whatever you want with your free and open source software she'll end it on that why not yep you're welcome

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